Stephen "Sylvester" Main Diary & Transcription, 1893-1896


Stephen "Sylvester" Main Diary & Transcription, 1893-1896

Date Created

January 1, 1893

Is Part Of

Stephen "Sylvester" Main Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription




1. To Church in morning to Sunday School in afternoon Mr Hammonds for tea. Went to St George Church at night 2 We all went to John McDonald's for New Year's dinner 3 Cutting out same trimming for cutter to Mr Samuel Grummetts to track horses. To church at night 4 Working at Truman's cutter cushion stuffing it. To Church. 5 Trimming my cutter. To church at night 6 Working at mine & Truman's cutters. Prowed down a load of hay 7 Truman and I drove to John Gerrards, Drove back to Samuel Grummetts. Traded horses with him. Got a sorl horse. 8 To Church in morning Truman & I went for a drive with both horses. To Brethern church at night. 9 Started to school. Drove to Branchton for Ella Band after 4 o'clock. 10 To school all day. To church at night. 11 To school all day To church at night 12 To school till last recess. Drove my colt to church at night. 13. Back to swamp to help Albert. To church at night. 14 To Galt. Ella Bond went with me. hitched up my colt. 15 To church in morning to Methodist church at night. 16 Varnishing my cutter. To church at night. 17 Not much of anything 18 Drove to Troy to buy some wood did not get any. 19. Jirden & I went to John Harvies to work at cow stable putting in manger plank 20 Putting in stalls and sleepers. 21 Laying stall floor near all day home at night 22 To church. Rosa & I went to John Patricks this aft. 23 Went to Harvey's boarding up in front of cow stalls 24 finished got home near noon. 25 Went to the swamp with Truman all day 26 Drawing out wood for Truman 27 Not much this forenoon To George Main's bee this aft, Got two coons. 28 To Galt. Not much of anything 29 No church this morning to Methodist church at night 30 Back to swamp cutting wood for Smith Willard 31 To swamp all day.


1 To swamp all day cutting wood. 2 To swamp part of day got through 3 Truman and I to swamp cutting for ourselves 4 To Galt 5 To church morning and night 6 Stormed today. 7 Drawed a load of wood from swamp for Varley 8 Drawing wood for Varley all day. 9 Drawing wood all day 10 Stormed made a whip holder 11 Ella Bond and I to Galt got our pictures taken. 12 To church in morning to Methodist church at night 13 Bought some wood of Jack Jimeson. Wat, Truman, uncle John and I went back to cut wood 14 Drawing out of the swamp all day 15 Went to Smith Willards to try to get his sleighs 16 Drawed load out of swamp. fetched load home for Bonds 17 Fetched load home for Varley. To Walters bee this afternoon. 18 Went back and drawed the rest out of the swamp 19 To church in morning to Bond's this afternoon 20 Drove down to Charley Johnsons. Drove to Galt for Frank Bond. 21 Reading some to day Not much of anything. 22 Made a jaw for spring trap. made a key for stable lock. To church at night. 23 Helping unpack a crate of dishes. Down to Bonds. Went to Branchton at night. 24 Walter Smith and I drove down to Mr David Smith Wat bought a colt 25 Clipping my horses legs to trim them up. 26. To church in morning. Varley Bond & I went to Galt church at night. 27. Not much of anything - stormed today 28 Helping Wat Smith draw some straw from Aron Mains. I got the lend of his team to draw my wood


1 Drawing my wood to John Steel all day 2 Drawing my wood got it all done. 3 Truman & I drawed some wood 4 Drove Jirdan to Preston then to Golt and home. 5 To Methodist church in morning. Varley Bond and I to Galt to hear conductor Snider. 6 Digging out implements for Bonds. 7 Splitting wood for uncle John to Trumans and Wats bee this aft. 8 Helping uncle John split wood all day. 9 Helping Truman & Wat split wood 10 Went to split wood but did not get in swamp. 11 Took a little hunt but did not get anything. 12 To Brethern church in morning to Methodist church at night 13 Working at buggy wheels. to 14 Working at buggy wheels to Willie Mains bee 15 To Bonds working, To Branchton for Frank Bond 16 Got horse shod to Bond's Sale. 17 Sharpened saw for John Hammond.



Truman + I drawed a little load of hay. To Bond's bee 19 To church To Brethern church at night 20 Took Ella Bond to Branchton station she went to Brantford 21 Cutting wood for James Keachie all day Paw, Albert and I 22. Settling up with Albert Bond and Miss Bond Varley and I went up to Sam Hammels to see incubator. 23 Sand papering my buggy. fixed my halter Went to woods 24 Took Miss Bond to Branchton station. Piling wood. Went to cheese meeting. 25 To Galt. piling wood. 26. To church. Went for a horse back ride to church at night. 27. Sand papering buggy + painted it 28 Working at Mr Coopers buggy box and painted it. 29 Same. 30 Went to Point Edward. Truman drove me to Galt {circled} Train? Went to Stephen Burley's 31 Sizzie {scribble} + I went to Sarnia to Port Huron got our pictures taken.


I went to Mary Burley's. Albert Potter +I got on an Engine and went down to the tunnel. To Stephen Burleys 2 Stephen Burley and I took a walk. Stayed Stephen Burely's a;; day. Sizzie andI went to church then went to Mary's. 3 Albert Potter + I went across the river and come through the tunnel. I come to Thedford, went to Uncle John's stayed all night{in cursive} 4 To Thedford. started for home got home at night. 5 Putting my buggy box sand papering some. 6 To Aaron Main's all day painting 7 Painting my buggy shafts and sandpapering some. 8. Truman + I drawing hay and straw. 9 To church. Truman + I went for a drive in aft. to Methodist church at night 10 Jirden and I went to Galt over to John Sager's to taffy off at night. 11 To Aron Main's painting all day. To Endeavor at night 12. sand papering. Painled ceiling in bedroom. 13 Went out after Destimona. Painted my buggy To John Steels sawing wood. Went down to David Smiths for taffy. 14 To Aron Main's took leather off shaves and painted them 15. Sand papered my buggy and painted it. Truman and I got some hay rom Henry - drawed it. 16 To Methodist church. Varely + I went to Galt Church at night. stopped to the Endeavor. 17 Pattying my buggy. Made a cover for the back of Mr Cooper's buggy 18 Took my buggy cushion to pieces. Went to Aron Main to paint. To Endeaver at night 19 Finished Mr Cooper's buggy. Made some grafting - wax father + I grafting some. helping Wat split some wood. 20 sand papering my buggy.Pulling in some glass for Albert Bond. 21 Fixing buggy cushion. Painting my buggy 22 Went to Galt. 23 Organized Sunday School. To Church. Drove up to Unlce Alicks for tea. Went to KNox church at night 24. Went to Galt with Varely fethced home a load of shingles. painted my buggy. 25. Took job shingling Bond's house shingled all day. 26 Shingled till noon - painted my buggy. 27 Went to Bine Bennetts sale then went to Aron Main's finished painting. 28 Fixing my buggy cushion. droveMisses Bond to Galt. 29 Making window frame for our house. Down to Aaron Main's to chair practice at night. 30 Varley Bond + I went to Brantford to-day come home at night. drove my horse.


1 Painted my bugy. 2 Put a window in the end of our house- going to make two bedrooms. 3 Went to Galt after Frank Bond. To Aunt Rachel's funeral. 4 Out a door in our upstairs. moved one. 5 Studding up for partition through our upstairs for two bed rooms. 6. Shot Mr. Rickers dog. Lathing upstairs in our house. Father + I cutting some lath on Henry's bandsaw. 7 Etherlinda and I to Galt to Mr Bruces all day 8 Putting wash boards on upstairs Jirden and I went fishing down the creek. I snared 3 suckers and one pike. 9 Fitting a door for upstairs. Went down to Joseph Richers and then to John Carrains to see about pasture. 10 Hung a door on my bedroom upstairs. Went down to Smith Willards harrowing all afternoon. 11 Made my bedstead narrower. Fixing some wheels in Henry's shop 12 Went fishing home at night caught 116 fish 13 to Albert Bonds fixing over his horses. To William McClares raising. 14 To S.S + church in the morning SS in aft. to brethern church at night.


May. 15. Started to work in the factory, Got out at 3 o'clock Will Frier + I went fishing. 16 In factory all day out at 3 o'clock. Painted my room at night 17, 18, 19 20 Worked in factory all day. 21. SS in aft. Varley and I went to Galt church 22 In Cheese factory all day made 11 cheeses 23 Got a lot at three o'clock made 8 cheeses to Endeavor at night. 24 factory all day got out at 5 o'clock. 25. Got out at 4 o'clock made 8 cheeses. made two drawers for a table in my room. 26, 27 In factory all day. 28. S.S. and Church. SS in aft. Brethern church at night. 29 In factory 30 In factory down at Watt Smith's at night 31 In factory all day.

June. 1 In factory all day. 2 factory then SS choir practice at night. 3 In factory got out in good time 4. S.S. + Church in morning. to brickschool to Sabbeth School. To methodist church at night. 5 In factory all day made 15 cheeses to day. 6 in factory made 13 cheess. To Christian Endeavor at night. 7 In factory all day. kicking football at night. 8 In factory all day. Out in good time. 9 In the factory all day to S.S choir practice at night 10 In factory all day. 11 To SS and church in the morning SS in the aft. To Brethern Church at night. 12 In factory all day. Mr Humphrey helping us this aft. Made 16 cheeses. 13 In factory all day to Endeavor at night. 14 In factory all day. 15 In factory all day. Got a bicycle from Hamilton on trial. 16 In factory. Fixing my bicycle at night 17 In factory all day. 18 S.S in morning and chuch at night. 19. Made Seventeen cheeses had three vats 20 In factory all day to Christian Endeavor at night 21 In factory all day 22 In factory. Went up to Little Corners to Strawberry festival. - went on bicycle. 23 Factory all day. 24 Same 25 To S.S. Varley Bond and I went for a bicycle ride. 26. In factory - made sixteen cheese. 27 In factory to Christian Endeavor at night. 28, 29, 30, In factory all day

July. 1 In factory all day. Did not go to picnic. Started to make a Trouth {can't quite make out the letters to this word} to pack eggs in. 2 SS and Brethern church. Mr Bell from Dayton preached. 3. Made seventeen cheese. Mr Humphrey helped up to Strawberry festival at night on Mr Green's lawn. 4 Got up early working at my troth this morning + night In the factory all day 5. made thirteen cheese 6 made twelve cheese. 7 In factory all day. 8 In factory. Went to Galt on bicycle. 9 To SS and church in morning. Drove down to SS in aft. To Brethern Church at night. 10 Made fifteen cheese and boxed 150 cheeses Over to Mr Moor's at night. A girl from Dundas was there 11. In factory. To Christian Endeavor at night. I was leader for to night. 12. In factory all day. Went over to Mr Moor's at night 13 In factory. packing eggs. went to prayer meeting. 14 in factory all day. To Alberts Bonds at night. Sarah Moore and Miss Korigan from Dundas was there. 15 In factory out in good time. Went back after our horses. 16 Varley + I got Billy Chambers bicycle. We went to Hamilton got home at night went to church. 17. In factory got the milk in two vats to day. 18 Factory all day to Endeavor at night. 19 Factory - mdade eleven cheeses to-day. 20 In factory all day . 21. In factory all day. To choir practice at night went to Mr Moore's after practice. 22 In factory all day 23 S.S + church in morning. To SS in aft. Took Sarah Moore Maggie Robinson, Minnie and Ida Engllheart and Etherlinda for a drive in afternoon. 24 In factory made thirteen cheeses. Helped shock up Mr Keachies wheat at night. 25 In factory all day. To Endeavor at night 26 In factory all day. Down to Aron Mains to see Oscar about going to Toronto. 27 In factory all day. Drove to Troy to see John Gerrard about working in the factory. 28 Factory all day. Choir practice at night in the church. 29 Oscar went on boat came back at night. 30 To church in morning SS in aft. To Methodist church at night 31 Made twelve cheeses.

