James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1901


James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1901


James Bowman


Courtesy of the Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph






19th & 20th Century, Wellington County, Guelph, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1901


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription



Sunday December 30th fair Father Mother & Jennie went to Church Mary & I went at night it was a very good sermon on the out going century. it is marvellous the improvements that have been made this century

Monday 31st fine I've did chores and went for grains in morning and went to nomination in the afternoon . got quite a number of signatures to Mr McMillan's Petition

Tuesday Jan 1st 1901 Cold After chores were done I went to Whitelaw's to get the Petition and took it ot Post Office in afternoon C.R. came back and we hauled stone and did the chores

Wensday 2nd finecold did chores and hauled stones. and took in a load of hay. $10.30 engaged Monkhouse to come and chop tomorrow

Thursday 3rd fine We had Monkhouse chopping till 3 P.M. then we did the chores. Paid Monkhouse 3.50

Friday 4th Dull C.R. and Father hauled stone and I hauled two loads on stone boat in morning and went to O.A.C. with no. 1

Saturday 5th fine We did the chores and hauled stones. I went to town got shoes meneded 60c

Sat 5th Jan 1901 fine I got grains 30 bu @ 1.80 bgt pea bran. 3.10 corn. 100 {??} to get bal of half a ton on Monday got. paid special assessment in insurance $6.12 medicine for Queen. 50 groceries 65c

Sunday 6th fine Mary, Father, Jennie & I went to Church in the morning we had an old fashioned fellowship meeting & Love feast it was very good but the church was very cold, all except C.R. stayed at home the rest of the day.

Monday 7th fair C.R. haul and Father hauling stone. I went for grains and also went to vote in the afternoon. bgt hardware 30c we have taken a box of cut straw every time we have gone for grains since Xmas

Tuesday 8th Dull C.R. & Father hauling stone in afternoon and C.R. & I made stone boat in morning I went for grains and did chores in afternoon thirty bush grains I kept five at home

Wensday 9th fair Father & C.R. working at stones in morning I did chores and ringed our two young Bulls also McHarvey's Bull. we went to sale in afternoon C.R. went also

Wensday Jan. 9th. 1901 I also renewed insurance on our live stock 1000 in waterloo Company

Thursday 10th wet C.R. oiled harness and washed buggy. I went for grains 30 bu chored & went to town bull rings $4.34

Friday 11th Stormy C.R. hauled manure from cattle stables at brewery. 4 loads I went to town bgt. clippers 1.25 {nail puller?} 25c bolts 02.

Saturday 12th Stormy C.R. hauled manure from stables 1 load & one from bull pen. I went to town bgt oat meal. 85c got P.O. box $1.00 got pants. $1.25 Candies 10c I got grains 30 bush & ringed some bulls this afternoon Mr Breeder & Mrs came today

Sunday 13th Dull Father Mary & I went to Church in the morning Mother and C in evening

Monday 14th Dull & soft In morning C.R. hauled up wood and I chored and went for Grains returned clippers and got a pair 15c deares

Tuesday 15th fair Father & I did chores and ringed bulls and C.R. helped me in afternoon C.R. sick in morning got 30 bu grains in afternoon

Wensday Jan 16th 1901 C.R. & Father cutting wood I went to town. Paid Toltons $3.00. bgt load of hay. 8.50 per ton the load cost $8.30 bgt {ring for keys?}. 05 recd $11.05 from A.P. Westervelt for two mutton carcasses at 5c per lb. was offered 7 for wether and 6 for ewe.

Thursday 17th Stormy We did chores and I got grains in morning in afternoon I took grist to mill got grist back with me. pd for grinding $1.20

Friday 18th fine We did chores and cut wood in morning. I went to institute meeting in the afternoon C.R. did the chores heard some very good speaking. by Mr McMillan of seaforth and Mr Lewis of Burford. got cutter fixed. 10c. whip. 50c swivel. 06c got Farmers Institute ticket 25c

Saturday 19th clear & cold We did chores and cut wood in morning and C.R. did chores and I went to A. McIntosh's funeral. went down town for axe handle 25c file 15. {seat?} fixed 50c np recd 2.50 from Mr McGregor

Sunday 20th Dull milder Father Mary & I went to Church. hear Mr Cassady preach on Young people & marriage

Monday 21st fair soft C.R. hauling wood up i nmorning and cutting in afternoon.

Jan 1901

Monday 21st Soft I chored & went for grains in morning and went to town in afternoon, got harness mended. 2.00 paid. Binder Twine Shares. $18.00 paid Dr. Reed's account 17.00

Tuesday 22nd fine C.R. and I cut wood in morning & Sharped & set saw. in afternoon I did chores wen for grains. 30bu. got ??? pea Bran 8.10 @ 65c per 100 5.25 Queen Victoria died today pd. Mr Crawshaw for cutting three cords of wood. $1.85c

Wensday 23rd fine C.R. and Mr Crawshaw cutting wood all day. I went to see the Framers in the morning and all to see Burders cow did not make out much, went in afternoon. Pinders sale. and did chores

Thursday 24th Dull & soft C.R. hauling wood all day. I got two loads of straw. all $3 each am to get another tomorrow grains today 30 bu. put E.P. May to E.P. Laird 2nd

Friday 25th fine C.R. hauled two loads of manure from the stables. after chores were done I went to the station to meet Mr Phillips of Oakville came to see about Polled Angus bull. He has left me to try & get him a bull


Friday Jan 25th fair I went I got in another load of straw making 3 loads at 9.00/3 bgt meat at hales 80 {??} I got two wether lambs from Will. freight 84c I gave Mr Phillips a ewe and a ram lamb Dorsets to help on the loss of his bull Duke of Erin that died of tuberculosis

Saturday 26th fair C.R. Cutting wood I did chores & cut wood in morning and went for grains 30bu gave Father 1.00

Sunday 27th fair Father Mary Jennie & I went to Church heard Mr Cassady preach a sermon with regard to our Late Queen Victoria

Monday 28th fair C.R. Cutting and hauling uup wood I helped and did chores. Father working at chores grain 20 bu

Tuesday 29th fair & cold C.R. hauled 2 loads of wood and then I went to town got horses sharped and bgt a load of hay 2965. @ 12.00/8.50. went for grains 30 bu C McDougall had a heifer to E.P. Laird 2nd paid Thornton & Douglas. 75c for {??} Recd from J. Batty a note for two hundred and twenty five dollars. Dec Aug 1st

Wensday Jan. 30th Cool I was in house sick all day Mr McGregor came today and is well pleased with the stock & tells me that I am to go on selling the best I can and he will be satisfied. C.R. did chores and cleaned grain

Thursday 31st cold I was sick all day did nothing C.R. & Father. choring and cleaning up seed barley.

Friday 1st Feb 1901 Father and C employed same as yesterday and I Ditto. some better

Sat 2nd cold Father & C employed same as yesterday I also. improving slowly

Sunday 3rd Cold Father was the only one to get to Church this morning. I stayed in the house all day

Monday 4th Stormy C.R. & Father at same job. I went to town in afternoon . paid D Baley for sawing woo cutting straw $6.00, sent $2.40 to Prof Day to have suffolk sheep transfered to me am sending to A.P.W. pedigrees of four cattle

Tuesday 5th Feb 1901 I went to station in morning sent pedigrees of four cattle to A.P. Westervelt to enter for the sale. also their Pedigree Certificates and a check for $40.00 to accompnay to be refunded when cattle are put up for sale. C went for grains and paid Jan bill $24.25. Went to town in afternoon. pd bal on fish 05 drugs yesterday & today 50 beans & onion yesterday $1.10 Put Kyma 3 out to E.P. Laird 2nd at Jas Hewers, C got 35 bu Grains.

Wensday 6th fair C.R. and Father did chores & cleaned up oats. I went to see a Bull at Granton at H.A. Dinsmore's. I bgt his bull Black Warrior for F.W. Phillips Oakville for one Hundred dollars and to to be shipped tomorrow my expenses today $2.95

Thursday 7th fine & cool I helped with chores in morning and shipped two sheep to F.W. Phillips Oakville, then I went out to O.A.C. to examine pedigrees in herd book of the Angus bulls we have. down at the brewery, sent a Teliphone message to Will with an order for four suffolk Ewe lambs. at $15.00 each. message. $1.10

Friday 8th fine Father & I did chores and Ect. and I went to town pd Wakefield 50c for meat pd. Neil for overshoes. $1.50 got {????} on from hales.

