Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1909-1911


Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1909-1911


Benjamin B. Reesor


Courtesy of Queen's University Archives




20th Century, York County, Markham Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Benjamin Reesor Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


Aug 29 1909 to Nov 29 1911{handwritten in pencil}

77.2.18{in pen, hand written, probably accession number}

Lizard Skin

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Aug 1909

Private Journal of B B Reeor 1909

Aug 29 Sunday all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid with Susanna remarks by Br C Sermon on St mat 18 C by C Burkholder Daniels were here to dinner & Henry's were here to suppe W. very fine lovely day pretty Cool NW wind a very welcome & heavy rain last night

30 Boys ganged AM A helped Benj'n thresh PM Carl drove one team at gang plow PM I & Nancy washed AM Put away a lot of Corn in Jars PM W. very fine & Cler a slight frost on Sunday night no damage

31 A helped Benj'n finish threshing AM except his Wheat he ganged PM Carl helped gang AM J ganged all day I went to Ceder Grove AM W. very fine thunder shower going around south this evening a slight shower here at dark.

September 1 J grubbed the field for Wheat A ganged behind Cider house the field is nearly finished Thomas & Alberts brought some visitors AM Bishop Jonas Martin & wife Shirk & wife Pre Zimmerman & wife & Bishop Basil Martin from Waterloo they stayed about an hour W. a cold NW wind Cler

2 J sowed the 12 acres wheat East of Pilkeys once over he will sow it over again the other way Putting on about 1 Bus each time A finished ganging behind Cider house then he ganged spring wheat stubble Mary & children were here today Anne was here too.

I went to Ceder Grove PM W. fine Cler Br C & Paul Martins were here awhile AM

3 J sowed the wheat field the other say A took grist Chop to Whitevale AM then he harrowed behind Cider house & began to roll it I went to Ceder Grove PM J took Susanna to Benj'ns this morning & brought her home PM W. very fine pretty warm

4 A finished rolling behind Cider house J chored & brought tiles from Cherrywood W. cloudy drizzly rain at times

Sunday 5 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Altona remarks by Pre. Zimmerman & sermon on St John by Bishop James Martin both from Penn went to Henry's to dinner W. a very Cold strong NW wind slight shower last night Calm this evening

6 A rolled J drew home some stove wood AM I & Nancy washed PM I brought Anne this morning she helped to make a dress for Susanna W. very fine & clear

7 Boys dug Potatoes they are not a very good crop I & Nancy took Susanna to Henry's to stay awhile there we went to Enos Nighswanders to dinner W. very fine & clear

8 A went to Toronto on Trolley J took 13 bags Oats to Markham to get rolled AM he began to single plow south of bush PM I went to Ceder Grove AM W. very fine

9 Boys Finished plowing south of bush I & Nancy went to Br N's to dinner W. warm East air looks like rain

10 Boys Plowed on Knoll W cloudy at times I got Mare Nell shod all around AM I walked to Elias's PM

11 A Plowed J helped Elias thresh AM

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he plowed PM W pretty warm Cloudy

Sunday 12 at home all day Ben Stover is we{illegible} at the Boy's end to dinner I & Nancy took dinner there too W. very fine & cler J & A went to Henry's this evening

13 Boys finished plowing Knoll AM they cut some feed corn PM with new Binder it works well W very warm looks like rain Daniels were here to supper they came for some crab apples I & Nancy washed AM

14 Boys began single plowing behind Cider house they shocked feed Corn PM W. very very warm 87 deg above J took 8 bags sweet apples to Lapps for sauce PM

15 A helped Taylors thresh J took grist to Whitevale then he Plowed W. a very very strong & heavy thunder storm last night & fine shower of rain there were 4 barns burned that we heard of quite warm AM Cooler tonight it was about the heaviest thunder that we ever heard

16 A helped Taylors thresh AM J Plowed they both plowed PM & cut the Flax this evening I went to Ceder Grove AM & brought the apple sauce home W. fine cler warm AM fine & Cool PM

17 Boys Plowed I went to Ceder Grove AM W. very fine & Cler. Cool Breeze

18 Boys Plowed AM they cut our Corn with 2 Binders PM W. very very fine & Clear

Sunday 19 at home Flavius & family were here to dinner they brought Lizzy Carrette (Uncle Jacob Burkholder's Lissy) W. fine day

20 J & A Plowed AM we filled silo PM it is up within 3 feet of the top W. fine clear

21 J Plowed A helped Thomas fill silo with teams till about 3 PM then he plowed I & Nancy washed AM W. very fine

Sept 1909

22 Boys drew dung East of Creek behind Meeting sheds I went to Ceder Grove PM W. looked like rain the wind has been East the last few days, a slight drizzle of rain at times

23 A drew dung J began plowing in field north of Meeting house A went to Flavius with team PM to help fil silo drizzly rain stopped then a pretty fine steady rain most all PM

24 J Plowed A helped Flavius fill silo AM with teams & he helped Benj'n PM with team Thomas's brought Jonas Martin's wife & Levi Weber & wife from Waterloo for a Call this morning Uriah Drudge brought Susanna home PM she has been visiting a few weeks up in Markham she is about the same W. cloudy quite a bit of drizzly rain off & on all day Herman's were here to dinnner

25 J Plowed A helped Benj'n fill silo awhile then he plowed too I went to Joes this morning I took grist Chop to Whitevale PM W rather cloudy & very very heavy rain pretty heavy thunder towards evening a great deal of water fell

Sunday 26 all went to Meeting at Hebron Sermon on St John part of 1st C by C Gayman & on St Luke part of 23 C by Br C Lord's supper was Celebrated Henry's & C Gaymans were here to dinner Davids Called awhile PM W. Cool from north a slight drizzle this morning

27 J took cream then he plowed A & Nancy & Lizzie went to Funeral of Peter Burkholders son Albert he was buried at Widemans at 2 PM he died of Consumption W. very fine Cler This is my 73 Birthday

28 Boys nearly finished plowing field north of Meeting house the ground is well soaked I & Nancy & Susanna

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Oct 1909

went to Lydia & Bertha's to dinner (Br S's daughters) W. a very fine day Cloudy towards evening looks a little like rain

29 J took cream A spread dung & Plowed J Plowed too south of graveyard they finished the field north of Meeting house W. Mild cloudy drizzly at times

30 Boys plowed finished East of Creek the spring wheat stubble & Potatoes ground I & Nancy went to Markham AM W Mild very drizzly going fine & Clear Coming home I brought home the last share of the Beef The ring is closed for the season

Oct 1 J took grist chop Chop to Whitevale Chored & Picked Apples J helped him PM W Cool NW wind

2 Boys drew dung below garden Benj'ns man Sherman March helped AM with team Adeline was here all day Daniel helped at Building a new shed at meeting house along the north end of Meeting house yard I & Nancy & Adeline went awhile to Elias's PM W. Cool wind from NW Cler

Sunday 3 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Altona remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke part of 10 C by Levi Grove went to Ed Myers to dinner W. Cloudy squaals of light drizzle AM

4 Boys finished drawing dung AM they drew in 14 loads mangels PM M Barkey & his boys Pulled them for the 10 rows I & Nancy washed AM Susanna has been at Elias's I took her to Joe's this AM she stays over night W. very fine & Clear I & Nancy took in our Beets today we have a lot

5 A helped Taylors fill silo J took Chop to Davids (he has started his Mill again) then he drew in a load of Pumpkins & squash he drew in 5 loads Mangels PM

Oct 1909

I & Nancy went to Joes to dinner W. fine & Clear I brought home Chop this evening

6 A helped Taylors finish filling silo awhile AM then he helped J draw mangels loads then spread dung below garden J began to plow I took Eggs to Ceder Grove PM 8 doz @ 27 cts W. very very lovely day

7 A spread dung J Plowed I went to Ceder Grove AM I took Susanna to Br C's AM brought her home PM W. quite warm very fine & clear

8 Boys plowed awhile then they went to Markham Lizzie went with them she stays awhile at Ben Stovers W. very very fine & warm

9 J finished Plowing East of Orchard A Picked winter apples W. very very fine & Clear

Sunday 10 I & Nancy went to Thomas's to dinner I took Susanna to Teenie Stover's AM I brought her home PM J went to Daniels to dinner A went to Herman's to dinner W. very fine J brought Lizzie home this evening

11 J ganged in Mangel ground A picked winter Apples AM A took grist chop to Davids PM W. Cloudy AM slow & pretty steady rain PM I & Nancy washed AM

12 Boys Plowed in Corn stubble J went to Clendennings sale near Joe Groves PM W. cloudy rather drizzly some rain a little soft snow along with rain PM

3 Boys Plowed J took 4 Barrels Jenetting apples to Ceder Grove PM Malcom takes them to Toronto W. strong SW wind sharp frost last night fine Cler & Cold today

14 Boys Picked winter apples & Plowed out a start for some Branch drains East of Orchard as south of garden C Burkholder & Johny Reesor's brought Jacob Essig & wife & Josiah Miller & wife from Elkhart Indiana to dinner W. cloudy a little drizzly PM

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Oct 1909

15 Boys Picked Winter apples J went to a sale on old Madill farm near Henry's PM W. not quite so cold a white frost last night milder this evening J bought a yearling Heifer for a Beef Ringer @ 18 & a 2 Bus Basket & Gal Measure @30

16 Boys Picked winter Apples W Mostly Cler & Milder a few slight squaals PM

Sunday 17 at home all day Elias's were here to a Rooster stew for dinner W. very fine Cler day a Cold NW wind not very strong

18 A helped Benj'n thresh AM I helped Johny Reesor's thresh PM J Picked apples & Chored awhile AM he went to Markham PM W. cloudy drizzly rain AM partly Cler PM work has commenced on the new Railway it runs by Milnes on the Big Rouge & Pea{illegible} on the little Rouge Thomas Diller Ben Diller Beares & Collins Pettys & the ld Barnard farm it is to be a through line from Hawksbury near Ottawa to Niagara I & Nancy washed AM

19 A helped Johny Reesor thresh till abou 4 PM J Chored then Machine Came here threshed from 1/2 past 4 till 6 run well W. Cool Air from NW mostly cler Sharp frost last night

20 threshed AM got done 11 AM run very well about 1300 Bus Oats & Mixed grain & about 250 Bus last evening W. sharp white frost last night

21 A helped J McCreight thresh PM J took grist Chop to Davids AM he Chored PM W. drizzly rain all AM partly Cler PM another shower & a little thunder this evening Anne was here awhile PM

22 J Plowed some Mangel ground then he Picked winter apples A helpe Alick Milne thresh

Oct 1909

AM then he Picked apples & helpd Thomas thresh Buckwheat awhile this evening W. Mild NW wind rather cloudy

23 J & A went to David Groves with 2 spring waggons to Meet Daniel Ramer we bought a flock of sheep 13 lambs & 5 old Ewes @ $87.00 they brought them home we will fatten them & turn them off in the winter they Picked a lot of Cider apples PM I went to Joes this morning & to Ceder Grove & to Joes again PM W. cloudy raw N East wind

Sunday 24 al went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Luke part of 7C by Br C David & Peter Nighswander were here to dinner Russell & Levi Grove were here PM Daniels Came to stay all night W. Cloudy awhile AM very fine & Cler PM sharp air

Thanksgving 25 All went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks & sermon on St Mat part of 19C by Br C Daniels David Herman's Henry's & Levi Burkholder's were here to dinner Flavius's whole family were at the Boys end to dinner W. a very fine Cler day, sharp air

26 J helped Thomas thresh till about 2 PM then he Picked apples A helped Benj'n draw dung AM W. some rain last night cloudy this morning fine Cler today

27 A began plowing sod East of dam J amde over 2 Barrels of Cider Made at Lapps AM

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Oct & Nov 1909

Then he plowed too W. fine Cool Joes & Flavius's Fanny & the children were here this evening helping to Peel apples this is the 52nd anniversary of our Wedding day and I have never had Cause to regret it

28 Boys plowed AM they Picked Cider Apples PM W. Cler a strong Cold NW wind

29 J brought home sauce from Lapps A drew dung along west side of creek below Orchard AM they Picked a lot of Cider apples PM I went to Elias's & Joes AM W. a strong & very Cold NW wind froze hard last night Plows running yet

30 A spread dung J took 40 bags Cider Apples to Lapps @ 25 cts per cwt AM they plowed down dung PM J took 9 more bags Apples to Lapps PM W. hard frost last night Milder today I went to Cider Grove AM a slight drizzle of rain about noon

Sunday 31 J walked to Henry's A & Lizzie went to meeting at Altona & ehtn went to Henry's to dinner & J Came home with them. I & Nancy & Susanna went to JD's to dinner W. Milder Clear & fine

Nov 1 Boys Plowed AM they took in the Corn stalks & Picked some Apples PM I went to Ceder Grove PM W. Mild Cloudy looks like rain I & Nancy washed AM

2 Boys plowed I & Nancy went to Joe Burkholders to dinner David is poorly we Called awhile at Henry's they are well W. Mild drizzly rain at times

3 A Plowed J took Cream & Picked Apples AM they both Picked apples PM I brought Anne this Morning to help to sew I took grist Chop to Davids & took Anne home again this evening W. mostly fine mild

Nov 1809

4 Boys nearly finished Plowing sod I helped Nancy clean house AM I took grist Chop to Davids & went to Ceder Grove PM there is a new Proprietor at Ceder Grove now his name is G Beatty. W. cler strong NW wind

5 Boys finished Plowing sod AM & began in Corn Stubble where the shocks stood A drew off stones & J Made 50 gal Cider at Lapps PM W. very fine & cler

6 J took Cream then he drew home a lot of wood from bush A drew off stones AM he brought 1/2 ton Oil Cake from Markham @ $35.00 per ton. PM W. very very fine & Cler Cool Air

Sunday 7 at home A & Lizzie went to Meeting at Widemans Amelia Ernie & Carl were here to dinner W. very fine & clear sharp air from East

8 Boys Chored AM A drew off stones & J made water furrows PM I went to our Meeting house this morning to help Joseph Grove open a school to teach German language there was a good attendance W. showry all AM Cleared up fine PM Henry & Willis Called AM Russell Groves boards with us for the school 14 scholars PM today there are some expected from the north

9 Boys Chored I & Nancy Made a fine lot of soft soap PM Anne was here sewing for Susanna W cler & strong NW wind I forgot to say there was a fine heavy rain night before last & yesterday AM our tub was filled again

10 Boys Chored & set horse Power AM they dressed a calf & 8 Pigs PM Flavius helped W. Cloudy & Mild

11 J Chored A went to Toronto 8 Pigs over 900 cwt @ $11.00 calf 96 @ $10.00 5 1/2 doz Eggs @ 35 cts 2 Barls Rambo apple ${illegible}

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Nov 1909

per Barrel I got Mare Nell shod all round W. shower this Morning very fine & Cler today

12 I & Nancy made a lot of liver worsts J & A Carried in a lot of straw AM the stack fell down the drew the winter apples into driving house PM W. Cler cool NW wind Joe Wideman was here over night J brought some shingles from Locust Hill the west Kitchen roof wants new shingles they cut down the old Pear tree the other day

13 A worked at the Kitchen Cornice it is rotten J. Chored Henry & Willis were here to dinner W. raw air from East Cloudy J went to Markham AM he took Susanna to Dr he left her at Johny Ramer

Sunday 14 at home J & Lizzy went to Johny Ramer's to dinner Elias & Joes were here to dinner Flavius & family & Br C's Called PM W. very Misly & Cloudy AM Cleared up PM Mild but Cool air from East very Misty AM

15 A stripped the Kitchen roof & began to lay shingles J took team & helped to run Road Machine on the Pickering townline north of first sideroad I & Nancy washed AM I went to see Br N PM he has been sick all last week he has Bronchitis & his heart is affected he is very low W. Clear strong NW wind Cool Herman was here to dinner

16 Boys shingled AM chored PM I & Nancy went to see Br N AM he is getting weaker W. East wind strong began to storm sleet & rain at 10 AM drissly rain all PM

17 Boys dug drains south of garden & west of creek I walked to Br N's this morning he is a trifle Easier but is out of his mind Anne was here today sewing.

Nov 1909

W. Cler strong cold SW wind & NW

18 Boys worked at drain I went to see Br N this morning he is just holding his own is out of his mind W. ground white with snow this morning clear sharp all day strong wind Calm this evening

19 J brought some tiles A took grist to Davids AM they shingled Kitchen PM nearly finished I went to Ceder Grove PM Called at Br N's he is about the same W. ground white with snow getting soft nearl all gone this evening quite mild J went a little while to a sale on 2nd of Pickering he bought a Bureau @ $1.30 it pretty good one

20 A drained J brought a few more shingles then they finished the Kitchen roof then they brought home the Bureau that J bought I called at Br N's he is getting weaker the Dr says there is little chance for him

Sunday 21 All went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mat 13 C by Levi Grove nobody to dinner David Groves & Henrys Ernie & Carl & a few More Boys Called PM Daniels were here to supper W. fine & Cler PM Cloudy AM

22 I went with A this morning to see Br N he is resting easy & seems better we heard this evening that the Dr has good hopes of him getting better Boys Chored today W. steady East wind sleet & rain all day Ice on trees heavy rain tonight

23 Boys drained I & Nancy washed W. turned Colder last night froze hard ground white with snow creek running livel strong NW wind Calm tonight

24 J took Lizzie home to stay the boys will live with us for the present A helped Boy Milroys thresh AM & awhile PM I went to see Br N AM he is very low I went again PM Dr says his heart is a little better but now he is taken with Hemmage of the Bowels & his Chances are very poor.

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Nov 1909

W froze hard last night fine & Cler today

25 A was a Br. N's sitting up with him all night he came home & told us that Br N died about 9 PM he will be Buried on Saturday 1/2 past 9 I & Nancy went over awhile AM Br in law Enos Hoovers were here to dinner J got Horses Chief & Billy shod AM A Chored he taught the school awhile AM W. Cler sharp hard frost last night

26 A helped dig Br N's Grave AM J worked at drain AM he brought 3100 loads from Locust Hill @$6.60 W. Cloudy all day Mild I helped Nancy clean house

27 I & Nancy went to my Brother Noahs funeral to Hebron sermon C Burkholder officiated at the house & at the Grave & also Preached a sermon on Heb 12 C 22 V Louis Burkholder spoke awhile in English we went back to the house of mourning to dinner there were a good many people at the funeral Susanna was alone at home awhile David Groves & Martin Ramer were here to dinner W. a very fine lovely Clear day quite mild

Sunday 28 at home all day Benj'n & family Amelia Ernie & Carl Joe & Anne were here awhile PM W. very fine little Indian summer clouded up towards evening slight rain after dark

29 J took some Oats to Davids to get Rolled A Carried last of Apples into Cellar AM then he dressed 2 Calves for Benj'n & Fanny helped W. sharp white frost last night very fine today

30 J brought 25 tiles from Cherrywood with Mare Nell & put them in sod field east of dam A went to Toronto 6 pigs something over 650 lbs @ $11.00 per Cwt 1 Bal King apples $3.00 1 Bl snow $2.50 1 1/2 doz Eggs 35 cts 2 Calves for Benj'n 8 cts per lb.

