John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1884


John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1884

Date Created


Is Part Of

John Ferguson Diary Collection


Scanned Microfilm Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{Left Page}

411. 00 {580.08?} 200.00 40.00 40.00 60.00 250.00 mill 2100.00 416.00 2.70 40.00 10.00 70.00 16.50 9.20 10.25 63.00 ------- 47.31 2399.45 28.00 2100 3.47 ------- 21.45 300.00 4.28 500.00 4.00 1.12 15.10 38.94 300.00 200.00 6.65 85.00


{Right Page}








Brown Bros.

Manufacturing Stationers.

{Right Page}


JAN. … 6 13 20 27 … 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 ... 5 12 19 26 ...

FEB. … 3 10 17 24 … 4 11 18 25 … 5 12 19 26 … 6 13 20 27 … 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23

MAR. … 2 9 16 23 30 ... 3 10 17 24 31 … 4 11 18 25 ... … 5 12 19 26 ...

… 6 13 20 27 ... … 7 14 21 28 ... 1 8 15 22 29 ...

APRIL. … 6 13 20 27 … 7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 …

4 11 18 25 ...

5 12 19 26 ...

MAY. … 4 11 18 25 … 5 12 19 26

… 6 13 20 27

… 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31

JUNE. 1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 ...

3 10 17 24 ... 4 11 18 25 ... 5 12 19 26... 6 13 20 27...

JULY. ...6 13 20 27 ...7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 ... 5 12 19 26 ...

AUG. … 3 10 17 24 31 … 4 11 18 25 ... … 5 12 19 26 ... … 6 13 20 27 ... … 7 14 21 28 ... 1 8 15 22 29 ... 2 9 16 23 30 ...

SEPT. … 7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 ... 4 11 18 25 ... 5 12 19 26 ...

6 13 20 27 ...

OCT. … 5 12 19 26 … 6 13 20 27

… 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 ...

NOV. … 2 9 16 23 30 … 3 10 17 24 ... … 4 11 18 25 ... … 5 12 19 26 ... … 6 13 20 27 ... … 7 14 21 28 ... 1 8 15 22 29 ...

DEC. … 7 14 21 28 ...

1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 ...

5 12 19 26 ...

6 13 20 27 ...

{Left Page}

Fixed and Movable Festivals

New Year's Day....................................................................................................Jan. 1

Epiphany............................................................................................................ " 6

Septuagesima Sunday ............................................................................................Feb. 10

Quinquagesima-Shrove Sunday........................................................................................ " 24

Ash Wednesday...................................................................................................... " 27

St. David ... ......................................................................................... .....Mar. 1

1st Sunday in Lent.................................................................................................. " 2

St. Patrick ...................................................................................................... " 17

Annunciation-Lady Day.............................................................................................. " 25

Palm Sunday.......................................................................................................Apr. 6

Good Friday........................................................................................................ " 11

Easter Sunday-Lady Day............................................................................................. " 13

Low Sunday ....................................................................................................... " 20

St. George......................................................................................................... " 23

Rogation Sunday...................................................................................................May 18

Ascension Day-Holy Thursday........................................................................................ " 22

Queen Victoria's Birthday.......................................................................................... " 24

Pentecost-Whit Sunday.............................................................................................June 1

Trinity Sunday...................................................................................................... " 8

Corpus Christi..................................................................................................... " 12

Ascension of Queen Victoria........................................................................................ " 20

Proclamation of Queen Victoria..................................................................................... " 21

Midsummer Day-St. John Baptist..................................................................................... " 24

Dominion Day......................................................................................................July 1

Michaelmas Day...................................................................................................Sep. 29

Birth of Prince of Wales..........................................................................................Nov. 9

St. Andrew......................................................................................................... " 30

1st Sunday in Advent............................................................................................... " 30

St. Thomas.......................................................................................................Dec. 21

Christmas Day......................................................................................................." 25

Eclipses, 1884

In the year 1884 there will be five eclipses

three of the sun and two of the moon.

I.-A partial eclipse of the sun, March

26, invisible in Canada.

II.-A total eclipse of the moon April 10th

{First Page}

visible in Canada. First contact with shadow, 4.34 a.m.; middle of eclipse 6.29 a.m.; last contact of shadow, 8.23 a.m.; Toronto mean time. Magnitude of eclipse (moon's diameter=1)1.431.

III. - A partial eclipse of the sun, April 25. invisible in Canada.

IV. - A total eclipse of the moon, October 4, visible in Canada. First contact with shadow, 2.57 p.m.; middle of eclipse, 4.45 p.m. ; last contact with shadow, 6.31 p.m. ; Toronto mean time. Magnitude of eclipse (moon's diameter-1)1.533.

V.- A partial eclipse of the sun, October 18, invisible in Canada.

Information for Business Men.

Demand Notes are payable on presentation without grace, and bear legal interest, after a demand has been made, if not so written. An endorser on a demand note is holden only for a limited time.

A negotiable note must be made payable either to bearer, or be properly endorsed by the person to whose order it is made. If the endorser wishes to avoid responsibility, he can endorse "without recourse."

A Joint Note is one signed by two or more persons, who each become liable for the whole amount.

Three Days' Grace are allowed on all time notes, after the time for payment expires; if not then paid, the endorser, if any, should be legaly notified, to be holden.

Notes Faling Due Sunday, or on a legal holiday, are paid the day following.

Altering A Note in any manner by the holder makes it void.

{Second Page}

Rates of Postage.

Canad Post Card........................One Cent. Canada Post Card for U. S. ......... " " Can. Post Card for Great Britain, Two Cts.

On Letters Per Half Ounce. To any part of Dominion of Canada or United States, 3 cts-must be prepaid. " Newfoundland, 5 cts-must be prepaid. All mail matter (excepting samples of merchandise) to and from the United States, is the same as to any part of Canada, and must be prepaid.

Great Britain and Ireland, by Canadian or New York Mail Streamers, 5 cents.

Newspapers and Periodicals. Newspapers and Periodicas, less than one oz. each, posted singly, prepaid, 1/2 cent. each : if under 4 ozs., 1 cent. Printed and published in Canada, and posdted from Office of Publicatiom to regular Subscribers or News Agents, free except at place of publication. Posted singly to Great Britain and Ireland, 1 cent. per 2 oz., prepaid.

Books, Circulars, Documents, Policies,&c. For each 4 ozs , or fraction of 4 ozs , 1 cent prepaid, to be open at both ends.

Commercial Paper, Documents, Etc. To United Kingdom, 5 cents for first 2 ozs.; 1 cent for each additional 2 ozs., or fraction thereof.

{Smaller text} Parcel Post. Not to exceed 5 lbs. to any part of Canada,6c. per 4 ozs. : 12c for 8 ozs., and 6c. for each additional 4 ozs. To Winnipeg, via United States, 5 lbs. : any other part of Manitoba, 2 lb, 3 oz.

Pattern and Sample Post. Canada-must be prepaid by postage stamps at the rate of 1 cent per 4 ozs. United States-not to exceed 1/2 lb., 10c. each.

Terms and Sittings of Courts.

