Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary & Transcription, 1921


Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary & Transcription, 1921


Ellamanda Krauter Maurer


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collection, University of Guelph




20th Century, Waterloo North County, Woolwich Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


Diary {Embossed in gold in cursive}

{Blank page}

Ella Maurer

Elmira, Ont.

For the year 1921.

{Blank page}







My Name is Ella Maurer

Adress Elmira R.R1. Ontario

'Phone 119 r.14

Birthday February 5

Age 29 years

Height 5'5"

Complexion Very Fair

Weight 135 lbs

In case of accident or illness please notify The Duke of Devonshire Ottawa, Canada


Number on case of my Watch......

" movement "......

Automobile License No......

Engine No ...... H.P.....

My accident insurance falls due on } .......

My life insurance policies fall due on } .....

Size of my shoes ..... Hoisery.....

" Collar .... Cuffs ....

" Hat .... Shirt ....

" Gloves .... Underwear.....

{Pre-printed page of an annual calender with the months and days of 1921}


Jan. | 1921

Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
.. .. .. .. .. .. 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 .. .. .. .. ..


.. .. 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 .. .. .. .. ..


.. .. 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 .. ..


.. .. .. .. .. 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28...
29 30 31 .. .. .. ..


.. .. .. 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 .. ..

July | 1921

Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
.. .. .. .. .. 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 .. .. .. .. .. ..


.. 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 .. .. ..


.. .. .. .. 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 .. .. .. .. ..


.. .. 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 .. .. ..


.. .. .. .. 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31


On April 15, 1915, the Special War Revenue Act became effective as follows:


A "War Tax" 1c, Stamp, in addition to the ordinary postage, must be affixed to each letter and post card mailed in Canada, for delivery in Canada, the United States, and Mexico; also on letters and post cards mailed in Canada for the United Kingdom and British possessions, or wherecer the two-cent rate applies.

Failure on the part of the sender of a letter or post card to comply with the above, such letter or post card will be sent to the dead letter office.

Wherever possible and procurable, stamps on which the words "War Tax" have been printed should be used for prepayment of the "War Tax," but should ordinary postage stamps be used for the purpose they will be accepted.

The "War Tax" Stamp should be affixed to the upper right-hand portion of the envelope or post card. Circulars, catalogues, newspapers, and parcels are not subject to the "War Tax."


Cheques {bolded} issued on Current Accounts.

Receipts {bolded} and Cheques {bolded} issued on Savings Department Accounts.

War Taxes

- Continued {continued is italicized and on the same line as "War Taxes"}

Bills of Exchange {"Bills of Exchange": Bolded} and Premissory Notes {"Premissory Notes": Bolded} delivered to a Bank must have a two-cent Stamp affixed when drawn for an amount of $100 or less and an additional two-cent stamp {"and an additional two-cent stamp": Bolded} on ever $100 or fractional part in excess of $100.

The Issuer {"Issuer" is bolded} of a Cheque of Brank Receipt must affix the stamp before payment can be made.

The person who delivers {"person who delivers: bolded} a Bill of Exchange or Promissory Note to a bank must affix a stamp before delivery.

Telegrams and Cables. {Bolded} A "War Tax" of two-cents is to be paid on all Express and Money Orders.

Postal Notes. {Bolded} A "War Tax" of one-cent is to be paid on all Postal Notes.

Stock Transfers. {Bolded} A stamp tax of two-cents must be paid on each share of stock transferred.

The Special War Revenue Act also covers Railway, Steamship and Ocean Tickets ; Sleeping Car and Parlor Car Tickets ; Proprietary or Patent Medicines ; Perfumes and Wines.

As the Tax on the above list varies according to the amount involved it is impossible for us to print the clause in detail. All items mentioned are, however, subject to a tax and the purchase is liable for same.

Rates of Postage

(See War TAXES) {on the same line as the header}

POST CARDS - Canada, Mexico, and U.S., 1c. each. Great Britain, Nefoundland, and other Postal Union Countries, 2c. each.

LETTERS - Canada & U.S., 2c, per oz.; Unit'd Kingdom, Newfoundland and British possessions and Protectorates, 2c. per oz.; Postal Union countries, 5c, per oz., and 3c, each extra oz.

NEWSPAPERS - Canada, Mexico or United States, 1c. per 4 oz.

BOOKS, CIRCULARS, DOCUMENCES, &c,- Canada, per 2oz., 1c.; U.S., Newf'd;'nd, Gt. Britain, Europe, per 2 oz., 1c. Limit of weight, 5 lbs.; size, 2 ft. in length, 1 ft. width or depth; to be open at end.

COMMERICAL PAPERS, DOCUMENTS, &c. Canada, 2c. per oz.; Great Britain, U.S., 5c. for first 10 oz., and 1c. for every additional 2 oz.

PARCELS- Limit £5 value ; size 2 ft. x 1 ft. depth or width-United Kingdom (Canadian mail only), limit, 11 lbs., 12 cts. first lb., 12c. each additional lb. Customs Declaration of contens and value must be made out at P.O. No parcel post to U.S.

FOURTH-CLASS PARCELS to be left open at end. Limit of weight, 5 lbs.; size 30 inches in length by 1 ft. in depth or width ; 1c. per oz. or fraction ; 1c. per oz. to U.S.

REGISTERED LETTERS for Canada, U.S., Great Britain and Europe, 10c. registration stamp.

PATTERNS & SAMPLES-Canada, limit, 3 lbs., size, 30 in. by 1 ft. in width or depth, 1c, per 2 oz. or fraction.

United K'g'dm, limit, 5 lb.; size, 2 ft. in length, by 1 ft. in width or depth, 2c. per 4 oz., and 1c. each additional 2 oz.

EUROPE, &c., limit 12 oz.; size 1 ft. by 8 in. in width by 4 in. in depth, 2c. per 4 oz. ; 1c. each additional 2 oz.

U.S. limit, 12 oz.; size, 1 ft. by 8 in. in width by 4 in. in deoth, 2c. per 4 oz., and 1c. each additional 2 oz.

Eclipses, 1921

In the year 1921 there will be four eclipses, two of the Sun, and two of the Moon.

I. An Annular Eclipse of the Sun April 8th, 1921. Invisible in Canada, The path of the Annular Eclipse will be traverse the NorthAtlantic Ocean, touching the extreme North end of Scotland, grazing the western coast of Norway and thence north-easterly over the ArcticOcean passing between Spitzbergen and Nova Zembla.

II. A total Exlipse of the Moon, April 22nd, 1921, visible in Canada, the beginning visible generally in North and South America, the Atlantic and Pacfic Oceans; the ending visible generally in North and South America, Australia, the Pacific Ocean, and the eastern part of Asia, At Toronto the Moon enters the shadow or umbra 1h. 3m. a.m., total eclipse begins 2h. 44m. a.m., total eclipse ends 3h. 5m. a.m., Moon leaves the Umbra 4h. 26m, a.m. Magnitude of the eclipse 1.074 (Moon's diameter 1.0)

III. A total Eclipse of the Sun October 1st, 1921, invisible in Canada, The path of totality passes in a curve just south of Patagonia and ending in the vicinity of the South Pole.

IV. A partial Eclipse of the Moon October 16th, 1921, the beginning visible generally in Western Asia, Europe, Africa, the eastern part of S. America, the Indian and Atlantic Oceans; the ending visible generallt in Western Asia, Europe, Africa, S.America and N.America except the extreme western part of the Indian Ocean. At Toronto the Moon enters the Umbra 4h. 14m. p.m., middle of the eclipse 5h. 54m. p.m., Moon leaves the Umbra 7h. 34m. p.m., Magnitude of the eclipse 0.938 (Moon's diameter 1.0).


Golden Number ... 3

Epact ... 21

Solar Cycle ... 26

Dominical Letter ... B

Roman Indiction ... 4

Julian Period (Year of)... 6634

The year 5682 of the Jewish Era begins an sunset on October 2, 1921.

The 12th year of the reign of King George V. begins on May 8th, 1921.

The 55th year of the Dominion of Canada begins on July 1st, 1921.

Festivals. Anniversaries, etc., 1921

New Year's Day.. Saturday, Jan. 1

Epiphany ... " 6

Septuagesima Sunday..."23

Quinquagesima- Shrove Sun... Feb 6

Ash Wednesday. "9

Quadragesima - 1st Sun. in Lent "13

St. David... Mar. 1

St. Patrick... "17

Palm Sunday... "20

Good Friday... "25

Annunciation Day... "25

Easter Sunday... "27

Low Sunday... April 8

St. George, and 1st day of Passover "23

Rogation Sun...May 1

Ancension Day-Holy Thurs... "5

Accession of King George V..."6

Whit Suhnday... "15

Trinity Sunday "22

Victoria Day... "24

{The following is on the left side, divided with a line}

Birth of Queen Mary (1867)... May 26

Corpus Christi... "26

Birth of King George V.(1865) June 3

Hebrew Penticost (Shebuoth)..."12

Birth of Prince of Wales (1894) "23

St. John Baptist. (Midsum Day)"24

Dominion Day.. July 1

Labor Day... Sept.5

St.Michael-Michaelmas Day "29

Hebrew New Year (Rosh Hashanah) Oct.3

All Saints' Day.. Nov.1

1st Sun. in Advent "27

St. Andrew... "30

Birth of Queen Alexandra (1844) Dec.1

Conception Day.. "8

St. Thomas... "21

Christmas Day-(Sunday)..."25

Value of Foreign Coins in Canadian Current for Customs Purposes.

Argentine Republic.} Gold & silver Peso... $0.96.5
Austria-H'g'y Gold... Crown... .20.3
Belgium... Gold& Silver Franc... .19.3
Bolivia... Silver... Boliviano... .45.9
Brazil... Gold... Milreis... .54.6
Cen.Am.States Silver... Peso... .43.9
Chili... Gold... Peso... .36.5
China... Silver... Tael{ Shanghai Haikwan .64.8 72.2
Columbia... Silver... Peso... .43.9
Cuba... Gold & Silver Peso... .92.6
Denmark... Gold... Crown... .26.8
Ecuador... Silver... Sucre... .41.8
Egypt... Gold... Pound... 4.94.3
France... Gold & Silver Franc... .19.8
Germ'n Emp. Gold... Mark... .23.8
Greece... Gold & Silver Drachma... .19.3
India... Silver... Rupee... .32.4
Italy... Gold & Silver Lire... .19.3
Japan... Gold & Silver Yen-Gold... .49.8
Liberia... Gold... Dollar... 1.00
Mexico... Silver... Dollar... .47.7
Netherlands... Gold & Silver Florin... .40.2
Norway... Gold... Crown... .26.8
Persia... ... Kian... .08.3
Peru... Silver... Sol... .43.9
Portugal... Gold... Milreis... 1.08
Russia... Silver... Rouble-G'ld .51.5
Spain... Gold & Silver Peseta... .19.2
Sweden... Gold... Crown... .26.3
Switzerland... Gold & Silver Franc... .19.8
Turkey... Gold... Piastre... .04.8
Venezuela... Gold & Silver Bolivar... .19.43

Weights & Measure {Ellamanda's handwriting}

Weights and Measures



4 in. make 1 hand

7,92 " " 1 link

18 " " 1 cubit

12 " " 1 foot

6 ft. " 1 fathom

3 " " 1 yard

54 yds. " 1 rod

40 rds. " 1 furlong

8 fur. " 1 mile

1760 yds. " 1 mile

691 1/s mls. " 1 degree

60 geographical mls.

make 1 degree,


144 sq. in ... 1 sq. foot

9 " ft ... 1 " yard

30 1/4 " yds..1 " rod

40 " rods... 1 " rood

4 " roods 1 " acre

10 " ch'ns 1 " acre

640 " acres 1 " mile

{The following is on the right hand side divided by a border}


16 drama make 1 oz

16 ozs, " 1 lb.

100 lbs. " 1 cwt.

20 cwt. " 1 ton

2000 lbs. " 1 ton


24 grains make 1 dwt.

20 dwts. " 1 oz.


4 gills make 1 pint

2 pints " 1 quart

4 quarts " 1 gallon

4 teaspoons make 1 tablespoon.

