John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1878


John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1878

Date Created


Is Part Of

John Ferguson Diary Collection


Scanned Microfilm Manuscript & Typed Transcription


TERMS AND COURTS. Hilary, 1st Monday in February to Saturday of ensuing week. Easter, 3rd Monday in May to Saturday of 2nd week thereafter. Trinity, 1st Monday in Aug. after 21st of said month to the Saturday of the following week. Michaelmas, 3rd Monday in November to Saturday of 2nd week thereafter. One Judge of each of the Courts is to sit in open Court every week, as well in as out of term, except during vacation. One Judge may sit for both Courts of Common Law. County Court Terms are four, commecning respectively on the 1st Monday in January and April, and the 2nd Monday in June and October in each year, and ending on Saturday of same week. Assizes-Twice in each year in every county or union of counties in Ontario, between Hilary and Easter Terms, and between the 21st of August and Michaelmas Term. In the County of York there are two additional Courts, one in the vacation between Easter Term and the 1st of July, and the other in the vacation between Michaelmas and Hilary Terms, and in the County of Wentworth there is one additional between Michaelmas and Hilary Terms. Sittings of Courts of Assize may be held seperate and appart from the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and either on same or different day, and sittings may be held in any County for trial without Jury whenever directed by the Courts. County Courts.-Sittings commence on 2nd Tuesday in June and December, except in York, where there are four, commencing respectively on the 1st Tuesday in March and December, and 2nd Tuesday in May and September. General Sessions are held at same time as the several County Courts.

The County Judge's Criminal Court sits from time to time for trial of prisoners out of Sessions and without Jury. Heir, Devisee and Assignee COmmissioners sit on 1st Monday in January and July, and respectively, Sundays and Holidays excepted. Court of Chancery.-A Judge sits in Court almost daily for transaction of buisness. Hearing and examination of witnesses are at such times and places as are appointed by the Court. Court of Appeal sits at Toronto twice in every year; once in January and once in June. Supreme Court sits in Ottawa 3rd Monday in January and 1st Monday in June. Exchequer Court at any time and place appointed by rule of Court. Long Vacation from 1st of July to 21st August.

ECLIPSES. In the year 1878 there will be two Eclipses of the Sun and two of the Moon.

    I. An annular eclipse of the sun, Feb. 1, 1878. Begins on the earth generally Feb. 1 17h., 56m., mean time of Greenwich, in longtitude 20° 2'W., and latitude 54° 4'S. Ends on the earth generally 1 d., 22h., 59m., mean time of Greenwich, in long. 112° 31'E., and lat. 12° 28'S.

Jan. Tuesday, 1. 1878

New Year's, generally observed as a public holiday, fine & clear in morning, towards night some rain and then snow squalls and colder. At home we had our New Year's dinner yesterday. Mr & Mrs George Rice took train for home this morning, Oshawa. Spent afternoon in Brampton.

Wednesday, 2

At 5 o'clock yesterday evening attended the wedding of G. H Golding & Lillie Curts in ME Church Brampton, a crowded house. Today was clear and frosty, spent it in barnyard tending the livestock. The team went to Mains Mill with 20 bus barley for chopping. Received letter from D Modeland, Chicago

Thursday, 3

All day in "lower woods" chopping green beach cordwood. Last night was the keenest frost of the winter so far. Visitor today Miss Jannie Peacock of Brampton. In town a short time tonight a letter from Joplin friends The roads are very rough

Jan. Friday, 4. 1878

A snow fall of 2 or 3 inches scarely hiding the lumps on the roads. Jannie Peacock, my sisters and I took dinner and spent afternoon at J C Snell's Drove to town tonight and passed an hour at Choir Practice in CM Church.

Saturday, 5.

A day's cross cut sawing of beach in the woods, into 2 ft lengths. this will wind up the job of cutting firewood having about 15 cords of hard wood and 10 cords of softwood. Received a newspaper from Shelburne. A keen frosty day. Some few sleighs out but tough going.

Sunday, 6.

Went to S School at 10 a.m. lesson II Chron XII, "Rehoboham the first King of Judah". The lessons for a time will follow the line of kings of Judah. Tonight heard Rev J H Starr preach from text, Leviticus XVII 11th verse. A good practical discourse.

Jan. Monday, 7. 1878

Somewhat remarkable that today was the first time this winter that we had any chance to use either sleigh or cutter, and rough going at that. Today was Election for Municipal Councillors all over the province of Ontario.

Tuesday, 8.

Chinquacousy, Reeve. J P Hutton 1st Deputy R. Hewson, 2nd Deputy A Cunnington Councillors Kee and Hall. Started the Annual job of drawing home firewood. A quiet evening at home, not reading much but having a real old family chat about things and doings for future.

Wednesday, 9.

Drove sleigh to town this morning and brought up for a day's visit, Mrs Featherstone & Mrs {illegible}, Mrs Main & Hattie Moreland The first sleigh ride and last for a time as it is thawing fast today. Spent afternoon in town Mailed 3 newspapers 5 friends. Spent evening at Union Choir Practice

Jan. Thursday, 10 1878.

Yesterday at Annual School meeting of this Section I was appointed Trustee for Centre Road. Today it is raining beautifully out of a mist, and quite warm. Received from R Watson in payment of a debt a quarter of beef 100lbs @6 c per lb.

Friday, 11.

Spent forenoon at blacksmith shop for repairs on spring wagon box. Afternoon at various tasks around the barn. In town tonight at Union Choir Practice. Received by post three numbers of Scribner's Monthly, November, December & January. A capital Magazine.

Saturday, 12.

Times very quiet and dull mild weather and bare ground Had the sheep out to pasture. Did very little work today beyond the usual routine. At home tonight making usual preparations for the Sabbath.

Jan. Sunday, 13. 1878

At S School this morning lesson II Chron. XIV 1 to 11. "Asa faithful to his God" This afternoon at home reading leisurely. At CM Church tonight, a Rev Mr Brown preached text, Gal VI 14th Afterwards at Y.M.C.A prayer meeting.

Monday, 14.

A day's work at drawing wood from "other place" woods Brampton tonight and spent two hours at Choir Practice some 35 voices, including the best singers of the town so that we make a "big" sing under leadership of Mr R. Aitkins.

Tuesday, 15. Most of the day up at Zion & Ebenezer churches making preparations for the SS Anniversary tomorrow night trimming both buildings with evergreens. Tonight we had a singing practice in Zion Church.

Jan. Wednesday, 16. 1878

Working in forenoon at the wood. Afternoon in town at C of Peel Agrl Society Annual meeting for election of officers {illegible} Tonight our Ebenezer S School teameeting came off, was a success, speeches by Rev Wm Millard. R Smith & McKinnon Realized at tea meeting #32.00

Thursday, 17.

The S.S. Convention of Co of Peel commenced this morning in CM Church, Brampton. Was not able to attend only 2 hours during the day. The night meeting was a crowd. The speaking, Rev Mr Rutledge of Toronto, Rev R Croll and Rev J. Pringle. Music by Union Choir Received letter from G H Golding

Friday, 18.

The Convention was continued throughout today, was largely attended and a strong interest manifested in the S.S.Work. Tonight the Church was over-crowded, good addresses and plenty of music. Collections and subscriptions about $168.00. The Convention next year to be at Bolton.

Jan. Saturday, 19. 1878

Received Methodist Magazine, a paper from Chicago and a letter from Oshawa. Today went to Huttons Saw Mill for Jno Learment. Sold a black ash tree to an Indian for $1.00. Weather warm and roads a little muddy

Sunday, 20.

At S. School, lesson. II Chron. XV 8 to 15. "The Covenant renewed" or "Courage of king Asa rewarded The school appears to be steadily improving, the superintendents remarks on the lesson today were very good and practical. Afternoon and evening rainy, tonight the Rev G Young is to preach a missionary sermon in CM Church at home tonight

Monday, 21.

Spent entire day at R Watson's helping to cut straw by horse power. Tonight we drove down to town to attend Missionary meeting in CM Church, the speakers were. Revs Brown Cunnington & G Young the latter six years missionary in Manitoba, proceeds of the meeting $400.00

Jan. Tuesday, 22. 1878

Warm weather & muddy roads. Mailed yesterday, a letter to Chicago. Today was chopping in "other place" woods some fallen ash and basswood into cordword. At home tonight reading "Scribner's". The times are powerful dull just now

Wednesday, 23.

"Jack frost" drove the mercury down 5 {symbol for degrees} below zero this morning Spent the day working in the barn, threshing peas etc. At S.S.teacher's meeting to night in "Ebenezer" church for to appropriate the funds in hand after paying expenses some $20.00.

Thursday, 24.

Similiar work to yesterday In afternoon had a drive up to Willow Lodge for some of the folks. To town tonight for the mail, usual weeklies and "Scribner's" also SS Banner. They all contain an excellent variety of reading matter.

Jan. Friday, 25. 1878

Weather moderate with storm in prospective. Father & mother away on an all day visit to T.A Modelands. Except the care of live stock, done nothing but put on two door locks. At home tonight reading.

Saturday, 26.

Made two trips to Brampton today. !@st with 29 1/2 bush barley @ 55c to T Milner and bought from hime 21 bush of American corn @ 50 C per bush. 2nd to Grist Mill with peas and corn for chopping. 7 bush peas and 7 of corn

Sunday, 27.

Another time of S School the lesson II Chro XVII 1 to 10. "The prosperity of Jehoshaphat" Spent afternoon at CM S School in town and took tea (after a short Choir practice) at W John Pearin's. Tonight heard Rev CE McIntyre preach text Hosea VI 4{illegible} After which was an hour at Y.M.C.A. prayer meeting

Jan. Monday, 28. 1878

A keen frosty morning. Spent the day as usual in the barnyard, threshing peas &C. Tonight was up at NB to hear a lecture on education from D J McKinnon, school inspector. the address contained some good practical ideas on the subject.

Tuesday, 29.

In town a few minutes this morning. Today we were at the job of overhauling and repairing the fanning mill. Spent evening at home quietly Farm life is very dull this winter, so little stir or business doing.

Wednesday, 30.

Completed the fanning mill and have made a capital job. Easier to turn and cleans the grain better. Tonight drove buggy over to Mrs John Snell's, with Em and Ella to a small evening party, we had a good time, games were exercise to the wits and brains of the company.

Jan. Thursday, 31. 1878

Various duties performed today Hauling wood on wagon docking sheep &C. Received from J V Snell $18.00 on sheep acct. Spent evening in town at weekly prayer meeting of Y.M.C.A.. we had a gracious time. A stormy night.

Feb. Friday, 1.

Opens with a bluster. During the night there fell about 4 inches of snow., may have some sleighing now. Today was hauling firewood from lower woods on sleigh. Weather during last month was remarkable. Splendid wheeling on roads before this snow fell.

Saturday, 2.

Mailed letter to GH Golding and a "Guardian" to Mrs J Mason, Missions Improving the sleighing lively by hauling firewood. A bright sun is thawing the snow. Father was at Annual meeting of Peel Farmer's Insurance Company in Brampton, they have not had any fires yet among the insured.

Feb. Sunday, 3. 1878

Attended Quarterly Meeting in CM Church, Brampton at 10 c'clock, Rev CE McIntyre preached text, Ephesians V 1 & 2 verses. Tonight in PM church. Rev Wm Reid preached from Genesis XLV "Joseph as the model son and brother" Spent an hour after at YMCA prayer meeting.

Monday, 4.

Spent day at wood hauling Was at Mr Ben Watson's an hour inspecting the livestock. This evening was at R Watson's doing a little chat in a neighbourly visit. Weather moderate and snow disappearing

Tuesday, 5.

Doing some more work in wood line. Folks went on a visit to Mr R Carter's Vernor, the great weather prophet had predicted for this month severe and blustering weather but no promise of its being fulfiled as yet.

Feb. Wednesday, 6. 1878.

At the chopping again Must keep working at some job and it seems fortunate that we have a large woods to go to for employment. Made a sale of 5 cords of wood to Mrs Trains to be delivered in first sleighing.

Thursday, 7.

Was working in woods all day. The folks were visiting among the Brampton friends War news from the Far East are very exciting, it is feared Great Britain will be drawn in to the struggle, HIs Holiness the Pope Pius IX died today. This evening had a good squa{illegible} read at weeklies.

Friday, 8.

Weather quite warm and plenty of mud. Still working at cordwood both hard and soft timber chops easily now little frost in it. Another evening quietly at home. My life is so quiet that it is hard to make a diary interesting.

Feb. Saturday, 9. 1878

Snow, Beautiful snow, has come at last, falling fast all afternoon and evening from N.E. In town this morning and sold to Walds 1 bush winter apples @ 80 C per bush. Mailed letter to Oshawa. Remainder of day was chopping cordwood.

Sunday, 10.