Nov 1909

W. very fine & cler freezing at night thawing in the day

Dec 1 J brought some gravel for the hens A helped JD's thresh till near noon they began to gather up some Pine stumps at Flavius PM William Degeer Blasted a lot in the spring we intend to use them for firewood W. very fine & clear white frost last night thawing today

2 A helped Benj'n deliver some fat cattle to Browns Corners for Ed Lewis AM he went to Sol Reesors Barn raising PM J went to Markham AM he Paid our Taxes $51.71 cts I & Nancy & Susanna went to Benj'ns to dinner We heard this evening that my Cousin David Burkholder died this PM W. Sharp White frost last night very fine today Air from East

3 Boys gathered stump wood & brought home a load W. rather cloudy the German school is over for the present we expect another term at the Holidays when the Public Schools close white frost this Morning

4 I & A went to funeral of David Burkholder service at the house at the grave & sermon on an address on 1st Cor part of 15 C by Mr Gowdy we went to Davids to dinner W. Cloudy cool

Sunday 5 I & Nancy & Susanna went to Flavius to dinner W. cloudy pretty strong East wind PM & tonight

6 A helped Isaac Reesor Kill hogs 1 in Flavius place he has sore hand J drew off pine stumps W. Clear strong Cold NW wind we hear that Martha Frets died this morning will be Buried on Wednesday at 9 AM at the house

7 A helped Benj'n Kill hogs J drew roots AM Henry's were here to dinner

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Dec 1909

W. cold wind strong PM Soft snow & rain PM

8 A took cream & got Horse Billy sharped J chored & got Horse Chief sharped PM W. very strong W wind all day flurries of snow at times. Quite Cold

9 A took grist Chop AM J Chored they filled 2 Barrels King Apples P.M. W. Strong Cold W wind all day, this is my Nancy's 70th Birthday

10 Flavius & Fanny & Benj'n helped boys AM they dressed a calf & 6 Pigs AM then A went to the Funeral of Herbert Country on the old Joe Reesor farm W. not so cold a sharp W. wind

11 A went to Toronto 6 pigs 720 lbs @ #11.00 2 Bals King Apples @ $2.50 1 Calf 98 lbs @ 9 1/2 cts per lb J Chored & took grist Chop with Mare Nell W. Cler sharp Cold NW wind.

Sunday 12 at home Elias's were here to dinner W. Sharp raw East wind began to snow from East after dinner not very fast colder tonight

13 Boys Chored fixed up shop ready for Butchering tomorrow W. soft snow turned to rain raining yet near bed time strong wind

14 Killed 2 fine big hogs Flavius & Amelia & Benj'n helped Johnny Reesors Mary helped us yesterday & today W. cloudy strong W wind nearly all day about 2 in snow last night a little More today Mild

15 Boys salted meat J took Chop W. cloudy Mild

16 Boys Chored Cut some feed AM they went to Sale of Br N's effects PM J bought the old Horse Major @ $25.50 for us to drive he bought some more things Halter feed scoop & such David Groves were here to dinner I did not feel well enought to go I got Chills when I go out it was a pretty fine day a few sleighs running.

Dec 1909

17 Boys drew off stumps & roots W. Clear heavy squaals of snow at times Mild

18 Boys Chored AM they drew stumps PM W. very fine & clear pretty fair sleighing

Sunday 19 All went to Meeting at Hebron except J staid with Susanna remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Luke part of 7 C by Br C Levi Grove & wife C Burkholder MN were here to dinner Benj'n & Family were here PM Daniels were here to supper W. very fine Cler & sharp 12 above this Morning

20 A helped us wash J went to the old Wilks farm on 3rd Con Pickering AM & brought 4 Heifers Suitable for Beef Ringers @ $60.00 A took grist Chop PM W. very fine Cler sharp

21 Boys & Henry Picked Geese Willis was here J helped Benj'ns thresh PM W. fine Mild Carl & Amelia were here PM helping

22 A went to Toronto 11 Geese lbs @ 14 cts 4 Barrels King Apples @ $2.00 20 Eggs @ 45 cts per Doz 1 Pig for Henry @ 11 1/4 per lba J & Nancy went to Markham AM W. fine Cler pretty strong W. wind

23 A drew roots AM J chored they both went to Beane's sale PM I & Susanna went to Ceder Grove AM I drove our Horse Major I like him very well Henry Came to got to Beane's sale he left little Willis here till he Came back I & Susanna Called at Alberts their little boy Johnny is quite sick W. fine Clear

24 Boys drew roots W. Mild Cloudy Alberts Johnny is very low

Christmas Day 25 went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Luke part of 2nd C by Bishop Freeman Rittenhouse of Cayuga Joe's were here to dinner

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Dec 1909

W. snow storm from East all day not very cold getting Colder this evening Alberts little Johnny died Early this morning about 100 will be Buried on Monday at 900 he died of Diabetes J Staid with Susanna

Sunday 26 at home J went to Henry's to dinner A helped Joe Barkeys & Benj'n Drudge dig a grave for Alberts Johnny W. Colder Cler strong W wind good sleighing when it get beaten

27 I & Susanna went to Johnny Reesors funeral Sermon on 1st Epistel Peter 1 C 18 & 19 Verses by C Burkholder Also a short sermon by Bishop Freeman Rittenhouse Anne Herman's Lydia & Harvey were here to dinner Herman & family are here tonight Esther is here too for the night W. very fine MN brought Bishop Rittenhouse for ahort call PM

28 had our whole family at home to a Goose Roast they were all here except Elias's little Mary she was at her Grandpa Barkeys she is not very well Thomas's & B Diller's brought a party from Waterloo for a Call PM they were Paul Martin & wife & Ezra Bauman & wife Menno Steckly & wife from Hery township David Martin & wife W. very fine & Clear a little snow in the air

29 Boys helped wash & clean up the house AM A took grist PM W 10 below Zero ths morning Zero at noon going down PM Cler

30 A Ironed the Clothes that they washed J Chored My Nancy had a bad fall this Morning her foot Caught on a rug & she fell headlong into the little hall at the room door & struck her forehead against a Chair on the door jamb & cut her forehead pretty bad.

Dec 1909 Jan 1910

She is up & around as usual W. quite cold yet but fine & Clear not so cold as yesterday

31 Boys drew home some roots & chored W Milder

Jan 1st 1910 at home Boys went a shooting got a fine big Rabbit Benj'ns were here awhile PM W. pretty Cler AM cloudy mild PM good sleighing Joe & Anne Called this evening

Sunday 2 at home Elias's Called a few Minutes this PM J & A went to Daniels to dinner they were not at home they went to Enos's to dinner then they called at Davids PM W. Cool Clear

3 Boys brought 2 loads of Coal from Locust Hill @ $6.60 J helped Nancy wash AM W. strong W wind PM Flurries of snow not very Cold about an inch of snow last night

4 A went to Markham to Meet Dentist J Chored W. very cold & cler below Zero all day

5 Boys Chored W strong East wind soft snow & sleet nearly all day very strong wind last night quite Mild this evening

6 A Mended a lot of bags J went to Ceder Grove took 3 doz Eggs @ 36 cts. W. Cloudy mild all day Joe & Anne Called this evening

7 Boys Chored AM they went to Henry's PM W Cloudy AM fine & Clear PM Colder towards evening

8 J went to B Diller A took Chop to Davids W. Mostly Clear sharp

Sunday 9 I & Nancy & Susanna went to Elias's to dinner W quite fine blowed up Cold towards evening Susanna staid at Elias's

10 J went to B D's A went to Markham PM. W. Cler Cold A & Nancy washed AM Russell Groves is here to stay al night he is going to German school

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Jan 1910

11 Boys Chored cut up old willow tree at Creek A Ironed AM put Brine on Pork PM W not so cold. Cloudy

12 A helped Benj'n Kill hogs J took cream & Chored he brought Susanna home this evening German School closed this PM there was a very good attendance W. a very fine winter day Tilman Wideman & wife were here to supper

13 Boys Chored A took grist Chop PM Lewis Burkholder's were here to supper W. rather cloudy cool air from N East

14 A Oiled single Harness J Chored he went to Elias's PM W. strong steady wind from East all day with snow not very Cold

15 A took Cream AM he took 6 bags Oats to Davids to get Rolled PM J Chored & went to a sale on the old Tweedie farm PM W. Clear sharp little Willis Came home with him A from the Creamery he stays all night

Sunday 16 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Luke part of 2nd C by C Burkholder Joseph Groves were here to dinner w. heavy white frost this Morning Cloudy all day not Cold

17 Boys Chored J went to Markham PM he brought 500 lbs Oil Cake for us & 800 lbs for Flavius W. Cloudy mild A helped Nancy wash

18 A Mended bags & chored J got Horses Billy & Major shod PM W. pretty strong wind & drizzly rain at times not Cold Horse Chief has a Side Bone on his left fore leg we are Blistering at he is some better again.

Jan 1910

19 Boys sawed wood in bush AM they chored PM W. cloudy AM fine Cler PM we heard today that Samuel Ramer's eldest daughter Anne died last night will be Buried tomorrow at 9:30 at Wideman

20 A went to funeral of Annie Ramer with Joe & Anne J Chored Elias's children were here all day W. very fine thawing a little

21 A helped Flavius Kill hogs J Chored he went to Elias's PM W. Mild drizzly rain AM soft snow PM

22 Boys Chored A went to Ceder Grove PM W. very strong wind last night & all ay rain nearly all AM soft snow at tmes PM vrey heavy this evening not Cold wind from East

Sunday 23 at home Amelia Ernie & Carl were here to dinner W. Mild heavy squaals of snow at times there is good sleighing there is a good bed of Ice most places

24 Boys Chored J went to Ceder Grove PM Henry's were here PM W. very fine & clear

25 Killed big hog 408 lbs Benj'n & Fanny & Flavius & Fanny helped W Mild Cler Dr Called Susanna is not so well she has an Eruption on her hand

26 J Chored A went to Toronot on Trolleys W. Smiths were here to dinner W. Mild pretty strong East wind snow at times PM

27 A Picked a lot of Chickens J Chored & took the Chickens to Ceder Grove Beatty takes them to Toronto W. mild Cloudy Blowed up Cold towards evening Daniels were here to dinner

28 Boys Chored A was at Beanes awhile AM they have a Bee to draw Bricks he helped

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Jan 1910 Feb

to level the snow where they pile them Hermans were here to dinner Davids Called awhile PM W. very fine Cler Mild

29 A took grist J Chored AM J went to Ellis's sale at Green River PM W. quite Cold Cler Johnny Reesor's daughter Lucinda called PM

Sunday 30 I & Nancy went to Joe's to dinner Elias's were here to supper W. Mild Cloudy at times some snow in the air PM

31 A helped Nancy wash AM J went to Bob Jamies & bought 4 fine shoats @ $9.00 each they brought them home PM W. Mild snow is from East all day the snow is dry & light not much wind

Feb 1 A brought a load Bricks from Leslieville for Wilson Beane(Sidney's Widow) J Chored we had 5 sheep worried by dogs last night Joe Barkey dressed them today the dogs belonged to Arthur Reesor & George Maxwell also 1 gander & 2 Geese worried by the dogs they promised to pay us a fair price for them W. very fine sharp winter day Davids called awhile PM.

Candlemas day 2 J went to W Lottens to look for some Pigs AM got none he took grist Chop PM A Chored & Ironed W. Mild Cloudy nearly all day a little snow this evening

3 A Mended bags J went to Ceder Grove PM 6 doz Eggs @ 30 cts W. snow from East last night & AM wind not very strong about 6 in snow not very Cold

4 A took grist AM J Chored A took 50 1/2 Bus Wheat to Locust Hill @ $1.5 per Bus J went to Joes.

Feb 1910

& to Elias's W. very fine clear sharp air

5 A took 58 Bus Wheat to Locust Hill AM $1.5 per Bus AM A Chored PM J went to Joes & to Elias's PM W. Clear Cold 5 above Zero nearly all day Cold NW wind not very strong

Sunday 6 at home J & A went to Benj'n's to dinner W. Cler very Cold about 10 below this Morning 2 below at noon

7 I went to Annual Trustee meeting at Hebron AM there was no Quorum only Martin Barkey myself Albert & Thomas Reesor so we done no Business the same Trustees will serve (the three first names) Boys helped Nancy wash AM A went to Markham PM W. fine & Cler Mild

8 A brought 1100 lbs Bran @ $23 per ton from Spinks AM J Cleaned last of fall wheat 9 Bus A took it to Whitevale PM & got some flour w. fine Cler Mild thawing a very little

9 Boys Chored AM A took a Barrel of Talman Sweet apples to Beatty's @ $2.00 then he drew Ice for Beatty from Davids Henry's were here a few hours PM W. fine AM began to snow from NE about 4 PM snowing yet

10 Boys hung up Pork to smoke AM they both went to Johnsons sale on Sideroad north of Cider Mill west W. quite Cold sharp wind not much snow last night

11 Boys Chored AM J went to Ceder Grove PM W. pretty Cold wind from East Br inlaw Simon Hoover's Called awhile PM

12 Boys chored they went to Meeting house PM & fixed up things PM W. more or less snow all day not so cold.

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Feb 1910

Sunday 13 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke part of 18 C by Levi Groves C Burkholder spoke too visitors after Service Menno Burkholder & David Grove's whole family Daniels Called PM Thomas Dillers were here to supper W. very fine day Benj'ns were here awhile PM

14 Boys Chored A helped wash AM W. fine Clear Herman was here to dinner

15 Boys Chored J helped Thomas Kill a Pig AM A Ironed AM W. snow More or less all day wind started up from East about 10 AM strong from East PM not Cold

16 A took cream AM J took grist PM Mary & Children were here a while PM W. Clear quite Cold strong NW wind roads not badly drifted

17 A went to see the Italians working on the railroad AM they are blastin some big cuttings at Thomas Dillars J went to Henry's to dinner then Henry & he went to Mcfarlanes sale at Claremont W. Cler sharp & Cold Joe's called this evening

18 A went to Markham & to Davids to dinner he got a Gander @ $2.00 J went to Elias's & got a Goose @ $3.00 W. fine Clear quite Cold a little snow last night

19 A took Cream AM they Peeled apples PM W. fine Cler sharp air

Sunday 20 at home Menno Reesor's & family were here to dinner Amelia Ernie & Carl were here all PM W. Cloudy not so Cold

21 A helped us wash AM they drew off stump wood & brought a load home PM W. Milder pretty clear

Feb 1910

22 A Ironed AM he worked at a Cabbage Knife for Henry's PM J went to Jess Cobers PM W. clear & fine sharp air

23 A finished the Cabbage Knife AM J Chored A went to Cobers & bought a Goose @ $1.60 W. a liitle snow last night a strong NW wind all day Cold Clear

24 Boys Chored A took 7 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 30 cts PM J went to Elias's PM W. very Cold about 9 deg below this Morning fine & Clear

25 Henry's & Joe Burkholders were here to dinner W. fine & Cler Cold

26 Boys Chored Herman's Called awhile PM W. Milder air from East a little drizzle after dark J brought home some Chop PM

Sunday 27 at home Joe's were here to dinner Flavius & famiy & Thomas & Adeline were here all PM W. some rain last night light drizzle awhile this Morning, cloudy & Mild all day

28 A helped wash AM J Chored I took Susanna to Joes & to Elias's PM & left her there Boys Cleaned a Bureau that J bought at a sale W. very fine, thawing the snow is quite soft

March 1 A Ironed J took Grist AM they brought a load pine roots PM W. quite Mild Cloudy AM a heavy Mist & fog PM

2 A was at Hermans Papering & White washing J helped Thomas Kill 2 hogs AM W. very fine & Clear snow going fast Elias's & Teeny Stover were here to supper Joe's came after supper Teeny stays all night

3 J took Grist & took 8 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 27 cts AM they began to cut wood in Bush PM I took Teeny & Susanna to Tennys this morning

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Feb 1910 Mar

Susanna will stay awhile at Elias's & Joes W. very fine & cler snow going Creek high crows have been Cawing these few days

4 Boys put the smoked Pork up into Garrett & hung up the old sows Pork then they cut wood PM W. very fine Mild snow going

5 Boys cut & split wood A went to the Annual Meeting of the Ceder Grove threshing Companys Meeting at Flavius AM the Dividend was $15.00 per share they cut some feed PM W. very fine Cler & warm the snow is going sleighing is breaking up

Sunday 6 at home J went to Benj'ns & A went to Joe's PM W. Cloudy Mild a little cler at times distant thunder at times pretty heavy after dark a slight shower

7 A helped wash AM they cut wood PM W. froze last night Cold NW wind Clear

8 A Ironed J went to JD's AM the Cut wood PM W. a few inches snow last night & AM thawed PM Uriah Drudges were here PM

9 Boys sawed wood AM J & A went to Neilsons sale PM W. clear fine cold wind

10 Boys cut wood J took 13 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove PM @ 25 cts per doz PM W. Clear cold Air sleighing gone good Wheeling not many old drifts

11 Boys cut wood AM Benj'ns Man helped they both went to J Collins sale PM W. very fine & clear Cold air Joe brought Susanna home today

12 Boys cut wood & helped clean house W. fine & Clear sharp frost last night thawing in the sun I walked to Benj'ns PM Joe & Anne Called this evening

Sunday 13 All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by C Burkholder Sermon on St Mat part of 22C by Br C Visitors after

Mar 1910

Service Hermans Henry's & Henry Boyers to dinner Benj'ns were here all PM & Daniels Called a few Minutes PM W. Mild Cloudy AM Cleared up PM Colder with strong NW wind tonight

14 A helped wash AM he went to Benj'ns Sawing Bee PM J Chored AM he took a grist Chop PM W. very Cold & very strong NW wind last night & all day going down some this evening

15 A Ironed AM he went to Bob Milroys sawing Bee PM J took 13 sheep & lambs to M Barkeys to get dressed he went to Beanes Br sale on 5th Con Pickering PM he bought 4 shoat Pigs @ $3.85 each Mary & Children were here all PM Elias was here to supper too W. Cler Cold not much wind

16 A went to Toronto Herman came & went with him they took 13 Carcasses Mutton left it at Ed Lewis's he was not there did not sell but they sold the skins @ $1.40 & 3 pr Chickens @ 16 cts per lb David Grove was here got 80 Bus seed Oats @ 50 W. very fine but Cold NW wind pretty strong

17 Boys cut wood awhile then A went to Flavius to a Meeting of Shareholders of our threshing Machine there was a Party there offered to Buy it but it was decided not to sell it they both went to Jesse Cober's sale PM Joseph Gaymans were here to supper W. fine Cler cold air

18 Boys Chored & rendered the Mutton tallow AM they cut wood PM W. fine clear AM freezing every night thawing in the sun

19 A worked in bush J took grist Chop AM then he worked in bush too I walked to Joes PM W. Mild cloudy at times thawing fast roads drying off fast.

