Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1900-1901


Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1900-1901


Benjamin Reesor


Courtesy of Queen's University Archives




20th Century, York County, Markham Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Benjamin Reesor Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


Cover Image Text: Rallying Round The Flag

Oct 1900

Private Journal of B.B. Reesor

Oct 21st 1900 Henry nearly finished Plowing & A nearly finished ganging Mangel ground AM. then they all went to the sale of the late John Byers effects W. Cloudy quite warm there was a fine heavy shower last evening some thunder This is the 43rd anniversary of our wedding

Sunday 28 at home A took Anne to Dr AM she is not very well Benj'n's Fanny and Wilfreds Called AM Ada Hare was here last night W. very fine & warm

29 Henry Plowed some Headlands A finished ganging AM they Picked. some apples & drew all the apples behind the house PM I & Nancy took Susanna to Flavius then we went to Ceder Grove then went to Flavius to dinner I went to Lapp Flats fishing awhile PM Caught a fine Mess of Chubs. W. very fine & warm {illegible} north Clered at {illegible}

Oct 1900 Nov

30 Henry helped JD's thresh till after 3pm A chored AM they took our teams & Thomas's spring waggon & went to J Byers for a Plow that J bought at the sale @$2.50 Thomas went along & J helped him to drive home 4 head of Cattle that he bought at the sale W. Cloudy drizzly nearly all day rain towards evening pretty steady

31 J helped Jesse Burkholder to move with team from Taylor's to Ceder Grove Henry helped JD's thresh awhile then the Engine gave out (it was D Ramers he & A Chored W. very Cloudy & foggy AM fine & Cler PM A went to Herman's this evening to tell him that we Cannot Thresh until Friday

Nov.1 Henry helpful JD's thresh AM J helped R Milroy thresh AM A got horses Chief and Billy Shod AM at Norman Millers he has rented B Elison's shop in Whitevale A took Butter 4 pr Chickens

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Nov 1902

to Lewis's the Machine Came about 2 PM this we set it up in the West barn I got Benj'n his Man Flavius & one hand from Thomas's & threshed the Liberty Oats about {blank space} Bus & the Twentieth Century about {blank space} Bus W. fine AM Cloudy & rainy PM pretty wet towards night

2 threshed all the Ligonio Oats about {blank space} Bus they are a very heavy Sample we got done at 4 oclock. W. a very fine Cler Mild day Davids were here to dinner

3 J & Henry helped McCreight till awhile after dinner A helped Benj'n plow AM they began to pull turnips PM then the began to top them I & Anne went to Markham AM W. very fine & Cler mild

Sunday 4 all went to Meeting at Hebron's except J & Henry they staid with Susanna remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke part of 10th C by C Gayman.

Nov 1900

no visitors after service I & Nancy & Susanna went to Albert Reesors PM & staid to supper W. very very fine Mild & Cler

5 I went to JD's this Morning then I & Nancy & Susanna went to Benj'ns to dinner Henry helped Johny Reesor's thresh all day J & A topped all the turnips then turned all out with the Plows & harrowed them W. Cler but Cool NW wind a heavy squaal of wind & rain this evening, a shower last night

6 A went to Isaac Hoover's Plowing Bee on 9th Markham next lot to Tilman Reesor's Henry helped Johny Reesor's till about 10 AM then he & J drew in 11 loads Turnips I & Nancy went to Br inlaw Saml Hoover's to dinner then went awhile to Peter's to see Grandmother she is pretty well. W. pretty Cool mostly Cler Milder this evening white frost this morning

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Nov 1900

7 Boys Chored AM they put in some sewer pipe on 11th Con & plowed in ditch on Townline north of Meeting house PM J & A went to Dominion Election after dinner W. drizzly rain AM Cler PM Great Celebration in Toronto on Monday the Heroes of the South African War returne and were royally welcomed the war is virtually over there is some Guerillas raiding yet on the part of squads of Boers but General Buller & Lord Roberts are on the Points of returning to England

8 Boys Chored Hermans were here to dinner W. rain & some soft snow AM drissly rain nearly all PM Premier Sir Wilfred Laurier was Triumphantly returned to Power again yesterday by a Majority of about 50 A took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's

9 Boys Chored I walked to Ceder Grove AM Henry brought 500 2 in tiles from Pettys J & A began some Branch drains in field behind Cider house PM W. Cold strong NW wind Cler more Cooler after dark

Nov 1900

drissly east wind rained steady PM there is some Ice forming on the trees

20 A & Henry drained I & J went to SM & ripped some old fence boards to put on the Top of a wire fence at Benj'ns AM J went to Timber Sale at Spencelys PM Henry finished the drain behind Cider house & A went to Unionville with a Bird to get it stuffed we don't know what it is & Dixon was not at home I found it in our Orchard a week ago last Sunday & John Caught it for me it lived until last night. It looks like a small duck, but it has a bill like a Pigeon Some say it is a Diver W. mild Cloudy & foggy all day the boys Picked 6 bags Cider apples after dinner then we turned the cows in the Orchard

21 J made nearly 50 gallons Cider at Lapps AM he brought 500 2 in tiles from Pettys PM A & Henry started a new piece of drain from the lane along south end of Calf Pasture in field behind Cider House W. heavy shower a little hail one Clap of thunder this morning. Clear today

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Nov 1900

a few squaals through the day a little thunder again about noon very strong wind all PM going down this evening a lot of fences blown down I helped Br C Stay the stove Pipe with wire in the Hebron Meeting house

22 A & Henry finished the drain J fixed up fence west of lane south of Cider house & pulled out the broken posts along Pickering Townline & took up some new ones I helped Br C to raise the seat in the Preachers Stand in the Hebron Meeting house J & Henry Plowed water furrows this evening A took Butter to Lewis's toward evening W. very fine today some squaal of rain towards evening

23 A helped Benj'n put in drain Henry & J drew off small stones on all the Plowing fields the boys throwed them on the Centre of the lands as they Plowed the last time I took Nancy & Susanna to JD's then I went to Ceder Grove I brought them home again PM W. fine Cler a rather Cool NW wind not strong

Nov 1900

24 A helped Benj'n finish drain AM J & Henry finished fixing fence along Pickering Townline that was blown down till after 10 AM then J went to Nick Reesor's for a road scraper he scraped Pickering Townline PM all the new Grade was badly Cut up with the Traction Engines it fixed it very well A & Henry drew in the last of the feed Corn along East Orchard fence & Plowed in the drains back of Cider House & Cut a lot of feed W. a sharp raw East wind all day began to snow from East after dark. NB's young folks were here after supper

Sunday 25 at home all day Henry Mary & Anne went to M Barkeys to supper W. snow from East last night & AM Cloudy PM a little Milder this evening Snow did not amount to much, blowed off

26 J A & Henry split wood for Aunt Lizzy Burkholder AM A took road scraper to Nick Reesor's PM J & Henry Chored W. strong NE wind soft drissly at times

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Nov 1900

27 J A & Henry sawed & split a load of 4 foot wood for Aunt Lizzy Burkholder that we sold to her. AM A helped Flavius at drain, Henry plowed a strip Corn stubble East of Orchard where feed Corn was then he & J went to Ceder Grove & to Br S's W. Cler strong wind AM very fine PM JD's young folks were here to supper

28 A helped Flavius finish drain Henry got Mares Jiny & Minnie shod in Whitevale AM they Chored & Cut a Ceder log in old swamp PM & took it to Br S's PM W. strong East wind E Lewis & H Hibbert were here to dinner

29 A & Anne went to Markham & then to Linairs & Paid our Taxes $34.96 they Called at Davids to ask them to help us to Kill Hogs on Tuesday next they saw Herman in Markham & asked him too J brought home the lumber from Mill then he & Henry made a gravel Box AM then A & Henry drew gravel on Pickering Townline PM J drove Benj'ns team there were 8 teams they are working to the north from were it was put on before

Nov 1900 Dec

they got some in Collins Pit but quit it & got it in Pettys Pit on the other side of the road I took Butter to Lewis's this evening W. rather Mild & mostly Cloudy

30 Too soft to draw gravel boys Chored AM J went to Timber Sale in the old Tait Swamp A & Henry drove stakes beside Posts along Townline some of the Posts are Sagged or broken I took Susanna for a drive to JD's PM W. fine & Cler a sharp Air

Dec 1 A & Henry helped Flavius fix a Box Stall for his young Cold J fixed approach at Bridge on 11th Con & at Bridge near Flavius AM he & A made a stone walk from Pump to gate at Barnyard W. fine mild Herman's Came to stay all night

Sunday 2 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid with Susanna remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St John first part of the C by Br C Ada Hare & David Hare's daughter Tilly were here to dinner Benj'n & Aunt Lizzy Burkholder were here PM W. mild Cloudy AM fine & more Cler PM

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Dec 1900

3 Boys Chored & brought home some limb wood AM A helped Flavius draw strawstack into barn Henry helped Br S's fix Tumbling dam & J Chored & Plowed back garden PM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove & Called at Jess Burkholders to see Baby boy Mary was there from Wednesday Morning until yesterday evening W. very fine (like Indian summer

4 Killed our 5 Hogs the whole family helped got done soon after 3 PM W. Cloudy misty mild AM slow steady rain PM rainy yet we got the hogs all cut up before dinner & had the work all inside PM

5 Henry & Adeline helped Davids Kill Hogs J went to J Dinn{illegible} & Came by Br S's & brought Chop home A Cut sumack scrub along where fence was south of bush AM J & A Plowed old Orchard PM W. very fine getting Colder towards evening I salted Pork

6 A & Henry drew stones off fence strip south of bush & began plowing it J took up some tiles in field north of old Orchard & put them in again they were stopped) he took Butter & Eggs to

Dec 1900

Lewis's PM Nancy went with him as far as AB's W. rather Cloudy & Cooler I have very bad Cold in my head

7 Henry & Adeline helped Benj'n Kill Hogs J & A finished Plowing the fence strip AM they straightened some Posts in fence along the Scarboro Townline & took grist Oats to Br S's PM W. some soft snow awhile AM Cleared up PM

8 Boys all with 2 teams helped Flavius Clear up a swale AM J & A Came home at noon Henry stayed J went to Benj'ns to help clean out open ditch it would not work A brought home Chop W. Cloudy Cooler Flavius Fanny & the Children & Ada Hare were here to an early supper Jess Reesor's Children were here to dinner & supper Isaac Reesor brought Pre Abraham Rittenhouse & wife awhile PM

Sunday 9 at home all day Adeline, Mary Anne A & Henry went to NB's to dinner W. snow & wind from NWest last night this morning & awhile AM

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Dec 1900

Clear awhile then snow again snowing fast now bedtime pretty Cold

10 A got Horses Chief & Billy shod J & Henry Chored AM we had Benj'ns to help Kill 6 Pigs PM then boys brought 3 from Thomas's & dressed them for him W. pretty Cold not very much snow

11 Henry drew gravel 5 loads A filled J went to Toronto with Chief & Billy & Thomas's spring waggon Thomas went with him & took his 3 Pigs they sold @ $7.70 per Cwt W. very fine Cler sharp some squaals of snow PM

12 A & Henry drew gravel 9 loads J went to Ceder Grove AM he went to Albert Hare's sale at Belfour PM he bought a Rocking Chair @ 50 cts Alberts are going to Fort William W. Cler sharp AM squaals of snow PM the roads are wearing down fine Br C Called PM Herman Called yesterday PM a few Minutes

13 A & Henry drew 8 loads gravel J filled AM he took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's PM W. mild strong W. wind AM getting Colder PM very strong wind

Dec 1900

some squaals of snow this evening I have bad Cold in my head & nose I went to Funeral of Joseph Scott at 11th Con AM heard today that little Abraham Grove's wife died yesterday

14 A & Henry drew one load of gravel each this morning which finished the grant that have been from 10 to 12 teams drawing gravel now near the old Hoover lane) then they drew 4 loads into barnyard J levelled AM he went to Mr Taylor's sale PM Nancy has very much pain in her arm Thomas's went to Funeral of Grave's wife & we told them to tell Dr to come he came this evening he says it is Inflamation of the nerves she is up & around but Cannot work W. about zero this morning Clear Br inlaw Enos Hoover's David & Esther & Herman Called awhile PM

15 A helped Flavius in Colon Reesor's swamp J & Henry brought 2 loads gravel into barnyard AM Henry went to Ceder Grove PM W. not quite so Cold some flurries of snow Br inlaw Peter Called PM Simon & Jesse Hoover were here to supper

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Dec 1900

AB's were here awhile after supper Nancy is some better she was up and around all day

Sunday 16 at home all day J & Susanna went to Flavius to a Turkey roast I & Nancy were asked to but could not go W. pretty sharp very fine & Cler PM

17 A & Henry helped Flavius in swamp J filled 5 Barrels with snow apples AM he took 1 Barrel to Markham to Dr Robinson & brought our Cistern Pump from A T Moores PM JB's were here to dinner JD's Called PM W. fine & mild Herman Came with 4 Barrels of Apples to stay all night

18 Henry & Herman went to Toronto they took 3 Barrels of our apples along they sold at $1.25 A helped Flavius AM J went to Ceder Grove AM they drove home some Elm wood PM W. very misty & Cloudy began to rain towards evening

19 A took Horse Chief to Whitevale to get front shoes set they were not put on right last week Henry & Mary went to Markham AM they took 2 Geese 2 Turkeys to Wilsons Boys Chored PM W. Cloudy mild thawing getting Colder this evening Henry brought home Chop this evening

Dec 1900

Br S Called awhile PM

20 Boys trimmed & Cut up a young Pine that the wind blew down some time ago north of dam then they trimmed some trees in old bush J took Butter Eggs & 3 geese & 1 Turkey to Lewis's PM W. mild thawing some frost last night

21 A & Mary helped Herman's Kill big hog Henry went to Markham AM he & J Chored PM W. very fine & mild did not thaw much

22 Boys Chored trimmed some trees & cut some wood in old bush J went to see T Bishop & Paid him for the work he done in the spring W. white frost last night very fine today

Sunday 23 at home all day W. east wind began to rain about 8 oc rained till noon very fine & Clear all PM a shower this evening

24 Boys Cut wood & Chored W. mild Cloudy strong westerly wind Calm this evening getting Colder Henry & Nancy went to Ceder Grove AM she is getting better

Christmas day 25 all went to meeting at Hebron except J & Nancy they staid with Susanna remarks & sermon on St Luke part of 2nd C by Br C

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Dec 1900

Flavius Herman's & Benj'ns & MN's were here to dinner M Barkey's boys & Levi Burkholder were here to supper W. pretty Cold NW wind some snow after dark David's Could not Come little Lewis has a Cold so we heard the Dr says they must be Careful & not take him out unless it is fine

26 A helped W Bishop make 2 doors for Benj'ns driving house AM J & A Chored Henry took grist Oats to Br S's AM A brought it home this evening W. ground white with snow this morning very fine & Cler today pretty sharp Colonel Otter & the last of his Men arrived in Toronto yesterday Morning from South Africa there is some Guerilla fighting going on yet but the British are sending out some More Cavalry to try & put an end to it

27 J went to Markham & went to Davids to dinner Esther has Tonsilitis she is up & around Henry helped to draw gravel on approach to Bridge at Scarboro School house with team PM

Dec 1900

A took Butter & Eggs & Chickens to Lewis's PM W. sharp, Cler Charles Murison was here to supper he has been living in Michigan near 15 years he Comes home every Christmas

28 Boys Cut feed & Chored & took some wood to Meeting house AM they cut wood in bush PM W. pretty sharp Cler some snow last night

29 Boys cut wood in bush AM they split wood in Woodshed PM J went to Ceder Grove PM Edward Moyers were here to dinner W. very fine NW wind

