James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1896


James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1896

Date Created

January 1, 1896

Is Part Of

James Bowman Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{The book is a bound ledger with 2 columns for money entries (spent and received) on the right side of page.} {Only the diary part has been transcribed, not the numbers in the columns.}

Wensday Jan 1st 1896 fine == === 219 =

both teams hauling grain in morning and 1 in afternoon I was getting lumber ready Took Kyma Thursday Tweedhill to OAC Bull Lord Aberdeen 2nd,

Thursday 2nd fine Two teams hauling grain in morning and One in Afternoon We finished hauling grain today I worked around yard postage for Mina and C 9¢

Friday 3rd cold We worked at yard all day Mr Tuck here all day ?100 since two oclock, S. Slates came for bal of his wages 2.00

Saturday 4th cold We worked at yard all day, Mr Tuck was here 1.00 went to Town in evening sold Butter $1.36 paid Dr Savages bill $6.50

Sunday 5th cold Father Mary and I went to Church heard Dr Henderson on {p}reach a New Year sermon Mina & I went to S. S.

Monday 6th cold Went to town in morning got harness fixed 25¢ sold sheep skins $1.90 bgt Flour horses shod polled my vote a plumper for Hales and the old Reeve and Deputy. exchanged gobblers with Crosbys

== Tuesday 7th Jan 1896 == fair Manure I went to Town for stables with R. McRae and started him hauling Manure then I took a load of straw to Keleher & Hurly they owe us now twenty four three loads of manure, Mc {5 - in margin of page} hauled 5 loads today I went up to Jim's in afternoon for potatoes and turnips got {1} bag potatoes and a load of Turnips, I give Mr McRae 40¢ a day

Wednesday 8th fair I went to town in morning with a box of straw to Scroggie got Nell shod on hind feet bgt. harness $12.25 to be paid next June, trace chains $1.30 hammer 50¢ got a load of Manure at Scroggie's {5 in margin of page} Mc Hauled 5 loads today from Hurly's. I worked at yard fence in afternoon

Thursday 9th fine Mc Rae, Hauling manure {4 in margin of page} four loads from Hurleys and one from Sleemans I went to town bgt old Iron 10¢ np, got Maud shod, 20 np {between lines on right - 12 ft. 6x4 in got a piece of timber for Bunks to be paid back out of logs

{221 - number on top right hand corner of page}

Friday Jan 10th 1896 fine

Father and Mc went for four loads of Turnips I did the chores and fixed up around barn arranged with Mr {Hawer?} to give him hay for manure 50 c per load for manure and $15.50 per ton for hay

Saturday 11th fine

Father and Mc went up to other place for four loads of Turnips Mary & I went to town after dinner bgt book for Mina 75c {sticking?} plaster 25

Sunday 12th Stormy

Father Mina and Charlie went to Church. We stayed at home the rest of the day.

Monday 13th Stormy

Father & Mc went for Tur- -nips in morning I went to Town sold what we had to spare to M Shultz @ 10c per bush. if they {rise?} we are to get the raise took a {a} load in 40 50 - 1490 == Tuesday 14th fair == Father & Mc hauling Turnips two loads to Town and two home 4920 - 1470. 2nd 5120 - 1340 & fixed {mets?}, in her house

{Page number 222 in top left corner}

Wednesday Jan 15th 1896 fine

Father and Mc Hauling Turnips Mr Tuck was out to see about fixing barn he offers to Jack barn up 7 ft clear put on 20 ft of a lean to this side fix D shed and root house put in all the doors that is necessary for $50 I have to find all material

Friday Thursday 16th 17th 1896 fine Mr Tuck and I went up to see Mr Reynolds barn near Elora, we have arranged to let Mr Tuck have the Job of raising and pa from 7 to ten ft at the price we have mentioned $50 paid R Mc {left margin} bgt bull rings 40¢ 1 for Mt Baley Rae $2.00 recd $24.70 from Mr Shultz for Turnips got 1 load of manure from Hewer paid for 3 1.50/75 also for 9 {posts} 75 {ft}

Thursday 16th fine Father & Mc finished Turnips in morning in A I finished fixing fence in yard in- afternoon I took a grist of Chop to mill Pa Mc got two loads of manure from Hewer's Examination paper for Mina 10 {in left column} Chop 80 and flour 175 recd 5.00 from Shultz

Sat Friday 18th fair put dip on the Cattle in Morning went to town at eleven O.Clock bgt apples 90¢, Flax 75¢ pd Taylors account 75¢ pd Stewarts $5.11 pd L Goetz $ 1.15¢ pd. his son 65,

== 223 == {page in journal}

Jan 1896

Sat 18th fair

pd Mc Williams 3.00 bgt {bought} overshoes for Father, 1.20 for Mina 50¢ Socks for Self 45 Shoes for Charlie $1.00 stamps 09¢

Sunday 19th fair

C, Father and I went to Church heard Dr Lovell preach a missionary sermon to it was very good, Mina C & I went to S.S.

Monday 20th fair

Father and I chopping for a while in morning W. Tuck, came and he and I marked trees for the Enlarging of barn, and fixed stairs in cellar and I paid him $3.00 for helping me with yard.

Tuesday 21st

McCrae came today Father & he cut wood and I went for rafters down to Bedford's he agrees to give me the six 6 - 20 foot sticks for 30¢ {above line} six 8 10 {illegible} small {illegible} each, 3 - 17 ft sticks 10 at small end for 25¢, 20 - 10 ft @ 15¢ 2.8 ft square 8 in at 15¢

== Wednesday 22nd == fair in morning Mc and I cut wood and Father hauled in afternoon I went to Dawsons sale,

== 224 == {Journal page number}

Wensday Jan 22nd, 1896

bgt, {bought} old Implements and small truck, & $6.09 poultry, 4.15 recd {received} 6.00 from Wal Dawson for horse service

Thursday 23rd Dull & wet

We all worked at wood until about 3 PM. then Mc Went to make an axe handle and some whiffle trees and Father and I did other odd chores fixing cellar, We had a talk about hiring Mc for a year he wants $225.00 and board himself or, $160.00 and board with us, we have agreed to take him if he will let Wilfred help through the summer, hoeing Turnips pulling Mustard and other small jobs that a boy can help at

Friday 24th Stormy

Father and I chored all day I went up for a few bags of potatoes and had a talk with Jim about paying what he owes me, he wants twenty dollars more than I think he has a right to

Saturday 25th

hauled up a load of wood in the morning then went to town, Paid R. Shortreed $3.84 bal of Dawsons account and $1.42 for lumber I got from him Paid S. Aitcheson for Thrashing. 2.00

== 225 == {Journal page number}

Jan 1896

Sunday 26th fair

Father, Mina & Charlie went to Church in morning, Mina. C. & I to Sunday School

Monday 27th fine

Chored in morning G.B. Hood came along and examined the buildings regarding insuring them seemed satisfied, went up to Jim's in afternoon received $25 from him in Cash and a note for $54.25 due on 15th of March

Tuesday 28th fine

I hauled manure from Hurleys in morning and Mc hauled two in afternoon he has started his year this afternoon he is to receive $160.00 for his pay at the end the year he got 74 lbs @ {16?} = {58 or 68?} last night

Wednesday 29th fine

Mc & Fred & I hauled home four loads of hay. sold 80 "{loads} to him @ $16 = 64¢

We Thursday 30th fair

we put off hay and made crate for bull in morning in afternoon Mc hauled wood and I went to Town recd $8.00 from Mr Jackson owing to Insurance being refused

226 page number in journal

Thursday Dec == Friday Jan 31st == Paid Jas Algie $1.10 for Blacksmithing thing. paid Metcaff on Harness stamps for Mina 2, Eggs 13 Lantern glass 10¢, candies 02

Saturday Feb 1st 1896

Father Mc & I cutting wood in morning and Then in afternoon I took 17 bags of oats to be chopped 85¢, paid Taxes on Simpson farm for the year 1895, 21.08¢ bgt {bought} dry goods $2.73 Mc got 80 # of hay

Sunday 2nd fair

Father, Mary and I went to Church, heard Dr Henderson on the Sacrament, we stayed to sacrament there was a greater number than usual. Mina. C & I went to SS

Monday 3rd Stormy

Father Mc and I chopping wood all day in bush

Tuesday 4th Stormy

Mc Hauling wood in morning Father and I chopping. I went in Morning and Father and Mc in afternoon. I went to town got Jim's note discounted recd for it $53.85, Paid W.G. Smith, $25.65 for Cement paid Mr Metcaff bal on Harness 7.00. bgt {bought} a file 15¢ paid Mc $2.46 being the bal due him for January paid H.S. Fees for Mina

Feb 1896 == == 227

== Wensday 5th == fine Father & I Hauled up wood for to saw. Mc did not come today. Mr Nesbits, I Dyson came and I let a Job to him to cut do all our logs and timber at 4¢ a stick and to cut up the tops into wood at 30¢ per cord and board himself

== Thursday 6th == Stormy I hauled a load of manure from the stables in morning then got ready and went to Davis sale did not buy anything on my way home bot {bought} an old sleigh and a box from Mr Baley for $7.00

== Friday 7th == fair Father and I made bunks for the long sleigh in morning and I hauled a load of logs to mill in afternoon got sleigh fixed in afternoon 15¢ Dyson & Gould were cutting logs today

== Saturday 8th == fine Hauled a load of logs to mill in morning bgt {bought} truss for Charlie 2.50 Father & Mc hauled two loads to mill in afternoon & load of lumber home, bgt {bought} beef in afternoon at $5.00 per 100 " hind quarter got shoe mended 30¢ {mits} fixed 35¢ np Mr G. Osborn & Wes Trimble came today

== Sunday Feb 9th 1896 == == 228 == Stormy Father, Mina, G. Osborn Wes Trimble & I went to Church heard w?s Dr Henderson on the result of constant Prayer it was very good, we all stayed home the rest of the day.

