John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1879


John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1879

Date Created


Is Part Of

John Ferguson Diary Collection


Scanned Microfilm Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{Calendar listing months and days for the year 1879 on the left side of the page.}


{Floral image at the top of page}


In the year 1879 there will be two Eclipses of the Sun and one of the Moon. {Rman Numeral for 1}. An annular Eclipse of the Sun, Jan. 21st and 22nd, 1879, invisible on this continent.{Roman numeral for 2}. An Annular Eclipse of the Sun, July 18th, 1879, invisible pn this continent.{Roman numeral for 3}.A partial Eclipse of the Moon, Dec. 28th, 1879, invisible in Canada.


{Events and holidays associated with their dates listed. Floral image at the bottom of the page}

{Different image at the the top of second page}

Rates of Postage

Canada Postcard............... One Cent. Canada Post Card for U.S...... " " ON LETTERS. PER HALF OUNOE. To any part of Dominion of Canada or United States, 3 cents-must be prepaid. " New Foundland, 5 cents-must be prepaid. All mail matter(excepting samples of Merchandise) to and from the United States, is the same as to any part of Canada, and must be prepaid. Great Britain and Ireland, by Canadian or New York mail streamers, 5 cents. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. Newspapers and Periodicals, less than one oz. each, pasted singly, prepaid, 1/2 cent each; if under 4 ozs., 1 cent. Printed and published in Canada, and posted from Office of Publication or NEws Agency, to regular Subscribers or News Agents, for each 1 lb., or fraction of 1 lb., 1 cent, prepaid. Posted singly to Great Britain and Ireland, 2 cents per 4 oz. , prepaid. BOOKS, CIRCULARS, DOCUMENTS, POLICIES,&c. For each 4 ozs., or fraction of 4 ozs., 1 cent, prepaid, to be open at both ends. To United Kingdom, 2 cts. per 2 oz. or portion of 2 oz., limit weight of single packet, five pounds. PARCEL POST. Not to exceed 4lbs., to any part of Canada, 12 1/2 cts. per 8 ozs.; 25 cts. per 1 lb., and so on. PATTERN AND SAMPLE POST. Canada-must be prepaid by postage stamp at the rate of one cent per 4 ozs. Canada-must be prepaid by postage stamp at the rate of one cent per 4 ozs. To United States, not exceeding 1/2 lb., 10 cts. {Image at the end on page}

{Image at the top of page}


Hilary, 1st Monday in February to Saturday of ensuing week. Easier, 3rd Monday in May to Saturday of 2nd week thereafter. Trinity, 1st Monday in Aug. after 21st of said month to the Saturday of the following week, except when dispensed with in Easter Term. Michaelmas. 3rd Monday in November to Saturday of 2nd week tereafter. One Judge of each of the Courts is to sit in open Court every week, as well in as out of term, except during vacation. One Judge may sit for both Sourts of common Law. County Court Terms are four, commencing respectively on the 1st Monday in January, April, July and October, except in York, when they commence on the 1st Monday in January and April, and the 2nd Monday in June and October in each year, all ending on Saturday of same week. Surrogate Court Terms commence 1st Monday in january, April, July and October, and end on Tuesday of same week. Assizes-Twice in each year in every county or union of counties in Ontario, between Hilary and Easter Terms, and between the 21st of August and Michaelmas Term. In the County of York there are two additional Courts, one in the vacation between Easter Tem and the 1st of July, and the other in the vacation between Michaelmas and Hilary Terms, and in the County of Ventworth there is one additional between Michaelmas and Hilary Terms. Sittings of Courts of Assize may be held separate and part from the {illegible words with image at the end of page}, and either on same or different day, and sittings may be held in any Country for trial without Jury whenever directed by the Courts.

County Coruts.-Sittings commence on the 2nd Tuesday in June and December. except in York, where there are four, commencing respectively on the 1st Tiesday in March and December, and 2nd Tuesday in May and September. Except in York, there shall be sittings for trial, without Jury, on the 1st Monday in April and October in each year. In all Counties, Judges may hold such additional Courts as they may deem fit for trial of cases, without Jury. General Sessions are held at same time as the several County Courts. The County Judge's Criminal Court sits from time to time for trial of prisoners out of Sessions and without Jury. Heir, Devisee and Assignee Commissioners sit on 1st Monday in January and July, and on the 13 days next ensuing the said days repsectively, Sundays and Holidays expected. Court of Cahncery.-A Judge sits in COurt almost daily for transactions of business. Hear-ing and examination of witnesses are at such times and places as are appointed by the Court. Court of Appeal sits at Toronto foves times in every year, commencing on the 2nd Tuesday in January, the 1st Tuesday in March, the 2nd Tuesday in May, the 1st Tuesday in September, and the 2nd Tuesday in November. Supreme Court sits in Ottawa 3rd Monday in January and 1st Monday in June. Exchequer Cpurt at any time and place appointed by rule of Court. Long Vacation from 1st July to 21st August, except in the Court of Appeal, where it ends 31st August.{Image at the end of page}

Jan. Wednesday, 1. 1879.

A bright winter day, thawing a little in bright sunshine on the roads. Good sleighing but some large snow banks on side of roads. Spent forenoon at Zion Church preparing it for S S Party tonight. Afternoon had cutter ride through town. The evening brought a load of

Thursday, 2.

Brampton folks to Ebenezer S S Anniversary, a fruit festival no tea, good recitations and music by scholars & readings by W J Sp{illegible} a grand success. Was in town a while today. Mr & Mrs Fowler a new married couple from Seaforth, spent today with us Very blustering and cold.

Friday, 3.

The wind storm and drifting continued all day fiercely. Did no work beside the usual feeding at the barn. A boil on my face compelled me to remain in as much as possible In evening went to Post Office and paid annual box rent, 50 C also subscribed for Weekly Globe yesterday $0.75

Jan. Saturday, 4. 1879.

Started to town this morning with load of wood but managed to upset whole load into a snow bank before arriving at No 10. Left it there and came home. The roads are badly drifted. Was getting out some saw logs in afternoon.

Sunday, 5.

"Went to S School this morning lesson, Ezra III chap, "The second temple" or "A new beginning". A good attendance, The January "Northern Messenger" was distributed. Tonight in CM Church in town heard Rev E Clement preach from text: Deut. IV 32nd verse.

Monday, 6.

Cut in lower woods and drew to saw mill in town 4 saw logs (basswood) this comprised the day's work except the duty of voting at polling booth at No 10 for new council of Chinquacousy in current year. Spent evening at party at Mr G Blains in town.

Jan. Tuesday, 7. 1879

Arrived home at 4 A.M. and felt pretty drowsy at daybreak this morning. Spent today in making four trips to town with 5 cords of dry mixed wood for Haggerts & Bros woodyard. Fine winter weather and good sleighing.

Wednesday, 8.

At same work as yesterday but only making three trips. Also attended the annual Public School meeting in School House at 10 A.M. Only a few present and not much business to transact. Spent evening at a Temperance meeting near Allva.

Thursday, 9.

Hauling wood continued. Snow is nearly worn off the road in town. Strained one of my horses legs some now in drawing. Spent night at a party at A F Campbell's in town staid until a late hour.

Jan. Friday, 10. 1879.

Completed the job of delivering 20 cords of mixed wood to Haggert Bros @ $2.00 per cord; credit in manufactured goods. In town tonight a couple of hours. Received from D Moreland a "Chicago Tribune".

Saturday, 11.

Cutting and hauling elm and hemlock saw logs to saw mill. A light fall of snow today. Bought from T Noble a quarter of beef 125 lbs @ 4 c per lb.

Sunday, 12.

At S School this morning lesson, Ezra, VI 14 to 22. "The dedication of second Temple". Spent afternoon and took tea Mr A Little in town. Tonight at C M Church heard Rev C E McIntyre preach from Luke XII 16 to 20.

Jan. Monday, 13. 1879.

This forenoon work was cutting and hauling 3 saw logs to Brampton, total number of logs taken to mill 15. Afternoon Hewitt took job of threshing the oats with flail for every tenth bushel as his pay including board. Tonight was at S.S. Teacher's meeting at Ebenezer.

Tuesday, 14.

Weather continues moderate good sleighing except some pretty bad drifts. This forenoon working at a new box (basswood) for the bob sleighs. Afternoon at John Hindle's auction sale. For tea at Willow Lodge. Tonight writing letter to Wm McGrath.

Wednesday, 15.

Principal work today was taking the new sleigh box to blacksmith's for the necessary irons. Drew up from the woods some elm stake cuts & fenceposts Evening at home with two young ladies Misses Emma Carter & Mary Huxley.

Jan. Thursday, 16. 1879.

Was invited to attend a bee for hauling stone today but morning was very cold and storming and did not go. Drove to school house twice with and for the scholars, Also in town a few minutes Brought home the new sleigh box all clear basswood.

Friday, 17.

Fulfilled today the promise made for yesterday namely a stone bee for R J Nichols. Drove one mile north of Cheltenham and brought a large load of free-stone to Brampton. At home the evening reading town locals.

Saturday, 18.

At sunrise this morning I started with team and sleigh for townline between Caledon and Chinquacousy and brought home from thence 45 cedar fence posts 8 ft long and large size. Bought them from Isaac Nunn @ 9 C each. The road is badly drifted

Jan. Sunday, 19. 1879.

At S School at 10 A.M. the lesson, Nehemiah II 1 to 8, "The mission of Nehemiah". The Jan 15th number of "Northern Messenger" was distributed . Also had specimen copy of a new S.S paper, pub at Wesleyan Book Room Tonight Rev C.E. McIntyre, preached from same text as last Sunday night.

Monday, 20.

Mailed letter to D Moreland, Chicago Drew Saturday's load of posts to town for the park lot. Rest of the day hauling logs from lower woods for firewood. This morning brought the coldest snap of the winter.

Tuesday, 21.

Hauling logs continued and finished for this winter having now supply for the year's consumption in dooryard. At Willow Lodge an hour. Tonight attended a small surprise party at R Smith's a few young folks of neighborhood

Jan. Wednesday, 22. 1879.

Got home at an early hour this morning. Spent today in driving to Stewart-Town for shingles. Bought at Lawson's mill 12 square of 1st Class @$1.50 per square. Painted new sleigh box with crude petroleum paint.

Thursday, 23.

A trip to Caledon for fence cedar posts. Had some adventures in shape of three times upsetting the load of 40 posts The roads are in a very bad shape. Took the load to the town lot and brought a load of lumber from saw mill.

Friday, 24.

Today's work was drawing home from Aikin's steam saw mill the result of the logs taken there this winter. Have about 2500 ft in all basswood, elm & hemlock into scantling inch & half inch cost $8.00. Spent tonight at party in Edmonton

Jan. Saturday, 25. 1879.

Arrived at home at 4 A.M. and after a snatch of sleep started for Caledon at 7 o'clock and brought 35 cedar posts having only one upset. Today was quite warm and thawing, tonight however it is freezing hard.

Sunday, 26.

At S School, lesson. Nehemiah IV chap, "The builders interrupted". At close of the school a blue ribbon band of hope was started with 47 members. Tonight Rev E Clement preach in C M Church, text, Psalm LXXII 19th verse.

Monday, 27.

