Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary & Transcription, 1919


Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary & Transcription, 1919


Ellamanda Krauter Maurer


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collection, University of Guelph


20th Century, Waterloo North County, Woolwich Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription



Ella Maurer

Elmira, Ont.

For the year 1919.








My name is ........................... Adress................................... .....................' Phone.............. Age..................Height............ Complexion......Weight...........

In case of accident or illness please notify ............................................... ............................................... If anyone should find this book kindly

return to above address.

THINGS HARD TO REMEMBER Number on case of my Watch................ "movement"................................ Make of my bicycle...................... Number..............Year made......... Number of my Bank Pass-book............... My accident insurance falls due on............ My life insurance policies fall due on..........

Size of my shoes...................Hosiery...........

       "         Collar....................Cuffs.............
       "          Hat......................Shirt...............
       "          Gloves.................Underwear.....




Governer-General-Field Marshall His Royal Highness The Duke of Connaught and Dtrathearn, K.G., KY., K.P., G.M.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E., G.C.V.O., P.C. Governor-Gneral's Secretary and Military Secretary- Lieut-Colonel N.C. Lowther, C.M.G., M.V.O., D.S.O., Scots Guards. Equerry and Comptroller of the Household-Captain T.N. Rivers Bulkeley, C.M.G., M.V.O., Scots Guards, Aides-decainp- Lieutenant The Honourable A. Ramsay, R.N., A.D.C. Captain W. Long, D.S.O., Scots Greys, A.D.C. Captain K.C. Buller, The Rifle Brigade, A.D.C Medical Officer-Captain E. s. Worthington, M.V.O., R.A.M.C. Private Secretary-Arthur F. Sladen, C.M.G. Assisstant Governor Genral's Secretary-C. J. Jones, I.S.O., B.A.


According to Precedence The Right Honourable Robert Laird Borden, LL.D., K.C., President of the King's Privy Council for Canada, First Minister (Premier). The Hon. Geo. Eulas Foster, B.A., D.C.L., LL.D., Minister of Trade and Commerce. " " Col. S. Hughes, Minister of Militia and defence. " " Martin Burrell, Minister of Customs. " " W.T. White; Minister of Finance. " " John Dowsley Reid, M.D., Minister of Customs. " " Wilfrid Bruno Nantel, K.C., Minister of Inland Revenue and Mines. " " J.D. Hazen, Minister of Marine and Fisheries. " " Robert Rogers, Minister of Interior. " " C.J. Doherty, K.C., D.C.L., LL.D., Minister of Justice. " " Louis Philippe Pellstier, Postmaster-General. " " Frederick D. Monk, K.C., D.C.L., Minister of Public Works. " " Frank Cochrane, Minister of Railways and Canals. " " Wm. Thos. Crothers. B.A., K.C., Minister of Labour. " " George Halsey Perley, Minister without Portfolio.

(The above form the Cabinet) Rodolphe Boudreau, Clerk of the King's Privy Couneil for Canada. Wm. Mackenzie, Secretary of Imperial and Foreign Correspondence. A.E. Blout, Private Secratary to Premier. High Commissioner for Canada in London-The Right Honourable Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., LL.D. (Cantab.), 17 Victoria St., London, S.W. Secretary to the office of the High Commissioner-William Linney Griffith.


Formed of ONtario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in 1867. Manitoba and North-West Territories joined in 1870. British Columbia in 1871, Prince Edward Island in 1873. The new Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan were created by special Act of Parliament, 1905


As Taken by Local Assessment Departments

Montreal, Que......500,000 New Westminster, B.C.15,000
Toronto, Ont........425,500 Port Arthur, Ont.....15,000
Winnipeg, Man....175,000 Stratford, Ont....15,000
Vancouver, B.C....140,000 Ottawa, Ont.......86,000
Hamilton, Ont.......82,000 Moose Jaw, Sask...15,000
Quebec, Que......80,000 Three Rivers, Que...14,500
St. John, N.B..........57,000 Brandon, Man.........14,000
Calgary, Alta............55,000 Saskatoon, Sask.......14,000
Halifax, N.S...............50,000 St. Catharines, Ont....13,500
London, Ont...............49,500 Owen Sound, Ont.......13,000
Victoria, B.C.............45,000 Charlottetown, P.E.I...12,500
Regina, Sask............36,000 Moneton, N.B...........12,000
Edmonton, Alta.........30,000 Valleyfield, Que..........11,300
Brantford, Ont............24,000 Chatham, Ont............11,000
Fort William, Ont........23,000 St. Hyacinthe, Que.....11,000
Kingston, Ont............20,000 Galt, Ont...................11,000
Peterboro, Ont...........23,000 Sault Ste. Marie, Ont..11,000
Windsor, Ont...............18,000 Belleville, Ont...............10,500
Hull, Que......................17,500 Woodstock, Ont............10,000
Sherbrooke, Que............17,000 Niagara Falls, Ont...........10,000
Sydney, N.S...................16,000 Sarnia, Ont.....................10,000
St. Thomas, Ont.............15,400. Brockville, Ont.................9,500

Rates of Postage

POST CARDS- Canada, Mexico and U.S., 1c. each: Great Britain, Newfoundland, and other Postal Union Countries, 2c, each.

LETTERS- Canada & R.S., 2c. per oz.; Unit'd Kingdom, Newfoundland and British possessions and Protectorates, 2c. per oz.; Postal Union countries, 5c. per oz., and 3c. each extra oz.

NEWSPAPER- Canada, Mexico or United states, 1c per 4 oz.

BOOKS, CIRCULARS, DOCUMENTS, &c.- Canada, per 2oz., 1c.; U.S., Newf'dl'nd, Gt. Britain, Europe, per 2 oz., 1c. Limit of weight, 5lbs,; size, 2 ft. in length, 1 ft. width or depth; to be open at end.

COMMERICAL PAPERS, DOCUMENTS, &c- Canada, 2c. per oz,; Great Britain, U.S., 5c. for first 10 oz., and 1c. for every additional 2 oz.

PARCELS-Limit £5 value; size 2 ft. x 1 ft. depth or width- United Kingdom (Canadian mail only), limit, 11lbs., 12 cts. first lb., 12c. each additional lb. Customs Delcaration of contents and value must be made out at P.O. No parcel Post to U.S.

FOURTH-CLASS PARCELS to be left open at end Limit of weight, 5 lbs.; size 30 inches in length by 1ft. in depth or width; 1c. per 2 oz. or fraction.

United K'g'dm, limit, 5 lb.; size, 2 ft. in length, by 1 ft. in width or depth, 2c. per 4 oz., and 1c. each additional 2 oz.

U.S. limit, 12 oz. ; size, 1 ft. by 8 in. in width by 4 in. in depth, 2c. per 4 oz., and 1c, each additional 2 oz.

Eclipses, 1913

  In the year 1913 there will be five eclipses, three of the Sun and two of the moon. 
  I. A total eclipse of the Moon, March 21-22, 1913, partly visible, the Moon setting sclipsed. The Moon enters the shadown March 22nd, 5h. 12m., a.m. Middle of eclipse 6h. 58m., a.m. Leaves the shadow 8h. 43m. a.m.
  II. A partial eclipse of the Sun, April 6th, 1913. Invisible in North America
  III. A partial eclipse of the Sun, Aug 31st, 1913. Invisible in North America
  IV. A total eclipse of the Moon, Sept. 14-16, 1913. The Moon setting about the time of the eclipse. Middle of the eclipse Sept. 15th, 7h. 48m,. a.m.
  V. A partial eclipse of the Sun, Sept. 29th, 1913. Invisible in North America.


                  Golden Number .......................................   14
                   Epact  .............................................   22
                   Solar Cycle ........................................   18
                   Dominical Letter ...................................   E.

Roman Indiction .................................................. 10 Julian Period (Year of) ....................................... 6626 The year 5674 of the Jewisg Era commences October 2nd, 1913. The year 1332 of the Mohammedan Era com- mences November 30th, 1913. The 4th year of the reign of George V. be- gins May 6th, 1913. The 138th year of the Independance of the United States begins July 4th, 1913.

Festivals, Anniversaires,etc.1913

New Year's Day.Jan. 1 Pentecost--
Epiphany........ " 6 Whit Sun.... May 11
Septuagesima Trinity Sun..... "" 18
Sunday ........ " 19 Corpus Christi.. "" 22
Quinquagesima--- Victoria Day .... " 24
Shrove Sun....Feb.2 Birth of Queen
Ash Wednesday. " 5 Mary ....... " 26
Quadragesima--- Birth of King
1st Sun.in Lent " 9 George V ....June 3
St.David...... Mar.1 Birth of Prince
Palm Sunday..... " 17 St.John Baptist " 24
Good Friday.... " 21 Dominion Day ---July 1
Easter Sunday.. " 23 Labor Day.. .. Sep.1
Easter Monday. " 24 St. Micheal----
Annunciation--- Michealmas Day " 29
Lady Day .... " 30 All Saint's Day.Nov.1
Low Sunday .... " 30 St. Andrew ..... " 30
St,George ....April 23 First Sunday
Rogation Sun... " 27 in Advent .... " 30
Ascension Day ---- Birth of Queen
Holy Thurs. .. May 1 Alexandra ....Dec.1
Accession of King Conception Day .Dec 8
George V .... May 6 St. Thomas...... " 21
Christmas Day . " 25