Saturday Feb. 9th 1901 C.R. did chores and worked around barn all day. I went to town in the morning paid Taxes. $34.55 then bgt sugar 50c C got grains $1.75 stamps 25c. took a pr {pair?} of chickens to Mr Crosby.

Sunday 10th fair Father, Mary Jennie & I went to Church in morning and mother C & I in evening. heard two very good sermons by Rev. Kettlewell of M. Forest.

Monday 11th fair C.R. hauled two loads of manure from. Town Father & I did chores Mr Geo. Barber paid me the rent for three months for house and pig pen $9.50

Tuesday 12th Stormy. C.R. Father & Jimmie cleaning up grass peas I took a grist to town 17 bags. 85 c bgt corn 72c paid old ac. 12.80 sent. $8.75 to Farmers Advocate meat. 2.50, boots for Father. 2.50 paid for manure. 1.10

Wensday 13th cold We cleaned up grain most of the day. I did chores and went to see grade Angus heifer of Mr Harley

Thursday 14th Cold We did chores in morning & I went to Geo. Whitelaws sale. bgt {???} Truck $5.97


Friday Feb. 15th fine C.R. hauled stones from Mitchells 5 loads. Father & I helped him & did chores. I went to town bgt. Salt & Oilcake

Saturday 16th fair Father and C.R. hauling stone. 4 loads I went to town paid McCrae for thrashing 17.00 apple butter 2.00 bgt Tobacco 25 & Licorice 15 sent 97 wheat to J.W. Yeoman 469 {Gavin?} st Toronto Exp. 50

Sunday 17th fine Father Mary and Jennie & I went to Church in the morning heard Rev. Wordsworth preach on. "I have learned in whatsoever state I am there with to be content"

Monday 18th fine I did chores. Father & C.R. hauled four loads of stones. I went to town. bgt. mixture for warts on cattle 15c Letter C. 02 ordered. 500 bran 200' oat chop at Goldies.

Tuesday 19th colder C.R. hauled one load of stones from Mitchells and a load of manure from stables. I chored & Father helped. J. S. sorting potatoes.

Wensday 20th Stormy C.R. went to Mitchells sawing Father & I did chores Ect, {2?}

Thursday Feb. 21st 1901 cold I did chores and went to Whitelaws to buy straw and to Town and bgt a load of hay. hay was 2305 at 9.00 per ton. $10.35 C & I went to stables and trained calves most of the afternoon we have tied up four for the sale

Friday 22nd fine Father & J.S. chored and C.R. went to Whitelaws for two loads of straw and then we washed cattle. gave young Smith 25c

Saturday 23rd fine & cold C.R. went for a load of straw to Whitelaws and I went to town in morning bgt load of oats. 78 bu. 28 {?} @ 29c = $22.85, bgt 62 meat from Mr Alderson. @ $3.72/6, returned a pair of shoes to Mr Neil $2.50 bgt 2 doz bags at Hewers @ 4.32/18 7 sacks at P. Anderson @ 35c/5 C.R. & I went to stables in afternoon and trained calves to lead. got grains. 35 bu bgt brush & comb for cattle.

Sunday 24th cold Father, Mary, Jennie & I went to Church in morning heard Mr Cassady preach on home life. we all stayes at home for the rest of the day

Monday 25th Dull Father & C.R. & J.S> chored and cleaned grain in morning. I went to town bgt. Pea bran, 5.30 bgt 5 ton of hay from Friskin of Nichol {?} $8 per ton, to be delivered soon.

Feb 1901

Tuesday 26th Cold C & I went to station to ship Dorset sheep to Mr Phillips Oakville, also sold a ram to Mr Coles of Brantford for $10.00. and sent him to the station. got grist of chop from mill pd. 1.50 and.

Wensday 27th fine after chores we took cattle in to the sale and I stayed there the rest of the day. Mr Dinsmore came and selected a bull to exchange with Mr McGrogor for his old bull. paid {WM?} Tuck $8.85 for carpenter work.

Thursday 28th fine The Durham cattle were finished yesterday and Hereford started this morning. they sold fairly well but the Angus and Galloways went very slow. we sold two one for 51 Brandon Leonard and Altona for $43 to Dan Reed of Glanford. I recd 51.00 from Alex White for Leonard and D Reeds not for his recd $13.00 due in a week. {in margin: B. Leonard to Andrew Oliver Preston road Galt}

Friday 1st 29th March 1901 {???} Father & C.R. hauled two loads of stones from Whitelaw I paid them for straw. 7.50. I got a load of hay in making a total from Mr Faskin 9580. 3140. for home 12.56 6440 for stables at brewery at $8 per ton $38.32c pd. Hewers account. 10

Saturday Mch. 2nd 1901 I went to town. paid J. Faskin for hay $38.32 bgt oatmeal. $1.80, candies 05 recd $10.20 for seed grain Mr Zavitz sent for 16 bu seed oat. Daubeney

Sunday. 3rd fair & soft Father, Mary, Jennie & I went to Church heard Mr. C. preach another sermon on home life it was very good.

Monday 4th fair I went I did chores Father & C.R. hauled 4 loads of stones. I went to town after dinner bgt. corn & oilcake $2.40

Tuesday 5th Cold C.R. & Father hauled four loads of stones and I did chores Ect. Kyma 4th had heifer calf today. Dixie our Durham Grade cow aborted twin calves yesterday. Mary & children went to visit Mr Hamill's & McCannels I went to town bgt carbolic acid and Jeyes fluid for disenfecting stable, to prevent abortion got Malt comings {combings}. 25c

Wensday 6th cold Father & I disenfected stable & did chores. C.R. hauled four loads of stones. J.S. worked around barn.

Thursday 7th fine Father and C. hauling stone 4 loads I did chores went to town got cutter shaft fixed at Penfolds. bgt paper bag 32 Ect recd $5.05 for grass peas {?} went to Barber in evening went for grains

Mch. 1901

Friday 8th Dull Father & C hauled 4 loads stone. J.S. & I did chores J. Hill of Cumnock was here for dinner and bgt 31 bu & 8 Daubeney oats @ 40c 13.50 got seed grain ready to ship tomorrow.

Saturday 9th fair I did chores shipped 4 lots of seed grain and went for grains in afternoon, paid last months account. $20.45, went to town in evening got fowl from Aunt Maggie, meat $1.04 put Elm Park. May to E.P. Laird, recd. $10.97 for barley 10.97

Sunday 10th wet Father Mary & I went to Church heard. Rev. Christy it was a good sermon on the use of our

Monday 11th fair Rose had a heifer calf C.R. finished hauling 4 loads manure and from B Stables and hauled from barn-yard in afternoon ,

Tuesday 12 we hauled two loads of posts from McAllister's swamp 140 at 9c each. 12.60

13th ????? Wensday C.R. hauled manure in morning and we hauled cleaned barley in afternoon I went to town. bgt hardware 25c, recd 60.66 for seed grain and $10.07 that I sent to Bruce & Co. Hamilton I am out 10c for P.O. order. also sent for 12 bu for ourselves, & 35 bu for T. Eaton Co. Ltd W. Tuck came to look at Barn & fixed boards & hooks in house. 50c

Thursday 14th Mch 1901 Father C.R. & Jimmie cleaned up grain and & got it ready to ship shipped. seed grain and did chores. bgt a ladder for. $1.75 , 27ft. bgt comings {malt combings} 25

Friday 15th

Friday 15th fine Father & I did chores C.R. & J.S. sawed wood all day. I went to town after dinner bgt 1000 of corn chop $9.00

Saturday 16th fine Father & I did chores and filled & shiped 20 bu barley to J.W. Harteman Meaford. 8 bu oats ot G.E. Whiteside. Wilson P.O. New York got a pr. of shoes for J.S. $1.90 bgt. 1000 {??} $8/16 200. oilcake. 3.00

Sunday 17th fine C.R. Sick. I worked at chores nearly all day & Father Mary & Jennie went to Church.