Aug 1 In factory to day to Endeavor at night. 2 In factory all day. Down to John Hammonds to practice for S.S. 3 In factory. Went over to Henry's to hoe some popatoes for him. 4 In factory choir practice at night. 5 At factory all day Wat's into at night Oscar and {seems to run out of space on the page}


Aug. 6. To S.S + church. To S.S in aft. Went to Aaron Mains for tea. Went to Brethern church at night. 7 In factory all day. Over to Henry's hoeing mangols 8. Factory all day Endeavor at night. 9 In factory all day To Henry's hoeing. 10 Factory all day. Working at buggy box at night . 11 factory all day. To Mrs' Patricks to practice for S.S. singing. 12 In factory all day. Oscar + I went to Galt We both hired a buggy for Sunday. 13 a quartely meeting in the Brethern chary. Oscar Truman Jirden and I drove down to the Sulphur Springs all had a girl. Sarah Jane Moore went with me. 14 Factory all day. Oscar + I took our buggies back to Galt tonight. 15 Factory to day to Endeavor at night. 16 Factory to day. Down to Aron Main's to practice singing. {17 is written in the margin and then arrowed in} Factortory. To Brethern church at night Mr. Bell preached. 18 Factory all day. choir practice at night. 19 factory. Mr. Frier went away. In aft. Father was helping me. 20 S.S. and to Methodist church. To S.S. convention in aft. to brick school house. Varely + I went to Galt church. 21Father + I running the factory. Mr. Frier got home near night. We made 10 cheeses. 22. factory to day Endeavor at night. 23 In factory all day. Drove down to Mr Patricks to get a Song Book. 24 factory all day to Methodist prayer meeting at night. 25 Varely Bond James Moffatt, James main and I went to the Falls to day. Went to Toronto on the train took the boat to Queenstan and electric railway to falls. Met Minnie Elgilheart cam home with her on the boat to Toronto 26. Factory all day. 27 Methodist church in the morning. James Moffatt + I went to Dundas this aft. 28 In factory all day rained aft. and night 29. Factory all day to Endeavor at night. 30 Factoryall day. Truman + I drawed a load of straw at night. 31 Factory all day Drove Destimona home at night.

Sept. 1 In factory all day. To choir practice at night 2 Factory all day. Watr and I drove to Galt at night 3 S.S. in morning. To S.S. in aft.Varley + I went to Galt church at night. 4. Factory all day. Drove down to Troy to see Milford Chapman - bought a buggy from him. 5. Factory all day. Endeavor at night 6 Factory all day. Etherlinde and I went to Galt at night 7 Factory all day. Willie Ward Truman + I went after a buggy I bought down in Troy 8 Factoryto S.S. choir practice at night 9. Factory all day. Willie Ward + I to choir practice 10.. To S.S and church in morning. Varely and I went to Hamilton to Robinson's for tea met another young lady there. 11 In factory all day made then cheese to day. 12 In factory all day to Endeavor at night. 13 Factory all day to Galt at night 14 In factory all day out at four o'clock Took my buggy to pieces. 15 Factory all day got out at half past three. To S.S. choir practice. 16 Factory all day. To Wats to choir practice 17 S.S. and church in morning/ To S.S. in aft Varley Bond + I went to Galt church at night 18 Factory all day. To S.S. association of North Dumfries at night 19. Factory all day to Endeavor at night 20. Factory all day. Drawed a load of hay to night. 21 Factory all day To prayer meeting at night 22 Factory all day to S.S. choir practice at night 23 Factory all day. Pulling atop on my buggy. 24 To SS + church in the morning to S.S. in aft. To Methodist church at ngith 25 Factory. To Mr Greeen's to practice a piece for entertainment. 26 Factory. To Endeavor at night 27 Factory all Endeavor at night day. 28 Factory all day. Practicing for entertainment. 29 Factory all day. To entertainment in Brethern church got up by the S.S. choir Willie Ward went home to day. 30 Factory all day

Oct. 1 S.S. a Methodist church in morning Varley and I to branchton church To Galt church at night Went home with Miss Elliot 2 In factory all day made eleven cheess. Wrote a letter to Maude Crumby. 3 Factory all day To Endeavor at night. 4 In factory all day. 5 Drove Miss Frier to Galt this forenoon in factory this afternoon. 6 Varley Bond + I went to Galt show today. 7 Factory all day 8 To S.S. and church in the morning Varley Bond and I went to Galt church 9 In factory all day. 10 Factor all day to Endeavor at night.


Oct. 11 To Rockton Show today did not make cheese to-day 12 In factory all day. Oscar Main came here to night 13 oscar Main and i went to Freelton Show stayed all day. 14 Drove Oscar up to Waterloo - got my pictures take. Stayed at Mr Staffers all night. 15 Drove one of the girls to Berlin church this morning To Mr Staffers all day. Drove home at night came to Galt + stopped for church. 16 In factory all day - got out late. 17 In factory all day. 18. In factory all day made seven cheese. 19 20 21. In factory all day. 22 S.S. church in morning to S.S. in aft. to Galt church at night 23. In factory. Went to Keachies started to fix their organ 25 Fixing Mr keachies organ this forenoon got through. In factory this aft. Went down to Billy Friers at night. 26 In factory all day. 27 In factory all day. To literary society at night 28 Factory all day. 29. To church in morning. Drove to Galt church at night Varely Sarah jane Moore Rosa and I all went in buggy. 30. Fctory. Went to Galt to a lecture. Drove Miss Friers sister up. (Miss Smith) at night 31 William Frier and I hunting this forenoon. not much of anything this aft.

Nov 1 In factory all day. My last day for this year. 2 Painting my buggy. Went to John's and to David Runnels and traded roosters. 3 Went down in bush with Mr Humphrey - took my gun 4 Went to Brantford came home at night. 5. S.S. + church in morning. Last Sunday of S.S. To S.S. in aft. Varley and I to Galt church at night 6 Moved window in horsestable this forenoon. Washed my bugg. To church at night 7. Took Uncle John's esiter out to put it deeper. Blasting rockout. James Main helping me. To church at night 8 Went with Jirdan to Hugh Whites to carpenter. Putting boards on the roof. 9 Putting on steel shingles ripping rest of day for slide doors. To church at night 10 Finished Uncle John's cistern. Plastering around Bond's chimneys 11. To Galt.Banking up around Unlce John's cistern this afternoon 12 Bible Clas in the morning To Methodist church to S.S. in aft. Varley + I to Galt church 13 Varnishing my buggy. fixing my hsoes. To shoes. To church at night 15. Painted a buggy box for Henry Made a little looking glass stand for myself started to fix my old ca{u is written above the a}tter 16 Reading some Down to George Mains this aft. 17 Albert and I hunting. 18 Took a job digging post holes for John Steel. Digging all day. 19. Bible Class Church in morning. Varley + I to Galt church and Christian Endeavor at night. 20 Digging postholes Went to Nelson Culhams for three pigs. Making Emery Sickles sale for a while help putting up fence for John Steele


Nov 23. Helping Varley pack some stuff for Port Dover. 24. Drove Oscar to Waterloo - with him to school all day. Stayed all night to Mr Stauffers with him. 25. Come home from Waterloo Oscar came with me. Get our dinner in Galt. 26 To quarterly meeting in Brethern church. Mr Macklin, the new elder preache to-day. 27 Not much of anything - reading some. 28 Drove Etherlinda Main to Galt to night 29. To Hamilton all day went down with Bond's 30 Not much of anything. Drove to Branchton this aft.

Dec 1 Albert and I shooting - got one rabbit To church at night 2. Shooting - shot three rabbits 3. To Brethern church to Methodist church at ngith. 4 Drove to Branchton and bought a buggy box from Mr. Hunt for my cutter. 5 Working at my cutter all day 6 Working at cutter all day got done. 7 Took cutter to Branchton to get it fixed. To Miss Gambells funeral. Started to trim Mr Karsteds cutter. 8 Finished trimming. Father + I went to Smith Bucans to thrasht this aft. 9 Thrashing got through. Went to Branchton after my cutter - not done. 10 To Methodist church in morning to S.S. to Brick school this aft. Varley Boind and I to Galt church. 11 Made a whipletree for my cutter. Went to Branchton after my cutter. Painted it. 12 Pattied my cutter. To Endeavor at night 13 Made a frame for back of my cutter. Sand papered and painted it. To churhc at night.14 Painted my cutter twice - making a cushion + drop back. 15 Varnished my cutter. 16 Putting the trimming on cutter. Mr Karstedt and I drove to Mr Staffers near Waterloo stayed all night. 17 Mr Karstedt and I drove to Breslaw for dinner and had church there. Then drove home. Varley + I went to Galt church. 18 Putting some straps on my cutter. Drawed a load of straw and hay Wat helping me. 19 Went to Dundas with tha mail. Mr Moore was sick. 20 Drove mail for Mr Moore. 21 Drove mail - my last day. Mr Moore is better. 22 Drove Mr Karstedt to graveyard. mr Williams funeral. 23 made cushion for John Culhams cutter. Drove to S.S. in aft. Varley and I went to Galt church. 25. To Joseph Rickers for some oats. Wat + I gathered up provisions for tea meeting. To tea meeting at night. 26. Straightening up at hall. To social at night in hall. 27 Drove Maggie and Idie home to day got my buggy fixed 28 Went to temperance meeting in Methodist church at night 29. To Pleasant Grove School house to a temperance meeting Oscar was with me. 30 Got a sore throat. Oscar + I went to Galt this afternoon 31 S.S. in aft. To watch meeting at night in the Brethern church started at nine o'clock. Mr Karstedt preacher.


Jan 1 made diary for this year. 2 Drove to Galt Oscar + I ggot our own heade road. Saw Oscar off on train to Berlin 3 Went to school all day. 4 To school all day. 5 To school all day. To literary society at night. 6 To Branchton. Put a reach in my buggy. Drove Aunt Liza down to Frank Dale's. 7 To Methodist church in morning. Varley and I went to Galt church at night. 8 Truman Jirden and I went digging out skunks, got one. 9 Fixing a little trunk putting a lock on it and painted it. To Christian Endeavor at night. Wrote a letter to Josie Brunt Michigan 10 Went to Branchton not much in afternoon. 11 Drove to Joseph Rickers to try to buy some hay. Made a little box this afternoon. 12 This afternoon went to tea at Mr John Gerrard's. To the literary society at night. 13 Truman and I drove to Brantford came home at night. 14 To Brethern church in morning Varley and I to Galt church at night 15 Straightoning my book and papers. 16 Finished straightening my books. Lined my chest and painted it To Endeavor Endeavor at night. 17 Finished making my diary. Put tin on the hall chimney. Cleared out pig pen. Went to temperance meeting. 18 Cutting wood in Uncle Dave's swamp Made a little box


Jan 19 Cutting wood in swamp all day for ourselves. I went to Galt at night all above to a concert. 20 Went skating this aft. 21. To Methodist church Varley Bond and I went to Galt church at night. 22 To swamp cutting wood. Went to Etta Ellerton's funeral. Bouthg a buggy pole from J. Hammond. 23 To Aaron Main's for oats. Put a pan on a trap for myself. To Endeavor at ngiht. 24 Cutting wood for Mr Moore. Truman + I wrote some latters. 25 Sarah Jane Moore and I went to Galt got our fortunes told. Put a new pole in the one we bought. 26 Truman + I got little hay from Mr Green made a whiffle tree for my self. Went to Nelson Culham's to a Box social had lots of beer. 27 Jirden + I went to Galt. Went down with Oscar for dinner. Oscar + I drove over to Mr Hammonds. Varley + I went to Galt to church. 29 Drove out to John's and got my horse shod. 30 Made a chair for a trap. To Endeavor at night 31. Washed my buggy Drove to Galt - got Rev {something in brackets is scratched out} jackson to Albert's wedding

Feb. Feb 1 Got a leter from Miss Brunt to Rosa + I went to Branchton at night. 2 Went to a bee at Uncle Johns To literary society at night. 3 Finished making little chain. Mr Laing's oil house burnt down to-night. 4 To Methodist church Varley and I to Galt at night to Methodist church. 5 Fixed my organ stool. Started to make a turn-lay. 6 Worked at turn-lay. To Endeavor at night. 7 Finished turn-lay Turned four drawer knobs for ourselves. To Mr Rickers to a social at night 8 Helping Henry. Turned two chisel handles Varley and I up to Mr Rich Bonds for a party 9. Wrote a letter to Oscar. Made a thing to hang up pants. 10 Jirden and I got a load of wood. Turned some chisel handles. To Mr Keachies at night 11 James Keachie and I went to Galt church this morning to Methodist church in Sheffield at night 12 Truman + I got some hay at David Smiths. Turning chisel handles. 13 Turning legs for a foot-stool. Started to make a stand for Arthur Green. To Endeavor at night 14 Working at a little stand for Arthur Green got it done 15 Making a lille foot stool. Started to make a game of crocknole. 16 Working at my game. Went to Galt after Oscar and drove to box social at Mr. Brewin Cornells 17 Went with Jirden after a load of wood. Finished game 18 Went with James Keachie to Galt church this morning. Went to Galt church at night 19. Helping load stone all day for the church. Varley and I went to Galt to hear Dr Johnson lecture. 20 Helping loadstone all day for church. To Endeavor at night 21 Turning a potato masher for Henry's wife. 22 Making cherry stain. 23 To sand pit all day shovelling sand for the church. 24 Truman + I drawing 25 To Brethern church in morning. To Galt church at night 26 Made a potato smasher. Started to make a man to put on the barn. 27. Wat Smith + I cutting wood all day in Mr McClures swamp. Rosa, Sarah, Jane, and I went to Galt to Endeavor convention. 28 Finished making my little man. Father + I drawing wood.

