George Easton Diary, 1830-1839
George Easton Diary, 1830-1839
Date Created
January 7, 1830
Is Part Of
George Easton Diary Collection
Typed Transcription
Extracted Text
Poverty in Great Britain the first fifty years of the 19th century -
was so great as to be almost unbelievable today. And terrible as it
was in England and Scotland, conditions in Ireland were far worse.
Great Britain had fought France for colonial and maritime supremacy,
struggled to retain the rebelling American, colonies, faced Napoleon
in battle and was struggling to hold posts in British America. The
weight of taxation for these wars fell like a plague upon the people.
The depressions following the Napoleonic wars dropped wages of Glasgow
weavers to shillings per week. In 1803 their wages had been twenty-five shilli
In 1820 in Paisley and Lanark, Scotland, 12,000 out of 30,000 fam-
ilies were on the Poor Laws, relief. In England people were suffering.
In Ireland, where 90% were in agriculture, over-population became a pro-
blem. Continuous wars had kept the population down in the British Isles.
Births and deaths were equal, but better food and improved medical care
caused births to exceed deaths so that England and Wales grew from 7M
in 1763 to 13 3/4 M in 1 8 3 1 . In Scotland the warring of the Highland
lords, which had kept their numbers down, was outlawed. Tenants on their
farms had been counted wealth but with the outlawing of the warring the
lords turned to sheep Raising and potato farming and people were in excess.
At one time during a riot they tried to chase the sheep into the sea.
At the close of the war of 1812-14, the British government attempted
to solve the major problems of unemployment and industrial depression
at home and an uncertain peace with Americans abroad by an emigration
scheme to settle the great wilderness north and west of the Rideau River.
This would be a second line of defense-against Americans beyond the more
settled area near the St. Lawrence River.
The reasons for George Easton emigrating to Canada were tied to
economic conditions of that time. Weaving until the last half of the
18th century was a "cottage" industry. Weavers worked on looms in their
own homes. Power machinery and labor-saving devices developed during the
last half of the 18th century started a movement that swept him into
factories, crowded him into segregated communities and lowered his wages
until the whole family had to work to make a living.
The weavers formed societies to urge the government to action.
Lord Hamilton, their House of Commons representative presented their
signed petition showing that their wages could not support their fam-
ilies. 1200 hundred persons were located who wished to emigrate. Lord
Bathurst wrote to Sir Peregrine Maitland, Lieutenant-governor of Upper
Canada stating that 1200 settlers would emigrate from Scotland to locate
near Perth and the Rideau. The British government would assist them with
Lesmahagow Society and on Sabbath June 19, 1820 his charge of "170 souls"
set forth on the sailing ship "Prompt". Together the ship "Prompt"
and the ship "Commerce" carried the 1200 passengers. George Easton was
351/2years old; his wife, Janet, affectionately called Jenny, perhaps a
Emigrant ships of the time were mainly Timber vessels, a shell of a
sides of the ship and if there were sufficient room down the center. Other berths were 6'
a berth, or 2 adults and 3 or 4 children. Belongings were placed in the aisles.
Foreword p.2
There were no port holes. Three hatch covers were opened in good weather. The
bodies,andnocoolingexcept when the hatches were open. In the dark and foul
cholera or dysentery. When sea-sickness struck the crowding became mor
narrow sleeping spaces, surely sick in mind and body in thedarknessof
the night and the rolling of the ship. In some cases passengers might
not have a space until another died and death provided a space.
Wooden chests or trunks carried their provisions, clothing and
very few extras. According to government terms provisions, for each
emigrant were to be: 18 lbs. beef; 42 lbs. biscuits, 132 lbs. oatmeal,
6 lbs. butter and 3 lbs. molasses which was to last about 84 days to
Quebec. Perhaps twice a day the steward provided a few coals of char-
coal in a container over which each family cooked their food. Some
brought vinegar to break the taste of the brackish water. The Scottish women b
the long davs at sea, and also woolen cloth to fashion coats
and vests. The Scots brought a few precious books which later formed
the beginning of the Dalhousie library at Watson's Corners, books such as:
andothers.RobertOgilvie carried from Scotland the tiny diary used
on board to record notes, a scroll roller, a book by Robert Burns, and
a vest, all of which remain today.