Sunday 30 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Mary they staid with Susanna remarks by C Gayman Sermon on St Luke part of 2nd C by C Burkholder Levi Burkholder & Menno Burkholder girls Henry Lehman & his 3 sisters were here to dinner & JDs Esther & Jacob to supper Henry Mary & Anne were to Johny Reesors to supper W. sharp AM snowed heavy about

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Dec 1900 & Jan 1901

an hour PM over an inch fell

31 Boys drew the last of the strawstack into west barn AM they Chored & A brought home some Chop PM I walked to Flavius PM Karl is not well W. fine AM soft snow awhile PM

January 1st 1901 at home J went shooting AM got a rabbit he went again PM & got another A went to Markham PM he went around by Davids they are getting better the little boys had Tonsilitis too Henry went skating PM & this evening J. A. Adeline & Mary & Anne went to Benj'ns to supper I went to Flavius PM Karl is not quite well yet W. Cler sharp good white with snow, good Wheeling

2 A got Horses Chief & Billy shod J went to Burrows Mare Minnie pretty bad last night J & Henry Cut a fallen Basswood into sawlogs in Flavius bush PM I walked to Flavius AM Karl is doing pretty well W. sharp NW wind pretty Cold

Jan 1901

A fitted storm windows in 2 west Kitchen windows PM

3 A & Henry Cut wood J helped awhile AM we Killed 5 Pigs PM Benj'n helped W. Zero this morning Air from East Milder toda J took things to Lewis's

4 A took 5 Pigs (nearly 600 lbs) & 2 Barrels Snow Apples to Toronto he sold Apples @ $1.70 pr Barl Pigs $7.85 per Cwt ( a few were rather fat) Henry helped a Flavius PM they were Chopping grain by steam J Chored at Benj'n (he was in Toronto JD's Jacob & Esther brought Emma Shirk Lena Cressman Otto Smith & Abraham Good all from Wilmot to stay all night W. about 18 deg above Zero snow awhile this Morning

5 A Mary & Anne took the visitors a visiting to Thomas's & Flavius & to Alberts to dinner then to Br S's & Davids to supper then to Abraham Burkholders to stay all night W. a little below Zero this morning went up got warm fine & Cler

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Jan 1901

J & Henry Chored

Sunday 6 at home, nobody here, W. sharp Cler AM Cloudy PM began to snow after dark very little more snow would make sleighing the roads are very fine & level

7 Boys Chored & brought home a Barrel of Salt from Ceder Grove A & Henry hitched up Mare Rosie PM I took Nancy & Mary to Flavius this morning Mary helped to Butcher Nancy staid too little Eva is sick Dr Came PM he says she is same as Karl was. Karl is better. W. a few in snow last night fair sleighing. mild strong wind through the day Calm this evening I brought Nancy home this evening, Mary staid

8 A & Henry drew 2 Pine logs to Br S's from north of dam ( a tree was blown down AM they drew 4 Basswood logs from Flavius bush PM W. mild Cloudy East wind some rain after dark not raining now I went to Flavius PM Eva is about the same J does not feel well today

Jan 1901

9 A helped Thomas's Kill hogs Henry Chored & helped Pilkey Kill a big hog PM J is not very well I walked to Flavius AM Eva is quite a bit better W. Colder the sleighing is gone the road is icy

10 Boys Chored A took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's PM W. snow & wind from East awhile last night & AM a heavy snow but the wind blew it off the road. Some sleet PM J is not very well yet

11 A & Nancy went to Markham & to Davids to dinner Esther & her boys are doing pretty well Nancy got some more Medicine & told the Dr to come to see J he Came PM he says J's heart is affected Henry split wood I & he took the Pork out of the Brine & put on fresh W. Cloudy Mild AM began to snow Calm & steady after 2 PM snowing yet. Bedtime

12 A Chored Henry drove to Ontario house with Horse Chief & Cutter then went to Toronto to Eaton's & bought a good suit of Clothes @ $9.90 cts J is not so very well yet he keeps in the house on the

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Jan 1901

Lounge most of the time Herman was here to dinner W. mild about 8 in snow not drifted any, very good sleighing Nancy is doing pretty well. Susanna is beginning to do a little work Mary has been at Flavius's all week Eva is all right again

Sunday 13 at home Thomas Called PM Br inlaw JH Ramer's Came PM staid for supper Benj'ns Came after supper & staid a while A went to see Dr AM J is not doing very well he sent some more Medicine & he said J would not be better for some time. W. sharp & Cler, very fine winter day

14 A Chored Nancy & Henry went to Markham& Called at Davids the little boys are getting better J is keeping about the same Br C Br N's Johny Reesor Called AM W. quite Mild some soft snow PM. very good sleighing Susanna goes about quite smart with her Cane she weighs 94 lbs now

15 A & Henry brought some gravel from Adam's Pit for the hens & A took some Chop to Br S's AM I & Henry Cleaned 8 bags wheat then A took it to Spink Mills PM @ 67 cts

Jan 1901

he brought 20 bags Bran for us & 32 bags for Flavius W. quite Mild thawing a little Benj'ns & NB's Called awhile after supper J is about the same

16 Henry & Mary helped Flavius work up a big Hog A chored & went to Ceder Grove & brought home Chop PM I rode with him as far as Flavius W. drissly rain last night & awhile this morning. Cleared up today snow going but it blowed up Colder. This evening is freezing, now it will save the sleighing if it Keeps Cold J was not so well today but he seems better this evening Nancy is not so well this PM

17 A & Henry helped girls Pick 2 pr Chickens & Chored AM A took Butter Eggs and 2 pr Chickens to Lewis's Henry rode with him to SM then walked to Ceder Grove to get some salts Nancy is not so well A went for Dr this evening he Came & says Nancy has La Grippe Herman called PM he took Our light Bob he is going to Toronto tomorrow W. Cler, Sharp, Cold NW wind sleighing pretty good yet

18 A & Henry Chored & brought a load of wood from bush PM W. 4 deg below zero

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Jan 1901

this Morning about Zero today 4 below towards evening Flavius & Benj'n Called this morning AB's Called after dinner Dr Called this evening Nancy is doing pretty well he says J is doing well too Thomas Called awhile after supper

19 A & Henry Chored AM A got Horses Chief & Billy shod Henry Cut wood in shed PM W. 11 deg below Zero this Morning not much above all day Flavius & Benj'n Called today nancy was pretty well until after supper when she was taken with Headache & vomiting Henry went to the Dr he Could not Come he has La Grippe he sent some Medicine she has taken one dose is some easier now near 1100 PM, got worse A went to Dr at near 1200 to see if he Could not Come or Telephone for Dr Fred Nancy is very bad. A Came back about 200 AM AB's Lizzie is here all night

Sunday 20 Dr Came to Breakfast Nancy is resting better. David & Esther were here to dinner Herman & Benj'n & Flavius's Called PM Br N's Br S's Davids Called too PM. W. Milder strong west wind through the day

Jan 1901

Nancy is resting well, but she passed a very bad night none of us went to bed

21 A went to Herman's with Herman's sleigh and brought home our Bobs AM they Killed 6 of our Pigs & one of Benj'ns PM Flavius & Benj'n helped. Dr Called this evening he says Nancy is doing well Br S. Br N & Br C Called today Levi Burkholder Came this evening he's going to Toronto with A tomorrow W. soft wind last night & today it thaws some but the sleighs are running yet AB's Lizzie Called PM

22 A went to Toronto Levi went with hime they had Thomas's spring waggon sold Pigs @ $8.40 per Cwt 2 Bushels King Apples @$3.85 for the 2 Barrels Henry went to Ceder Grove AM Br inlaw Peter's were here to dinner Br N Called JD Called too Dr Came this evening he says Nancy is improving Johny Reesors brought Matty Cook PM she stays all night W. Cler Sharp Sleighs are running yet Our good Queen Victoria is reported very low and not expected to live

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Jan 1901

23 A & Henry Chored & I helped them to Cut some feed AM they drew 100 Ceder pole rails from Colon Reesor swamp PM (we bought them from Flavius PM Matty Cook rode with them to Br C's W. Milder. East wind trees all Covered with frost. the news Came out today that our Good Queen Victoria died yesterday evening at 6:30 PM

24 A & Henry Chored they shot our Mare Tip & Skinned her she had Grease & weed and Could not live they helped girls Pick 2 pr Chickens A took Butter Eggs & Chickens to Lewis's PM W. foggy & mild some drizzle & soft snow this evening Br N's & MN's Called today Br C Called yesterday Nancy doing pretty she is bedfast

25 Henry helped Benj'n cut wood A Chored AM they Cut some first Class wood at Flavius PM Br C Called AM Johny Reesor's & NB Called PM Nancy sat up in bed awhile PM AB's Lizzie Called PM W. Cler & Sharp the soft snow fixed up the slgighing pretty well pretty Cold

Jan 1901

26 A went to Markham to see Dr he had intended to come to see Nancy on Wednesday & has not come yet he said he was sick himself he sent some Medicine. Nancy was up in the Rocking chair awhile AM & awhile PM she seems strong Flavius Children & Jacob Grove J {illegible} were here to supper W. fine Cler sharp JD's Called awhile AM

Sunday 27 A Henry Mary & Anne went to Meeting at Hebron I & Adeline staid with Nancy J & Susanna C Burkholder & Matty Cook were here to dinner Matty stays all night Herman's Called PM W. very fine & sharp air a light fall of snow nearly all day it is helping with sleighing. Adeline Mary & Henry went to B Dillers to supper Nancy was up on the Rocking Chair & on the Lounge all day J is beginning to walk to the barn occasionally Susanna is doing very well

28 Boys Chored Henry went to Ceder Grove A took Matty Cook to Benj'ns PM John Lehman's of Mount Joy & Esther Raymond & her little girl were here to dinner. Flavius Fanny & the Children

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Jan 1901 Feb

were here to supper Flavius Came to after supper W. very fine. NW wind

29 A & Henry sawed {illegible} at Br S's Dr Called this PM he says Nancy is doing well, she was in the kitchen all day sometimes on the Lounge W. fine Cler & sharp

30 A got Horses Chief & Billy shod at Ceder Grove then he & Henry drew home 54 Blocks Ice it is about 15 in thick Br N's Called awhile W. fine & sharp Nettie Burkholder & her Man Alf Ineson Called awhile this evening. they were Married sometime about Christmas

31 Boys brought home last of Ice 16 Blocks then they Packed sawdust around it helped girls Pick Chickens A took Butter Eggs & Chickens to Lewis's PM Henry Mary & Anne went to Davids this evening W. about 4 in snow last night fine & Calm & sharp today sleighing very good. Br C Called awhile AM Nancy doing pretty well J is getting stronger he rode as far as Flavius with the boys this morning

Feb 1 A & Henry helped Flavius Cut Ice AM A took one Cord Green Mapple 4 ft wood to Markham to Dr Robinson PM Henry helped Flavius PM

Feb 1901

AB's Lizzie Br N & Esther Diller Called PM: W. Cler sharp I went with A as far as Flavius & walked home

Candlemas day 2 Henry helped Benj'n saw wood all day A Chored. Herman's were here to dinner Flavius's Children were here all day T Bishop was here to make out a Bill of stuff for a silo we intend to Build one next summer W. sharp, Clear nearly all day. this was a Holiday throughout the British Empire the Funeral of Queen Victoria took place today. Nancy doing well J had a bad spell last night he is not as well today

Sunday 3 M Barkeys & M's Mother & Johny Reesor were here to dinner Henry Mary & Anne went to Peter Reesor to dinner W. sharp east wind strong towards evening, began to snow after dark

4 Boys Chored I went to Hebron to Trustee Meeting there were only myself M Barkey Br N & his son Albert so the three that were appointed last year will serve W. strong wind & snow from east AM wind turned rather north PM

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Feb 1901

A went to Ceder Grove PM Br S has La Grippe he is some better

5 A & Henry shelled Corn we had Albert Shiller Herny Adeline & Mary were to Johny Ramer's to supper Mrs Burrows Called Flavius & Benj'ns Called this Morning W. Cold strong N Wind roads drifted some East & west

6 Boys chored shelled a little Corn J had a bad spell at dinner time A went for Dr he Came this evening he Changed his Medicine W. pretty Cold a little below Zero this Morning

7 A Oiled Harness Henry Picked Chickens & gave J a drive in the Cutter he stood it well Henry took Butter Eggs & Chickens to Lewis's PM I rode with him as far as Br S's he is getting better W. a good deal Milder Cloudy A Henry Mary & Anne took a sleigh load of Our Neighbours to Mount Joy singing school this evening

8 We cut some feed then A took grist Chop to Br S's AM A took J to see Dr he says he is doing well they Came by Davids little Lewis is not very well Esther has Grippe too

Feb 1901

is some better Henry Adeline Mary & Anne went to Herman's to supper Mrs Pilkey was here to supper W. very fine & Cler

Feb 9 Boys Oiled Harness second time (the long tug set) A & Henry went to Ceder Grove & brought home some chop from Br S's W. strong NEast wind & snow from 6 AM untill nearly evening. not very Cold, roads not drifted much

Sunday 10 Henry Adeline & mary went to Benj'ns to dinner & to Jacob Reesor's to supper W. Zero this morning 20 deg above at noon a little snow in the air PM

11 Henry was a at Benj'ns all day. A chored AM he went to Kennedys Bee Cutting Ice PM I & J were at Flavius PM with T Bishop to Consider about overhauling the barn W. trees frosty this morning, rather sharp air all day

12 A & Henry sawed & split the big Maple tree near the townline fence in field south of bush into 4 foot wood AM (they Cut it down a few days ago) they went to Flavius PM and helped him to hitch up his young Mare she goes very well

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Feb 1901

W. pretty Cold, strong NWest wind there was some fresh snow and the air was full of it all day, roads drifted John Mapes 91 year old was buried today he died in Boxgrove

13 Boys Chored, brought a load of wood from bush & cut some feed A wne to Markham for Medicine for J PM he went around by Davids little Lewis is doing well Henry Chored PM W. very strong N Wind 3 deg below Zero this morning not much above this evening windy yet

14 A & Henry helped girls Pick 2 pr Fowls & took Butter Eggs & Fowls to Lewis's AM they went to Colon Reesors Sale PM it was Postponed untill the 22nd on account of bad weather W. a very strong Cold N Wind last night all day not quite so strong PM 3 deg above Zero this morning 15 above this evening the East & west roads badly blocked about the roughest day we have had this winter

15 boys Chored Henry & J went to Ceder Grove AM we cut feed & Chored PM Jacob Diller & Esther were here after supper W. Milder fine & Cler

16 A & J got some boards at SM & took them to D Ramers to get them dressed AM A Chored PM J feels pretty well now Henry & Mary drove to Norway

Feb 1901

I went to Toronto on Trolleys, Herman was here to dinner David Called after dinner ( he was at Thomas's) W. very fine mild & Cler he took Susanna with him

Sunday 17 a & Nancy went to see Grandma Hoover & Peter they are both sick with La Grippe I have lame back the last few days. Ada Hare was here to dinner Benj'ns were here PM W. very fine & Cler up to 30 deg at noon a little Cloudy PM

18 A took a Cord of first Class green wood to Markham to Dr Robinson I & Henry & Benj'n Cleaned 25 bags wheat AM took Pork out of Brine & A & Henry gathered and brought home a load of wood PM A took a sample of wheat to Locust Hill this evening W. very fine & Mild thawing some Henry took Adeline Mary & Anne to Flavius before supper A went to bring them home after supper

19 A took 54 Bus 20 lbs Dawson Wheat to Locust Hill AM @ 66 cts he took 50 Bus PM @ 66 cts Henry helped Benj'n get out a few logs then Benj'n helped us to Clean Wheat AM