Supreme Court of Canada sits at Ottawa on third Tuesday in February, first Tuesday in May, fourth Tuesday in October. Exchequer Court sits at any time and place appointed by rule of Court. The Court of Appeal for Ontario sits at Toronto, commencing on the second Tuesday in January, the first Tuesday in March, the second Tuesday in May, the first Tuesday in September, and the second Tuesday in November. In case any of these days be a legal holiday, then on the following day; also from time to time, according to notice. Sittings of Divisional Courts for the Q.B. & C.P. Divisions of the High Court of Justice-three in each year-the "Michaelmas Sittings" beginning on the third Monday in November, and ending on the Saturday of the second week; the "Easter Sittings" beginning on the third Monday in May and ending on the Saturday of the second week thereafter. Sittings of Divisional Courts for the Chancery Division -three in each year- commencing first Thursday in September, first Thursday in December, and third Thursday in February. Divisional Courts sit at such further or other times as may be directed by the High Court. A single Judge sits as and for the Court on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in each week for the Chancery Division, and on Tuesday and Friday for the Q.B. & C.P. Divisions

County Court Sittings for trial-two-to commence on second Tuesday in June and December, except in York where there are four sittings, commencing on first Tuesday in March and December, and second Tuesday in May and September. Except in York, there shall be sittings for trial without a jury, commencing on the first Tuesday in April and Oct. in each year. County Court sittings in Banc-four-to commence on first Monday in January and April, and the second Monday in June and October in each year, all ending on Saturday of the same week. County Court Judges may sit and act at any time for the transaction of business Surrogate Court Terms commence on the first Monday in January, April, July and October, and end on Saturday of the same week, except in York, where terms commence first Monday in January and April, and second Monday in June and October in each year. General Sessions of the Peace: Sittings to be held, except in County of York, semi-annually, commencing on the second Tuesday in the months of June and December, subject to Sec. 18 of Local Courts Act. (R.S.O.c.42). In the County of York the said Courts are held four times in the year, commencing on the first Tuesday in the months of December and March, and on the second Tuesday of the months of May and September. The County Judges' Criminal Courts sits out of Sessions, without a Jury, for trial of prisoners.

{Left Page}

The Heir, Devisee and Assignee Commissioners sit at Toronto, on the first Monday in January and the first Monday in July in each year, and on the thirteen days next following the said days respectively, Sundays and holidays excepted. A Judge of High Court and COurt of Appeal, respectively , will sit in Toronto during vacation to hear such applications as may require to be promptly heard. Long Vacation, both in the High Court of Justice and the Court of Appeal, from 1st July to 1st September, both days inclusive. Christmas Vacation, from 24th of December to 6th of January, both days inclusive.

    List of Sunday in 1884.

January ............... 6 ... 13 ... 20 ... 27 ... -

February .............. 3 ... 10 ... 17 ... 24 ... -

March ................. 2 ... 9 ... 16 ... 23 ... 30

April ................. 6 ... 13 ... 20 ... 27 ... -

May ................... 4 ... 11 ... 18 ... 25 ... -

June .................. 1 ... 8 ... 15 ... 22 ... 29

July .................. 6 ... 13 ... 20 ... 27 ... -

August ................ 3 ... 10 ... 17 ... 24 ... 31

September ............. 7 ... 14 ... 21 ... 28 ... -

October ............... 5 ... 12 ... 19 ... 26 ... -

November .............. 2 ... 9 ... 16 ... 23 ... 30

December .............. 7 ... 14 ... 21 ... 28 ... -


Bank Holidays.

{Smaller text} Ontario, New Brunswick And Nova Scotia.-New Year's Day: Good Friday: Queen's Birthday: Dominion Day: Christmas Day.

Quebec.-New Year's Day: Epiphany: Annunciation: Good Friday: Ascension: Corpus Christi: St. Peter's and St. Paul's: All Saints: Conception: Christmas Day: Queen's Birthday: Dominion Day.

Also, throughout the Dominion, any day appointed by Proclamation for a General Fast or Thanksgiving.

{Right Page}

Dominion of Canada.

Seat of Government-Ottawa .

Governor-General - His Excellency the

Right Hon. the Marquis of Lansdowne



ern Block] - Viscoutt Melgund, late Scots

Guards, Secretary; C. J. Jones, W. Camp

bell, P. L. McDermott, Clerks; G. Smith,



Premier, Minister of Interior.-Rt. Hon.

Sir J. A. Macdonald.

Minister of Finance.-Hon Sir S. L. Tilley.

Postmaster General-Hon. John Carling.

Minister of Public Works.-Hon. Sir H. L.


Secretary of State.-Hon. J. A. Chapleau.

Minister of Railways.-Hon. Sir C. Tupper

Minister of Agriculture.-Hon. Sir A Campbell

Minister of Militia and Defence.-Hon. M.


Minister of Marine and Fisheries.-Hon.

A. W. McLean.

Minister of Customs.-Hon M. Bowell.

Minister of Inland Revenue.-Hon. John


Speaker of the Senate.-Hon. D. L. Mac


Without Portfolio.-Hon. Frank Smith.

{In smaller text}

Officers.-John J. Mcgee. Clerk of the Privy Council.

Clerks.-H. Alexander, Wm. Horace Lee, Lewis J.

Burpee. R. W. Baldwin. F. Newby, F. K. Bennets. O. L.

E. Moll. L. H. Chute. Doorkeeper-M. Naughten.

Messengers-B. Grenier, Wm. Groom, W. Reynolds

and B. Chilton.


Showing the number of days from any day in one month, to the same day in any other month throughout the year. In leap year, add one day, for 20th February.