Monday 18th fine I chored most of the day C.R. Sick J.S. cutting wood. Father choring

Tuesday 19th fair Stormy Father & I did chores C.R. & J.S. cutting wood W. Tuck here {???} gave us list of timber to cut for barn. Mr Moyes of Preston here for Daubeney oats, sold him 5 bush for $2.00 got grains the afternoon 35 bu Kyma 6th bull calf today

{????} Wensday Mch. 21st {20th} 1901 Stormy I did chores Father sick with with a cold. J.S. working at wood & chores. Crawshaw here in afternoon. I got grain 20 bu C.R. went to McCraes wood cutting I went to town in afternoon got harness fixed 2.00 shipped some seed grain

Thursday 22nd {21st}

J.S. & C.R. working at wood I did chores and C.R. & I tried to break in a young bull. I shipped some seed grain

Friday 22nd fair Father & I did chores J.S. worked at wood C.R. & Crawshaw. working at timber & shipped some seed grain.

Saturday 23rd fine I went to town in morning got tooth fixed. went to find men to help with timber pd Mr Crawshaw accounts $2.50

Sunday 24th Dull Father Mother. and I went to Church heard Rev. Cassady preach to Children it was applicabble to oleder {older} people as well

Monday 25th soft C.R. hauled up timber all day Father helped him Mr Ibbotson was here in afternoon helping me cut overlay and wood. recd. P.O. order from C German for $30.00

Tuesday 26th fine Father & C.R. hauling up timber. Mr Ibbotson cutting and also Mr Cook & & his man. I did chores.

Wensday 27th Mch 1901 Four men working Timber hewing it. I did chores and went to town J.S. splitting wood. Father helping me. I sent $13.28 to John A Bruce & Co. and $12.15 to Jon Mountain

Thursday 28th fair & cold Four men working at timber Father doing chores J.S. splitting wood. I went to town in afternoon got grains 18 bu pea Bran $5.10 Tin ware. 50c

Friday 29th fine Four men working at timber all day. Tooth filled with gold $4.00 np, then bgt meat at Hales $1.60

Saturday 30th fine Four men working at timber all day. I went to town in morning. got load of hay saw. Mr Howitt about the pasture and also Mr Barber They are agreeable for me to sublet the field. got grains 35 bu

Sunday 31st fine Father Mary, Jennie & I went to Church in the morning. We all stayed at home the rest of day

Monday Apr 1st 1901 fine Four men working at Timber J.S. splitting wood. Father & I doing chores.

Tuesday 2nd ffair Men finished hewing timber today. pd. Ibbotson 8.00. Cook 6.05 ??? Anderson $1.65, Shire man 3.85.

Wensday 3rd April 1901 C.R. hauled manure from stables 3 loads I worked at chores. about noon Mr McGregor came to see stock. and we had quite a talk about the N.W. T. L. bgt chop $3.10. Bran 70c. chopping {??}

Thursday 4th fair Father and I doing chores C.R. hauling manure from stables 4 loads we bgt two loads straw from. McDougalls $6.00 Mr Bell of Waverly came to see about a bull.

Friday 5th fine Father and I chored and Father Mother, Bessie & I went to Church. There was a very good Love feast went We came home and found John Mountain here. We spent a pleasant afternoon looking around stock Mr Bell of Waverly selected a Bull and Expects to send for him in a short time, also sold a rooster for 75c Egg 25c

Saturday 6th fine C.R. away home on a visit Father & I did chores and J.S. split wood. We went to town got grains. bgt a load of oats. $18.73, paid C.E. Howitt rent on pasture & stables $15 bgt bgs at Hewers. $3.63

Sunday 7th fine Father Mary, Bessie & Jennie & Alex went to Church in morning Mother & I in evening C.R. away.

April 1901

Monday 8th Cool. Father & I did chores and I went to town for chop, and paid Presents ac for chop Bran & chopping. $5.25, I bgt wire at Morris' 180 steeples {staples?}, 10 @ 3c per

Tuesday 9th fine & cool C.R. plowing I did chores J.S. away. Father did chores I went to town with drill fixing and. bgt alsike clover 2.25 pd express on clover, 80c. went for grains in afternoon got 1000 {midlings?} for calves 1000 for our own stable

Wensday 10th fine C.R. Rolling J.S. plowing I went for grains 25 bu got corn chop. 5.00 at 95 two loads hay from Reeves at 8.75 per ton. $2.021c

Thursday 11th fine Father & I doing chores C.R. Rolling, J.S. plowing I went to town got cultivator fixed $6.00 at McL. & Dawson's got envelopes 75 paper 05,

Friday 12th fine Father & I did chores C.r. Rolling & cultivating J.S. finished plowing sod & rolled a little and harrowed a patch of fall wheat and rye. I sowed grass seed clover on about 5 acres of fall wheat and rye,

Saturday 13th fine Father at chores and C.R. Cultivating and J.S. Harrowing. I sowed corner patch near Fords seeded it with clover & Timothy Mr Bruder brgt {brought} Fat cow. weight 1240 @ 5c= $62 already paid $10.50 bal 51.50 pd $50 bal due 1.50

sent oats to Bellamy Toledo sent 23 bgs and 7 sacks to J. Mountain., bgt ten bgs today. $1.63. sent $1781 to J.A. Bruce & Co.

Sunday 14th fair Mary Jennie & I went to Church. heard Mr Cassady preach.

Monday 15th fine Father not well. C.R. & I hauled 12 loads manure from G.T.R. Yards

Tuesday 16th fine C.R. hauled 1 load of manure & I hauled one and then he cultivated J.S. harrowed after cultivator in afternoon I got grains 25 bu

Wensday 17th fine C.R. Cultivating. I chored got grains 40 bu finished sowing D oats in afternoon seeded the ground sent $9.00 to Aunt M.

Thursday 18th Dull & wet Father & I chored. C.R. & J.S. harrowed & cultivated till rain stopped them. We filled up order of seed grain and I shipped grain & got horses shod in afternoon 50c nails. 15c C. R. clipped five rams.

Friday 19th cool frost Father choring. J.S. & CR cultivating & harrowing & picking stones. I went for grains 25 bu sowed Siberian oats in afternoon


Saturday 20th 1901 Stormy We finished sowing oats in morning. in afternoon I went with grist of wheat to mill. C.R. got grains & 35 bu then chored. I pd for grinding wheat 1.13 {??} 42c got whiffletree mended. 15c peanuts. 10c

Sunday 21st wet Father Jennie & I went to Church in morning

Monday 22nd fair Father & I did chores C.R. piled wood. J.S. also piling wood. C.R. harrowed fall wheat where I had sown clover seed

Tuesday 23rd Dull I went to Mount Forest put Kyma 6th to E.P. Laird C.R. chored. J.S. Harrowing Ticket. 2.75 other exp. 20c Found all well

Wensday 24 I came home put E.P. May to E.P. Laird bgt seeds. 4.60 sold s. Skin, 75 np to Hewer. J.S. harrowing C.R. choring Father fixing bull pen.

Thursday 25th fine I sowed barley and some grass peas. C.R. cultivating & harrowing grains 30 bu oilcake. 50 salt 50

Friday 26th fine C.R. sowed rape. J.S. rolling I chored & finished sowing grain. McGregor man here today recd $57.50 from S. Stewart bal due me on Dorset sheep

Saturday Apr. 27. 1901 Father Choring. J.S. Rolling C.R. digging post holes I went to town bgt 100 bu oats from R. Shortreed, @ 30c per bush. to be delivered at mill. paid Mr Tolton for buying straw 15c grains 20 bu. C.R. & I put in posts.

Sunday 28th fine C.R. working at fence J.S. rolling. Father choring. I went to town in morning. got seale returned the one I had borrowed. $14.00 np. at M bgt. 100 bu Oats from Shortreed @ 30c. to be delivered at Mill, {???} Ect. 10c shipped some seed barley, C.R. & I worked at fence in afternoon.

Sunday 28th fine Father Mary Jennie & I went to Church in morning & mother & I in evening

Monday 29th fine C.R. & I working at fence got grains. 20 bu J.S. {Gany?} plowing and harrowing manure in

Tuesday 30th fine Father choring J.S. G plowing. C.R. & I shipped bull to Jim Bell Elmvale also ram & rooster. I've did some choring and went for grains I went to Jim's mill for chop. 59 bgs paid for chopping. $1.50 C.R. fixing fence in afternoon

Wensday May 1st 1901 Father choring and cutting stone. C.R. & J.S. working up the mangel ground. I went in afternoon with Mr Borthurck to help him fix up car for stock. pd for telegram 25c.