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Feb 1901

J took mare Bonnie to get shod at Ceder Grove AM Nancy went with him as far as AB's W. rather sharp NW wind not strong flurries of snow PM

20 A & Henry Chored & helped Flavius weigh some live hogs AM Henry went to Goodyear's sale on 9th Markham with Flavius PM A went to Markham PM to Dr he is getting something to cure Asthma W. sharp NW wind all day I went to Flavius PM

21 Boys helped girls Pick Chickens cut feed & A took Oats to Br S's AM A mended Harness & Henry took Butter Eggs & Chickens to Lewis's PM J went to Locust Hill for Money for Wheat AM he is pretty well these few days W. sharp Cler AM flurries of snow PM the little flurries of snow patch the sleighing very well

22 I & Henry Cleaned last of Wheat about 11 bus & the 20th Century Oats A wheeled the Oats out of west barn on bag Truck the dust of the grain gives him the Asthma J scrapped away he is pretty well just now David's & Russel Came to dinner Lewis is not well enough to Come yet Br inlaw Simon Hoover's Came to supper

Feb 1901

David & boys went to Colon Reesor's sale PM W. Cler Sharp J bought Cider Barrel @ 10cts Davids brought Susanna home she enjoyed her visit with Davids took Anne with them

23 A & Henry Chored & shoveled some snow at Hebron AM A went to a sale at the old Wilkie farm & brought Chop home from Br S's Henry went to R Milroys sawing Bee PM I & Nancy started at 1/2 past 1100 & went to see Mother inlaw & Peter they are both a little on the Mend we Called at Davids a few Minutes got home before 500 W. Sharp & Cler pretty near Zero this morning, nearly Calm

Sunday 24 all went to Meeting except J & Susanna remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke part of 10th C by C Burkholder MN's & Enos Nighswander & then 2 boys were here to dinner W. Cler Sharp air nearly Zero this morning

25 A Adeline & Mary went to Markham AM A chored PM Henry went to Toronto with Levi Burkholder, Levi Came here last evening & staid all night they drove to Norway with his Horse & Cutter & went to Toronto on the Trolley

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Feb 1901 March

AB's were here to supper W. fine Mild thawed a little PM a squaal of snow this evening

26 Boys Chored drew home few loads of limb wood I & Nancy went awhile to Flavius PM Br inlaw John Hoover's were here to dinner W. Cler Sharp a flurries of snow sleighing is still holding out pretty well

27 Boys Chored AM A went to E Craven's sawing Bee PM Henry done Benj'ns Chores Benj'n has our light Bobs to go to Herman's Carpet Rag Bee Mary & Anne went with them W. fine & Cler, very sharp Air

28 Henry helped Flavius cut logs for the addition to his barn AM I & A Cleaned Henhouse & I walked to J Burrows AM A took Butter & Eggs to Lewis I & Nancy went along as far as Br S's they are better but they do not go out yet W. very fine Cler & sharp

March 1 A went to Ratcliffe's SM on Townline between Markham and Whitchurch for Hemlock 2 X 4 Sctg we intend to build a silo he brought 800 ft. the sleighing is thin in places Henry Chored J went to Dr for

March 1901

Medicine for home & Nancy {illegible} both doing pretty well W. sharp raw west wind Cler AM some soft snow PM, pretty mild Br C Called this morning

2 A brought {blank space} ft sctg from Rat{illegible} Henry went awhile to Flavius AM JD's were here to supper W. fine Cler, sharp

Sunday 3 at home Johny Reesor's girls Anne and Lucinda Br N's & Flavius's were here to dinner NB's were here to supper W. Cler, Strong East wind. Snow awhile PM, rain a little while after dark, wind turned NW & turned Colder before bedtime

4 A brought {blank space} Sctg which Mkes 2050 ft Henry Chored & helped to shovel some snow in the drifts east of Flavius bridge PM. W. Mild Cler a strong W. wind thawing the sleighing is going around here but {cut off} says it is good farther north

5 Boys took grist Chop to Br S's & Cut some feed AM A Adeline & Mary went to Br inlaw John Hoover's PM W. Cold Strong wind last night

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Mar 1901

freezing & Cold all day, raw wind

6 A & Henry cut & trimmed some dying trees in old bush AM Henry helped Thomas Clean Oats a few hours PM A brought home Chop W. Zero this morning very cold, raw west wind

7 A & Henry Cut & trimmed trees AM Henry went to Pilkeys sawing bee PM A helped Thomas Clean Oats a few hours PM Br inlaw S B Lehman's were here to dinner W. sharp W. sine The sleighing is getting this on our Townline but it is good farther north

8 A & Henry took 2 loads 38 bags of Mixed grain (wild goose Oats & barley to Br S's to store AM they Chored PM. A Adeline & Mary went to Br S's to supper w. mild squaals of snow AM patched the sleighing pretty well heavy snow this evening the snow is soft, but not thawing

9 A & Henry sawed wood for Ed Craven's AM they took 3 Beech logs to Br S's PM J & Anne went to Markham PM Flavius Called this Morning I went to Ceder Grove AM W. very fine & Mild about 5 in fresh snow good sleighing, thawing some

Sunday 10 at home Henry Adeline & Mary went to Meeting at Widemans they went to Davids to dinner W. rather Cloudy this morning East wind strong AM very strong PM sleet & rain at times trees covered with Ice, good sleighing

11 Boys cleaned a lot of seed Oats and A & Henry helped Flavius fix one of his Pumps J & Anne went to Markham PM J is doing pretty well. Anne has La Grippe is not very bad W. Milder last night Ice all off the trees this morning a little drissly AM a little snow PM Colder this evening

12 Boys drew out some logs that they cut in old bush some of them were in bad position to saw we had a Sawing Bee PM about 20 hands altogether Herman's were here to dinner Davids came soon after dinner but they did not bring the little boys W. sharp west wind Cler, good sleighing.

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March 1901

13 Henry split wood A went to Claremont with sleigh to try to buy some sheeting for Silo & got none they had none Cut they begin to Cut in May he got back at noon. Stonehouse put up a National Milk Separator for us today we Can have it awhile on trial to buy it @ $80.00 if it gives satisfaction W. Strong East wind AM began to snow from East PM I went to Ceder Grove AM

14 Boys shoveled snow around the house & took a grist A helped Benj'n Kill a Pig AM A took Butter Eggs & a young Calf to Lewis's PM W. quite a deep snow on the ground north & south roads drifted in place. Some soft snow all day more or less. pretty mild

15 Boys drew some logs to SM. Herman was here to dinner he exchanged about 40 Bus of Oats for seed Elias & Joseph Barkey brought Emma Gibner to visit they were to supper W. rather Cloudy pretty sharp

16 A & Henry helped Flavius draw sand from Tweedies with teams J went PM to see how Ruhana Drudge is she has been Bleeding at the Lungs different times latly

March 1901

She seemed pretty well today W. sharp last night & all day fine & Cler thawing a little in the sun very good sleighing

Sunday 17 I & Nancy went to Benj'ns to dinner W. fine squaal of snow AM Clered up thawed som in the sun PM

18 Boys drew dung on field south of barn AM drew 4 Ceder logs out of the Old Shank Swamp to Br S's PM I & Nancy went to JH Ramer's to dinner W. very fine & Mild thawing the sleighing is thin in places

19 A Adeline & Anne went to Davids to a rag sewing Bee Henry went to Flavius to go to Herman's Sawing Bee but they did not go it was too stormy Snow last night & nearly all day wind from East all day. Mild J & Henry sawed some of the Scantling for the Silo frame PM

20 Boys went to the Shank swamp AM to Cut a Ceder but it was not good. they sawed scantling PM W. Strong East wind drizzling rain PM thawing

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Mar 1901

21 Boys skinned a sheep Cleaned the Henhouse & Sawed Scantlings AM A went to J Burrows' Sawing Bee PM Henry Sawed Scantlings PM W. a very little snow & frost last night below freezing point all day J took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's PM very fair sleighing yet

22 A & Henry drew dung south of bush AM J went to J Thom's sale on the old Thomas Wood place I & A went to Markham PM I got a new pair of spectacles at RA Mason's @ $1.50 W. very fine & Cler sharp Air very fair sleighing yet. J bought a string of Bells & 2 Horse Brushes @ 20 cts

23 A & Henry finished drawing dung AM they chored PM & A brought home some Chop J went to Hermans to dinner W. fine & Cler thawing PM. sleighing going

Sunday 24 All went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Mary staid with Susanna remarks by C Burkholder Sermon on St Luke part of 10 C Br C Joseph Graves were here to dinner J Adeline Anne & A went to Flavius to supper W. rather Cloudy mild & thawing sleighing about gone Creek hig. a good few Buggies at Meeting

March 1901

25 Boys drove through some banks out the Townline, with waggon to make the track on the turnpike the road was along the fence part of the way then A got 4 shoes set at the Ceder Groves shop (A Clemdenig's) AM then he went to John Milroys sawing Bee & Henry went to Herman's sawing Bee PM W. Cloudy Mild all day East wind snow going fast

26 Boys fixed up one drum of our land roller they put in about one half new staves AM they all went to Uncle Josephus Reesor's Sale PM J bought swill Barrel @ 20 cts W. rain till about 10 AM pretty Cler Mild PM a pretty heavy thunder shower last night

27 A & Henry split wood in bush AM they went to T Coxworths Sawing Bee PM W. Cold NW wind all the day freezing tonight

28 A & Henry finished splitting wood AM A took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's Henry Chored & J went to T Hunter's Sale on the 7th Con Pickering with Thomas PM he bought a 3 spring waggon in pretty good Condition @ $3.50 W. Cold NW wind there is lots of snow yet on the 7th Con, all Came in sleighs to the sale. Thomas went with spring waggon Ketura was here awhile PM

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Mar 1901 April

29 A & Henry Cut summer wood in old bush, there were 17 Wild Geese down on our Meadow this PM A & J went for Br S's David & Thomas David has a Good Rifle he fired 3 shots among them but did not Kill any W. frost last night Cold NW wind Cler thawing some though the day

30 Boys split a lot of Posts in Shank swamp AM J & A went to Markham PM Henry drew 2 loads Pine roots from 5th Con near Flavius fence PM W. Cler Cold NW wind Amelia Ernest & Carl were here to dinner

Sunday 31 at home Ada Hare was here to dinner W. Cler Cold NW wind thawing some

April 1 A & Henry Piled Wood in old bush they also tapped 9 trees sap runs well I tapped in door yard & Nancy boiled 2 qts Molasses by adding some sugar J went to Herman's PM to ask him to bring some nails from Toronto he is going on Wednesday Br C Calle awhile PM W. very fine & Cler. Cold wind from north

2 Boys sowed clover seed on Fall Wheat this morning then they brought big load Pine roots from Flavius & brought home the sap from bush there was a big run I boil in the shop & Nancy finished on the stove She made 2 qts more today

April 1901

W. N East Wind sap run prety well froze last night thawing today rain this evening J went to Wonches sale in Whitevale PM he bought a Bureau @ $2.30 Andrew Reesor Called at noon he is taking the Dominion Census

3 Boys Clipped Horses feet & legs and Chored AM Henry helped Flavius draw in logs at SM A took Butter to Lewis's PM W. soft snow last night & AM, drizzly rain PM

4 Henry got Mares Minnie & Jenny shod at Clendennings Ceder Grove then he went around by Whitevale & brought home the Bureau that J bought J got Mare Bonnie shod too. AM A Chored AM J & A went to Glenennings Sale on 3rd Con Scarboro Henry went to Meet Herman at Armadale to bring home our Nails Herman bought the Nails but did not bring them the roads were too heavy I boiled sap in shop Nancy finished on Stove W. fine mild a slight drissle at noon

Good Friday 5 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Adeline they staid with Susanna remarks & Sermon on St Mark part of 15 C by Br C Davids were here to dinner with their little boys

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April 1901

little Lewis is fine & smart W. a little frost last night trees dripping Cloudy AM Cler PM Benj'ns were here PM Ketura was here to supper

6 A & Henry brought a load sawdust & finished covering Ice Henry went to Flavius Sawing Bee PM J went to Markham got some Medicine for Nancy & Paid a Balance at Moore's the Pump Maker's I & Nancy made over 4 qts Molasses W. East wind Cloudy all day, sharp Air

Easter Sunday 7 I & Nancy went to Br S's to dinner Amelia Ernest & Carl were here to dinner & supper & stay all night Jesse Burkholder's were here to supper Tillie Burkholder & Nettie Called PM W. fine & Cler sharp wind from north

Easter Monday 8 at home Flavius Herman's & Benj'ns were here to dinner & supper the girls had a quilting David's Could not Come it was took Cold for little Lewis There was a cold raw wind from the north squaals of snow AM

9 A & Henry sawed & split wood J sorted 3 Barrels of Russets AM he brought home some Chop from Br S's PM W. strong N Wind all day, Milder

10 J & A went to Toronto 3 Barrels Russets @ $2.50 26 1/2 Bus Oats @ 34 cts they brought out 9 Kegs nails for us & Flavius & 3 Kets for Andrew Dimma @$2.45 per Keg for 3 in $2.35 for 4 in & $2.75 for shingle nails

April 1901

Henry took the last of our Wheat about 11 Bus to Spinks Exchanged for Flour AM he sawed wood PM W. very fine & Cler but a strong N wind mild

11 J A & Henry drew lumber & Timber from Br S's to Flavius AM J took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's he took Susanna as far as Br C's A & Henry sawed & split some wood & finished a long new ladder PM W. very fine & Cler but a Cool N wind the wind has been in the north a long time the roads are good some teams are working on the fields A & Henry drove Mare Rosie in Cart awhile PM

12 Henry helped Flavius Plow & scrape the Cellar for Addition to the barn J went to Markham for some Medicine for himself he got some in the druggists some of (Pieces) A has lame back he strained himself the other day lifting timbers at the sawmill I went to Burrows this morning to get more Powders for Mare Bonnie she has something like the {illegible} since Monday W. very fine & Cler, wind in the East

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April 1901

13 J & Benj'n grubbed in big field AM Henry helped Benj'n Man D March hitch up a Colt AM he went well J sowed 8 bags Ligones Oats PM Henry Plowed in furrows east of dam & harrowed after J PM the ground works well A has lame back it is getting better W. very fine & Cler wind in the east

Sunday 14 at home Henry Adeline & Mary went to Benj'n Stover's to dinner Aunt Lizzy Burkholder was here to supper W. Cloudy all day East wind went down without rain

15 I & A & Henry drew in last of our logs at SM this morning 17 then Henry went to help to Move Ineson's house at Belford J & A finished sowing big field & began East of dam I took Susanna to Benj'ns with Mare Bonnie she is getting better I drove her to Ceder Grove PM & then brought Susanna home again W. fine Cler Mild roads like June

16 A & Henry sowed in field East of dam with Ligano Oats J took Cow Silvia to Freemans AM then he drove one team & I & Henry took away lumber at SM PM I went to Clods & brought 2 doz suckers @ 3cts per Doz

April 1901

they Caught over 300 at Kirkham today W. very fine & Cler & Mild

17 A & Henry sowed the Knoll with 20th Century Oats (5 acres) & A finished rolling big field & then rolled the Fall Wheat Henry harrowed field back of Orchard W. strong east wind. Mild I & Nancy & girls Cleaned garden & I dug a bit it is fine & dry Jenny & Nettie Kenney were here awhile after supper

18 A sowed Mixed grain in field north of Orchard didnt quite finish. Henry harrowed & grubbed south of garden J Chored & took Butter Eggs to Lewis's PM W. a slight drizzly rain AM held up after dinner Came heavier awhile towards evening. Cold N. Wind towards night

