Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1894


Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1894


Courtland Olds


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph




19th Century, Norfolk County, Woodhouse Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Courtland Olds Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript



January MONDAY 1 1894

The Plebiscite which is intended to show the sentiment of the people respecting the Prohibition of the liquor traffic was voted on to day. The roads were in a very rough state but it did not seem to keep the people home. Took my mother with me up to the Wiggins School house this forenoon and left our vote. Had dinner at home.

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January Tuesday 2 1894

Fred is still unable to work and is suffering an attack of the La Grippe. Have felt like geting the same disease this evening. Expect to have the hay packers to morrow, when help will be necessary. Have learned to day that our Plebiscite vote on Prohibition resulted in about five to one; or, five for Prohibition to one against.

January WEDNESDAY 3 1894

Fred has been laid up again to day. Mr Douley helped us a couple of hours this afternoon. The hay press having come. We got a ton and a half put up in a short time. I went over to the church this evening to hear a Mr Lyon who was formerly a Roman Catholic priest. Was much pleased with his discourse. He is thoroughly liberal in his feelings

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January THURSDAY 4 1894

Fred was able to do some little chores to day, and Mr Douley helped us about pressing hay in his place. We moved back to the little barn after dinner and have got a nice lot through by night, The track became almost impassible for the horses, the frost being about out again. Went over to hear Mr Lyon again this evening

January FRIDAY 5 1894

We started the press again this morning but it had been raining nearly all night and the track soon became nearly impassible for the horses, so we quit, for the ground to freeze up. It has been raining again to day, but not very much. There seems to be a change near at hand for we had a heavy fog to day and it is cooler to night.

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January SATURDAY 6 1894

Jim and I have been busy to day at do chores and cuting up wood &c. Fred is still quite unwell and unable to do anything. He seems to be troubled with his old complaint Sciatica. The weather is turning colder again. The ground has frozen up again and Winter in earnest has come

January SUNDAY 7 1894

The roads being almost impassible from being just froze up, did not get out to church this morning as we desired. Went over to the Mes. church however both morning and evening, to hear Mr Lyons of Boston Mass who is a converted Romanist. Fred has been unable to do the chores to day or rather to help. Weather quite cold and windy

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January MONDAY 8 1894

Fred is still under the weather and unable to work. The hay men came this morning and took their press ove to Austins. Had the new minister Rev Mr Lyons to take dinnner with us to day. Unckle John's were here also. Had a very interesting conversation with this brother. He come from Boston Mass, & is a very clever man I should judge.

January TUESDAY 9 1894

Fred was so sick this morning that we thought best to go for the Doctor. So we got Dr Hamilton . I went out to town myself takeing Daisy with me. We sent away our second pail of Butter to Sarah this morning. Our cows seem to be doing better now in makeing money for us than last summer during the cheese factory season.

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January WEDNESDAY 10 1894

Have been geting up wood to day and a load of hay as well towards night. Fred has continued to be unable to help. So Jim has been helping some this afternoon. The weather has been quite mild and very fine. It has thawed but little however. The Winter upon the whole has been a remarkable one so far.

January THURSDAY 11 1894

I went up to the the Lynn Valley Mills to day. Took a grist of chop , and brought home some four &c besides, both for Fred's & ourselves. Left the horses at the Mill and walked up to Simcoe by the R.R.Track. Had an offer from Mr Edwards for the clover seed twenty five cents more than before, or six fifty per Bu. The roads are exceeding rough and bad.

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January FRIDAY 12 1894

The weather has been very cold and windy to day. Have been engaged mostly at doing chores and cuting wood. Fred has been quite unwell but there are some favourable symptoms and we are hopeing for the best. Had a letter from my sister last night. She has been ill for some time but is geting better. Lelias wedding went off nicely.

January SATURDAY 13 1894

The cold windy weather has abated at last. We have had a beautiful day. Gutcher left us again to day. I have been cuting and geting up wood alone. Fr. Fred has been quite ill, but no worse apparently. Am affraid we shall not have his help for some time to come. Had a letter from my wife to night, with the acceptable news of her return next Monday

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January SUNDAY 14 1894

Went out to church this morning takeing Bertha with me. It was our Annual Mifsionary Meeting and our old pastor Rev John Saunders officiated. Had a very good meeting. Subscriptions were very good considering could not give much myself however. The weather is very fine just now just like spring, instead of Winter.

January MONDAY 15 1894

Rain began falling heavily last night again. Worked at geting the packed hay into the little barn this forenoon. Succeeded in geting most of it safely housed. After doing noon chores I got started after my wife and not finding her in Simcoe as I expected, I went on to Delhi, finding her at her brother Wills. Stayed over night at John's and had a pleasant visit with them.

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January TUESDAY 16 1894

Spent some little time in Delhi with the boys and their families this morning. Got started for home with Maggie and little Mary at about Eleven A.M. Had a rest and our dinner at Unckle Dan's. Came home afterwards and arrived about dark finding the folks all well and everything apparently in good shape. Found Fred still sick.

January WEDNESDAY 17 1894

My man is still laid up with the gripp or its effects. The very warm weather still continues and mud is fast becoming the order of the day. I have been working away at chores, to day as usual. It takes about all the time to do the milking and other work necessary, when alone. Jim is going to school.

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January THURSDAY 18 1894

Our little Mollie was taken ill last night with a cold or something like croup. Went up to Aunt Lydias after her. She told me a remedy which seemed to relieve the child some. We felt very anxious about her all day though. Have been doing chores &c as usual Fred being still unable to help. The weather has again become warm & roads muddy.

January FRIDAY 19 1894

I took my mother out to Dover to day. My unckle, George Matthews had a birth day dinner ti being his sixty ninth birthday. His brothers and sisters were all there excepting Unckle Caleb. Maggie was taken with the La Grippe last night, and suffered terribly before morning. Our little one is much better since yesterday. Fred is still unwell.

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January SATURDAY 20 1894

Have been very buisy to day when not visiting with my unckle Henry Olds who was here to dinner with us. Got up three loads of wood, besides doing the necessary chores. Maggie is still very unwell from the Grippe, but the two babys are slowly recovering. My Aunt Lydia was here this afternoon and reported favourably on our patients.

January SUNDAY 21 1894

The roads being very bad and so many of us sick, we did not get out to church this morning as we wanted to do. Have enjoyed the day at home however and I trust proffited by its privileges. My chores take about the same time on Sunday as any other day, so that it is not entirely a day of rest just now. The Good Lord does not forget to bless us even in our home.

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January MONDAY 22 1894

Fred continues to be unwell so that I have to attend to all the chores &c. as usual. Have been engaged at this work to day. The weather keeps remarkably warm & Spring like. It must be hard on the wheat and young clover. Have had very precious seasons of communion with the Divine and Infinite to day. He is so near us in our helplessness.

January TUESDAY 23 1894

Wanted to have gone to Simcoe to day but could not on account of my mother who was not ready but wanted to go. Have been engaged much as usual at sundry jobs or chores as usual. Had a visit from Mrs Stalwood, Fred's sister this evening. She told us her experience with churns & highly recommended a box-churn that turns with a crank.

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January WEDNESDAY 24 1894

Got all ready to go to Simcoe this morning but it rained nearly just before we were ready to start so we gave it up, Rain has been falling most of the day. I have been working at chores and at preparing wood for the stove through the day. Mrs Stalwood who has been visiting at Freds went away to day. Fred still keeps poorly & unable to work.

January THURSDAY 25 1894

My man is still unwell and likely to be for some time to come. The weather has been very windy and cold to day. Intended going to Simcoe if it had not been for the weather. I have been engaged at my chores as usual this with my wood cuting takes up about all the time. Mr Douley & the old lady were taken with Grip last night.

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January FRIDAY 26 1894

My mother and I went up to Simcoe to day. She went to trade out her dried apples while I had several other matters to attend to. Got some money of Mr Edmunds to pay Sam McBride on note. The same to be paid out of the clover seed. Am rather discouraged to think that the price of cloverseed so likely to be lower.

January SATURDAY 27 1894

Were out of wood and Fred was still unwell, so I had to go at it alone Jim helped me some, but Jim Challand came and gave me a couple of hours work before noon. Got a load of good wood home this afternoon however, so we are prepared for the Sabbath. I went over to James McBrides this evening to take somoe money for Sam. Twenty five Dollars.

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January SUNDAY 28 1894

Did not get out to church this morning as I fully intended on account of my many chores, found it impossible to get through in time to go. Have been doing what I could to improve the Sabbath day privileges at home. But of course there is nothing to take the place of the publick Worship of the Almighty God.

January MONDAY 29 1894

Worked at my chores this forenoon, as usual. Fred not being able to help yet. This afternoon I went out to Dover to take a pail of butter for Mrs Crysler. This is our third pail since the first of the month. The whole will bring us about twenty one dollars Snow has at last began to fall this evening; but in small quantities.

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January TUESDAY 30 1894

Went out to Dover this morning. Met E. Decon there and had an offer from him, of Six Dollars and fifty cent per Bu for the Cloverseed. Went on to Lynn Valley and saw O. Austin and E Edmunds but could get no more so I concluded to take the amt offered by Decon. Had dinner at Mr. O. Austins and had a very nice visit with him & Ct Decon with their wives.

January WEDNESDAY 31 1894

Have been buisily engaged at geting up wood and doing chores to day. Fred came, but found himself rather weak for work yet so he had to give it up. The weather has been very fine to day. Snow fell last night & sleighing is quite passible now. It seems after all as though we might have some winter. "Am trusting Lord in Thee:

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February THURSDAY 1 1894

Had James Challand to help me cut wood in the woods this forenoon. We got a nice pile ready for use, or nearly. This afternoon I went to work at geting it drawn up. Took a load to Freds and had one for ourselves of good wood. It has been rather cold and disagreeable to day. Mr Douley is quite poorly & had the Doctor to see him this afternoon.

February FRIDAY 2 1894

Have been working away as usual at my chores mostly. Fred is still unable to help though his help is greatly needed, especially to get up wood and to do some other necessary work. The weather has been very fine to day. I suppose the old bear must have seen his shaddow. If he wanted to. Mr Douley is very sick & I fear will not get well

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February SATURDAY 3 1894

Have been rather unwell to day but able to attend to the usual chores, with Jim's help. Fred is still under the weather and likely to be for some time owing to night sweats and general weekness. Have not begun to get up our summer supply of wood yet and cannot without help. Both Mr & Mrs Douley are very unwell.

February SUNDAY 4 1894

Owing to my many chores I was not able to get to church again to day. This is the third or fourth Sunday that I have been absent from the house of God for the service. Fred still keeps unwell but is slowly recovering. Have endeavoured to improve the sacred {illegible} of the Holy Day as best I could. Feel the loss of public worship very much, already.

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February MONDAY 5 1894

Have been busiy as possible to day, geting chores done and afterwards have been cleaning up cloverseed. Having to work all alone did not make much headway. Got the seed about half cleaned up ready for market. The weather is very cold, but seems to be again moderating. Had William Walls &wife here this evening, for a short time.

February TUESDAY 6 1894

Continued my work at cleaning up cloverseed to day as usual. Had a successful day. Finished cleaning it up. Had Thirty Eight Bushels, after it was cleaned up and weighed or a shortage of seven bushels from the machine. The weather is again quite warm and Spring like. Poor old Mrs Douley is still failing, and likely soon to pass away.

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February WEDNESDAY 7 1894

Worked with all my might to get off to Simcoe with the cloverseed, but did not get started until after noon. Got there however and sold the see to E Decon, at Six fifty. Might have had ten cents more if I had not sold. It makes me feel so bad to think of the sore disappointment connected with this seed. It seems as though everything fails to accomplish my desires.

February THURSDAY 8 1894

Not having finished my business in Simcoe yesterday I went up again to day for that purpose. Found the roads good But the weather is quite warm and mud is again likely to prevail. Have had a blessed experience to day. It has been so easy to trust Him & a desire to glorify Him in my body and spirit which are His.

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February FRIDAY 9 1894

Rain has been falling all day, a continuous heavy rain from the East. Have been buisy as usual arround the barn when not doing chores. The latter does not leave much spare time as yet. G.W. Lemon stayed over night with us last night and left us in the rain this morning. Fred is gaining slowly & thinks that he will soon be well again.

February SATURDAY 10 1894

Have been more than buisy geting wood cut an drawn for Fred's and us to day. Wanted to have got to Dover this afternoon, but did not get through in time. A Cold North West wind has been blowing to day. We seem likely to have a little cold weather after all before Spring comes. Until the present; but little cold weather has come.

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February SUNDAY 11 1894

Went out to church this morning; being the first in several weeks. The Presbyterian minister, Robertson preached to the Forrester to day so I went to his church. His text was "you Cannot find a man " &c. He told us what a man ought to be and that but very few come up to the standard of perfection. The weather is cold & roads again frozen.

February MONDAY 12 1894

Started to get ready to go out to Dover this forenoon. It happened that snow began falling before geting ready to start. It is a terrible storm from the East. So I had my hands full geting things as comfortable as possible for the night. Being alone cannot do the necessary repairing of my hog pens & other things as I would like.

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February TUESDAY 13 1894

The snow storm of the season came yesterday and last night. It came with a very strong east wind and is badly drifted. I have been all day when not doing chores trying to get roads shoveled out and a small load of wood drawn. The weather is quite cold withall, and seems very much like a severe ending for our winter.

February WEDNESDAY 14 1894

Worked as diligently as possible; but failed to get ready to go to mill until after noon. Were out of chop and had to go notwithstanding the very bad roads owing to snow drifts. Went with the waggon by the D Lender and Douce to Mr Shaw's mill. Had a tough time. Did not get home until nearly eleven this evening. The weather is quite cold also.

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February THURSDAY 15 1894

Have been buisily engaged at sundry jobs and chores to day as usual. Do not have much time, to spare after everything is attended to. Bertha and I started to go out to Dover this evening for the Woman Mifsionary Meeting but on account of the snow drifts turned arrround and Came home again. Recieved a remittance from Sarah, to night.

