David Rea Diary & Transcription, 1857-1860


David Rea Diary & Transcription, 1857-1860

Date Created

April 12, 1857

Is Part Of

David Rea Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{Ahriell? 1857}

Sunday 12 we went to the metin nise Day

13 I went to Guelph paid the buildin society for two months 6/3/6 {pounds, shillings, pence} bought this book 0/5/0 and three {illegible 0/0/1 1/2} and two set of plow tines at 0/3/9 the boys split shakes with man then drew stones very nise Day

14 William and Charles plowed all Day James Moffat got 4 bus pes and 4 bus of barley at 5 per bushel paid cash 2/0/0. James and John McKay got 6 bs of peas at 5 per bushell not paid I drew in some turnips nise Day Sold to T Armstrong 2 bs of barley 5s per bus cash 2/0/0

15 Thomas Buckland got 8 bs of varley 5s per bushel 2/0/0 the boys plowing I shifted fence it snowed all Day

16 I calected Mr Barries money William got his horses shod Charles took the yarn to the weavers it snowed showers all Day

17 me and Charles went to A Griffiths thrashin William chopped wood in the after noon he plowed nise Day

18 we split rails in the fore noon in the after noon we laid fence Mother lent to John Rea 7/10/0

19 went to the metin snowed all Day

20 we mat a hay rack in the after non me and Charles went to Fergus he got his foot mesured for a pair of half boot I got mine half soled

21 it snowed all fore non the boys plowed in the after non I laid up fence

22 the boys plowed I laid fence nise Day

Aprill 1857

23 the boys plowed tha finished the field at the end of the barn than plowed in the potatoe field I gathered stones in the after none sold to Keneth McDonat 12 bs of spring wheat at 5/2/ per bus 3 2 0 very nise Day frost in the morning

24 the boys plowed William cultivated in the after non in the ten acres I plowed with the oxen nise Day

25 William cultivated Charles plowed I was sick

26 tha took the wagon to the mettin it snowed all the after non

27 the boys filled the stable William took farmer to get a shoe an I took Mr Carries money to T W Armsby Charles put up garden fence snow showers all Day

28 the boys plowed I was sick rather cold

29 I went to Scandlands for two bus of time to pickle the wheat the boys plowed in the after non I {[illegible]}eamed wheat William plowed in the after non

30 I sowed wheat Charles and John farowed William cultivated in the ten acres he finished very nise Day


May 1857 £ S d

1 I sowed Charles and John harowed William cultivated in sandeys field it rained from ten a clock

2 it rained in the fore non we fixed fences clowdy all Day

3 went to the metin nise Day

4 I sowed till non Charles and John harowed William cultivated it rained in the after non very hevy

5 it rained most all Day I went to Fergus after super for nails

6 The boys went to the fair I sold to T S Armstrong 12.00 lb of hay at £3 per tun not paid Sold to John Wishart 8 bus of barley at S5 for bus not paid 8 0 0 clowdy all Day

7 I sowed oats in the fore non in the field at the new barn then I sowed ten bushels of peas in Sandeys field William cultivated Charles and John harowed tha finished the ten acres of wheat than harowed oats in the litl field very nise Day

8 sowed down the litle field the boys finished harowin at non William harowed the peas I finished at[?] sowin the peas 18 bs of pees we sowed I sowed 5 bus of barley at S5 per bus 1 5 0 finished harowin the peas at super time than thea harowed in sandys new percel very nise Day

May 1857 £ S d

9 I sowed wheat in the after non I gathered roots of the new field the boys harowed it was very windy it is raining to night

10 we took the wagon to the metin very cold

11 I sowed oats an it was very hard frost this morning William cultivated in the after non Charles and John harowed nise day

12 I sowed oats Charles and John harowed and William Glandley {?} harowed at 1/3 for Day I barganed for a stud tha perfection to insure to mares for {odd mark. Does it mean anything?} £5 s William Sandy got 7 bu of barley for 5/ pr 1 15 0 very nise day

13 I sowed Skeltons field in oate the boys harowed it William cultivated we lent John McCrgge 1 5 for a few days very nise day

14 I sowed the last of our wheat this fore non the boys harowed William cultivated Matthew Mills bought a sow from us at £8 s15 to be paid in one month it rained in the after non

15 I took the sow to Fergus it rained till Diner time the boys cleaned oats

16 we staked fence in the fore non than the boys plowed the turnip and potato field sold 4 bu of peas to I {?} very 1 0 10 cold and windy James McKeag got 26 bu of oats at 2/5 not paid

May 1857

17 took the wagon to the metin very cold it was the sacrament

18 I sowed the twelve ackres in oats and sowed it down the boys harowed very nise day

{change in ink to brown} 19 sold at the barn 61 bs of oats 2/8 per bs 9/0/8 I went to John Robertsons rasin Robert Bechon got 1 bs of peas 5 per lb not paid

20 William took a load of hay to Billy J S Armstrong got 1200 of hay not paid Charles and me went to {John Strongs?} rasin John McKlellon got ten bus of barley bs 57 2/10

21 we took two load of hay to Billy and one {ton} to the bucher not paid William Parks got 9½ bs of barley 2/5 pr not paid yet to be paid in one month Mr {Astin} got 32½ lb of pork not paid

22 sold at the barn 78 bs of oats at 2/8 pr bus and 10/8/0 100 bs of oats at 5 York per bus and 500 wt of hay 1 Charles plowed William took a load of hay to Andrew Forrester very nise day

{change in ink} 23 William maid drills me and Charles drew out dung in the after non we planted potatoes very warm all day. {Change back to brown ink} 24 went to the metin very nise day

25 we finished plantin the potatoes at non Charles went to Fergus I went to Jones tavern to met the {captain} of the {malitia} William stoped at home

26 William and Charles plowed at William Glendleys I logged at Issac Andersons very nise day

27 William took a load of hay to {Billeys} me and Charles cleaned oats in the forenon {smudge on forenon}

May 1857

27 in the after non I took a load to Billeys the bays fixed fence it was showry Robert Wilkie got 1 bs of barley 1/9/0 William Kellehar 4 ton.83 cwt of hay to 14/6/0 to bee paid in one month after date Audreid Harrister got 29 lb of dried pork

28 we sowed plaster till non then we gatherd stones it was showery Robert {Thermon} borowed 14/0/0 for twelve months John {Thermon} borrowed 13/12/6 for nine month

29 we gatherd stones than we started fence cloudy all day

30 we started fence Thomas Skelton got 12 bs of spring wheat to be paid in agust Mr Astic paid for the pork 1/16/0

31 went to the metin nise day

== June 1857 == pdf.

5 I went to Guelph with 42 bs of fall wheat 8£ 9d pr bus 18/3 /0 I bought 15 lb of 8/10 pr lb 2/12/6 Charles harowed William gatherd stones Owen {Melbon} borowed 25/0/0 for twelve month at 12 pr cent

6 went to Fergus for a grist and some oat meal and to get the plowes fixed Charles harowed William took a cow to the bull than he gather stones Mother came home from Robert {Kenedys} nise day

7 I stoped at home nise day

8 I took 42 bs of fall wheat to Guelph sold to Allan 8s 9d pr bus 18/12/6 James Torrance borowed 12/10 for six month at twelve pr cent William worked at the roads Charles harowed it was showery

9 Me and William worked at the roads and the {ascen} Charles plowed {Can’t contextualise line 3 of day 9}

10 Me and William worked at the roads and the {ascen} Charles plowed

11 we went to work at the roads but it rained me and Charles plowed William gatherd stones

{change in ink to black} 12 me and William worked at the roads Mr Griffith helped us I paid him 2/6 Charles plowed a very heavy shower

13 we washed our sheep in the after non than William went to the sawmill for to {board} to make a stone boat it coast Charles fished 5

June 1857

After super I went to Fergus Matthew Mills paid me for the cow that he bought one month a go 8/15/0 and for one ton of hay 3/5 I bought one sadle and bridle and {mortingrate} and raw hide for cash 3

14 tha took the wagon to the metin I keep the house nise day

15 Me and William shore the sheep than I plowed William gatherd stones Charles plowed all day Mother went to Fergus paid the weaver 1/2 cloudy and cold all day grand mother paid for her wheat that she got and the third of June 6 bs at 6/3 pr bus 1/17/6

16 me and Charles plowed William laid fence it was showery

17 Me and Charles plowed William laid fence same rain this morning we finished the field behind the house to night misty to night

18 I made drills for the turnips William and Charles drew out dung it was warm and showery

19 I drilled the turnips William and Charles drew out dung mother had her wool pickin this after non cloudy and windy all day

20 I mad drills the boys {scaterd?} dung John Robinson borowed 15£ for six 15/0/0 month at twelve pr cent interests it rained in the after non till super time Mr Astic paid ins for 20 b of pork at 9d pr {br?} 15/0

June 1857

21 We took the wagon to the metin it was a very heavy shower of rain

22 we made a stone boat than we went to Fergus Charles bought a coat it cost 17/6 William got measured for a sut of clowes bought a cheese {chesal?} cost 8/11 it rained all day very hard

23 I took a load of wheat to Guelph sold to {Allan?} 47 bs at 14s York came to 20/15/0 the boys drew out dung tha finished it was a nise day

24 I finished drilling the turnips William sowed the turnips Charles harowed sowed 48 lb of turnips 2/6 it was a very nise day 25 I tok a grist to Everton mills of 20 bs of spring wheat Mr {Furley?} got 200 lb of flowe at {4.2 bs?} pr cwt came to 2/5/0 to be paid on the first of January

26 I took a load of fall wheat to Fergus 39bs at 13 yk came to 16/0/0 Charles harowed William fixed a bout the new house very warm

27 I took a load of fall wheat to Guelph sold to Allan at 14 {yok? Author’s intent was york} 43 bs came to 18/2/6 Charles harowed William went to bing William Armstrongs rasin in the after non very warm

28 went to the near metin very warm Caty Cassidy was here

29 it rained in the morning we cleaned a load of wheat I hired David Cardy for a month at ten Dolars 31 took a load of what to 43 bs came to 18/3/0

July 1857

Wednesday 1 I went to Fergus sold the old wagon to Mathew Anderson for 6/5/0 bought a new wagon from Mr Anderson for 28/15/0 Charles has plowed the sumer {falls} William and David gather stones {illegible} got a load of hay not paid it rained in the fore non

2 me and Charles plowed William went to smith rasin it rained in the morning nise day

3 I took 57 b of fall wheat to Guelph sold it to Allan 14s {illegible} came to Charles plowed William and David 25/6 gatherd stones it was showery

4 me and Charles plowed William and David drew dung out of the sheds we finished plowing the field very nise day

5 we took the wagon to the metin I {sut} up with Simpson all night nise day

6 I took 39 bs of spring wheat sold to Allan at 12s York 14/10 Charles cross plowed William and David drew dung out of the shed very warm

7 I took the wool to Guelph Mother and {T/Home} {Elisa} went we bught to lead {sheads} 1/10 Charles cros plowed William and David gathed stones nise day