19 A finished sowing Mixed grain then he sowed barley south of garden as far East as Creek the east side of Creek is too wet Henry harrowed J Chored I went to Flavius this morning. M. Stonehouse & his Brother were here to dinner we bought the separator that he left here sometime ago I Paid him $27.50 Cash & gave him my note for $50 Payable Nov 1st without interest W. a little frost this Morning Cler Cool

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April 1901

20 I A & Henry moved Turnips out of Cellar into Mangel Cellar AM I went to the half yearly Conference at Hebron PM J went to Toronto on Pacific he got one of McLaughlins Electric Belts at $10.00 Abraham Hoover was here to dinner. W. a strong NE wind & soft snow all day some times mixed with rain the snow melted as it fell on the ground but laid on the grass there are 3 or 4 in in place there was some sharp sleet towards evening

Sunday 21 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J staid with Susanna (Mary went to work at Uriah Drudges on Monday last their little boys had the scarlet feever are better again but I guess Mary will have to stay untill they get the house Cleaned) remarks by Br C Sermon on St Mat 25 C by C Burkholder. C Burkholder's were here to dinner W. strong N East wind & rain at times, snow about all gone. Creek pretty high

22 Boys Chored fixed some fence along Pickering townline AM J & Henry brought 1835 lbs of lime from Markham to Flavius @ 32 cts per Cwt PM A helped girls to Whitewash Kitchen PM I took Susanna to Flavius AM and brought her home PM W. very fine & Mild East wind Showrey at dark a little distant thunder

April 1901

23 W Bishop & Jess Shank Came the Morning Boys helped them & they took floor out of Reaper house & Built up A silo about 16 feet high till night I drove Mare Bonnie to Burrows AM he was not at home I drove here to Ceder Grove PM her leg is not well yet W. Cloudy drizzly at times. AM some Cler & warm PM

24 Boys Chored AM fixed some fence PM J & Henry went Fishing with Flavius in Peticoat Creek toward evening at 2nd Con Pickering with our net they caught 29 fine suckers there were a good many caught there yesteday W. warm some drizzle of rain AM & PM J & Nancy went to Markham AM

25 W Bishop & Jess Shank worked at the Silo Building Boys all helped we are raising the building as high as the barn & are putting on a Peak roof north & south the plates are as high as the barn plates I took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's PM Nancy & Susanna went along as far as AB's W. fine warm & Cler. Mare Bonnie much better Herman Called AM for a bag of seed Oats

26 Henry helped Flavius at digging foundation & Benj'n hlepd W. Bishop

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April 1901

& Jess Shank J Chored AM he put on some Grafts at U Drudges & helped dig at Flavius PM W. very fine & Cler I drove Mare Bonnie to Burrows & to Ceder Grove PM

27 A helped W Bishop & Jess Shank finish Silo except sheeting the inside AM Henry was at Flavius all day A was there PM J was at Flavius AM he rolled Meadow PM I & Nancy went to U Drudges PM Ruhana is pretty smart at present the little boys are all better W. very fine & Cler

Sunday 28 I & Nancy started to go to JD's we got about half way when we met B Dillers so we turned back they were here to dinner W. a very lovely & fine day Maggie McCreight & Anne Milroy Called this evening

29 A & Henry went to Flavius this Morning we expected Ellis the Mason to begin the wall he did not Come so boys soon came home again & Henry harrowed the root ground J took some Chop to Br S's & brought a Barrel of Salt from Ceder Grove he Cultivated East of Creek & below Orchard PM I dug some garden for Nancy A worked in back garden W. fine & very warm things are growing nicely. trees are budding the grass is growing

April 1906 May

The Fall Wheat was winter Killed in places but it is Picking up fine

30 A & Henry went to Flavius but Came home again Ellis Came about 9 Oc so Henry went after dinner to help they dug Some garden & dug up some Maple & Ash trees in our bush AM J & A planted them PM from the Graveyard south to the Corner W. warm drizzly rain at times I have very lame back

May 1 Henry helped at Flavius A drew stone off root ground & began ganging J went to Ceder Grove AM with Mare Bonnie AM she is pretty near better he drilled a big stone on root ground & fired it off he had David Reesor's drill he took it to BSS at Ceder Grove & got it sharped & left it at Davids again W. Cloudy AM very fine & Cler PM My back very lame J & A took a load of Stones to Flavius from out root ground this Morning & brought home Chop

2 J helped awhile at Flavius AM he took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's PM Henry ganged in root ground PM Nancy & A went to Markham & to Davids to dinner then went to see Grandmother PM she is quite smart W. fine Shower early this Morning Cler & warm today my back is lame yet

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May 1901

3 A sowed barley East of Creek & East of Orchard AM J brought about 9 Barrles of lime from Markham PM Henry ganged in root ground & Harrowed barley which finishes our seeding what he had sowen before the rain is all green & growing fine. W. Cool N wind fine & Cler back lame yet

4 Henry Made Mangel drills about 3 Acres on east side of field behind Cider House J sowed them with Mare Bonnie she is about all right A rolled the barley below house & north of Orchard I Cut some Potatoes & we planted them along the lane in some short Mangel drills W. ver fine but Cool wind. Mary Came home from U Drudges. She thinks she must go back again on Monday Ruhana is no better the little boys are all right

Sunday 5 at home Henry Mary & Anne went to Meeting at Widemans Br S's were here to dinner Ada Hare was here PM W. very fine growing day. Cool wind AM very fine & warm PM

6 J finished rolling Henry drew stone at Flavius with Mare Bonnie & stone boat they dug garden till noon

May 1901

A spread dung south of bush AM he Plowed PM I went around among the neighbours this morning to ask them to help to scrub the Meeting house on Wednesday. Henry finished spreading dung & dug garden PM I took Nancy & Susanna to Jess Reesor's PM & went to Ceder Grove & brought them home again Jess has been in Toronto about a year on Street Cars as Motorman his family are Moving in in a few days W. very fine & Cler

7 Boys plowed harrowed & rolled corn ground south of bush J Chored & Caught some Chubs PM I & Nancy went to Hermans to dinner & Called at JB's awhile PM W. very fine & Cler Mrs Burrows Called awhile this evening with her sister Mrs Mary Watson. A Mr Stub representing the Stub Briggs Co of Toronto Called this evening & bought 100 Bus Ligano Oats to be delivered at Locust Hill tomorrow @ 40 cts per Bus

8 A & Henry drew dung on root ground we did not get it all Covered in the fall AB's Jess filled. J went to Markham for the Oat bags. they were not there, they were sent to Locust Hill

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May 1901

so he Came bay Locust Hill & got them we all went to work & filled 40 of them A & J took them up PM they weighed I & Adeline helped scrub Meeting house AM W. fine & warm like rain this evening distant thunder raining a little now 900 the trees are out in leaf & a great many blossoms

9 A & Henry plowed down dung in west part of field behind Cider house J helped to dig garden AM he took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's PM W. fine, but blowed from East drizzly rain towards evening it did not rain last night

10 A & Henry finished Plowing down dung J drove one team while Henry spread dung I went to Ceder Grove AM I & Nancy went awhile to Uriah Drudge's PM Ruhana is some better W. Cloudy awhile AM fine & Cler PM J Ionson was here last night with his Horse: Ashdale:

11 Boys Pulled off the boards on north side of East Mow in East barn adjoining the silo & also on east side of leanto where it joins the strawshed we want the boards for to board up the addition to Flavius barn they harrowed & rolled the Corn ground PM

May 1901

I went to Flavius AM & gave him the money to Pay the mason Ellis for building the wall he finished on Wednesday then I went to Ceder Grove W. fine rain last night Cloudy awhile then, Cler & warm distant thunder PM Cooler this evening

Sunday 12 I & Nancy went to JD's to dinner W. Cool & Cler AM dark & heavy squaals Came up PM a little distant thunder pretty strong wind pretty heavy showers

13 J & Henry Chored & Pulled off some Caterpillers AM Henry sowed feed Corn in west part of field behind Cider house & south of bush PM I went to Ceder Grove for Seed Corn AM Adeline Mary went to Markham PM W. Cool N wind Cler. A brought 700 Hemlock from Ratcliffs @ $10.00 per M

14 Boys pulled down old fence along north end of Calf pasture & dressed a lot of round rails to make a straight fence along there I & Nancy went to McN's to dinner W. Cler but Cool very fine PM Herman's were here to dinner today

15 Boys put in the posts & finished the fence I brought home Chop they plowed & raked the back garden PM

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May 1901

I took Susanna to JD's & went to Ceder Grove AM & brought home $6.00 worth of sugar Granulated @ 21 lbs for lb $ Cooking 23 lbs I & Anne Started after 2 PM & went to Reesors flats & got a fine mess of Mushrooms & Called at JD's & brought Susanna home W. very fine day a white frost last night I don't think there was any damage done Thomas Called this morning & took Nancy with him she Came home after dinner she says they have a young son

Ascension day 16 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's (Susanna went too) remarks & sermon on Acts part of 1st C by Br C Johny Reesor's & Daniel Ramer & his son Martin were here to dinner Davids were here to supper. W. very fine

17 Henry went to Herman's to fill dung A went to Benj'ns to help to plow & scrape the big ditch from Boyds line south he helped awhile then rain stopped them A cut seed Potatoes PM J & Benj'n staked off some more grading on Pickering townline PM I & Nancy Called at Thomas's PM to see the little boy he is doing well we also Called at Flavius little Eva is not well W. a few fine showers through the day a sharp heavy clap of thunder at bedtime no rain before or after it & no more thunder

May 1901

18 Boys Plowed on Pickering Townline with one team AM A & Henry helped at Flavius with team PM to Clear out the new barn Cellar J got Horses Chief & Billy shod at Ceder Grove PM I took Susanna to Flavius PM & brought her home again I went to Rouge near Scarboro School house & caught a small mess of Chubs AM W. very fine day Flavius Reesor Called

Sunday 19 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Susanna Sermon on St Mat 26 & 27 C's by C Gayman & Br C Lords supper was Celebrated no visitors A & Henry Adeline Mary & Anne went to JD's to supper W. a drizzly rain & East wind all AM not heavy Cleared up after dinner slight rain PM

20 A & Henry worked at Flavius all day pulling out granery & building a wall in front of new Cellar I & J took a grist Chop to Br S's & brought a load of Maple lumber to Flavius' PM W. drizzly rain AM Cleared up PM fine & warm

21 A & Henry straightened Posts & fixed fence along Scarboro townline west of lane AM J took Susanna to Herman's & left her to stay awhile then he went to Claremont

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May 1901

to see H White about some Ceder sheeting to sheet silo we Can get it at $20.00 per M. we do not Know if we will take it W. strong East wind prety Cler

22 Boys Chored & worked in shop A & Henry made 2 small stands W. slow drizzling rain from East till about 4 PM I got some Mushrooms on Pickering & Scarboro townline A got a lot on 5th Scarboro Close fog this evening very growing weather the crops are growing very fast the grass is very large the fall Wheat is mostly good

23 Henry helped Benj'n fix fences A began fixing old waggon Wheels he is going to Cut them down to Make Trucks out of our old Waggon & will bolt inch maple on each side of the spokes J went to see Bishop AM I took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's AM I & Nancy went to M Barkeys for some Plants PM W. very warm showers went around north PM

24 Victoria Day (So Called in Memory of our late gracious Queen) A worked at Truck wheels Henry helped Benj'n at fences till awhile after dinner J went to Ceder Grove AM W. Cloudy AM began to drizzle at noon drizzly nearly all PM a little Cooler East wind

May 1901

25 Henry & Mary went to Markham AM A worked at Franks all day J went to Sale in Markham at Silas Barber's he went with Thomas Henry went to Do & M Barkey's to tell them that Abraham Smiths wife died last night & will be Buried tomorrow I & Nancy started after an early supper & went to Herman's to stay all night. W. rather Cloudy PM East wind I got Mare Bonnie shod at Ceder Grove PM

Whit Sunday 26 we staid at Herman's till after dinner then we went to funeral of A Smiths wife at Widemans, Sermon by Br C on 1st Book of Samuel by Br C then a Dunkard by the name of Wenger Preached too we came home after the Funeral W. drizzly & Cloudy rather Cool

Whit Monday 27 Davids came to dinner then David & the boys went fishing to Kirkhams & to Kingston road got a very few Esther & the girls went looking for Mushrooms got some Flavius Fanny & little Eva were here PM W. very fine & Cler misty awhile this morning

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May 1901

Menno Burkholders brought Aaron Weber & wife & Isaac Gingrich & wife from Woolwich to supper

28 Boys planted Potatoes 34 drills in root field behind Cider House AM A & Henry Carried Potatoes out of Cellar PM J shot 3 crows PM to bpu on the Corn W. rather Cloudy I went to Ceder Grove AM I planted sweet corn & some popcorn

29 A & Henry took fat steer to Lewis's AM J took Butter & Eggs they rode home with him we sold the steer @ $4.25 per Cwt, he weighed 1040 lbs A worked at Trucks PM J & Henry brought home some lumber & took some to Flavius from SM W. mild rain awhile AM Cloudy PM

30 A worked at Trucks J & Henry Chored & straightened some fence along Scarboro Townline I & Nancy went to Markham PM. W. Cloudy AM Cler awhile PM Clouded up as we Came home rained very heavy before we got home did not get wet much

31 A worked at wheels Henry took our 3 sheep & went with Thomas & they washed them at Br S's J went AM & got a great lot of mushrooms mostly in J McCreights bush

May 1901 June

(north of Cober's) W. Cloudy AM very heavy rain Just at noon rain off & on all PM the creek is pretty high

June 1 J was at Thomas's getting some Iron strapping made to bolt on each side of the Truck wheels A finished the wood work of the wheels Henry finished Painting them AM. A & Henry got more Rosie shod on four feet PM W. drizzly rain AM Cler PM I & Nancy started about 2 PM & went to Davids & staid all night

Sunday 2 went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by C Gayman Sermon on St Luke part of 19th C by C Burkholder went to Peter Burkholder's to dinner then Came home W. rain this morning till about 9 AM then prety cler till after dinner when it rained till about 3 PM Clered up till we was prety near home when it rained heavy for a while

3 A & Henry drove down & straightened Posts south of graveyard & out near 11th Con AM they pulled down rebuilt rail fence from Corner of 11th to the bush PM J took our Horses Chief & Billy & Thomas's spring waggon & he & Thomas & Benj'n went to Stouffville J got 4 Truck Tires for $1.50 Cents W. very fine & Cler

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June 1901

4 A & henry helped Benj'n Brick his Horse stable floor AM J went with Dave March & got 500 Bricks at Cherrywood @ $6.00 per M Henry sheared the sheep PM & helped awhile at Benj'ns after he was done Herman's Called AM they went to M Barkeys Harvey staid here for dinner W. very fine & warm

5 J brought road scraper from Nick Reesor's Henry helped awhile at Benj'n's at stable A laid some floor in Old Hog pen AM J & Henry scraped Pickering townline & A fixed oven & they cut some feed PM W. very fine & Cler I & Nancy Anne & Susanna went to Br inlaw Enos Hoover's they were not at home then we went to Br inlaw Peter's to dinner

6 Herman's & Br inlaw Peter's Came this morning A hitched our Horses to Herman's spring waggon & Mary & Anne went along too they went to Mouth of Rouge fishing they did not catch many J & Henry helped Flavius draw some sticks of timber from bush to the barn AM they Chored PM I took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's AM W. warm, shower AM Cler PM Herman's & Peter's were here to supper

7 A & Henry hlepd Carpenters at Flavius J scuffled some Mangels & went to Unionville for his road list PM I went to Ceder Grove AM W. very fine getting Cooler

June 1901

8 A & Henry helped Carpenters J scuffled Mangels & I & he asked hands to raise addition to Flavius barn on Monday PM W. very strong Cool wind going down this evening

