James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1892-1893


James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1892-1893


James Bowman


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph




19th Century, Wellington County, Guelph Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

James Bowman Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription



KKB 3.-/AP.6


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A damaged blue and white inner cover

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Wednesday February 3rd 1892

Went to town with 11 bags of rye at 80 ct $22 40 Two bags of wheat to exchange for flour. got 1.69 of flour. 22 40
Thursday 4
Took a grist of chopping to Chewsy mill 4 bags rye. peas & oats. 5 bags oats paid for chopping to {illegible} {illegible} Homewood Horses & Hauled a load of wood in afternoon. .55 cents
Friday 5th fine
Hauled two loads of wood to town 4 cords 2 to Kenny 2 to Hartley
Saturday 6th fine
Chored in morning took Aly May to Shortreeds bull then took a load of wood to town 1 5/8 Cords to Hartley.
bqt Hardware 45 c Drugs ect 05 .05, .45
Sunday 7th Dull Le Storm
We stayed at home all day read quite a few chapters in Numbers.
Monday 8th Dull
Hauled two loads of wood to town finished six cords to Hartly 5 {illegible} Kenny 3 to Burr 1 1/2 Gowdy 2 to Watson 1 to Armstrong total 18 1/2 cords sundries 04. .04
Tuesday 9th Stormy
Cleaned out cellar and cleaned grain all rest day
Wednesday 10th Dull
Chored in forenoon & hauled up wood ect in afternoon
Thursday 11th stormy
Chord in morning hitched up the colts in afternoon
Friday 12th cold
Chord most of the day. made a horse for swoing harness on a mended harness

Saturday 13th Feb 1892

                                .R R P O

Chored in morning & went to town in afternoon. Bought diary $1.40 drugs 30¢ hardware 12¢

Sunday 14th

We went to church in morning and Heard Dr Harman

Monday 15th

Chored in fornoon . Hauled a load of wood to town in afternoon

Tuesday 16th fine

I helped Mr Whittacker all day Hauling wood out of his swamp

Wednesday 17th Fine Chored in morning went to town in afternoon bqt sundries for Mary settled up with Ogg. he paid me $5.00 so that is $106.00 that $5.00 I have got for turmips

Thursday, 18th fine & soft Chored in morning took a load of wood to Gilchrist & then took Kyma to the model farm. Bull I put has instead of Bessy Freeman did not have to pay anything. 1 hand & 1 horse at Jims today

Friday 19th a little stormy Chored in forenoon and hauled a load of wood to Gilchrist in afternoon hauled 4 7/8 cords to him

Saturday 20th soft

Chored in morning went to model farm with Kyma to Ball.

Sunday Feb. 21st 1892. fine soft

Mary & I went to church in the morning heard Dr Harman
Monday 22nd soft
Chored in forenoon; clean and took 7 bags of oats to chop with the colts. Chored in evening
Tuesday 23rd soft
Went did chores in forenoon and went to town in afternoon Deposited $90 00 in Bank of Commerce. got chop at mill, paid 42 ct .42
Wensday 24th soft
chored & cleaned grain in morning in afternoon went to West sale did not buy anything.
Thursday 23th soft
Chored & cleaned grain all day.
Friday 26th soft
Hauling manure on fall wheat
Saturday 27th
went to town in in morning & chored in afternoon,
Sunday 28th
I went to church alone this morning Mr Simpson was sick env. 15 c Missionary Collection $100 .15, 1 00
Monday 29th
chored in forenoon and Hauled Manure on fall wheat in afternoon 6 loads

Sunday Mar 1st 1892. Cold

Hauled manure on fall wheat finished it. 6 loads, went over to Mr Sanderson in evening

Wensday 2nd fine

went to town with Mr Simpson. lent him fifty Dollars for a few days got cutter fixed. 20 ct P. put in the rest of the day looking for a buyer for the horse and so far did not find one

Thursday 2nd Fine

2 hauled a few loads of manure in morning and went to Jims with 24 bu & 10 lbs of oats in afternoon paying him for what I got from him in summer Called at R Blyth's he has some good cattle

Friday 4th fine

Hauled manure all day 9 loads, to heap in back field

Saturday 5th fine

went to town in morning. bqt L oil 75 c. Lin for oiling wheels 75 ct P Came home & {illegible}Hauled a load of carrot out of pit

Sunday 6th fine

M.J. and went to church, Heard a Mr Edge preach on Mary pouring the ointment on Jesus. & Judas lamenting the loss he handled it well

Monday 7th fine

Hauling manure all day aft hauled 8 loads

Tuesday 8th soft & wet

Hauled Manure in forenoon and oiled Buggy wheels in afternoon

Wednesday 9th fine

Did chores & went to Bardays sale, bgt implements. 60 c

Thursday 10th stormy

Oiled wagon wheels. and did Chores Willie and Rev Mr Williams came from mount Forest about one AM Oco Friday 11th

Friday 11th stormy

Took Rev Williams to town and saw about price of Hay and Oats Hay $13 per Ton and. Oats 32 ct per bu Came home and W & I chored & talked all afternoon, paid part of Lines 1.00

Saturday 12th fine

We arranged things as well as could to try and meet the payment and, I th{illegible} off $50000on the price of the farm so they owe me only $185000 instead of 2350 2350. I took a cow to Wrights in afternoon

Sunday 13 fine & Cold

Mary & I went to church in morning Heard Dr Harman on the day of Pentacost he was very good collection 10 c

Monday 14th a little stormy

sla Chored all day & wrote letters

Tuesday 15th fine

Took a load of wheat to town 14 bags 2040 lbs at 89 per bu = $30.26 c bqt Midlings 85 c/. Oilcake. 80 c/ Lines 200 Halter $125


Wensday 16th fine

Took a load of B oats to Jas Heever 58 bu @ 34c/ $19.72 - 5.90 for. 600 lb corn I deposited $40 in Bank. Left. wheat at Gilder's Mill. got an order for 590 lb flour Took 1 1/2 bu of wheat for Grahm flour. Took 6 bags oats and 4 bags corn to get chopped

Thursday 17th fine

Took Mr Simpson to station. then went to the mill got grist 10 bags 60 c/ came home and hauled manuse in afternoon. 14 loads

Friday 18th fine & snow

Took Mr Simpson to Station went to mill. got grist of chop, 10 bags. 60 c/

Friday 18th fine with snow

Hauling manure to heap all my spre time. Our anniversary

Saturday 19th fine

Went to town in morning. and saw around market. Hay 12 to 13. came home & Hauled manure Label for bags 35 c/

Sunday 20th cold

Mary & I went to church & class enjoyed the service. Text a sermon against worry by Rex Cunningham

Monday 21st fine

chored in forenoon and went to town with Mary. J. to get her teeth filled & cleaned scaled, 500

Tuesday 22nd wet

Hauled manure in morning and changed, oats with Whittaker

Monday March 23rd 1892

Hauling manure all day

Thursday 24th fine

Hauling manure all day quite a thaw.

Friday 25th fine

Chored and went to town in the morning. sold a load of oats. at 4 1/2 c/ advance on market price he gives me back oats to feed got a letter from L.C.Patteson wanting the horses, came home & chored

Saturday 26th fine

Chored in forenoon and went to town in afternoon. did not do any business Mr S got home

Sunday 27th fine

Went to Church in morning Heard Rev Dr Williams of Mount Forest we were at class also coll 87c/

Monday 28th fine

cleaned up a load of oats in morning. and went to town in afternoon. 60 bu & 12 lbs at 32. 1/2 c/ got back 35 bu & 12 lbs & 48 lbs Timothy. 40c/ Clover 16 lbs Alsike. took 12 bags oats to mill to chop.

Tuesday 29th fine

Cleaned up seed oats in morning and took harrows to get fixed in afternoon 30 c/ np

Wensday 30th fine

went to town for grist in morning & to hors Frank to Grenside did not sell him. bqt dry goods 2.26 chopping 72 c/

Thursday, Mrch 31st 1892

Mr S & I cleaned up oats and sorted turnips hauled 3 loads of manure to heap.

fine. Monday Friday apr 1st 1892

Chored & sowed grass seed on ridge in forenoon in afternoon went to town bgt seed peas multipliers at 62 c/ per bu. 25 bu from Mr Ryder. Sold him 23bu & 29 lbs of oats at 33c per bu. Sold a load of pea straw to Miss Mc for 4.00 to be delivered soon.

Saturday 2nd fine

Went to town with 12 bags peas. & 8 of oats got. 59c for peas $15.62c 33 for oats. 7.88c 106 15.62 bgt the peas $15.50c. Sold radishes 40c Mr Atkinson is going to exchange enough oats to sow 8 acres. bgt bran 30c

Sunday 3rd fine

Mary & I went to church & class Heard Dr Harman. We stayed at home the rest of the day

Monday 4th wet & warm

Chored & Hauled in a load of carrots Mr S is not well

Tuesday 5th

Chored in morning went to town afternoon & then started to plow

Wensday 6th

plowing all day

Thursday 7th

plowing sod all day back of elmira road

Friday April 98th 1892

Plowing sod in morning finished the patch & chored in afternoon

Saturday 9th

Went to town in morning got horses shod $1 50 lunch 12 Bull rings 45c sold young Bull. to J.W. Atkinson for $65 got his note due on 9th of Feb next

Sunday 10th Cold

Mary & I went to church Heard Rev Beattie, stayed at home n in afternoon col 15

Monday 1211th cold

Looking around for a man and servant girl for John all day {illegible} and a man for our selves

Tuesday 1213th cold

Hauling manure all day. to heap.

Wensday 1314th {fine?}

Hauling manure in morning and plowing in afternoon Harrowed a little with colts

Thursday 1415th cold

Sold 22 bags peas to Jas Simpson and exchanged 22 bu of oats with Mr Brierly got 110.

Friday 1516th cold

Hauled a few loads of manure in morning all the frost went out and then plowed sod the rest of the day

Saturday April 16th 1892

Went to town in morning with eggs & got some groceries ect on my way home I called at Shortreed and bgt his black heifer for $50. on a years time also bgt three ewes from him for 24 00 $9 to be paid cach & I give him Atkinsons note for $65 00

Sunday 17th fine

Mary & I went to church had Rev. Hough. Anderson came home for his easter Holidays yesterday col 15

Monday 18th fine

Plowing all day on sod behing house

Tuesday 19th fine

Finished sod and Harrowed a little. Went to Shortreed's for the sheep I bought got 3 ewes 5 lambs for $24. 9 to be paid now & bal note with heifer. Making $65 00 note due on April 16 1893

Wensday 20th fine

Sick all day stayed in the house

Thursday 21st {wel?}

am a little better but not able to work

Friday 22nd fine

Went to town in morning with Andrew, Drew $15 00 out of Bank and gave Mr Shortreed $9 00 and a note for $65. Sold a load of Hay to Mr Thorp also what potatoes we had to spare. at 30 c/ per bag, 2780 lbs hay 1735

Saturday 23rd fine

bgt a cultivator for $30. if paid before July 1st of $33 if paid in Oct 1893. Cultivated turnip land all day. got quite sick at night with Bronchial Asthma.

Sunday 24th April 1892

sent for Dr this morning. I felt better & got up in afternoon.

Monday 25th fine

Harrowred turnip ground & sowed part of it in afternoon

Tuesday 26th fine sowed, until about 3 pm then got cultivalor and cultivated till night.

Wensday 26th fine Took 25 bags of potatoes to Mr Thorp at 30 $770 bgt 3.00 worth of seed, and for Barrow harness fixed 30 c/ Drew $11000 out of Bank .

Thursday 28 fine

Harrowed & sowed small patch near road and cultivated and sowed behind the farm in afternoon paid rent to Mr Simpson $138.00

Friday 29th fine

Finished patet behind farm and then started to plow rape land. Rec'd31 31.70 c/ from Jim for peas. $3170

Saturday 30th June

plowing rape land all day.

Sunday 30th May

Stayed at home all day as it was rather too wet to go to church.

Monday 2nd wet

Hauled two loads of hay straw to Town, to Miss McDonald's for 4.00, to homewood retreat 600 p

Tuesday 3rd May 1892

Hauled a load of hay to Miss McDonalds in morning {13?} 2150 lbs straw & hay to be paid for 1st of June came home got 3 bu seed barley from G Porter & plowed a little in evening

Wensday 4th fine

Sowed peas on sod behind Elmira road 3 1/2 acres

Thursday 5th Dull & wet

Went to Model farm with Kyma 3rd to Jus ($445). The new Imported Bull to be returned if we don't get her in calf

Friday 6th Dull

Went to mill with 11 bags oats to chop, then went to town bgt corn 2 40 other seeds 80 c/, 3 bags Empire State potatoes. at 240 3 bags 10 c/ Lime 15 c/ went with load of straw to Earls $5 50 bgt corn Cromptons Early 40 c/ got 3 1/2 bu flax got some sundries 75 c/

Saturday 7th fine

Harrowing & sowing 5 acres of sod behind house drove two teams harrowing. Will brought Willie Barton down to help us

Sunday 8th fine

Will & Mary went to Church & the rest of us stayed at home

Monday 9th fine

{illegible} sowed some peas & Barley Willie harrowing with colts

Tuesday 10th {illegible} {fell?}

Sowed some flax in morning & finished peas rolled part of peas & the new meadow

Wensday 11th May 1892

Went to town with load of Hay 1800 lbs at $13. per ton = 1170. paid for chopping 78 c/. went to town again afternoon bt screw driver 10 c/ Ticking & Starting $270 paid Campbell $1 50 got Drugs 34 c/

Thursday 12th fine

Turned manure heap back of Elmira road in morning picked stones in afternoon off meadow {illegible}

Friday 13th fine

Finished picking stones in morning and Hauled manure till 3:30 then went to town bgt Hardware 90 Dry goods $1 40 got Charlie German he came Has come to stay & go to school Mr G. buys his Clothes Books & pays Dr Bills ect and pays $5 00 per month for his board.

