Jane Laing Rennie Diary & Transcription, 1872-1874


Jane Laing Rennie Diary & Transcription, 1872-1874


Jane Laing Rennie


Private: Courtesy of descendants of the Rennie Family




19th Century, Lennox & Addington County, Richmond Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Jane Laing Rennie Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


{Brown book cover}

{Two patterned blank pages}

{Calendar of 1872}


INLAND BILL OF EXCHANGE,Draft,or Order for payment to Bearer or toOrder ,at any time other wise than on demand---

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PROMISSORY NOTES payable in any other manner in any other manner than to bearer ON DEMAND,-or if exceeding £100, whether to bearer on demand or otherwise, the same duty as on Bills of Exchange.

DRAFT or ORDER, payable to Bearer or to Order ON DEMAND, One Penny.


RECEIPT or Discharge on payment of money amounting to Two Pounds or upwards ONE PENNY.


March Jane L. Rennie Napanee Ont. Diary for Mar A.D. 1872.

March 1872

31 Easter Sunday snow in the morning raining the morning went to Mass


1 Mon very stormy clear in the evening

2 Tue fine day went to the shop called to see the Missy Welsh M and M Welsh spent the evening

3 Wed Warm and clear sowed the tomato seed. The Welshs went away

4 Thurs Warm and clear.

5 Friday Warm and clear made Yeast & soap

6 Sat Beautiful day made soap planted Portlacca seed, Tulip

7 Sunday Cloudy like rain went to Mass & Vespers, rain in the evening

APRIL April 1872

April 1872

Mon 8 dull and cloudy washed word to Miss Wales called on Mrs Ross. Mr. Talen sick at my {cut off}

Tuesday 9 Heavy Rain in the morning cleared in the forenoon M sick went over to Dov very brought Robby am

Wednesday 10 cloudy chilly weather Mangow better. went to the shop in the evening

Thursday 11 Bright clear day homd all day Father MacKay called went to Miss Wales in the evening

Friday 12 Rained nearly all day Mrs Fraser and Hally said all day went our to Dwyers in the afternoon

APRIL April. 1872


Saturday 13 Clear in the forenoon LaReid went to Drogery in the afternoon went to Miss Wales and the shop in evening

Sunday 14 Cold, dreary day went to Mass & Vespers

Monday 15 Cold & Cloudy washed. planted seeds, Mrs + Mifs Beyly called

Tuesday 16 Bright and Clear day. Marion Gomyre born. Mary came home from Syden home

Wednes 17 Bright day

Thurs 18 Bright and clear Mrs Wc Neill & W Reilly called

Friday 19 Bright and warm

Satur 20 Same day went to the shop in the morning

APRIL April 1870


Sunday 21 Warm day went to mass took Bobby to church

Monday 22 Cold and cloudy washed froze all day

Tuesday 23 Clear and Cold baked Mrs Fyrrill came from Treton snowed in the afternoon

Wedny 24 Fine day.

Thursday 25 Fine day Mrs Fyyril came from Kingstown staying here

Friday 26 Very warm and windy

Sat 27 Fair but cool wind to the shop in the evening

Sunday 28 Cool and fair. Mother Mary and Mrs Tyrrill and anysey sound to Maxy



Mon 29 Clear and cool washed planted the crops and onions seed Killed the pig

Tuesday 30 Warm Clear cleaning house


Wed 1 Sh o very clear in the evening Mother mol sold

Thurs 2 Cool in the morning

Friday 3 Cool in the morning rain in the evening finished cleaning house

Saturday 4 Cool and clear baked an isomed went to village

Suny 5 Cool went to Church but no mass

Mon 6 Fine n warm day washed planted garden seeds



Tuesday 7 Warm day Mrs Fraser and Mrs Mr Gillivery called

Wed 8 Cooler papered the dining room showery in the afternoon

Thurs 9 Fine day went to McHewty with Jamies camu home in the evening

Friday 10 Cool day

Satuy 11 Warm windy Mrs Mrs Powers and Mrs Bailey called Powers staid went up to the shop

Sunday 12 Cool and windy Mrs Tyrrels went to Picton, wents to Mass and Vespers in the evening Mrs Tyrrell came back in the evening Mrs Powers came home



Monday Cool and bright mother not well Mary and Mother went to Kingstown. washed

Tuesday 14 Cool and bright Mother and M came home

Wed 15 Warmer Mrs Sweeney and Mary Arm called Mother a little better

Thurs 16 Fine day went to the shop in the morning planted cucumber seed calf came

Friday 17 Fine day mother went to the shop

Saturday 18 Cool and pleasant baked and made rhubarb p. went to shop in the evening



Sunday 19 Rained all day to mass Vespers in evening

Mon 20 Fine day washed

Tues 21 Beautiful day Mrs Fraser + Mrs Wilson called

Wednes 22 Fine day mother went to M Kenty s with javiers Janes came back in evening

Thursy 23 Fine day

Friday 24 Fine day baked and ironed showing in the evening

Saturday 25 The day She came down

Sunday 26 Fine day went to mass and vespers in the evening

Mon 27 Very well mother washed now W Ke washed Janes & Will and dye called


Tues 28 Showing clear in evening

Wedy 29 Dull. cool day Mrs Spencer called

Thurs 30 Cool rain in the afternoon

Friy 31 Fine warm day baked


Sat 1 Fine day made soap

Sun 2 Warm clear day went to mass and vespers John came how

Mon 3 Fine day washed went to village show day took Bobby mass

Tues 4 Rain all day

Wed 5 Warm fair day. Marry Arrs John upon Toronto and Alice went home bright

Thurs 6 Beautiful day. waried

Friday 7 Rain in afternoon Mrs Tyrril went to Treton Robert Lochhead took drink morning sills + alled


Sat 8 Fine day went to shop

Sun 9 Beautiful day went to mass and Vespers

Mon 10 Rain in morning fair in afternoon washed. varnished stovepipes

Thus 11 Beautiful day windy

Wed 12 Fine day washed muslin dress

Thur 13 Rain in afternoon ironed

Friday 14 Bright and warm bathed and. made Yeast.

Sat 15 Very fine day Mrs Fraser spent the afternoon went to village.

Sunday 16 Beautiful day went to mass and Vespers

Mon 17 Fine day washed


Tuesday 18 Very hot went to village

Wed 19 Very warm day ironed

Thu 20 Very hot 97° ironed

Frid 21 hot 101° baked

Sat 22 Fine day shaimmyville desaster

Sun 23 Hol day warm to mass called on Mrs lying

Mon 24 Fine day washed

Tues 25 Warm day

Wed 26 Fine day warmed

Thurs 27 Very warm

Fri 28 Very warm baked

Sat 29 Hot went to shop

Sun 30 Very hot went mass


Mond Very warm washed - Mrs Minake and Mrs Bailey called James went to Kingstown rained might

Tues 2 Very warm rain at mgr

Wed 3 Warm John came home

Thur 4 Cloudy and warm

Friday 5 Warm and sultry baked

Sat 6 Warm. Mrs Sills and Hallon glow took down and Tea and Mrs Powers slaid till Sunday

Sunday 7 Warm went to Mass

Mond 8 Warm and pleas and washed Barns went to Toronto

Tues 9 Very sultry

Wed 10 Warm a light shower in the jonons Prennie


Thurs 11 Warm Father and Mother went to Mr. Moanes finished rain in afternoon

Fri 12 Very warm

Sat 13 Warm clear Many an Mangel Welsh came Mrs Cuthell and Baird staid for dimmer