Sunday 9 I & Nancy went to Meeting at {illegible} remarks by Br C Sermon on St John part of 5 C by Bishop Christian Schaum from Indiana went to Widow Susan Widemans to dinner then we Came home W. very fine Cler & Cool, rather strong wind from NW we did not get very cold

10 A & Henry helped Carpenters at Flavius they stripped the shingles & took the roof off J brought big load of shingles home we thought we could use them in the Smokehouse & shop but they were not very good we all went to Flavius PM we raised the {illegible} after 3 PM W. very very fine & Cler J & A started about 5 PM & went to Markham station & brought 1000 ft Tamerac sheeting for our Silo Bishop gets it from Lindsay @ $18.00 per M

11 A helped Carpenters all day J grubbed field Corn with drill & harrowed potatoes Henry Chored AM he & Flavius brought 100 quarter thousand shingle Bunches from

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June 1901

west of Markham we got them from Bishops they had them delivered there to shingle a building & ours did not come to the station so they gave us them to put on Flavius barn W. very fine & warm, like showers going around

12 A helped Carpenters all day Henry & D March (Benj'ns Man) thinned Mangels AM then Henry helped Carpenters PM J & I Made a drill for sweet potatoes & J helped awhile at Mangels AM he topped thistles PM he took Mary to Dr after supper. She has Eczema on her feet & legs I & Nancy took a drive to Geo Davidsons to see when the road Machine is Coming to Grade on Pickering townline. they intend to come on Friday. W. very warm & Cler

13 A & Henry helped Carpenters J went to bring a few more squares shingles & took 6 Bunches to exchange the boys brought 2nd Class is a mistake he grubbed a road when they Plowed a few weeks ago then he grubbed the Turnip ground I took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's AM Ruhana Drudge & her Boys Benjamin & Levi were here to supper she is still able to be up & around W. very warm Distant thunder tonight I brought little Eva with me Nancy & I took her home this evening

June 1901

14 Henry helped Carpenters A helped with team on Road Machine till about 1/2 past 3 PM then he thinned Mangels J thinned Mangels he helped Carpenters PM W. very warm thunder showers in the distance

15 J A & Henry helped Carpenters AM they very nearly finished shingling they sowed our turnips & thinned some Mangels PM I went to Ceder Grove AM W very fine & Cooler I must add that Davids Esther & the little boys Came after we were in bed to stay all night

Sunday 16 we all intended to go to Meeting at Hebron except J he took a bad spell so Nancy Susanna & Henry staid with him remarks by C Gayman Sermon on Romans part of 5th C by Bishop Christian Schaum from Indiana. Bishop Schaum his daughter Anne Jacob Troscel & wife from Wayne Co Ohio C Burkholder & wife Johny Burkholder& wife Pre C Gayman wife & daughter David Burkholder Suzie Sprague Ada Robinson & mary & Tenie Robinson were here to dinner. Casper Wideman & his sister Lizzie Detailer from Michigan were here to supper W. fine Cool Cler

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June 1901

17 I & Nancy & Anne went to Br inlaw Enos Hoovers to dinner Boys thinned Mangels AM A & Henry helped Benj'n PM J Chored & went to Ceder Grove PM W. warm cloudy this morning Clered up PM thunder showers went around

19 A & Henry helped Benj'n at Mangels till about 4 PM J grubbed Corn PM I & Nancy & Susanna went to Cobers PM they were not at home W. a very fine steady shower this morning fine & Cler tody

20 Henry Chored A wne to help Benj'n J & Mary went to Markham AM J took 5 bags Oats to Br S's & took Butter & Eggs to Lewis's PM A & Henry Chored PM W. Cloudy this Morning began to rain slow & steady about 8 AM rained till noon warm PM Beef ring started this morning B Diller's wife & Children were driving west on our Townline this evening the Horses got frightened at a Poney & turned & upset the Buggy & threw them out they were not badly hurt the Buggy was broken more or less

June 1901

21 A drew gravel for statute labor from Collins Pit onto Pickering Townline J is Pathmaster Henry Chored and finished thinning Mangels I & Nancy went to B Dillers after dinner they are not badly hurt I brought home 6 bags Chop W. very fine & warm shower went around PM

22 Henry filled gravel AM A put Paris green on late Potatoes with Blower they are fast coming up & they are nearly Covered with old Bugs (in places) A went to J Smith Barn raising on the old Break Homestead Henry & Ann went to Markham PM J Chored & Cut weeds PM W. air from east thunder Clouds in the North went all PM pretty heavy thunder & heavy rain after supper

Sunday 23 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Altona remarks by C Burkholder Sermon on St Mat Part of 15 C by Br C went to Menno Burkholder to dinner & to Jos Burkholder's to supper) that is David's son he lives with them) Henry Adeline & Anne were in Meeting too W. very fine

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June 1901

24 A & Henry sprouted & bagged 18 bags Potatoes J scuffled some Mangels AM I went to Ceder Grove AM W. Cler & warm A Shank was here to dinner he Peddles small whitefish

25 A & Henry mowed some swail hay on the Jacob Reesor farm Thomas gave it to us. AM they bagged 2 more bags of Potatoes & cut some Thistles we killed 2 Pigs after supper J took Mare Bonnie & got her shod on hind feet I went along as far as Br S's to fish but they did not bite W. very very warm, a slight shower this Morning

26 Henry cut thistles in Pasture J went to see Carpenters to Come to Flavius to fix granary then he scuffled Potatoes till noon he Chored & turned hay at Cravens PM A went to Toronto 20 bags Potatoes @ 30 cts per bag 2 Pigs 129 & 132 @ 9.75 per Cwt Christian Brillinger & wife were here to supper. W. very warm

27 A worked at Flavius laying Mow floor J & Henry grubbed Corn with Seeder W. very very warm fully 90 deg in shade Thomas & Anne Diller Came home from Missouri today at noon

June 1901

28 J cut swail north of Orchard with Mower A & Henry Cut along creek & fence with scythes AM they brought home a small load from the Jacob Reesor farm PM I & Nancy went to U Drudges AM & to Ceder Grove Mary Came home this evening she has been there since Monday Ruhana is a little better but far from well W. very very warm yet about 90 deg

29 A & Henry helped at Flavius T Bishop was there they put in the granary all except the Bins I Blowed Paris Green onto the Pumpkins & early Potatoes & went to Ceder Grove AM J Chored & scuffled A & Henry Came home early then they brought in the swail hay W. very very warm about 90 deg

Sunday 30 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Br C sermon on St Mat 25th C by C Gayman went to David Ramers to dinner & to Davids to supper W. quite a bit Cooler fine Breeze from NW. A. Mary & Anne were in Meeting too

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July 1901

July 1 Boys Scuffled & hoed Corn I took Susanna to Benj'ns after dinner & brought her home this evening Boys began to dig a grave for Hezekiah Hilts daughter after supper W. very very warm about 90

2 Boys finished grave till about 9 AM then they hoed Corn we all went to the Funeral of Hilts's daughter about 1/2 past 3 PM I don't know the name of the Preacher he had to Preach outside Mrs Hilts was too Much overcome to go inside the weather was very warm I think about 90 deg there are some Thunder Clouds going round Susanna was at home alone. a slight shower this morning

3 Boys finished hoeing Corn & began thinning turnips Henry helped Benj'ns draw in hay AM I & Nancy went to JB's to dinner W. some Cooler Cler

4 J Mowed a few Acres in Meadow till about 10 Oc A Mowed along fences Henry thinned Turnips A Scuffled Mangels J & Henry hoed Potatoes PM I took grist to Br S's AM W. pretty warm, not so warm as it was a fine shower about 4 PM. heavy thunder showers went around Adeline Mary & Anne went to U Drudges PM

July 1901

Herman's were here to supper we sent our Butter & Eggs to Ceder Grove with Herman's this evening E Lewis has sold his farm & Kennedys will take our stuff to Toronto to Lewis's in the future

5 Henry Blowed Paris Green on late Potatoes A Scuffled Mangels untill about 9 AM when a fine rain stopped them A & Henry went to Flavius to work at silo Henry worked till evening A came home & worked at Truck wheels J went to Hermans I & Nancy & Susanna went to Isaac Reesor's PM & staid to supper W. the rain soaked the dust nicely it was rather Cloudy PM, nice & Cool & East wind this evening heard today that Uncle Saml Reesor was found dead in his bed this morning a thunder storm going around at bedtime

6 Boys Scuffled Potatoes & Corn Henry Blowed Paris Green on late Potatoes A mowed about 2 Acres in Meadow PM I brought home 5 bags. Chop AM & Blacked our single Harness Flavius Children & Drudges Boys were here eating Ice Cream this evening W. not so warm AM warmer PM heavy rain at night

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July 1901

Henry raked the hay that J cut on Thursday

Sunday 7 we all went to Funeral of my Uncle Samuel Reesor he was Buried in the Graveyard at Ceder Grove a young man by the name of Hallman spoke on Rev 14 C 13 V Br inlaw Saml Hoover & JD's Thomas & Anne were here to dinner M Barkeys boys JD's Jacob & Esther & Peter's Jacob & Elisabeth were here PM Barkeys boys went home the rest staid to supper W. very fine some light drizzle of rain

8 I Commenced Teaching German in Hebron Meeting House today I had 17 Pupils to begin with Boys Scuffled Corn with 2 Scufflers awhile A Mowed the most of the Meadow Henry got NB's Tedder & ran it over a lot of the Meadow W. very fine & Cler, not very warm MN's Sarah was here to dinner she brought Enos's 2 boys to school E Lewis was here to dinner

9 I taught school Boys finished cutting Meadow & drew in 10 loads D March (Benj'ns Man) helped PM. W. very fine & Cler Adeline & Anne went to Markham AM little Russell is staying here & goes to school

July 1901

10 A & Henry scuffled Corn awhile with two Scufflers AM then they helped Benj'n till noon. they drew in 5 big loads hay PM D March helped J went to Saml Reesors barn raising PM I taught school W. very warm 80 deg

11 A got Horses Chief & Billy shod Henry Scuffled Corn then they drew in Henry helped Benj'n PM J & A drew in loads hay PM I taught school & went to Ceder Grove with Butter & Eggs after school W. prety warm, cler, Cloudy this morning Joe Wideman came about bedtime to stay all night

12 J cut swail east of young Orchard Henry put Paris Green on Potatoes. A mowed along fences in swail A helped Flavius J & Henry drew in hay rakings PM W. pretty warm Jess Reesor's wife & Esther Ming{illegible} were here to supper

13 A helped Flavius all day J & Henry got 2 Posts in Shank swamp & run Mower over old Orchard to cut rubbish that grew up in it AM then Henry helped Flavius PM I & J brought in

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July 1901

good load of hay out of swail east of young Orchard W. pretty warm I went to Ceder Grove AM

Sunday 14 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by Br C Sermon on St Luke part of 6 C by C Burkholder Herman's were here to dinner Ada Hare & Flavius Children & Russell to supper & Br C & Becca were here to supper too Russell stays again to go to school W. very warm

15 A helped Flavius all day Henry Mowed fence Corners AM he helped Benj'n PM J took grist Oats to Br S's AM he scuffled Potatoes PM. W. very very warm about 90 deg MN's Sarah was here to dinner Danl Ramer brought his son Martin to board here to go to school

16 Boys Scuffled Mangels AM they gathered & took in some fence Corner hay & hoed Mangels PM W. very very warm I think the warmest yet thunder shower went around N East

17 Boys hoed Mangels AM J A & Henry Mary & Anne went to a Gathering of the Reesor family near Locust Hiil it is now 100 years since my Great Grandfather Came to Canada from Pennsylvania & took up his land

July 1901

there were about 400 present nearly all connected to the Reesor's W. warm a thunder shower went around N East

18 Boys Cut Barley south of garden & began Cuting Fall Wheat W. warm yet not quite as warm as it has been Br C Came this morning with David Reesor from Clarence County N.Y. he staid until school time Mary & Anne brought Susanna home from Johny Reesor's she has been there the last few days

19 Boys Cut the most of the fall wheat Herman was here to dinner he went to Spinks for Bran J went with him Davids came this evening for Russell Danl Ramer Came for Martin W. quite a bit Cooler

20 Boys finished Cutting fall wheat AM they cut swail in Wheat field PM W. very warm again

Sunday 21 girls & A got nearly to go to Meeting at Altona then it began to thunder in NE there was a fine shower of rain then they waited awhile & went to Joseph Burkholders to dinner & to Menno Burkholders to supper

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July 1901

I & Nancy & Susanna went to Benj'n Stovers to dinner W. Cloudy AM pretty warm PM the shower this Morning just laid the dust

22 A fixed Binder Canvas J & Henry Cut swail around young swamp Am they cut Barley East of Creek & east of old Orchard PM & brought in a load of the swail hay that they Cut on Saturday W. pretty warm Cooler after Sunset I took 5 bags grist to Br S's this morning & I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove this evening & brought Chop home

23 Henry got Mares Jenny & Minnie shod on Fore feet A finished hoeing Mangels AM then they brought in the last of the swail hay & 4 loads barley south of house W. very warm about 90 deg J went to see Bishop to Come & sheet up the silo

24 A & Henry pitched some dung to get room to build a straw stack & brought in 2 loads barley AM A laid floor in new mow at Flavius & Henry helped Flavius draw in Barley & Wheat PM W. very warm nearly 90 I took Susanna to JD's this morning & brought her home this evening

July 1901

25 A & Henry were both at Flavius A Came home at noon awhile to help J Clean out the Cistern W. not so warm Clouded up with East wind began to rain slow & steady about 5 PM, raining yet at bedtime

26 A & Henry worked at Flavius J Chored J Ionson made his last round this week W. very fine & Cool a fine rain last evening there was some water in the road this evening as I went to Ceder Grove

27 Boys drew in last of barley till noon then there Came a fine little shower then they took about 34 bags of mixed grain to Br S's to store it & 5 bags barley to Chop when they Came home they brought in the barley raking till supper a heavy rain after supper a little distant thunder nice & Cool

Sunday 28 Adeline Mary & Henry started to go to Meeting at Widemans rain stopped thme at Davids they staid to dinner & supper I & Nancy walked to AB's to dinner W. very warm this AM showers of rain till about 10 Oc then shower after shower from about 2 PM till dark Ada Hare was here to dinner & staid all night some thunder not very heavy

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July 1901 Aug

29 Boys Chored A worked at Truck Wheels J & Henry began plowing in pasture W. foggy AM drizzly rain after dinner very heavy this evening our dam is about full

30 Henry helped Thomas thresh all day J & A Plowed awhile then fixed up the Wheat shocks till noon then J cut Mixed grain north of Orchard he nearly finished it A went to Ormerads barn raising PM W. Cloudy warm fine Breeze.