Saturday 14th fine

Hauled a load or two of manure to a patch in back field and then Willie plowed & I rolled with colts.

Sunday 15th fine

Charlie Willie plowed & I went to Church. & Mary went with us to Sunday School. it has been quite a good day.

Monday 16th fine

Finished plowing V patch then took Charlie to School and started to cultivate swamp. W Harrowing with colts

Tuesday 17th

Sowed swamp W Harrowing with colts

Wensday May 18th 1892

Cultivated and sowed the patch beside house

Thursday 19th wet

W Rolled swamp & I sowed flax beside house W Harrowed it

Friday 20th fine

Went to town in morning bgt things for Charlie. 80 c/ Sheeting 300 " 7 bags Empire State potatoes @ 45 c 3.15 got my teeth fixed $1 25

Saturday 21st Damp

Hauled manure until it got too went then we cut potatoes & chored.

Sunday 22nd fine

Mary, Charlie, Willie & I went to Church and class stayed at home the rest of the day.

Monday 23rd showry

Sowed carrots in morning in garden then spread manure for potatoes & hauled three loads

Tuesday 24th Dull

We planted potatoes till 5PM then cultivated mangold ground and chored. Planted 7 bags of the (Empire State) variety they have given highest yield at the O.A.C. for 1890 & 91

Wensday 25th wet

Willie plowing on v patch I went to town rec'd 10 00 from Miss McDonald got bal of potatoes & 80 lbs more paid 40 c/ also seeds 15 c/ things for Charlie 21 c/ pants 50 = 71 c/ Hat 12 Rake 10 c/

May Thursday 26th fine

Hauled a load of hay to Mitchell Undertaker 2065lbs at $12.00 per ton = $12.35c/load 2800 at 12 = 1680 fees & weighing = 40 c P. deposited 14.00

Friday 27th fine & cool

Took a load of straw to Jas Ryan in morning recd $5.50 took a load of Hay to Mr Thatcher in afternoon recd $11.40. Re bgt fish 50c fees set 159 seed corn corn bush 65c

Saturday 28th fine

Working at mangold & corn ground all day.

Sunday 29th W. Charlie & I went to Church and Class in morning and Mary Charlie & I in evening. 20 P

Monday 30th fine

Planting corn most of day. W plowing ground for Western corn in morning.

Tuesday 31st fine

Went to mill with grist in morning 3 bags. went into town bgt. Hardware 1.00 paid for meat $4.10 deposited 35.00 corn chopping 77c 8 laces. 17c, came home sowed corn. Took home drill paid for apple Butter $1.00,

Wensday 1st July 1892

Hauling manure and fixing fence near house & finished corn.

Thursday 2nd fine

W. B. & I hauling manure all day.

Friday June 3rd 1892 wet East rain

We chored a little and rested most of the day.

Saturday 4th Dull

Went to town got horses shod $1.45 P paid Jas Simpson $2.00, I came home and planted potatoes. W Spreading manure in the morning

Sundau 5th fine

Went to church, all but Mr S we heard Dr Carmen. On the Christian Standing clear on his profession show identity

Monday 6th

plowing in manure all day on turnip land

Tuesday 7th

plowing turnips land all day

Wensday 8th

Finished turnip land & started to plow rape land

Thursday 9th

plowing rape land all day


Finished plowing harrowing & rolling rape land

Saturday June 11th 1892. fine

Took the boys to see the O. E. Farm & stock. things look well. got buggy fixed 50c p. Corn 25c. Turnip seed 1.00 75c/ Rape $1.00 Hungarian & millet 70 P. meat 35. Things for Charlie 05 c/

Sunday 12th f fine

went to church heard a young man preach, went to drug store for medicine 25c The Boys went to sunday School col 30

Monday 13th fine

Took Mary to the Dr in morning got medicine 75c, tinware fixed 15. Hat. 25. Oatmeal $1.10. Hat

Tuesday 14th fine

made a fence across the flat along side ditch from laces to Shortreeds

Wensday 15th fine

W & I working on road with team

Thursday 16th fine

Finished road work and started plowing Turnip ground.

Friday 17th fine

Finished Turnip ground

Saturday 18th fine

went to town for a load of manure in the morning went down town bgt a scuffler $9.50 to be paid with hay at $10 per ton sundries 33c/. sold sheep & lambs to Wakefield. for $35.00 to be taken as he needs them. bought all Mr Hughes manure that is outside {seed?} what I have already got for $10.00 paid 2.00

Sunday June 19th 1892

Ma Tom Mary. Willie & I went to Church Heard Dr Harman preach. Boys went to 4 1/2 Sunday School.

Monday 20th

Cutting thistles a good part of the day the land was too wet for working at Turnips. wa Letting water off Tuesday 21st flat behind barn in morning & fixed a culvet into Black muck field.

Tuesday 21st

Hauled up two loads of muck & chored in morning. & chored sowed & few Turnips in afternoon

Wensday 22nd

I drilled a little in morning and got sick and had to quit

Wensday 22nd.

Willie & I thinning carrots all day.

Thursday 23rd

Drilled a little in morning got sick for the rest of the day. Willie R came down on excursion. spent a few hrs with us. He is going to take our black calf.

Friday 24th

Willie & I put manure between drills & sowed some more Turnips

Saturday 25th

fine sowing turnips on all the land that was fit Tom went to town in evening bgt Flax Acct 3.10 other things 1.10. Charlie things 30

Sunday 26th June 1892

Tommie W. & I went to church & heard Dr Harman preach paid in evn. 15 c

Monday 27th wet

I got ready to start off with calf but it turned out too wet so we chored all day. bread 13c paid for chopping 66c

Tuesday 28th fine {2l in left margin}

went to town with Jno for manure bgt shovels $1.95c . . . got two loads of manure will is cutting thistles. price of young Bull 70.00 mp

Wensday 29th {2l in left margin}

Hauled two loads of manure willie cutting thistles. put $3.70c in Bank of Commerce

Thursday 30th

Took 1040lbs hay to piggot to pay for scuffler. at 10.00 = $7.70 went to model farm in afternoon just got there in time to hear the last of Hon. Drydens speech and also the Lieut Gov. was not greatly taken with L. Gov Gr. we spent a pleasant afternoon,

Friday 1st July {1l in left margin}

Hauled a load of manure in morning and scuffled mangels corn & potatoes in afternoon and took willie to town for a drive Charlie pulling mustard paid W. 10c

Sat. 2nd {2l in left margin}

went for two loads manure & scuffled carrots ect, willie hoeing & I choring Mr S 1 day

{left margin wes.1d?}

Sunday July 3rd 1892

Willie Barton & I went to church Willie joined the church today col. 15c it scarcely ceased raining all day. The ground is very wet.

Monday. 21st fine

Hauled two loads manure & 3 loads of muck. Willie thinning mangels @ cutting thistles, got a letter from home, Mr German, feauie, & Maggie,

Tuesday 5th fine

2 Hauled two loads of manure 1 of muck. bgt. hoe 40c/ P. best meat 50 c/

Scuffled & plowed in morning went to town in afternoon, bgt things for Charlie $3.85. suit. collar & tie, sent 425.00 to A. W. Cosby Toronto paying off the mortgage on Brookside, W. paid. 378.90. I paid $46.70c bgt. Hardware. yesterday 42 lbs wire at 4 1/2 $1.89. hoe 40c, rake 10c, staples 08c, sundries 08 gave a note due 1st of Oct. for $30.00 to pay for scuffler cultivator, int. on it is at 7%. got rake fixed 90c, sowed rape in evening

Thursday 7th fine

Chored in morning & started to mow mowed Orchard and flat, it was very wet hauled in 1 load of hay

Friday 8th fine

fixing rake & boys hoeing in morning hay 1/2 hauling working at hay 1 load and I went to McIntosh's raising. haule Mr S 1/2 day

Saturday July 9th fine 1892

working at hay & fence, hauled 6 loads of hay off flat. Mr S 1 day

Sunday 10th fine warm

C. Mary & I went to church this heard a very good sermon by Mr Jackson Lawyer.

Monday 11th fine with a wet shower

getting fence fixed across flat and working at Turnip ground. for greystone Lumps

Tuesday 12th fine

working at Turnip ground all day got a few sown. Mr S fixing fence 1/2 day.

Wensday 13th fine

Finished the Turnips and cut 3 acres of clover & Timothy Boys hoeing most of the day

Thursday 14th fine

Scuffled potatoes & put up hay

Friday 15th shower fine

we hauled six loads of manure on to rape land. and seven loads of hay off acre patch the rakings got wet. Took little Vick to bull Wakefield got a lamb paid $4.00 Mr S all day

Saturday 16th fine

Hauled all the manure we had left in the yard on to rape ground and then got in rakings & plowed a little paid Willie 26c Charlie 6c paid for meat yesterday 44 c/.

Sunday 17th July 1892

All of us but Mr S went to church this morning heard Dr Harman preach. Boys went to Sunday School p 25

Monday 18th fine

mowed part of back field till tea time, then put up a little in kiles

Tuesday 19th fine

M We worked at rape land and O & I kiled up in afternoon Andrew raked.

Wensday 20th fine

We hauled Hay all day. Took in 11 loads. Andrew helped all day.

Thursday 21st fine

Willie plowed rape land all 1/2 day we put in paris Green on potatoes and scuffled Turnips

Friday 22nd fine

W plowing all day in rape land and I cut fall wheat on ridge & put paris Green on potatoes.

Saturday 23rd fine

finished plowing, Harrowing, & Sowing rape. & Andrew cut about 2 acres of hay & we finished putting on paris green, & started to hoe turnips and put hay up on kiles, gave the boys 20c

Sunday 24th shower & morning fine

Charlie Willie & I went to church heard Dr Harman preach on (Christ as our friend) John 15.5 it was very good col 25

Monday July 25th fine

Willie Charlie & I hoeing turnips most of the day

Tuesday 26th fine

Hoeing turnips in morning Andrew mowing till near noon. we started to cut wheat about noon. we got our hay wet that was cut this morning

Wensday 2827th fine

we hauled hay all day till 5 P. M. 8 loads this is all except a load of raking this is 43 loads of hay alltogether. {left margin: 3, 8, total 43}

Friday 29th Shower & cool

Setting up wheat cutting the hill side & putting weeds in Carrot patch

Saturday 30th fine & cool

boys hoeing turnips most of the day I scuffled all forenoon & past afternoon also got in raking & hoed till night

Sunday 31st fine

Willie Charlie & I went to church & Class heard Dr Harman preach Col. 25c

Monday 1st Aug 1892

Boys & I hoed turnips all day

Tuesday 2nd fine

Boys & Mr Whittacker & I worked at roots all day

{25 written in middle left margin}

Wensday. Aug 3rd 1892.

We all hoed in morning and in afternoon we hauled in 7 loads of fall wheat.

Thursday 4th fine

shower last night. boys went berry picking & I went to town.

Friday 5th fine

Willie went to Brierly's to hoe instead of Mr Whittacker. I went to town paid note at Bank. 15.00 recd $7.97c from Miss McDonalds. and got horses shod 75c got 150.lbs flour paris green 10c. shoes. 2.70P.

Saturday 6th fine

plowing a little on flat and started around fall wheat field Mr Brierly cut 5 acres of oats today went to town in evening to meet Mr and Mrs Gay as saw Aunt Maggie and Cousin Tom on the train meat 60c np Groceries 33 57c

Sunday 7th fine

wen Mary Jane Gay, and Willie & I went to church Willie & I took sacrament, Dr Harman preached a good sermon on Chirst and gave good explanations as to why Christ was accepted for our sins.

Monday 8th fine

I plowed all forenoon, Willie went to Brierly's to help them hauling in all day. $1.00 I took Mr & Mrs Gay to the station & to see the model farm, they seemed to enjoy the visit got hardware. 55c Shere 40c Gro 10c

1892 Tuesday Aug 9th fine with showers in evening

Choring & Harrowing in the morning. Charlie hoeing plowing in afternoon. Started to cut oats behind barn.

Wensday 10th wet {Note W = willie and C = Charlie here}

w. plowing with colts almost all day. except when the rain stopped him. I put paris green on potatoes in morning. hoed turnips & chored in the afternoon C. hoeing all day

{Written in left margin: Mr S & Andrew went to town got plow fixure & meat}

Thursday 11th Dull

plowed in morning. shocked oats in afternoon. C hoeing all day finished W plowing all day.