Thursday 2nd wet night We shipped all the McGregor cattle but two and our two bulls E.P. Stamp 2nd & E.P. Laird 2nd. bgt things for shipping H divine. 15, 15, 15.

Friday 3rd fine CR Father cutting stone J.S. piling wood C.R. & I fixing fecne in morning and sowing mangels in afternoon C.R spreading manure & plowing it in. pd him 25c for spreading N. Soil

Saturday 4th fine Father cutting stone J.S. choring. C.R. & I finished sowing mangels and carrots and worked at Fence in the afternoon. I went to Town bgt. meat $1.20. sulphur. 25

Sunday 5th fine Father Mary, Jennie & I went to Church in morning and Mother & I in evening.

Monday 6th fine I shipped pottaoes & got grains 50. in morning C.R. & I did worked at fence in afternoon

Tuesday 7th fine C.R. & I worked at fence all day. grains 50c.

Wensday 8th fine Father & I worked at fence all day. C.R. dug post holes.

Thursday 9th Dull We finished wearing fence in morning and I went to town in afternoon bgt wire 25. shovel. 80c, need $1.30

Friday 10th fair We fixed anchor posts in wire fence in morning then went to haul feed from Brewery stables and C.R. hauled manure from stables in afternoon 2 loads. Father & I set posts in road fence near Barbers

Saturday 11th fair Father and I went to see about stone in morning we are to get some from Mr Higgan. bgt Fark Car & sling from Swayze for 14.00 He is to get the old ones. pd. Goldies ac $42.50, returned about 75 wire to Morris. pd for 1 brl {barrel?} salt. 100 Oil cake. 1/2 bu corn and 1 bg. potatoes.

Sunday 12th fine Father Mary Jennie & I went to Church. heard Minister of Sherbourne st Toronto preach on : In evening on Temtation {Temptation} in evening.

Monday 13th We hauled stone and finished putting in posts. went to {???} in evening. paid Higgins for stone $5.65

May 14th 1901 fine We chored a while in morning and hauled manure rest of the day. 15 loads Father cutting stone. I owe Jn {John} Mountain for Barley. 71.48c

Wensday 15th fine We hauled manure today 15 loads. J.S. Gang plowing I went to town bgt harness chain. 80 np at Morris, meat $2.59 pd. section men. $1.00 & gave Jno. B. & Boss 1 bg potatoes each for manure

Thursday 16th fine Father cutting stone J.S. plowing in manure C.R. & I hauled manure with two teams. We hauled & spread twenty loads.

Friday 17th Dull Father cutting stone. J.S. plowing. C.R. & I hauling manure. hauled 16 loads

Saturday 18th fine Father not well. J.S. plowing C.R. & I hauling manure 15 loads. finished big field & I shipped 40 bgs potatoes to R.H. Hammel to Alexandria. got fork at Penfolds 40c np Raw oil. 40c p sold skin 75 at Hewers bgt 1 bush buck wheat 60 chgd

Sunday 19th Dull Father Jennie & I went to Church in morning heard Mr Cassady preach.

Monday 20th Dull We. finished hauling manure & I went to see J. Howes about raising moving sheep pen

Tuesday 21st May 1901 Dull We worked at hauled saw dust in morning 4 loads took in a little over 3/4 cords of heading. I went to town {??} in afternoon sent $74.75 to Jn Mountain pd for writing paper. 2.00 medicine for cow. 50c. meat 85

Wensday 22nd Wet morning we worked at sheep pen clearing away things for to move went to town after dinner. bgt wire. 178. at Morris paid $25.00 on Morris ac

Thursday 23rd fine Father cutting stone J.S. harrowing & cultivating. C. R. digging post holes & setting posts for wire fence along from barn to orchard. I took Mary & children to station they are taking a visit to London. to see Andrew. got colt shod 25 np Ticket for Mary $2.15

Friday 24th wet & Dull C.R. & I worked at wire fence all day. J.S. away for holiday. gave him $2.00

Saturday 25th fine & cool Father & C.R. choring. I went to town in morning bgt wire 68. steeples. 5 saw. J. Howse about {??} & Raising barn and got his moving machinery without charge also D. Keleher is coming to help us with barn. then I went up to L. Roth's for the moving stuff & went to town in afternoon. bgt meat $2.25 head. 44 got 2 Jacks form G. B. W. then asked hands & C.R. went for 4 Jacks


Sunday May 26 fair Father & I went to church in the morning. heard a Presbytarian. Strangers from Port Elgin a very Good sermon on Joseph. We all stayed home the rest of the day

Monday 27th fine We moved our sheep pen today had. J. House's Tackling. {W?} Tuck did the work. had hand from Mr Barber. McDougall Bye, 1/2 Friendship Mitchell McCraw, Harvey. 1/2.

Tuesday 28th Dull We cleaned up rubbish and started to dry out foundation went to town bgt. corn 35c alfalfa. 50c.

Wensday 29th Dull We worked at Foundation preparing for masons I went to mill for cedar lumber got $5.76 hardware. 18c chain mended 05

Thursday 30th wet We chored around barn trimmed cattles feet. whitewashed cellar & hen house C. R. went for a load of shingles from shortreeds. np. we fixed a little fence

Friday 31st wet We worked at Foundation in morning. C.R. scraping I went to town to see about Mason and buy nails bgt. 40 spikes at Morris np we cut potatoes in afternoon. W. Tuch had a man here today making frames.

Saturday June 1st 1901 fine C.R. scraping foundation in morning Father stone cutting I went to town sent $200 to Blake Lash and Cassels to pay interest on mortgage. recd. $68.75 from A.G.H. Luxton. for Dorset sheep and $74.00 From Jas D McGregor bgt {lime?} for Father We planted potatoes in afternoon.

Sunday 2nd Wet Mary, Jennie & I went to Church. heard Rev Mills preach and attended monthly fellowship meeting.

Monday 3rd fine & cool C.R. & I cut potatoes & planted some. Father & laborer worked at the foundation. I shipped seven Dorsets. to A.G. H. Luxton Georgetown. Freight to be $1.12, we planted one bag of {Clorks?} Leamington potatoes Luxton to sent me $25.00

Tuesday 4th fine Father & I builging most of the day J Faley & C.R. working at Foundation & hauling stone to us went to see J.House about raising barn he says he can come in about two weeks paid R. Shortreed for oats. 30.00

Wensday 5th fine We worked at barn all day. Faley Laboring.

Thursday 6th fine 1901 We worked at barn all day. D. Keleher & J. Foley helping us. we got along very well.

Friday 7th Dull We worked at Foundation all day. K. & F helping us Telegram about cattle. 25 Queen had filly foal today

Saturday 8th fine & cool We shipped steer and Bull today. received check $375.00 deposited it in the Bank of Commerce at least gave it to the manager to pace to my creidt. Then we went to get consul papers and had dinner at Pearsons and 30c np. then got cattle shipped {boxes?} & paid. 30c The Rest owkred at Foundation paid J. Foley $5.00 tonight C. R. went for Keleher's Scaffolding. bgt.

Sunday 9th fine Father, Mary Jennie & I went to Church in the morning & Mother & I in the evening.

Monday 10th fine We worked at the Foundation all day. K. & F were here all day. put Kyma 4th to O.A.C. Bull Yesterday. Kyma 3rd also in heat

Tuesday 11th fine We worked at the Foundation all day. {?} K. & F here

Wensday 12th fine We worked at Foundation all day. {K?} & F here we got oat chop from J. L. Simpson paid he delivered it

June 1901

Thursday 13th fine We worked at Foundation all day. C.R. getting turnip ground ready. bgt meat. $1.45 paid Hales account

Friday 14th Showery We worked at Foundation until noon & then chored & scuffled roots & harrowed corn 3 framers all day. K & F here till noon I am to

Saturday 15 fine Father working at Foundation. F here all day I pd him $5 & owe him bal of $9.38. paid Jim for chop. 30.60 pd Keleher for mason work & scaffolding $22.00

Sunday 16th fine Father Mary & I went to Church heard Mr Cassady preach, & read the pastoral adress Mother & I went in the evening. to the mid quarter sacrament. Took Mary & Jennie both to Church for 1

Monday 17th fine We finished sowing turnips in the morning and C.R. harrowed potatoes & rolled turnips. & hauled up poles for Jacking up barn roof. I went to town with Keleher's scaffolding & got 18 3x4.14 {?} scautting {scouting?} for braces. & ordered 3 x 40 Elm sils for barn.