== Monday 10th == fair I hauled the bal {balance} of rafters five fence posts and, one ten foot post, Mack Mc took in 2 loads of logs to mill and brought home 1 load of timber, we hauled up three loads of wood,

== Tuesday 11th == Stormy Mc hauled two loads of logs to mill. I fixed pen for Lambing ewes and chored till noon then father & I cleaned up Siberian oats, a grade Shrop {Shropshire} ewe had a pair of lambs tonight

== Wednesday 12th == fair Took a load of logs to mill and brought home a load of timber. then got things ready and shipped the Polled Angus Bull Bonnie Lad, to Herbert Stairs Hillaton Nova Scotia

== Thursday 13th == Stormy I hauled up wood and Mc hauled two loads of logs to mill G. Osborn and Wes Trimble came back today

Friday 14th Feb, 1896 == == 229

I hauled up wood and Mc hauled three loads of logs to mill. Put Kyma 2nd to Lord Aberdeen 3rd

Saturday 15th

Mc hauled two loads of logs to mill I hauled two loads of wood to house and skidded the bal of logs that were to go to mill, then hauled went hauled home three overlays, 7 flat. Went to to town af saw Mr Tuck, and also Mr Aitcheson about sawing and cutting. saw Mr Bedford about cedar, recd a letter from Mr Cochrane about Men. Stamps for McG 03 paid for apples

== Sunday 16th == Cold & Clear Father Mary and {?} Wes C, went to Church, Mina & I went to S S

== Monday 17th == very cold Mc hauled two loads of logs and 1 load of chop to mill. 12 bags @ 60/5 I hauled two loads of Cedar from Bedfords, 3-20 ft 1-12 ft 12-10 ft 1-8 ft

== Tuesday 18th == cold I went over to McCrae's in morning to get him to come to cut on Thursday. Mc hauled three

Tuesday. Feb 18th 1896 == === 230 =

I hauled two loads of wood in morning from bush and a load of cedar from Bedfords

in afternoon.

paid $1 fees for Mina pants for Charlie .60 Under clothing for Mina 55

== Wensday Feb, 19th == stormy I finished hauling cedar from Bedfords and Mc hauled a load of logs to mill, Simon & Andrew Aitcheson came to saw wood this afternoon had I. Dyson and P. Gould was helping us also, 40¢

== Thursday 20th == cold had W McCrae and S. Aitcheson helping us to {put} feed also I Dyson, & P. Gould 80¢ np

== Friday 21st == cold Mc hauled two loads of logs to mill & I hauled one we brought home ten sticks of timber, bgt hardware. 85¢ np paid Mc $1.00 yesterday

== Saturday 22nd == fine we cut in morning after 9 am. till noon then set machine and sawed in afternoon I owe Simon Aitcheson 7.00, Dyson and Gould 40¢ np recd $52.50 from Mr Geo Johnston

Sunday 23rd Soft == === 231=

Father, Mina & C. went to Church, Mina, C. & I went to S.S., Mary & I went to hear conductor Snyder in the evening at Dublin St he was quite interesting

Monday 24th colder

I chored in forenoon took home McCrea's cutting box I owe him $1.50, Mc hauled two loads Logs to Mill, I drove over to Sharp's got Maud shod, 25¢ Monday 25th Tuesday paid McKenzie's bill 75 paid $10.00 on account to G. B. Morris recd 100.00 from Herbert Stairs Nova Scotia

Tuesday 25th fine & cold

I had a talk with Mr Sarp about the cattle and then started to Burt's had dinner there and got his prices and came home.

Wensday 26th fair

Mc took a load of logs to mill and brought home some lumber. I took 10 bags oats to chop, 60¢ bgt curry comb, 15¢, paid Johnston $1.50

Thursday 27th fine

Went to Town in morning paid. F. W. Hodson $1.00 being member's fee for Cattle Breeders Association for Jas Sharp, paid bal of rent to K. McLean 75.00 paid A.R. Simpson's note $30.30 paid W. Wakefield $7.00 stamp 09¢

Thursday 27 Febr, 1896 == === 232=

{illegible initial} Weld came with Mr Collyer to see about polled Angus Cattle, did not make a deal, expect to hear tomorrow, Mc Hauled 4 loads of logs to mill I hauled one Dyson finished his job today paid Tuck for mending gate

  "  for mercury $1.00

Friday 28th fair & soft

we hauled in two loads of logs in morning and hauled up three sleepers and a load of wood paid. I Dyson $6.00 on account, bgt slippers for Father, 25¢ went up to old place for two loads of Implements in afternoon.

Saturday 29th fine

Mc Hauled three loads of manure, Charlie and I hauled two loads of potatoes from old place, I went to town in evening bgt. {bought} bread 15¢

Sunday 1st Mch 1896

Father Mary & I went to Church in morning. heard Miss McDonald preach. she is very earnest, H. Leadley came out and went with us to S. S. he acted as Superintendent

Monday 2nd stormy

Mc & I hauled four loads of manure I hauled 4 loads of lumber paid W. McCrae 1.50

== Tuesday 3rd Mch 1896 == == 233 Father and Mc went up to old place for two loads of potatoes. I chored and went to Station to meet Simon Blight the trains are blocked and he did not arrive. got my mits 35¢, stamps 06, in afternoon I took Kyma Tweedhill to O.A.C. Bull

Thursday Wensday 4th Thursday fine went up to old place for bal of potatoes, and some other things got two loads in afternoon I took a load of chop to mill 10 bags. bgt 60 C. Oil. 77. brush, 23. lock. 50 plaster 30, horses shod. 50¢ bgt. 250 " flour from Scroggie $5.00 I I owe Mr Blight 90¢

Thursday 5th Wensday 4th Mc & I hauled two loads potatoes in morning and he & Father got one in afternoon. I hauled up some wood.

Friday 6th Dull & wet Mc and I started for Egremont this morning arrived there about five P.M. got our loads , on, D{?} was sick and tired. Found all real well.

Saturday, 7th March 1896 == == 234

Mc & Tom started off with their loads this morning. I followed them to town. bgt a quart of bail raw Linseed oil & some Ginger 28¢ and 25¢ worth of bran in Afternoon P Harper and I took out two loads of Lumber to be ready to start on Monday Morning. Candie ect 10¢ Chain mended, 10¢

== Sunday 8th == stormy We stayed at home in Morning Mother and I went to woodland in afternoon Col. 05. We spent the Evening at Will's

Monday 9th

Will and I took stock of his things and I got ready to start for home

== Tuesday 10th == fair Started for home about six am, had dinner at Arthur. 25, whip 10¢ bran at Fergus 15¢ supper at Ennotville .25 got home about W two Oclock Tom got one load home today Tom's expenses $2.00

March Wensday 11th stormy 1896


I got up about ten this morning Tom started for home about noon paid him for sleigh 3.00 piled lumber in afternoon

Thursday 12th cold stormy

I went to town in morning got Fathers tools fixed. 30¢ some other tools 50¢

paid my bill at Algies 20¢ got brush at Morris' 10 meat, 57,¢ in afternoon I went to Mr Friday 13th Sandilainds bgt a door. it is to be $2.00, bgt 30 brick 40¢ 1/2 bu lime, 10¢, two thimbels for pipe 25¢ Friday 13 Saturday Friday 13th I chored all day went to town for plaster Paris and 15 c Mc went to town Cumnock for a load of lumber, Expenses on road, 50¢

Saturday 14th fine

Mother & Will came last night and W & I went to see about selling a horse did not make a deal we had a runaway expenses of mending 75¢ Will Sold Maud in afternoon and I went to see about door Frame, W. went home


Sunday 15th March, 1896 fine

Mr. B. Father, Mother Mary and I went to Church. Heard Rev. Dr Hannan preach on, I was glad when they said unto me let us go up to the house of the Lord. Mina C. and I went to S.S. in afternoon.

Monday 16th fine

I chored a while and then went to town with a grist 12 bags. 6 72, bgt germ 56,Bran 56 hardware 22¢, paid S. Aitcheson for sawing & cutting $7.00 Meat, 65¢ Mr. Paso came to see about papering and painting he offer he agrees to paint the face board and eave trough all arount house for 2.00 and front door for $1.25 & papering and painting room for 5.00 Hales had two cows to bull. Recd $50 from Mrs. McCrae for Will paper & Envelopes 15¢

Tuesday 17th fine

I chored a while in the morning. went to mill for 2 loads of sawdust. Carpenters put in door frame today.