2 tablespoons make 1 ounce.

2 ozs. make 1 wineglass

{The following is written underneath}

Metre ... 3,280 feet

Kilometre... 1093.6 yds.

Kilogramme... 2,2046 lbs.

Centimetre... .3937 inches

Litre ... 1.760 pints

Hectare... 2.471 acres

Knot or Marine Mile ... 1.15 statute miles

Weight & Measure {Ellamanda's handwriting}

January {Ellamanda's handwriting}

January 1921

Moon's Phases {Italicized} D. H. M.

New Moon... 9 0 27 am

First Quarter... 17.1 31 am

Full Moon... 23 6 08 pm

Last Quarter... 30 3 02 pm

h m h m h.m.
1 S 7 52 4 51 0 38
2 S 7 52 4 52 1 42
3 M 7 52 4 53 2 45
4 T 7 52 4 54 3 43
5 W 7 52 4 55 4 41
6 T 7 52 4 56 5 33
7 F 7 52 4 57 6 22
8 S 7 52 4 58 7 05
9 S 7 52 4 59 Sets.
10 M 7 51 5 00 6 45
11 T 7 51 5 01 7 47
12 W 7 51 5 02 8 45
13 T 7 50 5 04 9 45
14 F 7 50 5 05 10 45
15 S 7 49 5 06 11 46
16 S 7 49 5 07 AM
17 M 7 48 5 08 0 50
18 T 7 47 5 10 1 57
19 W 7 47 5 11 3 04
20 T 7 46 5 12 4 10
21 F 7 46 5 14 5 13
22 S 7 45 5 15 6 11
23 S 7 44 5 16 Rises
24 M 7 44 5 17 6 43
25 T 7 43 5 18 7 59
26 W 7 42 5 20 9 11
27 T 7 41 5 21 10 23
28 F 7 40 5 23 11 29
29 S 7 39 5 24 AM
30 S 7 38 5 25 0 35
31 M 7 37 5 27 1 36
{The following is written next to the above table} February 1921 {Ellamanda's handwriting}

February 1921

Moon's Phases {Italicized} D. H. M.

New Moon... 7 7 37 pm

First Quarter... 15 1 53 pn

Full Moon... 22 4 32 am

D D W SR. SS. M.R.
h m h m h.m.
1 T 7 37 5 28 2 34
2 W 7 35 5 30 3 28
3 T 7 33 5 31 4 18
4 F 7 32 5 33 5 03
5 S 7 31 5 34 5 44
6 S 7 30 5 35 6 20
7 M 7 28 5 37 6 54
8 T 7 27 5 38 Sets.
9 W 7 26 5 39 7 38
10 T 7 25 5 40 8 38
11 F 7 24 5 42 9 39
12 S 7 22 5 43 10 42
13 S 7 21 5 44 11 46
14 M 7 20 5 46 AM
15 T 7 18 5 47 0 50
16 W 7 17 5 49 1 55
17 T 7 15 5 50 2 57
18 F 7 13 5 51 3 55
19 S 7 12 5 53 4 49
20 S 7 10 5 54 5 34
21 M 7 09 5 56 6 16
22 T 7 07 5 57 Rises
23 W 7 05 5 58 7 57
24 T 7 04 6 00 9 08
25 F 7 02 6 01 10 16
26 S 7 01 6 02 11 22
27 S 6 59 6 03 AM
28 M 6 58 6 04 0 23
NOTE.-The times of rising and setting of the Sun and Moon. and phases of Moon, are given in Standard time.

Weight & Measure {Ellamanda's Handwriting}


MEASURE OF LENGTH 4 in. make 1 hand

7,92 " " 1 link

18 " " 1 cubit

12 " " 1 foot

6 ft. " 1 fathom

3 " " 1 yard

54 yds. " 1 rod

40 rds. " 1 furlong

8 fur. " 1 mile

1760 yds. " 1 mile

691 1/s mls. " 1 degree

60 geographical mls.

make 1 degree,

SQUARE MEASURE 144 sq. in ... 1 sq. foot

9 " ft ... 1 " yard

30 1/4 " yds..1 " rod

40 " rods... 1 " rood

4 " roods 1 " acre

10 " ch'ns 1 " acre

640 " acres 1 " mile

{The following is on the right hand side divided by a border}

AVOIRDUPOIS 16 drama make 1 oz

16 ozs, " 1 lb.

100 lbs. " 1 cwt.

20 cwt. " 1 ton

2000 lbs. " 1 ton

TROY 24 grains make 1 dwt.

20 dwts. " 1 oz.

LIQUID 4 gills make 1 pint

2 pints " 1 quart

4 quarts " 1 gallon

4 teaspoons make 1 tablespoon.

2 tablespoons make 1 ounce.

2 ozs. make 1 wineglass

{The following is written underneath}

Metre ... 3,280 feet

Kilometre... 1093.6 yds.

Kilogramme... 2,2046 lbs.

Centimetre... .3937 inches

Litre ... 1.760 pints

Hectare... 2.471 acres

Knot or Marine Mile ... 1.15 statute miles

March {Ellamanda's handwriting}

March, 1921

Moon's Phases {Italicized} D.H.M.

Last quarter.. 1 9 03 am

New Moon... 9 1 09 pm

First Quarter... 16 10 49 pm

Full Moon... 23 3 19 pm

Last Quarter...31 4 13 am

D D W SR. S S. M.R.
h m h m h.m.
1 T 6 55 6 06 1 20
2 W 6 54 6 07 2 12
3 T 6 53 6 08 2 59
4 F 6 51 6 10 3 42
5 S 6 49 6 11 4 20
6 S 6 47 6 12 4 53
7 M 6 45 6 14 5 25
8 T 6 44 6 15 5 53
9 W 6 42 6 16 Sets.
10 T 6 40 6 18 7 31
11 F 6 38 6 19 8 35
12 S 6 37 6 20 9 39
13 S 6 35 6 21 10 43
14 M 6 33 6 22 11 48
15 T 6 32 6 26 A.M.
16 W 6 30 6 24 0 50
17 T 6 29 6 26 1 47
18 F 6 26 6 27 2 41
19 S 6 24 6 28 3 28
20 S 6 23 6 30 4 09
21 M 6 21 6 31 4 46
22 T 6 19 6 32 5 22
23 W 6 18 6 33 Rises
24 T 6 15 6 35 7 54
25 F 6 14 6 36 9 01
26 S 6 12 6 37 10 05
27 S 6 10 6 38 11 07
28 M 6 09 6 39 A.M.
29 T 6 07 6 49 0 03
30 W 6 05 6 41 0 52
31 T 6 03 6 43 1 37
April {Ellamanda's handwriting}

April, 1921

Moon's Phases {Italicized} D.H.M.

New Moon... 8 4 05 am

First Quarter... 15 5 12 am

Full Moon... 22 2 49 am

Last Quarter...29 11 09 pm

D D W SR. S S. M.R.
h m h m h.m
1 F 6 01 6 44 2 17
2 S 5 59 6 45 2 52
3 S 5 57 6 46 3 24
4 M 5 55 6 48 3 54
5 T 5 53 6 49 4 22
6 W 5 52 6 50 4 51
7 T 5 50 6 51 5 21
8 F 5 48 6 53 Sets
9 S 5 46 6 54 8 35
10 S 5 45 6 55 9 39
11 M 5 43 6 56 10 43
12 T 5 42 6 57 11 43
13 W 5 40 6 58 A.M.
14 T 5 38 6 59 0 38
15 F 5 36 7 01 1 26
16 S 5 35 7 02 2 09
17 S 5 33 7 03 2 47
18 M 5 31 7 04 3 21
19 T 5 30 7 05 3 55
20 W 5 28 7 07 4 27
21 T 5 26 7 08 Rises
22 F 5 24 7 09 7 49
23 S 5 23 7 11 8 51
24 S 5 21 7 12 9 50
25 M 5 20 7 13 10 43
26 T 5 18 7 14 11 31
27 W 5 17 7 15 A.M.
28 T 5 16 7 16 0 14
29 F 5 14 7 17 0 50
30 S 5 13 7 18 1 24

May June May {Ellamanda's Handwriting}

June {Ellamanda's Handwriting}

May, 2021 {Bolded}

Moon's Phases {Italicized} D. H. M.

New Moon ... 7 4 02 pm

First Quarter. 14 10 25 am

Full Moon .... 21 3 15 pm

Last Quarter..29 4 45 pm

D D W SR./td> SS. M.R.
h m h m h. m.
1 S 5 11 7 20 1 53
2 M 5 10 7 21 2 23
3 T 5 08 7 22 2 51
4 W 5 07 7 23 3 19
5 T 5 05 7 25 3 50
6 F 5 04 7 26 4 22
7 S 5 03 7 27 Sets.
8 S 5 01 7 28 8 30
9 M 5 00 7 29 9 33
10 T 4 59 7 31 10 31
11 W 4 58 7 32 11 23
12 T 4 56 7 33 A.M.
13 F 4 55 7 34 0 08
14 S 4 54 7 35 0 47
15 S 4 53 7 36 1 23
16 M 4 52 7 37 1 56
17 T 4 51 7 38 2 28
18 W 4 50 7 39 3 00
19 T 4 49 7 40 3 33
20 F 4 48 7 41 4 09
21 S 4 47 7 42 Rises
22 S 4 46 7 43 8 42
23 M 4 45 7 44 9 23
24 T 4 45 7 45 10 08
25 W 4 44. 7 46 10 47
26 T 4 43 7 47 11 22
27 F 4 42 7 48 11 54
28 S 4 41 7 49 A.M.
29 S 4 41 7 50 0 24
30 M 4 40 7 51 0 52
31 T 4 40 7 51 1 20
June, 1921

Moon's Phases {Italicized} D. H. M.

New Moon.... 6 1 15 am

First Quarter.. 12 4 00 pm

Full Moon.... 20 4 41 am

Last Quarter.. 28 8 17 am
hm hm h.m.
1 W 4 39 7 52 1 49
2 T 4 39 7 53 2 19
3 F 4 38 7 54 2 54
4 S 4 38 7 54 3 33
5 S 4 38 7 55 4 19
6 M 4 37 7 56 Sets
7 T 4 37 7 56 9 15
8 W 4 37 7 57 10 04
9 T 4 36 7 58 10 48
10 F 4 36 10 48 11 24
11 S 4 36 7 59 A.M.
12 S 4 36 7 59 0 00
13 M 4 35 8 00 0 32
14 T 4 35 8 01 1 04
15 W 4 35 8 01 1 36
16 T 4 35 8 01 2 11
17 F 4 35 8 02 2 48
18 S 4 35 8 02 3 28
19 S 4 35 8 03 4 14
20 M 4 36 8 03 Rises
21 T 4 36 8 03 8 46
22 W 4 36 8 03 9 23
23 T 4 36 8 03 9 56
24 F 4 37 8 03 10 26
25 S 4 37. 8 04 10 55
26 S 4 37 8 04 11 22
27 M 4 38 8 04 11 50
28 T 4 38 8 04 A.M.
29 W 4 39 8 03 0 18
30 T 4 39 8 03 0 50

Memorandum from 1920

1 {page number}

Memorandum from 1920

January Saturday 1 1921

Grey, misty, mild day. We had two ducks for dinner and had the following guests: Mr. & Mrs. Albert Krauter, Mr and Mrs. Jno. Maurer & Miriam Mr. & Mrs Lincoln Weaver Willard and Mildred.

Sunday 2

Very windy and colder. Father & Mother Krauter went up to Lincoln's this morning. We were to the Woolwich church and S.School this afternoon.

Monday 3

Beautiful sunny day. Walter helped with the washing and went to Floradale to vote after dinner Joe Lawson and Garbutt Jackson were here for dinner.

January Tuesday 4 1921

Fair and mild Walter worked in the stables all morning and helped to thresh at Addison Reist's in the afternoon.

Wednesday 5

Rather stormy. Walter helped to thresh at Addison Reists this afternoon. Charles Hilliard came up here today and stayed for the night.

