Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1893


Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1893


Courtland Olds


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph




19th Century, Norfolk County, Woodhouse Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Courtland Olds Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


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{lunar table for November and December 1893}

{second page} January SUNDAY 1 Our first day of the new year has been a rainy one, so we did not go to church as we intended. Went up to Unckle John Matthews for dinner. Have not been enjoying myself spiritually as much as I could wish. The troubles of my my heart are enlarged" and so I often feel of late, But, shall not the Good Lord deliver me out of them all."
November, 1893 December, 1893
Moon's Phases D. H. M. Moon's Phases D. H. M.
New Moon 8 7 57 M New Moon 8 2 40 M
First Quarter 16 0 45 E First Quarter 10 5 21 M
Full Moon 23 1 8 E Full Moon 22 11 37 E
Last Quarter 30 4 8 M Last Quarter 29 6 18 E
hm hm h.m. hm hm h.m.
1 W 6 54 5 09 A M 1 F 7 32 4 43 0 38
2 T 6 58 5 08 0 24 2 S 7 33 4 43 1 46
3 F 6 57 5 06 1 37 3 S 7 34 4 43 2 51
4 S 6 58 5 05 2 45 4 M 7 35 4 42 3 57
5 S 6 59 5 03 3 55 5 T 7 36 4 42 5 08
6 M 7 01 5 02 4 59 6 W 7 37 4 42 6 09
7 T 7 02 5 01 6 06 7 T 7 38 4 42 7 16
8 W 7 03 5 00 Sets 8 F 7 39 4 42 Sets
9 T 7 04 4 59 5 19 9 S 7 40 4 42 5 24
10 F 7 06 4 58 5 54 10 S 7 41 4 42 6 21
11 S 7 07 4 57 6 38 11 M 7 42 4 42 7 24
12 S 7 08 4 56 7 29 12 T 7 43 4 42 8 30
13 M 7 09 4 55 8 28 13 W 7 44 4 42 9 36
14 T 7 11 4 54 9 38 14 T 7 44 4 42 10 43
15 W 7 13 4 58 10 40 15 F 7 45 4 42 11 51
16 T 7 14 4 52 11 49 16 S 7 45 4 42 A.M.
17 F 7 15 4 51 A.M. 17 S 7 46 4 42 0 59
18 S 7 16 4 50 0 57 18 M 7 47 4 43 2 09
19 S 7 18 4 49 2 07 19 T 7 47 4 43 3 25
20 M 7 19 4 48 3 19 20 W 7 48 4 44 4 45
21 T 7 20 4 47 4 36 21 T 7 48 4 44 6 09
22 W 7 22 4 47 5 55 22 F 7 39 4 45 Rises
23 T 7 23 4 46 Rises 23 S 7 50 4 46 5 04
24 F 7 24 4 46 5 14 24 S 7 50 4 46 6 22
25 S 7 25 4 45 6 17 25 M 7 50 4 47 7 47
26 S 7 26 4 45 7 30 26 T 7 50 4 47 9 08
27 M 7 27 4 44 8 52 27 W 7 51 4 48 10 23
28 T 7 28 4 44 10 12 28 T 7 51 4 49 11 35
29 W 7 29 4 43 11 27 29 F 7 51 4 50 A.M.
30 T 7 30 4 43 A.M. 30 S 7 52 4 51 0 43
31 S 752 452 150

January MONDAY 2 1893

Fred has taken advantage of Hollowday privileges to day. He has done the chores however. Have been rather unwell with my back so as to be partialy laid up, myself. Have done some saw filing besides makeing and puting in an axe-handle &c. The weather has become cold just in time to make excellent sleighing for us. The rain yesterday was also a great benefit in providing us with water in abundance.

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January TUESDAY 3 1893

We cut wood this afternoon Fred and I. While this forenoon he was geting up wood and I went to Jarvis. Called at Mr Parsons on the way and got our last cheese check for the last season. Had an offer from Mr Ivey of Ivey & Allen, to take up our Mortgage for us and to reduce the rate of interest to five and a half per ct. The weather has been very cold to day.

January WEDNESDAY 4 1893

Have had Fred geting up wood to day while I have been up to Simcoe takeing Maggie and the baby with me. Took dinner at unckle Daniels and had our picture taken, the three of us together at Armstrongs. Settled up a small note at H.H.G's and left our tax-money at the bank of Hamilton for the year. Sent a letter to Toronto about the matter that came up yesterday

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January THURSDAY 5 1893

Snow has been falling nearly all day; but Fred and I have kept on at our work in the woods notwithstanding. The weather still keeps cold and stormy. We seem likely to have a severe old fashioned winter after all. Have continued to feel some what cast down But have been reminded that the Lord raisith all those the be bowed down Shall he not also help me.

January FRIDAY 6 1893

We have kept on working in the woods to day, Fred and I . The day has been a beautiful one though cold. Heard to day that one of our dear friends in Port Dover Mifs Alice Barret had just lately been married to a young lawyer from British Columbia and left immediately after for their Wedding trip. She is to return for a short season before going to her new home however.

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January SATURDAY 7 1893

Fred has been geting up wood this forenoon, but this afternoon has been cuting. I went out to Dover this forenoon to settle up with Unckle George Matthews for a truck. Found that he had been paid for all but about Twenty seven dollars, So I gave him my note for the ball. at ten months. He agreed to repaint & to Iron the bolske posts grates. Have been greatly cast down to day.

January SUNDAY 8 1893

Went out to Port Dover this morning as usual takeing ma with me. Had an excellent discourse from our dear brother Cookman. His subject was the parable of the wheat and tares. Did not feel myself fit to enter into God's house to day owing to unbelief or lack of trust in HIm. Found Jack and Florence here from Simcoe having come down after church then. Went to hear Dr Lake this evening

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January MONDAY 9 1893

Fred awakened me this morning saying that dogs were at our sheep. So I got up and we spent nearly the whole forenoon in hunting up the sheep. Found that one of our best young ewes had been worried so we killed & dressed this one and finally found the rest all right. Went to W. McBrides & to Mr Halls to caution them about their doggs. Have had a terribly drifting snow storm since about the middle of last night.

January TUESDAY 10 1893

The weather has been very cold to day about Zero all day. Fred and I have been cuting wood in the woods this forenoon and this afternoon Fred has been spliting in the woods, except when makeing an axe-handle. Have been graciously strengthened of late by the Divine and Infinite. He does all things well.

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January WEDNESDAY 11 1893

Fred and I have been cuting wood in the woods again to day. I have been doing some other work however between times, such as filing the saws &c. The very cold weather of last night and yesterday is apparently leaving us and a snow storm seems to be brewing. The winter is become quite old fashioned after all the many prophecies to the contrary.

January THURSDAY 12 1893

We kept on working in the woods this forenoon, Fred and I . He also kept on this afternoon while I have been visiting my old friend W.J. Carpenter & wife with the Wallse's. The weather has been exceedingly cold and stormy all day, scarcely fit to work out of doors at all. We had a nice visit together however.

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January FRIDAY 13 1893

Had considerable trouble with our cross cut saw to day. We have been cuting up a large maple tree in the back woods which cut very hard. Have not made much headway as a consequence. Have been makeing some aservations on the back end of the place this evening prior to offering it to Ed Ewen at a price that is some fifty acres of it.

January SATURDAY 14 1893

Owing to stormy weather Fred and I did not go to the woods this forenoon but threshed a couple of floorings of peas with the horses. Maggie and I went out to Dover this afternoon driving our Flora colt for the first time single to the cutter. I went down to see Mr John McCarty about threshing our cloverseed. The weather is very cold at present.

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January SUNDAY 15 1893

Went out to Dover this morning as usual takeing Maggie and Jim with me. Found the weather very cold and windy for driving. Were surprised on geting home from church to have my father and sister-in-law to come in soon after very unexpectedly. The latter had just been haveing a sale of stock at her farm near Leynedoch having rented the same.

January MONDAY 16 1893

Sarah and her father, who were with us over night started for home at about eleven o'clock this forenoon. The weather is still very cold and severe with but little prospect of a change very soon. Fred has been geting up wood &c this forenoon Took our two sows down to W. Parkes this afternoon but to no purpose

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January TUESDAY 17 1893

Fred got up wood this forenoon as usual while I went to Jarvis to look after some matters of business. Had a note there for renewal of settlement, took the former latter course however as money is scarce these days. Fred and I have been sawing in the woods again. The weather continues to be cold, without any abatement

January WEDNESDAY 18 1893

Fred and I have been working in the woods, most of the time to day. A storm of wind and snow has been raging most of the day makeing it very disagreeable working outside. Have been enjoying in a precious way the love of Christ. Am thankful for the assurance of his love and care over me & mine.

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January THURSDAY 19 1893

Fred went up to Tyrrell to day after his father inlaw and wife. They are very old people and have need of some other care besides their own, hence the change. Went up to Clarke Matthews do dinner takeing Maggie and my Mother with me. Found a nice party of friends there amongst whom was W.J.C & wife. Had a grand dinner, and a very pleasant visit visit.

January FRIDAY 20 1893

Fred has been geting up wood to day. I went up to Vittoria to attend the Farmers Institute there, takeing my wife with me. We took dinner with Mrs Clarke and Miss Lamport at their boarding place and had a pleasant visit with them besides. Heard the Hon. Charles Drury talk about build drains, also about fattening cattle for the English market the whole was quite interesting

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January SATURDAY 21 1893

Fred and I cut wood in the woods to day or rather this forenoon. This afternoon or evening I went out to Dover to look after some small matters there. Had to ask a favour of Bro J. Ellis, much against my feelings but did not have to ask in vain. The weather keeps cold, but, there are some indications of a warm change.

January SUNDAY 22 1893

Went out to church this morning takeing my mother and Bertha with me. We had the Jarvis minister who gave us a mifsionary discourse The ministers name is Rev. Mr Bennet. It seems he started on our circuit when Rev. William Savage was with us, a good many year ago. The brother did very well indeed and is an enthusiatic worker for the missionary

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January MONDAY 23 1893

Fred and have been working away in the woods to day at cuting mostly snow has been falling both yesterday and to day - though in moderate quantities. This afternoon the threshers Came and have unfortunately not been able to get the whole of their machine here so I will Maggie and I went down to unckle Joe's this evening for a visit.

January TUESDAY 24 1893

Were offered last night to have our cloverseed threshed for nothing provided we take it down to John McCarty's so we have been at it to day. Fred & I with all our might. Took two loads down afternoon and brought home the straw and seed this evening. Have still another load to take yet however. There has been another snow storm to day & this evening.

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January WEDNESDAY 25 1893

Fred and I took our third load of Cloverseed down to Mr John McCartys this morning. Got it threshed by noon when I walked home leaving Fred to load up and bring home the clover straw and chaff &c. Went up to W. J. Carpenters for dinner. Visited them until evening when we went to the Woodhouse tea meeting. There was a great turn out. Proceeds $20.00/00

January THURSDAY 26 1893

Fred and I got the barn straightened up this forenoon and a load of oat straw drawn for the horses. He has had his friend John Culver to visit him to day & has not worked this afternoon. Has done chores however. I went up to the Grange this afternoon. Had our usual meeting, but the number present was rather small. Weather very fine to day but cold.

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January FRIDAY 27 1893

Fred and I have been working away at our wood - cuting in the woods as usual Owing to Cloverseed - threshing and various other causes we have had quite a rest. We are still having Cold winter weather, with but little prospects of a change very soon. The proverbial January thaw seems likely to fail in makeing its appearance this time at least.

January SATURDAY 28 1893

Fred and I went to the woods this forenoon as usual Had business in Dover afternoon so I went out there takeing ma with me. Fred has been geting up wood this afternoon in my absence. The weather is moderating greatly and we seem likely now to have a thaw very soon. Heard to day of the death of my Cousin Alice Olds unckle Henry's daughter. She has been sick for some time.

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January SUNDAY 29 1893

A January has come at last and last night and to day it has been quite warm with rain the snow has settled down very fast. Did not go as we intended, to the funeral of my cousin Alice Olds. The roads were icy and did not have a horse shod as it did not seem possible to go far, under the circumstances. Have been trying to profit as far as possible with the opportunity for reading &c.

January MONDAY 30 1893

Have been cuting wood to day as usual Fred and I. The warm weather of yesterday has turned into cold already, and this afternoon snow has been falling in good earnest. Hamilton Olds came this evening and is staying over night with us. He is still {illegible}ing as agent for some farm implements and he came to repair a disc harrow that I bought of hime some time ago.

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January TUESDAY 31 1893

Fred has worked in the woods to day, and I helped this afternoon. Had Hamilton Olds here this forenoon and helped him put some repairs on the disc Harrows which took some time. W Walls and wife were here this evening and one of the results was a very unpleasant experience with ma. It does seem strange that we cant get along without such.

February WEDNESDAY 1 1893

We have kept on with our usual job of wood cuting in the woods as usual. The weather has continued very cold and disagreeable. Went out to Dover to spend the evening at our ministers. There being a number of others invited besides ourselves. Had an exceedingly pleasant time. Lord think more than ever of our minister and his family

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February THURSDAY 2 1893

Fred and I have been cuting wood in the woods as usual to day . The weather has been very cold and disagreeable to day, a strong N.E. Wind has been blowing, and to night it is snowing. The day has also been cloudy so that {illegible} could not possibly see his shaddow wether this will result in the proverbial mild closeing of Winter remains to be seen.

February FRIDAY 3 1893

Fred and I have been threshing peas with the horses to day. Took of three flooring this forenoon and this afternoon which completed the job for this year. Had our young minister with us to dinner. Rev. R. W. Prudlam. We went out to Dover this evening Maggie and I and had an exceedingly Cold & stormy ride. Went to take some butter to Mr {illegible}ster & Mrs Silverthorn

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February SATURDAY 4 1893

Owing to the very cold weather to day, Maggie and I did not get started for Delhi until about three o'clock this afternoon when it seemed to moderate somewhat. We arrived in Delhi about seven o'clock after an exceedingly cold drive. Drove our little mare Flora and did not have to spend much time on the way. We are staying over night at W.A T's to night.

February SUNDAY 5 1893

I went to the Quarterly meeting in Delhi this morning, but had to go alone. Rather enjoyed the service although amongst strangers. The congregation was rather large for such a stormy icy time. Rev Bro. Clarke officiated. Went with my brother-in-law Will Ferguson and family to the Presbyterian Church this evening. The pastor Rev Mr Barclay preached to a rather small congregation. Was favourably impressed with the services and somewhat encouraged thereby.

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February MONDAY 6 1893

Rain has been falling incessantly to day. So much so that we found it impossible or unwise to drive over to Wyecombe as we intended this forenoon. Have been visiting with Maggies brothers and their families until evening when the rain ceased, and we drove over to Mr. Fergusons at Wyecombe. Found them looking for us, and glad to see us, and have spent the evening pleasantly as well as the day.