Wensday 18th fine

I chored in morning went down to brewery stables paid Keleher $5.00 for 6 loads of manure. bal coming to me 50¢, had Mc in afternoon he hauled two loads of manure bgt wall paper $2.60


Thursday 19th Mch 1896 Stormy

Mc and I hauled two loads of manure in the morning and a load of wood, Mc here 1/2 day. I put dip on cattle & horses in afternoon. Mina paid fees on Tuesday, 2.00. Minas shoe mended 10¢. Foolscap paper,10

Friday 20th Stormy

Trains all blocked, no trains passed today. I went to town in morning bgt hardware $1.10, Oil Cake 1.00 salt 15¢, shoes mended 30¢ stamps & laces for Mina & C 16¢

Saturday 21st fine & soft

Charlie & I did chores and cut sixteen pine saw logs

Sunday 22nd fine & cold

Mr Blight, Father Mina C & I went to Church heard Dr Henderson preach in afternoon we M, C & I went to S.S.

Monday 23rd fine

Mc w Hauled 3 loads of saw logs and Father one & I one, in all 16 logs. I paid left $8.67¢ at Melone's for T. Bedford paid W Wakefield $2.00 Meat 50¢

Tuesday 24th fine

We cut three baswood trees and took in the logs they came to three dollars, hauled home thre two loads of lumber Mc here 1/2 day


Mch 1896 Tuesday 24th fine

Went to Slater's sale in afternoon bgt. small things $1.65 also wagon $30 F mill. 9. plow 6 bgt a pup from R. Shortreed $1.00

Wensday 25th soft

W. Tuck was here all day ewing timber for barn. Mc here all day. we did most of sleepers. W. Pass & son here

Thursday 26th Dull

We hewed a while in morning then I went to town for a load of lumber, went to S. Lovells sale in afternoon bgt chain 50¢ hay fork track $3.50 and Democrat $2.00. Calf $6.75 int off 75. bal I owe $12.15 Ladder .15

Friday 27th fine killed the calf I bought yesterday and did chores in morning. in afternoon went up to Slater's for wagon ect, Mrs.J. Sandiland called this evening.

Saturday 28th fine

Mc hauled stones all day Father and Henry took a grist to mill 10 bags 60¢. I went to market sold hide $1.15 hind quarter 52" @ 6 = $3.12 & front quarter to McRae borrowed 43.90 $45 out of bank for four months @ 7% recd $43.90 paid Mr. Slater $44.40 " {paid} Herbert Wright 4.00 for bull service

239 March Sunday 29th 1896 fine

Father, Mary & Charlie went to church. Mina, C. & I went to S.S. Mr. Glasford was out to take the review it was very good.

Monday 30th fine

W. Tuck came this morning and finished the hewing before dinner in Afternoon we split wood & chored Mc here all day. recd $77 from Will being the balance of intrest due to me.

Tuesday 31st fine

I did chores then went to town, paid Wideman and Clemens $5.00 for fixing door frame, paid note in Bank $44.15 paid Scroggie $5.00 paid R Mcrae, $7.32 recd 3.95 3.95 for music

Wensday 1st April

R. Mcrae & I went to chop wood he cut his foot about two Oclock, & went home Jas Clark came this morning to try the job for a while I took home Baley's Trucks & brought home our democrat and hay fork, also 6 windows from school for which I have to pay 60¢

Thursday 2nd

In morning I went for hay fork Track, & Ladder. paid $8.65 to Miss Ford for S. Lovell. Split wood in Afternoon


Friday April 3rd 1896 Stormy

Father Mary and I went to Church in the morning at Dublin St. in afternoon Mr Sharp and I looked around stock & farm. had a talk about Bulls

Saturday 4th Cold

Mr. Sharp went up town in morning and I took a load of logs to mill and & went in afternoon to A.U C Mr. S & I took a look around the stock, he offers me a young cow for our young bull calf

Sunday 5th fine

Mina Father & C went to Church. Mina C & I went to S.S. Mary and I went to Church in evening.

R. Mc 1 day Monday 6th dull

we finished splitting wood today and fixed floor over cistern. Mc started today @ 50¢ per day.

Tuesday 7th dull

1 day we chored in forenoon and in afternoon I took grist of chop to mill. 10 bags @ 6.60 195 " bran @ 60 $1.17 bal 12 got chain fixed 10¢ postage for Mary fat 20¢ got watch ring .25


Wensday April 8th 1896 fine

Father Mc and I working at stones all day Mc Hauling rails in morning and stones in afternoon

Thursday 9th fair

We all worked at stones all day. stamp 03 1 for M 03 03

Friday 10th fair & warm

we finished getting stone out of the old house foundation and I went to Mr Hawkins sale in afternoon bgt. rollers 20.00 small things $3.30 paid 2.00 gave a note for 21.30 2 shirts for Charlie $1.48

Saturday 11th Dull & damp

Boys cleaned Banner Oats in morning Mary and I went to town, bgt shoes for Mina 1.10 2 pair for C $1.85 1 pr for Mary 95. for self $1.35 smock for self $1.24, hardware .40 I received $40.00 from Mr German in winter

Sunday 12th fine

Father Mary & I went in to Church in the morning heard Conductor Snider preach on Faith, it was very good. Mina C. & I went to S.S. in afternoon

Monday 13th fine

we started to Cultivate field No 2 today i filled up furrows in 4 and 5. We also plowed some sod


Tuesday 14th April 1896 fine

had a little rain in morning I went to Baleys for scraper then cultivated till noon went over to Mc Rae's and hired Fred for a month at $6 per month. he was here 1/2 day Mc is sick today

Wensday 15th

Mc cultivating I harrowing & sowing siberian oats in no.3

Thursday 16th fine

Mc cultivated, I sowed Fred harrowed. had his horse all day

Friday 17th fine

A shower this evening with hail, Mc Cultivated. I sowed and Fred harrowed, till 5.20 p.m. almost finished sowing No 5

Saturday 18th fine

I went to town in morning took ten bags of oats to mill to chop 60¢, 2 bags 10 clover & Timothy seed 7.00 orchard grass $1.75 R Mc plowing sod all day oil cake

Sunday 19th fine cooler

Father Mina and Charlie went to Church. Mina, C & I went to S.S. Mary and I went over to Busby's in evening


Monday 20th April 1896 fine

Mc Fred and I worked at seeding all day. Finished sowing at this side of bush. sowed grass seed on 8 acres today hat for Mina $3.25 Fees for April Tuesday Coat for C .50

Tuesday 21st fair

I went for roller to Mr Hawkins R Mc Cultivated. F. harrowed Father picking up roots ect sent Fred to town for grass seed, 57¢ Father went home as Hannah is not well

Wensday 22nd fine

Finished sowing oats today Mc plowing sod part of the day sowed some grass seed & rolled for an hour or two in evening S. Book for Mina

Thursday 23rd fair

R. plowed sod F rolled and I sowed grass seed & chored bgt. bolts, .06 Shipped oats to Will, 4 45 lb peas to Tom 1 10" Barber has got 3 lots of oats, 640 " 695 " and one bad that I don't know about

Friday 24th Dull

I went to Slang chored a while in morning& Fred sorted root Mc plowing in afternoon & F. Harrowing


Friday April 24th 1896 Dul

Mary and I went to town bgt windo screens & door 3.00 bgt Curtain poles ect, $2.00 pipe hole stoppers, 25¢ roller Tongue $1.25

Saturday 25th

paid Mc 5.00 Mc and I plowing most of the day we finished the sod, and did a little harrowing. Charlie & Fred piling wood

Sunday 26th fine

Mary and I went to Church in morning, & Mina and C to S.S. Ms R Briton and Mary Nisbet were here in afternoon.

Monday 27th Dull

I went to town in morning got things at Penfold's 35¢ hardware 15¢,harness mended 50. pads 75.

Wensday 28 Tuesday 28th fine

F. harrowing & I sowing & rolling. I sowed peas behind bush.

Wensday 29th fair

finished seeding F. rolling & I sowing, went to town in evening. got 13 1/2 bags chopped 80¢ 500 " flour $10.00, too went to Sabbath observance meeting in evening 05, scribbler for Mary 05


Thursday 30th April 1896

I fixed wagon in morning. F. rolling all day. R. hauling manure in afternoon We have made arrangements with Keleher to take what manure he has at thirteen loads and have it away in one week, we can take any size of load we like to make it easier to haul

Friday 1st May 1896

We Hauled five loads of manure from Hales @ $1 per load & 1 load from a woman near Hales for straw that we took there, Fred finished rolling and started to cultivate root ground

Saturday 2nd May

We finished hauling pig dung from Hales, six loads today We chored in evening, went to town in evening bgt. meat 60¢ shoes for Mina $1.15 Ban{ana} .05

Sunday 3rd fine

Mary, Mina and Charlie went to Church, Mary, Mina & I went to Sunday School. leaves are coming out on most all of the trees now.

Monday 4th fine

{illegible}eam hauling manure from the Brewery five loads I worked around orchard in morning. Charles got tooth pulled 50¢


Tuesday May 5th 1896

R hauling manure all day. Fred gang plowing in morning & piling wood in afternoon. I went to town; got screen doors and horse shod 50. np bgt collar for prince. $2.00 R. got 1 1/2 bush oats

Wensday 6th fine

R. hauling manure all day from Keleher's and {Haly}. I went to Mount Forest for a load of lumber, arrived there about six P.M. found all well Hannah better than I expected. sold W box to Tom for 6.50 to be paid any time through the year, paid Tom for his Trip $4.00, rec'd from Tom 20¢ for bags 2.30 for oats $1.04 for peas paid Tom $1.00 on Show account I & got Nells shoes removed 20 chain fixed 10 Fruit 15¢

Thursday 7th fine

Father & I came down home today arrived here about 4 a.m. Friday I am to pay Will $4.00 for fixing Tom's fences and picking stones got wagon fixed 75¢.