A forenoon trip to Caledon for cedar, brought 32 posts. The January thaw appears to have started in earnest and the old brown earth is showing itself again. Tonight in town at a party at J W Mains.

Jan. Tuesday, 28. 1879.

Going to parties make a fellow feel rather mean next day especially when 4 a.m. finds you just getting home. The pleasure is dearly bought. Today completed drawing home the year's firewood Also took a grist to Mill.

Wednesday, 29.

Yesterday and last evening had visitors from town Mr & Mrs A F Campbell & Miss Aitkin & Huxley. Weather continues bright and warm. Today's work was preparing for clover threshing tomorrow.

Thursday, 30.

A day's work at clover threshing with J H Shook's clover mill. Seed turned out rather slowly only making only making a bush during the day. Weather splendid for the job, a fair wind and a bright sky. With the machine, two spans of horses & three men, four span on the power

Feb. Saturday, 1.

Took a rest from work today. In town in forenoon for the mail which had been accumulating for four days. Afternoon attended the funeral of Nathan Tradenburg sermon preached by Rev R Boyle in P M church, Brampton.

Sunday, 2.

Last night was bitter cold with high wind and today clear and cold. Spent forenoon at Quarterly meeting in C M Church in town Rev C E McIntyre preached text. Psalm LI 12th. Tonight Rev E Clement preached text Matt XXV 1 to 13th.

Feb. Monday, 3. 1879

Drove to Clande with iron plow to Clunis' blacksmith's shop for repairs, and then on to Caledon and brought home a few fence posts in the sleigh box. Sold one bush of new clover seed to J Wiggins @$4.00.

Tuesday, 4.

Today was hauling and spreading clover chaff on front field for seeding next spring. the chaff contains considerable seed. In town on tour tonight. Received Rennies seed Catalogue

Wednesday, 5.

A light fall of snow. Spent today in barn winnowing clover seed, it requires sifting after fanning mill to get it clean. Spent evening at R. Watson's in neighbourly chat. Weather mild.

Feb. Thursday, 6. 1879

A days chopping in "lower woods" of tops of basswoods taken out for saw logs. Spent evening at M W McCollums in Brampton visiting Mr & Mrs R J Nichols. Superb moonlight nights.

Friday, 7.

In forenoon to last trip for cedar posts to Caledon Paid for 200 posts @ 9 C $18.00 to Mr Isaac N{illegible} Afternoon took a chopping to grist mill in town. Evening at home.

Saturday, 8.

Spent forenoon in making a trip Victoria for half of yesterdays load of posts, the sleighing being too poor to bring full load home. Afternoon in town for chopping &C. Sold 3 bbls of apples to Somalin @3.25 for lot and 4 doz eggs @ 20C.

Feb. Sunday, 9. 1879

A cold windy day. Went to S School in morning, lesson Nehemiah XIII 15 to 22, "Keeping the Sabbath". Our friends from Shelburn came to Willow Lodge last night & here today. Tonight at C M Church in town Rev W McFadden preach text Gal VI 9th.

Monday, 10.

For the first time in my life I sold a load of hay, drawing it to town on waggon and selling it to Dwyer @$9.50 per ton weight, 1800 lbs Tonight we were at P.M Church reopening teameeting in town An excellent address by Rev W Autliffe of Toronto on "Pulpit & Pew"

Tuesday, 11.

The Shelburn friends left for home this morning with sleigh. Weather dull with rain and snow both falling Tonight we had a small party at home of young folks of neighborhood in honor of cousin Robt Ferguson.

Feb. Wednesday, 12. 1879

Kept in motion lively all day for to cast off the drowsiness. Took R G Ferguson to station early this morning He goes to Bay City. Sold 2200 lbs hay to R Williamson @ $9.00 per ton In town tonight an hour.

Thursday, 13.

Attended a bee today for hauling cedar rails from Caledon to be used instead of scantling for repairing side walk between No 10 and Brampton, Six teams brought over 400 rails. Sleighing is good now.

Friday, 14.

Did very little extra work today. In morning drove to town for some visitors, Amy, Elsie and Emeline and Main "household They had dinner and tea and drove them back again tonight

Feb. Saturday, 15. 1879

A bitter cold day. In town most of the afternoon doing some work on park lot. also paid R Aitken's bill for sawing logs $8.00. Also paid A Morton $3.00 quarterage for church purposes.

Sunday, 16.

Spent forenoon at S School lesson Psalm I, "The Holy life". Several more names were added to the Band of Hope. Tonight in P M Church heard Rev J Bennett Anderson preach text Ezekial XXXIII 11th. He is a traveling evangelist.

Monday, 17.

Had a trip to Clande for the iron plow renewed with new board (steel "Clunis") & sole, share and coulter laid with steel and plow painted for $11.00 payable next fall had also share & coulter of new plow repaired @ $2.25.

Feb. Tuesday, 18. 1879.

Last night attended a blue ribbon temperance meeting in Concert Hall Brampton. Today's work was principally in barnyard. Tonight was at Zion Church at revival service held by Rev S. Blanchard for past two weeks, several conversions

Wednesday, 19.

Forenoon among the stock. Afternoon at Jos Thompson's Auction sale of farm stock and implements: (Lot 14 4th line east) Evening and nearly all night at a surprise part with neighbor R Watson. He and his good wife made entire company (about 18) very welcome, we had oysters.

Thursday, 20.

Nothing very striking about today's programme, the usual routine. Sold one bushel clover seed to David Wiggins Senr. @ $4.00. Tonight in town at P M Church, Rev J Bennett Anderson holding gospel meetings, a large audience and good feeling in meeting.

Feb. Friday, 21. 1879.

Drove to "Eldorado" K C & Co's mills for bran,bringing 2100 lbs in 31 bags, it was for last fall at $8.00 per ton. Bought hind quarter of beef from D Laidlaw 116 lbs @ 5 1/4 C per lb Paid $1.00 toward No 10 sidewalks In town tonight two hours.

Saturday, 22.

Today's work was hauling in the last stack of hay, putting into mows over the stables. Sold our 2 fat cattle, 3 yr old steer & heifer to J Foliss @ 4 C per lb live weight to be delivered in course of ten days. Sold 10 bush "Red Fern" spring wheat to Armstrong@ 80C

Sunday, 23.

At S School as usual, the lesson Psalm II "Prediction of coming Messiah". Afternoon at P M Church in town, a temperance sermon by J B Anderson, text, Isaiah LIX 1 to 10th. Took tea at A J Little's. Rev E Clement preach in C M Church text Romans I, 16th

Tuesday, 25.

In morning drove to Norval and brought from Fuller's steam saw mill a load of fence lumber, 16 ft long 900 ft in load. Afternoon at Dougall Smith's sale. Snow fell fast all day from east. Tonight at a surprise part at John Groats

Wednesday, 26.

Got to bed this morning at 3 o'clock forenoon at home. Afternoon at Brampton Concert Hall in Reform Convention, addresss by Messrs Deroche, Massie & Widdefield, M.P.P's. Mr K Chisholm is candidate for Peel. Tonight at Willow Lodge. a small dinner party

Feb. Thursday, 27. 1879.

Made another trip to saw mill (half mile south east of Norval) and brought 700 ft of fencing. Tonight was at J B Anderson's revival meeting in P M Church, a crowded house and many seekers of salvation meeting did not break up until after midnight

Friday, 28.

Last night was coldest yet known in the section at daybreak this morning 27 {symbol for degrees} below zero. Spent today in barnyard. Are getting daily arrivals in sheep flock since last Tuesday. Tonight three sisters and I at Concert in Town, Miss Barr & Sandy Bros.

March. Saturday, 1.

Concert last night was good one, had readings by W J Spears. Today made last trip for fencing. total 2515 ft @ $9.50 per thousand ft = $23.89. Afternoon in town and got my photographs at Cole's, 6. at $2.50 Also W A Mitchell for watch repairs $1.25

March. Sunday, 2. 1879.

At S School lesson Psalm LI. "The true Penitent", A large attendance including several visitors. Afternoon in town at choir Practice At A J Little's for tea and at C M Church, Rev E Clement preach sermon to young men Text II John 8th

Monday, 3.

Spent forenoon in going to Norval saw mill for 250 ft inch pine lumber, also brought a grist 10 bush wheat, for Hewitt, who flailed out 260 bush oats for every tenth, bought 20 bush from him @ 30 C, giving exchange wheat @ 95 C. He owes us $3.50 on trade In town tonight at Blue Ribbon meeting.

Tuesday, 4.

Yesterday sold to J C Snell one ton second crop clover hay @ $6.00. Today received from R Watson $12.00 int on $150, note for one year. Also made a conditionary sale of two ewe lambs to J Thompson @ $13.00 each Weather warm and thawing fast.

March. Wednesday, 5. 1879.

In town at "Dominion Bank" and drew from deposit $ 20.00 for present use. Afternoon at Pulpher's Sale, and paid Shook for clover threshing $12.00 also Fuller's lumber bill $26.10. Evening in town at Choir Practice

Thursday, 6.

Two or three inches of snow has renewed the sleighing. Sold and a ton of hay, and delivered one half of it to A Campbell No 10. @$10.00 per ton. A trip on foot to Willow Lodge and a cutter ride to town at night, superb moonlight.

Friday, 7.

Chopped at Main's Mill 6 bags peas oats & corn. Rest of day around barnyard. In company with C M Choir of Brampton attended a fruit Festival at Baptist Church Edmonton, addresses by Revs. Campbell & McGregor also R Smith with J C Snell in chair

March. Saturday, 8. 1879.

Another forenoon trip to town Received by mail from J R Craig the printed certificates of pedigrees of two bulls in our possession. "Rose Lea Boss" & "Major Dr Winton". Afternoon moving the roots in cellar, somewhat over heated. A thunder shower of rain

Sunday, 9.

At S School, lesson Psalm XXXII. "The joy of the penitent forgiveness". The notes of S S Banner are excellent on these Psalm lessons. A bright warm day, some rain this evening. Heard Rev C E McIntyre preach tonight. text, Jonah I, 6th verse.

Monday, 10.

Sowing some clover chaff (on front field) which has some seed. Delivered our two fat cattle. (3 year old steer and 3 yer Old Shorthorn heifer) to Folliss at Brampton @ 4C live weight 2550 lbs, less 200 lbs = $94.00. Tonight we were at Blue ribbon in town Ella sang three songs.

March. Tuesday, 11. 1879.

Put new roller in tongue of long sleigh. Drove to Willow Lodge in lumber wagon. This evening sold 5 lambs (1 yr old) to J Thompson @ $13.00 each and shipped them tonight at G T R Depot for Missouri also sent one for present to Uncle Jno Ferguson. Roads are very muddy.

Wednesday, 12.

Cold and frosty. Spent all day at a bee for No 10 sidewalk manufacturing sleepers out of cedar rails. Yesterday Thompson took car load 50 head of sheep to Missouri. We have only 3 1 yr old lambs left. Evening at home looks like a storm.

Thursday, 13.

The folks in town all day visiting friends. Consequently was left at home to look after all, indoors and out. Working at splitting stovewood and piling the same in shed. Evening reading newspapers.

March. Friday, 14. 1879.

