James "Rowand" Burgess Diary & Transcription, 1918


James "Rowand" Burgess Diary & Transcription, 1918


James "Rowand" Burgess


Courtesy of Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre




20th Century, Bruce County, Arran Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

James Burgess Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


POINTER NOTEBOOK {Two dogs running in grass}

Saturday January 26 - Fine and very cold. Temp - 12. Papa and I were in town-noble cleared pig pens

Sunday January 27 - Fine and very cold. I was at church in the morning

Monday January 28 Cold and Stormy Arthur and I were at {} Andrew's to-nyte.

Sunday January 29 - Very cold We were {cutling} wood.

Wednesday January 30 - Dull and cold Papa and I were in town noble to took in 5 pigs {averaging} 200 {wt/cut} for which he got $17/50 a {cut}. At the Literary meeting to night there was {mock parliament} I was on the Government {side} supporting a bill to abolish capital punishment.

Thursday January 31 - Fine and cold. Noble took a load of {chop} to town left it there and {brought} out some mill {feeds} and flour - After we got a load of logs home and sawed wood

Friday January February 1 - Fine and very cold. Temp - 27° We cut wood all day

Saturday February 2 - Fine and very cold Temp - 2° - Papa and I were in town. Noble took in a load of logs.

Sunday February 3 - Cold and turning stormy in the afternoon.

Monday February 4 - Fine and very cold Temp. We were sawing in the {bush} but could not keep warm.

Tuesday February 5 - Fine and very cold

Temp -27° - We were not doing anything {when/W luis} Geddes was down this afternoon.

Wednesday February 6 - Fine and cold. noble took in a load of logs.

Thursday Feb {7/1} Fine and warmer. We put a load of logs on the sleigh in the morning and noble took it in the afternoon

Edgar and I were chopping

Friday Feb 8. Fine with a strong South wind. We cut wood all day Arthur borrowed our team and sleigh to bring out {some} will feed from town. Rain at night.

-Saturday Feb 9 - Colder with some snow We shovelled out the {road} at the bush and brought home 3 loads of 14 inch wood. In the morning we brought up the chop and took down some grain. Papa and mamma went to town this afternoon but did not stay long as {bunners/burners} places were not allowed to keep {fires} by order of the fuel {controller}.

Sunday Feb 10 - Milder with a {home} {} I was church in the morning

Monday February 11 - Fine and quite wild. We bought two loads of wood from the bush and after dinner noble took a load to town.

Tuesday February 12 - Mild with rain turning in afternoon to snow. Papa and I were in town all day Noble did some odd jobs and threshed peas.

Wednesday February 13 - Dull and not very cold. We threshed peas in the morning and the afternoon {cleaned/cleared} the spring wheat some fall wheat and some {pear}

Thursday February 14 - Fine and mild I took a load of wood to mrs. {Ewald} in the morning. Noble threshed (he has a bad cold). After {dinner} we both threshed.

Friday Feb 15- Fine and cold. Papa and Mamma went to town and are staying over night at miss Geddes's. Noble is laid up with the cold. I took a load of wood to town.

To Mrs. Ewald, after dinner Saturday February 16 - fine and cold I took a load of wood to Mrs. Ewald's this morning. After dinner we brought some chop up from Uncle Alfred's and cut some wood at the bush. Papa and mamma came out to night Sunday February 17 - Fine and cold. Monday February 18 - Fine and cold turning warmer in the afternoon. We cut some hundred logs {were poles} and bagged up grain for chop. Sunday February 19 - Warm with a lot of rain. Papa and {} were in town. We cleaned the stove pipes and I fixed the wheelbarrow {mearweed} {sonic} {launter} {To}. Wednesday February 20 - Dull and cold with a strong wind. Arthur helped us to kill a pig in the morning. In the afternoon we cut wood. Noble got his nose frozen and I got my nose frozen and my cheek badly frozen. Thursday February 21 - Fine and very cold. We did not got to the bush. Uncle Sandy was down this afternoon. Friday February 22- Dull and cold. Papa and Mamma went to Town and are staying overnight. Arthur Helped us to cut wood in the morning and after dinner we cut wood with their saw. Arthur took our saw to {Karcheis} to be sharpened. I was {}ting at the {} to-night. Saturday February 23. Fine and cold but turning milder. {Noble/Nolle} took a load of chop to {Arkright}. After dinner we hauled home a load of poles to cut with the {non}cut and a load of hemlock logs. I was skating at bunningham's to-night. Sunday February 24 - Fine and quite wmild. Monday February 25 - Dull and mild with

rain in the late afternoon and evening. We cut poles till about 430pm. Papa and Olive were in town Tuesday February 26. Cold with a very high wind. noble was cutting poles. In the morning Papa and sharpened an ax. In the afternoon I mended my rubber made sausages got in some wood {}C.