A cold stormy day. Drove the cutter up to S School at 10 o'clock lesson II Chron XX 14 to 22, "KIng Jehoshaphat helped of God". As an additional SS Paper we take the "Band of Hope Review " an illustrated English Monthly. To night heard Rev CE McIntyre preach, text, II Sam XII {illegible} verse.

Monday, 11.

A clear frosty morning. Went to Toronto by 10 a.m. train to do a little business, getting seal fur cap remodelled, buying two books, "Getting on in the World" by Matthews & "The Abominations of Modern Society" by Talmage. Attended a meeting of "Artikameq Mining Co" and got home just at dark.

Feb. Tuesday, 12. 1878

Went for the wood - hauling to town lively. Made 4 trips today with green hardwood to Mrs Truman's. Sleighing pretty good for the amount of snow. Cousin Robert G Ferguson from Bay City was here tonight on his way home.

Wednesday, 13.

R Ferguson left here this morning by train for Shelburn Finished hauling 5 cords of hardwood and 1 cord of hemlock amount $19.00, received $10 of it. Tonight at Zion Church Mr Cole of Brampton exhibited a lot of views with a sciopt{illegible} half of proceeds $6.00 went for E.U.S. School.

Thursday, 14.

Completed all the wood hauling out of woods, have 15 cords of softwood piled in the yard ready for taking to wotn next winter. A piano tuner a Mr Telegmann from Kingston was here and put our piano in first class order for $2.00. Tonight at Y.M.C.A. prayer meeting.

Feb. Friday, 15. 1878

Not able to do much today because of a lame hand. The folks took a sleigh-ride to Willow Lodge and back. At home tonight reading and studying up the S S Lesson. Received from Toronto "Berean" Question Book for 1878 and Rennie's Catalogue.

Saturday, 16.

In town this morning. Mailed a postal card to Rennie, Toronto Received a "Chicago Tribune". Also through a friend from Toronto my seal skin fur cap refitted, cost of $5.50 Paid Dr Patullo's acct $8.50. Received yesterday from A Wood{illegible} $10.00 on cows acct

Sunday, 17.

In the morning at S School lesson II Chron XXIV 4 to 13. "Josiah repairing the temple". Afternoon attended the funeral of late James Watson near Edmonton Rev Mr Crompton preached. text John XIII. 7th verse. Tonight heard Rev Mr Goff of {illegible}ville in CM church, text. Matt V {illegible} verse After{illegible} was at prayer meeting.

Feb. Monday, 18. 1878

Father went to the Funeral of Old Mrs Carter aged 91 years. Spent the day threshing peas. Received card from Rennie, Toronto in reply stating price of Australian oats 50 C buying price of Red farm $1.25. Also postal card from R Ferguson Shelbourn

Tuesday, 19.

Weather clear and mild this has been so far a remarkable winter indeed. Done a day's work at drawing manure out of barnyard to "other place" spreading on plowed land for spring wheat. A quiet evening at home.

Wednesday, 20.

Unexpectedly, we had this morning 3 inches of snow but the day was warm and tonight it was nearly all melted. Took down to Aikin's saw mill two basswood logs on sleigh. In town a short time tonight, bought an American selection of readings @ 25 C.

Feb. Thursday, 21. 1878

Raining more or less all day. Had a visit from Mr J Thompson of 4th line east and his son John from Missouri. Made a sale of sheep to him consisting of 6 ewe lambs and one ram lamb total $100.00 to be shipped out to Missouri next week. This bargain was nulled.

Friday, 22.

All last night it rained heavily. We spent half of today shovelling snow from the ditches around the yards. The old Etobicoke is raging, almost entirely from the amount of rain being little snow to melt. In town tonight received letter from Chicago and one from Oshawa also "Scribner's" for March.

Saturday, 23.

Spent forenoon making a short visit at Willow Lodge. there are a good many young lambs frisking about the sheep pens. This afternoon sold to B Watson 6 bush of "Red farm" wheat @ $1.40 per bush. Have in this week's "Conservator" an advertisement of 100 bush of same wheat, this sale was direct result of advertising.

Feb. Sunday, 24. 1878

Another forenoon at S S School lesson II Chron XXVI 15 to 24. "King Uzziah's pride punished". "Northern Messenger" contains an illustration and interesting account of life and habits of the beaver. Tonight heard Rev J H Starr preach, text, II Corinthians IX, 15th verse.

Monday, 25.

Brought up on wagon from Aitkin's saw mill the result of 2 basswood logs 85 ft of 1/2 inch, 80 ft 4 inche strips, 380 ft of inch, total, 540 ft @ 3 C per ft $1.60. Tonight, Em, Ella and I were at Sacred Concert in Methodist Church, Messrs Tanby & Mrs Keltie, Miss Maggie Barr of Hamilton.

Tuesday, 26.

The singing last night was extra good, especially Tanby Bros of Kingston, good specimen of Canadian talent. A beautiful warm day the roads very muddy. Was in town this afternoon, mailed letter to Oakville, Lamareaux and a drop letter.

Feb. Wednesday, 27. 1878

A trip to Shelburne. At 7 am in spring wagon with Emma and Ella we started on our journey. A bright warm day. Made Orangeville in 4 hours and Uncle A Ferguson's at 3.P.M. Had a pleasant drive up except for the muddy roads.

Tuesday, 28

Found all the friends in good health and spirits. The village of Shelburne is a stirring place. It has grown to its present size in five years about a dozen stores. Four grain merchants, sawmills, grist mills &c. Today we drove a short distance through township of Meloncthon

March. Friday, 1.

Price of land in this vicinity ranges from $20 to $40 per acre. and is rising rapidly in value. Soil on high lying lands is rather light and gravelly, in low lands rich black loam. more than one half of land is dry cedar swamp, when cleared up is first class soil.

March. Saturday, 2. 1878

After a very pleasant visit of 3 days we started homewards this morning. At Orangeville we took dinner with Mr McNichol and made the drive from there home in 3 1/2 hours through a gentle S.E. rain. Got home looking like drowned rats.

Sunday, 3.

Again at S School, lesson II Chron XXVIII 19 to 26. "The persistent wickedness of Ahaz" These old testament lesson contain many striking and beautiful passages, many solemn warnings to the heedless and comforting promises to the faithful. Had dinner at Willow Lodge. At home tonight, it is wet.

Monday, 4.

Making preparations for clover threshing tomorrow. Weather clear and cold but not very frosty. Are now getting daily additions to our flock of sheep. There appears to be litle else of today's operation worth recording.

March. Tuesday, 5. 1878

In town this forenoon. Received letter from Oshawa and March number of "Methodist Magazine" Let at "Banner" office for insertion in this week's paper a copy of Auction Sale of two impounded heifers This afternoon was threshing clover with Simpson's machine. Got about 4 bushels of seed.

Wednesday, 6.

Sold yesterday to Lundy 5 bush Red Farm wheat @$1.40 per bush. Threshing all day at clover and finished the job tonight have about 11 1/2 bush as the result of 1 1/2 days threshing from 7 acres ground. Tried to thresh orchard grass see with machine but it would not work.

Thursday, 7.

Such weather as we are having this week. warm and spring like, no frost at night of any account, during daytime the sun is warm and fiery {?}. Roads are almost impassable Spent today cleaning the clover seed &c. Spent evening at neighbor R Watson's.

March. Friday, 8. 1878

At a very unpleasant job today for the warm weather, viz. threshing peas with flail. Sold today to T Crowforth two fat cows, "Coral" and "Rosey" @ $37.50 each, also to same parthy 10 bush "Red Farm" wheat In town tonight at Choir Practice

Saturday, 9.

Last night received a letter from Uncle Joshua Harrington informing us of the death of his oldest daughter Ellen aged 15 years, of deptheria. At same work today as yesterday with help of W Hewitt, the peas turn out well but are damp and hard to thresh.

Sunday, 10.

Up at S School, lesson II Chron. XXIX, 1 to 11, "Hezekiah's good reign" a "Diligent devotion". Spent afternoon at home reading current literature. At CM Church in Brampton tonight Rev CE McIntyre, preached from Acts III 6th verse. Spent the hour from 8 to 9 oclock at YMCA Prayer meeting.

March. Monday, 11. 1878

A busy and hard day's work at the peas, nearly finished the threshing, will have 30 bus for feeding beside a reserve of 20 bus for seed, a large fine sample. An evening at home, how sweet is rest, when one is tired.

Tuesday, 12.

Father and mother went to a dinner party at J W Mains Brampton. Spent two hours at Mr R Craigs auction sale at Edmonton, of farm stock. Received two post cards from Rennie, Toronto. Tonight at a Concert in music Hall given by W J Spins, a very fair entertainment.

Wednesday, 13.

Started the job of threshing orchard grass for seed. Because of rain falling all day we did not make much headway, the hay being damp. Weather warm and very wet. Frost, there is none in the ground.

March. Thursday, 14. 1878

A trip to Brampton, with the lumber wagon, in the mud half way to the hubs was this forenoon's work. Never were the roads in such a state. Received per G.T.Railway from W Rennie, Toronto, 6 bush Australian white oats, good sample and heavy

Friday, 15.

A bright beautiful day. This afternoon at No 10 we sold to highest cash bidder two impounded heifers, have had them in pound 14 days, our bill of expense is $8.80. In town tonight some three hours, Received card from Rennie Toronto, and letter from Joshua Harrington

Saturday, 16.

Spent day threshing grass seed. Sold to Greenswood 10 bush of Red farm @ $1.20 also 10 bush to John Jackson at same price. Sold yesterday to R Carter 10 bush Red farm @ $1.25 and 1 1/2 bush Eldorado @ $1.50, also 1 bush Red Clover seed @ $4.00. More rain today.

March. Sunday, 17. 1878

Through deep mud to S School lesson II Chron XXXII 9 to 21 "Hezekiah's victory over Assyrian" Took dinner at J C Snell's. Walked to Brampton tonight heard Rev W McFadden preach in CM church from a passage in Proverbs. Prayer meeting afterward.

Monday, 18.

Working most of the day at grass seed work. Father was at Edmonton attending a meeting of Chinquuacousy Council for to have his claims as poundkeeper settled in reference to last Friday's transactions. Remarkable weather continues the grass is getting green and fall wheat is showing some growth.

Tusday, 19.

Had a trip this forenoon to town with lumber wagon for a load of chopping at the mill. Left a bag of orchard grass seed at H.C. & Co. store for sale. Sold a bag of parsnips to Tomalin @ .75 c per bag. Are having bad luck in sheep pen, lost two ewes and 4 lambs this week.

March. Wednesday, 20. 1878

Somewhat colder frosts at night. At last we are done flailing for this season, have about 10 bush of orchard grass seed. Bought and paid cash for a new wagon from R H Lewis of Brampton $50.00 without a box, (patent arm) including doubletrees and neckyoke.

Thursday, 21.

The first of spring work, was sowing some clover chaff on fall wheat, the chaff of course containing some unhulled seed. The wheat has come through pretty safely so far, it is growing quite green and fresh. Spent evening at J C Snell's in social chitchat.

Friday, 22.

Seeded six acres of fall wheat with 50 lbs clover, 35 lbs of orchard grass, 13bls timothy seed total 98 lbs, 16 lbs to the acre. Some of the neighbors started plowing today, very warm and spring like. On town tonight an hour or two.

March. Saturday, 23. 1878

Brought home from R H Lewis shop our new lumber wagon. Bought from K.C & Co. 3 bbls of coarse salt for manure @ $1.00 each. Bought a trunk for Viney at $2 .75. Spent nearly the whole day in Brampton. Received Scribner for April.

Sunday, 24.

At S School, lesson II Chron XXXII 9 to 20. "Mannasseh in Captivity" What sad tales and how full of warning are all these Bible truths. Weather has relapsed into cold winter, a high wind and sharp frost. At church tonight, Rev J H Starr preached a good sermon.

Monday, 25.

Mailed letter to D Moreland. A real March day. Working in the barn and woodshed. In town tonight at a lecture by Rev Mr Handford of Toronto in Y.M.C.A. Hall, subject "Spurgeon and the Tabernacle" It was quite a treat, being lively and full of many striking passages.

March. Tuesday, 26. 1878

Somewhat milder again with prospects of snow. Spent day hauling barnyard manure on ground intended for spring wheat. Visitors Mrs J C Snell and babies. Sister Em came home to stay after a two month's residence at 'Willow Lodge"

Wednesday, 27.

Sold to J C Snell two tons of clover hay @ $25.00 at our own sheds, that is, undelivered. Very warm, had a thunder shower towards evening. Drove Viney to railway depot this evening, bound for Oshawa to spend the summer.

Thursday, 28.

Snow storm of lesser magnitude. A dull cheerless day. Slopping around the barnyard splitting wood in the shed fanning Red Farm wheat. Spent evening at home trying to study the S.S. Lesson for next Sabbath.