Thursday 6

Lovely day. Mr & Mrs Arthur Craig were here all day and Walter butchered a pig for them

January Friday 7 1921

Cloudy & milder Walter worked around the stables today. The following colored brethren arrived this afternoon - Garbutt Jackson, Murro Armstrong, and Chas Selber. They are going to whitewash our stables

Satuday 8

Clear & windy. The colored gentlemen sprayed our stables today. Bert, Pearl and Beulah Hilliard came up here this afternoon.

Sunday 9

Lovely day. We all went over to King's for tea and the evening. Isaac Holle took Annie to the Guelph Hospital and she was operated on for a tumor.

January Monday 10 1921

Beautiful day. Walter spent the day in Elmira. Bert, Pearl and Beulah went home after supper. Ella's brother Allen Krauter of Dauphin, Manitoba came here tonight and took us quite by surprise.

Tuesday 11

Cloudy. Snowflurries. Lovely afternoon. Father Krauter came here for supper and the night. Walter was butchering today for Andrew Groff.

Wednesday 12

Changeable weather. Cold. Walter & Lincoln went to the swamp with Father Krauter to make posts.

January Thursday 13 1921

Lovely day. Earl and Wesley Milton are cutting wood and were here for dinner. Father Krauter went home after dinner. Edna, Willard and Mildred spent the afternoon with Ella while Walter & Lincoln went to the swamp and they were all here for supper.

Friday 14

Cloudy and mild. Earl & Wesley Miller were cutting wood and were here for dinner Walter went to Voisin's sale near {Glenallen?} with Enoch Snider this afternoon.

Saturday 15

Snowed all morning. Lovely afternoon. Walter worked around the barn all day and he and Vernon went to Creekbank before supper

January Sunday 16 1921

Very stormy. Walter, Ella & Vernon went to S.School and church this afternoon. and to Enoch Sniders for tea and the evening.

Monday 17

Very cold. Stormy. Walter killed a beef for Enoch Snider this morning and killed Dicky the old cream horse this afternoon. Clayton Stewart's barn burned down today,. Adam Sattler died at Heidelberg

Tuesday 18

Very cold and clear. Ella did her washing today Walter soent the day in the barn. His visitors were - Addison Reist, Enoch Snider and Albert Reist.

January Wednesday 19 1921

Raw, cold and windy. Walter took Vernon to school and spent the rest of the morning at Creekbank store. His callers were - Jacob King, Enoch Snider and Chas Koepke.

Thursday 20

Very mild. Walter killed a pig for Enoch Snider this morning and he and Enoch were driving around for pleasure this afternoon Wesley Miller was here for dinner.

Friday 21

Rained all day. Walter went to Elmira this morning and Allano came uo with him Walter spent the afternoon at Doelfle's

January Saturday 22 1921

Very mild and misty. Walter fetched some pigs at Doelfle's and had his dinner at his father's place. His callers were - Wm. Howlett Bob Atkinson and Alf. Shautz.

Sunday 23

Windy. Snowflurries. Walter, Ella, Allan and Vernon went up to Lincoln's for dinner and supper. They lived on a farm on the 8th. line of Peel.

Monday 24

Clear, cold and windy. Allan left for Kitchener this morning. Walter killed a beef for Enoch Snider and a pig for Ezra Maurer. Walters father was here and helped

January Tuesday 25 1921

Clear and cold. Bert came up here for dinner to fix the car. Walter's father cleaned the stables for Walter and was here for dinner. Other callers were - Mr. Martin, Pete Roy, Louis Miller and Ed. Bender

Wednesday 26

Clear and cold. Bert left for home before dinner and Ella went with him and stayed at Charlie's for the night. Arthur Craig called on Walter.

Tuesday 27

Clear and cold. Charie took Ella to Kitchener this morning and she had some work done at the dentist's came up to Elmira with the noon train and had her dinner at Art. Kliuch's Walter fetched here there.

January Friday 28 1921

Another beautiful day. Milder. Walter was working around the stables all day. Louis Miller called on him this morning.

Saturday 29

Quite mild. Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale this morning and had the following callers after dinner Pete Roy, Addison Reist, Christ. Hartwig and J. Clements

Sunday 30

Cold east wind blowing Mr. & Mrs. Albert Reist and little Johnny were here for tea.

January Monday 31 1921

Clear and cold. East wind Walter worked in the stables all day. His callers were Mr. Gingerich and Clark Sobye

February Tuesday 1

Cold east wind blowing. Walter was butchering at Louis Miller's. Callers were Pete Roy, Gordon Roy, Alfred Shautz and Geo. Nogk.

Wednesday 2

Dreary cold day. Walter was butchering at Chas Koepke's. Max Bierman came here for supper and the night. Candlemas Day. No sunshine.

February Thursday 3 1921

Snowing and storming. We butchered two pigs for Alfred Shautz today. Chas, Selby and Garbutt Jackson were for dinner.

Friday 4

Cloudy and cold. Walter called on Doerfel's this afternoon. His callers were - Will King, Alfred Shautz and Ed. Brown.

Saturday 5

Cloudy and mild. Walters callers were - Jno. & Emerson Stauge and Geo & Enoch Snider. Walter went to Creekbank store and Vernon spent the afternoon at Addison Reist's

February Sunday 6 1921

Clear, cold and windy. We went to Woolwich church this morning and heard a temperance speaker from Toronto. We were over at Otto Miller's for dinner and supper and had a real nice time!

Monday 7

Snowing. Walter left for Elmira this morning and didn't get back till 5.30 p.m Callers were - Arthur Craig and Jno. Maurer.

Tuesday 8

Beautiful sunny day. Walter's father and mother were here all day and we butchered 4 pigs for them.

February Wednesday 9 1921

Mild and drizzly. Walter's father came up this morning and stayed for dinner. Walter killed a beef afrer dinner. Walter went to Floradale Farmer's Club and Mr. King & Clark Sobye called on Ella.

Thursday 10

Cloudy & mild. Walter went to John Bott's sale this afternoon. Lizzie Koepke spent the afternoon with Ella.

Friday 11

Snowing all day Iwin Woelfle fetched a load of hay this morning. Walter went to Creekbank store this afternoon They had a Valentine concert at the school today but we couldn't go.

February Saturday 12 1921

Clear and cold. Lovely day. Started to snow after dinner Walter was sawing wood at Woelfle's this forenoon and went to Elmira after dinner.

Sunday 13

Beautiful day. We went to Woolwich church and S.School this afternoon and to Jno. Stauge's for tea and the evening.

Monday 14

Stormy. High wind. Father & Mother Krauter came up here before dinner. Walter butchered a cow for Lincoln today. His callers were Sam Bird & Lincoln Weaver

February Tuesday 15 1921

Beautiful day. Walter helped Ella with the washing ^in the morning and drew some wood home from the bush. in the afternoon. Callers were Sam Bird & Mr. Myers.

Wednesday 16

Mild spring-like day. Real shower of rain this afternoon Walter butchered 4 pigs today at Edmund Schwindt's Ella's callers - Dave Reist and Lizzie Koepke Saw a large flock of blackbirds today.

Thursday 17

Cold and windy Snowflurries. Walter spent the day at home. His callers were - Enoch Snider and Clark Sobye.

February Friday 18 1921

Clear and cold. Walter's callers were - Jno. Woelfl, Irvin Woelfle and Roy Hoffman. Enoch and Irvin Snider. Vernon stayed home from school today as he has a sore throat

Saturday 19

Walter spent the biggest part of the day in Elmira Clear and cold. Vernon is covered with rash today. Dr. McLuibban was in to night and pronounced it scarlet fever,

Sunday 20

Beautiful day. Clear & cold. Dr. Nairn was here this afternoon and quarantined us. Walter is pretty glum as he'll have to stay away from some sales.

February Monday 21 1921

Clear and cold and windy. Walter and Ella did the washing this morning. Vernon is about the same as yesterday.

Tuesday 22

Lovely day. Milder. Walter wasn't quite as lonesome as yesterday as he had some callers viz - Norman and Emo King, Jno Woelfle and Irvin Woelfle.

Wednesday 23

Snowing and storming all day. Vernon was quite sick this afternoon and evening.

February Thursday 24 1921

Clear, cold and sunny. Vernon feels much better today. Dr. McLinbban was here this morning. Walter took some pigs down to Albert Reist's for the sale.

Friday 25

Lovely morning Snowing and storming all afternoon. Albert Reist's sale. Walter's pigs and chopper were sold. Walter's callers were - Albert Krauter and Noah Reist.

Saturday 26

Snowing and storming all day. Enoch brought us some groceries from Creekbank and John Staugey also called on Walter.

February Sunday 27 1921

Milder. Everything is covered with hoar frost. Misty. We spent the day very quietly at home but Walter was so busy telephoning he didn't think about getting lonesome. Manassa Huchnergard died at Hamilton this morning.

Monday 28

Very misty and mild. Walter helped Ella with the washing this morning and spent the afternoon at Albert Riest's.

March Tuesday 1

Very mild. Albert Reist moved to near Glenallen today. Walter was hauling wood from the bush. Enoch Snider paid him a little call.

March Wednesday 2 1921

Very mild and misty. Walter worked around the stables all day. Jno. Stauge called on Walter. Manasse Huchnergard was buried today at Elmira.

Thursday 3

Colder. Snowing and storming. Enoch Snider took some chopping to Floradale for Walter also shipped some hides from Elmira. Walter has a sore throat.

Friday 4

Cold. Walter wasn't able to go to the barn this morning so Enoch came down and helped Ella do the chores. Drs. McLubban were here this evening and said he had quinsy. Vernon has a big bump below his ear.

March Saturday 5 1921

Everything is covered with hoar frost this morning. Started to rain around six oclock p.m. Enoch Snider did the feeding today and Ezra Thur cleaned the stables. Ella was busy all day making poultices for Walter & Vernon.

Sunday 6

Mild dreary day. Enoch Snider and Elmo King did the chores and cleaned the stables. Walter feels tough and Vernon was lying down all day. Dr. McLubban was here tonight.

Monday 7

Misty. Raw east wind blowing all day. Enoch Snider and Wesley Miller did the chores today. Walter & Vernon felt a little better today. Mrs. Currie's funeral service was held at alma today.

March Tuesday 8 1921

Very mild and windy. Enoch Snider and Addison Reist did the chores this morning and Welsey Miller this evening Ella did her washing today. Walter and Vernon are still the same. Mrs. Emanuel Bowmaw was buried today at Floradale also Mrs. Carrie at Mt. Forest

Wednesday 9

Colder. Cold west wind. Walter and Vernon are not any better. Wesley Miller and Noah Miller did the chores today, also chopped for awhile. Vernon got a letter shower today. Enoch & Irvin came as far as the gate.

Thursday 10

Clear and milder. Cold west wind. Wesley Miller & Nick Hoffer did the chores today Dr. McLubban was here this morning. Miriam and Geo. Snider visited Ella at the gate.

March Friday 11 1921

Very mild, spring like day. Ella saw a robin today. Walter's throat opened up last night and he's feeling somewhat better. Wesley Miller and Lincoln Weaver did the chores today.

Saturday 12

Mild. Rained nearly all day. Wesley Miller and Frank Bird did the chores today. Walter was sitting up part of the time today.

Sunday 13

Cloudy. Raw cold wind. Wesley Miller and Noah Miller did the chores today. Elmo King brought us some fresh maple syrup today.

March Monday 14 1921

Raw east wind. Started to rain after dinner. Wesley Miller and Ezra Thur did the chores today. Vernon is feeling sick today.

Tuesday 15

Mild and misty. Vernon is quite ill. Dr McLicbban says his kidney are affected. Wesley Miller & Ezra Thur did the chores. Thunderstorms and rain tonight.

Wednesday 16

Clear. Cold west wind. Jacob King's had a sale today. Wesley Miller and Ezra Thur did the chores. Grandpa Maurer called on us today and Grandpa Krauter came up for a few days.

March Friday 11 1921{typed} Very mild, spring like day. Ella saw a robin today. Walter's throat opened up last night and he's feeling somewhat better. Wesley Miller and Lincoln Weaver did the chores today.

Saturday 12 {typed} Mild. Rained nearly all day. Wesley Miller and Frank Bird did the chores today. Walter was sitting up part of the time today.

