Elizabeth Philp Diary & Transcription, 1900


Elizabeth Philp Diary & Transcription, 1900

Date Created

January 1, 1900

Is Part Of

Philp Family Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


Front cover with multiple “swirled” colours

Says “Daily Journal 1900” in a square which is placed in the middle of the diary cover

1900. Sunday. Monday. Tuesday Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. 1900. Sunday. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. 1900. Sunday. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday.
JANUARY. 1 2 3 4 5 6 MAY. 1 2 3 4 5 SEPTEMBER 1
JANUARY. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 MAY. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SEPTEMBER. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
JANUARY. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 MAY. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 SEPTEMBER. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
JANUARY. 21 22 23 24 25 26. 27 MAY. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 SEPTEMBER. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
JANUARY. 28 29 30 31 MAY. 27 28 29 30 31 SEPTEMBER. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
FEBRUARY. 1 2 3 JUNE. 1 2 OCTOBER. 1 2 3 4 5 6
FEBRUARY. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 JUNE. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OCTOBER. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
FEBRUARY. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 JUNE. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 OCTOBER. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
FEBRUARY. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 JUNE. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 OCTOBER. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
FEBRUARY. 25 26 27 28 JUNE. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 OCTOBER. 28 29 30 31
MARCH. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 JULY. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NOVEMBER. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
MARCH. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 JULY. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 NOVEMBER. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
MARCH. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 JULY. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 NOVEMBER. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
MARCH. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JULY. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOVEMBER. 25 26 27 28 29 30
MARCH. JULY. 29 30 31 NOVEMBER. /td> /td>
APRIL. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 AUGUST. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 DECEMBER. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
APRIL. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 AUGUST. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 DECEMBER. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
APRIL. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 AUGUST. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DECEMBER. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
APRIL 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AUGUST. 26 27 28 29 30 31 DECEMBER. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
JANUARY. 1 2 3 4 5 MARCH. 1 2 MAY. 1 2 3 4
JANUARY. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MARCH. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MAY. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
JANUARY. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 MARCH. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 MAY. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
JANUARY. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 MARCH. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 MAY. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
JANUARY. 27 28 29 30 31 MARCH. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MAY. 26 27 28 29 30 31
FEBRUARY. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 APRIL. 1 2 3 4 5 6 JUNE. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
FEBRUARY. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 APRIL. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 JUNE. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
FEBRUARY. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 APRIL. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 JUNE. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
FEBRUARY. 24 25 26 27 28 APRIL. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 JUNE. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
FEBRUARY. APRIL. 28 29 30 JUNE. 30

Rob Philip.






Blank page.



Absinthe, $240 per Imp. Gal.

Acetate of Lime ... 20

Acetate and Nitrare of Lead, not ground... Free

Acid, Acetic Acid and Pyroligneous, n.e.s., & vinegar, a specific duty of fifteen cents for each fallon of any strength not exceeding the strength of proof, and for each degree of strength in excess of the strength of proof an additional duty of two cents. The strength of proof shall be held to be equal to six per cent. of absolute acid, and in all cases the strength shall be determined in such a manner as in establushed by the Governor in council.

Acid, Acetic Acid crude, and Pyroligneous crude, of any strength not exceeding thirty per cent... 25

Acid Muriatic and Nitric, and all mixed acids...20

Acid, Oxalic and Boracic...Free

Acid, Phosphate, n.o.p...25

Acid, Sulphuric... 25

Acid, Tartaric, in crystals...Free

Acid, Tannic...Free

Acids, other acids n.e.s... 20

Aconite Root...Free

Acords as Nuts...2 cts. per lb.

Advertising and printed matter, viz.--Advertising pamphlets, advertising pictorial show cards, illustrated advertising periodicals; illustrated price books, catalogues and price lists; advertising almanacs and calendars; patenet medicine or other advertising circulars, fly sheets or pamphlets; advertising chromos, chromotypes, oleographs or like work produced by any process other than hand painting or drawing and having any advertisement or advertising matter printed, lithographed or stamped thereon, or attached to, including advertising bills, folders, and posters, or other similar artistic work, lithographed, printed or stamped on paper or cardboard for business or advertisement purposes, n.o.p., 15 cts. per lb.

Albaster, Spar, Terra Cotta or Composition Ornaments...35

Ale, Beer and Porter, in Bottles (6 q. or 12 p. to Imp. gal.) 24c.Imp. gal.

Ale, Beer and Porter, in Casks, or otherwise than Bottles...16c. Imp.gal.

Albumen, Blood... Free

Albumenized, and other papers and films chemically prepared for photographers' use...30

Albums, insides of paper...Free

Ale, Ginger...20

Alkanet, root, crude, crushed or ground... Free

Almonds, shelled, 5 cents per lb. not shelled, 3 cents per lb.

Almond Paste as Confectionery, 1/2c. a lb. and... 35

Aloes, unground...Free

Alum, in bulk only, ground or unground... Free

Alum, burned or calcined...20

Aluminum, or Aluminium and Alumina and Chloride of Aluminium or Chloralum, Sulphate of Alumina and Alum Cake... Free Chloralum...Free

Ambergris... Free

Ammonia, Sulphate of... Feee

Anatomical Preparations and Skeletons or parts thereof... Free

Anchors for vessels... Free

Animal, living, n.e.s...20

Animals, for improvement of Stock, horses, cattle, sheep, swine, and dogs... Free

Animals, live hogs, 1 1/2c. per lb...

Animals brought into Can. temp. & for a period not exceeding 3 months, for the purpose of exhibition... Free

Aniline Dyes and Coal Tar Dyes, in bulk or packages of not less than one pound weight, including Alizarine and artifical Alizarine...Free

Aniline Oil, Crude... Free

Aniline Salts, and Arseniate of..Free

Annato, liquid or soild and seed. Free

Antimony not ground, pulverised or otherwise manufactured...Free

Antiquities, collections of... Free Antiseptic surgical fressing, such as absorbent cotton, cotton wool, lint, lambs' wool, tow, jute, gauzes, and oakum, prepared for use as surgical dressing, plain or medicated...20


Apricots, green...20

Apparatus and Philosophical Instruments, imported by and for use of Colleges, Schools, Scientific, and Literary Societies, such as are not manufactured in Canada... Free

Ap'atus for Colleges and Schools, which are manufactured in Canada, to be rated according to material.

Apparel, wearing, and other personal and household effects (not merchandise) of British
subjects dying abroad, but domiciled in Canada... Free

Apples, including the barrel... 40c. per barrel.

Apples, dried...25

Apples trees of all kinds.. 3c. each

Argols... Free

Artist color boxes Japanned... 25

Arms, including Muskets, Rifles and other fire arms, n.e.s...30

Army and Navy and Canadian Military Arms, Clothing, Mus. Instruments for Bands, Military Stores and Munition of War... Free


Artifical Flowers...25

Artifical Limbs... Free

Arsenic... Free

Arseniate of Aniline... Free

Articles for the use of Governor-General... Free

Articles imported by and for the use of the Dominion Government or any of the Departments thereof, or by or for the Senate or House of Commons...Free

Articles for personal use of Consuls-General, who are natives or citizens of the country they represent, and who are not engaged in any other business or profession... Free

Articles ex-warehoused for ship's stores... Free

Abestos, in any form other than Crude, and all manufactures thereof...25

Ashes, Pot and Pearl, in packages of not less than twenty0five pounds weight... Free

Asparagus... 25

Asphalt or Aphaltum, and Bone Pitch, Crude only... Free

Awnings and Tents... 35

Babbit Metal...10

Bacon and Hams, Shoulders and Sides...2 cents per lb.

Bacteriological products or serums for subcuntaneous injection... Free

Bagatelle Tables or Boards, with Cues and Balls...35

Baggage, Travellers'...Free

Bags, Cotton, Seamless...20

Bags, Cotton, made up by the use of the needle...35

Bags, Carpet Bags...30

Bags, paper sacks or bags of all kinds, printed or not...25

Bags, Jute, Hemp, Linen and Cotton Seamless...20

Baking Powders, 6 cents per lb. The weight of the packages to be included in the weight for duty.

Bamboos, unmanufactured... Free

Bamboo Reeds, not further manfd. than cut into suitable lengths for Walking Sticks, or Canes, or Sticks for Umbrellas, Parasols, or Sunshades...Free

Bank notes, bonds, bills of exchange, cheques, promissory notes, drafts and all similar work unsigned, and cards or other commercial blank forms printed or lithographed, or printed from steel or copper or other plates, and other printed matter, n.e.s...35


Bark, Oak and Tanners... Free



Barrels, Can. manuf., exp. filled & ret'd empty, under such reg'ns as the Min. of Cus. shall direct. Free

Barrels, cont. Petroleum, or its products, or any mixt. or which petroleum is a part, when such contents are chargeable with a specific duty...20c. each

Beads and Bead Ornaments...35

Beans...15cts. per bush.

Bean, Tonquin, Vanilla & Nux Vomica, crude only... Free

Bed Comforters, or Quilts of Cotton, white or colored...30

Beef, salted in barrels, the barrel containing the same to be free of duty...2c. per lb.


Belladonna Leaves...Free

Bells, when imported by and for the use of churches only... Free

Bells, n.e.s...30

Belts of all kinds...35

Belting of leather or other material, except rubber, n.e.s...20

Belting Rubber...25

Benzole, n.e.s., 5c. per Imp. gal.

Berries for dyeing, or used for composing dyes... Free

Bicycles, Tricycles or Velocipedes 30

Billiard Tables, with or without pockets, and bagatelle tables or boards, cues, balls and cue racks and cue tips...35

Billiard Balls, bone or ivory, when imported separately...35

Billiard Balls celluloid, when imported separately...35

Birds, Canary Birds and n.e.s...20

Bird skins, for taxidermic purposes...Free

Bird Cages...35

Biscuits of all kinds, not sweetened...25
Biscuits, sweetened...27 1/2

Bismuth, Metallic in its natural state... Free

Bitters, n.e.s., $2.40 per Imp. gal.

Blacking, Shoe and Shoemakers' Ink, shoe, harness and leather dressing, and harness-soap...25

Black Lead, plumbago manufac're 25

Black Book Muslin...35

Blackberries, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries and currants, n.e.s, the weight of the package to be included in the weight for duty, 2c. per. lb.


Blanketing and lapping, and discs or mills for engraving copper rollers, imported by cotton manufacturers, calico printers and wall paper manufacturers, for use in their own factories only... Free

Blinds of wood, metal or other material not textile or paper...30

Blood albumen, tannic acid, antimony salts, tartar emetic and grey tartar... Free

Blueing, Laundry, of all kinds...25

Blue Vitriol...Free

Bolting Cloth, not made up...Free

Bone Dust and Ash for manuf. of Phosphate and Fertilizers... Free

Bone Dust, unmanufactured...Free

Bone Black...Free

Bones, crude, not manuf., burnt, calcined, ground, or steamed. Free

Bones, burnt, calcined...20

Bones, manufactures of, fancy...35

Bone, manufactures of, n.e.s...20

Bone Pitch, crude only...Free

Bone, Cuttle Fish...Free

Bonnets, n.e.s.... 30

Books, viz:--Novels or works of fiction, or literature of a similar character, unbound or paperbound, or in sheets, including freight rates for railways and telegraph rates, bound in book or pamphlet form, but not to include Christmas annuals or publications commonly known as juvenile and toy books...20

Books, Printed, Periodicals and Pamphlets, or parts thereof, n.e.s.,--not to include blank account books, copy-books, or books to be written or drawn upon...10

Books, viz.: Books on the application of all kinds, including books on agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fish and fishing, mining, metallurgy, architecture, electric and other engineering, carpentry, ship-building, mechanism, dyeing, bleaching, tanning, weaving and other mechanic arts, and similar industrial books; also books printed in any language other than the English and French languages, or in any two languages not being English and Fresh, or in any three or more languages; and bibles, prayer-books, psalm and hymn-books, and religious tracts, and Sunday School lesson pictures...Free

Books, embossed, for the blind, and books for the instruction of the deaf and dumb and blind...Free

Books printed by any Government or by any association for the promotion of science or letters, and official annual reports of religious or benevolent associations, and issued in the course of the proceedings of the said associations, to their members, and not for the purpose of sale or trade...Free

Books, not printed or reprinted in Canada, which are included and used as text books in the curriculum of any university, incroporated college or normal school in Canada; books specifically imported for the bona fide{italicized} use of incorporated mechanics' institutes, public libraries, libraries of universities, colleges and schools, or for the library of any incorporated medical, law, literary, scientific or art association or society, and being the property of the organized authorities of such library, and not in any case the property of individuals,---the whole under regulations to be made by the Controller of Customs,--provided that importers of books who have sold the same for the purpose mentioned in this item, shall upon proof of sale and delivery for such purpose be entitled to a refund of any duty paid thereon... Free

Books, bound or unbound, which have been printed and manufactured more than 12 years..Free

Books and clothing, donations of, for charitable purposes and photographs, not exceeding 3, sent by friends and not for the purpose of sale...Free

Book Binders' Cloth...Free

Book Binders' tools and implements...30

Boots and Shoes, Leather or Rubber, and slippers of any material, n.e.s...25
Boots and Shoes, Rubber...25

Boot and Shoe Counters, made from Leather Board...25

Boot and Shoe Dressing...25

Boot, Shoe and Stay Laces, of any material...30

Botanical Specimens...Free

Borax, ground or unground, in bulk of not less than twenty-five pounds only...Free

Box Wood Rules...25

Boxes, paper boxes, empty, plain. 35

Boxes, cash... 25

Boxes and Writing Desks, fancy and ornamental...35

Braces or Suspenders and metal parts thereof...35

Braids of all kinds...35

Bran, Mill Feed...20

Brass, drawn, plain and fancy tubing not bent or otherwise manufactured, in lengths not less than six feet...Free

Brass, old, scrap, and in sheets or plates, not polished...Free

Brass bars in bolts, bars and rods in coil or otherwise, not less than six feet in length, unmanufactured...Free

Brass Cups, being rough blanks, for the manufacture of brass and paper shells and cartridges for use in their own factories...Free

Bras Wire, plain...10

Brass, ribs of iron or steel, runners, rings, caps, notches, ferrules, mounts and sticks or canes in the rough or not further manufactured than cut into lengths suitable for umbrellas, etc., imported by manufactures of umbrellas, parasols and sunshades for use in their factories in the manufacture of umbrellas, etc., only..Free

Brass Pumps...30

Brass, twisted Brass, Copper, Zinc, Iron or Steel Wire, when imported by manufacturers of boots and shoes for use in their factories... Free

Brass, in strips, for printers' rules, not finished...Free

Brass and copper nails, rivets, tacks and burrs...30

Brass tubing, cased...30

Brass, manufactures of, n.e.s...30

Breadstuffs, Grain and Flour, and Meal of all kinds, when damaged by water in transitu, upon the appraised value...20

Brick, Fire, n.e.s...20

Brick, hollow and porous...20

Brick, Building...20

Brick, Bath Brick...20

Brick, Fire Bricj, for use in processes of manufacture, or for manufacturing purposes...Free

Brimstone, crude or in roll or flour...Free

Brim Moulds, for gold beaters and gold beaters' skins...Free

British Gum, Dextrine, Sizing, Cream and Enamelled Sizing. 10


Britannia Metal in pigs and bars Free manufactures of, if not plated. 25 manufactures of, if plated...30




Broom Corn...Free

Bronze or Dutch Metal...25

Buckles of iron, steel, brass or copper, of all kinds, n.o.p. (not being jewellery)...30

Buckskins, tanned or dressed (Glove leather)...10

Bronze Statuettes...35

Buckwheat...10c.per bushel meal or flour...1/4c. per lb.

