Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary & Transcription, 1922


Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary & Transcription, 1922


Ellamanda Krauter Maurer


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph




20th Century, Waterloo North County, Woolwich Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


Diary {Embossed in gold cursive}

Maurer (repeated)

Ella Maurer For the year 1922







Calendar for 1918


Postal Information

A War Tax of one cent will be imposed on each letter and post card mailed in Canada, for delivery in Canada, the United States and Mexico, and on each letter mailed in Canada for delivery in the United Kingdom and British Posessions generally, and wherever the two cent rate applies.

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This War Tax is to be prepaid by the senders by means of a War Stamp for sale by Postmasters and other postage stamp vendors. In the event of failure on the part of the sender through oversight or negligence to prepay the War Tax on each letter or post card above specified, such letter or post card will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. It is essential that postage on all classes of mail matter should be prepaid by means of ordinary postage stamp. The War Tax Stamp will not be accepted in any case for the prepayment of postage.


Canada, the United States or Mexio, 1 cent. Great Britain, Newfoundland, etc, 2 cents. Private post cards- Upon all cards intended for use as private post cards, "Private Post Card" must be printed or written. Size of card must not exceed 6 inches in length by 3 5-8 in width. The name of sender printed on face of card.


Canada, the United States or Mexico, 2 cents per 1 oz ; Great Britain, Newfoundland, and various other British possessions and protectorates, 2 cents per 1 oz. Foreign countries- Letters, 5 cents per oz, or fraction thereof, and 5 cents for each additional oz, fraction thereof. Registered letters for Canada, United States, Great Britain, and Europe, 5 cents in addition to postage. Cities having letter carrier service, drop letters 1 oz, 1 cent of fraction.


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The dimensions of a Parcel must not exceed 30 inches in length by 1 foot in width or depth, nor combined length and girth 6 feet ; dimensions of parcel for other than the United Kingdom not to exceed 30 inches in length by 1 ft. in width or depth. A Parcel must not contain any explosive, combustible, or dangerous articles. All Parcels must be securely and substantially packed and closed. Parcels from the United Kingdom or any other place beyond the Dominion will be liable to Canadian Custom duties, and under existing regulations must be


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POSTAL NOTES- A War Tax of 1 cent will be charged on each Postal Note irrespective of the amount. Postal Notes are bought and paid at any Money Order and Postal Note Office in Canada or the United States. The commission is: For 20c. to 40c., 1 cent ; 50c. to $2.50, 2 cents ; $3 to $5, 3 cents ; $10, 5 cents. Off cents may be made up by affixing Canadian postage stamps, not exceeding 9 cents, to the face of the Postal Note, if the same is for remittance to place in Canada.










Sun. Tues 1 Very cold. Walter was busy opening the road this morning. We went to Woolwich church and Sunday school this afternoon.

Mon. Wed 2 Very cold. Ella did her walking. Walter was on the road nearly all day and killed a {beef?} tonight. Ansley Lankin called on him and Elmo King was here for supper. Norman Hendson and Irvin Snider visited Vernon this afternoon.

Tues.Thur 3 Beautiful day with lovely sunshine. Walter was butchtering at Koepke's today. Callers were Henry Schedwits and Geo. {Schwindt?}.

Wed. Fri 4 Snowed this morn-ing. Rained hard all after-noon. Walter went to Creekbaufs this afternoon and killed a {beef?} at Noah Miller's this afternoon. Otto Miller called on Walter.

Thurs Sat 5 Cold & stormy. Walter shipped pigs from Elmira for the first {time?} today and got home at 2 p.m. His callers were - Jno. Stangey and Jack Harrington.


Sun. 1 Very cold. Walter was busy opening the road this morning. We went to Woolwich church and Sunday school this afternoon.

Mon. 2 Very cold. Ella did her walking. Walter was on the road nearly all day and killed a {beef?} tonight. Ansley Lankin called on him and Elmo King was here for supper. Norman Hendson and Irvin Snider visited Vernon this afternoon.