8 William went to Fergus to get his plow fixed he got my clowes {clothes} 3 me and David split rails

July 1857

8 John Smith got a load of hay at 13 {illegible} pr ton not paid very warm

9 William plowed Charles plowed David was at Fergus {bulwated?} in the after non very warm

10 William and me drilled up the potatoes Charles plowed very warm Robert {Scott} borowed 25/0/0 for six month at 12 pr cent

12 went to church very warm William {sut} up with Simpson

13 I cultivated William and Charles plowed very warm

14 Charles Halliday borowed 7/10 for six month at 12 pr cent {Holmes} Armstrong borowed 25/0/0 for six month John {Carmie} fixed up our cheese {Illegible} David Cardy came at non and pulled {thistles} the boys plowed very warm

15 I went for our hay rake at William Woods prise of hay rake 1/6/3 Margret Armstrong got 12/10/0 the boys finished plowing the sumer {fall} we harowed in the after non it rained a litle

16 we harowed all day very warm

17 I went to Fergus brought a gate and a sythe and sheth {sheath?} cost /10/ and six rakes the boys harowed very warm

18 me and William and Charles went up to Garafraxa to se the land David gathed roots very warm

July 1857

19 I stayed at home very warm

20 me and William and Wiliam McKage mowed David and Charles harowed very showery all day

21 we mowed till ten than we split Rails W Mc was here Charles and cultivated David harowed behind the old house it was showery

22 William and me mowed in the morning than we fixed barrs Charles cultivated David harowed it was very showery all day

23 I went to Fergus with 2 {sneth? same illegible as on July 17} to get fixed and paid for the gate cost 0/13/0 Charles cultivated David harowed in the after non we mowed a litle it{it is deliberately blurred} we sold one horse to Robert Murdock for 31/5/0 to be paid twelve month after date

24 it rained most of the day we split some rails and burned dung

25 we pick fence in the after non we gatherd stones mother went to Guelph with W. Mc Kage nise day

26 took the wagon to the metin very warm

27 we mowed till non than we drew in 8 loads of hay {Lamar?} & Kelton helped us warm and windy

28 we mowed all day it rained in the morning David and Charles {harved?} turnips

29 we mowed than we drew in 8 loads of hay nise day

July 1857

30 we mowed till super time than we drew in 4 load of hay nise day

31 we mowed till diner time than we drew in 4 loads of hay it rained very hevy for one our than we mowed after super David and Charles {same as 28 July} turnips

Agust 1857

Saturd 1 we mowed till non than we drew in 7 load of hay {Skelton} was here nise day

2 we took the wagon to the metin David Bone was here nise day

3 we drew in with two teams all day {Skelton} was here nise day

4 we mowed all day Charles and David drew in 4 loads of hay it was showery in the after non

5 I went to John {Cormies} raisin William and Skelton mowed Charles raked hay nise day

6 I was sick all day William and Skelton and Charles mowed tha finished mowing nise day

7 we {bilt} a {shack} 13 loads skelton and Anderson helped us very nise day

8 William and Charles went to William Rea {lagin? logging} bee me and skelton and David drew in 9 8 loads of hay, we finished the {l/haying} very nise day

Agust 1857

Sund 9 went to the metin very warm

10 I took a grist to Fergus 9 bs of wheat and 9 bs of oats for oat meal got 120 lb of oat meall sold to William Forrister 100 lb of flower at 1 {illegible} paid 1/0/0 got the horses {shod?} the boys drew in one load of hay and finished the {hayinng} than tha thined the turnips

11 I went to Guelph paid the {brit} ing is part of illegible on next line}} society 6/5/0 paid for {car d ing ?} 95 lb of wool 1/3/9 the boys thinned the turnips very nise day

12 we cut a litle wheat than it rained we thined turnips John Rea was here

13 we cut wheat all day Thomas Skelton got 12 bs of pork at 9 per lb came to 0/9/0 very warm all day

14 we cut wheat it rained in the after non

15 William went to {seettons?} {login} bee I cut wheat Charles and David bound very nise day

16 took the wagon to the metin very nise day rained all night Mr Blackley {shoped?} here all night

17 it rained most of the day I {illegible, mstrong?} got 4 pigs at 2/6 each /10/0 not paid

18 William cultivated all day Charles harowed me and David gatherd stones {Andrew?} Forrister got 4 lbs of at 14 york not paid 1/15/0 paid Mr Lochart for weaving 33 {illegible} of blankets 72 {prd} paid cash {1/0/1½}

Agust 1857

19 me and David gatherd stones Charles harowed William laid out lands in the after non Thomas {McKlister?} paid 1/5/0 part payment for some wheat he got Mother went to see Margret ho was sick nise day

20 we gatherd stones in the after non we cut wheat nise day

21 we cut wheat we finished the fall wheat nise day

22 I took 72 bs of wheat of oats to Guelph sold at 3s pr bus came to 10/16/0

== August 1857 == {Letters in title, FST} 29 we all cut peas showery all day

30 took the wagon to the metin nise day

31 we cut wheat I broke my cradbe{cradle?} I took 18 bs of wheat to Fergus for a grist I bought a new cradle cost 1/13/0 very nise day

Spetember 1857

Just 1 we cut grain a {Histart?} wash here very nise day

2 we cut grain James Armstrong helped us we drew in 7 loads after night very nise day

3 William and David drew in 12 load of wheat me and Charles cut wheat Mr Astic got one chese weighing 22 lb not paid very warm

4 me and A {wishart?} and John and I Base and Charles cut wheat William and David drew in 12 loads of wheat I paid John Rose 0/6/3

5 Drew in 1 load of wheat it raind William and I {Armstrong? {rong} is on the same line} cut oats me and Charles sick

6 went to William Wendleys funeral nise {day} {does not look like day but could be because he's sick}

7 we cut wheat John Rose helped us nise day

8 {?} and I {Cormie?} cut wheat John Rose helped us William and David drew in 12 loads of spring wheat nis day

== September 1857 == {Letters at top - FSJ}

9 me and S Cormie cut wheat T Rose found William and I and Drew in a load of peas Charles plowed we finished cuting he wheat at non than we cut oats nise Day

10 me and Coarmie and John Rose cut oats mary bound abts sandy helped her Wt and I crew in 10 loads of spring wheat nise Day

11 me and John Base and G Cormie cut oats in the after noon of T Pishart was here William and David drew in 5 loads of spring wheat it was the last than he drew 3 loads of peas it rained from supertime very warm

12 William and Charles plowed I went to Fergus David puled peas

13 went to the metin nise Day

14 William and Charles plowed hill non than tha cut oats T Rose helped I was very sick

15 the boys cut oats John Rose and Dan was here I paid T Ros for work 1/16/6 paid Daniel Rose 6/3 Sandy coriny worked here

16 the boys and sandy cut oats I went and he Drew in for Mrs Lindly it raind from super time tha drew in four loads of oats

17 it raind most of the Day the boys finished field the peas

18 I served 7 bs of wheat the (?) and Sandy cut oats mother was sick nise Day Wilson got 6 bs of wheat not paid

September 1851

19 William Willson was here redlin S Cormie it named fram vines tru I {illegible - erased} havd S Cormie I went to Teergees to se the docter for mother very wet

20 went to the mear meatin William Sew and family arived here from Ireland wiseday.

{X drawn in on the left margin}

21 William and S Corniie and Charles eredled {?} in the after non we all bound oats after super we drew in 10 loads of oats nise day

22 it raind in the fore non we cut oats

23 we cut oats all day sandy helped us bound in the after non laudy

24 William and David drew in 14 loads of oats we cut and bound Sandy helped us nise day

25 drew in 18 loads of oats Sandy and John helped us nise day

26 finished cutting the oats and binding Drew in 5 loads of oats Sandy and John helped us nise day

27 went to the metin nise day

28 me and William went to Seergees spoke for a machine to cost 196 {another number written above, illegible} from Grendly to be redy on the 16th of next month showery all day

29 I went to the provincial Show the boys plowed

30 the boys plowed showery

October 1857

thursday 1 it rained all day

2 I came home at diner time from the provencial show it cast me 2.5.0 paid Sandy casmy for harvistor and work 4.10 in the after non we put up two stacks of oats I was very sick

3 drew in the pees William Rea bulded the stacks nise day

4 tha went to the metin nise day.

5 the boys plowed David gatherd stones I was sick

6 the boys plowed

7 went to Tergin show in the after non very nise day

8 the boys plowed I went to Merrits rasin in the after non

9 the boys plowed I fixed stirrups

10 I plowed William was sick

11 went to the metin nise day

12 the boys plowed me and David laid up fence nise day

13 me and David split staks the boys plowed

14 William and mother went to the Show tha got the first forise chose and a quilt ad pulled cloth me and David staked fence Charles plowed very nise day

15 me and David gather stones the boys plowed nice day {X L written just after day}

16 me and mother went to Guelph took the oven to get {? - fisecs?} it cost /7/6 we got the second prise for thre chese the first for the pulled cloth

17 the boys plowed me and David gatherd stones nise day

October 1857

18 took the wagon to the metin

19 me and Charles went to Fergus to get a shere for his plow got 8 {by is written above 8} of lime /6/0 William Kellehar paid me for hay 5/0/0 William plowed showers all daye

20 it was very hevey snow storms the boys plowed in the after non me and David drew wood

21 me and David drew out dung the boys plowed

22 me and David went to T S Armstiy {Illegible} thrashin the boys plowed

23 we drew out dung Charles went to Simpsons plowing bee

24 the boys drew out dung Charles plowed in the orchard A Forresters build under the sheed I settled with him paid 2. / 5 / 0

25 went to the metin

26 we dug potatoes Charles plowed rather cold

27 I went to Fergus to se when the new machine would be dun in the after non we raised potatoes Charles plowed very nise Day

28 we picked two wagon loads of potatoes Charles went to Jonathans Sisters thrashin very lawdy Day snow showers

29 we gathered potatoes one load we finished them

30 we drew out dung nise day

31 drew out dung nise day

November 1857

Sun 1 went to the metin clowdy

2 drew out dung finished the pea field windy and showery

3 we drew out dung finished

4 we pulled turnips nise day

5 pulled turnips it rained in the after non

6 I went to T Cormices thrashin the boys plowed nise day

7 I went to Guelph took a grist to Armstrongs mill paid the buildin surety 2/6/9 borowed from William Rea 8 /10 /72 the boys plowd and pull turnips

8 went to the near metin

9 it rained all Day

10 the boys plowed we pulled turn

11 the boys plowed we pulled turn

12 we pulled turnips in the fore non than we scatered dung the boys plowed it rained a little

13 me and David scaterd dung the boys plowed John Rea paid us 2 5 0 thar was snow showers in the after non

14 the boys plowed me and David scaterd dung than we culled a pig hard frost very cold

15 I stayed at home cold

16 I went to Fergus and mother look fine chese the boys cood not plow

17 the boys went out a hunting it snowed all Day

18 we {fr -seed} old burdend and went to a spree at ashies

November 1857

19 it warmed in the fore non it snowed me and uncle David went to Fergus to get Ma machine 20 we cut wood stormy Day 21 me and Charles shaped wool William drew it holne it snowed 22 we stoped at home, very stormy 23 went to Fergus for the machine did not get it it snowed 24 I helped to Bill Hundleys cow than me an Thomas Rea went to Fergus for the machine we did not get it I bought a ram from Andrew Griffith for 6/7/6 25 me and Reved he{? - or one?} went for the machine I got the big wheal 26 we set it the boys thrashed 27 went to the metin it was the fast day 28 we thrashed a little in the after non nise day 29 went to the metin nise day 30 it rained all day

