David Martin Diary & Transcription, 1872-1876


David Martin Diary & Transcription, 1872-1876

Date Created

April 13, 1872

Is Part Of

David Martin Diary Collection


Photographs of Manuscript & Typed Transcription


April 1872

Sa 13 McQueen with circular saw here cuts 43 cords with 14 hands very windy + bad on the eyes gets 10 pails and burns half of it neglect has 4 lambs to day being the first one pair twins and two single 48 50 {these numbers likely represent the low and high temperatures that day}

Su 14 All at church but May + Jessie snow all gone + swamp very muddy but it has never been flooded this spring the like never was before since the rape was made {the last four words are written between the other two lines} 30 38

M 15 Has 4 lambs to day both twins both Mays ewes has twins Men at rails although ther is a thanksgiving day for the recovery of the Prince of Wales May + me at church Mr Parters very able some snow {last two words written between lines} 28 33

Tu 16 Has 3 lambs today one pair twins + one single. Walker + Jamieson splitting rails, Hector in afternoon sowing grass seed on 14 acre field Next {illegible} Jean + Jessie gathers 21 pails sap but does not kindle the fire 26 46

W 17 No lambs today gets 48 pails sap + Syrops off 42 pails leaving 27 pails in pots partly boiled down Hector sowing grass seed, wheat badly winterkill 32 48

Tr 18 Has 3 lambs today all single Men yokes the ploughs first time at Neils slashing on Turnip land Syrops of 39 pails sap gather 18 pails left 6 pails in pots yesterday syrop + today's will not make sugar so they go for molasses 30 48

F 19 Has one lamb today single Hector at Rocton on jury but not called on as the case did not come off Stalker ploughing + Hector afternoon gets 8 pails sap but did not kindle fire. Warm + fine. Sugar done pruning apple trees 30 60

Sa 20 Has 4 lambs today one pair twins Men finishes at Neils and ploughs orchard all but a little finishin at trees Jean Syroped off the sap in pots about 14 pails sap to day I hope sugar time is done 31 58

Su 21 Has 5 lambs to day two pair twin and one single one pair of twins had crooked necks + both died so todays lambs is only 3 alive Men finishes orc May Hector + I at church very fine day + about dry, water never over Swamp road this spring 32 58

M 22 Has 5 lambs to day two pair twins + one singl one of the twins died so their is only 4 lambs to day alive, Men finishes orchard and then begins on 4 acre field to plough and for peas Stalkher goes home at noon sick, cold and barren today freezing all day. "Winter hangs long on the spring of the year" Rhubarb just peeping up {last line written between others} 28 30

Tu 23 No lambs today Hector ploughing sod Stalker away to Mr Rae's for a change of potatoes to himself Jack McQueen gets 1/2 ton of hay - price #16 per ton + windy 28 52

W 24 No lambs to day Men ploughing sod. Puts the lambed ewes and unlambed together their is just 12 to lamb yet and one of them is likely Lupyiel {?} Puts the hogs lambs to gras in 16 acre field there is not much grass yet but we think they may shift Mrs Mitchel Mrs Parker + Mrs J Gilbert here warm today {written after first line} 31 60

April 1872

Th 25 Only 1 Lamb today but another is lambing just now Hector ploughing Stalker + Bob stoning & scraping apple trees, & growing very warm 32 73

F 26 Has 3 live lambs today and one dead lambed - one pair twins Men sows orchard with spring wheat + clover and swamp land at Neils with Barley and clover + drag them Tom Johnstone here collecting for students mission 34 64

Sa 27 Has 1 lamb today men sowing + dragging at Neils in after tea Jean Hector + I cuts oat sheaves + hay very fine today but cooler 36 62 got a letter from A Jones enclosing $12

Su 28 No lambs today all at church but Jefs + Lilly Mr Parlew begin evening service 34 58

M 29 No lambs Hector ploughing Stalker rolling Barley + plowing orchard. Jean at Galt I scraping apple trees + hoes hops cool wind East 31 56

Tu 30 Has 1 Lamb today Hector ploughing Stalker stoning I scraping apple trees I set up grape vine May sows onions Jean sows other things, sees a born swallow for first time but I believe they have been in the neighbourhood some time fine [loads birring?] to night, distant thunder 34 68


W 1 No lambs, fine shower last night and showery to day Men ploughing Jane Jefsie + I fill 25 bags of potatoes - 14 of early Goderich and 11 of Cuscos I then prune + scrape apple trees Hector goes to smiddy with horses, growing puts up the grapes 50 66

Th 2 No lamb Hector at Guelph with 25 bags potatoes + buys peas 18 bushels price of potatoes 75 cents per bag Peas 80 cents per bushel Stalker at Adam Smith's stoning bee I finish scraping apple trees hoes the rhubarb and brings the spouts from sugar bush. fine growing but cool 40 54

F 3 Men ploughing nasty showery day with some hail + some thunder cold + windy No lambs men ploughing full field at end of Old stable slight 31 46

Sa 4 Some frost last night Men ploughing + stoning at Gilberts line Bob Penthlan here for cherry trees + choring at many things gets Gallon oil 30 44

Su 5 All at church but May + Ellick a fine day but ice 1/4 of an inch thick in morning 28 50

M 6 Hector sowing peas at Concesion Stalker + Bob draging I washing apple trees all day, this is by far the warmest day we have had though frosty {next line between others} 24 hours since 50 81

Tu 7 Hector dragging + rolling peas Stalker + Bob stoning I mulching apple trees with saw dust, a Ewe has a dear lamb Put Ewes to grass sees 52 82 Wilbory gaite green {?} hemla swallows in barn

W 8 Hector sowing oats Stalker cultivating George Tenant here for cherry trees Teenie Dickson + J. McAlister here and Tom Fletcher cool today 40 62

Th 9 Men dragging + cultivating oats I choring + ducks warm + windy Has 2 lambs today - twins. Burnt brush heap at old oak yesterday 40 78

May 1872

{Simple math calculations in top right corner of page}

F 10 Hector Ploughing Stalker & Bob {illegible} I go a fishing {author writes on top of line} then to {F.Fletcher?} get 10 {illegible} gives {author writes on top of line} cool 40 64 Last night a little after 10 o'clock the Northern lights was out in the far north then a blank to the {illegible}, where a long narrow belt of light spanned the whole diameter of the heavens from the western horizon to the Eastern, it looked like a turnpike of light accross the whole sky, as straight as a {illegible} & no broader {author writes on top of line} Bees on willows to day

Sa 11 Hector dragging oats at Gilberts line Stalker rolling oats I go to Mr.{illegible} about Norway oats for seed price - 60 cent per {illegible} with a {prod?} 50 76 Has 2 Lambs to day - twins Fine growing sultry & cloudy to day

Su 12 All at Church but Hector A fine day but coolish All our summer birds {author writes on top of line} come bush getting green

M 13 Hector rolling oats gets 3 bushels Norway oats from Mr.{illegible} price 50 cents per {B?}. Stalker Bob & I {illegible} at Gilberts line & little field at old stable at Teatime he goes to cultivate 3 bushel of Peas which Hector sowed today - the last of the Peas 31 56

Tu 14 Hector & Jean at Galt for Plaster Hector sows Plaster on {Bland?} field after he comes home at tea time, Stalker cultivating {illegible} and dragging Peas, I help him, finish 32 66

W 15 Hector again at Galt for more plaster Stalker sowing plaster east of Orchard & Bob & I {illegible} it Hector sows plaster after he comes home, fine day 32 64 {author writes on top of line} gets the first Rhubarb

Th 16 Men dragging & Rolling in forenoon it being windy the sowing plaster in afternoon Bob & I {illegible} the Island field Stalker helped us in forenoon 34 64 {author writes on top of line} getting dry

F 17 Hector at Morristonsouth a grist & Peas to chop Stalker cultivating Potatoe land Bob setting up stakes among hay land, we cut 8 lb. {Chill?} Potatoes 1 {y lb.?} E.Goderch & 1 lb.Rose Potatoes Wild Plum in full blossom A very few cherry blossoms out 32 66

Sa 18 Hector hauling dung to Potatoe land Stalker dragging & {illegible} D: at Noon Hector takes Nell to Harvey, horse-shoe took him I pulling Red root at Numms bush, smoky 36 68 {author writes on top of line} cloudy

Su 19 Great rain last night and a good clear through the day. It was much wanted the creek down - all at church but Jean growing day 38 60

M 20 Men working at Potatoe land till slept at Teatime by a great shower & one crack of thunder We then afters three Boars I went a fishing to McDonalds creek and did not get one bit 40 60

Tu 21 Planting Potatoes Plants Stalker 7 Bags - 18 rows - & for ourselves 10 {Bush?}. Chilis & 2 Bags {illegible} - 3 lb. I did not Plant any only cut 40 64

W 22 Finishes planting Potatoes - 5 lb Chilis of our own & 1 lb Chilis from Stalker 1 1/2 lb Early Goderick 1/2 & Rose & 1 1/2 lb Peach blows Total 22 1/2 Bushels. {illegible} likewise rows carrots - Raining in afternoon Stalker {illegible} Sheephouse Hector at Smiddie cherry blossoms well out now and 40 64 apple trees begginning wood looking green

May 1872 {Simple math calculations in top right corner of page}

Th 23 Hector & Stalker both hauling Dung to turnip land with two waggons and the cart Archie McGrurie here filling & bob spreading dung I am very poorly with a bad cold but I write letters to David Brydon Mr Evans seedman Hamilton about ½ to Superphosphate. & Mr Mayor of Dundas about renewing Defenture fine growing weather cherry trees about full blown & Beeson some apple blossoms

F 24 Queen's birthday, Hector May Mrs McAlister Jess & The bairns all at Puslunch at Mr Gilchriats Stalker & {Trainsplanted} broom into not McGrurie at the dining I poorly {shopqeerry} with a cold 30 66

Sa 25 Men at Dung at day May cold a little better Jean & I at Church, clear cool breezy 43 62

Su 26 Our Sacrament all at it but Jepsy & Alick sermon {allso?} at night and Hector Jean & May & Jeps at it Mr Mc Bane from Druminosrll here 50 68

M 27 Men at Dung but in afternoon Hector goes to Cowe’s folks to raise a building with screws & levers I spread some dung a good deal of rain last night and some showers with thunder today Apple trees in full blossom except Northern sky flowering almon coming out, the wood not quite in jel flourish 50 70

Tu 28 Men at Dung finishes hauling for turnips, in prenoon Hector at Cowe’s raising the Barn, out it up six feet I spreading dung, very cool to day but cloudy and good 40 56

W 29 Hector & stalker ploughing in dung Archy Bob & I spreading dung fine & clear 45 64

Th 30 Hector & stalker Ploughing in dung Bob & I finishes spreading dung Archy McGrury went away last night, Hector sold the lambs to Mr Dlrich for $ 2 ½ a piece he took away five apple trees in full blossom, cherry trees fading 45 62

F 31 Hector Ploughing Stalker away visiting his Daughter with Mc Millons Buggy Bob & I gouging thistles Sandy Glen comes with Book's & buggy 50 70


Sa 1 Hector at Hamilton with 17 Bags Potatoes Sells them from 80 cent a bag down to nothing, bad market, got ½ tone superphosphate = $20 got 12 the turnipseed at 23 cents per {tb?} Bob & I cutting thistles 12 its turnips seed at 35 cents per tb bal

Su 2 May Jep & I at church in forenoon Mandrakes a few in blossom Hector & Jean in afternoon {black ink smudge diagonally over previous word) 50 64

M3 Hector & Stalker dragging turnip land Bob & I finishes cull{black diagonal ink smudge cover rest of word} Num 45 62

Tu 4 Heavy showers in morning Cleans up a load of Oats in afternoon Stalker & Hector stoning turnip land Bob & I culling thistles very cool finishes 40 58

W 5 Hector & Jean at Galt with 47 Be oals sold at 41 cents each per B - $19.27 Stalker & Bob slowing after coming from Galt we wash the sheep At Mc Alister I get Brushed, fine warm day

June 1872

Th 6 Hector & Stalker at Turnip land after tea Hector drills & Stalker and I saw Phosphate on drills, drilled only team plants tomatoes 14 drills fine & warm, looks cloudy 30 80

F 7 Hector drew five drills then stops by a heavy rain all forenoon Stalker goes home Hector goes to Kirkwall in afternoon and brings the new turnip tower home after Teawe sweep the lum I stuck some Peas Mrs Mitchel & Maggie here 50 62 Mr Abich's boys cornes and takes away 5 lambs {Author draws rough line under previous sentance}

Sa 8 Hector drilling Stalker sawing salt & planter till afternoon when he Hauls rails for new feneein surany. Bob & Click sowing Phosphate before the Plough I take Nell to horse at Mah {author writes on top of line} Lent $200 to the Falconer Dicksons she did not take him 45 72

Su 9 No sermon to day Mr. Perseus at Flamborg. Lefs Colted last might 56 70

M 10 Hector sows turnips in forenoon - Carters drills in afternoon Bob & I sowing Phosphate saws 200 an {author writes above} tts 24 drills Stalker fenung 45 68

Tu 11 Saws out the last of the Phosphate - 130 lls has sown in all 1000 tts Phosphate on 10.6 drills on on a little more than 4 aeros Stalker fencing, Hector drilling in afternoon we clep the sheep - 39 & marks 8 owe lambs for keeping also thywool packs 20 82

W 12 Hector drilling & sawing turnips Stalker sowing salt & Plaster in forenoon and he & Bob fencing in afternoon. Very windy but warm & growing 56 78

Th 13 Hector drilling till stopt by rain {author writes above} same thunder. Stalker & Bob fencing till stopt by rain much {suthor writes above} rain today 50 64

F 14 Hector & Jean at Galt with the wool 35 fleeces sold at 3-3-cents per lb - Weight 202lbs or 6 tts per head lefs 8 lbs but was docked 2 tts for matting so got pay for 200 lb only = $110 or $3.14 cents per head - very good indeed one fleece was return for matting = took 36 and sold 35 Stalker finishes fence and goes to stone 16 acre field I go a fishing bu got only a few I fish me more 54 74

Sa 15 Hector Saws out the lant of the turnips = 70 drills & John Beattie gets the barrow to saw his he then takes Nell to horse but she did not take him in afternoon both Plaughs begin to Plough 16 acre field sad, May at Each Hight 54 74

Su 16 Hector & Jean at Galt church May & I goes to our evening service 36 76

M 17 Men Ploughing sadin 16 acre field I culling thistles among Peas the second time & goes to see Fhai Fletcher who is evidently dyeing. Warm 56 78 Hector took Black mare to Harvey’s horse she took hens

T 18 Men Ploughing sad I finish cutting thertles among Peas very warm 60 82

W 19 All at Statule labour an Road. Very hot the hottest day yet 64 88

Th 20 All at roads but it was so hot I did not go in afternoon, Campbel hangd Phoebe 70 94

F 21 Finishes Slatute labour at noon. Men Ploughing afterwards I cutting thistles at north field Peas warm again but breezy 7 87

June 1872

Sa 22 Men Ploughing I cutting thistles, very drouthy but cooler 65

Su 23 Hector & Jean at Galt May & I at Church at night Lho Fletcer died this morning at 9 o’clock after a long illnes 63 78

M 24 Two Cows taken to Kobs one Bull this morning Hector gets his leg hurt by mars banyeling on Stalker Plough in I take keg to Liniddy and hurkee Teons for a new hurkee then cuts thestles 64 76

Tu 25 Staker digging Lho Fletcher’s grave Hector & I at the funeral in afternoon, cuts some thealles in forenoon, Hector {illegible} to work 60 74

W 26 Hector & Stalker Ploughing I saw 26 rows of Turnips with Plaster thy fly is bad on them {author writes above} this {yimmg?} came here. I then cut theotles then go getting drouthed we want rain 68 80

Th 27 Men Ploughing I cutting thistles very hot and drouthy 72 86

F 28 Men Ploughing I cutting thistles, very hot & some distant thunder 74 90

Sa 29 Men finishes Ploughing 16 acre field I cutting thistles still hot 76 89

Su 30 All at church excessively hot some thunder and the tail of a shower 76 92


M 1 Dominion day Men dragging 16 acre field sick ox gets sick and not wrought in afternoon Stalker moving round clovier field some thunder And a heavy shower away south but we got little of it, very hot so {illegible} to Times 80 92

Tu 2 Jean & I at Galt I get thee coupen cashed #45 - and gets the Interest of 550 Dollars at 3 per cent from Merchants Bank puts #30 more to principal and gets a Receipt for # 600 buys a leghorn hat for #1.75 and Album for #1:50 a ox sick the farrier comes and gives him an injection Hector begin to cut with mower in Island field, very sullry & hot 75 90

W 3 Hector cutting with mover in forenoon Raking in afternoon Stalker & I cocking, I wrote to Dundas taking their offer for 80 #1200 92

Th 4 Hector sets up the Potatoes Stalker raking with horse in after-noon I at the funeral of old Mr. Tail another old settler gone: 70 75

F 5 Hector cuts the last of Island field Stalker Bob & I Searching together winrows till noon then Stalker goes with heifer to Bull & Hector & I takes in a load of hay till Stalker comes Back we then all at it with one team as the ox is not well yet altogether we get in 4 loads which we put into sheephouse cove 65 75

Sa 6 Hauling hay all day with one team, takes in 9 loads 1 into sheephouse 3 into {illegible} stable and 5 into Lowbyre very drouthy 68 82

July 1872

Su 7 I and May at Church in forenoon Hector & Jean in afternoon every body crying out about the drouth. it burning up everything 90 86

M 8 Hector takes a cow to Valen's Bull. Then goes to Harvey's with two mares. We then take in 2 loads of hay from Island which finishes it. We put the two loads into lowbyre loft. Total in field 15 loads of which we put 5 into sheephouse 3 into old stable & 7 into lowbyre Stalker went to Galt for flour and came back at noon Hector cutting hay east of Orchard in afternoon Stalker mowing round the field very hot 70 88

Tu 9 Hector hires David Sloddart from Sullivan for a month for $20 Hector finishes cutting the field Stalker goes to Tom Littles to build a Limekilm & young Tom Little comes in his place Some mowing corners in forenoon then T little & Bob rakes & Sloddart pushes in till Hector finished cutting when we took in 2 loads which we put into horse stable loft Little & finishes raking field. hot hot hot 80 93

W 10 Takes in 4 loads & puts them in horsestable loft at noon it comes a great thunder spate till all was running & it was much wanted for spring crop was just rusted and it is doubtful if they can get recover. McQueen Katy Hotson wife here in afternoon 70 88

Th 11 Men mowing corners Hector dragging fellow Jessie & I shakes out and turns the hay which got a soaking yesterday, at noon it came on a tremndous spate of rain with thunder & the hay when fit for taking in soaked worse than ever. More rain was {incorrigible} & we have got with 80 86

Fr 12 Hector & I brings home a ham priced $11 from D Gilchristi Pushlunch MEn began to their turnips in forenoon in afternoon htey took in alll the hay that was soaked yesterday 3 pickles = 2 loads, put into Cowbyre. Noone looked at the glass today so I must at the head 70 82

Sa 13 Men thinning turnips & Hector hurling till noon I cocking in afternoon Hector hurkles & Men takes in hay from three corners-all that is cur-eg equal to 1 good load & ut into cowbyre I think this {incorrigible} our hay 70 80

Su 14 Hector & Jean at Church in forneenoon & May & me in afternoon 70 80

M 15 Hector Hurkling finishes all the reat thinning of us - a shower & thunder at noon but not much very hot about noon 70 90

Tu 16 All at Turnips but Hector who fixes Reaper and tries it on the Barley some rain & thunder at noon & more after tea. the ground is now pretty well soaked but rather late to benefit some crops gets the first stowed cherries

July 1872

W 17 All at the turnips the whole day; more, temperate now 60 76

Th 18 Men finishes thinning turnips & carrots Hector cuts the barley in faternoon & leaves it unbound, I go to smiddy & get two teeth for turnip {illegible} & another mended. cool & drouth to day 60 76

F 19 Hector {illegible} turnips second time all the rest cutting thistles I got to smiddy {illegible} Nell gets cetery plants - 50 from McMullan & plants {author writes on top of line} them cave clear 56 74

Sa 20 Hector and I at Dundas I get two Dundas {illegible} of #600 each their numbers is 595 and 596 Interest Due 1st Nov. and 1st of May Debentures in 14 years being in 1885 Men takes in the Barley a poor drouth crop 56 76

Su 21 At church Hector {Jessie?} & I A pretty heavy rain til about 9 PM 54 76

M 22 Cutting wheat North of sugar bush, the poorest crop I ever saw. does not quite finish it. send a Post office order to Helen Park for €2 sterling 60 74

Tu 23 Finishes North of Sugar bush in morning then goes to 14 acre field next Nimms bush & cuts all day except about 2 hours we were stopt by a gentle rain crop very poor. unequal & wasted, very cool today 60 69

W 24 Finishes our wheat except a patch very green crop very poor 56 74

Th 25 All at {illegible} doubles except Stalker who was dragging {hallow?} and Hector {illegible}, This is my Birthday & I finish my {72nd?} year; 54 76

F 26 Hector sows barley ground at Neils {illegible} with Timothy and clover as it was all rusted out by the hot drouth - Stalker drags it the rest at turnips & Hector {illegible} till tea time - when we went and took in the wheat north of sugar bush. -only three loads off 8 acres 56 76

Sa 27 Cuts the last of the fall wheat in forenoon then took in all that was cut before = 9 loads of which 3 was {illegible}, the last load of 10 {illegible} left in the barn on waggon as it got dark on us fine drouthy day Pasted a Post Office order to Helen Park from John Martin Maggie Sermon here 60 78

Su 28 All at Church twice Mr.Parteus absent and Mr.Young preaches in his Place gives great satisfaction Warm & drouthy - 60 78

M 29 Hector {illegible} till stopt by a heavy shower the thinning the turnips that {illegible} after the rain came in afternoon the men is renewing the fence south end of 16 acre field Bob Ellick & I at turnips cloudy some {author writes on top of line} thunder 60 76

Tu 30 Men at fence till tea time, then takes in the last of the Pale wheat - 2 Louds Bob {illegible} & I at turnips. Looks like rain tonight 56 74

W 31 Men at fence Boys & I finishes turnips & {illegible} headings. cool 50 72

Augt. 1872

Th 1 Hector & David rebuilding orchard fence on east side, Stalker absent sickly Bob paid off last night, showery in afternoon and some thunder, cool 55 76

F 2 Hector & David at orchard fence in forenoon, In afternoon cradling spring wheat at Neils slashing but does not do much from a heavy shower, Slacker sick At night we attend an Election meeting at Kirkwall to hear the two candidates Mr Mckechnie at Mr JRos. Bain speechify both good speakers 54 76

Sa 3 Hector & David cradling spring wheat all day finishes at Orchard an all rather {author writes above the line} 54 74

Su 4 All at Church Mr Young {illegible} fine sunny day. {illegible} out {author writes above the line} last night 60 82

M 3 Hector finishes {illegible} turnips second time, Slacker & David {illegible} Peas on North 14 acre field the crop is but a poor one a second growth being {author writes above the line} on them {illegible} out again last night 60 82

Tu 6 All cutting Peas all day. very poor crop the second growth quite green, hot 60 86

W 7 All cutting Peas, finishes north field and begins on those {illegible} turnips {author writes above the line} distant thunder 60 88

Th 8 Men finishes cutting Peas in forenoon and takes in the spring wheat in afternoon - 4 louds (veg) 2 from orchard & 2 from New slashing I thin some late sown turnips on mussed drills, I took the glass when it stood at 90 in the shade - when it rose to 106 rise in sun 16 degrees 68 91 {author writes above the line} and set it in the sun -

F 9 Hector goes to Puslinch craving siller but none Men {illegible} in 16 acre field till noon & Alick & I turning Peas in afternoon we take in 3 loads of Peas which we put into Barrack very hot streamers 68 90 {author writes above the line} very bright last night

Sa 10 Stalker & David {illegible} till Tea time then took in 2 loads of Peas one of which we put into Barrack and run the other into new Barn as it got dark It was a shower of rain this morning which hindered from hauling {illegible} Hector drawing feerings in 16 acre field all day - looks cloudy & unsettled 68 84

Su 11 All at church but Hector - Collection for Congregational funds {author writes above the line} heavy rain last night 60 82

M 12 Hector Ploughing David {illegible} Stalker absent, Peas very wet and mo {author writes above the line} kills a sheep Drouth 60 74

Tu 13 Hector & David Ploughing Stalker absent Showery Peas in a bad state cool 60 74

W 14 Hector at Tom Grey; threshing in forenoon Men choring In afternoon Mc {illegible} threshers here. threshes 50 {lb?}. Barley an wheat both miserable poor quality some showers again grain must sprout {author writes above the line} - in such weather 64 82

Th 15 Hector cutting oats in afternoon Stalker Ploughing David Patching old Barn roof in afternoon in forenoon they were cradling round the field and turning Peas, Peas half rotton, I at Prager meeting at Krikwall and leaves #11 with Mr McMillan to give Dr.Lundy A congreational 60 80 {author writes above the line} meeting Number 10

F 15 16 After Tea we take in 3 loads of Peas the last from north field puts 55 74 them in Barrack, In forenoon Men Ploughing & David cradler some Peas & {illegible}

Augt 1872

Sa 17 Stalker Ploughing Hector & David cradling oats at Gilberts line and finishes them at tea time we then take in the last of the Peas 2 {illegible} which we put into Barrack. But whole crop of Peas is put into Barrack and alltogether is only 10 loads and five of them is half rotten last year we had 21 loads in Barrack and a good deal in old Barn, {illegible} 53 82

Su 18 Heavy rain in morning {illegible} everything no {illegible} today 60 80

M 19 Election day for Dominion, votes for Mr. {Bain?} {reformer?}, comes home & in afternoon we rake & stooks all the oats at Gilberts - line they are not very dry but looks like more rain is we took them 65 82

tu 20 Hector cutting oats with Reaper till noon David cradling oats {illegible} old stable {illegible} {illegible} Bob & I turning Oats & Raking {illegible} till noon when it comes more rain & stops us, then Hector & Stalker goes to {illegible} and David & Bob {illegible} & cuts {illegible}, had harvest weather shift 68 84

W 21 Hector Ploughing all day {illegible} absent till noon as it was a heavy shower with thunder in the morning, he Ploughs all the afternoon I spreading out sheaves in forenoon in afternoon Bob and {illegible} helps me after Tea we rake and bind oats but they are not very dry. In fact this weather completly bambozles folk 68 86

th 22 Hector at J Lowe's threshing till noon {illegible} Ploughing till noon {illegible} Jessie & Bob binding oats all day & Hector & {illegible} in afternoon A fine drouthy warm day drying things nicely, it was much {needed?} 70 88

F 23 Hector cutting oats and finishes at noon all the rest binding oats and finishes at night and a tough Job it was to bind them the oats cut to day was snapping bands the oats was so dead and {illegible} they shook out though the the grain is very light. Drouthy 66 80

Sa 24 Hauling oats and finishes them about 9 o'clock at night we had in all 19 loads the last two loads we left on Barn floor on the wagons fine drouthy day, but looks like rain now helped us, George Grey 64 80

Su 25 All at church but Jessie, Evening service discontinued 63 82

M 26 {illegible} Ploughing Hector all {illegible} in forenoon in afternoon {illegible} the 2 loads of oats in Barn hauls the flax and cuts the oats on old carrot patch 5 1/2 {illegible} very rusty and strong {illegible} 62 82

tu 27 Hector & Jean at {illegible} seed {illegible} Brought only 2 {of?} 4 B.D {illegible} at #1.50 as wheat was scarce and poor quality {illegible} Ploughing fine drouthy day, but rain last night gave Hector #20 to buy seed with

Augt 1872

{Simple math calculations in top right corner of page}

W 28 Men Ploughing {illegible} Watson got 10 {lb?} wheat here at #1 poor quality 35 76

Th 29 Men finishes Ploughing 16 acre field and harrowing with both teams as it is very rough & the first {illegible} quite green, some rain with {author writes above line} thunder 56 76

F 30 Men Stalker dragging all day Hector drags till noon then goes doen 9th Con. towards {illegible} looking for seed wheat Got 15 {lb?} at 1.25 = #18 75. cool 50 62

Sa 31 Hector sows some Tread well Stalker & he cultivates & drags and after Tea Hector goes to J Cowes to thresh a few oats, still cool & {illegible} 50 68


Su 1 All at Church but Jane Cool the season is changing 50 64

M 2 Men sowing wheat & cultivating I pull the hops & 5 Basket full cool 48 62

Tu 3 Men finishes sowing wheat Stalker cultivating all day Hector drags till moon then goes to Mr.Robsons threshing, frost last night, Pumpkin vines 38 64

W 4 Men finishes Cultivating & dragging wheat Mr. {illegible} takes away the last of the Lambs - 6 Total Lambs sold 29 25 at # 2.50 = #72.50 #62.12 with 48 68 #100 for wood Total product #172.50 #162.50 besides killing 2 and 9 sheep well {author writes above line} kills a Pig at noon

Th 5 Men {illegible} wheat all day May & I starts for Searbors tomorrow to Galt 46 68

F 6 Mr.May & I started this morning for Searbors and did not return # till th - 12 We found all our friends well and brough Jannet Martin with us while they have been drowned with rain here they were droughted in Searbors but has good {author writes above line} crops

F 13 Weather warm when we was away glass once go & often so it was 80 on the 12th

F 13 Men Ploughing but one of the oxen got sick & Stalker chored in afternoon Georgina Glendinning & two of her cousins came to day weather cool 56 66

Sa 14 Hector cutting second crop of clover all day Stalker Ploughing Pea land at {illegible} slight frost last night Very cool today and clear 40 64

Su 15 All at Church but Hector & Janet Martin white frost last night but but not {author writes above line} severe 36 64

M 16 Hector cuts out the hay & Stalker rakes the whole field new cut & all, Hector & I & {Jessie?} takes in 4 loads puts 1 into old stable left 2 into sheep house left an {illegible} into new barn as it got dark, frost last night again {author writes above line} but not severe 36 66

Tu 17 Hauls all the hay 5 lug loads total in field 8 loads, put 5 into sheep haus loft put 1 into old stable loft & 2 into {illegible} loft afterward Hector mowed The pickle in Orchard, A We had a slight shower and the clover was not very dry 40 68 A gathering of young folks at our house tonight and a great sing present Thos Johnston Mr.Falkoner Thos Grey's young folks & Janet McAlister

W 18 Hector Ploughing Stalker absent - Showery - Jean Georgina & {Janny?} Martin goes to A Stewarts & at night to Tom Greys 40 60

Sept. 1872

Th 19 Hector Ploughing Georgina goes away & Jean sets her up to Galt Stalker about I harvest the corn. A good {deal?} of thunder last night {illegible} rain 38 60

F 20 Hector Ploughing Stalker taking {author writes on top of line} hauling out Dung from sheep {illegible}. {Mr.?} Chambers {author writes on top of line} comes I rake the {illegible} {illegible} in orchard & they haul it only & {illegible}. cool 30 62 {Mr.?} Chambers Hector Jean & Jenny Martin goes to Tom Grey's at night

Sa 21 Hector Ploughing & Stalker taking out Dung in forenoon in afternoon. all at Church but {Jessie?} Mr. Frazer of {illegible} preaches Stalker absent, warm 40 72

Su 22 Our {illegible} a fine day and good attendance service at 3 PM {author writes on top of line} rain in morning with thunder 40 70

M 23 Childrens Picnic all at it but Hector who is at Galt Mrs. {illegible} keeps house 40 72

Tu 24 Hector Ploughing at Gilberts line Stalker absent warm some thunder 40 78

W 25 Hector Ploughing Stalker still sick cooler to day - some showers 40 66

Th 26 Hector Ploughing Stalker absent Bob hauling Dung in afternoon. I have a bad {author writes on top of line} cold {author writes on top of line} hull the last of the grapes quite fine slight frost from last night 36 62

F 27 Hector Ploughing Stalker have today hauling dung g pl & {illegible} very cool 36 56 hulls the last of the grapes quite ripe and very Stalker's got Whisky!

