Elizabeth Philp Diary & Transcription, 1898


Elizabeth Philp Diary & Transcription, 1898

Date Created

January 1, 1898

Is Part Of

Philp Family Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


Banks in Canada with their Agencies.


Alexandria...Union..........J. R. Proctor

Alliston,O....Hamilton.....J. S. Gordon

Almonte.....Montreal....E.P. Winslow

January SATURDAY, 1 (1-364) 1898

Robt choring fore. very buisy Then aft went out With Duncan to {Canbiss?}. Sam + Chriss. Willie + Jane cum here for supper. bitter cold night. Willie staid all night

Sunday 2nd

Robt choring Children + I down home for a while. {Eve?}. cold + stormy all day Willie + Robt up to see Richd at night.

January MONDAY, 3 (3-362) 1898

Robt choring forenoon over to vote oft Alex Hamilton over to Moorefield at night to here returns Councillors Elected Reeve Harrington Deputy Scott {aecla?} council McDonald Woodisse & Dreusy

TUESDAY, 4 (4-361)

Choring fore butchering oft at Burrows killed three of ours over there

WEDNESDAY, 5 (5-360)

Choring fore butting and salting meat oft over to sams at night

January THURSDAY, 6 (6-359) 1898

Choring all day down to Dreyton at night a stranger arrived A Baby Boy born about nine Oclock Eve {her son Benson}

FRIDAY, 7 (7-358)

Choring fore Mrs Houston came out to Dreyton aft

SATURDAY, 8 (8-357)

Choring fore at Drayton aft

Sunday 9 (9-356)

at Home fore up to Rothsey aft

January MONDAY, 10 (10-355) 1898

Choring fore out to Drayton aft

TUESDAY, 11 (11-354)

Choring fore out the Drayton aft looking like a {thay? thaw?}

WEDNESDAY, 12 (12-353)

Choring fore out to Drayotn aft Heavy thunder and lightning at night Raining all day heavy Rain at night

January THURSDAY, 13 (13-352) 1898

choring fore farming Wheat aft freezing

FRIDAY, 14 (14-351)

Choring fore over to Sams butchering adt Roads very rough adn slippery

SATURDAY, 15 (15-350)

Choring fore took out some Manure aft took {pig?} stone home at night and down to Drayton


at home all day Horns Chriss and Richards here fine day Then down to zero at night

January MONDAY, 17 (17-348) 1898

Robt choring fore Down to Drayton to vote aft Council elected Dr. Lucy K.R, Hambly D. Robertson J Honor {Rice?} L.R Adams very nice day

TUESDAY 18 ( 18-347)

Robt charming fore gone to Palmerston with wheat for flour. got five D{illegible} took one to Grandpa Philp very fine day

WEDNESDAY 19 (19-346)

Robt choring fore down helping McEwing butcher aft. very fine day

January THURSDAY, 20 (20-345) 1898

Rbt choring fore cutting a place to let down feed in the barn floor & Jacutting a door on it raining mostly all day

FRIDAY, 21 (21-344)

Robt choring fore Started to draw out Manure very fine snow falling fore. enclined to be soft toward night

SATURDAY, 22 (22-343)

Robt choring fore drawing out manure aft Down to train to meet Jim at night very stomy. soft snow blowing

Sunday 21st At home all day children down home for an hour or so. Turned out very Stormy afternoon

January MONDAY, 24 (24-341) 1898

Robt choring fore drawing out manure aft turned out rather fine day Jim gone back home

TUESDAY, 25 (25-340)

Robt choring fore Drawing out manure turned out very stormy aft

WEDNESDAY, 26 (26-339)

Robt choring fore Drawing out manure rather fine Miss Duncan + Mrs Henderson here

January THURSDAY, 27 (27-338) 1898

Robt choring fore Drawing out manure turned very stormy Jane Ann gone home

FRIDAY, 28 (28-337)

Robt choring fore drawing out manure

SATURDAY, 29 (29-336)

Robt choring fore drawing out manure very clear + fine

{Written in margin} Sunday 30th

All at home all day. Children down home for a while

January MONDAY, 31 (31-334) 1898

Robt choring fore finished frawing manure out of the manure house fine but keen Eastwind

February TUESDAY, 1 (32-333)

Robt choring fore. very cold making a storm door for the bedroom window very keen + cold

WEDNESDAY, 2 (33-332)

Robt choring fore helping butcher at Burrow aft. Killed our old sow over there Da + Mrs Huston went to Drayton Turned fearful stomy

February THURSDAY, 3 (34-331) 1898

Robt choring fore cutting up the pig pretty cold + rough

FRIDAY, 4 (35-330)

Robt choring fore {fright?} up at Rich aft helping butcher a beef. very fine

SATURDAY, 5 (36-329)

Robt choring + Johnnie Craig helping fan up load of chop then took it down to Drayton Eather blustering

Sunday 6th

All down to Mothers I took the Baby down home for the first time Beautiful bright day

February MONDAY, 7 (38-327) 1898

Robt choring fore Took Maggie home aft + went ot Grandpa Philps + got sand for the hens Olive 8 years old today

TUESDAY, 8 (39-326)

Robt choring fore Making Storm door for the kitchen window oft very fine day

WEDNESDAY, 9 (40-325)

Robt choring fore {illegible} at Richds threshing aft very misty

February THURSDAY, 10 (41-324) 1898

Robt choring fore very misty drawing out manure aft soft dull weather

FRIDAY, 11 (42-323)

Robt choring fore very misty + soft Over at Hilborns aft heavy rain at night snow going very fast

SATURDAY, 12 (43-322)

Robt choring fore down to Drayton aft rather fine roads very slippy

Sunday 13

Clara down staying with aunty Robt 42 years today The rest at home Carrie English + her Brother here aft fine day over head

February MONDAY, 14 45-320) 1898

Robt choring all fore. Choring + took pig over to Hodges aft pretty fine but cold

TUESDAY, 15 (46-319)

Robt Choring fore + took Murphy down to Drayton to ship him to Liverpool over to Sam Wood Bee aft rather fine {Carrie?} Came

WEDNESDAY, 16 (47-318)

Roby choring fore helping Frank Page to butcher then took Carrie round home + went by Drayton home cold + keen

February THURSDAY,17 (48-317) 1898

Robt choring all fore Choring + over to Hodge for pig cold East wind

FRIDAY, 18 (49-317)

Robt choring all fore choring + making a tub {starch?} Da took Girls over to Sant (to stat all night very fine +bright

SATURDAY, 19 (50-316)

Robt choring fore Over helping Perkin thresh clover aft. fine day

Sunday 20th

Girls + Jim up to church Sam and Chris over at Fathers Chris up here couple of hrs.