Mar 1 To Mr McClures swamp for a stick 2 Truman + I drawed a load of straw to Literary society at night 3 Truman + I went to Galt this aft. 4 Methodist church in the morning. Varley + I went to Galt church at night. 5 Washed my buggy. Over to Henry's boarded in the west end of his barn and helped tap his bush 6 Not much. Rained this aft. 7 To Aaron Main's for a bag of oats. Drove to Branchton for Frank Bond. Down to Mr McHollands to a social. 8 Drove Frank Bond to Branchton. To Methodist prayer meeting at night. 9 Put a little man on barn. Went over to Studimans to quarry stones for the church. 10 To George Main's bulding a chimney on his arch. Over to Studimans quarry stones for the church. 11 To Brethern church in morning. To Methodist church at night 12 Put a balance wheel on my turnley. To Methodist meeting at night. 13 Helping Truman sand paper and paint his buggy. To meeting at night 14 Put new wheel on my turnley. To meeting at night 15 Snowed today. To meeting at night, 16 Truman and I went to Galt. Clipped my horses legs. To meeting at night


Mar. 17 Drove to Waterloo with Truman's cart. To Oscar's examination. Came home at night 18 To Methodist chruch in the morning. Varley + I went for a drive in the aft. To BRethern church at night. 19 put new pulley on my turnlay. Truman and I went to Branchton - got our houses shod. To church at night. 20. Drove the mail for Mr Moore to Dundas and to Galt. 21 Drove mail to Dundas and Galt. Went to Mr Harvie's to Box social. 22 Drove mail. Mr Moore came home to-night. 23. Aron Main's young folks at our place at night. 24 Drawed a load of hay 25. To Brethern church in the morning. VArley + I went to Galt to English church. 26 Father + I back to Harvie's cutting wood for Albert. 27 Painted Truman's buggy. splitting a little wood. Drove Etherlinda to Galt. To church at night. 28 Splitting wood Down to Aron Main's to cut some timber for the church. 29 Splitting wood home all day. To church at night. To 30 Turning some scratch all handles. Back to Fred Falkiners to wood cutting bee. 31 To Galt then Branchton then home. Over to Henry's woods got a drink of syrup.

April 1 To Methodist in morning. Back to Alfred Main's in aft. Varley and I to Galt church at night. 2 Made the table on my turnlay longer. Started to tunr a swingin club 3 Started to put a top on my old buggy. To Endeavor At night4 Making side curtains for my buggy top. Finished turning my swinging club. 5 Painted side curtains for my buggy and covered my foot stool. To Methodist prayer meeting. 6. Not much of anything. 7. Drove to Galt took Oscar to Wrigley's Corners to an examination Fetched Ida Engleheart to Sheffield. Got a big dog in Galt. 8. To Brethern church in morning. To Methodist at night. Drove Ida Engleheart home to Galt after church. 9 Helped Father draw a load of hay this forenoon 10. To Branchton. Up to Mr Keachies a while at night. 11. Fixed my buggy wheel and made a collar for my big dog. Painted a clock for the church. Down to Aron Mains with Mr Keachies young folks 12 Not much. 13 Varnished the church clock. Mounted a small weasel. To Methodist prayer meeting at ngiht. 14. To Galt. Jirden came home with me. To creek fishing i snared four suckers. 17. Jirden and I went to Joseph Mewinny to put up a kitchen To Endeavor at night. 18 Sheeting up and shingling. To Box Social at Mr Ed Cornell's 19. Dave Rosa + Geordy McDonald down to Alberts to night 20. Drove to Waterloo - got an organ. Oscar came home with me at night 21 Oscar an I went down to his place. Drove Oscar to Galt this aft. 22 Brethern church. Methodist at ngiht. 23 Helping move old church back. Rubbed down Truman's buggy box. Mr Karsted and I to Galt to a meeting of chosen friends. 24 Drove to Fred Smiths shot a crow and a groundhog. To Endeavor 25 Mr Laings store burnt down this morning Stuffed a crow. Started to clean organ. 26 To Galt. Cleaning at the organ. 27 Varnished the organ Varley + I drove to Galt to Philarmanic Concert 27 Cleavy + I fishing. 29 To S.S. and Methodist church. Varley + I went to Galt church at night 30 Helping Mr Moore. Down to Aron Main's to trade buggys.

May 1 Started to make a closet upstairs. Went to Branchton John + I went fishing Trout. I got mine 2 To Galt. Working at closet. 3 Working at clost. Went to Wat Smiths to cut a door through. To Methodist prayer meeting at night 4 To Wat Smiths working at door. George Whetham and I to Branchton shooting groundhogs 5. Hung door for Wat Cleavey + I went down to Alberts to cur his hair. Up to Mr Keachies at night. 6 To S.S. and Brethern church Varley + I went to Galt to the Evanglist meeting in Knox church. 8. Worked at clock frame. Drove to Aaron Main's and traded buggies. Varley and I went to Golf meeting. 9 Put a door on the closet and put some strips and hooks. Working at my clock frame. Got a load of hay from Aron Main. 10 Down to creek washed buggy. Feorge Whetham + I went to Branchton shooting groundhogs 11. Made a rat trap. Drove to Galt. Oscar came home with me. 12 Oscar and I drove to his place and got our tea. Drove to Mr. Hammonds at night. 13 quartlery? meeting in Brethern chruhc. Down to see Mr. Brewin Cornell. to see them baptize Varley + I went to Galt at night.


May. 14 Started to work in factory. Went to Mr Keachies for a while to-night. 15 In factory all day Drove Nettie & Gertie Keachie to Galt. 16 In factory all day - made eight cheese. Started to rain. Reading some. 17 In factory all day to Mr Moore's a while at night. 18 In factory today. Jim Keachie + I went to Galt to church at night. 19. In factory all day - got out in good time 20. S.S. + church in morning to Brethern. Varley + I to Galt at night. 21 In factory all day to Mr Keachies for a while. 22 In factory all day. To Endeavor at night. 23 In factory al day Reading at night. 25. In factory Reading at night. 26. Factory all day. Drove Almina and Rosa to Galt at night. 27 S.S. + Methodist church in morning To Pleasant Grove S.S. in aft. To Brethern church at night. 28 In factory made eleven cheese. Kicking football at night 29 Factory all day. Endeavor at night. Wrote a letter to Oscar. 30 Factory all day kicking foot ball at night 31 In factory all day. Reading at night.

June. 1 In factory till three o'clock. Went to Branchton got my horse shed. 2 In factory all day. Went to Clyde to see them play foot ball. 3 S.S. in morning. Auldon Hammill + I to S.S. in aft. To Methodist church at night. 4 In factory all day. Got Willie Main to cut my hair. Playing crockee awhile. 5 In factory. Kicking foot ball a while at night 6 Factory all day. Reading at night. 7 Factory all day. To Mr Keachies a while at night. 8 Factory. Kicking fooball at night. 9 Factory. played foot ball with Pleasant Grove team To-night, Truman + I went to Freeport to see them baptise. To Brethern chruch at night 11 In factory all day Playing Football at night. 12. Factory. Down to creek for a swim. 13 Factory. playing foot ball. 14 Factory. Down to Mill Pond for a swim. 15. In factory all day 16 Factory. Playing foot ball at night. 17 S.S. + church in morning. S.S. in aft. Varley and I to Galt Church at night 18 In factory all day. Laid the cornerstone of the new church to-day. Playing football with Pleasant Grove. beat them two to none. 19 Factory all day. James Keachie and I went up the othersider of Galt to a lawn social. 20 In factory all day. Social in Shefield at night. 21 Factory all day. Kicking foot ball at night. 22 Factory all day. Reading at night. 23 Factory. Went to Kirkwall to see Sheffieloi play foot-ball. 24 S.S. and Methodist church in morning. SS in aft. To Breathern chruch at night. 25 Factory. Kicking foot ball at night 26 Factory. To Endeavor at night. I led the meeting. 27 In factory got out in good time. Went down to Smith Willards raising. 28 Factory all day. Reading at night 29 Factory. Up to Mr Keachies at night. 30 Factory all day

July 1. S.S + Brethern in the morning. S.S. in aft. To Methodist Church at night 2 Factory all day. Reading at night 3 Factory. To Endeavor at night. 4 Factory Reading at night 5 Factory. Down to Mr C Tutton's to a raising at five o'clock. 6 Factory. James Keachie and I went to Freeport to lawn social. 7 Factory. Went to Branchton at night. 8 to S.S. + Methodist church in morning Varley and I went to Dundas this aft. to see James Moffat 9 Factory. Reading at night 10 Factory all day To Endeavor at night 11 Factory all day. To Mr Keachies a while at night 12. Same as eleven. 13 In factory all day To S.S. choir practice at night. 14 In factory all day. Kicking football at night. 15 No S.S. this morning. went to Brethern church to quarterly meetin. To Methodist church at night. 16 IN factory all day. 17 Factory. To Endeavor at night.18 Factory. Russel Mathers and I went to Galt at night 19 In factory till three o'clock. Went to Wilbert Sweets raising in the afternoon. {20 is arrowed in here} In factory. Fixing my harness at night. 21 Factory. Polishing my harness at night. 22 Went to S.S. + Methodist church. To S.S. in aft. Varley + I went to Galt church 23 Factory all day. Down to see Johanna Main she is very sick. 24 Factory all day. Down to see Johanna Main 25 Factory. Playing foot ball at night 26. Fatory. To Mr Green's to a lawn social at night. 27 Factory all day. 28 Factory. Played foot ball with Glenwood got one goal a piece. 29. S.S. + Brethern. S.S. in aft. To Mr Hammonds for tea to Methodist church at night. 30. Factory all day - made ten cheese. 31 Factory. To Endeavor at night led the meeting.

Aug. 1 Factory all day. PLaying football at night. 2. Factory. Methodist prayer meeting at night. 3 " " " kicking foot ball at night. 4 Factory all day. Playing foot ball with St. George team 5 To S.S. and Methodist church in the morning. SS. in aft. Brethern Church at night. 6 In factory all day. 7 Factory. Endeavor at night 8 Factory. To Mr Moores to a party. 9 Factory. To Methodist prayer meeting 10 Factory all day. Oscar + I to Mr Hammond's at night. 11 Oscar + I went to Hamilton - got a new suit of clothes 12 To S.S. and Brethern church. Out to river to see them Baptize. To Methodist church at night. 13 Factory all day. 14 Factory all day. To Endeavor at night. 15 Varley and I went to Port Dover to day Went to Dundas and took the dummy to Hamilton and train from there to Port Dover. home at night 16 Factroy. Methodist prayer meeting at night.


