Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1912


Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1912

Date Created

January 1, 1912

Is Part Of

Philp Family Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription




Ethel. — coat hangers. 1 3/4 yel ribbon for coat hangers.

Eva. — work bag.

Mary — {reary?}.

Georgie. {illegible}

Mrs. Elwood — coat hanger.

Mrs. Ellis.

{Geo.?} Adams. {illegible}


{vialel?} =

{Upside down triange with bolded lines on the top and bottom}


{Separate piece of scrap paper} {Scribble} Wm Greaveo 393 + 395 College St Toronto

The home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich'd Philp was the scene of a very pleasant event on Sept., 29 at 4 P.M. when their elder daughter Miss Mabel Irene, became the bride of Mr. Geo. H. Thompson, a prosperous young farmer of Arthur {Tt?}. The ceremony was performed by Rev R. Brett, L., Th., {Rothcay?}. The house was tastefully decorated with mauve and white asters. The bride entered the parlor leaning on her father's arm to the strains of The Wedding March played by her sister Miss Mary, who was becomingly attired in pink mull. The bride looked charming {an?} a princess {illegible} cream, {venetian?}, {illegible}, trimmings of a satin, lace and sequin, and carried roses and lily-y-the-valley. She was attended by her cousin Miss Clara Phiy wearing maune silk, {Added line} and carry {illegible} pink carnations {In regular paragraph} where the groom was ably supported by Mr. L. H. Houfard, Arthur. After congratulations had been exteuded to the happy couple, the guests sat down to a dainty luncheon.

{Publisher's printed page}


norman J. 613 South marshfield ave., Chicoga, {Ill?}.

January NEW YEAR'S (Domain) MONDAY (1--365) 1912

Men choring picked over apples and washed cattle's neck. windy, stormy day. Father down to see mr.Waly.

TUESDAY, 2 (2--364)

men choring and cleaned pens. Mother and I at town. Mother stayed in. Quite fine at times.

WEDNESDAY,3 (3--363)

men did chores. Brock took grist to town on afternoon. Mother came home with him. Father up to meeting in school 40m. Will Walker spend evening here. Been {unlegible} five years. a beautiful day.

January THURSDAY, 4 (4--362) (1912)

men did chores. Straightening up in old house, afternoon. Quite enough at times, not very bright. Wiluat Wrury cauce far gobbler $3.00.

FRIDAY, 5 (5--361)

men choring. Brock at town in afternoon. very wondy and stormy till elevan a.m. very sharp night. Brock and I met Luther Clarke at evening train. 2M left {illegible} at 4 a.m. wed.

EPIPHANY (Quebec) SATURDAY, 6 (6--360)

Men did chores. Luther and I snow. showed up to mary's in afternoon. Went to meet Clive at night-train and stayed to skate. Very cold day, but bright.

January SUNDAY, 7 (7--359) 1912

Home all day. very stormy, windy and cold. mr. Tom Craig came about six and stayed all night.

MONDAY, 8 (8--358)

men choring. mr. Craig went ti Daly's very stormy from east cold. Such cold winds found it hard to keep home heated.

TUESDAY, 9 (9--357)

men did chores. Will Walker came down in afternoon and spent evening. very stormy cold and windy.

January WEDNSEDAY, 10 (10--356) 1912

men did chores. Brock walked out to town in afternoon. Olive and Luther show-shoed to mr. McEwings to phone Thompson. Then they came back and went to station. olive had to wait till Three a.m. for train. Poor train service. very cold. very bright sun dogs followed sun all day.

THURSDAY, 11 (11--355)

Father choring. Brock and Luther took his and Olive's suit-cases, on a hand-sleigh across the fields to the station in time for morning train. Brock helping dig out road on his way home from town. Cleaned away from town. Cleaned away from doors and cleaned pews in afternoon. very bright and cold. Luther gone home to manilla.

FRIDAY, 12 (12--354)

10 below zero this morning. men choring. Brock took {groit?} to town in afternoon, could not get it so came home. very bright day cold.

January SATURDAY, 13 (13--353) 1912

men did chores. Brock took another grist and brought home the finished one then took butter down with Paddy Went down to skate with Chester after tea. I snpw-shoed to town, had tea with cara White, skated and stayed with Grandma. very bright day. moderating. wond going to south Grandmother registered during night-30 below in town.

SUNDAY, 14 (14--352)

Home all day. I walked out about six. Quite mild to-day. snowing a little this evening.

MONDAY, 15 (15--351)

Father did chores. Brock went to town for grist. charming rest of day. Fine morning , but became stormy pretty cold. Discovered all our potatoes frozen in root-house.

January Tuesday, 16 (16-350) 1912 Men did chores and cleaned pens. I snow shoed up to Mary's this forenoon. Quite bright all day but blowing and storming alomg the ground. Calmed at night 8 below zero this A.M. Roads heavy to-day.

Wednesday, 17 (17-349) Men did chores. Sifted ashes in afternoon. Brock driving Wyly on lines. Dull day. Moderated Considerably. south wind to-day. nine little pigs.

Thursday, 18 (18-348) Men did chores. Father cleaned pens in afternoon. Brock took mother to town in afternoon. Very nasty day. Rained in forenoon turning to soft snow towards evening. blew and stormed through night

January Friday, 19 (19-347) 1912 Men did chores, cleaned out ice house in afternoon. Quite sunny day, but pretty stormy Roads seem heavy.

Saturday, 20 (20-346) Father and Brock done chores. Brock took me to 4.32 train. I gone to Elora. Very snowy afternoon, not so very cold

Sunday, 21 (21-345) Home all day Sunday. Cecil Walker here in evening Stormy day.

January Monday, 22 (22-344) 1912 Men did chores Brock took a grist of chop to town. Rather soft light snow falling at night.

Tuesday, 23 (23-343) Father and Brock did chores. Brock met me at evening train. Quite stormy day.

Wednesday, 24 (24-342) Father and Brock did chores and started to cut wood in bush in afternoon Rather stormy in morning, but cleared, and was quite fine.

January Thursday, 25 (25-341) 1912 Men choring and cutting wood in bush. Mother and I went to town in afternoon. a beautiful sunny day, but quite sharp. I went up to see Bob Kirkpatrick. He pretty poorly very short of breath.

Friday, 26 (26-340) Men choring and cutting wood in bush. Brock up and shovelled out gate way at school after tea. A beautiful sunny day.

Saturday, 27 (27-339) Men did chores and drew up three cords of wood to school. Brock and I went to skate after tea. Beautifu; day, bit pf a snow-storm about four o'clock.

January Sunday, 28 (28-338) 1912 Home all day. I out on snow shoes in afternoon. Rather dull, quite strong east wind blowing towards night.

Monday, 29 (29-337) Men did chores. Brock took grist to town in afternoon. Disagreeable forenoon. Sleeting and hailing. Quite mild afternoon. Finished a pale green evening dress for Olive.

Tuesday, 30 (30-336) Men did chores. Father went down to cut ice under 12th bridge in afternoon. Brock took me to town in afternoon. Leap Year {illegible} in Hall. Olive and Ella Brians came up. Rather snowy in afternoon Bob Kirkpatrick died at 6.15 A.M. 27 yrs 9 mos. Baby girl came to Jane Lappen Mrs. Jack Forrest Brandon Maw

January Wednesday, 31 (31-335) 1912 Men did chores Brock took can of cream down to noon train. Sending it to R.A. {uncertain name} Palmerstons. Wat. Burrows and father cutting ice in afternoon. Very bright clear day Pretty frosty. Harry Philps here in evening.

Febuary Thursday, 1 (32-334) Men did chores. Father, Wat annd Brock cutting ice in afternoon. Mother and I went to Bob Kirkpatrick's funeral in afternoon. A beautiful day. Jack Hefkey snow shoed out after tea. We went for a {tramp?} and Jack spent evening

Friday, 2 (33-333) Men did chores. Wat and they drew up the ice in afternoon. Little snow falling Got to be quite stormy at six o'clock. Quite sharp.

February Saturday, 3 (34-332) 1912 Men did chores. Brock took grist to town in afternoon. Father and Wat finished packing the ice. A very bright day pretty cold Mr. Daley died at noon. Baby boy came to Jim and Nellie about 5 P.M., but died at midnight.

Sunday, 4 (35-331) Father down to Mr. Daley's after tea. A very cold sunless day.

Monday, 5 (36-330) Men did chores, cleaned pens and sifted ashes. I snow-shoed to town in afternoon. Rather fine forenoon. Snowing in afternoon. pretty sharp. I invited to tea at Mrs. H.C. Gibbs and to Beckie Pallocks for evening. Did not get to either.

February TUESDAY, 6 (37--329)

Men did chores and started to draw out manure. Mother and I went down to Mr. Daley's and over to Drayton. Mother stayed in. Rather dull {damp?} day. not too cold. I invited to spend eveining at mrs. {Hert?} Patterson.

WEDNESDAY, 7 (38--328)

Men did chores then father went to Mr. Daley's funeral at 11:30 am. Brock went to town for mother afternoon. Got pair shoes rubbers, $450 suit clothes and cap $10.90 Quite cold and little stormy. Father went on to Salem with the funeral. Went with mrs.Henderson. They went in to sell olive. Home about eleven a.m.{Mine?} 22 years old.

THURSDAY, 8 (39--327)

Men choring. Quite stormy day. very cold.

February FRIDAY, 9 (40--326) 1912

Men choring. Ploughed road in forenoon. Fine forenoon, but became pretty stormy after dinner. very cold. Brock and I went to a house party at 8.B. armstrong's in evening. Storm went down after tea, but very cold.

SATURDAY, 10 (41--325)

Thermometer 26°below zero about 7.a.m. Men did chores. Brock took cream to station for noon train. I took grist down in afternoon. {Team?} crowded in cemetery hill. a very bright sunny day, but exceedingly cold 34°below in town in early morning.

2 SUNDAY, 11 (42--324)

Dull and dark. Very heavy fall of light snow for a few hours in morning. {illegible} {Hillow?} drove out for tea and spent evening.

February MONDAY, 12 (43--323) 1912

Men did chores and drew out manure. a beautiful bright sunny day, but very cold. Sarah {Hilborn?} over here in afternoon Party at their home this evening. {Hosheal?} called for me.

TUESDAY, 13 (44--322)

Men did chores and opened some gaps on other place to draw manure. Drawing over them in afternoon. {illegible} snow {illegible} to town and back. Father {illegible} at {Chas. Walkeris?} having a game of {illegible}. a beautiful sunny day. Father 56 years old. Uncle Jim 39 years old. Much {milder?} tonight.

St.Valentines Day. WEDNESDAY, 14 (45--321)

Men choring and drawing manure to other place. Quite nice day, but not very bright. Quite mild.

February THURSDAY, 15 (46--320) 1912

Men did chores and drew manure all day. Brock and I went to Ra.n. Club dance in evening. Toronto Harpers furnished music splendid. a mild day. {illegible} and no sunshine. very calm

FRIDAY, 16 (47--319)

Men did chores and opened a road over to mr.{mcEwings?}, joining theirs which goes through their {illegible} waters and {illegible} to town. Brock took out a grist in afternoon. Mild day. no sunshine a slight {illegible} falling. very calm. Father and Mother went over to {I.mcIsaac?} in evening.

SATURDAY, 17 (48--318)

Men choring and drawing manures. Mother and I to town in afternoon. Will Walker spent the evening with us. Leo Thompson called here. Roy brought mary down and she went out with {illegible}. a beautiful bright mild day. Little breeze at night: not enough to pump water though.

Febuary Sunday, 18 (49-317) 1912 Home all day very mild, almost hot, calm. Snow disappearing quite a bit today. Men had to draw water for cattle as mill has been 3 days and two nights and will not pump.

Monday, 19 (50-316) Men drew water for cattle, did chores and drew manure. windmill broke pumping rod at noon. Expect pipes are frozen underground. a vey mild day Little soatter of rain in forenoon. very little wind

Tuesday, 20 (51-315) Men drew water, did chores and drew manure till 3.30 o'clock. Then Brock got ready, took little pig and started for {illegible}. Thompoons at 4.30 pm. I snow shoed to town and came home after tea. a very nice day. Quite a little colder this morning.

February Wednesday, 21 (52-314) 1912 Father drew water for cattle and did chores. Mr Craig went after dinner. A fearful storm from east all day. water the stock twice a day.

Thursday, 22 (53-313) Storm continued all night but blew from west today. Terrible storm. abated a little at sundown Father just did chores. Carried wate for cattle about fifty pails. {illegible} all blew up, so that it was {illegible} to shovel them out, storm was so {illegible}

Friday, 23 (54-312) Father shoveled some snow and drew water for cattle and did chores, Brock called home a little after one p.m. Roads very heavy. Snowed quite a lot today. sunshine at times.

February Saturday 24, 1912

Men drew water and did chores, dug out gaps on other place. Brock went to town with Chas. in afternoon. Mother went with him and stayed with Grandma. Father cleaned pens. I snow-shoed out to morning trains with letter to Olive. Very mild day.