Tues. 3 Beautiful day with lovely sunshine. Walter was butchtering at Koepke's today. Callers were Henry Schedwits and Geo. {Schwindt?}.

Wed. 4 Snowed this morn-ing. Rained hard all after-noon. Walter went to Creekbaufs this afternoon and killed a {beef?} at Noah Miller's this afternoon. Otto Miller called on Walter.

Thurs 5 Cold & stormy. Walter shipped pigs from Elmira for the first {time?} today and got home at 2 p.m. His callers were - Jno. Stangey and Jack Harrington.


Fri. 6 Snowing. Walter called at his father's place this afternoon. Leicohn Endua, Willand did mildreds. Weaver were here for the afternoon and supper. Other callers were. - Joe Hall and Quince Snider.

Sat. 7 Beautiful perfect day. Walter went to {Orillia?} to {town?} {eale?} this afternoon. Everyone strangely violated Vernow today other callers - els. Snider and alberta allgeirs.

Sun. 8 Changeable weather we had {illegible} turkey for dinner and had {illegible} {illegible} {illegible}. {Maurcer?} {illegible two lines}.

Mon. 9 Fair. Walter went to Elena this morning and returned at 6:30 p.m. Callers were - Louis and Charlie. Millers wm. Pitters died this morning at Floradale.

Tues. 10 Perfect {illegible} day. Walter was hatchering today at {geo maurier?}. Ella did her watching.

Wed. 11 Fair. Cold eastwind. Walter killed a beef at his father's place and took it to Elena. Charles Stellaind came up and stayed for the night. Other callers - Louis miller, Enoch Snider, mr. {illegible}, annie Snider & {name}?

Thurs. 12 Clear and cold. Walter and Charlie left for {illegible} at 7 oclock. Walter killed a beef for Enoch Snider when he got back also fetched {illegible} {name?} and {illegible} {illegible}


Fri. 6 Snowing. Walter called at his father's place this afternoon. Leicohn Endua, Willand did mildreds. Weaver were here for the afternoon and supper. Other callers were. - Joe Hall and Quince Snider.

Sat. 7 Beautiful perfect day. Walter went to {Orillia?} to {town?} {eale?} this afternoon. Everyone strangely violated Vernow today other callers - els. Snider and alberta allgeirs.

Sun. 8 Changeable weather we had {illegible} turkey for dinner and had {illegible} {illegible} {illegible}. Maurer {illegible two lines}.

Mon. 9 Fair. Walter went to Elena this morning and returned at 6:30 p.m. Callers were - Louis and Charlie. Millers wm. Pitters died this morning at Floradale.

Tues. 10 Perfect {illegible} day. Walter was hatchering today at {geo mauri\er?}. Ella did her watching.

Wed. 11 Fair. Cold eastwind. Walter killed a beef at his father's place and took it to Elena. Charles Stellaind came up and stayed for the night. Other callers - Louis miller, Enoch Snider, mr. {illegible}, annie Snider & {name}?

Thurs. 12 Clear and cold. Walter and Charlie left for {illegible} at 7 oclock. Walter killed a beef for Enoch Snider when he got back also fetched {illegible} {name?} and {illegible} {illegible}

JANUARY, 1918.

Fri. 20 Fair and cold. Walter butchered a beef this morning and went to {illegible} this afternoon. Ella went along and stayed at {illegible}. {illegible} came there after and stayed at school and we all had supper there. Harvey Schnidt called on Walter.

Sat 21. Fine day and somewhat mild. Walter fetched the {illegible} at {illegible} it & I took eight quarters too to Elora. Elora King was here for dinner. Callers - Louis Miller, Nick Hoffer & Edmond Schervindt and Enoch Snider.

Sun. 22 Very stormy. It is blowing a mixture. {illegible} and dirt today. No church service in Woolwich on {illegible}.

Mon 23. Fair and cold. This has been a remarkable day in the history of the maurer's. Walter was at home all day and had no visitors.