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Mar 1910

Sunday 20 at home J & A went to Henry's to dinner Br S's Lydia & Bertha were here to dinner W. heavy showers last night some thunder drizzly rain this Morning Clered up fine & mild Cooler this evening

21 A helped wash AM they cut wood PM W. frost last night Clear thawing today

22 Boys Chored J took grist Chop I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove AM & to Elias's PM W. fine warm rather cloudy we also Called at Flavius he was taken with a touch of Pneumonia last night is in bed

23 J took cream then went to Herman's left Horse Major there & walked home Benj'n helped J & A dress 4 Pigs PM Fanny helped too Herman Came this evening he is going to Toronto with A in the Morning I went to see Flavius this Morning he is about the same he is a little better this evening W. Air from EAst fine & warm

24 A & Herman went to Toronto 4 Pigs 445 bs 46 lbs Tallow 6 1/2 cts per lb J split wood in bush AM helped in house & raked door yard PM I walked to Elias's AM & to Flavius PM he is a little better W. fine warm Cler

Good Friday 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St John part of 12 C by Br C we had a few Visitors from Waterloo Thomas's brought them David Sydney & Nathaniel Martin & their wives Daniels & David Groves were here to dinner Henry's Called awhile PM W. a very fine Cler warm day Cool air from NW.

Mar 1910 April

25 J took cream A went to Markham on Bycicle AM they Chored & Cut some feed PM W. fine & warm Cool Air from NW I walked to Flavius PM he is sitting up at times

Easter Sunday 27 at home all day J & A took Susanna to David Groves & they went to Daniels to dinner W. Cold NW wind pretty strong PM turned to East PM

Easter Monday 28 A helped Nancy wash then they Cleaned Seed grain A took Chop to Davids PM I & Nancy went to Flavius PM he is getting better W. a lovely warm spring day strong W wind Calm this evening

29 Boys drew off pine roots at Flavius's AM A drew roots & J fixed tile drain PM W. quite warm looks like rain

30 Boys drew off stumps J went to Mrs Rainys sale near Boxgrove PM W. warm cloudy Misty al day slight shower AM

31 J Plowed headland behind Cider house A fixed a drain that was stopped they began to sow Oats in field East of dam PM W. strong W wind not very Cold

April 1 Boys nearly finished sowing field East of dam they leave a strip for Potatoes W. fine Clear Cool wind from west sharp white frost last night

2 A rolled both newly seeded fields NW & NE corner fields they are fairly good J finished field East of dam I went to Ceder Grove AM got Horse Major shod all round W. a very fine day there are Hundreds of suckers caught in the little Rouge but we have not got any yet there have been some Caught in the Petticoat

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April 1910

Sunday 3 at home all day J & A walked down to the new railroad they are getting on very well they expect to have the Cars running by Christmas W. Clear strong East wind all day pretty Cool

4 Boys Chored awhile A helped wash they started in field north of Meeting house about 10 AM they got it about half sowed with Oats w. Cloudy slight rain about 70 {symbol for degrees} AM very dark & Misty towards evening

5 Boys finished field north of Meeting house & sowed about half of field behind barn with Mixed grain W. Cloudy Misty Cleared up about 10 AM fine & Clear & warm PM Cloudy tonight I was not well all PM have pain in my side or groin

6 Boys worked at seeding I have been nearly sick all day Cloudy Misty

7 I had a very bad night we put Mustard on my side it is getting some better had no Appetite I feel some better this evening W. very strong Cool NW wind all day

8 Boys worked in fallow at Flavius AM they worked at the Seeding PM W. slight frost last night

9 Boys finished seeding I had a pretty bad night some hard spells of Pain sent for Dr last evening he said I should put on Turpentine it relieved me some he came today & gave me some Pills he said it was Colic W. strong NW wind clear Henry Called & left Willis he stays all night

Sunday 10 A & Nancy went to meeting at Hebron Davids brought Susanna home she staid here too Daniels were here to dinner Joe & Anne Called this evening.

Flavius whole family Herman's & Davids Called PM MN called too I feel pretty well but I am weak have not much Pain W. Clear fine but Cold wind

11 A helped wash AM he Clipped Colt for J McCreight PM J took grist Chop AM W. Cloudy AM Flurries of soft snow & rain thawed as it fell our tub is about half full it has been empty a long time

12 Boys worked at fallow W. Clear Cool Br N's Lizzie was here PM & to supper sharp frost last night

13 Boys worked at fallow got it finished JD's were here to dinner W fine Clear I am some better but I am weak

14 A rolled AM he trimmed Raspberry bushes in back garden PM J Pulled out pine roots that Willard Degeer Blowed out yesterday he Blowed out the two Big ones East of young Ceder Swamp & the Beech tree back of Meeting sheds W. very fine & warm Cool air

15 Boys finishd rolling & took the Brush out of back garden & put dung onto the Berry Bushes w. Cool East wind Herman Called PM

16 A Made garden J harrowed root ground AM he helped in garden PM W. Cool East wind quite strong PM

Sunday 17 at home Elias's were here to dinner W. East wind pretty strong drizzly rain AM pretty heavy at times PM Calm this evening not raining at bedtime it freshened up our creek it was pretty low

18 A Cobbled Boots J got Horses Chief & Billy shod AM they were at Flavius working in PM things are beginning to grow fine the Fall wheat looks very well.

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April 1910

19 A helped wash AM J took some Chop W. rain off & on all day pretty heavy PM Creek running quite fresh not Cold

20 J took cream in Thomas's place A Chored they cut stove wood out of Beech tree back of Meeting sheds PM W. partly Clear drizzly this evening Dr Called Susanna is not so well

21 A pulled down old board fence along Pickering Townline we intend to put up wire fence on the trees J took grist to Davids AM he & Thomas went to Manwells dipping suckers PM they caught 8 & bought a few more W. fine Cool air

22 Boys pulled out the Posts with the horses & drew home the boards W. very & clear I & Nancy made a fine lot of soft soap Susanna is worse we Called the Dr he came this evening he says it is the result of an Ulcerated Tooth that she had pulled a few weeks ago

23 Boys drew home the Posts from the Townline J sorted apples A Cleaned their Kitchen PM W. slight shower AM another this evening Joe & Anne Called this evening

Sunday 24 at home Flavius & family were here to dinner Joe & Anne to supper W. Mild heavy rain last night some more today no heavy Cloudy some Misty

25 J helped wash AM he & Thomas went dipping suckers at Manwells PM Caught 12 the Rouge is quite high A worked at his Bureau W. showry a very heavy rain about 10 AM our creek is coming up & the bush is turned green

26 A helped scrub Hebron Meeting house J took some Chop AM they Chored PM Daniels & Davids were here to dinner W. a very heavy rain last night some thunder

April 1910 May

Our Creek was quite full this morning but the Rouge was higher than it has been since 1878 the Ceder Grove Bridge is wrecked & perhaps some more

27 Boys helped Clean house Benj'n's Fanny & her girl Amy Mayberry helped too W. fine Cler cool air from NW

28 Boys Chored Henry's were here awhile PM Willis stays all night Boys Caught 25 suckers in the Petticoat last evening one in our field they are away again this evening W. slight frost last night Cler today

29 A took Willis home then went to David Groves to dinner he got 5 bags Potatoes J Chored W. cloudy cool began to rain towards noon rain off & on all PM they got about 2 doz suckers last evening W.

30 J took cream A Mended Harness AM they banked wire fence PM & drew away west lane fence north of barn W. Cool cler Anne & Esther Barkey wee here awhile PM Mare Queen was taken sick this evening sent for Jim Armstrong he Came but she was better he says her Teeth are bad he will Call & file them next week

May 1 at home Thomas & whole family were here to dinner W. Cler drizzly off & on all day Susanna had a bad night is some better today

2 J helped wash A dug Post holes between showers Flavius' Fanny & Amelia were here PM helping to Clean our Cook house PM W. Cloudy some showers AM raining PM a very heavy rain PM some heavy thunder the creek is fully as high as it was last week

3 A went Mushroom hunting AM he got a fine lot J Chored A went dipping with Thomas PM got none W. drizzle at times Clear tonight Cool

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May 1910

4 Boys dug Post holes I went to Ceder Grove AM my left knee is very lame these few days W. fine Cler Cool wind from north

Ascension day 5 All went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by Br C sermon on St John 21 C by Bishop Paul Martin Herman's Lydia & Harvey & Frank Martin Ramer were here to dinner Daniels & Davids Groves Called PM Russell Grove was here to dinner too W. very fine Cler Cold N wind not strong A & Flavius Caught 25 suckers above our creek this evening we got near 100 in Petticoat this spring so far

6 Boys dug Post holes W. Clear Cool air I have lame Knee & back I cannot get around very well Thomas's Esther helps the boys 2 days in the week she is here today she took Susanna to Flavius's AM brought her home PM with Horse Major

7 Boys worked at putting in Posts J went to Markham AM we heard today that our good and Gracious King Edward the 7th died last night at 11:45 W. very fine & cler

Sunday 8 All went to Meeting at Hebron Sermon on St Luke 22 & 23 C by Br C & C Burkholder Lords Supper was Celebrated Edward Moyer's MN's & Enos Nighswanders David & Peter Lucinda Reesor & Lizzie Burkholder were here to dinner Amelia & Ernie & Carl Called this evening Henry's Called PM w. rather cloudy a slight shower about noon fine PM

9 A Chored AM J helped wash they ganged Mangel ground South of Orchard PM W. fine Cler Cool NW wind PM

10 Flavius Fanny & Amelia & Benj'ns Fanny & Amy Mayberry were here house cleaning A helped then worked on Mangel ground they sowed some PM W. Cool slight squaal PM Matt Burkholder Called awhile AM

May 1910

11 Boys put wire on lane fence north of bush they worked on Mangel ground PM Benj'ns Fanny was here awhile PM putting up curtains in our room PM Teenie Stover & Elias A{cut off} were here to dinner W. Clear Cool NW wind Herman's Came with WH Trans horse Rob the Ranter to stay all night

12 Boys worked on Mangel ground J took Chop PM he took 11 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 19 cts per doz W. Cold NW wind all day Clear I am not very strong yet but I feel well enough but am very weak

13 Boys worked at Mangel ground J sowed the last of them A ganged in Corn ground W. Clear Cool NW wind Cloudy slight drizzle at times PM Harvey & Carl Called in evening

14 A drew dung on Potatoes ground East of dam J planted Early Potatoes A dug garden PM J run the empty drill over the mangel drills PM W Cloudy Cool air I & Nancy made fine lot of soap

Whitsunday 15 at home J & A went to Henrys to dinner Elias's were here to dinner Aunt Lizzie Burkholder was here PM W. very fine & clear day Cool air white frost last night

Whitmonday 16 J rolled & harrowed the Corn ground A took a fat Heifer to Locust Hill for A Boyd @ $5.75 per Cwt She Came to $44.00 he went shooting Ground hogs PM Susanna went to guilting at Johny Ramers W. Clear Cool Air

17 J sowed Silo Corn A Chored then they finished digging the garden Henry & Willis Called this morning rather Cloudy

18 Boys Plowed along new wire fence along the Pickering townline AM they dressed the Twin Calves & 2 Pigs PM J took

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May 1910

19 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove this evening @ 19cts W. a slight rain this morning strong NW wind PM Cool

19 J took grist Chop Cut seed Potatoes & Chored A went to Toronto with Billy in Democrat 2 Calves @ 10 1/2 cts per lb 167 lbs 2 Pigs 227 lbs @ $12.75 Dr Called PM we sent for him I am no better he says I have Bronchitis W. fine Cler Cool air

20 J Plowed Potatoe ground A cut up old rails AM they planted Potatoes PM W. Cloudy AM began to rain about 4 PM raining yet

21 Boys Carried Apple Barrels & Boxes out of cellar Am they Chored PM Henry Called this Morning W. very fine rain last night this has been a very growing day first warm day this season

Sunday 22 at home J & A went to Davids to dinner Lewis came here with them his will stay a few days Amelia & Eva & Joe & Anne were here to dinner Flavius & Fanny & the boys Came PM W. rather Cloudy & a shower after dinner Cooler

23 A went to Henry's to do some Cementing J helped Nancy wash AM he hoed PM W. very foggy & Misty AM heavy shower of rain some thunder PM Daniels were here to supper Lewis Groves & Benj'ns Wilfred are here to stay all night

24 J took grist AM he plowed PM W. fine rather Cloudy at times foggy at times Russell Came & took Lewis home this evening Caught a Carp in Davids Pond about 18 in long

25 J Chored Anne was here PM W. rather Cloudy Cool

26 J took Chop & took 23 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove Flavius' Fanny & Amelia & Benj'ns Fanny & Amy Mayberry were here AM House Cleaning W. pretty Cler Cool

May 1910 June

27 J Plowed back garden & Chored W. cler Cool NW wind Teenie Stover was here to supper

28 J harrowed the Corn it is Coming up fine W. very fine & Clear warm PM A Came home from Henry's he is not done yet

Sunday 29 at home Benj'n & family were here to dinner W. rather Cloudy Cool some thunder Clouds went around South this evening

30 A went to Henry's to do more Cementing J helped Nancy wash AM he went to Ceder Grove to get some shoes set PM. W. Cloudy Cool drizzly rain a very heavy shower PM

31 J took cream & chored John Hoover & his sister Sally Brillinger were here to dinner W. pretty Cloudy quite Cool

June 1 J sorted Apples he took some to B Dillers he will try to sell them to the Railroad Builders W. Cloudy Cool a little drizzly at times Br in law Enos Hoover Called awhile PM

2 J took cream & Chored we had a Call from Noah Brownsberger PM Flavius brought him Henry & A took away a Beef Ringer that Henry bought off us @ 5 1/2 per Cwt W. rather cloudy Cool a little drizzly

3 J sorted apples & went to Ceder Grove he took some more to B Dillers for the Railway men I & Nancy went awhile to Elias's AM I am pretty weak yet but I am not sick W. Cler Cool

4 J took cream AM he Chored PM I went to Joe's PM W. fine Cler Cool Joe & Anne Called this evening

Sunday 5 I Nancy & A went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Luke 14 C by Levi Grove Henry's & Davids were here to dinner & Daniels to supper w. Cloudy began to drizzle about 9 AM drizzly all day

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June 1910

6 A went to Henrys to work at Cementing J helped Nancy wash AM he brought load of rubbish out of Flavius fallow for summer wood PM W. partly Cler AM Cloudy PM

7 J took load Chop AM he Chored PM I & Nancy went awhile to Joe's PM W. very fine & Cler Cool NW wind

8 J grubbed Mangel with seeder AM he Cultivated Corn PM I went to Johny Reesors for Butter PM W. very fine & warm Susanna & Thomas's Martha went to Markham AM with our horse Major

9 J & A worked around drawing gravel from Arthur Reesor's on 11th Con Herman's Lydia Harvey & little Frank were here to dinner Willis was here too Henry's went to Toronto & left him here till they come home they went on Trolleys W. fine Cler

10 J drew gravel A filled Am then he took Nancy to Daniels Enos is very sick does not expect to get better. I am not better yet but am up & around heard this morning that Elias's had a Boy Baby born this morning all well W. very fine & Cler lovely June weather

11 A went to Davids to draw stones for to fix his dam J took Nancy to Elias's to see the little boy they are quite smart J got Horse Major shod AM W. Cloudy AM rain from East PM

Sunday 12 at home had a call from Mr & Mrs H Wilson & Mrs Wamen of Markham awhile PM W. rather Cloudy AM very fine & Cler PM

13 A helped wash J took grist Cho AM J scuffled Mangels A topped some thistles W. very fine & warm warmest day so far

14 Boys worked at Wire fence along front lane Am J & Nancy went to Br inlaw Simon Hoovers

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awhile his wife has been sick is better they went to Henry's to supper W. very warm

15 Boys hoed some Mangels J took grist Chop PM they put up our Mail Box at end of lane we have Free Delivery now our Beef ring opened today I & Nancy went to Elias's awhile AM to see the Baby Boy they were quite smart W. very very warm

17 A Pointed up the Bricks on north side of old Kitchen J scuffled Potatoes & patched Kitchen roof I took Susanna to Joe's and left her there W. very very warm a very fine shower about 5 PM some pretty heavy thunder & very heavy rain filled our pond Creek running lively

18 Boys Chored A went to W Trans J went to Ceder Grove then he brought Susanna home PM W. not quite so warm

Sunday 19 J & A went to Hermans to dinner I & Nancy & Susanna went to Elias's to dinner W. very very warm but a fine Breeze

20 J helped wash then they hoed Mangels A got Thomas's Grubber awhile this evening & Grubbed the Corn W. Cler & very very warm

21 Boys hoed Mangels & Topped thistles I went to Ceder Grove AM W. very very warm Clouded up this evening

22 Boys Cut thistles & hoed Mangels w. very very warm Henry & Willis Called awhile this evening

23 Boys hoed Mangels W. very very warm Cler

24 Boys finished hoeing Mangels W. fine & Cool Esther Grove & Lewis were here to supper

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June 1910

25 J took grist Chop & Grubbed Potatoes & Mangels A Chored AM he went to Arther PM I went to Elias's PM W pretty warm fine Breeze

Sunday 26 at home Joe & Anne were here to dinner W. fine Cler Cool Breeze from East

27 A helped wash AM J grubbed Mangels they both scuffled Corn PM W. cloudy Mostly all AM some drizzly rain PM

28 A Scuffled Corn J & Nancy went to Markham & went to Daniels to dinner Adeline has been sick is better Enos is very sick yet W. Cler fine Cool Breeze

29 A took 4 hogs 1040 lb to Markham to Boyd @ $8.80 per Cwt J hoed Potatoes they cut some hay in Meadow PM I took Susanna to Patching Bee at Johny Reesor's & brought home PM I & Nancy went to Elias PM little Frank is not very well W. Cler warm, Cool Breeze

30 Boys hoed Corn & J Tedded hay PM Levi Groves brought Moses Weber & wife & Deacon Levi Martin & wife from Waterloo they gave us a nice long Call PM A went to Funeral of Mrs Burrows at the 11th Con PM Herman's Lydia & Frank were here to dinner Harvey was here too but he went to Benj'ns to dinner W. rather Cloudy quite warm

July 1 Boys hoed Corn & raked & cocked hay PM w. Cloudy calm & close smokey PM I went to Elias's PM the children are getting better they were not well

2 Boys put Paris Green on Potatoes AM they drew in 4 loads hay PM W. very very Close & Sultry Cloudy & smokey at times there are Bush fires in the north I went to Johny Reesors & to Elias's PM

July 1910

Sunday 3 All went to Meeting at Hebron except J he did not feel very well remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Mat part of 22nd C by Br C Christian Burkholder & MN were here to dinner w. very very warm but a fine little Breeze Cool wind from NW this evening

4 A helped wash AM they finished drawing in the hay that was on Cocks three loads PM A went to Unionville on Bycicle after supper for repairs for Tedder W. very fine Cool day

5 they Cut last of meadows & raked & cocked what was cut yesterday they went to Locust Hill after supper the Butter factory was Burned down this AM they went to see what we will do with our Cream I took Susanna to Elias's AM & brought her home PM W. pretty warm

6 Boys raked & cocked last of hay in the Meadow they drew in 4 loads PM I took Susanna to Benj'ns AM brought here home PM W. very fine quite warm the Butter factory will be running again in about 2 weeks if all goes well.