Value of Foereign Coins in Canadian Currency, for Customs purposes

COUNTRY. STANDARD. MONETARY UNIT. Value in Canadian Currency
Argentine } Republic } Gold & Silver Peso...... $0.96.5
Austria-H'g'y Gold....... Crown........ .20.3
Belgium .... Gold & Silver Franc ..... .19.3
Bolivia ....... Silver ....... Boliviano... .45.9
Brazil ...... Gold ........ Milreis ..... .54.6
Cen. Am. States. Silver ......... Peso ......... .43.9
Chili .......... Gold ... Peso ... .36.5
China Silver ... Tael {Shangai /Haikwan .64.8 / .72,2
Columbia .... Silver ..... Peso ........ .43.9
Cuba ....... Gold & Silver Peso ........ .92.6
Denmark .... Gold ...... Crown ...... .26.8
Ecuador .... Silver ..... Sucre ....... .41.8
Egypt ....... Gold ........... Pound ...... 4.94.3
France ..... Gold & Silver Drachma ...... .19.3
Germ'n Emp. Gold ....... Mark ....... .23.8
Greece ...... Gold & Silver Drachma .. .19.3
India ....... Silver ...... Rupee ...... .32.4
Italy ........ Gold & Silver Lire ........ .19.3
Japan ........ Gold & Silver Yen ---- Gold .49.8
Liberia ...... Gold ...... Dolllar ///... 1.00
Mexico ....... Silver ....... Dollar ....... .47.7
Netherlands ... Gold ....... Florin ..... .40.2
Norway .... Gold ....... Crown ....... .26.8
Persia ...... ........... Kian ........ .08.3
Peru ........ Silver ........ Sol ........ .43.9
Portugual .... Gold ........ Milreis .... 1.08
Russia ...... Silver ...... Rouble --G'ld .51.5
Spain ....... Gold & Silver Peseta ..... .19.2
Sweden ...... Gold ......... Crown ......... .26.3
Switzerland .. Gold & Silver Franc ....... .19.8
Turkey ........ Gold .......... Piastre ....... .04.8
Venezuela ... Gold ...... Piasre .... .19.43

Memorandum from 191291209

January Mon phased D. H. D m. new moon - 7528





January Wednesday 1 1913

Walter, Clarence, Lizzie and Vernon went down to Grandpa Maurer's for turkey dinner. Arletta sent it from Alberta. Ella was at Hilliard's. Mrs. Hilliard went down in the morning to see Mr. Hilliard

Januray THURSDAY 2 19131919


Cold and raw. Ida and Ella spent the afternoon with Nora. Ella's firsr cutter ride.



January Sunday 5, 1919

Ella and the girls, playing games and read all day. Pearl and Bert went to Conestoga church in the afternoon. Oliver took a stroll over to Charlie's.

Monday 6

Election day. Sol Koch was elected Reeve. Woolwich Twp. Charlie fetched Peter Sherer and Walter took Lizzie home to Glen-allans.

Tuesday 7

Charlie was clerk at Albert Knarr's sale. Walter and Vernon had dinner and supper at Isaac Holle's and came over to Hilliard's for the night.

Wednesday 8

Walter, Ella and Vernon left for home in the morning and arrived home at 11:30. Father brought Viola Braendle for a few weeks Ella felt rotten after the trip. Lizzie Fleet and Emerson Gowing were married by Rev P. Webster

January Thursday 9 1919

Terrible precipitation We all hugged the stove trying to keep warm Father intended to go home but had to stay on the account of the stoem. Ella wrote an essay for Pearl.

Friday 10

Still raining Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Edlers were here and we butchered two pigs for them. Walter felt sick in the evening.

Saturday 11

Lovely day. Roads are badly drifted. Father left for home and Clarence and Walter went Elmira in the afternoon.

January Sunday 12 1919

Fine day. No service in Woolwich on account of the flu Annie and Irwin Smith were over here for the afternoon we all played dominoes

Monday 13

Elmira Monthly Fair, Walter took some pigs down and sold them and killed a beef when he got home.

Tuesday 14

Walter helped to wash in the morning and took the beef to Elmira in the afternoon

Wednesday 15

Viola did the ironing and Ella was crocheting all day.

January Thursday 16 1919

Beautiful day. About 28 farmers gathered here this afternoon and held a fundraising meeting. Jacob King was over here for a few hours after supper. Viola and Clarence were playing dominoes and getting better acquainted.

Friday 17

Lovely mild day. We butchered a big 600 lb. pig for Alfred Shantz today. Enoch Snider helped to kill her in the morning. Born to Mr. & Mrs. Allen Snyder McBrides, Michigan a son Royal Allen.

Saturday 18

Quite mild. Walter and Enoch Snider went Alma in the morning and Walter and Clarence went to Elmira in the afternoon. Bert, Pearl and Beulah Hilliard came up here for supper.

January Sunday 19 1919

Beautiful day. Emerson came up in the morning and Alice Hoffercame over after dinner. In the afternoon the young people went out for a drive in three cutters and they were making merry here until a late hour.

Monday 20

Bert, Pearl and Beulah went home this morning. Mrs. Louis Miller spent the afternoon here. Walter killed a beef.

Tuesday 21

Very foggy all day. Walter went to Conestoga to Mrs. Walton Scheifele's sale.

Wednesday 22

Very foggy. Walter helped to butcher pigs at Sam Birds' and Clarence was helping to thresh at Addison Reists' in the afternoon. Jno. Wagner of Wallace died of the flu and pneumonia and was buried today at the Woolwich Cemetery.

January Thursday 23 1919

Rained all day. Turned to snow about 4 in the afternoon. Walter lawnmowed around all day. Clarence greased Enoch Snyder's windmill.

Friday 24

Cold and stormy. Sam Bird brought the scalding trough and spent the forenoon with Walter. Walter went to Floradale after dinner to get some chopping done. Annie Snider was operated on for appendicitis.

Saturday 25

Cold and raw. Walter went to Elmira in the afternoon. Emerson came up after supper to fetch Viola home. Annie Snider is quite sick.

January Sunday 26 1919

Cold and raw. Walter spent the afternoon at King's and after supper he tramped up to Enoch Snider. Exercise - to take up the plane. Real Reason - to see the nurse. Ella & Clarence read & slept all day (Clarence also {cooked})

Monday 27

Cold, cloudy and raw. Walter fetched the sleigh at Enoch Sniders and took a load of chopping over to Sam Bird's. Mrs. Jno Miller spent the after noon with Ella. Elmer {Braendle} brought Viola back for another two weeks. Mr. & Mrs. Nick Hoffers paid us a visit after supper.

Tuesday 28

Elmer went home this morning and Walter went down to his father's place to help butcher 5 pigs. Mrs. Allgeier was operated on for gallstones. The doctor removed 2171 stones. Mrs. Byron Shwartz was buried and Mrs. Saltler at Heidelberg died today.

Wednesday 29

Snowing. Walter was entertaining two of his Hebrew friends in the morning. Walter and Enoch Schneider made a business trip to Alma went to see Alex Bonovoy, killed a horse for Norman King and got {continued on pg. 25: some coaloil at Kings'} Pet ran away while Walter was unhitching her.

January Thursday 30 1919

Cold and windy. Walter left after breakfast and called at about a dozen places. Business is brisk. At 9.p.m. 2 {family} of motorists got struck in the snow at the bridge and Walter hitched up Arch. & Jess and dragged them out.

Friday 31

Beautiful sunny morning. Started to snow and storm at noon. Walter spent the day at home for a change. Carnival in Elmira. Clarence and Viola intended to go but couldn't.

February Saturday 1

Lovely day although cold. Walter, Clarence and Enoch went up to Alma in the morning. Walter & Clarence went over to Floradale, took Sukey down to Henry Ziegler's and brought a sow home.


{continuation of line from pg. 24} some coaloil at Kings'

February Sunday 2 1919

Lovely cold day. Walter Clarance and Viola went to Woolwich church in the morning. There was a temperance speaker from Toronto there. Mr & Mrs. Enoch Snider called in the afternoon.

Monday 3

Lovely day. Clarence Viola did the washing this morning. Mr. & Mrs. N. Hoffer were over in the forenoon and Walter butchered a cow for them. He delivered the meat in the afternoon. Father & Emerson came up for supper and the night.

Tuesday 4

Rain & mist. Father & Emerson went home this morning. Enoch Snider came over for the bread. Walter and Clarence went over to Alma to Alex Bonovoy's sale. Turned colder towards the evening.

Wednesday 5

Storming all day. Walter butchered a beef in the morn-ing and took the meat to Elmira & Floradale. When he got home he killed another beef and two pigs. We had two Elmira guys here for supper. One was a very good-looking Austrian and Viola was making eyes at him all evening.

February Thursday 6 1919

Snowed all day. Walter took the beef and pork to Elmira got home in the afternoon Enoch Snider brought Walter and wheat from Alma and Walter paid them a visit.

Friday 7

Snowing fair at times. Walter killed a beef for Enoch Snider in the morning and took Josephine down to Josiah Brubacher's. He sold her for $125. He and Enoch went up to Alma in the afternoon. Clarence and Viola spent the evening at Nick Hoffer's.

Saturday 8

Beautiful day. Started to snow and storm in the afternoon. Clarence went down to Jno. Maurer's in the morning and got the butter. Walter went up to Dorking with Josiah Brubacher Louis Stahlbaum of Elmira was here for dinner.


February 5th was Ella's birthday and she is 28 years old. She didn't get here ears pulled and she didn't get a solitary birthday present.

February Sunday 9 1919

Perfect day. Elmer Braendle and Emerson came up after dinner and took Viola home with them after supper. Walter went to Woolwich church in the afternoon.

Monday 10

Lovely day. Walter down to Elmira Monthly Fair and Creamery meeting with Nick. Hoffer and got home at nearly 4 oclock and took a load of chopping over to Sam Bird's.

Tuesday 11

Cold and raw Jno. Stange spent the forenoon with Walter who killed a beef. In the afternoon Walter & Enoch went to Alma and to Edler's. Mrs. King spent the afternoon with Ella.

