Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1928


Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1928


Getrude Brown Hood




20th Century

Date Created


Is Part Of

Gertrude Brown Hood Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript





Fri Aug 23-1929 St John's Church struck by lightning and burned down.

Monday Nov 5-1928, norm & I had a real scare after supper, 2 dogs barked and barked.

Preprinted inside title page






BOX 29 PHONE 1201

Kenwood {illegible}, Toronto

2 Thornton Avenue


R. HOWARD BLAND, President


Sunday, January 1 1928 Weather, North West wind cold + blasting Eggs - 68 Attended S.S. + church in morning and spent the rest of day at home resting + reading, Bille + Jimmie here for dinner.

Weather, fine & cold


Fred took a load of furniture to Richmond Hill for Russ Bullinger

Voting took place at Jack Thompsons for council

Spent the afternoon at aunt Ellens

Weather, Fine, srong west wind & cold


Butchered two hogs first thing

Threshed clover in afternoon

John brought his battery up at night

Weather, cloudy, strong West wind cold


Cut up the hogs first

Threshed clover in morning,(finished) six bags

Repaired the hay press in afternoon

Les took seven hogs to city (all relut) cut up pork & made lard & sausage

Weather-cloudy-milder, strong S.W.wind by night

Eggs 75

Laura stayed over to help Gertie

Norm & I went over to bale at B.Stevens and first as we started smashed things up again. Then brought outfit home

In afternoon I went to Unionville first then on to Richmond Hill. Fred drew manura

Gertie churned 46 lls butter in morn at night Gertie attended meeting of Young Peoples & s.s. combined at church

Weather, Fine, & mild strong wind


Mr Lunan & I went to Hamilton for repairs for Baling machine also had bowl of separator changed men drew manura

Sertie went out to Mrs braigs at night to audit W.M.S books

Weather, Cloudy & mild


Market day Produce from farm

Cream-102 pts

Butter-45 lbs

Eggs-37 doz

Apples-4 bu

Nom repaired press with braig all day, Fred did chores salted pork at night

Weather, Cloudy, Calm & Mild


Attended S.S. & church in morning Rev Mr.Auld conducting the service. Mr. Woods exchanging pulpits with him

Attended Young Peoples in the evening. Mr Wisher, took the topic for the meeting

Weather, Cloudy & mild


Norm & I baled hay at B.Stivens

Fred did chores & went to sale at R.Hill.

Gertie did a big washing

Les took two veal calves to city 410 lbs & 13 1/2 cts

Tuesday, January 10

Weather, Cloudy & mild


Norm & I baled straw & hay at Rodicks Fred did the chores

Hydro men strung the wires along the fourth to-day

John & Laura came up at night

Wednesday, January 11

Weather, Cloudy & mild (showery in afternoon

Eggs 68

Baled hay at Rodicks. Casting broke and had to go to Richmond Hill to get it welded.

In the evening The rink at Unionville was opened but no ice to make it a real opoening Gertie & I called in at Russells on our way home

Thursday, January 12

Weather, cloudy & mild showery


Baled hay at Rodicks

Gertie churned 40 lbs butter in morn. In afternoon Gertie went to Mrs Yeo. Padjets to W.M.S meeting I went over for her at night

art White brought two calenders in at noon

Fred made cider for market

Friday, January 13

Weather, cloudy & mild, Threatening rain

Eggs. 81

Baled straw at Rodicks all day. Laura came up to help Yertie get ready for Institute meeting Sat. Norm went to Victoria Square at night

Weather, cloudy & mild, rain turning colder


Market day produce from farm

Cream 110 pts

Butter 38 lbs

Eggs 39 doz

Apples 7 bu fair market

Nom finished baling at Rodicks and moved to C. Boyington Junior Institute was held here to day good attendance, lasting on unto the night

Weather, fine & cold


Attended s.s. & church in morning Rev Mr. Ramey took part in service as representative from {presfsetray?} spent the rest of day at home Mr & Mrs Padfit called in in afternoon

Weather, cloudy & cold east wind light

Eggs 88 snow & sleet by night

Baled hay at bharly Boyingtons

Les had an operation performed on his head by Dr. Mc Kay & Dr. Mc Donald he salted the pork at night

Weather, cloudy & milder


Baled hay at Mr. Pratts in morning then moved the press to Armond Vanhoms for some future time brought the engine home

Men drew up some limbs in afternoon to be sawn up soon

Sertie & I went down to visit Walter & Mary Hood at Agincowrt at night

Weather, cloudy & mild


Sertie & I went touty for the day Laura also went along men drew manura all day

Annual business meeting of the church {ovas} held at night in the basement of the church

Weather, South east wind rain & mild wind shifting to west by night


churned so lbs butter in morning men filled chop bins in morning min filled chop bins in morning & piched over apples & made ciderin afternoon. I went on trip north for Les in afternoon

Weather, strong west wind show flurries & cold


Men picked chickens & two ducks

Prepared seeds to be taken to Unionville to be re-cleaned went on south trip for Les in afternoon and prepared load in afternoon for city by night

Weather, fair, cold, & strong winds


Market day produce from farm

Cream-115 pts

Butter 49 lbs

Eggs-51 doz

Apples-9 bu

Chickens 10-2 ducks

Laura went to city with me Men cut up pine tree that had blowndown

Weather, strong S.W. wind bludy & cold but milder

Eggs 116

Attended S.S. & church in morning spent the afternoon at home in the evening attended Young Peoples

Weather, West wind partly fair cool


Men piled wood in morning. In afternoon we all were sawing wood with circular saw. Sertie washed in morning and in afternoon attended class at Victoria Square on Tirat Aid

In the evening John came up with his battery

Mr. French was down and got some chicken feed

Weather, South east wind snow at first turning to rain by night Fred took saw home first Nom went to Unionville with Les, taking seeds over to be cleaned and bringing salt home

Fred & I helped Browns plant hydro pole at the road in morning

Fred went home in afternoon

I went to Richmond {I till along aith?}

I Brown & Wm Brods to see about getting Hydro in church by Sunday

Sertie attended class at Victoria Square again to-day

Weather, colder with strong N.W.wind


Nothing much doing in morning

In afternoon men went with Les to help load a load of straw from John Boyingtons

Sertie attended class at Victoria Square John Slendenning was in with 4 {Chrysler?} at nigh we went over to Pinders for a visit

Weather, fine & cold (snow in morn).

Eggs 90

Men drew manura in afternoon. Churned 47 lbs butter in morn. Yertie attended class at Victoria Square Tim, asked me to go to Unionville in evening to try curling

Weather, fair & cold, light snow in afternoon

Eggs 108

I kept house and got thing ready for city all day as Sertie went to S.S Convention at Markham all day Men drew manura & made cider

Weather, fine & decidedly cold


Market day produce from farm

Cream 118 pts

Butter - 45 lbs

Eggs - 58 doz

Apples - 9 bu

Men cleaned saw dust out of ice house

Byron Yohn died today

Weather, fine & decidedly cold


attended S.S. & church in morn Yertie went down to Mrs. Youngs in afternoon & Della came up here from mission band attended Young Peoples at night slides on yieus of India

Mrs. H. Hooper died this evening

Weather, fine & cold partly cloudy


Les took five hogs to city filled chop bins in morning men put snow in ice house & pulled down barn yard fence John Brown took my car to city and Sertie went down home at night t brought it home Hydro was turned on to comer attended hockey match at Unionville 0.7 at night, first fame Buttonville & Loruat Hill second game, Milkken & Markham 41

Weather, fair, cold & dull


Fired tire in morning & attended funeral of late Byron Sohn in afternoon

Men picked over apples & drew manura. Sertie attended class at Victoria Square in afternoon & night Went curling at Unionville with Jim Paterson


shredded cabbage-lettuce leaf & beek cold sliced meet loaf mayonnaise. Celery, pickles. Bread & butter, biscuite nut bread, drop cakes, light layer cake. xmas cake, glass water, tea, candy baskets, & disher of candy.

Weather, strong wind blustery & cold


Norm went with Les to get a load of straw at John Boyingtons in morn & went up to see thickness of ice in afternoon

Fred went away for the day Sertie & I attended funeral of Mrs. Hooper in afternoon

Weather, cloudy at first but clearing & cold with east wind

Eggs 80

Churned 42 lbs butter in morn. Sertie attended class at Victoria Square in afternoon & I went down to uncle Jim Hood for curling stones went too Unionville at night to curle

Weather, fine & milder


Busy getting produce ready for city Sertie attended class at Victoria Square in afternoon and at night Jim & I joined them for a supper {ginen floy?} the class then we went to Unionville to Hockey match Locust Hill 4 milliking & Buttonvile 3 & Rinkydinks 2

Hydro was turned on from comer up

Weather, cloudy & mild cooler by night


Market day Produce from farm

Cream 125 pts

Butter 41 doz

apples 10 bu

Nom went to city with all Myers went to Unionville to seate at night

Weather, fine & cold


attended S.S. & church in Morning Sertie went home with Mrs Brooke for the afternoon

William John came up with fired at night while doing chores attended Young Peoples at night first night to have Hydro lights

Weather, cloudy, Easterly wind clearing

Eggs 93 & cook

started cutting ice got a good start Katie Craig came up for a visit in afternoon & Edith came up for supper & spent the evening

Weather, cloudy mild light rain by night

Eggs- 89

Cutting & drawing ice all day Mr.Woods came over from Vaughn to see about baling

In afternoon I went over to put tongue on baling machine

Weather, showery & mild east wind


Cut & drew ice in between showers Jim & Jean called in in afternoon sowed new light in rear of car top attended Young Peoples social gathering in basement of church main feature was a debate on the batchaler & the manied man

Weather, cloudy blustery colder with North west wind

Churned 42 lbs butter in morning. Fred idd not come up today Nom picked over apples in morning

Weather, fine & cold

Eggs 134

Nom went over in Vaughn to Henry Ferichellir to bale with Woods Fred & I made cider & Filled chop bins and prepared load for city in evening. Nom & I went to Unionville to Hockey Match, Millikin & Rinkyd 1 & Unionville 5 Bittonville 2

Weather, fine & comparitively mild


Market day Produce from farm

Cream 118 pts

Butter 39 lbs

Eggs 55 doz

apples 11 bu

Nom went baling a gain to Firiehellers Sertie attended junior Institute at Rodicks

R.J. Cunning ham went to city with me

Sunday, February 12 Weather, fine + cold north wind Eggs 105 attended s. s. + church in morning In afternoon we went up to visit John + Margerite at Shenon, Launa + Dorothy went along also got home around 11 o.clock

Monday, February 13 Weather, Fine + moderating, S. East wind Eggs - 112 Cleaned up over one hundred bags wheat for market attended hockey match between Markham (2) + Bellville(1) fast game Gertie went down home for a while at night

Tuesday February 14 Weather fine and mild Eggs 104 Leo took cow down to market Fred and Norm drew manura and got one load of ice and went over to charleston biting in afternoon

Wednesday Febuary 15 Weather fine and mild rain in afternoon Eggs-106 men put raw dust on ice in noon Oil touch called and left 60 gal gas Jim allen called and took a load of wheat away 102 sugar bags 1.42 bu attended skaling carnival at unionville at night.

Thursday, Febuary 16 Weather cloudy and rain in afternoon Eggs-110 Norm went away baling Fred and I put up load of wheat in morning In evening attended practise for drama at al.myeos Chumed 37 lbs butter in afternoon.

Friday,February 17 Weather cloudy and colder Eggs-94 norm went away baling Fred went for load of wood for claus to he held at the church preparing for load to city attended hockey matches at unionville at night unionville and locust hill played this game of two goalies with 20 over Button ville and millihem 2 was second game.

Saturday,Febuary 18 Weather fine north wind and cold Eggs-110 market day produce from farm cream 122 butter 36 eggs 5-8 1/2 day apples 10 mr.hoppers went to city with me not much doing fred went away in the afternoon In evening we went to skate at unionville rink.