Sunday 25, 1912

Home all day. Billy Moare from Keniatdale came here in evening. staying all night: Dull day. Very mild.

Monday 26, 1912

Men drew water and did chores. Billy Moare went home after dinner. A furious east storm raged all farenoon. Calwed after dinner, but still windy and angry looking.

February Tuesday 27, 1912

Men drew water and did chores. Had to shovel some snow. Brock went up to Chas. Walkers, in evening. A very stormy day. Calmed down at night. Beautiful moon-light now. Storm came from the west to-day.

Wednesday 28, 1912

Men drew water and done chores. Brock took can of cream to station and brought mother home from Grandma's. Quite windy and a little stormy. Roads heavy. Go through our place, McEvening's, Water's., and come out near track at Samis'. {Uncertain name} Meal and Jack Waley married.

Thursday 29, 1912

Men drew water and did chores. Took two pigs over to Adam Flath's about eleven o'clock. Choring and drew water in afternoon. Quite nice sunny day cold.

March Friday 1, 1912

Men drew water and did chores. Brock went up to get Harry to help kill bees in afternoon. Mr. Craig came here for tea and stayed all night. A little stormy at times, although quite sunny. An ideal moonlight night.

Saturday 2, 1912

Father and Brock drew water and did chores. Mr. Craig went away this morning. Brock took a grist to town in afternoon. Met night train and Olive came up. Father went over to Adam Flath's for pig after tea. Did not bring her. A beautiful day, an ideal night. Rose {Uncertain name} up here in evening.

Sunday 3, 1912

Olive and I drove out to town in afternoon. Mr. Giffen and J. Wilson-Turner came out and spent evening. A lovely sunny day. Beautiful night but pretty sharp. Olive weighs 115 lbs.

March Monday 4, 1912

Men drew water and did chores, then cut up beef and packed it in snow in old house. I took Olive to station this morning. Father sifted ashes in afternoon. A very sharp east wind, sunny day.

Tuesday 5, 1912

Men drew water and did chores. Brock went to O.B. Henry's ball in P.M. Came round by Adam Flath's and brought pig. A beautiful sunny day. pretty sharp. Jack Hefkey snow-shoed out for game of cards.

Wednesday 6, 1912

Men drew water and did chores. Cut down maple tree on other place in afternoon. Mother went over to Hilborn's in afternoon. A beautiful sunny day. Looking like a change in weather to-night. A little cloudy.

March Thursday 7, 1912

Father and Mother 30 years married. Men drew water and did chores. Brock took cream to station before dinner. Choring in P.M. A beautiful sunny day. Snow melting quite freely. Wallace Walker here for dinner. Father suffering with sure side. Harse jammed him against stall post a week ago.

Friday 8, 1912

Men Father drew water and did chores. Brock at {Uncertain last name}'s pressing hay all day. Mother and I at town in afternoon. {illegible text}, Wes, Waters, called. dull day. A little soft snow falling. A little colder towards night. A load from town called for me on their way to Mary's. I didn't go. Clara got a new pair of boots.

Saturday 9, 1912

Men drew water and did chores. Brock took out a load of chop and Clara went along and took the train for Elora. Brock had quite an experience with {illegible text}. Started to run but did not get away. Da cleaning pens oft very fine day.

March Sunday 10, 1912

Beautiful bright day At home all day I prepaired dinner for J. Richs but they did not come. real sharp at night

Monday 11, 1912

Men choring faerenoon drawing out manure aft beautiful bright day I washed

Tuesday 12, 1912

Men drawing water and done chores. farenoon heavy fall of snow last night and still snowing {illegible text}. drawing out manure aft fine but cool in the Evening

March WEDNESDAY, 13 (73-293) 1912

Men choring forenoon and drew two loads of manure Frank Page here for dinner Brock drew one load of manure after dinner and then {?} Moore came along and put on a shoe on Dan. beautiful bright day

THURSDAY, 14 (74-292)

Robt and Brock done up the chores and then loaded up 13 hogs and took them to town sold at 6.75 {per hog?} Brock home at noon, done up chores and took me to Town I done my shopping and went up to see Mother. And home at five oclock Robt staid in town & straighten up some business very fine day

FRIDAY, 15 (75-291)

Men choring and drawing out down water forenoon choring again aft Terrible stormy day

March SATURDAY, 16 (76--290) 1912 Robt & Brock choring farenoon. Beautiful day choring and drawing water for Sunday morning Brock went to town at night

SUNDAY 17, (77--289) Beautiful day Men doing {illegible} chores Brock went to Wooddsee's {aft?} Rich Emma & Mabel here from four p.m to ten

MONDAY, 18 (78--288) Robt & Brock choring fore and Robt took Bessie to {Lkep?} McLsaae. Brock took cream to town cleaning pens, openning drain at stable {illegible} and draining out manure very mild rood getting very soft.

March TUESDAY, 19 (79-287) 1912

{?} quite hard last night Brock took down a load of chop {?}. Robt done chores forenoon Men drawing out manure afternoon Old Mr Shepherd found dead

WEDNESDAY, 20 (80-286)

Men drawing water & doing chores. bright but real sharp air Robt took a pig down to Stevens home again at four o/c Brock drawing out manure afternoon cold

THURSDAY, 21 (81-285)

Very cold and stormy Men drawing water and choring all day, covering the ice aft cold

March FRIDAY, 22 (82--284) 1912 blustering forenoon Brock & Robt done up chores, then Brock took me to town & Canoe for me at {earning?} Robt went to Old Man Shepherds funneral then home and doing up chores. fine but cold. Clara 27.

SATURDAY, 23 (83--283) Men choring and drawing out manure all day fine and bright {Lhawing?} in the sun

SUNDAY, 24 (84-282) Beautiful {five?} day Men done up the chores Dr. Liffin called for Robt to go with him to {H. Hilborn?} Brock at home all day

March MONDAY, 25 (85-281) 1912

Men done chores Brook took cream to town and Robt sifted ashes forenoon. Ches Walker here for oats to send to Willie drawing out manure afternoon beautiful day Bob Walt here to buy a Rooster. Brock sold him one for 1.00 Roy & Elayn here for seed Barley Elmer M. here for duck, sold one for 75 c

TUESDAY, 26 (86-280)

Men choring and drawing out manure all day Morning dull & snowing finer toward night

WEDNESDAY, 27 (87-279)

Men doing chores. Tucker here & bought the {?} head of cattle @ 5.40. Richard and Roy came to measure line fence Through bush on this place finished at 1/2 past 12 then men drawing out manure aft lovely bright day

March THURSDAY, 28 (88-278) 1912

Men drawing water then B. took load of chop to town forenoon Took another load afternoon I went with him roads breaking up. Wired {?} in to the fields Robt choring all day. At S-M- at {Mick?}

FRIDAY, 29 (89-277)

Men drawing water and choring forenoon Cleaning hen pen and choring fine day snow going

3 SATURDAY, 30 (90-276)

Men choring and drawing out manure on to garden patch fine day Robt took cow {Lidy?} over to Mr {?} got wet to his knees in the lane

March SUNDAY, 31 (91--375) 1912

Home all day. Rained and turned colder towards night.

April MONDAY, 1 (92--274)

men did chores, hauled water. Brock took cream to noon train. Cutting wood in bush in afternoon. Quite snowy all day.

TUESDAY, 2 (93--273)

men hauled water, did chores and Brock met me at noon train. Cutting wood in bush in afternoon. Otto and Mrs.{illegible} up here after dinner. Otto brought two little calves for $9.00 Rather cold day. not bright.

April WEDNESDAY, 3 (94--272) 1912

Men drew water and did chores. Filed saw and cutting wood in afternoon. Quite a bright day, but cold north wind. Snowing a little at night.

THURSDAY, 4 (95--271)

Men drew water, did chores and cutting wood in bush. Otto {illegible} called to pay for calves. a little snow fell this morning, but was quite mild this evening.

GOOD FRIDAY (Dominion) FRIDAY, 5 (96--270)

Men drew water and did chores. moved some snow away from doors. a lovely spring day. Snow disappearing quickly.

April SATURDAY, 6 (97-269) 1912

Men did chores, then Harry and Roy helped them take 9 head of young cattle to Drayton to {Tuckers?}. Weighed 9445 lbs. @ $5.40 a {cut?}. Brock walked down again after dinner and went to Toronto with {?} Tucker. A beautiful spring day. Snow going quickly. Roads very bad, neither wheeling nor sleighing Spitting rain at night.

Easter Sunday SUNDAY, 7 (98-268)

Rained all night- turned colder and froze up. Snow flurries this afternoon. Quite cold to-night.

EASTER MONDAY (Dominion) MONDAY, 8 (99-267)

Father did chores. Walked to town in afternoon and settle note with Mrs. Duncan. Snow flurries at times, then quite fine. cool. Brock came home to-night. Had a fine time in city. met Alwyn Sat. night and he looked after him. Stayed with Flemings.

April TUESDAY, 9 (100-266) 1912

Men did chores and Brock took cream can down. I walked to town in morning. Father digging down to water pipes. They frozen yet. ground was white with snow, but it soon disappeared, frozen quite hard this morn, but was verry sloppy walking at night. Sunny day and quite breezy.

WEDNESDAY, 10 (101-265)

Men did chores, Father dug down to water pipe Went to Mr. Bramalls (Sr.) funeral in afternoon. Brock cleaning pens. We made mince-meat. Quite a fine day. J. Owmer's birthday.

TUESDAY, 11 (102-264)

Father did chores. Brock took cream can down and also crate eggs. Shipped eggs to WM Greanes 393-95 College St. Toronto. Men cutting wood in afternoon. Mary down in afternoon. Wat over in evening. Quite a little shower in morning, cleared and was quite time. Lovely sunset tonight.

April FRIDAY, 12 (103-263) 1912

Mend drew water, did chores and cut wood in bush in forenoon. Father at a wood bee at Burrows in afternoon. Brock cleaned pens. Mother painting pantry ceiling. sleeting and raining a little in forenoon. nice sunny afternoon. {Norm?} Stephenson came for sugar kettle.

SATURDAY, 13 (104-262)

Men did chores and went to bush in forenoon father digging at pipes all day. Brock and Harry Philp went to bush in afternoon. Mother and I went to town in afternoon. She stayed in with Grandma. Fine day, but pretty breezy.

SUNDAY, 14 (105-261)

Father went back to Roy's in afternoon. Very dull all day. Quite heavy rain with thunder and lightning about 8 A.M. Heavy{illegible} rain in forenoon. foggy morning.

April MONDAY, 15 (106-260) 1912

Men did chores, Brock took down cans of cream and brought mother home. Father digging around water pipes. They {not?} frozen up yet. Cutting wood in bush in afternoon. Beautiful balmy air. Lovely sunshine. a spring day alright. Heard frogs far first, Fred Giles here for good wheat after tea. brought oats.

TUESDAY, 16 (107-259)

Men did chores and fanned up wheat in forenoon. Brock went to Horse Show in afternoon. Father cleaned pens. Water works going again. Thawed out at noon. Been frozen since 19 Feb. rather cool wind nice day not very sunny We papered pantry. Aunt Emma came for me to sew for Mrs. Finton. {illegible}

WEDNESDAY, 17 (108-258)

Men did chores. Cleaning up wheat in forenoon. at bush in afternoon. Quite sunny day. cool. Will Gregory married to Cara Howard.

April THURSDAY, 18 (109-257) 1912

Men did chores and cleaned up wheat. Cutting wood in afternoon. Mac Isaac came for his wheat and Chester came after dinner. Arthur Booth here after tea exchanging roosters. Rather dull and cold all day.

FRIDAY, 19 (110-256) 1912

Father did chores. Brock took down can of cream in {afternoon?}. {Herman?} Short here for goose. wheat, and Ches. Walker called to pay for his wheat also {Leo.Fothering?} have's. Men cutting wood in bush in afternoon. {Leo.?} Faulkner came to see about wheat. Adam {Fluth?} came for barley about 5P.M. a lovely sunny day, strong cold wind. Little skiff of snow this morning. {Freezing?} hard to-night. Brock up to Will {Chilp's?} for little black calf, after tea.

SATURDAY, 20 (111-255) 1912

Men did chores. Brock took veal calf down to butcher, 11lbs at @ {6"2¢$9.15?}. Cutting wood in afternoon. Took some hens down to low barn. Billy Moore here for dinner. Mr. Archibald here to see about seed wheat after tea. Bill Barry & H.McLaughlin called in evening. a beautiful sunny day, quite warm. Struck a {illegible} well at Wismers.

April SUNDAY, 21 (112--254) 1912

Father and Mother up to Bob. {illegible} in afternoon Very nice day. quite warm, east wind, looking like rain.

MONDAY, 22 (113--253)

Men did chores and splitting wood in {bush?}. Wood very hard to split.Fred Yileo here for wheat after tea. A very windy day. Quiet cloudy at times with a few drops of rain. minting after tea. {Wind?} moved round to north. sweet

TUESDAY, 23 (114--252)

Men did chores and splitting wood in {break?} Father had to stop after dinner. Took a very severe pain in his hip and back. Mother and I at town in afternoon. Very sunny day. Very windy. Lw. Faulkner here for barley and wheat after tea.