7 A took load gravel to Butter factory AM J hoed Corn they both hoed PM W. a very fine shower this morning Some more showers went around PM

8 Boys hoed corn awhile then took in 2 loads hay AM & 5 loads PM which is the last except rakings A went to see how Enos Ramers after supper & J raked Meadow stubble after supper w. pretty warm fine Breeze

9 Boys hoed & Cultivated Corn J raked last of Meadow & they brought it in Henry's Called PM W. very warm 85 deg at noon.

{second page}

July 1910

Sunday July 10 at home Elias's were here to dinner with their family they Call their Baby Boy Wilbur Benjamin Flavius & family were all PM W. pretty Cloudy very warm thunder clouds going around

11 J helped Nancy wash AM A hoed Corn J Cultivated Corn PM A went to D sewells helping to lay the Foundation for a barn PM W. Cooler but still warm there was a heavy rain up towards Altona yesterday

12 A got Mares Jenny & Queen shod AM J took grist Chop AM they Chored moved Horse Power & fixed road along dam to Wheat field gate & hoed in Corn PM I & Nancy went to Joes for a Basket of Cherries AM W. rather Cloudy a fine shower PM looks like More

13 A helped to rebuild the Butter factory J took Susanna to Henry's left here there then he Cut some hay in swales & Cut thistles in Pasture field w. fine Cool Breeze from NW very fine rain last night

14 J finished scuffling Mangels & raked up some swale hay A cut thistles in pasture field AM he went to D Sewell's barn raising PM W. Cler pretty warm but fine Breeze Herman made his last round with his horse today

15 Boys finished Cutting thistles in the Pasture field then they took in the swale hay & J raked some rakings at Thomas's we are getting some from him W. quite warm sultry & Close towards evening I went to Elias's this morning I am very lame my right hip this PM

16 Boys Chored J took grist Chop AM Some parts of Binder AM

July 1910

they began to Plow in Meadow AM W. fine heavy rain Early this evening some thunder it rained quite hard at times fine & Cool PM

Sunday 17 I & Nancy went to Flavius to dinner Henry brought Susanna home AM then J brought her to Flavius & they staid for dinner too W. very fine & Cool A was there for dinner too JH Ramer's & Caroline Lehman Came to stay all night

18 Boys Plowed in Meadow they helped to wash & Churn butter after supper W. a very fine day Cool Breeze

19 Boys Plowed AM they began to Cut Wheat PM it is a very good crop by appearance Mary & her hired girl & all the Children were here today Picking raspberries in our garden Hermans Harvey & CArl were here to dinner W. a very fine day warm sun but nice air

20 Boys finished cutting & shocking wheat Elias helped to shock W. very fine warm

21 Boys Plowed I took Butter & Eggs to Ceder Grove 10 doz Eggs 19cts 16 lbs Butter 18c ts Mary & & her children & hired girl were here Picking Berries & Herman's were here to dinner W. rather Cloudy slight shower at noon thunder in the south west this evening

22 Boys plowed AM they cut the Barley south of bush PM I went to Ceder Grove after dinner then I & Nancy went to see Aunt Lizzie Burkholder awhile PM W. pretty heavy thunder & fine shower of rain last night warm today Cloudy

23 Boys Plowed then they Cut Barley on the Knoll W. warm Cloudy

Sunday 24 we started to go to Benj'ns we went too Benj'n Came PM W. quite warm

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July 1910

a very fine & heavy shower about 5 oclock a good & soaking rain some thunder

25 A set up wheat shocks & helped us wash after 3 PM J harrowed the sod W. Clear a strong NW wind warm A went to Markham after supper for some Wire fence

26 Boys laid down the Barley shocks south of bush & drew in one load of Wheat AM Benj'n & his 2 men with team & they drew in 6 loads of Wheat & 5 of Barley off the Knoll PM W. warm sun & Cool Breeze a few drops of rain PM but Clear again

27 Benj'n & 2 Men & team helped draw in AM they drew in 3 big loads barley south of bush & 6 loads of Wheat till noon then they went to Benj'n & drew in Peas till after 2 PM when a storm of rain & hail stopped them there was some heavy thunder the old James Lawson barn on 3rd Con Pickering was burned there was heavy hail here but no damage

28 A helped Benj'n draw dung AM they all came down PM & drew in 12 loads Wheat Saml Brownsberger & Lizzie were here to dinner Br inlaw Enos's Called PM W. fine Cler warm sun cool Air

29 they drew in last of Our Wheat loads making 30 loads off 12 acres then they all went to Benj'ns & drew in till a shower stopped them about 1/2 past 4 PM distant thunder nice little shower

30 Boys helped Benj'n draw in Wheat W. very fine cler Cool NW wind

Sunday 31 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St John part of 3 C by C Gayman Hermans Harvey Russell & Lewis Grove were here to dinner W. a very lovely day Cool air from North

Aug 1910

August 1 Boys Helped Benj'n finish drawing in Wheat then began Cutting Oats I & Nancy went to Herman's to dinner there Called at C Burkholder's about 2 hours his wife is quite Poorly thresh went to Henry's & staid all night

2 We Came home AM Willis Cae with us he stays a few days Boys cut grain it was a little drizzly at times yesterday today it was fine & cler quite warm PM

3 Boys & Benj'n & his Man finished Cutting the last of the grain till about 4 PM then they went home & J Cut the spring wheat W. cler warm Cloudy PM a slight shower at bedtime Br C brought David Martin & wife from Pennsylvania for a Call PM

4 Boys drew dung with 4 waggons AM & 3 PM Boys helped all day & Flavius AM they drew on Knoll & on Meadow ground Teenie Stover was here to day W. a very stormy night heavy rain heavy thunder & lightning James Dimmas barn was struck & burned it struck an ash tree & fence Post in our back lane heard today that Dr Robinson was found lying dead in his house he died of a Paralytic Stroke

5 Boys helped Benj'n draw dung AM they helped Flavius draw dung PM W. Cool I & Nancy went awhile to Joes AM Esther & Lewis Called PM Lewis staying over night

6 Boys helped Benj'n Cut Oats with Binder & team W. cloudy AM Cler PM Cool Air I went to Ceder Grove this Morning & brought home grist from Mill

Sunday 7 I & Nancy went to Joe's to see the boy born about 4 AM all well staid to dinner.

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Aug 1910

J & A went to Henry's to dinner Frank Grove Came to stay a few days W. fine Cool air AM warm PM a little Cloudy

8 A helped Benj'n thresh J & Elias drew in 3 loads Mixed grain & Oats & J fixed up things ready to thresh tomorrow I asked some hands to help thresh W. partly Cloudy

9 threshed with our Syndicate Machine 12 acres fall Wheat (Dawson) about 550 Bus 8 acres Barley about 200 Bus 1 load Mixed Peas & Oats about Bus 1 load Pine Oats about Bus W. rather cloudy PM slight drizzle at times a fine shower after dark some distant thunder Joseph Groves brought M{illegible} & wife & Winger & wife from Indiana for a Call PM I & Nancy went to Joes PM their Baby is not very well Esther was here today & took Frank home Henry's Called awhile PM

10 J helped Flavius thresh AM & Bob Milroys PM A spread dung I took Susanna to Joes this morning the Baby is very sick Adeline & Ben Stover's wife were here to dinner we heard the Baby died about 11 AM I & Nancy went down again PM Anne is doing pretty well A & J & Benj'n are digging a grave for the baby this evening W. warm rather cloudy through the day a thunder shower went around PM

11 A helped J McCreight thresh AM & Alick Milroy PM J took Chop & then he ganged on Knoll we Buried Anne's Baby at 4 PM (no service) W. very fine warm sun but fine Breeze

August 1910

12 Boys helped Benj'n draw in AM then Benj'n helped boys draw in 21 loads mixed grain PM W. Cler warm fine PM

13 Boys drew in 11 loads Mixed grain AM Benj'n helped then they helped Benj'n PM I & Nancy went awhile to see Anne PM she is doing well W. warm rather Cloudy at times

Sunday 14 I & Nancy went to JD's to dinner J A & Susanna went to Daniels to dinner Frank & Ada went to JD's with us then we brought them home to supper W. warm rather Cloudy

15 Benj'n helped boys with team they finished our Harvest took in 14 loads till about 3 PM then they went to Benj'n I went to Davids & brought Susanna home AM I got very tired W. quite warm slight rain this evening a little distant thunder heard this evening that Jacob Diller was badly hurt today he lost his balance on a beam & jumped into the Mow where the fork was sticking upright in the grain it entered his body & he is badly torn

16 Boys helped Benj'n Finish drawing in I went to JD's this morning to see Jacob he is badly hurt is in bed W. quite warm cloudy all PM a slight rain this evening

17 Boys harrowed & Disced sod W. cloudy & dull nearly all day drizzly rain at times

18 Boys Ganged & harrowed on Knoll & on sod W. a fine shower last night some thunder dull & cloudy Cleared up fine toward evening warm

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Aug 1910

I & Nancy went awhile to Joe's AM Anne is quite smart I took 17 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 22 cts PM

19 Boys ganged on Knoll got it finished W. quite warm I went to see how Jacob Diller is he is pretty bad yet they will let nobody in to see him W. very fine

20 Boys finished drawing dung on sod took in last of rakings big load J took Susanna to Dr Daly at Dunbarton she is not very well I & Nancy went to Elias's awhile PM Alma is sick W fine Cler pretty warm fine Breeze

Sunday 21 at home Johny Ramer's & Ethel Scott Herman & family & Amelia & Eva were here to dinner Ernie & Carl came PM J & A went to Henrys after supper W. a very fine day Eliass Alma is quite sick A went down this Morning & again PM she is no better

22 A & Carl ganged in field north of Meeting house J Chored & got gan Plow fixed & hoed Mangels W. a fine thunder shower before Breakfast cloudy nearly all day warm J went to Elias's Alma is some better

23 A & Carl ganged J Chored & hoed Mangels & took grist chop with Major I & Nancy went to Elias's Alma is in bed yet but doing pretty well Br C's brought Bishop Freeman Rittenhouse & wife & Widow Hansberger from Cayuga for a Call PM W. Cloudy very warm sultry

24 J & Carl finished ganging field east of dam.

A finished spreading dung AM then he & Carl ganged south of bush J hoed Mangels PM I & Nancy went to Daniels Enos is poorly W. dull Misty AM some Cler PM very warm

25 Boys ganged in field behind Cider house J took grist PM I took Susanna to Elias's this morning brought her home PM Alma is a little better is fast in bed yet W. very warm a strong west wind quite strong at times PM

26 Boys nearly finished ganging behind Cider house I went to JD's this morning Jacob is about the same I & Nancy went to Elias's PM Alma is some better W. quite Cool a strong wind all AM gone down this evening slight shower last night

27 A grubbed the sod for Wheat J Disked the Knoll W very fine clear I went to half yearly Conference at Hebron. All passed off well

Sunday 28 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by C Gaymn Sermon on St Mat 18C by C Burkholder Benj'n & Johny Drudge were here to dinner Henry's & Davids called awhile P.M W. a very fine day a little cloudy at times

29 A harrowed the ground that was ganged J brought home some Pine roots & then he harrowed too J took Susanna to Elias's & went to Ceder Grove AM brought her home PM. W. very very fine & cler

30 A began sowing Wheat 1 Bus per Acre then he will cross it with another Bush J took cream then he hoed Mangels

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Aug Sept 1910

I & Nancy went to Enos Nighswanders to dinner he is not well he has been Bleeding at the nose frequently the last few weeks he does not look well but is up & around W. Cool East wind looks like rain

31 A finished sowing Wheat 13 acres the Knoll & 8 acres across Creek J Cleaned water furrows & brought home load wood W. a fine shower AM some heavy thunder AM one very heavy Clap

Sept 1 J rolled where he had ganged A helped Elias's thresh AM they Chored PM W. very fine & clear Fanny Lehman was here to dinner

2 J took cream then he helped Benj'n draw dung A helped too with team W. very fine day

3 Boys drew dung on field behind Cider house Benj'n helped alos Mayberry & Sherman March helped AM with team Henry's were here to supper W. pretty warm AM a few showers W. pretty warm AM a few showers PM some thunder

Sunday 4 at home Elias's were here to dinner with their Baby Boy Wilbur Benjamin he is growing fine Joe's were here & Abraham Rittenhouse also to dinner Amelia & Eva came here PM W. a very fine day

5 Boys cleaned wheat J took 2 grists to Davids a good many are getting seed Wheat off us @ 1.05 I & Nancy & Susanna went to Flavius' awhile PM W. showry AM & drizzly Cloudy all PM.

Sept 1910

6 J helped Nancy wash J boiled some sweet apples sugar & water A helped NB's thresh till about 3 PM J helped A spread dung till evening AB's Lizzie was here to supper W. a very heavy rain Early this Morning some thunder dam half full Cloudy AM Cleared up PM warm

7 Boys began Plowing in Wheat stubble W. very fine Clear

8 A & Herman Plowed J took Susanna to Dr Dale AM & then he & A Plowed & Herman spread dung PM he will spread again tomorrow W. quite warm

9 Herman finished spreading dung till noon then he went home A finished drawing dung then he Plowed in Wheat stubble & J Discked behind Cider house I walked to Elias's AM W. clear & quite Cool NW wind

10 A Plowed J finished Discking behind Cider house then he Plowed too W. Cler Cool this morning fine today

Sunday 11 at home Flavius' Fanny & Eva Joe & Anne were here to dinner w. very fine & Clear

12 Boys Plowed J helped wash till 900 I went to Joes AM & took grist PM W quite warm showers went around PM Cool wind from north this evening

13 Boys nearly finished Plowing wheat stubble I went to Ceder Grove AM & to Henry's PM Sarah has Typhoid fever is in bed pretty sick W. quite Cool Clear North wind

14 Boys dug Potatoes Carl helped a very good crop I went to Ceder Grove AM got Horse Major shod all around

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Sept 1910

I went to Elias's PM Br inlaw Simon Hoover's Called PM J Plowed headlands in Wheat stubble this morning W. fine Cler quite Cool this Morning

15 A Plowed south of bush J brought load of Pine roots from Flavius & load of wood of wood from bush AM he helped A Hoover fix Corn Binder PM & started cutting some feed Corn it runs well W. very fine & Clear we Called Dr Dale of Dunbarton to Come to see Nancy's foot & eg it has been swelling of late he thinks he can help it A helped Alick Milroy thresh AM

16 J & A Plowed south of bush W. Clear

17 Boys finished Plowing south of bush then drew in some feed Corn J went to Peter's driving house raining I brought Amelia at noon to help Nancy A took grist Chop W. very fine day

Sunday 18 at home J & A went to Henry's PM Sarah is doing very well W. cloudy

19 A helped Thomas fill Silo till 3 PM J Cut our Corn then we began to fill about 4 PM got on very well W. clear

20 Finished Cutting Corn till after 9 oclock silo about full then A helped Petty's J began single Plowing behind Cider house W. fine Clear Uriah Drudges brought Pre John Kurts & Deacn Daniel Burkholder from Pennsylvania for a Call PM Daniels were here to supper Joes Called this evening

21 A helped Benj'n fill then they went to Johny Bean's J ganged behind Cider house.

Sept 1910

I went to Ceder Grove PM w. Cler fine

22 J ganged A helped J Bear fill silo awhile then he ganged too W. sharp white frost last night very fine today I took Eggs 14 doz to Ceder Grove @ 22 cts AM

23 A helped fill silo at Johny Bear's & than at Courtneys J Plowed awhile East of Dam I & Nancy went to Henry's to Dinner Sarah is up again W. rather Cloudy looks like rain Willis came with us he stays till Sunday

24 J Plowed A got Mares shod then he Plowed too W. cloudy slight drizzle of rain nearly all day I & Willis went to Joes PM

Sunday 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks & sermon on St Mat 26 & 27 C by C Gayman & Br C Lords supper was Celebrated Abraham Lehman was here to dinner W. a little Cloudy this Morning but fine day

26 Boys Plowed J helped to wash this morning W. rather Cloudy Mild

27 Boys Plowed between showers J took load Oats & got them Chopped PM This my 74th Birthday w Mild drizzly AM some heavy showers PM Some distant thunder

28 J Plowed A helped Flavius fill silo then they moved to NB's I went to Ceder Grove PM W. Cler fine

29 J Plowed A helped NB fill silo AM then he Plowed PM I went to Ceder Grove PM W. very fine Herman was here to dinner yesterday.