Sunday,February 19 Weather south west wind Eggs 111 attended s.s church in morning peter went down home in afternoon and stayed for young peoples meeting at night,I went to meeting also

Monday,February 20 Weather strong west wind light snow Partly fair and cold Eggs 95 Jim allen came first thing for load of wheat men cleaned up load of wheat attended hockey match at unionville Buttonville 3. markham.1

Tuesday,Febuary 21 Weather,fair strong west wind and cold Eggs 94 Walter lilly came down for fatsow men picked over apples attended practice for drama at selod at night Yertie went out to Craigs in evening

Wednesday, February 22 Weather, Cloudy, mild, light soft snow + rain Eggs - 76 Filled chop bins in the morning Men drew manura young people held a skating party at Unionville in evening good attendance.

Thursday, February 23 Weather, cloudy, mild, turning colder at night Eggs 69 Churned 37 lbs butter in morning Norm helped cut wood at the church in afternoon for junior Institue class

Friday, February 24 Weather, partly fair strong west wind + cold Eggs - 76 Preparing for load for city market I went on trip south for Les in morning attended hockey match at Unionville at night between {?}(3) + Buttonville(0)

Saturday, February 25 Fair + decidedly cold Eggs - 77 Market day Produce from farm Cream 112 pots Butter 38 lbs Eggs 52 doz apples 8 bu Norm went away for the day baling Fred Cooked after chores

Sunday, February 26 Weather, fair Strong west wind + cold Eggs. 67 attended S. S. and church in morn. Jean came home with us for dinner and stayed till four o.clock. Gertie went with her and called on Mrs. Walton for a little while Spent the evening at home

Monday, February 27 Weather, Fair + little milder Eggs. 82 Jim Allan came up for another load of wheat Les took {?} calf to city 199 lbs + 15 {?} Norm went baling Fred + I cleaned up load of wheat Gertie attended class which started at the former methodist church

Tuesday, February 28 Weather, Fine + mild Eggs - 80 Men were working around barn all day, Fred was cleaning mixed grain in afternoon Gertie attended class in afternoon Laura + Edith Craig came home with her for tea I went to Unionville to curl three visiting team's were there

Wednesday, February 29 Weather. Cloudy + little cooler Eggs - 82 Men pruned apple trees attended a curling game at Unionville in afternoon four visiting teams were there one from Thornhill + three from {Stowville?} Gertee attended class in afternoon at night we went to Carnival at the Unionville rink big turn out

Thursday March 1 Weather partly fair and cool Eggs-90 Churned 36 lbs butter in morning men pruned apples trees all day Gertie attended class in afternoon and went to stevensons for the rest of the evening norm and I attended practise at the school house for drama

Friday,March 2 Weather partly fair strong wind and cool Eggs -85 men pruned apple tress I picked over apples and went on the trip south for les and prepared for load to city.

Saturday, March 3 Weather-mostly fair with skifs of snow and moderately cold Eggs 104 market day produce from farm cream 112 pts butter 34 lbs eggs 45 doz apples 10 bu men pruned apple trees Dorothy came up in afternoon and stayed for supper Jean came home with me from city

Sunday, March 4 Weather, Partly fair strong wind and light snow cold Eggs 98 First goose egg today attended S. S. + Church in morning and went to Browns for dinner coming home about four o.clock Spent the evening at home

Monday, March 5 Weather, mostly fair strong winds + light snow, cold. Eggs 100. Men drew manura most of day Gertie attended class in afternoon Put a ring in the young animals nose Dell. Stevenson + miss Hopkins came over for supper and spent the evening attended hockey match at the arena between New Market(1) + {?} (2) along with Les. Tim +Nels this was the first game of the round of the junior finals

Tuesday, March 6 Weather, Fair + cool Eggs - 118. 1 goose egg Men pruned trees most of day Filled chop bins in afternoon Gertie attended class in afternoon attended practise at school house at night for drama

Wednesday, March 7 Weather, snow in early morning then strong winds, partly fair mild turning colder by night Eggs 110 Men scraped apple trees most of the day attended sale at Ms. Hugh Clark's Gertie attended class in afternoon

Thursday, March 8 weather :- Fine and cool Eggs - 110 Churned 44 lbs butter in morning Gertie attended class in afternoon Went to Stoufvulle to curl in afternoon with J. Millies rink Played at night at Unionville at night Fred finished his year today

Friday, March 9 Weather, Snow + strong East wind Eggs 120 worst storm of the winter Went on trip for Les. got stuck in the snow on the fifth con. Prepared for town load in afternoon Gertie attended class in afternoon The banquet was cancelled on account of the storm

Saturday, March 10 Weather, Fine + cool Eggs - 126 - 1 goose Market day Produce from farm Cream 120 pots Butter 42 lbs Eggs - 25 doz (29 doz to Mr. H. apples 10 bu? Laura + Della went to city with me + Jean also came home with me

Sunday, March 11 Weather. Fine + mild Eggs 119 attended S. S. + Church in morning In afternoon John, Jean + Della came up for a short visit then Jim + little Jean called for a visit also We spent the evening at home as we were late getting through with chores on account of separator belt braking

Monday, March 12 Weather, Fine + mild Eggs - 137 - 1 goose Norm drew manura in morning + went baling in afternoon to Richmond Hill at Robinsons Gertie went to the church to help clean up after the class in afternoon In evening we went over to the Hellems at Markham for dinner + Then spent the evening playing {lidy?}

Tuesday, March 13 Weather, Cloudy + mild, showers in afternoon + rain by night Eggs 135 Norm was away all day baling at Fred Clarks, Headford Gertie attended W. MS. meeting at Mrs Craigs I went over to meet a committee from Richmond Hill Lodjie at Yeo Padget in afternoon Play off at Unionville for the cup in the Euchre

Wednesday, March 14 Weather, Fine + mild Eggs - 128 Norm went baling in morning and drew manura in afternoon Gertie went down home in afternoon We went over to Pagjets at night for the evening

Thursday, March 15 Weather. Snow flurries all day colder + partly fair Eggs 138 1 goose Norm went baling all day at F Clarks Churned 47 lbs butter long Time coming Attended poultry lecture + morning picture at Unionville put on by Quaker Oats. John Brown W. Brooke + Norm went also

Friday, March 16 Weather, Fine + little milder again Eggs - 141 Norm went baling to Tom. Thompsons as Gertie + I were all alone

Saturday, March 17 Weather, Fine + mild Eggs - 145 - 2 gooze Market day Produce from farm Cream 118 pts Butter 45 lbs Eggs - 12 doz - Mr Hellens 63 doz Apples 6 bu 1 chicken Jean came out with me from city Ordered sprayer to-day at market

Sunday,March 18 Weather cloudy light snow east + north wind and cool Eggs - 159 Gertie attended s.s. + church in morning Jimmy came home with her for dinner In afternoon Della Stevenson came up for a visit ,then she and Gertie went to young peoples meeting. I was feeling on the brink with cold (my the?) Boyington's little boy born today.

Monday,March 19 Weather,mostly fair and comparatively mild Eggs -149 -2 goose norm went baling to mr.tim thompsons Gertie washed in morning I filled chop bins in afternoon Les brought 514 lbs baling {?} home Edith Craig was here in the afternoon

Tuesday,March 20 Weather, fine and mild Eggs 153 - 2 goose Norm was away baling all day Margerite's little girl was born today

Wednesday,March 21 Eggs - 172 Norm drew manura in morning and planted trees in afternoon Gertie went down home in afternoon Della came in after school and stayed for supper I picked over apples in afternoon

Thursday,March 22 Weather, cloudy and mild in morning clearing in afternoon Eggs 164 2 goose Fred started work again this morning Les brought up 130 bu boxes in morn Norm went away in morning then men pruned trees in afternoon Gertie went up to New market along with her folks to see the new baby, in the afternoon Churned 41 lbs of butter in morning

Friday, March 23 Weather- Fine and mild Eggs - 164 1 goose Norm took Baling outfit

down to Arnold Vanhoms in morning 

fred drew manura in morning and they bothe pruned trees in afternoon I went to city in morning to get a spring for the truck In the evening we took the load to the corner in the waggon on account of the roads

Saturday,March 24 weather,fair and very mild turning cloudy by night Eggs 140 market day produce from farm cream 119pts butter 40 lbs eggs 11 apples 7 Billy went to city with me ,jean came home with us Laura and isabell scott spent the afternoon with leslie and stay for the evening and over night.

Sunday, March 25 Weather,cloudy east wind with hightmaince Eggs-195 2 goose lertice,laura and isabel walked down to s.s church in morning,.I went down later to church,we walked on account of the roads spent the afternoon and evening at home.

Monday, March 26 Weather - Cloudy. S. E. wind, thunder by night. wind shifting to north Turning colder a rough night. Eggs. 167 Men greased {?} in morning Fred went to Unionville in afternoon to get spray material + {Mom?} pruned Trees. I pruned the Ontario trees + had {mom?} help put the light sleighs away for the summer

Tuesday, March 27 Weather, Cold north wind, with snow flurries Eggs 166 2 goose Men greased harness all day & I was repairing harness in morning + wrapped the meat in paper & put it in sacks

Wednesday,March 28 Weather,mostly fair and cold with light snow Eggs -190 dutch started to day norm and lertice baling hay at vandoms all day Fred did the chores and scripted trees lertice went to city along with John lertice and I attended a khone search and dance along with padiets at the masome hall at Richmond Hill walton’s boy from early this morning.

Thursday, March 29 Weather mostly fair and cool Eggs, 153 Men planted trees in the morning Jim and children were over in the morning Fred went with Leo on the north high with the team on account of the )? I picked over apples in afternoon.

Friday, March 30 Weather. Cold, Stormy with East wind Eggs - 165 Churned 41 lbs butter in morning I went Two trips for {des?} in morning gathering up eggs, and spent the afternoon preparing for sat market Men worked in Orchard first then greased some harness + cleaned seed barley in afternoon allen Myers was operated on for apendicetis at night

Saturday, March 31 Weather, Mostly fair + cool Eggs - 176 Market day, Produce from farm Cream 120 pts Butter 39 lbs Eggs - 58 doz + Mr. Hellens 75 - doz apples - 8 {?} Men drew {manura?} all day Gertie went down to see Mrs. Young in afternoon

Memornda {page left blank}

Sunday, April 1 Weather, fine + mild Eggs - 156 attended S. S. + Church in morning Jean came home with us for dinner and stayed for afternoon + supper Bob Thompson came in for her at night & Gertie & I went to young Peoples meeting as Gertie had a paper to read

Monday, April 2 Weather, fine + mild Eggs - 160 - 2 duck eggs to day {Nourn? Nam?} went to city to day Filled chop bin in morning Fred pruned apple trees in afternoon Presented with 14 little pigs

Tuesday, April 3 Weather - showery in morning, then fine Leslie + Douglas took gentleman cow to city in morning, sold for #135.00 men cleaned up milk house (a little). Finished spread to-night

Wednesday, April 4 Weather - fine - mild a real spring day. Douglas went to city for the day. Gertie attended W. M. S quilting at Church in afternoon, Pre- service at 8 O.clock men - pruned trees. Douglas left car in church shed - called to see allen myers ar the Wellesly Hospital.

Thursday, April 5 Weather - showery + cloudy most of day men clipped horses this morning Fred took team and went on north trip for Leslie in afternoon. churned in morning 55 lbs butter. Douglas took eggs out to store at night Gertie went out to Craigs for a short while. {tried?} farm coat to-day

Friday, April 6 Weather, fine + warm First thing went to meet Mr Spears with team + wagon for eggs called at Books, Browns + Youngs Men pruned trees in morning In afternoon Fred took team to shop to get their front feet shawed Then we made three trips to corner through the mud to get the load all down

Saturday, April 7 Weather, Cloudy mild rain all afternoon Market day Produce from farm Cream 120 pots Butter 53 lbs Eggs - 34 doz Mr Helllems 60 doz apples - 10 {bin?} Fred went to corner with me and then over to Padjets for grader to clean seed grain and then went down to Browns for seed oats Jean came up with him to spend the afternoon. Mrs. Burn went down to city with me.