Friday 12th fine

We finished plowing fall wheat ground and harrowed it. C hoed turnips 2nd time, and shocked up the oats and Barley that were cut today,

Saturday 13th fine

Cut a strip of {Bauncer?} oats near W & R and worked at turnips the rest of the day.

Sunday 14th fine

Mary Charlie & I went to church heard a representative of Montreal Conference it was very good. st col. 15.

Monday 15th fine

Hauled in 3 loads of oats and set out the round shocks got. a patch {wen} of Golden Giant oats cut near road. paid 1.00 twine 50.

Tuesday 16th fine

Watsons cutting oats on flat. we pulled peas till 10 am. then hauled oats in 4 loads.

{.15 written in left margin}

Wednesday 17th {illegible}

pulled peas till 10 AM then shocked oats & Hauled in till teatimethen night Watsons finished flat, I am to pay them in work at 50 c/ per acre. for this Cutting & I have to get 4 balls twine, we call it six acres,

Thursday 18th

pulled peas for a while then shocked up oats, on flat.

Friday19th {illegible}

pulled peas a while in the morning broke rake them hauled a load of Barley, went to see about a Thrashing machine in afternoon. Hasson is coming to us on Friday 2nd. September,

Saturday 20th {illegible}

pulled peas till noon in field behind house. Then hauled a few loads of oats, off flat & behind Orchard. pulled peas a while in the evening

Sunday 21st

Mary Charlie & I went to Church Heard a good sermon by a Montreal Minister col, 15 c/

Monday 22nd {fine?}

finished pulling peas & started to haul hauled 2 loads, then went up to Jims & got 14 ft of steel track for horse fork took home Shortreeds rake

Tuesday, 23rd {fine?}

fixed hay fork & hauled 3 loads of peas, & two of oats got rake wheel at Murdocks also some bolts $2 50 np bgt nail set, 30 c/

Wensday 24th Aug 1892 Dull

Mr S Hauling peas all day 12 loads Mr Simpson & Andrew helping us

Thursday 25th wet {ink stain right beside word}

Choring generally & fixing things around the barn.

Friday 26th Dull

I went to town in morning got Chopping done. 78 c np meat 55 c np boards ripped. 05 c harness fixtures 35 c W plowing pea stubble all day I plowed sod in afternoon

Saturday 27th fine & cool

W & I plowing all day & Charlie choring we went to town in evening got 1 pr mens shoes $1.75 and 1 pair womens. $1.10 Groceries 35.

Sunday 28th fine

Mary. W. & I went to church heard Dr Harman preach. stayed at home rest of the day.

Monday 29th fine

{left margin: Mr S. 1} Hauling in peas all day

Tuesday 30th fine

Hauled peas till noon then fixed door for hay fork place & hauled in a load of oats before rain came on.

Wensday 31st Dull

plowing all day

Thursday 1st Sept

{left margin: Mr S 1/2} went to town in morning bgt gro ect $2.70 c meat $1.72. nails 35 c P boys

September 1892 Friday 2nd fine

We thrashed today with Hasson's machine. 2 hands from Shortreed 2 from Brierly 1 from Dawson 1 from Whittacker Porter 1, Aitcheson, Watson 1, Machine $10.10 we finished all but about six loads of oats

Saturday 3rd fine

Cleaned up around barn and hauled in the bal of our oats {left margin: Mr S 1/2}

Sunday 4th Sept fine

Mary, Charlie & I went to church heard a good sermon on the (Widdows mite) we were at class also,

Monday 5th

We cleaned barn floor and got seed wheat ready {?} & chored. Willie harrowed sod in afternoon, I plowed a little

Tuesday. 6th fine & cool

W went to Aitchesons thrashing and I sowed fall wheat Mary rolled with colts in afternoon. sowed about 10 1/2 bush by meadow 5 acres.

Wensday 7th fine

Spreading manure on pea ground for fall wheat. {?} cut 1 1/4 acres of flax & kiled up a llittle

Thursday 8th fine

Spreading manure all day on peas ground

Friday 9th Sept 1892.

Finished spreading manure then cultivated the ground. Willie plowed the weedy part & went to Brierly's thrashing in afternoon. Monell was there all day for us, $1.00 np sowed wheat in afternoon and put flax into kiles,

Saturday 10th fine{showsy?}

went to town on Sat with a load of straw and bgt meat. 63. fat 30. 95, seed 4.00 for straw. went with Mr Simpson to see the old Ritchie farms. took a good look over it and came home. Mary Will & Miss Teskie went to see the model farm. Mary bgt Gro when we came see home found things in poor shape and when we we had a disturbance with boys. Whipped Willie for swearing

Sunday 11th fine

Willie, Mary & Miss Teskie went to church. rest of us kept house Willie cleared out, the visitors left about M 3 P. M.

Monday 12th fine

I went for a thrashing hand the morning got Mr Quarrie sent him to porters. Willie got his things and started off this morning for Harriston on foot I tried to overtake him but could not find him. so we expect he is gone for good came home & plowed in afternoon Mr Wakefield got bal of sheep I paid account 7. 63

Tuesday 13th Sept 1892, wet

Plowing down Rape in the morning and mending harness in the afternoon.

Wensday 14th fine

Went to Toronto Fair. Ticket $1.20 ticket with grounds 25. Lunch eat. 60¢ enjoyed the day very much. Took a good look around. Polled Angus Cattle, and also at Lord Bardolph) & Princess Dagmar, I think they are the two best Hackney beasts at the show. Saw too much to begin to work.

Thursday 15th fine

plowing nearly all day, had Mr Quarrie, at Watsons thrashing all day paid him 1.00, still owe him 15¢ Mr S cutting corn 1/2 day, 38¢ {left margin: "Mr S 1/2"}

Friday 16th fine & cool

Mr S cutting corn in afternoon {left margin: "Mr S 1"} I plowed all day behind barn went over to Watsons after dinner to see about lamb pasture. They want $30 for the Turnip field & ten for the Field along side of our place Il I have to let them know in a week

Saturday 17th fine

Went to town in morning got horses shod, 75¢. Dry goods, $1.709. P Joined the Show $1.00, went out to the model farm and saw about Rape the Lambs eat the blossom and seed pods of bird seed rape. {So?} the prevent the trouble that was expected from it

Sat 17th sept 1892

Mr Storey wants a man to attend to Lambs for winter and will give Tom the job at $32.00 per month till Xmas and 30 the bal of winter. things for Charlie 30¢

Sunday 18th fine

Charlie & I went to Church heard Baptist minister preach. Mr S, Mary & Charlie went to it in afternoon to hear Mr Beattie, col 25¢

Monday 19th fine

Hauled two loads of flax to town, a lik little over two tons th

Tuesday 20th fine

hauled a load of flax to town total 58 00, at $7=21.91-6 90 for seed at 14 01 got Maud shod 50¢, shucked up corn in afternoon

Wensday 21st fine

Putting up corn & helping Mr Watsons 1/2 day, paid Mr Quarrie 50¢ bal I owe him $1.00. Owe Ms Whittacker 75

Thursday 22nd fine

We all went to the show paid for harness. 50¢, it was quite a good show we all enjoyed it pretty well

Friday 23rd dull

Cultivated a while in morning and draned a load of wheat rest of day

Saturday Sep 24th 1892

Took a load of wheat to town 47 1/3 bush at 64¢ $30.40 Paid 30.70 for a PO. order for $30.00 to pay for Cultivator to J. W. Mauno Manufacturing Brockfville. then went to see about lambs, to feed on rape. Came home & pol finished putting up corn & cultivating pea land till might

Sunday 25th fine morning shower in afternoon

Mary, C. & I went to Church in the morning and to Sun stayed at home rest of the day Col in env 10¢ outside 10

Monday 26th fine & cool

Went to the Station in the morning to meet Tom. Made arrangements with Mr Barber about taking lambs went brought Tom out and after dinner we took a look around farm & stock & got ready to take Tom to his new Job at the O.A.C, bgt whip. 30¢ paid for Chopping grain. 75 and bran 25, paid for {Geo?} {inserted above: "25"}

Tuesday 27th fine

Mowing grass on below Watsons Turnip patch, and plowing in the afternoon.

Wensday 28th fine

hauling up furnace wood in morningand hauling corn & Hay and putting Hay in kiles. Meas field behind barn and full wheat patch that Mr Brierly cut. Total 14 3/4 ac a 80¢ {inserted above: "Paid"}

Thursday 29th fine

Plowed on flat in morning and Hauled in hay & corn in afternoon 1 load hay

Friday 30th Sept, 1892.

Cleaned up wheat & chop stuff in forenoon & took it to town after dinner 14 got 14 1/3 {lbs?} at 64¢ = $9.60¢ paid for chopping

Saturday Oct 1st 1892 fine

Chored in morning went to Aitchesons, thrashing in afternoon. John Jennie & S family came this morning, also Wm Woods & Jennie Wilson

Sunday 2nd fine

We stayed at home all day f Tom came to see us we took him home in evening.

Monday 3rd fine

They started off this morning about five a.m. Sent Mr Morrel to Whittackers thrashing 75¢. {inserted above: "np?"} I plowed all day

Tuesday 4th fine

Mary & I went to blanford show today took Uncle R out with us found all well expenses. 32

Wensday 5th fine & cool

Started for home about 9 am. Got to Hamilton at 10.30. stayed till 6 2.30. p.m. and started for home. where we arrived at 7.15 pm. Found all right. 15. 15. 7. {inserted above: "toll"} 25 total 62¢. {inserted above: "stabling pd Tom 1.00"}

Thursday 6th fine

at Shortreeds thrashing all day

Friday 4th Dull & wet

In bed all day with cold ect

Sat 8th fine

Went to town got 13 lambs from Barber at 4 1/2 to go back at 4 70 {inserted above: "per 100 lbs"} before 1st of Dec got two brls from Mr Knowles 2.00 {np?}

        Sunday 9 th Oct 1982.

Charlie & I went to church and

class. Heard a missionary from

the Lepes mission of India it

was quite a treat. Lommie cawe

oat with us. cof, 15

         Monday 10th 

Taking up potatoes all day

had Mr.Mosello boy 38 {cents?}

        Tuesday 11th. 

Taking up potatoes, I mosel boys 60/30

3 from Hassons, 35. 25, 10,

had Juarrie at Dawons 75%.

        Wesnday 12 th fuie

Finished taking up potatoes

mr 3 Hassons. 35. 20. 10 = 65c Moselo. 38c

we have about 90 bags of good potatoes

and about twenty five really bad.

        Thursday 13th fuie

Hauling up wood in morning and

and two loads of mangolds and 3 loads

mangolds in afternoon, Mr Mosel

finsihed mangolds. 1.25

S. Hasson all day 35{ct}

        Friday 14th fuie

Went to Edmesa for lunch got 15$

weight. 14608.lb {illegible} & 1265='15870 lb at

4 1/2= $684.809, and they go from as

at $4.70 pen 100lb in nov on $5.00 pen 100lb

in December they average 92 1/2 lb now

Mr.Hasson. All mosel {illegible numbers}

paid S Hasson $1.54.


Saturday, Oct 15th 1892 {illegible} 35

Picked apples and chosed in the morning. in {illegible} few bags from Mr Watson at 1 50/15 np, went to town in afternoon got nots. 150
Cashed had to desk $250 and $65.00 nel {62.50 is written above the end of the sentence} & paid Mr Seroggie 10.00 pqt land tube 30 {a P is written above the 30}.
salt $125. Went out to the model. Farm saw Tom, he is well.
paid Mr. Mardock. 2 50
Ms. Juanie 2 00
Mr. Mosel $5 25 5 25
Hassons Cheldrea $1 30 1 30
Reed 100 from Mr Barber for driving {illegible} 1 00
Sunday October 16th
Mary and I went to church. Heard Dr. {Herman?} Jorrachon God's care for the death of his saints. Memorial service.
Monday 17th fine.
Took 16 bags of apples to cider mill 25
paid /2/ c {cents} and 25 c {cents} for kettle and docked lamb in the afternoon. 1 21
Tuesday 18th fine
{Mr. S. is written above the entry}. Making apple butter. I pared the apples until about two p.m. then went for flour & docked lamb when I came back.
Wednesday 19th fine
Scraped ditch along stump fence and up toward house. and
Thursday 20th fine
Scraped out ditch till 3 p.m. then plowed on flat till evening.

Oct 1892

Friday 21st fine

Plowed all day on flat with colts paid Mr. Whittacker 50.

Saturday 22nd fine

Plowed till 9 a.m. then went to town, bgt suit for Charlie $6.00¢ Dry goods & {yes?}. 90¢ {inserted above: "P"}, meat 4.00 paid Wakefields $1.35 that I owed him. I left 29 1/2 lbs of meat to get meat in return, C oil 08¢, came home & piacked apples after dinner for a while then worked at ditch

Sunday, 23rd fine

Mary, Charlie and I went to Church in heard a Stranger preach. Tom came out with us and I took him home in evening.