Sun 14 Very hot no mass

Mon 15 Hot day washed

Tues 16 Hot. Miss Vanashiw staid for dinner and. tea

Wed 17 Hot vromed Many and Morg and Welsh staid ball day

Thurs 18 Warm ironed Father MacKay called preserved Kosherus


Frid 19 Fine day baked

Sat 20 Fine sol day Mary Margaret Welsh and George Harrison took dined

Sun 21 Rained staid home from mass Mother went

Mon 22 fine cool day

Tues 23 fine day

Wed 24 fine day presses wed chures

Thu 25 fine day packed Blussails

Fri 26 Rain in the forenoon Mrs Russell and Rimin staid for dinner G Sills took tea

Sat 27 fine cool day Mrs Smallry came. preserved B Cussary

Sun 28 fine day went to Church but no mass May went Bash


Mon 29 Rain nearly all day Maggie Pringle came and went away in the day

Tues 30 Fine day

Wed 31 Beautiful day romed


Mrs Prialey went home

Thur 1 fine day thunder storm at night

Frida 2 Fine day baked chatuer Elen Rennies away

Sat 3 Cloudy Miss Lochhead Staid. For dinner went to town see afternoon

Sun 4 Beautiful day went to church bell mass James & Elena Jermaine Maid for dinner


Mon 5 Beautiful day washed Mrs Grooms staid afternoon

Tues 6 Fine day.

Wed 7 Fine day ironed all day

Thur 8 Very warm show day John W Hendy Wished Robb Maggry and Baby came up

Fri 9 Very hot day M Henty s went home

Sat 10 Warm and showing

Sun 11 Cooler like pain m. mass James Neilson called.

Mon 12 Fine day Mary come to framed the floor

Tues 13 Fine day heavy sained army

Wed 14 throwing chasm everyday


Thur 15 Fine day

Friday 16 Beautiful day finished painting

Sat 17 Fine day show word to show with fawns

Sun 18 Warm wool to Mass took walk in evening

Mon 19 Very warm washed Mrs Fraser and Miss dom Panals him said all Mr Thomps.

Tues 20 Very hot himo Sells and Mag Pringle came round to village with them

Wed 21 Very sultry ironed

Thur 22 Very hot thermometer 90° Mr Thompson went to fifth town Names went to the Gulf

Frida 23 Hot day made lemon juice

Sat 24 Hot Maggie Pringle went away with J. Chamberlain

Sun 25 Warm day went to Church no Mass

Mon 26 Warm. washed

Tues 27 Cooler Mary Dwyer very sick

Wed 28 Fine day round

Thu 29 Clear and windy went to village Mary Dwyer very bad

Frid 30 Cold rain in evening

Sat 31 Cold and clear baked


Sun 1 Warmer went to Church no Mass


Mon 2 Cold washed Mrs Gills and Mrs Jansen took tea M. baby sick

Tues 3 Cold and Clear fair Margd. wind to Lyending

Wed 4 Cold. Children better ironed

Thur 5 Warmer like rain

Fri 6 Warm went to Village in afternoon

Sat 7 Very warm baked.

Sun 8 That no mass

Mon 9 Cooler. washed Mr Mackey took dinner

Tues 10 Rain in afternoon Mrs Brown look dinner Marg went to Lydiahas in card

Wed 11 Fine and clear round Mrs Daverine came staid

Thu 12 Clear and windy Mrs Davson taken sick and wind home rain in the evening M Wel sh starid all night

Frid 13 Fine clear day went to Village in the morning made catsup in afternoon two horses came in evening and staid all night

Sat 14 Clear and cool nemo went to Priests came back in afternoon and went very in stage rain to selling here homes. Laked made June Janes came home Isabell's baby born


Sun 15 Clear and Cool went to church with M Wels new Priest Mrs Lysell called in evening here went to Dwyers wash

Mon 16 Clear and Cool wash went down to Clarkoch

Tues 17 Fine cool day

Wed 18 Clear in morning rain in evening ironed

Thurd 19 Fine day went village and down to Mrs Miller

Frid 20 Cold and Clear went wrote Mary & Bishia went to village Mrs Whitman and two children took dinner


Sat 21 Fine day baked Mary and May Welsh took down

Sun 22 Beautiful day went to Mass Mary and Mag Welsh staid all day Mrs Tyeril and two children called

Mon 23 Fine day. washed

Tues 24 Very warm. Father and and J. Rennie went to to Toronto: made catsup

Wed 25 Rain nearly all day ironed washed blanket

Thur 26 Beautiful day went down to Mrs Millacle

Frid 27 Cool day went to village in forenoon


Sat 28 Fine day baked made pies

Sun 29 Beautiful went to mass with mother I Scott staid fondimen and tea rain in evening

Mon 30 Fine day washed Father and Jake caulker in at night


Tues 1 Cool and dyall went to village

Wed 2 Cool and bright John went to Toronto in morning train round made fris

Thurs 3 Fine day country show Mr and Mrs Hood row came and staid for dining in


went to show in evening Mr Woodrow went home

Frid 4 Beautiful day Mrs Woodrow went home, went to village. Ellen Revere and Mrs Millar called

Sat 5 Beautiful day Mrs Wright called

Sun 6 Very warm went to mass with mother Mrs Tyrill and Mrs Howe called. Tyrill took ta thunder storm fearful lightning

Mon 7 Rain all day clear in evening. washed


Tues 8 Fine day bashed M Wels came

Wed 9 Beautiful day went to Acton went to Paupattains and took dinner went to show and then walked to Woodrows

Thurs 10 Rain in morning went welte Mrs Woodrow for a drive to Bloomfield

Frid 10 Fine day. Froze. came home

Sat 12 Cold and cloudy went to village. got care pierced made Mis


Sun 13 Rain nearly all day no mass

Mon 14 Clear in forenoon Cloudy in afternoon washed blackened stone

Tue 15 Cloudy in forenoon rain in the afternoon. put up the stone in drawing room Mrs Fraser to up dining Mary caim home

Wed 16 Chilly clear

Thur 17 Rain in afternoon ironed Rained the peachy

Frid 18 Beautiful day made up the preaches made yeast Mrs Powers called


Sat 19 Fine day Mrs Chamberlain and Annie took dinner and tea

Sun 20 Clear and Chilly went to mass and Vespers

Mon 21 Beautiful day. washed and commenced cleaning house

Tues 22 cloudy day cleaned the sitting room Mrs Foln Powers took tea

Wed 23 Loudy day baked and ironed

Thurs 24 Beautiful day cleaned the dark Bedroom and the sitting room Mrs Cathell took dinner


Frid 25 Rain in the afternoon brought in the potatoes are old Scotchman staid all night made juis

Sat 26 Rain nearly all day Margaret came over at night

Sun 27 Rain nearly all day went to mass not Vespers

Mon 28 Fine day washed

Tues 29 Beautiful day made flannel drawers

Wed 30 Lovely day ironed and baked went to Village

Thurs 31 Fine day made fine and finished vroming. Wednesday evening the Miss Welshs staid all evening


Frid 1 Fine day went Mass gathered fine comes in Briggs woody M and Mrs Begly called

Sat 2 Dull and cool Ed Harrison took dinner two men drowned in river

Sun 3 Cool and cloudy went to mass Mr Hewty came up

Mon 4 Fine day Mr Revty went home Johnny staid

Tues 5 Cloudy washed went to village and Robby and I went to fresh cons on Robbins hill

Wed 6 Beautiful day ironed

Thur 7 Cool and Cloudy ironed baked

Frid 8 Cool and cloudy made fries

Sat 9 Beautiful day.