February TUESDAY 7 1893

Maggie and I with our little daugher are visiting at Fergusons or my father-in-laws to day. Had intended returning home this evening but owing to the weather concluded at last to stay over another night and return to morrow. We were glad to find the old folks well and in good spirits. They have Charley Crysler with them yet and he seems determined to stay with them

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February WEDNESDAY 8 1893

The cold weather is still prevailing but, we had the wind on our backs to day as we came home from Mr Ferguson's at Wyecombe. Stoped in Simcoe at Florences for an hour or so on the way home. Felt thankful to find everything all right at home notwithstanding the flood of ice that covers the ground almost everywhere. Great ponds of water stand on some fields the result of Mondays rain.

February THURSDAY 9 1893

Fred went down to Jarvis to day to take Dore to the doctor, She has been unwell ever since she had the chicken pock. He was gone about half a day. I have been doing chores most of the time. Snow has been falling this afternoon and tonight at a great rate. It has been comeing from the south East this time.

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February FRIDAY 10 1893

Fred and I have been working in the barn to day on account of stormy weather Have succeeded in geting our peas cleaned up of which we had only Seventeen bushells, as the final result of the years crop. We have fed some six or eight bushells however besides. Got started at cleaning up the clover-seed this afternoon also. Have been rather disappointed in the way it turns out.

February SATURDAY 11 1893

Fred finished cleaning up the Cloverseed this forenoon. There was only about two bushels from the eight acre field back of the barn. The smallest crop of cloverseed that I remember ever cuting, especially of pastured seed. Fred went up to Townsend this afternoon on business of his own. I have been working during the day at sundry jobs. The weather is quite mild again.

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February SUNDAY 12 1893

The past has been a beautiful day. We have not see the like for a long time. Went out to Dover for church takeing ma and Bertha with me. Our young minister preached to the children but, of course his sermon was all right for older people. The yearly Township Sabbath School convention takes place to morrow in Port Dover and to day services were preparatory.

February MONDAY 13 1893

Fred has been working in the woods to day as usual, when not doing chores. I worked with him this forenoon. Took our whole family up to unckle John's for dinner, it being his birthday. He was sixty six year old to day. All my aunt and unckles on my mothers sider excepting Caleb Matthews were. Had a very pleasant time of course. The weather is very fine and rather mild.

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February TUESDAY 14 1893

We have been cuting wood in the woods to day most of the time, Fred and I. It has been raining part of the time this afternoon however so we could not work out. We have found work inside as usual. Had an invitation to Mifs Ida McPherson's wedding to day . It takes place on Wednesday the 22nd {illegible} inst. Weather quite mild.

February WEDNESDAY 15 1893

We got a load of oat straw into the horse barn, this morning, Fred and I. Sent him up to the Mill this afternoon after flour and bran while I went out to Dover, mostly for an evening visit at my unckle George Matthews takeing Maggie with me. Ma could not go owing to a slight illness last night. There has been quite a thaw to day, but the sleighing is good yet, though nearly all ice.

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February THURSDAY 16 1893

Fred has been geting up wood to day when not doing chores. I went up to Simcoe, takeing Maggie with me for business purposes. Sold our years product of dried apples, 144 lbs, at 4 cts per lb. & traded them out at Northway & Falls. Got a few necessaries which we could not well do without. Made a sort of settlement with Mr. W. Hammond and Mr J McCarty about a foal. Had an a/c to offset the same of about five dollars.

February FRIDAY 17 1893

Fred finished drawing wood that we had ready this forenoon. This afternoon we have been cuting in the woods again. I spent most of the forenoon in trying to collect money for bull services amongst the neighbours. Succeeded in geting a little over two dollars, besides geting the promise of five dollars for next week. A terrible east storm is raging tonight.

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February SATURDAY 18 1893

We have been cuting wood in the woods again to day as usual. The heavy wind storm of yesterday resulted in bringing a moderate snow fall last night and to day. Sleighing will of course be benefitted generally, and wheat as well as meadows protected further. Find by to days papers that wt binder twine duties are to be reduced one half Coal oil, will have a slight reduction.

February SUNDAY 19 1893

The worst storm of the season has been in progress to day. We went to our usual morning service in Port Dover notwithstanding and got home all right. Bro. Cookman preached to us and felt much encouraged by the service. He talked mostly about the privilege of Calling on God for the revival of His work with the sure & certain, hope of being heard & in due time answered in His own way.

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February MONDAY 20 1893

We got to the usual work in the woods to day Fred and I. The day has been a very cold one and somewhat stormy. This was the coldest morning of the Winter 8 {symbol for degrees} below at about seven. The thermometer has only registered six heretofore. Have been feeling somewhat unwell of late owing, I think to too much high living or to eating too much. Suppose that by fasting would soon recover.

February TUESDAY 21 1893

Felt rather unwell this forenoon, so did not go to the woods with Fred. Had other work to do however. This afternoon went out though and have continued to cut wood as usual. There is some appearance of an East snow storm again. One storm seems to follow another in quick succession this Winter. But no doubt it will help to to bring us an Early Spring

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February WEDNESDAY 22 1893

Fred and I worked this forenoon in the woods, He has got up a couple of loads of wood as well. This afternoon he has been geting up wood as usual. Took Maggie and my mother and started for Simcoe at about four o'clock, intending to go to Ida McPhersons wedding at my unckles Heard on the way that on account of her illness it would be postponed so we came home.

February THURSDAY 23 1893

We got in another load of oat straw this morning for the horses. Fred kept on drawing wood until noon. It has been snowing since about eleven o'clock sot that out of door work has been impossible, so we have been working inside. This is the snow storm of the season I think, that is for quantity, for a least a foot has fallen already & it is not drifting.

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February FRIDAY 24 1893

The snow storm of yesterday continued nearly all night, and left us fully one foot of heavy snow. Much more than we have had at any other time all winter. Fred and I worked inside this forenoon. This afternoon however we got to work in the woods again at cuting &c. Am beginning to feel as though we had enough wood cut for this winter.

February SATURDAY 25 1893

Fred and I continued our work in the woods this forenoon and he this afternoon. I went out to Dover mostly to go to the Council takeing Mr James McBride with me. Succeeded in geting a little over six dollars for the fine ewe killed by doggs a month or so ago. Thought this to little, but have to be satisfied. Called to see an old friend L.G Morgan for some minutes. Weather still snowy and rather cold.

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February SUNDAY 26 1893

This being my birthday, it fell to my lot to pass through quite an experience, at home even though it was Sunday. Went out to church as usual at the Port. The revivalist who is helping our minister in their revival meetings at Woodhouse was our preacher. His His name is Reekin. The sermon as about consecration, was good and to the point.

February MONDAY 27 1893

Fred and I worked in the woods this forenoon again. This afternoon he went to Jarvis on business of his own, mostly to take Dora to the Doctor. Have had a beautiful day but cold. Ma has been quite poorly since last evening . Went after Aunt Lydia after dinner & took her home to night. I have been working around the barn this afternoon.

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February TUESDAY 28 1893

Fred and I have continued to work in the woods to day. For a while this forenoon we worked inside owing to rain. It has been thawing to day and raining occasionaly. To night it has become cooler. Unckle John came down this afternoon. I have spoken to him for some grass seed, mostly tymothy.

March WEDNESDAY 1 1893

March has come in rather windy though rather mild and bright. Fred has been get up wood to day, bringing one load here and nine loads to his place. I have been spliting wood and makeing axe-handles most of the time. Taped a maple tree but no sap did not even start it was to cold. Had a letter from James {illegible} this evening. He reports everything very scarce and dear in Michigan, in the {illegible}

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March THURSDAY 2 1893

Fred and I have been geting up wood & cuting some this forenoon. He has kept at it during the afternoon also. While I went up to the Grange. Took Ma and Maggie up to Wilkensons on the way up. Brought home a sack of fine salt which Mr Isaac Austin let me have until I got my order filled. Had a very good Grange mtg Visited at Wilkensons this evening.

March FRIDAY 3 1893

We gto in a load of oat straw for the horses this forenoon. Fred & I. This afternoon we haveing been choping off a cut from one side of our strawstack. It is not saved very well owing mostly to having been badly stacked. For several feet down it is a frozen mass of ice and straw. It is a good thing that we have a great abundance of straw for the seasons feeding &c

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March SATURDAY 4 1893

Fred and I worked in the woods most of the time to day. The weather has been exceedingly cold for this time of year, A North West Wind has been blowing a gale, almost continuously. W. Wallse's were here this evening with Nellie. The latter has is visiting at home for a short time, being now settled in Alliston. Went to Mr Cryslers this evening to select labrary books for the G. library

March SUNDAY 5 1893

Took my mother and Jim with me to church this morning. Had a blessed service throughout. Bro. Cookman offficiating. His sermon was intended to prepare the people of God for a special waiting upon Him. The revival services at Woodhouse being about concluded & that very successfuly. It is thought best to retain the services of the Rev Bro Jenkins for Port Dover also. Meetings were announced to begin on Wednesday evening next.

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March MONDAY 6 1893

We have been cuting wood in the woods to day. Fred and I when not doing chores. I went down to Wallse's this evening. My wife and mother having gone down this afternoon. Nellie is home now on a visit for a few days The weather is apparently becoming more moderate. It begins to look like sugar makeing.

March TUESDAY 7 1893

I went up to unckle John's this morning to see about geting some tymothy see. Did not get a very good quality of him however. Mostly blue grass seed. Fred got up wood and this afternoon has been cuting again. I have tapped something like sixty maple trees to day being the first of the season. Maggie & Ma have been visiting at T. Jacksons.

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March WEDNESDAY 8 1893

Fred has been laid up to day with a sore knee. Hope that it will be only temporary. I have been working at sugar makeing in good earnest. Continued to tap trees as fast as we could get the vessels together. One hundred and twenty six trees are tapped now. Gathered sap for the first time to day. It has run very well. Rain is falling to night and sugar making is over for a time {illegible}

March THURSDAY 9 1893

Fred has been able to work again to day . The weather has been rainy however so that he had to split wood in the wood-house. I gathered sap this morning and had to empty out a good part on account of rain water. Went around this evening also and did the same thing. The rain and warm weather is takeing off the snow nicely, but a {illegible} seems possible.

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March FRIDAY 10 1893

I have been engaged in the woods most of the time to day, gathering sap and helping Fred cut wood as well. Charley Hix Came just before noon to trade his bugy for old Sally, we finaly made the exchange, he left his buggy and took the old mare away with him. Was very glad to make the exchange as we did not require the horse and She was only unnecessarily a bill of expense to us.

March SATURDAY 11 1893

Fred and I worked this forenoon in the woods at geting up some backlogs and some wood for boiling down sap. Rain set in about noon however so I had to put off biling today. Gathered up the sap in the rain this afternoon, it having run a considerable since last night. Fred has been working inside this afternoon most of the time at a pea-rake &c

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March SUNDAY 12 1893

Went out to church this morning as usual takeing Maggie and Bertha with me. The roads are very bad just now however. Had a delightful service throughout. The Rev Mr Jenkins the evangelist officiating. Some new born souls made the after meeting particularly interesting. James Corbet from from the Lake shore and wife even amongst them

March MONDAY 18 1893

Fred has been spliting and piling wood to day, while I have been boiling down sap. Got the latter job done in good time, so that Maggie Ma and Bertha and I went out to the revival service this evening. Had a delightful meting and what made it better than it would otherwise have been our Bertha went forward to the penitent home. There were many others also.

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March TUESDAY 19 1893

Took Maggie out with me to night; having left Bertha out there last night. We had tea at Bro. Cookman's & enjoyed our visit very much. Fred has been spliting wood at the woodhouse to day. The meeting to night was very successful, some twelve or fourteen seekers were forward, besides. Our ride home was anything but pleasant owing to the cold and bad state of the roads.

March WEDNESDAY 15 1893

Fred and I have been working in the woods to day, geting some rail timber ready for spliting and some fence blocks cut for spring fencing. The weather to day has been very cold and disagreeable, a strong North West wind has been blowing all day. Did not get out to meeting this evening from above reasons. Sugar- makeing has ceased entirely.

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March THURSDAY 16 1893

Fred and I have been working in the woods again to day. Got an oak tree cut down for fence posts and blocks &c. The weather has been exceedingly cold for this time of year. Went out this evening to the meeting in the Port as usual, notwithstanding the cold. Enjoyed it very much. There are a great many going forward to the penitent bench already.

March FRIDAY 17 1893

Fred and I have been geting our wood cuting done to day. We have also got done cuting wood for fence blocks and for fence posts as well. Went out to meeting in Dover this evening again, takeing Maggie with me. It was the occasion of a song service and was very fine.. The after meeting was successful in bringing people forward to the penitent bench.

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March SATURDAY 18 1893

Fred has been spliting fence blocks fence posts and rails to day, in the back woods. I went down to Robt Rosses this forenoon, Was fortunate in receiving a little Bill money from him Went also to my unckle John Matthews to see him about a his wheel-barrow grass seed sower. He has sold it to me for three dollars of which I paid one dollar down. I have been boiling down sap to day or rather this afternoon

March SUNDAY 19 1893

Went out to Dover this morning to church takeing Maggie and Jim with me. Forgot to say instead of above that I stayed at home and got dinner while the other members of the family went. Drove out this evening. The meeting was well attended and Bro Cookman's sermon about the judgement of our great sle{illegible}ity and power. The after-meeting was also a time of great ingathering. The slain of the Lord were many.

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March MONDAY 20 1893

Fred has drawn up some wood this forenoon besides a load of straw which we drew to the drive barn. I went up to Wilkinsons also this forenoon to see Williams. Found him suffering from Sciatica, very much. Have been cuting wood this afternoon. Went out to the revival service this evening takeing Maggie with me. The usual penitent went forward.

March TUESDAY 21 1893

I have been boiling down sap to day. Had a very nice batch. Enough to make three galls. I should think. Went out to meeting again this evening. Had a grand meeting. Bro Jenkins officiated mostly. A large number went forward. It was announced to night that the meetings would close on Thursday. It seemed to night as though nearly the whole of the large congregation were Christians.

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March WEDNESDAY 22 1893

Fred has been spliting rails most of the time to day. Snow has been falling from the East most the day, in moderate quantities. Had quite a gathering of sap, which I have boiled down this afternoon. The East storm has stoped the sap from runing though. Was told yesterday that Walter Austins son Nathan had died very suddenly, with scarcely any warning at all.

March THURSDAY 23 1893

Went to the funeral of Nathan Austin a son of our neighbour Mr Walter Austin to day takeing my mother with me. The young man was buried at Woodhouse. We came back as far as my friends W. J Carpenters for tea and went to the Closeing meeting of Mr Jenkins series, in our church. I realy thought it the best meting of the whole. The usual number of new ones being forward.

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March FRIDAY 24 1893

I went alone to day to attend the funeral of the late Mrs Walls, mother of William and John. She died at a good old age viz seventy six. The roads were very bad. Came home by Dover and brought my old friend L.G. Morgan Esq Editor of Maple Leaf, out with me, for a visit. Got home in due time notwithstanding the very bad roads. Had tea at Mr Morgans before comeing.