Decmber 1857

1 we thrashed at home nise day 2 we thrashed at uncle Davids 3 we thrashed at J Andersons 4 till non than we thrash at Mrs Hundleys 5 thrashed till non we finished her 6 we stoped at home it rained 7 David Cardy left us I paid him 3 10 0 we cleaned oats nise Day 8 me and H cleaned oats and filled the stable

December 1857

9 trained all day. me and H carried oats in to the granery 10 me and mother went to Fergus H Helleher paid me 3 /10 /0 it snowed all day 12 I went to James Armstrongs rasin the boys choped wool nise day 13 I colected some of Mr Barries money than I went to Fergus for the shundle I did not get it 13 we stoped at home 14 we thrashe nise day 15 we thrashed at S T Armstrongs with our machine 16 we thrashe at Armstrongs went to a spree at Thomas Sogherin 17 we cleaned wheat nise Day 18 it rained in the fore non I helped uncle David to kill his pigs 19 William took a grist to Armstrongs will of 12 I stoped at home 20 I went to the metin cold 21 we moved the machine to David Sheas nise Day 22 we thrashed at uncle Davids 23 William thrashed at Charlies I went to Fergus than went to the tea meting stormy. 24 me and Charles caned wheat William to the machine to Sonny Armstrongs cutter mosry {?} 25 we was all home nise day 26 we culled 9 pigs uncle Davd helped us and L Anderson nice Day

December 1857

27 took the slegh to the metin nise Day 28 the Hilliam thrashed at James Armstrongs till diner time I went to Fergus and mother John Sueny paid me for oats he got in the spring 2 /0 /75 29 William thrashed at John Cosnies I helped Mrs Hundley to cill her pigs nise Day 30 I took Mr Barries money to ofren nestry {?} William took mother to the weverd Charles thrashed flasc {?} 31 me and William thrashed a floorin of peas than we went to Brelens of see


January 1 we went to Fergus 2 we thrashed peas Mr Blackley thrashed {turbred?} Charles out of school 3 went to the metin 4 we thrashed peas nice day 5 we finished the peas 6 Charles took the same to the boar WIlliam went to Fergus 7 brought home the sow W went to Sisters thrashin 8 we thrashed at home nise Day 9 we cleaned wheat nise Day 10 went the metin nise Day 11 cleaned wheat C Charles in cut to the Garafrase school 12 we claned wheat nise Day 13. I went to the school metin He caried wheat into the granery

January 1858

13 I went to Fergus nise Day in the evening we went to John Tsties spree 14 me and William went to James Asusby four our sleigh nise Day 15 William went to Mr Bassies wood bee in the evening we wen to David Banes spree 16 we stoped at home 17 we went to the metin 18 we thrashed at Sonny Armstrongs 19 we thrashed at meled Davids 20 William took 53 ls of oats to Fergus got 23 cents per bus come to 3/ 0 /6 21 slep me and mary went to Fergus 22 we paid the school fees 3/ 2 /6 23 went to guelph got a barrel of salt /11/ 3 24 went to the metin 25 me and William choped ralles wet

William making farms 2 /10 / Wilhem William pad one 2 /5/

Febuary 1858

19 sat tp Elerbrook 53 b of wheat at 3/3 his bush 35./ 0/ 0 22 sat to E 53 3/3 35 /0 /0 23 Sat 66 be at 3/3 43/ 24 brough up two thousand of tune er at 10 /0 paid for the machine bulb 91/ 0 /1 25 paid the shomaker 24/ paid David Eardy 26/ James Mehage paid me 18 / 50 Charles Halliday pad me 31/ 26 I went to James Griffieth rasin the boys drew raills nise Day 27 we thrashed at home finished the wheat nise Day 28 stayed at home nse Day

March 1858

1 Drew rails in the after non. we thrashed at uncle Davids 2 we finished drawing rails Aslic paid me for the thrashing and one cher of 0 I paid him for one thousand of sals 11 3 we cut raill cuts in thi after non 4 we drew them home 5 at one drew home till non than wel l went to J Heebs 6 came home went to a spree at Wisharts 7 went to Guelph. mother and Mrs Hundley went to get her will registed it paid the He{?}ely 12 30 8 stoped at home nise Day 9 cleaned {?} at my Cer 10 me and Shamas at greppets{? word is squished above the word Skelton} Skelton thrashed...

March 1858

11 I helped J Armstrong with a brige 12 two was at Sisters thrashin 13 we drew in cut William went to J Lesters thrashin in the after non Mother was at Mcdonads Sheneth died nise day 14 we drew in oats nise Day 15 we stoped at home in the after non we went to Sheneth Mcdonaldes funeral it rained 16 it rained all Day we grownt our asees at uncle Davids 1{black sploch in margin} it rained in the fore non we greased our harris in the after non we choped it is raing this evening 17 we choped in the after non I went to Fergus and bought a asc it cost 1 /23 A Wishart was here working in the after non rather shower all Day 81 we was choping A Wishart was here nise Day 19 Anderson Forester got 300 {ld written above 300} of hay 91 we was choping A Wishart was here nise Day 20 we choped A Wishart was here till non Shamas Skelton took a gab of slashing 5 acres at 4 {writte above} 3 pr acres 21 went to the near metin stormy 22 we thrashed at uncle Davids Thomas Scelton begun his slashing nise Day

March 1858

23 took in a slack of oats I took farmer to get slod the boys to fild some bees 24 we thrashed oats nise Day 25 we thrashed I set the painting of the home at 20/ 26 me and William thrashed at A Griffith nise Day 27 we thrashed at Andrew Griffith till diner time 28 we stoped at home some snow 29 me and Charles slashed William took a grest to the mill, of 22 {bs written above 22} nise Day 30. I trashed at J Cormies till non William took the harows and the plow to Fergus to get fixed we tried the plow but it would work very nise Day 31 we choped A Forester got 300 {symbol written above 300} of hay

April 1858

1 we choped very nise Day 2 we finished the chopin Setton finished his nise Day 3 the boys plowed I went to Mellans rasin nise Day 4 we went to the metin 5 the boys plowed in the after non I went to Mellans rasin 6 the boys plowed A Forester got 500 {bs written above 500} of hay cold Day 7 cleaned oats till non then we plowed {plowed is written above we} 8 clod oats it rained in the after non 9 we plowed nise Day

April 1858

10 we plowed nise Day Mr Jill paid us 22 for the pigs {number too small to make out} I bought 101 {lb above 101} of beef came to 6 from Mr Jill many went to Fergus in the after non. {non. is written above after} 11 went to the near metin cold 12 mesured skeltons gob 32 acres paid him 2 it rained all Day I went and got my boots half soled Charles went to Fergus and got one horse shod 13 it rained till non than we plowed seed Jason Anderson got 6 bus of peas at 50 {ct written above 50} per bus 3 and 500 {ls above 500} of hay cash 2 50 paid me on the note 3 50 14 we plowed seed 15 we plowed seed nise Day 16 Charles {?}valed I scaterd dung 17 I scated dung in the after non I went to John McKlellans rasin mother went to Fergus paid Mr Anderson 15 /0/0 18 went to the metin nise Day 19 I sowed the field behind the old house in wheat 13 {bs written above 13} on it it after super 20 I scaterd dung the boys plowed 21 I gatherd stones the boys plowed 22 sowed 80 of peas William and John harowed Charles exchvated {eidlivated?} I went to Fergus bought 40 {lb written above 40} of clover seed 4/ 70 23 the boys plowed seed I gatherd stones 24 the boys finished the seed cold Day

April 1858

25 the boys plowed 26 went to the metin cold Day 27 filled the stable with hay I sowed some wheat in the after non 25 I sowed the boys plowed 25 I went to fergus took 30 {lr above 30} of oats to Seveny at 1/3 for bus not paid many But got 100 {lbs above 100} of oat meal 30 finished sowing field at rand after super 30 I sowed wheat Charles cultivate William harowed. nise Day

May 1858

1 I gatherd stons and some gray held{?} we finished sowing the wheat 2 went to the metin 3 William harowd I sowed peas 4 gatherd stone William harowed 5 I sowed oats Sweny got 40 {bs above 40} of oats 6 Charles left us this morning 7 we harowed nise Day 8 we finishd seeding at diner than we went to Fergus 9 went to the metin 10 I took 42 {ls above 42} of wheat to Armstog sold at 66 {cent above 66} per lbs came to 27 89 paid the bout{?} {?}erety 25 11 it rained all Day we cleaned 12 I took 42 {bs above 42} of spring wheat to Armstrongs mill, I got 63 {cents above 63} per bus 27 than I went to Guelph on bought a half tun of plaster 4 50 Sweny got 26 bus of oats

May 1858

14 I took to Guelph 58 {bs above 58} of oats got 24 {cents above 24} per bus 15 15 {this line is squished beneath the top and current line} I gatherd Mr Sharres money {now the main line} we split stakes one fixed fences 6 16 took the metin to 171 it rained all Day Patrick Meller got on bushel of gras seed at 2 not paid 18 fixed fence nise Day 19 me and mother and WIlliam and Mary went to Guelph took 440 {lbs above 440} of pash sat at 9 per hundred 39 60 laid out on grocery 30 20 Seveny got 34 bus of oats we fixed fence nise day 21 I went to A Wilkies rasin WIlliam laid fence nise day 22 we planted our potatoes nise Day 23 took the wagon to metin 24 went to Fergus on the after non all at {?} at Fergus 25 I took the metin to Fergus out it fixed it east William split stakes 26 it rained all Day 27 we thrashed nise Day 28 gatherd stones 29 gatherd stones 30 I went to the metin 31 cleaned oats I went to Fergus paid Muller Anderson 17 0

MayJune 1858

1 look potatoes 3 {b above 3} to M Anderson at 3{yh above 3} per bus {letter faded}an or to 1 120 2 took 28 {yh above 28} of potatoes to Guelph sat 2 and 3 per bu one to 11{?}

May June 1858

2 I hired a man for one month at ten dollars nise Day 3 " 7{?} took a load of oats to Guelph 63 at 26 bought the paint and the {?}ill it cost me 46 ' 16 the two mares took the horse old John Long to hay 22 {bl above 22} bought paint 5 0 0 26 took the wood to guelph William took 40 {ls above 40} for a gust{?} 27 went to the metin very rainy 29 we loged till non than William went to Merrits login 30 we loged all day

July 1858

1 loged till non it rained in the after non 2 we loged all day 3 the painter finished painting I paid him 20 paid W Luseton 5 took one load of oats to guelph 83 {lbs above 83} 27 {cents above 27}. 22 4 I stoped at home and cep {?} house 5 took a load of oats to Guelph 80 {es above 80} at 62 1/2 {ls above 62} came to 28 paid to the busting society 12 30 7 tok to guelph wheat 46 {lbs above 46} 62 1/2 28 the boys plowed very warm {ink colour changes to blue from black} 8 I went to Mr donalds rasin bought a plow it cost 17 9 I took a load to Guelph 45 {ls above 45} it come to 28 mother went it was stormy 10 went to the metin cold 11 the boys plowed & I cut some gras showery 12 me and William mowed W harowed nise Day 13 me and W mowed William harowed nise Day 14 me and W mowed till non than I helped to draw in four loads of hay Sandy Carmy helped us nise Day 15 me and William mowed Sandy and W made hay