Sun 10 Fine day went to Mass Mothers and fains went to Syden hain

Mon 11 Rained a little Jaynes and Mother came home

Tues 12 Rain nearly all day. washed wille the very prime Mech

Wed 13 Fine day Mrs Jarined took dinner Meetup to Village

Tues 14 Rain in forenoon washed some blankets.

Frid 15 Cold and windy Mr. and Mrs Baird took dinner baked

Sat 16 showed through then night and all day till the evening went to Village and to Bigs

Sun 17 Beautiful day no mass Jaines not well

Mon 18 Snow in the afternoon

Tues 19 snow nearly all day made pie

Wed 20 Fine and clear took sleighing

Thurs 21 Fine day John carrie home at fine in the morning and started on the noon brain for New York. went up to the station to section off called tolee Miss Bydly

Frid 22 Throwed all day mowed or less. Sulled the hoy

Sat 23 Sinosed in the forenoon very sote lake rain Johns sailed from New York

Sun 24 Fine day went Mass

Mon 25 Very windy washed

Tues 26 Fine

Wed 27 Cold snowed a little went to village

Thur 28 Snow in afternoon

Fri 29 Fine fair day baked

Sat 30 Very cold snowed in afternoon


Sun 1 Fine in forenoon snow in afternoon went to mass John McKenty came up

Mon 2 Soft snow and rain washed John McKenty took the calf how

Tues 3 Fine day but cloudy Ellen Rennie came and staid went to Village with Ellen


Wed 4 Cloudy made lamp ironed

Thu 5 Dull and cloudy went to Village with Ellen in evening

Fri 6 Fine fair day baked went to Village with Ellen got long ears peerns

Sat 7 Dull Ellen went home and Mary went with her went to Dwyers

Sun 8 Fine day very sloppy went to Mass and Vespers after Vespers called on Mrs Jysie

Mon 9 Very cold 10° below freezing

Tues 10 Very cold May came home


Wed 11 Very cold.

Thur 12 Milder ironed

Frid 13 Soft snow. Hack went the store and put it up in the parlour

Sat 14 Fine day baked went to village callled on Mrs Hosey and Mrs Roger

Sun 15 Fine clear day went to mass

Mon 16 Fine day washed went to Village M and I called on Mrs Slavins went Dwyer

Tues 17 Fine day made Chester cake and put up the stone in the room

Decem 1872

Wed 18 Snow in afternoon J McHeaty came up for Johnny Mrs J Rennie took dinner

Thu 19 Fine cleaned the parlors ironed heavy snow at night

Fri 20 Cold and dull cleaned the dark bedroom

Sat 21 Snow in afternoon went to village

Sun 22 Clear and cold no mass went to Dwyers

Mon 23 Heavy snow in forenoon clear and cold in afternoon washed and baked

Tues 24 Intensely cold cleaned the house went to Village baked crullers


Dec 25 Christmas Very cold went to Mass and Vespers at 1 PM. very cold coming home

Thu 26 Very cold and stormy ironed

Fri 27 Clear and cold PM Kane called

Sat 28 Cold

Sun 29 Fine day a little mild went mass to Dwyer afternoon

Mon 30 Fine clear day washed went to village in the afternoon brought dries shoes over

Tues 31 Fine day baked went up to shop provershow

January 1873 Diary 1873

Wed 1 Fine mild day went to mass with mother and Mary Margaret came over in evening went to Vespers in evening

Thu 2 Fine soft day rain in evening Margaret came in the

Fri 3 Thawed all day

Sat 4 Colder.

Sun 5 Very stormy went to mass. went to Dwyers

Mon 6 Clear and fine went to Mass snow very deep Maryl came over with me James went to Sydenham

Tues 7 Dull day washed M. came over


Wed 8 Very windy. Shows sent in pap.

Thur 9 Heavy snow storm ironed

Frid 10 Stormy all day went open to Dwyer Mary came over

Sat 11 Fine clear cold day

Sun 12 Fine clear day went to Mass went our to Dwyers with Robby

Mon 13 Rain nearly all day washed

Tues 14 Fine clear day John McKenty James and Johnny. came up Mrs Slavin called Andy Rain called in evening


Wed 15 Cold and stormy in the morning. soft in evening John McKenty went home went over to Dwyers in evening

Thur 16 Rain all day Mary came over in afternoon bond cert out my womens dress. Mary washed

Fri 17 Clear and cold made caluce at cakes served dress

Sat 18 Fine day went village in the afternoon a child drowned in a cistern

Sun 19 Fine clear went to Church no Mass Mother and James went to J. Rennie in the afternoon


Mon 20 Fine day washed Edward Harrison staid all night

Tues 21 Fine soft day James bought down his twenty from the shop baked made fruit load M. Fedd—is died

Wed 22 Fine clear day Jaimes went to Toronto Mary Anne Syrrill called went over to Dwyers in evening

Thur 23 Very cold 106 below zero got a bag of sugar

Frid 24 Milder.

Sat 25 Fine day

Su 26 Fine went to Mass went to Dwyers in the afternoon Mrs Syrrill staid for tea

Mon 27 Washed fine day

Tues 28 Fine a light snow got a better from John and Janny

Wed 29 Very frosty 25° below Zero. went up to Clements and got teeth filled

Thur 30 Milder M. Welsh and Mary came in the afternoon

Fri 31 Fine. baked ironed


Febuary 1873

Sat 1 Frosty

Sun 2 Fine clear went to Mass very frosty in the evening went over to Dwyers

Mon 3 Milder a little rain in the afternoon was he Mrs Fraser took dinner

Tues 4 Beautiful day

Wed 5 Fine day ironed went to Dwyer in ever

Thur 6 Splendid day went to Village Mary are Margl Welsh and M came for tea

Fr 7 Beautiful day Old Mr McKenty and Robby came up Mrs Fraser took dinner

Feb 1873

Sat 8 Light showers all day of snow clear in the evening and cold Isabella came up and Robby Margl came over went over to Dwyers with Isabell and Margt

Sun 9 Clear and very cold Mr McKenty Robby and Johnny went home no mass

{A faded entry for 'Mon 10' appears after this}

Febuary 1873

Tues 11 Light snow in the morg at letter from John Tea and Robby went home clear and cold in the evening

Wed 12 Clear and cold ironed went over to Dwyer

Thur 13 Clear and cold Father Mackey called and Mrs Neilson took Wm Neilson took dinner and staid the evening

Frid 14 Clear and Cold made cakes and many Mr and Mrs Martens and two lays took dinner George Harrison called

Febuary 1873

Sat 15 Fine and mild made fine Maggy Welsh came for buttermilk in morning

Sun 16 Fine day John came home in the morning train went to Mass Thomas Walsh came from the Church with ay and took dinner Mr and Mrs Begley called

Mon 17 Beautiful day. washed Mrs Martin called John McKenty brought Johnny back. John went home Mrs J Rennie and John took tea. Johnny went to Toronto. Jhary stand for there

Feb 1873

Tues 18 Fine in the forenoon windy in afternoon went over to Dwyers in the evening Margt Weln came for milk

Wed 19 Windy thawing day.