Buchu Leaves...Free

Buckles, tin, for suspenders...35

Buckram, for the manufacture of hat and bonnet shapes...Free

Builders' Hardware...30

Bulbs, flower, palms, corms, tubers, rhizomes, Arucaria, Spirea, and Lilies of the Valley, seedling stocks for grafting, viz: plum, pear, peach, and other fruit trees...Free

Bullion, gold and silver, in bars, blocks or ingots, drops, sheets or plates, unmanufactured, gold and silver sweepings and bullion fringe...Free

Burr Stones, in blocks, rough unmanufactured, not bound up or prepared for binding into mill stones...Fre

Burgundy Pitch...Free

Butchers' Steels and table steels 30

Butter...4 cents per pund

Butter Triers...30

Butterine, or other substiture for Butter, imporation prohibited.

Buttons, pantaloon, metal, and shoe buttons, n.e.s...25

Button, Shoe, papier mache...Free

Buttons of all kinds, covered or not, n.o.p., including recognition buttons, and cuff or collar buttons (not being jewellery).35

Cabinet of Coins, collection of medals and other antiquities, including collection of Postage Stamps... Free

Cabinet Ware or Furniture (wood or iron)...30

Cages, bird, parrot, squirrel and rat cages, of wire, and metal


parts thereof...35

Calcareous tufa...Free

Calumba Root, unground...Free

Camwood and Sumac, and Extract of, for dyeing or tanning. Free

Candied Peel, lemon, orange and citron...1/2c per lb. and 35

Candles, Tallow...25

Candles, Paraffine Wax...30

Candles and Tapers, all others, including Sperm...25

Candle Wick and Lamp Wicks..25

Cane or Rattan, split or otherwise manufactured...25

Cane and Rattan, not manufactured...Free

Canoes, skiffs, or open pleasure sail boats of any material...25

Canton Flannel, white...25

Canton Flannel, printed or dyed...35

Canvas, "Jute," not pressed or calendered, when imported by the manufacturers of carpets, rugs and mats, jute webbing or jute cloth, for use in the manufacture of or any of tjese articles only, in their own factories...Free

Canvas of flax or hemp and sail twine, to be used for boat and ship sails...5

Caoutchouc, unmanufactured...Free

Caplins, unfinished Leghorn hats. Free

Caps, Hats, Bonnets and shapes, n.e.s...30

Caps, Percussion, for guns, rifles and pistols...30

Caps, Percussion Copper, for blasting...30

Capsules for Bottles, to be rated according to material...

Carbons, electric light, and carbon points of all kinds, n.e.s.35

Carbons, over six inches in circumference...15


Cards, show cards, 15c. per lb. Cards, for playing, 6 cts. per packs

Carpet bags, trunks and valises, hat boxes, tool bags or baskets, satches, reticules, musical instrument cases, purses, portmanteaus, pocket books, fly books and parts thereof, n.o.p., and baskets of all kinds...30

Carpets, Turkish or imitation Turkish or other rugs or carpets, and carpets n.e.s...35

Carpeting, rugs, mats, and matting of cocoa, straw, hemp or jute, carpet linings and stair pads...25

Cartridges, for guns, rifles and pistols, and Cartridge Cases..30

Carriages, Buggies and Pleasure Carts, and similar vehicles, n.e.s., including cutters, children's carriages and sleds, and finished thereof, n.o.p..35 Farm & Freight Wagons, Carts, Drays and similar vehicles...25

Carriage Hardware...30

Carriages of travellers, and Carriages laden with merchandise, and not to include circus troupes or hawkers...Free

Cash Boxes...25

Casts, as models for the use of schools of designs...Free

Catgut Strings, or Gut Cord for Musical Instruments...Free

Catgut or Whipgut, unmanufactured...Free

Caustic Soda...Free

Cases, for jewels, watches, silver and plated ware, cutlery, and other like articles of any material...35

Celluloid, Xylonite or Xyolite, in sheets, lumps, balls, or blocks, in rough...Free

Celluloid moulded into sizes for handles of knives and forks not bored or otherwise manf., alo=so moulded celluloid balls and cylinders coated with tinfoil or not, but not finished or further manufactured, and celluloid lamp shade blanks. 10

Celluloid Collars and Cuffs...35

Cement, Hydraulic or Waterlime, Portland, in bags, barrels or casks, the weight of the package to be included in the weight for duty, 12 1/2c. per 100 lbs.

Chalk stone, china or Cornwall stone, feldspar, and cliff stone, ground or unground...Free

Chalk, manufactured...20

Chamomile Flowers...Free

Chamomile Flowers, powdered..20

Chamois Skins...17 1/2

Charts, admiralty, Free. Other 20


Cheese, 3 cents per lb...

Cheese Clothes, white...25 coloured...25

Cheques, also bank notes, cheques, bonds, promissory notes, bills of exchange, drafts and all similar work unsigned, and cards or other commercial blank forms printed or lithographed, or printed from steel or copper or other plates, and other printed matter, n.e.s...35

Cherry Trees, 3 cents each...

Chewing Gum, if sweetened, 1/2c. per lb. and...35

Chewing Gum, not sweetened..20

Chicory, raw or green, 3c . per lb.

Chicory,dried roasted or ground, 4 cents per lb...

China Clay, natural or ground...Free

Chloralum or Chloride of Alum. Free

China and Porcelain Ware...30
Chloride of Barium...20

Chloride of Lime, in packages of not less than 25 lbs. weight...Free

Chronometer Clocks, as Clocks. 25

Chronometer Watches...25

Chronometers and Compasses for Ships...Free

Chromos, Chromotypes, Oleographs, photographs, artotypes, paintings, drawings, pictures, engravings or prints, or proofs therefrom and similar works of art, n.o.p., blue prints, building plans, and maps and charts, n.e.s...20

Church Vestments...20

Churns, brooms, pails, tubs, pounders and rolling pins, whisks and washboards...20

Cider, not clarified or refined, 5 cents per im. gallon...

Cider, clarified or refined, 10 cents per im. gallon...

Cigars and Cigarettes, the weight of the cigarettes to include the weight of the paper covering, $3 per lb. and...25

Cinchona Bark...Free

Cinchona Bark, powdered...20


Citrons, rinds of, in brine...Free

Citric Acid...20


Cliff Stone, unmanufactured...Free

Cliff Stone, manufactured...30

Clocks, and clock cases of all kinds...25

Clock springs and clock movements, complete or in parts..25

Clothes Wringers for domestic use and parts thereof...35

Clothing, Cotton, Silk and Linen 35

Clothing, ready-made, and wearing apparel of every discription, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca goat or other like animal, n.o.p...35

Clothing, donations of, for charitable purposes...Free

Clothing imported by and for use of army and navy, or for Canadian Militia. Dutiable according to material. Duty refunded upon reference to Department...

Cloths, not rubbered or made waterproof, whether of wool, cotton, unions, silk or ramie, sixty inches or over in width and weighing not more than seven ounces to the square yard, when imported exclusively for the manufacture of mackintosh clother, under regulations to be adopted by the Governor in Council...15

Coal, and Coal Dust, Ath acite. Free

Coal, bituminous slack, such as will pass through a half inch screen, subject to regulations to be made by the controller of customs, 20 per cent., but not to exceed 13c. per ton of 2000 lbs. (being the equivalent of 15c. per ton of 2240 lbs.), provided that if the U.S. Congress fixes the duty on such slack coal at a rate not exceeding 15c. per ton of 2240 lbs., then the duty on such coal imported into Canada, as provided in this item, shall be the minimum duty on such coal from all countries, notwithstanding section 17 of this Act.

Coal, bituminous, round and run of mine, and coal n.e.s., 53c. per ton of 2000 lbs. (being the equivalent of 60c. per ton of 2240 lbs.), provided that if the U.S. Congress fixes the duty on such coal at a rate not exceeding 40c. per ton of 2240 lbs., the Governor-in-Council may be proclamantion reduce the duty mentioned in this item to 40c. per ton of 2240 lbs. or the equivalent thereof per ton of 2000 lbs., and the duty declared by such proclamation shall then be the minimum duty on such coal from all counties, notwithstanding section 17 of this Act.


Coal Tar and Coal Pitch...Free

Cobalt, ore of...Free


Cocoa Mats and Matting...25

Cocoanuts, imported from place of growth by vessel direct to a Canadian port...50c. per 100.

Cocoanuts, not imported direct,... $1 per hundred.

Cocoa Paste and Chocolate Paste, Cocoas and Cocoa Butter, 4c. per. lb...

Cocoa Shells and Nibs, Chocolate and other preparations of cocoa...20

Cocoanut, dessicated. sweetened or not, 5 cents per pound...

Cocoa Beans, not roasted, crushed or ground...Free

Coffee, Green, n.e.s...10

Coffee, Green, imported direct from the country of growth and production, or purchased in bond in the United Kingdom, such as might be entered for home consumption in the United Kingdom...Free

Coffee roasted or ground, when not imported direct from the country of growth and production, 2c. per lb. and...10
Coffee, roasted or ground, and all imitations of and substitues for, n.e.s., 2 cts. per lb.

Coffee, extract of, or substitutes for, of all kinds..3 cts. per lb.

Cofee and Milk...30

Coffee Mills..30

Coffings and Caskets, of any materials and metal parts thereof 25

Coins, Silver Coins from the U.S. 30

Coins, Gold and Silver, except U.S. silver coins...Free

Coir and Coir Yawn... Free

Collars of linen, cotton, celluloid, xylonite, or xyolite...35

Collars, lace collars...35


Cologne water, alcoholic perfumes, and perfumed spirits, bay rum, and lavender waters, hair, tooth and skin washes and other toilet preparations containing spirits of any kind, when in bottles or flasks weiging not more than 4 oz. each..50 When in bottles, flasks or other packages weighing more than 4 oz. each. $2.40 per gal. and...40

Combs, dress and toilet, all kinds 35

Combs, curry combs, as Saddlers' hardware...30

Commercial blank forms...35

Communion Plate imported by and for use in Churches...Free

Composition Metal for the manuf'cture of filled g'ld watch-cases. 10

Compassess and chronometers for ships...Free

Composition Nails, Spikes and Sheathing Nails...15

Composition Fuel, in blocks...20

Concentrated Lye...20

Condensed Coffee...30

Condensed Milk...3 1/4 cents

Confectionery and Sugar Candy, 1/2c. per lb. and...35

Copper, old and scrap in pigs, bars, rods, bolts, over six feet in length, ingots and sheating, not planished or coated, and copper seamless drawn tubing Free

Copper Wire...15

Copper Rollers, for use in calico printing, when imported by calico printers for use in their factory in the printing of calico and for no other purpose, such as rollers not being manufactured in Canada. ... Free

Copper, in sheets, not planished, polished, or coated...Free

Copper Bath, finished...30

Copper, all manufactures of, n.e.s. 30

Copper, precipitate of, crude..Free

Copperas, Sulphate of Iron...Free

Copy Books...35

Copying Presses...30

Cords and Tassels of silk or any other material...35

Cordage of all kinds...25

Cordials (see Spirituous Liquors)

Corduroy, white...25 colored...35

Corn, Indian, n.e.s...Free

Corn, Indian, for purposes of distillation, subject to regulations to be approved by the Governor in Council, 7 1/2c. per bush.

Cornmeal, including the duty on the barrel...25c. per bbl.

Corks and manufactures of Cork-wood or Cork-bark...20

Cork-wood or bark, unmanufa..Free

Corkscrews and Cork Drawers..30

Cornice Poles...30


Corset clasps, busks, blanks and steels, and corset wires, tipped or untipped...35

Cottolene, sub. for lard, 2c. p. lb.

