James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1898 Part One


James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1898 Part One

Date Created

January 1, 1898

Is Part Of

James Bowman Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


FRIDAY 31ST Dec 1898

We did hours and hauled 4 foul loads of manure from. {name?} went to town after dinner. Paid {illegible} 5.00 on account. Paid {illegible} Renfold $10 00 on their account. Paid {illegible} account $6.20

Saturday 1st Jan 1898

{illegible} I hosed in morning and I took kyma 3rd Louis Brudrro Bull {illegible} in afternoon.

Thursday Jan 6th 1898

We chored around barn most of day. C got pave glass in 10¢ at Morris. bgt wrat. 10¢ worked in root house in afternoon

Friday 7th fine

We hauled turnips from pit to root house about 125 bush went for 5 rush grains 25

Sat 8th fair windy

hauled two loads turnips and went to town, bgt weat 1 50 apples. 80 ¢ Baskets 60¢ Lantern glasses 14. Candies 01. teapot 25¢ pencils 01¢ spoons 05¢ grains 30 paid for yesterdays. 25 spoke for a turkey hen from Geo {Hyfe} pries to be $1.00 oatmeal 90¢. Flax in 25 paid for mercury $1.00

Sunday. 9th fair

Inez Willie & I went to church in morning all children to S.S. and Mary, Jean & Charlie to church at night

Monday 10th fine & soft

I went over to John {Mountins?} with a Polled Angus grade heifer to trade with John for one to kill got there at 4 pm. found all well. looked around a little and went over to Saudys in evening. took a look at his stock & then went back had quite a chat. was much pleased

Tuesday 11th Dec Jan 18978

I got a heifer from John & give him five dollars to boot. {scratched out} I also brought 3 bags of oats fro to change {sord}. took a look at Sharps cattle on way to Burts sale. The cattle sold well. highest was a cow 150.00

Wensday 12th wet

we chored most of day bgt brains. 25¢. went to town bgt glass ¢5 got cattle stock insured in the waterloo mutual for $1000.00 paid premium $1.00 got over all to Cottenade

Thursday 13th fair

we chored around barn most of the day

Friday 14th fair

I took grist to town in morning 11 bags at 5,55¢, paid Mckenzies bill 5.36 4.36 horses shod 1.00 paid wardells for {live?} $2.25 bgt gro. 50¢. went to see about thrashing. bgt scribbler for Inez. 05. stamp for J

Saturday 15th snowy

we chored & got up two loads of wood from around {cruk?} got a load of clover hay from Jas Alderson. 2305 at 5.50 = $6.30

Sunday. Jan 16th 1898

Mary. C. Jean & W. went in morning to chuch. all children to S.S. Inez & I to church in evening heard Rev. Clown of Toronto it was ^a very high standard he held. I enjoyed it but feel I need sdaly to climb higher.

Monday 17th fine

C & I worked at wood I went to town paid Jas Alderson $6.30 for hay grain 25

Tuesday 18th well

we chored in morning and I took {mo?} 1 to Bruders Bull in afternoon. I went to town in morning got chainss fixed 25¢ postage for Jonathon 05.

Wensday 19th fine

we chored & went for grains in morning 50¢. I worked at wood and & Charlie went to Institute meeting in afternoon

Friday Thursday 20th {illegible} {Friday and strikethrough in different colour ink}

we chored & I went to p as a deligate to the convention to appoint an independant candidate for the Ontario Legislature. Mr Anderson of Puslinch was the chosen candidate. paid $1 to Mr Scroggie for {McHaffe?}

go back one day for Friday

Thursday 20th Jan 1898 wet

we chored and I went to Mr Geo Fyfes for turkey & took children to school then went to farmers Inst-itute meeting for an hour & a half. then took no 1 to Bruders bull and also put Mayflower Elm Park Maflower 1st to Kymas heir

Saturday 22nd dull

we chored & killed heifer in morning % went for grains 25 & chored in afternoon, went to town in evening bgt. dry goods for Jean 19¢ for Mary got Inez shoes mended 50¢ Charlies 30¢ willies pants suit 25 40 paid Mr Scroggir for Dawson's {tricicle?} bgt bag onions

Sunday 23rd dull & windy

Inez, W & Jean I went to church in morning heard Rev Strachan on the 3rd verse of 1st psalm Like tree planted by rivers of water All children went to S.S.