Another day spent similar to yesterday. Father took train in company with J C Snell for Toronto for a day's recreation. In town tonight, the local papers all speak highly of Ella's singing at "Blue Ribbon".

Saturday, 15.

Another cold snap. Drove waggon to town with grist to mill. Sowed on the town lot, 16 lbs of red clover seed. timothy was sown last August. Also bought 1 bushel timothy seed at S Milner's @ $2.00

Sunday, 16.

At S School this morning lesson Psalm LXXXIV. "Delight in God's House" Afternoon at home reading "Guardian" &c. Tonight Em and I walked down to C M Church, Rev C E McIntyre preach texgt, Luke XVI. last verse of parable prodigal son

March. Sunday, 23. 1879.

At slight renewal of sleighing. Spent morning at S School. lesson, Psalm CXXXIX, "The All-seeing eye of God". Reading at home during afternoon Tonight in C M Church heard Rev W Poole of Toronto preach a sermon on "new heavens & new earth" quoting several passages of scripture.

Monday, 24.

Some showers of rain. Was sawing logs in dooryard with cross-cut for stovewood. Spent evening in town at a lecture given by Rev W. H. Poole in C M Church on , "Our gates" or "Englands greatness". It was a literary treat and highly instructive in every respect.

Tuesday, 25.

Forenoon's work same as yesterday. Afternoon had a drive up to Edmonton and from thence to Mr Elias Snell's to see the live stock, especially the sheep and lambs. Evening at home. Bright days and cold nights.

March. Wednesday, 26. 1879.

Cutting wood continued. Afternoon at B McMicken auction sale. Evening in town singing at dedication of Odd Fellow's new hall, it richly furnished and brussels carpet, third flat in Beck's new store. Had a good time until 11.30 oclock.

Thursday, 27.

Last night had another small snow storm from east. Today we were hewing some logs into beams and plates for new sheep house. not much sign of spring yet. Received yesterday letters from D Moreland and A Ferguson & card from Rennie.

Friday, 28.

In town this morning with some chopping to mill. Also mailed in letter to A Ferguson Shelburn a P.O. order for $50.00, lent to him for six months @ 8 per cent. Received from Rennie at depot (R.R.) 6 1/2 bush see peas, equal parts, Prince Albert & Golden Vine, costing $6.20 with 4 new bags extra 40 cts freight.

March. Saturday, 29. 1879

Yesterday and today we did the first manure hauling of this season, put out 22 loads, mostly on young orchard field and some on sod of calf pasture field. Weather cold and backward roads very muddy.

Sunday, 30.

Was not at S School this morning, partly because of bad roads, it also being review work there was no class teaching. Afternoon in town at C M Church to hear Rev Wm Taylor address S School. Also in evening heard same minister preach from text, Luke XIII, 24th verse.

Monday, 31.

A trip to town this forenoon with Ella who starts to lear miliner trade at J G Stead's dry Good store. Afternoon at continuation of manure hauling on front field. This month has been very wintry through out. Tonight it is freezing keen.

Wednesday, 2.

Winding up affairs among stovewood, also splitting some rock elm fence stakes A dull uneventful day. Evening at home - reading chat and music. Received 15 bush peas from R Watson in payment of old debt at 60 C per bush.

Thursday, 3.

A real cold day, would do credit to month of January. In lower woods all day cutting with cross cut saw into stovewood a large dry hemlock, will be used for summer wood. Have hardly enough in stock at house for the current year's firing.

April. Friday, 4. 1879.

Bought from R Watson, 2 bags "Early Rose" potatoes ?@ $1.00 per bag, for table use, our stock is getting low, have only "small" potatoes left. Spent afternoon in town at Court House hearing a trial of "Breach of promise" on part of young man towards young lady.

Saturday, 5.

The verdict given yesterday in favor of lady, damages at $1500.00 were given. Part of today in woods sawing. Bought 2100 lbs of salt from Stubbins at G.T.R. depot. @$4.30 per ton. For sowing on land as manure. Received letter from Shelburn with A Ferguson's note for $50.00.

Sunday, 6.

Forenoon at S School, lesson Job, XXXIII chap. This is one of most interesting books of whole Bible. Afternoon at home reading. Evening at C M Church. Rev C.E. McIntyre preached from text, Ephesians II, 4th verse.

April. Monday, 7. 1879.

Another days work in woods cutting stove wood and cordwood out of {illgible}ain timber. Weather bright and warm Snowbanks are melting away and roads getting dry. Evening at home as usual.

Tuesday, 8.

At noon today we suspended operations in woods, until next fall. Afternoon was hauling the hemlock stove wood for present use. Make morning and evening trips to town in buggy with Ella to her work.

Wednesday, 9.

The choicest day yet this spring, warm bright sunshine, the roads dry and dusty. Bought 10 bush of Red Chaff spring wheat from R Cation at June market price At home we started to put new shingles on house roof.

April. Thursday, 10. 1879.

A wonderful change from summer to winter, Rain from N.E. succeeded by snow and cold freezing weather. Could do very little important work because of storm. Clipped our imported Cotswold ram, weight of fleece 14 lbs.

Friday, 11.

Filing cultivator teeth, also doing final strokes to job of firewood splitting. During part of day helping some at house cleaning. A holiday in town, all business suspended spent evening in Brampton.

Saturday, 12.

Constructing a slat sidewalk from kitchen door towards the barnyard gate. Resumed work at house roof. Weather cold and frosty nights, roads are extremely bad. Received from A Cheyne $5.00, old debt on a sheep.

April. Sunday, 13. 1879.

Suffering from a severe cold was not in trim for leaving home all day. Father heard Rev E Clement preach an Easter sermon in C M Church in Brampton this morning. A very quiet day indeed.

Monday, 14.

Spent all day on roof shingling. It being more particular job than ordinary we have taken a good deal of time at it. We also started to do some fence repairs, and ditching.

Tuesday, 15.

Completed shingling for the present, put 5 1/2 squares on N.E. roof of house, also of house, also 1/2 square on pantry roof. Afternoon was pruning the large willow shade trees in dooryard. Weather cold and dry.

April. Wednesday, 16. 1879.

Spring opens up slowly, as yet no signs of growth, although snow has been off the fields for 2 or 3 weeks. The winter frost is in ground yet. Some more pruning today and cleaning up around the yards. A visit from Rev Jas Pearen and sister Mary

Thursday, 17.

Forenoon started operations towards repairing the board fence on S east side of front lane by taking of old boards. Afternoon was at work on road helping repair the No 10 sidewalks. Elder Hawkins (colored) gives a Sacred Concert in town tonight

Friday, 18.

Continuation of sidewalk work. It is being done by a few of the neighbors at odd times as we have time to spare, have about 60 rods repaired, of lower half of Lot.9. Weather grows warmer slowly the ground is getting dry.

April. Saturday, 19. 1879.

First opertions towards the spring seeding by sowing salt, about 1900 lbs on 20 acres. In front field we left E. half of 13th ridge from the S. without salt, also in far field of other place left, W. half of 13th ridge from N. as experiments.

Sunday, 20.

Morning at S School lesson Esther, IV chap. "The whole history of Esther & Mordecai". Have only one lesson on this interesting narrative. Tonight in C M Church heard Rev E Clement preach from 3rd Chap of Daniel. Aunt E Lindsay & daughter Lizzie are her over Sunday.

Monday, 21.

The promised seed time has arrived. A clear sky and a hot sun with the soil in excellent trim. Started by sowing "red chaff" spring wheat in front field, 5 acres, 8 bush seed, with broadcast seeder. Also an acre on flats, 2 bush same variety.

April. Tuesday, 22. 1879.

If possible a finer day than yesterday, almost summer heat. Sowed remainder of front field 5 1/2 acres with 13 bush barley. Also 6 acres with 15 bush white oats, it was sod plowed last fall. Father is grafting in young orchard.

Wednesday, 23.

Co Peel, Spring fair was not largely attended because of busy time. However there was a good show of live stock and reapers of all grades. We failed to secure a prize on our 2 yr old bull weight at 25 mo's old, 1660 lbs

Thursday, 24.

Have 18 acres completed of spring grain seeding. Today rolling part of fall wheat crop. Also sowing white carrot seed in drills on a small plot of newly plowed sod in young orchard just below the barns.

April. Friday, 25. 1879.

Sowed with seeder the back field of other place, 9 1/2 acres with barley, 19 1/2 bush, and harrowed it for a day's work. Father bought 10 R I Greening young apple trees @ 20 C each and planted them in vacancies in young orchard. Received letter from Jno Ferguson, Missouri.

Saturday, 26.

Finished up the field of yesterday also seeded it with clover seed, not intended for permanent but only fall pasture for sheep Seeded down the front field with timothy and clover & small plot on flats with same. An hour in town tonight

Sunday, 27.

At S School lesson Isaiah XLII, 1 to 10. "The coming Savior" One of the many passages of this prophecy pointing to the Messiah. Spent afternoon at Willow Lodge. Tonight heard Rev E Clement preach from text, Jeremiah VI 46th.

April. Monday, 28. 1879.

Started the job of plowing the sod for pea crop. the west corner field of farm, containing about 8 acres. Using the old iron plow (rebuilt) it does its work in good style.

Tuesday, 29.

One team at same work as yesterday. With other rolling the front field. Broke one of cast iron header off roller. And was compelled to buy a new one at Haggert Foundry @ $3.00. Had Hewitt making garden.

Wednesday, 30.

Plowing sod continued. Have turned over 4 acres since Monday morning. Willie was digging post holes for front lane fence. Weather turned quite cold, with snow squalls.

May. Thursday, 1. 1879.

Not a seasonable day at all A cold north wind and hard frost last night. At ploing {sic} all day. Evening in town at entertainment in Presbyterian Church, music & readings Sister Ella one of soloists.

Friday, 2.

At same work as yesterday. Putting in a steady week plowing on an average 1 1/3 acres daily, the iron plow works very well. Father spent day at Willow Lodge trimming J C Snell's young orchard. Em and Ella went by train to Georgetown to sing at temperance meeting.

Saturday, 3.

Finished the 8 acre sod field Also finished the lane post hole digging. Was rolling fall wheat on "other place" it is a slim crop. Evening in town an hour or two. Weather geting {sic} some warmer.

May. Sunday, 4. 1879.

Quarterly meeting at Brampton Rev E Clement preached from text Jeremiah VIII, 22nd. A very good sermon indeed. Afterwards love feast and sacrament. Spent afternoon and evening which were showery at home.

Monday, 5.

Mailed letter to D. Moreland A day of general work, building fence at lower end of old orchard field, hauling brush (from pruning) from new orchard, also putting fence over creek at foot of lane to save flats field from depradation of sheep. First rhubarb pie.

Tuesady, 6.

Cold dismal weather and nights frosty. Same class of work as yesterday Have Hewitt digging for board fence around the town lot. Have most of garden made, potatoes planted. &c, therein.

May. Wednesday, 7. 1879.

Sold yesterday a Berkshire boar one month old @ $6.70. Today we sowed the peas, 20 bush on 8 acres, 3 1/4 bush, "Prince Albert", 3 1/4 bush "Golden Vine" from Rennie, in Toronto and remainder our own growth, the ground sod is quite dry and dusty.

Thursday, 8.