Cotton, raw...Free

Cotton covered Wire...30

Cotton Seed in bulk...10

Cotton Duck, grey or white, n.e.s. 22 1/2

Cotton Quilts...30

Cotton Belting...20

Cotton and Jute Tapestry...35

Cotton and Linen Damasks...30

Cottons, grey or unbleached, fabrics...25

Cotton fabrics, white or bleached 25

Cottons, Fabrics, printed, dyed, or colored...35

Cotton, Linen and Silk Clothing, Corsets and other articles made from cotton fabrics...35

Cotton Handkercheifs, printed or plain...35

Cotton or linen shirts, cotton undershirts and drawers, knitted, and shirts of any material, ladies' and misses' blouses and shirt waists...35

Cotton warps and cotton yarns, dyed or undyed, n.e.s...25

Cotton Yarns, number forty and finer...Free

Cotton Lamp Wicks...25

Cotton or Linen Collars...25

Cotton Parasols and Umbrellas..35

Cotton Prunella...Free

Cotton Pillow Cases...35

Cotton seamless bags...20

Cotton sewing thread, in hanks, three and six cord...15

Cotton sewing thread, and crochet cotton on spools or in balls...25

Cotton thread, all other, n.e.s..25

Cotton Twine...25

Cotton Towels and shawls...30

Cotton Velveteens, Cotton Velvets and Cotton Plush...30

Cotton Fire Hose, lined with rubber...35

Cotton wadding, batting, batts dyed or not...25

Cotton warps and cotton yarns, dyed or undyed, n.e.s...25

Cottons, Jeans and Coutilles and sateens for corset and dress stay makers, for use in their factories...20

Cottons, manufacturers of, n.e.s.. 35

Cotton Waste and Cotton Wool..Free

Cotton Seed Cake...Free

Cow Hair, unmanufactured...Free

Cow Hair manufacturers, n.e.s...20

Cracked Corn and Wheat...20

Cranberries, plums and quinces 25

Crapes, black...20

Crocus, Composition...25

Crocks, earthenware...30


Cream of Tartar in Crystals...Free

Cream of Tartar, other, n.e.s...20

Crucibles of Plumbago or clay..Free


Cuffs, of Paper, Linen, Cotton, Celluloid, Xylonite or Xyolite 35

Cultivators and parts thereof...20

Cups or other prizes won in bona fide competitions...Free

Curry Cards and Combs...30

Curry Powders...25

Curling stones...Free

Curtains, trimmed or untrimmed 35

CutleryL carvers, knives and forks of steel, butcher and table steels, oyster, bread, kitchen, cooks', butcher, shoe, farrier, putty, hacking, and glaziers' knives, spatulas or palette knives, razors, erasers, or office knives, pen, pocket, pruning, sportsman and hunters' knives, manicure files, scissors, trimmers, and barbers' tailors' and lamp shears, horse and toilet clippers, and all like cutlery, plated or not, n.o.p...30

Cut Flowers...20

Damask of Cotton, or linen...30

Decalcomanie, or transfer pict's. 15c. per lb.

Deer, (glove leather) tanned or dressed, colored or not colored 10

Deer Hair...Free


Degras and Oleo-Stearine...Free

Dental an surgical instruments, and surgical needles (not being furniture)...Free

Diamonds, set...30

Diamonds, unset, dust or bort, and black Diamonds for borers. Free

Diamond drills for prospecting for minderals, not to include motive power...Free

Dice, Ivory or bone, fancy...35


Doors, for safes and vaults, of iron or steel...30

Dragon's Blood...Free

Drain tiles, not glazed...20

Drain pipes, sewerpipes chimney linings or vents, and inverted blocks glazed or unglazed, and earthenware tiles...35

Draughts and Chessmen of Ivory or bone, fancy...35

Drawing Paper, mounted...30

Drawings, n.e.s...20

Dried Flowers...20

Dried Roots, n.e.s...Free

Dried Vegetables...25

Druggets (dyed cotton)...35

Drugs, in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning...Free

Dryers, Japan, 20c. per gal. and 20

Dualin, Dynamite, Giant Powder and Nitro, 3c. per lb.

Duck, cotton, grey or white, n.e.s...22 1/2

Duck, for belting and hose, when imported by mfrs. of rubber foods for use in their factories. Free

Dutch Metal or bronze...25

Dye Wood, ground logwood and fustic...Free

Dyes, patient prepared...Free

Dyes, Aniline, and coal tar dyes, in bulk or packages of not less than 1 lb. weight, including alizarine and artificial alizarine...Free

Dyes, Aniline, n.e.s., less than 1 lb. 20

Dye, jet black...Free

Dyeing or Tanning Articles in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning, n.e.s... Free

Earth Closets...30

Earthenware Tiles...35

Earthenware Drain Tiles, not glazed...20

Earthenware and Stoneware Demijohns or Jugs, Churns and Crocks...30

Earthenware and Stoneware, brown or col'd, and Rockingham ware, white granite, or iron stoneware and C.C. ware, decorated, printed or sponged, and all earthenware n.e.s...30

Eggs...3c. per doz.

Elastic Rubber Thread...Free

Electric and Galvantic Batteries. 25

Electric Lights, apparatus, parts of, when imported separately. 25

Electro-plated Ware, wholly or in part electro or gilt...30

Electrotypes, Stereotypes, and celluloids of newspaper columns, in anu language other than French and English, and of books and bases, and matrices and copper shells for the same, whether composed wholly or in part of metal or celluloid...Free


Electrotypes, Stereotypes, and celluloids for almanacs, calendars, illustrated pamphlets, newspaper advertisements or engravings, and all other like work for commercial, trade or other purposes, n.e.s.; and matrices or copper shells of the same, 1 1/2c. per sq. inch.

Electrotypes, Stereotypes, and celluloids of newspaper columns, and bases for the same, composed wholly or partly of metal or celluloid, 1/4c. per sq. in., and matrices or copper shells of the same, 1 1/2c. per sq. inch.

Embalming Boards...25

Embossed Paper, extra heavy, for cracked and damaged walls 35

Embroideries, n.e.s.....35

Embroideries, white cotton...25

Emery in bulk, crushed or ground Free

Emery and Sand Paper...25

Emery Wheels...25

Enamelled Iron Hollow-ware...30

Engines, Locomotives...35

Engines, Fire...35

Engines, Fire, Chemical...35

Engines, steam, of ships or other vessels built in any foreign country, etc...25

Engines, all others, and boilers, n.e.s...25

Engravings and Prints...20

Entomology, speciments of...Free

Enveloes, paper, of all kinds...35


Esparto, or Spanish Grass, and other grasses and pulp of, including fancy grasses, dried, but not colored or otherwise mf'd. Free

Essences or Extracts, mixed with spirits...$2.40 per I.G., and 30

Essential Oils...10

Ether, Sulphuric...25

Excelsior for Upholsterers' use..25

Extract of Logwood, fustic, oak, and of oak bark...Free

Extract of Malt, for medicinal and baking purposes, n.e.s...25

Extract of Fluid Beef, not medicated, and soups...25

Eyelets of Brass...Free

Eye glasses, unfinished, and metal parts thereof...20

Fancy Grasses, dried, but not colored nor otherwise mf'd...Free

Fancy workboxes, writing desks, glove - boxes, handkerchief boxes, manicure cases, perfume cases, toilet cases and fancy cases for smokers' sets, and all similar fancy articles made of bone, shell, horn, ivory, wood, leather, plush, satin, silk, satinette, or paper; dolls and toys of all kids, and toy whips, ornaments of alabaster, spar, amber, terra cotta or composition statuettes and bead ornaments n.e.s...35

Fans, to be rated accor. to mat.

Farina...1 1/2c. per lb.

Fashion plates, tailors', milliners' and mantle makers'...Free

Featherbone, plain or covered, in coils...20

Feathers, Undressed...20

Feathers, n.e.s...30

Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows...30

Felt, pressed of all kinds, not filled or covered by or with any woven fabrics...20

Felt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels...Free

Felt, printed as carpets...35

Felt, Roofing, tarred or coated 25

Felt Roofing, not tarred...25

Felt Cloth, n.e.s...35

Ferro - manganese and Ferro-silicon...5

Fertilizers, Compounded or Manufactured...10

Fibre, Mexican, Tampico or Istle. Free

Fibre Ware, indurated fibre ware, vulcanized fibre ware and all articles of like material...25

Fibre, vegetable...Free


Filberts...2 cents per lb.

Files and Rasps...30

Fillets of Cotton and Rubber not exceeding 7 inches wide, for manufacture of card clothing. Free


Fire Bricks, for use in processes of manufactures, or for manufacturing purposes...Free

Fire brick, n.e.s...20

Fire Clay gas logs...20

Fire Clay gas retorts...20

Fire Clay crucibles...Free

Fire Clay...Free

Fire Works of all kinds...25

Fire Hose, of cotton or linen, lined with rubber, or of rubber 35

Fire Dogs, iron...30

Fish Skins and fish offal...Free

Fish.--Mackerel, fresh, 1c.p.lb.

Herrings, Pickled or Salted, 1/2 cent. per lb.

Salmon, pickled or salted, 1c. per lb.

Salmon, Fresh, n.e.s., 1/2c. per lb.

All other Fish, pickled or salted, in bbls...1c. per lb.

Foreign caught fish, imported otherwise than in bbls. or half bbls., whether fresh, dried, salted or pickled, n.e.s, 50 cents per 100 lbs.

Smoked and Boneless Fish, 1 cent per lb.
Anchovies and Sardines, packed in oil or otherwise, in tin boxes, measuring not more than 5 in. long, 4 in. wide, and 3 1/2 in. deep..5c. per box.

In half boxes, measuring not more than 5 in. long, 4 in. wide, and 1 5/8 deep, 2 1/2c. per half box.

In quarter boxes, measuring not more than 4 3/4 in. long, 3 1/2 in. wide, and 1 1/4 deep, 2c. per quarter box

Imported in any other form...30

Fish preserved in oil, except Achovies and Sardines...30

Salmon and all other fish prepared or preserved, including oysters, n.e.s...25

Oysters shelled in bulk, 10 cents per gal.

Oysters, canned, in cans not over one pint, 3 cents per can, including the cans.

Oysters in cans, over one pint and not over one quart, 5c per can including cans.

Oysters in cans exceeding one qt., 5c. for each qt or fraction of a qt., including the cans, 5c. per quart.

Oysters in the shell...25

Oysters--Seed and Breeding imported for the purpose of being planted in Canadian waters...Free

Packages containing Oysters or other Fish, not otherwise provided for...25

Oils, spermaceti, whale and other fish oils, and all other articles the produce of the fisheries, n.e.s...20

Fish hooks, for deep sea or lake fishing, not smaller in size than numner 2 0; bank, cod, pollock and mackerel fish lines; and mackerel, herring, salmon, seal, seine, mullet, net and trawl twine in hanks or coil, barked or not,--in variety of sizes and threads,--including gilling thread in balls, and head ropes, barked marline, and net morsels of cotton, hemp or flax, and deep sea fishing nets or seines, when used exclusively for the fisheries, and not to include hooks, lines or nets commonly used for sportsmen's purposes...Free

Trawls, trawling spoons, fly hooks, sinkers, swivels, and sportsmen's fishing bait, and fish hooks, n.e.s...30

Fish Hooks, n.e.s...30

Fish Nets, sportsmen's...30

Fishing Rods...30

Fishing Hooks, with Flies...30

Flagstones, dressed...20

Flagstones, not hammered or chiselled...15

Flannels, of every description, n.e.s. (wool)...35

Flax, fibre...Free

Flax, tow of...Free

Flax Seed...Free

Flax Sail Twine...5

Flax, manufactures of, n.e.s...25

Flint, flints and ground flint stones...Free

Floor Earthenware Tiles...35

Florist Stock, viz., palms, bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizomes, arucaria spirea, and lilies of the valley...Free

Flour, Buckwhear ot Meal, 1/4c. per lb.

Flour, of Corn...1 1/2c. per lb.

Flour of Rye, 50c. per bbl., including the duty on the bbl.

Flour of Wheat, 60c. per bbl., including the duty on the bbl.

Flour of Rice or Sago...25

Fluting Machine, Iron...30

Fly Paper...35

Fly books and parts thereof, n.o.p...30

Fog Signals, detonating...30

Folding Machines...10

Folia Digitalis...Free

Food, Milk, and all similar prep. 30

Foot Grease, refuse of cotton seed, but not when treated with alkalies...Free

Forks, knife blades or blanks, table, cast iron, in the rough not handled nor ground, or otherwise further manufactured...10


Fowls, domestic, pure bred, also Homing or messenger pigeons, pheasants and quails for improvement of stock...Free

Fowls, other...20

Frames, Clasps and Fasteners, for purses and charelaine bags or reticules, not more than 7 inches in diameter, when imported by the manufacturers of same in their factories...20


Fruit Syrupes, Lime-juice, and fruit juices, n.o.p...20

Fruits dried, dessicated, or evaporated, Apples, Dates, Figs, and other dried fruits, etc., n.e.s...25

Fruits, dried, Raisins, Currants, and Prunes, 1 ct. per lb.

Fruits, Bananas, plantains, pineapples pomegranates, guavas, mangoes, and shaddocks; wild blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries and trees, n.e.s...Free

Fruits, Green, Blackberries,
Gooseberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Cherries, and Currants. The weight of the package to be included in the weight for duty, 2c. per lb. n.e.s.

Fruits in air-tight cans or other packages. The weight of the cans or packages to be included in the weight for duty, 2 1/4 cts. per lb.

Fruits preserved in brandy and other spirits...$2.00 per I.G.