July 1858

16 me and W mowed William and Sandy drew in 4 loads of hay 17 went to the metin nise Day 18 me and W mowed William and Sandy drew in 9 loads of hay very nise Day 19 we drew in 11 loads of hay me and W mowed in the afternon clowdy in the morning nise Day 20 me and W mowed all Day William and Sandy drew in 5 loads of hay very windy in the after non 21 me and W mowed Sandy and the girls raked William and A Forester drew in 7 loads of hay 22 me and W finished mowing at non drew in 5 loads of hay A Foreseter and Sandy helped and I sold to the Bucher some sheep 19 23 we put up a stack 12 loads J Anderson built it paid Sandy Carmy 4 paid Ja Anderson 1 finished haying very nise Day 24 went to the metin nise Day 25 W mowed at A Andersons till noon we thined turnips I set fire to the log heaps 26 thined turnips WIlliam harowed the bucher took 4 sheep paid 13

July 1858

27 pulled turnips in the after non me and William went to Fergus bought one pair of trousers 7 28 William went to Guelph for a reaping machine paid the busting surety 12 29 we out cut wheat all Day with the machine foyy in the morning 31 we finished cuting the fall wheat William went to Fergus got a pair of boots cost 2 75 very nise Day

August 1858

1 went to the metin very nise {day is written above nise} 2 me and William out peas boys plowed all Day 3 we turn piked the lane 4 finished the lane at non than we gatherd stones 5 me and W cut peas till non than we drew in four loads of fall wheat 6 drew in three loads of wheat than we cut peas 7 we cut peas nise Day 8 went to the metin nise Day 9 we camensed cuting the spring wheat showery 10 cut wheat nise Day Hired Robery for a half a month for comence tomora 7 5 11 we cut wheat till non showery I went to Fergus

August 1858

12 cut wheat nise Day 13 we cut wheat in Landeys field 14 finished cuting in that field 15 piad two men six shillings for two days 3 15 I stoped at home nise Day 16 we cut wheat Mr McKilster paid us 5 for 8 {lbs above 8} of wheat that tha got in Febuary very nise Day 17 I paid off two men this morning 1 50 we cut wheat all Day very nise Day 18 we finished cuting spring wheat it rained a showed at non clowdy in the after non we bound up wheat in the after fore non drew in 11 loads of spring wheat William took in 114 {ls above 114} of wheat to the mill did not git it very nise Day 19 we drew in with both teams 27 loads of spring wheat very nise Day 20 we drew in 20 loads of wheat we finished nise Day 21 we took the wagon to the metin 22 W and I out oats me and Robert drew in 8 loads of peas mother went to Fergus cool Day 23 me and Robert bound oats W and R finished cuting the field at non 24 me and W and R and John Aslie cut peas and Bound oats

August 1858

25 me and W cut oats Robert I and mary bound oats Hired Robert another half month for 7 we drew in 4 loads of oats it is raining this evening 26 we cut peas in the afternon me and R cut oats William sowed the fall wheat 27 cut oats till non it rained in the after non 28 stayed at home very wet 29 me and mother went to Fergus with 6 chese William plowed the rest gatherd stones A Forrester got 100 {lbs above 100} of flower 31 I took 40 {bus above 40} of fall wheat to Guelph sold at 41 per bus 40 paid the busting society 12 30 paid the carving of the wood 6 30

September 1858

1 finished cuting the oats than we bound them very nise Day 2 we finished bounding the oats at non than we drew in 13 loads of oats it is raining very hevy this evening 3 we drew out dung in to the orchard in the after non we drew in 12 loads of oats we finished the oats very nise Day 4 we drew in 14 loads of peas we finished harvisting at dark it is raining this evening

September 1858

5 took the wagon to the metin 6 we all drew out dung William he plowed very nise Day 7 we drew out dung William plowed 8 I took the horses to J Asties thrashin William sowed the orchard very windy all Day 9 me and W and R loged all day mother went to our margrets she has got a Daughter 10 W went to Cosmies and the oreen to log I paid Robert Tirnbull for one month work 14 it al till after super James Richardson got 6 {lbs above 6} of wheat at at $1. 25 per bus 7 50 not paid Mr Curry 3 {bs above 3} of wheat at $1.25 3 75 not had paid {paid is in black pen when the rest of the page is in blue} 11 me and W loged the swail William plowed it rained after super 12 we took the wagon to the metin 13 we finished the saill at non me and mother went to Fergus took up cheese paid the weaver for weving 14 we drew out dung W plowed very nise Day 15 me and William drew out dung William plowed nise Day 16 me and W drew out dung I went to Bolses rainsin in the after non William plowed 17 me and W drew out dung W plowed

September 1858

18 William went to Fergus with the plow and got the machine paid William gatherd stones and dung I sat some folshaps on peas 19 went to the near metin 20 I took a plow up to Fergus and got a beam it cost 2 25 William was thrashin at James Armstrongs W drew out dung 21 I was at a thrashin at J Armstrong {rong is written above Armst to fit in the margine} W and the machine was thar W drew out Dung 22 I thrashed at J S Armstrongs W drew out dung 23 I took 18 {bs written above 18} of wheat to the mill I did not get it took the yarn to the weavers William thrashed at tills nise Day 24 I went for the grist me and William plowed in the after non I {>}ured the barn for 1600 {pounds} for one year it last 14 . 25 we plowed all Day William drew out dung nise Day 26 we plowed all Day 26 I went to the metin 27 we plowed nise Day 28 I took mother and William to Guelph tha was gowin to the show I got a moute baed for the plow 2 50 29 I plowed nise Day 30 I plowed nise Day thre came home to Day

October 1858

friday 1 me and William plowed I sold to the bucher two cowes for 4y {$ above 4} 2 I took one of the cows to the bucher he paid me 28 I thrashed at J Cosmeys 3 went to the metin nise Day 4 me and william plowed rather clowdy 5 went to Fergus show very nise Day 6 plowed William raised stones 7 went to Fergus got the horses shod 8 we went to Eramosa show got the first prize for the cheese frst for the blankets second for the coats second for the pilleloath{?} 8 9 we plowed all Day 10 went to the metin 11 wen to Mr Griffith funerall William plowed 12 me and mother went to Guelph to the show we got the second prize for the pulleloath{?} I paid the building society 12 30 13 paid per fixing the plow 2 30 13 me and WIlliam plowed all Day 14 plowed nise Day WIlliam went 15 to Fergus fair I went to Mr Barnes 15 plowed till non I went to the metin nise Day 16 me and mother went to Fergus William plowed 17 went to the metin it was th sacrement nise Day 18 we dug at the potatoes nise Day

October 1858

19 we dug at to potatoes William plowed nise Day 20 we finished the potatoes William plowed nise Day went to A Wishart spree 21 William and W plowed I went to Fergus nise Day 22 W plowed me and William scraped in the door yard nise Day 23 I {ink spilt} paid William Luscton his wages three months and one half 37 75 John Issac Anierssen harrowed 3 bags of wheat {ink split over first half of name} Lennie made some oats 24 went to the metin 25 made a fence second the dooer yard John Carmie was here WIlliam went to Fergus in the after non got his horses shood very nise Day 26 went to the metin very nise Day 27 26 we fixed the fence than the pump 27 we pulled turnips very nise Day 28 pulled turnips very nise Day 29 it rained all Day 30 went to the metin

November 1858

1 took up turnipts hired William RIa for one month for 8 {pounds above 8} per mort{?} 2 finished the turnips at non 3 William plowed me and W took out dung 4 drew out dung I went to astice thrashin 5 me and W drew out dung nise Day

Novemebr 1858

6 drew out dung William plowd 7 it rained all Day 8 me and William dug a drain W plowed John Roses spree to night 9 dug a drain William plowed soot 10 dug a drain William plowed 11 dug in the drain nise Day 12 we filled the drain 13 it snowed all Day we thrashed peas 14 I went to the metin 15 we thrashed peas 16 I took 14 {lbs above 14} of wheat to the mill William took the horses to Jonathan Suter thrain 17 we thrashed peas nise Day 18 we cleaned up the peas 19 drew in some oats than me and W and mother went to Fergus 20 we thrashed in the fore non William thrashed at Griffith in the after nin 21 stoped at home nise Day 22 we thrashed at uncle Davids 23 I took 17 {lbs above 17} of oats to Fergus for oat meal it snowed all Day 24 we freed the horseses and tied up three steers for to beef went to the debating school to night clowdy 25 me and W and the horses thrashed at J Andersons nise Day 26 we thrashed at Andersons till non William took a load of chafied to the mill

November 1858

27 we stoned at the drain nise Day 28 went to the metin nise Day 29 worked at the drain nise Day 30 we thrashed peas stormy Day

December 1858

1 we thrashed peas 2 we thrashed peas nise Day 3 we cleaned peas in the after non I went to Fergus got my horses shod took 4 {bs above 4} of oats Mathew Andersons 4 William went to Fergus to got his horses shod I asked hands to over thrashin on monday 5 it rained all Day 6 we thrashed wheat all Day 7 put up our pigs than I and mother went to Margrets William took a load of straw up to A Forrister 8 we cleaned up wheat all Day 9 paid out taxes 24 26 I took a load of fall wheat to Guelph got 112 1/2 {As above 112} per bus 36 {lbs above 36} 41 87 paid the building society 12 40 10 I went to A Griffiths thrashin the boys got our rails 11 W went to griffith thrashin me and Nathan presst{?} things 12 went to the metin nise Day 13 it rained we cleaned in the barn 14 we choped wood nise Day 15 W choped a bout in barn went to William Rea wedin 16 choped wood 17 chopind wood nise D 18 choped wood nise Day

December 1858

19 went to the metin nise Day 20 I went to helpn John Carmy to kill his pigs nise Day 21 William took the cow to the boar nise Day 22 I went for the sow paid on 1 0 0 than I went to Fergus 23 we thrashed all Day 24 the boys thrashed at James Armstrong we killed one steer than I went to Fergus sold the live to watsons 25 William put arms in the machine I went to J Andersons then to Fergus 26 we stoped at home 27 thrashed at J S Armstrongs 28 I collected Mr Barries money 6 29 William thrashed at A {smudged ink}eivers I took 45 {bs above 45} of wheat to Guelph got 1/16 52 29 very stormy 30 we choped nise Day 31 we cleaned up nise Day

January 1859

1 we went to Fergus and Elora 2 went to the metin nise Day 3 we thrashed at uncle Davids Robert Newman paid us 59 5 me and Mary went to Guelph spint 10 6 I went to Fergus paid Watson for shoes 32 7 choped wood paid one pament on the scaper it was 61 50 8 very stormy all Day 9 went to the metin 10 I took a grut to Fergus # very cold 11 William thrashed at Andrew F Sleuers nise Day 12 me and William cleaned wheat J Anderson brought the 6 {bs above 6} of wheat that he barowed he paid for beef 8 32 13 I went to Fergus got a shoe on the horse nise Day 14 it rained all Day 15 we drew wood till non than we drew up straw cold and stormy 25 sold to J Waat 1900 {lb above 1900} of pairs at 5.85 cts per bs come to 101