February FRIDAY 16 1894

The work of the day has continued the same as yesterday but cleared. Had an unpleasant time with Mr Douley this morning about his help. Was able to pay him twenty dollars however which was nearly the whole account. We recieved fourteen dollars for butter to night from Sarah which came in just right. Gave the Feargues ten dollars also

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February SATURDAY 17 1894

Have been as buisy as ever doing chores &c. This afternoon I have been geting up some wood for ourselves and Fred's. The weather is much warmer with prospects of a storm soon. Recieved a caller from the C F{illegible} to night which made me feel rather blue. Do not want to rebel against the Will of the Good Lord however. "Thy Will be done"

February SUNDAY 18 1894

Maggie and I went or rather started for church this morning takeing the little Mary with us for baptism. On account of bad roads and the round about way we had to go on account of drifts failed. Stoped awhile at T. Jackson's on the way home. My nephew George Cunningham came last night for a short visit. He looks well and is much improved since we saw him last.

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February MONDAY 19 1894

Worked at my chores as usual to day. Went out to Dover this afternoon however. Saw my unckle George Matthews, about furnishing him some lumber &c. Also Mr Huffernon. Looked for a man to help me on the way home. Got the promise of George Phillson to help for a few days at geting up wood &c. Fred does not seem to improve much yet.

February TUESDAY 20 1894

Expected to have had a boy to help me to day, but was disappointed. Have worked away at my usual chores, which has taken all day this time. George and Bertha went to Townsend this afternoon on a visit to unckle Robert Culvers &c The weather is quite cold again with every appearance of snow an continued cold. Have felt encouraged to day in my Soul.

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February WEDNESDAY 21 1894

Mr Filmore's boy William came this morning to help me. We have been trying to make the best of the time at cuting wood and a number of other jobs, mostly chores. It seems as though we are likely to have a {illegible} end of cold weather, to finish this Winter after all. George left us with Bertha for Townsend to day.

February THURSDAY 22 1894

My boy and I have been working in the woods most of the time to day. Intended going to Dover this afternoon but owing to a bee of wood cuters for Fred's benefit had to stay at home to show them what to cut. Very cold weather it seems may last for some time. Have decided to get out some saw logs for my unckle George if possible

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February FRIDAY 23 1894

Willie and I got up some wood this forenoon, for Fred's. He finished geting up what the neighbours cut yesterday this afternoon while I went out for Dover Dover, Mostly to take Sarah's butter to the Express Office. The weather is exceedingly cold and somewhat windy. Gutcher and his boy George came this forenoon to visit us.

February SATURDAY 24 1894

My boy Willie has been helping me as usual to day. We cut an got up a load of wood this forenoon This afternoon we have been geting up a couple of loads of hay from the back barn to the horse barn {illegible} a load of straw from our stack for the same purpose. The weather is exceedingly cold just now. George is still with us. Gutcher left us to day.

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February SUNDAY 25 1894

Could scarcely get ready in time to go to church this morning so I sent George and Bertha. They stayed for the evening service. It has taken a good share of the day to get my chores done So there have been but little time for anything else. The weather is very fine but cold, just now. Am trusting still with all my heart for His deliverance and blessing.

February MONDAY 26 1894

Have had my boy Willie Philson to help me again to day. We have got up three loads of wood, cuting most of it in the woods. Am to give him thirty cents a day for his help. Can get along nicely sawing with him. This being my fiftyeth birthday, Am thankful to Almighty Go that He has kept me through so many years with my face Lion-ward.

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February TUESDAY 27 1894

Have been buisy as usual in the woods trying to do some cuting also drawing while there is sleighing. Had a visit from Mrs Mary Ann Smith & her daughter this evening. She reports a fair degree of prosperity for the boys. My nephew George Cunningham started for home this morning by Port Dover. He failed to catch the train and came back again will try to morrow.

February WEDNESDAY 28 1894

Willie and I have been cuting and geting up wood again to day, besides doing some other jobs. We took our old black cow down to Wilson Porters bull this evening. I went down to Thomas Jacksons aft or to see about a yearling bull of him. Succeeded in geting a small thoroughbred for fifteen dollars payable next fall.

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March THURSDAY 1 1894

My boy Willie and I went with the teem and sleighs down to Thomas Jacksons this morning after a young thoroughbred short-horn bull, a yearling . Thought I would call him {illegible} Had to lead him home after all as he fell out of the sleigh-box. Have been cuting wood in the afternoon The weather is warm and snow fast disappearing. Great sap weather.

March FRIDAY 2 1894

We took our old white Sow away to George Ryerse's this morning. Willie and I have been working away in the woods when not doing chores. Have been cuting a hickory tree for wood and loggs to take to the mill. The sap weather still continues and the snow banks are fast disappearing. Am trying to trust in the Lord with all my heart &c

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March SATURDAY 3 1894

Willie and I worked in the woods this forenoon. Cut down a big hickory tree in the back woods for my unckle George Matthews. This afternoon I went out to Dover takeing my mother with me for a visit. Left her there at Mifs Giles. The side road was very bad from haveing to drive over the big snow banks, just broken. Weather very warm.

March SUNDAY 4 1894

I went to the funeral of my cousin Willie Olds, unckle Dan's son to day. The road to Simcoe was very bad, so I went up on horseback. Had my dinner at Jack's and afterwards went to Unckle Dans. Quite a large gathering of people were there. Willie Olds had been killed by accident on a railroad in Buffalo N.Y. He only lived about an hour afterward

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March MONDAY 5 1894

Fred began to work to day for the first time since his illness. We got in a load of straw for the horses this forenoon. This afternoon we have been working in the woods at our old hickory top cuting it up for wood. Maggie went out to Dover this forenoon after my mother who had been visiting there since last Saturday. It is still very warm Snow has nearly gone.

March TUESDAY 6 1894

Fred has been helping again to day. We got our boar piggs altered this morning Jim Challand helping us. Cut wood in the woods this forenoon. Rain has been falling this afternoon, so we have been working inside most of the time. The weather is still very warm and Spring like Resembling April very much.

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March WEDNESDAY 7 1894

We have been working in the woods Fred and I when not doing chores. We have been cuting up the old hickory top lately cut down. Fred seems nearly recovered from his illness & can do quite a days work. The weather continues warm since the rain and we seem likely to have an early seeding from present appearances. The ground is dry and nicely already.

March THURSDAY 8 1894

We have continued to cut wood in the woods to day Fred and I. We are makeing some little headway at our work. There is just now every appearance of an early spring The ground is becoming quite settled and even dry. I have been greatly blessed to day with the joy of Salvation. How gracious and full of compassion is the lover of my poor soul.

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March FRIDAY 9 1894

Fred and I have kept at our wood cuting to day. Do not seem to be makeing as much headway as we would like, but still we are doing the best we can. The weather still keeps very fine; and, as it freezes every night and is warm daytimes must be an excellent sugar makeing season.

March SATURDAY 10 1894

We have been working in the woods again to day Fred and I cuting wood as usual. The very warm still continues with little prospect of a change very soon. It seems to be excellent sap weather. I tapped a couple of trees to day & it ran nicely. Have continued to enjoy in a fair measure the joys of Salvation, some of them to day.

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March SUNDAY 11 1894

I went out to Dover this morning takeing Maggie with me. Had the young minister to preach to us. Our classmeeting afterwards was especially a time of blessing to my poor soul It is some months since I had the privilege of the class meeting. The Good Lord has been very precious to my poor soul.

March MONDAY 12 1894

Fred and I have been cuting wood to day most of the time. He got up a load this morning however. The very warm weather still continues. It seem much more like April weather than March. Have been quite encouraged to day as I have been trying to offer supplication to my God & guide

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March TUESDAY 13 1894

We have been cuting wood a good part of the time again to day . Have been bothered a good deal in one way and another . Forgot to mention that I went out to Dover last night after Emma Crysler who came from the station with me. She left Toronto about five & got here by the nine o'clock train. The weather is at last changeing to be comeing colder.

March WEDNESDAY 14 1894

Fred has been helping to day as usual. This afternoon he went down to Jarvis with a load of hay for Ivey and Allen. I walked down to Jarvis this forenoon, Went there and back in three hours walking all the way. Had a letter from the C. Per. to day re my unpaid Int. It was rather embarasing in its tone, but I laid the matter before my Father & got comfort.

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March THURSDAY 15 1894

Have had Fred helping to day as usual. He took a load of hay down to Jarvis this morning, being the second load. I went up to Simcoe to attend the Farmers Institute there. Heard Mr T.B. Terry on business Farming in the forenoon This afternoon he talked about clover its uses and how to grow it Many excellent points were brought out, quite new to me.

March FRIDAY 16 1894

Fred took his third load of hay down to Jarvis this forenoon, while I went to Simcoe again to the Farmers Institute. Took a bag of cloverseed for Mr Ferguson also. The Institute was exceedingly interesting and proffitable. Mr. T.B. Terry of Hudson Ohio gave us a very interesting talk about potatoes, and how to grow them. Professor Panton of the Guelph agricultural College was also useful

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March SATURDAY 17 1894

Fred went down to Jarvis this forenoon with another load of hay for Ivey & Allen. This being our fourth load. Had nearly a ton this time. I went out to Dover afternoon to take Emma Crysler to the train, for Delhi Found my Grange goods had come so I brought the pails & box home leaving the Bbl. of sugar for another time. Have been rejoicing in the assurance of Gods Care over me of late.

March SUNDAY 18 1894

Went out to church this morning takeing Bertha and little Mildred with me. The minister Bro Cookman gave us an excellent sermon about trust in the Lord &c. Felt that it was a word in season to my poor soul. Have been to often found burden-bearing of late, forgeting the exceeding great and precious promises of God's Word in this respect.

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March MONDAY 19 1894

Gathering sap this morning for the first. Had a milk can full. Fred worked at spliting wood this forenoon; but this afternoon went to Jarvis with another load of hay. I have been sowing cloverseed most of the day. Have just about finished sowing the twelve acre field back of Freds. They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion which cannot be removed; but abideth forever".

March TUESDAY 20 1894

Fred has been spliting rails most of the time to day, while I went down to Jarvis to settle up with Ivey & Allen for the hay and to come to some arrangement about my notes there. Am trying to put my trust in the blessed Lord during the very trying circumstances of the present trying time.

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March WEDNESDAY 21 1894

There has been rain to day from the East mostly. Have had Fred working inside repairing harrows &c for summer's work. I have been working at sundry jobs as usual. Started sowing seed on the Flat this morning but had to stop soon after. Recieved a letter from H. Mason of the C.Per. to night. Felt anxious as to what it would contain & not without reason.

March THURSDAY 22 1894

Rain has been falling some to day, though not in great quantities. Fred has been repairing a set of harrows and a waggon tongue. I have been sowing grass seed on the Big Flat when it was fit. Am trying to make a permenant meadow of it for pasture and for hay.

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March FRIDAY 23 1894

I finished sowing grass seed on the Big Flat to day or rather this forenoon. This afternoon have been boiling down sap in the woods when not visiting with our company. My unckle Daniel Olds & wife with Jack Harris and wife were here for a hollowday it being good friday. We gave them a sugar off which they seemed to enjoy.

March SATURDAY 24 1894

Fred and Jim have been gathering and piling up drift wood from the Flat to day when not doing chores. I have had a lame back and of course could not do very much. Went out to mill this afternoon with a grist of wheat and of chop. Came home by Dover and brought home a barrel of sugar from the Hamilton Station.

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March SUNDAY 25 1894

Owing to a lame back I did not venture out to church this morning; but have spent the sabbath at home. It has been a day of blessing, the Good Lord being with me, in my feeble service. But strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Glory to God in the highest that has given such good gifts to me.

March MONDAY 26 1894

Have had Fred at work geting up wood with the waggon to day. I went up to Simcoe this morning and left my horse there takeing the train for Delhi. Found both John and Will at home. Got the latter interested in my difficulty and he agreed to look after the matter in a few days when he expected to be in Toronto.

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March TUESDAY 27 1894

Fred has been geting up wood again to day as usual. I have been doing sundry jobs. Went down to Jacksons this forenoon; and to the blacksmith shop. The very cold North West wind still continues to blow; and seems Wintry enough. Have been calling upon my Heavenly Father to day and reminding Him of His promises.

March WEDNESDAY 28 1894

Fred has been geting up wood most of the time to day. We got up a couple of loads of hay from the little barn however, for the horses. I have been as buisy as ever, tending to the lambs which are comeing now and doing other work. The cold spell is wearing away, there are signs of a change for warm weather again.

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March THURSDAY 29 1894

I went out to Dover this morning to take a pail of butter for Mrs Crysler. Fred has been geting up wood with the waggon as usual. I have been doing sundry jobs, this afternoon. There is some prospect of warmer weather sap has begun to rise again to day. There was quite a snow fall last night.

March FRIDAY 30 1894

Fred has continued to draw wood to day as usual. We got in our second pit of turnips this afternoon also. Have had a visit from my old friend W. J. Carpenter and his wife. Of course I could not work while they were here. Sap has been running again to day. It still keeps Cool nights as well.

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March SATURDAY 31 1894

Have had Fred geting up wood from the Big Flat to day, Mostly drift wood. I have been buisy at boiling down sap in the bush. It took me until eleven o'clock to night to get through. Had a letter from a Real Estate agent in Toronto in answer to my letter of enquiry, saying that he thought he could send us a purchaser for our farm at $10,000.

April SUNDAY 1 1894

Went out to Dover this morning takeing Maggie with me, also our little five months old daughter Mary for Baptism. The right of baptism was performed before service the child behaved very well. Bro Cookman preached as usual to day, in his edifying way. The Lord has been very good to us to day. It is good to serve Him.

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April MONDAY 2 1894

Started at gathering sap this morning as early as possible. Have been boiling all the afternoon. It has indeed takeing until late this evening to get our batch down to syrup. Had Maggie back helping me this afternoon. The weather is fine and warm with frosty nights. Just right for sugar makeing.