This morning helped J Learment raise a small building. Finished harrowing and rolling the pea field. Afterwards started to plow root ground the new orchard. Weather dry and growing warmer every day.

Friday, 9.

All day cultivating and preparing root ground. Planted a few drills, Early Rose potatoes. Spent evening in Brampton part of time at Aunt Emiline Patullo's who is dangerously ill.

May. Saturday, 10. 1879.

Sowed in drills, 2 1/2 lbs of "Yellow Globe" mangolds, also 1/2 lb of "Sugar Beet" seed. Afternoon we planted the new cedar posts (54) on south side of front lane. Evening in town and met Dawson Moreland from Chicago on a visit.

Sunday, 11.

Did not attend S. School this morning, the girls went up - lesson in Isaiah "The {illegible}tions about our Savior" Tonight heard Rev C McIntyre preach in C M Church, text Hebrews II, 3rd verse.

Monday, 12.

Did a full day's work in Brampton, viz. putting in fence posts around our park lot. The holes are being dug by Hewitt @ 10 C each. Weather is very warm and dry.

May. Tuesday, 13. 1879.

Spent two hours this morning in washing 28 sheep. The waters of the Etobicoke are quite warm Spent rest of day hauling manure between drills of the sowed mangolds Sold 11 bush oats to Sterling @ 40 C per bush.

Wednesday, 14.

D Moreland of Chicago was here all last night on a visit. Today's job was a continuation of the manure hauling on land intended for turnip crop. This evening J C Snell & family were here on their 11th wedding anniversary.

Thursday, 15.

This forenoon saw completion of setting fence posts around town lot, had been quite a task. Had a nice gentle rain during middle of today but hardly enough for spring grain which is needing rain badly.

May. Friday, 16. 1879.

Completed front lane board fence, it looks well made it is only a medium height. In town tonight at P.M. Church choir practice. Received card from A Ferguson Shelburn. A political ward meeting at No 10.

Saturday, 17.

Put in a hard day's work at plowing an acre & one half for turnip crop, having put 30 loads of manure on it. Tonight was P M Choir practice. Last night was at Y.M.C.A. meeting, addresses by John McDonald & W H Howland of Toronto.

Sunday, 18.

At S School lesson Micah IV, "The Savior's Kingdom". Afternoon at home. Mr & Mrs A. F. Campbell were here on a short visit. Tonight in C M Church heard Rev E Clement preach I Kings XXIII 18 & 19.

May. Monday, 19. 1879.

A day's work at sheep shearing with some help from father the 27 head were completed by 6 P.M. The average weight will fall behind former years having only 3 year olds. Had Willy picking stones off the medow {sic}. A very warm day.

Tuesday, 20.

Forenoon was spent in repairing fence over creek at Woodhall line. Afternoon planting rest of potatoes in new orchard rather more than 1/2 acre Bought bag potatoes from J Learment @ $1.25 per bag.

Wednesday, 21.

Opened the flats field for pasture to cows and sheep Started to build board fence around town lot. Planted a little corn and beans. Weather is quite cold, signs of frost tonight.

May. Thursday, 22 1879.

All day at fence building in Brampton. Father brought team home after taking us down in morning and we ate our lunch in shade of fence. This evening at PM Church in town and heard Rev Mr Ant{illegible} preach from John VIII, 13th.

Friday, 23.

Completed the board fence having built about 50 rods of it. Bought a $1.50 worth of lumber to finish up with. The fence stands about 4 ft high to top of cap and has a neat appearance.

Saturday, 24.

Queen's birthday. Not having any particular amusement planned for the day I spent it at home doing some odd needful jobs or repair around the farm. Weather is still very dry.

May. Sunday, 25. 1879.

Spent all day in town at three services in PM Church the conference of ministers of that denomination being now in session. Sermons morning and evening. In afternoon a S S meeting was held. Had meals at A F Campbell's.

Monday, 26.

Started the heavy task of breaking the fallow as the ground is very hard & dry. Evening in town at P. M Church conference meetings {illegible} Aunt Emeline died yesterday morning aged 68 yrs.

Tuesday, 27.

Forenoon at continuation of fallow plowing. In afternoon went Aunt Emeline Patullo's funeral. Service in M E Church sermon by R M Collarman II Tim IV 7th & 8th. The Procession went with remains to 3rd line east graveyard

May. Wednesday, 28. 1879.

Built a new board fence in the Watson line on the creek flats from foot of western hills to the creek bank about 12 rods, put it up on shares with Watson costing $ {blank space} Evening in town at P M Conference Ordination services.

Thursday 29

Nomination for Co of Peel Provincial elections took place in Agents Hall Brampton today. A large crowd and some good political addresses. Chisolm & McCulla are the candidates.

Friday, 30.

A hard day's work plowing in summer fallow. Also we prepared the wool crop for market by pulling and over hauling it. It was exceedingly warm today. Quiet evening at home.

June. Sunday, 1.

A superb morning, warm and showery. Went to S School only a few persons present lesson Ezekial, XXVII. "The Fall of ancient Tyre predicted" Took dinner at J C Snell's Evening at home being very wet.

Monday, 2.

In morning a trip to town for doing a little trade in groceries & family necessities Afternoon was at statute labor of public highway. plowing preparatory to hiring scraper &c.

June. Tuesday, 3. 1879.

Commenced operations at the repairs and improvements in sheephouse hay loft. Jno Campbell helped us in framing the timbers &c. A very heavy rain during afternoon. A great change has been wrought on face of field's.

Wednesday, 4.

Same job as yesterday. With a few neighbours we put up the frame which will put a double roof on the mow, originally a single roof. Weather is warm and cloudy and damp.

Thursday, 5.

Province of Ontario election day for it Legislature K Chisholm, Reform candidate for this county was elected by 160 of majority over W A McCulla Conservative. The polling of votes in this division was done at No 10. Great excitement in Brampton tonight.

June. Friday, 6. 1879.

A heavy shower this morning Forenoon's work was a drive to Willow Lodge and cleaning up a load of Treadwell wheat Afternoon at work on roof of new building. Paid for our share of board fence on flats $3.68. Evening in town.

Saturday, 7.

At work at new building sheeting roof and putting on the half inch siding. Drove to town this evening for mail and turnip seed 5lbs @ 20C at Milner's store. Received letter from the Oakville friends.

Sunday, 8.

Went to S School this morning, lesson. Ezekiel XXXVII, Vision of the valley of dry bones. Afternoon at home. Evening at C M Church in town. Rev J.H. Starr of Collingwood preach from text Heb XI, 5th.

June. Monday, 9. 1879.

A day's work at shingling Had the team plowing the turnip ground the second time not in good trim being rather sad and heavy. Drove to town tonight on small errand and straight back home again.

Tuesday, 10.

Sowed in drills 3 lbs of "Ski{illegible}" turnip seed on 1 1/3 acres with hand drill. Had a visit today from Aunt Phoebe Burke of Scarborough. Dosed the lambs with McDougall's sheep dip.

Wednesday, 11.

A day with team at statute labor on Centre Road which completes our allotted time of 7 days, having put in extra time last season. The roads have been better worked than the average this year. The soil not being so hard & dry.

June. Thursday, 12. 1879.

Was spent on shingling and siding new building It was a hot day. In town this evening an hour or two for pleasure. Yesterday received letter from Mr A Rossitor of Oregon giving favorable description of Pacific slope.

Friday, 13.

Sold and delivered a load of "Treadwell" wheat to T Milner 52 bush @.92 C (inferior). Also two loads "Red Fern" spring wheat 92 bush @ .90 C per bush a good sample. Have yet a load of "Seneca" wheat.

Saturday, 14.

Another day's work at new building, about one more day will complete it. Weather has been steadily growing warmer until a wet spell is on hand. Clover in bloom rather short. fall wheat fully shot out.

June. Sunday, 15. 1879.

Some heavy rains today. At S School this morning a few present, lesson Zechariah IV Chap. "The need of God's Holy Spirit. Remainder of day at home. Raining very fast tonight. Jabez Pearin spent afternoon with us.

Monday, 16.

Another day's carpentering and the completion of the building. Cool and clear after the heavy rains. They have wrought a great change in spring grain crops the present prospects are good.

Tuesday, 17.

Quite cold all day. Started the job of manuring the summer fallow, hauling first from the sheep house yards. Built a sett of carriage steps for the front lane and a tie post to match.

June. Wednesday, 18. 1879.

Kept the team and hired force (father & son Hewitt) at same job as yesterday. Horse hoeing the root crops potatoes & mangolds. Was at Guy Bell's this evening a short time on business.

Thursday, 19.

Continuation of the manure hauling putting at rate of 16 loads per acre on fallow. Have put out on farm this season from barnyard 150 loads and yet remains about 100 loads for the fall time

Friday, 20.

Using the hand hoes today The carrot crop are looking well. Sowed yesterday a few more drills of Swede turnip in young orchard where mangolds failed Weather growing warmer again.

Duplicate of previous page.

June. Saturdy, 21. 1879.

Received letter from D Moreland This forenoon attended a bee for hauling sand from Hunter's sand pit to Mr A Woodhall's for new house Afternoon brought from Haggert Bros Foundry a new Royce Reaper price $110. paid $40 in wool & $10 for old machine

Sunday, 22.

A very warm bright day At S School in morning. lesson Malachi III chap. Consecration to God". The last Old Testament lesson in the 7 years series. Tonight at C M Church heard Rev E Clement preach from text Rev XIV 3rd verse

Monday, 23.

Started cross plowing the fallow, this being second plowing will have two more. Received $40.00 from S Crowforth in payment for 2 yr old steer. In town tonight at Mr Terry's, singing practice.

Wednesday, 25.

This morning we started the hay harvest by cutting 3 acres of clover in field beyond the creek using J Learment's new mower. The clover is rather soft and green yet. This evening at Edmonton

Thursday, 26.

Did some more mowing. After dinner started to horse rake and cock up yesterday's cutting when a heavy thunder shower came on, lasting for an hour. For tea and evening we had Mr & Mrs A Little.

June. Friday, 27. 1879.

Forenoon's work was plowing and work among the roots. Afternoon resumed operations in hayfield Got all (4 acres) into cocks, Tonight it is raining again. In town an hour tonight.

Saturday, 28.

No haymaking today completed cross plowing the fallow. The spring grain crops are makine a fine display just now Barley fully headed out. Jas Tayler of Stratford on a short visit.

Sunday, 29.

An early session of S School at 8:30 A.M. lesson was quarter's review but we had only an addresss from Jno Huxley. At close of school at 10.30 we went to reopening of Baptist church in Edmonton. Tonight Rev C McIntyre preached in Brampton Isaiah LXIII 1st.

July. Tuesday, 1.

Dominion Day. A public holiday but not generally observed by farmers this year because of fine weather in hay harvest. Forenoon in hay field. Afternoon in barn raising bee. D McKinney Took tea at J C Snell's.

Wednesday, 2.

Mowed half of second clover field this morning. Afternoon was spent at a barn raising at Guy Bell's. It was a large building that only one half of frame was put up when night came

July. Thursday, 3. 1879.

Very sultry weather. Brought in two loads of hay when a heavy shower came on at 9 a.m. and lashed until noon. Afternoon was spent in hoed crops. Evenings at home this week.