Sunday 13 {typed} Cloudy. Raw cold wind. Wesley Miller and Noah Miller did the chores today. Elmo King brought us some fresh maple syrup today.

March Monday 14 1921 {typed} Raw east wind. Started to rain after dinner. Wesley Miller and Egra Thur did the chores today. Vernon is feeling sick today.

Tuesday 15{typed} Mild and misty. Vernon is quite ill. Dr. McQuibban says his kidneys are affected. Wesley Miller and & Ezra Thur did the chores. Thunderstorms and rain tonight.

Wednesday 16 {typed} Clear. Cold west wind. Jacob King's had a sale today. Wesley Miller and Egra Thur did the chores. Grandpa Maurer called on us today and Grandpa Krauter came up for a few days.

March Thursday 17 1921

Lovely morning. Ella heard some song sparrows singing Snowing this afternoon. Wesley Miller and Ezra Thur helped with the chores.

Friday 18

Beautiful day. Ezra Thur helped Father with the chores this morning. Father walked back to the bush and tore down the old shack back there.

Satuday 19

Thunderstorms and some rain all day. Some hail in the afternoon. Nick Hoffer helped Father with the chores. They fetched home the lumber from the bush and Father started building a smoke house.

March Sunday 20 1921

Very mild, cloudy, spring like day. Jacob King helped Father with the chores today Walter walked to the barn for the first time since his illness.

Monday 21

Cold west wind blowing. Sam Bird helped Father with the chores today. Carl Frite & Chas Horneby also called at the barn. We saw a large flock of wild geese flying north today.

Tuesday 22

Beautiful, clear cold day. Noah and Otto Miller helped to clean the stables. Walter was out the biggest part of the day. Father was working at the smoke house.

March Wednesday 23 1921

Beautiful, clear, cold day. Enoch Snider helped to clean the stables this morning. Dr. McLuibban was here this afternoon and said Vernon should stay in bed another week.

Thursday 24

Cloudy dull day. Dr. Nairn was here this morning and disinfected the house. Walter & Father finished the smoke house today. Started to rain in the afternoon.

Friday 25

Good Friday. Changeable weather. Some showers of rain. Quite mild. Walter's callers were - Jacob King Jno. Stauge and Mrs. Lyons. Father walked up to Enoch's after supper.

March Saturday 26 1921

Beautiful warm day. Walter went to Creekbank this morning and to Elmira this afternoon. Walter had hired Wm.Farnelley for eight months. Father Krauter went home after dinner. Heard frogs for first time this spring

Sunday 27

Easter Sunday. Mild and showery. We spent a very lonesome Sunday at home. Vernon is still in bed

Monday 28

Cold. Snowing and storming. Walter worked in the stables all morning and went to Irvin Reist's sale this afternoon.

March Tuesday 29 1921

Very cold and clear. Ella did her washing today. Our callers were Geo. and Enoch Snider, Lincoln Weaver, and Mrs. King. Walter was driving around the neighborhood this afternoon. Walter was eating taffy and broke out a tooth tonight.

Wednesday 30

Clear & cold east wind. Walter went to Elmira and had a tooth put in at Dr. Hille's in the morning. His callers were Wm.Moser, Bert and Joe Solbye.

Thursday 31

Rain and snow. We butchered two pigs today. Enoch Snider and Mrs.Louis Miller helped us. Vernon got up for awhile this afternoon.

April Friday 1 1921

Beautiful day. Louis Miller visited Walter all forenoon and John Playford of Lebanon paid him a visit this afternoon.

Saturday 2

Clear and milder. High wind. We stuffed the summer sausage today and Walter was working around the stables. Mr. Lyons of Alma bought 6 small pigs from Walter for $51.

Sunday 3

Lovely day. Walter went to Woolwich church this morning. Our visitors were - Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Weaver, Willard and Mildred, and Mr. & Mrs. Sim.Weaver.


April Monday 4 1921

Very warm. Beautiful day. Ella did her washing today. Walter fetched some cemend at Elmira this morning and fetched Mr. Farnellt, the new man at Craig's today, Mr. Lincoln Edler brought 2 pigs and stayed for tea. Mr. Adams Helen, Hobart & Keith were here in the evening.

Tuesday 5

Hot weather. Lincoln Edler was here all day and Walter butchered 2 pigs for him. Mr. Farnelly papered a bedroom upstairs.

Wednesday 6

Very hot weather. Mr. Farnelly started plowing and hoeling. Ella cleaned two rooms upstairs. Mrs. Adams fetched 2 pigs that he bought from Walter for $20. Callers- Nick Hoffer & Geo. Edler.

Ella planted the sweet peas today.

April Thursday 7 1921

Very hot. Mr. Farnelly was cultivating. Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale. Callers were Wm. {Klirck?}, Irvin Hoffer Addison Reist, Harvery & Lorne Reist. Ella finished the upstairs.

Friday 8

Coler, Raining ^all day Walter was butchering at Addison Reist's. Ella raked the yard this morning. Callers were - Jno. Wagner, Louis Miller & Philip Bonn.

Saturday 9

Cold and drizzly. Mr. Farnelly was plowing in the orchard. Walter spent the afternoon at Creekbank. Callers were Jno. Maurer, Ezra Maurer and Earl Milton.

April Sunday 10 1921

Cold and raw. Snowflurries Walter & Ella went to Woolwich church this afternoon. After supper we had some company by - Peter Schmihl, Jake Gibler and Clayton Giller of Kitchener.

Monday 11

Lovely day. Walter spent the day in Elmira & sold some pigs, had his teeth filled at Dr, Hillis'. Grandpa Krauter was here for dinner and Jacob King for supper. Other callers - Addison Reist, Louis Miller, and Philip Bonn.

Tuesday 12

Changeable weather. Walter was butchering at Louis Miller's today. Mr. Farrelly was plowing. Callers - Arthur Craig & Wm. Moser. Planted the gladiolus bulbs today.

April Wednesday 13 1921

Milder. Walter & Ezra Maurer went to Boroboy's sale this afternoon. Ezra was here for supper.

Thursday 14

Cloudy. Ella boiled her soap this forenoon. Mr. & Mrs. Alt Craig were here for dinner Walter sold him Jess & Arch for $300. William Kluick of Elmira visited with Walter all afternoon

Friday 15

Cloudy & drizzly. Mr. Farrelly was plowing and Walter wsa drawing wood. Callers were - Geo. Snider. Jno. Maurer Ezra Maurer

April Saturday 16 1921

Rain and sleet. The men were chopping and cleaning seed grain. Walter went to Creekbank store this afternoon.

Sunday 17

Cold. Snowing. Looks like winter today. Walter went to Woolwich church this morning. Mr. & Mrs. Enoch Snider, Annie, Irvin and Eva were here all day. Walter drove to church with the cutter today.

Monday 18

Cold and clear. Walter & Ella went to Floradale to vote this morning. Waler took two heifers (Mary Lass & Joy Bell) to Elmira. Mr Farnelly was plowing.

April Tuesday 19 1921

Clear and windy. Ella did her washing this morning. Walter went to Alma this morning and to Elmira this afternoon Ontario went dry by a majority of nearly 200,000

Wednesday 20

Cloudy. Light rainfall in the afternoon. Thunder- and rain storms tonight.

Tuesday 21

Cloudy & drizzly all day Walter & Mrs. Farnelly papered the dining room Mr. John Playford and son Steve of Lebanon Lebanon were here for dinner.

April Friday 22 1921

Rained all day. Walter & Mr. Farrelly papered the little parlor today. Mr. King was here dinner and Geo. Snider called in the afternoon.

Saturday 23

Cloudy & drizzly. Mr. Farrelly spent the day at Alma. Walter also spent the whole day cultivating around the country. Ella cleaned the dining-room and parlor and got everything straightened up.

Sunday 24

Beautiful day. Mr Farrelly, Walter, Ella and Vernons spent the day at Art. Craig's and had a nice time. Conference Sunday. No church services.

April Monday 25 1921

Lovely warm day. Marrelly was papering a room at Geo. Snider's. Walter & Vernon went to Elmira to get the stock feed at the station Callers were. Mrs. Zanders and Enoch Snider, Geo & Irvin Snider. Ella mowed the lawn for the first time this spring

Tuesday 26

Very warm & windy. Ella did her washing this morning and Walter was entertaining two horse buyers. Walter started seeding this afternoon. Vernon's first day at school since his illness.

Wednesday 27

Very warm & windy. Started to rain at noon. Mr. Farrelly & Walter were seeding this forenoon. Callers were - Eb. Stickney, Emerson Stocking, and Lizzie Koepke.

April Thursday 28 1921

Beautiful day. Mr. Farrelly was plowing. Walter took some chopping to Floradale and took off the storm windows and doors this afternoon. Ella cleaned her bedroom and varnished the linoleum. Vernon is not going to school as he is not strong.

Friday 29

Drizzly all day. The men were cleaning seed grain and chopping Born - Jo Emerson and Addie, a little daughter Marie Louibe.

Saturday 30

Cold windy & drizzly. Walter Ella & Vernon went to Elmira this morning and paid $3000 on the farm. We held our dinner at Art. Kliucks.

May Sunday 1 1921

Dull measly day. Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Hilliard. Vera and Ella came up here before dinner and stayed for the night.

Monday 2

Dull miserable day. Charlie left here shortly before dinner. Mr. Farrelly was cultivating & harrowing and Walter was seeding this afternoon.

Tuesday 3

Clear. Cold east wind blowing Ella did her washing. The men were seeding today.

May Wednesday 4 1921

Clear and windy. Ella & Vernon worked in the garden. The men were seeding. Eileen Kliuck was visiting Vernon this afternoon.

Thursday 5

Clear and windy. The men were seeding. Ella & Vernon planted the onions today. Vernon called at John Miller's. Edna, Willard and Mildred were here this afternoon and got some strawberry plants

Friday 6

Clear and windy. Ella dug the flowerbeds and sowed some flower seed. The men were seeding.

May Saturday 7 1921

Clear. Walter spent the morning ^at Elmira and the afternoon at Creekbank. After supper he had some callers - Jno. & Willie Woelfle, Sam Bird, Addison & Harvey Reist and Jacob King.

Sunday 8

Beautiful day. We took Lincoln's along and went up to Grandpa Krauter's, {Whey?} had a lot of company and had a good time.

Monday 9

Clear & windy. Walter spent the biggest part of the day in Elmira and brought the new mower home. Ella did her washing. Callers after supper - Bill Brox and Willis Koepke

May Tuesday 10 1921

Clear and windy. The men were seeding Annie & Eva Sider called and brough Vernon some letters from his schoolmates

Wednesday 11

Clear and very windy. The men were plowing. Ella & Vernon dug a piece in the garden. Joe Lawson was our caller after supper tonight.

Thursday 12

Cloudy & cool. The men were plowing. Ella & Vernon planted peas, beans, carrots & beets. Our callers - Lawrence Dowing Mike Allgier, and Mrs. Geo. Snider. Ella called at King's and had her tea there.

May Friday 13 1921

Cloudy & cool. Shower of rain around five oclock. The men were seeding, etc. Ella cleaned her pantry today.

Saturday 14

Cloudy and cool. Walter finished seeding at noon, went over to King's for ahile after dinner and was picking stones after he got back. Mr. Farrelly wheeled to Alma this afternoon. Ella & Vernon planted the dahlias.

Sunday 15

Cloudy and cold. Walter, Ella and Vernon went to Woolwich church this morning where Rev.E.Bean preached his first sermon. We had tea at Harvey Schmidt's Mr. Farrelly visited at Trask's.

May Monday 16 1921

Cloudy and cold. Ella did her washing and ironing today. Walter, Mr.F. and Vernon were picking stones all day. Walter & Vernon went down to Edmund Schwindt's raising after supper.

Tuesday 17

Cloudy. Somewhat milder. Walter helped at Edmund Schwindt's this morning. After dinner Walter started hauling manure and Mr. F. was plowing. Mr. & Mrs. Art Cragg and Julia were here after supper.

Wednesday 18

Lovely day. Walter was hauling manure and Mr.F was plowing. Callers were Lizzie Koepke, Pete Hedrich and Irwin Snider. John Shaner died at Heidelerg today.