April TUESDAY 3 1894

Fred has been working away at repairing fences to day along the road. I have been boiling down sap most of the time in the bush. Had a nice batch. Fred's were over for tea this evening and a treat of warm sugar. The weather is quite favourable for sap just now. It has been runing nicely to day. Had a letter from the C.P to night.

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April WEDNESDAY 4 1894

Our run of sap still continues. Have been boiling down to day as usual. This has been our best days boiling for quantity. I went out to Dover this afternoon and left Fred to boil for me while gone. Had John Marr and Mr Marr to tea with us to night. The former seems greatly improved in his mind from what he was.

April THURSDAY 5 1894

Have had Fred at work today at repairing fence and spliting wood at the woodhouse &c. I went up to Lynn Valley after salt to day there being a carrload there for Patrons and Grangers, from Grange salt works. The price was 56 cts per 200 lbs in sacks for coarse salt and sixty one for fine. I went on to Simcoe to see Groff &c.

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April FRIDAY 6 1894

Fred has been working away at his house spliting wood &c. I went down to Jarvis, to do some business to day. Made a chattel Mortgage to Ivey, for the protection of my cediton from the C Permanent which is acting in a very {illegible} way.

April SATURDAY 7 1894

Snow has been falling nearly all day though in small quantities. Fred has been spliting and sawing wood at the woodhouse. I have been making repairs on the buggy harness hog-pen &c besides doing sundry other jobs to numerous to mention. The snow to day has not hindered the sap from runing. It has been quite a sap day.

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April SUNDAY 8 1894

Did not go out to church this morning, but remained at home and went to hear Rev Mr Pugsley the Baptist minister of Port Dover who preached over at the church here. Mr Lyons was in the church having just arrived from Boston Mass. He has come to occupy the Advent church for a time. It has been very cold to day.

April MONDAY 9 1894

Have been boiling down sap to day. The frosty nights lately has been makeing the sap run in the day time so that we have had quite a batch to boil down to day. Fred has been buisy working away at sundry jobs as usual. Got in our third pit of turnips this forenoon. Weather rather fine but windy & cold.

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April TUESDAY 10 1894

Fred and I have been working at sundry jobs arround the barn and house. Snow and rain from the East has been falling all day with a strong wind. March weather has come in April in earnest and seems likely to continue for some time. Have had precious communion with the Divine and Infinite to day.

April WEDNESDAY 11 1894

On account of the snow that fell yesterday & last night I have been working inside this forenoon. Fred also repairing the rooler and pea-rake. Gathered sap this forenoon however & this afternoon we have been gathering cuting up a big hemlock log on the Big Flat for wood. The late snow has left the ground in a rather wet condition; but no doubt it will soon dry off.

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April THURSDAY 12 1894

Have been at work cuting wood to day Fred and I. Mostly in the woods; for kindling and such like. Had a letter from my old friend C.A. Wilson of Toronto re G.A. Donaldson of 174 Dunday St a favourable report. Had a letter from W. A. Ferguson also respecting our Mortgage which is likewise favourable. Feel assured in my heart that this answer is from the Lord. He is my help & my {illegible}

April FRIDAY 13 1894

Fred worked on the wood pile this forenoon. This afternoon we have been fixing fence arround the yard. Tapped the trees over again this forenoon for the last time probably, as the sap has nearly dried up. Had a short visit from our minister and his wife, this evening. The past has been a beautiful once so bright and warm.

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April SATURDAY 14 1894

Have been boiling down again to day; probably for the last night. Fred has been buisy as usual, at sundry jobs. Our old mare Katie died last night and we buried here to day in one of the back fields. She was some twenty six years old. The weather is quite warm just now and Spring is here in earnest. Have been realizing that it is good to trust in the Lord.

April SUNDAY 15 1894

I went out to church this morning takeing Bertha with me, also Jim. Our senior minister officiated much to my proffit. His theme was the nature of faith required for the salvation of the soul. Had a very tood time in our class meeting also though our numbers was small. God was with us, which was the best of all. Went over to the home church this evening.

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April MONDAY 16 1894

Fred went up to Simcoe on business of his own this forenoon. This afternoon he has been harrowing in the field by McBrides where we intend sowing oats. I have been as buisy as it is possible to be geting things in readiness for driving the other team to morrow. Never saw the ground work better than it does not owing to the frost and lack of heavy rainfall.

April TUESDAY 17 1894

I began seeding the field by McBrides this forenoon with oats. Have kept working all day with both teams. Our horses have been sick with the distemper lately, and are in rather poor condition for work. Had a letter from the C Per Co to night that made me feel rather blue. The will persist in a large payment of {illegible} & c in spite of the hard times.

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April WEDNESDAY 18 1894

We have been sowing oats to day in the field by McBrides Fred has been harrowing with the one team. I went down fishing towards night with George Ryerse and the Post Master. We caught fifty three in a couple of hours. Took ten fish at one haul of the net. The weather is very warm for this time of the year with some appearance of rain.

April THURSDAY 19 1894

Have been working away at our seeding again to day both Fred and I. We are geting along very well considering everything. A very heavy thunder and rain storm caught us just before night both Fred and I got a good drenching. The Field by McBrides is about half done already. We have only worked about three days.

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April FRIDAY 20 1894

Went down to Jarvis this morning to see about geting some money to satisfy the C Permenent Did not succeed however. Went out to Dover this afternoon to take butter & to look after some matters. Gutcher went out with me. Got caught in quite a rainstorm. The April showers are very fine and the weather extremely warm for this time of year.

April SATURDAY 21 1894

Fred and I have been working to day as usual. The last rain has left the ground too wet for seeding as we have been working in the garden & I have been ditching in the big field this forenoon and Fred and I got up a load of hay from the little hay barn. Have been much in prayer to day, about a special matter The Lord is my helper & my guide.

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April SUNDAY 22 1894

Did not go out to Dover church this morning. Remained at home and went over to hear My Lyon's instead Do not find him a perfect substitute altogether for our own ministers, but think it is best to worship with our near neighbours occasionally. Mrs Reid and a Mifs Jackson happened here this afternoon from Port Dover where they now live.

April MONDAY 23 1894

Fred finished harrowing the big field by McBrides, all that was fit, this forenoon. He began in the back field this afternoon. I have been drilling or rather broad casting with the drill nearly all day. Did not get nearly done however. The ground is rather wet yet in places; but we were anxious to get done. Weather is some cooler.

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April TUESDAY 24 1894

Fred has been working in the back field west of the woods to day. I have been working in the field next to McBrides. Got all sown excepting the corner next to the garden. and mostly finished up with the smoothing harrow. This being the last process. Have been Calling in earnest upon my God for help lately. He is very accessible.

April WEDNESDAY 25 1894

Finished harrowing after the drill in the field by McBrides this forenoon. Got it furrowed out after dinner. Fred has been working in the back field to day as usual the field west of the woods. G.W. Lemon came this morning to tell me about the arrival of fruit trees. Went out to Dover this afternoon & on the way home began delivering notices for delivery on Friday next.

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April THURSDAY 26 1894

Fred has been working away in the field west of the woods to day alone. I have been delivering fruit tree notices according to promise nearly a year ago. Mr Lemon's sales for the Port Dover delivery have been much smaller than for some years but they were quite scattered and took the whole day for delivery, There was some forty three.

April FRIDAY 27 1894

Have been delivering fruit trees in Port Dover to day, for Mr Mackay of St Thomas. Had only one box this year instead of two before. Had very good success upon the whole; There being no notes given and, no credit asked for to speak of. Did not get through until night, after which I drove up to Simcoe and am staying over night at Mr G.W. Lemons

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April SATURDAY 28 1894

Got to work this morning at our Simcoe delivery bright and early There was three quite large boxes of trees, to open out. Got about ready by seven o'clock however. Have had our usual success in our delivery excepting that a few small notes were asked for and a small order or so had to be sold in the usual way. Came home after night, rain had fallen & the roads were muddy.

April SUNDAY 29 1894

Went out to Dover this morning takeing my mother with me, with Jim. Had an excellent discourse from our senior minister, which seemed to be particularly applicable to my case; and of course I tried take it all. Tickets were renewed to day, and quarterly meeting is to take place next Sunday and Monday

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April MONDAY 30 1894

Started out this morning to look after some money to apply on my unpaid interest. Went to see my friend Addam Rose but did not succeed in geting it from him. Went afterwards to see Mrs Tom Stringer and she promised it to me and also agreed to take up our mortgages next Fall and so let us have the money at five and a half per cent. So the Good Lord is with us.

May TUESDAY 1 1894

Fred has finished sowing oats in the field West of the woods to day. I went up to Simcoe takeing Mrs Stringer with me. She loaned my two hundred dollars, to send to Toronto to Canada Permenent. It was agreed between us that she would loan me the money at five and half per cent to take up our mortgage on the first of Nov next. This two hundred is to be included or paid at the same time. Notified the Company to day of payment.

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May WEDNESDAY 2 1894

I finished sowing Alsike in the field West of the woods this forenoon. This afternoon I have been seting out some pear and peach trees besides cleaning ditches in the field by McBrides. Fred has been working away at some wet spots in same field geting them sown & finished up. Peach blossoms are all out and so are pear and plum blossoms.

May THURSDAY 3 1894

Fred finished sowing some wet patches in the field by McBrides to day and has been geting a potato patch ready this afternoon. I have been cleaning ditches in the field west of the woods, which we also finished. Got to work this evening at cuting black knot from the cherry trees, and seting out some apple trees &c. The weather is very fine but geting dry.

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May FRIDAY 4 1894

Fred and I cleaned out ditches this forenoon in the field West of the woods. This afternoon he has been ploughing in the garden patch by the road for potatoes &c. While I have been cuting black-knot out of the red cherry trees and seting out some apple trees in the orchard. Am suffering under a very severe cold just now which came on, I can scarcely tell how.

May SATURDAY 5 1894

Got to work at potatoe planting this forenoon Fred continued to work until noon but this afternoon he has went to Simcoe on business of his own. I went out to Dover this afternoon takeing Ma and Bertha with me. They did not return but will remain for the quarterly meeting to morrow. A beautiful shower has fallen this afternoon & evening.

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May SUNDAY 6 1894

Our regular Quarterly meeting came off to day in Port Dover. Had a very good congregation and a very good meeting altogether. Bro Cookman officiated in his usual interesting manner. My mother and I took dinner with Mifs Giles and afterwards came home for our evening chores &c. The late rains have left the roads rather bad, though everything is growing.

May MONDAY 7 1894

Have been puting in some garden stuff to day such as onion seeds and potatoes for our main crop. Fred has been geting the garden ploughed & ready to plant. I went up to our regular Quarterly business meeting this afternoon takeing Bro. Moore with me to Woodhouse chappel from Port Dover. An important matter respecting the division of our circuit came up and was recommended to District meeting.

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May TUESDAY 8 1894

Fred has started drawing manure to day after ploughing the garden &c. I worked at sundry jobs during the forenoon Maggie took me out to Dover after dinner for an excursion over to long point cottages for fishing. A high wind kept us from starting until nearly night so we did not get there till about nine. My party are having comfortable quarters for the night in one of the cottages.

May WEDNESDAY 9 1894

We got up this morning at about sunrise and started off for a fishing excursion. My companions were W. J. Carpenter W. Harris of Simcoe and our young minister Bro Cole. Had a tolerably good days fishing, only got about ten myself altogether, but some were very fine green bass. Got home again this evening without any mishap. Finding all well.

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May THURSDAY 10 1894

Got started at work again to day in good earnest. Have been working some in the garden besides doing some plastering &c in the house. Fred has been drawing manure on the front field, geting it ready to plough for peas. The weather has continued to moderate to day and to night there is some appearance of rain.

May FRIDAY 11 1894

Fred has been geting manure out on the berry bushes to day and I have been helping him part of the time. I have been working in the garden and doing some repairs to garden gate and fence besides many other jobs as usual. The weather still keep warm and very fine for vegetation. Never saw finer prospects for fruit than now.

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May SATURDAY 12 1894

Have been laid up with a sore eye to day, not doing much of anything. Trimmed up the grape-vines however. Fred has been geting out manure to the front field as usual. My eye was hurt by the switch of a cows tail, which caused a blood blister first since then the blood blister has spread out over the white of the eye. Mr Gutcher has been here to day He has a suit pending respecting damages for his boys eye.

May SUNDAY 13 1894

Went out to church this morning takeing Jim with me; also his father who has been here since yesterday. Our senior minister preached to us to day. Had a very interesting and proffitable time. The class meeting was not very numerously attended however. My unckel Daniel was here after Ma to day. She has gone to Simcoe for a week or so.

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May MONDAY 14 1894

Fred has been drawing manure to the field by the church again to day. He has finished covering this field again. We are now ready to plough it for peas. I have been cuting out black knot and manuring grape vines all day. Had Sam McBride here to day for a settlement of his note. Gave him a new note for six mos for the ball due him.

May TUESDAY 15 1894

Fred has been working at geting out manure, I have helped him most of the time. We have been manuring the young apple trees in the orchard to day. Finished all up to night. The very fine growing weather continues. Were threatened by an east storm yesterday and last night but it has all passed off and turned out fine.

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May WEDNESDAY 16 1894

We worked this forenoon at fixing fence along the creek Fred and I . This afternoon he began ploughing the field by the church where we want to sow peas. I have been buisy this afternoon at sundry jobs. Rain has been falling moderately this afternoon; but not enough to hinder our work very much.

May THURSDAY 17 1894

We worked inside this forenoon Fred and I. Were repairing pea-rake and doing sundry other jobs. Rain was falling most of the forenoon. Fred has been ploughing this afternoon in the front field. I went out to Dover, stoped at Thomas Jackson on the way to see about seed peas. The roads were rather muddy, from the recent rains. Brought home a tree-box.

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May FRIDAY 18 1894

May SATURDAY 19 1894

Rain has been falling almost incessantly today. Fred and I have been working inside as a consequence geting some repairing done of one kind and another. Am rejoicing in God, my Saviour these days. Do not find it hard to trush Him. He has given me the victory over self and He is more than ever my All and in All.