Sunday, April 8 Weather, Windy blustery + cold Jean stayed over till this morning and went down with Gertie when she went to S.S. + Church as Mr. Woods was called away for a few days, Mr. Malcome from agincourt took the service today and comunion was postponed tilll later Spent the afternoon + evening at home

Monday, April 9 Weather, Strong wind, + cold Fred went down to the corner to bring up the load from the truck then cleaned barley. Norm turned up {?} John Brown came up for bad of laying mash Set three hens on goose eggs

Tuesday, April 10 Weather, mostly fair + little milder Fred cleaned up seed grain Norm trimed up brush I went down to fix the car in afternoon Gertie + Della Stevenson went over at night to see the baly at Waltons Set one hen on goose eggs

Wednesday, April 11 Weather, fine + milder East wind Fred went to the corner to meet the Markham Mills truck for hald ton of laying mash and then cleaned seed grain, Norn worked in orchard at night, Jim + Teddy along with Gertee + I went down to city to see Harold Loyd at Up {Town?}

Thurday, April 12 Weather, mostly fair + mild Fred trimed brush + cleaned grain in morning + went on trip north with Leo in afternoon Norn trimed brush. Churned 53 lbs butter in morning

Friday, April 13 Weather, mostly fair + cool Fred finished cleaning oats then took the hrader home Norn scraped trees then they clipped horses I picked over apples + went two trips south for Liss in morning Prepared for city in afternoon and took part of the load to the coner at night

Saturday, April 14 Weather, Strong East wind snow turning to rain clearing dry night + very strong S.W. wind Market day Produce from farm Cream 120 pots Butter 51 lbs Eggs 27 doz. Mr. Hellems 75 doz apples 7 {bins?} Mem run seed oats through the ill + scraped trees Gertie attended institue meeting at Mrs. Stivers in afternoon Jean came out from city with me

Sunday, April 15 Weather, Strong north wind light snow and quite cold attended S.S. + Church in morning spent the afternoon at home and in the evening attended church which was arranged by the women of the church, Mr. Sellars took the service

Monday, April 16 Weather, mostly fair, North wind and a little milder Filled chop bins first thing. Gertie washed in morning & made a dress in afternoon Men burned brush all day along line fence in orchard

Tuesday, April 17 Weather - fine + same temperature Fred was up in morning and went home for the rest of the day Norn burned brush all day Gertie + Mrs {Maddie?} Brook's went out to Richmonf Hill to visit Mrs. Black

Wednesday, April 18 Weather, fine + mild Men finished burning brush + the picked stores off meadow prepared a tire on the car in morn, + went to city for store suplied in afternoon for Lees. He has {murps?} and could not go Laura came up in afternoon and stayed for supper Newt Brown came up for chop + oats

Thurday, April 19 Weather, Heavy rain in early morn then very strong west wind al day and turning very cold by night Men cut down trees dead apple trees and picked stones Churned 51 lbs butter in morning + went on north trip for Tes in afternoon Gertie washed bottles in afternoon Victoria Square folks gave a drama The cheerful {? in the former methodist church

Friday, April 20 Weather, fine + cold milder by night Men scraped apple trees + gathered up limbs in orchard in morning and picked stones in afternoon Went on south trip for Leo in afternoon Teddu came over for seed barley in afternoon

Saturday, April 21 Weather, fine at first East wind and snow by night Market day Produce from farm Cream 122 pots Butter 49 lbs Eggs - 9 doz 60 doz Mr Hellems 8 doz Mr Raymond apples - 10 {?} Gertie + I looked after the market as Leo was not able to go Norm brought Gertie down with the cream Men picked stones + drew-down wood from pine tree which had blown down

Sunday, April 22 Weather, Cloudy East wind + very muddy after snow attended S.S. + Church in morn Comunion service to day Spent the rest of day at home

Monday, April 23 Weather, Cloudy Southerly wind mild Men finished picking stones off meadows + then white washed apple trees the rest of the day Mr Padgid came over at night for {post hole anger?}

Tuesday, April 24 Weather, Cloudy. Misty + rain at first then clearing + cooler with occasional showers White washed trees, Norm ploughed a bit of grounf for potatoes in little sand field I went to Unionville to get these cases of maply Syrup and went on over to Markham Gertie finished her rug to-day

Wednesday, April 25 Weather, Waked up to see about 2in snow, Mostlly fair and cool Men cut + picked over potatoes till snow melted then white washed trees Gertie + I went to city for the day brought home supplied for stone also

Thursday, April 26 Weather, fine + cool Churned 50 lbs butter in morning Men white washed trees in morn In afternoon Fred kept on with trees + Nroms + I planted some carly potatoes and then went on North trip for Leo. Gertie washed bottles in afternoon

Friday, April 27 Weather, fine + cool Men finished white washing trees in morning + ploughed in sand field in afternoon Picked over apples, washed eggs in morning went on trip south for Leo.

Saturday, April 28 Weather, fine + cool Market day - Produce from farm Cream 122 pots Butter 48 lbs Eggs 48 doz _ 60 to Mr. Hellems apples 11 {?} Men ploughed in sand field for a while then started seeding in field south of the orchard

Sunday, April 29 Weather. FIne + little arm attended S.S. + Church in morning good turn out Gertie went down to Mission Band in afternoon attended Church at night Mr. Benturn took the service

Monday, April 30 Weather, Showery at first strong wind + cool Filled chop bins first men finished ploughing sand field Fred went home in afternoon + Norn harrowed Gertie washed in morning Mr + Mrs. Harrold {Weir?} came over at night

Memorand {left blank}

Memoranda {left blank}

Tuesday, May 1 Weather, fine + warmer Men were seeding all day I fixed barn door in morning and had the tractor on cultivation in afternoon Clayton + Wier were over at night with a 52 {?}

Wednesday, may 2 Weather, Very fine + warmer Seeding all day A. Mr. Winger brought eight fruit trees in at noon + I planted them in afternoon racked up leaves at nigth Gertie went to Unionville after dinner + then attended missionary meeting at the church

Thursday, May 3 Weather, showery at first then clearing South east wind + cloudy Seeding in afternoon Sowed alfalfa seed on part of fall whear ground Mr. I wish came in for his wagon Racked up leaves in evening Churned 47 lbs butter in morning

Friday, May 4 Weather, fine + very warm Men were at the seeding all day. Picked over 16 {?} apples in morning Dug out apple stree stumps + planted another young tree in its place + then racked at the lawn till chore time

Saturday, May 5 Weather, mostly cloudy warm showery at noon + turning colder by night Market dat Produce from farm Cream - 122 pots Butter 45 lbs Eggs 35 doz Mr Hellems 60 doz apples 14 {?} Men were seeding all day Mr. Cunningham went to city with me + Jean + miss Lawry came out with me Laura came up for a while in afternoon

Sunday, May 6 Weather, fine + cool Gertie was {?} the weather to day I attended Church in morning {?} brought Mr + Mrs {?} Jean + {?} in afternoon and in evening Gertie + I went for a little car ride for {?}

Monday, May 7 Weather, fine + cool Men were seeding all day Gertie was in bed all day Laura came up in afternoon

Sunday, May 6 Weather, fine + cool Gertie was under the weather to day I attended Church in morning Newt brought Mr + Mrs Brown Jean + Miss Lowrry up in afternoon and in evening Gertie + I went for a little car ride for some fresh air

Monday, May 7 Weather, fine + cool Men were seeding all day Gertie was in bed all day Laura came up in afternoon

Tuesday, May 8 Weather, fine + warmer Men were seeding all day and finished sowing to day Gertie still bed fast + Laura came up for the afternoon

Wednesday, May 9 Weather, Fine + warmer Norn was harrowing all day Fred {?} sowed some garden peas in wheat field + cultivated summer followe in afternoon Moved the brooder house after dinner Gertie still bed fast, was out south veranda for good part of afternoon Harrold Wier came over at night with a Whipped couch Laura was up most of day, Eava came up in morning for a little while

Thursday, May 10 Weather, Cloudy scattered showers warm + cooler by night Churned 56 lbs butter in morn Men worked on summer follow + root ground all day Laura was here all day Took Gertie to hospital in afternoon John too his car + Laura went along

Friday, May 11 Weather, fair + cool Men ploughed in little field north of barm Laura was here all day Picked over apples for city

Saturday, May 12 Weather, fine + cool strong wind Market day Produce from farm Cream 124 pots Butter 55 lbs Eggs - 52 doz + 45 to Mr Hellems apples 15 {?} Men ploughed Jean came home from city with me

Sunday, May 13 Weather, fine + cool strong wind N.W. Stayed home in morning + went down to city to stay with Gertie in afternoon called on Mother at night Uncle Charlie Gibbs + family called in afternoon

Monday, May 14 Weather FIne + warmer Men worket at root grount Fred sowed alfalfa seed on new seeds to patch it up for another year Leo took cow to city - $115 {?} Went down to see Gertie at night Mrs Brown went along also

Tuesday, May 15 Weather, Fine + warmer Went to Markham with up airs to get {?} for better carrier in morn. Got sprayer home from Unionville put it Togeher then men started ploughing in orchard Getting hooder house ready for chicked Laura came up to-day

Wednesday, May 6 Weather, Cloudy Warmer + light shower by night Norm ploughed in orchard all day Fred pulled out stuo + cultivated little field trwice + sowed margoes in afternoon I was at 101 jobs Laura came up again to-day Mr Woods called in at night Joe Glover was married to-day

Thursday, May 17 Weather. Cloudy, Rainy + cooler East W. Filled the cop bins in morning Fred went to Richmond Hill for shingles + then picked over potatoes in afternoon Churned 53 lbs butter inmorn Mr Hellems brought 450 chickins over at noon Laura stayed over for to-day John called in at night

Friday, May 8 Weather, Cloudy + mild Men finished ploughing orchard finished sowing mangels Laura + I went to city in afternoon to see Gertie

Saturday, May 19 Weather, Cloudy. showery + mild Market day. Produce from farm Cream - 125 pots Butter - 51 lbs Eggs - 92 doz + 4 doz for setting apples - 13 {?} Men {?} + harrowed orchard, + partly white washed milk house Laura cleaned kitchen

Sunday, May 20 Weather, Very fine + warm attended church in morning spent the afternoon at home Leo + Bill came up to help with chores Went down to see Gertie at night along with Jim + Teddy, Eva caretaker

Monday, May 21 Weather, fine + warm Men {?} Cleaned milk house Laura came up at night Leo ordered a new truck from Belane

Tuesday, May 22 Weather, Fine + warm Men {?} all day Laura + I went down with Newts car to bring Gertie home from hospital* Cut the grass + shot three ground hogs *Since May 10

Wednesday, May 23 Weather Fine + warm cooler by night Men ploughed in little field north of {?} all day Mission Band gave a play in the former methodist church at night

Thursday, May 24 Weather, Fine + cool Holiday for men Churned 37 lbs butter in morning In afternoon Gertie had Ruka, Scott, Mary Rodrick, mrs Craig, Alice Wilkinson + Ada Thompson up to call on her

Friday, May 25 Weather, cloudy + cool ppartly fair Men finished ploughing Norm went over to Vainhome for hay press in afternoon Finished picjing over apples for the season

Saturday, May 26 weather, showery and cold Men picked over potatoes and took them out to Frank Howard are Chand the Littlefield Market day produce from farm Cream 115pts Butter 48 Eggs 90 Apples 13 Leo went fishing along with the gang, so I stayed at the market edith and florance craig came up at night for a few minutes

Saturday, May 27 Weather fine and cool Attended church in morning In afternoon, we went down to Bruno for afternoon and evening Alex and Mason were out for the day Jordan and Lillian called in but we were not home Jack , Margheritie, and babe were home to.

Monday, May 28 Weather, cloudy and cool east wind Fred worked root ground in noon picked over potatoes in Afternoon to the cut potatoes Put in the garden seeds today attended young peoples literacy meeting at the church mr bowery gave the address on poetry .

