James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1898 Part Two


James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1898 Part Two


James Bowman


Courtesy of the Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph






19th & 20th Century, Wellington County, Guelph, Ontario

Date Created

May 4, 1898

Is Part Of

James Bowman Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


Sat May 7th 1898

C {Charles Ruson, his hired man}& I finished putting manure on Mangel ground and got it harrowed rolled and sowed made mark for carrots.

Sunday 8th Fine

We all stayed at home all day on account of children having measles

Monday 9th Fine

we shipped Ulysie in morning to Granton. to H.A Densmore paid freight $2.40 took chaf to mill bgt 4 bags corn we hauled manure in afternoon

Mr F 1 Mr F here all day paid for grain 35 S Young came out and bgt what potatoes we had to spare at 70c McDougall came with cow to bull x paid for peas $3.60 stamps 02

Tuesday 10th wet afternoon Mr F 1/2 Hauling manure 1/2 day bgt grains 35c left Buggy with Renfolds to paint and fix up bgt onions at Hewers 25 -p need $5.00 from Hewer on Monday took ten bags potatoes to Thorp need 7.00

Wensday {Wednesday?} 11th C x J {likely James Simpson} fixed fences in morning & C. Cultivated & chored in barn in afternoon. A & I ran weeder & also Chored

Thursday 12th fine & cool Mr F 1 we Hauled manure all day & plowed in afternoon about 22 loads

Friday 13th fine & cool

Mr F 1 we hauled manure & plowed in afternoon with one team 22 loads

May 1898 Saturday 14th fine & warm

we hauled manure in forenoon and plowed and spread in afternoon went to town with grist 65 oatmeal $1.20 need $8.00 for poatatoes 9.25 for 2nd lot Mr F 1 paid. Mr F $2.20 this squares us up with him for this week

Sunday 15th fine we all stayed at home all day

Monday 16th I took Maud down to Sorbys an put her to square shot Mr F 1/2 Mr F & C. finished hauling & started spreading manure 14 loads started spreading we plowed with one team for about an hour shipped potatoes in afternoon

Tusday 17th fine Mr F 1/2 we finished spreading & plowing in manure & then pulled stumps & cleaned up corn found 12 young rats

Wensday 18th fine & cloudy C rolling turnip ground & cultivating corn & potato ground gang plowing where there was twich grass I picked stones off corn grd + burning stumps on rape land I ordered three sacks of bone manure for turnips + rape grd.

Thursday 19. Dull heavy rain last night. rather damp for work on land + C + I went to town he to get teeth fixed & I took post to Hughes grist of 9 bags to chop. pd 45c pd for delivery of telegram 25 sent 1 bush R of Erin potatoes to Colborne & 1 peck G.D to Havelock 65 + 65 = 1.30 to Bryant {peas?}. bgt a new frost + wood Binder for $ 100.00 in Dee + our old binder Hardware 60 c p got pail mended 05. np C Cultivated in afternoon + I harrowed

Friday 20th Dull we cut potatoes in morning and C. Cultivated in afternoon I went to town in afternoon I went to town and bgt Linseed oil 35 c for bull borrowed a trocar from Dr Ireland

May 1898 Sat 21st fine W.R.W & Adda came last night and we took a look around this morning, killed three ground hogs & looked around this morning, went to Bank and paid the bal of note and also sent $70.00 to aunt Margaret spread ashes on potato grd suit for self

Sunday 22nd very fine morning cooler we alll stayed at home all day read quite a bit

Monday 23rd Dull and showery we sowed about four acres of corn & planted about 3/4 acres of potatoes.

Tuesday 24 fine I went to Breeders meeting at Brantford we had quite a busy day one of the most important changes was the changing of date for reckoning age from 1 st Dec to 1st Sept my ticket cost $1.10 other things 15c.

Wensday 25th

finished sowing corn & buckwheat then went town & got bone manure payable in 13 {??} bgt bee hives 1.50 Diary & Ledger $1.25 C. J. & J. cut potatoes bees swarmed today

Thursday 26th fine we planted G.O. potatoes

Friday 27th we finished planting no 1 & cut seed in afternoon bgt 8 bags oats from J. Mitchell sent 1/2 bush G. {O.?} potatoes to W

Sat we sold 23 bags small potatoes seed 4.90 from Mr Friendship sent 200.00 to B. L. C. Toronto paid H Metcalf 2.00 Mr Algie 25 c Stamp 03 draft 25c cards 02 we planted six bags G.D. potatoes in afternoon

Sunday 29th we all went Church today except Jennie Children to S. S.

Monday 30th fine C finished planting potatoes and I went to Rockwood for Bull from Sharps expense 50 c pd Dr Ireland 2.00 Mitchell 45c

Tuesday 31st I planted horse corn & C harrowed potatoes ran weeder over mangels. warned hands for road work

Wensday June 1st 1898

Charlie harrowing potatoes & spudding weeds & picking stones off new road. I went to town got horse shod. 50c np bgt shoes 25 stamps 06. bgt 5 bags potatoes to send to J.J. Payne. Chattham. $4.00 got my teeth partly fixed. horse feed 10c key 04c, got a new Binder and gave my note due in December for one hundred dollers[sic]

Thursday 2nd fine we worked at road work all day had Mr Flick hired all got per hour. &5c per day of 8hrs. we worked two hours. Mr Skelton & W. Stewart shoveled & I helped J. Friendship & Charles drove teams am to pay J Friendship $ 2.50 per day Ben Bye had two teams hauling. hauled thirty five Friday loads.

Friday 3rd Fine we finished hauli road work today. hauled 13 loads gravel & rakes stones off road paid J Friendship $3.25 Mr F $1.50 W. Stewart 80c. need $2.35 from A Hales. &5 from J Kirk. 75 from W. J. Sleeman 1.50 from L Smuck. $1.50 from W.H. Sleeman 75 from Edwin Sleeman

Saturday 4th fine C & Jean & W. spudded burrs and C Harrowed Mangels corn and potatoes. I went to town. paid {Jas?} Sharp $37.50 order 15. by Express. recd $99.50 from Jonathan, and 75c from Duggan for potatoes, stamps & cards 15 c got buggy painted $13.00. np at Penfolds got grist of chop 9 bags 40, paid boys for helping me with, burrs 06 pd in cash for groceries.