Friday 8th

R. hauling manure in morming & plowing for Mangels in afternoon, F. helping Tuck in m & me in afternoon.


Saturday 9th fine & warm

R. working at Mangel ground all day. F helping Father with fence & choring. H Leadly & C piling wood. I went to town in morning paid Mrs. McRae 3.00, bgt hrdware 13 & 10 1 pole for Charlie " {paid} for Mangel & Carrot seed 93¢ bgt 5 bags, Burpees & early potatoes @ 2.00/40 np 1 bags oil cake 1.00 np paid for fixing harrow. 30¢ wheat germ 62¢ Sowed Mangels & Carrots and washed sheep paid Dyson bal of account 6.00 recd $8 from Mrs Sandiland

Sunday 10th fine

Father, Mina & I went to Church and Mina C, & I to S.S. Mary C & I to Church in Evening.We heard two grand sermons today by Rev. Johnston of the Epworth League.

Monday 11th fine

Father & I working at fence all day. R. Hauling Manure. & F. gang plowing and Cultivating.

Tuesday 12th fine

R. hauling manure all day on to no.3. Wilfred has gang plowing & Harrowing in morning. Father & I fixing fence & Cutting potatoes.


May 1896 Wensday 13th fair

R. Father & Wilfred planting potatoes in morning. I cultivated manured patch near the house & rolled mangel drills covered potatoes & plowed in afternoon. Mana paid fees yesterday 2.00

Thursday 14th fine

Father & R. scraping all day. I rolled & plowed & chored. bgt meat 22" @ 5 = $1.10 paid 1.00. Dooley was here putting up fence this afternoon.

Friday 15th fine

Father & R scraping all day. I plowed all day on Turnip land W. Tuck finished framing the timber today.

Saturday 16th fine

Father and R. cle scraping all day. Charlie plowing and I choring Tobacco for R. yesterday 10c

Sunday 17th fine

Father Mary and C went to Church. Mina C & I went to S.S.

Monday 18th fine

got horses shod .50 np grist 84¢ np R & I scraping in afternoon, Father plowing all day


May 1896

Tuesday 19th fine

Father and R. scraping all day. I clipped sheep and chored. Fred cultivated turnip and potato ground

Wensday 20th fine

Father cutting stone. R. F and I Hauling gravel out of foundation all after 9 a.m. we brought 1 load of manure from brewery stables

Thursday 21st fine

Father cutting stone R. F. & I cleaning out the earth from foundation. Henry & Willie Leadlay came out today.

Friday 22nd fine

P Father, R. and Fred worked at the foundation all day I went to town in afternoon I borrowed $75.00 from Bank of Commerce for 4 mos. @ 7%, paid Mc 5.00 Fred 6.25 bgt hardware for Mary 60¢ Nails NP. $1.20 D Morris bgt track for hay fork 45¢ Corn {80} & paid Hewer's bill , 2.50 {$1.20} Corn 05 Salt, 35 , bananas 10¢

Saturday 23rd fine

R, raising drills in morning. F. cultivating and Harrowing. Paid Mina's Ex. fees $7.00 Henry C & I cutting logs and potatoes. We planted potatoes and sowed corn in afternoon. paid H. Leadley $1.00


Sunday 24th fine

Mary, Father & I went to Church. Mina, C. & I to S.S.

Monday 25th fine heavy showers at night

We cut potatoes and planted ten rows & did chores

Tuesday 26th fine

hauled two loads of logs to mill and one load of lumber home. Meat $1.30

Wensday 27th

Went to town in morning paid Scroggie $4.00 that I had borrowed. Went to see Savage about the fence that was burned by the railway. Went out to Jim's and fixed up the things that were out of repair and paid him $1.00 instead of doing the work cam R, Father & W. planing potatoes in morning & I & W. in afternoon Father & R. started to build

Thursday, 28th Dull & showery Father & R. working at foundation all day. I went to town in morning bgt knife 25¢ feed 10¢ sent $33.33 to Blake Lash & Cassels, bring int from April 1st to June 1st cost of sending 18¢


Friday 29th cool & clear

I was sick all day Father & R. working at foundation all day.

Saturday 30th fair

Father & R working at foundation all day John Turning manure at Hales. Charlie plowing I chored went to town in morning sent $8.00 to Will. writing paper 18¢

Sunday 31st fine

Father, Mina & C. went to Church in morning Mina, C. & I went to S.S.

Monday 1st June 1896 fine

I plowed all day. Father & R. worked at foundation John finished turning manure and fixed fence.

Tuesday 2nd fine

Father, R & I working at foundation. John plowing all day.

Wensday 3rd fine

Father R & I working at foundation all day. R. got saw from me for 75¢ John plowing & cultivating

Thursday 4th fine

Father & R working at foundation, J cultivating. W. Tuck fixing Fork track $1.00. I bgt hrdware 50¢. Meat (1.80) 10. 60. 45) 2.95


Friday June 5th 1896

Father R and I working at foundation all day. I helped W. Tuck to fix moulding in room, his wages for it 50. Mr Leadley came out last night and and we had a long talk about Charlie & his Teacher, and a note which I have received from The Teacher

Saturday 6th fine & showery

R. Father & I working at foundation set the frames John hauling sand in morning H Leadley & Willie hoeing thistles out of corn & pulling mustard Charlie bathing Nell's leg. John & all the boys pulling mustard in afternoon, they did extra well. H. Leadley pulled 3718 stalks this afternoon R got 1 bag potatoes 20¢

Sunday 7th showery & warm

Mary Uncle, R & I stayed home all day except me going to S.S. rest went to Church. Mina, C & I to SS

Monday 8th Showery

Father, R & I worked at stone work. John mowed grass in morning and pulled mustard in afternoon Uncle, R, went home this morning


Tuesday 9th dull and damp

I took grist of chop to mill 17 bags @ 6= $1.02 R & Father working at foundation. John mowing garden grounds around house. R. hauling sand in afternoon John labouring to Father & I

Wensday 10th fine & cool

Father & I building J. laboring. R. hauling manure.

Thursday 11th fine & cool

Father J. & I working at foundation R plowing for rape we finished the building today ready for the timber, Father started to point

Friday 12th fine

Father & John pointing roothouse I chored R plowing rape ground Dooley put up fence by orchard this afternoon

Saturday 13th fine

Father & I working at foundation. R. plowing for rape. I chored and went to town. Borrowed fifty dollars from Bank of Commerce. 4 mos time paid 2.00 to Mary. 5.00 to R. McRae


Sunday, 14th June 1896

Father Mary & I went to Church & Class. an Armenian preached he is attending Colliege in Canada. Mina, C & I went to S.S.

Monday 15th fair

Father & John building horse stable R & I working at rape & Turnip ground

Tuesday 16th fair

R plowing all day I went to town in morning bgt meat, 65¢ pd Hales meat bill, $2.95, bgt sheres at penfolds .80 Maud shod, 25¢, buggy fixed 50. I scuffled mangels and both -ls & plowed in afternoon John Father & John working at stone work all day.

Wensday 167th Showery & hot

R & I plowing in the morning. Father & John building. W. Tuck working at barn. I helped him in afternoon. J putting on some sleepers. R. plowing R to get 63 {illegible} today

Thursday Friday 18th fine

Father and John building R. raising drills. I went to town bgt seed, $2.85 wheat germ, 53¢ paid bill at Goldies, $11.82¢ deposited $121.59 in bank. bgt meat 75¢ recd 136.59 from Mr German less 30¢ for to collect

255 In wrong place I missed it last night

Thursday 18th June 1896

R & I finished plowing and R. started to raise drills about 10 a.m. I Harrowed and sowed till night.

Saturday 20th fine

{written in left margin} R had a horse putting in his Turnips We had a shower & very warm weather. Henry Leadley here today. I called to see Herbert yesterday and offered {h?} $10. for the holidays We hoed most of the mangels and Harrowed rape land & finished sowing swede Turnips Father and John building all day.

Sunday 21st Dull & showery

Father, Mina & C went to Church Mina C & I to S.S. Mary Father & I went to No 6 in evening

Monday 22 fine

Father & John building. R. raising drills for rape. W. Tuck preparing to raise barn. I chored

Tuesday 23rd fine

I finished asking hands Went for shingles got 22 bunches voted for. Innes at Marden got 4 Jacks from Bruce & 2 from Cowan. Got 50 bolts for splicing barn posts @ $3.25 61/2, hangers for hay fork, 40¢ np, & Meat at Wakefields 67¢


Wensday 24th

We all worked at Jacking up the barn all day, had about 15 men beside ourselves we got it up about six feet

Thursday 25th fine & calm

We were all at same job today got two loads of square wood from Richardson to block with.

Friday 26th

We finished Jacking up barn about five oclock today & took home Mr Broers Jacks, 4 to Geo Bruce - 2 to Captain Bruce. took a load of wood back to Mr Richardson

Saturday 27th fine

Father went to Chingacousay Tuck & his man at barn. John, H.L. W.L. Charlie & I worked at root. corn & blue weed. got on very well. took home all of Richardsons wood

Sunday 28th fine

Mary & I went to Church in morning. Mina & C. to S.S.