Sa 28 Stalker Ploughing Hector {Dog?} fixing {illegible} for Guelph show I cutting thistles {author writes on top of line} more turnips 38 60

Su 29 All at church but May & {Jessie?} very windy and heavy rain last night 38 58

M 30 Stalker Ploughing Hector goes away to Geulph shew to show young horses 36 56


Tu 1 Stalker Ploughing Hector at Geulph very cool but {fair?} 34 54

W Stalker dragging Pea land Jean Lilly & Elluck at Galt for yarn and did not {author writes on top of line} get it 32 58

Th 3 Stalker dragging Hector at Geulph, Jean, Jenny Martin & Janet McCluster at Edwin {author writes on top of line} Greys 34 58

F 4 Stalker cultivating & stowing Hector {illegible} from Geulph shew getting the second prize for his team #12 He likewise sold them for #400 to be taken away in a month, he got no money to bend the bargain - fine day 38 70

Sa 5 Stalker {illegible} Hector at J Cowe's threshing Peas in forenoon, warm 40 74

Su 6 All at church but Jean & Jenny - warm heavy showers & thunder 40 74

M 7 Men Ploughing oat land - We intended to begin digging our potatoes to day but the rain yesterday & last night has made the ground to {illegible} 38 56

Tu 8 Begins to dig our potatoes digs 80 bushels of {illegible} which we put in our old house for the Pigs and {to} {author writes on top of line} 4 Bags of Rose & 4 bags of Barly {illegible} which we call only 10 Bushel {author writes on top of line} put into cellar, but it is more Total to day go Bush the crop to a good one and no rot Stalker at a Bee with oxen & cart in bag swamp, giving to Galt very fine day hope it will last till {illegible} is up frost {author writes on top of line} last night 32 54

W 9 Took up 9 B. {illegible} & 120 B. Chilis put the whole in cellar a little frost 34 68 night but some of the Potatoes shaws is quite green gel - very fine day

Octr 1872

Th 10 This morning Jenny Martin went away in such poor health that Jean went along with her to scarbore flecto set them up to Galt & was back by noon. We took the last of the Potatoes 70 Bushels (veg) 150B. Chilis & 20 Peach blow our total crop is 290 Bushels (5 veg) 89 cescas 150 Chilis 20 Beach flow coal 34 46

F 11 Taking up Stalker’s Potatoes takes up 4 waggon loads = 120B. frost last night 32 44

Sa 12 Finishes Stalker’s potatoes in forenoon 39B. Total crop 139B. after 10B seed a very good crop in afternoon Hector goes to Raelon with read list cool cloudy 32 48

Su 13 May & I at church collection for Congregation funds very cold in church 36 46

M 14 Harrows & gathers Potatoes about 6B ushels hauls Potatoes shaws & carnstalk to Barn yard & Potatoes to old house fer Pigs in afternoon goes to meet Jean very salad windy 34 44

Tu 15 A nasty day a shower of snow & the ground white Stalker at home fixing his Potatoes 30 44

W 16 Hector Jelsie & the maerns at Racton shew Hector gets the first prize for young span horses, we gather 5 barrels apple. Stalker at home. Fine day 34 67

Th 17 Frost last night and rain today, at least all the afternoon, we shift spring wheat on to ton of fall wheat & Hector threshes some oats & Flax, gets a letter from John Park Langholm tell how his sister Helen is dying of consumption 31 46

F 18 Men Ploughing in forenoon. In afternoon we gather 6 Barrels apples and 7 Bags of Rambos to take to Galt tommarrow. Misty in forenoon fine in afternoon 36 32

Sa 19 Hector at Galt for bran task up 10B Rambo apples sold one bag for 45 cents and traded the rest off with McBroom for salt ce, Stalker ploughing Jeface & I takes in 3 Barrels of apples good cool day 36 46

Su 20 No sermon to day Mr. Parteus away assisting at a Sacrament. Hector & Jean at Galt hearing Mr. Smith’s farewell sermon as he is going to move to Halifax. Fine day 36 32

M 21 Hector Ploughing Stalker at home drinking I & women gathers 3 Barls apples 38 66

T 22 Hector & Stalker Ploughing In afternoon Hector & I goes to J Cowes to see Ploughing match gathers about 3 Barrels apples very fine day 38 66

W 23 Hector & Stalker Ploughing I carry the last of the apples just a wee when but the snerss & some seedlings is still left on the trees we have in celler 17 Barrels full, & about 4 Barrels in long Box 1 ½ Barrels of Rusly coats an another hard kind total in cellar 22 ½ Barrels besides about 2 Barrels in Shanty & don’t know how many we have peeled & dried fine cool 32 30

Th 24 Hector & Stalker Ploughing, the women & I grinds 3 Bisnow apples for apple sauce Janet Me Alester to get some of it. I fix sheep lurnep house in afternoon 30 30

F 25 Hector at Galt for bran. Stalker at {illegible} Eilliot’s threshing A raw day without much rain but raining now & looks like more 32 30

Octr 1872

Sa 26 A nasty wet day, little doing. I sweep up old Barn and Hector threshes out the lint 38 52

Su 27 A raw nasty day raining a little all day Hector Jean & I at Church 40 30

M 28 Stalker at {illegible} Elliots threshing in forenoon and at Tom Greys threshing in afternoon. Hector at Tom Grey’s threshing in forenoon at at Janet Mc Alister’s sawing firewood in afternoon Jefsie & Stakes up all the carrots. Clear cool 32 46

Tu 29 Bagen to take up Turnips - Stalker Bob Jefsie & I takes up 24 drills and {tops?} a good many Hector takes in the carrots about 80 Bushels puts them into old house cellar - the man that bought the young horse for $400 came to day & paid #20 on them they to be delivered at Guelph for cave clear 30 48

W 30 Stalker Bob and I taking up turnips all day Hector repairing the cow turnip house the treshers come 31 50

Th 31 Threshers here threshes all the wheat only 109B. Of which 42B. Is spring wheat threshes oats the rest of the day fine day but very slaury in the Barn 30 30


F1 Threshes out the oats = 410 Bushels & them went to Old Barn and threshed all the Peas = only 92B. From 10 acres, but there is a good of Peas on the floor to clean up get cool & cloudy to day mm Elliots roup to day, not at it 30 46

Sa 2 Hauling Turnips all day 18 waggon loads 30B. Each = 340 Bushels which we put into sheep house Janet Me Alister helps us fine day 32 48 {author writes above} leans up Peas an Barn floor 10B. Total Peas 102. Bushels

Su 3 All at Church but Jean the minister telling us to give wheel to collections 30 48

M 4 Hector fixing turnip house in forenoon & Stalker Bob & I taking up turnips. In afternoon we taken in 11 loads = 330B. And puts them into cowbyre turnip house. Jefaie & Bob topping in afternoon. Fine day 30 48

Tu 5 Taking up turnips in forenoon, Hauls 8 loads = 240 B. in afternoon and puts them in Cowhouse. cleans up Peas an Barn floor 10B. Jefsie & Bob shauring. Stayet by rain about 4 oclock 31 44

W 6 Hector at Guelph fair to deliver the span of young horses he sold at the show for #400 Jean goes with Nell & the Buggy bring him {back?} again. We take up turnips in forenoon and hauls in afternoon with one team 5 loads = 130B. which we put in to cowhouse. very wet last night 34 44

Th 7 Hauls in forenoon Hector comes home from Guelph with a yoke of Cattle price $101 their age 5 years past the spring

Th 7 Guals in forenoon 11 loads = 33 rains some in afternoon so we lake up & shaw 30 44

F 8 Hauling all day 23 loads = 690 Bushels which we put into Cowbgre much rain last night 34 42

Nov 1872

{Simple math calculations in top right corner of page}

Sa 9 Hector {Pauls?} with one team in forenoon with while Stalker and I takes up the last of the Turnips afternoon hauls with both teams Total loads to day 21 = 630 Bushels of which we put 9 loads = 270B into Cowhouse & 10 Loads = 300 into our old house cellar and 1 Load 30B goes to sheephouse. And 1 Load = 30B to Janet McAlister who has been helping us Our Total crop of turnips is 97 loads = 2910 Bushels of which 2310B 2010 is in Cowhouse 570 B in sheephouse & 300 Bushels in Old house cellar {author writes above line} 10 Loads and 1 load go B to Janet McAlister Total crop 6 acres - a god deal of rot 31 44

Su 10 All at Church but {Jessie?} a fine day and cloudy hard frost last night 30 42

M 11 Puts up the Pigs to feed - 5 put into boiling place 10B. Peas - Stalker {illegible} on Turnip land at noon Hector takes over I and McAlisters load of turnips and kills her Pig I boil two kettles of Peas & Potatoes for Pigs very mild 34 52

Tu 12 Hector & Stalker Ploughing on Potatoe & Turnip land I set up sap troughs might {illegible} 34 42

W 13 Hector & Stalker Ploughing Turnips & {illegible} land I choring. Cold wind East 30 42

Th 14 Thanksgiving day for the Province all at Church but Jean rain last night {author writes above the line} cold all day 32 34

F 15 Hector & Jean at Galt with yarn to weaver Stalkerhauling dirt from Turnip house to {illegible} very hard frost last night cannot Plough ground hard. I choring very {author writes above the line} cold & windy 24 32

Sa 16 Men cutting Oat sheaves in forenoon & {illegible} stones in str sod field in afternoon {author writes above the line} hard frost 24 32

Su 17 All at Church but May & Hector H in the {illegible} now for 3 days {rail?} 26 32

M 18 Stalker splitting firewood in forenoon cleans up a great in afternoon 26 30

Tu 19 Hector at Aberfoyle with a great. had to leave it. Stalker at {illegible} threshing this is now the fourth day of hard frost some of our very blows glasses has been down at 20. it now threatens snow. I cover up sheep turniphouse the men covered the cow over yesterday. I lay down the Broom & flowering almond and carries the cactus and potted Broom into cellar cold all day 24 28 We have Just heard that Mrs.Robt Grey died to day at 12 o'clock:{author writes above the line} noon

W 20 Put the Ram to the Ewes and puts out four for sale ties up the young colt they Real winter weather smell frost and most severe last night 20 24

Th 21 Hector & I at poor Agnes Robisons funeral, some snow on ground {author writes above the line} Stalker choring 26 30

F 22 Hector at Aberfoyle for Grist. Tucker 15 Bushels of small apples to Morriston and got them made into cider Stalker chopping firewood in bush 30 36

Sa 23 Hector & Stalker choring in forenoon. In afternoon Hector goes to John {illegible} threshing, Mild yesterday & to day slight thaw 32 36

Su 24 All at Church but {Jessie?}. Being the tricentenary anniversery of the Death of 36 42 John Knox our minister gave us a sketch of his {illegible}, very mild

Nov 1872

M 25 Hector at {illegible} is threshing Stalker {illegible} Pea land and choring, mild bit very windy. snow all gone ground thawing 38 42

Tu 26 Hector at Mr.Harvey's Roup Stalker choring I {illegible} Illustrated History of the Bible Rice $5.4 fine mild day. Hector 30 36 Bought a cow at the Roup for $38 & 10 sap for pails at 10 cents each

W 27 Stalker & Hector choring We fill up 18 Bags of apples for sale very {writer writes above the line} wind & cold 30 - 26 - 23

Th 28 Hector & Stalker cleaning up oats & choring I Dc hard frost {writer writes above the line} slight snow 17 24

F 29 Hector at Galt with 53B oats - sold at 35 cents per Bushel = $18.55 Stalker choring I Do very {snell?} frost all day but calm & sunny 12 24

Sa 30 Hector at Guelph south 18 Bags of apples Got brought home 1/2 Barrel {illegible} Stalker choring I Do very cold windy 12 22


Su 1 Hector Jean & I at church some snow on ground but no {illegible} 26 32

M 2 Some more snow last night, bungs home the Lambs to fodder but not the {illegible} snowing some all day but thawing, Mr. Porleus visiting there 34 36

Tu 3 Hector Jean & Lilly went off this morning to Niagara to attend a reunion of Miss Rye & her {illegible} Miss Grey goes with them to get one of Miss Rye's Girls, George Grey set them down to Dundas station to get the morning train to the Bridge, Stalker fixing bars at sheephouse, I bring home the Ewes, Turnips badly frozen at the door, I shup up the last hole in turniphouse, a good deal of snow now, it would make poor sleighing 30 34

W 4 Stalker choring in forenoon. In afternoon at Mr. Robsons threshing George Grey gets our Nell to go to Galt and meet our Niagara folks I choring & feeding having pigs & sheep to look after 28 30 Our folks arrives from Niagara about 12 o'clock at night

Th 5 Hector goes to Galt with four sheep to Mr.Alrich {writer writes above the line} with sleigh. Price two #4 each and two $3 each = {824?} Stalker finishes bars at sheep place 28 34

F 6 Stalker at Tom Little's killing Pigs Hector at {illegible} getting horses sharped and filling up apples & Potatoes to take to Guelph tomorrow It is now a sort of sleighing but not good, Hector had the sleigh yesterday 26 28

Sa 7 Hector & Jean at Guelph with 8 Bags apples & 9 Bags Potatoes with sleigh 22 32 Stalker choring I D. apples 73 cents per bag = $6 Potaoes 4B Comb = $3.60 = $9.60

Su 8 a good deal of wet snow last night good sleighing now Hector took us to Church with sleigh J May {Jessie?} * I the snow is not deep but 36 40 it fell equal and being damp it lay - a thaw but no snow melting

Dec 1872

{Simple math calculations in top right corner of page}

M 9 Smell frost {queer?} climate Hector & Jean at Bill Menzie's getting some feed chopped as he has got a chopping mill Stalker choring cold 10-14-10

Tu 10 Hector & Stalker cleaning up wheat & O I choring smell frost fine day above 5 20

W 11 Stalker at Hamilton with his child to the Doctor Hector fixing stakes for calves & e I am busy enough Just choring boiling Pigs meat & e very fine calm sunny day 14 26

Th 12 Hector at Galt with 35 B Spring wheat - Price $1.15-$40.25 May goes with him to Mrs Nicol's {lame?} with little boots going to Hamilton 14 26

F 13 Stalker at home {lame?} Bill Chambers comes talks of getting married {author writes above the line} Hector choring 16 26

Sa 14 Hector hitches up the young horse for the first time and in the afternoon drives him to Galt with the Black mare he acts well, Gets Brandy for May Stalker choring & I also, a fine day almost a than 22 33

Su 15 All at church but Jesse a fine day and good sleighing steady frost 24 26

M 16 Hector & Stalker choring & chopping firewood in Swamp fine day 20 26

Tu 17 Hector & Stalker sawing logs in swamp fixes ox bows by boiling them in furnace, Hector hurts back mr.Chambers fixes clock mouse trap & e smell frost above 10 22

W 18 Stalker chopping firewood in swamp Hector at Galt with Mr. Chambers going to Listowell Hector brings our clock from Kay's & I don't strike right get a good deal of snow today {author writes above the line} gets a pack of boats from a am $434 20 26

Th 19 Hector at J Cows threshing Stalker choring, Jean at the ministers and pays the {illegible} 45 cents and to McMillan $1.50 for Globe club in advance 10 20

F 20 Hector at Cowe's threshing Stalker choring I boil 3 Patt's Pig stuff = 6B. Potatoes and 3B. Peas. Snowed all last night, plenty of snow now 22 30

Sa 21 Hector at Cowe's threshing till noon Stalker choring In afternoon we cut 200 oat sheaves, hard frost and splendid Sleighing, looks like more snow 7 14

Su 22 High wind last night with some snow and the meadows frost none at Church but Hector {Jefree?} and Alick - The cold {est?} day get but calm, below 13 above 4

M 23 Stalker absent, Hector ties up the calves & chores very cold above 14-12-4 {author writes above the line} above above

Tu 24 Another tickling frost last night Hector & Stalker chopping in swamp but had after to come to warm their feet though it has been a very fine day, clean calm & sunny but very frosty in the shade below 13 above 4 Has just heard that poor John Carruthers died to day he was the same age as me!

W 25 Christmas & a very coarse day - hazy blowing & the wind East small snow falling all day the Tailor Mr.Chigholm finishes our does my {breeks?} among the rest Stalker broke the old {illegible} handle & Hector smokes a {bold?} 2 above 10

Dece 1872

th 26 Another stormy day hazy with small snow falling all day this is the second day and night it has snowed continually there is now a great deal of snow {&?} heavy drifts. We intended to kill our pigs to day and one of Watty {Turnbull's?} boys came to help us. but it was so stormy we did not do it and Turnbull went home again. very cold, only choring {kirning?} & c. below 2 above 4

F 27 Kills our pigs Trumbell & Benzy calm fine helps calm fine day {inserted above: "cold"} but. {inserted above: "below"} 2 above 10

Sa 28 Hector at Guelph with three pigs wt 760 {inserted above: "-lbs"} at $5.10 per lbs = #38 80 Stalker choring. I poorly with Dysentry. cuts up two pigs we {inserted above: "above"} 18 20

Su 29 All at Church. but Jessie with sleigh fine sleighing now 10 20

M 30 I collecting Kirk seat rents. Hector & Stalker choring, below & above 20

31 Tu Collecting kirk seats Wm Chambers goes with me in the cutter. Dr. Robt Harbbittle here at night fine day mild 18 30

Jan 1873

W 1 New year's day which celebrate by attending the funeral. of Helen Parker a young woman in the prime of life - died from the fffects of child birth! Katy Nalens agness Robson and now Helen all gone lately from the same cause!! A calm quiet day. And so we and the world is launched on another God only knows who shall see its close. 20

Th 2 Hector Wm Chambers Jean Lilly Elizabeth & I at Galt. I pay Fleming & Co #6 for Chambers & Blackwood bought a fur cap #3 an pipe 30 cents Levers Burke of ours 75 cents. A very nastly day hazy and raining ice almost all day, also paid Reformer for 73 for self & J McAlister {inserted above: "#3.50"} 26 30

F 3 Quite a thaw last night and today rained heavy Stalker absent 34 36 strained my foot badly by a wrong step korns but gets no butter

Sa 4 Hector choring Stalker absent I doing very little, Frost again 20 26

Su 5 Hector May the Bavins & I at chruch {inserted above: "with sleigh"} snowing a good deal {inserted above: "and it got"} mild 24 28

M 6 Hector choring Stalker at Wm. Robson threshing Jas. McQueen comes and I pay him #103 seat Rents.. Frank Parker here. Fine suny day 20 24

Tu 7 Hector & Wm Chambers chopping in swamp Stalker at Wm Robsons threshing. I pay Welwood McMillan postage for Globe & Reformer = 40 cents and likewise for Janet McAlister 20 cents for her Reformer. fine day 20 26

W 8 Hector & Stalker chopping I choring John Elliot comes. snow 20 34 showers in afternoon. Jean's Birthday mild slight thaw Lewis Napoleon died to day.

Jany 1873

Th 9 Mr. Chambers & Hector chopping in Swamp Stalker absent 14 10 6 {author writes above the line} above

F 10 Hector hauling firewood Wm. C. chopping Stalker absent below 0 2 above 6

Sa 11 Hector & Jean goes to Mr. Gilcrest, in Puslinch Stalker & Wm chopping above 2 12

Su 12 Jessie Alick & I at Church, John Elliot goes away to Tom Nicole 20 30

M 13 Hector casting the road toward Kirkwale Wm & Stalker chopping till stopped in afternoon with rain as it came on quite a thaw 34 40

Tu 14 Hector hauling firewood Stalker & Wm Chambers chopping. Fine mild 30 32

W 15 Blowing & snowing small snow in forenoon, Hector hauling firewood in afternoon Wm & Stalker chopping quite a thaw in afternoon 26 36

Th 16 Very wet almost all day, Hector takes the sow to Boar at Mr Andersons and leaves her as she would not take him Hector's friends comes from {author writes above the line} Keppel 36 42

17 F Hector & Mr. {name is erased} goes to Malcolm's they being old acquaintance Mrs Sandy Mc Caeg from Keppel goes away Stalker splitting firewood above 16 12

Sa 18 Hector & Wm. Chambers at Galt gets a Barrel of Salt and brings the saw from Mr.Anderson (she had taken the {boat?}) Stalker & Bob chopping A steady snow almost all day, but calm. - very keen frost above 3 above 4

Su 19 All at Church but Jessie Sleighing good 10 14

M 20 A slight snow almost all day Hector & Stalker in swamp in afternoon in forenoon we cut one run of bad sheaves, Wm Chambers at Galt in cutter to left his money from Bank as he is going to live at Medonte and get married there very mild 20 26

Tu 21 Snowing heavy all forenoon, Bill goes away to get married & Hector takes him to Lynden Stalker choring, Very mild almost a {illegible} 28 32

W 22 Hector hauling firewood Stalker chopping Very mild snow pretty {illegible} 22 28

Th 23 Snowing & drifting all day with a strong east wind, only choring 8 10

F 24 Snowing & drifting all night It has snowed and drifted over 24 hours and I never saw bigger snow banks. Hector & John Dickson casting the road to Kirkwale & letting the road goin to McQueens field Stalker absent, I casting snow & redding up after the storm 10 16

Sa 25 All at Church but Jessie never saw the roads so blocked up with snow wreaths Maggie Leman come Turnips finished up to {mudde?} Pillar in sheephouse, Mail did not come yesterday, bad roads I suppose Very poor attendance at Church, Got #8 from D.Buckle for Church seat 10 16

Su 26 Our sacrament all at it but Jessie Mr.Perteus had no help The 17 22 stormy weather having prevented him coming

Jany 1873

aM 27 Our Annual congregational meeting. We voted Mr. Porteus $100 more salary raised the price of a member's sitting to four Dollars and a whole seat with two members Ten Dollars - it was for merly 8 Dollars adherents to continue as they were two Dollars {inserted above: "John Elliot comes"} a sitting There will be tough job to {inserted above: "raise it"} 10 22

Tu 28 Kills our cow Wm.Dickson helps us is mild in morning but the glas fell all day and reached zero at Dark John Elliot goes away Jean sets him up to Martin Nicols {inserted above: "above"} 17 10 0

W 29 Hector & Jean at Galt with Cow skin dried {inserted above: "clear sunny fine & cold"} apples & great frost - hardest of the season Mr.Mills insurance man here {inserted above: "choring"} Stalker below 18 above 2

Th 30 Hector cuts up the cow frozen as hard as a stone Stalker choring, above 3 16

F 31 Hector hauling firewood Stalker absent Very fine sunny day 10 24


Sa 1 Hector at Mr. Menzie's getting some grain cracked Stalker goes to Egypt to Mr. Lim's to get out cedars sleepers for turnip Kaus {inserted above: "at home"} Lims out {inserted above: "above"} 10 6

Su 2 All at Church but Jean & Lilly A {inserted above: "more"} moderate but cold still 10 10

M 3 Hector & Stalker at Mr. Lim's. Egypt getting out & hauling sleepers 16 26

T 4 Quite a thaw all day but no rain. Hector at {Lmiddy?} Stalker choring in afternoon We cut Oat sheaves in forenoon - 38 42

W 5 Hector hauling sleepers from Egypt Stalker chopping {wood?} 26 31 Janet Parker aged 16 years died this morning at 10 oclock!