Sunday June 5 1898 Inez, W and I went to Church in morning. all children to S.S. Mary & Charlie in evening Rev. Courtice preached in morning the Ordination Sermon and seven or eight young ministers were ordained it was a very impressive service

Monday 6th very warm 1/2 day Mr Flick helped me cleaning rubbish out under bridge in morning and we offered him $16.25 to make a cedar bridge with railing eight feet span, four feet to bottom of of bridge. covered with six inch cedar all hewed {stringers?} at South Side 16 ft at North side 14 feet by eight inches thick. he went to see about it in afternoon C& I plowed the turnip ground

Tuesday 7th fine & hot C & I finished plowing turnip ground I went to town Mr Flick 1/2 day working at bridge I went to town bgt. meat. 95 Bee supplies $1.05. Keleher came out to look at bridge and offered to do it for $ 50. ordered 500" bran at Goldies {Goldies Mill} & got 50" got flour & flax at Taylors

Wensday 8th Dull & Showery We had a heavy rain I went to town made are {our} arguments with D Keleher to build a culvert over our creek. for $50. $30 to be paid when job was finished and bal {balance} in Dee, he has to do work according to plan specifications. C & Mr F fixing culvert and . Cleaning out pens & box stalls & cellar paid 2.00 F seed 82. sent $6.00 to F. Advocate {Farmer's Advocate}

Thursday 9th June 1898 I hauled three loads of stone and four loads of sand ready to start culvert. bgt books for Inez & Willie 35 c Mr F 1/2 day C harrowed corn and potatoes. & scuffled some mangels

Friday 10th dull & cold C & I scuffled mangels and fixed fence in morning I hauled two loads of stone and centre for arch paid Mr Slatan 20c for to fix scythe & paid Mr Gow 13c for through belt for wagon tongue

Saturday 11th Dull we chored & worked at mangels in morning and picked mustard in afternoon what time we had free from rain W. Hull came today to see cattle. He says his are in good shape & I think he expects to lead again

Sunday 12h Dull Mary C. & Jennie went to church in morning and all children to S.S. Mary Inez & J {letters scratched out} & I went to Cemetry and I to church in evening

Monday 13th Dull C hauled four loads manure from G. T. R. {Grand Trunk Railway} pig yards and W. Leadley came today and we hoed mangels when we could for the rain

Tuesday 14th fine C hauled manure in forenoon and plowed rye grd in afternoon. W. Leadley & I hoed mangels & scuffled. & I also went for salt. pd $1.35 paid men that piled manure for C 40c

Wensday June 15th 1898 we sowed bone manure & harrowed it in & hoed mangels raised drill for turnips in afternoon

Thursday 16th fine we finished raising drill sowing turnips. & Mr Friendship had a cow to bull

Friday 17th fine & warm C & I sowed manure {over?} rape grd in morning & I started to plow rape grd & C cultivated for turnips G. D. Hood had cow to bull K. H.{Bull's name is Kyma's Heir, 4-year champion bull at the CNE, 1898-1901} I went to town after dinner & bgt turnip shed & gw seed 22c. Lemons 10 c sugar 50.

Saturday 18th fine boys scuffled mangels and picked mustard & spudded {burs?} C gang plowed rape ground. I went to town paid J Mitchell $10.00 for oats pd for Chopping. 75 c mower 4.75 fish 18c, dry goods at Ryans. 2.65 $1.25 for 1 Truss for C. $1.50

Sunday 19th fine Cool Inez W. & I went to Church in morning. All C. {children} to S S {Sunday School} and Mary & C at night

Monday 20th Dull C & Gang plowing rape grd I mowed some lucerne Willie spudding blue weed went to town in afternoon bgt Water lime 4 bls. $1.15 at Morris'

Tuesday 21st fine W. Mc Dougall, W Stewart & I put cement floor in milk cellar {C?} finished G Plowing & helped us.


Wensday. June 22/ 1898 We finished the cellar and started to mow hay in no 3. Lucerne & orchard grass., W L. spudding the weed & pulling mustard C scuffling corn & potatoes. paid W. Mc Dougall. 75c owe him 30 more. Pd W Stewart 1.00 Wm Stewart of Sarnia came to see cattle

Thursday 23rd fine C. finished scuffling corn and I mowed grass in morning. Will Pulling mustard.helping us to kile hay in afternoon

Friday 24th fine I cut half of hay in no 4 & we {kiled?} what I cut yesterday. C scuffling in morning W. pulling mustard

Sat. 25th Dull we had a shower this morning and could not haul in C. Cultivated rape grd & W worked at potatoes killing bugs. Mr F came about 3.50 P.M. & we kiled the hay I cut yesterday. got bluestone for cows feet. 10 c

Sunday 26th Dull Mary. C & Jean went to church all children but {Inez?} to S.S. and all stayed at home in evening

Monday 24th Dull 6 We hauled in six loads hay Mr F 1/2 day. I went to town in morning paid W McDougall 45c

Tuesday 28th fair 10. we hauled hay all day 10 loads Mr F 1. F here all day. R Betty & Nettie Came this morning we had a pleasant chat

June 1898

Wensday 29th fine we cut hay until 3 P.M. then raked kile bottoms & hauled it in sharpened knife. C hauling gravel all day for city road. W. R. finished pulling mustard & spudding blue weed

Thursday 30th Dull {half?} with showers I mowed clover in morning & we kiled about 2/3ds of what I cut yesterday before rain came. C cultivating rape grd in morning and scuffling till we started to kile W. L. went to town in evening & got mail

Friday 1st July 1898 Boys worked till eleven A.M. then went to town to enjoy themselves gave C 25c x 15c on Tuesday Willie 10c went to town bgt meat 73c. Fish 10. berries 10c bananas 10c. went to meet Uncle R & Mathew & Father at Station Mr F 1/2 Mr F in afternoon kiling hay Father & I kiled hay in evening

