Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1888-1890


Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1888-1890


Benjamin Reesor


Courtesy of Queen's University Archives




19th-20th Century, York County, Markham Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Benjamin Reesor Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{Page badly stained and torn, very difficult to decipher}


1 I went to Markham in {illegible} NB's swamp & shot 3 {illegible}

{illegible} sent for us they are {illegible} NB's swamp W. fine

4 Didnt thresh, steady Mild gentle snow all day, now wind, S Lehmans were here, snow does not lie very deep

5 Threshed all Fall wheat {illegible} spring wheat that was left & started {illegible} Oats I think we threshed about something over 240 Bus Wheat

6 Chored Boys threshed few Peas & Cut Straw to fill beds W. snow & sleet from east till about 2 PM I & Nancy & little ones went to Br S's this evening

7 H drew 2 loads Pine F drew some wood from other bush I went with H PM then we went to Clarks hollow H brought about 300 Ceder Posts {illegible} Collins @ 8 cts each bought a lot of Ceder by Auction W. Cold, foggy trees Covered with {illegible}

Sunday 8 at home all day F, H & {torn off) went to Menno Reesors this evening W. very fine Clear & Mild

H drew 2 loads Pine {torn off}

Posts A & B drew Posts {torn off}

home load at noon Br C brought Kate {torn off}

10 {illegible} 2 {torn off}

Jan 1888

Posts F & H drew up hill & brought home a load at night they took their dinner with them B went to School W. some squaals of snow strong W wind PM

11 J Drew 1 load Pine & brought home load Posts F & H Drew up hill & brought home load at night. W. fine Cler, Cold

12 Boys Delivered steer at Green River to Butcher Ferries AM Chored PM S Ramer's brought Emmanuel Nighswander & wife from Pennsylvania here for dinner W. Cold & Cler AM Snow from East all PM, milder

H brought Burrows this evening Horse Major was sick is better again

13 I got Horse Charley shod AM Br C's Thomas brought Philip Wismer from Clinton PM

F & H Thomas & lot more {torn away} D Nighswander this evening

15 bags Oats to D Ramer's W {torn away} high {torn off} last night & AM Cler PM

{Torn off} went visiting with Wismer J & H {torn off} home last of Posts 2 loads AM

{Torn off} Pine & H brought home

{Torn off} very fine Cler

{Torn off} went to Meeting except

{Torn off} had to go for

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Jan 1888

Burrows Horse Major is worse) remarks & sermon on St Mark part of 190 C by Br C. David Burkholder was here PM I & Nancy & little ones went to Br C's this evening W. fine a little Blustery through the middle of the day

16 F took load of Pine AM & last load PM J brought home shingles from AB Ramer's AM J & H took Beef steer to NB's & killed him NB helped them he has a good tackle to hang them up R Wallace was here today W. fine

17 Cut up Beef & boys threshed some Peas W. snow from east Mild

18 I & Nancy went to John Hoovers on {torn away} Whitechurch for dinner & to {torn away} Brillingers for supper {torn away} Martin Brillingers staid all night W. Cler sharp N.W. wind not strong

19 went to D Stover's he was not at home then we went to Joseph Spinks for dinnner then Called at S Lehmans they were not at home then we Came home W. fine Cler sharp air from Southeast

Boys got Pea & Oat Chop home & grist wheat at Mill


Jan 1888

20 J & F went to Markham AM J is not well. F H & girls Br C's Thomas & lot more went to S Lehman's PM. W. very fine Cler

21 Chored brought home Colts from other place I went to Ceder Grove PM. W. very Cold Cler 10 deg below Zero this morning

Sunday 22 I & Nancy & little ones went to Peter Reesor's for dinner then went to Br N's this evening W. pretty Cold, Cler

23 F & H drew wood from other bush & I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove AM W. Cler Cold, snow PM

24 F went to J Mainlands Bee to drew wood to Cherrywood he Bought W Burkholders {torn away} he & H drew home wood PM J is getting better

25 Boys Chored. W. snow from east all day pretty cold

26 Boys Chored W. very strong wind from north all day Cold

27 Boys threshed Peas & shovelled road west of 11th Con W. very very strong North wind all day

28 Boys threshed Peas. W. Cold very very strong North Wind, townline drifted

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Jan Feb 1888

again west of 11th no use shovelling total Eclipse of Moon about 6 oclock this evening, wind gone down at night

Sunday 29 at home all day NB's & Aunt Lissy & Rosina were here young folks went to JD's this evening W. fine Cler

30 Boys shoveled snow on Scarboro Townline J took 15 bags Oats to D Ramer's AM I & Nancy & little ones went to Johny Reesor's this evening W. fine Cler

31 Boys Hitched up 2 yer Old mare Dolly AM she went well F brought home Chop PM J drove Major to Cherrywood for exercise he is about all right, young folks & Br C's Thomas & Fanny Brownsberger & AB's Jess & Martha went to Johnny Reesor's this evening {torn away} Mild like a thaw

Feb 1 Killed 7 Pigs AM Chored PM. W. fine, Mild, Cloudy

Candlemas day 2 F & H went to Toronto 7 Pigs $7.12 1/2 per Cwt Beef Hide 5 cts 62 lbs Butter 22 cts 4 {illegible} doz Eggs 24 cts Christian Gayman's were here W. fine, Mild Cler AM Cloudy PM

3 Feb 1888

I & Nancy went to Green River to Store AM then went to S Ramers this evening F went to Pilkeys Bee drawing wood J & H drew home wood from other bush W. fine

4 J & A went to Markham F went to Br'S.s H & B drew wood from other bush AM They all finished threshing & Cleaning Peas PM W. Mild AM Cloudy drissly PM

Sunday 5 at Home Boys & girls went to Br C's at noon & to Menno Stover's this evening JD's Thomas Fanny & Esther were here this evening W. fine Mild

6 I went to Meeting to appoint Trustees at Meeting house AM Br S MC Faits & myself were reelected Boys went to look {page torn away} a fox AM drew home wood W. fine mild AB's were here this evening

7 I & H helped Br C's Kill 7 Pigs AM J & F drew limb wood from other bush AM Boys drew 1 load wood PM then they & girls went to AB's this evening W. a little snow from east, mild

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Feb 1888

8 I & Nancy went to Solomon Burkholders at dinner & to Abraham Hoover's at supper & to JB's all night W. fine, west wind

9 went to D Nighswanders at dinner then Came home. W. Cler Sharp air about 5 below zero this evening

10 Chored Boys drew load wood PM. W. very Cold this morning a great deal Milder tonight

11 Sawed wood in shed & Cleaned seed Peas AM J & F took Oats & got them Chopped PM W. fine

Sunday 12 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on 1 Cor part of 10th C by R'd S Hoover MN's JH Ramers & Br inlaw Saml Hoover's were here PM I & Nancy and little ones went to Menno Stovers this evening. W. fine Mild

13 F & H helped NB kill 8 hogs I & J drew 1 sawlog AM J went to Burtons Sale at Green River PM W. fine

14 F Chored for NB I & J & H hung up Pork to smoke & Cleaned 1 bin of Fall Wheat W Drissly & soft snow all day, Colder this evening

Mar 1888

2 Boys flailed Oats W. snow & sleet from east all day, quit about 4 PM. Mild

3 I & Nancy went to MN's Sarah is sick, her heart is affected, boys brought a load of sawdust we intent to put away some Ice W. Cold, strong NW wind

Sunday 4 I & Nancy & Anne went to Aunt Lissy Burkholder's Boys & girls went to Peter Reesor's Benj'n & little ones Kept house Martin Barkeys were here this evening W. pretty Cold Cler

5 Began to Saw Ice on Br S's Pond H went to Markham AM Br inlaw Jesse Hoover brought 30 bus Oats to exchange for Br inlaw Peter {torn away} brought home load Ice PM NB helped he wants to use dome W. Cler sharp N wind

6 drew 2 loads Ice NB helped H J went to Toronto 32 lbs Butter 23cts 18 1/2 dos Eggs 23 cts W. fine Cler

7 Drew one More load Ice & load sawdust, pretty sharp

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Mar 1888

8 I & Nancy & little ones went to Motherinlaws Boys Built house over Ice W. fine pretty sharp

9 Brought load sawdust & some lumber AM J & B went to sale of Fowler's estate at Annadale F H & girls went to JH Ramer's PM they were not at home W. very fine & mild

10 Finished Icehouse I & Abram took 21 Sapbuckets to Nicholson at Markham to get fixed AM I & J brought 600 2 in tiles from Cherrywood F & H went to help John Milroys saw wood PM W. wind from east all day

Sunday 11 all went to Meeting except J & F remarks & sermon on St Mark 8 C from 22nd V by Br C Boys & girls went to Br C's this evening. W. soft snow & rain all day till 4 PM. fine & Cler tonight

12 Boys top threshed & Cleaned Oats I & H brought 400 2 in tiles from Cherrywood PM W. Cold raw N Wind Br S's were here this evening

Mar 1888

13 Chored W. Real Blissard from north all day , not very cold

14 Boys Cleaned & Carried back into granary one bin of Barley AM Broke roads & took grist Oats to Ceder Grove Mills PM. W. fine Cler, Markham & Scarboro Townline badly drifted

15 Brought home Chop AM I & F H & B went to Amos Cole's Sale & J went to Br S. S. PM W. fine

16 Boys split Ovenwood AM then they all went to P Lapps sale PM. I & Nancy went to MN's Pm to see how Sarah is she is able to sit up but she is weak yet. W. fine & Mild 17 J bought Wilkinson 1XL Plow in good order @ $6.00

17 I & Br S took Train at Markham arrived at Toronto about 12 oc took Train from after arriving & Changed at Berlin for Waterloo got there about 4 then walked to Joseph Weber's & staid all night W. fine, sharp this morning

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Mar 1888

Sundy 18 Weber took us to Meeting at Martin's Meeting house a great Many People Sermon on St Mat 18 by R'd Jos Gingerich & Elias Snider went to Deacon David Martin's he is in very bad health with a sore foot he has had a Corn on his toe for thirty years in the fall at got sore & he began doctoring it & it Kept getting worse he has lost two toes and part of his foot. There is no prospect of him ever getting better then we went to Bishop Abraham Martin's & staid all night, he has been very sick vomiting blood was Confined to the house two weeks is able to go out in fine weather

19 after dinner went to Enos Martin's & to his Mother's Made a few Calls & staid all night at Deacon Menno Shants very fine day snow going fast

20 Menno Shants took us to Waterloo took Train about 9.30 arrived Toronto after 12 got dinner took Train about 4 arrived at Markham about 600 oc Br S's Isaac Met us then Herman met me at Br S's got home safe found all well. W. rain AM mild PM

Mar 1888

21 Boys Oiled harness AM Sawed wood in bush J got Major shod PM W. rain AM Cler PM Br N's were here this evening, we sold Mare Nell to W & D Reesor for $42.50 Payable in 6 months they took her to Manitoba boys Delivered her last Saturday & she was shipped on Tuesday

22 F & B sawed wood in old bush J brought home 21 sap Buckets from Markham that Nicholson fixed AM then he brought 500 2 in tiles PM. W. sharp

23 J brought last load 500 2 in tiles & Boys Cleaned grist Oats AM they all went to G E Reesor's sale PM J bought Speight full Mounted Waggon run two seasons @ $49.00 Br C's were here this evening W. Cold raw N Wind

24 Boys sawed wood I went to pay Waggon AM (6 per Cent per Annum Discount) J & H brought Waggon home PM. I & Nancy went to D Ramer's this evening W. Cler, raw wind

Sunday 25 I & Nancy & little ones went to AB's W. fine

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Mar 1888 April

26 Boys sawed in old bush AM Chored PM. W. raw east wind AM rain from east al PM

27 Boys sawed in other bush I & Nancy & little ones went to Menno Burkholder's PM W. fine Mild began to rain about sunset rained till 11 oc PM then we Came home, all night

28 Chored. W. Drissly at times I went to J Reesor's PM

29 Boys sawed in other bush I & J drew 3 logs AM Soaked sap tubs PM W. fine mild. thawing

Good Friday 30 All went to Meeting at Hebron except Adeline remarks & Sermon on St Mark 15 C by Br C JB's were here PM. W. fine AM snow from east PM. Mild

31 I went to Markham AM Boys drew out some wood at other bush. Tapped about 110 Buckets PM. sap runs well W. fine Cler, warm fresh snow all gone

Sunday April 1st I & Nancy went to Meeting at Widemans, remarks by Jac Wideman Sermon on St John part of 1st C by Br C Saml L Hoover's daughter was Baptised today Went to Joseph Barkeys widow

April 1888

to dinner & to Motherinlaws to supper. W Cloudy snowed awhile AM went with Buggy Sleighs running yet on sideroads

Easter Monday 2 at home I & Nancy went to Br C's PM to Meet Br inlaw Saml on Business Connected with Family estate. Br C & his wife Started for Pennsylvania this Morning his Motherinlaw died on Saturday. W. fine sap run PM

3 I & Nancy went to Markham & to AB Ramer's he has been very sick is getting better again Boys sawed wood at other place & Boiled sap J went to Docter this evening Abram, Mary & Anne have very sore eyes Jesse Alexander was buried PM Died of Diptheria. W. very fine mild

4 I Boiled Sap Boys sawed in other bush J drew Pine roots AM. W. very fine & mild

5 Chored AM Gathered a fine lot of sap & Boiled awhile PM. W. raw AM fine PM H went to Markham PM 6 Boiled. F & H sawed in other bush J went to Dr little ones not better some of them have sore throat W. very strong N wind

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April 1888

7 Boiled sap & I & J finished off in bush, we have made 45 qut Jars full this week other boys sawed wood in old bush PM. W. pretty Cold N wind sap did not run today Frank Alexander died today Diptheria

Sunday 8 I & Nancy & few of Boys & girls went to Meeting at Hebron rest home sore eys, remarks & sermon on Hebrews 4 C by R'd S Hoover Martha Cook & AB's Mother & Jesse were here PM. W. fine Cler

9 I went to Markham AM took 12 bus grist Wheat to Ceder Grove Mills PM Boys sawed in old bush AM began fitting rails for straight fence at other place PM H went to work for Br inlaw Peter PM he Came for him W. fine Cler east wind, we gathered 60 big pails sap after supper, running fast

10 Gathered 52 Pails sap & began to boil rain from east about 9 oc rain all day went back & forth & kept fire going till about 3 PM brought syrup home

April 1888

11 Boiled all day & gathered lot of sap some Buckets running over F went to Markham AM J brought home grist W. fine Cler sap didnt run much

12 Boiled Sap Boys worked at fence W. frose last night

13 Boiled Sap, Boys worked at fence W. frose last night gathered 60 Pails sap this evening Jac Wideman Cleaned old Clock PM

14 Boiled sap Boys worked at fence AM J & B went to AB's sawing Bee PM we have Made about 80 quarts Molasses F's eyes are sore now since Thursday

Sunday 15 I & Nancy & little ones went to JD's B went to Meeting at Widemans W. fine Cler roads drying off

16J & B began Plowing sod at other place I Boiled sap F's eyes are not better he went to Kirkham's with Dipnet Caught 2 suckers & one Pike W. fine Cler

17 J & B Plowed AM J got Frank Shod & B took 15 bags Oats to D Ramers & got them Chopped PM I Boiled sap F freshed the trees did not run very much today W. N wind east PM pretty Cool freeses at night & thaws in daytime

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April 1888

18 J & B Plowed I Boiled Sap got done about 3 PM then I walked to MC Frets's F worked at Fish net we are Making Big Broilnet W. fine Strong W wind nort much sap today

19 B Plowed & J took Horse Charley to get tooth drawn AM I & B went to Markham & to J H Ramer's for some seed Peas & John Plowed PM W fine roads pretty good

20 J & B finished sod at other place AM took in turnips out of Pit & cleaned seed grain PM I Boiled sap. W. Cool windy

21 Boys Chored & took in last of turnips JH Ramers were here for 24 Bush seed Barly W. fine F is not very well I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove AM ground freezing every night

Sunday 22 at home H came home he likes very well to Work at Peters I & Nancy & Anne went to Br C's awhile they Came home from Pennsylvania today {illegible} W very fine & Cler

23 I Boiled sap J grubbed with {illegible} at other place & sowed some Peas B ganged south of bush W. fine Cler cold N wind

24 I Boiled sap Boys Cleaned seed Oats awhile this morning frose too hard to gang plow

April 1888

then they ganged east of dam W. fine Cler

25 I went to Markham & to JH Ramer's for Timothy seed AM dug garden & helped Br C Kill 6 pigs PM Boys ganged J sowed about 4 acres of sod on other place with Peas PM W. frose a little too hard this morning

26 I Boiled sap all day till sunset good run of sap yesterday J sowed rest of sod at other place with Oats AM sowed Barly south of bush PM B harrowed east of dam AM sowed Oats behind Cider house with old seeder PM. W. a little frost last night very fine today warmest day so far

27 B finished sowing Oats behind Cider house & harrowed it & began with waggon tines it makes a very good job it levels it very nice J sowed barly east of dam I & F put away Pork brought home sugar Kettles. I walked to Ceder Grove W. very warm Carried home some sap for vinegar it is running a little yet we made fully a Barrel of molasses

28 J finished east of dam then he sowed about 5 acres barly west of dam B finished tining Oats & harrowed barley F sowed grasseed on fall wheat at other place I helped him finish PM

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April & May 1888

we planted some early Potatoes in young Orchard between trees in furrows W. very very warm 86 deg after dinner Sundy 29 David Lehman was here for supper last evening and then he went to Br C's staid all night and came here to dinner today

Sunday 29 at home all day W. very warm yet

30 Sowed some Oats & barly at other place B has bad Cold F is working again I went to Burrows this Morning for some Powders for Maggie she has scratches W. quite Cool rain this evening

May 1 J went to Ringwood for hoe for seeder F took grist Oats to D Ramer's to get Chopped Abram took Nancy & I to Green River Station we went to Toronto Boys sowed last of barly at other place W. flurries of snow AM Cloudy, cool all day

2 J & F Finished sowing Oats at other place AM began sowing Oats in NE Corner field PM. W. fine Cool

3 Boys Finished sowing Oats soon after dinner & began sowing Peas in east half of field behind barn we got 6 Bus early Peas off JH Ramer I went to Br S's AM. W. fine Cler

May 1888

I forgot to Mention that we threshed about 100 Bus Oats on Wednesday Morning. Br C's Thomas & little John Alexander & Moses Moyer helped Mose is working for Br C by the day.