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May SUNDAY 20 1894

Owing to the continued rain we could not go out to our church this morning. My wife and I went over to Mr Lyons church instead. Rain has continued to fall most the time to day. and the ground is geting very wet. Have enjoyed very proffitable seasons of waiting upon the Lord to day. He gives me great encouragement to hope in His word.

May MONDAY 21 1894

The late four or five days rain has soaked the ground considerably so we have to work inside as yet. Fred has been repairing the democrat wheel and the churn. I have been doing other work as occasion required. Went out to town this evening to take some butter &c. and to get some tools for Fred to use in finishing up the wheel. The weather is fine and warm.

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May TUESDAY 22 1894

Maggie and I got ready as soon as we could this morning and started for a visit to her father's at Wyecombe. The Golden Wedding Celebration of the dear old people takes place on Wed Thursday next and it will take all our time to get ready. We found Sarah there doing her best. She had been looking for us since Saturday last. We intended going then but were prevented by rain.

May WEDNESDAY 23 1894

Have been helping my wife and her sister Sarah all I could to day. They have been geting things in readiness for the Golden Wedding which takes place to morrow. Went out to the woods on my father inlaws place for an hour or so to fish for trout, towards night. Succeeded in pulling out one fine fellow. The first of this kind of fish that I ever caught. Gideon Crysler who went with me was more fortunate than this even.

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May THURSDAY 24 1894

Drove out to Delhi this morning for a load of people and some other things. Brought two of Will's children besides some Trunks & valises &c. The Golden Wedding party of Mr & Mrs Ferguson came off to day, and was in every respect a most enjoyable affair. About fifty five guests were present. The only thing lacking was that there was no time left for the makeing of speeches after the usual dinner was over.

May FRIDAY 25 1894

I started from Mr Ferguson at Wyecombe this morning at about ten. Came to Walsh on the way home and stoped at my unckle John Vale's for my dinner. Found him in a very low state of health from a cancer & not likely to live but a short time. Was much pleased with his testimony of the Saviour's love and sustaining grace during his affliction. Was detained there until nearly night owing to rain. Got home all right though.

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May SATURDAY 26 1894

Have been working away again to day in good earnest Fred and I have both been working at makeing a driving house door and geting it hung beside some other repairs. The rain of yesterday has left the ground rather wet for working it; so we are obliged to do our extra jobs. It is quite warm and the weather somewhat unsettled.

May SUNDAY 27 1894

I went out to church this morning as usual takeing Jim with me. Our Senior minister preached to us, it being his turn. The morning service was as usual interesting and proffitable Felt especially blessed by the service of to day. I started this evening at about seven for Delhi but rain began falling an hour os so after so I had anything but a pleasant ride there.

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May MONDAY 28 1894

Having stayed over night at my brotherinlaws W. A. Ferguson's last night I thought best to drive over to Wyecombe this morning after Maggie & the Children Brought them over to Delhi and with the Ferguson family we had our pictures taken in two groups. We got started for home after six this evening with the children and arrived safely at about ten o'clock finding all well.

May TUESDAY 29 1894

The weather is still very rainy, and the ground so wet that we have had to keep away from ploughing or harrowing our pea-ground. Have been weeding our wheat most of the time to day or rather when not too wet. I have been opening out some ditches however in the front field. Some of our neighbours are sorely afflicted with the measles just now.

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May WEDNESDAY 30 1894

Fred began ploughing this forenoon again for peas. Found the ground rather wet and had to quit again. This afternoon went up to Simcoe for the purpose of meeting Mr J. A. Donaldson a real estate of Toronto who came down to see our place preparitory to sending out a purchaser. Mr Hill brought him down though after all. Maggie and I went down to Walle's this evening to see Nellie & her baby.

May THURSDAY 31 1894

Owing to continued rains we are still unable to do anything much. Fred & I worked at pulling pidgeon weed part of the forenoon, and at doing some other work besides this afternoon. I went out to town takeing my mother with me. It began to rain again towards night & is withal very cool as well as wet. There is a considerable complint in some parts of the country as to damage done by the wet weather.

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June FRIDAY 1 1894

We worked for a while to day at pulling pidgeon weed; but owing to rain which is falling again we have been obliged to work inside part of the time. I shut up one of our meadows for cloverseed to day. It is the field by Jim Challand's and is an old meadow It is well pastured of. Turned into the N.E. Corner field for the first; but the ground is very soft from wet weather.

June SATURDAY 2 1894]

Owing to continued rain which has been falling nearly all day I have been working inside at sundry jobs such as repairing the binder and painting the democrat wheels & c. Fred has been repairing the rollers &c. The rain has apparently passed off for a while and fair weather seems nigh at hand. It has rained for more than a week nearly all the time.

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June SUNDAY 3 1894

I went out to church to day takeing Bertha and Mildred with me. Found Bro Prudham there and was much edified by his discourse as well as by the fellowship meeting afterwards. He is a very devoted pious young brother and will surely make his mark, so to speak, as a worker in the masters vinyard.

June MONDAY 4 1894

Owing to another shower that came last night we could not do anything on the land to day, so we have been pulling pidgeon-weed. We have succeeded in finishing this work at last however. To morrow we shall have to look after another job. The weather does not seem settled yet and rain seems likely soon to come again, judging from appearances.

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June TUESDAY 5 1894

The ground being still very wet, Fred and I have been doing sundry jobs as usual. I went out to Dover this evening, for some small matters. Had tea at unckle John's with Maggie John Ferguson my brotherinlaw with his wife and Mrs & Mr Petingal of Wellington, My wifes unckle and aunt came this evening to visit us. The rain seems to have passed off at last without danger of frost.

June WEDNESDAY 6 1894

Owing to the presence of our visitors, Mr & Mrs Pettingal of Wellington and Mr & Mrs John Ferguson of Delhi, have given up nearly the whole day, to these friends. I enjoyed it of course for it not only afforded a chance for rest but gave us their good company. The left us for Delhi this evening. Mr Bugner our store keeper took our three hogs this afternoon. Sold them at 4.60 per 100 lbs.

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June THURSDAY 7 1894

We have been fixing some fence this afternoon Fred and I. This forenoon we were working in the garden while Fred was ploughing. Thought best to quit ploughing on account of the wetness of the ground in some places. There are some indications of a dry spell just now. Weather it will come remains to be seen. Weather still keeps remarkabley cool for the season.

June FRIDAY 8 1894

Our long anticipated job of sheep-washing came off this forenoon. Owing to the long continued wet & cool weather have kept puting it off until the present. A good many of my neighbours have not only washed their sheep, but sold their wool. We have about given up the idea of sowing peas on the front field, owing to the lateness of the season, &c.

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June SATURDAY 9 1894

Fred and I continued to fix fences most of the time to day. This afternoon however he began ploughing again in the field by the church. I went out to Dover takeing my mother with me. While there met with an old college correspondent and friend whose name used to be Minnie Carpenter. She has changed greatly like myself since then.

June SUNDAY 10 1894

Went out to Dover for church this morning as usual takeing Mildred and Jim with me. The young minister officiated Bro Cookman being away to conference at Woodstock. The Good Lord has been graciously near us to day, and has signaly owned and blessed us as His children. Had a short call from William Walls and his daughter Nellie this evening

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June MONDAY 11 1894

Fred has been ploughing in the field by the church to day. Thought to have sown this field to peas but owing to the lateness of the season have thought best to abandon the project I have been cleaning up and painting our best buggy to day. The weather has become very warm again and likely to be dry judging from appearances &c.

June TUESDAY 12 1894

Have had Fred at work with the teem ploughing the field by the church where we intend makeing a summer fallow. I have been painting and cleaning up our best covered buggy. It has been quite a job. My wife went out to Dover this morning to take Mifs Tupper and Dora. Indication of warm and dry weather.

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June WEDNESDAY 13 1894

Fred has been ploughing in the field by the church to day. The ground is becoming harder every day and seems likey to become so hard that we will have to stop work soon. I finished painting the buggy this forenoon and this afternoon I began sheering sheep. The latest time for this work that I remember of for years. Rather very warm and dry.

June THURSDAY 14 1894

Fred and I began working on the side-road to day. Have put in four days out of a total of twelve. Our neighbour Jim Challand is our road master this year. The weather is very warm and fine. There continues to be every appearance of dry weather. My old friend G.W. Lemon is staying over night with us. He reports a good season for selling trees.

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June FRIDAY 15 1894

We have had a very warm day, with continued dry weather Fred and I have been puting in our road work as fast as possible. Got in an dd additional four days which will relieve us that much. There is a conference of Mesiah's meeting in our neighborhood just now. Have not been able to attend owing to pressure of work.

June SATURDAY 16 1894

We finished our road work to day Fred and I. He finished about the middle of the afternoon. While I left the road at noon. We rather like our new road master James Challand. He has shown very good judgement in his work. Went out to Dover this afternoon takeing my mother with me.

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June SUNDAY 17 1894

Did not go to church this morning in Port Dover as usual. Could get no nor one of my family to accompany me, so concluded to attend the Marberry Church service. Dr Lake of Pitsburg Pa. officiated rather acceptably. Had some visitors or rather callers this afternoon - Florence & her family together with her T.R. Stringer. The weather continues warm and even sultry.

June MONDAY 18 1894

Fred has got to ploughing in the summer fallow field by the church again, our road work being done. I spent the forenoon in fixing up some fences and hog holes in the gulleys. Have been sheering sheep this afternoon. Bro Cookman came for a hour or so to visit us. John Bunce of Bloomsburg came this evening with his Stallion. Am to have a colt from Belle for six dollars.

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June TUESDAY 19 1894

Fred has been ploughing in the field by the church again to day, while I have been working at sundry jobs. Sheered a couple of sheep that had been in over night. but rain that came last night prevented further work to day. We have been blessed with a beautiful shower both last night and to day. Maggie and I called on my cousin Judson McFell and his wife this evening.

June WEDNESDAY 20 1894

Fred has been ploughing again to day in the front field. I worked in the garden this forenoon. This afternoon finished sheering sheep. Had five to do this time. The weather is exceedingly warm and the thermometer in the nineties I think. Have just been geting the tyres reset on our democrat & have just got it ready again for use.

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June THURSDAY 21 1894

Fred has been ploughing again to day in the front field by the church. I have been up to Simcoe with the wool and to mill with a grist also. Went to hear the Hon. Sir Oliver Mowat the Premier for twenty one years of our Province of Ontario. A mass meeting on the eve of election was held in Bunces Rink Simcoe. A very large crowd were there. Sold my wool at eighteen and twenty one cents per pound.

June FRIDAY 22 1894

I started haying this morning Began in the new-ground field where we thought we might get some clover-seed by cutting the first crop early. Fred has been helping also. I broke down right after dinner and had to go to Dover for some repairs. Did not get all that I wanted in Dover however. Out the way home found the necessary bolt at William Walls.

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June SATURDAY 23 1894

I cut hay this forenoon in the new ground field. Finished the piece left yesterday by breaking down. This afternoon I went out to Dover after a barrel of gran. Sugar lately ordered. Fred has been working to day as usual. He has raked and put up hay this afternoon Showers have been passing to the north of us this afternoon.

June SUNDAY 24 1894

I went out to meeting this morning as usual takeing my mother and Jim with me, and Mildred as well. Bro Cookman preached to us, it being his turn. Our service was a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. The weather continues very warm; but just now we seem likely to have showers. Had Bro. Ellis with us to day after a long absence.

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June MONDAY 25 1894

Have been mowing in the new ground field to day. Finished cuting it this evening. Fred got up the remaining portion of our Saturdays cuting this forenoon & this afternoon he and Mr Gutcher drew in three loads while I was mowing. The weather continues warm and dry; but to the north of us there seems to be an abun of rain.

June TUESDAY 26 1894

Fred and I went up to Wiggins school house this morning and put in our votes for Mr William Charlton of Lynedoch for member of Provincial legislature. We have been rakeing and cocking up hay in the New Ground field this afternoon. Got it all done. Mr Gutcher has been helping us. Have drawn two loads as well & put in Drive-barn.

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June WEDNESDAY 27 1894

Bertha's father has been helping Fred draw in hay from the new ground field They have got in six loads which we have put away in the drive-barn. This makes seven eleven loads so far from our first field. I have been helping unload and working in the garden between times. Went out to Dover this evening taking Maggie with me.

June THURSDAY 28 1894

After geting loaded up I started up to Simcoe with three hoggs. I sold the hoggs to Mr George Vale last evening at $4.75 Per Hundred. Fred and Gutcher have been drawing hay from the New Ground Field. They have drawn six loads {illegible} to day, makeing seventeen loads so far from this field. I have been helping unload this afternoon and rakeing stubble between times.

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June FRIDAY 29 1894

Finished rakeing in new ground field this morning, and geting in also. We have taken just nineteen loads from this our first field which is much better than we expected. Got started at cuting the orchard this afternoon. Fred has been puting in our turnip patch in the back garden. Mr Gutcher has been helping us most of the time at sundry jobs.

June SATURDAY 30 1894

I finished cuting hay in the orchard this forenoon this afternoon we have got it all raked and cocked up. Have been favoured with Mr Gutchers assistance most of the time as well as Fred's. Feel rather unwell from a cold just now. Have often heard it said that hot weather colds are the worst to get rid of in their season.

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July SUNDAY 1 1894

Not being well this morning I did not get out to church this morning as usual My mother is sick in nearly the same way vis, - with a bad cold. It seems strange that we should get such colds in warm weather We are the last members of our family to get down with it. Have enjoyed some considerable measure of the favour God Almighty in the midst of my afflictions.

July MONDAY 2 1894

Both my Mother and I have been sick to day. Have had to send for the Doctor for her, my mother. Aunt Lydia came down this morning and advised us to send for Dr Bennet of Jarvis, so we took her advice. Fred and his family have been out to town put in the day as a holowday. They report a great number of people there from various places & the surrounding country.

