David Martin Diary & Transcription, 1876-1882


David Martin Diary & Transcription, 1876-1882

Date Created

June 12, 1876

Is Part Of

David Martin Diary Collection


Photograph of Manuscript & Typed Transcription


Extract from Mr. McKenzie's speech at Toronto June 1878

Let me say this what I have stated at almost every meeting I have attended that the only accusation ^that they can bring against the present admi^nistration is one simply of want of prudence in purchasing rails in advance of the time when they were required. Now Sir I dont believe that we purchased too soon; but I say now as I have said on other occasions that all the rails we bought we bought by open tender, whereas the rails they bought were purchased through a relative of of one of themselves to whom they paid a commission of two & one half per cent and who cheated the government of Canada by charging them $20000 that we know of, more than he paid the manufacturer; and ^same this person got his two and a half per cent even upon that: upon a light {illegible} that was purchased we found the amount paid this same person was more by $3000 or $4000 than was paid by him to the builder. We {illegible} have the judgement of the court for that. Then at the very time that we were buying rails by public competition at $54.60 delivered in Canada we were receiving deliveries at #85 of rails bought by them. Now with regard to the Neebing Hotel the price paid for this famous hotelry was about 500 5300 if I recollect aright; and all the charge is that the valuators of the government valued it too high Well I don't know whether whether they did or not; but if they did the government is not to blame. We appointed a conservative as one of the valuators joining with him one of our own friends; these gentlemen valued the structure; and yet this is one of the great issues that the Tory party have to go to elections on - that, $200 or 300 too much was paid for the Nebing Hotel (cheers & laughter) - We found on the other hand that the leader of the opposition gave to one of his friends $2500 for nothing out of the public purse and we have never got anything for it up to the present time, and yet {illegible} have the effrontery to come forward and say that we paid too much through our valuators by $200 or $300 for this Hotel, We do not hear these gentlemen say that we kept the secret service money fund in our posses-sion We never defrauded the Government out of money that was due to the country by a railway corporation which was controlled by a political ring and yet these people attempt to make a cry out of such matters as I have referred to; why Sir ^it is the merest trifling with the workman

June 12th 1878


Decr. 1876

F 1

Very cold Hector brings Iron Plough ^Pays Mrs. Laing the Globe #175 for ~77 from Gilchrist's and some herring from Guelph Gets #4 from May Smith part of #7 Adam borrowed last summer, To get the rest soon? ^above 6 18

Sa 2

Still coldish snow not thawing but not thawi Sleighing Roads very rough, May gets a pair of overshoes-price #1.40 20 26

Su 3

All at Church but Alick Mr Campbell preaches - very able 23 28

M 4

Men choring, I not doing much clear sunny 26 28

Tu 5

Hector at Deckers threshing in forenoon, goes to Crief in afternoon after a pair of Boots, snow lying but no sleighing 22 30

W 6

Hector at Forest Mill with grist of wheat & rye Alick choring 26 34

Th 7

Men choring Donald Paterson & wife from California here with Tom Grey & wife Milder today clay but fairly winter 26 32

F 8

Men choring hauling ^old rails to Bailing place cold 22 26

Sa 9

A very cold stormy day drifting and snowing some but not enough for Sleighing yet men choring above 3 3 10

Su 10

All at Church but May & me I having Dysentery 6 14

M 11

Men choring Culling stuff in afternoon snowing a little every day but not enough to make sleighing 8 18

T 12

Men clears some wheat to take to Galt Ed Chambers here 16 32

W 13

Hector & Jean at Galt with wheat and Turkey's thawing all day 36 {42?}

Th 14

Hector at Wm Robson's threshing till noon, thawing a little 24 36

F 15

Hector at Wm Robson's threshing all day, stormy snowing & drifting in ^afternoon 14 16

Sa 16

Very stormy snowing & drifting, Hector went to Wm Robson's to thresh {but it} was so stormy they did not begin, Very cold Hector got his ^finger froze above 2 6

Su 17

All at Church but Tilly No Sermons Mr Campbell gone to Toronto for what nobody knows & made no provision here cold 3 8

M 18

Hector at Robson's threshing finishes at noon, a good deal more snow last night Plenty of snow now for sleighing 4 10

T 19

Hector at Galt for Bran and about a paper he got about his land in Keppel. The Presbytery meets to day and will decide whether Mr Campbell will continue our minister 10 16

W 20

Cutting stuff in {forenoon?} In afternoon Hector goes to {J Cowes?} to thresh but not begin because the threshers did not come. Hears to day that Mr Campbell is not coming back to our kirk is vacant We have had nothing but vexation with this fellow The Presbytery n dont like him he is a fool! above 3 12

Decr. 1876

Th 21

Hector at J Cowes threshing Alick fixing chores Milder today 10 20

F 22

Hector Jean & May away at {illegible} {illegible} ^did not see him with Mr Stalker's? daughter who is not well this long time, not bad sleighing now 14 28

Sa 23

Hector at J Cowe's threshing finishes him moderate day 14 22

Su 24

All at Church but Alick Mr Crystel Preacher, very able above 4 20

M 25

Christmas day all our people away at Mr Donald's but me as I am left to keep house Dull cloudy but rather mild 10 20

Tu 26

Collecting for seat rents Men choring cloudy mildish ^hears {Rob?} Fletcher is married got #54 20 28

W 27

Hector Jean May & Tilly at Donybrook Alick & I keeping house ^clear 18 22

Th 28

I collecting seat rents Alick takes me with cutter Hector choring & hauling firewood cloudy dull 14 26

F 29

Very stormy snowing & drifting all day I take to McQueen #138 16 24

Sa 30

A great deal more snow last night & drifting the road is now badly blocked up and Hector & Alick has been breaking up ^weather hard 13 22

Su 31

Mr McMillan brought Mr Frazer the minister here last night he Preached here to day & stopped with us all night liked him well 14 22


{originally wrote 1867 but crossed out the 6 and wrote a 7 over top}

M 1

New years day, Robt McQueen takes Mr Frazer away to Galt to meet the Train at 10 oclock, The McDonalds here eating Turkey & A real winter time now, good sleighing, but rather blocked up with snow drifts in some places O dear how old I am, born 1800: 13 24

Tu 2

Hector at Forest Mill with chopping stuff Jean goes with him to see ^Jessie 12 26

W 3

Cuts stuff in forenoon Hector hauls some firewood. Clear calm snell frost ^above 3 10

Th 4

Hector Jean May & I on a visit to John {Armstrong?} fine sleighing Mr Telfer sent here #8 seat rent for 2 members, but as there is 3 members he owes #4 yet 12 20

F 5

Hector Alick & I at Galt I get coupons cashed #60 & Interest on deposits {#1750?} leaves #50 in Merchant Bank Pays Blackwood & Chambers #6.50 buys two {Diaries?} Pays Reformer #2 buys a {Driever?} #2 an Almanack illegible} good winter ^day 14 24

Sa 6

Hector hauling firewood all day very fine day and mild 16 34

Su 7

All at Church but May & Hector Mr {Gould?} preaches, mild day 18 34

M 8

Hector & Alick hauling firewood all day mild but getting colder ^Stalker & Bob cuts down our only Pines for {wood?} logs 16.20.10

Tu 9

Hector & Alick hauling firewood all day Stalker & Bob getting firewood ^above 6 12

W 10

Men at Logs for Sawmill & firewood Walter Armstrong comes mild 16 24

Th 11

A good deal of snow again snow getting deep men choring {illegible} 20 30

F 12

Very hard frost last night & all day Hector hauling sawlogs to sawmill a little more snow to day below 11 {by?} 2

1877 Jany

Sa 13

Hector hauling sawmill in forenoon culling stuff in afternoon ^above 6 14

Su 14

No sermon today the minister expected did not come snow deep 16 22

M 15

Hector hauling sawlogs to mill Alick goes to school W Armstrong ^here 14 24

Tu 16

A great deal of ^snow again last night it is now at least 15 inches deep on the level, but a good deal drifted in the open Kills a steer in afternoon {Messrs?} Thos & John McDonald helps us ^clear sunny 16 22

W 17

Stalker & Bob cutting firewood Hector choring fine sunny day calm ^below -4{degree symbol} 20

Th 18

Hector at Galt with steer skin and to get Bran W Armstrong goes away 16 28

F 19

Hector hauling sawlogs to mill Stalker choring Snow now about 15 inches ^deep on level 22 32

Sa 20

A thaw last night & this morning but soon cleared up & set in a hard frost Hector hauling sawlogs to mill, snow won't drift after this wee thaw 36 18

Su 21

A May Jean Tilly & I at Church Hector & Alick at home attending a sick Cow who is swelled in the {wame?} Mr. Russel Preaches and a poor stick he is 4 20

M 22

Hector takes the last sawlog to mill a fine day of sort calm clear & milder 16 26

Tu 23

Men I cutting stuff in forenoon Threshing oats in afternoon, clear ^cold 12 16

W 24

Men threshing oats with flail & choring cold and clear a {illegible} snow fell 12 14

Th 25

Men cleaning wheat choring & {c?} cold, a little snow last night which drifted 12 18

F 26

Hector at Galt with a load of wheat Stalker choring, milder to day, clear 18 32

Sa 27

All at Church but Alick Mr Waite & Mr Crystel officiates I give McQueen #12 seat rents mild day good winter weather 26 33

Su 28

Our Sacrament all at it but Tilly, Hears my old friend Alex Innes Culross died last Monday I feel his death leaves a sad blank to me. He was three years younger than me! 18 32

M 29

A thaw, with a clear sunny sky strange weather Hector choring 14 40!

Tu 30

A mild thaw all day cloudy but no rain our annual meeting Mr Fletcher of Hamilton & Mr Crystel officiates, after paying all our floating debts & #400 to Tom Jamieson we have left #80 but firewood is still to bye which perhaps may be #20 33 34

W 31

Hector at Freelton Mill with chopping stuff Stalker choring still a thaw & a mild one no ice cloudy but clearing now 24 38


Th 1

Men cutting stuff in forenoon Thawing all day & all last night but no rain. the mildest of thaws this cloudy 36 42 40

F 2

Hector at Forest Mill with Grist & at Galt Jean went with him, thaw this is one of the mildest thaws the ground is a good deal spotted here the snow has drifted off but there is not much snow gone 28 40

{Feby?} 1877

Sa 3

At the funeral of Mr Falconer's child Hector & I still a mild and thaw {34?} 40

Su 4

All at Church but Alick Mr Fletcher a young new licenced Preaches 28 40

M 5

Hector & Stalker at J {Coise's?} sawing wood Alick choring, now thaw 18 30

Tu 6

Hector at Forest Mill for Hector Pays me #12 Interest on note 20 34 {{so?} #42 interest from Hector written above}

W 7

Men cutting Peas with J {Coise's?} cutting machine it cuts & threshes at at the same time or rather the cutting threshes the Peas I do not help them Mrs Moffat & Mrs {Harbottla?} here mild thawing 34 38 hears our old neighbour Peggy {Fengland?} died this morning!

Th 8

Cutting Peas in afternoon very {stoorie?} I helping, gets a letter from Mr Armstrong telling of the death of Banatino {Poet?} 20 32

F 9

Hector & I at the funeral of Peggy {Fengland?} another old settler aged 77 Just about my own age, I must go soon! 12 34

Sa 10

Hector Jean May & I at John Malcom's visting, Stalker Bob & Alick cleaning Peas very mild & Thawing Sleighing bad 26 44

Su 11

All at Church but Tilly young Mr. Fletcher Preaches able 20 38

M 12

Hector choring thawing a little at night Getting colder all day 34 28 18

t 13

Hector choring Stalker absent I met frost last Sleighing gone 12 28

W 14

Cutting Peas in forenoon till a cog wheel failed and Hector went in the afternoon to Galt with it {Stalks?} shifts firewood, melt frost ^above 6 30

Th 15

Hector at a Bee at Stalkers having house boys milder 28 35

F 16

Cuts the last of the Peas at new Barn & Takes the cutter {Cowes?} where they saw some cedar {benches?} long for Pavent for Stable 22 40 30

Sa 17

Hector & Alick clean up the last of the Peas in New Barn {Total?} about 70 Bushels cold & frosty all day & cloudy 22 28 22

Su 18

All at Church but Alick Mr Haigh Preaches & very able snowing ^a little all day 18 28

M 19

Hector choring more snow last night pretty cold clear ^above 8 22

Tu 20

Hector brings 18 bunches of shingles from Tenants Sawmill made from his {own?} logs, cutting straw afterwards George Nichol and Wife here visiting, clear sunny, good sleighing 12 30

W 21

Stalker & A {McGrurie?} sawing firewood in {Lugar?} Busk Hector choring Rev Mr Haigh & J Dickson here visiting. Sun thawing ^strong 20 42

Th 22

Hector hauling firewood Men sawing in bush strong thaw clear 32 46

F 23

Hector choring {McGrurie?} threshing Oats with {flail?} thawing 36 40

Sa 24

Hector at J Cowe's getting out Logs Archie threashing oats A strong thaw again Sleighing all gone, In all the thaws we have 36 42 had there has not been a drop of rain only high temperature

{Feby?} 1877

Su 25

All at Church but May & Lilly Mr. Thyne Preaches very able 32 38

M 26

Hector at Galt for Bran Stalker & McGrurie sawing firewood 28 34

tu 27

Men sawing firewood in Bush Hector galt ^ {hears?} a crow sells fat cow to {illegible} Wallace for #40 he takes her away, Hector goes to Harveys to Pay horse 28 38

W 28

Men sawing firewood Hector choring, Lees {for?} summer Birds but too distant to tell their species, Very fine clear & the sun thawing strong fields black except snow banks and this thaw has been without a drop of rain Our house {illegible} is dry ^since a week 28 38


Th 1

Hector at Forest Mill with chopping stuff ^Men at Bush sawing Very fine suny thawing 20 40

F 2

Rained a good deal last night and nearly all day the first rain since some time in {Jany?} & little then McGrurie threshing oats Donald McPherson aged 28 buried today in Puslinch - killed last Tuesday by the {couping?} of a load of lumber on him: 34 44

Sa 3

Hector at J.Cowe's hauling logs with oxen for building McGrurie threshing oats Mild thawing but snowing now 6PM and like to be more Very {illegible} the weather Prophet say we shall have ^3 feet yet 30 40

Su 4

All at Church but Alick Mr McKay Preaches very able, some sleighing ^again 24 30

M 5

Stalker has a Bee {sawing?} logs for new house Hector hauling firewood May & Jean away in {sitter?} visiting at Archie {Steiourts?}, cold 18 24

Tu 6

Hector hauling wood no one else here cold snowing in afternoon {illegible} tapped for Sugar last thursday the trees {summing?} pretty will, Indeed I believe the trees would run almost all {Feby?} and some of {Jany?} the glass was often high enough, but now it is ^winter again ^zero 0 24

W 7

Hector hauls 4 logs to Stalker McGrurie threshing Oats in afternoon we go to Church Mr McKay Preaches and very able & earnest 16 24

Th 8

{illegible} ice all day and sticking to the trees McGrurie goes away having finished threshing all the oats Hector choring none else here 26 32

F 9

Been raining ice all night the trees loaded & many branches with the weight of ice on them, ^{illegible} Stormy & {illegible} to day Hector choring 16 26 22

Sa 10

Hector takes log to sawmill for Stone boat Trees loaden with ice yet 8 20

Su 11

All at Church but Lilly Mr McKay Preaches very able strong {crust?} on ^snow 16 24

M 12

Hector & Stalker ridding up the Barn about 2 inches of snow last night, cloudy, trees loaden still with ice, good sleighing again 26 30

{numbers at the end of each entry are suspected to be the high and low temperatures of the day}

March 1877

Tu 13

In afternoon all at Congregational meeting to call a Minister an unanimous Call given to Mr Robt Thyne from London Township Hears our old neighbour George Grey died about 3 PM to day he was over 80 the old pioneers is wearing away my turn will come! soon 22 32

W 14

Hector choring mild this morning but colder in afternoon & windy the trees get clear of their load of ice, more snow last night 34 37 ^6pm 20

Th 15

At the funeral of George Grey aged 82 my old friend and hears George Tennant died yesterday: how the old pioneers is dying out Mr Turner Peggy Fingland Mr Grey & now George Tenant all in little more than a month my turn must be soon; cold 16 28

Th F 16

Hector & I at the funderal of George Tenant from Moriston to Kirkwall aged 63 another old neighbour laid by Drizzling smal snow 8 26

Sa 17

St. Patricks day our Putunia blooms Men cutting stuff in forenoon choring afterwards smell frost last night clear below zero 3 20 6PM 14

Su 18

All at Church buy May & I, I have a bad cold Mr Haig preaches above 10 26

M 19

Hector choring & hauling firewood Alick leaves school. I taking {plysic?} ^above 3 24

Tu 20

Hector breaking in Colts & choring fine day Sun thawing a little below 2 32

W 21

A great deal more snow last night Mild & sunny to day Hector & Alick creiching horse grath I still bad with a cold 26 34

Th 22

Hector at Galt for Bran, Thawing mild Alick choring 28 38

F 23

Hector at Freelton with chopping stuff Alick choring, thawing ^clear 38 38 ^6PM 34

Sa 24

Hector breaking Colt Mr Frazer comes, Not thawing much 24 34

Su 25

{illegible} one at Home Mr Frazer Preaches {this entry is squished in between the Saturday and Monday entries, no numbers at end of entry}

M 26

Hector choring raining gently almost all day creek {comeing?} down 36 38

Tu 27

Hector choring thawing & creek down but over the road 36 38 32

W 28

Hector choring, Cold & Blowing Mr Frazer was going away, but is too cold 24 30

Th 29

Mr Frazer goes away Hector takes up to Galt Alick choring I am {illegible} ^poorly, 24 34

F 30

Men choring in forenoon Taps half of the trees in afternoon I too poorly to help them Some summer birds come Blue Linties 26 14

Sa 31

Taps 16 more trees Gathers & boils to syrup 20 pails gathers 5 pails more & leaves them in the Pots Hector goes to Gilchrists to see about spring wheat drizzling rain trees not running much Hector saw a lot of Robins to day some blue Linties also {32?} 36


Su 1

All at church but Tilly & I, great sunny thaw ^saw a Robin Mr Fletcher preaches 36 58!

M 2

Our folks gathered 28 pails of sap to day cold no {sun?}

{numbers at the end of each entry are suspected to be the high and low temperatures of the day}

April 1877

Tu 3

No sap to day Boiled all they had 33 pails into molasses, ^men choring cold frosty 23 32 {illgible} my {nephew's?} wife Mary {illegible} {large blank space but underline still visible} the {field?} {illegible} {aha?};

W 4

gathered 20 Pails this forenoon & kindled the fire for afternoon Hector at Walter Turnbull raising a Barn Trees running well afternoon 30 42 gathered 16 more pailfuls in afternoon in all there is 36 pailful to Boil

Th 5

gets 47 pails sap syrops off 73 pails full and leaves 10 pails in Pots last night some chaps at our Bush making Taffy but did no mischief 36 42

F 6

Got 44 Pails of sap a good run clear suny Men choring 30 44

Sa 7

Got 38 Pails sap & 8 pails in Pots = 46 which they syroff in afternoon got 20 pails more = 58 leaves the 20 pails in the Pots 30 46

Su 8

All at Church but May & I Mr Frazer preaches, Sap running 30 44

M 9

Got 33 pails sap Syrops 50 and leaves 3 pails in Pots 30 44

Tu 10

got 12 pails sap Syroped off 14 left one in Pots poor run warm 30 54

W 11

No sap to day Hector at Galt seed fair & Forest Mill warm no frost last ^night 34 58

Th 12

Got 14 Pails sap poor run ^Syroped it off Richardson comes to Dig garden Hector begins to plough for corn at Nimmo bush Mr Nimmo here hears Mr Thyne is coming to be our Minister 34 50

F 13

Got 25 pails sap & Syroped it gathered 3 pails more & left in ^pots Last night heard frogs for first time & they are quite busy to day but some say they heard them on Monday the 9th 30 46

Sa 14

Got 23 Pails and Syroped them leaving 3 pails Men Ploughing for ^Spring wheat 32 34

Su 15

All at Church but Tilly Mr Frazer Preaches pleases well ^Mr Menzie showed me a grasshopper 32 36

M 16

Got 25 pails sap & Syroped off 28 Pails there being 3 left in Pots on ^Saturday going to make no more sugar so this last 28 goes for molasses we have made 107 tts {lbs?} sugar out of 265 pails sap a very good yeild. Men Ploughing for Spring wheat. So sap to day. No frost 38 46

Tu 17

Men finishes Ploughing for Spring wheat in 16 acre field gathers no no sap to day though the trees ran a little Jean & Tilly goes to {illegible} {Pentland's?} to swap Roosters & get Bramah eggs to set, warm & looking like thunder 40 60

W 18

Men Ploughing in forenoon Raining in afternoon Men cuts stuff Got 10 Pails sap this forenoon & Syropped it into Molasses 38 46

Th 19

Raining all day less or more nothing but choring doing 38 44

F 20

Men Ploughing sod for green feed emptied the troughs of rain fine 37 45

Sa 21

Hector at Galt for a ton of Salt to sow on Spring wheat Alick Ploughing some talk of war being proclaimed to day between Russia & Turkey: if so when or what will the end be God only knows

{numbers at the end of each entry are suspected to be the high and low temperatures of the day}

April 1877

Su 22

All at Church but Alick Mr Robertson from St Catharines Preaches ^very able 38 68

M 23

^gave T. McQueen #4 from R. Telfer for seat rent Hector & Alick Ploughing Stalker stoning Richardson sowing salt I plant one pailfull of Rose Potatoes at house & sows snflowers has one Lamb today the first this season good growth of grass put the hogs down to sugarbush last Saturday very warm today 40 72

Tu 24

Hector & Alick ploughing Richardson turning dung at sheep place ^war proclaimed today two ewes lambs on pair twins = 3 today distant thunder growing 52 62

W 25

Men Ploughing Richardson turning sheep dung jean away helping to clean out the manse as we are to get Mr. Thynne inducted next Tuesday. Barn swallows came today fine 40 56

Th 26

Hector sows Island field with Peas Alick dragging Hector rolling 16 acre fied war proclaimed by Russia ^Tuesday last 40 60

F 27

Men dragging six teams away to Galt to bring Mr. Thynnes furniture to the manse, sowed yesterday & today Top onions seed onions Parsnips Lettuce cooler to day & cloudy look like rain 38 54

Sa 28

Hector & Jean at Galt Hector for Bran & Jean for Beef for Ministers Dinner next Tuesday Raining slightly all but like more wind East 38 40

Su 29

All at church but Tilly Mr Frazer preaches much rain last night with thunder & Lightning growing weather 40 52

M 30

In afternoon at the funeral of Mrs. Peter Dickson who died after a long illness Mr Frazer officiates ^got the firs rhubarb some sleety showers 44 44 40


Tu 1

Hector & Alick at Sawmill for last of the Lumber in forenoon in afternoon all but Alick goes to the Induction of Thynne our new Minister There was a great gathering Hopes he will please After the Induction there was a soiree at Church they got #89 38 44

W 2

Hector at Gilchrists for seed oats Alick & Richardson hauling Dung 38 48

Th 3

Men hauling out Dung for Peas Streamers out last night some frost 36 58

F 4

Hector stoning in Island Field, Alick at Stalkers house raising I fix a fishing rod & line coolish today

Sa 5

Men hauling dung Menzie & I goes a fishing he got one and I got none not a bite too clear & calm very cool but sunny 32 52

Su 6

All at Church but Alick Mr Thynne's first sermon a great attendance to hear him. thought his sermon very approbriate 34

M 7

Hector sowing Peas Alick cultivating Richardson spreading dung Mr Thynne here visiting Barren East winds lately 36

May 1877

Tu 8

Men sowing Peas cultivating & scattering dung cloudy 38 58

W 9

Men cultivates the last of the Peas, cutting {illegible} after Tea Willows getting green ^some rain 40 58

Th 10

Men Ploughing for oats oer dyke at New Barn. Bought cheese 16 cents per lb 48 58

F 11

Men Ploughing cloudy & some slight showers fine growing day 48 60

Sa 12

Men finishes Ploughing at New Barn & sows it with oats, cloudy 52 64

Su 13

All at Church Tilly, good attendance, Thinks Mr. Thynne will do 53 70

M 14

Men stonning & finishing oats o'er the Dyke very warm & sunny Trees in bush getting a tinge of green willows quite ^green 34 74

Tu 15

Hector at Forest Mill with grist jean & me at Dundas to get Coupons cashed #36 buys a coat for #6 1/2 & 3 books for 50 cent second hand things rather earlier down there Maples in flower and English cherries in full blossom a fine small rain coming home pay the {Banner 1 yr?} 56 70

W 16

Men hauling dung, very fine warm & growing 58 76

Th 17

Men spreading for Potatoes, Bees on willow first time this year, fine shower today fine warm growing day, wild ^plumb & black cherry in bloom 60 78

F 18

Hector & Ploughing for Potatoes stoning {looked today?} Stalker hay field, we cutting Potatoes ^very hot 62 84

Sa 19

Plants all our Potatoes = 16 B. Stalker get 6 bags. planted cherry and apple trees blossoming very hot & things growing amazingly 72 86

Su 20

All at Church but Hector, People well pleased with Mr. Thynne 70 84

M 21

Men mending fences fine heavy shower last night it will do much good I picking red root. The country looks splendid at present our cherry trees in full blossom and apples just coming out but many of our trees is going to have no blossom this year ^year some thunder today in the north and a little rain 70 82

Tu 22

Raining all forenoon Creek risen a good deal it will do much good cuts the lambs in afternoon - 33 {(Red'y?)} 18 weathers & 15 Ewes cooler today but fine & growing 62 76

W 23

Men ploughing for corn & Stalker fencing I pulling red root slight frost last night & cold today great change 46 54 41

Th 24

Queen's birthday some keeping a holyday our men ploughing I puling Red root at Gilberts line tis very thick frost last again but it has no ill yet. Starts for Scarbro Jean & I tomorrow 40 54

F 25

Jean & I starts for Scarboro from Galt gets a return ticket for both to Toronto & back for #6 finds them all well at Scarboro but brother John very deaf and David very disconsolate for the loss of his young wife

May 1877

Sa 26

At Scarboro

Su 27

At Scarboro church

M 28

At Scarboro

Tu 29

Returns home I may ^never see brother John again he is much failed and is now 83 years old & I am 77 both old & the last of our family ^of five

W 30

Men sowing corn at Nimmo's bush 12 acres I pulling red root 60 84

Th 31

Hector & Alick dragging corn Stalker stoning Do I pull red root 64 86


F 1

Men finishes dragging corn & washes the sheep warm 68 88

Sa 2

Men hauling dung for Turnips McGrurie & Stalker here some thunder 60 80

Su 3

At at Church but May & McGrurie the minister pleases well 60 68 78

M 4

Men hauling dung & Hector ploughing it in I set hold up a few Potatoes 56 68

Tu 5

Men hauling & spreading dung Hector Ploughing it in very cool 52 64

W 6

Men spreading dung & Ploughing it it in In afternoon we clip our sheep = 33 fine day but cool 56 66

Th 7

Men Ploughing & stoning Turnip land - Ed Chambers & wife also old Tom {Nicol?} he is very deaf & blind & aged 83 56 76

F 8

Men stoning turnip land Hector drilling warm sunny 60 82

Sa 9

Stalker & Alick stoning Hector drilling & sows some turnips ^cool 60 76

Su 10

All at Church but May & Tilly good attendance cool 52 70

M 11

Hector drilling Stalker & Alick sowing turnips & stoning, slight frost tonight 42 68

Tu 12

Hector goes to the Jury at Hamilton this morning Stalker and Alick repairing fences round farm very cool now some distant thunder last night & very slight rain 52 64

W 13

Stalker & Alick fencing I cuting thistles among Spring wheat 52 64

Th 14

Stalker & Alick repairing fences I cutting thistles among Spring wheat 62 78

F 15

Stalker & Alick stoning I catching bugs on potatoes warm; dooks 62 88

Sa 16

All at Church in afternoon but Tilly Mr. Smith of Galt Preaches Hector came from the Jury last night and drilled some turnip in morning & sowed them after coming from church He goes back on Tuesday 62 76