11 I & Nancy & JD's went visiting with Ohio friends to AB's at dinner awhile to M Frets's Jac Reesors for supper & to JD's all night W. fine warm Abe rolled & Boys sowed Millet & Planted some feed Corn in little Orchard & fixed fences

12 Drew home rails from other place & some rubbish to sugar Camp AM I & B Planted 20 apple trees at other place & Boys Banked banked fence at other place PM. I went for Burrows AM Blind Mare Top ran against fence & tore her shoulder, he stitched it W. fine warm

Sunday 13 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Widemans remarks on St Luke ss by Jac Wideman sermon on St Luke 23 by Br C we & Ohio friends & some more went to Tilman Reesor's for dinner

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May 1888

Then we Called at JH Ramers for supper. W. rather Cool

14 Boys drew dung on Potatoe & Corn ground I went to Whitevale AM I & Adeline went to Markham PM. W. very Cool, Cloudy

15 Boys Plowed harrowed & rolled corn & Potatoe ground I went to AB's AM & to JD's Br N's & Br S's PM to them them to help scrub Meeting house on Thursday W. very Cool Cler Flurries of snow this morning

16 Boys drew dung on turnip ground I harrowed it with Farmer AM went to Markham PM. W. fine Cool fine rain last night

17 Boys fixed fences at other place girls helped Scrub Meeting house AM planted 10 trees along Pickering townline, where they had missed & 30 White Ash behind little Ceder swamp in NW Corner field PM W. fine Cler

18 Took young Cattle to other place & Finished digging garden AM Planted 10 rows Potatoes & boys Plowed in turnip ground PM. W. fine

May 1888

I went to Ceder Grove PM I & Nancy went to Br C's this evening Ohio Cousins were there

19 I & Nancy went visiting with Ohio friends got Br N's 3 seated spring Waggon went to NB's to dinner awhile to AB's & to Martin Barkeys to supper brought them home to stay all night W. fine Cool Boys Plowed in turnip ground

Whit Sunday 20 I & Nancy took Ohio friends to JD's Br S's & Br N's were there too then we took them to Br N's & left them there. W. very fine & Cler, getting warmer

Whit Monday 21 at home all day Boys went fishing with hook to Br S's AM went to Kirkhams with our new Brail net PM Caught over 100 lake suckers Creek suckers Catfish & Bass W. very fine & Clear some warmer

22 Boys Plowed in turnip ground & Planted feed Corn back of barn I went to AB's PM he is pretty sick. W. very fine warmer

23 F took 14 bags Oats & 2 bags Barly to D Ramer's & got them Chopped J Finished plowing turnip ground and Finished Planting Potatoes & planted Corn about & acre PM

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May 1888

I got a gallow seed Corn at JD's PM W. very fine & warm

24 Chored AM boys didnt do much PM MN's were here I & Nancy went to AB's awhile PM he is some better W. very fine & warm

25 boys drew dung on ground where we intend to plant feed Corn on Knoll in field back of garden AM Plowed it in PM harrowed & nearly finished rolling it PM I went to Br S's AM I & B put on lot of grafts & began trimming young orchard W. warm

26 Boys Plowed in west part of big field where we sowed Timothy in the fall it nearly all Missed I went to Markham AM F went Fishing to Mouth of Rouge with Br C's Thomas Caught 16 fine ones. W. fine heavy rain last night Cloudy AM Cler warm PM our Creek is running a little again it stopped near two weeks ago Washed sheep PM Bush all nice & green

May & June 1888

Sunday 27 Boys & girls went to U Drudge's I & Nancy & Anne went to Menno Reesor's PM. W. fine warm drissly rain towards evening

28 Boys Plowed in big field B got Major shod AM J took 24 bus grist wheat to Ceder Grove PM. W. fine warm drissly & foggy at times PM

29 I Plowed F & B went fishing at Kirkhams JD's Boys went with them they caught about 90 suckers & Catfish. AM. they finished plowing & harrrowing PM W. fine & warm

30 Rolled west end of big field Sowed feed Corn east of dam W. fine

31 had Jacob Moyer to help fill dung drew on fallow with three waggons W. a little drissly through middle of the day

June 1st Boys finished drawing dung I & Susanna & little Anne went to Markham PM had Anne's Picture taken

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June 1888

W. fine Cler. Cool strong W wind PM

2 F & A went to Markham J began Plowing fallow I & B brought load Sawdust from Br S's to Mulch trees AM I & B took 2 White Ash Sawlogs to SM PM W. Cler very heavy rain about noon some thunder H Came this evening to stay all night

Sunday 3 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Luke 22 & Part of 23rd C by Br C Sacrement today. A Lehman's Simon Hoover's Albert & Mary Jonas Ramer's son Saml & Anne Raymond * our Herman & Menno Stover's were here at dinner. David Burkholder & his siter Susanna were here at supper. W. fine Cler Cool a little frost in places last night

4 J & F Plowed in fallow F got horse Charley shod & brought home grist Flour PM. Martin Barkeys brought Saml Moyer & wife to dinner John Reesor's were here too. W. fine Cler

5 Boys Plowed. W. fine Cler

June 1888

6 Boys Plowed J took 7 bags Oats to D Ramer's & got them Chopped PM he took them with one horse & B Plowed I went to Markham AM. W. very warm thunder went around north at noon very strong west wind PM. Cool tonight

7 Boys Plowed B & A Finished spreading dung & Piled wood in old bush & trimmed some in old orchard I & Nancy went to AB's after supper W. Cool this morning warm today Br C's Ketura was here today

8 F & B done road work on Scarboro Townline for use of Beat Scrapers J PLowed W. fine warm Cler

9 Boys finished Plowing fallow AM Finished trimming old Orchard & J drew some rails from other plance PM. W. fine warm

Sunday 10 I & Nancy & Henry & Anne went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by Br C sermon on St Mat 25 C by R'd S Hoover

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June 1888

We went to Danl Ramer's to dinner & to Daniel Shirks to supper (that is Minnie Foster's MN's raised her & they live at Danl Ramer's he works by the year) W very warm Strong W wind heavy rain & thunder about 5 PM & later we got home dry. Cooler this evening

11 Harrowed fallow Abe ganged in turnip ground F & B worked at fence at other place PM W. Cool AM fine & Cler

12 all sowed Millet in west part of big field about 5 1/2 acres there is about 1 1/2 acre that has some young Timothy the F finished ganging turnip ground B harrowed Millet then went to Markham Abe rolled Millet J Chored Manasse Frets & wife were here PM W. very fine, Cler

13 I & Nancy went to JB's Boys finished straight fence at other place W. fine a little rain PM B worked on road PM

14 Boys all worked on road in Markham with team and waggon

June 1888

I & Susanna went to Markham AM. W. very warm

15 Boys all worked on road with team & waggon B quit at noon which finishes Markham work we planted some sweet Potatoes PM. W. very warm

16 F & B worked Scarboro road work with Plow & Scraper AM J got some Oats Chopped AM they drew brush out of Orchard PM I & Nancy went to Toronto 43 lbs butter 14 cts 5 doz eggs 14 cts W. very warm

Sunday 17 at home NB's were here PM W. very warm

18 Scuffled Mangolds Corn & Potatoes I & J fixed some fence & boys hoed Corn we planted lot sweet Potatoes this evening. W. very warm & cler

19 Hoed Mangolds & J began Making turnip drills PM. W. warm

20 Boys began plowing turnip ground again it is thistly J had made 40 drills A sowed them PM I & Susanna went to Markham AM W. very very warm

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June 1888

21 I & Nancy went to Funeral of F Pike Steckly & Sam Hoover spoke went to Manasse Frets PM to dinner Boys finished Plowing turnip ground harrowed & rolled it B & A topped thistles at other place. W. very very warm slight shower this evening.

22 B & A finished topping thistles at other place then hoed Potatoes at home F got Maggie shod I & J drew 4 Basswood logs to Br S PM. W. very very warm

23 I & J drew 3 Maple & 1 Basswood log AM we looked up our west line on 11th Con we intend to build new fence W. very warm a slight shower after dinner, another at sundown

Sunday 24 I & Nancy & Henry & Anne went to Meeting at Wideman remarks by Br C sermon on St John 3rd C by Bishop Gayman went to Br inlaw Peter's I went to Funeral of Abraham Hoover at 3 PM at Wideman's

June 1888

Willoughby from Stouffville spoke & Saml Hoover we had supper at Peters. W. very very sultry & warm fine shower PM nice coming home

25 Cut some fence Corners Made drills & sowed nearly all turnips fine shower stopped us PM not so warm I got some Plants at M Barkeys this evening

26 Finished sowing turnips F took 20 bags Oats to D Ramer's began digging Posts holes along 11th Con from NW Corner south we intend building wire fence W. fine Cler, Cooler

27 J went to U Drudges stone drawing bee F & B dug Post holes AM Put Paris Green on Potatoes PM. W. fine pretty Cool

28 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Susanna & little ones remarks by Br C Sermon on St John 3 by Bishop Gayman. W. real east {illegible}ing wind and rain all day

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June & July 1888

very few in Meeting

29 J brought home Oat Chop F & B dug post holes AM I & J & Abe Put in logs F & B Sharped Posts PM W. fine Cler

30 Straightened up Corn AM the strong east storm lad it down brought home some fence Corner hay & drew Posts to 11th Con PM F & A & Henry went fishing to Mouth of Rouge Caught fine Mess. W. very fine Cler

Sunday July 1st all went to Meeting except Esther & Mary remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by R'd S Hoover D Nighswander's & Herman were here PM. W. very fine. we have moved into our Kitchen again we have Painted our two kitchen floors & the stoop floor in the last two weeks

2 I & B Piled some lumber AM Cut few Basswood logs PM W. very fine & Cler

July 1888

3 J scuffled Mangels Corn Potatoes and some of feed Corn Boys hoed Mangels & set some Posts along 11th Con I & Nancy took Jar butter 57lbs to Ceder Grove @ 17 cts took 31 1/2 lbs last week W. prety warm

4 I & Nancy & Anne went to MN's Nancy got Sarah help make a Sun Bonnet Boys set posts and topped thistles & kept one team at ganging fallow W. very warm & sultry looks like rain I think Perhaps this was the warmest so far

5 F ganged I & J Piled lumber AM B mowed fence Corners at other place J helped him PM I & A hoed feed Corn behind barn W. very warm

6 hoed Corn ganged in fallow & gathered & drew home fence Corner hay from other place W. fine warm

7 ganged fallow hoed feed Corn

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July 1888

F & Susanna went to Markham AM I & J went to Job letting at our gate at other place Cutting down two hills W. fine I & F Piled some lumber PM

Sunday 8 I & Nancy & Anne went to Meeting at Widemans J & F & girls went too remarks by R'd Jacob Wideman's Sermon on St Luke 16 by Br C Candidates for the Ministry were Nominated today Vis. Tilman Reesor, Joseph Grove Isaac Wideman Saml R Hoover & Deacon C Hoover went to Michael Frets's for dinner W. fine Cler AM Cloudy PM few drops of rain PM

9 Boys cut swail at other place A finished ganging fallow AM S I & Henry Piled a little lumber PM. W. pretty warm. Cler

10 Put Paris green on Potatoes & turnips Swail hay AM all went to Meeting at Wideman's except J & B & Esther remarks by S Hoover sermon

July 1888

appropriate for the Occasion of ordaining a Minister by Br C Decided by lot Br inlaw Saml Hoover to be A Minister (Gods will be done) W. very warm

11 Finished Putting Paris Green on Potatoes A harrowed fallow B is not well, we drew in two loads at other place heavy shower stopped us between 3 & 4 PM very strong North wind. Cooler

12 I & Nancy & little Anne went to H Barkeys. I went to Stouffville to see Vansant. Boys Boys Mowed Swail & drew in little hay at other place. W. very Cool N W wind

13 I & J drew 2 Basswood logs to SM AM boys Mowed fence Corners Drew in swail hay W. very Cool

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July 1888

Sunday 15 at home AB's were here at noon JD's at supper Boys & girls went to AB's W. fine Cler

16 Boys drew in some fence Corner hay J Cut little Orchard at other place AM Dug Post holes at 11th Con I went to Markham & B took Oats to D Ramer's PM W. fine Cool Abram scuffled turnips

17 Boys dug Post holes & brought home little hay that grew in Orchard at other place I went to Whitevale PM. W. fine Cool, Cler

18 Boys dug Post holes & thinned turnips part of the time Br inlaw Simon Hoover's were here at noon & at supper. W. nice little shower all this morning & PM

19 I & Nancy Henry & little girls went to Saml Lehman's Called at Mother inlaws for supper. W. very fine & Cler Shower last night 20 Boys finished digging Post holes

20 Boys Put in all Posts J & Abram thinned turnips I & Nancy went to AB's after supper J Brought home Chop W. very fine Cler

July 1888

21 Boys finished hoeing turnip & Cut Swail at other place & thistles around other place J took his Buggy to Br S's to get tines set & brought it home this evening W. fine pretty warm

Sunday 22 at home Br S's Bertha & David were here I & Nancy went to Br C's PM W. slight showers through the day

23 Cut Fall Wheat west of gate at other place AM & Cut Barly south of bush PM. W. very warm thunder showers went around PM. raining some tonight and not fast heavy shower at bedtime 24 I went to G Whaleys & to Cedar Grove AM

24 Motherinlaw & Peter's were here I & Peter J & A went fishing to F Mans Bay we Caught about 30 fine Perch & Peter about the same F & B Piled dung & Cleaned out stables at other place W. fine Cler N wind

25 Cut about 2/3 of barly east of dam W. fine cler

26 Finished Cutting fall wheat I went to Cedar Grove PM I & Henry Picked Berries AM. W. fine. Heavy shower this evening, soaked well

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July 1888 Aug

27 Plowed & dug down strawberry plants AM drew few stones off fallow then began Cutting barley at other place. had to quit too green PM. W. fine pretty warm

28 drew all stones off Fallow J got Frank shod PM H Came home this evening W. fine warm I went to Ceder Grove PM F took 10 bags Oats to D Ramer's got them Chopped

Sunday 29 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Mark 10 C by Br C JB's Tilman Reesor's & Menno Burkholder's were here PM. W. fine Cler

30 Finished Cutting barly at other place AM Finished field east of dam PM W. fine

31 Scuffled & hoed all turnips Slight Shower at noon I & Nancy went to Markham PM west wind

August 1 drew home some wood & Chored AM. drew in barly south of bush 4 loads

Aug 1888

& 2 loads east of dam PM J began Cutting west of dam after supper W. prety warm Cler

2 J Cut all barley in big field west of dam about 5 acres AM then we drew in all est of dam that was Cut first 8 loads till supper B took 6 bags barly to Ceder Grove Mills after supper to get Chopped. W. warm Cler

3 Boys Pulled early Peas AM drew in last of fall Wheat PM W very warm heavy rain & thunder this evening I & Nancy went to Markham & to see Ann Shirk she is staying with Mrs McLaughlin near Jac Wideman's

4 J ganged nearly all barley stubble south of bush. boys dug out Burrs & finished pulling early Peas W. very very warm & sultry last night rain soaked very deep our dam is nearly full. it was about dry

Sundy 5 B & girls went to Meeting at Wideman's F went last night with Br C's Thomas I & Nancy & little ones went to Br S's J kept house. W. fine pretty warm

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Aug 1888

6 Boys began Pulling Peas at other place I & Henry finished ganging sout{h} of bush AM drew in 4 loads barly, last east of dam PM then boys drew in four 3 loads at other place after supper. W. sultry very warm

7 F & B Pulled Peas & J Raked stubble east of dam AM Drew in last of barly at other place till supper & 6 loads at home & one load Peas after supper W. very very warm & sultry. Moore's man fixed Pump at other place

8 Boys Pulled Peas Abe ganged in fallow I laid down barly shocks after dinner heavy rain about 3 PM. barly got wet set them up again after supper

9 Boys finished Pulling Peas. I went to M Barkeys for strawberry plants AM Planted them PM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove after supper W. very fine & Cool

10 Abe ganged AM, boys drew in barly & fall wheat rakings at other place & one load Peas AM drew in 7 loads Peas at other place till supper & 3 loads Barly & 3 loads Peas at home after supper W. very fine & Cool

Aug 1888

11 J ganged & Boys fixed fence AM Abe ganged & Boys drew in load of Peas at other place till supper and load of barly 2 loads after supper I went to Ceder Grove after supper PM W. rather Cloudy, cool

Sunday 12 I & Nancy & little Anne went to Meeting at Altona remarks & Sermon on St {blank space} by old Saml Hoover young Saml was there too but had nothing to say, went to Old Saml 's to dinner & to Br inlaw John's to supper. W. fine Cloudy nearly all day

13 F ganged J & B dug out stones in barly ground at other place AM J began cutting Oats in NE Corner field Boys pulled Peas with rake & I ganged PM. shower before supper not heavy

14 J cut oats Boys finished Peas I went to Jac Reesor's AM I & F B & A finished drawing in Peas 5 loads at other place PM W. fine, warm strong SW wind J finished NE Corner field, began behind Cider house

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Aug 1888

15 Boys shocked Oats A ganged AM I & Susanna went to Markham PM J finished Oats behind Cider house & began Mixed Barly & Oats in west half of field behind barn W. very warm & sultry PM