Wednesday 12

Mild & misty. Fisher was sick and Walter had Eph. Reist up to tend to him. Ed Ziegler and Jno. Horst's hired man were here in the afternoon.

February Thursday 13 1919

Misty and dreary. Rain cast wind blowing. Ella was at a quilting at Sam Bird's. It was pouring rain when Walter fetched her after supper. Mrs. Ziegler and M. Brubacher were here in the afternoon.

Friday 14

Mist & rain. St. Valentine's Day. After dinner Walter & Albert first went to McCloud's sale on the 8th of Peel above Stirton.

Saturday 15

Cold. Walter & Clarence went to Elmira in the after-noon. Clarence got a new suit. Walter bought 3 pigs from Mr. Good.

February Sunday 16 1919

Cold and stormy.

Walter went to Woolwich church in the morning. We had no company and the day seemed hours longer than usual.

Monday 17

Mild. Snowing. Walter & Ella had the washing done by 9:30 and Walter went down to Good's and fetched the pigs he bought on Saturday and dressed them in the afternoon. He brought a cow from his father.

Tuesday 18

Beautiful day with occasional snowstorms. Walter left at 7am took the pork to Elmira, went to Conestoga, had dinner at Hilliard and brought his sleigh home on wing at about 10 p.m. He brought a dress for Ella that Ida made and a bunch of valentines for Vernon.

Wednesday 19

Lovely and cold. Walter fetched a hayrack at Enoch Snider's in the morning and after dinner he had Clarence went down to Henry Ziegler's for a load of hay. Mrs. Lincoln Edler died at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

February Thursday 20 1919

Clear and cold. Walter fetched a load of moving from near Hawkesville for Josiah Brubacker. Mrs. Jno. Stange spent the afternoon with Ella. Mrs. Lincoln Edler was buried this afternoon.

Friday 21

Misty in the forenoon. Snowed some in the afternoon. Quite mild. Walter & Clarence fetched a load of hay at Henry Zieglers and in the afternoon Walter got one alone. Clarence took a load of chopping over to Sam Bird's.

Saturday 22

Foggy. Cold rain east wind blowing. In the morning Walter fetched a load of hay at Ziegler's and Clarence got the chop at Bird's. After dinner Walter got another load of hay and Clarence took Ella and Vernon over to Floradale to do more shopping.

February Sunday 23 1919

Another dreary, dismal, lonesome Sunday Very stormy.

Walter went to church in the afternoon with Enoch Snider.

Monday 24

Beautiful day. Walter & Ella were mending grainbags all forenoon and after dinner Walter took a load of chopping over to Sam Bird's. When he got back he took Enoch's sleigh home.

Tuesday 25

Raw & cold. Started to snow in the afternoon Walter & Clarence went over to Floradale and down to Jno. Maurer's and brought home Beauty, the cow that Walter brought Mr. & Mrs. Enoch Snider went out to her folks near Shakespeare and Walter is doing the chores.

Wednesday 26

Stormy and cold. Walter did Enoch's chores both morning and evening and they arrived home at about 9 oclock. The roads are badly drifted but the mail-man got through.

February Thursday 27 1919

Very cold. Father and mother Krauter came up this morning. Walter & Clarence fetched a load of straw at Kravitz's.

Friday 28

Mild Father went home after dinner. Walter went up to Glenallan with Albert Reist to R. Badley's sale and bought a cow. Thunder and rain storms in the evening.

March Saturday 1

Cold and stormy. Walter & Enoch Snider went to Floradale in the afternoon. Clarence went to Elmira with Elmo King after supper.

March Sunday 2 1919

Beautiful day. Mother, Walter, Vernon, Clarence & Ella all went to church in the morning. After dinner we went down to Louis Miller and stayed for supper.

Monday 3

Lovely day. Walter went to Floradale and fetched the cattle he brought on Friday. Clarence went down to Wagner's and paid the rent. Sam Bird's and Albert Reist called on Walter.

Tuesday 4

Beautiful mild weather. Father came up in the forenoon and Walter killed a beef. In the afternoon they cut up one quarter for summer sausage.

Wednesday 5

Snowing. Walter went down to Albert Reist this morning, helped to butcher a pig and brought half of it home. Walter took two quarters of beef and some pork to Elmira. Rendered the lard & tallow and made liver sausage.

March Thursday 6 1919

Lovely day. We made new summer sausage this morning. Father & Mother went home after dinner and Clarence and Walter took some chopping over to Bird's.

Friday 7

Beautiful day. Walter was gadding all day, down to his father and several other places in the morning and to a sale on the 8th of Peel in the afternoon.

Saturday 8

Lovely in the morning. Turned cloudy after dinner and started to rain and storm in the evening. Clarence was hauling manure and Walter was at home all day for a big wonder. Clarence went to Elmira in the evening.

March Sunday 9 1919

Rain, snow & storm all day. Clarence, Ella and Vernon went over to King's in the afternoon and stayed for supper. Walter did the chores.

Monday 10

Snowed all day. Walter left early this morning for Elmira and took down chickens, egg and liver sausage. He got home at 3 p.m. and went over to Floradale to get his sugar. Enoch and Irwin were here after supper.

Tuesday 11

Snowing in forenoon. Lovely afternoon. Walter took the summer sausage down to J. Brubacher's and after dinner he went to Emerson Grose's sale. Ella and Vernon went up to Enoch Snider's and Walter came there for supper too.

Wednesday 12

Beautiful day. Walter went to Elmira in the morning and took down the beef. Enoch Snider and George Maurer and two other ginks called on him in the after-noon. Walter & Louis Miller went to the Farmer's Club at Floradale in the evening by the moonlight.

March Thursday 13 1913

Very cold with strong wind blowing. Father Krauter & Menno Brubacker were here for dinner. They are looking for horses. Walter spent the day on his estate.

Friday 14

Very cold and windy. Albert Reist fetched the scalding trough in the morning and brought it back in the afternoon. Mrs. Kravitz was here for the eggs.

Saturday 15

Very cold and windy. Beef had a little calf this morning. Started to rain at 11 a.m. and continued all day. Walter went to Elmira and to Wilken's sale and brought Mr. King home with him for supper.


Born - On Wednesday Mar. 12 to Mr. & Mrs. Norman King, a daughter Olive Phyllis.

March Sunday 16 1919

Mild & misty Rained nearly all day. Ella went over to Norman King's with Mr. Jacob King and stayed for the afternoon and evening. Elmo King spent the day with Walter and Clarence. Bess's colt died today.

Monday 17

Mist & rained all day. Walter & Albert Reist went to Elmira to fetch his sheep. Clarence helped Ella with the washing. Saw two robins today. Mr. Zelgler fetched the cow he bought from Walter for $75.

Tuesday 18

Cold & stormy Walter left in the morning bought 4 head of cattle from Schedewitz and a hog from Edmund Schwindt. In the afternoon they made a pen for the sheep.

Wednesday 19

Beautiful spring day. Saw some blackbirds and a kildeer today. Walter & Clarence fetched the cattle at Schedewitz. Walter went to the Farmer's Club at Floradale in the evening.

March Thursday 20 1919

Lovely day. Clarence helped to cut wood at Louis Miller's and Walter did the chores. After supper Walter & Enoch Snider went to Winfield to see about a chopping outfit.

Friday 21

Colder. Clarence helped to cut wood at Louis Miller's. Walter took a load of chopping over to Sam Bird's.

Saturday 22

Beautiful day. Clarence helped to thresh at Addison Reist's all day. Walter & Vernon were over to Enoch Snider's in the afternoon. They moved the chopping outfit here in the evening.

March Sunday 23 1919

Beautiful day. Clarence and Walter went to church this afternoon. Mr & Mrs. N. Hoffer and Howard and Arthur were here for tea.

Monday 24

Lovely day. Charlie and Alonzo Miller are cutting wood and Gingrich is chopping for us. Chris Hartwig came at noon and helped in the bush. Heard a song sparrow this morning.

Tuesday 25

Perfect day. Charlie and Alonzo Miller Chris Hartwig and Phily Bonn helped to cut wood all day.

Wednesday 26

Cloudy & mild Alonzo Miller, C. Hartwig and P. Bonn helped till noon and after dinner Walter, Clarence & Vic went back to the bush alone. Alice Hoffer spent the after noon with Ella. Walter & Clarence went to Floradale Farmer's Club.

March Thursday 27 1919

Cold and stormy Walter took 2 drives around the country in the forenoon and they weighed the cattle in the afternoon.

Friday 28

Very cold and windy. Walter & Vernon went down to Josiah Brubacher's in the morning to get the sausages. After dinner Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale. Enoch Snider was here after supper.

Saturday 29

Very cold and windy. Walter went to Elmira in the afternoon. Fisher is sick again.

Walter bought a pig from Mr. Good.


We moved up here a year ago Mar. 26th

March Sunday 30 1919

Cold. Fisher was worse this morning so Walter called for Eph Reist and he had breakfast here. J. King was over here in the morning. Eph. Reist was here again after supper also Enoch Snider and Jacob King.

Monday 31

Cold & windy. George Snider, Mr. Stange and Will King called on Walter. Clarence fetched the pig at Good's and they butchered her in the afternoon.

April Tuesday 1

Cold and windy. Walter helped Ella do the washing in the forenoon and after dinner Walter walked all over the neighbor-hood, mainly endeavoring to find somebody at home. Ha! Ha!

Wednesday 2

Not quite as cold. Walter brought six pigs from Jacob King. Louis Miller was here and borrowed the carriage. After dinner Walter & Clarence went to the bush to cut wood. Walter went to Floradale Farmer's Club after supper.

April Thursday 3 1919

Walter sold the black cow to Ernest Darlington and took her over this morning. They cleaned grain in the afternoon. Eph. Reist was here and Fisher's chances for recovery are slim.