Su 17

Our Sacrament a large gathering & 23 new members 66 78

M 18

Hector sows the last of the Turnips I killing bugs 62 80

June 1877

Tu 19

Hector goes back to the Jury by way of Galt Jane Alick and Tilly goes with him the take up the wool 26 fleeces which weighed 137 lbs weight per fleece {5.7} lbs 26 sold at 28 cents per lb or about #1.46 cents per fleece. Total about #38 but was docked 2 lbs for matting. Stalker repairing fences I killing bugs, got 1/2 dollar tobacco 62 80

W 20

Stalker & Alick repairing fences & Tilly killing bugs 60 76

Th 21

Men at Roads I killing bugs Grasshoppers too plenty, very dry & droutty 68 78

F 22

Men at Roads I killing bugs. We are mastering them very cool 48 70

Sa 23

Alick & Stalker stoning in forenoon I kill bugs Frost last night some cucumbers & a good many potatoes blackened yet said {following is written between the two sentences} Hector comes back from Jury glass {repeated below, like author started to write below the last sentence} Hector comes 32 74

Su 24

All at Church but Tilly warm & dry, looked like rain at night 62 82

M 25

Hector & Alick begins to Plough sod fallow very dry. 72 86

Tu 26

Men Plouging fallow but stopped by a fine rain from noon till Tea then yoked a again. We would like a great deal more rain it is much needed 60 68

W 27

Men Ploughing fallow I killing bugs. Clear & very droutty again 62 86

Th 28

Hector & Alick Stalker Ploughing Alick dragging I choring 62 88

F 29

Men Ploughing but stopped sometimes by fine showers, much needed 58 76

Sa 30

Men Ploughing, Barny Macanally brought us a Telegram from Galt to day that Brother died to day & is to be buried on Monday I intend going to the funeral, he was born in April 1794 and was therefore a little over 83 years old I am now all left of a family of five: and there is not two buried in one churchyard 72 84


Su 1

All at Chuch but Tilly Mr McDiarmid preach - able 7 80

M 2

Jane & I starts for Scarboro to attend the funeral of Brother John at 2 PM he died of apoplexy unseen in the field as We got there in time the funeral was a very large

Tu 3

Resting all day at Scarboro hot - plenty rain at Scarboro 65 82

W 4

Returns from Scarboro very tired hot & dry here but 58 82

Th 5

feels not very well hector setting up the Potatoes 60 82

F 6

Hector resows some turnips && some hay crop very light I am very poorly 60 80

Sa 7

Men takes in some hay Hector cutting I am very poorly 64 86

Su 8

All at Church but Hector & I very warm the hottest yet 64 88

M 9

fine heavy shower with thunder this morning Men at hay cutting and raking the same hay at once. Miss Porteus here Mr. and Miss Thyne here she got 3 {vols?} of {Darwin?}

July 1877

Tu 10

Men cutting raking & baling hay Walter Armstrong comes & brings me a copy of {Baluntines?} {since?} the author on his death bed. 64 76

We 11

Men at the hay Mrs Malcolm Campbell & a lot more from Lucknow here 62 75

Th 12

Men takes in the last of the small crop of hay only 10 loads very hot & dry again we want more Grasshopper very bad 64 86

F 13

Men cutting thistles Walter Armstrongs people pulling cherries J Cowes poeple cutting ripe Rye 60 76

Sa 14

Hector takes Walter Armstrong & his people up to Galt and brings a Grist from Forest Mill very warm 62 88

Su 15

All at Church but Tilly & me very hot and dry 66 90

M 16

Hector at Galt getting Reaper repaired Men cutting thistles hot 70 92

Tu 17

Stalker at Benjys Reaping wheat rest choring fine shower 70 84

W 18

I at Galt with McMillan getting Coupons Cashed - #60 leaves #30 in Merchants Bank. Total in Merchants Bank now #460 All our men at Cowes Reaping 70 80

Th 19

Men Cradling roun wheat & trying Reaper in turnips I cut thistles 60 74

F 20

Cuts all our wheat on field north of sugar bush Cowes people helps us it is but a light crop but pretty sound & plump & better than we expected the grashoppers has cut the head of much I stooked 60 74

Sa 21

Men cutting Rye finishes the field I killing bugs fine warm last night 64 80

Su 22

All at Church but Alick Mr Thynne getting more {popular?} every day 62 86

M 23

Our folks all at Cowes harvesting I set up fallen stooks Rob Fletcher & wife here for cherries she is encient! 64 84

Tu 24

All our men at Cowes harvesting I killing bugs hot They were chevereeing Johnny Lapsley last night 70 88

W 25

Cowes people here & they cut the Rye field east of orchard My Birthday 77 years ago I now enter my 78 year an old man few sees my age at Prayer meeting at night 70 90

Th 26

We haul all our fall wheat 10 loads and all the Ry in nex field 5 loads very hot & like thunder rain some rain 74 92

F 27

Hector goes to Galt & brings Tilly's sister here Alick Ploughing & Hector also in afternoon Stalker blasting stones 70 86

Sa 28

Men Ploughing for Rye Stalker putting new {zink?} on cistern I righting fallen Rye stooks 74 86

July 1877

Su 29

All at Church but Hector good attendance & good sermon 74 86

M 30

Takes in the last of Rye last of orchard in forenoon, men cutting Peas in Island field in afternoon hot but breezy 44 85

Tu 31

Men cutting Peas, fine breezy sunny day Grasshoppers bad 64 84


W 1

Men cutting Peas in forenoon Hauling Peas in afternoon from Island field = 7 loads which we put into Barrack, hot but airy 70 90

Th 2

Takes in the last of the Island Peas = 2 loads which we call but one as they were small Men cutting Peas afterwards some rain and thunder afternoon but not much, very hot 70 90

F 3

Men cutting Peas on Island field, cool clear breezy 62 78

Sa 4

Men at Cowe's threshing in forenoon Cutting Spring wheat in 16 acre field in afternoon It is too ripe and badly eaten by grasshoppers or it would have been a goodish crop, cool 66 78

Su 5

All at Church but Tilly & her sister Mr.Thynne very able 62 76

M 6

Cuts the the last of the spring wheat & left half of at unbound. it was so ripe At Teatime we went to haul Peas but rain came on we only got a rackfull into Barrack and small load run into new Barn looks like more now 7PM 66 86{numbers slightly faded}

Tu 7

Cuts oats in Island field and finishes then at noon then hauls the last of the Peas = 8 loads puts six into Barrack and two into New barn, I got a bad cold by getting wet yesterday 66 84

W 8

Men binds & stooks the oats we left yesterday then Alick and Hector ploughing for Rye Stalker cutting the green Peas on Island field 72 86

Th 9

Takes in a Load of oats in forenoon, Cooks here Threshing in afternoon Same rain & Thunder at noon 70 84

F 10

Hector Plougs till teatime then he & I takes in little load of spring wheat Stalker cuts the last of the green Peas on Island field in afternoon Stalker & Alick at Lapsleys threshing cool 64 80

Su 11

Takes in the last of the spring wheat in forenoon badly eaten by the grasshoppers in afternoon Alick & Hector Ploughing for Rye Stalker turning Peas on Island Cool breezy 66 84

Su 12

All at Church but Hector some rain last night cloudy 64 78

M 13

Hector & Alick Ploughing In afternoon takes 2 loads the last of the oats from Island field, cool cloudy like rain 62 70

Augt 1877

Tu 14

Men Ploughing We thinning turnips hand pulling them being too big for the hoe. Stopped by heavy rain & thunder at noon. Jeannie Taylor goes to her services at Mrs Whitoms 67 74

W 15

Men Ploughing we thinning turnips by hand a good deal of thunder & some smart showers, very growing 62 76

Th 16

Hector at Brock road with grist & chopping stuff the rest thinning turnips in forenoon Thunder & many showers in afternoon Alick Hurkling when fair but not much done afternoon 66 74

F 17

All thinning turnips all day finished all but 4 rows We guess the grashoppers has destroyed 3 acres leaving 3 acres 68 80

Sa 18

Hector at Tom Grey's threshing We finish thinning the turnips & Stalker & Alick takes in the green Peas on Island field = 2 loads put into old Barn & pretty damp a smart shower 62 84

Su 19

All at Church but Alick Church well filled warm 66 86

M 20

Cutting stuff in forenoon Men choring afterwards 66 86

Tu 21

Galt Seed fair Hector at it we thinning turnips 64 84

W 22

Men Ploughing for fall wheat we thinning nips 68 88

Th 23

Men Ploughing then 6 rows nips Grashoppers now much fewer than lately, our nips half destroyed 71 84

F 24

Men Ploughing I finish thinning the last of the nips 70 82

Sa 25

Men fixing foundation of fence on north end of spring field I cutting witch grass in turnip drills cool 62 78

Su 26

All at Church but Hector fine day 64 80

M 27

Men Ploughing I pulling witch grass drauthy 66 84

Tu 28

Hector sowing Timothy on 16 acre field Alick hurkling turnips Stalker Ploughing Thunder & heavy rain at noon 66 84

W 29

Hector at Wm Robsons threshing Stalker at Mr Deckers threshing Alick Ploughing May Jean & I at Prayer meeting at night 66 86

Th 30

Men Ploughing A fine temperate day cloudy a good deal of wheat sown in this neighbouhood alredy 66 84

F 31

Raining heavy all forenoon. The ground is now wet enough Men Ploughing in afternoon quite cool to day 64 68


Sa 1

Hector sick with Dysentery but Ploughs in afternoon Alick Ploughing Stalker fixing fence Jane at Galt for Plumes sent by the Lucknow folks very cool 62 70

Septr 1877

Su 2

All at Church but Jean & Hector Hector very poorly cut down Balm of Gilead at Pump kindled a fire in our house at night first time this fall 58 64

M 3

Men Ploughing Hector better very cool season seems changed 56 63

Tu 4

Wm. Cowe here with sowing machine sowing wheat all day Clawson & 2 Bushels silverskin the rest stoning & harrowing before the sower fine drouthy day but cool 62 74

W 5

Wm Cowe here in forenoon & finishes sowing our wheat with sower Men at stone foundation of fence. All but May & I at prayer meeting 61 74 58

Th 6

Men fixing fence & clear & cool the season fairly changed 52 64

F 7

Men fixing land at Nimmo's bush for sowing Rye, cool 52 60

Sa 8

Men fixing field for Rye fine clear & cool Grashoppers {spare?} now 52 68

Su 9

All at Church but Tilly, Young Gilchrist here fine day 54 73

M 10

Hector sowing Rye & cultivating it Men stoning looks like rain now 56 74

Tu 11

Hector cultivating Rye Alick Stoning Jean at Nairn at the Induction of their new Minister, cool season changed 64 74

W 12

Men cultivating & dragging Rye Fine warm day sunny 66 83

Th 13

Hector & sulky at Forest Mill with chopping stuff Alick hauling firewood Mr Wood of Rocton brings Marion Hunter here May & her goes to see Mr Parker. Very fine day clear and warm 66 84

F 14

Men stoning Rye Yesterday Jean Taylor sister to Tilly had a bairn at Mrs. Whitoms!! Poor Devil what will become of her 62 84

Sa 15

Hector at Rocton with Road list brings Hunters bairns 66 84

Su 16

All at Church but Tilly fine day & sunny 62 82

M 17

Men fencing & putting up bars at wheat field Tilly goes to stop a while at Mrs Whitoms to attend on her luckless sister 58 62

Tu 18

Men fencing at wheat Adam Smith agrees to pay me fifteen dolars for his #25 note on the 20th Octr poor pay! cool 34 62

W 19

Men choring I wheeling dung to Garden = 16 barrowfuls 52 70

Th 20

I went with J Cowe to Galt to the great Grit Picnic. Great speeches and my certie the Tories did catch it. very fine day 54 60

F 21

Men hauling firewood logs from swamp Clear cool & sunny slight {frosts?} at night cucumbers {caught?} 54 64

Sa 22

Men hauling logs from swamp. I hoe in dung in Garden Mrs Hunter Mary & Jean goes to Rt McDonalds visiting. fine 52 72

Su 23

All at church but Alick Minister very earnest 54 74

M 24

Men hauling logs from swamp. very fine warm 52 80

Tu 25

I at Galt getting getting Photograph taken for Mr {Paltridge?} prize Picture Men at swamp very fine warm day 54 84

Septr 1877

W 26

Hector & Alick at Roads working up arrears of Statute labour 62 82

Th 27

Hector at Galt for bran Tilly goes with him with Miss Turnbull to buy present to Miss J Riddel their Sunday school Teacher Alick Ploughing cool 52 62

F 28

Begins to dig potatoes, Takes up 40 B of Roses fine day 60 78

Sa 29

All at Church but Alick in afternoon In forenoon we dug 30 Bushels of Russets Mr Murray from London Preach 34 76

Su 30

Our Sacramont all at it but Tilly & her sister 60 84


M 1

Children's Picnic Mr Murray assists good gathering In forenoon & at night took up 30 Bushels Russets Potatoes 54 83

Tu 2

Finishes our Potatoes in forenoon Digs 36 Bushels {Climas?} & Roses In afternoon begins Stalkers digs 30 B-Russets hazy & cool all day 64 62

W 3

Taking Stalkers Potatoes takes up 30 Bushels all kinds Stalker at Deckers threshing all all day, All going to Guelph tomorrow 54 62

Th 4

All our people at Guelph show, a nasty showery forenoon but cleared up in afternoon, Season some shedding their leaves & the Bush getting many colours 54 62

F 5

Finishes Stalkers Potatoes, 30 B his total 90 Bushels A Bee at Churchyard fixing fence Hector not at it, cold today & I put on flannel shirt White frost last night 32 56

Sa 6

Hector cleang Grist for J Cowe & us Alick not returnd from Guelph show yet Tilly & 7 more presenting Janet Riddel with writing desk for her faithfull Sunday shool teaching. This is pretty in Scholars 44 56

Su 7

All at Church but Jane Tayler & I who has a very bad cold and is taking physic. Frost last night but not severe 31 58

M 8

It began to rain this morning about 1 oclock and has rained heavy almost ever since = 15 hours we have had no rain like it since summer began 48 56

Tu 9

Hector at Forest Mill with Grist Alick Ploughing 54 60

W 10

Hector did not get the grist yesterday so he is gone for it today Alick ploughing I am very poorly with a bad cold 54 58

Th 11

Men Ploughing choudy with some showers 42 56

F 12

Men Ploughing Got from Adam Smith #15 as payment in full of a Debt of over #30 & am glad to get even that 44 52

Octr 1877

Sa 13

Men Ploughing I very sickly with Bronchitis fine day 48 66

Su 14

Hector goes to Galt for the Doctor to me all the rest at Church 50 70

M 15

Men Ploughing in forenoon kills a Pig in afternoon 50 74

Tu 16

Our Worlds Fair only Alick & Tilly at it Hector goes to Blair {illegible} 44 60

W 17

Hector at Galt for Bran bring me some whisky got about a bag of apples stolen last night Alick Ploughing 45 58

Th 18

Men Ploughing quite cool I am very poorly indeed 40 54

F 19

Raining almost all day Hector & Jane visits Mr. Thyne at Manse 4 56

Sa 20

Men Ploughing. The assessor here. very cool 32 46

Su 21

All at Church May & me Hector goes to see the Doctor for me after Church but not see him but left a note 34 48

M 22

Threshers here George Nicol came to see me. frost last night 31 56

Tu 23

Threshers finishes at about 3:30 PM has about 120 B. Peas Mr Thynne here seeing. expected the Doctor but he is not come 40 60

W 24

Men Ploughing in Island field very fine day 44 62

Th 25

Men Ploughing Mr Alrich takes away 8 Lambs #24 fine in forenoon gets cold raw & hazy in afternoon 44 62-40 at 3 PM

F 26

Men Ploughing east of orchard harch colday cold last {coind?} 34 46

Sa 27

Men at J Cowe's threshing in forenoon cold harch air 34 46

Su 28

All at Church but Jeannie Preaching at 3 PM by Mr Andrews Mr Thynne gone to London to help Mr Murray cool 38 48

M 29

Men taking up Turnips in afternoon only Stalker helping 38 54

Tu 30

Men taking up Turnips they are not ripe but afraid of frost hears that last Monday 39th old Mr McKnight died aged 97 also that John Stewart of Inneskilling died on same day 30 50

W 31

Men taking up turnips, a hail shower fell 38 48


Th 1

Men taking up turnips Hector in the sulks since Monday 38 48

F 2

A coarse showery day men fixes turniphouse hauls firewood 36 46

Sa 3

Another cold raw day Men taking up turnips I a little better 34 40

Su 4

All at Church but May & I Mr Thynne Preaches a funeral sermon for Old McKnight 34 44

M 5

Hector Jean & Tilly at Galt A coarse Winter day Groun coverd with snow 30 40

Tu 6

Ground coverd with snow men fixes sheep turnip house hard frost last night but snow thawing by the sun 20 34

W 7

Butcher comes & kills 2 Pigs which he took away with 10 Lambs #30 Men hauling Turnip in after noon snow nearly all gone 23 40

Nov. 1877

Th 8 A complete soaking wet day & all day Hector at Galt with the two Pigs Mr Alrich bought & killed yesterday poor fellow he will be a thorough wetting if he comes out 38 44

F 9 Men taking in turnips the two Pigs yesterday weighed four hundred at #5 1/2 per hundred #22 cold to day 34 34 32

Sa 10 Men taking in turnips hard frost last night 20 34

Su 11 All at Church but May & I fine day but cold 23 44

M 12 Men taking in turnips weomen cleaning house finished hauling turnips has 36 loads 30 B. each = 1080 Bush 24 44

Tu 13 Men Ploughing not much frost last night. cloudy 32 44

W 14 Men ploughing Stalker fixing turniphouse fine 32 34

Th 15 Men Ploughing east of Orchard milder to day 38 54

F 16 Hector & Stalker Ploughing in forenoon, Alick sick in afternoon Stalker goes to J Dickson's threshing 44 52

Sa 17 Hector & Jean at Dundas with Turkeys and to Cash my coupons $36 Stalker at John Dicksons threshing I set up sugar troughs 44 54

Sun 18 All at Church but Jeannie & I Mr Howie preaches 34 40

M 19 Hector at a funeral on 10th Concession Stalker at Benjies threshing in afternoon Mr Menzie here. 26 34

Tu 20 Men choring hard frost last night cold to day 20 34

W 21 Men trying to Plough this afternoon but will be hard from yesterdays frost. A good milder today we must expect cold now Put the Ram to Ewes 30 42

Th 22 Provincial Thanksgiving all at Church but May Jeanie & I 38 40

F 23 A raw day but scarcely rain- a drow. Hector & Alick at J Cowe's threshing, May & Jean at Robt. Fletchers visiting 38 46

Sa 24 Very wet last night and to day Hector & Alick went to Cowe's to thresh in afternoon but it was too we[t] so did not thresh 38 46

Su 25 A raw day neither May nor I at Church but I am better & could have gone had it been fine. All the the rest there 38 46

M 26 All the men at Cowes threshing finishes in forenoon, cutting stuff in afternoon Another raw day but no rain 46 48

Tu 27 Men choring cleaning wheat for grist & chopping stuff 43 48

W 28 Hector & Alick at Forest Mill for Grist & chopping stuff, cold 32 35

Th 29 Men kills a sheep lamb & choring cold and cloudy 28 30

F 30 Men choring cold keen frost all day winter setting in 22 26

Decr. 1877

Sa 1 Hector at Galt with wheat to sell. Alick at Decker's threshing 22 30

Su 2 All at Church but Jeannie and Tilly this is the first time I have been at Church for 8 weeks, keen frost 14 30

M 3 Men choring ground now hard creek coverd with thick ice wrote to David Martin Scarboro about Mothers name on monument

Tu 4 Men sawing firewood short in bush Alicks hauls some this is a [spot obscures word - soft?] hazy drowy day scarcely rain scarcely fair calm 30 40

W 5 Men sawing firewood some small soft rain but not much 38 48

Th 6 Hector at Galt with two fat sheep. the rest choring frosty 28 34

F 7 Hector at J Cowes killing Pigs the rest getting firewood 22 34

Sa 8 Men at firewood & hauling it with the open frosty a snow shower 30 34

Su 9 All at church but Jeannie keen frost & no thaw 22 32

M 10 Hector choring Alick at Stalkers getting firewood 30 40

Tu 11 Men choring, kills two Lambs thawing all day no rain 40 44

W 12 Hector at Galt fair Alick & Stalker at firewood, thawing 26 44

Th 13 Our annual Bible Society meeting Mr James from Hamilton & Mr Frazer from St Thomas here, a good meeting 40 44

F14 Hector at Wm. Robsons threshing Alick & Stalker at wood 22 36

Sa 15 Hector at Robson's threshing again the rest at firewood 32 46

Su 16 All at Church but Jeannie large congregation 34 46

M 17 Men cutting stuff Jean helps then choring men here about horses 32 46

Tu 18 Hector at Tenants {south?} chopping stuff, the rest choring 25 38

W 19 Kills our Pigs - 6 Wm. Cowe & J Lapsley helps us. Very mild 40 51

Tu 20 Hector Jean Alick at Hamilton with Pork & Turkeys leaves Tilly at R Hunters. Stalker choring Robt Parker died last night about 6 o clock. another old settler gone 40 46

F 21 Men choring cutting up Pork in cellar & I In afternoon at the funeral of Robt. Parker aged 73 Another old settler gone 38 46

Sa 22 Men at firewood Frank Stalker here, foggy all day 30 44

Su 23 May & I not at Church at close damp fog all day 32 36

M 24 Hector & Alick choring. Another day of close damp fog 32 36

T 25 Christmas & all our people at T. McDonalds but Jeannie & I. Another misty day this is the third day of close wet fog not raining but so damp that trees is constantly dropping water I never so long a fog in America 31 34

Decr 1877

W 26 Collecting seat rents gets only #26 a man here pouring our sheep to kill {illegible text}, no fog but cloudy 30 36

Th 27 Collecting for seat rents all day Alick drives me in the Buggy a fine day after a slight frost 28 36

28 F Paid over for Seat rents to J McQueen #129 very fine day A slight frost last night but Alick is Ploughing peas stable and in fact Ploughing might have been done all along lately this has been a Queer fall, fogs drizzling down but not frost 30 44

Sa 29 Cutting stuff in forenoon Hector & Alick Ploughing in afternoon 30 46

Su 30 All at Church but Tilly & Jeannie Mr.Thynne says he is going to begin next sunday to lecture on Revelations 30 40

M 31 Hector and I at Galt to meet the funeral of Grizzy Anderson who died at {Colborne?} at her niece Jane Anderson aged 78 another old aquaintane gone and just my age! 18 32

Jany 1878

Tu 1 New years day. another year gone and many gone with it us old folks will soon be all gone. Thos Anderson here 24 34

W 2 ground covered with with about three inches of snow this morning the biggest snow this season yet men choring very hard frost all day. Winter now 20 18 12 5 PM

Th 3 Thos. Anderson goes away We set him up to Galt leaves May at Wm. Riddel's Jean goes with us to Galt I get Coupons Cashed #60 & got Interest from Bank of #430 = 21.50 =#81.50 Paid Dr. Lundy #11 Mr. Elmstie for Journals & Diaries #8 & {adn?} Paid Reformer #2 {gradsve?} #21 & I then {comes?} to Wm. Riddels to Dinner. Snow on ground but no {sleighing?} very rough roads snell above 6 20

F 4 A good bit more snow last night Men at firewood 13 20 32

Sa 5 Men at firewood & choring, dribbling snow sometimes 9 18

Su 6 All at Church but Jeannie Mr. Thynne begins to lecture on Revelations. I doubt he will have a hard nut to crack 6 20

M 7 Men at firewood. Poor sleighing but people trying it very snell below 3 14

Tu 8 Cutting stuff in forenoon Men at wood in afternoon snowing a little 13 23

W 9 At the annual School meeting, Alick sick Milder to day 24 36

Th 10 Thawing all day with small rain Men choring 33 36

F 11 Men choring thawing all day Sleighing all gone roads very slushy. There has been no good sleighing yet 32 38

Jany 1878

Sa 12 Thawing again all day the little pickle snow we had is nearly all gone. a very queer winter, men choring 33 36

Su 13 All at church but Alick & Jannie good attendance 28 34

M 14 Men at firewood a little snow last night but no sleiging 30 34

Tu 15 Men at firewood in bush a trifle more snow mild 30 38

W 16 Men at firewood in bush No right sleighing above 9 23

Th 17 Kills a Cow Wm. Dickson helps us. cloudy colder 20 28

F 18 Hector at Galt for Bran Alick & Stalker at firewood, mild 29 36

Sa 19 Men cutting stuff in forenoon at wood in forenoon Mr Clark comes to board a while. very mild Thawing all day 30 42

Su 20 All at Church but Jeannie & Tilly Our Minister is going to have meetings in church every night this week. 30 42

M 21 Men choring very mild snow all gone, Hector & Jean goes to meeting 33 41

Tu 22 Men choring colder to day & like snow Sermon to night again 31 34

W 23 Men at firewood very snell last night. ground black above 4 14

Th 24 Men at firewood at night all at meeting but Jeannie & Tilly 19 28

F 25 Men at firewood Milder to day 31 38

Sa 26 All at Church in afternoon Mr Andrews Preaches, thawing 32 36

Su 27 Our Sacrament, Mr. Thynne has made an addition of 54 members since he came. Mr Thnne alone to day 30 34

M 28 Our Annual Congregational meeting #162 behind 12 7 16

Tu 29 Men choring & hauling firewood ground quite black snell Doctor here for Mr. Clark 11 28

W 30 Men choring very cold & windy Jessie {hired?} to Mrs. Valens 9 24

Th 31 Men choring very cold & windy, we want snow to protect wheat 19 21


F 1 Snow at last! Last night it snowed enough to make good sleighing, there has been nothing like sleighing before not more than three or four inches of snow. Alick cripple with sore pains in his feet Hector choring 23 26

Sa 2 Hector choring good sleighing if it only lasts J Watson daft 12 28

Su 3 All at Church but Hector Mr. Thynne absent R McQueen acts below 1 20

M 4 Hector at Forest Mill with Grist did not get it clear sunny above 6 36

Tu 5 Our women at W. Turnbels visiting we cut stuff in forenoon 8 32

W 6 Hector at Forest Mill with sleigh for Grist, clear sunny thawing Sleighing going fast this is the only sleighing we have had this winter and is very poor all ready it will be soon be all gone 26 38

Feby 1878

Th 7 Hector choring very fine warm sunny sleighing gone 28 44

F 8 Hector choring, Thawing all day raining a little 32 43

Sa 9 Hector choring, Colder to day and snowing a little at times 26 22

Su 10 All at Church with sleigh but Alick & Jean poor attendance 16 20

M 11 hector hauling firewood with sleigh keen frost clear above 4 21

Tu 12 Men cutting stuff in forenoon Hauling firewood with two sleigh Teams in afternoon, fair sleighing now 16 28

W 13 Men hauling firewood & finishes all that is cut Thawing 16 32

Th 14 All visiting Thomas Nicol he is now very old & frail 16 32

F 15 Wrote to Thos. Anderson men cuts Poplars & willow at old garden

Sa 16 Hector at Benjys cutting stuff fine mild cloudy 18 36

Su 17 All at church but Jeannie & Clark large meeting 16 26

M 18 Hector at Cowe's hauling logs from swamp. men chopping poplars 10 26

Tu 19 Men at willlow firewood mild cloudy snell last night zero 0 32

W 20 Men at firewood very mild and a gentle thaw all day 32 44

Th 21 A drizzling half rain but freezing on the trees near night Hector at smiddy with both spans of horses 34 34

F 22 A complete wet night and raining a little all day creek down great pools in the fields and a {plash?} every where Hector goes for the Doctor to Clerk, did not get him, he was gone to Toronto Clark is very poorly 38 38

Sa 23 Hector away hunting straw but got none thawing 36 38

Su 24 All at Church but May & Jeannie Road very water over the road in some places Mr. Thynne & Miss Thynne here near night & McMillan to see Clark, Begins 3 navy plugs - I'll must see how long it lasts 30 32

M 25 cuts stuff in forenoon Jessie & Mother comes coldish 26 28

Tu 26 Hector takes away Jessie & Mother to McDonalds Alick & Stalker choring 24 38