Tuesday 18th fine Farmers all at work Father pointing. C.r. & J. Porter. getting shingles off barn at brewery. I went to town got dishes $1.85. meat 2.00

June 1901

Wensday 19th fine We started to raise barn this morning. had McD J. House helping. Tuck & two men. had 3 Jack's from Morris. About 5 P.M. the prop tilted and the whole roof smashed in but no one was hurt but all badly scared.

Thursday 20h {??} We worked at barn all day and I went to town took home Jacks and bgt oat meal. 1.00. buggy fixed 25 took hay fork track & car in to Mr Swayze. Mr Mulshlock had cow to bull

Friday 21st fine J.F. C.R. & I worked at Brewery stable tearing it down. three framers at work all day.

Saturday 22nd fine We Raised barn today had two of Morris Jacks pd. J. House for Moving. $12.00 bgt meat in morning. $2.14

Sunday 23rd fine Mary, Children Father & I went to Church. in M. & Mother & I in evening

Monday 24th fine We worked at tearing down stable & helping Framers to raise shed roof went to town for. went to station with Mr Sharp E. Jackson was here all day helping us.

Tuesday 25th fine We helped framers in forenoon & tore down building in afternoon. R Mc is going to make frames at Tunleys tomorrow morning

June 1901

Wensday 26th fine We finished getting the good lumber. and have offered R. Brandon the bal of lumber for $15.00. R. Mc off 1/2 day

Thursday 27th fine We fixed fence around new pasture in morning & C.R. scuffled & hoed Turnips also E. Jackson I went to town for meat $1.50 at Hales np. potatoes at Hewers 50 np Framers all here all day

Friday 28th fine Framers all worked at barn. Mr S helping Father C.R. hoeing mangels I scuffled corn in morning & hoed Mangels in Afternoon got 30 5 inch spikes and 100 3 inch nails at Morris

Saturday 29th fine We worked around barn in morning. C. r. hoeing mangels Father painting and Mr S {??} to him all Framers at work all day.Mary & I went to town and met Andrew and Mr Darby and we are changing our mortgage from our farm Blake Lash & Cassels Toronto to Simpson and Darby. Robert Knowles Executor they are to bear all espense of the change

Sunday 30th fine Father Mary Children & I went to Church in the morning & mother & I in evening.

Monday July 1st 1901 Father Mr S & I hoed Mangels & turnips all day C.R. & Mr Tuck's two men took a holiday. We Mr T shingled all day,

Tuesday 2nd fine C.R. Raising drills for Rape I pulled weeds and worked sowed rape. Father & Mr S at stone work. Mr Tuck

Wensday 3rd fine We mowed a little hay in morning & then sowed Rape & kiled up hay. Father & Mr S at painting & all framers at work.

Thursday 4th showery Cut a little hay went to town bgt hardware bolts. hinges P. Greens cut a Morris. 5 hanger 2 loads 1 pulley from Swayze and meat $1.76 pd 2.00, paid for lumber $6.80. harness mended 40c

Friday 5th Dull We worked around the barn in morning and hoed turnips in afternoon Mr S away all day. all Framers here

Saturday 6th fine & cool Framers all at work. Mr s. 1/2 day. pd him $5.00 I went to town & got some bolts. Father C.R. & I hoed turnips in morning & raked & kiled hay in afternoon Rory of Brandon 2nd 42270 calved Mch 18th 1900 Bowman. 5. dropped spg 1900 A.E. Tag. 5/6

Sunday 7th fine Mary Children & I went to church in morning & mother & I in evening Mr C. preached both times

July 1901

Monday 8th fine All framers here. Mr Went for 100 flour to J.S. in evening. Aunt Maggie came

Tuesday 9th fine All framers here. J. K. here 1/2 day. A.M. here 1/2 day.

Wensday 10th fine Mr S. J.K. & A.M. all day Framers all here I went to town bgt 100 5 in nails handles. 23c, rope 8 1/3 @ 12 1/2, meat 1.22 harness mended. 35c can mended. 10c groceries 90

Thursday 11th fine Framers went to Sunleys at noon today I got 3 pulley hooks at Swayzes scantling at Stewarts 25c screws at M. 09. hat A.M. J.K. & Mr S. all here today. bgt ticket for Mother 2.75 4 of us hoed turnips scuffled mangels & potatoes. 1 plowed fallow

Friday 12th fine had Mr S and the two boys all day. pd boys each. 2.10 pd Mr S. 8.00, went to town bgt. sprayer, 90c, P. Green. 20 1 gal machine oil at Morris

Saturday 13th fine We worked at hay. hauled 7 loads. cut 3 acres and kiled it also. put P. Green on potatoes. Mr S here all day

Sunday 14th fine & hot

July 15th 1901 Monday fine & very hot I went to Sorby's with Mares. neither were in season then went to hunt for help in hay. W. Kelso came in afternoon and I expect him right along.

Tuesday 16th {??} W. K. here all day he & C hoed turnips in morning and scuffled. I cut clover in morning and we hauled a load of raking in afternoon then went to work in barn till evening we had a good shower

Wensday 17th fine We hauled four loads of hay and. kiled all that was cut. W.K. here all day

Thursday 18th fine We hauled in two loads of timothy & seven of clover W.K. away today

Friday 19th fine We finished cutting this seasons hay & started hauled. twelve loads W. K. here today.

Saturday 20th fine We finished hauling hay today three loads & started to cut fall wheat. went to town bgt meat. 78c.

Sunday 21st fine Father Mary & Children went to Church in morning and we went to Mrs Ford's funeral in afternoon & mother J & I to Church in evening

Monday 22nd fine We put in overlay for granery & Jacked up overlay in implement shed had two jacks two hrs. W Tuck here 1/2 day we cut wheat in afternoon and hoed turnips. Princess in heat sent her to Sorby

Tuesday. July 23rd fine We finished cutting fall wheat & Rye and the little corner field of oats near Fords. sent entries application for reg of seven calves and $10.50 fees.

Wensday 24th fine We cut Barley and almost finished the Daubeney oats. C.R. shocking and J.S. & Father hoeing Turnips.

Thursday 25th Dull We finished cutting Daubeney oats and hauled in the rye. four loads. Will and Norman came down to see us. We went to Sorby's to see about {??} room.

Friday 26th fine I went to town in morning bgt hardware. 50. 13. 28. 15. pd meat at Hales n.p. 95c took grist of wheat & chop to Jim's Mill got 3 bgs chopped and bgt 165 oat chop. pd for chopping & gristing & oat chop 3.10

Saturday 27th fine We hauled fall wheat all day 10 loads. H Leadley came out in afternoon. Princess took horse on Thursday

Sunday 28th Dull & wet Father Mary, baby & I went to Church in morning Mother Jennie & I in evening. This was sacrament Sunday

Monday 29th Wet We worked at roots & set up down shocks worked at sheep pen in afternoon. Hales got old ewe. 60 of mutton

Tuesday. July 30th 1901 fine I went to town in morning got 17' of meat. from hales hats. 62c paid, overalls & smock 2.13 paid for corn $ 1.33. recd 75c from Mr Hammell $1.50 from W. H. Sleeman, $1.50 from L Schmuck. sent two $ to H. J. Hill. entry fees for Exhibition Father. J.S. & Charlie all working at roots.

Wensday 31st We cut oats. Father & J.S. hoeing & scuffling

Thursday Aug 1st We finished cutting today at noon. and hauled in 5 loads barley 1 of wheat & 1 of oats in afternoon.