Friday 4

Misty Fisher died at night and the men skinned him this morning. Enoch Snider, Geo. Snider, Abe Weaver called on Walter. Josiah Martin got 8 little pigs that he bought from Walter. Clarence was draw-ing manure all afternoon.

Saturday 5

Cloudy and mild. Walter spent the whole day with Enoch Snider. They took Geo. Snider's baby beeves to Alma in the morning Pet has a little colt. Nick Hoffer fixed the pony at one barn. Clarence went to Elmira with Charlie Miller.

April Sunday 6 1919

Rained in the morning. Cleaned up at noon. No church service at Woolwich. Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Spies and daughter Irene were here for supper . Irwin Snider spent the afternoon with Vernon.

Monday 7

Very mild. Walter & Clarence went to Elmira with 19 pigs and sold them all so the market was good. Walter got back at 6 oclock.

Tuesday 8

Drizzly and cold Walter went up to Kings and bought 6 pigs, came home and went up to Rob Atknison's After dinner he and Enoch drove all over Pilkington. After supper we were all over at King's for a feast of taffy.

Wednesday 9

Misty & cold. Will King and Louis Miller called on Walter. After dinner Walter and Enoch Snider went to Elmira. Walter went to Floradale Farmer's Club. There were several thunderstorms during the night.

April Thursday 10 1919

Thunderstorms and rain. Cleared up after dinner. Ella & Vernon spent the afternoon at Louis Miller's and stayed for supper. Walter went down to his father's place. Rained after supper.

Friday 11

Cloudy & cool. Walter & Ella washed this morning. Joshiah Brubacher brought a calf that Walter got for $20. After dinner Walter went to Elmira. Ernest Harlington was here and bought 6 pigs from Walter.

Saturday 12

Rain & cold Walter bought a horse (Twig) from Enoch Snider. Clarence helped to cut wood at Louis Miller's till noon and cut wood in our bush in the afternoon. Walter walked over to King's for a little visit.

April Sunday 13 1919

Clear and windy. Walter went to Woolwich church this morning. Mr. & Mrs. Jacob King, Mrs. Norman King and two children were here for tea. Beauty has a little calf.

Monday 11

Mild & lovely Walter went down to Elmira and took down a Holstein steer. Ella cleared the spare bedroom. Walter took the pig over to Ernest Harlington.

Tuesday 15

Cold and windy. Walter & Clarence are hauling the wood together in the bush. Ella & Vernon cleaned the storeroom. Started to snow and storm something fierce around six oclock.

Wednesday 16

Cold rain & windy all day. Walter & Clarence were working in the barn all day, cleaning seed grains, etc. Ernest Harlington and Haines paid Walter a visit and bought a cow (Fanny) and a pig from him.

April Thursday 17 1919

Cloudy & cool & rain & snow. Clarence helped to cut wood all day at Louis Miller's. Walter went to Elora Horse Show with Enoch Snider. Rained after supper. Clarence stayed at Miller's for the night.

Friday 18

Good Friday. Cold & clear. The following people called in Walter - Enoch & Irwin Snider, Geo. Edler, Joe Lawson and Billy Winfield.

Saturday 19

Clear and windy. Walter took a load of chopping over to Floradale in the morning. Clarence, Ella and Vernon went to Elmira in time for Clarence to get the 1.50 train. Walter rode down with the mail man and we had tea at Art. Klinck's. Geo. Haynes fetched Fanny this morning.

April Sunday 20 1919

Easter Sunday. Rained in the morning. Mr & Mrs. Jno. Maurer, {Miriam} and Victoria Maurer and Harold Hebel were here for tea. Mr & Mrs Howard Schmidt and daughter Glady spent the evening with us.

Monday 21

Beautiful weather. Walter & Ella washed this morning and after dinner Walter went down to Kyhl's Sale and Vernon walked over to King's. Ella finished Cleaning the upstairs. Jess has a little colt.

Tuesday 22

Beautiful day. Ella did her ironing. Father & Mother Krauter came up before dinner and Mother boiled the soap in the afternoon. Walt see & Enoch Snider spent the day in Kitchener. Clarence came home after dinner.

Wednesday 23

Cloudy & windy. We dug a bed in the garden and Ella planted onions, lettuce, radishes & carrots. Father & Mother went home after dinner. Walter started plowing and Clarence was cultivating. Started to rain after supper.

April Thursday 24

Cold with fierce wind and snowstorm. Walter called at King's and Enoch Snider's in the forenoon.

Friday 25

Very cold. Fierce snowstorm blowing. Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale in the morning. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Miller spent the afternoon here.

Saturday 26

Milder. Very windy. The ground was covered with snow this morning. Nick Hoffer fixed the pump and was here for dinner. Walter went to Elmira in the afternoon. Clarence went to Elmira after supper with Elmo King and Frank Ford.

April Sunday 27 1919

Beautiful day.

We were at home all

day. Weaver's & Halle's

said they were coming up but they disappointed us.

Monday 28

Rained all forenoon, Cloudy all day. Walter took Vernon to school this morning and made two trips down to Harvey Schmidt's and bought two cows from him. Art. Klinck was here this morning. Vernon's first day at school.

Tuesday 29

Beautiful day. Ella did her washing this morning. Walter was plowing and Clarence was drawing manure all day.

Wednesday 30

Windy & cloudy. Walter was plowing in the morning and sowed the spring wheat in the afternoon. Faith came up before dinner and brought some strawberry plants and Ella dug a piece in the garden and plants them.

May Thursday 1 1919

Rained all day. Walter went to Floradale in the morning and Father went home in the afternoon. Mrs. A. L. Shanty of Kitchener died today.

Friday 2

Walter took Vernon to school this morning and after dinner he and Clarence took some oats down to his father's place and brought home some buckwheat.

Saturday 3

Cloudy. Started to rain in the afternoon. Josia Brubacher was here this morning. Walter, Ella and Vernon left at about 4 o'clock had supper at Isaac Holle's and went over to Hilliand's for the night.


Vernon L'.C. Maurer started to a school at Creekbank April 28. 1919. We got a letter from Fayie who has escaped from the Hamilton Asyluml and is working for a farmer near Paris.

May Sunday 4 1919

Misty in the morning. Rained heavily nearly all afternoon and evening. Charlie Ida {...} Walter and Ella alter {...} the funeral of Mrs. A. L. Shauty at Kitchener. After supper we called on Clayton Schifele's.

Monday 5

Lovely & cold. We left Charlie's in the morning and went up to Krauter's for dinner and arrived home at 7 oclock.

Tuesday 6

Clear & windy. Walter & Clarence were plowing all day. Ella dug the two flower bed and sowed asters & candytufts.

Wednesday 7

Very misty in the morning. Clear and windy after dinner. Walter spent the forenoon at Jno. Stange's and after dinner he was sowing and Clarence was cultivating. Ella dug a piece in the garden and planted musk melons, peas and beans.

May Thursday 8 1919

Windy and cool. Clarence was cultivating all day and Walter was pruning apple trees. Ella did her washing.

Friday 9

Cloudy and cool. Clarence was cultivating and Walter sowed the field behind the back orchard.

Saturday 10

Rained all day. Walter took a load of chopping over to Floradale. Clarence fetched the hams at Josiah Brubacher's and Vernon went with him. Clarence and Charlie Miller went to Elmira after supper.


Born on May 4 to Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Koch near Conestoga, a son. Died about two weeks later.

May Sunday 11 1919

Cloudy. Sprinkled all day. Mr & Mrs. Isaac Holle and children Allison, Percy & Mrs. Henry Holle and Gladys Holle paid us a visit today.

Monday 12

Cloudy. Walter & Ella went to Elmira this morning to the fair. Ella had dinner at Art. Klinck's. Walter & Clarence went down to Louis Miller's after supper.

Tuesday 13

Beautiful day. Very warm. Walter & Clarence were drawing straw from the stacks to the barn in the morning. After dinner they were seeding. Walter hung on the line fence for two houses and a half talking to Sam Bird.

Wednesday 14

Lovely day. Warm. Clarence and Walter were working in the field all day. After supper Walter went to the Floradale Farmer club and Clarence fetched a cultivator at Maurer's.

May Thursday 15 1919

Rained in the morning. Fair. Walter & Clarence were cultivating & seeding all day. Elmo King spent the evening over here.

Friday 16

Misty & rainy. Walter was sowing all forenoon. It started to rain in earnest in the afternoon.

Saturday 17

Rain. Walter & Clarence hauled manure on the raspberry patch and did odd jobs around the house & garden.


Born on Monday May 12 to Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Scheifele at Conestoga. a son. Robert Bruce

May Sunday 18 1919

Clear and windy. Walter, Ella and Vernon Mr. & Mrs. Louis Miller went up to Krauter's and spent the day there. Ernest {Bows} and Freddie came up here and had dinner with Clarence.

Monday 19

Lovely day. Walter helped Ella with the washing in the morning and was seeding in the afternoon. Clarence was cultivating. After supper Aaron Guigerick & Mr. Maurer were here. Strawberry is sick. Eph. Reist was here in the morning.

Tuesday 20

Raining. Cold & nasty. Walter took two head of cattle to Elmira in the morning and Clarence went up to Sim. Weaver's.

Wednesday 21

Rained nearly all day. Mrs. Sim Weaver came here in the morning and {sketched} Walter papered the kitchen and bedroom. Eph. Reist was here to tend to Strawberry.

May Thursday 22 1919

Rain. Walter sheared the sheep today. Walter's callers were - Geo Snider, Elmo King, Jno Horst and Aaron K. Snyder.

Friday 23

Changeably. Walter has bought Jim, Charlie Hereford and he went down there this morning and ... and Charlie brought him up and Charlie stayed for the night.