   Wednesday February 27. Fine and not

very cold. We were cutting poles. Arthur and I were at {McIvor's} to-night. The Literary Society were having a social evening there. Ethel l {hustie} came over to Geddes's to-day and was at the Social.

  Thursday February 28- Dull and not very cold. Noble took Papa and Mama to town and cut poles. After dinner

we sawed wood. Ethel Christie and Bessie

Geddes were her{e} for dinner.

  Friday March - Fine and cold

noble took a load of logs to town after dinner we got a load from the bush and cut more logs.

  Saturday March 2 - Fine and

mild. Noble took a load of logs to town in the morning. I cleaned the pig pens In the afternoon we brought home another load from the bush. noble went to town and brought Papa and Mamma out.

  Sunday March 3 - Fine and mild turning

colder at night. I was at Church at night.

  Monday March 4 - Fine and warm

in the morning turning to {rainin/rain in} in the afternoon. Papa and Olive were in town. Noble took a small load of logs to town. After dinner in cut logs. Tuesday March 5 = Dull and misty.

We were threshing peas all day. Wednesday March 6-fine and cold with snow at night. We cut some more logs and hauled all {home} but one load. I was at Literary meeting

  Thursday March 7-Dull and cold

Noble took two loads of logs in and brought out the lumber from two load of logs. I finished {} peas.

  Friday March 8 _ fine and warm.
In the morning we cut a

couple of {} logs and brought home a load of logs. After dinner Noble took it to town and Arthur helped me to cut wood. Papa and Mamma went to town. Saturday March 9-Dull and quite cold turning very stormy in afternoon. Noble and Edgar {}

took in a load of our logs and {waited} for the lumber. I cleaned pig pens. Papa and Mamma came out to-night.

  Sunday March 10 Fine and cold. I

was at Church in the evening.

  Monday March 11- Cold but

becoming milder in the afternoon. We unloaded the lumber took our seed down to Uncle Alfred's and brought up the lumber Edgar brought out. After {dinner} Noble {took} {one} of the white pigs to town, also the {} to the black {swill} to git some {refairs} and brought out some {shingles}.

  Tuesday March 12. Some rain

last night, fine and very mild. Papa and I were in town all day.

  Wednesday March 13-Dull and mild.

We were cutting wood for the church.

Thursday March 14-Mild with quite a bit of snow. Noble split up part of the wood we cut. I was at Uncle Alfred's clover threshing.The clover turned out very poorly

Friday March 15. Fine and very cold. Papa and Mamma went to town In the morning we cut wood for the church. In the afternoon Noble went to town and bought 2 tons of {shorts} and 1/4 ton feed flour which we {get/got} from R. Selford.

Saturday March 16 - Fine and {wet ver} mild. I took four loads of wood to the church and bought another home. Papa and Mamma came out to-night

Sunday March 17- Fine and very mild. I was at church in the morning.

Monday March 18- Fine and very mild A lot of the snow has gone and the roads are getting {from} We cut some {wooded} and then I handed the rest of the wood to the church, 3 loads, and bought {1} load of poles home.

Tuesday March 18 - Fine and thawing a lot. Noble took a small load of wood to town to Day Miss Geddes. After dinner I lopped some trees and we then {} home two loads of poles.

Wednesday March 19 - Fine and quite. Temp 60° in shade in afternoon. In the morning we cleared up some seed barley and after dinner cut up some {tops} at the bush and gathered the sap The {week} is very high.

Thursday March 20- Fine and very quite hot. Te,p 60° in shade in the afternoon In the morning we {cleared/cleaned} and in the afteroon helped Uncle Alfred's to cut with the buzz saw and

gathered the sap.

Friday March 22 - Fine and c cool. We {cleared/cleaned} grain in the morning and t in the afternoon I took a he the {roar} {heifer} to L. C Lean's, Noble gathered and then we {cleared/cleaned} grain Papa and Mamma went to town this morning.

Saturday March 23 - Fine and cold. We {cleaned/cleared} grain and in the afternoon Noble took Beauty to L C Lian's We finished cutting poles. Papa and Mamma came out.