Sat 2nd fine Father & I went to town in morning. I bgt boots for W.L. got horse shod. {C/we?} scuffled potatoes in morning. We all hauled hay in afternoon 8 loads F.1 Mr F working at culvert in morning here all day I pd him for the {??} till tonight $3.38

Sunday 3rd Hot T. Storm Father & I went to Church all Children to S.S. and Mathew, Father & I in evening

Monday 4th fine Dull & cool Father & boys hoeing mangels C scuffling Mr F fixing road & hoeing mangels. got whiffle trees fixed 50c, grist &chaps 1.25 pd Hewer 1.50 to bal ac {balance account} penfold 10c sent 2.50 to Advocate meat 65 c Sugar 50 oil cake 1.40

Tuesday July 5th 1898 fine

{D or O} took bull to Rockwood came back on train bgt ticket 25 I mowed in morning Mr Flick put P Green {Paris Green} on potatoes Father & W.L. hoed mangels bgt P. Green 40c np we hauled 4 loads hay & put up about half what I cut this morning

Wensday 6th fine I mowed hay in morning Father cut stone, & wired fence corners. C Gang plowed rape grd. L went to town after dinner. bgt bag potatoes. 73c {????} P. Green 4.11 80 & also pd for yesterdays 40. Binder twine, 80 a 12c & 9.60 at Hewers.

Thursday 7th fine & warm we got rig ready to put P. Green on potatoes and C. plowed rape grd. I got a young man in town hired him for a month at {one or six} dollars. pd for barrel 60 & hose 54. tin fixtures 60 np

Friday 8th Dull hauled 8 loads hay in afternoon

Friday 8th Dull We put off two loads then Mr F started to plow mow C Finished plowing rape grd we put P green on potatoes hauled 4 loads hay & raked up kile bottoms horse to be 25c a day

Saturday 9th fine C worked on rape grd & Father in morning. in afternoon we hauled 4 loads hay & kiled up what was cut. Mr Woodward here in afternoon I pd him 50c I went to town in morning bgt oatmeal & rape seed $1.88

Sat July 9/ 98. fine & cool bgt paid mary nisbet 5.45 shingles 40. Bran $5.50 np.{np might mean "no post", ie no mail} groceries 85c pants at Bolluts $1.25 for C paid for books 35 at nelles stamp 03 coller fixed 10 pd morris for cart $1.50 meat at wakefields 83

Sunday 10th fine Father C. Inez & Jean went to church in morning all children to S. S. and Mathew, Mary & I to Church in evening

Monday 11th fine we hauled hay till tea time loads and then I mowed C Harrowed rape grd and Fred hoed turnips.

Tuesday 12th fine we sowed rape finished cutting hay. hoed some turnpis. went to station with Mry. bgt dry goods for M. $1.24 for Jennie 50 ticket for M $1.45. paid F $1.38 horse shod. 12. gave Jennie Mary 1.60 groceries 25, 25, 11.

Wensday 13th fine Father & boys worked at turnips in morning after we took off two loads of hay. I went to town bgt P green at Penfolds 80c meat @ wakefields. 74 left watch at Savages hauled 5 loads of hay

Thursday 14th fine we hoed turnips morning and put P Green on potatoes and finished hauling in our hay four loads and started on binder

July Friday 15th fine Boys & Father & Inez hoeing turnips. I cut rye sent away the old Binder, went to town in morning. bgt Hardware $1.20 np 18 p. gro {groceries} 05. dry goods 35 np at Bollerts watch fixed 1.00 machine oil 35c

Saturday 16th we all hoed turnips all day excepting Fred. shocking up rye in morning

Sunday 17th Father Inez & I went to Church in morning Jean & C went to S. S. and Mr Knowles & Mr Ryan to see the old farm

Monday 18th Dull we finished howeing turnips in large patch started to cut fall wheat went to town bgt hardware 10c, chisel 15. butter dish 20 got cradle fixed 20 fish 20

Tuesday 19th {wet?} we hoed small patch of turnips and chored around barn in afternoon.

Wensday 20th fine I went to town with grist of chop 8 bags 40 c, got twine $1.85 meat 75. sugar & tea $1.25 np at Simpsons P. Green 2 1/2 {??} 50c

Thursday 21st fine we finished cutting wheat and started at oats & barley cut {Danberry?} oats. got chaf carries put on binder & also trucks set up

July 1898 Friday 22nd fine

we cut six acres barley in no 2 in morning and hauled ten loads rye in afternoon Father & Fred shocking wheat in morning

Saturday 23 fine we hauled fall wheat all day twelve loads

Sunday 24th fine Father, C & Jean went to Church in morning all ^C {children} but Willie to S. S. Mother {Mrs?} Knowles and I to Church in evening

Monday 25th Dull we finished fall wheat & put P green on potatoes scuffled some turnips mother & I went to town in evening bgt 50c worth meat, went to prayer meeting at Johnstons

Tuesday 26th we hauled in barley in no 2. 5 loads & one load of oats Danberry then started to cut Barley in back field

Wensday 24th fine we cut barley & started at oats in no 5 and Father scuffled turnips willie L. hoed after tea

Thursday 28th fine we cut oats in no5 and and hoed turnips part of time

Friday 29th fine we finished cutting no 5 and hauled 4 loads barley & hoed turnips in morningwent to town got pump rod 35 c meat 70c cheese 48c np paid Fred 5.00

Saturday July 30th 1898

we put off a load of barley and hauled in four more then cut rain came on and we worked at turnips in afternoon. paid Willie L. $1.00 gave ?? C 25c to spend

Sunday 31st fine Father Inez & I went to Church in morning C, Jean & Inez to S.S. and C to church in evening.

Monday 1st aug we finished hauling barley & also cutting oats in afternoon

Tuesday 2nd mixed Boys hoeing till teatime and haule two loads oats after tea. I went to mill in morning got horse shod 24 {nut?} on wagon 05, paid for chopping biscuits for my dinner. 05. needles 05. pants for Father 63c paid ac at Bollerts 35 c

Wensday 3rd fine we hauled in oats all day out of no 5

Thursday 4th fine we finished no 5. loads went around to ask hands to thrashing and the others chored.