Monday 24th fair

we chored in morning cut up beef and cut some wood in afternoon Jim & Katie called today

Tuesday 25th Jan 1898

I went to town in mor-ning after chores were done. sold meat 84 " a 5 1/2 Harbart {Laadlry?} = $4.62¢ sol not paid yet. sold hide 54 " A 8¢ = $4.32¢ = credited at Heares got photos a Burgess & sold paid $2.50 for Jonathon {raed} $25.00 from Jonathon. Came home and went to Brewery for Grains 25¢. Croff Day brought out eight students to see the stock spent an hour or two and then Charlie & I turned turnips in root house making a home suit for Willie {illegible}

Wensday 26th fair

C hauled box of straw to Scroggirs and about 2/3 2/3 load of manure home in afternoon he hauled a load of manure from Ryans bgt paper & {A{ cards. 20¢ stamps 06¢ I went in to see vet about Bob's leg & did chores C hauled a load of wood.

Thursday 27th dull

we chored in morning and cut wood in afternoon Dr Ireland v.s. was out to fix Bob's leg he brought D. McKenzie to fix on shoes. went to entertainment 10 20 ¢ for Inez and Jean

Friday Jan 28th 1898

C & I chopped wood in in morning and got grist ready and thrashed about 4 1/2 bush peas

Saturday 29th fine & cold

I took grist to town in mor-ning 12 bags. {ink blot} 10 oats & 2 cow traded 1 1/2 bags peas for 2 1/4 bags corn. peas a 55. corn at 38. bgt flax 25 a 2.30 60 ¢. Shoes mended for children 50 ¢, stamp for children 03 & for a 03, stamps & {cutters?} for self 12 ¢ paid Scroggirs 10.00 paid bal on gro 16¢, dry goods for Jennie 65, {Rafs?} for WIllie 15¢ a oil

Sunday 30th fine

All children went to church in morning & Sunday School Mary and I stayed at home all day Tory took a {colier?} at night and I could not get away.

Monday 31st dull & snowy

Charlie went to Byr's thrashing I did chores and went for & took back Blacksmith to fix stifle shoe on horse he was away from shop one and 1 1/2 half hours, bgt salts at Maddock's 25¢ Licorice 15.

Tuesday Fed 1st 1898

C sick I went to Byrs thrashing in morning came home & did chores at noon & chored in afternoon

Wensday Feb 3rd 1898

did chores & took children to school C is some better today. went to post office after dinner

Thursday Fed 3rd

Took children to school and did the chores

Friday 4th fair

we hauled three jags of straw into barn and one load to Sleemans 3 1/2 this squares up for manure that I have hauled so far

Saturday 5th snowy

C worked at chores I went to town in morning bgt gro 60¢ stamp drawers for C. $1.15. scribbler for Jean. 05. spool 10. Ink 05. Candies 02 pans. 05

Sunday 6th fine

Inez, W & I went to church in morning. heard a young woodstock man preach on John 10-10. I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly it was a real good sermon . All children went to S.S. Mary & C went to church in evening

Monday 7th fine

did chores and cut down an elm tree in morning. & sharped saw. Mr Sharp came over and we went to see Bull. came home and took him to station at night

Tuesday. Feb 8th 1898

after chores I went to O.A.C. to see about school business Mr Mills & Mr Ryde are agreeable to help. Mr Titter seems to favor leaving things alone. went to see pedigree of prince of Thorndale 1886 his sire {illegible} Daw are both from Ermine Baurer 1750 went to see Mr Zavitz he advises me to send for Kendal's early sweet corn. C & I cut saw logs in afternoon & did chores litter card 03

Wensday. Feb 9th Soft

we did chores and hauled three two loads logs to mill and

Thursday 10th fine soft

I did chores in morning & took load of logs to mill in afternoon and brought home a load of lumber, got Douglas shod in front {fast?} 25¢ at McKenzies, sent samples of peas & oats, away to {striles?} and {paurer's?}