Friday, 4.

Rain Rain and heat, very unfortunate weather for hay harvest. Dried enough towards evening for to horse rake and bring in a load of hay. Evening, Em and I went to a garden party at residence of M M Elliot Esq.

Saturday, 5.

Drew in 7 loads of hay today also raked and put into cocks 3 acres of clover just behind barn field. Have field beyond creek disposed of, 17 loads in all. Cool, clear and pleasant.

July. Sunday, 6. 1879.

Morning at S School the lesson in Romans V, 1 to 10, "Peace with God" or "Justification by faith". This evening in town at C M Church, Rev C E McIntyre preached text Psalm LXIII 3rd verse.

Monday. 7.

Busy at hay, hauling in clover all day. The hay is slow to make this season, being so full of sap, beside frequent showers, but on whole so far our has been secured in fair order.

Tuesday, 8.

Started mowing our last field of hay it is all timothy and a very good crop. Cut four acres out of nine in field this forenoon. Evening at magic lantern show in school house.

July. Wednesday, 9. 1879.

Have two fields saved in barn had 33 loads off 15 acres. Cut remainder of timothy today, and horse raked yesterday cutting, putting the same into cocks.

Thursday, 10.

Had an Indian to help us draw in hay today. Made best possible use of time all day as the weather was threatening At 3 P.M. a heavy shower suddenly stopped all operations.

Friday, 11.

A really wet day. Fog and thunder between the showers. Harrowed the fallow and hoed the mangold crop. In town tonight an hour or two.

July. Saturday, 12. 1879.

Forenoon with a grist to Mains mill, Brampton Afternoon got at the hay once more, brought in 5 loads and rest into shape in field until Monday.

Sunday, 13.

At S School this morning lesson, Romans VIII 27 to 37, "Security of Believers" Some Brampton young folks were here for dinner and we went to J C Snells for tea and then to Church Rev E Clement preached on Methodist doctrine.

Monday, 14.

Hay harvest is over, except perhaps a load or from fence corners. Brought in last of hay this morning. 49 loads from meadows total hay crop 50 loads. Paid the Indian off for the present, $2.15/

July. Tuesday, 15. 1879.

The hottest day yet this season the mercury must have been nearly 100 {symbol for degrees} in the shade. At the fence corner hay crop which is better than average yield. Some of the neighbors are cutting fall wheat today.

Wednesday, 16.

Hired a young man for one month @ $26.00. he started work this morning. Part of our force spent day hoeing in root crop. Started plowing the fallow for the third time.

Thursday, 17.

Started harvest this morn cutting roads around the wheat and barley for the reaper. Afternoon cut with new "Royce" reaper 3 acres "Seneca" also bound and stooked it, a fair crop. Plowed 3 acres in 12 hours yesterday with one plow.

July. Friday, 18. 1879.

Reaped part of field of barley and bound it, but will not complete the field until Monday as it is hardly ripe enough. The barley crop is a good one this season, the grain will be bright and plump.

Saturday, 19.

Crossplowed in fallow and completed the job at noon. Afternoon cutting reaper roads in wheat field on other place. In town this evening cutting thistles in & around the town lot.

Sunday, 20.

Morning at S School lesson, 1 Cor 13th Chap. A beautiful psalm of praise on Charity. Tonight at C M Church Brampton Rev Mr Beynon preached text. Psalm VIII 4th verse.

July. Monday, 21. 1879.

Forenoon reaping and binding barley just in front of the house. Afternoon started in "Seneca" wheat field on "other place" and cut and bound as well as stooked 3 acres of it, it is a very fair crop.

Tuesday, 22.

Into harvest fields early this morning as the weather is gloomy, Brought in first load of barley. At ten a.m. rain came on which has continued thoughout the day and into to night.

Wednesday, 23.

Yesterday's rain proved to be a very heavy one. Did not do any harvest work until towards evening when we started cutting wheat but ground was too soft for proper working of reaper C.V. Railway are now laying the rails between Bram & Edmon.

July. Thursday, 24. 1879.

At noon today we finished cutting and stooking the fall wheat (11 acres). Started to reap barley on "other place. Drew in eight loads of sheave, 4 of barley and 4 of wheat.

Friday, 25.

Pushed the work lively today from morning until tea time binding barley. After tea stooked up the day's binding beside bringing in 4 loads barley and one of wheat. It was 9 o'clock when we stopped work for tonight. Looks like rain

Saturday, 26.

Weather very peculiar expected rain every hour during the day but passed off towards evening with a few drops. Forenoon hauling in wheat. Afternoon working at barley, binding & turning, have 3/4 of field in shock, the rest will not be bound.

July. Sunday, 27. 1879

Morning at S School lesson Cor XV "The Victory over death" or" final Salvation" Afternoon at home penning a letter to A J Rossitoer of Oregon. U.S. Evening hear Rev C E McIntyre preach from text, Matt XXII 12th.

Monday, 28.

Hauling in barley from "other place" nearly all day, it was in pretty fair condition. At 6 P.M. had a wind storm and some rain, which closed the day's work.

Tuesday, 29

Off harvest work this forenoon because of rain. Hauling in remainder of barley and rakings. Spent a pleasant evening at wedding of G Duncan & Hattie Modeland at residence of J W Main. Was second best man

July. Wednesday, 30, 1879

Finished fall wheat and barley harvest this evening. Both crops have been saved in very good condition. Weather is very pleasant now. Fine moonlight nights. Visitors the Misses Nelly & Minnie Taylor of Oakville.

Thursday 31.

No harvesting today, because the grain is not ripe. Working among root crops and doing various other jobs. In town tonight a short time. Weather warm and dry.

Friday, 1.

A days picnicing in Caledon In the spring wagon, 8 of us started at 7 a.m. for the day's pleasure. Visited McLaren's Castle, Forks and Falls of Credit and came home by Charleston, Was a hot day but had a jolly time. A load of Snells were with us.

Aug. Saturday, 2. 1879

The grain ripens very slowly. Started cutting oats this morning but we gave it up for this week after going 3 rounds. Hoeing the mangolds &c was afternoon's work.

Sunday, 3.

At S School as usual lesson II Co, V chap "The Christian;s Ministry". Tonight heard Rev C E McIntyre preach from text, Mark IX, 2nd vers. Quarterly Meeting at "Harrisons" this morning.

Monday, 4.

Reaped the spring wheat in front field 4 1/2 acres and found it, a good crop but for the rust during the past few days, done a great deal of damage. Was also reaping and binding oats.

Wednesday, 6.

Started the job of pulling peas with scythes, Are rather green but a fine crop, well loaded and pretty free from bugs. Splendid harvest weather of late.

Thursday, 7.

At same work as yesterday three of us put at the rate of 3 acres per day. Towards evening we haul in the spring wheat. At dusk tonight there was a thunder shower.

Aug. Friday, 8. 1879.

Harvest work rather slow this morning after the rain last evening. At peas about half a day. Drawing in some grain after tea. Havest apples and pears are now in order.

Saturday, 9.

Sold this morning to Messrs Main & Bowes of Trafalgar a ram & ewe lamb, respectively @ $12.00 each, to be taken away in the course of ten days. Today we are bringing into barn peas and oats. In town tonight an half hour

Sunday, 10.

Morning at S School lesson, Galations, V & VI "The fruits of the Spirit". The lessons of this Quarter are rather difficult to teach because of so many doctrinal points. Heard Rev E Clement preach tonight. text, Gal V. 7th.

Aug. Monday. 11. 1879.

A shower last night kept us from harvest fields until noon. Brought in several loads of peas and oats. Aunt Jannie Rice and her little family came today for a two week visit.

Tuesday, 12.

Finished the last of the harvest cutting in pea field. Hauling in grain most all day with two teams. Quiet evenings at home suitable for rest.

Wednesday, 13.

Harvest Home! Again has the annual time come when we can write this motto. Completed the pea crop this evening just before a heavy thunder shower. Had 25 loads of peas off 7 1/2 acres. Both barns are 'chuck' full.

Aug. Thursday, 14. 1879.

A cool damp day. Spent it leisurely among the turnip crops of once acre more or less. The plants are not yet half grown, being late sown. Lots of visitors this week, cousins & aunts. Paid our harvest man one month @ $26.00

Friday, 15.

Turnip hoeing by hand and by horse. Also putting out barnyard manure on pea stubble land intended for fall wheat.\

Saturday, 16.

A N.E. rain nearly all day. Pea threshing with flail. An agent left a three furrow gang plow on trial Made a three horse double tree rig for said plow

Aug. Sunday, 17. 1879.

At home all day, being somewhat under the weather, was compelled to remain for sake of rest Rest of folks went to usual Sunday services. Rev Wm Burns preached tonight in Brampton

Monday, 18.

Resumed operations at manure hauling on pea field. Quite a number of visitors from town this evening. The pears are a good crop. Sold a bag @ $1.50

Tuesday, 19.

Received yesterday from Main & Bowes $24.00 for the two lambs sold last week. Finished the job of yesterday put 50 loads manure on field.

Aug. Wednesday, 20. 1879.

Started crossplowing the pea field, using the new gang plow, three furrows at once, by having three horses to draw it. Broke one of the plows this afternoon by striking a stone.

Thursday, 21.

Running gang plow today with two horses, turning only two furrows The work done by plow is very satisfactory. Price $19.00 cash on October 1st next.

Friday, 22.

Finished the job of crossplowing pea field. Pried out of ground a great many large stones. Weather dry and pleasant.

Aug. Saturdy, 23. 1879.

Was crossplowing the summer fallow, this is the fourth time but thistles were growing on it. Washed the lambs (28) in the Etobicoke.

Sunday, 24.

At S School as usual lesson Philippians II, 1 to 13, "The Christian's model". Afternoon at home Evening in Brampton P M Church, sermon by a stranger, text Hebrews XI, 6.

Monday, 25.

Working 5 horses all day in pea field, harrowing, rolling and taking off some large boulders Visitors today Mr & Mrs Isaac Modeland

Aug. Tuesday, 26. 1879.

Striking out into wide lands for gangplow crossing, two stubble fields on "other place". Also striking out fallows 12/1/2 for lands. Sold to F Wilson of Mich, 2 ewes and 1 ram lamb @ $36.50

Wednesday, 27.

Ridging up the fallow Did more than two acres today with one team. Visitors Mr & Mrs A F Campbell Mr & Mrs Grafton just from Buffalo N. Y.

Thursday, 28.

At same work as yesterday and nearly finished the job. Had other team at gang plow on "other place" Weather very dry and warm.

Aug. Friday, 29. 1879.

Striking out pea field into 12 1/2 ft lands. Ground is very dry and dusty. Had some sport last night cutting a tree in "other place" woods for a swarm of honey bees. But found no honey.

Saturday, 30.

Ridging in field of yesterday's marking out. Father went to Norval Mills with a grist trying a change in flour from Brampton Mills.

Sunday, 31.

Mercury 98{symbol for degrees} in shade An exceedingly hot day Been no warmer this season. At S School lesson, Colossians IV "Practical religion". Tonight heard Rev C McIntyre preach from text, Isaiah IV, 6th.

Sept. Monday, 1. 1879.

Another hot day. Started fall wheat seeding putting with seeder 7 1/2 bush "Seneca" on 4 acres of fallow. Ground is very dry and somewhat lumpy.