Monday 24th fine

Took ap carrots an 3 loads and {left margin: "2"} started at turnips 2 loads {Morrels?} boys all day. 60¢

Tuesday 25th fine Dull

Hauling Turnips all day 9 loads {left margin: "Mr S 17.9"} Mr S {Topping?}. {&?} Morrel all day

Wensday 26th wet

Plowing all day on flat

Thursday 27th fine

Hauling Turnips all day {left margin: "8"} {&?} Morrel here 8 loads

Friday 28th fine

Hauling turnips all day J. Hassan helping us {left margin: "13."} 13 loads

Saturday 29th

Hauling Turnips till 4 pm. J. Hassan here {left margin: "9"} 9 loads

Sunday 30th Oct 1892 Dull

Mary, Charlie & I went to Church in the morning heard Dr Hannan preach. Saw Tom but he did not come out

Monday 31st Dull

{left margin reads: Mr S 1 day, 9} Hauling Turnips alone all day Mr S pulling {)c?} 9 loads

Tuesday 1st nov 1892

Fixed fence around corn and covered Turnip pit did not finish it

Wensday 2nd

plowing all day on Flat

Thursday 3rd

{left margin reads: Mr S 1/2 day, 6} plowing in morning and Hauling turnips in afternoon 6 loads

Friday 4th Dull. Cold.

{left margin reads: 7} Hauling Turnips all day till 4 P.M. 7 loads. greystone then went to town bgt coal, oil, 60c P shoes, for Charlie $1.25 socks & mits for Charlie. $1.25 Dry goods. 50c

Saturday 5th Dull & Cold

{left margins: 2} chored till 3 P.M. killed lamb hauled two loads turnips went to town with lamb, I gave Barker 35lb & kept 33lb left the skin at the market bgt pair shoes for Charlie 90c

Monday. nov 4th 1892 Wet

sorting potatoes almost all day. Hauled two a load of turnips.

Tuesday 8th cold

plowing all day behind house, Father Came today & started work

Wensday 9th cold

went to town with turkeys today & potatoes. got $9.80 for 12 turkeys and $7.40 for 10 bags potatoes fees 10c G flour. 25P. Father & I plowing in afternoon

Thursday 10th Dull & cold

Father, Charlie, & I picking over potatoes & choring. One lamb died today

Friday 11th Dull

Took in potatoes and apples to cellar & plowed in afternoon with both teams,

Saturday 12th Dull snow still {lies?}

I killed a lamb in morning then went to town with Turnips. the 9 came to $11.00 at 10c per lb Father plowing all day I plowed in afternoon a lamb died tonight have taken 3 skins & 33lb of lamb to Barber

Sunday 13th Dull

Father & I went to church heard Rev Cunningham on (Love) showing that love is the fulfilling of the law.

Monday 14th fine Dull

Father & I plowing all day behind house

Tuesday 15th

Both teams plowing all day

Wensday 16th november 1892

We finished feild behind house and pulled five loads greystone turnips

Thursday 17th fine

Took up 3 loads of turnips at watson and chored

Friday 18th cooler

finished covering turnip pit and some odd work plowing garden & picking up the scattering turnips that had left

Saturday 19th cool

plowing all day with both teams & left making water furrows. went to town in evening took a bag of potatoes to Miss Mc Donald 75 np bgt sundries. 20c flour 34c paid Charlie 05

Sunday 20th cold

Father went to church and Mary & I went up to Fergus to see aunt Sarah who is very sick called at Brittons for Dinner & she went up with us.

Monday 21st cold cool

Father & I fixing lamb pens all day.

Tuesday 22nd

fixing lamb pens all day

Wensday 23rd cold

Went to town in morning bgt nails 35c got horses shod $1.50 whiffle tree fixed 10c. fixed pends after I came home

Thursday 24th cold

we finished the pens today.

Friday 25th cool

Hauled two loads of manure from the nuisance establishment

Saturday 20th cool

Hauled a load of manure in morning. and hauled in straw in afternoon

Sunday 27th fine

Tom came out yesterday and played today he is not very well. Father Charlie & I went to church heard Dr Hannan col. 35c Mary Tom & I went in evening

Monday 28th fine

Hauled in straw in morning and went to town in afternoon got pail fixed took seven bags potatoes to Miss McDonald the 8 bags altogether at 75c = $6.00

Tuesday 29th

went for a load manure in morning and to Brierlys sale in afternoon paid Morrel for boys 1.24c Kennedy for kittls 50c

Wensday 39th nov 1892. fine & cool

went for a load of manure in (morning got maud shod, 50np chain fixed 10c mp this belongs to md Dec hauled two loads of manure today killed our thir best ewe lamb tonight she got sick on her feed.

fine Thursday 1st Dec.

Hauled one load of manure. & chored the rest of the day.

Friday 2nd fine

Took lamb out to Barter 80 lbs also skin for thrashing 80c paid paid 5.00 to Jas Hassan $5.00 to Jas Hughes for manure. Reed $23.00 from Mr Mareroft for heifer. tinsmithing 10c hauled one sev load of manure Kyma 2nd calved a bull calf today.

Saturday 3rd fine soft

Hauled two loads of manure from town & spread them Father & Charlie picking over potatoes.

Sunday 4th fine

Father Mary Charlie & I went to Church. Heard Chancellor Burwash on Pauls letter to Timothy telling him to get faithful men who are able to teach to follow them in the work it was extra good

Monday 5th fine

Hauled two loads of manure bgt bag of bran 30c np one on Sat 30p {tuesday written between lines}

Tom Tuesday 6th

Hauled a load of manure & trimmed lambs in afternoon. had Morrel at shortreeds thrashing. 75cp

Wensday 7th Dec. 1892. Soft

Went to town in the morning took 3 bags peas & oats to chop. paid for chopping & bran 48 got the bal of Flour coming to no at Goldie's. 1.40 140 lbs took 50 lbs to Scroggie took bag of turnips & carrots to Mr Leadlay's 30c {between lines & milk}. 3 bgt 110 lb grd Flax. $2.75 P took Butter to Scroggies and got groceries bgt onions 50c got 500lb Bran at $12 per ton 3.00 500 lb {mids?} at %15 per ton 3.75 p

Thursday 8th Soft

fixing lamb pens all day Father choring around generally.

Friday 9th cold cool

went to town for strips for troughs got 2 boards made into some strips 5c came home & chored the rest of the day bgt Beef 9lb there is 1 1/2 to come yet

Saturday 10th fine

went for load of manure in morning spread it and chored in the afternoon. Went to town in evening and sold lamb at 7c per lb 70lb 4.90 sold skin $1.10.

mon Sunday 11th fine

Father & Mr Simpson went to church Mar rest of us stayed at home all day col. 30c

Monday 12th fine

Stayed at home all day fixing up lambs

Tuesday 13th fine

Father went to town with for two loads of manure I did the chores

Wensday Dec 14th 1892

got things ready + went to Tom with lunch to the {flat?} stock show we did not get them into the {ring?} when the rest were exhibited and had quite a time to get anything done on our behalf but finally we were awarded the honor of the best three ewes + three weathers under a year old. + a special prize of $20. so we feel satisfied under the circumstances

Thursday, 15th fine

went to town in morning and stayed until 2 30-270 then brought lamb home and, did the chores expenses today 20 c, Mother + Willcame down last night and have been at the show today. bgt bread ect, 25c 25

Friday 16th fine

Mother + Will went home today. they brought us two geese + we gave them a gobbler, and Father hauled one load of Manure today.

Saturday 17th fine

Father hauled two loads of Manure + Charlie + I did the chores, I went to town after dinner and got horse shod 25 np. bgt beef 8.90 paid 8 00 bal90 800 25 90

Sunday Dec 18th 1892

Father + I went to church in morning paid educational col 1 00 {nordinary?} {al?} 30c. This was is childrends Sunday it was very good.

Monday 19th cold

Father Hauled two loads of manure + I did the chores {+?} went to mc Corkindale's to see about draining books

Tuesday 20th cold

Father Hauled two loads of manure + I did the chores

Wensday 21st colder

Father hauled two loads of manure + I worked at the chores

Thursday 22nd very cold

Father got 1 load of manure + we chored in afternoon

Friday 23rd cold

Fath we all worked at chores + I stayed in house + took care of myself the rest of the time

Saturday 24th

I did went to town after chores were done + bgt 1 pair oreeshoes $1 25 + pair Boots $1 50 and got groceries ect. things for Christmas for Charlie 40c manure fork. 70 c p

Sunday 25th Dec 1892

Father + Charlie went to Chruch in morning I stayed at home and did the chores Col. {illegible}

Monday Dec. 26th 1892

fine. after we got morning chores finished we hauled in straw from the stack. Mr Leadley came along in evening paid mr Days board fill and offered to pay $1 00 towards ms {german?} bell

Tuesday 27th fine

we finished clearing off the peas straw weed Hauled a few rails paid Jas Hassan for thrashing. bal $5 00 5 00 paid the other half on nov 2nd

Wensday 28th fine

after we did the chores we took Charlie to the Station his ticket cost. $2 35 took {laud?} 2 35 {Slein?} to Barber. returned shoes to R Neil. {lacer?} 10c p postage 10c 10 10 winter cap for Charlie $2 00 went 2 00 up to {Marden?} {gos?}. 10c paid 10 Mr {Luasric} for Thrashing 75. 75 gave him a rooster in exchange for his.

Thursday 29th fine

Did chores and hauled rails from around cos. + flat patch into a pile Father helping me.

Friday 30th fine

did chores finished hauling rails + cleaning turnips bgt axe handle + {bake?} board 70c 70

Saturday 31st fine

choring + hauling wood in morning went for {books?} to mc {Corkendale's?} in afternoon and did chores

Sunday Jan 1st 1893

Father and I went to Church heard a Stranger preach a good sermon on The Children of this world are wiser + in their generation than the children of {Light?} / col. 15 c

Monday 2nd Stormy

Father + I chored + I took Audrea to town.

Tuesday 3rd

we did the chores and hauled up wood from the swamp.

Wensday 4th

doing chores + hauling up wood took {illegible} {Skin?} to wakefield + 1 to Barber

Thursday 5th

doing chores + hauling up wood

Friday 6th

doing chores + hauling wood in the morning. I went to Barber's Sale in afternoon bgt crobar styliards 35c basket + hoe 05. pea harvester + binder $3 75. paid {Slotes?} for Thrashing 30c 30

Saturday 7th cold

went to town after we finished the chores. saw Barber {illegible} {illegible} {aee?} to take them in on Tuesday 10th received $20 of prize money from 10 00 him. Paid Smith + Simmons 90c 90 paid mr Shoetreed $3 50 for cows to Bull {seed?} $3 50 from {Marcroft?} for lamb 3 50 $1 15 from Hewer for {skin?} 1 15

Sunday 8th

Father Mary Charlie + I went to Church. He and Dr {Hamman?}. preach {illegible} 25.

Monday 9th

{illegible} did chores hauled 1 load of wood + went around asking haul to haul {illegible} our lunch.

Tuesday 10th very cold

took the lamb to Barber today. had. {illegible} 1 teams beside our {illegible}. and drove {illegbile} {illegbile} they weighed 19125lb gaining 21 75 lb we {recd?} $2 38. 25c. 2 38 25 paid for dinner at hotel $2 75 paid 2 75 Taxes $20 46. paid Watson $41 25 20 46 41 25

Wensday 11th Cold

Took home Cowan's pig rack and then took mrs Knowles {a?} load of wood.

Thursday 12th very cold

working in house most of day + pulling down lamb {peus?}.

Friday 13th cold

went for Binder this morning and went to see tom at farm in afternoon. paid for Binder Pea harvester crobar. Stilyards ect. $7 50 to mc {Millace?} 7 50 Drew what money I have out of Bank.

Saturday 14th Jan 1893 cold

chored around around generally all day.

Sunday 15th

father, Mary Charlie + I went to Church. col. 25 {c?}

Monday 16th {illegble} Jan 1893

Father Mary + I went to {Illegible} forest. We arrived there all safe about 8 p.m. found all well.

Tuesday 17th {illegible}

Mary and I {illegible} {quite?} a few {illegible}

Wensday 18th.

went to the fair. dad {not?} buy {illegible} . Stayed in most of the afternoon.

Thursday 19th.

Looked around the stock in general, and looked over {ores?} accounts. W.has to pay me $225.00 by april 1st and {bal?} of $75, to be added to {illegible} which is {easing?} interest. That is I paid. {illegible} note of Friday $23.00 paid W. Baston 40.00 paid {Jim?} clothes $15 and some other small things.

Friday 20th {illegible}

we handed {illegible} . put on some {illegible} and then truck + got ready to start about two {illegible} W. {UL?}. got to {a?} thus for {illegible}. 60c string of {bello?} $1.00

Saturday 21st {illegible}

Hauled up wood in morning + chosed generally. Look mrs Knowke home m aft-ernoon went to {see?} Tom at the farm he {illlegible} home with {one?}.