M {inserted above: "Th"} 6 Hector hauling from Egypt Stalker absent. very gentle mild thaw with a clear sky a rare thing in February 38 43

Th {inserted above: "F"} 7 Hector hauling from Egypt in forenoon in afternoon at the funeral of Janet Parker I don't go having the Dysentery Stalker absent. Another mild sunny thaw fields all spotted & sleighing bad 18 42

F {inserted above: "Sa"} 8 Hector hauls the last of the sleepers from Egypt Stalker chopping. mild 34 34 24

Su 9 Men choring & chopping I not doing much Colder 18 26

Su M 10 No {ink stain} Mr Porteus at Flamboro sacrament 10 20

M T 11 Men in Swamp all day chopping firewood, snell, below 2 above 20

Tu W 12 Hector chopping in swamp Stalker absent in afternoon 28 34

W Th 13 Hector takes May & I to Grizzy's Hector goes to Galt to see the fair and and puts into Merchants Bank for me #50 fine day but coldish 12 18

{A broad "x" is drawn across the last two entries}

{???} 1873

W 12 Hector takes May & me up to Griggy's Hector goes to Galt to see the Fair and puts #30 Dollars into Merchants Bank for me 12 18

th 13 Hector & Father chopping in swamp Cloudy. coldish day Rob!McQueen his a party at his School house Jobie and Alick at it 7 12

F 14 Valentine's day. Hector did not get it choring Cleans up a Grail Stalker absent 14 22

Sa 15 Hector at Aberfoyle with a guest Stalker absent I choring Calm above 5 28

Su 16 all at Church but May & Alick a fine day 18 32

M 17 Hector at Aberfoyle for the Grist he left Stalker absent with cut finger, got a letter from David Ellis{l?}asking help 26 38

tu 18 Hector chopping Stalker absent I choring Very mild clears sunny Hail 20 40

W 19 Hector chopping in forenoon & hauling in afternoon a slight sun thats by 28 34

Th 20 Hector hauling firewood in forenoon Laid up with sore back in afternoon 20 28

F 21 Hector laid up with a sore back Stalker absent his time about up Got the jany No. of C Journal to day. some snow high wind & drifting 18 22

Sa 22 Hector at Galt jean & J Me alister goes with him to Buy Janets Wedding 2 men comes with our new Bull Barn Nelson brawls Hector brings a Ton of Caledonian Plaster piece #6 per ton 20 26

Su 23 May Jebie & Jat Church Hector & Jean Keepin house cold below 4 above 2

M 24 Hector goes away to Puslinch to Pay for the Bull #75 May goes with him to Mr. Stratton's cold strong day cloudy a little snow 0 16

Tu 25 Hector at Galt with cordwood for Wm Mr. Millar Stalking choring Jean Pays Hector note for the cow he brought at Mr. McVaner dale 18 26 Jean at McAlisters baking for wedding

W 26 Hector laid up with a sore back a rather fine day I choring 20 33

Th 27 Hector laid up with sore back stalker absent choring {above} some snow land ought 20 29

F 28 Hector & Jean goes out to see the Doctor about his sore back but did not get him at home a fine sunny day Stalker absent below 18 2 26


Sa 1 Hector at Galt to see Doctor and get something for his back 0 34

Su 2 All at Church but May & Hector his back being very bad 20 33

M 3 Hector still a {L???} Stalker choring I do. cold & colder 12 10 6 2

Tu 4 Stalker choring Hector rather better. Cuts Oats sheavsin afternooon Jean at McAlisters fixing for the wedding clear cold below 2 above 16 Pea straw finished today & fed only once a day all {???} -& half twice a day

W 5 Stalker choring Hector cripple, clear sunny small frost last below 5 above 20

Th 6 Hector Very poorly with headache Stalker choring & choring 0 35 fine clear day Jean at McAlisters cooking for {illegible} 0 35

Feby March 1873

F 7 All in afternoon at Janet McAllister's Wedding, came home about 9 o'clock Stalker keeping house. very fine quite a strong sunny thaw 40 36 48

Sa 8 Hector & Jean away Jollifying with the New married folk Stalker choring 40 34

Su 9 All at Church but Jessie a fine day but cold in morning 12 32 Sees the first crows of the season to day.

M 10 Hector Hauling firewood in forenoon in afternoon Jean and he goes to McAlisters to bring home chairs Mrs.Robt Petland here 18 36

Tu 11 Hector choring goes at night to a meeting of kirk managers fine 17 36 {author writes above the line} Stalker absent The creek coming down on top of ice, crows plenty, fields half base

W 12 Hector & Stalker at Galt fair with the {fat?} oxen Sold them for 4 cents live weight they weighed Thirty nine & 80lbs = a truffle under $160, mild 20 36 {author writes above the line} hundred

Th 13 Hector choring Stalker absent Mr Julge Stewart & Daughter here. fine 20 38

F 1314 Hector choring Stalker absent at night had a great {illegible text} Janet McAlister her husband & every sae monie mae here, fine 22 38

Sa 1615 Great thaw raining about all day & now Gr creak over the road at Bridge Great pools standing every where, Winter broke up 38 44

Sun 1716 All at Church but May & Alick, Roads very bad water running over the long swamp going to Kirkwall, very fine day 22 34

M 18 17 Hector choring I Do hears Blue Birds but did not see them 26 38

Tu 1918 Hector choring but it has been snowing soft snow almost all day Stalker absent, saw four Robins in Orchard today. The first {author writes above the line} seen 32 36

W 2019 Hector & Stalker splitting stovewood got Feb.Chambers J. write Mr.Emslie about their negligence {sees?} a Meadow Lark thaw 36 45

Th 2120 Nasty day snowing soft all day and pretty heavy in afternoon Hector & Jean goes at night to John Dicksons to have a {Jolli} {illegible text} the new married folks, We cut oat sheaves in forenoon 34 36

F 2221 A good deal of snow yesterday & last night at least 6 inches, Stalker splitting stovewood Jean & Hector at Mr McCalligans with new folks mariied 28 38

Sa 2322 Men splitting stovewood in forenoon, In afternoon Hector Jean & May goes a {illegible text} to John Valen's fine day, slight thaw cool 26 36

Su 2423 No Sermon to day Mr Porteus at Dundas Preaching 40-34 - 24

M 2524 Men splitting stovewood I fix Sugar spouts Small frost last night 1210 26

Tu 2625 Men cleans up 10 Bushels of Peas & puts them in the {bark?} J.McQueen brings the horse power here to be ready when we cut our firewood 15 24 A very nasty day snowing a little all day with keenfrost

March 1873

W 27 26 This has been as thorough winter day as we have this season it snowed all last night and all to day & is snowing {author writes on top of line} 6PM now often quite heavy - a great deal of snow has fallen our summer birds that had come is catched they are gone again except the blue {illegible} poor things the snow birds is still here get Hector boiled a pot of Peas & carrots for Pigs, Stalker absent, only choring 20 26

Th 28 27 Hector at Galt with sleigh for ton of Plaster he has now got 3 ton Stalker in afternoon, gets {illegible} of Blackwood, good sleighing, above 4 28

F 29 28 {illegible} splitting cardwood in forenoon, in afternoon Hector Jean May and the {illegible} at School Examination. I dug snow from Boiling place {author writes on top of line} second timed 11 38

Sa 30 29 We expected to have circular saw to day but word last night that, J. {McQueen?} is sick two hands came we got the rest stopped thawing all day, I sick work could {illegible} 36 40

Su 30 All at Church but May & me I very poorly took a powder last night & {falls?} today 28 34

M 31 Men choring in forenoon Sapping trees in afternoon, women {illegible} I {illegible} 36 42


Tu 1 Men Taps the rest of the trees Women gather 39 pails sap and {syrups?} off at but six left in Pots, Men fells a big Maple & sawing at it I very {author writes on top of line} poorly 38 40

W 2 Women sugars off yesterdays sap has 16lbs no saps to day, very wet all last night & some to day Stalker absent women, empties boughs & of rain I sick 38 34

Th 3 Stalker at {Mr.Robsons?} sawing stovewood Hector chopping in sugar {author writes on top of line} bush poor rum of saps but syrups off 16 pails leaving {four?} and {illegible} Tom so far recovered as to feed the sheep today but far from get {right?} 31 42

F 4 Men chopping up a Maple in Sugar bush, Women syrups off 21 pails sap. A small run to day, Sap very strong, has made twenty four pounds from Forty Eight pails besides what we {illegible} in {illegible}. I rather better but still {author writes on top of line} pooly 28 40

Sa 5 Men cutting out sheaves in forenoon I do not help them I in afternoon It was a very heavy thunder sttended by a great spate of rain & hail preceded by great darkness - so great that I could not read a newspaper close to the window & my specs an and could scarcely make {illegible} with my face close to the clock that it was half past {one?} PM, no sap to day I rather better 36 40

Su 6 Very loud thunder last night with some rain, Raining all forenoon no one at church too wet and the bad, very fine an afternoon quite warm 40 38

M 7 Fine growing day snow all gone now but snow {illegible}. Men chopping in sugar bush. No sap, Rhubarb peeping up Digs some parsnips frost out of {author writes on top of line} {garden?} 38 48

Tu 8 May's Eve died been sick for some time Men cleans {illegible} the wheat - 30 Bushels a good deal of {illegible} again {illegible} 36 40

April 1873

W 9 - Galt seed fair nobody at it from here. Raining almost all day Hector opened the Ewe that died yesterday there was three lambs in her 34 40

Th 10 Men sawing in sugar bush got 4 pails sap & no more this is the first dry day for a week past, frool out of ground 32 40

F 11 Men sawing in sugar bush, women syraps into molafres 16 pails sep Heard the first frop to day me run of sap too little frost 32 52

Sa 12 Men choring women get 9 pails sap syrups at of of very {illegible} 34 52

Su 13 All at Church but Mag & me Jam still poorly, very fine day 36 38

M 14 Hector begins to Plough sad {author writes above} aer the Dyke in afternoon goes to Mr.Blakes sale 10th Con - weoman syrops of 16 pails sap me right run of sap yet poor sugar year yet 34 36

Tu 15 Hector Ploughing sad aer the dyke women gets 3 pails sap fine 34 30

W 16 Hector Ploughing Stalker Lloning in forenoon absent in afternoon A Hog lambs has no milk & cares nothing about 34 44

Th 17 Hector Ploughing Stalker stemming. Me Grurie comes to help him Another Hog lamb to day she is fond of it, heavy rain last night 34 42

F 18 Hector Ploughing Stalker Bob & Me grury raisting stones I very poorly 34 42

Sa 19 Hector Ploughing. Me Grurie & Bob raising stones Stalker absent cripple from the kick of a cow he got last night, collish to day 32 36

Su 20 All at Church but May & me I being still poorly. mild. Lamb to day

M 21 2 two Lamb to day - twins Men stoning & Ploughing {author writes above} Mad 2 gallons {malasks?} the Doctor comes to see me and says I have Bronchitis. A bad {lob?} made 16 pails {malas?} 30 40

Tu 22 Has 4 Lambs today - twins Hector & Jean at Galt for seeds Men stoning young Gelchrist comes to tell us his mother is very ill, Hector must go & see her 30 46

W 23 Hector & Jean goes to Puslinch to see his sick sister men stoning Has 3 Lambs to day all single I had to help Ewe to lamb 34 44

Th 24 has 3 Lambs twins Men stoning cool 34 44

F 25 has 1 Lamb Hector & Stalker Ploughing Potatoe land Me Grurie goes away 32 42

Sa 26 Has 8 Lambs to day but 2 died leaving 6 alive we have now 19 Lamb alive from 13 Ewes Men Ploughing fine day but coolinsh 30 46

Su 27 Hector got word this morning that his sister Mrs Gilchrist Died yesterday of inflamation after child birth - sad news Had 6 Lambs to day & 2 Dead leaving 4 to day we have now 25 Lambs and 12 to Lamb. very fine and genial to day Jean only at Church As Hector & Jessie went to Pushngh to his sisters 30 54

April 1873

M 28 1 Lamb to day Jean & Hector at his sister’s funeral she has left a family of nine children the oldes of which is not over 15. Stalker Ploughing mild 31 34

Tu 29 Lambs twins to day Hector saws spring wheat & barley. the Doctor here 36 54

W 30 No Lambs to day Men dragging spring wheat & Barley, quite warm to day Jean boils 5 pails poor sap pull the spouts out, poor sugar tume 36 62


Th 1 Has 2 Lambs Hector sawing grass seed & dragging 36 38

F 2 4 Lambs to day one pair twins raining heavy in morning and draw all day we now only 3 Ewes to Lamb 38 44

Sa 3 Has 4 Lambs to day with twins one Lamb died last night le leaving only 3 Ewes to lamb which we put with the rest Hector ploughing at Neils slashing an land where gran failed to take Stalker ploughing also, trapped a Skunk, still very poorly 38 48

Su 4 No Lambs to day None at Church but May Jefsie & Bairns, saw a Barn - swallow the first 30 30

M 5 Has 1 Lamb to day Hector sowing Peas Stalker cultivating, very fine 36 62

Tu 6 No Lambs Hector Ploughing & sowing Peas Stalker cultivating Peas 36 60

W 7 Hector sows the last of the Peas Stalker cultivating them No Lambs - 36 58

Th 8 Very wet all day from the East Hector at Smiddy No work done 36 46 Leaves off {gwing?} the sheep turnips. We think they can shift now

F 9 Hector Ploughing Stalker hauling turnips from old house. Lees 6 chiney swallows 36 52

Sa 10 Hector Ploughs the garden and goes for Mr Farish to come and see a sick Cow he also gelds the colt Stalker absent sick goodish day rain last night 38 60

Su 11 None att Church but Jean Jefsie & the bairns Saw Pigs - 7 Eewe Lambed 9 dead 1 Lamb 38 60

M 12 Hector dragging at Neils Stalker stoning, women sows onions Parsnips & e Me Millan gets 300th hay by guefs I cut the basket willows 36 60

Tu 13 Men stoning up at Concefsion, I doing nothing being poorly. Cool 36 50

W 14 Hector sowing {outs?} on Pea growing at concession. Stalker cultivating cool frost last night 31 54

Th 15 Stalker cultvating outs Mm Black here for {eats?} fine day 36 62

F 16 Nell colted last night after going 12 months all but 2 days (her colt is a mare) Hector sowing Plaster Stalker & Bob stoning I stick same of the hops, The willows beginning to look green, fine 38 62

Sa 17 Stalker hauling old rails to sugar bush Bob & Aleck pulling redroot and cockle. Hector and Jean at Himilton Gils 1 Ton Leper - phosphate Price #20 per ton and 10 tts Turnips seed & white - yellow clover Flalian Rye grass & e very fine day 38 64

Su 18 all at Church but Jean Hector & I quite warm 38 66

May 1873

M 19 Cuts our Lambs has 39 twenty Ewes and 19 weathers Hector sowing the last of the oats & grass seeds Stalker dragging Bob sowing Phosphate an Oat land swallows in Lum another fine growing day 39 66 got the first Rhubarb. Swallows in Lum for first time

Tu 20 Men Doing various Jobs such as rolling stoning hauling Turnips from house & spring rather backward no cherry blossoms out, willow Green bud no green an wool 36 60

W 21 Men sowing Plaster Mr Menzie. Sen. Mrs Wm Menzie May {Lnaith?} And Mr Porteus here Jam still very poorly very bad cough, warm 38 70

Th 22 Hector hauling Dung for Potatoes Stalker & Bob stoning North of sugar bush warm to day & Bees on willows - first day, Bush linged with green 38 74

F 23 Men hauling & spreading Dung for Potatoes at old stable. Very warm grouth has made great advance the last two day woods looking quite green now May, _at ministers 40 8

Sa 24 Men Ploughing Potatoe land in forenoon Women culling Potatoes Stalker goes home at noon Hector takes Nell to horse. she took him May & Jean at Church Queens Birthday but no celebration here, wild Plum trees in blossom 40 72

Su 25 Our Sacrament May Jean Jefsie & the Bairns at Hector & I keeps house as I am still very poorly. the Doctor here finds me much worse than he expected very fine day growth rushing out at a great rale 40 76

M 26 Our People Planting all our Potatoes. Stalker absent since Saturday at noon he has either got whisky or the Pet - bad Job. fine day 40 80

Tu 27 Hector Plough land for carrots & Stalkers Potatoes but he is so bad in the pet it is doubtful whether he will plant them or not. The country now looks glorious cherry trees quite white apple blossoms coming out and wood quite green. Mrs. Valens here blisters me with croton oil. wrote to Falconer 40 84

W 28 Hector & Jefsie sows the carrots then hauls dung to turnip land Stalker has left us in a Pet he is not expected come back there was no quarrel 40 76

Th 29 Hector at Brock road with a grist Jean goes with him and they go to Mr Gilchrist. Archie Me Grurie comes & he and Bob hauls dung to turnip land. Dr. Lundy here and Bob Hunter, fine a shower near night 45 80

F 30 Jas Grey comes to work a while all at Dung for Turnips fine 40 68

Sa 31 All at Dung in forenoon. Washes the sheep in afternoon Mr Millian has a Roup at 6 PM Jean and the bairns at it 40 68 Got sixteen Dollars - $16 from Mr. Falconer being one years Interest on his Note.

June 1873

Su 1 No Sermon to day Mr Porteus at Ancaster helping Mr Walker 50 76

M 2 en at Dung in forenoon finishes for turnips. Then & Hector and Jas Grey Ploughing in Dung Mc Grurie and Bob spreading. splendid weather country looking glorious cherry blossoms fading apple tree in full blossom 53 76

Tu 3 Hector & Jas Grey Ploughing in Dung Mc Grurie spreading Bob pulling cockle & red root 50 80

W 4 Hector & J Grey finishes Ploughing turnip land in forenoon Mc Grurie borins stones for blasting in afternoon Hector & Jean goes to Galt for things for hauling stone be tomenorow. same thunder and fine rain in afternoon. very sullry & hal 60 84

Th 5 Had a Bee hauling off stones - 3 ox teams Mr Porteus here my pulse 88. got a letter from T. Johnstone about a museum 56 80

F 6 Hector & Grey Ploughing sad Bob cutting thistles among Barley, the Doctor here 58 76

Sa 7 Hector & Grey clips the sheep - 40 Bob harrowing Hector takes Black mare to horse 40 74

Su 8 All at Church but May and me. Mr Young Reaches. Mr Parteus absent 50 76

M 9 Mc Grurie & Bob stoning turnip land & e Hector at Harvey's with the Jefs. Mare to horse - she took him. In afternoon Hector goes to Galt to meet Brother John & wife from Scarboro. They arrive about Dusk 60 81

Tu 10 Hector takes the turnip sawer to Blacksmith to hoop then drilling fer turnips Mc Grurie & Bob hauling stones. some thunder with fine rain 60 74

W 11 Hector drilling & sowing turnips in afternoon Brought the turnip drill at noon Mc Grurie filling holes an sad Bob dragging, fine cool fresh day 30 72

Th 12 Hector drilling & souring turnips Mc Grurie & Bob at many thing. Mc Grurie goes away 50 74

F 13 Brother goes away this morning Hector & Jean takes them up to Galt with the wool = 36 fleeces got 35 cents per tt weight 227 lls being 6 1/3 tts each fleece and 3 tts over Total value $79.45 or a little over $2.20 each sheep Bob cutting thistles among Peas Hector drilling after coming home 40 72

Sa 14 Hector drilling & sowing turnips Bob sowing Phosphate and cutting thistles. At noon Hector took the mares to horse. did not take hepes they in colt 50 80

Su 15 All at Church but may & I Jam a good deal better now warm 60 82

M 16 Hector drills & sows the last of the turnips Bob sowing Phosphate Mr Parteus the Doctor & John Roberts here. very warm & sultry rain wanted 60 85

Tu 17 Hector at Road working slatute labour I pay for mine 2 day at 75 cents per day #1.50 cents being hardly fit to work. Hears the Bag is bad on Potatoes 30 76

W 18 Hector at roads & hired Mc Grurie to help him. G Elliot here warm again 60 84 May & Jean at Galt May gets a new Bonnet & at kirkwall

Th 19 at night hearing Mr Needham Preaching in open air many there all our folks but May and me

June 1873

Th 19 Hector finishes Road work at noon then goes to Parkers Barn raising in afternoon, very warm with a high west wind, a queer day 70 91

F 20 Hector Ploughing sod, hard work very dry Bob cutting thistles windy drouthy wind N.W 60 76

Sa 21 Hector Ploughing Jas Grey comes in afternoon to help him drouthy 60 80

Su 22 All at Church but Hector & I. Very cool & cloudy looks like rain but only a few drops 50 66

M 23 Hector Ploughing young Tom Grey comes Ploughing with the oxen kills a Pig at noon, very cool wants rain badly, looks like rain {illegible} it would come 46 66

Tu 24 Great rain last night and thunder rain too though very cool, the rain was much needed Men Ploughing, at noon two Emigrants came and HEctor hired one for five months at #18 per month a long wage for a Pig in a poke but hands is scarce & harvest is coming on. cloudy 50 66

W 25 Hector & Tom Grey Ploughing Bob & the Emigrant cutting thistles Maggie Lemon here 30 74

Th 26 Tom Grey went away last night Hector finished Ploughing the end rigs this morning then dragging the Emigrant also dragging with the oxen Bob at thistle 30 80

F 27 Hector & Emigrant dragging all day Bob cutting thistles. Mr Abuch’s man takes away 8 Lamb at $3 = $24 Buys a washer & wringer for $15 from Mr. Wylie 60 84

Sa 28 Hector kurkles the POtatoes corn & carrots Bob & Robert Erp the {memo?} of our Emigrant stoning fallow very hot wants more rain 60 86

Su 29 All at Church but Jefsie, I go too the first time since the month of March 60 84

M 30 Thunder with rain last night and very heavy showers all day field standing in great pools & creek full. Men clean oats & chores 60 74


Tu 1 Dominion day, Hector & Eip mows the orchard Jefsie & I hoes the corn & cuts thistles 60 80

W 2 Jean & I at Dundas I get #36 for Coupons Men snows corner at {Necls?} some rain last night slashing & e 64 80

Th 3 Jean & me at Galt I get #30 Interest on Bank Receipt for $600 Puts $100 to it and gets a Receipt for #400, Men Teds Orchard mows & e 60 80

F 4 Hector sets up the Potatoes RT Esp & Bob cutting thistles on Coio pasture till Tea time Jefs & I turns hay in orchard the we all cack it after Tea 60 84

Sa 5 Hector cutting hay North of Sugar bush till Tea time then rakes The corner at Neils slashing with horse Rake Esp & Bob stoning till noon we then hoe carrots and Turnips till Tea then cocks corner at Neils 60-80-66

Su 6 All at Church but Jean a fine day many at church 64 76

M 7 Hector cutting hay. We haul 2 Loads of hay from Neils corner and puts them into old stable I got {illegible} often two loads 3 little ones from orchard put into Cowbyre loft and 3 from field North of sugar bush puts them into horse stable 60 76

July 1873

Tu 8 Hector cutting in Island field Robt & Bob piling Dung at sheep house in forenoon then raking corner in Island field then Hector Rakes & we haul in 2 loads from North sugar bush which we put into horse stable loft, a slight shower this morning then drouthy 60 78

W 9 Hector cutting & Raking in Island field Robert mows round field East of orchard in forenoon In afternoon they haul 3 loads from Island field which is put into Cowbyre loft I at turnips singling though many of them is too small. braird irregular 60 76

Th 10 Rain last night & some to day No hauling or cutting to day Men at Turnips HEctor hurkling 58 68

F 11 Hector cutting east of orchard in forenoon we thin carrots & turnips, In afternoon Hector Rakes all Island field and we habl 3-Loads from Island puts 3 into Cow byre & 2 into sheep house 58 70

Sa 12 Hauling hay all-day 4 Loads from Island put into Cowbyre wluches Island field Total Loads in ISland field = 12 We also haul 4 Loads from East of orchard which we put into horse stable loft Hector Raking E.of.O in afternoon drouthy 58 74

Su 13 All at Church but Meiy Cactus flowers first time very warm 70 86

M 14 hauls 1 Load of hay from East of Orchard as it threatens rain then Hector hurkled and all the rest was singling turnips, no drouth to day 60 76

Tu 15 All at Turnips all day but Hector, who cuts the last of hay East of orchard 70 86

W 16 All at Turnips in forenoon, in afternoon Hector rakes all the hay in East field and we haul it all = 6 loads 4 of which we put into horse stable and 2 into Cowbyre. This finishes our hay harvest all well got get the first mefs of cherries, Not very ripe but eatable & suppable 65 80 Total Loads of hay = 33 dividthusly = 2 Loads into Old stable loft 15 into Cowbyre 2 into sheep house loft and -14 loads into horse stable

Th 17 All thinning turnips, heavy thunder last night with some rain very hot & sultry with dist thunder all day May at Jam McDonalds 70 90

F 18 Hector at Galt May goes with him to Nicol’s. We finish singling turnips in forenoon, IN afternoon has very heavy thunder showers great pools standing every where but no thunder, very sultry creek running 75 84

Sa 19 Hector goes to Aberfoyle with a Grist Mr Gilchrist & children comes, Hector Hector missing them on the road, did not get the grist home with him we doubling turnips & thinning some carrots - cutting thistles & e, very cool 60 74

Su 20 All at Church but Jefsie Expecting to hear Mr Young but he gave us the begunk and did not come Mr Parteus was absent So the Elders affected & e = Quarterly collector 56 68

M 21 Robert Cultivating fallow. All the rest cutting thistles I thinning carrots 60 76

Tu 22 Robert Cultivating Bays cutting thistles Hector hurkling turnips I thin the last of the carrots George Nicol & Mother here gets cherries fine sunny day 66 82

July 1873

W 23 Hector taken very ill this morning with colic and retching Robert goes for the Doctor who comes and prescribes - but to ought he is no better Robert cultivating of his return we taking out doubes in turnips 70 88

Th 24 Robert at at Aberfoyle for Grist left before Hector somewhat better the rest taking out doubles in turnips a fine drouthy day & warm Katy loofbat here for cherries 70 86

F 25 My Birthday, high ho! finished my 73d year I am an old man: Robert cradling round 16 acre field - miserable poor crop of wheat only grain round the fences Mrs Lo {suppat?} here for cherries the rest Timothy Hector hurkling turnips. very hot 70 88

Sa 26 Great rain with heavy thunder almost last night creek down and pools every where we finish taking the doubles from Turnips in forenoon, and Robert & Hector fixes up the reaper. In afternoon we work with reaper in 16 acre field - very sultry & I get bushed at Tea time 70 86

Su 27 All at Church but Hector Jas Stewart Preaches a very able sermon 68 84

M 28 Cutting wheat all day with Reaper in 16 acre field sultry in forenoon 70 82 Mr Alrich’s people here for cherries

Tu 29 Men finishes reaping the 16 acre field, take the Reaper over to the Barley and cradles round it I got bushd with the heat - don’t stand the heat now 70 86

W 30 Hector begins to cut Barley with reaper till he broke something and went to Dundas to get it mended Men stoning fallow I killing Colorada beetles on Potatoes they are getting pretty numerous warm 70 86

Th 31 Hauls 7 loads of wheat form 16 acre field pick as it is cloudy look like rain James Stewart here from Pucken ham he looks well - Sultry 70 82


F 1 A shower last night Hector gets the waggon tor gue mended at kirkwall and kurkles turnips in forenoon the cuts barely with Reaper the Bobs stoning all day I don’t do much warmish in afternoon cleans out cistern at stable 60 82

Sa 2 Slight last night & today Hector hurkles turnips and after Tea cuts the last of the barley Men stoning pretty warm again cloudy 66 84

Su 3 All at Church Jane fine drouthy day a good many at Church 68 80

M 4 Takes in the last of 16 acre field 8 loads - Total loads of fall wheat - 15 loads and very poor. The Bays & me raking & binding Barley. John Dicksons child died this afternoon. cool today & drouthy 65 76

Tu 5 Hector Raking 16 acre field we Rake & Bind all the Barley and hauls one load of wheat rakings. Fine drouthy day & cool 56 76

Augt 1873

W 6 Hector kurkling turnips in forenoon Men stoning fallow In afternoon Hector and I is at the Funeral of John Dickson’s child. Men hauling Barley & Hector helps after Tea finishes it = 5 loads Lilly & I killing Potatoe bugs, gets the first new Potatoe 60 82

Th 7 Hector kurkling turnips then goes to Puslinch hunting siller Men aloning I at Prayer meeting 70 84