Thur 20 Clear and cold Uncle dick and and Sally took dinner an Uncle William and Walters staid after anomaly the rorse races

Frid 21 Great snow storm clear in evening

Sat 22 Very frosty

Sun 23 Frosty went to Mass

Febuary 1873

Mon 24 Very frosty washed

Tue 25 Millder baked

Wed 25 Ash Wednesday went to Church ironed in the afternoon M. Welsh came for milk

Thu 26 Snow all day

Frid 27 Fine mild day made biscuit



Sat 1 Fine day went to Village called on Dwyers John very sick

Sun 2 Fine day went to mass went to Davises Mrs Davis dying

Mon 3 Very cold washed Mother went to davis Mrs Davis died very frosty in the evening

Tues 4 Very cold—fair day Dwyer very sick

Wed 5 Fine bright day a letter from James Mrs McKenty and Mrs Shawm called Harry McKenty died past 6 OClock in the evening


Thu 6 Fine day got a telegraph from McKentys. Matthew and Johnny McKenty and Johnny Rennie went down went over to Dwyers

Frid 7 Fine soft day Harry finished at half past 10 OClock Dwyer better went over to Dwyers

Sat 8 Wet dull day Dwyers bad Dr Mower called went over to Dwyers cleared up Fannie Kelly came to his hand

Sun 9 Fine day went to Dwyers very bad of his head Margaret and Mary Welsh and Debby and Mrs Henry there set up all night


Mon 10 Fine day staid over to Dwyers till noon brought Margt Welsh over for dinner Father Mackay came to Dwyer

Tues 11 Fine washed went to Dwyers in afternoon Dwyer very bad staid up all night

Wed 12 Fine brought James's over Pat OBrien brought Mother home Mr John Rennie came over came and staid all night

Thur 13 Fine and cold Mr Rennie went home the Welsh took dinner Bobby Mary and James here


Fri 14 Fair day baked went to Dwyer in evening Day very bad sinking, up all night

Sat 15 15 Rain nearly all day Bethias baby died at 12 today went to Dwyer at night. fearfully storming came back

Sun 16 Cold windy day Dwyer dying staid Bobby Mary and Jansie over Dwyer died at a quarter to 9 in the evening John Gleeson John Begly Mrs Begly Mrs Herns two Nies Welsh Mrs Mr Cornell all died


Mon 17 Clear cold came home in the forenoon Sid up with Mag. Welsh an and Debby Roney Myers John Bugly


Tues 18 Dull day came home in the forenoon Mrs Fraser McCuthell Ellen Rennie took dinner in the afternoon Gieble Miss Ryan George Maecr. Robby and Ricky and baby came up Miss Ryan and I went own to Dwyer Islaid and Miss Ryan went home

Tues 18 Mrs MacMill Mrs Havins Ms How's Slam Michael Gleeson Isabell and Islaid up snowing

Wed 19 Fine clear day Mrs Rovere came and we went over to funeral Isabell and the Macis went home went over to Dwyer and staid with Debby till they came home from the evening again Maggie Welsh and Roney there Maggie Welsh and I called at Mrs Howe going home


Thu 20 Soft snow all day jainsie and Mary token sick with scarf fear went over in the afternoon. Robby suck

Fri 21 Soft snow all day went over to Dwyers children very sick

Sat 22 Clear day snow very over to Dwyers Janesie very sick all night at Devy

Sun 23 Cold windy day Me the sick said at Dwyers till noon went again in the afternoon went to see Mrs Howes food her very sick

Mon 24 Very cold washed Mr Mackey called Mother very sick Dr Minon and his wife staid all night

Tues 25 Very stormy and cold mother a little better Jamie very sick Mary Welsh staid all night

Wed 26 Very stormy Mrs Fraser staid all day went to Dwyers children over sick

Thu 27. Clear and cold Mike a little better Ms Fraser staid tell evening


Thu 27 Mary Welsh staid all night Father Sean and called on Mother

Frid 28 Clear and wild Mother better able to sit up

Sat 29 Heavy rain all day Mother poorly went to Dwyer in evening from

Sun 30 Cold and windy went to Dwyers in the forenoon Mother better

Mon 31 Fine washed went to Dwyers in the afternoon baby very sick mother poorly


Tue 1 Tuesday John went back to Toronto. Mother very poorly baby very bad staid all the afternoon and all night at Dolage M. Welsh and I s at up

Wed 2 Windy chilly day baby died 6. A.M. staid all the forenoon came home in the afternoon Mothers very poorly Dr Minon call Debby washed. Jansie very bad

Thu 3 Cloudy baby punished Mother poorly Mrs Tyrell called in the evening Mary and came over

Frid 4 Beautiful day baked Father Leonard called to see mother. ironed Mother better sat up all day John Gleeson called in the evening

Sat 5 Fine a little rain in the morning Debby took dinner Mrs McGelivery called to an mother pretty well childred. getting better

Sun 6 Dull in the morning went to Mass corn mensed to rain slope at Davys for and in velles went to Dwyers from afternoon


Mon 1 Slight showers all day washed

Tue 8 Rain all day our to Dwyer in the forenoon Mrs Ross called in afternoon

Wed 9 The darkest day of my life John came home and then told me James was dead

Thu 10 Bright and windy staid all the afternoon Dwyers What a dismal week


Sun 13 Fine day Mary went to Mass Mother pretty well Mr and Mrs McNeill staid all the afternoon

Mon 14 Chilly day washed John came home in the evening with James trunk went to Devy. in the night with May.

Tues 15 Bright Mother a little better staid over to Dwyers all the afternoon Mrs Mr Neell called in the evening other Begly called

Wed 16 Bright day Mrs Cais called in the morning Ellen Rennie Jaime tok dinner Father Mackay came in the afternoon Mary. came other M. Men Tyrell called in the sell wifey went over to Dwyer at night

Thu 17 Rain all day John went to Toronto

Fri 18 Rain nearly all day Eley Droney called away

Sat 19 Fine in the forenoon Rain in evening Mrs Russell and Reiner took down Mrs Sweeney called in the afternoon


Sun 20 Bright day no mass staid the afternoon to Dwyers

Mon 21 Cold chilly from in the morning Mrs Powers and Mr and Mrs Sills took dinner and staid till the afternoon went roll Mrs Powers to Dwyers came back with May

Tues 22 Cold gloomy day Mrs Powers took are went to Dwyers

Wed 23 Clear. went shop to gel dress cut went to Dwyers with Mrs Powers and staid all night

Thu 24 Cold. bleak. Mrs Tyrell came in evening to fil dresses. went wille Mrs Powers to Dwyers

Frid 25 Cold went with the Mrs Powers and picked Jos ripers Cerries

Sat 26 Cold Mrs Powers went home Mrs Forward called and Mrs Neilson called in evening went to Dwyers and staid all night


Sun 27 Fine clear day went to Mass in the afternoon to Dwyers M. Welsh a and Andy Baritoo tea. went soothe M Welsh to Dwyers in evening took Robby home