Monday 29th fine

R. plowed . J.& I chored. we raised the Addition to our barn in evening


Tuesday 30th June 1896 fine

R. J. & I working at Turnip ground. hauled 6 loads of manure from H also paid John 25¢ Dooley $2.50

Wensday 1st July 1896

I worked at root ground all day. W.Gay here today

Thursday 2nd fine

R & I working at rape ground. Father & Henry at building in sleepers paid R 10.00, pid Keleher for manure $12.75 Paid Hales for Meat & Manure 20.00 recd 1.50 from Hales for poles. paid C fees 1.00

Friday 3 R. raising drills for rape Father & Henry building paid R 4.24 I chored paid Mr Fleck for shingles 14.85

Saturday 4th showery

Mr. Tuck jacked up the sheep pen today. had Sleeman's jacks. Mr. Tuck & his man helped all day. paid John 12.50 today being his wages in full got a letter from Will Addie has a son and they are all well.

Sunday 5th fine All but me went to Church in morning Mina C & I to S.S. & Father Mary & I to Church in evening This is our new Ministers first Sunday


Monday 6 July 1896 fine

I worked mowed orchard in morning R. raising drills all day, Father working at stone work, paid Dooley for fence in full $12.75 borrowed 7.85 from Mrs. Ford, for a day or two.

Tuesday 7th fine & cool

Father at stone work. R. finished raising drills and hauled three loads of manure, I went to town, bgt keg nails 3 in. 3.59 25" 6 in 3.32 = 83¢ paid Mrs. Ford, 7.75 bgt bread .05, bran .05 boys chored. Mr. Watt was here and offers to do our evetrough on barn for 8 1/2¢ per foot, bgt meat, 70¢

Wensday 8th fine

I finished cutting our high land hay. R. hauling Manure & splitting drills. we kiled up the hay & got in one load. Father finished setting frames from root house to stable,boys choring W. T.

Thursday 9th fine

I Took Father to station. Fare ect. $4.75. Cas Meat $1.00 wheat germ 55¢ P. Green ect. 85¢, np sowed rape & put on p green in afternoon


Friday 10th showery

R hauling manure and splitting drills, Henry & I putting on paris green in morning bgt 2" 30¢ I took 5 15 ft lumber to be dressed for doors. took 1.4 bags of chop to Mill. 84 dressing lumber 2.10 bgt pine, for doors. 2.05

Saturday 11th fine

R hauling manure and splitting drills Charlie scuffling. Henry & Willie Choring. I went to town in morning. bgt Hardware at Morris Hinges at Jew's 60¢ shoes & socks for Charlie $1.35 bags, 92¢, ordered 500 flour, 250. yrd screenings 500 bran at Goldies $15.75 paid {Mr} Leadley 05 hauled in our high land hay 4 loads, & sowed about two acres of rape

Sunday 12th fine

Mary & I went to Church in morning. heard our new Minister Rev. Scott Mina C & I went to S.S.

Monday 13th

R. hauling manure. Henry W & I hoeing potatoes most of day. one of boys scuffling & one spreading manure


July 1896

Tuesday 14th fine

I went to see about getting cutting done, & pulled wild oats out of no 5 there are scarcely any in no 5. but quite a few in centre of no. 6. boys hoeing potatoes and scuffling turnips in afternoon Henry & Willie went to picnic, C. & I spread Manure & sowed Rape & Cutting peas & oats in no 6 R Hauling manure and splitting drills all day C. McDougall is to do our Cutting use our Team Oil & Levine, and we will change work for pay as much as possible

Wensday 15th fine & cool

We finished sowing rape in no 4 today. and. also made drills along Turnip headlands finished cutting 8 acres of peas & oats. & kiled up about four acres.

Thursday 16th fine

R sowed buck wheat and harrowed it in morning boys & I worked at Turnips We all hauled in peas & oats in afternoon four loads W Tuck two hrs helping me with hay fork

Friday 17th fine

We finished hauling peas & oats and & worked at Turnips. C McDougall cut oats in no 2. he is to do all our binder work for $10.00 to be paid in winter


Saturday July 18th 1896 fine

boys hoeing Turnips R Shocking oats in afternoon. C McDougall cutting. I went to town in morning, paid D. McCrea, 80¢ for Chopping bgt Hardware 20¢ np paid Harvey. the saw mill man $75.00 on account bgt meat from Hales 14½ @ 5. 73¢ np & scantling for barn door 20 paid Mr Barber for road work $2.25 gave him an order for also told him to collect for the 27 loads of gravel @ 5 1.35 this is to go on twine account

Sunday 19th Dull

Mina & C. went to Church in morning Mina C & I to S.S. Mary and I to Church at night.

Monday 20th Dull

We had about four or five hours steady rain this morning, it has made a great change to the look of the roots and corn C McDougall cut for about three hours this afternoon

Tuesday 21st fine

C Mc Cutting oats all day boys & I hoeing Turnip.


Wensday 22nd July 1896 fine

C. Mc. Cutting today boys & I hoeing Turnips in morning. C Mc R & I cut rough land in afternoon

Thursday 23rd fine

I was sick all day had Diarrhoea last night R. shocking oats on new land boys hoeing turnips I went to town in evening got fixtures for plow 1.00 stamp for Mina. 10¢ I hired John paul of Agremont from f now till Dec 1st for 60.00 R left at tea time tonight

Friday 24th Dull

John C McDougall finished Cutting our oats today boys & I hauled in oats out of no 1 banner 5.5 loads and a half load of Siberian and Chorad. Charlie scuffling in morning & J. mowing beaver grass

Saturday 25th fine

John mowing swamp grass till teatime C. plowing all day with gang plow Henry & W hoeing & I choring

Sunday. 26th fine

Mary & I went to Church in morning heard Rev Scott Mina & C went to S.S.


Monday 27th fine wet morning

C plowing Henri W & I Choring. & hoeing Turnips H. scuffling in afternoon I set up the down shocks Went to see I Dyson about helping us.

Tuesday 28 Showery

Mr Reid of Noe, Teacher Letterbreen, Normanby T.P. Called & stayed last night went away this morning I got pea field ready for harvester and hoed Turnips henry & W hoeing & C scuffling all day got meat at Hales 25.

Wensday. 29th Dull

We hoed turnips in morning and put cut peas for an hour or two. then rain came on and we chored and hoed turnips till night.

Thursday 30th fine

We hoed turnips in morning, went finished peas behind bush

Friday 31st fine

put parys Green on potatoes and hoed turnips I got the no 1 cut around ready for pea harvester. we hauled in swamp hay


Saturday Sept Aug 1st 1896 Dull

Boys put on Paris Green on potatoes and we took off the load of hay then hauled oats until rain came on about 3 p.m. I went to town bgt Hardware $1.90. Canvas 25¢ ordered. 1000" Bran 1000 wheat screenings, at Goldies 6.00/100 5.00

Sunday 2nd fine

Mina & C. went to Church in morning. Mina & I went to S S. Mary & I to. C. at night.

Monday 3rd fine

I went to Town in we hauled in oats most of the day John Osman Ausman came this morning afternoon. G. B. Hood came and I gave him a note for $15. for Insurance. for 300 additional. insurance

Tuesday 4th, fine

We finished hauling oats today. got meat 48¢. fee

Wensday 5th fine

we chored & hauled 3 small loads of peas. rain came last night and kept us a little back in hauling paid Mr Flick $1.25 on Shingles


Thursday 6th J Aug 1896 fine

We hauled peas all day about twenty one loads

Friday 7th fine

We finished hauling wood peas today about noon Went to Town in afternoon Met Mrs Woods and Polly bgt stamps ect 10¢ we raf raked pea stubble and. hoed turnips rest of the day

Saturday 8th fine

John Mowing grass I went with {10} bags of oats to Chop, 60-. P borrowed $75.00 from Bank of Commerce for four months. Tobacco for J. got Harness fixed 50¢

{written in left margin} Paid 25¢ for John I got 5/8 cord of wood @ {3.00} per cord pd Mrs Armstrong 7.00 being bal of Mr Rar'd wages

Sunday 9th fine Shower at night

Mary, Polly & I went to Church and Class, I Sacrament Mina, Polly & C went to S. S.

Monday 10th Dull

John Mowing grass, C scuffling Henry, W & I hoeing weeds out of Rape, they have hauled about 85 loads. of gravel.

Tuesday. 11th fine

John finished mowing & started to Cultivate pea land. boys & I hoeing rape & mangles. C scuffling & gang plowing


sh Wensday. JAug 12, 1896 fine showr last night

J & I went to town in morning got horses shod. $1.50 np. hardware 38¢ got two teeth filled. 1.50 np came home & John & I got overlays ready for barn, C plowing H. scuffling.

Thursday 13th fine

John & I getting overlays & putting them up in barn & C. Cultivating and Henry scuffling. Mr & Mrs G Osborn were here last night & till aftrnoon today.

Friday 14th fine

We Thrashed today. our grain turned out very well. oats are about standard.

Saturday 15th fine

We cleaned up around stack & hauled in what hay was out, paid J. 50¢

Sunday 16th fine

Besie, Polly, Mina & Charlie all went to Church, Mary & I kept house. Bessie, Mina & I went to S.S. Mary & I to Church in evening.