Tuesday, May 29 Weather mostly fair Men cut potatoes in morning and planted in afternoon Worked in Garden Inn morning and cultivated overhand in afternoon Is Laura came up and helped Katie with washing and cleaned at noon Alan and Mary , aunt Ellen, and leggie called in for a little while to see. Yeah

Wednesday, Mau 30 Weather, mostly fair + cool cloudy in afternoon Men finished planting potatoes at the back of farm Started ploughing summer follow in afternoon

Thursday, May 31 Weather, Mostly fair + cool Churned 57 lbs butter in morning Fred ploughed in summer follow all day Norm worked on root ground A man came to fix up sprayer in afternoon ad took part of it away. {?} was married to-day

Memoranda {left blank}

Friday, June 1 Weather, Fine + little warmer Fred ploughed in morning, finished summer follow and sowed the beans in afternoon Norm was at odd jobs in morning + harrowed summer follow in afternoon Cleaned sellar in morning + helped the man to get the sprayer in working order in afternoon Katie + Edyth Craig were up for a while in evening Picked seven roosters at night

Saturday, June 2 Weather fair, partly cloudy, and cooler Market they produce from farm and Cream 111pts Butter 55 Eggs 86 Potatoes 6 Mr. Brown went to city with me Men worked at several Went down to st. John’s cemetery at night and down to aunt Ellen’s, but no one home.

Sunday, June 3 Weather fine and cool Attended s.s Church in morning a good attendance were present Mr. and Mrs. Brown came up for dinner, and Newton came up for them in afternoon Dorothy and Ella were along also In the evening attended young peoples meeting .

Monday, June 4 Weather, Cloudy South East wind Norn was away for the day Fred cut potatoes + Dalias, sunflowers in morning + planted potatoes in afternooon

Tuesday, Jun 5 Weather, East wind showery, warm Finished planting potatoes started ploughin corm ground again Fred went home in afteroom Gertie attended institue meeting at Thompsons

Wednesday, June 6 Weather, East wind, rain all day Men were working at the grain binder in morning, and in afternoon we all went to fish but we did not get any Gertie attended W.M.S meeting at the church in afternoon Markham Mills Truck came in with chicken feed

Thursday, June 7 Weather, Clearing + cool Men, ploughed corn ground and Fred + I started spraying orchard in afternoon Churned 63 lbs butter in morning

Friday, June 8 Weather, Fine + cool Norm worked at corn ground all day, + Fred sowed corn + started cultivating mangels Finished spraying orchard Laura came up to help Gertie

Saturday, June 9 Weather, Partly cloudy + cool Market day Produce from farm Cream 107 pots Butter 61 lbs Eggs - 80 diz Potatoes - 2 bags Men worked at mangels potatoes + harrowed summer follow

Sunday, June 10 Weather, Fine + cool Attended S.S. + Church in morning went home with Padgints for dinner + then Jim + Teddy went up to jack + Marquites, for the rest of the day Mr. Auld of Markham took the service on Sunday

Monday, June 11 Weather, fine + warmer Men hoed mangets all day I worked in garden most of day Gertie washed Went over to Padgits to practise at night Gertie went down to see Mrs Young in afternoon Leo got the New Truck to-day

Tuesday, June 12 Weather, fine + warm Men baged up load of buch wheat and then worked at mangets all day Leo took load of buck wheat to Unionville $110 bu Gertie went to city with Teddy for a new out fit

Wednesday, June 13 Weather, Mostly fair thunder storm in afternoon heavy rain Men hoed at mangets all day Dug in garden + did some chopping Kater Russel died this afternoon Laura came up to day and stayed over

Thursday, June 14 Weather, mosly cloudy + cool Churned 46 lbs butter in morning Fred hoed all day + Norm hoed in morning + harrowed summer follow in afternoon

Friday, June 15 Weather, Fine + warm Fred did not come till noon Notm hoed in morning + both were spudding thistles in afternoon Attended funeral of Kate Russel in afternoon went over with John Brown

Saturday, June 16 Weather, Fine + warm Market day Produce from farm Cream 100 pots Butter 74 lbs Eggs - 74 doz + duck Men were spudding thistles all day Mother came home with me Squree garden party attended S.S. meeting at night

Sunday, June 17 Weather, Fine + warm Attended church Morning + evening at St. Johns church. Mr. Sellars took service in morning + Mr Rae at night Gertie + I went to aunt Ellens for dinner Mr + Miss Gordon Gill called in the evening and went to church with us

Monday, June 18 Weather, Cloudy + light rain Men were spudding thistles all day attended concert given by Mr. Parks at St Johns, in evening. Mother went also Cultivated summer follow in afternoon

Tuesday, June 19 Weather, Partly fair Tim smith was hear + put a new trough on little barn in morning Men thinned mangels all day took mother to the street in afternoon Leo went to Duncans sale bought a sow with Ten pigs ($60.00) Tim + Teddy called at night, and then took Gertie down to see Mrs Young

Wednesday, June 20 Weather, Mostly fair. Men thinned mangels all day Les brought the sow + pigs home Earle Mason was up with a six Whippet for demonstration Went to Markham in aftenoon Louise Ash married to day

Thursday, june 21 Weather, Rain at first + then clearing Churned 69 lbs butter in morning Jim came over to repair spreader Fred helped Jim + Norm white washed the milk {?} in morning + they thined mangels in afternoon Mason brought the new car up at night and took the other one away Attended session meeting at Mr Stevensons at night

Friday, June 22 Weather, fine in morning with thunderstorm in afteroon Men finished mangel in morn. + went down to Scotts to bale in afternoon. Went down to Browns at night for a little while

Saturday, June 23 Weather, Cloudy with light showers Market day Produce from farm Cream 90 pts Butter 65 lbs Eggs 82 doz Potatoes 3 bags Men baled at Scotts all day

Sunday, June 24 Weather, Fine Started off with Tim + Teddy for Wheatly to visite Earle for a few day's had a nice trip arrived there about six o-clock and there was no one home so had to brake in

Monday, June 25 Weather, mostly fair Men ploughed orchard + worked at roots Spent the day sight seeing, got down to see Jack Miner place but it was not open to the publick Then went down to see the onions on Pellie Point

Tuesday, June 26 Weather, Mostly fair Men worked at thistles + roots Spent the day at Wheatly went down to see the fishing and then for {?} in afternoon out to Windfall to ice cream {?} at night

Wedneday, June 27 Weather, Fine + warm Started for home from Wheatly by way of Chatam, London, St. Marys, Stratford, Kitcheners, Galt, Dundas Hamilton, to Toronto had a find trip home, found every thing O.K. at home, John Laura + Dorothy came up at night

Thursday, June 28 Weather, Fine + warm Men hoed in morning. Norm cultivated summer follow in afternooon till draw bar broke Fred + I sprayed the orchard in afternoon Gertie went down to see Mrs Young in afternoon Attended preparatory service at church at night

Friday, June 29 Weather, Cloudy and rainy most of day Men hoed for a while in morning and worked at various pots in afternoon Churned 69 lbs butter in morn Jim called in for a while in morn got two {?} buck wheat Went

Saturday, June 30 Weather Fine + warm rain at first Market day Produce from farm Cream - 84 pots Butter - 67 lbs Eggs - 80 doz Potatoes - 3 bags Jean came home with me from city Men hoes corn after drying up Went to Markham at night with cutting box knives + lawn mows

Memoranda {left blank}

{different handwiritng} Memoranda June 17/{?} dinner - cold {hard to decipher}

Sunday, July 1 Weather, Mostly fair + warm Attended S.S. + Church in morning Mr Woods held communion service Mr + Mrs. Woods + Marquisite + John. are hear for dinner, John + Isabel. Mr + Mrs. Brown were here for supper + evening Norm. went to Niagara Falls

Monday, July 2 Weather, fine + very warm Fred was away for the day Norm hoed all day Pat hoes beans + cultivated potatoes in afternoon Attended trustees meeting at church at night Gertie went dowm to youngs' at night.

Tuesday, July 3 Weather, Partly fair very warm with thunder storm + heavy rain Norm harrowed orchard till rain came on + Fred clutivated corn Not much doing rest of day Dorothy was up helping with the work to-day. cut hedge in small lawn

Wednesday, July 4 Weather, fine + warm Fred worked at potatoes + cut weeds around pond bottom Norm. Gertie + I attended S.S. picnic at High Park good turn out about 140, all had a good time

Thursday, July 5 Weather, Partly fair, cloudy, clearing by night Men hoed potatoes, then started corn Churned 56 lbs butter in morning Hoed beans in garden + then some choping Laura, Della Dorothy + Hellen Little came up in after noon, (Laura had the car) George Sgaver Aunt Annie + Mrs Erale Shaver called for a while in evening Gertie had a meeting about institue work in evening Went to Richmond Hill for repairs Tim + Rub. Steven went along also

Friday, July 6 Weather, Very fine + warm Started hating this morning Norm cut four acres, hoes corn in afternoon Fred cultivated corn + scuffeled potatoes in afternoon Laura drove the car up again today and stayed to help Gertie

Saturday, July 7 Weather, fine + very warm Market day Produce from farm Cream - 80 ots Butter 54 lbs Eggs - 75 doz Norm cultivated summer follow in morn Fred scuffled mangels + beans + They bothe worked at hay in afternoon Jean came out from city with me Hrose shoe tournament started in village to-night

Sunday, July 8 Weather, Fine + very hot Attended S.S. + Church in morning Gertie + I went down to visit Alex + Marion from church, spent the afternoon + evening

Monday, July 9 Weather, Mostly fair very warm + high rain towards evening Started at sweet clover today cutting, and set up cutting box and put one load through sharpened two knives at night

Tuesday, July 10 Weather, FIne + warm Cut a few loads sweet clover into silo + then Norm + I went to Padguts to fill silo + Fred cut clover went to Unionville at night for mear Peeled the last apples to-day

Wednesday, July 11 Weather, Light rain during night + then fine + warm Filled silo in morning + Fred cut clover in afternoon + Norm + I drew in alfalfa Laura came up to help Gertie Institute held a straw berry sail ay Bun's at night

Thursday, July 12 Weather, fine + warm Finished filling silo in morn + went over to help Padgits refil in afternoon Laura came up to help Gertie + they churned 50 lbs butter in afternoon

Friday, July 13 Weather, Fine + warm, rained at night Finished drawing in alfalfa + cleaned up sweet clover field Gertie went down to young's in afternoon came back and stayed at Craugs for tea Mrs Brown + John were up for a while.

Saturday, July 14 Weather, Big rain during night then clearing Market day Produce from farm Cream 64 pts Butter 48 lbs Eggs - 50 doz Men - were at odd jobs then started hoeing mangets in afternoon Jean came home from city with me + Bob. came up for her at night Gertie tiles kitchen floor to - night

Sunday, July 15 Weather, FIne + cooler Attended S.S + Church, Mr Mills Tooj the service as Mr Woods was away on holidays spent the afternoon at home + in the evening, Gertie + I went down called + Aunt Ellens + Took them on down to call on, Aunt Leggie Hood at agin count

Monday, July 16 Weather, FIne + warm Finished hoeing mangels + corn Norm cut some hay in afternoon Gertie had a big washing + went down to Stevensons for a basket of peas

Tuesday July 17 Weather, Fine + very warm Narm got up early to cut hay Fred + I finished hoeing horn in Morning + we al worket at the hay in afternoon Went to Richmond Hill at night idled in at Russ. Brillingers for a little while

Wednesday, July 18 Weather, Fine + very warm Finished coiling hay + drew in hay in afternoon Laura came up to help Gertie W.M.S meeting at the church at night Jim came over at night to plan for fishing trip Dorothy went up to {?} to night

Thursday, July 19 Weather, Fine + very warm Narm got up early to cut hay Finished drawing in one hay field and then worked at another Mayor Mr darens {?} were burned Went to Markham at night for pump repaurs but did not get them Jean came up for the day and stayed over Dusted potatoes at night

Friday, July 20 Weather, Heavy rain and dull all day Churned 58 lbs butter in morn Men ploughed for a while in morn but had to quite on account of rain Baled six ton of oat straw in afternoon. John + Newton came up to help with it also Mr. Cunning- Went to Markham at night for the pump repair, Jean + Bob went along, Jim was over for a short while John + Mrs Brown called in also.