Jan. 365 31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334
Feb. 334 365 28 59 89 120 150 181 212 242 273 303
Mar. 306 337 365 31 61 92 122 153 184 214 245 275
April. 275 306 334 365 30 61 91 122 153 183 214 244
May. 245 276 304 335 365 31 61 92 123 153 184 214
June. 214 245 273 304 334 365 30 61 92 122 153 183
July 184 215 243 274 304 335 365 31 62 92 123 153
Aug. 153 184 212 243 273 304 334 365 31 62 92 122
Sept. 122 153 181 212 242 273 303 334 365 30 61 91
Oct. 92 123 151 182 212 243 273 304 335 365 31 61
Nov. 61 92 120 151 181 212 242 273 304 334 365 30
Dec. 31 62 90 121 151 182 212 243 274 304 335 365
{"FROM" aligned vertically along "To" column} Look for April at the left hand, and Sept. at the top; in the angle is 153.
January, 1884. February, 1884.
Moon's Phases D. H. M. Moon's Phases D. H. M.
FirstQuart'r 5 4 08 E FirstQuart'r 4 0 40 M.
Full Moon...12 10 11 M Full Moon ...10 11 30 E.
Last Quart'r20 0 06 M Last Quart'r18 9 55 E
New Moon...27 11 44 E New Moon ...26 1 18 E.
D DW SR. S.S. M.S. D DW SR. SS. M.S.
hm hm h.m. hm hm h.m.
1 T 7 34 4 84 8 09 1 F 7 17 5 11 10 36
2 W 7 34 4 35 9 16 2 S 7 16 5 12 11 45
3 T 7 34 4 36 10 25 3 S 7 15 5 13 A M
4 F 7 34 4 37 11 33 4 M 7 14 5 15 0 55.
5 S 7 34 4 38 A M 5 T 7 12 5 16 2 04
6 S 7 34 4 39 0 44 6 W 7 11 5 17 3 08
7 M 7 33 4 40 1 54 7 T 7 10 5 19 4 09
8 T 7 33 4 41 3 05 8 F 7 09 5 20 5 05
9 W 7 32 4 42 4 15 9 S 7 07 5 22 5 46
10 T 7 32 4 43 5 20 10 S 7 06 5 23 Rises
11 F 7 32 4 44 6 19 11 M 7 05 5 24 6 16
12 S 7 31 4 45 Rises 12 T 7 03 5 26 7 21
13 S 7 31 4 46 6 21 13 W 7 02 5 27 8 25
14 M 7 31 4 47 7 30 14 T 7 01 5 28 9 27
15 T 7 30 4 48 8 35 15 F 6 59 5 30 10 28
16 W 7 30 4 50 9 39 16 S 6 58 5 31 11 25
17 T 7 29 4 51 10 42 17 S 6 56 5 32 A M
18 F 7 28 4 52 11 41 18 M 6 55 5 34 0 22
19 S 7 28 4 53 A M 19 T 6 53 5 35 1 19
20 S 7 27 4 55 0 41 20 W 6 52 5 36 2 12
21 M 7 26 4 56 1 39 21 T 6 50 5 38 3 01
22 T 7 26 4 57 2 36 22 F 6 49 5 39 3 48
23 W 7 25 4 58 3 30 23 S 6 47 5 40 4 30
24 T 7 24 5 00 4 22 24 S 6 45 5 42 5 09
25 F 7 23 5 01 5 11 25 M 6 44 5 43 5 46
26 S 7 22 5 03 5 57 26 T 6 42 5 44 Sets
27 S 7 21 5 04 Sets 27 W 6 40 5 45 7 09
28 M 7 20 5 05 5 57 28 T 6 39 5 47 8 20
29 T 7 20 5 07 7 05 29 F 6 37 5 48 9 34
30 W 7 19 5 08 8 15
31 T 7 18 5 09 9 25

{Left page.}

March, 1884. April, 1884.
Moon's Phases D. H. M. Moon's Phases D. H. M.
FirstQuart'r 4 8 16 M FirstQuart'r 2 4 C0 E.
Full Moon..11 2 22 E. Full Moon.. 10 6 27 M
Last Quart'r19 5 55 E. Last Quart'r 18 10 87 M
New Moon 27 0 30 M New Moon 25 9 40 M
D DW S.R. S.S M.S D DW S.R S.S. M.S.
hm hm h.m. hm hm h.m.
1 S 6 35 5 49 10 45 1 T 5 40 6 2 0 53
2 S 6 34 5 51 11 56 2 W 5 39 6 28 1 42
3 M 6 32 5 52 A.M. 3 T 5 37 6 29 2 02
4 T 6 30 5 53 1 03 4 F 5 35 6 31 2 24
5 W 6 29 5 54 2 03 5 S 5 33 6 32 3 01
6 T 6 27 5 56 2 58 6 S 5 31 6 33 3 33
7 F 6 25 5 57 8 43 7 M 5 30 6 34 4 02
8 S 6 23 5 78 4 23 8 T 5 28 6 85 4 29
9 S 6 22 5 59 5 00 9 W 5 26 6 37 4 57
10 M 6 29 6 1 5 30 10 T 5 24 6 38 Rises.
11 T 6 18 6 2 Rises 11 F 5 53 6 39 8 02
12 W 6 16 6 3 7 13 12 S 5 21 6 40 9 00
13 T 6 15 6 4 8 14 13 S 5 19 6 41 9 55
14 F 6 13 6 6 9 13 14 M 5 18 6 43 10 46
15 S 6 11 6 7 10 11 15 T 5 16 6 44 11 35
16 S 6 9 6 8 11 08 16 W 5 14 6 45 A.M.
17 M 6 7 6 9 A.M. 17 T 5 13 6 46 0 18
18 T 6 6 6 10 0 02 18 F 5 11 6 47 0 58
19 W 6 4 6 12 0 53 19 S 5 9 6 48 1 36
20 T 6 2 6 13 1 40 20 S 5 8 6 50 2 10
21 F 6 0 6 14 2 22 21 M 5 6 6 51 2 42
22 S 5 58 6 15 3 03 22 T 5 5 6 52 3 15
23 S 5 57 6 16 3 38 23 W 5 3 6 53 3 47
24 M 5 55 6 18 4 14 24 T 5 2 6 54 4 21
25 T 5 53 6 19 4 17 25 F 5 0 6 56 Sets.
26 W 5 51 6 20 5 20 26 {S?} 4 58 6 57 8 30
27 T 5 49 6 21 Sets 27 S 4 57 6 58 9 41
28 F 5 48 6 22 8 26 28 M 4 55 6 59 10 44
29 S 5 46 6 24 9 41 29 T 4 54 7 0 11 38
30 S 5 44 6 25 10 51 30 W 4 53 7 1 A.M.
31 M 5 42 6 26 11 56
{Right page}
May, 1884. June, 1884.
Moon's Phases D. H. M. Moon's Phases D. H. M.
First Quarter .. 2 0 50 M. Full Moon... 8 2 32 E
Full Moon...... 9 10 50 E. Last Quarter16 9 17 M
Last Quarter.. ..17 11 37 E. New Moon...23 0 16 M
New Moon......24 5 19 E. First Quart'r30 0 57 M
First Quarter ..31 11 39 M.
D D W S. R S.S M. S. D D W S. R S.S M. S.
h m h m h. m. h m h m h. m.
1 T 4 51 7 3 0 24 1 S 4 20 7 35 0 38
2 F 4 50 7 4 1 02 2 M 4 20 7 36 1 04
3 S 4 48 7 5 1 36 3 T 4 20 7 36 1 32
4 S 4 47 7 6 2 06 4 W 4 19 7 37 2 01
5 M 4 46 7 7 2 35 5 T 4 19 7 38 2 32
6 T 4 44 7 8 3 01 6 F 4 19 7 38 3 04
7 W 4 43 7 9 3 28 7 S 4 18 7 39 3 41
8 T 4 42 7 10 3 57 8 S 1 18 7 40 Rises
9 F 4 41 7 11 R ses. 9 M 4 18 7 40 8 17
10 S 4 39 7 12 7 49 10 T 4 18 7 41 9 00
11 S 4 38 7 13 8 41 11 W 4 17 7 41 9 38
12 M 4 36 7 51 9 31 12 T 4 17 7 42 10 11
13 T 4 36 7 17 10 17 13 F 4 17 7 42 10 45
14 W 4 35 7 18 10 58 14 S 4 17 7 48 11 17
15 T 4 34 7 19 11 35 15 S 4 17 7 43 11 46
16 F 4 33 7 20 A.M. 16 M 4 17 7 44 A.M.
17 S 4 32 7 21 0 09 17 T 4 17 7 44 0 16
18 S 4 31 7 22 0 41 18 W 4 18 7 44 0 49
19 M 4 30 7 23 1 12 19 T 4 18 7 45 1 26
20 T 4 29 7 24 1 43 20 F 4 18 7 45 2 07
21 W 4 28 7 25 2 15 21 S 4 18 7 45 2 55
22 T 4 27 7 26 2 51 22 S 4 18 7 45 3 50
23 F 4 26 7 27 3 51 23 M 4 18 7 45 Sets.
24 S 4 26 7 28 Sets 24 T 4 19 7 46 8 52
25 S 4 25 7 29 8 25 25 W 4 19 7 46 9 33
26 M 4 24 7 30 9 24 26 T 4 20 7 46 10 08
27 T 4 23 7 30 10 16 27 F 4 20 7 46 10 40
28 W 4 23 7 31 11 00 28 S 4 20 7 46 11 09
29 T 4 22 7 32 11 36 29 S 4 21 7 45 11 37
30 F 4 22 7 33 A. M. 30 M 4 21 7 45 A.M.
31 S 4 21 7 34 0 08