16 J & A drew off big stones in barly stubble at other place & Plugged line fence F finished ganging fallow & finished harrowing barly stubble south of bush AM J finished Cutting Mixed barly & Oats PM W. very sultry & warm Nancy's sister Mary Ramer was here PM & at supper

17 Cleaned big grist oats & J took it to D Ramers F got horses shod AM J & F ganged barly stubble at other place PM. W. rainy AM Cler PM, very heavy rain & thunder last night

18 Boys cut Oats at other place I & Henry took 25 bus 6 lbs Oats to W Power's Markham @ 50 ct brought 3 rolls Barbwire from J McGawes @ 6 1/4 cts per lb W. fine Cler

Aug 1888

Sunday 19 I & Nancy & little ones went to John Ramer's to dinner & to U Drudges to supper W. fine Cler strong west wind Br N's young folks were here

20 J & B helped Br S's thresh I went to Whitevale F & A shocked oats at other place & turned Peas at home AM Cut some Oats at other place & A ganged awhile W. very fine & Cler

21 Drew in last of Peas 7 loads & 5 loads Oats out of NE Corner field I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove this Morning with Crock of Butter we have been Packing for J Malcolm Since the latter end of June, got 21 cts this Morning W. very heavy dew this Morning Slight Shower this evening J finished Cutting Oats at other place with Binder PM

22 Finished drawing Oats of out of NE Corner field 11 loads & 4 loads out of field behind Cider house J Cut Millet John Widemans were here PM. W. fine Cool

23 F & A Finished ganging Barly stubble at other place B finished harrowing fallow J shocked Oats at other

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Aug 1888

place AM finished drawing Oats & Mixed Barly & Oats at home PM. W. fine

24 Boys drew in dung on Barly stubble south of bush awhile then drew in 2 loads Oats at other place & raked & Cocked half of Millet & drew in 5 loads I & Nancy went to see Motherinlaw she is not well Came home early & I helped awhile W. fine Cler

25 drew in 6 loads Oats at other place & 8 loads Millet which makes 13 loads Millet without rakings Pulled Foxtail out of Potatoes after supper. W. very warm strong W wind

26 all went to Meeting except Esther & Mary remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by R'd S Hoover young Saml was there too. Herman & Matty Cook were here at dinner & Br C at supper W. very very sultry

27 drew home 2 loads Oats from other place drew in Millet rakings 2 small loads & Jag Barly rakings

Aug Sept 1888

which finishes our Harvest J & F began Plowing for seed in fallow W. fine Cool, Thunder shower went round last night a little here

28 Three boys Plowed AM B Plowed with 3 yr old Mare AM he got her shod & I & Nancy went to Carding Mill PM got supper at MN's. W. fine Cool

29 Boys Plowed. I went to Ceder Grove AM W. fine

30 Boys nearly finished Plowing field Killed 4 Pigs after supper W. warm

31 Boys drew dung on barly stubble at other place I & Henry took 3 Pigs to Toronto @ $8.50. 12 doz Eggs @ 17 cts W. Heavy rain at noon and some PM but we did not get wet

Sep 1st Boys finished drawing a little dung & Chored W. fine P Robinson & J Alexander finished 36 rosd draining this evening in stubble at other place

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Sept 1888

Sunday 2 I & Nancy & some of little ones went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Br C sermon on Heb by old Saml Hoover went to young Samls to dinner & to Menno Stover's at supper W. very fine & Cler

3 Boys Plowed stubble below bush I asked hands to thresh at other place tomorrow W. fine warm, Cler

4 W McDaniel threshed at other place with Steamer about 250 bus Oats 210 barly 175 F Wheat 120 Peas W. fine Strong NW wind PM

5 Boys Finished harrowing & Rolling fallow drew stones off Barly stubble at other place I & J Cleaned seed Wheat F took 24 bags Oats to D Ramer's AM W. fine prety warm

6 J nearly finished sowing fallow F & B Plowed in stubble at other Place W. Cool last night east wind today

Sept 1888

7 Boys Plowed J harrowed rolled & sowed Barly stubble south of bush with Treadwell Wheat we get it off Br S we sowed fallow with Standard. W. east wind

8 Three boys nearly finished Plowing barly stubble at other place W. fine rain last night drissly awhile this Morning, very heavy rain & some thunder after dark this evening

Sunday 9 at home all day Ketura & Thomas and their girl Anne Stover were here young folks went o Cobers Meeting W. fine Cler warm

10 Finished Sowing Wheat F helped Br N's thresh I walked to Ceder Grove AM. W. fine Cler I went to Markham this evening

11 F & B helped A McCreight thresh AM A ganged barly stubble east of dam J Plowed west of dam I went to Drudges this morning & to Markham PM. W. fine warm

12 J & F Plowed west of dam A ganged B is not well J cut feed Corn with old reaper it is a very good Crop I & Nancy went to Funeral of Pilkey's Baby AM W. very fine

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Sept 1888

13 J & F Plowed A ganged in west end of NE field he has Finished west half of field east of dam where it was thistly W. fine

14 J & F finished east 5 acres west of dam & harrowed & rolled it we intend to sow it with Timothy A ganged W. fine Cool

15 F went to Br S's J Plowed AM Boys Bound & shocked some of feed Corn & I went to half yearly Conference at Wideman's PM W. fine, east wind

Sunday16 at home all day W. Equinoxtial rain from east all day our little dam is full

17 F & B helped NB thresh I J & A went out to plow, too wet J went to Br S's there we Plowed PM W. fine

18 F & B helped NB thresh J Plowed I & A & Henry Made 45 gals Cider W. shower last night fine today got home till 4 Oc I & A Plowed till night

19 F helped Peter Reesor thresh, we sowed Timothy seed on 5 acres west of dam east end of big field then boys Plowed I & Nancy Boiled sauce W. warm

Sept 1888

Heavy thunder showers Passed around through the middle of the day a little rain

20 F helped Peter's thresh AM J & B went to Toronto on Cars A & girls went to Markham AM F & A Plowed I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM. W. fine

21 F helped B Burkholder thresh J B & A Plowed AM I & Nancy went to Br inlaw Peter's I went to Ringwood Cheese Factory for cheese, got supper at Peter's then Came home W. fine Cler J bound Feed Corn B & A Plowed

22 F & B helped B B thresh I & J & A Plowed W. very fine. Cler

23 Sunday 23 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Mat 5 C by Br C. MN's D Ramer's Br inlaw Enos Hoover & Herman were here Menno Burkholder's young folks at supper W. very fine Cler. F went to work in Herman's place this week H is not very well

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Sept 1888

24 H harrowed where we gang plowed B Plowed & F got Frank shod AM I & H Plowed A Harrowed J & B shocked & Cut some Corn PM. W. very fine & warm unusual heavy dew last night

25 Boys Plowed I & H Cleaned grist 16 Bus Wheat at other barn then H took it & 13 bags Oats to Ceder Grove Mills AM I H & A Plowed J & B Cut Corn PM. W. very warm. Cloudy PM. very heavy dew last night

26 H helped JD's thresh with team B Plowed J drew load lumber to Station for Br C AM J & B cut Corn till 3 PM Shower stopped them then I & J brought grist home. W. warm heavy dew this morning I & A plowed awhile PM

27 B helped JD's thresh with team I & A plowed AM J & H went shooting awhile, shot Rabbit A & H shocked Corn PM I walked to Whitevale this evening this is my 52nd Birthday W. fine, few squaals of rain PM Cool this evening

Sept 1888

we finished Plowing Millet stubble and began in field behind barn

28 Boys Plowed H went to Br S's AM Sold Calf 6.75 31 doz eggs 16 cts 2 pr Chickens 50 cts per pair 3 pr Ducks 65 cts per pair to Butcher Lewis of Toronto then I took eggs & Fowl to Coakwells this evening W. Cool

29 Boys Plowed I helped J Plow on both sides of Posts on 11th Con to bank them where we are making wire fence J & H Cut & shocked last of Corn set the threshing machine & run it a little W. very Cool raw wind boys saw a little snow in the air

Sunday 30 I & Nancy & Henry went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by Br C Sermon on St John 1st C by old Saml Hoover. U{illegible} went to Joseph Grove's PM W. Cold this Morning White frost last night drissly rain PM

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Oct 1888

Oct 1 H helped Br C thresh with team we Chored. J got Farmer shod I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM W. rainy & drissly nearly all day

2 threshed. Our old Horse Power gave out after 8 AM wood work is rotten got Br C's then threshed all Barley about 600 Bus till about 6 PM W. Cloudy AM fine PM N Wind

3 three boys Plowed behind barn Ulrich Burkholders from Indiana were here today. W. Cool

4 Boys all went to Markham I drew 2 small loads Sand from 5th Con Scarboro near G Gunn's W. a little drissly AM

5 H was a Markham Boys Finished Plowing behind barn AM dug Potatoes PM. good crop. I took 2 pr Chickens 2 pr Ducks and 2 Geese to Coakwells

Oct 1888

for Butcher Lewis. W. fine

6 H & B helped Pilkey thresh J, A & Henry dug Potatoes I Chored AM I & Nancy went to Vaughan with Br C & wife, went to Daniel Smiths to stay all night W. fine & Cler

Sundy 7 went to Saml Smith's awhile this Morning then west to Meeting Appropriate sermon for Celebration of Lords Supper by Br C went to Abraham Smiths for dinner then Came home. W. a little rain AM drissly Coming home, Mild

8 dug Potatoes awhile shower stopped us then Killed 3 Pigs till noon dug Potatoes PM. W. blowed up Cold from north

9 I & Adeline went Toronto 3 Pigs $7.75 per cwt weighed 302 lbs had Mishap on Danforth road Horse Farmer Kicked and broke shaft then I Borrowed a waggon he kicked

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Oct 1888

again on Queen St (Kingston road) unhitched him. Mr Stover took Waggon to Blk Horse Br C was in & brought waggon back. Boys Plowed & Pulled & took in Mangels 6 loads. W. very Cold from north Cler

10 Boys Plowed, J Picked apples PM & wen to see Job on hill he is one of the Commisioners I have lame back W. sharp & Cler white frost last night

11 Boys Plowed Nancy J & Adeline & Susanna went to Funeral of little Abraham Grove's wife J took grist Oats after they came home W. fine Cler

12 J B & A Plowed F Picked apples till about 10 AM it began to rain from east Isaac Moyer's brought young Amos Moyer & wife here for dinner rainy all day Boys Cleaned load Barly at other place PM

Oct 1888

13 Boys Chored AM F & B Plowed in field behind Cider house J took 66 Barley to Green River station @ 75 cts PM. W. rainy AM Cler PM

Sunday 14 I & Nancy & some of the little ones walked to John Reesor's awhile PM AB's Martha & Jesse were here today I & Nancy went to Br C's after supper. W. fine

15 F & B Plowed AM Finished digging Potatoes PM I & B & A Cleaned load barly AM J took it to Station @ 75 cts PM I walked to J Mainland PM. W. white frost fine today

16 F & B finished Plowing in NE Corner field part that was ganged I & J & A Cleaned last of barly at other barn AM J took it to Station F & B began Plowing at other place PM. barly is 75 cts yet Abraham Dover & wife were here PM. W. a little showry PM

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Oct 1888

17 F & B Plowed at other place I & J went to Markham AM Picked lot of apples PM W. fine Nancy & Esther helped

18 J & F Plowed I & B & A Picked apples. W. fine Cler

19 J F & B went to Plow, soon Came home again began to rain & blow from east about 8 Oc I walked to Green River Station AM, got wet rained nearly all day

20 F & B Plowed J & A Picked some apples I & Nancy & Anne & Henry went to Toronto on CPR W. fine a little squaaly at noon snowed some had fine time with Children

Sunday 21 all went to Meeting at Hebron suitable remarks & sermon for Celebration of Lords

Oct 1888

supper by Br C Dan'l Shirks & David Stover were here Herman was here too young folks all went to Br C's for supper W. Cler. Cold N wind frose pretty hard last night

22 Three boys Plowed at other place I & A Picked apples drove Sow to Jac Reesor's I went to Ceder Grove PM. W. fine

23 J Plowed awhile at other place AM B B Plowed behind Cider house J helped them PM F & I & A Picked apples harrowed Potato ground J Spragge & his Brother fixed wall Corner of turnip Cellar & old Horse stable W. east wind all day began to rain this evening I went to Br S's AM

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Oct 1888

24 Boys Plowed. W. fine

25 F made about 70 gals Cider AM Boys all began Pulling turnips PM W. very fine & mild

26 J took 11 bags Oats & got them Chopped F & B Plowed AM they all Pulled turnips PM we Boiled Sauce & I & J Killed a Pig PM W. very fine began to rain little tonight

27 Boiled Sauce Boys Chored AM I went to Ceder Grove & brought some salt & scantling from IM J & B finished Plowing behind Cider house F & Susanna went to Markham PM. W. drissly AM some showers PM

Sunday 28 I & Nancy & little ones went to AB's, W. mild, a little squaaly

29 Boys drew 12 loads turnips AM Pulled few PM Shower stopped them then they drew 10 loads till night W. mild

30 Boys drew & Pulled some turnips AM I & B & A went to Higgins Sale I bought Rip Saw 50 cts small saw and small Plane

Oct Nov 1888

25 cts for both J & F went shooting shot 2 Brown Rabbits 2 Partridges & 3 Black Squirrels. W. fine Cler

31 Boys drew turnip & finished Pulling I & Nancy drew in Cabbage Motherinlaw & Peter's were here Had splendid Dinner of Game W. fine

Nov 1 Boys finished drawing turnip til about 3 PM then began drawing in feed Corn I went to Ceder Grove AM. W. very fine we have 48 bis loads of very fine turnip, very warm today

2 Drew in Corn shower stopped us about 3 PM J got Horses shod & B worked at Middle stable of old barn. W. warm

3 F & J Plowed in Potato ground J brought load gravel from Rouge at School house PM then finshed drawing in feed Corn B worked at stables I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove AM W. windy this morning very fine & warm PM

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Nov 1888

Sunday 4 at home Br S's were here Herman came last night W. fine Cler

5 Three boys Plowed in turnip ground AM I & A brought home Cow Rody from other place she Calved we think yesterday I & A plowed & other boys drew in last of Corn (Hill Corn) PM & they took one load to other barn there was no room at home & brought home Big Steer tied him up to fatten W. very fine & warm, Beautifull.

6 Three Boys Plowed A Plowed with one team, B finished Middle Stable I walked to Whitevale AM. W. fine Heavy shower last night Some thunder. I saw fish worms Crawling today Br N's brought Saml Frets & wife & little boy to stay all night

7 I & Nancy took Frets' to Br C's & to JD's & to Moyer's to dinner awhile to NB's then to M C Frets' & left them there W. fine warm Cler

Nov 1888

Boys finished Plowing root ground except front of headlands F took turnip slicer to get fixed at Br S's B plowed at other place PM

8 Husked Corn W. rain from East all day J Brought home Chop this evening

9 Boys went shooting into Pickering Shot Grey Cross Fox & Black squirrel W. Cloudy some drissly all day I & A went to Br S's AM I went to Br N's this morning

J went shooting with Br C's Thomas AM shot nothing Husked Corn B brought home turnip slicer from Br S's Pm took home Br C's Horse Power this evening W. rainy AM Cleaned up PM

Sunday 11 I & Nancy & little ones went to JD's W. Cler, sharp strong North wind

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Nov 1888

12 I helped Pilkey Kill 5 hogs AM F & B Plowed at other place J Plowed Headlands in root ground this Morning then Horse Frank took sick he brought Burrows I & Nancy went to Markham PM. W. fine

13 Three Boys helped Br C thresh with team J quit at noon & B helped a little longer Br inlaw Peter brought Herman home his time is up W. very fine Beautiful I went to D Ramer's & B Whits PM

14 H worked at Br C's B helped NB Cover turnip Pit Am & awhile PM F & A Finished Plowing at other place F & J fixed Platform at well at other place W. fine

Thanksgiving day 15 I & Nancy & little ones went to Br N's Boys went shooting 3 Rabbits & fine lot of squirrels then was Meeting at Widemans but not at Hebron W. very fine & mild

Nov 1888

16 Boys Cleaned up new piece of soil at other place & F began plowing it W. very fine

17 Put apples down Cellar & fixed stable AM drew wood from other place with 2 waggons Pm I went to Ceder Grove Pm. W. ground with with snow frose hoard

Sunday 18 Went to Meeting at Hebron Nancy staid with little Anne she is not very well J & B did not feel well & staid, remarks & sermon on St Mat 19 C 16 to end of c by Br C's Br inlaw S Lehman D Hane's Johnny Ramer's & AB Ramer's & B Stover were here PM. W. sharp east wind began to snow after dark

19 Chored AM F got Charley shod Husked Corn & J & F

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Nov 1888

Plowed rough sod at other place PM. W. ground white with snow this morning fine Cler today all thawed again

20 Boys drew dung on young orchard & Chored I went to M Barkeys & to Johnny Reesor's AM drew home wood from other bush with 2 Waggons PM. W. frose hard last night fine & Cler today

21 Sawed up big green Pine that wind blew down in other bush I went to Br S's PM he started his Chopping store this PM he built an addition to his SawMill & intends to Custom work. W. Cold & Cler B went to Markham PM

22 Finished Sawing Pine tree & boys Moved fence where we are Clearing up rough sod. W. very Cold frose hard roads wearing down I ewnt to Ceder Grove PM

23 Boys went shooting got a fox W some milder Cler

Nov 1888

24 Boys Cleaned 2 loads Barley, J & H took them to Station PM got 60 cts it was No 2 & the Price is down I went to W McDowells AM & to Johnny Reesor's & to J JD's W. fine thawing some F went to Mart Hoover's PM he is going shooting to Scott. W fine, prety mild

Sunday 25 at home all day. W. windy

26 H & B helped A McCreight to thresh till about 3 PM J fixed barn and brought 2 loads Hemlock wood for steamer we asked hands to thresh tomorrow W. snow till about 10 AM fine PM