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July TUESDAY 3 1894

I have got to work again to day, at cuting in the ten-acre-field, or rather this afternoon and Fred cut in the forenoon. I went out to Dover this forenoon for several errands, takeing Mildred with me. Heard that my Unckle John Vail was very low and likely soon to pass away from the cancer so long troubling him. The weather is much cooler & still very dry.

July WEDNESDAY 4 1894

I worked at cuting hay this forenoon in the ten-acre-field. While the men were drawing in hay from the orchard. They have got in seven loads from the orchard altogether. This makes tweny six with the new ground field. This afternoon we have been rakeing in the ten-acre-field and the men are cocking up. Had a slight shower that put us back for an hour or so.

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July THURSDAY 5 1894

Have been exceedingly buisy with our haying to day. Finished cuting the ten-acre-field this forenoon and this afternoon got started at cuting hay on the Big Flat. The latter field is anything but a good crop. It seems well seeded for another year with Tymothy and other grasses of the spring sowing. Heard this evening of the death of my unckle John Vail of Wales from Cancer.

July FRIDAY 6 1894

Went up to Walsle this forenoon to attend the funeral of my unckle John Vail of that place. He has been a great sufferer for some time from a cancer. Took Aunt Lydia with me. A sermon was preached in Vittoria Baptist church by resident minister. He was also buried there. Took dinner at William Smiths of Port Ryerse, with {illegible}. Called at Port Dover on way home.

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July SATURDAY 7 1894

I have got to work at cuting hay again. Worked on the Big Flat during the forenoon. This afternoon I began cuting alsike in the field North of drive-barn. The men have been rakeing & cuting up hay on the Big Flat. This afternoon they worked in the ten-acre-field this forenoon. The weather has taken a cool turn since yesterdays rain which is very pleasant.

July SUNDAY 8 1894

On account of the unfavourable state of my health I did not go out to church to day. Have remained at home instead. My wife went out this evening however takeing Olive & Mifs LaFortune with her. So also the latter went this morning. Have been able to read a good deal to day in spite of ill feelings. It is good to learn of Him who was meek and lowly of heart. He surely gives rest to our souls

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July MONDAY 9 1894

I have been rakeing up some Alsike this morning and have since been mowing in the same field. Find the greater part of the field north of drive barn where I turn working to be both thin and light. Gutcher and Fred have been drawing in hay from the ten acre field, most of the time, to day. The weather continues quite cool and pleasant.

July TUESDAY 10 1894

Have been cuting alsike in the field north of the drive-barn to day with all my might. The men have finished geting in hay from the ten acre field to day. Have had nineteen loads from this field This with three loads from the big flat makes forty eight loads so far. We are likely to have several loads more yet showery.

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July WEDNESDAY 11 1894

I finished cuting the hilly field north of drive barn this forenoon. Got to work on the big flat afternoon and wish to get all cut at once on account of wheat harvest which is ready. The men have been rakeing and puting up hay in the same field, besides doing some other work. Had a fine show just before dinner today.

July THURSDAY 12 1894

Have been working at cuting my east peice on the big flat to day. Succeeded in geting it all cut although it took me until late. Am anxious to get to work at cuting wheat to morrow, for it is quite ready. The men have been rakeing and cocking up hay all day. They are also working at their last piece. Let C. Warren have two lambs to day - the first.

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July FRIDAY 13 1894

I went up to Renton after some binding twine this morning. Went on to Simcoe from there. Went to the Bank of Hamilton where I had business to attend to of rather disagreeable nature. Saw H.G. also & did not feel pleased with his temper. The men have been puting up and drawing hay from the Big Flat. Got nearly ready to start the binder in the morning.

July SATURDAY 14 1894

Got started at cuting the wheat in the field of wheat back of barn to day. Got the field about half done. The old binder in its eleventh or twelfth year does excellent work. The men have been drawing in hay from the Big Flat again to day. Have felt encouraged to day. God is my helper and my Guide. Therefore will not I fear, though the earth be removed &c.

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July SUNDAY 15 1894

Went out to church this morning takeing Jim and Mildred with me. Heard the newly appointed young minister whose name is Holmes. Was rather well impressed with his first sermon. He has some disagreeable ways in the pulpit which with practice he may overcome. We were blessed with a delightful shower of rain to day while in church.

July MONDAY 16 1894

Maggie got an early start this morning at picking a crate of cherries for Sarah. We also helped as soon as we could & she took them to Jarvis in time for the morning train. I have been cuting wheat in the field back of the barn most of the time to day. Fred went to mill this forenoon. This afternoon He and Gutcher have been drawing in hay from the Big flat.

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July TUESDAY 17 1894

Got done cuting the field of wheat back of the barn at noon to day. Started in the other field this afternoon. Fred raked the flat this forenoon and this afternoon He and Gutcher got in a load of rakeings. The latter had a run-away with Jess to the horse-rake. Broke the rake and harness up pretty bad.

July WEDNESDAY 18 1894

I took a couple of hoggs down to Jarvis this morning haveing sold them some time ago at four and three quarter cents per pound live weight. Have been cuting wheat this afternoon as usual. The men have not been able to shock up wheat as yet on account of geting in hay alsike, which still hangs fine. The weather is very warm and dry.

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July THURSDAY 19 1894

I have been cuting wheat with the binder to day in the eleven or twelve acre field back of the tennant house. Have got it pretty well along. The men have been drawing in Alsike from the field North of drive barn. They succeeded in geting in the last load this evening. There was sixteen loads in all. So we are ready now to put our whole strength on the wheat harvest after a long time.

July FRIDAY 20 1894

Fred and Gutcher worked most of the forenoon at shocking up wheat while I have been cuting all day in the twelve acre field back of the tennant house. Succeeded in geting it all cut this evening. They have got in wheat this afternoon, for the first some three or four loads, front field back of the barn. There is some appearance of rain to night.

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July SATURDAY 21 1894

It has taken me nearly of to-day to finish cuting wheat with the binder. Feel thankful however that the work for another year is accomplished. The men finished drawing in the alsike clover to day, and three loads of wheat, from the field, back of the barn besides. We had sixteen loads of alsike clover for seed from the field north of Drive barn.

July SUNDAY 22 1894

Did not go to church to day myself, but sent a good representation from the family both morning and evening. Felt so tired from the incessant labours of the past week, that I did not feel able to go out. Have not been comfortless, however for the Good Lord has vouchsafed to give me His presence in a good degree.

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July MONDAY 23 1894

Have got to work at last, at drawing in Wheat with all our might. Gutcher has been helping as usual. Eleven loads more are in the barn as the result of to days labour. This makes, sixteen from the field back of the barn so far. To night we seem likely to have a shower but it will be of great benefit in many ways even if it does stop wheat drawing.

July TUESDAY 24 1894

On account of a shower last night we could not draw in wheat to day, so we have been working in our potatoe patch nearly all day & Cultivating, hoeing &c. The weather is exceedingly warm these days, the air is very close and stifling. One of the result seems to be a languid tired feeling that comes over me.

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July WEDNESDAY 25 1894

We worked this forenoon at cleaning out our potatoes - the wheat being somewhat wet from a shower last night. This afternoon, however we got to drawing wheat again. Have put away four more loads this time from the twelve acre field back of the tennant house. My wife and children with my mother went up to Carpenters to day.

July THURSDAY 26 1894

We have continued to draw wheat from the twelve acre field back of the tennant house to day. Succeeded in geting eight loads more safely inside. I have been puting paris green on the potatoes between loads. The weather continues very warm and dry. The oat crop seems to be maturing nicely. There having apparently been sufficient rain for that purpose so far.

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July FRIDAY 27 1894

The wheat crop is all in the barn at last except rakeings. It took till nearly night to get the wheat in the barn; but, I succeeded in geting the field back of the barn all raked after four o'clock, this evening. It keeps quite dry and warm and seems likely to remain so for a while. Have felt encouraged to day to continue to hope in His mercy. The promises cover a great deal.

July SATURDAY 28 1894

I have been rakeing wheat stubble most of the time to day. Got all through this evening, and the men got the rakeings all in the barn. Fred started drawing manure from the barn yard this forenoon. This is the beginning almost of this job. We are going to manure the ten acre field this time as far as possible. The weather still keeps hot and dry.

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July SUNDAY 29 1894

Owing to rain we did not get out to church this morning as we intended. Se We have had a quiet peaceable sunday at home. Not without some of the blessings of worship. Though not in the public assembly. My mother came home this evening from W.J. Carpenters when she has been visiting with W. Walls.

July MONDAY 30 1894

Fred has been geting out manure from the barn-yard to the ten acre field to day. I went up to Renton this morning after binding twine for oats harvest. Went from there to Simcoe on some other business. Some of the blessings of acceptance with my Heavenly Father have been mine to day. He favours me I know for my enemies do not triumph over me.

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July TUESDAY 31 1894

Fred has continued to get out manure from the barn yard as usual. I have been cuting cloverseed in the field next to Challands this afternoon. Had sundry jobs on hand for the forenoon. Mr Gutcher left me to day; but I expect him back to help through the oats in a day or so. Weather still warm & dry.

August WEDNESDAY 1 1894

Have had Fred at work geting out manure again to day. We are puting it on the East half of the ten acre field this time. I have been cuting clover seed in the field next to Jim Challands to day. Got pretty well along with it by night. There is some appearance of rain occasionaly and a light shower once in a while of late.

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August THURSDAY 2 1894

Fred has been helping Walter Austin thresh to day. I worked this forenoon at geting the binder ready for cuting oats; also, at rakeing the cloverseed that was cut yesterday with the horse rake. This afternoon I began cuting the oats in field next to McBrides. Found the crop a rather even one, and quite heavy for the past dry season.

August FRIDAY 3 1894

Fred went up to Bloomsbury to day to attend the funeral of his sister Ruth who was buried there to day. I have been working with the binder in the field by McBrides this afternoon. This forenoon I raked up cloverseed in the field by Jim Challands, and did not quite finish my job. There has been some appearance of rain to day; but it failed to come.

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August SATURDAY 4 1894

Fred has been geting out manure to day as usual. I have been working away with the binder in the field of oats next to McBrides. Succeeded in geting the Eastern half of the field done to-night. Went out to Dover this evening takeing my wife with me. We had a pleasant ride out and back together. This being such an unusual occurrence of late.

August SUNDAY 5 1894

Went out to Quarterly Meeting this morning at Port Dover takeing the whole family with me in the Democrat. Bro. Cookman preached to us and very acceptably, to day. Our people did not turn ou as they should but, we had a good meeting A cloud has been resting on me of late from the debts that I would like to pay and can't.

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August MONDAY 6 1894

Have been cuting oats again to day in the field nex to McBrides. Fred has been helping with the cradle this afternoon but this forenoon he was geting out manure. Find that my mixed crop of peas and oats was a failure so far as the peas were concerned but the oats were a fairly good crop. Sold four little pigs this evening to Charley Challand at one fifty per pig.

August TUESDAY 7 1894

Have been cuting in the field by McBrides to day and have been geting along nicely. I broke down this evening and went to Jarvis after the repair, takeing my wife with me. Succeeded in geting the little dog-spring duplicated, also a supply of twine to suppliment our failing supply. It still keeps dry and cooler than for some time.

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August WEDNESDAY 8 1894

Finished cuting the field of oats by McBrides this afternoon. We got through in time to get a good start in the back field this afternoon. Broke down I went out to dover with the Democrat this this evening after my mother Expected to have had some of Charley Wilson's family to come home with me too, but they did not come as expected.

August THURSDAY 9 1894

I have been cuting oats in the field West of the woods to day. Gutcher and Jim have been seting up after the binder. Fred has been down to Wilson Porters helping thresh, both yesterday and to day. He reports a bad time from the machine geting out of order. They quit threshing this afternoon at about four o'clock. It still keeps very dry.

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August FRIDAY 10 1894

We got the back oats field all cut this forenoon and and set up ready for drawing. Gutcher has helped as usual. We hav been drawing oats since, and have got six loads stowed away in the barn ready for threshing. We have begun drawing from the field by McBrides this being our first field cut.

August SATURDAY 11 1894

Fred has been geting out manure again to day as usual. I have been drawing oats from the field by McBrides with Gutchers help. We succeeded in geting the barn filled up at last, having got about twelve loads of oats, there from the field by McBrides. I went out to Dover this evening taking Maggie with me.

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August SUNDAY 12 1894

Went out to church this morning, takeing Maggie and Jim with me. Had a young minister whose name was Holmes to preach for us. He is a brother of the young man sent to us for this year. Have felt somewhat relieved of the heavy burden, so long resting upon me, to day. Have felt had a good measure of joy and gladness.

August MONDAY 13 1894

We have continued to work away at our oat drawing to day as usual to day. Fred has been geting out manure from the barn yard. We have had our old friend Mrs Charley Wilson of Toronto, formerly a resident of Pt Dover She and Mifs Giles came together. It still keeps very dry and rather warm just now.

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August TUESDAY 14 1894

We have continued to work away at geting in oats from the field by McBrides to day as usual. Got in seven loads more to day which makes nineteen or thereabouts so far. Fred is still geting out manure from the barn yard to the ten-acre field. He is geting nearly through.

August WEDNESDAY 15 1894

We finished drawing oats from the field by McBrides this forenoon. Had twenty eight loads in all from this field. Mr Gutcher has been helping as usual. Had word this morning that the threshers would be here for to morrow, so I went to Dover this afternoon & after some meat and arround the neighbourhood after hands this evening.

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August THURSDAY 16 1894

John Ferguson came last night with his machine and began threshing in good time this morning. Have had W.H. Walls, Walter Austins man, Wilson Porters man, Mr Gutcher and Sam McBridet to help us thresh. We had 600 Bu of oats from the field by McBrides, and threshed 80 Bu of wheat besides The oats were very good for this dry year, being about thirty four Bu per acre. The machine left us again this evening.

August FRIDAY 17 1894

Fred has been geting out some manure from the barn yard this forenoon while I have been rakeing up some cloverseed by Jim Challand's. This afternoon Fred and I have been geting in cloverseed from the same field. Had just three loads altogether, which was fairly well filled. My old friend Mr D.W. Horton came to see us this afternoon, bringing Severne's Children with him. Could not spend much time with him however.