Fuller's Earth, in bulk...Free

Fuller's Earth, prepared...30

Furniture, of wood, iron or any other material, for house, cabinet or office, fin. or in parts, including hair and spring and other mattresses, bolsters and pillows...30

Fur Skins, of all kinds, not dressed in any manner...Free

Fur Skins, wholly or partially dressed, n.e.s...15

Fur hats, caps, muffs, tippets, capes, coats, cloaks and other manufacturers of fur...30

Galvanized Nails and Spikes, wrought and pressed. 30

Galvanized sheet iron, number 17 gauge and thinner...5

Galvanic Batteries...25



Gas and Coal Oil, or Kerosene Fixtures, or parts thereof...30

Gas Coke...Free

Gas Meters...35

Gas, for dentists and others...20


Gentian and Ginseng Root...Free

German spirtis of nitrous ether (sweet nitre), $2.40 per imperial gallon, and...30

German and Nickel Silver, manufactures of, not plated...25

German and Nickel Silver, plated n.e.s...30

German Silver, and Silver in sheets, ingots, blocks, bars, strips or plates, unmanufactured...Free

Giant powder, dualin, dynamite and other explosives 3c. per lb.

Gilling Twine, imported for the use of the fisheries...Free

Gilling Twines, linen thread...25

Gilt ware, of all kinds...30

Gin. See Spirituous Liquors.

Ginger, Preserved...30

Glacier, window decorations, 15c. per lb.

Glass, ornamented, figured, and enamelled colored glass; painted and vitrified glass; figured, enamelled and obscured white glass; and rough rolled plate glass...30

Glass Stained Windos...30

Glass, Carboys and Demijohns, empty or filled bottles and decanters, flasks and phials..30

Glass Jars and Glass Balls, Lamp Chimneys, Glass Shades or Globes, cut, pressed or moulded, Crystal or Glass Tableware, decorated or not, and Brown Glass Tableware...30

Glass, Lamp, Gas and Electric Light Shades, Lamps and Lamp Chimneys, side lights and head lights, Globes for Lanterns, Lamps, Gas and Electric Lights, n.e.s...30

Glass bulbs for electric lights...10

Glass, common and colorless window glass; amd plain colored, stained, tinted or muffled glass in sheets...20

Glass, imitation porcelain shades and colored glass shades, figured, painted, enamelled or engraved...30

Glass and emery paper, sand and flint paper...25

Glass, plate, not bevelled, in sheets or panes, not exceeding 25 square ft. each, n.o.p...25

Glass, plate, not bevelled, in sheets or panes, n.e.s...35

Glass, plate, bevelled, in sheets or panes, n.o.p...35

Glass, German looking glass, unsilvered or for silvering...20

Glass, silvered, bevelled or not, and framed or not...35

Glass, all other and manufactures of, n.o.p., including bent plate glass...20

Glaziers' hacking and putty knives...30

Gloves and Mitts, of all kinds..35

Glove fasteners, metal...Free

Glue, sheet, broken sheet and ground...25

Glue, liquid...25

Glucose and Glucose Syrup, 3/4c. per lb.


Glycerine, when imported by the manufacturers of explosives, for use in the manufacture thereof in their own factories. 10

Goat Hair, unmanufactured...Free

Gold Beaters' moulds and skins Free

Gold Laces, Gold and Silver Cloth or Thread...30

Gold and Silver Bullion, in Bars, Blocks or Ingots, and Bullion Fringe...Free

Gold and Silver Ware, plated, n.e.s...30

Gold Medals...30

Gold and Silver leaf, and Dutch or schlag metal leaf...25

Gold and Silver, manufactures
of, n.e.s...30

Gongs for doors, as bells...30

Gooseberry bushes...20

Grafting Stock. (See Seedling Stock)....Free

Grape Vines...20

Grain, of all kings when damaged by water in transitu (on appraised value)...20

Granite Ware, Enamelled Iron Ware...35

Grass, Manilla and Sea Grass...Free

Grass, manufactures of, n.e.s...20


Grease, rough, the refuse of animal fat, for the manufacture of soap and oils only...Free

Grease, Axle...25

Grease, Foot, refuse of cotton seed after oil is pressed out, but not when treated by alkalies...Free

Grease, other, n.e.s...20

Grindstones, not mounted, and not less than 36 inches in diameter...15

Grindstones, n.e.s...25

Grindstones Fixtures...30

Guano, and other animal and vegetable manures...Free

Gums, Amber, Arabic, Australian, Elemy Copal, Damar, Kaurie, Mastic, Sandarac, Senegal, and Shellac; and White Shellac in gum or flake, for manufacturing purposes; and Gum Tragacanth, Gum Gedda and Gum Barberry...Free

Gum, British, Dextrine, Sizing Cream and Enamel Sizing...10

Gum, sappato and chicle, crude. Free

Gum Opium, powdered, $1.35 per lb.

Gum Opium, prepared for smoking, $5 per lb.

Gum, opium (drug), $1 per lb.

Gums, Assafœtida, Camphor and others in a crude state, n.e.s..Free

Gunpowder, Gun, Rifle, Sporting, Cannon and Musket, Canister, 3c. per lb.

Gunpowder, blasting and mining, 2 cents per lb.

Guns, Rifles and Muskets...30

Gut and Worm Gut, manufactured or unmanufactured, for whip and other cord...Free

Gutta Percha clothing or clothing made waterproof with Gutta Percha...35

Gutta Percha, crude...Free

Gutta Percha, manf.of...25

Gypsum, crude (sulphate of lime)Free

Hair, cleaned or uncleaned, but not curled or otherwise manufactured...Free

Hair brush pads...Free

Hair, horsehair, not further manufactured than simply cleaned and dipped, or dyed, imported by manufacturers of haircloth for use in the manifacture of such articles in their own factories...Free

Hair, curled...20

Hair Cloth of all kinds...30

Hair Mattresses...30

Hair, manufactures of, n.e.s...35

Hair Oils, Pomatums and Pastes, and all other perfumed preparations used for the hair, mouth and skin...30

Hair Pins and pins manufactured from any metal...30

Hammers, Blacksmith Hammers.30

Hammers, other, n.e.s...30

Hammocks and lawn tennis nets and other like articles manufactured of twine, n.e.s...30

Hams, salted, dried or smoked, and meats, n.e.s., 2 cts. per lb.

Harness and saddlery of every description, and parts of same 30

Hatchets, n.e.s...30

Hat Boxes...30

Hats, caps and bonnets. n.e.s...30

Hatters' bands, bindings, tips and sides, linings, both tips and sides, hat sweats, when imported by hat manufacturers for use in their factories in the manufacture of hats...Free

Hatters' plush, of silk or cotton, and futs, not on the skin...Free

Hay...$2 per ton.

Hemlock, Bark, crude...Free

Hemp Paper, made on four-cylinder machines and calendered to between .006 and .008 inch thickness, for manufacture of shot shells, primers for the manufacture of shot shells and cartridges and felt board, sized and hydraulic pressed and covered with paper or uncovered for the manufacture of gun-wads, when such articles are imported by the manufacturers of shot shells, cartridges, and gun-wads to be used for these purposes only in their own factories; until such time as the said articles are manufactured in Canada; provided always that the said articles when imported shall be entered only at such port or ports as may be named by the Controller of Customs and at no other place...Free

Hemp undressed...Free

Hemp, manufactures of, n.e.s...25

Hickory Spokes, rough turned, not tenoned, mitred, throated, faced, sized, cut to length, round tenoned or polished...Free

{Candaian Tariff of Customs (Continued)- this page speaks on posting rates}

{Candaian Tariff of Customs (Continued)- this page speaks on posting rates}

{Candaian Tariff of Customs (Continued)- this page speaks on posting rates}

{Candaian Tariff of Customs (Continued)- this page speaks on posting rates}

{Candaian Tariff of Customs (Continued)- this page speaks on posting rates}

Banks in Canada with their Agencies

{A page explaining the banks in Canada}

Banks in Canada with their Agencies (Continued)

{A page explaining the banks in Canada}

Banks in Canada with their Agencies- (Continued)

{A page explaining the banks in Canada}

Postal Information

{A page explaining the mail system in Canada}

Says "Diary for 1900" in rectangle box border


January MONDAY, 1 (1 - 364) 1900

Township Election

Reeve McDonald

Corneil Hamilton, Duncan, Davidson & McCormie

Drayton Reeve. Dales,

Robt choring fore over to 14 th to vote. and down to vote at Drayton. took chop down. Then down at night with Burrows. Willie went back home at noon train

TUESDAY, 2 (2 - 363)

very stormy day. Robt took children up to school & brought them back as there was no school. Robt choring and went out to Drayton with load of dry wood to Walt Smith and brought home the chop.

WEDNESDAY, 3 (3 - 362)

Robt choring and took load of wood to J. Dowling. very fine day. School commenced. Miss Magee from Arthur is teacher for this year

January THURSDAY, 4 (4 - 361) 1900

Robt choring forenoon. over at Burrows helping butcher pig. I down to Drayton afternoon. Weather enclined to be soft. Children and I down home for Tea. Mrs Pollock & Jim Anderson there

FRIDAY, 5 (5 - 360)

Robt choring forenoon. very mild day. drawing out manure afternoon. snow has every appearance of going

1a SATURDAY, 6 (6 - 359)

Robt choring forenoon drawing out manure afternoon. very mild and still thawing. Robt down to Drayton at night

January SUNDAY, 7 (7 - 358) 1900

All at home all day. Except Children & I down home for a while. Mizzling and foggy all day. got cooler toward night and froze some

MONDAY, 8 (8 - 357)

Robt choring forenoon. beautiful bright morning. drawing out manure all afternoon. Robt down for the paper with the buggy

TUESDAY, 9 (9 - 356)

Robt choring forenoon. Drawing out manure afternoon. down for the paper with the buggy. Wat went along. started to sleat rain freezing on as it falls

January WEDNESDAY, 10 (10 - 355) 1900

Robt choring forenoon down to Drayton on the Page Estate Business. very fine day

THURSDAY, 11 (11 - 354)

Robt choring forenoo. Knowels from Toronto here selling Spectacles. Robt gone to help McEwing butcher pigs. Robt down to Drayton for paper. raw cold wind

FRIDAY, 12 (12 - 353)

Robt choring forenoon finished drawing out the manure & drawing up straw for Horses. Both down to Drayton at night. beautiful day and night

January SATURDAY, 13 (13 - 352) 1900

Robt choring forenoon filling up chop and took it to Drayton. very fine day.

SUNDAY, 14 (14 - 351)

Children and I up to church. very soft snow falling. Children and I down home for a while. very mild

MONDAY, 15 (15 - 350)

Robt choring forenoon started to move fence afternoon. I melting snow. snowing fast

January TUESDAY, 16 (16 - 349) 1900

Robt choring forenoon. Pickle here and dehorned the yearlings. Moving fence afternoon. very fine day

WEDNESDAY, 17 (17 - 348)

Robt choring forenoon. Moving fence afternoon. very stormy. Cosford the Mop Man staid all night

THURSDAY, 18 (18 - 347)

Robt choring forenoon gone up to Davidson with the Tonder. very mizzly and foggy. down to Drayton at night.

January FRIDAY, 19 (19 - 346) 1900

Robt choring forenoon. very misty & sloppy. down to Goldstone with the buggie to he painted over. dirty weather

SATURDAY, 20 (20 - 345)

Robt choring forenoon down to Craigs bay in the bush. finished cutting wood. drawing out manure afternoon and burning seeds Mabel & Maud Walker here afternoon. foggy fore, much colder toward night. down to Drayton at night

SUNDAY, 21 (21 - 344)

Beautiful bright day. Children and I up to Rothsay sleighing very good by the gravel. colder and freezing

January MONDAY, 22 (22 - 343) 1900

Robt choring forenoon drawing up stone on the sleigh. very fine day. Down to Drayton at night for paper

TUESDAY, 23 (23 - 342)

Robt choring forenoon drawing up stone on the sleigh. very fine day. Down to Drayton for the paper at night. roads very slippy

WEDNESDAY, 24 (24 - 341)

Robt choring forenoon drawing up stone on the stoneboat. rather windy but fine. down to Drayton for the paper

January THURSDAY, 25 (25 - 340) 1900

Robt choring forenoon. Gone with McEwing up to Ackerman afternoon. In to see Bob Gasses stock. Emma and Mrs John Walker here afternoon. turned very stormy and cold

FRIDAY, 26 (26 - 339)

Robt choring forenoon. Down to Tuckers afternoon with McEwing bought a Bull and a pig round by Drayton for the paper. very cold and stormy

SATURDAY, 27 (27 - 338)

Robt choring forenoon filling up chop and took it to Drayton afternoon. Down at night for the paper. cold & stormy

January SUNDAY, 28 (28 - 337) 1900

All at home all day. Children down home for the afternoon. turned out very stormy

MONDAY, 29 (29 - 336)

Cold and stormy. Robt choring forenoon went to Drayton afternoon for chop and took out some more with him

TUESDAY, 30 (30 - 335)

Robt choring forenoon. Mr North came along at noon then Both went down to the Anual meeting of the Insurance Company. rather stormy.

January WEDNESDAY, 31 (31 - 334) 1900

Robt choring forenoon fanning up load of grain afternoon. very cold but rather fine

February THURSDAY, 1 (32 - 333)

Robt choring forenoon. Jim Lows came afternoon. Robt took load of grain to Drayton. Jim Lows went along. Robt & Jim up to Rothsay at night

FRIDAY, 2 (33 - 332)

Robt choring forenoon fanning up a load up grain afternoon. Cold and stormy all day. Jim Lows went away forenoon

February SATURDAY, 3 (34 - 331) 1900

Robt choring forenoon choring and took load of oats to Drayton afternoon. Children and I down to drayton aft. Cold and little stormy.

SUNDAY, 4 (35 - 330)

At home all day. Children and I down at home. very snowy and blustery heavy fall of snow last night

MONDAY, 5 (36 - 329)

Robt choring forenoon fanning up oats afternoon and took them to Drayton. very fine day

February TUESDAY, 6 (37 - 328) 1900

Robt choring forenoon. beautiful day. Uncle Benson & Sam Dalgell came here. Dalgell staid over night. Robt & him went to Drayton at night

WEDNESDAY, 7 (38 - 327)

Robt choring forenoon. very mild. started to make outside box for milk tank. Dick Lows and Ann came about four o'clock. Started to rain dull weather. Olive ten years old.