Tues. 24 Clean and very cold. Ella did her washing. Walter & Seak Harrington took 2 loads of {illegible} along the morning and Walter went to Ed.

Wed. 25 Clear and very cold. Walter took a load of turnips this afternoon. Callers were Lizzie Keaplee, annie Snider, Margaret Beuder and Willie Campbell. Roland Beau was here for tea.

Thurs. 26 Cold, wet, wind was blowing. Walter was skipping hog at Elenia today. annie Snider went down week with him and had dinner here. Norman King was here for supper. Walter killed a beef for him.


Fri. 20 Fair and cold. Walter butchered a beef this morning and went to {illegible} this afternoon. Ella went along and stayed at {illegible}. {illegible} came there after and stayed at school and we all had supper there. Harvey Schnidt called on Walter.

Sat 21. Fine day and somewhat mild. Walter fetched the {illegible} at {illegible} it & I took eight quarters too to Elora. Elora King was here for dinner. Callers - Louis Miller, Nick Hoffer & Edmond Schervindt and Enoch Snider.

Sun. 22 Very stormy. It is blowing a mixture. {illegible} and dirt today. No church service in Woolwich on {illegible}.

Mon 23. Fair and cold. This has been a remarkable day in the history of the maurer's. Walter was at home all day and had no visitors.

Tues. 24 Clean and very cold. Ella did her washing. Walter & Seak Harrington took 2 loads of {illegible} along the morning and Walter went to Ed.

Wed. 25 Clear and very cold. Walter took a load of turnips this afternoon. Callers were Lizzie Keaplee, annie Snider, Margaret Beuder and Willie Campbell. Roland Beau was here for tea.

Thurs. 26 Cold, wet, wind was blowing. Walter was shipping pig at Elenia today. annie Snider went down week with him and had dinner here. Norman King was here for supper. Walter killed a beef for him.


Fri. Sun 27 Very cold. Walter butchered at Edmond chevenette today.

Sat. Mon 28 Lovely day. Somewhat mildew. Walter has a bad cold. His callers - Willie Campbell, Roland Beau, Conrad Hakins {illegible} and Eva Snider, Edmond Schivendt, Vivion and Kenneth. {illegible} visited King's this afternoon.

Sun. Tues 29 Beautiful day. We drove to church with Enochi in the sleigh. Reo. Crawford of new york State preached today.

Mon. Wed 30 Beautiful {perfect?} day. Walter went to {Jesicah Bulacher's?} today to fetch some pigs. Walter's callers - noah miller.

Tues Thurs 31 another perfect day. Walter went to Kopas pale at Goldetree this afternoon. Callers were - mrs. {Gno?}, n. miller and Edmond Schevindt.

Wed. Fri 1 February

Cloudy and mild. Rained tonight. We were up to Geo. Snider's pork roast this evening. Born - 20 mr. and mrs. noah miller a daughter {illegible}.

Thurs. Sat 2 Snowing and blowing. Waalter was shipping hogs from Elmina, went to St. Jacobs with the train and returned at 2 p.m.


Fri. Sun 27 Very cold. Walter butchered at Edmond chevenette today.

Sat. Mon 28 Lovely day. Somewhat mildew. Walter has a bad cold. His callers - Willie Campbell, Roland Beau, Conrad Hakins {illegible} and Eva Snider, Edmond Schivendt, Vivion and Kenneth. {illegible} visited King's this afternoon.

Sun. Tues 29 Beautiful day. We drove to church with Enochi in the sleigh. Reo. Crawford of new york State preached today.

Mon. Wed 30 Beautiful {perfect?} day. Walter went to {Jesicah Bulacher's?} today to fetch some pigs. Walter's callers - noah miller.

Tues Thurs 31 another perfect day. Walter went to Kopas pale at Goldetree this afternoon. Callers were - mrs. {gno?}, n. miller and Edmond Schevindt.

Wed. Fri 1 February

Cloudy and mild. Rained tonight. We were up to Geo. Snider's pork roast this evening. Born - 20 mr. and mrs. noah miller a daughter {illegible}.