Mon 28 Fine clear day wash cut prind dress

Tues 29 Beautiful day baked Mrs Brown and Mrs M. Powers called

Wed 30 Fine. over to Dloyers in afternoon Mary Welsh came to bid us goodbye the cow died staid at Dwyers all night


Thu 1 Fine day came home at 9. a.m. Sewed all day J Neilson called

Fri 2 Rain all day staid all night at Dwyers

Sat 3 Cold. dreary John McHeity came up in evening

Sun 4 Class and warm went to mass with John McHewty and Mary McHeity. went home went to vespers stopped at Dwyers and Mary Welsh came over with us

Mon 5 Fine clear washed staid all night as Dwyers brought Mary over


Tues 6 Fine day commence house clearning

Wed 7 Fine day cleaned the parlour

Thurs 8 Cloudy like pain took up the carpet

Frid 9 Cloudy. baked and howl staid at Dwyers all night

Sat 10 Windy. chilly the clearing took fire at Dwyers Mother went to Dwyers after dinner staid all nigh

Sun 11 Fine day went to Mass

Mon 12 Fine day washed went to Village in afternoon

Tues 13 Fine cool day cleaned the dark bedroom and Marys

Wed 14 Clear and cool while washed dining room and pantry

Thu 15 Clear and cool frost at morning cleared the Beltok Mrs Tyrrill called in the evening staid all night at Dwyers

Fri 16 Fine day baked and ironed Mr Slavin called Sahey. Robby and Maggie came up

Sat 17 Cloudy and cool Mrs Fraser and daughter called in the morning Mrs J Rennie called in the afternoon went to Village with Maggy


Sun 18 Fine went to mass with Robby Saney went home Mrs Fairman and Mr Fraser took tea. went to Dwyers in the evening M Welsh and Howe there

Mon 19 Fine day washed Miss Prinjea staid all day. went to village in the evening staid all night at Dwyers

Tues 20 Beautiful day helped Mangel to prepare her ketchup went to Buglyes in the afternoon

Wed 21 Midday made pies

Thu 22 Cleaned Cook House

Fri 23 Very hot ironed

Sat 24 Very windy the Rossev took dinner went to Clenchville Mrs Commey

Sun 25 Warm and clear went to Mass M Welsh came in evening went to Dwyers with her

Mon 26 Washed. cleaned cellar

Thu 27 Hot. prepared the ketchup Mrs Tyrrell came in the evening staid at Dwyers all night

Wed 28 Fine baked ironed mash staid at Dwyers

Thu 29 Fine. took Mary & Debby to see the Show Mrs Gammon called rain in evening staid at Dwyers

Frid 30 Cool and fair Mary went to Syders house

31 Clear painted the drawing room staid at home

Sun 1 Warm. fine no may went Dwyers and took Jainie for an walk Mr Howell at Dwyers


Mo 2 Fine washed finished painting

Tue 3 Fine fair day finning Rennie called went to Dwyers in afternoon Miss Begly called. at Dwyers. went home wish her a jein of the way.

Wed 4 Warm. rain in the afternoon. Begly went away

Thu 5 Beautiful day went to Dwyers in the forenoon Mary wot well

Fri 6 Fine.


Sat 7 Dull. baked Mrs J Rennie and Ayans called

Sun 8 Warm went to Mas and took. Robby M Walsh came home with us and took dinner after tea went over to Dwyer

Mon 9 Warm. washed went to Village in afternoon

Tues 10 Warm Father went to Belleville made grenadine dress Mrs Fraser staid all the afternoon and at night rain

Wed 11 Fine gathered juniper berries Mrs Fraser went away Father came home staid at Dwyer

Thu 12 Fine cool. made mothers dress Village me tomorrow

Fri 13 Fine cool. cleaned up the rooms made cake and rice

Sat 14 Fine Marg' went to Lysanders again in the cars Robby and I went to Mation to meet her Mary and Isabella and Robby and Johnny came up


Su 15 Warm Mary l and Isabell and Mary Robby Lakey and Robby and Mary Dwyer went to Mass Mrs Tyrill called in the evening

Mon 16 Showery in the forenoon. Isabella went toome plu Nelson staid the afternoon

Tue 17 Fine made collars H Dasy called

Wed 18 Fine Sandy Ruth over came

Thuy 19 Very hot J. Nelson called in the evening high wing

Fri 20 Cooler went to Village in afternoon

Sat 21 Fine Mrs Cuthell called Mrs Powers and Mrs Russell took. dinner went to Village

Su 22 Fine day Sandy Rush home and Robby went both up to Mass

Mo 23 Warm day washed went to Village in evening Rain at night

Tu 24 Fine Sandy Ruth over got a telegraph that his brother and slashed for home on the evening brain


Wed 25 Warm -

Thu 26 Warm

Fri 27 Very hot Miss Va walshtine staid all day rain in evening

Sat 28 Very warm Russell came in the money and took breakfast and staid till drawer Johnny came home over the noon M train. Belliea and John and Mary over Maggy came up

Sun 29 Warm. all went to mass. John went home


Mo 30 Fine day Rained a little washed

July Tues 1 Warm baked fries ironed went to Dwyer

W. 2 Warm Johnny went away on the madsonghe away on the Train from Russell and Harms Russell took tea Marg staid the afternoon

Thu 3 Warm ironed muslin dresses

Fri 4 Warm went to Village and took Mary and May McKenty and Robbies and Mary and Jeanne Dwyer badsiel for their Photos


Sat 5 Hot. James Russell called John McKenty came up

Sun 6 Warm and bright went to Mass McKenty went home

Mon 7 washed warm

Tue 8 Warm Mary' not over

Wed 9 Warm Mary went to Picton came back in evening M. Walsh and I went to Village in evening

Thu 10

Thu 10 Rain

Fri 11 Fine calf came baked went to Village

Sat 12 Fine MagNecly took tia Mag Ryan Anne Marie Mac and Robby Lakey came up went to Village with A. M Mac and M Ryan for a walk

Sund 13 Fine day went to Mass Mr and Mrs Slavier called in evening and all went for a walk stopped at Slavins and spent the evening staid at Dwyers all night Mary bad with toothache

Mon 14 Very hot Annie M and May and Robby went home in the afternoon James Russell called Mary' bad with toothache


Tue 15 Warm Marg's baby born two A. M. in noon went with Mrs Flowers for Mrs Tyrrill washed staid at Dwyers all afternoon

We 16 Fine day staid at Dwyers rain at night

Thu 17 Fine went to Market for Mary' rain

Fri 18 Fine and clear staid at Mary'

Sat 19 Fine day baked staid at Mary' off

Sun 20 Fine went to Mass staid at Mary' all afternoon May Welsh Mrs Howell there

Mo 21 Fine washed

Tu 22 Warm went to Market for Mary' and bought berries for her made there up for her

Wed 33 Warm got a litter from the Prest in Saul Storming

Thu 24 Warm went to Dwyers Debby there Mary' able to be around picked. the black currant

Fri 25 Warm windy day very disagreeable ironed made up Black currant

Sat 26 Fine cool day thunderstorm in the night Mrs John Rennie called and like a cheese


Sun 27 Fine day went to Mass over to Dwyers in afternoon

Mon 28 Warm. washed C. Wright and Harriet came and staid for tea went home in the evening Mother Mary and Howes at Dwyer at night thunder storm