THURSDAY, 8 (39 - 326)

Robt choring forenoon making ouside box for milk tank afternnon. Fronk Page brought our mail. raining forenoon

February FRIDAY, 9 (40 - 325) 1900

Robt choring forenoon walked out to Drayton afternoon came home with Mewstead. turning colder

SATURDAY, 10 (41 - 324)

Robt choring round till four oclock then took a load of straw down to fathers. went to Drayton at night with Wat Burrows. fine day

2 SUNDAY, 11 (42 - 323)

All at home. Children & I down home afternoon. very fine day. Nixon Walker died

February MONDAY, 12 (43 - 322) 1900

Robt choring forenoon. Weather enclined to be soft. At Burrows butchering beef. raining toward night

TUESDAY, 13 (44 - 321)

Robt choring round all day. raining morning toward noon started to snow & freeze afternoon terrible strong wind. Mother over at Sams. Robt 44 years & Jim 27 years old.

WEDNESDAY, 14 (45 - 320)

Robt choring forenoon. Both up to Joe McDomalds House Warming in the aft. Then home and done chores went back to the Dance at night. The affair was smply the best. The Girls & Brock staid down home. beautiful day & night

February THURSDAY, 15 (46 - 319) 1900

Robt g| choring forenoon Went to Palmerston afternoon. brought home six hundred of flour gone a little over six hrs. Turned out a fine afternoon Gone out to Drayton with a load of oats. very stormy and cold

FRIDAY, 16 (47 - 318)

Robt choring forenoon. Gone to Palmerston afternoon brought home fo six hundred of flour was away a little over six hrs. turned out a very fine aft

SATURDAY, 17 (48 - 317)

Robt choring Jim Lowes & Young {La?} by here for a hour or two. Hay Press Men came afternoon. pressed to night. Miss Duncan came over at night. Robt went to Drayton for paper

February SUNDAY, 18 (49 - 316) 1900

All at home. Miss Duncan and I up to church. very fine day. Then all down to mothers. Robt took Miss Duncan home

MONDAY, 19 (50 - 315)

Robt choring afternoon. Hay Press Men here. Robt drawing out hay to Drayton. very fine weather

TUESDAY, 20 (51 - 314)

Hay Press Men here all day finished. John Craig here forenoon choring. Robt drawing hay all day. very fine weather. Looking like a change

February WEDNESDAY, 21 (52 - 313) 1900

Robt choring forenoon. I gone to Drayton forenoon. Robt took load of chop to Drayton. turning soft little snow falling

THURSDAY, 22 (53 - 312)

Robt choring forenoon. Jim came home at noon. I down home all afternoon. Children there too for tea. Robt started to draw out manure. Soft snow falling

2a FRIDAY, 23 (54 - 311)

Robt choring forenoon. Jim here for dinner. Gone back at noon. Robt drawing out manure. soft snow falling

February SATURDAY, 24 (55 - 310) 1900

Robt choring forenoon drawing out manure aft. soft snow falling. The girls gone to Drayton with Grandpa. Turned very cold and stormy. Robt gone for the paper

SUNDAY, 25 (56 - 309)

All at home all day. Terrible stormy and cold all day. Clara down home a while morning. very cold

MONDAY, 26 # (57 - 308)

Robt choring forenoon drawing out pressed hay to Drayton aft. very fine day but cold

February TUESDAY, 27 (58 - 307) 1900

Robt choring forenoon finished drawing hay afternoon. Mr Craig took down one load aft. beautiful bright day. cold looking like a storm at night

WEDNESDAY, 28 (59 - 306)

Robt choring forenoon. turned very stormy. Both got ready and drove to Ponsonby to Jim Lowes wedding got there about six in the evening had a delightful time. Our Jim up from Guelph to the wedding. Brown was here to tend the chores. The Girls and Brock staid here all the time. stormed hard all night

March THURSDAY, 1 (60 - 305)

Started from Ponsonby at 8 oclock roads impassable. Robt got home at half past 7 at night. The rest of the crowd got put up at Alma. I came home from there on the night train Robt was there to meet me. Got home and to bed a little after one in the night found every thing all right. Ladysmith Relieved

March FRIDAY, 2 (61 - 304) 1900

Robt choring round all forenoon. turned out very stormy. Ma up here afternoon. Robt fixing the shaft of cutter. sharp & cold

SATURDAY, 3 (62 - 303)

Robt choring forenoon. Mr North here afternoon fixing the poplar pump. Gone to Drayton at night for paper. Oss North came home with him

SUNDAY, 4 (63 - 302)

Snowing all day. All at home. Oss North here all day. Maggie & Herb.Benson here aft.

March MONDAY, 5 (64 - 301) 1900

Robt choring forenoon drawing out manure and and choring round. I went up to Richards afternoon. very keen & cold.

TUESDAY, 6 (65 - 300)

Robt gone to Drayton with Richard and Brown to help break roads. choring all afternoon. raining in the morning. got colder toward night

WEDNESDAY, 7 (66 - 299)

Robt choring forenoon. very stormy and cold. Went With McEwing to Coopers sale. sale posponed. Went to Drayton. still cold. Eighteen years married tonight

March THURSDAY, 8 (67 - 298) 1900

Robt choring forenoon And took load of chop to Drayton. very fine day. Sarah Burrows and Ma helping to tie a comforter. got 2 out about four Oclock

FRIDAY, 9 (68 - 297)

Robt choring forenoon and went to Drayton for chop. Took chop and flour to Rothsay. afternoon Father and I went to Drayton. very fine day spitting rain but got colder

SATURDAY, 10 (69 - 296)

Robt choring and filling up chop forenoon Took chop to Drayton aft. Girls went along. turned out very fine.

March SUNDAY, 11 (70 - 295) 1900

Beautiful day. Children and I up to church. Mary Fisher and Sarah Burrows here aft for a couple of hrs. Brock and I down home a little while

MONDAY, 12 (71 - 294)

Robt choring forenoon. Commenced to draw wood drawing up afternoon. clear but cold

TUESDAY, 13 (72 - 293)

Robt choring forenoon drawing up wood all afternoon. clear & cold. down to Drayton at night

March WEDNESDAY, 14 (73 - 292) 1900

Robt choring forenoon drawing up wood afternoon. very fine day. Down to Drayton at night

THURSDAY, 15 (74 - 291)

Robt choring forenoon up to Coopers sale afternoon. Down to Drayton at night for the paper. cold and bright

FRIDAY, 16 (75 - 290)

Robt choring forenoon. Out selling patriotic tickets. Clara up with us to the concert at Rothsay at night. Stormy all day till eve then fine

March SATURDAY, 17 (76 - 289) 1900

Robt choring forenoon finished drawing up the wood afternoon and went to Drayton at night. cold and clear.

SUNDAY, 18 (77 - 288)

All at home forenoon. Children and I down home and Robt gone over to McLennans for cap. very bright but sharp

MONDAY, 19 (78 - 287)

Robt down to Drayton to get Carries Shoe fixed and past letter to Jim. doing up chores and took load of straw to Rothsay weather rather soft then pored down rain then turned colder & snowd

March TUESDAY, 20 (79 - 286) 1900

Robt choring forenoon over to Craigs aft. and putting up the meat to dry. Sunshine and storm all day very stormy at night

WEDNESDAY, 21 (80 - 285)

Robt choring forenoon. Craig and Johnie here helping cut logs afternoon. very stormy & cold

THURSDAY, 22 (81 - 284)

Robt choring forenoon. Clara 15 years old. Johnie Craig here helping to draw logs to Fishers afternoon. very fine afternoon

March FRIDAY, 23 (82 - 283) 1900

Drawing logs forenoon and afternoon. done up chores at noon. John Craig here helping draw logs. Mother & I went to Drayton afternoon. clear but cold

SATURDAY, 24 (83 - 282)

Robt choring forenoon drawing home lumber aft. rather a fine day. Robt down to Drayton at night

SUNDAY, 25 # (84 - 281)

All at home all day except down home for a while. cold east wind but bright

March MONDAY, 26 (85 - 280) 1900

Robt choring and got Ed Burrows to help saw four or five logs. Drawing them up to Fishers aft. fine day but snow going fast

TUESDAY, 27 (86 - 279)

Robt choring forenoon finished the logs and lumber from Fishers. fine day

WEDNESDAY, 28 (87 - 278)

Robt forenoon choring Rob went to Goldstone aft for the buggy and cart. Ellen Stone here. Father took her home eve. very fine day

March THURSDAY, 29 (88 - 277) 1900

Robt choring fore drawing out manure aft. fine day

FRIDAY, 30 (89 - 276)

Robt choring forenoon and drawing out manure afternoon. very fine day

3 SATURDAY, 31 (90 - 275)

Robt choring forenoon and finished drawing manure. fine day

April SUNDAY, 1 (91 - 274) 1900

All at home all day except down home for a while. fine day

MONDAY, 2 (92 - 273)

Robt choring all day cleaning out stables and drawing out manure. fin drizzling and raining all day

TUESDAY, 3 (93 - 272)

Robt choring forenoon fanning up chop afternoon. roads very bad. bright day

April WEDNESDAY, 4 (94 - 271) 1900

Robt choring forenoon down to Drayton with chop. fine afternoon. Mother here helping sew rags 25 lbo sewed

THURSDAY, 5 (95 - 270)

Robt choring fore moving fence on other place afternoon. very fine day. snow going fast

FRIDAY, 6 (96 - 269)

Robt choring forenoon. Over to see Mr Duncan afternoon sick with Inflamation of lungs. Mizzling and raining afternoon

April SATURDAY, 7 (97 - 268) 1900

Robt choring forenoon choring round & chopping ice away from front door and helping Burrows weigh their pigs. snow going terrible fast

SUNDAY, 8 (98 - 267)

All at home all day. very bright but cold wind. Children down home for a little while. I down in the evening

MONDAY, 9 (99 - 266)

Robt choring and gone to help Burrows take down loads of pigs and get the horses shod home and choring rest of even. very fine day

April TUESDAY, 10 (100 - 265) 1900

Robt choring forenoon back on the other place moving fence not feeling well. rather fine day

WEDNESDAY, 11 (101 - 264)

Robt choring forenoon back working at the fence finished afternoon. fine day

THURSDAY, 12 (102 - 263)

Robt choring forenoon fanning up chop and loading it in to waggon. rather fine day feeling terrible miserable

April FRIDAY, 13 (103 - 262) 1900

Good friday. Robt choring forenoon but feeling terrible poorly with a pain in the back of his head. Both over to see Mr Duncan. Then I went on over to Craigs to get Willie to chore

SATURDAY, 14 (104 - 261)

Willie Craig here choring all day. Richd went down for DrMack. Robt no better his Head terrible painful in bed all day. beautiful day. Richd took load of chop to Drayton Clara went along. Mr & Mrs Smith from Tara, "down"

SUNDAY, 15 (105 - 260)

Robt in bed most all day. Willie done chores in the morning. All of us at home all day. beautiful bright morning but dull day. Easter Sunday

April MONDAY, 16 (106 - 259) 1900

Willie Craig here all day choring. Robt up all day feeling a little better. Mr & Mrs Smith here for dinner and till four Oclock went home on the night train. very fine day. Easter Monday

TUESDAY, 17 (107 - 258)

Willie Craig choring all day. Robt round forenoon over to Burrows with Art Garneau. Then down to McEwings and Drayton and shipped the bags up to Allanford for the oats. very dull day started to rain in the evening rained hard.

WEDNESDAY, 18 (108 - 257)

Robt & Willie choring forenoon. very fine morning. Drayton Spring show. Sharping fence stakes afternoon. very heavy shower about milking time

April THURSDAY, 19 # (109 - 256) 1900

Robt & Willie Craig choring fore and took old Spot & Tidy to Drayton to ship. Johnie Craig & Willie helping to saw summer wood aft. Cold raw wind all day

FRIDAY, 20 (110 - 255)

Robt & Willie Craig choring forenoon. Then finished sawing up the summer wood aft. I took Olive down to Drayton and got six teeth fillid first for her. Beautiful fine day

SATURDAY, 21 (111 - 254)

Robt & Willie Craig choring forenoon. then piling wood afternoon. Both of them. very fine day till evening then started to rain

April SUNDAY, 22 (112 - 253) 1900

very dull morning after the rain but warm. Robt Brock & I went up to Rothsay afternoon took the Team & Waggon. dull in the evening raining a little

MONDAY, 23 (113 - 252)

Robt choring forenoon went down to McEwings to see about starting build the line fence. Commenced the fence afternoon working till five oclock. fine day

TUESDAY, 24 (114 - 251)

Robt choring forenoon working at the line fence afternoon. fine day

April WEDNESDAY, 25 (115 - 250) 1900

Choring and working at the line fence all day. very fine day

THURSDAY, 26 (116 - 249)

Choring and still at the fence all day. very fine weather

FRIDAY, 27 (117 - 248)

Choring and finished fence (over 100 rods) drawing round rails to make a lane to the Poplars forenoon. Ed, & Wat. helping build it aft. I went to Drayton to have my teeth reset. Home round by Hussys to get a girl to sew. fine but very cool wind

April SATURDAY, 28 (118 - 247) 1900

Robt choring and filling up chop took it to mill and brought home the oats from Allanford forenoon. Trying the disk and took load of hay to Rothsay afternoon. Craigs here ft to change oats. down for chop and to meet Jim. Clara, Brock & Grandpa at Drayton. Olive & I went down for my teeth

SUNDAY, 29 (119 - 246)

Olive & I Went to church morning with Jim then all at home rest of day. very hot day but cool at night