February MONDAY, 21 (52-313) 1898

Robt gone to Perkin to help finish thresh the clover Then down to Drayton with a calf Choring all aft little stormy

TUESDAY, 22 (53-312)

Robt choring all day what time he had. Mr + Mrs North here for dinner. We noticed Baby (Benson) sick, dull + Drousy all fore Mrs North stayed all aft + night Ma + Jim here all night. Robt went over to Hodges aft + then went down to Drayton (Nomination in Drayton) snowing fore very fine aft

WEDNESDAY, 23 (54-311)

Robt choring Dear Little Baby died at nine oclock fore. 6 weeks + three days old. Sam + Chriss came over Richd +Emma came down. Johnnie Gordon + + Same stay'd all night + Jim + Nellie Gordon Weather enclined to be soft

February THURSDAY, 24 (55-310) 1898

Robt + Johnnie Craig choring Sam came over + brought some flowers for Baby coffin. funeral left the house at two oclock. a large funeral for a baby Robt gone over to Hodges for pig in the Eve. fine day only sharp Robt decided to go to Glencoe

FRIDAY, 25 (56-309)

Robt choring + Jim I Johnniw Craig fanning up a load of chop Robt took it to Drayton + waited to bring it home little Stormy Sam + Chriss going to Drayton brought us his Barrels of N.Spy

SATURDAY, 26 (57-308)

Johnnie Craig doing the chores Robt + Jim left on the 11/16 for Glencoe very fine bright day

Sunday 27

Johnnie Craig choring Children + I down home aft very bright beautiful day

February MONDAY, 28 (59-306) 1898

Johnie Craig choring + looking after things Robt + Jim returned from Glencoe very fine weather

March TUESDAY, 1 (60-305)

Robt choring fore Started to draw out manure Election day Scott + {Tucker?} in the field {Tucker?} Electe by over 200 very fine day Robt over to Hodges at night with a pig

WEDNESDAY, 2 (61-304)

Robt choring fore drawing out manure

very fine

March THURSDAY, 3 (62-303) 1898

Robt choring fore Drawing out manure Extra fine weather + lovily night

FRIDAY, 4 (63-302)

Robt choring fore away with Sam to look for horses Jim and I down to Drayton aft. snowing a little but cleared of very fine Eve,

SATURDAY, 5 (64-301)

Robt choring + finished taking out manure out of the sheephouse Robt + Jim down to Drayton

Sun. 6

I up to church with Jim Children + I down home very fine

March MONDAY, 7 (66-299) 1889

Robt + Sam gone to Clifford with Grit + {Cory?}. Johnie Craig choring very fine day Children + I over to Craigs

TUESDAY, 8 (67-298)

Robt + Sam down to Dick {Lowes?} forenoon + down to Elliotts sall aft. very fine

WEDNESDAY, 9 (68-297)

Robt + Sam drawing out manure + choring very fine

March THURSDAY,10 (69-296) 1898

Robt + Sam choring + drawing out manure finished at five + went down to Drayton dull and mizzling Waggons running

FRIDAY, 11 (70-295)

Robt choring + drawing out some more manure put up the meat to dry dull + mizzling very dirty underfoot

SATURDAY, 12 (71-294)

Robt + Sam choring then down to Drayton looking for Horses dull and mizzling

Sunday 13

very heavy rain fore + very windy Children+I down home

March MONDAY, 14 (73-292) 1898

Robt + Sam started for the 4th to see horses but went down + Sam Bought Elly aft {Sareh Lam? }. Then home + over to stems sale Walt Burrows done the chores very fine day snow going

TUESDAY, 15 (74-291)

Robt choring fore drawing out manure aft misty+dull

WEDNESDAY, 16 (75-290)

Robt choring fore helping paint the kitchen chairs Johnie Craig helping fan up load of chop very fine day

March THURSDAY, 17 (76-289) 1898

Robt choring fare Massy Harris Agents have a big day in Drayton chasing around all aft fixing up things brough up the milk tank bright day

FRIDAY, 18 (77-288)

Robt choring fore Down to Drayton with chop + got the {tam?} shod all around looking like rain raingin at night

SATURDAY, 19. (78-287)

Robt choring + ringing the Bull choring round all aft Clara + I dowm to Drayton windy + very dull like rain

Sun 20th

Cold wind. Children + I down home Ass worth here rather fine afernoon

March MONDAY, 21 (80-285) 1898

Robt choring all fore. mooving the little pigs up to the pen + firxing a place for them dull + rainy

TUESDAY, 22 (81-284)

Robt choring fore. took some chop up to Rothay to Grandpa Philp. dull looking day Clara thirteen years old

WEDNESDAY, 28 (82-283)

Robt choring + fanned up some seeds + took them out to Drayton ( very lame hip)

March THURSDAY, 24 (83-282) 1898

Robt + Johnie Craig choring and fanning up chop very fine day but bad roads Emma + I over to Sam

FRIDAY, 25 (84-281)

Robt threshing at Rich all day very fine Johnie Craig choring

SATURDAY, 26 (85,280)

finished threshing at Rich Down to Drayton iwht load of chop aft. I down with Clara fore to get teeth filled cold wind

Sun 27th

raining all forenoon I down to help Mother with aunty Robt choring + {fulnig?} poorly

March MONDAY, 28 (87-278) 1898

Robt choring foreMoving manure of {Jolata?} pits rather fine off

TUESDAY, 29 (88-277)

Robt choring fore {illegible} over at Hilborns with spat. + back to see the hay stack Johnie Craig here for butter Aunty Cass here + at Mothers (Washing) cold but bright

WEDNESDAY, 30 (89-276)

Robt drawing hat drom the stack+ from the other driving house Johnie C.-,g doing chores Stack badly spoiled cold

March THURSDAY, 31 (90-275) 1898

Robt choring fore filling up barley + took It down to be chopped Craigs here after hay of the stack Robt gave Johnie $10.00 Sold a heifer to C. Stephenson

APRIL FRIDAY, 1 (91-274)

Robt choring fore + fixing up things + bracing the churn stand terrible cold wind

SATURDAY, 2 (92-273)

Robt choring + fixing up things terrible cold wind Mr North here.