Friday 11th - soft & warm like April

I did chores and took Mary & Jennie to Barkers in afternoon then went to P.O. & sawmill for lumber & did chores C's knee is still sore. Litter card. 03 wrote to F. W. Hudson esq

Sat Feb 12th 1898 fair

I did chores & went to town twice. bgt Lantern glasses 18¢ got chopping done. 10¢ bgt Bran 30 Bruders Bull is gone for Buf as now we will have to look to other quarters for our stock Bull paid G. B. Hood 25¢ {illegible} to Farmers Institute Scribbler for W & pencil 05

Sun Feb 13th fair

Mary & Inez went to church in morning. C & I are both laid up scaresly able to do chores. I. J & W went to S. S.

Mon Feb 14th snowing

Chored & wrote letters in morning Mr Benson was here to see about thrashing & went to town after dinner bgt hinges & bolts. 30¢ nail & hooks 23¢ paid D Reeds account $3.00 paid for medicine for Douglas 50 his mixture for itchy legs is one two ounces fine sulph, plumbe acrt. 2 oz water 1 1/2 pints and told me to give him one table spoonful of sulphur twice a day

Wed Feb 16th cold & clear

We chored & took children to school in morning & got grist ready. and in afternoon I took grist to town. 94 hw & 40 peas exc-hanged for 14 bushels corn. Chopping 25 1 bag bran 332 Oatmeal 15 stamps for Jonathon 06 other stamps 03

Tur Feb 15th 1898 - put wrong days work for yesterday

we chored almost all day & flailing peas & cleaning them in afternoon.

Thursday 17th fair

Charlie & I did chores and threw back turnips to make room for a box stall.

Friday 18th Dull & soft

C & I worked at box stall in root house what time we had to spare from chores I went to P. O. ect. sent 5.00 to Miss Winslow London {paid?} Insurance policy $1000 in Live Stock for 3 years Postage .07¢

Saturday 19th fair

Boys chored & I went to town in morning did not do any business tried to sell cow we worked at box stall in afternoon. Mr Cull came out to see cow.

Sunday 20th dull east wind

Jean. W. & I went to church heard Mr Mills preach, Ch Inez & Jean went to S.S.

Monday 21st Storm from east

C & I finished box stall in morning & fixed sharp pru & thrashed two floors peas

Tuesday Feb. 22nd 1898

we worked at chores & took children to school. I went to town after dinner. bgt hinges and bolts 25¢ Kyma 2nd and Kyma 5th each had calve Kyma 2nd heifer K.5th a bull.

Wensday 243rd fair

we did chores and cut some wood and went to school meeting in evening did not accomplish much, reed, 1.00 from Mr Marber for Bull service

Thursday 24th snowy

we worked at chores and wood went to P. O. stamps set. 02

Friday 25th fair

we I went to town after morning chores were done and then we this stamps 16¢ young Hendry from Dundalk came to see our stock he seemed quite pleased with them

Saturday 26th fine

After chores were done I went to town and saw a few men about business but did not do any - need an order from J. S. Pearees C London for 850 bush siberian oats. at 50 ¢ per bush H. O. b. London paid taxes $33.33 paid Tolton Bros. 5.00 on account I bgt 50 bush Siberian oats from Jas Heron : paid 25¢ to Mrs Denyse

Saturday 24th Feb 1898 fair

In, Jean, W & I went to church in morning heard Dr Briggs t on a bruised reed shall he not break and the smoking flax shall he not quench. he was very good, Children all went to S.S.