April WEDNESDAY, 24 (115-251) 1912

Quite heavy rain through night. Brock did chores and got trucks ready to go out with Chup. Went with it after dinner. Harry helped load it. Father stayed in bed all day. Suffers severe ache all the time. very windy day. cold, dull and cloudy. cleared at night.

THURSDAY, 25 (116-250) 1912

Brock did chores. He and I cleaned up some seed oats and filled up Mr. Morrisons wheat. I took can cream and crate eggs to town this morning. Father very miserable all day. Brock went for Dr. Cassiday after tea. Dr. says it is Lumbago in his back. a beautiful sunny day.

FRIDAY, 25 (117-249) 1912

Brock did chores. Wat and Roy came down, helped clean seed oats. I went into town early to see Dr. Father very much pained but was easier when I came home. Dr. called in evening. Uncle Rich'd here. Mr. Morrison here after tea. Aline came up. Never expected her. Ross drove her out. little spatter rain in forenoon. very windy and extremely so during night. Father had good sleep.

April SATURDAY, 27 (118-248) 1912

Brock done chores. Wat come over and helped clean seed barley. Father feeling much easier but tired lying in bed. Aline and I at town this afternoon. Mr. Turner came out after tea. spent evening. Will Philp called. very dull cold day, brightened towards evening. 2 got plain sailor $3.00

SUNDAY, 28 (119-247) 1912

Home all day. Father got up for dinner. Feeling very weak. Had splendid nights sleep. Mr.McEwing called in afternoon also Jack Walker. {Hosheal?} Hilbarn, Chas. Walker, Mr. Burrows, Mr. & Mrs. Adam Flath. Rather nice forenoon, but got cloudy and dull.

MONDAY, 29 (120-246) 1912

Brock done chores. Went to town took cream in the afternoon and paid note for riding plow. I took Aline to morning train. Chas. Walker here for grass seed. Mrs. Hilbarn and Lizzie over in evening. very dull cold day. pretty windy. little brighter towards night. Henry and Mrs. Heseltine called also Uncle Rich'd. Brock up to Will Philps for a calf. $5.00. Has 2 now.

April TUESDAY, 30 (121-245) 1912

Started seeding. Brock cultivated little piece up from Poplars and sowed goose wheat. Father took bees out of cellar and after dinner plowed little patch for early potatoes. Mother and I to town in afternoon. Harry down here in evening. Isaac Hilborn called in forenoon. a beautiful day. pretty warm. Mr. I. Holmes, {Rothsay?}, died.

May WEDNESDAY, 1 (122-244) 1912

Father did chores. Brock cultivating and sowing New Zealand oats next to wheat. finished harrowing it after dinner and cultivated on east side next bush. Father planted a few early beans and potatoes uncovered the roses. We painted kitchen ceiling. Quite bright forenoon, dull afternoon. a drop or two of rain. east wind.

THURSDAY, 2 (123-243) 1912

Brock sowed "Walbeny oats" on piece he cultivated yesterday & harrowed it by noon. Started cultivating neat sideroad, but became too wet. Went back to corn ground. Father at town in afternoon. Took cream can. {illegible} {cellar?} for colts. Fine day. Father did chores. Put young cattle out in bush.

May FRIDAY, 3 (124-242) 1912

Brock sowed and harrowed wheat was cultivated by sideroad, then went back to line fence to cultivate. Father managed to get chores done then went to bed. Severe aches and pains in limbs. Lovely day. quite windy.

SATURDAY, 4 (125-241) 1912

Brock sowing back at line fence Harrowed it also. Mr. Clark from Moorefield called in evening. Mother and I went to town after tea. Beautiful spring day. Brock has very sore feet. Father did chores. He feels stiff and his hips ache.

SUNDAY, 5 (126-240) 1912

Home all day. Dull. rain at night.

May MONDAY, 6 (126-240) 1912

Father did chores. Brock took grist to town also cream can. Brock cultivated some in field at corner, then sowed and harrowed it. Father did some cultivating with Carrie and Murphy (colt First time hitched. went real well. we papering kitchen. foggy for time. cleared and was pretty warm. Mother 49 years old.

TUESDAY, 7 (127-239) 1912

Father did chores, then took Murphy & Carrie and cultivated in corner field. Brock sowed and harrowed the piece. {What?} finishes corner field. Went back to corn ground, cultivating and sowing. colt works well. Very warm day. Had rhubarb pie. First this season.

WEDNESDAY, 8 (128-238) 1912

Brock went back and harrowed corn ground. Father put cows out for first time. Both working on other place cultivating, sowing and harrowing. I went to town after tea. {Ike?} MacIssac here in evening. Offered to send team to help with seeding. very warm nice day, but windy. came on rain at night.

May THURSDAY, 9 (130-236) 1912

Ike MacIsaac sent his team down to help us to-day. Clemence cultivating. Father sowing. Brock cultivating and harrowing. Boys cultivated last years summer fallow. Billy Moore here for tea. a misty morning, became foggy for a time, cleared and became bright at sundown. quite cool.

FRIDAY, 10 (131-235)

Finished seeding about four o'clock. Brock cultivating summer fallow, father sowing and Brock harrowed. Mother at town in afternoon. a beautiful day. pretty warm.

SATURDAY, 11 (132-234)

Father took me to station. I went to Elora. Brock working on summer fallow. Sowing two little patches. Brock went to town at night. Raining in afternoon. very dark. Bob. Lawless came for load hay.

May SUNDAY, 12 (133-233) 1912

Father at Mossers and Morrisons. very dull day. Raining a lot. warm. I in Elora. Olive and I went for walk in afternoon to Church in evening. Alice Page 27 years old.

MONDAY, 13 (snow) {← author wrote that in} (134-232)

Men cleaned pens, and father sprouted potatoes. Brock took down crate eggs and met me at noon train. Father brought cows home in afternoon and put them in. Jack Walker came up this afternoon. Stayed for tea. a very disagreeable day. raining and turned to snow, cleared at night, pretty cool. ground white with snow.

TUESDAY, 14 (134-232)

Father digging over flower garden. Brock up to Will Philps for calf $5.00. Took grist to town in afternoon. rather cool wind, quite bright.

May WEDNESDAY, 15 (136-230) 1912

Father and Brock took load of hay to Tom Henderson in forenoon. Brock working on summer fallow in afternoon. Father working in garden. We house cleaning. Beautiful day, but looking like shower. Uncle Jim, Nellie, Lillian and {Srandina?} called in forenoon.

Ascension Day (Quebec) THURSDAY, 16 (137-299)

Brock working on summer fallow, in forenoon. Father put in few seeds. Jack Ritch here for dinner. misty at times in forenoon. Heavy rain this afternoon. I up sewing for Mary.

FRIDAY, 17 (138-298)

Father choring round, planted sweet peas and fixed cellar door. Brock down to Jack's in forenoon. Father at {Riddals?} for spruce trees and I. McIsaac for daisies. Gerald and Mary called. Rained all forenoon, cleared and was sunny P.M.

May SATURDAY, 18 (139-227) 1912

Brock getting team shot at Teviatdale in forenoon. Brought a load of lumber for Will Philp in afternoon. Father took cream can down in forenoon. Rather dull in afternoon. few drops of rain. very windy.

SUNDAY, 19 (140-226)

Rather dull, but cleared off and was bright- for {time?}. Got dull again and started to rain about 6P.M. Lot of rain fell through night. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, two children Jennie Warth and Olive came up in car {(overloand?)} for dinner.

MONDAY, 20 (141-225)

Rained heavily this morning, cleared for a few hours and came on heavier after dinner. Rained all P.M. Father trimming trees. Brock took load of lumber from station for Will Philp. was cool this morning but got quite warm at night. Elwin here in evening.

May TUESDAY, 21 (142-224) 1912

mizzled and rained all night. Our corner field flooded ad bad as spring. an extremely wet time. Rained all forenoon. stopped at noon Father and Brock making racks for bee hives and helped Roy and Elwin get hay from little stack also load out of driving house. Father walked to town after tea.

WEDNESDAY, 22 (143-223)

a heavy rain from six A.M. to 8 AM. cleared off and was a lovely afternoon. mother and I went to town. Men trimming trees. Brock round to town this forenoon.

THURSDAY, 23 (144-222)

Father trimming trees. Brock took cream can load chop to town in forenoon. He and I down to meet night train. {Feargie?} and Mrs. Ellis did not come Jack Walker here for tea. a very warm day. we house cleaning. Father at school-meeting.

May Victoria Day(Dominion) FRIDAY, 24 (145-221) 1912

Mother, Brock and I at Wrayton all day. Brock came home to milk and came back for concert. Father digging flower-garden. Billy Moore called in 4:30P.M. Quite a shower at 4:30A.M. Fine rest of day, but very windy, cool at night. Olive came up at noon {&?} back on 4:32P.M. Noeckers press (Bettison, Kells, {&?} Walsh. {new?} with it.)

SATURDAY, 25 (145-220)

Hay-pressers came about 8:30 A.M. and finished about 4P.M. Pressed 7 tons. Roy help Brock draw out hay and Elwin helped in barn. Hay brough $108. a beautiful day. Little windy.

SUNDAY, 26 (147-219)

Brock at Roy's in forenoon. I in bed all day. an ideal day. all nature looks beautiful. ground golden with dandelions, spruce tasseling and maples in a beautiful garb of green. Helen Robertson, Gertrude {Sangster?} {&?} Emma Haddow called.

May MONDAY, 27 (148-218) 1912

Brock took down rest of hay and cream can. then got out mower and cut lawn. also took gate out to other place. Brock on summer fallow turnip ground in P.M. Father hoeing. Very sultry day. Had a shower at noon. Heavy showers went around. quite sharp lightning.

TUESDAY, 28 (149-217)

Brock working on turnip ground in forenoon and P.M. also drawing out manure onto garden patch at other place. Mrs Mosser here in forenoon. Father down to see Howard Hilborn in evening. He has inflammation of lungs. little easier this evening. Fred Lurch and Gavin Montgomery here this evening. very sultry day. heavy shower at noon and in afternoon. Very heavy rain in evening.

WEDNESDAY, 29 (150-216)

Father spudding burdocks in afternoon Brock took pig down to Adam Flath's. Father went to town with Edwin Woodisse in forenoon. very dull cleared in afternoon. miss wuncan 42 yrs. old.

May THURSDAY, 30 (151-215) 1912

men fixing fence on other place in forenoon. Drew rails up from low barn to to fence pig pasture. Mother and I at town in afternoon. Called to see Georgie and Mrs. Ellis. I over to Wilmat-Wrewerys to develop pictures. (evening) a beautiful day. Billy Andrew shod Paddy 1 new shoe 80¢. Tiny bit of frost. a beautiful moon.

FRIDAY, 31 (152-214)

men got maple trees out of back bush in forenoon. Planted some in evening. Wilmart {&?} Mrs. W helping me print. Beautiful warm day. we washed blankets.

June SATURDAY, 1 (153-213)

Brock plowed potato patch and took cream can down, harrowed it after dinner. Father planting some trees Fixed fence on ther place after tea. Beautiful day. Pretty warm.

June SUNDAY, 2 (154-212)

Home all day. Raining all forenoon. Came out warm after dinner, Heavy shower at five P.M.

MONDAY, 3 (155-211)

Found our biggest calf dead. men filled up chop. skinned and buried calf. Brock took grist out to town in afternoon. a very windy day Father building fence round pig-{illegible}. Came on a rain about 9P.M. and quite lot of rain fell through the night.

TUESDAY, 4 (156-210)

Brock cleaning pens. Father took cow to Will Philp's, then Brock took cream can down. Extracting honey. 7 hives. Father at school-meeting this evening. cleared up this morning. very windy all day. much cooler towards the night Looking like frost. {Lit?} contract of building school-fence to Mr. Burrows $26.00

June WEDNESDAY, 5 (157-209) 1912

men planting potatoes, Brock working ground in forenoon. Ground in ppor shape to work. wet. Maria and Mrs. Judoon over in afternoon. Harry came down to oil wind mill after tea. I went back to Mary's with him. Wick Lowes and harry called after tea. Bright day, but very windy.

THURSDAY, 6 (158-208)

Quite shower of rain this morning. Cleared and came out quite bright. very windy, became pretty cool at night. men mowing some grass, planting seeds and fixing line-fence between mills {&?} us. Brock and I went to post-office after tea. Otto Mosser came after calf $4.50. Makes five calves bought from us this spring. Billy Moore here for dinner.

FRIDAY, 7 (159-207)

Father helping ross fix uo line-fence in forenoon. Brock took cream can out and up to Chas. Walker with honey. Father planting potatoes in afternoon Brock and I went to concert in Hall. Splendid concert. Olive came up and came out with us. Fine day. Very windy. ground pretty wet in places.