Thurs. Sat 2 Snowing and blowing. Waalter was shipping hogs from Elmina, went to St. Jacobs with the train and returned at 2 p.m.


Fri. Sun 3 Snowing and blowing all day. Walter went down to Waefle's this afternoon.

Sat. Mon 4 {Snowflinnie's?} Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale this afternoon. Vivion spent the afternoon at addieno Reisto's. {illgible} Ellen was here for dinner.

Sun. Tues 5 Fair. mr & mrs. Otto miller, Laura & norman visited us today and were here for supper & dinner.

Mon. Wed 6 Cold. Walter's callers were - nicole Hoffer, Louis and Charlie.

Tues. Thurs 7 Cold and windy. Walter butchered a pig for Louis miller's. Callers were - Cecil Jackson and Joe Lawern.

Wed. Fri 8 Fair. Some {snowflunnies?}. Ella did her washing today. Walter took 2 loads of turnips to {alma?} today.

Thurs. Sat 9 Beautiful spring-like day. Walter shipped hogs from Elmina today and got home after 6 p.m. {Elvho?} King was here for this supper and mr. & mrs. Craig and Julia visited us after supper.


Fri. Sun 3 Snowing and blowing all day. Walter went down to Waefle's this afternoon.

Sat. Mon 4 {Snowflinnie's?} Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale this afternoon. Vivion spent the afternoon at addieno Reisto's. {illgible} Ellen was here for dinner.

Sun. Tues 5 Fair. mr & mrs. Otto miller, Laura & norman visited us today and were here for supper & dinner.

Mon. Wed 6 Cold. Walter's callers were - nicole Hoffer, Louis and Charlie.

Tues. Thurs 7 Cold and windy. Walter butchered a pig for Louis miller's. Callers were - Cecil Jackson and Joe Lawern.

Wed. Fri 8 Fair. Some {snowflunnies?}. Ella did her washing today. Walter took 2 loads of turnips to {alma?} today.

Thurs. Sat 9 Beautiful spring-like day. Walter shipped hogs from Elmina today and got home after 6 p.m. {Elvho?} King was here for this supper and mr. & mrs. Craig and Julia visited us after supper.


Fri. Sun 10 mild. Lincohn, {Edug?}, Willand & mildred came down and we butchered a pig and made sausage for them today. Born - 20 mr. & mrs. {illegible} Harold {illegible}.

Sat. Mon 11 Cold & windy. Walter worked in the stable nearly all day and he and Vivion went to Creeklauk this afternoon.

Sun. Tues 12 Cold. Very cold piercing east wind blowing. Walter & Vivion went to Woolevich church and Sunday school this afternoon. Mr. Buchaman a {illegible} speaker, Pete and illegible Roy.

Mon. Wed 13 Cold. Snowflunnies Walter took five pigs to the fair and sold them {illegible} slipped his hide. Callers were - E. Bell, Pete and Gordon Roy.

Tues. Thurs 14 Fair and cold. Snowflunnies. We butchered 2 pigs here for Pete Roy. Walter's callers were Mr. Whitlaw.

Wed. Fri 15 Fair and cold. Snowflunnies. Ella did her washing today. Walter butchered 2 pigs at E. Bell's. Callers were - Pete Roy and noah shoemakers.

Thurs. Sat 16 Very cold. clean and windy. Walter was shipping pigs today for Elmina.


Fri. Sun 10 mild. Lincohn, {Edug?}, Willand & mildred came down and we butchered a pig and made sausage for them today. Born - 20 mr. & mrs. {illegible} Harold {illegible}.

Sat. Mon 11 Cold & windy. Walter worked in the stable nearly all day and he and Vivion went to Creeklauk this afternoon.

Sun. Tues 12 Cold. Very cold piercing east wind blowing. Walter & Vivion went to Woolevich church and Sunday school this afternoon. Mr. Buchaman a {illegible} speaker, Pete and illegible Roy.