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August SATURDAY 18 1894

I went down to Jarvis this forenoon to take my wife & two children together with Jim Crysler to the train for Toronto. Have been geting in oats from the back field West of woods. Succeeded in geting in four loads Mr G. has continued to help me to day. Fred began to plough the oat stubble by McBrides to day where we intend to put in wheat.

August SUNDAY 19 1894

Went out to meeting this morning, takeing Bertha and Jim with me. Bro Cookman officiated it being his Sunday. Always feel benefited by his ministrations although he is sometimes rather lengthy. Class was not held owing to a matter respecting the Dundas Street Methodist Church Woodstock which came up for a lengthy discussion This church is heavily involved & seeks outside help.

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August MONDAY 20 1894

Fred has kept on ploughing to day as usual in the field by McBrides. I have been drawing oats with Gutchers help, from the field west of the woods. Had only ten loads from this field, which we finished to night. The dry weather has in all probability injured the oat crop, to a considerably extent. Know my sins forgiven - a most blessed state May God keep me there as long as life may last.

August TUESDAY 21 1894

Fred has been ploughing in the field next to McBrides to day as usual. I have been engaged as buisily as possible at sundry jobs, too numerous to mention. The very dry weather still continues and seems likely to last for some time to come. The ground ploughs much better than we expected. Was disappointed in not hearing from my wife this evening according to promise.

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August WEDNESDAY 22 1894

Fred has been ploughing in the big field again to day. He reports very hard ground in places. The weather continues very dry. I went out to Dover this morning, mostly to take a pail of butter for Sarah. Had a visit from My old friend Mr D.W. Horton of U Pelham to day. Mr & Mrs Clarke came with hime. I always fine it proffitable to spend some time with him.

August THURSDAY 23 1894

Fred has been ploughing again to day as usual. I cleaned up a grist this forenoon and went to the mill this afternoon at Lynn Valley. It still keeps dry and very warm in the middle of the day. Have been able to trust in the All -atoning sacrifice to day; by which the joy of a clean heart has been mine. Glory to God in the highest.

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August FRIDAY 24 1894

Have had Fred ploughing in the field by McBrides to day as usual. I have been cuting some clover-seed in the field by Austins, besides doing other necessary work. It still keeps warm and very dry. There appears to be very wet weather just now in the British Isles. The grain crops are much injured by the wet weather.

August SATURDAY 25 1894

Fred has been ploughing to day as usual in the field by McBrides. I have been cleaning up a couple of loads of oats with Jims Help besides doing other work that was necessary. The very dry weather still continues and just now it is quite warm again. Have realized in some measure the promised peace of God to those that trust in Him.

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August SUNDAY 26 1894

I went out to Dover this forenoon as usual takeing my mother and Jim with me. The young minister officiated though not to me very acceptably. There is something unpleasant in his manner of speech together with a slow delivery which detracts very much from what he says. Have not felt very well to day however.

August MONDAY 27 1894

We are still able to keep the plough going in the field by McBrides, although the ground is very dry and hard. I have been helping William Walls thresh, I trust for the last time. Was not at all satisfied with the help he gave me and yet he expected and got good help in return. He is anything but a man of principle, I am sorry to remark.

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August TUESDAY 28 1894

Have had Fred ploughing to day as usual. He reports hard ground in some places. I went over to Mr Abercrombies this morning after a yearling bull, to put with our cows, there being some of them still farrow. I took a small load of oats up to the mill this afternoon Sold for twenty nine cents per Bu The price has fallen three cents since last week, & I have missed it as usual.

August WEDNESDAY 29 1894

Fred has been ploughing in the same field as usual. Owing to the very dry weather he is not able to make much headway. I worked this forenoon at cuting cloverseed in front of W. Austins. Got all done. Went up to the oatmeal - mill this afternoon with a load of oats which is also sold at twenty nine cents per Bushell.

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August THURSDAY 30 1894

Have had the plough going to day as usual in same field. The ground being dry takes the points off the shares directy. I went up to the oat-meal mill this afternoon with another load of oats. Jim helped me to clean it up this morning before school. It still keeps dry, every sign failling to bring rain.

August FRIDAY 31 1894

Have had the ploug going to day as usual I cleaned up another load of oats this forenoon and this afternoon took it up to the oat-meal-mill at Lynn Valley. The weather keeps as dry as ever, with but little appearance of rain. There seems to be a great scarcity of water throughout the country for almost everybody are drawing water and cattle go for miles for water.

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September SATURDAY 1 1894

Fred has kept on ploughing in the field by McBrides to day as usual. I went up to Lynn Valley after geting my load cleaned up with the last load of oats for the present. Have sold two hundred and seventy bushells this time, out of the six hundred. Went up to Simcoe afterwards and left nearly all the money there, with different parties. It still keeps dry and warm.

September SUNDAY 2 1894

Went out to church this morning takeing Jim's and Berth's father with me. Our senior minister Rev Mr Cookman preached to us usual. Felt much edified by his discourse, as indeed I always do. Our after meeting was a proffitable season, of waiting before the Lord also. The roads are exceedingly dusty just not. There has not been rain for some two months.

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September MONDAY 3 1894

This being a public hollowday Fred has been off enjoying it. I worked this forenoon at gathering pears and apples. This afternoon I went out to Dover takeing Mr Gutcher with me. He is intending to start for Bay City Mich. to morrow or next day. Had a very pleasant visit with my old friend L.G. Morgan this evening.

September TUESDAY 4 1894

I have been rolling in the field next McBrides to day, while Fred has been ploughing in same field. Am glad to find that it works down very well considering the dry and hard state of the ground. Had a short call from my old friend G.W.Lemon this evening. There has been some prospects of rain to day but so far it has failed to come.

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September WEDNESDAY 5 1894

It rained this forenoon a nice shower lasting three or four hours, though very moderate. We got to work again this afternoon both Fred and I. He has been ploughing as usual and I have been harrowing in the same field. My per somewhat periodic season of darkness and worry seems upon me again. Have only one remedy, a right earnest waiting upon God for deliverance.

September THURSDAY 6 1894

Fred has kept on ploughing to day as usual We are geting this part of the work nearly done in that field. I raked up the ballance of our cloverseed crop this forenoon. This afternoon I have been rolling and harrowing in the field by McBrides. Recieved a letter from my absent ones this evening. Maggie promises to be home next week some time.

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September FRIDAY 7 1894

I have been harrowing in the field by McBrides geting it ready to sow. Fred has been ploughing in same field on the West side. It seems to take a long time to get through with the ploughing some-how, but the dry hard state of the ground is the principal cause. Have enjoyed a blessed degree of faith in my God to day just a simple act of faith O how it saves.

September SATURDAY 8 1894

Jim and I cleaned up a load of oats this forenoon. Forgot to mention that a delightful rain came this morning just what was needed for our seeding. Fred has kept on ploughing as usual. I went up to Simcoe this afternoon and came back by Dover. The rain has done away with the dust entirely & roads very fine

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September SUNDAY 9 1894

Went out to church this morning as usual takeing Bertha & Jim with me. The young man officiated it being his turn. Cannot but think that He is a good young man and trying to do good but cannot say that I like to hear him yet. Hope to get used to him however. Our class was very poorly attended to day, but The Lord was with us which was the best of all.

September MONDAY 10 1894

Had a heavy rain last night and this morning which makes the plough go nicely. Found it too wet to harrow to day so I have been repairing roof's di and doing some other such work. Fred has kept on ploughing most of the time, or excepting when it was raining. Have had a somewhat variable experience to day It is not always bright and joyous.

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September TUESDAY 11 1894

Fred has kept on harrow ploughing to day as usual. I have been harrowing all day in same field as usual. The late rains have done wonders towards helping fit up the ground for seeding. There are indications of grass starting to grow as well. Have made up my mind again to Call specially upon God at this difficult juncture.

September WEDNESDAY 12 1894

We have been able to work at our seeding to day as usual. I have sown more than half of the field by McBrides to day. Fred has been harrowing in the mean time. The seed has gone in fairly well. Have sown the East side of the field. The Good Lord has been with me to day makeing my heart glad with his presence.

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September THURSDAY 13 1894

I have been harrowing this afternoon in same field as before. It rained this forenoon so that both Fred and I had to lay off work for a while. We got some seed wheat cleaned up in the mean time. Was much disappointed in not hearing from Maggie this evening. Think now that she will not get home till Monday.

September FRIDAY 14 1894

Fred has been ploughing again to day. It seems to take a long time to get this field ploughed for some reason. I have been harrowing in same field; & this afternoon have been drilling some three or four acres that was ready. Have been greatly strengthened of late by a newly appointed hour for secret prayer God has been meeting with me.

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September SATURDAY 15 1894

Have been buisy as ever to day harrowing in the field by McBrides. Fred has finished the ploughing at last, after a very long time. We were favoured with a visit from Harry Barretts two sisters Louise and Alice. The latter is married and lives in British Columbia. A moderate shower of rain stoped our work this evening for a while.

September SUNDAY 16 1894

Went out to Dover to church this morning as usual takeing my mother with me. Had a very interesting discourse from our brother Cookman about the unjust steward. Our class seems to be almost a failure of late, there being scarcely any remaining. Have found it good to wait upon God of late. he is my help and my shield.

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September MONDAY 17 1894

Have been harrowing away with all our might to day in the field by McBrides, being anxious to get it sown Succeeding in geting it nearly ready to sow, what is not already done. I went down to Jarvis this evening after Maggie and the two children Found them there all right they having come up on the train this evening.

September TUESDAY 18 1894

Fred and I have been working away in the field by McBrides to day as usual. We have at last been able to get the last of the field sown to day. The ditches are also nearly all run out with the plough. The ground has become quite dry again since the rains, and this field has taken a great deal of work.

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September WEDNESDAY 19 1894

Fred and I have finished the Big Field next to McBrides at last. Got it all ditched just in time for the rain that began a little before we finished. There is prospects of a two or three days rain This is time for the equinoxial & the rain is comeing from the East. Our front field will be greatly benefitted by a good rain, as the ground has been too hard to harrow as yet.

September THURSDAY 20 1894

We were fortunate enough to finish runing the last furrows in the big field by McBrides this morning, About the middle of the afternoon we had them all cleaned out It so happened that a fine shower began just before we finished, so the wheat will come right up. The rain will also eable us to begin working our front field by the church.

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September FRIDAY 21 1894

Fred has been ploughing in the front field by the church to day. He has finished all to but night but one head-land. I have been all day rolling in same field Succeeded in geting over it by by night. Am very thankful indeed to find this field harrows up so well. The long drought made it impossible for us to do anything with it until now.

September SATURDAY 22 1894

Fred has been harrowing away in the front field to day. He finished ploughing the last head land this morning. I worked with the disc harrow this forenoon; but this afternoon went out to Dover with a small load of apples for the evaporator, sold them there for fifteen cents per bushell. There was a great farmers pic-nic in Dover this afternoon but could not make it.

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September SUNDAY 23 1894

On account of inclement weather we failed to get to church this morning. Went out this evening however, and heard Bro Cookman, takeing Maggie with me. Was rather surprised to see the evening congregation so small. It was scarcely as large as what we have in the morning as a rule. Have been graciously blessed in my humble worship to day.

September MONDAY 24 1894

We have been working in the field by the church to day, Fred and I. Have both been harrowing Find the ground hard in places, much work will be required to fit this field for the drill as a consequence. The disc harrow was very necessary in reducing the hard crust. There are many hard lumps as well.

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September TUESDAY 25 1894

We are still at work in the nine acre field in front or by the church. Did not quite get over it to day, suffiicient to start the drill, but to morrow if all is well we hope to get the drill started. Had a visit from our old friend and neighbour Peter Ryerse to day. He is quite feeble in body, but bright in his mind, and soul. Weather quite cool.

September WEDNESDAY 20 1894

Have been harrowing to day in the front field by the church. Fred has been also harrowing in the same field. I got started towards night with the drill, and put in some two or three acres. Hope to be able to finish the whole field to morrow, if all is well. The weather is still rather cool. Frost last night.

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September THURSDAY 21 1894

I have been very buisy to day geting the remaining portion of the field by the church drilled in. Kept Jim home from school this afternoon to help. It drilled in very well notwithstanding the lumps. Got all done by night for which I am thankful. Have sown one bushell and three pecks this year nearly all to gether.

September FRIDAY 28 1894

We have been runing furrows in the front field by the church and geting them cleaned out to day. Succeeded in geting through with this job before night. So our Fall Wheat seeding is all done at last. Have sown some twenty seven acres this Fall, or seven more that last. It has taken a great deal of work on account of the dry summer.

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September SATURDAY 29 1894

Fred has been at work digging potatoes to day in the front garden. I went up to Simcoe with a load of Oats for H. H. Griff - for He gives thirty cents per Bu for them. Came home by the mill & brought some flour for Fred. The weather has been very warm to day. It seems as though summer has come again.

September SUNDAY 30 1894

On account of rain to day we did not get to church as customary. Have been improving the precious day as far as possible in reading &c. Maggie and I went up to unckle John's this evening for a short time. Have enjoyed in a good degree "communion with the divine and infinite to day. This is always a blessed experience to my poor soul.

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October MONDAY 1 1894

I have been very buisy to day getting some repairing of fences done. Made a fence accross the creek also. Fred has been digging potatoes and geting ready to plough the potatoe patch for Crimson clover. This will be our first trial of this new clover here. Have seen it so highly recommended in agricultural papers that it realy seemed necessary to at least make a start.

October TUESDAY 2 1894

Fred finished digging the years crop of potatoes to day and got started towards night at ploughing the ground. F I thought of seeding it with Crimson Clover by the way of experiment. Hope however that the raising of this new Annual will become proffitable in more ways than one. This seems to be the experience of farmers in the U S.

