Ann Amelia Day Sunley Diary, 1878-1879


Ann Amelia Day Sunley Diary, 1878-1879

Date Created

March 15, 1878

Is Part Of

Ann Amelia Day Sunley Diary Collection


Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

Diary for 1878 2
Friday 15 9:00 pm
Today has been a beautiful day. More like May than March. Sky blue
with light fleecy clouds, sun shining and birds singing. This morning
Emily went back to her school after two weeks sick leave. They went
from here to Alfred's and took two horses and the light wagon from
there the rest of the way. Pa has just returned and reports the roads
almost impassable in places. Jenny has been busy baking all day and
I have knitted two blocks for my quilt.
Saturday 16 8:50 pm
This has been a miserable dull day. The morning was very bright but
it clouded up and rained before noon. This morning the boys went
down to Alfred's to help Henry kill the pig. They came home shortly
before 6 o'clock tonight. They did not go to Rockwood for the papers
as we expected so we did not hear the story tonight. Alfred and Annie
went past here today on their way a school examination. We did not
see them return. Some people were looking at McNab's old house over
Sunday 17 8:30 pm
This morning was dull and threatening rain. I rose at six o'clock and
went for a short walk to see what the roads were like. Decided it was
useless to attempt to go to church today as it was so wet. It began
to rain before I got back and came quite a shower. I stayed in the
house the rest of the day and wrote two letters, one to Ruth Fear, the
other to Richard. Tonight about five o'clock who should come along but
Fred. He looks a great deal better than he did the last time I saw
him and made himself very agreeable all the evening. He brought
us a large piece of head-cheese that looks very tempting.
Monday 18 9:00 pm
Today has been a beautiful bright balmy day, birds singing and frogs
crocking in chorus. Fred left about 8:30 this morning. Ma started
for Guelph shortly afterwards. Pa drove her as far as Rockwood and
found Annie waiting. He brought the papers and a letter for Henry. Ma
has not returned yet. We have decided she is not coming tonight. We
washed today and finished shortly before 5 o'clock.
Tuesday 19 9:00 pm
This morning while we were at breakfast we witnessed a heavy
snowstorm but it was of short duration It continued cloudy and dark
until noon when it began to clear up and this evening was very bright
and clear. Alfred had rheumatism in his shoulder today and ithurt him
to pan it in any way, so he decided to stay here all night and we sent
David down to tell Annie and get the saddle. On his way home he met
Mr. & Mrs. McCaig going down there so Alfred had to start for home
about 6 o'clbck. Georgie went to Rockwood to post a card for Alfred
and brought back a card from Lila asking us to go for the dog.
March 3
Wednesday 20 8:50 pm
Today has been a beautiful bright sunshiny day. This morning when
I first went out a pheasant flew away from the school porch. Pa went
To Mr. Loree's this morning to inquire about some work he heard they
intended to let. He returned while we were at Dinner. David has gone
to an Open Lodge in Rockwood tonight and has not yet returned. I made
a pair of pants for him today.
Thursday 21 8:00 pm
Today was dull and it snowed nearly all day. Alfred held his
examination today. The children did very well. Georgie was the
highest. The visitors were Mr. McCaig and Mary, two Gordons, teachers,
Mr. John and David Shultiss, Mr. John and Hugh Black, Mr. Dryden
and two of his children Pa and Jenny and I. Annie and the children
and Mrs. Talbot, two Mrs Maudes and Miss Maude, Misses Tovell,
Stewart Moore. Alison another whom I do not know and Mr. A. Hill,
besides three boys whose names I do not know. We gave them dinner in
the school and tonight the two Mr. Gordons and Mr. D. Shultiss and Miss
Stewart and Annie and Alfred and Mrs. Talbot came in here to tea.
After tea I drove Mrs. Talbot and the children down to Alfred's and
Annie and Miss Stewart walked. Alfred and Mr. Shultiss have not left
yet. They have been examining the papers and awarding the prizes.
Friday 22 8:40 pm
This morning the ground was white with snow and the sky cloudy when I
got up but it cleared off gradually and the sun shone most of the after-
noon. There was no school today so David and George went to Rockwood
this morning for pa's tools and the papers. This afternoon they went
off with the gun and did not come back until dark. They say they
were helping Mr. Burns' hired man boil sap. While they were eating
their supper Henry came to say they are going to cut stuff tomorrow
for the horses. So pa and the boys will have to go down in the morning.
He says Alfred and Miss Stewart went down to Jim Collins's examination
today and had not returned when he left. We sowed tomato seeds today.
Saturday 23 9:30 pm
Today was fine with high wind until about 5 o'clock when it clouded
up and rained heavily after dark. This morning the boys and pa went
down to Alfred's, and Alfred went away to Dan Talbot's examination.
About 10:30 A.M. Bennie Townsend came, stayed to dinner and then
went down to Alfred's. He and the boys returned about 6:30 tonight.
Pa came shortly before. About 5 o'clock tonight Jennie went over to
McNab's for milk. Tonight Bennie and David played checkers for awhile
then we played Pannchee ma and I winning three games out of four.
Sunday 24 8:45 pm
Today has been blustering and very cold with dashes of snow. This
morning David and Bennie and I went to the Presbyterian church. There
were a good many there. Coming home I got a ride with Hill's most of
the way. This afternoon passed in reading and the evening in talking.
March 4
Monday 25 9:15 pm
Today has been very cold and windy with flying snow and gleams of
sunshine. This morning the boys spent in the house. This afternoon
they went to Rockwood and explored the rocks. David came home alone
tonight, George and Bennie going down to Alfred's where George
commences work tomorrow. Margaret McNab came over this afternoon
and stayed to tea after which I went a piece with her. Pa went to
Alfred's this afternoon and got back while we were at tea. Jennie sent
David over to McNab1
s for buttermilk after he came home. An old man
called here this afternoon asking for help to pay his way to London
on the cars. He was frantically blind.
Tuesday 26 8:35 pm
Today has been milder and calmer but towards night the wind rose and
it began to snow. The ground is white and it is snowing yet but the
wind has ceased and it is very still. This morning pa and David went
down to Alfred's and about 8:30 Alfred and Bennie arrived here. Bennie
stayed a little while and then started for the station. Shortly after
9 o'clock Lois Black came in to change baskets, Eddie having taken
the wrong one on Thursday. Tonight about 5:30 I went over to McNab's
for milk and pa came home while I was away. Tonight is the Granger's
meeting. I do not think there is many there.
Wednesday 27 8:35 pm
This morning was misty but the sun came out quite bright about noon but
about 3 o'clock it thundered heavy and tonight it came a heavy shower
but it has stopped now. This morning ma went down with pa and about
8:30 Alfred and Annie came up with their buggy and ma was just behind
them. Annie wanted me to go for a drive and I said I would if she
would take our horse, so she did and we went up to Thomas Talbot's
first. He was away but Mrs. Talbot gave Annie the information she
wanted and showed us the cattle. From there we went to Mrs. Oliphant's
and got our dinner and arrived at home at 3 o'clock. Alfred and
Annie stayed to tea and started home between showers.
Thursday 28 10:00 pm
This morning when I woke it was raining heavily but after breakfast
it turned to snow and continued to snow heavily and steadily until
3 o'clock when it ceased and gradually cleared up. This morning
David and Alfred came up together. About 10:30 Mr. Vinetti called to
tell them they were going to saw Alfred's lumber this afternoon.
So after dinner David went down to tell Henry to go and take away
the lumber and pa went down to the mill. About 6 o'clock he returned
very tired and out of sorts. Henry had not gone to the mill at all
and he had had to carry all the lumber himself. David did not come
Back. Pa brought the papers and a letter from Emily to Jennie.
Friday 29 8:40 pm
Today has been a beautiful sunshiny day without a cloud. This morning
pa went down to the mill again. Alfred brought the horse and buggy
when he came and closed the school at 12 o'clock and left to attend
Mr. Gordon's examination at Ospringe. Pa came home a little after six
tonight. David did not come home. The tomatoes are coming up.
Saturday 30 9:35 pm
Today has been fine with a high cold east wind. It is snowing now. This
is Jennie's birthday. This morning pa went to Guelph by train and
walked home arriving about two o'clock. He brought the young Ladies
Journal and Young Men of Great Britain. The boys came home before tea.
After tea I went over to McNab's for milk. Tonight I read aloud
"Oswald the Unknown" for the boys. A teacher named Mr. Cameron was at
Alfred's today.
Sunday 31 12:15 pm
This morning it rained for awhile but cleared up before noon. It was
too muddy to think of going to church so we stayed at home all day.
This afternoon pa and the boys drowned the chipmunk out of his hole
in the garden and despatched him with sticks. Tonight N.S, was here
to tea and stayed the evening.
Monday 1st 8:00 pm
Today has been a beautiful warm sunshiny day. We washed today and
got the clothes out before dinner. Georgie and David went down to
Alfred's this morning. Pa was chopping and splitting wood most of the
day. Towards evening he went to Rockwood and got some coal oil. I hung
up the hams tonight. Georgie came home at 7:40 tonight.
Tueaday 2nd 8:20 pm
Today has been another balmy delightful day. Georgie and I went to
Guelph today and got home a little after 6 o'clock. We enjoyed our
ride very much. The roads are so dry, almost dusty. We went to
Carrie Porter's to dinner. Found her and her aunt looking well. Promised
to go in next week to stay a few days with her. There was not very
much stir in town today, owing I suppose to the fact that tomorrow is
fair day. Did not see many folks I knew. Passed Thomas Black on our
way home. Jenny is not very well tonight. Georgie got a pair of shoes
and a hat today. Ma sold the picture of the school.
Wednesday 3 8:40 pm
Another beautiful cloudless day. This morning pa and Georgie washed
the buggy and then pa and ma went to Guelph and Georgie rode as
far as the corner. A little piece up the road they met Alfred and Annie
and David with the team and heavy wagon. Alfred stopped at the school
of course and David also ran in for his overcoat. He and Annie were
going up to McConachie's for the potatoes. This afternoon Janet came
in at intermission and stayed until school was out. Ma and Pa got
home at 5:40 tonight and Jenny and I were at tea. Ma went to see
Lila Humphreys today and she had a chat with Mrs. Fear. Jenny has
sore throat tonight
April 6
Thursday 4th 9:30 PM
Today has been fine like its predecessors. Pa has been drawing wood
up here all day. This afternoon I went over to Margaret McNab's to
help her pick out a knitting pattern and ma and Jenny went down to
Alfred's for a drive. I got home about 7 o'clock and they arrived
about 7:30.
Friday 5 10:00 pm
Today has been clear and bright as usual. This morning pa was cutting
Wood. This afternoon he and ma went to Sunley's on a visit, calling
at Pat Lee's as they went to tell him about Alfred's barn. This evening
about 5 o'clock David came home. I got him to go over to McNab's for
milk. Alfred left about 5:30. Pa and ma got home about 8:40 tonight.
I was baking today.
Saturday 6 10:00 pm
Today has been cloudy and windy with gleams of sunshine. This morning
David went down to Alfred's with the horse and buggy as Alfred was
going to Brookville to the teacher's meeting and his horse was working.
Pa has been sawing and splitting wood all day. Tonight about 9:50
David came home and Emily and Miss Cunningham came with him. They
were at the meeting and took the opportunity to come up. Georgie did
not come home tonight.
Sunday 7 9:40 pm
Today has been fine but rather cool. This morning about 8:30 Georgie
came home. His hand is very sore so that he cannot use it, so David
will have to take his place tomorrow. About 10:30 Alfred and Annie
and Bertie and Dan Talbot arrived. A few minutes afterwards Mr. &
Mrs. McCaig came along on their way to church. They stopped at the
gate and he came in. We girls and the boys were just coming in from
inspecting the playhouses. He spoke to us and said he called to see
Dan then he went on to the house and the rest followed while I went
and chattered to Mrs. McCaig until he came out. About 2 o'clock Alfred
hitched up his horse and he and Dan went up to McCaig's. Shortly
afterwards Daivd hitched our horse for us and Jenny and I went to
take Emily and Miss Cunningham back to school. We had a pleasant
drive although we had to go very slow on account of the load. We
left Emily at McPhails to walk the rest of the way. Mrs. McPhail made
us stay to tea and we reached home at 9:10. Alfred has not returned
yet for Annie and Bertie.
Monday 8 9:00 pm
Today has been fine but tonight the wind has risen and clouds obscure
the moon. This morning Alfred arrived on foot having gone home sometime
in the small hours. Ma and Annie and Bertie sat up for him last night
until 12 o'clock and then went to bed in dispair. So this morning Jenny
had to go and take them home, getting back about 11 o'clock and bringing
Maggie to school. Today I trimmed Emily's hat and washed my nightdress
which ma had just finished. Before tea I went over to McNab's for milk.
Georgie's hand is some better tonight.
Tuesday 9 9:30 pm
Today has been cold and windy and rainy. This morning pa. and ma went
down to Alfred's. They came back about 6:^40 tonight. Georgie went
down to the post-office this afternoon but returned without, any letters,
Alfred stayed to tea waiting for his return, and at last set off to
meet him. Mr. Auld called today to see Alfred on business but did
not come in. Today is Miss Kate McKeown' s wedding day. Rather a gloomy
Wednesday 10 9:J30 pm.
Today has been mild and showery and dull. This morning Alfred and Annie
started up here on foot as Annie and I intended to go to Guelph with
our horse but it began to rain and Annie went into Barnet Shultis's
while Alfred came on. When the shower was over, she followed getting
here about 9:30. She stayed to dinner and then went home in. despair
of it clearing up. Alfred left with her as he was. going in, by the
afternoon train, leaving George Hill in. charge of the schpgl, which
he dismissed about 3 o'clock. About 3:30 Mr. Patrick Lee called to
see Alfred on business and stayed a short time then left for the
station. Today is Lucy Duffield's wedding day. Tonight's clear
and starlight.
Thursday 11 ll:1O pm.
Today has been fine but not without clouds. This morning I got all ready
the buggy at the door when, Alfred arrived, with his horse and buggy to
say that Annie went to Guelph yesterday with him so I had to go by the
train. Georgie drove me to the station and I got a return, ticket for
30 cts lasting four days. When I reached Guelph I went down to
Carrie's and found the house empty so I went up town and met then on
the street. Tonight Carrie and I went to a lecture in Kriox's church
delivered by the Rev. Mr. Handford from Toronto. It was splendid and
we enjoyed it immensely. We have just returned. He said among other
funny things that if you only threw mud enough at a, man. some of it would,
be sure to stick but if the man had sense enought to leave it alone
until it dried it would rub off without any harm being done. He gave
2 very amusing and interesting accounts of Oliver Cromwell's boyhood
and the pranks he imagined him playing. Oliver Cromwell was the
subject of the Lecture and he did justice to it.
Friday 12 9:00 pm
Today has been fine but windy. This morning Miss Eliza Hamilton
called on her way to school and promised to come in to dinner which she
did. This afternoon Carrie and I went up town to do some shopping
and we called on Lila Hamphreys and saw the baby. She is going about
quite smart. Mrs. Fear is there yet.. She and. Freddie came down, as
far as the corner with us on their way to the post-office. I got a
parasol for Emily today. Tonight Mr, Porter came home. He was not
home last night as he went down to Hamilton instead and let the
other man come up here. Mr. Porter has just come in. 9:40
Saturday 13 8:20 pm
Today was fine but cold and very windy. This morning Carrie and I
went up to Mr. Hamilton's. Just before we left Fanny Smith called and
she stayed for a short time with Mrs Nevilles. We rode in the stage
as far as the corner and then walked the rest of the way. I enjoyed my
visit very much. The girls are so friendly. There are three girls
and one boy in the family. Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton are away down to Toronto
at present. Miss H walked back with us and went to the post-office. She
called on her way home to say she got a card from her parents. Carrie
has gone up town tonight with Mr. Porter to get him a hat. We got
home a little after six o'clock otnight. I am going to bed with a
Sunday 14 8:30 pm
Today has been very fine and warm. This morning Mr. Porter and Carrie
and I went to Mr. Ball's church and Mrs Nevilles went to the Methodist.
Mr. Porter's brother Andrew came down with him to dinner. After
dinner the two gentleman set out for their father's. Tonight Mrs. N and
Carrie and I went to the Methodist church. On our way home I was
introduced to cousin Mary Day and she invited me to go and see her. Mr.
Porter has not yet returned.
Monday 15 8:30 pm
Today has been dull and cool. This morning Miss Eliza Hamilton called
to say they had got a letter from their parents and that the operation
was successful. About 10 o'clock ma and Jenny arrived with the horse and
buggy and I went up town with them to do some shopping then we
went down to dinner. About 1:30 they started for home taking my things
with them. I started for the station about 4:30. Carrie went up
with me and saw me off. Just as we were starting Eliza H. came in on her
way home. I walked home from Rockwood meeting Annie going in,
chatted to her a few minutes and reached home at 6 o'clock and
eat my supper. Pa came home at dark. I saw Margaret McNab as I passed
there and Mrs. Maude.
Tuesday 16 9:30 pm
Today has been a fine breezy day. We washed today and got the clothes
dried and folded tonight. This afternoon about 4 o'clock Annie came up
with Prince and the buggy and brought a horse collar to take to Everton
to get fixed. Alfred seftt her on with it and Jenny went with her
for company. After they had gone the boys came with the team for pa's
tools. About 6:30 pa came home and about 7:30 Jenny came. The Grangers
are holding a meeting tonight. There are a good many there, two
or three ladies among them. Planted my gladiolus root today.
Wednesday 17 9:20 pm
Today has been very fine and warm. This morning ma went with pa to
Alfred's. Annie came back with her and they brought the spinning wheel.
Then ma changed her dress and she and Annie went to Mrs. Scott's
funeral. Mrs. James Black rode back with them and made them go in
there to dinner and stay the afternoon. It was nearly 6 o'clock when
they got here and I was over at McNab's for milk. They called for
a shawl and then ma took Annie home and brought pa back. Jenny
planted onions and sowed lettuce today.
APRIL 18 9:30 pm
Today has been fine out. This afternoon it clouded up like rain. I
was baking today and starching and ironing Emily's dark print dress.
This afternoon Mrs. William Burns came over. She left shortly before
6 o'clock. Then Jenny harnessed the horse and ma went for pa. David
came home with them.
Good Friday 18 9:30 pm
This morning it rained heavily for some time and there was one clap
of thunder and flash of lightning. It continued dull until noon when
it cleared a little but clouded again towards evening and rained a
little. This morning we moved the stoves. Just as we had got things
straightened a bit I took the lumbago in my back and had to keep quiet
all the rest of the day. It is better tonight. After dinner David and
Jenny got ready and started for Nassagawega. Tonight Alfred let his
school out earlier and George Hill went home and changed his clothes
and came back and accompanied Alfred home to go with him tomorrow
morning to Emily's examination. Pa went to Rockwood this forenoon
and got some strawberry plants and he and ma started them after dinner.
Saturday 20 10:00 pm
This morning about 2 o'clock there was a heavy thunderstorm. It commenced
raining again about 7:30 but cleared up before noon and was very
windy all the afternoon and evening. This forenoon Myra Laight
called to pay ma some money she owed her. This afternoon a tramp called
for something to eat. He was very civil. Ma and I were all alone.
Tonight pa came home about 7 o'clock without his supper. David and
Jenny have just got home.
Easter Sunday 21 9:00 pm
Today has been fine and mild. This morning Georgie came home about
9 o'clock. This afternoon there was Sunday school in the schoolhouse.
Mr. McNab and Mr. Hugh Black were the teachers and they has very few
scholars. Tonight we went down to church. There were not many there.
Margaret McNab and John overtook us on our way down. My back was bad
and I had to walk slow so she walked with me. Coming back Elsie and
Agnes walked with us as far as the track and a little farther on
Margaret and John overtook us again and walked as far as their place.
Monday 22 9:20 pm
This morning was dull and cold. About 8:30 it began to rain and continued
to do so until late in the afternoon. It thundered and lightened for
a short time about noon. Tonight pa came home early followed soon
after by David.
Tuesday 23 9:15 pm
Today has been cold and windy with a dense fog and rain towards
evening. This morning pa went down to Alfred's with the buggy. David
went with him and brought the horse back and Alfred came up with him.
Then Jenny sent David over to McNab's for buttermilk. At noon Mr.
John Black called for some circulars ma had relating to some magnetic
belts etc. At intermission ma sent for Lois Black to give her a
paper she had forgotten to give Mr. Black. After tea I sent David over
to McNabs for sweet milk. Pa came home tonight at 8 o'clock.
Wednesday 24 9:00 pm
This morning was cloudy and warm. About 8:30 it began to rain and
continued to be showery all day. We had several very heavy showers
with some thunder and lightening. Pa went down this morning to work.
David started shortly after and got nearly there when he met Henry
coming up with wood so he came back and helped him unload and load
up again with manure. This afternoon Henry came up again and brought
the sugar kettle and leach barrel and a barrel for ashes and he took
another load of manure home. About 5:30 two tramps called for something
to eat. Pa came home about 6:30. Ma is very poorly with a cold.
Thursday 25 9:30 pm
Today has been fine but cool. This morning Georgie came up with a
load of wood and took back manure, David going with him. This
afternoon the two of them came up twice with loads. David stayed the
last load. A tramp called this afternoon for something to eat. Pa
came home just before dark. He had been to Rockwood and brought
the papers. David went over to Maude's tonight to have a chat
and came back about 9 o'clock.
