Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1878-1883


Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1878-1883

Date Created


Is Part Of

Benjamin Reesor Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{Front cover. Has some brown stains and is slightly torn at the edges. There's some numbers written on the cover.}


  5 3/4







John Reesor

Oct 30, 1853

John Stover to P Keeler 1549

to 2 bus Spring wheat L 0-7-0

to R Laughlin act 0-3-6

to 3 1/2 bushels peas 0-8-9

to 18 lbs flour 0 1.10

1 log Chain 0 - 13-0

L 1-10-11

Settled with John H Towel

Dec 13th 1849

Balance due L 2 10-0

John Reesor


due John Stover

L 0-6-3 March 6th 1850


9 3/4

12 3/4

15 1/4

16 1/4

22 2


77 3/4


{Second Page}

July 7th A Cowan to 14 lbs mutton

" " C Potts to 11 lbs mutton 0-2-9

P Purdy 12 lbs mutton 0-3-0

Edward Polls Jr 1849

July 1st to 11 lbs mutton 0-2-9

24th to 40 lbs flour 0-3-9

August to 2 bus wheat 0-7-6

Sept 5th to 3{illegible} lbs pork 0-1-0

5 bushels wheat 1-0-0

to 3 1/2 bushels wheat 0-14-0

2 1/2 lbs tallow 0-1-3

lbs tallow 0-1-0

1/2 lbs flour 0-8-9

L 3-0-0

Settled to this date

Janry 12th due E Potts L0-2-6

mo days

6 10

Ann Moore Commenced work

19th March 1850

April 12th to Cash 0-5-0

19th to mending shoes 0-2-0

26th to Cash 0-5-0

Absent three weeks

{illegible} absent about 1 day

March 29 absent 2 days

5 moths 6 days

March 1854

to Cash

Edward Potts to

June 1850 to One ax 0-10-0

to Cash 0-10-0


lumber delivered to Markham

Plant Road

July 1st 1849

5016 feet face measure 17-12-6

114 rough Boards 1-7-6

L 19-0-0

Tiles drawn from Pettys

1879 Sept 16th 120 2 in

do 24 460 3 in

1880 April 20 400 2 in

do 24 500 2 in

June 22 500 2 in

1881 July 13 400 3 in

do 14 200 3 in

do do 200 2 in

Nov 3 500 2 in

do 500 2 in


{Second Page}

Elizabeth Burkholder Commenced work October 3rd 1849 at 15/per month

Oct 6th Cash L0-13-1 1/4

Absent four weeks

13 X 4

March 17th 1850

L 3-7-6

13 1/2

L 2-14-4 1/2


Boots L 2-4-4 1/2

James Purdy to J Reesor 1850

Janry to 9 3/4 lbs por 0-3-7

March 27th to 2 3/4 lbs pork 0-1-0

March 28th to 10 lbs pork 0-3-9

April 9th to 6 3/4 lbs Pork 0-2-6

April 20th to 22 1/2 lbs pork 0-8-5

29th to Cash 0-0-7 1/2

July 2nd to 6 lbs pork 0-2-3

July 12th to 6 1/2 lbs pork 0-2-5

July to Cash 0-15-0

August 10th to 3 lbs pork 0-1-1 1/2

2-0-1 1/2

acct of A Reesor 3-10-0

L 5-10-1 1/2


Elizabeth Burkholder Commenced work Nov 6th 1850

absent ten days

January 1851

to mending Shoes L 0-2-0

to 1 pair Lace Boots 0-11-3

March 29 absent 12 days

5 months 4 days

March 1854

to Cash

C Petty Dr to B.B Reesor

Jan 3rd 1880

to 29 Cords Hemlock & Pine wood @ $1.75 per Cord

Received $15.75 Oct 29th 1880

Paid in full


20 Cords of the above to be Paid for with Tiles


53 1/2 lbs Beef from Martin Nighswander to be returned



{Second Page}




Sept 1847 L S D
Oct To Sawing 1000 feet oak 1 0 0
To Sawing 9844 feet 4 14 9
to Sawing 1256 0 12 6
Janry to Sawing 3817 1 18 0
1848 to Sawing 8674 measured and pile in April 1848 4 6 9
April 16th Sawing 3788 feet 1 17 9
26 Sawing 575 0 5 9
May 10th Sawing 1276 0 12 9
16th Sawing 625 feet 0 6 3
24th to lumber 495 0 12 6
Jan 12th to lumber 1100 to Wilson 1 7 6
15th to Scantling 80 ft 0 1 11
19th to lumber 516 feet 0 12 9
22nd to lumber 843 feet 1 1 2
26th to lathing 1200 feet 1 10 0
29th to lathing 850 feet 1 1 3
Oct 21st to lumber 400 fett to V Youngs 0 10 0
Dec 12 Sawing 973 feet 0 9 9
L 23 0 6
Anna Lehman to Reesor
March 17th 1851
to Cash 1 0 0
17th to 100 lbs flour 0 10 0
to 1/2 bus dry apples 0 2 6
29th to Cash 1 10 0
April 10th to 22 lbs pork /4 0 7 4
17th to 75 lbs flour 0 7 6
May 14th to Cash 3 10 0
July 4th to 28 lbs flour 0 2 9
12th to Cash to S Hood 1 0 0
August to Cash 3 0 0
Sept to Bbl Salt 0 4 0
11 16 1
17-13-0 11-18-7 11-16-1 70 60 5-16-11 $47-21 $23-39

Dec 22nd 1848

Peter Lapp Acct 12-0-0

Recd April 1850 Received on account 12-0-0

L 5-0-0 Remains due L9-10-1 1/2


David Dick L 10-8-3



Robert Garland L9-15-7 1/2

June 8th 1849 Received L8-0-0

Remainder 1-15-7 1/2



James Forester Paid L9-0-3


Christian Weiderman 2-12-9 1/2


Charles Gray 10 12 L4-6-1



Jacob Lapp 1-9-6


Wm Davidson Janry 1850 7-5-4

Recd L5-0-0

__________________________________________________ Joseph Niton 1-16-43

Paid L 1-10-0 remaining due {illegible}


G Raymer Paid 1-0-10


paid A Reesor Paid 6-18-11


Wm Mindle Paid 2-12-10 1/2


Abel Miller Paid 3-0-6


Charles Patten Paid 2-10-0


Joseph Cook Paid 1-0-11


{random calculations and scribbling}

{Second Page}

James Purdy to Reesor

Oct 5 1850
7th to 47 lbs flour 0 4 10
to 111 lbs beef 1 3 1 1/2
29th to 4 bus wheat 0 15 0
to {illegible} 0 1 3
Nov 8th to 11 lbs {illegible} 0 0 8
Dec to 5 bus wheat 5/9 0 18 9
Feb 16th to 27 lbs flour 0 2 6
17th to 5 bushels wheat 1 0 0
March 12th to Cash 0 10 0
13th to 5 bus wehat 1 0 0
April 7th to 5 bus wheat 1 0 0
12th to 37 lbs pork /4 0 12 4
May 1st 16 lbs pork {ink stain} 5 4
10 to 5 bus wheat 1 0 0
6th to 8 lbs pork 0 2 8
28th to 3 bus wheat 0 12 0
June 21st to 4 bushels wheat 0 16 0
21st to Cash from C Burkholder 0 7 6
July 12th to 18 lbs flour 0 1 10
17th to 4 bushels wheat 0 16 0
August 14th to 4 bushels wheat 0 16 0
Sept 27 to 4 bushels wheat 0 16 0
Oct 10th to 11 lbs Beef 0 1 5
Settled with J Purdy 13 1 3
Oct 25th 1851
Ballance due to Purdy 6 18 7
Paid to Purdy 6 18 7
Elizabeth Burkholder Commenced work 8th March 1852
March 20th Sick 4 days {illegible} {illegible 0
24th to Mending Shoes 0 3 0
April 21 to 1 qt w{illegible} 0 1 3
June 23rd 1852 {illegible} cloth 0 9 0
26th absent 1 1/2 days
July 17th handkerchief 0 0 9
August 21 to Cash 1 0 0
absent on 21st August L1 14 0
Nov 1st to Cash 2 4 0

William Watson 1849

Janry 4th to 2 bushels potatoes 0 3 9
22nd 1 bus potatoes 0 1 10
Dodo 2 1/2 lbs tallow 0 1 0 1/2
24th to 6 bushels oats at 1/2 per B 0 7 0
Dodo 11 lbs beef at /s 0 1 10
Feb 20th to 11 lbs Butter 0 0 7 1/2
March 19th order to Cowan 0 5 0
28th to 1 barrle flour to Potts 1 0 0
April 2nd to Cash 6 5 0
May 11th to Cash 2 5 0
14th to 17 1/2 bus oats 1 0 5
{ink stain} to 5 bus peas 0 12 6
21st to 3 bus potatoes 0 6 0
Do to 23 1/2 lbs wool at 1/{illegible} 1 3 6
Do to 7 1/2 bus potatoes from C B 0 15 0
to 1 pig from C Burkholder 0 15 0
June 9th Paid to Cowan 2 4 2
July 4th to 1 peck dry apples 0 1 6
14th to 85 lbs flour 0 8 6
21st to 1 1/2 lb Butter 0 0 11 1/2
30th to 1 1/2 lb Butter 0 0 11 1/2
August 1st to 30 lbs flour 0 3
Do do to 10 lbs mutton 0 2 6
Sept 12th to Cash 0 15 0
16 to 4 bush wheat feed 0 16 0
28th to Cash to Bills 5 0 0
Oct 4th to Cash 0 15 0
Nov 1st to Cash 0 15 0
to 2 Sheep at 0/ each 1 0 0
2nd to Cash 8 0 0
Dec 12 to 3 1/2 lbs tallow 0 1 5 1/2
to log chain 0 17 6
Mar 1850 to neck yoke and doubletrees 1 2 6
36 17 7
to Keat 5
Settled 41 17 7
Settled with Wm Watson January 11th 1850
due to Wm Watson L 3 18 3 1/2
Janry 12th to Cash L 4 0 0
Carried forward 0 1 8 1/2
Oct 7th 1850 Received 224 lbs Beef from Wm Watson at /2 1/2 per lb L 2 6 8
{Second Page} William Watson Janry 1850
to 5 bushel Spring wheat 0 17 6
Sept 15th 1849 to 3 days plowing 1 0 0
Jan 12th 1850 to Cash 0 1 8 1/2
Feb 10th to 1 lb Butter 0 0 7 1/2
13th to 400 lbs Shorts from Kelliwick 0 10 0
20th to 14 3/4 lbs pork at /4 0 5 6
March 2nd to 15 lbs pork 5 7
8th to Cash to Potts 1 12 6
16 to 4 Cwt bran from Kelliwick 0 8 0
to 40 bus oats from Josephus Reesor 2 10 0
to 50 bus oats from J Hoover 3 2 6
April 15th to 10 bus oast from Josephus Reesor 0 12 6
order to Barker 1 0 6
May 4th to Cash 1 5 0
7th to 4 lbs lard 0 1 8
15th to 17 lbs pork /4 1/2 0 6 6 1/2
26th to 2 lbs Preserves
June 15th to 7 1/2 Cwt of hay 0 14 6
18 5 lbs lard 0 2 1
12 lbs pork / 4 1/2 0 4 0
July 2nd to 104 lbs flour 0 11 3
22nd to Cash 2 0 0
24th to 14 1/2 lbs pork 0 5 5
July 11th to Cash 0 1 3
August 1st to 45 lbs flour 0 5 6
10th to 49 lbs flour 0 5 9
23rd to 11 lbs pork at /3 1/2 0 3 2
24th Paid to Cowan 1 12 6 1/2
Sept 2nd Paid I Graham note 11 15 0
L32 1 2
Benjamin Reesor {illegible} 0 9 4 1/2
May 22nd 1880 0 9 4 1/2
Oct 7th to 4 bus apples 0 4 0
31st to Cash from Josephus Reesor 5 0 0
L 38 3 11
Paid tat 0 5 0 x
Feb 1851 to 9 bus oats 0 10 6
to 10 bushel wheat 1 17 6
May 13th to 9 bushel oats 0 11 3
July 12th to 12 bus oats 0 18 0
August 4th to 1/2 bushel dry apples 3 9
14 to 6 bus oats 0 9 0
L 42 14 6
rent for year 1850 12 0 0
rent for year 1851 13 10 0
Settled L 68 4 6
Oct 24 1851
Wm Watson due on note 1851 L 9 0 0

Saryann Stover Commenced work October 30th 1848

Nov 7th to 3 1/2 yds flannel 0 8 1
Janry 1849 to 1 yd Calico 0 0 7 1/2
to 1 pair Boots 0 8 9
February absent 2 weeks at School
March 5th to School fees 0 2 1
7th to Cash 0 6 3
April 10th absent 16 1/2 days
May 24th to 4 yrds Calico at /9 per yd 0 3 0
June 19th to Cash 0 15 0
2 3 10
Cow 2 10 0
L 4 13 10
brought to June 30th 1849
June 30th to Cash 0 8 0
6 months 223 days L 5 2 10
Nov 1851 Wm Watson due on note 9 0 0
digging well 2 17 6
Remains due L 6 2 6
by 13 logs Cutting and hauling 1 2 9
Remains du Nov 1851 4 19 9
Dec 22nd to 12 lbs tallow 0 5 0
June 23rd 1852 A Reesor oats act 3 3 9
L 8 7 6
Oct 1852 teaming lumb 5 2 6
due L 3 5 0
rent for year 1852 13 10
L 16 15 0
Wm Stover Commenced work March 5th 1849 <td23>
March 6th to school for fees for himself 0 3 7
do do {illegible} for Elizabeth Stover 0 4 1
to Pocket Comb 6
May 1 to Watch guards 1 10 1/2
to 1 Bbl flour " 18 9
4th to 1 glass for watch " 2 6
21st absent 3 1/2 days
May 31st to 1/4 lbs of Powder " " 6
D D to 1 lb of shot " " 5
D D to 25 guncaps " " 2
June 9th Paid A Cowan 3 17 6
23 absent 1 day
to Cash for gun 1 6 10
July 7th to 100 lbs flour - - - 0 8 4
7th absent hoeing Corn 3 days hoeing corn
July 9th one Chip hat 0 1 0
26th absent 1 day
30th absent 3 days in harvest
1 1/2 days Stacking wt
August 11th to 1 lb of tobacco " 1 3
August to Cash to Watson 0 5 0
26th Absent 5 days sick
25th to cash 0 15 0
Sept 17th to Cash to K Boyce 1 1 5 1/2
19th to Cash 0 2 6
absent 1 day 9 12 11
28th Cash to Cowan 4 3 9
Do order for an ax 0 10 0
Do to Cash 1 0 2
L 15 6 10 1/2
Wm Stover - to Cash 1 10
wrought 6 months 4 1/2 days L 15 8 9
at L 2-10-0 per month
9 note 9
diging wll 2 17 6
Ballance on logs 1 2 9
teaming for Cowan 5 2 6
18 2 9

James Purdy wrought

week ending Nov 1st 1851 4 1/2 days
week ending Nov 8 2 days
Nove 29th 2 days
Janry 5th 3 days
17th 2 days
Feb 14 1 1/2 days
{Second Page} Oct Nov 1st 1851
Nov 1st to 16 lbs Beef L 0-2-0
4th to 4 bushels wheat 0-14-0
7th to 6 pigs from J Shistle 2/9 each 0-16-6
22nd to 192 lbs Beef at 15/ per cwt 1-8-9
28 to 113 lbs flour 0-9-0
Dec 15th to 13 lbs flour 0-1-0
18th to 4 bushels wheat 0-14-0
Janry 8th 1852 to 94 lbs flour 0-8-0
28th 4 bushels wheat 0-14-0
Feb 12th 3 lbs lard 2 lbs tallow 0-2-1
13th to 4 bushels wheat 0-14-0
March 9th to 2 bls lard 0-0-10
to 4 bushel wheat 0-15-0
25th to 6 1/2 lbs pork 0-2-8 1/2
April 3rd to 4 bushel wheat 0-15-0
to 3 3/4 lbs pork 0-1-6
26th to 4 bushels wheat 0-15-0
May 17th to 4 bushels wheat 0-15-0
June 7th to 4 bushels wheat 0-15-0
26th to 4 bushels wheat 0-15-0
July 14th to 4 bushels wheat 0-15-0
21st paid school fees 0-1-6
24th to 24 1/2 lbs Mutten at /3 0-6-1 1/2
August 6th to 4 bushels wheat 0-15-0
8th to 3 1/2 lbs dry pork 0-1-3
Sept 2 to 10 lbs flour 0-0-10
4th to 4 bushels wheat 0-15
23rd to 3 1/2 bush wheat Seed 0-13-1 1/2
28th 4 bus wheat 0-15-0
Kellington note 4-5-0
rent 5-0-0
L 24-12-2 1/2
Recd work L 24-10
Balance due L 1-2-2
to 1 1/2 days Ploughing 0-11-3
J Purdy due 1-10-11
Nov 4th to 4 bushels wheat 0-15-0
Settled the above due L 2-8-5

James Purdy wrought for J Reesor

Nov 5th 2 day thrashing {illegible]

8th 1 day hauling lumber

April 15th digging C{illegible}
week ending April 23rd 5 days
week ending April 30 5 1/2 days
and John Purdy 4 1/2
May 7th 1 day
John 1 day
14th 5 1/2
64 1/2
88 1/2
104 1/2
James Purdy to J Keeler
Nov 4th 1852 to Ballance Brought forward 2-8-5 1/2
Janry 16th 1853 to 1/2 bus Peas 0-1-3
27th to Bbl flour 1-1-3
March 7th to 1 Bbl flour 1-1-3
10th to 11 lbs pork at 1/9 0-4-7
17th to 6 1/2 lbs pork 0-2-8 1/2
28th 20 lbs corn meal 0-1-3
to 11 3/4 lbs pork 0-4-10 1/2
April 4th to 1/2 Bbl flour 0-10-7 1/2
9th to 15 lbs pork 0-6-3
15th to 1/2 Bbl flour 0-10-7 1/2
22nd to 80 lbs Corn meal 0-5-0
May 2nd to 1/2 Bbl flour 0-10-7 1/2
20th to Bbl flour 0-10-7 1/2
29th to Cash 0-5-0
June 3rd to 1/2 Bbl flour 0-10-7 1/2
21st to Cash 0-10-0
do do to 4 bushels wheat 4/6 0-18-0
July 2nd 9 lbs pork 0-3-9
12th 1 doz w fish 0-1-10 1/2
15th to 4 bushels wheat 0-18-0
August 22nd to 30 lbs flour 0-3-0
23rd to 22 lbs mutton 0-5-6
Oct 3rd to 1 lb Butter 0-0-6
to Cash 3-0-0
14-15-7 1/2
rent 5
Potatoe ground 1
teamwork 11-5
Settled with J Purdy 21-11-10
Nov 4th 1853 paid cash 10-10-5
L 32-0-3

{first page blank}

{second page - few scribbles}

Settled with W Watson

Oct 21 1851 remains due note 9-0-0
Dec 22nd 12 lbs tallow 0-5-0
75 bu oats from J. Reesor 3-3-9
Rent for year 1852 13-10-0
L 25-18-9
L 10-2-3
work Recd from W Watson
diging well 2-17-6
Balance of 13 logs 1-2-9
/Cuting and hauling 89 logs 6-13-6
teaming for Cowan 5-2-6
L 15-16-3
teaming brick and lumber 10-0-0


Private Journal of Benjm B Reesor

Nov 22. 1878 D Brown came & brought 2 men with him to shingle but it began to rain about daylight rained all day the men went home Brown staid & fixed turnip Cellar door G threshed some Peas I & John brought a load of sand Pm

23 G went home. Brown Came about 10 am brought a man with hime. Shingled till night. Rained awhile this morning

Sunday 24 I & Nancy & little boys went to Meeting at Ceder Grove remarks & sermon on St John part of 6 C by Br C W. fin Cler. roads bad

25 Brown came & brought a man with him nearly finished shingling W. soft snow nearly all day about 2 inches on the ground

26 I & Nancy & Flavius helped AB's kill hogs G drew home wood with sleigh AM sawed Pm Brown finished shingling barn and put a window in roof. W. snow thawed, mild

27 We killed our 8 hogs W. Mild AM heavy rain from east all Pm AB's staid all night Brown hung some window shutters a m

28 I salted meat G sawed wood W mild Cloudy

29 I & Nancy & Susanna went to Markham roads very bad G Plowed in sod Brown sent a man to hang shutters W. fine Cler overhead

30 frose rather hard to plow G threshed Peas. Br C helped a little while Pm to thresh about 40 boxes Oats W. Cler

Sunday Dec 1st All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St John part of 5th C by Re'd S Hoover Uncle Saul Reesor's & Abraham Hoover's were here PM. W. frost last night rather Cloudy today east wind

2. I & boys Cleaned Peas & some wheat G was at home W. heavy rain from east water high I went to Ceder Grove this evening

3 I & Nancy helped G's to kill hogs John drew 2 loads sand. W. fine

4 I helped N B's kill hogs J & G drew wood AM. W. about 3 in snow last night

5 I helped Br S's kill hogs W. Cler pretty sharp J & G drew wood A M cut limbs in bush Pm.

Dec 1878

6 G helped Br C kill hogs I & J banked turnip cellar with dung. W. Cler fine

7 I went to Markham AM. weighed some hay for W Morrison PM G dug garden W. mild, Cloudy

Sunday 8 John & Adeline went to Meeting at Widemans. I helped A Stover bury a little infant AM W. mild Cler white frost last night

8 G sawed wood in shed I Chored W. about 6 in soft snow last night & A M rain Pm snow going boys went to mill with sleigh. pretty good

10 I & Nancy went to F inlaws. W rainy this morning Cloudy today rain heavy this evening snow about all gone this is my Nancy's 39th Birthday

11 Chored I went to Cedar Grove AM W. cold, very high wind last night

12 I & Nancy went to JB's & I went to Fulling Mill at Altona W. fine roads wearing level, pretty good wheeling

13 I brought home grist Peas chop. W prety Cold wind

14 John took Jess to Markham to get shod PM. W. east wind AM snow from east PM Mild

Sunday 15 girls went to N B's we all went to Br C's W. pretty Cold not enough snow for sleighing

16 Chored AM I & John went to Br S's to helpe thresh Machine did not come I went to Ceder Grove PM. W. Cler

17 drew 2 loads wheat to Ceder Grove Mills old Treadwell @ 90 C Old fif spring @ 78 C W. fine

18 I & John helped Br S's thresh W. very fine roads good

19 drew 1 load old spring wheat AM Cleaned another & helped Br Clawson with last load @ 90 cts per bus W. pretty Cold

21 Killed geese & turkeys AM I & boys took them to Markham PM W. heavy snow from east Joe Widemans here last night

{second page}

Jan 1878 1879

Sundy 22 at home all day John & girls went to Meeting at Ceder Grove W. about 10 in snow this morning good sleighing. pretty Cold

23 I & John helped Br C thresh with team W. Cold west wind

24 I went to help Br C thresh with team too cold & windy. Chored at home

Christmas day 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Adeline & a few of the little Children remarks & sermon on St Luke 2nd C by Br C Aunt Lizzy Burkholder was here Pm. W. Cold went wind

26 I helped Br C thresh with team W. a little windy but milder Old Jacob Lehman of Ringwood died yesterday

27 I helped Br. C's thresh with team. W. fine

28 I & John helped Br .C thresh with team W. fine. John Wideman & wife Came to stay all night

Sunday 29 Went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St John {blank space} by R'd Joe Wideman Nancy 's Brother's Enos Jesse & Peter & Mary Williamson were here at dinner & J H Ramer's & Ben Hoover's at supper. W. fine not very Cold

30 I went to Markham got Farmer shod went to J H Ramers for a piece of Venison. I & Nancy went to see Old D Hoovers this evening. W. prety Cold

31 I & Nancy & Aunt Lizzy went to AB's I helped him kill a beef W. pretty Cold sleighing good

Jan 1 1879. John & girls went to F inlaws to quilting to Br C's girls along W. very fine Cler

2. Cleaned some wheat W. Cold very heavy west wind. some snow Am

3 Brought home load of wood from Dyke's AM W. very Cold, West wind some snow

4 Took grist wheat to Cedar Grove AM Nancy went along to store W. heavy N West wind snow drifting pretty bad. Cold

1879 Jan

Sundy 5 at home N B's were here with their new Baby girl his Mother & sisters were here too. W pretty Cold east & west roads blowed thin in spots north & South roads drifted in places

6 John & Flavius went to School I & little boys drew a load of pine top wood from Dyks W. fine

7 went to Meeting at Hebron John kept house remarks by Br C sermon on St John {blank space} by Re'd C Gayman Re'd Jos Barkey & MN's were here Pm Martin Barkey's this evening David Widemans Came to stay all night Br N's called this morning with C Gayman's W. fine prety Cold

8 boys drew 2 loads wood I went to Whitevale Pm. we went to Br N's this evening. W. Cler

9 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Altona remarks by R'd Joe Wideman sermon by R'd C Gayman went to M N's Pm Called at S Lehman's coming home. W. sharp air, going north

10 Went to Dyke's bush AM to Ceder Grove PM. W. fine JD's were here this evening

11 Took Benjamin to Toronto on Cars Dr was not at home W. some snow AM fair Pm

Sundy 12 at home John & gilrs went to Meeting at Altona W. very fine Cler, Mild

13 Chored. W. pretty cold

14 Went to Markham W. Cold

15 Chored W. Cloudy prety Cold John & girls went to G Thoman's

16 F inlaw was here at dinner I & Nancy went to M Dykes PM we measured Hemlock wood & I went to Ceder Grove W. about 5 in snow last night

17 I went to Markham got Nell shod good sleighing W. Mild

{second page}

Jan 1879

18 I & John drew 2 cords wood to S Ramer's W. fine. Cler sharp

Sundy 19 John & girls went to Meeting at Ceder Grove W. Cler a little windy this evening

20 I & G took 1 1/2 Cords pine wood to Snowballs Brick & Tile yard @ $2.00 per Cord AM G cut wood PM. W. very sharp Cler Br S's were here this evening

21 I & G & John took 2 loads wood 2 1/2 cords AM G took 1 1/3 Cords PM W. Milder some snow about noon

22 I took 1 1/2 Cords wood to Snowballs. W. Mild

23 I took 1 1/3 Cord do do W. Mild

24 I took 1 1/3 Cords do do W. Colder I brought back 400 2 in tiles each time time Making 1200

25 I & John & Flavius. went to Unionville I returned road list. Came by Markham bought Overcoat for John @ $6.00 W. Mild AM blowed up from north very high wind PM - getting Colder

Sundy 26 I & Children went to Meeting at Hebron Nancy kept house remarks & sermon on St Luke 15 C by Re'd S. Hoover Br C is gone to Waterloo to assist in Ordaining a Bishop W. Cler Sharp

27 I took boys to school then went round by Br S's to Ceder Grove Mills bought about 465 lbs of bran W. getting mild & soft

28 asked hands to thresh. soft

29 threshed. fife wheat 52 rakings 12 Poorland 95 Clawson 25 W fine Cler sleighing about gone

30 threshed Clawson 32 Oats 425 got done about half past 3 Pm all went very well W. fine mild Cler

31 I went to Somerville sale on the old Wheeler farm W. Cler. Colder

Feb 1 Took Benjamin to Dr in Toronto on Cars he says eye is all right with the exception of a cataract he will take that off in the spring W. very Cold. north wind

Feb 1879

Sunday 2 at home all day. W. parlty cloudy & Clear, windy from north. Milder towards evening

3 went to Hebron to election of Trustee I. Br S & Manesse Fretz are elected for the C{illegible} year drew some rails & took home borrowed Oats to NB & Br C W. fine

4 drew rails & wood W. fine

5 Chored & made hens nests W. Mild a little snow

6 helped Pilkey thresh W. mild, fine

7 I & Herman went to Markham middling good sleighing. W. Cler mild

8 I went to Markham sleighing very bad

Sunday 9 at home all day. W very high north wind & squauls of snow Calm tonight

10 Chored & I & John & Herman brought some gravel for hens from Pickering pit W. pretty Cold east wind

11 Chored AB's were here at noon W. soft snow & rain. Thawing hung up pork to smoke. John has not been at school the last few days he hurt his knee

12 I & boys threshed Peas AM boys took them to Mill PM. W snow last night & AM

13 Chored. W. west wind Cold John took Flavius to school & brought him home this evening, good sleighing

14 Chored John brought Chop home W. Cold

15 I & boys threshed Peas AM cut a few Basswood logs & John & Flavius took 2 to Mill PM. W. Cold Cler

Sunday 16 Boys & girls went to Meeting at Ceder Grove. W. fine Cler

17 I took boys to school & Cut a little at logs AM drew one Pm W. fine. good sleighing east wind

18 F inlaws Came early this Morning Cut some logs PM. W. few inches snow last night & this morning very tew today mild

19 Cut some logs & drew 5. W Cold

20 drew 5 logs W. few in snow last night prety cold

{second page}

Feb 1879 Mar

21 Chored AM Cut big basswood logs PM. Br C's man helped saw 2 cuts W. Coldest Morning this winter Milder PM

22 Cut wood in shed till near noon then I & John loaded one of big Basswood log & brought it as far as the house till noon, then drew it & the other big one PM. W. some snow last night & a while this morning good sleighing

Sundy 23 girls & little boys went to meeting at Hebron I & Nancy & John kept house John has Cold W. fine

24 Chored AM helped Br C kill a beef PM. W. Clear, Cold

25 Chored AM went for Dr. Robinson PM Nancy gave birth to a son about 4 PM. doing very well. W. snow & wind from east all day, not cold

26 Chored. W. Cold

27 Chored AM. drew a log PM W. very Cold. sleighing very good

28 drew in part of haystack PM. W. Cold strong east wind

March 1 drew home wood I & John drew 1 ash log from Dykes to Mill W. fine mild

Sunday 2 at home all day AB's called PM. W. fine mild Cler

3 Chored. W. very fine. Mild thawing Told neighbours about meeting on Wednesday

4 F inlawas were here. I have bad cold NB went to Toronto with our team Poor old horse "Frank died at Asmadale with Inflammation. W. Cloudy mild little squauly at time he sold Butter @ 20 ct eggs 18 cts

5 Chored AM I & little boys went to Meeting at Hebron PM Sermon on St John 10 C by Re'd T & S Bowman from Waterloo MN's were her at noon S Lehmans Called PM W. Cler Mild

6 I went to Ceder Grove have Cold yet AB's were here this evening W. fine

7 JB's & Isaac Moyer's were here. Michel Fretz at supper & Mary Ramer & her little boys all night W. thawing

8 Cleaned Peas boys took them to Mill I got Jess shod W. mild, heavy thunder & showers of rain PM

Mar 1879

Sundy 9 at home Br S's were here G Thoman's were here this evening W. soft, a little rain & Thunder at night

10 went to T Longlegs bought his tile{?} shade AM brought home Chop PM W. very warm, cler, roads muddy

11 Chored I & little boys Cleaned grist W. pretty Cold North wind heavy thundr last night which makes three nights of thunder in succession.