June SATURDAY, 8 (160-206) 1912

Father planting corn and potatoes. Brock finished cultivating summer fallow and went to Will Philp's for calf $5.00. He cultivating root-ground in afternoon. I took Olive to morning train and took Mother down to Grandma's after tea. a beautiful day. Was heavy frost early this morning.

SUNDAY, 9 (161-205)

Mother walked home about six P.M. Father went down to Davidsons and Mints and came up to Leo. Thompson's for tea. a beautiful day, rather windy. Dr. Tiffen and Norm. Flath came over for a while this evening.

MONDAY, 10 (162-204)

Brock working on summer fallow, came over and harrowed root-ground. Washed sheep in afternoon. Mary here in afternoon getting pointers on making rose-tarts. a beautiful day.

June TUESDAY, 11 (163-203) 1912

Men started to draw out manure to root ground. Mother and I went to town after tea. A beautiful bright day, quite warm evening. Father digging up tulip bed after tea.

WEDNESDAY, 12 (164-202)

Rained through night and quite a shower about 5 a.m. Filled up chop and Brock took it to mill also cream can and egg-crate, Drawing manure in afternoon. Father mowing grass and planting asters. Dull all forenoon cleared at noon. cool, looking like frost. Jimmie Acherman brought home dead.

THURSDAY, 13 (165-201)

Men drawing manure all day. Father took cow to MacIssac's, {?} got stockrack. Brock helped him load them. Billy moore here for dinner we cleaned out parlor. a beautiful warm day. Dr. Melville Giffen 33 yrs. old.

June Friday,14 (166-200) 1912 Men drawing out manure all day. I at town in afternoon. Father's arms very painful. Very windy day. East wind. Looking like rain.

Saturday, 15 (167-199) Men drawing manure all day. Father took down cream cow before dinner. Brock and I down town after tea. Foggy forenoon. Quite warm day. sultry a little shower in early morning. Lot of lightning at night.

Sunday,16 (168-198) Home all day. Brock and Mother drove over to cemetry in afternoon. Fine day, windy. Got pretty cool at night.

June Monday,17 (169-197) 1912 Men drawing out manure to root ground. I down to Mr.Mosers for onions after tea. Howard {Hilborn?} up here for bee smoker in forenoon.A very windy day. Quite bright. Cool Night.

Tuesday,18 (170-196) Men finished drawing out manure. {illegible} manure house, {sheep?} pens and sheds all clean. Matthew and I at town in afternoon. rather cool all day. Quite a frost.

Wednesay,19 (171-195) Brock plowing and harrowing root ground. Father sheared twelve sheep. Finished at three and went out and did some diseing on root ground. Mother at town all day. Paddy threw her out and {illegible} from station to bridge. {illegible} {illegible} caught him. a warm day. got cloudy at night.

June Thursday,20 (172-194) 1912 Men working on root ground. Father planted a few rows potatoes after tea Sarah Lillans here in evening. Mrs.Moser up here for ice in afternoon. old Mr.Moser has very sore eye. Beautiful day.

Friday, 21 (173-193) Men working on root ground father ridging up and sowed turnips after tea. I went to town in forenoon. Will Philip called this evening. Beautiful day pretty hot at times.

Saturday, 22 (174-192) Men working all day on buckwheat ground. Father planted some more garden vegetables. Brock and I went to town in evening. Moser's here for ice. Warm day.

June SUNDAY, 23 (175-191) 1912

Winnie McEwing here in afternoon. I went up to Mary's and we walked up to Rothsay. Had dinner and tea at Uncle Rich'ds. Harry brought me home. A very warm day.

MONDAY, 24 (176-190)

Men got buckwheat from Mr. Mosser and sowed it. Brock took chop out to town in afternoon. Father made a shade for calves. Rather dull for time, but pretty warm.

TUESDAY, 25 (177-189)

Men started road-work to-day. I went in for Mrs. Ellis and Georgie this morning and took them home after tea. A beautiful day. hot.

June WEDNESDAY, 26 (178-188) 1912

Men doing road-work all day. Jack Walker in for dinner. Mother and I drove up to Ray's to see Aunt Emma. She fell {?} and broke small bone in left arm above wrist. Very warm day, and very dusty. Ed Wooddisse took can cream {for us?}.

THURSDAY, 27 (179-187)

Men finished road-work at noon. Jack here for dinner. Billy Moore stayed all night. Men plowing on summer fallow in afternoon. warm day.

FRIDAY, 28 (180-186)

Men plowing on summer fallow. A very warm day, and evening. Brock over to {?} garden party. I up to Rothsay with Dr. Giffen. Had a splendid time. A perfect moonlight night.

June SATURDAY, 29 (181-185) 1912

Men working on summer-fallow all day. Brock took cream down at noon. Mother and I at town in afternoon Brock went up to Will Philp's for calf that makes six calves @ $5.00 a piece Beautiful day.

SUNDAY, 30 (182-184)

Home all day. rather cool, but sunny Thompson's and Olice called about 9 p.m. on way to town for Grace Mason. Regina visited {?} disastrous cyclone.

July DOMINION DAY (Dominion) MONDAY, 1 (183-183)

Men working on summer fallow. Father hiving bees in afternoon, Brock went to Wooddisse's for strawberries after dinner. Got 1 crate. Lovely day. good breeze, cool at night.

July TUESDAY, 2 (184-182) 1912

Brock working on summer-fallow in forenoon. Father scuffling potatoes. Both hilling up early potatoes and watering them. {?} came out to line trough, about 4 P.m. Very warm day.

(Rain this p.m.) Last rain June 6.{<- written in} WEDNESDAY, 3 (185-181)

Brock took {?} to town in forenoon. Father finished hoeing and watering potatoes. Drawing stones back to fill up round back well. Brock and mother took straw ticks down to {?} after tea. Father at school-meeting at Mr. McEwing's in evening. Hired miss armstrong $550 per annum. Two smart showers this afternoon. Brock took cream can.

5 THURSDAY, 4 (186-180)

Father went to town to hear if any buyers were shipping, Brock took down two hogs. Both working on summer-fallow in afternoon. Brock and I went to {?} garden-party in evening. A very hot day. Billy Moore here all night.

July FRIDAY, 5 (187-179) 1912

Both working on summer fallown in fore-noon. Father and Mother at old Mr.Woods funeral. Harry Philp and Mr. Ellis - rector - in - charge here in evening. very hot day. Quite a heavy rain came at seven P.M. very close and sultry after rain.

SATURDAY, 6 (188-178)

Father plowed up corn and disced ground. Brock filling in a stall in horse-stable and took Mother to town before dinner. Father scuffed the potatoes in afternoon. a very warm day.

SUNDAY, 7 (189-177)

I over at Burrows in afternoon. Dr. Giffen came over for a few minutes. I went for mother after tea. Grandma has very sore leg. an exceedingly hot day. Quite a breeze blowing.

July MONDAY, 8 (190-176) 1912

men started to cut hay behind poplars. Started to rake after dinner and it came up two heavy showers. They dipped lambs after rain. Brock up at Wooddisse's for berries at night. Could not get any. I over to Hilbarn after tea. Irving and Fred Wilson came for seperator after tea. a very hot day. Quite heavy storm about 8.30 P.M. very sultry after rain.

TUESDAY, 9 (191-175)

Father and Brock doing little hoeing in garden and greened potatoes (garden). Father up at Will Philps helping put on foundation of barn. WE extracting honey. 3 creamer cans full. Brock up to Wooddisson's for berries. wat. got stock rack. a very hot day.

WEDNESDAY, 10 (192-174)

men cutting hay and raking. Putting it up in afternoon till three P.M. Then came up a very heavy storm. rain and very sharp lightning. mother went to town in morning and brought Grandma home after dinner. Dr. Cassiday called to see Grandma's leg. a terribly hot day till rain Harry took cream can and chop and got turnip drill.

July THURSDAY, 11 (193-173) 1912

Father hoeing in forenoon. Brock took wool up to Noecker's - 19¢ lb. $16.34. Men raking and putting up rest of hay. Have about 10 acres cut and up. Howard Hilbarn brought mrs. Craig and jean here after tea. Billy Moore here for tea. a very nice day. nice and cool after rain.

FRIDAY, 12 (194-172)

men working on summer-fallow sowing rape. Brock harrowing in P.M. Father scuffing potatoes. Howard Hilbarn came for Mrs. Craig and Jeam about 10 A.M. I went to town after dinner for 3 bks. Cherries from Winona. Dr. Tiffen and Norm. came over for a few minutes. Mrs. Newstead, Luela {?} win. Brooke called in evening. Pretty hot all day. {illegible} celebrated at Mt. Forest.

SATURDAY, 13 (195-171)

Brock at Will Philps raising all day. Father greening potatoes and hoeing. very windy afternoon. showery for a while after tea. {illegible} leg getting better. preserved 3 bks. cherries.

July SUNDAY, 14 (196-170) 1912

Mr. Thompson brought Olive home in car for dinner, Dr. MacGregor, Harry Young and Hazel cam along and had dinner. Dr. Tiffen and Norman Flath came out for tea and spent evening. an exceedingly warm day. had new potatoes for first-time (dinner)

MONDAY, 15 (197-169)

Father up at Will Philps raising all day. Brock choring and extracting honey in afternoon. I took Olive to morning train. Mrs. Mosser here in evening. Heavy rain about 9 AM. I ran into mr. Samis'. very warm after shower. a brezze got up after dinner and turned real cool. Cecil down for honey.

TUESDAY, 16 (198-168)

Brock went down with load chop took cream can. Father hoeing among potatoes. In afternoon drew in four loads hay. Harry and Gerald here for a little honey. Mother, Grandma and I down to Mossers after tea. a very nice day.

July WEDNESDAY, 17 (199-167) 1912

Brock cutting another strip hay behind poplars. Drew in four loads this forenoon. Raked up and coiled up what was cut. we pciking red currants. Harry Philp got drill to-day. very fine day. quite hot. Brock 19 years old.

THURSDAY, 18 (200-166)

Broxk took five hogs to town this A.M. Father raked up some hay that was cut and both coiled up when Brock came home. Billy Moore here for tea. Picking currants in forenoon. Became dull about noon and rained steadily all afternoon. Beautiful steady rain. cool evening.

FRIDAY, 19 (201-165)

Brock took down cream cam and egg crate. father banking up potatoes on other place. Scuffed grey stone turnips and they hoed 10 rows in P.M. Maria over in afternoon evening. we picking currants. quite fine day.

July SATURDAY, 20 (202-164) 1912

Brock started to cut hay other side of old orchard. Raked it and put up what was cut. Men had hard afternoon's work. Father greening potatoes in forenoon. Mother and I took Grandma home in forenoon. Quite fine forenoon. Because dull after dinner. Threataning rain all P.M. which came at mid-night.

SUNDAY, 21 (203-163)

rainded steadily till almost noon dull and damp rest of day. Father up to Chas. Walkers after tea. Norman Flath and Hosheal Hilborn here for an hour in afternoon.

MONDAY, 22 (204-162)

Father hoeing roots in afternoon. Brock finished cutting hay by wire fence. raked and put it up after dinner and half the night. Mabel and Mary here for goose berries in afternoon. very fine day. very foggy for a while this morning.

July TUESDAY, 23 (205-161) 1912

Men hoeing and scuffling roots all day. I went to town this forenoon. Rather dull all day. Few drops rain early this morn. Became very dull and rain came on about six thirty for an hour or so. Christian garden party postponed. Dr. Giffen came out and we went for drive. Adam Flath here to-night.

WEDNESDAY, 24 (206-160)

Men choring and moving scaffolds in barn. Brock took honey up to Wooddisse's & MacDonalds, in afternoon. Cleared off at night.

THURSDAY, 25 (207-159)

Father and Brock hoeing roots in forenoon. Brock went over for {?} & Charlie Flath to help in hay. Drawing from field next to Jack. Mother and I at Mrs. Freelands threshing funeral in afternoon. Rather dull at times. Misting through night. Brock down to Christian garden party. I went with Dr. Giffen. Had a very nice time.

July FRIDAY, 26 (208-158) 1912

Mr. Ad. Flath and Charlie here all day drawing in hay. Took load home with them. Brock took some chop out this morning. We picking gooseberries. Men finished drawing out of field next Jack and brought two loads from behind poplars. Very dull and misting till about 8 a.m. then cleared and was beautiful hay-day. Good breeze blowing.

SATURDAY, 27 (209-157)

Brock went over and cut piece behind low driving house and {raked?} it. Adam Flath came over also Charlie and drew in all day Ad. took load home. I took cream can down at noon. Beautiful hay day. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Roberts called after tea, also J. {Delmage's?} for honey.

SUNDAY, 28 (210-156)

Brock and I over to Dick Lowes for dinner and tea. Quite dull all day. misting at night.

July MONDAY, 29 (211-155) 1912

Father scuffling turnips and hoeing turnips. Brock cut little corner in bush in morning and Brock raked it just before milking. {?} it up after tea Charlie Flath raked field and Ad. and he drew it home this afternoon. Very misty this forenoon. Cleared at noon and was quite warm this P.m.