Saturday 24

Lovely day. Walter, Charlie and Clarence took two pigs over to Alma. Charlie went home in the afternoon. Laura & Hilda Reist called on us and Hug. Ziegler paid Walter a friendly visit. Vernon went fishing with Emerson Stange and Albert Reist.


Born on Monday May 19 to Mr. & Mrs. Sam Bird a daughter. Died two days later.

May Sunday 25

Beautiful day. We all went to Woolwich church in the morning. Walter, Ella and Vernon spent the afternoon at Sam Bird's and Clarence was visiting at Jno. Maurer's.

Monday 26

Lovely day. Walter & Ella washing in the morning and after dinner Clarence was cultivating and Walter was seeding.

Tuesday 27

Grand day. Walter finished seeding today and started making fence along the pasture field. Clarence was hammering. Ella cleaned the parts & dining room. Norman King was here after supper and got two bags of potatoes.

Wednesday 28

Lovely weather. Walter & Clarence plowed the garden today. Walter was making fence and Clarence was cultivating. Walter & Clarence went to Floradale Farmer's Club and arrived home at 2.45. a.m.

May Thursday 29 1919

Beautiful day. We put the young cattle out today. Walter & Clarence were plowing the root field. Ella stretched her curtains Mr. & Mrs. Louis Miller were here after supper.

Friday 30

Very warm. Clarence and Walter were working the root fields. The orchards are in bloom.

Saturday 31

Very hot. Walter went to Elmira in the morning and Clarence went down to Jno Horst and got two bag of Delaware potatoes. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hilliard, Vera and Ella came up here in the afternoon.


Irwin Snider was operated on for appendicitis on Saturday night between 12 and 10 oclock Dr. Lucy & Dr. McDrilbton.

June Sunday 1 1919

Very hot. Hilliard's were here all day and we were trying hard to keep cool. Mr. Moogk came back to his little farm today.

Monday 2

Very hot. Ella cut the potatoes and Clarence and Walter planted them. In the afternoon they were drawing manure. After supper Walter went up to Edler's to help skin a horse that died for them.

Tuesday 3

Hot. Peter Schmehl was visiting Walter all forenoon. After dinner Walter took some Chopping to Floradale and Clarence and I worked in the garden. Ed. Ziegler was here after supper.

Wednesday 4

Hot. Ella did her washing. Clarence & Walter were plowing the cow field.

June Thursday 5 1919

Hot & close in the morning. Terrific thunder, wind, rain and hail storm in the afternoon. The telephone is on the blink. Several culverts on the Elmira road are washed away.

Friday 6

Rain and thunderstorm in the evening. Walter took a pig and some potatoes to Elmira in the morning and butchered a steer for the beef ring after supper.

Saturday 7

Lovely day. We left after dinner went down to Waterloo, had supper at Charlie's and on the way home we stopped at Elmira and Ezra and Bert came up with us. Clarence went to Elmira after supper.


Liddy kicked Sport and broke his leg last Monday.

June Sunday 8 1919

Changeable weather. Father, Mother, ???, Edna, Willard, Milliard and Mabel Shauer was here today for dinner and supper. Clarence took Ezra and Bert home after supper.

Monday 9

Lovely day. Walter & Geo Mogk went to Elmira Monthly Fair. Clarence was plowing. Walter has a sore eye. It is swollen shut.

Tuesday 10

Nice weather. Walter & Clarence were plowing all day. Ella got her corn and cucumber planted at last.

Wednesday 11

Beautiful day. Ella did her washing today. Walter was plowing and Clarence was disking. Walter went to Floradale Farmer's Club in the evening.

June Thursday 12 1919

Lovely. Irwin Giligirick planted our corn today. Clarence & Walter were harvesting and notting. After supper Clarence, Walter, Vernon, Harvey Schmidt, Jno. Maurer and Ella went to the Farmer's Mass Meeting at Conestogo.

Friday 13

Very hot. Thunderstorms and a few drops of rain in the afternoon. Clarence was disking the root field and Walter was making fence and killed a beef in the evening.

Saturday 14

Hot. Clarence was working in the root field. Charles J. Hilliard, Vera and Ella came up here today and stayed for dinner and supper. Ella had a headache.

June Sunday 15 1919

Very warm. Walter & Clarence went to Woolwich church in the afternoon. Ella feels somewhat better than yesterday.

Monday 16

Lovely weather. Walter and Clarence were working up the turip field. Edmund Schmidt was here in the evening. Ella wrote a letter for Geo. Mogk.

Tuesday 17

Very hot. Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale and spent the day there. Loon, Wagner and Onlan Bowman were here in the morning. Clarence Adolph Huir and Joe Lason were here in the evening.

Wednesday 18

Very hot. Walter sold a heifer to Jno. Miller and Ed. Render. Walter sowed his turnips. Ella was over at King's in the afternoon to get some turnip seed. Mr & Mrs. Norman King, Mr. Jacob King were here after supper.

June Thursday 19 1919

Intensely hot. Clarence was cutting thistle all day. Walter got ready a batchful of apples for May. There {illegible} a thunderstorm and a light rainfall in the evening.

Friday 20

Warm. Rained a little in the morning. Walter left after breakfast for Elmira to load a cartload of hogs for the Farmers Club and got home at nearly nine oclock. Aubrey Lawson and Jacob King called here

Saturday 21

Beautiful day. Walter and Clarence are working in the lane. Clarence sold Pets colt to Jno Horst for $25.

June SUNDAY 22 1913 1919

Beautiful day.

Walter Ella Clarisici and Vernon and Miriam went up to Kruteris, stayed for dinner and supper. also attended church and Sunday school at Heidebery in the afternoon



Walltr and Clarence wok two head of cattle to Elnira and worked in the lane when They got home. Ella was picking strawberries in Schiendt's head. Snochs Snidei was here after supper.



Walter & Clarence were working in the lane. Ella did her walking in the Themor and picked berries. Milley's lush in the afternoon. Eugeh Snider brough two cows from Walter for 140. Walter & Clarence speant the evening at Enochi's.


Rain. David Trey, Snamuil Boworw, Griak Brubacher and Albert Reist visted Walteriu the morning. Enoeh Suider washes after dinner and Walter was down to go. Howti and Josiah Brudracheris trade {animal?} and cows and heying pigs

June THURSDAY 26 1913 1919

Cloudy and dull.

father came up here in the morning and brought some atragober & cherrio. Walter, Jan, Maurane, Ed, Ginger attended the journsky Sunday school Conventon at Curatorg had disrat Peter {name?} supper at {place?}


Lovely day

Father went home this morning. Walter fetched ll pig at Gro. Horet brought 4 cows for him and fetched them in the afternoon. Clarence was suffering and hoeing mangelo. After supper, Mrs & Mr Moromawting Blauchs & Phyllis, Annies Solyge & Albert Reist were here.


Lovely and cool.

Arthur & Howard were over playing and Vernow. Alice and Mr. Hoffer went to Cobrerg. After supper Walter, Ella, Clarence, Vernon and Mrs. Louis Miller went to Elanira and Mr King came home with us


Germary signed the Peace Treaty at Versailles on Saturday June 28. 1919.

June SUNDAY 29 1913 1919

Perfect day. Walter, Ella and Vernon went to Heidelberg in the afternoon. After supper the following young people were here- Florence Snider, Yera Zinkann, Viola Braendle, Eva Watson, Hilda Korcher, Clayton Snider, Edgar Edward and John Hahn, Emerson Krauter, Aylmer Brindle & Will Hahn


Beautiful day. Clarence and Walter hoed the mangels this morning, and in the afternoon they fetched three loads of sweet clover at Albert Reist's. After supper Walter and Albert Reist took the wool to Winfield.


Lovely Dominion day. Clarence took in the day's sport in Elora and Walter was cultivating the corn and working at the hay in the afternoon. We were all over to the Alma garden party in the evening Ella picked a pailful of cherries today.


Beautiful day. Hot. Walter left at 7 oclock and Enoch Snider's out to Shakespeare. Clarence, Jno. Stange and A. Reist put in 3 loads of sweet clover this morning and after dinner. Clarence was cultivating corn. Geo Mogk and Hy. Atkinson were our callers.

July THURSDAY 3 1913 1919

Very warm. The men fetched two loads of sweet clover at Albert Reists. Walter called on Sam Mogk after supper and bought his hay.


Very hot. Clarence and Walter were cultivating the corn and potatoes. After supper they killed a beef for the beef ring. Ella and Vernon took some cherries and peas over to Kings and Mrs. King gave veronica two ducklings.


Very hot. Windy after dinner. Sprinkled a bit after supper. Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale in the afternoon and after supper he and Clarence took Pet's colt over to Yattons to Jno. Horst's.


July SUNDAY 6 1913 1919

Misty and cool. Walter and Clarence went to Woolwich {...} morning. Walter. Ella, & Vernon were over at Jacob Spies for dinner and supper and Clarence spent the day with Charlie Miller

Monday 7

Lovely & cool

Walter took 17 little pigs up to the Elmira Fair and brought them home again. In the afternoon Clarence went to Floradale and Walter cut some grass.

Tuesday 8

Lovely and cool. Walter went to Elmira in the morning for some repairs for the mower. After dinner he was cutting grass and Clarence was raking. Dick Doslin was here in the morning.

Wednesday 9

Clear and warm. Walter and Clarence put in ten 11 loads of hay today. Ella and Vernon were picking cherries & berries.

July THURSDAY 10 1913 1919

Warm. It was quiet cold in the afternoon. Walter cut the grass on Mogkis farm in the {place?} and they got in {illigeable} of raking in the afternoons. After supper Geo Mrs. {name?} Brebacher Pob {illegiable} and geo. Haynes were here.