27 W McDowell threshed with steamer about Bus Oats & 100 Bus Mixed Barly & Oats got done 1/2 past 3 PM. W. rather Cloudy began to rain slowly about 4 PM

28 H helped Johnny Reesor's thresh we Cleaned grist Wheat & J took it to Ceder Grove W. drissly most of the day

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Nov Dec 1888

29 H & B helped Br S's thresh I helped Johnny Reesor finish few hours this Morning I & Henry & Susanna went to Markham PM. W. Cloudy, Mild, roads very Muddy

30 Boys drew 2 loads straw home from other place AM B helped Br C's thresh with team awhile PM H brought home Chop from Br S's I went to Uncle Josephus Bush Sale PM. W. very fine, Cler & Mild

Dec 1 H went to Toronto on Cars B finished drawing dung on young Orchard AM he went to bring F home from his hunt PM he & Mart Hoover shot 45 Rabbits but the dogs worried 10 they only brought home 35 & 2 Partridges they also shot a Porcupine W. fine Cler

Sunday 2 I & Nancy, Henry & Anne went to M Barkey's PM. W. fine Ketura came to stay all night White frost this morning

Dec 1888

3 H went to Whitevale to Br S's AM Boys drew some wood home out of Old Bush & F Made axe handle we fixed shop nearly for Butchering W. frose hard B under brushed at other place PM

4 Killed 5 hogs W. very fine & Mild began to snow this evening

5 Chored & F Made an axe handle AM F, H & A under brushed at other place PM. W. Mild snow going about an inch fell last night

6 F helped NB's Kill hogs H & B under brushed J is not well this while I went to Ceder Grove AM W. blowed up pretty Cold

7 Three boys finished under brushing & began Cutting Cord wood we intend to Clear a few acres at other place W. thawing again Br C took Ketura home today. she has been here all week

8 Boys Cut wood W. mild east wind

Sunday 9 Johnny Reesor's were here with their Twin Babies

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Dec 1888

Boys & girls went to Johnny Ramer's this evening. W. very fine & Cler

10 Boys cut wood I & Nancy went to Markham AM. W. fine Mild

11 F & B Adeline & Susand helped AB's Kill hogs H & J brought load ovenwood from other bush AM F & H had to go to Whitevale PM on account of a disturbance on a Sunday evening about a week ago I & J made 45 gals Cider PM W. very fine & Mild

12 H helped Br C Kill hogs Adeline helped too F & B Cut wood I & J put put away some Cider for drinking W. strong Cold north wind Cler

13 Boys Cut wood I & J took 8 bags Oats to Br S's to get Chopped I went to Post office J brought Chop home PM. W. very Cold Coldest this season

14 Boys cut wood I went to Post office & J went to Whitevale PM there is a Cobbler at Ceder Grove I brought home Herman's Boots PM

Dec 1888

W. very strong N wind Calmer this evening

15 Boys cut wood AM J & F went to Markham & H went to Whitevale PM I & J thawed Pump at other place & brought small load wood to Meeting house & sawed it AM W. milder, east wind

Sunday 16 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Young Saml Hoover Sermon on St Luke 10th C by Old Saml JH Ramers and Anne Stover were here PM. W. very cloudy this morning began to rain about 10 oc rained all day very Mild

17 Boys husked all Corn in other barn. W. very mild & Cloudy a little drissly PM

18 Boys threshed few Peas AM. Put on 3 wires on 80 rods of Post along 11th Con PM. W. snowed some last night strong north wind, very Cold

19 Boys Cut wood J took 3 girls to Johnny Ramer's & brought them home this evening. W. Cold wind Cler

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Dec 1888

20 Chored. H went to Burrows for some Powder Horse Major has Cough F & B went to Toronto 29 lbs Butter 23 cts 12 1/2 prs Rabbits 30 cts per pr 25 cts for some, 2 Fox skins @ $3.00 the other $1.25. I & J thawed pump at other place this morning. W. Milder strong wind this evening

21 Boys Chored H helped NB clean barly W. mild this morning real Blissard from the north all day pretty cold this evening

22 Boys cut wood I & J took 15 bags Oats to Br S's & got it Chopped PM. W. Cold & Cler this morning milder this evening, very fine

Sunday 23 at home all day Adeline Burkholder & Fanny Brownsberger were here W. fine pretty Mild

24 F & H Adeline & Esther went to Toronto on Cars J & B went shooting shot Rabbit I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM W. very fine & Mild

25 Christmas day 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Susanna she staid with little Anne she has some sore throat AB's were here PM remarks and sermon on St Luke 2nd C by Br C. W. Mild cloudy a little drissly at noon snow all gone except few banks

26 Boys cut wood awhile AM rain stopped them about 10 AM

Dec 1888

then they all went to Johnston's sale on the old Peter's farm at Cherrywood PM. W. a little drissly AM foggy PM. Mild

27 Killed 4 hogs Br C's Thomas helped. W. very mild & soft AM began to freese PM

28 Boys cut wood I went to Gibson's at old Jac Lapp farm with NB. Am to back{might be bank} his note he bought some Pigs yesterday at the sale. W. Cold, frose hard I salted Pork, PM

29 Boys cut wood Abram & Susanna went to Markham AM J got Frank shod, AM, I & J put on some wire on Posts on 11th Con & reeled up some on Pickering townline that we had put along inside of fence some years ago to protect the maple trees. W. mild

Sunday 30 I & Nancy & little ones went to Br S's young folks went to Cobers Meeting Will Reesor's were here this evening Jac Reesor brought Pr Joseph Gingrich & H Bauman here to stay

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Dec 1888 Jan 1889

all night Boys & girls went to Johnny Reesor's after supper W. mild Cler about one inch snow after dark Bedtime

31 Boys went Foxhunting got nothing I took Gingrich & Bauman to Isaac Moyer's then to JD's to dinner to Br C's & left them at Br N's W. fine Mild snow about all gone

Jan 1st 1889 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on 1st John 1st C by Joseph Gingerich W. mild

2 I & Nancy & little ones went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by Young Saml Hoover sermon on St Luke 4th C by Joseph Gingerich went to Br inlaw Peter's W. fine mild roads good Boys Cut wood B cut his foot this PM, not very bad

3 I & Nancy went to JB's Boys Cut wood. W. fine, Cler & Mild thawing, White frost this morning

4 Boys cut wood J went to Ham's Sale PM W. mild, freeses at night thaws in daytime Tapped 2 trees in dooryard today

Jan 1889

sap run fast

5 Boys Cut wood H helped Br C's draw load straw this morning then Thomas helped Cut wood till noon I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove AM. W. Mild. east wind sap run all night, not much today

6 Sunday at home all day W. rain all day

7 Boys drew away fence from 11 Con where we made wire fence I & John drew 4 small second growth pine logs AM B & F took 10 bags Oats to Br S's & got them Chopped H went to Br S's PM. W. about 5 inches snow last night. Mild thawing today very sloppy sleighing W. Murison Brought Mary Dykes to stay all night

8 Boys finished drawing Boys drew away fence with 2 sleighs AM F & H Cut wood J & B finished drawing rails PM Nancy & Mary

Dykes went to Br C's today W. mild thawing a little

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Jan 1889

9 Boys Cleaned Peas & F filed saw W. rain from east nearly all day

10 Boys Chored AM F & H Cut wood PM W. heavy wind from west last night and AM a few inches snow last night snow blowed strong AM not som so much PM Mary Dyke's called to say goodbye this evening

11 H & Adeline went to Markham AM J helped Cut wood today W. fine

12 I & F went to Markham AM Boys all Cut wood PM B helped too his foot is about healed W. very fine & Cler sap run well PM Ketura has been here a few days

Sunday 13 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon by Br C Uriah Drudge's & Menno Stover's were here PM I & Nancy & little ones went to NB's this evening W. fine Mild a little snow PM roads good for wheeling almost sleighing

Jan 1889

14 Boys cut wood I & J Drew home load Peastraw from other place & took 10 bags Mixed Chop AM & brought it home PM. W. fine Cler sap run PM

15 Boys cut wood I & J Drew Jag Pea straw AM J went shooting & I made Brine for last Killed Pork PM I made for first Killed ago. W. very fine & Cler

16 Boys Cut wood Br inlaw John Hoover's were here W. mild Cloudy AM began to rain from east about 3 PM, not heavy

17 Boys cut wood, W. soft thawing

18 Boys cut wood J took turnip slicer to Br S's to get it fixed AM I & J took 15 bags Oats to Br S's & got them Chopped PM. W. Colder freesing. some snow this evening

19 Boys Chopped AM F got Horses shod Nancy and B went to Markham PM W. very Cold nearly Zero this Morning

Sunday 20 at home all day

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Jan 1889

Isaac Moyer's were here today & Br S's Isaac & Lydia & Emma this evening W. strong east wind all day snowed a little till 3 PM began to Come heavy

21 Boys delivered steer at Coakwells on 10th Con @ $42.00. AM Chored PM & then F & H & girls went to Danl Shirks at Danl Ramer's W. mild strong North wind about 6 in snow

22 I took Children to school with Cutter Boys drew 23 logs to SM B got Horse Major shod PM JD's were here this evening W. fine & Cler rough sleighing

23 Boys drew 10 logs AM J drew 7 PM & other boys cut wood. they are cutting the good Maple & Basswood & Beech into logs & the rest into wood W. fine snow going again Jac Wideman Came to stay all night

24 Boys cut wood J drew {blank space} logs PM I went to Markham as Juror to Division Court there was no Jury Case Called W. mild thawing, I went in Buggy

Jan 1889

25 Boys Cut wood AM F H & B went to a sale on 4th of Pickering I & J took 9 bags Mixed Chop to Br S's PM W. very fine thawing sap runs we we have Boiled a little sugar & Molasses. I tapped 2 young trees in dooryard a few weeks ago

26 Boys cut wood J brought home Chop W. fine warm

Sunday 27 at home all day. W. Cloudy began to snow about 10 AM snowed all day

28 Boys dug a drave for Adam Shirks wife this morning She was Buried at Hebron this AM Sermon on 39th Psalm by Br C. old Saml Hoover spoke too. Old Saml's & young Saml's were here to dinner W. about 10 inches snow, pretty Cold

29 Boys sawed wood AM Threshed some Peas PM they & girls went to AB's this evening W. very Cold today Milder this evening, good sleighing

30 Boys cut wood & J drew 2 big Pine logs AM F H & B went to Wilson's sale on 5th Con Pickering PM

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{appears to be a page of 18 days missing from centre of book - Jan 31 to Feb 17th}

Feb 1889

18 F & H Cut wood & J drew 4 logs AM they Chored, topped oats PM W. began to Snow about 9 AM snowed all day

19 Boys topped oats. H took 15 bags oats to Br S's PM W. Blustry, not very Cold

20 I & Nancy went to Markham AM Boys finished wood J brought home Chop PM W. sharp. West wind about 5 inches of fresh snow

21 Boys drew home straw from other place AM J went to Br S's & Sale on 6th Con Pickering F went Fox hunting H B I & A went to funeral of Leslie Whaley at Ceder Grove PM W. fine Cler

22 Boys Cleaned Peas & Chored AM they Cut down dead pine in other bush & sawed it into Sawlogs PM I went to Ceder Grove PM W. strong wind drifting some

23 F & H drew one log to SM AM & 4 PM B went for Dr Robinson PM J is not so well W. Cold. Cler. sharp air

Sunday 24 at home all day H went to Markham to see Dr for J he is coming to see him tommorrow he feels a little better W. pretty sharp

Feb 1889

25 F & B drew 2 pine logs last of dead tree W. pretty Cold, fine Cler 26 They drew 7 hard wood logs PM

26 F went to Green River to look for Ice Jacob Hoover is Cutting @ 2 ctsper Block F brought 24 Blocks PM H took 3 bags Peas to Br S's & took Scholars this Morning & brought home Chop & Scholars PM W east wind some snow Adeline Came home from Waterloo she enjoyed her visit very much

27 Boys drew home some Chaff from other barn AM F brought 16 Blocks Ice PM I & B went to Br' S's & he went to Ceder Grove W. soft snow AM Mild PM

28 F brought 16 Blocks Ice AM then they drew load straw from other Place. Br inlaw Jesse Hoover was here. I & Nancy & little ones were at MN's Called awhile at Br inlaw Simon Hoover's he was badly kicked in the breast by a horse on Monday evening. W. fine mild

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Mar 1889

March 1 Boys drew straw I & B took 10 bags Peas & Oats to Br S's PM W. Mild foggy trees covered with White frost

2 Boys Chored Hitched & drove Colt PM I went to AB's PM. W. very mild, thawing Cloudy

Sunday 3 at home all day Boys & girls went to Br C's for dinner & to Tilman McDowel's this evening they were not at thome then they went to Johnny Ramer's. W. fine mild, thawing

4 Boys topped Oats AM drew few loads wood home out of old bush PM then I & H drew Oak log to SM. Jacob Reesor's young folks brought young Kratz from Clinton here this evening W. very fine

5 Boys took very early dinner & then F H & B went to Douglas's sale on old Peter Milne Homestead. W. very fine & Cler & Mild

6 Boys moved some fence across swail on sideroad at other place & shoveled Snow where they are to build the woodpile

Mar 1889

AM. began to draw out wood PM Br inlaw Peter's & Motherinlaw were here today. I & Nancy & little ones were at JD's this evening. W. fine thawing

7 F & B drew out wood till about 10 AM when Horse Major stept on a stick & ruptured his side went for Burrows, he is very bad. W. rough, N wind Boys went to DD Gibson's sale on JD's farm PM

8 attended Horse he was very bad is better this evening I went to Ceder Grove after supper Abraham Grove & Barbara Stover were here today W. squaals of snow & windy, not Cold

9 attended Horse he is getting better F brought home Oat Chop H took it yesterday W. Squaaly not very Cold, Sleighing good again

Sunday 10 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks & sermon

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Mar 1889

on St Mark part of 6th C by Br C AB's young folks and B Stover were here at dinner our young folks went to JD's this evening I & Nancy & Anne went awhile to Br C's PM. W. fine, strong N wind east & west roads drifted some

11 Boys drew out wood W. Mild thawing Major is getting better slowly

12 Boys drew out wood I & Nancy and little ones went to Br inlaw Simon Hoover's to dinner & to Menno Burkholder's to supper W. very mild & fine sleighing about gone

13 Boys drew home straw our wood I & Nancy went to Markham AM W. thawing sleighing about done

14 Boys drew straw AM drew out wood PM. W. raw east wind not thawing much today

15 Boys drew out wood W. fine thawing

16 Boys drew out wood I & little boys husked Corn PM Robin Come W. fine Cler east wind the last three days but no storm yet

Mar 1889

Sunday 17 I & Nancy went to Aunt Lissy B's W. fine mild freeses at night & thaws in day time air comes from east more or less every day

18 Boys finished drawing out wood & drew few rails to Sideroad fence AM Chored & I & F brought load sawdust & fixed Ice house roof PM. W. Mild

19 Boys threshed Peas I & H took grist Mixed Chop to Br S's AM W very mild roads bad saw a Meadowlark today & also a King bird

20 Boys Cleaned topthreshed Oats Am & Cleaned 20 Bus of Ramer's Peas the product of one load, began to thresh Golden vine Peas I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM W. Mild, raw air wind N east & east

21 Boys threshed Peas AM. we tapped about 100 Buckets PM sap did not run very well J & Susanna went to Markham to Dr PM they are both taking Medicine yet W. mild Wind rather N east

22 Boys finished threshing Golden vine Peas. W. bright & Cler, cloudy this evening

23 Boys Chored B took sow to S Coxworth I & H took Nancy and Susanna to Station they went to Toronto Boys all went to

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Mar 1889

Thoms sale east of Cherrywood PM I & A gathered 18 Buckets sap & I brought Nancy & Susanna home this evening J & A took 14 bags Oats to Br S's & got them Chopped AM W. very fine & warm sap running a little

Sunday 24 I & Nancy & Br C & Rebbecca went to Meeting at Altona in our spring waggon remarks by young Sam Hoover Sermon on St Luke 5 C by Br C went to MN's to dinner W. fine roads pretty bad in places

25 Boys began Cutting stove wood in old bush I boiled nearly 5 qts Molasses W. Cler prety Cool sap run pretty well PM

26 Boys sawed wood & Cleaned some Seed Oats Br inlaw Peter Came to exchange some today F & A took Horse Farmer to Markham to try & sell him today, did not sell Gathered lot of sap this evening W. frose hard last night thawed today

27 Boys built piece of fence along sideroad at other place AM they all went to Simon

Mar 1889

B Reesor's Sale P.M I Boiled nearly 11 qts Molasses. W. fine

28 Boys sawed wood H wen to Pearsons in Scarboro yesterday AM & this AM to get seed Oats he was not at home They fixed & set old Horse power & began Cutting feed PM I boiled over 7 qts Molasses W. squaals of snow sap run well PM

29 Boys cut some feed with Horse Power it works very well J & A went to Markham AM F H & B went to Elias Stover's wood Bee PM he has rented JD's farm where D Gibson lived. PM I boiled 1 qts Moasses W. pretty Cold N wind sap did not run

30 Boys cut wood AM H brought 2 loads sawdust from Br S's & took grist Mixed Chop W. raw east wind. I went along & went to Ceder Groves

Sundy 31 at home I & Nancy went to Br S's PM his wife was not well she is better W. flurries of snow AM came fast towards evening snowed fast coming home

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April 1889

April 1 sowed grass seed AM on fall Wheat in NW Corner field brought home Chop & 21 bags full Wheat from other place H got Doll Farmer shod PM W. about 4 inches snow. thawing PM

2 Finished sowing grass seed this Morning then boys Cut wood Gathered lot of sap this evening running very fast W. frose a little last night thawing today, snow nearly all gone

3 Boiled sap till supper Made 6 1/2 qts Molasses Boys husked some Corn gathered sap to Keep Buckets from running over W. heavy soft snow nearly all AM Driving and drissly snow all PM till supper thunder this morning, strong east wind all day Sap running all day & last night

4 F & H Cut wood B got Farmer & Frank shod AM F & H went Fishing to Kirkham's with Dipnet Caught over 50 Suckers one speckled trout & few small fish I Boiled 6 qts Molasses W. fine, snow going

April 1889

5 B went Dipping Suckers with Br C's Thomas he got 14 F & H went to Shanks Sawing Bee PM I Boiled over 10 qts Molasses W. fine

6 Boys Cut some feed AM F went Dipping Suckers PM Caught 15 I Boiled sap all day brought home syrup H. went to McCreight Sawing Bee PM W. very fine frose last night

Sunday 7 all went to Meeting at Hebron except John remarks & sermon on St Mat 5 C by Br C I & Nancy Henry & Anne went to M Barkey's PM At Boys & girls went to NB's Abram Came for us after supper to tell that John was very bad he had Pain in his Stomach I went for Dr Robinson John was better before Dr Came. W. fine

8 I boiled sap Boys Cut wood in old bush AM in other bush PM R Wallace was here at supper W. very warm heard frogs in bush today

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April 1889

9 I Boiled 10 qts Molasses Boys Cut wood in other bush W. very fine no frost last night, no sap today

10 Boys Cut wood I & Nancy Finished of syrup in bush Made 8 qts Molasses this Morning JB's were here today W. very fine & Cler roads pretty dry

11 Boys Cut wood J went to Markham AM I went to SM PM W. warm Cloudy PM, looks like rain I forgot to Mention that B went Pike Shooting with Br S's David yesterday they shot 1, Cowan shot 8 for them

12 F H & B & Will Reesor went fishing to Kirkhams early this morning Caught 195 Suckers 2 Pikes among them Came home at noon Picked Stones off Clover at other place PM W. fine

13 Boys Put last of wire on Posts at 11th Con except about 4 rods of one wire I & Nancy went to Markham AM Boys drew stones & fixed fence at other place PM W. Cold north wind frose last night fine Cler today I went to M Barkeys and Paid doctor Bill at Burrows $12.00 PM

April 1889

Sunday 14 at home Peter's Reesor were here at noon, W. fine

15 H & B drew stones off Clover at other place & ganged in some furrows F Plowed young Orchard W. fine warm a little frost last night I & F brought home kettles & sap tubs from bush this morning C Patton dressed Knots off Kitchen floor Had Burrows here this evening, horse Major had bad spell.