Monday 25th fine

M I went to town to buy Siberian oats from Hewen got 50 bushels a 35, $17.50 in afternoon C & I went to bush & cut wood Mrs Misbat came this evening one of our grade ewes had three lambs one died bgt stamps 06

Tuesday 29th

Tuesday Mar 1st 98

We did chores & sold two cows to J. W. Atkinson in morning, we {are get?} $102.00 on a years 10 mos {hive?} for Rose and Trixie. I went to vote in afternoon

Wensday 2nd fine

I did chores & cleaned some oats in morning and went to Lindsay's sale in afternoon bgt pair ewes & a fork $18.30 one died about two minutes after we loaded so I just got one ewe, gave my note for $18.30 John & Willie Mountain came for seed grain & to see about stock

Thursday 3rd fine

we got seed ready & John started off about noon. he bgt heifer $25. meat $3.00 sold calf & sheaf to Tom for $ 20.00 delivered in {illegible} reed $10. reed to {illegible}

Friday March 4th 1898

we did chores and attended the arbitration case re the extension of NO 7 ^school section boundary did not accomplish anything but put in the most of the day sold skin to Hewer 90¢ {cr} on account

Saturday 5th fine

After chores were done I went to town. bgt 140.00 corn @ 40¢ pr bu stamp 03¢, J. W. Atkinson signed his note for $102.00 for our two cows and took it home to have his father sign it, read

Sunday 6th fine

Mary. C & Jean went to church all children went to S.S. we all stayed at home in evening

Monday 7th fine

J. W. Atkinson came and got Rosie and Trixie & gave me his note for $102.00. I took a cord of {heading} to saw mill in afternoon . two loads 2 cord at $2.25 = $4.50 this paid our old account & I paid $1.25 for this years account. went to P.O. stamp

Tuesday 8th fine

Chored & got up wood in morning C thrashed peas & I went to trans-ship a calf for Will on to C.P.R. Halter 20¢. Turnips 25¢ stamp 05 got note discounted at Bank {rce} $95.95

Wensday Mar 9th fine

C did chores & I went to Jas Hunter's sale, I did not bid buy but bgt a mare from my Bro W. for $150.00 to apply on principal that he owes me. spent $1.20 to go up and 50¢ to come back reed 45¢ from Wll for turnips & Halter

Thursday Mar 10th fine

I chored & saw about thrashing asked hands & went down to Sorbys with Joe Bennett had quite a pleasant chat with him

Friday 11th Dull

went to get tank in morning and we thrashed in afternoon peas turned out 365 bushels

Saturday 12th fine wet

I took tank home & bgt corn 205.11 a 40.00 per bush stamp cards 09. sent ad to Farmers advocate

Sunday 13th 1898

Jean & I went to church in morning heard Rev. Scott. C & Jean went to S.S. we all stayed home in evening

Monday 14th fine

did chores & sold prince in morning I read $2.00 on him and he ^Mr Hastings is to take him by april 1st I went to town in afternoon sold peas 810 bgt corn 140.00 205.00 & 635.00 oats 360 || a 32 1/2 per bush 3.

Monday 14th Mar. 1898

got 9 bags grain chop & got 45 || flour, paid for flour & chopping 45 & 61 ¢, shoes for Willie $1.00 shoes for Inez & Jean $2.00 Mary's shoes mended. 45

Tuesday 15th 1898 fair

We did chores and cut wood the rest of the day. had R. McRae in in afternoon 25 paid him 45¢ for saturdays work

Wensday 16th fine & warm

did chores in cut wood. C went to Mitchells cutting in afternoon & R helped me with wood. I went to town at noon bgt got the mail & bags from J. S. Pearce, for oats, & 1 peck Kendels early giant corn

Thursday 17th fine

we worked at wood all day W.R. Walker came tonight with good accounts from Glen-ford and Hamilton

Friday 18th fair

we worked at wood all day Jas Sharp came to get Mr & Mrs Scott . had Jennie bap christened spent a pleasant evening. W. R. W went to Mount Forest this evening

Saturday 19th fine

we did chores & cleaned oats in morning left 12 bags siberean oats at station ready for to ship to J.S. Pearce & co London sent 1.75 to {witness?} for advertising {rails?} 06

Sunday Mar 20th 1898

Mary, Inez & C went to church in morning & Ch Ine all children to S.S. I stayed at home all day.