W 27 Hector takes Jessies Mother to Gilcrists Jean goes with them David Martin from Scarboro comes Alick choring 30 43

Th 28 Hector at Tenants {with?} chopping stuff, Alick fencing 28 44


F 1 David Martin goes away Hector sets him up to Galt Alick choring 24 28

Sa 2 Raining lightly almost all day Men choring roads muddy 28 38

Su 3 All at Church but May Road very muddy creek open all along 40 49

M 4 Men choring snell frost last night & to day crows comes the first time this year 24 28

March 1878

Tu 5 Men choring a sun {thaw?} all day winter seems over 36 26 42

W 6 Men choring a remoarkably fine day like spring Cowe tapped ^for sugar 40 53

Th 7 Very fine day Hector at Galt for Clark who is very ill the oxen gets some meal in a Barrel & eats it all. I go to the ministers 38 53

F8 Very fine Taps for sugar Mr Thyme here visiting poor Clark who is very ill hears Blue birds & frogs 36 56 A few days ago we had three pair of born Lambs = 6 all doing well When we Tapped our trees there was no snow in bush

Sa 9 Boiled down 24 pails sap into syrup I left in pots 18.0 36 60 Dr Smith comes to see Clark he is evidently dying

Su 10 All at Church but Jeannie & Hector Toby comes to Church after us & disturbs the minister the ill bred son of bitch 40 64

M11 Got 22 Pails with 18 pails in Pots = 40 Boiled them into syrup Robins plenty no run to day

Tu 12 No sap to day though I got 4 Pails full. A dul hazy {illegible} foggy day looks like brewing a storm of some kind Hector & Alick goes for a load of straw to Minholands, cool 34 42

W13 Some snow last night men choring cleans the troughs 36 48

Th 14 No sap cleans the troughs, full of rain Men choring mild 36 42

F 13 gathers 14 Pails of sap & Syrops it of Men hauls two loads of straw from Minholands fine day but poor sun 32 48

Sa 16 Last night two boys Minholand & {Droiggly?} was at our bush boiling down sap Hector went out about 1 oclok when they ran away leaving two coats two teaspoons a gun a knife a chunk of butter some Powder but they took some Pails which they must bring back before they get their things back, Got about 30 pails sap and Syroped it Hector at Galt for grasseed Walter & Alick bring straw from ^Minholands 31 48 Bob {Glacker?} breaks 4 pains of glass in our pantry window with a shot

Su 17 All at but Jeannie {May?} got an excellent sermon 34 30

M 18 Got & boiled into syrop 23 Pails of sap W. Tait here puts in the 4 Pains of glass Bill only 80 cents, Bob's {a rowdy?} 36 48

Tu 19 Wm Cowe comes comes with circular saw to cut our wood tomorrow poor run of sap syroped off 11 Pails & left {coater?} in Potts 36 46

W 20 Circular saw here gets all our wood cut fine sunny day but cool sap running but we gather {illegible} some frost 32 44

March 1878

Th 21 Men culling stuff Geto 37 Pails sap Syrops off 33 Pails and leaves 2 pails in Pots cool clavedy 32 48

F Men ploughing in 16 acre field Got 40 Pails sap Syroped of 39 & left 3 packs in Pots. some growth now, 32 48

Sa 23 Men Ploughing. We get 32 Pails sap and syroped off 35 Pails leaving water in Pots Mrs A Henry here seeing Clark 35 34

Su 24 All at church but Jeannis Tally Alick very cold, winter again 20 12

M 25 Men choring still cold barren & wintry no sap 16 27

T 26 Hector at Galt for Bran I clean the troughs some sap runs 26 37

W 27 Hector at Cowes cutting fuel with Circular say loe gather & Pails sap but does not kindle the fire. thunder 32 50

Th 28 Great rain last night creek quite large. We emptied the troughs quite full of rain water, men charing 36 47

F 29 Men Ploughing North of Sugar bush, we gather 21 Pauls sap making 29 with what we had in Pots before. We did not kindle the fire today but has 29 to start tomorrow with 32 44

Sa 30 Men Ploughing A good sum of sap though very cold & windy Lilly & I gather 40 Pails & We syruped off that and the 29 we got yesterday lefs 12 We left in Pots. leaving 57 Pails that we syroped off. We will make no more sugar 32 44

Su 31 All at Church but Lilly & Jeannie Mr Thynne begins the Mary Mitchel - Mrs D. Beckei died today 36 46


M1 Got 51 Pails sap to day there was 26 Pails in Pals = 77 We syroped off 69 Pails & left 8 Pails in the Pots This is the anniversary of my wedding in 1833. 25 years ago! 32 54

Tu 2 Men cutting stuff & Ploughing George Nicol here seeing Clark. I gather 10 Pails sap + leaves them in Pols with 8 left yesterday. there now in Pots 18 Pails 36 58

W 3 Hector Ploughing aer stone Dyke Alick + Slalker brings Sawdust from Tenants for bedding lather 2 Pails sap & Syrops off 20 Pails no run very fire & warm a good but of growth Rhubarb appearing Tulips above ground. 36 59

Th 4 Hector was going to the funeral of Mrs Henderson to day but had to go for the Harrier for a sick cow that cannot Calf a dead Calf the barrier cannot help her so I suppose she must die Stalker spitting rails, no sap to day, warm 38 59

April 1878

F 5 Alick & Hector Ploughing with horse stalker hailing rails with oxen and splitting rails. Warm growing 36 59

Sa 6 A cow died of Calving last night + Hector goes with the skin to Galt Men brings Pots + e from bush I bring home the sports delves ground for onions Alick Ploughing 38 54

Su 4 All at Church but Hector Jeannie fine day 36 56

M 8 Hector Ploughing Stalker + Alick hauling hay +e from old barn I plant top + seed onions fine day again 36 54

Tu 9 Raining slightly all day Men charing cool 38 52

W 10 Men Ploughing, fine growing day. A good deal of Growth now 40 54

Th 11 Men Ploughing Stalker sows grasseed I plant a packfull of Potatoes 44 59

F 12 Men sowing + and dragging spring wheat our Stone Dyke 41 58

Sa 13 Alick & Stalker slowing Spring Wheat Hector drawing beerings north at concession where grasshoppers eat the young grass las year 40 54

Su 14 All at Church but Lilly & Jeannie good Mendance. fine 40 58

M 15 Men sowing Peas north of sugar Bush. I plant sunflowers long prain. 40 52

Tu 16 Hector & Jean at Galt gets $ 50 on account for nursing Clark Stalker & Alick storing North of sugar bush fine day 40 58

W 17 Hector sows grasseed Alick & Stalker slowing apple trees 43 62

Th 18 Men stoning & cutting stuff Hector rolling Peas ground very fine day very early spring Willows getting Green tonge Apple budding strong had a pair of town lambs to day the first of regular lambing tower 44 66

F 19 Hector Ploughing Alick & Stalker goes to Rolet Fletcher for straw a fine shower last night everything looking very fresh 1 Lamb today 48 68

Sa 20 Thunder last night with much rain creek down Men Ploughing with three Ploughs, Grand growing weather Willows Green as far as one can see them everything budding strong, this is the warmest day yet 50 40

Su 21 All at Church but Jeannie & Alick fine day good attendance 46 68

M 22 Cold east heavy rain almost all with much thunder some of it pretty loud it seemed unnatural so cold. Men cutting stuff 46 40

Tu 23 Men Ploughing A classy. half musty day but good growing weather 46 54

W 24 Heavy tain today with thunder ground completely soaked creek big but fine growing great growth for the time of year 60 66

Th 25 Hector & Alick at R Fletchers for straw fire growing the maples at Sugar bush in full flower & looking green but no leaves 52 62

April 1878

F 26 Men Ploughing cloudy but fine and growing I plant some Carroway North of house to see of at could grow 46 62

Sa 27 Cutting stuff in forenoon Men storing grass for coard fine growing I think it is the earliest spring I have yet seen in Canada. The Black cherry blossoms is quite auld the wild Plumb is gust bursting is to flower the wheat looks splendid more damaged I am afraid we shall have frost for this yet 46 64

Su 28 All at church but Jeannie & Alick fine day 44 64

M 29 Very wet this forenoon In afternoon Hector & Jean at Old Mrs Porteus funeral aged 93! John and Mrs Velens here 54 64

Tu 30 Hector & Alick at Mr Ferguson's for 1/2 ton of hay. price $10 per ton wild Plum tree blossoms out young cherry trees just bursting out we could get Rhubarb too but has not tried it yet never saw the like in April before 54 64


W 1 Hector at Guelph Fair trying to sell his horses Got the first Rhubarb I go a fishing and gets 7 Jean Plants Parsnips Beans &e Black cherry & wild Plum in full blossom common cherry just bursting in to flower can see white about off 54 68

Th 2 Hector at Galt for Bran Mr Alrick takes away three Lambs price #3 each #9 Alick stoning very fine growing 50 70

F 3 A good deal of rain today weather vera brick Men choring woods looking quite green cherry trees nearly in full bloom & Plum trees in full bloom This year is certainly about 20 days earlier than usuall 60 70

Sa 4 Cutting stuff in forenoon Hector then begins to Plough wee field at old Barn. Three tris flowers out. Cloudy cool 46 60

Su 5 All at Church but Jeannie this day twelve months Mr Thynne Preached his first sermon here and he gave an anniversary sermon & good one cool near frost 39 58

M 6 Mr Clark died here this morning at 7 o clock Hector goes Ai Galt to settle with Mr Paterson about the fun Mrs Riddel & wife here Alick Ploughing & Red root pulling Hector brings A coffin John Dickson Mr Cowe and at Mr Darson come at night and we put the Corpse in the Coffin 46 64

May 1878

Tu 7 Hector sows Oats in Island field Alick dragging warm cloudy 44 72

W 8 The funeral of poor Clark to Galt cemetery I dont Go Raisins heavy with some pretty loud thunder at night 46 68

Tu 9 Men Ploughing Hector not very well some showers. cool 46 62

F 10 Hector Jean & Lilly at Dundas I got Copens Cashed 36 46 54

Sa 11 Men stoning Very cool today but everything looking 42 46

Su 12 Men sowing Oats & dragging at Cones Bah Bah! A blunder! All at Church but Jeannie & Lilly large attendance 46 54

M 13 Men dowing Oats at Concefsion Frost last night some ice on horse trough. Potatoes cut block in garden nothing else hurt yet but it looks like more frost tonight. hopes not 34 48

Tu 14 Men hauling dung for Potatoes Another hard frost last night Grape fines a little touched Potatoes quite black but on the whole not much damage done. the grain does not seem to be damaged at all Logest Buffed most Blackened 34 54

W 15 No frost last night Hector May Jean at Galt May gets a Bonnet, it was a fear day Men taking out Dun for Potatoes 38 56

Th 16 Men hauling dung for Potatoes a little frost but not much 38 64

F 17 Men hauling dung no frost last night hopes there will be no more 41 68

Sa 18 Men Ploughing in dung for Potatoes No frost last night 46 64

Su 19 All at Church but Jeannie & Lilly, fine day but Cool 42 36

M 20 Men fixing Potatoe land We cut Potatoes some thunder last night & more today with very heavy thunder shower 52 74

Tu 2 Plant our Potatoes about 14 Bushels and some carrots and mangles yellow Globe 40 58

W 22 Men sows corn at end of Old stable Alick & Stalker stoning Pea land over dyke at New stable Swallows in Lism Tulips in slow 45 53

Th 23 Hector & Alick at the raising of a Great Barn at McDonalds hears that last night the little steamer on Blaind Dam Galt went over the {Pail?} with 18 people on board of which seven or 8 is reported drowned a sad sad affair! 42 66

F 24 Hector Alick Ploughing in Corn over Dyke at New Barn Queens Birthday Age 59 Mr & Mrs Stratton here. Warm 52 74

Sa 25 Men Ploughing Peas with three learns Jane May Lilly and I at Church Mr Topp from London Preached and gave us a good sermon on the superiority of Charity 60 78

May 1878

Sa 26 Our Sacrament Mr Topp Beaches All at it but Jeanne 46 64

M 27 Hector at Mill with Grist Alick showing swamp in Island field 52 64

Tu 28 Men storing in Island swamp Marks the keeping laws more libs 51 64

W 29 Men fixing line fence between Benjy & us. Cool nearly a frost last night 48 62

Th 30 Men hauling dung for Turnips. We Plant three rows of corn 50 64

F 31 Men hauling dung for Turnips. Warmer today clear 60 74


Sa 1 Men hauling fung fine clear sunny day 62 74

Su 2 All at Church but Hector & Jeannie fine day drouth 58 70

M 3 Men finishes hauling out dung for turnips cloudy 60 76

Tu 4 Men spreading dung in forenoon in afternoon washes our sheep at Fletchers creek clear sunny 60 74

W 5 Hector & Alick Ploughing in dung clear cool and now 7 PM looking rather like frost but we hope not 50 68

Th 6 Men Ploughing in dung a very little frost last night 50 64

Sa 8 Men fixing turnip land. Poor Toby our dog paralyzed on hind legs. last night Alick & Lilly at Barn heating Ball at Mefors Mc Donalds Heght rain last night 44 50

Su 9 All at Church but May & Jeannie young David Bickle a student preaches ans shapes coell to be {cleaer?} 50 66

M 10 Men sows corn in forenoon. We dip our sheep in after-noon A very heavy shower just as we were finishing 55 76

Tu 11 Hector May & Jean out at Laings store getting Turnip-seed Alick & Walker stoning turnip land till stopped by thunder and rain with pretty heavy hail mild 52 64

W 12 Hector away in forenoon bying oats in afternoon drilling Turnips Men slowing turnip land & dragging to 52 70

Th 13 Hector drilling turnip & Men stoning in forenoon in afternoon Alick & Stalker sowing turnips and Hector + I sat the funeral of Katy McQueen wife of William Eliot aged 31: 52 76

F 14 Hector drilling Men sowing turnips I killing Potatoe bugs 54 79

Sa 15 Men finishes sowing turnips and cleans up old backyard Plough lo 59 80

Su 16 All at Church but the two Jeans good Mendance 58 79

M 17 Men storing old sod at Benjy's lone swamp clear and rather cool I set up Potatoes with hoe at home 51 70

June 1878

Tu 18 Alick cutting thistles angng spring wheat I killing bugs. Hector & Jean at Galt with wool-18 fleeces weighed 99 the weight per fleece 5 1/2 tts price only 20 cents per {litte?} 19 80 a very small price indeed but still wool will sell 60 74

W 19 Men storing swale at Benjy's line We kill bugs on Potatoes 60 80

Th 20 Men stoning May & I goes to J McQueen's visiting it looks like rain just now. It would do good things is getting dry. 56 82

F 21 Hector at Guelph trying to sell a span of horses. Alick at Statute labour in afternoon. slight rain today it will do good 54 74

Sa 22 Men at Statute Labour I threaten with Dysentery. not bad A little more rain to day & looking like more showers 56 72

Sa 23 A good deal of rain last night & wettish today Neither May Lilly nor me at Church cool from morning till night 64 64

M 24 Men at roads I kill bugs cut thistles among Potatoes weed 64 74

Tu 25 Hector Ploughing Stockyard Alick & Stalker showing swamp 54 80

W 26 Men stoning swale. Very hot though not much sunshine 62 87

Th 27 Hector at a bee on big swamp 9th Con. May at a teazing at I Dick 64 84

F 28 Hector rest stoning. Mr Paterson here about the late Mr Clark's affairs. Clarks friends pays all expenses. This is the hottest day yet

Sa 29 Men stoning Hector Ploughing fallow I killing Bugs 68 88

Su 30 All at Church but Jeannie Mr Mc Dearmed from Puslinch Preaches. Mr Thyme being gone a furlough of three weeks 68 92

M == July ==

M 1 Dominion day Alick at Galt sporting, rest stoning & Place thing hot 68 94

Tu 2 Hector ploughing & dragging Men stoning I Lapsley helping cloudy with some distant thunder showers around but we got none 70 90

W 3 Hector Jean & Lilly at Galt I get #60 for Debenlures Lilly gives me a hipe 40 cents I gave her a krubee 64 76

Th 4 Men storing swale Lilly & I killing bugs fine 66 80

F 5 Hector at Galt getting ceaper repaired Men stoning 64 8{second digit smudged out}

Sa 6 Hector setting up the Potatoes the men stoning 76 93

Su 7 All at Church at 3 PM Mr Robertson from Nairn acts 70 90

M 8 Hector begins to cut hay it not hurt with grasshoppers 68 88

Tu 9 Hector cutting hay in afternoon Mr. Hay School Teacher comes Alick rakes & Slalker & Hay hauls 4 loads which we put into horse Slalile loft 76 90

July 1878

W 10 Hector cutting hay all day in the acre field we haul 8 loads of hay put into horse stable & Cowbyre 74 86

Th 11 Hector finishes cutting 16 acre field and we haul 7 loads of hay rather green some slight rain looking lyke more 72 80

F 12 Much rain last night forenoon Hector hurkels turnips Alick cutting thistles Staker choring. In a pet about a have finer 70 74

Sa 13 {Thinning?} turnips in forenoon the hauls 5 loads of hay and furnishes 16 acre field last 2 loads small 66 84

Su 14 All at Church but me & Jeanne I laking PhysicMr Beckle preaches 71 90 84

M 15 Begins to cut our wheat good crop we have no help wants to hire two or three as everything is ripe 70 90

Tu 16 Hector cutting what Alick Walker Jean & Lilly binding I am very useless cant stand the heat & gets bushed 72 93

W 17 Hector nearly finishes cutting the fall wheat it is a very good crop their will some left unbound tonight distant thunder & a shower in the north very hot 72 96

Th 18 Men binding & stocking the wheat left last night then stopped by a very heavy shower with thunder In afternoon Hector & Jean goes to Galt to look for help Mrs. Stewart comes & we all go to them Turnips till driven by more rain & thunder, Still cool the air 72. 94. 79.

F 19 Men furnishes the wheat by crud ling some wet places Hector then cuts the Barley & Stalker & Stewart crade around the Rye the women & I kills bugs 74 90

Sa 20 All hands at the Rye but me I cant stand the heat 76 90

Su 21 All at Church but Jeannie at 3 PM Mr Smith preaches Galt 72 84

M 22 finishes cutting Rye at Teatime then hauls 4 loads of wheat & 2 of barley quite cool today a blef sed relief 66 84

Tu 23 hauls all the Barley 10 loads and 8 loads of wheat fine cool day some pleasure to work 60 80

W 24 Hauling wheat all day hauls 17 loads fine day 58 82

Th 25 My birthday 1800 What an old man I am + failing. hauls the last of the wheat 3 loads & 15 loads of Rye when we were stopt by rain leaving about three loads of Rye 40 stocks in the field if it gets a Ducking we cannot help it we have done our best 58 80

July 1878

F 26 We were slapt by rain last night by rain and it has rained steady till now 6 PM one of the longest rains I have seen our 4 stocks out will get a soaking it looks now as if going to fair no work done today very cool everything soaked. creek running 54 64

Sa 27 All the men cutting Peas Lilly & I sets up the falles slocks 61 78

Su 28 All at church but Jeannie Mr Thyme returned & Preaches an anomily 66 76

M 29 Men takes in the last of the Rye - 3 loads & puts them on Byre loft then goes to cut peas in afternoon Alick at Ben Jackson's threshing We have now in of fall wheat 32 loads of Rye Barley 12 loads Rye 18 loads. There is an Eclipse of the sun today but it is cloudy so we cannot see it 62 74

Tu 36 Men cutting Peas all day. Cloudy damp & like rain cool Alick & Hector at John Dickinsons threshing in afternoon

W 31 Alick + Stalker at J Dickson's in forenoon Hector strained his wrist yesterday. Men finishes cutting Peas fine 66 82


Th 1 Takes in all the Peas north of sugar bush 12 loads 62 78

F 2 Cuts the spring wheat half doron with Hefsean thy some would not bind so it was left loo we took in 2 loads of loose sheaves & run them into the Barn but did not unload them 70 82

Sa 3 Takes in all the spring wheat 6 loads with 2 last night making 8 loads of spring wheat altogether Slalker absent Stewart goes away 70 84

Su 4 All at Church but Jeannie warm day & good Men dance 68 87

M 3 Much loud thunder last night and at short intervals all day to day some of the peals were terrfie I think I never saw so much thunder at one spell with heavy rain Hector has gone to Forest Mill with a grist he & it will get a soaking 68 68

Tu 6 More thunder today with a pelting shower Alick cutting thistles Great destruction of property in Toronto yesterday with hail & rain 66 84

W 7 Hector cutting rats in Island field stalker bending the oats is not good-white in the head & green in the straw but we have no grasshoppers this year to hurt anything 66 76

Th 8 Hector finishes cutting the oats We bind a few but they are very green 66 86

F 9 Hector & Alick binding oats I slook a bit Slalker at Benjy's some thunder last night but no rain 67 84

Augt 1878

Sa 10 Hector harkling the turnips the second time they look well Stalker & Alick cuts the Lares for seed & mows and takes in a small corner of grass for hay. Distant thunder looks like rain 63 80

Su 11 All at Church but Jeannie Mr Masson of Galt Preaches 66 82

M 12 The threshers mefares Stewards here with steam thresher in afternoon did not begin till about 4 oclock PM threshed 66 Bushels wheat 32 B. Oats & 23 Bushels of Rye M. eclipsed 64 80

Tu 13 Hauling oats from Island field = 6 loads and 1 threshed yesterday total loads in Island field 7 fine day 66 84

W 14 Hector cuts with mower the green corn at old stable fine day but distant thunder but no rain here but big {shouser?} north 64 85

Th 15 Hector &e digging stones at fallow at Gilbert's line I Johnstone wife took away his museum 64 82

F 16 Men digging stones Stratton here this day with {zain?} in afternoon 66.84 68

Sa 17 Men Ploughing at Gilberts line we turn corn at old stable 68 78

Su 18 All at Church but May & Jeannie large Men dance 62 76

M 19 Men Ploughing in forenoon in afternoon we put corn at old stables into winrow and hauls 3 loads which is put into Old cowbyre loft for the sheep 64 78

Tu 20 Hauls 3 loads of corn & puts it into New cowbyre loft 66 78

W 21 Men fixing at fallow & cleans a load of wheat clear 68 78

Th 22 Hector & Jean at Galt to get one Bushel of Arnold's hybrid wheat at #3 per bushel took a load of wheat sim Stewart Stalker & Alick cutting late Peas air Dyke at N. Barn 66 83

F 23 All the men cutting Peas Stalker goes away at noon. hot 68 85

Sa 24 men furnishes cutting Peas over Dyke at new barn - poor crop heavy shower afternoon Hector goes to plough Stewart the late patch of oats on swamp corner of island field. cool 68 78

Su 25 All at Church but May & Jeannie fine day 66 85

M 26 Men cuts the oat Patch we then turn the Peas at old barn in afternoon takes 5 4 loads of Peas stacks them beside Barrack 48 74

Tu 27 Takes in the last of the Peas 4 loads Stewart patching Barn W 27 Took in the oats 1 big load & run it into the Barn at night. 52 80

W 28 Hector and Alick at J Cowe's ploughing Stalker & Stewart fixing drain from cistern very cool today season seems changed 56 66

Th 28 29 some fixing at fallow Stewart finishes drain at Cistern 60 80

F 30 Hector Jean at Galt with May to the Doctor, J Riddels sows wheat Alick at Robsons threshing 60 82

Augt 1878

Sa 31 Men at fallowo till stopped by rain Alick at Deckers threshing 68 80


Su 1 All at Church but Jeannie & Mau some thunder in afternoon much rain last night 68 80

M 2 Men at fall ow Hector Ploughing rest stoning very sultry 64 84

Tu 3 Men hauling dung to corn stubble at old stable Hector ploughing 68 80

W 4 Hector Ploughing Men stoning May very very poorly 64 78

Th 5 Children's Picnic Hector Ploughing Stalker absent D~Lundy here 66 74

F 6 Men at fallow in forenoon. In afternoon Noon Lowe here sowing wheat with machine at Gilberts line. Bull Stalker here and takes away stalker he is going to Mandolia Mr Thyme here seeing May Mrs. Mitchel too also many more! 66 84

Sa 7 Men sowing wheat Wm Lowe doing it with machine 68 80

Su 8 None at Church but me and Lilly May very sick Hector ill with sore cheek Alick at Galt to consult the Doctor 66 82

M 9 We expected the Doctor to day but he did not come Stalker + Alick begins to cut corn with hooks Hector very ill 68 80

Tu 10 Alick + Stalker begins to plough for Rye where Rye was last year at Nimmis bush, some rain in afternoon Doctor not come yet 70 76

W 11 Hector & Lilly goes to Galt to meet Jenny Marten & her mother from Scarboro. A nasty wet disagreeable day. Puts on my drawers very cool 56 58

Th 12 A nasty disagreeable day not much work done very cool 52 58

F 13 Great rain all night creek down in full flood nearly filling the bridge never saw a bigger flood at this time of the year our stove fire kindled 54 58

Sa 14 Men cutting corn Dr. Lundy here thinks May's case very bad 48 58

Su 15 All at church but Aunt Jenny from Scarboro 48 60

M 16 Men Ploughing for Rye I am at the funeral of Johnstone 50 68

Tu 17 Scarboro people goes away Hector takes them up to Galt then comes back and votes as it is Election day for Dominion Parliament I vote for Mr Bain our old member 56 76

W 18 Hector & Alick ploughing for Rye Stalker cutting corn hears the Tories has beat us by a majority of at least 30 58 74

Th 19 May was very ill last night and this morning Hector went to Galt and brought Dr. Lundy, he says she has congestion of the liver in addition to other disorders, gave her Clyster. she is easier now 60 80

F 20 Men Ploughing I carrying fallen apples The apples falling very fast this year, season changing 60 74

Sept 1878

Sa 21 Men Ploughing we expected the Doctor today but he did not come May somewhat easier 48 60

Sa 22 Jean waiting on her Mother all the rest at Church The Doctor here. Frost last night Cucumber leaves Blackend 32 60

M 23 Men Ploughing in forenoon Alick & Hector at Cowes threshing in afternoon I gather fallen apples Stalker at corn 46 64

Tu 24 Men at Cowes threshing but owing to breakdowns there was nothing done 48 64

W 25 Men at Cowes threshing Me & The women carrying apples 11 Rambo's Bush 56 62

Th 26 Men sowing & dragging Rye we carrying Rambo apples 54 59

F 27 Men dragging & stoning Rye Dr. Lundy here again alas he gives but poor hopes of May's recovery very say very cold 40 54

Sa 28 Hector & I at Church Jean at home waiting on her Mother. 40 48

Su 29 Our Sacrament Jane stops at home to wait on Mother Dot begins to walk 44 50

M 30 Hector was going to Hamilton show with horses for sale but did not go on account of May's weak state him and alick setting up cut corn warm to day 46 73



Tu 1 May very low no hopes of her recovery! Men at Corn Helen Lowe married to day to Joe Parker Thus the world goes some marrying and some dying! 64 76

W 2 Men at corn poor May very very low! cannot last long Just two hours after I wrote the last words my poor dear wife breathed her last at 6:30 PM and I am left desate, we were married on the first of April 1833 and lived together 45 years 66 66

Th 3 Hector & me at Galt getting coffin & c 64 70

F 4 To day we laid my poor May in her cold grave at Kirkwall and oh how empty & lonely the hous does seem 60 72

Sa 5 Begins the cold work of the world again, digs 50 B. Potatoes 46 56

Su 6 Hector & I at Church Jean not at it. fine day sunny 46 58

M 7 Digs the last of our Potatoes only about 35 B. Total 75 B Took up Stalkers Potatoes also about 45 B, much rot this year 46 56

Tu 8 John McMurchy begins to drain the swamp Alick pulling the stumps Hector Ploughing north of sugar bush we carrying fallen apples A fine day 48 62

Oct 1878

W 9 Hector Jean & Lilly at Galt getting mournings for Mother Stalker and Alick Ploughing John McMurchy threshing oats 40 60

Th 10 Hector & Alick Ploughing Stalker & J McMurchy takes up the mangles J the women Lilly & Mrs Stalker carries 35 B apples 42 60