16 Cut feed awhile this morning H grubbed opposite Pilkey with old seeder F ganged furrows all over place & then ganged in field behind Cider house I went to M Barkey's W I & B Cleaned seed grain & 25 Bus Peas, W. fine warm Cler

17 H sowed 5 1/2 acres Oats opposite Pilkey, then grubbed east of dam I & B Cleaned lot of Peas F ganged then B ganged I & F took 10 bags Mixed Chop to Br S's with Mag & Major Mag had a Colt on Friday night W. fine warm Cler east wind the last few days J is not able to work this long time

18 Sowed Timothy seed opposite Pilkeys before Breakfast then F harrowed with Major & 3 yr old mare

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April 1889

she works well B ganged H grubbed east of dam W. fine warm very warm

Good Friday 19 all went to Meeting at Hebron except John remarks by Br C sermon on St John 19 C by old Saml Hoover AB's were here at dinner then I & Nancy & Abe & Lissy went to see Br inlaws Peter he is very sick we went in our 3 spring waggon W. very warm, {illegible scribble} heavy rain & thunder Coming home, got wet

20 B finished ganging back of Cider house then grubbed back of garden H sowed Oats east of dam, nearly finished it harrowed after him. J went to Markham AM W. fine warm growing

Easter Sunday 21 at home young folks went to Cober's Meeting JH Ramer's John Lehman Saml G Reesor's & Jesse Reesor from St Josephs Island were here PM JD's were here but did not stay W. fine Cler but but very Cold & strong NW wind

April 1889

Easter Monday 22 at home all day H & B went fishing to Kirkham's with Elias & Ben Stover after 4 PM Caught 90 suckers W. Cler & fine strong wind yet

23 B finished grubbing back of garden H finished Oat field then began drilling Barly back of garden then B harrowed back of Cider house, F harrowed ahead of H then helped B till night J got Major shod W. fine Cooler sharp frost the last two nights

24 B grubbed east half of N East Corner field H sowed field behind Cider house with barly did not quite done F harrowed AM rolled oats opposite Pilkeys till 4 PM where strong wind storm & heavy rain stopped them all. Cool AM warm PM H exchanged 15 bus Oats with Johnny Reesor after supper

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April 1889

25 F & H ganged in West half of NE Corner field I & J & B drew 25 hardwood logs at Br S's AM A ganged B sowed Oats in east half of NE field J & H went to Markham PM W. fine, rather Cloudy awhile

26 B finished ganging AM Grubbed at other place PM H finished Oats & sowed west half with Peas F harrowed and sowed young Orchard with ta{illegible} & Oats W. cler & rather cooler I went to AB's AM & to JD's & put on some grafts PM

27 H sowed Barly at other place till noon B grubbed alittle at other place then finished harrowing barley behind Cider house till noon. F harrowed at other place. W. Cloudy AM drissly rain PM heavy tonight

Sunday 28 at home all day wrote a letter to Lissie Weaver in Indiana Boys & girls went to Br C's awhile tonight W. Drissly rain nearly all day

April May 1889

29 F took 10 bus Wheat to B Hoover's Mill & got it exchanged H took 12 bags Peas & Barly to Br S's & got it Chopped AM three boys drew stones off new sod & Plowed some W. Cooler drissly PM

20 Three boys Finished sowing Barly & sowed 4 acres Peas & few acres Oats at other place girls & neighbours girls Scrubbed Meeting house AM. W. Cloudy & Cool I went to saw mill PM

May 1 I & F & B Piled lumber AM H Finished Plowing rough sod & ganged in Peas at other place W. Cool

2 Finished Seeding W. cool

3 Brought home sap buckets & cut lot of feed with Horse Power AM I went to Markham & boys overhauled Calf pasture fence & fixed things up a little PM W. fine & Cler a slight frost last night

4 Boys banked 40 rods wire fence on 11th Con AM

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May 1889

took 3 Colts to other barn & Cleaned out stables J got Farmer shod PM W. fine & warm, very fine this evening trees are budding fast Cattle on roads a week already

Sunday 5 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Adeline Appropriate remarks & sermon for Celebration of Lords Supper by Br C Mother inlaw & Peter's were here PM W. very fine & growing

6 Plowed & banked north 40 rods of wire fence on 11th Con Abram rolled. W. very warm

7 drew dung for Mangles back of barn Fixed Manger in north sheep pen for Stallion Cleaned back garden Covered it with Manure W. fine & very warm

8 H Plowed for Mangels F Plowed back garden AM F finished Plowing Harrowing & rolling Mangel ground I & H & J drew in Pine logs & Piled last of Maple B finished stall PM W. very warm & fine

May 1889

we set out 10 White ash trees after supper but they had leafed out so far I doubt if they will grow the woods are fairly green

9 Boys drew 1 row of dung behind barn for early Potatoes then took Potatoes out of cellar then spread & Plowed dung down I & A dug in front garden. W. very very warm Ionson Came this evening with Stallion to stay all night & little can

10 Planted 8 more Potatoes & sowed 24 drills Mangels AM washed sheep & Piled some Pine lumber PM W very warm, short showers at noon

11 drew dung on root ground AM Fixed fences at other place & took young Cattle & turned Colts to grass PM W. Cool I went to Jacob Reesor's this Morning I Measured a growth of Beech wood 7 1/4 in long this morning

Sunday 12 I & Nancy, Henry & A{illegible} went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Young Sam Hoover sermon on Hebrews 11th by old Saml

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May 1889

Went to Tilman Reesor's to dinner & to Enos Hoover's to supper W. fine Cool

13 B & A drew dung F & H staked fence at other place AM all drew dung PM W. fine & Cool

14 Boys sheared sheep & spread dung AM Plowed in root ground with 2 teams & I & H Piled lumber PM W. fine shower last night & this Morning. Turned Cool this evening

15 Boys drew dung I & Abram Cleaned out hens feeding house I went to Manasse Frets's PM we buried Horse Major he had been pretty smart the last few weeks but the rupture Inflamed again last night and he died this evening W. Cler. Cool thunder shower at bedtime

16 I & H & B Piled lumber F & H Sawed Pine wood at other place AM Plowed PM. W. fine Cool

17 drew dung & Plowed Martha Cook was here last night Nancy went with her to Saml Shanks today W. fine M Barkey began Painting Meeting house today I walked walked to Br S's this evening

May 1889

18 Planted 16 rows Corn AM & drew some dung H & B plowed PM F went to Dunkards feast PM. W. very very warm

Sunday 19 at home young folks went to Br N's JD's were here PM W warm, Thunder shower went south fine shower here

20 Boys finished Plowing root ground except strip for feed Corn Planted 200 little spruce trees PM. I got them from NB Saml Lankins was here at dinner W. fine Cooler F & Adeline went to Markham PM

21 Cut Potatoes & drew dung on feed Corn ground AM Boys nearly finished Plowing feet Corn ground & I went to Markham PM W. slight shower this Morning drissly during the day

22 F & B cut ovenwood at other place H finished Plowing feed Corn ground A harrowed & rolled it H began Painting spring waggon with ready mixed Paint AM Boys Planted Potatoes A Painted spring waggon Planted feed corn about half of it

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May 1889

I & Br C & JD fixed Meeting house windows PM. W Cold NW wind Cler

23 F & H cut ovenwood in other bush B & A Pulled Pidgeon weed in NW Corner field AM they Pulled at other place F & H fixed some fence at other Place PM W. Cool

24 Chored AM Boys done nothing I & A & Henry drew 2 loads stove wood from other bush PM W. Thunder shower went around PM, a very little rain blowed up Cold this evening

25 Boys cut feed & some straw for to fill beds AM drew stones off fallow at other place & dug out few oak stumps I & Nancy went to Markham PM. W. Cool Cler

Sunday 26 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Widemans four Waterloo men Conducted the service Elias Weber Isaac Weber Menno Cressman & young Bauman we went to D Nighswanders to dinner & to Saml Barkeys old H Barkey place to supper W. Cool Cler

May 1889

27 Killed 3 Pigs AM F & girls went to Markham H got horses Frank & Charly shod PM. W. drissly off & on all day

28 H & B Piled dung at other barn AM overhauled fence east of barnyard PM F & A went to Toronto 3 Pigs 400 @ $7.00. 5 Bags Potatoes 30 cts per bag JD's brought Simon Shank & daughter to dinner W. strong NW wind Cool I went to Ceder Grove AM

29 Three Boys dug out 3 PIne stumps near bush in field behind barn did not get the last one out Jac Reesor & Michael Frets's Called PM with Clements & wife & Ab Snider & wife from Waterloo W. heavy frost last night frose quite a few vegetables Cool east wind, began to rain 5 PM

Ascension Day 30 all went to Meeting at at Hebron except J & Susanna remarks by Bishop Gayman sermon on Acts 1 C by Rev Joseph Wismer R'd Isaac Rittenhouse spoke too & he came home with us to dinner Deacon Steckly from H{illegible} Deacon Menno Shants Came to stay all night W. rainy all day from east

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May 1889 June

31 I took Deacons Shants, Steckly & David Cressman to yearly Conference at Wideman' there were a good many visitors from Waterloo & some from Indiana very everything passed off very quietly and it was Closed at noon a good many of us went to Tilman Reesor's to dinner. W. rain nearly all day Rebbeca Martin's Called this evening Adeline & Herman & Thomas brought her they were visiting today with Matilda Groff she was here last night

June 1 Boys Chored, Made a few gates Isaac Moyer's brought A Pre Abraham Rittenhouse & wife a while Br N's brought Bishop Shaun & Pre Hoover & wife from Indiana at awhile Br S brought Amos Weber & wife & Menno Reesor's wife to supper W. Cleaned up this Morning Some young white ash & Butternut tops from on Tuesday night, Potatoes & Corn too

Sunday 2 all went to Meeting at Widemans except J & H suitable remarks & sermon for Celebration of Lords supper by Bishop Shaun A Martin & Br C Pre M Hoover from Indiana spoke too W went to JH Ramers young folks went to Enos Hoover's W. Cool rather Cloudy

June 1889

3 F H B & A went fishing to Big Rouge Caught about 130 fine fresh suckers there were 5 Mullets among them. AM Pulled down fence west of dam PM W. fine Cler F went to Markham PM

4 H went to NB's bee drawing tiles from Snowball's AM, got none. A & F laid up fence H & B washed Br C's sheep PM W. fine

5 Boys worked at fence & sorted Potatoes W. drissly & Cloudy

6 H brought load of tiles from Snowballs for NB AM F rode with him & went to Unionville & got his road list A & B finished fence east of dam H & F Plowed in root field next bush where we intend to sow Millet I & J & A took 8 bags Chop to Br S's & then brought load wood. W. Cool. Cler

7 I H & B helped Br S move their bank barn AM H & B went to Johnny Ramers raising PM F & A Plowed AM sorted potatoes PM W. Cloudy began to rain

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June 1889

about 11 AM rained till about 3 PM

8 Cleaned grist Wheat at other barn AM & H took it to Ceder Grove Mills Boys Plowed for Millet PM W. Cloudy

Whit Sunday 9 at home all day W. foggy Cloudy, rain at times all day

Whit Monday 10 Boys all went fishing to Mouth of Rouge Caught fine mess I & Henry took girls to br S's to quilting then took Butter & Eggs to Coakwells @ 15 cts for Butter & 12 cts for Eggs I brought girls home this evening W. Cloudy this Morning very fine today

11 F H & B helped Br S's finish moving barn AM. B helped Jack it up PM 2 Boys Plowed a little piece for Millet in big field where Timothy was not very good A harrowed & drew off stones W. fine I & A drew 2 loads wood from other bush AM 12 Joseph Weber & wife came to stay all night they walked from Br C's

12 I & Nancy went visiting with Weber's to AB's to dinner awhile to Peter Reesor's then to JD's to supper then took them to Lewis Reesor's & left them. W. very very fine, light W wind

June 1889

13 F is Pathmaster he worked on Scarboro Townline A drove one team H & B took turns filling & driving the other team W. fine & Cler

14 H & B drew gravel AM I & A & J sowed about 3 acres Millet 2 in root field and 1 in big field where fall sowed Timothy missed then A harrowed it till noon 3 Boys plowed in turnip ground PM I & J went to other bush to look up some Hemlock logs I went to Br S's W. fine warm

15 H shoveled gravel AM which finishes our Markham work I & B took 14 bags Oats to br S's & got them Chopped Piles some lumber F & B spudded thistles in young Timothy H got Mare Doll shod & scuffled Mangels PM W. heavy shower this morning and another after dinner, very warm A & girls went to Markham PM

Sunday 16 I & Nancy & little ones went to Martins at Altona remarks & Sermon on St Mark part of 2 C by Br C

{second page}

June 1889

Went to H Boyer's to dinner W. warm shower PM. Br C's Thomas & Ketura were here with our young folks today

17 Cut 10 Hemlock logs AM B drew to SM W. Cool.

18 I & Nancy & little ones took wood to S Lehman's Esther & Mary staid at Peter's B & H finished drawing logs. W. fine Cool, Cler F went fishing with Jac Reesor's got none

19 B went fishing to Big Rouge with Shanks & Stover's Boys got none I & B brought load lumber from SM PM F & H & Br C's Thomas went fishing with hook & line to Dead water PM got about 15 W. rain till 3 PM warm growing weather

20 I & H drew home 2 loads old sawn lumber from SM Boys made Stoneboat AM Planted last of feed corn & some potatoes PM it is so wet behind barn we are afraid some of new Potatoes will rot

June 1889

W very warm. drying very fast

21 done nothing AM I & H went to SM & he went to Post office PM W. rain all AM heavy at times Our Creek is very high this evening

22 F filed 3 handsaws he has bad Cold H went to Markham AM. H & B topped thistles at other place PM they gathered some fence Corner hay after supper I & A drew 2 loads wood home from other place PM I shot a ground hot & wounded another while he took one load home. W. fine Cool strong NW wind drying very fast

Sunday 23 at home all day. Anthony Lehman's & Ben Hoover's were here Boys went to Camp meeting PM Br C's Ketura was here all day. W. fine Cool

24 Finished planting Potatoes AM & Boys plowed in turnip ground F & B began plowing fallow PM at other place W. fine

25 F & B Plowed in fallow AM H worked on turnip ground AM B harrowed & rolled turnip ground I & other boys filled 12 bags with Potatoes and 13 with oats & F began

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June 1889

making turnip drills about 3 PM W. fine rather Cloudy this evening

26 Chored AM H & B split some Hemlock wood I & other boys hung 2 gates behind barn PM W. rain nearly all AM. warm Cler PM

27 F finished Making turnip drills as far as it was fit I & J went to SM AM F sowed about half of drills when heavy rain stopped him H & B went to Toronto 12 bags Potatoes 50cts 32 bus Oats 33 cts 1 1/2 bus apples 75 per Bus 18 lbs Butter 17 cts warm rain after

28 F H & B finished plowing fallow at other place W. fine warm Cler

29 Boys scuffled & hoed some in roots H harrowed fallow & brought home 2 loads lumber I & Nancy went to Markham AM. W. fine warm Cler

Sunday 30 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by young Saml Hoover sermon on Acts 10 C by old Saml Hoover Daniel Ramer's were here at noon MN's at supper W. very fine & Cler

July 1889

July 1 Finished sowing turnip hoed Mangels shovel plowed early Potatoes & hoed some Corn J took 40 bas Oats to Br S's & brought Chop home again W. I think it was the warmest day this summer so far