Monday 21st fair

we cleaned grain in morning sent 68 bu & 24 || of Siberian oats to J. S. Pearce & co London and ten bush to Augustus. Converse Upper Malbourne Tucker paid Freight on Pearce's $2.73, got seive fixed. 25. P Cards & 02 stamps, 08¢ bgt C Oil 60¢, sold hen to R 30¢

Tuesday 22nd Dull

we cleaned grain & cleaned a sheef peas

Wensday 23rd fine

R plowing orchard, C Rolled old meadow & part of new I went to town after dinner sold chickens & turkeys $1.50 bgt, drugs 33¢, stamps, vet 15¢ reed 1.00 for Mandesuri Barley 1 bush barley {half of?} 1.00 in potatoes

Thursday 24th fine

R. plowing all day C & I piling wood in morning & C rolling in afternoon & I spread horse & cattle droppings on meadow I went to post office stamps for Mr Garmans Book & Pills 28¢


153 / 95 $1.55/99 $1.39/98 10/98 75/99 $1.43/101

{Line separating entry}

Johnathon Baltry

495/348 25/351 05/351 1.30/353 03/355 1.00/354

$1.00/360 25/360 20/362 04/365 05/366 50/367

40/366 $25.00/368 19/366 20/368 68/369 05/340

05/372 06/372 07/382 20/384 $1.40/384 31/388

{Line separating entry}

Friday. Mar 25th/98 fine

R choring 7 C rolling meadow in afternoon. I hauled manure from G. T. R. yards 4 Loads a 1.00/25

Sat 26th fine

R hal hauled 3 loads manure in morning, R was off in after-noon, paid him $3.25. Inez shoes mended & marbles 07¢ hauled 2 loads manure in afternoon.

Sunday 27th wet

We Inez & I went to church in morning. heard Mr Scott preach, All children went to S.S. Inez stayed for dinner with Miss {Staweard?}

Monday 28th wet

I took children to school and C went for manure. hauled four loads, sent 3 pcs to Exhibitors re Jacques

Tuesday 29th fine

C. hauled bal of manure in the morning. 2 loads paid them 25 per load = $3.75 cut down big poplar tree & chored Mr D. Reed called today

Charity account

75/90 75/92 20/93 25/94 75/96 62/96 25/97 311/99 25 45/105 05/106

50/106 10/106 75/107 25/109 25/108 04/111 25/110 70/112 25/114

28/116 27/115 20/120 33/122 08/123 28/124 45/129

18/130 27/131

{line separating entries}

C Germans 1897-8 account

.10/349 1.20/360 .50/360 .25/360 1.50/360 1.00/360 8.00/360

25/344 30/369 03/36.9 $1.15/370 28/381 $1.25/385

Wensday 30th wet 1898

we chored and got grist ready in morning went to town in afternoon red for & state potatoes, got Harrow fixed 25. Lock & steeple 15¢ pants & braces for C. 1.25 Envelopes 05. C chored in afternoon

Thursday 31st fair

we hauled wood & went for grains at brewery. 25¢ C & I went to see Stones cattle

Friday April 1st 1898

Mary went out to Whittakers this morning. C & I worked at wood rest of day C went for her in evening.

Saturday 2nd

I went to town to get my teeth fixed $2.75 n.p. reed $30.93 for oats, from J. S. Pearce. paid Hewer for oats $17.50 reed {illegible scribble} bgt. grains, 25¢

Sunday 3rd fair

Mary, C & W went to church all children to S.S.

Monday. Apr 4th/98

C & I chored & I went to town in afternoon, took mower to Toltons It was to be about six $ got two bags corn at presents got store back fixed 10¢ sent $90 to W. R. Walker charge 10¢ Mr Pickering & Mr Martin came out tonight we had a little prayer meeting W.R. Weaver also left all pretty well at home.

Tuesday 5th fine

I went to town in morning bgt 3 barrels, 25¢ paid for grains at Brewery went to O.A.C. with {Myse?} & {Elau?} back May 1st Inez's shoes mended & scribbler

Wednesday 6th fine & cold

C went to Seroggs for manure in morning & I did chores in afternoon we hauled manure on {mangrl?} ground. I went to P.O. in evening sundries 06

Thursday. Apr 7th 1898 fine

Mr. Wagg & I went over to Mr Sharps after leaving the Heifer at Rockood for John Mr W. bgt a bull from Mr. S. we got home about dark

Friday 8th fine

we chored & set cutting box in morning & cut in afternoon

Saturday 9th fine

I went to town in morning & afternoon, bgt. ^second books for Inez & Jean 40/20, boots for Jean 1.00 got 500 bran 3.00 1.00 milk 70¢ nail 18¢

Sunday 10th fine

Inez, Jean, W & I went to church Heard Rev. Scott preach, we went to class also. All children went to S.S.