MONDAY, 30 (120 - 245)

Mizzling morning. Robt stared on the land over on other place spring toothing and getting ready to sow oats. terrible heavy cold wind. Jim gone back. I down to Drayton aft

May TUESDAY, 1 (121 - 244) 1900

Robt choring sowing oats and harrowing on the other place all day. bright but cool wind

WEDNESDAY, 2 (122 - 243)

Seeding over on the other place in the big field all day. cool & fine

THURSDAY, 3 (123 - 242)

Over on the oher place all day. cool. helping mother in her cellar aft. hard frost

May FRIDAY, 4 (124 - 241) 1900

Robt over on the other place all day. very cool day hard frost. I started to house clean. Mother helped me with two bedrooms

SATURDAY, 5 (125 - 240)

Robt on the other place harrowing and sowing oats finished about six making 22 acres sowed. been a very cool week. Mother helped me with two more bedrooms today. Clara Brock & Grandpa went to Drayton

SUNDAY, 6 (126 - 239)

All at home all day. Turned out the young cattle in-to the bush. 11 head. Walter Smith here for Dinner. I thirty seven years, today. very smoky forenoon, then finer, and colder toward night

May MONDAY, 7 (127 - 238) 1900

I went over for George Wilsons for Miss Johnson started to sew. Robt spring toothing on the barley ground all day. cool & frost

TUESDAY, 8 (128 - 237)

Choring round all day. Mizzling and rawing cold

WEDNESDAY, 9 (129 - 236)

Robt cultivated forenoon sowd oats afternoon below the root ground. Cool and frost

May THURSDAY, 10 (130 - 235) 1900

Robt cultivated forenoon and sowd the Barley aft. very cool. Miss Johnson here all this week

FRIDAY, 11 (131 - 234)

Harrowing forenoon and spring toothing {met?} to Trask. Jas Brady here for Dinner. heavy shower forenoon

SUNDAY, 12 (132 - 233)

Robt harrowing on the other place finished over there. finished springtoothing down at the line fence then sowing it to oats and Harrowing, making 45 acres in. looking like rain. I took Miss Johnson home got some of the rain

May SUNDAY, 13 (133 - 232) 1900

very warm. children and I over to the graveyard. Robt up to Richards for a while. John Gordon here at evening

MONDAY, 14 (134 - 231)

Robt springtoothing all day. very warm day

TUESDAY, 15 (135 - 230)

sowing oats and harrowing. warm day.

May WEDNESDAY, 16 (136 - 229) 1900

Harrowing forenoon started plough sod for peas afternoon. cool weather

THURSDAY, 17 (137 - 228)

I took Miss Johnson home. Ploughing sod all day. cool day. Henry Hazzeltine & Shepherd started to dig out the foundation for Hogpen.

4 FRIDAY, 18 # (138 - 227)

Robt ploughing sod all day. fine day

May SATURDAY, 19 (139 - 226) 1900

finishing sod and Harrowing. very fine day. Wat took down load of chop for us

SUNDAY, 20 (140 - 225)

Olive up to church with Grandpa & Grandma. Beth up to Robt Gasses afternoon. very cool and Windy

MONDAY, 21 (141 - 224)

Robt sowing peas and harrowing them. Henry & Nr Shepherd here all day went back on other place for tile. very fine day

May TUESDAY, 22 (142 - 223) 1900

Robt finished harrowing peas ploughed fence bottom and sowed it to peas. very fine day. Henry & S. finished at noon. I down helping mother.

WEDNESDAY, 23 (143 - 222)

working over the Orchard patch and sowing it to barley and harrowing finished seeding. very fine day. Robt up to Richd at night.

THURSDAY, 24 (144 - 221)

Robt moving the potatoes out of the pit and spredding manure on potato patch. very warm forenoon much cooler aft. Mother & I dome a big ironing

May FRIDAY, 25 (145 - 220) 1900

Robt & I other cutting seed potatoes forenoon planting potatoes aft finished planting afternoon. very fine day

SATURDAY, 26 (146 - 219)

Robt spridding manure on root ground forenoon. Washed sheep afternoon. Children & I down hom to Drayton aft. very hot

SUNDAY, 27 (147 - 218)

All at home. mizzling forenoon. Mr & Mrs Duncan here afternoon. turned much finer

May MONDAY, 28 (148 - 217) 1900

Robt gang ploughing turnip ground all day. very dry & hot

TUESDAY, 29 (149 - 216)

Robt finished ganging and harrowing root ground. still very dry

4a WEDNESDAY, 30 (150 - 215)

Robt drawing out manure and ganged it in in the evening. very hot and dry

May THURSDAY, 31 (151 - 214) 1900

Robt gone to draw cheese to Drayton forenoon. started to shear sheep. shearing all aft. very warm & dry

June FRIDAY, 1 (152 - 213)

finished shearing sheep forenoon. started to rain. Mr. {Rruady?} here drawing out manure had to stop for ram. great celebration in Drayton over the Taking of Pretoria by the British. beautiful high rain

SATURDAY, 2 (153 - 212)

Robt gone to Palmerston with wool got 16e cash brought yarn, oatmeal, two hundred of flour & a new black dress. mizzling and high wind

June SUNDAY, 3 (154 - 211) 1900

very bright day. Clara, Brock, & I up to church. very warm afternoon

MONDAY, 4 (155 - 210)

Robt drawing out manure, forenoon on root ground gang ploughing. Harrowing and rolling. very fine day

TUESDAY, 5 (156 - 209)

single ploughing. Harrowing and rolling root ground. very warm day.

June WEDNESDAY, 6 (157 - 208) 1900

gang ploughing. Harrowing and rolling root ground. I went to Drayton aft. Mrs Burrows went along

THURSDAY, 7 (158 - 207)

working in the root ground. heavy rain at milking time

FRIDAY, 8 (159 - 206)

working in the root ground. went to Arts raism after milking

June SATURDAY, 9 (160 - 205) 1900

Rigging up turnip ground fore sowing them afternoon. rather fine. went to Drayton at night. Children & I down home for a while

SUNDAY, 10 (161 - 204)

Children and I up to church morning. went to Methodus aft to hear Herb Gordon preach. very fine day. fine rain in the night

MONDAY, 11 (162 - 203)

Started to gang plough the summer fallow. dull & looking like rain

June TUESDAY, 12 (163 - 202) 1900

Ganging summer fallow forenoon and Harrowing afternoon. fine day

WEDNESDAY, 13 (164 - 201)

ploughing fence ground and rope ground and sowing both. fine day big rain at night

THURSDAY, 14 (165 - 200)

Took pigs and sheep to Drayton & got the Horses shod fore. Back fixing fence on other place afternoon. Herb Gordon here all day

June FRIDAY, 15 (166 - 199) 1900

Robt drawing sand all day from newsteds pit. very fine day

SATURDAY, 16 (167 - 198)

Gone to Elora for a load of lime. Clara & I down to Drayton forenoon. All had dinner with mother. very hot aft.

SUNDAY, 17 (168 - 197)

All at home all day. Olive went to church with Grandpa & Grandma. Lasby, Lowes, & Beal, here for a couple or three hrs. very fine

June MONDAY, 18 (169 - 196) 1900

Building fence on other place McEwing helping built about 30 rods. Miller here framing windows and doors for Hogpen. very fine day

TUESDAY, 19 (170 - 195)

Robt drawing stone with the stone boat all day from other place. hot aft but very fine on the whole.

WEDNESDAY, 20 (171 - 194)

Robt drawing stone all day with the waggon. fine day. Mother and I down to Drayton forenoon

June THURSDAY, 21 (172 - 193) 1900

Robt drawing stone all day. very fine day looking like rain. Calholic Pienie. Uncle W_ Allen here all day. scuffling corn at night

FRIDAY, 22 (173 - 192)

Mizzling and started to rain heavy about eleven. Robt disking summerfallow forenoon. Mr Brady here. drawing stone aft

SATURDAY, 23 (174 - 191)

Robt drawing stone and ploughing fince bottom on the other place. very hot in the afternoon. Clara & Brock & Grandpa down to Drayton aft. I down helpine mother.

June SUNDAY, 24 (175 - 190) 1900

very fine day. All at home all day

MONDAY, 25 (176 - 189)

Drawing manure down to the patch g sowthistle and Harrowing summer fallow evening. I picked the ducks and the gander

TUESDAY, 26 (177 - 188)

Masons came on to build hog pen Robt drawing in stone and helping masons all day. mizzling in the evening

June WEDNESDAY, 27 (178 - 187) 1900

Masons at work. Robt drawing in stone and helping all day. Clara went to Drayton to write for Entrance. cool weather

THURSDAY, 28 (179 - 186)

Masons at work all day. Robt drawing sand & helping masons. Da took Clara to Drayton and went for her. Sultry and hot

FRIDAY, 29 (180 - 185)

raining. Masons finished building stone work of Hog pen at noon. Uncle Allan here for dinner. Mother & I down to Drayton for Clara. Robt picking and straightening up round the hogpen. very cold & windy. Mr. Brady here

June SATURDAY, 30 (181 - 184) 1900

Robt working on the bark of the barn all day terrible windy and cold. Daron to Drayton at night

July SUNDAY, 1 (182-183)

Robt went to Riverbank for children and I up to the Graveyard and sound by Ratho ay farms. rather a fine day Da & Ma up to so see Aunty bass.

MONDAY, 2 (183, 182)

Robt started to do the road work. very fine eval working on the hill Harry here

July TUESDAY, 3 (184-181) 1900

doing road work all day fine & cool Harry here

WEDNESDAY, 4 (185-180)

working on the road Harry here very warm day Joel Me D {1 or capital I} brought the piano little rain at night Drew over the timber from other place at night

5 THURDAY, 5 (186-179)

Robt gone to Drayton to find that lot of {inelligble} Burrows two boys helping terrible hot day Maud North here Evening

July FRIDAY, 6 (182-178) 1900

Started to Herd the timber Yorn Miller Came Burrows Boys here helping afternoon very hot

SATURDAY, 7 (188-177)

drew up rafters and helped herd them. then greened the potatoes evening Clara & I down to Drayton after milking very windy all day

SUNDAY, 8 (189-176)

At home all day Olive went to church with Da & Ma Turned very cold and very windy Terrible dry weather

July MONDAY, 9 (190-175) 1900

Mizzling rain for a while fore Robt scuffling turnips forenoon Ed. Burrows & Stanley here helping hoe turnips afternoon Brock helping hoe like a little man he will soon be seven years fine and cool

TUESDAY, 10 (191-174)

Robt hoeing turnips all day finished them Ed. ({ineligible}) Stanley & Brock all hoeing breezy but warmer Ethel Hilbarn here oft.

WEDNESDAY, 11 (192-173)

Robt hoeing potatoes forenoon Children and I up to Grandpa Philps to pick gooseberries forenoon I down to Mrs William Noeckers to a ragbee afternoon A little rain heavy showers going round Robt banking potatoes evening

July THURSDAY, 12 (193-172) 1900

Robt started to plough the summer fallow ploughing all day I preserving red currants and gooseberries very fine cool day little cool Orange Men celebrate in Moosefield And Gistowell

FRIDAY, 13 (194-171)

Robt ploughing the summerfallow all day very fine day Maud North here for the second time

SATURDAY, 14 (195-170)

Robt finished summer fallow forenoon little rain at noon harrowing summer fallow Tom Miller here at work Robt at Daryton with lumber

July SUNDAY, 15 (196-169) 1900

At home all day Brock at church with Grandpa & Gma Terrible hot day children and I down to Mothers.

MONDAY, 16 (197-168)

Robt started to mow Girls {go?} to Pick berries mowing all forenoon, very heavy rain afternoon.

6a TUESDAY, 17 (198-167)

Robt R cutting thistle among the evergreens forenoon ploughing among the evergreens afternoon terrible rain I changing the meat Brock 1 years old

July WEDNESDAY, 18 (199-166) 1900

Rolling and spring toothing and sowing grass seed among the evergreens forenoon Raking and putting up hay afternoon and evening breezy and fine

THURSDAY, 19 (200-165)

Girls gone to Pick berries Robt mowing above the Poplars forenoon Gus Prehie helping put up hay afternoon Miss North here aft.

FRIDAY, 20 (201-164)

Robt mowing hay at laine fence forenoon Walt Plant helping put it up afternoon Miss Duncan here evening looking like rain but did not make out much Brady here {Pheama?} Henry died

July SATURDAY, 21 (202-163) 1900

Very misty and dull Ed. & Wat helping raise the frame & hog pen forenoon Wat still helping afternoon Robt gone to Drayton with team for lumber after milking turned out fine Girls and I went to Drayton aft.