2 hoed Corn & Potatoes F & H topped thistles in Oat field PM Nancy & took Susanna to Old Mrs Abe Burkholders to try the Liver Cure Charm this AM W. very very warm thunder in NW. all PM

3 Boys hoed feed Corn AM H & J took 9 bags Peas & Barley to Br S's & nearly a bag ful of Corn & got it Chopped F & B drew rail pieces to sugar Camp & 2 loads stones into Mudhole in shed PM W. very very warm I went to NB's & Johnny Reesor's PM & to M Barkey's for Celery. Planted after supper, fine Shower at sunset

4 Boys shingled Henhouse & began shop F mowed fence Corners w. Cler. Cooler

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July 1889

5 Boys Finished Shingling west side of shop AM. Fixed roof of my Father's woodshed & Cookhouse & began Plowing hill in north end of lane at Beech trees & drew earth to fix road over dam PM. W. fine

6 Boys finished road at dam & scuffled Mangels Corn & Potatoes brought a load of fence Corner hay after supper. W. fine & Cler

Sunday 7 I & Nancy & little ones went to Johnny Reesor's PM JD's young folks were here PM. W very very warm

8 Boys drew home wood from both bushes H mowed awhile at other place in Clover F cut swail & fence Corner W. very very warm

9 H Mowed broke Pitman shaft at noon didnt get quite done Put Paris green on Potatoes PM W. about the warmest day yet

10 F finished Mowing Clover at other place I & B got Mag & Charly shod & I Bargained

July 1889

for 100 lbs Binding Twine with J Beare, we raked & Cocked hay west of road PM & brought one load home. W. very very warm. Thunder in the north all PM fine heavy shower's this evening

11 I & Nancy went to JB's then I & JB went to Stouffville I got some knife sections for Mower got dinner at JB's then Called at J Pikes for Pitman Cap. Vansrant had none Boys Shook up hay & hoed in roots W. very fine & Cler

12 hoed roots & raked Clover east of road AM. drew in 9 loads PM. W. fine & Cler I went to Stouffville, Knife Sections did not fit

13 H mowed east of Creek at other place F & B mowed swail & fence Corner's AM H & A brought home small load of hay before dinner shower stopped them F & H Mowed fence Corner at other place B & A hoed roots I & Nancy went to Markham PM W. fine AM several showers at noon

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July 1889

Sunday 14 at home all day Boys & girls went to AB's B went to MN's & Simon Hoover's with Br C's Thomas little ones went to JD's, NB's Came PM W. fine & Cler

15 F H & B mowed in swail behind garden I & J took a Ceder log that I got from NB to SM to get it slabbed drew hay from other place 5 loads till supper Abe raked east of Creek & some rakings after supper. W. fine Cler

16 F & B mowed in swail in fall Wheat A raked rakings at other place & he & H brought it home big load AM I & B & H drew home 2 loads from other place east of Creek till supper all boys brought 2 loads after supper J went to Markham PM. W. pretty warm strong north wind PM

17 Boys finished Mowing swail in wheat field H cut Piece north of old bush about 1 1/2 acres before dinner.

July 1889

F cut young Orchard at other place PM drew in swail back of garden after supper 2 loads W. very warm Cler

18 hoed Potatoes Plowed them up with Double Mold Plow Plowed hill Corn too raked & drew in hay north of bush 2 loads then boys all went to other place after supper & raked & drew in hay in little Orchard 2 loads I went to see Patton after supper he was not at home W. warm

19 H got Frank shod B scuffled turnips I went to see Patton, began to rake swail in Wheat field very very heavy shower at noon Boys cut weeds on roads F took 16 bags Oats to Br S's PM W. another heavy shower this evening

20 Thinned turnips H finished Cutting weeds on road J brought sack of twine @ 16 cts per lb AM Cut wheat south of bush PM it is a very good Crop W. Cloudy AM fine Cool & Cler PM

Sundy 21 I & Nancy & little ones went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Jac Wideman Sermon on {blank space} by Br C went to Br inlaw Sam Hoover's to dinner & to Peters to Supper W. fine

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July 1889

22 Had C Patton to put new sill under east end of driving house raised SW Corner of old barn & NE Corner of straw shed J went to Stouffville for little spring for Binder Boys Cleaned out Cistern W. fine shower went around this evening few drops rain here

23 Cut Wheat in NW Corner field Shower last night W. strong North wind Cool

24 Finished Cutting NW Corner field before dinner. J Cut wheat at other place about 6 acres till sundown he si some better now I & Nancy went to Markham AM I & F & H drew in young Timothy hay 2 big loads & one out of wheat field swail W. fine some windy

25 Cut Barley behind Cider house till Supper then Abe Cut in field back of garden I & Abe Put Paris Green on Potatoes today W. fine warm

26 Finished cutting back of garden till noon then brought in last hay, small load of rakings then boys went to other place & began Cutting Barley I bound cradled swaith around 2 fields at

July 1889

home today Br N brought Daniel Greider from Medina Ohio this afternoon then I went with him to Br C's he staid there to supper then he Came here to stay all night W. fine warm looked like rain PM D J took 22 bus grist to Ceder Grove Mill

27 Finished Cutting barly at other place I took D Greider to P Hoover's I went to Cherrywood PM. W. looked like rain AM prety warm

Sunday 28 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Mat 2 C by Br C Menno Stover's were here at noonBr inlaw Jesse & little Willis Lehman's Jesse is working at Saml Lehman's W. pretty warm heavy rain after dark

29 Made 3 gates AM I & Nancy went to Old Saml Stover's awhile PM he is very poorly boys hoed turnips PM W. very heavy rain last night Cloudy most of the time today

30 Hoed turnips I & Henry took 5 bags Peas & 10 bags Barly to Br S's PM W. very fine, heavy shower & some thunder this evening

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July Aug 1889

31 Finished hoeing turnips A ganged in fallow at other place awhile yesterday & today set up shocks drew in 1 load wheat out of NW field before supper & 4 after supper & 2 loads barly out of field behind Cider house W. warm Cler

Aug 1 Cleaned Potatoes awhile then drew in 5 loads wheat & 15 loads barly W. fine rather Cloudy PM J brought home flour

2 B finished ganging fallow F & Nancy went to Markham PM H scuffled turnips we drew in 5 loads wheat afte supper W. rain last night fine & Cler today, heavy thunder lightning & rain after dark tonight

3 Chored Made Bathroom in my Father's old wood shed Hung a gate on short lane back of garden Boys Pulled Peas after supper & set up shocks, pretty heavy shower at noon

Sunday 4 at home all day F B & girls went to Meeting at Wideman's H went with Thomas W. very fine

Aug. 1889

5 drew in last of wheat out of NW Corner and South of bush 7 loads & last of Barly at home 5 loads & 4 loads of barly at other place w. very fine and Cool. NW wind

6 Drew in 3 loads Wheat & 5 loads barly at other place AM then H went threshing with Will Reesor for the season J began Cutting Oats north of bush B shocked I & F and A drew in last of barley 4 loads & 2 loads Wheat PM W. very fine & drying.

7 I F & B Finished drawing wheat 3 loads at other place J finished Cutling Oats north of bush AM F & B helped Br C's draw barly with team PM I & J & A Scuffled turnips PM W fine warm Cler

8 F & B Pulled Peas at other place with Scythes AM drew in wheat rakings South of bush and barley rakings in field back of orchard (Henry raked it AM and N west wheat field PM then I & Boys pulled peas with rake nearly finished. B scuffled turnip awhile

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Aug 1889

W fine & clear look like rain tonight

9 Boys brought in rakings out of NW wheat field this morning then we began drawing in peas with one tean and two waggons I Pitched A loaded and F & B unloaded. drew 9 loads till 6 PM when we were stopped by a very very heavy rain, not much thunder

10 F & B finished pulling peas at other place all that were ripe then we finished pulling at home after supper with rake J & Henry took about 40 bus Oats to Br S's brought home load wood for Steamer & brought brought chop home PM then he got some binding Twine in Whitevale this evening W. very fine & drying day A ganged in barly stubble back of garden

Sunday 11 at home Br S's were here at noon & M Barkeys at supper W. fine Cool

12 B helped McCreight thresh till 4 PM J cut oats east of dam except an acre A ganged AM helped shock PM

Aug 1889

I went to Ceder Grove AM asked hands to thresh tomorrow. PM W. Cool. few drops rain several times

13 Fixed up barn and Chored AM W Reesor came at noon with Sleamer threshed PM wheat south of bush & nearly half of barly W. fine.

14 Finished threshing barly to 10:30 I think it yeilded about 30 bus per acre and the wheat about 25 I & Nancy went to John Stover's PM to see Lydia Clodd she is there now and pretty low with consumption B harrowed fallow at other place A finished ganging back of garden F got young more Jenny shod W. fine a heavy shower before dinner this evening very Cool

15 J finished cutting oats east of dam then he cut oats in NE corner field about 6 1/2 acres of B & A shocked some (too windy) then B turned peas F helped JD's thresh Henry harrowed ganged field Joseph Barkeys widow and Aunt Lissy were here at noon W. very strong NW wind and very cool drew in 2 loads peas after supper

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Aug 1889

I & B Put Paris Green on late potatoes this morning

16 F helped JD's thresh B & A shocked oats and brought home 2 loads pine for oven wood from other bush AM Finished drawing peas at home 3 loads till supper Boys drew in 2 loads at other place after supper W. very cool strong wind

17 F & B helped Pilkey thresh I & A & J drew in 4 loads oats opposite Pilkey AM (J is some better he can help a little) then we drew in wheat & barley rakings at other places till supper Henry raked them AM and we drew in 2 loads oats after supper. W. fine

Sunday 18 I & Nancy and little ones went to Johnny Ramers to dinner & to David Hanes to supper Boys and girls went to Br S's W. fine Cler

19 Boys drew dung on barly stubble AM F & B went to Br S's raising putting one bent & lents on beam that they moved in spring PM I & A & J hoed turnip. W. fine AM light shower last night & at noon

20 F & B Pulled Peas at other place with Scythes J & A finished hoeing turnips AM I & A finished drawing Oats north of bush 4 loads PM J took rake to other place & he & boys Pulled few Peas that were drowned out

Aug 1889

about 1/2 an acre. thye are badly drowned in low heavy land this year. They drew in one load after supper. W. fine Cler Cloudy in the west toward evening

21 B helped Br N's thresh F & A Pulled Peas at other place We drew 5 loads Oats out of field east of dam PM W. fine Cler, west wind

22 Drew in 19 loads Oats 15 out field east of dam & 4 out of NE Corner field Jake Moyer helped W. fine Cler. NW wind

23 F helped Br C's thresh we drew 6 loads Oats & Killed 3 Pigs & B took them to Coakwells @$7.00 per Cwt E Lewis & Coakwell are taking over Butter & Eggs Chickens Calves & Pigs & Sheep this summer W. fine Cler

24 B helped Johnny Reesor thresh I & other boys brought in last load Oats at home which makes 40 loads then boys went to other place about 10 AM & drew in 4 loads Peas & Pulled some J cut about an Acre of Oats PM

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Aug 1889

with binder I & Nancy went to Markham PM. W. fine warm Cler

Sunday 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Mat 5 C by Br C' (Umbrage) JH Ramer's & Br inlaw Enos Hoover's were here at dinner & Moses Moyer at supper I & Nancy went to Br C's after supper W. fine

26 Boys finished pulling Peas at other place AM then we drew in 9 loads with 2 waggons PM. I pitched W. pretty warm

27 Boys finished drawing Peas & 2 loads Oats at other place AM they began drawing dung on Barly stubble again at home PM. I & Nancy went this morning to see Lydia Clodd she was at her father's when we got there. She was dead about half an hour Nancy staid I came home then I & A went to appoint for the Funeral & brought a Coffin & brought Nancy home. W. very warm & dry.

Aug & Sept 1889

28 Boys finished drawing dung & began to plow I & J took turns to Cut Millet W. very very warm

29 Boys Plowed I & Nancy went to the Funeral of Lydia Clodd from 2 1/2 Miles east of Malvern to Wideman's Burying ground I took the Corpse Nancy rode with Peters, B Reesors very very warm * dusty drive went to Menno Stover's to a very late dinner

30 Boys Plowed with 3 teams W war, & dry they Cocked Millet after supper

31 F & A Plowed AM drew in Millet 5 loads PM B cut second crop Clover at other place J went about 10 AM then they hitched on Binder & Cut strip lat Oats which finishes our harvest I helped Br C's unload 2 loads Oats AM. W. fine, warm Cler

Sept 1 Sunday I & Nancy & little ones went to AB's W. fine Cler

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Sept 1889

2 F & A drew dung at other place B got Horses shod AM plowed in Barley ground PM. W. very warm J went to Markham PM

3 F raked Millet rakings AM A Raked Clover rakings PM Boys drew in 1 load Oats at other place (last of harvest) & brought home big load Clover, then we went after sunset & Cocked rest of Clover W. very warm & dry slight shower last night

4 3 boys finished plowing barly stubble AM began plowing fallow at other place PM. Bishop began fixing house at other place this morning (3 of them) W. very sultry slight shower this morning another this evening.

5 F brought 2 squares shingles from Markham & A got horses shod AM F sowed barly ground back of garden & A harrowed I helped awhile. B plowed at other place.

Sept 1889

W. Slight shower this morning fine one this evening. Cooler

6 F and B plowed at other place A finished harrowing wheat we sowed it by hand W. not so warm I & J asked hands to thresh at other place tomorrow and I went to Ceder Grove PM

7 Threshed at other place am something went wrong with steamer didnt do much after dinner W fine & Cler South east wind

Sunday 8 I & Nancy & little ones went to Br N's W. very fine and Cler

9 Threshed at other place AM didnt quite finish drew in Clover into other barn PM W. very warm & dry

10 Boys plowed I & B went to get Cider made AM didnt get it made then B plowed too W. very warm

11 sowed wheat at other place. F ganged in Peaground at home PM W. very warm

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Sept 1889

12 F ganged B plowed in Peaground at other place. J & A brought 7 Barrels lime & brought Cider home AM JB's were here PM Carpenters finished house. W. very warm

13 F ganged AM he went threshing in Herman's place PM Herman went to get a tooth pulled. B plowed J & A brought a load of sand then A plowed too. W. very warm I & Nancy boiled Sauce raining at bed time. east wind all day I & J made box & trough for the running lime and run a trough full

14 I & H run lime and filled hole where we got sand yesterday on road near Br N's AM H brought 250 bricks F. ganged PM W not much rain but might a little drissly AM warm PM B plowed at other place PM

Sunday 15 I & Nancy & little ones went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by J Wideman Sermon suitable for celebration of Lords supper by Br C. went to Br inlaw Peters for dinner. W. fine Cler, warm

Sept 1889

16 B & H plowed at other place F finished ganging Peaground at home and ganging barly ground at other place I & A and Henry dug some potatoes PM W. a little rain this morning cool today

17 B & H dug potatoes A ganged F helped W Reesor thresh PM J took 38 bus wheat to Spink Mills @ 90 cts I & Nancy & Henry went to Ceder Grove PM W a little drissly this morning light rain while Pm

18 F & H want to Toronto B cut off feed Corn I went to Markham AM I & J went took 11 bags oats to Br S's got them chopped and piled some lumber Timberman began cutting pine trees in our bush this evening. W. very cool NW wind

19 Dug potatoes J & H went to W Monneys Sale PM. Sprague & his brother began plastering house at other place. They will pull off all the bad parts and put on new. I went to Cedar Grove PM. W. fine shower this morning rainy again this evening. Cool

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Sept 1889

20 Chored AM killed 3 pigs PM A finished ganging at other place and began in field east of dam this evening W. rain last night and windy all AM clouds & cool PM ground well soaked. Boys took 3 pigs to Coakwells @ $7.90

21 F & B plowed at other place A ganged thistly part of field east of dam H dug some Potatoes & bound feed Corn Albert & May Hoover came to stay all night. W. Cold NW wind

Sunday 22 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by young Saml Hoover Sermon suitable for celebration of Lords Supper by Br C. Enos Nighswander & Jesse Hoover & Herman Lehman & Charles Jones (Drudges nephew}) From York state were here PM W. white frost last night cool

23 B helped B Burkholder thresh F & A plowed at other place AM I filled Gravel 6 hours J drove team PM & F helped fill PM which finishes

Sept 1889

our Scarboro road work A plowed PM. H is away theshing again W. slight frost last night very fine today

24 F & B helped B. Burkholder thresh F Came home about 3 PM A harrowed ganged barly stubble at other place PM J brought load gravel from school bridge to barnyard gate AM he plowed at other place till F Came home. W. very fine & Cler

25 F helped Peter Reesor thresh B helped B Burkholders a few hours to finish A Plowed at other place J plowed too till B came home I & J went to Whitevale PM W. fine Cler

26 F helped Peter finishe thresh B & A finished plowing at other place except barley ground that was ganged J began south of bush PM. W. a little rain last night, fine Cool today Br C & wife & Br S & wife started for Ohio

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Sept & Oct 1889

& Indiana on Tuesday Morning

27 Boys Plowed south of bush F & A took young sow to Frets PM I plowed till they Came back & J plowed all PM he is getting some better W. Cler Cool this is my 53rd Birthday

28 Finished digging Potatoes A & Henry took a sow to M Frets's & brought the other one home I went to Ceder Grove PM. W. Cler. Cool

Sunday 29 I & Nancy & little ones went to JD's they were not at home then we went to Peter Reesor's W. fine cler

30 F & H helped NB thresh J.B & A Plowed Millet stubble in root field nearly finished I went to M Frets AM W. Cloudy, drissly rain at times

Oct 1 F & B helped NB thresh H went with team to help W Reesor Move Machine from T McDowells to James Gilchrists A & P Plowed in NE Corner field W. Cloudy, Thunder showers about noon Cler PM fine rain last night

2 F & B went to Br S's to thresh, it was too windy I went to Markham H & A Plowed AM I J & A Plowed F & B Pulled Mangels. H helped W. Reesor drew his Peas PM. W very strong NW wind Cool

Oct 1889

3 boys plowed awhile this morning heavy shower stopped them/ Then they plowed PM I went to Ceder Grove PM

4 Boys all went to Markham I & Henry took 9 bus Barley and peas got it chopped at Br S's AM brought Jag of sand from AB's Corner on 4th Con Pickering PM W. Cool cloudy

5 F & B went to Br S's to help thresh H went with W Reesor to Gilchrists all came home before noon rained boys fixed old horse stable stalls I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM W. rainy all day

Sunday 6 at home AB's were home boys & Adeline went to Johnny Ramers Susanna is at Br C's since they are away W. about an inch of snow this morning. looks wintry. all gone again

7 F & B helped Br S's thresh J & A plowed W. very strong N wind. Cool

8 I & B & A plowed F cut Corn J went shooting. got nothing. W. strong wind yet but not so cold. Find and cler

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Oct 1889

9 F. B & A plowed AM J, F and A PM B cut corn I & Nancy picked Cider apples PM. Boys finished NE corner field and began in field east of dam W. windy AM milder PM.