Sunday. Jan 22nd 1893. fine

we stayed at home {illegible} evening. Then went to Church. heard Dr {illegible} preach on. Come {unto?} one all ye that labor + are heavy {illegible} and I will give you rest. Col. 15c 15 Tom went back to farm

Monday 23rd fine

after choring a while I went to town took pea harvester to get {fixed?} it wil cost $375 for inside and outside shoe. got axe ground. Deposited $10 00 in the bank. Chored in afternoon

Tuesday 24th {feeDull?}

did the chores and stayed in the house rest of the day had a cold.

Wensday 25th Dull

went to meet W walker in the morning took him to se the Model Farm in afternoon, saw Tom.

Thursday 26th Dull

chored most of day W. R. Walker here all from {ten?} a. ill.

Friday 27th cold east wind

went to Station with Willie and saw Barber about mistakes in lamb account.

Saturday 28th soft E.W

chored all day cleaned {harnes?} ect, took / Drain + water course / Law books back to Mc. Corkingdale's.

Sunday Jan 29th

we stayed at home all day the weather was rough,

Monday 30th fine

chopped wood in morning and went to Watsons sale in afternoon bgt {tool?} $9 55c . pair of calves. 16.25

Tuesday 31st dull

went for cattle to watsons gave my note for $25 95. {illegible} 30th of nov/{1893?} Jim {bronght?} bull down. I am {&?} pay him $20 each and give him {lumber?} for to make a wagon {bot?} + he makes me one. I find {Irons?} + nails ect.

Wensday 1st Feb 1893

went to town in morning bgt {illegible} 34c went to fair ground. saw around to sew did not do {any?} business Left notice with some of neighbors to come to meeting to see about {illegible}. putting {wash?} for lice on cattle in afternoon.

Thursday 2nd cold {illegible} W.

{did?} chores and worked at wood in swamp.

Friday 3rd stormy

chopping wood in swamp in morning and {choring?} in afternoon.

Saturday 4th fine but cold

Went to town in morning bgt handware 65{c?} saw {Barber?} did not do any business got horse shod 50c {np?}. Left 148 {illegible} {illegible} at Stuarts to get some more in exchange

Sunday Feb 5th 1893 . Chilly East wind

This is sacrament Sunday Mary. Charlie + I went to Church col. 40 {c?} . Dr {Hannan} preached a 40 sermon on the great sacrifice and the power of Christ blood in Clensing Tom came with us from Church I took him home in evening.

Monday 6th soft raining

choring + chopping wood in morning and working around stable in afternoon

Tuesday 7th cold

Chopping wood and choring all day.

Wensday 8th cold

Chopping wood and choring all day.

Thursday 9th stormy

Choring and chopping wood mr S '1 day all day. Mr Simpson went to {Aitchecon?} thrashing

Friday 10th stormy

Helping Watson to move today

Saturday 11th fine

went to town in morning bgt oatmeal $1 08. paid for Mercury 1 0 8 for 1893 $1 25 Had a runaway did 1 25 not do much damage. fixed {rig?} for hauling Turnips sold for Simpson five tons of hay for $30 00 to be paid in march

Sunday 12th Feb 1893 fine

Mary + I went to church heard the {Evangelist?} preach on Sacrifices for sin. col. 30{c?} we stayed at home 30 rest of the day

Monday 13th fine + mild

{Lare?} Hauled a load of Turnips to Shultz 11 00 in morning. 4060 {gn?} lb hook for harness 15 {c?} p Hauled a load of wood in afternoon.

Tuesday 14th {Dull?}

Hauling wood at went for coal Oil. 59 {cP?} went {np?} to see {69?} mr G. Elliots people {in?} evening

wensday, 15th fine

Choring in morning hauled wood in afternoon got Organ fixed and tuned $3 {30?}. Kyma 3rd calved Bull {calf?} today 3 30 22.25 11 20 / 33.45

Thursday 16th fine

went to town in morning an did not do much business got some groceries + the mail came home and chopped wood in afternoon. saw Saunders about Barber paying me for the mistake on lambs. and about Atkinsons note. It notice is given to indorser on the last day of grace or put into Post office by a notary public. it holds him good. Tom {illegible} $1 00 1 00

Friday 17th Stormy

Hauled two loads of turnips 40 80 11 00 to town {/?} 4080. - 1100 {/?} 33.35-1110 33 35 1110 bgt a pair of Rubbers $1 00 drew 5 00 out of the Bank,

Saturday 18th Feb 1893 Stormy

went to town in morning got Horses shod + paid up bal of my account Total $1.50c went to the market. did not see Barber. came home and went to the meeting to see about the drain {illegible} parties were not there and no conclusion come to it was {illegible} until 20th of May

Sunday 19th stormy

Charlie + I went to Church. heard Rev. Stafford the {illegible} preach came home and stayed the rest of the day.

Monday 20th stormy

Chored in morning took a load of turnips to town in afternoon 22.25

Tuesday 21st stormy

took two loads of turnips to town 23 80 28 85

Wensday 22nd cold

took two loads of turnips to town had {pam} Slater helping at 25{cl?} per load. 0025 3310

Thursday 23rd Stormy

Hauled two loads of turnips Had S Slater today 30 90 32 40

Friday 24th fine

Hauled 17 {ba?} to mr Lawson got paid, $1.879. went to town in 1 87 afternoon to show the team did not sell. bgt cow /

Saturday 25th fine

Hauled two loads of turnips to town s Slater here today 2895 3230

Sunday Feb 26th 1893

Mary and I went to Church R Heard Rev Stafford Preach col. 12{illegible} we stayed at home the rest of the day

Monday 27th fine

Hauled two loads of turnips to town. 42 S {Slater?} here all day 42 30 11 10 47 00 11 10

Tuesday 28th wet

went to town with a load of 44 50 11 30 Turnips in morning. got {dinner?} at Dorans Hotel 45c. Reed $81 60 for Turnips. 81 60 weigh bill was 20 $1 40 S Slater was here in morning.

Wensday 1st Mch 1893

Finished hauling frozen turnips + cults. and went to town in afternoon. did not do any business

Thursday 2nd fine

went for {con?} up to Jim. Simpsons {illegible} 2nd. I. give him {nots?} for $41 on a yeras time without intrest and I pay for the young {rouns?} Bull's {illegible}.

Friday 3rd fine mild

Choring all day putting on insect wash on cattle. Ect, sold 50 {bu?} peas to J. W {illegible} yesterday at 60 c =$30 00 30 00 paid for getting organ tuned 1 00 some things mended 15c {illegible}

Saturday 4th cold

Cleaning up peas + choring in morning 1 25 went to town in afternoon mistake with {illegible} $1 25 1 20 hardware 45 {illegible} Barley 1.20. Pants + socks for Charlie $ 1 00 45

Sunday Mch 5th 1893

Ma Charlie + I went to Church Heard {Rer?} Stafford preach {we?} stayed for after meeting Tom came out with us also a young friend of his. Col.15

Monday 6th {fine?}

Choring all day aorund barn + cutting wood

Tuesday 7th fine + soft

Hauling oats into shed loft + clenaing up peas. Jas Simp-son got all the peas we had to spare at 60c per {bushel?} Mr Myers of Waterloo came to see our horses but did not buy.

Wensday 8th fine + soft

Choring around barn all day cleaned up seed peas in evening.

Thursday 9th raining quite soft

Mr S 1/2 Mr Simpson and I cut heads off oat sheaves all day did not get on very fast.

Friday 10th fine

Cutting oats all day Mr Simpson helping me

Saturday 11th fine wet {illegible}

Went to town in morning to bought Barley 19 {bu?} + 33th at 40 = {7?} 90 pd on {illegible} ect. 49 {illegible} went ont to Model farm Saw Tom he is well

Sunday 12th Mch 1893

we started to church but got stuck in a snow drift and {illegible} {cuttee?} {illegible} so we stayed at home the rest of the day

Monday 13th Dull

went to town with horses in morning to show to Ryan did not sell any. deposited $36 in {baulo?} and came home and chored the rest of day.

Tuesday 14th Dull

Cutting heads off oat {shears?} all day. I. {slates?} helping {to?} me paid him yesterday for helping with the turnips $2 25

Wednsday 15th cold

Cutting heads off oats {shears?} all day {illegible} slates helping {30c?}

Monday 16th Thursday

Look Mary up to Jim finished cutting oats heads off and looks a quiet to will then look Kyma to {Palled?} Augus Bull at O.A.C.

Friday 17th fine

Look Mary up to Jims in morning and went for {quit?} to will paid 60c chored in afternoon. went to Mrs {illegible} for Mary in evening

Saturday March 18th 1893

went to town in morning sent {Checue?} to {Bursar?} {Oat?} 5 00 sold potatoes to a student all 30 bags at $100 per bag we can spare that many he {illegible} to come out Wensday. I hauled up two loads of wood bgt {Lard?} + {illegible} {5?}4 c. 64

Sunday 19th Dull Fine

Charlie + I went to church col 30c quite a number of {wea?} 30 members were taken on trial and some received by letter,

Monday 20th fine

Hauled wood and chored in morning and went for Horse power in afternoon = bgt paper pens + pencils for Charlie, 30c 30

Tuesday 21st fine

we sawed wood all day today had two hands hired so {illegible} each 1.50 $1.00 to S. Slater 50c to Albert Mossel I owe Jim Simpson $400 for the days work received $2500 also 100 bush oats $3100 31 00 25 00 Jim got 46 50lb of peas at 1c per lb. He also bought 4 tons of hay to be taken as soon as roads will allow wagon to run at $6.75c per ton.

Wensday 22nd Dull Stormy

I chored all day aorund stables ect,

Thursday 23rd Dull + soft

went to town with {gust?} in morning 9 1/2 bushels it weiged 56 lb to bush. went down town bgt. 30 bags at {$2.10/lb?} p paper + envelopes 25c. Onions 30c paid W. Cowad for Bull service $200 Paid Richardson for weighing lamb. 30 2 10 25 2 00 50

Friday Mch 24th 1893.

Choring all day filling up potatoes + doing up work around barn

Saturday 25th fine

went to town in morning. paid Saunder $100 for advice, did not do much business came home and chored in afternoon

Sunday 26th fine

Mary, Charlie, + I went to Church heard Dr. {Hanman?} preach a good sermon. col, 15c 15

Monday 27th fine

mowing + raking long grass of meadow.

Tuesday 28th fine

hauled grass off field in morning went to town in afternoon bgt Timothy seed. 41 lb at 5 3/4 c pr lb $235. Dry goods 295 Hardware. 72c 2 95 2 35 72

Wensday 29th fine

choring around barn all day + fixing ditch took {Brasey?} {illegible} to Cowans Bull.

Thursday 30th fine

Charlie + I did the chores and cleaned up seed oats. Tom came from the farm in evening

Friday 31st fine

Tom went to see W B. Coburns' cattle. C {Charlie} + I finished cleaning grain and did chores.

Saturday April 1st 1893.

Took Tom to Station. bgt {Hymon?} book {25?}. Hat + Braced $1 35 15 1 35

Sunday 2nd fine

Mary Charlie + I went to Church Heard Dr. {Hanman?} preach an Easter Sermon. col 30c 30c we stayed at home the rest of day

Monday 3rd Dull

Chored in morning took potatoes to Station for mr Ceealy of Stathroy 23 21 83/90 bags, at $1 00 per bag + 17 bags at 7c each. 119. $23 00 23 00 23 went down town did not do any more business.

Tuesday 4th fine

Took Andrew and mr S up to Jim's in morning. went to Blyth's to see his Bulls came home + picked stones till evening

Wensday 5th fine

Chored + spread manure on fall wheat in morning and went to Town in afternoon bgt Books for Charlie 88c 88c {illegible} Bolts, 20c showed horses to some parties, 10

Thursday 6th cold E.W

borrowed a wagon + pig rack and took Kyma to P.A. bull at the farm got a letter from Will they are pretty well. he sent one a check for $200 00 200 00

Friday 7th Dull

choring all day + making stone boat.

Saturday April 8th 1893

We went to town in morning entered a suit against Barter for the balance due to me on lamb bgt groceries 93c Deposited $230.00 in commercial Bank of Commerce Blacksmithing 30c Took home woods wagon.

Sunday 9th fine

Mary Charlie & I went to Church. Heard Rev Harris preach on the Glory & Dominion of Christ col. 15c

Monday 10th fine

picking stones and rolling ridge.

Tuesday 11th fine

picking stones and rolling

Wensday 12th Dull & Wet

Choring all day around yard & root house. Pair cottenade pants for Charlie. 75c making two shirts for {worn away} 25c

Thursday 13th fine

went to Morden for wagon tongue bgt stuff for wire Jaws 25c and got saw sharped, picked sones & harrowed fall wheat in afternoon

Friday 14th fine & cool

Hauled manure ect in morning and went to stallion show in afternoon. paid R. Shortreed $65.00 Grammer & History for Charlie 44c Sheep dep. $1.25

Saturday April 15th 1893.

had quite a fall of snow last night put McDougall dip on cattle in morning Hauled carrots to root house & hauled a few loads of manure

Sunday 16th fine

Charlie & I went to Church Heard Rev Richardson from Berbic preach anniversary Sermon he was real good. col 25.