March 1858

15 sold to the bucher one cow two steers for 101 24 we stashed the plow 25 fixed Henry Sinclair for one month for 8 26 sold one half bus of hay for 5 28 we plowed wet and misty 29 it rained in the fore non we plowed in the after non W gatherd stones 30 me and Henry plowed William plowed in the new place cold and stormy snowing to night 31 we drew in the stack of hay very stormy all Day

April 1859

frid 1 we plowed in the after non James Armstrong got a load of straw very nise Day 2 the men split rails I took up some hay to grandmother very stormy in the after non 3 I walked to the metin 4 very stormy I took a grist to the mill 5 we drew in the stack very cold 6 we drew and split Rails 7 we drew and split rails stormy all Day 8 we laid up fence all Day stormy and snow showers 9 very nise Day split rails in the after non I bought 8 {bs above 8} of barley paid 8 William went to Fergus 10 went to the near metin 11 rained till non we plowed in the after non 12 we plowed all Day very nise Day 13 plowed all Day went to the lecture 14 it rained till non than we plowed sold 100 of lower sash 3 50 15 we plowed finished the load 16 I went to Fergus got a harow the men laid up fence 17 went to the metin nise Day 18 I plowed Henry cultivated nise Day 19 I plowed Henry cultivated W gatherd stones very nise Day

April 1859

20. I sowed 14 {bus above 14} of wheat Henry cultivatd very nise Day 21 I sowed 14 {bs above 14} of wheat nise Day 22 sowed 5 of wheat very mise Day 23 Henry cultivated William went to Fergus bought 8 {bus above 8} of wheat paid 14 sold my hay to thrash for 9 {$ above 9} per tun very windy 24 we went to the metin nise Day 25 I sowed 8 {bs above 8} of wheat finished the wheat sowed 112 {bs above 112} of peas very nise Day paid to Henry Sinclair 2 raining to night 26 sowed 26 {bs above 26} of peas finished them Henry cultivatd paid him for one month work 6 hired him for one month at 9 {$ above 9} 27 sowed some oats Henry finished cultivating William harrowed very nise Day 28 sowed 30 {bs above 30} of oats Henry plowed William harrowed very nise Day 29 me and Henry plowed William harrowed with the aken{?} very warm Day 30 me and Henry finished the ploweing William harrowed sold 600 {lbs above 600} of hay 3 sold 2 {bus above 2} of peas 1 60

May 1859

1 went to the metin very warm 2 F sowed 28 {bus above 28} of oats very warm 3 we finished the seeding very nise Day 4 me and William went to Guelph fair very warm 5 I went to Margrets Henry plowed William laid fence very warm 6 I took a load of oats to Guelph got 50 {cents above 50} per bus er{?} 27 37 bought one half tin of plaster paid for it 4 25 very warm 7 sowed the plaster I went to Fergus very warm 8 went to the metin nis Day 9 drilled potatoes William laid fence it rained most of the day 10 we planted potatoes very nise Day 11 we finished planting the potatoes 12 Henry harowed me and mother went to Mr Smith funeral 13 me and William cut thissels 14 William went to Fergus 15 went to the metin 16 me and William made use bows the men plowed it rained after super time 17 me and Henry turned dung William took a grist to the mill very nise Day 18 plowed in the fore non we washed our sheep very nise Day

May 1859

19 the men plowed very nise Day 20 I laid up fence in the after non I went to the metin the men plowed very nise Day 21 cliped sheep it rained in the after non William went to Fergus got trowsers and vest for me cost 12 filled the stable 22 took the wagon to the church 23 me and Henry cliped the sheep William and Mary went to Guelph took 252 bus of potatoes got 50 cts per bus very nise Day 24 I went to the caz{?}nes tavern Sinclair got 1 25 we laid up fence very warm 26 I went to Guelph took 18 {bs above 18} of potatoes got 51 {cts above 51} came to 9 18 27 p the man fixed our pump I paid him 8 50 28 27 I hired Henry Sinclair for one month at 9 28 went to Fergus paid for clowes to the taillor 16 50 for five pigs 29 went to the metin 30 took {letters all jumbled and overlapped}6 of wheat to Elora got 15 {s above 15} york cane to 86 97 John Cosmy got 15 {bs above 15} of wheat at 13 {cts above 13} york cane to 24 372 31 I took 48 {bs above 48} of wheat to Elora got no money nise Day

June 1859

1 I warmed out the hands to do the road work mother picked the wool very nise Day paid W Rea for wages 15

2 Henry drilled for turnips I took 46 {bs above 46} to Elora in the after non thea paid me 178 very nise Day

3 I took the wood to Guelph the men drew out dung very cold all Day

4 we sowed some turnips very cold Day Henry was sick in the after non

5 went to the metin very nise Day

6 I worked at the roads Henry was sick nise Day

7 William and Henry worked at the roads our William was up at Katy Kenediys very nise day

8 we worked at the roads Henry and William worked for them selfes

9 our William started for England this morning he took with him 200 Henry took him to Guelph William drew out dung

10 I finished at the roads William gatherd stones Henry harowed rather caold

11 I took a grist to the mill hand went to Fergus got the colt shood hard frost

June 1859

12 took the wagon to the metin 13 I went to the mill for a grist in the after non I went to Issac Andersons rasin it rained very hard in the fore non 14 harowed the sumer fallow John McKerlie out the couatt 15 I took 40 {lbs above 40} of wheat to Elora 16 dung dran nise Day 17 dung at the dran 18 I was sick 19 took the wagon to the metin 20 we plowed it rained 21 plowed till non I went to Fergus got some oat meel feched home the harowes 22 harowed and gatherd stones took a cow to the bull nise Day 23 took 56 {bs above 56} of oats to Guelph sold them at 56 cts per bus came to 30 84 paid for wool {?}arding 5 51 24 I harowed turnips very warm 25 sowed turnips very warm 26 went to the metin very warm 27 sowed some turnips very warm some rain in the evening 28 sowed some turnips very nise Day 29 I went John Millers rasin Henry cros plowed William pulled thisles cold at night 30 Henry plowed William pulled thisles it was nise Day

July 1859

I went to Flares rasin hired Henry Sinclair for three months at 36 2 me and mother went to Fergus it rained Henry plowed 3 stoped at home cold Day 4 plowed till non than I went to Elora Bager paid me for the ballance of the wheat 53 very hevy frost this morning 5 I plowed William choped 6 we plowed Mathew Anderson borowed 100 7 we plowed very nise Day 8 we finished the field very warm 9 I drilld harowed the turnips than I went to Fergus and got three haws made Henry drilled the potatoes Mr Mellan paid me the intrest on his note 12 very warm Day 10 I went to the metin very warm 11 me and Henry harowed the fallow meomon{?} warm 12 we harowed William thined the turnips very warm 13 I drill harowed Henry harowed than He went to Guelph th rasin showers very warm 14 I went to Guelph rasin the men thined the turnips 15 gatherd roots fo the summer fallow very warm

July 1859

15 me and mary went to Guelph very warm

16 I went to the near metin very warm

17 comenced cuting our hay I took a grit to the mill Bobert Armstrong helped us

19 I went to A Wisharts loging bee the men mowed, warm Day

20 I sold the wheat to Robinson for 137cts pr buy Mr Harp paid me for hay 20 I raked in the after non

22 I drew to Iergus {number?} of wheat got no money the men mowed very windy all Day

23 I took to Iergus {number?} of wheat than I raked in the after non the men mowed very warm

24 I walked to the metin nye day

25 I took {number?} of wheat to Iergus it is the last men mowed than thea 5 loads og hay I got /50

26 I cut some fall wheat than I drew in 2 loads of hay William Wishart mowed here cold and windy all Day

27 mowed till diner time drew in 4 loads of hay W Wishart was here lent to Mr Pineley

28 finished mowing than drew in 5 loads of hay

29 we cut fall wheat all Day William Wishart was here

30 we drew in 10 loads of hay finished haying

William Wishart was here

31 took the wagon to the metin

August 1859

1 I went to Iergus for some lumber and shingles paid for them 2 50 W Boberson paid me for wheat /38 we cut wheat in the after non

2 cut wheat W Wishart was here

3 finished cuting the wheat it rained all night

4 I fixed the barn the men thined turnips cool Day

5 me and Henry Singlair fixed the barn W thined turnips

6 we drew in 15 loads of fall wheat very nise Day

7 took the wagon to the metin

8 drew in 8 loads of fall wheat P Henry plowed

9 I thrashed with the machine at I S Armstrongs paid me

10 cut some spring wheat H plowed

11 cut spring wheat all Day raining to night

12 it rained in the fore non we cut some wheat in the after non

13 we cut wheat nise Day

14 I went to the metin

15 cut wheat very warm

16 we {illegible} cradled wheat very warm

17 cut wheat

18 cut peas

19 cut peas than we drew in 13 loads of spring wheat

August 1859

21 took the wagon to the metin

22 took in 26 loads of spring wheat it rained to night

23 Henry plowed, me and mother went to Margrets gave her 20

24 I went to Guelph bought {number?} of wheat paid 9 york slillings pr lrs 23 50

25 H plowed the rest gatherd stones cut wheat in the after non

26 finished cuting the wheat at ten than we cut oats

27 {illegible} we cut oats in the fore non than we bound then I paid A Cardy for wage 10 paid Con for work 10

28 I went to the metin cold Day

29 cut oats all Day paid Cardy 50 sold 12 sheep got cash 27 27

30 I paid William Rea his wages 28 10 he has left us drew in 9 loads of wheat finished the wheat bound oats rained this evening bell worked here

31 I sowed {number?} of wheat our William come home he bought 80 bell worked here

September 1859

1 drew in 12 {lots above 12} of oats nise Day 2 drew in 3 loads of oats and 6 loads of peas 3 A Wishart walked here 4 took the wagon to the metin 5 stacked 20 {load above 20} of peas A. Wishart helped us nise Day 6 drew in 20 laods of oats paid James {?}ne kage for two days/ 25 paid J Anderson for one day 75 very nise Day {black ink changes to pink ink} 7 drew in 2 loads of oats finished the harvest Henry went to Thomas Walkies in the after non 8 I thrashed at James Armstrongs with the machine not paid Henry thrashed with the flail 9 I went to Fergus got the harnes paid fixed nise Day 10 it rained I took a grist to the mill thrashed the slack Mathew Mills paid us 23 for a beef heffer 11 took the wagon to the metin 12 thrashed at uncle Davids nice Day. {pink ink turns to black ink} 13 I went to the mill got the grist thrashed at A Wisharts with the machine not paid the men plowed 14 I thrashed at John Cormies the men plowed cold Day 15 I laid up fence the men plowed

September 1859

16 I took the road paper to {name?} the men harowed nise Day

17 we all plowed nise Day

18 took the wagon to the metin

19 we all plowed one man at John Cornnes thrastin showery this after non

20 we plowed finished the field

21 we plowed in sloans field

22 me and henry drew out dung William and mother went to Iergus to get the horses slod and the plows fixed rathr wet