March. Friday, 29. 1878.

A brighter day, consequently a rise in spirits, the weather does affect one's feelings more or less. Work today in same line as yesterday. In town tonight and attended the special revival service being held in T.M.Church Revs R Boyle & W Reed conducting.

Saturday, 30.

The public roads are in a fearful state, almost impassable. Done quite a trade in selling seed wheat. Sold to J Jackson 21 bus @ $1.40 To S. Heath 3 bush @ $1.35. Was at R Watson's exchanging oats for seed, getting 17 1/2 bush, "Emporium"

Sunday, 31.

Drove spring wagon through mud more than a foot deep up to S School this morning, lesson "Review of past quarter's lessons" conducted by Messrs J C Snell NV Watson and myself. Tonight in Brampton heard Rev J H Starr preach, text, John III 14th verse. Afterwards spent an hour at a prayer meeting in PM church.

April. Monday, 1. 1878

A superb day, bright warm sunshine, ground drying up rapidly. Sold 15 bush Red farm to Mr Irwin @ $1.40. also 4 bush to Alex Armstrong at same price. Sheared a young ram 11 months old, weight of fleece, 13 lbs, also lost another fine ewe, have 28 young lambs.

Tuesday, 2.

Done first work today in the line of actual spring operations, viz. sowing 840 lbs of coarse salt on 9 acres (other place) leaving half an acre of the field without any as an experiment. Every prospect of spring at once, the land not quite dry enough for working.

Wednesday, 3.

Drove to town this morning and bought of R H Lewis a pair of bob sleighs @ $25.00, also from K.C & Co. three bbls of salt @ $1.00 Sowed the salt this afternoon 840 lbs on 8 acres for barley. Was plowing this afternoon for the first. The sod in the young orchard, a little soft.

April. Thursday, 4. 1878

Plowing sod continued, one third of the work has to be done with one horse around the apple trees. Have sold the last of the Red Farm wheat, many enquiries for it since selling out. A quiet evening at home.

Friday, 5.

Ho for spring seeding. Sowed with broadcast seed a strip of land 1 1/4 acres in fall wheat field with 123 lbs of Red farm land in fine trim, also on same ground sowed 10 lbs orchard grass 10 lbs clover & 4 lbs Timothy. In town tonight an hour or two. Received letter from sister Viney

Saturday, 6.

Sowed 6 bush "Australian " oats in front field on 2 1/2 acres Was cultivating rest of field. Brought home the new bob sleighs width of stakes 3 ft 5 inch. Bought at K.C. & Co. store a new hat $2.50 dress shirt $1.75 also $2.50 for fitting up black suit.

April. Sunday, 7. 1878

A fine clear bracing air this morning after a cool frosty night My sisters were at S School lesson II Chron XXXIV, 1 to 8 "Josiah's early piety". Took a brief respite this morning by staying at home being very tired. At church tonight in town Rev W W Ross preached text, John II, 5.

Monday, 8.

Sowed with broadcast seeder 17 bush "Emporium" oats on 7 acres, using 11 pk wheel for half the time, then 13 pk wheel. Harrowed and furrowed the same. Started work in another field cross cultivating. Had a man Hewitt two days spading around apple trees and in garden.

Tuesday, 9.

Continued seeding operations until noon when there was a break in the fine weather and now there is every prospect of a wet spell. Rolled a 5 1/2 acre field of fall wheat rather a slime show at present. Handled over the stock of oats on hand 120 bush for feed.

April. Wednesday, 10. 1878

Commenced plowing an 8 acre field of sod "other place" is scarcely in condition yet. Today characterized by light showers and warm balmy air. A quiet evening at home.

Thursday, 11.

On an expidition this forenoon to the woods beside "Snell's lake" with wagon for a few maple & ash trees for planting, set out 14, filling vacancies along front of farm. At seeding work again this afternoon sowing spring wheat on "other place.

Friday, 12.

Sowed 16 1/2 bush Red farm wheat on 9 1/2 acres or at rate of 7 pks per acres. The ground was in fine tilth, one stroke of iron harrow after the seeder. Sold another ton of clover hay to J C Snell. Bought of S Milner 3 bags "Early Rose" potatoes @ 70 C per bag.

April. Saturday, 13. 1878.

A splendid day for work, a nice cool bracing NW wind. Was cultivating the ground for barley and sowed a little this evening. Received notice from Peel Farmers Insurance to pay $5.60 as a tax to cover a loss by fire. Bought of S Milner 2bbls plaster @$ 1.50 each.

Sunday, 14.

Spent morning at S.School lesson, II Chron XXXIV, 14 to 29. "The Book of the Low found and searched". Afternoon at home reading. Tonight in CM Church Brampton heard Rev C McIntyre preach from text, Matt XIII, 52. A sermon in the interests of the Educational Society of CM church

Monday, 15.

Sowed with seeder 18 bush barley on 8 acres in the field beyond the Etobicoke, also on same field sowed 4 bush orchard grass, 64 lbs clover seed 20 lbs Timothy or 17 1/2 lbs per acre. Evening at home

April. Tuesday, 16. 1878

One team rolling the new sowed barley, other plowing sod, which is now just in fine trim for work. Sowed about 1/4 of an acre of sod in little orchard with white carrot seed mixed with land plaster. Weather fine and dry.

Wednesday, 17.

Pretty much same programme as yesterday. This season is remarkably forward fully three weeks earlier than the average. The first sowed grain is coming up, the plum tree blossoms are nearly ready to open out, and the grass is getting quite fresh, have the sheep out during day.

Thursday, 18.

Plowing away still; at the rate of nearly 1 1/2 acre per day. Have the rolling of the spring grain finished. Had man Hewitt spading in garden. In town tonight, bought at K.C.& Co. a pair of new tweed pants (grey) @ $6.00. Today is my 27th birthday

April. Friday, 19. 1878

Good Friday. In Brampton a public holiday all business suspended but among the farmers all at work (or nearly) Was plowing most of the day. Have rhubarb grown in garden fit for use. Em and I took a drive tonight to town called on Mrs Truman

Saturday, 20.

Warm and wet. Done one half day's plowing. Spent afternoon in Brampton at a Reform meeting to nominate a candidate for House of Commons election to come off some time during the year Mr. R Smith was nominated. At an auction sale of park lots by M M Elliot we bought one @ $300.00

Sunday, 21.

At S School lesson, Jeremiah XXXIII 1 to 9. "The prophet Jeremiah in prison". sometimes called the "weeping prophet". Was at CM S School in town this afternoon. Tonight heard Rev J H Starr preach, text, Matt XXVIII, "On ressurrection of Christ" Spen {sic} an hour at YMCA meeting

April. Monday, 22. 1878

A very noticeable raw N E wind this morning which brought on a rainstorm at 10 A.M. continuing through the day with some thunder. Plowed for two hours before the rain. Rest of the day was at work under cover putting a new tongue in the old lumber wagon

Tuesday, 23.

Dull and foggy. Yesterday's rain made work for us today in draining off the surface water from the newly sown fields. (Price of Brampton lot $236 per acre) A quiet evening at home, reading, music and family talk. How quiet is the farmer's life! Its ceaseless rounds of toil

Wednesday, 24.

Co of Peel Agr Society's Spring Fair was held today in Brampton Show of Horses - limited in number but good quality, Cattle a good many bulls shown but only a few fine animals, did not get a prize on our yearling bull. Some very heavy showers of rain during the day.

April. Thursday, 25. 1878

So much rain fell yesterday that there is no prospect of any work on the land again this week. Today was making some repairs around the yards and transplanting a few fruit trees. The woods are beginning to show a faint shade of green.

Friday, 26.

Struck on a job a little out of the ordinary, viz, whitewashing the picket fences in front yeard and gates, by putting on two coats composed of white lime and sweet milk the fence presents a fine appearance. what a difference a few cents worth of lime makes in appearance.

Saturday, 27.

Received last night, letter from G H Golding and a pamphlet from R Smith MP of Ottawa. Plowed a little today but had to give it up because of wet. The land dries up very slowly since the heavy rains of this week. Had a close cro{illegible} J E Wood's tonight

April. Sunday, 28. 1878

At S School this morning, the lesson in Jeremiah XXXV chap "The History of the Rechabites". A strong contrast to the actions of the Jews and an example to us at present day. Tonight in C M Church, Reb J H Starr preached from I Cor XIII, 19th

Monday, 29.

A drizzling rain all day. Helping the folks in the house at the annual task of house cleaning, whitewashing &c. Dreary wet muddy weather. At home this evening, music reading and family chat.

Tuesday, 30.

A bright warm day. The cherry, plum and other fruit trees are white with blossoms Doing same class of work as yesterday. Had a visit today from Aunt E Ferguson of Michigan and her son Gordie. This has been most remarkable month of April in my recollection

May. Wednesday, 1. 1878

It is May! and all earth is gay. Had a drive or 5 or 6 miles though the country all the spring crops are making a fine show., the fall wheat is about one foot high and will be headed out by the 15th inst, probably. Got the May Methodist magazine.

Thursday, 2.

Spent forenoon repairing fences. In afternoon drove to town and inspected our new purchase a town lot ( 1 31/100 acres) adjoined the "Driving Park", and paid to Mr M M Elliot for the same $305 in cash and received a deed free from all encumbrances Mailed letter to Viney contained $8.00

Friday, 3.

Rain, rain every day more or less. Doing very little important work, the time drags heavily. This evening was in town until midnight, seeing Aunt Lizzie off to Bay City on midnight train and had a very dark muddy tramp home at the "wee sma hours"

May. Saturday. 4. 1878

Spent the whole day in the cellar sprouting potatoes, the heat and great dampness is putting them in bad shape. Weighed a 6 months old Berkshire, 200 lbs live weight. A home evening.

Sunday, 5.

At Quarterly meeting in C M church, Brampton, Rev J H Starr preached from Psalm XLVI 1st verse. Spent afternoon at Mr John Pearen's Tonight Rev C E McIntyre preached from text Acts XVI 30 & 31st verses. A fine spring day.

Monday, 6.

Destroying "tent caterpillars" ditching and repairing fences were the orders of today. Em and I had a drive to town tonight, she for her music lesson. I just for diversion Present prospects for a large fruit crop of all kinds were never more propitious.

May. Tuesday, 7. 1878

Another heavy shower this morning and almost sultry afterwards for remainder of the day. Working at the lawn in front of house. trying to beautify the shape and appearance of the same. An evening at the piano.

Wednesday, 8.

Every day the same programme viz. a big shower and a few hours of sultry sunshine. Spent an afternoon in town attending to various little duties. Received letter from D Moreland, Chicago

Thursday, 9

With the help of neighbor R. Watson we built a short piece of board fence on Etobicoke side hill, the dividing line between the two farms. Also started the job of spudding out thistles among spring grain

May. Friday, 10. 1878

After nearly three weeks of rest because of wet weather we were able to plow again and finished up the sod plowing. In town tonight and was at an entertainment in M E Church consisting of music and reading

Saturday, 11

A cold rain day, wind blowing sharp out of N. West with every prospect of a decided clear up of the weather. Order of today weeding redroot from fall wheat and the thistle work. Paid our share of loss by fire in Co Peel Farmers Ins. Company $5.60

Sunday, 12.

At S School this morning lesson. Dan I chap, "The Hebrew captives in Babylon". Reading at home all afternoon Tonight heard Rev Mr Goff of Streetsville preach in CM church text II Thess 3 chap 5th verse. Afterwards spent an hour at YMCA prayer meeting.

May. Monday, 13. 1878

Sowed with broadcast seeder 18 bush peas on 8 acres "other place". Land works well considering the soaking it has has since the plowing. Had a slight frost last night. An evening at home.

Tuesday, 14.

Completed the grain seeding at last, it being nearly six weeks since we started. Was plowing some land on the flats for roots. A very hard frost last night nearly 1/4 inch thick on the water trough trough in yard. all fruit trees are in bloom. the result will be serious.

Wednesday, 15.

In lieu of yesterday Mr & Mrs J C Snell and their little folks were here to celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary. Ten years have skipped snoothly along to them, bringing a circle of five litte ones, 3 girls & 2 boys. Mr & Mrs A F Campbell were here also spending the day.

May. Thursday, 16. 1878

Sowed in drills on the "flats" 4 bls of "Yellow Globe Mangel" seed on scarcely an acre of ground also one lbs of white carrot seed and a new variety of each; celery and millet, only a handfull. In town tonight at a tea meeting in P M church.

Friday, 17.

Preparing ground for rape crop and putting manure on the same. Spent an half hour at Edmonton this evening. This weeks "Conservator" contains an account of opening of "Paris Worlds Fair".

Saturday, 18.