Sunday 3rd

Mother+I up at church Children at home Robt choring

April MONDAY, 4 (94-271) 1898

Robt choring fore started to draw out manure aft very cold but clear churning

TUESDAY, 5 (95-270)

Robt choring fore drawing out manure still very cold churning

WEDNESDAY, 6 (96-269)

Robt choring fore finished drawing manure I down to Drayton pretty cold wind

April THURSDAY, 7 (97-268) 1898

Robt choring fore. drawing rails aft

FRIDAY, 8 (98-267)

Robt choring fore Started on other place to build fence very fine

SATURDAY,9 (99-266)

Robt choring fore working at fence on other place very fine Olive + Brock down to Drayton with Grandpa

Sunday 10th Easter Sunday

Robt choring fore Both over to Cemetry + up round by Rothsay Children at home + Grandma. very fine day

April MONDAY, 11 (101-264) 1898

Robt choring fore Started to spring tooth pick stones Children + I over to Booths very fine day (churning) Robt gone to Drayton for Butter crock night

TUESDAY, 12 (102-263)

Robt spring toothing all day (churning) very fine

WEDNESDAY, 13 (103-262)

Robt choring + sowing first oats very fine weather

April THURSDAY, 14 (104-261) 1898

Robt choring working land + sowing oats very fine (churning)

FRIDAY,15 (105-260)

Robt working land May Cordon here+ sowing oats

SATURDAY, 16 (106-259)

Robt strong oats {fr my loathing?}+ Harrowing Clara Brock + I down to Drayton looking like rain Sun 17th

All lit home Booth + Wife here aft very dull day rain at night

April MONDAY, 18 (108-257) 1898

Robt choring + getting ready to go to other place to move fence moving fence aft rather fine day

TUESDAY, 19 (109-256)

Robt choring + finished moving fence fore. cutting off Lambs tails aft miserable day raining the whole day

WEDNESDAY, 20 (110-255)

Robt choring + farming up chop Took it to Drayton Oss North here aft. miserable snowy wet day

April THURSDAY, 21 (111-254) 1898

Robt choring fine breesy morning Pickle here + dehorned ten or Eleven head of young cattle Robt ploughing on other place very fine aft Hattie Allan married

FRIDAY, 22 (112-253)

Robt choring round all day very disagreeable raining mostly all day cold rain

SATURDAY, 23 (113-252)

Packing + curing beef Robt choring + drawing up stakes from other place. Olive + I down to Drayton with tub of butter very dull + cloudy. Butcher broughtbut beef

Sun 24th

All at home Children + I down a while at night Robt gone with a peice of beef to Rothay very fine day

April MONDAY, 25 (115-250) 1898

Robt started back on other place & plough Father Brock & I over to Graveyard to seed down the little graces. Called in {?} & Sam {?} & cold

TUESDAY, 26 (116-249)

Robt ploughing up here all day rather fine

WEDNESDAY, 27 (117-248)

Robt ploughing Johnnie cl Craig here with team ploughing

April, Thursday 28 (118-247) 1898

Robt ploughing Johnie braig here till noon fine day

Friday, 29 (119-246)

Robt ploughing back on other place all day fine

== Saturday, 30 (120- 245)

Robt all day children & 2 douon Drayten aft

Sunday 1st May

at home all day Jim home Jim & Girls gone over to Sams missing

May Monday, 2 (122-243) 1898

Robt ploughing sad all day rather fine day to plough

Tuesday , 3 {has a marked sign} (123- 242)

Robt charing & farming safe peas & wheat fove, braig helping Gone to Palmerston aft very dull day misshing & misly

Wednesday, 4 (124-241)

Robt ploughing all day rather dull

May Thursday, 5 (215-240) 1898

Robt & Johnie. b. ploughing all day rather fine day

Friday, 6 (120-239)

Robt ploughing a couple of hours fare; on other place then springtonthing. pea growing rhnie raig harrowing very fine day

I am 30 years today {written sideways}

Satirday, 7 (127-238)

Robt sowing peas & harrowing them Johnie braig ploughing afternoon

Sunday 8

beautiful fine day Bath at old Mr fisher funeral Back went with Grandpa

May Monday, 9 (129-236) 1898

Robt trak siy pigs down to ship & two caloes pigs average 210lb very fine day

Tuesday, 10 (130-235)

Robt ploughing fare finning up place far young cblies aft. mizzling all aft Braek took the Girls capes up school for them ranning

Wednesday, 11 ((131-234)

Robt & Sam ploughing all day. Too showers I over to Sams at night Took cruck of brother car to send to Wrayeter

May Thursday, 12 (132-233) 1898

Robt ploughing fare very cold wind Johnie braig here aft working up ground to sow oats

Friday, 13 (133-232)

Robt springloothing & started to sow oats Johnie harroing fine day

Saturday, 14 (134-231)

Johnie finished oats ground Robt gone back to disk in the back feild fine day Miss Duncan came Went up to church on Sunday.

