James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1900


James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1900


James Bowman


Courtesy of the Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph






19th & 20th Century, Wellington County, Guelph, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1900


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


Sunday 31st Dec 1899. fine Mary, Jennie & Willie went to Church in morning, I & W to S.S. and I went to Church at night

Monday 1st Jan 1900 fine I did chores & went to vote in morning. Mr Thomspon came to see about buying stock, did not make a sale. Mary, Jennie & I went up to Jim's for a New Year's visit. found all well we Shot at Target. had quite a good time.

Tuesday 2nd Stormy I did chores went to town in morning. sent $12.85 to Will for wethers. Paid McKenzies ac, $4.80 got an order from J. Bell for Old Kyma I am to ship her on Thursday and also to ship ram to Will Baleys came with cutting bot in evening.

Wensday 3rd fine we cut straw all day had McDougalls 1 hand and G.B. Hood. 1.

Thursday 4th fair we were cutting till about 3.30 P.M. and then we fixed things up and did chores. shipped Kyma II 18920 to John Bell Waverly P.O. Elm vale Station. Freight $3.40 Shipped Suffock ram to Will 36c put Heather Bell to K's Heir yesterday and E.P. Bell on Monday

Friday Jan 5th 1900 mild fair C went to McCrae's cutting I did chores and went to town in morning. pd note Twenty five dollars & 50c got shoe mended. 05 came home & found twon men from Nichol looking for a bull I sold them one. for $80.00 recd $5.00

Saturday 6th fine I took five bags barley and 4 bags of wheat. to mill bgt. 500 corn $4.00, Oats 8 6/{?} @ $2.21/27 wheat 98c. Chopping 45c bgt oat meal $1.00, pinchers

Sunday 7th {???} Inez, Jean & I went to Church in morning heard Mr C. preach a Consecration sermon it was very good. we all stayed at home the rest of the day.

Monday 8th fine we did chores and worked at wood. McBroadfoot came for his Bull. Pride of Nichol, recd bal of Price 75.00

Tuesday 9th fine C & I chored & cut wood in morning and I went to Andrew Derby's funeral in afternoon, It was a very large fuenral, went to town put $40 in bank. paid for 1/2 ton Bran. @ 14=7.00 to be delivered with Fords, pd for Molasses & prunes 1.00 paid for baby medicine 50c

Wensday 10th cold C did chores & I went over to Burts to see stock bgt Bull calf and Yearling heifer for one Hundred and twenty five dollars, pd $1.00 to be delivered 20th got Nell shod. Kyma 8th in heat today.

Jan 1900 Thursday 11th heavy fall of snow Dull stormy evening C hurt his knee and had to sit in house all day I did chores and went to town in morning, to get oats but they did not come in I did chores rest of day C went to P.O. McDougalls had cow here.

Friday 12th fine I did chores and went to O.A.C. with Kyma 3rd Kyma of Tweedhill had a bull calf today. Charley was laid up all day with sore knee.

Saturday 13th fair I did chores and went to town in morning, bgt hardware 15c. sold skin $1.25 bgt salt. $1.10 got grist of chop. $1.05, oats. $14.30 {tinware?} 20c.

Sunday 14th Dull we all stayed {word scratched out} at home except children going to S.S. Baby is some better. M and Jennie and Charlie are all unwell

Monday 15th Dull I did chores in morning went to O.A.C. with E.P. Mayflower. bgt tow bits & some nails {@ P 38?} recd $34.50 from A.A.A.A. cheek. by T. McFarlane. 34.50

Tuesday 16th fair We did chores in morning and took children to School. In afternoon we hitched up the colts went to town. got harness mended. 75. H. oil 40

Soft Stormy Wensday 17th Jan 1900 We chored in morning and went to Percy Johnston Funeral in afternoon he died of scarlet fever only sick about 24 hrs W.R. Walker and wife called tonight on their way to Glanford

Thursday 18th Soft We chored in morning cleaned wheat & chored in afternoon. W.R. & wife started for G. about 8 A.M.

Friday 19th Soft We worked around barn most of the day went to town at noon. bgt nails 60c bolts. 55c.

Saturday 20th fair we did chores & I went to town. Paid D. Baley for cutting $8.00 paid for Photos, 2.00 Mr Burt brought the two cattle I paid him $124.00 we went to town in evening bgt candies Ect 15 got iron fixed. 05 Kyma 4th had heifer calf

Sunday 21st fine Mary, Willie & Charlie went to Church and Inez & I went in evening

Monday 22nd fair C. Started Business Colliege this morning and I did chores and prepared for W. Duck coming tomorrow.

Tuesday 23rd fine I did chores and helped W. Duck 1.00 np with gates Ect

Wensday 24th cold I did chores and went to town got Tory shod 25c whip fixed 05 oild cake. $`1.35. Bull rings 30c rope. 54.

Thursday 25th Jan 1900 did chores and went to town. sent $41.72 to Jas Sharp. Rockside to pay for heifer. bgt harware. 15c honey. 08

Friday 26th cold I did chores at and Ect all day.

Saturday 27th fair C. did chores & piled up wood. I went to town in morning bgt a load of oats. 52 bag 29 @ 28c, $14.80 paid for chopping. 85c paid taxes, $38.21, paid for C Shirt 10c,

Sunday 28th Stormy Inez & I went to church in morning. heard Mr Cassady. we all stayed home the rest of the day

Monday 29th Stormy & cold I did chores & went to town with Mary in morning bgt 5 tons hay from Kennedy near Marden for $40, to be delivered by March to be first class timothy I paid $2.00, In afternoon I shipped two cattle to Will. Prince of Elm Park & Aneta of L. S. W. R. (freight to be 3.60) W & Wife called on their way home at night. I traded Rams head & ewes horns to Ferrier he is to line our robe,

Tuesday 30th Stormy I did Chores. W.R. & Wife started for home. I went up to Jims to see if I could buy a load of pea straw. came home & cleaned out colts stall and started turnips in afternoon

Wensday Jan 31st 1900 I did chores sorted turnips and went to town in afternoon bgt. corn meal 25 c, oil 72c and bolts 03c. J. D McGregor of Brandon called today to see our stock. he offered me two hundred for the old Bull Kymas Heir

Thursday Feb 1st 1900 I did chores and went to town got Rocking Chair at Bollerts, and {???} 10 G.D. Hood had cow to bull

Friday 2nd Cold we did chores & trimmed sheep & sorted turnips went for, G. D. Hood had cow here

Saturday 3rd fair C took Kyma 3rd to O.A.C. Bull. I went to town in morning bgt. meat $9.12, over coat. 8.00 boiler fixed, $1.25, Candies 05 Pants for Willie 80c

Sunday 4th Snowy Inez & I went to church alone both morning & evening. It was a good service Mr Cassady in morning and Derby in evening

Monday 5th fine I chored & went to town with buggy to be fixed and bgt paint. & brush 42c {felt?} to trim robe. 38c Put Sharp heifer to Kymas Heir & Kyma 8th to Duke of Erin

Tuesday 6th did chores & worked around barn went to meeting in evening went to town bgt Cake. 4.20 got 80 flour

Wensday 7th Did chores and worked around barn went to church in evening

Thursday Feb 8th 1900 Did chores and went to Fat Stock club meeting pd fee. $1.00

Wensday Friday 9th fair I did chores and went to town in afternoon, got rove and paid for lining, 3.00. kettle mended 10c

Saturday 10th fine We chored & cut wood in bush. C went to town got felt. 20c np then went sent Fat Stock show picture. sent it to {???} McFarlane stamps 25c

Sunday 11th fine C. went to church in morning & S.S. I went to church in evening.

Monday 12th fine I did chores and worked at wood most of the day

Tuesday 13th blustery I did chores hauled up a load of wood. & chopped a little in afternoon put Kyma of Twwedhill to Hkymas Heir

Wensday 14th fine I did chores and cut wood.