Weather has been dry and cool all this week. At present it appears the apple blossoms are not much hurt by the frost but the small fruits are somewhat destroyed. Completed the task we started yesterday.

May. Sunday, 19. 1878

A forenoon at S School the lesson, Dan II 36 to 45, "The vision of Nebuchdnezzor as interpreted by Daniel. Tonight heard Rev J H Starr preach, text, Luke XXIII 42 & 43rd verses. Spent an hour at the Y.M.C.A. prayer meeting

Monday, 20

A heavy rain last night. Today was plowing the young orchard plot the second time intended for a potato crop. Very warm and a heavy thunder shower brought up the evening.

Tuesday, 21.

Little of importance done on the farm today, except spudding thistles and repaired fences. Done a few hours of statute labor by using the heavy plank scraper on the roads. Received "Scribner" for "June" and {illegible} Banner" Mailed letter to Oakville.

May. Wednesday, 22. 1878

Preparing ground for the potato crop Spent evening profitably at "Ebenezer" Chapel. N 15, attending what is known as a S S Institute, an address by Rev Mr McLaren and next Sunday's lesson taught by Mr McKinnon.

Thursday, 23.

At same work as yesterday putting manure on ground today. Also we washed the sheep (33 beside the ram clipped) in Etobicoke. Sold to "Sherrin" 4 bags of potatoes @ 60 C per bag.

Friday, 24.

The Queen's birthday is almost generally observed by the Canadian people as a national holiday. My sisters and I took dinner at J C Snell's and spent the afternoon rowing on the lake. Ella and I went to a Concert tonight in Brampton, under auspices of Y.M.C.A. The singing was good.

May. Saturday, 25, 1878

Planted "Early Rose " potatoes in young orchard plot. Put in with plow 13 bushels in drills, putting a coat of manure on the seed, there being yet spaces between the rows of trees to be planted with the hoe.

Sunday, 26.

Went up to S. School, lesson Dan III chap, "The burning fiery furnace", One of the most striking of Bible narratives. At the CM church in town tonight Rev J H Starr preach from Acts XVII, 30 & 31.

Monday, 27.

Sheep shearing the work of today. Sheared 22 sheep whose fleeces will average about 9 1/2 lbs. It is rather a tiresome job but is soon over and but once a year that one can hardly get proficient in the art. Sold 10 bush potatoes @ 40 c per bush

May. Tuesday, 28. 1878

At noon today finished the wool clipping of 33 sheep. Afternoon drawing stones from the meadows and filling up holes on Centre Road with the same. Some of the first red clover blossoms just in view. Weather cool and dry.

Wednesday, 29.

The second plowing of the ground for rape. The mangels and carrots are up finely within ten days of sowing. A dull quiet day. little concerning our affairs transpiring worthy of note.

Thursday, 30.

Put in a hard day's work in Brampton, plowing & harrowing our town lot, 1 1/3 acres. the ground being very dry and hard. Had dinner at Wallace's "Revere House". At home the work in progress was spudding thistles.

May. Friday, 31. 1878

Drilled an acre of ground in front field and sowed it with 5 1/2 lbs of rape seed. Vegetation has not been as rapid for a few days, being dry and cool. The spring grain crops show a fine healthy color. In Brampton an hour tonight.

June. Saturday, 1.

Oh June how lovely thou art If this earth could remain as green, bright and lovely as now it would be almost a paradise but alas what a change a few short weeks bring about. Spent most of today at the thistle job.

Sunday, 2.

A clear beautiful morning went to S School, lesson Daniel, V chap, "The handwriting on the wall". How striking an instance of God's punishment for sin. Tonight heard Rev C. McIntyre preach text, Matt, XXV. "The ten virgins"

June. Monday, 3. 1878

Statute labor on the public highway was started this morning in our section. The work to be done consists in hauling gravel from R Watson's farm and filling the holes and ruts on the roads.

Tuesday, 4.

Continuation of yesterday's work. Father, mother, Rillie and Elsie started on a visit to Amaranth this morning in spring wagon for the remainder of the week. Had visitors from town tonight the Misses Moreland & Mrs Duncan.

Wednesday, 5.

Quite a cold morning, cloudy and strong north wind. Spent day spudding thistles. In town tonight and heard at Court House a lecture on "Canada's elements of national greatness" from Dr McClelland Prov High School Inspection.

June. Thursday, 6. 1878

Last night received letter Aunt E Ferguson of Auburn Michigan and "June" number of "Methodist Magazine". Brought from Hutton's saw mill a load of plank for the roads (bridges).

Friday, 7.

Usual routine of farm work nothing worth any special record. In town this afternoon and had a tooth extracted by W K Graham (Dentist), A sore operation but a quick relief from toothache. A light rain this evening.

Saturday, 8.

The folks arrived home safely this evening after their Shelburn visit of five days. Been a dull quiet week and seemed to have accomplished very little on the farm.

June. Sunday, 9. 1878

Up to S School, lesson, Dan VI chap, "Daniel in the lion's den" or "the Believer's safety". At home all afternoon. Tonight heard Rev C E McIntyre preach from , Isaiah, XL 31st "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength - walk and not faint".

Monday, 10.

Sold to K. C. & Co. 334 bls of wool part of it was matted & unwashed therefore we received pay (after deducting on third from the inferior) for 288ls @ 21 C per lb. Average 10 lbs per sheep Had three teeth filled at the dentists with silver vulcanite. Mailed letter to D Moreland. Chicago.

Tuesday, 11.

Loanded John Woodhall $100, on a promisory note of 4 months at 8 per cent interest. Work Friday, hoeing and thinning carrot crop. Tonight was in town at a meeting for the discussion of Protection (versus) Free Trade. Speeches by some prominent men.

June. Wednesday, 12. 1878.

Weather continues unseasonably cool, with some light showers. Fall wheat is only partially out in head as yet. At same class of work as yesterday. A quiet evening at home. Mailed a letter yesterday to Auburn..... Michigan

Thursday, 13.

The first haymaking proper of the season, but only on a small scale, vis mowing fence corners around grain fields. and they have the best crops of grass I have known for some years. Father brought from Norval Mill $3.90 worth of bran & feed.

Friday, 14.

Had a lively walk of 6 miles this morning: to Mr W Catior's and back home, on business. Remainder of day at work similar to yesterday. Tonight in town and at a "Protection" meeting in Hall, some excitement over this popular subject just now.

June. Saturday, 15. 1878

Bought $3.95 worth of repairs for mower; at Haggerts shop. consisted of sections & sickles. Drew in half a load of good hay. This evening an old friend Mr Fletcher Dyer came on a visit from Pennsylvania.

Sunday, 16.

S. School once more, lesson Daniel VII 9 to 14, "Messiahs Kingdom", This is the last of the series of lessons on Daniel. Mr F Dyer addressed the school. Spent afternoon at J C Snell's and from thence to church tonight. Rev Jno Learnard preach from II Cor XII 2nd.

Monday, 17.

Spent forenoon entertaining our friend Mr Dyer. Afternoon drove up to J E Snell's. Almost an idle day. Got pretty well through with the thistle spudding, the spring crops present a clean and thrifty appearance, although the weather is very dry.

June. Tuesday, 18. 1878.

Was nearly all day at Learments preparing for and raising a new barn. Spent evening enjoying a row on Snell's lake with some young friends it is a very pleasant pasttime and good exercise rowing.

Wednesday, 19.

Hay harvest started this morning. Out with the mower 4 acres of mixed clover and orchard grass in "old orchard" field, it is a good crop but rather green , will be slow curing. Met a picnic committee at Edmonton tonight, for S. S.

Thursday, 20.

In forenoon horse hoed the mangel and carrot crop on the flats. Afternoon was horse raking hay with sulky rake. Drew in 2 loads of hay and cocked up the remainder. Some prospects of rain tonight.

June. Friday, 21. 1878

Most grateful are the prospects of rain for a day or two to the parched and cracked earth, also the yellowed vegetats but not quite so gracious to the new mown hay. Spent today in the root crops. In town an hour or two tonight

Saturday, 22.

Today was showery. Gristed at "Mains" Mill 12 bush wheat and chopped 9 bush oats 2 1/2 of peas At same class of work as yesterday. Sowed some Swede turnip seed in spaces among mangels. Received the July number of "Scribner".

Sunday, 23.

Some heavy showers today. Went to S School, lesson, II Chron XXXVI 22 & 23. "The decree of Cyrns". This is the last of the Old Testament lessons for this year. At "Willow" Lodge in afternoon Tonight heard Rev J H Starr preach text. Jeremiah VI 16th verse.

June. Monday, 24. 1878

Fair weather again. Spent the day in hay field turning shaking and raking hay. Also drew in 3 loads, As predicted on starting it cures very slowly. Although cut 5 days ago some of the clover is as green as when first mown.

Tuesday, 25.

Finished mowing the remainder of orchard field And brought in all the first half, have 9 loads from less than half of the field. At home this evening reading "Scribner". Very warm almost sultry.

Wednesday, 26.

Just after breakfast, spent a couple of hours in town attending to some minor matters of detail, getting some things for S S Picnic tomorrow Afternoon was horse raking and cocking up hay until it was quite dark tonight.

June. Thursday, 27. 1878

Devoted the entire day to preparation for and participating in the S S Picnic held in Mr John Watson's woods near to Edmonton. We had swings croquet, ball and ice cold lemonade with plenty of sweet cakes &c. It was a success.

Friday, 28.

We suffered somewhat from the heat while at the job of drawing in hay today. Notwithstanding the great heat the grass dries slowly. In town tonight an hour. Received letter from Oshawa.

Saturday, 29.

Have disposed of the first field of hay. It turned off 22 loads of No 1 hay, about 9 1/2 acres in the field. Replanted a few potatoes The first seed having decayed from some cause.

June. Sunday, 30. 1878

Had the Quarterly Review at S School this morning. A few parents and visitors were present to cheer and encourage us in the work. An afternoon reading at home. At church tonight and heard Rev C E McIntyre.

July. Monday, 1.

Eleventh anniversary of the birthday of our young "Dominion". Some games and amusements in Brampton but did not go. Spent the day at home cutting grass with mower. Tonight with my sisters attended the rendering of Cantata, "Haymaker" in Fair{??} Hall.

Tuesday, 2.

A large crowd at Concert last night but the entertainment was not first class. Cutting grass with machine for J Woodhall all day. At home they were raking and cocking the hay cut yesterday.

July. Wednesday, 3. 1878.

Awakened this morning by a regular downpour of rain which lasted for a couple of hours. More or less light showers all day. Consequently we were thrown off the work of haymaking. Spent afternoon at T Simpson's auction sale of farm stock &c.

Thursday, 4.

Exceedingly heavy rains today raising the Etobicoke to more than its fulness and sweeping away the water gap fences. No important work today. Received letter from D Moreland Chicago. Bought a $1.75 set of croquet for my sisters.

Friday, 5.

Resumed haying operations this morning. The hay in cocks was soaked right through and almost spoiled. Was mowing at Woodhall's all afternoon. Spent an hour in town tonight.

July. Saturday, 6. 1878

Hauled in ten loads of hay Put 6 loads into making a round stack in little orchard field near the barn. Finished mowing the second field of grass, it is a heavy crop. An exceedingly hot day, scarcely any breeze.

Sunday, 7.

Spent morning at S School lesson, Luke II, 8 to 20, "The birth of Jesus Christ the Lord" After an interval of 3 years we resume lessons about the life of Christ, All of the Gospels have been studied in the lessons series except Luke. Was not at Church tonight

Monday, 8.

Another heavy morning shower making gloomy prospects for hay. At various jobs in the forenoon. After dinner cut 4 acres of last field of grass. The extreme heat and damp has ripened all the small fruits rapidly. A good crop of currants gooseberries &c.

July. Tuesday, 9. 1878

A splendid hay day and we made good use of the same Mowed 3 acres, drew in 3 loads and raked & cocked up 4 acres that were cut yesterday. Worked in field until 9 o'clock tonight it being fine moonlight.

Wednesday, 10.

Cut with mower 8 acres of grass for Jno Woodhall, making in all 20 acres, cut for him. At home our force were busy at the hay drawing in raking, cocking &c. The hay harvest this season is a heavy job. A quiet evening at home.

Thursday, 11.

Put in a lively forenoon's work hauling in with two wagons, got 8 loads safely under cover when the weather broke up again and has rained more or less all afternoon and evening. Separated the lambs from their dams, have 25 in all.

July. Friday, 12. 1878.

A wet dreary morning and continued damp throughout the day. Did very little work except picking a few cherries and an hour or two around the carrots. The Orangemen made their usual display in Brampton

Saturday, 18.

Gradually worked our way into the haying again Brought in 6 loads and cut the last, have all in now but 5 or 6 loads. Mowed the last 3 acres this evening after tea in 3 hours

Sunday, 14.