TUESDAY, 30 (212-154)

Father hoeing turnips in forenoon. Brock cutting hay on other place. Raking and both coiling up in afternoon and evening. I took cream can down in forenoon. Quite a fine day.

WEDNESDAY, 31 (213-153)

Father hoeing roots in forenoon. Brock mowing hay on other place. Both coiling up and raking it in afternoon. Brock and Mother went to town in evening. Quite a dull day. Hay not drying much.

August THURSDAY, 1 (214-152) 1912

Men got binder out and fixed it up. Cut fall wheat by 5 p.m. Father {?} it. I went to town for crate Raspberries after dinner. Billy Moore here over night. Mrs. Mosser up in afternoon. A few drops rain at 6 p.m. Very nice day. Cool evenings heavy dew.

FRIDAY, 2 (215-151)

Adam Flath came over and men got one load hay from other place. Came on a gentle rain about 9.30 a.m. and continued till three p.m. Father went to town after rain. Brock cut about an acre hay before commencing to draw in. Quite cool to-night.

SATURDAY, 3 (216-150)

Father scuffling and hoeing roots all day. Brock went to {?} to get team shod. Away all day. I went to town for Miss Duncan after tea. Dull forenoon, but came out bright after dinner. Ad. Flath came over but went home again. Cool evening. Old Mr. Stubbs died.

August SUNDAY, 4 (217--149) 1912

Miss Duncan, Brock and I went to Pres. Church, Rothsay after tea. Mr. {illegible} here in afternoon. He 81 years old. Quite cool all day and dull.

MONDAY, 6 (218--148)

Mr Hath came over and men drew hay from other place in afternoon. Came on quite a heavy shower at noon and again about 3 P.M. Brock took out chop in afternoon, Mr. Ilath and father fixing a couple new sleepers in barn floor. mother took miss Duncan home afterdinner. Mr. McEwing called in evening very foggy in morning, cleared.

TUESDAY, 6 (219--147)

men finished drawing hay from other place. Mr. Flath came over to say he could not help. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Roberts and Carrie Irvine spent the day here. Father at school meeting after tea a very fine day. quite a shown down of frost this a.m. jack Walker and Minnie Marphy married at Pres. Mause 7 a.m. (Wrafton)

August WEDNESDAY, 7 (220--146) 1912

Men finished haying. had a couple of small loads in corner of bush, then hoeing roots. Brock extracting honey in afternoon. Father hoeing. I took cream can down this morning. {illegible?} Hilbarn called this farenoon. Quite fine. Looking very like rain

TUESDAY, 8 (221--145)

a very wet day. Great quantities of rain fell. Brock took out 6 hogs $ 8800 Cleaning pens and cleaned out root house. Cut up old sleepers for wood. Billy Moore came here and went to very sultry day.

FRIDAY, 9 (222--144)

Brock took me to station. I went to Elora for the day. Men finished hoeing turnips. Brock and I at Pres garden Party on Crandie's Lawn very dull day, misting at times. Rains came on about 10:30 am and continued nearly all night.

August SATURDAY, 10 (223--143) 1912

Men {illegible} last three hives of bees. sawing a few sticks after rain. Quite a heavy shower just after dinner. Seemed like heavy storms went round this afternoon. Brock went to town after tea. Took heifer up to Wooddisse's in morning. Mr. Fielding, (tea-man) called. Has an auto dilivery this year. His 16yr. old son Eugene, chauffeur.

SUNDAY, 11 (224--142)

Father at Mosser's in afternoon. a very dull day. Rained all forenoon. and two very heavy showers in afternoon. Everything damp and sticky. Dark like a fall evening.

MONDAY, 12 (225--141)

men got out plower and plowed piece of call-pasture hehind farm. Cut and stooked timothy after dinner. Brock plowed corn ground. Winnies, Percy and his wife called after tea. Dull day. a send of rain at noon. Rather sultry. We cleaned pipes and stove.

August TUESDAY, 13 (226--140) 1912

Father went up to Harry's for our sprayer then they got out binder and cut oats {illegible} {illegible} pasture. Finished then at four o'clock. went and harrowed and rowed {illegible} on corn ground. Mother at Wrayton. Took cream can, crate eggs and honey can. a very warm sultry day.

WEDNESDAY, 14 (227--139)

Father cutting weeds. Sprayed potatoes in afternoon in afternoon. Fall wheatgrowing in stooks. Brock took out grist in a.m. Dilling in cold pastures in afternoon. Mr. J. Delwage called to see about honey. Quite hot sultry farenoon. Cooler this afternoon.

THURSDAY, 15 (228--138)

Men got out binder, cut and stooked barley, back of poplars. I went to Wrayton in afternoon. Had tea with Georgie and Norman. a nice sunny day, but quite cool. a very cool night. Mr. Mosser here in afternoon. aunt Emma and Mary called.

August FRIDAY, 16 (229--137) 1912

men drew in timothy seed, then drew fall wheat Luther Clarke arrived at noon, drove out and after tea we took horse back. a very fine day. Cool night. Quite a frost this morning. a boy delivered map of Ontario $1.95.

SATURDAY, 17 (230--136)

Father scuffled roots in forenoon. Brock did chores and went up for Harry to patch barn roof. Just got a few on after dinner when rain came on. Brock went to twon after tea. Came on a heavy rain at six and continued all evening. a very dull day.

SUNDAY, 16 (231--135)

A very dull forenoon. Rained quite heavily, cleared at noon and was quite fain evening. Thompson's and Olive came up after dinner and went home about 8:10 p.m. Luther and I wnet with C.H. and father for a ride to town.

August MONDAY, 19 (232--134) 1912

Brock took down cream can down. Father and he fixing line fence between Jack and us. Luther and I went to town in afternoon. a dull day. Very cloudy all day.

TUESDAY, 20 (233--133)

Brock took Luther and I to morning train. I went as far as Guelph with him. Men fixing at line fence. Mother met me at night-train. Dull morning, but cleared off and was lovely sunny afternoon.

WEDNESDAY, 21 (234--132)

Men working at line fence. Have it finished. Raked wheat stubble and drew it in. Quite a heavy rain during night and a few drops this forenoon. Fair rest of day.

August THURSDAY, 22 (235--131) 1912

Men started to plow fall wheat ground. Plowed till four p.m. Then a very heavy rain came on. also had a heavy rain about 3 a.m. Father took cream can and egg crate down at noon. Very bad weather. {illegible} field of oats down flat and growing up through again.

FRIDAY, 23 (236--130)

Father took cow over to McIsaac's and went for her after tea Brock over to Flath's for pig. Men plowing fall wheat rest of day. {scuds?} of rain in forenoon, dull cloudy and windy in afternoon.

SATURDAY, 24 (237--129)

Brock took out some chop. Father finished plowing fall. wheat ground about eleven a.m. Came on a very heavy rain. Men killed a little pig after dinner. Brock. mother and I to town after tea. came out quite bright after rain. very balmy evening.

August SUNDAY, 25 (238-128)

Brock went down to Grandma's for mother, after tea. a sunny day, pretty hot. very damp and sultry.

MONDAY, 26 (239-127)

a very heavy electric storm at mid-night. Quite a lot of rain fell. Saw three fires. men cutting up and salting pork. In afternoon, fixing fence on other place. Mr. {Workman?} ran in out of rain about 3.30P.M. extremely windy, a little shower. cooler after tea, but misty. very brilliant lightning.

TUESDAY, 27 (240-126)

Brock went for bran, but it wasn't there. then they strated to cut oats back at line fence. {Illegible} along very well. Ground very soft. Father stooked oats. Cut with three horses this afternoon. Brock went to town after tea. Beautiful day. Good breeze. I went down to see Norman, Georgie and Mrs. Ellis away. They returning to west.

August WEDNESDAY, 28 (241-125) 1912

A very dull drizzling rain almost all day. Father cutting lawn in forenoon. Brock went to town for machine-oil. Picked up Duchess apples in afternoon and helped Roy load wire at {Nockers?}. Very damp and dreary out look for harvest.

THURSDAY, 29 (242-124)

Brock at J. McIsaac's threshing all forenoon. Father fencing on other place, started to cut corner field of oats. Very badly down and had a trouble with binder. Throwing {?} sheaves and getting {?} up. Father stooking a little. He went to town after tea and ordered a new "Massey" binder. A beautiful day. Very cool night.

FRIDAY, 30 (243-123)

Quite a heavy frost this morning. Men stocked up rest of oats, then started to cut again about eleven a.m. Hugh Hughes came out and tried to fix old binder, but they stopped at noon and drew 3 load barley and 2 of oats. Brock up to Walker's to see about threshing {?} at town in afternoon. Lovely bright forenoon, became very dull and cloudy, few drops of rain.

August {Threshing $5.25} SATURDAY, 31 (244-122) 1912

Charlie Walker's machine came down and threshed fall wheat and a few oats and barley. Finished about 2 P.m. Very heavy showers of rain in morning. Came out very bright after dinner. Brock took some chop to town, brought home new Massey binder and went back for chop. Brought 4 bags bran, 3 of {shorts?}, which came from Thompson. Father stooked a few oats.

September SUNDAY, 1 (245-121)

Another heavy electrical storm through night and torrents of rain fell. Very sultry and quite sunny in evening. Ross came up for an hour in afternoon. Dr. Giffen and Sandy Johnson here for a time this evening.

LABOR DAY (Dominion) MONDAY, 2 (246-120)

Father went to town for binder canvas. After dinner cleaned pens and put rings in 34 pigs. A very heavy rain all forenoon. Very dull afternoon, but very sultry.

September TUESDAY, 3 (247-119) 1912

Father and Brock at Ray's threshing in forenoon. Hugh Hughes came out and put canvas in new binder. After dinner they cut with it in corner field- worked splendid. A very foggy morning. Cleared at noon and was sunny. pretty warm. Alva Armstrong called.

WEDNESDAY, 4 (248-118)

Men went back and started to cut in 14 acre field. Ground pretty soft. Father stooking. Mother and I at town in afternoon. A pretty hot day. Quite dull and foggy this morning, but cleared.

THURSDAY, 5 (249-117)

Men finished cutting 14 ac. field at 3 p.m. then came up to oats in {?} field. Father stooking. Came on a shower 11.20 A.m. which drove them out of field. Very hot and sultry before and after rain. A breeze sprung up this evening. Shower went round at six. Quite bit of lightning.

September FRIDAY, 6 (250-116) 1912

Men went over and finished cutting on other place about 3 p.m. then came over and cutting at corner field. Father stooking. Fields pretty soft. Very hot for horses. Very hot smothering day, mosquitoes very bad. Brock went to town.

SATURDAY, 7 (251-115)

Men finished cutting corner field then cut goose-wheat and started to cut New Zealand oats, then at 4 o'clock had to help Chas. Walker's thresh. I went to town after dinner for fruit, by mistake missed it and Mrs. R. Henderson brought II baskets at six P.m. Eli Mitchell called for {?}-wheat to-night. A beautiful day, nice cool breeze, splendid harvest day.

SUNDAY, 8 (252-114)

Geo. Thompson and Mr. Moore wheeled out for dinner. Stayed the afternoon. I down to Winnie's for tea, after tea, She, Mr. Ellis and I went for drive. Quite a nice day, got very dull after dinner, but did not rain.

September MONDAY, 9 (253-113) 1912

Men drew in oats back by Roy's line fence and some barley beyond poplars. Cows now can have good pasture. I took out cream can, in forenoon. Went up to see Mrs. Peacock. A very fine day for harvest. Very hot and {?}.

TUESDAY, 10 (254-112)

Men drew in Dalbeny oats, then drawing out of corner field, all day Father went down to Mosser's in evening. A very warm day, but a very good breeze in afternoon.

WEDNESDAY, 11 (255-111)

Men finished drawing in corner field and brought in one load goose-wheat. Brock took down a grist this forenoon. A little rain during night, dull and misty for while this a.m. Cleared and cool breeze from north. Dr. Giffen and B. Davidson here after dinner.

September THURSDAY, 12 (256--110) 1912

Men finished wheat at noon and brought four loads from other place. Heavy dew this morning, a beautiful harvest day. We preserved pears.

FRIDAY, 13 (257--109)

Father and Brock drawing in oats. Mother helping in mow in forenoon. I at town with cream can. Tom Henderson and Mr. Giffen came out for dinner and helped in P.m. {illegible} was called away at six. He drove Paddy to town & Brock went with {Henderson?} for him. Mr. & Mrs. {illegible} took {illegible} in out and they called for me. Went to save {illegible}, then came in and had supper. a very fine harvest day. Got dull towards night. I enjoyed auto ride so much.

SATURDAY, 14 (258--108)

Father has very sore boil on wrist. Hand almost disabled. Harry came down and helped draw in, Mr. Henderson came back and brought Jim Johnson. They finished at 4 P.m. bringing in all our grains that was cut. Brock took mother to town after tea. A few drops rain {till?} through night and in morning and again in afternoon, but was quite sunny between times.