F 11 Lilly Mrs Stalker & J pullings apples all day Hector & Alick at Galt County show to sell a span of horses, I post Papers to Walter Elle at John Park &e giving an account of May's death Sa 12 Hector sold one of his horses yester for #155 to be delived on Tuesday 41 56

Sa 12 Hector at Freelton Mill with Grist Stalker & Alick taking up and hauling carrots one waggonload 42 61

Su 13 All Church but Jeannie fine day good attendance 48 66

M 14 Hector & Stalker at a bee in long swamp 9th Con covering corduroy with gravel I gather a few seat rents #42 & takes it to McQueen 56 74

Tu 13 World's fair at Rocton Hector & Alick there to deliver the horse he sold at Galt. A very fine but some sharp thunder last night with pelting shower Lilly & at apples 50 70

W 16 Hector Ploughing Alick chorting Lilly carries apples 56 74

Th 17 Hector & Alick Ploughing till stopt by rain rains all afternoon Lefsie Porteus here helping Jean to sew blacks 44 56

F 18 Men Ploughing I not doing much very cool wood lirling fast 40 50

Sa 19 Men Ploughing Sandy Gilchrist comes Lilly & I carries the last of the apples has in all about 87 Bushels besides 4 Barrels of fallen in shanty ≈ 10 Bushels or 97 Bushels now besides What we have eaten 40 46

Su 20 All at church but Jeannie got a Sermon in Revelations—dark 44 50

M 21 Men Ploughing I carry 26 Pails of apples for Pigs clear sunny 43 63

Tu 22 Alick & Hector Ploughing Bill Stewart comes in afternoon to Shingle my old bedroom Stalker at church for Hector Hector digging space for new furnace to heat the Church. I finish carrying apples 41 64

W 23 Nasty wet day allmost all day Stewart shingling old house 42 62

Th 24 Hector at Galt for Bran Stewart shingling old house Stalker fixing Post for Gate going to Benjy's cool frost last night 32 52

F 25 Men choring scattering straw &e Threshers coming tomorrow Paid Walter Sait repairing & frowing Buggy #6 40 50

Sa 26 Steam threshers here not a nice day After raining but but they stuck to it all day. The woods now quite bare and thing looking a good deal like winter

Oct 1878

Su 27 All at Church but Jeannie cold in Church. John Dickson cousin came no fire 36 48

M 28 Threshers here snow on ground this morning 32 44

Tu 29 Threshers finishes at New Barn at noon J Dickson went away and the Peas at Old Barn in afternoon. We have not had so much threshing since Hector came The total this time was Spring wheat 45 B. Fall D. 230 Barley 115 B. Rye 13 Do Oats 126 Peas 126 Total this time 772 Bushels & 66 B of wheat Rye 22 B. Oats 32 before harvest Total = 89! Bushels. A lot of stuff certainly 30 46

W 30 Yesterday Hector took John Dickson to Galt and bought a Lup Lamb for #9 Alick & Win Stewart begins to share Turnips in afternoon Hector has a cold. Puts up Pigs to feed 34 46

Th 31 Alick Stewart Stalker & Burton shawing turnips very cold high wind from the north. Hector sick 28 34 32


F 1 Hard frost last night could not take up turnips in forenoon but did in afternoon. cold windy 28 44

Sa 2 All taking up turnips but Alick who is at Robsons threshing It rained in afternoon & Stopped us at turnips 36 46

Su 3 All at Church but Jeannie Minister on Revelations 38 44

M 4 Jeannie Taylor goes away to Stayner near Collingwood where she is hired Hector sets her up to Galt the rest Hauling turnips to Cowbyre with Hector in afternoon takes in 11 loads at 30 Bushel per load = 330 Bushels hard frost this morning hopes winter will not catch our turnips 26 40

Tu 5 Takes in 11 loads turnip to Cowbyre = 330 B hard frost 22 32

W 6 No turnips to day ground covered several inches with snow Men ridding up the Barns little or no thaw all day 32 34

Th 7 Men choring. No turnips. Some thaw but not much 32 40

F 8 Snow mostly gone Men cutting stuff in forenoon trying to take up turnips in afternoon not much thaw 28 38

Sa 9 Taking in turnips hauls 13 loads = 390 Bushels snow all gone 28 42

Su 10 all at Church but Mr Thyme tells us we are a bad lot 32 46

M 11 Takes up the last of the turnips 5 loads with check house 150 Bush. rains 36 48

T 12 Takes in one load the last, to sheep house & 2 loads we left last night total in sheep house & loads = 240 Bu. inside in Cowbyre 34 loads = 1020 B Total crop of turnips 1260 Bushels. 36 46

Nov 1878

W 13 Hector & Alick Ploughing in Island field. I plant an apple tree

Th 14 Men Ploughing Frost last night but not hard 30 38

F 15 Men Ploughing. fine day but folk prophesying a storm 30 40

Sa 16 Men finished Ploughing Island field hauls corn & cuts some 36 44

Su 17 All at church but Lilly & I a half misty raw day so I slept at home 36 46

M 18 Men Ploughing Jean goes to Frasers with yarn and to Vallanees 38 50

Tu 19 Men Ploughing in spring field A fine mild cloudy day Alick at Robsons 38 48

W 20 Hector Ploughing Alick at Benjy's threshing. Jean Lilly & Dot at Mefirs. Mc Donald's for Peacock & Pea hen. Very mild cloudy 38 48

Th 21 Hector Ploughing Alick at J Dicksons threshing and cloudy 32 48

F 22 Alick at J Dicksons threshing till noon Hector & I clips the tails of the Ewes and puts Ram to them Raw cloudy 38 42

Sa 23 Men Ploughing. Today the "Fishery award" is to be paid by the Yankees to England after all their shabby grumbling, the Yankee Nation is the meanest on Earth 36 42

Su 24 all at church but Jean Roads very muddy 36 40

M 25 Men hauling corn from field & firewood A little snow on ground 30 34

Tu 26 Hector at J Lowe's killing Pigs Alick at Smiddy, coolish 30 33

W 27 Very nasty day raining ice wind east, cuts stuff. men choring 30 34

Th 28 Mr & Mrs Thyme here Hector choring Mild cloudy 31 38

F 29 Hector & Alick at Galt cloudy I dont do much Hector took some fall & Spring wheat to Galt he got 85 cent per Bushel for his fall wheat and only 60 cents for spring 30 38

Sa 30 Men choring not much doing Road very bad, water oer swamp 28 40


Su 1 All at Church but Lilly Mr. Thyme says we are to have some monthly lectures this winter 28 38

M 2 Very wet last night & today Men choring I make a creel 36 40

Tu 3 Hector Ploughing Alick at Tenants with Peas to chop 36 42

W 4 Thanksgiving day all at Church but Lilly water over road 30 38

Th 5 Lilly & I carry apples from old house Wm. Stewart comes & they get firewood in sugarbush ground white with sproug in afternoon on Hector gets a new croscut saw 22 28

F 6 Men getting firewood Alick hauls some snow still on ground 20 34

Sa 7 Hector & Jean at Dundas with Turkeys & my Debentures Alick & Stewart getting firewood Alick cut his foot with axe 20 32

Su 8 No Sermon Mr Thyme at Waterdown R McQueen officiates Lilly and I at Church 20 34

Decr 1878

M9 4 or 3 inches of snow last night raining small rain today, Men bring in some corn and {illegible text} wet 32 36

Tu 10 Slight rain & thawing Men choring Women killing hens and old Gobbler to take to Galt Fair tomorrow 34 39

W 11 Hector & Jean at Galt with chickens Turkeys apples & Alick choring 24 32

Th 12 Men choring Dull cloudy roads very rough 24 32

F 13 Men cleans a load of wheat in forenoon, At firewood after 24 32

Sa 14 Snowing all day Men at firewood {illegible text} for sleighing now 24-26-22

Su 15 All at Church but Tilly hard frost all day 20 22

M 16 Alick and Stewart at firewood Hector at Guelph with wheat & sample of Barley 41B wheat at 88 cents #36 20 25

Tu 17 Men breaking colt goes with to it to Tenants with chopping 20 26

W 18 Hector at Forest Mill with chopping stuff Alick choring 20 25

Th 19 Hector at {illegible text} {breaking?} young horse at nightgt Hector Jean & Alick goes to hear a lecture at Church by MrMc{illegible name} Paris subject "anything will do" 16 26

F 20 Men choring Gilchrists & family comes hard frost 18 24

Su 21 Snowing all day Hector & Jean goes to A Stewarts with a {illegible text} 18 26

Su 22 Alick at Robsons threshing Hector cl blunder

Su 22 All Church but Jean good sleighing now plenty of snow 18 24

M 23 Alick at Robsons threshing Hector choring 10-14-10

Tu 24 Alick at Robsons threshing Hector choring hard frost windy 10 12 8

W 25 Chirstmas day Alick Jean & Tilly at McDonalds visiting Hector at Robsons threshing fine sleighing now cold 12 18

Th 26 Men choring Hector takes sow to Boar at McQueens 12 24

F 27 I collecting seat rents men at Deckers & cowes threshing 14 28

Sa 28 Alick at Cowe's threshing, In afternoon Hector & I at the funeral of Robt Johnstone aged 69 aftershort {illegible text} 14 26

Su 29 All at Church but Tilly Minister on Revelations 14 28

M 30 I collecting Kirk seat rents Men choring 18 26

Tu 31 Hector at Galt for Bran & grog Alick choring 14 20

Jany 1879

W1 New years day McDonalds MrsParteus here all very guest #12 26

Th 2 Vicious cold day highwind Men choring I take #94 to McQueen 10 14 {author writes above the line} Mrs.{Maie?}

F 3 Snowing & drifting all day very stormy MrValene brings Jessie here {illegible} and takes Mrs.Parteus back with him Hector goes for the newspapers 10 16

Sa 4 Roads blocked with drift Hector out Breaking them to corner 14 24

Su 5 All at Church but Jean Roads not well broke yet 18 26

M 6 Hector at Forest Mill with grist Wm. Stewart comes {Hecto?} having hired till the beginning of March Alick & him at firewood in bush 16 25 Councillers is elected today but I dont go to it

Tu 7 Men cutting stuff and sawing & hauling firewood, rather fine 14 24

W 8 Men kills 7 Pigs I dont help then WmCowe & {illegible} here mild 20 30

Th 9 Hector at Dundas with 4 Pigs Alick & Stewart at bush 18 22

F 10 Men at firewood in Sugar bush Hector hauling Do smell frost 10-22-18

Sa 11 Hector Jean & I at Galt, I get #60 coupons Cashed, Put #30 into Merchant Bark I get #24 Interest on #480 and spends #10 with Mr{illegible name} on Book{illegible} Blackwood & Chambers Toward Cruise of the Chalenger two Diaries almanack & e fine day 18 26

Su 12 All at Church but {Kelly?} Mr.Greg a student preashes {illegible text} 16 24

M 13 Men cleaning a load of Wheat and choring I Murray here Tayloring 18 24

Tu 14 Hector at Galt with load wheat price 87 cents per Bushel Alick & Stewart choring 24 29

W 15 Hector hauling firewood Alick & Stewart sawing in bush {illegible text} above 2 10

Th 16 Men at bush and cleaning wheat cuts up the Pigs 8 16

F 17 Hector at Guelph with Barley {illegible text} the Sleigh twice before he got there Roads badly drifted, Price of Barley 50 cents per Bushel 10 24

Sa 18 Men cutting firewood in Sugar at {illegible text} line bush fine winter day clear 20 30

Su 19 All at Church but Jean fine winter day pretty {illegible text} 16 26

M 20 Men takes in corn from field & cutting D.o I got up {illegible text} above 8 26

Tu 21 All the men chopping firewood at Gilberts line coldish 10 24

W 22 All the men chopping firewood Hears Mary Nicol is dead at Galt and is to be burned tomorrow her old Father is seeing many of his family away 16 24 32

Th 23 Hector & Alick at Guelph with a load of barley and to deliver a horse he has sold for #130 cheap perhaps but he had no use for it, let it go 20 26

F 24 Hector & Alick returns from Guelph, Hector Pays me #100, Stewart choring 20 32

Jany 1879

Sa 25 Alick at Tenants Mill with chopping stuff all the rest at Church but Tilly & Stewart Mr.Black preached at night Mr.Thyme & Mr.Black comes here Mr.Black is from Garwald Shiels {illegible text} and son of an old school fellow of mine Margeret Holliday his Mother we has a fine crack about old affairs, very windy 20-38-19

Su 26 Our Sacrament Mr.Black Preaches, very {small?} frost - blow 3 19 {numbers slightly covered by ink}

M 27 Our annual church meeting I resign Collectorship after collecting over 40 years. Wm. Cowe appointed in my place thawing 30 41

Tu 28 Kills a Cow Hector Stewart & Alick only at the killing, thawing 38-38

W 29 Hector at Galt with {illegible text} Tucker & Cowhide Men at Bush 20 33

Th 30 Hector sick of a cold so am I Alick at Miss Porteus firewood Bee Stewart chopping firewood some thaw but not much 20 34

F 31 Hector at Galt in forenoon fore {illegible text} all the rest chopping firewood in bush slight thaw 20 33


Sa 1 We All have a bad cold Stewart & Alick at bush 14 26

Su 2 None at Church but Jean & Lilly hears my old fried {inserted above: "n"} Thomas Nicol died yesterday! I cannot be long here 20 30

M 3 I go to Mr Thyme with some books and takes his Father Wm Knox's poem "O why should the spirit of mortal be proud" 24 32

Tu 4 Hector at the funeral of Thos" nicol at Kirkwall, Alex Glen. comes he says he is afraid he is going blind! 20 33

W 5 Men at firewood a little snow fell last night 24 32

Th 6 All the men at bush Hector hauling forewood very mild 24 35

F 7 Men at cordwood Hector hauling D° mild 20 28

Sa 8 Hector & Jean at Galt for Bran Alick & Stewart at {inserted above: "bush"} 22 32

Su 9 All at but Lilly Stewart & I. I am bad with a cold 20 30

M 10 Hector Hauling firewood Alick & Stewart chopping Jane takes me in cutter to J {or T} Cooks for kirk money #8 22 33

Tu 11 Very slight drizzling rain all day men at bush 34 39

W 12 A good bit of snow last night men chopping 18 24

Th 13 Hector at Tenant's with chopping stuff the rest at bush 14 11

F 14 Men at bush Hector hauling firewood pretty snell 13 14 7

S 15 Men at bush Hector hauling firewood very snell 0 12

Feby 1879

Su 14 All at Church but Jean the minister on Revelations 16 24

M 17 Men at Bush Hector hauling Robert Hunter & Wife brings Lilly home from Hamilton where she has been with them for the last week 14 22

Tu 18 Men at bush Hector hauling Jean goes to visit Mr. Joe Parker 14 23

W 19 Men at bush Hector at Limddy getting sleigh mended 16 28

Th 20 Men at Bush Hear David Burke died last night 16 28

F 21 Men at bush Hector hauling Jean visiting Mrs. Menzie zero 0 18

Sa 22 Hector at David Bickle's funeral Rest at bush. 16 35

Su 23 All at Church but Lilly, The minister very earnest choice 3 24

M 24 Men at bush Hector hauling Jean away to see David Mitchel who has sold his farm and is going away to Michigan tomorrow He will never do much good anywho 16 24

Tu 25 Hector at John Jamesons Roup who has sold out and is going to Michigan—two of our neighbours clearing out and Stewart at bush. We expect the saw here tomorrow 12 28

W 26 Has the circular saw here saws 36 cords of wood 20 27

Th 27 Stewart splitting wood Hector at Galt for Roots to Alick. hears a man got his head cut off in a sawmill at Galt to day snell 0.8.6

F 28 Men splitting firewood & sawing Elm saw logs in sugarhand Jean & Dot visiting at G Jamiesons hardest frost yet below zero -12 18


Sa 1 Hector takes Elm saw logs to Tenants Mill & gets it sawed thawing Men cleans out the cistern, it was very low & dirty 20 42

Su 2 All at Church but Jean a very good Mendance 14 32

M 3 Men choring Jean goes into Lowe's fine day above 4 34

Tu 4 Hector at Mill with chopping stuff Men at Bush. thawing all day First crows seen today they came on the 3 last year 36 36

W 5 Men at bush Hector in afternoon at Mrs Decker sawing wood Had a Scottish American newspaper from Scarboro last night in which I see the death of James Potts who died on the 25 of last december! I think he was about the last of my old friends schoolmates & acquaintances. All dead! 16 28

Th 6 Men in bush in forenoon Dipping Lambs in afternoon some snow last night 26 42

F 7 Men in bush Men dipping Ewes in forenoon in bush after 26 32

Sa 8 Hector & Alick at Cowe's cutting firewood with saw. Some thunder near night. Thawing 28 32

March 1879

Su 109 All at Church but Tilly Mr.Mc{illegible name} Preaches great sun thaw very warm snow going fast 28 52

M 11 10 Bill Stewarts time up today. He, Hector & Jean goes to {illegible text} MrThyme in afternoon. Blue Birds come to day Big thaw warm creek down thunder last night I clean out the snow from Sugar {illegible text} place 28 30

Tu 1211 Men {illegible text} up the {illegible text} Bill Stewart makes a sawing sheet for Hector more thunder last night 28 36 There has been thunder the three last night, cold the water is over the road between here & sugar bush deep.

W 1312 Hector, Jean Tilly & Dot at Church. It is the annual over hauling of our {illegible text} affairs, a lot of ministers there I have got a bad cold so did not go to church 28 36

Th 14 13 Alick & I both bad with a cold Hector choring 38 34

F 15 14 Hector, Jean & Tilly cuts stuff Alick & I invalids 28 31

Sa 16 15 Hector at Galt about Horse {illegible text} Alick fixing chores 20-24-18

Su 17 16 All at Church but Jean rather cold today 16 23

M 18 17 Men cutting stuff Hector cuts his finger with cutter {illegible text} 18 28

Tu 19 18 Bill Stewart making sap {illegible text} Hector goes to Mr{illegible text} for Cloverseed {illegible text} one bushel for #4 be brought to Kirkwall above 10 24

W 20 19 Bill Stewart at Bob Cook is for Hector cutting firewood Alick splitting & piling firewood Hector a {illegible text} cut finger with 20 30

Th 21 20 Men choring Papers comes with NP tariff we shall now see how "this Canada of our" likes to be taxed 22 35

F 21 Men choring in forenoon, In afternoon we take out the {illegible text} fixes them & taps two trees they were running, No Gloves comes 26 35

Sa 22 Snowing & storming all day Men choring 28 28

Su 23 All at Church but Jean & I have got a bad cold 24 34

M 24 Hector Jean & Dot at Walter Turn but is visiting some 28 40 {author writes above the line} raining some snow last night

Tu 25 Hector at Galt for grass seed I gave him #10 little thaw 28 33

W 26 Men choring in forenoon Cutting stuff afternoon I help them 26 34

Th 27 Hector at Egypt at a sale Alick choring We have not tapped yet 26 36

F 28 Tapped for sugar gather & {illegible text} of 26 pails & left 2 pails in Pats 34 40

Sa 29 Great rain with some thunder last night Men choring to Tilly empty sap {illegible text} of rain 40 42 Water, No sap to day, snow nearly gone

March 1879

Su 30 All at Church but Jean rather cold 34 34

M 31 Hector at Morriston getting a mould bound on Plough We gather 22 pails sap fills the Pots & Leaves 6 pails unbarred 26 36


weight of oxen count 36.10

Tu 1 Hector takes the fat oxen to Guelph, Edwin Grey having bought them to ship to the old country at #4 for one or 3 3/4 {Three and three-quarters mixed fraction} for the other live weight per 100 We gather & syrups off 36 pails and leaves 14 pails of sap in the pots Trees running well left 28 36

W 2 The rowdies has been at our sugar bush last night and boiled down much of the sap left in Pots Alick goes to Guelph with waggon to meet his Father, No sap today. Cold some snow 26-28-24

Th 3 Very cold Men choring, Hector pays me #100 on his note of #300 which I gave him up and foregave him the other #200 24 24

F 4 Cutting stuff in forenoon choring after smell cooler weather 18 24

Sa 5 Hector at Tenant's mill with chopping stuff Alick choring 19 30

Su 6 All at Church but Tilly sap running but coldish 28 40

M 7 Gathered 60 pails of sap & syruped off 51 leaving 9 in Pots 30 42

Tu 8 Gathered 45 pails sap syruped off 43 & left 11 Pails in Pots 28 46

W 9 Hector Jean Alick & I at Galt fair I put #2 join Merchant Bank Wm Stewart at home gathered 50 Pails sap and syruped of 61 Pails leaving 2 pails in Pots 34 52

Th 10 Raining ice all day trees loaded with it No sap today 34 34

F 11 Gleaned out the troughs in morning gather no sap today though the trees is running pretty well hears frogs 30 36

Sa 12 Gathers & syrups 40 pails sap & leaves 2 pails in Pots going to make this syrup into Molasses. We have made 100 to sugar 32 47

Su 13 All at Church but Jean mild & sap running 32 46

M 14 Great rung gathered 89 pails of sap and syrope off 76 pads leaving 13 pails in Pots This is the biggest gather I have seen frogs loud 34 48

Tu 15 Gatherd 17 Pails & Syroped off 28 Pails leaving 2 in Pots Men cutting stuff in afternoon Wm Stewart hops them 34 46

W 16 Gatherd 25 pails sap syroped 25 leaving 2 in Pots Hector at Mill with grest Rhubarb peering above ground but not much growth yet 34 46

Th 17 No sap today I supose their will not be much more Hector begins to plough 36 48

F 18 Gatherd 8 pails sap did not kindle the fire Hector Ploughing 38 52

Sa 19 Hector ploughing, no sap we syroped off 10 pails & hopes it will be the last this year 38 50

April 1879

Su 20 All at Church but Tilly fine day 34 58

M 21 Gatherd 14 pails sap boiled there them down a but & brought them to make vinegar Hector ploughing stubble east of orchard pulled out the sprouts hot 34 64

Tu 22 Hector ploughing I begin to dig the little garden Tulips in night 34 70

W 23 Men Ploughing, I delving Garden, very fine weather 52 60

Th 24 Men Ploughing Wm. Stewart digs big garden Rhubarb 48 58

F 25 Men Ploughing Wm. Stewart shingling our old Milk house I plant seed & lop onions. I forgot to state that on the 22nd we brought the Pots from bush. We made 110 tts sugar & org Gablons molasses 44 68

Sa 26 Hector at Galt for salt for barley I plant Top onions & 2 parsnips for seed women painting Kitchen floor 52 68

Sa 27 All at Church but Jean fine warm growing day 52 72

M 28 Hector & I at the funeral of Kirsty Clerk aged 24 in afternoon Wm. Stewart sows Barley East of orchard and Hector & Alick harrowing afternoon thunder at night 46 56

Tu 29 Stewart sows grassed on Bailey & oats North of sugar bush I plant Sunflowers Parsnips & carrots 38 64

W 30 Hector cultivating Oats North of Sugarbush Stewart & Alick stoning barley East of orchard I sow one east of Brets & carrots 40 64 42 38


Th 1 Men stoning & I sow some more carots lettuce crelses 34 44

F 2 Hector at Tennants with chopping get a Bushel of Lime at Mr Valens Wm. Stewart pruning Apple trees & digging for Potatoes 34 54

Sa 3 Hector Ploughing Stewart & Alick stoning Stewart fixes the top of our chimney which was split 34 56

Su 4 All at Church but Tilly Mr Thyme's anniversary sermon 38 54

M 5 Men Ploughing in forenoon clearning wheat in afternoon 48 60

Tu 6 Hector at Galt with wheat Alick Ploughing cool 38 50

W 7 Men Ploughing in springfield I plant more sunflowers 36 54

Th 8 Men Ploughing dragging Wm. Stewart sowing oats in springfield things very backward but willows getting a little green 38 60

F 9 Men finishes sowing & dragging spring field. culling stuff afterward 38 64

Sa 10 Hector & Jean at Dundas cashes my Coupons #36 I give Hector 4 B. Peas for seed price 80 cents per B. = #3.20 our own Peas in full of Bugs Alick & Stewart slowing hayfield all the kind of swallows same now 34 71

May 1879

Su 11 All at church but Jean good attendance warm at night Jean Hector & alick at prayer meeting when Mr. Thyme gave the Rowdies a heckling for their shamefull doings 38 72

M 12 Hector at the Ministers with others Ploughing Stewart & alick stoning I plant Potatoes in garden. very hot 60 82

Tu 13 Hector & Alick at Galt for Bran Stewart casting dung I pulling Red root. Bees on willows first time. Very hot thing growing fast I bathe 64 86

W 14 All the men stoning clover I pulling Red root Black cherry in full blossom Mr. McMahon at our Schoolhouse Electioneering for Local house. Our Cistern goes dry 64 82

Th 15 All the men stoning I pulling Red root some rain cool & cloudy Cherry trees pretty while & could plum wood greenish 62 68

F 16 Men finishes stoning clover I pulling Red root second time 60 68

Sa 17 Men hauling dung for Potatoes I pulling Red root fine 60 68

Su 18 All at Church but Tilly fine day but getting dry 61 68

M 19 Hector at Preston for a gang plough alick dragging Stewart spreading dung on Potatoeland. I dipping blofsoms from crab 61 80

Tu 20 Hector Ploughing in Peas with Gang plough alick & Stewart hauling dung I clip crab blossoms. takes Wm. Cowe Kirk book and gives him #2 = 1/2 years seat kirk 62 84

W 21 Hector finishes ploughing in Peas Stewart to Alick finishes hauling Dung for Potatoes very cool to day wind north 50 66

Th 22 Hector dragging Peas after Gang ploughing Alick ploughing in dung on Potatoe land Jean at Mr. Laing's north bruck old 34 54 64

F 23 Hector Rolling Peas & Barley Aling in dung we cutting seed Potatoes some front last night some Mandrakes at sugarbush wilted nothing else hurt some mandrakes in flower 60 64

Sa 24 All at Church but Tilly & Stewart & Alick Alick dragging Stewart cutting Potatoes. looks like rain to night 48 68

Su 25 Our Sacrament Mr. Fisher Preaches & he preached yesterday 46 66

M 26 Sets all our Potatoes = about 15 Bushels very cool threadineng frost every night & very dry planted the Potatoes just among dust 40 64

Tu 27 Hector Alick & Tilly at Mr. Gilchrist's vesting, Stewart takes to Board at 10th Concession Mr. Slurges very cool cloudy 38 62

W 28 Men sows Mangles & carrots then hauls rails to fence swamp pasture Slight frost every night for a week past but not much damage done 38 64

May 1879

Th 29 I dont go Washes the sheep in afternoon The fence across swamps burnt = 20 punel I had a fight to put out warm I lake plysic 54 82

F 30 Men hauling dung for turnips - warm, distant thunder in afternoon 64 85

Sa 31 Men hauling dung till stopped by thunder & heavy rain near night. It will do much good for everything was got very dry over Potatoes was planted among dry dust 65 86


Sa 1 All at Church but Tilly Mr. Masson from Galt preaches Our creek down & the ground well soaked cool 58 64

M 2 Men hauling dung for Turnips Alick & Stalkers spreding Stalker has not been here for months, has had the wet very cool 54 58

Tu 3 Men hauling Dung in forenoon Alick Ploughing it in Stalker spreading Dung Tilly & I plants two rows of coin Raining in afternoon creek running, Plenty of rain now 54 56

W 4 Hector Alick Ploughing sad Stewart & Stalker spreading 56 68

Th 5 Jeannie Taylor lands this morning from Staynor Our Local Election for Ontario When I left not a single Tory had polled nor had they a Scutineer, Men at Dung 56 68

F 6 Men Alick ploughing in dung Stalker spreading Stewart and Hector hauling dung very cool every day but fine & growing 54 68

Sa 7 Hector & Jean at Galt for corn & turnip seed Alick Plowing in dung Stewart spreading dung clear, frost might last 36 68

Su 8 All at Church but Tilly fine day good growing weather 54 70

M 9 Hector & Alick clips the sheep very warm & growing 56 78

Tu 10 Hector stoning swamp on Island field Alick ploughing in dung, Pianies & yellow rose out some thunder & rain 56 78