Thursday 15th cold dull I worked at chores & wood

Friday 16th cold I worked at chores & hauled 4 loads of wood.

Sat 17th fine we did chores & I went to town got robe. 50c corn & chop. $4.85. Candies 06 Children Shoes. $1.20 Soles 20c pd Scroggies 2.53 sent 42.00 to Farming paid Penfolds $5.00 that I borrowed. cut wood

Sunday 18th Feb 1900 fine Jennie & I went to Church in morning & C in evening

Monday 19th fine I did chores & cut a little wood. did not feel well.

Tuesday 20th fine I did chores in morning and went to O.A.C. for tow Dorset Ram lambs in afternoon. paid $12.00 for them.

Wensday 21st Dull I did chores and helped Mary with washing something new for me. sent $6.35 to John A. Bruce & co for grass & peas, at 85c per bu

Thursday 22nd Snowy I did chores and went to See County Counsellor McIntosh about Fat Stock Show.

Friday 23rd fair did chores and went to town we bgt. stone for forty dollars.

Saturday 24th Stormy We did chores and cleaned up oats. & cleaned out sheep pen.

Sunday 25th cold Mary & c. went to Church in morning and Inez & C to S.S. I was not feeling well.

Monday 26th cold did chores and went to Station for 7 bu grass peas from J.A. Bruce. freight 51c we got new oxford range this afternoon. we are to pay $40.00 if it gives satisfaction in a month

Tuesday 27th February 1900 did chores and took three bags oats to mill to be chopped. 15. got four sifter. 15c, First great victory for British in South Africa war. Gen Crongie Surrendered I hauled up three loads of wood in afternoon..

Wensday 28th Stormy did chores and pounded barley awns off Barley. Mr Cranshaw came at noon and is going to cut our wood at 60c per cord. We got wind tonight that Buller had relieved Lady smith. The City bells all ringing and Facotires had a half holiday

Friday 2nd Stormy I did chores and took girls up to school to get their books. Mr Cranshaw started to cut wood today.

Saturday 3rd fine we did chores and cleaned up Barley. I went to town to meet mother. She came all right Mr Cranshaw cutting wood I paid him 65c

Sunday 4th Stormy Inez, W. & I went to Church in morning. We all stayed at home the rest of day

Monday 5th Stormy did chores and went to town to meet Mr Watts got. Oatmeal $1.00 syrup. 70 yarn 20 rennet wine 25

Mar 1900

Tuesday 6th wet worked in Granery and finished barley. got word tonight that Joe Mountain was Dead and would be buried Thursday

Wensday 7th cold went to town with children in morning. got things for them. Tory. took sick & I had to send for Dr Reed he also docked Princess. gro for house 45 c

Thursday 8th fine We did chores and I went to Joe Mountains Funeral expenses. $2.50 R. fare. 1.00 livery bill. $1.50 got home about eight P.M. Dr. REed was out twice today.

Friday 9th fine I set children to junction on C.P.R. and bade them good bye. pd the children fare $63.70 and also their account 3.00 bgt. corn $2.65 worked at wood in the afternoon hauled three loads two loads bgt. things for house 45.

Saturday 10th fine C did chores and I went to town bgt 75 bu oats @ 30 bgt meat chopper. $1.40, C. oil. 18 stamps 70c, paid, yarn 25, 2 bgt bags. 60c

Sunday 11th fine Mary & C went to Church and C. to S.S.

Monday 12th fine did chores & I went to town for grist. chopping $1.45. corn 3.82 bgt bags 75c, broom.

Mar. 1900

Tuesday 13th fair I did chores and hauled three loads of wood got things for mother 25c pins Ect 10c

Wensday 14th fine I took R. {Batty?} to Birrels sale and did chores & hauled 3 loads of wood sent to town for 1 barrel of salt . $1.10

Thursday 15th fine I did chores and hauled up a few loads of wood and took in two loads of hay.

Friday 16th stormy got in two loads of hay & three loads of wood took mother to station Candies 12c Mother fare $1.45 paid Cranshaw $1.00

Saturday 17th Stormy I went to town bgt beef 6.10 bags. 2.16 Oil cake. 1.45 pd for chop 75 & returned 200, recd. Eight 8.00 dollars from Jarvis Milton and $14.66 from T. stagdill both for 14.66 barley. paid Mr Cranshaw for cutting wood. 2.00

Sunday 18th fair I went to Church in morning heard Rev. Mr Mills C went to S.S.

Monday 19th Dull I did chores and hauled two loads of wood & shipped forty bushels of barley. 25 to Thos. Stagdill Forset and 15. {???} to A Jarvis Miton bgt gallon measure 18c

Tuesday 20th Dull blustery We did our chores & hauled 4 loads of wood. paid Cranshaw 2.00

Wensday Mar 21 1900 Put Kyma 8th to Duke of Erin Sold 15 bu of Danberry Oats 8.10 Mother came back today got Order. from D McPhail for four bu. Barley 2.36 & Alex {??} Work for 2 bu. both of Wanstead P.O.

Thursday 22nd fair Chored in forenoon & hauled wood in afternoon 4 loads

Friday 23rd fine Chored and dressed ewe and went to town in afternoon pd. Kennedy for hay $37.68. sold Skin $1.40 for corn. got Exp. parcel. 30c bgt 500 Bran {?} 16 24.00 at Goldies

Saturday 24th fine Mr Cranshaw helping me today hauled two loads of 1 cord of heading to mill & 1 load of logs. C & I cleaned barley & I sold. 7 bu barley to L Bruder. & 1 bu D. Oats. np 4.00. recd $1.18

Sunday 25th fine Mary & C went to Church in morning & C To S.S.

Monday 26th Dull I Shipped 2 bags barley to R {Laing?} & Co. Petrolia 225" and 1 bag to Geo N. {??} lexbridge went to Doyles to see P.A. Cow did not buy her

Thursday 27th fine I did chores and took Mother to Station. bgt a lunch for her & Candies for children 28 bgt bags to ship seed grain. $2.16 recd an order for 2 bush. D Oats $1.40 John Conway Alliston and 10 bu barley $5.72 from {???} Mc {???} Lawrence

Wensday 28th Mar 1900 did chores & hauled two loads of wood. & Cranshaw went to town and bgt at McCrae's 508 of corn chop @ 4.54c/90 Drugs 10c, paper Ect. 15

Thursday 29th fine C did chores and I went to Toronto to the Cattle breeders Association meeting to settle where the fat Stock Show will be permanently located. After a lengthy discussion. A vote of the directors was taken and the result was 9 for Guelph 3 for Brantford. In afternoon the same process was gone through in Sheep breeders Ass. with result of 7 for Guelph and 3 for Brantford my expenses today was 2.50 ticket and, 10c for car fare went to J.H. Mackenzie Druge Store saw J.W. Yeoman

Friday 30th fine I did chores & helped Mr C. cut wood in afternoon Rose had a grade heifer Calf today. got orca from Jas Hodge for 10 {????}

Saturday 31st fine I went to town c. did chores I pd. Wakefield account $3.45 100 Oil Cake $1.45. Crawshan {Cranshaw?} working by the day, @ 75c & board. gave him 50c worth of flour and $5.19c squares up our account to tonight

Sunday Apr 1st 1900 C. did chores and I went to Church in morning and C to S.S. & night church

Monday. Apr 2nd 1900 Dull

I did chores and took stock today I find an improvement of six hundred and twenty eight dollars & 50c alone last year. as cattle have gone up in price somewhat also horses. Mr Crawshaw was here 1/2 day. paper & stamps 16

Tuesday 3rd fine

I went to town in morning bgt apples. 25c, left a bag of D. Oats in Hewers as a sample. got seed helped Mr C to cut wood in afternoon Baley's came with their engine & saw. to cut wood Everett Deuch came in evening to hire.