Very cool. Walter and Clarence brought loads of hay off the field at Magkis.


Sprinkling Walter sold Sam Bird 6 little pigs for 4, The new fetched, 1 load of hay at mogkis. Clarence went to Elerina after supper Loni Millers were here in the evening.


July SUNDAY 13 1913 1919

Beautiful day Waltes Ella were {illegible} and morning {illegible} to Kelcgers {illegible} at Eduag and led at {illegible} and had a very {illegible} Ernest Bro and Friddie and dinner wuth Clarence


Andy. Waltes was cutting grass and Calrence was ceuffling cone. Ellas picked hethic and black cumant . Rained a little after supper and durring the night.


Chatugeable Walter was cutting grass in The morning and they put in 4 loads in the after noon. Father came and brought a under black chersee. ernest Llanding for we here after supper.


Beatifuld The meunplat in 8 loads of hay. Father went home after dinner. Ella auds Vemuderut to the Predeptio- Gandeuw Party at almes erths nurp. Clarence wao ruetin.

July THURSDAY 17 19131919

Lonely The {illegible} put in 8 loads of hay. Ellas was picking leaves and made ronegiiesly.


Very Hot Waltes cut a piece of grass in the morning and they put in 8 loads. {Overlayed Handwriting/ Multiple Styluses} Genial Ernesteek go helloing. Clarence was {illegible} cornes, Leaves here after acepptoins


Very Hot {illegible} 8 loads this has dainer to Reite and through 5 loads into our traves. Allhert Riot and Locial Rudlechen were helping at hay. There were Char thillaind camerro hune after supper. AleoEela and Elena thelland

July SUNDAY 20 1913 1919

Breezy. Rained some in the afternoon. Hellidro were here all day and Father and arther came up in the morning Lincoln and Jane Proda were up to Sim were overe and they called in their stay home.


Rained in the afternoon. {illegiable)

bought a cow, cald and some pig. Walter solid a cow to Charlie Hornades. Nathaniel Maratens farmed {illegable}


Changeable. Walter went to Elenrch in the morning to phy his hidden went up to Eubek to sharpen moeri sickle and cut the grass. Clarence was scuffing and hoeing Turnips.


Hot. Walter finished cutting grass at home, went down to Elineria and cut the grass. His father lots and they brought in 4 loads.

July THURSDAY 24 19131919

Lovely Fere is day going hadley Walter goes {illegible} ands Clarence {illegible} the hering thruing and the forsheding loads of hay.


Cool. Walter {illegible} chaging to {illegible} made a day it is Clarence was hoeing Summer.


The ridenens and emes noise after 4 acres. Clarence was hoeing tunnners aids Walter was entertaining his callering - athencrais Charlie Heiher and Sahwensl Clarence went to Elmira after supper.


{Light Writing}{illegible}

July SUNDAY 27 19131919

Breesy hot hot. Walter Ella and {illegible} went to Heidelleugh dinner at Krausters and supper at Allent Schele Rained during the night,


Lovely day. Rielk Hofferboughtis engines and rawed wood. Enoch Suiders and Joe lawrence helped and went over to Enoch dt 3 aclom and sawed wood these. Me. Neo.George Mattudy mun a.nuf and the children were here after tea.


Lovey day Clarence and to after finished hoeing the turnipes. After supper the father people wehe here R.Nolic Audrey Laurens nl meo Loial Holle. Perans allert me. Lelerin and Benthas.


Lovely day. We all went to the tuesday ochurd picnic in Beu Miller Sud and had a well Time. The meal helped to lengich sewing words at Eulch in The morning.

July THURSDAY 32 19131919

Krinckled all forenoon. Ella went to Kitchener an the morning tepin and had epreedork done {illegible}. Teeth baty her. Hilliard the and dinner at tnackiy and supper at Ant Khimels. The mew hauled in wood.

August FRIDAY 1

Beautiful day. Walter and Clarence were drawing in wood how the bushes after supper. Walter, Ella, Clarence, Venusas Thinere and Chandice Miller went to the lattoo at Waterloo.


Cool clean Walter & Euoch were out all day {illegible} Walter Vemend alhut the afternoon at Saluinand Ahemie and Eva Suider everes here this afternoon. Me neo called now we after supper. Clarence went to Hellaide.

August SUNDAY 3 19131919

Cloudy Walter. Ella and Clarence wemt tp woulerial S. Ri d chuned in the morning and to Cheddged dlay Lervice in the evening Clarebce webt to the day at Helliand.


Hot. Clarence Walter here erne more word euthe hundocleadry the feween and cleaned out the cistem. Aumie Subdea was here and got eraces quoeheurie


Hot. Little chewuiu the after miras. Walter atacted cutting grain Today. Walley look 4 pigs to Crietogo for Peace Halle.


Misty Very dres Walter went to Dres Hoverts this morning to get ernes potatoes and stayed till after dinner. The after wood he was euthing grain and Clarence was thiling.

August THURSDAY 7 19131919

Very warm. Ella and Annie {bride?} went to Kitchener today spent most of the day in the dentist's office. Walter was cutting barley {him?} {Wes and Olga?}Atkinson were here after supper


Cool Walter finished cutting the barley {illegible} wheat and {illegible} the field beside Mogh's


Lovely day. Walter finished cutting the field beside Mogh's and after {dinner?} he went over to Floradale with a load of chopping After supper Walter, Ella and Vernon went down to Hilliard's.Geo. and Wesley Edler went along for a {illegible} at Conestoga


{Smudged // illegible}

August SUNDAY 10 1913 1919

Beautiful day. Ella and Ida went to the Mennonite church in the morning. After {illegible/faded} we went up to Charlie's {illegible} field near St. Jacob's {illegible} their cattle. After supper {we?} went down to the river and {illegible} the campers. Arrived {illegible} 2 p.m


Cloudy & smoky Walter & Clarence put in 1 load of barley. After Clarence went down to Ms. Maurer's and fetched Victoria and Harold Hebel.


Quite warm. The men put in 2 loads of barley and 9 loads of oats. Josiah Brubacher was helping all day.


Cloudy. Walter was cutting grain all day and Clarence was stronking & Harold & Victoria went to Floradale to get some repairs for the binder.

August THURSDAY 14 19131919

Rain {illegible}. Clear and windy {today?}. Walter & Enoch left {illegible and faded} 10 p.m. Ruth {Koeplin?} {illegible} in the afternoon. After supper, Ella, Vernon, Victoria, Harold and Clarence took a walk over to King


Hot. Walter finished cutting today and they brought in 5 loads of grain in the afternoon. Josiah Brubacher helped Victoria and Harold witnessed the killing of the beef and both their stomachs were up in their throats.


Thunderstorms and some rain in the morning Walter took Victoria and Harold to the station after dinner and Vernon went with him. Little Jacob and Josiah Brubacher spent the afternoon with Ella. Clarence went to Elmira after supper. Thunderstorms in the afternoon.


Clarence took in the Floradale Children's Day Sunday, Aug 10

August SUNDAY 17 19131919

Thunderstorms and rain. Ella, Walter and Vernon went to Woolwich church in the morning. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Miller were here for tea. Clarence went to Elmira Children's Day


Thunderstorms and rain Walter left after dinner and called at Enoch's, King's, Edler's and Groff's. Geo. Magk called on us after supper.


Showers all morning. Cleared up after dinner. {Either Walter's or Walter &} Ella did the washing and after dinner Walter took a load of chopping over to Floradale. Clarence was raking.


Lovely & warm. Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Holle, Albert and Percy of Conestoga, and Mrs. Fanny Reichert of Rochester, N. Y. were here for dinner. The men put in 5 loads of grain. Walter, Ella, Vernon & Lincoln Edler went to Conestoga after supper.

August THURSDAY 21 1913 1919

Rained all forenoon. Cleared up after dinner Mr Edmund Schwindt. Ruth Ruby & Willard spent the afternoon here. Mrs. King and Mrs. Jackson called on us after tea. Walter got the binder stuck at King's in the afternoon. C.B.


Beautiful day. Walter took the lambs to Elmira this morning. They put in 3 loads of grain in the afternoon. Walter went to Horadale Farmer's Club with King's after he killed the beef in the evening.


Warm & cloudy. The men put in 8 loads of grain Josiah Brubacher helped in the afternoon. Clarence went to Elmira after supper.



August SUNDAY 24 19131919

Cloudy in the morning. Beautiful day. Walter, Ella, Vernon and all of Charlie's motored down to Puslinch Lake and spent the day there and had a fair time. Ella & Vera Hilliard came home with us.


Cloudy and cold. Josiah Brubacher helped the men and they finished harvesting today. They put in 11 loads. After supper Walter, Ella, Vernon, Vera and Ella went down as Hilliard's where they stayed for the night.


Cloudy & cold. After breakdast Walter, Charlie, Ella and Ida left {illegible} out for Toronto via Guelph, Hamilton, etc. We arrived in Toronto at about 3 in the afternoon, went to some stores, had supper at Child's and to Leow's theatre for the evening.


Cloudy cold and windy. We went out to the Exhibition ground and spent the day there went through the War Trophies building. witnessed the motor boat race, also the aerial stunts of three aviators in captured German airplanes

August THURSDAY 28 19131919

Lovely day. We went to the Exhibition grounds again this morning and saw the live stock, etc. We left Toronto at 4 oclock, had our supper at Dundas and arrived at Charlies at 10.40 p.m We came home through Galt. Pearl came home with us.


Lovely day. The men brought in 2 loads of rakings today.


Cloudy and cool. Walter went to Elmira after supper and Edith Colson and Roy came up with him. Clarence went to Elmira with Charlie Miller.