23 William plowed I drew out dung Henry went to Iergus sold four <sheep> for lambs 6

24 me and mother went to {illegible} William Weeb I bought one iron plow from W {Iorrane?} I paid pin 36

25 we came home nise Day sold four sheep

26 drew out dung W plowed

27 drew out dung William plowed

28 do

29 drew out dung William plowed very nise Day

30 drew out dung

October 1859

1 finished drawing dung paid Henry Sinclair for wages 38 57r William Plowed very nise Day

2 went to the metin very nise Day

3 me and william plowed very nise Day

4 me and Mary went to the country show we got the second prise for chese very nise Day

5 me and William plowed

6 William took his plow to Iergus I plowed till diner time than I went to Iergus pair

7 I hired Robert Furnbill for twelve months for /20 tha plowed I gatherd stones

8 tha plowed I got sow lunhr and fixed the slable very cold day

9 went to the metin

10 me and Robert plowed nise Day

11 me and Robert plowed nise Day


13 me and mother went to Mr Ioghrins funerall nise Day

14 went to the township show got the first prise for fall wheat second for the colt foal third for chese second for the quilt second for the nedle work nise Day

15 went to the metin fast Day

16 plowed in the after non I went to Iergus and got the spares fixed rathr wet

17 we plowed very cold and windy

October 1859

19 took up four wagon loads of potatoes it snowed at night

20 boys plowed I set the machine very cold

21 boys plowed I went to I Sisters thrashes it was very hard froit

22 we got out logs for a pig pen it snowed in the after non we thrashed

23 I went to the metin

24 the boys plowed I home the logs showers of rain all Day

25 the boys plowed I fised the pig pen

26 we fised the pig pen in the after non we raised one wagon load of potatoes I S Armstrong lifted {illegible} note of /15 very hard frost

27 we fised the pig pen me and mother went to Iergus in the after non very cold

28 we cleaned oats I went to a metin at the church tha hrashed peas rathr cold

29 raised turnips in the after non we dug potatoes

30 took the wagon to the metin

31 we dug potatoes 4 loads

November 1859

1 we dug potatoes 14 load finished them clowdy all Day 2 we finished the potatoes 4 loads 3 we dug turnips 22 loads nise Day 4 we dug turnips 13 loads I paid J Kenedy for tining the house 31 5. finished the turnips 2 loads than we barned the pig pen 6 drew out some dung the boy plowed 7 went to the metin nise Day 8 I drew out some dung the boys plowed nise Day 9 William went to Fergus and got hise share freed {?} 10 thrashed with the machine at John McKages 11 it rained most of the Day we dung cut out the calf pen tied with the beefers 12 thrashed one dozen of peas put one load of hay on the stable two inches of snow Robert was at Fergus 13 thrashed peas 14 we stoped at home very cold 15 thrashed peas 16 thrashed peas nise Day 17 thrashed peas I went to Fergus in the after non 18 thrashed at uncle David very nise Day 19 it rained most of the day {this line smudged} 20 went to the metin nise Day 20 plowed nise Day

November 1859

22 I took some oats to Fergus and got some oat meal 23 thrashed at J Cormies cold Day 24 we culled a beef steer the boys plowed in the after non 25 two men and one spard of horses on half day at J Andersons 26 I worked half a day on the roads nise Day 27 went to the metin 28 thrashed at J Andersons 29 William thrashed at J Lusters we thrashed peas nise Day 30 paid the colector of taxes 24 laned peas nise Day

Desember 1859

1 we thrashed in the fore non it rained we plowed in the after non turned cold 2 we thrashed at J Armstrongs broke the machine I went to Fergus and got it fixed. very cold and stormy 3 we thrashed at J S Armstrongs 4 very cold stoped at home 5 William went to Fergus got the horse shod I asked hands for to thrash 6 William took a grist to Armstrongs mill it rained all Day went to baeh hall spree 7 we thrashed all Day very stormy 8 I took a load of straw to Fergus

December 1859

9 me and mother and barbara went to Guelph spent 30 10 we seet our barn to J Fielding he is to of finishd it for $130 11 went to the metin 12 I colledted Mr Barries money very cold Day 13 me and William went to Fergus traded the old sleigh for a pair of bobs and have him 14 to boot cold Day 14 I went to Curgills for 1000 {fet above 1000} of lumber it cost 5 15 got 569 {fet above 569} of lumber from James Armstrong very nise Day 16 we comenced taking out the timber for our barn 17 took out timber I went to Fergus for my coat the making and the trimming {cost above trimming} 6 25 very heavy fall of snow 18 stoped at home stormy 19 took out timber mother and William went to Robert Mcdonalds funerall some snow to Day 20 we took out timber 21 William took three beef cattle to buthers we got for them 130 22 took out timber 23 took out timber 24 took out timber 25 I stoped at home 26 we edged timber 27 we edged timber 28 we edged timber

December 1859

Alexander Wishart helped us to take out timber seven Days and one half at 3/9 prldy{?} sold one are sleigh to A Wishart at not paid 5 50{5 50 is written over with paid paid

29 we finished taking out the timber I paid Angus Sun 7 50 paid J Mckaif for scaring 6 87 30 me and Robert drew out some timber William went to Fergus and got his horses shad rather stormy took the sow to A Richardsons boas 31 William went to Erin I was jury man an the inquest held on the body of Peter Smith very cold Day

January 1860

1 atended the funeral of Peter Smith very cold Day 2 we all went to Fergus rathr cold 3 cleaned up in the barn 4 Robert thrashed at Griffith 5 we thrashed at home 6 thrashed at uncle Davids 7 took the machine to James Armstrongs it was wet 8 went to the metin 9 thrashed at J Armstrong & the boys drew out timber

{written in the far bottom left margine are 20 and too other numbers that are hard to distinguish}

January 1860

10 we drew out timber nise Day William fixed the pump cost 3 11 we drew out timber nise Day 12 I thrashed at J McKags the next drew out timber 13 I was at J Carmies thrashing the men finished drawing the timber nise Day 14 took a grist to the mill 15 went to the metin nise Day 16 me and Robert went to for lumber fetched up 26 hundred feet 17 I went to get wool for Mr Barries 18 went for lumber feched 2400 feet 19 we went to J Loghrins on a visit 20 we culled a cow got some hemlock lumber 21 I got some lumber in the fore non in the after non thrashed at J Mckags he paid for thrashin 10 22 went to the metin nise Day 2 I paid Robert Trindull 25 paid Mathew Anderson 44 reueved{?} from Mr Anderson 7 reueved for hay 5 75 very nise Day

Febuary 1860

we was drawing lumber I drew one load for the church and one day at drawing sand the shingles 9 cost us 32 sold our pigs to John Walls at 59 3/4 per hundred sold 2947 {lbs above 2947} of pork I reueved 174 90 mathew Anderson paid me on note 89 paid for one mare 9 24 we was thrashing at uncle Davids wet in the mornag at froze me

April 1860

16 6. I paid John Mckage for one month at 12 {$ above 12} dollars per month paid 12 him and robert plowed William was very sick to day 17 Robert cultivated John plowed me and mother sweamed 20 {bus above 20} of wheat WIlliam was some beter very windy 18 I sowed the field behind the old house sowed 17 {bs above 17} Robert cultivated John and John harowed John S Armstrong paid me on the note 100 very nise Day 19 sowed gras secd and some wheat in sandys field John harowed Robert cultivated sold 25 {lbs above 25} of potatoes 5 sold to J S Lehedy 6 {lbs above 6} of wheat at one dollar per bus not paid William was no better nise Day 20 I sowed 14 {bs above 14} of wheat and some gras seed finished sandys field William was no beeter very nisty Day 21 I sowed glascow wheat Robert harowed John harowed I solf 20 {bs above 20} of wheat to Patrick Slack at 9 york shillings per bus to be paid in January William was no better very clowdy all Day 22 I went to Guelph for Dr Clark he came out here to see William he was very sick it rained 23 sowed some peas hard frost William was no better

{top leftmost corner looks like 36 over 7 = 252. Possibly some calculations}

April 1860

24 i went to Guelph to tell the Dr how William was 25 the men ggatherd stones very hard frost 25 we {unsure of the word} fence in the after non I sowed some wheat William was no better 26 sowed some wheat in the after non William was no better 27 I went to Guelph to teel the Dr about William. he was a little better finished sowing the wheat I sowed 68 {bs above 68} in all 28 I went to William Scotts child funerall William some better 30 I went to the metin 31 finished sowing the peas very nise Day

May 1860

I sowed oats in the low field it rained and snowed in the fore non sowed the orehard after super Dr Clark came to see WIlliam he was better 2 I went to the fair the men harowed very nise D I paid an back taxes on 13 33 the lots in {?}frasxa 3 sowed some oats we finished seeding sold to Jonah Burton 21 {lbs above 21} of potatoes at 25 {cts above 25} per bus not paid 30 25

may 1860

4 I took a load of wheat to Guelph of 41 {lbs above 41} and one half sold at 112 1/2 came to 46 90 5 took one load of wheat to Guelph of 44 {lbs above 44} and 30 {lbs above 30} sold at for 114 {cts above 114} it came to 61 6 I went to the near metin very warm Day 7 I took a load of wheat to Guelph of 45 {lbs above 45} sold for 113 {cts above 113} it came to 61 35 8 we began to dig a well. John Carmy came after diner to make a crib I went to Fergus for some nails very nise Day 9 finished making the crib at diner time we dug all the well Robert plowed very showery squased the foundation of the well barn 10 dug at the well in the after non we plowed the foundation of the barn 11 we took out the foundation of the barn very nise Day 12 do mother went to Fergus 13 went to the metin very warm 14 we finished taking out the foundation 15 drew sand and stones very warm 16 John Mcmkage I hired him for four months for 50 Dollars me and William and mary went to Guelph I feched home on ton of plaster 7 50 it was very warm Day

May 1860

17 we dug of the wells and found it tried mars to the sing Jestetion he indures two maris for 10 dollars more of them lashes them him very nuse day

18 me and Hillon and Mary wen to Guelph fetched some one ton of plaster it was very warm dug

19 me and Tom the kaig sewed faster Rolst drilled for fataties we went to the metin far away

20 we flamed our potatoes clowdy and some same

21 stalk the coogon to the melin

22 cleaned up ants in the attic

23 took a grint to the mull the men drew stones

24 we trashed & went to the calmer than & went to Serguo it was a very nice day

25 drew stones washed the sheep in the afternoon

26 drew sand mid day

27 & stayed at home

28 heard our sheep very warm

29 named the kong drew pong in the after non I went to Richview home very maim

30 I talk an god of when to Guelih is at 109 is has come

May 1860

31 I warmour all the hands to do their statue parlour

June 1 ame and mother and William went to figures in the afternoon

June 1860

2 William went to Guelph to see the doctor I was sick. Robert and Ame baking rimmel fancy very warm.

3 I foiled at home mid day

4 I commenced the road work and shawrrey day Peter and John followed for the turnips

5 I was at the roads the men followed

6 I was at the roads Peter and John followed the frames came to day mide day

7 worked at the guards nice Day

8 I took a day of wheat to Guelph got log he's came to

9 William went to sign it and glows he found.

10 took the long way to the church

11 took {illegible} to Guelph sold for 110$ for his came to 57

12 signed to law and got some hunter the moons founded the foundation the dam I haid William King very nice day