W 11 Hector & Alick Ploughing in dung very hot & growing 68 82

Th 12 Hector & Alick at turnip land fixing it warm clear 56 80

F 13 Alick dragging Hector Jean at Tilly at Galt with wool 33 fleeces weighed 203 lls prove 22 cents portt =#44.66 weight per fleece 6 5/33 tts very good weight 54 78

Sa 14 Men finishes dragging & stoning Island field 6 PM coming on Rain 56 68

Su 15 all at Church but Tilly some rain last night but not much 54 66

M 16 Hector sowing salt & ashes on Turnip & corn land Alick ploughing 52 68

Tu 17 Hector at Galt for seed corn Alick drilling for corn and turnips Hanlan won the Boat race at Newcastle yesterday very cool 55 66

{Centered}June 1879

W18 Hector sows corns, drills & sows some, Alick drag corn and turnip land Farrier here blistering Nell for {sparen?}, cool 52 66

Th19 Hector drilling turnips Alick ploughing sod till teatime then sowing turnips, good clear cool weather, not many grasshop { 'pers' above 'grasshop'} 56 74

F20 Hector sows the last of the turnips at noon and goes to road work in afternoon Alick & {Wm?} Stewart at road work all day with team {Rout? or Road?} Fletcher & {cofe?} here at Tea, I pay {illegible} 1/2 to Pathmaster for statute {'cabour?' above 'statute'} 56 76

Sa21 Men at Road work {smudged &} finishes their time, cloudy warm 60 78

Su22 All at church but Jean, warm and getty day again 62 82

M23 Hector & Alick poughing and Stewart cutting {thestles?} among {cats}? 70 84

Tu 24 Hector & Alick Ploughing sod Stewart cutting thestles, hottest day {'get' on top of 'day'} 70 88

W 25 Hector&Alick Ploughing Stewart gone to A {Nolens?} still hotter 72 90

Th 26 Hector at Freelton Mill with Peas to chop Alick Plough- {'ing' above 'Plough'} in afternoon a fine shower with some thunder- needed 66 84

F27 Hector and Alick Ploughing ^sod at Neds {sloughing?}, cooler but sultry 64 84

Sa28 Hector and Alick Ploughing at Neds, some Thunder but no rain last night quite cool today & now 7PM looks like 7am 56 74

Su29 All at church but Sally & Mrs {Nimrno?} Mr {Seringour?} from Glen- moris Preacher & gave us a good sermon cool & drouthy 38 72

M30 Alick & Hector Ploughing Two young men Wm Cornel and George Shaver comes and takes away the Organ belonging to Edwin Chambers, clear & drouthy things getting dry 64 78

July {large, centered on page}

Tu1 {wrinkled page} Dominion day, all working Hecotr and Alick finishes Ploughing sod at Niels slashing, very clear and drouthy 64 80

W2 Hector Jean& {Tat Galt?} I get #{dollar/ cent sign}60 for Coupons, clear warm 64 86

Alick cutting hay with mower all day, the first cut

Th3 a good deal of rain with Thunder to day no hay day Hector cutting thistles with scythe & Alick {Do?} 64 82

F4 Hector Raking hay In afternoon we haul 4 Loads puts three into Cowhouse and runs one into Barn {'breezy cool' over 'Barn, very'} very 66 42

Sa5 Hector Raking We haul 7 6 loads puts 4 3 into Cowhouse and 3 into horse stable clear & fine hay weather {slightly smudged} 64 76

Su6 All at Church but Jean, Fine and sunny day {inkblots over the 'f' in 'Fine' and 's' in 'sunny'}

July 1879 {large, centered on page}

M7 A little rain this morning but Hector Raked all the hay cut and we cocked it it then rained steady and looks now - 6PM like a settled wet night 66 76

Tu8 Alick & Hector Ploughing in field oer dyke at New barn Alick {hurkles?} some {mangles?} & carrots Stewart & {F?} thin-ning them in afternoon, breezy warm& drouthy 66 80

W9 Haliling hay all day took in 10 loads put into Cowbyre Stable & sheep house

Th10 Hector at smiddy in farenoon Alick raking Stewart Raking corners We take in one load & {run?} it into newbarn as we were stopped by rain & Thunder, Hector & Alick ploughs after 38 84

F11 Hector Ploughing rest cutting thistles when fair, but before noon it was a great rain with Thunder, pools everywhere 60 84

Sa12 Hector cutting hay in 16 acre Pasture field The rest shaking out wed hay in forenoon and turn- it, I{n} afternoon we take in 3 loads which finishes the field over the Dyke Total=24 loads 4 ones{on top of '4'} big. 70 84

Su13 All at Church Jean Warm & sunny good attendance 70 86

M14 Hector cutting all day in the 16 acre field, {on top} got the first {cherregs? or chores?}, We haul with one team 5 big loads. The field was pastured and ^not meant for day but we will get much more {on top} out of it 70 90

Tu13 Hector cutting in forenoon & rest cutting thistles till stipped by rain with thunder after Tea Hector rakes & we cook after him- like more {on top}rain 70 89

W16 Hector Ploughing in forenoon In afternoon we haul 5 load from 16acre field fine breezy 70 86

Th17 finished our hay = Total 34 35 big loads, plenty of hay this year

Th17 Hector ploughing Stewart at Robsons barn raining I picking {on top} cherries 66 74

F18 Jean {'& Alick' on top} at Galt with cherries Hector finishes Ploughing sod at New barn, In afternoon we cradle round the wheat for Reaper to work, Wheat good but cut much by {Hefian fly?} 64 76

Sa19 Puts Paris green an our potatoes in forenoon In afternoon cut the wheat at End of old stable & cuts some at Gilberts fine wheat very good but a good deal cut up by {Hefsiane?} fly which seems in {creuething?} in Canada 60 76

July 1879 {large, centered on page}

Su20 All Church but Jean Mr. McDiarmid Preacher= very able 64 80

M21 Cuts all the wheat at Gilberts fine except some too green Hector then begins to cut the barley east of orchard crop good. {on top} warm 66 88

Tu22 Hector cuts Barley till stopped by rain Alick & Stewart mow-ing Red top grass till rain stops ^them a good deal of rain with thinder our cut barley will be soaked as it lies in loose {on top} sheaves 70-80-70

W23 Hector & Alick setting up Potatoes & {Hurkling?} carrots in forenoon In afternoon cuts ou the Barley & some green wheat A soaking rain last night everything wet 66 86

Th24 Hector finishes cutting the wheat We turn the Barley that was soaked Jean at Galt with cherries got only two pence per quart. Great crop of cherries this year 66 74

F25 Men hauling Barley-loose- all day hauls 9 loads. This is my Birthday And today I enter on my 80th year a long age I cannot expect to see many more 25th of July. 64 72

Sa26 Some slight rain today but the men hauled 3 load of Barley till stopped by more rain, I cook hay till stopped by {on top} wet 66 80

Su27 All at church but Tilly Minister Preaches on Revelations 66 80

M28 Men takes in 3 loads of Barley. Total loads of barly 25 We then takes in 6 loads of Wheat till stopped by rain & thunder {on top} at teatime 67 81

Tu29 Hector Raking Barley stubble We take in 6 loads wheat 66 78

W30 We take in 3 loads wheat Total wheat 15 load and one load Rakings We likewise low{or tow?} loads raking Barley {& or 4?} one load of Meadow hay, Hector at {Lapiley?}. threshing after {on top}noon 66 78

Th31 Takes the last of Meadow hay= 1 load the cut Rye- hot 70 88

Augt {centered}

F1 Men cutting Rye finishes it very hot & sultry lik thun-{on top}der. 70 90

Sa Hector at Mill with {grist?}. We haul all the Rye= 8 loads 2 of which was loose sheaves & little else but thistles, after tea a good deal of thunder & rain We just finished in the nick of {on top} time 72 90

M Su3 All at church but Jean fine day & hot 70 88

M4 Hector & Alick dragging fallow Stewart thinning carrots & finishes them with my help begins to thin turnips 72 78

T5 Stewart Tilly & I thinning turnpis Hector & Alick dragging fallow & in afternoon Alick hurkling turnips 68 78 some thunder last night but little rain

Augt 1879 {centered, large}

W6 All thinning turnips but Hector who is dragging fall at Neds {above} slashng 68 84 at fallow 6

Th7 All thinning turnips & finishes them 116 {illegible} Hector {above} 66 84

F8 Hector at falow Alick & Stewart moving dung for foundation straw stack Mrs Cole from Brum {monifille?} ^& Mrs Smith here, very cool 64 66

Sa9 Hector Ploughing with Gang plough on fallow. Men storing fal- {above}-low. 54 64

Su10 All at Church but Tilly Minister Preaches on the Mode of Babtism 60 72

M11 Hector cutting oats N. of {Lugarduish?}, Alick & Stewart at lowes threshing 64 76

Tu12 Hector cutting oats the rest hauls 2 load jog of oats & fixes for the {above} threshers 68 82

131 W13 Stewart here threshing Threshes 303 Bush Barley 50 Bush of wheat 27B {badly smudged} of Rye 52 B of ots total day work 432 Bush 66 78

Tu 14 Hector & Stewart goes to Mr. {Warnodes?} to see a trial of Reapers but it was yesterday so they got a {begunk?} after returning they bound oats & I {stocked?}, cool 68 78

F15 Hector cuts the oats at Nimma's bush Alick & Stewart binding North of Sugar bush & I stock after them, very cool 50 68

Sa 16 Hector & Jean at Galt selling butter Alick & Stewart fixing Barley & oats from heating, very cool the season seems already changed. Kinled a fire in my end first time this sum {above}mer. 30 58

Su14 All at Church but Tilly fine day and good attendance 60 70

M18 Hector cuts out the oats next spring field rest {lunduag?} 66 78

Tu19 Binds & stooks the last of the oats in forenoon. In afternoon hauls the oats North of sufarbush= 10 loads 2 not big 66 80

W 20 Men cutting Crown Peas till teatime hauling oats from Nimma's line after hauls-3 loads. I am sick 60 83

Th21 Men hauls the oats by spring field then hauls {above: 2 loads} crown{above:Peas} 60 84 {smudged}

F 22 Men cutting Peas {above: stalker helps} in forenoon then hauls 2 loads crown Peas 70 84 Total loads of crown peas 4 loads& hauld 1 load common Peas

Sa23 Stewart Hector& Stalker cutting Peas Alick Gang Ploughing 70 82

Su24 All at Church but Tilly & I No sermon R McQueen acts 66 76

M 25 Men hauling late Peas all day = 7 loads= total loads of Peas 12 loads All put into Barack, fine 66 78

Tu 26 Hector & Jean at Galt seed fair gets seed {above: Alick Ploughing} wheat 64 74

W27 Men fattering Barley with our horse power fine day 68 76

Th28 Alick dragging fallow Hector Ploughing it. Speanid the Lambs 68 84

F29 Alick dragging Hector Ploughing fallows, cloudy. {muith?} 70 84

Augt 1879 {centered, large}

Sa30 Hector at Guelf to enter horses for show Alick Ploughing 70 84

Su31 No sermon today none at Church. Hottest day this year 70 98

Septr. {centered, large}

{hundering?} North 7 6 PM

M1 Hector Ploughing Alick hurkling turnips second time 70 92

Tu2 Hector Ploughing Alick finishes t hurkling then fencing Pea Bar-{above:} rack 64 74

W3 Hector & Alick both Ploughing. Great change since {above 'change since':} slight rain Sunday. very {above:} cool 60 74

Th4 Hector & Alick both Ploughing Very cool season chan {above:} ged 64 70

F5 Hector & Alick both Ploughing Very cool again 46 70

Sa6 Hector Ploughing at Neils slashing Alick & Stewart stoning trees beginning to change couler not long & the'll be bare 46 74

Su7 All at Church but Tilly & Mrs {Nemms?} Minister's sermon babtism 46 70

M8 Hector sowing wheat Alick dragging very cool indeed 46 60

Tu9 Alick dragging all day Hector till noon. then & I cleans a load of wheat 40 60

W10 Hector & Jean at Galt with wheat 32 B at 95 cents 30 {above: #}. 40 {above: C} slight frost 38 64

Th11 Hector Ploughing Alick dressing harness for Guelph show I dug the Beuties of Helborn Potatoes we planted 7 tts & has 112 tts 46 66

F12 Hector sows the last of the wheat at Neils slashirig. Alick dragging frost last night Pumpkin leaves blackened {smudged 'd'} in Island field 38 74

Sa13 Men creeching Graith for the horses at Guelph show & {mae?} mair 41 70

Su14 Rainy day-(much wanted) & none at church but Alick 46 68

M15 Hector goes tp Guelph show with span to rhew Alick and Stewart cradling green corn in island field slight {above: frost} 36 64

Tu16 Alick & Stewart Cradling corn In afternoon Alick at Cowes thesh {above:ing} 53 64

W17 Alick & Hector at Guelph show, Lord Lorne & Princes to be there 48 63

Th 18 Stalker cutting corn {above: finishes} Hector still at Guelph slight showers 50 64

F19 Alick & Stalker binding corn Hector at Guelph fine sunny day 40 60

Sa20 Hector came home last night from Guelph. Got 3d prize for his horses. Ploughing Today at Neils slashing for Rye Alick & Stalker binding & I looking corn 44 60

Su21 All at Church but Jane good attendance 40 64

M22 Hector Ploughing Alick binding corn alone Stalker {above: absent} 48 68

Tu23 Alick sowing Rye at Neils slashing. Hector dragging, fine 52 68

W24 Hector & Jean at Galt with truck Alick da{above: r }gging rather cold 44 54

Th25 Hector binging corn Alick at Robson thresh peas in forenoon {above: frost} 34 56

F26 Hector Alick & Stalker binding corn fine & sunny 34 64

Sa27 At Church in afternoon Mr Frazer preaches, Raincoming {above: home} 40 66

Su28 Our Sacrment all at it but Tilly get wet with rain coeth 44 68 {below: }thunder coming come

Septr 1879 {centered, large}

M29 Hector & Alick hauling dung for Potatoes & turnips. the Childrens Pic nic in afternoon only Tilly & I at it. fine warm 48 72

Tu30 Hector & Alick hauling dung Very hot today 62 78

Octr {centered}

W1 Hector Alick & Tilly at Hamilton Show very tine day & very hot for the season. Our grapes all {cloneia?} good crop and ripened well never touched by the frost. I {clook? maybe 'dook'?}{above: ed} 64 80{smudged} 80

Th2 Hector Alick & Stalker hauling dung very hot again 64 80{smudged} 80

F3 All the men hauling dung. Thunder & rain last night {above: cool} 60 70

Sa4 All the men hauling dung I carry 18 pails fallen apples 44 68 yesterday I carried 12 pails big apples. put into bing

Su5 All at Church but Tilly Mr. Masson of Galt Preaches 56 76

M6 Hector & Alick at dung I carry _ s 10 Pails apples warm 62 80

Tu7 Taking up Potatoes takes up 24 B. poor crop bad braved hot 64 82

W8 Taking up Potatoes in forenoon {above: only} 12 Bush soft rain afternoon 44 68 76

Th9 Lifting Potatoes after the harrow 9 Bush. finishes. Total 45 Bush 44 76

F10 Hector & Jean at Galt with Barley & Factory cheese Alick Tilly & I carry 23 B. of apples. Very hot 60 80 Hector had 21 bags Barley wiht 48B price 55 {above: cents} = #26.40

Sa11 Men cleaning two load Barley I carry 3 1/2 B. apples hot 60 80

Su12 All at Church but Jean very hot fine weather 60 81

M13 Alick cleaning harness for show Hector Ploughing I carry 5 Bush. apples quite cool today 50 64

Tu14 All at World's fair at Rocton a fine day & good show the biggest turnips ever seen some 39 lb weight. Hector Got 2nd prize for havy draugt horses Jean 3d for bulles 50 70

W15 Hector & Alick at Galt with two loads Barley 96 Bush at 56 {above: cents} = #53.76 We Grind 16 pails snows for sauce 60 76

Th16 Men cleaning Barley carrues opy apples 60 76

F17 Hector at Galt with 63B. Barley at 56 {above: cents} per B. = #35.28 we carry apples Bush getting bare but no frost to kill 50 70

Sa18 Finishes carrying aples has about 70 Bushels besides a lot of small put into old house for Pigs. Very cool 50 64

Su19 All at Church but Tilly Very cool 45 64

M20 Alick & Stalker spreading dung & stoning land for {above: ploughing} 34 64

Last Saturday 18th lent Rev. J Johnstone Geology of Canada

Octr 1879 {large, centered}

Tu21 Hector & Alick Ploughing Stalker spreading dung 36 63

W22 Hector Ploughing in forenoon hauling corn for sheep afternoon I taking up Mangles. quite cool now season {turnd?} 46 64

Th23 Hector & Alick hauling corn then haul 2 loads Mangles Stalker cobbling turnip house roof very cool 44 45

F24 Takes and hauls the last of mangles 2 loads Total. 4 load{smudged} takes in likewise carrots 1 Load cold going to freeze 30 38

Sa 25 Takes up & hauls all the carrots 2 1/2 loads Total- 3 1/2 loads begins to take up turnips Mr Murchy & sister helping {above: frost} 28 38

Su All at Church but Tilly Mr Bickle preaches 30 46

M27 Taking up & hauls 4 loads of turnips fine day 28 58

Tu28 Taking up turnips all day hauls none. Showery 40 50

W29 Hauling turnips all day with 2 teams takes in 10 loads 40 50

Th30 Hauling turnips all day 12 loads- Total loads taken into cow byre 26 al 30 B per load = 780 Bushels 38 44

F31 Men hauls the last of the turnips 7 loads = 210 B. whis is put into sheep house= Total Loads 33 at 30 B per load= 990 B 32 44

November {centered}

Sa1 Hector at Rocton Mill with Grist Alick & Stalker hauling corn & puttin into New barn, fine but cool 26 36

Su2 All at Church but Tilly. Snowing almost all day. Cold 28 32

M3 There is about 8 inches of snow on the ground now Alick at Robsons tull they frose down in forenoon! Hector at Cowes in afternoon Killing Pigs very snell today winter {above: fairly} 28 25

Tu4 Alick at Robsons threshing in afternoon Hector choring {above: alone}- 10. 32 26

W5 Alick at Robson's threshing Hector hauls firewood for thresers Eengine. We expect them on Suday. little thaw today 14 35 28

Th6 Thanksgiving day All at Church but Hecotr & Tilly Road very slushy snow melting ssome sleighs out bunty but only on mud 36 44

F7 Threshers here threshes 74 B wheat & 300 B of Oats Mud thaw 32 42

Sa8 THreshes our Peas at Old barn in forenoon 80 B then goes to Ben Dicksons very fine day snow all gone warm 38 62

Su9 All at Chruch but Jean. A very fine day. 42 64

M10 Hector Ploughing Alick an Benjys threshing I set up sugar troughs & plants clubmass in trough 50 54

Nov 1879 {centered, large}

Tu11 Raining small all day Alick at J Dickson's threshing Alrich men takes away the last of the Lambs= 13 at #3 {above:= #36} 38 46

W12 Hector Ploughing in forenoon till stopped by rain Alick at J Dicksons threshing. Very wet afternoon 42 48

Th13 Hector Ploughing Alick & Stalker spreading Dung 38 52 In forenoon Alick at {Crief?} getting measures for shoes

F14 Very wet with thunder, creek down, Men {draikit?} 50 60

Sa15 Hector& Alick Ploughing, fine day after the rain dear 40 52

Su16 How all Church but Tilly fine day but cool 38 42

M17 Hector and Alick Ploughing Stalker spreading dung 30 43

Tu18Hector at Cowe's killing Pigs Alick Ploughing. A little snow 24 31

W19 Hector Jean & Tilly at Galt with Turkey Butter {illegible} Alick {above: Ploughing} 28 38

Th20 Ground hard cannot Plough Men choring, I dug carrots {above: coundy cold?} 18 22 22

F21 Put the Rain to the Ewes

F21 Hard frost last night creek frozen hard Men choring 12 22

Sa22 Some snow last but night but not much Men choring 18 26

Su23 All at Church but Tilly No Sleighs at Church yet snow not {above: deep} 32 28

M24 Men choring, snow stilly lying though near thawing 28 32

Tu25 Hector takes Waggon wheels to smidely Mild cloudy 30 38 {instead of the usual line of ink across 38, there is a jumble of pencil scirbbles}

W26 Hector at Galt for Coal to Minister Alick choring 22 38

Th27 Men choring Mild thaw all day {above: Jeannie Taylor comes}, snow going fast 32 46

F28 Hector Ploughing, very-very Mild for the season , some {above: rain} 48 56{above:56}

Sa29 Men finishes Ploughing little field at end of old stable {above: J Taylor goes away} but was very hard & frosty today Collector of taxes here 28 28

Su30 All at church but Jean a fine day very little thaw 18 30

Decr.{ large. centered}

M1 Men choring ve mild for the season I get Kiddom's spoon {above: mended} 30 43

Tu2 Hector & Alick at Cowe's threshing but broke down at noon but got mended & started again mild thaw {above: day}all day 34 44

W3 Nasty half thaw small sleet Men at Cows Threshing I kirning 34 30

Th4 Ground caked with ice& trees Do Cuts stuff in forenoon 30 33

F5 Fog all day with a drow ar drizzle of the smallest rain {above: east} wind Women Killing Turkeys & chickens to take to Dundas men {above: choring} 32 38

Sa6 Hector Jean & Tilly at Dundas with Turkeys chickens and my coupons Tilly going to Hamilton tp stop a week at Robt Hunotery Alick choring very mild strong thaw 34 50

Decr. 1879 {Centered, large}

Su7 All at Church but Alick Mr Nixom a young student preaches. {above: - very able} 36 42

M8 Hector Ploughing Alick choring. frost entirely out of ground 30 34

Tu9 Men Ploughing at Gilberts line till stop'd by rain. looks like {above: a wet night} 30 32 32

W10 Hector Ploughing in forenoon till stopped by rain Alick choring in afternoon Hector goes to a bee on Ridde's hill shovellin hd 40 54

Th11 Hector Ploughing Alick choring freezing last night & {above: today} 28, 32, 26

F12 Hard frost & a little a little snow last night men choring 22 24

Sa13 Hard froast again Hector choring Alick at McDonald's 20 28

Su14 All at Church but Alick who is to boil a haggies 26 33

M15 A good picke snow last night folk coill try sleighing now 30 34

Tu16 Men choring snowing a little. fed the sheep last night {above: -first time} 14 24

W17 Killed our big breeding sow a Tough job very heavy cold 20 22

Th18 Hector at Guelph {above: with sheep} with big sow wright 410 lb price #6 her-cow=24.60 A good ddeal for one Pig Alick choring {sleighing?} {above: now} 10 23

F19 Hector at Galt with oats {above: 34C per B} Alick choring fair sleighing now 10 22

Sa20 Men choring Alick Crief for his boots 12 23

Su21 All at Church but Tilly Vertt snill & cold below 2 2 {above? about?}

M22 Men choring raining sleet last night wind Eeast {or Beast} 30 35

Tu23 Hector and Jean at Galt with cipples & butter 10 25

W24 Hector Wm Cowe & Alick kill 3 Pigs I have a bad cold 30 35

Th25 Christmas day Hector & Jean at Robt Fletchers with a frock to the young Laird. I take physic not well Alick choring 12.24.12

F26 hard crust on the snow Men choring Snell frost above 9 10

Sa 27 Men choring Robt Valens & John Valens here 19 26

Su28 All at Church but Jean & I both bad of a cold mild day 23 33

M29 Hector & Tilly at Galt with oats. Gets a Jug for Bride {above: thaw} 38 47 44

tu30 Men choring forst last night hard crust on snow 19 28

W31 Hector & Jean at Aggy Cowe's Wedding to Maddoc Gentleman 12 24 I did not go the wedding being to bad of a cold Alick choring

Jany. 1880{large centered}

Th1 Newyears day & to another year! Mr& Mrs Thynne here all very {above: quiet clear} 26 32

F2 Men choring. Thawing with a clear sunny sky 26 41

Sa3 Hector Jean Dot & I at I got Coupons chashed payed Magazines {9C or 8C?} came to Wm Riddels to Dinner Raining sleet coming home 26 40 Put #40 into Merchants Bank & Interes on 50 $530

Jan 1880

Sun 4 All at Church but Alick thawing ground black on 31 46

M5 Mon horing not much thaw but some 26 34

Tu6 Mon horing, foggy + thawing all day sleighing gone 30 42

W7 Mon horing Mild cloudy but not much thaw 32 34

Th8 Mon splitting firewood at home. Thawing all day creek running strong & channel clear of ice 36 40

F9 Hector at Galt for Jean's dress Alick horing Gelsony boots mended, Still thawing snow almost all gone 36 44

Sa10 Men choring Shell Shawon a queer counter 34 46

Su11 All at Church but Lilly very Mild a Scotch counter 33 54

M12 Mon splitting firewood at home heavy rain last night. after Frost 28 30

Tu13 Mon splitting firewood Mr. Stewart helping keen frost last night 22 32

F Free by the papers that Floors mear kelso on the 4th of December the thermometer stood 9 degrees below zero the coldest day of this century in Scotland on the same day here our glass stood 30 Degrees above zero We seem to have exchanged seasons this year

W14 Alick + W. Stewart chopping in Mcdonald's Bush. Hector takes Jean to Hamilton on her way to visit Mr Porteus at Dalhousie 26 34

Th 15 Hector at Halt with 6 fat sheep price #5 each each $30 Walter Dabzell here from Medville Alick + Stewart felling firewood 24 31

F 16 All the men in bush getting firewood. Thawing all day ground black 36 41

Sa 17 All the men in bush. Thawing all day again. A strange counter 36 46

Su 18 All church but Lilly mild thaw Shaw I have never saw the wheat 33 44

M 19 Men at bush getting firewood. People might Plough. no snow on the ground 36 40

Tu 20 Men at bush some snow last night + snowing a little all day. It looks as if we are going to have a tough touch of counter at last 30 24

W21 All the men at Bush chopping firewood some snow might last 18 31

Th 22 A nasty day Hector at Corner Alick piling wood Stewart Bob Gray. 36 41

F 23 Hector goes to Hamilton to meet Jean I am at Church Mr Thomson preaches 30 36

Sa24 Alick + Stewart at Bush chopping firewood Hector Jean Fa with Hector 28

Su 25 Our Sacrament all it but Kelly + Stewart frost 28

M26 All at Church but Lilly & Alick Mr. McKay preaches. Our annual congregational meeting we paid up pretty well, thawing all day 28 30

Tu 27 All the men at Bush very fine mild and thawing clear 34

W28 Alick sick with a bad cold puts a mustard blister on his breast Hector + Strwart at bush. Jeannie Taylor comes & goes back to Warnocks 32

Jan.y 1880

Th 29 Hector at Bush Wm. Stewart at Mifs Porteaus forewood Bee Alick suck 18 20

F 30 Hector & Stewart at bush. Thawing with some rain queer winter 26 46

Sa 31 Hector & Stewart at bush Alick still sick freezing all day 27 28


Sa 1 None at Church but Hector Jean & Tilly. very cold & windy 14.9.8

M 2 Hector & Stewart at Bush Alick choring. cold ground entirely black 14 17

Tu 3 A good deal of snow last night & today there will be sleighing now Hector & Jean goes to McDonalds in Sleigh Stewart goes with them to clyde a coarse day 14 20

W 4 All the men at bush Stewart making axe handles but put a man in his place 18 20

Th 5 All the men at bush some small snow pretty good. sleighing mos 16 28

F 6 Hector at with 48 BuWheat price #1.20 =# 57.60 Jean with him store at Carpenting 18 22

Sa 7 Stewart putting shafts to cart to fit horses rest choring good sleighing 19 22

Su 8 No Sermon today Mr Thyme ad sent R McQueen reads a sermon 11 32

M 9 Hector hauls some forewood Stewart at Coloes in afternoon killing a Pig Mrs Robert Pentland & Peter here. fine sunning day-no thaw 9 32

Tu 10 Hector hauling firewood Stewart & Alick Mrs Mitchell Wm. Mitchel & Wife here fore day but little thaw 19 33

W 11 Hector takes Jean & Dot this morning to the Credit Valley Railway at Blakes they are going to Scarboro to Jenny Martin who is evdetty dying of consumption! Thawing today the poor sleighing going 10 42

Th 12 Hector at Galt for Cattle lice cure Stewart fixing horse Cart Sleighing all gone great thaw, ground black again-wheat will be thrown out an open counter is seldom good for Canada & this this is the mildest ever seen 46 50

F 13 Men fixing at horse cart thawing gently no signs at a right wint 32 36

Sa 14 Men choring Mild cloudy day. Jean comes home from Scarboro

Su 15 All at Church but Jean light thaw some snow but little 30 34

M 16 Men cutting stuff in forenoon making cart after strong thaw 24 46

Tu 17 Hector at tenants with chopping stuff Stewart at the horse cart Poor Tom Watson has been crazy for a week past-very wild 33 50

W 18 Hector away North paying Bull seller Jean. At Mr. Menzies visiting 48 33

Th 19 Hard frost last night & all day Ground black men charing 14 24 20

F 20 Men kills at fat Cow I dont help them. frosty, now thaw 10 26

Sa 21 Hector at Galt with leigh with Crowskini A good pick snow last night folk will be trying sleighing again there is about 6 inch of snow 28 34

Su 22 All at Church but Tilly No sleighs at Church all Baggies and Democrat.