Wensday 4th fine

we cut wood all day had Mr Crawshaw & D. McCrae and Everett W. Deuch, has hired with us for a year for &1.70 and I am to pay him ten dollars at the end of April and two dollars per month. after that to buy clothes Ect. And the balance at the End of his term. If he proves to be a good {satisfactory?} man I have agreed to give him $175.00

Everett Deuch James Bowman

Thursday 5th fine We had Crawshaw & Ev. Deuch splitting wood & I went to town got chopping. 20 bgt oat chop. 89c, bgt two bush clover from G.J.T. @ 6 1/2. I am to pay for it with Danberey Oats @ 40c. have already given him, 90 Bgt 1 bu clover from Hewer. for 7.00 to be pd for with Danberey Oats @ 40. have given him 3 1/2

Friday April 6th 1900 Mr C. splitting wood in morning, Everett & I did chores and sowed grass clover on fall wheat and cleaned up oats for Hewer & Thorp.

Sautrday 7th fine Mr C & E. Deuch splitting wood C did chores in forenoon & I went to town. took 990 of oats to Thorp 535 to Hewer. Each at 40 per bush paid for stove and tinware $40.95 bgt 500 {wid?} 17 300 bran @ .16 Recd $7.00 for barley. came home & piled wood in afternoon. Mr. Wagg from the O.A.C. came to see me about a polled Angus Bull in afternoon.

Sunday Apr 8th fine C. G. & W. E. Deuch went to Church & C to S.S. I went to Church at night gave 1.00 to Superannuation fund

Monday 9th cold & fine Splitting wood all day I helped Mary with washing and did chores. sold Dorset ewe to Hales for $ {?} aim to get it out in front quarters of mutton @ 5c per pound.

Tuesday 10th cool C & W.E. D. finnished splitting wood today I sold 9 3x3 {Elm?} 14 ft 12 1/2 by 8 14ft. 2. 4x8. 12 ft to Penfolds got buggy home & lef box at Penfolds to be fixed, sundries 5c

Wensday. Apr. 11th 1900 E.D. did chores & gathered brush in bush. I went to town in afternoon got harness fixed. 10c pd 25c that was standing bgt clevis 15c chain 28c drugs, 25c

Thursday 12th Dull E.D. & I hauled manure from G.T.R. yards 11 loads paid Crawshaw $2.00 shipped calf to J. Mountain and also 18 sacks & 6 {new?} bags Telegram 15 candies 08

Good. Friday 13th Dull We hauled 12 loads of manure from the pig yards. Paid Mr Crawshaw his account in full $2.25 he finished piling wood

Saturday 14th fine We hauled manure most of the day. 9 loads paid the section man. $1.50 went to town recd $18.49 in P.O. orders, got an order for $13.00 for John Mountain bgt groceries 50c other things 20c meat 19 1/2 lb at 5c

Sunday 15th fine E.D. Mary & Jennie went to Church in morning & I in evening.

Monday 16th Dull E.D. Rolling and Charlie & I working in barn & house.

Tuesday 17th wet E.D. Rolling in morning and I did chores Mary went to station to see Will & Adda & children. I shipped ten suffolk sheep to Will at Mount Forest to pasture freight prepaid $2.64

Wensday Apr 18th 1900 Dull E.D. finished rolling meadow and started plowing sod. I went to town bgt soda 05. 305 oat chop at 320/105 paid on ac. 5.00 89 millings 85c, 6 bags at Hewers $1.08 ordered 2 bags B.H. Potatoes. @ 1.00 got. tubes for drill. 2.00 wire, 2 clevis 25 at P, bgt 50 bu oats at Parkinsons. at 33c paid, 5.00 also 200 corn chop 1.90/95 got Phosphate at C.P.R. pd $3.25

Thursday 19th fine E. D. Plowing sod all day. I did chores & cultivated in morning and went to town for grist of chop in morning afternoon, bgt two cultivator teeth at Penfolds 1.00 bolts 04, sacks 1.10 Lucerne $2.60, chopping 1.00.

Friday 20th fine E.D. plowing in morning & took Kyma 4th to O.A.C. in afternoon. our Bell Ewe had pair lambs. Ewe & Ram on Wensday, I shipped 4 bags barley to R Noble Acton and 8 bags 8.80 to C.D. Foster {Erin?} view 1 bag. B.H. & 1 G.D. to F. Somerton

Saturday 21st fine E.D. finished plowing sod and then Harrowed it and harrowed patch near orchard I cultivated in morning and Charlie in afternoon I clipped 4 rams in afternoon wool weighed 33 pounds. went to town in evening. got 21 meat, 21 at Hales onions 40c meat

Sunday 22nd Dull & warm C & I went to church in morning. C to S.S. we all stayed at home at night had some singing.

Monday Apr 23rd 1900 fine I sowed barley & E.D. cultivated & harrowed. we sowed clover & timothy with it. recd order for potatoes & oats, 25.75

Tuesday 24th fine rolled barley that I sowed yesterday and E.D. cultivated turnip ground & harrowed rest of time I sowed about 3 acres of barley with clover. seeded it & started to sow peas. recd two orders for oats and potatoes

Wensday 25th fine E.D. harrowed sod and cultivated turnip ground. & harrowed it. I rolled the patch near fall wheat. & took some seed oats and potatoes to Station. bgt Timothy $1.50 clover, 36. 5 alsike @ 75/15 I returned 18 Lucerne @ 7.50. $2.25 I have paid {Everett?} up to date. $15.94 paid freight on oats, 64c

Thursday 26th fine I sowed Grass peas in the morning and E.D. Harrowed turnip grd cultivated corn grd. I sowed Danberrey oats in turnip ground & clover & timothy,

Friday 27th fine E.D. harrowed & cultivated I sowed oats & rolled the turnip patch.

Saturday 28th fine finished sowing Danberrey oats and rolled peas & oats. & started to cultivate for & sow Siberian Oats

Sunday 29th fine I went to Church in morning E.D. & C to S.S.

Monday Apr 30th fine Dull & Cool We sowed oats in the back field also sowed rape & Thomas Phosphate with it. Went to Brewery for grains, 25c rape, mangel, carrot seed cabbage seed. $3.15c

Tuesday May 1st 1900 We finished sowing today, unless we break up some sod. got an order for potatoes, went to brewery for grains 25 sowed Thomas Phosphate in centre part of the field Charlie borrowed 40c

Wensday 2nd fine E.D. Harrowing & Rolling I chored. Saw Mr Stone and bgt the pile of manure at 60c per load. Saw {Sauer?} about fence. plasterer about fixing the kitchen, bgt corn meal, $1.22

Thursday 3rd fine E.D. finished rolling and started rolling and started to spread manure on meadow near flicks, and I cultivated ground for mangels went up to Jims to see about potatoes.

Friday 4th fine cold a little snow E.D. spread manure all day and I cultivated mangel ground and went to town shipped potatoes got horses shod 50, np bgt dung fork $1.30 at Penfolds went to mill. {?} {Cow?} 80c bgt 6 1/4 bags potatoes $2.85 @ 45

Sat. 5th fine & cool Boys finished spreading the manure on meadow near Flicks and drilled up 1/2 mangel ground & sowed grains {??}

Sunday May 6th 1900 Mary & E.D. went to Church also Jennie. C & E.D. to S.S. & also to Church at night

Monday 7th fair I finished sowing mangels sugar beets & cabbage today E.D. got horses shod 50 np bl salt $1.15 {corn?} chop 95, grains 25c

Tuesday 8th wet E.D. & J.S. plowing all day. I went to town in morning, bgt 15 bu peas from Thorp 70c, to be delivered Sheres at Penfolds, 80c blacksmithing 05 I chored in afternoon bgt Grains, 25 np

Wensday 9th fine & cool I shipped oats & potatoes to A Fargie Wingham went for grains and chored. E.D. & J.S. plowing all day. for peas paid L.S. for 11 bags potatoes $4.00 bgt 6 bags potatoes from J. Hewer $2.65, gave Mr Flick boys 6c

Thursday 10th fair We finished plowing and started to sow peas E.D. fixing fence in afternoon, I went to town in morning. bgt a spray pump $2.50 garden seeds 40c, paid for yesterdays potatoes $2.65 bgt nails at Morris' 40c

Friday 11th Dull We finished sowing peas and sowed Thomas Phosphate on root ground. sent 2.00 back to Little Rideau P.O. to W.D. Dickson

Saturday May 12th 1900 We fixed gate & got a grist of chop 15 bags oats. shipped potatoes bgt 9 bags from Mr Alderson for. $3.05 paid him $2.25, bgt gro $3.25 oatmeal, 95c finished planting the garden & rolling spring grain, and plowed a little sod {??} of the yard for corn or rape

Sunday 13th fine I went to Church in morning and boys to S.S. & Church at night

Monday 14th fine we hauled 13 loads of manure from Stones and went to social at night.