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October WEDNESDAY 3 1894

Fred has been ploughing the potato patch and harrowing the same for sowing crimson clover seed. He got the ground ready about the middle of the afternoon and I have got the seed sown at last. Did not harrow nor roll but the ground was rather moist and I think the seed will soon come up.

October THURSDAY 4 1894

On account of an occasional shower to day we have not done a great deal. Have been picking apples and pears most of the time however. We got up a grist of chop or rather of grain for chop this evening. The rain is just the kind to make things grow. The weather being quite warm and the rains quite moderate and somewhat showery.

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October FRIDAY 5 1894

Fred has been away helping Wilson Porter thresh to day; while I have been out with a load of coarse grain for chop to the Pt Dover mill. Had dinner at Bro Cookman's our ministers. Went with him after dinner to see the harbour works now under way. The pier is to be enlarged to more than treble the present size for the new coal trade.

October SATURDAY 6 1894

Fred went to Simcoe on business of his own to day takeing his wife with him. Maggie and I started for Delhi this forenoon, and got to Florences in Simcoe in time for dinner. We arrived at W.A. Fergusons at about four o'clock in the afternoon, finding them all well. Intended going over to my fatherinlaws tonight but failed.

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October SUNDAY 7 1894

Having stayed over last night at W.A. Fergusons in Delhi, We thought best to go ove over to Wyecombe this morning, our time being very limited. Found my wifes father and mother both quite comfortable and well. The seemed very glad to see us. Failed to get to church at bethel as we hoped to be able to do.

October MONDAY 8 1894

We visited at my wife's fathers until after noon to day, after which we started for home. Arrived safely in Simcoe in good time. Had tea at my cousin Florence's and a good rest. Came home by E.J. Decons. Arrived here at about eight P.M. Found the family all well, and everything all right as far as was possible.

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October TUESDAY 8 1894

Fred and I have been geting up threshing wood most of the time to day As we expect the threshers sometime to-morrow it stands us in hand to be ready for them. The weather is quite cool but seasonable. Gathered our winter pears to day.

October WEDNESDAY 10 1894

I went arround after threshers to day or rather this forenoon, while Fred was working at gathering apples. This afternoon at about three o'clock we got to work threshing. Have the following helping us Wilson Porter, & man, George McBride Billy McBride, Ad Frollic John Feargue is with the machine. It has gone off very well this afternoon.

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October THURSDAY 11 1894

We finished our threshing of grain to day. It took us until about four this afternoon. Ocro Our crop all told was 314 Bu Wheat from 20 acres and 765 Bu Oats or a little more than a half crop. Mr Hom helped us today also Mr James McBride, George McBride, Adam Frollick, Billy McBride Thomas Jacksons man Wilson Porter & man, besides Mr Buchner about two hours.

October FRIDAY 12 1894

Fred went over to Mr Starlings this morning to help them thresh It did not take them very long however - about three hours. I have been fixing up some fence & mending a culvert this forenoon. This afternoon had a visit from Mr Smith. He came to see the stock that we proposed to sell. He favours our project of making a sale. "The Lord is my helper".

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October SATURDAY 13 1894

Fred has been working at gathering apples most of the time to day I went up to see about when we should have our proposed sale. Concluded to have it on the 25th inst. Left my list with the Auctioneer P. Maler Got home in good time this afternoon. Have felt much cast down in my heart of late on account of the strange position in which we are placed.

October SUNDAY 14 1894

The weather being very disagreeable this morning we did not go out to church but went after dinner instead. Bro Cookman gave the Orangemen a sermon this afternoon in our church. His text was "bear ye one anothers burdens &c" His discourse was excellent and I felt well repaid for going out through the cold wind and muddy roads. This is generaly my experience however

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October MONDAY 15 1894

I went up to Simcoe this morning to get sale bills, and on the way home have been puting them up. Took dinner at my cousin Hamilton Olds & enjoyed a short visit with him very much. Have been realising the presence of my heavenly Father this afternoon in particular. Fred has been digging his own potatoes about two thirds of the day.

October TUESDAY 16 1894

Have been all day on the raod puting up bills. Took my dinner at my friends W.J. Carpenters. There has been a good many circumstances of late to try my faith. But God is with me. Am looking for and expecting the fulfillment of the promise respecting my debts Even if I should be left peniless, am looking for deliverance & the privilege of paying them.

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October WEDNESDAY 17 1894

My mother and I went out to Dover to day Had dinner at Bro. Cookmans Am always delighted with the company of this dear Bro and his kind family. Saw the dredge working to day geting the harbour in readiness for the coal trade, so soon to be opened up here with the other side of the lake. Weather beautiful and warm.

October THURSDAY 18 1894

My man & I got in our last load of clover seed this afternoon He has been geting out manure to the ten-acre field most of the time. I have been buisy as usual at sundry jobs. Got threshing wood cut this forenoon with Jims help. Have had a most precious season with my God this evening. He is so accessible.

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October FRIDAY 19 1894

Fred continued to draw manure to day from below the drive barn to the ten-acre-field. He finished covering this field by noon to day. This afternoon he went out to Jarvis on business of his own. I have been working at the apples nearly all day. Have been experiencing some of the precious joys of Salvation to day also.

October SATURDAY 20 1894

Fred has been working away at geting out manure from below the drive barn to the big North East Corner field. We will be ready to start the plough directly after we get the manure is out. I have been geting apples gathered and put away for our own use most of the time to day. Had Mr Masacre the clover thresher here to day.

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October SUNDAY 21 1894

I went out to church this morning, takeing my wife and Jim with me. The young minister preached to us in his usual way. Had a visit from A.G. Rose & his wife this evening. Do not generaly feel beneficial by visiting on the Sabbath but cannot drive people away, when the come Feel thankful for Gods favour until now.

October MONDAY 22 1894

Fred has been geting out manure again to day as usual. I have been working at gathering apples nearly all day. Have been thinking seriously of geting a man to work the back portion of the farm on shares or at the halves, as they call it; and keep forty acres or so myself. This would give me great relief provided we could get a good man.

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October TUESDAY 23 1894

Went out to Dover this forenoon takeing my wife with me. Fred has been helping of course as usual. Got started this afternoon at gathering the remaining apples still ungathered in the orchard. Have felt much cast down of lat thinking the necessity of the sale soon to come off. Feel assured however that it must be from the Lord. Blessed by His Holy name.

October WEDNESDAY 24 1894

The clover huller owned by Mr Masacres of Townsend came last night and to day we have been threshing cloverseed. Rain fell last night and the weather being warm & damp to day the clover threshed rather tough. Was pleased with the machine Its work was excellent. Had Ad Frolick helping all day, with James Avon & {illegible} man this afternoon.

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October THURSDAY 25 1894

Was very buisy this forenoon geting ready for our long expected sale which took place this afternoon. There was quite a crowd of people present and the sale went off fairly well. Some things went very cheap particularly the horse-power for only 17$ or one quarter of its value. Had a visit from W. J. Carpenters this afternoon and evening. The Lord has been with me to day.

October FRIDAY 26 1894

I have been exceedingly buisy to day, finishing up the work of yesterdays sale. Old Mrs Douley who has been for some time been living with her daughter Mrs Kitchen died last night. Fred has been off to day makeing arrangement for the funeral which takes place to morrow. Measured up the bay of hay this afternoon and afterwards went out to Dover with a load of apples.

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October SATURDAY 27 1894

Fred has been engaged at the solemn duty to day. His wife's mother was buried in Mount Zion Cemetery with the funeral services in the church. I have been buisy as usual Mr Hull of hallsville was here after his piggs. Mr Parkinson was also after his purchase the roan cow and the cultivator. Have had two applicants by men to work part of the farm on shares already.

October SUNDAY 28 1894

Took my mother and Jim to church with me this morning. Bro. Cookman officiated and tickets for the Quarter were renewed after preaching service. Have had in some degree the presence of the good Spirit to day and of late. My troubles are enlarged however some times & then I am troubled indeed Can "say boldly that God is my helper"

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October MONDAY 29 1894

Maggie and I started for Delhi this morning driving around by Mrs Stringers. Got in Simcoe in time for dinner which we took at uncle Daniel Olds. Went from there to Delhi this evening where we arrived in time for supper. Partook of the latter at Wills. Drove over to my father in-laws after tea arriving there at about half past ten P.M.

October TUESDAY 30 1894

Maggie and I started from her fathers where we stayed over night, for Simcoe at about ten A.M. Had dinner at Florences, Concluded to go down to Toronto to consult with the Canada Permenant. Started at about four o'clock P.M. and went by way of Norwich, Brantford, Harrisburg & Hamilton, arriveing in Toronto in the evening at about eight o'clock, at Sarah's

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October WEDNESDAY 31 1894

Took breakfast at Sarah's this morning, in Toronto. Directly afterward I went down to the Canada Permenant building to see about some matters relating to our Mortgage. Spent four or five hours there and to some purpose apparently for it seems likely that I will get clear of pay some eighty dollars interest which was over-charged on the Wadsworth mortgage. Came home on the night train arriving at about ten.

November THURSDAY 1 1894

I have had Fred ploughing to day as usual. Went up to Simcoe this forenoon calling arround by Mrs Stringers. She agreed to furnish means to take up our mortgage provided the Company who hold it are willing to relinquish the same. Had dinner at G.W.Lemons, and after geting through with business came home arriving at about four P.M.

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November FRIDAY 2 1894

Fred has continued to plough to day as usual. I have been very buisy indeed doing sundry jobs geting things in readiness for winter mostly. The weather still keeps mild and very pleasant. To night however we have had every appearance of rain. Lined the old sheet iron stove this forenoon using two old linings for that purpose.

November SATURDAY 3 1894

Rain, fill last night again and most of the forenoon. Fred got to work ploughing about ten a.m. however. Have been exceeding buisy to day as usual. Cleaned up the barn floor this forenoon after the clover huller. This afternoon have done some plastering and in the way have helped the house-cleaners. God has blessed me to day.

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November SUNDAY 4 1894

On account of rain, bad roads and cool weather we did not go our quarterly meeting at Woodhouse as we intended. It has been quite a disagreeable day out of doors, so we have been enjoying the in-door fire. I can boldly say, the Lord is my helper; hence will I not fear what man can do unto me.

November MONDAY 5 1894

I went up to my friend Bro Daniel Wooley's this forenoon. Took dinner at his residence, near Port Ryerse. We went to the Quarterly business meeting together at the Woodhouse Chappel. Had a pleasant and rather encouraging season waiting upon God. Met with Bro Robert Taylor and talked with him som about his takeing part of our farm to work.

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November TUESDAY 6 1894

Spent the forenoon in cleaning up a load of chop also five baggs of wheat for Mr Edmondson of Port Dover. Went out this afternoon to take it to the Port Dover Mill Got back in good time. The weather is exceedingly cold and winter like. Fred has kept on ploughing in the field west of the woods as usual.

November WEDNESDAY 7 1894

Have been working at sundry jobs this forenoon. This afternoon I went up to Simcoe with Mrs Stringer. She promised lately to take up the Wadsworth Mortgage for me. So our trip to Simcoe this afternoon was for this purpose. Did not accomplish anything however owing to the lawyers mostly. The like to get a fee from everybody.

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November THURSDAY 8 1894

Have had Fred ploughing in the field West of the woods to day, as usual. I worked in the Woodhouse at makeing a rack to dry apples on , this forenoon. This afternoon I have been cleaning up Alsike clover seed for Market. Do not find the quality first class owing to the wheat being ground up by the huller.

November FRIDAY 9 1894

Owing to snow and rain that has been falling almost incessantly both last night and to day, I have been sorting over apples and puting them away for Winter. Fred has been ploughing a good part of the time. He has just about finished ploughing the stubble field West of the woods. The Lord is my helper and my guide for ever Amen.

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November SATURDAY 10 1894

We have been cuting and geting up wood to day, with Fred's help & Jims as well. The snow that fell yesterday has made rather disagreeable geting arround and we have got up wood on the sleighs for the first for this winter. Some six inches of snow has fallen already. There is no frost in the ground however.

November SUNDAY 11 1894

On account of the terrible state of the roads to day we did not get to church as usual. The snow that fell yesterday and the day before has scarcely been broken yet. Have been trying to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Had James Stalcourt to see us a short time this evening.

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November MONDAY 12 1894

The late cold spell has had the effect of makeing us hurry up in makeing our preparations for winter. I have been very buisy to day puting away potatoes and apples for Winters use. Fred has had to lay off on account of a lack of work to day. The snow being rather deep for ploughing as yet. The weather is moderating to night however.

November TUESDAY 13 1894

Snow has been falling at times to day, and the weather has kept cold and rather disagreeable. I have been sorting over apples; but have seemed to get along very slow. Fred has been doing some work for himself to day. The snow on the ground has prevented ploughing. Winter seems to have come in earnest.

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November WEDNESDAY 14 1894

My old job of apple sorting has kept me going most of the time to day. Got all done this evening however including cider-apples. Fred was not able to plough to day owing to the snow that still continues on the ground. So he has not worked to day. Mrs John Challand was buried to day. She was an old and respected resident and passed away suddenly

November THURSDAY 15 1894

Fred got started with the plough again to day, the late snow having thawed sufficient. I have been away to the cider mill at Lynn Valley. Came home by Port Dover. Had a tedeous ride owing to the terrible state of the roads. Saw Henry Huffman about a note of mine that he got from Sam McBride last summer.

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November FRIDAY 16 1894

I went up to Simcoe this afternoon takeing some eight baggs of oats for J. Harris and five for H Groff. Spent the forenoon geting ready to go. Took a sample of alsike along and had one offer of five forty per Bu for it. Fred has been ploughing in one of the back fields to day. Found the roads very bad; but geting some better.

November SATURDAY 17 1894

Fred has been ploughing in the N.E. Corner field to day as usual. I went out to Dover this forenoon takeing my mother with me. Sent a note up to Simcoe by Henry Huffman as a renewal for the Sam McBride ball. Roads are still very bad, but geting better. Noticed to night that the price of wheat has begun to harden after a long long time.