12 went to Markham W. warm roads bad

13 took in some hay a m Tapped trees 60 buckets Pm sap run well W. Cler

14 I & J Mainland helped Br S thresh with team W. fine. snow squaul at noon

15 I & J M helped Br S thresh Pm boys boiled 3 quarts Molasses in shop we draw the sap home W. Colder Br N's were here this evening

Sundy 16 John & girls went to Meeting at Ceder Grove. W. Cold, Cler

17 I & J M threshed Peas W. a little snow last night & AM. Cold

18 I & JM threshed Peas Tilman McDowel was here PM for 20 Bus Poorland seed Wheat @ 83 ct per Bus. W. Cold Cler

19 I & J M threshed Peas W. Cold

20 I went to Markham & to Unionville registered boy baby his name is Henry Hoover Painter Came to Paint window blinds W. sharp

21 helped thresh awhile then Simon Hoover's Came w. fine Cler

22 I went to Toronto sold butter & 24 eggs @ 16 W. a very very heavy snow storm from east from 9 am till dark very bad Coming home

23 I & Children went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on St Mat 18 C by R'd D Barkey AB Ramer's were here after service JD's youngsters this evening W. Mild Cler

24 I & John & Br S went to Markham PM Bought new Speight Waggon with plain box & neck yoke @ $67.50. we cleaned 86 bus Peas AM W. soft snow Am Cloudy drissly PM

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25 Cleaned 75 bus Oats {cut off} @ 40 ct per bus AM drew home wood PM W fine

26 I went to Markham AM Chored PM W. strong east wind. Chilly

27 I went to Ceder Grove took {illegible} harrows to Cherrywood PM.. W a little snow. last night. Mild Cloudy today

28 Boiled Some Molasses & brought home Chop. W Cloudy pretty mild roads bad

29 Boiled Molasses W. heavy rain last night mild today

Sundy 30 John & girls went to AB's we & Children went to JD's W. blowed up Cold PM

31 Drew in last of hay stack it saved {illegible} W. pretty Cold. thawed some PM JM helped

April 1 I & John drew Oats out of driving house into barn W. thawing fine drew home sap Pm runs well PM. M N's Called PM boiled this evening

2 boiled all day Made 16 1/2 lbs sugar W. Cold

3 I went to Ceder Grove AM & to T Hagermans sale sale PM W. very Cold

4 Worked in barn. setting up Machine & Cut some wood. W. very Cold old Pump frose fast last night

5 Fixed up things ready to thresh AM threshed about 120 bus Oats PM J H Ramer's Came at noon W. Milder

Sunday 6 John & gilrs went to Meeting at Altona I & Nancy & Children went to AB's W. fine Cler. Cold N wind

7 Went to F inlaws Aunt Lizzy B went with us W. Cold N wind roads getting good. I & John went to Isaac Moyers this evening to watch for a Lynx that has been Prowling round his place a few nights lately saw nothing

8 Boiled 11 lbs Sugar H Stover Chopped in old bush W. fine. Cler. Sap runs

9 Boiled 11 1/3 lbs sugar Stover & his 2 boys Chopped & sawed & John split I went to Cherrywood & to AB's this evening W. very warm Cler sap run AM

10 Cleaned seed Peas & some seed spring wheat for MC Fretz W. rain AM soft snow PM from east

Good Griday 11 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on Isaiah 53 C by Br C Br N's Peter & his wife were here PM W. ground white with snow this morning all thawed today sap run well Pm roads very bad

April 1879

12 Boiled sap all day untill Midnight didn't sugar off. Stover & his boys Cut wood. W. frose hard last night fine today sap runs very well

13 Easter Sunday 13 at home Br C's Children were here W. White frost rather Cloudy great run of sap

Easter Monday 14 I sugared off 16 1/2 lbs this morning then boiled all day rest of our folks had holiday young folks went to Br C's boys gathered lot of sap this Morning W. fine Cler warm

15 I boiled all day sugared off 26 1/2 lbs this evening Stover & his boys Cut wood John split W fine Cler, frost this Morning

16 Stover & his boys Cut wood John helped I helped while AM went to Cherrywood PM. W. Cler

17 I & Stover split wood. dont feel very well have Cold in head W little frost last night Cold wind

18 I & Stover split wood AM. boys took him 1/2 ton of stacked hay PM @ 6.00 per ton. I boiled sap W fine warm. little frost last night

19 I & boys made 6 quarts Molasses AM didnt to much have Erysipales on face Esther has Inflammation & some fever Dr Robinson was here at noon W. fine Cler. rather Cold N East wind roads getting rather better

Sunday 20 I kept house all the rest except a few of little ones went to Meeting & sacrement at Hebron F inlaws R'd S Hoover's & old Uncle Saul Reesor's were here PM My face pretty bad. W. fine

21 Stover split wood AM John took him 1/2 ton hay PM. W fine Cler

22 I went to Clods for suckers got 50 for myself & 25 for Br C then helped John & Stover saw Cordwood in two with small cross cut. W. very fine. roads getting better

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April May 1879

23 John drew home sap brought home grist, ganged furrows below garden & began to sow Oats with seeder AM little boys boiled 5 quarts Molasses I Cleaned seed oats & began to gang furrows in field, north of Orchard Stover split wood. W. fine Clr

24 John finished sowing Oats below house then sowed spring wheat (Poorland) in field east of dam R Gowley opened piece of drain in same field it was stopped I & Flavius brought home harrows & he harrowed after seeder. W. fine Cler

25 John finished wheat & began sowing Oats in north half of field north of Orchard I & Nancy went to Markham PM. W warm rain PM

26 Sowed knoll in sod NW Corner field with Oats, Planted Potatoes behind Cider house W. Cloudy warm fine growing weather

Sunday 27 all went to Meeting at Widemans (except Abram & little girls they staid at Br C's) appropriate sermons for Celebration of Lords supper went to F inlaws after service W. fine warm. Cloudy AM

28 Cleaned seed grain & some Timothy seed AM I & boys went to Markham got Nell & Farmer shod PM. W. fine rain last night things are growing splendid

29 John Finished sowing Oats & Spring Wheat in field north of Orchard Flavius harrowed W. fine Cler

30 I finished harrowing AM went to Markham PM. John plowed in sod W. Cold north wind

May 1 both plowed in sod W. Cold. a very little snow flying frose a little

2 Finished plowing sod & I sowed 6 bus Peas this evening. W. Milder a little frost last night. MN was here PM for Timothy seed

3 Sowed last of Peas John harrowed with 3 waggon tires Flavius with Iron harrows W. fine warm showers PM

May 1879

Sunday 4 at home all day W. shower's

5 I & Nancy & little boys went to Br inlaw Saul Hoover's W. a little showry this morning, Cler today, John drew wood

6 I & Benjamin went to Toronto sold Butter @ 18 cts Eggs @ 11 1/2 cts Dr says he will look at Benjamin's eye about October W. Cool, Cler

7 John finished harrowing Peas

7 I & John took Peas to get Chopped & drew 2 loads edgings got some Pickets sawed W. fine. Cool

8 drew in Our Basswood logs AM Piled lumber PM. W. fine

9 finished Piling lumber. W. warm

10 Weighed a ton of hay for T Coxworth @ $8.50 AM I & Nancy & Flavius went to Markham PM. W. fine Cler

Sundy 11 all went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C Sermon on St John 5 C by R'd S Hoover went to Br S's PM John & girls went to JD's W. warm

12 helped Br C move his old house a little back from the new one this morning then Carried Potatoes out of Cellar. I wen to see Joshua Tripp PM. W. very warm

13 I & John went fishing with Lotton & Diller's Benjamin Caught only 14. I went to Dr Robinson Susanna has Rheumatics W. very warm for the season

14 John & Adeline helped scrub meeting house I cut Potatoes AM fixed fences PM W. thunder shower last night warm today lightning struck a post in townline fence north of Meeting house fine growing weather bush out in leaf

15 boy's harrowed fallow I helped Br S's Tilman Clean 80 bus Oats @ 38 cts W. fine shower at noon

16 John plowed flats east of Creek PM. W. Cler Cool

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May 1879

17 Sowed 2 bush Oats on flats. John rolled he & the boys went fishing awhile PM I rolled while they were gone they Caught a fine lot with little net W. fine Cler

Sunday 18 I Nancy & boys went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 14 C by R'd S Hoover MN's & Joseph Grove's were here PM Br C's at supper. W. fine

19 I went to Cherrywood AM rolled last of our grain PM John dont feel well. W. very warm

20 I & John drew dung south of graveyard for Potatoes AM Planted some potatoes in old orchard PM. W. very cool warm

21 John Plowed & harrowed below graveyard AM, then we planted 3 bags Potatoes PM. W. very Cool

Ascension day 22 Went to Meeting at Hebron Susanna & some of the little ones kept house remarks by R'd E Snider from Waterloo Sermon on St Mark 14 by R'd G Smith from Wilmot F inlaws & Abraham Smiths from Vaugnhan were here PM W. fine cool

23 J drew dung on turnip ground with 2 Waggons J Maitland filled J C Made I made a new Mall AM I & Nancy went to Meeting at Altona PM Sermon on {blank space} by the same 2 men went to MN's for supper. W. Cool

24 John & Flavius plowed turnip ground AM John drilled J Mainlands potatoes PM W. Cler

Sunday 25 at home John & Adeline went to Meeting at Widemans J Dykes here. W. Cler Cool

26 I helped Br C move his old house he is moving it to his NW Corner near sideroad W. Cool

27 John helped Br C move house I went to Dyke's with H Stover he split rails I drew 2 loads W Cool

28 I went to Toronto sold Butter 14 cts eggs 10 apples $1.20 per Bus W Cool white frost last night John drew 2 loads rails H Stover split rails

May June 1879

29 Washed sheep AM I & Nancy went to Markham PM. W. warm

30 John began plowing in fallow I went to Cherrywood got shears fixed Both plowed PM. W. very warm

31 Both plowed AM Plowed in teams PM fine rain & thunder shower after supper & till Bedtime Gourly finished drains tonight very warm today fall wheat heads bursting out

Sunday June 1 at home all day. W. showry

Whit Monday 2 I & Nancy went to F inlaws Mother inlaw has Erysipales on face W. Cloudy. Cool

3 I went to Abraham Raymer's M John & Flavius plowed. Chored PM. W. Cloudy AM heavy rain PM

4 I & John went to Cedar Grove this morning Chored till noon Sheared sheep PM - plowed after supper W. Cloudy & Cler shower tonight

5 Both Plowed Mathina Burkholder was here last night & today Chris Stover's Came today, staid over dinner & took her away. W. fine Cler General Election for the Province of Ontario today Candidate G W Badgerow & J Robinson. Badgerwo elected Maj 244

6 I Took mare Jess to Br S AM & Plowed Cleaned Wheat PM I took load to Cedar Grove @ 75 W. heavy wind

7 Took 2 loads wheat spring @ 80 cts W. White frost last night done us no harm

Sundy 8 at home boys & Adeline went to Meeting at Ceder Grove John Boyen were here today Ann Shirk & Br S's youngsters PM W. Cler fine

9 John & Flavius Plowed I chored W. Cler

10 I & John Plowed W. warm Cler John went for Dr Robinson very early this morning Esther is sick again with Intermittent fever he was at the Plow at 8 Oclock I began near noon

11 I went to Carding Mill John Plowed AM we made a stone boat PM John finished Plowing & I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove after supper W. very very warm

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June 1879

12 I went to Markham got Cent & Jess shod went to Unionville on Cars got my road list Went to Jonathan Gates's after supper W. warm

13 I & John drew 2000 Bricks from Snowballs. W. fine Cler Cooler

14 I & N B went to Toronto sold Butter @ 11 1/2 & 11 cts Eggs @ 12 W. Cler AM light rain PM. Butter has not been so low in 15 year's

Sundy 15 went to Meeting at Hebron Susanna kept house she is better but hardly able to go today remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 8 C by R'd Jos Barkey JD's youngsters were here after service Br N's youngsters PM. W. rainy all day heavy this evening F inlaw Called PM

16 Asked hands to work on roads on Friday & brought Br S's Trucks AM drew stones PM. Went to see Amos Cole (about building a piece to Kitchen) this evening W. Cool

17 drew 4 loads sand. Joseph Weber & wife from Waterloo MC Frets's & Jacob Reesor's were here awhile PM & J H Ramer's at supper. W. very Cool

18 I & Nancy went to Br inlaw John Hoover's then I & he went to W Watson Tailor in Claremont went to Simon Hoover's PM 19 John & Flavius harrowed fallow W. Cler

19 John made Turnip drills & sowed them. Jacob Grove's were here W. warm

20 Worked on roads drew gravel John drew dung on fallow with 2 waggons J Mainland filled W. warm Cler

21 worked on roads Turnpiked John & Mainland drew dung Jesse Reesor's were here at supper W. very warm

Sunday 22 at home AB's were here PM & Moses Moyer W. very Close fine rain last night, growing weather

23 I was on road with Craigre's man till after 10 Oclock I & Flavius brought 14 bushels Lime from Markham PM W. very very warm

June July 1879

24 I & Flavius took some Flooring to Wit Milnes to get Matched W. very very warm

25 was on road with Colin Reesor & Shank W. warm as usual John & Mainland Finished Manuring fallow

26 Took pump out of well at front door this Morning then John & Flavius drew stones to fill it up Mainland hoed Potatoes in old Orchard I was on road with Shank AM Thunder & rain PM very warm I & J Milroy fixed road at end of 11th Con this evening

27 I & boys finished filling old well & drew some posts from Gourlays Belonging to J D Reesor to make fence in front of Meeting house W. not quite so warm

28 Chored AM I & all the boys went Fishing awhile to dead water of Rouges PM. Caught a fine Mess W. Cloudy

Sunday 29 all went to Meeting at Altona remarks & Sermon on Hebrews 4 C by R'd S Hoover went to M N's John & girls went to J.B's W. fine

30 I finished road work with Shank I & John & Flavius went to F mans bay with F inlaw for Whitefish this evening got 30 whitefish & Lot of Catfish W. warm Cler

July 1 Topped Thistles W. fine warm I went to A Hoover's & AB's this evening

2 had a Bee to Make fence in front of Meeting house AM I went to Markham PM. W. warm, Showers PM

3 Small Bee to Finish fence AM I & John Made Boat to draw wood PM. W very warm, showery

4 I & Nancy went to Claremont for my new Clothes then went to R'd S Hoover's John & Mainland drew out wood at Dyke's W. fine

5 I & Herman went to Toronto Butter 13 eggs 13 W. pretty warm

Sunday 6 all went to Meeting at Cecer Grove remarks & sermon on St Mat 20 C by R'd S Hoover

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July 1879

Br C is not well went to B N's, John & girls went to Br N. Peter W. fine

7 I took lumber to WA Milners AM. Took some Fencing to Markham to fence Our Lot PM W. Pretty warm Cloudy PM a little drissle John & Mainland finished Mowing Old Orchard & raked & Cocked new Orchard they mowed on Saturday

8 John mowed Meadow behind Cider house Mainland Mowed fence Corners & Cocked Old Orchard & a little in Meadow this evening W. Windy I shovel plowed Potatoes & scuffled some turnips

9 drew in little Orchard 3 loads AM raked & Cocked in Meadow over half till 1/2 past 3 PM shower stopped us. W. warm went to Ceder Grove after supper

10 Mainland Mowed in swale back of garden we scuffled turnips & fixed fork & Pulley AM. Cleaned grist PM. I & Susanna went to Ceder Grove this evening W. Cloudy & Clear AM rain & thunder PM

11 Plowed in fallow AM Chored PM W. foggy AM rain PM, very wet

12 I went to Cherrywood then we turned hay till noon drew in 5 loads PM. W warm Cler

Sundy 13 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Mat 24 C by R'd S Hoover Br C was not able to go Michael Frets John L Reesor & D Nighswander were here W. warm heavy rain & wind PM

14 Turned some hay Cocks AM drew 5 loads PM W. very very warm I went to Cherrywood this evening

15 Turned hay Cocks AM & drew 1 load drew 5 loads PM. W. very very warm heavy squaul of wind PM

July 1879

16 J Plowed in fallow I brought lumber from Milner AM spread dung and finished scuffling turnip & went to Cherry wood after supper Mainland & little boys hoed turnip W cooler

17 I & J Plowed W. quite cool

18 John & Flavius Plowed I got a horse from Br C & went to Markham AM W. fine Cler

19 I & J Plowed AM Cut roads round Wheat PM. W. fine

Sunday 20 All went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by R'd Joe Wideman Sermon on St Luke 19 C by R'd Jos Basky went to D Lehmans & JB's John & girls went to Daniel Ramers & Michael Frets W. fine prety warm

21 Cut Wheat opposite Br C's & 4 rounds behind barn till supper heavy showers stopped us. prety warm H Stover helped us bind

22 J Mainland dug foundation for addition to Kitchen AM boys Plowed a little PM. W. wet rainy PM boys brought home grist this evening

23 I went to Markham AM Cut Wheat PM. W prety warm

24 Finished Cutting fall wheat Br N's Peter helped I went to see J Tripp after supper W. Cler

25 John Cut Wheat & barley for Peter I & Mainland & Flavius shocked Wheat then Mainland spread dung & Flavius plowed. I brought home lumber & brought home Scuffler from Cherrywood W. fine

26 John finished Cutting for Peter AM then Mainland & boys worked at Turnips PM I went to see a Dr Adair at Dunbarton & went to Stouffville to Dr Freel PM 2 they are to Meet to see my Brother Christian he is worse, W. warm

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July Aug 1879

Boys & Mainland took in one load wheat

Sunday 27 Went to NB's W. warm

28 drew in 11 loads Wheat. Cole the Mason & Trip the Carpenter began tearing out end of Kitchen Cole began foundation on Saturday W. fine squaul of rain this evening Drs 29 both met at Br C's today they gave him good encouragement

29 helped pull down Kitchen & I & John brought some lumber AM drew in 6 loads Wheat PM. W. Cler

30 J Mainland helped Br C's draw in wheat I & boys drew in 7 loads W. warm

31 I drew in 1 load & rakings 2 loads

Aug 1 I went to Toronto Butter 15 cts eggs 12 1/2 ct W. very very warm J Mainland Mowed swails

2 I helped M Dykes thresh with team J Mainland & boys Cocked swail hay I went to see Tripp this evening W. very very warm, slight shower at noon another tonight

Sundy 3 all went to Meeting at Ceder Grove remarks & sermon on {blank space} by R'd S Hoover John & girls went to JD's after dinner & we went to AB. W. very warm

4 J Mainland wen to Hoover's thresh I & boys drew in 4 loads hay I went to Whitevale this evening boys brough load edgings W. pretty warm

5 Cut Oats below garden. W. heavy showers at 2 PM. Pulled weeds out of Potatoes Cut again after supper

6 J M helped NB thresh I brought 19 Bunches shingles from Whitevale & 8 Bunches after supper & finished Cutting & shocking Oats except a little piece that was down W. warm

7 Cut Oats in north half of field north of Orchard W. fine cool fine shower after dark

Aug 1879

8 Finished binding Oats & Cut some of Spring Wheat in field east of dam W. fine

9 J M helped Pilkey thresh with team S Spence the boys & Myself finished Cutting binding & shocked the most of the field east of dam I & John & Spence Kept up with Flavius as he cut it W. fine very Cool, north wind

Sundy 10 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C. he is pretty smart he has been bad with Neuralgia or Catarrh in the head sermon on {Blank space} by R J Wideman 28 People and 8 horses here at dinner Deacon David Lehman & his sister from Ohio, Br S's David & Christian Burkholder, Peter & Lizzy & Old Aunty, Will Reesor F inlaws boy & &c W. fine Cloudy, rain this evening

11 Shocked spring wheat & Oats AM. Cut spring Wheat in south half of field north of Orchard didnt quite finish binding

12 finished binding & shocking spring wheat & cut road round Oats on Knoll in NW Corner field AM Cut bound & shocked the Oats PM I went to Ceder Grove this evening W. fine

13 JM helped Br N's thresh I & boys tried to Pull peas with horse rake didnt go well so I spread dung & boys Plowed in fallow W. fine. squaul of wind & rain PM

14 JM finished mowing swail this morning then pulled Peas boys finished plowing fallow AM then we set Machine & I went to Ceder Grove W. fine

15 threshed 255 Boxes fall wheat till 4 PM then I & boys brought some flooring after supper W. fine

16 didnt do much W. rain from east nearly all day. Cool like September

Sunday 17 all went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by Br C sermon on Hebrews 11 C by R'd S Hoover went to F inlaws John & girls went to S Lehmans W. cloudy Cool

18 I helped Tripp build stone Butments for stoop AM I & boys drew 5 loads spring wheat PM W. fine JM Pulled Peas

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Aug 1879

19 I & boys drew 8 loads spring wheat J M Pulled Peas W. very fine

20 drew 6 loads spring wheat AM & 3 loads Oats J M helped till supper then Pulled Peas W. warm

21 I & boys drew in 9 loads Oats J M & Spence's Man Pulled Peas Shower after dark W. warm

22 I & John helped Br S's thresh with team J M & Spences Man Pulled Peas W. very warm 82 deg in shade, high & hot wind PM heavy showere about dark I & boys drew in 2 loads Oats PM

23 J M finished Pulling Peas Br N's Peter & our John helped AM I & John cut some Oats in flats PM. W. fine Cler

Sunday 24 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Altona remarks by R'd Jos Barkey sermon on St Luke part of 4th C by Br C went to George Lehman's at dinner & to Widow Henry Barkeys at supper W. Cool

25 drew in 18 loads Peas Br C's Man & W Morrison J{illegible} helped W. fine

26 we finished Peas 8 loads & drew 2 loads Oats W. fine Cler

27 John began ganging Pea ground I JM & Flavius drew in 3 loads Oats & 1 load hay then I & J M Cut last of Oats in flats till supper & I & Nancy went to Whitevale after supper. W. warm Herman raked stubble

28 John ganged JM bound oats & hoed turnip I went to Cherry wood with plows AM & to Ceder Grove PM W. very warm. wind hail & rain after supper hail like Cherries no damage done wind not strong

29 I finished ganging Pea ground & {illegible} round till night John Plowed in east end of fallow where it is thistley W. fine

30 John Plowed I finished harrowing Pea ground & brought home plows AM I & little boys drew in rakings PM JM hoed turnips I & Nancy went to Whitevale after supper. W. warm

Sundy 31 all went to Meeting at Ceder Grove remarks by Br C. sermon on St John 1. C by R'd S Hoover went to D Hanes John & girls went to Br S's . W. very very warm

Sept 1879

Sept 1 John & Flavius finished plowing east end of fallow then Flavius began ganging the rest of it & John began plowing Pea ground I went to Markham AM Chored PM. W. very warm

2 John Plowed Flavius ganged I hoed weeds out of turnips W. warm

3 John Plowed & I ganged till about 11 Oc when it rained prety heavy, at 3 the boys went out again. after dark rained heavy

4 I & John Plowed in Peaground I went to Ceder Grove to get Beef off J Hoover he comes every Thursday W. very strong west wind

5 John plowed Flavius finished ganging fallow till 4 PM then I sowed 4 bus with seeder W. fine

6 John finished sowing fallow I & Flavius & Herman drew in 2 loads Oats out of Creek flats AM I & Nancy went to Markham PM I got Jess shod Nancy went to JH Ramers W. fine AM heavy rain PM

Sundy 7 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd S Hoover Sermon on St Mat 5 C by Br C Abram Hoover's 8th Con Pickering & J H Ramer's youngsters were here W. fine AM drissly rain PM

8 I & John Plowed in Peaground I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove this evening W. Cool

9 I & John finished Plowing AM drew dung on Peaground PM. W. pretty Cool

10 John drew dung with 2 waggons J M filled I went to Markham AM spread dung PM. W. Cool Cler heavy white frost last night

11 Thanksgiving day, all went to meeting at Hebron, a man by the name of William Thoman was buried today at the meeting hour

{second page}

Sept 1879

Remarks by Br C sermon on Hebrews 9th C 27 V by R'd S Hoover J B's were here PM. W. fine Cler

12 Sowed Part of Pea ground I plowed little on Knoll in same field W. Cler

13 finished sowing wheat I plowed awhile AM dug 6 rows Potatoes PM W. fine warm. fine shower after dark

Sunday 14 at home all day Br N's were here at supper W. steady & heavy rains nearly all AM light drissle nearly all PM

15 I helped D Hoover's thresh John & Flavius Plowed wheat stubble behind barn W. fine

16 boys Plowed I brought few tiles with Cent & spring waggon We bought Br C, old Nell for $10.00 sh so we have 5 horses) R Gourley is putting a few into Pea ground when I & Nancy went to Sparta with wool PM W. fine warm a little Cloudy AM

17 I & Nancy went to Markham to John Stover's they are living near Widemans Meeting house W. Cool, squauls of wind & rain

18 dug Potatoes W. drissly AM Clear towards night

19 boys Plowed , I & little boys finished Potatoes & I went to Mill AM. W. fine, we have fine times shooting Pidgeons

20 boys finished Plowing field behind barn I helped A Burkholder thresh PM. W. frost last night went to D Burkholders this morning

Sunday 21 We went to DJ's John & girls went to Br N's W. fine Cler

{next 2 days reversed - transcribed as per original text}

Tuesday 23 John helped Br C thresh with team I Plowed below garden AM helped thresh PM Br S's were here at noon with Peter Lehman & wife from Clarence New York. W fine Cool, Cler

Monday 22 boys finished plowing Knoll in NW field I killed a sheep AM went to Ceder Grove PM. W fine warm

Sept Oct 1879

24 I helped thresh awhile this morning John helped all day Flavius plowed a while then I & he brought 300 3 in tiles AM he brought 160 Pm R Gourly is putting some in spring wheat stubble field where 2 in were stopped W. Cool Cler

25 I & Nancy went to Saml Burkholders then I went to see the old Uncle John Burkholder farm sold it belongs to James McGackin it was offered by Auction but it was not sold we sowed knoll in N West field with Rye this Morning. W. fine John went to School house AM boys thought they saw a Bear on Tuesday he saw nothing

26 I went with Simon Hoover & P Davis & 4 hounds to look for Bear, saw none I shot a Rabbit W. fine boys Plowed

27 John & Flavius went to get Boots Measured I plowed AM got up wood & helped Cold fix Turnip Cellar Wal Pm W. fine

Sunday 28 I Nancy John & girls went to Meeting at Widemans (little ones staid at Br S's) appropriate sermon for the Celebration of Lords Supper by R'd Joe Wideman & Br C wen to JH Ramer's PM W cloudy, a little rain last night