Tuesday, 2.

Ridging all day in pea field. Cooler and some show of rain soon. Aunt Jennie Rice & family went home today (Oshawa) after their weeks visit.

Wednesday, 3.

Busy plowing all day not stopping for some occasional showers. The rain has been light the ground turns up dry and white after the plow.

Sept. Thursday, 4. 1879.

At noon the ridging was completed. Only spent 5 1/2 days at 12 acres. After dinner we sowed the pea field, 7 3/4 acres. with 14 1/2 bush "Seneca". wheat. The 12 1/2 ft lands would be better for seeder at 13 ft wide.

Friday, 5.

Ditching and furrowing the field sowed yesterday Also finishe gang plowed 2 or 4 acres of fall wheat stubble land. All evenings at home this week.

Saturday, 6.

Completed gang plowing front field an "other place" Father bought dry goods to ammount of $20.00 of Stead's Bankrupt Stock In town tonight an hour or so.

Sept. Sunday, 7. 1879.

Was prevented from attending S School this morning, the lesson I Thess.III, "Second coming of Christ". Tonight heard Rev E Clement preach from text, Mark XVI 20th verse.

Monday, 8.

Sowed 24 lbs timothy seed on the 4 acres of fallow wheat Had three horses plowing all day with gang plow on "other place". Folks made a trip to Caledon woolen factory for yarn.

Turesday, 9.

Em, Ella and I took early train (G.T.R) for Toronto to see Industrial Exhibition also a military review about 2000 soldiers. The were inspected by Princess Louis & Marques of Lorne in person

Sept. Wednesday, 10. 1879.

Came home last night at midnight train, the City was illuminated with gas all evening, was a beautiful sight. Today's work was at the plow and attending a neighbor's threshing.

Thursday, 11.

Gang plowing in front field for a rye crop. The ground is getting very dry and hard and no prospect of rain. Had white frost past two nights A home apple paring bee tonight.

Friday, 12.

Father went to Guelph to attend the College Stock sale. Bought from S Milner 8 bush rye @ -62 1/2 C per bush and sowed the same on 4 1/2 acres of front field. rye for early spring pasture previous to fallow.

Sept. Saturday, 13. 1879.

Forenoon's work in and around the barnyard. Afternoon sold to T{illegible} -C. & {illegible} and delivered at their mills on the Credit 34 1/2 bush of Seneca wheat @ .93C. and brought home from thence 500 lbs shorts @ $3.50 & 1200 bran @ $8.00 per ton.

Sunday, 14.

Daylight broke this morning with a steady NE Rain of about 12 hours duration giving the ground a soaking. At home all day. In evening heard Rev Jno Shaw of Whitby preach from text Luke XVIII 13th.

Monday, 15.

Gang plowing goes well after yesterday's rain. Harvesting the potato crop, rather a slim yield too much shade in orchard for a good crop. As a rule this season though potatoes are a great success. Evening at "Willow Lodge".

Sept. Tuesday, 16. 1879.

Have gang plowed 30 acres in all mostly crossing and is yet to be plowed over again next month. Made the final attack at manure hauling there will probably be 60 loads for stubble fields.

Wednesday, 17.

S Showers every day and one or two every night. But the air is too cold for a rapid vegetable growth. At same job as yesterday. Guelph Fair is now in bull blast.

Thursday, 18.

Part of our follks went to Toronto Exhibition today This is the 3rd & last week. has been a great success notably so because of prolonged visit of "Lorne & Louise". At same class of work as yesterday

Sept. Friday, 19. 1879.

Another hard day's work at final cleaning up of barnyard Have had 250 loads of manure this season an unusual amount has given us extra work to handle it. Received letter from A Rossiter of Oregon.

Saturday, 20.

Sent two hands to House's threshing. Sold to R Watson 4 brood ewes @ $5.00 each. Borrowed from J Heath 6 bags of oats for present use. An hour in town tonght. Frosty nights.

Sunday, 21.

Forenoon at S School lesson Titus, III, "The Christian Citizen" or "Doing good in the world". Afternoon at home. Evening at C M Church Rev Thos Brock preached from text, Rev I, 5 & 6.

Sept. Monday, 22. 1879.

The day's work was repairing the barnyard with gravel from creek and started to crossplow oat stubble field, ground is now in fine tilth for the plow.

Tuesday, 23.

Plowing with both teams using single plows not having any shares on had for gang plow, the old ones worn out. Weather very pleasant

Wednseday, 24.

Another day's plowing accomplished and tonight finds me tired and foot sore. A sudden change in temperature last night and today would almost do justice to a winter day.

Sept. Thursday, 25. 1879.

The team and I spent all day at J Woodhall's threshing. Father had a trip up to Clande blacksmith shop for repairs on iron plow. Weather cold and hard frosts at night.

Friday, 26.

Forenoon at same work as yesterday. Afternoon at the plowing. Evening in town at Choir Practice for going to a teameeting next week.

Saturday, 27.

Today's work was washing lambs, using warm water and soap, makes a wonderful difference in their appearance.

Sept. Sunday, 28. 1879.

At S. School, lesson "The Review of Quarter's lesson". Conducted by three of the teachers, taking a month each. Afternoon in Brampton. Tonight in C M Church, Rev C E McIntyre preach. text, Isaiah LIII 1st verse

Monday, 29.

One plow at work all day. One hand at R Watson's threshing. Spent evening with W.M. choir at teameeting 5 miles west of Brampton.

Tuesday, 30.

Two teams at plowing. Picking and preparing a few apples for County Fair tomorrow. Weather very warm and dry. Superb moon light nights.

Oct. Wednesday, 1. 1879.

A real summer day. Completed plowing oat stubble field. Took 5 or 6 varieties of apples to Show this morning. Evening in town an hour or two.

Thursday, 2.

A bright warm day. All day in Brampton at Peel Co Agric Show, a large attendance of people. The Exhibit in all departments was good extra good in fruit & ladie's work & horses. We had a wagon load of lambs there for sale & bull calf 3rd prize

Friday, 3.

Brampton Fair closed today at 3 o'clock, when all prize animals were brought into horse-ring. Only a small number of people present. Sold 7 ewe lambs, 4 to B Watson @ $24.00 & 3 to J Walker @ $21.00 also one ram lamb to Crawford @ $11.00

Oct. Saturday, 4. 1879.

Harvesting the apple crop. It is but a slim one in quantity but quality is good. Took one second prize at County Show on "Canada Red" variety. An hour in town tonight for new pair of fine boots at Mart's @ $5.50

Sunday, 5.

At S School, lesson Hebrews IV & V, 1 to 6 verses "Our Great High Priest" Spent afternoon at Willow Lodge. Evening at C M Church, Rev E Clement preached from text, Genesis, XIX 23rd

Monday, 6.

Spent forenoon striking out in lands 12 1/2 ft wide front field of "other place". It having been previously crossplowed this fall. Afternoon at apple harvest.

Oct. Tuesday, 7. 1879.

Started this morning the job of threshing with Jno Cations new Climax machine. Spent all day threshing the barley 15 acres. estimated yield 500 bushels. A very hot day.

Wednesday, 8.

Today we threshed fall wheat "Seneca" 11 acres estimated yield 280 bushels Red Chaff spring wheat 5 acres, estimated yield 90 bushels. Rained tonight. Exceedingly warm weather for the season

Thursday, 9.

At noon today we finished threshing 6 acres of oats estimated yield 300 bushels Afternoon threshing at Jon Learments. Sold yesterday the three ewe lambs to Walker $21.00.

Oct. Friday, 10. 1879.

Spent this day at same job as yesterday afternoon. The warm weather continues with more or less fog. Fall wheat crop is making a rapid growth. Sold a ram lamb to Jno Jackson @ $10.00.

Saturday, 11.

Sold ram lamb to Jno Campbell to receive in payment for same a hive of bees next spring. Another day at threshing This completes the job for this season. This week's work has been very severe on both man & beast.

Sunday, 12.

At S School, lesson, Heb IX, 1 to 12. "The types explained" a difficult passage to expound to children. Evening heard in C M Church Rev Mr Preston of Milton preach from, text, Romans XII, 1st.

Oct. Monday, 13. 1879.

Resumed operations at fall plowing this morning on "other place" front field. Ridging into 12 1/2 ft lands from the crossplowing of first of last month. The groung is in fine tilth.

Tuesday, 14.

At same job as yesterday with two plows. Received letter from A Ferguson Shelburn containing $12.00 in payment for lamb bought a year ago. In town tonight at a Concert, the singing was only medium.

Wednesday, 15.

Finished plowing field we started on Monday, also water furrowed it. The weather continues bright and very hot, very remarkable for the season but the sun is as fiery as in July.

Oct. Thursday, 16. 1879.

Because of hot weather we lay off plowing for today and let horses rest. Father went by C V R R excursion to Cooksville Fair. The markets are improving daily, wheat is $1.25 per bush.

Friday, 17.

At plowing again. Marking out into 22ft lands back field of "other place". Mailed yesterday a postal card to Shelburne, and to Georgetown am't of insurance tax $5.88. Spent evening in town at Choir practice.

Saturday, 18.

Plowing with three horses to gang plow, is second plowing of field since harvest and is now very loose and friable. Quite a change in weather, cold and windy Have had 3 weeks of very remarkable weather.

Oct. Sunday, 19. 1879.

At S School, lesson, Heb XI 1 to 10, "Triumphs of Faith" or "The one condition of salvation". At J C Snell's for dinner. Afternoon at singing new S S music. Evening heard Rev C McIntyre preach text, Matt, XI, 30th verse.

Monday, 20.

Finished gang plowing field started on Saturday. Harvested the mangold crop of 100 bush off 1/4 acres of good size and quality. Evening at Trustee meeting in schoolhouse and reengaged Mr Beattie as teacher salary $425.00

Tuesday, 21.

Spent all running long furrows and water drains in fall plowing. Harvested sugar beet crop 30 bush of 1/10 acres roots are only medium size but fine quality & very sweet.

Oct. Wednesday, 22. 1879.

Spent today at Woodbridge Fair. Drove over with A M Campbell. The show in all classes was very good and we had a pleasant day. A good many exhibitors from this County.

Thursday, 23.

Sold our first load of grain for this season being barley to S Milner @ 63C 71 1/4 bush = $44.89. Afternoon at Main's mill with chopping grist. Evening drove to town in spring wagon.

Friday, 24.

A very cold day. Tried to plow but ground was too hard and dry for to work well so gave it up for present. Was flailing out some peas. Evening at Choir practice.

Oct. Saturday, 25. 1879.

A very hard frost last night. Today we started to harvest the carrot crop they are a fine sample of roots, but very hard to get out of ground being so dry. Received $10.00 from Crawford for lamb.

Sunday, 26.

At S School as usual lesson, James II 14 to 25 "Faith and Works". Afternoon quiet at home reading and music. Tonight at C M Church Rev C E McIntyre preached text. Ezekiel XVIII 31st.

Monday, 27.

At the carrot crop all day. Sold our imported 3 yr old ram to Alex Cunnington @ $25.00 Also sold a ram lamb to G Pulpher @ $6.00, have only one more left to sell.