March SATURDAY 25 1893

I sent Fred up to the Airline Station at Simcoe to day after some salt ordered from the Peoples Salt wells. Strange to say he came home without the salt, much to my disappointment, for the roads are exceedingly bad. I have been boiling down some sap gathered yesterday. The weather has been quite cool to day. A North East wind has been blowing so that sap has not started. L. G. M. has been with me.

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March SUNDAY 26 1893

My mother and I went out to church as usual. It was the occasion of a sermon in commemoration of the death of Mrs Watts - lately deceased. Quite a congregation was present. Lew Morgan has been with us to day & is to stay over until to-morrow. The roads are still very bad, but there are some signs of their geting better before long.

March MONDAY 27 1893

Fred has been spliting wood at the woodhouse to day most of the time. I went out to Dover this forenoon to take my friend L. G. Morgan home. The roads are improving somewhat. Called at our ministers, to leave some butter. I went up to William Wilkinson's this evening. Found him still in bed with the rheumatism. He has been there for more than two weeks.

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March TUESDAY 28 1893

Fred has been spliting wood at the Woodhouse to day as usual. We got up some wood to boil down samp with however this afternoon. Yesterday was a good sap day; but to day has been very cold and disagreeable, a cold East wind has been blowing. We seem to have a good many such days lately. I have been engaged at sundry jobs to day Mostly at geting ready to boil down to morrow.

March WEDNESDAY 29 1893

I went out to Dover this morning. Had some business to do for Fred, besides my own. Sent Freds life insurance money away while in Dover. Met Mr W. Hammond comeing up to see me about my a{illegible} against him. He seems to think I am trying to take ad - of him. I have been boiling down sap this afternoon. Had a nice batch when done. The weather is moderating some.

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March THURSDAY 30 1893

Had quite a rain and windstorm this morning. The weather has turned warmer and sap is flowing freely. Fred has been working on the wood pile most of the time to day. I went out to Dover on the way to the Grange Hall. having some little matters to attend to there.. Had our usual Grange Meeting with a fare attendance. Roads very bad just now.

March FRIDAY 31 1893

Went over to William Hammonds this morning to settle up with him Have decided to let him alone after this for he has taken $2 advantage of me in a most bare faced way. Do not want to deal with such men. Have been boiling down again today, there being plenty of sap. Florence & Jack Harris have been spending the day with us, It being Good Friday. They seemed to enjoy it.

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April SATURDAY 1 1893

Have had Fred at work on the wood-pile to day while I have been boiling down & gathering sap. There is a specialy good run of sap just now and we find it impossible to keep up with it. Am doing the best I can however. Mr Donley has been quite a help to me, especialy at meal time. The weather is quite cool just now with a strong North East wind.

April SUNDAY 2 1893

Went out to church in Dover this morning takeing Maggie and Bertha with me. Bro Cookman officiated this morning. The congregation was as usual since our late revival service quite large. Feel that that is is a special privilege to be in the Lords house & with His people these days. Found James Holcourt here when we got home. He is living in Buffalo just now.

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April MONDAY 3 1893

We have on hand quite an abundance of sap just now. Have boiled down quite a batch to day . Fred has done it for me while I went up to Simcoe after some salt &c. Found the roads rather bad in places, but got home all right again. Left a sack of salt at Mr Isaac Austins & one at Jim Challands. Sold to the latter Had two left for our own use. The weather is warm & spring like.

April TUESDAY 4 1893

Fred has been sowing grass seed on the hilly field this forenoon. He has been away this afternoon on his own business up into Townsend. We have had a house full of company to day, Our minister Bro. C. C. Cookman and lady, with the young man & his two sisters, together with Mrs & Mr Clark I have, finished boiling down also. Found this morning that some boys had been boiling and sugaring off in our sugar bush last night.

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April WEDNESDAY 5 1893

Fred has been working on the wood pile to day as usual. I have been sowing Alsac cloverseed most of the time to day. We are seeding the hilly field by the drive barn with this seed. Got Have sown a half bushel on this whole field Went up to unckle John's this afternoon to take a calf & bring home some blue grass seed. I charged him a dollar for the calf & he gave me the seed.

April THURSDAY 6 1893

I have been sowing clover seed to day with all my might. Have succeeded in geting pretty well along having fifteen acres or so set of forty still left. Maggie went out to Dover this afternoon and brought the Grange books home with her, which were purchased by John McBrides from our Methodist Book room for us. Fred has been working at wood spliting today as usual

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April FRIDAY 7 1893

Owing to a heavy rain last night, I have had to gather and boil down a considerable quantity of rain water sap to day. It has been an all days job, the wood being wet and burning very badly. Fred has been working at wood spliting to day as usual. He has helped me finish boiling and straining syrup lately however.

April SATURDAY 8 1893

Have had a rather unexpected run of work to day. Began the day in the sugar bush, but in an hour or so had a call to go fishing with George Ryerse. Got a nice load some 30 or more to bring home. Boiled down again for awhile afterward and after tea. Went fishing again with the same paries bringing home seventeen fine fish. Maggie has been out to Dover for me to day also. Got done boiling at mid-night.

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April SUNDAY 9 1893

Took Bertha and Jim with me to church to day. Had a particulary good time in our Class- meeting The Lord being in our midst, as we communed together by the way makeing our hearts burn within us. The number of young people meeting in Class besides the increase of others is very encouraging. Our young minister officiated to day.

April MONDAY 10 1893

I worked away this forenoon with all my might at sowing cloverseed. Got nearly done. Fred finished this afternoon. He started ploughing on the Big Flat this forenoon for the first. Maggie and I left for Wyecombe this afternoon at about three o'clock. Arrived there about seven. Found them all well and glad to see us. We are staying over night with Maggies father and mother.

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April TUESDAY 11 1893

My wife and I left her father's for Delhi at about ten. Arrived there in time for dinner time left by train for Aylmer at noon. Maggie remained in Delhi. Found Will. Reid and wife there. The former is looking after a large dry goods store. Was glad to find that he had become a Christian and is in a fair way to become a useful man. Got back to Delhi for tea & afterwards went home.

April WEDNESDAY 12 1893

Maggie and I got home at about mid-night last night and have not felt any of the best to day. Fred has been ploughing on the Flat as usual. The weather has been Cool and showery. Had a visit from W. J. Carpenter & wife with Mr & Mrs Walls this afternoon. Was very glad to see them, for the time for visiting is apparently about at an end for a while at least.

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April THURSDAY 13 1893

Fred has been ploughing on the Flat to day as usual while I have been boiling down sap, with some other work. Had quite a time with fire in the woods, succeeded in stoping its progress after some Considerable exertion. It did but little damage however. There has been an extremely heavy South West wind blowing to day. It has got around to the N.W. this evening.

April FRIDAY 14 1893

I went out to town this forenoon and this afternoon have been geting things ready for seeding to morrow. Fred has been ploughing on the Big Flat and has finished at last. We intend seeding the Big Flat with a mixture of Blue grass and some other kinds with the hope of makeing a permanent pasture or meadow of it. Have had so much difficulty in working on account of freshets is the reason

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April SATURDAY 15 1893

A snow storm has come, last night and to day, which has prevented us going on with our seeding as we expected. Have been geting up fence & blocks and barr posts for future use, besides geting our see oats and peas cleaned up ready for sowing when the land dries off again. There has been quick sleighing to day and we have used it of course.

April SUNDAY 16 1893

Took Maggie and the baby with me to meeting this morning, Ma was unwell &c to prevent her going. Bro. Cookman gave us an excellent discourse as usual. Instead of our usual class meeting after preaching he gave a short discourse about Baptism. Have no doubt he found it necessary to adopt this plan in order to enlighten the new Converts as to our mode &c.

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April MONDAY 17 1893

I went up to Lynn Valley mill this forenoon after some flour for ourselves and Fred's also some Bran and chop to mix with it for horse feed. Found the roads very bad from the recent snow storm, but they are drying fast. Fred has been geting the garden manured and ready for planting this afternoon. Our oat ground being still rather wet to work.

April TUESDAY 18 1893

Have had Fred at work on the Flat with the harrow to day. We are preparing to seed with oats as soon as ready. The weather has been rather cool to day. Finished up sugar making to day. Jim boiled down the last of the sap this afternoon while I gathered up the pails &c and plugged up the trees with green maple plugs.

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April WEDNESDAY 19 1893

Fred has kept on harrowing on the Big Flat to day. Did not start the drill owing to the rather unfit state of the ground. I went down to Jarvis this forenoon to look after a note that was due to morrow. Had it renewed for four months, there being no other way of paying just now. Have been filling the {illegible} this afternoon &c.

April THURSDAY 20 1893

Have had a steady down pour of rain from morning until evening. Of course a great quantity of water has fallen. Fred and I have been working inside at sundry jobs of repairs. He is fixing over our pea-rake which has been broken in two since Lewes Hall was here, and we have had to borrow. I never like to borrow implements.

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April FRIDAY 21 1893

Fred worked on the wood pile this forenoon. The late heavy rain has made it impossible to do anything else. I went out to Dover takeing Maggie with me. This afternoon we have got to work takeing down and building up fence on the north side of the field by McBrides. We do not seem likely to get at our seeding again for some time, the ground being very wet.

April SATURDAY 22 1893

We have been working at rebuilding fences on the North side of the field by McBrides. The weather has been very windy and disagreeable for out of door work. The ground is so very wet on account of recent heavy rains that we can do but little else than build fences, just now. Ma is still rather unwell, She seems to be run down.

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April SUNDAY 23 1893

Did not go out to church this morning as usual for various reasons. The principal one was, that we were a little late in geting ready. But, Fred was away so I had to attend to the stock alone, or with Jims help. The weather is quite cold a North East wind prevails makeing it rather unpleasant. Rather enjoy a sabbath at home, once in a while.

April MONDAY 24 1893

Fred and I have been fixing barrs and fence on the North side of the field by McBrides to day. Got it pretty well along to night except a few new rails that are needed to take the place of broken ones &c. Went out to Dover this evening takeing Maggie and Bertha with me to attend the social at the Parsonage. Had a very pleasant time with the kind friends

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April TUESDAY 25 1893

Have been rather unwell to day with a cold. Have been busy though at sundry jobs Cut Black Knot out of the Cherries this forenoon Fred and I have been fixing fence on the North side of the Bull Pasture field. The weather is rather disagreeable yet owing to a strong North East Wind which blows most of the time. It is drying up rather fast just now.

April WEDNESDAY 26 1893

Fred has been fencing and makeing some rails out of an old elm tree in back woods. I have been helping him some, and doing some fixing up fences myself. Am suffering from a severe cold just now however. G.W. Lemon Came this evening to say that the trees had come. We are to deliver in Simcoe on Saturday next and in Port Dover on Monday, probably.

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April THURSDAY 27 1893

It rained this forenoon; but this afternoon I got started at delivering notices for Port Dover Delivery on Monday next. Traveled in the region West of the Port Mostly. Had my supper at my friend W. J. Carpenters and arrived at home about ten o'clock P.M. The roads are very muddy and bad, with poor prospects for an improvement, Rain falls so frequently.

April FRIDAY 28 1893

I have been delivering notices for the Port Dover Delivery to day. We purpose takeing Next Monday for that. Had my dinner at Mr Joseph Widericks to day. Enjoyed my short visit with him and his kind family very much. Finished delivering in Port Dover this evening, but did not get home until quite late afterwards.

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April SATURDAY 29 1893

Our delivery in Simcoe came off to day. Went up to Simcoe last evening and stayed over night at G.W. Lemons, so we got at it early. Had a very good delivery altogether took only four small notes. Mr L had sold over one hundred orders for this delivery. Came home to night; but quite late. Weather quite cold and wet.

April SUNDAY 30 1893

Went out to church this morning, takeing Bertha and Jim with me. Have not felt at all well on account of my terrible cold, but still, the Good Lord has made me glad because of Him and my soul to rejoice in his great salvation. Bro. Cookman talked to us about Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Rain is falling rain to night.

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May MONDAY 1 1893

As soon as I could get ready this morning went out to Dover to deliver fruit trees. Got along very well, having nearly every order taken and paid for. Did not get through until the usual hour of nine P.M. Rain has fallen both last night and to day, so that our seeding keeps in the back-ground still. It has turned warmer, so that now, the growing season commences.

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May TUESDAY 2 1893

Fred has been makeing over fence on the East side of the lane North of drive-barn to day. I have been helping some; But other work has taken my attentions. Went down to William Wallses this evening to exchange & bushell of Minister potatoes for a bushell of the Rural New Yorker No 2. Am thankful to see some indications of dryer weather.

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May WEDNESDAY 3 1893

Fred has about finished the fence on the East side of the lane North of Drive-barn to day. I have been takeing potatoes out of the pit and put them in the barn to night. Found them saved very well; but had only about twelve bushells of good ones. Ma went up to Simcoe to day. She is to stay a while then Maggie took her up.

May THURSDAY 4 1893

Fred has been at work at fence repairing and at picking up old broken rails &c to day. I went down to Jarvis this forenoon takeing Maggie with me. Had a small debt in Jarvis to pay but found it quite inconvenient to meet it owing to the great scarcity of money. Have been cuting black-rust out of red cherrry trees this afternoon. Weather cold and windy again

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May FRIDAY 5 1893

Fred has been harrowing on the Big Flat all day to day. I got started this afternoon with the drill on the same field. Worked at fixing up some fence by the church this forenoon. I went down to E.W. Smiths this evening to see them about some business relating to our bull last season. The weather still keeps dry and rather cool.

May SATURDAY 6 1893

Fred has been working on the Big Flat to day with his team. The ground has been rather wet to afford work for the both teams so I have been fixing some fence and working in the garden &c. Fred has been sowing oats this afternoon. Am trying an experiment with the Big Flat, for different reasons. We are sowing a mixture of grass seeds, hopeing to make a permanent pasture.

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May SUNDAY 7 1893

Took the whole family out to the Quarterly Meeting to day, with me. My mother being away. Our young minister preached to us and had a good time. The love-feast was a time to be remembered both as to the number and earnestness of those that spoke and to the manifestation of the Divine presence. The promise of His presence was truely fulfilled.

May MONDAY 8 1893

Fred has been working away on the Big Flat with his team to day. He has been able to sow a few bushells more. I worked this forenoon at fixing some fence but this afternoon went to the Quarterly business meeting at Woodhouse Chappel, going by the way of Port Dover. While in the latter place settled up for the years Pew rent and Quarterage. Felt thankful to be able to do so.

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May TUESDAY 9 1893

We have been working both teams on the Big Flat to day Fred and I. The weather is very warm for the time of year and account from Europe speak of the same accompanied by a protracted drought. Allready it appears that vegetation there has suffered severely. Have been in the mountain top of late viewing the land of promise. Faith lends a realizing light &c

May WEDNESDAY 10 1893

We have been working away at our oat-seeding to day, Fred and I. Succeeded in geting through with sowing the Big Flat. Have a couple of acres or so to go over with the smoothing harrow only. The weather continues very fine, and quite warm. Blossoms are geting well forward, especially on the peach trees. So while we have a late seeding for oats the season is early for other things.