Saturday, July 21 Weather, Fine + warm Market day Produce from farm Cream = 62 pts Butter - 56 lbs Eggs - 62 doz Men ploughed in morning + put up hay in afternoon Came home from city early and about three oclock, Tim + Teddy. Rhea Scott + Gertie + I. Started for Halls Lake, had fine trip got there about ten oclock (134 {?})

Sunday, July 22 Weather, East wind rain in morning clearing in afternoon Spent the day at Hawk Lake along with the gang.

Monday, July 23 Weather, fine + warm Men ploughed + Turned hay Spent the morning at Hawk Lake and started for home after dinner had a nice trip home called in to see Jack + Margerite on out way Tim + I went up to Sharm Temple and {?} the burn of the {?} pitching house shoes. Got home about ten o.clock Leo took load of straw to city

Tuesday, July 14 Weather, Fine + warm Norm cut hay first then sculpted potatoes till dinner time Fred molded up potatoes in morn all worked at hay in afternoon Laura came up to help Gertie

Wednesday, July 25 Weather, Fine + warm Cut hay + dusted potatoes first thing in morning Drew in hay with two wagons Laura was up to help Gertie Gertie attended meeting at the church + I went down to see Earle Mason

Thursday, July 26 Weather, Mostly fair + warm, Thunder storm at night Norm cut hay first + then we drew in three loads in morning Started cutting wheat in afternoon ploughed summer follow in afternoon and late at night Laura + Dorothy were up helping Gertie with berries, they heard spookin in the bushes Gertie churned 40 lbs butter in morn.

Friday, July 27 Weather Cloudy, rain in morning. odd jobs in morning Men spread pile of manura in afternoon repaired barn flour + picked 18 chickens in afternoon Laura was hear to day

Saturday, July 28 Weather, Heavy rain in early morning cloudy, clearing + cooling Market day Produce from farm Cream - 71 pts Butter - 38 lbs Eggs - 55 doz chickens 18 Jean + Dorothy went to city with me Men ploughed in morning + cut & stocked wheat in afternoon Washed car at night Laura was here all day

Sunday, July 29 Weather,Fine + not so warm Attended S.S. + Church in morning A Mr. Aikman took the service in Mr. Woods absence. Mary Rodick + Minister came home with us for dinner. In afternoon we took the minister to Sr. Johns and then went for a little drive calling on Mr + Mrs Billinger. {?} + John called in at night + Then we took Mary home and called in at Browns for a little while on our way home

Monday, July 30 Weather, Fine + warm Norm cut hay + turned some over in morning Fred + I stocked wheat in morning Norm + I worked + hang in afternoon + Fred cut wheat Laura + Gertie were at the beans Gertie went down to see Mrs Young at night Leo took two loads of straw to city

Tuesday, July 31 Weather FIne + warm S.W. wind We all worked at hay all day Norm finished cutting Leo took one load of straw to city Laura + Gertie washed + picked some cherries for marqurite

Memoranda {left blank}

Wednesday, August 1 Weather, Light showers at first then clearing + warm Stocked wheat + drew in six load of hay. Laura + Gertie picked berries + canned some

Thursday, August 2 Weather, Mostly fair, + very warm Finished haying to day Gertie hurned 36 lbs butter

Friday, August 3 Weather, Cloudy, showery rain bow in morning, heavy rains in afternoon + night Picked 22 young roosters

Saturday, August 4 Weather, Cloudy + warm Market day Produce from farm Cream, 65 pts Butter 34 lbs Eggs - 53 doz Chickens 22 Fred went away in morning Norm ploughed in morning Men cut + stocked wheat in afternoon Laura was here all week went to Richmond Hill at night

Sunday, August 5 Weather, Cloudy with showers in afternoon + warm Attended S.S. + church in morning Mr + Mrs Ram and Builinger + baby came over for dinner + in afternoon called for Russ. Reba + little one and all went op to J. Deshes for the rest of the day

Monday, August 6 Weather, Cloudy + misty, all day Men ploughed all day Pulled weeds in bean patch + Took the car down to Masons garage in afternoon

Tuesday, August 7 Weather, Clearing + warm Men cut + stocked wheat all day Ploughed sweet clover stubble all day Leo took one pig away to city along with another load Jack the horse came in from field sick + died in a very short time

Wednesday, August 8 Weather, Fine + warm Men burried horse first + then finished wheat in morning + started barley in afternoon Went to Richmond Hill in morning for repairs + ploughed summer follow in afternoon. Gertie went down to Mrs Young's and made berry jam. W.M.S. meeting at church to-night to busy to go down.

Thursday, August 9 Weather, Fine + warm Men cut + stocked grain all day Ploughed with tractor outfit Gertie churned 33 lbs butter in morn

Friday, August 10 Weather, Cloudy + warm Cut oats + barley with tractor on binder, (oats one way) Norm stocked grain + drew in Two loads of wheat Gertie + Dell. picked 20 chickens

Saturday, August 11 Weather, Fine + cooler Market day Produce from farm Cream 60 pts Butter 31 lbs Eggs - 45 doz chickens 20 1 bu apples Men cut + stocked grain all day came home from city early + worked on threshing machine went to Richmon Hill at night took Katie Craug Dorothy, Ada Thompson + alice Wilkinson along with us

Sunday, August 12 Weather, Fine + cool Attended S.S> + Church in morning spent the afternoon at home + went for a motor ride at night Mr. Mrs Brown went along

Monday, August 13 Weather, FIne + little warmer Men finished cutting a field of oats in morning. white I finished getting machine ready for threshing Leo. came up in afternoon + we Threshed 9 loads of wheat Attended a meeting at the church at night about the decorating of same.

Tuesday, August 14 Weather, Fine + little warmer Threshed 18 loads of wheat today Miss. Gough brought Mr + Mrs. W. Bull of Stratfird, Aunt Ellen + Leggie up for a short visit in the afternoon Dell was up to-day

Wednesday, August 15 Weather, fine + warm Threshed wheat all day. Went to Richmond Hill at night or valve spring for tractor Garden party at Coll Hood at night Dell was here to-day

Thursday, August 16 Weather, FIne + warm Finished threshing wheat first Fred started cutting mixed grain Norm + I filled chop bins in morn Had tractor on bider in afternoon Gertie churned, 32 lbs butter in morn Dell was here again to-day

Friday, August 17 Weather. FIne + warm, cloudy by night Had tractor on the binder most of the day in field over by the fourth had two hold ups and could not finish on that account, Picked 22 chickens in afternoon Dorothy was up to day

Saturday, August 18

Weather, Mostly fair + cooler Market day Produce from farm

Cream 62 pts Butter 29 lbs Eggs 37 doz Chickens 22 4 bu apples

Men finished cutting to day and we threshed oats in afternoon

Mrs Young died early this morning age [blank space] yrs. Gertu was down to Youngs part of the day helping. Dorothy was here today

Tues Nov 12, 1940 Billy Young seriously hurt at Newmarket military camp. Thurs Nov 21 he died Nov 23 Sat. buried from Wright & Taylors age in 58 year. Flowers Royal Canadian Engineers, Mr & Mrs J Russel, Mr & Mrs K. Gray

Sunday, August 19

Weather, Fine & warm

Attended S. S. & church in morning. Went down to Youngs in afternoon. Went down to Uncle Jim's in evening.

Flowers for Billy

1 Royal Canadian Engineers 2 Mr & Mrs J Russel 3 Mr & Mrs K Gray 4 Earl & Drew 5 Masonic Lodge 6 Curling Club 7 Craig Family 8 Aunties 9 Brothers 10 L Hood 11 Brown Family 12 Roy Boyington

Monday, August 20 Weather, Mostly fair shower after dinner Threshed oats in morning Attended funeral of Mrs Young in afternoon

Tuesday, August 21 Weather, Cloudy + cooler Men stocked grain in morning Pat ploughed, finished sweet clover Threshed mixed grain in afternoon another young son born at the store Dekk Stevenson came up at night Mr + Mrs. Woods called in for a little while also

Wednesday, August 22 Weather, FIne + warm FInished threshing a field of mixed grain + then moved machine out to field to thresh barley Mrs Brown + Laura were up for a little while in afternoon Gertie + I went over to the {?}cultivated show at Unionville at night, Mrs Brown went also

Thursday, August 23 Weather, Mosty cloudy S.E. wind Finished threshing barley about 2 o,clock Then moved machine to barn again + started at oats Went to Richmond Hill at night for plough shaws Laura was up to day Gertie churned 26 lbs butter in morn.

Friday, August 24 Weather, Cloudy with rain about ten. oclock, clearing in afternoon + cooler Threshed for a little while in morn Picked 22 chickens, then men cut weeds in orchard + I ploughed in afternoon Dell was up to-day

Saturday, August 25 Weather, Fine + little cool Market day Produce from farm Cream 61 pts Butter 24 lbs Eggs 35 doz Chickens 22 Men, cleaned out silo in morn + cut weeds In afternoon we threshed oats Gertie went to city with me in morn, + then she went down to Young Bros in afternoon

Sunday, August 26 Weather, fine + little cool, Attended S.S> + Church in morning Jean came home with us for dinner In afternoon, Florence + Edith Craig + two Friend came up for a little while, about five o.clocl, Walter + Mary. + The three aunties came in + stayed for supper + evening

Monday, August 27 Weather, FIne + warm Threshed all day all hands Ada Thompson + Alice Wilkinson were here for tea at night + we heard the {?} to olympic stars at night over radio

Tuesday, August 28 Weather, Partly fair, windy + light rain Threshes till 2, 0clocl stoped by rain for rest of the day dug out stones in summer follow

Wednesday, August 29 Weather, fine + warm Norm cut alfalfa first thing. Bernie Padjet came up to help with harvest, started about 9oclock and then we threshed the rest of day Dell Stevenson came over to hear the big swim at cultibation over radio

Thursday, August 30 Weather, fine + warm Finished harvest to-day (in morning) did some chopping, Gertie + I went to exibition in afternoon Men drew manura in afternoon Churned 24 lbs butter in morn

Friday, August 31 Weather, Fine + cool Norm went to exibition Fred drew manura in morning + cultivated in afternoon Gertie + I picked 22 chickens in afternoon

Memoranda {left blank}

Saturday, September 1 Weather, mostly fair, cloudy + cool Market day Produce from farm Cream 64 pts Butter 21 lbs Eggs - 35 doz Apples 3 by 22 chickens Men drew in alfalfa hay 5 loads I went to ball game in afternoon

Sunday, September 2 Weather, Cloudy + light shower Attended S.S. + church in morning J. Ash was brungung Dorothy home got in a smash up so had to go back. so we went up to get Dorothy Mr. Mrs. Brown, Bill + jim went along, had a hard time bothe ways as the gas would not feed into carborator in car

Monday, September 3 Weather, Partly fair with four showers Baled straw all day (between showers) Went to church at night to help take seats out ready for painters Laura was up to-day stayed all night

Tuesday, September 4 Weather, fair + cool Baled straw, finished about 4,oclock Then Norm took machine down to Youngs Laura was here to-day + went home at night Leo took one load of straw to Thorncliff

Wednesday, September 5 Weather, Fine + little warmer Fred went to Eglinton Norm cultivated wheat ground Gertie + I went to cy. along with John + Isabell Dorothy + Dell. went to Royal. Alex at night to hear Dunxbells Big swim at ex 15 miles water was so cold no one could finish

Thursday, September 6 Weather, fine + warmer Gertie churned 18 lbs butter in morn Fred finished cultivating wheat grounf in morning Norm + I baled hay at Young Bros in morning Picked apples in afternoon

Friday, September 7 Weather, fine + warm Fred went home to day Norm + I picked apples in morning + picked chickens in afternoon

Saturday, September 8 Weather, Fine + warm Market day. Produce from farm Cream 70 pts Butter 16 lbs Eggs - 34 doz Apples 19 bu 22 chickens Fred was home in morning Norm pulled beans all morning Picked apples in afternoon