Left Page

July, 1884. August, 1884.
Moon's Phases D. H. M. Moon's Phases D. H. M.
Full Moon... 8 4 53 M Full Moon... 6 5 49 E.
Last Quart'r15 4 21 E. Last Quart'r13 9 51 E.
New Moon...22 7 27 M. New Moon...20 4 37 E.
First Quart'r29 4 44 E. First Quart'r28 10 24 M.
D D W SR S.S. M.S. D D W SR. S.S. M.S.
h m h m h.m. h m h m h.m.
1 T 4 22 7 45 0 04 1 F 4 49 7 23 0 18
2 W 4 23 7 45 0 34 2 S 4 50 7 22 1 00
3 T 4 23 7 45 1 07 3 S {bolded} 4 51 7 20 1 47
4 F 4 24 7 45 1 41 4 M 4 52 7 19 2 34
5 S 4 24 7 44 2 20 5 T 4 53 7 18 3 35
6 S {Bolded} 4 25 7 44 3 03 6 W 4 54 7 17 Rises
7 M 4 26 7 44 3 53 7 T 4 55 7 15 7 24
8 T 4 26 7 43 Rises 8 F 4 56 7 14 7 55
9 W 4 27 7 43 8 16 9 S 4 57 7 12 8 26
10 T 4 28 7 42 8 50 10 S {Bolded} 4 58 7 11 8 51
11 F 4 29 7 42 9 21 11 M 4 59 7 19 9 23
12 S 4 30 7 41 9 51 12 T 5 00 7 08 10 04
13 S{Bolded} 4 31 7 40 10 22 13 W 5 01 7 06 10 45
14 M 4 31 7 40 10 51 14 T 5 03 7 05 11 32
15 T 4 32 7 39 11 25 15 F 5 04 7 04 / A M
16 W 4 33 7 38 A M 16 S 5 05 7 02 / 0 27
17 T 4 34 7 37 0 (2 17 S {Bolded} 5 07 7 01 / 1 28
18 F 4 35 7 36 0 47 18 M 5 08 6 59 / 2 82
19 S 4 36 7 36 1 37 19 T 5 09 6 57 / 3 41
20 S{Bolded} 4 37 7 35 2 36 20 W 5 10 6 56 / Sets
21 M 4 38 7 34 3 41 21 T 5 11 6 54 / 7 09
22 T 4 39 7 34 Sets 22 F 5 12 6 52 / 7 38
23 W 4 40 7 33 8 07 23 S 5 13 6 51 / 8 (8
24 T 4 41 7 32 8 41 24 S {Bolded} 5 14 6 49 / 8 38
25 F 4 42 7 31 9 11 25 M 5 15 6 47 / 9 07
26 S 4 43 7 30 9 39 26 T 5 16 6 46 / 9 41
27 S{Bolded} 4 44 7 29 10 07 27 W 5 17 6 44 / 10 16
28 M 4 45 7 27 10 36 28 T 5 18 6 42 / 10 57
29 T 4 46 7 26 11 07 29 F 5 20 6 41 / 11 41
30 W 4 47 7 25 11 41 30 5 21 6 39 / A M
31 T 4 48 7 24 A M 31 S {Bolded} 5 22 6 37 / 0 30
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Right Page
November, 1884. December 1884.
Moon's Phases D. H. M. Moon's Phases D. H. M.
Full Moon .. 3 3 19 M. Full Moon... 2 1 42 E.
LastQuart'r 9 5 55 E. Last Quart'r 9 6 13 M.
New Moon...17 0 54 E. New Moon...17 8 7 M.
FirstQuart'r25 4 58 E. FirstQuart'r25 8 4 M
h m h m h m. h m h m h m
1 S 6 36 4 51 4 20 1 M 7 14 4 25 8 50
2 S 6 38 4 49 5 32 2 T 7 15 4 24 4 45
3 M 6 39 4 48 Rises. 3 W 7 16 4 24 5 37
4 T 4 40 4 47 6 08 4 T 7 17 4 24 6 44
5 W 6 42 4 46 7 03 5 F 7 18 4 24 8 03
6 T 6 43 4 44 8 04 6 S 7 19 4 24 9 13
7 F 6 4{3?} 4 43 9 11 7 S 7 20 4 24 10 20
8 S 6 46 4 42 10 17 8 M 7 21 4 24 11 28
9 S 6 47 4 41 11 26 9 T 7 22 4 24 A.M.
10 M 6 48 4 40 A.M. 10 W 7 23 4 24 0 31
11 T 6 50 4 39 0 32 11 T 7 24 4 24 1 34
12 W 6 51 4 38 1 37 12 F 7 25 4 24 2 36
13 T 6 52 4 37 2 40 13 S 7 26 4 24 3 36
14 F 6 53 4 36 3 41 14 S 7 26 4 24 4 34
15 S 6 54 4 35 4 42 15 M 7 27 4 24 5 30
16 S 6 55 4 34 5 41 16 T 7 28 4 25 6 23
17 M 6 57 4 3{3?} Sets 17 W 7 2{8?} 4 25 Sets.
18 T 6 59 4 32 5 27 18 T 7 29 4 25 5 46
19 W 7 00 4 31 6 10 19 F 7 30 4 26 6 39
20 T 7 1 4 31 6 59 20 S 7 30 4 26 7 36
21 F 7 2 4 30 7 50 21 S 7 31 4 27 8 35
22 S 7 4 4 29 8 45 22 M 7 31 4 27 9 37
23 S 7 5 4 29 9 44 23 T 7 32 4 28 10 38
24 M 7 6 4 28 10 43 24 W 7 32 4 28 11 42
25 T 7 7 4 27 11 45 25 T 7 32 4 29 A.M.
26 W 7 9 4 27 A.M. 26 F 7 33 4 30 0 47
27 T 7 10 4 26 0 50 27 S 7 33 4 30 1 56
28 F 7 11 4 26 1 56 28 S 7 33 4 31 3 06
29 S 7 12 4 25 3 06 29 M 7 33 4 32 4 18
30 S 7 13 4 25 4 19 30 T 7 33 4 33 5 28
31 W 7 34 4 34 6 34
Jan. Tuesday, 1. 1884. The sky overcast all day with a dull sombre hue, in the evening snow fall from N.E. Nearly a foot of snow on level good sleighing. Wife and I had a cutter drive to town. Took tea at my father's home. Wednesday, 2. A very stormy day. Snow flying through the air driven by a strong is being piled high up along the fences. Hauling green stove wood to father's for a year's supply. Thursday, 3. The storm has increased in violence, and temperature is several degrees colder Wind is W. by S.W. driving the snow into concession lines, in huge banks. Spent the day at home.