May Thursday 19 1921

Beautiful day. The men plowed the garden today and Ella & Vernon planted early potatoes, beans, corn and cucumbers, also 2 rows of potatoes in the field. Ida Thun died this morning.

Friday 20

Clear and hot. The men planted some more potatoes, and were drawing manure and plowing. Lawrence Doering arrived here today We all went to Creekbank after supper and had a feed of ice cream.

Saturday 21

Very hot. Walter & Lawrence took 3 head of cattle to Elmira. Mr. F. was plowing all day. Walter, Ella Vernon & Edna went to Jno. Shaner's funeral at Heidelberg and met many old friends.

May Sunday 22 1921

Lovely morning. Thunder and rain storms all afternoon & evening. Walter Ella & Vernon went to S.S. & church.

Monday 23

Cloudy & windy. The men were hauling manure & plowing. Ella did her washing today.

Tuesday 24

Cloudy & cool. Walter, Ella & vernon went to Charlie's for dinner and we all went to Cressman's woods below Kitchener for a picnic. It was raining quite hard so we stayed for the night

May Wednesday 25 1921

Cloudy. We had breakfast at Charlie's and arrived home at 10.15. Mr.F. was plowing and Walter & Lawrence were hauling manure.

Thursday 26

Lovely day. The men were hauling manure and plowing Ella planted muskmelons, watermelons and cucumber. Miss Edna Yoven was here for tea. Joe Lawson & Elmo King called here after tea.

Friday 27

Lovely day. Mr. F. was plowing. Walter & Lawrence went to Elmira This afternoon and Lawrence went to Guelph over the week end.

May Saturday 28 1921

Very sultry. Severe thunder and rain storms this afternoon. Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale this morning.

Sunday 29

Fair. Walter & Vernon went to S.School & church this morning. Lincoln, Edna, Willard & Mildred were here for dinner and we all went to Sim. Weaver's for supper. Born to Ed & Bertha, & son - Lytton Albert Edwin.

Monday 30

Very sultry. Thunderstorms and a few drops of rain in the afternoon. Ella did her washing. Walter was sawing wood at Ed. Bender's. Callers - Louis Miller, Philip Bonn, Mr. & Ms. Ezra Maurer & Miriam

May Tuesday 31 1921

Fair. Walter & Lawrence were making feuce and Mr. F. was working on the corn field. We drove up to Grandpa Krauter's this afternoon and brought Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Metz of Dauphin Manitoba, home with us.

June Wednesday 1

Very cold and clear. Walter planted the corn today. We took a little spin tonight and called at Pete Roy's. J. King's and the store.

Thursday 2

Clear and warmer We took Uncle Wills up to Linc's this morning. W.C L. were making fence and Mr.F. was plowing. Mr. & Mrs. Jno. Maurer and Mrs. Faulder were here after tea.

June Friday 3 1921

Rain this morning. Turning cooler. W. & L. fetched a cow and calf at Pete Roy's and took it to Mrs. Feulder. Mr. F. took the day off and went to Elora. We fetched Uncle Bill's and all went up to Creekbank for some ice cream.

Saturday 4

Very cool and clear. We cool anc clear. We left after breakfast for Kitchener had our dinner at Edith's, also called at Hilliard's and Krauter's. Lawrence went to Wellesley this afternoon.

Sunday 5

Cool and clear. We went to S.School and church in the afternoon and to Beu Miller's for tea.

June Monday 6 1921

Fair. W. & L. were picking stones and Mr.F. was plowing. Mr. William Ritter was here for supper.

Tuesday 7

Fair. Ella did her washing today, W, & L, were picking stones and Mr.F. was plowing. Walter & Lawrence went to Creekbank tonight. Sim Weaver broke his arm cranking his car.

Wednesday 8

Fair. W. & L were picking stones and Mr. F. was plowing. Born - to Mr. & Mrs. Sam Bird, a daughter.

June Thursday 9 1921

Very warm, Walter & Lawrence were picking stones and Mr.F. was plowing & harrowing. Walter & Ella attended the S.S. concention at Woolwich this evening.

Friday 10

Very sultry. Walter took in the three sessions of the Convention today. Mr. Blair of Arthur and Mr. Buckley of Toronto were here for dinner Lawrence went to Toronto over the week end. Thunder and rainstorms tonight.

Saturday 11

Showers all day. Very close and hot. First morning of the beef ring.

June Sunday 12 1921

Lovely day. We took Mr. & Mrs. Jacob King along, and went to Conestogs. We had our dinner and supper at Mrs. Oliver Scheifele's.

Monday 13

Thunder and rain storms last night. Walter helped Ella with the washing. Mr. F. was curring thistles. Lawrence returned this afternoon.

Tuesday 14

Lovely day. We spent the day in Kitchenever and had our dinner and supper at Edith's. Ella had some teeth filled at Dr. Hilliard and Vernon had 3 pulled and one filled by Dr. Hagey.

June Wednesday 15 1921

Beautiful day. Mr. F. was cutting thistles and W.&L. were working with the horses. Ella picked some berries in Schwindt's bush Callers - John Woelfle, Jim Hosea, John Stauge and Art. Craig. W.&L. went to Floradale tonight

Thursday 16

Fair and warm. Walter sowed the turnips today. Mother & Father Krauter brought in some strawberries and cherries today and were here for tea. W.&L. went to Creekbank tonight

Friday 17

Thunderstorms and rain. The men were cleaning buckwheat and making feuce.

June Saturday 18 1921

Lovely day. Lawrences went away this morning and Mr. F left after supper. Walter was sawing wood at Addison Reists this afternoon. Vernon went with him.

Sunday 19

Perfect day. Walter, Ella and Vernon went to S.S and church this afternoon and to Grandpa Maurer's for tea.

Monday 20

Fair. Ella did her washing this morning and picked strawberries in Schwiredt's bush this afternoon. Walter was sawing wood at Noah Miller's. Lawrence returned this afternoon

June Tuesday 21 1921

Very warm. Walter & Mr. F were plowing. Ella picked a few berries this afternoon but it was so beastly hot she nearly died.

Wednesday 22

Hot and sultry. Walter & Mr. F were plowing and Lawrence put some Paris Green on the potatoes.

Thursday 23

Very warm. The men were plowing and I was pulling mustard. W. & L. went to Creekbank after supper.

June Friday 24 1921

Very hot. W. & L were plowing and Lawrence was rolling & harrowing

Saturday 25

Very hot. Walter, Ella, Vernon, Lawrence and Mrs. Enoch Snider went to Elmira this morning. Walter took some chopping to Floradale. Mr. F was plowing and cultivating.

Sunday 26

Very hot. Walter went to church this morning. Our visitors were - Mr & Mrs. Allbet Krauter, Mrs. Suehnergard, Mr. & Mrs. Art. Klinick, Eileen & Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. Clinton, Habu, Reta,Wilma & Hida.

June Monday 27 1921

Very hot. Few sprinkles of rain in the morning. Walter was sowing buckwheat this afternoon. Mr. F was cultivating and harrowing.

Tuesday 28

Very hot. Drizzly all morning. Walter finished sowing buckwheat by noon. Lawrence helped Ella with the washing. Charlie, Ida and Bert came up here for dinner and we all went over to Elora to Watt's sale.

Wednesday 29

Very hot. Walter cut some sweet clover this afternoon.

June Thursday 30 1921

Very hot. Walter was cutting sweet clover this morning and scuffling corn this afternoon Lawrence & Vernon were rolling & picking stones Mr.F. was cutting thistles.

July Friday 1

Very hot. Walter & Lawrence drove to Elmira this morning Charlia, Ida, Vera & Ella came up here tonight and we all went to the Methodist Gander Party at Alma and cut up the meat after we got back.

Saturday 2

Hotter than ever. Peter Mattusch, Noah Miller and Charlie and our men lowered the driving shed today. Sam Bird's baby Dorothy Marie was buried today

July Saturday 3 1921

Very hot. We spent most of the day in the shade of the the tree in front of the house. Charlie & Ida left for home tonight and Vera & Ella are staying for holidays.

Monday 4

Very hot. The girls helped me do the washing this morning and after dinner Vernon, Ella, Vera and I went to the. U.F,O, picnic at Elora with Noah Miller's and had a good tinme. The men brought in 3 loads of sweet clover.

Tuesday 5

Very hot. Jno Woelfle & Jim Hosea helped to draw in hay and they put in loads.

July Wednesday 6 1921

Very hot. Jim Hosea and Jose Woelfle helped with the sweet clover and they put in 23 loads altogether. Walter cut another piece of grass.

Thursday 7

Very hot. Walter cut some more grass and they brought in 3 loads. Mrs. Norman King and Mrs. J. King were over here for gooseberries and {cunart?}.

Friday 8

Thunderstorms and rain Walter took two horses to Woelfle's and had them shod.

July Saturday 9 1921

Showers. Lawrence went to Guelph over the weekend. Walter was chopping Mr.F. was hoeing {turnips} corn when it wasn't raining.

Sunday 10

Cloudy. Walter went to church this morning. Our visitors were - Mr. & Mrs. {Emerson?} Krauter and Marie, Elmer Viola and Hilda {Braundete?} Mary * Eekart Otterbeub, Vera Xinkonn, Edgar & Edward {Hahow?} Lorne, Metz, Will {Kugu?}, Geo. and Wesley Edler.

Monday 11

Fair. Ella and the girls did the washing. Walter went to Elmira this morning Walter & Vernon put in 3 loads of hay. Mr. F. was hoeing corn.

July Tuesday 12 1921

Very hot. Lawrence returned this afternoon. Walter was cutting grass. Mr. F. was hoeing turnips.

Wednesday 13

Very hot. The men were drawing in hay. They girls and Ella were picking berries.

Thursday 14

Very hot. The men were drawing in hay.

July Friday 15 1921

Fair. Somewhat cooler. W. & F. were drawing in hay. Mr.F. was hoeing turnips.

Saturday 16

Fair in the morning. Showers in the afternoon. Mr. Farnelly took the day off and went to Alma. Vernon had a little party and the following guests Arthur & Howard Hodder, Norman & Laura Miller, Eva & Annie Snider Norman, Isabel & Dorothy Henderson.

Sunday 17

Beautiful day. Walter, Ella Lawrence and Vernon left after breakfast and spent the day at Hilliard's. We took Vera & Ella home and Vera & Beulah came back with us.

July Monday 18 1921

Thunderstorms and rains. The girls and Ella did the washing in the morning and picked the berries in the afternoon. Charlie came up after supper and fetched the berries and Beulah & Vera went home with him.

Tuesday 19

Rain in the morning. Cleaned up cloudy after dinner. Walter & Lawrence were hoeing turnips at his Father's place in the afternoon. Vernon went with them.

Wednesday 20

Beautiful day. Walter cut the rest of the grass in the morning and he Lawrence and Vernon were hoeing turnips at Jno. Maurer's in the afternoon

July Thursday 21 1921

Lovely day. Walter, Lawrence and Vernon put in the rest of the hay today. Ella was hoeing in the garden.

Friday 22

Fair. The men put in 2 loads of rakings. We have 80 loads of hay.

Saturday 23

Fair. Walter and Vernon were up at Mogh's all forenoon putting the hay cuts his barn. Harvey & Lorne Reist spent the after noon with Vernon. W. & V. went to Creekbank after supper.

July Sunday 24 1921

Quite warm. Walter & Vernon went to S.School & church this morning. Mr. Farnelly came back today after a week's hole days. Walter, Ella and Vernon went at Norman King's for tea.

Monday 25

Fair and vert warm. Mr. F. scuffed the turnips and in the afternoon they were {illegible} the driving shed wall. Ella picked cucumbers, beans & berries Mrs. Jacob King was here and got some gooseberries.

Thursday 26

Very warm. Lawrence returned this morning. The men put a cement. to on the well this morning today

July Wednesday 27 1921

Sultry. Some showers. Rain & wind storms after we were in bed. The men made the cement walk today. Rev. Bean called in tonight.

Thursday 28

Cloudy & cooler. Lawrence helped Ella do the washing today. The men were fixing up the cement posts in the stable.