Friday 26 9:00 pm
Today has been showery and warm. This morning pa and David went down
to work at Alfred's. At 12 o'clock I started for Emily. On the road down
the bolts came out of the front of the buggy and let me down. Dr.
Wynn was just behind me and he came and fixed it all right and when
I reached the blacksmith's shop I got a new bolt in. I met Emily
just the other side of Brookville riding with Mr. McPherson so I had
not so far to go and we reached home in good time. Pa and David came
home shortly after.
Saturday 2 7 9:20 pm
Today has been fine and mild. Ma and I have been working hard all
day to finish Emily's dress. David has a pain in his side and cannot
work so he stayed at home today. We sent him over to McNab's
tonight for milk. Pa came home at dark.
Sunday 28 10:00 pm
Today has been a strange day. This morning David and Emily and I went
to the Presbyterian Church. It was very warm but cloudy with gleams of
sunshine. This afternoon I went to take Emily back and it came on
rain. We got two heavy showers going down and the second one we took
refuge in the shed at Brookside but not before we got pretty wet.
Coming home I got several showers but none of them very heavy until
I got here when it came down very heavy. Pa was in bed and ma had
to call him up. Georgie did not come home today.
Monday 29 9:20 pm
This morning it was raining steadily when I rose, and was rather
misty but it cleared a little before noon but has been dull and showery
all the afternoon. At 6 o'clock this morning, as I was preparing
breakfast, Alfred came. He and Annie had been at Richard Talbot's
all night and he had just come from there. Annie took the horse home
and he walked on here from the corner. David went into school today
and Mr. Lee came with George Hill in the forenoon. This afternoon pa
went to Rockwood and tonight David went over to McNabs for milk.
Tuesday 30 9:00 pm
This morning was dull and rather misty but it cleared somewhat th,i.s.
afternoon. This morning pa went down to. work at Alfred's. David was
cutting wood all day. Pa came home a little before 8 tonight, Jenny
and I have been working at her dress all day.
Today has been fine but windy. Tonight it clouded up and rained
a little. We washed this morning and I was gardening this
afternoon. David was cutting wood all day. Pa came home shortly after
6 o'clock. Charlie McNab was married yesterday, so George Hill told
David tonight.
Thursday 2 9:20 pm
Today has been showery and tonight we had a heavy thunderstorm. This
afternoon pa went down to Alfred's and made a packing box for ma and
brought it home in the buggy and brought a bag of flour. David went
to Rockwood to get some cotton for us and he heard that Charlie McNab
is not married yet but will be next week. Jenny sowed beets today.
Firday 3 9:10 pm
Today has been one continuous downpour of rain. About 7 o'clock
tonight it stopped and the clouds scattered a little and a beautiful
rainbow appeared in the southeast. This afternoon David went fishing
and caught a trout and came home dripping wet. We finished Jenny's
dress today minus the buttons.
Saturday 4 9:00 pm
This morning it was raining heavy but it soon stopped and David
went down and got some lime and we cleaned the kitchen today. It
was 6 o'clock when we got through. Pa and David went down to Alfred's
this morning and they came home about 7:30 tonight and Georgie came
with them. Alfred and Annie were down to Mr. Cameron's today.
Sunday 5 9:20 pm
Today has been fine and rather cool. This morning David and George
and I went to Eden to quarterly meeting. There were a great many
there. During our absence Alfred and Annie called and left the
children and when we came home they were at dinner. It was nearly
9 o'clock tonight when they came back and took Bertie home with them
and left Maggie.
Monday 6 8:3 0 pm
Today has been a beautiful sunshiny day. This morning Georgie rose
at five and started off to work. After breakfast pa and David went off
to Edwards to work so we are alone tonight. Jenny and I cleaned
upstairs today. I am so sleepy I am going to bed early.
Wednesday 1st 9:00 pm
Tuesday 7 9:30 pm
This morning it was raining heavy when I woke but it soon quit and
turned out quite a fine day, very warm. Tonight a little after 8
we had a thunder shower but it is clearing off now. This morning we
sprouted the potatoes and this afternoon, ma and I made soap and when
we got that done I did some gardening, digging a bed and sowing
my flower seeds.
Wednesday 8 9:10 pm
Today has been fine until about 5 o'clock when we had a smart shower
and about six we had a dreadful rain with some thunder and lightening.
It washed a lot of my flower seeds away. This morning Jenny and I
washed the bed clothes and after dinner we washed the yarn. Tonight
after school Jenny cleaned out the wood-shed.
Thursday 9 9:20 pm
Today has been fine but very windy. Tonight about 7 o'clock
we had a furious storm of rain and wind but it did not last long
It is now clear moonlight. This morning I did some gardening and
Jenny went over to McNab's for buttermilk. After dinner an old man
came in begging. This afternoon I sewed 12 blocks of my quilt together.
After tea I did some more gardening. Ma Twisted a ball of cotton
Friday 10 9:30 pm
Today has been fine but cold and windy. This morning at 9 o'clock
we had a heavy rain but it soon passed and the sun shone again.
Tonight about 4:30 I started for Alfred's walking with Janet McKersie.
Just the other side of the Rockwood turn we met Annie on her way
here with the team and light waggon so I got in and came back with her.
Then shortly after we got here pa and David came home. A little after
Alfred and Annie started for Johnny Talbot's. They returned past here
just before dark. Tonight I read the story aloud.
Saturday 11 10:00 pm
Today has been cloudy and cold and windy. This morning pa and David went
down to Alfred's to work andtookthehorseandbuggy.Shegotsomethingsfor us and sent
them home by the men tonight. Georgie came home with the rest about
8:30. Jenny and I shook the carpets this afternoon and put them down.
Sunday 12 9:30 pm
Today has been fine but cold and rather windy. This afternoon Norris
Black came in to get the school key before Sunday School and Lois came
in afterwards to bring it back. Tonight Jenny and I went to church and
heard Mrs. Orr1
s funeral sermon. The church was crowded. We walked
home with Maude's girls.
MAY 13
Monday 13 9:10 pm
Today has been fine but cold. Pa and the boys went down to Alfred's
this morning to work. Jenny and I washed today and got through
before dinner. Last night there was a very hard frost. It made
the trees in the woods look brown but it did not do much damage in
the garden
Tuesday 14 9:00 pm
Today has been fine and rather milder. Last night we had a
dreadful hard frost...Freezing everything stiff. This morning I
poured water over some of the plants in the garden to thaw the
frost. Jenny ironed this morning. This afternoon we all went down
to Alfred's on a visit and explored most of the farm, had a
very pleasant time. David came home with us tonight. I brought some
daisy plants home with me. The Grangers meeting tonight.
Wednesday 15 :30 pm
Today has been fine and very pleasant. This morning I took David
down to Alfred's and got the periwinkle plant and then I drove to
Rockwood and got some knitting cotton and some letters. One was from
Emily to me. This afternoon we starched a pair of curtains and got
them dry and ma and Jenny made some cords and tassels to tie them
back with. Ma went over to McNab's this morning and got some eggs.
Charley is to be married tonight.
Thursday 16 9:15 pm
Today has been calm and mild. This morning I starched and dried the
other pair of curtains. This afternoon I put them up. Ma and Jenny
were gardening, planting the tomatoes etc. About 3:30 Lois Hill came
and stayed to tea. About 6:30 George Hill came along and she went
down to Rockwood with him. After that I practised a piece of music
and then dug a little in the garden. Tonight I set bread.
Friday 17 9:20 pm
Today has been a beautiful sunshiny day. This morning I was baking.
This afternoon Jenny and I went over to see Myra Laight. We found
her doing her Saturday's work as she intends going to Guelph tomorrow.
We enjoyed our visit very much though. She gave us some sweet music,
singing some very pretty pieces. We got home at 7:50
Saturday 18 9:00 pm
Another beautiful day but cloudy and dull tonight. This morning Jenny
planted the corn. Tonight she went for pa and David. Georgie did not
come with them but he has just now arrived. Tonight about 7 o'clock
Mr. Burns called to tell pa the hay he promised us is musty.
Sunday 19 9:00 pm
Today has been a miserable dull wet day. We did not get out anywhere.
This afternoon Georgie had to go down to Alfred's as Henry was
going to be away. There were not many at Sunday School. Mr. McNab and
Mr. Hugh Black came as usual.
Monday 20 9:20 pm
Today has been pleasant but windy and showery. This morning pa and
David went down with the horse and buggy for Annie to come up with.
But Maggie was sick so she could not leave and Alfred brought the horse
home. This afternoon about 3 o'clock Mr. Townsend came and stayed to
tea. About 4 we had a heavy shower and another about 6. After tea
Alfred and Mr. T. set off for Alfreds just as it was beginning to
rain and were out in the last shower.
Tuesday 21 9:30 pm
Today has been dull and cool. This forenoon ma drove up to Johnny
Talbots to ask if they had heard from Tom and then down to Alfred's.
About 11 o'clock James and Thomas Black brought a load of hay. This
afternoon Jenny went over to McNab's for buttermilk and she got some
brides cake. Ma got home about 8:30 tonight.
Wednesday 22 9:30 pm
Last night there was a white frost but it did not seem to do much
harm. Today has been fine and warm. This morning Jenny went down and
brought Annie and the children up. Annie wanted ma to fix her dress
so they were working at that all day. This afternoon Jenny and I went
to Rockwood to get the horse shod and we took Bertie with us. After
tea I took Annie and the children home and brought back a bag of flour.
Today Jenny planted the cucumbers.
Thursday 23 9:20 pm
Today has been another beautiful day. This morning I ironed Emily's
dresses and Jenny planted the beans. After dinner I went down for
Emily and ma went with me as far as Mr. Wetherald's. I met Emily on the
big hill. We went into Wetherald's and stayed to tea and a Mrs.
Marshall came in to tea. We reached home at 8:20 tonight.
Friday 2 4 9:15 pm
Sometime during last night we had a thunder shower and this forenoon
was dull and threatening but it cleared up beautiful and bright
about noon and continued so all day although rather windy. It is
very warm tonight and the mosquitoes are humming. There was a picnic
today at the Erin school. Maude's girls were there and they called in
for a drink tonight on their way home and they said there were a
good many there and they enjoyed themselves. This afternoon between
3 and 4 o'clock Georgie came home and went fishing. About 7 Alfred
and Annie went by on their way to her mother's. They stopped talking
for awhile with Emily. I got the pleating ready for Annie's dress today.
Jenny sowed the rest of the carrots.
Saturday 2 5 10:30 pm
Today has been warm and bright but very windy making it very unpleasant
riding on account of the dust. This morning we expected Alfred to
call on his way home but as he did not come before 10 o'clock Emily
and I went to Guelph. We returned home about 4 o'clock. Annie and
Dan Talbot called about 3 but as we were not at home Annie went on
home and Dan went over to Alex Burns to the raising where Alfred
had gone. He came back about 6:30 and said Alfred was coming down with
Johnny after the raising was over. So he did come but it was after
9 o'clock. He and Johnny came in and chatted for awhile and then
they all left and I read the story aloud to pa. He got home about 6.
David went over to the raising and came home from there shortly
before Alfred came. Georgie did not come home tonight.
Sunday 26 9:00 pm
Today has been fine but windy. This morning David and Emily and Jenny
went up to the Centre church to quarterly meeting. Alfred and Annie
were there with the children. They wanted the girls to go up to
Talbot's to dinner but Jenny wouldn't so Emily went and they took
our horse and buggy and David and Jenny came home with their rig.
About 5 o'clock they came down here and stayed to tea and went home
about 8:30. I did not get out at all today as it kept me so late
getting tea tonight. They took our buggy tonight and left theirs for
us to take Emily down in the morning.
Monday 2 7 9:15 pm
Today has been a beautiful day with high wind. This morning Jenny went
down with Emily and pa and the boys went off to work before
breakfast so ma and I were alone at that meal. I washed today and ma
went over to McNab's to spend the afternoon. Jenny got home about
4 o'clock. She had to come by Alfred's to change the buggies so she
got her dinner there. Ma came home about 8 o'clock.
Tuesday 28 9:30 pm
Today was fine but cool. This morning ma and I went down to Alfred's
to help Annie with her dress. This afternoon we were busy sewing at
when Sydney Shultz and Annie Dunbar came in. Annie had to run away
to bake something for tea and she left me to entertain her company.
They left shortly before we did. We reached home about 8:30. I brought
the dress skirt with me and the trimming and I have to finish it for
Wednesday 29 10:00 pm
Today was fine but cold and since dinner cloudy and dull. This morning
Jenny washed the flannels and this afternoon she and I went over to
Socketts. We found Lucy busy whitewashing and baking. Had a pleasant
time and got home about 9:30.
Thursday 30 10:20 pm
Today has been fine but cool and windy. This afternoon Jenny drove
down to Alfred's for some bags to put the sets in tomorrow and while
she was away Mary McCaig came to spend the afternoon. Jenny came
back about 3:30. Alfred stayed to tea and then took our horse and
buggy and went up to Everton and to Mrs. Talbots and brought Dan
Talbot down with him. They got here about 9:30 and after putting away
the horse they came in for a few minutes and then started for Alfred's
on foot. Mary went away just before dark and Jenny and I went with her
as far as Hugh Black's gate. I set bread tonight.
Friday 31 9:30 pm
Today has been a real summer day, warm and bright. I have been busy
baking all day. Ma and Jenny cut the sets this morning for planting
tomorrow. I went over to McNab's this forenoon for buttermilk. They
were busy house-cleaning. I watered some of the garden tonight.
Saturday 1 9:10 pm
Today has been another summer's day, very warm. This morning ma
and Jenny went down to Alfred's. Jenny went to help plant potatoes.
They took two bags with them and then ma came back and got the
other two and then brought the horse home. Tonight we got tea at five
and then I went for pa and Jenny. David stayed to help Henry finish
covering what they had planted and then he was going to Rockwood. He
has not come yet nor George. Tonight I watered the garden again.
Sunday 2
Today was very warm and bright and dusty. We did not go out in the
morning but tonight Jenny and I went down to church. The boys went
off somewhere for a walk directly after dinner and did not come back
until nearly 7 o'clock. Alfred and Annie went up to her mother's
and called here on their way back tonight. As we were coming home
from church James Black and George Hill overtook us this side of
Maude's gate and came the rest of the way with us. When we got home
we found N.S. here who stayed some time.
Monday 3 9:20 pm
This morning we had a couple of light showers. This afternoon was very
warm and fine. About 5 o'clock George Moore called to see Alfred who
was in the school and stayed chatting to him outside for some time.
Shortly after he left Annie came to get a bag of potatoes as they
had not enough to finish the field. We put up the potatoes and then
tea was ready and she stayed to tea. Just before dark Mr. Hunter's
little boy came over for water and he came in to see if we wanted
to buy some cabbage plants as his mother had more than she wanted.
We did not take any.
Tuesday 4 11:00 pm
This morning was fine but the wind rose and drove up the clouds and
this afternoon was dull and tonight very cold and windy. This morning
we started for Uncle Watson's and took ma as far as Ann Eliza's
and left her and then Jenny went into Uncles and I went on to Atkinson's
to take the pattern and get some money and got back to Uncle's in
time for dinner. A little after 7 we started for home called for ma
and got home about 10:30. Ann Eliza sent a jar of milk home by me. I
forgot to say Thomas Hill called this morning before we left and
brought a postal card for Alfred.
Wednesday 5 9:30 pm
Today has been fine but cool and windy. This morning a tramp called
here for his breakfast. This afternoon Alfred let out school early
as he was going to Guelph so Janet McKersie came in to have a chat
and stayed until nearly five then she left and I went over to McNab's
for two pounds of butter. Mr & Mrs. McNab had just returned from
Mount Forest where they went on Monday. Tonight we watered the garden
and then covered some of the things in case of frost.
Thursday 6 10:00 pm
Today has been a beautiful day but cool. This afternoon Jenny and
I went over to John Black's and ma went with us as far as Hugh Black's.
We had a pleasant visit. Lorrie came home for good last Friday night.
Tonight I called for ma and Jenny came on home. It was 9:30 when we
got home.
Friday 7 9:00 pm
Today has been dull and cold and drizzling rain most of the time.
While we were at dinner David came for Alfred as a man had
come to look at the farm. This afternoon Jenny did her Saturday's
work so that she can go to Guelph tomorrow if it is fine. Tonight
pa came home sick with a cold and pain in the stomach.
Saturday 8 10:00 pm
Today has been dull and cold and windy. After dinner pa went to Guelph
by the train. Sometime after David came with the gun and shot a
chipmunk and a little while after Alfred came for our horse to go
down to Brookville as his horses's feet were sore. Awhile after that
Joe Moore came along with a load of hay and David went with him to
Rockwood. He returned shortly before dark and Pa came home about
6:30 and brought a pair of shoes for David and two magazines. Georgie
came just after we lit the lamp and I was beginning to read aloud
"Oswald the Unknown". Tonight about 9:30 Emily came bringing the
horse home. She had come up with Alfred. Georgie brought ma a letter
from Richard.
Sunday 9 9:30 pm
Today has been warmer and a beautiful day. This morning Emma Tolton
called here to ask the way to Alfred's. Shortly afterwards Alfred and
Annie and Miss Tolton passed here on their way to Tom Talbot's.
Tonight Emily and Jenny and the boys and I went down to church.
Alfred and Annie came just before we started, stayed to get their
tea and then followed us. Mr. Greenwood preached a splendid sermon.
Coming home Jenny rode with Annie as far as the corner and Alfred
walked with Emily as far as the railroad and went up that way.
Monday 10 9:30 pm
Today has been fine but not particularly bright with a cool west wind.
About 5:30 pm we had a nice steady shower which continued sometime.
This morning I went down with Emily. Pa left before we rose. We passed
Jim Collins on the road. Emily had to go to Reids for the key and her
watch and then she rode back with me as far as the school. I reached
home about 12:30. They commenced road-work today down there. Jenny
washed today. A man called at the school today with some bills
describing a performance he intends to have here next Monday. Alfred
stayed to tea tonight and then went up to Mr. John Stewarts.
Tuesday 11 9:30 pm
Today has been fine interspersed with light showers. This morning
ma and Jenny went to Guelph and I washed the flannels and ironed.
Alfred brought me a newspaper Richard had sent me. It was after
6 o'clock tonight when ma and Jenny got home. They went to Mr.
Humphrey's today and saw Ruth and got their dinner. Lila is going
down to London to stay for awhile soon and Ruth will keep house.
Jenny got a new pair of shoes today.
Wednesday 12 9:10 pm
Today has been a beautiful fine, calm day. I made a pair of pants
for George today. This afternoon Jenny went over to McNabs for
butter but came back without any. They are going to churn tomorrow.
Tonight Jenny sowed the carrot seed where the other did not come up
and I watered the garden.
Thursday 13 9:20 pm
Today has been another beautiful day. This forenoon Annie came up with
two bags of wheat in the buggy and called here on her way to Everton
mill but Alfred sent her back to Rockwood, a team that was passing
taking the bags for her. This P.M., ma and Jenny went down there to
take David's shoes and George's pants intending to call at McNab's
on their way home for butter but soon after they left Agnes and Elsie
came along and brought 4 lbs of butter. Ma and Jenny got home about
7:30. I made a pair of moleskin pants for David today. Tonight I
watered the garden.
Friday 14 9:40 pm
Today has been very fine and warm almost hot. This afternoon
I went up to John McNab's to spend the afternoon. About five Annie
came up for Alfred and stayed some time. They left sometime before I
came. I got home just at 7 o'clock. Then I changed my dress and
Jenny and I watered the garden. Tonight I set bread.
Saturday 15 11:40 pm
Today has been very hot and bright. Since dark it has been
sprinkling rain. This morning I baked bread and scrubbed. This
afternoon I went down to Alfred's to fix Annie's dress and bring pa
home. Mr. & Mrs Cameron and Miss Bowfield were there but I did not
see them as I did not go into the room. David went off somewhere to
play ball tonight and did not come home until after nine. Georgie
came home just at nine. Jenny and I watered the garden. Tonight I
read a story aloud.
Sunday 16 9:00 pm
Last night we had some thunder and lightning and a little rain.
Today has been hotter than any preceeding one and I put on thinner
clothes. Tonight Jenny and I went to church. Dr. Curry preached
a short sermon. There was not much of a turnout.
Monday 17 1:00 am
Today has been very fine and cooler. This afternoon at intermission
I had a chat with Janet McKersie and after school I drove down to
Alfred's and gave Janet a ride that far. I got some flour and groceries
and then went to Rockwood to post a card to Mary Watson and get some
groceries for Annie. Tonight Professor Huntsman gave an exhibition in
the school house. McKersie's girls came up early. There were a good
many there. Ma went in with Mrs. John Black. Lorrie was not well
so she did not come. Annie came late and did not come into the school.
This morning I starched my print dresses and white skirts.
Tuesday 18 9:10 pm
Another fine warm day. This morning Professor Huntsman did not
come for his things until nearly nine o'clock and as he had the key the
children could not get into the school till he came so Janet McKersie
came into the house and stayed till the bell rang. Tonight shortly
before 6 o'clock Annie passed on her way home bringing Mrs. Richard
Talbot down to their place. Jenny and I watered the garden tonight
and I transplanted some petunias.