May Monday, 16 (136-229) 1898

Robt & Wat Sowing and harroeing away back on other place sowing oats fine day

Tuesday, 17 (137-228)

Robt & Johnie ploughing. away back on other place all day very fine

Wednesday, 18 (138-227)

finished ploughing & working it up to sow fine day rain

May Thursday, 19 (139-226) 1898

Robt picking up potatoes & taking them in heavy rain fake maring washing buggy. Eve

Friday, 20 (140-225)

Robt working back on the other place. all day missing farming I gone to benelph to do some shopping

Saturday, 21 (141-224)

Robt finished seeding about four aft fine day

Sunday 22

at home all day Mr & Mrs Barrow got thrown from the buggy on their way to Harriston Mr Burrows hurt pretty bad (fine shower) {was written is a bracket}

May Monday, 23 (143-222)

Robt spredding manure on this front piece for potatoes & working it very dull like rain Robt hung sereen dades heavy rain

Tuesday, 24 (144-221)

Robt lifting & setting out black currants & basseberries all day Da gone over for Chris then helping Robt set them out

Wednesday, 25 (145-220)

Robt cutting & planting potatoes fine day Da helping I took my dress to Dray Tem & round by Ouncans fine

May Thursday, 26 (146-219) 1898

Robt pranking earn grown. ploughing, disking & harrowing I bailing soap Robt & Wovdessee for S. berrieplants ver fine

Friday, 27 (147-218)

Robt & I setting out strawberriesplants them Robt ploughing seet of day I finished boiling soap very calm & warm

Satrday, 28 {The date is marked} (148-217)

Robt ploughing earn ground

Sunday 29th

all at home only down home far a while very cloudy, dull & cold

May Monday, 30 (150-215)

Robt working up corn ground

Tuesday, 31 (151-214)

Working up corn ground & mangols dvron at noon far mangol seed sowing them & corn aft & evening fine

June Wednesday, 1 (152-213)

Robt at moarefield with Richs pigs planting potatoes aft I dovm to DrayTon very hot

June Thursday, 2 (153-212)

finished potatoes & started back on Yurny ground Johnie braig here very hot weather

Frideay, 3 (154-211)

Robt ploughing all day on turnip ground & spredding manure very hot day

Saturday,4 (155-210)

Robt tagging sheep & working on turnip ground all washing sheep afternoon

Sunday 5th

Jain came home Children , him & 2 all down to Catholic Church fare. Terrible hot day Willie 30 years old

June Monday,6 (157-208) 1898

Robt gone to moorefield to take Rich & Cattle. very hot working on turnip grounf aft

Tuesday,7 (158-207)

Robt working on trunip ground I down to Deayton aft looking like rain

Wednesday,8 (159-206)

Robt working on turnip ground very hot day

June Thursday, 9 (160-205) 1898

Robt working on turnip ground setting up ridges & sowing some looking like rain carrie came to sew

Friday, 10 (161-204)

Robt working at turnips all day finished sowing turnip misshing farenoon raw 7 cold aft Da setting out cabbage plants.

Saturday,11 (162-203)

heavy rain Robt & Da selling {it was crossed in the orginal} harrowing potatoes. & howing among the spruce trees. took larrie home

Sunday 12th

Back on the other place fare over to Sams aft. very dull

June Monday,18 (164-201)

Robt buliding fence all day accross the pasture misshing & raming all day

Tuesday, 14 (165-200)

Robt hunting sheep. I took Ella Edmis out pillows up to her. from mother & Sheering them

Wednesday, 15 (166-199)

Robt hunting Sheep & shearing finished them I went up to Eoroars rain

June Tuesday, 16 (167-198) 1898

Robt up at Richs all day setting up Turinp drills

Friday, 17 (168-197)

Robt at Rothoay doing {"Robt" was crossed out with the ink} work for his father very hot

Saturday, 18 (169-196)

Robt gone to Pahnerston with wool got 18 pull each. breesy scuffhing rae.

Suday 19th

children & ma & 2 over to the semetry very windy.

June Monday,20 (171-194) 1898

Robt started the road work namcy shath here making Bracks clothes Johinie braig helping fine cool day

Tuesday, 21 (172-193)

Working on the road I took Children down to get Roots for them John braig helping Carrie Came to sew

Wednesday, 22 (173-192)

working on the roads fine cool weather for the teams

June Thursday, 23 (174-191) 1898

Robt building fence along by the bush much warmer

Friday, 24 (175-190)

Robt working at a fence along the bush very hoit day I took Brack down to Drayton & had a tooth drawn & took Carrie home

Saturday, 25 (176-189)

raining Robt charing & took Glbert Chambers over to sams then down to Drayton at night

Sunday, 26th

Clara Joint & down to Drayton church Robt & 2 np to Rich Eve.

June Monday, 27 (178-187) 1898

Robt finished the fence at the bush & back & sowed the rape very fine cool day (aunty very low dying) {written in brackets int he original diary}

Tuesday, 28 {the date was marked} (179-186)

Robt grinding knife of mower & gone to Rothsay to out hay aunty dying) passed qiuetly away at twelve Oclock, Da went over for Sam Robt & Sam went down to Drayton at night

Wednesday, 29 (180-185)

Robt charning, Richd gone to Juelph to be operated on. Soam & Bhries over here & putting in sereens. Robt gone up to Rothray to put up his fathers hay Eve. Sam gone. Robt gone over to Booths for see sam gone to meet Jam. get a message saying uncle James coas edming down Chrirs & 2 baking very hot

June Thursday, 30 (181-184) 1898

Robt gone down to Drayton to meet uncle James. Sam & Johnie over fare aunty buried about two Oclock very nice fuernal. Mrs Richd Moare buried same day very hot. little rain at night much James stopping at Sams tonight

July Friday, 1 (182-183)

Robt scuffing potatoes mangols and corn. working hard all day fearful hot. I gone up to Richs for an hour or so Uncle James & Da gone to Drayton aft then he stayed here all night. Robt preparing to go to Grulph on mase Robt very hot

Saturday, 2 (183-182)

Robt started to drive to Guelph Girls over at Helbams terrible hot aft to picnic Richard operated on in ther General Hospital Guelph for appendicitis. received a message saying operation prefarmsid., feeling pretty well

Sunday, 3rd

fearful long day. Children & 2 at home all day Robt stopped over in Guelph very windy

July Monday, 4 (185-180) 1898

Robt hoeing mangols all day feeling misrable & tired very hot

Tuesday, 5 (186-179)

Robt hoeing mangols fare at Sam nobles raisin aft very fine day

Wednesday, 6 (187-178)

Robt hoeing mangols all day very hot weather

July Thursday, 7 (188-177) 1898

Robt finished mangols fare. Scuffled turnips aft Mother & 2 down to drayton very fine day