Sunday March 24- Fine and a little warmer Dull and cold

Monday March 25-Dull and cool. We chopped some grain and wheatmeal/ Bert {Shuther} bought our fat cattle. In the afternoon we bought the chop home, split some wood and fai gathered the sap. Tuesday March 26 - fine and warm. Papa and June in town. Noble went to {A. Kerr's/Ken's} and bought a white sow and some roots

Wednesday March 27 - Fine and cold. Noble went to {Ken's/Kerr's} and brought home the sow and the {roots/runts}. I {pind} up a pen for her. After dinner we helped Arthur and Edgar to put up a temporary addition to the bridge.

Thursday March 28- Fine and very mild. We were hauling home poles and took the sap home on the sleigh.

Friday March 29 (Good Friday)- Fine and Mild. We finished the poles. Afrer dinner Noble took the little red heifer to A Eaton. Papa took the buggy a I helped Arthur to {draw/claw}

poles and gathered the sap.

Saturday March 30- Fine and mild Papa and I were in town. Noble helped Edgar to {take} down the bridge. split weed {C}

Sunday March 31 Fine and mild I was at church twice.

Tuesday Monday April 1- Fine and cold. We split wood and gathered the sap.

The {bakery} had a red heiger calf to-day.

Tuesday April 2 - Fine and cold. We were at Uncle Alfred's sawing with the buzzsaw. Papa and {I live/Olive} were in town

Wednesday April 3 - Noble went to town to get coal and got 10 bags of chop. Edgar brought up the engine and saw. After dinner we sawed wood. I was at Literary meeting. Papa and Mamma were in town

Thursday April 4 - Fine + cold. We cut wod all day with the buzz saw

Friday April 5 - Fine and warmer. We hauled her out 3 loads of manure, split some wood and sawed some in the bush.

Saturday April 6- Fine and mild. Papa and I were in town. Noble took the Block black sow to {Perison's} hauled the sap home and ploughed a little in the {bush/buck} field.

Sunday April 7- Dull and very cold Fine and warm.

Monday April 8- Dull and very cold. In the morning I split wood. In the afternoon we took the three pigs to town. Noble is not well and was at the doctor's. He h (The/She) {mewes/newes} {cut/out} his {/ribs/nobs} {are/were} affected. I brought the sow home.

Sunday April 9- Fine and very cold. Papa and Olive were in town Noble and I were unable to work much. I {cleaned/cleared} out some of the pens

Wednesday April 10- Fine and cold. Warmer. In the morning I cleaned the rest of the pens and the hen house. Noble fixed some things about the {stable}

In the afternoon I split wood. Noble tried ploughing but it was not {thawed} enough.

Thursday April 11 - Fine and warm. In the morning we got two loads of stone from S. Smith. In the afternoon he ploughed and I split wood.

Friday April 12. Fine and warm In the morning Noble split wood and Noble ploughed. In the afternoon I ploughed and Noble split wood.

Saturday April 13 - Fine and warm. In the morning {Noble} went to {Grants} to try and get some pigs. I ploughed. In the afternoon. Noble ploughed and I went to a {sawing bee} at D. Dick. D Dick is laidup. Papa and I were in Mamma were in town.

Sunday April 14- Fine and warm. I was at Church twice.

Monday April 15 - Io Fine and cool warm. Noble finished ploughing the back field and started to plough 1 piece we summer followed for {tantch} {} last year. I went to {town} {} {brought/bought} some things {out/but} ????? we got from {Eatons} after dinner {.} I took the {sap} out of the trees.

Tuesday April 16- - Fine and warm. Papa and I were in town. Noble ploughed most of the piece we summer - followed for {twatch} grass last summer.

Wednesday April 17 - Fine + warm turning to rain. Noble finished ploughing the pieced {barrowed/burrowed} it, {diskedt/clisckedt/dished} it and the {orchard} and started last year root ground. I split wood.

Thursday April 18 - Cold with rain and snow.

Friday April 19 Fine Fine with very cold wind.

I went to W. {Greatheads} and got 5 {anchor/archer ports/forts}. Noble went to Grants and got {4} little pigs. After dinner we worked at the bush.

Saturday April 20 - Dull and cold with 2 Fine and cold. Noble split wood, {cleaned/cleared} pens + c. Papa and I were in town.

Sunday April-21- Dull and cold with rain in morning.

Monday April 22- Fine ww Cold and rainy in morning turning fine and warm

in afternoon. We split wood in the afternoon.