Jean left Office to-day

Sunday, September 9 Weather, Fine. Attended S>S> + Church in morning Church was held in former methodist as the other one was being decorated Jean came home with us for dinner + then we went for a drive in afternoon, Gertie + I went out to the store for a little while in evening Hand boy died during night

Monday, September 10 Weather, Mostly fair, rain by night Fred cut the corn with binder Norm + I were getting things ready for filling selo + then he picked pears, also did some chopping J. Atkinson brought Mr + Mrs Bob Gibb + Mother over for a short visit in afternoon

Tuesday, September 11 Weather, Mostly fair, little shower in afternoon Ploughed in summer follow all day with houses + in afternoon with tractor Practise at Stevensons at night

Wednesday, September 12 Weather, Rain during night, misty then clearing, with another shower towards evening Fred cleaned up seed wheat in morn Norm ploughed in morning + harrowed in afternoon Fred ploughed in afternoon Went fishing with Jack Luraw North of Goodwood caught 14 trout Attended Young Pigles corn roart at Brows at night Gertie attended W.M.S. at house of Mrs Craig in afternoon Ted. Hands was burried to-day 

Thursday, September 13 Weather, FIne, strong wind, cool Filled silo in morning worked on wheat ground in afternoon ploughing + harrowing Gertie churned 20 lbs butter in afternoon

Friday, September 14 Weather, Fine + warm, east wind Finished ploughing wheat ground in morning. Norm cultivated in afternoom while Fred picked apples + drew in beans + Gertie, jean + I picked chickens

Saturday, September 15 Weather, Rain in early morn then clearing with strong wind Market day Produce from farm Cream 60 pts Butter 18 lbs Eggs 30 doz Apples 16 bu 22 chickens Fred recleaned wheat + picked apples Norm worked on wheat grounf Gertie attended institute at home of Mrs Buns in afternoon Practice at Stevensons at night

Sunday, September 16 Weather, Fine. No servince in morning to-day as the service was changed till evening went down to Browns in afternoon + stayed for tea Attended service at night in former methodist church

Monday, September 17 Weather, FIne Normw as cultivating + packing wheat ground all day Fred started sowing wheat to-day Halled gravel with horse + cart on lane moost of day Gertie went down to help clean the church after being decorated

Tuesday, September 18 Weather, fair + cool Men were cultivating + sowing wheat all day Halling gravel on lane with the dump cart most of day Gertie went down home for a while in afternoon Attended meeting at former methodist church conducted by an evangelist Rev J.L Brown

Wednesday, September 19 Weather, Mostly fair, strong East wind Finished sowing wheat all day Fred picked pears + apples in afternoon Attended corn roast at home of Mr + Mrs Stivens at night Gertie's aunt Liggie died to-day

Thursday, September 20 Weather, Rain + cloudy all day Fred went home for the day Churmed 20 lbs butter in morn Repaired potatoe digger during day Gertie was laid up all day (sick)

Friday, September 21 Weather, FIne fall day, strong wind at night Filled chop bin in hog pen Fred + I picked chicken in morn + Norm picked apples Men picked potatoes in afternoon Gertie + I attended funeral of Gerties aunt Liggie Practice at church at night

Saturday, September 22 Weather, FIne MArket day. Produce from farm Cream 78 pts Butter 18lbs Eggs - 27 doz Apples 14 pears 3 bu 15 chickens 6 dd hens Men finished picking potatoes pulled rest of beans + then ploughed Jean went to city with me

Sunday, September 23 Weather, Fair + cool Reopening of church after decorating and anniversary services combined Mr Mc Loud preached in morning + mr. Sellar at night a record crowd at night Glean Hood + Mary Rodick came home with us for dinner

Monday, September 24 Weather, Fair + cool Men went to J no. Calvents to fill silo all day Ploughed with tractor outfit all day School fair at Unionville today

tuesday, September 25 Weather, CLoudy + cool Fred ploughed alll day Norn cut odd corn stubb;e with potatoe digger in morn + ploughed in afternoon Ploughed all day with tractor out fit Jean came up to help Gertie Bob. Thompson called at night

Wednesday, September 26 Weather, fair in morning CLoudy in afternoon + cool We all ploughed alll day Norm picked a few apples + I had to go to Markham for shaws for plough Jean was up again to day

Thursday, September 27 Weather, mostly cloudy with a few cold fall showers Men helping Rodricks fill silo all day Leo took load of straw to city Gertie churned 24 lbs butter in morn Ploughed with tractor out fit all day Laura came up in afternoon

Friday, September 28 Weather, fair + cool Men were filling silo at W. Brooks till three oclock came home + got out of beans in + picked old hens Ploughed most of day with tractor outfit + got apples + pears ready for city Markham livery brough in 9 barrels of oil for company

Saturday, September 29 Weather, fair + cool eat winf Market day Produce from farm Cream 80 pts Butter 22 lbs Eggs 16 1/2 doz Apples 12 bu + 3 bu pears Old hens 15 Men were filling silo at John Bayington Gertie, Mrs Brown + Laura went to city with me

Sunday, September 30 Weather, showery, looking in morning + clearing in afternoon E. Wind Attended church in morning, Rally day was held service in the church + Mrs Gale of Markham spoke Went over to Scotts in afternoon + attended services at Jeon Cedar groce, afternoon + evening

Memoranda {left blank}

Memoranda {left blank}

Monday, October 1 Weather, fine + warmer Men were filling silo at Youngs + W. Bayington Cultivating most of day, chopping + dug out stones Leo brought, jac pump + Tank home Gertie walked down home for a short while in afternoon to get dress Jean was {?} for her

Tuesday, October 2 Weather, Cloudy + showery Men were filling silo at hoopers Cultivating + filling silo + Allens

Wednesday, October 3 Weather, fine + warm Men filling silo + Allens in morn + Norm went to Rodrik's in afternoon to refill, Fred ploughed Cultivated, 7 acres sod twice + then took the hay press over to {?} John Went over to Padjets to get bale blocks + then on out to Richmond Hill Gertie attended W.M.S at Mrs Craig's paded fall to day ($32.75)

Thursday, October 4 Weather, fine + very warm Norm + I baled straw at Wm John's Broke the press in morning and had to come home to fix it Fred ploughed + started to pull mangels Gertie churned 32 lbs butter in morning Went down to Browns at night

Friday, October 5 Weather, CLoudy with showers in morn clearing in afternoon Baled straw at Wm John's till rain started Fred ploughed in afternoon + Norm picked old hens Picked over apples in afternoon Mission band packed bale to-night

Saturday, October 6 Weather, fine, Market day Produce from farm Butter 30 lbs Eggs 9 1/2 doz Hens 10 Apples 15 bu Norm was off all day Fred worked at mangels un morn Tim + Teddy went to city with us at night

Sunday, October 7 Weather, fine, Attended S.S. + Church in morning Luella Athinson came home with us Jim called in afternoon + we all went for a drive. George Frost called for Lucella Uncle Charly + Aunt Susie + Alex Gibb called later + stayed for tea + the evening

Monday, October 8 Weather, fine during day with wind shifting to east + showery by night All worked at mangels in morning + Fred stayed at it in afternoon Norm + I went over to Wm John's + finished baling straw + came home + filled chop bins Social evening at the church at night

Tuesday, October 9 Weather, fine. Strong W. Wind little cooler All worked at mangels all day Della came up for a little while in afternoon Mrs Craig came up in evening

Wednesday, October 10 Weather, fine with shower by night Finished mangels to-day

Thursday, October 11 Weather, fine + very warm Fred cultivated in morning Norm picked apples Took tractor front wheels axels to Markham picked potatoes in afternoon

Friday, October 12 Weather, fine + warm, rain by night Finished one piece of potatoes in morning Picked chickens in afternoon Gertie attended funeral of the late Mrs J. Paterson at Hagerman Jean's friends from city surprised her with a shower in the evening

Saturday, October 13 Weather, showery + cooler Market day Produce from farm Butter 40 lbs Eggs 6 doz Apples 9 bu Hens 15 Men swept down cobwebs dug hole for gas tank + picked apples

Sunday, October 14 Weather, very fine fall day Gertie attended S.S. + Church in morn Had a flat tire on car and was later getting it repaired and had to get a sermonn on radio In afternoon we got Dell Stevenson and went for a motor trip as far as Port Hope + Price Lake

Monday, October 15 Weather, Partly cloudy + warm Les took two loads of straw to city We all picked potatoes all day Inspectors were here looking over lightning rods on building + house

Tuesday, October 16 Weather, showery + misty, mild Men ploughed in morning Repaired tractor; filled chop bins + cleaned silo off in afternoon went to Markham in morning for repairs + bought {?} stone + frame from G. Patison

Wednesday, October 17 Weather, Cloudy all day with rain by night, mild Men ploughed all day Ploughed with tractor out fit in afternoon. Attended supper conference of Markham group at Ebeneger church Gertie went over to Stevensons and I called for her on my way home

Thursday, October 18 Weather, Cloudy with ocasional showers Men ploughed all day Churned, 34 lbs butter in morning Set up gas pump + dozen other jobs in afternoon Attended preparatory service at the church at night

Friday, October 19 Weather, Cloudy + shower, at dusk mild Ploughed all day with tractor out fit Men ploughed in morning + picked olf hens in afternoon. started to clip cattle

Saturday, October 20 Weather, fine + cooler Market day. Produce from farm Butter 32 lbs Eggs - 6 doz Old hens - 15 1 bu apples Pumpkins 3 doz Men ploughed all day Gertie attended institue at Browns

Sunday, October 21 Weather, fine + little warmer Attended S.S. + Church in morning Comunion service was also observed John + Margerite came down for dinner + spent the afternoon + evening Hean + her friend from city called in afternoon

Monday, October 22 Weather, Cloudy + warm Finished picking potatoes in morning Fred + I ploughed in afternoon + Norm went to Padjets to thresh grain In evening we all went to church The Young Peoples society were holding a literary program with {?}

Tuesday, October 23 Weather, Cloudy with rain in morn + cooler Men clipped cows in morning + ploughed in afternoon cleaned stove pipes + cleaning up garden in afternoon Gordon Scott called in in evening to pay for baling + we had a game of cards

Wednesday, October 24 Weather, Cloudy + cool showers Men ploughed all day Worked in garden finished ploughing field with tractor outfit + did some chopping Practice at store at night Della brought some wild grapes up for Gertie to make wine

Thursday, October 15 Weather, mostly fair, cool Churned 55 lbs butter in morning Men ploughed in morning + picked apples in afternoon finished cleaning up garden in afternoon

Friday, October 26 Weather, fine. windy + cool Picked 23 hens in morning Men ploughed in afternoon Picked over 5 bags potatoes and burned some leaves in afternoon Put year old hens in the old hen house at night

Saturday, October 27 Weather, mostly cloudy, Cool east wind with showers by night Market day Produce from farm Butter 35 lbs Eggs 6 doz Potatoes 5 bags 1 bu apples + Pumpkins Fred went home in morning Norm repaired litter carrier track + chored in morning + bothe picked apples in afternoon Gertie went to city with me + Dell came up to keep house Called in to Alex Browns on way home

Sunday, October 28 Weather, Partly fair, cold Attended S.S. + Church in morning In afternoon, Gertie + I went away first called in at Browns + then went over to, W.m Boyingtons for visit + stayed for tea. {?} Came home + attended church service and in coming out were found Det. Gibb + her fiancie we all came home + spent the evening by fireplace

Monday. October 19 Weather, Mostly fair with snow flurries Men chew manura in morning picked apples in afternoon till snow came + then clipped cattle Cleaned hen house out in morning + ploughed in afternoon Gertie went down to church in afternoon Attended W.M.S. Thank offerening meeting at night. Mr + Mrs. Shants gave us an idea on life in {?} Leo took two loads of straw to city

tuesday, October 30 Weather, fine + cold (coldest yet) Men ploughed in morning + picked apples in afternoon One hundred + one jobs in morning + ploughed in afternoon Gertie was house cleaning Leo took cald to city 145 lbs 14 etc attended practise at church at night

Wednesday, October 31 Weather, fine and milder Fred drew manura all day + Norm picked apples + did the chores Leo took a load of straw to city Ploughed most of day had the tractor fast up the bank of flatts + had to get Fred to pull it out {Jill} was up this morning & {Julie} went down home with her for afternoon.