29 I & John finished Plowing below house W. fine warm F inlaws here today

30 I & John plowed opposite Br C's W. fine warm Cler

Oct 1 Threshed Oats near 1900 bus Br C & his Man & JM helped I & John Piled some lumber PM & JM levelled around new end of kitchen W. very warm

2 I John Flavius & Benjamin Diller went Trolling on Bay Caught 14 Pike W foggy AM rather Cloudy PM

3 I & John finished plowing opposite Br C about 3 PM then I went to Ceder Grove W. fine pretty warm.

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Oct 1879

4 I took Benjamin & Abram to Markham to get Boots John & Herman harrowed field behind barn AM Cleaned up rubbish in lane & fixed fence at end of Kitchen PM - John Stover's Came to stay all night W. fine warm

Sunday 5 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Flavius & Benjamin, Flavius is not well, remarks by R'd Joe Wideman sermon suitable for the Celebration of Lords Supper by Br C MN's were here PM Abraham Widemans wife from Notawasaga came here PM I & Nancy took her to Br N's this evening W. Thunder shower this morning, fine today

6 I & Nancy went to Danl Ramer's & I went to Michael Fret's for some Peaches, Boys Picked winter apples Called at JH Ramer's I got Nell shod W. very very warm, sultry

7 John began to plow in spring wheat stubble east of dam I went to Cherrywood AM I & Flavius Made Cider PM. W very warm

8 Boiled Sauce I brought new waggon home from Cherrywood PM got spring seat & shelving made for it John plowed then we began to Clean some wheat F inlaw was here at noon W. warm

9 Cleaned & drew 2 loads wehat (Clawson) took it to Ceder Grove @ $1.15 per bus heavy rain last night Close & foggy today Cloudy

10 all went to Meeting at Hebron sermon on St Luke 15th C by R'd C Snider from Waterloo & Gotshall from Pennsylvania Jos Grover's & Jacob Widemans were here After service W. very warm

11 I & Nancy went to Markham AM Lent $400.00 to F inlaw today he is buying 50 acres land off Betis at Mongolia boys took load wheat to Mill. Cleaned another & I took it PM @ $1.16. W. very Close foggy

Sunday 12 all went to Meeting at Widemans sermon on St John 10th C by R'd E Snider & Gotschell John & Girls went to F inlaws we went to Saml Hoover's W.very very warm & sultry

Oct 1879

13 Picked apples & Cleaned a grist boys took it to Mill W fine not quite so warm

14 dug Potatoes in Orchard & Picked some apples & killed a Pig boys brought home grist W very fine not quite so warm

15 I & Nancy went to MN's for 2 pigs John helped D Hoover's thresh Flavius Plowed in Spring Wheat stubble W. very warm

16 I & Herman Made Cider AM John Plowed I & John went to Markham got old Nell shod W. very very warm

17 I boiled sauce John & Flavius began plowing second time behind barn Br S's brought John Blosser & wife from Indiana to stay all night

18 I & Nancy took Blosser's to Br C's to AB's for dinner to Moyers awhile then to A Hoover's were not at home then to Menno Burkholder's W. Cooler Flavius plowed AM John PM

Sunday 19 at home all day Br C's & old Danl Hoover were here W. quite Cool rough wind from North AM fine & Cler PM

20 I & John Plowed W. warm

21 Both Plowed W. warm

22 I & Nancy took Wm Eby & wife to JD's AM Nancy Br John & wife were here when we came home boys Plowed finished field except headlands W. fair

23 I & John took in Potatoes AM Chored PM W. fine AM Cool PM

24 I & John made Cider AM drew drew home wood PM. W quite Cold snow flying PM

25 I & Nancy drove to Markham this morning Took the Cars for Goodwood Met J Burkholder & wife at Stouffville. Spent an agreeable day with J McGuckie & family Came home in good time W. hard frost last night fine today boys plowed after 10 AM too hard this morning

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Oct Nov 1879

Sunday 26 all went to Meeting at Ceder Grove remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on St Luke 20 C by Br C AB's were here PM. W. fine Cler

27 I went to Cherrywood AM & to Markham got Cent shod then went to Sale of farm & effects of lat H Wismer PM farm sold about $80 per Acre W. fine Cler boys pulled turnips PM

28 Chored & Killed a pig AM John drew wood for J Mainland & I went to Br S's & Ceder Grove PM W. heavy thunder & rain early this morning a little rain PM

29 Boys plowed & I filled drain AM all pulled turnips PM. W. mild

30 drew in {blank space} loads turnips W. cool

31 I drew in {blank space} loads turnips & finished pulling W. Cold, Squals of snow

Nov 1 John drew turnips from Br C's for J Mainland I & boys drew 6 loads AM I went to Markham PM John plowed. little boys drew 2 last loads turnips PM. W. Cold. Cler

Sunday 2 Flavius & little ones kept house the rest of us went to meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on St John 3 C by R'd S Hoover Henry Boyes & R'd S Hoover were here PM Enos Nighswander & Noah Burkholder at supper W. snowed nearly all AM didn't thaw much PM

3 I & John tied up Cattle & threshed Peas W. pretty Cold. snow drifting looks like winter about 4 in snow

4 I John & JM drew out wood at Dyke's Hemlock & hardwood that Dyke Cut W. fine

5 Put apples down Cellar drew home wood into shed & Chored W. fine pretty good sleighing

6 I & John cut some Hemlock sawlogs Flavius & little boys drew home some rails AM put last of apples in Cellar & I went to Ceder Grove PM. W. thawing snow going. Mild few inches snow last night

7 Chored AM John & J Mainland Cleaned Peas PM I went to T McMackon's sale W. mild thawing Boys plowed I went to Ceder Grove AM to Cherrywood PM. W. fine Mild snow some

Nov 1879

Sunday 9 John & girls went to AB's the rest of us went to Br S's his wife has to sit in her Chair she sprained her ancle about a month ago. W. fine a little showery this morning

10 I & John Plowed finished field east of dam & began north of Orchard AM I & John & Flavius went to Bradshaws sale PM. W. fine

11 I helped Br S's Kill hogs boys Plowed a little. W. rainy nearly all day

12 Plowed a little AM Nancy & Susanna went to Markham AM W. some showers AM rain all PM & raining yet. Jacob Krats from Jordan is here all night

13 Chored AM I & John began plowing sod east half of field behind Cider house W. Cloudy, showery AM

14 I & John plowed a little, then we all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd M Shank sermon on 13 C 1st Cor 13 V by R'd Buzzard both from Elkhardt J H Ramer's were here PM W. Cloudy AM very heavy rain PM

15 I & John both Plowed drissly AM fine & Clear PM. looks like Clearing up

Sunday 16 I & Nancy & little girls went to M Barkey's were not at home then went to AB's W. fine, a little showry at noon

17 I & John finished sod, east half of field behind Cider house. W. white frost last night Clear, AM. Cloudy PM

18 I & John Plowed for Br N's Peter AM (he lives where Br N formerly lived on 5th Con Scarboro) Plowed in our root ground PM W. frost last night freezing today

19 I Nancy John & Flavius went to F inlaws then went to David Ramer's I bought 3 pronged fork @ 30 cts farm sold @ $80 per acre to Peter Burkholder W. frost last night north wind AM some soft snow Coming home from south west

20 I helped Br C Kill hogs W. very very Cold. N West wind

21 Threshed Peas with horses I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove PM. W. very Cold

22 Threshed few Oats with horses W. pretty Cold

23 Sunday 23 John & girls started to go to meeting at Widemans squaul of snow

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Nov Dec 1879

turned them back, then Br S's Came W. fine a little snowy John & girls went to Br C's this evening

24 Chored John went to Cedar Grove Mills with Chop AM drew dung into garden PM. W. milder.

25 I John & Nancy helped AB's kill hogs. W. fine mild roads geting good

26 John brought home Chope I went to R Gourley AM Chored PM. W. very fine

27. Killed 5 hogs. W. few inches snow last night a little rain. AM thawing snow nearly all gone. F inlaws were here

28 Salted meat & Chored AM Br C & his son Thomas helped us about one hour thresh Oats PM. W. rainy nearly all day frost all out foggy & mild

29 I & John Plowed a little AM did not go well. too frosty then we dug the garden W. very Cold, north wind a little snow

Sundy 30 all went to Meeting at Hebron except few little boys remarks & sermon on St Luke 18 C by Br C's this evening W. very fine. Cler, Cold

Dec 1 I & Nancy went to Markham AM Set up wood on end in old bush W. fine

2 Bagged some Peas that J Mainland threshed & set up wood AM drew 2 loads edgings PM. W. thawing

3 Chored AM drew home 1 load of wood & Cleaned a grist of Wheat PM W. soft snow last night & AM rain & sleet PM, sleet this evening

4 I & John went to Markham with sleigh, slipped pretty fair got Farmer & Nell shod Chored. PM W. mild

5 Piled some wood in bush at Dykes AM. Cut wood in shed PM W. thawing

6 I & John went to Toronto in Cars W. rainy nearly all day. mild saw men plowing this morning

Sunday 7 I & Nancy John & girls went to Meeting at Wideman's in double buggy Flavius went with Br C's Children, remarks by R'd J Wideman Sermon on St John 1st C by Br C Children staid at Br S's 9 Converts were baptised Br N's Peter & wife, Daniel Ramer & wife, Jacob Hoover & wife, Besger & wife from Vaughan Daniel Hoover's wife Went to Jos Barkey PM. W Cloudy AM fine cler PM, roads sloppy

Dec 1879

8 John Commenced going to school today Flavius Herman & Benjamin are going too. I Chored went to see old Daniel Hoover Pm he Can't go out much W. Cler pretty Cold

9 opened Mouth of drains AM S Lehman's were here today. W. east wind a little snow this evening

10 Chored W. rain from east nearly all day

11 I & John Killed 2 pigs AM John & Nancy went to Whitevale PM. W. Colder freesing

12 I took 2 pigs & 4 Turkey to Markham pigs @ 5 1/2 Ct pr Turkey 75 ct each W. Cold roads very rough

13 Cut wood in shed & I filed Bucksaw AM fixed a few panels board fence on Pickering townline that had falled down PM W. cold fine & Cler

Sunday 14 I Nancy & little children & Old Ann Shirk went to B N's Peters W. Milder, snow PM

15 Chored. W. about 4 in snow some more more AM. Cler PM thawing a little. sleigh slipping

16 I helped NB Kill hogs. W. very Cold heavy snow PM

17 Chored AM drew load of straw from Br C's for JM Pm W. pretty Cold. fine & Cler

18 done nothing have sore throat these few days W. fine, pretty Cold

19 sifted Timothy seed & Chored. W. fine

20 I & John drew load of Pine & Hemlock wood to Cherrywood AM @ $1.75 per Cord John & Flavius drew another PM. I & Nancy went to Markham W. fine, a little windy

Sunday 21 at home all day Br S's youngsters were here this evening W. very very Cold 12 deg below Zero this morning Clear today snow from east tonight

22 fixed rack on long sleigh AM drew wood with 2 teams PM John went twice. W. rain AM Cler PM sleighing pretty good

23 drew 5 loads wood. I & Nancy went to Martin Barkeys this evening W .fine

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Dec 1879 Jan 1880

24 Chored AM drew 2 loads wood PM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove this evening W. rainy & foggy AM Cleared up PM. sleighing pretty good

Christmas day 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Luke 2nd C by Br C AB's & Christian Widemans were here at dinner & G Thoman's Manasee Frets & Br C's at Supper. W. fine rather Cloudy

26 Killed our Beef Br S's Tilman & Br C's man George Gourly helped W. very Cold

27 John & Herman took Jess & Farmer to Markham to be shod AM drew one load wood PM W. rather stormy AM fine PM

28 Sunday 28 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & Sermon on {blank space} by Br C Daniel Ramer's were here at noon Nancy's Brother Peter & Jesse at supper W. fine

29 Drew 4 loads wood W. mild soft

30 drew 2 loads wood AM then I & the boys went to Shanks sale PM. W. very Cold a little snow last night Simon Hoover's were here tonight

31 Chored. John went to Whitevale PM W. snowed nearly all day

Jan 1 1880 J D's were here I & Nancy & little boys went to Br N's this evening. W. fine mild

2 Drew 6 loads wood Br inlaws Saml Hoover's were here W. very fine I & Nancy went to old D Hoover's this evening thawing sleighing getting thin

3 I & John drew 1 load wood AM which finished it, making 29 cords W. Cold AM east wind sleet PM rainy this evening I went to Ceder Grove this evening

Sunday 4 I & Nancy & little ones went to John Cober's John & girls went to Br S's this evening W. Mild, rain this morning

5 boys all went to School I Chored W mild I & Nancy went to I Moyer this evening

6 I & John helped Br S's thresh with team. W. drissling nearly all day I & John helped Br S's thresh AM drew wood into shed PM W. pretty Cler


Chored A M went to MarKham Pm. W drissly..Cloudy AM


I went to Toronto took Some Butter for Br C. sold @ 22st 8 brought home my rifle got patent Breech into it W. Mild. Cloudy


I took B.C to Miliken Station he is going to Vaughan then I went to MarKham W.Clr. Colder sleighing all gone

Sunday 11

John & girls went to Meeting at Altona, we went to B & S; W.Cloudy heavy rain after dark


Chored. W. Colder Clr.


Chored, W. pretty Cold Clr


I & Nancy went to JB's W. Cler


Killed 2 Pigs for our own use W. fine mild


I & Nancy went to F inlan's & to Jacob Grove's Pm his wife is vey Poorly W. mild rather Cloudy very good roads for Wheeling


Br C & Thomas helped us about an hour A M to thresh few oats Chored Pm. W. little rain. AM April weather very mild

Sunday 18

all went to Meeting at Ceder Grove remarKs by R'd S Hoover on st John 2nd C by Br C went to P D o after service John & girls Came home W. mild


Chored & went to Ceder Grove Pm asked Some hands to thresh on Wednesday M like april. cler Some cloudy


got Old Nell shod on front feet at A Thomas. at Belford & asKed some hands to thresh AM Fixed things in barn Pm W. snow last night & all day not very fast


threshed Spring wheat 13 acres 160 bus. fin wheat, Poor Land Midge consumed a good many grains. W. fine cler, mild


Chored intended to thresh but it snowed all am. rain at noon.Pm,soft.foggy


threshed 110 bus Clawson wheat & 350 bus Oats when we had clean up floor a piece of Iron went into machine & bussted Cylinder band & made fearful racket. didnt do much harm W. Snow AM cler Pm

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Jan 1880

24 fixed up barn. Cleaned grist John took it to Cedar grove Pm W fine mild sleighing thin


Sundy 25 I & Children went to Meeting at Hebron. Nancy kept house baby is not well remarKs by Br C Sermon on st John prt of 5th C by R'd S Hoover Jos Barkeys youngsters were here Pm J H Ramer's this evening John & girls went to J D this evening W. Very fine mild Some buggies & Some sleighs running today. {line}


I chored & Flavius went to MarKham A M then we took our Clover seed a (small load) to Br S's the rest of the boys went to School. W. fine


I & Nancy. & little ones went to J A Ramer's John went to School W. vey fine. roads sloppy


Chored & brought home grist & chop PM. W. getting Colder


Chored & got Nell shod on front feet PM. W. Cold freesing hard


I went to MarKham A M. Chored Pm. W. pretty Cold AM raining Pm. windy this evening


I & little boys took grist Chop to Mill. & brought home our Clover seed from Br S's (3 peck John got farmer shod A M. Sawed Some wood in old bush with new Lance Tooth Saw PM. W. Cold, froze hard. Manasse Frets was here at noon with Andren Krats from Clinton

Feb 1

at home I & Nancy went to NB, this evening W. Cloudy.Cold.N wind


Chored. went to AB,Pm,W. Cloudy all day, pretty Cold


3 Chored. W. Snow last nght & all day. very dry & loose.


John brought home Chop am & helped Br N's thresh Pm I went to Demberton got axes fixed & got Barrel of salt.vey fair cler sleighing rather tough

Feb 1880

5 Made Brine on Pork AM went to John Reesor's sale PM W. fine rather squaaly PM

6 I & Nancy went to D Nighswander W. pretty Cold, Sleighing Middling

7 helped J M Clean 47 1/2 Peas AM John went to Ceder Grove & I & little boys ground axe at Br C's Pm W. showry & high wind nearly all day

Sunday 8 John Flavius & girls went to Meeting at Altona Br N's were here. W. pretty Cold, windy AM

9 I drew wood for J M & John went to Markham AM I & John cut down 2 pine trees PM W very Cold AM Cold wind PM Jacob Grove's wife died this morning

10 I & John sawed logs & Flavius went to Markham AM I & John Cut a stub and sawed some logs & Flavius drew home 4 logs PM W. Milder some snow AM roads Middling the snow that falls is very dry & light

11I & Nancy went to Funeral of Jacob Grove's wife Sam Hoover spoke went to Simon Ramer's after funeral W. frosty & foggy AM. Cler & thawing PM

12 Chored. W. strong wind last night & today, thawing very fast snow all gone, roads muddy

13 went to see old Daniel Hoover this morning then I & John dragged home a log of smoke wood I went to Ceder Grove PM. W thawing, roads muddy

14 Chored, John went to J Dicks sale PM. W. fine, freesing. Cler

Sunday 15 all went to Meeting at Cedar Grove John & girls went to Br N's we went to AB's awhile PM W. fine thawing a little roads pretty good

16 Chored AM I & Nancy went to see Uncle Joseph's widow, Aunt Elizabeth She seems to have a stroke of Palsy Pm. W. very fine warm Cler

17 I didn't do much John took 20 bus Oats to Ceder Grove AM John Stover's were here today. W. very fine warm cler

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Feb Mar 1880

18 Chored AM John took load of straw to J Mainland & brought home Chop PM W. heavy shower AM, blowed up PM

19 I helped Br C kill 5 pigs AM I & John Cleaned 24.40 lbs Poorland wheat PM. W. very very Cold

20 I & John took wheat to Whitevale AM @ $1.20 per bus. I & Nancy went to Markham PM. W. Cold

21 hung up Pork AM. boys drew home wood out of old bush PM W. some snow last night & AM thawing some. PM. no sleighing.

Sunday 22 John wasn't well, he kept house the rest of us went to Meeting at Hebron. remarks by Br. C. sermon on Galations 4 C by R'd Jos Barkey Saml Reesor's & N B's this PM W. Mild

23 I & John Cut wood in shed W. somw squaals of snow

24 I & Flavius went to Chris Burkholder's for wild goose seed wheat 16 bus @ $1.20 per bus then went to Saml Lehmans & got 5 bus to exchange. W. Cold roads pretty good east wind 25 Chore John drew dung on heap south of bush. JM loaded

25 Chored. W. rainy all day

26 Tapped about 50 treees AM sap runs well I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM. roads very bad. W Cler

27 Drew 2 loads 59 bus 40 lbs Clawson wheat to Ceder Grove Mills @1.27 per bus. W. Cler. warm, roads awful

28 Cleaned & drew 30 bus 20lbs Poor Land spring wheat @ 1.25 per bush boys boiled about 1 gal Molasses. W. W. Cler fine

Sundy 29 at home all day Br C's children & Br N's Peter & wife were here W. Cler. windy, freesing some

March 1 I & John Sawed 2 foot wood in old bush with new Lance saw. W. pretty cold some squaals of snow AM

2 Chored AM, drew dung on heap PM JM filled. W. snow AM Cler PM

3 I went to Ceder Grove Mills AM I & John brought 13 bus Potatoes

Mar 1880

from AB's PM. W. Mild Thawing AM. rain PM, roads very Muddy

4 Gathered sap & Boiled. I went to Leathen Sale PM. John brought home Chop. I brought Iron harrows @ $9.50 Double Land Roller @ $5.75 W. Cler Splendid run of sap I tapped 8 trees AM

5 Boiled all day finished off about 3 quarts in the house. W. heavy showere last night, windy today Cloudy tapped 4 threes trees today, runs some

6 Boiled sap all day, finished a lot of Molasses in the house. W. frost last night thawed today sap runs some

Sundy 7 AB's were here today, they told us that Father inlaw is sick then about 4 .Oclock PM Tilman Ramer Came to tell us that he is very bad. Then I & Nancy went to see him. We got there about 9 PM and found that he Died at 6 Oclock we staid all night W. Mild, very soft roads began to blow up very Cold from north about 8 this evening, very Cold Sap run well today

8 Nancy staid, I Came home roads very rough. Cold weather

9 I & girls went to Funeral Sermon on Rev 14C 13 verse by R'd Joseph Barkey & Saul Hoover spoke, a great many people for such bad roads Cold east wind milder this evening

10 Boiled Sugar, Made 12 lbs W Cler Cold

11 Finished 12 lbs sugar (had the syrup on hand) AM I & John threshed Oats with flail PM- W. Cold, Cler

12 flailed Oats AM I & JOhn took 20 bus to Mill I staid at Br S's till he came back W. very Cold

13 Chored John got Farmer shod AM. he & Flavius brought home Chop PM. W. very Cold roads getting better

14 Sunday at home John & girls went to meeting at Ceder Grove

15 I & John helped Br S's thresh W. fine

16 I & John flailed some Oats W. snow from east nearly all day Br S's were here with sleigh this evening

17 I & Nancy went to Motherinlaws to Family gathering to see about

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Mar 1880

settling the Estate Fatherinlaw died without a will. W. Cler. we went with Cutter, very tough going

18 drew dung on field below garden with 2 Waggons J Mainland filled I spread it & John drew it W. fine thawing

19 I & John brought home roller & Iron harrows from Leathen's AM took our Wild Goose seed wheat to Br S's PM & Cleaned it with their Honey Mill W. fine, roads getting muddy

20 I & Nancy went to Markham to get in her new Teeth got dinner at J H Ramer's W. Mild AM some soft snow. all thawed blowed up very Cold wind from north PM. freesing hard tonight

Sunday 21 All went to Meeting at Hebron Remarks & Sermon on {blank space} by Br C JD's & Br. S's Menno & Lydia were here after service Br S's Tilman was married a few weeks ago to R'd Jos Barkeys daughter Mary) W. fine Cler. thawing

22 drew home few loads wood from old bush AM I helped NB Kill 3 Pigs PM John drew home near 2 tubs sap W. ground white with snow this morning, all thawed today

23 I & Nancy went to Motherinlaws today to sign agreements Lawyer G W Badgeron was there. W. Clear & windy blowed very Cold this evening, blowing yet. bedtime

24 Sugared off 11 lbs sugar Taffy it did not harden well. AM I & John flailed Oats PM. W. very Cold North wind

25 I & Nancy went to S Lehman's sale sale he had tradied his farm for the Almira grist & woolen Mills W. Clear & sharp

Good Friday 26 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & Sermon on {blank space} by Br C. D Hane's & Martha Cook were here PM east wind W. fine cler

27 Sawed wood in bush & Cleaned grist to Mill PM W. strong east wind snow from east towards evening

Mar April 1880

Easter Sunday 28 at home John & Flavius & girls went to S Lehman's with sleigh PM. W. about 6 in snow last night bright Clear day Thawing a little in the sun

Easter Monday 29 I & Nancy went to Aunt Lissy Burkholder's W. fine Cler. sharp air

30 I & John threshed some Oats & then Cleaned up 25 bus. Gathered sap then I boiled & John took Oats to Mill PM. W. Cler snow thawing, roads muddy

31 I boiled & finished nearly nine quarts Molasses John & Herman sawed some wood in bush & brought home grist & Chop PM W. fine very warm. thawing

April 1 I went to chat with Old Daniel Hoover awhile AM John took Nancy to young Wm Morrison's Then I & John went to Br S's PM got 9 bags Potatoes @ about 50 ct per bag Nancy rode home with us W Morrison lives in one of Br S's houses

2 I & John sawed wood in bush AM Gathered & boiled sap PM. W. east wind AM rain PM

3 I boiled & finished about 11 lbs Taffy AM (It would not harden) Sawed wood in bush awhile PM. W. some rain AM. heavy towards evening. & tonight

Sunday 4 at home I & Nancy & children went to Br C's PM John & girls kept house. W. raining this morning Clear at noon heavy rain PM. high watter

5 I & John brought home Chop AM Chored & sawed some went wood PM. W. a little rain this morning Cleared up today Cool tonight

6 I & John flailed Oats all day W. Cold N. wind

7 I & John flailed 2 floors Oats then I & Nancy went to AB's John flailed a few shakings which finished the Oats W. Clear, but Cold, frose hard last night

8 Cleaned Oats 23 bush & 19 bus Clawson wheat AM, sawed wood PM. W. Cold Cler

9 I boiled Sap John cut wood in shed W. rather milder, strong west wind sap runs well

10 Boiled sap all day. Splendid run W. high gusts of wind. heavy squaals of snow after dark. strong wind

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April 1880

Sundy 11 Flavius & girls went to meeting at Ceder Grove. I & Nancy went to G Thoman's PM. W. strong North wind. Cler. drifts of snow along fences, looks like winter cold

12 I Boiled sap all day finished 20 lbs sugar tonight W. fine thawed John trimmed some of the Old apple trees Motherinlaw & Peter were here today, thawing

13 I got Lower tooth saw filed at Br N's AM I & John sawed in old bush Pm. W. mild Cler

14 I boiled 9 lbs sugar John trimmed some trees. W. east wind

15 I & Nancy went to Br inlaws John Hoover's John finished trimming trees W. fine. warm saw some teams Plowing

16 I boiled, didn't harden. Made it into Molasses John took Oats to Mill & brought home some Pickets W. Cler AM rain from east PM

17 John & Flavius went fishing to Maxwells, water too high, Caught 15 suckers, Came home 1/2 past 10, Cleaned about 50 bus wheat, W. blowed up very Cold from North

Sunday 18 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on St Mat 18 by R'd S Hoover Benj & Ruhannah Diller were here PM Ann Shirk was here, she Came last night white frost last night. thawed today

19 Sawed wood H Stover helped W. fine warm. Slight Showers PM

20 John & Nancy went to Markham AM I & H Stover sawed wood I brought 400 2 in tiles from Pettings PM. John & H Stover sawed W. Cler

21 Sawed wood H Stover helped I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove this evening W. fine warm Cler

22 I & John brought 12 bus barley from W Morrisons @ 65 ct per Bus Am helped R Gourly finish a drain & fill it in PM. W. Cler

23 boys have had a trap set in old bush the last few weeds over a dead sheep Caught six Crowes this morning I & John heard dog bark went to see & found great big Fox in it. John shot him I & Nancy went to M N's they live on the old farm. John laid bottom sails east of old bush. W. Cler, east wind

April May 1880

went to JB's for supper he is poorly yet

24 boys plowed in furrows in field back of barn & east of dam AM I & Flavius brought down some scantlings for garden fence John dug some Post holes & brought 500 tiles PM. W. east wind Cloudy

Sunday 25 John & girls went to Meeting at Widemans W. east wind. some rain about noon & PM. Cleared up again

26 John Flavius, Br C's Thomas & NB went fishing this morning I & Herman went with waggon after breakfast to bring them home they caught 25. The we began to sow spring wheat behind barn. W. fine Cler

27 Finished field behind barn with spring wheat except about 1 1/2 acres at east sid then began sowing Oats east of dam. W. Cool heavy hail storm north yesterday

28 Finished Oats & I sowed sod behind Cider house east half that was plowed in fall boys harrowed it {illegible} twice W. fine, pretty warm

29 Flavius harrowed Peas with waggon tines & John ganged below garden AM chored PM. W. Cloudy AM rain PM MN was here for six bus Peas this morning

30 laid up fence east of old bush AM I & John took 26 bus tailings of wheat to Br S's Cleaned it in his Honey Mill got 14 bus fine wheat John took to Mills. W very Cold N. wind. Cold

May 1 I & Nancy went to Markham AM Chored PM John ganged awhile PM Flavius got Nell shod PM W. ground frose this Morning some squaals of snow

Sunday 2 I & Nancy & little ones went to Br N's John & girls kept house. W. rain last night warm today

3 Chored AM I & Nancy went to Motherinlaws PM John & Flavius drove some stakes east of bush

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May 1880

W very warm. growing weather

4 John finished Plowing last years root ground then began sowing barley below house Flavius finished ganging. I Chored. Flavius & I brought home grist after supper W. fine warm, growing weather

5 finished sowing barley & then John rolled Peas behind Cider house I sowed grassseed on barley W. warm

Ascension day 6 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on Acts 1 C by Br C. AB's were here PM. Aunt Lissy at supper W. Cler. Cool