Wednesday 19 9:30 pm
Today has been the warmest day we've had yet. This morning ma went down
to Alfred's to get the lard and the cake tins and she found them
all in bed excepting the men and Mary. This morning while she was
away Thomas Hill called to leave a letter for Alfred. This afternoon
I went over to McNab's for buttermilk and stayed some time to cool
myself. Mr. McNab and Betsy went away this morning to Wawanosh and
will not be back until Monday. After tea I went up to see Myra
Laight and ask her to the raising and from there over to Black's to
ask Lorrie. It was after nine when I got home.
Thursday 20 9:30 pm
Today has been very warm and fine until about 5 o'clock when it
clouded up and between 7 and 8 it came quite a gentle shower. This
morning ma went for Ann Eliza and got home about 11:30. Tonight after
tea I took her home and got 8 lbs of butter and some buttermilk.
Coming home I called at the postoffice and got the papers and a
letter from Emily. From there home I got the benefit of the shower.
It was about 8:10 when I reached home. Alfred sold his farm yesterday
for $4,000.00.
Friday 21 9:00 pm
Today has been showery but a beautiful growing day, very warm. We
were busy baking all day. We baked 13 loaves of bread, 190 buns,
6 sponge cakes and 10 railroad cakes for the raising. Tonight after
tea ma went down with a load of provisions. Just as she was starting
pa came. He had not had his tea, having come from Rockwood. He says
David went for Emily this afternoon Ma got home about 8 o'clock.
Saturday 22
Today has been dull and drizzling rain most of the time with several
smart showers and after dark a heavy rain. This morning ma and pa
went down with another load of provision and ma came back with the
horse. About 11 o'clock ma and I went down with some more. I stayed
there and ma came home again and she and Jenny came down in the
afternoon. We had a good time in spite of the rain. There were a
great many there. Reids and McPhails's from Nassagaweya were there.
After the tables were cleared away we had dancing in the driving house
until 10:30 when we had tea. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves.
Pa and ma came home at dark. Dan Talbot took Emily home and then
came back for Jenny and me. It was 1:20 am when we got home.
Sunday 23 9:10 pm
Today has been dull and showery but not quite so wet as yesterday.
This morning it was late when we rose. When we finished breakfast
it was 9:40. Shortly after 12 o'clock Reids and McPhails came and
Eva Talbot with them. A very little while after Mr. & Mrs. Talbot
came along and called for her. About 2:30 we had dinner. After that
we went into the school. There was James and Nancy Reid and Willie
and Katie McPhail. They left for home about 3:30 taking Emily with
them. Between 4 and 5 o'clock ma and pa went down to Alfred's to get
some things as pa intends to go away with the horse in the morning.
They have just returned. We all took a piece tonight instead of supper.
Monday 24 9:10 pm
Today has been fine but windy. This morning pa went to Mr. Bathgate's
and from there to Cousin Robert's to begin work and ma went along to
bring the horse back. She stayed there to dinner and on her way home
called at uncle David's to see aunt Susan who is very ill. She
reached home about 5:30. Shortly before she came a lame man called,
trying to sell some trifles but I had no money. This morning on their
way out they met Mr. & Mrs. Atkinson and got the $4.00 they owed us.
Tonight about 7:30 Mr. McNab came home bringing Mrs. McNab and Betsy.
We saw him go down this afternoon to meet them
Tuesday 25 9:00 pm
Today has been very warm and fine. This morning Thomas Hill called with
a letter for Alfred and shortly afterwards Alfred came in haste to
get the mortgage as he was going to Guelph and George Hill taught all
day for him. Jenny ironed this morning. Tonight after tea
Jenny and I went up to Mr. Burn's bush for fungus and we got as many
as we could carry. Going up we met Thomas Hill. Coming home we met
Lois and stopped a few minutes talking to her.
Wednesday 26 9:20 pm
Today has been fine and very warm and this afternoon very windy. This
afternoon ma and Jenny went to Rockwood to see Mr. Wetherald and
from there to Alfred's to get some things. They got home between
4 and 5 o'clock. Tonight we had strawberries for tea. After tea I hoed
weeds in the garden and while I was so employed Alfred and Annie came
by on their way to Johnny Talbots.
Thursday 2 7 9:30 pm
Today has been very warm and fine. This morning a man called with
strawberries. This afternoon another man called on the same errand
and ma bought 3 baskets for 25 cts. Tonight I watered some things
in the garden.
Friday 28 9:30 pm
Today has been a scorching hot day, everybody puffing for air. This
morning I baked and melted the lard to salt it. This afternoon I
cut out my Muslin jacket. Tonight about 5 o'clock Jenny went for pa
as he has to go to Guelph tomorrow. Janet McKersie came in before she
left to see if we had got a bill of the performance in Rockwood next
Monday night. Another strawberry man called here today. Pa and
Jenny have not come yet.
Saturday 29 10:00 pm
Today has been very hot but not so calm consequently more bearable.
This morning ma and pa went to Guelph by the train. Alfred and Annie
also went. Jenny drove down to Emily's for her trunk so I was alone all
day. In the forenoon Mr. John Moore Sen. called to see pa but left
on being told he was away. Tonight Emily came home with Jenny and
they overtook pa and ma at our gate. It was about 6 o'clock. David had
to walk all the way home and got here about 10. Georgie did not come
Sunday 30 9:20 pm
Today has been hotter than ever, scarcely a breath of air stirring
until near evening when a little breeze sprang up. Tonight Fmily and
I went down to church to hear the new minister. He seems to be a
pretty good preacher. Coming home Mr. David Shultz walked with us as
far as his place. Ann Jane Maude joined us this side of the railroad
and came the rest of the way with us. Georgie came home this morning
between 9 and 10.
Monday 1st
Today has been another suffocating day. The boys washed the buggy
this morning then they changed their clothes and went to Guelph by
train. This afternoon pa and ma went down to Alfred's and Alfred
and Annie had gone to Action for shingles. When our folks came home
we got an early tea and just as we finished N.S. came for me. While
he got his supper I got ready and we wnet down to Rockwood. The girls
followed soon after. We saw the horse race and the Calithumpians
and then we went to the concert in the hall. We enjoyed ourselves
very well. It was nearly 1 o'clock A.M. when we got home.
Tuesday 2 9:00 pm
Today has been very warm. This afternoon we had a light shower or
two. This morning we rose at 4:30 and snatched a hasty breakfast
and then I went ot take pa and David as far as the Centre Inn. Emily
met me in Rockwood on my way back and I took her down to school and
got some cones. Then I came back to Mrs Wetheralds and put in the
horse to rest and got my dinner and stayed till the rain was over.
Then I came home. Mr. & Mrs. Wetherald are just on the eve of
moving into Rockwood. She gave me a tiny plant and a bracket made
of fungus. David has just come with the news that Aunt Susan died
this morning and is to be buried tomorrow . Cousin Robert brought him
as far as Rockwood.
Wednesday 3 9:30 pm
Today has been dull and showery and a little cooler. This morning
Jenny and I washed. A little after 12 ma started for pa, taking
his clothes with her to go to the funeral. Shortly after she left
Annie came for Alfred. He gave half a day holiday. This afternoon
David took the gate hinge to Rockwood to get it fixed. He came back
about 4 o'clock. It was after 9 when ma got home.
Thursday 4 9:40 pm
Today has been warm but cloudy and sunshiny at intervals. This morning
Jenny rinsed the clothes and hung them out. David went over to McNab's
for buttermilk and I commenced a rustic fram of cones etc. Tonight
after tea David went away to cousin Robert's to work and I folded the
Friday 5 9:30 pm
Today has been a beautiful day with a cool breeze. This morning I
ironed and a man called inquiring the road to Rockwood. Alfred gave
a half holiday today to attend Miss Young's examination. There is no
more school for six weeks.
Saturday 6 10:00 pm
Today has been very warm and bright. This afternoon I worked at
my muslin jacket. Tonight about 8:30 pa and Georgie came home. David
stayed at cousin Robert's. Alfred and Annie went to Guelph today.
Pa brought the papers tonight and I read the story aloud.
Sunday 7 10:00 pm
Today has been exceedingly hot. This morning Georgie and I went down
to bring Emily home. We reached there just as they were getting their
dinner. After dinner we went down to the village to church. Nancy
and Katie went first to Sunday School Mr. MacMillan took Emily in his
buggy and Archie Reid hitched his horse to our buggy and took Georgie
and me. Coming home Nancy and Katie rode with us and we had a smart
ride. After tea we started for home and reached here about 9:30.
Alfred and Annie had just driven in and we stayed outside talking
to them for some time.
Monday 8 9:45 pm
Today the weather has been variable, sunshine and rain, following
one another in quick succession but withal very hot. This morning pa
waited some time for it to clear up but at last he and George set
off for Alfred's. Alfred had arranged to go with pa and bring the
horse home as he wanted to see several people on business today. He
arrived here just before dark. This afternoon two men came in with trays
of images on their heads and one came in to try to sell some but we
did not buy. He spoke very imperfect English and looked like Italian.
Tuesday 9 10:15 pm
Today has been a scorching hot day. This morning ma and Emily and I
went to Guelph. Before we left home Alfred and George came along and
told us Annie was in Rockwood to get some paris green and as she could
not get it we were to get it in Guelph so we looked for her but could
not see her. We drove up to Dr. McCullough's to get some medicine
for Emily. Ma came back as far as the station and went in by train.
We drove in. While ma was at the station Annie came. She had been
all the way up here and finding we were gone hurried down before the
train left. It was dreadful hot in town. We went down to Carrie's
to dinner. She and her aunt have been quite ill but are better now.
We stayed there until 4 o'clock then we had some shopping to do and ma
missed the train and had to ride out with us. We reached home about
8 o'clock. Alfred and George came along on their way home about 9 so
we sent the things by them that Annie sent for. Tonight some Grangers
came but they did not stay long. I got a pair of fourmella shoes
today for $1.25
Wednesday 10 9:55 pm
Today has been a little cooler than yesterday and rather cloudy.
This morning Jenny and I rose early intending to go down to pick
potatoe bugs but there came quite a shower and it looked so like
heavy rain that we put it off until this pm. About 3:30 we started and
we returned about 7:30. When we came Emily proposed that I should
change my dress and she and I would drive into Rockwood to get the
buggy seat and call at the postoffice. We did so and had a very
pleasant drive reaching home about 9.
Thursday 11 9:20 pm
Today has been cooler and cloudy most of the time. Towards evening
it began to rain and rained steadily for some time. It is raining
now. This morning I washed the flannels and coloured clothes. This
afternoon I trimmed Emily's hat. Tonight I set bread.
Friday 12 9:00 pm
Today it has been raining most of the time. This morning I baked and
Jenny ironed Emily's dress and some starched things. Tonight about
5 o'clock the girls went to Rockwood to get the papers and get a
shoe put on one of Jessie's feet. They got back about 7:40.
Saturday 13 10:15 pm
Today has been beautiful and bright. Today Hugh Black was buried. This
afternoon a man called to sell fruit trees. Tonight I went for pa and
David and met them just this side of uncle David's gate. Georgie came
soon after we got home.
Sunday 14 9:30 pm
Today has been exceedingly warm. This evening Emily and Jenny and I
and the boys went down to church. There was no service in the Presby-
terian church today so we had a good many of them there tonight.
Coming home Elsie and Margaret McNab walked with us as far as John's.
Monday 15 9:20 pm
Today has been very warm and fine but it is cooler tonight and looks
like rain. This morning Georgie went first, then pa and David. They took
the horse to keep her out there this week. Jenny and I washed today
and had all done by 10:30 am. Tonight after tea me went over to
s for butter and brought home some cherries. Emily and Jenny
went to meet her and I folded the clothes. Tonight after dark one of
Hunter's boys came over for water and came in to ask if we would
buy some berries. We replied in the negative and he left.
Tuesday 16 10:40 pm
Today has been exceedingly hot. This morning I ironed and Emily
and Jenny went for raspberries. They came home shortly after 12
with about a quart. They were very hot and tired they had to walk so
far. Tonight after tea they went over to McNab's for the butter and
they did not get back until after 9 o'clock. I watered the garden
Wednesday 17 10:20 pm
Today has been hotter than yesterday with a warm wind. About 4:30
Emily and Jenny started for Alfred's. About 5 o'clock we
had a smart shower accompanied by wind. It did not last long and
shortly after sundown I was sitting at the front door when Mary
McCaig came along and asked me to go with her for a drive. So I
changed my dress and went. It was nearly 10 when I got home and the
girls had just returned.
Written Sunday 21 9:00 am
Thursday 18 - early in the morning I walked down to Alfred's and got
there while they were eating breakfast. Annie had to drive the reaper
so I had to help Mary. Shortly after 12 o'clock it came on a heavy
thunder shower so Annie and I got some sewing done at her dress that
afternoon. It was very hot and close before the rain.
Friday 19 was dreadful hot. I came up home in the morning with Prince
and the buggy for a bag of oats, went back again in time to take out
the lunch. We baked and ironed that day. Alfred got stung by a bee
on one of his eyes.
Saturday 20 was very close and oppressive in the morning but a breeze
sprang up before night. Georgie was sick all day and did not eat any
dinner and scarcely any breakfast and a little supper but he managed
to work all day. He drove part of the afternoon. He and I walked home
after sundown. Pa and David were here
Sunday 21 9:00 pm
Today has been quite cool and pleasant but towards evening quite windy
making it rather disagreeable to go out. This morning ma and pa went
to Alfred's for a drive and stayed to dinner and then Alfred and Annie
drove up with them on their way to her mother's. Tonight Emily and
Jenny and David and I went to church. Coming home Maude's walked
with us. Mr. Masson read the pastorial address tonight.
Monday 22 9:00 pm
Today has been fine and cool but very windy. This morning we rose
early and Jenny went off for berries and pa and David went out to
their work and George and I rode with them as far as the corner and
then walked the rest of the way. When we got here Alfred and Annie
were out loading in the field. George went to them. They got in
14 loads and then Annie came in and Henry took her place and they are
now getting the 15th load. Mr. Carter and Henry have been cradling
and binding all day. Tonight after tea I drove over to Mr. Lee's to
get him to come to finish the barn. He was at Anstee's harvesting and
I had to go there. He says he cannot come until next week. It was
dusk when I got home.
Tuesday 23 8:40 pm
Today has been very pleasant, a little warmer than yesterday and not
so windy. Today they finished cutting the field against the road.
After tea they drew in the rakings out of the other field and a load
of what they cut today and they are now getting another. I helped
unload the load that was in the barn and then went in the field and
threw the sheaves into heaps until dark. I must now go and wash the
children. Mary washed the clothes today.
Wednesday 24 9:20 pm
Today has been very warm and very fine. This morning Jenny came down
early to see about the potato bugs. She picked what there was and then
came in and took the lunch to the barn. She went home between 3 and 4
o'clock pm. Today they finished drawing in the wheat in the front
field that they cut yesterday.
Thursday (written Friday morning)
Today the weather has been variable. This morning it was fine, towards
noon it became cloudy and about 5 o'clock it began to rain and has
continued to do so ever since with very slight abatement. This morning
Jenny came down just as I started for home with the horse and buggy
to bring a bag of oats and the pitchfork and gun. I got back again
about 9:30 am. This afternoon Jenny helped in the barn. Maggie has
been in the house all day with a sore foot. After tea they unloaded
the load in the barn and then Jenny and I started for home as the
rain had slackened but looked like a wet time. We arrived about
8 o'clock without getting very wet.
Friday 2 6 9:00 pm
Today has been a pouring day. The rain fell without ceasing until
about 4 o'clock pm when it cleared a little but drizzled again a little
after 4. About 5 Alfred and Annie with Maggie came up and took tea
and stayed chatting awhile and then left for the doctor's to ask his
opinion on Maggie's foot. Annie was up with her all night.
Saturday 27 26
9:30 pm
Today has been a beautiful fine pleasant day. Jenny & I rose at
4 this morning and went for berries. We got very wet but we got a
patent pail full and got home shortly after two o'clock. Last night
after we got to bed pa and David came home. This morning pa went down
to Alfred's and from there to Guelph by train and Alfred and Annie
went with him. David also went down to Alfred's to spend the day.
Emily scrubbed the floor and baked bread and when we came home she
and ma went down to Alfred's for a waist pattern and from there to
Rockwood for sugar for the berries and then home calling on their way
home at Margaret McNab's for buttermilk. When they got home and
delivered their parcels ma turned around and drove back to meet pa.
Tonight shortly before dark Hunter's boy brought us a present from
his mother of a mess of butter beans. Our boys have just come home.
Sunday 28 9:20 pm
Today has been fine and very pleasant. This forenoon David went over
to Hill's to see George and came home about 4:30 pm.After dinner
the girls and George went for a walk up to Wm. Burns's bush. They came
back shortly after David. Tonight Emily and I and the boys went to
church and ma and pa went over to Mr. Burns's. Maude's girls walked
with us coming home. Going down we met Peter Talbot and Mrs. Tovell
going to Alfred's.
Monday 2 9 8:10 pm
Today has been cool and calm and cloudy.Towards evening it began to
sprinkle a little and now it is raining quite a shower. This morning
Jenny and I rose at 4 o'clock and got a bite and then started for berries.
Georgie left for Alfred's just before us. After breakfast David went
down also and pa drove av^sr to Armstrong's to see whether they were
ready for building. They will not be ready until next week. This
afternoon he and ma went down to Alfred's just before we got home
which was about 3:20. They returned in time for tea. We got the two
cans full of berries. We have got six jars all together of berries.
Tuesday 30 8:30 pm
Today has been dull and drizzling rain falling most of the time.
This morning pa went down to Alfred's to work. This afternoon Georgie
came past on his way to Everton mill with a grist of new wheat.
Shortly after Alfred came along with the buggy on his way to
McArthur's to see about the thrashing. Georgie came back just before
dark and called here for some oats, there was not quite a bag full.
Tonight about 8 o'clock pa came home. About 20 minutes after David came.
He had been to Rockwood and brought Emily her cheque and some
papers. The cheque is for $61.76
Wednesday 31 8:40 pm
Today has been fine but somewhat cloudy. This morning pa and David
went away after breakfast and ma drove down about 10 o'clock. After
dinner we three girls went over to Myra Laight's and spent the
afternoon. Coming home up their lane we met old Mrs. Black, Mrs.
Hugh Black and Mrs. Jackson Black and old Mr. Black. When we got home
we found ma and pa here. Thomas Hill is helping Mr. Laight with his
Thursday 1st 9:30 pm
Today has been threatening but a light shower was the only result.
This morning the girls drove down to Brookville for Emily's money and
pa rode with them as far as Alfred's. The girls got back shortly
after 11 o'clock am. This afternoon we three girls went over to
Cousin Ann Eliza's and enjoyed our visit very much. We reached home
about 8:30
Friday 2 9:00 pm
Today has been fine but windy. This morning I baked and Jenny
ironed. This afternoon we three went down to George Ramshaw's to
spend the afternoon. On our way down we called at Alfred's to leave
Annie's dress waist and then we went on to McKersies' to ask them
to name a day for coming to our place. They promised to come next
Thursday. From there we went to Ramshaw's. It was 8:30 tonight when
we got home. Pa came home just before us.
Saturday 3 10:00 pm
Today has been a beautiful day but tonight is very warm. This
morning Mr. Wm Burns came over with a load of hay before we were up
and pa got up and helped unload it. After breakfast ma and Emily started
for Guelph and pa rode with them as far as the corner. They got home
at 6:30 tonight and Jenny and I had just finished tea. They brought
me a pair of new leather shoes and a necktie for Jenny and some frilling
and a linen dress for Emily ready made and ma got a dress and
shawl and gloves and shoes for herself and a pair of pants and boots
for Georgie. Pa did not get home until late and the boys did
not come at all.
Sunday 4 9:00 pm
Today has been pleasant but rather warm. This morning about 8 o'clock
the boys came without their breakfast. Shortly after 9 we three
girls started for church it being quarterly meeting. It was nearly
one when we got home again. Tonight it looked so threatening that
we dare not venture but after tea we all went for a walk up the
road. This afternoon Mr. McNab came in for the school key and in a
short time brought it back. He only had two scholars a boy and a
Monday 5 9:00 pm
Today has been variable. This afternoon we had a heavy shower
accompanied by thunder and lightning but it cleared off before dark.
This morning the men went away together with the horse and buggy
They were thrashing at Alfred's today and will be tomorrow and they
have our horse. Jenny and I washed today and got the clothes dried
before the rain. Tonight pa and David came home about 8:30.
Tuesday 6 10:00 pm
Today has been fine and warm most of the time. Just before daybreak
this morning we had a dreadful storm of wind and rain accompanied by
thunder and lightning in almost one continuous flash and roll and the
house shook with the force of the wind. At noon we had a heavy thunder
shower. Tonight it is clear and calm. Pa's head was bad all day and
he was unable to go down to Alfred's so David went alone this
morning. He came home about 9 o'clock tonight and he
says they were threshing all day and there is over 500 bushels of
wheat alltogether.
Wednesday 7 9:20 pm
Today has been fine but windy. This morning pa and David went out
to Armstrong's to work and Emily went along to bring the horse back.