F 8 Men begins to cut Peas, very hot and sultry it will bring more thunder 70 83

Sa 9 Men cutting Peas two of the Turnbull Boys helping them warm drouthy 70 84

Su 10 All at Church but Jefsie A Minister from kilbride preaches drouthy 70 82

M 11 Men at Peas in forenoon Jefsie & turning Peas. In afternoon much rain and heavy thunder 70 80

Tu 12 Men finishes cutting Peas in forenoon. In afternoon their thunder and some rain and no work done all our cut and lying drenched wet wet 60 80

W 13 Men stoning & Ploughing. a piece of new ground south of swamp some rain now and then all day - no drouth quite cold. This is the Parliament meets - will it be prorggued? 50 64

Th 14 Men turns all the Peas in morning then cuts a few eats at Concefsion In afternoon turns all the Peas again and hauls 4 loads which we put into Barrack 50 76

F 15 A draw this morning but begin to haul Peas about 10 oclock though they are rather wet we haul 13 loads of which we put 9 into Barack and 4 into old Barn & lofts. Hears Parliament was prarogued on the 13th 50 70

Sa 16 Some slight rain in morning, In afternoon we finish hauling the Peas - 8 loads of which we put 5 loads into old barn 1 into Barrack and 2 into New Barn Total loads of Peas 25 laods of which 14 is in Barrack = 9 into old Barn and 2 into New barn. after Tea the men Rakes and binds oats & Hector cuts oats with Reaper, very cool today 64 64

Su 17 Hector cut All at Church but me & Jane threatened with Dysentery 34 66

M 18 Hector cutting oats all day & finishes the oats at Concefsion. A little mildew Men cutting thistles & e till noon then we all bind oats till Tea then slopt by a little rain with distant thunder in the south quote cool season seems changed 54 64

Tu 19 Hector cutting oats all day finishes all in the north oats rusted badly we binding and stooking - a fine sunny day and warm again 34 80

W 20 Hector cuts the spring wheat and the las of the oats. We binding, warm 60 84

Th 21 Sheep died Binding & stooking all day finishes wheat & oats, kills a sheep warm distant thunder 60 84

F 22 Choring in forenoon Speans the Lambs Hauls 12 loads of oats in afternoon, very sultry slight shower at night 60 85

Sa 23 Men blasting a stone and buried the dead sheep in the hole in afternoon we hauled 5 loads of oats from Nul which finishes all the oats at the North 58 77

Su 24 All at Church but May fine drouthy day & coolinsh 60 76

M 25 Rain last night oats wet Men begins to Plough for seed in afternoon 60 78

augt 1873

tu 26 salt leed fair, Hector team & lilly at it, got 14 bushels {told?} lead {wellhobert?} Bloughing set up stooks chores & {drawthy?} cool 32 74

w 27 hector & robert ploughing in {faremoon?} mattermoon lakes in the ladt of the oats = 5 loads = puts 4 on soft and one on mow 30 70

th 28 lakes in the {thing?} wheat 3 loads-very poor, men ploughin in after 30 70

f 29 men ploughing in foremoon, at cowes threshing in aftermoon, draw -34 78

sa 30 men ploughing very hot & {luetry healming?} hunder 60 86

su 31 duot churoh put same rain with same thunder last night 60 76


m 1 men ploughing some rain & thunder last night, very windy to day cool 60 74

tu 2 men ploughing fine cool {freezy?} sunny day doing men thing 34 74

w 3 men ploughing field nearly finish looks like team at night 32 78 got the langholin paper of the 6th augt announcing the death of my cousin Helen park on the 4th aged 33 years of {consumrlion?}

th 4 men pushes the ploughing, a good deal of rain in foremoon, in aftermoon hector goes to salt to meet rolt martin & wife from 32 78

f5 hector & martin goes to bolt hunter for seed wheat {eup?} dragging wheat {land/and?} before sowing fine day and cool 34 74

sa 6 hector sows all the fall wheat on field our the dyke very cool 30 72

sun 7 all at church fuil {fefrie?} johnst one preaches drowgening rain & cool 30 38

m 8 men dragging all day finishes dragging wheat very cool 30 60

tu 9 holt martin & wife goes away hector takes them up to salt bolt stoning wheat lone, {barnunu?} great shew at brantlord, cool 28 62

w 10 men cleaning out ditch on north of wheat field fine day & cool 30 72 {hears?} mr. mc phails brother with family is come with family from -

th 11 men mowing clover at neels slashing and in orchard, warm 60 80

f 12 men cutting thutles in foremoon, after tea takes the clover from neils = 2 loads which is put into old {platiles?} soft, very warm 60 84

sa 13 cuts some oat sheaires cuts thutles and takes in from orchard ond little load of clover which lushes own hay this season puts into new country soft, some thunder last night with a little rain very cool 30 degrees cooler than yesterday lights the {pest?} {pere?} in own 51, 54, 50

su 14 hector & sean at puslunch each aiment all the rest put felie cool 38 32

m 15 cleans out big {lpuing?} {gold?} young {loans?} & hureshers peas at new farm smell {bout?} lat night melons cucumbers tomatoes & potatoes cut down some 32 36

sept 1873

tu 16 men thrashing peas & general choring cleaning some peas & c 30 {60/66?}

w 17 all at guelph shew put jame & lilly a good day & good shew hector takes some chopping stuff to aber fayle, loe left at 4am got home at 9 pm front last 38 61

th 18 men stoning pea land & not doing much, very hot for the season 30 80

f 19 thunder and rain last night men stoning pea growed 30 60

sa 20 men stoning pea growed, loundy & cool season fairly changes now 36 30

su 21 fill at church leut robert & {alick?}, frost again last night graph leaves 32 32

m 22 men hauling dung for potatoes & killed a pig at noon, rain afternoon 40 38 men cleaned up the two little loads of peas that was put into new rain {reckoned?} no bigger than some of our {jungle?}loads - had 14'/2 bushels

tu 23 men hauling dung all day - fine day after a wet night. clear 40 62

w 24 men hauling dung all day jack roberson married today. fine clear 40 64

th 25 men hauls out the last of the dung to potatoes land, then plaoghing nol stalker comes to spread dung,much rain last night. clear & growing to day 40 65

f 26 men ploughing bol stalker spreading dung, very fine growing day 45 68 sa 27 men ploughing in foremoon & robert all day, all the rest at church in after- moon except fefrie rev.t.johnstone wings his collection of {flouiday?} gueer things here for me to keep for him till called for very hot summer heal 40 82

su 28 our {jachament?} all at but fefrie mr. wilson of caledona reaches 72 86

m 29 a deal of heavy rain last night and this morning men ligs some curse potatoes for pigs & c, {children?} pic nic all at {it last?} hector & robert - 60 32

tu 30 begun to dig potatoes, digs about 70 {illegible} 50 b.chilis 10 {biearly?} {garderich?} and 10 b.role a very fine day clear sunny not warm 30 64


w 1 dig 70 potatoes {illegible} 33 chilis & 13 peach blows fine day slight frost last 32 60

th 2 digs 105 potatoes {illegible} 30 b chilis & 33 cuscos puts the {suto?} old house for digs we have now finished diggen potatoes our total {aropes?} 243 bushels 36 38

f 3 threshers here thrashes all own pea 195 bushels, a fine but cool 36 32

sa 4 thresher own barley 84 bu 21 b. per {acre?} & spring wheat 20 bu only 5 {boper ache?} as there was4 {aches?} of each spring wheat and barley {stwas?} very wet this morning but we got on about 9 & threshed till one 40 38

su 3 all at church but jame fine day but cool 38 32

m 6 jame & me at gall gets a salt delen ture off 300 at 96 to be paid in ten years {illegible} 6 per cent no of debenture 3. men puils cool of we byce to night 36 44

{at the very bottom of the paper is very faded writing}

Oct 1873

tu 7 men Hector Ploughing robert at tom greys digging potatoes echoing 40 34

w 8 men ploughing in foremoon in afternoon at {for shiaves?} {seprates?} the {ram?} from lambo & gathering fallen apples very fine sunny day 32 64

th 9 robert takes hector {jean?} & {alick?} up to salt on there journey to keppel they will leaway at least a week fog this morning fine clear 43 64

f 10 robert takes the pumpkins until old stable & then ploughs carrying fallen apples very fine clear day like indian summer but early 40 64

sa 11 robert ploughing echoing leds pigs & some showers cloudy 40 38

su 12 all at church but robert and lilly a fine day but cool 40 38

m 13 robert ploughing carrying apples in foremoon {feline?} & afternoon 40 38

tu 14 robert plouging {felie?} & carrying apples all day, very fine indian 43 64

w 15 robert {gies?} up to salt to meet our peapie from keppel {lelie?} and carries the last of the good apples, has in all about 22 barrels, without {cranling?} small ow people comes home from keppel 40 62

th 16 all at {aw?} {lownohep?} shew but jane gets last {illegible} for bull 40 64

f 17 hector & robert ploughing {fepie?} & carries the last of small apples cool 40 34

sa 18 hector & robert ploughing till stoft by {rain?} about 9 am a good deal of rain afterwards {choung?} aftermoon buy 2 axe handles 40 36

su 19 jean & I at church {mr gilray?} preaches Mr Porteus absent 38 32

m 20 men ploughing finishes field & begins 16 ache field. told three pigs to Mr alrich for 6 per hundred, sleet at night 38 - 34 36

tu 21 men ploughing in 16 ache field tile stoft by rain, hector then goes to kill a pig per mrs moalirter & robert & cleans up a load of barely, mr mc phail from Jamaica here, a very nasty day some 36 44

w 22 men ploughing choung mr henderson collector here fine 38 34

th 23 hector at dundas with 35 b.barley got $1 per b #33 a wet {duagrealile?} day, parliament meets today at ottawa a hey for a 34 34

f 24 hector at {aber bable?} with chopping still robert ploughing edwin chambers & wife here, says his brother robert is dying 32 48

sa 25 men ploughing & the women {gunding?} apples for sauce fine 32 48

su 26 robert goes to {salt?} all at church form elliot goes away 34 46

m 27 robert not return from salt we take up and hauls the carrots = 34 bushels puts them {untils?} cellar shaws a few {illegible?} 34 46

tu 28 hilled three pigs sold to mr oldiesle a {maity?} wet day and sometimes soft snow, woods quite bale winter comeing on 32 44

oct 1873

w 29 robert hauling firewood we shawing & talking up {illegible} hector at salt youth three pigs at 672 at 6 per hd-840 and 24B barely at {illegible} 3 = 824 70 snow on the ground this morning cold 30 38

th 30 men repairs {illegible} in foremoon we showing & talking up {illegible} smarter hauls 12 loads of {illegible} 30 B per load = 360 B put units sheep house 30 42

f 31 shawing & taking up twirls till stoft by rain & snow in foremoon cleared up a little before night and threatens to be a hard frost 32 40 36


sa 1 hard frost last night & the ground white with snow we shaw and take up {illegible} all day hauls none a pretty good day 30 40

su 2 no reaching today mr parteus at caledoria a roger meeting held to robert at it hector & jean at moriston 31 42

m 3 heavy rain last night but white with snow this morning taking up {illegible} in foremoon hauls in aftermoon = 10 loads = {3oob?} of {which?} we put 7 loads into sheep house = 210 B and {illegible} total in sheep house 570 bushels cold looks {he?} winter 34 32

tu 4 hauling {illegible} all day 18 loads 12 waggon loads & 6 cart loads as we broke the axle tree of one was gon we had take the cart of {lerward?} we {illegible} the cart 23 B & the waggon 30 bushel = total today 310 B which we put into cow {byle?} a fine day but frozen hard in mor 30 49

w 5 hauling all day-15 loads of which carl loads of 23 beach the wagon 30 B total to day 410 bushels a fine day but frosty in the shade 30 32

th 6 thanksgiving day all at church but {fepie?} aftermoon hector robert and elliok at {illegible} very hard frost last night clear fine day winter 26 38

f 7 hauling {illegible} all day 18 loads of which 9 was carts & 9 wagons total to day 49 5 bushels hard frost again last night but very fine day 29 46

sa 8 hauls 11 loads of {illegible} of whcih 6 was carts at 3 wagons = 300 3 which finishes own {illegible} crop = total crop = 2375 in 84 loads but mr mc pilister got 30 B {deducting?} which we have 2343 of which here is in sheep house 570 B & in cow {byre?} 1773 bushels jean and hector goes to mr {gilhursts?} puslineh {goodeshs?} day 44 44

su 9 all at church but hector, young {gilchrust?} here cool 32 38

m 10 cuts oat sheavys in {morning?} {sheaus?} the colt, ploughing afternoon 28 34

tall hills two pies in foremoonmen ploughing in afternoon 30 36

Nov 1873

w 12 a real winter day 60 {rymoches?} of snow and some mows wreaths last night and it has melted nine all day. winter fiarly at present Hector win robsons threshing robert at tom gregs threshing. Cold now 30-34-30

th 13 Hector at tom gregs threshing in foremoon & robert at robson in foremoon in aftermoon hector & jean goes to {mo william?} with cheese robert choring no than yet quite winter weather weighs could go 26 32

f 14 tremendous frost last night for the season men getting dry firewood in {swamp?} {illegible} riddel & wife here fine day done 3-28-24

sa 15 men during {twin houses?} & choring rather mulder to day but very little snow has gone it is still {poselle?} for cutters to win this is the {thirel?} night the cows has been put up, own {feefers?} 24 38

su 16 all at church but robert fine day & thawnig {mildy?} 30 38

m 17 hazy day mot freezing & but {tillie?} thaw men ploughing 30 34

tu 18 jean & meat dundas & get 36 dollars for coupens gets a pair of potatoes $2.50 & a pair of calf skin boots $4 men ploughing 30 36

w 19 men ploughing still though thaw to day cloudy 30 30

th 20 robert at mr deekers threshing, hector tried to plough but could not for frost & get up the carrots & beets in garden 24-26-21

f 21 put the ram to the {swes?} robert at deekers threshing & make a twin up {creel?} hector chouing snowing almost all day winters 21 35

su 22 hector at aber royle with gust robert choung john duekon comes with a mate, there is now snow enough for heighs to go but supose coheeted carriage coill still be used for heavy loads 28 36

su 23 all at church but may hector & jean at puslunch heaving mr {me jab?} the rest at kirk wall mild day but no thaw 30 34

m 24 more snow last night enough now for heighing men bring home the plough & laying by tools for winter john me luan comes with circulars saw on heigh and sets it in afternoon the horse power has 28 34

tu 25 sawing own firewood cuts 32 cords with 13 hands and finishes at half past 3pm began at 9am very smart work coldish day 21 28

w 26 hector at aberoyle with heigh for gust, Robert at Bensy Dicksons {hrishing?} good laghing now led the lambs with hay, hard proof 7 24

th 27 hector & both at benyys threshing in foremoon cuts oat sheaves snowing to day good heighing now brings home the {cloes?} to feed hard 24 16

Nov 1873

f 28 hector at salt. Jean & john at Fanets robert went to john Dicksons to thresh this morning but the machine broke down so they did nothing splendid hug {hen?} now plenty of mow & winter fairly {melt?} frost 7 28

sa 29 hector & jean at freelton with yarn to weaver robert at John Dicksons threshing Johns Dicksons cousin goes to swamp after rabbits no tracks fine heighing 16 24

su 30 all at church but jean takes the sleigh excellent heighing 16 26


m 1 snowing and drifting heavy all day snow quite deep robert at Dicksons 14 26

tu 2 raining ice last night a hard crust on the snow and trees loaden thawing {south?} rain to day and dark fog near night {fefine?} goes away to salt to sewing school robert takes her up in cutter 30 38

w 3 raining and thawing all day snowing going fast men choring {heshing?} oats puts up 18 bags of bambo apples and after chores & 38 48

th 4 great gale of wind all day & now setting in a hard frost. John Dickson goes away & hector take him up to guelph with 16 bags apples they will get their burnet set for it is very cold, robert choring 37 28

f 5 men choung snow all gone. a griming fell to day frosty 22 26

wek down in full flood

sa 6 men choring patching we byre the wind has whipped & 20 28

su 7 all at church but may and alick freezing 24 30

m 8 men ruins up 23 bags of peas & go to me {anmalgs?} to steroscopec news of lierra newada milder in morning then misty & thawing 28 28

tu 9 hector at salt with the peas = 35 bush at 32 cent per bush = $28.60 robert puts dung to some of the apple trees, thawing all day 36 40

w 10 hector at salt south 20 bush potaes to mr.roberson at 30 cents =#6 we kirm all day and gets no butter & warn hands for threshing to 30 34

th 11 threshers here threshes 94 bushels of wheat all the crop of 16 acres begins the oats in afternoons a soft day and having all day 36 40

f 12 finishes the oats at noon 210 bushels {hresherd?} goes away at mr chelols and mate here from salt. some snow last night 32 36

sa 13 men cleaning up chall in {swin?} for timothy seed. snowing hard all day plenty now for pleughing again but no frost in the ground sheep frostened again. ashes 34 28

su 14 all at church but withh sleigh but jane plenty of snow for good heighing 28 30

m 15 men choring {zildling?} chall filling beds with chall & straw fixing timothy seed & cutting oat sheaves & c 28 32

Decr 1873

Tu 1516 Hector goes to Galt with 30 {Ba.?} Potatoes to Jo Adams at 30 cents = and to a sale at - Baydon's {illegible name} Robert choring. warm 30 38 {author writes above the line} -#9

W 16 17 Hector & Robert both at Cowes threshing I choring, A sun thaw 28 40

Th 17 18 {Men?} at Cowes threshing in forenoon choring in afternoon sunny very mild 30 40

F 18 19 Hector gone to see {illegible name} both who has the measles at Grandmother's Robert choring, Begins to give the Pigs Peas - shut them up to day, thaw 30 38

Sa 19 20 Robert choring Hector goes to see Elizabeth in afternoon goes with Jean in buggy with cheese to Kirkwall, getting colder 30 24 {author writes above the line} paid globe & Postage do W McMullan

Su 21 Hector & Jean seeing Elizabeth May I at Church frosty 20 26

M 22 Hector & Robert choring I {illegible text} Mrs. Porteus at Teeny here 15 24

Tu 23 Hector & Robert at Mr.Menzie's with chopping stuff May goes with them to see Old Mr.Porteus smell frost clear 11 30

W 24 Men cleans up a load of oats & chores. I Plant six seeds of the great Californian tree god from B Mc{illegible name} 20 34

Th 25 Christmas day our men goes to Clyde to shoot for Turkeys But they got none, A very fine day mild thaw {author writes above the line} {illegible name} J McQueens I no kirkwall 20 36

F 27 26 I collecting seat rents for church Men choring {author writes above the line} snowing at night 20 34

Sa 27 Collecting seat Kents & Hector takes me round in {illegible text} {author writes above the line} very mild thaw 30 36

Su 28 All at Church but Robert who is taking {physic?} coolish 26 26

M 29 Kills our beefs cow Wm.Dickson helps us. some snow drift and 30 28

Tu 30 Hector at Robert {illegible name} Roup who has sold his farm for #4500 splitting firewood & choring. cold today with hard frost above 11 26

W 31 Hector at Galt with oats 66B at 36 per B = $23.76 Robert choring Mr.Childs comes with Hector mild day 20 33 Another year has passed, our life glides on Tommorow & old seventy three is gone But who shall see the close of seventy four; The answer is beyond all mortal power

Janury 1874

th 1 and this is new years day one night moralise but {floont?} the men is on only choring & do fine mild day 30 38

f 2 men sawing up old oak before old house flake $143 to me lueen for 34 38

sa 3 hector jean alick lilly & is at salt hector took up a few oats mr childs went away with us & got $32 1/2 interest from salt coupens paid flemung & es $6 for blaxkwood & chamleers for a year in advance paid beformer #2 got custom oil cents, thawing mild all day no heughing coming home 42 32

su 4 all at church but may a singular day for the season no rain and the glals at 32 in the morning and 63 at 2 pm mow gone all 32 63

m 5 men sawing old oak & choring fine day------- 26 30

tu 6 hector robert & fat church this being the week of prayers a coarse day snowing all day something like ice hail winter is back again 26 26

w 7 jean & leey at janet mo alesters men at old oat druggling all day a cost of half rain which sticks to the trees as ice, trees load in now 30 32

th 8 hector jean may & fat {wm?} riddels {vriting?} jeans birthday robert keeping house the trees loaden with ice hard crust on mow height 30 34

f 9 men at old oak, mild day calm snow in afternoon trees loaded 30 36

sa 10 hector finishes splitting up old oat robert at salt to see childs a good plughing now, trees loaden 30 31

su 11 all at church but jane robert comes back from salt 30 33

m 12 men chopping fallen trees in sugar bush pretty {smell?} clear 20 24

mr falconer pays $130 on his note of $200 and $8 of {intereil?} leaving $30 still to pay. to do {luhieh?} have given him another year

tu 13 men cleaning wheat, not doing much. smell frost last night 4 22

w 14 hector at rocton court about malcom & mr falconer plea about harrows robert chopping in sugar bush fixing a creel snel 11.22.18

th 15 hector & jean at salt with wheat send with them #130 cash and a bank deposet aecept 30 to be put in merchants bank robert chopping in sugars bush doing little very {smell?} all day 9 10

f 16 hector at Dicksons killing pigs. roberts chopping in sugar bush {smell?} 3 14

sa 17 men chopping in sugar bush, {smell?} clear {heny?} good slughing 4 23

su 18 all at church but may & {I?} as {I?} am not very well threshed with 20 26

m 19 hector & robert takes a sow to bear at mom Dicksons robert then picking apples hectors goes to mr chugholins with clothes to make 30 37

thawing mostly all day. queen country this canada of awrs.

jan {7?} 1874

tu 20 men bungo now home fromboar me william here for 3 potatoes bags in aftermoon men in sugar bush chopping pretty {snell?} again above 8 22

w 21 hector & jean at the funeral of -- johnston a young man aged 25 and nephew of mrs martine nicol robert chopping snow and rain last night and a thaw all day quite mild 34 40

th 22 men choring creeching graith & hector goes to valens take declar ration as frustee heavy rain last night & to day creek in full {flood?} 36 47

f 23 hector goes to pudlunch about a horse but was sold robert {chowing?} 36.34.2

sa 24 hector may & church creek in full flood {sunmuny?} over the love strong at budge but over the load in swamp, near night heavy mow showers & wendy & cold setting per a hard frost & stormy night 30 26

su 25 {run?} {facraiment?} all at church but alick & robert cold dear 14 14

m 26 fat church are congregational meeting. #30 short of funds pea thraw inwee byre finished

tu 27 hector at the funetal of beattie aged 39 thawing and snowing 32

w hector cold mr oldruch two flurs for #70 and a pig for #8

w 28 men at salt {touth?} trees & pig john goes to drive the horses the gets #2 from dr lundy over ched to me by mistake 36 2

th 29 general ellection all over the province none here own member mr bain going in by acelaination me in at firewood 26 30

f 30 men at firewood {bune?} dry cedar from 9th con for kindling very cold and above 4

sa 31 men at firewood mr childs went away, cold clear above 5


su 1 all at church but may & lilly still cold and stuff wind 8

m 2 men at firewood in foremoon snowing hard all aftermoon men chung above 6 16

tu 3 men at firewood mr paterson old comodoze {buried?} to day 20

w 4 robert at won robertsons threshing hector choung snowing after 20

th 5 robert at robsons threshins hector in bush chopping firewood 0

f 6 hector & jean at ms {gilchrusts puslinch?} robert choring - cold windy above 2

looks very like a storm of snow to night, wind east small snow

sa 7 hector goes for the doctor to alick who has been sick for some day, doctor coming {timoprerw?} {illegible} oat sheaves in aftermoon. lushmules in sheep hous up till middle pillar forne anore snow last night

clear sunny

Feb 1874

m 9 men at firewood {cloudy?} but pretty mild 14 30

tu 10 men at firewood choring mild with some snow showers 14 26

w 11 hector robert at salt with {wm?} {lowe?} bought a circular saw and left it to get fixed robert went to say goodbye to childs who is going home 14 26

th 12 men at firewood doctor here at slick johns is threatened {couth?} fandice 20 32

f 18 great thaw last night and all day with heavy rain last night but not to day men chopping whian fair creek down {lug?} pools in the fields 44 44

sa 14 men at firewood fine clear day frost last night pools all froze 20 30

su 15 all at church but robert & alick a collection laken up to make up our defiency of funds. got $46.30 the largest collection ever made 24 31

m 16 hector goes to pustinch looking after a horse robert chopping loundry 31 30

tu 17 hector & robert at cowes sawing wood. rev mr nav here fine 18 22

w 18 hector & jean at frayerville hewery mr me nal lecture on red wer robert chouing having got a finger {friused?} yesterday at cowes 14 22

th 19 hector goes to neil me saters in puslinch & buys a horse for $130 and brings it home robert at couses swamp with the oxen making rod 8 mild thing to day robt me dueens social tonight 30 38

f 20 men chopping firewood fine mild thaw huging gone much black ground concert at our chove to night h.r & joined at it collected #42/2 36 36

sa 21 mild and mowing soft all day men choring goos sleighing moy 24 37

su 22 all at church but jane, thawing gently all day 30 36

m 23 mawed or rather hailed last night something gelwen ice hail a hard crust this morning hector hauling firewood to mrs me alisten robert hauling firewood home with arlen thawing again 28 39

tu 24 cutting oat sheaves in foremoon men hauling firewood afterwards 18 22

w 25 hector at salt for plastey jean goes with him to return some collon yarn that wont weave rob thawing firewood mowing now 6 pm wind 14 22

th 26 men hauling firewood bible to wet meeting at church here 0 26

f 27 hector at brock road for lumber rob hauling & e 26 30

sa 28 men dragging old logs out of swamp for firewood a pet of a day sky clear but house sede, {zunming?} by sun heat skunk got away from 24 36

march 1874

su 1 all at church but may & lilly very fine and thawing with a clear sky plighing last fields spotting lost grapped 24 46

m 2 men having firelog out {twany?} till thaw lungs the water down a strong thaw with clear sky {llughing?} entrely done fields nearly black the snow has never been one lost deep this 30 46 jean says she saw three blue {birds?} to day a glendinning comes

tu 3 men at firewood more blue birds seen saw a ground bud a singular fine day sunny and strong thaw ground black except patches this weather cannot last creek open heavy rain at night crows plenty 36 52

w 4 frost again last night men at bush chopping firewood 24 30

th 5 men at bush chopping hard frost last night creek road swelled mr porteus here visiting clear & cold 19 30

f 6 men at bush chopping & piling cloudy strong east wind with something between snow and rain all day very disagrealie 28 33

sa 7 a nasty disagreable day it had rained ice all last night and this morning the trees was loaden with clean ice but all came down before noon, men choring blast 30 40

su 8 all at church but may & allick coldish but some snow 20 30

m 9 men choring, cold loundy stormy day with snow blasts 19 24

begins to feed the sheep {lurnys?} three times per day they are

tu 10 men spilling firewood at home windy and cold grapped 20 26

hector brother sandy comes from keppel

w 11 hector and his brother at salt per bran, robert {spelling?} wood 19 22

th 12 hector & his brother going about robert spelling wood very cold 14-18-12

f 13 hector goes to aber royal with a gust his brother sand goes with him robt walens & wife here they put next tuesday for luck 10 22

sa 14 hector comes home with the gust he was at mr.gilchrests all night bill robson brings me peas me pear grafts robt splilling wood 20 32

su 15 all at church but hector collection for widow fund 20 34

m 16 men takes up a load of hay from old stable, we them cut a mixing it with straw we then cut oat sheaves till tea time thawing 30 40

tu 19 hector at salt with ram and gets clover seed & robt & over hauling rotton lurnips in sheep house & thawing 32 42

w 18 men mending fences I sharpen spouts strong thaw loads 40 32 deep & {glouve?} all gone blue {winds?} & robins guile plenty.