Tuesday April 23 - Fine and cold in the morning. Rain and snow in the afternoon. Papa and I are in town all day. Noble was splitting and {festering?} fiiling wood.

Wednesday April 24 - Fine and very cold. cool Dull and cold. We were {working?} and at the wood. {Olive/Olie} and I were at a social at the {manor}.

Thursday April 25 Fine and cold. In the morning we hauled two three loads of {n/r/s}ails We then worked at the wood.

Friday April 26. Fine and warm. We were at the wood.

Saturday April 237- Dull and warm. Papa and Mamma were in town. We finished the pole wood cleaned out the a pens and set up the fence round the calf pen..

Sunday April 28- Fine and warm. Was with rain in evening. We I was at church in the morning. At night Noble and I went to town to the Presbyterian Church.

Monday April 29 Dull and warm turning to rain in the afternoon. Papa Noble {dipped} {part/port} of the {root} ground. I was working at {fruces/pruces}.

Tuesday April 30 - Fine Dull and quite cold. Papa and Mamma were in town, Noble and I fixed the {part} fence and took the wires off the {fence} across the {week} and

{lug} an {anchor} and {brace} port hole. Wednesday April 30 May 1 - Fine and cold Noble got a load of {stone} from {Wark's/Work's} I worked at the {f} the week Noble {clisked} part of the 10 ac field and part of the fall wheat.

Thursday May 2 - Fine and {windy}. Noble finished disking and harrowed the {piece}. Papa and I put in one {} port. I dug and another hole and wee started set the post in.

Friday May 3 - Fine and warm with a little rain in the afternoon In the f morning we took our {fal} cattle. U Papa and Mamma drove in and are staying over night. Noble and I drove out. I rolled till dinner time. Noble then finished noble rolling, sowed peas {larlady} and out. I sowed f grass {read} and harrowed. I was in to-night with Edgar.

Saturday May 4- Fine and cool. Noble disked the acre of wheat and the orchard harrowed and round and harrowed it. 9 cleaned pens treated {rain} +c and went in for Papa and Mamma.

Sunday May 5 - Fine and warm. Monday May 6- Fine warm and windy. turning cold at night. I was working at the {fe} accross the creek. Noble disked the root ground, harrowed it and sowed past with barley and grass-seed. Tuesday May 7 - Warm and very windy turning cold at night. I was at the fence. Noble sound spring wheat Wednesday April May 8- Dull and cold. I was disking the 8 acres next {Dare's}. One of the braces broke. Noble took it totown and got it welded. I used in Uncle Alfred's disk till noon.

Wednesday May 9-Raining part of time. I finished disking. Novle worked at {f} I broke the brace again.

Friday May 10- Rain last night and a little this morning. Noble harrowed the 8 acres rolled part of it and sowed some O.A.C. no 3 oats and also some peas

and oats. I was fixing fences and

treating grain.

Saturday May 11- Fine and cool. Papa and mamma were in town. I cleared out the pens and worked some at {francs} in the morning. Noble sowed and harrowed. In the afternoon Noble worked at {fences} and I sowed the rest of {8 acres} and harrowed part.

Sunday May 12-Dull and wet.

Monday May 13- Fine and cold. In the morning I helped Uncle {Alfred's} to bring one of their horses which died daring the night Noble went to town and brought out some {well} After dinner Noble took some {rails/nails} back to the bush to the fence {btu} Ferguson's and us. Bernie and {I liver} were down to-night.

Tuesday May 14- Fine and windy. Noble and I put part of the fence

Wednesday May 15- Fine warm and windy. Edgar was helping Noble to disk. They disked the back field and piece of 10 acre field and sowed the piece with barley. I sowed Noble sowed the grass-{seed} on the spring wheat and barley and harrowed it. I was working at fences. I led Endeavour to-night.

Thursday May 16- Fine warm and windy. Noble harrowed the field accross the creek, sowed it and harrowed part. I finished harrowing it after supper I fixed fences.

Friday May 17- Fine and warm.

I took Papa and Mamma to town. Noble sowed grass seed on the rest of the 8 acres disked part of the root ground noble harrowed it, rolled it and set up drills.

Saturday May 18 Fine warm and Windy. I disked part of 10 ac {field} harrowed it and the rest of 8 acres. Noble sowed {mangels}, and part of most of ground with barley cleaned part of pens and went in for Papa and Mamma. I finished cleaning pens and sowing barley and harrowed it.