Tuesday 15th fine We hauled 9 loads of manure from Stones got order for rams & some potatoes

Wensday 16th fine Dull Cool E.W. We hauled manure with one team in morning & two teams in afternoon 12 loads

Thursday 17th fine We plowed & hauled manure. 12 loas got an order for 2 bags potatoes,

Friday 18th Dull we hauled manure and plowed and went to Sorbys with Queen put her to Lord Charming

Saturday May 19th 1900 We hauled 12 loads of manure from Brewery Stones. I went to town in afternoon, with JW Yeoman. bgt gro 40 drove up to the Colliege and looked around the stock, he is anxious to work at farm work, paid Sunday 20th E.D. 3.00

Sunday 20th fine J.W. Yeoman & I went to Church in morning E.D. took Kyma 4th to O.A.C. bull and both boys went to S.S. & church at night

Monday 21st fine & cool Hauling manure & plowing all day. 12 loads. paid to Church. $5.00 sent $10.50 to G.J. Thorp and Charlie took it to Hewer instead

Tuesday 22nd fine We hauled manure all day. 8 loads sold. four cattle to Col. Torrie of Wyoming for $475.00, if they stood the test. Paid Mr. Baley for sawing $5.00

Wensday 23rd fine finished hauling manure manured road cross McCannels, sent telegram to McFarlane $1.24, reg. fee rice 25c, meat. 80c

Thursday 24th fine we finished plowing in manure & rolled most of it shipped cattle to Jay. L. Torrey Wyoming he gave a draft for $475.00

May Friday 25th 1900 washed sheep in morning and went up to Jim's for potatoes got 13 bags paid, 4.05. bal 50 shipped all the potatoes that were ordered. and bgt halters $2.35c, harness mended 15c took Mary to Station. fare $1.45

Sat. 26th fine E.D. worked at corn ground. I took Queen to Sorbys and then went to town bgt 12 bags oats @ 29c $11.05. chopping 60c 1 bu corn. 45, recd 4.00 from Mr Bruder 4.00

Sunday 27th Dull had a Shower I went to Church in morning and C in eve and both to S.S.

Monday 28th fair & Dull We finished plowing orchard & sowed it with corn. and then started to plow sod near flicks for corn. I planted corn and cucumbers, recd a check from Will for $100

Tuesday 29th fair E.D. & Jimmie plowed for corn & I planted potatoes in garden and took in a load of hay 2480 @ 8.75 per ton = $10.85c went to town for corn & plants bgt. {haim?} strap 12c

Wensday 30th fine slight shower ran weeder over mangels sowed bal of corn. harrowed turnip ground and gutted out stumps rest of the day

Thursday 31st 1900 fine sent $200 to Blake Lash & Cassels for years interest on Elm Park Mortgage Had Kenneth McL{??} out to inspect the farm to report to B.L. & C. pd him 2.50

Friday June 1st 1900 we cut seed & planted potatoes. had a good rain in afternoon.

Saturday 2nd Dull we cut & planted potatoes and prepared for road work went to town pd E.D. 2.00 meat 78c shovel fixed 10 at Penfolds groceries 66c, things for J.S.

Sunday 3rd fine Mary, Jennie & C went to Church. both {boys?} at S.S.

Monday 4th fine we worked at road work all day. had Mr Johnston & J. Friendship here at 1.25 per day. had one or two teams and two men,

Monday 4th fine

we worked at Statute Labor all day. hauled forty six loads of gravel {hat?} Mr Johnston & J Friendship hired for two days at $1.25 per day.

Tuesday 5th fine we finished the statute labor today at 6 P.M. had our two teams & 2 men on for one day. at 2.50 . 5.00 1 team 1 man 1/2 day $1.25 two men two days. $5.00 went up to Mount Forest in eve fare $2.75 oranges Ect 25c

Wensday June 6th 1900 I stayed at Tom's all last night and started found them well and getting along nicely. went to Will's about eight Oclock and had quite a day among them looking around farm and Stock and also W.R. Walker

Thursday 7th Dull & Showery Father signed agreement and Will this morning and we parted in good shape and they are I think all fairly well satisfied saw Tom this morning as we were passing his place. I arrived home about eleven to M, found things in fair shape, and all well. went to the Doctor with baby this afternoon bgt corn and Turnip seed, $3.00

Friday 8th Dull J.S. hoed mangels E.D. & I worked at house cleaning in morning and I clipped sheep and he hoed magnels in afternoon paid C. German $2.65 to go to Hamilton

Saturday 9th fine one team cultivated and harrowed all day E. D. ran weeder over corn in afternoon J.S. hoed mangels in morning I went to town. paid G.B. Ryan's account. $16.00 pd. R. Shortreed for Shingles $13.12 pd. J. Alderson for potatoes. 80 J.S. Tobacco 25

June 1900

Sunday, 10th fine Jennie E. & I went to Church in morning C to S.S. & church at night. paid the Balance of Century fund 25

Monday 11th fine We worked around house & finished hoeing mangels & carrots, Tom & Emma came in evening

Tuesday 12th fine J.S. cultivated & plowed in Turnip ground. E.D. & I {gubbed?} out stumps & dug out large stones; and hauled them off.

Wensday 13th Dull We finished cultivating and plowing and started to raise drills for Turnips got about half done tom & I went to see Sorbys Horses in morning they look well, but we both think Princess as good as the best of them. They went home this afternoon.

Thursday 14th Dull We had quite a rain last night, E.D. & J.S. hauled gravel all day. to bridge approaches. I went to town with grist 9 bags chop 45 pd. presents accounts $3.98 pd. Stone for manure. 36.00 pd. Goldies ac, $23.15 also pd for 600 bran $4.20 bgt meat at Hales. 80 np bgt hardware at P. 80 at Bonds. 50c also ordered 100 twine, and at 11 1/2 bgt 80 wire @ 3.65 = at Morris, Chgd 2.92

Friday June 15th 1900 I finished raising drills and sowing turnips. J.S. & E.D. hauled gravel to stone bridge in morning and J.S. pulled mustard and wild flax in afternoon and E.D. ran weeder over mangels & corn

Saturday 16th fine J.S. & I hauled 7 loads of saw-dust pd $1.36 strawberries. 25c pd. E.D. 3.00 recd 3.00 from C.G. paid {Foster?} for oats 19.00 left $15.00 at Mill for oats paid {??} & Douglas 5.00

Sunday 17th fine Mary, Jennie & Charlie went to Church & C to S.S. both Boys to C at night

Monday 18th fine we cleaned out pens & fill unloaded saw dust fixed fence and ran weeder through corn and hoed a little J. pulling burs & in bush

Tuesday 19th fine J. finished burs & then pulled mustard E.D. & J. fixed fence

Wensday 20th fine I went down to Sorbys with Queen. Put her to Lord C. then we worked at fence

Thursday 21st fine we finished back fence and then put fence around a yard for new barn

Friday 22nd wet we chored I went to town pd. Foster. Batty ac, 50, Pd Neil Bue $ 8.95. Jas Hewer ac. 10.35 3.99 pd for chopping. 50, pd. O.A.C. note $70.00 Century fund & {???}. 26.30 bgt corn $1.35

June 1900

Saturday 23rd E.D. & J. finished fence around yard and then hoed mangels rest of the day Charlie scuffled mangels and corn. I went up to Jim's for pulley and to pull up hedge. then went to Frost & Wood Delivery to get our mower paid $45.00 for it pd. Dr. Savage's ac 4.00 bgt. file 12c chains fixed 05

Sunday 24th fine Jennie, E. & I went to Church in morning both. Boys to S.S. and C went up to 4 1/2 S.S.