Toilet facilities consisted of a shrouded shoot at the rear of the
weather conscientious captains ;had the passengers bring their bedding
on deck to air it. Surely they had to take turns as many ships were
dangerously over-loaded. Some passengers might not even be listed as
the ship was already over the too generous limit of persons per ton of
ship. Ninety-percent of emigrants came by steerage although somepersonsofrankcameincabinsforab
by 1847 had risen to 65 shillings or about $15. Emigration was a choice for 12
harbormaster could tell an emigrant ship at gunshot distance by its odor. After land
with pine and oak for the return trip, a lucrative business for shippers.
Scots with the least to spend left the highlands for the lowlands,
those next, in price went to Newfoundland then the Maritime colonies,
then Quebec and beyond. The cost was by no means complete when they
arrived in Quebec as passage by the new steamships up the St. Lawrence
was expensive and they still had to go by bateau,aflat-bottomedtaperedriverboat,byfootorotherwiseuntiltheyreached,the land assigned
trying and expensive. 800 miles could cost 15 pounds not counting
provisions and baggage.
Thosewhohadtochoosetheir land had additional problems. Sharpers
abounded to remove any monies carried. At the docks in the old country
some were "conned" into paying for passage, for. preferred berths, forfavours,onlytohavethes
When they landed in the new country "land sharks" andagreatvarietyof"flee
vagabond I befriended aboard theRosina".LandalongtheplainoftheSt.Lawrence was fertile, but this was alread
Foreword p.3
soon ran into the "Canadian Shield", and underlying formation of rock
covered with scanty soil.
Lord Dalhousie, the new governor-general, arranged that the 1820
newly surveyed, land which had been obtained from Indian tribes in
1819 by payment of an annuity. A few settlers had arrived in the Perth
when the government paid an
They set out for Lanark village over an almost impassable road and
crossed the Mississippi River on scows.
Surveys had been carlessly done. A chain was used to measure the
land. At times links would break and the chain mended without the links,
or a stretchy willow link added. Townships were generally ten miles
square, subdivided into twelve concessions and those subdivided into
twenty-seven lots each 200 acres except the last. Two families were
generally assigned to a lot, thus each having 100 acres. A post was
placed in the ground to mark the corner front and rear. Guides had to
be hired to find the posts, several families going together to pay the
fee of 5 or 6 shillings per day.
Lanark was a dense forest with trees so tall that even when a
clearing was made the light would not get in to dry the clearing.
Bears, wolves, wolverines, wild cats, deer and partridge abounded. The
British government retained rights to gold and silver and white Pine.
At Dalhousie a group from the "Prompt" drew lots and settled a
short distance from what was later called Watson's Corners. They were:
James Martin, William Miller, Charles Bailey, James Watson, George Brown,
Thomas Easton, George Easton, Peter Shields, James Donald, John Duncan,
Andrew Park, James Park, John Todd, William Jack, Thomas Scott and
Robert Forest. George Richmond, the teacher sent out with the society
was killed during the winter by a falling tree. James Watson built a
kind of storehouse to hold supplies for the incoming settlers. The govern-
ment possibly supplied some of the stores the first winter.
They were settled in a few days, twenty on the .first line or road
between the 2nd and 3rd concession. By December there were twenty farm
lots divided into town and park lots. Park lots were 25 acres each and
lots of 10 acres each were reserved for mechanics. They erected a log
schoolhouse. Under the leadership of Thomas Scott, who had emigrated with
his wife and seven children, the St. Andrew's Society was formed and in
1829 St. Andrew's Hall, a log building covered with shingles, was built
at Watson's Corners. A library was established by collections from
settlers and a donation of L 100 from Lord Dalhousie. By 1832 there
were 500 volumes including the Encyclopedia Britannica. While the Scots
were not wealthy in worldly goods they were by no means impoverished
To solve the loss by death of the teacher, George Richmond, George
Easton, Lot 16, 3rd concession (Merle Bates says error here-4th concession)
built a schoolhouse near his own dwelling and taught the boys and girls,
his only pay being student work on Saturdays or after school. He
taught for ten years.#1
The government had issued to each group of four families a grindstone
and a cross-cut saw and whip saw. To each family was given an adze, a
hinges, a scythe and swath, a reaping hook, a hay fork and 2 hoes, askilletandacampkettleandablanketfo
Foreword p.5
the tools were of poor quality, the axe unsuitable for cutting trees
and fit only for "cutting pumpkins". The Yankees had the good tools,
guns and axes, and at times an axe was available from an itinerant
Yankee. The United Empire Loyalists taught the settlers how to fell
trees so that the tops would be broken as little as possible and a hunter
brought in a good American rifle and shot deer for the settlers. Girls
were taught to spin wool and linen yarn for family use. Boys were
taught to make fishing nets and tackle for use in the lakes and rivers.