31 I finished Mixed frain & Cut Oats east of dam & began opposite Pilkeys A & Henry shocked & drew in 1 load of Wheat after supper W. fine & Cooler Nancy & Anne went to Markham PM

Aug 1 J finished Cutting Oats opposite Pilkeys & cut most of Knoll Oats A & Henry drew i n4 loads wheat AM Henry helped Flavius thresh PM A shocked Oats PM I & he drew in a load of Wheat after supper W. very fine a Cool wind

Aug 1901

Grand mother & Peter's were here to dinner Anne taught at school in my place PM because Grand mother was here I took Nancy & Susanna to Flavius's & brought Chop home

Aug 2 J finished cutting Knoll then he took our horses & Benj'ns Binder & cut for Benj'n Till night A & Henry finished drawing wheat 4 loads then shocked Oats this was my last day teaching school Danl Ramer came this evening and took his son Martin home W. very fine. Cool wind raining slow this evening

3 Henry helped R Milroy thresh AM Benj'n helped at McCreights for us PM A & J gathered sheaves with forks AM Flavius Man W. Booth helped A finish shocking Oats PM I asked hands to help us to thresh on Monday AM I & J drew in 2 loads Mixed grain PM W. cooler fine wind from NW Henry Mary & Anne started about

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Aug 1901

3 PM to go some where near Almira to stay all night

Sunday 4 at home David Reesor's were here to dinner & Flavius's were here to supper W. very fine cler & cool a very fine day

5 had Saml Reesor with his machine to thresh AM threshed 4 hours about 140 Bus fall wheat about {blank space} Bus Mixed grain & about 250 Bus barley Henry helped Benj'n thresh PM I & A took in 7 loads Oats PM. W. very fine day not so warm

6 we drew in 4 loads Oats AM Flavius & his man helped PM with team we took in 14 load Oats PM which makes 25 loads out of big field T & W Bishop & Avery Degees came this morning to sheet up the silo about 9 O clock Avery Degees fell about 14 feet & hurt his feet so that he could not stand the board that he stood on feel on J's head & cut his forehead open about 1 1/2 in he seems all right again I brought home some chop PM W. fine & not so warm wind from East a little like rain I forgot to say that we got 5 sacks of timothy seed out of the wheat and there is still some in the wheat

Aug 1901

7 F & W Bishop & Tilman Shank Came this morning & A helped them they finished the Silo J & Henry plowed sod AM J went to Markham PM for 200 ft sheeting then he raked oat stubble after supper W. fine rain last night Cler today I brought home some chop AM Mare Bonnie has been lame a few weeks in getting better again

8 Henry helped JD's thresh AM J & A helped Benj'n jack up his barn floor this morning then A helped Flavius draw in Oats & J took Jack home to J Bishop's J & Henry helped Flavius too PM with team they finished Flavius's harvest I & Br C fixed some seats in Hebron Meeting house AM & I raked some oat stubble till noon I took Butter & eggs to Ceder Grove PM W. pretty warm Cler strong NW wind PM

9 Drew in Oats and Mixed grain with 2 teams all day Flavius's man helped with team all day Benj'n helped AM & awhile PM Flavius helped PM they helped Taylor's thresh PM I helped in mow at times W. not so warm East wind, a few drops rain tonight cloudy PM

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Aug 1901

We took in 15 loads Oats & 13 loads Mixed grain

10 Henry helped Thomas thresh till about 3 pm A worked at truck wheels J & Mary went to Markham AM We finished drawing in oats PM Flavius & his man helped with team's & Benj'ns Man helped after 3 PM we took in 9 loads we now have 48 loads Oats & 14 loads Mixed grain I took more Mare Bonnie to Ceder Grove to get her shoe removed she is very lame yet W. rather cloudy AM Cler Pm strong wind PM I went to half yearly conference at Hebron PM

Sunday 11 all went to meeting at Hebron except J & Mary no body here to dinner I & Nancy went to Benj'n to supper W. fine a little cloudy a slight drizzle about noon

12 Henry helped Benj'n draw in all day A went to Toronto with 89 1/2 Bus Oats @ 39 1/2 cts per Bus J raked Oat stubble W. very fine pretty warm

13 A helped Benj'n draw in AM J & Henry cleaned a load of Oats then helped Mr Huffman of Markham put a new Eve Trough on north side of east barn awhile PM then they drew in 2 loads Oat rakings

Aug 1901

I & Nancy went to Herman's to dinner Mare Bonnie is pretty lame yet at starting W. fine, but warm driving to the north better coming home

14 Henry ganged in Oat Stubble back of Orchard AM J went to J Dimma's AM Henry took 4 bags of Wheat to FK Reesor's & got flour PM A took 89 1/2 Bus Oats to Toronto @ 39 1/2 per Bus. W. fine pretty warm

15 Henry ganged J & A brought in last of Rakings AM A Plowed in sod PM J Chored Nancy Mary & Anne went to Markham & to Davids to dinner Br inlaw Enos Hoover Francis & John Lehman's Ina Came to stay all night W. pretty warm & very fine heavy rain about 6 PM heavy thunder, not near

16 J & A finished ganging back of Orchard A finished Truck wheels & took them to Black Smith at Ceder Grove AM he fixed up Hog pens & half soled his Boots W. very fine those girls are here yet Mary has not been well for some time she got some Medicine yesterday but she got worse

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Aug 1901

this evening A started to Dr about 1/2 past 8 this evening

17 Boys ganged in field east of dam I brought home Chop those girls rode with me I took them as far as Reynolds Corner W. Cler pretty warm Ketura Came PM with some visitors from Maryland & Pennsylvania namely the Misses Mary & Anne Hunt sisters Lydia Hunt & Clara Miller Cousins to Br C's Becca they were here to supper

Sunday 18 at home all day Br S's Lydia & Bertha were here to dinner Alf Ineson's were here to supper. Mary was in bed all day W. East wind. but a very fine day

19 A & Henry ganged J brought home Truck wheels he took 5 bags Oats to Br S's AM Henry helped David Reesor thresh PM J & A finished ganging East of dam PM W. quite warm some showers went round PM, a few drops of rain this morning Mary in bed all day I forgot to say that the Dr was here on Saturday Morning he says it is Neuralgia on the lungs a rather tedius Complaint

Aug 190

20 A & Henry ganged the Knoll 5 acres J Painted Truck Wheels & Chored I & Anne went to Markham PM to get Medicine for Mary She is up but not quite better yet W. very sultry looks like rain East wind. Dr was not at nome

21 A & Henry harrowed J took Susanna to Davids PM W. very warm sultry Air East wind C Burkholder & Lydia & Harvey Called a few minutes PM Dr Called this evening Mary doing better

22 A & Henry Painted silo inside J got some paint at Lapps Cider & Vinegar works the kind that they use to Paint their Vinegar Vats I brought home some Chop AM W. very very warm some thunder showers went around PM

23 A & Henry ganged in big field opposite Pilkeys I took some bags to Br S's PM to get filled with Chop Anne Diller was here to supper W. Cloudy warm a very fine heavy shower before noon a few more after it soaked as deep as the gang Plows run

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Aug 1901

24 A & Henry ganged J chored I got Mare Bonnie shod on fore feet AM J went to Ground Hog shooting PM Ernest & Karl went with him (they were here) I & Amelia went to bring them home with Mare Bonnie. he sot 3 very large ones one at M Barkeys farm one at Jacobs & one at B Diller's W. very fine Cooler

Sunday 25 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Br C Sermon on St Mat 18. C by C Gayman went to Tilman Reesor's to dinner & to Widow Anna Barkeys supper A Adeline & Anne were at Meeting too. W. foggy this morning, Cler today I & Nancy went to Br inlaw Peters to stay all night

26 we started about 9 AM & went to A Raymonds to dinner then we Came home to supper W. fine AM a very heavy thunder shower Came up about 2 PM rained very heavy we started home after 3 it rained very heavy here too but not much about Tilman Reesor's we heard that Tilman Culp fell down dead at his home this morning he will be buried on Wednesday fore noon at Widemans

Aug 1901

Boys Ploughed Sod & A rolled big field

27 Boys Plowed sod J got a shoe set on Mare Bonnie & brought Chop home AM he Plowed sod PM & A went to Markham with Mare Rosa in Cart for Medicine for Mary her Medicine was done & she is not quite well yet W. quite warm fine & Cler

28 Boys Plowed sod I & Nancy went to Funeral of Tilman Culp Sermon on Job {blank space} by Br C. W. Percy spoke on 12 C Romans C Burkholder Conducted the service at the house and at the Grave we went to Joseph Koch to dinner W. very warm and sultry Mare Bonnie is getting better

29 Henry helped Benj'n draw dung with team A Plowed sod W. very warm a lot of the young folks went here this evening singing

30 Henry helped Benj'n draw dung AM A Plowed Henry finished Plowing PM except for the East head land A & J drew off the loose stones with our new Truck that A made out of our old waggon W. very warm a few slight showers

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Aug 1901 Sept

towards evening no thunder

31 A got Horses Chief & Billy shod AM Henry grubbed sod A helped to finish when he got home they Chored PM A mended shoes. W. Cloudy AM thunder over the lake, a very heavy shower about noon a few Claps of thunder our pond was pretty low, but now it is about half full, some Cooler today raining again near bedtime

Sunday Sept 1 at home all day Herman's were here to dinner & Elias Barkey was here to supper W. Cloudy a shower PM Some Cooler A went to Dr AM Some Medicine for Mary

2 A & Henry single Plowed in field north of Orchard J went to 6th Con Pickering for some fruit Baskets AM he Picked 28 Baskets of Apples PM W. quite warm Cler

3 J & Henry Plowed AM Henry helped Benj'n thresh PM J harrowed sod PM JB's were here to dinner I went to BSS after 4 O. got shoe on Mare Bonnie & got 1 Coulter laid & 1 sharped A & Thomas went to Toronto with our Horse Chief & one of Thomas's they took 28 Baskets of our Apples

Sept 1901

& 32 Baskets of Thomas's sold @ 30 per Basket all around. W. fine Cler warm

4 Boys Plowed I took grist Oats 5 bags to Br S's & went to Ceder Groves AM Davids Came PM & Staid to supper W. very warm Davids brought Susanna home she has been visiting about 2 weeks

5 A & Henry Plowed J went to Toronto with Flavius Nancy & Mary went to Markham AM I went to Ceder Grove with Butter & Eggs W. very warm 82 deg at noon Joseph Groves brought Esther & the little boys this evening she is going to Peel & dry Apples

6 Henry finished Plowing north of Orchard A grubbed sod I went to Ceder Grove & brought home some Chop Mare Bonnie is pretty lame yet W. very very warm & sultry J drilled some stones in field north of Orchard

7 Henry helped Thomas thresh all day J sowed sod behind barn with Dawson Wheat A began Plowing in Meadow A man by the name of McGinn was here to dinner W. very warm the news came today that President McKinley was shot at Buffalo yesterday. he is living and May possibly recover he was shot yesterday

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Sept 1901

Sunday 8 All went to Meeting at Hebron Sermon on St Luke 22 & 23 C's by C Gayman & Br C Lords supper was Celebrated Tilman Reesor's Albert & Ida, & Harvey & Levi Hoover were here to dinner I & Nancy went to NB's to supper W. very fine & Cooler

9 A & Henry Plowed sod J brought doz Baskets from 6th Con Pickering AM Henry Plowed & J Cut Corn with new Corn Binder at NB's PM it works very well 6 of us bought it Andrew Dimma Andrew Reesor Flavius Thomas Myself & Benj'n @ $150 in 3 amount Payments without interest W. very fine, Cler very near a frost last night A helped Benj'n draw in Clover Seed PM

10 A helped Benj'n draw Clover seed AM Henry Plowed awhile then Cut a round around our feed Corn till J Came home he finished Cutting Corn at NB's & Cut awhile at Johnny Reesor's then cut ours till noon the part that was intend for fall feed then he Cut J Dr & M Barkey till night A & Henry drew corn along the fence PM W. warmer cloudy East wind a slight shower PM heavy rain after dark

Sept 1901

11 A & J plowed AM opposite PilkeyJ plowed PM A plowed at Benj'n PM & Benj'n men helped thresh at David Reesor's for us Henry helped thresh at Peter Reesor's all day J went to Ceder Grove PM W. very fine but cloudy

12 Henry got mare Jenny & Minnie shod A mended boots J Chored AM A & Henry plowed PM J took butter & eggs to Ceder Grove PM W. slow & steady rain windy all AM Cloudy & cler PM Thunder over the lake & raining now bedtime

13 A helped Flavius at seeding Henry plowed J Mary & Anne went to Markham PM. W. very fine & warm. J went to Cedar Grove AM Flavius' were here peeling apples this evening

14 J cut some Corn for J McRae? A & Henry plowed A came down about 9.00 O & J began cutting our corn with Chief & Billy The binder works very well he cut with the mares Jenny & Minnie PM A helped to draw corn with trucks at Thomas's to fill his silo PM Henry helped to load. Saml Reesor cut with his Engine they filled the silo

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Sept 1901

In about 4 hours. President McKinley died this morning at 2:15 AM W very fine & clear. The engine & cutting Box came here this evening J went to Ceder Grove J brought home some corn PM

Sunday 15 we & some of young folks intended to go to meeting at Altona rain stopped us so I & Nancy & Susanna went to Br N's they were not at home then went to Br S's they were not at home so we went to Flavius to dinner A & Henry Adeline Mary & Anne went to JD's. J went to Herman's to dinner W. rain when we got up slow & drizzly quite heavy about 8 then clered up rather heavy shower after dinner

16 had Saml Reesor to fill our silo got rather late start but got done at noon we ran 3 trucks J cut Benj's Corn with Binder AM. Then the whole crowd went to Benj's & filled his PM W. very fine & cler but a strong W wind calm this evening

17 J plowed Henry helped J Coxworth fill silo A drew some Basswood into wood shed then went to Flavius about 10 AM with team to put them on the corn binder till noon then he helped to draw corn to fill Flavius 2 silos PM they got them filled they are about {blank space} feet in diameter

Sept 1901

J Cut Corn with Binder for A Dimma PM Henry Plowed PM I went to Ceder grove AM. W. very fine & Cool

18 J finished A Dimma's Corn & Cut Andr Reesors Henry helped fill Dimma's Silo till after 3 Oc A helped And Reesor with team PM I & Nancy started to go to Joe Shirks in Mt Joy we met them in Boxgrove so we went to John Smiths also in Mt Joy we staid to dinner W. Cler sharp this Morning slight frost in some places

19 A & Henry helped And Reesor finish filling his silo with team J Plowed AM J Cut Corn for Jim Murisons with Binder PM A & Henry Plowed I went to Ceder Grove with Butter & Eggs PM W. very fine & Cool slight frost last night

20 J & Henry Plowed A Cut Corn with Binder for G Maxwell at Ceder Grove I & Nancy took wool to Almira got dinner Called at Herman's awhile PM W. rather Cloudy, fine & Cool

21 J & Henry Plowed AM J went to P Davis's Sale & Henry finished Plowing big field PM A cut Corn for G Davison & Cowan north of Cherrywood

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All day I went to J Boyd's this Morning to tell him that we will Cut his Corn on Monday I went to Ceder Grove PM W. very fine & Cool all day

Sunday 22 Henry Adeline & Mary went to Meeting at Widemans we were at home I & boys walked to Benj'ns AM he has a fine Cow dying of Milk Fever Anne & Susanna drove up PM she was just living & that was all W. very fine & Cler

23 A & Henry Plowed on Knoll AM Henry helped George Maxwell Cut Corn to fill a silo & J Plowed PM A Cut Corn with Binder for J Boyd AM & Mr Maxwell at Belford PM I went to Maxwells this Morning to tell him that the Binder was ready then I took 5 bags barley to Br S's & brought home some Chop AM O Giebner & Solomon Burkholder's & Abraham Burkholder brought Allen Rickert & wife & J Burkholder & wife from Mahoney County Ohio to give us a short Call PM. W. very fine Cler & warm

24 J & Henry Plowed A Picked some fallen apples AM J took the apples over 1200 lbs to Lapps PM @ 3cts per cwt

Sept 1901

A Henry & Benj'ns Man drew dung on field East of dam PM Benj'ns Man helped with team. I & Nancy & Susanna went to MN's to dinner W. fine Cler

25 A Henry & Benj'ns Man drew dung AM Henry helped Flavius thresh PM A & Benj'ns Man drew PM J Chored AM he cut Corn for J Taylor PM I walked to Ceder Grove AM & took J as far as Cherrywood after dinner then Called on M Barkey I & Nancy dug a lot of Sweet Potatoes PM W. very fine Cler quite Cool