She got home shortly after 11 o'clock am. This afternoon we three
girls went down to Acton to get our photos taken. We had just
started when Janet McKersie drove up with the team and we stopped
to speak to her. Last night after we went to bed Janet and Fanny came
up to tell us they could not come tomorrow as they had promised as
they were going to thresh that day. So today Janet came to say they
could come as the threshers were not coming till Saturday. When we
returned from Acton we found the house shut up, ma being away. She
returned just at dark having walked all the way to Alfred's and
home again. Alfred and A n n i e w e re away or she would not have walked
home I guess. They called tonight on their way home to borrow our
sewing machine as Annie's will not work.
Thursday 8 10:50 pm
Today has been a beautiful day but very windy and very warm. This
morning ma went to Guelph by the train and Emily took her to the station
and waited in Rockwood until she returned by the 11 o'clock train. It
was nearly 12 when they reached home. This afternoon the girls came
about 2:30. Fanny and Janet first and Louisa some time after. We
had a pleasant time and tonight at dark Jenny and I hitched the horse
and took them home. We called at Alfred's going down and Jenny stayed
there while I took the girls home. When I came back I drove up and
got a bag of rye and Jenny got some apples. We got the girls photos
tonight. Alfred and Annie were drawing in peas when we left. Henry
and George in the field and they in the barn.
Friday 9 10:00 pm
Today has been fine but dreadful windy and warm. This morning ma
and Emily drove over to Laight's for some butter and got 2 lbs then
they went to McNab's and got some buttermilk. After dinner we three
girls drove over to Sunley's to spend the afternoon. We had a pleasant
time and reached home at 9 o'clock. Ma spend the afternoon with
Mrs. Hunter and came home tonight when she saw the light and knew
we were home.
Saturday 10 9:20 pm
Today has been fine but windy. This morning I finished sewing my
quilt together. This afternoon I went for pa and David. As I was going
I called at the blacksmith shop and got a shoe put on the pony then I
went on and called at Ann Eliza's to leave her jar and speak for
butter. Then I went on to the mill and went into Uncle Watson's and
got my supper and got some harvest apples, then we came home, calling
at the post office on our way to see if our photos had come but they
had not. Georgie has not come yet.
Sunday 11
Today is fine but windy as usual. This morning about 9 Georgie came
home. About 12 Annie with the children and Mrs. Richard Talbot
came up. They just called to get our buggy and then went on to Johnny
Talbot's. About 4:20 Annie returned and stayed here to tea. After
tea we went to church with the boys. A little way up the road we met
Alfred and Henry with Jack hitched with Doll to the light wagon. He
seemed to go very quiet. Mrs. Maude walked with us coming from
church and she told us she saw them going home and ma and pa
following them with our rig. When we reached home we found they had
returned and N.S. was here. The boys did not get home for some time
after we did.
Monday 12 9:20 pm
Today has been fine and cool. This morning Georgie rose early and
went down to Alfred's Emily went with pa and David to bring back the
horse and she brought 2 bags of flour from Armstrong's mill. Jenny
and I washed today. Tonight after sundown ma and Emily went down to
Alfred's for our sewing machine and just before they left Mary McCaig
came along and asked me to go for a drive as far as Rockwood with her
and Katie, so I went and got the photos. Emily's and Jenny's are good
but mine are miserable and I intend to take them back. Tomorrow morning
we start for Garafraxa if fine.
Tuesday 13 10:30 pm
Today has been a beautiful day. It did not rain here but where we
were it rained very heavy for a short time and then cleared up and the
sun shone again. This morning Emily and I started for Garafraxa about
6:30. We had a very pleasant ride and enjoyed our visit very much. Mrs.
Townsend sent ma a bottle of honey and gave me some plants and Emily
a bouquet of flowers. It was 10 o'clock when we reached home. Jenny
was lying on the lounge asleep and ma was just going to bed.
Wednesday 14 9:20 pm
Today has been fine and warm with a smart shower during the afternoon.
About 3 pm we three girls went up to McCaig's. We had a pleasant visit
and were just on the point of starting home when Myrna Laight and
Miss Stronick came in so we had to stay while longer and then they
came with us as far as the gate. It was about 9 when we got home.
While we were away Sarah and Lorrie Black came and finding we were not
at home they went to Hills.
Thursday 15 9:30 pm
Today has been fine but very warm. This morning after breakfast Jenny
drove down to Alfred's for some potatoes. She came back shortly
before 11 o'clock and ma took the rig and went up to Johnny Talbots
for Mrs. Richard Talbot and brought her down to dinner. Tonight about
9 Alfred came along and ma went out and had a chat with him.
Friday 16 9:20 pm
Today has been fine most of the time and very warm. Tonight we had
a heavy thunder storm about 5 o'clock and another about 8. This
morning Jenny took Emily down with all her luggage. She had to go
today because the horse has to go for pa tomorrow Jenny got home about
6 o'clock. About 4:15 Annie came for Mrs. Talbot and then started
for Rockwood to get the horse shod. Tonight I started to read aloud
"Kenilworth Castle". Today Warden's cleaned the school and the little
girls came in and played with Bessie Talbot.
Saturday 17 9:00 pm
Today has been a beautiful d a y . It was very misty in the morning
but it soon cleared away. This forenoon ma went to Rockwood to
get the horse show and from there to Alfred's to fit Georgie's pants.
She reached home shortly after twelve. At 12 Alfred came along with
Bertie on his way home from Everton after taking his last load of
wheat. He had exactly 500 bushels and he got $1.00 per bushel all round.
I went out and chatted for awhile. At 2 o'clock Jenny went for pa and
David and they reached home about 8. Georgie came just before dark. This
forenoon a man came in to look at the house, saying he intended to
build and he thought this house was about the size he should like.
Sunday 18 9:00 pm
Today has been very pleasant. This morning Annie took Mrs. Talbot
up past here and tonight she returned with Peter with her. Sometime
last night Shaw's came to their place. Four girls and a boy. Tonight
we went to church, the boys and Jenny and I. Today is pa's birthday.
He is 56 years old.
Monday 19 10:00 pm
Today has been a beautiful day although it was dull and threatening
for some time this morning. Early this morning ma and pa started
for Garafraxa and Jenny and I washed the clothes. David went down to
Alfred's. Georgie went as soon as he got up. The school opened today
and Mr. Cochrane came with Alfred and stayed all day. After school
they came in and asked for a lunch as they were going to Guelph
on the evening train. They left here about 4:40. This afternoon David
came up on Prince for the polonaise pattern for Annie. He came home
again tonight a little before 8 o'clock. Ma and pa came home at 9:30
They brought another bottle of honey and a bouquet of flowers.
Tuesday 20 9:30 pm
Today has been beautiful and bright. This morning pa and David started
off to their work again and ma was going to Guelph by train so she
rode with pa as far as Miss Edward's where she stayed until it was
time to go up to the station and David walked down the track and
met pa at the station. When Alfred came Mr. Cochrane came with him
again and at noon when they came into their dinner Mr. Cunningham came in
but he had had his dinner. He did not stay long. After school tonight
Mr. Cochrane came in to bid us good-bye as he is going away. After
they left I started for the station to meet ma. On my way I posted a
letter to Aunt Eliza. The train was late and it was 7 o'clock when
ma and I reached home. We found Jenny beginning her supper in despair
of our appearance.
Wednesday 21 9:40 pm
Today has been the same as yesterday, beautiful. We have been
very busy all day sewing. I was trimming ma's dress and she was
making a fine shirt for George. Tonight between four and five
o'clock Henry came past here with the team on his way to Johnny Talbot's
to help him draw in grain. He called in to speak to us. He says George
is going up in the morning. I read aloud this evening from Kenilworth
Thursday 22 10:00 pm
Today has been fine but very warm. We have been hard at work all day
sewing. This afternoon Mrs. Talbot senior with Mrs. Richard
Talbot called at the school to see Alfred. They did not come in so
ma went out to speak to them but they did not stay long. Tonight
sometime after dark Alfred called to see if pa was home and to say
he is going to thresh tomorrow and next day.
Friday 23 9:30 pm
Today the weather has been a repetition of yesterday's. I trimmed ma's
bonnet today and bound pa's coat with new binding. Tonight about 6:30
pa came home. David had gone to Alfred's and arrived about 7:30
with George bearing a basket of apples.
Saturday 24 9:00 pm
Today has been dull and showery and tonight it is misty. This morning
we rose early as they were all going away by train. Pa and ma and
George went to Seaforth and David went to Guelph to the circus. Pa
and David started on foot for the station early and ma and I and
George followed in the buggy. I brought the horse home. This afternoon
Mr. John Black called to inspect the school cleaning. Shortly after
he left Emily arrived with a load of McPhail's two boys and two girls
and Nancy Reid. They stayed a short time and then went on to Erin.
After tea we three drove down to Alfred's for some potatoes. While
there we enjoyed a good swing and were introduced to the Miss Shaws.
When we came home we found David asleep on the sofa.
Sunday 25 10:00 pm
Today has been a beautiful day, cool and clear but rather windy. This
afternoon about 5 o'clock McPhail's came along and called for Emily.
They did not come in. After they left we got our supper and then
Jenny and I went down to church and left David alone. After we got home
I had to light the fire and set bread.
Monday 2 6 10:20 pm
Today has been cool and very clear and rather windy. This morning
we washed and I baked bread. This afternoon David and I drove over to
Mr. Loree's to see about renting his cottage. We returned a little
after 3 o'clock and I baked cakes for tea.
Tuesday 27 8:30 pm
Today has been fine and warmer and calmer than yesterday. This morning
Jenny ironed. This afternoon David and I went down to Acton to return
my pictures and get taken again, however the man refused to retake
them and would only take off 6 more for me lighter in place of the
dark ones. David got an ambrotype of himself. We came back by Alfred's
and called for some apples. We reached home about 6:35.
Wednesday 28 9:20 pm
Today has been dull with faint glimmers of sunshine and shortly
after noon two smart showers closely succeeding one another. This
morning David went down to Alfred's. A short time after he left Thomas
Hill called to leave a note for Alfred and a handbill. David returned
tonight just before tea. About 8 o'clock tonight a man came knocking
at the door inquiring after a stray dog and requesting us to ask the
master to make inquiries among the children.
Thursday 2 9 9:00 pm
Today has been fine and very warm with scarcely any wind. This morning
early David went down to Alfred's to help clean up some grain. About
7:30 I went over to Wm Burn's to tell them about some money we owed
them and arranged to go for her at 10 with the horse and buggy. I
took her up to Henry Maude's to see about getting a girl. When I
reached home again it was 11:30 am. Tonight after tea Jenny and I
went down to McKersie's for a drive to take them our photos. As we
passed Bernard Shultz's Alfred came out and rode as far as his place
with us. The girls were all away to Guelph so we did not stay long.
As we passed Alfred's on our way home we saw David riding Jack to break
him in. He rode down to speak to us and then over to Ferries's with
Alfred and we came on home. He arrived about half an hour later. I set
bread tonight.
Friday 30 9:20 pm
Today has been very similar to yesterday as regards weather. This
morning early David started for Ferries's to a threshing for Alfred.
A short time after he left Jenny started for Armstrong's Mill for some
flour they owe us. She returned shortly after noon with 130 lbs being
all they had at present. Alfred brought his horse and buggy today.
David has not yet returned.
Saturday 31 8:10 pm
Today has been rather dull but tonight about 5 o'clock it set in steady
rain and has rained heavily most of the time since. This afternoon about
4 I started for the station to meet our travellers. I started early that
I might have time to go to Ann Eliza's for the butter. When I
reached the station coming back the train had just come in. Pa walked
home and Georgie rode with ma and me. It rained very heavy most of the
way home and our wrappings got very wet. David came home about 7
o'clock. Ma is very poorly and has been for several days.
Sunday 1st
8:00 pm
Today it has rained most of the time coming in heavy showers. Just
before sunset it began to clear off and the sun set quite clear. We did
not go out at all. Ma is a little better tonight I think.
Today has been fine but windy most of the day and tonight after dark it
clouded up and blew hard and rained quite a shower. This morning
pa started off on a business trip. First he went to Loree1
s and
rented the cottage so that is settled. Then he went to Uncle
Daniel's and from there to Armstrong's Mill for the remainder of the
flour. He reached home about 6:30 tonight. This morning Alfred came
driving Johnny Talbot's horse and buggy. He has undertaken to break
in the horse for Johnny. When he came he found young Nelson awaiting
for him. He had brought his brother to school as he does not improve
under Mr. Hill's tuition. He came in the house with Alfred for awhile
then he went in the school and stayed until intermission when he took
leave. Jenny and I washed this morning and I folded the clothes
tonight. This morning the boys went off and did not return until after
dinner. They brought two guns, one was ours and the other Tom Davidson's.
This afternoon George went over to McNab's for buttermilk. Johnny Talbot'
man called today to speak to Alfred and on his way home he called for
the gun.
Tuesday 3 10:15 pm
Today has been dull and threatening most of the time with a little
shower and now it is thundering and lightening heavy and sharp and
raining a little. This morning David went off on an excursion to Toronto
and Scarboro Heights. He has not yet returned. Pa and George drove down
to Alfred's this morning and brought home a bag of potatoes and a basket
of apples, a bottle of milk and a roll of butter. Tonight as Alfred
was hitching his horse, Annie and Miss Jenny Shaw came on foot. Miss
Shaw was going to Guelph by train and as Alfred was going they thought
to go in company and expected to meet Alfred on the road so they only
stayed a minute and then left in the buggy with him. Georgie went down
to Alfred's again this afternoon for a walk and returned just before
Wednesday 4 9:25 pm
Today has been dull and showery. Last night David returned at 12:15
midnight. He did not get wet. This morning pa and the boys set off for
Alfred's to get some oats and to see Mr. Shaw on business. They met him
and Alfred so pa turned back and went to Rockwood while the boys went on.
They got home some time before he did. Tonight the boys went over to
John Burns's to see if he wanted a boy as his was leaving. While they
were away Mr. Ching called with some bills concerning the election.
Monday 2 8:30 pm
Thursday 5 9:45 pm
Today has been fine and warm. This morning pa went off to see about
some work he had heard of at a distance. He returned about the
middle of the afternoon. The boys went off this morning to Johnny
Talbots with Dunbar's gun, Alfred having told them there were
a lot of pigeons up that way. They got our gun from Johnny but they
did not find the game until afternoon. They came home at dark with
5 pigeons. This morning we had an old beggar woman here for her break-
fast but she proved so saucy that she left without it.
Friday 6 10:00 pm
Today was fine in the morning but dull in the afternoon and very
close. This morning about 8:30 Mr. McKeown Senior came in to see
Alfred on business and sat chatting with pa until Alfred came.
He wanted to buy a horse so after he had talked with Alfred pa hitched
up our pony and drove him down to look at Alfred's horses. They
returned at intermission and came in and he had another talk with
Alfred. After school tonight Alfred drove up there and took pa along
for a drive. He made a bargain for Prince. This afternoon the boys
went to Rockwood for the papers and some cotton and called at Mr.
David Shultz's for 2 dozen eggs and got them for 10 cts per dozen.
Saturday 7 10:20 pm
Today has been fine though threatening several times to end in bad
weather. This morning pa went to Guelph by train and returned by the
evening train. This afternoon the boys went down to Alfred's and did
not return till after dark. Alfred went to Guelph with Johnny Talbot
I finished my counterpane today ready for bleaching.
Sunday 8 9:00 pm
Today has been fine and very warm though there was quite a breeze. This
forenoon Alfred passed here on his way home from Johnny Talbots. He
called in for his paper as we had it. Shortly after he came back with
Annie and Bertie on their way to her mother's. They just stopped to
speak and then went on. We went down to church tonight, Jenny and I
and the boys. There were a good many there. Mr. Wright had a baby
christened. Coming home Muade's girls were with us.
Monday 9 10:00 pm
Today has been a beautiful day but cloudy towards evening. This morning
pa went over to Mr. Hugh Black's to see about taking the job of a barn
foundation he intends building next year. When he returned he hitched up
the pony and went to see about another he had heard of and me went along
for a drive. They returned about 3:30 without having tasted any dinner so
I set them a lunch. About 4:30 the boys went to Rockwood to get the
horse shod. They returned just before dark to their supper. About noon
James Black called to see Alfred. Jenny and I washed today.
Written Monday 16th 3 pm.
Last Tuesday morning pa and David and George and I went up to Garafraxa,
That forenoon was cloudy with occasional gleams of sunshine. We had only
been there a short time when it began to rain and continued to d,o so
until the afternoon of the day following when it slackened and cleared
a little and Georgie started for home, Arthur coming with him..
It was quite cold all the time. Thursday it rained pretty steady.
In the afternoon Pa and Mr. Townsend went over to Mr. Martin,,:
s and.
stayed to tea and returned after dark. That night the wind rose and.
blew furiously and the rain poured down and drove through between,
the logs of the house and beside the chimney. Friday morning it still
poured rain and blew hard. After dinner it slackened again an.d pa.
proposed to start for home so Ralph hitched the horses to take them
apiece. They started through the swamp but the logs were floating
and the horses were frightened and pa and Ralph got out and the horses
went to jump across some water and threw David out and the wheels went
over him but did not hurt him much. They broke the whippletrees too
so pa walked on and they came back. David was soaking, wet and had to
change his clothes. Saturday proved finer but very windy with a few
little showers in the forenoon. In the Afternoon David and Cecelia,
Ann and I came down with one horse and the rig. We got home safe
about 6:30, a tree across the road being our only difficulty. We
succeeded in driving over the top without mishap. We found pa had got
a ride part way home. That evening after dark N.S. same and stayed till
12. Sunday afternoon Jenny and Cecelia, Ann and I went down to Alfred's,
Pa had gone down in the forenoon and stayed to dinner and started home
when we got there. We stayed to tea and then drove to church, Miss
Amelia Shaw riding with us and Alfred and Annie following with Miss
Louisa. Coming home Miss Shaw got out at the corner and Annie and Louisa
drove up then and took her up, Alfred having walked up the track. David
walked down to church and back. George and Arthur did not come.
Monday 16 9:35 pm.
Today has been fine and a little warmer but still cool. This morning
pa and David and Arthur and Cecilia Ann went off to Garry and Jenny
and I washed. Tonight after tea ma and I drove down to Alfred's and
got a bag of oats and half a bag of potatoes, the quilting grames and
mat hook, some tea and a basket of apples and the polonaise pattern.
Henry has hired with another man for a year and Georgie went down,
this morning to take his place.
Tuesday 17 9 :30 pm.
Today has been fine but somewhat hazy, tonight the wind, is rising.
This morning we put a mat on the frames. After dinner ma drove down
to Alfred's to help Annie make"Governor's Sauce," About 3 o'clock
Mrs. John Black came to spend the afternoon but find ma, was absent
she only stayed to rent and then went to Hugh Black's, Ma returned
at dark. Tonight just before I came upstairs a young man. called to
inquire the road to Guelph.
Wednesday 18 9:20 pm
Today has been beautiful. This morning Jenny drove me into Guelph
to the Exhibition and then returned. I met McNab's girls and kept with
them all day. We had a splendid time. I rode out with them tonight.
Annie went in on the train this morning and Alfred went by the
afternoon train. I saw cousin Mary Watson and Aunty, John Day and Mrs.
Richard Talbot and Eva and Myra Laight and Thomas Black.
Thursday 19 9:00 pm
Today has been fine although it threatened rain this morning and it
has been very warm. Alfred gave half a day's holiday and went in to
the show again today. Annie did not come home last night. A man
called this afternoon selling tomatoes. Tonight after tea Janet
McKersie came up to see when we were going down. She stayed till after
dark and then Jenny and I went as far as Dunbar's hill with her. The
wind blew very strong and the lightning flashed in the west and
shortly after we got back it came up a heavy thunderstorm with a furious
wind but it was soon over. Fanny and Louisa have gone to the show
Friday 20 9:30 pm
Today has been fine but very windy and warm. Tonight before dark
we had a storm of wind and rain. After school Alfred went up to Johnny
Talbot's Today we cut out a polonaise for me from my gray dress and
partly fitted it.
Saturday 21 9:40 pm
Today has been fine but rather windy and cool. This morning while I
was scrubbing Mr. Wm Burns called about the money for the hay. This
afternoon at 4 o'clock I went down to Rockwood for the papers. It was
5:40 when I returned. Tonight Georgie came home about 8:30 and brought
a little canary.
Sunday 22 9:20 pm
Today has been beautiful and clear and cool. This morning Georgie
dressed and went down to Alfred's. Tonight Jenny would not go to
church so I went alone. I got a ride part of the way with a young
gentleman from Guelph. Passed George on his way to church and the
Shaw's girls and Maggie.
Monday 2 3 9 :2 0 pm
Today has been a repetition of yesterday's weather. This morning we
washed. Georgie rose early and went down to work. About 8:40 Mrs.
McNab called in to have a chat as she was on her way to John's. She
did not stay long. Tonight Annie and the children came up in the new
buggy about 4 o'clock and then Alfred went with them up to Johnny's
for some crab apples. On their way home they called here to leave some
of the crabs. It was about 8:30 o'clock.
Tuesday 24 9:40 pm
This morning it was raining fast at daylight and continued to do so until
after 8:30 when it began to clear and turned out a beautiful day.
At noon a boy called with fresh herrings. Shortly after Mr. Docherty
came to see Alfred. Tonight after tea Jenny drove down to Alfred's for
a bundle of straw.
Wednesday 25 10:00 pm
Today has been dull and cold and windy. Tonight after dark it rained
and turned warmer. At 12 o'clock noon I started for Emily. I reached the
school at 3:30. She dismissed the scholars and we drove up to Raids.