Friday, 8 (189-176)

Robt hoeing Turnips Willie braug helping Eonma & 2 gone to Guelps to see Richard found him hoeing & feeling fine robt up to Rothsay at night to see Charlie

Satuday, 9 (190-175)

Robt & braig Boys at the turnips

Sunday 10th

All at home till Evening then Mother & Children all over to see Lissie Mitehell Terrible heavy frost

July Monday, 11 (192-173) 1898

Robt seuffling & hoeing turnips braig boys here helping very fine day

Tuesday, 12 (193-172)

Robt hoeing turnips all day, beautiful day Orange Selibhation in Rothsay

Wednesday, 13 (194-171)

Robt hoeing turnips all day finished up & Ricds at night pretty hot day

July Thursday, 14 (195-170) 1898

Robt started haying mowing fare raking aft. put some up Eve Children & I picking berries in our bush

Friday, 15 (196-169)

Robt finished putting up hay Robt feeling terrible meserable gone to Drayton at night to get a man

Saturday, 16 (197-168)

drawing in hay all day young Hood helping very warm day Rimp from Lipstovell here. ordered a head stone for our little Boys. Brock five years

Sunday, 17

Willie & Jim both wheeled up from Guelph very hot

== July MONDAY, 18 (199-166) 1898


Robt cutting hay all day fine

== TUESDAY, 19 (200-165)


Robt cutting hay {face?} Hood here fare Smart little shower {ineligible} to Richards got seeping {ever?} Richd came home from Guelph Robt scuffling Mangols aft.

== WEDNESDAY, 20 (201-164)


Putting up hay + drawing in out of the {Corner?} of bush

== July THURSDAY, 21 (202-163) 1898


Robt drawing in hay out of field {ineligible} Hood Craigs helping very hot

== FRIDAY, 22 (203-162)


ROBT cutting over on the other place + putting up Hood here

== SATURDAY, 23 (204-161)


Robt cutting + putting up hay. Hood + Garneau + {Craigs?} helping Pobt draw {diron?} to Drayton at night

Sunday 24th.

All at home for Dinner {Millie?} here Robt + I up to Rothsay aft. hot theremometer 92{ineligible}

== July MONDAY, 25 (206-159) 1898


Robt cutting hay fare three of Craigs helping put up hay aft. Gardens + {Morths?} here picking berries , Clara not feeling well Olive gone over to Sams looking like rain {turned?} very cold.

== TUESDAY, 26 (207-158)


Drawing in hay all day Craig Sam + {Thovel?} here fine day Dick + Bil Chambers came down.

== WEDNESDAY, 27 {drawing of lines crossing each other, 5 lines in total} (208-157)


Robt drawing in hay Craig + Henry Hord here + Sam finished haying Took load to Rothsay at night I {doron?} to drayton aft.

== July THURSDAY, 28 (209-156) 1898


Robt cutting {clover?} fare {Charing?} + hoeing carrots aft Children + I out to bush for berries fine

== FRIDAY, 29 (210-155)


Robt hoeing Mangols fare raking {clover?} aft fine + cool

== SATURDAY, 30 (211-154)


Robt + John Craig helping to takin in the {alsike?} clean finished hay

Sunday 3/.

beautiful fine cool day. {Join?} home Richd here for Dinner {Join?} Ma Children all over to Cemetry aft then Jim + Clara went to Sams

== August MONDAY, 1 (213-152) 1898


Robt {hoeing?} in the Mangols all day Mr North here + patched the roof of the driving home {Eae?} very fine day

== TUESDAY, 2 (214-151)


Robt taking out Binder + getting ready to cut oats Cutting aft fine Mother helping me {track?} Gardens + Prices here picking berries

== WEDNESDAY, 3 (215-150)


Robt cutting all day looking like rain Children + I over to Dick{ineligible}

== August THURSDAY, 4 (216-149) 1898


Robt went back to shock up Willis Craig helping fare shock + Robt cutting + Craigs shocking aft fine Gardens + Prices + Children + I picking berries the last of the season

== FRIDAY, 5 (217-148)


Rob finished cutting oats + shocking them fare. Took load of cheese to Drayon aft {prize?} weather very dry

== SATURDAY, 6 (218-147)


Robt took chop to Drayton and got {harse shod?} Hanging screen {dias?} down home aft fine


Alive at Church with {Y+ G.ona?} Sams here for dinner Robt went to see Gro Drury

== August Monday, 8 (220-145) 1898


Robt scuffeling {ineligible} all day very hot Carrie here leaving {five?}

== Tuesday, 9 (221-144)


Robt started to draw in oats Craig here helping also Walter Smith here helping very fine day.

== Wednesday, 10 (222-143)


Finished oats in backfield Walter Smith + Mr. {Sturtridge?} helping fine day

== Thurday, August 11, 1898


Cutting oats on other place all day fine day Girls up to {Richds} + Pages rain in the night

== Friday, August 12, 1898


{Stacking?} oat in other place + moving straw in the barn fine

== Saturday, August 13, 1898


Robt over at Sams all day drawing oats I took Children to Drayton to have there photo taken

Sunday 14

Children + I over to {C. Church?} + to {C. English?} for dinner {Fine?} hours rain aft

== August MONDAY, 15 (227-138) 1898


Cutting oats away back on other place. Little shower at noon Children started to School after hopllidays. fine aft

== TUESDAY, 16 (228-137)


Robt finished cutting oats back on other place Sams here shocking all day finished cutting for this year fine

== WEDNESDAY, 17 (229-136)


Robt Sam + Young {Lad?} drawing in oats + shocking up fine day very dry weather

== August THURSDAY, 18 (230-135) 1898


Robt over at Sams all day. very fine. Bella {Doonie?} Edmison her for tea

== FRIDAY, 19 (231-134)


Robt + Sam started to draw outs out of back field they'r not fit Robt gave to {McEronigs?} aft helping draw oats fine day

== SATURDAY, 20 (232-133)


Robt at {McEronigs?} fare then in the aft spreading a mound of clay on the farm yard fine

Sunday 21st

All at home. Jim came home Jim + girls up at Church {Thank?} Page here.