Monday 25th fine E. & I pulled hedge all day. J. S. scuffled corn.

Tuesday 26th fine E.D. & I pulled hedge all day. J.S. Scuffling corn and potatoes.

Wensday 27th fair we finished pulling hedge about noon. and e. raised drills for rape. J.S. finished scuffling and pulled mustard in afternoon

Thursday 28th Dull J.S. hoed potatoes & corn E.D. raising drills in morning and hauling brush from hedge in afternoon I mowed hay in morning and finished raising drills for rape and sowed some Mr Gaunt of St. Helens a Brother to E. Gaunt was here to see our stock

June 1900

Friday 29th E.D. Sick most of the day. I sowed rape in morning and cut bal of rye & clover in afternoon we put up what I cut yesterday after tea E.D. & Mary went to town

Saturday 30th fine E.D. piled brush in morning C helped in house. J.S. Sick I went to town in morning with J.W. Yeoman. got hay fork mended. 35 c grist. 93c horses Shod 50 {meat?} Polly and Stanley Mountain at the Station, we haule two loads of hay and put up the bal that was cut

Sunday 31st 1900 Mary, Polly Jennie & Stanley went to Church in morning P.S. & I at night. Both Boys to S.S.

Monday 2nd fine We hauled 4 loads of rye & clover finished the patch, went to meet John. Took him around farm & to O.A.C. we spent a pleasant afternoon S. berries $1.15 bread 10c sugar. 13c

Tuesday 3rd fine I went to town in morning sugar. 2.75 cheese. 25 Candies for children. 15c, Corn & bag $1.10 hoe 35c E.D. went to Hales this afternoon

Wensday 4th Showery E.D. scraping earth to road near bridge. C. hoeing mangels and cutting weeds on road J.S. hoeing all day

Wensday 4th July 1900 Went to town in afternoon had Extension of Mortgage papers fixed. pd. Lawyer $1.00 bgt paint $1.00 window screens $1.00

Thursday 5th fine E.D. & I worked at Line fence between McDougalls and no. in morning and {C?} & him in afternoon. Jimmie hoeing mangels. I got barrow mended 20c, C.

Friday 6th fine E.D. & C finished fence I cut hay in morning we kiled it up after tea bgt salts for E.D. we kiled up hay after tea,

Sunday 8th Dull Jennie & I went to Church in morning and All but J.S. in evening

Monday 9th Dull we fixed up hay fork in morning then I went for Spraymotor to Jim's. J.S. hoeing garden & boys fixing fence. I went to town in afternoon bgt hardware 27c Turnip seed. 70c

Tuesday 10th fine I cultivated turnip drills boys worked at fence & J.S. Scuffled corn. We hauled Six loads of hay in afternoon

Wensday 11th wet we mowed hay near Barbers & raised drills for Turnips mother, Hannah and Will got home about 11 P.M.

Thursday 12th July 1900 Will and I went to Town I bgt. oat meal 1.00 gro $1.30 oil cake. $1.35, hardware $1.02

Friday 13th fine we cut hay near Flick's sowed bal of Grey stone turnips and put Paris Green on potatoes and hauled in three loads of hay & kiled what cut in morning take to Sorbys Put {Princess?}. Queen would not

Saturday 14th Dull We finished cutting hay I went to town. bgt corn $2.04c, Twine $5.00 We hauled two three loads of hay & finished the big field

Sunday 15th fine. Shower at noon Mary, E.D. & Jennie went to Church in morning and both boys at night

Monday 16th Showery we fixed {house?hose?} fork and hauled three loads of hay and kiled up bal of windows and cleaned bull pen & hoed turnips in evening

Tuesday 16th {???} afternoon we hauled barley till 6 tea time got in 6 loads

Wensday 17th fine We cleaned up wheat in morning. E.d. scuffled turnips, All men hoed turnips in afternoon I went to town with wheat. sold it to Hewer for 66c per bush 6 1/2 bush. bgt Oil cake. 2.80 corn. 2.50, Twine. 3.25 recd cash $12.04, check 20.00 sent. $4.50 to stamps Ect. 12

Thursday July 26th 1900 I cut oats all day. E.D. & J. Y. hoeing turnips and went to Hales Thrashing in afternoon. I recd $15.50 from J. Young for 16 Elm logs. 10 {birch?} {???}

Friday 27th fine We hauled in four loads of wheat and six loads of rakings

Sat. 28th fine We put P. Green on potatoes and finished Cutting Danberey oats and raked barley stubble. and fixed wire fence to make a new pasture for the cattle. Paid E Deuch three dollars

Sunday 29th Jennie Mr Y & I went to Church. E.D. away to Rockwood

Monday 30th fine E.D. Plowing we haul

Tuesday 31st fine We hauled six loads oats and one of barley

Wensday 1st Aug We hauled manure to clear stack bottom E.D. plowing

Thursday 2nd fine We prepared in morning and thrashed in afternoon we have about 250 bu oats 300 wheat. 200 barley. had hands from McCrae, Bye, Friendship, Mitchell, Barber, McDougall, McCannel. 2 from Hales pd 1 hand 25c extra

Friday 3rd fine we sent hand to Bye in morning & hauled oats. rest of the day finished the Daubeny oats.

Sat 4th fine I went to town sent entries to Toronto. we all hoed Turnips in the afternoon C. scuffled. I went to J.W. Atkinson for Trixie paid him 5.00 bal to be left at Bank of Commerce $40.00 Twine 20 @ 13 1/2

Sunday 5th fine very warm Mary, Mr Y. & Jennie went to Church

Monday 6th fine E.D. & Mr Y hoed turnips in morning C & E.D. Shocked oats in afternoon we finished cutting our oats today.

Tuesday 7th fine E.D. went to McCannels in morning. We hoed Turnip & chored in afternoon

Wensday 8th fine bgt meat 55c settled up Hales ac. recd. pay for Ewe & Cutting 14.75 got rake. & pea bunches $3.50

Thursday 9th fine Mr Yeoman & I finished hoeing turnips and boys cut peas all day cut peas all day.

Friday 10th fine We hauled four loads oats and finished cutting peas

Saturday 11th fine we hauled peas all day tenn loads sent word to bank to pay J.W. Atkinson $40

Sunday 12th fine Jennie & I went to Church in morning heard Rev Mills preahc on The thief on the cross all butMother Mr Y & boys went to Church in evening

Monday 13th fine E.D. plowing rest of {no?} cleaned grist & fixed fence.

Tuesday 14th Dull E.D. Plowed all day part of it pea stubble C scuffled. Rape & Turnips. Mr Y & I hoed turnips second time

Wensday 15th Dull E.D. Plowing all day Mr Y. weeding potatoes and turnips I went to town. c. Scuffling bgt hardware. 10 Sheres & spring at Penfolds 60c 14 bags Chop 70 & bran $1.00

Thursday 16th fine We Turned peas and hauled manure in morning and hauled peas in afternoon finished the {multiplis?} {???} peas.

Friday 17th fine We finished hauling peas today. 7 loads grass peas.