By 1829 none of the cash advances to the settlers had been paid and
the government was withholding titles to the land. 300 settlers drew
up a petition claiming remission of the payments, saying that Lanark
was disadvantaged as it was cut off from navigable rivers, had barely
land was not usable for agriculture. In 1835 the government sent a
surveyor who said that because of the rocky nature the land was unfit for
farming. In 1836 the settlers' debts of some L 22,000 were cancelled.
Still, their situation was greatly improved from the homeland; larders
were full of Indian corn, peas, wheat, oats and ham. They were well
They were able to contribute for relief to the homeland. By oxen and cart
they hauled wheat, corn, oats and rye which they had "threshed" to the
mill where it was ground for family or animal use. They grew a large
variety of vegetables with large supplies of turnips and potatoes the
milk and butter, but also tallow for candles, leather for clothing and
shoes. Sheep provided wool, lamb and mutton. An occasional bear, wolf,
or raccoon added articles of warmth and beauty; goose down gave softness
for pillows or comforters. Logs and rocks were there in abundance to
build their home and "lum" or chimney. The logs provided fence material
which was zig-zagged along the edge of their property. Thus when
weaver's wives were asked if they were glad or sad to be in the new
country, most were enthusiastic to praise their new circumstances and
their joy to be "getting quat o' the prin wheel". Weaving must have
been a noisy, dusty business.
Cutting grain with the sickle and scythe was slow and difficult in
the stump dotted land. There were no horses in the early days and few
cows or oxen, and no sheep, but the settlers added these as soon as
they could. Their plows were hard to pull and hard to guide. The
V-shaped harrow was unwieldy. Hand made rakes were heavy and brought
blisters, and the gnarled flails for grain brought bumps on the head.
Women's work was never done. They rose early to prepare food, then
worked in the fields. Washing, darning and cooking was done before
dawn or after dark as the men slept. In winter they carded wool, spun
yarn, wove linen and wool cloth. The day of blessing was the Sabbath,
a day of rest.
Mosquitoes were fierce. Cranberry marshes were snake-infested.
Fevers and ague were common. The woods provided wild plums, gooseberries,
currants, raspberries, strawberries, cherry and walnut trees and maple trees.
Beautiful birds and flowers abounded. Roads were a continuing problem.
Trees were felled and the logs rolled together to make a bone-jarring "cordur
Settlers were responsible for the road past their place and also to serve
"Statute Labour".
Early fairs were well-attended and provided a place to sell cattle
oxen and horses. Prizes were given for the best livestock, ploughing,
fruits and vegetables, hemp, honey, maple syrup, the best "20 yds. offlannel"andbest"100ydsoflinen".
During "Training Day" the men gathered to be put through their
exercises by a retired officer, none in uniform, with the exception
of the officer, but in a great variety of bizarre outfits. Some
were bare-footed, some with shoe-packs some with rope belts made of
straw, and an assortment of strange hats. But the men were in earnest,
and willing to defend flag and country.
Pastimes for young people were swimming, quoit playing, wrestling,
racing, games, a Scottish game called "shinny" that was similar to
ice hockey, skating, snow-shoeing, sleighing and dancing.
Trees were burned for wood ashes which were put into a "leach" with
lime and water. The lye produced was boiled until thick. It was then
poured into kettle drum shaped half-coolers. When cooled it looked like
brown stone and was very hard. The potash cakes of 2 half-coolers
could be fitted into a standard oak barrel and shipped that way. The
barrel weighed 700 pounds and sold for about $40.
Politically speaking settlers from the Highlands and Lowlands of
Scotland, the villages of England, and the farms of Ireland came to
the New World influenced by the conditions that had driven them from their
homeland. They brought with them agitators for a more democratic form
of government. Some Americans moved to Canada seeking land, or because
of loyalty to the Crown. From the British Isles came those with love
for the mother country, but with newer ideas, a desire for an improved
Religiously speaking, Protestants came to the new country seeking to
worship in accustomed ways, although in the new country Methodist
ministers were an influence upon them. The Reformation was close within
the memories of their ancestors, as with George Easton, whose ancestors
had fled for their lives from Ireland. They were serious about their
religion, fasted a day before partaking of communion. The Bible was
interpreted quite literally. George Easton often quotes the Sunday
text, or adds a verse from the Bible. He has definite ideas about his
religion. Robert Ogilvie, while religious, is more tolerant. Yet,
Robert Adam Ogilvie tells that when he cut his lip falling on a wheel-
barrow he was using one Sunday, his father John, son of Robert, told him
the wrath of God struck him down for breaking the Sabbath.