The morning at S School lesson Luke, II, 40 to 52. "The Childhood of Jesus Christ" At home in the shade all afternoon. In the evening went to CM Church and heard the new minister Rev E C Clement, text Dan V, 30th verse.

July. Monday, 15. 1878

Wound up the hay harvest today. It has lasted nearly four weeks, the result is 60 loads of hay good measure the largest hay crop known in the history of the farm. All the hay lofts are crammed full beside the two haystacks (27 acres of hay) of 6 loads each.

Tuesday, 16.

Harvest started without any intermission after haying. Cut with reaper 8 acres of barley and bound nearly 3/4 of it today, it is all bindable, being of extra length and stoutness. The day was exceedingly hot.

Wednesday, 17.

Intense heat, 96 {symbol for degrees} in the shade those working in harvest fields suffered a great deal. Finished binding and shocking the barley, it makes a good disply. In town tonight a short time. Met, Mr Dawson Moreland just from Chicago on a visit

July, Thursday, 18. 1878.

Started to reap the "Seneca" fall wheat, very heavy crop but somewhat rusted and consequently the sample is only medium. Another heavy thunder shower at noon today.

Friday, 19.

Resumed operations in the wheat and completed the 6 acre field. Weather is cooler since last rain. During fore part of this week a great number of deaths from sunstroke n the States. The heat was 100 - in the shade

Saturday, 20.

Worked somewhat easier today as it has been a severe week of work. Started cutting the 5 1/2 acre field of Treadwell. Had a visit tonight from D Moreland & Hattie alos Mrs Fury of Brampton.

July. Sunday, 21. 1878.

Did not got to S School today the lesson was on the baptism of Jesus Christ as recorded in Luke's Gospel. Sister Em and I were in town all afternoon at Mrs Truman's. Tonight in C M Church heard Rev E Clement preach, text Acts XXIV 25th.

Monday, 22.

A lull in the harvest now that we have Fall wheat and barley cut and bound. A half day's work with horsehoe. A reaper match open to the Province took place today near Brampton in fall wheat crop result in favor of Sawyer & Co of Hamilton.

Tuesday, 23.

Hauling the barley crop from beyond the Etobicoke using two wagons. Weather is quite cool and looks like a dry spell. My sisters and I spent the evening in town at Mrs Truman bidding farewell to Dawson Moreland, he starts for Chicago tomorrow.

July, Wednesday, 24. 1878

Hauling the "Senenca" fall wheat and succeeded in getting 12 loads, the sheaves are very heavy pitching, also bulky. The harvest is nearly all ready and pushing everybody to their very utmost.

Thursday, 25.

Same work as yesterday until tea time when rain started have just one load of wheat left out and some rakings of the Treadwell. Extra efforts would have enabled us to finish wheat & barley harvest if the rain had not come on so suddenly.

Friday, 26.

There has been just 24 hours steady rain and like all storms this season a great quantity of water fell. The spring grain is badly beaten down and being so near ripe will hardly rise. In town tonight getting a hair crop Received August "Scribner".

July. Saturday, 27. 1878

Could do very little work yesterday because of rain. Today was clear and cool. All hands busy all day hoeing carrot crop on the flats. Had a visit tonight from Mr & Mrs S Westevelt of Mount Forest.

Sunday, 28.

At S School this morning lesson Luke IV 16 to 30, "Jesus at Nazareth" or "The Son rejected". Afternoon at home reading and music. Tonight in C M Church heard Rev J H Johnston preach from Luke XII, 15 to 21.

Monday, 29.

A dull cloudy day, sigsn of rain. Reaped, bound and stooked 3 acres of "Red Farm" spring wheat. At 6 P.M. it started to rain and havest work ceased. Nearly everybody is very much behind with their harvet work. The eclipse of sun not visible, cloudy.

July. Tuesday, 30. 1878.

A light drizzling rain from East continued to fall nearly all day. but not much rain has fell at this time. Spend the day with our hoes in the root crop on flats. The wheat that is unmowed is beginning to sprout.

Wednesday, 31.

Once more into harvest work. Cutting and binding the spring wheat. 3/4ths of the crop is badly straw broken appears like the work of the Hessian fly. The sample of grain is only medium. Chief failing {illegible} Red Farm is weak and soft straw.

Aug. Thursday, 1.

Warmer, and some heavy thunder showers passing around of which we had a light one. A good deal of threshing is being done this week. Started cutting the oat crop. Miss Lulu Main & Miss Emma Armstrong of New York City visited here today.

Aug. Friday, 2. 1878

Cutting the oat crop today. It is a heavy crop and badly down with the weather. Three of us bound about 4 acres until teatime, afterwards hauling in spring wheat until dark.

Saturday, 3.

Lively work all day with two teams brought in all the spring wheat from "other place". Paid the young man we had hired one month tonight. $16.00. We will try to finish harvest with help of our all summer boy.

Sunday, 4.

At S School this morning lesson, LukeV 1 to 10, "The miraculous draught of fishes". This afternoon there was a very heavy thunder storm, in Toronto attended with hail doing a great amount of damage Tonight in C M Church heard Rev J H Johnston preach.

Aug. Monday, 5. 1878

Spent an hour last evening with G H Golding of Chesley at his father's in Brampton. Today's work was threshing at R Watson's. Two or three showers every day giving the outstanding a regular soaking.

Tuesday, 6.

No progress in harvest today Save turning over the unbound oat sheaves which dry very slowly. Weather sultry and showery. The old Etobicoke has once more swept away all the water gap fences.

Wednesday, 7.

The work today was binding oats. Father was cutting oats for A Woodhall with our reaper. A civic holiday for people of Brampton, result for us was a number of visitors from that town. G H Golding was here this evening.

Aug. Thursday, 8. 1878

Completed the job of yesterday Sulky raked the spring wheat stubble and hauled in two loads of rakings. A wedding in town yesterday Mr A Little & Jennie Peacock. This year has brought an unusual nomber of weddings in this country

Friday, 9.

Started bringing in the oats working with one team only. Brought in one load last night by moonlight. Received letter from Aunt E Ferguson, Michigan.

Saturday, 10.

Finished the oats, they are a fine crop. Have all harvest done now but the peas. In town tonight a short time. Had a short chat with Mr & Mrs Wm A Little just home from their wedding trip to London. Received letter from D Moreland.

Aug. Sunday, 11. 1878

At S School lesson, Luke VII, 1 to 10, "Centurian's servant healed". At Willow Lodge for dinner Tonight heard in P M Church Rev Mr Dobson preach from text Matt VI 12th verse.

Monday, 12.

Took a G.T.R excursion train via Georgetown, on H. & N.W. R R for Barrie town, this morning to be at a Regatta on Lake Simcoe. The weather was fine and the trip enjoyed by thousands of people. Barrie is handsomely situated on rising ground from the bay.

Tuesday, 13.

Got home at 1 oclock this morning, after a pleasant trip Today's work was pull up peas with sulky horse rake, this was an experiment but the implement does its work well. The crop is a slime one, the grass and weeds have coked {sic} the grain.

Aug. Wednesday, 14. 1878

Spent whole day at second plowing of the back lot in Brampton. Because of the delay it was covered with weeds and thistles, but owing to the pressure of the harvest, could not get at it sooner.

Thursday, 15

Half a day's work at hauling in the peacrop. This morning Mother and Elsie went to Oshawa on a few day' visit. Sold a bushel of Early pears @$1.00. Paid to Harris $1.00 for laying a plow share.

Friday, 16.

"Harvest Home" is the language of tonight. Had 12 loads of peas, product of 8 acres, on same field 7 year ago, had just double the amount. This has been the wettest harvest known for years. Had a very heavy thunder storm this evening.

Aug. Saturday, 17. 1878

In consequence of so much rain and warm, there is a great growth of grass. this season's seeding of clover hides the grain stubble. Today we plowed 1 1/2 acres of clover sod for all wheat seeding

Sunday, 18.

The S. S. lesson today, Luke VII, 11 to 17, "The widow of Nain's son raised from the dead". Was not at S.S because of slight indisposition. Heard at 6.30 Pm. in CM Church, Rev E Clement preach from Jonah, III chap.

Monday, 19.

Hired W. McGrath for one month @$12.00, started work this morning. Commenced a 4 day's job of cleaning manure out of barn yards for the stubble lands. Sowed 20 bls of timothy on Brampton lot and harrowed the same.

Aug. Tuesday, 20. 1878

Continuation of yesterday's work with the one team. With other, crossplowing the pea stubble land on "other place", it is covered with dense growth of weeds and grass, works badly.

Wednesday, 21.

Completed the sod plowing being prevented by the soil getting too hard, plowed 3 acres in pretty good style.

Thursday, 22.

Another day's plowing got along with. Engaged a threshing machine for next week. Received Sept number of "Scribner" the end of a volume and my year's subscription.

Aug. Friday, 23. 1878

Same work as yesterday. Have put out 75 loads of excellent manure on 3 different fields. Spent an hour or two in town tonight.

Saturday, 24.

Yet another day between the plow handles. Had the boys threshing peas with flails. Father went to Oakville early this morning in the buggy to visit Uncle Taylor's

Sunday, 25.

At S School this morning lesson Luke VEE 40 to 50 "The friend of sinners" or "The forgiving Savior". An afternoon reading at home. Tonight heard Rev T Brock of Guelph preach text Matt Xii 30th verse.

Aug. Monday, 26. 1878

Our folks arrived home from the Oakville visit this evening. Sold the first ram lamb of this season to Joe Snell @$20.00 Put in a vigorous day's plowing. Spent evening at R Watson's

Tuesday, 27.

Two teams all day in pea stubble field one cross plowing, the other rolling and harrowing. Weather warm and dry the plum crop is now just ready and is a very good one.

Wednesday, 28.

What a relief, when a hard task is completed, to a tired body is my thought tonight on finishing plowing a field which has been very dry and hard to work. Em and I spent an hour in town this evening at Mrs Vidden's.

Aug. Thursday, 29. 1878.

Two days threshing at home with Rossiter's machine. Today, threshed 180 bushels of "Seneca" fall wheat from 6 acres. 75 bush "Treadwell" from 5 acres. also about 100 bush of oats. These figures of bushels are only a careful judgment on amount in bins.

Friday, 30.

Very warm, mercury 75 {symbol for degrees} in shade. Today threshed 130 bush "Red Fern" spring wheat from 11 acres, and 280 bush barley from 8 acres. On the whole the grain crop has been a success the sample is very good. Have yet to do 1/2 day's threshing at the oats

Saturday, 31.

Prepared for seed wheat 56 bush of "Seneca", Sold to John Wiggins Junr, 15 bush of same. Drew a small load of straw to CM Parsonage Brampton, a present to Rev E Clement. Rain this evening.

Sept. Sunday, 1. 1878.

A real rainy day, came down heavily all last night and most of today, the air is close and sultry. At Church tonight, Rev C E McIntyre held forth from Genesis XXVII 19th Spent an hour at Y.M.C.A. prayer meeting.

Monday, 2.

The exceeding heavy rain of yesterday has swollen the creek, overflowing the flats. No work can be done on the land for some time. Spent day bringing a stack of peas into the barn. Visitors from Shelburn. A Ferguson and his two sons.

Tuesday, 3.

Very warm and damp. Bought an imported 2 yr old ram from J C Snell @$60.00 Done little important work on the farm, had boys at pea threshing. Received a "Chicago Tribune" from D Moreland. Also "Rennies" fall wheat seed catalogue.

Sept. Wednesday, 4. 1878

Our Shelburn visitors left for home this morning taking a Cotswold & Berkshire. The former $12.00 on a year's credit, latter a present. A heavy shower of rain at noon today. Chief work today picking fruit and pea threshing.

Thursday, 5.

Spent today at R. Watsons threshing. Mailed a letter to Aunt E Ferguson. Auburn Mich Received copy of Montreal "Daily Witness" from an anonymous giver. An evening at home.

Friday, 6.

Took up to "Willow Lodge" three ewe lambs and 1 ram lamb in exchange for the imported ram. Was crossplowing the land plowed out of sod. In town an hour tonight.

Sept. Saturday, 7. 1878

Commenced the job of mowing second crop of clover, it is a very thinck heavy crop, but of little value for seed, will make good hay however. Had other team plowing. Weather, still sultry, but tolerably dry.

Sunday, 8.

At S School this morning lesson, Luke X, latter part of chapter, "The Good Samaritan" At C M Church tonight, Rev W. McFadden preached from Hebrews, III 2nd verse. The congregation in said church are well sustained, seats all well filled.

Monday, 9.

Mailed letter to D Moreland. Plowing in forenoon and working in clover field in afternoon, it is a difficult task cutting clover, so much dampness in the ground. Have starteed to harvest the potato crop, nearly one third are affected with, rot.