Tue 29 Fine ironed Russells want to toor

Wed 30 Beautiful day went to shop and to Photos after to Market for M'

Thu Mrs Powers came in the evening and staid all night

Thuy 31 Fine. went to Market and with Mrs Powers to Henderson's


Thu 31 Maggy Pringle and Millie Sills carrier we all went to Village in evening rain in evening staid all night at Dwyers

Fri 1 Beautiful. M. Coingher and M. Sills went home

Sat 2 Fine

Sun 3 Fine went to mass and took Robby to Vespers

Mon 4 Fine washed washed the bullore forehead seen Mrs J. Perry called

Tu 5 Warm. made a bol of hard soap Mary's old shop burnt


Wed 6 Fine wash soap

Thu 7 Fine made soap early and took Robby Mary and Jansie to see the show

Fri 8 Fine

Sat 9 Fine. James Russell called

Sun 10 Fine went to Mass and Vespers

Mon 11 Fine. washed

Tu 12 Fine cool day ironed went. Village got home for apron and Sonny Ladyers forward

Wed 13 Fine cool day Mrs H. took Robby to a Pienie M. Walsh staid at Dwyer and I staid at home all night the first time in 1 weeks

Thu 14 Warm and windy went to Village twice

Fri 15 Fine day baked

Sat 16 Beautiful day cool

Sun 17 Beautiful day went to Mass and took Robby Mary' and children came over and took dinner and staid all night M Welsh staid all night and I staid home


Mon 18 Fine day washed heavy rain in the afternoon and all night M Welsh staid all night at Mary' and I staid home

Tu 19 Beautiful day over to Mary's all the the afternoon M. sick

Wed 20 Beautiful day. Mary's better Mrs Russell came and staid till evening Mrs Fraser and Mrs Goodson called went home with Mrs Russell and then went to Village

Thu 21 Fine day went Village in evening Mother making soft soap

Fri 22 Fine sewed apron all day

Sa 23 Fine cool day baked Mrs Neely took tea

Sun 24 Beautiful day went to Mass and Vespers took Robby and Mary for a walk

Mon 25 Fine cool day washed Mr and Mrs McNeill called

T 26 Cool day ironed

We 27 called on Mrs Slav and Mrs McKenty Mys scoll and Miss Johnny there


Wed 21 Fine day Mrs McKenty staid afternoon Ms Neely took dinner

Thu 28 Fine James Russell called M. and I took tea at Slavins

Fri 29 Beautiful day Mrs Slavin Miss Scoll and Miss Johnson and Mrs Fraser took tea

Sat 30 Fine day

Sun 31 Dull cloudy went to Mass Mrs Howes and Tyrrill at Dwyers


Sep 1 Mon Fine day washed James Russell called in afternoon went to M

Tu 2 Fine Mrs Russell and girl and two children staid all night

Wed 3 Dull rainy morning Mrs Russell and family went home made hard soap

Thu 4 Beautiful day Mal Joushood staid all night heavy rain in afternoon


Fri 5 Cool dull day

Sat 6 Fine day went to Village. and helped Mary and to make Plens pressed for Russell staid evening

Sun 7 Cool. dull went to Mass but no Mass Margaret and child dress took dormin and staid afternoon Mrs Tyrrill staid afternoon and took tea took Robby and Mary and Jansie for a walk coming to rain in evening

M 8 Fine day washed cut and pried dress went to shop in evening

Tu 9 Fine day ironed sewed in afternoon

W. 10 Fine day Mrs Green staid afternoon and all night Mrs Tyrrill at Dwyers

Thu 11 Fine clear day Mrs Green went away. Mrs Wright staid afternoon

Fri 12 Very hot. baked Ellen Rennie called rain in the night


Sat 13 cold and chilly finished ironed dress

Sun 14 Chilly day went to mass. Mother went to Wilsons went to Margarets

Mon 14 Cool rain in afternoon washed Mrs Fraser took dinner and staid all night the soldiers camped in the palace green

Tue 15 Clean and windy Mrs Fraser went home made soap block Robby and Mary to Mellovilly to see soldiers

Wed 16 Fine day made soap Alvaretta Flynn called went to Village

Thu 17 Beautiful day made soap M. came over and left her baby

Fri 18 Rain

Sa 19 Clear cool Mrs Powey came went to the abo the village to see the soldiers stopped at M. and Mother and Powers and I came home Mrs Sweeney called and I Isabell and Robby and Dennis came up Powers went Marg's


Sun 20 Beautiful Robby and Dennie and Mary and I went to Mass Marg and children took dinner had a dream with Robby and Dennis and Rob Dwyer James Russell called James Sweeney staid the evening and Mr and Mrs Slavins

Mon 21 Washed early took Robby and Mary to see the soldiers James Russell called in the afternoon took Robby and many to Rouses to see the soldiers Father started for Toronto Mary and Isabell went to station with him commenced raining in the evening

Tue 22 Cool went to Village to the Davies in evening Marg' staid for tea

Wed 23 Beautiful day Isabell and boys went home the soldiers went away

Thu 24 Rain father came home in the morning train


Fri 26 Fine clear day Mr Russell staid the afternoon

Sat 27 Very hot. baked Webby helped to wash blase at Mr chills took tea

Sun 28 Very hot went to Man Marg' came over

Mon 29 Rain nearly all day washed

Tue 30 Cool washed feather Sicks James Russell took tea and Marg' left her baby till she went to village went to village in evening


Wed 1 Fine day mad cold up and ironed all day

Thu 2 Dull gloomy day made Pear preserves

Fri 3 Cool and cloudy Mrs Russell and Miss Jennings called Mother went to Frome with G. Sills went to Hows in evening

Sat 4 Rain all day

Sun 5 Gloomy day went to Mass Mrs Tyrrell at Dwyers

Mon 6 Cold dull washed James Russell and Jennings called


Tues 7 Cold and clear ironed

Wed 8 Fine warm day served Mary. dress Mary went to Russell

Thu 9 Beautiful day

Wed 10 Miss Russell other Miss Jennings staid the afternoon and Mrs Russell came at night

Fri 10 Fine day Mother came home with Mr Sells colored Black. went to Russells in evening staid at home all night

Sat 11 Warm and cloudy the two Mrs Russell took dinner Mrs Fraser and Mrs Wilson called

Sun 12 Rain nearly all day went to Mass John McKenty Belle Robby and Jansie came up Mrs Russell staid the evening

Mon 13 Clear washed John McKenty Robby and Jansie went home

Tu 14 Beautiful day made apple jelly Mary and Bethea packed books show day


Tues 14 Bethea Mary and I went to Marg' in evening Mrs Tyrrill and Kelly Allan there

Wed 15 Splendid day. show G Sills called are fine Rennie

Thu 16 Cloudy windy day Mrs McNeill called Marg' staid afternoon

Fri 17 Clear and cold Mrs Toby staid for dinner colored blast Mefs Jennings called

Sat 18 High towed rain in afternoon J McKenty came up went to Village in evening

Sun 19 Rain all day staid home from Mass John McKenty Bethea and Margaret went to church and got the baby baptized Marg' and children staid McKenty and Mle Jennning went home Mr Russell took tea and staid all evening very dark. rainy to Mary

Mon 20 Rain all day washed

Tue 21 Clear in went to C. farms and sigmed mortgage


Tue 21 Mrs Cuthell took dinner Mrs Grenne staid all May

Wed 22 Cold windy ironed all day

Thu 23 Cloudy commenced packing up Jahey Richey and finney came up falery and Richey went to Mary's with men commenced rain in evening. washed

Fri 24 Clear and cool packing up all day Mrs Russell called Went to Village with Richey

Sat 25 Clear and cold Jahey and Richey went home James Russell staid all evening went to Howey

Sun 26 Cloudy and cool went to Mass at 7. Ass

Mon 27 Rain in forenoon clear in evening Mrs Fraser called Mary went to Toronto went to station work here.