17 Factory. Had a little party at night at our place. 18 Factory all day. 19 To S.S. and Methodist church. S.S. in aft. Brethern church at night 20 Factory all day 21 Factory. Back to Sige McCrimmond to a lawn social 22 Factory. Down to brick school house to practice singing for S.S. 23 Factory to Methodist prayer meeting at night 24 Factory. Over to Mr Green's to a party. Billy Frier got his leg broke playing foot ball. 25 Factory. Mr Humphrey helping me make cheese to day. Went to St George to play foot ball. 26 To S.S. and Brethern church. To S.S. in aft. to Methodist Church at night 27 In factory all day. Mr Humphrey helping me make cheese. James Keachie and I to Westover to Social at night 28 In factory, got a new cheese maker to-day. 29 Factory all day. Rosa and I down to bush meeling in Smith Willards bush. 30 Factory Rosa + I to bush meeting 31 Factory. Rosa + I to bush meeting

Sept. 1. Factory. Johnie Hammond Truman and I drove to Galt at night 2. To S.S. + Methodist church. S.S. in aft. Went down to Mr Hammond's for tea. stopped there at night 3 Factory. To Charlie Tuttons to a meeting 4 Factory all day. 5 Factory To Charlie Tutton's to a a meeting. 6 Factory. To Rocton to lawn social. Varley and I played mouth organ 7 Factory. Drove to Galt got David Main. he + I went to Waterloo stayed all night with Oscar. 8. Took a walk to Oscar's school house. Came as far as Berlin after dinner. Stopped there a while. Came toGalt + stopped a while then came home. 9. To S.S. and Brethern church in morning. To S.S. in 9Aft. To Methodist Church at night. 10 Factory all day. 11 Factory. Peter Humphrey helping me. Endeavor at night 12 Peter Humphrey + I in factory to - day alone. 13 In factory all day. Peter Humphrey + myself. To Methodist praryer meeting at night 14 In factory all day. 15 In factory this forenoon Went to Branchton then to Galt and home at night. 16 To S.S. + Methodist in morning S.S. in afternoon. Brethern Church at night. 17 Factory all day. To Galt on Mr Karstedt bicycle to Endeavor union 18 Factory. To a milk and honey social at Mr. Washburns. 19 Factory. A lillle party at our palce tonight. The choir gave Aurther Green a present. 20 Factory all day. Went with Mr Karstedt to George Robb to prayer meeting. 21 In factory all day 22 Factory this forenoon. Went back to Clyde to play foot ball this aft. 23 To Brethern church. Down to Mr Hammonds for tea. Annie + I drove to Galt for church. Annie stayed in Galt 24 Factory all day. 25 factory. To Endeavor at night 26 Factory al lday. To Uncle John's at night Ida Engleheart there. 27 Factory. To Methodist prayer meeting at night. 28. Factory. Up to Uncle John's at night. 29 factory up to Uncle John's a while at night 30 To S.S. + Methodist church in the morning. To S.S. in aft. To Brethern church at night Went over to Uncle John's with Ida Engleheart

Oct. 1. Factory 2, 3 Factory. 4 Factory this forenoon. Aulden Hammel and I went to Preston to Galt show at night. 5. Factory. Father + Mother went on an excursion to Uncle Dan Main's. 6 Factory till middle of aft. Played foor ball with Clyde beat them two to nothing. 7. To S.S. and church in the morning to S.S. in the aft. Methodist church at night. 8 Factory all day 9 Factory all day. Christian Endeavor at night. 10 To Rockton show all day. Factory not running to day. 11 Factory all day. To Bible society meeting in the Methodist church at night 12 Thrashing to George Robbs in Truman;s place all day. 13 Factory all day. 14. S.S. and church in morning. SS in aft. To Brethern church at night. 15 Factory Varley, James Keachie and I went over to Branchton to a harvest home 16 Factory. Endeavor at night 17 Factory. 18 Factory. To Methodist prayer meeting at night. 19 Factory all day. Down to Norman's to a box social at night. 20 Factory all day. 21 S.S. + Brethern church in morning. S.S. in aft. To Methodist church at night 22 To factory all day. 23, 24, same and 25, 26, 27 in factory all day. Went to Galt with Karstedt's bicycle - got my haircut. 28 To methodist church in morning S.S. in afternoon Varley, James Keachie + I to Galt church at night 29 Factory all day. 30 Factory rained at night no Endeavor. 31 Got my time in the factory. Tob Main, James Keachie and I went to Branchton Endeavor at night.

Nov. 1 Put some window panes in for Albert Bond . Tob Main + I went back to Nelson Cooper's school. Went to Methodist prayer meeting 2 Helped get a load of sand for the church, washed my buggy. Went to Branchton, Cleavie came home with me. 3 Working in factory to-day for Billy Frier. 4. S.S. last for this year. To Brethern church. To S.S. in aft. To Methodist church at night 5 Making a wood box for Misses George Main. Helping the plasters at the church.6 Went to Branchton - painting for Destimona, the two rooms up stairs and one back one. Stayed all night. 7 Painting to-day at Branchton. Went to a box social at Preston with a load.


Nov 8. To Branchton painting. Fixing hen roast this aft. stayed all night. 9 Finished painting came home and went down after my horse. James Keachie and I to Freeport to a box social. 10 Went hunting but did not shoot anything Snowed about five inches last night. 11 To Methodist S.S. and church. Truman and I went to John Harvies mother's funeral this aft. Varley, James Keachie and I to Galt at night 12 Started to shovel gravel back in the pit, to put on the stone road. Shovelling all day. 13 Shovelling gravel all day. To Endeavor at night 14 Shovelling gravel all day. Down to John Studiman's to a box social. 15 Shovelling gravel all day. To Methodist church at night to special meetings 16 Got through shovelling gravel today To a meetin in the Methodist church. 17. To Galt. Bought a sewing machine today. 18 to the reorganization of S.S. + to Brethern church. To S.S. in aft. Varley James Keachie and I to Galt 19 Putting strips for hooks in the hall. To Albert Bond's fixing his horse stable To meeting in Methodist church at night. 20 Mary Keachie and I went to Galt today Fixing a little at my horse stable toward night. Helped put the bell up in the church. To Endeavor at night. 21 Varley Milt Whetham and I hunting this forenoon. I shot two black squirrels. To Miss Geo. Main's felting hen roost 22 Out to John McDonald's pulling turnips all day. To Methodist meeting at night. 23. Putting up hooks in the hall. To Misses Geo. Main's - put a shak on hen roost door. To Methodist meeting at night. 24 Uncle Ed and I went to Galt got home near night. Met Oscar in Galt. To a donation to Mr Karstead 25. Methodist chuch in morning. To aft. Truman Tob Main and I drove to Sagers. Went to St George church at night 26 mr Karstedt + I went to Hamilton to hear Mr Moody preach. home at night. 27. To Bond's putting doors on collar this forenoon. Out to Branchton covering Destimona's sofa. 28. Truman + I went to a sale up near Hespeler. came home by Galt. To Methodist meeting at night 29 Turned a chalk line spool. Went down to Robert Hatricks to put up a little shanty. To Methodist meeting at night. 30 To Robert Hatricks this forenoon got through. Fixing a little at my buggy. To Methodist meeting at night.

Dec 1. To Galt home by Branchton. Got my horse shod. Tob Main came with me. To Brethern S.S. and Church in morning To S.S. in afternoon. James Keachie, Varley and I went to Galt church and Endeavor. 3 Sewed a lining in my horse blanket. Milt Whetham and I went to Galt styed for night till Milt came home. 4 Wrote a letter to Oscar. Went to Galt this aft. Varley came up at night went skating on the dam in Galt. 5 Bought a bicycle today. Wrote a letter to Oscar. Got there at night to Mr Knorris. 8 Oscar Mr Martin and I drove to WIlmot Centre to an examination. Went through St Agatha, Petersburg, Baden and Shinglesettle. Went over to Mr. Martin's at night. 9. To Waterloo Church with Oscar went to Mennite S.S. in aft. then started for home. Stayed in Galt for church and Endeavor. 10 Fixing my horse stable a little. Helping fix up the church a little 11. Down to Aron Main's and got some oats. took them up to Ben Sager's and got them chopped. Drove Aunt Eliza back to Mr. Falkiners. 12 Helping Albert Bond clip his horses legs. Ripping out legs for a desk. Up to Mr Keachie a while. To Methodist church at night. 13 Turning out legs for a desk - got one done. Went to Galt. Tob came home with me. 14 Turned out one leg for desk. Went out to Branchton. Down to Mr Charlye Tuttons to a box social at night. 15. To Branchton to an examination to day. Tob was with me. 16 Brethern S.S. + church in morning to S.S. in aft. Went with Tob Main for tea. Tob and I went to St. George. Went home with Miss Greenfield 17 Took my old buggy to pieces and took the tires off. To Old Misses Grants funeral this aft. To Methodist meeting at night 18. Fixing some of my harness to Endeavor prayer meeting at night 19. Clipping James Keachie's horse to day. Tob Main + I went to Branchton Endeavor at night. 20. George Whetham + I went to Doon to a shooting match. To Methodist meeting at night 21.Back to school North of Sheffield to Miss Beamiches examination To meeting at night. 22 To Galt. Writing in diary for next year. To Bethern Church at night to hear elder preach. 23 To Quarterly meeting in Brethern Church this morning. To S.S. in aft. James Keachie and I to Galt at night. 24 Started to make a desk for myself. 25. Worked at desk Truman + I went to Branchton for dinner. Tob Main + I went to St George to concert in Baptist church. 26. Started to clean my harness. Working some at my desk. Tob Main + I to Branchton Endeavor at night


27 finished cleaning my harness. Working at desk To Methodist Church at night. 28 Working at desk. To Methodist meeting at night. 29. Oscar Truman Rosa Jammie and Annie Hammond and my self went to Hamitton, home at night. 30. To S.S. and Brethern church in morning. To S.S. in aft. To Methodist at night. 31. Working at my desk. Helping saw wood in Uncle Dave's woods. Tob Main and I to Galt skating at night.


Jan 1 Maggie Ida, Johonie out to our place. Annie Hammond and I went to St. George to a tea meeting at night. 2. Cutting wood for ourselves. Truman + I drove down to Chamber to buy some hay. Tob Main + I went to Branchton Endeavor. 3 Covering the doors to the church near all day. George Whetham and I went back to Stewarts to sell my gun. 4. Truman and I drawed a load of hay from chambers for myself. Pitched one load of hay for B.H. Green. To Pioneer Banquet in the new church. 5 To the pioneer banquet to-day in the new church. Drove to Galt after Oscar. 6 To church morning and night in the new Brethern church dedicated it to-day. Bishop Kepheart preached. Text in morning Matt 16.18. Text at night Job 22-21. 7. Truman + I drove ack Kirkwall to buy somewood. Working at my desk this aft. To a social in new Brethern church. 8 Truman and I cutting wood for ourselves near Kirkwall in Dickson's swamp 9. Truman and I cutting wood all day for our selves. Tob Main and I to Branchton getting our horses shod. Working at my desk. 13 To S.S. in new church Brethern church in morning. Free Methodist in aft. Tob Main + I to Galt church at night. 14 Fixing a place for straw up to the barn. Working at my desk. 15 Finished working at desk. Went to Galt this aft. To Endeavor at night. 16 To Ella Rosebough's funeral. Drove to Studiman for Karstadt. Truman and went Studimans. stopped all night home in morning 17. Truman and I went to Fred Studiman's funeral. 18 Cutting wood back in swamp all day for ourselves. 19 Uncle John and I drove over to Studiman's to buy some wood. Truman and I drawed a load of straw this aft. 20 SS and Methodist Church. To Free Methodist in aft. Tob Main and I to Galt Church at night. 21 Puttying my desk. 24. Finished lock. To a bee for Arthur Knox. Down to Aron Main's at night. 25. Maggie Mulholand and I went to an "at home" in Methodist Church 26 Mr Humphrey and I turned two pair of swing clubs. Varnished my desk 27 To S.S. + Brethern church. To Methodist church at night. Over to Mr Moor's a while at night. 28 Shovelling snow on the road this forenoon. made a whiple tree 29 Went to Galt. Over to St George to a nigger show at night. 30 Went to Sidney Misner's bee to Branchton Endeavor at night. 31. Went to Galt. To a lecture in the Methodist church at night.