Socially, these British, with dignity, decency and courage
established civilized communities among the stumps north of the St.
Lawrence, quickly organized community governments, church, school
and library facilities and helped each other establish themselves in the
wilderness. "Raising" bees for home and barn, "quilting" bees, and
bees for many other uses made cooperation among them a necessity. They
took up clearing the land, building log houses for family or stock use,
and plowed the land. From the beginning of a few pounds of wheat they were
soon planting bushels of grains.
Taverns were common. Robert Louis Stevenson explains the cold damp
of Scotland creating a tendency to stop at a cozy tavern for a warming
drink. The same might be true of the chill damp wind north of the
St. Lawrence. Robert Ogilvie would be annoyed if Anne did not bring
home a bottle when she went to town. Later a "stopping place" as the
settlers called it, was built near the Ogilvie place and Robert would
stop for a drink, and might even bring friends home. He was from a social
environment in Scotland and carried a part of that convivality with him.
Anne was not always approving.
Foreword p.6
Foreword P.7
Janet Stevenson Easton and her girls must have had an artistic
flare as they made and sold hats in addition to the butter and farm
produce. Also, they sewed complicated garments, such as a "Phila
bors. George might be called to pray for a child.
The Ogilvie diary is mostly confined to farm matters. It must have
been in an available place as the children write their names in it at
times. After Robert's last entry the diary is carried on by his son,
John. A bit of humor is shown between Robert and Anne when she leaves
with the recipe and the comment "it is then fit for EATING". He must
have put his thoughts in pencil before preparing a will for his wife,
leaving what he has to her. George Easton seems to write in his account
after meals, so that additional notes are added within a day. While
Robert must have confined his views regarding world affairs to his wife
and friends, George at times notes them in his diary. Affairs dealing
with the Rebellion of 1837, a writing by the fiery Louis Joseph Papineau -
him, as is the crowning of Princess Victoria.
Americans and Canadians today take pride in their unarmed frontier,
and their joint waterways, an achievement not of disarmament but of
diplomacy and statesmanship. Many situations have arisen to create
antagonism among hot-heads but statesmen such as Lord Durham, Daniel
Webster and Lord Asburton and General Winfield Scott have helped create
a common community of nations each seeking its own destiny. The final
passing of the Webster-Ashburton treaty finally settled border disputes
and brought peace. (Aug. 9, 1842)
The War of 1812 emphasized neutrality but did not settle serious
problems. In the Rebellion of 1837 the conflict of self-government
came to a head. Canada was divided into Upper and Lower portions with
differing ideas and customs. Lower Canada consisted of the Eastern
portion near Quebec and also south of the St. Larwence. It was peopled
by the French, less literate and under a large landowner-tenant
segneurial system. The French portion felt dominated by the English
portion of the government. Upper Canada consisted of land below the
Ottawa River and of the western portion north of the St. Lawrence and
was peopled by persons from the British Isles. The Rebellion began in
the Lower portion and later spread to the Upper portion. Reformers
such as Louis Joseph Papineau and William Lyon Mackenzie encouraged
rebellion against the British system and favoring the American system
of government. A "patriot" army was recruited in the United States and
Canada and funds raised. Buffalo, N.Y. and Detroit, Mi. were centers of
Feelings in the United States were mixed. The government, press,
and most people felt that what Canada did was their business and that
the peace following the War of 1812 should not be broken. However,
a general feeling existed of close ties toward Upper Canada, even though
it was Lower Canada which was more rebellious. Americans tended to think
that Englishmen anywhere were capable of governing themselves without
outside help, and were naive concerning the development of the idea to
come of Commonwealth.
The Upper Canadian reform movement was a reaction against the attempt
to establish a privileged class and church. The Lower Canadian movement
was an expression of the French Canadian will to survive. William Lyon
Mackenzie in his paper the Advocate called for reform in 1822. L.J.