30 A helped fill silo at Scotts & G Dimmas J Plowed

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Sept Oct 1910

I & Nancy went to David Groves to dinner W. very fine & warm

Oct 1 Boys finished Plowing field East of Dam AM A helped A Dimma fill silo & J took grist Chop PM Carl took Susanna to Dr Dale's AM with our Horse & Buggy W. a heavy thunder storm last night after 1000 no Damage near here but it was heavy not much rain Cler today but a very strong NW wind. Cool

Sunday 2 I & Nancy started to got to Benj'ns AM but Wilfred Met us & told us that they had Company then we turned back Elias's were here all PM W. very fine A & Susanna were in meeting at Altona

3 A was at Dimma's filling silo AM J took Cream then he drew Mangels Elias Ross Stover Mart & Joe Barkey pulled them today J helped wash after he Came home he & A drew Mangels with 2 Waggons PM 13 loads W. very fine Cler

4 A helped Arthur Reesor fill silo J drew in Mangels 5 loads & one feed Corn W. Cloudy slight drizzle at times AM some pretty heavy shower's PM & More this evening

5 A Plowed AM he went to J Dimmas Barn raising PM J took cream then he Plowed J brought Anne AM she helped Nancy J took her home after supper W. Cloudy drizzly a few heavy showers pretty warm

6 Boys Chored Thomas's brought John Martin & wife from Lancaster Penn for a good Call PM W. rain rain fine & drizzly all day Cool raining yet at bedtime

7 A & J went to Markham Mary & the Children were here all day W. a very fine day Thomas Diller's called this evening

Oct 1910

8 J took Cream then he & A drew Mangels J went to Jacob Hoover's sale on 9th Con Markham PM A drew in last of Mangels PM We Called up Dr Dales PM he says Nancy's leg & foot are doing well but she Must keep quiet I also got some Medicine he says My Heart is affected & I Must Keep quiet W a sharp white frost last night fine today

Sunday 9 at home Benj'n & family Amelia Ernie & Carl were here to dinner A went to Daniels to dinner W. Cloudy at times pretty Cold NW wind PM

10 A Picked winter Apples J washed AM then he Picked Apples too W very fine & Clear

11 Boys Plowed A brought grist Chop this morning they drew in all the feed Corn this evening AB's Lizzie & Martha Stover Called PM W. very fine

12 Boys Plowed awhile went to Selby's sale near Herman's PM J brought a Cow home that he bought off Herman @ $30.00 we intend to fatten her W. Cool fine & Cler Lydia & Bertha Called PM

13 Boys Plowed AM J took grist Chop & Picked Apples PM A Plowed PM W. sharp frost last night Ice thick as window glass Cler today Cold N wind

14 Boys Plowed AM Picked apples PM W. Cloudy

15 Boys Plowed AM A helped Henry's Pick Potatoes PM J Plowed PM W. Cloudy at times AM fine Cler warm PM

Sunday 16 at home Hermans & Flavius's were here to dinner W. very fine Cler day Boys & Esther went to Benj'ns this evening Esther is here every day now

17 A Plowed J helped wash then he Plowed too they finished the sod till noon then A helped W Taylor fill silo J took grist Chop Susanna went with him & they went to Ceder Grove to the store

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Oct 1910

W. very very fine Cler day

18 A helped W Taylor fill silo J drew home stove wood from old bush AM they Picked apples PM Anne was here today sewing w. very very fine Cler

19 Boys picked Apples Anne was here sewing I took home Frank Ada & Mary Mary's Children they were here today W. very fine Cler day David Grove's Called this evening

20 Boys Chored AM A drew stone off Corn ground J took grist Chop & got Horses Chief & Billy shod PM W. warm cler slight shower PM

21 A took 12 bags Cider Apples to Lapps & left them J brought some Pine roots AM he Cultivated Corn stubble PM A brought load gravel from Collins Pit PM W. Cler Cold East wind pretty strong PM

22 Boys drew dung on west part of field behind Cider house W. fine shower last night Clear AM Cloudy Cool PM some drizzle this evening Joe & Anne Called this evening Anne was here PM sewing

Sunday 23 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by C Burkholder Sermon on St John 4th C by Joseph Wismer from Clinton Joseph Groves Henry's & Mart Ramer & Adeline were here to dinner W. rather drizzly this Morning fine Cler PM Cool wind from NW

24 A Plowed in Corn Stubble J took crocks & a Cider Barrel to Lapps AM he Plowed too PM W. cloudy Mild sharp white frost this Morning

25 Boys Plowed AM Herman Came AM he Killed & dressed a Calf of his own he & Flavius helped Boys dress 8 of our Pigs & Picked 10 Roosters PM W. Cloudy fine shower last night fine Cler PM Cloudy AM

Oct 1910 Nov

26 J brought home Sauce from Lapps AM he Plowed PM A & Herman went to Toronto with our horse Billy & Herman's horse 8 Pigs average 17 lbs @ $10.75 per Cwt Herman's calf 105 lbs @ 11 Roosters 14 cts per lb W. pretty Cler drizzly rain this evening

27 Boys Chored AM A helped W Taylor thresh PM W. some rain last night drizzly at times Am mostly Cler PM strong NW wind Calm tonight this is the 53 anniversary of our wedding day and I have never regretted it Esther went home this Morning she & Martha Johny's Lucinda & Ethel Scott go to Waterloo tomorrow

28 A helped Taylor thresh J Plowed W Cler some squaals a heavy squaal of soft snow at noon all thawed Nancy's foof is doing pretty well I think I am some better too

29 Boys Plowed then they helped Thomas thresh an hour before noon Henry & Willis Called awhile AM J took grist Chop PM W sharp white frost last night a thick Ice

Sunday 30 I & Nancy & Susanna went to Br C's to dinner J A & Susanna went to Thomas Dillers to dinner W. Clear Cold rain & SW wind

Thanksgiving day 31 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Levi Grove Sermon on St Luke part of 12 C by Br C Herman & family were here to dinner Joe & Anne were here to supper w. very very fine & Clear

Nov 1 A helped J Beane thresh for Benj'n J ganged behind Cider house A ganged too W. fine Cler pretty Cold AM Milder PM we heard that Enos Ramer died at 600 this Morning J & A went up after supper

2 A drew stones off fields J brought Anne she helped to sew today J Picked Cider Apples PM W. Cler

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Nov 1910

Esther Came again she was on a visit to Waterloo with Martha Lucinda & Ethel Scott

3 A Susanna & Esther went to Funeral of Enos Ramer J got Barrel of Cider Made AM he Chored PM W Clear Sharp Air Dr Called to see me today he say I am doing pretty well

4 A helped JD's thresh J took grist to Davids AM he brought 500 tiles from Pettys PM W. Cler sharp frost last night Cold NW all day thawed in sun

5 A helped JD's thresh till near 1000 J took grist then they put winter apples into Cellar put on storm doors & Chored PM W. Clear sharp NW white frost

Sunday 6 A Susanna & Esther went to Meeting at Widemans I & Nancy went to Joe's to dinner J went to Flavius PM W raw Cold W wind squaals of snow at times pretty heavy after dark

7 A helped Elias's thresh from 1000 AM till about 3 PM then he helped Johny Reesor's till night J took Cream then went to Daniels to dinner & brought home 4 Roosters @$1.00 each I took Susanna to Elias's AM & brought her home PM w. Cler Sharp air about 2 in snow on the ground the air did not thaw much till towards evening mostly gone now

8 A helped Johny Reesor thresh J J took grist Chop AM he helped Benj'n Kill a Pig PM W. partly Cler sharp air frost last night

9 A helped Johny Reesor thresh till about 10 AM J took cream J Susanna & Esther went to see the steam shovel working on the CNR at Thomas Diller's Cut A brought 600 lbs Coal at Locust Hill to fire the threshing Engine W. Cloudy drizzly rain at times nearly all day

Nov 1910

10 Boys Chored W. drizzly rain about all day Mild

11 A took 5 bags Wheat to Whitevale & brought home 17 Paper bags Flour & went by Locust Hill & got 600 stove Coal AM he helped Benj'n thresh after 3 PM J got horse Chief shod on front feet & got 5 bags grain Chopped for Cows AM he Chored PM W. frost last night partly Cler today some snow flurries

12 A helped Benj'n thresh till after 4 PM J took cream & Chored W. fine & Clear

Sunday 13 at home Henry's were here to dinner & supper Flavius & Amelia & Eva were here all PM W. soft snow nearly all AM Cler PM Mild

14 Threshed got done about 1/2 past 3 PM Oats did not turn out very well they were badly threshed with hail when they were in head W. partly Cler mild

15 A went to Plowing Bee at J Dimmas J took grist Chop & Chored W. Clear AM rather Cloudy PM Cool air Br inlaw Saml Hoover's were here to dinner

16 A took grist then he helped Flavius Kill 2 Pigs J Chored they put in some tiles in field behind Cider house PM W. Cloudy rain NW wind

17 Boys put in Tiles I & Nancy went to Elias's to dinner W Cler some frost last night raw west wind

18 Boys drew off stones AM they put in tiles PM I & Nancy went to Flavius's to dinner W. partly Cler flurries of soft snow PM

19 Boys Clipped a Pony for Benj'ns Wilfred AM Henry & Willis Came then they went to see the Railroad Willis stays all night W. cold raw air

Sunday 20 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he went to Dr Dales he does not feel well remarks by C Burkholders sermon on St Mat part of 12 C by Br C C Burkholder's MN & Daniels were here to dinner George Cobers was

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Nov 1910

here to supper W. Dull cloudy not very Cold

21 A helped wash J chored then they set the Horsepower & carried over a lot of Corn I & Nancy & Susanna went to David Ramer's to a Venison dinner (it was splendid) W. Cloudy all day drizzly sprinkling rain PM the Trains are tooting & running lively on the CNR that is the Construction trains

22 Boys filled drain & Chored A helped Bob Milroy thresh PM J took grist PM W. very fine & cler sharp air white frost

23 Boys Jacked up driving house abou 6 in I & Nancy went to Benj'n to dinner W White frost this morning Cloudy drizzly rain this evening

24 Boys raked back dooryard AM they cleaned drain Mouths PM W. fine & Cler Joe & Anne Called this evening Susanna went to Flavius with our Horse Major

25 J & Susanna went to Dr Dale AM A took grist they Chored PM W. cloudy slight drizzle PM mild J is not very well Dr gave him some medicine he also brought some more for me I am still pretty weak

26 A Chored Am he helped James McCreight thresh PM J & Susanna & Esther went to Funeral of Saml Barkey of Mongolia he died very sudden on Wednesday evening was buried at Widemans W. partly Clear sharp NW Wind

Sunday 27 at home J & A went to Henry's to dinner Aunt Lizzy Burkholder & Amelia were here PM Ernie & Carl Called little while W. partly Clear Cold NE air

28 A helped Flavius thresh till about 3 PM J & Esther went to A G Burkholders Funeral (Uncle Danl's son) he was Buried at Widemans they Just went to the house W. Cloudy East wind AM sleet & drizzly rain PM turned to snow this evening

29 A went to Thomas's to help thresh the Packing flowed out they didnt thresh J brought 1950 lb Coal from Locust Hill AM with sleigh.

Nov 1910 Dec

W. mild Cloudy about 8 in snow last night a little snow falling all day good sleighing

30 A helped Thomas's thresh all day J brought about a ton of Coal PM W. Mild Cloudy a little snow in the Air nearly all day

Dec 1 J brought load Coal & J brought some gravel for hens PM W. Clear Cold N wind flurry

2 A helped Henry fix Pig pen he stays all night J Chored W. quite Cold 14 deg above Zero this morning

3 A came home after dinner then he went to Johnny Reesor's for butter & to Joes for bread J Chored & took grist W. partly Cler Milder

Sunday 4 at home J went to Dr Dales AM Elias' were here to dinner W. Clear sharp

5 J helped wash A chored & sorted the hens he Picked out about 36 that we intend to sell he got horse Billy shod PM W. quite Cold clear Russell Groves was here to supper Sent for Jim Armstrong this evening horse Chief's not well Jim says he is a little out of condition

6 Boys Chored W. quite Cold 6 deg below this morning. Cler N East air

7 J took Chop AM A mended Harness AM he went to Markham PM W. Milder some snow PM

8 Boys Picked a lot of Fowl & dressed a calf W. some milder Cool SW air

9 A went to Toronto with horse Billy & Democrat there is fair sleighing here but not to Toronto had 2 Barrels snow apples @ 3.00 per Barrel 1 Calf 104 lbs 11 cts per lb 36 Roosters & hens @ 12 per lb for the hens & 14 for the Roosters Henry's were here to dinner W. Cler quite Cold this is my Nancy's 71st Birthday

10 A helped Joe Barkeys dig a grave for Ben Stovers little girl AM

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Dec 1910

he & J & Esther went to Funeral PM W. Cold NE wind some snow PM Cold this evening

Sunday 11 at home Joe's were here to supper W. quite Cold

12 J helped wash A took load Chop AM Susanna has been at Elias's since Tuesday she went again this Morning Elias is on the Petit Jury at General Sessions Court W. Cler quite Cold

13 A & Esther helped Benj'ns Butcher J Chored W. Cold SW wind cloudy PM damp Air

14 Boys Chored & fixed things ready for Butchering tomorrow A took cream W. milder raw damp Air PM quite Cloudy

15 Killed 2 big hogs Benj'n & Fanny & Flavius & Fanny helped. Herman & family were here too W light snow nearly all AM Cold N East wind quite Cold this evening

16 A brought 1/2 ton Oil Cake from Markham @ 36.50 per ton he also brought 1/2 ton for Benj'n Daniels & Davids were here to dinner W Cler 8 deg below this Morning 5 above at noon

17 J went to Dr Dales AM he was not at home A took cream A went to Whitevale PM W. milder about 15 above Cloudy a little snow PM

Sunday 18 All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on St John part of 1 C by Levi Grove & C Burkholder Menno Burkholders & Matty were here to dinner W Mild Clear awhile AM Cloudy & Some squaals towards evening good sleighing but thin

19 A helped wash AM J took Susanna to Elias's then he took grist Chop they filled 2 Barrels with apples PM W. Mild partly Clear

20 Henry & Willis Came then they picked 13 Geese W. pretty Cold

21 A & Henry went to Toronto they sold Geese @ 18 cts per lb apples 3.50 per barrel Chickens 13 cts per lb a calf for Flavius @ per lb 2 Pigs for us @ $9.50 W. Cler quite Cold

Dec 1910 Jan 1911

22 Boys Chored A & Nancy went to Markham PM W. Cler pretty sharp

23 Boys brought load of Pine roots AM J went to Abram Lehmans sale PM Dr Dales Came to see me PM I have heavy Cold & hard Cough he gave me some Medicine I am up & around yet but am weak W. mild Cloudy drizzly rain PM

24 Boys Chored took grist to Davids W. pretty sharp a little drizzle & some snow last night it helped the sleighing some

Sunday 25 Christmas day at home J & Susanna went to Benj'ns to dinner A went to Meeting at Altona with Thomas's girls Joe Called after supper W. fine & Clear all day but very Cold

26 Boys Chored Amelia & Ernie Called AM with a sleigh load of Visitors from Indiana & Waterloo W. a few in of snow last night & AM Mild

27 had our annual Family gathering & Roast Goose all our family were here a very fine day

28 A took grist Chop & went to Ceder Grove AM J helped wash they Chored PM W. Mild a steady fall of snow from East AM about 6 in fell

29 Boys Chored AM they both went to Balsdons sale on 9th Markham PM Cloudy, Mild drizzly PM

30 A helped Move the Threshing Machine from Bert Bean's to Thomas with team AM they Could not bring the Engine so they put it into Bean's yard Herman came to stay all night W. very Cold Clear 13 below tonight

31 Boys Chored A took Chop we Called Dr Dale Nancy has La Grippe is up & around but does not feel very well W. very fine Milder good sleighing

Sunday Jan 1 1911 at home A & Esther went to Meeting at Widemans Flavius & Fanny & Eva Called awhile PM W. Cloudy

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Jan 1911

AM very foggy & thawing some PM light drizzle at times PM

2 J & A took 15 hogs in 2 sleighs to Markham @ $7.00 per Cwt W. foggy & misty nearly all day thawing fast Cooler this evening

3 A drew dung on back Orchard J helped wash W. Cold flurries of snow PM Daniels Called few minutes PM Nancy some better

4 Boys Chored brought a big sow from B Diller's that J bought @ $6.50 per Cwt live weight Br inlaw Simon Hoover's were here to dinner W. pretty Cold from north flurries of snow PM

5 Boys Chored A went to Markham PM W. Cler very strong W Wind all day snow drifting some

6 Boys Chored A brought home young 3 yr old Horse Colt that he bought off Benj'n @ $170.00 J went to B Dillers W. snow from East nearly all day

7 Boys put Brine on Pork & Chored J sold Mare Maggie to Menno Reesor @ $200.00 MN was here to dinner W. fine Clear Nancy doing pretty well I am none too strong yet but am thankful to say that I can eat well & sleep well

Sunday 8 at home Henry's Called a few minutes PM David Reesor's & Moses Rittenhouse were here to supper W. Cloudy the sun shone a few minutes snowy towards evening strong wind

9 A helped wash then they Chored W. turning Colder very strong wind W. NW Tilman Wideman & wife came to stay all night

10 A went to Ceder Grove J went to Whitevale AM A helped draw Ice for Geo Beatty from Davids Dam PM W. Milder Pretty Clear

11 A helped Johny Reesor's Kill hogs J took Susanna to Elias's AM brought her home PM W Cloudy AM drizzly rain PM Mixed with snow tonight

Jan 1911

12 A helped Isaac Reesors Kill hogs AM Henry & Willis were here to dinner W. sharp & clear a fall of wet snow last night froze hard fine sleighing A & Susanna went to Markham PM

13 A took grist AM they brought load Pine roots PM Elias's children were here today they went to Toronto W. cloudy trees covered with white frost Mild

14 Boys took load of straw to James Dimma's AM they went to Graham's south of Mart Barkeys to Bring our threshing Machine to Thomas's but took a notion to leave it there W. Cloudy Mild

Sunday 15 All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Levi Grove Sermon on St Mat part of 13 C by C Burkholder Herman & family Russell & Lewis Grove Menno & Levi Drudge & Susie Koch were here to dinner W. Cloudy Flurries of snow Cler PM

16 Boys washed AM they chored PM W. fine & Clear very Cold 9 below Zero this morning 2 above at noon down again tonight

17 Boys brought load Pine roots AM A wet to Markham PM Frank & Ada Barkey were here to dinner W. Cler very Cold 8 below this morning 8 above this evening