Mon. Wed 13 Cold. Snowflunnies Walter took five pigs to the fair and sold them {illegible} slipped his hide. Callers were - E. Bell, Pete and Gordon Roy.

Tues. Thurs 14 Fair and cold. Snowflunnies. We butchered 2 pigs here for Pete Roy. Walter's callers were Mr. Whitlaw.

Wed. Fri 15 Fair and cold. Snowflunnies. Ella did her washing today. Walter butchered 2 pigs at E. Bell's. Callers were - Pete Roy and noah shoemakers.

Thurs. Sat 16 Very cold. clean and windy. Walter was shipping pigs today for Elmina.



Fri. Sun 24 Lovely day. Cold and clear. Walter went to Holadale with a load of {chopping?} this afternoon.

Sat. Mon 25 Lovely day. Clear and vold. Walter open the day all wating around te evening. it's had this {illegible} at {illegible} for {illegible} at 7.00 p.m.

Sun. Tues 26 Lovely day. Clear ad cold. Walter, Ella Vemous went a woof- {illegible} which chirches S.S. This after.

Mon. Wed 27 Lovely. Some snow {Flowies?}. Ella did her mailing. Walter opned teh day on the road. opned the mort at the tayed home from ochoal and {illegible} a day after {illegible}.

MARCH, 1918


Fri. Sun 3 Lovely sunshinny day. Walter fetched a load of corn at {Elmina?} this morning and fetched a big for so this afternoon. Arthor Cragg was out caller.

Sat. Mon 4 Lovely spring-like day. Walter took a load of turnips down to Elwins this afternoon and went to Clement's after supper.

Sun. Tues 5 Lovely spring-like day. We went to church this morning and went to Lincoln Weaver's for the afternoon and for supper. Father Krauter went up to Lincoln's this morning.

Mon. Wed 6 Fair. Ella did her washing {illegible} today. Walter took a load of turnips to Elwins this morning and one up to Lincoln this afternooon. Cyril went to Emerpongrose"s tonight for a week on trial and stay a two days. (Good riddance).

Tues. Thur 7 Somewhat colder. Snowfluries, Walter was out looking for house this morning and did the choice this afternoon also helped a passing motorist. Father Krauter came down here from Lincoln's and ours. Schwendt visted Walter.

Wed. Fri 8 Clear, cold and windy. Walter went to Richer's sale this afternoon. Noah Miller visted us this aft evening.

Thur. Sat 9 Fine spring-like day. Walter shipped pigs from Elmina today and took Father Krauter along as far as Elmina. Ida sent me a pretty gingham dress for a present. {illegible} to school again this morning.

MARCH, 1918


Fri. Sun 3 Lovely sunshinny day. Walter fetched a load of corn at {Elmina?} this morning and fetched a big for so this afternoon. Arthor Cragg was out caller.

Sat. Mon 4 Lovely spring-like day. Walter took a load of turnips down to Elwins this afternoon and went to Clement's after supper.

Sun. Tues 5 Lovely spring-like day. We went to church this morning and went to Lincoln Weaver's for the afternoon and for supper. Father Krauter went up to Lincoln's this morning.

Mon. Wed 6 Fair. Ella did her washing {illegible} today. Walter took a load of turnips to Elwins this morning and one up to Lincoln this afternooon. Cyril went to Emerpongrose"s tonight for a week on trial and stay a two days. (Good riddance).

Tues. Thur 7 Somewhat colder. Snowfluries, Walter was out looking for house this morning and did the choice this afternoon also helped a passing motorist. Father Krauter came down here from Lincoln's and ours. Schwendt visted Walter.

Wed. Fri 8 Clear, cold and windy. Walter went to Richer's sale this afternoon. Noah Miller visted us this aft evening.

Thur. Sat 9 Fine spring-like day. Walter shipped pigs from Elmina today and took Father Krauter along as far as Elmina. Ida sent me a pretty gingham dress for a present. {illegible} to school again this morning.

MARCH, 1918


Fri Sun 10 Lovely spring day Walter was away all day looking for a house. Also. Smidert went along.