Monday 11th fine

we started cultivating today in no 5 & harrowing

Tuesday 12th fine

C cultivating all day R.M cutting wood & fixing fence M I bgt 2 bus grass & clover 8.00/4.00 1/2 alsike, a $2.25/4.50 less 50¢ $13.75 at Jackson & Sons, 1 bal. salt. $1.00

Wensday 13th fine

C & I sowing oats & grass seed in no. 5

Thursday 14th fine

We finished no 5 and and started behind bush. R working at fence. bgt grain, 25

Friday Apr 15th 1898

C cultivating & harrowing in morning the rest of us picked over oats Mr Sharp brought two men to see our stock. H. A. Dinsmore Granton he has bgt mysie if she proves in calf in three weeks for $125.00 or when she is in calf. J. Friendship came tonight for 8 10.00/60 bush Blue peas did not pay for them = $ 4.90

Saturday 16th fine

I got potatoes & grain ready to shif R finished ^sowing patch of oats behind bush Charle did cultivating and rolling R working at fence in afternoon. bgt pail 25, bags 50¢ stamps & cards 21. left two bags at {Lee's?} for Mr Murphy $1.00

Sunday 17th Dull

Mary. Jean. C & W. went to church in morning & all children to S.S. I stayed at home all day

Monday 18th fine & cool

We sowed Barley in no 2 & sowed clover & Timothy with it. R working at fences sol 1 bunch peas to Mr Johnston. 60¢

Tuesday 19th April. 1898 wet

I took Charlie to Dentist this morning. Drugs 05 stamps 13¢ recd a order for 2 bags empire state potatoes

Wensday 20th Dull

we finished sowing barley in no 2 in morning and cultivated corn patch near barn C went to get his teeth finished in afternoon, Mr ^Jos Phillips Maidstone cross came to see Lord Douglas we did not make a bargain

Thursday 21st fine & cool

Mr. Phillips looked at stallion & looked around farm I went with him to station about ten AM

Friday 22nd wet

we chored & finished taking stock in morning I went to town bgt corn 72¢, stamps 04¢ books for Inez & Jean & Willie sheared Rams in afternoon filled potatoes and and chored sold a lamb to Korman Butcher $4.00

Saturday 23rd fair

C. {gang?} plowing & Jean picking potatoes. I went to town with grist 7 bags. reed an order for 3 bags & state potatoes. $2.25, reed $ 4.00 for launch & 50¢ worth meat also $133.00 from Will. paid amt m. 35.00 cheek 15¢ stamps. 20¢ grains. 38¢ Paid R. Mr Rae $2.00 reed $1.50 for potatoes

Sunday. Apr 24th/1898

Inez, W & I went to church & Inez Jean & C to S.S. we all stayed at home rest of the day

Monday 25th fair

I went to town in morning got grist, chop & grains 35 came home & gave Mr Benson his bag of peas & he took at a look at Lord Douglas & about noon Messers Ehmer Dyment & Jathere Dyment came & bought Lord Douglas for $230.00 gave me their note for the full amount. Due in five days. went to the Bank & found out that it was all right & let them have him.

Tuesday 26th fine

C & I worked on barley ground in morning went for grains at noon 35 rp. Took W Batty to see the Doctor he has the measles. bgt stamps & card bgt bags. 05¢ 15¢ sold calf to Butcher Korman

Wensday 24th fine

I finished sowing, Barley this morning & peas in afternoon, C rolling in morning and harrowing in afternoon

Thursday 28th fine

I worked at rolling all day. C is plowing & cultivating

Transcription Progress



James Bowman Diary, 1898.pdf
James Bowman 1898 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1898 Part One,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/267.
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