Monday 17th fine

John & C plowing & Cultivating. He & W. hoeing in morning I washed cattle & fixed blankets


Tuesday 18th 1896

J & C plowing. Henry & I finished washing the Cattle and hoed some turnips 2nd time. I went to Mill with grist of peas & oats, 60 4P. 10 @ 60/6 paid Mr pass for painting 8.25 Mr Wardell for Lime 9.75 bgt snaps 25 & rope 45¢ at Morris sold a load of gravel 10¢

Wensday. 19th fine

J & C. plowing H & W Hoeing Turnips second time Mina & Bessie hoeing. & I Choring I went to town after dinner bgt hinges, ect, 56¢ screws & bolts 28 at Morris pails at Rudd's, 50¢, Barrow fixed 1.00 oil cake. 1.00 plow wheel fixed 10¢

Thursday. 20th fine

John & C. plowing. Girls, H, W & I working at Turnips & rape

Friday 21st fine

J & Henry. went to Mitchell's thrashing and I chored C plowing & W hoeing. Mr tuck here today

Saturday 22. fine

J & C plowing. rest of us hoeing rape. I went to town in morning. bgt. hardware 03. ordered Car. for Toronto saw Montreal prize list. Tobacco for John. 25


Sunday, Aug 23rd. 1896 fine

Mary & I went to Church All the rest went to S.S. we had a service at home in evening

Monday 24th fine

J & C. plowing. Henry Mina Bessie W & I working at Turnips and rape.

Tuesday 25 fine

J at Barbers Thrashing Henry in afternoon. C plowing W & Mina hoeing turnips I choring. W. Tuck made a show box for us today. got 2 sheres at penfolds, 50 np Hardware at Morris. 80 np

Wensday. 26th Showery

Henry & I working on wheat grounds. J at friendships Thrashing. W. Tuck finished box. I went to town with grist of chop 11½ bags. 79 wheat germ 55

Thursday 27th Showery

J. Cultivating. C Harrowing H. Scuffling. I hoed in morning also W & Mina all day. I went to town in afternoon bgt shoes, 1.50. saw about getting hay pressed. bgt 10 bush wheat @ 70 6 bush rye. @ 45, to be paid in Oct at Jas Hewers, saw about Harvey account.


Friday. Aug 28, 1896 fine

J. Sowing rye. C rolling & plowing W. hoeing. rape I recd

Saturday. 29th fine

J. Harrowing Cultivating and plowing. I went to town in morning, bgt wheat 11½ bush @ 65. = $7.47 Dawson's golden Chaff. Hardware 06, wick 10. Had Mr Tuck helping us this afternoon with car. got bulls feet pared this evening, 1.00. T. Walker came. to see us Tonight

Sunday 30th {different handwriting}

M & C. went to church in the morning, and T Walker Mina & I to S.S.

Monday 31st

{No Entry}

Tuesday 1st. Sept

Took cattle to station to start for Toronto. Jno. sowed fall-wheat near the track & plowed some of the buckwheat down. Ch. hoeing rape.

Wed. 2nd Sept

Jno plowing in buckwheat field all day. M. & C. started to school. 3¢ post. for Mina


Thursday Sept 3rd 1896.

John finished plowing buckwheat ground.

Friday Sept. 4th.

Jno. finished sowing fall-wheat in field behind the bush. Hewer sent out 9 bush. Rye.

Sat. Sept. 5th.

Jno. finished sowing rye 1½ bags left over. Charlie working at rape.

Sunday Sept. 6th.

Mina & I went to church in morning. Heard Mr Scott. M. & C. to S.S.

Monday Sept 7th

Jno. finished field above the rape & started in field next Ford's. C. finished rape. 10 lbs. boiling meat from Wakefield.

Tuesday Sept. 8th.

Jno. went to town in morning with 8 bags oats for chop & wood for Burton's and returned 221 lbs. Rye to Hewer's. Was plowing in field next Ford's in afternoon.

Wednesday Sept. 9th

Jno. plowing all day in field next Ford's. Mr. Busby died

Thursday Sept. 10th

Jno. finished stubble-field, fixed fence at road & started to stump in back-field. Closed sheep in to-night.


Friday Sept 11th 1896

John pulling out stumps all day. Mr Busby buried this afternoon Mr Scroggie got his delivery rig, full of straw.

Sat Sept. 12th 1896.

Jno. gathering up stumps & burning some brush. Charlie cultivating in field next Barber's.

Sunday Sept. 13th.

M. & C walked to church & Sunday School. Mr Scott preaching.

Monday Sept 14th

John plowing in stumpy land. Got 7½ lbs flank from Wakefield's. Douglas lame.

Tuesday Sept. 15th.

Jno. plowing in forenoon & pulling out stumps in afternoon. J. Friendship hauled some gravel away.

Wednesday Sept 16th.

Jno. plowing in forenoon & Charlie helping him to pile brush in afternoon.

Thursday Sept 17th

Jno. plowing all day.

Friday Sept. 18th.

Jno. working in stumpy field all day. Tobacco for John 25¢


Sat. Sept. 19th. 1896.

Jno. & Charlie working around barn in forenoon, & Jno. plowing & Charlie cultivating part of the afternoon. Willie Leadlay was out for the day.

Sunday Sept. 20th.

I went to church in morning. Heard Rev. Mr Van Whyte. M & C. to S.S. in afternoon & to church in evening to hear Rev. Dr Potts.

Monday Sept. 21st.

Jno working in stumpy land all day.

Tuesday Sept. 22nd

John working in stumpy field in afternoon. Went to town with ¾ cord wood for Burton's, in forenoon.

Wednesday Sept 23rd

Jno. working in stumpy field.

Thursday Sept. 24th

Jno working in forenoon & sick in afternoon. Rev. Mr Scott & Mr Hawkins called to-day.

Friday Sept. 25th.

Jno working in stumpy field in forenoon & cultivating in afternoon.

Sat. Sept. 26th

Jno working in stumpy field & Ch. cultivating.


Sept 1896

Sunday. 27th fine Showery

{back to James B.'s writing}

We. Arrived at Guelph from Ottawa about 4 am this morning. Henry went out to let them know at home then John, Charlie & H. came and we got the stock home about day light and after we found things in good shape and all well We were real pleased to get home. Mina & C went to Church & H C & I to S. S. Mary & I to Church at night

Monday. 28th fine

I C J & I went to the Car & took out the stalls ect then. J. went to plow & I Chored & looked around Crops ect till noon & got grist ready & picked roots & stumps till Chore time J at same Job, paid him $12.00 today. 25 for tobacco, 25¢ cash

Tuesday, 29th Dull

J. Plowing all day I went to town with grist paid Goldies bill $30.30, paid McDonald & Drew Harvey's account. 19.70, Hewers $4.95 Metcaff's, 4.05 bgt brush 25¢ Smith's account, $2.60 - 33 $2.267 for Mina & C paid fees 4.00 for M & C & 50¢ for {Lat?} book penfolds account. $3.60 G. D. Hood got a load of sand 20


{left of page - 111-1, 11, 11-11, 111-1x1}

Wensday Sept 30th 1896 Drizzling

We are having fine weather for roots. J. plowing all day & . I picking roots & piling stumps. & Choring

Thursday, Oct 1st 1896 fair

I cleaned up rubbish around barn in morning & plowed in afternoon John at porters thrashing. in afternoon

Friday. 2nd fine

J. plowing all day. I went to town in morning. got plow fixed at penfolds about 1.00 np hardware, 47¢, dry goods, 35, sent $20 to W. R. Stewart Lucasville also $10 to Aunt Maggie recd. $119.75¢ from Montreal as part payment of Bull's

Saturday 3rd fair

J. plowing and stumping in morning. boys & I working. at potatoes and all worked at getting in corn in afternoon paid W. Leadley recd Silver medal from Toronto yesterday.

Sunday 4th fine

Mary & I went to Church in morning and Mina & C. to S.S. Mr Scott preached this morning on Christ's Kingdom and how to enter it. it was a good sermon.