Feb. 1. Making a frame for a lamp shade. Glueing an old accordian and writing some. 2 Finished writing out my Diary this forenoon. Went to Galt. 3 To S.S. + Methodist. To Free Methodist in aft. To Brethern at night. 4 Made a lamp shade frame and a box for my crockeno blocks. Took my buggy apart this aft. 5 Doing a little writing. Maggie Mcholland and I went to Hesepler to Young People's meeting at night. 6 sand papering my buggy. Took Maggie home. Went to Endeavor in Branchton. 7. Helping Uncle John all day at his wood. 8 Painted my buggy. At night down to Almir's taffy off. 9. Worked on buggy up to William Frier up to our place at night. 10 S.S + Brethern Church. Varley Bond and I to Galt church at night. 11 Puttying my buggy. Went with Truman back to Bily Bond to see about renting place. Drove to Branchton. 12 Sand papered and painted my buggy. Took the rims off and put on new tenents on my other buggy wheels. To Endeavor at night.13 sand papering my other buggy wheels. To Thomas Cornell's bee. Up to Gerrards for a while. 14 Made a wooden chair. Went to Galt then to Branchton. Maggie Mulholland came out with me. Up to Gerrard's at night. 15. Painted my buggy. Went to Mary Gerrard's funeral. To Henry Tuttons to a box social 16 Riming my wheels. 17 To S.S. + Methodist. Maggie Mulhollana and I to Free Methodist in the aft. to Brethern Church at night. 18. Out to John McDonald's cutting wood all day To Brethern Church at night. 19. Painted my new buggy wheels and fixed my cutter. Went to Galt. Up to Mr. Sam Hammills at night. 20 Out to John's cutting wood all day. To Endeavor Social at night. 21 Painted my buggy. Went to Galt. Went to Branchton to an "At home" + Mr Alick Buchanin a load. 22 Made a thing for enlarging small pictures. 23 Putting some partitions in my desk drawers. 24 Drove out after Maggie for church then to Branchton. 25 Put a shaft in John Hammond's cutter. Started to make new gear for my buggy. To Epworth League and then to the Brethern. 26. Working at the gear for my buggy till three o'clock. Drove to Brancthon and got Maggie. Drove to Hespeler to Young People's meeting 27 Father + I out to John's cutting wood all day. To Brethern Church at night. 28. Started to put my buggy together to Brethern Church at night.



1. Made a reach for my buggy. Tob Main + I drove to Galt and got our pictures taken. Drove to Branchton for Rosa and Maggie Mulholland and went to Kirkwell at night. 2 Drove Maggie and Rosa to Galt. 3 To S.S. and Methodist Church in the morning. Maggie + I drove to Free Methodist and then to Hammond's for tea. To Brethern church at night Drove Maggie home 4 Made two spring. ors for new buggy. Writing some fellers. To Brethern church at night. 5 Painted my new buggy. To church at night. 6 maggie Mulholland and I to Brantford went on train. To Endeavor at night in Branchton. 7 Painted my buggy then drove to Galt. Took Rose and Maggie up. Drove Maggie home at night. 8 Painting this forenoon Doing some writing this aft. Nettie Keachie, Rosie, Varley Bond and I went to Branchton at night. 9. Working at my buggy this forenoon. Truman + I went to Galt this aft. 10 S.S. and Brethern church. Rosie and I drove to Branchton this aft. Rosie Maggie and I went to Galt church at night. 11 Drove down to Aaron Mains + cutting wood in Uncle Davies swamp this aft. To Brethern church at night. 12 Working at my buggy box this forenoon. TO John Keachie to a wood bee this aft. To Brethern church at night. 13. Working at my buggy. Went to Galt. Tob and I to Branchton Endeavor at night. 14 Working at my buggy painting. To church at night. 15 Painting my buggies. Went up to Mr Em Cornells in Galt with a load. 16 Painting till middle of aft. Went up to Hammills skating aft and night. 17 To Quarterly meeting in Brethern church. Down to Free Methodist in aft. To Brethern at night. 18 Painting and sand papering. To League in Methodist + meeting in Brethern church. Then to Mr Keachies at night. 19 Painting this forenoon Fixing Truman's cart wheels this aft. Went to Hespeler to Young People's meeting. 20 Painting. To Mr Robert Hatricks to a bee. 21 Painting a little. Drove to Branchton. To Brethern church at night. 22 To Brethern church at night. 23 Annie Hammond and I up to Oscar Main's Examination. Came home at night. 24. To S.S. + Brethern Church To Rockton to a temperance meeting. To Methodist church at night . 25 up to Mr.Culps to a wood bee. Helping Truman draw some straw and hay. To Methodist League at night to Mr Keachies 26. To Brancthon drove Maggie McDonald home. Endeavor at night 27 Rosa + I to Galt 28. Working in shop a little. 29 Getting buggy ready - Varnished it George Whetham and I down to George Main's at night 30 To Galt with Truman. James Keachie and I up to Ny Mo C 8 {?} at night 31 S.S. + Methodist church in morning. To Free Methodist in aft. Tob and I to Hespeler to church at night


1 To Brancthon got my horse shod. To League then to Mr. Keachies. 2 Went to Hespeler to try to get a job. To Endeavor at night then to Mr Samuel Hammills 3. Truman and i drove to Hespeler then to Pushlinch to see a farm. 4 Varnishing my buggy. To Methodist prayer meeting Then to Alberts for a game of crochino {symbol or punctuation I don't recognize} 5. To Galt with Albert Bond. To examination in Sheffield. To entertainment in Sheffield School house at night. 6 Helping clean out the school houses. james Keachie and I drove up to Aulden Hammills. 7. to S,S, and Brethern church. To Methodist S.S. in aft. To Methodist Church at night 8 To Brancthon. Sold my horse to George Whetham 9 To Port Huron to learn the photograph business {his first real mention of his photography passion, Insteresting to see how important his work will become} with Mr barron/ 10 Printing pictures nearly all day. Down town for a walk at night. 11 Spothing pictures this forenoon. burnishing them this aft. 12 Not much of anything 13 made my first picture to-day. 14 To Methodist church and S.S. in morning. for a walk in aft. To Methodist church at night. 15. Retouching some to-day, not very busy. Came over the river this forenoon got dinner. To Stephen Burley's To Mary Burley's for tea. and stayed all night. 17 Seth Albridge and I to the tunnel this forenoon. Went out to the Indian Reserve to buy a team of ponies 18. Seth and I around town looking for horses. Across the river this aft. 19 Walking around Sarnia. To Scottish Concert in Sarnia with Miss Oke. 20 Went across the river this morning and then to Pt. Edwards stayed all night. 21. Lizzie and I went for {'a' is arrowed in} walk down to the beach. Came to Sarnia this aft. Miss Oke and I went to church at night 22 Seth + I walking around looking at a little pony. 23 Went over to Port Huron this aft forenoon. To Sarnia this aft. 24 Went over to Port Huron then to Pt.Edwards for dinner to Sarnia this aft. 25. Up to the point this forenoon. Over to Port Huron this aft. 26 In Sarnia to-day Seth was in. 27 To Mary Burley's this aft forenoon Started home this aft. got home at night. 28 Morning Methodist To Free Methodist in aft. to Brethern church at night. 29 Went fishing this aft. down in Stadiman's creel. 30. Writing some letters. George Whetham and I went shooting ground hogs. To Endeavor at night



1. Painting some screen windows 2. George Whetham and I shooting ground hogs. To Prayer Meeting at night 3 Down to John See's carpentering with Jirden. 4 To Galt to-day with james Hay. 5 S.S. + Brethern church in morning. To brick school house to S.S. in aft. To Methodist church at night 6 Drove to Miss George Mains taking down a partitiion. To League and to church in Brethern. Went down with Floss Tutton. 7 Down to Albert's grafting. Down to creek fishing. Tob Main + I went to Kirkwall. To Endeavor when we came home. 8 Fixing a squrrel cage all day. 9 Planting some potatoes. George Whetham and I out hunting and fishing. 10 To Miss George Main's doing some plastering 11 Not much of anything. 12 S.S. + Methodist church in morngin. To S.S. in aft. To Brethern church at night. 13 To Branchton doing work for Destimona. To Methodist League at night. 14 Put a new bow in my buggy. 15 To Branchton all day painting. To Branchton Endeavor 16 To Brantford to get my bicycle fixed stayed all night. 17 Came home from Brantford. Putting my bicycle together. 18 Went to Galt on my bicycle. Down to Albert's and to aron Mains near night. 19 To S.S. Varley and I went to Galt on our bicycles. stopped at Mr Hammills for tea at night. 20 Went down to the mill on my bicycle .21 Took my wheel to Branchton and sent it to Brantford. 22. Down to Alberts. Went back to Kirkwall after my shoes. To Brancthon this aft. Went to Brancthon Endeavor at night. 23 To Branchton this forenoon Down to Aron Mains this aft. 24 Went bck to Pushlinch Lake to picnic. 25. To Brethern church at night. 26. to Quarterly meeting in Brethern church. At night at Brethern. Went down with Annie Hammond. 27. Fixing my slippers. To Epworth League. 28. George Whetham and I shooting ground hogs. To Endeavor at night 29 To Galt bicycle. To Sam Hammills planting corn. Tob and I down to Charley Tuttons. 30 Putting a new back in my buggy. To Methodist Prayer meeting. 31 Working at my buggy top Varley + I to Troy at night on our bicycles


1. James Keachie and I fishing. Over to St Geroge playing football 2 Varley and I to Hamilton on our bicycles. 3 To Branchton putting up curtain pole. To Epworth League. 4 To Sam Hammills building fences to Endeavor. 5. Rained. To Mr Sam Hammills building fences this aft. 6 To Sam Hammill to carry butter in. Building fence in aft. 8 In the factory today. the cheese maker sick. 9S.S. morning SS in aft. Tob Main and I to Galt church at night. 10 To factory to-day. To Mr Rickers lawn social at night. 11 In factory all day. Endeavor at night 12 In factory. Tob Main James Keachie and I to Branchton Endeavor at night. 13 In factory all day. To Methodist Prayer Meeting at night 14 In factory all day. To Epworth League open meeting at night. Branchton Endeavor over. 15. In factory all day. Down to Westover to play football. 16 To S.S. and church in morning. S.S. in aft. To Methodist church at night 17 UP to Sam Hammills building fence all day. To Methodist League at night. 18 To Hammills building fence. Played foot ball with Clyde. To Brethern Social at night. 19 Building fence all day. Aulden and I went to Branchton Endeavor at night. 20 Started to work at 5am Hammill's barn. To Methodist prayer meeting. 21 Working at the barn all day. 22 Working at barn. Went to Valens to play football this aft. 23 To S.S. + Methodist church in morning. To S,S, in aft. Tob + I to Galt Church at night. 24. Working at 5am Hammill's barn all day. To Methodist League at night. 25 Working at barn all day. Endeavor at night. 26 Not much of anything 27. Same 28 Out to Donald McDonald taking down a small barn. Tob + I up to Little Corner's to a social. 29. Pulling up barn down to Will Cronins. Went to play foot ball with Lynden score 1-4 in favor of Sheffield. 30 To Children's meeting in Brethern Church. To S.S. in aft. To Methodist Church at night.