Oct. Tuesday, 28. 1879.

Rain last night and showers today. Drove father in the buggy up to Charleston to take T.G. & B. R.R to Shelburn for a short visit among friends. Evening at home.

Wednesday, 29.

Have about 180 bus of carrots which we have safely cellared Started plowing in front field. Sold some poultry to Jno Woodhall, $1.50 for 5 pr hens. Weather cold and frosty.

Thursday 30.

Plowing the young orchard field ground is very hard and dry. Spent evening in town at George Duncan's on David St. The grain markets have suffered a severe depression.

Oct. Friday, 31. 1879.

At same work as yesterday Paid for the gang plow to agent $19.00. Father came home tonight from his Shelburn visit. At Choir practice tonight - Hallow E'en, fine moonlight

Nov. Saturday, 1.

Pretty hard frost last night. Bought from Joe Snell a half bred Jersey heifer @ $18.00 cash ($18.00 Another days plowing. In town tonight for a couple of hours. Bought 11 1/2 bags "Early Rose" potatoes from Hewitt @ 50 C per bag.

Sunday, 2.

At Quarterly meeting in C M Church Brampton Rev C McIntyre preached from text, Deut XII, 9th. Tonight Rev E Clement preached text, 1 Tim 1st Chap, 15th verse.

Nov. Monday, 3. 1879.

Snow fell in small quantities during all yesterday and last night to depth of 6 inches Today a strong north wind is drifting like January. Sold a load of barley 59 1/2 bush to Milner @ 53 C and paid Hewitt $ 35.00.

Tuesday, 4.

Today's work was with team and wagon removing Hewitt's household goods to Cheltenham Station on H, & N.W. R.R. he is going from thence to Muskoka. Weather is more moderate today.

Wednesday, 5.

Started operations at turnip crops. Is not at all a desirable job as they are completely covered with snow, doing all work with hoes, topping and raising, only a medium crop. Another instalment of snow tonight.

Nov. Thursday, 6. 1879.

Appointed by Gov General as Thanksgiving Day, thoughout Dominion of Canada. At home we continued at the turnip harvest because of wintry appearance of the weather. Evening in town at P.M S.S. Anniversary a good entertainment of recitations & songs.

Friday, 7.

A thaw and plenty of mud & slush. Sold 10 turkeys (young) to Tomalin @ 7C per lb live weight 97lbs = $6.79. Bought 56 lbs beef @ 7 C per lb from Crowforth +$3.92 paid on old debt. Still at turnips and nearly finished.

Saturday, 8.

Put safely into cellar the last of turnips, had 14 loads or about 400 bushels in all. only medium in size but of good quality. Weather quite warm and all the snow melted away.

Nov. Sunday, 9. 1879.

Spent forenoon at S School lesson I John I, 1 to 10. "The perfect Saviour". Afternoon at home reading. Evening heard Rev E Clement preach in C M Church, text, Joel II, 12th & 13th verses. Very muddy roads.

Monday, 10.

Greater part of today in town banking the new board fence, around town lot, using plow and shovels. Heard a good temperance lecture tonight in Concert Hall by Mr Fitzmaurice of Michigan.

Tuesday, 11.

Prospects are good for a big rain, misty & N.E. wind. Was plowing the plot where the turnip crop grew. In town again tonight same gentleman lecturing in good style.

Nov. Wednesday, 12. 1879.

Rain, Rain, an almost steady downpour for 24 hours, now more complaints about dry wells & empty cisterns. Finished plowing turnip ground &c. Evening at home, very wet.

Thursday, 13.

A heavy mist all day. Forenoon at "Willow Lodge" repairing melodeon &c. Afternoon drove to town through the mud for Em & Ella. arriving home after dark.

Friday, 14.

And still it rains, harder than ever some thunder and lightning with the clearing off shower. Did half a day's plowing in front field and some chores completed the days programme.

Nov. Saturday, 15. 1879.

Spent today plowing sod timothy field next Woodhall line. The soil is in fine trim for work. Sold the last of this season's stock of rams to T Noble @ $6.50. Bought new axe @ .75C.

Sunday, 16.

At S School, the lesson I John IV, 7 to 16. "The love of the Father. The school was addressed by Thos Hunter a former member of school Tonight Rev C E McIntyre preached in town, text Isaiah, LII, 3rd verse.

Monday, 17.

Conclusion of sod plowing set up about 2 acres in all for oats next spring, out of a 9 acre field for pea crop. the pea bugs are very minimum in this year's crop. Received $4.00 from Mr Henry Carter on cows acct

Nov. Tuesday, 18. 1879.

Today brings us to the end of this season's chapter, cleaned off the plows and put them away for winter Have plowed about 75 acres since harvest, all told. Freezing all day with a cold North wind, every sign of winter.

Wednesday, 19.

A day's work at handling stones. Taking large rocks from plowed fields with team and chain, and hauling small stones off the meadows in wagon. a light flurry of snow.

Thursday, 20.

Winter appears to have set in, in right earnest today a strong cold N.W. wind. Forenoon at work in barn among oats and peas. Afternoon in town at Mills with a chopping.

Nov. Friday, 21. 1879.

Returned two lots of oats we had borrowed. Sold 2 yr old bull "Rose Lea Boss" to Noble @ $60.00 his present live weight 1840 lbs, age 2 yrs & 8 months. Spent evening at R Watsons.

Saturday, 22.

Drove wagon to "Eldorado" Mill's for 1/2 ton bran The roads are frozen hard and very rough. Evening in town to bring Ella home from her work.

Sunday, 23.

At S School lesson Rev 1 to 20, 1st Chap. "Christ in midst of the Churches". At home all afternoon Evening heard Rev C E McIntyre, from Psalms XII, 11th.

Nov. Monday. 24. 1879.

Started operations at cutting wood in "other place" woods using hand cross cut saw on a large swamp elm. Spent evening at Mrs Snells Senr practicing S School music. Bought of Crawford Brampton a set of parlor hair cloth furniture @ $50.00.

Tuesday, 25.

At same work as yesterday Manufactured 80 elm rails and 1 1/2 cords of wood. This evening in Brampton at entertainment in P.M. Church, consisting of music readings and refreshments.

Wednesday, 26.

Forenoon in the woods. Afternoon at "Ebenezer" making repairs for winter Also at prayer meeting in Zion conducted by Mr. Thos Hunter. Tonight at birthday party at Geo Duncan's in town.

Nov. Thursday, 27. 1879.

Weather mild and some rain. Sold remainder of turkey crop to C Dawson 170lbs live weight @ 7 1/2 C $12.72. Sold previously $ 6.79. total $19.54. Bought young bronze cobler from B Watson @ $1.25

Friday, 28.

Manufactured yesterday with Gummerson's cider mill 15 gals cider from 3 bbls apples. All day in the woods, Warm and showery, Spent evening in town at Choir practice.

Another day's work in the woods cutting firewood. The thaw has ceased and now freezing keenly again. Half an hour in Brampton this evening, ordered a new overcoat at K C &Co's.

Nov. Sunday, 30. 1879.

Walked to S School at 9.30 a.m. Lesson, Rev III 1 to 13, "The message to the seven churches" Afternoon reading at home Evening heard Rev E Clement preach from text, Job XIV 14th verse, in respect to memory of late Jos Dawson.

Dec. Monday, 1.

A fine mild day, Forenoon we dressed 3 Berkshires combined weights 549 lbs. Afternoon in the woods. Evening at Zion Church hearing Mr Thos Hunter exhort and lead the special services that are being held.

Tuesday, 2.

All day in the woods. The fine weather has left us again, leaving a S.E.rain Evening in Brampton. Rest of folks went to protracted meetings, there is a deep interest awakened in their meetings.

Dec. Wednesday, 3. 1879.

Snow and rain alternately all day. Bagged up a load of tailing, put our wood cuttings tools in order and got a horse shod. Quiet evening at home.

Thursday, 4.

Commenced cutting in the "lower woods". At Mr L.W. Cheyne's auction sale of farm stock, and bought a red farrow cow @ $32.00 ten months credit. 8 per C off for cash. Sold 2 fat cows to T Crowforth @ $95.00.

Friday, 5.

At wood cutting again. Sold heifer calf 5 months old to Jabez Heath @ $8.00, 10 moths credit. Fat cows sold yesterday have to be fed until Xmas week. Weather mild and roads very muddy.

Dec. Saturday, 6. 1879.

Forenoon cutting wood. At noon it started to rain and continued until evening. In town a couple of hours got my new ordered overcoat (grey) @ $ 17.00 cash, also a new every day cap @ $1.00.

Sunday, 7.

Morning at S School, lesson Rev V Chap. "The Heavenly song". After school had a singing practice. Evening in town, heard Rev Mr Stillwell at P M Church text. I Sam II 30th.

Monday, 8.

Spent all day in the woods. Made some beautiful stovewood from a large sugar maple. Evening at home.

Dec. Tuesday, 9. 1879.

At same work as yesterday spent evening at Zion Church hearing Mr Thos Hundter give his farewell adrres to young people, a large attendance and a good feeling manifested Another rain storm near at hand.

Wednesday, 10.

A muddy wet tramp on foot up to "Willow Lodge" for a forenoon's work. Raining more or less all day so that very little work was performed. Spent evening at S School singing practice.

Thursday, 11.

Cold and freezing some, The roads are almost impassible A day in the woods. The Etobicoke is very much swollen with recent rains Evening at home.

Dec. Friday, 12. 1879.

At same work as yesterday Little of interest to report these days. dull, sombre weather and quiet hours both day and night. Received from R Smith on cows & sheep acct $17.00.

Saturday, 13.

In the woods all day. Paid L Cheyne for cow bought at his sale. cash $30.00 Evening at home at usual routine of work at close of week.

Sunday, 14.

Forenoon at S School. lesson Rev XXI, "Beauties of the Heavenly City". Had a long school session at singing practice. This evening heard Rev C McIntyre preach temperance sermon from text Daniel I 12th verse.

Dec. Monday, 15. 1879.

Attended this forenoon the funeral of Robt Burnett (late of California) but of old acquaintance, Rev Jas Pringle conducted the service in connection. Quite a fall of snow last night and today have some sleighing.

Tuesday, 16.

Dressed two Berkshires weight 318 lbs, total am't pork for this season 850 lbs Afternoon in the woods. Evening at S School singing practice. More snow falling tonights.

Wednesday, 17.

Started delivering the barley having sold it ten days ago to J. Milner @ 60 C per bush Made three trips today on bob sleigh with 60 to 70 bush each load. S sleighing rather thin.

Dec. Thursday, 18. 1879.

Finished delivering the barley 334 bush @ 60 C sold previously 130 bush and have 40 bush yet in stock, total 500 bush off 15 acres total cash received $287.00 and 24.00 for balance $311.00 in all.

Friday, 19.

Forenoon at Mrs Robt Campbell's funeral at Edmonton. Afternoon in Brampton at grist mill with 5 bags of wheat for flour. Had a call today from James Thompson of Missouri. Evening at the S S singing practice.

Saturday, 20.

On the road to Cheltenham before daylight this morning with sleigh for bran and shorts. but none at mill. I went on over to Salmonville and brought from thence, 1300 lbs bran @ $9.00 per ton and 400 lbs shorts @ $14.00 per ton, total cost $9.13.