We only stayed there a short time and then went down to McCaven's for
Miss Cunningham. She had not come from school so we went to meet her.
Then we had to stay to tea and we were late getting home. On the
road we lost the whip and stopped quite awhile to look for it but did
not succeed in finding it.
Thursday 26 10:15 pm
Today has been cloudy and cold and windy. This forenoon I drove Emily
and Miss Cunningham down to Acton and then came back by Alfred's
and got a bag of oats. It was 2:30 PM when I reached home. About 4:30
David came home on foot. Townsends brought them as far as Sherwoods.
When they came Georgie had just came with the team for Alfred and he
was going to McKeown's for a cow, so David went with him. About 5:30
I started for Acton for Emily. When we returned we found Uncle Turner
here. He has just come from Toronto. David went down to Alfred's
with Georgie.
Friday 27 10:30 pm
Today has been fine, clear and cold. This morning Emily and Jenny
started for Acton, going by Alfred's and calling for him. Uncle left
shortly after as he was going by the morning train. Pa walked with him
as far as the corner as he was going to Alfred's where he has been
digging potatoes all day. So ma and I were left alone. In the forenoon
I went over to McNab's for buttermilk. When I came back I did some
baking and ma was busy preserving and making jelly. Pa came home tonight
about 8 o'clock. The girls have not yet returned.
Saturday 28 Midnight
Today has been fine but cold and windy. This morning pa went off after
breakfast to Alfred's and about 10 am the girls came home. After dinner
I drove over to Ann Eliza's to take the crock for butter. On my way
home I got a gallon of coal oil in Rockwood. As I passed our place I
left the oil and then drove down to Acton for Miss Cunningham. We came
as far as Alfred's and spent the evening there. Emily walked down
from home. Alfred and Annie were away to Guelph but they came while
we were at tea. Georgie came home with us.
Sunday 29
9:30 pm
Today has been fine but rather dull and tonight is misty. This forenoon
Willie Townsend came on horseback. After dinner Georgie went to
take Emily and Miss Cunningham back. Shortly after they left Willie and
David went off together and have not yet returned. Tonight Jenny and
I went to church. There was not many there.
Monday 30 10:20 pm
Today has been fine although the morning was misty and dull. This
morning Georgie rose early and went off to his work. After breakfast
Willie left for home and pa and David started for Alfred's to dig
potatoes. Jenny and I washed the clothes. At noon Mr. John Johnson
from Eramosa came. He put in his horse and stayed to dinner and then
started for Alfred's to see pa. About 2 o'clock ma and Jenny
followed suit leaving me alone. Tonight I folded the clothes. About 8
ma and pa came home without Jenny. Willie Adams came to Alfred's today.
He is going to stay and come to school.
Today has been beautiful and bright and warm. Tonight the wind has risen
This morning pa and Jenny and I went down to dig potatoes. We met
Alfred and Maggie and Willie coming to school. Tonight they rode down
with Mr. Townsend. He brought pa's tools home today and then drove down
there. Awhile after he came Johnny Talbot came down and stayed to tea.
After tea Jenny and I drove home and pa came after with JOhnny.
It was nearly 8 when we got home.
Wednesday 2 9:20 pm
Today has been very fine although it rained a little this morning and
the wind has been high. This morning we want down again to work. On
the way we met Mr. Townsend and Alfred riding with him. At noon Mr.
Burns sent over for a hand for this afternoon and tomorrow morning so
Georgie had to go and leave us minus his help. We have nearly a days
work yet to do. We reached home at 8 o'clock tonight.
Thursday 3 9:30 pm
Today has been very fine and warm but windy. This morning pa and Jenny
and I went down to our work again and on our way we met Alfred riding
with Shaw's. Georgie was away at Mr. Burns's all day and David had to
go away with a cow this forenoon and Mary was sick so Annie had to stay
in to do the work. So all together we made very poor headway but we
finished tonight and reached home at 8.
Friday 4 9:20 pm
Today has been fine and windy but cooler than yesterday. This morning
Mr. Hugh Black passed on foot and pa went out to speak to him on
business. After breakfast ma and pa drove up to see our future home
and it is arranged for us to move in two weeks. From there they
drove to Alfred's and brought Bertie with them. After dinner pa went
down to Alfred's and from there to Rockwood and then home. School
was out so he did not put the horse in but turned and took Alfred home
and brought back a bundle of straw. About 4 o'clock me went over to
Wm. Burns's but Mrs. Burns was away so she went on to McNab's and stayed
to tea and pa went over for her after he had taken his tea. He met her
in their lane.
Tuesday 1st
9:00 pm
Saturday 5 9:10 pm
Today has been fine but dull and about 4 o'clock there was a little
shower and again after dark it rained some. This morning McNab's
hauled away the manure and ma and pa went to Guelph. This afternoon
Mrs. David Moore called in on her way to Rockwood to get some flower
seeds. Shortly after she left ma and pa came home. Tonight about
8:20 the boys came. Georgie had an umbrella and David had Alfred's
waterproof on. Georgie has a very bad cold.
Sunday 6 9:10 pm
Today has been fine but cold. Tonight David and Jenny and I went down
to church. There were a good many there. Coming home David and GEorge
Hill overtook us and walked the rest of the way with us.
Monday 7 9:15 pm
Today has been fine but cold. This morning David rose early and went down
to Alfred's. After breakfast pa started for Mr. Johnson's to work and
Georgie went along to bring the horse back. On the way they met Alfred
and Annie. She went with them to her mother's and Georgie called for
her on his way back and they spent the afternoon posting up hand-bills
about the sale. They came past here about 4:30 just as Alfred was
starting home so he rode with them. They are to keep the horse down
there tonight. This afternoon Jennie walked down to Alfred's to carry
a message to David and then went on to McKersie's to tell them we
intend to pay them a visit tomorrow if the weather permits. She
reached home about 6 o'clock very tired.
Tuesday 8 9:00 pm
This morning Agnes and Elsie McNab called here on their way to John's
to ask us to go with them to pick apples and we were so sorry we could
not go. Mr. Blanchefield called the same time to see Alfred
on business. After dinner we started for McKersie's on foot. Agnes and
Elsie saw us passing and gave us some apples. We spent a pleasant
time and tonight the girls brought us home with the team and their
cousin Mr. Hudson came along. When we got home we found David here.
He brought some pork up. The boys went to Guelph today with pork.
There were some Grangers here tonight when we came. It has been fine
today but somewhat dull. Tonight was moonlight.
Wednesday 9 8:50 pm
This morning about 9 o'clock it rained heavily and blew furiously
but before noon it cleared off although the wind continued very high.
This morning David drove down to Alfred's and George and Alfred came
up with Jack and Jessie with the stove and some apples and some wheat.
George went on to Everton with the wheat. He returnedpast here about
11 o'clock and shortly afterwards David came. He had been to Rockwood
posting bills. At noon Alfred dismissed school and went home this
being Rockwood show-day and he had only 8 scholars. Johnny Talbot
had left his horse and buggy here during the forenoon for Alfred. About
2 o'clock Georgie came up with our horse and buggy. He changed his
things and then they both went off to Rockwood and we soon followed. We
met McKersie's girls near Cummin's hotel and we kept together all the
time. We had a good time although it was very cold. We parted with
the girls on Harris's hill and we reached home soon after dark. The
boys got a ride and passed us on the road.
Thursday 10 9:10 pm
Today has been clear and calm and milder than yesterday. The boys went
down to Alfred's this morning after breakfast and Jenny and I only
stayed to do up our morning work and then we drove down and picked
apples all day. This afternoon David brought 7 bags up here in the
light wagon for Alfred. When he got back we started home and reached
here about 7 o'clock and found ma getting her tea. We spent the
evening paring and coring apples for drying.
Friday 11 9:50 pm
Today has been dull and cold and tonight it rained considerable. This
morning ma drove down to Alfred's and returned shortly before noon bring-
ing two bags of apples in the buggy. This afternoon Alfred had his
sale. He left here for Rockwood about 11 and George Hill taught until
2 o'clock. About noon Willie and John Townsend and Mr. Martin came
down and called here but finding Alfred had gone they drove on there.
About 2 we went over to McNab's to spend the afternoon. We reached
home about 9 tonight.
Saturday 12 9:30 pm
Today has been beautiful and clear and fine and tonight is clear
moonlight, this forenoon I went down to see Emily and take some things
down. I found her well and stayed to tea. Nancy and Peter were away
to Nelson and Mrs. Reid was sent for by a neighbour while I was there. I
started home shortly after five and reached home at 8. Mr. Macmillan
rode with me as far as Easterbrook's and Miss Macmillan rode as far as
Mrs. Reids gate. When I reached home I found the boys and pa here. Mr.
Johnson drove pa home about 4 tonight.
Sunday 13 9:00 pm
Today has been fine in the morning and dull in the afternoon and
sprinkling rain tonight. This forenoon I wrote a letter to Richard.
After dinner David took the horse and took Archie Shaw for a drive
to Acton and returned this way and Georgie rode with them as far as
the bridge and then brought the horse home. David went down with Archie
and afterwards to church with him. While Georgie and pa went from here
to the Methodist church, Jenny and I did not go.
Monday 14 10:50 pm
Today has been fine although it threatened rain several times. This
morning pa took the boys down to Alfred's and then drove
to cousin Roberts to see if he could get his team for a few days. Jenny
and I started to wash and then I had to walk to Rockwood for some
yeast cakes to set yeast and that made me late with my part of the
washing. Then Katie McCaig came in to say that Mary and Myra Laight
were coming this afternoon. Accordingly about 3:30 they came and stayed
until 8:30 and then Jenny and I walked home with Mary to get some yeast
as ours did not rise. When we returned we found pa here with Robert's
horses and wagon. One year ago tonight witnessed my betrothal.
Tuesday 15 9:00 pm
Today has been fine but cloudy and quite warm. This morning pa went off
with the team and took a load of potatoes and a load of wood up to our
future home. We had 31 bags of potatoes this year off 1/2 an acre.
Pa came home tonight about 7 o'clock. The boys were busy today
pulling carrots. We finished my mat today.
Wednesday 16 8:00 pm
Today has been similar to yesterday with regard to weather. This morning
we rose early and pa took two loads of wood up to our place and brought
one here tonight, arriving about 6:30. This forenoon I sorted some
feathers and filled my bed. George Hill called intoday with an
invitation to a surprise party at Robert Dunbar's on Friday night. I
scarcely think we will go. John Smith also called with some change
from Myra Laight. Ma and Jenny started to quilt this afternoon.
Thursday 17
Today has been a miserable wet day. It began to rain about 9 this
morning and has continued to rain pretty steady all day. Early this
morning pa went away and managed to take up one load of wood and on his
way back he called at the mill for some lumber and then went down to
Alfred's for scantling and then home, reaching here just after dinner.
About 8:40 this morning Alfred and Annie came in the buggy with Jack.
Annie stayed all day cutting out a waterproof cloak and she and Alfred
drove home after school. This afternoon pa laid a floor in the cellar
for Alfred's roots. Tonight just before dark David came home.
Friday 18 8:20 pm
Today has been fine but rather dull and cooler. This morning pa went
away as usual and David stayed for awhile and cut some wood for us.
Then he went down to Alfred's. Pa took two loads of wood up today
and brought a load of potatoes here tonight. David came with him and
dressed for the party and is now waiting for them to call for him.
Jenny and I helped pa to unload the potatoes and then we went in the
cellar and shoveled them back.
Saturday 19 9:40 pm
Today has been fine but windy and cold. This morning pa and David and
Jenny went down to Alfred's. Pa brought a load of carrots and a load
of potatoes up here before noon and after noon he took a load of carrots
up to our place and went from there to Roberts to take the horses home
and bring back Jessie. He came home about 9 o'clock. The boys and Jenny
came home at 7. They finished the mangel-worsels. Willie Adams came up this
morning for a book of his. I got a letter from Emily tonight. She
is engaged for another year there
Sunday 20
Today was fine but cold. Tonight the boys and I went to church. They
went to the Presbyterian and I went to our church. John and Margaret
McNab came out of their gate just as we reached it so they walked down
with us and Margaret went to our church with me. The boys got home
before I did but we overtook John McNab and he and M. Walked on with me
within sight of the house. Pa was in bed and N.S. was here.
Monday 21 9:00 pm
Today has been beautiful and clear and bright and milder than yesterday.
This morning pa took Georgie out to Mr. Loree's and then went down to
Alfred's where David had preceded him. We washed this morning and this
afternoon Lorrie Black came and tonight after pa and David came Jenny
and I drove her over to Hugh Black's Alfred stayed to tea tonight and
shortly after Annie called for him on her way home from her mother's.
This is my birthday and I am 25 today.
Tuesday 22 8:40 pm
Today has been the same as yesterday with regard to weather. This morning
pa and David drove down to Alfred's and finished getting up the carrots
and came home at noon. This afternoon I took David part way to Roberts and
then came back calling at Mr. Stouts on my way for some tinware as
we left some rags there as we went. Alfred brought Bertie up with him
this morning and tonight I saw them in Rockwood. Bertie* was in Pasmore' s
with Louisa Shaw and Alfred was at Turner's getting Jack shod. I posted
Georgie's letter to Emily today.
Wednesday 23 8:40 pm
Today has been dull and miserable, cold and windy and raining most
of the time. We put a quilt on the frames this morning and ma and I
worked at it all day. Jenny baked in the morning. Pa stayed in the house
all day.
Thursday 24 8:50 pm
Today has been fine and not quite so cold. This morning pa went down
to Alfred's and ma went with him to bring the horse back. While she
was away Thomas Hill called to invite us to a surprise party tomorrow
night at Alfred's. When ma came back Alfred rode with her. We cleaned
upstairs today. Tonight pa came home a little after 7 o'clock.
Friday 25 (written Saturday morning)
This day was fine but very cold and windy. This morning I went with pa
down to Alfred's and got the old stove and took i
f to Rockwood and got
some time. From there I went on to Ann Eliza's for some butter and got
3 lbs and some sweet milk. Coming back I called at the post office and
got the papers, coming home Jessie stumbled and fell in front of John
McNabs and broke the back strap. Fortunately John McNabhappened to be
at home and he mended it for me. Today Alfred gave me a voluminous letter
from Richard that he had got from the post office for me. Tonight
Jenny and I drove down to the party calling for Margaret McNab as we went.
Pa brought the horse home. We walked home about 3 am in the rain but it
did not rain hard enough to wet us much. Tom Dunbar and Ben Shultz
carried a lamp before us all the way. It was quite a pleasant party.
Saturday 2 6 7:30 pm
Today has been a dismal wet day. Pa walked down to Alfred's this morning
to finish his job. He came home again about 2:30. Georgie came
home about 10 am. About 3 pm he hitched the pony and went to meet
David. He met him at Pasmore's so he was soon home again. It is raining
heavy now and the wind is cold.
Sunday 27 9:20 pm
Today has been dull and windy and cold. Tonight it calmed down and
was milder. This morning the boys went to the Presbyterian Church. This
afternoon a gentleman called to say he would preach in the school
at 7 o'clock in the evening. Jenny and I and the boys walked to
Rockwood to hear Mr. Brock from Guelph preach an excellent sermon. When
we came out it was very dark and snowing fast and a girl slipped off
the sidewalk and jumped into the water and a gentleman fished her out.
After we got on the road a piece Jenny fell over a large stone and when
we got near hom I slipped and fell however no one was hurt. The man at
the school had 6 persons to hear him. Mrs. Thomas Naude and her three
daughters and father and mother. Today was the opening of the church
in Eden and we were disappointed in not getting down.
Monday 28 8:50 pm
Today has been fine and bright but cold and frosty. This morning pa
drove up to the Centre to see about the parsonage and put up a stove
to dry it. He came home about 3:30 pm. The boys were out shooting
all day merely coming home to dinner. Mr. & Mrs. Borwn called at noon
to see Alfred on business and stayed to dinner. Tonight Annie called
for Alfred. Jenny washed the white clothes today.
Tuesday 2 9 8:30 pm
Today has been fine but dull and cold. This morning the ground was white
with snow. The boys drove out to Robert's this morning and pa rode
as far as the parsonage and remained all day putting up another
stove and keeping up fires. This forenoon we finished the quilt and this
afternoon Jenny and I went up to John McNab*s. We came away just before
dark and pa came along at the same time. Archie Shaw brought up Alfred's
mangel-worsels today and tonight Alfred stayed and helped him unload
the last load and then rode home with him.
Wednesday 30 8:45 pm
Today has been dull and drizzling most of the time until after dark
when it set in steady rain. It is not quite so cold as yesterday.
This morning pa went over to John McNab's and remained all day helping
them with the turnips. He came home after dark. Georgie came home about
7:30 tonight. He says if it had kept fine Robert would have finished
his turnips tomorrow.
Today has been cloudy and windy and very cold. Before dark everything
was frozen hard. It is the coldest night we've had yet. This morning
GEorgie went to John McNab's to work at the turnips and pa drove over
to the parsonage to light fires there and Mr. Gaspel promised to tend
to them. He came home just at dinnertime. Alfred and Annie have gone to
Dundalk on business and James Collins is teaching for Alfred the
rest of the week so we had him here to dinner. After dinner pa went
down to Alfred's to see about our turnips there. He came home between
4 and 5 and brought a bag of oats and several things. Georgie came home
between 6 and 7. Jenny and I cleaned the parlor today and packed the
best dishes.
Friday 1 11.0 0 pm
Today has been exceedingly cold and windy but clear and bright. This
morning pa and Georgie started for Alfred's to clean up oats but they
stopped at John McNab's and helped them at the turnips so they finished
at noon and then they came home and got the horse and pa went up to Henry
Talbot's to see about getting some hay and George rode part way on
his way to Mr. Loree's. Henry Talbot was away so pa came home about
4:30. This afternoon I went over to McNab's and got some buttermilk
and a pound of yarn and took home a plate of Mrs. Wm Burns's that
we got with butter. Mr. Collins went up with George Hill to dinner today.
Tonight about 8 o'clock Agnes and Elsie and Wm McNab came over and
stayed until nearly 11.
Saturday 2 8:30 pm
This morning was fine but cold but before noon it began to rain and
continued until about 3:30 pm when it began to clear. About that time
Georgie came home. A little after 1 pm pa took the umbrella and went
down and got Henry to go with him to Harris's mill to show him which
was Alfred's lumber. When he came home just before dark Henry came
with him and stayed to tea. Just as he was leaving a little after 6
David came home. We finished house-cleaning here today and expect to move
on Tuesday.
Sunday 3 9:10 pm
Today has been fine but cold. This morning David and I went down to
Eden to quarterly meeting and we found the roads very muddy. Hannah
Sunley and Jimmy were there and they asked us to go up there so we went
and stayed till 5 pm. When we got home we found that Jenny and George
had gone to church. When they came home they brought a little kitten
with them that had followed them all the way from Rockwood. We saw Mrs.
Humphrey at church. She is staying at Norris's and intends coming here
Monday 4 9:00 pm
Today has been very fine and bright but windy and very cold. This morning
pa and Georgie went down to Alfred's to clean up oats and David went up
to Loree's for the light wagon. He went by Talbots to see about getting
some hay and then he Helped the man unload it at our place. From Loree's
he went down to Alfred's and got a load of oats and brought up here, then
he went back and took a load up to our place. Alfred and Annie came home
last night and Alfred drove up to school this morning. Mr. Collins got
here just before him but he went back at intermission. This afternoon
Henry Talbot's man brought a load of hay here for Alfred. He came just
after school so Alfred helped him unload it. After he left Alfred
hitched up and drove up to Mr. Stewarts. I was waiting to ride home with
Alfred thinking he was going home and so I had to walk. When I reached
there George was just starting home. Uncle David and Caroline were there
and Ada. I got my supper and then pa and I rode as far as the corner with
them. David reached home about 8:00 pm.
Tuesday 5
This morning it was bright and fine but cold. Shortly after noon it
began to snow and continued for some time. We moved into our new home
today. Pa came up in the morning with Jessie and the light wagon and
brougth two stoves and set them up. The boys walked up ahead of him
and Georgie went to Mr. Loree's to work, while David helped pa unload
and then came home with him. After dinner Jenny and I started with a
load of valuables in the spring box. Jenny got out in Rockwood and walked
up to Ann Eliza's for some butter and then came across the fields.
When I got here Mr. Loree opened the gate for me and made a fire inthe
cooking stove while David who had come across the fields unhitched the
horse and helped me unload. Mr. Cooper came and got his preserves. In a
little while Jenny came and took the horse back for me. John and William
McNab brought two loads of furniture and Alfred brought me in his buggy.
Jenny brought another load of valuables and did not get here until
some time after dark. Mr. Loree came and stayed the evening and took the
boys down there to sleep.
Wednesday 6 9:00 pm
Today has been milder but misty and snowy . This morning Annie expected
me to go to Guelph with her and drove up here for me but I could not
have as we were so late moving yesterday and everything was in confusion
so she went on without me. About 9 o'clock pa went down for a load
of miscellaneous articles. Among other things he brought the room
stove and the rocking chair. Georgie was at Loree's all day and David
half a day. We got things somewhat straightened and the stoves fixed
right and I cleaned the roomstove and pipes. David came home before tea
and Georgie some time after.