June 1860

13 me and mother went to to Guelph sold 111 {lbs above 111} of wool for 27 {cts above 27} per lb it came to 30 bought things for the rasin came to 20 16 22bought a turnip drill 8 14 we banked up the barn beautiful shower very warm 15 I went to Joseph Woods rasin in the after non 16 me and William asked hands for the rasin very warm Day 17 went to the Babtist metin 18 prepared for the rasin nise Day 19 we rased our barn very hard Days work 20 I drew stones for the church 21 drew {three thick globs of ink looks like something went wrong with the pen} out dung for the turnips sowed some some rain 22 drew out dung and sowed turnips very nise Day I paid J G Allan 22 for lime 23 I went to David Wilkies rasin the men worked at the turnips 24 took the wagon to the metin very warm Day 25 we worked at the turnips it was very warm Day 26 put in turnips I went to S mcgladerys rasin in the after non 27 worked at the turnips very warm

June 1860

28 we worked at the turnips I went to W Scotts rasin in the after non William took the framers away I paid John Feielding 100 it was very warm 29 took one load of the wheat to J S Armstrongs 40 1330 1 33

July 1860

31 1 lab{?} sold 40 {lbs above 40} of spring wheat to J S Armstrong at 106 {cts above 106} per bus paid me 43 I went on to Guelph bought a scarifier paid 8 25 be can to cut our hay 1 I went to the metin 2 drew stones for the church 3 deliverd to J S Armstrong 110 { bus above 110} of fall wheat at 133 {cts above 133} p bus the me mowed 4 the men mowed it rained 5 I shook out hay we raked in the after non went to J Coopers spree 6 drew in one load than we raked hay all Day 7 took the wagon to metin 8 the men mowed I put scaffolding poles in the barn it was showery 9 I and mother went to Fergus paid for muck {?} for to {?}sits 15 I traded my wach for a clock 10 tha drew in hay I went to Mr Sweny rasin very nise Day 11 raked and drew in hay

July 1860

12 raked and drew in hay very nise Day 13 we mowed hay all Day finished mowing 14 took the wagon to the metin Mr Watson and Mrs was here 15 put in some turnips drew in hay in the after non 16 finished hanging we had 29 loads of hay very nise Day 17 I went to Fergus and traded of the old wagon for a new one to Mr Anderson I gave him 37 50 to boat the men cleaned oats it rained in the after non J S Armstrong pai me 318 38 for fall wheat I gave him 18 we cross plowed nise Day 19 me and Jack plowed the rest thined turnips very nise Day 20 we plowed the rest thined turnips 21 I stoped at home with a boil 22 we cros plowed the rest harwed turnips 23 finished cros plowing J took a grist to the mill and 35 {bs above 35} to sell Jack harowed very nise Day 24 took 25 {bs above 25} to the mill sold for 102 ts pr bus brought home the grist 25 went to Fergus to get the horses shod sold the oats to Robertson for 28 {cts above 28} pr bus 26 took up a load of oats nise Day cut some fall wheat 27 cut some fall wheat han I look{took, T wasn't crossed} up a load of oats very nise Day

July 1860

28 cut to 28 went to the near metin wet morning 29 cut fall wheat nise Day 31 cut fall wheat finished very nise Day cut some spring wheat

Agust 1860

1 I took up two loads of of oats to Fergus 200 {bus above 200}

2 we cut peas very nise Day J S Armstrong pai me for spring wheat 62 12{number I can't make out}

3 me and John cleaned oats the rest thined turnips it was wet in the fore non I hired a man for one month at 15 the comenced to day paid James Grundly an Acount 2

4 I took up a load of oats to Fergus sold in all 445 Pbus above 445} of oats to Robertson at 28 {cts above 28} pr bus paid me 126 pulled some peas and cut some spring wheat William brought a load of lumber from the mill

5 took the wagon to the metin very nise Day

4 Jonah Barton paid me for 21 {bus above 21} of potatoes came to 4 20 cut spring wheat in the after non we drew in 15 loads of fall wheat very warm Day

7 we drew in 3 loads of fall wheat finished it and 3 loads of peas than we cut spring wheat William took the plow to Fergus very warm Day

Agust 1860

8 cut spring wheat William laid out lands for the fall wheat very warm Day 9 me and John cut oats in the morning than reaped wheat very nise Day 10 cut spring wheat till non than we drew in 7 loads of pees finsihed that pee field paid A wishart 1 50 for fixin the cradle nise Day 11 finished cuting the field behid the house cut peas in the after non paid one man 1 50 for cutting two acres of peas very warm Day 12 took the wagon to the metin some rain and clowdy 13 we cut peas on helped us it rained last night clowdy and cold 14 we cut peas cut some oats in the after non broke the nife WIlliam I went to Fergus and got it fixed nise Dau 15 finished cuting the peas than wa aboung oats drew in 3 laods of spring wheat very nise Day 16 we drew in 22 loads of spring wheat and 1 load of oats Robert plowed for fall wheat very nise Day 17 dew in 4 loads of oats and and 10 laods of peas Robert plowed some rain after super

Agust 1860

18 drew in 16 loads of peas Robert plowed very nise Day 19 walked to the metin heavy rain to night 20 cut wheat all Day 21 cut wheat all Day vey nise Day 22 I went to Guellph and bought 30 {bus above 30} of fall wheat for 108 {cts above 108} pr bus came to 32 40 the men cut spring wheat and some oats very nise Day 23 finished cuting the oats than we cut spring wheat very nise Day 24 we plowed and gatherd stones cut some wheat than it rained rained heavy last night 25 plowed gatherd stones and cut some poles for a scaffold 26 went to the metin 27 cut some spring wheat it rained than I sowed fall wheat the men plowed rather showery 28 finished sowing the fall wheat finished cuting spring wheat finished cuting nise Day 29 me and John {?} drew in 9 loads of oats and {number I can't quite make out, could be 6} load of peas R finished harowing the full wheat finished bundling oats very nise Day 30 drew in 14 loads of peas and 3 loads of spring wheat it rained to night 31 we loged

Agast 1860

31 we loged all Day I sold to the bucher two sheep for 8 is raining to night

September 1860

1 paid Robert Hendersen 18 for one month work we loged William went to Guelph to se the Dr very nise Day 2 took the wagon to the church 3 we drew in 26 loads of spring wheat William Wishart helped us John Fielding came here very nise Day 4 tha drew in 7 loads loads of spring wheat and 10 loads of oats I went to J S Armstrongs thrashin William Wishart helped 5 we loged very nise Day 6 we loged very nise Day 7 we loged and set fire to the log heeps 8 it rained I went to Fergus to get some things for the barn 9 I went to the metin 10 I went for one load of lumber to Nelsons I for the old barn 6 50 than we comenced plowing 11 me and R plowed I dug out pumps 12 we plowed I went to Fergus in the after non to get my plowed fixed 13 we plowed nise Day 14 we plowed nise dy 15 we plowed nise d 16 look the wagon to the metin

{this is the second page to write about the end of August 1860, except this time the subject matter is completely different than the previous entry}

Agust 1860

17 I went to Fergus for some lumber and windows for the barn it all cost 12 Mr Anderson borowed 50 18 me and mary and margret went to the show at Hamilton 19 at the show nise Day 20 we came home to Guelph 21 we came home 22 I paid John Mckage 51 for wages and John Fielding for finishing the barn 32 23 went to the metin 24 drew out dung 25 me and R plwoed 26 we plowed showery 27 we plowed 28 we plowed till non than we went to the Fergus fair 29 me and Robert plowed I paid John Fielding 5 for fixin the old barn 30 I stoped at home very cold Day

October 1860

1 it rained till non than me and R plowed 2 we plowed till diner time than we thrashed in the after {non written above after} 3 me and Robert plowed very nise Day 4 we plowed very nise Day 6 I went to William Woods rasin in the after non nise Day 76 we plowed nie dy 87 I went to the metin nse Dy 8 William and mary and Barbara went to Erin with J Fielding we plwoed 9 I drew sand for the church 10 me and Robert plowed 11 me and Robert plowed tha came back from Erin show 12 we plowed nise Day 13 we look up one load of potatoes 14 look the wagon to the metin 15 dug two loads of potatoes nie Day 16 Robert went to Fergus to get his horses shood and his plow fixed we dug two loads of potatoes sold 12 lambs to mathew Mills for 23 17 finished the potatoes very nise Day 18 I went to Fergus to get my horses shoad and the plow fixed went to the metin in the after non 19 I worked on the roads William Woods worked 2 Days J Wood 1


J h Robertson 2 Days J S Armstrong 1

20 we look the wagon to the metin 21 me and R plowed 22 plowed 23 plowed 24 we plowed 25 I went below for one load of apples 26 I came home bought 40 {bus above 40} cost 11 50 27 I helped at home cold Day 28 I thrashed at J Carmies nise Day 29 we took up turnips rally wett I paid Mr Pilham 22 for a new pump 30 look up turnips


1 took up turnips nised Day 2 look up turnips nise dy 2 it rained till diner time we took up turnips 3 went to the metin rather cold 4 we took up turnips set a gob of choping to Jonah Burton at 5 doollars {another word is written above doolars but I can't make it out} 5 we look up turnips 6 we took up turnips Jonah Burton helped us paid him 50{cents} rather cold Day 7 me and W and Barbara went to Guelph faor{?} spent 8 8 me and mother went to Fergus finished the turnips we had 106 loads of turnips 9 we went to Garafraxa to use the land very wet to night

November 1860

10 went weet in the fore non Robert plowed 11 went to the metin rather cold 12 seet 20 acres of choping and loging to Jonah Burton at 12 {$ above 12} prer acre 13 I worked at the church William and Fielding laid the bier floor nise Day 14 William and Robert plowed 15 tha plowed nise day 16 we plowed in the burner field Robert Turnbull left us I paid him 84 17 we plowed nise Day 18 we went to the metin 19 William took the men to Garafraxa I hired John William for one month for 8 20 paid things very stormy 21 we plastered up the stable one teed up the beefers 22 we fixed things 23 I phrashed at Jonathan Lusters 24 thrashed at Lusters very stormy 25 stoped at home very stormy 26 went to Fergus and got the machine fixed very stormy 27 we cleaned oats nise Day 28 we thrashed all Day 29 I thrashed at John Carmies 30 we drew wood nise Day

September 1860

1 drew wool nise Day 2 went to the metin 3. drew wool nise Day 4 me and William went to Fergus 5 we thrashed at uncle Thomas Reas 6 I went to Griffith thrashing 7 William took a grist to the mill I got a ram from J S Armstrong for 5 8 I was sick nise Day 9 went to the metin 10 we fixed a hog pen very stormy all Day 11 me and William made a pig troff I went to a raisin at J S Armstrongs 12 I drew wood we penned up the pigs very stormy