Foreword p.8
Papineau was against Lord Dalhousie who was governor of Canada in 1819
and for rights of French Canada and opposed the government on money matters.
church and customs were to prevail in the French portion. After the
forming of the Patriot army various small skirmishes took place but the
British government strengthened the military and put down the rebellion.
In the main, however, it was solved by diplomacy, aided by the opinions
of the majority of Americans and Canadians. The hanging of two generals
of the Patriot army is mentioned. Peter Matthews, father of 15 children,
and with a wife; and Sam Lount, father of 7 children, and his wife,
Elizabeth, who kneeled in court to beg and pray for the release of her
husband, were hanged Apr. 12, 1838 outside the Toronto jail. A military
leader of the Patriot array mentioned was Rensselaer Van Rensslaer of
Albany, N.Y., appointed by Mackenzie to head the Patriot army, a dissipate
27 year old genius who knew nothing of military tactics and would not
take advice.
The log house built by George and Janet Easton has since been
buried on their land, Lot 16 of the 4th concession of Dalhousie.
Robert and Anne Ogilvie are buried in unmarked graves in the St. Andrew's
churchyard of Watson's Corners, Ontario, Canada. A memorial plaque tells
of the early settlers.
The Bible does not give a specific date for the birth of Jesus.
The holidays of Christmas and Easter had pagan origins and are not
mentioned in the Bible. Therefore they were not observed in the Cal-
vinist churches. Even music was not used. Influences of the Roman
church were avoided. It was not until the settlers had been exposed
to German and Mennonite factions that these holidays were observed.
Note that George Easton makes no mention of the two holidays, nor does
he speak of church music. It is possible that Psalms may have been
sung but there is no mention of it. A change in church membership is
indicated by the little "Methodist Hymn Book" dated 1902 left by
Janet Horn Ogilvie, wife of John Ogilvie, son of Robert Setton Ogilvie.
Descendants of the families have been and are successful, law-abiding
persons. Teaching has been the choice of a number; various professions,
business and farming are other occupations. Some have moved to the
United States. Emigration appears to have been the right decision.
Exerpt from George Easton's Diary
April 22, 1844
To give a true account of my father's family and to let my
sons know their origin, is what I cannot well do. All I know is
in 1641, two hundred years ago, our forefathers resided in the
County of Antrim, in swate little Ireland and were compelled to flee
for their lives, the Papists under that bloodthirsty Popish ruffian
Sir Phelim O'Neal having commenced to massacre the Protestants and
were sparing neither sex nor age.
Our family consisting of an old man and his wife and only son,
having found means to escape the swords of their enemies, left their
native country and all that was dear to them and came to Scotland,
Crossford, being weavers to trade, they lived there enjoying that
peace they could not find in their own country. There the old man
and his wife breathed their last and were buried in the churchyard
of Lanark, County town, Upper ward of Clydesdale.
But the first of our ancestors that I have any knowledge of,
is David Easton, the grandson of that young man who fled with his
Parish of Lanark, in or about the year 1759. George Easton, his
son, lived in or about the year 1785.
Matthew Easton, his son, lived at Harperfield, a weaver to trade.
He resided likewise in Kirkfieldbank and died in Crossford, all in
the parish of Lesmahagow, August 7th, 1837. The above Matthew Easton
and Janet Wilson were married Feb. 27, 1784.
Their family is as follows:
George Easton born Nov, 21st, 1784 (writer of the diary)
David Easton, born July 15th, 1787
Anna Easton, born July 17th 1790
Thomas Easton,born March 2nd, 1793*
Agnes Easton, born Aug. 9th 1796
Margaret Easton, born Jan. 12th 1802
Janet Easton, born Feb. 21st, 1805
George Easton was brought up and spent his youth at Harperfield
and was married 7th of July 1809 to Janet Stevenson, resided some
time in Harelbank, spent his life in the parish of Lesmahagow, till
the year 1820, when he emigrated to Dalhousie, in the County of Lanark
in the District of Bathurst and Province of Upper Canada, British
America, where he now resides, has two sons, David Easton and Matthew
George Easton, and my desire is that every succeeding generation
transmit their names and continue the geneology of their sons, and
hand down a written account to every succeeding generation.
Witness my hand.
George Easton
*ThomasEaston-lived near George and in the diary is also called
Thos., Tom or Tam.
Exerpt from George Easton's Diary
1830 Mon. June 7th- A very warm day, some rain.
Tues. 8th- Wind and a clear day, Isabella & Jess at Rob't Wallace's
planting potatoes. Tom. A. saw my lamb that was cut, can hardly
walk this night. J.B. opened the wound.