Sept. Tuesday, 10. 1878

Fall seeding very late this year. Sowed with seeder on 3 acres plowed sod land 4 1/2 bushels of "Seneca" wheat Spent afternoon in town at nomination of candidates for House of Commons. R Smith for Grits. W Elliot for Tory.

Wednesday, 11

Brought in yesterday 2 loads of second crop of clover for hay. Today it has rained more or less all day but lightly. Mailed letter to "Chambers" Woodstock - Was working out the pea land field into ridges 2 1/2 ft wide.

Thursday, 12.

Went to Guelph this morning by railway to attend an Auction Sale at "College Farm" of Thorobred Stock, cattle sheep, hogs & poultry, also some choice seed grain. The live stock was good quality and brought very fair prices Came home on evening train, it having rained most of the day.

Sept. Friday, 13. 1878

Rained heavily all last night and this morning we beheld the greatest fresher {??} known in the history of the county. Swept away 200 rails on our flats nearly destroying the fine crop of mangels. In Brampton some $25,000 worth of property was destroyed.

Saturday, 14.

Yesterday morning the water flowed in Main St Brampton nearly 3 ft deep and today the streets are piled with boken sidewalks and rubbish. At home we were harvesting potatoes and apples. An hour in town this evening and unitil 11 P.M. at a Reform meeting.

Sunday, 15.

To S School this morning lesson, Luke XII 5 to 13, subject "Importunity in Prayer". Afternoon reading at home. Mr and Mrs J C Snell here for tea this evening. Heard Rev W. McFadden preach pm, Heb. II 11th verse.

Sept. Monday, 16. 1878

A forenoon's work rebuilding some fence on creek flats. Rest of day at colver contract. Received from V Fitch of Woodstock $92.50 for 5 ewes 3 older ewes & two shearling. From A Woodhall $20.00 for 16 bush Seneca, & 84.00 for work

Tuesday, 17.

General elections for Dominion of Canada took place over whole country. Result is defeat of Mackenzie rule Peel County R Smith defeated and W Elliot, (Tory) elected. In town all evening, great excitement and bonfires. Arrived home at midnight

Wednesday, 18.

Started to ridge the pea land for fall wheat, the season is getting far advanced for seeding but weather is warm and ground quite dank. Have all second crop clover cut, was putting it up today.

Sept. Thursday, 19 1878

Put in a busy day, plowing, haying and started sowing the pea land field with "Seneca" 1 1/2 bus per acres. The ground is not in good condition being rather wet and sad, the field is front one on "other place" and needs thorough drainage.

Friday, 20.

Bring in a few loads of hay every day beside keeping the seeding operations in full blast The hay crop is full as heavy as first crop, not much seed but very fair quality of hay. In town tonight a couple of hours (At J E Wood's) Mailed letter to Oshawa.

Saturday, 21.

After a light shower last night it has turned quite cool. Completed the fall wheat seeding put 12 bush on 8 acres and ditched the ground well. Some more of clover in, have now saved 13 loads. Yesterday sold to Haggert Bros 28 bush "Seneca" for seed, price not sta{illegible} as yet.

Sept. Sunday, 22. 1878

First frost of the season this morning Faced a cool "Nor Wester" up to S School this morning, lesson Luke XII 13 to 23, "The sin of Covetousness". Tonight heard Rev C E McIntyre preach from John VIII, 9th verse.

Monday, 23.

Shipped by G.T.R. to Toronto for Provincial Exhibition a 11 month old Berkshire boar, to be exhibited by John Snell's Sons (weight of hog 4 {blank space} lbs. Hauled in 7 loads of clover hay, for a half day's work. This evening went with C M Choir to sing at a teameeting on 5th line west.

Tuesday, 24.

Received yesterday the October number of Scribners, this completes the two volumes for which we subscribed. Today we finished the hay harvest had 24 large loads total 46 loads this season from that 9 1/2 acre field.

Sept. Wednesday, 25. 1878

Took early morning train for Toronto to attend the Provincial Exhibition of Agricultural & Arts Association of Ontario, open to the World for competition The new grounds for the show are situated in extreme west end of city on lake shore, fine new buildings have been erected at great cost.

Thursday, 26.

Came home from Toronto last night Estimated that 50,000 people were on the ground yesterday, the show in all departments was excellent and varied. Besides the "Crystal Palace" there several other large buildings, Machinery Hall, Agril Hall, Hortil - Hall &c. The whole affair was well worth seeing.

Friday, 27.

John Snell's Sons were very successful in winning prizes in sheep and hogs. Mailed postal card to A Ferguson this evening. Spent today at final clearing up of manure hauling for the season. In town tonight an hour.

Sept. Saturday, 28. 1878.

Was engaged today in washing 20 lambs, 11 rams & 9 ewes, also a shearling ram. Did the washing with warm soft water and soap in a box in door yard. Received October number of "Methodist Magazine". Made 13 entries for Brampton fair, mostly in fruit.

Sunday, 29

At S School this morning, lesson Matt XXIV, 43 to 50. "A Temperance lesson". We used this instead of the regular Quarterly Review, Mr J. Huxley addressed the school. Tonight Rev C E McIntyre preached a short pithy sermon from Prov IV. 26th verse.

Monday, 30.

Started the task of fall plowing about 27 acres to plow. Started in oat stubble field in front of house with one team. The ground works very well. Weather has turned quite warm again, last week was frosty.

Oct. Tuesday, 1. 1878

Same work as yesterday continued Started to pick the winter apples. This is first day of C.P.A. Society's Fair. We are exhibiting ten varieties of apples gathered from young orchard. This month has opened warm and dry. Mailed letter to G.H. Golding.

Wednesday, 2.

At the County fair all day. Weather very fine and a large turnout of people. The Show in most departments was inferior to last year, cause, the large Central fairs of London & Hamilton are being held this week. Sold one lamb to J Jackson @$15.00. The fair concludes tomorrow.

Thursday, 3.

Walked to town at an early hour this morning to feed our sheep on Show ground. The number of visitors at Fair today was small. The prize animals of all kinds were exhibited in the horse ring. All quietly dispersed at 3 o'clock Sheep trade was very dull.

Oct. Friday, 4. 1878

Put in a disagreeable day's work at Jno Learment's threshing Em and I went to Brampton tonight, she for her music lesson and I to choir Practice special for a Sacred concert out from town a few miles.

Saturday, 5.

Same work as yesterday. Weather cool and dry. The late sowed fall wheat is suffering from need of rain. The grain is beginning to move out to market, barley is worth more per bushel than wheat.

Sunday, 6.

At S School this morning. lesson, Luke XIII, 22 to 30. "Warning against formalism". Attendance at S School is improved now somewhat. Tonight in P.M. Church, Brampton heard Rev. Mr Dobson preach from Acts XVI 30th & 31st verse.

Oct. Monday, 7. 1878

Severe frost last night, cold east wind today. Was plowing in front field. Father drove up to "Woolen Factory" above Clande for some yarn & flannels Expect to be threshing the remainder of this week all around the neighborhood.

Tuesday, 8.

Took half a days rest from plowing this forenoon by making 36 gals of cider with Gunnerson's mill, using about 12 bush of apples. Afternoon at plowing. Evening at home at a family circle apple paring bee.

Wednesday, 9.

Another days plowing. A very high wind storm about noon has blown down a good many trees in woods. Mr & Mrs Watson spent evening here. Completed the apple picking have about 24 barrels of good sound apples

Oct. Thursday, 10. 1878

A day in the dust at J Woodhalls threshing. A cold winter feeling in the wind, the leaves in the woods are beautifully shaded with all colors, while the apple trees remain as green and fresh as in June.

Friday, 11.

Spent day similarly to yesterday, have also had a man at another threshing for past three days. A light shower of rain this evening. In town a couple of hours tonight, skylarking.

Saturday, 12.

A lovely bright warm day. Dressed a lamb for home consumption. The sheep trade is very dull, Now no prospect of dispersing of ram lambs. Em was in Toronto today and bought a handsome gold locket and chain.

Oct. Sunday, 13. 1878

At S. School this morning lesson Luke, XIV, 13 to 24. "The Gospel Feast" or "The call refused". Afternoon at C. M. School in Brampton. Took tea at Mr Perry's . Rev E Clement preached tonight. text, Ecclesiastes XII 1st verse.

Monday, 14.

Started plowing "back field" on "other place". Although covered with a dense growth of clover and weeds, it is yet very good to plow. Sister Viney came home from Oshawa today. An evening at home.

Tuesday, 15.

Sold a load of barley (63 bush) to L Milner @ 60 c per bush. The barley market has suffered a depression since last week. Will sell no more at present. Fall wheat is worth on 75 C and spring 60 C in Brampton market. Weather very warm.

Oct. Wednesday, 16. 1878.

Plowed an acre and one half of stiff hard ground. The horses shoulders are beginning to show marks of the heavy draught in plowing. This evening had last apple paring bee of the season.

Thursday, 17.

The warmth of yesterday and last night have brought some light showers of rain today. Was plowing all day. Settled "Campbell's" blacksmith bill of $10.00. Tonight read until a late hour a very interesting novel called "Beulah Benton".

Friday, 18.

At same work as yesterday. Also opened a ditch through corner of "other place" woods for to drain back field. In town tonight and for the usual weekly papers. Called on Mr & Mrs A Little who have just set up in their new home one Main St.

Oct. Saturday, 19. 1878

A bitter cold north wind all day. Had to use gloves to plow with because of the cold benumbing my fingers. Received a letter from Aunt E Ferguson of Beaver, Michigan.

Sunday, 20.

At S School this morning lesson Luke XV 11 to 24, "The prodigal son" or "The wanderer welcomed". Afternoon at C M S School in Brampton. Took tea at A F Campbell's. Heard tonight Rev C E McIntyre from text Luke XVI, 25th

Monday, 21.

Plowed an acre and three quarters, ground is getting very hard again. Was harvesting mangels with other team. A bright warm day. J C Snell & family were here for tea tonight. Was in town for half an hour tonight.

Oct. Tuesday, 22. 1878

If possible it was a finer day than yesterday. Completed the mangels, have about 200 bushels. Spent all day at John Campbell's threshing. A quiet evening at home.

Wednesday, 23.

This morning brought a disappointment in the shape of a wet day, as we intended driving over to Woodbridge Fair. Done half day's plowing. Went on horseback to town tonight.

Thursday, 24.

Completed the ten acre field plowing on "other place", and started at last quarter of "front" field which plows well now. Sold a ram lamb to Mr Grey @ $9.00, first sale since the Brampton Fair. Spent evening at R. Watson's.

Oct. Friday, 25. 1878

A full day's plowing. We also started to raise the carrots in young orchard. Sold two ram lambs, one to Mr Bowes of Trafalgar @$12.00 and one to Mr Main @$10.00 Em and I were in town tonight Received letter from G H Golding.

Saturday, 26.

More or less rain falling all day. Done one half day's plowing. Afternoon was in town subscribed for "Brampton Times" & "C. Guardian" to be sent to Aunt E Ferguson. Michigan. Had an advertisement of rams for sale in "Banner" & "Conservator" this week. Sold shearling ram to J Learment @ $12.00 on credit.

Sunday, 27.

At S School this morning lesson Luke XVI "The rich man and Lazarus"

suggested the doctrine of future rewards and punishment.  Took dinner at J C Snells  At PM Church in  Brampton tonight Rev Mr Reid preached from Heb, II, 10th verse.

Oct. Monday, 28. 1878

Mailed letter to Oshawa, enclosed $10.00. Traded with J Learment a ram lamb for the shearling ram sold to him on Saturday. He gets the lamb for $9.00 on a year's credit. J Main, Trafalgar bought the shearling @ $12.00 and we shipped him on cars to Milton.

Tuesday, 29.

Helped J Woodhall to thresh. Finished plowing the front field and ditched it. Also worked at carrot crop. Father was away all day at a fence viewing scrape on 3rd line east. Miss Hattie Moreland here tonight Received Insurance notice.

Oct. Thursday, 31. 1878

A very cold day. Freezing hard. Spent afternoon at Rossiten Auction sale of Farm Stock. Paid threshing bill $15.00. Also paid taxes $ 31.70. All "Hallow E'en" a bright cold frosty night.

Nov. Friday, 1.

A severe frost last night, but not sufficient to stop my starting to plow sod it is fine condition, the soil turns up dark and rich looking. In town tonight. Received the November number of Methodist Magazine.

Saturday, 2.

Have brought in all carrots from young orchard, had 9 loads (about 230 bush) off 1/3 of an acre. A small plot yet on the flats to bring in. Spent today at sod plowing. We are in daily fear of the land freezing up there is a frosty feeling in the atmosphere.