Friday 2nd Dull evening We hauled in 11 loads of oats. had W. Kelso all day

Sat. 3th fine Father & J.S. working at Turnips C.R. choring W. K. digging out foundation I went to town got wagon fixed 75c. meat 50c. Dr Savages bill pd from chop. 9.10. Pd W. Tuck 10.00 pd

Sunday 4 fine Father, Mary, Children & I went to Church hear. Rev. Mills preach. Mother Jennie & I in evening

Monday 5th fine We hauled oats all day had W. Kelso in afternoon

Tuesday 6th fine We thrashed today. had W. Kelso & a hand from McCannels


Wensday Aug 7th fine We hauled oats all day finished all but peas & rakings

Thursday 8th fine We pulled peas. most of the day. Father raking stubble Mr Hether is putting eave trough on our barn {??} 10c a foot and {??} all the {??} fixing

Friday 9th fine Mary & I went to town this morning. bgt meat. 13 @ 7c 91c at Hales left buggy at Penfolds to have tires set we finished all but peas

Saturday 9th fine We finished harvest today hauled seven loads peas. I went to town got buggy fixed 3.00. 100 Oil cake. $1.40 berries. 25c

Sunday 10th fine Father Mary Children & I went to Church in morning & Mother & I in evening Mr Mills preached a good sermon in morning on Faith Mr Cassady in evening

Monday 11th fine C.R. at Bye's thrashing all day. J.S. weeding mangels and Father & I choring

Tuesday 12th fine I went to town J.S. & C.R. weeding & cultivating Father choring & weeding I bgt barrow $4.00 shoes $2.50 meat 65c, stone hammer 60c p Mr Hether finished eave {???} barn today 1.37 {?} less. $1.25 for old pipe


Wensday Aug 14th fine Father building Foundation under sheep pen. I did chores and labored to him

Thursday 15th fine C.R. Plowing for fall wheat J.S. weeding potatoes I chored & helped Father at building.

Friday 16th fine Father building I went to town aced chored J.S. weeding turnips C.R. plowing. I bgt hardware. 45. 40. corn. & oatmeal. $7.25 meat. 65c np sold 4 loads of gravel. @ 10c. 40c

Saturday 17th fine C.R. plowing. all day J.S. hoeing turnips. Father working at Mason work under sheep pen. I went to town in morning

Sunday 18th fine Father Mary Children & I went to Church in morning & Mother J & I in evening Mr Cassady preached in evening on the two virgins showing that eh foolish had a show of religion but it did not avail

Monday 19th Dull C.R. Plowing. J.S. hoeing. Turnips. Father masoning I labored to him and went to town. bgt meat 77c C. Oil 72c, brush 25 recd $185.00 from Jonathan Batty $195.00

Tuesday 20th fine Father building J.S. plowing pea ground C. R. hauling out manure for fall wheat.

Wensday. Aug 21st 1901 fine Father building. J.S. plowing & choring. C.R. hauling manure.

Thursday 22nd Showery C.R. finished hauling manure to field north of bush. and started at south piece J.S. plowing, and both cleaned up grist

Friday 23rd wet We cleaned seed wheat in morning and chored J.S. plowing and C.R. cleaning earth out of sheep pen. I went with grist to mill paid for chopping Ect. $1.70 pd. {??} Jackson $2.50

Saturday 24th fine C.R. hauling manure and choring. J.S. plowing Father not well. I went to town pd. Mr McCannel. $3.40 being {4?} share done him from the Howitt Lease business pd. Hales account & bgt

Meat. 3.75
Pd. Foster acc. $4.50
Pd. Shortreed for Shingles. $89.25
Pd. S & G Penfold for twine. $11.50
hardware. at Morris. $1.35
" " Penfolds $1.99
Tomatoes 20c.
W.B. Swayze. 18.00
Pd. J. Friendship for work in {??} barn raising time 5.00
James Hewers ac.

Sunday. Sep. 25th 1901 Mary Chiildren & I went to Church in morning & Mother Jennie & I in evening.

Monday 26th fine C.R. choring J.S. Plowing I went to town pd. Goldies acc $22.75, bgt 5.00 bran to put in car. paid Morris ac

bgt. L. Oil. 67c
Drugs. 25c. 40c
stewarts ac. 1.07/td>
Insurance 5.00
Tuesday 27th Got all ready and started with cattle to Toronto. Wednesday 28th Charlie hauling manure and helping Will to the station. Uncle J. plowing. Thursday 29th Uncle J. plowing all day. Charlie at manure in forenoon & at Barber's threshing in afternoon. Got 8 1/2 lbs. Flank & Brisket - 60c & 1 1/2 n minced meat - 15 Friday 30 th Uncle J. plowing in forenoon & at town in afternoon. Gave him 50c. Charlie & J. Friendship at manure all day. Sat. 31st Charlie finishing manure and cultivating. Uncle J. still away at town Uncle Robt. came today. Got new pump from Grant Sunday Sept. 1st. Gr. M. & children to church in morning & Grp & Gran at night.

Monday Sept. 2nd Charlie cutting flax & corn. Uncle J. plowing. Got meat

Tuesday 3rd Charlie working at buckwheat & corn & Uncle J. plowing

Wed. 4th Charlie & Uncle J. getting fall-wheat ground ready for sowing. Granpa & Barber's 1/2 dy. Got 10 lb beef-steak

Thursday 5th Grandpa at Barber's 1 dy Charlie sowing fall-wheat. Un. J. plowing. Got about 8 lbs Flank.

Friday Sept. 6th Charlie finished fall-wheat. Un. J. puling weeds out of rape, Grandpa at Barber's 1 dy.

Sat. Sept. 7th Charlie harrowing fall-wheat ground in forenoon & tidying up yard in afternoon U. J. Gang plowing and pulling weeds out of rape.

Sunday Sept. 8th Grpa. Children & Ma at church in morning. Grp & Gran. in evening.

Monday Sept. 9th. Charlie working around barn & turning flax. U.J. plowing & pulling weeds out of rape.

Tuesday Sept. 10th C. working at barn & U.J. plowing. Got 14 1/2 lbs flank.

Wednesday Sept 11th 1901 Charlie & Grandpa at stable. U.J. plowing.

Thursday Sept. 12 C. & Grandpa at barn. U. J. plowing.

Friday Sept. 13 Ch. & Grandpa at barn U.J. plowing.

Sat Sept. 14th Charlie at Ford's threshing all day. Grandpa at barn & U.J. plowing. Got 7 1/2 lbs flank from Hales. Bell had heifer calf by Kyma's Heir today.

Sunday Sept. 15th All went to church as usual. Mr Cassady preaching.

Monday Sept. 16th Charlie at Barber's for about 2 or 3 hrs. in afternoon. He and grandpa working at barn the rest of day. Grandpa got harness mended $1 paid. Got horse shod.

Tuesday Sept. 17th Charlie at Barber's Silo-filling all day. Granpa at building Uncle J plowing

Wednesday Sept. 18th Ch. & Grandpa at building in forenoon. C. at show in afternoon. Uncle J. at shingles.

Thursday Sept. 19th Hauled in buckwheat levelling sheep-pen working at Shingles. 13 1/2 lbs. Flank Hales

Friday Sept. 20th General choring. Grandpa sick.

Saturday 21st 1901 We arrived home at 10 P.M. and found all well then got stock home and started

Sunday 22nd fine Mary Children & I went to church in morning.

Monday 23rd fine I went to town in morning pd W. Mountain 5.00. pd Grant for fixing pump. $13.00 meat. 55c, sugar. 3.00

Tuesday 24th fine Will got ready to go home and left this morning about ten A.M. he got off in good shape I bgt grapes. 25c street car tickets. 25 recd 250 from Will to pay for democrat wheel. and $5 to pay A Marriot shipped Wills cattle in afternoon. then went out to the colliege and looked at the stabling.

Wensday 25th fine C.R. at Porter thrashing Father choring. J.S. putting in wood. I went to town bgt meat. 80c, fixing buggy 05. Father shoes 80 E.P. Bell 3rd had bull calf by Oxford King

Thursday 26th fine C.r. finished plowing orchard & started at the foundation for cement in cattle stable I went to town with grist 12bgs oats & B. 2 bgs wheat bgt 6 {??}. Queenston cement x 3 brls. Ensign cement 2 u. at $1.25 per bbl E. N. 2.20 per bbl. pd Kelso 50 for taking care of cattle.

Friday 27th Sept. 1901 fine Father & Charley working at stable. I went for grist pd. Goldies for Bran & {ret?} bgs. $3.50, pd for chopping 70c Father C & I worked at stable putting in cement in afternoon

Saturday 28th fine We worked at Cement in new stable all day that in Father & C.R. J.S. working at wood. I was sick all day & did not do much. Elm Park Bell 2nd had heifer calf by Oxford King

Sunday 29th Dull & wet Mary Children & I went to church in morning, and 12c Father & Mother in evening 15c

Monday 30th fine C.R. went to McCannels thrashing. Father & I cut logs for new stable J.S. working at wood

Tuesday 1st Oct fine Framers came today to work at barn all three I hauled some logs to Mill and C.R. & Father worked around barn

Wensday 2nd fine C.R. at Barbers thrashing Framers all at 2 work in morning & 3 in afternoon I hauled two loads of logs to Mill got some pine planed 45c

Thursday 3rd fine We hauled three loads of logs to mill and a load of lumber to planing mill.