Thursday 7 9:10 pm
Today has been cold and snowing most of the time. This morning pa
went and brought another load of things and this afternoon he went
to Alfreds and brought some scantling and tools etc. The boys have
been cutting wood. Tonight Georgie took the can to Loree's for buttermilk
and left it. After tea pa went over and brought it full of sweet milk
and Mrs. Loree will churn in the morning. We cleaned the sitting room
and ma's bedroom today.
Friday 8 9:40 pm
Today has been fine with a cold north wind. This morning Pa got Mr. Loree's
team and went for a load of lumber and I went to the school with the buggy
for a load of valuables. I reached home at noon shortly after pa took
the horses home. After dinner Georgie went for Emily. Some time after
Mr. Loree came and brought the buttermilk. I cleaned our bedroom this
afternoon. Georgie and Emily came about 8:30.
Saturday 9 9:00 pm
Today has been dull and misty. This morning Emily and I went to
Guelph. We went to Lila Humphrey's and spent the afternoon while Miss
Ellis trimmed Emily's hat. We reached home by 7:15.
Sunday 10
This day has been fine but rather windy some of the time. This morning
pa walked down to Alfred's to see if he could get Jack to take Emily
back as Jessie lost a shoe yesterday. But they were away so he had
to walk back. After dinner Jenny went with Emily with the intention of
staying all night and getting the horse shod as she comes home
tomorrow. Tonight about 8:30 N.S. came and stayed some time.
Monday 11 8:00 pm
Today has been dull and misty in the morning and pouring rain since
2 o'clock pm. This morning pa dug around some of the plum trees
and Georgie pulled weeds for awhile and then went over to Loree's
to the turnips. David went down to Alfred's for the heifer and returned
with her at noon. Shortly before two Jenny came andsome time after
George came as it was too wet to work at the turnips any longer.
I washed the fine things and coloured clothes today.
Tuesday 12 9:30 pm
Today has been fine but very windy. This morning pa and David went
with Jessie for a load of things. They returned about noon. Pa walked
home and carried the clothes-horse while David came with the load
and brought 1/2 gallon of coal oil. This afternoon pa started on foot
for cousin Roberts to see if he can get the team and Georgie and I
went for a load of carrots and garden plants. We got home about 7.
After tea David went over to Loree's to borrow the Mercury as we did
not get ours.
Wednesday 13 9:00 pm
Today has been a succession of snow storms with a strong and cold
north-west wind. This morning David and I planted the flower roots
and then pa came with Roberts horses. He brought 5 or 6 bags of apples
and left them here and then he and George went for the turnips. There
were two loads. This afternoon I went to Ann Eliza's and got the butter
57 lbs. I reached home shortly after dark.
Thursday 14 9:15 pm
Today has been fine and calm. This morning David went to Swazey's
threshing for Mathew Loree and pa went down to Alfred's for another
load of things. He came home about 3 pm and left his load and then
took the horses home, returning just as we were about to sit down to
supper. David came home about 7:30.
Friday 15 9:20 pm
Today has been fine but dull. This morning David went away to the
threshing again and about 10:30 Mr. Loree told George that Mr.
Hodgekinson wanted him there at a threshing so George went with Sam
Loree as he was going. Pa went over to see Mr.Benham this morning
about some mason-work and took the job. When he came back he took
Jessie and the light wagon and brought Alfred's two pigs up here
to feed. This afternoon he brought a load of peas. About 4,pm ma
went over to Loree's and after tea pa went over for her. They have
not yet returned.
Saturday 16 9:20 pm
Today has been dull with 2 or 3 little showers and tonight it is
raining steady. This morning the boys went away to Hodgekinson's
threshing again Pa stayed home today and fixed the gate and driving
house door. This afternoon I went over to Loree"s for buttermilk. The
boys came home about 4:30.
Sunday 17 8:00 pm
Today has been a miserable day, raining and misting all the time.
We did not go out anywhere. This was Mr. Cooper's Sunday at this
church and it seemed so provoking we could not go.
Monday 18 9:00 pm
Today has been dull and the morning was misty. This morning Jenny
washed and the boys and pa worked in the garden. This afternoon they
went to Swayzie's sale. It was dark when they came home.
Tuesday 19 9:00 pm
Today has been dull and calm. Today the boys worked in the garden
and pa made a work-bench and put up the scantling for the partition
of their bedroom. Mother finished my nightgown and Jenny baked bread
and I made a basket of splits and did several little tasks.
Wednesday 20 9:00 pm
Today has been fine until near dark when there came quite a shower
but it is clear now. THis morning pa went up to Swayze's to buy
some oats. When he came back he went down to Farish's mill to
ascertain the price of oats. From there he went to Bernard's to
see him about a brick house he intends to build but he was away.
The boys worked in the garden until he came back and then they cut some
Thursday 21 9:00 pm
Today has been fine and calm and mild. This afternoon ma and Jenny
went to Alfred's to get the big pot. They took the yarn along and left
it at Mrs. Wetheralds for blankets. She has been quite sick again.
The boys went down to Shaw's and got the gun and went shooting
this afternoon. They came home about 6:30. About 3 pm Mr. Swayze
came with a load of oats. Ma and Jenny came home about 5 o'clock.
The boys went over to Loree's this morning to borrow a spade and they
hearc) that old Mrs. Reid is dying in the asylum and Mr. Loree and
Mr. Turner went down this morning.
Friday 22 9:15 pm
Today has been dull and raining most part of the time. This morning pa
went to Rockwood and got the papers. After dinner he went to Dickson's
sale returning about dark. Tonight Georgie took home Mr. Loree's
spade and they gave him some celery and some apples. Mrs. Reid is better
than they expected. Tonight a tramp called wanting lodging. Pa gave
him 10¢ and sent him on.
Saturday 23 9:15 pm
Today has been bright but cold and windy with some snow. This
morning pa went up to James Socket's to see him about some chopping
he wanted done and took the job of chopping 2 0 cords of hard wood. This
afternoon he made an axe-handle and did some carpenter work in the
Sunday 24 10:00 pm
Today has been fine but not bright and calm and mild. This forenoon
the boys went up to the church to hear Mr. Hodskinson preach. This
afternoon they went to Rockwood to the English church. Tonight pa and
I walked down to hear Mr. Masson. He was late coming so we were late
Monday 25 9:00 pm
Today has been calm and mild with a steady fall of snow from 8:30 am
till 4:30 pm. This morning or rather forenoon Mr. McLaughlan came and
stayed to dinner and then pa went away to Mr. Donohue's to see about
some work there that Mr. McL had told him about and David borrowed
Mr. Loree's saddle and rode down to Alfred's for an axe. He returned
about 4:30 shortly after pa. A little while after they came Mr.
Swayze came along with a load and brought in a bag of oats and pease to
weigh it to try out shillgards as he was going to the mill and could
weigh it again there.
TUESDAY 2 6 9:10 pm
Today has been fine but dull and cold and calm. This morning pa and
David went up to Mr. Loree's to grind their axes and then they went
off to chop. They took their dinner with them and came home at dark.
Jenny and George went down to Shaw's with the buggy and got 4 hens.
They also got a gallon of coal oil at Pasmore's and a ball of crochet
cotton. They came home about 1:30
Wednesday 27 9:00 pm
This morning was very cold with a strong east wind. About 11 o'clock
it began to rain and continued all the rest of the day till everything
is covered with ice. Pa and David went away to chop this morning but
the rain drove them home at noon. George went over to Loree's
this morning and got some buttermilk.
NOVEMBER 28 9:00 pm
Today has been fine but cold and windy. This morning the boys went
to chop and pa went to Rockwood and got some coal oil in the big can and
some tea and sugar. He came home at 11 o'clock and brought a letter
for Jenny from Emily. The boys came home to dinner and pa and David went
back to chop and Georgie stayed and cut wood here.
Friday 29 10:10 pm
Today has been fine but cold. This morning pa and David went away to
chop and Georgie split the wood he had sawed and brought it in
and after dinner he took the gun and went off returning at dark. This
afternoon Mrs. Loree came over and Mr. Loree came to tea and stayed
the evening. We had a pleasant evening. Georgie went over to Loree's
this morning and got some sweet milk.
Saturday 30 9:40 pm
Today has been very calm. This morning it snowed quite a quantity.
The boys went to chop this morning and pa went to Rockwood expecting to
be back by noon. The boys came home to dinner and waited till nearly
3 o'clock for pa but as he did not come they went back again. It was
nearly dark when he came. He had been to Alfred's and got his dinner and
he brought us a goose to roast. Ma went down to Lucy Socketts this
afternoon but she came home before tea.
Sunday 1 10:00 pm
Today has been dull with a cold east wind. This forenoon ma and pa and
David and Jenny and I went to church expecting to hear Mr. Cooper.
But he was away and Mr. Kenetter spoke. Tonight David and Jenny and I
walked to Rockwood to hear Mr. McLean from Georgetown preach a
missionary sermon. The church was full but I was rather disappointed
in the sermon.
Monday 2 9:30 pm
Today has been a miserable cold, wet, windy, gloomy day. This morning
Georgie went over to Loree's for some sweet milk. This afternoon pa
fixed the window blinds in the sitting room with some Chalk-line Mrs.
Loree sent over by George.
Tuesday 3 9:10 pm
Today has been fine and calm. This afternoon was bright and clear. This
morning pa and David went away to chop and Georgie cut wood here. This
afternoon Jenny went over to Loree's for buttermilk and Mrs. Loree told
her that Mrs. Reid is dead and will be buried tomorrow. Mr. Loree and Mr.
Turner have gone down today for the body. I began my log cabin quilt
today and made four blocks.
Wednesday 4 9:30 pm
Today has been fine and cold. Last night there was quite a fall of snow.
This morning pa went to Mrs. Reid's funeral and the boys went to chop
returning to dinner. This afternoon pa went with David and Georgie
split wood here. This morning a cripple called for help and ma gave him
a few cents all she could scrape up.
Thursday 5 10:20 pm
Today has been fine and bright. Last night at 12 o'clock Alfred
called in on his way home from Richard Talbot's and asked us to write a
note to Richard changing a plan they had arranged and send it by some
of the school children from this neighbourhood which I accordingly
did this morning and David took it on his way to work and gave it to
John Loree who was going to Guelph with wood. Georgie went up to Mr.
Loree's for some yeast this morning and then borrowed Mr. Loree's light
wagon and went down to Shaw's for some cedar and got a branch off
Richard's pine tree. He got home about 2:30 and brought some meat that
Mrs. Loree came running out with. This afternoon we went over to Loree's
and the boys came over after tea and stayed the evening.
Friday 6 9:00 pm
Today has been fine with a sprinkle of snow. This morning Georgie
went with pa and David stayed to clean out the pigsty. After awhile
Georgie came back to say that pa had got some straw from Mr. Swayze
and he and David were to go for a load with Jessie. They came back at
12 and after dinner George went away to pa and David stayed here and
cut wood. Tonight I wrote to Richard.
Saturday 7
This day has been calm and snowing fine snow most of the forenoon.
This morning the boys went to chop and pa went to Guelph. About 1:30
the boys came home and went to Rockwood for the papers and posted
two letters, one to Richard and one to the publishers of the Household
Journal. The boys returned just before dark and pa came shortly
after. About 8:30 N.S. came and stayed awhile.
Sunday 8 10:00 pm
Today has been fine but cold with a raw east wind. Tonight David
took Jenny and I down to church in Rockwood with the buggy and
George walked. He called at Loree's and Will Sunley went with him.
Fanny and Janet and Louisa McKersie were there.
Monday 9 9:0 0 pm
This morning it snowed heavy until about 11 o'clock when it began to
rain and continued to rain steady all day from the east. The boys fixed
the pump today and pa worked at carpenter work. This forenoon I wrote
to Mary Ann.
Tuesday 10 9:00 pm
Today has been almost a continual down fall of rain. This forenoon pa
walked to Rockwood and posted two letters and got some nails and
some yarn and Sam Loree came over for the ladder. This afternoon pa
went up to Socket's and got his axe and got a pole to make a
ladder and while he was away Tommy Corner came to see him on business
but left before he returned. He came home just before dark and
shortly after William Cunningham came with some beef and pa bought
all he had.
Wednesday 11 9:15 pm
Today it snowed and blowed furiously all day and was very cold. This
morning pa went to Rockwood and got the cutter fixed and the horse
shod and this afternoon he went for some lathe with the light wagon
and returned about 6:45
Thursday 12 9:00 pm
Today has been cold and windy with some snow. This morning pa went
to Guelph for lime and the boys went to the fat cattle Show. They
started to walk and got chance rides in and out again. They got
home before dark. Pa came home about 1:30 and after feeding the horse
and getting his dinner he went down to Alfreds for some tressles and
scantling returning shortly after dark.
Friday 13 9:20 pm
Today has been fine but cold. This morning pa started to lathe the
kitchen and the boys went for sand. They got 3 loads. Pa's head was
very bad all day so that he did not get as much done as he expected.
This forenoon an agent called, the same as was here before. Tonight
David went to Rockwood to an entertainment and before tea Sammy
Loree came over to see if he was going and he promised to call for
Sammy and Will Sunley.
Saturday 14 9:15 pm
Today has been cold and the snow fairly tumbled down all day. The boys
and pa lathed the kitchen and bedroom today. This forenoon Mr. Loree
came over to see how pa was. Tonight I sent George for some buttermilk,
I forgot to say yesterday Mrs. Loree sent over a pailful of cider.
Sunday 15 9:30 pm
Today has been cold but calm and pleasant with a light fall of snow.
This morning we all went to church but George. This afternoon the
boys went for a drive with the cutter returning just before dark.
Tonight the boys and Jenny and I went to church to hear Bishop Carmen.
Monday 16 9:35 pm
Today has been fine and calm. Pa plastered most of the kitchen today.
This afternoon Jenny and George went to Alfred's and got some flour
and called in Rockwood and got some currants and raisins and lemon
peel. While they were away Mr. Awry came and got his bee-hives. Tonight
after tea cousin Ann Eliza and her husband came and stayed the evening.
This morning cousin Robert came and brought us two pigs.
Tuesday 17 8:40 pm
Today has been fine and calm like yesterday. Pa finished the kitchen
and plastered the bedroom today. This afternoon the boys went
skating for awhile and then David went to Rockwood and returned just
as we had finished tea. After tea Alfred came and stayed the evening.
Wednesday 18 9:00 pm
Today has been calm with some snow. This morning pa went to chop and
George went to Alfred's for some feed for the pigs and David took the
heifer to Socket's and back and then brought us some straw from
Loree's for the carpet and then cut up the pigs. After dinner Jenny
and I put down the carpet and then I put up the curtains. Tonight
we chopped sausage meat and rendered lard. GEorge brought David's
magic lantern with him from the office.
Thursday 19 9:00 pm
Today has been fine with dashes of snow. This morning pa and David
went down to Shaw's to do some work for Alfred and about 2 pm they
returned. Tonight David was trying his Magic Lantern.
Friday 20 10:00 pm
Today has been cold and snowy. This morning George went over to
Loree's and got some buttermilk and a little sweet milk. About 11 I
started for Emily. When I reached the school I called but it seemed to
be deserted so I went on to Reids and there I was informed that Emily
had her scholars in the other part of the school. So about 3 pm Mr. Reid
hitched up one of his horses and Nancy and I drove down for her. We
started for home almost directly and reached here about 8:25. Pa went
to Rockwood this afternoon and got the papers and a card for me from
Mary Ann.
Saturday 21 9:10 pm
Today has been cold and stormy. This forenoon pa went to Rockwood and
got some cloth for the boys pants and a latch for the kitchen door and
some currants and raisins and lemon peel. Jenny did some baking and
I helped Emily with her report.
Sunday 22 9:00 pm
Today was fine and sunshiny in the morning but this afternoon it began
to snow heavy and continued till near dark and now the wind has risen
and is blowing hard. This morning Emily and Jenny and David went up
to church returning at 12:30. About 4 Alfred came with the children and
stayed to tea and then went back taking Emily and leaving Maggie.
Monday 23 9:30 pm
Today has been very cold and rather windy. Alfred held his exam today
and this morning the boys started for there taking Maggie with them.
Pa chopped all day coming home to dinner. Jenny washed this morning.
Tonight we chopped the mincemeat. The boys and Emily came home about
Tuesday 24 10:00 pm
Today has been too stormy for pa to go to chop. It has blowed and
snowed all day. Tonight pa drove to Rockwood station to meet Mary
Ann and the train was late so it was 8 o'clock when they came. Cousin
Emily was with her.
Wednesday 25 10:00 pm
Christmas. Today has been very cold and stormy.The boys went skating
this afternoon and we girls ate apples and drank cider and talked
nonsense. Tonight we played quiet games and David displayed his
magic lantern.
Thursday 26 9:20 pm
Today has been calmer and milder. Today pa made his ladder. This
afternoon the boys went over to Loree's and stayed awhile. Tonight
just before tea Nancy and Katie Reid came with Emily's money.
Friday 2 7 7:40 pm
Today has been rather stormy. This morning David and mother and I
went to Guelph. Just before we started Mr. Loree came over for the pick
and George went back with him to help get turnips out of the pit and pa
went up to chop. Tonight we reached home at dark. David got a chance
ride home early.
Saturday 28 9:30 pm
Today has been cold and stormy part of the time. This morning Alfred
and Miss Shaw came up and stayed all day. This forenoon David and pa
and Sammy Loree brought two loads of hay for us from Swazye's with
Mr. Loree's horses and George went to mill and got a hundred of flour.
This afternoon George went to Annie's for the polonaise pattern and
Emily went with him as far as Currie's and he was to call for her coming
home but we forgot to tell him and he came home without her. The last
load of hay they brought upset before they got here and threw pa off
and hurt his shoulder and head.
Sunday 29
Today was fine but rather cold. This morning David drove down for
Emily and Mary Ann went with him for a drive. They returned shortly
before dinner. Tonight Mary Ann and Jenny and I went to Rockwood
to church in the cutter and the boys walked. We reached home at 9 and
shortly after N.S. came and stayed for some time.
Monday 30 9:30 pm
Today has been fine and warmer. This morning I washed. Pa went to
Harris's factory and returned just before dinner. He only stopped a
few minutes and then drove up to the Centre and from there to McLoughlin's
afternoon. We got tea early and then pa drove the girls down to the
station to meet the 6 o'clock train and when he came back Emily and
Jenny took Miss Aldons home. Before he returned Alfred came and is
staying all night. The boys went up to the teameeting and have not
yet returned.
Tuesday 31 9:20 pm
Today has been fine and bright. This morning they killed the pigs.
Alfred left about 10:30 am. Tom Talbot's baby was buried today and he
had to go to the funeral. This afternoon pa went to Rockwood and
returned about 4 o'clock. Shortly after Mr. Socket called to see him
about the wood and he had just gone when Will Cunningham called to
see if we wanted beef.
Wednesday 1st 9:20 pm
Today has been beautiful, calm and bright. This morning pa and David
went away to chop. About 11 o'clock George went to Rockwood and got
some vinegar and then drove up for pa and David. This forenoon Miss
Hodgeskinson called collecting for the Missionary Society. After
dinner George took the men up to work again and just as he got the
horse put away, uncle Watson and his family came and he had to get
out the horse and go for pa and David again. They left shortly
after 6 tonight.
Thursday 2 10:20 pm
Today has been a fearful stormy, cold day. This morning Georgie went
to Mr. Cochlin's where he has hired for a year and pa went with him.
David and Emily went to Guelph. They returned at 3:30. pm.
Friday 3 12:00 pm
Today has been stormy but bright. This morning David went to school
and pa went to chop. Pa returned to dinner at 2 and did not go back but
went over to Loree's and stayed awhile. Tonight we got ready to go over
there to spend the evening but just then their boys came here and
stayed so we did not get. They have just left.
Saturday 4 10:15 pm
Today has been stormy but not so cold. Pa has been very bad all day with
cramp in the stomach. We have been busy all day with sewing and
Sunday 5 9:30 pm
Today has been snowy but not so much wind. This forenoon Georgie came
home and stayed until about 2:30 when David took him back in the
cutter. Shortly before he left Mr. Loree came over and stayed until
after tea.
Written Monday 20 8:40 pm
Monday 6th. pa drove me over to Crofts and then went on to Rockwood and
that afternoon Jenny took Emily down and stayed all night and came home
next morning. I remained at Ann Eliza's until Saturday evening when pa
came for me. I found a letter from Richard waiting for me.' Sunday
was a beautiful bright day and David drove Jenny & I up to the Centre
to quarterly meeting and then brought the horse home. Pa walked up
and we all walked back. As we were going up we met Georgie coming home.
Towards evening David took Georgie back and then we went to Rockwood to
church. Monday morning pa took Alfred's pig home and I rode with him
as far as Rockwood and then walked up to Ann Eliza's. I forgot to say
Alfred and Annie came to tea Saturday evening and stayed till after
10. They took our little stove away with them and during the following
week pa brought their parlor stove here. Last Friday we went over to
Joseph Croft's and spent the afternoon and Robert came for us in the
evening. Saturday evening pa came for me again and we brought home 17 lbs
of butter and 25 lbs of lard. I found a letter from Mary Ann for me
and a note from Cousin Emily. Sunday morning was fine but the afternoon
was stormy and the evening sharp. Georgie came home in the forenoon
and David took him back again towards evening. We went to Rockwood
at night and returning found N.S. here. Today has been dull and calm.
This morning Jenny washed and David went to school. Today I began to
fix my jacket. Pa has been chopping all day.