Jan. Friday, 4. 1884.

Bitterly cold thermometer showed 8 {symbol for degrees, underlined} below zero.

S B Maddin Cobalt Ont {different hand - probably added later}

Saturday, 5.


Sunday, 6.


Jan. Monday, 7. 1884.

JC Smith Weights & Measures Office, Toronto St Toronto

Tuesday, 8.

1586 Oats {illegible}


Wednesday, 9.

Very heavy snow fall last night, nearly 18 inches on level

Jan. Thursday, 10. 1884.

6 - 3 X 10 -18

1 - 2 X !0 - 18

6 - 3 X 10 - 12

8 - 3 X 10 - 13

2 - 6 X 12 - 148

25 for inch


13 - 3 X 10 - 13

20 - 3 X 10 - 12

6 - 3 X 10 - 13

Friday, 11.

W. side

8 2 X 14 - 13

4 4 X 4 - 13

2 2 X 4 - {illegilbe}

11 - 3 X 10 - 12

11 - 3 X 10 - 13

Saturday, 12.

Map of world

" " Europe

4 Globe {illgeible} Stationary




D L Thompson Worm Powder

Jan. Sunday, 18. 1884.


28 1/2 Perline post

16 out "

Lintel in 13 1/2

Long beams 24 1/2

" : 10 inch {illegible}

14 fr beams 10

Monday, 14.

Zero weather

Tuesday, 15.

Bought at Rounding's sale a yearling filly of "Conqueror" blood @ $130 gave promissary note for amt payable in 9 mos from date at Dominion Bank, Brampton.

Jan. Wednesday, 16. 1884.

Size of S Section ?

Taxes how put on ?

Teacher comp{illegible}

Average salary ?

Thursday, 17.

Meadowvale 1

Streetsville 2

Cooksville 1

Malton 1

Stanley Mills 1

Campbells Cross 1

Clande 1

Charleston 1

Friday, 18.

Cheltenham 1

Norval 1

Huttonville 1

Mayfield 1


Eugene Fall's

Jan. Saturday, 19. 1884.

Timber for barn 111 old

26 fot beam II

14 ft gird I

13 ft beam IIIII

18 ft post II

Sunday, 20.

30 ft post

36 ft plate 1

18 ft plate

34 ft plate 1

24 ft sleeper IIIIIII

Monday, 21

18 ft sleeper IIIIIII

{duplicate of previous page}

Jan. Tuesday, 22. 1884.

granary joice sills length

Wednesday, 23.

14 - 14 ft beams

10 - 26 " "

68 X 3 10 - 12

56 -- 13

8 = 14

Thursday, 24.


Jan. Friday, 25. 1884.

Lumber for barn


1249 ft @ $12.00

750 " " "

2879 plank 14 ft

44 {illegible} Paid $127.60

Saturday, 26.

54 rafters 2 X 6 - 20 ft

2800 ft stock beams 14 ft

1440 " " 16

480 (120 boards 16 "

320 20 " 16

960 80 12

46 rafters 2 X 6 16

Sunday, 27.


{duplicate of previous page}

Jan. Monday, 28. 1884.


1 gal milk

5 1/2 "

4 " Received $10.00

4 "

7 " {illegible ciphering}

5 1/2 Tuesday, 29.

5 1/2

5 1/4

3 1/2

3 3/4



2 3/4

3 3/4


6 1/2

4 "

6 1/2

21 1 1/2


2.52 7


Wednesday, 30



66 1/4





Thursday 17 {written vertically}


6 1/2





$ 1.60

Saturday 19 {illegible}

Jan. Thursday, 31. 1884



24 Dec 2 days

27 " 3 "

28 " {illegilbe}

31 " -- 2 "

2 Jan 2 "

3 " 3 "

4 Feb. Friday, 1. 3 "

5 3

7 3

Jan 11 {illegible}

2 1/2


4 1/2

10 1/2


15 1/2

21 1/2


14 1/14

152 1/4


Saturday, 2.

Jim White

2 1/2 days work

1 3/4

Feb. Sunday, 3. 1884

1586 Oats R Snell


Monday, 4.

{light and illegible}

Tuesday, 5.


Feb. Wednesday, 6. 1884.


Thursday, 7.

A new arrival at 10 A.M. A son was born to us. A fine strong child to start with, 10 lbs weight.

Neck Tie

Pants next size

Friday, 8.

2 Shirts 14 1/2 small

2 " 14 boys

2 " 13 "

2 mitts black

1 pr drawers

4 oz black saxony

bread knife


Feb. Saturday, 9. 1884.


owe $19.60 on Feb 15

1 3/4


5 1/2

14 1/4



19.60 1.70


Sunday, 10.

Pine Windows

4 Planks 2 X 10 X 16

5 " 3 X 10 X 14

2 1 X 10 X 12

22 2 X 6 {illegible}

Monday, 11.



550 ft Sheeting Frames

Feb. Tuesday, 12.

900 ft

1999 ft Sheeting

600 ft "

1000 ft "

39 " "

1000 ft 2 X 4 Scant

370 M {Illegible}

2879 {Illegible} 2 inch plank

450 sheeting

Wednesday, 13.

930 ft 14 ft

2800 ft {illegible} 14 ft

2200 16

960 12

X 3 {illegible} 3 X 12 14

54 rafters @ X 10 20 ft

46 16 "

X 2 joist 2 X 12 16

6 beams 8 X 10 14ft

2 posts 9 X 10 16

Thursday, 14.

2 beams 6 X 8 24 ft

X 6 joist 6 X 10 14

11 Joist 2 X 8 18

6 S{illegible} 2 X 4 12

5 pine plank 3 X 10 16

3 " " 2 X 10' 16

18 pine plank 2 X 10 16.

10 " " 2 X 12 14

3 X4 {illegible} 2 X 12 14

1000 ft

Feb. Friday, 15. 1884.


Castle 6500



Saturday, 16.


4909 ft

1000 3 X 4 {illegible}


6890 ft sticks

1816 " rafters

Sunday, 17.

3096 ft timber

2879 plank

Feb. Monday, 18. 1884.


Tuesday, 19.


Wednesday, 20.


Feb. Thursday, 21. 1884.


Arthurs {illegible} $10.42

1 3/4




3 3/4



Friday, 22.

8 March 13

7 1/2 " 16

8 " 22

55 Gals


Feb. Sunday, 24. 1884


Monday, 25.


Tuesday, 26.





March. Monday, 10. 1884.


Tuesday, 11.


Wednesday, 12.


March. Thursday, 13. 1884.