march 1874

th 19 men sitting timothy & mending budges between gote & sugar bust very mild the frost almost out of the ground snow all gone but 30 36

f 20 men finish the bridges in foremoon & afternoon taps some of our sugar trees kunmung pretty well also takes out the sugar {kettles?} 30 36

sa 21 men tap the rest of the trees I fix boling place, we gather 18 pails of sap & {sarops?} off 16 pails leaving 2 pails in middle pals puts loader 30 48

su 22 all at church but jane tap running pretty well coolish 30 38

m 23 cold windy day with hard frost last night & today the sap which ran yesterday frozen hard in laughs men choring very cold 18,20,17

tu 24 hector at mr mensie getting peas & oats cracked robert takes the circular saw fron I cowes to mr mo alistons intending to saw her firewood {tomouow?} 12 26

w 25 hector & robert at mr mc alistons sawing he wood I gather 13 pails of sap some of it very strong as it was frozen & threw away the ice a queen climate this thawing all and freezing hand freezing hard yesterday 30 40

th 26 gets 33 pails of sap & by {illegible} off 43 pails as there was pails in patts and to night we leave 5 pails in potts men cleaning peas as old burn thawing day but cold wind & freezing at night 38,38,30

f 27 no no tap to day gathered only 2 pails hector attends school examination julia mc queen married elliot 24 36

sa 28 no sap to day freeing men choring threatening snow 26 33

su su 29 all at church but jane & lilly cool no run hard frost last 22 34

m 30 gatherd 9 pails of sap did mat kindle they use men choring hector goes to brock road to weaver got a web did not get it 24 38

tu 31 hector at salt grening home {fefine?} & getting some seeds lime & robert making a gate for north field at concgsion, hard frost no sap 18 26


w 1 hector & jean away seeing a sick child of gilch at mr macntyo robert making a gate a snell frost for april no sap worth 12 34

th 2 gather 11 pails sap but boiled none men choung snowing now 6pm 28 40

f 3 hector sick with colie robert goes for the doctor and is not come home yet this is good friday and robt is keeping as a sunday some snow last night but not much no sap guide frosty 26 33 24

sa 4 doctor {seung?} hector who has {illegible} of the bowels and is very ill boils down sap in pots makes into {illegible} 10 24

very cold

april 1874

su 5 robert goes to talk the doctor about hector may & I at church snowing hard in afternoon and very stormy 18 28

m 6 I clean the snow out of the tough doctor here seeing hector thinks he has got the turn robt wm cowe barney mr armaly & john lapsley moves our old workshop up to new plalile mild 20 36

tu 7 robert takes me one cart load of {lurnys?} for sheep, mr porteus here seeing hector we gather 27 pace of {aop?} and lyroys it off leaving water in jettles, fine warm but pool win snow 30 42 heals one frog whistling in swamp for rust time

w 8 robert choung, we gather 14 pails sap but boils none fine day 30 37 last night robt {fefine?} alick & lilly at kirkwall {heaving?} mr russel preach

th 9 gets 40 pails sap {illegible} 36 pails leaving 9 in pats roberts cleans the baltie & last my bet of a plug of {lsbacce?} 30 37

f 10 gets 34 pails sap & {syrops?} off 34 leaving 9 pails in pots the same as last night robert & hector fixing old work shop at new barn 30 42

sa 11 some snow last night sap cold windy and frosty piolt choung 30 26

su 12 pill at church but jane & hector who is much worse to day 20 36

m 13 robt goes for the doctor to hector {illegible} does not see him we gather 28 pails sap & be syrops off 30 heaving 14 pails in pots 28 46

tu 14 doctor here last night says hector has {william?} ation of the bladder we got 24 pails sap & syroped of 38 robt carpentering old {shore?} 40 62

w 15 got 18 pails sap but did not kindlw the fire robt & alick at salt fair & lungs E childs here to work mild in morning but colden all day 52.46.3

th 16 got 26 pails sap syrops 37 & left 9 pais in pots robt & childs fixing old workshop & hanging {gates?} at north fields the doctor here mr posteu & ms porteus here got a letter from walter armstrong with brother 28 4

f 17 men chounig {raining?} stone & fixing sheep {illegible} house as the ocen ran away per the end of it {fefrie?} gather only 2 pails 30 36

sa 19 18 men {illegible} stones we got 41 pails sap and syroped off 39 pails leaving in pots the last boiling & this is to be morales fine 30 44

su 20 19 has pair twin lambs the twist = 2 fine day sap running 32 32

m 21 20 has one pair twin & one lunge = 3 men kill a pig I am bad with dysentery a wet day & some thunder tho women gathered 21 pails of yesterdays sap & syroped off 32 pails 40 46

leaving water in the potts

april 1874

tu 22 21 had 3 lambs to day one pair {to cns?} men raising stones, no sap 32 44

w 23 22 had 6 lambs to day three pair twins men raising stones hector and jean at salt for seeds, gathered 13 pails sap boiled none very fine 34 49

th 23 has 3 lambs to day 1 pair twins & one we wont take her own lamb men raising & blasting stones got 4 pail, sap & syroped off 17 pails, fine 34 46

f 24 has 5 lambs to day two pair worms men raising stones hector begins to plough in 16 ache field, up till to night has 22 lamb from 14 {ewes?} there being 9 pair twins & four angle, has last none yet gathered 31 44

sa 25 has 9 lambs to day 3 pair twins and 3 single men cutting the last of the oat sheaves in fore moon. snowing aftermoon gathered 6 pails sap nasly 30 38 yesterday got a langholrnpaper with a sketch of my {bommy?} sel! who a the pigs worried a lamb to day pulling it through the logs of thee byre

su 26 may & me at church hears wm drone our precenter died last night rad 2 lambs to day twins one lamb died to day snow all gone 30 40

m 27 no lambs to day got 1/2 ton of hay from R pentland price #6 men choung craft apple at old cheese pres {10th?} fall pippins 28 44

tu 28 no lambs to day hector ploughing in little field at old slable in foremoon men taking off stones in aftermoon hector & fat the funeral of wm drone aged 32 his sudden death has created a profound sensation women gathered 3 packs sap and syroped off 11 pails execpt this the 30 42

w 29 has 3 lambs to day all jingle hector & robert. childs at salt for medicine to hector cold barren north wind crows out but no 30 36

neil colted last night a male colt

th 30 men ploughing with three ploughs hector having the two years old that was never {harnefsed?} before and he does well I bring home the spouts from sugar bush barren weather 33 46


f 1 this is the first of may & a barren day it is blowing hard & wind north no lambs to day puts the {wnlambed ewes?} - 11 into field {illegible} 30 50 at newtable all three men ploughing at gilberts line

sa 2 2 lambs to day both single childs & richardson slowing robert ploughing hector at salt for a son of coarse salt 35 30

su 3 has 2 lambs to day toms all at church but may & lilly 34 52

m 4 has 2 lambs to day twins hector sowing salt & barley men dragging 35 50

jean & {fefsie?} at kirkwall school house heaving me paynter preach.

may 1874

5 no lambs to day hector sowing peas & seeds a swedies of {sweet?} brings her lamb home to pet men dragging skin the ewe has a cold 36 60

w 6 no lambs, men rolling sowing and harrowing took phyice and am 36 32

th 7 one ewe lambed a dead lamb 1 put another lamb to her which she is likely to take men ploughing to hard a frost last night 30 30 the men could not harrow may plants sop & polaloe one ons

neil look the horse

f 8 a ewe lambed a dead lamb bad luck that two men finishes dragging 16 ache field sees 2 martlet wallows puts up the fine saws {sunflower?} quite warm to day 35 71

sa 9 1 lamb to day single 1 the ewe that lambed yesterday died to day its effects that is two ewes dead lately men stoning & rolling 16 acre field finishes stoning it very hot to day 36 85

su 10 1 lamb to day single these is now only three ewes to lamb all at church but me & {fefice?} I have hurt my rib and {tis?} very sore, late spring no broille growth on willos yet hat 46 84

m 11 no lambs men cutting hay with cutter cant help them with {?} {illegible} men kills a calf in aftermoon green an willows lust veseble 40 38

tu 12 having finished lowing the men has been choung to day fixing gate at old house & saw pigs =6 fine growing day willows getting 40 76

w 13 hector salt {fefore?} goes with him to buy {?} robert ploughing potatoe and thunder with fine shower last night great growth mow 46 76

th 14 men ploughing we cut 12 bushels of potatoes a ewe lambs twins one of them a monster with only one eye night in the front and no upper jaw we killed it & boiled the head & feet the skull in museums we cut the lambs has 43 with one to lamb yet weather 19 ewes 24 = 44 hector told 26 boats to eduson greg & mr at 40 cents per b

f 15 men at potatoe land un foremoon in afternoon planting potatoes cuscor & chilis cuscor at the westms mr mensir here fine dry 46 64

sa 16 plants the last of our potatoes in aftermoon rose & {gode rich?} it was raining in foremoon last week vegetation has gone a head at a great gate willow quite green & the bush getting a greenish tinge cold to 40

black more colted last night

su 17 all at church but hector & lilly the last ewe lambed 44 38 and a dead lamb bud luck with late lambed ewes

may 1874

m 18 jane rain last night & men hauling off stones in aftermoon {illegible} ploughs pumpkin patch puts the owes to sugar bush. pulling 46 36

tu 19 men hauling stones from field east of orch and to foundation of fence at swamy pulling cockle & bedroot - cochle very bad fine growing weather but not warm 46 38

w 20 men hauling stones to swamp fence {fefoie?} & pulling {cocker?} & red root 50 54

th 21 men blasting stones in foremoon, cutting the last of the hay in aftermoon we pulling {cocker?} & helping to cut hay clear sunny cool 46 62

f 22 men at stones puchie piling dung at sheep house we finish pulling {cocker?} but will have to over it again as there is much missed gets the puns rhie - 46 62

sa 23 men at stones in aftermoon hector jean may & at church bees on willows 50 70

su 24 but parament all at church but {fefine?}. robert goes to salt {?} to go to with {illegible} to niagera tomorrow, some blossoms peeping out 50 70

m 25 lueens birth day robert away hector ploughing thunder with good rain last night it was much wanted things was gettig very dry rather showery all day 40 60

tu 26 hector sowing plaster in foremoon jean & {fefrie?} plants the corn robert not returned from lueen day fount yet i pulling cockle, cool 40 34

w 27 hector ploughing robert stoning I pulling cockle apple & plum trees 45 76

th 28 men begins to haul dung for {illegible} may & fat rayer meeting at church very hot to day a fine sheep hog died awalt a pily apples in 36 90

f 29 men hauling dung I cutting cockle country cooking splendid warm 36 80

sa 30 men hauling dung I not doing much very hot country cooking glouous some apple trees in full blosson where nearly some man drake flower out but not not many lukes coming out 56 88

su 31 all at church but jean, fine shower but not enough 38 82 74


m 1 men finishes hauling dung much cooler to day looks drowthy 56 62

tu 2 men spreading dung dung & ploughing for {?} in the aftermoon we wash the sheep fine day flowering almond in full {floom?} 46 70

w 3 men ploughing richie spreading dung a muckle pet {wi?} rules now!! flowering almond in full blossom wood in about full {fotage?} cool 40 68

4th men plough ung & spreading dung fine shower with thunder last night 30 80

f 5 hector & jean at kamilton with 13 bags potatoes & to buy phosphate {?} & {illegible} one ploughing the other seatterin dung warm 33 8

sa 6 men ploughing richson finishes spreading dung I doing little one peony in full blow the rest just bursting out hat 55-82-70.

june 1874

7 at church fine showers with sharp thunder warm 36 80

m 8 men ploughing hector drags the potatos & funds the bug on them 46 72

tu 9 hector ploughing sod robert bob grags barn rasing & gathering bugs off the potatoes the potatoes just brawding & crowded with bugs a great deal of thunder last night but no rain here but much south 98 80

w 10 hector & robert clips the sheep, I would not help them for their pets I gathering bugs they are more plentyful to day than yesterday and on the very place, I learned yesterday all our neighbours has them bad cool 30 72

th 11 raining a good deal men plough sod and lakes off stones very 40 48

f 12 men hauling off stones I chunk some fences and lets the pigs out they have been kept up all winter keeps one in to kill and the sow & pigs may sent for to mrs wm cowe a shouting very cool 40 60

sa 13 men hauling off stones & blasting I catching potatoes bugs & cutting this - 46 66

su 14 hector & jean at puslunch sacrament robert keeps house the rest at church 50 76

m 15 men ploughing sod I killing potoe bugs cloudy & some drizzling rain 50 68

tu 16 raining a good deal in foremoon but the men finished ploughing sod east of orchard I cutting thistles & killing potatoe bugs blast them 30 60

w 17 hector at forest mill with a gust robert stoning and dragging {swany?} land {fefore?} & killing bugs in foremoon richardson & I cutting thistles among barley peas & oats, fine day shower last 30 74

th 18 hector drawing lunch dulls robert sowing phosphate & dragging till tea time when he & I sows weat bery swamps on west side of field richardson & I cutting thistles among oats in formoon fine clear 60 76

f 19 hector drilling robert sowing phosphate & & sowing {twineps?} wm here in foremoon dragging richardson stonery an crocping dung at old barn in aftermoon robert at {illegible} with the {illegible} I cathcing bugs very fine clear & warm 60 83

sa 20 hector drilling & sowing turnups robert at cowe's with open logging 60 73

su 21 the longest day! all at church but robt & {fefsie?} fine warm 60 80

m 22 men working platute labour but pay 81 92 for my time 2 day hector sends richardson in his place & he drills the last of turnups 66 81

tu 23 men at platute labour in foremoon hector sows the last of the turnips then goes to a raising at watsons at roads in aftermoon I sow headings with turnips for grasshoppers which {?} 66 86 to be quite a plague this year then catch bugs {loan?}

June 1874

w 24 men finishes their statute labour at noon in afternoon cuts some old hay to mix with meal for oxen and chorer & bourus cath bugs 60 76

th 25 hector jean may lilly & alick at salt with wool 37 pieces weight 23lbs 230lbs average weight per sheep 6.8/37 lbs price 37/2 cents =$86.25 may got new gown parasol & robert john cowe & nobody at home but {fefine?} & fine little shower here with some thunder but much more at salt 60.88 72

f 26 hector dragging pallow robert at cowes & the {burns?} killing bug but they are now well thinned. cool & getting colder 6pm wind east & queen hun 60.76.60

sa 27 hector & robert dragging nell took the horse again the lad and the barn catching bugs pat only 446 a mere {tutle?} now mr {pienius?} here 65 81

su 28 all at church but hector & jean very hot the hottest day we have had yet 70 93

m 29 robert at A janiths barn raining hector drags out the {pallow?} and then while the potatoes & carrots I cut the {stles?} & catch a few bugs but we have thinned them but the graps hoppers threatens to be a ten times worse plague they are in millions has eaten the most of our fares & will soon finish the remainder as well as the carrots & is eating more pasture than all our stock 70 82

tu 30 hector & robert hung carrots in foremoon & hund corn in aftermoon hector comence cutting hay at neils slashing & field N of sugar bush both bery bery poor. robert goes to mow wuno the clover & I cut thistles 34 76


w 1 dominion day robert at guelph. hector cutting & raking hay north of sugar bush I killing bugs & cocking hay, warm 63 82

th 2 in the morning hauls me small was of hay from the corner at neils then cuts + takes the rest of field n of sugar bush & robert {fefine?} & I haules it in 4 wee load & puts it in horse soft poor poor day 50 74

f 3 hector cutting clover all day robert mowing orchard catching bugs 60 78

sa 4 hector cutting & raking all day= finishes cutting one field in afternoon robert & I cocking at horse rake good crop of clover 60 76 some rain & a good deal of thunder last night but we want more

su 5 all at church but rob & alick very {illegible} & drowthy clear 63 82

m 6 hector raking in foremoon robt & I hauling 3 loads of hay I loading {2m?} afternoon hector robt & {felise?} hauls 5 loads {illegible} raking orchard 63.86

tu 7 hauling hay all day with two teams in foremoon frank {train?} helping in aftermoon only one team hauls 9 loads puts 1 load into old stable 80 95 into ewe byre 5 into cowbyre & 1 into horse sloble I get bushed stopt by thunder & rain at tea time fine shower {ruil mat?} enough very very hot.

July 1874

8 hector in foremoon cutting hay in island field. robert & I shakes out the cocks that got wet last night. they haul it in aftermoon 2 loads puts them into old stable loft then goes to help mr cowe hill hot 84 {90?}

th 9 hector cuts out the Island field in foremoon - the last of our hay robert taking what was cut yesterday I hung pumpkins in aftermoon we haul what robert raked = 4 loads put into horse 74 82

f 10 some rain last night so we hoe out the pumpkins in aftermoon hector takes all the hay & we haul 3 loads for horse stable I loading the last load was {?} to barn as it came on heavy rain with thunder we left one load infield cocked and that is all the hay we have out got a complete ducking coming home, there is now a comet in the north just seen on the night of the first of june 72 82

sa 11 hector sets up the potatoes robert & alick cutting hustles lilly & I cathing bugs in foremoon in afternoon jean {fefise?} & alick helps us and we get three tin pails full to the brim of the young {?} in for they are hatched now. after tea we take in 1 load of #hay the last of our crop total no of loads 32 but some 65 76

su 12 all at church but my & lilly robert at {cult?} after we came home it began to rain & rained all night plenty of rain now and we had much need of it for our pasture was gone with {?} and 65 72

m 13 robert comes ome at noon then we all cut thistles mrs valins and two daughters here our turnips not brauded yet though down on the 19th & 20th of june we are afraid they will never come 60 74

tu 14 hector jean & fat salt jean gets a sitting spinning wheel sput #36 dollars into merchants bank bug bleak 90 cent 65 80 86

w 15 men cutting thistles all day we catch bugs in forenoon 70 88

th 16 men finishes cutting thistles & fences at pumpkins & orchard some heavy thunder spates last evening with thunder very cool 50 67

f 17 me {?} clover for second crop alick & I cutting thistles 60 78

sa 18 men fencing in garden & repailing orchard pen I fence peas and two apples trees from calves let into orchard & cutting thistles 65 86

su 19 all at church but hector & jean very hot 70 88

m 20 cutting thistles on pallow in foremoon in aftermoon hector & robert goes to cowes to rake & bind wheat as he begins 60 78 harvest to day.

July 1874

tu 21 men at cowes harnesting in foremoon in aftermoon {nadling?} in our wheat around the fences & stones heaps I thinning carrots & cutting 60 78

w 22 cutting wheat with reaper in afternoon wm cowe & frank helping us cut thistles on turnips land in foremoon fine day but warm 70 82

th 23 cutting wheat all day & finishes our crop of fall wheat wm cowe & frank train helping us - better crop than we expected - fine day 70 84

f 24 hector & robert at cowes binding wheat alick & I hoeing up thistles in hot 70 90

sa 23 my birthday finished my 74th year hugh ho! hector cuts all the barley and we rake & stock it all but that at end of old stable - very sultry & hot the air soft & opressure 70 88

su 26 all at church but may & robert some rain last night 70 80

m 27 bakes the barlet in we field at old stable and hauls all the fall wheat in afternoon 16 loads & a pickle, cool cloudy 60 76

tu 28 some rain last night hector rakes the wheat stubble & takes it in robert & alick cutting thistles & stoning pallows I get a pound of tobac 35 68

w 29 robert {cultwating?} pallow hector jean & may goes to brock road to see cheese factory alick & I killing bugs not very many now 60 78

th 30 men {cullouting?} & flowing till tea time after which we haul all the barley 7 loads and finished about 10 oclock as it looks like rain 60 82

f 31 men choring at many things mr gilchust and children here, some rain & distant thunder last night but not much deouthy to day 60 82


sa 1 hector at the mill for gust & chopping stuff robert cobbling gate posts 35 79

su 2 all at church but {fefsie?} me porteus sick no preaching elders officates 36 74

m 3 hector sowing plaster on second crop of clover, robert in afternoon at alfred dickers threshing mr alick takes away 2 {?} price# 30 34

tu 4 men fixing barrack in foremoon threshers here in afternoon & threshers barley 107 bushels & wheat 38 bushels I dont help them 60 77

w 5 men begins to cut peas mr puold? takes away all the lambs get {illegible} $lll they were very lean & hector gave some lambs into the bargain and #4 dollars {beride?} our pasture is ruined by grasshoppers 60 80

th 6 men cutting peas all day fine drowthy want a little rain 60 80

7 men cutting peas all day, warm distant thunder at night & like 60 86

pa 8 men finishes cutting peas at tea time I heading kye on odd corners as our regular pasture is a desert with the grasshoppers 63 86

Augt 1874

9 all at church but hector luarteuy collection fees torn johnston with his young florida {lorle?}- very hot 68 88

m 10 men turning peas in foremoon hauls 6 loads in afternoon 60 86

tu 11 hauls the last of the peas = 7 loads puts 4 into barrack and 3 into new barn bauns goes to party at ministers very hot 70 90

w 12 men choring in foremoon in aftermoon at cowes threshing blood heat this has been the hottest day per the last six years 75 98

th 13 hector cutting oats all day we binding and stooking much cool 60 80

f 14 hector cuts the last of the oats in 16 acre field in foremoon and we bind & stook then much damaged with grasshoppers & mildew very drouthy & like to be we want rain but looks like a set drouth 60 78

sa 15 men cleans out big spring in foremoon cuts the spring to heat in aftermoon 3 acres & we bind & stook it mr gilchrest here telling us of the death of his child at mr mc intyre of dysentery - very prevalent just now 65 82

su 16 all at church but robt & {fefine?} clear very drouthy 70 84

m 17 robt cradles the last of at swamp in afternoon we haul the oats 8 loads from 16 acres fields much eaten by grasshoppers 70 90

tu 18 hauls our spring wheat = 4 loads & rakes & hauls the little patch of oats in swamp - 1 load this finishes our harvest - rather poor one james elliot patching the barn & old house things very dry 70 84

w 19 men choung in afternoon hector goes to salt about a boar - kills 65 83

th 20 men putting out dung on pallow I pull about 3 bushels astracan apples slight showers all day & looks like more and it was never more wanted here for our regular pasture is quite a desert with grasshoppers & drouth but the cattle is rather off just now since the fields was cleared of grain they have more picking & room 65 83

f 21 men putting out dung & robert begins to harrow down the {illegible} drills as they never came sow have no turnips this year sorue 60 79

sa 22 men dragging turnip land for wheat hector drawing the edges 60 74

su 23 all at church but my & lilly quite cool 56 74

m 24 hector & robert ploughing where the turnips should have been we shall not have a turnip this year cool 30 72

tu 25 salt seed fair hector at it robt ploughing cool 60 78

w 26 men ploughing fine day but very drauthy want {raid?} badly beet the grasshoppers is misty gone 60 76

Augt 1874

th 27 men ploughing finishes field begins to plough east of orchard 33 78

f 28 robert floring in foremoon hector cutting second cropof clover crop very poor drouthed cuts only patcher - in aftermoon we zake & cock 60 78

sa 29 men ploughing till tea time then we haul the clover 2 little loads which we put into sheep house loft - clear drouthy 55 76

su 30 all at church but robert & alick dry very dry & drouthy clear 60 82

m 31 men ploughing put 13 old ewes into island field with {lup?} & pet 60 85


tu 1 men ploughingnwe intend to start for the huron - luc know to morrow so I shall not be marking down for some time 60 82

f 18 we started for luck now on the 2nd and returned yesterday the weater was dry & very hot all the time the glass sometimes at 92 and bush fires every {cohere?} & much {muschied?} done, we found our funds all well I trained hard yesterday and must have done much good, our wheat is {sown?} and coming up, men ploughing to day on14 acre field at {conupon on?} land where grass failed to catch in hector at the funeral of old mrs aut who died of syrentery 30 74

sa 19 men ploughing hector at the funeral of john gilbert child in afternoon fine day but raining now with some 55 80

su 20 all at church but robt & alick much rain last night cool 30 60

m 21 hector at {ary?} for bran & shorts gets one ton price #13 robt at {Iehort?} in foremoon cleaning out the reenip ploughing in aftermoon fine 35 64

tu 22 men ploughing cool the warm weather all gone season changed 50 62

w 23 hector & jean goes to porvincial shew at toronto to robert takes themup to salt ploughs in aftermoon fine clear day one night shower 30 68

th 24 robt ploughing very fine clear day but the season is now changed 50 78

f 25 robt ploughing in foremoon, in aftermoon goes to salt to meet hector 30 78

sa 26 all at church but jean, mr robalson preaches fine & warm 55 80

su 27 our sacrament all eat it but robert & alick who has dysentery 50 60

m 28 {sab bath?} shool picnic may {fefsie?} lilly & I at it collection #14 50 64 hector at puslinch for oats debt robert ploughing

Sept 1874

tu 29 men ploughing in foremoon in afternoon robt goes for salt {shew?} with the bull, hector ploughing I carry some robston pippons 50 6

w 30 all at salt {shiw?} but may {fefise?} & me got no prize for bull - cold 46 38


th 1 hector at hamilton with barley robt ploughing in aftermoon 45 5

f 2 men ploughing much rain last night hector got a ducking before he got home he had 30 bushels barley price 7 york shillings - 88 cents = 44 cold 40 54

sa 3 men ploughing I carrying pippun apples cold dear 40 34 a {?}

A su 4 mr porteus at flambose mr hunter a young man preaches jean poorly hector takes her to the doctor after coming from church tomatoes blackened with frost last night the first of the season 32 44

m 5 begins to dig potatoes lakes up 35 bush cuscos poor crop 32 34

tu 6 rain last night and saw all day men cleans a load of barley me alrich buys 3 pigsat #45 cot 7 cut & old ewes at #3 each 40 34

w 7 saw in foremoon & men ploughing in aftermoon takes up 15 B chili potatoes 40 54

th 8 digging potatoes all day takes up 50 B chilis fine cool day 45 58

f 9 finishes digging potatoes takes up 12 B peach blows & 6 bu roses total crop 35 b cuscon 63 B chilis 12 B P B & 6 B roses = 118 bushs dont reckon small in {goderich?} about 20 B which we taken for {rag?} takes one waggon load pumpkins & takes in the corn stalks 45 62

sa 10 cuts corn stalks & pea straw for cattle in foremoon in aftermoon hector & jean goes to {mooreston?} with yarn to weave and goes to mr {gilchrusts?} all night heavy showers in morning & aftermoon 45 58

su 11 no {lermon?} to day mr parteus absent but {folk?} {?} 40 50

m 12 hector down below with barley 48 bu at 90 cents # 43, 20 robert kills a sheep in foremoon ploughing hears I lapsley's {barn?} was two day among our ewes & taken out last saturday the 10th cool 36 44

tu 13 men ploughing may at york wights very cool & cloudy 34 38

w 14 hector at salt with 3 pigs alive to mr alich robert took out 4 barrels of apples to mr millan at #1.23 cents per barrel then haulspumpkins 40 5

th 15 men ploughing in aftermoon robert takes 25 B apples to mr willans {fefise?} jane & I pulled them with a little help from robert all but one barrel which we took from cellar a frost last night which withered the grape leaves 32

f 16 {illegible} shiw none at it but robert hector ploughing I carrying 33 salma apples has 3 barrels of them very fine sunny day.