Wed. 9th. A clear warm day. Isobella planting potatoes with Cooper
Rob. My potatoes all planted by the first of June. 20 bus.
Thurs. 10- Gloom in the morning, a fine warm day. Last night heavy rain.
11- A very warm day this day. We were at the mill.
Sat. 12th- Working at the roads, first day StatuteLabours.*1A warm day,
my heifer would have taken the bull. Got a pig from Joseph
Hetherington on Thurs, 10th of June.
Sabbath 13th- A dull warm morning, some rain, a warm day, Monday
morning some rain, warm & dull.
Tues. 15th- Clear with wind, I have a sore finger, cannot work. An
excessive hot day. Corn looking backwards, at least a fortnight.
Jennie at Cooper Rob's for a cheese vat. Got a milking Cozie *2
from John Thomson on Thursdaylast being June 10th, 1830.
Wed. 16th.-A warm morning, some drops of rain. Hoeing corn. Wrote a
letter for R. Rae. Dated 10th June, 1830. Received one from
John Stevenson June-14. A very warm day.
June 17th- An exceeding warm d a y . Hoeing corn. Hoeing once over
done this night. G. Easton
Saw constellation above the trees*3on Tues. June 15th 1830.
Fri. 18th. -High wind. Burning and cleaning for turnips.*4 A fine day
all over.
Sat. 19th- Worked upon the roads. Second Statute Labour. Brought
in ashes.
Sabbath 20th June 1830. A cold dull day.
Mon. 21-.High wind and rain. Planted cabbage. Averywetday.
Tues.22-; Got a pig from Thos. Scott, a very wet d a y .
Wed. 23-. A dull morning, threatening rain, at 10 o'clock A.M. Heavy
rain. G. Brown at the wool carding at Watson's Mill.
Thurs. 24- A very warm day. Got the log out of my finger this
morning, length
Fri. Dull & warm.
Saturday, Dull, threatening rain. Received a letter from Michael
Templeton last night, dated 23 March 1830.
Sabbath 27- rain.
Mon. 28- terrible rain this morning. Bill & Tom went to the Wool Mill.
Tues. 29- went to Perth, Some rain.
Wed. 30th appeared before Board of Education. Left Perth, came to
Armstrongs', no rain.
Thurs. 1- Came home, rain, heavy rain.
Fri.2- A very warm day this day. Commenced school keeping a second year.
Cleaning land for turnips. Joseph in this day with a barrel of
potash. George Easton. Sent away a letter to Robt. Rae, Dated
10th June on Thursday July 13t, 1830.
Sat. 3. Some rain. Library issue.
*1 Statute Lab
*4 Turnips, also called Swedish turnips - rutebega for animal feed
Sabbath July 4th- High wind. Robert Wallace, Son to Andrew Wallace,
departed this life on Saturday, July 3, 1830.
The heifer took the bull Friday July 2. Geo. Easton
Monday- 5th- very warm. Jas. & Betty Shields hoeing corn, a thunder-
storm about 2 o'clock. David Millar departed this life Sabbath
July 4th, funeral Tuesday July. 6.
Tues. 6th- very warm this day. Libby at the Carding machine, Jess
at the Mill. Cherry took the bull this day.
Wed. 7th. Sowed turnips.*1 Dull, threatening rain, G. Easton. Saw
Thurs, 8th- A fine day. Kept the school till midday, went to Lanark
with Jess & purchased necessaries for the Celebration of the
Lord's Supper.
Fri.9th- Kept as a fast.
Sat. 10th- a fine day.
Sabbath 11th- the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed in
Dalhousie by Dr. Gemmill being the seventh time in this town-
ship. On Nov. 14th 1824; Nov, 6th 1825; Oct, 29th 1826; Oct.
25th 1827; July 13th 1828; Aug. l6th 1829; and on July 11th 183O;
by the Rev, Dr. Gemmill of Lanark.
Sabbath July 11th.- 1830. A fine day, no rain, G. Easton.
Mon. 12th- very warm. Some rain.
Tues. 13th. At the mill. Some rain.
Wed. 14th. Very wet during the night. Showery during the day. Very
Thurs. 15th. Bell at Lanark, the rest hoeing corn, very warm.