Monday 17th fine

Hauled manure in morning fixed fences in afternoon

Tuesday 18th

Hauled manure in morning went to town in afternoon bgt bolts. 15c postage 18c reed 30c on eggs

Wensday 19th fine

Cultivating all day

Thursday 20th wet & windy

Working in Barn thrashing clover ect.

Friday 21st wet

Choring around barn ect, all day.

Saturday 22nd wet

Went to town in morning spent most of my time seeing about suit with Barber. have employed Saunders have to pay him $3.00 whether I win or lose bgt wire 8lb at 3c. 24c paper 2c stamp 3c meat 51c

Sunday april. 23rd 1893, fine

Mary Charlie, & I went church heard Dr Hannan preach col 15 stayed at home rest of the day

Monday 24th fine

went to marden for a load of Turnips, $3.15 for load and fixed fence between whites & our place.

Tuesday 25th fine

Fixing fences all day

Wensday 26th

Cul Hauling manure in morning and Harrowing in afternoon

Thursday 27th

Choring all day quite a rain last night.

Friday 28th fine

plowing till teo p.m. then cultivated pea land over again.

Saturday 29th fine

went to town in morning drew $1.20 .80 out of Bank bt bolts. 10c got out supoena's for witnesses saw Saunders about the case Reed an order from Mr German for $81.00 to pay Charlie board & Clothing gave supeona to J. B. Richardson & Thompson, bgt Bar 470 lb Barley for $4.40c paid Thompson $1.00 meat 39c

Sunday 30th fine

Mary, Charlie, & I went to Church heard. Dr Hannan preach

Monday 1st May 1893

Chored around most of the day dand was to wet to work on sod paid Mr Simpson the rent in the morning. The bal due him. After work was allowed for and board deducted was $117.75

Tuesday 2nd fine

Chored in morning & fixed vice ect sowed grass seed in swamp ect, piling up manure in afternoon

Wensday 3rd fine

Finished manure in morning and went to town in afternoon to show {team?} and see about law suit.

Thursday 4th Dull

Father & Tom came last night & Tom, Mr Simpson, & I went to Burt this morning. had dinner at american 75c horse feed 10c, Letter 6c went back to court, and our case came off about 4PM. Both had to pay their own coats but I got what I claimed paid Mr Saunders, 3.00 Mr Thompson 70c

Friday 5th Dull

I hauled manure to back field. and took Kyma 2nd to Aberdeen Bull Jas 8445.O8 .H

Saturday 6th fine

Choring & sowing peas in morn sowed about 13 acres

Sunday 7th May 1893

Father Mary & I went to Church col. 25. 5. Heard Dr Hannaw preach Mr Hough's funeral sermon it was very impressive . Showing what a good thing it is & serve God and also what a good man can do

Monday 8th five

Cultivating {Illegible} till after noon the started to sow Cultivate. went to warden in morning to get roller rod mended. Tuesday 9th fair cultivated till about 3pm then went for drill and sowed rest of the morning went to town to get casting for drill.

Monday 10th five

sowed till three pm. then took drill home and and rolled rest of the day

Thursday 11th five

rolled all day. Father Harrowing and plowing

Friday 12th {Illegible}

Cultivated a while in morning then went to mill with 10 bags oats & barley to get chopped, cultivated a while in evening

Saturday 13th Dull

Went to town in morning {Illegible} $5.38 Books for Charlie 11 things for horse 279 come home & sowed oats in afternoon

Sunday May 14th 1893

Monday May 15th

Tuesday 16th wet

Wensday 17th

went to town in morning got horses shod $100. Row Hughes and got his turnip sower

Thursday 18th five

Choring in morning hauling manure in afternoon

Friday 19th five

went to town in morning to get mauds foot fixed and {Illegible} $30 from O. Gorman 30 00 to pay freight and part of Bill bgt Dry goods , $1.20 Hardware 10C got punch pinchers for bulls nose 60C

Saturday 20th five

went to town in morning and sowed carrots in afternoon also went to meeting at school about drain

Sunday 21st five

Monday 22nd may 1893 five RP

Sowed mangles, father hauled manure. went to town in evening with drill. paid 50C for use of it bgt meat . 80C P

Tuesday 23rd

Sowed flat beside house with oats

Monday 24

Hauling manure all day

Thursday 25th

Hauling manure all day

Friday 26th

Hauling manure all day put two stairs into pasture

Saturday 27th

Finished hauling out manure for turnips and started to plow a spread, Look {Illegible} 3rd to model form Bull

Sunday 28th

We stayed at home till morning and went to hear Ms Caldwell at warden col. 10 It was very good Look {Illegible} cowans Bull this morning

Monday 29

Father plowing & I spreading manure all day. put nothin/ into pasture

Tuesday 30th may 1893

Look grist to mill in morning paid for last grist also, $ 1.32 went to town in afternoon and paid for Drill. freight o 20 30 bgts shors $255 seeds 85C meat, 40 P

Wensday 31st fine

Father finished harrowing and rolling turnip land. I helped pump makers to pump and sowed corn,

Thursday, 1st June

raised trills for potatoes and helped pump makers. they finished paid them $2 25 and kept back $1 50 till they got chain out of will which they let down, put Rock & miller {Illegible} pasture this afternoon, and cow & two yearlings, on monday or about then. Colts at $ 1 50 per month and the colt to for $2 00 per month

Friday 2nd fine

Cutting and planting potatoes all day

Saturday 3rd Showery

Planting potatoes in morning went to town in afternoon went to Council meeting they advise to bring on Engineer, saw {Illegible} about bill and he shipped it a short time ago

Sunday 4th July June 1893

We stayed at home in morning father & I went to warden in evening {Illegible} Ms Caldwell Col 15

Monday 5th

Father & I spudding thistles

Tuesday 6th

Father & I spudding thistles

Wensday 7th

spudding thistles & choring Look Rock & miller out of pasture

Thursday 8th

Father & I {Illegible} working at stable labor Allie may had a Bull calf

Friday 9th

Working at stable Labor went to town in evening

Saturday 10th

I fixed finer in west end road & chored put Rock & miller into pasture for Sunday

Sunday 11th

put Father Mary & I went to Church heard Rer Hough

Monday 12th

Father plowing took Rock & miller out of pasture this morning

Tuesday 13th x

Wensday 14th

preparing turnip land took netting out of pasture

Thursday 15th June 1893

preparing tunrips land wet.

Friday 16th

working at turnip land sowed some turnips

Saturday 17th

Finished turnips & Father plowing in flat behind barn

Sunday 18th

Father Mary 7 I went to church in evening, Charlie, & I took {Illegible} 3rd to o.a.c Bull

Monday 19th

Scuffling carrots mangles and corn went to town in evening

Tuesday 20th

Will came down this morning & he & I went to mount forest in evening {Illegible}

Wensday 21st

Chored a little & looked around Farms went to town in evening did no business

Friday Thursday 22nd

Father plowed & I scuffled corn and potatoes & went to school meeting in evening

Thursday Friday 23rd

Chored around with boys in morning came home in afternoon {Illegible}

Saturday 24th

Went to town in morning bgt hardware 20 4 meat. 45 9 P Black {Illegible} 20 % Drugs 25 Livre 15 stamps . 6% father plowing Charlie choring & horsing Turnips & Mangels put neither . Frank & bes into pasture . Sent to pedigins & fres H. Wade toronto $200

Sunday 25th June 1893 Showery

Father & Charlie went to Church the rest of us satyed at home and went to cemetry in evening

Monday 26th Dull cool

I hood carrots and father plowed on flat.

Tuesday 27th showery

Having Qarrots and mangels & father plowing

Monday 28th June fine

Mr. S. Mary & I went to mrs G. Shortend funeral expense. 10. oranges Father plowing all day mother kept house.{Illegible} $125 00 from a. R. Simpson Thomas I have to give A R S a nots due in 6 months 25 00 25 125 00

Thursday 29th fine

Scuffled potatoes in morning went to town at ten A all deposited the Chrewes I {Illegible} yesterday and drew $585.69C to pay off principal & intrust & discharge of mortgage on Brookside Egremont, Draft 50C Telephoning 35C Exchange on andrews check 15C Borrowed 20$ for three months, at 1% {Illegible} $19 60 but binding gloves 50 Cam home & had mangels rest of day

Friday 30th Fine

Charlie & I howing mangels all day father plowing flat

Saturday 1st July 1893

Charlie & I hord carrots and father & I plowed & scuffled {Illegible} Simpson a note for {Illegible}

Sunday July 2nd 1893, showery

Father mother & Mary went to church in the morning. Charlie to Sunday School. I stayed at home all day.

Monday 3rd fine & cool

Father mother & I went into town in morning. we got LN Saunders to draw up a deed. from {Illegible} to me of Lot 2 con {Illegible} to the mortage now hold against it by Canada Life company. got shows $125 paid to Saunders #300 Hardware 0.5C sundries. 07{Illegible} came home & got to mow cut a little on ridge

Tuesday 4th fine

finished mowing ridge & {Illegible} mangles & carrots had three {Sad?} boys helping $300

Wensday 5th fine wet got hay fork fixed in morning mowed orchard & part f flat in afternoon

Thursday 6th fine

cultivated flat in morning, then cut hay & put bees in hive and put ridge into {oocks?} and cut {Illegible} on flat in afternoon

Friday 7th fine

went to town with cow to D.G.C Bulls got 100th flow. 48th from to be taken out of meet {Illegible}. Hardware $ 1 10/11 need 1 25 that I had paid for shoes got 1 board of lumber 12 by 14 ft taken off the amount I left in at stuarts

Friday 7th July 1893 fine

got back Deed Copy of mortgage and discharge. of sat 1 con 8 Egremont

Saturday 8th Dull I cultivated rake ground father mowed finer corners & Charlie had mangles weent up to Jas Simpsons got 515 lbs of Oats to be returned when new oats come in. Took them to mill. We put the bal of flat into {oocks?} and mowed the patch of clover near west end road

Sunday 9th fine

Father & I went to church in the morning. Heard our {Illegible} minister on, "I pray not that show thou shouldnt take them out of the world but that thow shouldnt keep them from the evil it was a good practical sermon out of 17th chapters of John,

Monday 10th fine

Hauled in three loads of day, off ridge and put up the clover near the W. E.R> curved reps on flat

Tuesday 11th

Hauled six loads of wild hay. off flat & one off ridge & orchard

Wensday 12th Dull

Hauled 3 loads of hay off patch near west End. R and mowed. some clover behind chart

Thursday 13th Dull

Finished cutting ridges and went for grist of chop. x hord Turnips in evening

July 1893

Friday 14th fine very hot & close

Had {Illegible} Had turnips in mornings raked & kiled what hay we have cut and Hauled in my load

Saturday 15 Showery

Was hoed turnips in coming till about ten A.W. and hauled in hay hauled flour loads went to town in evening {Illegible} $225. #1.75 growing 50C seeds, 3.00 150 had little {Illegible} all day $ 510 I owe Charlie 50C

Sunday 16th fine

Father, Charlie & I went to church. Heard Rev {Illegible} preach

Monday 17th fine

we hauled five loads of hay in morning. Clover behind orchard mowed all all of that field in afternoon and out around the timothy in back field. {Illegible}

Tuesday 18th fine

I moved half of timothy and started to mow clover at Jack & {Illegible} having Turnips till near teatime kwe kiled part {Illegible} of clover behind can and the Timothy that was cut this morning was here all day. Wensday 119th pine but {Illegible} green on potatoes and hauled six loads of hay. boy having Turnips.

July Thursday 20th 1893

Andrew finished mowing & Timothy in morning and we Turned & sh raked clover at back feild hauled two loads & kiled up Timothy the two {Illegible} boys finished Turnips today at noon. tatal wage $ 175

Friday 21st

we hauled hay all day 9 loads

Saturday 22nd fine

We hauled hay all day, ten loads of Timothy three of clover

Sunday 23rd

{Illegible} Father & Charlie went to Church, I kept house

Monday 24th fine

Hauling hay all day Mr Baley cut 3 1/2 acres fall wheat at 75 $252

Tuesday 25th fine

Andrew mowed the last of they hay in morning and I fixed the binder. Father schocked a little

Wensday 26th fine rain in morning

Went to town. Paid Mr Serrogin 400 {Illegible} 1 for shoes need $225 paid for fixing 2 25 pea harvester $313 groceries 25 bgt things for binder 20C {Illegible} & C nails $400 paid sharp for seeds $200 got horse shod $100 seut $100 to try wada, other thing. came home & hauled in 3 loads of hay.