Friday 4th fine & cool Framers all here. C.R. took a load of logs to mill I worked on road all day. had Mr Hammill 1.25 Mr Couling. 60c

Saturday. Oct. 5th 1901 Dull Framers all here. Father choring around barn. J.S. working at wood. C.R. & I working at road work we finished at 5 P.M. pd. Mr Hammil 2.50 Jon Barber $1.25. Couling. 60 recd from Mr Hammil $2.00 for bull service. from J Barber for Sand 25c bgt glass 9 lights n.p. hooks & steeples ten. whisky 35. wood alcohol. 20.

Sunday 6th fine Father Mary & children at Church in morning and Father & Mother in evening

Monday 7th fie Two framers here 1/2 day C.R. & Father choring around barn. I took truck's home. & got some strips split. at Clemens got wagon tongue fixed got 2 latches at Morris. 70/35 nails. 28c. putty got oil meal.

Tuesday 8th fine & warm C.R. & J.S. pulling mangels we got in six loads. I went for wagon tongue the morning. bgt barrel of salt $1.10, go a barrel of cement Father finished cementing manger bottoms

Wensday 9th fine J.S. & C.R. worked at mangels. Father & I took in seven loads today. Sorby's brought princess home today.

Thursday Oct. 10/1901 Wet We worked around the barn all day. getting box stalls ready. Ect E.P. Bell bull calf

Friday 11th wet morning We worked at stable in morning. and at mangels in afternoon

Saturday 12th Dull The Duke & Duchess of York visited Guelph today Mother & I went to see them. bgt meat 19 1/2 @ 6c. $1.17 np pd for Mothers Dress at Scroggies $1.50 pd Mr Sorby $10.00 that I recd from Ottawa for Princess.

Sunday 13th fair Father Mary & little M. went to Church in morning and Father & Mother in evening.

Monday 14th fine We work at putting cement floor in feed room till 4 P.M. then I went for 6 bu lime to kiln.

Tuesday 15th fine C.R. & J.S. taking up carrots I went to Washington to see a grad Angus steer and bgt him for $90.00 to be delivered on sat next had a Wensd pleasant visit to Mr Hall's looke around his stock and also a neigbors exp $1.20

Wensday 16th Dull We hauled carrots 3 1/2 loads & got mortar ready for Father there started taking up potatoes went to mill got some chop bran & 500 mds, chgd

Oct 1901

Thursday 17th fair Dull We chored in morning and took up some potatoes in afternoon. Jennie & I went to Cheltenham in the evening. Fare $ 1.45 Found all well at Chelt.

Friday 18th cold Men chored in morning took up potatoes in afternoon. I judged cattle at Erin Fair Mr D. Rae of Eramosa was my colleague we got along very nicely went to see Mr Sharp's stock in evening.

Sat 19th fair John showed me around his stock in morning and Jennie & I started for hoome about 9.30 AM had a nice chat with Bessie coming down to the station, we got home about 11 A.M. met G. Shields on Train. then I went to town sent. $90.00 to Walter Robson Ayn for steer and $71.50 to Canada Life co Toronto, Exchange. 30c Men worked at potatoes all day. Father at mason work. We got steer home tonight.

Sunday 20th fine Father Mary Children & I went to church in morning and Father & Mother in evening

Monday 21st fine We worked at potatoes all day. & took up about 55 bgs

Tuesday Oct 22nd 1901 We worked at potatoes all day. I went to town bgt meat. $1.50.

Wensday 23rd We finished potatoes and started topping turnips Mary & I took wool to Rockwood. $22.12 worth 158 lb at 14c we took it all out in trade.

Thursday 24th I went to mill in morning borrowed. 725 of oats and got four bgs barley and 3 of wheat chopped J.S. & C worked at Turnips all day we hauled four loads.

Friday 25th fine We worked at turnips all day hauled 9 loads put cattle into new box stalls

Saturday 26th fine We worked at Turnips all day. got in 13 loads

Sunday 27th fine Father Mary Jennie & I went church in morning Father & Mother in evening

Monday 28th fine We worked at Turnips all day got in ten loads

Tuesday 29th fine We worked at Turnips all day got in 13 loads gave Mary 5.00

Wensday 30th fine We worked at Turnips all day got in 14 loads

Wensday Thursday 31st Oct 1901 fine We finished taking in roots today. got in 11 loads Turnips 1/2 load of cabbage & some beets.

Friday Nov. 1st 1901 We covered pits and C.R. went to Bye's Thrashing, in afternoon

Saturday 2nd fine C.R. plowing, J.S. sorting Turnips Father painting in new stable. I went to town. bgt meat $1.05 oil cake. $1.45 groceries, 16c candies 05, got my tooth filled left stove at Rumford's to be fixed, sold.

Sunday 3rd fine Father Mary Children & I went to Church in morning and Father & Mother in evening, We had quite a High in our church, and every body seems pleased with the decorating Ect. REv. Smith from Toronto preached morning & evening

Monday 4th fair & cold C.R. at McDougall's thrashing The rest of us chored around barn & prepared for thrashing, Mary & I went to the church concert in the evening. we paid 50 Thrashers came this evening

Tuesday 5th fair & cool We thrashed today did not get on very well. had hand from Bye's, Ford's, Porters, Barber's bgt, meat about $2.00 bread. 30c

Wensday 6th Nov. 1901 C.R. & J.S. started to plow today. Father & I choring.

Thursday 7th fine C.R. & J.S. plowing Father & I working around the barn.

Friday 8th fine C.R. & J.S. plowing and I went to town paid G.T.M insurance assessment 12.00 also Renewed the insurance on house and barn in Waterloo that had formerly been in the Royal. to be $18.00 Recd $25.00 from Jno {John} Bell Waverly Proff Day came to see about Having students Judge cattle I paid him six dollars for Bull service Recd $1.00 from Mr Pickering for Bull service

Saturday 9th fine & cool C.R. & J.S. Plowing all day Father & I choring and closing in end of sheep house gave Mary $2.00

Sunday 10th fine Father Mary Children & I went to church in morning hear Mr Cassady preach Mother & I in evening

Monday 11th Dull & wet I went to mill with grist flour. 1.20 this grist chop. 1.00 last grist 80c J.S. plowing in afternoon Father & C.R. choring

Tuesday 12th fair C.R. & J.S. plowing all day Father & I choring. Proff. Day & a number of strudents came to see stock had quite a pleasant afternoon

Nov. Wensday 13th 1901 Wills Birthday he is 33 yrs Father & I working at sheep pen. C R & J.S. plowing all day

Thursday 14th Dull & blusky Father & I working in sheep pen and C R & J.S. plowing. Recd 2.0 from R. Brandon owing the payment in stable for Oct

Friday 15th Father & I working around the barn C.R. & J.S. working teams & covering pits. I went to town in evening got mail tobacco for Jimmie

Saturday 16th fine C.R. covering pits & choring manuring garden Ect. J.S. hauling stones. Father & I went to town. I pd McCrae for Thomson's Sheep $10.66 pd. for Groceries $3.76, hardware. chgd at Morris horses shod. 50c.

Sunday 17th fine Father, Mary Children & I went to church in morning heard a good sermon by Rev. Mr Hendley Congregational Minister on the owkr of a real church Mother & I heard Mr Cassady in evening on Peace on Earth Good will to men.

Monday 18th fine Charlie hauling gravel. to barn yard. Father & I choring fixing sheep pen killing a sheep. J.S. finished hauling away stone heap. I went to town. bgt corn chop 6.00 np oil cake $7 np. herbaprin {herbal sedative/pain-killer for animals} 25c, chopping 25 Linseed oil, 18c

Tuesday 19th Nov. 1901 fine J.S. choring Father and C & I working Shingling the sheep pen.

Wensday 20th Dull C.R. at Harvey's thrashing I went to Town posted Winter Fair bills, bgt 25 shingles nails. 150 oilcake pd for 500 that I got Monday Linseed oil 1/2 gal. .40 Boiled Oil 85c sold skin to Hewer credited 60c

Thursday 21st fine Father & I Shingling sheep pen. J.S. choring, C.R. at a plowing bee for Mr Johnston.