Sat Mon 11 Fine weather. Walter went up to Mehlonalds and bought a lay {illegible} named dlora. Nemorn called out Kmig an dLeo. Smidris today.

Sun. Tues 12 Lovely day. We went to Woolwirlo church and Sunday School this afternoon.

Mon. Wed 13 Fair and mild. Ella did her washing today. Walter went to Elmina monthly fair today Collers were- Me. Fairweather also, Schwindt Solomon Beuder, and Emimerson stangly.

Tues. Thur 14 Fair and mild. We butchered a pig for one. Strongly here today


Fri. Sun 29 Lovely day.

Walter butchered 2 pigs

at Noah Miller's. Beulah

& Ella left for home at 4 p.m.

Vernon had dinner at Geo Snider

Sat Mon 30 Fair. Walter took

a load of chopping to Flora -

dale. Emerson Staugey &

Irvin Snider visited Vernon.

Addison & Harvey Reist & Herb, {Weichel?}

Sun. Tues 31 were here for supper {continued from previous day}

Rained all day.

We went to a duck

raost at Jake Knig's

tonight and watched

the old year out and

the new year in


Number of eggs

Jan 1 2 F ebruary
Jan 2 1 1 8
Jan 3 3 2 4
Jan 4 2 3 9
Jan 5 2 4 6
Jan 6 2 5 10
Jan 7 2 6 10
Jan 8 5 7 8
Jan 9 2 8 6
Jan 10 3 9 8
Jan 11 4 10 9
Jan 12 4 11 10
Jan 13 3 12 11
Jan 14 6 13 11
15 4 14 8
16 5 15 12
17 5 16 7
18 5 17 10
19 9 18 9
20 5 19 10
21 9 20 8
22 6 21 10
23 13 22 11
24 7 23 9
25 7 24 9
26 8 25 14
27 7 26 13
28 3 27 10
29 7 28 14
30 3 264
31 9
Total 151

Number of eggs


March April {On opposite ends of page}

1 10 1 16

2 13 2 13

3 12 3 19

4 12 4 19

5 8 5 15

6 16 6 19

7 13 7 14

8 12 8 15

9 13 9 23

10 17 10 17

11 13 11 19

12 16 12 18

13 19 13 17

14 15 14 17

15 17 15 22

16 16 16 19

17 26 17 29

18 16 18 20

19 18 19 17

20 19 20 15

21 19 21 18

22 16 22 15

23 27 23 20

24 20 24 16

25 12 25 15

26 19 26 19

27 17 27 18

28 12 28 19

29 19 29 17

20 18 30 18

{---- divider in April's table}

31 15 Total --- 432

Total 495 April --- eggs



1 17 egg 1 21 egg
2 19 2 15
3 17 3 14
4 18 4 12
5 23 5 18
6 24 6 17
7 18 7 17
8 17 8 15
9 16 9 12
10 16 10 13
11 16 11 18
12 17 12 13
13 19 13 12
14 18 14 12
15 18 15 12
16 17 16 10
17 22 17 10
18 21 18 11
19 16 19 11
20 23 20 7
21 19 21 9
22 20 22 10
23 20 23 24
24 20 24 12
25 21 25 9
26 40 26 10
27 20 27 6
28 22 28 11
29 20 29 8
30 20 30 12
31 19 381 egg.
613 egg.


July August
1 11 eggs. 1 19
2 20 eggs. 2 12
3 9 eggs. 3 12
4 12 eggs. 4 9
5 8 5 10
6 15 6 8
7 19 7 9
8 13 8 14
9 7 9 13
10 8 10 6
11 10 11 11
12 11 12 10
13 8 13 11
14 6 14 10
15 9 15 29
16 5 16 10
17 9 17 10
18 5 18 9
19 25 19 23
20 12 20 11
21 5 21 12
22 5 22 9
23 9 23 4
24 10 24 11
25 10 25 11
26 11 26 6
27 11 27 6
28 7 28 6
29 5 29 13
30 36 30 28
31 1 31 14
342 eggs 356
Total for July Total for August