Thursday July 27th 1893

Baley finished cutting fall wheat 5 acres 115 we hauled 2 in two loads of hay this finished the hay {Illegible} about 62 loads altogether

Friday 28th fine

Father scuffled roots all day and Charlie & I hoed carrots and mangels

Staurday 29th fine

I Father scuffled in morning and Charlie & I hoed the bal of the carrots in afternoon & we hauled wheat, six loads

Sunday 30th fine

Father Mary & I went to Church heard Rev Henderson Preach

Monday 31st fine

We hauled in the balancer & of fall & loads

Tuesday 1st of August

Raked fall wheat {Illegible} Plowing on wet land Charlie hoeing Turnips

Wensday 2nd fine

Went to town in morning took release to Mr Saunders got min to {Illegible} with my deed to be registered in Durham sent fees $200 paid Grant pump maker $100 feeing half of his account. Rapeseed 16 paris green 266 skinman fixed 10C meat 28 6 mp

Thursday Aug 3rd 1893 fine

Sowed Rapeseed in morning then went to Slaters and helped them with their peas till evening broke knife heel & then pulled with {Illegible} till evening went aut to concert fee 40C settled up with Mrs Simpson board & wash to dark hr paid s $125

Friday 4th fine

Father finished plowing fall wheat {Illegible} near Elmira road. Charlie & I plow hoed Turnips finished mina Saturday German came today to board with us, Her Father is to pay P year for her board and $500 a qaurter for music lessons

Saturday 5th fine shower in evening

Father finished plowing one patch and started at the other C & I picking glass & rubbish off fall wheat field 7 hoeing mangles

Sunday 6th fine

Father Mary Mina Charlie & I all went to church heard Dr Henderson preach on the sacrement us same and as a comunion in commemoration, col 25

Monday 7th fine

Father plowing, Charlie & Mina picking berries in morning I cut thistles and hoed mangles we had mangles & picked glass in afternoon

Tuesday 8th fine

Went to town with load of straw got C. Bot wheel fixed $125 meat 30C flour 15 lbs took Allie may to {illegible} bull & other cow to shortseeds

Wensday July 9th 1893 fine very dry weather

Father Plowing fall wheat load Charlie & I fixing cutting box and hoeing mangles finished and almost finished pulling weeds out of Thistles potatoes.

Thursday 10th fine

Father finished plowing wheat stubble and started at the flat beside house where we pastured the oats off, Mary went to town Red $600 from mina to buy her clothes, bgt{Abreviation of bought?} things for her & Charlie $ 405 dress for mina 50C pair shoes 100

Friday 11th fine

He Father plowing all day. I helping him, I sucffled Turnips and fixed pea harvester knife and minded harness got {Illegible} from Town, 10C

Saturday 12th fine & cool

I harrowed all plowed land and Father plowed Charlie helped Father and chored

Sunday 13th fine

Father Bessie & I went to Church mina & Bessie went to {Illegible} in afternoon

Monday 14th fine

We cut our peas with pea {Illegible}

l Sunday 15th

Scuffling Turnips & mangles and finished plowing flat beside hower

Wensday 16th August 1893

We turned peas and father finished plo scuffling Turnips we hauled peas in afternoon 5 loads Mrs Baley cut about 4 acres of Oats this afternoon, {Illegible} = 300

Thursday 18th fine

quite a rain last night

Father & Charlie hauled manure all day 7 loads I Look mina and Bessie to town. got mina Teeth filled she paid it herself bgt a pair of shoes $145 things for Bessie 30C groceries $57 Binding mits 15C went to moodies to see about taking cattle to Toronto fair l eau got a place in his car. If I pay a fair share of expenses

Friday 19th aug 1893

We hauled in me load of seas and shocked up oats. then rain came on and we hauled manure till night took Kyma 3rd to bull

Saturday 28th Dull

Went to Town in morning took {Illegible} station bgt meat 40C chgd bgt rope cut $100 sent entries to Toronto $150 paid Dutch {Illegible} $250 I oew him a half of 15

Sunday 20th

Father mina & Charlie went to church in morning mary 7 I went to {Murden?}

Monday 22th fine

Father and I Chored in morning and went up to mount forest in afternoon we hauled in peas in afternoon

Tuesday 23rd August 1893

Hauling peas and and choring Baley finished cutting 20 acres all together 75 = 15 - $3.90 for twine = 1110

Wensday 24 rd

Finished peas 156 all loads hauled hauled 4 loads of oats Willie Baston came Today to stay for a while

Friday 25th

Will Hauled manure all day Willie plowing & spreading

Saturday 26th

We hauled in bal of oats went to town in morning bgt meat, 140 np groceries 215 np mils 35C

Sunday 27th

Heard paisley St st minister he was very good Col.

Monday 28th Dull

We thrashed today had 1 hand from Dawsons 2 from shortseeds, from whittacker, from porter 2 from {Illegible} 2 from Baley they thrashed 8 1/2 acres of wheat and 12 acres of oats, had Jimmie hasson in afternoon.

Tuesday 29th fine

Wille & I clawed up grain and wheat, grist of wheat and grist of chop, took all cattle & horse out of pasture

Wensday 30th fine

I went up to Cummock with with calf to will & Tom also giving them maud to use for a while {Illegible} WIll plowing all day

Thursday August 31st 1893 fine

Went to mill with grist $14.15 returned. Oats that I borrowed 120 lbs also about 265 lbs that I borrowed and got about 200 lbs & then went down town sold two loads straw 1 load hay, got a letter from sheep breeders association telling me that I had need second {Illegible} 500 and bgt groceries 20C & got Horses shod 30 took ten bags to chop to mill and and Willie plowed & spread manure

Friday Sept 1st 1893

Went to town with two loads of Straw to Homewood retreat {Illegible} $700 got 95 lbs Bruce at mill bring bal of grist Willie plowing and spreading manure all day

Saturday 2nd 18 fine

We sowed about four acres of fall wheat & finished plowing & got grist of chop home. paid for last grist also 90C

Sunday 3rd fine

Mina, Charlie, Willie & I went to Church Heard Dr Henderson I have a mind that was in Christ and dwelt on, the mind of christ Toward God it was very good. Col- 2 5

Monday 4th fine

Finished sowing Wheat on 5 acre patch and started to haul manure where grass seed missed P paid Dutch Fred 1 00 Baley $ 12 00

Tuesday, Sept 5th 1893 fine

I hauled the rest of manure to the hill in buck hill & then spread manure till night. Willie at Baley's thrushing.

Wensday 6th fine

Went to town with a load of hay to Mr Rudd 1760 lbs at $ 7 00 for tow = 6.71 1/4 sugar 25C shor fixed 10C {Illegible} Teeth filled $150 np

Thursday 7th wet

We cut feed to Lake the cattle to Toronto and plowed a little and harrowed the patch. sowed part of it sowed Seven sixbush wheat to Mr Slater at 65C = $3.90C paid Mr S for for some thing he got for pea harvester

Friday 8th fine

Finished sowing fall wheat Took things {Illegible} paid mr Whittacker $1 25 for use of drill went to town with things for show bgt 45 lbs {Illegible} $1.12 my share of car $4 00 paid conductor 38C help for taking stuff off cars. 50 Cheese + Bananas 35C

Saturday 9th fine

getting things in order and feeding cattle

Sunday 10th fine

did the chores and went to church in afternoon

Monday Sept. 11th 1893 fine

washing cattle in morning and not doing much in afternoon

Tuesday 12th fine

Preparing cattle to be judged the judging was done between 4 & 5 p. m. we got 1st Diploma medal for best females 1st for 3 year old first and second for bull calves 60 20

Wensday 13th fine

fixing up chores and showing cattle to sight-seers

Thursday 14th

We kept cattle clean and showed them to visitors went entertainement at night

Friday 15th

We did chores and exchanged our bull calf (Rancher) for Mr Stuarts mypir & a heifer calf about 4 months old

Saturday 16th wet

We got home and arrived at Guelph about 7 PM and home about 4PM went back & got our things {Illegible}

Sunday 17th

monday Mary, Willie, & I went to church heard Dr Henderson it on Collection 25

Monday 18th Dull

went to town with load of straw centered the things for show bgt meat 50C

Tuesday 19th

got things ready for show took in corn & potatoes avoid wet came home & got cattle ready took them in evening

Wensday 20th Sept 1893 fine

we event in with bal of things and got ready for the show ring where judging started about 1.30 pm we got 1st on {Illegible} age 1st on Bull any age, 1st Herd Will got 23rds & one second on sheep Willie Barton got 1st for talles {Illegible} Mary & Mina got 2nd on young ones

Thursday 21st fine

we went in again to show and bought home our things about 4 PM & {Illegible} yesterday and today rain last night

Friday 22nd fine

Tidied up things after show and went to town in afternoon got shoes for Mary $125, Stationary 29C, Leather . 40C meat 30C sold ten calves to mill & tom for $50 00 and reed 12 loads from them at $60 00 and the calf I sold to them some weeks ago comes into account leaving a bal in my favour of $500, $100 members feed shows

Saturday 23rd Dull

We finsihed harrowing field beside house & chored in afternoon went to Town in evening reed a medal from industrial four for Kyma 2nd. post card got a letter from Uncle R.

Sunday 24th fine

Charlie, Mina, Wille & I went to Church heard Dr Henderson preach we had a good class

September 1893

Monday 25th Dull

Willie & I hauled some swamp hay and put a load on top of Straw slack and some with loft above pig pen. Then willie cut corn and I cut second crap of clover

Tuesday 26th fine

We put scaffold poles into barn raked up clover and, Hauled it in three small loads

Wensday 27th fine

we put away Implements took off load of hay, Finished cutting corn & shocked up all that was cut yesterday and day before

Thursday 28th fine & col

Hauling manure for mangles next year 12 loads, put up the bal of corn in shock

Friday 29th fine

We hauled manure all day. 19 loads, Took porters wagon home in evening put red calf up to Father

Saturday 30th sep. fine

Willie hauled a load of manure and then started to plow corn patch I went to Town. {Illegible} prize money 750 order. on thorp 50C. bgt meat 68C np {Illegible} 65C sundries 09. Bread 18 meal set 50C Flax, 54ths $135 from 3 Y Blacksmithing. 40C came home and spread manure & filled dry earth box.

Sunday Oct 1st 1893 five

Mary Willie & I went to Church Heard Dr Burnwash it preach the {Illegible} sermon,

Monday 2nd fine

Plowed in manure and cleaned up some grain for chop

Tuesday 3rd fine

Cleaned up chop and went to mill, 11 2/3 bags, 78P, coal oil, 80C p then went tow Town, saw about note in Bauk, got it renewed for 13 days Hardware, 12, sundries, 06

Wensday 4th fine

Willie went Whittackers thrashing we also sent Mr Baleys son I hauled two loads of manure from Hughs from Outside, seed Diploma for Silver medal for Toronto

Thursday 5th fine

Willie went to parkers thrashing I hauled two loads of manure from Hughs {Ilegible}, got shelving fixed at murdcoh's 15C

Friday 6th Dull

We worked at Ditch all day {Illegible} plowing wet, Charlie working in garden & choring

Saturday 7th Dull

Taking up potatoes all day 10 3/4 bags went to Town in evening need $85 00 from Industrial Exhibiting, bgt gro. 47C meat $100 paid W Bartons 504 ming 60 Charter

Sunday Oct 8th 1893 fine

Mina Charlie & I went to Church heard Dr Henderson preach on the giving of a treeth to God's cause col. 05C

Monday 9th fine

Taking up potatoes all day 76 bags had, Shuth boy helping 3 of them for 75C

Tuesday 10th fine

Taking up potatoes until about 3 PM, 42 1/2 bags, working at ditch till evening bgt a {Illegible} from W. Wakefield $2 00

Wensday 11th fine

got horses shod at warden got groceries at ,, 16 went up to Jas Simpsons with Oats that I had borrowed 15 lbs paid him $3 50 for sowing 300 for potatoes and apples $3 50 or pasture total $10 00 came home and finished {Ilelgible} ditch and Harrowing potatoes land and & picking potatoes

Thursday 12th

Hauling manure from Hughes 4 loads from inside

Friday 13th dull

Went to Town in morning to see lawer n others as to whethers I could continue hauling the manure I was busy with Mr Simpson starting an action against Mr we settled it by me agreeng to pick glass on crockery Mr S allowing me to go on paid {Illegible} $2 00

Friday 13th Oct, 1893

I paid a not of Twenty dollars that I owed in the bank. paid M Kenzie blacksmith $1 12 being my account Came home and hauled two loads of manure

Saturday 14th wet

Working at ditch till about {Illegible} then went chored till dinner time and then picked over potatoes till chore time Andrew came home today

Sunday 15th wet

We stayed at home in morning and went to Sunday school in afternoon col 05. Enjoyed it very well

Monday 16th fine

I went to town for a load of manure Willie pulled mangels & in afternoon I pulled and hauled mangels

Tuesday 17th fine

Finished pulling & hauling {Illegible} got and started at Carrots 4 loads, mangels,

Wensday 18th fine

put in four loads Carrots

Thursday 19th Dull

Hauled one carrot and took up balance

Friday 20th Dull

Finished {Illegible} & pulling Turmips in back field and Hualed them in killed Cawl seed worked at ditch

Saturday 21st Oct. 21st 1893

Went town with load of hay. sold it for $8 00 per ton man took load for $10 00 paid scroggies bill for groceries sold skin to {Illegible} Books for mina 30 Shoes for Charlie $1 20 bgt dry goods shoes + underclothes $60 hardware 50C by express order Took orders for three more loads of hay, tow at 9 & 1 at $7 50 W, Lopping & pulling Turnips Charlie helping him

Sunday 22nd fine

Mina Charlie & I went to Church heard the {Illegible} St. Minister preach ou what should it project a man if he gain the whole world & lose his soul, it was very good paid 1 00 Supremation 25C