7 I put on some grafts for JD AM Chored & put on some for myself PM. W. rain last night very heavy after dinner. thunder very high water

8 I & John took 6 bus Chop & brought load edgings AM I put on grafts & Planted some white ash & Maple trees. boys brought home chop & load of edgings this evening Br inlaw Enos & his wife Delilah Nighswander were here at supper. they were married a few weeks ago. W. very warm

9 Sunday all went to Meeting at Ceder Grove remarks by Br C sermon on 1st Col by R'd S Hoover, John & girls went to Br S's Tilman's they live on the John McCreight farm Br S bought it W. fine warm Martin Barkey's & I Moyer's Came with us

10 Chored AM, washed sheep PM W. rainy AM warm PM

11 I & Nancy went to Christian Burkholder's then I went to Saul Wideman's Sale bought Waggon rack $8.25. sap yoke & Pails 40 cts 81 sap Buckets 6 1/2 cts each W. fine when when we came home there was a great excitement, the boys had speared 22 big suckers in our Creek we got some more this evening

12 I went to Cherrywood this morning then we fixed fence west of dam W. Cler cold wind

13 I went to Toronto, sold Butter 13 eggs 10 ct boys helped girls wash Meting house & dug garden

May 1880

Hon George Brown was buried yesterday. he was shot by an Assassin about six weeks ago. W. Cold wind

14 Sowed a little grass seed below Orchard then fixed some fence AM drew off some stones at NB's for ourselves PM. W. fine Cler

15 I & Nancy went to Markham AM boys burned apple brush I took three spring waggon to Cherrywood to get new Cushions PM. W. fine Cler

Sunday 16 All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & suitable sermons for Celebration of Lords Supper by Br C. S Lehman's were here PM I & Nancy went to NB's for supper W. Warm

Whit Monday 17 John Flavius & the girls Br C's Thomas & gilrs and Diller's younsters went to see Lake & fish I & Nancy & little boys went to Simon Hoover's W fine warm. Cloudy PM a very few drops of rain PM young folks got very few fish

18 sowed 14 drills Carrots in west end of field south of bush. W. fine Cler

19 Planted early Potatoes behind driving house AM set posts along dam & John sheared 4 sheep after supper. W. warm shower PM

20 John sheared 1 sheep & I sheared this morning then we drew dung behind barn for Corn & sowed about 2 bus Peas to see if the will escape the bug. W. heavy rain PM John shot a strange bird off the top of a large Basswood tree in old bush with our rifle today it stands 2 feed high, 5 feet 6 in across the wings wings, seems to belong to the hawk family Trees out in full leaf I measured a growth of Beech 6 1/2 in long today

21 Put rails or posts for straight fence along dam where old board fence was AM I & Nancy went to the Markham PM, heard that Nancy's Mother was sick then went to see her She has Erysipales in the head W. warm AM heavy rain PM

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May June 1880

22 finished straight fence & I took wool to Sparta Mill PM. W rain last night Cloudy AM Cler PM

Sunday 23 I, Nancy Flavius & Herman went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by Br C Sermon on {blank space} by R'd S Hoover went to Motherinlaws after service she is a little better W. warmer Cler AM rain nearly all the way home PM

24 drew dung off heap on root ground below bush W. warm

25 boys plowed in root ground I hunted for a calf that is strayed, boys found it after supper. W. very, very warm

26 I & Nancy went to Markham AM boys finished Plowing root ground Planted feed Corn PM. W very very warm

27 all went to meeting at Hebron AM Preacher's Martin, Cressman Gayman Detwiler & Others heard there three or four here for supper W. fine warm I took E Weber to Fret's this evening

28 I took Nancy to her Mothers then I went to Yearly Conference at Wideman's about 56 Visitors from a distance things passed off pretty well. W. Cool & Cler

29 Meeting at Hebron AM a good many visitors. Stouffer & Nahsgang Preached J Boegley & wife are here for tonight W Cool. R Gourly dug a drain from our Celler yesterday & today

Sunday 30 I & Nancy to J Begly & wife to Meeting at Wideman's Appropriate sermons for Lords supper by Br C & A Cressman Took visitors to Jos Barkeys then to Motherinlaws & then left them at Jacob Widemans W. heavy rain last night. heavy after dinner

31 boys began plowing fallow I went around to tell about meeting tommorrow brought home roles PM W. fine Cool, heavy hower tonight

June 1 went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd Peter Landis sermon on John 14 C by R'd Peter Tsacked both from Ohio W. fine Cler

June 1880

JH Ramer's, Motherinlaw & Peter were here at dinner Isaac Moyers brought his brother Amos & wife here awhile this evening W. fine

2 boys Plowed I cut seed Potatoes went to Br S's awhile PM W. fine

3 helped old WM Cut a few logs in our bush at Dykes AM Planted Potatoes PM. W. fine

4 finished Planting Potatoes AM. boys Plowed in fallow & I went to AB's & pulled Pidgeon weed PM W. a little rain this morning. Cler today

5 Boys finished plowing fallow & began to Harrow I & little boys finished Pulling weed in north wheat field AM. Chored PM I went to Ceder Gove, remarksby R S Hoover sermon on St Luke 5 C by Br C went to Br S's PM. John & girls Came home. Ann Shirk is spinning wool here now. W. Cler AM shower PM

7 I went to Markham AM boys harrowed fallow. I & John brought a load of gravel PM W. Cool Cler

8 I & Nancy went to Toronto sold Butter 15 & 14 ct Eggs 11 cts boys topped thistles & Pulled weeds in lower wheat fild W. fine Cool

9 Helped E Stonehouse put up stakes along Pickering townline he is going to rebuild the old board fence and make it lower then I & Nancy went to Jacob Reesor's Young Jacob's wife is dead, boys finished topping thistles AM JB's were here PM. he is some better W. fine warm

10 boys plowed turnip ground then John & girls went to Funeral in buggy. I walked she was buried at Ceder Grove W. warm thunder shower this evening

11 John drew dung on fallow JM filled I warned hands to work on road on Wednesday

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June 1880

I treed a Coon on ash tree near Meeting house after dark this evening put a torch on end of pole & shot him. W. very close & sultry all day heavy thunder & wind storm about 4 PM done good deal of damage blew down bush & fences. unroofed a few barns on 8th Con Markham passed near Br S's & through by school house

12 Chored AM Cleaned load of Wheat PM went to Ceder Grove this evening W. heavy rain AM

Sunday 13 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on St Mat 24 C by R S Hoover John & girls went to AB's we went to JD's PM W. warm AM Cool PM

14 John drew dung Flavius harrowed & rolled turnip land drew off stones first then I & he took 32 bus 20lbs Poorland Wheat to Ceder Grove @ $1.16 W. fine & Cool

15 John drew dung I Chored W. fine

16 had teams drawing gravel west of our lane drew 30 loads out of Pickering Pit W. fine Cler

17 Turnpiked at end of 11th Con from townline W. fine, Cler pretty warm

18 I & Nancy & little ones went to S Lehman's they live at Almira he bought the Grist & woolen Mills W. warm stopped at Motherinlaws for supper

19 Sowed turnips I took Mase Peas to C Tsares(served to House) W. warm

Sunday 20 John & girls went to Meeting at Wideman's we went to AB's they were not at home W. warm

21 I & John brought home sap Buckets & waggon rack from Saml Wideman's that I bought at sale. AM. Scuffled Corn & I went to AB's after supper Had old Nell served to AB's young horse W. warm

22 I & Susanna went to Toronto sold Butter 14 cts eggs 11 cts Chickens 30 cts boys drew 500 2 in tiles from Petty. W. warm

22 went to bush at Dyke's to Cut top of pine out of road & drew home rubbish off townline where fence was fixed. AM

June 1880

made Sidewalk in front yard PM W. very very warm

24 I John & Flavius went fishing to Mouth of Rouge & to Kingston road. Caught near a hundred W. about the warmest day this season

25 I went to Markham

brought home grist this evening

25 Cleaned last of wheat 11 bus & 12 bus Oats for Br N AM I went to Markham PM, boys wired some fence along bush W. fine shower PM

26 drew 6 logs to SM with Trucks W. warm Cler

Sunday 27 John & girls went to Meeting at Elmira we went to AB's W. warm AM fine long rain nearly all PM

28 I & John & Flavius took grist Chop to Mill Nancy went along to Br S's, AM spread dung PM. W. heavy shower AM warm PM

29 boys began plowing fallow I went to Markham for bird that John shot a while ago it so badly shot the young man said he couldn't tix it right so he gave me one of the same kind a little smaller W. very warm R Gourley began draining in fall

30 boys plowed. I spread dung W. warm heavy shower rain & thunder PM hail at school house and very heavy north

July 1 boys Plowed I spread dung & went to H Stover's AM John McGaw was here at supper W warm Cler, shower after supper

2 boys Plowed I Chored went to Thoman's Br S. PM. W showry this morning, drissly this evening we fixed some fence on 11th Con this evening

3 Had James Milroy & Widow Milroys men working on road today boys finished plowing fallow & harrowed some AM then they piled some lumber PM W. fine warm

Sunday 4 all went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C Sermon on {blank space} by R. S Hoover little boys went home then to Br C's John & girls to Br S's we went to Uncle Samls. W. warm Cler

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July 1880

5 boys harrowed in fallow a while then we scuffled & hoed corn & carrots then piled some Planks at SM. W. fine warm, a little like rain

6 I & R Gourey made a small drain under the brick floor in the Cellar I & boys brought a load of gravel from Pickering pit to Cover the tiles W. warm, heavy rain PM

7 I took Cylinder of threshing machine to Mongotia AM Covered drain in Cellar PM went to Cherrywood after supper W. fine

8 Finished Covering drain AM Chored PM, boys finished harrowing fallow scuffled turnip. shovel plowed Corn W. very warm rainy at bedtime

9 I & Nancy went to Toronto sold Butter @ 18 cts Eggs 15th John & J Mainland cut little Orchard hay & swale near Graveyard John cut with Mower W. very warm, showers went round

10 I took Mare Jess to Tran's had her served. AM I & boys raked & Cocked the hay PM Took 6 bus Chop to Mill after supper. W. very warm

Sunday 11 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R S Hoover sermon on {blank space} by Br C Josepeh Kocks Br inlaw M N's Motherinlaw & family & J Cobrs girls were here & J H Ramer's at supper

12 I & J Mainland Piled Pea straw behind old barn & boys drew in 4 loads hay AM John cut old meadow PM (west half, east half is in Peas) I went to AB's with old Nell, had her served. I & Nancy went to Br S's after supper, then went to N B's to see little boy. W. warm, shower tonight

13 hoed turnips AM John shovel plowed Potatoes & I brought home some rolls from Sparta PM. W fine Cler

14 Chored & drew in rakings AM drew in last of hay 5 big loads out of field behind Cider house PM. W. Cler warm

July 1880

15 boys Plowed Sod where we cut hay behind Cider house I chored & cut road around rye we drew in rakings after supper. W. pretty warm

16 I & Nancy went to Markham AM boys Plowed till supper Cut some rye after supper W. fine, a few showers PM

17 Finished Cutting rye & cut a few acres wheat in big field W. fine cool

Sunday 18 I & Nancy & little ones went to meeting at Wideman's remarks by R'd Jac Wideman sermon on {blank space} by R S Hoover went to Br inlaw Saml Hoover's staid for supper W. heavy showers PM John & girls went to Br N's PM

19 shocked wheat till about 9 AM then cut till supper when it rained & stopped us Henry Stover's son John helped PM

20 finished Cutting big field till 1100 AM then began in N West corner field W. fine Cool, Cler

21 Finished Cutting Fall Wheat AM & shocked some Then we hoed turnips till supper then we shocked al in N West field after supper W. fine

22 I went to Markham AM done nothing PM have some {illegible} boys finished plowing sod & John got Farmer shod W. Cler

23 I went to Toronto to sell Butter 18 1/2 cts Eggs 15 cts JM & boys drew 2 loads wheat then rain stopped them

24 I & JM deepened ditch out of barnyard into Orchard AM boys harrowed fallow drew one load wheat found it too wet then I went to Cherrywood, traded old buggy to N Burkholder for a spring board paid $2.00 Boot boys & JM finished turnips W fine

Sunday 25 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Altona remarks by Br C Sermon on St Mat 7 C by R'd Jos Barkey

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July Aug 1880

Went to Henry Boyer's & to Menno Burkholder's for supper Children went to Br C's W. prety warm

26 Chored AM boys Cut some barley PM I & Nancy went to John Stover's to see his little son then brought our Reel from D Boyer's we had it repaired W. heavy shower this morning

27 Drew in 19 loads wheat with teams J Stover helped. W. fine cool

28 Drew in last of wheat we & JM drew with 2 waggons both went out & came in together we drew one load of rye this evening W. fine cool

29 I & boys finished drawing rye 2 loads drew in 3 loads barley W. fine Flavius finished Cutting barley

30 I & boys drew in one load barley & 3 loads wheat rakings & John took load fence Corner hay for JM I & Flavius went to Dunbaston for Barrel of salt after supper

31 Finished drawing Barley & rakings & all the man ganged in fallow John helped awhile. W. warm Cler

Sunday Aug 1 all went to Meeting at Ceder Grove remarks by R'd S Hoover Sermon on St Luke 11 C by R Jac Wideman AB's & GE Thoman's were here PM. W. sully & Clr

2 I & J Milroy put new stringer to Bridge at our Corner AM I & Nancy went to JB's & brought Cylinder home boys scuffled & hoed turnips W. shower AM Cloudy PM

3 Cut Oats. W. Cool Finished Cutting & shocking Oats

5 John helped Br N's Peter thresh I & JM & Flavius Pulled Peas behind Cider house Herman harrowed sod fallow AM I & Nancy went to Markham PM JM & boys hoed turnips second time W. Cler

6 John helped Br N's thresh I helped while this morning then Chored W. warm Cler

7 I & JM helped Pilky thresh with steamer they are nearly in every barn this season boys drew in 7 loads Peas W. very warm

Sunday 8 all went to Meeting at Hebron except John he didn't feel well, remarks by Br C Sermon on St Mat 18 C by R'd Jos Barkey JBs were here PM

Aug 1880

Rev Jos Barkey at supper W. very warm

9 Boys drew dung on sod fallow JM filled I chores & went to BSS at Belford W. very warm. Shower PM

10 I went to Toronto sold Butter 20cts eggs 12 1/2 boys Plowed in fallow W. pretty warm

11 I & John helped Br S's thresh with team W. very heavy rain before daylight our Creek running lively slight shower PM Warm

12 Boys plowed in Pea stubble AM I & Br S fixed Machine AM Boys set Machine & I went to Ceder Grove PM. W. fine Cler

13 Threshed 124 Boxes Barley & 188 Boxes fall Wheat W. Cler rather head wind

14 Drew in Oats 6 loads AM with 2 teams I & Nancy went to Motherinlaws PM. JM & boys drew last of Oats 6 loads PM W. fine Cler looked like rain this morning

Sunday 15 all at home AM John & girls went to JD's little boys went to Br N's I Nancy & little ones went to Jacob Reesors they were not at home, went to I Moyer's , not at home, went to AB's not at home then we Came home then NB's came to supper W. Cool Cler

16 Plowed in Pea stubble W. fine signs of frost last night

17 Finished Pea stubble W. fine

18 JM helped M Dyke thresh boys plowed in fallow I helped dig a grave for Br N's Peters stillborn son I & boys began cutting wild goose wheat this evening. I & Nancy went to Peters a little while this evening W slight shower last night

19 Finished Cutting goose Wheat W. Cler

20 Shocked wheat & Pulled late Peas AM drew in Peas & Oat rakings till supper W. Cler warm. I & boys went fishing to Dead water after supper Caught big Bass, Perch sunfish & lot of Cats

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Aug Sept 1880

21 Boys Plowed in fallow John helped NB's draw Oats PM. Herman plowed with his team I & Nancy went to Stouffville had dinner at Br inlaw Saml Hoover's Came home through Markham. W. fine Cler

22 Sunday at home all day John & girls went to Meeting at Altona

23 Boys Plowed. I went Blackberry Picking with JB to Scarboro School AM got quite a few went to Cherrywood with new buggy after supper to get Tires set. W. warm Cler

24 John helped Br C thresh (with Tran's steamer.) I & Flavius finished plowing fallow. then I & Flavius helped thresh awhile PM W heavy rain this evening warm today

25 I went to Chat awhile with Old D Hoover AM boys harrowed Pea land W. Cool

26 drew 1 load spring wheat, too wet then boys harrowed & rolled fallow drew 2 loads wheat this evening I went to Cedar Grove PM W. Cool east wind

27 Flavius harrowed Pea land John began plowing AM. drew last of spring wheat PM 5 loads. W. Cloudy drissly this Morning Cler very warm PM very heavy thunder round the north

28 John helped NB's thresh I & Flavius drew off stones & burned stump in sod fallow Herman & Benjamin raked spring wheat stubble I went to Belford shop PM. W. warm Cler

Sundy 29 at home Br N's Br S's Br C's Children were here W. cloudy drissly all day. John went to Camp Meeting at Wilcot Creek with BrN's boys PM

30 John helped NB's thresh I & Flavius plowed W. Cler

31 I Nancy & Flavius went to Toronto sold Butter 22 cts eggs 11 W. stormy east wind all day John & JM drew dung on Pea Land

Sept 1 Boys both plowed John finished rolling a little in fallow I spread dung. W. shower at noon John sowed fallow Flavius Plowed went to Ceder Grove PM W. very very warm.

Sept 1880

3 Chored & Cleaned a little seed wheat AM. I helped Br N's thresh PM boys Plowed. W. heavy rain this morning & AM very warm & sultry PM slight shower

4 I helped Br N's Peter thresh boys Plowed W. very sultry, Cler

Sunday 5 all went to Meeting at Hebron suitable remarks & sermon for the Celebration of Lords supper by Br C & S Hoover Martha Cook was here PM & JD's at supper W. pretty warm

6 Boys finished plowing behind Cider house, harrowed & rolled most of it I Chored & began pulling down woodshed. we intend to build new summer kitchen & woodshed

7 I & Flavius went to Markham for Lime it was not there then we went to JH Ramer's it Came about 3 PM then we got 10 bbls W Cool John sowed part of field back of Cider house

8 Flavius finished sowing I & John drew 3 sawlogs & some stones Herman pulled down most of Kitchen & woodshed W. Cler Cool

9 I & John drew a load of stones. I hurt my back then got Br C & his men after dinner to take down fram of woodshed & kitchen then I took the plates to SM to get ripped W. fine Cler, Cool

10 had Br C & Thomas & JM a few hours AM threshed 100 bus Oats & Cleaned Peas & rye that JM threshed I took Peas & rye to Mill PM JM & boys drew Chip dung into old Orchard W. fine

11 Cleaned away rubbish AM I & Nancy & little boys went to Meeting at Widemans PM six Converts were Baptised Viz Peter Burkholder & wife Benjamin Lehman & wife Milton Stover & Catherine Stover went to Mother inlaws after service W. fine warm John pulled down old Chimney

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Sept 1880

Sunday 12 John & girls went to Meeting at Widemans little boys went to Cobr's Meeting I & Nancy went to Martin Barkey. W. Cler fine

13 I took Jess to get shod in Markham boys began fall plowing in NW Corner field W. Cler Cool JM began digging foundation for new Kitchen & woodshed

14 boys plowed AM we drew stones PM JM finished foundation I went to see Tripp this evening he was not at home W. Cler the nights are very Cool now

15 boys plowed AM we drew stones PM Mother inlaw & Enos's were here PM W fine warm

thanksgiving day 16 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Adeline remarks & sermon on {blank space} by Br C I & Nancy & little ones went to AB's PM W. pretty warm

17 dug Potatoes W. very warm

18 Finished digging Potatoes till about 4 PM then I & John drew small sawlog, boys took a swim W. very warm getting very dry

Sunday 19 at home all day old D Hoover was here PM W. drissly AM raining this evening

20 Boys picked Cider apples & I made vinegar AM I went to see Tripp PM Cole this evening Boys Made Cider PM W. Cler Cool Br C & JD started for States

21 I went to see Tripp boys drew stones AM John plowed PM I & Flavius took load lumber to Milnes PM. W. Cool Cler

22 I Nancy & John & Flavius went to Markham AM boys plowed PM & I took load lumber to Milnes PM W. Cler

23 I Tended Mason at Foundation wall of Kitchen & Woodshed boys plowed Knoll W fine Cler

24 Tended Mason boys plowed AM had to quit is too hard W. warm

25 I went to Toronto sold Butter 23 cts eggs 15 boys tended Mason got done PM. W. very warm dry

Sunday 26 I & Nancy went to Jacob Reesors PM W. fine rain last night & today

Sept Oct 1880

27 Boys plowed I & Nancy went to M N's I went to {illegible} in Stouffville W. fine rain last night. Cool today this is My 44th Birthday

28 Cleaned some barley today AM I went to Markham PM boys Plowed PM. W rainy AM Cler PM

29 I went to Whitevale AM & to Br S's PM. boys Plowed. W. Cold wind

30 I took load lumber to Milnes AM went to Ceder Grove PM boys Plowed had one of Br C's horses W. Cool wind

Oct 1 Flavius Plowed AM I John & Herman sowed Timothy seed awhile AM then picked winter apples Flavius helped PM. W. fine rather Cool

2 I & John took 40 bags Barley to F mans bay @ 60 cts AM Picked apples PM W. Cloudy this Morning fine today

Sunday 3 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on Romans 12 C by R'd S Hoover Br C is away to Pennsylvania he Intends to stay 5 or 6 weeks Br S's Tilman & his wife were here at noon & Enos Nighswander & Isabel Wallace PM W. showry this morning cleared up today

4 Cleaned barly AM I & Herman & Benjamin Made 58 gals Cider for S Ramer PM. W rainy all AM Cleared up PM

5 I & Nancy went to Saml Browns{illegible} then I went to Lennoxville PM to see Perry the Painter John & Flavius took 40 Bus Barley to F mans bay AM @ 58ct W. prety Cool boys plowed PM.

6 Boys plowed I helped Br C's man kill a pig AM I & Herman Made 65 gals Cider PM. W. Cler Cool heavy rain last night

7 Boiled sauce & I went to Whitevale AM & to Ceder Grove PM W. Cool Clear, white frost last night boys Plowed

8 boys finished Plowing big field W fine warm

9 I & John went to Markham for shingles AM, all picked apples PM W. fine Cler

Sunday 10 I & Nancy & little ones went to JD's N B's were here this evening W. fine warm Cler

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Oct 1880

11 Boys Plowed I didnt feel well Motherinlaw & Peter were here I went to Markham PM W. very warm

12 I went to W A Milne's this morning found his extensive saw Mills Planing Mills & Moulding Machinery & such like all in ashes together with a great quantity of lumber & about 3000 ft of mine that I had there to get dressed I & John went to Br S's PM to get some more out to take to another mill W. Cool north wind

13 I & John took load of lumber to AB Ramers to get dressed AM I & little boys filled 20 bags of Potatoes PM John drew them home this evening W. fine Cool

14 I & Nancy went to R'd S Hoovers John & Flavius took in last of Potatoes W Cler rain after dark

15 I went to AB's Am I & Flavius cleaned grist of Oats & Barley tailing & took it to Mill PM. W. fine

16 I & Flavius Went to SM this morning to get load of Lumber to take to AB Ramer's rained all AM Came home again boys Plowed awhile PM I & little boys cleaned grist for J Mainland John took it to Whitevale this evening Flavius brought home Chop W. rain AM cloudy squaals PM

Sunday 17 I & Nancy & little ones went to Br S's W cold wind

18 Killed a Calf & boys Plowed I took some of the veal to AB's PM then went to SM. W. Cold air, Cler

19 I & Nancy went to Toronto sold Butter 25 cts eggs 18 cts W. Cold very

20 I John & Flavius took load of lumber to AB Ramers to get dressed then went to Simon Ramers Sale brought home a load that was dressed Carpenters began putting up Kitchen & woodshed today. W. Cold sharp wind

21 I brought load of lumber from SM AM boys Picked apples we cleaned some wheat PM. W. fine

22 Finished Cleaning load of Wheat AM & Picked apples I took wheat to Whitevale PM @ $1.00 per Bus W. raw east wind soft snow tonight Br N's brough Joseph Weber & wife here this evening

Oct Nov 1880

23 Cleaned wheat & husked Corn I took Simon Shants to Br S's this evening W. soft snow all day didnt lay, fields white, roads black

Sunday 24 all went to Meeting at Ceder Grove remarks & sermon on St John 3rd C by R'd S Hoover went to Br N's after service John & girls Came home then went to Br C's W. Cold wintry.