Friday 5th fine C. Raking. Fred moving manure. W & Father hoeing I went to town bgt gro {groceries} meat. 75 {ect?} nails. 28c P. Thrashing was put off for a week. we hauled four loads rakings

Sat 6th fine we finished hauling oats and pulled peas seven loads oats Jas Simpson started today

Sunday 7th Dull fine shower Father Moll C & Jean & Willie went to church and sacrament all C went to S. S. & me also

Monday 8th fair Father and W.L. hoed trunips. C cut weeds J.S. Plowed. {??} in buck wheat, J took mother to station and bgt her ticket 1/65 gave her 1.00 25c, bgt meat 24c

Tuesday 9th fine J.S. Plowing all day W. L. keeping stuff from choking. Father hoeing mangels C & I cutting weeds. hauling peas & I went to town with grist chaf & wheat got traded 9 bu 45n wheat for $5.85 worth of flour paid {simpsons ac for?} groceries 1.25 and 33 c for things today.

Wensday 10th fine J.S. plowing all day finished buckwheat & started {ganging} oat stubble, paid Fred Woodward bal of wages 6.00 gave him 1.00 extra W. L. & Father hoeing. C & I hauling manure. turned cattle into corn tonight

Thursday 11th fine J.S. G. plowing Charlie & I hauling manure Father & W. H. hoeing mangels

Friday 12th fine Shower last night. J.S. G. plowing C& I finished cleaning manure for stuck bottom finished hoeing mangels - & hauled a load of stone Took childern to O.A.C. bgt hat & books for children 40c

July Aug 12th 1898 fine need $1.00 from F. W. Hodson bgt gem jars. $1.20 bananas 05

Saturday 13th fine J.S. Plowing. Father & I went for a load of stone and then he cut the rest of the day. C & I cleaned out foundation & then C went for a load of saw dust & plow & barrow.

Sunday 14th fine Father, Inez, W & I went to Church. Heard a Stranger from Wisconsin preach. All children went to S.S. C. went to Church at night

Monday 15th fine J.S. Plowing all day. C weeding potatoes in morning & harrowing in afternoon. I went to town for saw dust, 50c, chaf 105 {"?} Barley, paid Scroggies $17.00 stamps 12c

Tuesday 16th fine C. Harrowing. J.S. Plowing W.L & I finished weeding potatoes. W. started spudding Blue weed. & I plowed & did chores. C went to porters thrashing Mr Sharp

Wensday 17th fine Keleher started the culvert today. I hauled stones & sand. J. S. plowing C helping me. I went of over to Jas Sharp's and to see a calf. fare 60c went walked

Thursday 18th fine I bgt calf from Mr S. this morning for $125.00 and am to give my note & if calf is in as good shape and want to part with him after show they will take him back at same price.

Friday Thursday 18 contd I give my note due on Jan 1st. I came home by the 10:30 train. sent letter to Toronto about entering calf. {found?} all night at home C& I worked around culvert hauling stone & gravel. Mr S paid 1.00 of my expenses my ticket back here cost 75

Friday 19th fine I chored & helped with bridge. J.S. plowing C & I hauling stones gravel & sand. Father helping at Bridge. W.L. spudding blue weed.

Sat 20th fine I chored & helped at {???} Father also. C finished ganging orchard & harrowed wheat grd. J.S. plowing. went to town in eve & bgt slate pens & dictionary for children 27c

Sunday 21st fine

Monday 22nd fine I went to Rockwood in morning for a bull calf form Mr Sharp. gave my note for $125.00 due Jan 1st got ready to thrash in afternoon bgt oil cake

Tuesday 23 Dull & damp we thrashed all day. did not get on very well.

Wensday 24th Dull & damp we finished thrashing this evening.

Thursday 25th fair C & Mr F. went to Barber's thrashing for us, WL. & I Chored J.S, went to town bgt stuff for blankets. {1.26?}. bgt hardware 25c

[in margin] J.S. 1 day off & paid him 2.00

Friday Aug 26th 1898 C at Ford's thrashing J.S. plowing. Father & W cleaning grain. I went to town. bgt rope Ect. 80c np cotton bags, $2.30, Mr H.A. Dinsmore of Granton was here today and he is to give back {mysie?} and take Colliege Bloom in her place

Saturday 27th fine C & Mr F went to Frienships Thrashing in morning & we all washed cattle in afternoon. I went to town in morning got grist 22 bags of mixed chop. $1.10 took 610 {"?} of wheat to Hewers @ 62c per bu. $6.30 to apply on our ac. bgt Rock salt 25 oil cake $1.35, returned 280 {"} of oat chop that I borrowed from them Hewer's

Sunday 28th fine Father Inez & I went to Church all Children but Jean to S. S.

Monday 29th fine J.S. plowing sod. Father & I went to get hay pressed paid for pressing 2.00 Charlie Tuesday Mr Smith at McDougalls Thrashing

Tuesday 30th fine we fi J.S. Finished plowing sod & harrowing it. Father & I fixed car & put in feed paid Scroggie 5.00 paid Neil 10c for fixing Charlies shoes and 20c for fixing Jean's sold She Lamb to Wakefield to aplly in account

Wednesday Aug 31st 1898

Prepared for starting to the show in morning. Started in afternoon. Drew $8 out of bank paid 25c for {braces?} & 30c for tobacco for Uncle Jimmy. Dry goods $2.75c

[in margin] 55c paid for Uncle Jim

Thursday Sept 1st 1898 Paid Smith's boys 75c for their father, 50c of it was grandpa's paid $4 to Mary Nisbet.

Friday Sept. 2nd working same as usual.

Saturday Sept 3rd Working as usual. Postage Stamp 03c

Sunday Sept 4th

Grandpa, Inez & Jean to church in morning Inez, Jean & Willie to S.S. Grandpa & Inez to church at night.

Monday Sept 5th. Labor day. Rain in the morning, Uncle Jimmy plowing in afternoon.