26 A Cut Corn for Alick Lawson Henry drew dung AM they both helped Pilkeys thresh PM Nancy J & Mary drove to the Halfway House & went to Toronto on the Trolley I got 5 bags Oats at Thomas's & took them to Br S's AM then took Butter & Eggs to Ceder Grove & brought the Chop home PM W. Cool this morning very fine & warm today

27 A & Henry helped Pilkey thresh a few hours then they drew dung J Picked 10 Basket fallen Wealthy Apples & 4 Basket Pears AM he took them to Markham

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PM he sold 1 Basket at Ceder Grove at 30 cts he traded the 9 Baskets Apples & the 4 Baskets Pears for a good suit of Clothes for himself by paying $1.10. W. very fine & warm & Cler this is my 65th Birthday

28 Boys finished drawing dung & drew home some hardwood stove wood I & Nancy started this morning & went to Davids to dinner then to Rosanna Culps to supper & to Jacob Grove J{illegible} to stay all night W. warm Cloudy at times PM

Sunday 29 went to Meeting at Almira remarks & Sermon on St John 1st C by C Burkholder went to C Wideman's to dinner then to Hermans to stay all night W. rain last night & awhile this morning drizzly through the day

30 went to Jos Shinks in Mt Joy to dinner there Came home W. drizzly this morning Cleared up very fine & warm PM A & Henry Plowed on Knoll

Oct 1 A & Henry finished Plowing Knoll then they Plowed in sod till noon they dug some Potatoes PM they are rotting pretty bad Flavius Man helped Plow today J took 25 Baskets Wealthy & Alexander apples to Markham he traded 21 Baskets to E.H. Crosby for 2 Water Proof Coats he sold 4 Baskets @ 25 cts each & got the Basket

Oct 1901

then he went to sale of the effects of the late Tilman Culp he bought a Glass Cupboard @ $7.50 & a washstand @ 55 cts W. very fine & warm

2 A went to help Herman threshing Henry to 10 bags barley to Br S's & brought B{illegible} salt from Ceder Grove then he Plowed sod J helped Benj'n thresh Clover AM he Plowed sod PM I brought home 6 bags Chop from Br S's PM W. heavy showers this Morning a little squaaly at times strong wind PM

3 Henry began Pulling Mangels J Chored A Came home from Herman's then they drew in 10 loads Mangels PM I took Susanna to Davids AM staid to dinner W. quite Cool some squaals of rain PM Jess Reesor was here to supper. Ketura & Elizabeth Stover were here to supper last evening white frost last night

4 Boys & Mary & Anne & Johny Reesor's girls went to Markham I took Butter & Eggs to Ceder Grove PM W. fine & rather cool, a few drops of rain after dinner NB's brought Menno Brubackers & wife & their two Children here to stay all night White frost last night

5 Boys took in 11 loads Mangels T Bishop was here & fixed a timber under the granary & made the Chute for the silo PM white frost last night

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Oct 1901

I & Nancy went visiting with Brubackers first to Benj'ns to Thomas's to Br C's (Ketura is keeping house since they went to Pennsylvania then to Flavius & to AB's to dinner, then to B Dillers to Jacobs to Peter's to supper & to JD's to stay all night W. fine Cler & Cool AM Cloudy PM, rain & very dark after night we took them with Horses Chief & Billy A Came to JD's drove us home

Sunday 6 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St John 14th C by C Gayman David & Levi Burkholder were here to dinner & Flavius's to supper W. Cler Cold NW wind. Calm this evening

7 Boys took in 13 loads Mangels J went to Benj'n G Reesor's sale on 7th Markham PM he bought a 2 Bus Basket @ 25 cts I took up our Beets PM I took 5 bags Chop to Br S's this Morning W. very fine & Cler I walked to J Burrows after supper

8 Boys took in last of Mangels 15 loads I took 5 bags Mixed Chop to Br S's AM Chored PM W. very fine & warm

9 Boys took in Pumkins & Chored they Picked some Cider Apples AM A got about 40 gals Cider Made at Lapps & Henry Plowed {illegible} PM J Asked hands to help thresh on Friday

Oct 1901

I & Nancy & Susanna went to Markham AM I went to M Barkeys for a Basket of Grapes PM W. warm Cloudy a drizzle of rain at times PM

10 J & Henry Plowed sod A went to ask Herman to help thresh tomorrow AM A Picked Apples PM I & Nancy boiled crocks sauce & I took Butter & Eggs to Ceder Grove when we were done W. Cloudy most of the time drizzly rain towards night the Duke & Duchess of Cornwall & York arrived in Toronto today they have been visiting every part of our Mighty Empire from Australia to Vancouver, Gibraltar Malta South Africa New Zealand & & &

11 Had S Reesor threshing threshed the 20 Century Oats in west barn about {blank space} Bushels then moved Machine to East barn threshed till 5 PM then Granary was full & no more room for straw as we stopped there are About {blank space} Bus mixed grain & {blank space} Bus Ligano Oats W. warm & Cler most of the day

12 J & A Plowed they finished & J rolled Henry helped R Milroy thresh then they cut some feed & brought home a load of stove wood

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I went to Ceder Grove & brought home Chop W. warm a very little rain east wind

Sunday 13 A Adeline Mary & Anne went to the funeral of Peter R Hoover he was buried at Reynolds Hill this afternoon. Hermans were here to dinner Anne went with them I & Nancy went with Thomas W. very fine & warm A cool wind, strong wind last night

14 Henry Plowed down dung East of dam with 2 furrow gang plow J Picked apples A helped NB's thresh I took 5 bags mixed grain to Br S's & went to Ceder Grove AM Flavius & Fanny were here PM & picked some apples W. very fine & Cler

15 A helped NB's thresh till awhile after dinner Henry ganged J took 4 bags Wheat to Spinks & exchanged it for Flour AM he ganged awhile PM & Henry & A spread dung J & A Picked Apples awhile towards evening I took 6 bags Mixed grain to Br S's & brought home some Chop PM W. Cooler rather Cloudy I sold our old Shropshire ram to H Yake @ $8.00

16 dug Potatoes AB helped J Plowed them out & ganged a little between times they are a great crop but a good many rotten W. Cloudy a little drizzly this morning & PM

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17 J Plowed out the last of the Potatoes then he took 15 bags barley to Br S's A & Henry Picked the Potatoes till noon we have about {blank space} bags Henry ganged PM A & J spread dung & Picked apples I got Mare Bonnie Shod AM she is prety lame yet W. Cool Cloudy

18 Henry ganged A Picked some Apples & helped Mr Hoffman to put up Eave Troughs on Benj'ns stables awhile PM J went to Tompsons sale west of Markham Village he bought a spade & Bedstead @ 35 cts I brought home a load of Chop PM W. Cold NW wind white frost last night a few flakes of snow this Morning

19 Henry went to Pickering with Thomas's mare to bring some Cement for Flavius new stable Thomas is Cementing his Hog pen floor but there was not enough Cement there for both floors so Henry brought half of the load for Thomas. they got home after dinner J & A Picked apples & Chored they drew in a lot of Corn PM I brought home load of Chop AM & 1 PM weith Mare Bonnie. She is not so very lame now W. fine & Cler, but very Cold & strong NW wind. Calm this evening

Sunday 20 at home JD's were here to dinner W. rather Cloudy AM Cler & Cool PM milder this evening

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Oct 1901

21 Henry helped Johny Reesor to thresh J drew a load of wood out of Br C's bush for AB this morning then he & A drew wood into woodshed all day W. very fine Adeline & Mary went to Markham PM I & Nancy & Anne went Picking Beechnuts awhile PM very fine & Cler dry.

22 Henry went to help move Machine in Delos Reesor place at Rouche's A helped Johny Reesor's thresh AM & helped JD's PM J finished ganging AM he made about 40 gals Cider at Lapps PM. Alf Ineson & another boy began painting Hebron Meeting house today I took Susanna to JD's this morning then went to Ceder Grove & brought grist Chop home W. very fine & Cler & warm a little Cloudy this morning

23 A helped JD's thresh till about 3 PM Henry rolled the Corn ground to break the stubs then he began to single plow it south of bush J helped Flavius & David Grove Pick apples they got some today I & Nancy boiled some sauce AB's Lizzy helped us I brought Susanna home from JD's this evening W. warm a very strong West wind. Calmer this evening

24 Henry plowed J & A topped turnips AM they Chored PM. our girls had a Carpet rag sewing Bee today Herman's were here too W. very fine & Cler sharp NW wind Ineson & his boy finished first Coat at Meeting house today. they did not Paint yesterday

Oct 1901

25 J brought few bags bran from Green River A helped Pilkeys Kill hogs Henry finished turning out Turnips with Plow I & he drew in 2 loads AM Boys drew in 10 loads PM we put them in around the silo W. very very fine & Cler the air is still rather Sharp Br C's Came home from Pennsylvania this evening

26 J plowed awhile then he drew stones off the Plowed fields & Cleaned out a hole in the barnyard A drew some stones into it A & Henry went on a Trip to Buffalo to see the Pan American Exhibition I went to Ceder Grove AM Nancy & Mary went to Saml G Reesor PM W very fine & Cler looks a little like rain this evening

Sunday 27 I & Nancy & Susanna went to John Cobers to dinner Adeline Mary & Anne J & Henry went to Flavius to dinner. W. very fine & Cler Cool air A & Henry came home from Buffalo about 630 this morning they went to Buffalo with NB's boys. they drove to Toronto with this team & left them stand till they Came back from Buffalo this is the 44th Anniversary of our Wedding & we are hoping for many returns of the day

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Oct 1901

28 A took 2 loads turnips to Jess Burkholders @ {blank space} per Bus there were 70 Bus in the 2 loads J & Henry Picked all the scattered apples in both Orchards about 11 bags they then drew stones into low place in barnyard PM W. very fine & Cler. Cool air Nancy & Mary went to S G Reesors again today there was nobody at home on Saturday

29 J & A finished drawing stones into home in barnyard AM J Made about {blank space} gals Cider at Lapps & A Chored PM Henry went threshing with Saml Reesor at Clark & P Gaten's W. Cool this morning, very fine through the day, it is getting dry

30 A helped Saml Reesor thresh at Gaten's & Tweedies Henry went to Unionville to Court of Revision J & David Grove went to Graham's sale near Kirkhams PM J bought sugar Kettle @ 1.25 cts 15 Cotton grain bags @ 10cts each David was here to dinner I & Nancy & Susanna started to go to Br inlaw Simon Hoovers we turned back at the 6th Con Pickering mare Bonnie took quite lame W. very very fine warm & Cler

31 Henry went threshing A drew home wood from bush for us AM he drew some out of Br C's bush for AB PM J & Flavius shingled a roof at Kirton's AM J helped Benj'n fix a Bridge on 11th Con PM W. very very fine I took Butter & Eggs to Ceder Grove AM I brought home Kettle PM that J bought

Nov 1901

Esther Meighan was here today sewing for Mary

Nov 1 Henry was threshing A drew dirt onto the stones in the hole in barnyard J has a sore hand he struck his hand on a shingle nail yesterday at Kirtons he went to W Gilchrists sale PM he bought a crosscut saw & scoop shovel @ 25 cts a very good sett single Brush Collar Harness @ $2.50 A Plowed PM Horses Chief & Billy are about over the Distemper Mares Minnie & Jenny are not better yet Mare Rosa has it too W. very fine, a nice shower last night A took Esther Meighan home this evening

2 A Plowed, Henry Chored. I took 5 bags Mixed Chop to Br S's & brought home barley Chop AM I got some Mortar at M Barkeys & Bricks at NB's then Albert Reesor & J fixed Chimney on Hebron Meeting House & Made it some higher PM W. Cooler, but very fine

Sunday 3 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Anne remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St John 3 C by Br C Abraham Smith & his daughter Mary & MN's were here to dinner W. very fine & Cler East . Cool

4 Boys Chored brought in Apples from back Orchard brought some lime from M Barkey & took it to Flavius to make a wall in his new stable under the Trough AM

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Nov 1901

J & A helped bring Bishop to board up the front of the new stable part PM Henry grubbed sod PM W. drissly rain & a little sleet & snow awhile this morning Clerd up PM. rather Cold Air

5 A worked at wall at Flavius Henry Plowed in Corn stubble & finished grubbing sod I & Nancy went to Markham AM then we made some sourkrout PM W. ground froze some last night fine & Cler

6 Henry went threshing with Saml Reesor at Tweedies A worked at Flavius AM J Chored AM he & A went to Plowing Match in Scarboro PM W. sharp Air, fine & Cler

7 Boys sorted Potatoes ( we put the most of them into the south sheep pen when we dug them they have not rotted much) & A & Henry took separator apart & Cleaned it it runs very easy now J Chored then A plowed PM I took 6 bags Oats Chop to Br S's AM took 5 bags barley PM went to Ceder Grove & brought Oat Chop home W. slight drizzle this morning Cloudy Cool today

8 A finished Plowing the Corn stubble pretty soon after dinner then he went to Whitevale & Paid our Blacksmith Bills a small one of B A Ellison's & one to N Miller J & Henry sorted some Potatoes AM Henry worked at Flavius stable PM

Nov 1901

I took some Mixed Chop to Br S's & brought home barley Chop PM W. sharp strong NW wind AM fine & Cler PM

Kings Birthday 9 Henry worked at Flavius cow stable they are laying the floor with Brick J & A drew 2 loads gravel from Collins AM into Barnyard onto the stones that we put in I & A put new sheet iron on the bottom of our Feed Boiler J Nancy & Mary went to Markham PM I brought home the sheet iron from Ceder Grove AM J Kennedy brought it from Toronto for us W. pretty Cold a very strong West wind

Sunday 10 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Altona remarks by C Gayman sermon on part of 19 C St Luke by C Burkholder went to Ed Moyers to dinner. A Mary & Anne were at Meeting too W. rather Cloudy sharp NW wind not strong about 22 above Zero this Morning fine & Cler PM

11 A & Henry helped Flavius at stable all day J Chored & took Mare Jenny to Burrows to have a lump on her throat lanced he lanced a lump last week they have all had the distemper now Mare Bonnie is running some at her nose but she does not Cough any she travelled very well yesterday I mended some bags today W. Cloudy drissly at times heavy rain after dark getting quite mild

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Nov 1901

12 Henry helped Flavius AM A brought 50 Bricks from Cherrywood then Called and took some lumber from here & helped at stables at Flavius till night J brought team home & ganged turnip ground Henry helped Thomas in his hogpen PM he is rebuilding the inside of it I went to JD's PM & picked some Juniper Berries Abram is using them for Asthams he can help to thresh since using them W. very strong W wind turning Colder squaaled rain & sleet at times

13 A worked at Flavius stable Henry helped Thomas J went to Herman's AM & he went to Benj'n Stover's PM & bought 2 fat Turkeys I walked to Ceder Grove PM W. Cler sharp strong NW wind a very little snow last night a few flakes today

14 A & Henry helped McCreights thresh till about PM then Henry took Butter & Eggs to Ceder Grove & got Horse Billy shod J Plowed the Headlands in sod field & one in root field AM W. Cold NW wind AM began to snow from NW after dinner snowed till night. a few in on the ground

15 Boys brought in {blank space} bags Potatoes out of the sheep pen into the Cellar AM we Cleaned 10 bags Oats PM J took 6 bags Mixed Chop to Br S's W. Milder strong NW wind some of the snow is thawing PM

Nov 1901

16 A & Jacob Diller sawed wood for Ed Craven J & Mary went to Markham AM I went to Ceder Grove & brought Chop home PM Mare Bonnie did not have the Distemper very bad but she was pretty lame today I did not have her hitched up all this week W. very fine Milder Henry was in Toronto with 40 bags about 94 Bus Oats sold @ 51 1/2 cts per Bus some of the snow thawed today