Saturday 18th fine we hauled oats all day 9 loads finished harvest all but rakings Uncle Robert went home this morning.

Sunday 19th Dull Mary, Mr Y & Jennie & E.D. went to Church in the morning. Mother, Mr Y & C in evening

Monday 20th Dull We took off the last two loads of oats, then E.D. went to plow CG. to town Mr Y to hoe weeds out of rape I went to town in afternoon bgt tin dish $1.00 . harness mended. 10 harware $1.10 got tooth extracted,

Tuesday 21st fine Both teams plowing Mr Y, hoeing rape I fixed fence and chored.

Wensday 22nd fine 1 team 1/2 day. C hauled 4 loads of manure in afternoon finished first patch and started at the other Mr Y & I went to town in morning bgt P bran 68c apples 15c, hardware $1.35

Thursday 23rd fine Both teams hauling manure. 15 loads & cultivating it in Mr Y hoeing rape and I finished washing cattle trimming sheep and fixing halters, & did chores gave A Johnston 03c

Friday 24th fine both teams hauling manure all day. Mr Y hoeing rape & I fixing things for the show

Saturday Aug 25th 1900 fine both teams at manure and harrowing I went to town bgt Suit. 3.80 hardware $1.25, drugs, 70c chopping. 05. hardware 35. twine 10c

Sunday 26th fine hot C.G. & I went to Church and heard Rev. Cassady preach. Mother Mary & children went to Aitcheson.

Monday 27th fine Shower last night. We all worked today preparing to go to the show, J.S. came today. Mr Yeoman left this morning.

Tuesday 28th Preparing to go to show. Got started abour 2.30 P.M. Hewer's brought out 2 bush. Timothy 1 bag.

Wed. 29th J.{S?} pulling ragweed & choring Jimmie plowing corn-field.

Thursday 30th J. {S?} finished rag-weed & started to haul manure Jimmie finished corn field & harrowed.

Friday 31st Uncle Jimmie plowing in field next Barber's J.F. hauling manure.

Sat. Sept. 1st Jimmie plowing J.S, went for seed wheat brought 5 bags flour Tobacco for U.J. 25.

Sunday Sept 2d 1900 Jimmie, Grandma and Jennie went to church in morning

Monday Sept. 3rd Uncle Jimmie plowing Jimmie harrowing for fall-wheat

Tuesday Sept. 4th Jimmie sowing fall-wheat in forenoon and went to O.A.C. for seed in afternoon. Bot {90 lbs?} Oatmeal at Hewer's Uncle Jimmie plowing in forenoon and went to town in afternoon bot ploughshare at Penfold's. Kyma 5th had a bull-calf.

Wed. Sept 5th Jimmie working at fall-wheat, Uncle Jimmie plowing.

Thursday Sept. 6th Jimmie finished one field of wheat and cultivated other patch. Uncle Jimmie plowing.

Friday Sept. 7th Uncle Jimmie& Jimmie finished fall-wheat sowing in forenoon & Jimmie went to O.A.C. and got things ready for going to London in afternoon.

Sat. Sept. 8th Jimmie stopped at station over night and came home in the morning to do the chores & back to station again U.J. plowing.

Sunday Sept. 9th 1900 We all stopped home in morning. Everett went to church in the evening.

Monday Sept. 10th Everett cutting corn and hunting {???} and taking grist to mill Bot ploughshare Uncle Jimmie plowing

Tuesday Sept. 11th Everett cutting & binding corn & bringing home grist from mill U. J. plowing.

Wed Sept. 12th Everett cutting corn Uncle Jimmie plowing

Thursday Sept 13 Everett cutting corn Uncle Jimmie plowing

Friday Sept. 14th Everett cutting corn Uncle Jimmie plowing

Sat. Sept. 15th Everett cutting corn Uncle Jimmie plowed in forenoon & went to town in afternoon & bot ploughshare

Sunday Sept. 16th Grandma went to church in morning & Ev & M. to Mrs Laird's funeral in afternoon.

Monday Sept 17th Everett at Friendship's threshing, Uncle Jimmie plowing

Tuesday Sept 18th Everett at Mitchell's threshing. Uncle Jimmie plowing. Alex McDougall at Mitchell's corn cutting

Wed. Sept. 19th 1900 Everett took grist of chop in morning and cut corn in afternoon Uncle Jimmie plowed in forenoon & went to town for ploughshare in afternoon. Kyma 4th sick tonight.

Thursday Sept. 20th Uncle Jimmie plowing all day. Everett cutting corn.

Friday Sept. 21st Uncle Jimmine plowing. Everett at Ford's threshing.

Sat. Sept. 22nd Uncle Jimmie plowing Everett finnishing corn & choring

Sunday 23rd Dull we arrived home this morning about 4 A.M. all safe. went to Church in evening heard Mr Cassady preach

Monday 24th fine We shipped heifer and got things out of car in morning and did chores paid J. Ferguson $10 W Mountain $1.85, bgt, peaches and grapes put Trixie to Kyma's Heir bgt meat at Hales 35c

Tuesday 25th fine We worked at wood in bush morning and got ready and took cattle in to the show in afternoon, went to town in morning and got word that they would make our class sames Durham

Sept 1900

Wensday 26th fine We showed cattle today took first in all the classes, 9 firsts entry fees $3.75 expenses. 25

Thursday 27th fine We finished the show this evening. paid the Photographer, 50c one to get Photo of Kyma's Heir alone and {Bull?Bill?} and one of taken at London and one of Kymas Heir taken at Guelph

Friday 28th fine We hauled manure from the Exhibition grounds seven loads, and took Jimmie and little Jean to the Station. bgt two barrels portland cement to be delivered tomorrow Ect $2.60 per barrel.

Sat. 29th Dull Wet in morning we chored till noon and then Father and I fixed bridge and E and Jimmie went for two loads of manure went to town in evening bgt gro $1.03 meat $1.50 np

Sunday 30th fine Father Mary Jennie and Everett went to Church, in morning and Mother and I in evening heard a {??} returned missionary from China. It was very good

Monday Oct 1st fine We finished hauling manure from Exhibition grounds 4 loads. got a grist ready for mill and mt Mr Stuart & his son coming to see the cattle sold them 1 bull yearling and Kyma 5th for 275.00

Oct 1900

Tuesday 2nd fine Father and Everett tearing down stone wall. I went to town with grist of chop got horse shod. 25c np in aft then shipped Yearling Bull & Cow a calf to Shirley Stewart Oakville. Paid Proff Day for wheat $22.50. Pd freight on {car?} $6.60 harness mended. 85c paint for Mother. 70c, freight on {fence machine?}

Wensday 3rd fine I went for 15 bu lime in the morning and we hauled two loads of sand before dinner. in afternoon I chored and helped with getting foundation ready to build and killed Dorset Ewe,

Thursday 4th fine Father and Everett working at building. I took 58 of mutton to Hales. and gave him the skin for his trouble. am to get the same weight of meat back from him. I recd $274.65c from Fred Stewart of Toronto for Polled Angus Cow calf & Bull, paid Hewer account $10.26 Paid Goldies ac, $6.50 bgt shoes for Mary $1.25 gave in collections 25c went to Christian Endeavor Meeting heard Rev. C M. Sheldon writer of In His Steps

Friday 5th fine E.D. went to Bye's thrashing in morning and I helped Father and we tore out old floor in summer kitchen in afternoon. Bowman's no 1 had Bull calf this morning

Oct 1900

Saturday Oct 6th 1900 E.D. hauling gravel to S kitchen. & helping Father I went to town J.S. left and I paid him seven $ sent. $14 to Bowen {Cabb?} Stay Fence @ $2.75 to A.R. Simpson bgt a lamp cleaner 05 bgt {3?} lbs water lime 4.40/10 & 2 lbscement 5.20/2lbs

Sunday 7th wet Father Mary and I went to Church. Heard Rev Mr Cassady preach on the sacredness of the Sabbath. it was good. Mother, Father and Everett went to Church at night

Monday 8th fair Father building, Everett & I putting kitchen floor in morning and E.D. went to Porters thrashing in afternoon

Tuesday 9th fine we worked at wood shed floor all day we got along pretty well.