Wednesday Sept. 7th Working as usual Pipe for Uncle Jimmy 10. Postage for letter for children 03.

Thursday Sept 8th 1898.

Charlie McDougall here working at manure, Uncle Jimmy plowing. Grandpa & Willie Betty at Toronto show. Jim & Katie came today.

Friday Sept 9th. C McD.- here all day. Uncle Jimmy plowing

Sat Sept. 10th. C. McD.- here in afternoon.

Sunday Sept. 11th Grandpa & Inez to church in morning children to S.S.

Monday Sept. 12th C. McD - sowing fall-wheat all day.

Tuesday Sept. 13th C. McD- finishing fall-wheat & working at stack.

Wednesday Sept. 4th C. McD- at McCrae's cutting corn.

Thursday Sept. 15th C. McD- at McCrae's in afternoon. Uncle Jimmy went to town in morning and away all day. {Bot?} F Corn from {Bresant's?} 100 lbs. to be settled for. Grandpa paid 30c for express charges for 2 baskets plums.

Friday Sept. 16th C. McDougall at McCrae's until 4 p.m. Uncle Jimmy arrived about 10 a.m.

Saturday Sept 17th 1898 C. McDougall here for afternoon.

Sunday Sept 18th Grandpa, Jean & Willie to church in morning Jean & Willie to S.S. & Grandpa & Inez to church at night.

Monday Sept. 19th C. McDougall here all day.

Tuesday Sept. 20th Charlie McDougall 45c {Washer?} here all day. 3 {???} Waterline

Wed. Sept 21st C. M- here all day.

Thursday Sept 22. C. McD. here until 4 P.M. Rain

Friday 23rd wet we prepared for Home and left the Ex grounds about 4 P.M. paid for Car from Quebec to Ottawa from G. Toronto 16.00 {?} to Quebec 40.00 need $174.00 at Toronto, Medal 174,00 won $183.00, at Quebec, 3 medals won $77.52 at Ottawa

recd $50.00 at Quebec {??} $15.00 from R. Ness part pay for Dorset Ram.

Saturday 24th fine We arrived at Coteau about day light and reached York about 12 P.M. at had a good day for travelling bgt a loaf at Kingston 10c

Sunday 25th fine we left York at 5 A.M. arrived at Guelph at 12.30 A.M. found all well went for bal of things. H. S. came out to see us. we all stayed at home bal of day

Monday 26th Sept 1898 I chored in morning J.S. Harrowed all day. Father & C working at bridge. W. R. choring I took grist to mill in afternoon 10 bags. 70 horses shod. 50c, bgt wire 205" at 21/2= $4.60 at Morris n.p. shoes for self $2.50 for

Tuesday 27th fine Father & C. working at wing wall of bridge. J.S. & I hauled stoned & put in posts & stakes for fence around turnips. W.L. chored and went to town for staples for wire fence, at Morris.

Wensday 28th fine Father & C. working at bridge. J.S. & I {puthing?} {???} wire fence. bgt coil wire 99" {???} staples 05 medicine for M at Dr Savages.

Thursday 29th fine Father, C & I getting stones for to finishe w. walls to bridge & put some in. I went to vote in plebicite. paid C McDougall for his work while I was away 8.25 recd $1.00 for Bull {???} heavy showers at night

Friday 30th fine Father finished bridge & went to J. Mountain's on the 5.30 train. I gave him 3.00 sold wool 47lb @ 14C, 16lb @ 10c $9.59-9.59 bgt dry goods & yams. $8.80 paid Savage's account. 1.00 bgt bolts & casting for {???}

Saturday 1st Dec fine J.S. Cultivating rest of us took up potatoes went to town in morning bgt {???} & vest for C 7.50 pants & Tobacco for J.S. $1.25 I paid {???} suit bal due $1.25

Sunday 2nd Showery

Inez, W & I went to Church in morning. Inez & W. to S.S. and C to Church at night Heard Rev. T Crosby {@ retd?} Missionary from British Columbia he was very good & interesting

Monday 3rd fine J.S. cultivating. W.L. C & I took up potatoes. Mrs Johnston came over for some honey in evening 25 c np.

Tuesday 4th Dull & wet We cleaned up 10 bu 40" of wheat & took it to the mill. got 448" flour. 176 feed. paid for gristing $1.40 stamps Ect 04

we Wensday 5th fine We finished taking up potatoes in no 1. and harrowed & started to cultivate the ground for rye.

Thursday 6th fine J.S. cultivating harrowing and plowing. Boys & I cut {Keudels?} Grain corn, and I went to town. bgt stamps & cards 15c bolts, 24c Oil cake & pea meal $1.85. I sowed rye & plowed out potatoes. boys picked in afternoon

Friday 4th fine we finished potatoes and picked a few stones J.S. finished plowing corn ground

Saturday 8th fine C & I pulled apples & rest worked at putting wood in shed. Kyma 3rd had bull calf today.


Sunday 9th fine

C. Inez, Jean & W. went to church in morning and all children to S.S. Inez & I went to church at night.

Monday 10th fine C & I picked apples. W & J.S. piled wood. I went to town at noon, got harness mended, 15c, paid McLean & Dawson, ac, 8.58, bgt drawers for Willie $1.00 dolls. 15. drugs 30c, recd $44.52 from Ottawa Exhibition " $133.00 " Quebec " 133.00

Tuesday 11th wet J.S. & C worked around barn in forenoon & C alone in afternoon I started to Mt Forest but had to turn back on account of the weather J.S. left at noon paid him $14.00 paid G.B. Morris ac $14.35 " {checkmark} Goldies ac. $11.80 " {checkmark} Aunt {W's} ac. $139.65 " {checkmark} J.A. Tovell's ac. $3.25 " {checkmark} Church ac $1.30 bgt bull rings 45c for {house?} pd for dry goods 2.94 Flour & Oilcake 38c

Wensday 12th fair W.L. C & I picked apples all day. McDougall sent a hand to B. Bye's thrashing for us this afternoon. Cal Merriweather came in evening to show us a bag that he got from Binoski's with my name on