R Watson






Banner Boots

Friday, 14.


Saturday, 15.


April. Wednesday, 9. 1884.

43 1/2

40 barley & oats

17.40 $3.00


18.00 Apple 1.55

wood 50

Cash 1.00

wheat 1.75



2 2




Thursday, 10


Friday, 11.


April. Saturday, 12. 1884.

For Sale at Bargain

A handsome young Short Horn bull fit for service Bred from Imp Stock J H Ferguson





Sunday, 13.

43 1/2 cords @ 35 $15.22

@ {illegible} 17.40

4 bush barley - $1.60 {illegble}

5 bush oats - 1.40 - .28

{Illegible} 2.00 - 8


Wheat .50

Cash 1.60

2 1/2 bush barley .90


Monday, 14.

M CS Learment

Post Office


Lamp wick wide





April. Tuesday, 15. 1884.


Wednesday, 16.


Thursday, 17


April. Friday, 18, 1884.

Lawson 632 lbs oats


Maxwell 265 lbs oats


H {illegible}


Saturday, 19.

Kitchen $1.75

Berry 1810 lbs hay .35


McLennan wood $3.oo



Sunday, 20.


Butter crock

April. Monday, 21. 1884.

Started spring seeding sowing oats on fall plowed sod, front field. Ground very dry and in good tilth.

Tuesday, 22.


Wednesday, 23

Sowed a field of barley.

April. Thursday, 24. 1884


Friday, 25.

Sowed 5 1/2 acres with wild goose wheat.

Saturday, 26.


May. Saturday, 3. 1884.


Sunday, 4.

Paint & brushd



Hats & Pants

Butter paper

28 Boots

Truman Lewis


Monday, 5.


May. Tuesday, 6. 1884.


Wednesday, 7.


Thursday, 8.


Friday, 9. 1884.


Saturday, 10.


Sunday, 11.

Glass 10 X 14

Stock - vat

Seeds, Rake

Potatoes, Square

Pitchfork, Giffen

Cation, Burrell

B Bread, Brookfield

May. Monday, 12. 1884.


Tuesday, 13.


Wednesday, 14.


May. Wednesday, 21. 1884.


Thursday, 22.


Friday, 23.

Sold to Durham 8 Berks

4 sows & 4 boars @ $36.00

Present weight 196 lbs to be fed until Sept @ 1 C per lb more than market price on that date.

May. Saturday, 24. 1884.


Sunday, 25.


Monday, 26.


May. Tuesday, 27. 1884.


Wednesday, 28.


Thursday, 29.


May. Friday, 30. 1884.

6 rivets 1/4 X 2 inch

1 " 1/4 X 1 "

4 glass 8 X 10 "

shingle nails


Saturday, 31.

June. Sunday, 1.

June. Monday, 2. 1884


Lawyers 3000

Pulfers 6

Sutcliffe's 180


Tuesday, 3.




1 lb blue


2 1/2 yards pink chambry

28 C yd

Wednesday, 4.

June. Thursday, 5. 1884.










Friday, 6.


Saturday, 7.

6 rivets 1/4 X 2 inch

1 {illegible} 1/4 X 1 "

4 {illegible} X 10 "

7 lbs 3 inch {illegible}

1 " 2 inch {illegible}

line zinc



June. Sunday, 8. 1884.


Monday, 9.


Tuesday, 10.


June. Wednesday, 11. 1884.

Razor, Shoes

Hot stuff, 1/4 lb ginger

Binder twine

Pure Gold, Powder 1/2 lbb

10 yds cotton


Thursday, 12.


Friday, 13.


June. Saturday, 14. 1884.

Timothy Seed

Black earth

mending boot


Sunday, 15.


Monday, 16.

Wisconsin White Dent

June, Tuesday, 17.


Meat 17

Post 17

Cup 119


Wire Screen

Wednesday, 18. 289



Paris Green

Machine Oil


Eng Potatoes

Thursday, 19.

Oil can

Meat Kettle

Twine 6 balls

Meal, 3 doz C 8 ins

1 lb starch

Yeast 5 C

Soap 25

line rope




June. Friday, 20. 1884.


Currant Yeast





Saturday, 21.

Ayer's {illegible}

Castor Oil





Sunday, 22.

Bread 2

Sugar lb


Meat Stake


Camphor 2 oz


June, Monday, 23. 1884.


Sheep dip

Scrub brush







Tuesday, 24.

Soda Biscuit 1 lb

Sweet Oil

Bronze Oil

Butter Crock



Wednesday, 25.

Fork {illegible}

Wash board

Oat meal fine


Starch 1lb





June, Thursday, 26. 1884.

Candy Pop

Coal Oil



Teapot, Can

Strips 20

100 ft 10 ft 2 X 4 scantlings 3.10 p

100 ft 12 ft " " 4.12 p

1 X 5 -3

Friday, 27.

Thursday {illegible}

{illegible} 1 bar  25 C

1 lb soda

Royal Yeast cakes 5 C

Meat -- Corn

Magnesia 2 oz

2 lbs mangels, turnips seed

3 lbs Tapioca {down side}

Saturday, 28,.

Snap {illegible} Glass

fine starch {illegible}

Sage. S. Savory

{illegible} seed


Bleached cotton

Group Tax, Corn Starch

Washbrush {down side}

June. Sunday, 29. 1884.

tur{illegible} floor desk 1.00

6 pr shutters 6.00

hinges screws 1.50

work hanging 1.25

pickets for {illegible} 30


Monday, 30.

1 bush corn 1 quart paint {illegible} oil

Sugar Tea soap

Coal oil - Tar paper

Window shade 30 X 60

Coal oil {illegible}

July. Tuesday, 1.

Corn 2 bush, mangels

10 lbs carrot seed

Onion seed -- beet seed

salsify - 1 1/2 {illegible}




July. Wednesday, 2. 1884.

bolt 5 X 3/8

Glass 9 X 9






Thursday, 3.

Split keys

Castor Oil







Carving Knfe




Howard Boots



Friday, 4.





July. Saturday, 5.



Glass 10 X 14

Paris green

Stockknife, Glue

Culking - Honey

Rumans, Yeast, Matches

Black and Walnuts

2 lbs lard

Sunday, 6.

Saturday, July 1

lent {illegible}


W Sugar

Monday, 7.

1 1/2 yd B {illegible}

1/2 yd 80 cotton


July. Tuesday, 8. 1884.

8 1/2 high



8 3/4

2 windows

Wednesday, 9.

Dr Robinsons

Twine B Screws nails

Mr Learments



Baby boots

Thursday, 10.

{illegible} 3 1/2 X {illegible} 6 panes glass

10 X 14 Binder Twine


Sulky Rakes



July. Friday, 11. 1884


Saturday, 12.


Sunday, 13.


July. Sunday, 20. 1884

78.85 150.00





Monday, 21.


Tuesday, 22.

Str{illegible} Beauty {illegible}

Empire State Best all round

{illegible} White {illegible}

July. Wednesday, 23.

3 1400 Potter

500 Ball

250 John

115 Insurance {illegible}

125 Switch

200 Mrs Rainy

Thursday, 24.


Friday, 25.