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May THURSDAY 11 1893

Fred has been working to day in the twelve acre field back of barn, geting ready for seeding. Intend sowing a mixed crop of peas and oats in this field. Thought that the peabug might not be quite as injurious fo the crop in this way. My mother returned from her visit up to Simcoe. She has been gaining up nicely while there.

May FRIDAY 12 1893

Fred has been useing the disc harrow in the twelve acre field back of the barn to day. I have been harrowing in the same field with all the power possible. We are anxious to get our peas & oats mixed sown at once. Find the disc harrow to be invaluable for spring seeding as it is in the Fall. Settled up with F. Kitchen to night for past year.

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May SATURDAY 13 1893

Fred has been sowing peas and oats mixed in the twelve acre field back of the barn to day. He has sown about eight acres. I have been harrowing and discing in same field. To night rain is falling and the weather is quite warm. Splendid growing weather. There is also grand prospects for fruit of all kinds grown here.

May SUNDAY 14 1893

Went out to church in accordance with our usual custom this morning. Took my mother with me this time. Our senior minister officiated and, not without edifying the congregation as is usual with brother Cookman. Went down to Mr Clarkes this evening to see why they had not been out to church lately. Found that nearly the whole family had been seriously ill for some time.

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May MONDAY 15 1893

Fred got done sowing our mixed crop of peas and oats to day. He has also done something towards geting our potatoe ground ready for planting. I have been using the young teem on the smoothing harrow myself. Have most of the field finished up except ditching. The weather is delightfuly mild and even warm for this time of year. Blossoms are coming out nicely.

May TUESDAY 16 1893

Rain again falling fast {illegible} from the North {illegible}. for we seldom get heavy rains from that quarter. It has been comeing down all day almost without cessation so Fred and I have had time to continue our repairing of implements &c. The creek has even to night risen although and the prospect of a flood is good.

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May WEDNESDAY 17 1893

The rain that began on Monday night last has continued even to day though much more moderately Fred and I have been fixing up around the barns, and I have been ditching some on our last sown field. A considerable freshet has been the consequence of the extended rain which had covered our oats on the Big Flat to the extent of four or five acres.

May THURSDAY 18 1893

We worked this forenoon at sundry jobs Fred and I. The ground is rather wet for working since the late rain. I went out to Dover this afternoon takeing ma with me. The weather is quite cool this evening. There seems a possibility of frost; but it may pass off. Hear of many farmers who are not nearly done seeding yet.

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May FRIDAY 19 1893

Have been very buisy working in the garde to day; both Fred and I . He has been working with the teem this afternoon however geting potatoe ground ready for planting &c &c. The weather is very fine and warm. All danger of frost seems to have passed away again. There are excellent prospects for fruit.

May SATURDAY 20 1893

Have been working in the front garden to day Fred and I. He has been preparing the ground for planting while I have been triming peach trees &c. We have also been geting our Rural New-Yorker No 2 Potatoe planted. Have a piece of new ground for this purpose near the woods. Expect to have an extra quality of potatoes off this ground.

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May SUNDAY 21 1893

Went out to church this morning as is our custom. Had our young minister with us. Took Maggie and Bertha with me. The Good Lord was especially present in our Class meeting, and we felt our souls strangely warmed with while conversing together about our souls. Went over to see our old neighbour Mr Peter Ryerse who is poorly. Am afraid he is not long for this world.

May MONDAY 22 1893

Have had Fred at work planting potatoes to day besides geting corn ground ready for planting. I have been doing sundry errends and jobs. Was pleased to see a considerable improvement in the appearance of our wheat crop lately. Went around to see it this morning. Our Spring grain is also progressing favourably. G.W. Le Came this evening. Have been working on reports this evening.

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May TUESDAY 23 1893

Fred has been working away at sundry jobs to day. Amongst other things he has set out some three rows of straw-berry plants in the back garden. I had G.W. Lemon here last night and have been engaged part of the time since he came in makeing out my delivery report. Have also been manuring the grape-vines to day, besides other jobs.

May WEDNESDAY 24 1893

This being the Queen's birthday Fred has been up to Simcoe helping to celebrate. He took Bertha and Dora along with him. I spent most of the forenoon in makeing out my delivery returns for the season. Maggie and I went up to Simcoe this afternoon; but Came right back again. Took the 'return' Papers up for G.W.L. Had some $5.31 Comeing to me.

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May THURSDAY 25 1893

We have been engaged at sundry jobs to day Fred and I. Amongst other things got our sweet corn planted, and some pumpkinseeds. The weather has been fine but cool. This afternoon Maggie and I went out to Dover. Took some of our surplus potatoes out and sold them for seventy cents per Bus - store pay. I took out the trucks for some repairs and improvements.

May FRIDAY 26 1893

Fred and I have been repairing and laying over fence to day. Our work has been on the East side of the Bull pasture and in front of the house by the gully. The weather has been rather cool and disagreeable on account of an occasional rain. Have enjoyed in a fair degree, the peace that passeth knowledge, to day.

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May SATURDAY 27 1893

Fred and I worked this forenoon at fixing some fence along the creek. Went up to George Ryerse's with the black sow this morning also. Maggie and I went down to Jarvis this afternoon to take some eggs &c and to get some necessaries. Fred has begun this afternoon to get out manure on the field back of the barn. Our manure pile is very large this year.

May SUNDAY 28 1893

Went out to church this morning as usual takeing my mother with me Our minister preached to us in his usual edifying way; and as we alway are benefited, this day day was no exception to the rule. Our class meeting was also a time of pleasing. The Good Lord being one in our midst.

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May MONDAY 29 1893

Fred and I have been engaged much as usual to day. I took our white Sow down to Wilson Porters this morning for service. Got our sheep washed since noon, and the remainder of the day have been drawing manuring the young apple trees of the orchard. The Dalles tea agent was here this afternoon & left 4 lbs of tea.

May TUESDAY 30 1893

Fred and I have finished manuring the young apple trees in the orchard to day. He has also drawn manure on the field back of the barn. I have been fixing fence between us and Mr Horn; besides pulling red-root &c. Received a very nice letter from Mr Mackey this evening, complementing my efforts at delivering trees &c &c. The weather is becomeing quite dry but warm.

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May WEDNESDAY 31 1893

Fred did not work this forenoon, but was laid up with a strained knee. This afternoon however he has been geting out manure again. I have been weeding out pidgeon-weed from the two back wheat fields with Jim's help. We went over twenty acres today. But did not get much of the weed, fortunately. Found the wheat rather poorer than I expected.

June THURSDAY 1 1893

Fred has continued to draw manure to day to the field back of the barn. I have been buisy at sundry jobs, to numerous to mention. Went to see our old and respected neighbour Peter Ryerse who is sorely afflicted just now and will I fear never recover, until death relieves him of his suffering. He is trusting in the Lord however and ready for the summons.

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June FRIDAY 2 1893

I have been work at makeing over some field gates and barrs to day besides a number of other jobs. Fred has kept on at manure drawing as usual. We are giving the field back of the barn a very good coat of manure this time. Expect to have quite a stack left however, after we get through with this field. Maggie and my mother have been visiting at Clarke Matthews to day.

June SATURDAY 8 1893

I have been engaged much as usual to day, Mostly at rebuilding gates for the front field by the church. Fred has kept on with his manure hauling to the field back of the barn as usual. The weather continues fine for growing crops hay in particular is going right up. There never was better prospects for hay and pasture. Thank God!

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June SUNDAY 9 1893

Went out to church this morning as usual. Took ma and Jim in our rig, while Maggie took Bertha and Dora in the other. Our ministers were both at Conference; which this year is being held in St. Catherines; so Mr S Jenkin's came as a supply. He opens his revival service at Walsh and asks our sympathies and prayers.

June MONDAY 5 1893

Fred has been drawing manure from below the drive barn to day and puting it on Mr Donleys potato patch I have been very buisy as usual at a thousand and one jobs. G.W.Lemon Came this evening to see us or rather to sty over night with us. He states having got settled up in a satisfactory way at St Thomas.

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June TUESDAY 6 1893

Fred has been as usual geting out manure, from the barn yard to the field back of the barn. I have been engaged as usual at sundry jobs Mostly at working in the garden and repairing gates &c. Had a letter from my sister this evening telling us that her and Nellie would be here in a few weeks to visit us. Neither one of them have been here for some years.

June WEDNESDAY 7 1893

I have been at work sheering sheep to day. Succeeded in geting nine done altogether besides tending to the lambs and some other work. Mr William Hammond came with his Stallion to day His price of service is eight dollars this year. He agreed to throw off two dollars to make up the ball. of my account not provided for at our last settlement. His horse is a Cleveland bay. Imported. Have used him for Jess. She has already a colt from this horse.

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June THURSDAY 8 1893

Fred has continued to get out manure as usual. Am thankful to see this work so advanced. He has nearly finished covering the field back of the barn and we are likely to have quite a quantity left. I have finished sheering sheep to day. Had only seven left over from yesterday, but it took us me until about four o'clock to get done. Maggie and I have concluded to visit her fathers to morrow

June FRIDAY 9 1893

Maggie and I started as early as possible for Wyecombe, by way of Simcoe - at about ten o'clock I think. Went to unckle Daniel's for dinner. Took our wool and sold to Brooks at 18c Had 68 1/2 lbs on 16 sheep Not a very large yield Got me a suit of clothes Navy Blue for only $3.90 ready made. Had a pleasant ride to S Wyecombe. Found the folks looking for us. Arrived at Mr Furgesons at about Six o'clock this evening.

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June SATURDAY 10 1893

Left my wife and child at Mr Fergusons, Maggies fathers this morning and came home starting nearly nine o'clock A.M. Stoped in Simcoe an hour or so and got home for dinner. Went out to Dover this evening or rather afternoon. Called at Bro. Montgomerys and had a pleasant visit. Had other matters to look after. Heard that Mr Peter Ryerse had been had his leg taken off to day.

June SUNDAY 11 1893

On account of inclement weather we did not get out to meeting this morning. Have not failed to be greatly benefitted by the Sabbath day, as usual however. The Wisdom of the Almighty is shown truely, in the institution of the Christian Sabbath. What would we do without it, surely It was made for man; and not man for the Sabbath.

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June MONDAY 12 1893

We have got to work on the roads at last Fred and I . We have been working the two teems to day, so we have put in our four days so far - Have twelve altogether. Was told this morning that our respected friend and neighbour R Peter Ryerse was not likely to live but a very short time. His foot hads been amputated and he stood it all right but his great age, 86, seems to make it impossible for it to heal

June TUESDAY 13 1893

Fred and I have been working on the road again to day, with both teems as usual. Have I not felt very well satisfied in the way our work has been laid out Mr Abercrombie has been drainin his place instead of benefiting the road. It seems as though the time has come for a change in path-masters when the road work has to be laid out in such a way as this.

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June WEDNESDAY 14 1893

We have continued to do our road-work to day - Fred and I Did not have to go back of the fifth concession as during yesterday and the day before but have been repairing the road along our own place instead. Got our twelve days in to night and feel quite relieved. Feel much unpleasantness in the absence of my wife and child. Am looking for here this evening

June THURSDAY 15 1893

Fred, has been geting out manure on the field back of the barn. He has finished covering the field to day. I have been all day geting the two mowing machines repaired for work, besides the buggy. Took the latter up to the Blacksmith shop. Maggie Came home from her fathers this evening. The latter brought her to Simcoe and Florence the ballance of the way.

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June FRIDAY 16 1893

Fred has been working at Cultivating Corn & potatoes to day. He succeeded in geting all over our small cop of each besides filling up the turnip patch. I have been hoeing corn this evening, went down to Jarvis after some repairs for the two mowing machines. This afternoon I took Bell, the four year old Mare "D.T." to the horse 'Prince George'. She was served all night.

June SATURDAY 17 1893

Fred has been working at corn hoeing and at sundry other jobs to day. I have been engaged much the same, excepting this afternoon when I went out to Dover. Got nearly Caught in a shower of rain on the way, but after all it only about laid the dust. Jim & I took our young black sow up to George Ryerse's this forenoon for the second time.

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June SUNDAY 18 1893

Went out to meeting to day as usual takeing Bertha and Jim with me. Our young minister Br. W. W. Prudham preached to us to day for the last time. He has been appointed for the Walsingham Circuit for ensueing year. Our dear Bro Mill and wife are also leaving us and they were with us to day for the last time. We supposed he has been appointed to a small station near St Marys. Weather very warm.

June MONDAY 19 1893

Fred and I worked this forenoon at fixing up some fences around the wood and field back of the barn. This afternoon I began mowing the orchard for hay. Found the crop a very heavy one. If the other fields were as heavy we will certainly have a big pile of hay. Frank Hasely was here to night to tell me that he could only help me draw in hay part of the time.

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June TUESDAY 20 1893

I have been mowing away at the orchard to day, Fred has been mowing arround the trees and fence. He also sowed our little patch of turnips this forenoon. Succeeded in geting the orchard about all cut to day. The weather is becomeing warmer every day. The thermometer has been up to ninety to day. The highest temperature of the season, so far.

June WEDNESDAY 21 1893

I started cuting the field of hay by Jim Challands to day; or rather this afternoon. Fred has been helping as usual. I went out to Dover this evening takeing ma and Bertha with me. The latter went for meeting; but it happened to be the wrong night. Have been much exercised over my position of late, financially. Am calling upon God for help, for vain is the help of man

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June THURSDAY 22 1893

Fred and I have been working at mowing over the big field by McBrides preparation to leaving it to grow for seed. Have used both machines, and the two teems. There was heavy showers to the north of us again to day. It has cleared off, cooler, to night Maggie has gone over to sit up at Peter Ryerses to night. He still lingers but cannot last many days.

June FRIDAY 23 1893

Fred and I finished cuting over the big field by McBrides this morning. I went back to the field by Jims and mowed another piece. This afternoon we have been rakeing and cocking up hay in the orchard The crop there is a very heavy one, especially in the western portion. The weather is cool and dry, just the thing for making hay.

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June SATURDAY 24 1893

Fred and I have been rakeing and cocking up a portion of the hay in the field by Jim. We nearly completed our job there. This forenoon however we finished puting up hay in the orchard. Our hay crop is a magnificent one this year. It is mostly clover and will not be so marketable but be better for the land.

June SUNDAY 25 1893

Went out to the Port as usual this morning takeing Bertha and my mother with me. We had a reception service in our church, when some thirty or more were taken into full membership a portion of them were also baptised. It was a very precious time the Good Lord being with us. Rev J.S. Jenkins was present and preached to us.

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June MONDAY 26 1893

We started drawing in hay from the orchard this morning but found it rather wet, so we stoped after geting in one load. Frank Hasely helped and would have continued to do so all day but for the hay being damp. Fred and I have been mowing in the field by Jim Challands most of the time since. Weather cooler & pleasant.

June TUESDAY 27 1893

Frank did not come to day, the rains having been frequent lately for our drawing in. Fred and I have finished cuting the field by Jim Challand's this forenoon. This afternoon he has been cultivating corn and potatoes &c. While I have been otherwise engaged - mostly at hoeing in the garden. The weather still keeps rainy and unfavourable for haying.