Thursday 13th wet C & I cleaned out dirt out of root house & Chored W L. Chaud. C McDougall went to Bye's thrashing for us

Friday Oct 14th 1898 Dull & wet

C McDougall & C. German went to Friendship's thrashing and W & I got grist ready and took it to mill after dinner. went to court as witness in case of F. Binoski. He was sentenced to 6 mos in jail and boy let off on suspended sentence. I bgt hardware. 65c recd $1.45 witness fees got 245 " pea chop from Hewer to be retd bgt 260" Corn $1.95 @ 42 stamps 06c

Saturday 15th fair & cold we shipped heifer Colliege Bloom in morning and then started to pull mangels. took in about 300 bushels. shipped heifer to H.A. Dinsmore. Granton

Sunday 16th fine Inez, Jean W. & I went to church in morning heard Mr Scott preach on, "Heaven & Earth. shall pass away but my word shall not pass away" all children went to SS and C to Church at night

Monday 17th fine we finished mangels today 8 loads altogether. I went to town, bgt coil. 60c sent check for $96.25 to Canada Life Assurance {??} Hamilton. recd same $96.25 stamps 03.

Tuesday 18th wet C hauled two loads of manure from Ryan in morning we chored around house & barn in afternoon

Wensday 19th Oct, '98

C Hauled two loads manure in morning and picked stones in afternoon, also went to Express Office for Ram. Father came home & he & I went to the O.A.C. Sale in afternoon, did not Buy anything. Mr Thurston of Bobcaygeon came in evening and bgt a bull calf for $80.00 sold pair Dorset ewe Lamb $30 recd 5.00 to Mr McLees of Norich Beaconsfield. PO.

{in margin} Calf to be sent to Lindsay

Thursday 20th fair C picked stones & topped turnips. Father & I picked out building stones & got a loadfrom Quarry. 50c np. then 245" chop to Hewer. pd 25c difference then pd account $5.13 pd Presant for chopping 31 bags bgt gro 88c gave W Scroggie $40.00 to deposit for me in Bank of Commerce got tools fixed for Father 25c

Friday 21st wet C cultivated W herded Cattle & chored. I went to town , sent $6.00 to T Mc Farlane Harvey {Illman?} req fees sent two fifty to H. Wade Toronto bgt apple pearer. 50. replacing old one 05. Father & I helped peel in afternoon, bgt shoes for W. & Inez $2.40 {??? for ??}

Saturday 22nd wet Took 23 bags apples to mill to be made into cider and apple butter. bgt flax grd 65c sold Lab skin 65 No 1 had bull calf today

Sunday 23rd fine Mrs S, C & Jean went to Church in morning. All children went to S.S. Mrs S & I went to Church at night.

Monday 24th fine I took pails to hold apple butter bgt. {???} for apple butter for A.R.S. 40c

Tuesday 25th fine I went to W We went for Apple Butter & Cider $3.65 and then got ready & wentto Mount Forest for mare & colt, ticket $1.65 arrived at meeting at 10PM and then met W. R. W & we went up to Teskey's together then went to Egremont

Tuesday 25th fine I started for home with mare and colt about 9AM Called at Sinclair's and P.A. Mc Eachern's he is quite sick then went to Tom's for dinner, and saw them all & looked around stock, and started for home about 3P.M. paid one dollar to Tom got h pd 35c for feed at Cumnock 15c got home at 3A.M. 15c for braces.

Wensday 26th Dull did not rise early. as we had boys worked at Turnips I took Mrs A.R. S. to Jim's went to P.O.

Thursday 25th fair & cold we worked at Turnips in afternoon. killed lamb & doctored cow & bull had Dr Reed here, paid him $1.50

Oct Friday 28th fine We worked at Turnips all day. Kyma 4th aborted calf . Yesterday Mysie was served by Kyma's Heir

Saturday 29th fine We worked at turnips all day 8 loads. and topped about one third of them, gave W.L. 15c to buy things for the children. & 5 for {???}

Sunday 30th fine Inez, Father & I went to Church heard Dr Henderson. all C. but Inez went to S.S. C went to church at night

Monday 31st fine I've worked at turnips all day, hauled six loads Mysie was sick with bloat all day. got Dr Reeds's Trocar & cannula & had to send for him at night. I gave her 11/2 pints linseed oil on Sunday night. 4 1/2" salts today at noon. one ounce soda, 1/1/2 pints L Oil & punctured her besides Dr. gave her 1 1/2 pts L oil 1/8 pint turpentine

Tuesday 1st Nov 1898 about 3 A.M. Mysie passed some soft manure, we worked at turnips got in 9 loads Dr Reed came out & looked at Mysie & thought she was all right paid him $1.50

Wensday 2nd fine we worked at turnips all day topped in morning hauled 8 loads. Mr Tesky came at night

Thursday 3rd fine C finished harrowing turnips and we hauled 7 loads, I went to town in morning for chop 10 bags. 50c, stamps Ect, 37c shoes for W. L. $1.25 for Charlie 1.65 pants for W.L. 85c

Friday Nov 4th. 98 fine C. went to McCannels thrashing, we finished taking up turnips. 51/2 loads I went to town, pd Jackson & son $4.89 for sugar, sold skin to Hewer. for 26" grd flax and got 757" pea chop to be pd with other chop. stamps 03

Saturday 5th fineDull & wet we covered turnip pd put bal of wood into shed then started to fix the hen house, one of our Dorset ewes died on rape. O.A.C. 31 we got 25 bush {Lime?} @ 15c $3.75 np Wardells,

Sunday 6th Snowy Father, C. Inez & Jean went to church in morning all children to S.S.

Monday 4th fine Boys chored all day I went to fix fence & take home McCannel's colt in morning, then went to town, sent $5.00 to Mr Richardson for Heater, bgt corn chop $1.05, order & stamps. sent telegram to Mr Thurston recd Req Certificates of 4 Cattle, nails $1.20 sold pelt to Mr {Hales?} 70c went over to see his show stock.