== August MONDAY, 22 (234-131) 1898


Very smoky all day Robt over at Sams till late helping draw his peas.

== TUESDAY, 23 (235-130)


Sam over drawing oats aft fine Ann Elya + Uncle {Brion?} here Craigs helping draw oats big storm of wind, thunder, + lightning

== WEDNESDAY, 24 (236-129)


Robt took load of oats to Rothsay fare. drew two loads aft + finished oats for this year Ann Elya + her Girl + Maggie {Name?} here

August THURSDAY, 25 (237-128) 1898

Robt choring round fore, dull pulling pease aft. Sam + Percy here helping, Cold weather

FRIDAY, 26 (238-127)

Robt choring round fore, little rain trimming out trees + {jacking?} brush in the orchard fine aft

SATURDAY, 27 (239-126)

Robt finished pulling pease fore. Ed.Burrows + Percie helping {I down?} to Drayton fore fine

Sunday 28th

Robt over to see {Geo, Drury?} aft Mother + I up to Church at night very fine day

August MONDAY, 29 (241-124) 1868

Robt at Burrows fore, fine {Yurning?} pease at home very fine aft turned out

TUESDAY, 30 (242-123)

Mother + I over to Sams Robt + Frank Page + Sam helping draw in the peas fine day

WEDNESDAY, 31 (243-122)

McEwings men Frank Page + Sam helping draw peas finished harvest very fine day

September THURSDAY, 1 (244-121) 1898

Robt started to draw wood from the bush very hot day

FRIDAY, 2 (245-120)

Robt drawing wood to fill woodhouse all day terrible hot thermometer 92°in shade

SATURDAY, 3 (246-119)

drawing wood out of bush finished filling woodhouse down to Drayton at night all {all?} pairs

Sunday 4th

Terrible? windy + hot Children + I up to Rothsay to see G. Philp Robt away back fiting fire an other place

September MONDAY, 5 (248-117) 1898

raining all fare Robt + Jims man fighting fire all day on the other place Sam gone to Guelph

TUESDAY, 6 (249-116)

Robt gone back to the fire fore, heavy rain At Coupers threshing aft Jane Ann Married Sun comming out hot very like more sun

WEDNESDAY, 7 (250-115)

Robt choring + filling up chop fore then down to Drayon aft fine day

September THURSDAY, 8 (251-114) 1898

Robt thresing at {illegible} till five o/clock then home choring up

FRIDAY, 9 (252-113)

Robt threshing at {Yrasks?} till four then at McEwings the rest of the Evening very windy

SATURDAY, 10 (253-112)

Robt {faiming?} up oats + drawing up wood to thresh + down to Drayton at night heavy frost

Sunday 11.

All at home all day windy + disagreeable

September MONDAY, 12 (255-110) 1898

Robt at Drayton with a {illegible}. home + then at Burrows threshing rest of day I over to Sams very fine

TUESDAY, 13 (256-109)

Robt ploughing all day

WEDNESDAY, 14 (257-108)

Robt took lambs to Drayton forenoon ploughing aft fine day

September THURSDAY, 15 (258-107) 1898

Raining quite hard till 9 oclock Robt feeling miserable. Off work Mother + I down to Drayton Heavy rain about 5 oclock George Drury died

FRIDAY, 16 (259-106)

Robt very poorly Not able to work I over to Drurys Eve

Saturday, 17{Elizabeth added this date in herself}

Robt ploughing all day Felling miserable Fine day

Sunday, 18 SATURDAY, 17 (260-105)

Jim up home for the day Rather fine day Both at George Drurys funeral afternoon

September MONDAY, 19 (262-103)

Robt over at Sams threshing fore, then over at Perkins helping in with clover Terrible windy I over to see Mrs Boothe

TUESDAY, 20 (263-102)

Robt ploughing all day Very fine day Flys terrible on the house

WEDNESDAY, 21 (264-101)

Ploughing all day Robt up to Rothsay at night

September THURSDAY, 22 (265-100) 1898

Robt ploughing fore over to the semetry helping Mr Kemp set the little head stone Drizzling rain aft

FRIDAY, 23 (266-99)

Robt ploughing Heavy rain Choring round aft.

SATURDAY, 24 (267-98)

Finished the field + ploughed out potatoes. I down to Drayton Foggy Jas McLachlan died

Sunday 25 {Elizabeth added this in herself}

Mother Children + I do round to the semetry Robt at McEarnings

September MONDAY, 26 (269-96) 1898

Robt finished ploughing potatoes Spring {illegible} aft I picking geese Both over to Jas McLachlan

TUESDAY, 27 (270-95)

Spring {illegible} fore and aft Very fine day Brown taken with inflamation nearly all at Rich nearly all night

WEDNESDAY, 28 (271-94)

Robt ploughing fore on other place at Drurys + Englishs Threshing aft at Rich at night

September THURSDAY, 29 (272-93) 1898

Robt ploughing on the other place all day Very fine Mother +I over to McBarry Eve, + took Old Mrs A home

FRIDAY, 30 (273-92)

Robt at Perkins Threshing all day Very fine hot day After at Bosworth at night up to Richds

October SATURDAY, 1 (274-91)

Robt ploughing on other place Children + I down to Drayton aft, fine

Sunday {Elizabeth added this in herself}

All at home all day Fine Girls up at Richds oft Evening

October MONDAY, 3 (276-89) 1898

Robt moving in the pea stack forenoon ploughing Aft very fine Terrible hot day

TUESDAY, 4 (277-88)

Robt ploughing all day Drizzling rain Maud Harth + A here for Dinner. Children + I down to Drayton shoe Rather dull.