Nov. Sunday, 3. 1878

Quarterly meeting at Brampton C M Church. Rev C E McIntyre preached from Luke XXII, 19th. There was a good meeting. Took dinner and tea at J W Mains Tonight Rev E Clement preached Heb XI, 7th. A Gospel temperance meeting followed the preaching service led by Mr McConkey.

Monday, 4.

Another day's plowing. Also winding up the root harvest, have 12 loads of carrots in all (300 bushels) The Temperance Revival in Brampton is making quite a stir, about 500 have signed the pledge and decorated with a blue ribbon button hole.

Tuesday, 5.

Jack Frost has taken possession could not plow until noon today and then not at all satisfactorily, Some enquiries today for sheep but no sales. An evening at home.

Nov. Wednesday, 6. 1878

Wintery scene this morning about 4 inches of snow fell during last night and very little of it disappeared during the day. Spent day making cider (48 gls) with Gunnerson's mill. Sold ram lamb to R Lowes @$7.00 & one to C Layne @ &6.00

Thursday, 7.

A frost morning. Prepared a small chopping grist of peas, oats and barley and took the same to Mill. Received from W Smith on sheep acct $2.00 {might be $20.00} Ordered a dark tweed suit at K.C.& Co, price $19.00.

Friday, 8.

Sold to S Milner 52 bush barley @$.60 C per bush. Went to "Eldorado" Mills for bran brought home 1800 lbs @ $8.00 per ton. the snow is slowly going away. Spent evening in town at R Nichol's.

Nov. Saturday, 9. 1878

Spent forenoon in Brampton. Bought from S Milner 20 bush American corn @ 48 C bush. Mailed insurance money $2.25 to Leslie, Georgetown This afternoon was plowing sod. Sold ram lamb to "Caravan" @ $8.00.

Sunday, 10.

A bright warm day but very muddy travelling. Spent morning at Sunday School lesson, Luke XVIII, 9 to 17. "Whom the Lord receives". At C M Church in Brampton tonight, Rev W McFadden preached, Matt XVIII, 25th.

Monday, 11.

At sod plowing until 3 P.M. when rain settled down for the night. Dressed another 100 lbs of Berkshire. Sold another ram lamb to Mr Marshall of Boston @ $6.00. Have all sold but one, a good lamb but small in size.

Nov. Tuesday, 12. 1878

Had a trip over to see P. Chisholm school trustee about engaging a teacher for our public school. Plowing of sod completed also the young orchard this finishes fall plowing except a small plot on flats

Wednesday, 13.

Did no work today. Spent all day in Brampton, in forenoon acting as groomsman at RJ Nichol's marriage to Miss Maggie McConnell. Spent afternoon at funeral of Sheriff Broddy's wife, Rev J G Scott preached in C M Church, from Isaiah XL 1st.

Thursday, 14.

The fall plowing was completed today in root plot on the flats so we brought the plows home cleaned them off and put them away in implement shed for winter. Have plowed about 30 acres beside plowing for the 11 acres of fall wheat. Spent evening and staid all night at J C Snell's

Nov. Friday, 15. 1878.

Fanning peas and mixing them with corn in equal quantities for boiling for the fattening hogs. Folks went to town on a shopping expedition. Spent a couple of hours in town tonight

Saturday, 16.

Spent all day at J Learment plowing with our team and his plow. Weather has been fine and warm all week but tonight rain from east looks ominous Father went through the garden and thoroughly trimmed all fruit trees.

Sunday, 17.

A dull misty day with occasional showers. At S School lesson, Luke XIX 1 to 10. "Jesus Christ the guest of Zaccheus". The school was small only 15 in all present. Took dinner and spent afternoon at Willow Lodge. Evening at home.

Nov. Monday, 18. 1878.

Spent whole day repairing fence along front of farm and deepening the ditch on the roadside which drains the front fields. The air is warm and balmy and the roads a perfect sea of mud. Evening at home.

Tuesday, 19.

Constructing a short canal on the flats for purpose of straitening the Etobicoke. There is only the one serious bend through the farm Used plow and scraper and then lowered with shovels to depth of 3 ft.

Wednesday, 20.

A forenoon's work at constructing a dam across the creek just below the new outlet, part of water now flowing through new course; rest over the dam. Afternoon we erected two hemlock posts, 2 ft diameter on either side of the creek at the Watson line, posts are 6 ft high. will have a water gate.

Nov. Thursday, 21. 1878.

Drew 14 loads of gravel from banks of creek for front lane from house to the road This being third coat of gravel on lane during last twelve years. Weather for two days has been Indian summer.

Friday, 22.

A great contrast to yesterday a cold North East rain all day Done very little work beyond chores around the barn &c. Had two hours conversation with a Yankee fruit tree Agent. Weather compelled me to spend evening at home.

Saturday, 23.

Cleared up from North but no frost as yet. Was engaged to day in turnpiking the lane leading to creek from barnyard. Evening in town and received at K C & Co a suit of ordered tweed clothes @ $19.00 also sundries @ $2.00. Got a copy of "Chips" a small sheet published a "Conservator" office.

Nov. Sunday, 24/ 1878.

Through 8 inches of mud up to S School lesson Luke XXI, "The overthrow of Judaism". A deep subject. Tonight in C M Church heard Rev C E McIntyre preach from Gal, IV, 4th. Also spent an hour at prayer meeting on close of preaching service.

Monday, 25.

Had 15 miles of riding on horseback in the morning up to "Willow Lodge" to repairs on melodeon. In afternoon down to D J McKinnon's country residence on School Trustee business. This constituted the day's work. Light flurries of snow.

Tuesday, 26.

Had another trip to town first thing this morning to telegraph to McBride, Teacher, Caledon East. Afternoon we started the job of cutting firewood in lower woods with crosscut saw in 2 ft lengths. Spent a couple of hours in town tonight. Mailed post car to D Moreland and one to McBride.

Nov. Wednesday, 27. 1878

Received yesterday a "Chesley" paper This forenoon's work was the deepening and widening of the canal on the flats. Afternoon a very heavy rain set in from the east with a high cold wind. Have had an amazing quantity of rain this year.

Thursday, 28.

Forenoon at blacksmith's shop getting an iron wedge in axe helve &c. Afternoon in woods cutting green maple firewood. Evening in town at a lecture in "Concert Hall" by Cr Buchan M.A. on "Poetry and Politics". Received letter from A McBride of Caledon East.

Friday, 29.

Today we dressed for pork 5 pigs (Berkshire) total weight 680lbs. Had another trip to town this afternoon on school teacher business and have finally engaged a Mr Beattie of Churchville @ $400.00 per annum for SS No 22 Chinquacousy

Nov. Saturday, 30. 1878

A day in the woods, sawing firewood. Father went to town with 8 turkeys with feathers, only killed and sold to C Dawson @ 7 1/3 C per lb, combined weight of 88 lbs. Received December number of "Methodist Magazine", last of my subscription.

Dec. Sunday, 1.

Just frost enought to harden the mud. We walked up to S. S. lesson, Luke XXII, 8 to 16. "The Lord's supper". Tonight in CM Church heard Rev J G Manly, (Agent of Tract Society) preach from Psalm XXXII 1 to 5th verses.

Monday, 2.

Rain, rain from east a regular downpour, the creek overflowing its banks. the atmosphere quite warm and sun charged with dampness. Was working in the woods nearly all day. Tonight was writing a letter to G H Golding and one to Mr John Ferguson, Missouri.

Dec. Tuesday, 3. 1878

At same work as yesterday afternoon at D Laidlaw's sale of farm stock and implements In town in evening at a meeting of B T. Abstinence Club the Y.M.C.A. Hall was crowded entertainment consisted of speeches, readings & songs, &c.

Wednesday, 4.

Today was observed throughout Dominion of Canada as Thanksgiving. Union service in C M church in Brampton The roads are so very bad we staid at home working most of day. In evening was at P. M S.S. anniversary Two Cantatas given by scholars.

Thursday, 5.

Early yesterday morning a fall of snow , 4 inches, which promises to remain as it is now quite cold an frosty. Today in the woods sawing firewood and saw logs. Prof James a music teacher was here today, sister Em is going to take a quarter's lessons @ $8.00

Dec. Friday, 6. 1878

Another hard day's work in the woods. Received a copy of "Chicago Times" from J C Snell who is now in that city showing sheep at a "Fat Stock" Exhibition. Spent this evening in town Bought 25 C worth of lampblack and resin for shoe leather.

Saturday, 7.

At same work as yesterday cutting stake lengths from elm beside cordwood. Weather continues moderately frosty with appearances of more snow soon. The roads are hard frozen and extremely rough.

Sunday, 8.

At S. School this morning lesson, Luke XXIII 25 to 40 :The Cross" or"The dying Savior" Tonight in C M Church in Brampton heard Rev Edwin Clement preach from Luke XVIII 13th verse. A good sermon bringing out some new thoughts on the subject.

Dec. Monday, 9. 1878.

A fall of snow during last night, but a warm rain all day has melted most of it. This morning we had out the new bob sleighs up to J C Snell's and back, pretty rough sleighing Fanned up 16 bush of peas and prepared a grist & chopping.

Tuesday, 10.

Rained all last night and most of today. In forenoon went to mill. Received another copy of "Chicago Times" from J. C. S. Sold a Berkshire sow 1 year old to J Learment @ $9.00. paid down only $4.00. Spent after noon cleaning harness.

Wednesday, 11.

Had a trip on foot over to J Woodhall's on business. Afternoon at various jobs beside a trip to Brampton This evening we had a small party consisting of a few young folks of Ebenezer S School. Time passed with music & games until eleven o'clock.

Dec. Thursday, 12. 1878

In the woods again all day sawing and chopping firewood This evening we made a selection of hymns for S.S. Anniversary and went to town and ordered 30 copies of "Wave" (words only) fromT Neslands book store.

Friday, 13.

Spent forenoon in dressing two fat Berkshires combined weight in pork being 580 lbs Total of pork 1260 lbs about 400 lbs more than we need for the home use however we salted it all as present price of pork is $3.50 per cwt the lowest figure we known.

Saturday, 14.

Most of day in woods. About noon quite a snowstorm started from east and now have prospect for sleighing right away. In town tonight with the cutter for first time this season. Received from D Moreland a letter.

Dec. Sunday, 15. 1878

At S School again, a small attendance, being rather stormy. lesson Luke XXIV, 12 to 20. "The walk to Emmaus". Tonight at C M Church Rev C McIntyrre preach Romans X 13th verse.

Monday, 16.

Mained "Guardian" subscription $2.00 this morning to Rev S Rose. Received letters from Mrs E Ferguson and W McGrath Working in barn cleaning up barley. This evening in town at a public meeting of Blue Ribbon Society, songs addresses and recitations

Tuesday, 17.

Fine mild wintry weather and tolerably good sleighing. All day at A Woodhall's threshing. At home Father was putting a coat of varnish on cutter and Willie hauling gravel from creek for yard.

Dec. Wednesday, 18. 1878.

Same work as yesterday The folks were in town doing some shopping buying furs and winter clothing, expended some $20.00. Tonight we met at Ebenezer for our first S S singing practice for Anniversary.

Thursday, 19.

Spent forenoon at blacksmith shop getting horses shod for winter work. Hewitt had team and sleigh all day hauling wood. In town to night. Received letter from A Ferguson, Shelburn. Fine winter weather with some sleighing.

Friday, 20.

This forenoon hauling some logs from other place woods for timber to repair sheep house. Afternoon at J.C.Snell's putting a quantity of pork through a meat grinder for sausages. Evening at Ebenezer.

Dec. Saturday, 21. 1878

Snow fell fast all day to the depth of 8 or 10 inches will now have splendid sleighing. Today was hauling firewood from woods for home use. Received "January" number of "S S Banner" illustrated.

Sunday, 22

At S School this morning lesson Luke XXIV "44 to 52""Our Savior's last words". This closes the list of lessons in the Gospels. Tonight in town at P.M. church. Rev W Reid preached from text Acts V 1st verse Also at prayer meeting in C M Church.

Monday, 23.

Hauling firewood and started drawing basswood saw logs to Aitkin's steam saw mill Brampton, to be cut into material for home use. Spent evening at S S. Practice up to , 10 . P.M. dismissing with National Anthem.

Dec. Tuesday, 24. 1878

At same work as yesterday The weather is cold and stormy a high west wind is piling up snowbanks lively {??} In town tonight an hour buying some presents for my little sisters, also some illuminated holiday cards.

Wednesday, 25.

Christmas bells so merrily The foot of snow which flell last week is piled into roads making huge snow banks. There is good sleighing mercury 19 {symbol for degrees} above zero. J C Snell & family all here for dinner Went with choir in evening to Cheltenham

Thursday, 26.

Sixteen of us in load yesterday with 2 span of horses. We were at a Temprance soiree Coming home we had two upsets and at halfway house on Centre Road we waited for daylight this morning to get home, Em & Ella went along. This evening at S S Practice

Dec. Friday, 27. 1878.