Octr 1874

sa 17 hector at salt with gust & takes up circular saw to get mended robert ploughing in 16 acre field I carrying apples another very fine sunny day {soundy?} 40 62

su 18 may all at church but jean & hector expecting doctor to come to see alick who has a very sore eye very fine day & sunny 40 38

m 19 frost last night & some ice, hector ploughing robert at tom gregs threshing the doctor here this morning & blisters alick's head for sore eye 28 34

tu 20 men ploughing in foremoon in aftermoon took inthe last of the corn & cuts corn & pea straw john elliot came last night after being at mr trains roup who has sold his farm very fine indian summer 45 66 men ploughing we carry the last of the keeping apples total kept 18 barrels john elliot goes away & I do not to see him again as he is going home fine 40 34 besides 18 barrels apples kept we sold 12 barrels and pored dear knows what & small to pigs 20 altogether our apple crop is far over 100 bushels

w 21 men ploughing very fine indian summer weather collector here 40 38

th 22 men ploughing another fine indian summer day 43 55

f 23 men ploughing in foremoon hector & fat the funeral of - dren mrs james wight who died of {childbed?} and left a family of 10 chil 40 56 our clock made it to strike right by a tramp called allen

sa 24 men ploughing hector goes to chees factory for {siller?} very fine 45 64 we grend apples for apple sauce 19 {pailpals?}

su 25 all at church but robet & alick mr james preaches very fine 50 70

m 26 men ploughing I clean out old well, mr porteus & wife & mr james 30 70

tu 27 men ploughing cooler to day no indian summer to day 40 60

w 28 men ploughing a little rain in aftermoon & threshing more 40 34

th 29 provincial thanksgiving day all at church but {fefise?} a fine day but very in aftermoon

f 30 men ploughing. cuts corn & straw at noon then ploughs very cool 40 48

su 31 hector jean {fefise?} & robert at salt robert goes to see after a pousage to home as he is going home & stalker is here ploughing in his place I choring and wheels dung to little garden before the door, cold 34 42


su 1 all at church but robt & alick very cold & no fire stove out of order 30 44

m 2 men ploughing we fill 37 bags with leaves for beding at sugar bush 32 44

tu 3 men ploughs with 3 teams stalker ploughing with oxen speans the colts we get 34 30 2 loads of leaves of 41 bags each & puts them in {?} very moky

Nov 1874

W 4 Men Ploughing with three Ploughs, Hears John Elliot starts tomorrow for home from Galt fare #23 from Galt, I finish {being?} the garden, very smoky 30 44 {author writes above the line} Killed a sheep

Th 5 Raining lightly all forenoon Men fixing barn in forenoon for threshes Men Ploughing afternoon {Aldrish?} takes away 10 Ewes 38 54

F 6 Threshers here threshes about 120B wheat about 120 of oats 32 54 very fine clear day, Grasshopper eat 2/3 of our {illegible text}

Sa 7 Threshers finishes wheat & Peas in forenoon Peas 90 Bushels 30 B. Peas was threshes at seed time Total 120 B as much as oats per acre, fine 34 56

Su 8 All at Church but Jean May & I at Church very fine 48 62

M 9 Hector at Galt for circular saw did not get it Robt & Stalker at J Ga J Cowes threshing fine clear day no smoke, last night some rain 40 34

Tu 10 Men Ploughing In afternoon Hector goes to Galt for circular saw but did not get it it broke in the mending. At we had a party holding Robert's {pay?} as he starts for home on Thursday, fine day for the season 40 54

W 11 Men Ploughing where Im {illegible text} corn grew feels quite cold to day 32 48

Th 12 Robert goes away for home gets the cars at 2 PM in Galt for New York Hector & Jean takes him up to Galt Stalker gets a new stove Ploughing in afternoon hard frost last night 28 40

F 13 Men Plouging but rather stiff with frost in the morning quite cold all day looks like winter it kept off well 26 32

Sa 14 Hector at Forest Mill for chopping stuff Stalker choring in forenoon, goes home at noon, Ground frozen too hard to Plough small frost 19 32

Su 15 All at Church but Jessie & Alick a pretty mild day 30 44

M 16 Hector Ploughing Stalker absent women cleaning house Alick and I brings 7 bags of leaves from bush for Pigs 28 44

Tu 17 Hector Alick & I cutting corn oats & straw Stalker at J{illegible name} Threshing 32 36

W 18 Men choring Coal weather 30 38

Th 19 Hector at Galt for bran Stalker at B Dicksons threshing cold fine 26 34

F 20 First fall of snow last night ground all covered snowing a little all day Men hauling cardwood from bush with sleigh Puts the Ram to the Ewes winter begun but ground dry no water in swamps 26 34

Sa 21 Still snowing a little Men hauling firewood with sleighs In afternoon Hector & I goes to Kirkwall Schoolhouse & votes against the Railroad spoken of when we left there was 47 votes against & not one for it 26 32

Su 22 Jean & Jessie at Puslinch hearing theer minister, I was 23 34 the only one at our church from our house, a deal of rain at night

Nov 1874

M 2223 Circular saw here we had only 8 bands all told but we cut about 26 cards and left about 4 uncut which we intend to cut tomorrow Quite a thaw snow all gone. Very clarty sawing wood. 38 46

Tu 2324 Finishes cutting the wood we left last night Hector hurt his back lifting at the horse power putting in to the waggon & hurt my breast very bad inside nasty day snowing mostly all day. i am quite knocked up and useless with my breast 26 30

W 2425 Stalker at Mr. Dickers threshing I am laid up with sore breast & Hector with sore {inserted above: "back"} 26 28 The Book man brings the Polar Worlds Price #5.25

Th 2526 Hector & Stalker choring splitting wood. I take Castor bad with breast 26 32

F 2627 Hector choring Stalker absen thawing snow gone I useless 33 44

Sa 2728 Hector & Jean at Dundas with a load of wheat & 10 Turkeys Snowing all day wheat sold at Dundas 35 {inserted above: "spring"} B at 93 = #32 10 Turkeys 118 32 34 They look my Dundas coupons and got them Cashed #36

Su 2928 None at Church but Jessie & the bairns 10 or 12 inches of snow {inserted above: "running"} cutters 24 38

M 2930 Hector & Jean & Alick at weavers Stalker at with our oxen None here to do the chores but Jessie very cold last night winter fairly good sleighing {inserted above: "above"} 6 - 18 - 5


T 1 Hector goes to Galt for bran takes Jessie to her grand mothother's Got 1/2 ton of bran #6 Stalker here I doing nothin, weather milder 18 30

W 2 Mild and thawing a little. Hector choring Stalker absent 28 3842

Th 3 Snow all gone, thawing all {inserted above: "no rain"} night. Hector choring I doing nothing 40 44

F 4 Hard black frost last night. Hector choring I still useless - 16 26

Sa 5 A little snow this morning Hector Alick & Lilly cuts some straw {inserted above: "slight thaw"} &c 26 34

Su 6 All at Church but Lilly & I. Mild cloudy day gentle thaw - 32 36

M 7 Kills six little pigs Benzy & Stalker helps us venture worries dot the {cat?} {inserted above: "young"} 30 37

Tu 8 Hector at Tom Gilbert's {stumping} bee. In afternoon Stalker is at Wm Robson's threshing Wm killing 6 Turkeys in afternoon Mr. Stalker {inserted above: "helping"} 13-24

W 9 Hector takes Jessie up to Galt to get the cars to Southhampton where her Father is to meet her & take her to Keppel Jane goes to Galt with 6 Turkeys Stalker fixing the chores milder to day, {inserted above: "shower"} snow 30 36

Th 10 Hector choring I doing nothing Katy McQueen &c here 26 38

F 11 Hector choring I go to Kirkwall after being laid up about a fortnight Millie {inserted above: "Robie"} Valens died this morning he was always a cripple with {inserted above: "rheumatism"} 20 26

Sa 12 Hector choring I doing nothing I forenoon Hector goes to Forest mill for chopped Peas for feed cool 20 24 Gilchrist children comes

Decr 1874

Su 13 All at Church but Hector & May the G{illegible text} goes away 20 26

M 14 In afternoon Hector goes to Robie {Valen's?} funeral hard frost and a good deal of snow last night, plenty for sleighing now 12-14-8

Tu 15 Hector at Forest Mill for chopped stuff very hard frost last night at 9PM last night the glass was below zero, this morning above 3 now above 18

W 16 Hector choring milder to day threating a thaw 20 33

Th 17 Hector & Stalker cleaning a load of wheat, Slight thaw 36-36-28

F 18 Hector choring I doing next to nothing, cold windy, snow k {author writes above the line} shower 20 26

Sa 19 Hector Choring & deep in the Blues all this week, no cause, I {illegible text}, slight thaw 32 36

Su 20 Hector take us to church in Sleigh Jean keeping house mild 28 34

M 21 {Duck?} Yates here fixing Pump pretty mild day cloudy 20 32 At night gave Hector $100 to help him through

Tu 22 Hector choring quite a gentle thaw all day 32 36

W 23 Hector & Stalker at J Cowes threshing, a very little thaw no rain 30 32

Th 24 Hector & Stalker at Cowes threshing till noon, Choring afterwards Pays McMillan Globe Newspaper #1.70 price for 875 & postage & also 20 cents 26 32 {author writes above the line} postage for banned for {1874?}

F 25 Christmas day, dull enough with me nobody here but myself Hector Jean May & Alick gone to Thas McDonaldi hilly at Stalkers & Tom keeping house Stalker is fixing the {illegible text} mild day but frosty 18 28

Sa 26 Hector choring I collecting Kirk seat got all I could claim, day fine 20 36

Su 27 All at Church but May & Alick Minister pretty good 24 38

M 28 Kills a Steer Wm{illegible name} helps us fine mild thaw all day no {illegible text} 36 40

Tu 29 Collecting for Kirk gets all I could claim Hector goes along with me with Buggy but the cutter could have gone nicely the road was so icy but the snow is mostly gone, cold 20 24

W 30 Goes to JDicksons collecting 1/4 the Beek & Bungs {illegible text} cellar very cold 12 16

Th 31 Hector & I at Galt Hector gets 15 Bags, Bran, I got #60 for Galt Coupons Pays Reformer #2 & Lundy's Bill #2.50 to {MrStrong?} & Chambers & Blackwood To Fleming & e #68 Pastage 48 cents gets a Diary for Jean 45 cents a fine sort of day but poor sleighing & rather cold more waggons going than sleighs but we had the sleigh. And this day finishes 14 28 old 74 oh Dear how time slips away

Jany 1875

F1 New years day I go over to R McQueen's in forenoon, Tom McDonald & his wife Janet comes & we have a Turkey & {e?} 14 26

2 Sat. 1873 goes all to McQueen & Pays him #150 for congregation Pays Mc Millan Pastage on Rreformer, snow good sleighing 20 28

3 Sat All at Church but Jane, A good New Years sermon from Minister 20 28

M 4 Cuts up the Beef In afternoon Hector goes & votes for counsellers We have, {have?} that Mary (Mrs Armstrong) is very Ill & Jean & Bell {illegible text} is going to see her tomorrow I gave Jean #10 to pay her face 16 24

Tu 5 Jane starts with Mrs Wm Cawe to see her aunt Mary at Lucknow Wm Cowe took them up to Galt, Hector took a load of Tread well wheat up to Galt with sleigh 23 Bags = weighed 49 B price 96 cents = $47.4 I fixing chores feeding sheep & c cold 12 14

W 6 Hector at Guelph fair looking for cattle feed & to shew his horses which he wants to sell this being the week of Prayer I go to meeting in afternoon above 7 22

Th 7 Hector Choring I Dc Keen first last night fine day cloudy, snow now {author writes above the line} 5PM 10 22

F 8 Hector gets 2 loads of straw from Mr Decker I fix the sheep, This is Jean's Birthday forty one years ago heigh ho how time slips away 18 26

Sa 9 A very cold stormy day & all day snowing some but not much but drifting hard & wind high - Im fact intensely cold & the glass low Hector goes to Galt to meet Jean from Lucknow the will get there {illegible text} set up above 5 - 0 - 2 below

Su 10 One of the Hector got a Telegram from Jane at Stodarts saying there was no trains running Railroad drifted up, she will as soon as possible

Su 10 The hardest frost yet our glass 8 below zero but J Malcolm says their glass was 16 below and others says their glass was 12 below Set was {snell?} anyhow - I went to church but their was few there, fine cold calm day - below 8 above 8

M 11 Another Ewe dies bad Job - We cut stuff in afternoon milder today, sunny above 5 above 16

Tu 12 Mrs. Robt Chambers came last night. Hector goes up to Galt to meet Jane cold windy above 2 22 Hector did not meet Jane uneasy about her detention now

W 13 Hector choring milder to day I not doing much thawing by glass 26 36 {author writes above the line} - but snow melting

Th 14 Stalker & Tom comes to chop firewood Hector choring No word from Jane yet 18 18

F 15 Men choping & hauling old Logs from swamp for firewood pretty sharp above 5 16 Jean waves from Lucknow, Her aunt Mary on Wednesday night and is to buried on Saturday (tomorrow She was a woman who meant what she said & said what she meant. It would be a better world of all was {author writes above the line} - like her

Sa 16 At kirkwall shool Hector & I voting against the county taking the roads 13 20 In afternoon at {ava?} school hearing Mr{illegible name} & Stock seeking our vote

Jany 1875

Su 17 All at Church but May & Alick fine day & Frosty 7 18

M 18 Election day for Ontario at Kirkwall {above - by Ballot} Votes for {illegible name} {above - {opponent?}} Stock his 11 16

Tu 19 Hector Jean & May at Galt J Valens & Mrs Wm. Valens here but as there was nobody at home but me they did not stop. Mrs Robt Chambers here and we expect her back again tonight to Se Jane. Stalker fixing things # 9 16

W 20 Hector & Stalker piling firewood, Hears Mrs Nicol died to day she had several {illegible} strokes. Our people saw her yesterday she could not speak: 9 16

Th 21 Hector & Stalker piling wood in forenoon Cutting corn & Straw in afternoon {above - a good deal more snow}. 10 16

F 22 Hector at Mrs. Nicols funeral and bring home {illegible} from Stalker at {above - {illegible}} 27 20

Sa 23 Jean & I at Church Hector hauling firewood from Lapsley's for Stalker 9 24

Su 24 Our {illegible} all church but Tilly Stalker keeps house 12 30

M 25 Stalker at wood Bob at Robsons threshing Hector at annual meeting {above - none else} 20 20

Tu 26 Men at wood in forenoon, Cutting corn & Straw in afternoon Cloudy cold 16 18

W 27 Hector & Jean at Galt with Peas to chop Stalker & Bob at wood, some snow 15 22

Th 28 Men at wood and choring A little snow every day feeding snow 15 32

F 29 Men at wood & picking at big spring as it has got so low the cattle can {illegible} drink; never saw it so law, every body wishing for a thaw, {splendid?} sleighing {above - about 14 inches snow} 7 22

Sa 30 Men at wood in forenoon Stalker & Bob goes home at noon and Hector goes to Puslinch to try & here a man, does not him 11 22

Su 31 All at Church but Jean & Tilly, Collection for Precentor

{Middle of the page - Feby}

M 1 Jany gone and no thaw every body crying for water spring lower than ever Men at wood cold windy keen frost, a winter without rain 7 18

Tu 2 Men at wood Hector hauling to the house, milder to day 15 32

W 3 A thaw today but little snow went but we got a little water into our {illegible} some rain but now freezing like sixty Hector choring 33 - 42 20

Th 4 One of the most {illegible} days I have seen, last it blew a hurricane and all day quite a gale & intensely cold though the sun shone & sky clear no work it was impossible to stand the cold wind, many noses will be frozen below 2 above 6

F 5 Men at wood at night Alick Tilly & I goes to our Shool Concert Where there was good {illegible} from Galt Guelph Hamilton Dundas & e It was ga great {illegible} though a cold stormy night {illegible} 25 cent Got # 37 well done our folk above 2 10

Sa 6 Men at wood in forenoon cutting, straw & corn in afternoon, corn done 0 above 4

Su 7 The hardest frost for many year our glass 18 below Mr.{illegible} 18 24 below, below 18 above 8 All at Church but May & Alick sunny calm

feby 1875

m 8 hector at salt for bran he el get froye for it desperately mill and pretty but it is clear & sunny he stalker & bob at wood glass at yero thin up & down 0 above 3 below 4

tu 9 hector takes the bull per salt fair tomorrow for sale if he can stalker & bob at very cold with clear sunny sky & some biting wind cold day below 11 below 4 0

w 10 men at wood another mill day terrible hard weather below 16 above 13

th 11 a good deal of snow last night blowing & drifting all day hector choring stalker absent the glass ranged over 46 degrees from yesterdayy morning till this morning above 30 a bin 22 above 8

f 12 another mill day & drifting some clear sunny men at roads trying to get them passable to the corner riddles hill completely blacked goes into mc lueen bets 6 0

sa 13 hector goes to mr sergusons to buy at some hay he is to get 3 tons cold, below 11 above 8 no mail to day this is the third day no mail road blocked with snow likely

su 14 all at church but jean & lilly very hard frost again winter in canada below 14 above 4

m 15 mill dear sunny men at wood and liketo be frozen below 13 above 4

tu 16 hector brings a load of hay from mr fergusons then hauling wood rest at wood 6 above 13

w 17 men at wood milder to day at night may jean & I go to forsee at church abov 14 abov 12

th 18 mill again men at wood clear & sunny but frost smell as over below 13 above 10

f 19 hector & bob at cowe's cutting firewood stalker choring jean & I cleans above 7 above 22

sa 20 mild & cloudy hector hitches up black colt first time he went well above 18 28

su 21 all at church but hector & may middling mild to day above 12 14

m 22 fine mild & cloudy quite a thaw in afternoon hauling wood gets 0 above 40

tu 23 thawing last night got about ten inches of water into cistern no thaw to day but very near it men at wood hector hauling in aftermoon 30 32

w 24 {?} a thaw last pea night and all day creek down & slanding at bridge great pool on wheat field and little bridge acrofs road to small to let off the water ground black where the snow was blown of last night hector jean alick & lilly at kirk wall school house at a social recepts #23;90 37 44

25 th no thaw hector & dickson trampling sad to kirkwall mc lueen field being too bare now some little snow last night men at wood cold wendy 28 32 22

26 f hector goes to brock road to weavers for cloth stalker & bob at wood frosty 12 14

sa 27 men at wood splitting & hauling smart frost again jane send siller abou 3

su 28 all at church but jane snell frost last night again below 3 above 10


m 1 this is narch & my {centie?} the first day is a leaver snowing blowing and drifting all day barrels not at school men {cruching?} graith having bob stalker for a year he begins his time to day above 18

March 1875

tu 2 clear sunny & calm men clearing away snow drifts & confusion

w 3 another tempest of a day in aftermoon I never saw a worse snowing heavy & drifting furisously, hector & fat mrs carrutheis funeral very {?} there & we only met them at the grave yard no work done today bad as ever below 3 above 18

th 4 fine day sunny calm clearing up confusion after yesterday storm clearing roads & in foremoon hector hauling wood in aftermoon sees 2 crows 16 30

f 5 moderate day men choring, three days this week no mail from snow 18 26

sa 6 fully six inches of more snow fell last night there must now be about two feet on the level but is so much drifted it is hard to tell the depth cutting hay in foremoon men choring afterwards 30 28

su 7 all at church but may & alick roads very deep very few at church 16 31 26

m 8 hector at salt for bran fine sunny bob splitting wood hector 12 30 got only 200 bran brught a ton of caled onion plaster price #6.25

tu 9 hector hatches up young horse he very camy mr porteus here veseling 10 34

w 10 winter now seems to be giving back a little but is tough & down men choring hauls some wood & bol splitting & 28 32

th 11 hector & bob goes to mr fergusons per hay gets 1600 cent mild 18 36

f 12 men choring fine day sent a setter to david elliot

sa 13 hector at salt with cordwood for mc millan jean & may away seeing janet mc alister mrs mc donald coup the sleigh mild 18 36

su 14 all at church but jane foggy in morning then a little thaw 30 38

m 15 thunder distant with some rain thawing all day with a good deal of rain creek {doon?} & pools standing every where in fields winter going now at least we hope say saw one ground bird to day the first summer bird of the season hector takes a grist to forest mill & left it jane goes with him janet mc donald who is very poorly saw 34 38

tu 16 frost again but not hard, heavy snow showers & very windy hector bob & john dickson opening road to kirkwall having gone through mc lueens fields lately got a letter from alexander james 30 38

17 w st patricks day very cold cuts some hay hector breaks the 14 16

th 18 very smell last night hector at salt with 3 bags to chop and get some bran, had a seen rise party last night young pidler mc donald boys and some young women sees a blue bird on grape vines poor thing too cold - above 4 14

f 19 school examination hector & jean at it bob choring D finer to day above 6 18

March 1875

sa 20 stormy cold day hector goes to forest mill for gust her left jean goes with him to see janet me allister more snow & drifting to 14 18

su 21 all at church but may & lilly a fine day had badly drifted but are 12 20

m 22 hector at forest mill buying chopping stuff very hard frost above 3 23

tu 23 another hard frost cuts hay in foremoon in aftermoon hector & I goes to the funeral of mrs hetherington aged 90/70 {?} ground below above 26 a ground bird to be seen & plenty of crows but other summer birds is wanting

w 24 hector brings is load of straw mr dahers more snow last night mild 34 36

th 25 hector goes to jane elliot to try get some strow he is to get some at $4 per load fine sunny day but no thaw bob splitting wood 18 28

f 26 thawing all day & raining all foremoon clear in aftermoon but still thawing pools in fields hector & bob brings a load of straw from from I elliot gets 34 44

sa 27 hector & bob goes two take to jar elliots for straw gets 2 loads at #4 per load thawing slowy all day feilds spotted where drifted not much snow melted some pools on fields but swamps still dry never filled this winter 34 40

su 28 all at church but jean fine day thawing s little by the sun 34 38

m 29 cutting straw in foremoon in aftermoon hector goes to mr {menfie?} for seed peas I dig out the sugar boiling place it was completely covered up with snow the snow seems now going by mere sun power, strong thaw pools every where 32 46

tu 30 great sun thaw all day creek down & over the load men lets water off the wheat sees red butterflies flying about the grapes pools everywhere {winter?} going 34 50

w 31 warm great sun thaw riddles folk {faps?} trees for sugar robins here 36 32


th 1 my wedding anneversity 43 years ago heigh ho and to day the great thaw of the season, walter armstrong somes quite warm 46 58

f 2 me hector & dickson widening load at riddles hill for wheel carriges for the funeral of grace fletcher who died yesterday and is to be buried tomorrow bob at wm robsons sawing wood the fields is now quite black except snow wreath but deep in bush yet creel chan 36 47

sa 3 {fam?} for sugar in foremoon in aftermoon hector & I goes to the funeral of grace fletcher aged 66 our folks gathered 10 pails sap & left in the pots did not kindes 34 48

su 4 roads bad gone at church but hector bob & I fine sunny thaw 36 30

m 5 got 26 pails syrops off 24 pails & leaves 12 pails in pots, heave a {frog?} 34 48

tu 6 got 4 pails sap & syrops 16 leaving water in pot, no sun windy wind east sjy hazy {ring round sun?} men begins to stone field at 32 38

April 1875

w 7 cold but the trees {ruin?} pretty well in aftermoon gather 25 pails but boils none hector goes to dr lund for bullie 30 36

th 8 gets 28 pails sap & syrop 46 leaving 7 pails in pots men slowing at 32 48

f 9 gets 28 pails sap & syrop off 29 pails & leaves 6 pails in the stoning men 34 56

sa 10 gets 18 syrop 24 pails leaving 2 pails in pots men cutting straw and stones 40 38

su 11 all at church but hector very fine day snow all gone without rain 42 52

m 12 got only 20 pails sap syrops 22 and leaves water in pots men fencing 38 44

t 13 jean gathered 9 pails boild none a saw day a drow men fencing 34 38

w 14 gets 14 pails sap syrop 19 leaving 4 pails in pots hector alick 40 52 & bob at salt fair getting seeds

th 15 gets 11 pails sap boils none men fencing till slopt by rain at tea 40 52

f 16 hard frost no sap sligh snow showers mencing & cutting straw waiter armstrong here he has been being his brother ben in suit 26-24-22

sa 17 no sap hard frost men fencing hears old mr porteus died to day 18 26 22

su 18 hard frost regugal winter weather again all at church but may & 16 24

m 19 men cleaning wheat in foremoon at the funeral of old me porteus in aftermoon aged 86 years 10 months & 10 days, miller 30 36 jean cleans the toughs & syrop off 15 old sap in pots no seen

tu 20 hector at salt with 20 bags of wheat for sale boys sawing wood no sap a ewe has pair of toins but leavs one a spell and now wont own it, this is the first lambs of the season 26 34

w 21 sill frosty men fencing no lambs winter hangs on long 22 32

th 22 hector & jean at mr gilerists for seed potatoes I gather 4 pails sap 30 40

f 23 gets 22 pails sap syrop 26 & leaves 5 in pots men choung 34 42 snow showers in aftermoon has 2 lambs to day {fefise?} comes

sa 24 gets 29 pails sap syrops off 31 leaves 5 pails in pots men fencing 32 42 ground white with snow this morning mostly gone now 6 pm

su 25 all at church but {fefise?} fine day sap runing 30 48

m 26 gets 30 pails sap syrops of 27 leaves in pots 8 pails men pen 32 56

tu 27 gets only 10 pails syrops off 18 leaving water in pots bol hauls old rails 30 34

w 28 gets only 5 pails sap {fefise?} boils it into syrop hector ploughing for pices bob stoning I plant an apple tree and princs quite warm 38 62

th 29 no sap men plough pea land till slopt by rain I running women begins house cleaning a heavy set rain now 6 pm 38 48

April 1875

f 30 much rain last night men choung lilly & tempties win from sap 36 42


sa 1 this is the first of may but more like the first of march jean & lilly went to salt and got a rough day about noonit began to snow heavy then it {?} into ice & now it is cold rain 6 pm all the ground white with snow 32 34

su 2 all at church but may & hector snow mostly gone barren weather 32 36

m 3 hector & I at the funeral of mrs mc clillan in aftermoon another old settler gone 32 46 puts the sheep to grass through their is little but we gave them some peas

tu 4 hector gets a load of straw from paekwe I running men ploughing 32 34

w 5 men ploughing I running a ewe died gentle rain in aftermoon 36 48

th 6 hector sowing peas on 16 acre field I craping apple trees fine day slight frost 32 55

f 7 men harrowing & cultivating peas I scraping apple trees 36 32

sa 8 men stoning & cullevating I put on 6 grapts 2 of wine sop & 2 of king of lomkings c & 2 of I puts in burgs very fine warm cloudy grouging this the first day of real growth we have had. no frost last night 46 74 all the thre kinds of swallows come the first time we have seen

su 9 all at church but hector & jean fine growing day fine growth now 44 68

m 10 men dragging peas great rain with thunder last night

m 10 men dragging peas on 16 acre field I scraping trees fine day 46 68 planted sunflowers a great many in odd bits

tu 11 hector sows oats our the dyke bob & alick dragging I dig rhuborl 38 64

w 12 men cutting {feed?} in foremoon many things after cool windy 38 44 34

th 13 men harrowing richardson casting dunghight frost last night but 38 58

f 14 hector at salt for coance salt very rainy in foremoon men stoning in aftermoon mrs mc winny mr & mrs parker growing day but cool 40 52

sa 15 men stoning oats down hectorsows some barley on killed wheat 40 56

su 16 all at church but may & alick sunger choir bungled first time 36 54

m 17 men sowing salt on barley & dragging fine day willows shewing some 40 64

t 18 jeans & I at dundas I get coupons cashed #36 may goes to r hunters with us fine day & growing the willows visibly green men busy 40 68

w 19 men rolling & thing I plant beans on horse course fine clear day 40 68

th 20 hector & jean at salt getting coorce salt & coin stalker sowing plaster bob rolling peas at concefrun I filling cockee & red root fine warm 51 76

f 21 hector at routon on jury men fixing fence at gilberts fine failling cockle hears that yesterday mr stock was unsrated & diqulified for breathing 76 74

may 1875

sa 22 all at church but {fefire?}very fine warm & growing bees on willows 72 81

su 23 our sacrament all at but {fefoie?} & lilly very warm & growing 70 82

m 24 lueens birthday boys shooting kills two rabbits hector rolling out very fine warm & growing wild plum in blosson cuts the 70 82 lambs has 33 pet includer big 18 wedders & 15 ewes from 25 mothers

tu 25 men stoning in 16 acre field I cutting cockle & red root hears david dalens died yesterday another old settler gone, very hot 72 84

w 26 I at the funeral of David valens aged 67 men hauling dung for potatoes women cutting seed cooler to day cherry & plum blossoms out 65 76 saw some young grasshoppers to day hope they may not be a plague

th 27 men yoor king at potatoe land bob sick & goes home stalker in his place 60 74

f 28 plants our potatoes about an acre with roses chilis & cuscos fueling 70 84

sa 29 hector at forest mill with chopping still I pulling red root moug clover 38 66

su 30 all at church but jean fine dry already farmers wanting rain 50 72

m 31 men ploughing for corn at neils flashing quite cool and drouthy cherry blossom falling apple trees nearly in full blossom except northern spies whis not out yet the woods quite green now 50 68


tu 1 hector ploughing for corn at neils slashing bob at home sick I cuting cockle & red root very cool & drowthy farmers crying for rain 34 72

w 2 hector sow corn at neils men dragging stalker here in bobs place hot 60 80

th 3 men hauling dung for turnips in foremoon washes our sheep in aftermoon hector washes them all himself alick & bol gupa them 60 78

f 4 men hauling dung I pulling red root on pasture north of sugar bush pays mc millan 5 cents postage on bamer till october doctor here to fully 60 78

sa 5 at dung I pulling red roots at pasture fine day doctor here again 60 76

su 6 may & I an church r mc lueen leads a sermon lilly very ill doctor 56 72

m 7 men at men at dung I cutting among peas lilly no better very cool 50 65

tu 8 boys & stalker spreading dung hector ploughing it in doctor here again at lilly he says the had plurapnumonia & is dangerously ill 55 74

w 9 men at lurnys field I cutting thistles & red root doctor here again to poor lilly he has now no hopes for her but giver her brandy 60 74

th 10 doctor here again thinks lilly somwhat better hector at salt to meet lilly sister from st cathrines she did not come 60 76

June 1875

f 11 doctor here again this morning think may will live if we get her to take nourishment as he says the information has subsided a little we clip our sheeps very hot the warmest day yet day 70 88

sa 12 doctor here has good hopes of lilly though he says she is far from being out of danger {putten?} at turnip field alick & I cutting the {slees?} among the barley yesterday was the hottest of the season with distant thunder in the north last night to day is quite cold wind high sky clear & very drouthy yesterday at 2 oclock the glass stood 88 in the shade to day at the same hour it stood at 36 and now at 7pm it at 32 very likely to beat freezing before morning 5370-56-52

su 13 none at church but me & {fefise?} lilly a good deal better hector goes out to the doctor to tell how she is white frost last night but nothing cut down 48 50

m 14 doctor here thinks lilly out of danger pulse down to 88 it has been at 130: hector at guelph with wool price 34 cent per wt 119 from 19 {pieces?} hang 6 1/4 per sheep #4/.5 money amount stalker & bob dragging & sloning turnips I cutting {thistls?} 40 66

tu 15 hector drilling turny drills stalker sowing plaster salt & bone dust as hector got 1300 weght yesterday which I paid for #20 I cutting thistles 60 76

w 16 doctor here again lilly keeping better hector sows turnips & drills but I dont much from the turnips the drouth is so severe they connot grow and is they did the grasshoppers is so plenty they would be aten, men hauling dung to island field I cutting thistles warm to day but terribly drouthy 60 80

th 17 hector drilling & sowing turnips men putting out dung, very cool and quite day very hazy almost a fog wind east and some slight rain oh for 34 52 56

f 18 hector drilling & sowing turnips stalker & bob spreading dung on island field alick & I cutting thistlws among pea grasshoppers fearfully 38 74

sa 19 hector finishes sowing turnips I cutting thistles bob raising slon in island 60 74

su 20 all at church but may & hector mr porteus back from montreal at synod accomplishing the union of all the {reobyleruans?} in Canada drouthy 60 78

m 21 longest day and terribly drouthy every thing turning up fast and grasshoppers in count {?} millions a dark look out feries! hector at mill 70 84

tu 22 a gentle rain this foremoon but not wet the ground above one inch it will do no good unlep it comes more, men sloning swamp corner of island field alick & cutting thistles among peas in aftermoon some distant 68 86

w 23 men working statute labour alcik & cutting thistles very hot 70 88

th 24 men at roads alick & I picking bugs off potatoes in foremoon cutting thistles after till slopt by rain & thunder lowering the heat 18 deg. in two hours 70 88 70 the rain was heavy & will do good start the turnips perhaps.