WEDNESDAY, 5 (278-87)

Robt ploughing all day Finished first field on other place and went away back Some cooler

October THURSDAY, 6 (279-86) 1898

Robt ploughing all day Very fine day Ma + Da gone over to Maxwells

FRIDAY, 7 (280-85)

Robt all day Back on other place ploughing Fine

SATURDAY, 8 (281-84)

Ploughing all day Fine

Sunday, 9 {Elizabeth added this in herself}

All at home all day Robt up at Richs aft

October MONDAY, 10 (283-82) 1898

Robt ploughing all day Very fine day

TUESDAY, 11 (284-81)

Robt ploughing fore Raining all day Choring round aft

WEDNESDAY, 12 (285-80)

Robt ploughing all day Fine day

October THURSDAY, 13 (286-79) 1898

Raining fore, Robt gone to Perkin for oats + took them to get chopped + to get the horses shod Cool aft

FRIDAY, 14 (287-78)

Robt ploughing All day drizzling some + cool I killing flys aft

SATURDAY, 15 (288-77)

Robt took lambs to Drayton + then ploughing all day Going to the Train for Jim

Sunday, 16 {Elizabeth added this in herself}

All at home, except I up to Church with Jim Very fine day

October MONDAY, 17 (290-75) 1898

Robt ploughing all day Rather fine Carrie came to sew

TUESDAY, 18 (291-74)

Robt finished Back on other place about ten forenoon I gone to Drayton morning for Drew trimming Raining aft

WEDNESDAY, 19 (292-73)

Robt choring fore (Raining) Tying up young cable Started to top {illegible} aft

October THURSDAY, 20 (293-72) 1898

Robt + Willie Craig topping {illegible} fore. Then drawing in aft + took a load to Rothsay Very fine day

FRIDAY, (294-71)

Robt took five Hogs to Drayton fore, raining Choring up aft Raining + dull G Page threshing Craig there for us

SATURDAY, 22 (295-70)

Miserable forenoon Robt choring + down at Hilborns. Then picking {illegible} {illegible} aft. Dull + rainy

Sunday, 23 {Elizabeth added this date in herself}

All at home all day Rather fine

October MONDAY, 24 (297-68) 1898

Robt working in the {illegible} all day. Very fine Willie Craig here aft Clara + I down to Drayton to get her a coat. Very fine day

TUESDAY, 25 (298-67)

Robt + Craigs Two Boys here all day. Very fine. Finished {illegible} carrots + cabbage Walter Smith here from four Grandpa Philip here for apples

WEDNESDAY, 26 (299-66)

Robt working in the roothouse all day Threshing up {illegible} Raining off and on all forenoon McEarnings threshing. Rather fine aft Started to top turnips Willie Craig helping

October THURSDAY, 27 (300-65) 1898

Robt choring + {tilling?} turnips all day Willie Craig here Fine day

FRIDAY, 28 (301-64) Robt choring + {tilling?} fore Harvesting all + drawing in aft Craig boys here Rather fine

SATURDAY, 29 (302-63) Robt choring + working in the Turnips. Drawing in with the team all day down to Drayton at night for a bbl of Sugar

Sunday, 30 {Elizabeth added this date in herself}

Robt at home all day Olive up to church wit G. + Grandma Children Ma + I over to Sams aft Dull looking like rain

October MONDAY, 31 (304-61) 1898

Robt working in Turnips Craig boys + Walter Smith helping Turnips sticky to handle fore but fine aft

November TUESDAY, 1 (305-60)

robt , Craigs + Smith all working in the turnips. Finished at night. Sent Johnnie Craig to Rothsay with a load + took one to Drayton for Smith Fifty five loads {illegible} in Very fine day

WEDNESDAY, 2 (306-59)

Robt choring + started to draw out manure Very fine day

November THURSDAY, 3 (307-58) 1898

Robt, choring + drawing out manure all day Very fine day

FRIDAY, 4 (308-57)

Robt choring + finished drawing out manure. Very fine day

SATURDAY, 5 (309-56)

Choring + picking N.S. Apples on other place fore. Up to Richds aft to thresh but did not on account of rain M Barry died at 3 aft

Sunday, 6 {Elizabeth added this date in herself}

Clara at church with I + Gma. rest of us at home, very stormy + squally

November, MONDAY, 7 (311-54) 1898

Robt up at Richd Threshing all day I over with Father to John Barrys funeral Very large funeral + rather fine day

TUESDAY, 8 (312-53)

Robt at Richd forenoon. Choring + ploughing aft. Very fine day

WEDNESDAY, 9 (313-52)

Soft snow falling Robt back spreading manure up to Rich + down to {illegible} for fork Choring + ploughing Aft rather fine

November THURSDAY, 10 (314-51) 1898

Robt choring forenoon Both over to Mr {Illegible} funeral Fine forenoon but terrible stormy + cold aft.

FRIDAY, 11 (315-50)

Choring all forenoon Down home helping Sam put home storm doors + windows Aft clear but cold

SATURDAY, 12 (316-49)

Robt choring fore + down to Drayton. Fixing up a place for the hens aft rather fine

Sunday, 13 {Elizabeth added this date in herself}

Fine forenoon. All at home fore, then both at Eddie Murphys funeral. Terrible fall of soft snow

November MONDAY, 14 (318-47) 1898

Robt choring fore, down to Drayton aft for load of chop. Soft snow falling fore

TUESDAY, 15 (319-46)

Robt choring all day Very fine

WEDNESDAY, 16 (320-45)

Robt choring all day Very fine day Mother + I down to Drayton aft

November THURSDAY, 17 (321-44) 1898

Robt took old sheep to Drayton and choring the rest of day Over to Craigs at night Straightening up. Mother + I over at Sams all day helping paper dining room

FRIDAY, 18 (322-43)

Robt choring all day Making Sauerkraut at night {Illegible name} + Art Garneau helping Dull + raining a little at night

SATURDAY, 19 (323-42)

Robt choring all day Dull, imersably wet underfoot

SUNDAY, 20 {Elizabeth added this date in herself}

All at home all day Very fine day

November MONDAY, 21 (325-40) 1898

Robt choring fore Ploughing aft Very fine day Craigs sale

TUESDAY, 22 (326-39)

Robt choring all day Killing the Geese Robt took them down Evening dull + raini

WEDNESDAY, 23 (327-38)

Robt choring all day Very fine day Robt moving the Cabbage down to the stable

November THURSDAY, 24 (328-37) 1898

Robt choring and drawing up a load of hay from Da’s {illegible} house. I helping mother pack Aunties things Robt + Sam took them down to station

FRIDAY, 25 (329-36)

Robt choring and drawing out manure Very fine day

SATURDAY, 26 (330- 35)