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June WEDNESDAY 28 1893

Fred and I have been engaged at hoeing &c this forenoon. This afternoon we have been geting in hay from the orchard Got in four loads alone, Frank not having come. The makes five in all, so far. The weather has the appearance now of being favourable for haying and we hope with the blessing of God Almighty to improve the chance given.

June THURSDAY 29 1893

Fred and I have got in four loads of hay to day, makeing nine in all so far. Two of them were from the orchard and the other two from from the field by Jim's. We have been raking up the last cut portion of the above field this afternoon. Did not get it all raked nor nearly all up in cock. Weather very warm.

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June FRIDAY 30 1893

We have been nearly all day geting the ballance of the field by Challand's raked up into wind-rows and put up in the cock. Had time to bring home two loads more from the same field however, making eleven in all so far. The weather is becoming very warm and dry. Had only Fred to help me to day. Have about given up hopes of Frank Hasely comeing back.

July SATURDAY 1 1893

Have continued to get in hay to day. Fred and I without any other help. We have succeeded in geting seven more loads safely housed. This makes eighteen in all so far. Our orchard yielded nine loads of fine hay. We have something over a days drawing out yet. The weather is very warm and dry. Appearance of rain have passed away.

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July SUNDAY 2 1893

Did not get out to church this morning. Maggie was somewhat unwell, & I thought best not to leave her; but Bertha and Ma went. Have great season to be thankful for this day of rest. Surely the Sabbath to for man and not man for the Sabbath. Our abundant labour during haying and harvest require {illegible}a rest day be provided.

July MONDAY 3 1893

Fred and I with Mr Douleys help finished geting in the hay from the field by Jim Challands. Got done about half past two this afternoon There was sixteen good big loads on this field and nine on the orchard which makes twenty five in all to date. Our hay loft or mows are all nearly filled now. Started cutting front field by the church this afternoon.

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July TUESDAY 4 1893

There was a thunder-storm last night almost the first of the season here. Did not get to drawing hay until afternoon on account of the rain. Gto in three loads this afternoon makeing twenty one in all so far. Mr Douely has helped me mow away this afternoon. This forenoon he has helped also at {illegible} turnips. Fred and I worked at the same this forenoon.

July WEDNESDAY 5 1893

I have been cuting again to day in the front field by the church. Fred has been hoeing some & cuting arround the fences &c. Quite a shower of rain fell this afternoon which prevented further opperations in the hay field. The rain was very much needed however. The Good Lord has been with me to day makeing my heart glad with his presence.

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July THURSDAY 6 1893

The weather has been rather cloudy to day with an occasional light rain-fall. Fred and I have been cuting hay in the field by the church. Succeeded in geting the field all cut to night however. The crop is a very abundant one & will likely fill all our available space without the back field.

July FRIDAY 7 1893

I have been very buisy to day rakeing up the front field of hay, next to church. Got it all raked up, though it was very heavy. Fred has got a half or nearly up in cock. Mr Douley has been helping all day. The weather has been very warm, but very good hay weather this afternoon. I has come just right for us with our big field of hay just cut.

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July SATURDAY 8 1893

We finished cocking up the hay in front field this forenoon and this afternoon have been drawing in from same field. Got in five loads and did not clear a very large spot either. Mr Douley has been helping all day, and could scarcely do without him.. Forgot to mention that our five loads were put in the bay They make nine altogether there. Have been hindered some by a heavy wind.

July SUNDAY 9 1893

Went out to church this morning as usual takeing Bertha and Jim with me. Bro. Cookman officiated for us to day. Was much blessed in the service of the sanctuary, the Good Lord being with us. The new G.T.R Station Master and family were with us to day, the first that I met them. Maggie and Bertha went out to church this evening.

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July MONDAY 10 1893

Fred and I with Mr Douley's help have been geting in hay from the front field again to day with all our might. Succeeded in houseing safely eight loads more makeing thirty eight in all so far. Four of these loads we put in the barn. The weather continues very favourable for haying though rather dry for potatoes as pasture.

July TUESDAY 11 1893

We have continued to draw in hay from the front field by the church to day, and Mr Douley has helped us. Have succeeded in geting in the ballance of the field, having twenty one loads from it all together. This makes us forty six loads drawn in so far. My mother went out to Dover this afternoon & got one of our buggies fixed at {illegible and cut off} Lost a two month old calf to day, from choking, in drinking its usual mess of milk & Oil Cake meal.

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July WEDNESDAY 12 1893

Fred has been cultivating potatoes this forenoon while I have been cuting grass in the field west of the woods. This afternoon I have raked up what was cut in the forenoon and Fred has been cocking up. Mr Douley has been hoeing turnips for us to day He is a faithful old worker. Would rather have him work for us now than most of the young men notwithstanding his great age.

July THURSDAY 13 1893

Have been mowing grass in the field West of the woods again to day; or rather until noon, for afternoon shortly there was a beautiful shower of rain that prevented further work in the hay. Mr Douley has been working in the turnips &c again to day. He has been transplanting a lot this afternoon, filling in vacancies. Had a visit from Mr Walter Olds to day; our old and true Christian friend

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July FRIDAY 14 1893

I went to Jarvis this morning mostly for binder repairs, and some more twine. The rain last night made this a good opportunity for this. Fred was hoeing potatoes this forenoon and this afternoon he has been cocking up hay while I have been rakeing and cuting. Finished the latter job. Wheat is about ready for cuting and we are anxious to be ready for it.

July SATURDAY 15 1893

I finished rakeing up hay in the field west of the woods this forenoon and got most of raked up cocked up. This afternoon Fred and I got in a couple of loads when a heavy wind and thunder storm came; which did great havoc with some of our fences and trees. The frequent rains are bringing on our second crop of clover for seed nicely however besides other crops except wheat.

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July SUNDAY 16 1893

Went out to church this morning as usual takeing Bertha and Dora Kitchen with me this time. Heard our new young minister this time Bro. Cole. He is what might be called a greenhorn; and not a very accomplished one at that, although his abilities seem fairly good. In size he is rather diminutive, being a Londoner I suppose.

July MONDAY 17 1893

Fred and I have been geting in hay from the field west of the woods to day. It took some time to get it turned and dry enough; but succeeded in geting seven loads more inside, makeing fifty five in all so far. Five of these we have put in the ten-acre-field barn. The weather has been quite favourable for our work and we are anxious to get into wheat harvest.

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July TUESDAY 18 1893

We have continued to get in hay to day. Fred and I. Succeeded in drawin five loads in the forenoon and three this afternoon; or eight to day. This makes fifty six altogether so far. We finished filling our little hay barn in the ten acre field. Got ten loads stowed away there. We are thankful for fine weather, so favourable for our work.

July WEDNESDAY 19 1893

Fred and I finished geting in hay from the field west of the woods this forenoon Got in two more loads which makes the bulk of our crop something like sixty eight loads for this season. This is the heaviest crop of hay for some years. Got our binder fixed up and started at cuting wheat this evening. We began in the field back of drivebarn.

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July THURSDAY 20 1893

The weather has continued favourable for our work. So we have done our best to improve it. Have been driving the binder in the field N.E. of Drive barn, Succeeded in geting well along with this field. Fred has been shocking up. Am more than pleased with the working of our old binder, it has run nine or ten years and seems to work as well as ever since the new canvas was added.

July FRIDAY 21 1893

Have been buisy cuting the hilly field N.E. of drive barn to day. Hoped to have finished but was disappointed having an hour so's work to go to morrow. Fred has been seting up sheaves and cleaning up patches that I could not cut very well with the binder. Our wheat has ripened very fast and it is already shelling.

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July SATURDAY 22 1893

I finished cuting the field N.E. of drive-barn this morning and got moved back to the the North East Corner field of twelve acres. Got a good start to day in that field to day. Found the wheat better then I expected though down very bad. Fred has been working in the field North East of drive-barn to day.

July SUNDAY 23 1893

Did not feel well enough to go to church to day, so remained at home to get rested up. Feel thankful for the Sabbath day privilege of rest, as well as for the multitude of other blessings connected with the blessed day. Sent the other members of the family out to church this evening. They report having N heard Rev David Chalmers our old pastor.

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July MONDAY 24 1893

Have been cuting in the North East Corner field to day. Got along very well though the wheat is shelling badly. The crop is so badly lodged that it makes it much worse about shelling. The back part of the field is badly destroyed by a hailstorm some time ago. Fred has been seting up in the same field.

July TUESDAY 25 1893

Got done cuting in the big N.E. Corner field this afternoon besides, getting a good start in the new ground field in front of Mr Austins. Do not find the new ground crop as good as we expected. The West side of the field has some good wheat in it however. The effects of the hail storm some time ago is noticeable everywhere.

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July WEDNESDAY 26 1893

Have been cuting wheat to day in the New ground field Finished up this evening, besides geting started in the ten-acre-field afterwards. Fred has been shocking up wheat after me, besides doing some cleaning up. My old binder does not work without having it rebellious spells. Had some of them to day, which made me no little trouble.

July THURSDAY 27 1893

I have been cuting in the ten-acre-field again to day. Got along very well, there being only about three acres left for to-morrow. Fred has been cuting arround where I could not and seting up after me. The field that I am not cuting is quite poor. Was thinking to day that our whole crop could not average more than ten bushels per acre. Mary Jane came to night with Mrs Ward

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July FRIDAY 28 1893

Got done cuting wheat this forenoon; and Fred finished shocking up. We have gone over the forty acres with the binder in Seven days and a half with our old binder. The crop is not so good as it appeared to be before cuting. My Sister and a friend of here A Mrs Ward, also of Dresden, came to visit us this evening. Maggie went out to the Port Dover station after them.

July SATURDAY 29 1893

We got started at drawing in wheat from the field N.E. of drivebarn this yesterday afternoon. Have kept on drawing to day and got in so far some fourteen loads from this field. The weather still keeps dry and today rather cool. I drove out after my ster's and Mrs Ward's trunks this evening. Mr Douley has been helping us mow away wheat to day. He has hoed turnips between times.

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July SUNDAY 30 1893

On account of the heavy harvest work of the past week I felt too tired to go to church, this morning. Am looking in hopes of a return of the time when I shall be able to attend the house of God as before. Such a load of the family out this morning and one also this evening. My sister and Mrs Ward are still visiting us and are enjoying their company.

July MONDAY 31 1893

Fred and I have, with Mr Douleys help been geting in wheat until about three or four o'clock this afternoon, when we were blessed with a delightful shower. We finished geting in wheat from the hilly field except rakeings this forenoon. Had sixteen loads from this field. Started afterwards drawing from the ten-acre-field. got in three loads from there to day.

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August TUESDAY 1 1893

We have continued to draw wheat from the ten-acre-field to day. Finished up all but the rakeings and had eight loads on the ten-acres. Mr Douley has helped as usual. I have been rakeing when Mr D was loading, and have about finished the field Had a visit from Francis Marr and wife with Belle & George. Could not spend much time with them however. Got in six loads to day one of them from the new ground field

August WEDNESDAY 2 1893

I finished rakeing the ten-acre-field this morning and turned the cows in. Fix Fixed the roof of the little barn as well. Had two loads of rakeings. Have been drawing from the New-ground field. Got in five loads which makes six so far from this field. Mr Douley has been helping as usual. Heard to day that our neighbour Isaac Austin, had met with a very serious accident yesterday. He Mrs A & Bill were thrown out of a democrat and nearly killed

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August THURSDAY 3 1893

Fred was sick this forenoon, but Mr Douley helped me, so we were able to keep on drawing wheat. We had seven loads and a half from the New ground field altogether. We have also got four loads and a half from the N.E.Corner field to day being the first from this field. Fred has been helping this afternoon and Mr Douley all day. The weather is still warm and dry.

August FRIDAY 4 1893

We have continued to draw the wheat to day as usual, Fred and Mr Douley. have both been helping as usual. Succeeded in geting Seven loads more from the N.E.Corner field. This makes twelve loads; or rather eleven & a half from this field so far. Got our barn filled up and began a stack this afternoon. The weather still keeps very dry and warm.

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August SATURDAY 5 1893

Fred has been away to day look after some harvest apples of Mr Douleys. Have been geting in wheat with Mr Douleys help, Jim has got so that he can pitch sheaves very well. We had five more loads from the N.E. Corner field which makes seventeen altogether. The number of loads together is forty eight with out rakeing. Do not look for any great yield as the grain is so badly threshed out with a hail storm some time ago.

August SUNDAY 6 1893

Has been our {illegible} meeting day we, all went but Maggie. Had our old pastor Rev. David Chalmers, as our officiating minister. Of course it seemed like old times to hear him {illegible} A large number of people were in attendance and only a very small number left after the preaching service was over. Have felt much benefited in the services of the Sanctuary, the Good Lord being present with us.

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August MONDAY 7 1893

Fred has been working fo day at sundry jobs. Was buisy myself this forenoon at rakeing the new-ground stubble. Got that field all raked and quite a start in the North East Corner field, before noon. This afternoon we began cuting oats on the Big Flat. Succeeded at getting a good {illegible}ing. The oats are not so good as I expected. Can hardly cut in places are so short

August TUESDAY 8 1893

I worked this forenoon at rakeing in the big N.E. Corner field and this afternoon have been cuting oats with the old binder. Got the East half of the field all cut. Fred has been helping as usual. Had a visit from our old minister and his lady to day, Rev David Chalmers. Our old and long respected friend Mr John Albert Came to see us also. Lost our best young cow to day, the white Bertha cow. She apparently died of bloat.

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August WEDNESDAY 9 1893

I started this morning for Guelph to visit the model farm, there being a Farmers Institute excursion there to day. A large number of people over one thousand availed themselves of the chance. Was well pleased with my visit there. The many new facts learned by experiments on different subjects cannot fail to benefit those that learn and practice them. Our ride both to Guelph and back was most unsatisfactory. It took six hours to go and six to come.

August THURSDAY 10 1893

Went out to Dover this morning partly to take Mrs Ward who has been visiting us of late, and partly on some other business. Have been afflicted with a very serious cold which has left one of my lungs quite sore and a bad cough. Fred has been helping as usual, this afternoon we have been trying to get the old Kirby reaper ready to cut cloverseed &c. Did not succeed in geting it done however.

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August FRIDAY 11 1893

Have been most of the day geting the old reaper to work. It failed after all the time spent upon it, and this evening I went over to Mr James McBrides to see about geting his reaper to finish cuting the cloverseed. He consented to let us try it. Got a casting from Jac Bint this morning that I promised to return, and have unfortunately broken it already.

August SATURDAY 12 1893

Fred has been spreading manure most of the time to day in the field back of the barn. having been disappointed in not geting our old reaper to work satisfactorily at cuting cloverseed, I borrowed Mr James McBrides but soon found that it would not do the work. So I went to Dover and got the necessary repairs & soon got our old reaper to work after all. Have been cuting this evening all right. Our old Kirby does the work up charmingly. Heard that J. Harris had failed just lately.