July 1. Home all day. Tob Main and I went St Geroge at night. 2 Working at McDonald's all day. Puting on roof + shingling. To Endeavor at night. 3 Went to Branchton-took my bicycle wheel cover to send to Brantford. 4 Truman + I down to Mill Pond looking at job. To Methodist Prayer meeting. 5 Truman and I to Tom (?) McQueen's blasting stone. 6 Took my buggy down to creek and washed it. Down to Mr Hatricks playing crokues? 7. To S.S. + Methodist Church .S.S. in aft. To Brethern Church at night. Went down with Annie Hammond. 8 Truman + I went to Galt then to Branchton. 9 George Whetham and i out hunting. To Endeavor then to Westover to lawn social. 10 Truman george Whetham + I went to Hamilton. To Literary meeting of Methodist League at night 11 Put my bicycle together. Tob Main + I to Galt to a social at night 12 Made a little screw driver. Down to Mr Brewin Cornells to a social at night. 13 To Mr Aron Main's all day helping Oscar to paper. We (Oscar and I) to Galt at night. 14 Varley Tob and I started for Port Dove but came back. To SS in aft. To Methodist church at night. 15 Not much of anything. 16 Fixing my bicycle. Went to Clyde this aft. Led Endeavor meeting tonight



17. Down to Alberts most of the forenoon. To Branchton Endeavor at Night. 18 To Brantford to Barnum Circus went down on the train 19 Not much of anything - 20. Went to Galt this aft. Down to Mr Hammond's - Oscar + I at night. 21. S.S. + Methodist Church in morning. S.S. in aft. To Brethern Church at night. Went up to Harvie's at night 22. Down to Cronin's - got an old cutter. Took it to Henry's. To Opworth League at night. 23. Over to Henry's working on my cutter. Andy Pullin Tob Main and I to Hespeler at night. 24. Working at my cutter. Andy Pullin + I went to Branchton at night - then to Mr Harvie's. 25 To Methodist prayer meeting at night. 26. To Galt wrtk Albert Bond. 27. Working in the factory this aft. Andy + I went down to Tutton's at night. 28. Varley and I to Hespeler Church in morning. Went to Pleasant Grove S.S. in the aft. To Methodist church at night. 29. Over to Henry's - started to make a desk Down to parsonage helping papering all day. Andy and I to Mr Charley Tuttons at night. 30. Down to parsonage helping papering all day. To Endeavor at night 31. To the parsonage all day helping paper. Out to Branchton Endeavor at night.

aug. 1 Helping paper dining room at parsenage. To Methodist prayer Meeting at night. 2 To Mr. Ron Sagers thrashing this forenoon To Kirks thrashing this aft. For Mr Sam Hammill. 3 To Galt Football boys out + play Branchton tonight. Andy Pullin + I went to Harvie's at night. 4 To S.S. + Methodist church. Varley + I went to Galt in aft. To Brethern church at night. 5 Down helping Oscar paper all day. To Methodist league at night. 6 In factory all day in Andy Pullin's place. To Endeavor at night. 7 In factory all day. To Galt. To Brick School practing singing for S.S. convention. 8 To Branchton in aft. To Methodist Prayer Meeting at night 9 Drove mail for Mr Moore today to Dundas. Down to Mr George Main's at night to a party. 10 Went up to Aulden Hammills this forenoon. Working in the factory this aft. To Rockton at night. Refereed a football match. 11 To S.S. and quarterly meeting in morning. S.S> in aft. to Brethern church at night. 12 Truman and I to Galt. up to Sam Hammills help pulling peas To Methodist League at night. 13 Up to Sam Hammill's drawing in peas all day. To Endeavor at night. 14 To Sam Hammill's drawing in peas. Went to Branchton at night. 15 Jirden + I to swamp picking berries. Arthur Green + I went to St George. To a party at Aron Main's at night. 16 Played football with St. George this aft. To foot ball entertainment at night. 17 To Galt. Up to M. Culps sawing some wood this aft. 18. To S.S. + Methodist church in morning. S.S. in aft. To Brethern church at night 19 Tob Main + I to Galt to get bills for honey social. To League at nihgt 20 Taking bills around for the social. To Endeavor at night. 21 Down to see Tob this aft. To Galt + around by Branchton stopped for Endeavor. 22 Up to Mr Culps sawing some wood. To Branchton this aft. Practicing singing for social at night. 23 Getting Mr. Green's lawn ready for the social. Played football wilt Branchton team Lawn social at night. 24. Made a luggage carrier for my bicycle. In factory this aft. in Andy Pullen's place. To Galt at night. 25. S.S. + church (Brethern). Mr Karstedt + I started for Bradford this aft. stopped at Miss Jamieson at night. 26 Misses Jamieson's this forenoon. Started to Buffalo this aft. went down Chippawa on the boat. stayed in Buffalo all night. 27. Started from Buffalo this morning got as far as Sime Stone and stayed all night sit miles from Bradford. 28 To Conference today and night Stopped with Misses Vandike for tea and stayed all night at her place. 29 To Conference this morning. Got our dinner at the Willard Hotel. To Conference this aft. and night. 31. Went around and saw the city this aft. To Conference at night

Sept. 1 Left Bradford this morning on excursion for Jamestown. To Lakewood in the aft. and stayed all night. 2. Left Lakewood this morning on boat for Mayville then wheeled to Buffalo and stayed all night. 3 Left Buffalo for Chipawa this morng + wheeled to Misses Jamiesons + stayed there. Out to the Falls at night



4 Drove out to the falls this aft. forenoon. Visiting with Mr Karstedt this afternoon over the river. 5 Started this morning for home got our dinner in Hamilton came home in aft. Played a game of foot-ball 6. Went up to Mr. John Harvie's to an "AT HOME" at night. 7. Thrashing all day at Mr Green's cutting bands. 8 S.S. + Church in morning to S.S. in the afternoon. To Methodist Church at night. 9. Thrashing this morning at Mr Green's. Then went to Mr. Robert Hatricks thrashing there. Carrying bushels all day. 10 Mr Tommy Pearson and myself started for Toronto got our dinners in Hamilton. 11 Went to the Opery? in Toronto at night. 13. Drove to Toronto with Tommy Pearson's - grip and then started for Uncle Henry Munns. got there at noon and stayed all night 14. At Uncle Henry Munn's this forenoon. Started for Hamilton after dinner. Stayed all night with Tob Main. 15. In Hamilton this forenoon got my dinner there. Then started for home To Methodist League at night 17 Went to Galt this aft. Andy Pullin and I went to Branchton at night. 19 Helping Mr Green cut corn to day. 20 Cutting corn for Mr Green, 21, Went to Galt this forenoon. Playing a little football for practice 22 To Brethern church in morning. S.S. in the aft. To Methodist Church at night. 23. Went down to the Mill Pond to help with rock to-day To Epworth League at night. 24 Helping with the rock this forenoon. In the cheese factory this afternoon. To Endeavor at night. 25 Helping with the rock down to the mill pond. Andy Pullin and I out to Branchton to Endeavor at night. 26. To Methodist Prayer Meeting at night. 27. Not much today. 28 To Galt this forenoon. not much of anything. 29. To Methodist Church in morning. To Branchton in the afternoon To Brethern Church at night. 30. To Branchton putting up a little barn for Mr C. Reeks with Jirden and Truman. To League at night


1 To Branchton working at barn all day. James Keachie Andy Pullin and i to Galt at night 2 To Branchton at night to Endeavor. 3. To John MacDonald building fence all day. 4 To Branchton building fence all day Truman and myself. 5. Andy Pullin and I to Hamilton, drove to Dundas and then took dummy to Hamilton. 6 Brethern church in morning Went to Galt church at night. Drove around for Maggie McDonald 7 To John McDonald building a fence all day with Truman. To League at night Then to Mr Keachies. 8 Down to Rockton to try the ring(?) To Endeavor in Brethern church. 9 Rockton Show Day. Got second prize for bicycle race. To Branchton Endeavor at night 10 Went up to with Oscar to Waterloo on my bicycle 11 Oscar + I to the teacher's association in Berlin to day. 12 Stayed with Oscar today. Walked out to town this aft. 13. Oscar and I came to Sheffield about noon. Andy Pullin + I to S.S. in the aft. To Brethern church at night. 14 Down to Uncle Dave's thrashing part of afternoon. To conference in Brethern church 15. Help finish thrashing at Uncle Dave's this morning. Andy Pullin and I hunting this aft. I shot four black squirrels. To conference at night. 16 Wakening some plant stretches to day. To Brethern Conference at night. 17 Andy Pullin and I out hunting today. To Conference at night. 18 To Galt this aft. To Conference at night. 19 To Galt in morning. Working in the factory this aft. To Conference at night. 20 To Brethern church in morning To S.S. Convention in aft. in Brethern church. To Brethern Church at night. 21. Working at a pair of pant stretchers. League at night. 22 Andy Pullin + I out hunting all day. I shot two squirrels and a pheasant. To Endeavor at night. 23. Drove mail to Dundas for Mr Moore. To Branchton To Endeavor at night. Andy and I went up to Hamilton 24. Jirden Truman + I to Galt shingling. To Methodist prayer meeting at night. 25. Drove the mail for Mr Moore to-day. To a literary meeting of the league in the Methodist church. 26 Drove the mail for Mr Moore. 27 To S.S. and Methodist Church in morning to Brethern church at night. 28 To Galt shingling this forenoon. Making a pair of pant stretchers. To League at night 29 Went with Jirden after a load of straw to Mr Ellises. Andy + I out hunting. To Endeavor at night 30 Not much today. To Branchton Endeavor at night 31 To Branchton all day pulling turnips.


1 To Henry's making pant stretchers this forenoon Chris Andy Pullin and myself hunting this afternoon. Shot a pheasant and a grey squirrel 2. Cleve McDonald and I went hunting this forenoon. Went out to Branchton to pull turnips but did not. 3 To S.S. + Branchton Church on the morning. Varley Bond and I to Branchton Church in the aft. To Methodist at night. 4 Chris + Andy Pullin + I hunting all day. Shot two Black squirrels and one pheasant To league at night


5 Out to Branchton Pulling turnips. Fixing my bicycle this aft. Endeavor at night. 6 To Galt shingling all day. To Branchton Endeavor at night. 7 Came home from Branchton this morning. Andy + I hunting this aft. 8 Down to the factory today. 9 Fixing my accordian this afternoon 10 To S.S. and Methodist Church in the morning. to Brethern Church at night 11 Helping Mr Pullin tear down his barn and load his stuff. Stuffing a grey squirrel this aft. Up + fixed Mr Keachies organ. To League at night. 12 Running the factory all along to-day. Mr Pullin left. To Endeavor at night 13 Over to Henry's this forenoon, Fixing a lantern on my bicycle. Up to Mr Keachies to a party at night. 14 Stuffing a black squirrel Thrashing at Albert Derby's this aft. 15. In factory alone all day. 16 Went to Galt this fore noon. Oscar came home with me. Down to Washburns this aft. 17 To S.S. + Brethern. To S.S. in aft. To Methodist Church at night. 18 Started to make a crockonole board for Mr Moore. Down to mill for some lumber. To League at night in methodist Church. 19 In the factory all day alone made five cheese. No Endeavor to-night. Drove 20 Drove mail for Mr Moore. 21. To Branchton. Down to Rockton to Endeavor at night. 22 In factory all day made three cheese. the last day. Football boys oyster supper at night at Walter Smiths 23 Working at crockinole board to day. 24 To S.S. and Methodist Church in morning. To Free Methodist in aft. Tob Main + I to Branchton at night. 25. Making some staining liquid this forenoon. Writing some letters this aft. 26 Making some striping brushes. Back on the ninth concession to auction sale. To Endeavor. 27 Not much in forenoon. To sale neat St George in the aft. To Branchton Endeavor at night 28 To Henry's helping him cut straw. Working at my cutter. To Methodist Prayer meeting 29. Thrashing at Mr Garrocks all day. carrying bushels 30 Thrashing all day carrying bushels.


1 S.S. + Brethern Church Free Methodist in aft. to Methodist church at night. 2 Went with Truman after saw dust. Helping fix his stable a little. Down to Mrs Charley Tutton s china wedding at night. 3 Down to Rockton court all day To Endeavor at night. 4 To Branchton - help making sausage. 5 Went to Galt. Shot a horse for James Moffatt. To Galt at night to hear Conductor Snider lecture. 6 Down to Mr Patrick's helping Truman blast some stone. Practicing singing for Christmas tree at night 7 Over to Henry's all day working at my cutter. 8 To S.S. + Methodist Church in morning. Brethern church at night. 9 To Henry's working at cutter. To Galt at night to hear Mr Crews speak. 10 To Henry's all day working at cutter. To Endeavor at night. 11 At Henry's all day working at cutter. 12. Out to Branchton today. 13 Making shafts for my cutter 14 To Galt. Over to Henry's fixing shafts. Took cutter to Branchton. 15 to S.S. and Brethern. to S.S. in aft. to Methodist church at night. 16 Working at Dictionary stool. To singing practice at night. 17. Made some crocknole blocks. Making iron for dictionary stand To Endeavor at night. 18 Working at stoand and a little bureau today 19 Over to Henry this aft. forenoon. Working at stand this aft. 20 Finished stand. To Mr Karstelt bee cutting wood. 21. To Oscar Main's examination today stayed all night. 22 Home from Waterloo to-day To Brethern church at night 23 Clevie and I went over to Henry's this aft Not much of anything 24 Started for Exeter got there about seven o'clock. 25. Spent Christmas in Exeter at Mr. Okes 26 At Mr Oke's all day. 27. Andrew Oke + I out driving to day. 28 Went up town. Not much this aft. 29 Opening a new church in Exeter to day. To church at night Went for a walk after. 30 Came home to day stayed in London six hours. Stayed in Branchton all night 31 Home this morning To Endeavor at night.