September SUNDAY, 15 (259--107) 1912

Harry Philp came for me about 10:15 a.m. and we drove out to Mabel's via Kenilworth. Brock went for mathew about 4p.m. We home at 12.30, Brought pup for Mosser's. Saw Rosalie out there. a very dull morning cause on rain about 11 a.m. and rained steadily till 3p.m. a very heavy down pour of rain.

MONDAY, 16 (260--106)

Father took pup down to Mosser's, fixed up chicken coops, seperated sheep from lambs, after dinner, men cut strips of new hualaud oats and Roy cause down and drew them in at 3 jags. a very fine day; dull for while this morning but cleared off.

TUESDAY, 17 (261--105)

Father cut a bit of oats that was kept, with scythe and they drew it in. I went to town in afternoon with cream-can. Quite fine afternoon. became dull and started to rain about 7 p.m. Quite a heavy rain.

September WEDNESDAY, 18 (262--104) 1912

Father at town settling with bank. Brock filling up Paddy's stall. I went up to Rothsay for Rosalie Brooker. Rather dull and misty in morning. cleaned off by night. Paid Fielding $6.80 for tea {wood?}. 1911.

THURSDAY, 19 (263--103)

Brock took mother to town to pick plums for grandma. Rosalie and I went for her after tea. Father and Brock fencing on other place. In afternoon raked a piece of corner field and brought it in. Well at times and showery.

FRIDAY, 20 (264--102)

Father cradling buckwheat. Brock got team {shod?} at Josh's in afternoon. Men put binder in winter quarters. Rosalie and I went to town after dinner. She went to newstead for tea. a fine day.

September SATURDAY, 21 (265--101) 1912

Father finished cradling buckwheat. Help-ing in {illegible} at McEwings harvesting in afternoon. Brock cultivating fall wheat ground. I took Rosalie to station this morning. Ross up at noon. Put six young cattle on {rope?} at noon. Quite a fine day, but a strong east wind blowing. Mr. Duckering fixed windmill at low barn.

SUNDAY, 22 (266--100)

Storm all day. very dull and dark a very heavy rain during afternoon.

MONDAY, 23 (267--99)

Father choring round in forenoon. Brock took down cream can. Struck out {illegible} in {illegible} and Brock plowing with three horses. Lot of rain during night. very foggy morning, cleared and pretty hot after dinner.

September TUESDAY, 24 (268-98) 1912

Father at McEwing's threshing and moved to Jack Walker's. Brock plowing alfalfa. Mother took me to town to make a suit coat at Mrs. Gardon's. A very dull day. misting all day. Ad. Flath here to say coal had arrived.

WEDNESDAY, 25 (269-97)

Father at Jack's threshing also Brock till noon, then Brock brought two loads coal.

THURSDAY, 26 (270-96)

Father at Chas. Walkers and {Wilma?} {?} threshing. Brock drawing coal. Turned pretty cold at night. was fine all day.

September FRIDAY, 27 (271--95) 1912

Father unloaded coal and brought young cattle up to rope. Brock folowing. Mother took down cream can in morning. quite bright and cold. Bunched up buck wheat and brought up a jag. ground very soft.

SATURDAY, 28 (272--94)

Brock took down chop in forenoon. plowing afternoon. Came for me after tea. Father choring round. a very dull, disagreeable day. misting and raining at night.

SUNDAY, 29 (273--93)

a bright sunny day, but cold north wind blowing. Dr. Giffen and I went for a drive in afternoon. He and norman Flath here for tea and spent evening. ground very wet. Quite lot of harvest out and some {illegible} cut. geo. mabee Thompson 3 years married.

September MONDAY, 30 (274-92) 1912

Finishing plowing alfalfa. Brought sheep home at noon. A few scuds of rain during day. Quite a shower after tea. Dull and cool. Hilborn's and McEwing's harvesting to-day. Wat. has field of late barley not cut.

October TUESDAY, 1 (275-91)

Finished taking in buckwheat. Cut some dry ash in bush in forenoon. I went to town in afternoon. Have my suit finished. cost $9.25 Raw wind, but quite bright day.

WEDNESDAY, 2 (276-90)

Drayton Fall Fair. Brock, mother and I down. Brock and I went to concert. Lillian Sale with us. Olive, Percy, Jennie Worth and Thompsons motored up for concert. Father digging garden potatoes. A beautiful autumn day.

October Thursday, 3

Father and Brock digging potatoes

mother place all day. Nellie and Lillian came out and spent day.

A very dull day. got quite windy.

few drops rain!

mary brought dress {daun?} to the made.

Friday, 4

Brock at Mosser's threshing till 4 a.m.

then went to Morrisons.

Father picking potatoes all day.

Mary here to be fitted.

An ideal day. bright and

sunny - warm.

Father has very painful boil on ankle

Satuday, 5

Father picking potatoes all day.

Brock at Morrison's threshing.

I took cream can to town in morn

and stayed till Nellie, Lillian

and Grandma went out on 1.37 train

An ideal day, pretty warm at


October Sunday, 6 (280-86) 1912

A perfect autumn day. warm & sunny. Brock at Wooddisse's in afternoon Dr. Giffen and I left here about 10 a.m. and drove to Elora, spent day with Olive, went to Harvest Home services in Anglican church Had a pleasant drive and a most enjoyable drive {day written over drive}.

MONDAY, 7 (281-85)

Very cold wind all day. Brock & father covered potato pit. Father laid up with {?} on ankle. Brock & mother picked a few apples and loaded chickens. Brock took them to town & a few bags chop, went out to Geo. Thompson's and going to mt. Forest to hear Laurier speak. Left home about 5.30 p.m. Sam Benson called also Thompsons's in car with some green tomatoes. very windy day. cloudy. Mary called in forenoon.

7 TUESDAY, 8 (282-84)

Brock drove home about 3 a.m. after meeting. Father and he took up potatoes in turnip field, 3 rows. Lot of rotten ones. Brock plowed colt pasture again in afternoon. Quite bright forenoon good breeze. Became dull and cloudy in afternoon

October Wednesday, 9 (283-83) 1912

Brock plowing in colt pastures. Father not able to do anything. Boil very sore. Started to rain at noon. Quite heavy shower, misting at night we cleaned stove and pipes.

Tuesday, 10 Arthur Fair

Brock started to plow on other place. Father dug over tulip beds. Mother and I went to to town in afternoon. Father did milking. Father went down to Moser's in forenoon. Dull day, came on mist and little rains in evening.

Friday, 11 (285-81)

Father, also started to plow on other place. Dull and rather sultry. Little shower of rain this forenoon. Miss Alva Armstrong called this evening. Father stopped plowing about four.Cold tired. A terribly windy day a very sultry day, very calm.

October Sunday, 12 (286-80) 1912

Father and Brocck plowing Cold tired about 4 PM so father came up. A terribly windy day cool night, frost early Sunday morn. Quite a heavy rain and thunderstorm through the night. Brock and I went to town after tea.

Sunday, 13 (287-79)

Brock and I up to English Church in forenoon. Quite a sunny day very heavy clouds flying at times, quite cool. Mr. Ketterson, rectar

Monday, 14 (288-78)

Father and Brock plowing all day on other place Pretty high wind all day a beutiful fall day. Miss Armstrong called. Father down to Mr. McEwings's at noon.

October Tuesday, 15 (289-77) 1912

Men plowing all day. I went to town in afternoon. Quite a cold wind, but bright day.

Wednesday, 16 (290-76)

Men plowing on other place all day Mother and I went to town. I stayed in with Grandma. a beautiful bright sunny day. Earl Ruston & Nita Mills married. Mrs. Stubb's funeral.

Thursday, 17 (291-75)

Men plowing all day. A beutiful warm day, just an ideal day. Dr. Giffen brought me home for tea and spent evening.

October FRIDAY, 18 (292--74) 1912

Father and Brock plowing till noon. Brock took chop to town, father finished plowing. Rather fine afternoon. little shower about fine and quite a rainy night.

SATURDAY, 19 (293--73)

Men cutting wood and drew it up, for threshing. Brock took mathew to town after tea. Quite a dull day. cool.

SUNDAY, 20 (294--72)

very heavy frost this morning. Mr.Thompson brought Olive up at noon. Brock went for mathew after dinner. Father up at C. Walkers. an ideal sunny day. cool towards evening.

October Monday, 21 (295-71) 1912 Men loaded lambs and Brock took them to station. Brought Mother took Olive to morning train. Men took potatoes from pits into root-house. Brock and I up to town Supper in English church. an exceeding fine day. Beautiful night.

Tuesday, 22 (296-70) Father straightening up in farm and granary. Went to town for beef Hosheal Hilborn & Mr. Westward (stove trouller) here for dinner. School meeting at night (Mr. McEwing, Mr.Lawles & Miss armstrong) a very nasty day. Quite heavy showers at times. Brock at Burrow's threshing till 3 P.M. Home on account grain. Dr. Giffen came out for me and we went to {illegible} Banquet at Royal Hotel. (splendid time)

Wednesday, 23 (297-69) Father charing round. Machine came here after dinner (C.Walker outfit) to thresh. a dull day quite a cool north wind. Misting at times. Dr. Giffen brought his sister Jennie and Miss Mackenzie out this afternoon for a call.

October THURSDAY, 24 (298--68) 1912

Finished threshing at 4:20 p.m. Have a lot of grain and an abundance of straw. machine did good work. no delays. a cold north wind blowing. very thick fog, almost a mist at times.

FRIDAY, 25 (299-67)

Robt & Brock went to Harrys threshing. Brock home at noon & took load of chop to town. I took {heavy rain at noon} Clara down to take noon train up to Hepworth. (Olive went along) I staid with mother for dinner Robt finished at Harrys & went on to Roy

SATURDAY, 26 (300--66)

Robt and Roy threshing and Elvin Brock brought over a load of wood and went for chop forenoon. (fine) afternoon. topped a {illegible} of {illegible} and brought them in and cleaned all the pens and chored up for night. fine day.

October Sunday, 26 (301-65) 1912 rather fine all day. Robt walked down to cemetry to Mr J. Brumblecome funeral. Brock and I at home

Monday, 28 (302-64) Thanksgiving day Brock gone to finish {uncertain name} threshing. Roft bringing in beets forenoon, very misty like rain {illegible} turnips.

Tuesday, 29 (303-63) Men drawing turnips. I came home on 4.32 train from Hepworth. Had a very enjoyable time. Quite fine until about five, then because cloudy and a sprinkle of rain, lovely and warm. drew 9 loads roots

October Wednesday, 30 (304-62) 1912 Men topping turnips, pull them with Roues and drew in. I went to town for my suitcase in forenoon. 5 loads roots dull, cloudy forenoon, little showers of rain at noon and a few bits of snow a little sunshine this afternoon.

Thursday, 31 (305-61) Men topped 30 rows turnips in forenoon and drew them in this afternoon. 5 loads. Quite dull and cloudy all day. Came on rain after tea. Put calves in stable.

November Friday, 1 (306-60) A very rainy morning, turned cold during day and snowed in evening. Father went up to Uncle Richds and back with Jack Walker, then after dinner topped amd pulled 12 rows turniips. Violet Walker sperated on Oct.24 for gall stones.

November Saturday, 2 (307-59) 1912 Men finished taking in turnips. Harry Philip helped them with three loads this P.M. Topped and pulled in forenoon. Mother and I went to town in afternoon. 7 loads. Ground quite white with snow. sun came out and was nice till four P.M. then quite a snow storm. Sam Benson got his honey 25 lbs. @ 13¢.

Sunday, 3 (308-58) Rather a dull forenoon,came out fine in afternoon and was sunny. I went to see Ritta Hilborn about 4 P.M. Had tea and Dr. Giffen came for me. He spent evening here. Quite a frost at night.

Monday, 4 (309-57) Father and Brock cutting wood and brought some up to house. Brock took grist to town in afternoon. Father and I planted tulips. Came on a rain about six P.M. Quite fine up till evening. Damee in hall did not go. Mr. Mutters got 3 leghorn roosters{illegible}

November Tuesday, 5 (310--56) 1912

Men started to plow on wheat ground back of poplars. Uncle Richd cause here after dinner and he and father went to town on business for estate(aunt Catly's interest) a beautiful autumn day. Thundering in afternoon.

WEDNESDAY, 6 (311--55)

Men plowed till noon. after dinner cleaning pens and cut down Olives big fern and repatted it. We churned. a very dull, wet, dirty day. misting all morning, turning to a steady rain all afternoon and evening.

THURSDAY, 7 (312--54)

Brock went over to Ike macIsaacs and got Paddy clipped. Father done chores and walked up to Uncle {Richds?}, then they two went to town in afternoon, business for estate (aunt Elanor's money.) Mrs. Mosser up here in afternoon. Well, foggy morning. dirty day. freezing quite hard to night.

November FRIDAY, 8 (313--53) 1912

Father plowing all day. Brock took out some chop in forenoon. plowing p.m. Adam Flath here for dinner. He getting out a few rafters. Mother and I went down and brought Grandma out with us in forenoon. Came on rain at noon. misting all afternoon. a dirty day. very muddy. dull weather.