Memoranda {left blank}

Thursday, November 1 Weather, Cloudy + mild Men drew manura In morning + burned rubbish on potatoe grounf in afternoon Ploughed in morning up till one o clock then put plough away + burned beans Jean + Laura came up in afternoon

Friday, Novermber 2 Weather, Cloudy + mild Norm cultivated with spring tooth most of day + then drew out some manura Fred cultivated in morning with tractor outfit + in afternoon burned Twitch grass + dug out thrww stones Churned 43 lbs butter in morning Filled chop bins, after dinner Oil truck was in + filled up cans Jim Allen brought four ton of coal Keith + Bettie stayed for supper

Saturday, november 3 Weather, East rain + cloudy all day Market day. Produce from farm Butter 43 lbs Cream 10 pts Eggs 4 doz house radish Poulty 2 roosters Pumpkins Norm went to city with ne also {?} Fred did chores + ploughed Helped pack up at the store at night for hunting trip

Sunday, November 4 Weather, fine + cooler Attended S.S. + Church in morning John + Jean came home with us for dinner, Les.s children came up in afternoon + we all went down to Browns for a little while At night B.C.Louis lead the singing at Box Grove anniversary services Came home + prepared for hunting retiring about midnight

Monday, November 5 Weather - fine + cool easterly winds. Wash day Frred helped Mr Cunningham with their moving all frenoon, norman ploughed, both men ploughed all afternoon, then we all helped with chores at night. After supper newton brought Jean + Laura. up for the evening + Jean stayed all night, Norm + I had a good fight first after tea time.

Tuesday, November 6 Weather, first a lilttle showery, then clearing with very high South west winds. I went out + helped with milking in morning. Jean still here went to the store in morning. in the morning men drew manure afternoon drawing manure Fred did and Norman cultivated. I churned 32 lbs butter in afternoon. Jean picked up Bell flower apples as the strong wind blew them down.

Wednesday, November 7 Weather - fine + warm turning cooler with showers at night Fred drew manure (honey) all day. Norm cultivated in frenoon + went to the ploughing match with newton in afternoon. Jean + I walked down home + I went to the W.M.S. at church then {?} + laura brought me up and stayed all night Newton John B. + G. came up for the evening.

Thursday, November 8 Weather - rain all night cooler in morning with snow flurries for a while + cooler. Men ploughed all day. Isobel went home in morning. John was up for clippers. Laura stayed all day with me. New calf up the plate was brought down to stafle.

Friday, november 9 Weather - FIne + cool Men drew manure all day, Norman repaired car between loads. Laura went home this morning. I churned 27 lbs butter in morning, planted tulip bulks, took up dahlias, and went out to Craigs for a sort of honey suckle + california poppy. Jean + Dorothy came up to stay with me.

Saturday, November 10 Weather, - cloudy - cool (white frost) market day for Norman + Billie - Produce - Butter 58 lbs. Eggs 3 doz. Fred chopped some in frenoon + ploughed all after noon. Jean over with me Dorothy went home in after-noon. Laura came up short while. Ms Frenh had house + cart all day. Atlo M. Guay came up for 1 sg pt (6oz) bottels. Norman got home at six Oclock. Had fire in furnace (wood) to day (first)

Sunday, November 11 Weather - dull day. rain at night. attended S S + church (quartette sang) I went home with mary Rodrick for the day. attended young peoples at night Miss A. Wilkinson president, sledes good. I went over home + Bob brought Jean + I up home.

Monday, November 12 Weather - (thanksgiving) rained all day. Fred went home after breakfast came up and got horse to plough his garden in afternoon. Norman read all day between chore time. Jean + I cleaned parting in frenoon + Sewed all afternoon. Mrs H. Hoper (Thornhill) died this a.m. Newton came up at night played 500 etc.

Tuesday, November 13 Weather - cloudy + mild. men finished ploughing in back field to -day + ploughed garden + started in south orchard. Mrs Craig was up in frenoon. Jean + I cleaned kitchen. Edith Craig came up in afternoon + stayed for the evening. Mr Hellems over today. dogs after Hoopers sheep.

Wednesday, November 14 Weather - mild + cloudy. Men ploughed in South Orchard all day. I churned in morning 31 1/2 lbs. Mrs Craig up in morning. Norman took me down home after dinner I took got Newton's car + took Mrs padgot Mrs Banks mother mary Rodrick down to Aunt Elens. Thank offering meeting in after noon usual speakers Mrs Rae the main one. It was a wonderful meeting + a good craig.

thursday, November 15 Weather - bright - with strong winds men ploughed in south Orchard to - day and finished it. Della Stephenson came over in after noon and stayed for tea. B. J. came up at night. Norman went away.

Friday, November 16 Weather - cloudy + rainy Norman cultivated in morning + chopped in afternoon. Fred went on North + South trips for Leslie. then helped Norm with chopping. Lelsie + newton Burl arrived home in afternoon from hunting trip. Edith Craig up in morning. John came up at night + took butter + eggs out to the store for us. Arrived home about 9 o.clock from hunting trip

Saturday, November 17 Weather, Cloudy + Showery Market day Produce from farm Butter 31 lbs Eggs. 3 doz Fred went home in morning Norm started to take up drain in back south field Went down to Browns at night + took Jean home Churned 31 lbs butter in morning

Sunday, November 18 Weather, Cloudy + unsettled Attended S.S. + Church in morning Mr. Woods being laid up on account of sickness. a Mr. Mills took the service. Spent the rest of day at home

Monday, November 19 Weather, Cloudy. Turning to rain + sleet Men started some second ploughing in morning but had to stop on account of rain Les came up for a barrel of oil Nothing doing on account of weather Gertie washed in morning

Tuesday, November 20 Weather, Cloudy North wind + cooler Les took load of staw to city Churned 50 lbs butter in morning Fred took the day off Norm ploughed in afternoon Put the young cattle in for first time But the deer up at night

Wednesday, November 21 Weather, Cloudy + milder soft snow by night Les took two calves along with Browns hogs to city, calves + 15 1/3 etc came to over $60 Took load of straw in afternoon Men ploughed all day I went over for Gertie at night called in at Browns on way home Started to re build loading shoot for hogs + cattle

Thursday, November 22 Weather, CLoudy + milder very slushy by noon Men ploughed in morning + part of afternoon I went to city with seven hogs of Hoppers for Les in morning Finished rebuilding loading shoot with Fred's help in afternoon Norm cleaned hen roost Attended picture slides of Northern Ontario + explained by Mr. Craw + a social afterwards

Friday, November 23 Weather, Mostly fair + cooler Churned so lbs butter in morning Men ploughed all day Picked ducks in afternoon

Saturday, November 24 Weather, Mostly fair + cold Market day Produce from farm Butter 90 lbs Eggs 3 1/2 doz Apples 2 bu Potatoes 2 bags ducks 4 Men ploughed all day We went down to Browns at night to hear the slectic radios Dell was up to day.

Sunday, November 25 Weather, Mostly fair + colder Attended S.S. + Church in morning went to Yong St. to meet the minister Mr. Ramsay. who was taking Mr. Woods place in his illness Mr Ramsay came home with us for dinner + then we took him down to St. Johns in afteroon In late afternoon, Dett. Gibb + her mother came along with Mr. Anderson came out + stayed for supper + the evening

Monday, Noveber 26 Weather, Partly fair + quite cold Filled chop bins first thing Leo took seven hogs to city $ 9.65 {?} J. Atkinson came over in morning + stayed for dinner. Men drew manure all day after the chopping At night I went over to Frank {?} along with Les + Jim Paterson Gertie cleaned the sitting room Edith Craig was here in afternoon.

Tuesday, November 27 Weather, FIne in morning Turning cloudy in afternoon + milder Men drew manura all day Leo took load of straw to city in afternoon Filled the car rad with anti freeze Jean was up to day

Wednesday cloudy mild windy snow jn morning )? 62 lbs butter in morning men drew )? all day but norm went to fair in afternoon went to unionville for leo in afternoon went over to see mr.woods in the evening.

Thursday November 29 Weather,Fine and mild Men Drew )? In the morning and clipped young cattle in afternoon. lertice and I went to fair in afternoon mr. and Mrs. Brown went along also Leo, talk load of )? To city.

Friday, November 30 Weather, East wind rain all day Nothing doing all day on account of rain

Memoranda {left blank}

Saturday December 1 Weather mostly cloudy little cooler market day produce from farm butter 6lbs eggs 6 cream 1 can men started to white wash )? and cleaned )? Laura went to city with me

Saturday, December 2 Weather, Partly fair + much same temperature Attended S.S. + Church in morning. A. Strang Layman took the service in place of Mr. Woods on account of him being confined to his home Mr + Mrs. Brown came up with us for dinner + stayed the afternoon Spent the evening at hone.

Monday, December 3 Weather, Strong East wind rain in morning mild wind shifting to west + clearing Men white washed in morning + a filled chop bins in afternoon + cleaned hen house + brooder house Gertie washed in morning + went out to Craig's in afternoon

Tuesday December 4 Weather cloudy and mild rain by night )? drew most of day Leo took last load of snow away mr.mrs. brown came down at night for game of 500

Wednesday December 5 Weather windy cloudy and colder Took the wire away from the bridge at side road Fred went home till chore time norm cleaned up some of old wood around the yard mr.mrs. S. meeting and )? at the church in afternoon in evening. {?} & talk on life of Christ & social afterwards

Thursday, December 6 Weather, fine + cool Churned 57 lbs butter in morn Men drew manura all day Gertie went over to see MRs. W. Boyington in afternoon Made a sparrow trap in afternoon

Friday, December 7 Weather fine + cool Fred drew manura all day Norm Fixed his {?} + went to Unionville this morning + helped Fred in afternoon Trapped about 90 sparrows to day Picked two ducks Bob Pinder came over + got some wheat + two dozen milk bottles + stoppers High school comencement to night

Saturday, December 8 Weather, fair and cold Market day produce from farm Butter 55 Cream 1 Eggs 12 Ducks 2 Apples 3 Big time starting the car to go to city, however, succeeded in the end Laura went with us, and )? Came home with us Men Drew )? All day.

Sunday, December 9 Weather, cloudy and cold Attended s.s church and morning Spent the afternoon at home And evening attended young peoples meeting The )? Family were present and gave us some.)? miss )? On her work in South )?

Monday, December 10 Weather, CLoudy + little milder Men drew manura all day Damed the water up by the bridge Took Gertie + Dell. Stevenson down to Practise at the church and then went over to Unionville to pay Dr. Mikay his bill

Tuesday, December 11 Weather Fine + milder Men drew manura all day Hawey Colson left five milk cans to try to get us on regular Attended meeting at the church at night

Wednesday December 12

Weather, cloudy and mild and misty mrs. drew )? All day. I was laid up all day with cold lertice went down home for a little while to see hean and Bob off as this is their wedding day Drove to the manse at Markham.

Thursday, December 13 Weather, cloudy, mild and misty Men drove )? All day )? lbs butter and morning. lertice feeling )? With a cold )? hedge for a while in afternoon.

Friday, December 14 Weather, Cloudy + mild, little colder by night Picked fowl in morning Billy the horse took sick + had to have Kelly's up to see him Filled chop bins in afternoon Cleaned hen houses out

Saturday, December 15 Weather, Cloudy + milder again by night Market day. Produce from farm Butter 62 lbs Eggs 27 doz Fowl 2 ducks + 11 chickens Apples 4 bu Men drew manura + in morning Norm took hay press over to B. Stivens Gertie attended institue + Mrs. J. Calvests in afternoon

Sunday, December 16 Weather, cloudy and mild Attended s.s church and morning. Laura came home with us for dinner and stay till morning.

Monday, December 17 Weather Shourie, all day and mild Chopped 77 lbs butter in the morning Cleaned milk house in afternoon Fred took billy out and got his teeth filled in the morning .