25 John finished plowing field behind barn AM he & Flavius Plowed at Dykes PM Dyke is leaving the farm he has rented A Burkholders farm on 9th Con Pickering W. Cler

26 Husked Corn & chored W. rained till about 3 PM Br C came home this evening he has been away in Pennsylvania about 5 weeks

27 I & Flavius brought home flooring from AB Ramer's AM I went to PG Freeman's PM boys Pulled turnip W. Cler Cold

28 I went to Markham for some Paint C Perry began Painting yesterday boys drew 4 loads turnip AM Pulled PM John brought 5 squares shingles from Freemans this morning W. Clear. ground froze this morning

29 I went to Dunbarton AM boys finished Pulling turnip Drew {blank space} W. fine

30 Drew {blank space} turnips W. foggy & misty all day

Sunday 31 went to Meeting Susanna & Herman kept house C Perry staid here over Sunday, remarks & sermon on St John 14 C by Br C. Dillers youngsters Came PM. W Cler

Nov 1 I went to Markham AM Boys & J M finished drawing turnips AM we have about 1200 bus off about 1 3/4 acres of ground I & John took 41.23 lbs Clawson wheat to Ceder Grove @ $1.2 per bus then we went around by 4th Con of Scarboro & got a load of sand boys & JM took in the Carrots W. fine Cler

2 John Plowed at Dykes I brought some lumber from SM AM Flavius helped Plow PM W. fine Cler

3 Boys both plowed. I brought 250 lbs Bran from Ceder Grove AM Picked Cider apples PM. W. very fine

4 Boys Plowed . I chored & made abutments for stoop AM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM. C Perry went home PM W. Cloudy began to rain about 5 PM, raining yet

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Nov 1880

5 I & John & Flavius went Trolling in Frenchman's Bay, had a fine time Caught 9 fine Pike one 7 pounder W. Cloudy all day except a little while at noon

6 Chored. John has sore hand, rained nearly all day. heavy this evening

Sunday 7 at home all day Br C's were at Fish dinner W. very heavy wind last night & this Morning Cler today

8 I & Nancy went to Motherinlaws & to Markham W. some soft snow AM. all thawed mild tonight

9 Chored AM Flavius Plowed in our turnip land I & John made 90 gals Cider PM took 50 gals to A Cole brought some boards from SM & then run some lime & took some old Bridge planks up to 11th Con Bridge PM began to rain from east about 3 PM rained very heavy till Bedtime

11 Boys lathed in new Kitchen I & John took some tailings to Br C's to Clean in in their new Honey Mill PM. W. windy

12 I & John finished Cleaning tailings & took them to Mill & brought home some eave troughs boys lathed lathed PM. W. Cold wind Cler

13 John & Flavius finished plowing turnip ground & Flavius brought home grist took some Chop to mill Carpenters finished this evening W. fine ground frose last night

Sunday 14 I & Nancy went to Mannasse Frets PM W. Blustery pretty Cold

15 Frose too hard to plow boys nearly finished lathing, milder tonight

16 drew home 5 loads stove wood out of old bush AM with sleigh I John & Flavius went to D Woods Sale at Wilkies place PM I bought 3 Chairs @ 25 ct. W about 2 in snow last night some more PM

17 I & Nancy went to Markham then to JB's then I & he went to Stouffville to weaver for Our Cloth W. Cold roads pretty good a little snow boys drew 5 loads wood & brought home Chop

18 boys got Nell & farmer shod AM. traded Cow Daisy to NB for yearling Colt chored PM. W. a little more snow, sleighs slipping, pretty cold

19 I & Nancy helped AB's Kill hogs J & Flavius helped Br C thresh W. Cold Cler

20 Chored W. cold. Cler

Nov Dec 1880

Sunday 21 John & girls went to M Meeting at Ceder Grove. W. Cold wind from west, squaals of snow. Like January

22 Chored W. cold west wind

23 John & JM helped Pilkey thresh I & Flavius went to Markham W. very Cold roads good

24 I & John Piled some lumber at SM AM asked hands to thresh on Friday C Morrison is going to thresh for us our old Machine Power needs new wood & gearing needs fixing W. snow AM milder PM

25 drew raking out of old barn into new I & Nancy went to Markham PM W. Cler Cold

26 threshed Wild goose, about 90 bus & about 250 Clawson W. Cler Cold

27 Finished threshing till noon about 25 bus wheat & 270 bus Oats boys took grist Chop to Mill PM W. cold

Sundy 28 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on Rev 22 C by R'd S Hoover M N's & Michael Frets were here after service W. a little milder Cler

29 I went to Markham AM boys went shooting PM. W. Cold Cler

30 boys went to Ceder Grove AM I went to T MacMackons AM we Tended A Cole's Man a while PM he built a chimney on new Kitchen W. Cler, steady, Cold

Dec 1 Killed our 8 hogs, two for sale. W. heavy snow from east awhile this Morning Cleared up AM about 4 inches fell

Dec 2 I & Nancy took 2 pigs to Markham @ 6.00 per cwt then went to JH Ramers W. fine mild sleighing middling

3 I helped Br S's kill hogs W. Mild

4 I & boys brought home load dry Pine from other bush I Called to see old W Morrison, he is very Poorly I & John went to Ceder Grove PM W. mild sleighing Middling

Sundy 5 at home all day W. drissly rain AM fine cler PM John & girls went to NB's tonight snow nearly all gone, high wind tonight

6 I & John sawed wood in old bush AM Chored PM I & Nancy went to Moyers this evening W. Cold west wind Flavius started to go to school today

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Dec 1880

7 I & Nancy & John went to Funeral of Colin Reesor's child at Ceder Grove Sam Hoover spoke AM washed Double Harness PM W. Cold west wind flurries of snow good roads for wheels

8 John oiled Harness AM I & he went to SM PM to sort some lumber W Cold

9 I helped NB kill hogs W. very Cold

10 didnt do Much went to D Hoover's PM John went to Ceder Grove. W. very very Cold

11 Chored AM a young Drudge from Clarence County New York was here last night John took him to Peter Reesor's this AM boys sawed wood in old bush PM. W. Milder Cler

Sunday 12 at home all day Br S's & JD's were here & Br C PM. W. mild Cloudy

13 I & John went to Funeral of old William Morrison he died on last Wednesday evening he had Cancer in the stomach. W. mild thawing some, very good wheeling

14 I & John began Cutting sawlogs in other bush cut 3 when snow from east stopped us at 9 AM, then ground axe at Peter's Came home at noon Nancys Brother John was here W. rained PM. Mild

15 Chored AM made 9 logs PM W. soft snow from west AM mild west wind PM. Colder this evening

16 Cut logs AM Chored PM I & Nancy went to Abraham Hoover's near Cherrywood this evening. W. sharp clr

17 I went to Ceder Grove AM & to Belford PM. W. sharp Clr

18 Chored, J Tripp was here PM he put some shelves in pantry W. Cold, Cler

Sunday 19 all went to Meeting at Ceder Grove remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke2nd C by R'd S Hoover went to Br C's this evening W. milder Clr

20 I went to other bush to Show W M. W. Morrison Junr where to cut some Hemlock wood AM Killed our bull PM. W. rather mild

21 I & John took fore quarters beef to H Stover's AM & hind quarter to Josh Tripp PM Came by Dunbarton for barrel of salt W. rather sharper

22 William Burkholder from Ohio was here today didnt do much John got Farmer & Nelly shod & helped JM Clean Peas W. Cloudy rather mild

Dec 1880 Jan 1881

23 I & John Took 1100 ft of Lumber to AB Ramer @$10.00 per M AM John & Flavius began drawing out Hemlook wood in other bush W M is cutting some W. rather sharp East wind

24 I & Nancy went to Markham with 2 Turkeys & 1 goose boys drew out wood W. fine some east wind

Christmas day 25 John & girls went to Meeting at Widemans W. Cloudy a little snow drissle from east they went with Cutter thin sleighing

Sunday 26 all went to meeting at Hebron remarks by R S Hoover Sermon on St Luke part of 2nd C by Br C S Lehmans were here PM Simon Hoover's AB's & Br N's this evening W. east wind & little snow AM. Mild Cloudy PM

27 Drew 3 loads Hemlock to Cherrywood @ $1.75 per Cord W. some snow from east AM & from west PM about 2 in fell sleighing rather thin

28 Drew 2 loads wood AM Took grist Chop to Mill & brought 1 load to end of lane PM W. Cold

29 Cleaned grist 18 bus wheat AM I took it to Mill & boys took load of wood to Cherrywood PM W. very very cold. Cler

30 Chored AM I went to R Gourlies Drew 2 loads wood PM. W. very very Cold 12 deg below Zero Br S's Menno & Lydia were here this evening

31 Drew 4 loads wood to Cherrywood W. a little milder

Jan 1st 1881 at home I went to John Cobr's to old D Hoover's this Morning to tell them that we intend to have a German school in Hebron Meeting house when I came home Motherinlaw & the boys & Saml & Enos were here went to Flavius swamp awhile shot nothing W. fine Clear, milder

Sunday 2 I & Nancy & little boys went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by R'd Jos Barkey sermon on St Mat 2 C by Br C went to Michael Fret's PM W. sharp air

3 drew 2 loads wood AM John drew 1 PM John Stover's were here little boys started to school W. fine A Burkholder brought C Gayman's here this evening

4 drew 4 loads wood Jacob Reesor's youngster were here this evening W. mild

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5 drew 4 jags wood, last of Hemlock we have to take very small loads sleighing very thin W. fine thawing a little very White Hoar frost last night

6 Chored AM I & Nancy went to David Burkholder's PM, his wife is Poorly W. about 4 in snow last night & AM

7 I & Nancy went to Daniel Ramer's John & Herman drew 7 sawlogs W. west wind & some squaals of snow, not Cold, sleighing good

8 John drew 5 big logs I & Flavius helped load & sawed some W. fine Matthew Dykes were here tonight

Sunday 9 I & Nancy went to NB's W. east wind AM, snow PM

10 went to open Meeting house O Gibner Commenced German School today I & John drew logs PM. W. Cler

11 I & John drew logs I & Nancy went to Abraham Burkholder's this evening W. Cold. white frost this Morning milder PM M Dykes moved away today to A Burkholder's farm on 9th Con Pickering

12 I & John cut some dead pine stakes for oven wood AM drew them home PM W. Morrison moved into the house where Dyke lived today @ $32.00 per year rent W. Sharp this morning, Cler we went to young D Hoover's this evening old Daniel is sick

13 I helped Br C Kill a beef AM Made Brine on Pork PM John drew rail cuts home he & Flavius & girls went to AB's this evening W. Milder, rain this evening

14 I & John sawed some elm logs in old bush he took one to Mill PM W Burkholder from Ohio Came PM to stay all night W. very Cold again

15 Cleaned wheat to get hen feed AM. Chored PM. W. Cold AM snow from east PM I went to set up with D Hoover he is weak & has spells of shortness of breath

Sunday 16 all went to Meeting at Ceder Grove remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke C by R's S Hoover went to Br N's PM John & girls went Peter W. few in snow last night mild & misty today

Jan Feb 1881

17 I helped Br N kill a beef AM Went to Belford & Nancy went with me to Hoover's PM. W. fine

18 Had Br N's Peter to help cut down Pine stubs & dead trees cut 11 W. cold this Morning

19 I & John sawed logs AM John & Flavius sawed PM. W. fine milder J H Ramer's were here this evening

20 I & John sawed AM I went to Ceder Grove & John drew some wood & went to Belford to get sleigh fixed PM W. mild

21 Chored & Cut straw for beds Br C & his man cut some here for his beds W. snow from east all day. John took Gilmer the schoolmaster home tonight he boarded with us this week

22 Chored went to Hoover's awhile. he is weakly W. snowy all day about 10 in fell since yesterday morning John & Flavius went to Whitevale for Dr Tabor this evening Henry is sick he has not been well all week

Sunday 23 Children went to Meeting I & Nancy staid at home Henry is some better W. pretty sharp

24 I & J Took wood from Br C's bush to German School AM I went to Markham John & Flavius sawed logs PM. W Cloudy sharp

25 I & John sawed logs AM drew 4 PM. W. prety Cold

26 John & Flavius drew logs I & Susanna went to Markham AM JB's were here when we came home W. little snow

27 I & John helped Br S's thresh with team W. Cold

28 Both helped Br S's thresh with team W. rather milder

29 John & Flavius drew logs I & little boys Cleaned 10 bus 15 lbs Fall wheat & took it to Ceder Grove Mills for J Mainland AM I got Chain mended at Cherrywood & Called to see Martin Barkey he was sick is up again W. snow from east PM

Sunday 30 we went to Br S's to day & to AB's this evening John & girls went to JD's this evening W. about 8 in snow last night Mild today

31 I & John drew 5 logs today I went to see Hoover, this evening he is weak W. pretty mild, snow deep in bush

Feb 1 I was all day at Hoover's boys drew 2 logs AM cut wood PM. W. very Cold

2 I Chored John drew some wood into shed out of old bush PM I was at Hoover's all night W. very very cold

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Feb 1881

3 I went awhile to Hoover's AM he is weak he has dropsy, his legs are bursted. I & Nancy went to Martin Barkeys PM he is up again W. very Cold yet John cut wood AM brought a grist for J Mainland PM

4 I & John drew 5 logs W. milder

5 boys & I drew 3 logs AM I went to Ceder Grove & to W A Milnes to see a sandpit PM W. Milder I was at Hoover's last night sitting up. he is no better

Sunday 6 John & girls went to Meeting at Altona, we went to JD's W. fine

7 I & Nancy went to Hoover's awhile AM Br S's Menno & Lydia brought visitors from Waterloo I & John went to get sand PM found the pit occupied Went to see Martin Barkey after we came back he is not better yet W strong east wind

8 Chored AM I & John drew one sawlog PM W. drissly rain nearly all day. I went to sit up at Hoover's

9 Chored I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove & to Br N's Peters this evening W. drissly rained pretty smart tonight

10 went to Motherinlaws W. soft snow going pretty fast

11 I & John Cut 13 sawlogs AM I went to Martin Barkeys PM he is pretty bad has stone in Gall I went to Hoover's this evening he is weak didn't stay to sit up W. fine mild thawing

12 Chored. Hoover's sent for me about 11 O clock I went. found him dying he expired at 2.30 Oc PM I staid to helped lay him out he died in his Chair John & Flavius drew 5 sawlogs PM W. heavy wind & rain from east AM cler PM

Sunday 13 I was at Martin Barkey all last night & at Hoovers today helped to Put him into his Coffin W. pretty Cold. west wind & little snow last night

14 Asked NB Br N's Peter & Colin Reesor to help dig Hoover's Grave W. sharp Cler

15 went to Hoover's Funeral a great many people gathered fine Cler day Daniel Ramer's M N's & Peter & Jesse Hoovers were here PM I & Nancy went to Martin Barkeys this evening he is better Br C Preached from Part of 39th Psalm. Saml Hoover on 2 Tim 4 C

16 David Lehman from Pennsylvania Came here this morning I took him to N.B's for dinner. Then to Moyer's. They were not at home Then to A B's & left him for the night W. fine

17 I & boys killed big sow for our own use A M John brought Maple stub from other bush for smoke wood PM I went to Ceder Grove W. fine cler

18 Cleaned & Hung up Pork to smoke W. gentle snow from east all day

19 we cut & drew logs got 11 to the Mill W. fine Cler shop

Sunday 20. all went to meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Mat 17C by Br C Saml Reesor's & David Lehman from Penn were here PM Br C's & NB's this evening W. fine

21 I & John Cut & drew 7 logs W Cler

22 John drew stones from other place I went to Cherrywood AM & to German school PM. this is the last day I & Nancy went to S Ramer's this evening W. soft, thawing

23 I went to see Saml Shank AM he is sick with Influenza on lungs Chored PM W. blowed up Cold from north, freesing

24 I didnt feel well, boys drew stones from other place W. very Cold

25 I took dose salts this morning boys drew stones with 2 sleighs PM. W. rather milder

26 drew stones with 2 teams I & Nancy went to Shanks a little while PM he is better W. strong east wind Milder this evening

27 Sunday I & Nancy went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by R'd S Hoover went to Joe Widemans PM. Called a few Minutes at Motherinlaws PM she was not very well but is better W. mild rained PM

28 Sawed & split pinewood in other bush JM helped PM I marked out grave for Peter Brooks in our graveyard PM W. fine mild

March 1 I done nothing. boys Chored AM went to Funeral of Peter Brooks PM he died in Muskoka last Thursday W. Blowed very Cold from north I have lame back

2 I done nothing AM went to bush awhile PM John & JM sawed 7 split wood & shingle bolts W. fine Mild AB's & Br C & girls were here this evening

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Mar 1881

3 John & JM sawed bolts AM we all cut & drew home wood from old bush PM W. strong wind from east all day, snowing this evening

4 snowed from east, strong AM not so stormy PM. Mild soft, roads drifted some, boys drove to 4th Pickering & to Ceder Grove

5 I went to Pilkeys & Chored AM I & boys Cut down a pine tree & sawed it PM. W. fine mild soft

Sunday 6 at home all day Br S's were here W. fine

7 I & John drewe 3 logs AM John & Benjamin drew 1 PM. Flavius & Herman went to school I & Nancy went to Markham & to Jacob Kendricks this evening W. fine soft

8 I & Nancy went to GE Thoman's they moved to 9th Con Whitchurch then we went to Henry Barkeys this evening W. fine Cler

9 I Nancy & children went to MN's & to Simon Hoover's this evening W. very fine

10 I & John sawed shingles timber W. Cooler, North wind

11 JM helped saw shingle timber AM I & John Cleaned some wheat PM. W very cold north wind

12 I went to Markham AM got Nell & Farmer shod sleighing pretty thin Chored PM W. cold raw east wind began snowing from east after dark

Sunday 13 I & little ones kept house Nancy & the rest went to Meeting at Cedar Grove John & girls went to Abraham Burkholder's after Meeting JD's were here this evening Br C's after supper W. a few inches snow last night Cloudy & drissly AM a little snowy this evening

14 I & John split shingle bolts AM Drew 2 loads to AB Ramer's PM thawing W. Cler

15 I & John drew 2 loads bolts AM John finished splitting PM I & Nancy went to Br S's Tilmans this evening they live on the farm that Br S bought of John McCreight Lot 11 5th Con Scarboro. W. warm Cler

16 I & John & Benjamin drew 2 last loads bolts AM John & Benjamin drew pine wood from other bush to shed PM W. fine, sleighing about done

17 I & John got Br C's Honey Fanning Mill Cleaned & took 32 bus 35 lbs Clawson wheat to Cedar Grove @ $1.08 per bus W. Cloudy

18 Cleaned & Took 69 bus 55 lbs wheat at 2 loads W. Cler sleighing gone we draw the wheat with the waggon

Mar April 1881

19 Chored & Took 34 bus 55lbs wheat to Mill AM Cleaned Tailings & some Wild goose Spring wheat PM. W. Cloudy AM strong storm of wind & rain from east PM

Sunday 20 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on St Mat part of 25 C by R'd E Snider from Waterloo Manasse Fret's & JD youngster's were here PM W Cloudy this Morning Cler today soft snow this evening Mild very high water

21 I & John took 33 bus 10 lbs goose wheat to Cedar Grove AM @ 95 cts per bus John took 12 bags tailings Chop PM Bridge at Br S's wrecked with ice W. squaaly PM

22 had JM to help cut wood W. Cold N wind

23 I & Nancy went to Markham & to JH Ramer's. John has sore throat. W. fine rather Cold N. wind

24 I brought home Chop AM John Gayman's were here when I came home. John went to TP White's sale with Br C. PM John Stover's Came to stay all night W. fine

25 JM helped to saw 2 foot wood W. fine

26 JM helped saw wood I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove AM & awhile to AB's PM. AB is sick with Mumps W. very Cold N wind freesing

27 Sunday at home John & Flavius went to AB's & girls & little boys to Br C's PM. Br C came PM W. cold N wind

28 Chored AM I & John & Nancy went to Markham PM to buy clothes for John W. North wind Milder roads getting better

29 John & Flavius drew dung on field back of barn AM JM filled. Motherinlaw & Peter Came Motherinlaw staid. I & Nancy took her awhile to AB's PM he is a little better. W. fine Cler Milder

20 Took Motherinlaw & Nancy to Br C's AM & left them there. I went with them to Aunt Lissy at NB's PM W. Cold Cler

31 I & Nancy took Motherinlaw home stopped awhile at David Burkholder's PM. his wife is very low W. a little snow last night. mild today

April 1 I fulled dung AM John drew with 2 waggons John & Benj drew home limb wood PM I have lame back. W. Clear. Cold wind

2 John & boys drew dung on wheat at other place AM drew home limb wood PM I have lame back. W. Cold nights thawing in the afternoon

Sunday 3 John & girls went to Meeting at Altona W. Cler cold N wind

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Apr 1881

4 John & Flavius finished drawing dung on wheat at other place AM I went to Cedar Grove we sawed wood PM my back is some better W. Cler Cold

5 I & John split wood W. very very Cold North wind squaals of snow

6 I & John sawed pine wood that we drew home in logs AM I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove PM I went to AB's after supper he is better W. windy yet a little milder

7 John took Farmer & old Nell to get shod AM I brought one load of sand from rouge near schoolhouse AM John brought 2 loads & I brought one PM. W. fine a great deal warmer roads very good except the hill in the new road at JD's I went to Cedar grove this evening & asked B'r C's N's & S's to help scrub Meeting house tomorrow

8 I & Br C went to W Milnes this AM to see about getting sand John helped scrub Meeting house. I & John brought 2 loads sand PM freesing at night & thawing in daytime

9 brought 4 loads sand & I stopped at Br S's gravel pit as we came home PM & helped load teams to draw fro Saml Ramer he has a bee to draw to his store door. W. warmest day this spring

Sunday 10 all went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C sermon on Romans 1 C by R'd S Hoover AB's were here PM. W. fine warm

11 I & John sawed wood awhile in old bush AM he split PM I & Nancy went to Mannasse Frets PM. W. fine Cool wind

12 I & John & Flavius sawed awhile AM saw didnt go well I took it to get it fixed at J Milroy's. we split 74 rails in other bush PM. W. cler

13 boys laid fences on other place & I went to Ceder Grove AM sawed wood in old bush PM Benj'n Hoover's were here PM. W. fine Cler sowed some grass seed this morning

14 Put in logs & Piled lumber W. fine Clear freesing at night & thawing in day time

Good Friday 15 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by R'd S Hoover R'd S Hoover's & Esther Reesor were here PM W. fine

16 I & boys Put in logs & Piled lumber W. warm

Sunday Easter 17 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Mat by R'd Joe Widemans Simon Hoover's Harry Boyers John G Reesor Tilman & Esther Ramer were here PM W. very fine

April 1881 May

Easter Monday 18 I Nancy & little ones went to S Lehmans John & Flavius went shooting W. fine Cler roads good

19 Put in logs & Pile lumber W. Cler frost every night

20 Put in last of logs that we intend to have sawed at present W. fine

21 I & Flavius finished piling lumber & John grubbed on other place W. Cler warmest day this spring

22 John Grubbed I sowed spring wheat on other place Flavius harrowed W. warm

23 John sowed spring wheat in north part of N West Corner field I sowed Barly on other place AM Flavius harrowed I & Nancy went to Markham PM W. warm Cler I forgot to say that the boys sowed barly on root ground south of old bush yesterday PM & I & Nancy went to M Dyke's & I went to MN's for 20 bus seed oats

Sunday 24 I & Nancy & little ones went to Br S's John & gilrs went to JD's PM J B Came this morning to tell us that David Burkholders wife died about 100 AM I went to tell D Hanes AM. W. very warm

25 John sowed Oats in NW Corner field & began in big field Flavius harrowed we went fishing this evening Caught 8 suckers there have been a great many caught at Br S's lately W. Cooler

26 I & Nancy went to D Burkholder's wifes Funeral sermon by Br C on 1 Corinthians 15 C Sam Hoover spoke went to Jos Barkeys PM W. warm this morning heavy shower as funeral was going to the graveyard none at our place. Cooler PM

27 boys finished sowing big filed with Oats AM John began plowing on other place Flavius took farmer to get shoe put on I rolled wheat behind Cider house PM W. Cler

28 Boys both plowed I Chored W. Cler

29 Boys both plowed I rolled barley & drew load of lumber W. Cold N wind

30 I drew home lumber all day had Br C horse yesterday & today boys finished plowing W. Cler

Sundy May 1 all at home W. Cler

2 Sowed about 5 acres oats on other place AM & 4 bus wild goose wheat in low place PM. Motherinlaw & Jesse were here W. Cler

3 I went to Toronto sold Butter 23 cts Eggs 13 W. fine cool freesing every night

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May 1881

4 John rolled I & Flavius drew edgings AM then we all drew some dung on strip of barly where M Dyke's cow corn was last year W. Cler Cool wind getting very dry

5 John drew dung on root ground JM filled I & Flavius sowed grassseed on fall wheat on other place then he rolled it & the other grain on that place W. windy Cler

6 boys plowed in root ground AM sowed some Carrots & I brought 3 bags potatoes from Br S's PM W. fine shower last night warm today

7 I went to Markham & boys planted about 4 bus Potatoes AM Finished garden fence where we enlarged it then I & Herman brought some Chop from Ceder Grove & the rest of the boys went fishing Caught 21 suckers W. warm

Sundy 8 all went to Meeting at Widemans except Flavius & Benjamin Martha Cook went with us she was here all night suitable sermon for the Celebration of Lords supper we went to Saml Hoovers John & girls went to Joseph Barkeys W. warm

9 our three oldest boys plowed in field back of barn near the bush AM didnt plow much PM. it was showry, we had one of Br C's horses W. warm thundering a little tonight

10 boys finished plowing back of barn for peas. then Herman ganged on knoll in NW corner field for Peas John & Flavius plowed on other place MN's were here at noon I & Br C went to JD's AM & to Tripp PM W. warm West wind

11 John & Flavius plowed on other place I sowed 4 bus Oats & 2 bus Peas near bush back of barn W. very very warm Thunder showers went round

12 Finished sowing Knoll & I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove AM went to Cherrywood PM boys finished plowing PM boys pulled off some boards on old barn after supper W. very warm

13 I sowed 8 bus Peas on other place Flavius harrowed. John harrowed at home I & Joh pulled down some of old barn PM W cooler

May 1881

14 Pulled at old barn I started about 5 Oc Pm to Kingston road for rollers & Tackling for Moving buildings. got loaded at dark when a thunder storm came up. staid awhile, then left our waggon and borrowed another to come home W. cooler

Sunday 15 all went to meeting at Hebron suitable remarks & Texts for Celebration of Lords supper by Rc C & S Hoover I & Nancy went to D Hanes PM MN's youngsters were here PM W. Cler AM fine shower PM

16 I & John brought moving Tackle from Kingston road AM boys plowed root ground & I & little boys cut seed potatoes PM I put on some grafts at Peters this evening W. rainy AM Cloudy PM

17 Boys plowed root ground I spread dung AM went to Markham PM Tripp & his Man Came at supper to begin taking down the additions of old barn. W. Cloudy Cool

18 Pulled down all the additions of old barn W. drissly & wet AM rather Clearer PM, mild heavy rain last night ground wet

19 Raised up & started to turn old barn W. rainy AM. Clear PM

20 Turned old barn to face south didn't get quite done Br N brought S Moyer from Clinton & Brubacker from Masa awhile this evening W. Clear. a few slight showers

21 I & Nancy Accompanied by Br C Started this Morning about 8 Oc to Milikens took the train to Toronto then at 3.45 took train for Breslau arrived about 6.30 then we visited among friends & acquaintances until this evening June 2 we arrived safely home where we found our families well the boys had planted the potatoes & Corn and plowed the fallow Garden & J Mainland nearly finished digging Cellar under old barn the boys washed & sheered the

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June 1881

sheep and done up things very well we had very fine weather for travelling nice & dry rather too dry, at home we had frequent showers. we attended annual Conference at Berlin

June 3 Cleaned wheat AM took 19 bus 17 lbs Clawson to Ceder Grove @ $1.10 PM W. rainy AM. Cloudy PM

4 I & boys went with 2 waggons to AB Ramer's for our shingles 24 Bunches got Jess & Nelly shod made stone boat PM I went to AB's this evening. W. fine

Whit sunday 5 all went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks & sermon Acts 2nd Chap by Br C went to Br N's John & girls went to Br S's W. rain this morning

Whit Mondy 6 boys went fishing to Mouth of Rouge Caught a few I & Nancy went to Peter's awhile PM his wife is sick with Mumps W. Cool. Cler

7 Planted Corn second time hens & crows eat it all boys drew dung on fallow PM I & Herman took grist 7 bus fall wheat PM. W. Cool frost yesteday morning not much damage

8 John & Flavius drew dung on fallow east of dam with 2 waggons I filled Gourley & Mainland dug at foundation Flavius brought 225 2 in tiles from JD's & John brought home grist after supper W. fine cloudy

9 I went to Toronto sold eggs 13 cts Butter was 14 to 16 cts W. Cool east wind 10 John & Flavius worked on road with team on 11th Conn

10 I John & Flavius worked on road drawing gravel AM boys worked PM I & Nancy went to Markham W. very fine

11 I & John & Flavius brought 26 Brls Lime from Markham AM & 2 loads gravel for foundation of barn. PM W. fine warm day

Sunday 12 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St John 3rd C by Joe Wideman

June 1881

BF Reesor brought Henry Eby from Waterloo Jac Nighswander & wife Chris Hoover & family were here Pm. W. fine Cool Cler

13 boys brought 3 loads gravel then we drew stones Masons began wall about noon today 2 Masons & one Tender I went to Tripps after supper W. warm Thunder showr this evening

14 I & Flavius brought some Planks this morning then drew stones AM I & Nancy went to Motherinlaws to settlement & signing off the estate. W. fine Cler

15 all drew stones & 2 loads sand. W. fine Cool Cler

16 Drew stones & 1 load sand I went to Markham Pm fine rain last night JH Ramer's were here this evening W. pretty warm

17 Drew stones& 1 load sand I went to Markham PM fine rain last night John plowed turnip ground PM

18 Boys plowed turnip ground I drew some stones W. fine Cler

Sunday 19 John & girls went to Meeting at Widemans we were at home all day Aunt Lissy Burkholder was here W. fine

20 Boys finished plowing turnip ground AM harrowed & rolled PM I took part of roller to Cherrywood to get fixed after supper. W. Cool

21 Boys made turnip drills J bought seed at Cedar Grove PM. Masons finished wall this evening W. fine Cool

22 I went to Toronto sold Butter 15 ct Eggs were 17 Boys sowed turnip W. fine Cool

23 Drew dung with 2 waggons I filled. W. fine Cool

24 drew dung I filled AM JM filled PM. I went to SM & scuffled Potatoes PM. W. fine

25 Boys worked Scarboro road work I helped Carpenters. they began barn today W. fine

Sunday 26 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Altona remarks by Br C sermon on Romans 8 C by Jac Wideman

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June July 1881

Went to MN's after Meeting & to John H Hoover's at supper W. very fine

27 Boys plowed in fallow AM Chored PM. W. rain after dinner

28 brought home a Cedar log from Shanks swamp this morning Then brought a load of lumber AM boys plowed PM. W. pretty warm

29 Boys plowed I went to Markham PM. raised part of Leanto on barn after supper W. fine

30 John mowed awhile then the Cap lost of Pitman Connection I went to Ceder Grove to get another. got none the boys plowed I spread dung W. fine

July 1 got NB's Mower to finish Clover east of Creek Flavius Plowed W. fine

2 Finished raising Leanto & put in Sleeps AM raked & Cocked all Clover PM. W. pretty warm

Sunday 3 Went to Meeting at Ceder Grove John Flavius & little ones Kept house remarks by Br C Sermon on St Luke 10 C by Saml Hoovers Martin Barkeys & Peter B Reesor's were here PM John McGowan at supper W. warm

4 Drew home 3 sleepers then drew 8 loads Clover with 2 waggons till supper W. very warm

5 John mowed Clover east of Creek with our Mower AM both boys plowed PM. I & John brought small load of Culls after supper W. very very warm 90 {symbol for degrees} in the shade

6 Boys plowed AM Raked & Cocked hay east of Creek PM. Made bridge into new barn after supper boys brought load of Culls after supper W. very warm

7 I & Nancy went to Markham & to AB Ramers for few shingles AM Chored PM I went to Ceder Grove after supper boys & JM Cut nearly all swail in Meadow till rain stopped them fine fine through the middle of the day

8 Finished Cutting swail in Meadow AM Raked & Cocked PM boys finished Plowing fallow W. warm

9 I went to Toronto sold butter 18 cts eggs 18 cts.

July 1881

boys & JM drew in 6 loads hay & raked & cocked nearly all swail in Meadow W. very warm