Friday 29

Fair & warm with a few showers of rain. Grandpa Krauter came up after dinner and he and Walter went to look for a horse.

July Saturday 30 1921

Fair. Severe storm tonight. Mr. F. was plastering a well for Ezra. Lawrence went away over the week-end. Walter & Vernon spent the day in Elmira Ella & Vernon went to the Waterloo {illegible} tonight with King's.

Sunday 31

Windy & cool. Walter, Ella and Vernon went to Woolwich church this afternoon. Mrs. (Rev) M.L. Wing died suddently this morning at her home in Listowel.

August Monday 1

Mr. F. has a sore foot so Walter took jim up to Cragg's this morning. Lawrence came back from Guelph before dinner. They started cutting and stooking this afternoon.

August Tuesday 2 1921

Cloudy. Ella did her washing today. Walter was cuttting dried. Lawrence was stooking.

Wednesday 3

Beautiful day. Lawrence spent the day in the house as he wasn't feeling well. Walter was cutting grain Mrs. (Rev) M.L. Wing was buried today at Waterloo. She died last Sunday.

Thursday 4

Lovely day. Walter was cutting and Lawrence was stooking. After supper we had callers- Israel Good, Mr. R Mrs. P. Kingsman and family.

August Friday 5 1921

Lovely day. Walter was cutting and Lawrence was stooking. Jack Nelson fized the bender and was here for supper.

Saturday 6

The men finished cutting and stooking this morning Started to rain at noon. They were shopping this afternoon and went to Creekbank after supper.

Sunday 7

Very cool. We took Lincoln's along and spent the day at Grandpa Krauter's. We wentnt to Heidelberg church in the afternoon

August Monday 8 1921

Lovely day. Walter & Lawrence went to Elmira this morning and sold 7 little pigs. Lawrence was out & raked the orchard today. They went town to Josiah Brubucher's after supper.

Tuesday 9

Clear & {illegible}. The men put in 8 loads of grains today.

Wednesday 10

Quite warm. Howard Hoffer helped all day and they put in 3 loads of grain today. Glody. Holle was married today at Vonestogo to Edward Ruth

August Thursday 11 1921

Sprinkling. Josiah Brubacher and Jacob were here for dinner and the afternoon. Rained properly all afternoon.

Friday 12

Cloudy & cool. Walter & Vernon went down to Josiah Brubacher's this morning. Walter was helping to thresh at Louis Miller's this afternoon.

Saturday 13

Cloudy. Walter & Vernon took Lawrence to Elmira this morning and brought in 2 loads of grain this afternoon. {Illegible} moved their threshing outfit here this afternoon.

August Sunday 14 1921

Lovely day. Very cool. our visitors were - Mr. & Mrs. Jno. Maurer and Miriam, Edna, Frank, Lorne and Betty Howel, Edith, Colson, and Roy Jefferson, Victoria and Herold Hebel. Walter, Ella & Vernon went up to Lincoln's for a little while after tea.

Monday 15

Beautiful day. Maurer's threshed this forenoon and the following men helped - Philip bonen, Homer Hoffer, Tom Moore, Joe Lawson, & A. Reist. The machine broke and they had to go to Waterloo for repairs. Walter helped to thresh at Ges Saider's barn till happily wine.

Tuesday 16

Fair Ella did her washing. Howard Hoffer helped today and they put in 8 loads of grain.

August Wednesday 17 1921

Cloudy in the morning. Rained all afternoon. Howard Hoffer helped to draw in and they put in 3 loads. Charlie Hilliard came up before supper and brought 2 plows.

Thursday 18

Drizzly and cool. Walter, Vernon, Lawrence & Charlie drove all over the country and Walter bought a team. Charlie left for home after supper. Mr. & Mrs. Art, Craig called after tea.

Friday 19

Beautiful day. Ella & Vernon went over to King's this morning and fetched some butter. The men put in 7 loads of grain today.

August Saturday 20 1921

Fair, the men finished harvesting today and put in 2 loads. Lawrence left after dinner to spend the weekend in Guelph. Walter & Vernon were cutting burdocks in the afternoon and went to Creekbank after supper.

Sunday 21

Beautiful day. Joe went to Woolwich church & S.School in the morning, to Lincoln's for dinner and had company for tea - Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Holle, Albert and Percyof Conestoga, Mrs. Fanny Reichert Mrs. Fred. Hartung, Jean and Carl of Rochester N.Y.

Monday 22

Lovely day. Ella did her washing, Walter was raking. Lawrence returned after dinner and they put in a load of raking.

August Tuesday 23 1921

Beautiful day. The men put in 2 loads of raking. Mrs. King and Mrs. Austin called on Ella. Louis Schmermured & Josiah Brubagher ame to see Walter. The men were fixing fence.

Wednesday 24

Lovely day. Quite warm. The men finished the burdocks this morning. After dinner Walter & Vernon went to Elmira and feetched 100 bushels of oats at this C.P.R. station.

Thursday 25

Fair and warm. The men were hauling manure.

August Friday 26 1921

Fair and warm. Walter went to Heidelberg and fetched a waggon box for Louis Miller

Saturday 27

Hot and cloudy. The men were drawing manure. Walter & Vernon took Ella down to Hilliard's tonight. Lawrence went along to Elmira.

Sunday 28

Fair and very warm. Mr. & Mrs. Hilliard, Pearl, Beulah and Ella motored to Hamilton today and spent the day at Mrs. Brown's 770 Main St. East. After supper we went up on the mountain for awhile.

August Monday 29 1921

Fair and warm. We left for Toronto after breakfast, had dinner at the Greydon Tea Rome went to the Riverdale - Zoo, and to the Island, had supper at a cafeteria and wrnt to Leon's Theatre after supper.

Tuesday 30

Very warm. We spent the whole day at the Ex hibition The fireworks on the Lake at night were lovely. Children's Day at the Ex hibition. The attendance was 230,000.

Wednesday 31

Beautiful day. Ida, Charlie and the girls went to the stores in the morning. After dinner we went across the lake on the {illegible}, had our supper at Lewiston and came home on the Chippewa.

September Thursday 1 1921

Very warm. We left Toronto shortly before 12, ate our dinner at Hamilton and rested awhile there, arrived at Charlie's at about 9 oclock Charlie brought Ella home and she arrived there around 11.

Friday 2

Very warm. Charlie went home this morning. Walter is plowing. Ella was canning peaches, plums, etc. Vernon spent the after noon at Otto Miller's.

Saturday 3

Very warm. Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale this afternoon. Vernon spent the afternoon at Enoch Snider's. Walter went to Creekbank after supper.

September Sunday 4 1921

Cooler. Walter went to Woolwich church this morning. Rev. Ezra Mohr conducted the services. We went over to Noah Miller's for tea.

Monday 5

Drizzly all day. Labor Day. Colson, Edith & Roy Edua, Frank Margaret Lorne and Betty stopped in here on their way home from Clifford and had tea here Hiram Weber died today at Conestogs.

Tuesday 6

Beautiful day. Ella did her washing today. Walter fetched 1 1/2 tons of corn at Elmira and plowed this afternoon. Mrs. Jackson died today at Wm. Sobye's at West Montruse

September Wednesday 7 1921

Lovely day. Walter was plowing this morning and he & Vernon spent the afternoon at Woelfle's. Mr. Craig & Mr. Farrelly were here and fetched the latter's belongings.

Thursday 8

Beautiful day. Walter was plowing. Enoch Snider's went to Wallace today so Annie spent the day with Ella.

Friday 9

Lovely day. Very warm. Walter was plowing all day. Mrs. Jackson was buried today at Glenallen.

September Saturday 10 1921

Very warm. Rain tonight. Walter, Ella, Vernon & Lawrence went to Elmira this afternoon. Lawrence went to Guelph over the week-end. We called at Craig's & {Chister's?} tonight. Wm. Zanders was here for supper.

Sunday 11

Cloudy & sultry. We went to Woolwich church & S.School this afternoon. We were at Enoch Snider's for tea and the evening.

Monday 12

Beautiful day. Walter went to Elmira with Enoch Snider.

September Tuesday 13 1921

Lovely day. Lawrence helped Ella with the washing and Waqlter was chopping. After dinner Walter was cutting buckwheat and L. was stooking Edua, Willard & Mildred spent the evening here & Lincoln went to Craig's with Walter & Lawrence

Wednesday 14

Beautiful day. Vernon's kitten Togo died last night and we buried him today. Walter was cutting buckwheat. Art. Craig and Julia were here after tea.

Thursday 15

Lovely day. Cool & windy Walter finished cutting the buckwheat this morning and was stooking in the afternoon. Lawrence went to Alma to see Dr. McLuibban. Louis Miller visited us after supper.

September Friday 16 1921

Lovely day. Walter finished stooking the buckwheat this morning and he & Lawrence helped to cut corn at Noah Miller's this afternoon

Saturday 17

Rained all morning Cloudy & sultry this afternoon. Lawrence left today We took him to Elmira & Ella Vernon & Walter went to the Elmira Fair and had out supper at Art Klink's

Saturday 18

Real fall weather. Cold with ocassional showers. We had the following company for dinner - Mr. & Mrs. Albert Krauter, Edgar Hahn, Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Weaver, Willard and Mildred.

September Monday 19 1921

Beautiful day. Ella did her washing and Walter was plowing.

Tuesday 20

Dreary, cloudy & cold. Walter was plowing all day.

Wednesday 21

Rained nearly all morning Cleared up in the afternoon. We went to the School Fair at Alma today. Vernon got second prize for his garden peas.

September Thursday 22 1921

Clear and windy. Walter & Elmo King went to Lebanon this morning. Walter helped to cut corn at his fathers place this afternoon.

Friday 23

Lovely day. Noah Miller visited Walter this morning, Mr. Thomas Jackson of Lebanon arrived today to hekp us out for a month Edgar Schmehl was cutting corn with their binder. Other callers - Geo. Snider, Elmo King, Geo Mogk

Saturday 24

Lovely, windy day. We were cutting corn ints the silo this afternoon. Out help were - Steve, Joe Lawson, Homer, Hoffer, Noah Miller, ELmo & Jake King, Earl & Wesley Miller, Melvin Allgeier, Jno. Maurer Annie Snider helped Ella.

September Sunday 25 1921

Heavy rainfall this morning Clear and windy. We all went to Woolwich church & S.S. this afternoon. Gorbutt Jackson was here for supper. We took Lincoln's along and went to the Floradale Harvest Home entertainment.

Monday 26

Perfect day. They finished cutting corn here this morning at nine and moved to King's Walter helped there tell 3 oclock, Mr. Jackson was plowing. Ella did her washing.

Tuesday 27

Fair. The men were plowing Ella did her ironing this morning and went to a quilting at Geo. Snider's this afternoon.

September Wednesday 28 1921

Perfect day. We took Annie & Irvin along and went to the School Fair at Balsam Grove and had a very nice time.

Thursday 29

Fair, warm & windy. The men were plowing morning and put in 6 loads of buckwheat this afternoon.

Friday 30

Showers. Rained all day Walter went to Woelfle's and had plly & Maudshod.

October Saturday 1 1921

Clear and windy. Walter & Mr. Jackson were plowing all day.

Sunday 2

Cloudy & dull. Started to rain in the afternoon. We took Walter's father and mother along and went down to Kitchener, had our dinner at Edich's and supper at Edna's also called at Vic's. Mr. Jackson spent the day at Drayton.

Monday 3

Cloudy & showery. Ella did her washing. The men were plowing all day.

October Tuesday 4 1921

Cold & showery. The men were plowing. Walter took a load of hay to Elmira for Art Kliuck this afternoon.

Wednesday 5

Fair. Edna, Willard & Mildred were here for dinner. Joe Lawson, Enoch Snider & Melon Allgeir helped to draw in buckwheat and were here for supper. They put in 13 loads

Thursday 6

Fine day. Mr Jackson helped to cut corn at Edler's all day. Enoch S. and Joe helped and they finished putting in the buckwheat (5 loads) this morning.

October Friday 7 1921

Rained all day. The men were working around the barn. Enoch & Irwin Snider came down and brought the steer.