Sunday 17 at home all day Benj'n' were here to dinner. W. sharp & Cler fine day there is still snow in spots

18 Henry helped Thomas Cementing the floor of his Pigpen A & J bagged some more Potatoes in sheep pen & drew some dung onto the young Orchard J went to Benj'n Stovers PM & Paid for the two Turkeys that we got 10 cts per lb they brought a load of pine roots from 5th Con Scarboro W. rather Milder snow thawing a little

19 A went to Spinks Mill & brought {blank space} Bran @ $17 per ton J & Nancy Chored AM we all had a Holiday PM Mary was married to Elias Barkey by Revd Russell of Mt Joy our whole family Martin Barkeys family Johny Reesor's Anne & Lucinda AB's Ketura & Elisabeth Henry & Anne Diller were Groomsmen & Bridesmaid W. a very fine day sharp Air

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Nov 1901

20 Henry helped Thomas. J & A finished drawing dung on young Orchard AM they took 1550 lbs hay to J Burrows PM I walked to Benj'ns AM to Flavius PM W. very fine Cler AM More Cloudy PM Sharp frost last night

21 Henry helped Thomas J helped Flavius put up some Troughs to Carry the water away from the Eave Troughs on his barn across the lane south of the barn AM A Chored, then they both helped Benj'n plow & scrape the open ditch with team at north End of Benj'ns PM I took grist Mixed Chop to Br S's AM went to Ceder Grove & brought home grist PM Elias & Mary Came to dinner the were up in Markham yesterday & today W. very fine & Cler Sharp Air Ineson was putting second Coat of Pain on Meeting house today he will finish tomorrow

22 Henry helped Thomas A helped Benj'ns finish drain AM he Chored PM J went to Davids PM C Burkholder's Called awhile PM with Ella Brand W. Milder soft Air thawing a slight drizzle this evening

23 Boys Chored put apples down Cellar & Some Potatoes that were in sheep pen yet I went to J Burrows AM & to M Barkeys & to Ceder Grove PM W. a little snow last night Cold strong wind today freezing pretty hard Elias & Mary J Henry Adeline & Anne went to Benj'n to supper

Sunday 24 I & Nancy went to Thomas's to dinner Elias & Mary Came & Adeline Anne A & Henry went to Br C's with them to stay to supper W. drizzly & freezing this morning trees Covered with Ice got Milder after dinner drizzly all day Ice falling off again

25 A went to Taylor's to thresh he came home again the threshers did not Come J & Henry went to look for Rabbits AM they holed 4 but got none A worked at a new halter that he is making Henry brought home Chop with Mares. they are better again Nancy & Mary went to U Drudges PM W. a few in of soft snow last night. thawing some today not very Cold

26 Henry & Anne helped Herman's kill hogs J went the 7th Con & brought the Cupboard that he bought at T Culps sale he asked Chris to take it home from the sale & Keep it till after the Busy time then he staid at Herman's till they were done. A helped Taylor's thresh W. 15 above Zero this morning a strong Cold N wind all day had a Pleasant Call from John Anthony my old schoolmate he now lives in Buffalo Albert Hoover Called this evening he was threshing at Taylor's

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27 A helped Taylors thresh Henry took Mares to be shod the shop was full he come home & went after dinner then he took 2 teams & got them shod J Chored W. very Cold strong N wind about 15 deg above

Thanksgiving day 28 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Susanna remarks & sermon on St Luke part of 12 C by Br C no visitors after service Herman's Called PM he staid to supper then he went to Ceder Grove he is going to Toronto with Jim Kennedy Levi Burkholder was at Benj'ns to dinner he Called & took Lydia & Harvey home. W. Cler Cold windy yet not quite so cold as yesterday Elias & Mary went to AB's after Meeting & to JD's this evening our young folks went there too this evening

29 A & Henry drew gravel with 2 teams out Pickering Townline we got another grant there were 9 teams AM & 13 PM they mostly made 4 trips the gravel is now past the 4th Con of Pickering J Chored & got Mare Bonnie shod PM W. not so cold about 4 in snow last night thawed a little

30 A & Henry drew gravel it is now past the Old Anthony lane J Chored & went to Ceder Grove AM Mary & Susanna went to Markham PM with Mare Bonnie she goes prety well now is not much lame

Nov 1901 Dec

W. a very fine day not Cold but not thawing much, a few sleighs slipping very good sleighing in Stouffvile

Sunday Dec 1 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by Br C sermon on St Mat part of 16 C by C Burkholder Abraham Lehmans with two of their young folks Menno Burkholder girls & their hired man J Koch & Herman were here to dinner | Elias & Mary were here too W. a very fine day, like April, quite mild

2 A & Henry drew gravel all day there were about 14 teams the new grading is all covered now but we intend to spend $10.00 more & put it on the old Turnpike it is pretty good J brought Nick Reesor's scraper with R Milroys team & scraped some of the old gravel it was cut up a little I & Nancy went to see Grandmother & staid to dinner she is very well, but has taken a little cold W. soft this morning a slight rain Early this morning turned Colder through the day freezing sharp tonight Mare Bonnie travelled very well

3 A & Henry brought a load of gravel each then we heard that James Burrows died last night at 1/2 past 11 oc then the neighbours thought we would better quit the gravel, then the boys brought some wood & got ready to Kill our

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hogs tomorrow A & Henry helped Flavius to level around his new wall PM W. Cler sharp freezing all day I have very lame back & sick on the stomach took a Physic feel a little better this evening

4 Killed our 4 big hogs for our own use & 5 smaller ones to take to Toronto our whole family were here Elias too we got done in good time W. Cler Sharp down pretty near Zero

5 Boys chored Cleaned up things in shop & Cleaned some Oats they went to the Funeral of J Burrows to 11th Con PM J went to sale of timber in Tait swamp PM got nothing girls went to Funeral too I have Cough yet my back is not quite better yet I did not go W. Cler Sharp getting some Milder

6 A went to Toronto 5 Pigs 739 lbs @ $8.00 per Cwt 18 bags Oats 1.2 Bus @ 46 cts J went to Ceder Grove & Chored Henry husked the Popcorn & shelled some Corn for Mush W. East wind pretty Cold yet

7 Henry drew 3 loads gravel it reaches Benj's last East & west fence now I think the Job is finished now for this year A finished a Halter that he is making for young Mare Queen then he salted our Pork they Carried it into

Dec 1901

Cellar on Thursday Morning it got frozen in the shop so he Carried it up again & salted it I am not quite right yet W. Milder East wind

Sunday 8 I & Nancy went to Br N's to dinner W. Mild Cloudy began to snow (very soft) about dinner time, turned to rain very sloppy, quite mild

9 A went to Spink Mills AM he bought 2 Barrels Flour @ $3.80 per Bll J does not feel well he & Henry took 10 bags grist to Br S's AM Henry took road Scraper to Lapps & brought grist home PM W. mild some soft now after dark this is Nancy's 62nd Birthday

10 Henry helped Flavius AM J went to Ceder Grove AM A & Henry Oiled & fixed a few parts of the single Harness that J bought at Gilchrists Sale A fnished a halter for Colt Queen. Herman was here to dinner W. mild about 4 in soft snow, pretty fair sleighing J took 41 1/2 lbs lard to Ceder Grove @ 12 cts per lb our 4 hogs yielded about 375 lbs of lard

11 Henry & Adeline helped Benj'n Kill hogs A Chored J went to Markham

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with Flavius he got some Medicine for himself. Flavius was helping Benj'n Kill Hog & Cut himself across his hand & cut the Cord of his first finger, the Dr fixed & Bandaged it for him. Mary & Anne went to Markham in Cutter PM pretty fiar sleighing Anthony Doner & wife were here PM. W. fine & mild

12 Henry helped Thomas's Kill hogs A chored he half soled one of my everyday boots J took Butter & Eggs to Ceder Grove Albert Reesor's brought Jacob Rittenhause & his wife awhile PM they are newly Married. Herman Called PM he asked Nancy & me to Come to a Turkey Roast tomorrow we intend to go if it is a fine day & I feel able. I am not very well W. very fine & mild, thawing a little

13 Henry helped David Reesor kill hogs A helped Sidney Bean thresh for Thomas J Chored I & Nancy went to Herman's to Turkey Roast W. Mild Cloudy rain from about noon till about 2 PM thin sleighing Coming home W. mild

14 Henry helped Thomas A Chored & Cut a Butcher knife out of a piece of old Lance tooth saw AM he helped Flavius PM W. drizzly rain AM pretty heavy PM began to freeze toward evening, getting quite Cold Ice forming on the trees

Dec 1901

Sundy 15 at home Elias & Mary went to Br N's W. some snow last night not enough for sleighing Cold all day

16 Henry worked for Thomas A took grist Chop to Br S's then he went after 10 AM with Mart Hoover, shooting rabbits in the Tait swamp, got none, he finished his Butcher Knife & Chored PM J went to Sale of Teenie Ramer's farm & stock at the old Cheese Factory. the thinks the farm was not sold W. very sharp & Cold all day I feel some better today

17 Henry worked at Thomas's A & J took load of barley to Br S's & stored it AM J went to Robt Reesor's sale PM A took Horse Billy & got him shod. then went to Markham. Called at sale & brought J home. W. about 4 in of very dry snow quite Cold

18 A & Anne helped David's Kill hogs Henry helped Flavius fix horse stables AM he worked for Thomas PM W. fine Cler quite sharp all day, fair sleighing J Chored I & he Killed 5 Geese 19 A took 4 live hogs 760 lbs to Stouffville Packing Co @ $6.15 per Cwt. Henry helped Peter B Reesor Kill hogs for Thomas J Chored I & he killed 5 Geese W. Cler Cold 4 above Zero this morning

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Dec 1901

20 J & Nancy went to Markham AM A Chored OIled the best single Harness Henry Chored at Benj'ns he went to Toronto W. Cler & Cold very fair sleighing A took the hogs to Stouffville with the sleigh yesterday

21 Boys Chored A & Henry Oiled best single Harness second time & sorted some Potatoes in the Cellar that were put down first without sorting they were not badly rotted J went to Winterstines sale on 10th Markham with Flavius PM w. nearly Zero this morning. fine Cler not so Cold now

Sunday 22 at home all day Albert Reesor's & Sarah Moyer & JD's young folks were here to dinner Elias was here too W. Milder but a raw wind from West & South west looks like a storm

23 Henry drove Mare Rosa to Markham in Cart Called at Ceder Grove & got her shod all around AM then he drove her to Cherrywood PM J went Rabbit shooting AM he got 2 & A went to Van Horn's sale down near the Grange Hill PM I & Susanna went to JD's AM W. mild, looks like rain on snow it is snowing a little this evening. Boys took some dry Beech wood to Meeting house AM

24 Henry & Nancy went to Ceder Grove AM J & A set up & split some wood at Meeting house AM

Dec 1901

J & A went Rabbit Shooting PM got none Henry brought Chop home & went to Ceder Grove PM W. Mild about an in of snow last night

Christmas day 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Susanna remarks by Br C Sermon on St Luke part of 2nd Chap by C Burkholder our whole family were here to dinner I & boys went to Hebron after 2 PM there was a child Buried there a Great Granddaughter of the Late Ulrich Burkholder (no Service) W. a little more snow last night fine & Mild & Cler today the finest Christmas for some years. fair sleighing thawing just a little

26 J took our Pulper to Stouffville & traded it to Levi Hoover for a new Massey Harris by paying $10.00 A & Henry Chored A took Butter & Eggs to Ceder Grove with Mare Rosa & Cutter I took Anne to Elias's new house they are Cleaning it today W. very fine & Mild

27 Henry helped Benj'n thresh till after 3 PM J & A Fixed a hopper under new Pulper & Chored A drove Mare Rosa to Ceder Grove in Cutter w. Cloudy mild thawing some

28 A helped Thomas thresh at E Cravin's till about 3 PM J & Henry Chored J took big Bobs to get fixed PM at B.S.S

{second page}

Dec 1901 Jan 1901

W. mild looks like a storm East wind AB brought Adeline Brillinger to stay all night

Sunday 29 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by C Burkholder Sermon on St Luke part of 2nd C by Br C. C Burkholder's David Ramer & his son Martin Benj'n Stover's & Mathina Burkholder from Indiana were here to dinner W. Mild, a fine soft snow from N East, all AM not much wind, it has fixed the sleighing well

30 A Adeline & Mary went to Toronto to buy Mary's Outfit J & Henry went Rabbit Shooting with Flavius. they got none Flavius got one, we Cut straw to fill beds PM W. pretty sharp fine & Cler

31 Boys Chored I went to Ceder Grove took Mary & Susanna as far as Flavius's AM Henry asked hands to thresh PM we did not Know that Machine was Coming till after dark last night they came about 10 AM threshed about 2 1/2 hours nicely over 300 Bus Oats W. not Cold but a very very strong W. NW.wind all PM. squaals of snow

January 1 102 I & Nancy went to JD's to dinner girls & boys at home Elias & Mary went to M Barkeys to a Roast W. pretty Cold Cler thin sleighing

Jan 1902

2 Henry & Nancy went to Stouffville with Mare Rosie & Cutter Elias & Mary went too they bought a lot of furniture for Mary J took grist Chop to Br S's AM he took Butter & Eggs to Ceder Grove PM I took Susanna to Benj'ns AM brought here home PM W. rather Cloudy pretty strong W. wind PM thawing some PM

3 Boys Chored Peter's Jacob & Elisabeth brought Bertha Barkey here AM she staid till evening then Elias took a big sleigh load to Menno Reesor's John Lehman & AW Urnny Wincher to dinner w. a Cold Strong NW wind all day Henry helped E Cravin Cut feed awhile AM

4 A & Henry drove Mare Rosie to Markham & to Davids to dinner in Buggy the sleighing is thin W. Cler Cold Zero this morning

Sunday 5 I & Nancy went to M Barkeys to dinner Henry & Adeline & Elais started for Meeting in Altona they were laste went to MN's W. fine they went with Buggies it is very good wheeling but the sleighs are still running. Elias's brought Br inlaw Johnny Hoover's daughter Charlotte to stay all night

6 A & Henry sawed wood for E Cravin till about 3 PM J went to get Mare Bonnie sharped AM the shop was full he went to Br S's Mill PM . W. very fine but Cloudy, Mild Charlotte was here till after dinner then she went to Thomas's

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When war's alarm rang wildly out

And Boers their valour vaunted

Few guessed the size of Britain's task

Or that her sons were wanted

But loyal hearts across the seas

Could wait no invitation

But sped to join the mother's side

'Mid cries of exultation


Rallying round the flag, see the British Lions cubs

Rallying round the flag that they love

They are bound to keep it flying;

Though 'mid shot and shell they're dying;

They are bound to keep it flying up above.


They faced the foe on many a field;

Their blood was freely proffered

And to defend that sacred flag

Canadian lives were offered.

Australian, not a whit behind

In danger or in glory,

Stood firm around it's flapping folds

All tattered, stained and gory.


Rallying round the flag, etc.


They've shown the world a moving sight

The sons beside the mother

And, for the first place in the fight

Each striving with the other.

Can other lands show aught like this?

O! loyal sons we love you!

Be ever thus and keep the flag

Aye floating free above you.


Rallying round the flag, etc.

Used by permission of H.H. Godfrey. The music of this Song may be obtained from any reliable music dealer, price 40c

(Copyrighted in the year 1900, by H.H. Godfrey.)

Transcription Progress



Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1900-1901.pdf
Benjamin Reesor 1900-1901 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Benjamin Reesor, “Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1900-1901,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed July 16, 2024,
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