10 H & A took 7 bags of appled to Cider Mill and went to Markham for Barrels of lime & brought cider home AM Boys plowed I & J run lime at other place PM W. fine. rather cold wind

11 I & Nancy boiled sauce H took 10 bags Peas to Br S's & got them Chopped J & A Plowed F & B Picked apples J Plowed at other place PM where it was ganged other Boys finished east of dam except where it was ganged it is thistly we intend to fallow it next year. W. very fine & Cler

12 F B & A Plowed at other place AM J & A Plowed I & other boys Picked apples PM. W. Cloudy, raw air

Sunday 13 I & Nancy & little ones went to JD's. W. Cler Cool

14 Boys plowed at other place F & B Picked apples PM J & A Plowed PM, we Picked 14 bags Cider apples. W. fine & Cler

Oct 1889

15 Boys finished Plowing at other place & began behind Cider house this evening F Picked apples PM Br inlaw Peter's & Motherinlaw were here today. F made about 90 gals Cider AM we began to boil Sauce about 11 AM. W. very fine & cler

16 Boys plowed & Picked some apples H was at home I & Nancy Boiled two Batches of Sauce W. very fine

17 B & A Plowed F & J Chored & fixed Stall in Cow stable I & Nancy went to see John H Reesor he is very sick & we called at Saml Reesor's Aunt Fanny is sick too I & F drew 2 bigs loads wood from other place PM. W. Cloudy AM. fine & Cler PM

18 Boys finished plowing behind Cider house & Picked few apples W. fine

19 F went to Markham I & other boys Cleaned Grist Wheat 12 bags at other barn & A took it to Ceder Grove Mills Am I & J helped Timber Man Thomson

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Oct 1889

Measure Timber in our bush PM he Cut 24 trees & took the Sound timber @ $15.00 per M Board Measure & some Knotty 2nd Class @ $10 per M. 20451 ft first class & 4447 ft 2nd Class W. very fine

Sunday 20 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J. remarks by young Saml Hoover sermon on {blank space} by Old Saml. Menno Burkholder Danl Smiths Simon Hoover's Tilman Reesor's Johnny Ramer's & Matty Cook were here at dinner Christian Burkholder's at supper & Jos Shirks Came to stay at night. W. Cooler

21 H helped Br C's Thomas husk Corn F & B delivered Cow Lilly we sold her on Saturday to Reeve Richardson of Scarboro @ 40.00 AM I & A & Esther went to Markham PM F got horses shod. B took young Sow to M Frets's W. fine Cler Cool

Oct 1889

22 I & Nancy went with Johnny Ramer's to visit Elisabeth Yakely on Uxbridge & Whitechurch Townline. Called at Henry Stover's at Island Lake Boys dug garden & got Peas Chopped at Br S's brought home Grist flour B helped Pilky Kill pigs PM W. Cool Flurries of snow AM Thomas brought Amos Eby & wife from Pennsylvania to stay all night

23 F & Adeline went visiting with Eby's H got Dolly shod AM H & B helped Br S's thresh A Plowed at Br C's PM W. Sharp frost last night Cler & fine

24 H & B helped Br S's thresh nearly all day I & J drew some wood from old bush F brought home three spring waggon from Johnny Ramer's got Tongue broke last night Br C's & Br S's Came home from Ohio & Indiana this evening

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Oct 1889

J took it to Whitevale to get new Tongue made then we Cleaned load wheat at other place PM W. frost last night fine today

25 B took 61 bus 30 lbs Wheat to Spink Mills @ 81 cts per bus AM other boys went Shooting with Amos Eby Shot 4 fine Black squirrels and large old Country Rabbit W. Cloudy, a little rain AM & a little PM I & Nancy went to John Reesor PM he is poorly

26 Boys Chored H went to Markham I & B went to Johnny Reesor's raising AM J went to Stott's sale & other boys went shooting shot Partridge & Rebit Joe Sprague & his Brother came & Plastered broke off spots in my Father's Kitchen W. Cloudy & Mild a little rain this morning

Oct 1889

Sunday 27 at home all day John Cober's & wife & AB's young folks were here today. W. Cloudy, I & Nancy went to Br C's after supper this was the 32nd Anniversary of our wedding

28 Chored H brought home spring waggon from M Frets's AM H went to W Reesor's AM H went to W Reesors F & A plowed Creek in field north of Orchard & began pulling turnips I & J went to Ceder Grove PM W. drissly AM Cloudy PM

29 Boys nearly finished pulling turnips W. mild rather cloudy H helped pull part of the time

30 F & A drew 10 loads turnips with Waggon I & B finished pulling with hoes AM B drew 12 loads with cart PM H went threshing W. Mild

31 Boys drew 1 waggon load & 3 Cart loads when drissly rain from east Stopped them I went to Burrows this Morning, Cow Cherry is not well. Boys Cut wood in Shed

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Oct & Nov 1889

rain nearly all day. John G Reesor died last night at 11 oclock

Nov 1 F & B went Trolling on Bay brought home 6 fine Pike J & H went threshing. W. Cloudy all day

2 I & Nancy Susanna Ester Abram & Aunt Lissy B went to Funeral of John G Reesor to Wideman's Burying ground Funeral Service by Br C Jac Wideman & A Raymer Came home after service. W. Cloudy AM rain from east Coming home Boys drew in last of turnips 13 Cart loads & brought home Oat Chop

Sunday 3 at home Boys & girls went to JD's W.

4 B & A Plowed in turnip ground I went to Ceder Grove AM I & J went to Whitevale PM F & H helped Peter Reesor pull turnips W. frose last night fine today

5 B & A plowed I & F went to Markham AM B plowed PM other boys took in Potatoes.

Nov 1889

I & Nancy went awhile to Br inlaw John Hoover's his wife is sick getting some better W. fine sharp air

6 F & H drew in Corn AM B & A Plowed Killed a Hog & took in last of Potatoes PM. W Strong NW wind not very Cold

Thanksgiving day 7 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Adeline Esther & little Anne they have had bad Cold remarks & Sermon on St Luke part of 12th C by Br C. W. very very fine & Cler

8 I & J took 10 bags Peas to Br S's A Picked Cider apples AM J & A got about 60 gals Cider Made & brought Chop home PM. W. fine F & B Plowed H went threshing

9 F & B finished Plowing AMall boys finished Picking Cider apples PM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove & Called awhile to see Aunt Fanny Reesor she is Poorly W. very fine & Cler

Sundy 10 I & Nancy & little ones went to Br S's they were not at home A & Esther & Mary staid with Bertha & David

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Nov 1889

we went on to Menno Reesor's took Henry & Anne with us. F & H Adeline & Susanna went to Meeting at Wideman's W. cloudy AM very fine & Cler PM

11 F & B helped Pilkey thresh I & A went to Whitevale AM. H & A worked at Creek PM. W. very fine & mild

12 F & B helped Br N's thresh till about 3 PM then they worked at Creek W. very very fine & Mild A & girls went to Stouffville PM it is generally Cloudy AM & Cler PM this last week or more

13 Chored AM Boys worked in Creek I & J brought home some Barley Chop from Br S's & some lumber from other place PM W. rain AM & this evening John Stover's were here this evening

14 F helped Br C's thresh H went to Markham B & A went shooting AM got nothing H, B & A began digging drain behind Meeting sheds PM. W. Cloudy drissly at times

15 Boys worked at Creek with 2 teams H went threshing, W. frose prety hard last night

16 drew home 2 loads wood from

Nov 1889

fallow at other place for steamer & F took 33bus Cider apple to P Lapp @ 15 cts per bus AM F B & A worked at drain at Meeting Sheds I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM W. frose pretty hard very fine today

Sunday 17 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on St Luke 15 C by old Saml Hoover Br inlaw Saml Hoover's young folks were here at noon I & Nancy & little ones went to NB's PM & staid this evening W. very fine

18 B helped A McCreight to thresh till about 3 PM, we fixed barn ready for threshing & asked hands F & A worked at drain at sheds awhile AM J went to Markham & Unionville PM. W. Cloudy AM drissly rain nearly all PM. heavy this evening

19 B helped McCreight thresh AM we Chored brought in Most of apples Machine Came at noon did not thresh rain all PM. Cloudy AM

20 Threshed about 300 Bus F Wheat the Produce of 10 acres AM & about {blank space} Bus Oats PM

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Nov 1889

W. Cloudy all day, very Mild, drissly at times

21 Finished Threshing AM about {blank space} Bus Oats Chored PM. W. Cloudy AM. rainy PM

22 Chored AM F & H made about 45 gal Cider PM A took 4 Geese & 2 par Chickens to & 3 bags Oats to Coakwells PM. W. rain AM. Cloudy drissly PM

23 Chored & Put last of apples into Cellar AM Boys went shooting PM Shot rabbit & two Partridges I & Henry went to Ceder Grove PM took 5 Crocks Apple Sauce @ 55 cts each W. pretty Cler & Mild

Sunday 24 at home AM I & Nancy Henry & Annie went to Br S's PM Staid to supper W. Cloudy AM. Cleaned up PM

25 H & B helped Br C's thresh F & A finished drain back of Meeting sheds & took bags Oats to Br S's I & Nancy went to S B Lehman's for our Cloth W. Cler sharp N Wind, freezing a little roads pretty bad in places

26 Boys Cut Stove wood in other bush all day B brought home Chop this evening. W. very fine & Cler this morning raw air & Cloudy towards evening

27 Chored W. about as strong an East storm as I ever saw snow & rain all day

Nov & Dec 1889

28 Boys chored and threshed some peas B made a new halter out of straw Carrier straps Joe Spragge got 3 Geese @ $1.00 each. W. snow nearly all day not much wind I went to other bush with Norm's he bought some first class wood @ 3.50 per Cord on the ground I think there must be 10 in of snow Adeline helped Johnny Ramer Butcher.

29 Boys chored B & A went to Markham with sleigh other boys took 10 bags barley to Br S's. I went to AB's and to Whitevale with cutter PM. sleighing rough some mud under snow. W. fine clear

30 Boys drew some wood out of old bush AM sawed some in other bush PM F took Nancy& Adelaine to Green River this morning they went to Toronto H went to Markham PM. Come round by Station and brought them home this evening I & B bought home Chop PM. W. fine clear

Dec 1 Boys and girls wen to Meeting at Altona I & Nancy & Annie

{second page}

Dec 1889

went to U Drudges W. fine mild & clear. Thawing PM sleighing thin

2 Boys cut & drew home some fine stove wood from other place AM B got Frank and Charly shod other boys fixed things for killing Pigs tomorrow W. fine and mild.

3 Killed 7 hogs W. snow awhile AM cleared up PM. pretty cold this evening

4 B & Adelaine helped NB's kill hogs F helped Br C. H. drew ome wood W. cold & clear. 7 above zero this morning rough passable sleighing.

5 F H Adelaine and Susanna helped AB's kill hogs B took children to school AM. Trimmed pine tops in other bush PM. W. soft snow & some rain AM

6 Boys cut sawlogs AM cut & drew PM. I & Br C went to see Uncle Saml Reesor's PM. Uncle Saml's hand is getting better Aunt Fanny is getting weaker W. very fine & mild AM cloudy PM

7 F helped W Reesor move machine to Bob Reesor's 1/2 Mile north of Ceder Grove H & B drew logs PM I & J went to wood sale at Fred Reesor's on part of Uncle

Dec 1889

Peter Reesor's Homestead W. very fine & cler snow going

Sunday 8 at home all day W. foggy dull mild drissly and rainy all day.

9 Boys cut logs J brought home grist flour from Ceder Grove Mills PM W. mild sleighing all gone

10 H went threshing other boys all went fox hunting into Pickering got nothing. W. strong east wind all day sleet & rain after dark

11 F helped JD's thresh B & A cut logs W. mild

12 B helped JDs thresh F filed saw AM.. F & B went to U Drudges sawing Bee J took grist Barley I bags to Br S's & took 4 bags Oats to Coakwell for Lewis PM W. mild

13 F & B Cut log AM F went to Penner's sawing Bee B trimmed tops PM W. mild. Colder this evening

14 I & Nancy Herman & Abram went to funeral of Old Peter Ramer remarks by Jac Wideman Sermon on 1st C St Peter by old Saml Hoover Boys worked in bush & chored W. strong east wind frose up again last night very Cold today snow awhile at noon

{second page}

Dec 1889 Dec

Sunday 15 all went to Meeting except Nancy & John. Nancy has sore nose & J Cannot sit very well, remarks & sermon on St John part of 12 C by Br C Johnny Reesor's were here after service W. Mild, rather Cloudy

16 Boys Cut logs AM J brought home light Bobsleighs from Br S's with waggon we got new shoes on them Boys took Short Bob sleigh to bush PM to skid logs. W. soft thawing

17 Boys Cut last of logs & skidded some. W. Cloudy & Mild

18 Boys Chored & set Horsepower& Cut straw for filling beds. W. Drissly rain all day, heavy this evening

19 Boys finished skidding logs I & F took 18 bags oats to Br S's & went to Ceder Grove AM F & Adeline went to Markham PM. W. fine, mild & Cler

20 Boys Chored, W. drissly rain AM heavy PM

21 Boys began Cutting Cordwood at other place W. frose some last night fine today Br inlaw John Hoover was here at noon

Sunday 22 at home all day W. snow rain & sleet last night & some train today trees Covered with ice.

Dec 1889

23 Boys Cut wood F went to Markham PM I & A brought home Barly Chop from Br S's AM W. very fine & mild

24 J & B started to go to Toronto, too late for train Came home again. F went to B Diller's Wedding at Menno Burkholder's PM W. rain rain, rain at all day & heavy at times very high Wate. H went to Station this evening brought A Martin Jun'r his sister Susanna Rueben Bauman & his sister Mary they stay here all night

Christmas day 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Luke part of 2nd C by Br C water very high last night Isaac Moyer's were here at noon & Tilman Kolp & his wife at supper Rosina Burkholder they were Married some weeks ago W. beautiful fine & Cler F & Adeline went visiting with Waterloo visitors

26 Boys cut wood I went to see Uncle Saml's she is getting a little weaker his hand is very sore yet W. very heavy gust of wind this

{second page}

Dec 1889 Jan 1890

Morning squaal of rain Cleared up some but high wind all day, getting Colder Susanna went with Br C's Thomas to take visitors awhile this AM

27 F & H cut wood B & J went to Toronto to buy new Overcoats. Waterloo visitors went home today W. frose pretty hard last night ground white with snow this morning, very fine today

28 Boys cut wood W. fine & mild getting a little soft

Sunday 29 at home all day Boys & girls went to AB's this evening W. some squaals of rain Blowed up windy this evening. Colder

30 Boys cut wood AM Nancy & A went to Ceder Grove Had wood sawing Bee PM about 26 hands W. fine Cler sharp I went to Ceder Grove PM

31 Boys split wood w. pretty sharp

New years day Jan 1st 1890 at home all day Br C's were all here at Turkey Roast. W. began to rain about 10 AM rain all day very foggy PM

2 H & B split wood F went to Ceder Grove for pr new boots AM F & H went to MC Frets's sawing Bee PM W. very fine & Cler PM

3 F & B went threshing with W Reesor at Joe Lapps H & S split wood. W. pretty Cold

4 Boys split wood. F & H went to Jac Reesors Sawing Bee PM B split wood. W. fine

Jan 1890

Sunday 5 at home all day W. rain rain rain nearly all day, very foggy PM, mild

6 H went threshing F & B split wood W. rain awhile AM Cloudy PM blowing Cold this evening F went for Dr Robinson this evening Susanna has Russian Influenza an Epidemic that is passing over America from Europe

7 Boys Sawed & split wood I & J took 10 bags Barley to Br S's AM W. Cler & Cold Adeline is Complaining this evening, symptoms of Influenza

8 Boys cut wood W. Cold strong west wind very very strong after dark J went to McCaffreys sale at Boxgove AB's Lissie & Martha were here PM

9 Boys Cut wood. W. Snow all day, not fast

10 Boys Cut wood AM they all went to J Malcom's Sat at Ceder Grove PM. W. a few in snow on the ground this Morning a little fell through the day, pretty Cold Boys went to evening Sale of Store goods at Malcoms, didnt sell much, quit early

11 Boys chored. B has sore throat F went for Dr Susanna is not better yet W. storm of sleet & little snow till about 2 PM

Sunday 12 I & Nancy & Most of Children went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Mat 11th Ch by old S Hoover W. pretty Cold, east wind drissly light rain PM. Ice freesing on trees

{second page}

Jan 1890

13 F & B Cut wood AM F F Cut his foot about 10 AM B brought him home with Peters horse & Buggy it is not very bad H & Nancy went to Markham AM H & B threshed a few Peas PM W. very mild this Morning strong wind got up AM very very strong from S West blew off JD's barn roof

14 H & B cut wood AM Br in law Peter Came at noon he took B with him to work for a while J helped H in bush PM W. frose up again last night very fine today