Saturday 8

Rained all morning. Cleared up by noon. Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale and went to Creekbank when he got back.

Sunday 9

Snowed this morning. Wet & miserable all day. We went to Woolwich S.S. Rally this afternoon and to Edmurd Schwindt's for tea. Mr. Jackson spent the day in Lebanon.

October Monday 10 1921

Cloudy & dull. Rained hard this morning. Walter fetched his chop at Floradale this afternoon. Mr. Jackson was plowing

Tuesday 11

Miserable day. Some proper showers. Walter was helping to thresh all day at Addison Reist's. Mr. Jackson was plowing.

Wednesday 12

Rained this morning. Clear and windy. Walter helped to thresh at Addison Reist's '/4 day. They were plowing the rest of the day

October Thursday 13 1921

Lovely day. Walter & Ella took up the potatoes this afternoon. Walter was plowing this morning and Mr. Jackson was at it all day.

Friday 14

Beautiful day. Walter helped to draw in buckehrat at Elmo King's this afternoon. Mr. Jackson was plowing all day. Ella was pl topping turnips this afternoon.

Saturday 15

Lovely day. Walter got a load of turnips ready and took them to Alma this afternoon. Vernon and Ella topped some turnips this afternoon Mr. Jackson were plowing all day.

October Sunday 16 1921

Perfect day. We took Lincoln's along and went to Grandpa Krauter's for the day. They had a goose for dinner We went to Heidelberg church in the afternoon.

Monday 17

Cloudy. Walter went up to the School today where they had a medical examination of the school - children . Vernon is one of the 6 perfect ones. Mrs. Mrs. Jno. Miller spent the afternoon with Ella. Walter was topping turnips.

Tuesday 18

Cloudy & windy. Walter went to Lichty's sale near Pentland with Jnol Miller this afternoon and had his supper at Miller's He finished topping the turnips this morning and Mr. Jackson was plowing all day.

October Wednesday 19 1921

Cloudy & drizzly. Walter helped thresh at Noah Millen all-day

Thursday 20

Drizzly, dull, {nueirable?} day. Walter & Mr.Jackson were plowing this afternoon Vernon & Ella cleaned the cellar. We saw a large flock of wild geese flying south today

Friday 21

Snowed this morning. Clear and windy the rest of the day. Walter helped to thresh at Elnes Kingo all day. Mr.Jackson was plowing

October Saturday 22 1921

Awful wind blowing. Walter helped to thresh at King this morning and at Enoch Sniders this afternoon. Mr.Jackson was plowing. Vernon spent the afternoon at Reiets

Sunday 23

Cloudy & dull. Father & mother Krauter, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Scheifele, Madelines & Howard were here for dinner and we all went up to Lincoln Weareis for tea

Monday 24

Cloudy and dull. Walter was threshing all day at Enoch Snider's. The threshing machine moved down here tonight. Alonso & Oscar Miller are the threshers.

October Tuesday 25 1921

Lovely day Maurer's were threshing today and the following men helped Clark, Sobye, Addison Reist, Joe Lawson, Earl MIller, Jno. Starge, Philip Bonn. Edna, Mildred & Willard Weaver and Annie Snider were here this afternoon.

Wednesday 26

Clear, cold & windy. We threshed till nine o'clock and the machine moved down to Jno. Strange's and Walter helped there the rest of the day. Adolph Thur died last night.

Thursday 27

Beautiful day. Walter & Mr. Jackson put in 10 loads of turnips today. Enoch's went out home so Annie spent the day here.

October Friday 28 1921

Cloudy dull day. The men put in 6 loads of turnips. Walter & Ella were at Adolph Thur's funeral this afternoon. We had the beef ring meeting here tonight.

Saturday 29

Cloudy & blue day. Elmo King helped and they finished the turnips 10 load. Walter & Vernon went to Elmira this afternoon.

Sunday 30

Cloudy. Walter, Ella & Vernon went to Hillliard's today fora goose roast. We called at Krauter's and brought Mr. & Mrs. Tom. Metg ome with us.

October Monday 31 1921

Cloudy & Mild. Mr. Jackson was plowing. Uncle Will & Aunt Barbara were entertaining us with stories about their trip to Germany. Vernon's birthday. He is 9 yeras old now.

November Tuesday 1

Cloudy and raw. Walter took Uncle Will's up to Lincoln's this morning. He took a load of chopping to Floradale this afternoon. Lincoln Edler spent the evening here. Walter's birthday. He is 37 years old.

Wednesday 2

Clear and cold. Ella did her washing today. Walter & Mr. Jackson were plowing. Walter fetched Uncle Will's again tonight. Mr. Jackson went up to Lebanon tonight.

November Thursday 3 1921

Lovely morning. Started to rain after dinner. Walter helped to thresh at John Miller's this forenoon. We took Uncle Will's down to Conestoga this afternoon. Mr. Jackson returned tonight.

Friday 4

Cloudy, snow & rain. Walter started puttying the windows. They were plowing.

Saturday 5

Cold. Snowflurries. The men were plowing. They went to Creekbank after supper.

November Sunday 6 1921

Cold and cloudy. Snowing. Walter, Ella & Vernon went to Woolwich church & Sunday school this afternoon.

Monday 7

Looks like winter today. Snowflurries. Thanksgiving Day. The men were plowing. Vernon made a big snowman today.

Tuesday 8

Cold and raw. Started to snow and storm this afternoon. The men were plowing.

November Wednesday 9 1921

Regular blizzard blowing. The men were working around the barn, put up the stove pipes and put on the storm doors.

Thursday 10

Cold, dreary, blue day. Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale in the morning. They tried to plow in the afternoon but the snow was too deep.

Friday November 11

Cold & dreary. Walter's father & Egra helped and they sawed the wood this afternoon.

November Saturday 12 1921


The newput the wood into the wood shed today and took a load of wood up to Mogk's

Neruon spent the afternoon at Otto Miller's sleighriding.

Sunday 13

Snowing all day.

Our visitors were Mr. & Mrs Nick Hoffer, Howgrd & Arthur and Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Hilliang Chanle'e & Ida came up with the cutter and stayed for the night.

Monday 14

Very foggy.

Walter took {illegible} pigo to Elmira. Fair today and also sold the {illegible} Hackyey catto. Menny Breebacheera Abner were here for dinner. Charlie went home this afternoon

November Tuesday 15 1921

Cloudy + {illegable}. Ella did her washing today. Walter was sawing wood at Euocks Sniders. Isa finished my fress and fixed my coat. Walter went to church tonight with Euock Snider.

Wednesday 16

Beautful day. We took Ida along and went to Kitchener. had our driver at Ediths did sum shopping in the afternoon and had run supper at Hillards. Ruth + Willie Keopke have the diptheria.

Thursday 17

Mild + misty. Walter + me Jackson took the Colts Bille and Babe to Elmina this morning and worked in the stables were {illegable} for storage.

November Friday 18 1921

The snow is nearly all gone this morning. Raining Walter took Vernon to school and I speant the morning at Creekbank. They were plowing for awhile this afternoon.

Saturday 19

Showers + mild. Walter went to Wollflies this morning and to Flordale this afternoon. Mr. Jackson was plowing.

Sunday 20

Fine day. Lincolns had to ducks for dinner and we speant the day there. Father & Mother Krather + Sim Wravers were there too.

November Monday 21 1921

Cloudy + dull. Father + Mother Krauter came down here this morning. Ella did her washing the morning and cleaned the store room this afternoon. Mr Jackson was plowing.

Tuesday 22

Cloudy and dull. Father took mother up to Lin Colus this morning. He made a chop box for Walter at the barn. Mrs. Ges Snider visited Ella this afternoon. Mr. Jackson was plowing all day. Ella {illegible} all the curtains today.

Wednesday 23

Very cold east wind blowing the new were filing up around the house with sod. Walter went to Borvey solee this afternoon. Annie Snider + Ges Mogk visited Ela this afternoon.

November Thursday 24 1921

Everything is covered with sleet today. Cloudy cold. Walter took a load of turnip to Elmiro this afternoon. Ella cleaned the upsatirs today.

Friday 25

Rain. Walter took a load of turnips to Elmins this afternoon. Mr. Jackson left to speant the week-end at his home near Lebranon.

Saturday 26

Cloudy + dull. Rain + sleet after supper. Walter took a load of Turnips to Elmira. Ella cleaned the dinner room. Parlot and Bedroom. Normon Miller visited Venons this afternoon.

November Sunday 27 1921

Very foggy. Miserable day. Everything is loaded with ice. Annie {last name} + Wa Snider were here for the afternoon. Walter went up to Koespke's and brought them some cheese. Euth Koepke died tonight at ten o'clock.

Monday 28

Dreary and dull day. Walter took Vernon to School this morning and speant the rest of the forenoon at Creekbank store. Mr. Jackson returned at noon. Ela speant the day in bed. Reeth Koepke was buried today.

Tuesday 29

Dreary. Miserable day. Walter took a load of turnips to Alma. He's called were - Otta Miller, Art Cragg and J. Muldenhauer.

November Wednesday 30 1921

Fair. Walter took a load of turnips to Elmira today. His callers were Ed Bohlender, Elmo King, 2 Jews and Joe Lawson & Annie Snider.

December Thursday 1

Dreary measly day {above line: very} foggy. Walter spent the forenoon at Louie Miller's and took a load of hay to Christie this morning. Ella cleared her pantry today.

Friday 2

Drizzly showery day.

Ella made her Christmas cake today and the men plowed the garden today. Mrs. Rob Stickney died tonight of pneumonia.

December Saturday 3 1921

Colder. Snowflurices. Walter helped to threeshot Louis Millers HOwey + Lorne Reist {illegible} Vernon this afternoon. Arther called- Lawence Bursell {name}

Sunday 4

Lovely day. We went to Woolwich church + S. School this afternoon. Joe Laurson was here for dinner and Edna, Lhidred Weader were here for supper. Mr Mackar of {illegible} spoke at church today.

Monday 5

Snowed all day. Walter + Ella did the washing this morning. Walter butchered a pig for art. Craig today. Mrs. Cragg and Julia were here to this afternoon. Ed. Bolender fetched four head of cattle, he bought from walt.

December Tuesday 6 1921

Snowing all day. Walter and Ella went to {illegible} to vote this morning and to Creekbank this afternoon. Mr Jackson took a load od chopping to {illegible} Leo. Mogk left today to opend the winter {illegible}. Enoch Snider viotited us after supper.

Wednesday 7


Walter {illegible} a steer this morning for Enoch Snider. and took a load of turnips to Elruica this afternoon.

John Broy arrived here this afternoon to {stay?} for awhile.

Thursday 8

Dreary and raw. Walter {illegible} two piqsat abe {illegible} today callers were - Art Cragg, Ezra Maurer and Euoch Snider.

December Friday 9 1921

Dreary and dull. Walter went to Guelph today with Gus Stango and {name} and bought a pure-bred Hereford heifer and calf. Mr. Jackson helped to prep {illegible} at {place name} barns this afternoon.

Saturday 10

Cloudy. Walter helped to press {illegible} at {place name}. Snider till noon. He and Vernow went to Alnea to fetch the Hereford. Callers were - Lawrence Burnell, {name} Snider, Noah Sniller, Gus Stango, {name}, Henry Ziegler, Gus Schmidt and {name}.

Sunday 11

Fine day. We went to {place name} church and S. School this morning and to Ed. Beuder's for dinner. Mr. Jackson went to {place name} today.

December Monday 12 1921

Rain. Snowflurries. Ella did the washing. Walter went to {place name}. Mr. Jackson returned at noon. Walter and Ella went upto Lineolx for awhile this afternoon. Callers were - Annie Snider and Jacob Spies.

Tuesday 13

Cold. Snowflurries. Walter butchered 3 pigs for Ezra Maurer today Ella helped too for awhile. Miriam fetched her and took her home.

Wednesday 14

Rain. Snowflurries. Walter butchered 2 pigs at Philip Bonnie today. {name} was our caller today.

December Thursday 15 1921

Perfect day. Cold and clear. We butchered one pig for us and two for {name} today. Callers were - Gus Stango, {?} Snider, Elmo King, {name} and Mrs Ezra Maurer.