Sundy 10 all went to Meeting except some of little ones they have a bad cough remarks by Br C Sermon on 1 Cor 5th C by Saml Hoover Deacon C Hoover's & Saml Reesor's young folks were here PM. W. very warm

11 Drew in {blank space} loads of hay out of Meadow & got it nearly all raked over I took wool to Sparta Mill PM & went to Cherrywood after supper W. fine

12 finished raking meadow & took in all the rakings & out of little orchard boys boys Cut it on saturday scuffled Carrots & Corn JM Cut most of swail in wheat field I & John fixed water trough out at other place this evening W. not so warm

13 I went to Whitevale & Cherrywood boys hoed Potatoes AM John drew hay for JM PM I & Flavius brought 400 3 in tiles this evening W. Cler

14 John brought 200 3 in tile & 200 2 in this morning then we raked & drew 2 loads hay on other place till supper John Hoover's from Whitechurch were done at supper boys drew 1 load out of swail behind orchard after supper I & Nancy took 225 tiles to JD's this evening W. warm

15 I went to Markham AM John drew hay for JM drew & raked 2 loads on other place till supper boys drew little load out of swail after supper W. very warm

16 scuffled & hoed turnips raked & cocked some hay on other place after supper W. slow rain awhile AM Cleared up PM Cooler

Sunday 17 1 Nancy & Herman went to Meeting at Wideman's. Ann Shirks went with us she is spinning here

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July 1881

remarks by Br C Sermon on Hebrews 4 by Saml Hoover went to JB's PM & to Abraham Lehmans at supper W. Cool

18 I shook some hay & went to Cedar Grove this morning then I & John drew 2 loads AM Cut & bound barly opposite Br C's PM. W very strong North wind all day Cool

19 JM & boys Flavius shocked barly & I & John drew last 2 loads hay little boys hoed turnips AM W. Morrison Cradled barly on other place Herman & JM bound I & boys hoed turnips PM. W. warm

20 Chored AM hoed turnips PM JM helpd PM. W. rainy AM Clr PM

21 W Morrison finished Cutting barly on other place JM & Flavius bound I & boys drew shingles from NB's this morning then cut some wheat back of Orchard till supper then helped shock barly on other place W. fine Cool

22 Finished cutting & shocking wheat back of Orchard W. fine

12 Cut about 2 thirds of wheat behind Cider House. W. very warm

Sundy 24 at home AM went to AB's not at home then to JD's not at home PM. W. very warm

25 Chored AM finished wheat behind Cider house till supper slight shower this morning. heavy rain after supper

26 I & Nancy went to Toronto sold butter 22 & 20 cts Eggs 16 boys harrowed fallow AM bound wheat at other place WM Cradled PM. W. fine Cool

27 Flavius & JM bound last of wheat at other place I & John put in 1 log at SM & brought home load Culls I went to Grove's shingle Mill to buy some shingles PM John Herman & Benjamin drew 3 loads barly. W. a little squaaly Cool

July Aug 1881

28 drew 1 load barly at home & 6 at other place AM Chored PM. W. fine AM heavy showers PM

29 I brought 6 bunches shingles from Groves Nancy went as far as her Mother's boys raked & drew in barly rakings at south of bush W. very warm

30 drew in last 2 loads barly at other place & 15 loads wheat W. very warm

Sunday 31 Nancy kept house with little ones they have Whooping Cough I & the rest went to Meeting at Ceder Grove Ann Shirk went with us remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by S Hoover W. warm

August 1 drew in {blank space} loads wheat with 2 waggons AM heavy shower after dinner boys began plowing barly stubble south of bush PM I went to Cedr Grove

2 boys plowed stubble till supper drew in 4 loads after supper Adeline helped unload W. warm

3 drew in last 2 loads at home this morning then went to other place & drew the fall wheat there 7 loads & one load hay for WM drew in 2 loads rakings at home after supper. W. very very warm

4 drew in last rakings at home then cut road round big Oat field. Cut PM. W. very very warm

5 Cut Oats in big field till supper then rest shocked after supper I went to Ceder Grove to get a bolt for reaper. W. very very warm

6 I scuffled turnips JM & boys shocked Oats till about 10 AM when it began to rain, rainy all PM heavy thunder shower last night

Sunday 7 Nancy & little ones Kept house I & the rest went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Mat 18 C by R'd Jos Barkey W. Cooler

8 Flavius & JM bound Oats on other place I & the rest of the boys cut last Oats in big field & bound them. W. quite Cool

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Aug 1881

9 Flavius & JM finished binding on other place I & boys cut oats in NW field didnt quite finish binding W. fine pretty warm.

10 Finished binding Oats & Cut spring wheat in NW Corner field shocked wheat & oats in that field. W. fine

11 finished shocking Oats in big field & Cut & bound Oats in field back of barn along bush till noon then John & JM helped Br C's draw Peas PM I went to Ceder Grove for beef & then we began to pull peas with rake W. fine pretty warm

12 boys plowed awhile AM drew Oats with 2 waggons out of big field 9 loads PM W. rained awhile this morning warm Clr PM

13 John & Herman bound spring wheat at other place WM cut I & Flavius & Benjamin drew in 4 loads Oats till supper then Flavius helped thresh at NB's JM helped all day I & Benjamin shocked at other place after supper W. fine

Sunday 14 John & girls went to Meeting at Wideman's Herman & Benjamin went to Cobrs Meeting Br S's Came here AM I went for Doc Tabor this evening Nancy is not well W. fine Cool

15 I went to Markham AM John & Herman bound wheat JM & Flavius helped NB thresh I was sick PM Tabor gave me a severe Physic last night Nancy is some better Tabor was here today W. fine

16 John & Herman & Flavius shocked & bound spring wheat at other Place AM drew in Oats PM JM helped Pilkey thresh I am very weak I went for Dr this evening. Nancy was rather feverish he relieved her very soon. W. fine Br C & his Man drew in most of our Oats at other place AM

17 drew in all our Oats & spring wheat at home 2 of Br C's helped W. fine I am not well yet.

Aug 1881

18 Pulled Peas at home & drew 3 loads from other place John & JM helped Br S's thresh with team PM. W. fine I went for Dr Nancy is rather worse he Came & pronounced it Bilious fever he relieved her at once

19 John & JM helped Br S's thresh AM little boys finished Pulling Peas AM drew Peas home from other Place & JM helped Br N's Peter thresh PM. W. fine warm

20 boys drew in spring wheat & one load Peas home from other Place I borrowed 8 bush wheat from Br S's & took it to Ceder Grove Mill PM Nancy rather better W. warm

Sunday 21 at home Br N's were here AB's & Lissy Burkholder a little while this evening Nancy Mending a little I went AM to let Dr know how she is doing this AM. W. dry warm

22 Finished drawing in Peas. one load from other place & 5 loads at home. which finishes harvest except some rakings I helped to unload but I am pretty weak W. warm

23 boys finished plowing & harrowing barly stubble south of bush AM began plowing Pea ground at other place PM. W. dry & warm Mother inlaw & Peter were here at noon & MN's PM. W. warm

24 Boys plowed in Peas stubble & Herman raked stubble at other place W. warm

25 boys finished Pea stubble & harrowed till noon then drew in rakings. W. Cler

26 John began ganging barly stubble at other place I & Flavius drew in last load of rakings at other place AM I brought Pig from Danl Ramers PM. W. warm Nancy a little better

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Aug Sept 1881

27 John finished ganging barly stubble at other place Flavius began ridging up in fallow W. warm

Sundy 28 at home {illegible scribble} Isaac Moyers were here at noon Br S's AB's & Br N's boys at supper & Martin Barkeys this evening W. very warm Nancy not quite so well a Child of Hiltses was buried at Hebron today

29 John & JM drew dung at other place Flavius ridged in fallow W. very warm

30 I & JM & Herman finished drawing dung John & Flavius ridged up W. very warm

31 John & Herman ridged up AM John & Flavius PM I & Nancy went to see Dr at noon he was not at home JB's were here I & Nancy Nancy went to other other place this evening she is pretty smart W. very very warm & dry the air has been filled with smoke these few days the sun looks dull & red

Sept 1 threshed at other place Danl & Abraham Hoover are threshing. we have not got our home power fixed yet & didnt Care to move our old machine out there. W. very sultry & hot at 5 PM it became nearly dark then a welcome thunder shower Came up rained fine

2 threshed till early dinner 85 fall wheat 77 spring wheat 134 barly 136 Oats then boys ridged in fallow PM. W. some Cler more rain in the night

3 I & Benjamin Cleaned seed wheat Three boys finished ridging fallow & harrowed it AM

Sept 1881

John began sowing fallow PM I & rest of boys drew dung on barly stubble south of bush W. pretty warm smoky yet

Sunday 4 all went to Meeting at Hebron suitable remark & sermon for Celebration of Lords Supper by S Hoover & Br C Saml Lehman's were here at noon & Br S's Menno & Lydia PM I & Nancy went to Br C's PM with Lehman's W. prety warm

5 John finished sowing fallow then helped Flavius & Herman plow in barly stubble W. very warm & sultry about 5 PM. it became almost dark & the sky looked quite red

6 boys finished plowing & harrowing barly stubble & John sowed it then they all began plowing Pea stubble at other place W. warm & sultry

7 Flavius & Herman plowed John spread dung AM went to draw Bricks for Murisons PM. Simon Hoover were here Flavius & Herman didnt plow PM. W. warm blowed up Cool this evening

8 3 boys finished plowing Pea ground W. warm & dry Bush fires raging

9 I sowed Pea ground AM Herman harrowed it John & Flavius plowed in barly stubble at other place Br C's Kitura brought Mary Cressman & Martha Snider from Wilmot they arrived last night W. warm

10 John & Flavius plowed little boys dug a few potatoes & Picked some Cider apples I & Nancy went to Markham & to J A Ramer's PM he was sick but is better again W. same as usual

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Sept 1881

Sunday 11 John & girls went to Meeting at Wideman's Flavius Herman & Benjamin went to Br S's I & Nancy & little ones went to JD's. W. fine Cler

12 Boys finished plowing Barly stubble & Cleaned a load of barly at other place I & Nancy went to Br S's for some Tomatoes this morning then I & Herman made 35 gals Cider PM. W. rather Cooler

13 I & John took 49 bus 33 lbs Barly to F mans bay @ 85 cts AM Cleaned another load PM W. fine Cler the smoke has all disappeared from the sky

14 John & Flavius took 57 bus 44 lbs barly to Bay @ 85 cts I & Nancy went to Simon Hoover's I went to see Benj'n Stores about digging a well PM boys began fall plowing in field behind barn near bush where Peas & oats were. W. fine Cool

15 John & Flavius plowed AM Made 32 gals Cider PM I & Nancy went to Markham PM. W. fine pretty strong east wind

16 John & Flavius helped Br C thresh with team I chored & went to Cherrywood PM

17 Three boys helped thresh AM John PM I chored W. east wind

Sundy 18 John Flavius & girls Br C's Thomas & Elizabeth went to AB's Herman Benjamin & Abraham to Br N's PM Ann Shirks was here I took her to Br N's this evening W. a little drissly AM Cler PM

19 John helped Br C's thresh Flavius & Herman dug some early Potatoes W. dine

20 John took some lumber to AB Ramers to get dressed I took Flavius & Herman to get Boots Measured AM dug Potatoes PM. W. fine Mary Cressman & Martha Snider Came to stay all night

21 I drew Top soil away from front of new barn on field back of Cider house for Manure JM helped. boys finished digging early potatoes AM

Sept 1881

J H Ramers Came at noon Adeline went visiting with Waterloo gorls. W. fine, smoky

22 Thanksgiving day all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke by S Hoover I & Nancy went to AB's PM W. slight shower this morning. pretty warm

23 Plowed & Scraped away front of new barn I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove PM W. slight shower this morning very heavy Clap of Thunder struck a willow tree on south townline by the Creek. slivered it to pieces

24 all dug Potatoes W. fine Cloudy AM

Sunday 25 all went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C sermon on St John 1 C by S Hoover went to Br S's after service John & girls went to JD's PM W. warm Cler

26 dug Potatoes W. very warm

27 Finished digging Potatoes & Cut some corn AM boys Cleaned & took a grist to Mill PM I & Nancy went to Mother inlaws PM. W. warm Cler This is my 45th Birthday

28 I went to Stouffer's Mills the old Forest Mills, this morning to sell some wheat Boys Cleaned some at other place. Then I & Flavius Took 31 bus 20 Clawson @ $1.30 & 8 bus 26 lbs Wild goose @ $1.10 . PM John Took load lumber to station, inch Pickings @ $17.50 per M. W. warm

29 Cleaned 48 bus wild goose & took it to Forest Mills to see if I could get a loan of his Windlass & Bucket to dig a well at other place boys worked at barnyard W. east wind looks like rain

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Sept Oct 1881

30 I & John Cleaned last of wild goose 14 bus 20 lbs grist. AM boys cut amber cane, drew it into barn & worked at barnyard PM. W. warm. west wind very strong

Oct 1 John went to Br N's to thresh I went to R Gourleys AM I drew 2 Ceder Logs to SM PM little boys drew 500 old Chimney Bricks to other place PM. W. fine rain last night & AM, things growing

Sunday 2 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Mat 25 C by S Hoover I & Nancy went to N B's awhile PM he is not well. W. Cool

3 John helped Br N's thresh AM little boys Pressed Cane at JD's PM he got the loan of S Hoover's Press I & R Gourley dug a well at other place about 5 feet & Bricked it up up W. fine Cler growing

4 W. Morrison began digging in the well this morning I attended AM JM came PM to attend I & Herman took timber for Horse Power to Speights to get it dressed John & Flavius Plowed behind Cider house AM Scraped under new shed PM W. very Cold N.W. wind

5 boys Plowed I went to Green River AM I & Herman brought home some dressed boards from AB Ramer's PM. W. ground frose last night. Milder & Cler today

6 I took some Ceder logs to SM to get sawed into scantlings. AM got drill sharped PM we found a large stone in well we think we must blast it there is some water coming 3 1/2 Buckets this morning John & Herman scraped PM Flavius Plowed in big field rather hard behind Cider house W. milder

7 boys Plowed in big field Herman Plowed awhile PM we have Br C's Mare I went to Dr Taber AM am Troubled with Asthma in the evening W. Cloudy a little rain AM rainy this evening. the frost on the morning of the 5th wilted the turnip tops & Blackened the thistles

8 Three boys plowed AM & awhile PM I & WM blasted stone in bottom of well Br. N charged it then the well was so full of smoke we left it. W. squaaly AM mild

Oct 1881

Sundy 9 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by Jac Wideman Sermon on St John part of 1st C by Jos Barkey went to Br inlaw Enos Hoover's after service they live at Mongolia on 50 acres that F inlaw bought before he died. W. fine warm Cler

10 John tended at well we took out stone this morning it was broken into 3 pieces there was nearly 2 feet of water this morning & coming faster this evening. W. Cold wind Cler

11 I took Emetic this morning before Breakfast , it operated pretty freely then I went to see surveyor P S Gibson he is running line between Lots 34 & 35 3rd Con of Pickering PM. JM tended well they Came home about 10 AM & said they struck a good spring W. east wind, pretty Cold Peter & Enos Hoover were here AM

12 Chored AM, had surveyor AM PM to run line between our lot & A McCreight in 5th Con Scarboro W. rain last night & awhile AM mild

13 all went to sale at Mother inlaws I went to Funeral of Michael Nighswander AM Br C & Pery Preached he was buried at 8th Con I bought Foxtrap 30 ct, 5 bags 20 cts each Kettle & Pot 65 ct sink 90 Plow Harness 40 12 Crocks 9 cts each W. Cloudy AM, fine Cler PM

14 John & Flavius plowed AM I & little boys Picked apples John drew load lumber I and Flavius made 50 gals Cider & Herman plowed PM. W. east wind rain this evening

15 Boiled Sauce John & Flavius went Trolling with B Diller PM Caught nothing too windy W. rain last night & awhile AM windy PM

Sundy 16 John & girls went to Meeting at Altona, little boys went to JD's I & Nancy went to Tilman Reesor's to see their little boy PM W. fine Cler October day

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Oct 1881

17 Three boys finished plowing big field I went to see new well it has about 8 feet of water W

18 I & Nancy went to funeral of Old Martin Nighswander he died on Sundy evening Sermon on {black space} by Br C Saml Hoover spoke too W. Cold damp raw wind from north 19 Carpenters began putting new wood on horse power AM

19 I & Nancy went to Markham AM I & Herman Picked apples PM John & Flavius Plowed on other place W. fine Cler white frost this morning

20 John & Flavius helped NB thresh about from 8 AM I & Herman drew in 50 bags Potatoes W. fine Cler

21 boys Plowed I & Herman drew 19 bags Potatoes last ot them W. white frost. tow Bingaman girls & Henry Betsner from Waterloo were here Br S's Menno & Lydia brought them

22 John & Flavius finished plowing at other place all that we intend to plow at present I & little boys Pulled most of Carrots W. showry Mild

Sunday 23 all went to Meeting at Ceder Grove except Flavius & Benjamin John & girls went to Saml Reesor's we Came home W. Cloudy mild

24 Pulled turnips with hoes the tops are wilted we cannot pull them by hand W. Cloudy a little drissly mild

25 I & Nancy went to Motherinlaws for a bed that she gave Nancy then we bought one of Jesse for $10.00 boys Pulled turnip W. Cler mild

26 I & John brought some Planks AM then pulled turnip W. hard frost last night, ground frose thawe out about 10 oclock

27 set Machine & threshed few oats AM boys pulled turnips & I helped A Moore to put old Pump into new well at other place & fix other pump PM W. frose last night very fine today This is the 24th anniversary of my wedding with Nancy & I have never regretted it yet

Oct Nov 1881

28 drew in 14 loads turnips W. strong east wind mild

29 Chored AM Picked Cider apples PM. John Herman & Benjamin made 30 gals Cider PM W. heavy rain from east last night & AM fine PM

Sundy 30 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on St Luke 15 C by Saml Hoover D Nighswander & Ann Shirk were here PM NB's at supper W. fine

31 boys drew 9 loads turnips John & JM helped Pilkey thresh AM I took Tripps Man & Tools home this evening Killed pig & Boiled Sauce AM W. fine Cler

Nov 1 I went to Markham AM boys finished drawing turnips 4 loads. threshed 120 boxes barly & about 100 Oats PM new horse power & Machine runs well W. Cloudy AM Cler PM

2 Chored round barnyard AM I & Nancy went to Markham boys drew Carrots PM W. Cloudy AM fine PM

3 I & Nancy Br S & his wife started this morning on a visit to the state of Ohio visited a great many friends there in the County of Medina Wayne Mahonies & Columbian Called a few days in the state of New York arrived at home on the 26 found Children all well

{second page}

Nov 1881 Dec

Sunday 27 all went to Meeting at Hebron except John he staid with Henry he has a cold, remarks & sermon by Br C on St Mark 3 {illegible scribble} W. squaal of snow AM

28 I went to Br S's AM & to Cherrywood PM. W. Cler sharp

29 I went to Markham AM I & boys husked Corn PM W. milder PM

30 Killed 9 hogs W. very fine

Dec 1 I helped NB's kill hogs W. fine

2 I & Nancy went to Motherinlaws John helped Br S's Kill hogs W. fine Mild.

3 I salted Meat AM I & Nancy went to Br S's PM his wife was taken sick on Thursday she is a little better R Gourley finished some drains in sod field he dug some while we were away, boys drew some earth behind new barn to fill up near the wall & they filled some drains PM. W. soft mild

Sundy 4 at home, some of the Children went to Meeting at Cobr's I wrote a letter to JL Lehman Children wrote one to Beglys & one to DR Lehman. W. Cloudy a litte soft snow thawing.

5 I helped Br N's Kill hogs boys finished plowing sod & began plowing next years fallow W. Milder

6 boys plowed in fallow W. mild

7 boys plowed I went to Cherrywood this Morning then I & Nancy & little ones went to Br C's MN's were there W. blowed up very Cold & windy PM. freesing, very high wind tonight

8 I & Nancy helped AB's Kill hogs W. fine & Calm. frose hard

9 I went for Dr Tabor this morning Susanna & Herman have Diptheria I went to Ceder Grove PM W. Cold

Dec 1881

John got Jess & Cent shod at Cherrywood PM This is Nancy's 42nd Birthday W. Cold & sharp

10 Chored AM boys went Shooting PM W. Cler

Sunday 11 at home AB's were here W. sharp

12 Set Machine & asked hands to thresh tomorrow W. rather windy

13 didnt do much I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove this evening W. rained from east nearly all day

14 I & girls & John & Flavius went to Meeting at Ceder Grove PM Bishop D Gayman & wife & Deacon C Hoover & wife from Cayuga were there asked hands this AM to thresh tomorrow W. soft

15 threshed about 550 bus fall wheat Machine run very well W. Cler fine Gayman's & Hoover's were here awhile this morning

16 I & Nancy went to funeral of Daniel G Hoover Br C & Percy preached had supper at JH Ramer's got a piece of Venison. the funeral was at 100 PM W. fine, roads rough

17 Opened mouth of drains AM I went to Cherrywood & boys Cut a few logs in other bush PM. W. mild Cler

Sundy 18 boys & girls went to Meeting at Ceder Grove Nancy has a little touch of sore throat W. fine mild

19 I went to Markham AM boys asked hands to thresh tomorrow & cut up old rubbish W. fine mild

20 threshed about 150 bus fall wheat AM & 400 bus Oats PM Machine run very well W. fine mild, Cler PM

21 I helped Pilky Butcher AM Cleaned grist Wheat & some Oats PM W. Mild

22 Chored. John & Nancy took 6 geese & 4 Turkeys to Markham PM @ 75 cts each W. rainy nearly all day very mild

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Dec 1881 Jan 1882

23 I didnt do much boys & girls went to Funeral's of Henry Wismer's Child & old Joseph Laughlin they were both Buried at Ceder Grove at 10 AM. W. very cold North wind, frose hard

24 boys cut some logs I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove AM brought home grist W. Cler cold

Sunday 25 all went to Meeting at Ceder Hebron remarks & sermon on {blank space} by Br C A Burkholders were here PM. W. I & Nancy went to Martin Barkeys this evening W. fine

26 boys cut logs I & Nancy went to JD's PM W. cloudy mild Br S's were here this evening

27 boys Cut wood in old bush I went to Ceder Grove for new axe & handle PM. W. very fine

28 boys Cut few logs I helped Cut down tree & stub AM went to McMackons to look for a Gander PM. W. Cloudy

29 I brought home Gander this morning. boys Made walk to back pump AM done nothing PM D Stevenson Came & staid all night W. Cloudy & foggy

30 John helped NB & Br C's man dig a grave for Josephus Stover PM. he died yesterday PM I went to Br S's to get shell made W. rather Colder

31 I & Nancy & boys went to Funeral of Josephus Stover AM boys drew home few loads of wood out of old bush PM A Joseph Grove & Abraham Raymond brought Old John Stover & his daughters Hannah & Catherine Stover, after the funeral W. snowed nearly all AM pretty Cold


Jan 1 Sunday at home all day Boys & girls went to Br C's John & girls went to Moyer's this evening W. pretty Cold

2 Boys went shooting W. Cler Cold

3 Cleaned wheat. W. squaals of snow AM. very Cold tonight Herman & Benjamin commenced going to school today

Jan 1882

4 I & John Cleaned grist of Chop & he took it to Mill very Cold

5 I & John Cleaned & mixed another grist of Chop & I took it to Mill John went apiece with me & shot a partridge at the rouge. W. rather milder

6 I & John took about 85 bus Clawson wheat to Ceder Grove Mills at #1.21 W. squaals of soft snow. Milder

7 I & girls went to Markham AM boys drew & piled some 6 fot wood in old bush AM WM Cut some boys drew home wood into shed PM I & Nancy went to MN's to stay all night W. Cloudy & mild rough sleighing, good wheeling

Sundy 8 went to Meeting at Altona remarks & sermon on {blank space} by R'd S Hoover we left our horse at MN's went back to dinner & came home before dark W. Cloudy & drissly AM rain pretty heavy at noon. Mild

9 Chored AM I & John drew some wood on pile in old bush PM W. mild

10 I sifted Timothy seed John & girls went to AB's to rugging Bee & Cut feed W. Mild

11 I & John & Flavius drew 12 sawlogs W. snowed about 5 in last night, fair sleighing

12 I went to Markham with Cutter boys drew 6 logs W. mild sleighing getting thin Br S's Menno & Lydia were here with Frank Schuk & wife from Waterloo at dinner

13 I went to Whitevale & John drew 3 logs AM Chored & sifted Timothy seed PM John & girls went to Jacob Reesor's this evening. W. soft snow AM foggy PM

14 I & Adeline Susanna & Br C's Mary went to Toronto on Nippissing boys drew wood on pile W. fine thin sleighing to Millikins

Sundy 15 all went to Meeting at Ceder Grove remarks by Br C Sermon on St John 3 C by Saml Hoover John & girls went to Tilman's I & Nancy went to Peter's this evening W. fine mild

16 I & John drew wood awhile to JD's to see their son a few days old John drew wood in shed W. fine Cler

17 I & Nancy went to JB's W. mild very thin sleighing

18 Drew home some wood AM John drew 3 railcuts home from other bush PM W. rather Cold

19 I & John drew some wood on pile AM hitched up Colt Major PM & drove him 5 Miles. went very well, went to AB's this evening

20 I & John finished Drawing & piling wood except one load brought a pole from NB's swamp put it up in Meeting house yard for tying horses W. fine mild

21 Chored & Cleaned Timothy seed through fanning Mill. W. drissly rain a little snow last night. thawing today

Sunday 22 all went to Meeting at Hebron except a few of the little boys remarks & sermon on St John 14 C by Br C John Cook's & Lewis Reesor's were here PM W. very Cold North wind

23 Chored. W. very very Cold 20 deg below zero

24 I & John went to Markham to get Farmer & Nelly shod W very Cold AM Milder PM

25 John went to R Gourleys sawing Bee I Chored Saml Ramer's brought Emanuel Nighswander's from Maryland this evening Br N's Came with them. W. mild soft snow PM

26 John & Flavius sawed some logs & drew 1 AM drew 2 PM when the rain stopped then, rain all PM

27 John & Flavius sawed shingles timber & sawlogs W. very high wind last night blew down 13 of our pines & 4 barn roofs that we have heard of

28 I & boys cut logs Herman & Benjamin helped Br N clear up rubbish at their Barn AM W. soft & mild

Jan Feb 1882

Sundy 29 at home all day Br C's were here W. Cold NW. Wind Cler

30 I & John Made stairs in new horse feeding room & latches for some doors in new barn W. Cold

31 John & Flavius Cut logs I & little boys took 10 bus Oats to WM & brought 3 bags late Rose Potatoes from Br S's for seed AM. All went to Jenkins sale at Br N's farm at Uncle Ab old place PM. I bought Pitch fork 2 turnip hoes& Potatoe digger @ 10 cts set Double trees 40 cts W. pretty Cold. Clr R Walton was here at dinner

Feb 1 John & Flavius cut logs I took young sow to J Peters PM W. Cold west wind

2 John & Peter's man cut logs I & Flavius drew out some Hemlock wood. W. fine Clear all day west wind this evening

3 Boys Cut logs AM John Took 3 bus Peas to get chopped PM. W. Cler sharp Amos Weber & wife Came to stay all night

4 John & Adeline went visiting with Webrs W. east wind snow from east this evening

Sunday 5 John & girls went to Meeting at Altona the rest of us went to Br S's W. fine good wheeling

6 I & John Hitched up Colt went as far as Ceder Grove with sleigh W. fine I took Jess to Ceder Grove to get shod PM a little soft

7 I Nancy Herman & Flavius & Mary went to Br inlaw Simon Hoover's & took home Benj Stover's Well digging utensils W. sharp AM Mild, showers of rain PM

8 John drew out Hemlock wood Br inlaw John Hoover's were here I was at Ceder Grove this AM

9 I & John Took about 21 bus oats to H C Mains in Markham @ 42 cts per Bus AM. got Br C's Honey Mill PM Cleaned some Wheat W. prety Cold

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Feb 1882

10 I & John Cleaned Wheat & grist Chop tailings & oats John took Chop to Ceder Grove Mills PM. W. very Cold NW wind

11 I & John took 42 Bus Clawson Wheat to Shirks @ $1.26 per Bus AM Cleaned another load PM. W. Cler sharp roads good

Sundy 12 Went to Meeting at Ceder Grove except Flavius & little ones John & girls went to A Burkholder's we came home W. Mild

13 John & Flavius Took 42 bus 20 bls Clawson Wheat to Shirks @ $1.26 AM they sawed wood in old bush PM W. soft shower of rain AM roads awful