June 1875

f 25 men ploughingsod at neils corner alick & I killing bugs cutting thistles 70 84

sa 26 men finishes corner at neils bob & alick ploughs & sows south corn old pumpkins patch hector begins to plouch in island field I killing bugs a fine shower aftermoon we things will now {wart?} a little lilly 70 85

su 27 hector jane & {fefise?} at puslinch sacrament I only at own church 68 82

m 28 hector ploughing in island field I catching bugs cutting thistles in cool peas 66 76

tu 29 men ploughing butcher byces bones the cow price #25 and takes her away a slight rain about noon kills a calf. very cool 60 68

w 30 men ploughing bob & alick mending fence in foremoon I killing bugs in aftermoon alick & I killig bugs & cutting thistles, clear sunny 70 80


th 1 dominion not kept here men at island fields I at the bugs 60 74

f 2 hector ploughing bob at mengles aftermoon barn raising {u?} & I 60 74-64

sa 3 jane I & lilly at salt gets #60 debentures men ploughing island 66 80

su 4 all at church but {fefise?} mr porteus gave us notice from the pulpet that tomorrow week when the {respytery?} meets at hamilton he will give up his paster of this congregation some camps has been now dying him & he feels his dignity insulted so he is going to clear out 70 84

m 5 men ploughing finishes island field at noon aftermoon hector goes to salt to meet brother {folm?} & wife from scarbors fine rain noonwith thunder 78-86-66

tu 6 hector sows corn on south & west of turnips fine day with 68 82

w 7 # jane to john & wife to salt to see an old acquaintance men sowing plaster on turnips & corn I cutting thistles firce day 66 82

th 8 hector cutting hay with mower men raking 66 84 johns wife may & jean goes to a slewarts on a {visit?}

f 9 jane my brother & I goes to {tarn?} nicols find him very pail hector & men hauling hay very warm hector 70 84

sa 10 jane takes brother john & wife up to salt we cutting thistles hector finishes setting up the potatoes 70 84

su 11 all at church but bob & alick a fine day good {attendana?} 66 {80?}

m 12 hector cutting hay the rest at thistles I at the bugs all day 30 80

t 13 hector finishes cutting hay all the rest at thistles cool 60 70

w 14 raking & hauling hay all day hauls all but one load fine day 66 80

th 15 takes in the last load of hay-total loads only 13 men fixing fence aftermoon 70 8

July 1875

f 16 men at many things thistles fixing though & hector goes to craft for shoes jean goes to see ms valens who is poorly some thunder last night 70 86

sa 17 hector & bob cutting thistles alick & I catching bugs all day 70 84

su 18 all at church but {fefise?} mr melead of ancaster preaches by appoinment of prebytery as mr porteus is going to leave us if he gets leave from the presbytery which there is no doubt he will get & we will be a flock without a herd 66 76

m 19 hector at salt getting shod boys fencing I cutting thistles I glen 66 74

tu 20 hector hurhling turnips all the rest thining thins 63 noon {braird?} very good but the grasshoppers has taken one acre & likely to take another 56 82

w 21 all thinning turnips all day cool clear breezy 30 78

th 22 at at turnips finishes thinning all but some ends left grasshoppers 60 84

f 23 finishes all end left of turnips hector look a cow to bull then cradles some wheat good grain but slupt by grasshoppers they have rain died wind our barley alick & I at bugs in aftermoon cool 38 76

sa 24 hector & bob harrowing fallow I killing bugs gilcrust people here for cherries the grasshoppers seems likely to take all our {lamps?} 60 80

su 25 my birthday finished my 75 year {?} old all at church but hector the oncaster minister preaches parleus preaches here 60 86

m 26 hector cuts the barley per green feed the grasshoppers having eaten the grain cuts like wise a little wheat we put ashes on some turnips left but the grashoppers has take 2/3 of them & will likely 60 84

tu 27 hector & bob at I cowes cutting wheat alick & I {binds?} up & stooks some wheat ledt unbound last night in aftermoon attends a congregational meeting to send delegates to presleytery on the 29th to shew cause why mr porteus should not leaves and they are instructed to shew no cause but let him go but to depend the congregation against any charge he may lay 58 80

w 28 hector & bob at cowes hanwesting alick {fissie?} & I puts out & then cocks the barley straw per the grasshoppers has taken all the grain warm & looks like thunder rain cannot things now mend 60 86

great land of liberty loggers and choppers land of potatoe bugs frogs and grasshoppers land where the lasses is shrunken & shriveld land where all crops is by vermin bediveld

th 29 cowes people here helping us to cut wheat cuts out the field very warm & pultry - our felegates at resbytery 60 80

July 1875

f 30 cowes people here & we cut all the fields east of orchard some dead ripe & some green being winter killed this finishes our wheat cool

sa hector sows corn on turnips land where grasshoppers had eaten the turnips wether take in the barley straw the bermen had left bob & alick with I lapsley at F yates harvesting quite cool to day 56 76


su 1 all at church but bob & a pedlar mr poteus preaches his farewell sermon the last he will ever preach here he a gouk 38 74

m 2 hauls all our wheat 17 loads in all -10 from east of orchard and 7 from the other field - very cool & cloudy looks like rain 32 70

tu 3 men fixing box in big spring in foremoon I cutting thistles in aftermoon hector goes to rocton with statute abour report bob horseraking wheat stulble alick lilly & I catching bugs till stop by some rain we want a great deal more cool 50 6

w 4 hector dragging island field hoys fixing the corner george famies on goes to mr porteus to fins the price of his property he sets it #2400 besides some extras such as book case & cloudy cool no rain 50 74

th 5 men begins to cut peas our only crop not damaged by grasshoppers i lilly & eligabeth killing potatoe bugs land glen here last night 55 79

f 6 fine showers in foremoon but we want much more in aftermoon men cutting peas moderately warm

sa 7 men cutting peas I doing little very cool & cloudy - chilly 50 68

su 8 all at church but {fefise?} & hector mr mc lea of nairn preaches our church vacant & so farewell johnie porteus thou has no heart 36 74

m 9 men cutting peas I bas of dysentery in aftermoon killing bugs in foremoon cannot go to a congregational meeting about buying the manse per dysentery I wonder if they & porteus will agree 60 80

tu 10 hails 3/2 loads of peas after finishing all in 16 acre fiels in foremoon in aftermoon stopt hauling by a short heavy thunder shower south some thunder I rather sickly but gather some bugs 60 78

w 11 hector begins to cut oats the grain the grasshoppers has left seems ripe enough but the straw is quite green stopt cutting by rain in aftermoon 60 8

th 12 men cutting peas till 10 am then cutting whe oats {?} lyke I poorly 60 8

f 13 men binding oats till noon then hauling peas I poorly 60 8

sa 14 hauls the last peas from 16 acre field total 1320 loads 9 in new barn and

th 4 i barrack in aftermoon finishes cutting the oats 60 8

Augt 1875

su 15 all at church but me & hector I laking physic 38 82

m 16 hauls 5 loads of peas& puts them in barrack = total in barrack 9 loads cowes people helping to cut {a lot?} I lapsley 60 86

tu 17 men 2 loads of thisly peas & puts them in old barn totall loads of peas 18 loads besides 2 thisly ones in old barn I out all day getting subsription to buy mr porteus property show 60 80

w 18 I collecting subscriptions all day hector & fefise at salt with gust 60 80

th 19 I collecting subscriptions all day. hector & fefise at salt with gust 60 80

f 20 I collecting in foremoon men deepning old well & stoning & showers it thunder 60 76 at night hector & the rest of the managers pays mr porteus for his property $2000 being for manse land orchard & george jamieson advances the cash at

sa 21 men cleans 13 1/2 bushels of peas being the product of one bushel seed got from stalker then the cut barley & pea straw put up 2 steers yesterday to feed a good deal of rain in aftermoon with thunder weather seems broken got letter from {frine?} 60 74

su 22 all at church but jane mr samyth of salt preaches well liked 60 76

m 23 men thins some turnips we had left for the grasshoppers in aftermoon we haul all our oats 46 74

tu 24 hector away by salt for bran we cut thistles on ploughed corner at neils slashing hears old john ferguson died yesterday aged 83 cool 30 74

w 25 boys fixing for threshers hector & I at mr fergusons funeral drouthy 38 76

th 26 thrishers here in foremoon 1/2 day threshes wheat oats & peas gets saw dust from {fennants?} 36 78

f 27 I go to ms buckles for subscriptions & takes the paper to mr mc lueen there down the paper #1109 with promises of a good deal move our people goes again to lenants for sawdust for bedding our folks culwating wheat land mr mc lueen finishes sowing wheat to day 60 80

sa 28 hector ploughing pea land for rye bob cullwating for wheat alick lilly & I catching bugs very {warm?} and sultry to day I {douk?} 56 84

su 29 all at church but bob mr sinclair preaches we have done well porteus 60 87

m 30 hector at forest mill with peas to crack bob stoning wheat land 60 84

tu 31 hector ploughing on neils place paying debt bob at roboons threshing 60 84


w 1 hector at guelph fair to sell his horses never got an offer boys stoning island field I & jean at prayer meeting mr {findair?} officates 60 88

th 2 men ploughing & stoning very hot with thungder and some rain, this is the warmes day this season & very fully 65 92

Sept 1875

f 3 men stoning & ploughing in aftermoon thunder with wind and thunder spate wich laid the young corn flat the rain wanted 65 84

sa 4 {luite?} cool now men in island fild fixing & c 60 74

su 5 at all at church but may mr vincent protationer preaches frod 64 80

m 6 hector sows the wheat on island field I at the funeral of joseph scot another old settler gone mr ferguson from blenhum here 60 76

tu 7 men calluating # & dragging the wheat in aftermoon jean is at mr porteus roups he is selling off everything I wonder what he will now, cool 50 76

w 8 men ditching & fixing swampy corner in island field warm 55 84

th 9 boys sepairing fence at island field jean at mr porteus spitting hector goes with a load of his splitting to warnacks and now our minister is off I wish he may not spent it but is his look out 60 84

f 10 men fencing at island field and cleaning wheat. very cool 50 60

sa 11 bob ploughing pea land for rye hector jean & lilly at salt with a load of wheat for sale 32 bush price 9/yk #36 slight frost last night 42 58 hears this day in the funeral of james nicol son of tom nicol an old friend of mine he had a farm ton in furnberry and has left a widow and family I think his age was 55 years

su 12 all at church but bob & alick mr mc lead of oncaster preaches he seems to please one all and we talk of giving him a call 30 68

m 13 men ploughing cutting straw fixing old wells & c warmer now 50 74

tu 14 men deepening & stoning up old well jean at salt doe apple pares may goes with her to I me donalds r valene & wife here from luck now. cloudy to day & mild stalker here 54 74

w 15 hector at guelph shew stalker shearing corn bob ploughing I get a eoban harp from the rev I johnstone, looks like rain 50 73

th 16 much cold rain to day hector returns from guelph with 23 B rye from mr gilchrist sat throughly wet at night we are at church mr smith of salt preaching a good attendance for such weather 60 {32?}

f 17 men ploughing stalker cutting corn I kill a lamb alich takes away 10 lambs price #3 each = #30 40 54

sa 18 men ploughing stalker cutting corn I help hime some - cold frost last night corn cuuembers & e come what blackend 39 52

su 19 all at church but {fefise?} mr cross preaches - very able all the ministers that has come yet since porteus left is able 43 53 scarch a drowy day puts on flannel over shirt.

Sept 1875

m 20 men plough in foremoon finishes the field for rye flulker cutting corn in foremoon then all stoning rye land season seems changed 44 53

tu 21 hector sows rye on pea land & barley stubble then drags bob cutting nating barley stuble stalker stoning cutting corn & threshing cold peas 40 52

w 22 hector finishes dragging rye on pea land then cuts corn south reaper stalker threshing peas bob culwating barly stubble hardcst some frost yet 34 50

th 23 hector at forest mill with peas to crack bob dragging I killed lamb the hardest frost last night grapes leaves sniftened corn melons 32 58

f 24 hector finishes cutting corn with reaper at neils then he bob & alick binding corn an I have a bad cold tried to get a sweat this morning 36 62

sa 25 men binding corn in aftermoon all at church but {fefise?} mr cross preaches afterwards we hold a meeting about calling a minister prousing #800 and a manse mr mc leod will likely get it 46 58

su 26 our sacrament mr cross officiates a fine day 43 60

m 27 men binding corn in foremoon in aftermoon all at childrens pea mic but me who has a bad cold mr cross & mr mc devmid there it was a great {succels?} collection #22 we get along well very fine 46 72

tu 28 men hauling corn from neils slashing & stooking it in field oer dyke at new barn a fine day but I bad with a cold not working 39 54

w 29 some rain this morning men hauls some corn puts in stableloft 40 52

th 30 stormy last night with thunder & rain and some hail & cold men fencing corn stocks & ploughing east of orchard quite cold 40 50


f 1 men ploughing east of orchard fine day but cool 37 32

sa 2 men ploughing in foremoon hauls the last of the corn in aftermoon 40 52

su 3 all at church but hector who is - mr young preaches clever 44 60

m 4 men ploughing at neils slashing for rye in after jean {fefise?} & I at church mouerating a call for mr mc lead oncaster to come and be our minister - the call unamaus except peter dickson who got no se conder- 44 64

tu 5 men plouging corn stubble at neils slashing cloudy famp luke rain 40 50

w 6 very wet last night & heavy showers all day with thunder in aftermoon men cleans up the barn for threpers & ploughs a little till slopts by rain I am bad with dysentery. very cold for thunder 40 52

th 7 menat flowes threshing I kill a sheep cloudy & very cool 38 32 the bush is now of many colours looking waster already

Octr 1875

f 8 men at cower thershing in foremoon. freshers lenants here in aftermoon cold & cloudy for the season 40 50

sa 9 freshers finishes about 3 biloch threshes wheat 80 B ice salt east cold oats 60 B pear 96 B cold 34 30

su 10 all at church but may & lilly mr young preaches 36 46

m 11 hector sows the last of the rye at neils hashing bob at I gregs threshing I carry 1 1/2 barrels apples cold ice 32 44

tu 12 hector dragging & cultvating rye bob ploughing east of orchard fefise & I carries about 4 barrles of apple hard frost last night 31 40

w 13 digging potatoes digs 30 b roses & bushels chilis forsty this morning 30 40

th 14 all at town {shep?} shew but may-fine sunny day & great shew got entries being 300 more than last year great crowd of peope. pay dr lundy #29 = {?} slashed=25 for lilly #3 for may & #1 for 31 54 gave rt mc lueen #5 subscription for advance on mirutern stipen

f 15 raining to day no potatoes dug {mom?} cleaning oats 38 46

sa 16 digs all our potatoes 36 B roses 50 B chilis & 30 B cascos total 130 bush cold 38 40

sa 17 lueer climate this quite a fall of snow to day = 4 inches with some thunder all as completely coverd with snow as mid winter jean & fefise at church I have a sore hunton my knee & at {hane?} 34 38

m 18 hector at mill with gust boys kills a lamb in foremoon bob ploughing in aftermoon ploughing down snow. & little the ground we white 34 36

tu 19 men choring in foremoon in aftermoon digging stalkers potatoes the snow is now all gone but lay till this aftermoon milder to day 36 44

w 26 men digging stalkers potatoes finishes the total 9 102 bushels for stalkers very fine day mc falconer dets married to {mils?} grey may & leezie goes to m lurnbid 38 58

th 21 men ploughing the women & i carry some apples after lea jean goes to kirkwall with 3 bags rambo apples & 10 hens plucked for sale 40 62

f 2 men ploughing our dyke before door women killing turkeys alick & I carrying apples - very fine indian surnmer warm 40 66

sa 23 jean lilly & alick at salt with ten turkeys sold them from 75 cents to 60 cents each men ploughing fefise & I carrying apple - very fine 40 66

su 24 all at church but may & fefise mr fall preaches hears 49 converts was 44 66 dipped at george resacks yesterday and 7 today into some queen seet!!

Octr 1875

m 25 men cutting stuff in foremoon & shawing turnips in aftermoon the woman & I carry the last of the apples total crop 18 on 20 barrles cool 40 50

tu 26 raining all foremoon men cleaning wheat in aftermoon shawing {?} 38 50

w 27 all shawing and taking up turnips pretty cold a little snow 38 48

th 28 stalker fixing turnips house there & hacking up turnips in foremoon in aftermoon hauls 7 loads of 30 B each 210 bushels put into cow byce house 36 40

f 29 elletion day between dr mc mahon & dr miller goes & boten heavy rain in morning & disagreeable all day does nothing at turnips 38 42

sa 30 raining nasty foremoon men taking up turnips in aftermoon 60 66 36-44

su 31 all at church but the boys mrs watt an old kirkwal dorrunie preaches very smart & clever but not very reverent we think 40-48


m 1 mr alich takes away 2 steers for # 60 in foremoon in aftermoon hauls 7 loads = 210 bushels turnips hard frost all day 32 34

tu 2 in foremoon hector {bungs?} home the ram lamb he bought from fait & the men cuts stuff in aftermoon hauls 9 loads turnips = 270 B frosty last night & since ever we began to hauls but manage 32 34

w 3 very hard frost last night & cold & cloudy all day we take in 3 loads of turnips = 130 B then stopped by snow hears mc leod is not coming here 27 32

th 4 hauls the last of our turnips 9 loads 270 on 37 loads total crop 1110 bushels which is all the grasshoppers has left us of 6 acres of well maniured land 30 38

f 5 hector at salt with wheat & for bran bob ploughing milder to day cloudy 33 40

sa 6 jane & fefise at salt with turkeys & my debentures men ploughing 34 46

su 7 all at church but fefise mr monteith preaches - very able & augenal 34 49

m 8 men ploughing & cuts some corn and straw at noon cool 33 36

tu 9 men ploughing I mined this day 32 40

w 10 men ploughing & cuts some corn and straw at noon cool 33 38

th 11 hector at I middy men at oak log in bush ploughing in aftermoon 33 46

f 12 men ploughing stalker & richardson at oak logs in sugar bush fine 34 52

sa 13 men ploughing pea land in 16 acre field the {rest?} at oak logs 7 lake up beetles 40 40

su 14 real winter day snowing and freezing none at church but fefise lilly & alick mr young from toronto preaches 26 30

m 15 ground covered with snow but thawing aftermoon men 30 38

tu 16 snowing all foremoon hector & bob hauling stone pile in 16 acre field stalker & richardson at oak logs 34 36

Nov 1875

w 17 men hauling stones from stone pile & blasting oak logs walter armstrong comes here after being home at old country 28 36

th 18 hector at salt for bran men at oak log bob ploughing 34 36

f 19 cuts stuff in foremoon in aftermoon men ploughing mild 40 43

sa 20 hector at forest mill with peas to chop & goes to blair for cloth bob at ouch logs splitting rails mild & snow all gone 32 38

su 21 all at church but bob mr wait walerdown preaches cool 28 34

m 22 puts the ram to ewes. the hardest frost yet mrn choring 22 30

tu 23 rakes and takes home 21 bags leaves. men choring thawing 36 40

w 24 men kills a sheep splitting oak rails choring & {c?} cloudy 32 30

th 25 men at oak rails cold cloudy & {C?} 26 32

f 26 bob at I dicksons threshing where our dog venture got killed his tail twisted into the lumbling nod & he was smashed raining all foremoon mild everywhere frost out of ground 38 46

sa 27 frost again cuts stuff bob at benyys threshing coldish 23 34

su 28 all at church but may & lilly me chrsler preaches pretty cold 23 30

m 29 my certie this is a smell day for the season wind high and the ground covered with snow begins to fother the sheep & walter an {miea?} goes home to luck noe they get there birret set up - 14 12 8

tu 30 the last day of Nov. and a tickler bob chopping firewood hector at bob + hunter {soup?} he has sold out below zero above 0 8 - 6


w 1 hector at guelph fair with horses for sale poor chance to sell their bob chring fefsie puts to I vance jean & may goes with her above 8 16

th 2 men at firewood modirate to day but winter set fairly {bothering?} 13 24

f 3 men at firewood fine day thawing in the sun dear sunny 20 34

sa 4 men cuts stuff and getting fire wood cloudy look like rain mad 30 34

su 5 all at church but hector & bob mr guild preaches. a {queen?} dark day a drizzle all day freezing & sticking to the trees 30 34

m 6 men choring another drizzling day & sticking to the trees 30 32

tu 7 another strange dark drowy day freezing & slicking to the trees the trees is now loaden with men cleaning wheat & choring 30 33

w 8 kills a pig the only one we have feeding men choring another dark day the trees loaden with great branches of the willows breaking off with the weight of ice 30 33

Decr 1875

th 9 a little snow last night the trees still loaden with ice and many great branches breaking with its weight men choring 28 32

f 10 hector choring bob hauling firewood to his father I get a snow bird from 30 32

sa 11 hector & jean at salt with wheat & turkeys for sales some snow to day & snowing now soft good sleighing now thawed a little 32 36

su 12 all at church with sleigh but alick & bob mr tinyth preaches 20 30

m 13 men cutting stuff in foremoon sawing firewood in aftermoon bob & I both sickly with a bad cold good slughing 20 28

tu 14 hector & jean at mr gilhists bob choring ice off trees now above 11 20

w 15 men choring at firewood snowing lightly almosts all day 20 32 bob his father sawing in bush to I cowe in foremoon till slopt by snow

16 bob & his father sawing with long saw in cowes bush hector choring 20 32

17 cutting unthreshed peas at nearbarn with cowes chalf cutter cold clear 11 14

18 cros cutting our firewood about 30 cord finishes about 30 clock with 11 hands good cold day 10 14

su 19 all at church but may & I both has a bad cold mr bincent preaches he seems to have pleased well likely we may give him a call it has been very snell all day freezie mc lueen got her log frozen coming 5-0-8

20 men cleaning cut pease fine calm day & looking like thaw 8 28 39

21 hector at forest mill with peas to chop bob piling wood mild thaw 44 44

22 men cleaning peas in foremoon in aftermoon hector goes to forest mill for what he left yesterday all the rest at congregatonal meeting about calling a minister agrees to call mr vincent who preached fine sunny thaw hughing all gone crekk sunning 38 46

23 men cleans up alll the peas we with cowes cutter about 46 bushels last was a very peculair one for the season the sky quite clear all night & the grass never below 45 mow all gone roads muddy & creek running a curious season this 45-48-44

24 hard frost last night none it is raining ice from the east and sticking to the trees men piling firewood and this is christmas eve 29 30

sa 25 christmas day all our people at {?} mc donald bob shooting and I left alone to keep house thaw all last night freezing 40 32

su 26 all at church but may & lilly mr straight preaches a young probationer {noon?} 40 44

m 27 nomination day for councillwes at rocton men choring fine day 26 26

tu 28 collecting seat {cents?} the rest kills a beef cow fine day 26 34

Decr 1875

w 29 deer collecting for {I cut?} renty lenant boys roup 26 34

th 30 deer men chopping saving firewood break the cow I collect a 40 46

f 31 decr the last day of the year and a strange one for the season the ground clear of snow the crack sunning clear of ice and the gap at 60 men at firewood and so farewell old 1875 46 60


sa 1 new years day the mc donald her we have a larky no work 48-44-44

su 2 all at church but jan mr straight preaches cool but fine 40 40

m 3 out at kirkwall boting for reeve & couniliers cutting stuff after 33 38 we are to have a meeting at church tonorrow to give a call to mr bineent we are not ananimous & expects sad divisons!

tu 4 congreational meeting to call mr vincent the poll went 50 for vincent & 16 for mr wait of waterdown keem frost 14 22

w 5 hecotr jean & I at salt I draw out of the merchant bank #200 loaned to hector bugs a cap #l.12 cent a book on {?} #1.25 pays the reformer #2 pays chambers & blackwood #6 bendes postage hard frost in the morning the mud as hard as rock but it burned thaw and rained hard coming home broke the of waggon seat 26 45

tu 6 men choring a springing of snow last night frosty to day 26 28

f 7 hector a sale in pusling wants to buy ladder fine day seen thaw 29 36

sa 8 men choring thawing strange open winter some rain 35 42

su 9 all at church but may & lilly mild thawing 38 46

m 10 men choring after a singular spell of mild weather it looks as if we were now going to have a spell of {cointer?} the ground is coverd with snow last night and today it is cold & stormy the colder snap we have had was the 31st nov. when the glass in salt was 5 below zero there has been little hughing decr & on the last day 31st the {slafs?} in salt stood at 65 & for sevaral days many people was ploughing will get snill payment for this yet likely above 12 1

tu 11 men at firewood stalker wit us some in {aw?} but no sleighing 76

w 12 shool meeting hector at it bob & stalker sawing firewood in beish 15 1

th 13 men at firewood in bush a little snow last night but poor sleighing 12 1

14 f men at wood a little more snow but no heighing yest and the roads 20 26 very rough mr bineent note corning here we are all a broad again.