18 A took cream he went looking for Rabbits PM got none J & Susanna started to go to Dr Dales AM they met him & turned back she staid at Joes J brought load roots W. 8 below this morning fine & cler today milder 20 above this evening

19 J & Susanna went to Dr Dales AM J went to Ceder Grove & A went to see the railroad Bridge at Pearses PM W. Mild cloudy all day

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Jan 1911

20 J went with Flavius Collecting threshing Bills A drew Pine roots AM & brought a Grist home they brought load roots PM W. Mild Cloudy all day some drizzly snow

21 A took Cream J got Horse Major shod AM Boys Chored PM W. mild some rain last night cloudy today getting Colder tonight we Called Dr Dale Susanna is not well he came Pm & gave her some Medicine

Sunday 22 at home Joes were here to dinner J & A went to Henry's to dinner W. fine not very Cold

23 Boys washed & Chored Esther went home on Saturday night J went for Flavius' Amelia she is coming to stay all winter & perhaps all summer Susanna took a bad spell this evening we put her to bed W. Cloudy pretty sharp air a slight flurrie of snow last night good sleighing

24 Boys chored A fixed a Bed stead W. fine clear

25 A went to Dr for some medicine for Susanna she is some better they Chored & filled some beds PM W. cloudy air from East flurries of snow PM A lot of young folks came to our old Kitchen to sing this evening

26 A went to Toronto on Trolleys J Chored Mary & all the children were here today W. Cloudy

27 Boys Chored & Cleaned Timothy seed W slow & steady rain all AM drizzly cloudy PM Johny Reesor's Mary & Anne Gayman were here awhile PM

28 Boys Chored W. Freezing Clear strong NW wind all day more Calm tonight

Sunday 29 at home A J & Amelia went to David Groves to dinner W. Clear awhile this Morning then Cloudy a slight drizzle PM thawing

Jan 1911 Feb

30 Boys Chored W. a very strong NW wind last night & today getting Colder towards evening

31 Boys Chored & A took Chop they brought load Pine roots W. Cloudy sharp Ari AM heavy squaals of snow PM 2 in fell C Burkholders wife is very low hardly expected to get better Zero this Morning

Feb 1 J A & Amelia helped Flavius Kill hogs W. pretty strong East wind strong PM heard today that Christian Burkholder's wife died about Midnight she will be buried on Friday at 1/2 past nine to Wideman's She had Brights disease

Candlemas day 2 Boys Chored J took 6 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 26 cts per doz W. Mild Cloudy AM Clear PM getting Colder

3 A & Amelia went to Funeral of Christian Burkholder's wife Sermon by Christian Gayman & Moses Weber spoke too W. East wind strong PM Some snow AM Colder this evening

4 We heart that Br inlaw Enos Hoover was very sick A & Nancy started to go to see him they heard on the road that he was dead they went on & staid to dinner the Dr did not know what his sickness was he will be Buried on Monday he was sick only one week W. Cloudy mild

Sunday 5 J A Susanna & Amelia went to Joes to dinner Thomas's & Benj'ns were here awhile PM W. nearly Zero this morning 5 above at noon Zero again this evening Clear J & A & Amelia went to Thomas's after supper

6 A & Flavius went to Enos Hoover's funeral they Just went to the house Lewis Burkholder spoke J went with Thomas's Esther to Locust Hill to Meet Br C Elizabeth she Came to get to the Funeral J walked home.

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Feb 1911

& Thomas & Esther took her to the Funeral W. a strong East wind began to snow about 10 Snowy & blowing very strong yet there was no Trustee Meeting at Hebron

7 Boys shoveled snow & helped wash AM J Boys shoveled snow & helped wash AM J took grist PM W. fine Cler pretty Cold A helped shovel in 11th Con South of Church there are some high snow banks

8 boys Cut some feed & Chored AM they went to Wonchs sale in Whitevale PM W. very fine Thomas's & Elizabeth Martin Called PM

9 Boys filled 4 Barrels with Apples & Picked 3 pr Roosters w. cloudy frosty AM partly Clear PM Herman's & David Groves were here to dinner

10 A went to Toronto with Thomas they hitched a horse a piece 4 Barrels apples 1 Bal Rambo's $2.00 each 2 Bals Russets $2.50 Bal Spies $3.50 they were badly struck with Hail did not look well he had 3 pr young fall Chickens 17 cts per lb W. fine J went to Markham AM Chored PM

11 Boys Chored AM A went to help shovel snow at Hebron PM W. pretty cler very fine

Sunday 12 at home Meeting was at Hebron but some of us have German Measles & did not like to go to Meeting Amelia & A have them they are not sick but do not feel well Daniels were here to dinner & Flavius' whole family were here PM W. Cloudy Mild all day Herman's Called awhile but did not come in

13 A took grist AM he mended Harness & shoes PM W. wind & sleet from East Mild

14 A went to Markham PM W. strong East wind drizzly sleet AM snow PM pretty Cold

15 A went with Thomas to take the cream there are some drifts on the north & south roads W. East wind last night & today not as Cold A sorted apples PM

16 A helped shovel snow on 11th Co AM J took 7 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 22 cts PM W East wind Cloudy AM some cler PM

17 Boys Chored W NW wind slight drizzle of rain at times thawing a little we called Dr Dales he Came this evening Susanna is not so well Joe's Called this evening

18 Boys cut big second growth Elm East of dam they are Cutting it into stovewood W Mild thawing a little fine Cler PM Susanna is not so well

Sunday 19 at home Benj'ns were all here to dinner Elias's were all here to supper W. Cler sharp Air from North

20 Boys helped wash AM they cut wood & hung up Pork to smoke PM W. sharp Cler

21 A went to Markham AM J Chored Henry's were here to dinner Willis stays Herman was here to dinner too W. Zero this Morning Cold north wind Milder this evening

22 Boys Chored then A started after early dinner & brought Lawyer AF Wilson of Markham & he drew up my last Will & Testament & I Provided for my Dear wife & family & hope the Good God may Bless them A took Mr Wilson home this evening W. strong NW wind & some squaals of snow a little snow last night

23 A split Elm wood J & Willis took grist PM W sharp air from W pretty Cold thawing in the sun PM

24 J took Willis home & went to Kurst's Sale on 7th Con Pickering A Chored & Mended my Bridle W. pretty strong NW wind partly Cler Still good sleighing

25 J took cream A trimmed trees in old orchard AM they both went to Cloughtons sale on the old John Mapes farm PM W. Cler warm thawing

Sunday 26 at home J A & Amelia started to go to Herman's began to drizzle they Came back & went to Elias's to dinner Cloudy drizzly at times

27 J helped wash AM A took grist they Chored PM W. NWest wind flurries of snow at time Colder

28 Boys trimmed trees in Old orchard W. Cold PM West wind Cler sleighing about gone

March 1st 1911 Killed Big Pig Weighed 381 lbs Flavius Benj'n & Anne helped W. strong NW wind Flurries of dry snow at times not very Cold

2 A took some Sausage & hams to Ceder Grove & to Markham @ 14 cts per lb AM he went to Bob Milroys sawing Bee PM

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Mar 1911

J took Eggs & some sausages & Ham to Ceder Grove PM W Cold NW wind strong Calm tonight

3 Boys Chored AM they went to Roachs sale near Cherrywood PM J bought a fine cutter @ $16.50 Daniels were here to dinner W. fine Cler sharp NW wind some sleighs running but the roads are tough

4 Boys trimmed trees Susanna & Amelia went to Elias's & to Joe's awhile PM W. Clear some squaals of snow atimes Cold NW wind

Sunday 5 at home Flavius & family Elias & family were here to dinner Henry's Came right after dinner W. Cold East wind some squaals of snow

6 Boys helped wash AM A drew load of wood from B Dillers for Sherman March PM J went to Hermans this morning & bought a cow @ $30.00 & 5 Bus Wheat he brought her home W. Clear Cold NE wind a few inches of snow last night sleighing fair

7 J took Nancy to M Barkey's this morning his wife was hurt in an upset on Sunday evening she had a rib broken & one cracked she is in bad pain but the Dr says she can sit up before long A took grist AM they both went to Pherrills sale on 11th Con PM Herman was here to dinner W fine Clear raw East wind

8 J & A cut some trees for wood in Old bush AM A went to A Milroys sawing Bee PM J took Nancy to Benj'ns awhile PM Wilfred is not well W. very fine thawing

9 Boys worked in bush AM A went to Markham PM J helped take a 2 yr old heifer pat way for Herman he bought her W. Cloudy mild hardly any sleighs running thawing fast

10 A helped shovel out Townline along Thomas's bush J Chored A went to Alick Milroys sawing PM J brought home Chop PM W. Clear strong NW wind getting Colder this evening

11 A helped Flavius saw wood AM J trimmed in Orchard they both trimmed PM W. Cler some frost last night cold East wind

Mar 1911

Sunday 12 All went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mat part of 22 C by Br C Henry's were here to dinner Joe's were here PMW. some rain & some thunder last night & More or less all AM & awhile PM (not heavy) quite Cool NW wind

13 Boys trimmed apple Brush for stove wood & Dressed a calf PM W. Clear

14 J took Calf to Locust Hill & shipped it to Ed Lewis's then he trimmed Raspberry bushes A went to threshing Machine Meeting at Flavius's AM the Dividend was $12.00 each he went to N Burkholder's sawing Bee PM W. fine Cler frost last night sun thawing today

15 Boys Cleaned Timothy seed & Chored AM they had a sawing Bee PM 5 saws running Henry & Willis were here too w. Cloudy awhile this morning Cleared up strong NW wind quite strong PM getting Colder

16 A went to Henry's to help him to split wood J split wood in the bush AM he took 18 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove PM @ 20 cts W. very strong NW wind last night & all day Clear 2 below Zero this morning 12 above this evening the wind seems going down this evening

17 A split wood in bush AM he went to Joe Dillers PM J went to Johny Ramers AM he Chored PM Mary & children were here PM Davids Called few minutes PM W. Milder squaals of snow PM nearly an inch fell

18 J went to Willie Raymonds in ol Clarke Hollow AM & bought 7 fine Pigs few Months old @ $19.00 he Chored PM A Chored & went to Widow Milroys sawing Bee PM W. Cler Sharp the sun thawing the snow I forgot to say that A brought 12 Cwt of Pea Coal from Locust Hill AM at $6.00 per {illegible} Flavius Fanny Eva & Carl were here PM

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Mar 1911

Sunday 19 at home Thomas's girls were here awhile AM Joe's Called PM A & Amelia went to Funeral of Solomon Reesor he died on Friday Morning W. Cloudy & partly Clear some heavy squaals of snow PM Mild

20 J helped wash AM a took 5 hogs 940 lbs to Markham @ $6.75 per Cwt he split wood in bush PM J went to FM Reesor's sale at Locust Hill PM he bought 6 fine big dining room Chairs @ 35 cts each w. Cler strong West wind getting Colder this evening

21 Boys Cleaned seed Oats & exchanged some with Flavius J took grist to Davids & got Horse Chief shod on hind feet W. Cloudy sharp Air it is freezing at night & thawing in day times there is hardly any snow to be seen Susanna is sick we Called Dr Dales he says she is all out of order he gave her some Medicine

22 J went to Enos Nighswanders to dinner then he went to a sale on the Old Joe Brown farm A Chored Esther & Russell were here to dinner A rubbed the Pork with Mustard & Put it in the garret W. Cloudy drizzly AM cleared up strong W wind PM getting Cold

23 Boys cut up a lot of rubbish in Woodshed AM J took grist & 18 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 18 cts PM A Chored we Called Dr Dales he Came Susanna is not better she Keeps her bed W. Cler strong Cold NW wind

24 Boys worked in bush AM J took grist & A began Painting West Kitchen floor PM W. Cler Cold air from N Susanna no better

25 Boys trimmed Plum trees & Grape vines AM A painted awhile at Kitchen floor J went to get some more Paint PM W. fine Cler

Sunday 26 at home JD's were here to dinner Aunt Lizzy Burkholder was here at dinner Flavius's & Eva & M Barkeys were here PM W. Cloudy Mild A & Amelia went to Herman's to dinner Susanna not so well

Mar 1911 April

27 Boys pulled off old wall paper in the West Cookhouse or summer Kitchen J went to Ceder Grove AM for some new paper & they put some of it on PM W. Cloudy drizzly rain all day it rained a lot last night

28 J helped wash A went to Markham to Meet Dentist AM they finished papering Kitchen PM W. strong West wind all day Cold A finished Painting Kitchen floor PM

29 A took 5 Pigs 970 lbs to Locust Hill @ $6.60 per Cwt AM J took Cream they Chored PM W. squaals of soft snow AM Colder PM

30 Boys cleaned seed grain Carl helped till about 3 PM W soft snow all AM & a little drizzle PM not Cold thawing some

31 Boys sawed pine roots behind barn for Engine W. Clear, Cold W wind sun thawing Daniels were here to dinner Herman Came to stay all night

April 1 J took Cream Willis came with him he stays all night A helped bring Machine from A Grahams they cut up rubbish PM Anne was here awhile PM W. Cold W wind few squaals of snow

Sunday 2 at home Henry's & Joe's were here to dinner Amelia was at Benj'ns to dinner W. clear Cold 12 deg above this Morning North wind

3 J helped wash A got Mare Queen shod on front feet & brought home load Pine roots from Flavius AM they drew roots with 2 teams PM W. Cler Cold East wind froze hard last night

4 A sawed wood with Buck saw J is not well W. strong East wind drizzly rain PM

5 A chored J is not well we Called Dr Dale he has not Come yet W. partly Cler some squaals of rain quite mild

6 A Chored & took Eggs to Ceder Grove 18 doz @ 16 cts Dr Came he gave J some Medicine he says he will soon get better W. Cloudy some slight squaals getting warmer

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April 1911

Amelia was to a Carpet rag Bee at Daniel Ramers

7 A sawed Plum trees & rubbish J is not very well yet Herman came to stay all night he is helping Oscar Wilson to overhaul the Machine at Thomas's W. fine clear

8 A took grist AM he trimmed Raspberry bushes PM J is some better I went to half yearly Conference at Hebron PM W. partly clear C Burkholder Came to stay all night frost last night

Sunday 9 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he did not feel well remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Mat 18 C by C Burkholder Enos Nighswander's were here to dinner W. frost last night fine clear today

10 A sowed Timothy seed on Wheat on Knoll AM he helped Benj'n cut wood PM J helped wash AM he took Herman's hores to be shod at Ceder Grove PM Herman is at Thomass overhauling the Machine W. sharp frost last night fine Clear today

11 J took Susanna to Dr Dale AM we cleaned our Kitchen AM put down new Oilcloth PM W. steady Cool East wind all day frost last night

12 Boys Chored drove Abes colt in double Harness PM they intend to hitch him up but it began to rain about 3 PM East wind all day did not rain Much Teenie Stover was here to dinner Herman Came stay all night

13 Boys Chored J & Nancy went awhile to David Groves PM Esther is not well she is a little better W East wind not strong slight drizzle this evening

Good Friday 14 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mat part of 27 C by Br C Daniels & Willis were here to dinner Henry's were at Albert Reesor's Benj'n & family Flavius Fanny Eva & Carl were here PM Joseph Grove's brought Israel Weber & wife & Daniel Cressman & wife for a good Call PM

April 1911

W mild drizzly rain heavy at times all AM very fine & clear PM

15 J took Chop A put dung round the Raspberrie bushes AM A went to Markham with Benj'n PM W. Cler a strong NW wind Herman's Harvey Came to stay all night

Easter Sunday 16 at home Ernie Carl & Harvey were here to dinner W. fine clear Cold NW wind

Easter Monday at home Br inlaw Simon Hoovers & Alberts were here to dinner J A & Albert went to Maxwells to fish PM they caught 20 Aaron Rittenhouse & wife here PM W. Cler Cold NW wind frost last night Henry's Called awhile PM

18 J helped wash AM A carried the apples out of cellar AM they Chored & Cut feed PM Alma & Frank Barkey were here to dinner Henry & Willis Called PM W. frost last night fine today

19 J & Amelia helped scrub meeting house AM A split Engine wood J & Nancy went to Markham PM A Chored W. some East wind Cler frost last night

20 Boys began seeding below garden to East Corner of Orchard with mixed grain then began in field East of dam with Mixed grain W. Cler, Cold Air

21 Boys worked at seeding W. Cool East air slight drizzly rain AM didnt amount to much Herman's Harvey Came to stay all night

22 Boys worked at seeding W. Cler Cool air from East Alma Frank & Ada Barkey Came to supper & they stay all night

Sunday 23 at home Amelia Ernie & Carl went to Meeting at Wideman's Elias's & Br inlaw Jesse Hoover were here to dinner A & J went to Henry's after supper W. mostly Cler sharp air from NW

24 Boys worked at seeding the ground works very well W. Clear Cool air from north

25 Boys worked at seeding I & Nancy went to Elias's to dinner Called awhile at Joe's W. very fine & clear pretty warm

26 Boys finished seeding they have some to harrow & roll yet I & Nancy went to Br N's Lizzy to dinner W. very fine & clear warm

27 Boys finished harrowing & rolling I & Susanna took 16 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove PM @ 15 cts W. very fine warm & Cler

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April 1911 May

28 A helped Benj'n all day with team at seeding J rolled new meadow behind barn AM he took grist Chop PM I went to Elias's PM W. Clear warm

29 Boys harrowed part of wheat on Knoll & sowed barley on it it needs rain they dug garden PM Hermans Lydia & Harvey & little Frank were here today Herman was here to dinner too he was at Thomas's fixing Machine W. very fine Clear warm the buds are Coming on the trees

Sunday 30 A & Nancy went to Daniels to dinner Adeline has been sick is up again Daniel has Blood Poisoning in his finger he Pricked it with a thistle or sliver & it swelled up to his shoulder he is in bed but is getting better they Called at JH Ramers he has Grippe W. drizzly rain last night foggy at times today drizzly rain at times warm & growing time

May 1 A helped wash J took grist Chop AM they helped Clean house PM W. drizzly light rain AM very heavy showers at times PM Creek running lively it had been very low

2 Boys helped clean house AM dressed calf cut up wood in shed W. cold NW wind froze some last night

3 J took cream he took calf along & shipped it to Ed Lewis's AM they Chored PM A took grist Chop AM W. sharp frost last night froze Ice fine & clear all day N wind Cool