Fri. 16th.- Very warm this day. John Callender was married to
Janet Millar and took her up beyond Mrs. Angus' place, but I
think they won't stop long. George Easton
Sat. 17th- An excessive hot day, hoeing corn these days hath been
very warm, a burning sun. G.E.
Sabbath 18th. Excellent weather, a very-hot day. George Easton.
Monday 19th July- Saw a good deal of damage done to my grain by
cattle. Some rain last night, this day very hot. 5 days
excessive hot weather, burning hot. Could hardly work.
Tues. 20th July- hot, hot weather, burning hot. Saw my corn silk
this day.
Wed. 21st. Commenced cutting hay this day. Excessive hot. Wm.
Steele came to John Thompsons last night being 20th July.
Corn looking very well.
Thurs. 22nd. A noble day, cutting hay.
Fri. 23rd- cutting hay, a fine day. Geo. Easton. Commenced
shearing, cut 2 stooks or rye.*2
Saturday 24th- warm with some rain. G. Easton.
But turned out a noble day till about 5 o'clock P.M. when
one of the heaviest showers fell I have witnessed and a very
wet night. My hay mostly cut and all exposed.
Sabbath 25th- A dull, damp morning, some rain, a wet day.
Monday 26th- Incessant rain all day. Wind easterly. No Sermon
yesterday, rain so heavy the Minister could not come. A
mistake, he came. Geo. Easton. Sermon in the afternoon by Dr. G.
Tues. 27th- rain all night and a dull damp day, some rain, a fine
afternoon, was obliged to shake out my hay again, being sore
wasted and spoiled with rain.
This day Jas. Hood had a child taken away by death, the chincough
and bowelhive being the means. *2 stooks- a sh
*1turnips-possiblyrutabegas, "Swedish turnips", f
Wed. 28th-Not a very promising day. Threateneing rain. My coat in
Lanark. G. Easton.
William Steel left Dalhousie for Kingston July 27th, 1830.
Working in Perth.
Thurs. 29th. Got my coat and Bible. Ricked#1 hay.
Tues. 27th- cut barley. 9 stooks after 13 cuts.
Friday 30th- A clear, warm day, people busy with their hay. Gaven Baillie
married this day to Mary Munro. Wedding in the St. Andrews Hall.
"Faichney is no more#2 Well he was a free-hearted fellow." Bell
and Jess at Mr. Parks working. George Easton.
Saturday 31st- Dull, threatening rain. A good deal of rain, ready for
harvest. Hay no all secured. George Easton.
Myself chopping. Lassies shearing rye. A fine afternoon.
Sabbath, August 1st. 1830.
A noble day. 16,000 Emigrants arrived at Quebec at thisdate(June2[?])
Monday 2- Last night a loud thunderstorm and some rain, this day a
clear, warm day. Shearing rye and cutting rye, and cutting hay.
Thomas helping me in the morning to cut hay. George Easton.
My rye all cut this day. 20 stooks. Commenced shearing wheat
Tuesday 3rd. Arrived at Quebec of settlers, July 2,- 840.
Finished hay cutting this day, a very warm day.
Wednesday 4th- Looking dull, a fine harvest day till about 10 o'clock A.M.
Came on a heavy shower. This day Rickd the last of my hay. Done
before the rain. A thunderstorm in the afternoon. George Easton.
Thursday 5th- A fine morning, shearing wheat, a noble day.
Friday 6th- Chopping to Robert Sherriff. My young cow at the bull. A fine day.
Saturday 7th- Library issue, a thunderstorm and heavy rain in the afternoon.
Sabbath 8th- A very wet morning. "Numquam Arescire",#3 the Clyde Motto-G.E.
Monday 9th- A good day, a fine harvest day.
Tuesday 10th- A very warm day, this day put in all my rye. Shearing oats.
Saw fireflies last night.
Wednesday August 11th, 1830- a very wet day, Saw fireflies last night. G.E.
Thursday 12th- Bell hearing with Mr. Mclntyre Esq. Jenny with
Thomas, No Esq., a better day. Mr. Cochrane from Kirkfield in
Dalhousie, Wednesday, July 11th being St. James fair day in old
Lanark, Scotland. G.E.
Received 10 bushels of lime from Mr. Jas. Muir and delivered him
21/2bushels of corn. Thursday 12th August 1830.
Friday Aug. 13th- Bell with Mr. George Brown, driving up wheat, a fine
Saturday August 14th 1830. Shearing spring wheat, a very warm day.