SUNDAY, 22 (203-162)

Children and I up to church very fine day. Both down to & P. Henrys funeral afternoon John Gordon here aft

MONDAY, 23 (204-161)

Robt starting on the big field to mow on the other place mowed 13 acres Walt Plant and (John Craig raking) and putting up hay aft very fine Yorn Miller here framing

July TUESDAY, 24 (205-160)

Robt and Walt putting up hay forenoon rained very heavy afternoon I helping mother quilt Jack Miller started with Tom

WEDNESDAY, 25 (206-159)

Robt mowing with the sythe forenoon brightened up afternoon raking and putting up rest of hay evening

THURSDAY, 26 (207-158)

Started to draw in hay M{lowercase e written above in between} Ewing & Perey here all day Walt and two of craigs here very fine day Robt Tom & Jack

July FRIDAY, 27 (208-157) 1900

drawing in all day Craigs and Walt here took two loads to Rothsay evening very fine day finished haying Brady here for the last time

SATURDAY, 28 (209-156)

Robt scuffling turnips and corn tile fine then went up to George fishers for lumber very fine day Yorn & Jack went home

SUNDAY, 29 (210-155)

All at home all day Olive went to Church with Grandpa & Grandma Terrible heavy rain about four oclock

July MONDAY, 30 (211-154) 1900

Robt {un?}laded the lumber and loaded up the black {Ash?} and took it to Harriston {fraimers?} at north

TUESDAY, 31 (212-153)

Robt finished scuffling turnips and started to {bang?} summer fallow. turned out fine day

August WEDNESDAY, 1 (213-251)

helping the fraimers a while morning and then {longing?} rest of day very hot day

August THURSDAY, 2 (214-151) 1900

Robt finished ganging and Harrowing the summer fallow then down at night to Drayton fine day

FRIDAY, 3 (215-150)

Robt helping the fraimers forenoon York out the Binder and cut the Grass seed. and shocked it Brock and I down at Drayton framers left for a few days very fine day

SATURDAY, 4 (216-149)

Robt gone out to Luther to the Huckeleberry March dr{illegible} Mark out Children and I at home all day tending to strings very hot day Mother helped {seo?} milk

August SUNDAY, 5 (217-148) 1900

Robt came home from Luther about noon terrible hot day. Children and I down home for a little while in the evening

MONDAY, 6 (218-147)

Robt started to cut barley cutting nearly all day shocking after supper fine day I down home Mrs Schwallam there to see them

TUESDAY, 7 (219-146)

finished shocking barley forenoon drew in the brass seed afternoon I went to Hilborno.

August WEDNESDAY, 8 (220-145) 1900

charing round caff calf {illegible} forenoon York the horses to Drayton to get shod afternoon very hot

THURSDAY, 9 (221-144)

Robt picking up shingles and boards round on the bank Jack miller here all day at work terrible hot weather flys terrible on the cows

FRIDAY, 10 (222-143)

Ed & Wat. helping draw in the barley finished about three. then started to cut oats.

August SATURDAY, 11 (223-142) 1900

very hot weather cutting and shocking oats Walt Phant here all day Girls and I down to Drayton aft a little heavy shower after dark

SUNDAY, 12 (221-141)

all at home all day very heavy rain in the afternoon much cooler

MONDAY, 18 (225-140)

ploughing hitter patch on the other place. all day. dull and drizzling

August TUESDAY, 12 (226-139) 1900

harrowing the patch and picking up {rods?} & stuff cutting barley here and on the other place afternoon Walt. Phant here aft. turned fine.

WEDNESDAY, 15 (227-138)

Robt cutting oats all day Walt Phant shocking all day terrible hot

THURDAY, 16 (228-137)

Robt cutting oats on other place very hot.

August FRIDAY, 17 (229-136) 1900

finished cutting on the other place. hot day and started on the last piece of oat here Walt Phant here

SATURDAY, 18 (230-135)

Cutting oats here fore Walt here Terrible Wind, rain, and hail at noon. Building fence aft. Gone to Drayton at night. {Jain?} come home at night

SUNDAY, 19 (231-134)

fine and cool {illegible} to church with {Jain?} Brock went with Grandpa & Grandma

August MONDAY, 20 (232-133) 1900

{Jain?} gone back home. Misty and dull picking up chips and burning rubbish finer {low and?} night

TUESDAY, 21 (233-132)

finished cutting forenoon cut Da piece of oats. then shocking all rest of afternoon {illegible} to see Mrs Walker and {illegible} fine day

6 WEDNESDAY, 22 (234-131)

Robt up at Richds all day with the biner very fine day. Ma clara & I down to Drayton.

August THURSDAY, 23 (235-130) 1900 Walt helping draw oats all day of the other place Rather a fine day. Maud here and Miss Mage

FRIDAY, 24 (236-129) Walt Plat here helping drawing oats of the other day Terrible hot Rain at night

SATURDAY, 25 (237-128) Dull and misty forenoon Back on other place Separating sheep and lambs Disking afternoon two patches Rather fine

August SUNDAY, 26 (238-127) 1900 At home all day Terrible hot Olive up to church with Grandpa + Ma

MONDAY, 27 (239-126) Robt cutting down two trees and pulling out the roots Rather dull Working at them all day Over to Craigs tonight

TUESDAY, 28 (240-125) Started to draw in oats not in very good shape. Three of Craigs here and grain helping all day Fine

August WEDNESDAY, 29 (241-124) 1900 Drawing in all day Three of Craigs here + grain here Rather fine day Started to pull peas + draw them in

THURSDAY, 30 (242-123) Drawing in peas fore John Craig here Finished harvest Robt gone to help the McEarnings Afternoon Mother helped us milk

FRIDAY, 31 (243-122) Robt at McEarnings all day Terrible hot weather

September SATURDAY, 1 (244-121) 1900 Robt at McEarnings all day children and I at Drayton Afternoon terrible hot. Got a Barrel of Sugar from Guelph 30{0?} lbs @ {illegible}

SUNDAY, 2 (245-120) Robt & {illegible} up to Rothsay a while Afternoon very hot Children at home.

MONDAY, 3 {two sets of intersecting lines have been drawn} (246-119) Turned out the {illegible} in the morn Went to McEarnings to help finish harvest Dividing sheep Afternoon Robt Michell died Labour Day no school

September TUESDAY, 4 (247-118) 1900 Started to cut corn Cutting all day Very warm and fly very hard

WEDNESDAY, 5 (248-117) Finished corn cutting forenoon Drawing corn afternoon Father & I over at Robert Michells funeral Terrible hot Miss Johnson here sewing

THURSDAY, 6 (249-116) Finished drawing corn forenoon and disked summerfallow afternoon I down to Drayton forenoon Very hot day

September FRIDAY, 7 (250-115) 1900 At Richd threshing all day I took Miss Johnston home sick Very fine day

SATURDAY, 8 (251-114) Disking patch of sowthistle Charing and drawing gravel oft and down to Drayton with Joe McDonald Very fine day. Got 3 B Peaches

SUNDAY, 9 (252-113) Children and I up to church and down home for a while Very fine day

September MONDAY, 10 (253-112) 1900 Drawing sand from {illegible} pit all day Very fine day

TUESDAY, 11 (254-111) Drawing sand and gravel all day till after milking. Then up to {illegible} threshing Da & Ma went out to Authur Gone to Drayton at night

WEDNESDAY, 12 (255-110) Up at {illegible} threshing and {charing?} forenoon Started to draw out manure Clara & I {illegible} down {Beaches?} all day Very fine day

September THURSDAY, 13 (256-109) 1900 Robt took 14 lambs to Drayton I went down after him forenoon Drawing out manure oft. Very fine day

FRIDAY, 14 (257-108) Drawing out manure all day Very fine day Fly very bad Miss Mage & Brother here for tea

SATURDAY, 15 (258-107) Drawing out manure all day. Very fine day Looking like rain Much cooler

September SUNDAY, 16 (259-106) 1900 Jim came home, drove up Olive, Jim & I went to church Misting and windy Much cooler Drove home afternoon a little while

MONDAY, 17 (260-105) Robt drawing out manure all day Cool but fine Mrs Johnston came back to sew

TUESDAY, 18 (261-204) Robt drawing manure all day Fine Busy sewing Robt up to Rothsay

September Wednesday, 19 (262 - 103) 1900

drawing out manure all day fine aunty Gass here

Thursday, 20 (263 - 102)

drawing out manure all day fine day Herb Gordon here to say Good Bye little rain at night

Friday, 21 (264 - 101)

Robt drawing manure all day fine cool day miss north here aunty Gass here for dinner Robt & I up to Ruths ay

September Saturday, 22 (265 - 100) 1900

Robt drawing out manure all day fine took Miss Johnston home and came home by Drayton

Sunday, 23 (266 - 99)

children & I up to church Robt over to Old Mrs Braidwoods funeral fine mild day

Monday, 24 (267 - 98)

drawing manure till eleven then down to the train to meet L Parkinson all over the place and up to see Grandpa Philip very fine day rather hot

September Tuesday, 25 (268 - 97) 1900

down to Drayton for the cement forenoon then finished drawing out the manure fine day

Wednesday, 26 (269 - 96)

filling the wood house with wood out of the yard beautiful day

Thursday, 27 (270 - 95)

started to plough down behind the barn very fine day cool Miss Scorth here

September Friday, 28 (271 - 94) 1900

ploughing all day pretty hot for a while in the middle of the day flys very bad

Saturday, 29 (272 - 93)

Dull & miggling Robt choring round and painting window sash of fraims and drass of hin house the Girls took {illegible} Violet Walker up to Richds Robt went to Drayton at night

Sunday, 30 (273 - 92)

fine fall day Robt Gass & Maggie here the three children up to the English Church

October Monday, 1 (274 - 91) 1900

Robt ploughing all day fine day I {illegible} helping mother wash blankets forenoon

Tuesday, 2 (275 - 90)

Robt ploughing all day Violet Walker came down to go to the shore with us Children and I all went down, to Drayton fall show. Clara and Brock went with grandpa beautiful afternoon all had a fine time.

Wednesday, 3 (276 - 89)

Robt still ploughing all day terrible hot day I gone to Maggie Bensons quilting beautiful night

October Thursday, 4 (277 - 88) 1900

Robt ploughing all day Miss north here aft Terrible hot day Robt & I went up to see how Mrs McDonald was at night

Friday, 5 (278 - 87)

Robt ploughing all day Mrs Jos McDonald Died at ten o/clock in the forenoon

Saturday, 6 (279 - 86)

all hands helping raise potatoes terrible hot day Walt Plant helping Robt gone up to basset {aft; written above margin as an addition} for lamb Mother & I gone up to McDonalds beautiful night

October Sunday, 7 (280 - 85) 1900

Very fine forenoon only looking like rain started to rain about twelve and rained very hard and steady for three hrs. Mrs Jos McDonald buried Robt gone to the funeral Mr & Mrs North came in for tea from the funeral

Monday, 8 (281 - 84)

Robt ploughing all day very fine day. Mother and I washed a big washing of cloths and quilts got a barrel of pears from Willie Robt gone away back on the other place to skin a dead cow. (Old Bute)

Tuesday, 9 (282 - 83)

Robt ploughing finished next to Trask and started in the pea ground Mother & I went to Drayton after noon fine cool day

October Wednesday, 10 (283 - 82) 1900

Robt ploughing all day

Thursday, 11 (284 - 81)

ploughing all day warm, dry, weather

Friday, 12 (285 - 80)

Robt ploughing all day fine Mable & Miss Johnson here in the evening

October Saturday, 13 (286 - 79) 1900

ploughing all day fine day cool at night harrowing fence bottom and dirking the sow & thistle

Sunday, 14 (287 - 78)

All at home fine day Clara gone to Church with Grand Ma & Pa

Monday, 15 (288 - 77)

Started to plough on the other place

I washed blankets & carpet very fine day

October Tuesday, 16 (289 - 76)

A little rain and misty ploughing all day Clara went down to Post Office very windy and raw

Wednesday, 17 (290 - 75)

ploughing all day much finer cool Miss North here

Thursday, 18 (291 - 74)

Thanks Giving ploughing all day very fine day ground very dry

October Friday, 19 (292 - 73) 1900

ploughing all day very fine weather Clara went to Drayton aft ground dry & hard

Saturday, 20 (293 - 72)

ploughing all day very fine day Robt at Drayton at night

Sunday, 21 (294 - 71)

children and I up to church very fine day J&M McEwing here for a little while beautiful weather & roads

October Monday, 22 (295 - 70) 1900

Robt at McEwings threshing all day very fine Walt Plant there for us three masons here all day

Tuesday, 23 (296 - 69)

finished at McEwing and moved up to Burrow and started to thresh Walt Plant there for us Tom Miller here fine day Robt getting ready to thresh

Wednesday, 24 (297 - 68)

finished at Burrows about nine and started here threshing all day Sarah burrows helping me rather fine Walt Miller here building hins fence between Trask and us

October Thursday, 25 (298 - 67) 1900

Threshing till noon then moved to Frank Page's very fine day Robt choring round home oft Tom Miller here Walk Miller {here; double quote written to show repeat of above word "here" on page} Mrs North here Clara went home with her to stay till Sunday

Friday, 26 (299 - 66)

Robt took load load of block out to miller at the fence and then wend back to plough forenoon heavy thunder and lightning at Pages threshing aft heavy rain afternoon the two Millers and Robt went to Drayton to the conservative meeting at night

Saturday, 27 (300 - 65)

Wheeled out the seeds and fired them forenoon Took Chap to Drayton and got some shoes set Jim came up on the night train

October SUNDAY, 28 (301 - 64) 1900

At home all day Jim here for dinner Olive and Brock went to church with Jim and Clara came home with them turned out fine day

MONDAY, 29 (302 - 63)

Started to Top Turnips then helping Da fan up his oats then topping rest of day Miller came back to finish the fence no frost worth mentioning in this month so far very hot dry fall flys terrible bad

TUESDAY, 30 (303 - 62)

raining of and all day Robt working in the pigpen Miller making an Axe handle heavy rain

October WEDNESDAY, 31 (304 - 61) 1900

Robt drew stakes and helped him at the fince forenoon then topping afternoon I gone to Drayton rather fine very fine evening

November THURSDAY, 1 (305 - 60)

finished topping and started to harrow them out heavy rain at noon choring round afternoon Miss North here evening

FRIDAY, 2 (306 - 59)

finished harrowing turnips Graded up a dead forenoon took load of turnips to Rothsay and drew in rest of afteroon Mrs Drary here very fine day

November SATURDAY, 3 (307 - 58) 1900

All hands at work at the turnips Walt Plant Johnie Craig here all day and Wat Burrows here afternoon with team finished turnips Robt down at night to Drayton very fine day

SUNDAY, 4 (308 - 57)

All at home all day except down home for a while very fine day Just lovely weather