Tuesday 8th fine we raised roof of hen house about five feet Mr Tuck here all day shipped calft to Mr Thurston Bobcaygeon

Wensday 9th Dull & snowy we chored and worked at stone work in hen house, Mr Webster came today started {?} to work {?}

Wensday Nov 9th 1898 Dull afternoon for third two weeks at $8 per month. I went to town got chain mended 15c, took 5 bags turnips to Leadleys and two bags apples 1 bag turnips to Aunt Jane, bgt tea 50c cheese 24c Lumber 27c

Thursday 10th sleet Father & J.W. worked at stone work. boys and I chored in stables in morning and scraped kitchen walls in afternoon.

Friday 11th clear & cold Father working in kitchen. I went to town, bgt plaster. 25c Linseed Oil & Turpentine 38c got podophyllium & salt at Maddocks np. meat bill at {??}

Saturday 12th fine we finished scraping kitchen in morning, & scraped & hauled earth to fill up road to bridge. Father worked at hen house, bgt shovel. 70c np pd W. Leadley. 45

Sunday 13th Dull Father Inez & I went to church in the morning all children to S.S. and Charlie & J.W. to Church in evening.

Monday 14th fair J.W. finished scraping on South side of of bridge Charlie & I hauled earth on sleigh in forenoon and we worked at hen house in afternoon. C went to town sold 27" mutton to H. Leadley. @ 5= $1.35 Kyma 3 was bulling today bgt 50" grd flax at Taylors, 6 stove pipes & elbow at Rudds.

Tuesday 15th fine J. Webster plowed all day in rape patch, near Mcdougalls Father boys and I worked at hen house, C finished open ditch to take water to culvert in a freshet.

Wensday 16th fine J. Webster plowing. Father & Boys & I working at hen house.

Thursday 17th fine J.W. finished rape grd and and started to plow sod near Hales. Father C & I worked at hen house W. L. Chored & helped generally C. went to town, bgt Carbolic acid. 30c, Oilcake. 50" pd 50c bgt some gro at Scroggies

Friday 18th Dull & Showery J.N. plowing sod near Hales. Father, C & I working at hen house. W.L. Choring got two barrels Lime house Cement, $2.30 1.15 at Morris np.

Saturday 19th Dull J.W. plowing sod Father C & I working at hen house. bgt C. oil at {???} 60 Copy for W. {Bathy?} 07

Sunday 20th fine Father, C. Inez & W. went to church in morning. All but Jean to S.S. Father went to Church in evening.

Monday 21st fine Father & C working at hen house J.W. plowing. I went to town paid note at Bank of Commerce. 74.60 bgt 90" pea chop & 70c of corn chop at Hewers. bgt bead for {Gavel?} at Morris' & paid account $2.95.

Tuesday 22nd fine m & stormy after

we chored. J.W. plowed most of the day. Father was very sick last night with Cholera Morbus. Dr. Savage paid two visits. he is doing nicely now. we cleaned grist spread manure & got stoens ready for building I went to town.

Wensday 23rd cold & dry J.W. plowing. D Keleher building henhouse. C & W.L. choring & helping. I went to town with 16 bush wheat solde $1.91 to pay for flour & got 141/2 bu ground with flour. ten bags barley & oats chopped. 50 p and grist $1.45 bal on ac 09 bgt hardware at M. 43c glass at Penfolds. 72c, 18c. oatmeal and onions, 65 paper 10c drugs, 10c got harness fixed 25c ac $1.50

Thursday 24th fine & cold J.W. finished sod near Hales and Mr Keleher & I worked at hen house also C & W.R. Father is a good deal better. C & W.L. went to burial tonight

Friday 25th fine J.W. got Queen and Tory shod in front feet. with new shoes 1.50 got flour grist, Mr Keleher was building till 2.15 PM. from 8 AM. then he left and we {???} scaffold an chored. Draft Day brought out out about twenty four students to see stock

Novermber 1898

Saturday 26th Snowy I went to town after chores. bgt mits for W.L. 25. for C 25, for Inez 25c window sash, 20c shingles. 42 stuff for window frame that I got before 30c J.W. putting stones into hen house & putting on storm windows. putting apples down cellar C at Porter's thrashing also Alex McDougall for us we put windows into hen house

Sunday 27th Father Inez Jean. W & I went in morning. All but Jean to S.S. J.W. went at night

Monday 28th fine we got ?? we got another little daugter about 5 A.M. this morning we Dr Savage was in attendance also Mrs Gibson & Mrs {Nisbet?} We got ready and went to Brantford in afternoon to Fat stock show. car 14.00 p, one big heifer weighs 2070 ".

Tuesday 29th fair I worked around show all day Father & Boys looking after things at home hauling earth to make up road to bridge Ect

Wensday 30th Dull We still looked after stock in show boys at same work as yesterday. I am boarding with Mrs Knowles bgt Licorice 15 Oil Ect 45 salt scrap 05. street car fares 75c entry fees $21.75.

Thursday, Dec 1st 1898

We worked at show all day. Cattle were judged in afternoon, we got 2nd for two year old steer. 2nd for yearling heifer. 2nd x3 for heifer calf. 3rd for cow 1st for grade heifer. but did not get the swap stakes. 2nd for Dorset shearling ewe. sold Mysie to a Brantford butcher Mr Winston fo r$55.00 and I got the hides.

Friday 2nd Dull worked at show all day did no more business {???} went to Jas Smith for supper. enjoyed chat very much. went to Mrs Knowles for night recd 88.00 prize money. $55.00 for cow.

Saturday 3rd fine we got loaded and started for home about 9A.M. arrived home at 3 P.M. found Mary and Baby better than I expected got stock home.

Sunday 4th {snowy?} about {???} foot to 15 in of snow fell today. C Father Inez went to Church all but Jean to S.S. an dI went to Church at night

Monday 5th snowy We spent the day preparing for show and choring around the barn.

Tuesday 6th stormy we took cattle in to the show, entry fees 2.00 J.W. C. working at the road to bridge and W.L. & I stayed with cattle show

Wensday 7th fine stormy W.L. & I stayed at the show all day. I had my meals at Pearson's yesterday and today. got them for 15c each sold the cattle tonight for two hundred and ten dollars sold Lamb to R.H. Harding for $6.00.