15 H helped Pilkey Kill hogs AM he helped JD's get out timber PM to fix their barn roof W. a lit little snow & drissly rain AM. Mild PM F went to Ceder Grove & took Pea & Oat Chop to Br S's his foot is healing very fast

16 H & J Cut down & trimmed trees AM H got Mare Maggie Shod PM W. about 2 in snow last night very strong NW wind today. Cold

17 H went with W Reesor to Fix Engine at A Ramer's I helped F & A in bush F's foot is about healed. W. fine & Cler, prety sharp

18 F helped JD's work at barn roof I & A & Henry worked awhile in bush AM & J got Frank & Charly shod AM Chored PM. W. fine & Cler, sharp

19 Sunday at home AM I & Nancy went to Br C's PM Becca has Influenza F & H went to Br inlaw

Jan 1890

Peter's PM W. foggy & drissly AM Cleared up PM rain after dusk Br N's were here this evening

20 had M Barky to help kill 6 Pigs AM Cleaned some Oats PM H went to help W. Reesor Cut feed at Tomlinson's AM didnt Cut too Windy W. foggy this Morning Clouded up strong wind today

21 F & A went to Toronto 6 Pigs @ $6.00 per Cwt 26 Bus Oats 30 cts per bus 3 Turkeys 10 cts per lb H went threshing W. fine Cler

22 I & F split wood AM A helped F saw PM J brought home barly Chop PM W. very Cold & strong N wind AM milder PM

23 F & A cut wood AM Chored PM W. began to snow from east about 9 AM till 4 PM getting milder Schoolmam has Influenza the last few days, almost every body has it about 3 in dry snow

24 F helped thresh in Herman's place he is not well thinks he has (La Grippe) (that is what Influenza is generally called) J took horse Farmer to Markham to try & sell him, did not sell. W. fine & Cler

25 H went to thresh F & A finished splitting wood, it is nearly All Cut now we are cutting 11 rosds wide & the length of bush last year we Cut 12 rods along east side from McCreights line, that will make a field 23 rods by 40 rods

{second page}

Jan 1890

J took 12 bags oats to Br S's & brought home load wood AM brought home Chop PM JD's were here this evening W. fine B came home this evening

Sunday 26 I & Nancy & little ones went to AB's W. fine & Mild Cloudy PM began to drissle towards evening B went to Br inlaw Peter's again PM

27 F went to Markham AM H went to thresh I & J & F Cleaned 55 bus barly PM F took it to Green River station @ 45 cts W. everything covered with Ice this morning Came out fine & Clear today Cooler this evening

28 Cleaned another load barly -- Bus F took it to station @ 45 cts AM he went to help Johnny Reesor's to thresh PM did not thresh. W. sharp, Cler

29 F helped Johnny Reesor's thresh I & Nancy & little ones went to MN's W. fine & Mild, roads very good

30 F helped Johnny Reesor finshed thresh AM he and H worked in bush PM. Mild foggy PM

31 Chored AM F & H worked in bush J went to Br S's got Buggy wheel fixed yesterday PM. W. rainy AM very fine PM I went to Ceder Grove PM

Feb 1890

Feb 1 Boys worked in bush J took 6 bags barly to Br S's & brought home load wood AM F & H went to Wilson's sale at 6th Con Pickering & I & A brought load wood PM W. sharp & Cler. A brought grist home this evening

Sunday 2 I & Nancy Henry & Anne went to M Barkeys Br N's young folks were here at noon. W. a little snow from east this Morning. Cloudy & mild all day

3 I went to Trustee Meeting at Hebron elected Trustees F & H worked in bush I drew home load wood & J drew one PM. W. Cler & Mild thawing Colder this evening

4 Boys cut wood till about 10 AM strong east wind sleet & rain stopped them the threshed few Peas PM I walked to Ceder Grove this morning I & Nancy went awhile to Br C's PM his wife Becca has Bronchitis along with Influenza. trees Covered with Ice. heavy shower of rain & thunder after dark

5 Boys Chored F went to get Mare Jenny Shod AM didnt get hind feet done Ellison had lame back & she didnt stand well

{second page}

Feb 1890

F & H took Frank & Farmer to Markham to sell PM. Sold Farmer @ $80.00 Buyer backed down again, wouldnt take hime W. very very strong wind, pretty Cold

6 F & H Cut wood J took 12 bags Oats to Br S's & got them Chopped AM he got Farmer shod PM. W. cold Cler

7 F took Farmer to Stouffville to try & sell hime. Buyer did not Come he got Herman's watch fixed & left mine H took 52 bus Wheat to Spink Mills @ 83 cts PM. W. strong east wind all day began to snow from east about 4 PM, snowing yet Bedtime

8 Boys went Foxhunting J & A Came home at noon F & H went on & Cought Fox on big Rouge bank Stott's helped dig him out & they shared with them. I & Nancy went to Markham J & A drew 8 logs PM W. fine , pretty fair sleighing

Sunday 9 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Mark by Br C. Benj'n was here when we came home I & Nancy & little ones went to Johnny Ramer's this evening W. pretty Cold east wind. Cler

10 F & H drew 5 logs AM J & A drew 5 PM. F & H began to draw out wood PM. W. fine & Cler I went to Saw Mill PM Nancy was at Pilkeys all day

Feb 1890

11 I & Nancy & little ones went to Br inlaw Peter's to dinner & to JH Ramers to supper W. fine Mild, light east wind, thin sleighing

12 Boys drew logs AM H started to Markham with 3/4 Cord wood with Sleigh went as far as Ceder Gove laid it off sleighing bad F & A drew logs PM. W. fine Cler

13 H took the wood with Waggon AM Got horse Charly shod PM F & A drew logs AM I & Adeline & Esther F & A wen to Funeral of Johny Burrow at 11 {illegible} PM W. fine, thawing Cut some feed with Horse Power after we Came home

14 H took another 3/4 load wood to Markham F & A drew some wood out till east rain stopped them about 10 AM rain nearly all day Boys threshed few peas PM

15 F & H drew out wood all day J & A took load grain to Br S's PM W. Cler Cold NW wind all day I went to Jac Reesor's this Morning

Sunday 16 F Adeline & H went to Meeting at Wideman's NB's were here at noon W. fine

17 Boys drew out wood PM threshed few Peas AM W strong east wind a little snow PM J brought home Chop PM Fwent to Dr this evening Susanna is not so well

{second page}

Feb 1890

18 Boys drew out wood. W. fine Mild

19 Boys drew wood I & J Killed Abram's Pig Boys helped hang it up. W. pretty Cold, strong east wind this evening. Dr Came at supper time Susanna a little better

20 F brought load Bricks for Presbyterian Church at 11th Con the intend to rebuild it next Summer H brought load wood from other place AM H & F drew logs PM took Abram's Pig Butter & Eggs to Coakwells after supper Pig $5.50 per Cwt it weighed 170 Butter 22cts Eggs 16 cts W. about 5 in snow last night very strong west wind & some snow all day

21 Boys drew logs with 2 teams I & Nancy went to Cousin Susanna Hoover's PM I went to Saml Hoover's to tell that Aunt Fanny Reesor died this Morning W. fine, pretty good sleighing

22 I & Nancy went to Uncle Samuel Reesor's this Morning Called at Br N's Coming home. he is sick in bed H drew logs F & A Cut some AM F & H took eas a shingle log to P Hoover's PM W. fine little more snow last night roads good

Sunday 23 JD's young folks & AB's young folks & B Stover's were here at noon

Feb 1890

I & Nancy went to JB's PM they both had Grippe) are getting better again W. mild soft snow from about 4 PM rainy at bedtime

24 F took big shingle log to P Hoover's H & J drew out some wood AM I & Adeline Esther and Mary J F & H went to funeral of Aunt Fanny Reesor Jae Wideman spoke at house & sung at grave Old Sam Hoover spoke on {blank space} in Meeting house funeral was at 2 PM W. mild cloudy & Foggy sleighing very thin

25 Boys all went to Saml Reesor's sale W. rain till about 10 AM snow gone

26 I & Nancy and little Anne went to Br inlaw Enos Hoover's sale F & H went to Stouffville for my watch and then went to sale too Enos is renting his farm to Jac Barkey and is moving to Milnesville & intends to work for Peter B. W. growing colder N. wind

17 Cleaned Peas and chored AM F & H went to G Hollingers sawing Bee in Br C's bush J took peas and oat chop to Br S's I & B cut some dry pine in other bush till J come from mill and brought it home. W. mild

28 husked all of corn I went to see Dr Susanna does not feel so well. he took 16 pair Pidgeons @ 25 cts pr pair W. mild Dr was here last night & Tuesday Morning

{second page}

Mar 1890

nearly all day

March 1st Boys Cut dry Beech & Pine in other bush & drew home 3 loads I & A brought home Pea & Oat Chop W. Cold raw N wind

Sunday 2 at home Br C's were here awhile PM & Peters at Supper. V. Cler. Cold

3 Boys Cut stove wood H went threshing I & J brought home load wood PM Br S's young folks were here this evening W. sharp, Cler a little snow this evening

4 Boys Cut Stove wood & made few Maple logs AM threshed Peas PM. W. soft snow through Middle of the day. they hitched up youn Mare (Bonnie) rising 3 yrs went well

5 Boys threshed some Peas AM F H & B Adeline & Esther went to JD's quilting & Sawing Bee PM. W. Cler Cold sharp J went to Markham PM. few sleighs running

6 Boys threshed Peas Nancy & F went to Br inlaw Sam Hoover's PM his wife is sick W. very Cold, Cler good Wheeling

7 Boys threshed Peas AM F & B cut Stove wood I helped awhile to pile & Measure last of dry wood we have sold it all. W. very fine & Cler, MIlder I went to Br S's PM to see if we can get Ice on his pond, it is pretty good. Called at Br N's he is getting better

Mar 1890

8 F H & B and NB all cut ice together Abram drew 4 loads NB's had a man drawing for him. W. sharp, Cler.

Sunday 9 All went to Meeting at Hebron Esther & Annie staid with Susanna remarks by Br C Sermon on 2nd Cor by Old Daniel Horner MN's Joseph Grove's & David Burkholder were here at dinner young folks went to Johnny Ramer's this evening W very fine and cler pretty cold

10 brought one more load ice & packed it in Ice house AM I & all boys went to Sale of late Wm Murrisons effects on the old homestead PM W. Cloudy. Soft snow PM

11 Chored. Cleaned load wheat PM W rain nearly all day

12 Chored cleaned stables B & A went shooting H took 6 bags chop to Br S's and went to Ceder Grove PM. W. rain and drizzle all day

13 F & H & B Stover run W Reesors Machine at J Burrow's Jun'r. B went to Gregor's Sawing Bee in Bob Reesors bush PM J brought home chop PM W. mild

{second page}

Mar 1890

14 Boys sawed wood in old bush. I & J went to other bush to fill out a 2 Cord pile of wood for McRae with a few sticks of green wood. brought home a jag of dry wood I & Nancy went to Markham PM. W a little frost last night fine and clear today. Road very muddy

15 Boys drew dung with 2 waggons on about 2 Acres on west side of field behind barn where millet was AM cut wood PM we drew 2 loads dry pine. W. mild AM cloudy cold PM. flurries of snow A & Henry took sow to M Frets's PM

Sunday 16 I & Nancy & little ones went to Johnny Reesors W. cold N wind flurry of snow

17 H & A drew dung on west side of fields behind Cider house AM F & B started for Markham about 10 AM when they come back F stopped at Menno Reesors to help at his sawing Bee H went too I & A took 13 bags Oats to Br S's and brought home load wood from follows. W. pretty cold

18 Boys drew dung AM F & H went to W Reesor's sawing Bee in McCreights bush PM. I & Nancy went to Markham

Mar 1980

& to Michael Frets's to dinner W. clear cold wind from north roads getting better

19 Boys finished drawing dung in field behind Cider house strip along bush about 1 1/2 acres for Mangels AM F & B sawed wood and H took load Wheat to Spink Mills @ 75 cts PM J brought chop AM I went to SM this morning W. fine clear frose last night thawed

20 Boys sawed wood in old bush east wind. began to rain 5 PM

21 Boys sawed pine wood in other bush 2 foot & 4 foot I & J Henry cleaned 20 bus grist wheat and we tapped 108 buckets B helped awhile sap run well A Adeline and Esther went to Stouffville gathered a lot this evening J took grist to Cedar Grove Mile W cloudy & rainy awhile very fine and clear today

22 F & H sawed wood all day B took grist chop to Br S's AM he began to work at Br C's PM for 8 months I & little boys boiled 9 qts molasses and we gathered a lot of sap this evening

{second page}

Mar 1890

W. north wind all day sap did not run very fast today it ran well last night

Sunday 23 Nancy and some of young folks went to Cobers meeting AM I & Nancy & Anne went to Aunt Lissy's PM W. cold raw air

24 B & Br C's Thomas helped boys thresh peas all day F walked to Markham AM I & A boiled 13 qts molasses W. raw air. fine and clear. sap did not run

25 Boys sawed at other place AM they went Shanks sawing Bee PM W. cloudy AM fine at noon till 2 PM very fine PM sap running fast Esther went to wedding at Br S's their daughter Emma is getting married to Jonas Ramer's son Samuel today

26 Boys chored AM went to B Dillers Sawing Bee PM. I & A boiled lot of sap W. raw. cold wind squaals of snow

27 Boys sawed at other place all day Nancy finished 12 qts molasses on stove I & A made 13 qts in bush J brought home grist W. fine NW wind

28 boys finishd threshing peas I have bad cold in head these last few days W. strong east wind AM. and snow all day. mild

29 Boys drove Mare Bonnie to Ceder Grove and they cut some dry Beech in old bush AM they drew few Maple logs from other bush

Mar April 1890

to SM PM W. fine and clear thawing a little PM very thin sleighing I & Nancy and little ones went to JDs this evening in spring waggon Susamna had bad spell this evening H went to Dr 

Sunday 30 at home Br S's, AB's, & I Moyer's were here W. fine clear Dr came he says and Susanna is some better.

31 H got Frank & Charly shod F filed saw AM they went to Chris Stover's sawing by PM I & A boiled sap all day W. fine

April 1 Boys cut some feed AM F started on horseback for Unionville to return his road list about 10 am J & H went to Goulds sale on the old Wheeler farm F called to coming home I & A made 6 qts molasses. Nancy finished 11 qts in house Br C and Beccy Come to eat taffy. W. airy fine

2 H helped Elias Stover move from JD farm to 9th Con Markham Lot 23. J McGaws were here eating taffy. W. very fine.

3 F & H helped Br C's saw wood A went to Dr for medicine for Susanna I made 10 qts molasses W. fine a little rain PM.

{second page}

Good Friday 4 all went to Meeting at Hebron except Mary & Anne staid with Susanna remarks Sermon on St John 19C from 16th V to end of C Br C's Jacob Reesor's were here PM W. Mild Am Blowed Cold from north PM Boys sawed wood & split in old bush AM {missing} went to George Duncan's sawing Bee in Colin Reesor's bush PM Colin has moved to his father's & George has Moved into his house

{missing} made 4 qts Molasses. W. Cold N wind

{missing PM. sap running

{missing} Sunday 6 all went to Meeting at {missing} except J & Adeline they staid {missing} Susanna remarks & sermon on {missing}K 16 C by Br C Br S's Emma {missing} Samuel Ramers Danl Hanes {missing} folks & Matty Cook were here at noon Matty staid to supper. W. Cloudy AM rain awhile PM

Easter Monday 7 at home AB's Lissy & Martha were here quilting Boys went fishing to Kirkhams Br C's Thomas all our boys Jesse Burkholder & Jesse Ramers (Sams Jess) he lives in Br S's house all Caught about 150 Mostly with {illegible}

77-2-13 April 1890

our boys brought home about 75 W. fine R Wallace was here PM

8 I cleaned fish I & A began to boil sap rain stopped us about 9 AM I went up after 10 PM it stopped raining I fired up then we finished of 6 qts H walked to Markham AM strong east wind. am cloudy. Boys worked in barn.

9 F got Frank shod AM F & H sawed wood in other bush PM I & A made qts molasses W. drizzly foggy & wet. AM. Clear PM.

10 F & H sawed till about 4 PM they came home then they all went down Pettiecoat Creek caught lots suckers I & A made about 7 qts molasses. W. fine cler blowed cold this evening Boys went spearing in Petticoat Creek this evening got 10.

11 Boys sawed AM I & Nancy took 1 1/2 Bar apples to Markham PM @ $4.00 pr Barl H & A took 6 bags Chop to Br S's & brought load hay from other place J brought Burrows to stitch Colt Jack's eyelid he got it torn some way I finished tree sap runs well PM roads very bad.

{second page} {badly torn, stained and string obscures a lot of writing}

{illegible} to Markham {illegible}

{illegible} & she {next three lines illegible and covered}

thresh, steady, Mild gentle rain all day, no wind S Lehman were here. snow does not lie very deep {illegible}ed all Fall wheat & little {illegible} wheat that was left & about {illegible} Oats I think we threshed {illegible} something over 240 Bush Wheat {illegible} Boys threshed few Peas & Cut straw to fill beds W. snow & sleet from east till about 2 PM I & Nancy & little ones went to Br S's this evening 1890

7 H drew 2 loads Pine F drew some wood from other bush I went with H PM then we went to Clarks hollow brought about 300 Cedar Posts {illegible}rt Co{illegible} @ 8 cts each

{illegible} a load of Ceder by Auction {illegible} trees Covered last {illegible} F threshed at Menno Reesor's this {two line illegible} S Lehman {illegible} Posts {torn away} {illegible}us Posts {torn away} load at noon {torn away} Br C brought Katura {rest of page torn away}

Transcription Progress



Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1888-1890 Part 1.pdf
Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1888-1890 Part 2.pdf
Benjamin Reesor 1888-1890 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Benjamin Reesor, “Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1888-1890,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed February 7, 2025,
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