Jany 1876

15 hector at forest mill with gust stalker & bob at firewood 24 35

16 all at church but bob & alcik mr young preaches very able thawing 34 36

17 cuts stuff in foremoon posts a registered letter to fefsie mothe kippel thawing all last night and all day the pickle snow snow all gone queen 34 40

18 raining small rain all day bob wind wn robsons to thresh but swing to the rain they did not begin berily there is a strange winter 40 40

19 mother strange day for the season shawing all last night and to day the post out of the ground in most places to day i turned a compost heap in garden & the frost was quite out men pilling oak rails very mild 40 43 36

20 the {?} came down last night and running nearly full to day sll bugh considerably goryed with ice the ground slightly covered with snow which fill last night frosty to day men at rails 22 26

21 men at rails colder to day road very south was going 20 24

22 a gold bet of snow last night but not in ough for my 14 22

23 all at church but may & lilly mr wilhle preaches a young boyish looking student very clever thawing again queen winter 36 33

24 hector & jean away south looking for straw bob at him robsons threshing alick fixing things keen frost roads slippery 20 26

25 splitting & snowing all day hector at mengies looking for oats to buy he is going to get some freezing all day 22 30

26 hector at {?} with waggon buying outs the grasshoppers having eaten the most {?} bob {?} pretty frosty to day but no slughing yet 18 26

{2?}7 {hector?} at forest mill with chopping stuff, bob choring, thawing all day 42 38

28 cutting stuff in foremoon men choring thawing & raining almost all day &/+ quite misty now we are like to have no slughing this year at least we have had none yet & the ground is quite black again 34 36

30 bur sarament all there but bob mr carrick officates very earnent 14 34

31 our annual meeting mr {carrieh?} preaches gives I mc lueen #4 seat for I deaths 18 36

Feby 1876

tu 1 men choring snowing all afternoon {?} snow although the glafs points to 36 perhaps {?} 28 36

w 2 hector at guelph fair for bran with sleigh a good bit of snow on the ground and fair slughing to day keen frost clear above 2 8

th 3 hector at salt with slugh & 3 pigs at 45 each = 15 snowing light all day enough snow for good slughing but our lane down to the sugar bush to quite blocked up bob tried to bush it up with the oxen & harrows but stuck it will have to be east with shovels 10 20

f 4 hector & bob at mr gilchirsts with slugh for straw alick choung 11 22

sa 5 hector at mr mingies for may & jean goes south him bob breaking the road to {?} with shovel oxen & {?} 0 22

su 6 all at church but lilly mr d.stewart preaches able wants a call and likely to get one from us thawing all day 30 40

m 7 cutting stuff in foremoon men hauling firewood in afternoon with slughs though sleighing is done nearly ground black & thawing 28 38

tu 8 frost last night but thawing all day men hauling firewood 28 39

w 9 spittering ice all day & sticking to the trees men choring 29 39

th 10 hector & bob at gilchrist for straw trees & road caked with {?} 30 30

f 11 another great thaw sleighing gone creek down {?} full and lane crossed by streams from fields men choring 46 46

sa 12 hector & jean away hector salt for payment for pigs in lean to see mrs I mc donald boys choring a {?} thaw 26 40

su 13 all at church but may & alick mr hume st george preaches 24 36

m 14 quite a thunder storm last night avoid lightning great rain & then frost this morning the trees was loaden with ice and the ground one sheet of ice creek in full flood then thaw men choring 30 38

tu 15 hector away at troy along with wm cowe for hay bob choring 32 32

w 16 men choring r harbottle here snowing in aftermoon steady 24 24

th 17 hectorj ean & may away at davy mitchels {?} bob choring 24 26

f 18 hector away at troy for more hay price #13 per tne bob choring 24 33

sa 19 my nephew walter marton from elmo comes here men choring 32 38

su 20 walter martin goes away to robs hunters all at church but lilly mr swing preaches he looks sickly but preached well 18 34

m 21 men choring thawing rain ground nearly black again we have not has a weck slieghing this winter 22 34

Feby 1876

22 men chopping in swampjean & feezy at joch wights a good deal of snow in aftermoon slughing perhaps 22 30

23 hector & bob at gilchrists for straw with slugh poor slughing cold 0 10

24 hector & bob at gilchrists again for straw with slugh but poor slughing for & mrs porteus here coldish day 8 20

25 hector away at troy for hay bob at father hauling firewood in foremoon 16 26

26 men {chowing?} in foremoon cutting stuff in afternoon saw a crow the last i have seen this year cold windy & cloudy 20 22

27 all at church but may & lilly a very cowes day a pirly kind of snow or hail falling all daybut few at church rob & martin comes 18 24

28 {?} martin going ancon goes away hector takes them salt may & jean goes with them to mr mac geligans visiting i suppore it is pretty good slughing to day hector took the slugh 20 20

29 hector & alick at gilchirst for straw with slugh bob at benjys cutting straw with house chalf cutter pretty good slughing now 20 24


1 hector at guelph fair with two horses for sale bob hauling 22 28 sold the pair of horses two hundred dollars

2 bob hauling firewood hector choring clear sunny frosty above 12 22

3 hector away about troy looking for clover seed may & jean goes with him to robt hunters clear sunny but the sun thaws a bit 8 34

4 him sawing firewood in swamp jean & lilly at mr lurnbulls 13 38 bob went away to night being hired to far pentland

su 5 all at church but jane mr preaches thawing sowing 30 48

m 6 quite a strong sun thaw slughing all gone hector choring he has 38 32

tu 7 sees a robin hector choring thawing all night & all day creek in full flood snow at gone but wreaths glare everywhen 50 52

8 {?} frost again sees a blue {?} hector choring cold 20 24

9 hector got his eye hurt last night by one of the chorses driving the grass against it is very sore now not much done to day mr smith of salt is to reach in our church to night good at tindapce 24 32

10 hector bad with his hurt eye - choring jean alick & lilly at our school concert slight thaw cloudy roads rather muddy 28 34 cutting stuff in aftermoon hector is eye getting better fast cloudy thaw & fragging some small rain near night

March 1876

su 12 all at church but may & me I taking physic very {?} day & {?} church tuning small all day mr harknes preaches 38 38

m 13 small frost & snow last night & all day blowing hard & drilling 20-20-13

tu 14 another small frost hector mr yates with broken pump rod 10 24

w 15 hector at cowes in foremoon setting machine for sawing wood mr campbell from st baile reaches here very able jean & {?} at salt buging {blows?} but comes in time for {?} at 21m 10 23

th 16 very stormy day small snow or hail falling all day hector went to I cowes in the morning to saw wood but come back it was to rough 22 30

f 17 hector at salt for corn for feed got none but brought home bran 23 33

sa 18 snell frost last night likely to be harder to night hector at cowes 0 11

su 19 all at church but alick with slight clear w harknes preaches 8 2

m 20 hector at mrs mc alisters & edmond decker sawing firewood snowing blowing and drying at most all day alick choring 18 23

tu 21 up till to day the gilt refouncer says the deepest snow we have had this winter was only four inches but yesterday snow is much more than than that it now good sleighing but cannot belong 20 20

w 22 afternoon all at church at a meeting of the congregation to see if we were prepared to give a call to a minister & to whom there was proposed mr campbell mr hume & mr ewing the majority of votes was for mr campbell and the call is to be given this day wekk clear cold & good sleighing 20 26 got a letter informing me of the deat of my cousin david elliot he had ben 10 years blind the was written by this doughlen lemmet elliot 15 orange st swansea 26 feby he is the last of his fathers family mathew elliots family is now all gone!

th 23 got five dollars from mrs hitchell to pay manse & glibe cuts some straw hector shoring mrs mitchell & maggie blak here wm little & a mr good fellow here looking for horses 24 37

f 24 hector at salt for corn for feed mr robson & wife here i give mr lueen #4 for seat & +5 for manse from mrs milchel 20 36

sa 25 a cold icy rain all day slicking to the trees it {?} snow last night a very nasty disagreeable day doing nothing 34 34

su 26 all at church but lilly mr chillar preaches again a good sermon 32 38

27 cuts stuff in foremoon alick left school last saturday 32 34 28

March 1876

28 a very stormy day blowing from the east and {illegible} & drifting all day by far the heavest {illegible} 26 33

29 this day was appointed for a meeting to call a minister but swing to snowed uproads mr fishecoals {illegible} did not come to preside so we could not proceed it was just as wellas there was very few at church mr christer preached 30 30 24

30 hector at mr youngals soup to buy hay alick choring good slighing 30 33

31 hector at forest mill with gust alick choring I take accurly slick to 33 36


1 hector & alich away at mr yougals for hay {illegible} bought two {illegible} #13 {illegible} my wedding day 43 youwayo!! 23 36

2 will at church but alick mr chrystal preaches thawony 23 38

3 {illegible} came just as we were preparing to go to church call a minister so none went but one the call was ananimous for mr campbell of st hillude no other being proposed thawing 33 42

4 hector choring in foremoon takes the potato sugar bush thawing 34 42

5 cutting stuff in foremoon saps some trees in afternoon {illegible} 33 42

6 saps the rest of our trees carries 4 pails poor {illegible} clear windy 30 44

7 sap to day emties the trough of rain & goes formal roads very bad forter over roads in swamp now going fast hector choring 36 40

8 hector at salt for pig feed we gather 26 pails of sap and syrops 30 pails leaving water in the kettles looks like hard front wind 33 36

9 all at church but may & lilly mr puller from blen {illegible} roads very muddy water the road in swamp we go by giberts 30 40

10 {illegible} we syrop off 44 pailpals & leave 13 pails in pots 30 42 this makes 37 pailpals to day hector choring

11 gets 36 pails sap & syrop off 37 {illegible} leaving 10 pails in pots quite warm to day not sun well in afternoon snow {all?} one put pak his 33 32

12 rain with thunder this morning no sap in afternoon hector & I attends the funeral of our old nighbour robt peaves who died at dundad aged 75 old onrs is midly all gone now 40 41

13 raining all day we cut some stuff near night jean syrops off the 10 pails we left in pots & leaves water in pots no sap 40 46

April 1876

f 14 cleans the sugar brought of rain in foremoon then it came a putting thunder shower & I had to go and loom again hector away in horsback fishing for oats go to the promise of some from mr ganick gets a pap from mc rueen 49 60

sa 15 old sap to day hector choring snow all gone but some patches 39 46

su 16 all at church but alichmrs ambre preaches roads very muddy 36 46

m 17 hector begin to plough sod north of sugar bush we gather 22 pails sap boiled it a little and it the pots cold wind nw 31 36

tu 18 gets 37 pails sap syropt of 48 pails leaving 11 packs in pots hector splitting firewood in foremoon ploughing hinging firewood 32 40

w 19 hector goes for a loadof hay to mr yougals for the last of the hay he bought we get 32 pails sap & syrop of 32 pails leaving 10 pails in dirts fine day but loads muddy yet 32/+16

th 20 gets 33 pails sap syrop off 36 & leaves 7 in pots yesterdayis not very goos sugar so we wont make any mike herted plough 32 42

f 21 gets 20 pails sap syrop off 23 & leaves 4 pails in pots hector ploughing 40 48

sa 22 cutting stuff in foremoon in afternoon hector goes to mr goal who for oats we get 19 pails sap & syrop off 20 leaving 3 pails 40 35

su 23 no minister to daythe elders holds a prayer meeting 40 52

m 24 got 6 pails sap did not kindel the fire hector & jean goes to salt with boar which mr aldich bugh part #12 H stalker spleming stakes I skin a dead ewe 43 52

tu 25 gets 3 pails sap 7 syrop off 12 pails leaving water in pots no run thinks sugar miooe hector & alick ploughing for spring wheat in 16 acre field stalker at {?} field fencing 43 25

w 26 delives sut garfen & plants to onions hector ploughing richardson stalker & alick at island field ending no sap 43 6

th 27 hector & alick ploughing hut chichardson splitting firewood springing a little & brings some dishes from bush sugar time done 48

f 28 hector & alich ploughing richardson splitting firewood I get grafts I susrenee & yellow bells from I gregs falls fine 42 38

sa 29 hector at guelph for seed spung wheat stalker ploughing I craft some st laurence apples foes the first wallow 43

su 30 all at church but jane mr wight preaches new from jeokand we 36

May 1876

1 hector sows spring wheat in aftermoon stalker & richardson fincing I bring spouts & some dishes from bush pats {illegible} apples eggs to chat 34 48

2 hector dragging stalker & richardson on fencing may sows seed onions I craft st lawrence on gloualand & prines 34 52

3 hector sows peas stalker callivating dr I o land potatoes in garden and sows sunflower seeds on other swallow jouring & is fine 43 60

4 hector + stalker cultivating in peas fine loads boring last night put ewes & lambs to sugar bush mr campbell is come to be 44 52

5 men cultivating peas & floning to south stone beat till slopped by rain in aftermoon wind east & cold 40 44

6 hector at salt for brand alick & stalker stoning jean palnling 44 60

7 all at church but hector mr wight preaches fine growing 46 58

8 men dragging peas frunes the last of the trees fine growing 60 58

9 hector sowing oats & grasseed stalker culivating in oats In growing 46 54

10 hector at i cowes ploughing stalker cultivating oats i plant an apple at old house work shop floor growing rain last night & showers 42 52

11 men dragging oats I buy a pair of shoes at mc milians for #1.40 48 58

12 hector begins to plough sod our dyke at new barn for corn I scrapes some apple trees saw two chunks swallows yesterday the frost rain 42 58

13 hector ploughing at new barn mr firries here altering a colt 44 58

14 all at church but lilly a mr finclair preaches cloudy 40 60

15 hector & 6 more teams goes to killside to flit our new minister mr campbell sho is to be induiled tomorrow cloudy & threashoning rain all day but did not rain much jean & some others goes to rid up the manse in aftermoon willows getting all the green a late spring 48 44

16 in aftermoon we are altogether at the induction of our new minister mr campbell of kilbride there was much good speaking last nigt we had a farse which realised #71.40 st was a mice meeting 44 58

17 thunder & rain last night very fine growing day the finiest this season hector ploughing in aftermoon ground very wet 54 72

18 hector ploughing stalker & alick stoning fine growing day 52 70

19 hector ploughing sod for corn stalker ploughing potatoe land very fine growing day seek few beer on willow at {illegible} very late this 38 72

hector {illegible} stalker & alick stong i cutting {illegible} among hay gilberts fines bees in our willows in full force warm fine 58 80

May 1876

su 21 all at church but alichchwich well filled to hour mr campbell just onion be gives I think general sales paction hot 60 82

m 22 hector ploughing stalker & alick hauling dung for potatoes I cutting resroot cuts the lambs after tea has 29 from 21 ewes #2 ewe lambs & 12 weathers colder now than in morning 66 54

tu 23 hector ploughing alick & stalker at dung a lamb deer frost 42 62

w 24 {illegible} for seed potatoes being {illegible} birthday people generally taking holiday 43 58

th 25 men at dung every blossoms coming out maples in flowers 70 71

f 26 men fixing {illegible} we cut 12 bushels of potatoes clear 48 78

sa 27 planta 13 potatoes on 26 drills 8 bushels horses on the east them hunsots 3 & last 1 1/2 b. peach blows very hot saw some grasshoppers every trees in full blossom everything booling fine 60 85

su 28 all at church but hector who goes in afternoon to the funeral of ms alich cummin with ocrat& carried the coffin our new minister pleak well to day - hope it will on 60 80

m 29 good deal at forst mill with gust stalker & alick fencing no end {illegible} field cherry blossoms faded aples in blossom 48 55

tu 30 hector at forest mill withgust stalker & alick fencing with end of syrop old cherry blossoms faded aples in blossom 48 35

w 31 hector sows at prayer meeting at night minister does well 52 79


th 1 men hauling dung for turnips jean & I plants corn land fees mandrake flours out and a grint mant young grasshoppers likely to be as bad as last years 61 84

f 2 men at turnips dung same thunder & rain 62 83

sa 3 jean lilly & at dundas gets coupons cashed $36 pays banner great rain & some thunder men at turnips land 60 80

su 4 all at church but lilly our minister very popular pleasing 60 78

m 5 men at dung land #7 to adam smith & gives $30 to hector 50 6

u 6 men at dung sweet but in garden cool & cloudy thunder 62 68

7 men at dung finely it wing weather not very hot 60 74

men at {illegible} fine day sets up harden potatoes 61 83

June 1876

9 men at swamp land till campell men with {illegible} thunder shower it had no effect in the grass

sa 10 very hot men ploughing in & spreading dung for

su 11 all at church byt hector very hot the glass at go at 10

12 clips owr sheep 33 very hot we try to sesle young

13 men at swamp land stalker fencing at wheat

14 hector{illegible} dragging stalker absent sti

15 hector ploughing for corn rest dragging swamp

16 hector at salt in afternoon for salt for turnip {illegible} hue ploughing corn for feed till slopt by heavy men

17 hector soroing corn for feed till slopt by heavy men were at and nominated 7 for elders they wont all has no effect in hilling grasshoppers in sprit of rain the

18 our sacrament all there but lilly mr cameron does the who

19 stalker & alick stoning hector drilling sows turnips after foremoon

20 stoning & sowing turnips hector drilling do fine and cool

21 hector drilling & sowing turnips stalker kingy's I {aillo?}

22 hector drilling & sowing turnips kills colt & I skin

23 finished drillig & sowing turnips & hopes they is chewshead grasshoppers but it doubtfull for they are as plinty as of

24 hector & lean at salt south wool - 29 fleeces - weight {illegible} weight for fleece 6 1/2 lbs price 28 cents stalker I lapse 3 u hauling & raising stones I cut thistles & total value of wool at 28 at cents $49 but then they were duke for matte fleeces #4.48 cents to which reduced the total to $4

su 25 all at church but jean mrs campbell very and ran minister very down hearter poor man two do to have a consultation abut her tomorrow

26 hector ploughing stalker & alick finan & mp thistles in oats & kills bugs on

tu 27 sudor in foremoon at fas wight raising in of lerg grasshoppers stalkers ploughing sod I cut thistles cooler to as to thres hector it roan may jean & I goes to ice janics claiday so they but alick found he died this morning at 4 am born in 1800 the same year as me!

June 1876

Su 21 All at Church in forenoon. In afternoon at the funeral of first sermon James Caliday{?} May & Jean goes to Warwicks{?} to

M 22 Hector ploughing & we call for them coming back from funeral 64 84 I gathering Red{?} road work Hector bring him sod in afternoon 12 17 Ewe Lambs Bugs on Potatoes, much cooler today 62 76

Tu 23 Hector plough Tilly{?}

W 24 Clear Fine to plough, but stopped about 10 oclock It rained been dull and wet{?} all all day & looks like more & it is wanted{?}

Th 25 Men at Dingh{?} but Tilly Mrs Campbel a little better some rain 68

F 26 Men & oxen{?} at Galt gets our Negatives taken for Photographs

Sa 27 Plan to 13 12 1/2 {?}rape 2 Sterascope{?} fine day slight showers Then Russets 3 {illegible}Bank Fifty dollars #50 grasshoppers to now has at end of old stable but stopped by

Su 28 all at Chur afternoon men cutting hay I kill bugs 70 80 {illegible} & T goes to Galt I was surprised to hear that our new {page ripped} Mr{?} Clark had left me one of his executers

M 29 A good deal the widow Mrs Clark Mr Scot & I thought that altogether{?} too old - I am now 76 so I referred to

Tu 30 Hector at released. Men cutting hay, some clovers 70 80 {illegible} end, bugs in forenoon men cutting hay in afternoon

W 31 Hector barn{?} 3 good loads of hay 2 into old byre and one sows{?} at old stable to be pitched tomorrow morning 68 8

Th 1 {illegible} mare but a pretty smart shower Raking in afternoon {illegible} at Gilberts line - a good crop. very sultry 9 get burled 70 88 many more 7 good loads of hay which we put into cowbyre

F 2 Men at New barn after tea we rake & cock the rest of

Sa 3 Team Team 2 at Gilberts line, very hot all day & sultry 76 Says Bannerwich but Hector This is the hottest day I ever saw in Canada 80 9{?}

Su 4 all at Church 2d{?} load of hay in forenoon 2 into old stable

M 5 Men at dung byre and 2 into new cowbyre. Hector has got

Tu 6 Men at dung from Missouri - began his time this morning

W 7 Men at the dung{?} goes Joseph Pearson Stalker & he mowing orchard in {illegible, page water damaged} Hector setting the last of the Potatoes. got Bushed

{Illegible} showers going roung with thunder. We got none 76

July 1876

11 hector jane alick & lilly at sles menager brings home may's & my photo stalker & pears on mowing orcharding thistles 76

w 12 petrol cutting timothymen mow foremoon in afternoon rockest to kes in 1 ip loads a good deal of disant thunder here pickel cherrie

13 hauls 6 loads of timothy & puts me stable a good deal of distant thunder round but we got none very by

14 look in 5 loads of timothy & gust then soft for threshers &

15 took in 2 loads timothy & a pickel this {illegible} tomorrow 32 50

hector cutting thistles with mower {finloudy?} cool 33 38

hay has a good crop & well saved for 29 our I dont know

su 16 all church but lilly & I not bun all door bush some 28 38

17 men begins to cut wheat in island is bas ign of aftermoon too upe whet shrunh & bands snapping crop very cool 30 40

18 cutting wheat till stoped by a great thistles forenoon 30 40 one of the loudsst cracks of thunder I ever heard me down our creek red after 3 oclock we went back to the wheat

19 cuts all our fall wheat on island field a great cropof su but poor in grain being scorched with heat & {wsted?} stalker

20 begins to cut rye till stopped by high wind we go and begins to thin turnips hector hurkling them cool to day

21 jean at salt with cherries to mr alrich we at rye i ikes is the barley loose after a quite cool now hot spell over

sa 22 hauling wheat from island field took in 12 loads, sligh thaw

su 23 all at church but alick & joe me wander preached

24 all thinning turnips all day mr warden & R mc lueen at us for money for knox's college i gave then #3 hector #142 60 74

25 my birthday & I have to day my 76 years I am now an old old all of us all day thinning turnips a good brand bug grasshoppers

26 hauls 7 loads of rye in aftermoon our me goes to cowes to wren but got a be gunk as they are not going to thresh till friday so they one home & cut rye mre stalker lilly & I thin nine afternoon very cool drouthy & nice to work

July 1876


to cut peas stalker {illegible} cuts all day, In afternoon,

hauls rye from Necks slashing {illegible} 66

the peas {illegible} stalker fully finishes the

before fraird but the {illegible}

Peas all day hauls 13 loads of {illegible}

Peas all day very hot again

Peas finishes them at night

of Peas Puts into New Barn 6

and 3 into old barn breezy day

Cutting finding bats all day fine

finishes cutting bats

all the bats Hector Lakes the Reaper to spring wheat hot 66

stock the last of the spring wheat stalker out

in afternoon Hot with dirt ant thunder

this afternoon aged 23 minister is a young

went away this morning at o'clock to accompany the

Mrs. Campbell to {illegible} to Peterborough

her {illegible} Place. Stalker at Deckers thresheng in

we haul all the spring wheat 9 loads

{illegible} in day Mr Campbell being away to Peterborough


Takes in all {illegible} which finishes

Riddel here collecting {illegible}


Grafting Wax

{torn page} part Resin, three parts beeswax & three parts Lard


Three parts Resin two parts beeswax and two parts tallow

Rev. Thomas T Johnstone. Fernandina Florida

Nov 1876

Ru 12 Mr. Gould here reaching fine day Indian summer 34 46 sheep diet of turnip shaw

13 Mom makes a Log enclosure for straw in yard as we expect

the thresher tomorrow threshing with flails for the house

breaks up the Pig and fixes the barn for threshers tomorrow 32 50

Threshers here puts out the straw all day. Cloudy cool 33 38

15 Thresher finishes at noon & the goes to Benjy. {illegible} know

the yield Total Rye about 190 B. Wheat songs. Bush some 28 38

If Hector at Beny's threshing in forenoon at Howe's in afternoon

{Jelling} Peg's Alick at Benjy's in afternoon Cloudy cool 30 40

Mon Ploughing Jean at J. Louis Killing Turkeys. forenoon 30 40

Ru 18. Mon Ploughing Mr. & Mrs. John Malcolm here cool 34 44

Ru 19 All at church but Lilly Mr. Crystal preaches at 3 PM 38 48

20 Mon Ploughing @ Liddesdale drove all day dull 34 44

21 Mon Ploughing @ Liddesdale again all day This the 4th day 34 42

22 Mon burns her Island field + Lakes the Plackyk

Er Pla Lorland in the acre field. Puts Raintow{stain}s 34 42

28 Hector Han + Alick at lyatt couth wheat + Luwrkey get Bean 32 35

24 cutting stuff + horeeng {pi?} Cloudy cool 30 34

Mers Patching a begrent in kitchen slors growing 30 34

ground covered with snow this morning all at Church but

May + Lilly Mr Campbell comes back and preaches, It is expected

he will continue to be our Minister again, I voted against him

coming back. he went away in such a strange I would have

him stay away but the majority wants him + here he{illegible} 30 34

27 In afternoon Hector is at the Funeral of the Jameson's

daughter aged 22: Snowing a good deal, Roads bad. {Hushy?} 30 37

A good deal of now snow but too soft for Sleighing Mr. Campbell here. 28 36

{illegible}ong up the pace the mantle up games be bye same. ::

Nov 1876 Ru 29 Kills our Pigs—zouly Mr. Lowe helps out Got

a Letter last might from John Elliot Lared 15 Nov 26

Th 30 Hector + Jean at Guelph with 12 bags of Peas La going to step at

Damian gilchsrs all night very cold. Glanas at 14 marming 14


P1 Very cold. Hector brings from Plough from Gilchrists

and some herring. Gets # 4 from May {lor}th as part

Raymont of #7 adam mord

Ru 2 Malls old s mott not thawing but nosla hong

Roads very rough. May get a peer of over shapeac #41.3 20 24

Ru 3 All at Church but Alick Mr. Campbell preaches very able 23–28

Ru 2N.4 Men charing J. not doing much, clear + sunny 26 28

Annnan observer 20th Feb. 1880

Dumfriesshire Population 48.241

Annan 4631 Canobie 3055 Dumfries 14341

Eskdalemuir 551 Ewes 338 Langholm 3735 Lochmaben 3085

Moffat 2543 Westerkirk 540

Illigitimate Births BanfBannshire highest 19 percent

Kirkcudbrightshire 15.6 Aberdeen + Wigton equal 14.2

Dumfriesshire 13.7 Rots + Cromartiy lowest 4.8

Births in Scotland 30.064 deaths 1748 Marriages 6523

Transcription Progress



David Martin Diary, 1872-1876 Part 1.pdf
David Martin Diary, 1872-1876 Part 2.pdf
David Martin Diary, 1872-1876 Part 3.pdf
David Martin 1872-1876 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“David Martin Diary & Transcription, 1872-1876,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 9, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/211.
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