Robt choring + drawing out manure Girls + I down over to Craigs Rather stormy Down to Drayton at night

SUNDAY, 27 {Elizabeth added this date in herself}

All at home all day 8 little pigs all smart Very lovely day

November MONDAY, 28 (332-33) 1898

Robt choring Feeling terrible poorly down to see the Dr Fine day

TUESDAY, 29 (333-32)

Robt moving round a little Duncan here a little while Walter Smith gone to Frank Pages threshing for us Johnnie Craig here choring Robt gone to Pages aft Very fine day

WEDNESDAY, 30 (334-31)

Robt + Walter at Pages fore Brought machine to our place Walter + Johnnie drawing out manure aft Robt gone to Drayton at night Rather fine day

December THURSDAY, 1 (335-30) 1898

Threshing all day Rather stormy

FRIDAY, 2 (336-29)

Threshing, fore Robt took machine home Walter + Johnie helping put back chaff + straw aft Mr North here for tea Robt down to Drayton at night Rather fine day

SATURDAY, 3 (337-28)

Robt choring all day Sam, 33 years Very fine day Sams children here

SUNDAY, 4 {Elizabeth added this date in herself}

All home except down to Mothers Turned very stormy afternoon

December MONDAY, 5 (339-26) 1898

Robt choring all day Very stormy day

TUESDAY, 6 (340-25)

Robt choring Rather fine fore. I, washed, Very stormy aft Robt fanning up chop

WEDNESDAY, 7 (341-24)

Robt choring fore Very stormy all day Robt took chop to Drayton aft

December THURSDAY, 8 (342-23) 1898

Robt + Willie Craig choring took a cow down + went to the mill for chop Terrible stormy day Snow very deep for this time of the year

FRIDAY, 9 (343-22)

Robt choring all day (14 e) I gone to Drayton aft took tub of butter down Sam sold his colt + road home with me Very stormy. been storming all week. Townline filled with snow, something very unusual for this time of the year

SATURDAY, 10 (344-21)

Robt choring all day Sam here helping fan up Das oats Very cold + stormy. Girls at School

SUNDAY 11.th {Star drawn beside date}{this datewas added in by Elizabeth herself}

Robt gone up to Rothsay aft Children + I down home Rather stormy + cold

December MONDAY, 12 (346-19) 1898

Robt choring forenoon Sam + Chris here Robt + Sam killing Fathers pig Very soft mild day.

TUESDAY, 13 (347-18)

Robt choring all day till eve, then up to fact Wilsons for milk cheque ($69). Both over to see George Duncan

WEDNESDAY, 14 (348-17)

Robt choring fore. Ma helping one wash {illegible} fore Robt helping me paper kitchen aft blowing + rather stormy

December THURSDAY, 15 (349-16) 1898 Robt choring fore and over helping Sam butcher Very soft mild day

FRIDAY, 16 (350-15) Robt choring all day farming up chop aft I took butler up to Mrs Edmison aft very fine

SATURDAY, 17 (351-14) Old Mrs Alex Mitchel dead brought her on train to Drayton Both down to station and over to Derryadd. Rather fine day Robt choring aft + down to Drayton with chop

SUNDAY, 18th {Elizabeth added this date in herself} Ma Olive + I up to church very fine day Dr Pickle up here to see Marks Eyes Sam drove Pollie {illegible} home for first time

December MONDAY, 19 (353-12) 1898 Robt choring forenoon Walter Smith came up fore Robt gone to Drayton for chop Getting colder

TUESDAY, 20 (354-11) Robt choring round all day. (Chris here all aft. making Xmas cake) Soft snow falling.

WEDNESDAY, 21 (355-10) Robt choring forenoon over to Burrows helping butcher Children + I over to Miss Duncans {exam?} Soft snow falling fore. Rather fine aft

December THURSDAY, 22 (356-9) 1898 Robt choring round all day. Raining all aft I down helping Mother aft Children stopped school for the Xmas (May Mclachlan left school, Taught 2 years) Hollidays

FRIDAY, 23 (357-8) Robt choring fore, Drawing out manure aft, I went down to Drayton aft, got Mark shod Quite stormy day

SATURDAY, 24 (358-7) Robt choring forenoon and drawing out manure aft down to Drayton at night, Wilie home at noon

Sunday, 25 {this section was added in by Elizabeth herself} Most beautiful day very fine sleighing Children and all down home for dinner, Sam + Chriss over Jim came home. Sam down to Guelph Jim + Willie down to Rothsay, Eve for Jim Boys up to church morning

December MONDAY, 26 (360-5) 1898 Robt choring and drawing out manure Children, Willie, Jim + I all over to Sams for dinner big Xmas Dinner over there this year. Big party at McIsaacs at night Jim + Willie gone to {illegible} Turned very cold toward night

TUESDAY, 27 (361-4) Robt choring round Terrible stormy day Jim here aft, Willie gone to Sams aft Willie Jim + Ma here for supper

WEDNESDAY, 28 (362-3) Robt choring and drawing out manure aft. Rather mild all day Both the boys went back. Morning getting very cold toward night Ma up here aft for while

December THURSDAY, 29 (363-2) 1898 Robt choring all day (farming?) up chop I went up to see Grandpa Philip + took all the children. Had a fine aft Miss Stone gave the two girls a quarter + Brock a {illegible} Very fine lovely day

FRIDAY, 30 (364-1) Robt choring forenoon Raining morning Turned colder and started to snow. Robt went to Drayton with chop and to get the horses shod. Still getting colder

SATURDAY, 31 (365) Willie Craig here doing chores and Sam + Robt gone gone to Palmerston Robt gone for flour and Sam to deliver his Chesnut team. Robt got 4 bags of flour, 2 for Grandpa Philip Terrible cold sharp day Aunt Sarah Lowes here for tea.

Nov 12th 98 {Recd?} from {?} A Craig 46 {lush?} 16 lbs {?}


Transcription Progress



Elizabeth Philp Diary, 1898 Part 1.pdf
Elizabeth Philp Diary, 1898 Part 2.pdf
Elizabeth Philp 1898 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“Elizabeth Philp Diary & Transcription, 1898,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/224.
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