Tuesday 21 9:30 pm
Today has been cold and snowy. This morning pa went up to Mr.
Cochlins to see him on business and then back to his chopping. He came
home to dinner.
Wednesday 22 10:00 pm
Today has been dull with a sharp wind. Pa did not come home to dinner
today. I finished my jacket this forenoon and this afternoon Jenny
and I went down to Socket's and stayed till after 9.
Thursday 23 10:00 pm
Today has been fine and calm. This morning ma and I went to Guelph and
went down to Carrie Porter's for our dinner. We reached home shortly
after dark. Tonight Mr. Benham came over with the plan of his kitchen
Friday 24 10:20 pm
Today has been windy but milder. This morning pa drove to Rockwood
and from there to Alfred's to dinner. About 2 o'clock he returned bring-
ing Bertie. Then he drove up for his axe and Jenny and I rode as far
as Matthew Loree's and David came in on his way home from school. Pa
drove up as far as Cousin Roberts.
Saturday 25 9:20 pm
This morning was mild but windy. About 11 am a dreadful storm of snow
and wind commenced and continued most of the afternoon. This
morning pa and ma took Bertie home. They went by Croft's
and took the keg and Alfie's stockings home. After leaving Bertie they
went on to Laight's to get some feathers and just as they started home
the storm commenced and they had to face it all the way. They reached
home at 1 pm.
Sunday 26 3:20 pm
Today has been fine with a cold wind. This forenoon Georgie came home
a little earlier than usual and pa and Jenny and I went to church up
here. About 4 pm pa took Georgie back and tonight pa and Jenny and I
went to Rockwood to church.
Monday 27 9:00 pm
Today has been mild with a warm wind and occasional showers of rain which
is fast removing the snow. This morning I washed and pa went up to
Mr. Jonathan Oaks's on business. He returned about 2 pm. This afternoon
Mr. & Mrs. John Awry passed here and stopped to speak to pa who was
outside and inquired the way to Mat Loree's.
Tuesday 28 9:00 pm
Today has been a beautiful bright day overhead but rather wet and
slushy under foot. This morning I hung out the clothes and they got
nicely dried by tonight. Jenny washed the flannels. Pa took his dinner
with him today.
Wednesday 29 10:00 pm
Today has been beautiful and bright like yesterday but rather cooler.
This morning pa went to Guelph by the train and returned by the
evening train. He called to the post office tonight and brought a
letter fro Jenny from Emily.
Thursday 30 9:15 pm
Today has been another bright fine day but cloudy towards evening.
This morning pa went up to chop and came home to dinner and after
dinner he drove to Rockwood to get some rings for his maul and then
he drove to Alfred's. It was nearly dark when he returned. This
forenoon Mr. Warner called to inquire if Alfred had rails to sell.
Friday 31
Written Saturday
This day was cold and windy with dashes of snow. This morning David
went over to Loree1
s to see if they could draw some wood for us from
Shaw's and he and John went off for a load and on their way home
managed to upset. Mr. Loree came along just then with the other team
and he took some of the wood and went home to dinner and the boys came
on here. After dinner Mr. L. brought his load over and came in and paid
me Georgie's money $3.00. Ma was lying down so he did not see her. When he
left I started for Emily. The roads were very ban and it was late when
we got home and I was sick.
Saturday 1st 11:00 pm
Today has been cold and stormy. This morning pa went to chop and David
went over to Loree's and he and John went off for another load. They
brought two yesterday. This afternoon pa did not go out. Alfred and
Annie passed on their way to George Miller's funeral and on their
return they came in and stayed the evening.
Sunday 2nd
Written Tuesday evening
This day was exceedingly cold and windy. I was very ill all day with
sick headache. Georgie came home about 9:30 and pa took Emily away about
2 pm. Georgie left about 3:30 and walked back.
Monday 3
This day was milder and calm. Pa caught cold coming home last night and
was unable to go to chop. He walked down as far as John Socket's in the
forenoon to see him about some oats but he was away to Rockwood so he went
down again in the afternoon and bought 50 bushels at 28 cts. David went
to school as usual
Tuesday 4 8:30 pm
Today has been mild and calm. This morning Jenny washed and pa drove
over to Alfred's to tell him about the oats. He returned about 4:30
bringing David's paper and a letter for himself from James Day.Tonight
I answered the letter and sent him my picture.
Wednesday 5 9:15 pm
Today has been mild and the forenoon was snowy, the afternoon clear.
This morning Jenny and I drove to Rockwood, called at Miss Edwards,
at Stouts and the Post Office and then drove to Ann Eliza's and got some
milk and came home by the gravel road, reaching home by 1:30 pm
Thursday 6 9:20 pm
Today has been soft and snowy. This morning father and mother and Jenny
and I went to Guelph. Jenny and I drove ma to the station and pa walked
there and they went by train and we drove. We all went to Mr. Humphrey's
to dinner. We got my wedding dress and a dress for each of the girls.
We reached home just at dark and pa was just before us.
Friday 7 9:30 pm
Today has been colder but fine. This morning I drove into Guelph
to get my dress cut and fitted. Ruth Fear went with me to Miss
Stewart's and she fitted it. I also took Emily's back and changed it
for cashmere like Jenny's. Tonight Ruth came home with me and we reached
here at 7:10.
Saturday 8 10:00 pm
Today has been fine and bright. This morning pa drove to Rockwood to
get the horse shod and from there to Alfred's. He returned about
3 pm. David went to Mr. Benham's threshing. We worked steady all day
at my dress.
Sunday 9 10:00 pm
Today has been cold and stormy. Georgie came home about 10. About
4 David and Ruth took him back. Tonight we went to church in Rockwood.
We three girls rode in the cutter and David walked. We reached home at
Monday 10 10:30 pm
Today has been fine and mild. Pa was sick all day with Neuralgia. David
went to school. This afternoon Jenny went to Rockwood and from there to
Ann Eliza's to get some milk but she was away. Tonight Noah and Hannah
Sunley came and stayed the evening.
Tuesday 11 10:20 pm
Today has been mild and snowy. This morning pa went over to Mr. Benham's
to help him clean up his barn floor but he returned about 10 almost
crazy with neuralgia. He is some better tonight.
Wednesday 12 10:00 pm
Today has been very cold and stormy. This morning Jenny washed and I
took Ruth over to Norrish's and then drove to Ann Eliza's and got some
milk. This afternoon we made and baked my wedding cake.
Thursday 13 9:20 pm
Today has been fine and cold. This morning I finished my wedding
dress and then we cut out Jenny's dress. This afternoon pa went
to Guelph for some medicine to cure his neuralgia which still troubles
him. After he came home a man called with a dress model to sell but
we declined purchasing for the very good reason that we have too many
Friday 14 10:00 pm
Today has been cold and windy with some snow. This morning David went
to Mr. Benham's threshing and pa went to Rockwood and posted a letter
from me to Emily and got the papers and then drove to Alfred's returning
at noon. This afternoon Mr. Cooper called to borrow an axe but pa would
not lend his but he lent him the saw.
Saturday 15 9:15 pm
Today has been very cold and windy. This morning pa drove up for the
saw and this afternoon he went up and chopped some wood for Mr. Cooper.
We iced my cake today with two coats and we finished Jenny's polonaise.
Sunday 16 9:40 pm
Today has been rather milder with some snow. Georgie came home about
10:30 and this afternoon Jenny and I took him back. Tonight David took
us to Rockwood church and Louisa and Janet McKersie were there. We
reached home about 8:30.
Monday 17
Written on Wednesday
This day was chilly with an east wind and snow at night. This morning
Jenny washed the clothes and I washed a quilt and the counterpane.
Mr. Loree came over and brought a pitcher of milk and stayed awhile.
This evening N.S. came and stayed some time.
Tuesday 18
This day was beautiful and bright with very little wind. This morning I
finished Jenny's dress and after dinner pa went over to Loree's to see
if they could draw wood for us this afternoon. Then he went up to chop
and soon after Johnny Loree came along with the team and called for
an axe. About 2:20 Jenny and I started for Alfred's. We found Annie at
home and spent a pleasant time. There was a meeting at the school at
night and Alfred and Mr. Wansborough went in. We reached home about 10:40
While we were away a woman called with some wash tubs for sale and pa
bought two. In the evening pa went over to Mr. Benham's.
Wednesday 19 9:30 pm
Today has been fine with some snow and it is snowing fast now. This
morning pa whitewashed their bedroom and tonight I put the carpet down.
This afternoon Johnny Loree was hauling wood again.
Thursday 2 0
Written Friday evening
This day was fine with a very cold north wind. This morning I ironed
and this afternoon David came home at 3:30 and we three went down to
Shaw's. In the evening James Hill came in and we had a good time.
It was nearly 1 o'clock when we got home.
Friday 21 9:10 pm
Today has been a beautiful day and milder than yesterday. There was
no school at David's school so he cut wood this morning and after
dinner he helped pa grind his axe and then went down to Alfred's.
He returned about 8:40. This afternoon Jenny went for Emily and they
reached home about dark. Pa broke his axe this forenoon so he ground it
and put a new handle in it this afternoon.
Saturday 22 9 : 3 0 m
Today was stormy in the morning but clear and mild in the afternoon.
This morning Emily and I went to Guelph and got her dress fitted.
We went to Mr. Humphries to dinner and started home just before five
and reached home at dark.
Sunday 23 9:00 pm
Today has been stormy and cold. This forenoon Georgie came home as usual.
After dinner David went away with Emily. Georgie left at 4 o'clock.
David returned about 7 o'clock.
Monday 24 9:5 0 pm
Today was fine but very cold. This morning Jenny washed. This afternoon
pa went to Mr. George Armstrong's to see about a job of mason work. He
returned at dark having found the job was let.
Tuesday 25 9:00 pm
Today has been very stormy and cold. Pa stayed at home and cut wood
and made 2 axe handles' Ma and Jenny worked at my quilt and I worked
at Emily's dress.
Wednesday 26
written on Thursday
This day was very cold and stormy. This forenoon pa broke his axe and
had to come home and grind it. This evening N.S. came.
Thursday 27 8:40 pm
Today has been extremely cold but clear. This morning pa chopped and
after dinner he got ready and rode with Mr. Loree to George Miller's
sale. He returned about 5 and David came with him. After tea he went up
to Mr. Cochlin's and has not yet returned.
Friday 28
Written Saturday morning
This day was fine but very cold. This morning David went to pile wood for
pa and after dinner he took ma over to Loree's and then took Jenny and
I to Mr. Wetherald's and went on to Alfred's himself. In the evening
he brought the horse for us and we drove home while he stayed to the
Caledonian entertainment in the Town Hall. I brought Jenny home and then
went to Loree's for ma. Pa came ahead with the house key as Jenny could
only get into the kitchen. It was about 8 o'clock when we got home.
David rode home with Will Sunley about 2 am.
Saturday 1 9:40 pm.
Today has been windy but milder. This forenoon pa finished his
contract of wood chopping for Mr. Socket and David drove up for him
and his tools about 11:00 am. This afternoon pa went to the Centre
Inn to give his estimate for Mc Coghlin's barn but he did not get the
job. He came home by Rockwood having to take a plane of Mr. Corner's home
and to pay Mr. Wetherald for weaving.
Sunday 2 9:00 pm
Today has been calm and mild. This forenoon Georgie came home about
10:20 and this afternoon Jenny took him back. Tonight we went to
church at Rockwood and McKersie's girls were there and we made
arrangements for them to come over next Tuesday.
Monday 3 9:20 pm
Today has been a beautiful day clear and warm and sunshiny. This
morning Mr. Benham came over with some pine lumber for pa and pa
promised to go over tonight to sit up with old Mr. B. After he left
ma and pa went to Guelph and Jenny and I did the washing. This
afternoon John Townsend came. He had been to Guelph. Ma and pa came
home about 6 o'clock. John would not stay all night as they would be
uneasy at home. He left about 8:30 and pa went over to Benham's.
He returned in about half an hour to say that Mr. George Swanson would
stay tonight and he was to go over tomorrow night.
Tuesday 4 11:00 pm
This morning was windy and sleety and miserable but this afternoon
it cleared up real fine. The girls came this afternoon as they
promised. They have just left. Tonight pa went over to sit up with Mr.
Wednesday 5 11:15 pm
Today has been mild and calm and bright. This afternoon ma and pa went
to Alfred's and have only just returned. Tonight David went up to Mr.
Cooper's but did not go in. He reports the necktie social a success as
fas as numbers are concerned.
Thursday 6
Written on Friday
This day was dull and threatening in the morning but cleared up fine
before night. This morning pa went to cousin Robert's and settled with
him. He gave pa 10 dollars and 10 cords of green wood and pa called at
John Edwards on his way home and engaged him to draw the wood. He
reached home about 4:30. Tonight we went to the tea-meeting in Eden
Mills and Janet and Louisa McKersie were there and we had a good
time. The meeting was a success. We reached home at 12:20.
Friday 7 9:15 pm
Today has been a beautiful day, bright and calm. The snow is going fast.
I washed the window curtains this morning and we finished quilting my
quilt which we began yesterday. Today Mr. Loree came over and he and pa
went back in the swamp to look at some wood he wanted cut but he decided
not to cut it as he could not get it out. Tonight pa has gone over to
sit up with Mr. Benham. This evening Janey Ritchie came over to
borrow some tea.
Saturday 8 9:20 pm
Today has been chilly with some thunder and lightning, but clear
towards evening. Today I starched the curtains. This morning pa went
to Rockwood and got the papers. Tonight Janey Ritchie brought back the
tea she borrowed.
Sunday 9
Written Monday evening
This day was mild and hazy and the evening was wet. This morning Jenny
and David and ma went to church. This afternoon I took Georgie back
and coming home I overtook Janey Ritchie and drove her down to Loree's
and found David was there. He told me not to go to church tonight as the
road was dreadful bad on this line. As I came home it came on a smart
shower and sprinkled me a bit. About 8:40 N.S. came and shortly
afterwards David came home. Pa has a dreadful bad cough and had gone to
bed. Shortly after 9 there came a heavy thundershower with high wind.
Monday 10 9:40 pm
Today has been bright and very mild and calm, a real spring day.
This morning Jenny and I washed. I washed my blankets and got them
nicely dry. About 11 Mr. Edwards and his boy came with two loads of
wood. This afternoon Mr. John Black came in to assess. About 5 o'clock
pa borrowed Mr. Loree's little sleigh and went for some straw from
Swazey's. Tonight pa's cough is very bad.
Tuesday 11 9:00 pm
Today has been very windy and rather cooler. This morning pa went to
Rockwood to see the doctor about his cough. He returned about 11 with
some medicine and David's paper. Tonight he went over to see how Mr.
Benham was. He found the family assembled and expecting him to die before
morning. All his daughters were there. I finished my fine chemise
today and ma made some apple jelly.
Wednesday 12 9:40 pm
Today has been dull and cold. This forenoon pa went over to have a chat
with Mr. Loree. He came back about 10:30. The medicine he got yesterday
has checked his cough. Today I cut out my polonaise and put it together,
Tonight Sammy Loree came in and spent the evening.
Thursday 13 9:00 pm
Today has been dull and raw and windy. This morning pa went up to Jimmy
Ray's and as he went he called at Benham's to see how Mr. Benham was.
Shortly afterward the little boy came running over to say his grandpa
was dead and they would like pa to go over but as he was away of course
that was impossible. So tonight after tea he went over and has not
yet returned. Last night I wrote to Emily and also a postal
card for Mary Watson and David posted them this morning.
Friday 14
Written Saturday evening
This day was windy and snowy. This morning ma went over to Loree's
and stayed a short time. After she returned David went to Rockwood on
Jessie and got the papers and a letter from Richard for me. Tonight
we went over to Loree's to spend the evening and it was nearly 12 when
we returned.
Saturday 15
Today has been cold and stormy yet bright. This afternoon pa and David
went to Mr. Benham's funeral. There were a great many there. Pa was
one of the pall-bearers. Mr. Duff from Speedside was the minister.
Sunday 16
Written Monday evening
This day was cold and rather stormy. David took Georgie back this
afternoon. In the evening Jenny went for a walk as far as the railroad
and back. David went to meet her and then went on with John Loree
to Rockwood. Pa was sick all day with cramp in the stomach and went
to bed early. About 8:30 N.S. came and shortly afterward David came.
Monday 17 8:40 pm
Today has been calm and mild and snowy. This morning Jenny and I
washed and pa went down to John Socket's. This afternoon pa went
to Farish's mill and from there to Everton, calling at Alfred's on
his way. He got 100 lbs of flour. This evening Mrs. Cooper called
to invite us to a surprise party at Mr. Hodgeskinson on Friday night.
After tea David went up to Mathew Loree's and has not yet returned.
Tuesday 18 9:30 pm
Today has been cold and somewhat snowy. This morning ma and I went to
Guelph and got my hat and shoes and gloves. We got home about 3:30 and
found cousin Mary Watson here. We met pa just across the railroad on his
way to Farish's mill for flour. He got 200 lbs and Mr. John Edwards
brought it up home for him.
Wednesday 19 10:30 pm
Today has been rather chilly with some snow but on the whole fine. This
afternoon Mary and Fanny and Tenie Smith came and shortly afterwards
Rhoda and Ella Hodgeskinson came. About 7:30 Smith's left and Mr.
Townsend and Willy came just before. About 8 Micholas McMurray came for
the other girls and they stayed to play a game of carpet balls and then
left. Mary Smith brought me a card-case and match holder and Fanny
brought me a bead pin-cushion. Pa went to Mr. Anstee's sale today but
did not stay long. This is Sarah Benham's wedding day.
Thursday 20 9:30 pm
Today has been fine and bright. This morning I took Mary
over to Crofts and got some milk and some yeast and Ann Eliza gave me
the presents they had purchased for me. She gave me a table cloth and
two towels and Robert gave me a set of crystal. This afternoon she
and Mary passed here on their way to Loree's and she ran in for a
minute. Tonight cousin James Day came. I ornamented my cake this
Friday 21 10:00 pm
Today has been beautiful and bright and mild. This morning after
breakfast cousin James left for Guelph and David rode with him to
school. This forenoon pa went to Rockwood and got the papers and
this afternoon he went for Emily. We took down my bedstead today and
I blacked the stove.
Saturday 22 9:20 pm
Today has been very stormy and a great quantity of snow fell.
This morning Emily and I went to Guelph and David went to Alfred's
examination. We went down to Carri's to dinner and we left there at
2:30 and arrived at home about 5. David reached home at 8:30. We
got Emily's hat and my toilet set and some plates and various small
Sunday 2 3
written Monday
This day was fine but dull. This forenoon we three girls went to church
and after dinner we and the boys went over to Loree's and stayed to
tea and then I came home for the horse and Georgie came home and
changed his clothes and went away. Emily and I rode to Rockwood to church
in our buggy and Johnny Loree took Jenny and Mary Watson who came over
on foot from Ann Eliza's. Will Sunley and David and Sammy Loree went
down in the cutter. Coming home Will Sunley brought Emily and Johnny
Loree brought Jenny and Marg rode with me while David and Sammy walked.
Will and Johnny came in and stayed awhile and Noah came shortly
after we got home. We spend a pleasant evening and they left about
10 except N.
Monday 24 9:30 pm
Today has been stormy and wet and tonight is very windy. This morning
pa went to Alfreds and got some dishes and then drove over for Ann
Eliza. We were at dinner when they came. Ann Eliza baked some Ammonia
cakes for me and after tea she and Marg went away in our cutter
and David went and brought the horse back and went for George and got
back about 9.
Tuesday 25
Written Wednesday evening
This day was a most beautiful day without a cloud. It was my wedding-day.
All of both families were present. We were married at 1 o'clock by
Mr. Masson. Emily was bridesmaid and Will Sunley was groomsman.
Everything passed off very well and about dark Noah and I started for
his father's where we stayed that night. On our way we called in at
Loree's to say good-bye to Mrs. Loree. That afternoon Will Sunley took
Emily down to Reid's and remained all night.
Wednesday 26 8:20 pm
Today has been fine until towards evening when it began to storm.
This morning Noah and I went to father's to get my things, we stayed
to dinner and then Noah went on with the team and pa took me and my
most precious belongings in the buggy. The roads were bad and we had
to go very round-about roads so it made us rather late. We found Mr.
and Mrs. Sunley there busy cleaning and the house nice and warm. I like
the appearance of my new home very much. Pa stayed till Noah came and then
he helped him unload and put up the bedstead and then he left for home.
Mr. & Mrs. Sunley stayed to tea and then left in the storm.
Thursday 27 Time not known
Today has been calm and dull but mild. This morning I was busy
straightening things and scrubbing. This afternoon I mended Noah's
overcoat and did some other little chores. Noah was drawing wood.
Friday 28
Today has been dull and raw and tonight it is raining fast. This
morning Noah went down to his father's for a load of oats so I was alone
all day. He returned some time after dark and Hannah came with him.
Saturday 29
Written Monday afternoon
This day was dull and misty in the distance but mild. This morning
Noah went over to Oaks's for the plough with the sleigh and he
called at the store in Oustic and got me a stove brush. Sometime
toward evening Mr. Sunley came with a load of seed peas and brought
three of our old chairs from home. He had a dreadful time coming up
the road was so bad the way he came. He got stuck in one place. He
got his supper here and then started back.