Feby 1880

M 23 More snow last night Hector hauling firewood with Sleigh but is not good Stewart began to make a {illegible text} on Saturday & at at today 28 {24?}

Tu 24 Hector hauling wood with sleigh but the sleighing is very poor the little snow we had is nearly all gone Stewart {illegible text} making 22

W 25 Raining less or more all day the {illegible text} {puckle?} snow all gone Hector any Jean goes to the store to buy a Beef & Soap barrel Stewart kirn making 40

Th 26 Snow all gone frost nearly out of the ground creek running full and no ice in its channel Men choring. A {clear?} winter 34

F 27 Another Spring day heard Blue birds & Mr.Cleland told me his son saw two today - too early - Men choring Stewart {kirn?} making 34

Sa 28 Men choring Still mild no winter this year crows plenty 34

Su 29 All at Church but Jean, Cold & frost today No snow 28

M 30 1 Hector at Forest Mill {above - March} with Great Alick choring Stewart absent We have had a letter from Dearborn telling us that my niece Janet Martin died last friday & is to lie buried today - a young {above - {illegible text}} 26

Tu 2 Men cutting stuff in afternoon, fine day not much thaw 26 3

W 3 Hector Jean & Dot at {Mr.Gilchrists?} thawing & raining slightly 28 {40?}

Th 4 Men having thawing all day no winter this year 42 52

F 5 Men choring A New {illegible text} keep come to McMillans today thawing 46 38

Sa 6 Men choring dont know what they are doing - little thaw 32 38

Su 7 All at Church but Tilly Mr.Anderson of Paris Preaches - very able 28 34

M 8 Hector & Alick at Brock road delivering 3 fat cattle price $120 clear 12 28

Tu 9 Men choring Bell Cowe here with papers about Lucknow property 28 30

W 10 Hector & Jean at Galt for Bran paint for Doors & e No thaw 16 20 Th 11 Men Got {illegible text} & c for Cart price $12

Th 11 Men sawing old shanty into firewood Jean at Prayer meeting 16 32

F 12 Men choring. Two new storekeepers come to Krikwall some day ago {above - small} 12 20

Sa 13 Hector at Smidy Stewart Painting waggon Alick choring cold windy 20 24

Su 14 All at Church but Jean pretty cold no thaw Minister {above - {illegible text}}24 32

M 15 Men cutting stuff & choring ground black & like to be 28 34

Tu 16 Snow last night & same today Hector hauling firewood {above - with sleigh} 28 32

W 14 Hector hauling firewood Stewart painting Doors windows & e No thaw 14 32

F 19 Men choring Alick & Stewart painting thawing snow mostly gone 26 34

Sa 20 Men choring & Painting a little thaw but not much 26 37

March 1880

Su 21 In afternoon all at church but Tilly 28 38

M 22 In afternoon tapped 53 trees rumming mudotting 30 44

Tu 23 Hector & Alick at J Cowes in afternoon cutting firewood Jean carried 26 pails of sapfruit 19 into pots & 7 into barrel did not {Illegible} 32 44

W 24 Men choring in fornoon. In afternoon all at church but Telly it was our annual missionary meeting. Very cold, no sap 13 20

Th Men fixing horsepower & saw for cutting wood tommorrow no sap c heard a frog whisling 10 32

F 26 Crawler saw here sawed all our wood & finished about 5PM gather no sap 28 40

Sa 27 Syroped off 42 pails sap and left {Illegible} pails gathered this morning 16 pails with 26 before makes the 42 gather 6 pails today & left them in the pots a nasty rainy day went went to Lapsly to saw wood but never began 30 36

Su 28 None at Church but Hector snow last night & roads abominable 28 36

M 29 Men at Lapsley cutting wood we gather 16 pails sap but kindled no fire much ice in troughs David martin from Searlow comes 24 36

Tu 30 Men Choring gathered 18 pails {Illegible} Syroped 34 Pailfuls clear sunny 28 44

W 31 Gathered 34 pails and Syroped {Illegible} 40 and left 4 pails in pots clear sunny David Martin went away Hector set to Railway 32 50


Th 1 I Gathered 16 pails of poor run did not boil any Frogs plenty 36 30

F 2 Gathered 35 Syroped 40 Pails and left 15 in pots Hector and Tilly {Illegible} 32 48

Sa 3 Emtied the trough of rain water as it had been raining all last night Boiled down 15 pails left in the Pots and left water in them Raining again 36 54

Su 4 All at Church but Tilly more rain last night Grass growns 36 44

M 5 {Illegible} the troughs again no sap Today. Plants an apple tree men 40 44

Tu 6 Some snow last night which soon melted Alick and J gathered 24 pails but did not kindle the fire, some snow today Showers 38 44

W 7 Boild down the 24 Pials and left water in pots no sap today men choring 24 33

Th 8 Men choring Gathered no sap trees runing very little clear sunny chilly {Illegible} stuff fornoon 32 36

F 9 Gathered 38 pails sap boiled none. Trees still running men choring 32 20

Sa 10 Gathered 62 pails sap Syroped off 90 pails and left 10 pails in pots a fine day wend SW till afternoon when a sudden change with wend with snow a heal storm and storming now 6 PM 36 40 32

Su 11 all at Church but Jean our minister Jean Mr Bickl Preached Cold 23 28

M 12 No sap today Hector Plaughing in afternoon snow all gone clear but harch out 25 37

Tu 13 Gathered 30 pails sap & Syroped off 28 pails & left 12 in Pots in afternoon Hector & {Illegible} the funeral of a son of Solm McQueen aged 6 years 30 60

April 1880

W 14 Galt Seed fair Jean Alick & Dot at it Tilly & I gathered 28 Pails sap & Syroped 33 pails left in Pots fine day trees not running much

Th 15 Gathered 10 pails sap & syroped off 16 water pots Men plaughing very warm 58

F Raining all day with very high wind men tried plaughing but stop 36

Sa 17 Thunder last night Men plaughing fine day no sap I hope it is Ewes sent to gram but theire is very little growth {Illegible}

Su 18 All at Church but Tilly very wet coming home 40 50

M 19 I bring home the spouts & men brings Pots from sugarbushWe have made only about 63 {Illegible} sugur & 4 Galons molasses The sap very weak this year, warm 48 66

Tu 20 Men choring we have had 4 lambssome days ago fine mild I digging garden at house the ground is rather wet a more culted this morning 42 54

W 21 Another mare culted this morning both doing well Hector Gelerist's for seed Potatoes Alick choring has 2 lambs today turns that makes 7 more up to date {Illegible} 42 6

F 23 Chilly east wind alick plaughing Hector hailing Dung with eart Jean goes to see Julie Stewart who is thought dying

Sa 24 Julie Stewart died last night at 9 oclock aged 48 Hector hailing Dung Alick plaughing, barrens windy day 38 44

Su 25 In afternoon Hector Jean Alick only at Church a disgreable day 40 48

M 26 In afternoon Hector Jean & I at Julia Stewarts funeral 40,60 50

Tu 27 Saw a swalley at kirk wall the first this season

W 28 Alick plaughing Hector hailing Dung {Illegible} Stewart digging Garden I pruning apple trees & having Rhubarb fine growing all day 48 62

Th 29 Hector at Galt for salt for for manure very wet {Illegible} salt will melt I plant sum flowers Stewart digging for potatoes 46 36

F 30 Hector haling Dung Alick Plaughing Stewart finishes Garden 36 36


Sa 1 Men turning dung at sheep house I have {Illegible} a cold frost 30 40

Su 2 All at church but Alick & I taking castor oil fine day 40 56

M 3 Hector hailing Dung Alick Plaughing & I plant in Garden one pailful of Rose Potatoes this is the warmest day yet 51 74

Tu 4 Hector sowing Oats & Barley on Island field Alick sowing {Illegible} {Women?} & I sows Parsnips & Beets & Chimla swallow came down the lam & we set it off poor thing I did not think they were come yet I have none flying about This is a remarkable hot day the willowes looking green with yesterday & today 36 80

W 5 Men dragging in Island field Another very warm day. Vegetation has made a wonderful start within the last three day the old Plum is bursting into blossom & Maples in sugar bush appears greenish from the house Four days ago there little signs of bud 62 88

Th 6 Alick stoning Hecto ditching in Island field Jean at {for plants (written above sentence} at flowers 36 64

F 7 Hector & Jean at Galt Hector for bone dust & Super Phosphate Jean with {Illegible}. Loud thunder with heavy thunder shower but very cool We see by today {Illegible} their is no hope of George Brown recovering from the the Pistol shot recieved six week from the ruffian {Illegible} Brown dies Canada will lose a power none can replace 48 36

Sa 8 Hector sowing grasseed on Island field Alick spreading Dung Been on willow Jean says they were on he 3th hot with {Illegible}

Su 9 All at Church but But Hector & Tilly Jeannie Taylor here warm thunderwith ice shower at Creff Swallows in {Illegible} Black Cherry in full blossom & Wild plum 61 80

M 10 Alick rolling {Illegible} Hector stoning Hector & Jean goes at night to the minister about Babtizing Dot I pruning apple trees cooler 34 74

Tu 11 Men stoning & Rolling grass A Ewe dies awalt I pay two men from the speler 2 1/2 Dollars for grafting the branches of 2 trees News that George Brown died last night Sunday of wound his place Place will not be easy filled he was a power in Canada 30 68

W 12 Men stoning I pruning Mr Brown to buried today at 3PM 48 64

Th 13 Men finishes hailing dung Minister here Baptizing Dot by the name of Esther May, our dog Toby die today I buried him him in garden

F 14 Men Plaughing {Illegible} stone at New Barn I at the funeral of Uncl Tommy McKnight aged 82 very cool today 46 64

Sa 15 Hector & Jean at Dundas Got my coupons I pulling red root Cashed #36 Alick Plaughing 28 62

Su 16 All at Church but Alick commom Cherries in full blossom fineday 46 79

M 17 Men Plaughing I pulling Red root clear runny & hot 56 82

Tu 18 Men sowing draigging stoning Oats oer dyke at Newbarn I having red roots on pasture at Concefron Tulips out Cherries in full blossom and apple trees nearly in full flower. Distant Thunder in the North

May 1880

W 19 Men drags out the oats & sows Peas {Illegible} out slight shower 60

Th 20 Men dragging Peas, sees one mandrake in flowers the first hot 58

F 21 Hector Jean & I at Church Mr Dickson of Galt preaches Mr Thynne is going to Old Country & Kirk seats was being collected to give him I paid my seat #4 also #1 to J McQueenfor young's history of Dunfrefs, A very wet day it {Illegible}

Sa 22 Men Plaughing for Potatoes very cool & cloudy today 58

Su 23 Our sacrament Mr Thynne takes leave of his congregation for a few months as he is going home to Scotland he next wednesday starts & sails from New York on the 29th a good voyage to him

M 24 Queens Birthday Allick Tilly & Dot goes to McDonalds in afternoon Hector Rolling Peas at {Illegible} line. I cut 2 B beautees of potatoes Hebron 61

Tu 25 Men Plaughing for Potatoes we have cut 8 1/2 B Poatoes in all {biz} 2 B Hebrons 2 B Climax and 4 1/2 B bases, Hollest day yet 64 88

W 26 Men fixing Potatoe land We out 7 B.tatoes of which 2 is Runnets on 4 drills Mr Thynne starts today for Old Country & Edwin Frey with cattle & sheep for London severed others {viz} Joe Parker Davy Goldbraith assesling We eish them all a prosperous voyage & safe back 68 84

Th 27 Plants all our Potatoes, about 13 1/2 But of which about2 B was Hebrons in afternoon Thunder with heavy rain 70 84

F 28 Men at Turnep land Tilly & plants the corn, In afternoon Hector Alick & Stewart washes the sheep & one died among their Alick {illegible} comes J lend Hector # 10 46

Sa 29 Hector & Jean at Galt for salt for turneps ver cool he is to fill Mr Thynne's place for a sepll he s rather clever 60

M 30 Hector Plaughing turnep land


T M1 Hector Plaughing turnep land Alick hailing rails to Stewart {Illegible} last saturday night

W Tu 2 Men at turnep land very cool forgot to mention was very rainy & the creeks still running quite break cool 58

T W 3 Men at turnep & cornland Alick dragging Hector drilling for corn 52

F Th 4 Hector Plaughing sod for wheat of sugar bush Jean at church living the book of their seat Peong in flower and the prickly locust in full flower cool again 50

June 1880

Sa 5 Hector goes with Alick James Galt going home Alick choring fine 54 72

Su 6 Very wet almost all day Hector goes to {Illegible} with vron plug 54 64

M 7 All at Church but Tilly fine day & growing weather but cool 54 74

Tu Su 8 Men Alick & Hector Plaughing sod follow very cool 62 64

M 8 Clips over sheep well woveled not lousy & fail but may all 60 74

W 9 Men plaughing soel I silver a bit of glass clear looking like drowth 56 72

Th 10 Men plaughing sod cloudy & looks like more rain 60 70

F 11 Men plaughing but stopt by thunder & heavy shower with wind Men thoroughly drock it Hector sickly & cross. Thundering now 7PM 68 88

Sa 12 Men plaughing but driven in twice wet to the skin with thunder spates & thundercreek running smart ground soaked growing 68 87

Su 13 All at Church but Hector fine day & cool

M 14 Men finishing sod follow I plant Cabbage in turnep field very cool 52 64

Tu 15 Alick & Gang Plaughing turnep land Hector hurt by Plaugh stilt and doing much clear but cool growing weather 36 70

W 16 Men gangplaughing & dragging turnep land wrote to A Times 64 78

Th 17 Alick sowing Bone dust of Super Phosphate on {Illegible} land Hector and Jean at Galt with wool32 fleeces bought 224 lbs price 30 1/2 cents per lbs # 72.80 #68.32 weight per fleece 7 lbs good very good 65 82

F 18 Hector drilling & Alick bone dust & Phosphate till Hectors hurt breast got too sore & he set Alick on to drill & went to 64 82

Sa 19 Alick drilling Hector & I sowing turnips he driving the horse & I holding the barrow hot & clear but threadining them 66 84

Su 20 All at Church but Tilly Campbell the student very 64 84

M 21 Alick finishes drilling & Hector & I finishes sowing turnips ground will need rain before they brawd 68 82

Tu 22 Hector dragging follow Alick cutting the thistles among peas 68 84 68

W 23 Hector goes to Grief with Cultivator irons Alick choring -dry 68 88

Th 24 Hector and Alick at roads I pay #1 1/2 for my time piece Mrs Christie # 1/2 for sum das Banner bought out go 72

F 25 Hector & Alick at road a good of rain today it will do

Sa 26 Hector away to Mr Oliver's for a young boar Alick cutting thistles & cutt thistles on lane clear dry 70 86

Sa 27 All at church but Hector who is not very well showers 70 84

M 28 Hector at Forest Mill with Grist Alick cutting thistles I doing the same fine showers ground wet {hero?}

June 1880

Tu 29 Alick hurkling Potatoes Mangles & Carrots {Illegible} Campbel here afternoon Hector begins to cut hay with mowes {Illegible} 62 76 W Jean Valens (Mrs Robson) died yesterday she was the first woman came into 9th {Illegible} East of this house

W 30 Hector cut hay in fornoon the rest cutting thistles I rak round In afternoon Hector & I at the funeral of Mrs Robson


Th 1 Dominion day Stewart fixing sill of horse stable Alick cutting thistles Hector at the Doctor I at potatoes cutting 60 74

F 2 Hector cutting thistles with mower very showery bad hay weather I bransplanting Mangles distant thunder Alick & Stewart cutting thistles among Potatoes very cool 60 70

Sa 3 Hector Jean & I at Galt got Delentueres Cashed 60 got home at noon then raked & cooked all the field east of orchard except at Galt a little uncut Bought stucco tinfoil mercury & watch glasses 64 76

Su 4 No sermon today the student gone to Fergus fine day 66 80

M 5 takes in 4 loads of hay not very dry 2 unto old stable & 2 unt Sheep house then we were stopped by rain and looks very wet like nows 3PM 62 3

Tu 6 Young Hobson comes he Alick and Stewart cutting thistles in fornoon & Hector cuts the hay left in field east of orchard & then cuts in field west of house afternoon men rakes & corks cohat Hector cut today in east field I cut thistles among mangles clear Hector cut today in last field I cut thistles among mangles 62

W 7 Hector cutting & raking the rest hailing hay 8 loads 2 putinto cowbyre & 5 6 into horse stable rather hot & clear 62 8

Th 8 Hails 10 11 load of hay Hector mowing & raking hot 66 8

F 9 Men hails 11 load I get Bushed with heat {Illegible} like raise and thundering now 5PM little hay weather

Sa 10 Men hails, 6 loads in afternoon which finishes over hay Total 40 loads I did not help today rain & thunder last night got the first new Potatoes today they were pretty dry 68

Su 11 All at Church but Tilly & I I looking physic being but poorly 66

M 12 Alick & Hobson thinning carrots Stewart mending Reaper Hector at Rocton for watering carm to kill Bugs thundering & rain 12 noon

Tu 12 Men putting Porous Green on Potatoes and fixing Reaper after tea comenced to reap the wheat distant thunder. Dooks

July 1880

W 14 Hector cutting wheat all day Alick & Stewart binding I hurt my ribs badly while climbing a fence while pulling cherries for the women 68 84

Th 15 Hector finishes cutting wheat poor crop & very grassy my ribs very sore arm tenant here 70 83

F 16 Hector cutting Rye at Neils slashing Men bending, very cool windy 66 74

Sa 17 Stewart & Hobson sets up fallen stocks & {Illegible} carrot Hector and Alick at Galt with 17 fat sheep to go No England {Illegible} 4 cents live weight averge weight each 170 {lbs?} Total weight 2890 lbs at 4 cents per lbs # 11560 nought pays like sheep cool 66 74

Su 18 All at Church but Tilly & I I taking Physic Mr Thomson preches cry{above sentence} show 66 70

M 19 Men cleans The Mangles then thins turneps till stop by rain in fact it thunder & rains almost every day bad harvest time very cool 60 64

Tu 23 20 Men thinning turnips Alick finishing hurkling clear cool 60 38 66

W 24 21 Men hauling wheat I cannot help them ribs still ver sore cool 60 72

Th 22 All the men thinning turnips they are getting rather too big 60 74

F 23 Men finishes thining turnips Bennet to hanged today for Murdering Geroge Brown of the Globe (He was hanged) Hopes they have done it 60 76

Sa 24 Hector cuts the Barley a good crop but bad with {Illegible} the rest cutting thistles & stoning follow clear & drowthy 64 84

Su 25 This is my birthday. This day I was born at dear Glendinning Eighty years agone and now with stiffend joint up and worn This day I enter my eighty one I am the last of our family of five and no two of them lies in one church yard. William lies in Westerkirk beside our father Walter I think in Douglas Lanarkshire. Jenny in Eskdalemoor John in Scarboro and our Mother lies near Cornwall where she died of Cholera in they year 1832 Truly the old race as elleed away & I feel as one of the last All at church but Jean & I ancaster minister preaches 66 84

M 26 Hector & Alick plaughing follow Stewart choring some thunder & rain yesterday which wetted our Barly now lying out in the sheaves 64 80

Tu 27 Takes in all the Barley Frazer helps Tilly in mow weeds in the cabbage field 64 76

W 29 28 Hector & Alick cross plaughing follow Stewart choring Mrs Parleves here 64 74

Th 29 30 Hector & Alick plaughing Stewart making cheese {Illegible} sunny 64 74

F 30 Hector Hector & Alick plaughing sunflowers coming out Stewart finishes cheese Press-hot 66 82

Sa 31 Hector & Alick Plaughing I kill thistles among Potatoes hot breezy

Jul August 1880 {large dispersed smudges all over paper}

Su 1 All at church but Tilly Mr Scrimgour Glenmors preach 64 86

M 2 Thunder and rain this fornoon Hector Alick Plaughing afternoon 62 70

Tu 3 Hector & Alick Plaughing in forenoon I afternoon Hector & Jean goes to Galt to meet Mrs Dixon from Kingston Alick at J Dicksons threshing afternoon 60 66

W 4 Hector Alick & Stewart at J Cowe's threshing till Tea then Plaughing I cutting thistles among turnips very cool breezy & clear 58 64

Th 5 Men finishes crossplaughing follow Alick begins hurkling Mangles & turnips I cutting thistles {Illegible} 54 76

F 6 Hector dragging follow Alick hurkling turnips I {cutting?} thistles among turnips {Illegible} Lennon here {drowthy?} 50 7

Sa 7 Alick finishes hurkling turnips I finish cutting thistles among them Hector cuts a few oats with a cradle for use very {drowthy?} 60 7

Su 8 No sermon today fine clear drowthy & hot 66 88

M 9 Hector cuts the oats in Island field looks like rain now going thunder worth 7 PM 64 8

Tu 10 Men bind and tooks the oats on Island field and cuts round little field at old stable some thunder south at tea time but little rain 66

W 11 Men cutting oats in little field at old stable till stopped by a Light rain with thunder a smart shower last night rather cool now 62 84

Th 12 Men stoning follow fine day Mr Dickson's got measles Dr Smith here to child 66

F 13 Alick Tilly & I at Galt {Illegible} great gather Hanlan ther on a 60 74

Sa 14 Hector laid up with a Boil on his {Illegible} Murray stoning 64 76

Su 15 All at church but Tilly & Mr Dickson up Hurne preaches 52 76

M 16 In afternoon we hail the Island field oats 5 big loads clear very cool 2 60 68

Tu 17 Men cutting peas in forenoon in afternoon the men hails all oats cut 6 loads at end of old stable & to the patch I taking physic has a cool 52 74

W 18 Men cutting Peas all day some rain last night 68 80

Th 19 Men finishes cutting the Peas after tea begs no to haul done thunder with a little rain last night with the greatest {Illegible} of lighting I ever say for about 20 minutes the cloud seemed in a constant blaze at least fifty blazes for this one peal of thunder more thunder and some rain today but much cooler 60 76

F 20 Men cutting & binding oats at dyke at new barns I {Illegible}

Sa 21 Men finishes cutting & raking all the oats at New barn the {Illegible}

Sa 22 Jean & Tilly at church a {Illegible} preaches I put Crolon on {Illegible}

M 23 Men hauling Peas hails roads all put the Barack

August 1880

Tu 24 Men hauls the last of the Peas = 20 loads = 19 in all the Barrack holds them all so some of them must have been smallish men then hauls oats 8 loads Hector & Jean at Galt fair gets some seed wheat 66 86 46

W 25 Some thunder & a little rain Men hauls dung till Teatime When hails the last of the oats 2 loads total loads 10 loads Dr Smith for mesels 46 66

Th 26 Men hauling Dung all day to wheat fallow. Dr here again 50 74

F 27 Men hauling dung all day the Doctor here again Child getting better 64

Sa 28 Men at dung all day I am still very poorly with Bronch{itis? paper is stained} 66

Su 29 Jean & Tilly at Church Puslinch minister preaches pretty rarny 60 71

M 30 Hector at Lapsleys threshing rest hauling dung the Doctor here 6{second digit erased}

Tu 31 Little Willie Dickson died here this morning of Measels Hector went to Galt for Coffin & Telegraphed to his Father at Chicago he will be here tomorrow How uncertain life is 56


W 1 Men hauling dung John Dickson arrived from Chicago this morning they are going to start for Kingston tonight at 11 o clock Hector is going to take them to Guelph I lent them #11 dine day 6{digits erased}5

Th 2 Hector went with John Dickson & wife to Guelph they had to get a Doctors certificate that the child did not die of infectious disease & had to pay #2 for it & got one for summer disease after all they got the train about 5 o clock AM. Men finishes dunging all the wheat field 640

F 3 Men at fallow slight showers & very growing threaten them at

Sa 4 Men at fallow but driving in several times by rain & thunder 82

Su 5 All at Church but Tilly Mr. Thyme come back & preaches away 3 month 6{digit covered by folded page}

M 6 Men Ploughing seed fallow Potographers here wanting to take house 6{digit covered by folded page}

Tu 7 Men Ploughing, our grapes mostly ripe very early. cool Got the Negative of the house taken this morning. 58

W 8 Men Ploughing very cool season seems to be changing 46 50

Th 9 Men Ploughing & hauling off stone heaps. Clear drouthy but very cool 54 62

F 10 Men Ploughing fine clear day I take soda for we fiery boils 50 70

Sa 11 Men Ploughing another fine clear day. I pull the beans 56 74

Su 12 All at Church but Tilly The minister preaches terror 50 70

M 13 Alick finishes wheat fallow Hector goes to James for seed wheat buys 6 Bushel at one Triller per 13 Very cool season hanging 58 64

Sept 14th 1880

Hector & Alick at J Cow's helping to saw wheat Wm Stewart took leave of us going to start tomorrow for Australia I gave him a year volume of Chamer Journal 50 62

15 Men dragging & Stoning Wheat fallow to fit it for sowing with machine 54 6{second digit obscured}

16 Wm. Cowe here sowing with machine the rest stoning 56 7{second digit obscured}

17 Men finishes sowing wheat in afternoon Hector J is at the funeral of Wm. Fingland our Elder after long illness -thunder 6 PM 54 7

Sa 18 Hector Jean & I at Galt I take 2 Deport repps up Geb #16 Interest 54 74

Su 19 All at Church but Tilly. threatening all day but little fell 56 7{2nd digit obscured}

M 20 Men Ploughing wheat stubble fine clear cool 68 70

Tu 21 Men cuts the corn with Reaper very cool & windy I carry fallen apples 54 6{2nd digit obscured}

22 Begins to dig Potatoes digs 15 Bushels very cool 50 66

23 At the Potatoes all day poor crop took 20 B frost last night Tomatoes Blackend brought them home to mak Chow chogal 34 58

Su Hector Jean & I at Church Alick Stalker & J. Murray taking up Potatoes takes up 20 B. very fine day calm hear 40 7{2nd digit obscured}

24 At the Potatoes look up 20 Bu but Hector Jean was Church up after noon Mr Laing preaches at Church

Sa 25 finishes our al does 23 B-13 russets & * B. whites besides 10 B beauties of Hebron total = 78 Bushels 48 7{2nd digit obscured}

Su 26 Our Sacrament All at it but Jelly Mr Robinson helps 50 74

M 27 Our Picnic all at it but Lilly & Alick Collection #14 46 74

28 Men choring I cary Pig Apple Kill a Sheep Mr. Porteus here 40 60

29 Hector Alick & Lilly at Hamilton shew heavy showers 42 54

30 Threshers came did not begin to thresh till afternoon Got a better from Wm. Chambers saying he needs #100 46 5{2nd digit obscured}


F 1 Threshing at New Barn all day goes to old barn at night wrote to Wm. Chambers he should get #00 he wanted 44 54

Sa 2 Threshes out the Peas at noon then goes to Bejys Our Total crop is about 300 Boats Pea 130 Bushels Barley 133 Wheat about 86 and some Rye I carry Pig apples 50 6{2nd digit obscured}

Su 3 All at Church but Jean Mr. Bickle Preaches good attendance 52 6{2nd digit obscured}

M 4 Men at Benjy threshing great rain with Thunder last night Pools every where and creek running very cool 48 60