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August SUNDAY 13 1893

I went out to Dover this morning as usual takeing Bertha and Dora with me together with my mother, Mrs Gilbert and Jim. Mrs G is visitng us at present. Had our young minister bro Cole to preach to us. Do not know how he will succeed amongst us, but am affraid his course will not be very acceptable amongst our people for a while for different reasons. Weather quite cool.

August MONDAY 14 1893

I began to cut Cloverseed again in the field by McBrides. Got along all right. It is very short and rather thin and hard to cut. The old Kirby can do it though. This afternoon I have been cuting oats on the Big Flat with the binder. Have got along nicely. Had a visit from my unckle Daniel Olds and his wife to day. Felt sorry that I could not spent some time with him.

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August TUESDAY 15 1893

Have been exceedingly buisy to day, as usual. It is some satisfaction to see the work progress. Got done cuting the oats on the big flat at about four this afternoon. We found the Flat quite stout and good, notwithstanding the dry weather. Fred has been helping to day as usual. He has helped on the Big flat most of the time. Started to cut cloverseed this evening again.

August WEDNESDAY 16 1893

I have been working away in the field next to McBrides to day at cuting cloverseed. On account of the stones I have had a considerable delay, and trouble with the knives. Am thankful however to be making progress. Fred has finished shocking up oats on the big flat besides spreading manure part of the time in the field back of the barn. We are being blessed with a delighful shower of rain to night

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August THURSDAY 17 1893

Have been cuting cloverseed again to day with all my might, in the field by McBrides. Am very thankful that this field is about done. Fred has been helping with the scythe and rake on the rough places. Our old friend G.W. Lemon is staying over night with us to night. We do not see him often now days. he reports up-hill work canvassing on account of the drought & grass hoppers.

August FRIDAY 18 1893

Finished cuting the big field by McBrides this forenoon. Am very thankful indeed to have finished this work, for it was no small job. Got started cuting the field of oats and peas back of Freds this afternoon. Did not work very long on account of rain. Mrs Ward of Dresden left us for good this morning. Ma took her to the station. Feel discouraged at the work we have before us sometimes

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August SATURDAY 19 1893

I have been cuting, peas and oats, our mixed crop again to day with the old Kirby reaper. The machine has done admirably and the job is well nigh done. Am thankful to find the crop is a very good one both as to straw and grain so far as I can see. Fred has been helping, cuting with the scythe and cocking up &c. Mary Jane & ma were up to unckle Robert Culbers this afternoon.

August SUNDAY 20 1893

Did not go out to church as is our usual custom, to day. Felt that to spend the day at home would be upon the whole, most beneficial, so acted accordingly. The day has been a blessing to me in more ways than one. The one of rest to the tired body is not the least. The very important labours of this season on the year cannot be attended to without needing the day of rest.

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August MONDAY 21 1893

I worked this forenoon at rakeing the hilly stubble field N.E. of drive barn. Fred ploughed for the first this forenoon, for fall seeding in the field back of the barn. This afternoon we finished cuting our mixed crop of peas and oats in the eleven acre field back of Fred's. Got in our first load this evening off of same field.

August TUESDAY 22 1893

We have been geting in our mixed crop of oats and peas to day. Fred and Mr Douley have been helping. Got in two loads this forenoon and three this afternoon, making six so far. Am pleased to find the crop a very good one. It handles well. My sister is still with us but she is thinking of going home again in a day or so.

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August WEDNESDAY 23 1893

I succeeded in geting the eleven acre field of oats and peas horse raked to day while Fred and Mr. Douley have been drawing. I had to stack part of the time. Am thankful that to night all of this crop is in the stack including rakeings. Had nine loads and three loads of rakings from the field. Had a precious season today - interviewing my Father & King, Surely He is a present help help.

August THURSDAY 24 1893

Fred and Mr Douley have been helping to day to get in oats from the big flat. I have helped stack &c. Got in five loads to day. Took my sister out to the station this morning on her way home. Came back by Steand's & Called at Wilkinson's, & Irac Bints. Am in much trouble about some of my debts. Want to pay them so bad & cant.

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August FRIDAY 25 1893

We have been geting in wheat rakeings to day. This morning however we got in a load of oats from the flat. Our wheat rakeings have been something unusual this year, owing to the hail storm in July which beat the wheat down badly. I have been cuting cloverseed in the orchard myself when not stacking to day; using the mowing machine for that purpose. Mr Douley has helped to day.

August SATURDAY 26 1893

We have been geting in oats from the Big Flat until about two o'clock this afternoon, and Mr Douley has been helping us. This afternoon Fred went out to Dover to see about Dora's boarding place when going to high school there; while I went to Jarvis; also to see about geting the threshers. The latter promised to Come when we were ready for them.

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August SUNDAY 27 1893

I went out to the regular morning service in Port Dover takeing Bertha and Jim with me. Our young minister officiated Bro Cookman is away at Grimsby for a hollowDay. I rather enjoyed the young man's discourse. He talked about character building and said some good things. Our class afterwards was a proffitable season, The Good Lord being with us.

August MONDAY 28 1893

Fred went out to Dover this morning to take Dora the latter is going to the high school now. He got back about nine. We managed with Mr Douleys help to get the last of our oats drawn from the big flat by about two o'clock this afternoon. Had eleven loads in all. It has been raining since and we finished just in time. Fred and I have been trying to put the Cistern pump at the barn in repair this afternoon.

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August TUESDAY 29 1893

Fred has got started at ploughing in the field back of the barn to day. The fine rain that came last night has improved the ploughing very much. Went up to Simcoe this afternoon takeing Maggie with me. Went to the dentists while there and had my last upper tooth drawn preparing to have a permanent upper set made. Made some further payments when on the way viz to S.McBride & J Harrison

August WEDNESDAY 30 1893

Fred has been ploughing in the field back of the barn to day. He is geting along very well, and the ground ploughs nicely. I have been piling manure this forenoon & this afternoon have been away after threshing hands. Did not succeed in finding {illegible} so I gave up threshing this week. Maggie took Bertha out this morning & I went after her to night to Dover

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August THURSDAY 31 1893

I finished cuting cloverseed in the orchard to day. Used the mowing machine for that purpose on account of the trees. Got to work with the harrow towards night on the wheat ground. Fred has been ploughing in the field back of the barn to day. The ground ploughs nicely and harrows down beautifuly. Shall not have much trouble to get it ready for sowing.

September FRIDAY 1 1893

Fred has been working away with the plough in the field back of the barn to day. I finished rakeing up cloverseed in the orchard this forenoon and this afternoon got started cuting cloverseed in the field next to Jim Challands. Found the crop about the same as our pastured field not to McBrides, so far as I could see. The reaper works very well.

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September SATURDAY 2 1893

I worked most of the day at harrowing in the field back of the barn. Fred has been ploughing in the same field. I went down to Fergus this evening to see about the threshers. Found hands on the way, so that we are likely to have plenty of help. Have to pay them a dollar a day. Fred went out this evening to get a boarding place for Dora, again.

September SUNDAY 3 1893

Went out to church this morning as usual takeing my mother and Jim with. Bertha went to Mount Lion with Austins. Had Bro Cookman with us again. He has been absent for some time and we appreciate all the more. Maggie is quite unwell this evening and we are rather anxious lest something serious is hanging about her.

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September MONDAY 4 1893

Fred has been at work with the plough again to day, in the field back of the barn. I finished spreading manure in the same field this forenoon and this afternoon have been cuting cloverseed in the field next to Jim Challands. Have got along nicely with this. We are anxious to get our threshing done however, for different reasons.

September TUESDAY 5 1893

The Fergus threshing machine Came at about eleven o'clock last night, so this morning wh we had to get arround. The following parties have been helping for pay. Addam Frolick at $1.25 per day. He stands at the end of the arriers Wesley Ryerse & his son Ed, Otto Collins and Mr Douley together with George McBride Wilsons Porters man has been helping by way of exchanging work.

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September WEDNESDAY 6 1893

Found that Mr Douley and George McBride were not able to work to day so we tried to get supplies to fill their places this forenoon but failed. The other hands came all right. Mr James McBride relieved us this afternoon Also Mr Smith that works at John Marr's. So The machine broke down before noon & we have not nearly finished threshing as a consequence. Grain {illegible} but poor.

September THURSDAY 7 1893

We finished threshing at about noon to day. Had only some three hundred and fifty nine bushells of wheat from the machine from forty acres or about nine bushells per acre. Our oats was also a light crop, or less than 20 bushells per acre. Our mixed crop of oats and peas was the best crop of the season; but this was only about 16 Bu Per acre or 165 from machine the wheat was injured by the hail storm in June & never recovered. The quality was also inferior.

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September FRIDAY 8 1893

Found this morning that it would be necessary to cock up the cloverseed, before drawing in the field by McBrides so Jim and I worked at it this forenoon. Find it rather difficult to get it out of the grass in some places. Fred has worked to day as usual. I went to the funeral of our old friend and neighbour P.G.Bagley this afternoon. He died in his seventy eighth year - a good old age. Many recollections of my past life cluster around his memory.

September SATURDAY 9 1893

Fred continued to plough this forenoon as usual. He began in the twelve acre field back of his house where we had peas and oats. I worked at the clover-seed this forenoon in the field next to McBrides. This afternoon I have had Fred cuting corn while I have been ploughing in his place. The twelve acre field ploughs up very well and will make a good wheat field.

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September SUNDAY 10 1893

Went out to church this morning as usual, takeing Bertha and Jim with me. The young minister officiated in a rather uncouth way. Had a very happy time in our Class - meeting afterwards. Felt very loathe to stop to the class th to day. just because I did not feel like it. But thank God, He graciously gave me a blessing for not listening to the tempters charms.

September MONDAY 11 1893

Fred has been ploughing in the pea stubble field where we intend to sow wheat. I have been working at the cloverseed all day. This forenoon at cut cocking up, in the field by McBrides and this afternoon at cuting with the reaper in the field by Jim Challands. The crop there is a very promising one, mostly there are some poor spots however.

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September TUESDAY 12 1893

Have had Mr Josie Smith driving a team on the wheat ground today. Fred has been ploughing as usual. I worked at cocking up cloverseed this forenoon and this afternoon went up to Mr J Wycoffs after seed wheat, brought home eighteen bushells of Dawsons golden chaff. Had to give $65 c per Bu It was not pure seed however there being Clawson & Garfield wheat slightly mixed.

September WEDNESDAY 18 1893

Have been sowing our first field to day the one back of the barn consisting of eight acres. Sowed about fourteen bushells of wheat, Dawson's golden chaff on the field. Have had Mr J. Smith harrowing for me as usual this being his second day at 75 c per day. Fred has kept on ploughing in the pea stubble field back of his house. Weather very warm.

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September THURSDAY 19 1893

Mr Jos Smith kept on harrowing in the back wheat field until noon to day when he went home sick with a lame back; or so he said. I went out to town this morning to take a jack screw to Mr Marrs. We had it raising the drive barn sills that had rotted and fallen. Fred has ploughed to day as usual. We ran out the water furrows in the field back of the barn & I have been cleaning them part of the time.

September FRIDAY 15 1893

We had a fine rain last night. The first for some time. Fred has been ploughing to day as usual. He helped move the threshing machine this afternoon however. I finished cuting corn this forenoon myself & have since been cleaning ditches in our first sown wheat field. The weather keeps warm for the time of year. Wheat must soon come up now.

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September SATURDAY 16 1893

Fred has been ploughing to day in our last wheat field. I have been working at sundry jobs. Rain has been falling in light showers, this afternoon, accompanied by a heavy wind from the west. I have been trying to put up cloverseed this afternoon, mostly in the big field by McBrides. Our Annual Equinox storm seems on us.

September SUNDAY 17 1893

Went out to church this morning as usual. Took ma and Bertha with me. Had Bro Cookman with us to day. Had an excellent discourse about the prodigal son. Did not feelt like staying to class; but have invariably found that when it was a cross, the greater blessing followed the performance of duty. Had considerable liberty in leading the class.

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September MONDAY 18 1893

Fred went out to Dover this forenoon tot take Dora out to School. He began to help me in the barn at about eleven o'clock however. I got ten bushells of Manchester Wheat from Mr James McBride this morning for see. Sold four two year old heifers to C.G.Warren's butcher this forenoon at 5 1/4 C per lb dressed wt. He is to leave them for a month or so on pasture. Have had Fred ploughing this afternoon.

September TUESDAY 19 1893

On account of rain last night the ground was rather wet for harrowing this morning so I worked at the cloverseed in field, by McB's this afternoon I have been harrowing and Fred has been ploughing all day in same field. Am anxious to get our seeding done on account of cloverseed drawing &c B It seems very tedious, somehow.

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September WEDNESDAY 20 1893

Have been harrowing all day to day while Fred has been ploughing. We are geting our field nearly ready for the drill, though we do not seem to be making much progress. The weather is fine for our work however, and the ground is moist and works very well. Have had a considerable heat to day however.

September THURSDAY 21 1893

Fred has continued to plough to day as usual He has nearly finished the field however. I kept on harrowing this forenoon. This afternoon however I have been drilling. Got a good start on our last field and hope to finish to morrow. I see by our late papers that wheat is comeing up in price and bid's fare to be at a paying value ere long.

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September FRIDAY 22 1893

Fred got done ploughing this forenoon in our last field. We finished geting it harrowed down and have nearly got done drilling in seed. So our seeding is nearly done at last. Have had a few light showers last night and to day, but not enough to prevent work. The weather continues warm without even the slightest touch of frost.

September SATURDAY 23 1893

Fred and I finished drilling and harrowing our last field of winter wheat this forenoon. He has been furrowing out as well. Finished the latter by noon. I went up to Simcoe this afternoon, to see about my new set of upper teeth, paid for some four years ago. Went also to see H. G. about a note. Brought W.A. Fergusons better half home with me.

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September SUNDAY 24 1893

Went out to church this morning, as usual takeing Bertha with me. Had our senior minister Br Cookman to minister to us rather unexpectedly. Our meeting together though poorly attended was nevertheless a season of proffit. Mrs Will Ferguson is still with us mostly to visit Maggie during her illness. She seems benefitted by her company.

September MONDAY 25 1893

Fred has been ditching in our last sown wheat field to day and have been helping most of the time. Took Annie F. down to the station at Jarvis this forenoon. Our youngster has been allowed to go to Delhi with her and, of course her absence is a rather serious matter, our household. We scarcely know how to get along without her.

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September TUESDAY 26 1893

We have at last got to work at our cloverseed Fred and I. Commenced with the field by McBrides and drawed four loads this afternoon and two this forenoon. The cloverseed is so nearly all heads that we cannot get very large loads on the waggon. This is an advantage however in many ways. Weather very fine and dry.

September WEDNESDAY 27 1893

We worked this forenoon at cocking up cloverseed, Fred and I. This afternoon, however, we have been again drawing in . Got in two more loads safely in the barn from the field by McBrides, makeing eight so far from this field. Had two small loads from the orchard which we have also got in this afternoon. The weather fortunately keeps fine.

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September THURSDAY 28 1893

Fred and I have been puting up clover seed in the field by McBrides this forenoon. This afternoon we have been drawing in from same field. Got in three more loads from this field makeing ten eleven so far. The weather keeps dry as usual - very favourable for our clover hauling &c.