Started this morning the job of hauling barley to Brampton market. Drove two loads in today, 27 bush of dark and 72 bush of bright, the former @ 65 C and latter @ 85 C per bush Tonight Em and I went to a party at Mr R Watson's, 1st line west.

Saturday, 28

Got home at 2 o'clock this morning. At same work as yesterday. Drew three loads of barley and completed the job. Sold 190 bush of last year's (bright) and 117 of this year's (dark) all to S Milner Used the new bob sleighs for hauling the barley.

Sunday, 29.

At S School this morning lesson, tThe Quarterly Review conducted by N V Watson and myself. After the school we had a singing practice. Tonight at CM Church Rev E Clement preached from Hosea IV 6th, The S. School Anniversary sermon.

Dec. Monday, 30. 1878.

A busy day. In morning, two hours was collecting money for S School. At 10 oclock drove to town for chopping grist and candies & nuts & raisins for S.S. Party. All afternoon at Zion church putting up platform Evening at singing practice.

Tuesday, 31.

Today's work embraced the hauling of 4 1/2 cords of mixed wood to Haggart Bros, Brampton in three loads on bob sleighs The wood is dry and very light, consequently it is light work drawing it. Spent evening at J C Snell's preparing the candies &c, for the first festival to be held tomorrow night for S School. In C M church in town a watch night service is being held but we were too tired for to attend it after driving home from Willow Lodge. The old clock has just struck ten, another year has fled.


Jan 9th Gristed 13 bush mixed spring & fall

March 19th Cracked 1 bush "Seneca"

April 13th Gristed 10 " mixed

June 22nd " 12 " "

Oct 12th " 11 " Seneca

Dec 10th " 9 " mixed 56 bush

{second page}

Jan 2nd Chopped of bush barley, bush 20

" 26th Chopped of peas 5

" " corn 7

Feb 20 peas & barley 12

Mar 19 " peas & oats 19

Apr 25 " " 9 " " " barley 13

May " oats & peas 5 - 12

" 22 " : 9 " 2 - 11

Nov 9 barley 5 " 5 " 2 - 12

Dec 10 --------- " 5 " 7 - 12

" 30 corn 5 " 12 " 5 - 22



Spring seeding , 11 acres

Sowed 19 bush spring wheat

" 23 " oats on 9 1/2 acres

" 18 " barley " 8 "

Fall seeding

Sowed 17 bush new Seneca

Sold 16 " " "

" 15 " " "

" 28 " " "

cracked 76

Gristed & 16 - 92 bush

January Cash Received
$ c
2nd Interest on deposit, Dominion Bank 2 70
10th From R Watson quarter beef on old debt 6 00
16 from J Campbell on cow acc 6 00
19 for an ash tree 1 00
26 From T Milner 29 1/2 bush of barley@ 55 16 22
31st From J V Snell on sheep acc/ 10 00
{total} 41 92
{Second Page}
January Cash Paid
$ c
2nd For sundry articles 3 50
3rd Rent of Post Office box/annual 50
5th Incidentals 2 00
11th For cleaning watch 1 00
" " 2 members tickets Agrl Society 2 00
" Items 2 00
26 for Yankee corn 21 bush @ 50 C 10 50
" Sundries 4 00
30 " " 3 00
{total} 28 50
February Cash Received
$ c
9th From "Waldo for 4 bush apples 3 25
13th Froom Mrs Truman on wood 10 00
15th From A Woodhall on cows acc/ 10 00
23rd From B Watson fro 6 bush Red Fern 8 40
20 For 30 lbs butter @ 20 C 6 00
25 From N V Watson for 2 bush Red Fern 2 80
{total} 40 45
}Second Page}
February Cash Paid
11th Spent in Toronto for sundries 5 00
14th Piano tuning 2 00
" Sundries 1 00
16th Dr Patullo's acc/ 8 50
" for refitting seal-skin cap 5 50
20th Sundries 2 50
" Sub to Conservator 1 00
25 St saw mill 1 60
" for a new whip and holder 1 40
" /Sundries 1 00
28 To John Tribble for 7 bush of seed barley 3 20
{total} 32 70
March Cash Received
$ c
1st Interest due on $225 deposit in Merchant's Bank, six month 5 60
" from D. Wiggins on cows acc/ 3 00
5th " Lunday for 5 bush Red Fern 7 00
9th for one bag apples 1 25
12th Balance on Mrs Truman's hardwood 9 00
16th from T Crowforth for 2 fat cows 75 00
" " Greensword for 10 bush Red Fern 14 00
" " R Carter for seed wheat & clover 18 75
18th As poundkeeper 8 80
19th Sheepskin & parsnip 1 75
20th From Davis on cows 6 50
23 " Newhouse " " 3 00
26 " Johnston 6 bush Red Fern 8 40
30 "Jackson for 21 bush Red Fern 29 40
" " S Heath 3 bush 4 00
29 " Wilson 3 bush 4 20
{total} 199 65
{Second Page}
March Cash Paid
$ c
8th Mailed to Wm Rennie Toronto for 6 bush oats 3 75
9th Sundries 18 00
14th Freight on Australian oats 25
16th "Conservator for advertisement 1 00
19th Various items 5 50
20 To R H Lewis for new wagon 50 00
23 For 3 bbls salt 3 00
" new trunk 2 75
" Sundries 3 25
27 " expenses to Oshawa 8 00
30 To J Jackson on horse acc/ 13 00
" " Sundries 9 00
{total} 117 00
Mar Cash Received
April Cash Received
$ c
1st From Irwin for 15 bush Red Fern & 11 lbs @ $1.40 21 25
" " Armstrong 4 bush, same 5 60
" " J C Snell 5 1/3 bush clover seed 21 25
& 3 tons hay 36 00
3rd " Newlove 16 bush Red Fern $1.35 21 60
" " Martin 10 of same @ $1.35 13 50
" " Woodhall 3 pks clover seed @4.50 3 00
4th " Guy Bell 10 bush 13 50
6th " T Crowforth 10 " 14 00
" " " 2 bush Eldorado 3 34
8 " R. P. Snell 6 bu wheat 8 40
" " J Heath 8 " 10 60
" " J Learment clover seed 5 00
24 " Crowforth, calf 2 50
11th " KC & Co 2 1/2 bush orchard grass 3 50
22 " A Campbell, sheepskin 1 00
24 " P Chisholm seed wheat 5 40
{total} 189 47
{Second Page}
April Cash Paid
$ c
3rd To K.C. & Co, 3 bbls coarse salt 3 00
" " : 1/2 bush timothy seed 1 15
" " " shovel 75
8 " R H Lewis for pair bob sleigh 27 00
" " K.C.& Co dry goods 7 00
8 " Hewitt 2 dys work 1 60
11 " Sundries 10 00
12 " dry goods 2 00
" " seed potatoes 2 10
13 " T Milner for 2 bbls plaster & one bbl salt 4 00
18 " KC & Co. pair grey tweed pants 6 00
20 " Euart for pr of shoes 1 50
28 Missionary money 4 00
{total} 70 10
May Cash Received
$ c
23rd From "Sherrin" 4 bags potatoes @ 60 c each 2 40
25 From J C Snell for ton of hay 12 00
27 For 10 bush of potatoes @ 40 C per bush 4 00
{total} 18 40
{Second Page}
May Cash Paid
$ c
2nd Mailed to Viney 8 00
" For a town lot 305 00
8 " photos 1 50
11 Rate for a loss of Co Peel Ins. Co. 5 60
25 To J C Snell on Berkshires 3 00
{total} 323 10
June Cash Received
$ c
11th From KC & Co for 288 lbs wool @ 21 C per lb 60 48
{Second Page}
June Cash Paid
$ c
11th Sundries 3 00
" Dentist's bill 3 50
13 for bran & feed 3 90
{total} $10 40
July Cash Received
$ c
22nd From Falliss part payment on 3 fat sheep 15 00
{Second Page}
July Cash Paid
$ c
1st Incidentals 3 00
4th Croquet &c 2 00
8th for groceries 5 00
{total} 10 00
August Cash Received
$ c
2nd From Dominion Bank, interest on balance of deposit 6 00
15th for 1 bush peas 1 00
31st " Plums 2 50
{total} 9 50
{Second Page}
August Cash Paid
$ c
3rd To Higginbotham for 1 months wages 16 00
10 for necessaries 14 00
12 Trip to Barrie 2 00
15 For Vineys board at Oshawa 24 00
" Incidentals 4 00
" Repairing share 1 00
30 Sundries 4 00
{total} 65 00
September Cash Received
$ c
16th From A Woodhall 16 bush Seneca 16 00
" " reaping oats 4 00
" " V Fitch for 5 ewes 92 50
26 For calves, chickens &c 8 50
{total} 121 00
{Second Page}
September Cash Paid
$ c
12th Railway fare to Guelp and return 85
21st To McGrath for one month's wages 12 00
21st " Ewart, pr Kip boots 4 50
25 Expenses of three to Exhibition 5 50
26 for S.S. Wave new notebooks 45
{total} 22 30
October Cash Received Your text here...
$ c
2nd From R Carter for cows acc/ 4 50
3rd " Jon Jackson for ram lam 15 00
15th From T Milner for 63 bush new barley @ 60 c 37 80
" " J Wiggins for 15 bush seed wheat 13 00
25th " Bowes for ram 13 00
" " Main " " 12 00
24th " Grey " " 10 00
26th " Learment " " Credit 9.00
28 " Main shearling ram 12 00
{total} 113 30
{Second Page}
October Cash Paid
$ c
7th Sundries 5 00
8th Wages to W Hewitt 20 00
17th To W Campbell blacksmith bill 10 00
26th Sundries 8 00
28th To Oshawa on board {illegible} 10 00
31st Threshing bill 15 00
" Taxes 31 70
{total} 99 70
November Cash Received
$ c
6th From R Lowes ram lamb 7 00
" " Cheyne ram lamb 6 00
7th " Haggert Bros for 28 bush seed wheat @ $1.00 28 00
" " W Smith on sheep acc/ 20 00
8th " T Milner 52 bush barley @ 60 C. 31 20
9th " Caraven for lamb 8 00
11th " Marshall for lamb 6 00
26th " Ben Watson on cows acc/ 3 00
29th " A J Little for 28lbs butter @ 15 C 4 20
30th For 8 turkeys 88lbs @ 7 1/2 C 6 60
{total} 120 00
{Second Page}
November Cash Paid
$ c
1st for Dry Goods 10 00
4th " " " 4 00
" Groceries 2 00
8th " 2700 lbs of bran @ $8.50 10 80
9 " 20 bush corn @ 48 C 9 60
" " insurance 2 25
12th " sundries 6 00
15 " dry goods 18 00
23rd " " " and suit of tweed 21 00
26th " Sundries 3 00
28th subscription to SS Banner for 1879 75
29th. Dry Goods 6 00
{total} 93 40
December Cash Received
$ c
10th From J Learment for Berkshire sow 1 yr old part payment 4 00
{Second Page}
December Cash Paid
$ c
9th Sundries 3 00
13th Piano cover 5 00
14th String of bells 1 50
18th furs & clothing 20 00
24th To Hewitt Willy for wages 8 00
" Xmas goods 3 00
{total} $40 50
Summary of Cash Received
$ c
Jan 31st Cash 41 92
Feb 28th " 40 45
Mar 31st " 199 65
Apr 30th " 189 47
May 31st " 18 40
June 30th " 60 48
July 31st " 15 00
Aug 31st " 9 50
Sept 30th " 121 00
Oct 31st " 113 30
Nov 30th " 120 00
Dec 31st " 4 00
{total} $933 17
{Second Page}
Summary of Cash Paid
$ c
Jan 31st Cash 28 50
Feb 28th " 32 70
Mar 31st " 117 00
April30th " 70 10
May 31st " 323 10
June 30th " 10 40
July 31st " 10 00
Aug 31st " 65 00
Sept 30th " 22 30
Oct 31st " 99 70
Nov30th " 93 40
Dec 31st " 40 50
{total} $912 70

Drew from deposit in

Dominion Bank $305

June 11th Received J Woodhall note for $100.00 for 4 months at 8 per cent per annum


June 11th 1878 -- Deposit in

Dominion Bank $50.41

Aug 2nd, Drew out balance of deposit for present use.

Jan 2nd 1878, Deposit in Merchants Bank amount to $225.00 Withdrawn


Deposit in Dominion Bank $200.00

March 1st 75.00

April 2nd 155.41

" 11th 25.00

March 1st 1878.

Received R Watson & E Watson,

Note for $150. bearing interest at 8 per cent per annum

Transcription Progress



John Ferguson Diary, 1878 Part 1.pdf
John Ferguson Diary, 1878 Part 2.pdf
John Ferguson 1878 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1878,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,
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