1 Home all day. had a New Years dinner. To Mr Young's a party at night. 2 Truman and I went to Branchton after my cutter. 3 Started to paint my cutter to day. 4 Puttying my cutter. George Whetham and I down to George Main's at night. 5. S.S. + Church. Brethern church at night 6 Doing some writing this forenoon. Sand papering and painting my cutter. To Methodist League at niht 7 Helping Tob Main gather provisions this aft. To tea meating in Brethern church at night 8 To Woodstock to-day to the dairy man's convention. Stopped with Andy Pullin at night. 9 To the convention in forenoon + afternoon today. To firehall at night. 10 Andy + I to Waterworks this forenoon. To jail and skating rink this aft. To Knox Church at night. 11. Went to Andy's cousin for dinner. Andy + I hunting in aft. 12 Methodist Church in morning. S.S. in aft. taught a class to C.E. at four o'clock to church at night. 13 Got home from Woodstock to day. Went over to Henry's. To Methodist League at night. 14. Truman and I went to Galt and to Branchton for dinner. To Sam Hammills to a bee this aft. To Endeavor at night. 15 Cutting wood all day in John Maleom's swamp for ourselves. Down to Stephen Moffats at night. 16 Painting my cutter. To Mr John Keachies to a bee in aft. To George Mains at night 17 Cutting wood all day for ourselves in John Maleom's swamp 18 Cutting wood all day for ourselves got through today. 19 To Methodist Church S.S. in aft. Brethern Church at night. 20 Painted my cutter. Over to Henry's making a cutter box for Avidan Hammill. To League in Methodist church at night. 21 Andy Pullin + I went hunting this aft. Got one rabbit. To Endeavor at night 22 Working at Aulden Hammills cutting box. To James Montgomery bee. Aulden and I to Branchton at night. 23 Working at cutter box. George Whetham and I down {?} to Geoge Mains at ngiht. 24 Finished cutter box. Painted my cutter.


25. To Henry's. Killed a pig. Washed my buggy. 26 S.S. and Brethern Church in morning. Methodist S.S. in aft. Methodist church at night. 27 Varnished cutter. Over to Henry's started to make a crockinole board. To League at night. 28 Over to Henry;s working at crockinole board. To Mr Ben Hammill's bee. To Endeavor at night. 29 Working at Crockinole board and {space left blank} Varnished my cutter. Aulden Hammell and I to Branchton Endeavor at night. 30. To Galt with George Whetham. Making a cushion for my cutter. To church practicing singing. 31 Working at crockinole board. Trimming my cutter. Rockton + Sheffield Endeavors at night.


1 Drawing wood out of swamp. Had a bee drawing it home. 2 To Methodist church in morning. To Brethern church at night. 3 To Branchton. Making an apron for back of my cutter. To John Harvie's box social at night. 4 Took Sanford Munsans horse home. To Uncle John's bee. To Endeavor at night. 5 Truman + I to Mr Brewin Cornells cutting wood all day To Branchton Endeavor at night. 6 Drove mail for mr Moore. To Revival meeting in Brethern church at night. 7 made a box for an auto harp. To Meeting at night. 8 Working at crockinole board all day. 9. To Brethern Church in morning and Methodist church at night 10 To Henry's. Went to St George to try to hire with Mr Richardson to make cheese. To meeting at night. 11 Over to Henry's working at organ stool and crockinole board. To Endeavor at night. 12 To Mr P.H Greene cutting wood all day 13 To Henry's working at organ stool and crockinole board 14 To Mr Green's cutting wood all day. 15 Working at my crockinole board. Turning some blocks. 16 Methodist church + Methodist S.S. in aft. to brethern Church at night. 17 Doing some writing. Down to Mr Brewon Cornells cutting wood this aft. To church at night. 18 To Mr Samuel Hammills cutting wood all day. To Endeavor at night. 19 Stufffing a squirrel. Put a blade in a knife handle and turned some hatrack pins. To church at night 20 To Henry's - made a hat rack and finished my crockinole board. To meeting at night. 21 Doing some staining. To Church at night. 22. To Mr Sammuel Hammill's cutting wood all day. 23. To Brethern church in morning to Methodist Church at night. 24. Turning legs for auto man. To Henry's making a sawset. To meeting at night. 25. Making an automan. to church at night. 26 To Mr Samuel Hammills cutting wood all day. To Mr Gerrards at night. 27 Cutting wood all day for Sam Hammill. 28. Cutting wood all day and logs. 29. To Galt with Audlen Hammill. {EVENTS is written in the middle of the page splitting the line so that the end of the line is the 15th of March. Bellow EVENTS is a large space. The events Sylvester could be referring to are important moments of the month} 15 Miss Cornells funeral

Mar 1. Methodist Church morning to S.S. {across gap} 23 Aulden Hammills wood bee {left side} in aft. Brethern church at night {across gap} 24 Sam Munson's wood bee {left side}2. Trimming organ stool - doing {across gap} 25 Leap year Social in Brethern Church {left side} some writing. church at night 3 To Galt. doing chores for Aulden {across gap} 31 Charleys Johnon's wife funeral {left side, gap is ended} Hammill. To church at night. 4 Aulden Hammill + I to Galt. Drawed a load of lumber from the mill. 5 To Mr. B. Cornells this morning went to Preston this afternoon with Aulden. 6 To mill this forenoon To Preston this aft. 7. Cutting wood and doing chores. 8 To church morning and night. 9 To the mill forenoon aft. 10 To Preston - cutting some wood. 11 Not much. - cutting wood. 12 Cutting logs this aft. 13 To Preston this forenoon. Piling some lumber this aft. 14 To Preston and Galt. Took sow up to Mr Fords. Cutting some wood 15. Helping father dig a grave. To Miss Cornells funeral. To Brethern Church at night. 16 Doing chores. Cutting a little wood. 17. Aulden and i went to Galt. Took a load of logs to the saw mill htis aft. To Endeavor at night. 18 To saw mill with a load of logs to shop getting sleigh fixed. Aulden + I walked to Branchton at night. 19 Cleaning up some peas cutting some wood. 20. Finished cleaning peas. Cutting a little wood came home at night. 21. To Galt all day with Tob 22. To church morning and night. 23 Fixing my rubbers. To Aulden Hammill bes this aft. 24 Cutting ice this forenoon. To Sam Munsons bee this aft. To Rockton at night to Plastows {?}. 25 Drawing ice. To the saw mill for saw dust. To social at Brethern at night. 26 Took sap buckets to bush. To mill this aft. Took load of lumber to Henry's. 27 Took two loads of lumber to Henry's Piling some lumber this aft. 28. Piling lumber at Henry's Went up done chores for Aulden Hammill at night. To Branchton at night. 29 To Methodist church in morning to Brethern Church at night. 30 Truman + I to St George this forenoon up to Hammills started to put up a banister. 31 To Hammils working on banister all day. To Endeavor at night.

Apr 1 Finished banister. Went home. 2 Truman + I drove down to Will Mains and Mr Clures. Up to Mr S. Hammills this aft. 3. Drove up above Preston to see horse power wheel. Went to Sheffield this aft. 4 Started to make a horse power wheel for Sam Hammills 5. Church in morning Methodist S.S. Church at night


Apr 6 Went to Galt to get some sawing done. Working at horse power wheel. 7. Working at wheel all day. To Endeavor at night. 8 Working at wheel. Tob Main and I over to visit Annie Hammonds school. To Branchton at night. 9 Working at wheel all day. 10 Finished the wheel to-day. Out to Branchton for Taffy off. 11 Helping cut a little feed. 12 Methodist church in morning To Brethern church at night. 13 Down to William McClares all day for Wat Smith cutting wood. 14 Over to Henry's piling lumber for myself. Up to Ben and Sam Hammills this aft. To Endeavor at night. 15 Sam Hammill and I drove to Hespeler got home in the aft. EVENTS {maybe the events section is an attempt at organizing imporant ideas better. This events section splits the page vertically insted of centrally} May 8. Sold my bicycle to Tob Main May 9 Went to Brantford and got a new bicycle. 11th. Started to work in cheese factory near Hespeler. June 6 Went to Bloomingdale on my wheel stayed all night. {end of events section} 16 George Whetham + I went down the creek shooting pike. finished my crockinole board this aft. {17 is written in the margin and arrowed in here} up to Mr. Samuel Hammills sawing wood all day. Dr. Main's house burnt. 18 To Mr S Hammill sawing and splitting wood all day. 19. To Brethern S.S. + Church. To Methodist S.S. in aft. church at night 20 To John MacDonald building fence. To Sam Hammill's graftin. 21. Dragging this forenoon, plowing this aft. 23 Plowing this forenoon sowing some this aft. 24 Rained put some new planks in the stable Cleaned some barley. Came home this aft. To "At Home" in Methodist League. 25. To Galt. not much of anything. 26. Church in morning. S.S. in brick school. Brethern Church at night. 27 To John McDonald's all day. harrowing and sowing. Home at night. 28 Down to Hamilton with George Whetham 29. Over to Sam Munsons for his horse. Up to Hespeler to see factory. 30. Went out to dairy factory near Brantford with George Whetham. Went to Brantford at night. stayed with Sanford Main.


1. To Brantford came home in aft. To box social at Aaron Main's. 2. Made a picture frame this forenoon. Went to Galt with Jamie Montgomery 3. To S.S. and Brethern church. To Methodist church at night 4 George Whethm and I to Kirkwall to shoemaker. Went out to river fishing in aft. 5 Down to Varley Bond Fixing up a little bit. Over to Henry's and put bicycle together. 6 Finished putting bicycle together. Went to Galt. 7 Came up to the factory at Hespeler - cleaning up some - putting things together. Went home at night 8 Up to the factory this forenoon cleaning up some. Went home in afternoon. 9 Went to Brantford on train bought a bicycle and rode it home. Sold mine to David T Main. 10 To the Methodist church. To Brethern church at night. 11 Started to make cheese near Hespeler. Started to board at Mr Ellis. 12. Not running factory to-day. Made a sink this forenoon. Went home this aft. Led the Endeavor at night 13. Making cheese. made four. 14 In factory all day. Made three cheese; Went home for Father + Mother's fortieth wedding anniversary 15 In factory all day. 16 In factory all day. Truman + Rosa fetched up my trunk at night. 19 Working in factory. To Hespeler Y.P. Meeting at night. 20 In factory all day To Galt at night. Rode Oscar's bicycle home to Hespeler. 21. In factory all day To Galt at night. 22 Working in factory all day. Went down to Galt + rode Oscar's bicycle back. 23. In factory all day. Tob was up all day with me. Came home at night. 24 S.S. + Methodist church in morning To Odd Fellows sermon in aft to Brethern church at night. 25 Went up to factory in morning Working all day got through in goodtime. Went to Preston at night. 26 In factory all day To Hespeler at night. 27 In factory all day. To Galt at night. 28 In factory all day. 29 Working in factory all day. To Menninite meeting at night 30 In factory all day Went home at night. 31 S.S. and quarterly meeting in Brethern church in morning. To Brethern church at night


1 In factory all day made six cheese 2 In factory all day. Went home at night to Lawn Social at Mr Rickers at night. 3 In factory all day. 4 In factory all day To Hespeler at night on my wheel. 5 In factory all day. Up to Hespeler on my wheel. 6 In factory all day. Went to Bloomingdale at night. Stayed at Mr Reichert all night Oscar came up. 7. To quarterly meeting in Bloomdale. Oscar + I came home in aft. to Brethern church at night. 8 In factory all day. Went over to Mr Cooks to change apareel at night. 9 In factory all day rained at night. 10 In factory all day. 11 In factory all day To Hespeler at night 12 In factory a;; day. Tob Main up at night To Hespeler and then to park at night. 13. In factory all day Went home at night. 14 Went to Berlin Camp meeting today. To Brethern church at night. 15 In factory all day made six cheese. 16 In factory all day. To Hespeler Epworth League at night 17 In factory all day Company at night Miss Casick from Guelph. Went to lespeler at night.



18 In factory all day. To Hespeler at night with Mr Ellis. 19 In factory all day. Went down to Uncle Alick Scotts at night and then to Hespeler 20 In factory all day. Went home at night. 21 Down to Aaron Main's. To Pleasant Grove S.S. in aft. To Branchton at night with tub. 22 In factory all day. 23. In factory all day to Hespeler at night. 24 In factory all day to day. 25. In factory all day 26 In factory all day. Went to Hespeler at night. 27 In factory till afternoon. Aulden Hammill and I went to English Church at night and then started for home. Got home at three o'clock. 29. In factory all day. Went home at night. 30. In factory all day. To Epworth League at night in Methodist Church Hespeler.