Tu 5 Hector & Jean started this morning for London shew Alick & I goes with them to Galt I got a Post office order for Wm. Chambers for $100 on Coldwalter Post Office Bought an accordian $5 36 56

Octr 1880

6 Wrote & Posted a letter to Wm. Chambers Medonte with A Pool offic money order for $100 one coldwater P.O. afternoon young Hobson helps to carry apples all Rhode Island Greenings We geufs we carried about 7 Barrels 46 54

7 Carrying aples all day mostly N. Spies carried about 11 Barrels finiday 46 56

F 28 Carrying apples all day carried about 12 Barrels we geufs fine 36 64

Sa 9 Carries 13 Barrels apples Hector at Cooks picking Potatoes warm 40 74

Su 10 All at Church but Tilly fine warm day good attendance 46 74

M 11 Hector at Forest mill with Grist Alick & Jullarray turns the corn whis is likely to go into muck. Gather 4 Bcorls appes 50 7{2nd digit obscured}

Tu 12 Hector & Alick cleans up a load of Barley Lilly & I carries 6 B apples 46 5{2nd digit obscured}

W 13 Hector at Galt with 50 B. Barley prie 55 cents = $27.p I carry 1 Belrel I am at the funeral of John McQueen's child. Only one left out of four! 46 5{2nd digit obscured}

Th 14 All at World Fair at Rocton-A good shew a great croud & fine day. Jean got 3rd prize for cheese J Murray Ropt house 46

F 15 Hector & Alick cleaning Barley let the Pigs units orchard 48

Sa 16 Hector & Alick cleaning up a load of Barley I choring

Su 17 All at Church but Lilly & J Murray rather cold 4

M 18 Hector & Alick at Galt with Barley Alick with Rack to carry Apple Barrels as Hector has sold 30 Barrels to Mccold Nicol 4

Tu 19 Hector & Alick takes up the mangles a poor braird. cool Hears Eliza wife of George Elliot died yesterday 34 40

W 20 Hector at Galt for apple Barrels Alick & I lakes in 3 cart mangles loads Hector got 30 Barrels & While loading fell of the waggon & got hurt 32 50

Th 21 We packed 30 B. apples & Hector went Galt with 11 in afternoon Hector goes to Galt with 11 Barrels apples in afternoon 36

F 22 Hector & alick at Galt at Galt with 19 Barrels apples in rain which turned to snow & now 6 PM the ground is white 36 38

Sa 23 Ground white with snow this morning men cutting stiff 40 40

Su 24 All at church but Alick very cool sermon very elaborate 32 40

M 25 In afternoon Hector & I takes up carrots,Alick hauls mangles 3 loads and 1 cart load of carrots which was put into house cellar 36 48

Tu 26 Raining all day Hector & Jean goes to Clyde to Me Nicols who sought the apples and and traded all out being #22.50 or 75 Barrel compper 40 50

W 27 Hector Alick & I taking up carrots all day my back very sore 34 38

Octr 1880

Th 28 Taking up carrots all day Alick takes 2 wagoon loads. Cold 28 38

F 29 Taking up carrots Alick takes on 3 wagon loads mild 40 50

Sa 30 Stalker & Turnbull comes laking up turnips all day Alick hauls at the carrots 4 wagon load total 10 load 9 of waggon and of cart Total Bushels 290 all need into house cellar A very damp day shaws wet beet one team 40

Su 31 All at Church but Hector & J Murray cool clear 38 4{2nd digit obscured}


M 1 Taking up turnips Stalker helping Alick hauls 3 loads in afternoon 40 5{2nd digit obscured}

Tu 2 Taking up turnips Alick hauls 6 loads fine day dry 30 46

W 3 Thankgiving day all at Church but Alick & J Murray In afternoon hauls turnips with two learns hauls 6 loads 38 49

Th 4 A loat of folk with us today hauls 14 loads Lilly & I in turnips have get very wet near night & slapped us making turnips 40 5{2nd digit obscured}

5 Damp not much done in forenoon four takes turnips in afternoon 40 {2nd digit obscured}

Sa 6 Raining all day not doing much mild 42

Su 7 Coarse day only Lilly & I at church Hector & Jean at Dr Smiths about a swelled thumb he says is inflamatory Rheumatism The water is running over road in swamp. never saw it so early 32 34

M 8 softest weather in afternoon. hauls 8 loads, turnips 34 3{2nd digit obscured}

Tu 9 Hauling with two teams all day takes in 11 loads Alick & Deckers 40 8

W 10 We hauls 5 which fills turnip house 51 loads = 1530 Bushels Alick at Deckers threshing in forenoon In afternoon it came rain but Hector & Stalker brought in a load each for sheep-house but rained so they left them in the wagons where they {words obscured by paper rip} 34 4{2nd digit obscured}

Th 11 Stalker hauls 5 loads to Sheep house. Hector Jean & D at Galt brings home a Ram Lamb weighing 143 lb = a good weight 34 46

12 Takes in the last of the turnips total 3 loads total in Sheephouse 10 loads = 300 B. total in Cowhaus 1550 & frulsad to Stalker 30 B total crop of turnips 186 Bushels in afternoon Men hauls corn to Dunghill as it is spoilt & uselefs 30 34

Sa 13 Men hauling corn to Dunghill we take up the Beets frost 30 36

Su 14 All at church but Lilly fine day but cold 29 36

M 15 Mr Decker here and we are making Cyder all day makes 19 Pailfulls 38 pailfuls fills one Barrel with 22 pailfuls and puts 16 pailfuls into another Barrel. calling each pail 2 Gallons we have made 76 Gallons, cold 28 32

Nov 1880

Tu 16 Winter seems on us in good earnest the ground this morning is covered with four or five inches inches of snow & the air is cold Men choring. Hector at Galt for new cutting Box 26 36

W 17 Hector killing Pigs at J Cowes in forenoon hauling corn to Dunghill after. Alick at Robsons threshing I set up broughs 30 28 26

Th 18 Hunter fairly & the glass at Winter cold 6 inches at least on the ground + some sleighs running Hector choring Alick at Rols ans threshing very cold to day hears won the race against Stricket quite easy Put the Rain to the Ewes 22.22

F 19 Hector at Mr Oliver's Dumfrees with sow to Boar Alick at J Robsons threshing till machine broke 20 26

Sa 20 Hector Jean & Lilly with Sleigh at Dundas with Poultry &e Am Smith keeps house for us. Gets my coupons cashed Alick at John Dickson's Threshing It now seems winter fairly 24 24

Su 21 Cold stormy with snow showers None at Church but Lilly & alick 10 40

M 22 Hector & Alick at Mr. Cowe's threshing Snell frost last night at old house everything frozen furnace Potatoes apples &e above 6 18

Tu 23 Hector & alick at J Cowe's threshing till noon which finishes the threshing this year A very snell & early winter in earnest 10 24

W 24 Hector at Olivers for his sow at the Boar Alick at Galt for coals to Mr Christie Still winter in earnest 18 26

Th 23 Hector goes to Galt for Mrs Cole Alick choring lnt him $10 fine & ccountry 18 28

F 26 Hector & Alick hauling corn to Dunghill among snow sleigh is running but not very well some waggons going above 4 24

Sa 27 Hector got hurt last night taking a barrel of salt down stairs I cannot work to day, Alick choring good counterday, cloudy 12 28

Su 23, All at church but Lilly sleighs wagons mixed on road 18 30

M 29 Hector takes Mrs Cole to Galt Alick choring milder now 32 33

Tu 30 Men choring & putting things to rights for counter good winter day Hector at a Roup in Puslinch Bought nothing Mefs came here to make some drefses 18 24

Decr 1880

More snow last night fair sleighing now Men choring 28 30

Th 2 Men choring Mild day nearly thaw 28 33

F 3 Men choring Mild & half thawing no snow melting 30 34

Sa 4 Hector at Galt with Rye gets 75 cents per B Brings Mrs Cole & John Dickson here A sort of thaw 30 36

Su 5 Lilly & only at Church A hazy thaw roads slopy 40 46

M 6 Hector goes to Galt with John dickson freezing again 20 26

Tu 7 Men making steps at New barn cold 16 24

W 8 Men choring smell frost What country weather 16 20

Th 9 Men choring a cold wintry day Glass steadily law 12 18

F 10 Men in bush getting firewood. fine sunny calm but snell above 4 12

Sa 11 Hector goes to Waterdown with Mrs. Cole Rest at firewood 20 30

Su 12 No sermon to Day R McQueen acts Hector & Lilly there. thaw 32 36

M 13 Men getting firewood Slight thaw again Sleighing gone 30 34

Tu 14 Thawing all day but little rain Men creeching graith 32 38

W 15 Hector at Galt with Peas 30 Bel Wear Men at firewood 32 34 28

Th 16 Men getting firewood Rather snell all day A Squad of our Sunday School folks takes R McQueen a watch 22 26

F 17 Men kills 3 Pigs one big & 2 little I do not help 14 24

Sa 18 Hector at Guelph with fat Pigs Real at firewood 18 23

Su 19 All at Church but Lilly & I my back sore 20 24

M 20 Men choring cloudy. threatening snow 18 23

Tu 21 Hector at Mr. McBane's funeral at Puslinch Alick char 20 26

W 22 All the men getting wood Hector Alick Stalker & Hobson snell 14 20

Sa 23 All the men getting firewood. Mild cloudy. calm 22 22

F 24 Men at firewood cloudy moderate mild 22 32

Sa 25 Christmas all our people at Mefirs McDonalds J Murray and I keeping house Taps the cyder

Su 26 All at Church but J Murray young Mr. Malcolm Preaches. good I have seen in an Annan Newspaper the death of Andrew Anderson Glendunning on 12th Novemer aged 90 year I think he was the last man I knew in Westerkirk except Wm Jackson 28 32

M 27 Men at firewood some snow good sleighing 28 34

Tu 28 Men getting firewood very snell last night above 2 8

29 Hector at Mill with Grist the rest getting firewood very small below 4 above 4

30 Men choring the snellest at frost yet & very cold below 6 above 10

31 Men at firewood last day of 80 heighs! fine but snell below 3 above 10

Jany 1881

Sa 1 New years day {illegible text} McDonalds here & Wm {Ridds} young folks with Benyy & e a fine winter day clear calm {above - below} 4 {above - above} 16

Su 2 All at Church but Alick Mr. McKay {illegible text} - a young student 0 18

M 3 Hobson in bush & Alick hauling firewood Hector & I at Election of Councillors 26 26

M Tu 4 Men kill 4 little fat Pigs Getting firewood after mild 18 26

W 5 All the men at firewood Alick hauling, mild & cloudy 10 28

Th 6 Men at firewood Mr.Stephens & {illegible text} & e here sitting mild 10 32

F 7 Men at firewood Moderate cloudy counterweather 20 26

Sa 8 Hector Jean & I at Galt gets my {coupons?} Cashed leaves the whole $60 in Merchants Bank fine sunny mild above 10 26

Su 9 All at Church but J Murray Minister preaches to the young 14 28

M 10 Hector & Alick getting firewood A fine calm sunny day 14 24

11 Hector & Alick getting firewood Keenest frost yet but calm {above - got Seller from W added} below 0 22

W 12 Hector at Freelton south chopping stuff Alick choring below 5 22 Th 13 Men Walter {illegible text} New married people here last at {above - night}

Th 13 Men hauling firewood Mild & thawing but little snow going 32 40

F 14 Hector hauling firewood & cutting stuff for horses frosty {above - above} 6 10

Sa 15 Men choring dark cloudy looks like brewing a storm 6 10

Su 16 Only I at Church Alick & Tilly at D {Gilchrists?} Hector has a sore arm kicked by a horse Mr.Thyme's {illegible text} about Whisky and {illegible text} people {illegible text} at him too cold 12 20

M 17 Men hauling firewood fine sleighing weather 16 26

Tu 18 Alick at Galt for coals to Mr.Christie Hector choring small below 6 22

W 19 Men hauling firewood fine sunny day but frosty above 6 24

Th 20 Men hauling firewood fine winter day 16 26

F 21 Snowing & Storming all day & mostly last night & now 16 27

Sa 22 Men choring snowing a little all day, snow pretty deep now 24 24

Su 23 All at Church but Tilly keen steady winter weather 6 24

M 24 Men cleaning wheat & choring Grand sleighing 0 22

Tu 25 Alick hauling firewood. Hector choring cloudy 16 22

{W?} 26 Hector at J Cowe's Killing Pigs Alick choring steady frost 14 18

27 Kills a fat Cow Wm Dickson helps keen frost snow about in 18 {illegible text} 4 12

28 Hector Jean & I at Church at Church Mr.Robinson {illegible text} preaches above 6 20

Sa 29 Hector at Galt with wheat I send #642 to {illegible text} for B&C 10 24

Su 30 Our Sacrament Dr.Reid of {illegible text} Preaches very able. 34 26

M 31 Our Congregational meeting hymns voted in by a Majority of Total vote!! Just 7 for and 4 against 18 24

Feb.y 1881

Tu 1 Men choring snow deep & snell frost 0 above 4

W Hector Jean Jefsie & Dot goes Geloprests blow 20 3

Th 3 Alick choring our people returns home below the Glas yesterday was 31 below zero at Guelph 14 10

F 4 Jefsy goes away Alick & I goes with her to Galt Jorder a Dazen Photographs buys a Thermometer for 35 cents below 4 12

Sa 5 Hector takes Jean to the Doctors for bad cough Alick choring below - 10 20

Su 6 All at Church but Jean fine winter day but snell - 2 20

M 7 Men choring live sunny & much milder above 14 30

Tu 8 Thawing a little all day. Hector & Jean at Mr Thymes Alick choring 30 37

W 9 Thawing all day cleaned out the cistern yesterday then nau 4 feet of water in it 5 PM and zainenjmans 40 42

Th 10 Men choring thawing all day ground pools standing everywhere the bridge on our creek full but channel not open 40 44 38

F 11 A slight thaw all day cuts stuff creek swimming 32 38

Sa 12 Men choring a very little thaw Mr & Mrs R Hiender here Tho. Carlyle Died on 5th inst 32 38

Su 13 None at Church but Alick. No Sermon. Mr Thyme at Elora 20 18

M 14 Men choring fine day but frosty clear & Sunny above 6 20

Tu 15 Men choring not so snell Alick & Eliza at Galt for their Photos 14 28

W 16 Hector at Galt with wood for Cook sighns a Petion to Galt Council to give us $200 to gravel the Swamp on 9th Concession 20 30

Th 17 Alick at Stalkers wood bee Hector choring 18 26

F 18 Snowing gently all day snow is deep now Calm dull 20 28

Sa 19 Men choring sawing wood & clear sunny Keen frost {paper ripped}22

Su 20 Hector Alick & I at Church Jean sick & in bed. snef frost below -2 24

M 21 Hector goes for the Doctor to Jean did not see him. not come 4 PM yet The Doctor came & things Jane will soon be better 30 33

Tu 22 Hector sold a horse to Mr. Hall Spragges road for $140 Jean a good deal better Men choring. Mild cloudy 22 38

W 23 Hector at Galt with cordwood for Lapsley Alick choring above 8

Th 24 Men here to buy two yearling Colts offered $150 for them did not sell. Very snell frost but calm below -16 above 10

F 24 Got a letter from G. Tennant Carluke Men choring above 12:26 12

Sa 26 Hector Sold two yearling Colts for $75 each $150 to the deber and on Monday at Harrisburgh fine clear winter day above 12 30

Su 27 All at Church but Alick good sleighing good Men once thawing 34 42

Feb. 1881

M 28 Hector Alick & J Dicksons boy goes to Harrisburg to deliver the two colts sold for $150 Stalker here choring 32 36


Tu 1 Hector at Galt getting the yankee money he got he got fair yesterday for the colts changed Alick choring cold & breezy above 14 16

W 2 Hector at Robsons sawing firewood. Alick sick with cold choring 16 26

Th 3 Hector hauling firewood to Stalker blowing. got new Lamp disagreable 20 31

F 4 Snowing last night and almost all day men choring 30 36

Sa 6 The snow is now very deep. No mail came to Kirkwall today. Yet the snow is not much drifted men choring 28 34

Su 6 All at Church Hymns introduced first time Menzie Cleard out 32 44

M 7 Men sowing firewood in sugarbush very fine. Sun thawing 20 41

Tu 8 Hector Jean & Jefsie att Sam McDonalds Alick choring Mild 16 36

W 9 Alick takes Jefsie up to Galt Lilly to get her Photo. laken Hector choring 20 42

Th 10 Hector & Jean goes to see Mrs. Mitchel Alick at Cowes selling sawing machine Mr & Mrs. Wm Riddel here last nigh a deputation went Jas. McQueen & presented with donation of $100 for his long services as treasurer for the Kirkwall congregation 30 42

F 11 Men sawing firewood at home very fine day Afsefsor here 10 28

Sa 12 Hector & Alick at J Cowes sawing wod young Gilchrist & McJintire comes Ann Tenant here. At present very like a storm 5 PM 14 28

Su 13 None at Church but Lilly I have a bad cold mild 30 38

M 14 Men setting the saw going to saw tomorrow fine day 14 40

Tu 15 {paper ripped}ing bee to day. but did not finish it all fine day 18 40

W 16 Sawing in forenoon & finishes McQueen here seeing me 28 42

Th 17 Hector & Jean at Galt getting bed stead get G. Brown's Picture hears the Emperor of Russia was assassinated last Sunday 36 40

F 18 Men choring & creeching graith Lilly Collecting. saw a Robin. fine 30 40

Sa 19 Great thaw raining & blowing all day men creeching Jean 32 36

Su 20 All at but J Murray & J Swamp road flooded from end to end water over road at our bridge great thaw 34 38

M 21 Men choring still thawing great flood in creek on top of the ice 32 36

Tu 22 Men choring likyy to freeze now Glass varied very little today 30 32 28

W 23 Men splitting firewood and choring fine day but frosty 20 32

F 24 Hector & Lilly at Galt Jean & Alick at Missionary meeting at Church Collection $11 fine day 30 36

March 1881

F 25 Men choring Tilly at a Quilting at Mr Deckers 22 32

Sa 26 Men splitting wood & choring frosty but mild 28 32

Su 27 All at Church but we Jean rubs Croton on her breast 22 36

M 28 Hector goes to McDonalds Alick croring Tramp goes away 30 34

Tu 29 Men choring weather moderate cloudy 30 36

W 30 Men fixing David & Robert martin comes 32 38

Th 31 Cloudy with something between & rain falling slow Got a Letter from Wm Martin 30 38


F 1 Hector takes Rolt & David Martin to Galt Lilly ges with them to sell butter Wm. Wallace comme freezing 30 26

Sa 2 Wm. Wallace went away men choring frosty 14 30 2

Su 3 All at Church but Lilly fine day but frosty at night - 16 31

M 4 Men cutting stuff Hector not well dizzy very hard frost 12 28

Tu 5 Hector still poorly taking physic Still frosty Alic choring 14 28

W 6 Hector goes to the Doctor & gets some pills Alick choring 18 28

Th 7 Men choring very fine sunny & thawing strong 26 40

F 8 Hectors till rather poorly Alick horing fine day 30 40

Sa 9 Alick & Lilly at Galt selling butter Hector Chorin thawing 36 46

Su 10 All at Church but Jean fine day hears frogs first time 30 48

M 11 Men splitting wood thawing all day. 34 44

Tu 12 Men splitting wood Sent a Letter to Wm. Chambers. Got Lamp glass 36 46

W 13 Hector & Jean at Galt for Salt & Sugar Alick choring 34 44

Th 14 Hector at Blacksmith's Alick chorin fine sunny 34 46

F 15 Jean very poorly got plurasy Dr. smith here men choring. 30 50

Sa 16 Men choring very fine day clear sunny warm paper ripped

Su 17 All at Church but Jean & Lilly Dr. Smith here seeing Jane the minister preaches on temperance & says whirky is cursed 46 58

M 18 Men choring has two lambs twins the first this year Men commenced Ploughing 46 58

Tu 19 Men Ploughing Dr Smith here the third visit Paid his bill #7 he is not coming back 42 50

W 2 Hears Lord Beaconsfield died last Monday. He will be missed Hector & Alick plouging King Dodds Lecturing against the Scott act at our Schoolhouse at 3 oclock PM I dont go 38 58

Th 21 Hector & Lilly at Galt with Grist Wm Smith here helping us 46 60

F 22 Men Ploughing Mifs Thyme Mifs Warnock & Mifs Porteus Scattered the sawdust around to let the ice & snow thaw 48 62

April 1881

Sa 23 Men Ploughing Stalker choring fine spring weather 42 66

Su 24 None at Church but Lilly & Alick the rest rather sickly hot puts croton nail on 56 76

M 25 Men Ploughing Stalker choring I dig up Parsnips Toads burring puts Ashes on onions 52 72

Tu 26 Men Ploughing A Cow Calls Stalker choring fine growin weather 37 72

Th 28 Men Ploughing Frazer digging in big Garden Stalker winning dung 44 64

F 29 Hector at Galt for Salt for manure Am Smith brings Porter for Jane 40 58

Sa 30 Men Ploughing I plant Potatoes on south paper I see 2 Barnsual pows 38 50


Su 1 All at Church but Lilly & Jean who is still poorly frost 46 38 66

M 2 Hector sows 10 acre field with oats + Barley fine 40 60

Tu 3 Alick & Stalker stoning Hector harrowing aglittle frost nightly 44 52

W 4 Men Ploughing Stalker choring sowing grass seed drouthy already. cool 38 62

Th 5 Men Ploughing Stalker choring ground getting dry rain wanted 38 64

F 6 Men Ploughing Stalker digging for Potatoes I choring warmish 52 70

Sa 7 Men Ploughing Stalker turning dung I plant Potatoes on East patch Willows green but no bees on then yet Chomla swallows here summerheat 52 76

Su 8 None at Church but me Mr. Thyme preaches anniversary sermon 51 80

M 9 Men sowing & draging oats at Gilberts fine very hot getting cloudy 60 86

Tu 10 Men dragging & stoning at Gilbert's line Wild Plum half in flower-slight shower last night two chimla swallows came down the lum put out the lamp we catched them & let them out this the first of their being in the lum 56 76

W 11 Men Ploughing at old stable Beeson Willows Wild plum in full bloon two swallows came down the lum again tonight I set them off 60 86

Th 12 {hole in paper} harrowing for Potatoes & turnips at Neils slashing, very hot 62 90

13 Men hauling Dung for Potatoes Cherry trees in full bloom. lefs warm 55 80

Sa 14 Men hauling Dung some apple trees in full bloom other coming out. Cool & thundering now 7 PM pretty heavy looks like rain 60 80 60

Su 15 None at Church but me fine rain last night & much needed our cistern was dry & it got 2 1/2 feet of new supply things quite green 50 62

M 16 Men spreading dung for Potatoes I go a fishing & got only 2 trouts & a chub 53 60

Tu 17 Men Ploughing in Dung for Potatoes Women clearning the house and papering a room yesterday & today Katy Thomson helps them very cool 50 66

W 18 Men Ploughing in dung I finish pulling redroot in wheat very little of it cold 46 60

Th 19 Hector & Jean Lilly at Galt Alick Ploughing. Cool has a fire very night 46 60

20 Preaching today Hector & I at Church Cloudy cool growing Alick Ploughing 3 mandrakes in flower 60 68.

May 1881

Sa 21 Men Ploughing & dragging We cut the Lambs after Lea No 21 wethers #15 Ewes only 6 cool cloudy & raw looks rainy 60 7

Su 22 Our Sacrament Mr. Thyme preaches very fine day 60 78

M 23 Alick & Tilly plants the Potatoes 16 Bush. Mr. Thyme here. warn Cucco come 60 80

Tu 24 Queen's birthday Hector & Alick goes to Galt with the 2 fat oxen the 2 oxen weighed 27 90 at #54 percent amount about #146

W 25 Hector drilling for mangles Alick sows carrots & some Mangles 68

Th 26 Alick & Lilly finishes sowing mangles as I got Bushd with heat Hector & Ploughing We here that on the 24th at London Ont an overloaded steamboat capsized and 230 passengers drowned rot 68 8

F 27 Hector & Alick Ploughin for Peas & corn very & Sultry Laits Glen ours 92.68.8

Sa 28 Hector & Alick Ploughing in forenoon Hector sows Peas in afternoon & alick dragging cool dull cloudy & like rain. getting cooler all day 70.64

Su 29 Mr. Thyme away no Sermon all at home getting hot again 70 84

M 30 Alick & Lilly at Galt to see a show of beasts Hecto dragging Peas 72 8

Tu 31 Hector & Alick dragging stoning & Rolling Peas. Cloudy getting drowthy 66 84


W 1 Hector + Alick washes the sheep Rather cool slight rain last night 60 7

Th 2 Men Ploughing in 16 acre field in forenoon In afternoon we attend the funeral of Leezy McAlister aged 36 years. Cool 58 6

F 3 Men Ploughing in 16 acre field cool cloudy 59 68

Sa 4 Started for Elmo Jean Dot & I took a return ticket for six days from Galt & Back for #6.40 f Wm. Martin well and busy making cheese at the daily rate of 300 & 600 lbs daily {page ripped}

F 10 Returns from Elmo after a pleasant 6 days absence hot 60 82

Sa 11 Hector & Alick clips the sheep Stalker grips warm & sunny 66 80

Su 12 All at Church but Jean & me I taking Physic warm 64 8

M 13 Men Ploughing turnip land I go to Mr Morris's funeral at Kirkwall ducks 66 80

Tu 14 Hector Ploughing for corn Alick dragging turnip land distant thunder 66 80

W 15 Men at turnip field Hector sows corn after Lea. sold 5 hoggets at 5 each - #25 60 7

Th 16 Men stoning sowing ashes & drilling for turnips very cool lights a fire 46 60

F 17 Men sowing ashes in forenoon fine rain last night Hector drilling & Alick sowing turnips quite cool all day 50 6

June 1881

Sa 18 Alick drilling for Turnips. Hector & Jean at Galt with the wool Sold 21 fleeces at 22 cents per ll weight of 21 fleeces 139 tts = value #30 58 weight per fleece 6 13/21 over 6 1/2 tt per sheep. Very cool clipping 66 80

Su 19 All at Church but Lilly fine cool day breezy & clear 60 78

M 20 Hector drilling Alick Ploughing Jordan a Tombstone of Mr Robinson 60 76

Tu 21 Alick & Lilly at Sunday School Picnic at Puslinch Lake Hector Ploughing Longest day. Evening Rum roses coming yesterday & today 58 68

22 Men working Statute labour fine working day but very cool & dry 60 66

23 Men at Statute labour fine working day but very cool & dry 56 62

24 Men Ploughing. After tea Alick takes a load of stones to grave yard a comet seen North 60 68

25 Men Ploughing. looks like rain now 6 PM wish it would com. Much wanted 60 76

Su 26 All at Church but Lilly & Hector Mr. Chrystol Preaches could not hear him 58 72

M 27 Men Ploughing till stopped by a fine rain. but we want more 66 74

Tu 28 Men Ploughing furrows turning up as dry as every although we had some thunder & another pelting shower today wants more 60 78

W 29 Men finishes Ploughing 16 acre field & begins dragging I cut thistes among carrots & mangles 68 78 82

T 30 Hector begins to cut hay on Island field Alick finishes dragging 16 acre field I finish cutting thistles among Mangles and Carrots they dont look well 66 76


F 1 Hector finishes cutting Island field Alick raking with horse rake 66 82

Sa 2 Hector Jean & I at Galt I get Coupons cashed #60 Alick Raking We get home about 2 oclock & then goes to Cockhay in Island field 66 84

Su 3 All at Church but Jean Heard yesterday at Galt tha Garfield was shot that morning! strange times Affsassination rife 66 86

M 4 Hauls 6 load from Island field puts them in horse stable. hot 72 88

Tu 5 Bull McQueen & - Hunt comes to help hauls 6 load and finishes Island field. Hector cuts the field at over the Dyke at must zarn 70 90

W 6 Hauls all the hay in field opposite Newbarn = 6 loads 5 loads put to sheep and one to Cowbyre Hector begins to cut in afternoon in field east of orchard 70 88