Friday 16

Cloudy. Cold east wind blowing. Walter took 7 fat pigs to Alma today. Started to snow this afternoon.

Saturday 17

No snow left on the ground this morning. Mild. Rained all day. Walter and Vernow went to Elmira this after-noon. {?} Snider was our caller today.

December Sunday 18 1921

Fierce storm. We spent the day at home. No church services in Woolwich today in account of the storm.

Monday 19

Rain. Some snowflurries. Mr. {illegible} Farrelly paid us a visit and was here for dinner. Mr. Jackson left for Lebanon after dinner. Ella did her washing this morning. Wallter took Polly and Maud and pulled a car out of the snowbanks on the road.

Tuesday 20

Beautiful day. Lovely sunshine.

Walter went to Jacob Musselman's sale near Yatton with Jno Stauge.

December Wednesday 21 1921

Very cold. Walter butchered two pigs at Abe forets' today. We went to the Creekbank school entertainment tonight and it was very good.

Thursday 22

Cold & windy. We killed two pigs for Alfred Shanty todayand it sure was a good days' work.

Friday 23

Cold and dreary. Walter & Enoch Snider were driving around Peel this afternoon. Alfred Shauty and Gus, Stango called on Walter this after-noon. We put up the Xmas tree and trimmed it Today.

December Saturday 24 1921

Cloudy & cold. Walter went to Floradale with chopping to Woelfle's for gas. and to Clements' for groceries all this afternoon. Vernon called on {illegible} Stango this afternoon. Emerson has the chicken-pay.

== Sunday 25 == Beautiful day.

Christmas Day. We took Lincoln's along and went to Grandpa Krauter's for Christmas dinner. The roads were fine with the exception of our lanes. We pulled the {illegible}, the lanes with the horses tonight.

Monday 26

Cold. Snowflurries. Walter went to the nomination at Conestogo with John Miller. Ella& Vernon spend the afternoon at {illegible}. Our callers were - Nick Hoffer, Htoward & Arthur, Jno Stonge.

December Tuesday 27 1921

Clear + cold. A few snowflurries. We were up at Lincoln's for dinner and supper. She new were looking for horses all afternoon. Callers in the morning - Fred Sochner, Angus locklier, Bernard Starsburgen and Gus Stangey.

Wednesday 28

Cold + cloudy. Ella did her washing this morning. Walter went to Elmira this afternoon. The caller were {?} Snider.

Thursday 29

Very cold. Stormy this morning. Walter took a fat pig to Horadale for Fred Sachner and was out buying pigs this afternoon. Caller - Henry Ziegler.

December Friday 30 1921

Cold + cloudy.

Walter was chopping today and he and Enoch took a trip up the 8th of Peel towards evening. Herbie Miller spent the afternoon with Vernon.

Saturday 31

Very stormy.

Walter's callers - {name} and two sons of Art Craig.

Jan 1 1922 Sunday

Very cold. Walter was {illegible} opening the road this morn-ing. We went to Woolwich church and Sunday school this afternoon.

2 eggs.


Monday Jan 2. 1922.

Very cold. Ella did her washing. Walter was on the road nearly all day and killed a beef tonight. Norman Henderson & Irwin Snider visited Vernon . Callers Dudley Lankin & Elmo King was here for supper. 1 egg.

Tuesday Jan.3. 1922

Walter was butchering at Koepkis today. Callers were - {illegible}. Beautiful day with lovely sunshine. 3 eggs.

Wednesday Jan 4. 1922

I moved this morning. Rained hard all afternoon. Walter went to Creekbank this morning and killed a beef at Noah Miller's this afternoon. Otlo Miller called on Walter today. 2 eggs.


January 5. Thursday

Cold and stormy. Walter shipped pigs from Elmina for the first time today and got home at 2 p.m. His callers wen- Joe Stangy and Jack Harrington. 2 eggs.

January 6 Friday.

Snowing. Walter called at his father's plow, etc. this after noon. Lincoln, Edna, Will and and Mildred were here for the afternoon and supper. Other callers were -Joe Hall and Annie Snider. 2 eggs.

January 7. Saturday

Beautiful perfect dat. Walter went to Borovoy's sale at Alma this afternoon. Emeson Stangy speant the afternoon here. They calles Ges Snider and Alberta Allgeires. 2 eggs.


January 8. Sunday.

Changeable weather. We had arletta's turkey for dinner and had the following company. Mr + Mrs. Jus Maver Meinam Maurier. Mr + Mrs Ecra Maurer. Mr + Mrs. Jno Stangey and Emerson Stangy. 5 eggs.

January 9. Monday.

Fair Walter went to Elmina this morning and returned at 6:30 p.m. Our Callers were- Lonie and Cahrlie Miller. Wm. Ritter died this morning. 2 eggs.

January 10. Tuesday.

Perfect sunshiny day. Walter was {illegible} today at Jus. Maurers Ella did her washing. 3 eggs.


January 11. Wednesday.

Fair. Cold east wind. Walter killed a beef at his fathers place and took it to Elora. Charlie Hilliand came up and stayed for the night Otter callers- Louis Miller Enoch Snider. Mr Grassor Annie Snider + Leggie Koepke. 4 eggs

January, 2 Thursday.

Clear and Cold. Walter and Charlie left for Elmin at 7 oclock. Walter killed a beef for Enoch Snider when he got back also fetched some pig. at Ednmon {last name} + {name}. 4 eggs.

January 13. Friday.

Fair. Some snowflurries. We butchered Geo Sniders pig here today. Enoch Snider helped and was here for dinner too. {name} Marthe called on Wallter. 3 eggs.


Date Remarks Therm.

January 14. Saturday.

Very cold and storms. Walter took a drive up the sth. of Peel this forenoon and up to Creekbank before supper. Geo Snider visited him. This afternoon and Harvey and Lorn Reist visted Vemon. 6 eggs.

January 15. Sunday.

Very stormy. We drove to church with Enoch's with the big sleigh. Only a few people at Church. {name} of dloeodal died today. 4 eggs.

January 16. Monday.

Walter butchered 2 pigs at Addison Resto today. Our callers today- Nick Hoffer + Walter Fullon. 5 eggs.

January 17. Tuesday

Walter went to Floradale this morning and to Elmir after dinner Two men from Kitchener stuck in the snow. Had dinner here. 5 eggs.


Name Residence

January 18. Wednesday. Snowing. Walter helped to butcher at Enoch Snider's today. Irwin fetched Ella& Vernon and they were here for supper too. Geo {illegible} was our caller. 5 eggs.

January 19. Thursday.


Name Residence

Mrs. L. Beckmon

407 Hernon St.



L.H. Doerrug

Onatrio Agruculture College

Guelph Out.


Date Name Dols. Cts.

Mrs. Brown 110 Main St. E. Hamilton

{blank page}

{blank page}

{blank page}


Number of eggs


1 6
2 5
3 7
4 4
5 7
6 6
7 7
8 6
9 5
10 8
11 6
12 6
13 9
14 9
15 4
16 9
17 5
18 8
19 8
20 5
21 9
22 8
23 8
24 7
25 7
26 7
27 7
28 9
29 6
30 12
31 8


Total 218 eggs

Date Eggs Sold Received Paid
Jan 19 9 doz at 70 6.30


Number of eggs


1 7
2 9
3 9
4 7
5 9
6 12
7 8
8 9
9 12
10 11
11 13
12 15
13 6
14 13
15 14
16 7
17 15
18 9
19 9
20 9
21 10
22 8
23 8
24 6
25 6
26 10
27 8
28 7


Total 266 eggs

Date Eggs sold Received Paid
Feb. 5 7 doz. @ 65 4.55
Feb. 12 3 1/2 doz. @ 35 1.22
Feb 19 4 1/2 doz. @ 35 1.57


Number of Eggs


1 8
2 11
3 11
4 9
5 12
6 10
7 10
8 20
9 9
10 10
11 14
12 39
13 11
14 12
15 14
16 11
17 15
18 11
19 11
20 11
21 12
22 10
23 14
24 11
25 11
26 18
27 14
28 12
29 33
30 13


407 eggs

Date Eggs sold Received Paid
Apr. 9 11 doz. eggs 22


Apr. 16 7 doz. eggs 25 1.78
Apr. 30 9 doz. eggs 28 2.52


Number of eggs

1 15
2 19
3 15
4 11
5 14
6 19
7 24
8 14
9 13
10 17
11 14
12 23
13 19
14 13
15 13
16 12
17 24
18 17
19 17
20 11
21 17
22 15
23 14
24 16
25 17
26 18
27 17
28 17
29 13
30 14
31 15

497 eggs

Date   Received Paid
May 7 7 doz. 26 1.82
May 18 1 {Selterig?}   .25
May 20 9 doz 21 1.89


Number of eggs


 1 17
2 15
3 11
4 11
5 11
6 10
7 8
8 13
9 12
10 9
11 8
12 12
13 10
14 18
15 8
16 21
17 11
18 15
19 9
20 9
21 13
22 10
23 10
24 10
25 12
26 10
27 17
28 10
29 13
30 9


343 eggs


Date   Received Paid
June 3 10 1/2 doz. eggs 21 2.20
June 16 5 1/2 doz. eggs 27 1.53


Number of eggs

1 19
2 11
3 13
4 11
5 12
6 30
7 18
8 6
9 9
10 7
11 10
12 6
13 5
14 8
15 8
16 9
17 8
18 8
19 15
20 11
21 12
22 10
23 6
24 8
25 8
26 9
27 8
28 6
29 7
30 8
31 8

312 eggs

Date   Received Paid
July 1 7 1/2 doz. eggs $12 33
July 14 3 doz. eggs 26 78
July 21 4 1/2 25 1.12



1 9
2 10
3 6
4 16
5 8
6 9
7 7
8 8
9 10
10 10
11 4
12 4
13 8
14 8
15 10
16 6
17 6
18 14
19 8
20 6
21 6
22 5
23 7
24 8
25 8
26 7
27 13
28 7
29 8
30 10
31 6

230 eggs

Date   Received Paid
Aug. 6 5 doz. @ 30 1.50
Aug. 20  3 1/2 doz. 26 1.26


Number of eggs

1 5
2 8
3 7
4 4
5 4
6 8
7 4
8 3
9 5
10 6
11 7
12 5
13 5
14 2
15 23
16 3
17 6
18 6
19 3
20 3
21 6
22 5
23 8
24 3
25 2
26 4
27 3
28 6
29 14
30 4

165 eggs


Paid Date Received Paid
Sept 3. 4/2 dos 38 181

Cash Account - October

Number of Eggs

Date Received Paid
1 3
2 4
3 4
4 3
5 2
6 3
7 3
8 4
9 1
10 1
11 3
12 2
13 2
14 2
15 2.
16 2
17 2
18 1
19 2
20 1
21 1
22 1
23 0
24 1
25 0
26 1
27 1
28 0
29 1
30 0
31 1
54 eggs


Paid Date Received Paid


Number of eggs

Date Received Paid
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 0
5 1
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 0
10 0
11 0
12 0
13 0
14 0
15 0
16 0
17 0
18 0
19 0
20 0
21 0
22 0
23 0
24 0
25 0
26 0
27 0
28 0
29 0
30 0
4 eggs


Date Received Paid


Number of eggs

Date Received Paid
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 0
10 0
11 0
12 0
13 0
14 0
15 0
16 0
17 0
18 0
19 0
20 0
21 0
22 1
23 2
24 1
25 1
26 1
27 2
28 0
29 1
30 2
31 2
13 eggs


Number of eggs

Date Received Paid


Received Paid

{Blank Page}

Jack Nelson's

head sausages

14 lbs.

2nd. crock - 14lbs

July 15

{X over top of the following}

Lawrence 1500
July 23 20.00
Aug 13 15.00




Martin Seuner


Ground Color

Lawrence {illegible}


Charles J.


Reginald Brininu

M. Roy Robinson B.A.

{Red back cover}

Transcription Progress



Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary, 1921.pdf
Ellamanda Krauter Maurer 1921 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Ellamanda Krauter Maurer, “Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary & Transcription, 1921,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed January 23, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/301.
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