September FRIDAY 29 1893

Fred spent the forenoon in cocking up Clover seed as usual. This afternoon we have been drawing in. Got in our last load from the field by McBrides makeing eleven in all from this field. We have also drawn two loads from the field by Jim Challands being our first from this field. Weather still dry and cool.

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September SATURDAY 30 1893

We cut cloverseed in the field by Jim Challands this forenoon, Fred and I. He with the scythe in the steep places and I with the reaper. This afternoon Fred went out to Dover with onions. I went out also to look after some little matters of business. Feel somewhat anxious this Fall owing to the bare state of our crops and the low price of grain as well. Our clover seed crop is a consolation however.

October SUNDAY 1 1893

Went out to church this morning as usual takeing Ma and Jim with me. Had Bro. Cookman to officiate and our usual monthly fellowship meeting afterwards. Maggie became rather unwell towards night, and I went out after Dr Hamilton for here along in the evening. Had a cold disagreeable ride however. The Dr came home with me.

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October MONDAY 2 1893

Fred has been buisy as usual to day. At about two o'clock this morning, we have had an arrival of another daughter. She My wife and child are both doing well thank God. I went out to Dover this forenoon to take the Doctor home. Fred has been buisy at sundry jobs.

October TUESDAY 3 1893

I have been cuting the remaining portion of the cloverseed in the field by Jim Challands this forenoon. This afternoon it we have got it in the barn This makes our eighteenth load so far. We have now to cut the front field by the church. This will take us some time though, for the ground is so rough and hilly. Our Sister, Sarah Came this evening to stay with Maggie awhile.

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October WEDNESDAY 4 1893

Fred and I worked in the barn most of the forenoon. Got a lot of machine railings cleaned up and a grist of chop ready for the mill. Took it up to Mr Brook's mill this afternoon for grinding. Went to Simcoe to see about geting my teeth fixed. Have had an upper set made paid for some four years & have worn the temporary set since.

October THURSDAY 5 1893

Fred has been husking corn to day in our front garden patch. I have been very buisy as usual. Spent the forenoon mostly at repairing the old reaper, and this aftenoon have been useing it to cut clover seed in the front field. The crop is quite a short one, but the old machine does a fine job in gathering it.

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October FRIDAY 6 1893

Have had Fred husking corn to day in our front garden patch. Our crop there was very good notwithstanding the dry summer. I have been cuting cloverseed in the field by the church most of the time. Had to do some repairing to the reaper again. AM affraid it will not last until we got done cuting from present appearances.

October SATURDAY 7 1893

Fred finished husking our crop of corn yesterday and got it in the crib this forenoon. We only need two loads. I worked at mending the roof of our old house this forenoon. Have cut cloverseed most of the afternoon in the front field by the church. Had a short visit from my unckle Joseph McFall and aunt Cynthia this afternoon.

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October SUNDAY 8 1893

Went out to church to day as usual. Took Mrs Crysler wih me this time. Our young minister preached to us and gave us a very good discourse I think. Felt very stupid and sleepy myself the result of being up nights a good deal lately, I suppose. Am very thankful to the Good Lord for the improvement in my dear wife. The little one is also doing nicely. Praise ye the Lord.

October MONDAY 9 1893

I have been cuting cloverseed in the field by the church to day. Got done at about four o'clock this afternoon, which finishes cuting for this year. Fred has been gathering apples. After geting done with the cloverseed I drilled in a bushell of wheat where we had potatoes near the woods on new ground. The weather is very fine just now.

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October TUESDAY 10 1893

Fred has been working at the cloverseed in the front field by the church. He has been cocking it up ready to draw. I went out to Dover this forenoon to see the doctor for Maggie. She is not so well. Have been buisy this afternoon at picking grapes from the old Clinton vine. The weather is delightful just now so warm and pleasant.

October WEDNESDAY 11 1893

I went up Simcoe this forenoon, mostly to seeing a new set of teeth fitted to my mouth. Called at the Brooks mill & learned there of a clover mill at St. Williams that I could likely get, to thresh our cloverseed crop. Dick Johnson who I stoped to see on my way home recommended geting this machine when it threshed for him. James Charley Lymburnce & David Sterling visited us this afternoon.

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October THURSDAY 12 1893

We have been picking and gathering apples this forenoon Fred and I. This afternoon however, we have been geting in the last of our cloverseed from the front field by the church. Had three small loads from this field which will at least make us twenty respectable loads altogether. The weather is very fine & warm, Quite like summer weather. G.W. Lemon is with us to night.

October FRIDAY 13 1893

Fred and I have been gathering apples most of the time to day. I worked this forenoon at repairing the shed roof however. The day has been a delightful one - so warm and pleasant. To night it is raining with a temperature like Summer. Am thankful for the measure of blessing that we enjoy. The Lord is my strength & my deliverance.

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October SATURDAY 14 1893

Fred and I worked this forenoon, at cleaning up some wheat and some tymothy seed in the barn. This afternoon we have been cleaning out the drive barn and puting away implements for Winter. Got along nicely. The rain that has been falling nearly all day has given us an excellent opportunity. Am still endeavouring to keep my eyes fixed of the Saviour as my strong tower &c.

October SUNDAY 15 1893

On account of high Westerly winds and rain I did not go to church this forenoon as is our custom. Have been profited by Home opportunities and blessings. My Sister-in-law Mrs Sarah Crysler left us this afternoon for Gideon Cryslers and to morrow she is to go on to Leyndoch and Wyecombe. She has been very good & kind to stay with my wife during trying weeks following confinement.

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October MONDAY 16 1893

Fred has been ploughing to day for the first, in the field West of the woods. I went out to Dover this forenoon to look after several matters of business and to see the Dr for Maggie. Went down to Jarvis this afternoon for the same purpose as I went to Dover. Have been blessed with the Divine favour which is better than life. Glory be to the Lord Most High.

October TUESDAY 17 1893

I went up to the Lynn Valley mill to day with a grist of wheat for our own bread. I left the horses at the mill and walked from there to Simcoe, Mr Douley went with me. Got a new set of upper teeth of my dentist Mr A.W. Smith. Did not settle with him however as a kind of misunderstanding occurred. Have felt much cast down, to day at times. The way seems so dark and gloomy.

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October WEDNESDAY 18 1893

Fred has been helping Wilson Porter thresh to day. I have been working, this forenoon at sundry jobs, mostly at gathering apples, This afternoon I went up to Isaac Austins takeing Ma with me. Went mostly to take some books that I had bought for the Grange library. Found it necessary to stay to tea with these kind friends.

October THURSDAY 19 1893

Fred has been off takeing a hollowday. Our Norfolk Union show took place in Simcoe to day and Fred went there. I have been buisy as usual. Worked this forenoon at repairing the roof of the West shed. Got it in pretty good shape at last. Have also been gathering some cider apples towards evening Jim Has been helping me.

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October FRIDAY 20 1893

Fred has been helping Wilson Porter thresh to day. They did not quite finish to night. I have been engaged at sundry jobs, and this afternoon went out to Dover, takeing my mother with me. Was told by my friend L.G.Morgan that Thomas Stringer had been killed by a collision on the G.T.R. this morning when on his way to the Chicago Exposition, near the end of his journey.

October SATURDAY 21 1893

Fred went down to Wilson Porters this morning to help them finish threshing. He was not gone long however. We got a load of wheat cleaned up by noon & he took it to Jarvis this afternoon. I went out to Dover this afternoon; or rather Ma and I drove down to Thomas Stringers to see about the particulars of his death by accident yesterday morning.

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October SUNDAY 22 1893

I went out to church as usual this morning, takeing my cousin Alice Colver with me. Had the President of our Niagara Conference to preach to us. Rev J.S. Ross is his name. He is certainly an able minister of the Word. Had my unckle Daniel Olds down from Simcoe this evening, also my cousin Florence and her husband Jack.

October MONDAY 23 1893

Fred and I got a load of wheat cleaned up this forenoon and he took it down to Jarvis this afternoon. I had almost started with a small load when I heard that Thomas Stringers funeral took this afternoon. So I concluded to go, takeing ma with me. There was a very large number of people gathered, together for having such short notice. Br Cookman buried the dead man.

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October TUESDAY 24 1893

Fred has taken another load of wheat to Jarvis this afternoon, having got it ready this forenoon. Took my sister-in-law Mrs Sarah Crysler down to the train at Jarvis this morning. Have been buisy this afternoon at sundry jobs. We had a visit from Mrs W. J. Carpenter to day. The weather continues very fine indeed.

October WEDNESDAY 25 1893

We cleaned up wheat this forenoon Fred and I. Got our two loads ready and took them down to Jarvis this afternoon. Our wheat hauling is soon done, and the money is just as short as the crop. Am geting fifty five cent per Bu. Bertha and Jims father has turned up to night. He reports very hard times in Bay City.

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October THURSDAY 26 1893

Fred and I kept on cleaning up wheat this forenoon. Got all in the bags by noon and Fred started with a load for the mill after dinner. He came back soon after, however on account of rain; and we will have to take another day for it. We have been cleaning up the barn this afternoon, besides doing some other rainy day jobs. Am trying to put my trust in the Lord.

October FRIDAY 27 1893

Fred has been ploughing in the field West of the woods to day. I went down to Jarvis to settle up my wheat receipts. Did not have sufficient to send away for Int, so got some 40 dollars of Ivey to make up the amount. The rain last night and yesterday has made the roads very bad. I went down to see Mr C.W. Smith this afternoon about some matters of business.

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October SATURDAY 28 1893

The weather has become very cold lately, and to day. it seems to have come to a climax. Fred has been ploughing in the field west of the woods throughout the day. I went out to Dover this after to see about certain matters of business. The Good Lord seems to be opening up ways for me, even in the present discouraging season. This is just like Him however.

October SUNDAY 29 1893

The weather being rather stormy to day we did not get out to church as we desired ; but have enjoyed the privileges that the day affords at home. Have been especially benefited in reading a favourable book of my fathers "Caugheys Revival Miscellaney." Mr C's discourse on faith is especially instructive. It has been a word in season to my poor soul.

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October MONDAY 30 1893

Fred worked at ploughing this forenoon; but this afternoon he went up to the Lynn-Valey mill with a grist of wheat for his bread and ours. I went this afternoon to see about Clover thresher, also to Dover to get our baby's name registered &c. We are going to Call her, Mary Eugenie Evelyn. Am mostly responsible for the name myself; but Alice Colver, my cousin gave her the second name.

October TUESDAY 31 1893

Fred has been ploughing in the field West of the woods to day. Was buisy at Sundry jobs this forenoon myself. This afternoon have been ploughing for the first, with Bell, and Jess. They went along very well for their first ploughing. We are in hopes, that now we will be able to keep on with the two teems for some time to come.

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November WEDNESDAY 1 1893

Fred and I got a load of oats ready this forenoon for the oat meal mill He has been ploughing again this afternoon while I went away with the load to the mill. Sold the oats at thirty cent per bu. but did not have any money to bring home after all, as it had to all go on an old debt. It has been raining some this afternoon.

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November THURSDAY 2 1893

Have been ploughing again to day Fred and I In the field west of the first woods. We are geting along nicely and will soon have this field done D.V. Had a visit from my cousin Nora and her husband Addam Rose. The latter is spending his hollowday at home. He intends leaving the Pullman car service next spring for good.

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November FRIDAY 3 1893

We have had both ploughs going to day in the field West of the woods. We have just about finished ploughing this field to night. The weather is remarkably fine and mild just now. Had quite a heavy fall of rain last night which improved the ploughing some for to day. Head Heard that Mr W.H. Smith's father Sam. Smith was buried yesterday.

November SATURDAY 4 1893

Went down to Jarvis this forenoon to see about some matters of business there. Came home by the cheese factory, to bring a cheese with me for Winters use. Got a grist ready after dinner and took it out to the Dover mill. Went down town while the grist was grinding got some matters attended to. Stoped at W. H. Walls on the way home He gave me a check to pay Sam McBride, 20.00.

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November SUNDAY 5 1893

Went out to church this morning takeing Bertha and Jim with me. Found that the regular Quarterly meeting service took place this morning at Woodhouse Chappel so I went to the Presbyterian Church , not having time to go to Woodhouse. Took Maggie down to Wallse's this evening the first time she has been out since confinement.

November MONDAY 6 1893

Fred has been working at ditching the back field to day, and I have been helping this afternoon. I went up to Richard Johnsons this forenoon to see about the clover thresher. I went to see Sam McBride. The weather is delightful just the thing for our present needs.

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November TUESDAY 7 1893

We got both ploughs started in the field by McBrides with both plough's this morning. The ground ploughs very well and we have made good use of our time to day. Was surprised to find Mr and Mrs D.W.Horton here when I came in at noon. Could not spend much time with them however on account of the ploughing. Mr Horton looks poorly. He has failed a good deal since I saw him last.

November WEDNESDAY 8 1893

Fred and I have been ploughing in the field by McBrides again to day. I went down to Thomas Jacksons for dinner takeing ma with me. Mr Horton has recommended me to leave the hilly field which is seeded to blue grass and alsyke for seed another year. He thinks it would pay better then any crop we could put in the ground. He thinks that blue grass helped to enrich the ground the longer it is left.

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November THURSDAY 9 1893

We have continued to plough to day with all our might. The field by McBrides is getting well along, and the weather still keeps favourable. Mr Horton told me that the most successful way to raise Alsike seed is, to pasture the same as red clover using judgement as to the best time for turning off, according to season. His neighbour Austin Metler has raised 5 & 6 Bu per acre in this way for seasons without a single failure.

November FRIDAY 10 1893

We got to work in good time again this morning, at our ploughing & have turned over a nice big patch today. Our ploughing is now fully half done, so that after this we will be on the last half. The beautiful weather still continues. Read in the P. Farmer, a man's experience in seeding Clover with oats. He fall ploughs, and in the Spring loosens the soil, harrowing down afterwards with light harrow. He then sows oats & covers with {illegible} Harrow.

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November SATURDAY 11 1893

On account of a heavy fog with has not lifted all day we did not work at takeing out our turnip crop as we intended but kept on ploughing. This makes five days work with both teems, and we are a good deal more than half over the field. Some of our neighbours are giving us credit for geting over it very fast.

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following with clover seed, & light roller {probably belongs to Friday's entry}

November SUNDAY 12 1893

I went out to church this morning takeing my mother and Jim with me. Had the young man to preach to us, but failed to realize much benefit therefrom. It may be my fault however. Our class meeting afterwards was a time of blessing however to my poor soul. The weather continues to be delightful for this time of year. It is both warm and sunny with balmy south winds.

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November MONDAY 13 1893

We ploughed this forenoon Fred and I, in the field by McBrides. This afternoon we left off ploughing and have been taking up our turnips and piting them. The weather has changed somewhat and we seem likely to have it colder. I feel as though it was my privilege and my experience, to take hold of God. My prayers for deliverance are being heard and must ere long be answered.