14 John & Herman sawed wood AM in bush I went to A Hoover's AM to buy a quarter of Beef he is Buchering Butchering, we sawed wood at shed PM John & Herman drove to 19th with Colt this evening W. soft.freezing at night thawing in daytime

15 I & John hung up pork AM went to Bradshaw's sale PM W. very soft roads very bad

16 I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove AM John Stover's were here today W. Mild AM rain PM rainy at bedtime

17 John & Flavius helped Br C's thresh Clover AM Cleaned load of Wheat PM W pretty Cold NW wind Martha Cook & Susan Boyer were here today

18 Boys sawed wood in shed AM cleaned up shop & I put new glass in one of the windows PM W. very Cold east wind

Sundy 19 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd Jos Barkey Sermon on St Mat 5th C by Bishop Abraham Martin from Wookwich R'd Jos Barkeys were here PM We went to Br C's this evening John Flavius & girls went to JD's W. drissly rain & foggy this morning

20 I & Nancy & Br S's took Bishop A Martin & Joseph Martin & their wives from Br C's to JD's then to Martin Barkeys they were not at home then to AB's & then to A Moyer's to dinner then to Manasse Frets & to Jacob Reesors to supper & to our place all night W. Cler thawing some strong east wind this evening

Feb Mar 1882

21 I & Nancy took the Martins to NB's to dinner then Br C Came & helped take them to Menno Burkholder's & to Abraham Lehman's & to Saml Barkeys where we left them W. strong east wind snow & rain AM fine Cler PM

22 I & John drew out Hemlock wood. W. fine, some little snow AM

23 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Br C sermon on St {blank space} by Bishop Martin went to JH Ramer's W fine Cler, thawing some sleighs at meeting

24 John & girls went to Saml Lehman's I helped Pilkey at Sawing Machine AM got lame back J Mainland helped PM Colin Reesor brought Noah Shants here to stay all night W. sharp this morning Cler today

25 John went visiting with Noah Shants W. fine roads good

Sunday 26 John & girls went to Meeting at Widemans & to Enos Hoover's PM AB's were here PM. W. mild Cloudy PM

27 John helped Pilkey at sawing I went to Ceder Grove this morning MN's were here today W. mild

28 I & John took 41 bus wheat to Spinks @ $1.23 per Bus AM Cleaned 29 Bus Peas PM W. frose last night thawing today

Mar 1 I & John Chored AM went to Markham PM, rainy last night & AM Cler PM roads very muddy. mild

2 Chored I & John split some rails John took JM's grist Chop to Mill W. thawing

3 Chored & Cleaned grist wheat W. freesing at night thawing in day

4 John & Flavius sawed wood in old bush AM

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Mar 1882

I & John tapped 94 trees PM Sap runs very well then I brought home JM's grist & John took fat Cow to A Hoover's this evening W. frose hard last night thawing today little boys went to Br C's Thomas's sawing Bee PM

Sundy 5 at home Br S's were here PM girls went to Cober's W. drissly AM

6 Boiled sap boys sawed wood W. Cold NW wind

7 Boiled sap W. Cold

8 Finished about 2 gals Molasses AM I went to Ceder Grove PM W. east wind

9 Chored. W. soft snow AM rain from east PM Milder

10 I & 3 boys helped Br S's thresh with steamer W. some soft snow last night & today

11 I got Cent shod at Ceder Grove F Johnson is working in the Ceder Grove shop now. then I walked to Sparta to see C Patton to Make a crib for the new well at other place the Bricks all fell in asked hands PM to thresh on Monday W. mild Cler

Sunday 12 Nancy the girls & few of boys went to Meeting at Ceder Grove Br C's children & Man were here this evening W. soft snow nearly all day thawing mild

13 threshed all AM without stopping about 400 bus Oats about 50 bus Wild goose spring wheat got done soon after 3 PM. W. fine Clear, sharp thawing in Middle of day JD's were here this evening

14 Boys sawed wood. We went to Frets PM

15 Cleaned grist 20 Bus Wheat AM I & John took ti to Ceder Grove Mills PM W. Cold sharp

16 Peter & Mother inlaw were here John & Flavius went to NB's Sawing Bee PM. W. sharp, Cler freesing at night thawing in day

17 I walked to Whitevale AM Paid Dr Tabor his Bill $19.00. AM went to see C Patton P.M he was not at home W. east wind, Cler

Mar 1882

18 I & boys split few rails & cut wood behind Cider house & little boys drew it in shed. I & Flavius brought home grist flour PM. W. strong East wind

19 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St John 5 C by Saml Hoover Uncle Saml Reesor & B F's wife & Tilmans were here. Peter & wife PM W. some rain last night fine today

20 Boiled sap all day boys sawed & split wood tapped about 36 more spiles today fine run yesterday & today

21 Chored AM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM. W. strong storm soft snow from east all AM. mild

22 Boiled sap all day W. pretty Cold

23 Boiled sap AM Finished about 11 quarts today. W. Cold & windy

24 Boys flailed rakings in new barn yesterday & today I & Nancy went to Br C's PM. W. Cold wind

25 Boys sawed wood I went to David Burkholder's sale PM Bought Pruning sheers @ 75 cts W. Cler Cold air from east

Sundy 26 I & Nancy & little boys went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by Br C Sermon on Hebrews C by Saml Hoover went to Motherinlaws PM W. Cloudy AM rain all PM

27 Chored gathered Sap Boys sawed wood I went to tell some Neighbours that John L Reesor died yesterday Morning he will be Buried tommorrow W. showry AM Cler windy PM

28 Boiled Sap all day W. fine

29 Boiled all last night & all day Boys went shooting W. fine AM Cloudy PM a little rain this evening. Br C's were all here this evening eating Taffy we have made about 10 galls of Molasses sap run well today & yesterday & Monday PM

30 Boiled sap all day, sap run all last night. frose up towards morning run again PM W. windy

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Mar Apr 1882

31 Boiled sap all day Nancy sugared off about 20 lbs sugar on the stove today W. dine sap didnt run last night nor today W. wind turned to east PM ground white with snow this morning

April 1 Sugared off 24 1/2 lbs sugar AM I & John went to Cedar Grove for Chop PM W. fine sap run some PM

Sundy 2 I & Nancy went to NB's W. fine Cler sap run well

3 Boiled Sap all day W. east wind didnt run much today sharp thunder shower yesterday Morning before daylight

4 Boiled sap all day sugared off about 44 lbs today W. fine slight shower PM. not Much sap Patton worked a little on crib of well PM

5 I & John helped Patton finish Crib & put it in well got done about 3 PM Flavius Boiled then we sugared off 20 lbs W. fine Cler east wind not much sap

6 Boys sawed wood PM I went to Ceder Grove this evening W. Cloudy rain from east this evening

Good Friday 7 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on Isaiah 53 C by Br C Br N's & Jesse Hoover were here PM W. fine Cler

8 Boiled sap all day boys sawed wood W. fine

Easter Sundy 9 all went to Meeting at Ceder Grove remarks by Saml Hoover sermon on {blank space} by Br C went to Br S's PM John & girls went home W. fine Cler

Easter Mondy 10 boys went shooting & fishing JB's were here I sugared off 21 lbs sugar this evening that I boiled on Saturday W. frose hard last night sharp wind today. Cold

April 1882

11 I & Nancy went to Funeral of Saml Raymond at Dicksons hill Sermon by Saml Hoover & John Boyer went to see Nancys Uncle Christian Hoover W. very Cold. North wind Boys sawed shingle timber AM, pulled down board fence from barn to bush PM

12 boys sawed shingle timer I & Herman went to S.M. PM W. cold

13 boys sawed shingle timber I went to Ceder Grove AM done nothing PM have bad Cold W. Cold wind, rather milder Sap runs pretty well

14 Boys pulled down some fence back of Orchard AM Put in logs at SM PM. I & Herman boled Sap Enos Hoover's were here W. fine

15 Drew home lumber & Boiled sap Made fine lot Molasses yesterday & today, freeses at night & fine warm in the day

Sundy 16 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Nancy. John Stovers wife came here from Meeting house this morning her Child was sick so Nancy staid with her. remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by Jos Barkey, John Stover's Deacon C Hoover's Children Simon Hoover's Children & Br inlaw Saml Hoovers were here PM. W. Cold NW wind JH Ramer's were here at supper John Stover's staid all night

17 I Boiled sap boys brought home last of lumber & plowed in some furrows AM W. fine warm

18 I began sowing Oats in west half of field behind Cider house. Then boys went fishing to big Rouge with Ben Diller Caught 42 suckers then I & Nancy went to Br inlaws

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April 1882

John Hoover's & I went to sale of Old Martin Nighswander's effects bought shovl @ 35 cts W. very fine & warm boys finished Oats & began in big sod field are sowing it with Oats too.

19 began sowing again, began to rain about 8 AM wet all day

20 Cleaned 50 bush Oats for Br N @ 45 cts & laid up fence AM I & John went to Markham PM W. Cloudy AM Cold wind PM.

21 Finished big sod field with Oats & began sowing barley in west end of big field W. Cold NW wind Cler

22 Finished barley in west end of big field about 4 acres then sowed in field back of barn till night W. frose last night, fine today

Sundy 23 John Flavius & girls went to AB's we went to JD's they were not at home then little boys went to Br N's PM Aunt Lissy B. was here today W. Cold in the night fine today W. Cold in the night fine today

24 boys fixed some fence at other place this morning then we sowed some grasseed on fall wheat south of bush. Boys sowed barley in field back of barn, PM. W. frose hard last night, fine

25 I & Nancy went to M inlaws for some seed Peas that I bought of Jesse @ 75 cts per Bus boys Brought in sap Buckets this morning finished Barley behind barn & rolled it PM Flavius began ganging on other Place PM. W. frose last night fine today. We tapped 140 spiles, made 130 lbs of sugar and 16 1/2 gals Molasses

26 began sowing on other place Herman rolled at home with Cent & Colt Mayor we are working him.

May 1882

22 I John, Flavius, Thomas & Br S's Isaac went fishing to Kirkhams on Big Rouge Caught about 2 doz suckers & 80 f{illegible} Catfish & some flat fish, Cut seed Potatoes PM W. fine rain all PM

23 Boys finished splitting shingle bolts AM Bored post holes north of shop & I moved Shoemaker Foster from Lapps house to one of Br S's houses PM. W. fine Cler

24 all went to Meeting at Hebron to hear Two Bauman's S. & M from Waterloo (Br C is not at home) old John Barkey JB's & Simon Hoover's were here PM Boys Cut up pine limbs in other Bush PM. W. Cler

25 Boys plowed in fallow

26 Flavius & Herman plowed I & John Made new Picket fence west of house I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM W. fine warm

27 Planted Cane Pop & Ohio Corn this morning then planted Potatoes till rain stopped us about 3 PM rained all PM

Whitsundy 28 at home Br S's were here & Br C's Children & hired Man, Menno Stover, Br C & Br N Came home this evening there were in Wallace & Clinton Townships W. Cloudy this morning

Whitmondy 29 at home Boys went Fishing to Mouth of Rouge with B Diller & Br C & Thomas they got 29 fine fish W. Cler windy

30 Finished planting Potatoes AM planted Cow Corn Trimmed some apple trees PM washed sheep after supper W. quite warm I took Susanna to Dr Tabor AM she has some affection of the throat

31 Trimmed trees AM Cleaned 10 bus Oats for C Morrison PM @ 50 cts per bus W. Cloudy rainy

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June 1882

June 1 John & Herman took 2 loads shingle bolts to AB Ramers W. windy I & Flavius set posts from barn to bush

2 Flavius & Herman took 1 load bolts AM I & John let down some posts at end of lane that were raised by Frost AM sheared sheep PM W. slight shower's warm

3 I & Flavius took last load Bolts & John drew load wood to Milliken for Br S AM Chored PM W. rain very heavy tonight & all PM

Sundy 4 Nancy & some of Children went to Meeting at Ceder Grove AB's were here PM. W. Cler

5 I took Mare Nell to C Tran's this Morning nailed on boards on fence from barn to bush W. Cler

6 John drew 2 loads wood for Br S I & Flavius finished fence W. warm John Stover's were here for seed Potatoes

7 I & Nancy & Br N's went visiting with Pennsylvania friends Deacon Jacob Reesor & wife P Oberholtses & wife & daughter C Hosteter & C Reesor we went to aunt Lissy then to Jesse Reesor's & to I Moyer to dinner then to AB's & to Jacob Reesor at supper then Reesor's & Oberholtser's were here all night the other two were here last night

8 I & Nancy & Br C went visiting with Pennsylvania friends first to Aunt Lissy's then to JD's for dinner then awhile to Peter Reesors then to Tilman Reesor's then to Uncle Josephus Reesor's to supper then to Milliken Station where they took train to Toronto Br N went with them W. heavy thunder shower PM We drove in a heavy rain a few Miles

9 Sawed up old timber behind Cider house AM fixed leans behind barn PM I & John went to Markham after supper got him new Pair fine Boots. W. fine Cler

10 Flavius ganged in fall plowed part of fallow I & John made new platform round pump PM John took mares to Trans after supper

Jun 1882

Sunday 11 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on 1st Timothy 1 C 15 V by {blank space} Suderman a Russian Mennonite from Kansas. SE Thomas Gibness, Henry Hoover & two girls Enos Nighswander & two girls Br inlaw Peters & Grandmother were here PM grandmother is staying a few days

12 Boys ganged & harrowed in fallow I went to Cherrywood to look for Ta{illegible} AM Deacon David Martin was here to supper Joseph Weber & wife Came to stay all night W. fine

13 I & Nancy went visiting with Webers first to Jacob Reesor's then to AB's to dinner then to S Moyers & to Aunt Lissys to supper then we took them to Lewis Reesor's grandmother went visitng with us today W. fine warm Cler boys finished harrowing fallow John brought 500 2 in tiles then they pulled some Pidgeon weed at other place

14 Boys plowed in turnip ground AM Chored PM quite showry PM

15 began to draw dung shower stopped us at about 9 O' I went for B{illegible} Mare Jess could not get up he says she is Parylised got her up after dinner boys topped Thistles PM Nancy & grandmother went to Br S's & Br N's today

16 Drew dung with 2 teams & 3 Waggons W. very warm JM filled

17 I & Nancy went to Toronto sold Butter 18 ct eggs 18 cts boys plowed turnip ground & harrowed Potatoes AM Scuffled Corn till heavy rain stopped them about suppertime we drove in to Tilman Reesor's didnt get wet very heavy rain north Creeks very high

Sundy 18 at home all day JD's were here PM. W. fine Cooler

19 John & Flavius plowed in fallow at other place I & Herman made little house near pump for tank to hold patent milk Cans

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June 1882

we are handling our milk on a new system we skim the cream night & morning the Cans are kept under water all the time they Cost $2.50. W. Cler very windy PM

20 I & Nancy & some of Children took wool to SB Lehman's Flavius plowed AM helped John & Herman pull Pidgeon weed at other place PM. W. fine Cool

21 Boys finished drawing dung on fallow JM filled I finished Milkhouse & put Tank into it W. pretty warm

22 Flavius & Herman scuffled Corn & John finished plowing turnip ground AM John plowed fallow at other place PM W. pretty warm, we planted some Potatoes where Carrots missed R Gourley began some drains in fallow today I & Nancy went to Br inlaws Peter's to stay all night

23 started with Peter's & Mother inlaw to Laskey in the Township of King arrived there soon after 10 AM at Anthony Lehman's had a good look around the place started for home soon after 3 PM had supper at Peter's where we had left our horse got home about 10 PM W. pretty warm, few drops of rain AM Dominion Elections on Tuesday East York Elected Hon A MCKensie 200 Maj

24Boys finished fallow at other place AM I & boys except John went to sale at Jesse Reesor's he lives at Danl Hoover's house where to old man live I bought Horse Blanket @ 15 ct W. pretty warm I & Susanna went to Ceder Grove this evening

Sunday 25 John & girls went to Meeting at Altona, we were at home all day W. warm

26 Sowed turnips. W warm

27 Boys drew dung on pile at other place W. pretty warm I took Flavius & Adeline to Milliken this evening they are going to Niagara with Br S & Isaac & Emma

28 John & Herman done Scarboro road work with team W. warm

29 I took Susanna to Dr she is not well I brought home Flavius & Adeline then we hoed & scuffled Potatoes I & John cut out a watering trough

Jun July 1882

another bush. PM W. fine warm

30 drew dung on pile at other place began to rain about 3 PM. Cool

July 1 boys plowed in fallow I & Herman spread dung W. Cloudy cool

Sundy 2 all went to Meeting at Ceder Grove remarks & sermon on Acts 2 C by R'd S Hoover we went to Br N's this PM W. fine Cool John sprained his ankle at Br S's this evening, Couldn't walk home

3 Flavius & Herman plowed I & Benjamin spread dung I went for D Tabor to see John's ankle he thinks there is no Break John can get around with Crutches W. fine Cool

4 Flavius & Herman plowed didnt go out after dinner till after supper. dropping rain didn't amount to much Cool

5 Flavius & Herman plowed I spread dung. W. very heavy rain this evening I Chored AM boys plowed PM W. fine a little Cloudy

7 I & Abram went to Toronto sold Butter 20 ct boys scuffled & hoed Corn W. fine pretty warm

6 I & boys hoed in Corn till supper then Flavius took Jess to Trans other boys brought load of edgings John's foot getting better W. fine

Sundy 9 all went to Meeting except John & Benjamin remarks by Br C Sermon on {blank space} by R'd S Hoover Martin Nighswander widow & her daughter Fanny were here at dinner & David Burkholder & Martin Barkeys at supper W. pretty warm. Cloudy

10 all hoed Corn finished till noon Scuffled & hoed feed Corn & some of Potatoes PM. W. warm fine shower PM Br N's John brought 2 Pensylvanian girls & one from Clinton PM

11 Flavius & Herman plowed Knoll fallow John & Benjamin spread dung & hoed Potatoes I went to Markham AM Saml Brownsperger's were here PM W. fine warm

12 Flavius harrowed fallow on this place Herman Scuffled Corn W. rather Cloudy {illegible} waggon {illegible} rake {??}

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July 1882

13 I went to Markham AM Flavius went fishing with Br C's Thomas to Mouth of Rouge Caught fine Mess John & Herman Made Bridge into west barn floor began to Paint Cookhouse fine rain last night W. fine Cler

14 Flavius & Herman went to S Lehman John & Benjamin made fence from shop to back gate I Painted outside of Cook house & wood shed W. fine Cler

15 John & Flavius mae fence from shop to gate at water trough Herman scuffled turnips AM then boyus drew in 2 loads of hay at other place PM raked & Cocked 2 more loads after supper I Painted all day Flavius took both Mares to Trans after supper W. warm

Sundy 16 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Br C sermon on St Mark 1 C by R'd S Hoover went to JB's to dinner & to D Nighswanders at supper W. fine warm

17 Boys drew home 2 loads hay from other place I painted outside of wood shed & Kitchen W. Cler

18 John began mowing in Meadow half past ten. Mowed all day I went to Markham PM. W. fine rain AM JM mowed in swail PM

19 John finished Mowing Meadow I got Nell shod W. Warm shower Boys painted inside of Kitchen at noon

20 I went to Toronto boys & JM raked & Cocked Meadow & some at other place I sold Eggs 22ct Butter 22 cts Oats 50 Cts W. fine

21 I & boys drew in 10 loads out of Meadow. W. showers went round a very little rain at different times

22 I got Jess shod AM boys drew in 1 load at home AM JM helped PM drew in 3 loads at other place & brought home 2 raked & cock swail at home after supper W. warm

Sunday 23 I & Nancy & Children went to Meeting at Altona remarks by Br C Sermon on St. {blank space} by R'd S Hoover went to MN at dinner & to Simon Hoover's at supper W. very warm

24 Brought 2 loads from other place AM & 2 out of swail & 2 rakings PM W. very warm

25 drew in 1 load out of little orchard & 1 load rakings from other place AM

July 1882

Boys hoed Potatoes & finished thining turnips & I went to Markham PM W. very warm close & sultry the lines of the Ontario & Quebec Railway has been located at last The Toronto & Ottawa has been Transpferred to the Nippissing & other roads, the Nippissing Guage has been Widened The Ontario & Quebec runs west of Ceder Grove about half a Mile Crosses the sideroad at the north end of Grandfather's Mill road Corsses the N West Corner of the Ira White farm work Commenced on Monday

26 I & boys done our Markham roadwork cut down hill near Br C's. W. very very warm 90 {symbol for degrees} in the shade

27 Flavius & Herman harrowed fallow I & John Put London Purple Bug Poison on Potatoes AM I Painted outside of Cookhouse on west side on stoop Boys Cleaned grist & 10 bags Oats PM began Cutting road around wheat south of bush after supper W. very warm a little rain after supper

28 I & John took 21 1/2 bus Oats to HC Man's in Markham @ 50 cts AM Cut west end of wheat south of bush PM I took Susanna to Dr Tabor after supper W. fine pretty warm pretty heavy thunder storm last night

29 I took Susanna to Dr again this morning (he was not at home) last night) boys began Cutting wheat again. broke reaper toung I & Flavius got a scantling at Br S's Made new tongue PM Cut east end of wheat till supper W. pretty warm

Sunday 30 John & girls went to Meeting at Wideman's Flavius went with Br C's youngster's 6 Converts were Baptised Noah Baker & his wife, John & Christian Ramer (Jonas Ramer's sons) Samuel & Elizabeth Wideman

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July Aug 1882

We went to JD's they were not at home W. fine

31 began to cut Barly behind barn JM helped bind PM. W. fine Cler

Aug 1 Finished Cutting Barly behind barn till noon Benjamin began Cutting in west end of big field we are not binding that Herman & Flavius are binding after WM at other place. began to rain about 4 PM. rainy yet

2 Brought home grist AM JM came PM shocked Barly behind barn Cut raod round fall wheat east of dam cut one round with reaper Benj'm finished barley west end of big field till supper W. drissly AM Cler PM

3 Cut fall wheat till supper Then JM & John shocked barly at other place I & Nancy went to Markham W. pretty warm

4 JM didnt come today WM finished at other place till noon so Flavius & Herman Came home & helped us we got Fall wheat all shocked I cut some spots south of bush that were too green when we cut the rest after supper W. very close warm

5 shocked fall wheat at other place & Cut about 13 acres barly that was so Crinkled that WM Coudnt cut it with the Cradle, AM drew in oads of barley north of bush PM W. very warm Cler

Sundy 6 all wen to tMeeting at Hebron remarks by R'd S Hoover on St Mat 5 C by Br C little Abraham Grove's were here after service W. warm pretty heavy thunder storm this evening, fine rain

7 John & Flavius Plowed fallow at other place W. warm heavy rain PM

8 Boys went to plow heavy rain stopped them about 9 AM. warm

9 Boys plowed PM I & little boys trimmed some Barly & fixed wheat shocks PM Wheat & Barley are sprouting a little W. Cleared up

10 I & Herman went to Toronto sold Butter 25 eggs 21 W. fine Boys drew in few loads barly PM

11 drew in wheat & barly all day

12 drew in last of fall wheat & some barly rain stopped us 4 PM light rain

Sunday 13 boys & gilrs went to Br C's I & Nancy & little ones went to Br S's PM. W. fine Cool

14 Finished drawing in Barly at home AM drew in all Barly at ohter Place PM & 2 loads fall wheat W. pretty warm Cler strong W wind PM

15 Finished drawing fall Wheat at other Place AM Benjamin raked Wheat stubble at home I & Herman drew them in 3 loads PM Jm & the other boys Cut Oats n field behind Cider house W very warm thunder storm went round north.

16 John helped A McCreight thresh JM & Flavius Cut road round big Oat field AM I took Susanna to D Tabor AM Cut last of Oats behind Cider house till supper heavy shower after supper. pretty warm

17 I got Cent shod AM began Cutting Oats in big field PM. washer broke in Pitman wrist had to run to Ceder Grove for new one. W. fine Cool

18 Cut Ots all day nearly finished I & Nancy went to Saml Reesors after supper. I have Erysipilas on my face got Mrs Saml to Charm it. W. fine cool

19 Finished Cutting little piece of Oats in big field this morning then boys shocked till noon then Flavius finished shocking till supper then he got Nell shod John Herman & Benjamin Pulled Peas PM. I didnt do much face is pretty bad W. fine JM helped Pilky thresh

Sunday 20 John & girls went to Meeting at Altona with Br N's Jacob I & Nancy & little ones went to JD's W. fine

21 Cut Oats at other place with reaper WM Cradled around stumps got done till supper when it began to rain didnt get all bound

22 boys finished plowing fallows at other palce Herman harrowed fallow at home AM set threshers Machine

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Aug Sept 182

I asked hands to thresh tommorow PM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove W. rain pretty heavy last night, Cloudy today

23 Threshed 381 Boxes Barly all went well till we Cleaned the floor when something went into Cylinder & Broke a spike which Bothered us a little. W. dull Cloudy this Morning. Cleared up today fine

24 John harrowed fallow at home Flavius ganged barly stubble west end of big field Herman raked wheat and barly stubble at other place AM Benj'n raked barly stubble at home & boys drew rakings PM. W. Cler

25 boys bound some Oats at other place & Came home & finished pulling Peas till dinner I ganged last of barly stubble 4 acres drew in all Peas 8 loads PM W. very warm

26 drew in 14 loads Oats JM helped W pretty warm

Sundy 27 I & Nancy & little Ones went to AB's W. fine

28 Finished drawing in Oats at home 7 loads & then drew in 5 loads at other place. W. pretty warm

29 John helped Peter Reesor thresh Flavius Herman & Benj'n drew in 2 loads loose Oats at other place AM Flavius helped NB thresh PM I got Farmer shod. W. warm 30 Herman ganged in Pea ground

30 Flavius helped NB thresh John, Herman & Benj'n drew in 4 loads Oats at other place which finishes our harvest I went to Markham AM ganged Pea ground PM. W. prety warm

31 Boys began ridging fallow I went to Claremont to Tailor PM. W. warm

Sept 1 John & Herman ridged fallow Flavius ganged Barly stubble at other Place I helped Br C's draw in Oats AM W. misty this morning, warm

2 Boys ridged Flavius finished ganging AM I helped Br C's finish drawing Oats PM. W. warm fine rain tonight some thunder

Sunday 3 all went to Meeting at Hebron Lords supper was celebrated today Jesse Hoover and Abraham Hoover's from 6 Con Markham were here W. fine Cler

Sept 1882

4 Boys plowed John harrowed fallow at other place AM. W. fine

5 John & Flavius plowed Herman drew dung with 2 waggons JM filled W. fine east wind

6 Herman drew dung I filled John helped Br N's thresh Flavius finished ridging fallow AM began in stubble ground PM I brought 15 bus Scott seed wheat from MC Flrets this evening W. warm Cler east wind

7 John harrowed fallow Flavius & Herman plowed in Barley & Peas stubble

8 John sowed Fallow with seed wheat that we got from NB it is Called Kyme wheat Came from Pennsylvania

9 John & Flavius Plowed in stubble I partly made a drying house for drying apples Br. C helped to Commence it

Sundy 10 John Flavius & girls went to JD Ramer Benj'n & Abram went to Br S's JD & AB's Lissy & Martha were here PM W. fine

11 John Herman & JM drew dung at other place Flavius finished stubble plowing 7 harrowed & Rolled in it 12 I took Jess to BS's AM got shoe removed she is lame. didnt help took here to Burrows PM he told me is was in fetlock fine

12 I began sowing stubble land John & Herman finished dung AM 2 boys Plowed at other place PM W warm

13 I finished sowing stubble AM 3 boys Plowed PM JB was here at noon thunder shower tonight

14 3 boys Plowed John had to help fight fire at Milroys PM W. very strong west wind

15 boys plowed John & Herman helped Br S thresh PM with team I & Flavius Plowed PM W. fine

16 John & Flavius helped Br S's thresh with team I went to Claremont for my Clothing AM Herman plowed W. fine

Sunday 17 at home John Cober's were here. W. fine Cler

18 Finished Plowing & sowing at other place about 10 acres sowed Amber wheat got it from Br S's W. very warm 88 deg in shade

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Sept 1882

19 Flavius helped Br N's AM John & Herman finished harrow at other place and we furrowed out at home AM John & Flavius made 45 gals Cider PM I went to sale of the Coxworth farm PM JD bought it @ 78 per acre W. fine shower at noon

20 John helped NB's thresh with one horse Flavius helped Br N's harrow with team I went to see Tripp AM he had a very bad fall about 2 months ago he is up again but he Cannot work yet for awhile helped Boil sauce PM Joseph Barkeys daughter Susan MCavanaugh was here at supper. W Cool N wind

21 Thanksgiving day all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon by Br C on St Luke 14 C by Br C Benj'n Diller was here at noon I & Nancy & little ones went to Br C's PM. W. east wind light rain through the middle of the day

22 Chored threshed few Peas AM John helped Br N's thresh PM Flavius & Herman began Plough in Oat stubble back of Cider house W. very heavy rain last night. Creeks full dam full fine Clear PM rained nearly all AM

23 I & Nancy went to Toronto sold Oats 46 cts Butter 26 cts eggs 20 cts. John helped Br S's thresh Flavius & Herman plowed W. fine

Sundy 24 all went to Meeting at Ceder Groves remarks & sermon on St {blank space} by Br C I & Nancy & little ones went awhile to Br C's PM W. fine Cool Cler

25 three boys finished plowing oat stubble behind Cider house then began in fall wheat stubble I went to Ceder Grove AM Chored PM W. pretty cool last night fine today

26 Three boys plowed. W. fine

27 John & Flavius helped Br C's thresh with team I & Nancy went to John Widemans & Called at S Lehman's for our Cloth. W. east wind, fine this is my 46th Birthday

28 Three boys finished plowing wheat stubble AM Cleaned load of barly PM W. fine

29 I & John took 52 bus 24 barly to Bay @ 67 ct Flavius & Herman began topping corn W. fine

Sept Oct 1882

30 John & Benj took 56 bus barly to Bay @ 67 ct rest of us topped Corn W. fine I & Nancy went to went to Meeting at Altona

Sundy Oct 1 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd E Snider from Waterloo Sermon on {blank space} by Jacob Mensch from Pennsylvania B Hoover's & Herman & Elias Lehman were here. Snider & Mensch & his wife & Mrs Tyson were here this morning I & Nancy went to Br S's this evening the Pensylvania visitor's are leaving tommorrow there were nine here another Preacher Called C Alleback & his wife W. fine

2 John & Herman took 62 bus to Bay at 67 cts W. fine nights Cool

3 John & Abram took 75 bus to Bay at 67 cts W. fine Cler

4 John took 47 bus to Bay @ 78 cts I & Flavius brought some Mortar from Colin Reesor to fix House at other place AM W. fine warm I went to Markham PM east wind

5 John & Flavius took 57 bus @78 Cts AM began digging Ptoatoes PM w. fine warm

6 John went to Fair at Markham for the first time I & rest of boys dug Potatoes. I & Nancy went to Manasse Frets PM his wife has broken her leg about 2 weeks ago W. fine like September we have had a long spell of very fine weather

7 dug Potatoes W.