Wensday 10th fine We worked at the wood shed floor all day. finished inside. I went to Mrs Ford's Brother's funeral in afternoon E.P. {Elm Park} Bell 3 had Bull calf by Kyma's Heir

Thursday 11th fine We put up wire fence along between rape patches. bgt went to town and returned one barrel of cement to Geo. B. Morris making 3 {bls?} Cement 4 bls waterlime, 4.40. 3 Cement $7.80 bgt 326 wire @ $3.20c per 100

Thursday Friday 12th fine We worked at wood shed step & cleared up rubbish and took a grist to town


Saturday Oct 13th fine We chored picked apples and Father worked at wood shed

Sunday 14th fine I stayed home all day Mary, Father & E.D. went to Church in morning and Father Mother & E.D. in evening. {H?}. Bell had bull calf.

Monday 15th fine Father worked at wood shed all day. E.D. helped and also picked some apples had to kill a lamb this morning

Tuesday 16th fine We worked at wood shed and went to town returned 160 of wire to G.B. Morris bgt. Oil cake $1.45 paid Penfold's 5.00 tht I borrowed got grist. paid for grinding $1.55 J.D. McGregor came today and Bgt our prize Bull calf. Elm Park Laird 2nd for two hundred dollars. I paid her $5.00 on it and am to pay the rest right away as soon as we find that everything is all right E.D. at McDougalls thrashing

Wensday 17th fine Father Finished wood shed E.D. at McCannels thrashing I went to see about the stable deal, but could not finish it as Mrs Barber would not agree to the terms stated by Mr Howitt

Thursday 18th fine Went down to Mr Howitt with to see about the deal. and all of we took up 6 loads of mangels

October 1900

Thursday 18th fine I went out to see Mr Howitt about 1 PM but could not bring it to a close paid E.D. five dollars

Friday 19th fine Father and E.D. working at mangels. I went with Mr Barber to look a the Brewery Stables and we have agreed to divide the pasture field about from where the rail fence joins the road fence at the farther part from the Brewery of the patch fenced with rails and to extend in an easterly direction so as to divide the low part of meadow so that we would have equal share of both kinds as is convenient. Mr Barber gets the East stable with lean & I get the other stable with and the pig pen Each of us pay $100.00

Saturday 20th fine Father E.D. & I worked at carrots in morning and I hired two boys in afternoon for 40c paid them 30c bal due A. Johnston 10c I went to town paid insurrance on the stable I bought yesterday In our arrangements yesterday it was agreed that I was only liable for $5 rent to Mr Howitt $4 for land stables are on and 1.00 for house. I got cattleStamps for Everett. 25

Sunday 21st fine Father Mary, Jennie & I went to Church in morning and Father Mother & E.D. in evening

Monday Oct 22nd wet afternoon We took up about 35 bags potatoes in morning and cleaned stables in afternoon, Freeman Barber here all day and two boys 1/2 day @ 4.00/10

Tuesday 23rd Dull We cleaned grist in morning. 22 bags 12 empty took it to mill. bgt {Rakes?} 70c went to see Herbert Wright about going to {Y?} W. had three boys in afternoon at potatoes

Wensday 24th fair we worked at potatoes all day finished all but Harrowing, had three boys, 2 at 80/40 1 at 35 paid Alec Johnston. 75 and Arthur Williams 50c

Thursday 25th Jim started for the North-west, bought ticket oil-cake 14 lbs Mutton from Hales. M. Johnson working all day.

Friday Oct 26th Everett & Mortimer working at fencing.

Sat Oc. 27th Everett & Mortimer working at rye field Paid Mortimer $2.15c

Sunday Oct 28th Cow had heifer calf, dead.

Monday Oct 29th Everett plowing Louie Flick here from 8 o'clock until night harrowing.

Tuesday Oct 30th Everett cleaning out stables at Sleeman's.

Wednesday Oct. 31st 1900 Men working at turnips. L. Flick here all day. 8 1/2 lbs. Lamb from Hales.

ThursdayNov. 1st Working at turnips L. Flick & Mr Crawshaw here all day.

Friday Nov. 2nd Working at turnips L. Flick & Mr Crawshaw here all day.

Sat. Nov. 3rd All hands worked at turnips all day I got home from Brandon about 11 A.M. and worked at turnips in afternoon my expenses on trip were ticket $23.70, Insurance 2.50 board going up $1.10 coming back $3.90 Ticket coming back $35.05 toatal up 66.25 paid L. Flick 30c

Sunday 4th fine Mary & I went to Church in morning and Father & Mother in evening.

Monday 5th fair till 4 P.M. we took up turnips all day. Mother bgt meat at Wakefields sid of lamb

Tuesday 6th fair Wet frosty morning. We finished taking up turnips today. paid Louis Flick 32c still owe him $1.25 pd. Freeman Barber $1.00

Wensday 7th Election day I took Mary to Gibson's and went to vote. Everett and Father covered turnip pit & E. plowed and we put up fence in afternoon.

November 1900

Thursday 8th fair & Dull E.D. plowing all day. I got grist ready and chored in morning and went to town in afternoon. got grist chopped. 60c, pd 1.00 on ac put up winter Fair bills bgt hardware 04c, 100 oilcake. $1.50

Friday 9th Dull & cold Father and E.D. plowing and I chored all day.

Saturday 10th Dull & cold Father & E.D. plowing I did chores and killed lamb then went to town. Paid Mother $5.00, sold skin 15 bgt hardware. 89c at Morris

Sunday 11th fine Father Mary Jennie & I went to Church in morning Father, Mother & Everett in evening.

Monday 12th Cold & windy Father & E.D. plowing finished back field & started in corn patch near creek.I went to town in morning bgt. Sash & pd for door frame $1.35 bgt {Dence join?} 95c nails. 35c

Tuesday 13th Stormy E.D. plowing in morning and went to Barbers Thrashing in afternoon I chored in morning & hauled up engine wood went to Baleys to put back the cutting till Sat

Wensday 14th Stormy Barber Thrashed in morning & us in afternoon

Thursday Nov 15th Stormy We {finished?} Thrashing at 1.30 P.M. and chored till evening had Charlie Reesor hired yesterday afternoon & today at 75c per day

Friday 16th fair All Choring and I went to town got fork fixed 18c sold skins. 80c, got sheep home paid $3.60 freight, shipped a lamb to {Jas?} Mountain. {?} {T?} Bowman 3.

Saturday 17th Dull & damp we had Baley's cutting all day. had C.R. and Ben Bye's man helping we cut about a day's thrashing of stack and blew it into the barn I hired. Charlie Reesor for 13 1/2 months for $185.00 one hundred and eighty five dollars. his time will be up on Jan 1st 1902, he is not to draw any of his money until his time is up.

Sunday 18th Dull Father, Mary, baby & I went to Church in morningand we all stayed at home the rest of day.

Monday 19th wet we hauled chaff to bull pen and chored generally E.D. went to town for a job in afternoon and C Reesor started work. we chored all afternoon. Pd E.D. $5.00 we have looked over our accounts and I owe W.E. Deuch $68.66c

Tuesday Nov 20th 1900 C.R. Plowing all day. I chored in the morning and went to town in afternoon bgt glass 21c gro 13 got the Ear Labels from C.H. Dana

Wensday 21st Dull C finished plowing Father took apples to the mill to get apple Butter made, and also went to mill and got chop pd. for chopping 75

Thursday 22nd Dull we fixed fences in the morning and made furrows to let water pass the barn in afternoon. C.R. cultivated back field

Friday 23rd Dull C.R. cultivating all day in back field I went to town. pd entry fees to F. S. Show $20.70 pd E Druch. 25.00 pd G.B. Morris $21.42 at Penfolds $1.64 hardware. 47 at {Morris?} pd. Mr Metcalf. $2.00 paid for drawers. 80 " Rumford's ac

Saturday 24th Dull C.R. cultivating in morning & we finished putting up. Storm windows Ect went to town in afternoon bgt hardware for Sleeman Stables. 45c

Sunday 25th fine Mary, Father & I went to Church in morning and C.R. & Father Mother in evening.