September October
1 9 egg 1 5 eggs.
2 10 2 10
3 16 3 6
4 14 4 6
5 9 5 5
6 11 6 6
7 8 7 7
8 8 8 8
9 8 9 9
10 5 10 11
11 5 11 4
12 16 12 4
13 8 13 2
14 9 14 4
15 11 15 2
16 10 16 2
17 9 17 3
18 4 18 2
19 7 19 3
20 9 20 0
21 6 21 2
22 6 22 4
23 6 23 2
24 19 24 2
25 12 25 2
26 5 26 0
27 5 27 13
28 12 28 2
29 8 29 1
30 8 30 1
31 1
Total for September 271 Total for October 117


November December
1 0 1 0
2 0 2 0
3 2 3 0
4 0 4 0
5 1 5 0
6 1 6 0
7 0 7 0
8 1 8 0
9 0 9 0
10 1 10 0
11 0 11 0
12 1 12 0
13 0 13 0
14 0 14 0
15 1 15 0
16 0 16 0
17 0 17 0
18 0 18 1
19 0 19 0
20 0 20 2
21 0 21 0
22 0 22 2
23 0 23 1
24 0 24 2
25 0 25 0
26 0 26 1
27 0 27 2
28 0 28 1
29 0 29 2
30 30 3
31 2.
8 egg. 19 egg


Eggs sold in 1922.

Jan. 14 2 1/2 doz. 35 .88
Jan. 21 2 1/2 doz. 40 1.00
Total for Jan. $1.88
Feb. 4 4 doz. 40 1.60
Feb 11 5 doz. 37 1.11
Feb. 17 4 doz. 38 1.52
Feb. 25 3 1/2 doz. 35 1 22
Total for Feb. 5.45
March 4. 4 1/2 doz. 25 1.13
March 11 5 doz. 24 1.20
March 18 7 doz. 24 1.68
March 25 9 doz. 24 2.16
Total for March 6.17
April 8. 10 doz. 25 2.50
April 15. 6 doz. 25 1.50
April 21 8 doz. 25 2.00
April 28 7 1/2 doz 26 1.95
Total for April 7.95
May 6. 7 doz. 26 1.82
May 13 6 doz. 27 1.62
May 20 7 doz. 28 1.96
May 27 9 doz. 26 2.34
Total for May 7.94
June 2. 8 1/2 doz. 26 2.21
June 10 4 doz. 22 88
June 17 6 doz. 23 1.38
June 24 5 doz. 23 1.15
Total for June 5.62

Eggs sold in 1922


July 1 3 1/2 doz.25' .87 July8 6 1/2 doz.25 1.62 July 20 4 doz. 25 1.00 July29. 4 doz.424 .96 Total for July 4.45

Aug 5 4 doz. 2.20 80 Aug 12 2 1/2 0.20 50 Aug 19 5 1/2 0.21 115 Aug 26 4 1/2 0.24 1.08 Total for Aug. 3.53

Sept. 23 4 1/2 0.32 1.44 Sept 30 4 0.35 1.40 Total for Sept. 2.84

Oct. 26 4doz. 0.40 1.60 Total for Oct 1.60


Jan 5 doz. 1.88 Feb 14 1/2 545 Mar 25 12 6.17 Apr 31 1/2 795 May 29 274 June 23 1/2 562 July 18 445 August 16 1/2 353 Sept 8 1/2 284 Oct 4 160

   176doz          47.23

January 151

February 264

March 498

April 432

May 613

June 381

July 342

August 386

September 271

October 117

Novermber 8

December 19

123449egg 287 eggs

sold 176

wood 111 dozen

{"Maureen Walter" repeatedly written in various orientations}

mre waeter mrs nv water macassers wannes mrs. waanawers

{green book cover}

Transcription Progress



Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary, 1922.pdf
Ellamanda Krauter Maurer 1922 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Ellamanda Krauter Maurer, “Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary & Transcription, 1922,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 6, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/300.
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