MONDAY, 5 (309 - 56)

ploughing all day fine forenoon Clara gone to Drayton afternoon there came up a terrible wind storm of snow and rain first {snow; written above text as an addition} of the season

November TUESDAY, 6 (310 - 55) 1900

ploughing forenoon moving fence on the other place afternoon very fine day

WEDNESDAY, 7 (311 - 54)

snowing soft snow and rain morning & moving fence forenoon over to the 14th to vote on Dominion Elections McCowan & Semple ploughing afternoon cloudy and dark down to Drayton at night McCowan Elected

THUSDAY, 8 (312 - 53)

ploughing all day fine and cool snow falling at night

November FRIDAY, 9 (313 - 52) 1900

ploughing all day Miss North here and may Gordon cold raw wind dark & dull

SATURDAY, 10 (314 - 51)

ploughing all day fine fall day

SUNDAY, 11 (315 - 50)

All at home except down Home for a while John Gordon here aft very fine day

November MONDAY, 12 (316 - 49)

Robt ploughing all day very fine day for ploughing brought home the plough and ploughed round the potatoepits

TUESDAY, 13 (317 - 48)

Heavy soft snow falling all day covering potatoepits forenoon working in the shed at stalls afternoon

WEDNESDAY, 14 (318 - 47)

choring forenoon working in the shef aft I whitewashing ceiling not a bad day snow falling

November THURSDAY, 15 (319 - 46)

choring forenoon and working in the shed Miss North an her father here I paid her $9.00 rather cold & stormy afternoon

FRIDAY, 16 (320 - 45)

Robt choring round all day inclined to be soft Mrs Burrows & GrandMa helping me kill the ducks killed 40 between nine and fine o'clock

SATURDAY, 17 (321 - 44)

Robt choring forenoon took the ducks to Drayton and got the Horses hing feet fined rather soft and looking like rain Mr Alex Kirkpatrick died suddenly

November SUNDAY, 18 (322 - 43) 1900

All at home all day except down home afternoon terrible dull day steady rain afternoon

MONDAY, 19 (323 - 42)

Robt down to Drayton with the lambs forenoon choring and over to Mr Kirkpatrick funeral steady rain all day Masons came to finish hog pen

TUESDAY, 20 (324 - 41)

Robt gone up for a load of sand to newsteads then choring forenoon Mr Duncan here for sheep Took chop to Drayton and brought home a load of brick. very, dull, misty, dirty, day

November WEDNESDAY, 21 (325 - 40) 1900

Robt choring and helping the masons terribl windy with rain

THURSDAY, 22 (326 - 39)

choring forenoon and looking like rain Masons finished at noon Miss North & Miss Magie here for Tea Robt gone to Drayton for tiles Miggling and raining

FRIDAY, 23 (327 - 38)

ploughing all day no school aft Jessue McKay funeral Clara & I went and called to see Grandpa Philip cold raw wind


Saturday, 24, 1900

Ploughing all day, Olive, Brock, + I drove to Drayton, Cold raw day

Sunday, 25, 1900

At home all day, Children drove home for tea, little snowy morning

Monday, 26, 1900

Robt choring farenoon up to Richd threshing oft Walt Phant {illegible text} Very fine day


Tuesday, 27, 1900

Up at Richd to finish threshing forenoon + choring, ploughing sod afternoon Very fine day Some sonow on the grondzd

Wednesday, 28, 1900

Robt choring and drawing up tile that was left on the other place farenoon, ploughing afternoon fine day only dull + cloudy

Thursday, 29, 1900

choring and ploughing all day rather a fine day


Friday, 30, 1900

Robt choring, and moving fence on the other place, forenoon I gone to Drayton forenoon miss north here + give the girls there last lesson in their first quarter Robt ploughing afternoon fine weather. Henry Hayjeltine came here to dig


Saturday, 1, 1900

Robt choring and ploughing Tull four Oclock. then ploughing in the ditch. Henry + Mr. S here all day fine day finished ploughing on other place

Sunday, 2, 1900

children and I up to church Memorial service for John Rennie Rothsay Court out Very fine day for this time year. All drove home for the a little sohile


Monday, 3, 1900

Robt choring and ploughing the rest of the day very fine day mild like summmer Henry H here ditching

Tuesday, 4, 1900

Robt choring and ploughing the rest of the day dark, dull, misty almost raining Mother and I over to Mrs. Richd {uncertain name} funeral. Oft Henry finished

Wednesday, 5, 1900

Robt choring and ploughing rest of the day soft snow falling getting colder {illegible text}and might

December THURSDAY, 6 (340 - 25)

Robt ploughing all day and choring Miss North here first liason in second quarter

FRIDAY, 7 (341 - 24)

Robt ploughing all day and choring soft snow falling forenoon dull & dark afternoon I {illegible} to Drayton forenoon

SATURDAY, 8 (342 - 23)

Robt went and to plough headland but froze too hard choring down to Drayton with chop evening I got a new winter hat moved 13 young pings in to the new pig pen

December SUNDAY, 9 (343 - 22) 1900

sharp and cold Clara and I up to church all down home a little while

MONDAY, 10 (344 - 21)

Robt choring and butchering pigs afternoon Wat & Ed John Craig and Richd helping pretty cold day mother here afternoon

TUESDAY, 11 (345 - 20)

Robt choring and cutting up pork and salting it still sharp and cold

December WEDNESDAY, 12 (346 - 19)

Robt choring and working down round the barn all day then took saucage down to Drayton to be ground Ma here helping me skin saucage meat and do other things

THURSDAY, 13 (347 - 18)

Robt choring and fixing and moving calves down in the shed still cold and very stormy today gone down to Drayton for saucage meat

FRIDAY, 14 (348 - 17)

Robt choring and fixing a division in the pig pen Mrs Burrows and Ma helping me finish up the ducks & geese {6 ducks & 2 geese; symbols used to show repeat of previous words} rather fine day

December SATURDAY, 15 (349 - 16) 1900

Robt choring and took down some chop to Drayton fine day Miss Duncan came over

SUNDAY, 16 (350 - 15)

Miss Duncan & I up to church Robt & Brock down to McEwing rest of us down home for a little very fine day Robt took Miss Duncan home

MONDAY, 17 (351 - 14)

Robt choring forenoon took clock down & cleaner her aft then choring and up to Rothsay at night fine day

December TUESDAY, 18 (352 - 13) 1900

Robt choring forenoon and helping me paper the kitchen afternoon very fine day

WEDNESDAY, 19 (353 - 12)

Choring forenoon drawing out manure aft very fine weather Miss McGee here all night

THURSDAY, 20 (354 - 11)

Robt choring forenoon up at Richds helping shingle hen house afternoon Miss North and Carrie here very fine day

December FRIDAY, 21 (355 - 10) 1900

Robt choring forenoon up at Richds shingeling I down to Drayton forenoon very fine day

SATURDAY, 22 (356 - 9)

Robt choring forenoon and choring all afternoon very fine drew some manure on to potato pits fine day

SUNDAY, 23 (357 - 8)

All at home all day except {children & I; written above text as an addition} for a while little rain forenoon

December MONDAY, 24 (358 - 7) 1900

Robt choring forenoon Three children down to Drayton morning over to Mrs Nobles funeral aft choring and down to Drayton at night cold day Mrs Geo Noble buried

TUESDAY, 25 (359 - 6)

Xmas Day Both of us eat Dinner alone here three children down at home for Dinner Jim came home unexpected here for Tea cold and sharp but rather a fine day

WEDNESDAY, 26 (360 - 5)

Robt choring forenoon cleaning out pig pens and drawing manure on to the potatoes pits aft fine day Clara took Jim down to Station morning

December THURSDAY, 27 (361 - 4)

Robt choring forenoon and drawing out manure afternoon fine day

FRIDAY, 28 (362 - 3)

Robt choring forenoon drawing out manure fine day Dick Chambers came down for a few day here afternoon Robt took him over to Sams

SATURDAY, 29 (363 - 2)

Robt choring forenoon drawing out manure aft Deo Fisher moved the crusher here evening Robt gone down to Drayton to meet Willie very fine night Richd Walker died Both up to Walker at night Robt staid all night

December SUNDAY, 30 (364 - 1) 1900

At home all day Willie here for dinner and till five then went ovr to Sams soft snow falling off and on all day

MONDAY, 31 (365)

Robt choring forenoon Both and Richd Walkers funeral aft Mr Edmison here for Team & then Clara took him {up home; written above text as an addition} Willie brought Dick over from Sams and then Willie went to the train for Jim then all here for Tea very fine day

{in writing} Tuesday Jan 1st 1901

Fisher here crushing grain Walt Plant helping all day Robt choring and helping kind of stormy Willie and Ma went up to see Aunty Gass Duck went up to Aaron Wallon Willie and Jum went up there at night


{in writing} Wednesday Jan 2nd 1901

finished chopping forenoon Walt Plant here helping Robt choring and helping move fisher to Perkins Jim took Dick to the train at eleven and took Willie one oclock back to work Jim staid over for a few days longer Robt drawing out manure aft cold

{in writing} Thursday Jan 3rd 1901

{sideways on left margin; Text reads "A new teacher for this year, a Miss Forbes Olive & Brock started"} Robt choring forenoon then helping Burrowns kill a beef Miss North here to give the Girls their lessons Jim here for a while Liggie and Sarah Hillarn here in the evening very fine day

{in writing} Friday 4th Jan 1901

Robt choring and finished drawing out manure rather a fine day Mother here a little while afternoon

Sat 5th Jan 1901 Robt choring forenoon and cleaning out all the {pens?} And down to Drayton at night. Children & I drove home in the evening. Beautiful moonlight nights.

Sun Jan 6th 1901 All at home {?} here forenoon Children and I {?} home for a little while

Monday 7th January 1901 Da choring in forenoon. Over to vote in afternoon; Down to Drayton at night; Fine day. Mr. M e Ewing and Mulloy elected for commissions.

Tuesday 8th. January 1901. Da choring in forenoon and all day. Uncle Jim went home at noon.

Wednesday 9th January 1901. Da choring in forenoon, and choring all day.

Thursday 10th Jan. 1901. Soft rainy day. Da choring in forenoon. Took {?} over to Dick Lowes in afternoon.

Friday 11th 1901. January. Da choring in forenoon. "D" Battery "Guelph Boy" lauded home from war

Saturday, 12th. 1901 Jan. Cold and stormy. Da choring in forenoon. Over to Dick Lowes and for {?} and to Drayton in afternoon.

Sunday 13th 1901. Jan. Beautiful day. Up to Grandpa Philps in afternoon

Monday 14th. 1901 January. Lovely morning, but soft snow falling in afternoon choring in forenoon. Started to draw up wood in afternoon.

Tuesday 15th 1901. Jan. Foggy and soft. Choring and drawing up wood.

Wednesday 16th 1901 Jan. Very stormy day. Da choring in forenoon, over to {Riche?} Sale in afternoon W. Fain and N. Benning here to see Bull calves.


{in writing; under CASH ACCOUNT column} Thursday 17th 1901 Jan

{different handwritting, likely Elizabeth's child writing} Stormy day. Da choring all day sold two Bull calves to Will fair and Norman Benning for $100 $150. 00/100 Uncle Richd brought wood

{in writing; under CASH ACCOUNT column} Friday 18th January 1901

{return to Elizabeth's handwriting} choring forenoon drawing wood afternoon very fine day

{in writing; under CASH ACCOUNT column} Saturday 19th January 1901

choring all day and down to Drayton at night. Olive Brock & I at Drayton aft very bright but cold.

{in writing; under CASH ACCOUNT column} Sunday 20 Jan

All at home all day very fine day

{in writing; under CASH ACCOUNT column} Monday 21 Jan

Robt choring forenoon packing the Feather Tick and took it to Drayton and expressed it Sandy Walker here for a few minutes Robt to Drayton {with him; written above text as an addition} and took the Bed to express to Brandon


{in writing; under CASH ACCOUNT column} Tue 22 Jan

choring forenoon and down to Drayton to get horses shod All over at Burrows at night cold but fine

{in writing; under CASH ACCOUNT column} Wed 23 Jan

{return to Elizabeth's handwriting} choring forenoon started to Norm & Binnings with the Bull calf Johnie Craig here aft

{in writing; under CASH ACCOUNT column} Thur 24 Jan

Johnie Craig here all day choring kind of soft Robt got home at night

{in writing; under CASH ACCOUNT column} Fri 25 Jan

choring round all day Richd brought B W Rocks from Fengus at night {previous words crossed out in pen; words on left margin written in same pen in different handwritting reads "Aunt Katty & Ieanor Violet here"} fine

{in writing; under CASH ACCOUNT column} Sat 26 Jan

choring and drawing wood afternoon the three children out to Drayton {written in different handwritting on left margin "Ralet took then to Rothsay"}

{in writing; under CASH ACCOUNT column} Sun 27 Jan

Mother & I up to church soft snow falling children all at home Mr Aull from Harriston preched about out Dead Queen

{in writing; under CASH ACCOUNT column} Mon 28 Jan

Robt choring forenoon finished drawing up wood aft

Tuesday 29 Jan Choring and helping M. Ewing kill pigs and down to Drayton and got Brocks Top coat{?}. little stormy

Wed 30 Jan Robt choring forenoon and took load of Hay to Rathsay {?} and then went to Drayton evening Mr North {?} here for Lea. Very fine day P.T {?}, Co. meeting

Thursday 31 Jan

Thursday 31 Jan. Robt Philp Robt Robt Philp


{The page has no entries}

Transcription Progress



Elizabeth Philp Diary, 1900 Part 1.pdf
Elizabeth Philp Diary, 1900 Part 2.pdf
Elizabeth Philp Diary, 1900 Part 3.pdf
Elizabeth Philp Diary, 1900 Part 4.pdf
Elizabeth Philp 1900 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“Elizabeth Philp Diary & Transcription, 1900,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/226.
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