275 (left side of page)

                                        Monday, Oct 5, 1896 fine
                        J. & I pulled stumps this morning & he plowed in afternoon& I cut corn D McRae brought
                        Mr. Harding this afternoon to buy Dorset horned Sheep. he is to let me know this week
                        if he will take our ewes at $10 each.
                                        Tuesday, 6th Dull wet at night
                        J. & I pulling stumps in morning. I chored & bound corn and we hauled one load. W. Luck
                        came out today and nailed up some boards around the barn.
                                        Wensday, 7th Dull
                        J. plowing all day. I piled stumps in morning cut corn & picked apples in afternoon.
                                        Thursday 8th Dull & dry                                                           .75
                        J. plowed in morning Mr. Flick went to Bye's thrashing I went to town bgt flour $9.25             .73
                        Oatmeal, 73c, bran 45c paid $3.75 to Blake, Lash 7 Cassels for Insurance. Chains set              .45
                        25c                                                                                              3.75
                                        Friday, 9th fine
                       John & I pulling mangels & hauling in corn. finished corn

276 (top left of page)

                                       Saturday 10th Oct, 1896. fine
                we hauled in & finished pulling mangels. also put for sheep an rake fixed fence etc.
                                        Sunday, 11th fine
                Mina & Charlie went to Church & S.S. Mary & I stayed at home all day.
                                       Monday 12th Dull
                Jn. plowing all day.I went to Lindsay to see about Ram this morning we may trade, went to Cleghorn's
                did not buy any bgt six from Mr. Shell for $20 to be delivered in two weeks. Went to Bruder's saw
                their Bull he has done very well Came home by Thompsons they are paying 3 1/4 per lb for lambs this year        12
                1 scribbler & postage for M & C 12
                                      Tuesday, 13th fine
                I chored all day fixing fence & piling and burning off stumps. sent entry away for our bull calf 2.50          2.50
                                      Wednesday 14th fine
               Chored in morning and went to O.A.C. sale this afternoon. bgt a polled Angus heifer calf for $36.00 on
               on twelve month's time paid Mc Rae for Gazette                                                                  1.00

277 (top right of page)

                                          Thursday 15th Oct. 1896 fine
                  J. plowing all day I chored & burned stumps
                                         Friday 16th fine & cool
                 J. plowing in morning I picking up & burning stumps. I plowed in afternoon and J. cut brush
                 S. Slater called tonight to see if he could get a job in winter.
                                         Saturday 17th Dull first snow
    paid J. 2.10   J. plowing all day Mina C & I taking up potatoes paid John $2.10                                     2.10
                                         Sunday 18th Dull
                  Mary & I went to Church in morning heard Rev Scott preach Mina & Charlie went to Church 
                  in evening.
                                        Monday 19th fair
                   I took a load of wood to Burtons in morning & plowed till noon. M. & I picked apples 
                   in afternoon. Dr. Reed came out to see the bull's foot but could not pass it as
                   all right yet.
                                       Tuesday 20th Oct 1896 fair
                   J. plowing all day. John Mathews, Jonnie Dawson & I pulled apples we finished. Two
                   young men promised to come and pull turnips in morning


Wensday, Oct. 21st 1896 snow flurries

J. plowing all day. J. M. pulling turnips all day & I after 3 p.m. I pulled six rows after 3 p.m I went to town with 15 bags of oats to chop, got harness fixed, 10¢. stamp 03. went to Lords Day Alliance meeting, tonight it was very good. Mr Charlton M.P. was the speaker of the evening viewed the subject from a Religious and Civil stand-point Dr Torrance spoke of a few very stirring & inspiring words.

Thursday 22nd fine

both John's were shovelling dirt out of root house, in morning & pulling turnips in afternoon paid J. Mathews 75 sent $2.50 to T. McFarlane Illinois Entry fee for Kyma 4th fees for M & C 4.00

Friday 23rd fine

J. A. & J. M. pulled Turnips all day. I pulled a while in morning and. went to Mill for grist. Chopping 90 C Oil. 60¢. Tobacco for J 25 hauled two loads turnips

Saturday 24th blustry

J. A & J. M. pulling Turnips L. Goetz at Parsons Thrashing I got Shell delivered his lambs today & german boot I paid him $20.00 for six paper for M 80¢


October 1896

Sunday 25th fine

Mina & C went to Church in morning. & also to S.S. Mary & I to Church in the evening.

Monday 26th fine

John. A. & J. M. both pulling turnips all day. L Goetz pulling after 10 a.m. J. A. pulling in aternoon & I hauling hauled five loads

Tuesday. 27th fine

J. A & J. M. pulling all day. {D} & I pulled till turnips were dry & then I hauled. sent 24¢ to Bedding field. Ottawa 15¢ to Holterman Brantford 05¢ to S. C. Stevenson Montreal received entry certificates and transfers for. Kyma's Laddie Vol 8.24533 & Lord Aberdeen 3rd vol 6 20824 & certificate for Kyma 4th 24534

Wensday 28th fair & Dull

J. A. pulling turnips in morning J. M. all day paid him 25 Lawrence all day. we hauled 4 loads in received fifty dollars from Mr. German stamps 04, laces of 05

Thursday 29th fair

Lawrence here all day J. M. & J. A. both off I haired W. Benningfield this afternoon for 2{04}, & he is coming tomorrow Paid W. Tuck $25.00 Paid J. Ansman $2.00

280 (top left of page)


282 (top left of page)

                                          Friday, Oct 30th 1896
  three half days                                          wet morning fine warm afternoon
  J.M. 3.00     I stayed in house and wrote letters most of morning in afternoon we pulled twenty rows of turnips    3.00
                and hauled in five loads had J.M. Lawriner & W.B. in afternoon Paid J.Mathew $3.00
                                         Saturday, 31st fair                                                           .50
  W.B 50         We hauled in turnips till about two p.m. then pulled Aberdeans. J. Mathews pulled all day. 13 rows
  LC 20          W. Bening here all day Paid him 50c pd. Lawrence 20 
                                         Sunday 1st Nov 1896
                 Mina & I went to Church in the it was Sacrament today M & C. went to S.S.
                                         Monday 2nd fine
                 J.M. pulling all day W. Benning all day We hauled turnips in afternoon 10c for C for football 12c       12
                 for stamps                                                                                              10
                                        Tuesday 3rd fine
                 We finished the turnips today about 3 p.m. and then all hands picked stones J.M. L.G. & W.B.
                                        Wensday 4th Dull & drizzly
                 J.M.& L.G. W.B. here all day picking stones W.B. cultivating. I went to town seed $1. from
                 Mr. Gilles.                                                                                          1.00

283 (top right of page)

                                       Nov.4th, 1896 Dull & drizzly                                             3.50
 J.M. 3.50                paid J. Mathews $3.50 pd. J. Ausman $4.00.
 J.A. 4.00
                                       Nov.5th Dull & damp
 L. 3/4 day              Lawrence & Willie plowing till 3 p.m. came in out of rain & L. went home. I chored
 pd. L. 1.00             all day. paid Lawrence 1.00                                                            1.00
                                       Friday 6th drizzly
                         Willie & I plowing all day in no. 4. (?)                                                 .5 
                         postage 9c                                                                               .9
                                       Saturday 7th Dull                                                          .80
                         We finished plowing no.4 & started at no 2, I went to town after dinner with 15 bags    6.59
                         of oats & 1 of peas to chop 80c bran 20c. bgt clothes for Charlie $6.59 shoes for Mina   .85
                                      Sunday 8th fair
                         Mary & I stayed home and Mina & C went to Church & S.S.
                                      Monday 9th fair & cold
                         Mr. H. Wright & I went to Sharp's he bgt two heifers for $135.00. I arranged to get a
                         steer I also bgt. 9 lambs for $25.00 he paid $10 for me mick & Willie plowing.
                                      Tuesady 10 fair
                         Willie & I plowing all day Mr Snider brgt lambs pd him $15.00                              15.00

284 (top left of page) rain last night

                                                  Wensday 11th Nov. 1896 fair
 Mr. F. & W.             Mr. Flick & I plowing in afternoon. Willie choring killed lamb in morning I bgt drugs last         .60
 12 day each             night for (?) 60c
                                                  Thursday 12th fine
 pd. Mr Flick            Flick & I plowing all day Willie choring.Mr. Sharp came with cow & calf I bgt calf for ten
 5.00                    dollars Cow is to be bred to Lord Aberdeen 3rd I paid Mr. Flick 5.00
                                                  Friday, 13th Dull with snow
                         Mr. F. plowing all day. Mr. S. here yet     Books ect for Mina                                      .68
Mr. F. 1/2 day                                    Saturday 14th fair
                         there was too much frost to plow this morning the boys & I cleared up rubbish around the barn.     10.00

W.B. 2.00 Mr. Sharp had Maud away this afternoon got settled with Mr. Wright. I paid Mr S $5 on steer and 5.00

                         also paid him ten dollars I borrowed from Mr. Wright. W.B. here all day paid him 2.00               2.00                                              
                                                  Sunday 15th fine
                         Mina & I went to Church in morning. Mina & C to S.S.
                                                  Monday 16th fine
                         Mr. Flick & I plowing all day Willie choring & getting in wood

285 (right side of page)

                                             Tuesday Nov. 17, 1896  fine  wet at night
                         Flick & I plowing in the morning I took Dorset ram to Wright in afternoon & six turkeys                .62
                         to be sold at Nova Scotia. bgt syrup 62c other groceries Nails 20c                                     .20
                                             Wensday 18th Dull
                         I finished plowing 7 cultivating.
                                            Thursday 19th cold
                         W & I cleaned out the cistern in morning & W picking stones in afternoon I went to town,              1.25
                         bgt hardware 50c oilcake & conditioner powder $1.25 Tom and Emana Norris came today.                   .50
                                            Friday 20th fair & Frosty
                         W choring around barn I went to Thompsons for some lambs got 13 to be exchanged.
                                            Saturday 21st stormy
                         I took back 14 lambs to thompsos this morning there was a difference of 190.00 in his favor
                         I paid him 8.00  Came home Louis Bruder & his wife came over and stayed all afternoon. he has
                         offered me his bull for Prince of Thorndale if I give him $25 to boot and wait until next
                         Saturday                                                                                     8.00

286 (top left of page)