August SUNDAY 31 19131919

Cool, The following people were here for dinner &supper Colson, Edith and Roy, Bert, Pearl and {Beulah?} Hilliard, Emerson Krauter, Elmer Bundle Harry Ziegler Veia Zinkann.Viola Braeude and May Sydenham.

September MONDAY 1

Beautiful day. Walter took Colson, Edith and Roy down to Maurer's this morning. Clarance was hauling manure all day and after supper he went down to Louis Miller's


Lovely day. Vernon first day at school after the holidays. Walter took Enoch Snider out to Shakespeare Today. Clarence was drawing manure.


Quite warm. Clarence left for Toronto after dinner. Walter took him to the station.

September THURSDAY 4 19131919

Beautiful day. Walter was hauling manure. Father Krauter came up here before dinner. Maurice Downey. Geo Maurer, Alonzo Miller, Joe Lawson and Josiah Brubacher called on Walter


Beautiful Day. Walter took a load of chopping over to Horadale, and butchered a beef for the beef ring when he got back.


Very warm.

Father went after dinner and Ella + Vernon went with him. After supper Edna + Ella and the kiddies called at Seth Bouman's and Mrs. Allen Snyder of {McKride's?} Michigan and {illegible} Hurst from Florida were there



September SUNDAY 7 1913

Fair. Quite warm. Father, Mother, Lincoln, Edna, Willard, Mildred, Ella + Vernon went to Ethel today had our dinner at Mike Krauter and supper at Geo. Krauter's. Walter took four of his darky friends to Guelph and Kitchener.


Very warm. Walter took {"some" in smaller lettering as if added later} pigs to Elmira Monthly Fair, Ella fell quite sick after supper so we called in Dr. McQuibbon of Alma and he said she had appendicitis, Walter was heating salt bag all night.


Very warm. Ella wasn't any better today so Walter took her to the K+W. Hospital after dinner and she was operated on at about four oclock by Dr. Lucy of Guelph and she didn't have a very good night.


Edna Hamel called in to see me today.

September THURSDAY 11 1913

Edith and little Ron called in the afternoon


{No entry }


The following people came to see Ella today, Charlie Ida and Vera Hilliard, Walter and Vernon, Victoria + Harold, Margaret Hamel, Mother, Edwin, Edna, Mildred + Willard and Eilene Krauter.



September SUNDAY 14 1913

Walter and Vernon. Colson Edith and Ron visited Ella at the Hospital today


Beulah Hilliard and Margaret Hamil called in after school.


Harold and Victoria called on Ella in the evening


A list of Ella's callers- Father +Mother Krauter, Lincoln + Willard Weaver, Ed Krauter + Chas. Hilliard, Aaron, Rosetta + Ivan Metz. Walter took the cattle down to the pasture field at Lehman's?

September THURSDAY 18 1913

Beulah Hilliard, Hilda Braender, Dorothy Scheifele Edwin + Bertha Krauter and Edith Jefferson called on Ella today.


Rainy + windy. Nobody came to see Ella


Lovely day. Ella's callers - Edna Hamel, Pearl Hilliard, Grace {Meriet?}, Ella Hilliard, Bernice Scheifele, Vic Maurer and Harold Hebel. Walter + Vernon out to Elmira Fair today.



September SUNDAY 21 1913

Awful downpour of rain. Frank + Edna fetched Ella as far as their house this afternoon.


Cool. Walter came to {Wotirhs?} in the afternoon and brought Ella home.


Walter went to {Weiriuh?} and got Alice Fredmand to work for us a couple of weeks. Clarence got the dinner. Ella spent the day in bed. Mrs. Louis Miller paid her a visit.


Cool + Windy The men were plowing all morning and picked some apples in afternoon. Clarence went up to Ed. Bohlender's after supper for a ladder

September THURSDAY 25 1913

Cool and windy + showery The men worked at the apples all day


Beautiful day. Walter, Ella, Clarence, Alice and Vernon all went to the School Fair at Woolwich school + had a fairly good time.


Quite warm. Lovely day. Peter Schineke started cutting the corn today. Clarence + Walter helped cut corn at King's in the afternoon.



September Sunday 28 1913

Lovely day.

Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Weaver, Willard and Mildred of Heidelberg, Mr. + Mrs. Ed. Krauter, Elinor + Eileen of Qu Appelle, Saskatchewan were here for dinner + supper, Walter took Mr. + Mrs. Albert Reist to Moorefield.


Changeable weather. Peter Schmehl was cutting corn with his binder. Clarence + Walter got the apples ready for the applebutter. Alice did the washing.


cloudy + dull. Peter Schmehl finished cutting the corn, Walter + Clarence went to Floradale and had apple-butter maple. They were plowing in the afternoon, Albert Reist was here for supper.


Lovely day.

The men were plowing all morning and helped to cut corn at Noah Miller's in the afternoon. Alice + Vernon were working in the gardens.

October THURSDAY 2 1913

Cloudy all morning Cleared up at noon. Walter and Clarence helped to cut corn at Edler's all day. The corn cutting outfit moved here after supper. Thunder and rainstorm at night.


Hot + close. They broke an oil cup on the engine as they went to Elmira for repairs, They started cutting corn after dinner The following men helped 2 of Edler's 2 of King's 2 of Noah Miller's, 2 of Louis Miller's Enoch Snide 2 of Enoch Snider's and Albert Reist


Very hot. Maurer's? finished cutting corn at about 10.30 a.m. They moved the outfit down to Juo Maurer's and Walter + Clarence helped down there this afternoon. Alice went home over Sunday.



October Sunday 5 1913

cloudy + rainy. Ella spent the day in bed. Clarence was away for supper and after had service in St. Paul's church in Elmira in the evening Heavy rainfall after supper


Lovely day. Walter was in Elmira all forenoon. Alice came back tonight. Enoch Snider and Joe Lawson were here after supper and we had a real sing fest.


Beautiful day.

Father and Mother Krauter came up for the day. Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale and Clarence got some plow repairs.


Frost last night. Clarence + Walter helped haul in buckwheat at Enoch Snider's. Ella spent the day in bed.

October THURSDAY 9 1913

Rained all day. Walter killed those pigs at Louis Miller's


Cloudy Rain The men plowed all morning and took up a load of turnips after dinner, Grandpa Krauter came up in the afternoon. Turned cold and windy during the night.


Cold and cloudy. Walter took Mr + Mrs Louis Miller to Kitchener Ella went along to Hilliards for a week or two. Mrs. Hilliard went along to Kitchener and got Vernon a suit, etc.



October SUNDAY 12 1913

Lovely day. Charlie had three chickens for dinner & the followin gpeople were there Mr + Mrs. Maurer + Vernon Mr. + Mrs O. Scheifley {Thelma?} + Audrey, Mr. Pickering and Miss Stauffer


Beautiful day. Thanksgiving Day Hilliard's started taking up their potatoes. Bert and Pearl spent the evening at Merritt's. Vernon has chicken pox.


{No Entry written}


{No entry written}

October THURSDAY 16 1913

{no entry written}


{no entry written}


{no entry written}



October SUNDAY 19 1913

Cloudy and cold. Ella went to Fernando Snider's with Hilliard's


Lovely day. Election day. Walter paid the Hilliards a flying visit today. Charlie was one of the scrutineers at Bridgepoint. Ontario went dry by a large majority today.


{No entry written}


{No entry written}

October THURSDAY 23 1913

Beautiful day

Charlie had a bad headache and spent the day in bed. Ida dressed 15 chickens


Fair. Charlie, Ida nad Ella went to Waterloo and Kitchener after dinner and Ella had a tooth extracted aat the Dr Hilliard's


Rained All day



October SUNDAY 26 1913

Cloudy and cold. Walter + Vernon came down to Hilliard's and took Ella home with them.


Cold + rain Walter + Clarence helped to thresh at Albert Reist's till noon.


Real fall weather. Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale. Clarence was plowing


Clarence helped to thrush at Louis Miller's all day. Walter was plowing

October THURSDAY 30 1913

Disagreeable weather Clarence was plowing and Walter spent the day on the road.


Very Warm

Rained nearly all day Clarence left with the morning train for Bridgeport. Walter spent all forenoon in Elmira. There was a beef ring meeting at Maurer's tonight. Vernon's birthday He is seven years old.

November SATURDAY 1

Cold + windy

Walter's birthday. He is 38 years old. Walter took Alice home today. Clarence came home tonight



November SUNDAY 2 1913

Lovely day. The following people visited us today & Mr. & Mrs. A Krauter. Mr. & Mrs. Art Klinck + Eileen, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Schmidt and daughter. Gladys & Rhoda.


Cold & windy. Walter & Clarence were topping turnips and they put in several loads Walter got a new girl today {Ms?} Edith Ritter. Enoch & George Snider helped at the turnips for about two hours.


Rained all day Walter was away all morning hunting Dexter. Clarence went down to Maurer's to thresh but it rained too hard First snowstorm of the season tonight after supper Vernon Underwood died today at Bridgeport.


Cold with occasional snow storms. Walter took Clarence to the station This morning and shipped his hides and plowed the rest of the day. Enoch Snider paid us a visit after supper.

November THURSDAY 6 1913

Cold and dull. Walter fetched a load of bran at Elmira in the morning and he and Geo. Snider worked at the turnips in the afternoon. Edith went to the dance at Floradale tonight


Cloudy. Walter, Enoch & George Sniders put in 12 loads of turnips today. Clarence brother Vernon was buried this afternoon. Eb. Slickney and Lincoln Eder visited Walter after tea.


Cloudy & cold

Leon Wagner and Irvin Hoffer fixed the wind will today and were here for dinner. Howard and Arthur Hoffer came over and played with Vernon. Walter & Geo. Snider finished the turniips this forenoon.