Sundy 8 I & Nancy & some of little ones went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by R'd Jos Barkey sermon on St Mat part of 15 C by R J Wideman went to JH Ramers PM W. fine warm

9 Finished digging Potatoes W. fine heavy squaal of rain & wind about noon

10 dug a few Potatoes belonging to Boys & Picked apples W. cooler, Cler

11 Three boys began plowing in Oat stubble W. pretty Cool this morning

12 I & Nancy went to Simon Hoover's AM, his wife has been sick, is better again Herman got Cent shod three boys plowed PM W. Cold east wind

13 Flavius helped Peter Reesor thresh I went to Markham AM

{second page}

Oct 1882

John & Herman plowed AM I helped PM W. cool east wind W. fine rain tonight

14 Boys plowed. W. fine

Sundy 15 I & Nancy went to Martin Barkeys. Went to Br S's awhile this evening his wife is sick. W. fine

16 John & Flavius & Herman plowed AM I & Herman made 70 gals Cider PM John & Flavius finished Oat stubble W. fine Cler

17 Boiled sauce John & Flavius began plowing at other place PM W. fine rain AM

18 Boiled Sauce Herman plowed Potato ground Flavius helped Br N's thresh in Pickering John & Herman Plowed at other place W. fine

19 John helped Br N's thresh Flavius helped D Hoover's thresh I went to George Stonehouse for some water lime to fix Cistern Herman plowed Potato ground W. Cold wind

20 Pumped out Cistern AM boys finished plowing at other place except fallow & I mixed Mortar for J Sprague to fix plastering at house at other place W. white frost this morning the first this season, fine today

21 boys Picked apples I tended Sprague at house at other place AM then he fixed Cistern PM he mended the broken place with Bricks we are boarding 7 men that are building a Telephone from Montreal to Toronto they came last night W. slight frost last night Sundy Pre Peter Martin & wife C. Snider & wife came this evening they were here at supper then I went with them to Br C's

Sundy 22 I & Nancy took Sniders & Martins wife to Meeting at Ceder Grove remarks by R'd Jac Wideman sermon on St John 2 by R'd P Martin Br C then married Isaac Wideman & Ester Reesor in Public Meeting we took Martins & Snider to Br N's & then to JD's W. fine

23 Boys Cleaned out Cistern there was a lot of Clay in the bottom of it AM {illegible scribble} They shot 5 Black squirrels & picked apples PM. W. fine

Oct Nov 1882

24 I & John bought a Ceder log off Br S & had it sawed into 3 1/2 in planks & Covered Cistern PM rest of boys cleaned some wheat W. fine the Telephone Men passed our place today they came up the 3rd Con of Pickering & are going west on our Townline & then to Toronto.

25 I took grist to Green Pines Mills 12 Bus this Morning Boys Pulled Turnips W. fine no frost or dew last night

26 I brought home grist this Morning then helped finish pulling turnips & drew 2 loads this evening Telephone Men left this PM. W. very fine

27 I & Nancy went to Markham AM boys drew 22 loads I helped PM. W. very very fine this is 25th anniversary of our Wedding

28 John & Flavius helped Pilkey thresh I & little boys drew last of turnips 3 loads & husked some Corn I went to Ceder Grove & to Cheese Factory this evening W. Cool east wind

Sundy 29 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on Hebrews {illegible} C by R'd Jos Barkey, David Hane's were here W. fine rain last night one of the Telephone Men was here at supper

30 put pump into Cistern this morning then brought in Potatoes out of our pit I & John Cut Clover seed & Flavius & Herman scraped some of barnyard & drew scrapings on field back of Cider house I went to AB's this evening W. fine Cler

31 I & Nancy went to Mrs Th{illegible}es boys Cleaned Pens JM threshed yesterday then they drew 5 loads Corn. W. shower this morning & PM very warm & growing weather

Nov 1 Picked apples I & Flavius took 12 bus Peas to get Chopped at Br S's W. fine Cler threshed 7 Boxes oats this evening

2 John Made about 30 gals Cider AM Boiled sauce PM. W. getting colder I have Boil on face

3 Boys took in 2 waggon loads Potatoes W. Cold last night ground frose

4 Took in one load Potatoes John & Herman took Clover seed one load to A B's to get threshed, we threshed 25 bus oats with 4 horses this evening W. Boys Made 85 gos Cider

Sunday 5 young folks went to Cobers Meeting Br C was here today W. fine

6 John brought 23 bunches shingles

{second page}

Nov 1882

from AB Ramers AM Flavius & Herman plowed in root ground John helped PM. W. fine

7 Boys finished root ground W. fine

8 I & Flavius brought 600 Bricks from Links Brickyard 6th Con Markham AM John & Herman began plowing behind barn Flavius drew in pumpkins & 1 load wood & I went to Cherrywood PM W. very fine roads wonderfull good

9 Three boys plowed S B Lehman's were here W. very fine, looks like rain

10 I & Herman took 26 1/2 bus Peas to Br S's this morning then I went to Markham with Br S & Herman helped Flavius plow John helped JD's thresh Flavius & Herman drew 3 loads Corn PM. W. fine Cler

11 all drew last of Corn {illegible} loads I brought home Pea Chop this evening W. very warm & fine like September

Sunday 12 at home AB's were here awhile PM Br C & his family were here this evening W rain all AM drissly sometimes PM

13 Husked Corn JM threshed about 20 bus Oats after dinner I & Nancy went to Markham PM W. rain & soft snow AM thawed again PM.

14 John went & brought P Steinhoff this Morning then we began Cleaning Out well at other place W. Cler

15 Tended Steinhoff I & Herman drew a log to SM AM John & Herman brought 500 Bricks from Links PM. W frose last night thawed today

16 John & Herman plowed I & Flavius tended Steinhoff, finished well he Bricked it from bottom W. Cler Telephone Men put up wire today

17 I & John brought home 3 in slats for Corn Crib Flavius & Herman brought home Cattle from other place then we fixed stables I went to JD's then husked Corn PM W. snowed about 3 in last night Cler, pretty Cold

18 Chored & put apples in Cellar AM Boys plowed PM I went to Cedar Grove AB's were here this evening W. thawed a little

Sundy 19 all went to Meeting at Ceder Grove except Susanna & Benjamin remarks & sermon on St Mat 25 by S Hoover Br C was not there he has swelled face Sam felt like talking awhile in English, went went to Peter B Ramers after service W. fine pretty Mild

20 Moved Machine to Other place W. mild Br N's & NB's were here last night

21 Threshed at Other place about 110 bus fall wheat 125 barly & 50 bus Oats didnt get all Oats threshed went well W. fine mild Jacob Kindey was buried today

Nov Dec 1882

22 I helped Br C Kill hogs boys husked Corn & plowed PM W. fine mild

23 worked on Corn Crib & boys finished plowing behind barn. W. rainy nearly all day

24 wen to Meeting except John he has black eye horse struck him with his head remarks by Br C sermon on Romans 12 C 11 V by R'd Menno Cressman from Wilmot husked Corn PM W. soft snow AM wind from North not Cold Cressman & wife Moses Martin & wife Absolon Snidoer & wife came here to staly all night

25 we & Br N took Visitors to Miliken I & Nancy went to Toronto with them heard today that Jonas Ramer's wife & Jacob Wideman's wife both died last night. W. fine mild Cloudy

Sunday 26 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & Sermon on St Luke 7 C by Br C W. snowed from east all day

27 I & Susanna went to Funeral of Jonas Ramer's wife sermon on Rev 14 C 13 V by R'd Joseph Barkey S. Hoover spoke a while we went to Peter Hoover's to dinner John & Flavius drew 7 sawlogs very fair sleighing, we went with Cutter about 5 in snow fell. sharp this morning

28 I & Nancy helped AB's Kill hogs boys drew 9 logs W. sharp this morning

29 boys drew 1 log AM snowed some then we Made new bunk for sleigh they drew 3 PM I & Flavius finished Corn Crib & Carried some Corn into it Br S's were here this evening W. mild

30 Had Br S's Oxen & horse team AM drew 7 big logs John took 1 load hardwood to Millikin PM for H Clark @ 23.75 W. fine

Dec 1 Flavius took 2 loads wood we brought home some Oats from other barn & cleaned them W. mild sleighing fair

Dec 2 brought home last of Oats AM I & John took grist of Peas to Mill PM Flavius & boys Cleaned Old Wheat PM. W. snow & windy

Sundy 3 boys & girls went to AB's we went to JD's W. fine roads good

4 John took 2 loads wood to Millikin W. snow & wind AM Cleared up PM

5 John took 2 loads I & Flavius took 1 load Hemlock to Markham AM. Motherinlaw & Peter's were here W. very fine boys drew wood into shed PM

6 I helped Br S's Kill hogs John got horses shod AM took 1 load PM Flavius & Herman took 2 loads Hemlock to Markham W. fine

7 John took 1 load boys brought 1 load pine from other bush for Oven wood I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM W. strong west wind very heavy storm snow AM cold

8 John took 1 load wood AM. W very cold

9 John took 2 loads Flavius & Herman took 1 load Hemlock AM W. milder

{second page}

Dec 1882

Sunday 10 went to Br C's boys & girls kept house W. snow from east illegible nearly all day

11 I helped NB's kill hogs John took 2 loads wood W. fine milder

12 W killed 7 hogs W. fine mild S Lehmans were here on a visit

13 John helped JD's kill hogs W. snow & rain nearly all day, Mild Flavius & Herman took load of wood to Miliken. they got pretty wet

14 John took loast of hardwood about 1/2 Cord & 3/4 of Br C's to Miliken AM then I went to Cherrywood AM W. sharp

15 Shovelled snow at other barn & threshed Oats PM didnt get quite done Pinion in gearing slipped W. pretty cold Cler

16 boys took 16 bus Oats to S Ramer's & brought home 18 bus AM John dug a grave at Hebron for Abraham Hoover's baby & boys drew wood into shed PM W. pretty Cold Cler

Sundy 17 all went to funeral of A Hoover's baby sermon by Br C on 1st Peter 1 C 16 V by Br C. Sam Hoover spoke H Stover's & Isaac Moyer's were here after service W. very fine

18 John helped Br C N's kill hogs I & Herman went to Markham & Flavius & Herman took load Hemlock to Markham PM W. fine Mild

19 John & Flavius took 4 loads Hemlock to Markham W. mild Hoar frost on trees all day

20 I & Nancy too Turkeys & Geese to Markham @ 10 ct & 7 ct per lb went to JH Ramer's for Venison John & Flavius took 2 loads Hemlock W. sharp east wind

21 Boys took 2 loads AM John took 1 PM. I & Br S put on new gearing on threshing Machine W. very mild, rainy thawing

22 Boys took 2 loads AM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM W. mild rainy PM

23 Finished threshing at other place about 80 bus Oats, gearing runs well brought Machine home PM W. soft & mild

24 Sunday all went to Meeting except Benj'n & Abram remarks & sermon on St Luke part of 2 C by Br C. Enos Hoover's & JB's were here after service boys & girls went to JD's this evening W. fine

Christmas day 25 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by R'd Joe Barkey sermon on St Luke part of 2 C by R'd S Hoover went to Br inlaws Saml Hoover after service

Dec 1882 Jan 1883

Enos Nighswander & Minnie Foster Albert Hoover & Elizabeth Reesor were here this evening W. very fine

26 John took last load of Hemlock to Fleurys & Flavius took load of 2 Class hard wood to J McGaw AM & he & John took 2 loads PM we are trading it to him for a doublebarrell shot gun I took the gun & our rifle to Granger at Dunbeaton to get a little fixing done W. mild soft fine PM

27 I & Nancy went to Saml Barkeys to see old aunt Barbara then we went to Gibner's in the evening seen Uncle Joe's widow she was at Gibner's W. fine mild 28 boys drew sawlogs

28 boys drew logs Herman & girls went to Markham PM. W. West wind Martin Barkeys were here this evening

30 boys drew logs I went to Wideman's Meeting house PM to a Meeting to Consult about the Maintenance of Old John Stover & his wife. W. fine

Sundy 31 Boys & girls went tto Meeting at Widemans We & children went to AB's W. mild

Jan 1st 1883 John & Flavius went to Simon Hoover's Herman went Shooting with Br C's Thomas JH Ramer's & Their soninlaw Wesly Reesor & wife were here this evening W. pretty cold, milder tonight

2 Boys drew logs W. fine mild

3 Boys drew logs AM I went to Ceder Grove. Set Machine & I went to Br S's again PM. W. pretty strong wind from west

4 Threshed about 270 Boxes Fall Wheat W. very Cold Clear Snowed last night

5 didnt thresh today too Cold, down to Zero this morning, boys drew logs PM

6 Boys drew logs W. below Zero this morning

Sundy 7 JD's were here W. fine Mild Boys & gilrs went to Br S's this evening Br N's son John & his wife were here this evening

8 boys drew logs. I went to Ceder Grove AM . W. fine mild sleighing good

9 Threshed 100 boxes Fall Wheat 250 Boxes Barley AM & about 250 oats PM. W. fine

10 I & Nancy went to Funeral of Aunt Barbara Burkholder sermon on Rev 14 C & 13 V by R'd Jos Barkey Saml Hoover spoke Went to Peter Hoover's after service W. very Cold about {illegible}

{second page}

Jan 1883

11 I & John & Nancy went to AB's to help thresh Clover seed we got nearly a bag full Flavius drew logs W. Cold

12 John & Susanna started for the state of New York with Benjamin & Barbara Diller & Br C's Elizabeth Flavius & Herman went shooting with Albert Hoover W. rather sharp Flavius Reesor was here at noon

13 Cleaned out Colt stable & made door between Colts & partition for ram W. soft snow & rain thawing some

Sundy 14 Nancy & few of young follks went to Meeting at Ceder Grove then we went to Br S's Flavius & Adeline & Br C's & Br N's youngsters went to Daniel Ramer's W. fine mild

15 I & Nancy & some of Children went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Danl Wiseman sermon on {blank space} by Elias Weber from Waterloo MN's & Saml Hoover's were here PM Flavius drew logs W. pretty sharp

16 Flavius & Herman drew logs I went to Ceder Grove AM W. milder

17 I skidded & loaded logs from Flavius AM Flavius brought John & Susanna & the rest from Port Union this evening W. soft snow nearly all day John & Susanna enjoyed their visit very much

18 John & Flavius helped Br C thresh with team W. east wind pretty Cold 19 Simon Hoover's were here today Peter B Reesor's were here this evening

19 John & Flavius helped Br C's finish threshing W. strong wind from east, snow

20 Flavius & Herman drew logs I went to Markham AM. W. east wind rain PM

Sunday 21 all went to Meeting at Hebron except John he has bad Cold remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by R'd S Hoover Deacon David Lehman from Waterloo was here he formerly lived in Ohio. W. strong NW wind Cold

22 Boys Oiled harness Flavius went to A McCreight to thresh came home again too Cold to thresh 6 deg below Zero

23 Flavius helped A McCreight thresh John helped D Hoover's W. 10 dge below Zero this morning

24 John helped D Hoover's thresh Flavius drew wood into AM W. snowed few inches milder

25 John helped D Hoovers finish threshing AM & Flavius fetched home new grain grinder from Fleury in Markham I & Flavius took 30 bus Oats to I Ramer's @ 40 cts per & John & girls went to JH Ramer's PM W. quite Cold

26 Boys drew logs I went to Ceder Grove PM W. very cold this Morning milder tonight

Jan Feb 1883

27 I & Boys killed your young Bull for Beef AM I & John took hide to Markham @ 6 cts. PM. W. mild soft some snow last night

Sundy 28 I & Nancy went to old Saml Stover's Flavius & girls Susanna went to Meeting at Widemans with Br C's youngster's W. fine & mild young folks went to NB's this evening

29 Boys drew logs W. fine

30 Boys drew logs I & Nancy & little ones went to JB Reesor's Br N's son he lives on the old Uncle Abraham Place W. fine mild thawing some I helped Pilkey kill a big hog PM

31 Boys drew logs W. cold they drew home logs for firewood from other bush PM they have drawn 142 logs to the Mill

2 Boys sawed drags in old bush I & Nancy went to Enos Hoover's W. pretty cold Cloudy

3 Boys took grist 18 bus Wheat to Ceder Grove Mills W. about 6 in snow last night

Sundy 4 I & Nancy & little ones went to Tilman Reesor's PM W. Clear W wind

5 Boys all went to school except John I & Br C went to Meeting house this is the day for the Annual Meeting but nobody else Came. W. Cold blustry

6 John drew some wood AM got Nell shod PM we helped JM Clean last of Peas PM he threshed 72 1/2 bus this year W. not so Cold

7 I & Nancy went to Markham & to AB Ramer's this evening W. pretty cold

8 John drew home some wood W. some snow

9 Mannase Frets's brought S Hymen & his wife from Cayuga this PM I took them to Br S's this evening. W. rather windy some snow

10 Br S's brought S Houser & wife from Cayuga this AM I took them first to S Reesor's then to A Burkholder's W. very Cold this Morning

Sunday 11 Children went to Meeting at Ceder Grove AB's were here PM W. fine

12 I went to Markham AM John asked hands to thresh on Wednesday W. fine

13 John Stover's were here today I got Cent shod AM. W. sharp this morning

14 Threshed about 450 Bus Oats got done at 4 Oc W. mild soft snow awhile AM

15 I went to Ceder Grove AM John killed & skinned Br C's dog and took a lot of oil out of him Cleaned some Oats PM. W mild foggy thawing

16 I & John laid out Pork W. rain nearly all day

17 I & Nancy took 14 bus Oats to HC M{illegible} AM hung up Pork PM W. strong wind tried new Grinder {illegible} PM works well

{second page}

Feb Mar 1883

Sundy 18 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by S Hoover sermon on {blank space} by Br C John G. Reesor's B inlaw Saml Hoover Chas Lehman's Aaron & Adeline Burkholder & Br inlaw Jesse Hoover were here at dinner & Aunt Lissy & Rosina Burkholder & A Hanover's at supper W. West wind

19 I & John went to John Stover's PM for a King of the West Fanning Mill W. fine

20 I & Flavius Cleaned 30 bus Clawson wheat in other barn John got Major shod AM W. soft snow, pretty heavy PM

21 John took wheat to Spinks @ $1.05 per bus & I & Flavius Cleaned another & John took it PM I & Flavius Cleaned the last of it W. fine rather windy PM

22 I & Nancy went to Michael Frets I & he went to Shirks sale PM John took last of Wheat at other place to Spink @ $1.02 Making about 86 bus W. fine

23 Chored W. cold

24 Cleaned about 55 bus Oats at other with new Mill it Cleaned the wheat very well & Cleans Oats well too We Chopped 25 bush Oats & Ch{illegible} Mixed in 1 1/4 hour with our new grinder & and we chopped some barly it works satisfactory W. Cold

Sundy 25 young folks went to Cobr's Meeting Br S's were here I & Nancy went to NB's this evening W. mild

26 John & Flavius helped NB thresh with team. I got Farmer shod. AM. W. pretty Cold Wind

27 Christian Burkholder's were here W. fine

28 Chored W. fine Ontario Elections yesterday Mowat Government sustained

March 1st I & Nancy went to B Hoover's he has bought the Glen Rouge Mills at Markham W. very fine thawing

2 I & John helped Br S's thresh with team W. sharp

3 I & John helped Br S's finish thresh AM I went to Cooper Nicholson at Markham for tub PM. W. very Cold this Morning

Sundy 4 at home young folks went to Br C's & to John Corks this evening W. pretty Cold

5 I & Nancy & little girls went to Menno Burkholder's PM. W. fine

6 Chored Young folks & Br C's went to singing School at Widemans Meeting house this evening W. snowy all day

7 I & John Cleaned seed Peas PM W. real Blissard from West all day

8 John & Flavius helped Br S drag out Cordwood with team W. pretty Cold

9 drew home some drags from old bush AM John & Flavius went to M Dykes Sale PM. W. very fine

10 Boys helped Br S's draw wood AM I & Nancy went to Markham AM W. fine AM snow PM

Mar 1183 April

Sunday 11 at home all day W. very high W wind

12 Boys helped Br S's draw wood AM I & Nancy & little ones went to Br N's this evening W. rather windy

13 I & Nancy went o MN's boys cleaned Barly at other place 112 bush W. fine

14 Chopped some Oats & some barly AM boys sawed some wood in old bush & I tried to thaw pump at other place PM W. thawed very fast

15 John & Br C's Man dug grave at Hebron for Anthony Stover's child PM. W. very Cold West wind

16 Went to Funeral of A Stover's Child sermon by Percy Br C had singing in German John Stover's & Anthony were here PM W. pretty Cold 17 I put new handle in pump at other place PM

17 I & John weighed 1600 cwt hay for WM at Ceder Grove & put it into barn AM at other place. boys drew home drags W. sharp east wind

Sunday 18 went to Meeting at Hebron Adeline staid at home with Janet Wales she came last night to visit before whe sails for Jamaica, where her husband is remarks & sermon on {blank space} by Br C. JH Ramer's youngsters & Michael Frets youngsters were here snowed all day from north

19 Chored & Cleaned some wheat W. snowed from north all day

20 I & Nancy took Janet Wales to AB's boys all went to T Coxworths Sale W. fine about 1 foot of new snow

21 Chopped Cleaned Wheat AM W. pretty Cold

22 Cleaned Wheat AM very Cold this morning I & John & Flavius went to A Dumonds Sale PM I bought 2 pitchforks @ 10 cts W. fine Cler

Friday Good 23 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon by Br C W. very heavy snowstorm all day

24 Cleaned Wheat W. fine Cler

Easter Sunday 25 we went to Br S's boys & girls went to Br N's this evening W. fine

Easter Monday 26 had a little quilting Bee & boys sawed some stove wood W. fine

27 I & Nancy went to JB's W. a little squaaly with snow this Morning J Stover's were here this evening

28 I went to Markham AM R Wall{illegible} was here when I came home & staid all PM

29 Boys helped Pilky pull down his old barn PM we went to JD's this evening they were not at home. W. fine Cler

30 Cleaned Oats there is some Timothy seed in some of them W. fine Cler

31 John went to Tilman Reesor's sawing Bee at Joseph Barkey's Tilman is moving there in the fall I & Flavius went to Markham AM Cleaned Oats PM. W. Cold at nights thawing in the day

Sunday April 1st I & Nancy & children went to Meeting at Altona remarks by Br S sermon by Saml Hoover St John 3 C went to J Reesor's & to Br inlaws Hoover W. fine Clear

{Second Page}

{Newspaper Clipping}

Page Six


{Photo, head shot of Walter Davey 8 Stanton Ave Toronto}

Attending a skating party of Stouffville Miss Marie Feren picked up a pocket book containing a sume of money. No doubt the owner will claim it as Miss Feren reported the matter

We appreciated all news sent to us by Sunday afternoon so that it can be rushed into the issue for that week. If you write make sure your mail will reach us Saturdy's mail, or if your phone do by Sunday afternoon when we are preparing our budget

Mr and Mrs George Lee of Stouffville were callers at the Correspondent's home the other day.

Many people are finding it handy to get extra copies of the Tribune at Watson's store in Goodwood. Often a person wished to send an extra to a friend.

Wood by the car load is reaching George Todd at Goodwood from the north country.

We bid the following happy birthday greetings: Mrs Dudley White, Stanley Van Wick, Altona: Alfred Pugh, Stouffville; Mrs Stanley Norton, Sunderland; Mrs Don. Fraser Stouffville: Mable Weir, Uxbridge; Mrs Hoyle Brethour, 2nd Concession; Elimore Anthony, Locust Hill; Mrs Thos. Watson, Marsh Hill; Dorothy Harlock, Dorothy Hockley, Edmund Warden, Garry Evans, Jack Kellar, Elmer Evans, all of Claremont district; Ella Symes, Reuben Maye, Goodwood; Leslie Reid, Vallentyne.

Mrs Bewell of Unionville is now in Toronto on a visit which we hope she will thoroughly enjoy.

When our phone tingled the other day we were pleased to hear the cheerio of Fred Middleton who rushed down from Whitby for a day. We hear that he cannot stay away from the blonde lassie too long, but Fred didn't tell us that, oh no.

We learn from Goodwood that everybody is taking in skating. Well, well and that is fine. One of these {days} we'll get up a hockey team and {torn off} to the Maple Leafs.

{Second Column is torn down middle}

{Handwriting on bottom of page}

BB Reesor Cedar Grove P.O. Ont

{some multiplication work in pencil}

36 29 180 82 900

24 43 72 96 1032


{Duplicate of previous page}

{newspaper clipping is flipped over top of writing and is the reverse of that transcribed in last page)


{first column torn in half}


{Photo, head shot of smiling woman}

Mrs Oswald Jacoby, wife of the bridge expert and a tennis star and bridge expert in her own right, is working at Dallas plant of North American Aviation as her contribution to the U.S. war effort. She is employed in the hydraulics subassembly department


faithful Sunday School Superintendent.

R Grant Morley attended the wedding of his cousin, Capt. (Dr.) Ross Covey, R.C.CD.C. and Miss Dorothy Chester of Toronto, on Jan 12.

Owing to the rain and ice driving was dangerous on Sunday. Some accidents occured near the subway on the fourth.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gordon of Queensvill called on Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sproxton and family on Sunday.


{Advertisement Block}


Rennie's Transport

Daily Service, Stouffville to Toronto. Moderate Rates Phone 4304

{second page} {duplicate of earlier page, but more visible}

P {illegible} to {illegible} Dec 1891

to 100 Sheaves tne bushels 0 - 10-0

4 bushels oats 0-4-0

Salt 0-2-0

2 bushels oats 0-2-0

2 turkeys 0-5-0

4 hens 0-2-6

4 lbs Butter 0-2-6

11 lbs tallow at per 0-4-7

40 Sheaves oats


10 Sheaves oats 10

8 lbs tallow 3



1.00 30 90 108 65 40 4.33

214 38 2.52

95 6 5.70


36 29

{Handwriting on bottom of page}

BB Reesor Cedar Grove P.O. Ont

{some multiplication work in pencil}

36 29 180 82 900

24 43 72 96 1032


{photo of stained and worn blue back cover of diary, with brown binding tape on spine} {some writing but all illegible}

Transcription Progress



Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1878-1883 Part 1.pdf
Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1878-1883 Part 2.pdf
Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1878-1883 Part 3.pdf
Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1878-1883 Part 4.pdf
Benjamin Reesor 1878-1883 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1878-1883,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,
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