                                         Sunday 22nd Nov. 1896 fair
                        Tom & Emana, Mina & C went to Church in morning W & C to S.S. and Emana, Tom & I to
                        Church in evening
                                         Monday 23rd Dull
                        Tom & I went to Bruders to see the bull in the morning went to town to sell horse & get 
                        grist of chop in Afternoon blacksmithing 5c                                                           .5
                                         Tuesday 24th Dull
 J.A. started           John Ausman came about 9 a,m, Tom and Emma Norris started for home about 9.30 J. W & I
                        worked around sheep pen most of the day 7 plowed a little.
                                         Wensday 25th wet                                                                   10.00
  paid W.B.             J & W worked around sheep pen all day. I went to town in afternoon paid entry fees $10.00            1.30
  1.00                  Insurance, $8.80, Hardware $1.30, Cap, 75c, shoes & rubbers for Mina $1.12 paid Willie               8.80
                        rec'd 30c for nails rip saw .65 shoes mended .10                                                     1.12
                                        Thursday 26th fine & warm
                        This is Thanksgiving day and has been very fine John worked at sheep pen all day. I
                        exchanged some timothy for clover with Whitelaws about 300 (?) and plowed some sod for
                        corn beside barn & did chores

287 (top right of page)

                                               Friday 27th Nov 1896 fair & mild
                               I chored & plowed 7 picked stones. John working at sheep pen.
                                               Saturday 28th cold                                                           3.50
  WB 3.50                      J working at sheep pen. Flick helping us today. I went to town in morning & paid             3.30
  LG 3.30                      W Benningfield account in full 3.50, L. Goetz 3.50 paid Mina's & C's fees paid               1.00
  JA 1.00                     J. Ausman 1.00 saw Bruder and agreed to trade bulls with him I give him $25. in March         4.00
                              envelopes 05.                                                                                  .05
                                              Sunday, 29th cold & rough
                             Mina & I went to Church in morning M & C to S.S.
                                              Monday, 30th cold
                             Mr Flick here today I chored all day Mr F went with Bull to Bruders & brought home
                             our new one. J. Ausman has been here 3 mos. @ 121/2 @ month =$37.50 wood 11.00 Cash 22.85        .05
                             bal due John $3.65 stud for Charlie .05
                                              Tuesday, 1 Dec/ 1896
                            I chored most of the day went to town in morning. got Bran .90 & Oatmeal .85  1.75              1.75
                            paid Wakefield $5.65                                                                            5.65

288 (top left of page)

                                        Wensday Dec 2 1896 fair

S. came today I chored in morning & went to cider mill & did chores in afternoon. S. Slater came this afternoon

                  I hired him for for half a month @ $8 per month. bgt oilcake & (?) food  $1.30 at Heavers                      1.30
                                        Thursday 3rd fair
                  I chored trimmed two shrubs & went to cider mill. Paid for cider etc $1.73 Saw cutting and                     1.73
                  hauling of wood.
                                       Friday 4th soft
                  I trimmed sheep & did the chores. Sam chopped wood. Jennie and two of the children came today
                                       Saturday 5th soft                                                                        10.00
                  I cleaned up cattle today & a lamb. Sam hauling up wood. Jennie & I went to town after dinner                   .98
                  J. bgt dry goods. I bgt shoes & coat for Mary $2.00 overshoes for myself. 98c paid G.B. Hood Insurance          .60
                                       Sunday 6th fair
                  Father, Mina & Charlie went to Church. Mary Jenny children and I kept house M & C went to S.S.

289 (top right of page)

                                            Monday Dec 7, 1896
                       Mrs. Nesbit came and we killed poultry and prepared for show all day. pd J Ausman                         2.75
                                            Tuesday 8th Dull                                                                     1.00
                       I've took the stock to the show, paid bal of entry fees, $11.25 pd J Ausman $1.00                          .50
                       bgt drugs ect 50c
                                            Wensday 9th
                       We showed the cattle today. got 1st for Mysie & Kyma 4th 2nd for Dinah 3rd for No 1 & Belle
                       two 2nds & 1 3rd on poultry 1 third on Dorset shep in Attle & sheep $74. in poultry about $4.
                       Sold Dick for 2 1/4 per lb.
                                            Thursday, 10th fair
                       We showed lambs today got 1 commended prize got the stock out tonight at 10 p.m. Shipped Ingrid
                       to Waller she weighed 1500 rec'd                                                                        65.00
                       Dick 1380 recd $72.45                                                                                   72.45
                                           Friday, 11th
                       I went to rink for bal of stock and the feed delivered the show poultry 122 Turkeys & 53 Chickens
                       also delivered steer & paid a note at Bank of Commerce                                                  75.00
                       bgt beef $4.08                                                                                           4.08

290 (top left of page)

                                             Saturday Dec 12th 1896 fine & warm
                              Tom & I went to town in morning. sold poultry Turkeys @ 7 1/2 Chicks 6
                              total $31.75                                                                    $31.75
                              paid Scroggins bill                                                                          33.00
                              paid Tom for heifer (?)                                                                      (?)
                               "   Lindsay for (?)                                                                         12.50
                              sent bull up to Will on a year's term for $60.00
                                             Sunday 13th fine
                              Father, Mina & Charlie went to Church, I stayed home all day was not feeling well.
                              Mina, C. & Sam went to Church in evening
                                             Monday 14th chilly
                              Father & Sam levelling around the barn I did very little Ryma (?)lost heifer calf today
                                             Tuesday 15th Chilly
                              We chored around barn all day. put in a window in cow stable ect.
                                             Wensday 16th fine
                              we took in lambs to Barber in morning and had to bring them back & keep them till               .30
                              Friday weighing 30c 10c to Maddock they weighed 1950 at fair ground scales 1925 went            .08
                              to O.A.C. saw the calf it is doing fairly well. paid Lamb 25c,sent 6.00 to Illinois            6.00
                              to register bull order .08 rec'd 74 from Mr. Hodson                                     74.00
                              we chored in afternoon got grist chop                                                           .90

291 (top right of page)

                                            Thursday Dec. 17th 1896 fine
                            Father Sam & I worked around barn all day
                                            Friday 18th Soft snow
                            I took lambs in in morning they weighed 1905 lbs losing 20 lbs since Wensday
                            on full feed and good care this shows how much loss comes from a trip of about
                            three miles on 16 lambs. W Barber paid me for wensday weight 1925 and gave me                  1.00
                            1.00 for my trouble, 1925 @ $3.87 1/2c = 74.50                                                74.50
                            sent $10 as a loan to Tom paid $14.30 for 69.29 " oats @20 1/2                                10.00
                            Sam & Father taking earth out of sheep pen                                                    14.30
                                           Saturday 19th Dull                                                               .62
                            Sam Father & C cleaned out the bal of dirt under sheep pen. I went to town in                   .25
                            afternoon. bgt hardware 62c dry goods $1.00 Iron for screen 25 fasteners 12 1/2                 .13
                            Jars for me 4.00 postage for M 08 clothes for M 75 asking C's shirts 40                        4.00
                            waterproof cloak for M 3.00 paid Mrs Nisbet $1.25 bal due to her $1.15                          .08
                            Cottenade, '55 buttons 05, Yarn 40                                                              .40

292 (top left of page)

                                                Sunday Dec 20th
                               Father & I went to Church Mina & C to S.S.
Sam off today for a 
 week                                           Monday 21st
                               Sam went to visit & I went to O.A.C. for College Bloom in afternoon.
                               We did the chores
                                               Tuesday 22nd
                               Father choring. I went to town in morning took Leadley's 5 bags turnips
                               aunt Jane 1/2 bag. paid Hales account $1.95                                                  1.95
                                               Wensday 23                                                                   1.80
                              Father & C choring I went to town. bgt things for house 1.80                                   .90
                              hardware for barn 90 shoes $1.50                                                              1.50
                                              Thursday 24
                              Father & C choring & I worked at sheep pen. Henry Willis & M Leadby were out                 15.00
                              paid $15.00 Henry Heather Belle large heifer calf today.

                                              Friday 25th
                              Father C & I worked around barn all day.
                                              Saturday 26th fair
                              Father & C cutting under brush along the creek I went to town in morning paid                23.50
                              G. B. Morris' account $23.50 & D. E. Rudd's $19.50                                           19.50
                              J Ausman hauling his wood today

293 (top right of page)

                                                December 1896
                                           Sunday Dec. 27th fine
                         Father Mina & I went to Church. M & C went to S.S. I went to Church at night 
                         heard a very impressive Sermon on the Greatness of "God" by Rev Mr Scott.
                                           Monday 28th fine
 Sam back today          Iam got horses shod $1.00 I chored. went to see Buley about cutting and saw R                    1.00
                         Shortreeds stock I hauled manure in afternoon
                                           Tuesday 29th Dull                                                               .25
                         We hauled manure all day with both teams. 25 for Mina for present 10c for foolscap                .10
                         for Mina, stamp .03 10c for C toward Mr B present
                                           Wensday 30th fair & Dull
                         Sam, C & I hauled manure all day to no 5 13 loads
                                           Thursday 31st fine
                         Sam hauled two loads of manure from town we took a box of straw to exchange for two              31.00            
                         half loads of manure at Hendleys and Kenneys. I chored in afternoon C & Father hauling            1.75           
                         brush cut off the grounds around house I went to town in morning paid W. Luck $31.00               .10
                         and $35.00 before making a total of $66.00 that I have paid him for fixing the barn.               .80
                         bgt shoes for Father $1.75 slates 10 Presents for German's children 80c

Transcription Progress



James Bowman Diary, 1896.pdf
James Bowman 1896 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1896,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/265.
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