Tu 28 Disagreeable day

Wed 29 Cloudy ironed Mrs Russell took dinner

Thu 30 Cold Mother not well

Fri 31 Cloudy cold day Mother went over to Dwyers snow at dregh


Sat 1 Beautiful day went to mass Mother not well Mrs Rennie called went to see Alvaretta Fly

Sun 2 Went to Mass commenced to Rain James Russell staid the evening went to Marg' Mrs Howes there

Mon 3

Tus 4 Cold and cloudy Mr and Mrs Whiteman came Mrs Whiteman went to Hay Bay and Mr Whiteman staid all night

Wed 5 Cold and cloudy the Whitemans went away Mrs Wright staid for dinner

Thu 6 {1 blank page}

{timeskip from previous page from December 6th, 1873 to January 1st, 1874}


Thu 1 Mother was laid in the vault. Jahey Isabella Robby and Mrs Mace went home John McKenty and Bethea staid may Welsh staid the afternoon and went wete Mr Tyrrill in evening

Fri 2 Dreary day John McKenty and the rest went to Mass in morning and there went home Maggy Welsh staid all night

Sat 3 Dull dreary day packed up bed and other things John went up on evening train

Sun 4 Fine day Mary and I went to Mass Mr Perry called. and May Sills came and staid all night

Mo 5 Fine and clear Mrs Melleville came washed

Tu 6 Epiphany. stormy snow Mary went to mass May Welsh called in evening commenced to rain in evening


Wed 7 Rain all day ironed all day

Thu 8 Rain part of the day James Russell came in afternoon went to M. in evening

Fri 9 Fine clear day Mrs Melleville came and washed bed clothes a girl evening all

Sat 10 Wild day

Sun 11 Clear went to mass went to Marg' and took little Mary home Mrs Howes there

Mon 12 Fine day washed

Tues 13 Very cold ironed in the afternoon Mary and I spent the evening at Mrs McNeilly Mag Welsh staid all night

Wed 14 Very cold Mrs Russell called G B Sills called

Thu 15 Cold

Fri 16

Sat 17

Su 18 Cold went to mass

Mo 19 Cold washed

Tu 20 Rain

Wed 21 Rain went to Village

Thu 22 Very windy went to Village Mrs Mr Kenty staid for to Mr and Mrs Slavin called for her


Fri 23 Cold Mrs McNeill and Miss Daverne called

Sat 24 Snow Ellen Reiner called

Sun 25 Fine no mass took little mary home Mrs Howes over

Mo 26 Cold snow in aftern.

Tu 27 Fine day

Wed 28 snow Miss Beison called

Thu 29 Very cold

Fri 30 intensely cold went to Hay Bay with Ellen Reiner

Sat 31 Very cold went to Rense with Cellem


Su 1 Very cold staid in all day J. Russell staid the afternoon

Mo 2 Intensely cold Ellen Rennie Mrs Cuthell and I went to Bairds and staid till evening went Russells with Mrs Cuthell and staid all night

Tu 3 Came home with J Russell Mrs Powers back dinner

Tu 4 Frosty

We 5 Frosty ironed

Thu 6 Cold Annie Neilson took dinner


Frid 7 Cofd

Sat 8 Cold made lunch Jnid went Village went l Margaret widower

Sun 9 Frosty staid from mass vouch Willan and Wallis and Heyone called brought Mary home in evening

Mon 10 Washed. snow Mrs Tyrrell called in even went to Mary' with her

Fri 11 Fine day

Wed 12 Fine John came down on the morning train and went back in evening train

Thu 13 Fine took up the carpets

Fri 14 Washed George Harrison and wife staid Jordine

Sat 15 Cold Ellen Revere staid all day Isabell and Robby and baby came up

Sun 16 Fine staid from Mass fine and Ellen went home after dinner. Robby Lakey drove us to Russells. Maury McNeills and Welshy went over with Mary in evening

Mon 17 Fine Mr and Mrs J Russell took dinner J. McKenty came up Mr Welsh and the two Mrs Russells came to say good bye


Mon 17 Father, Mary and I went to Station for Toronto. J. McKenty and Isabell and Uncle Jinney came to see us off started on the 50 M staid and got to Toronto at half past Twelve at night

Tues 18 Fine day two men pored the gas and and walis pipes J. Russell called

Wed 19 Dull day Mrs Burns

Thu 20 Fine Mr and Mrs Grey staid in the evening

Frid 21 Dull the stain carpet laid

Sat 22 Show in evening fine in evening John and I took a walk down Goring St

Tue 23 Fine went to mine & O mass Father and John to ten O Clock MacNamara

Mo 24 Fair and cold John went on his trip

Tue 25 Cold and dude went down to Goring

We 26 Cold and dreary

Thu 27 Cold Mrs Rooney called

Fri 28 Fine Mrs Walsh and Mrs Walls called

Sat 29 Beautiful day went dower sheet


Mon 1 Lovely day went to ten O Clock mass in the afternoon John Rennie called and we went for a walk Mr and Mrs Burns called in evening

Mon 2 Fine washed went called down street M. Jennings

Tues 3 Dull day rain in afternoon.

Wed 4 Fair John Ruth were and wife called went down Udery St

Thu 5 Fine clear day Miss Donaline called

Fri 6 Cold. some Mrs MacNamara called Mary and I went to Post Office and there to Vespers at Cathedral

Sat 7 Cold wind went down to Young St John came home at night

Su 8 Dreary day J and J went to ten OClock May

Mo 9 Fine day washed

Tue 10 Mrs Tyrrell came at night Cold day

Wed 11 Very cold went to Vespers in evening


Thu 12 Dull went down She Street

Fri 13 Nice day

Sat 14 Cold dreary went down

Sun 15 Clear went to Mass Mrs Tyrrell here

Mon 16 Clear washed

Thu 17 Dull in morning rain afternoon St Patricks Mass in Cathedral guard procession

Wed 18 Rain in afternoon

Thu 19 Fine day

Fri 20 The archbishop howe fireworks at Cathedral mary Mrs Tyrrell and I went to Vespers in evening

Sat 21 Beautiful day went to mass and down Street in morning Mabellan Mag Rushven came in evening Isa and I went down St at night

Sun 22 Clear day Mrs Tyrrill took Ruthvery to mass Mary and John went to vespers the Rushvent went to Mitro poletar

Mo 23 Very cold Mary and Ruthvery went up Young St Mrs Tyrrell sewn Dress

Tu 24 Cold Mary Black and two children came Mrs Tyrrell went to Asylum wila went away there on cars