F 7 Raining all day but never heavy Men working off cool 60 72

8 Alick & at Galt I get #230 Bank Receipt altered to a #2008 #30 Receipt to Gets home 2090 70 82

Su 9 Men rakes & cocks all the field east of Orchard takes in load hok 70 92

Su 10 All at Church but Hector & I Heavy thunder and great fter noon It was wanted but will drench much hay out 70 90 68

July 1881

M 11 Shakes out some cocks takes in 4 loads puts 2 into horse stable & leaves 2 on the waggons in the barn. Little drouth today but cooler & more pleasant 66 78

Tu 12 takes in the last of the field east of orchard Total 3 loads - Total in field 9 loads. Takes in 1 load from field oer the Dyke west of house. then stopped by rain at tea time. looks like more 72 8

W 13 Takes in 4 load from the same field cut yesterday breezy but hot 72 8

Th 14 Hector setting up Potatoes Alick hurkling Mangles carrots & turnips 70 82

F 15 Men thinning carrots & Mangles Hector sets the last Potatoes Wm Dickson begins to cut wheat others about ready 70 84

Sa 16 All thinning turnips they are too thick sown 70 82

M 18 Men at turnips. In afternoon cradles round wheat field and fixes the Reaper for work tomorrow cool 60 72

Tu 19 Hector cutting wheat all day Wm. McQueen & Alick binding hears that George Jamieson Died last night another old pioneer Gone 66 7

W 20 Men finishes cutting binding & stooking all the wheat 64 8

Th 21 Thimming turnips in forenoon Alick hurckling. In afternoon Hector & I attends the funerall of George Jamieson aged 77 years! 62 7

F 22 Hauling wheat all day & finishes it = 19 loads & good 60 7

Sa 23 Men turnips Alick rakes wheat stubbe with new sulk rake 60 7

Su 24 All at Church but Lilly warm and sunny 64 8

M 25 Men finishes Thinning turnips some slight rain thunder distant This was my birthday 81 years ago Truly I am an old {man?} 58 7

Tu 26 The men dragging & Gang ploughing wheat fallow. Very cool 66 8

W 27 Hector Gongploughing fallow Alick dragging cool 60 7

Th 28 Hector cutting the barley Alick cutting thistles Still cool 62 7

F 29 Hector & Alick Ploughing till teatime Bill McQueen turns the barlet after tea they take in 1 load of Barley 66 8

Sa 30 The men takes in all the barley 7 loads rather warm 70 8

Su 31 All at Church but Jean. Some smart thunder afternoon 64 7

July August

M 1 Alick taking Barly stubble in forenoon Hector & Nick McQueen cutting thistles afternoon thunder & some rain & cutting thistles 66 72

Tu 2 Men cutting thistles till tea then haul the barley rakings. I turned the barley raking 57 83


W 3 Hector goes to Forest mill with Grist Jean & Dot goes with him to Mefors McDonalds Alick at Beckers threshing Wm. McQueen cutting thistles very hot I Dook 70 93

Th 4 Hector to Roctor with returns of Statute labour Alick voting cultevoting 72 95

F 5 Hector & Alick Ploughing & Cultivating fallow very hot Hector & Alick at fallow stopped at 10 oclock by a fine rain with thunder we all got wet but more rain is wanted. Hector in the dumps cool 72 94 68 77 67

Sa 6 Hector & Alick at fallow cool & cloudy 60 74

Su 7 All at Church but Hector Mr McCauly of Creef Preaches able 58 73

M 8 Hector cuts the oats north of Sugarbush cool Alick binding 58 76

Tu 9 Hector & Alick binding oats Wm. McQueen helping in afternoon they finish binding & Stooking at Teatime then turns Dung at Sheephouse 66 83

W 10 Hector with gangploughing Alick hurkling turnips carrots & Mangles 58 78

Th 11 Men at fallow till teatime. Then takes in all the Oats 3 loads worth of Sugarbush. left 2 loads on waggons in Barn 66 78

F 12 Men at fallow but in afternoon Alick at Mr. Phails Barn raising 6 88

Sa 13 Men at fallow. Our Granite monument put up in Graveyard 58 73

Su 14 All at Church but Lilly Fine day & drowthy 60 76

M 15 Hector finishes Gangploughing 16 acre field. Alick mowing round oats this day at noon Stewarts steam thresher set fire to Mr Clelan's Barn burnin the whole crop & Stewarts 4 horses and separater I subscribed #10 & Hector #4 it is a dreadful affair 58 72

Tu 16 Hector at Dundas with something broken on Reaper Alick mowing laid oats 61 73

W 17 {Hector?} cutting oats at Gilbert's line &c Wm McQueen & I Murray helping 62 78

18 Hector cuts the last of the oats Men binds & stooks them drouthy 58 80

19 Hector Alick Bill McQueen & J. Murray cutting Peas all day. warm Paid $200 to Mr. Robinson Agent for Hurd & Robson for the Granite monument at our Gravelot Kirkwall 61 82

Sa 20 Hector & Jean at Galt & Blair the rest hauling Oats all day 9 loads 62 80

Su 21 All at Church but Tilly got a good Sermon very drouthy 60 82

M 22 Men takes in the last of the oats 2 loads Total loads of Oats 14 loads then all goes to cut Peas & 3 goes to Lowe's threshing 62 80

Tu 23 All at Peas till noon then Alick Wm McQueen & Hector goes to J Cowes threshing 64 81

Tu 23 All at The Peas finishes cutting them then streightens the Barra Mr Thyme here 72 82

August 1881

W 24 Hauls all the Peas 15 big loads 14 loads into Bark and one load into New Barn Peas in fine order 60 82

Th 25 Alick & Hector dragging in 16 acre field our harvest all over Put the kye into the corn 52 84

F 26 Alick & Hector Ploughing fallow. very dry & cloudy 50 82

Sa 27 Hector & Alick at Cook's threshing in forenoon choring afterwards Lilly at Galt with Anny Smith selling truck very hot 66 89

Su 28 All at Church but Jean very hot & dry & smoky 64 88

M 29 Hector & Alick Ploughing fallow dry hot hazy 66 89

Tu 30 Hector goes to Galt with Jean & Dot on their way to Kingston where they intend stopping a week or two with This is the hottest day this season & very dry. earth is dost Pasture burnt up & pumps giving out but out pumps not faded 68 97

W 31 Men Ploughing Mr & Mrs Wilson here thunder now & looks like rain 7 PM it much wanted very hot rain 66 97


Th 1 Hector & Alick goes to plough at J Cowe's at very heavy thunder storm in afternoon with rain & some hail the thunder & lightning was fearful & I have just heard that Thomas Swinton was killed by the lightning he was young about 24! 68 88 70

F 2 Hector & Alick at Cowes Ploughing in afternoon Hector comes home at Ploughs close smoky & m{paper ripped} 66

Sa 3 Hector at Galt for Lizzy Taylor Alick Ploughing & Hector

Su 4 All at Church but Lilly & her sister Mr Thyme at Dye and Robt McQueen officiates still hot 62 84

M 5 Hector & Alick Ploughing Five days ago Mr Frear it away when it is 6 weeks old. Very hot looks like a storm 60 97

Tu 6 Hector & Alick Ploughing I pay W. Sait $1.10 for to Seat & mefor stuffing our seat in Church. Very hot again 74 9

W 7 Hector & Alick Ploughing in forenoon then preparing for threshing - 72 9

Th 8 Threshers here. Threses Wh 188 B Bar 116 B oats 26 B. Peas 10 = total 270 B cool 60

F 9 Hector & Alick Ploughing All the country smoky 64 7

Sa 10 Hector & Alick Ploughing sad accounts from Bush fires great destruction of property 60 7

Septr 11

Su 11 all at church but Jully & her sister. Mr {Thynne?} very able 38 74

M 12 Hector & alick dragging follow. Very cool today only 34 70

Tu 13 {Illegible} Cause sowing our wheat with machins the {east?} stoning I hull the beans & {Hope?} very cool & very droughty 36 72

W 14 Men finishes sowing & fust among dry dust 55 74

Th 15 Men water {illegible} wheat still cool but looks like 62 74

F 16 Hector chasing Alick at Gart Caledonuan Games. Got a letter from {illegible} last night a a little today it was much wanted

Sa 17 Men hauling in forenoon. Then begins the haulding to {illegible} land 54 74

Su 18 all at church but Jully & lezly. a a good deal of small rain. 56 72

M 19 Men hauling. I {illegible} Because of fallen apples Warm 54 88

Tu 20 Men hauling dung. Very smokey again there must be fires. 34 74

W 21 Men hauling dung this is the coldest day yet. Clear but smokey 46 66

Th 22 Men hauling dung gave 34 dollars to two {illegible} sees in the papers today that Garfield died on the 19th {illegible} wall hung now 66 82

F 23 Hector & I at church in afternoon alick at the dung. breezy 66 82

Sa 24 Hector goes to Galt to meet Jean from Kingston alick at the dung 68 83

Su 25 {Illegible} Mr Thynne has no {helh?} 66 {88?}

M 26 Taken my one leg waggon load = 30 lb potatoes 68 84

Tu 27 Some small rain in forenoon in afternoon took 10 lb potatoes 68 78

W 28 Duh 18 lb potatoes a fine day My back very sore 64 78

Th 29 Finishes our potatoes at noon only 7 lb {illegible} cool 38 64

{illegible due to ripped piece of paper} whole {illegible} of potatoes in but 65 {illegible}

F 30 Men cleaning up a load of barley {illegible} some fallen apples 60 84 a good deal of {illegible} {loot?} night{illegible} today- forenoon

Sa 1 Hector & Jean at Galt selling butter good {illegible} in 56 64

Su 2 all at church but but me and Lilly {illegible} not very well 54 66

M 3 Hoctor and I bad {illegible}alick plaughing fine day 60 76

Tu 4 alick plaughing Hector at Guelph with barley. very cool get 54 56 food had 49 bush juice 80 cents per lb. amount $39.20

W 5 Hector spradding alick plaughing the rest carrying apples frost the grapevine leaves {illegible} and very cool today but clear 32 50

Th 6 Men plaughing I carrying apples frost {illegible} 32 60

F 7 Men plaughing some {illegible} this morning. goeing to {illegible} 44 64 to {illegible} season. {illegible} changed

Oct 1881

Sa 8 Went to Scarboro found them all well but the old woman who is poorly Returned home on Monday the 10th after a very pleasant Jaunt

Tu 11 Hard frost last night In afternoon all carrying apples 30 54

W 12 Hector at Galt for Bran Alick choring a muggy damp day 60 64

Th 13 World's Fair at Rocton and all at it but Jean & me Jefsie came Mc Cay Hector got the second prize for Jean & one for mare & colt 40 58

F 14 Hector & Alick at Ayrshew quite cold to day no frost 38 4

15 Hector choring Alick at Galt with Lilly & Lizzy going going Ingorsel I bring Barney-a wee dog from I freres price 50 cents warmish 40 74

Su 16 All at Church but Jean church rather thin morning raw 40 56

M 17 Alick at Galt meeting Lilly & Lizzy we carry the las good op 38 54

18 Men begins to take up Mangles in afternoon. Lets Pig into orchard cold 48 50

W 19 Men Taking up Mangles cold and uncomfortable and hauls them all 4 loads at 30 B. perloa = 120 Bushels 40 54 42 54

Th 20 Thanksgiving day all at Church but Lizzy & J. Murray 46 56

F 21 Hector at Guelph with 20 bags Barley 43 B at 80 cents = $36 Alick hauls all the carrots 5 cart loads = 75 Bushels 46 56

Sa 22 Hector Jean & Lilly at Galt selling butter & getting rolls Alick fine choring 48 65

Su 23 All at Church but Lizzy Mr. Duff of Galt Preaches cool 46 48

M 24 Foggy & damp takes up no turnips a Scotch must & disagreeable 42 46

25 Hector Alick & I taking up turnips - very small crop 48 56

All at turnips in forenoon Hector & Alick at Lowe in thresh in afernoon 32 54

Th 27 Hector Alick Stalker & 2 McMurchys at the turnips frost 28 56

F 28 Alick hauls 6 loads of turnips the taking up I in turnip house 40 55

Sa 29 Raining in forenoon Hector & Alick at turnips in {afternoon?} 64

Su 30 All at Church but me & Lilly I am taking physic 46 60

M 31 All at turnips takes in 9 loads into N Barn 48 38


Tu 1 takes in 8 loads of turnips P 6 into Cowbyre & 2 into Sheep house 46 58

W 2 Takes in 5 loads 4 into sheep hows & 1 into Cowbyre Bor whole crop of turnips 840 Boiz 660 in Cowbyre and 180 in Sheep house. A very fine day—50 56

Th 3 Alick at Benjy's threshing in afternoon Hector choring 44 55

Sa 5 threshers here threshes all the oats & some wheat but it was a nasty showery day & they were often stopped—cold 40 46

Su 6 all Church but Lilly Collection for Children's Books 44 56

M 7 Thresers finishes our at noon & thin goes to J Dicken's 42 56

Nov 1881

Tu 8 Alick went to J Dickson's to thresh but they brokedown Hector went to Stewarts for shingles to patch old barn. Very fin

W 9 Hector ploughing Alick at J Dickson's thres hung. Clear & cold 42

Th 10 Men ploughing & finishes at Gilbert's line very, cool, cloudy 38 44

F 11 Hector ploughing Alick & Stalker cleaning wheat fine day 40 50

Sa 12 Hector at Galt with 461/2/3 B. wheat price #1.26 value #58.59 Alick ploughing 42 54

F 11 Hector at Galt with 461/2 B wheat at #1.26 per & value #58.59 - 42 52 {inserted above: "Raining last night heavy creek down"}

Sa 12 Raining last nightand this forenoon Men ploughing after {inserted above: "noon"} 44 4

Su 13 all at Church but Lilly a good day cold and cloudy 38

M 14 Men ploughing. This is the {sterns} was to school but cloudy 36 44

Tu 15 Men ploughing Frost last night & cold to day I emptied the leach and Kirned 32 34

W 16 Men ploughing. cold & cloudy some frost with a cloudy sky winter coming 32 36

Th 17 Alick at Robson's threshing Hector ploughing Milder to day 38 32

F 18 Alick at Robson threshing Hector ploughing cloudy women killing Tur {inserted above: "keys"} 34 40

Sa 19 Ground covered with snow Hector & Jean at Dundas with turkeys and my {debentures?} Alick at Robsons, threshing in forenoon & finishes there cold 30 34

Su 20 All church but Jean cold & freezing all day winter now snow lying 28 32

M 21 Hector sold nine Lambs to Mr. Pickard at #4 each 36. kept too few! 32 36 Put the Ram to use

T 22 Hector Jean & Dot at {Mefrs?} McDonald. Alick choring. Coldest day {inserted above: "yet"} 22

W 23 Hector at {Cauies?} killing Pigs Alick choring milder to day 26 40

Th 24 Men clearing up a grist the snellest frost yet no ploughing now 20 26

F 25 Hector at Rocton Mill with a grist Alick choring hard frost 20 28

Sa 26 Hector and Alick choring Collector here milder to day cloudy 34 38

Su 27 None at church but Hector some snow but thawing 34 40

{page torn} arn K Parker here Men hauling & breaking stones on road to {inserted above: "new barn"} 20 38

29 Hector at a Bee hauling gravel on 9th Con. Alick & Stalker breaking stone on the road to new barn Mild & thawing to day now mostly {inserted above: "gone"} 34 50

30 Men making roads in bush Alick shingling old barn. Very mild & fine {inserted above: "snow all gone"} 34 50


1 Men choring fine day but getting colder all day. look at this 48 40 36

2 Men breaking stoneson road to new barn. Mild & equal all day 36 36

Sa 3 Men repairing fence on 16 acre field. Mild cloudy weather 34 40

Su 4 All at church but Alick singularly mild weather roads bad 34 40

M 5 Man fixing fence on 16 acre field. Fine mild day - 34 38

T 6 Men at the fence no frost still mild strange weather {inserted above: "Lilly went to Hamilton"} 36 48

W 7 Men killed Pig & fixed 16 acre fence Mild in morning gets col {inserted above: "der"} 34 30

Th 8 Men choring hard frost last night road hard but rough 28 32

Decr 1881 Unchoring & at the fencing freezinging all day 32 30 Sa 8 Men chring & fencing freezing all day Black frait 24 28 All at Church but {illegible} 22 28

2 Men choring mild & raining some in afternoon 34 40

13 Very {illegible} last night & {illegible} deal all day Men choring 40 55

14 Men at fence & choring getting colder all day 38 30

15 Men at fence & choring cold frosty & clear 26 34

16 Men choring & fencing fire winter day sunny 28 38

17 Alick goes to Hanelton to bring home Sally Hector choring line 40 44

18 All at church but {illegible} Mitchee fine day very mild winter 38 42

19 Men fencing strange weather winter 28 44

20 Hector & Alick at lowe threshing fine mild cloudy 3{illegible} 44

21 Hector & Alick fencing a little frost last night {illegible} 44

22 {illegible} last night & raining to day men choring - soft spell (illegible}

23 Hector & Jean at Galt with Turkey frost last night 2{illegible} 34

24 {illegible} Mitchel goes home Hector goes with her. clear frosts 20 32

25 Christmas all at Church but Tilly fine day 34 42

26 A holiday {illegible} amation to hold Christmas Hector

27 Men choring very mild wonderful sownter almost no frost 32 42

28 Men choring rain again last night very mild 40 48

29 Men choring never saw so much mild weather in winter 36 4

30 Hector choring Alick at {illegible} chopping stiff frosty 28 32

31 Men choring cold - Last day of the year: time flies 22, 3

1882 Jan

1 New years day. All at church but Tilly {illegible} preaches^^ 12 14

2 The {illegible} McDonald's here - we had Turkey, the hard {illegible}

3 Men choring little moco last night. Cold getting colder, all day 24 16

4 Men kills the pigs Beryy {illegible} helps snell frost all day - winter below 4

5 Men choring I got a letter from Wan Chambers {illegible} 12 21

6 Hector Jean & Tat Galt I got coupons cashed #60 Bought Deariest 20 32

7 Hector & Tilly at Hamilton with pig = Wt 306th price #8 {illegible} = #25y4 20 34

8 All at Church but Jean. Thawing all day with small rain 36 48

9 Men choring cloudy & rain air freezing {illegible} 24 32

10 Hector Jean & {illegible} at Hamilton, with a harse cold for #200 and to get an organ so we shall have a quick {illegible} now 28 36

11 {illegible} folks mat come from Hamilton yet Alick choring 32 38

12 Men choring at the funeral of {illegible} another old settler gone aged 70th years

March 1882

W 25 Men choring very fine heard {illegible} ^^Hector at the funeral of Mrs Denholm 36 22

Th 30 Men choring fine day but a little {illegible} heard fr ago for {illegible} 30

F 31 Men choring & heard frogs yesterday & today, coldish 20 34


Sa 1 Hector freezing apple trees Alick goes to {illegible} fine day 30 58

Su 2 All at Church but Hector the hottest day this season yet 60 61

M 3 Men sawing firewood in sugar bush fine clear day now 4pm 34 48

Tu 4 Hector pruning apple tree Alick hailing prunings away raining 46 68

W 5 Men getting firewood Women doctoring silly rigs the sow had 15 some dead is {illegible} 32

Th 6 Hector begins to Plough sod and the Drykewest of house Alick hauls wood 32 40

F 7 Men Ploughing very fine day spring birds mostly come 40 6

Sa 8 Men Ploughing Tilly at Galt and brings home my clock yesterday Mr Thyme told the {illegible} he is going to resign 30

Su 9 All at Church but Tilly Mr Thyme gave in his resignation so we have to look out for another minister. Fan sorry {illegible} no

M 10 Men Ploughing rather cold & rosty all day but they can plough sod 24 2

Tu 11 Men cutting stuff in forenoon . In afternoon at Carl Wright raising Leman to sawmill hard. Frost last night and all day. Ploughs stopped Hector choring in afternoon 22 32

W 12 Hector Jean & Alick at Galt seed fair stalker here choring {illegible} 28 36

Th 13 Hector choing Alick hauling firewood from sugar bush 34 40

F 14 Men ploughing moderate nice cloudy day 34

Sa 13 Men ploughing a fine moderate cloudy day 35

Su 16 All at Church but Tilly & Alick a fine day got a good sermon 3{illegible}

M 17 Men ploughing ^^digging in garden streamers out night bright and every night late

Tu 18 Men ploughing Mr Thyme & Sloter here at night fine day 36

W 19 Raining in forenoon Men somtimes ploughing sometimes not 44

Th 20 Men ploughing stalkers sowing grasseed. I planted onions 36

F 21 Men ploughing I plant onions a fine day we have 6 40

Sa 22 Men ploughing I fplant all the onions sows nosed onions 3

Su 23 All at Church but Jean fine day and sunny 34 4

M 24 Men ploughing I breaking {illegible} Garden clear 38 4

Tu 25 Men ploughing Alick to his a cow to Bill. I saw sunflowers dear 34 50

W 26 Alick ploughing Heitorat Galt for salf for Barley & turnips 38 50

Th 27 Men ploughing Mr Menzie here a shower of rain in afternoon growing 38 50

F 28 Men ploughing Trans plants the siberion honeysuckle fine day 38 46

Sa 29 Men ploughing. I plan on pailfull of Rose potatoes in the garden frost 38 50

Su 30 All at Church but J Murray & {illegible} Mr Thyme very earned 34 5

May 1882

M 1 Hector sows Barley. Alick sows salt and drags showers. 36 46

Tu 2 Men drags out the Barley & Ploughing frost last night 30 44

W 3 Hector at Guelgh for seed {illegible} Alick dragging Barley some frost 32 56

Th 4 Hector sows grass seed Alick dragging & stoning. Warm - 32 62

F 5 Hector Jean & Tilly at Gatt Telly getting a bonnet Hector getting Bran 34 48

Sa 6 Men sowing & dragging {illegible} a little frost last night {illegible} east 34 48

Su 7 All at church but Hector Mr Robert son preaches for Kirk vacant {illegible} are to have a meeting next Thursday to fix in {illegible}. 36 54

M 8 Hector sowing & dragging Todd, burring first line {illegible} Alick & stalker stoning 40 62

Tu 9 Hector dragging Alick stoning. Finegrowing day some rain small 36 68

W 10 Raining all day very windy from the East Men choring 30 44

Th 11 A wettish day Men choring Hearford Cavendes is murdered ^^{illegible} 40 44

F 12 {illegible} raining attend a ongregational meeting about Mr Thymes resignation the vote not unanimous to keep him so he goes 40 42

Sa 13 Raw but not rainy. Men fixing sheep dung & hailing for {mangles?} 40 48

Su 14 All at Church but Jean fine day a good deal of Growth now 45 50

M 15 Hector & Jean at Dundas with my {coupon?} get #36 fine 46 58

Tu 16 Hector at Guelph with Mare to horse with {illegible} Got first {Rhinebarb} - 46 64

W 17 Men spreading for Mangles a very fine clear sunny day 46 60

Th 18 Men fixing ground for Mangles ^^a swallows come. Very fine day clear & sunny 30 62

F 19 Men fixing Potato land Hector at Galt with by sow price #18 fine day. We cut potatoes 50 60

Sa 20 Men sows Mangles & carrots, fine warm day we {illegible} 10 B. Hebron 60 68

Su 21 All church but me Wilter Armstrong here Mr. Thyme preaches firewall 60 68

M 22 Men fixing potato till stopped by rain we {illegibile} 40 56

Tu 23 Men fixing potatoe land. Cool and cloudy - 42 54

W 24 Queens Birthday plant the potatoes. I don't help Walter Armstrong here. Wild cherry in full bloom, Last year was in full bloom on the 11th so this year is 14 days later than last year = a very late spring 40 60

Th 25 Men ploughing & onto the {illegible] only 18 fine day 40 62

F 26 Men ploughing Jean & Dot at Mrs. Beatties {illegible} 32 70

Sa 27 Men stoning & choring. Raining in afternoon Black cherry bloom 50 62

Su 28 All at Church but Jean Mr Crystal preaces our Church vacant 31 64

M 29 Men stoning clover fine woods getting Green Reeson {soil?} 50 62

Tu 30 Men stoning & rolling peas. Jean taken farewell of Mr & Mrs Thyme 52 72

W 31 Raining men choring cherry trees in nearly full bloom {Nurse tea?} - 51 66


Th 1 Men ploughing for Turnips rather {illegible} to day Jean at Cowes for a cat 36 62

F 2 Men ploughing some shivers. Apple trees coming out cherry trees in full blossom 48 66

Su 3 Hector & Jean at Galt with {name?} & for Bran & Salt for {illegible} 48 54

June 1882

Su 4 All at Church but Jean. Mr. Kechie preaches. We want a minister 46 61

M 5 Men at roads. I pay #7.50 for my share of {Sabaur?} wind North 40 62

Tu 6 Men at Roads. Very fine day bush pretty Green now 50 72

W 7 Men {illegible} road work in forenoon & washes the sheep in afteroon. Warm 52 80

Th 8 Men choring & ploughing cloudy & cool woods green now 62 74

F 9 Men sows corn & dragging at summer follo is Tulips & Mandrakes bloom 52

Sa 10 Hector & Jean at Galt for Jalt. In afternoon, I attend at meeting at our {illegible}to hear Mr. {name?} {illegible} on potato to as the elections coming on. Alick ploughing soil in Northfield

Su 11 All at Church but Hector. Mr Warrener preaches. I pay Kirk sea {salt?} illegible

M 12 Men harrowing ploughing fine day & fairly warm {illegible}

Tu 13 Men ploughing & dragging Mr & Mrs Robert {illegible} fine {day?}

W 14 Hector & Alick {lips?} the sheep. Some slight rain but mild 52 70

Th 15 Hector ploughing soil. Alick dragging west of house {illegible} 60 71

F 16 Hector ploughing. Alick {illegible} ploughing. W. Armstrong & Niece here 64 87

Sa 17 Men at turnip land. Some thunder south. Tilly at Puslinch lake 68 86

Su 18 All at church but Jane Mr. Warrener preaches - 64 80

M 19 Men ploughing & shoveling salt on {living?} land

Tu 20 Election day Hector & me goes to Kirkwall & votes for Bain. Hector sows turnips 66 80

W 21 Men drilling and sowing turnips. Fine day & growing 66 78

Th 22 Alick {hurkling Mangles?} & carrots Hector ploughing 60 80

F 23 Men at Mangles & finishes ploughing soil. Heres {illegible} 60 86

Sa 24 Men thinning Mangles yesterday. Mr Tacto {glas?} {illegible} hotter now 70 90

Su 25 All at church but Glen Tilly & I. I have a bad cold. {illegible} 66 84

M 26 Hector & Alick thinning Mangles. A Glen goes away he is very {bend? bad?} 60 82

Tu 27 Men thinning Mangles & carrots another fine day 56 82

W 28 Alick at Cowe ploughing Hector & I. McQueen {in the steaming?} 68 82

Th 29 Hector at Cowes ploughing Alick gang ploughing I. {illegible} this 58 82

F 30 Hector Jean & I at Galt. I get my coupons cashed # 60 heavy cream 60 80


Sa 1 Dominion day. Men {sitting thistles?} among potatoes 52 64

Su 2 All at church but Hector & I. Murray Mr Warrener preach 54 68

M 3 Hector at Rocton Mill with Grest, Alick & little McQueen {illegible} 50 72

Tu 4 Alick {illegible} at Puslinch Lake. Hector thinning carrots 52 74

W 5 Hector & I McQueen at carrots. Alick gang ploughing cool 51 70

Th 6 Alick Gang ploughing Hector at Galt with wool = 17 fleeces {wt 117?} being 68 per fleece price only 18 cents per = #21.6. Fine cool 54 78

F 7 Alick begins to cut hay in spring field. Hector sets up potatoes 40 80

Sa 8 Hector hauls firewood Alick cutting hay very cool for July 70 74

Su 9 All at Church but I Murray Mr. {name} preaches 68 78

M 10 Hector bought a {illegible} of {cattles?} from Edwen Grey for #137 then dragging follow George Elle of here 70 80

Transcription Progress



David Martin Diary, 1876-1882 Part 1.pdf
David Martin Diary, 1876-1882 Part 2.pdf
David Martin Diary, 1876-1882 Part 3.pdf
David Martin 1876-1882 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“David Martin Diary & Transcription, 1876-1882,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 13, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/212.
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