Aug. Monday, 25. 1884.


Tuesday, 26.


Wednesday, 27.


Aug. Thursday, 28. 1884.


Friday, 29.


A Arthur 22 bush

J Woodhall 26 bush

Saturday, 30.


Aug. Sunday, 31. 1884


Sept. Monday, 1.

{entry all illegilbe}

Tuesday, 2.

Threshed {two lines illegible}

500 bush {illegible} acre

Sept. Wednesday, 3. 1884.


Thursday, 4.


Friday, 5.


Sept. Saturday, 6. 1894

Driving House

930 {illegible} 100 ft

900 {illegible}

500 ft

Stringers {illegible}

1200 ft {illegible} $15.50

Sunday, 7.


Monday, 8.


Sept. Tuesday, 9. 1884.

Mr Bullocks

Sept 12 & 13

" 17 1/2 day {circled}

" 18, 25, 26

Wednesday, 10.


Thursday, 11.


Sept. Friday, 12. 1884.

Lawson 14

Hanison 15

John Watson 9

Jos H 8

R Snell 13

R Arthurs 12 7

W Dyer 1 12

Topham 10

Saturday, 13.

Heath 2

Ferguson 3

R Carter 4

{illegible} 6

W Cation 5

N Carter 16

F Hillock 11

Sunday, 14.


Sept. Monday. 15. 1884.

Pearen Bros

40 {illegible} 25 C /toll


1 bag {illegible} 98

Gra flow 20

150 lbs bran

1 bag flour

Tuesday, 16.

A {illegible}

Wednesday, 17.


50 lbs


{illegible} @ 6 $5.70

Sept. Thursday, 18. 1884.

Week ending July 22

" " 29

" Aug 5

" " 12

" " 19

" " 26

" Sept 2

Friday, 19.

" " 9

" " 16

" " 23

" " 25

" " 26

" " 27

" " 28

8 Sundays $3.00




Saturday, 20.


Apples Dawson

11 Bbls - Fall

5 " "

3 " Snow

Sept. Sunday, 21. 1884.

- 5 days Paid $5.00

- 4 " 4.00

- 4 3/4 " " 5.00

- 6 " ------- 6.00

- 5 " Paid 5.00

- 5 " " 1.00

- 5 " Paid 10.00

Monday, 22.

- 6 " ------

- 5 " ------

$45.75 $36.00

4 1/2 days 1.00


7 1/2 days tobacco .50

1 "

Tuesday, 23.




Sept. Wednesday, 24. 1884.

1 Sunday

Aug 5 -- $1.00

Aug 12 -- 6.00

Aug 19 --- Paid 5.00

Aug 26 --- $1.00 -- 5.00

Sept 2 -- $10. -- 5.00

Thursday, 25.

Sept 9 ------ -- 6.00

" 16 --- 5.00

" 23 _-- $1.00 -- 4.00

Friday, 26.


Sept. Saturday, 27, 1884.

4 bedroom setts

1 dining table

Kitchen "

2 small tables

2 Kitchen cupboards



2 hanging lamps

hall lamp

Sunday 28.

Hall walnut rack

Parlor suite black

3 parlor tables



1 dozen cane chairs

2 fancy rocking chairs

Monday, 29.

1 coal stove (new)

1 wood stove

several carpets

some new

lot of dishes

and fruit jars

Sept. Tuesday, 30. 1884.

Strawberries 5 C

Candy 7

{illegible} $1.50

Each freezer

banans 1.75 to 2.00

Oct. Wednesday, 1.


Thursday, 2.


Oct. Thursday, 9. 1884.




Friday, 10.

Apples Dawson

13 bbls Canada Red

3 " G{illegible}

{illegible }

{illegible} apples


Saturday, 11.



Oct. Sunday, 12. 1884.


Gun hammer

{illegible} Stock



Monday, 13.

Herd {illegible}

Tuesday, 14.


Oct. Wednesday, 15. 1884.

Mrs Chambers

72 Adelaide West

Thursday, 16.

May 24 Cash 5.00

June 15 " 2.00

July 1 " 1.00

Aug 27 " 2.00

Aug 29 " 2.00

Friday, 17,



Oct. Saturday, 18. 1884.





Sunday, 19.


Monday, 20.

Hinges, Tar paper

Hardwood, Chickens

Glass, 6. 10 X 14




Oct. Tuesday, 21. 1884.

Blacksmith Campbell

February -- 2 horses shod

April -- 2 " "

March Shapr harrows

April -- Share slowed up



Share twice sharped

Wednesday, 22

1 lb starch

nutmeg {illegible}





Thursday, 23.






Oct. Friday, 24. 1884.

Lumber for stable

930 ft

980 "

Saturday, 25.


100 {illegible} nails

25 " 4 inch Nails

Sunday, 26.


Oct. Monday, 27. 1884


Tuesday, 28.


Wednesday, 29.


Nov. Sunday, 23. 1884.


Monday, 24.









4210 ( 70


Tuesday, 25.

Brookbank, Boura

Barber, Dobson

Morton & Sanderson

Williamson Svap

Washing soda





Nov. Wednesday, 26. 1884

Sofa, Letter paper

Jack nife Quin's

School desks


coal oil

Morphy, Gordon

Thursday, 27.


Friday, 28.


Dec. Friday, 5. 1884.


Saturday, 6.


Sunday, 7.


Dec. Monday, 8. 1884.


Tuesday, 9.

Quins Post Peakers

Bread dish S Young

Shermain Bread pan

Wednesday, 10.


Dec. Thursday, 11. 1884.


Friday, 12.


Saturday, 13.


Dec. Sunday, 14. 1884.


Monday, 15.

Citrate magnesia

Flanellette 10 yrs

Soda biscuits





Ammonia soap

Tuesday, 16.

Clock 8 ys head

Dec. Wednesday, 17. 1884.


Thursday, 18.


Friday, 19.


Friday, 19.


Dec. Saturday, 20. 1884.


Sunday, 21.


Monday, 22.

Wood, Saltpetre

McLennan, Ross

Anderson, Bolts Cartridge

Deeves Apples, Ingram

Henderson Apples

Goose -- Post cards --

Dec. Tuesday, 23. 1884.

Saw Boards

School house $ 24 --

$65 -- $90 -- $60 --

Turkey -- Bread

Candy -- nuts -- walnuts


Xmas cards

Post Number

Wednesday, 24.




$21.40 -- 3.00

13.00 10.00


Thursday, 25.

Cream 1896

Aug 5 Cram 7 qts

" 10 {illgeible} 12 "

" " 10 Milk pail 4 "

" 11 Cream 7 "

Sept 4 " 4 "




Dec. Friday, 26. 1884.

Sept 2 2 1/2 gas milk .37

" 3 2 gals 3 pints cream 1.32

" 4 6 qts cream .84

" 6 7 qts " .98

" 7 1 gal .55



Sept 10 3 qts cream .42

" 11 4 qts " .55

" 12 7 qts " .98


Saturday, 27.

Sept 19 3 qts .42

" 20 3 qts .42

" 21 2 gals 1.10



Sunday, 28.