Monday 23rd fine

Went to town with load of hay to Blanchfield 2250 lbs at 8=$9 00 pulled turnips and hauled some in

Tuesday 24th fine

Went to town with two loads fine hay. 2275 & 2190 = 9.10 8.25 got pinches at blacksmith 25 Sundries, 08

Wensday 25th Dull

Willie & I taking up turnips & hauling to put 16 loads & 1 load of culls

Thursday 26th Oct 1893

Hauling in culls two loads covering pit & pulling turnips in morning throwing back turnips & cutting hay with cutting box in afternoon

Friday 27th Dull

Willie & I hauled in turnips all day six 4 loads

Saturday 28th wet & Dull

Went to town in morning with box load of straw to M e/11 Kenzie, went down town, {Illegible} bgt Books set for Mina 15C paid for flax $3 75 bgt bag of beans to be taken off grist

Sunday 29th Cloudy dull

Mary Willie & I went to church col. 25 Heard Dr Henderson preach on. They who sow in tears Shall come again in Joy bringing their shares with them. Stayed at home rest of day

Monday 30th

Willie & I at turnips all day. hauled three loads

Tuesday 31st Dull

Willie & I went taking up turnips all day, 7 loads got kingmans pedigree " from Thor M hardware"

Wensday 1st Nov 1893

Finished pulling turnips this morning hauled 5 loads of good {Illegible} & 3 of culls loid up covered pito with straw we have 56 loads of roots this year

Thursday Nov 2nd 1893 Dull & warm

Fixed {Illegible} around orchard & pits there got a load of hay on for Mr Cull ,, took it in afternoon

Friday 3rd fine

Went to town took five bags of potatoes to Mr Scroggie a 45 $2.25C fixed payment took bag of turnips to Mr Dauson charity as bag to Mr Leadley 25 hay carrots also took some things to aunt Jane sent Subscription for the Journal to Mr Binnie $1.22 paid up to $95 Willie plowing back of Elmira road got a pair of braces for Wille 25 sundries. 08

Saturday 4th fine

Chored in morning fixing sheep pen wet, in afternoon went to Town. Entered, 12 loads & 4 Turkeys in Fat Stock Show entry fee bought home a load of manure bgt meat, 439

Sunday 5th Nov

Mina Charlie & I went to church it was Sacrement Sunday mina fixed the church today

Monday 6th fine

Went to town with a load of hay in morning to Mr fields. Hackman 2310 lbs $8.85 {Illegible} and got ready Tuesday 8th {Illegible} Willie plowing

Tuesday nov 8th 1893 fine

Started for mount Forest Early this morning, arrived there about 7PM found all well, Expense today 25C

Wensday 9th fine

Looked around stock will gave me an account of how the business was bills payable amount to 1531.55 The stock look good and they have their work pretty well up

Thursday 10th fine

Tom Jimmie & I all bought our loads down. The grass in weight of loads is 3935 lbs at 4C per lbs = $157.40 cost of weighing 58 Loads respectively 2870/1460 2945/1320 2700/1370 3 T. B. Laump 390 lbs, Reed 3 00 from Stabling & Cunnock

Friday 11th fine

{Went to} Killed lamb in morning went up to Fergus in afternoon got three loads & a {Illegible} lamb 1350/2450 {Illegible} $7 50

Saturday 11th Dull

Went to Town in morning sold lamb & skin bgt pants for Charlie $1 40 groceries

Sunday 12th Dull

Mary Willie & I went to Church Heard Dr Henderson preach, all the children went to Sunday School


Monday 13th wet

I went to mill in morning, Willie plowing I plowed in afternoon

Tuesday 14th cold

Went to Town in morning with a load of carrots and straw on top for Mc Kenzie Carrots 22 1/4 at 15C = $3.35C Sundries 11CP Went to warden in evening formed the boy of Templars 75C W plowing all day

Wensday 15th

Quite frosty we selected lambs to feed for fat stock show, in afternoon got peas ready for thrashing sold old Bucker to a {Illegible} for $3 75 moved some oats at old house butched old Eve.

Thursday 16th fine

Willie & I were choring all day

Friday 17th fine

I went to Town in morning sold two Skins $ 1 70 bgt groceries $2 08 Hardware 05 got bag of flour Mina boot mended 10C Books 15 The Mackenzie cause in afternoon had 1 Dawson 1 Smith 2 Shortened 1 poster 1 Witherson we finished ego 2 Baleys,

Saturday 18th fine

We were trying all day to thrash clover but did not accomplished much dress for Mina 3 00 Cloak 60 underclothes 75C, Cap for Charlie 50C paid Hanson $2 00 class and 50C potatoes


Sunday 19th cold

Willie Charlie & I went to Church hard a George town minister col 20 Mina & {Illegible} to sunday school

Monday 20th We killed the Turkeys in morning Willie hauling in wood. Went to porters thrashing in afternoon, I chored

Tuesday 21st Dull snow & rain tonight

Father & Storm came last night night and Willie Barton and Tom went back today I went to town with Turkeys took raw to Shortreeds need ten Dollars for it went sold potatoes $6 00 Turkeys {Illegible} 11C 55 lb = 484 {Illegible} 10=540 1 at 1 35 = $11 57 bgt Hardware, {Illegible}

Wensday 22nd Stormy

At Shortreeds thrashing all day Father choring at home

Thursday 23rd rough

Choring all day around around barn Father picking over potatoes

Friday 24th rough

Fixing up Lamb pens and doing the chores, Father helping me

Saturday 25th Dull

Took a samples of hay to Morlock Bros {Morlock bros. Furniture Factory} for Matresses 1 00 sold for skin 75 Lamb to Mr Cull, 68C Lo Morlock 84C bgt groceries, 50, Scribble for Mina 5 Laces 03 Hardware 80C, sold load of Hay {Illegible} 2 00 to Harvey Illinois to finish registery of call paid W Wakefield 2.23


Sunday Nov, 26th 1893 fine

Father, Mina & Charlie went to Church Mary & I kept house Col. 25 Mina & Charlie went to Sunday school. {Illegible} calved this morning a Bull calf

Monday 27th

Chored & went to town in morning bgt rock Salt, 47C Came home & chored fixed lamb in afternoon

Tuesday 28th Dull

Killed 3 lambs in morning and chored in afternoon

Wednesday 29th wet

Chored in morning and went to town in afternoon, sold Headley, 20 1/2 lbs Lamb at 8C = $1.64 4 2/3 bagged potatoes at 50 $2.30 C np 8 1/2 upholster, 68, 11 1/3 to Morlock 92C 11 1/3 to Mc Law, 92C, 8 1/2 to Platt, 68 P 27 lbs to Dawson $2.16 np 16 1/2 {Illegible} 10 1/2 lbs to Snider 85C 3 skins to Barber at $255/85, 13 1.2 lbs to B Swayze, $1.08 got chop at Chayenes 2 bags 13 returned chop that I borrowed 76 lbs stamp 13C

Thursday 30th Dull & Cold Fixing up lamb for the show Father finished sorting potatoes and fixing Cellar. Mr Thompson called

Friday 1st eve 1893

Working at lamb in morning choring in afternoon. Father choring all day


Saturday Dec 2nd 1893

Went to town in morning need $1 48 from M Hutton 2 16 from Mr Dawson, bgt stationary for mina 30C for ourselves 20C, hardware 10C, those for Mina, {Illegible} Groceries $1 03 paid watson & another note watson $25 95 {Illegible} 25 00 bgt duck 40 3 ducks, 1 00 4 geese $3 00 came home and did chores apples 75C

Sunday 3rd stormy

We stayed at home all day

Monday 4th fine Hauled a load of hay to Town in morning and a load of Straw in evening, Hay 2560 lbs at $7 50 per ton & $9 60 also 92 for meat

Tuesday 5th fine

Killing & picking poultry till about two PM then got back ready to show Will came about noon and helped me

Wensday 6th fine

Took the stock in to the show. We did not get them all judged today. 20C {Illegible}

Thursday 7th fine

Went in early in the morning fed the stock lambs were judged about noon, Bowmore Bros {Illegible} Grade was lamb, and I got 3rd for Wethers {Illegible}

Friday 8th fine

Tom & Mr Norris went home this morning I killed two lambs & did chores Father cutting wood

Saturday 9th Soft

Took lambs & skin to town 10 lbs to {Illegible} @ 8. 80C, 23 lbs to {Illegible} $1.84 np, 82lbs Hughes $1.45 I owe him {Illegible} 9 1/2 lbs to Saunders, @ 8, $1.20C 12 1/2 lbs to B Swaize $1 00 np, 12 lbs to @ 8.96 Goose to B Swaize 12 lbs to upholster, 96C Hospital 9 1/2 Deposited. ${Illegible} in Buck, bgt compass & Copy for C or M, 27C sent, Pedigree, 27C sent, Pedigree of Raneher, L W Stewart Lucasville

Sunday 10th Dull

Mary, Father, Mina, & I went to Church heard Dr Henderson Preach to the children on (the word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light unto our path, it was very good Collection 60C, & at Night

Monday 11th Dull vast storm

Went to town with a load of straw when chores were done then to Mc Kenzie then hauled a load of manure home, and did the chores, paid Mr Bailey for thrashing 60C on Sat Paid Dutch Fred for help at potatoes

Tuesday 12th cold

Choring and hauling up two loads of wood Father cutting wood Took Lewis' box home & paid for poultry


Wensday 13th cold & clear

Went to Mrs Lindseys funeral in morning and took a lamb carcass in to oil, bgt {Illegible} 35C, Dry goods, 08, sold skin 70C 10 1/2 to Dawson, 84C np, 21 1/4 lbs today for $1.20 np 11 1/2 to morlock, 92 np

Thursday 14th Dull

Went to town with a load of hay to Morlock bros 2255 lbs 750 = $845 np bgt 12 chickens from miss fry

Friday 10th wet

Killed some poultry & a lamb in morning cleared grist in afternoon and did the chores

Saturday, Dec, 16th Dull

Went to town in morning and sold 4 1/2 chickens, at 50C = $2.25 1 pr at 60C to Lofton np need $9.37 from ms Morlock for hay & mat 11 3/4 lbs meat to Mr Wallace, 95 np 10 lbs to Mr Rowen 80C p 10 1/4 lbs to Mc Law at 8 82 Cp 11 1/2 Mr Goley bgt groceries $1.55 Reed $4.14 from Mr deadly

Sunday 17th fine

Father, Mina & Charlie went to Church, Mary & I went to Cld Mr Aitchsons funeral col this morning 25C

Monday 18th Stormy

Father & I hauling wood from swamp all day

Tuesday 19th December 1893

I helped Mr Thompsons with his lamb to Town in morningchored in afternoon

Wensday 20th

Working at wood all day

Thursday 21st

Went with {Illegible} 3rd to model form Bull {Illegible} & stayed to meeting groceries 10C

Friday 22nd dull

Went to Town in with load of hay 2585 lbs at 750 = $9.69 bgt groceries $1.39

Saturday 23rd fine Went to Town with lamb & Turkey, sold, side of lamb to Dr Henderson $2 12 1/4 to Dr Foster, $102, 102 np 1/4 to Simpson $1.06 1/4 to Wes Watson, 94C 1/4 to {Illegible}, 84C 1/4 to Mr Leadley 14 3/4 $1.18 C np paid for telegram & Mr Fairton

Sunday 24th wet

We all satyed at home in morning Mary, Mr Blight & I went in evening, col 25 C

Monday 25th Dull

We stayed at home all day Choring around stable set

Tuesday 26th fine

Taking in straw and chores paid Jus Hanson for thrashing &8.00 {Illegible} potatoes

Wensday 27th cold

Went to school meeting the school is to be repaired carving pits with manure

Thursday 27th wet

Finished taking in stack straw and took Andrew to Town in afternoon in afternoon, paid him $5 50 on note, that I owe him

Friday 28th Dry & Cold

Choring killed lamb wet in morning Father & Charlie in swamp cutting wood

Saturday 29th Cold

Took four bays wheat to mill, 4 1/3 bags potatoes to Mr Dawson, {Illegible} 4/4 lbs Lamb sold skin to Hewer, 85 need pay for ducks $1.50 bgt groceries 75C 12 1/2 Lamb {Illegible} Jane, $100 np 12 3/4 to miss Mc & mold $102

Sunday 30th fine

Mr Blight, Mina & I went to Church col 25C, Heard Dr Henderson preach,

Monday 1st Jan 1894

Went out for Mr deadleys family and Aunt Jane in morning and of paid Tom Smith 80C for helping at thrashing in afternoon Rolled my vote for the {Illegible} ans got two other men out

Tuesday 2nd five

Did the chores and took a load of hay to Mr Cull. 2076 lbs {Illegible} cane home and we went over to Mr Aitchsons in evening

Transcription Progress



James Bowman Diary, 1892-1893 Part 1.pdf
James Bowman Diary, 1892-1893 Part 2.pdf
James Bowman Diary, 1892-1893 Part 3.pdf
James Bowman 1892-1893 Diary Transcripts.pdf


James Bowman, “James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1892-1893,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/304.
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