{this page was already transcribed}

January 1861

1 we went to Fergus 2 we cleaned wheat 3 we thrashed in the after non at the par barn 4 thrashed at the new barn 5 we culed a steer in the for non in the after non went to Fergus I paid C wWatson 21 for shoemaking paid M Anderson 50 for black smith work and for a cutter 45 6 went to the metin 7 cleaned wheat 8 cleaned wheat 9 we drew in turnips 10 we thrashed at uncle Davids broke the machine very stormy 11 we claned up very cold 12 we cleaned up very cold 13 took the sleigh to the metin 14 we thrashed at uncle Davids in the after non rahter soft 15 we cleaned wheat nise Day 16 claened up 17 William took a load of choop to the ml 18 very stormy 19 took a load of straw to Fergus 20 took the sleigh to the metin 21 me and W thrashed at J S Armstrong 22 I went to a church metin 23 William took a grist to the mill rather stormy

November 1860

10 went meet in the fore non Robert {Slawed?}

11 went to the metin rather cold

12 seet 20 acres of roping and loging to Jonah Lurden at 1% per acre

13 I worked at the church William and I, elding lard the lier floor {mise put?}

14 William and Robert plowed

15 Ha Howard {mie illegible?}

16 we plowed in the {lurnch?} fredd Robert Turnibull left us I pard him 84

17 we plowed moss away

18 we went to the metin

19 William took the men to {Gasafrasca?} I Fred John W Uoun for one month for 8

20 froid thing very stormy

21 we plasterd the stable

22 we fired thingd

23 I plastered & Jonathan Lesters

24 Master a Misters very {mosney?}

25 Moped at home very stormy

26 went to Feynd and got the {machne Lesced?} very stormy

September 1860

1 drew wool mise buy

2 went to the metin

3 drew wol {illegible}

4 me and Hethan went to Service

5 we thrashed at Thomas Revs

6 I went to Friggith Mrasting

7 Hetahn took a grist to the mill I got a ram from S.A Armstrong

8 I was sick this day

9 went to the meting

10 we fuced a hog pew very stormy all day

11 me and Heathan made fig troft I wen to a rain at SA Armstrongs

12 I drew wood we femed up the days very stormy

January 1861 S

1 we went to sergin

2 we cleaned wheat

3 we thrashed in the after non at the far barn

4 thrashed at the near barn

5 we ulled a steel in the for non in the after non went to the Sergis I hard W Wul son for shoemakery haid M Luserson for lunch smith wosh and for a cutter

6 went to the metin

7 cleaned wheat

8 cleaned wheat

9 we drew in larmps

10 we thrashed at uncle Lardo brotu the machine very stormy

11 we claped up very cold

12 we cleaned up very cold

13 took the sleigh to the metin

14 we thrashed at uncle Lardi in the after non rather soft

15 we cleaned wheat most day

16 laemed up

17 William took a lead of chhp to the ml

18 very stormy

19 took a load of straw to Hergin

20 took the slush to the metin

21 me and W Hrafted at SA Armstrongs

22 I went to a church metin

23 William took a grist to the mill rather stormy

Feburay 1861January

24 thrashing at James 25 Jonah Burton finished choping the gob of choping I paid him in all for gob and cuting card wood 66 25 I with ten dollars for to see how it was dun it was very stormy 236 we fixed things very cold 27 went to the metin 28 William took a load for Jonah up to Garafraxa 29 stoped at home rathr cold 30 I went to Fergus very stormy 31 we cleaned up the barn

Febury 1861

1 thrashed at Jameses 2 thrashed at home 3 went to the metin it was the opening of the new church 4 I went to Guelph for the pro{?} 5 William thrashed at Carmies I went to Fergus nise Day 6 I thrashed at J Lusters mcoman stormy 8 cleaned up I took a sow to J S Armstrongs boar 10 went to the metin 11 very soft with rain cleaned up 12 cleaned up went to A spree at William Willsons 13 took 40 {lbs above 40} of peas and oats to get choped nise Day went to A party at Mcdonalds

Febuary 1861

14 we thrashed at John Carmys in the after non 15 me and mary and Barbara went to Mr Dickesons in a visit 16 I went to Fergus in the after non Andrew Forrister paid me on Feb 16 25 Mathew Anderson paid me on note 22 40 I lent to William Rea and Jonah Burton for eight months 40 17 I stoped at home with a cold 18 fixed up at home nise Day 19 we out some wood rathr stormy 20 we cleaned wheat nise Day went to the lecture to night Jonstone cleaned out the weell he charged me 3 50 sold five beef cattle to bucher Hood for 255 21 I went to Guelph in the cutter 22 cleaned stormy day 23 I went to Fergus it rained 24 went to the metin 25 cleaned wheat I sold 18 {lbs above 18} of peas at 50 {cts above 50} pr bus 26 caused wheat in to the granery filled the stable with day 27 we put 26 paid John Hall 30 on an order from William Rea and Jonah Burton 27 we broke frank than we went to a lecture 28 went and orderd a barell at the wper William went to Fergus for some oat meall

March 1861

1 slept and danced bit


3 went to the metin nise day

4 I went to Guelch and sold ane

{illegible} till hedhed us I hand him 2

6 turk if higs to Guelph tha

wenshed 2201 the I came to 126 30

toh a {illegible} iy got 4 5 - 0

7 I scoud at I L Armstrongs

{illegible} lione took a hig my to

Sonah Boston weylons 273 he is

to hay me 5632 for hundred

8 I was serving at Armstrongs

9 I was showy at Armstrongs

10 went to the mutuny nise day

11 I escalated The Nasser money

12 we yjrusted at unele davids in

the after nan

13 I aven to fergue

14 we thrusted in the fone man

thrusted the when

went to Ostirs shres in the evening

15 I went to Armstrongs mill Im

some choped grain sold to

Armstrong one graster at leel weghy

{illegible} it cane to

16 I trew sletres for this ehusel

17 went to the metm

18 we mad me nise shaft

19 made thafts sold 14 beef esthe

to Hood for

20 made laffs nise d y

21 made lraffs nise day

March 1861

22 cleaned up nise day 23 made crafts nise Day 24 went to the metin nise Day 25 I went to Guelph bought 50 pa{?}ls cost 8 50 2 bus of cloves seed and 2 bus of {a large squiggly line} timds {below timds are letters, could be cot 5} 25 26 tell a as{?} 26 took the beef cattle away it rained all Day 27 built a areh for boiling sap 28 cleaned up in the barn 29 it rained all Day 30 we finished thrashing in the after non 31 I went up to the nathons

April 1861

1 it was very stormy all Day 2 one and W went to Ellosce fair to get oxen 3 u Willia went for the plow cost 5 4 we worked in the bus 5 we taped the ires{could be trees} nise Day 6 made shuger nise Day 7 made shuger 8 went to the metin 9 we fixed the {hard to make out word, could be axel} 10 I went to Joseph Woods rasin 11 the men began to plow me and the girls made shugar 12 plowed I mad sugar 13 drew {very faded line can only make out 10} 14 I 15 I went to the metin 16 if wwell

April 1861

17 Patrick stack paid me for some wheat he had got 24 25 18 I bought 12 {ls above 12} of seed wheat 12 19 John Willson left here ther was 20 61 drew to him 20 I was in the bus 21 went to the metin 22 we sowed 5 acres of wheat very nise Day 23 harrowed and cultivated 24 sowed 11 acres of wheat sold 20 {lbs above 20} of peas for 16 25 harowed and cultivated 26 sowed 16 acres of wheat very nise day 27 sowed grass seed RObert cultivated for pees W and John harrowed it rained very hard to night 28 went to the near metin 29 I sowed peeas R cultivated W gatherd stones John harrowed Eagelsons Cambell stoped here all night with his horse rather clowdey with some showers 30 finished the peas

May 1861

1 very stormed with {?} snow we laid fence 2 made fence the men plowed 3 the men plowed I fixed fence 4 we plowed up our fall wheat 5 went to the metin 6 plowed weet 7 finished the fall wheat land 8 I lowed nise Day

May 1861

9 plowed {word too faint to tell} nise Day

10 William went to Fergus of 30 bushells of barly it cost 18 costs pr bus

11 we sowed barley nise Day

12 went to the metin

13 I sowed 12 bus of spring wheat it was the last

14 sowed 12 acres of oats

15 sowed 12 acres of oats it was the last it rained to night

16 I went up to James Rea rasin

17 I laid fence the men harowed

18 W and mary went to Guelph I brought home half ton of plants 7 paid Dr Clark 17

19 went to the metin

20 plowed for the potatoes

21 we planted the potatoes

22 planted carrots

23 planted corn very nise Day

24 we {?}nnistad at Loghrins than we went to Fergus very nise Day

25 we sowed plastr than we went to the metin it was fast I boght a yoke of ascen from Andrew Richardson for 100

26 we went to the metin

27 I went to Curleys rasin in the after non

28 went to finish the rasin

May 1861

29 we turned dung than we washed our sheep 30 I went to Guelph nise Day

June 1861

1 took 53 bus of fall wheat to J S Armstrongs $1 23 cts pr bus 2 took 59 bus to the mill at 123 cts pr bus 3 took 51 {bs above 51} of fall wheat to the Wilson mills at 116 cts pr 4 took 59 bus of spring wheat to at 90 cts pr bus 9 worked at the roads took 32 {lbs above 32} of potatoes up to Fergus sold to Ironside at 20 {cts above 20} pr bus 10 worked at the roads 11 worked at the roads 12 worked at the road 13 we plowed I got at the horses shood 14 worked at the roads 15 old ned snare took the house to inshure for 7 50 me and W and J and Bane went up to Garafraxa 6 paid Barton to do the road work Robert finished the road work 16 went to the metin 17 we plowed for the turnips 18 d 19 do 20 sowed turnips 21 sowed turnips

June 1861

24 sowed turnips we burned the brush 25 sowed turnips 26 David Bane finished his choping 74 acres we sowed turnips finished the turnips 27 sold one cow to the bucher and two sheep for 50 28 took the wood to the carding mill 29 med a dog fence next mckage that we burned took the cow to the bucher 30 went to the metin nise Day

July 1861

1 we plowed nise Day 2 plowed W went up to the nuninatim{?} Barton finished his choping I paid him 10 lent to Thomas Skelton for two months 4 3 the men plowed William set up potatoes finished the crop plowing 4 we loged all Day I went to Ewiley rasin 5 we loged very warm 6 went to the metin 7 me and mother went to Guelph the men mowed 8 we mowed nise Day 9 mowed and raked hay

July 1860

9 I recuned form J S Armstrong 200 from wheat that I sold him clowdy and some rain 10 I was sick the men plowed 11 shoots out hay sowed some tale turnips 12 me and WIlliam drew in 4 loads of hay {line has too sentences on it, the top one is} heging Wilkie Wilkie died to Day {the lower sentence says} we raked up in the after non 13 we went to the metin nise

I David Rea Eramosa March 29 {th above 29} 1863 it is a very stormy day snow and drift

June 16 {th above 16} 1863 old reed took the horse King Alfred to Day I bargened for two mares for $9

Transcription Progress



David Rea Diary, 1857-1860 Part 1.pdf
David Rea Diary, 1857-1860 Part 2.pdf
David Rea Diary, 1857-1860 Part 3.pdf
David Rea 1857-1860 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“David Rea Diary & Transcription, 1857-1860,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/39.
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