Sunday May 19- Fine and warm.

Monday May 20- Fine and cool. Papa and Olive were in. Noble ran the water furrows. I loaded the wagons with manure and disked the potato rest of the root ground. We hauled out five loads of {manure} after 4 p.m.

Tuesday May 21- Fine and cool. We hauled out manure for the rest of the root ground Noble spread part of it and I got a load of {stone} at Wark's. Papa and Olive were in town.

Wednesday May 22- Fine and warm. Rain last night. We cleaned the stove pipes in the morning and in the afternoon Arthur Edgar Noble and I went fishing to Snake Creek.

Thursday May 23- Full and cold. I disked and harrowed the root potato ground. Noble finished spreading the manure and we took the black sow to {Perisons} and cut some potatoes.

Friday May 24- Fine and warm. {We/Noble}

rolled the potato ground and we finished cutting and planted the potatoes. Noble sowed the flax.

Saturday May 25- Raining nearly all day. Noble {cleaned/cleared} pens {tc.} Papa and I were in town

-Sunday May 26- Wet in the morning and showers through the day I was at church at night.

Monday May 27- Dull with some showers. Noble {dug} the brace post hole in the fence accross the creek I cut stakes put on brace wire {tc.} We cut a brace post and put it in and {braced} the anchor post.

Tuesday May 28- Fine and cool Papa and Olive Mamma were in town this morning. We put up the wires on the fence. The black heifer had a {colf}.

Wedesday May 29 Dull and warm. Noble Rain in afternoon. I fixed up the the {rails/nails} at the ends of the wire fence put up furs and put up some stakes. Noble was disking the summer-fallow.

Thursday May 30- Dull and warm. Noble and I put up steak stakes in the morning. After dinner Noble sowed {beans} and corn and Papa and I finished the fence.

Friday May 31- Fine and very hot. I took Papa and Mamma to town. Noble disked harrowed and rolled the {turnipd} after dinner he set up {drills}. I cleaned pens, dug part of garden {tc}.

Saturday June 1- Fine and hot. Noble sowed turnips. I hauled nails for

a pig fence. We started to put it up.

Sunday June 2- Fine and warm. I was at church twice {Irained}

Monday June 3- Fine and warm but windy. We finished the pig- fence. After dinner we went to the bush and got a pole for the scaffold for shingling. We I worked at {} wheat ground I hauled out three loads of manure Noble and I were at a {musicale}

Tuesday June 4- Dull te with some rain. Edgar and I were out {} Noble worked at the {bush/buck} wheat ground. After dinner we worked at odd jobs. Papa and Mamma were in town in the morning. I got my identification card.

Wednesday June 5- Fine and warm. Noble was helping { } Uncle Alfred's to plough their buckwheat ground. I was cutting thistles finished the pig pen- {t.c.}

Thursday June 6- Fine and warm with {fravy} then the storm in evening. Noble went to town, got the horses shod and brought home single nails has car for {track in/wack in} barn {tc}. We I was cutting thistles. We finished hauled out 3 loads of manure. Mamma went to Meaford with Uncle Gilbert Aunt Jeannie Donald and aunt {Lizza/Lezza}

Friday June 7- Fine and cold. Noble brought 3 loads of gravel from millers pit. Papa and I fixed up the wire fence at the road. Mamma came home to-night. Saturday June 8-Fine and {warm/warmer} with a little rain in evening. Papa and Mamma were in town. Arthur helped us to put the scaffold at the barn. We hauled out 4 loads of manure. The white to sow has 11 little pigs

Sunday June {8?} Dull with rain in morning

Monday June 10 - Dull and misty, turning cold fine. We stripped part of the old shingles off the barn and started to cen shingle. Arthur was was helping us all day. Edgar was helping us in the afternoon.

Tuesday June 11 - Fine and warm with heavy thunderstorm in evening. Arthur and Edgar were helping us to shingle all day.

Wednesday June 12 - Dull and cold with showers in the morning. Arthur and Luise in town in the afternoon.

Thursday June 13 - Fine and cool. We took off the rest of the old shingles and shingled the rest of the day.

Friday June 14 - Fine and warmer. Arthur helped us part of the morning and Edgar heled us all day.

Transcription Progress



James Rowand Burgess 1918 Diary resized.pdf
James 'Rowand' Burgess 1918 Diary Transcripts.pdf


James "Rowand" Burgess, “James "Rowand" Burgess Diary & Transcription, 1918,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/394.
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