Tuesday, December 18 weather mostly fair, cold with snow Norm went to city Send call to city with Leo Fred and I worked at trimming the hedge all day lertice went over to mrs.stines And afternoon took mrs.padgent and mrs.brooke stayed for tea Made a kilt with names for Mr. Shelly .

Wednesday, December 19 Weather mostly fair in cold Picked 14 geese today J.Lunau called in for a visit

Thursday, December 20 Weather, fair + milder Norm + I went to B. Stevens to bale straw Fred did the chores + picked two geese Jim + children were here for a short visit in forenoon. Della was here helping Gertie in morning

Friday, December 21 Weather, fair + cold Gertie churned 56 lbs butter in morning Norm + I baled hay at B. Stevens in morning Fred did the chores + picked 3 ducks Prepared for market this afternoon Xmas Tree at the school house at night

Saturday, December 22 Weather, fair + cold Market day. Produce from farm Butter. 150 lbs Cream 20 pts Eggs - 50 doz Fowl 15 geese + 2 ducks Apples 5 bu Fred took the day off but helped with chores Norm did chores + played hockey Gertie + Laura went to city with me + Bill John came out with us

Sunday, December 23 Weather, fine + milder Attended S.S. + Church in morning In afternoon got started away to go to Sharon but met Jack + Margerite on the road. so changed plans and went down to see. Alex + Marion. Alex was away at work

Monday, Decemeber 24 Weather fine + mild FIlled chop bins in morning. Men drew manura in afternoon Gertie went down home in afternoon I went to city in afternoon

Tuesday, December 25 Weather, CLoudy + mild Norm went over to Burns to skate in morning + helped with chores Gertie + I Went down to Browns for Xmas dinner, came hoe to do chores at night + then went back for supper + spent the evening

Wednesday, December 26 Weather, Mostly fair + mild Men drew manura all day Gertie + I went to city in afternoon along with Mrs Stiver Mrs Brooks + JOhn Brown. The women were getting S.S. presents for S.S. pupils

Thursday, December 27 Weather, Cloudy + mild Men drew manura Churned 80 lbs butter in morning Tryed to dam up the kick again Gertie went down to the church in afternoon as the S.S. was being entertained + the the annual meeting of the young people was held in the evening

Friday, December 28 Weather, Partly fair + mild Fred did the chores Norm + I baled eleven ton straw at W. Wellmans Gertie went up with Newton to Bob + Jeans place in afternoon

Saturday, December 29 Weather, Noslty fair N.W. wind + colder Market day Produce from farm Butter 78 lbs Cream 20 pts Eggs 55 doz Apples 4 bu Men drew manura in spare time E.T. Stevens barn burned this morn Laura went to city with me.

Sunday, December 30 Weather, Partly fair + not very cold Attended S.S. + Church in morning Spent the afternoon at home + afterdoing the chores and getting supper we went over to Stevensons for the evening. Katie + Flourince Craig were there also

Monday, December 31 Weather, Fine + mild Men drew manura in morning In afternoon Norm + I went to Unionville to nomination John + Newton Brown went with us Gertie washed in afternoon

Memoranda phone W.C. Browsn 395 manor Rd. Mrs Hood Coxwell Harvey Brown Bert Brown Gordon Wilson Robt Favis Jenor Bennet Clem Bone Manor Rd. Mrs J. Gibb - 162 Beradview Mrs C. Gibb 20 Rosehill. Mr C Gibb. 33 Rosehill Mr E Doan 80 Brookdale


A Subscription affords the following priveleges for one year;

Guaranteed Attorneys List and Quarterly Supplements.

A bond for $5,000 guaranteeing the honesty of every attorney residing in the United States and Canada, whose name is published in our List.

Judicial bonds to be used when desired in suits involving attachment, injunction, replevin, appeal and security for costs or petitioning creditor in bankruptcy.

Report Blanks.

Collection Letters.

Advance Notices of Draft.

Drafts and Draft Notices.

Bonding Notices and Letters of Advice.

[preprinted page] United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company Growth Chart

[Opposite page] 1927 & 1929 calendars

{Back cover, embossed with eagle logo}

{Back cover embossed with eagle logo}

Saturday, December 22 Weather fair, and cold Market they produce from farm Butter, 130 Cream 20 Eggs, 50 Two ducks Apples, 5 Fred took the day off, but helped with chores norm did chores and played hockey lertice and Laura went to city with me and Bill John came out with us

Sunday, December 23 Weather, fair and mild Attended s.s church in morning In afternoon got started a way to go to Shannon met Jack and Margaret on the road. So changed plans and went down to see oly and mani on.oly was away at work.

Transcription Progress



Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_001.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_002.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_003.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_004.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_005.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_006.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_007.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_008.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_009.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_010.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_011.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_012.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_013.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_014.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_015.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_016.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_017.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_018.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_019.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_020.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_021.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_022.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_023.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_024.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_025.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_026.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_027.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_028.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_029.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_030.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_031.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_032.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_033.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_034.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_035.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_036.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_037.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_038.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_039.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_040.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_041.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_042.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_043.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_044.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_045.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_046.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_047.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_048.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_049.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_050.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_051.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_052.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_053.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_054.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_055.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_056.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_057.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_058.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_059.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_060.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_061.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_062.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_063.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_064.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_065.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_066.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_067.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_068.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_069.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_070.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_071.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_072.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_073.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_074.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_075.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_076.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_077.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_078.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_079.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_080.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_081.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_082.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_083.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_084.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_085.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_086.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_087.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_088.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_089.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_090.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_091.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_092.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_093.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_094.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_095.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_096.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_097.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_098.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_099.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_100.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_101.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_102.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_103.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_104.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_105.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_106.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_107.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_108.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_109.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_110.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_111.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_112.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_113.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_114.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_115.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_116.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_117.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_118.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_119.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_120.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_121.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_122.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_123.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_124.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_125.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_126.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_127.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_128.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_129.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_130.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_131.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_132.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_133.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_134.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_135.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_136.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_137.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_138.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_139.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_140.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_141.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_142.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_143.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_144.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_145.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_146.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_147.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_148.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_149.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_150.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_151.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_152.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_153.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_154.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_155.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_156.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_157.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_158.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_159.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_160.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_161.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_162.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_163.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_164.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_165.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_166.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_167.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_168.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_169.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_170.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_171.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_172.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_173.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_174.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_175.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_176.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_177.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_178.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_179.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_180.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_181.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_182.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_183.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_184.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_185.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_186.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_187.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_188.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_189.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_190.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_191.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_192.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_193.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_194.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_195.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_196.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_197.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_198.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_199.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_191.pdf


Getrude Brown Hood, “Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1928,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 9, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/380.

Transcribe This Item

  1. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_001.pdf
  2. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_002.pdf
  3. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_003.pdf
  4. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_004.pdf
  5. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_005.pdf
  6. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_006.pdf
  7. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_007.pdf
  8. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_008.pdf
  9. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_009.pdf
  10. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_010.pdf
  11. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_011.pdf
  12. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_012.pdf
  13. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_013.pdf
  14. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_014.pdf
  15. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_015.pdf
  16. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_016.pdf
  17. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_017.pdf
  18. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_018.pdf
  19. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_019.pdf
  20. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_020.pdf
  21. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_021.pdf
  22. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_022.pdf
  23. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_023.pdf
  24. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_024.pdf
  25. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_025.pdf
  26. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_026.pdf
  27. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_027.pdf
  28. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_028.pdf
  29. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_029.pdf
  30. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_030.pdf
  31. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_031.pdf
  32. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_032.pdf
  33. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_033.pdf
  34. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_034.pdf
  35. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_035.pdf
  36. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_036.pdf
  37. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_037.pdf
  38. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_038.pdf
  39. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_039.pdf
  40. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_040.pdf
  41. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_041.pdf
  42. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_042.pdf
  43. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_043.pdf
  44. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_044.pdf
  45. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_045.pdf
  46. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_046.pdf
  47. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_047.pdf
  48. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_048.pdf
  49. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_049.pdf
  50. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_050.pdf
  51. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_051.pdf
  52. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_052.pdf
  53. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_053.pdf
  54. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_054.pdf
  55. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_055.pdf
  56. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_056.pdf
  57. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_057.pdf
  58. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_058.pdf
  59. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_059.pdf
  60. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_060.pdf
  61. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_061.pdf
  62. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_062.pdf
  63. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_063.pdf
  64. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_064.pdf
  65. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_065.pdf
  66. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_066.pdf
  67. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_067.pdf
  68. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_068.pdf
  69. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_069.pdf
  70. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_070.pdf
  71. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_071.pdf
  72. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_072.pdf
  73. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_073.pdf
  74. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_074.pdf
  75. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_075.pdf
  76. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_076.pdf
  77. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_077.pdf
  78. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_078.pdf
  79. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_079.pdf
  80. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_080.pdf
  81. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_081.pdf
  82. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_082.pdf
  83. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_083.pdf
  84. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_084.pdf
  85. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_085.pdf
  86. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_086.pdf
  87. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_087.pdf
  88. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_088.pdf
  89. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_089.pdf
  90. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_090.pdf
  91. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_091.pdf
  92. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_092.pdf
  93. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_093.pdf
  94. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_094.pdf
  95. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_095.pdf
  96. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_096.pdf
  97. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_097.pdf
  98. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_098.pdf
  99. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_099.pdf
  100. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_100.pdf
  101. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_101.pdf
  102. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_102.pdf
  103. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_103.pdf
  104. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_104.pdf
  105. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_105.pdf
  106. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_106.pdf
  107. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_107.pdf
  108. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_108.pdf
  109. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_109.pdf
  110. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_110.pdf
  111. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_111.pdf
  112. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_112.pdf
  113. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_113.pdf
  114. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_114.pdf
  115. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_115.pdf
  116. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_116.pdf
  117. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_117.pdf
  118. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_118.pdf
  119. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_119.pdf
  120. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_120.pdf
  121. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_121.pdf
  122. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_122.pdf
  123. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_123.pdf
  124. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_124.pdf
  125. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_125.pdf
  126. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_126.pdf
  127. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_127.pdf
  128. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_128.pdf
  129. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_129.pdf
  130. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_130.pdf
  131. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_131.pdf
  132. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_132.pdf
  133. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_133.pdf
  134. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_134.pdf
  135. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_135.pdf
  136. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_136.pdf
  137. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_137.pdf
  138. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_138.pdf
  139. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_139.pdf
  140. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_140.pdf
  141. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_141.pdf
  142. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_142.pdf
  143. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_143.pdf
  144. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_144.pdf
  145. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_145.pdf
  146. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_146.pdf
  147. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_147.pdf
  148. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_148.pdf
  149. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_149.pdf
  150. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_150.pdf
  151. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_151.pdf
  152. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_152.pdf
  153. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_153.pdf
  154. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_154.pdf
  155. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_155.pdf
  156. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_156.pdf
  157. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_157.pdf
  158. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_158.pdf
  159. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_159.pdf
  160. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_160.pdf
  161. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_161.pdf
  162. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_162.pdf
  163. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_163.pdf
  164. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_164.pdf
  165. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_165.pdf
  166. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_166.pdf
  167. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_167.pdf
  168. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_168.pdf
  169. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_169.pdf
  170. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_170.pdf
  171. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_171.pdf
  172. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_172.pdf
  173. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_173.pdf
  174. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_174.pdf
  175. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_175.pdf
  176. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_176.pdf
  177. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_177.pdf
  178. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_178.pdf
  179. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_179.pdf
  180. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_180.pdf
  181. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_181.pdf
  182. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_182.pdf
  183. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_183.pdf
  184. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_184.pdf
  185. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_185.pdf
  186. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_186.pdf
  187. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_187.pdf
  188. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_188.pdf
  189. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_189.pdf
  190. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_190.pdf
  191. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_191.pdf
  192. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_192.pdf
  193. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_193.pdf
  194. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_194.pdf
  195. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_195.pdf
  196. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_196.pdf
  197. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_197.pdf
  198. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_198.pdf
  199. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_199.pdf
  200. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1928_191.pdf
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