1 In factory all day To Preston at night. 2 In factory all day. To Galt at night. 3 In facotry all day To Galt at night. 4 In factory all day. Went home at night. Played foot ball against Rockton. 5. To Methodist church in morning To Sam Hammills in aft. 6 In factory all day went up to see Anson Groh at night. 7 In the factory all day To Young People's meeting in Methodist Church at night in Hespeller. 8 In factory all day. To Hespeler in the evening. 11 In factory all day. Went home at night 12 To Brethern church in morning. Aulden Hammill down to our place. To Methodist Church at night. 13 In factory all day. To Hespeler at night. 14 In factory all day To UNION Meeting in Presbyterian church at night Aulden Hammill was up. 15 In factory all day. came home to Lawn Social at Mr P. H. green's at night. 16 Helping draw away the cheese this forenoon. Cleaning up this aft. To Hespeler + Park at night. 17 Went down to the Lake fishing some come home at night 18 Not much. Went to Galt, and Hespeler to tirn the cheese. 19. Varley and I went to Galt Church this morning. Went down to Rockton to Plastows this aft. To Brethern Church at night. 20 Back to swamp picking berries to day. Went up to turn cheese at night. 21 Over to Henry's and down to the mill this forenoon. Up to turn cheese in aft. 22. Out to Branchton. To Galt and turn cheese this afernoon. 23 Over to Henry's. Went on the moon-light excursion to Hamilton. 24 Went up to turn the cheese this forenoon up + Hammills a while this afternoon. 25. Oscar + I went to Toronto. 26 to Sam Hammills Went to Hamilton and took the boat. came home at night 27. Back to swamp picking berries. Went up to tirn cheese. 28 Fixing Methodist Church organs. Went to Hamilton with albert Bond. 29. To Hamilton with Albert Bond all day. 30 Went up to turn cheese. Down to Rockton at night. 31. Over to Henry's made a screwdriver.


1 Up to turn cheese and to Galt. Playing baseball this aft. 2. S.S. in morning. Aulden Hammill and I to Hespeler at night. 3 cleayCleavy and I went up after my trunk to-day. 4 Making a man for Cleavy. Pulling tills in my tool chest. To Endeavor at night. 5 Working at my tool chest. Fixing my bicycle. To Branchton Endeavor at night and to Mr. Harvies. 6 Up to turn cheese. Over to Henry's working at tool chest. 7 Over to Henry's painting tool chest. Fixed my shoes this aft. 8 Up to Hespeler boxed the rest of the cheese and sent them away. Alden Hammill + I went to Winino to night 9 To Mr Henry's this forenoon. Aulden + I went to Grimsby park. Stayed at Mr Carpenters all night. 10 Started for home. this forenoon got our dinner in Hamilton. came home this aft. 11. Not much of anything To Endeavor at night. 12.Drove the mail for Mr Moore. 13 to Hespeler this forenoon settled up with the factory business. Thrashing at Moffats for Mr. W. McClure. 14 Thrashing this forenoon helping W. McClure drawin oats this aft 15 To galt. fixing my bicycle this aft. 16 To Quarterly meeting in Brethern church. To Brethern church at night. 17 Working at my dresser. To bush meeting at night 18 Down to Aaron Main's painting buggy. Aulden Hammill and i to Hespeler at night. 19 Down to sawmill after some lumber. over to Henry's working on my dresser. 20 Down to Mr Robert Hatricks pulling peas this forenoon. drawing in this aft. 21 Over to Henry's worlking at dresser. Over to bush meeting at night. 22 To Galt. Down to Aaron Main's varnishing buggy. 23 Miss james miss Squires Varley and I went to Grimbsy to day. Stayed all night at Grimbsy Park 24 Varley and I came home this morning. Working at my dresser this aft. 25 Finished my dresser to day. Put a lid on a chest for myself. Up to Mr S Hammills at night 26 Up to hammills for some lumber. Out to Branchton Endeavor at night. 27. Not much of anything 28 Fixing my bicycle some. 29. To galt. 30 Varley Milt Whetham and I to Troy church. To galt in aft. To Brethern church at night. 31 Started to make a horse power for culling straw


1. Working at horse power today to Endeavor at night. 2. In the factory to day. 3 Over to Henry's working at horse power. 4. Paw and I up fixing a culvert on the road. 5 To Galt with Aulden Hammill.



6 Brethern Church in morning. Up to Hammills in the aft. To Methodist church at night 7 To Aulden Hammills taking in some straw. Over to Branchton to picnic this aft. to Galt at night. 8 Over to Henry's working at power and sharpened my saws. 9 Up to Mr Thomas Moffatts helping Jorden pat in a silo 10 Helping with silo today - got through. home at night. 11 Uncle Alicks Young people to our place. 12. To Galt. Aulden Hammill and I to Idlewild Pak to a picnic this aft. 13. To Methodist church this morning. Went to Galt this aft. To Baptist. church at night. 14. Working at horse power this forenoon. Down to Albert's putting a back in buggy top. 15. Working at horse power. To Endeavor at night. 16 Working at horse power. Up to Galt this aft. To Young Peoples convention in Methodist church 17 To Thos. Moffatt putting hoops on silos. To Galt at night. 18 To Hammills making a corn cutter. Cutting corn this aft. 19 To Galt this forenoon with Truman. Reading this aft. 20 varley + I to Galt church this morning. To Rockton this aft. To Galt at night. 21 To Sam Hammills cutting corn. Aulden and I to Galt League at night. 22 To Henry's this forenoon to Sam Hammills cutting corn this aft. James Keachie, Aulden + I up to Mr Harvie's at night. 23. Cutting corn. Over to St. George playing football this aft. 24 To Galt with Aulden. Cutting corn this aft. 25 Home all day with a sore foot. Reading to-day. 26. Home, reading, Stephen Burley and wife came down this aft. Thos. Pearson came to night. 27. To Methodist Church in the morning To Brethern Church at night. Mr Karstedt farewell. 28 Visiting Thos Pearson. Down to Mr {29 is written next to this line with an arrow pointed up next to it}Karstdls farewell at night. {another small arrow pointed up wards, this is probably the start of 29} Took Mrs Jamieson and Thos Peerson to the station. Helping Aulden cut corn. Rained in aft. 30 Over to Henry's fixing my bicycle.


1 Helping Aulden cut corn all day. To Galt opere at night. 2 Helping cut corn all day and drawing some in. 3. Out to Branchton all day with Jirden helping at Mr Chapmans house. 4. Varley + I to Galt Church both morning and night. 5 Helping Aulden drawing corn all day. To Branchton at night to an "At Home " entertainment 6. Thrashing at Kurks all day for Aulden. 7 To Galt with Mr S. Hammill. To Troy and Rockton with children. 8 Fixing my bicycle. 9 Out to Mr Chapmans in Branchton. Digging Mr. Stewarts potatoes this aft. 10 Digging our own potatoes this aft. forenoon. Went to Galt with Aulden Hammill this aft. 11 Varley + I went to Guelph this morning came back to Galt stopped at Chris Pullin's for tea. To Methodist church at night. 12 Gathering some hickory nuts this forenoon shelling them this afternoon. 13 To Branchton. Not much of anything this aft. 14 To Rockton Show all day. 15 Started for conference, got as far as Misses Jamiesen stayed all night. 16 Went with Tommy Pearson after some barrels. 17 Started for conference this forenoon. To conference this aft. stayed at Mr Knoxals all night. 18 To conference this morning. Went with Norman Sherrick for dinner. WEnt to Crystal beach this aft. To Church at night. Stayed t at David Shericks all night. 19 Thos Pearson and I started for Misses Jamieson this forenoon. I went out hunting got one grey squirrel. To party at night. 20 Helping Tommy pick apples to day. Tommy and I went to Meriton with load of spokes (?) 22 Came home to day. Got dinner at Stoney Creek got home half past four. 23 Helping Jirden with his house all day. 24 To Galt this forenoon Down to Smith Willards looking at some turnips. 25 To Methodist Church. Went to Galt at night. 26 In factory all day. To Galt at night. 27 Truman + I pulling turnips all day for Smith Willard 28 Helping Aaron Main pack apples all day 29. Truman + I finished ulling turnips to day. 30 Not much of anything 31. Over to Henry's this forenoon. Over to Bill Cronin's pulling turnips this aft.


1 To Hespeler church this forenoon. To Methodist Church in Sheffield at night. 2 Over to Henry's working at horse power. Drove up to Sam's Hammills after a board. 3 Helping Mr Shipman fix a culvert up on the seventh concession. Down helping Jirden with his house. To Endeavor at night. 4 Helping Jirden at his house. 5 Over to Henry's this forenoon. Down helping Jirden at his house. 6 Helping Jirden all day. 7 To Galt. 8 Methodist church in the morning. Up to Hammills in the aft. To Brethern church at night. 9 Over to Henry's working at horse power. 10 Down to Jirden's helping him with his house. To Endeavor at night



11 Over to Henry's working at horse power. To pie social in Brethern Church. 12. Over to Henry's working on cutter box. To Methodist League at night. 13 To Henry's working at cutter box. 14. To Galt. 15 To Brethern Church in morning To Rockton in aft. to Galt at night 16 Working at Cutter box today 17. Down to Jirden's making table for Mr. Grant. To Mr Culps bee this aft. 18 To Henry's all day. 19 Down to Jirden's this forenoon over to Henry's this aft. 20 Over to Henry all day 21 To Henry's all day. 22 To Church in morning and at night. 23. To Henry's in morning. Went up to Hammills the rest of the day. 24 To hammills all day To Endeavor at night. 25. Reading this forenoon up to Hammills in the aft. 26. To Henry's in forenoon To Malcoms Sale in aft Aulden Hammills and I to Hespeler at night. 27 To Henry's working at cutter To Robert Hatricks this aft. 28 To Mr Hatricks all day working at hen roost. 29 To Brethern church in morning to Methodist church at night. 30 To Mr Hatricks all day working at hen roost.


1 To Mr Hatricks all day To Endeavor at night. 2 Andy Pullin + I to Tuttons at night. 3 Turning a potato masher for Etherlinda Main. Andy + I to Galt. To League at night. 4. Over to Henry's working at Cutter all day. 5 To Galt. Over to Henry's working at cutter this afternoon. 6 To Brethern Church in morning To Methodist church at night. 7 Down to Mr Hatricks finishing hen roost. To Henry's fixing buggy wheel this aft. Aulden Hammill and I to Galt at night. 8 Set the tire on buggy wheel and put tire bolts in it. To Endeavor at night. 9 Started to make a cutter to day for Joe Plastow. 10 Tob + I to Hamilton. To Methodist league at night. 11 Working at cutter all day. Up to Hammills at night. 12 Working at cutter box this forenoon. Making a crockinole board for Aulden Hammill. 13 To Methodist Church morning and night. 14. Working at cutter to-day 15 Working at cutter all day. To Endeavor at night 16 Working at cutter all day. Aulden Hammill + I to Rockton at night. 17 Putting irons on cutter to-day. 18 Same. 19 Working at cutter. Making Shafts this aft. 20 To Church morning and night. 21. Over to Henry's. Went to Dundas this aft. Jennie Sherrick came to day. 22 Back to swamp for cedars this forenoon fixing the arch this aft. and night. 23. Went to Galt for Mr Cowling this forenoon. Stood up for Oscar and Rosa's wedding with Jennie Sherrick. 24 Not much. Taking down the arch in the church. 25. Down to Mr Aaron Main's with Oscar Roas + Jennie Sherrick. 26 Rosa, Oscar, Jennie Sherrick and I to Galt to-day. 27 To Brethern Church in the morning to Methodist Church at night. 28 Made a back for my cutter. 29 Took Jennie Sherrick to Harrisburg station this afternoon. Went to Brantford. 30 Over to Henry's all day putting some irons on cutter and started to make a pair of shafts. 31. Out to Branchton station for Thos. Pearson this aft. forenoon To galt this aft.

Transcription Progress



Stephen 'Sylvester' Main Diary, 1893-1896.pdf
Stephen Sylvester Main Diary Transcripts, 1893-1896.pdf


“Stephen "Sylvester" Main Diary & Transcription, 1893-1896,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 13, 2025,
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