Dec. Sunday, 21. 1879.

An exceedingly cold day. At S School lesson, Rev XXII 10 to 21. "The last words" or "The Saviour's last message". This evening heard Rev C E McIntyre preach temperance sermon from text, Daniel I, 12th verse.

Monday, 22.

Temperature moderate and good sleighing after last night's storm. In town making deposit $200.00 in Dominion Bank. Afternoon at public school examination in our own section.

Tuesday, 23

Was hauling firewood from lower woods all day. Evening up at S School singing practice.

Dec. Wednesday, 24. 1879.

At same work as yesterday viz; drawing firewood from woods to woodshed. Went to town tonight for to fill my pocketful of material for old Santa Claus.

Thursday, 25.

Christmas Day once more. Part of the family went to Church service in town this morning. Family dinner at home. Evening we had a party of young folks from Brampton and had a very pleasant time.

Friday, 26.

A quiet day after yesterdays feasting and merriment. At work among the wood hauling job. In town tonight for the mail &c. Weather, very hard frost.

Dec. Saturday, 27. 1879.

Has moderated today some prospects of a thaw. Mailed letter to Mr T. H. Torrington of Toronto concerning musical instructions At same word as yesterday.

Sunday, 28.

Forenoon at S School lesson, "The Review". This brings to a close the seven year's course of International scheme of lessons, next Sunday we start a similiar course of lessons. Tonight heard Rev J E Starr preach in C M Church.

Monday, 29.

Attended the nomination of municipal councilleros at Edmonton, there will be an election one week from today to decide. Evening in town at a similiar gathering.

Dec. Tuesday, 30. 1879.

Spent all forenoon in town buying candy & fruit for S.S. Festival and making an unsuccessful attempt to raise a sleigload {sic} of young folks for tomorrow evening. All afternoon and evening building platform &c at Zion Church.

Wednesday, 31.

Pleasant weather and good sleighing. Forenoon at wood business. Afternoon in town a short time, Bought two 50 C tickets for Concert tomorrow night. Tonight we held the Ebenezer Union S S Anniversary had a very lengthy programme consisting of recitations & songs addresses by Rev's Campbell & Reid. The children acquitted themselves nobly thoughout. Had candy & fruit at intermission also a peice {sic} called "The Monument of Smith" by 9 young ladies of the school. it was a kind of "Cantata" Proceeds about $40.00.


C Cation

M Dyer

M Ferguson

J Lyons

M Groat

M Hall

M. Davis Bella Campbell

A Burgher


February 8th Chopped at Mains
Peas Oats
5 bush 12 bush
March 7th 6 bush 6 bush
" 28th 5 bush 7 bush
April 28th 2 bush barley 9 "
July 23 3 " 7 "
Aug 20 2 " 5 "
Oct 1st 5
Oct 23st 7 9
Second Page January-Cash Paid
$ C
2nd Subscription to
" Weekly Globe 1 75
" To Milner for
" 20 bush. corn 45 C 9 00
3rd P.O. Box Rent 50
10 Incidentals 6 00
11 for beef 5 00
20 " nic nax &
sheet music 1 50
22 " 12 squares
of 1st Class
shingles 18 00
{Total} 41 75
February -- Cash Received
$ c
3rd From Jno Wiggins
for 1 bush clover 4 00
8 for apples &
eggs 4 05
10th " Dwyer for
1800 bls hay
@ $9.50 8 50
14th " Williams
for Hay hay 9 90
2200 lbs @ 9.00 9 90
20th From D Wiggins
for 1 bush clover 4 00
22 from Armstrong
10 bush "Red Fern"
@ 80 c 8 00
38 45
February -- Cash Paid
$ c
5th Sundries 5 00
7th To J Nunn
for 200 cedar
posts @ 9 c 18 00
15th L.R Aitkin
sawing bill 8 00
" Quarterage 3 00
16th Sundries 1 00
21st Sidewalk 1 00
28th Concert 1 00
26th To D Laidlaw
quarter beef 6 10
43 10
March Cash Received
$ c
4th from R Watson
interest on $
150.00 note @
8 per at pr.ann. 12 00
8th W Newhouse
on cows acct 4 50
10 " Folliss for 2
fat cattle 94 00
11 " Thompson for
5 ewe lambs 65 00
12 " Hewitt bal
on wheat and
oat trade 3 50
17th " Roberts & Main
for hay 17 25
" Heatn 1 1/2 bush
clover seed 6 00
18 " Paterson & Alexander
for hay 15 60
19 " J.C.S. for clover seed 20 00
22 " Dawson for apples 3 25
241 10
Second Page
March Cash Paid
$ c
1st W A Mitchell
watch cleaning 1 25
" Half doz photos
from J W Cole 1 00
" Various articles 3 00
5 To Fuller, lumber 26 10
" " Shook, clover
threshing 12 00
" To J R Craig for
pedigrees 1 00
14 Dry Goods and
Sundries 22 00
" 1 bush Timothy 2 00
17th & 18th To McCulla for
weighing 4 loads
hay at town scales 1 00
20 Dry Goods and
Hardware 12 00
17th Mailed to Rennie
for seed peas 6 20
28th freight on same 40
87 97
April Cash Received
S c
5th From Jon Campbellfor 1 bush clover seed 4 00
9th " seed " J W Main " A Campbell half payment on ton of hay delivery last month 5 00
12th From A Cheyne old debt on ram 5 00
{total} 14 00
Second Page
April Cash Paid
$ c
19th To W A Mitchell for goods 6 50
26 Dry Goods 10 00
30 for fence wire 1 50
" Sundries 4 00
{total} 22 00
May Cash Received
$ c
6th for Berkshire 1 month old 5 00
13th for 11 bush seed oats @ 40 C 4 50
31st From K.C. & Co for this year's wood crop @18C per lb 40 60
{total} 50 10
Second Page
May Cash Paid
$ c
22nd Paid Hewitt on wages 19 bush wheat @ 95 C 9 50
June Cash Received
$ c
13 from S Milner for Treadwell 52 bush @ 92 48 20
" " KC & Co for Red Fern 92 bush @ 90 C 82 80
23rd from Crowforth for 2 yr old steer 40 00
{total} 171 00
{Second Page}
June Cash Paid
$ c
6 To R Watson for our share of expense in flats fence 3 68
7 Sundries 3 32
2 C Methodist Missions 4 00
14 Willy Hewit on wages 12 00
Music Teacher 11 00
21 Balance on Royce Reaper 5 per ct off for cash 57 00
" Harvest tools 3 00
30 Groceries N 5 00
{total} 98 00
July Cash Received
{No entries for month}
{Second Page}
July Cash Paid
$ c
10th Sundries 5 00
14 Wages to Indian 2 15
" necessaries 4 00
26 To T Milner for 50 lbs white sugar @ 9 C 4 50
{total} 15 65
August Cash Received
$ c
18th from Main & Bowes for 2 lambs 24 00
" for one bag pears 1 50
26 " Frank Wilson for 3 lambs 36 50
27 " Indian for timber 1 00
{total} 64 00
{Second Page}
August Cash Paid
$ c
14th Paid our harvest man one month @ 26 00
September Cash Received
$ c
11th from Tomalin for chickens 5 00
13th " KC&Co 34 1/2 bush Seneca @ 93C 32 00
{total} 37 00
{Second Page}
September Cash Paid
$ c
2nd Dry Goods &c 25 00
9th Trip Toronto 4 00
11th To KC & Co one ton bran 8 00
" Sundries 2 00
13th " {illegilbe} 500 lbs shorts 3 50
" " " 1200 lbs bran 5 00
12th Milner for rye 5 00
{total} 52 50
October Cash Received
$ c
8 from Jno Walker for 3 ewe lambs 21 00
10 " from Jno Jackson for ram lamb 10 00
14 " A Ferguson on last year's sheep acct 12 00
18 " Ben Watson on sheep acct 39 00
21 " Wilson for ram lamb 7 00
23 " Milner for 71 bush barley @ 63 c 44 75
25 " Crawford for ram lamb 10 00
27 " Pulfer ram lamb 6 00
Prize Money 2 50
{Total} 152 25
{Second Page}
October Cash Paid
$ c
14th To Euart for pair fine boots 5 50
15th " P. F. Mutual Insurance Co 5 88
20 " Taxes 34 72
27 " Clunis blacksmith acct 14 60
" " Thompson repair wagon wheel 4 50
23 " Campbell blacksmith acct 8 70
{total} 73 90
November Cash Received
$ c
2nd From Milner 59 bush barley @ 53 c 31 50
3rd " Cunnington for imp ram 25 00
7th " Tomalin 97 lbs turkey @ 7 c 6 79
15th " Nobel for ram lamb 6 50
17 " H Carter on cows acct 4 00
22 " Noble for 2 yr old bull 60 00
27 ' Dawson 170lbs turkey @ 7 1/2 c 12 75
25 " Watson for 4 old ewes 20 00
{total} $166 54
{Second Page}
November Cash Paid
$ c
1st To Hewitt for 11 1/2 bags potatoes @ 50 5 75
" ' Hewitt for wages 29 25
13th " Jno Cation threshing acct 17 00
29th KC&Co for tweed pants 2 00
{total} 54 00
December Cash Received
$ c
12th From R Smith on cows & sheep acct 17 00
18 " Milner for 334 bush barley @ 60 c 200 85
{total} 217 85
{Second Page}
December Cash Paid
$ c
6th KC& Co for dry goods 18 00
13th " L Cheyne for cow 30 00
20 for bran & shorts 9 13
{total} 57 13
Summary of Cash Received
$ c
Jan 31st Cash 238 00
Feb 28th " 38 45
Mch 31st " 241 10
April 30th " 14 00
May 31st " 50 10
June 30 " 171 00
July 31st " -- --
Aug 31st " 64 00
Sept 30th " 37 00
Oct 31st " 152 25
Nov 30th " 166 54
Dec 31st " 217 85
{total} $1390 29
{Second Page}
Summary of Cash Paid
$ c
Jan 31st Cash 41 75
Feb 8th " 43 10
Mch 31st " 87 97
Apr 30th " 22 00
May 31st " 9 50
June 30th " 98 00
July 31st " 15 65
Aug 31st " 26 00
Sept 30th " 52 50
Oct 31st " 73 90
Nov 30th " 54 00
Dec 31st " 57 13
{total} 581 50

Jan 2nd Deposited in

Dominion Bank in

Brampton $170.00

Bearing interest @ 4 per cent

March 5th - Drew from above Deposit $20.00 " 13th Deposited $100.00 " 28 - Withdrew $50.00

" " Total Deposit $200.00

Dec 22 " " $400.00

{Second Page}

Alex Clunis bill for repairs on iron plow &c payable next fall $13.25 Paid

Jesse Perry's acc/

Dr to Samuel Ferguson

To 17 cedar posts

@ .25 C each $4.25

425 ft lumber

@$10.00 4.25

" Construction 1.50



Dec 5th Received not of Jabez Heath $8.00 for ten months.

Transcription Progress



John Ferguson Diary, 1879 Part 1.pdf
John Ferguson Diary, 1879 Part 2.pdf
John Ferguson 1879 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1879,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed January 22, 2025,
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