November TUESDAY 14 1893

We have been ploughing both of us to day, in the field by McBrides as usual. The weather has been rather stormy and very disagreeable but, we are geting well over our field There are some indications of a change in the weather soon. The time of year for ploughing must in the nature of things soon be over for this Fall however.

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November WEDNESDAY 15 1893

The ground being frozen this forenoon Fred did not plough; but got up threshing wood instead. This afternoon however he has been ploughing most of the time. I have been all day puting away potatoes and apples for winter. Found them {illegible}ing well so far. Have had renewed assurance of the Divine favour this afternoon. With this I am safe and unburdened.

November THURSDAY 16 1893

Fred has been geting up some wood this forenoon for clover threshing. He has got to ploughing again this afternoon. The ground has been somewhat frozen however. I have been puting away potatoes and apples for Winter most of the time. Our minister & his wife came to visit us this evening. Have enjoyed their visit very much.

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November FRIDAY 17 1893

We got up a load or so of wood for threshing this morning. I have been most of the day puting away apples and roots for Winter. We finished our turnips this afternoon also. Had a visit from threshers this afternoon. G.W. Lemon came this evening and is staying overnight with us. The weather has become fine and warm so that we hope to continue our ploughing until done.

November SATURDAY 18 1893

I went up to Richard Johnsons this morning to see the new clover mill or huller belonging to Wilfred Oakes of St. Williams. It is a great machine and does fine work. Have decided to get Mr Oakes to thresh our seed, when he gets ready. Took Maggie and little Mary with me. Fred has been ploughing in the field by McBrides to day and I have helping with the other teem this afternoon.

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November SUNDAY 19 1893

Took Bertha and Mildred to church with me to day. We had not gone more than a mile however when it began to snow, and we had a terrific snow storm to face the remainder of the way. Have found that our difficulty in geting to the house of God was rewarded by a blessing This I have invariably found to be the case. The young preacher officiated - his text was "the Pillar of fire by night and cloud by day &c"

November MONDAY 20 1893

I have been buisy at sorting over apples to day while Fred has been ploughing in the field by McBrides. There was three or four inches of snow on the ground but this did not seem to hinder our work. We are likely to get our field by McBrides ploughed this Fall after all. We have still the field by the church yet.

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November TUESDAY 21 1893

Fred has been ploughing again to day in the field by McBrides. I have been working at sorting over apples this forenoon, and this afternoon went out to Dover. Had a rather disagreeable ride out and back owing to the rain and snow that has been falling all the afternoon. Had some rather disagreeable duties to perform relating to some of my debts.

November WEDNESDAY 22 1893

I went over to James Challand's this forenoon to help thresh Cloverseed Fred went this afternoon in my place while I worked at geting apples ready for the Cider mill, where I intend to go tomorrow. With Maggies help I got about through and ready for start in the Morning. Henry Misener is an excellent cloverseed thresher, His machine is a new one.

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November THURSDAY 23 1893

Have had Fred helping Jas. Challand to thresh cloverseed to day while I went to Decous with apples for Cider. Brought home the cider with me this evening. Called at Richard Johnsons to see the Clover threshers They have agreed to come early next weeks. Have had a most disagreeable trip up to the cider mill to day on account of the very strong west wind that has been blowing.

November FRIDAY 24 1893

Fred helped Jas. Challand to finish his threshing this morning. They got done between nine and ten o'clock. I put away Cabbage for Winter this forenoon & this afternoon have been helping Fred about geting up a load of wood for threshing. The weather is geting colder all the time of late, and is very windy A Nor Wester is now in progress.

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November SATURDAY 25 1893

Fred & I got up a couple more loads of wood for threshing cloverseed this forenoon. He got up more for the house this afternoon while I went out to Dover. I went to the council for the tree bonus and succeeded in geting $23.25 for 93 trees planted on the highway Money never seems to come when I needed it more than now. Do not expect to have it many days or even any

November SUNDAY 26 1893

Went out to church this morning as usual takeing Jim and my mother with me. Had a proffitable waiting upon the Lord. He being in our very midst. Bro. Cookman preached, to us, and with considerable acceptance. Our class afterwards was also a good time for us that stayed. Am feeling much better these days spiritually

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November MONDAY 27 1893

Mr Wilfred Oakes of St Williams, having come with his new clover huller on Saturday evening last, got to threshing at about ten o'clock this forenoon. They threshed about sixteen bushells in a couple of hours. This afternoon it has been raining, so we had to quit our threshing for the time being. Am greatly pleased with the new machine it does fine work, and a good deal of it in a little while.

November TUESDAY 28 1893

I never saw a job of clover threshing done so well and so quickly as our has been done this time by the new mill of Wilfred Oakes of St Williams. Finished threshing this afternoon or at about the middle of the afternoon. Had only forty bushels from the machine or much less than I fondly anticipated. They went up to unckle Johns from here.

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November WEDNESDAY 29 1893

Fred has been ploughing part of the time to day in the field by McBrides. Most of the afternoon it has been raining and we have been working arround the barn at sundry repairs. I have been engaged at - this kind of work all day. There was an old tramp here this morning to breakfast, who was rather troublesome or dangerous looking. Have felt quite blue again to day.

November THURSDAY 30 1893

Fred finished ploughing the big field by McBrides to day besides geting the remaining furrows turn. I have been all day geting the ditches cleaned out. Succeeded in geting them in pretty good shape by to night. This mild spell seemed to come just right for us this time for we had not finished this field before it froze up. Have been rather gloomy to day.

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December FRIDAY 1 1893

We have been geting some manure out of the barnyard to day. Snow came last night, about two inches and as there was no frost in the ground, the roads are anything but good. Went down to Walls's this afternoon to take my mother, but we found them all away we soon got home again. Winter seems to have come again in earnest. It is quite cold to night.

December SATURDAY 2 1893

Fred and I have been geting manure out of the barnyard to day. I simply helped him load and to clean up the yard, when he was gone. Intended going out to Dover this afternoon but it was so late when ready to go that I gave it up for this time. There is some appearance of snow this evening, Wind blows from the East.

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December SUNDAY 3 1893

Snow has been falling in good earnest all day from the North East; so we did not get out to church as we intended. Have done what we could to proffit by the days opportunity. Often feel specialy benefited by a Sabbath day at home. This has been the case to day in a moderate degree. Our first sleighing has Come for this Winter.

December MONDAY 4 1893

Fred and I got a grist of chop ready for the mill this morning; and I got started for the mill at Lynn Valley at about half past ten. Succeeded in geting the grist ground by sundown and arrived at home again safely at about eight o'clock The heavy snow of yesterday made quite sleighing to day . Had almost to breake the road up to the mill.

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December TUESDAY 5 1893

Have had Fred geting out manure from the barn-yard again to day. I went to see about geting the Advent Church for a Prohibition meeting, this forenoon. Succeeded in geting it Went out to Dover this afternoon; having several matters to look after. Drove the buggy but found that the cutter would have went better there being quite good sleighing.

December WEDNESDAY 6 1893

I have had Fred at the manure again to day. This afternoon however he went out to Dover on his own account mostly to get him a pair of boots. I took the black sow up to George Ryerse's this forenoon. Have been fixing up the calf stables this afternoon. Jim and I got the calves in the stable this evening for the first time.

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December THURSDAY 7 1893

Fred has been geting out manure from the barn-yard to the front field to day as usual. He got up a load or so of wood & helped me some with the pumps. I have been nearly the whole day at repairing pumps. Got ours all right but found that the well was about dry. Fred's pump was badly out of order but am in hopes it will be all right now.

December FRIDAY 8 1893

Fred has kept on geting out manure from the barn yard to day. I helped him load the forenoon and did some other work between times. Went down to William Walls'es this afternoon for dinner. Mrs & Mr Cookman were there with Mrs Anderson and Wellington Carpenter and wife. So we had a nice visit. Mrs W gave us venison and duck from Muskoka.

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December SATURDAY 9 1893

We kept on geting out manure to the front field. Fred and I. He has been working at it all day, while I went out to town this afternoon. Took Maggie and the baby with me for the first time since the latter was born. Wanted to have attended a trustee meeting in our church but on account of rain and having the little one, thought best to come right home.

December SUNDAY 10 1893

Went out to church this morning as usual, takeing Bertha with me. The weather was rather disagreeable and stormy; but the usual blessing seemed to follow. Had a very good time on account of the presence of our gracious Saviour, in His good spirit. It always follows, that His presence makes our paradise and where He is is Heaven

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December MONDAY 11 1893

We have continued to work at our manure hauling as usual. Have been helping Fred load at the barn and when he was gone, found other work to do, mostly cuting wood at the woodhouse. Went to a Prohibition meeting in the church here to night. Our minister and the Presbyterian minister from Port Dover officiated, and gave excellent addresses.

December TUESDAY 12 1893

We have kept on at our usual work to day. Fred and I. The weather being quite favourable and the going as well. Our meeting last night was largely a failure owing to the snow storm from the East that prevailed during the afternoon and evening. There was only about a dozen people present to hear the addresses.

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December WEDNESDAY 13 1893

We have been buisy at geting out manure to day, from back of the barn to the front field as usual. I have been doing various jobs in the mean time when not helping to load, such as makeing an axe-handle & doing some work at the cow stable. Snow has begun to fall again to night and we are likely to have good sleighing soon.

December THURSDAY 14 1893

We have had a very stormy day, so that Fred did not take the horses out, only for a while this forenoon. He has been buisy at sundry jobs all day however. I went down to Jarvis this forenoon to see about some matters there. Got our last month's cheese check which was rather more than I expected. Went to Isaac Austins this afternoon to pay taxes.

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December FRIDAY 15 1893

On account of rain which has been falling all day we have been working inside Fred at cuting wood while I have been fixing up an axe, finishing a handle &c. besides doing a number of other jobs, too numerous to mention. Our snow has been fast disappearing; and to night it has become a thin mess of slush with weather very warm.

December SATURDAY 16 1893

We kept up our manure drawing to day as usual or rather Fred did. I went out to Dover this afternoon, Having a small load of produce of one kind and another to take There is a considerable talk just now about the Prohibition vote so soon to be taken. Quite an interest has sprung up in both parties respecting the matter.

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December SUNDAY 17 1893

Our horses not being shod, We thought best not to drive out to church this morning there being a considerable ice on the road. Have rather enjoyed the Sabbath at home as we nearly always do. The day has been a very stormy one though as well as cold. Have been much impressed in reading the World's birthday by Prof. Gaussen. If a truth His works are past finding out.

December MONDAY 18 1893

We got out manure this forenoon as usual; but this afternoon there has been one of those terrific snow storms from the south West that come once in a while. The snow has drifted badly. Have been working at sundry jobs of repairing this afternoon. Bertha's father came this forenoon, and is with us to night. His Son George is recovering slowly from the injured eyes

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December TUESDAY 19 1893

The snow storm of yesterday has continued mostly through to day. Not much snow has fallen; but the high winds have drifted what did come. We have been geting out manure to day most of the time when it did not storm too bad. Mr Gitchen is with us just now. He has been haveing a very serious time takeing care of his son Geoge who had his eye almost put out by a stone.

December WEDNESDAY 20 1893

I went up to Simcoe to day to ake Gutcher He went to the lawyer's to see about geting damages for the injury done to his boys eye &c. Found the roads anything but good, and the weather was very cold. He found some encouragement in what Wells told him. Fred has continued to get out manure to day as usual

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December THURSDAY 21 1893

We killed one beef to day or rather this forenoon. Had James Challand to help besides Fred. The latter has been cuting wood this afternoon. I went up to the Grange after dinner. Had our appointment of officers, and was appointed chaplan of the lodge. G.W.L. came this evening and is staying over night with us. Weather is becoming quite mild again.

December FRIDAY 22 1893

I cut up the beef this forenoon besides doing some other little jobs. Fred went over to Challands to help kill a hog this afternoon however, he has been cuting wood in the woods. I have been out to town taking my mother with me. Had a lot of stuff such as chickens and turkeys to take out. Brought home a nice little church bible to give to Leilia on her wedding day.

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December SATURDAY 23 1893

Maggie with our two children started for Wyecombe this morning at about ten o'clock. Stoped at Simcoe at noon and had dinner at G.W. Lemons. Arrived at my fatherinlaws at sundown or a little after. Had a pleasant drive the weather being very warm but the roads rather muddy. Found the two old folks expecting us and glad to see us apparently.

December SUNDAY 24 1893

We did not go out to church to day, on account of inclement weather; but stayed at Mr Fergusons, improving our time as best we could. Found an old coppy of Watsons Institutes and have read it to day with much proffit. The scripture doctrines and expositions are not only proffitable to the soul but very instructive and easy understood.

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December MONDAY 25 1893

We all drove over to Delhi this morning; for dinner at my brother in laws W. A. Fergusons. The party consisted of, my father in law & wife, together with all the children except John he being sick. Had a sumptious dinner, and a very pleasant time with our kind relatives. Was delighted with Will's new house which he has just finished. It is said to be the finest residence in the country.

December TUESDAY 26 1893

I started for home this morning from Mr J.W. Fergusons at the usual time about ten o'clock. bringing my little daughter Mildred with me and leaving my wife and the baby with her mother for a week or so. We called for a rest and something to eat at Florences in Simcoe. Got home at about sundown as usual. Had a rather cold rough ride, the roads being lately frozen up & weather cold.

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December WEDNESDAY 27 1893

Our annual School meeting took place to day. For various reasons we felt anxious to have a change in trustees, and am thankful to say that our Wilson Porter took the place of George Ryerse for ensuing term. We had a very quiet term meeting. Went up to Clarke Matthews with my mother for dinner with Peter Gilbert and his mother and unckle John's. Enjoyed our visit very much.

December THURSDAY 28 1893

Fred has been working at sundry jobs again to day, as well as myself. This afternoon I went to the cheese factory meeting There was a very good attendence. A new agreement was entered into with Mr Parsons re the price of makeing cheese. It is to be two cent per pound thereafter and Mr P to keep the whey.

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December FRIDAY 29 1893

The hay press that came last night left us again this morning on account of our not being ready. Fred and I got up our first load of hay from the little barn this forenoon for the horses. This afternoon we have been cuting wood in the woods. There seems to be a change takeing place in the weather it is becoming colder.

December SATURDAY 30 1893

Fred has been working at sundry jobs to day while I got ready to go to mill this forenoon. Took a small grist of chop out to Shaw's mill at the port this afternoon. While I went down the grist was grinding. The roads were in a very rough state but got through all right There seems to be a considerable interest taken in the village as the Plebicite, to be voted on, next Monday.

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December SUNDAY 31 1893

On account of the very rough roads thought best not to go out to church to day. Have enjoyed the Sabbath at home however, and have I trust been the proffited by as well. Have been reading "the World's birthday" by Prof. Glosson. It is wonderful to find that the revelations of Science correspond so exactly with the Word of God, in the creation of the world.

Transcription Progress



Courtland Olds 1893 Diary Part 1.pdf
Courtland Olds 1893 Diary Part 2.pdf
Courtland Olds 1893 Diary Part 3.pdf
Courtland Olds 1893 Diary Transcripts .pdf


Courtland Olds, “Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1893,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed September 11, 2024,
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