Wed 25 Cold Ruthvens went away washed Mrs Mackand called rain evening

Thu 26 went drownd

Fri 27 Fine day

Sat 28 Fine went Home St

Sun 29 Palin Jurin got John Jove Archbishop

Mon 30 Cold Carpenter came to work Mrs Jenning and daughter called

Fri 31 Cold Carpenter to wr in drawing room


Wed 1 Cold

Thu 2 Fine day went to Mass

Frid 3 Friday went to Vespers and Stations in afternoon

Sat 4 Cold went to Mass papered the dining room in afternoon Miss Jenning staid for tia I laid the stair carpet

Sun 5 Ester went to mass John and I went to Vespers in afternoon

Mon 6 snow in afternoon

Mon 6 Fine washed Slavin and Gester called John went to Napanee in the him to remover Mothers removing

Thu 7 Fine May Died I called on Donalee and Walls and Rooney's


Wed 7 John and Sahiy came home with mothers remains Barnes there

Thu 8 Dull chilly day Burns came in Morn we all went to Carvery Mothers was laid in

Frid 10 Fine Lakey Mary and I went to Bro Arnold's and Warehouse from Mare

Sat 11 And W Ryan came in evening

Sat 11 Snow Bro Arnold Lakey and I started on the Yach train got in Kingston at Ralf pass 2 stripped at Dolany Robby Lakey waiting for us took dinner at Dolans got in Sydinks a fin evening John all was

Sun 12 Clear and Cold no Mass in Sydenhias May Ryan called in evening

Mon 13 Fine day wrote letters Miss Rolan yearing at Laheys

Tu 14 served all day went to macy & miss Slaom Her


Wed 15 Rain in morning windy all day May Ryan came in afternoon Isabell and I went to Mrs Ryan

Thu 16 Saved all day thunder storm in evening

Fri 17 Snow in forenoon went to afternoon start for over

Sat 18 Beautiful day ever made cake Isa and went to Barcher

Sun 19 Beautiful day went to Mass with Jabey Isabell Dennis Robby and Jainsie

Sun 19 Mrs Mace came in afternoon Isa and I took a short wack J Gary and wife and John Keely and May Ryan came in evening we all went over to Mass for a short time

Mon 20 Cold rain started for Kingston in stage with Salsey and Mrs Mace stopped at Mrs Dermotty Sahey John McKenty and I took dinner got to McKenty at 4 6 cts found all will


Thu 21 Dull cold day with all day

Wed 22 Cold clear went to barn and bay with children

Thu 23 Cold. clear John took me to station got to Napanee at 4 PM found for and children well

Fri 24 Margaret went to McKenty went to station with her Mrs Fraser in and out Mrs J Bliwell called

Sat 25 Cold no one in but John Gleeson

Sun 26 Snow in morning warm and clear in evening Mrs Hows called in afternoon

Mon 27 Cold washed

Tu 28 Cold froze went to Russell in the evening

Wed 29 Very cold

Thu 30 Milder went Village to get dress and hat Beihias baby loom


Fri 1 Robby Lahey and boy came up after the cow


Sat 2 Beautiful day. They drove the cow away and G Jimmy went with there Mrs Fraser and Vain alstine Nellie Wilson and Walter Fraser staid evening

Sun 3 Beautiful day Robby and I went to mass after dine took the children for a walk Mrs Howe called

Mon 4 Fair day Mrs McNeill called went to Village in evening

Tu 5 Fair washed went to Village up for M H.

Wed 6 Fine Mrs Russell staid for tea M Welsh came and cut out R. Goat

Thu 7 Cool day Jimmy came home in cars went to Village for dress M Welsh came and staid all night

Fri 8 Warm M Welsh went away had toothache in evening

Sat 9 Warm. Windy went to Market in evening Father Mackey called

Su 10 Fine warm day went to Mass Bean came in afternoon


Su 10 Mr and Mrs Slavin and horse carriage afternoon went to Currying ground with Footy Fraser and children for a walk

Mo 11 Windy cook washed Christy Keilmurray called and Ellen Rennie staid for a few minute

Tu 12 Warm James Russell called and Tom Welsh came in Mrs Hosey called Mary came home on cars Mr Hows called

Wed 13 Warm ironed in evening went to Mrs Neills

Thu 14 Cool Mary went to Mass and I took the train for McKenty got to John met me at the station found Bettia and baby well

Fri 15 Fine day served went to bay for coney

Sat 16 Fine day rain after

Su 17 Fine went to Words with the childron and end Anns

Mo 18 Fine served all day

Tu 19 Fine


Wed 20 Fine Aunt Nancy went to Bash with old Mrs MkKinly and Robert

Thu 21 Rain John went to Blacksmith shop

Fri 22 Fine

Sat 23 Fine John went to Knight a letter from Toronto

Sun 24 Warm Tom McDermott and Sandy Winks went home Johnny and Mary and Mag and I went with Ann as far as floating bay Johnny drove Jim Drainan and Johnson & Anne to McK{cut off}

{second page}


Mon 25 Rain girl not home Bethia and I done her work

Tue 26 Drizzy rain

Wed 27 Beautiful day the girl came home Mrs Nugent came in afternoon

Thu 28 Fine wrote to Isa Johnny Bobby and Jimmy went to Post Off horse fun away

Fri 29 Fine went to bay to gather cones with May a My

Sat 30 Beautiful day after dinner John drove me to Kingston took the stage to Sydenham stopped at McDermott for a few minutes got to Sydenham at 7 found all well


Sun 31 Very sultry thunder shower before dinner Mrs Mace came in Mag Ryan came in the evening went for a walk took tea at Macy James s leg very painful Isabell and I went to see Dr rainy

June Mon 1 Cool and dull James better Mrs Mace and Mrs Ryan {illegible} in to see him

Tue 2 took a walk with Mag Ryan in evening

Tues 2 Fine sewed all day took a walk with Mag Ryan a horse ran away no one hurt

{second page}


Wed 3 Cloudy Robby Johnny drove me to Napanee found all well went to village in evening

Thu 4 Warm Cloudy John came on the midnight train and went away on the noon train for the Old Country Jim Rennie came in to see John Robby Lahay and Jimmy and I went to Station to see him off Robby Lahay went home very sultry

Fri 5 very sultry packing case all day J Russell called

Sat 6 Rain in forenoon clear in afternoon


Fri 7 Margt and Mary & Jansie went to Ma{illegible} light shower Robby and I staid Mrs {illegible} and J Gleeson came Marg and Children and I went for a walk in Graveyard Robby and I went to Russells

Mon 8 Warm went to Village in forenoon and in afternoon too called on Mrs Slavin Isabell and Robby and Maggy came up Mrs Hows came

{second page}


Tue 9 fine got up at three O clock Isabell and Mag and I went to Station started at 6 got in Toronto at half past 12 Father at Station

Wed 10 Warm unpacked trunk

Thu 11 Cool made washstand

Fri 12 Cool got in case of K{illegible}

Sat 13 Fine cool day cleaned up made fries went Y{illegible}

Sun 14 Beautiful Mag and I went to Mass. Father Mag and I took a walk after dinner

Mon 15 Washed Sandy Ru{illegible} came in evening rain

Tue 16 Rain

Transcription Progress



Jane Laing Rennie 1872-74 Diary Part 1.pdf
Jane Laing Rennie 1872-74 Diary Part 2.pdf
Jane Laing Rennie 1872-1874 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Jane Laing Rennie, “Jane Laing Rennie Diary & Transcription, 1872-1874,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/333.
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