{line illegible}

N Carter

1 can

1 can

1 can

1 can

A {illegible}

2 gals

1 can


Dec. Monday, 29. 1884.

July 17 2 gas $1.10

" 18 3 gals 1 qt 301 1.79

" 20 1 gal 3 qts .97



July 23 1 gal 1 quart 5 qts .70

" 24 1 gal 2 qts .83


Aug 2 6 qts .84 l.93

Tuesday, 30.

Aug 6 3 qts 1 pt .49 .50

Aug 7 3 qts .42 .45

Aug 10 2 gal 1.10

Aug 12 {illegible} qts {illegile}

Aug 13 3 qts .42

Aug 14 4 qts {illegible}


Aug 15 4 qts .55

" 15 4 gals milk .60

" 16 7 qts .98

Wednesday, 31.

Aug 17 3 gals cream 1.65

" " 4 gals milk .60

" 19 1 gals cream .55

" 20 2 gals 2 qts 1.38

" 21 6 qts .84

" 22 7 qts .98

" 24 2 1/2 qts .35

" 27 3 qts .42

" 28 3 gals 1.65

" 29 1 gal .55


June 3 2 gals 1 qt $1.24

" 4 " " 1.24

" 8 " " .55


June 11 1g 5 qts .70

" 12 2 glas 2 qts 1.38

" 15 3 gals 1.65

June 18 5 qts .75

June 19 {illegible} 1.25

June 22 3 gals 1.65

June 26 2 qts .28

June 28 1 gal .55

" 29 3 gals 2 qts 1.12

July 4 3 1/2 gas 1.93

" 4 gals 1.20

" 4 3 qts .42

July 5 1 gal 3 qts .97

July 6 3 gals 1.65


" 10 2 qts {illegible}

" 11 4 gals 2.20

12 {line illegible}

{illegible} 1.24


4.52 4.85



Red, Calved 20th March 1885

Got by " Montrose"

Dam Rose by Lorde Winton

G.D. Snowball G {illegible}

G.G.D Blossom by "Clifton"

GGG.D Bridal by Durham bull



Read 1 white, calves 10 March.85

Got by "Montrose"

Dam Snowball by Momentum

G D Blossom by Clifton

G.G.D Bridal by Durham bull



April 7 Bought at JC Snells Sale a Short Horn cow "Duchess of Golway" got bull calf 6 mo's old @ $165.00






Dobson {rest of page illegible}


Hill for Ralsom

Peaker wood

Board wood

and beef

J Goffer for help


January -- Cash Received

<tdN Carter <td27>
$ C
Jno Woodhall 20 00
J C Snell 30 00
A Campbell 15
7 00
C Gamble 23 00
Sugg{illegible} 15 00
D Quin 10 00
Dr {illegible} 15 00
Church 10 00
School 117 00
{illegible} {illegible}
J.C Snell
3 Berkshires 20 00
1 ram lamb 10 00
1 ram 20 00
1 ram 10 00
1 fat sow 16 50
3 cords wood 12 00
basswood 13 00
cloverseed 32 50
Berkshire sow 8 00
$142 00
85 00
$57 00
12 00
January -- Cash Paid. 1896 Beef Ring 31 1/2 20 1/2 24 30 1/2 28 27 24 23 31 1/2 30 20 25 1/2 21 1/2 20 1/2 315 1/2 3 ewes 25.00 1 ram lamb 15.00 2 Berkshires 5.00 Cash 40.00 85.00

February -- Cash Received.

J.C Snell

{illegible} Berkshire 20.00
1 ram lamb 10.00
1 ram 20.00
1 ram 10.00
1 fat sow 16.50
3 cords wood 12.00
basswood 13.00
cloverseed 32.50 103.00
Berkshire {illegible} 7.50
February - Cash Paid J.C Snell {illegible} 25.00 ram lamb 15.00 133.50 Berkshire 10.00 30 50 83.50 Cash 40 Ram 12 102

March -- Cash Received.

$ C
8 From A Scoot for half bread Jersey coe black 40 00
28 " J C Snell for Berkshire boar 8 00
{total} 48 00

April - Cash Received.

$ C
2 From J C Snell for 2 yr old bull 100 00
19 " butcher for lame steer 45 00
April -- Cash Paid 407 403 380 1190 10 1180 448 432 525 407 1812 13

May -- Cash Received.

$ C
15 from G. Armstrong for 2 yr old steer 59 00
27 " K {illegible} 30 00

June -- Cash Received.

5 From Milner for 122 bush Fultz fall wheat @ $1.01 134.00

June -- Cash Paid.

August -- Cash Received.


25 To John Woodhall 26 bush wheat

" " Arthurs 22 " "

May 22 " : 690 lbs oats


August -- Cash Paid.



From Robison 20 bush wheat less 20 lbs







12904 (5









61 119

1978 1920


October - - Cash Received.

$ C
7 From T Milner for 114 bush barley @ 66 27 bush barley @60 91 50
" From Mr ---- for red bull calf 40 00
October-Cash Paid {above, "SOPI" is written in large lettters} 4] Life insane 6720 Confedration $ ¢ 15 A note I $130 00 to I'm faun & {"I"?} Rounding for Colt is due today

November Cash Received.

1902 Dr

Bulls note 42.40

Binder Note 120.00

Slings 17.00

Carter Cemetery

Lairds note 51.00

Carter Cows

Dr bull

Corn Cutting


{two lines illegible}

November -- Cash



Lundy 6.90

Apples Dawson

Dales Hay


Stark 58 Church

Jorgenson 190 Queen St

Taggart 89 {illegilbe}

Selby 90 Yonge


Ginger Snaps

Soda biscuits

Pickles Salmon Sa{illegible}



Chad {illegible}


Coal Oil, Syrup



Lawson Snyder - Chairman

" " Trouphton & MC{illegible}

Audition _____________________________________

Lawson Davis

Stovepipes Moran 25

JC Snell

Wood $5.00

Winter pig 7.00

3 Pigs 18.00

1 Pig 67.00

Cash $20.00

1 Pig 67.00

Pork 8.00


J G Snell 7.00



32.45 wheat @ 83

{illegible} 5.00

Cows 5 5.00

{rest of page illegible}



$ 111 - 1013 Well

33 467 Taxes

24 452 Char

75 919 Lawson

26 919 J.C.S

26 94

30 Seed

12 Shook

7 Posts

5 Gamble

4 Fire



Taxes 27

Willimason 95

Char{illegible} 35

Seed wheat 18

{illegible} 22

{illegible} 27

{illegible} 6

B {illegible} 10

















41 11

2 3/4















W. Ferguson

Black's corners

Margaret Ferguson

C. Kinsley







"Rose" by Major de Winton"

Dam "Snowball" by "Momentum" G Dam

Blossom by "Clifton"

G.G Dam "Bridal"

by a Durham Bull


"Blossom II by

Rose Lea Boss 118, 5

Momentum 1632 5

Clifton 189 C.S.{illegible}
















Morphy 6 of 3674 (6






Rolled Oats

Bread Cheese



2436 3

4)7308 1827





















Transcription Progress



John Ferguson Diary, 1884.pdf
John Ferguson 1884 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1884,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 15, 2024,
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