Friday 22nd Dull J.S. Choring. Father C.R. & I finished shingling sheep pen and started the hen house got half done.

Saturday 23rd snowy East wind C.R. off today getting his teeth fixed. Father choring I went to town. sent $25.00 to A.P. Westervell entry fees for fat Stock. $3 to Secretary McFarlane for transfers. The send $1 to Franklin. {??} Morine for to register suffolk ewe borrowed $50.0 from Bank of Commerce for 3 months recd $1.00 to pay for a 1/4 of lamb I sold 8 years ago

Sunday 24th Dull Father Mary & Little Mary & I went to Church in morning heard Mr Cassady preach a Temperance sermon

Monday 25th Dull We finished shingling main part of hen house went to town for nails. 50 Gray. mineral powder for painting 25c at Morris rubbers. 16c

Tuesday Nov. 26th 1901 clear & cold C.R. finished shingling bull pen and started to {rid?} up the yard. I went to town in morning. took back Drab mineral, & got some silver grey instead also 5 lb white lead, Groceries 1.05 candies Ect 35 oatmeal, $1.40

Wensday 27th fair I set Father and Mother to the station this morning Fare. $1.70 money for Mother $110. Came home and in worked at painting stable doors & windows C.R. choring J.S. sorting potatoes. W Tuck & man came in afternoon to fix roof ready for us to shingle. They came about 2.30 P.M.

Thursday 28th fine W Tuck 3/4 day working at barn putting in windows C. R. helping him I went to church took little mary with me.

Friday 29th Dull We cleaned up grist in morning and took it to mill. 12 bgs and 7 bgs returned that I borrowed 6.39 lb. returned 10 empty bgs to Goldies bgt 300 Bran. bgt. 500 oilcake, 7.00 pd at Trader Bank pd for chopping. 70c. C.R. dug post holes for hen yard and we worked at it in afternoon

Saturday 30th Dull C.R. working at hen yard J.S. Sorting potatoes I went to town in morning. bgt {Pnlper?} repairs. 35c Poultry netting at 1.05 got 2 2/5 {??} singles at Clemens. @.95c $5.20

Sunday Dec 1st 1901 Mary & Jennie went to Church in morning and. Charlie & I went in evening heard Rev. Walter Russell. B.A. Evangelist.

Monday 2nd cold C.R. Shingling, Woodshed. I shipped 2 Roosters to J. M. Barton Vankleek hill, Then went to meet Father and Mother, hardware 05 Drugs, 10c went to town after dinner sent. $3.00 to A. P. Wesetervelt entries for fowls.

Tuesday 3rd fair & cold Father & C.R. Shingling wood shed. I went to town in morning. got Father pants. Ect. 2.13 Moleskin to face mits. 37 snaps 05. sold. 2 ton straw to Mr Hanmer for Fat Stock show at $5.50 per Ton.

Wensday 4th fair & cold Father & C.r. finished shingling woodshed. I went to town bgt 2 Square shingles at Clemens Father & I went to Church at I went to see Mr Hanmer about getting manure from the show we are to be in by eight oclock aced clean up satisfactory to market clerk.

Thursday 5th fine C.R. & Father choring and fixing up yard generally & J.S. finished potatoes & started taking in wood I went to town for Mr Heather to fix eave trough. Also took Mary & children in to get their picture taken we are to get 9 at $2.50 paid also Mary got other things & gave Mary $1.25 hardware 30c

Friday 6th fine Father & C.R. & J.S. putting wood into shed Mr Hether. put up eave trough on wood shed. 51ft at 10c per foot n.p. bgt salt petre. 08.

Saturday 7th Dull Father & C.R. finished the wood and I chored & went to town. bgt snaps 12p mits. 50c,

Sunday 8th Father Mary & children & I went to Church

Monday 9th We got things ready and went in with them to the Fat stock show

Tuesday 10th fine Cattle & sheep were judged alive and classes were finished about 10 PM we got 1st & 2nd on heifer calf. 2nd on Grade cow 1st on Aberdeen A Grade steer

Wensday 11th fine 1st & 2nd on Suffolk wether 1st 2nd 3rd on " " lamb

Wensday 11th fine Cattle were slaughtered today we had our steer put in & killed 64.4 percent

Thursday 12th Sheep killed today. we had two shearling & 2 lambs killed. also

Friday 13th wet We won 2nd & sweepstake on Dressed Carcass beef 2 fists & 2 seconds on sheep and sold lamb kept wether Will got 191 at $7.50, $ 6.82 I kept the other 5 gave $5.67. 61 to Mr Hamilton accountant to Deposit for me

Sat 14th Dec. 1901 Will C.R. & I worked at manure in market all day got things into pretty good shape. Will went home to Mt Forest tonight, Cast night. I recd $166.00 prize money. $125.00 for Bull I sold to Mr Hazlewood St Marys to be shipped Tuesday $96.00 for Miss Canada. $70.00 for Miss Quality $ 81.60 for steer Carcass $6.40 for Hide $2.40 for skins.

Sunday 15th fine Father Mary & I went to Church in morning & Mother & I in evening heard Mr {Russo?} we {??} $4.00 to {????}

Monday 16th fine Father C.R. & I hauling manure from market 6 loads. horses shod. 63 np

Tuesday 17th Father C. R. & I hauling manure all day I shipped bull to Jas Hazlewood St Marys hauled 7 loads

Wensday 18th fine Father C.R. & I hauled manure. 7 loads. stamps 25

Thursday 19th fine & cold We hauled 5 loads manure and prepared for thrashing

Friday 20th fine We thrashed today did not get on very well. had Mc D. 1 Barber 1. Mitchell 1 Bye 1. Harvey 1. Busby 1/2 Put Bowmans no 1 to {Master?} King

Saturday 21st fine We finished thrashing this morning & chopped grain in afternoon. pd J. Busby 1.00 J. Flick. 50c,. Put Kyma 3rd to Oxford King

Father. Mary L M & I went to church in morning heard Mr Russel preach and Mother & I went in evening There was a very good meeting.

Monday 23rd fair C.R. finished hauling manure from show building. & then we hauled in corn and C.R. hauled up wood. I went to town pd. Mr Heather $5.10, paid Jas. Hewer. ac. $5.00 pd. Thornton & Douglas ac

Tuesday 24th fine

Pd. Clemens. bill. $19.62
" Goldies " $13.49
" Linseed oil $14.00.
bgt slippers for Father. 85
" Cloak for Mary. $7.00
Pd C. R. $5.00
groceries, $1.00, goose 95c tie & {pin?} for Charlie. 75c Mother 5.00 Wensday 25th fine Will came yesterday and took Mother and Hannah home to Mount Forest this morning Father & Jennie & I went to Church this morning heard Mr Cassady preach a very nice sermon, we stayed at home the rest of the day Thursday 26th fair I went to town in morning returned, 2 bunches shingle to Clemens. pd W Tuck. 95.00 bgt overcoat, $9.50

Friday Dec 27th fair 1901 C.R. finished hauling up wood and started to cut up tops. hauled some pea straw over to sheep pen paid for Lime. $15.48 sent $10.00 to Janesville Wis, to Alex Galbraith to record princess & Charming Queen

Saturday 28th fair Tom came last night with cow calf and four lambs. We had quite a chat. pd. my share of the trip $2.00. Tom left for home this morning about ten A.M. I painted barn doors J.S. & C.R. cutting wood got a pure bred cow off train today from Will. pd for Mercury, 50c

Sunday 29th fine Father & Mary & baby went to Church in morning & Jennie & I in evening heard Mr Cassady preach on three steps from Guilt to Glory.

Monday 30th fine I took C. Reeson's things to the station & paid him his wages. $180.00, groceries .35 gave my note for insurance $150.00 paid. $3.00 bal. $ 2.12

Tuesday 31st Stormy I went to Town. Father & J.S. chored. Pd. D Baley $30 sent $75 to Will for cattle & sheep suit for J.S. $4.15 np at McIntosh

Wensday Jan 1st 1902 We chored and chopped a little wood.

Transcription Progress



James Bowman 1901 Diary Volume 3 Part 1.pdf
James Bowman 1901 Diary Volume 3 Part 2.pdf
James Bowman 1901 Diary Transcripts.pdf


James Bowman, “James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1901,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 9, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/412.
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