4 J & Susanna went to Dr Dales AM A raked door yard & they both ganged root ground behind Cider house PM W. Clear Cool air from north froze pretty hard last night

5 Boys ganged & harrowed root ground I went to Johny Reesors for Butter PM W. very fine & warm J took cream A ganged then they both harrowed A went to U Drudges raising PM

May 1911

J leveled the Corn ground by drawing a Plank over it & standing on it PM W. a very fine warm spring day

Sunday 7 All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St John part of 3C by C Gayman no visitors Benj'n & family Franky Grove & a few boys were here PM W. a lovely growing spring day A went to Henrys after supper on his Bycicle

8 Boys worked on root ground I & Nancy went to Henrys to dinner I got very tired W. a very fine Cler day quite warm the trees are coming into leaf very fast

9 J took Chop AM they both worked on root ground A dug garden & they set out some Prune trees this morning I & Nancy went to Joe's awhile PM then I went to Ceder Grove W. fine

10 Boys sowed Mangels & Plante 5 drills Early Potatoes south of Calf Pasture little May Barkey & Baby Wilbur were here Elias's were in Markham Herman was here to dinner with his Horse W Cloudy Cooler some drizzly rain PM

11 Boys sowed Mangels & Silo corn behind Cider house W. very warm very strong W wind PM A shower went around north after supper

12 A Put dung around Plum trees that he planted & finished making garden J & Nancy went to Daniels he is weak yet but is doing fairly well W. very strong W Wind Cooler this evening I brought Anne to help sew PM

13 Boys Chored AM A & Flavius went to shear Daniel Ramer's sheep PM J drew some stove wood into shed PM W. fine Clear & Cool I & Nancy went to Benj'ns awhile PM Vera has the measles there are a great Many Cases through the Country

Sunday 14 I & Nancy kept house J A & Susanna went to Henry's to dinner (Amelia & her Brother's went to Daniels to dinner Daniel is doing well W very fine Cler day Cool air

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May 1911

15 A Plowed back garden J helped wash AM they Planted late Potatoes PM they fixed floor of front Kitche stoop this evening W pretty warm rather cloudy PM sprinkles of rain at times

16 Boys went to Henry's this Morning to go Trout fishing on 7th Pickering Henry went with them awhile he Caught one small Trout J & A got a fine Mess of Chubs W. fine rain last night mostly Cloudy today drizzles of rain off & on fine steady rain this evening

17 J took grist Chop A helped at house cleaning Herman was here to dinner with his hores W Cloudy at times fine growing weather

18 A went looking for Mushrooms this Morning he got a lot J Chored Henry's Came to dinner they brought a big Eel that Henry Caught in A Lehmans Pond last night nearly 3 feet long then we had a fine dinner of Mushrooms & Salmon & Eel W. some thunder & fine rain last night Cloudy at times today & very very warm warmest day so far J took 24 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove@ 16 cts per doz

19 J & A went fishing to Dead water with hooks caught about 40 fine Catfish Mostly larger ones J harrowed Corn PM A skinned fish & Painted stoop floor W. quite warm yet little Cooler

20 A took grist Chop J took Susanna to David Grove's AM they fixed swingate at Creek on Townline & Chored PM W very very warm Thunder Clouds going around this evening

Sunday 21 at home Elias's were here to dinner A & Amelia went to Meeting at Widemans W. very very warm very heavy thunder north & west last night some rain here Jacob Smiths barn at Almira was burned & all his horses & Cattle & a lot of grain

22 J helped wash AM A drove his Colt awhile with harness on they over hauled fence on north side of old Orchard PM W. quite warm yet it seems cooler this evening

23 J went to Daniels to Castrate his lambs A took grist Oats AM they fixed fence & Chored PM W. a heavy thunder storm through the night some rain quite warm today Cooler this evening it seems cleared up

May 1911 June

went to Markham with horse Major AM W. very fine & clear a pleasant day

31 A worked at Cemetery at Arthur Milroys J finished scuffling Mangels AM he brought load gravel PM W. Cool AM fine shower PM some thunder very fine shower Henry & Willis Called this morning for Potatoes

June 1 A drew gravel J Chored W. very strong NW wind quite Cool Calm this evening

2 A drew gravel he got horses shod PM J Chored W. very fine day rather Cloudy

3 A built wall at Benj'ns J Grubbed Corn with seeder AM he took some Chop & went to Ceder Grove PM I went with him W. very fine day

Whit Sunday 4 All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by C Gayman sermon on by C Burkholder Daniels & C Gayman & wife were here to dinner Willis was here too he stays all night W. Air from East a little stronger PM began to rain at bedtime

Whit Monday 5 I & Nancy went to Flavius to dinner Susanna went along to Br C's J & A went with Henry's & J Burkholder's to Lake fishing they didnt get many W. partly cloudysome rain & thunder after 4 PM a fine shower lst night

6 J took cream A helped wash AM they both helped Benj'n move straw into shed PM W. East wind Cool showry nearly all day

7 J took Chop A worked at Benj'ns AM they thinned Mangels Flavius & Carl Benj'n his Man Sherman March helped PM W. very fine Cler Lydia & Harvey & little Frank were here to dinner

8 Boys finished thinning Mangels the same ones helped I & Nancy went to Joe's to dinner W. fine Clear

9 Boys topped Thistles W. fine a few thunder showers wet around this evening not very heavy a slight shower

10 A took cream & Chored J & Flavius went to Toronto on an Automobile

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May 1911

24 A went for Mushrooms got a fine lot they Chored PM W. very fine & cool strong W wind PM

Ascension day 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid at home to attend to the Baker remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Mark 16 C by Abraham Rittenhouse Freeman Rittenhouse spoke too W. very fine lovely day David Groves Henry Boyer Henry Steckly from Waterloo were here to dinner & Pre Abraham Rittenhouse & wife and Thomas's Called PM Martin Ramer was here to dinner too

26 I went to yearly Conference at Hebron all Passed reasonably well MN was here to dinner there was Meeting at 3 PM Tobias Martin & Joseph Gingricks spoke also Freeman Rittenhouse Frank Houses & wife & Barbara Johnston Freeman Rittenhouse & Christian Rittenhouse were here to supper Albert Reesor brought Deacon Menno Shants & Deacon Levi Martin PM Joseph Gingrich & for a Call after supper W. very fine Cler A took a load of them to Johny Reesor's

27 J Grubbed corn with seeder A Pointed wall north of horse stable door B Diller & wife brought Sol Horner & wife from Cayuga to supper W. Cler Cool air

Sunday 28 all went to Meeting at Hebron sermon on St luke 22 C by C Gayma & on Luke 23C by Br C Lords Sacrament was Celebrated no visitors after service Jake & Anne Diller were here to supper Flavius & family were here this evening W. very very warm some Cooler this evening

29 J helped wash & Chored A drew 4 loads gravel from Collins Pit into barnyard W. Cler fine & Cool some wind from north

30 A worked at Cementing at Alex Milroys J scuffed Mangels they are coming fine Susanna & Amelia

June 1911

W slight shower AM very warm today a very heavy thunder storm & fine rain after 9 O' this evening some heavy Claps of thunder it looks like a fire to N East we Just now hear it was Fred Hornshaws barn on 6th Con Pickering

Sunday 11 A Susanna & Amelia went to JD's to dinner J went to Henry's I & Nancy went to Thomas's to dinner W. very very warm a heavy shower & some thunder about 5 PM some Cooler this evening

12 Boys drew gravel with one waggon on 11th Con W Cloudy at times very heavy short shower PM Nancy & Amelia washed

13 Boys drew gravel with 2 waggons which finished our road work AM they helped Flavius hoe Mangels PM W. cloudy at times fine & cool

14 Boys helped Flavius hoe Mangels J Came home at 3 PM & grubbed Mangels & some of Corn with seeder I took Nancy Susanna & Amelia to Elias's to a rag sewing Bee & brought them home PM W. a very fine Cool Clear day

15 A grubed Corn with Thomas's Grubber then they both Topped thistles A helped Benj'n hoe Mangels after 3 PM W. a very fine Cool Cler day

16 A helped Benj'n at Mangels all day J helped till noon then he took grist Chop & got Major & Billy shod W. very fine Cool Cler day

17 Boys both helped Henry hoe Mangels W. fine cool rather Cloudy at times

Sunday 18 I & Nancy went to JD's to dinner A Susanna & Amelia went to Meeting at Widemans Joe & Anne were here to supper W. very fine pretty warm

19 J took 5 hogs to Locust Hill for W Shants @ $7.00 per Cwt (800 lbs) A helped wash AM they topped thistles PM W. very warm

20 Boys topped topped thistles AM J topped thistles in pasture field PM & A went to barn raising

{second page}

June 1911

at Davidsons on Chris Stovers place PM Noah Brownsburger were here to dinner W. fine & Cool NW wind through the day

21 A Cut Thistles AM he scuffed Corn PM J went to help shingling at Jacob Smiths new barn W. a very fine cler day

22 J scuffled Corn A hoed they also put up some wire fence back of Orchard to let the cows into the swale pasture W. very very warm some clouds went around but did not rain our Good King George the Vth was crowned today

23 A went to OAC farm excursion J Scuffled Corn W. some Cooler partly Cloudy a little rain this evening

24 A went to help at Smiths barn J took grist Chop & Chored w. partly clear fine & cool I went to Joes PM J took Susanna to Dr Dale AM

Sunday 25 at home Henry's & Elias's were here to dinner Benj'ns were here PM A went to Dr Dale this Morning he has a very bad Cold W. partly cloudy not very warm

26 A helped Benj'n hoe Mangels part of today J hoed in our own mangels W. Cloudy drizzly rain at times I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove AM J helped wash AM

27 I & Nancy went to Benj'n to dinner Boys hoed Mangel W. very very warm thunder Clouds went around a slight shower here toward evening

28 J Grubbed Mangels & Potatoes A hoed he helped Flavius cement his cow stable floor PM Esther Louis & Frank were here to dinner Joseph Atkinson was here to dinner too W. very fine & Cool

29 A helped Flavius at Cementing J took grist Chop AM & then he Cut a lot of grass in Meadow back of barn it is not very heavy I & Susanna went to Elias's awhile PM W. very fine & Cool air

30 Boys Cut hay Am over half of meadow then they Tedded raked & Cocked some they drew in 2 loads this evening W. fine warm clear Willis came to stay all night.

July 1911

July 1 Boys drew in 9 loads hay Ernie helped PM W. very very warm it was reported to be 94 some places

Sunday 2 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 15 C by Levi Groves Pre C Burkholder & his sister Susy Hoover & Russell & Levi Grove were here to dinner Pre Levi Grove & wife were here to dinner too C Burkholder & his sister Susy Hoover here here to supper Flavius & family J & Anne were here after supper w. very very warm near the 100 mark in some places (but a very welcome Breeze from NW fine Cool Breeze

3 A A took a fat Cow & Heifer to Butcher White in Markham @ $80.00 J cut some grass then went & brought A home they drew in few loads hay PM W. very very warm the warmest day since 1854 over 100 deg in Toronto

4 Boys raked last of Meadow & drew it in they got 16 loads of the 10 acre field W. very warm yet a Cool Breeze is very welcome Mary & the children were here today Picking Currants

5 Boys cut thistles & chored I took Amelia & Susanna to Thomas's rag sewing Bee & brought them home this evening W. very warm a fine thunder shower PM some heavy thunder & a fine rain some Cooler this evening

6 A drew 4 loads Gravel from Collins into barn yard J Grubbed Mangels AM he chored PM W. quite warm yet the storm yesterday was very strong along townline west of 10 Con to Armadale it took part of roof of Freemans barn & a lot of shade trees were torn down

7 Boys drew home stove wood into wood shed W. fine & Cool, clear

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July 1911

8 A scuffled Corn J went to Stouffville for repairs for Binder I went to Ceder Grove PM W. fine pretty warm PM A went to Stouffville this evening the repairs that J got were not the right ones

Sunday 9 at home A Susanna & Amelia went to Meeting at Altona Thomas's Martha & Esther were here to dinner W. very very warm away up in 90 deg some Breeze ( but still it is very warm thunder cloudy went around north PM

10 A helped wash J Chored W. very warm AM a heavy rain & thunder storm PM some pretty heavy Claps a regular down pour of rain the Old Pond was about empty it is near full again Cooler this evening

11 Boys Plowed sod in meadow behind barn it is soaked Thoroughly W. warm AM a heavy rain after dinner some thunder Susanna Amelia Flavius Fanny & Eva were in Toronto on Train Creek running

12 Boys Plowed Herman made his last Call with his Horse today W. very fine Clear Cool Air

13 J took Cream A cut Corners in Wheat field then they cut awhile with Binder till noon then a fine thunder shower came after dinner they Plowed PM not so very warm

14 Boys Chored awhile then finished Cutting Knoll till noon then a shower came after dinner then they Plowed awhile then Cut till supper when a heavy shower & pretty heavy thunder Came Cooler now

15 J took Cream A took grist Chop to Whitevale (David is repairing his Mill) then they finished cutting the Wheat it is a pretty fair Crop Henry's were here PM W. Cloudy at time not so warm

Sunday 16 at home J A & Amelia went to Daniels to dinner W. partly cloudy a little distant thunder a very little rain at times some thunder & heavy rain tonight after bedtime.

July 1911

17 J took 7 hogs 1190 lbs to Locust Hill for Shank this Morning @ $7.00 per Cwt A Plowed sod J Plowed too when he Came home Herman's Lydia Harvey & little Frank were here Picking Raspberries David Lewis came with them W. partly Cloudy quite a heavy shower PM

18 Boys finished Plowing sod Barbara Diller & her husband D Weaver from Colorado were here to supper their 2 Children were with them W. fine Cler not so warm

19 Boys finished Plowing harrowed sod & cut awhile in barley west of dam Lydia Harvey & little Frank Mary & the Children were here Picking Currants & Berries Herman made his last round with his Horse W slight shower AM pretty heavy shower this evening some thunder not so warm

20 A took Susanna to Dr Dales AM he finished Cutting Barley PM J went to Jackson Point on an Excursion from Markham w. Cler not so warm I took 12 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove PM @ 17 cts

21 Boys chored & began to draw in Wheat they drew in 4 loads Daniels were here to dinner W. a little Cloudy this morning, fine & Cler today

22 Boys & Benj'n & his 2 Men Mayberry & Sherm March drew in rest of Wheat till 1/2 past 10 9 loads they raked the stubble & drew it in PM 2 loads W. very fine Cler N Wind

Sunday 23 I & Nancy went to Uriah Drudges to dinner J A Susanna & Amelia went to Joes to dinner W. not so warm rather Cloudy PM a few drops of rain this evening

24 Boys drew dung on Plowed Sod Benj'n two men helped AM with team he helped too PM they got done about 4 PM Herman's Lydia Harvey & little Frank were here PM Picking Berries

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July 1911 Aug

W. Cool a heavy strong W wind quite strong

25 Boys helped Benj'n draw in with team w. cool with strong wind Susanna & Amelia went to Markham AM with Horse Major

26 Boys helped Benj'n AM then they all came & drew in our barley till about 4 PM W. partly Cloudy Cool Benj'ns Vera was here today Alma Frank & Ada Came to stay all night

27 J cut Mixed crop below Orchard & below bush Herman spread dung AM I took 17 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 19 cts W. fine

28 J took grist to Whitevale then he Cut above bush A helped Thomas thresh part of the day Elias's Children were here yesterday & today W. Cler pretty warm Air from East

29 Boys helped Benj'n draw dung with team I went to Johny Reesor's for Butter & to Joe's for Bread & then to Ceder Grove AM W. pretty strong wind quite warm

Sunday 30 al went to Meeting except J he staid with Amelia she has bad Cold remarks by Br C sermon St John part of 1st C by C Gayman no visitors but Mary Cullen PM Joes Called this evening W. quite warm thunder clouds went around north this evening

31 Boys drew in Mixed grain south of garden 4 loads then they cut oats East of dam W. quite warm A helped Cut weeds in gr{illegible}y and after supper I went AM to Ask a few to come & help

August 1 Boys Cut about half of Mixed Peas & Oats in it E field & drew in 4 loads pure Oats Mayberry helped PM W. very very warm thunder clouds in the west this evening few drops of rain at bedtime

2 J took grist Chop to Davids then Cut grain he finished field Peas & Oats A helped Flavius thresh PM W rather cloudy at times warm

Aug 1911

a slight sprinkle of rain this morning

3 threshed AM & little while PM Lydia Harvey & little Frank were here the grain is not very heavy there was a sort of blight struck the oats there are a good many light grains the fall wheat is fairly good barley good W. cloudy all AM clear awhile PM Cloudy this evening quite warm

4 J took grist Chop then they spread dung they finished Cutting the grain below Orchard PM which finishes our harvest W. quite cloudy AM fine cler PM

5 A went to Markham AM J brought Chop from Davids they drew in 4 loads Oats & J raked below garden & they drew rakings in W. very heavy dew & Mist this morning warm Cler

Sunday 6 I & Nancy went to Johny Ramers to dinner J A & Susanna went to Henry's to dinner W. quite warm thunder clouds went around PM

7 Boys drew in 4 loads south of bush & 4 loads East of dam A helped wash AM J brought loads Alone & A helped unload W. Cler warm

8 I & Nancy went to Daniel Ramers to dinner called at Saml Ramer's PM then went to Joseph Groves to supper then went to Daniels to stay all night W. Cler quite warm

9 went to Delilah Hoover to dinner then Came home Q. quite warm Cool Breeze from S West the Boys & Benj'n drew in a lot of grain today A & J helped Milroys & J McCreight thresh

10 Boys helped Benj'n drew in a lot of grain W. quite warm cloudy awhile PM

11 A Grubbed in field where they will sow Wheat J raked stubble AM they finished drawing grain Benj'n helped PM I & Nancy went to Flavius at 4 PM Flavius fell out of the Mow onto the waggon rak he is pretty badly hurt but no bones broken W. fine Cool wind lovely day

12 Boys helped Benj'n drew in all day W. fine Cler

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Aug 1911

I got Horse Major shod all around this morning then I went to Johny Reesors for butter & to Joes for Bread for Susanna

Sunday 13 at home Henry's & Joes were here to dinner Harvey Wilsons Ed Wilson Mrs Wilson & Mrs Warren Called PM in their Auto & took Nancy & I Susanna & Anne & gave us a very Pleasant Ride 5 miles around the Block a very fine day a little Cloudy at times