Sunday 30
This day was cold and windy with flying snow. This afternoon we took
Hannah over to Oaks's and stayed the evening. It was after 9 when
we left. They seem to be very nice folks. Hanna is going to stay
there till Tuesday and then she is going home with us. This was
Jenny's birthday. She is 20 years old now.
Monday 31
This was fine but windy and cold. This morning Noah went down to his
father's for a load of oats and returned about 5 o'clock
Tuesday 1st Afternoon
Today has been milder than yesterday but is growing colder and
threatening snow. Noah went over to Leslie's this morning and met pa on
his way to Robert's for some hay. We are now waiting for Hannah preparatory
to starting for Mr. Sunley's (Later). Hannah came about 5 and we
reached Sunley's at dark. Just before we reached cousin James Smith's we
saw ma and Jenny drive out and we drove fast and overtook them at Mitchel's
corner and ma gave me $1.50 to get myself a pair of strong shoes.
Wednesday 2nd
Written Thursday
This day was cold and stormy. This morning Noah and Johnny Sunley started
for Guelph with the cattle about 6 o'clock and about 7 Mr. S. followed
them with the team. About 9 Mrs. Sunley and I went with old Charlie
and the buggy. It was Easter fat cattle show as well as the monthly
fair day and there was a great crowd in town. I saw a good many that
I knew. We got back at 3 o'clock and the men were just an hour after.
After tea Noah and I started for home taking JOhnny with us. We got
here about 7:30. We had my bureau and the churn and I carried the
clock on my lap all the way. The roads were pretty rough but nothing
was damaged.
Thursday 3
7:30 pm
Today has been colder and more stormy than yesterday. This morning
Noah went down to his father's for a load of grain and returned about
5:30. He brought some hens with him. I got things into a little better
order today.
Today has been cold but not so stormy as yesterday. This morning Noah
went down to Oustic to see mr Oaks and he posted a letter I wrote last
night to Richard. When he came back he went down to his father's for
another load of grain and did not get back till dark. Tonight I set
bread for the 1st time.
Saturday 5 8:30 pm
Today has been fine and calm and milder than yesterday. This morning
Noah went over to Oaks's for the crosscut saw and tonight he took it
back and got the Mercury from the post office. I baked today and
Sunday 6
written Monday
This day was a beautiful, bright,warm day. This morning Noah and I
walked over to Speedside church. This afternoon about 5 cousin Mary
Watson and two Miss Sloans and Miss Easton called in and stayed a short
time. There had been a prayer meeting at Sloan's and Mary had been to
it and was on her way back to Speedside where Robert was to meet her.
Monday 7 8:4 5 pm
Today has been a
. repetition of yesterday. This morning I washed for the
first time here. This afternoon a man came and got his dinner.
He was taking orders for fruit trees.
Tuesday 8 9:20 pm
Today has been a perfect spring-day, beautiful. This morning I cleaned
the stove and had just finished when ma and Jenny came. They brought my
two mottoes and my wreath and in the afternoon I fitted ma's basque-
waist for her. They left about 4:45. Tonight about 7 Johnny Sloan came in
and has just left
Wednesday 9 10:00 pm
Today has been very warm and fine. This morning at 6 o'clock Noah started
for his father's en route for Guelph and only returned half an hour
ago. He reports the roads fearful bad. He came home in the buggy.
Today I scrubbed and ironed.
Thursday 10 9:00 pm
Today has been very windy and wet, raining in the forepart of the
day and snowing and freezing towards evening. Tonight after tea Noah
went over to Jim Duffields and only returned a few minutes since.
Friday 4 9:20 pm
Friday 11 8:45 pm
Today has been rather cold but very fine and bright. This morning Noah
and Johnny started down home at 6:15 o'clock to bring up our live
stock viz a cow, two young cattle, 8 sheep and 6 hens and a rooster.
They reached here at 2:30 pm. Jim came with them to stay for a few days
and Johnny rode back again on one of the horses after they had
eaten their dinner. About 5:30 Jimmy rode, over to Oustic for some nails
and he got the paper.
Saturday 12 9:00 pm
Today has been bright and fine like yesterday but milder. This
morning Noah went over to the sawmill for some scantling to make a gate
and Jimmy went over to Oustic again. This afternoon Jim Duffield was
over for awhile but he did not come to the house.
Sunday 13 9:00 pm
Today has been a dull wet day snowing fine snow almost all day. This
morning Jimmy went over to Oaks's and his cousin came back with him
about 1-30 and stayed till dark and just as he was leaving Johnny
5loan came over and stayed until now.
Monday 14 8:45 pm
Today has been very fine and warm. This forenoon about 11 o'clock Mr.
Socket and Lucy and the children came and stayed until after tea. Noah
and Jimmy hung the new gate at the road today and fixed the pump stand.
Tonight after dark Noah went over to Oustic for spikes.
Tuesday 15 8:45 pm
Today has been fine but rather dull. This afternoon directly after dinner
Jimmy went over to Oaks's for an auger. Tonight about 6 o'clock he started
for home with the team.
Wednesday 16 9:15 pm
Today has been fine but dull like yesterday. About 12 o'clock
Mr. Sunley came in the buggy with Johnny behind with the team. About
half an hour afterward and before they came in to dinner Mr. Stovel came
with the pump. So I had quite a company to dinner. Mr. Stovel bringing
a boy with him. This afternoon Mr. Duff the minister at Speedisde called
on us. Noah and his father were away off to the bush so he did not
see him then but he was going further up the road to make another call
and on his way back he called in again but he did not come into the
house. Tonight at dark Noah went over to Oaks's and he called at the
post office and brought me a letter from Richard. It enclosed a pre-
scription for Hannah.
Thursday 17 9:00 pm
Today has been fine and most of the time bright with a high wind.
This morning Noah went over to see Mr. Collis about the line fence.
This afternoon he fixed the dairy for me.
Friday 18 9:25 pm
Today has been very fine and warm. About 12:30 Mr. Sunley came with the
team and brought our table. This afternoon he and Noah and some of the
neighbours were arranging about the line fence. After tea Mr. Sunley
left for home. This morning Noah was trying to plough but found it
would not do.
Saturday 19 9:10 pm
Today has been another fine warm day. This morning Noah and one of
the neighbours were laying out the line fence. This afternoon about
4:30 Noah went over to Oaks1
s to change some seed.
Sunday 20 9:00 pm
Today has been like yesterday, fine and warm. This forenoon Bob Sloan
came over and stayed awhile talking and this afternoon James Oaks
and Sarah came over and stayed until a short time ago when Noah and
I went a piece with them.
Monday 21 9:00 pm
Today has been a repetition of yesterday's weather. Noah commenced
ploughing today. This morning a man came in and asked if we had a clock
that wanted cleaning but he did not come into the house.
Tuesday 2 2 8 :15 pnv!
Today has been as fine as ever and exceedingly warm. This morning I
washed and this afternoon I churned but the cream was too warm and
consequently spoiled my butter so as we were quite out of butter I went
over to Oaks's and got 2 lbs.
Wednesday 23 8:20 pm
Today has been dull most of the time and threatening rain. This
morning a man came in thinking Sloan's lived here but on finding
his mistake retired precipitately. This afternoon Mr. Sunley and Jimmy
came up with the team about 2 o'clock and left about 4:30. After they
left I took a walk as far as the bush. Today was the day of the inauguratic
of Guelph as a city.
Thursday 24 8:10 pm
Today has been fine and cool but threatening rain towards night.
This morning Noah sowed peas and this afternoon I commenced working
in the garden digging up a piece of sod.
Friday 25 9:00 pm
Today has been a dull drizzling sort of a day. The men were sowing
peas and gang ploughing all day in spite of the wet
Saturday 2 6 8:50 pm
Today has been smoky and warm but rather dull. Tonight Johnny went
to Oustic and brought the paper and a letter from Emily. She gives
me a lot of news.
Sunday 2 7 8:20 pm
This morning was smoky and drizzling rain now and then, but it cleared
up about 10 o'clock,and was very warm all day. This morning Noah
and I went to church at Speedside. We got a partway, Noah with Allan's
and I with Sloan's. I saw cousin Robert and had a chat with him.. This
afternoon we had arranged to go over to Jim Duffields about 3 o'clock
when about 2:30 Mr. Grieves came in and stayed till just now he left.
Shortly after he came I went for a walk as far as the top of Mutrie's
hill. On my way back I met Miss Grieves and a younger brother going
home from Sloan's and Miss Sloan and her sister and two brothers and
another gentleman, I forget his name were with them. We stood a long
while talking and then Miss Grieves and brother went on and Miss
Sloan and party came back with me.
Monday 28
Today has been beautiful and cool and fine. This afternoon I
walked down home and gave them a surprise. After tea Jenny and I went
over to see Mrs. Loree and she loaded me with apples and sent a pitcher
of milk for me to drink while I was home. Pa is working at Benham's
now and he came home at dark.
Tuesday 2 9 8:45 pm
Today has been fine in the morning but dull this afternoon and
threatening rain. This forenoon Jenny and I drove over to Alfred's
and stayed to dinner and started back about 3:30 bringing Maggie
with us to stay with me for awhile. We just called at father's to
get some things and then Jenny brought me home and is staying here
all night. We reached here at 6 o'clock.
Wednesday 30 8:15 pm
Today has been dull and cold and windy. We had tea at 5 tonight and
Jenny started for home directly after. Shortly after she left Mrs.
Oaks came along on her way home from Sunley's having been down for Sarah
and Noah went out to speak to her and got some butter that his mother
had sent for us.
Thursday 1st 8:25 pm
Today has been very cold and windy. This afternoon I sowed lettuce
and beet seed and some cress seed that Ann Eliza gave me.
Friday 2nd 8:50 pm
Today has been fine and bright though cool. This afternoon I got my
garden ready and sowed some flower seeds. While I was at it a butcher
called to see if we had anything to sell.
Saturday 3 9:50 pm
Today has been warmer and very fine. I set a white hen today and sowed
some more flower seeds. Tonight while I was in the garden sowing the
seeds an old man came in begging but finding no one in the house he
left without seeing me.
Monday 12 8:35 pm
Today has been warmer than yesterday and windy and very fine. This
morning Johnny went to Oustic and got the paper. This afternoon I put
a new back in Noah'^ old vest.
Tuesday 13 8:45 pm
Today has been exceedingly warm and calm and clear and tonight it is
lightning . This afternoon I wrote to cousin Mary Ann and sowed some
flower seeds.
Wednesday 14 8:40 pm
Today has been fine and very warm. This afternoon I started for Oaks's
and a little piece up the road I met Miss Oaks and Miss Grieves
coming here so I had to turn back. After tea I went a piece with
them. I have promised to go to Oaks's tomorrow if it is fine. Noah
finished seeding tonight.
Thursday 15 8:45 pm
Today has been dull and showery and tonight is quite cool.I did not
go to Oaks's.Tonight after tea Noah went over there and I sent my letter
to post. I milked the cow in the field tonight
Friday 16 10:20 pm
Today has been a beautiful bright pleasant day. Tonight after tea we
went over to Sloan's. The girls were away to Guelph and Jim Duffield
and his wife came over too and soon after the girls came home. We had
music and singing and spent a pleasant time.
Saturday 17 9:30 pm
Today has been very fine and pleasant. This morning about 11 o'clock
Ma and Emily came and stayed till after tea. Emily got a chance ride
home last night. She brought me the rest of my cards. We are going down
in the morning if it is fine.
Sunday 18
Written Tuesday evening
This day was very fine and warm. In the morning we went down home, reachin
there about 11:15. They were all at church but pa to hear Mr. Cooper
preach his farewell sermon as he is about to leave that circuit. They
reached home about 1 o'clock and about 2 Noah and the boys went down to
Socket's. After tea we three girls started for Rockwood church and met
Noah and Georgie coming up. David had gone down to church. We tried to
persuade Noah to go with us but he wouldn't. When we got there we
found Fanny McKersie there and she and I went for a short walk as it was
early and then we sat in the same seat. Louie was there in the choir.
Coming back David rode with us and we were not long going home. I found
Noah waiting for me so he got out the horse and we started home
reaching here about 10 and finding Johnny asleep on the lounge.
Monday 19
This day was fine like yesterday. In the morning Noah took Jim
Duffield's buggy home and I rode with him as far as the pasture to
milk the cow. When he came back he and Johnny started for his father's
to get some hay and to bring up some cattle but he returned shortly
after 7 o'clock with a load of hay and minus Johnny who had gone
to Guelph. I was washing all day and felt very tired.
Tuesday 20 9:00 pm
Today has been very warm and rather windy. This morning I baked
pies and cakes. This afternoon about 4:30 Mr. Sunley and Johnny
came with the cattle, two steers and a cow and about
7:30 Mr. Sunley left for home and Noah went over and helped me milk.
Wednesday 21 8:40 pm
Today has been very fine and cool. This forenoon Noah went to Oustic
to get me some whole pepper and ginger. He got the ginger but they had
no pepper. Tonight I sowed the cucumber seed.
Thursday 22 9:40 pm
Today has been fine and quite cool. We rose early and started for Mr.
Sunley's reaching there at 8. About 10 we started for Guelph with Mr.
Sunley and Hannah. I got my hat trimmed and we got the wallpaper for the
house and got back there about 6:20, got our supper and started for
home here with the buggy, reaching here at 9.
Friday 23 8:35 pm
Today has been very fine and warm but cool tonight. This morning Noah
went down to his father's early and returned tonight at 6 with a load
of things. About 4:30 Alfred and Annie and the children came and
stayed till dark.
Saturday 24 8:55 pm
Today has been fine and warm. This afternoon Noah washed the sheep.
A good many people passed here today, spending their holdiay.
Written Monday
This day was fine but cool. This morning about 11 o'clock Mr. McFarlane
and Rachel came and after dinner Mr. & Mc and Noah went over to Jim
Duffield's and about 3:30 Len Parkinson and Man Duffied came and after
putting away the horse they went over after the others and about tea-
time they came back again together except Man who did not come till after
tea. About 6:30 Mr. McF went home and Rachel is staying till Tuesday.
The others left a little before 9.
Monday 26 9 :2 0 pm
Today has been fine but very cool. This morning about 9:15 Rachel started
for Oaks's with the children and she came back about 8:40. Mr. Oaks
brought the bricklayers out today from Guelph.
Tuesday 27 9:15 pm
Today has been dull and cold. This afternoon Rachel and I with the
children went over to Jim Duffields and about 5 o'clock Hannah came.
She came with Mr. McF who had come for Rachel so after tea we hurried
home and they started home immediately.
Wednesday 28
Written Saturday
This day was fine and warm. In the morning we began our house-cleaning
spree that Hannah had come to help me about and about 10:30 Jenny
came. She brought me a pail of soft soap and a basket of apples. We did
not quite finish the kitchen today. Tonight Johnny Sloan came over and
stayed till nearly 10. I was just about starting for their place when he
came so when Noah came in I went and took the shawl home that I
borrowed the other night and took a pitcher for yeast but they had just
made new yeast and it had not risen enouqh, then so I left the pitcher.
Thursday 29
This day was very warm and dry. This morning Noah rode down with Jim
Duffield as far as Lyon's corner and then walked home and went to
Guelph with his father to get a buggy. The girls finished the kitchen
and my bedroom today and after tea Jenny went home and I sent half of
my last churning of butter down home by her. This morning I set two
hens. Tonight Hannah and I went over for the yeast and we had a splended
swing. Noah did not come home tonight and soon after we came back
from Sloan's a drunken man came down the road and came in here. We
locked the doors and kept quiet and he soon left.
Friday 30
This day was very windy and hot. I baked today and we did the other
bedroom all but the floor. About 4 o'clock Noah and Jim came with the
buggy and about 7:30 Jim and Hannah left for home.
Saturday 31 8:35 pm
Today has been very warm and windy and about 4 it began to rain and is
still raining steady and thundering and lightning. This morning Noah
sheared the sheep. Today I finished cleaning up and baked pies.
Sunday 1st 9:00 pm
Today has been dull but pleasant till about 4:30 when it commenced to
rain and rained heavy for some time. This forenoon Noah and I went
down to his father's and just before we left Fred Duffield came over and
stayed all day with Johnny. We had a pleasant ride down but coming
home tonight it was rather wet.
Monday 2 8:10 pm
Today has been dull and cold. This morning I churned and Fred
Duffield brought the gang plough home
Tuesday 3 9:10 pm
Today has been cold and wet. This morning Mr. Sunley came up and he and
Noah built the flue and put out the stove and put up a little one in
the house. Tonight they went over to Oustic to a political meeting.
Wednesday 4 8:00 pm
Today has been dull and drizzling except for a short time during the
afternoon when the sun shone out. This morning they finished the
chimney and this afternoon about 3 o'clock Mr. Sunley started for home.
Tonight Tom Sloan came over and stayed a little while.
Thursday 5
Written Tuesday
This day was very fine but cool and rather windy. This morning I washed
the white clothes and this afternoon Noah went down to the Centre
to vote and I went with him and drove on home but ma and Jenny were away
so I went to Loree1
s and Mrs. Benham was there. I stayed till 7 o'clock
and then went home to see the garden before dark. While I was there pa and
DAvid came home and they got the key and opened the house and I had a
look at the organ. About 8 ma and Jenny came and at the same time Noah
came from Loree's with the buggy so he drove in and we stayed till
9:10. They had been to Mr. Sunley's.
Friday 6
This day was fine but fearfully windy. I finished my washing and folded
the clothes at night. Tonight Noah went to Oustic and got the paper
Saturday 7
This day was fine and a little warmer. I scrubbed and baked and ironed
and in the evening I planted the beans.
Sunday 8
This day was fine but rather threatening. In the morning Johnny started
for Mr. Sunley's with the team. About 10:30 pa and ma came and about 2
Mr. & Mrs. Oaks came and about 3:30 Jim Duffield and his wife came, so we
had plenty of company. After tea pa and ma left and a while after Jim
and his wife left and just before dark Mr. & Mrs. Oaks left and Jim came
with the young horses.
Monday 9
This day was very fine and warm. They commenced road work today. In the
mcmninq I washed my blankets and all my clothes. This afternoon I
churned. Tonight after tea Noah and Jim hitched the colt single
for the first time and she went very quietly.
Tuesday 10 9:25 pm
Today has been fine and very hot. At noon we had a little shower.
They finished their road work at 11 and this afternoon they rolled the
turnip ground and then hitched the colt to the buggy and went over to
Oustic with the butter and got some groceries and some coal oil. About
7 Jim started for home. I commenced cleaning upstairs today. Tonight
after dark Jim Oaks came over and Noah is still out with him. Tom
Grieves got badly hurt today pulling down the old barn. Some of it
fell on him and one of the framers and hurt them very badly.
Wednesday 11 written Monday
This day was very fine and warm. This afternoon about 4 o'clock ma came.
I did not quite finish upstairs today. Tom Grieves died this morning at
4 o'clock and will be buried tomorrow at 2.
Thursday 12
This day was very fine and pleasant. This morning about 9:30 we started
for Garry and had a very pleasant visit. It was dark when we got back.
We got a lot of flower plants and Mr. Townsend gave ma the fowls he
promised pa long ago. Two hens and a rooster of the Silver Hamburgs.
Firday 13 Written Monday
This day was fine and very warm. This morning we planted out my plants
and then I starched my white skirts and after dinner ma fixed my
grenadine dress and I finished cleaning upstairs. About 4:00 ma started
for home.
Saturday 14
This day was fine and pleasant till about 3:30 when it commenced to rain
and rained quite heavy before dark. I whitewashed and cleaned the
passage today.
Sunday 15.
This morning it rained quite heavy but cleared off about 10 and Noah
and I started for his father's. We reached there soon after 11 and after
dinner we went to Eden to church with Mr. & Mrs. Sunley and Hannah and
on our way back we went into Rachael's and stayed to tea. When we were
on our way home it came on a dreadful heavy rainstorm and we got pretty
wet. We did not come home tonight as it is very dark and wet.
Monday 16 9:30 pm
Today has been very fine and cool. This morning we rose early and
started for home at 5:30. I brought a hen and 8 little ducks. Today
is Mr. Sunley's birthday.
Tuesday 17 Written Thursday
This day was dull and cold and windy. About 11 am. Mr. Sunley came up with
the turnip drill and they sowed the turnips in the afternoon. I washed
today. Mr. Sunley left about 7 o'clock.
Wednesday 18
This day was fine but cool. I ironed and baked today. Six little
chickens hatched today. This afternoon Noah rode down home with Jim
Duffield and came back with him about 9:30 tonight. Mrs. Sunley is
very poorly.
rhursday 19 9:00 pm
Today has been beautifully fine and warmer than yesterday. I cleaned the
summer kitchen partly today. Eight more chickens came out today.
Friday 20 written Monday
This day was very fine and warm. I finished cleaning the kitchen and
cleaned the dairy and entry which concludes my house-cleaning
Saturday 21
This day was fine and very warm and just after dark it rained a little
I baked and scrubbed today and at dark Jim Duffield and his wife called
for some cucumber plants.
Sunday 22
This day was exceedingly warm. This afternoon Noah and I went over to
Oakes's and stayed till 9 o'clock. Mr. & Mrs. Oaks were away at James
Anna Melia Day Sunley b. 1893 died 1948 at 95. her father was Thomas Day. married Noah Sunley in

Transcription Progress



Ann Amelia Day Sunley Diary, 1878-1879.pdf


“Ann Amelia Day Sunley Diary, 1878-1879,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024,
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