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November SUNDAY 18 1894

The roads being very rough and bad this morning, did not think best to drive out to church, but walked out instead takeing Jim with me. Had a very interesting sermon from the Rev Mr Hoobs of Tilsonberg. This was the occasion of our anniversary or instead of the old fashioned tea meeting. Lecture to morrow night also by the same minister.

November MONDAY 19 1894

Have been working in the barn most of the time to day, geting the alsike clover seed cleaned up also the red do. Fred has been doing work of his own to day. The ground being too hard from frost to plough. We have failed to get our turnip crop gathered as yet. Tried it to day but had to give up however.

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November TUESDAY 20 1894

Fred did not plough to day but went up to Tyrell on his own account instead. I have been buisy all day cleaning up clover-seed and wheat for mill. Found the seed rather less than I expected. It is in keeping with our other crops for the season however both as to yield and quality. Weather much improved. It seems like warm weather again.

November WEDNESDAY 21 1894

Fred has been ploughing in the N.E. Corner field to day again. I went up to Simcoe to day to take my years crop of Alsike. Took some oats to A.H.G. and a small grist of wheat to mill as usual well. There is some improvement in the road as the result of high winds and frosty nights. It seems like Indian Summer now.

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November THURSDAY 22 1894

This being thanksgiving day we have had a thanksgiving dinner and somw of our friends with us. I have been geting turnips dug however with Jims help but did not quite get done. Fred has been ploughing again in the N.E. Corner field as usual. Have enjoyed much liberty in prayer this evening respecting my present difficulties.

November FRIDAY 23 1894

Fred has been ploughing again to day, in the North East Corner field. I went up to Simcoe this afternoon to see about settling up the cloverseed. Failed to do so however on account of their not being ready. I took a small load of oats up to Harry Groff, which completed the contract made with him some time ago, for two loads. Sent away a letter to the C.P. to day.

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November SATURDAY 24 1894

Have been cuting wood in the woods this forenoon with Jims help also this afternoon. Fred has been ploughing again to day in same field as yesterday. He is geting it done all but about four acres. Just now there is every appearance of Winter It seems as though it would freeze up for good to night.

November SUNDAY 25 1894

I stayed home to day to take care of the children while Maggie and Bertha went out to church instead. The weather has been very cold and windy to day, and church goers have felt it somewhat I fear. Have enjoyed reading one of my fathers old books by Rev James Caughey, to day entitled Christianity in earnest.

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November MONDAY 26 1894

Jim has been helping me cut and get up wood to day. He has got so that he is quite a hand on the cross-cut saw. Fred has been away to day. the ground being too hard to plough, on business of his own. We have to clean or rather core and pare our cull apples these evenings and are getting pretty well through.

November TUESDAY 27 1894

Fred has got to ploughing again in the N.E. corner field to day. Jim and I got a grist of chop and small loads of oats ready; and afterwards I took it up to the Lynn Valley mills. I went on to Simcoe afterwards to take some dried apples & to settle up for the alsike. On account of chopped wheat we had to take 50cts less than regular price sold six Bu for $5.25 per Bu.

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November WEDNESDAY 28 1894

Winter has evidently come to stay. Snow having fallen last night and cold north wind succeeded it to day. Fred could not plough, so has been away to Tyrell on business of his own. I have been away with my wife and mother to Wellington Carpenters for a visit. Met several friends there & enjoyed our visit very much with them.

November THURSDAY 29 1894

Jim and I finished cleaning up a load of oats this morning and I took it up to the oat-meal mill to day. Sold the last load at twenty eight cents per bushell. I paid a portion of my tax on the way home something of over thirty dollars. The years tax is nearly fifty dollars however. Had a notice from the C P. Co rather serious to night.

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November FRIDAY 30 1894

I went out to Dover this forenoon to the Mill with a small load of wheat. Sold it there for fifty three cents per bushell. This is six cent more per bushell than it was a week or two ago. There is some hopes of a better value for wheat in the near future, the market being a rising one just now. Our old friend G.W. Lemon is with us for the night.

December SATURDAY 1 1894

Spent the forenoon in going arround the neighbourhood looking for some money to pay out. This afternoon Maggie and I got ready and went up to Simcoe for Delhi. Arrived at the latter place at about six. We are staying over night at John Fergusons. Had a rather pleasant ride owing to the wind being on our backs.

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December SUNDAY 2 1894

Have been to church this evening, but not the morning. We went with Will and his family to their church, the Presbyterian. We have had a proffitable visit together Will & I. Our conversation having been mostly on bible subjects. The weather is rather cold and wintry. We are staying over night with W. A's and his family.

December MONDAY 3 1894

After talking some with Will and John about our business this morning, Maggie and I started for home. We called at Florences in Simcoe, however, and had dinner. We got home about the middle of the afternoon and found everything all right so far as we could see. Fred has been ploughing to day.

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December TUESDAY 4 1894

Maggie and I cleaned up a load of wheat this forenoon and this afternoon I took it out to Dover and sold at Shaw's mill at fifty four cents. The weather is moderating since morning. I went down to Nanticoke last night to see Mrs Dollie Smith who I heard had some money to let. Failed to get what we wanted.

December WEDNESDAY 5 1894

Fred has been working with the plough this afternoon in the N.E. Corner field. I went out to the Dover mill with another load of wheat this afternoon having cleaned it up this forenoon. Had a visit from Mrs Cookman and Mifs Giles to day. The latter brought an order for a couple of loads of hay. The weather has been very fine to day. Roads geting good.

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December THURSDAY 6 1894

Jim and I cleaned up another load of wheat this morning and last night. I took it out to the Dover mill this afternoon, and sold at fifty four cents per Bu. Fred worked this forenoon at ploughing in the big N.E.Corner this forenoon. This afternoon he went out to Dover on his own business. The weather continues very fine, the roads are geting good as well.

December FRIDAY 7 1894

Jim helped me got on a load of hay this forenoon, and this afternoon I took it out to Dover for Johnson the livery-man. Fred has been ploughing in the N.E. Corner field to day as usual. The weather continues every fine and warm for this time of year.

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December SATURDAY 8 1894

Had Jim to help me get on another load of hay at the little barn this forenoon, and this afternoon took it out to town. Sold this load to our minister Bro Cookman at Seven dollars per ton. Had a ton all but sixty pounds. Fred has been ploughing in the big field to day as usual. Rain has come again & had to drive home in the rain to night.

December SUNDAY 9 1894

Took my mother and wife out to church with me this morning. Had a very interesting service, Bro Cookman, being our minister. We are adopting a new system or way of conducting class meeting and the minister gave us a trial of it to day. One leader conducts the whole class, instead of three, calling on such members as he sees fit, the class to occupy only fifteen minutes.

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December MONDAY 10 1894

Fred has been ploughing to day as usual. I got the binder ready to take inside this morning & this afternoon went out to town. Had the great privilege of paying off a number of small accounts of one kind and another this evening. Did not have enough to go arround however. A complementary supper was given this evening to W. H. Walls who goes to his new home in Alliston to morrow.

December TUESDAY 11 1894

Fred has been ploughing in the N.E.Corner field to day. Late rains have been making the ground wet. I went back to Brown's this morning to make enquiries about Chris. Nelson as a farmer &c. Got a good report from Mr Brown. Walked on to C Nelsons house & found him at home. He was just about to have writings drawn for renting a small place, but was willing to give us the preference.

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December WEDNESDAY 12 1894

Fred has been sick to day and unable to leave his house. It has been raining nearly all day and all of last night, so that quite a freshet has been produced. I have been buisy as usual working in the barn during the forenoon and this afternoon I have been leting off water from the fall ploughing &c. Weather very warm as well as wet.

December THURSDAY 13 1894

Fred has been laid up again to day, So I had to go to the mill for hog feed. Worked arround the barn during the forenoon however, at stoping sparrows out mostly. Found the roads very bad owing to recent heavy rains. Maggie and Mildred went up to Unckle John's for the afternoon, So when I came home from Lynn Valley, I took tea with them there.

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December FRIDAY 14 1894

Have been buisy this forenoon at cuting wood in the woods. Had Jim to help. Fred has been unable to stir out owing to some kind of illness. I went out to Dover this afternoon to see about some small matters relating to hay &c. Heard recently of the very sudden death of the Premier of Canada Sir John Thompson. He died at Windsor Castle where he was visiting the Queen &c.

December SATURDAY 15 1894

Fred has been able to run the plough again to day, He is not well however appearing. I have been cuting wood in the woods with Jims help. Had a Mr John Douglas from near Windham Center to see me about working a part of the place on shares. Could not make him any promise owing to my recent agreement with C. Nelson to give hime the first chance.

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December SUNDAY 16 1894

A smart shower of rain came at the time we usually start for church; so we did not get out as we desired. My wife and I went over to hear Rev Mr Pugsley in the M.Church instead. Felt benefited by the service, as we generaly do, no matter where we go - for worship. The benefits of the Christian Sabbath are neither few nor small. How important to improve them as we have opportunity.

December MONDAY 17 1894

Fred has been ploughing again to day, in the N.E. Corner field. he is not well however, nor has he been for some time. I worked this forenoon at cleaning ditches in the Big field. This afternoon I went out to Dover takeing my mother with me. We are finding much benefit from our dried apples this year. There seems to be no other source of supply at present.

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December TUESDAY 18 1894

Fred went up to Simcoe to day to see the doctor for himself, He being somewhat unwell lately. I went down near Jarvis this forenoon to see Cris. Nelson about working for us. Found that he had taken another place however and could not come as he had promised. Felt rather disappointed. Am reminded that all things shall work together for good &c.

December WEDNESDAY 19 1894

Fred has been ploughing again to day in the big field. as u He has about finished it. I went up to Simcoe takeing my mother with me, Had dinner at Florences. The roads are very bad excepting where it is sandy. There is no frost in the ground and many were at the plough on the way to Simcoe Settled up with H.H.G. & did not owe him very much.

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December THURSDAY 20 1894

We have been killing hoggs to day Fred and I with Jim Challand's help. Butchered our big barrow before noon and this afternoon Freds big two hoggs. We are keeping two for another time. The weather being so warm. I went down to Jarvis this evening after Charley Crysler who is comeing to spend his hollowdays here and at Delhi. Roads are very bad towards Jarvis.

December FRIDAY 21 1894

Fred has not worked to day but has been off on business of his own. Spent the forenoon in cuting up and salting pork. Also in fixing the pump. This afternoon have been out to the woods cuting down trees &c. Weather still very warm; - A white frost last night; but rain has not come yet. The Helper is with me still, Am comforted by his aid

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December SATURDAY 22 1894

Jim and I have been working in the woods part of the time to day. Want to cut enough wood to last us through the Winter during hollowdays if possible so as not to keep Jim home from school. Went out to Dover this evening, takeing Maggie with me to get some Christmas supplies. We also met my nephew G.H.Cunningham at the Station & brought him home with us.

December SUNDAY 23 1894

Went out to church to day as usual. Enjoyed the service very much Bro Cookman officiating. It fell to me for the first time to take charge of the newly organized class, in the new plan. Had a rather favourable time of it. Believe so far that it will be an improvement on the old way. Some of the very objectionable features being overcome.

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December MONDAY 24 1894

Have been working at sundry jobs to day when not visiting with my unckle Caleb Matthews who lately arrived from Michigan. Spent about half the day with him. He is looking very much older than when he left us some eight years ago. The weather continues to be mild and very pleasant. There are some indications of a change before long however.

December TUESDAY 25 1894

Charley Crysler and I drove down to Jarvis this morning I drove the democrat and he the buggy after our Delhi relatives, who were to spend Christmas with us to day. We only had W.A. Ferguson, wife and three children to come home with us Mr and Mrs J W Ferguson came in time for Dinner however. Had a very pleasant time to gether.

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December WEDNESDAY 26 1894

Mr & Mrs J.W. Ferguson did not leave us until this afternoon for their home. I went to the school meeting this forenoon and had rather an interesting time. There was a large turn out Robt Ross was reelected trustee for ensueing term. Have been cuting wood in the woods this afternoon with Jims help. The weather has become very cold and stormy at last.

December THURSDAY 27 1894

A very cold and disagreeable storm mostly of wind has prevailed to day. We have spent the day visiting at unckle Matthews, my mother George Maggie & I . Unckle Caleb Matthews and nearly the whole Matthews family were there besides. Spent a rather pleasant day. Had a disagreeable conversation with A.G.Rose about school matters &c.

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December FRIDAY 28 1894

The cold weather still continues, but we have been cuting wood in the woods to day. My nephew with Charley and Jim have been helping. Fred got up some three loads this afternoon and one load for himself. Two degrees below Zero was the temperature for this morning. The coldest for the season so far.

December SATURDAY 29 1894

Snow has been falling moderately to day; but the wind has been blowing quite a gale withal so that we did not to out of the house except to do chores all day. We are impressed that Winter weather has come to stay at last for a while at least I have been makeing a picture frame for my wife this afternoon. Our two nephews George & Charley are still with us.

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December SUNDAY 30 1894

Went out to our church in Port Dover this morning as usual takeing my wife and Charley Crysler with me. The young ministe preached to us in his usual way. He is a good young man apparently and trying to do good but not aptly gifted for the ministry in my opinion. He may overcome these natural defects however if he persists resolutely and patiently to get the better of them.

December MONDAY 31 1894

Our two visitors Charley Crysler and George Cunningham left us this forenoon for a visit to Lynedoch and Delhi, takeing Bertha with them. Was buisy this forenoon at fixing drive barn door. Took the old black sow away to Mr Starlings also this afternoon Jim and I have been cuting wood in the woods & geting some white ash loggs out for the mill. The weather is quite cold and Wintry

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Transcription Progress



Courtland Olds 1894 Diary Part 1.pdf
Courtland Olds 1894 Diary Part 2.pdf
Courtland Olds 1894 Diary Part 3.pdf
Courtland Olds 1894 Diary Transcripts .pdf


Courtland Olds, “Courtland Olds Diary & Transcription, 1894,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed January 30, 2025,
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