SATURDAY, 9 (314--52)

Men plowing all day. Af. Flath came for his rafters and honey in forenoon. Mother took Grandma home in afternoon. Brock went to town after tea. Quite a fine forenoon, sunny. Came on snow and rain in afternoon. a very wet, dirty disagreeable afternoon.

SUNDAY, 10 (315--51)

Home all day. Will and Mrs. Philp came here in afternoon, about 4 p.m. Olive, Mrs. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Farley drove in with car. Had lunch and left about 5:30 p.m. Quite a fine day. not cold, but very muddy.

November MONDAY, 11 (316-50) 1912

Men plowing all day back of poplars. Very much like Indian summer. Quite smoky and balmy. Heard that Jim (Sonny) Mitchel was dead.

TUESDAY, 12 (317-49)

Men plowing all day. I took mother to town in afternoon to stay all night. A very calm forenoon, rather foggy and sultry, came on little rain at noon misting all afternoon. dirty, disagreeable afternoon. east wind. I brought a gander from express office from Emerson Tufts, Welland $2.50 + 85¢ exp.

WEDNESDAY, 13 (318-48)

Started to rain during night and rained and misted all day. dense fogs at times. Men choring round. Brought young cattle home and put them in stable. Wind gone round from east to west. Ground very, very wet everywhere mud mud

November THURSDAY, 14 (319-47) 1912

Brock took 7 hogs to town in forenoon. They brought $90.00. Father done chores. Br I went to town for mother in forenoon. She and Brock went to Jim Mitchell's funeral in afternoon. A very large funeral Rather fine at times, very calm afternoon. A few hours lovely sunshine this P.m. Dr. Giffen came out and spent evening.

FRIDAY, 15 (320-46)

Brock took out some chop- a few chicks, three ducks, and two geese. $7. Father did chores. Killed a pig in afternoon. Frozen quite hard this morning. Dull and dark all day. freezing-skiff of snow in morning. Brock got 2 doz. head cabbage from mrs. Mosser $1.00.

SATURDAY, 16 (321-45)

Men done chores and cut up pork and salted it. Plowing in afternoon. Billy Moore, {?}, here for dinner. A very nice day. Quite sunny at times. Misting after tea.

November SUNDAY, 17 (322--44) 1912

Home all day. very dull and dark all day.

MONDAY, 18 (323--43)

Men finished plowing behind poplars. I went to town in afternoon. very nice day, not so very bright but not too cold.

TUESDAY, 19 (324--42)

Father plowing on barley ground. Brock went to station for two lbs apples from Joe Chambers, then he plowing. $3.00 a beautiful day. cows go into bush every day. young cattle and calves stabled. an ideal moonlight night.

November WEDNESDAY, 20 (325--41) 1912

Men finished plowing barley ground and plowed potato patch on other place. a beautiful day. Lovely night. Thick white frost this morning. sunny, warm, day.

THURSDAY, 21 (326--40)

Men started to plow back on other place. I took cream can to town this morning. albert mitchel and Ed {Gaynor?} here to see pigs. a beautiful day. warm and very smoky. Good strong breeze for a while about noon.

FRIDAY, 22 (327--39)

Brock took sow and 10 little pigs over to albert mitchel $40.00, then took load of chop to town. Plowing in afternoon. Father plowing all day. Brought up a load of wood from bush before tea. a very foggy morning. Cleared and was a nice day. Quite a breeze. cooler towards evening.

November SATURDAY, 23 (328--38) 1912

Men plowing till 4 P.m. then had to stop as ground became to wet. Brock and I went to town after tea. Came on a rain during night. a dull day.

SUNDAY, 24 (329--37)

Mr. and Mrs. Billy Moore, {illegible} here for tea. Little sunshine in forenoon got colder and snowed quite a bit towards evening. cows out in day times for last.

MONDAY, 25 (330--36)

Men done chores and brought 5 cattle home from other place, then helping raise walkers engine out of macIssac's lane. cold day. little scuds of snow at times. Dr. Giffen and I went to {illegible} supper at Parker. Had nice time.

November Tuesday, 26 (331-35) 1912 Men drawing out manure in forenoon Brock went to MacIsaac's treshing in afternoon. Father drawing manure in afternoon. Looking quite wintry today. Quite a blustry afternoon at times, and got dark early not too cold

Wednesday, 27 (332-34) Father did chores and brought sheep up to low driving house in forenoon. Drew four loads manure in afternoob. Brock at MacIsaac's threshing all day. Quite bright at times in forenoon, then very stormy. Quite stormy all afternoon. snow soft.

Thursday, 28 (333-33) Men drawing manure all day. Mother and I went to town in forenoon. I stayed in, mother stayed for dinner. Nice day quite cold night, went int J. Henderson's for an hour to play {illegible}

November Friday, 29 (334-32) 1912 Men drawing out manure all day. Rather nice forenoon became dull and got stormy towards night Dr. Giffen brought me out from town and stayed for tea an spent part of evening. {illegible} in town.

Saturday, 30 (335-31) Men finished drawing out manure at noon. Brock went to town with chup. Brought Olive's trunk. I met Olive at noon trai. She home from Elora. Quite a nice sunny day. Ground covered with snow, but not enough for sleighing.

December Sunday, 2 (336-30) Home all day. dull and dreary. few drops rain at times

December Monday, 2 (337-29) 1912 men did chores and took wire from round flower-garden. Cleaning hen-pens. a very dull dark day. Heavy rains at times. Put on storm doors.

Tuesday, 3 (338-28) Men did chores. Put straw in hen house. Brought up load wood in afternoon. Albert Mitchell bought two pigs $21.60 (270 lbs.) Dull all day. Olive and I went town in afternoon.

Wednesday, 4 (339-27) Men doing chores and marking roller doors for manure house. Quite a fall of soft snow during night but it disappeared. A nice sunny day, but sloppy under foot.

December Thursday, 5 (340-26) 1912 Men did chores in forenoon. Brock took out grist of chop. Both plowing sod in afternoon, field next to Jack. a very mild day, became foggy after tea and quite a rain.

Friday, 6 (341-25) Men drew chores and plowing sod. a very mild morning terribly windy gradually got colder and snow flurries in afternoon.

Saturday, 7 (342-25) Men done chores. Father went out and struck out a land but frozen to hard to ploe. Cleaned pens, working at roller door. Mother Olive and I went to town in afternoon. Mother stayed in. Mabel and Aunt Emma called this evening. Left jars for honey.

December Sunday, 8 (343-23) 1912 Home all day. A pretty cold day. Quite snow storms at times. Dr. Giffen drove out for tea and was called away to Les. Waters at 8 P.M.

Monday, 9 (344-22) Men brought in bees in afternoon. Fixing up door in shed in afternoon. very windy and cold all day. Freezing quite hard.

Tuesday, 10 (345-21) Father at Mr. Mc Ewing's threshing all day. Brock churing. I went for mother to town in forenoon. Lovely sunshine but awfully windy. Not so cold as Monday. Dr. Giffen called in and had lunch about 9 P.M. very heavy snow storm about 9 P.M.

December WEDNESDAY, 11 (346-20) 1912

Father at Mr. McEwing’s threshing all day. Brock done chores and took grist to town in afternoon. Quite bright- at times, very stormy for while this forenoon. Cold.

THURSDAY, 12 (347-19)

Father went to Mr McEwing’s threshing, but too stormy to thresh. He came home and finished chores. Brock took pig to station, she brought $20.40¢. Both choring round farm. Very stormy and windy all day. Cold.

FRIDAY, 13 (348-18)

Father at Mr McEwing’s till noon. Then went to Isaac Hilborn’s. Olive and I went to town in forenoon with cream can. Got my furs $13.25 from {Orlean’s?}. Brock done chores and went to Rothsay to pay taxes in afternoon $86.16¢. Roy came for his lambs after dinner. Quite a nice day. Getting milder, nice evening. Olive, Brock, Mr. Tiffen and I went to Christian {oyster?} supper.

December SATURDAY, 14 (349-17) 1912

Father at Hilborn’s threshing all day. Brock helped Harry Philip take fat cattle to Drayton in forenoon, done chores in afternoon. A nice day. Quite mild. ED. ENGLISH CALLED THIS MORNING.

SUNDAY, 15 (350-16)

Olive and I went up to church in morning. Brock and we two went up to Methodist church in evening, anniversary service Mr. Atkins preached. Rather dull all day little snow falling at night.

MONDAY, 16 (351-15)

Father at Hilborn's threshing, finished about 2 a.m. He came home and went to town. Got Paddy shod. Brock doing chores. A very nice day. Lovely sunshine in afternoon.

December TUESDAY, 17 (352-14) 1912

Men did chores and got Ross McEwing to help hang, roller-door - on manure- house in forenoon. Brock at Fred Giles’ sale with Harry. Olive and I went to town. Olive gone to Elora. Father helped Jack Walker load a pig after dinner. A very foggy morn. Came on a soft snow for while after dinner, misting a trifle, splendid roads. Not cold.

WEDNESDAY, 18 (353-13)

Brock at Les Waters threshing all day. Father done chores and picked 9 turkey’s. A beautiful mild sunny day and a lovely moonlight-night. {Geo?} Moore called about gate.

THURSDAY, 19 (354-12)

Lots of soft-snow fell during night. Men did chores, loaded chop and packed turkeys in barrel to send to Guelph. Brock took out chop after dinner. Father cleaned pens. Mother went to town Olive came home with her. Turned out a pretty stormy afternoon very windy and blustry.

December FRIDAY, 20 (355--11) 1912

men drawing manure all day, and doing chores. Quite nice day.

SATURDAY, 21 (356--10)

men finished drawing manure and did chores. Ed Waters got 9 little pigs $25.00. We three went to town after tea took buggy. Fine snow falling all day. Sleighing fairly good. I Had first {cutter?} ride to night. (m.s.)

SUNDAY, 22 (357--9)

Home all day. Cold wind blowing. Rather stormy at times

December MONDAY, 23 (358-8) 1912

Men done chores, brought up couple loads wood, and some evergreens to decorate with. Brought down some sand for hens in afternoon. Jack Walker brought up two geese 24lbs $3.12¢. Simply an ideal night- Lovely sunny day. We decorating in house.

TUESDAY, 24 (359-7)

Men did chores, cleaned hen and pig pens. Father did chores and got a couple more cedars from bush. Mother, Olive and Brock at town in afternoon. Little flurries of snow in afternoon. Had (illegible) out for first time.


An ideal sunny day- a dandy moonlight- night. Dr. Giffen spent day with us. After tea Olive, he and I went for a drive. Just enough snow for sleighing. Not too cold

December THURSDAY, 26 (361-5) 1912

Men done chores. Father went to school- meeting in forenoon. Brock took grist to town and got team shod. Olive and I walked over to see Herschel Hilborn after tea. He in bed with an attack of blood-poisoning. Quite a nice day- snowing a little at night.

FRIDAY, 27 (362-4)

Men did chores- drawing out manure. I took Olive to 4.32 train. She gone to masquerade dance in Elora. Father gone to Hilborns after tea. Quite windy and a little stormy in afternoon. Colder to-day.

SATURDAY, 28 (363-3)

Men did chores and got on load of logs. Brock took out this load in afternoon. Father sifted ashes. Rather dull in forenoon, but came out a lovely afternoon. Olive came up from Elora on night-train and Dr. Giffen brought her out about 10.30 pm. Had lunch

December SUNDAY, 29 (364-2) 1912

Home all day. Quite a fine day. Inclined to be mild.

MONDAY, 30 (365-1)

Men did chores in forenoon. Henry {Heseltine?} here in forenoon. Heavy fall of soft snow during night- and forenoon not cold

TUESDAY, 31 (366)

Men did chores. Brock took out load logs in the afternoon. Father sifted ashes. Rather dull day, not cold. Winnie McEwing up in afternoon and stayed for tea. Dr. Giffen came out and spent evening Mr. Ferrier was to come also, but he had a sick patient and could not leave.

-Exit 1912-


Jan 1- 1913. Wed- Men did chores. Brock took load of logs to town in forenoon. Both at {bush?} in afternoon. Olive and I took mother down to Grandma’s in p.m. Brock gone to concert in hall. An ideal day. Beautiful sunshine and quite mild. Mr. Josh Burrows called this forenoon.

Jan 2- 1913 Thurs. Men did chores and drew out manure, then cleaned up grain for chop. Olive and I up to McDonalds in afternoon. Not very bright; but very mild. Snow disappearing this afternoon.

Jan 3- 1913 Fri. Father did chores. Brock took out a grist. Both picking over apples and sifted ashes. Father went up to meeting in school at 4 p.m Very disagreeable day. Soft snow falling. Because windy and stormy at night.

Sat. 4- 1913- Sat Men did chores. Father took cream can down town and brought mother home. Hitched up colts- Martha + Wylie. Very stormy all day, roads filling up


July 26th 1 bbl. sugar 315 lbs. @5 ½ = 19.33 paid

Aug 6- 100 lbs flour $3.20¢ paid

Sept 3- pair shoes from Pollock paid for father- $2.75¢ to pay

Nov 15- 100 lbs. Flour $3.10

Jan 5- Sun. Father and mother over to Dick Lowes for dinner. Lovely bright- forenoon, wind went round to east, storming a little at night.