14 Boys helped Benj'n draw in AM A Disked & J Grubbed PM. W. quite warm Flavius is up & around again

15 A went with Waggon to help Elias draw in grain they drew in 4 loads then he came home drizzly rain stopped them he went again after dinner they drew in 8 loads, Cler some strong W wind J took cream he took grist chop PM

16 A took 8 hogs 1290 lbs to Locust Hill for Shank @ $7.35 AM J Cleaned Mangels A took grist Chop PM W. quite warm shower went around Deliliah & Peters Mary Came to stay all night

17 J took cream A harrowed J harrowed when he came home they began to ganged in NE field PM W. quite warm fine Breeze a very fine heavy shower of rain a few minutes PM

18 Boys ganged I & Susanna went to Elias's PM W. warm a heavy squaal of wind after dinnner very little rain here had a Call AM Mrs John Cober her Daughter Martha & her husband C Hisey from Kansas & her Daughter Susan Robson quite Cool this evening

19 J took Cream he brought Willis with him he stays a few days A took 4 bags grist to David's & left it there they both ganged I & Willis brought grist home with Horse Major PM W. fine Cler Cool air NW wind

Sunday 20 at home Elias's were here to dinner & supper Flavius Boys & Eva were here to dinner W. fine Cler & Cool Breeze from north

Aug 1911

21 Boys ganged I & Nancy & Willis went awhile to Joes PM W fine Cler Cool Breeze Henry Called & took Willis home this evening

22 Boys ganged W.quite warm thunder clouds in NW

23 A helped Benj'n Benj'n draw dung J went to Markham AM he chored PM David Groves were here to dinner W fine Cool Breeze a very little rain last night

24 Boys drew dung Benj'n & his 2 men helped with teams Elias's Man helped with team till 3 PM W. fine Cler Teenie Stover & her sister Barbara & Rachel Hilts were here to supper I took 13 dozen Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 19 cts

25 J helped Elias Thress A helped Flavius draw dung with team I went to Johny Reesor for Butter W. Cloudy all day

26 A was at Henrys all day fixing barn doors J helped Elias finish threshing till about 9 AM then he took grist Chop & Chored MN was here to dinner then we went to half yearly Conference all passed off very well W. very fine Cler

Sunday 27 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Mat 18 C by C Burkholder visitors C Burkholder & Lizzie Gibner Herman & family David Nighswander & wife Peter Nighswander & Lucinda Reesor W. Air from East Distant thunder NW & SW PM a slight little shower here

28 A helped Johny Reesor thresh J Grubbed in sod W. foggy cloudy AM fine heavy showers PM Soaked pretty well in

29 A helped Johny Reesor till after dinner then in evening J finished Grubbing & ganded in field East of dam W. fine Cler Cool N Wind Br N's Lizzie was here to dinner

30 J took 7 Pigs 1250 lbs to Locust Hill @ $7.50 for Boyd then they drew dung with 2 Waggons Ernie helped to load W. quite Cool Adeline & Emma Stover were here to dinner

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Sept 1911

31 Boys spread dung I & Nancy went to JH Reesors to dinner Called at Benj'n Stovers W. fine Cler Cool N East air

Sept 1 A helped Flavius drew dung with team J took Grist Chop & Chored W. fine Cler cool NW wind

2 J began to gang in East end of big field A went with George Beatty to Lake Scugog to troll for Muskinonge they got none there was some rain & thunder AM ground well soaked

Sunday 3 at home Elias's Children were here to dinner & supper A Susanna & Amelia went to Meeting at Altona J & Frank Barkey went to Henry's awhile PM W. very fine Cler

4 J cut feed corn with Corn binder then he ganged north of bush A harrowed in N East field where it was ganged Abraham Raymonds were here to dinner W. fine Cler

5 Boys ganged I went to Ceder Grove PM Russell & Louis Grove came to stay all night they were at Exhibition in Toronto W. fine Clouded up PM began to rain towards evening fine steady rain raining yet bedtime

6 A ganged all day J ganged AM he began to sow Wheat PM W. very fine Clear day

7 A & Carl finished sowing Wheat then they ganged I went to Toronto I & Nancy went to Hermans their little Frank is sick getting better W. Cloudy East wind a little drizzle of rain not heavy

8 Boys ganged & A rolled big field Herman Came to stay all night I went to Ceder Grove W very fine

9 A Disked in Wheat stubble with 3 Horses A went to Benj'n at 3 PM to help fill Silo J took Chop PM I went to Ceder Grove AM W. very Cloudy AM Cler PM

Sunday 10 at home Henry's were here to dinner Ernie & Carl with W. very fine day Amelia went to Meeting at Widemans

Sept 1911

11 J Cut our silo Corn A helped Benj'n & Cou{illegible} fill then they came here about 4 PM & cut in about half of our Corn W. warm thunder showers went SW this evening slight sprinkle here warm I brought Anne PM J took her home this evening

12 finished filling silo till 1/2 past 9 then A went to Pettys he Came home about 4 J Disked in wheat stubble W. Cler quite Coo N Wind a very heavy dash of rain last night & some heavy thunder

13 J began Plowing sod in Pasture field with 2 furrow gang A harrowed Wheat stubble AM he helped Gordon Dimma fill silo PM I & Nancy went to Elias's a while PM W. fine Cler Cool N wind

14 A helped G Dimma finish silo then he & J Plowed Sod & rolled some I took grist Chop & took 10 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 21 cts PM W rather cloudy East wind

15 Boys finished Plowing & rolling sod he took in our Beets W. very fine cler pretty warm

16 A harrowed East of dam & began to Single Plow J Rolled sod W. Cler quite warm Amelia & Susanna went to Dr Dale AM Frank Barkey Came here this Morning he stays tomorrow Elias's are away visiting to John Brillinger's & others

Sunday 17 at home Benj'n & family were here to dinner W. very fine warm & cler

18 Boys Plowed East of dam J took cream this Morning W. fine warm Cler

19 I & Nancy went to Br inlaw Saml Hoovers to dinner then to Henry's to supper & staid all night W. Cloudy fine shower on the way going up Cler PM

20 went to Br inlaw Simon Hoovers to dinner then Came home W. W fine Clear all day Cool Air

21 A helped fill Silo at Pilkeys & Arthur Reesor J Plowed & took 13 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 22 per doz. Herman's Lydia was here helping us W. Cler AM Cloudy & fine shower PM

22 J Plowed A was at Flavius filling Silo PM he took Lydia home tonight

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Sept 1911

W fine Cler I & Willis took grist Oats to Davids PM

23 J took Cream Willis went with him then he went home with Henry's Man then Boys plowed A helped at Thomas's filling silo PM Albert Reesor's brouht Henry Usher & wife & Joseph Snider & wife from Waterloo for a good Call PM I brought some pumpkins from Benj'n & went to Joe's PM W. very fine warm

Sunday 24 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks on St Luke 22nd C by C Gayman Sermon on Luke 23 by Br C Russell & Louis Grove Flavius's Eva & AB's Lizzy were here to dinner Flavius & Fanny & the boys & Benj'n were here PM Joes were here to supper W Cloudy all day warm

25 J Plowed A helped J Beane fill silo AM he plowed too PM W. Cloudy Misty AM Cler Cooler Pm some rain last night I & Nancy went to Aunt Lizzy Burkholders awhile PM

26 J Plowed A helped wash then he went to NB to fill silo I took Chop to Davids & went to Ceder Grove AM Esther & Louis were here to dinner W. Cool Clear some rain last night

27 Boys worked in Root Cellar AM they have ordered a Gasoline Engine & they intend to set it to run the separator & the Root Pulper also the Cutting Box they Plowed PM A went about 400 to help Gordon Dimma to fill silo W. Cloudy & rainy AM Cler PM Cooler this is my 75th Birthday

28 A helped Dimmas fill AM he drew 2 loads Gravel PM J Plowed & rolled I & Nancy went to Joes this evening to stay all night Joe took Mart & Esther to Locust Hill they went to Waterloo Daniels were here to supper

29 Mary & May & the Baby were here to day I took 18 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 22 cts per doz took May home I & Nancy went to Joes to day all night at J was going to Toronto but he didnt go it rained last night

30 was at Joes all day W. fine AM Cloudy PM Amelia went home to say this evening so we will be without a girl for awhile Sharp frost on Thursday morning.

Oct 1911

Sunday Oct 1 at home W. steady rain till after dinner some drizzle PM

2 Boys Pulled mangels AM they drew in 7 loads PM W. fine Clear

3 Boys Pulled Mangels & drew in 15 loads W East wind all day began to rain this evening Susanna went to Markham to Dentist with Major Amelia & Fanny went with her she left impression for Teeth

4 Ernie Plowed in Abes place Abe helped Flavius Cement Stable AM he helped JD's thresh PM J Picked some Apples AM he Plowed PM W. Cler very strong W winds & Gales Cooler this evening

5 J helped JD's thresh AM A Pulled Mangels then they both finished Pulling & drawing Mangels PM loads I took 9 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 23 cts this morning W. Cler Cool Air not so windy

6 Boys Chored till after 9 then went to the Markham Fair W. Cloudy this Morning began to rain slowly from East at 900 rain all day pretty fast at times they got home about 5 rainy yet

7 J went to Markham AM to bring home the gasoline Engine A Chored I went to Johny Reesors for Butter & to Joe's A helped Alick Milroys thresh PM J Chored & Picked winter apples PM Benj'ns Fanny helped up to day Machine Came this evening W. Cler fine all day Cool air

Sunday 8 at home all day W. fine Clear Cool a white frost last night

9 threshed all out run very well we had a fair turnout of Mixed grain {illegible} Oats & Peas & Oats very fine day Benj'ns Fanny helped us in the house got done about 1/2 past 3 PM

10 I & Susanna went to M Dentist Barker at Markham I left Impression for 2 Teeth in lower plate Susanna got new plate A helped Flavius thresh till 1/2 past 3 PM then he helped J bring in some feed Corn J Picked winter apples W. very misty this morning cleared up very fine

11 A helped J McCreight thresh AM he brought AB's Lizzie to work for us awhile PM J Plowed W Cloudy a very light drizzle all day Daniels were here to dinner

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12 A took some Chop this Morning then J Plowed out some Potatoes then A Picked J Plowed till noon A picked Potatoes J helped him finish then they got about 15 bags they are good I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove AM 6 1/2 doz Eggs at 25 cts W. a very fine cler day

13 A Picked Apples AM he helped Benj'n thresh PM J Plowed W. fine he Picked Apples PM I went to Ceder Grove PM W. fine

14 A helped Benj finish threshing AM he Plowed PM J Plowed AM he Picked apples PM I went to Ceder Grove PM W. fine slight frost last night the Trains began to run on the GNR regular on Monday

Sunday 15 I & Nancy & AB's Lizzie went to M Barkeys to dinner Boys & Susanna went to Elias's to dinner J & A went to Henry's after supper w. very fine & Clear all day a little Cloudy this Morning

16 A Plowed J Picked winter apples W. very fine Cler some East wind boys brought Willis along last night to stay a few days

17 J went to Flavius to Pick Apples rain stopped them about 1000 A Picked at home W. Cloudy began to rain about 10 AM rainy yet bedtime heavy at times

18 A plowed J Picked Apples he took 4 bags Wheat to Whitevale this Morning & exchanged it for Flower Flavius helped Pick Apples PM Henry Called after dinner & took Willis home W. very fine

19 A Plowed AM Ernie Came & drove his team PM & A Made some sash for them in our shop J Picked Apples for Sauce I took 3 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 27 cts W. very very fine

20 J took 16 bags Cider Apples to Lapps AM A plowed J Plowed too PM W. very Misty AM also PM

21 A helped Thomas's thresh till after 3 PM J took some Chop then he Plowed nearly finished root field I went to Johny Reesor's for Butter & to Joe's for Bread W. Cloudy all day.

Oct 1911 Nov

Sunday 22 all went to meeting at Hebron except J remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Mark part of 10 C by Br C no visitors Daniels called Benj'n & family were awhile PM W. very Misty Cler a while at noon drizzly rain at times PM

23 J took Cream & brought home sauce they Plowed all day began Plowing sod second time north of Meeting house W. Cloudy squaals of rain PM Benj'n Hooever & wife were here awhile PM Herman Came to stay all night

24 Boys Plowed Saml Brownsberger & dau Elisabeth were here to dinner W. very fine day

25 Boys Plowed I & Nancy went to Br inlaw John Hoover's to dinner then went to Enos Nighswander's to stay all night awhile to David Nighswander after supper W. fine day

26 went to Ed Myer's to dinner awhile to Levi Groves then came Called at Henry's a few minutes W. fine Cool

27 Boys Plowed every day I took 2 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 27 cts W. about an inch of snow on the ground this morning thawed this is the 54th anniversary of our wedding day & I have never had reason to regret it

28 A brought load Coal J went to Markham for a lot of rigging for the Engine & took Cream they Picked Cider Apples PM W. strong cold W wind

Sunday 29 at home Br C's & Joes were here to dinner Elias & family Called PM W. fine Cold W wind

Thanksgiving day 30 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Mark part of C by Br C Daniels Davids & family & Elias's were here to dinner W. Cler raw East Wind

31 J Plowed A Nancy & Lizzie went to Funeral of David Hane at Widemans he died on Sunday W rain last night Cloudy light drizzle all day not Cold

Nov 1 J took grist A Chored AM they both went to Plowing Match on 5th Con Markham PM W. Cler rain Air began to snow after supper ground White already.

{second page}

Nov 1911

2 Boys brought Colt home from Pearces Pasture AM they Chored PM W. Clear cold W wind about 2 in snow sun is thawing Freezing in the shade

3 A helped Bob Milroy thresh till near noon then he worked at fitting his Engine J took Chop & got Horse Chief shod AM he brought load Coal PM W. very Clear sharp air snow all gone

4 A worked at setting Engine J went to George Gates Plowing Bee on the Old Barnard farm I went to Johny Reesors for Butter & to Joes for Bread W. Milder Cler like Indian Summer a little smoky

Sunday 5 at home Flavius & his Family were here this evening W. Cloudy & Mild

6 A began to draw dung rain stopped him J helped wash then they worked at setting Engine began to rain from East after 900 rained all day

7 J went to Henry's A & Susanna went to Markham AM they put apples down Cellar PM Benj'n helped W Cloudy this Morning Cleaned up strong W. wind

8 A & Ernie drew dung with 2 teams near Willow trees J took grist & went to Ceder Grove with 2 1/2 doz Eggs @ 30 cts AM he went to Sale on the Old Peters farm near Cherrywood he got table 30 cts W. fine rather Cloudy Nancy has not been very well for sometime we Called Dr Dales on Sunday she is a little better she is up & around

9 Boys put in some Tiles & Plowed in last of dung AM they A drew off stone & J made water furrows PM W. strong W wind all day

10 Boys worked at starting Engine got it running J made Cider at Lapps PM W. raw last night drizzly AM fine Cler PM at times Nancy pretty well again

11 J went to Henry's AM he brought Willis to stay awhile he took grist PM A worked at Engine he helped to cut Briars in grain and PM W. Cloudy & Clear at times

Sunday 12 at home all day Benj'n was here awhile PM W. very strong W. wind last night & today rain & drizzle AM mild getting Cooler towards evening

13 J helped wash & Chore A worked in stable W. strong West wind quite Cold

14 A helped W Taylor thresh J took grist AM Chored PM Henry Called AM & took Willis home they have a Baby girl born this Morning both doing well W. rather milder began snowing heavy after supper.

Nov 1911

15 Boys worked at setting Engine Cut some feed Herman Came to stay all night Joe & Anne Called this evening W. Cloudy mild about 2 in snow last night

16 Boys Chored Davids were here to dinner & Br inlaw Saml Hoover's to supper Amelia & Ernie & Carl Called this evening W. sharp air Cler snow not thawing very much

17 A worked at stable J went to Markham AM W. strong East wind snow to sleet more or less all day A clipped a horse for Pilkeys PM

18 A worked at Engine J took grist Chop & he got Butter at Johnnies & Bread at Joes W. strong wind from west all day squaals of snow at times getting some Colder

Sunday 19 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke part of 10 C by Levi Grove Martin Ramer was here to dinner J & A went to Henry's after supper w. Cler fine

20 J helped wash AM he made Cider PM A went to Colon Reesors AM worked at Engine PM W. Mild thawing some

21 A helped Herman Kill hogs J got Horse Billy shod AM he Chored PM W. fine clear sharp air

22 J took cream a worked at Engine Herman's & W Smith & Delilah were here to dinner Delilah & Smiths Staid for supper W. sharp Air partly clear

23 J took Lizzie home then he went to David Groves to dinner then he left the Horse at Henry's & walked to Nighswanders sale on the Old Mike farm Amy Mayberry Came to work for the Boys this winter W. Cloudy soft drizzly rain most of the day

24 A helped Dillers thresh AM he helped NB's PM J Chored & brought gravel for the hens W. few in snow & sleet last night Mild today thawing few sleighs running freezing tonight

25 A helped NB's thresh till noon J took cream AM he took grist PM Cloudy Flurries of snow

Sunday 26 at home JD's were here to dinner Amelia Ernie & Carl were here PM Joe's Called awhile AM W. mild flurries of dry snow at times

27 J helped wash A filled 2 Barrels sith Vendesine Apples & they Picked 4 pr Roosters AM they Dressed a Calf & 4 Pigs PM W. very fine Hermans Harvey came to go to Toronto with A tonight

28 A & Harvey went to Toronto 4 Pigs 376 for $9.25 4 pr Roosters lbs 14 cts per lb 1 Calf 114 lb@ 11 1/2 ct 2 Barrels apples @ $1.50 W. Cloudy drizzly rain off & on the most of the day

29 Boys Chored W. strong W. wind last night & today Freezing

{second page}

Sold Beef to JB Reesor June 15th 1911

@ 9 ct per lb 15 lb $ 1.35

22 13 1.17

29 15 1.35

July 6 14 1.26

13 15 1.35

20 13 1/2 1.22

27 13 1.17

Aug 3 14 1.26

10 12 1. 8

17 12 1/2 1.12

24 14 1.26

31 13.1/2 1.21

Sept 7 12 1. 8

14 14 1.26

21 15 1.35

28 12 1/2 1.12


{Duplicate of previous pages}

Transcription Progress



Benjamin Reesor 1909-1911 Diary Part 1.pdf
Benjamin Reesor 1909-1911 Diary Part 2.pdf
Benjamin Reesor Diary Transcripts 1909-1911.pdf


Benjamin B. Reesor, “Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1909-1911,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025,
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