Monday 26th fine we fixed up Brewery stable in morning and C chored and I went to Mr Hobson Funeral in afternoon.

Tuesday 27th fine C.R. hauled saw dust to cattle stables 2 loads I bgt load of hay 26 {??} @ $9.25 per ton. nails for stables. hooks & Ect 05.

Wensday 28th fine we went for the cattle this morning. paid freight & feed bill 167.70 nails $1.60 C.R. road making in afternoon envelopes. 80c for 1.80

Thursday 29th fine C.R. at Bye's thrashing Father and I did chores bgt grains. 50. Pd for Gazette 1.00

Friday 30th fine C.R. at Bye's thrashing Father & I choring went to town bgt P bran Corn chop 8.00 whale oil. 90c Carbolic Acid 35 for cattle Lumber. 45c

Saturday Dec 1st 1900 C.R. making road along the hill toward the Brewery I chored and helped C.R. bgt grains 50c {???} two hrs working at fence around Stables

Sunday 2nd fine Mary, Jennie & I went to Church in morning heard Marden minister

Monday Dec 3rd 1900 fine & warm I took grist to mill bgt. Salt for stables grains 50c got grist 14 bags chopped. 70c hardware. 25c C.R. fixing road around barn and making gate put Heather Bell to Kyma Heir

Tuesday 4th wet We did chores and fixed fence in the morning and put on carbolic acid and oil on the ring worm on cattle for J.W. Mc bgt grains. 12 bu 60c 3 bush for our stock

Wensday 5th colder we put in posts for wire fence. and did chores.

Thursday 6th fair we dug hole to put in posts to finish the fence yard yard fences. got 15 bu grains and two loads of saw dust.

Friday 7th fair C.R. and Father worked at fence and did chores I went to town sold skin 90c bgt. two sho shovels for stables. 1.10, post hole shovel at Morris 75c 10 shingle nails

Saturday 8th fine C.R. finished fence & cuttin gup kindling we got grains 15 bush 75c I trained cattle to lead and chored generally Elm Park Bell 2nd in heat

Sunday 9th Dec. 1900 Mary & Baby & I went to Church.

Monday 10th snowy We went to {??} Fat Stock Show with the Cattle. we are showing 5 pure breds and 1 grade and two grade sheep 1 grade and 1 Suffolk

Tuesday 11th cold We had our cattle judged pure breds got 1st on cow. 2nd on 2 year olds 2nd on Yearling 3rd on Calf. 1st on Grade cwo and 2nd on Suffolk wether

Wensday 12th fair There was a great turn out at the show today. the Beef in Block test was killed today our heifer weighed 1450

Thursday 13th Stormy We had sheep killed today. Mr J. D. McGregor came to see the cattle. and is well pleased with them

Friday 14th cold we got home from the Show about 6 P.M. our prizes amount to $184.75 but we did not get the swapstakes for dressed carcass bgt picture. {f?} bull 4.05 I got{??} to get 1/2 doz pictures of Bull along with it

Dec 1900

Saturday 15th fair went to Fat Stock Show. shipped heifer beef to Ottawa 740 and got beef cut up to bring home took 300/30 to Mr Hamilton took 13.00 to Mr Duff 20 1/2 to Mr Young C got horses shod $1.50 got two loads saw dust got 15 bu grains

Sunday 16th Mary, Father and I went to Church. we all stayed at home the rest of the day

Monday 17th fine C.R. hauled gravel in forenoon. and took E.P. Bell 3rd to O.A.C. in afternoon. I went to town in morning bgt hay. $15.06 3540 at $8.00 per ton. grains. 75 we took 3 bushelsgot 1/2 ton corn chop and paid for cost 8.00 and 4.00 on this lot got wagon mended

Tuesday 18th Dull & mild C.R. away at Porters Thrashing. Father & I did chores. bgt grains 20 bu Mr Young paid for meat. $2.10

Wensday 19th Dull & mild C.R. hauling gravel to barn yard. I did chores. went to town bgt. Alarm clock $1.50 ordered scoup for grains to be $1.25

Dec 1900

Thursday 20th Dull C.R. finished gravelling around barn & I took grist to Mill 12 bgs bgt scoup for to feed calves. $1.25 chopping 60c J.D. McGregor ac for feed freight Ecc Ect. 235.71 he has paid me 199.50 bal. 36.21

Friday 21st fine C.R. started to haul manure but broke wagon and then hauled turnips and I went to town to get W tongue mended. glass & putty 15c sent. 12 of meat to Mr Sharp by Erin stage and gave W. Wakefield 5 1/2 to try the Angus Beef

Saturday 22nd fair C.R. & Father hauling Turnips & 1 load of manure I went to town for wagon tongue got it fixed at Penfolds bgt grains in afternoon got harness mended. 05

Sunday 23rd fair Mary, Father Jennie and I went to Church in morning heard Mr Cassady preach we stayed at home rest of the day

Monday 24th cold we did chores Mary & I went to townchurch in morning afternoon bgt goose at Hales, 70 np I went in evening and bgt shoes & overshoes & slippers for Xmas presents. $3.85 Put Kyma 3rd to O.A.C. Bull

Tuesday 25th Dec 1900 fine Chrismas day. We did the chores in morning then Father & I went to Church. hear Mr Cassady give a little talk We gave 15c to collection for sick Children's hospital we spent the rest of the day at home had a pleasant Xmas

Wensday 26th fine I went around (after the morning chores were finished) getting names on Petition asking that Mr J. McMillan of seaforth be appointed to the senate. had very good success, bgt pencil 05

Thursday 27th fine C.R. hauled manure and fixed up stable at Brewery. Yesterday and hauled a load of manure and then hauled stone rest of the day. I chored and helped him

Friday 28th fair C.R. hauled stones all day. I did chores and helped him.

Saturday 29th fine I did chores and went to town in morning sold cow skin $5.04 pd 5.04 Hewers account recd $2.70 sheep skins I sold before about {???} 70 time. bgt 3 bags Oilckae Put Kyma Tweedhill to K Heir and Elm Park Bell 2nd to O.A.C. Bull C. Reesor left today to go home. Candies 10


Sunday December 30th fair Father Mother & Jennie went to Church Mary & I went at night it was a very good sermon on the out going century it is marvellous the improvements that have been made this century

Monday 31st fine We did chores and went for grains in morning and went to nomination in the afternoon. got quite a number of big signatures to Mr McMillan's Petition

Tuesday Jan 1st 1901 Cold After Chores were done I went to Whitelaw's to get the Petition and took it to post office in afternoon C.R. came back and we hauled stone and did the chores

Wensday 2nd fine cold did chores and hauled stones and took in a load of hay $10.30 engaged Monkhouse to come and chop tomorrow

Thursday 3rd fine We had Monkhouse chopping till 3 P.M. then we did the chores. Paid Monkhouse 3.50

Friday 4th Dull C.R. and Father hauled stone and I hauled two loads on stone boat in morning and went to O.A.C. with no 1

Saturday 5th fine We did the chores and hauled stones. I went to town got shoes mended 60c

Transcription Progress



James Bowman 1900 Diary Volume 3 Part 1.pdf
James Bowman 1900 Diary Volume 3 Part 2.pdf
James Bowman 1900 Diary Transcripts.pdf


James Bowman, “James Bowman Diary & Transcription, 1900,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed February 25, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/411.
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