Jan 6- Monday. Men done chores. Mr. Bob Hagerty and Mr. Miller here for tea. Olive and {there’s a dark blot covering what may be assumed to be I?} over to see Hosheal after tea. Rained during night- and froze on. Roads heavy.

Jan 7- Tuesday. Men done chores. Father went to town with Ike McIsaac in forenoon. Brought 100 flour a very stormy morning. Cleared at noon dull p.m. sleeting little after tea. Raw east wind all day

Jan. 75 lbs. cream = $6.68¢.

Feb. 149 lbs. " " = 15.45.

Mar, 238 lbs. " " = 24.06.

Apr. 559 lbs. " " = 49.93.

May. 561 lbs. " " = 44.78.

June. 715 lbs. " " = 78.51

July. 627 lbs " " = 58.76.

Aug. 470 lbs. " " = 45.88.

Sept. 472 lbs. " " = 45.54.

Oct. 347 " " = 46.66. 45.97.

Nov. 158 " " = 14.69.

Dec. 99 " " 9.34

______ ______

4500 439.59

Cream to "Palm Creamery", Palmerston (R. {?})
Jan.31. Can cream 75 lbs. $6.68.
Feb.10 " " 78 lbs. $8.36.
Feb. 28 " " 71 lbs. $7.09.
Mar. 7 " " 78 lbs. $7.79
Mar. 18 " " 79 lbs. $8.10
Mar. 25 " " 81 lbs. $8.17
Apr. 1. " " 80 lbs.
Apr. 9. " " 80 lbs. $29.21
Apr. 11. " " 80 lbs. $6.80 (Test low, just 23.)
Apr. 15. " " 79 lbs. 7.01 " 24.
Apr. 19. " " 79 lbs. 7.39 " 26 to pay
Apr. 25 " " 81 lbs. 7.36 26 20.92
Apr. 29 " " 80 lbs. 6.16 " 22 " "
May 2 " " 80 lbs. 24 " "
May 6. " " 81 lbs. 23 " "
May 11 " " 80 lbs. 26 21 14.
May 15 " " 81 lbs. 28 " "
May 18 " " 81 lbs 31 " "
May 23 " " 98 lbs 37 23.64
May 27 " " 80 lbs. 42 " "
June 1 " " 80 lbs. - 10.58 49 " "
June 4 " " 78 lbs.- 8.84 42 " "
Jun.7. " " 79 lbs- 9.17 43 45.75
June 12. " " 78 lbs. 8.63 41 " "
June 15 " " 77 lbs 8.52 41 " "
June 19 " " 79 lbs 8.93 43 " "
June 22 " " 79 lbs. 8.21 40 " "
June 26. " " 79 lbs. 7.80 38 " "
June 29 " " 78 " 7.90 39 " "
July 3 " " 78 7.90 39 " "
July 6 " " 79 " 9.18 35 " "


Veal calf 110 lbs @6 ½ ¢ to Wright- $9.15


Grow wheat Joe MacIsaac 2 {bl?} 50lbs 8.00 } Jack MacIsaac 6 {bl?} } {illegible} Fatheringham 7 ½ {bl?} 17.00} Ches. Walker 5 {bl?} } Herman Shurl- 10{bl?} {illegible} Faulkner 17.20 Adam Flath 10{bl?} barley 6.00 Fred Giles 4 ½ {bl?} 4.50 Bob Arbuckle 10.00 Jas. Morrison

  • }= grouped together in her entry
July 10 1 cream can 78 lb. test 2634 6.89
July 16 1 " " 77 lbs. " 34 6.80
July 19 1 " " 78 lbs. " 37 7.64
July 23 1 " " 78 lbs. " 35 7.23
July 27 1 " " 80 " " 36 7.48
July 30 1 " " 79 " " 35 7.32
Aug 7. 1 " " 79 " " 38 7.10
Aug. 9. 1 " " 75 " " 33 6.68
Aug. 10 1 " " 79 " " 37 7.89
Aug. 19 1 " " 79 " " 33 7.03
Aug. 22 1 " " 78 " 35 7.37
Aug. 27 1 " " 80 " " 33 7.12
Sept 4. 1 " " 80 " " 33 7.39
Sept. 9 1 " " 78 " " 36 7.86
Sept. 13 1 " " 77 " " 35 7.54
Sept. 17 1 " " 79 " " 33 7.29
Sept. 22 1 " " 79 " " 34 7.52
Sept 27 1 " " 79 " " 34 7.52
Oct. 5 1 " " 79 " " 38 8.70
Oct. 10 1 " " 80 " " 42 9.94
Oct. 15 1 " " 98 " " 41 9.27
Oct. 25 1 " " 81 " " 39 9.31
Oct. 30 1 " " 79 " 35 8.15
Nov. 12 1 " " 79 " 35 7.59
Nov. 21 1 " " 79 " 29 7.10
Dec 13 1 " " 79 " 30 7.34

{On this page there are no entries, but a business/ contact card for "Wilson Lytle Badergow Vinegar" was added in}


Thur. Jan 16- 1913 Men done chores in forenoon. Brock took out chop in afternoon. Chas. Walker here for tea. 2 Hilburn’s girls called this evening. {Trouble?} on at school. Father over to McIsaac’s, a dull foggy day. Thawing.

Fri. Jan 17-1913 Rained during night- very foggy all day, thawing. Men choring. Father at a school meeting, over to Burrows after tea.

Sat. Jan 18-1913 Men did chores. Father went to town in afternoon. A very soft snow falling in forenoon, became colder and very blustry in afternoon and evening.

Sunday Jan- 19- 1913 Brock up to Roy’s in afternoon. Father up to Harry’s after tea. Olive and I went to Grandma’s this afternoon. Rather dull all day- sout-east wind. Dr Giffen here for tea.

Monday- Jan 20-1913 Men did chores, then Brock took cream can down town. Choring in afternoon. Very foggy, turned to ran and at evening, snowing and blowing very mild morning.


Tues Jan, 21- 1913. Men did chores, Brock went for load lumber in forenoon, and again in afternoon. Father took Mother to town after dinner and helped load plank. Quite a fine day- cold. Beautiful moonlight-night. Tarin Montgomery brought Mr Jim Burns and Annie here for tea. Harry Dowers brought Will Craig here after tea, and we went to hockey match. Palmerston- Drayton- 9-5 {illegible} grown boys.

Wed, Jan, 22-1913 Men drawing manure and did chores. Will Craig and I went to town in afternoon. Dr Giffen came out for tea and Will, Brock, Olive, he and I went to dance at Arthur Booth’s. An ideal sunny day

Thurs. Jan, 23- 1913 Men did chores and cleaning harness. Brock took Will Craig to J. Hilborn's and went to town for mother. Waning night- had stormed then rained quite a little this forenoon, turned colder and is quite icy this evening.

Friday. Jan, 23- 1913 Men done chores. Brock took out grist in afternoon, Jack Allen, his wife + little girl Evelyn here for dinner. A beautiful day. We three went to hockey match in town at night- Mt. Forest- Drayton. 10-7 in favour of Mt.F. M.T. brought us home


Saturday Jan- 25- 1913. Men charing, sifting ashes. Mother over to Tilbury. Lizzie came through operation o.k. We three skating at night- in {illegible}. Quite fine day.

Sunday Jan, 26, 1913. Father and mother went up to Bol Jass for dinner. Rather nice forenoon, thawing, rained some in afternoon, turned colder at night.

Monday- Jan 27- 1913. Men chopping and cutting wood in poplars. Rather stormy all day- pretty cold.

Tues- Jan 28-1913 Men charing and cutting wood in poplars. Retta Hilborn here in afternoon and for tea. Rose and Seth called in evening and we skated on Hilborn’s field. Cold night- blustry at times during day.

Wed. Jan 29-1913 Men done chores, and draw out manure, Olive and I went to town in afternoon. She went to Elora on 4.32 train. Raw east wind, foggy in afternoon, storming little.


{rest of the page is empty}


Honey 1912

11 lbs @ 9¢ to Cecil Walker .75

9 “” @ 13¢ “” Mr Mitchell 90

9¾”” @ 13¢”” Mr Kidney 1.25

30”” “ 13¢”” Woodisse’s 3.90

25”” “ 13¢” J. MacDonald paid 3.35

15”” “ 13¢ Jack Delwage 1.95

62”” “ 12¢” Bewson Bros 7.44

10”” “ 13¢Mrs. TW Furtheringham 1.30

25”” “ 13¢ Sam Bewson 3.25

30”” “ 13¢ Ad. Flath 3.90



Fruit sold 7lbs red currants Mrs S. Crocker 7¢ .50

13’’ “ “ (illegible) “ .90

13’’ gooseberries “ “ “ 6¢ 75

13’’ n “‘ Pollock 6¢. 78

16” “” “” “” “” 94

16 ½ “” “” “” “” 96

16 “” “” “” “” 96

14 “” “” “” “” 84

16 “” “” “” “” 96


Basket of onions from {massers?} 2 box’ tomatoes {illegible numbers}


Fruit from E.D. Smith Winona 2 boxs.

Black cherries @ 1.55 Express

1 “” White “” @ 1.25

1 crate Raspberries (Red) “” 35

                               (Black) “”35

3 box Peaches @90¢

2”” Pears @65

2”” Tomatoes @25

2”” Lombard Plums @42

1”” (Sage?) “” 52

1’’ Yellow “” “” 52

8”” Grapes 6@25 + 23 + 28

3 Tomatoes @259

{There’s an arrow connecting these fruits along with the calculations in the margins}

{Calculations in the margins}








2.62 _____ 20.07

{The page is empty of everything but illegible markings}

Date BILLS PAYABLE- MARCH $ C. May 19- 1912 Mrs Thompson. 144 lbs. Evelyn 25’’ Hazel 40’’ Jennie Worth 115’’ Olive 107’’ Mother 106 ½’’ Clara 118’’ “ “ 115’’ June 10

Feb -15 -1913 Olive 111 ¾ lbs Clara 118”

RECEIVABLE Apr.1.1913 Olive 110 Clara 116


back and drove us out to Hepworth. Left at 12.20 and got there at 1.10 p.m.for the 1.27 train Olive went through to Elora.


{no diary entry}


1912. Jan 23. Mr J.R McGregor - Elora- put in three fillings for me. $1.50.

Fri 25. 1912

I met Olive at Drayton and we went up to Hepworth. Joe met us. Train about two hours late. Home about six miles. Rachel had good supper for us.

Sat. forenoon Rachel drove us over.


Sun. To aunt Sarah and Joe came for us after tea. A beautiful day and lovely moon light-night. I went over for aunt Sarah and Rebecca and after dinner we went to church. Allen’s family and Willie came over for tea.

Mon. About 10.30 a.m. Joe hitched us to {illegible} and we {illegible} drove out to the cottage on the Sauble. Had dinner there and returned about 4.30 p.m. There all went to Allen’s for {fowl?} supper. Willie came home with us and Joe took him out to (illegible) for early five a.m. tain, then he {came?}


{No diary entry- blank page}


{No diary entry-blank page}


Feb 1st Bob Kirkpatrick’s funeral Beautiful sunny day. His pall bearers, Jack {illegible}, Bob Wilson, Fred Lurich, Will Andrew,{Illegible name} William, Percy {Grime?}.

May 21. Har Earl Riddle took young Walt’s wheel over a week ago. Had a trial to-night. He is to get a new wheel for Walt, give bond for $100.00 to keep peace for year and out on suspended sentence.


Aug 20 Luther and I took walk round in forenoon. After dinner went down to see Lillian and drove over to call on Mrs. W. J. Beaty. Came back. He took night- train to Toronto and I came home. (Guelph)

Oct 2 Splendid Fair concert Harold Jarvis Harry Bennett- Roamin’’ in the gloaming Jas. Doughty Beatrice Lillie Miss MacDonalds- dancers- {illegible name} of Stirling- {illegible} of Nelson, a perfect day. Beautiful isle of somewhere

{Blank Page}

{This page is unlined and most of the content are people’s addresses}

Top of the page

Annie M Craig 373 Brock Ave, Toronto, Ont,

Middle left of the page {was separated from the others by squiggly lines that made up a square}

Mrs. M J Taynor 267 N. 21st St. Partaud, Ave Evelyn Apt. 12

Middle right {was separated from the others by a line above it}

Good Book “Crawford” “Money moon” “The {illegible} highway”

Bottom left calculations

30 2.00 10 70 10 _______ ____ 1. 30 10 80


Bottom left corner

Elizabeth of the {illegible} (marion {illegible}) Good women, little wives

Bottom right corner calculations

2160 1375 _____ 8.3(5?)

24.3 ____ 7 2 ____ 24 ___ 3.12



___ 270


___ 3.15

Transcription Progress



Clara Philp Diary, 1912 Part 1.pdf
Clara Philp Diary, 1912 Part 2.pdf
Clara Philp 1912 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“Clara Philp Diary & Transcription, 1912,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 13, 2025,
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