Thursday 8th stormy we delivered the cattle I won the prize for the export pair. the Raymond sewing machine, recd the pay for the cattle. 210.00 sent Lamb with {????} for Harding. bgt mits for Jean 15c socks for Mary 15. pd duty on clothes $2.45

Friday 9th Stormy we hauled manure all day from rink 8 loads I sold apples $1.20 fees 05 chopping grain 10c hardware 65c sent apple butter to A.R. S. paid aunt Esther $9.50 the heifer weighed 2070 1 steer " 1670

Sunday 11th cold Father Jean & Charlie went to Church in morning all children to S.S. I went Inez & Father to Church at night

Monday 12th fair J {???} C hauling manure 8 loads.

Tuesday 13th Clear & Cold J.M W. left this morning paid him $8.70. W.L. left this afternoon got a pair mocasins for him 75c, pair shoes for self. $1.75. paid T & D for Wills Coat and {mits?}. $5.30 paid wakefields ac. killed {lamb?} put {M?} 1 to bull yesterday

Wednesday 14th fine Father and C. cleaned up grist of chop after chores. I went to meet mother. she came all safe. I too Mrs Gibson home. paid her. 5.45 bag of apples. 30c, bgt a F pan 25c got dish pan. 25c, stamp 02

Thursday 15th fine I went to town in morning with centre for arch for D. Keleher. broke sleigh tongue. got it fixed also {hemer?}. 1.45 L Glasses 10c window glass 40c. C oil. 60c shoes for Inez $1.25, C shoes mended

Friday 16th fine we hauled two loads of manure from Hughes and did chores. bgt figs 05c, paid D Keleher the bal for bridge & work at hen house 24.00

Saturday 17 fair we hauled 21/2 loads of manure from Hughes bgt pepper 13c. got Harness mended $1.50.

Sunday 18th fine soft Father, Inez & I went to Church in morning heard Rev. D Williams on Superanuation. Inez, Jean and C. went to {W?} went to S.S. Father & C at night. Monday

Dec 1898

Monday 19th fine We chored & hauled in Aberdeen turnips out of the pit. Mother & I went to town in afternoon bgt suit. $15.00 suit shoes for us 60c. paid Bal of Wills. Hunter note in Bank of Commerce. $120.00 recd 40.00 from {Mina?} last Friday. paid 1.00 to superanuation $1.30

Tuesday 20th soft

went up to school with the children. went to G.B. Hoods gave premium note for $1.53 and paid $1 for policy and 6.12 assessment. went to W Mc Crae's to see about hide. He is going to take {Mpies?}. Father and Charlie working at hen house. I took Queen and Tory to Sorbys and put them both to the young Clide stallion.

Wensday 21st soft Father working at hen house all day C. helping him I chored and went for lime and to see Keleher got six bush lime

Thursday 22nd Dull we almost finished the stone work of hen house had Mr Mc Neltie helping paid him $1.25

Friday 23rd Dull & Colder we worked at fixing up things around barn and hen house all day

Saturday 24th fair Father and C. did chores & Father, Willie and I went to town saw the Christmas {Beef?} I bgt. {??} shoes for mother 85c {???} slippers for Father. 60c

Saturday Dec. 24th 1898 paid for Lime & stone $5.90 to Wardell. Pd. Frost and wood for Binder & Trucks $105.00 pd. bal on suit, 10.00 rule mended. 10c mits for C 25c

Sunday Dec 25th fine Father {Jean?} & C & W went to church in morning Mother Inez & I at night all children to S.S.

Monday 26th fine we did chores and entertained Uncle R. also took C. in to get his picture taken he paid for them $1.45

Tuesday 27th Stormy Father and C. Chored and cut a little wood. I went to town in morning. bgt stamps 25c cards 05c paid . Hughes $2.00 for {manure?} recd. $6.00 from R.H. Harding paid Foster & Coghlin. C. Germans ac got three filling in my teeth $2.25 np bgt. Hardware. 15c, 30c two sash & a door at Widemans some strips 25

Wensday 28th {???} & cold we worked at hen house putting in windows and door went to town after dinner bgt hinges Ect, $1.50. got W {P hole?] from Mr Blight.

Thursday 29th fine & soft worked at hen house and filed saw in morning & Cut down pine tree in front of home in afternoon. W Fitzsimmons of Carberry Manitoba Came in afternoon to see Angus cattle, did not sell any to him.

Friday 30th wet & cold evening we worked around barn in morning and cut wood in afternoon

Saturday Dec 31st 1898 fine & cold we cut down two willow trees & cut one up. I went to town. got hide of Mysie from Brantford, Exp. 50c, Collar for W. 10c .Blue 05.

Sunday Jan 1st 18989 fine & cold Father, Inez & W. Mary Jennie & I all went to church heard Rev.Scott preach a new year sermon. All children went to Sunday School. C to church at night.

Tuesday 3rd fair we cleaned mixed grist of chop 13 bag. went to mill paid the Lindsay note. $18.30 paid. Metcalf for Harness {pair?} 40c

Wensday 4th wet we chored all day cleaning out stalls & cleaning harness went to town for harness oil. C oil. 60c, got hide of steer at station pd freight 55c

Thursday 5th fair windy & cold we did chores and cut wood out of willows near road

Friday 6th snowy we did chores and cut wood went to town for Mr an{d?} Mrs Scott and Mr and Mrs Leadley to come to the Christening of our baby paid Maddock's bill.. $1.95 stamps & cards 25c we spent a pleasant evening. robe 10c

Sat 7th Stormy I took hides to station freight to be. 35c, went to Morris' bgt lantren glasses 16c the short measure in harness oil paid for them

Transcription Progress



James Bowman 1898 Diary Volume 3 Part 1.pdf
James Bowman 1898 Diary Volume 3 Part 2.pdf
James Bowman 1898 Diary Part 2 Transcripts.pdf


James Bowman, “James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1898 Part Two,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed February 25, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/409.
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