November SUNDAY 9 1913

Cloudy and cold Walter went to church in the morning and Edith went home for supper. Mr & MrsFrank Homel, Lornie and Margaret, Mr & Mrs. Colson Jefferson and son Roy were here in the afternoon


Windy. Walter went to Elmira. Fair in the morning and plowed in the afternoon


Lovely day. Clarence came home at noon and they were plowing. {Otis?} Miller and Enoch Snider called on Walter.


Walter and Clarence were plowing all day.

November THURSDAY 13 1913

Cold. Snowstorm. Walter & Clarence were to chop in the barn and couldn't


Cold and snowed all day. Walter{in small lettering added above} & Clarence went down to Lehmean's place and fetched the colts home.


Raw wind blowing. Walter and Enoch took a trip to Lebanon, Drayton, Floradale, etc. Clarence went to Elmira after supper with Charlie Miller.



November SUNDAY 16 1913

Lovely day. We all went to Wollwich churchin the afternoon. There was music by the Kitchener S.S. Orchestra and a {illegible} quartette. Dr. Peter of Shanghai China gave a very interesting address. Mr. & Mrs. Noah Miller. Esther, Ruth and Margaret were here.


Beautiful day. Walter took a load of chopping over to Floradale and Clarence was plowing. The men plowed the garden today.Walter took Edith home in the afternoon


Cold + stormy. Father, Mother, Lincoln, Edna, Willard + Mildred were here for dinner and Mother is staying here for a few weeks.


Cold Windy. The men were plowing all day.

November THURSDAY 20 1913

Lovely day. Mother cleaned the upstairs today. Walter went to Ed. Ziegler's sale and bought 3 horses and 24 chickens. Ella spent afternoon at Louis Miller's.


Lovely day. Mother cleaned the parlor dining room and bedroom today. Rachel Reist and Miss Cherry spent the afternoon here


Rain. Walter, Ella nad Vernon went to Kitchener had dinner at Frank's and did some shopping in the afternoon. Clarence went to Elmira after supper.




November SUNDAY 23 1913

Snow and cold. Walter, Ella, Vernon, Clarence and Mother Krauter went to church in the morning. Clarence spent the day with Charlie Miller.


Cold + stormy. Walter & Clarence worked on the road and fetched the cattle at noon. Charlie brought Ida up to make Vernon an overcoat


Rain. Walter & Clarence worked on the road till noon. Walter went to Charles Fischer's sale in the afternoon.


Cold & rough. Maurer's killed a pig today and dressed one for Louis Miller's.

November THURSDAY 27 1913

Cold and dreary. We left after dinner, took Mother & Mrs. Hilliard home and stayed at Charlie's for the night.


Cold & dreary. We arrived home at 10 a.m. and brought Pearl home with us. Walter spent the afternoon at Geo. Snider's and Jus. Houst's at Yalton.


Raining Rained all day. Walter put on the storm doors and two windows upstairs. Pearl + Ella did the baking and cleaning. Fierce wind storm after supper. Some windmills, driving sheds, etc. torn down.



November SUNDAY 30 1913

Snowstorm all say. Maurer's spent day at home.

December MONDAY 1

Snowed all day. Walter helped Ella + Pearl with the washing and in afternoon he entertained Carl Fretz, Earl Miller, Alf. Shanty. Albert Reist.


Stormy. Walter was butchering 2 pigs for Alfred Shantz. Albert Reist helped in the morning. Charlie Fisher brought an old horse after supper.


Stormy. The men finished up the butchering in the morning and Walter went to Bricker's sale in the afternoon with King's

December THURSDAY 4 1913

Beautiful day. Walter helped to butcher at Carl Fritz's and Clarence was a very busy bot doing odd chores around the barn etc.


Stormy. Walter took some old chickens to Alma Station in the morning Clarence took a load of turnips to Almira. Walter's callers were- Carl Fritz & {Onias?} Bowman.


Snowed all day. Maurer & Clarence killed 2 horses and Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale in the afternoon. Clarence went to Elmira with Elena King after supper. Ella & Pearl and Vernon baked the animal cookies.



December SUNDAY 7 1913

Milder Snowing. Mr & Mrs. Enoch Snider Annie Irvin and Eva visited us after supper.


Fair. Pearl & Ella washed in the morning. Walter went to Elmira Monthly Fair sold 8 pigs and got home around supper time.


Mild & drizzly. Clarence took a load of turnip to Elmira. Walter cleared out the stove pipe in the afternoon. Pearl did the ironing.


Cold and stormy. Clarence took a load of turnips to Elmira. Walter sold a pig to Jus. Horst for {11?}.00 We iced the animal cookies today

December THURSDAY 11 1913

Very cold Walter & Clarence were working in the stable all morning and Clarence was drawing manure all afternoon Clarence and Pearl went to Concert at Elmira


Milder Clarence took "Julia" otherwise "Blast" down to Elmira and hauled manure all afternoon Edgar Eby of Breslaw was here for dinner. Elmo King was here after supper.


Cold. Windy. We took Pearl home today, had dinner at Charlie's stopped at Isaac Holler's got the Eaton parcel at Krauter's and arrived home at 7.30 oclock. Walter traded horses with Jus. Horst Clarence went to Elmira after tea



December SUNDAY 14 1913

Cold and stormy. Walter, Ella, Clarence and Vernon went to Woolwich church in afternoon.


Very cold Windy Stormed all day. Clarence hauled turnips to Alma for Elmo King Walter killed a beef for Enoch Snider.


Cold Stormy Walter killed two head of cattle for Enoch Snider.


Cold & clear Walter helped with the washing and went to Floradale after dinner

December THURSDAY 18 1913

Cold & clear We butchered a pig here today for Geo. Sniders Father Krauter & Louis Miller were here for dinner.


Lovely day although very cold. Walter was driving all over creation in the morning and in the afternoon we were all at the entertainment at Creekbank and at the Alms Methodist concert in the evening


Fine Somewhat milder. Walter was at Enoch & Geo. Snider's and George Bohlender's in the morning and killed a horse in the afternoon.



December SUNDAY 21 1913

{Llany?} and cold. Walter, Ella and Vernon went to Woolwich Church in the morning and were at Jus. {illegible} Miller's for dinner.


Cold & raw. Clarence took a load of chopping to Horadale and Walter and Mr King were at a sale up on the 8th of Peel


Walter went to Elmira in the morning and to Kelly's on the 8th after dinner. Arther {Cusig?} and Henry Ziegler called on Walter


Stormy. Walter took Clarence to the station for the 8 oclock train and went over to Floradale. Walters callers Wilkie Campbell, Louis Miller, Enoch Snider.

December THURSDAY 25 1913

Beautiful day. Walter, Ella + Vernon went to Krauter's for dinner and roast goose and many other good things, also got some nice presents.


Damp Rain We went to the entertainment at the Woolwich church and drove down with Enoch Snider in the sleigh. Walter went to Goldstone in the afteroon.


Cold. Mr. & Mrs. Hilliard, Vera and Ella came up here for supper. They got stuck in the snow several times and Walter had to pull them in the lane.



December SUNDAY 28 1913

Beautiful day. We had roast duck for dinner. The road were drifted so Charles's decided to stay till Monday.


Windy & cold

Charlie & Walter went to Geo Stone's in the morning We had the duck for dinner and Charlie went home in the afternoon. Walter went to Elmira.


Cloudy & raw Walter helped to thresh at Addison Reist's in the afternoon.


Cold raw wind Walter was home all day. Mr. Rogers called on him in the afternoon.





Bull Service.

Onias Bowman. June 17, 1919.

Henry Atkinson. July 2, 1919.


W.J. Maurer

Liddy May 30,1919

Blossom June 18.

Rose - June 18 .

Strawberry July 4.

Roanie - July 7.

Lillie - July 8.

Millie - July 21. Correct

Blackie - July 22.

Maxie - July 25.

Lillie - July 28

Maxie- July 28.

Strawberry- July 29

Beauty - August 3.

Beauty Sept. 27.


Enoch Schneider

July 16 1919

July 28- 2 cows

Oct 3.

Bew Miller

July 17,1919

Sept. 25, 1919







Ed. Bender. 

July 17, 1919



Louis Miller.

Oct. 2. 1919.





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{no header}

Walter J, Mauer Elmina, Ont Canada

N. America

Walter J. Maurer Elmira, Ont. Canada

{written bottom to top longwise on page}

Mr. Walter J. Maurer Walter J. Maurer

Walter J. Maurer

Mrs. Chas J. Hilliard Waterloo, Ont.

Mrs Chas. J. Hilliard Waterloo, Ont. Canada, N. America

{no header}

Walter J. Maurer Elmira Ont. Canada N. America

Walter J. Maurer Elmira


Elmira, Ont.

Walter J. Maurer Elmira, Ont. Canada

Walter J. Maurer Elmira Ont Canada

{written in crosshatch of first layer of writing}

Walter J. Maurer Elmira, Ont. Canada

Walter J. Maurer Elmira, Ont

{upside down between "Ont." and "Canada"} Walter J. Maurer


{upside down between "Canada" and "N. America"} Walter J Maurer


{no header}

Walter J. Maurer Elmira, Ont Canada N.America

Walter J. Maurer Elmira, Ont. Canada N. America

Walter J. Maurer Elmira, Ont. Canada

Walter J. Maurer Elmira, Ont Canada N. America

Walter J. Maurer Elmira, Ont. Canada N.America

{written in cross hatch in middle of page}

Ella Maurer

Ella Maurer Elmira Ont.

Transcription Progress



Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary, 1919 Part 1.pdf
Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary, 1919 Part 2.pdf
Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary Transcript, 1919.pdf


Ellamanda Krauter Maurer, “Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary & Transcription, 1919,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 6, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/258.
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