This day quit keeping school for two weeks. Until August, that is
to commence again on the 30th of August, 1830.
Sabbath 15th- A good day.
Monday l6th-Bell and Jess at James Parks. Jenny at Thomas'. A thunder-
storm about midday, chopping myself. Thunder very close and loud.
Tuesday 17th-Bell and Jess at James Park, a fine day.
Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th, putting in wheat. Friday 20th at
the Mill. Came home on Saturday 21st, finished shearing our crop,
fine weather.
1# Ricked- placed in stacks
2#Faichney is no more- Faith and it is no more.
3# Numquam Arescire- Never stop(flowing as a river)
Richard Dell, principal archivist for the Strathclyde Regional Council
states that he cannot find this motto anywhere in the records of the
city of Clyde or in the Clyde Port Authority, which began the
improvement of the navigation in 1758.
an exceeding warm day. Harvest is nearly concluded and got in,
in good order and considered a fair crop. Numbers, however,
had. their wheat injured by a violent storm which fell on 24th
of July in the afternoon and continued heavy rain until Tuesday
27th. Cleared again in the afternoon.
Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25th- very warm. Wednesday 25th, Logging
Thursday 26th- Helping Ned to put in his grain, very fine weather.
Thursday 26th my young cow at the Bull.
Friday 27th- Sent away a letter to John Stevenson. On Thursday 26th
of August 1830, chopping at home. Sat. 28th finished chopping.
Put in all my grain. Fine, warm weather.
Sabbath 29th- A very warm day.
Monday 30th- Commenced School-keeping after being a fortnight vacant.
Warm and dull. Threatening rain.
Tuesday 31st- Logging with James Watson.
Wednesday Sept. 1st- Logging with Robert Rodger. Thursday 2- with
Jas. Brown. Friday 3rd, with Ned. Saturday finished George
Browns logging.
Sabbath Sept. 5th- fine weather. No rain these two weeks except a
small shower on Friday of Sept. but nothing hurt here about. G.E.
Monday 6th- a very wet day. Tuesday 7th logging at home, 3 yoke
Rodgers, Watson and G. Brown.
Wednesday 8th, log with Thos. Thursday, 9th, burning ray logs, a fine
Friday 10th- Thompson sowing wheat, a fine day. Great drought. Geo. Easton.
This day cut corn, Sherriff logging. Sowed a bushed of rye on
2nd. of Sept.
Bless 0 my soul the Lord thy God and not forgetful be of all His
gracious benefits, He hath bestowed onthee—#1Saturday 11th Sept. 1830.
A fine day. Driving ashes. Last night threatened rain but blew over.
Sabbath 12th- very dull, some thunder, a heavy thunderstorm at night
and rain most incessant. Jas. Watson began to sow wheat on
on Saturday Sept. 11th. on Saturday evening broke my cart.
Monday 13th- a dull day. Jas. Brown, Junr began to sow wheat. Mrs.
Nairn at Thomas. George Easton.
Tuesday 14th Sept 1830
His most gracious Majesty King George Fourth departed this life
June 26th, 1830 amd was succeeded by his brother, William, Duke of
Clarence by the name and title of William Fourth. By the grace
of God, of Great Britain and Ireland. King, Vive le Roi.#2 George
third succeeded his Grandfather 1760 and died 1820 and was succeeded
by His Eldest Son George, Prince of Wales, a Title which is now lost
for there is none to heir the Principality of the Blood Royal,---
The French government having fitted out an Armament against
Algiers in order to chastise that nest of pirates, effected a
landing and took possession of their city, made theDey a prisoner
and compelled the vagabond to yield and surrender at Discretion.
Tuesday Sept. 15th Heavy rain last night. The day dull and heavy,
very wet weather. No work can go on. George Easton.
Wednesday 15th- busy fencing. Some rain.
Thursday 16th- Fencing, considerable frost. Saw ice on the morning of
the 15th.
1# Psalms 103-2. 2# Vive le Roi- long live the king
# shearing- to reap or cut with a sickle or hook.
Friday 17th- finished fencing, considerable frost, a warm day. Rain
last night. Curious weather. G. Easton.
Saturday 18th- this day sowed one bushel and a half of wheat on new land.
Sabbath 19th- frosty and a fine day.
Monday 20th at Perth, a wet day, roads very bad.
Tuesday 21st- a better day- Wednesday, a heavy rain all day.
Thursday 23- Wm Hay brings his papers this day. Dull and very warm,
Finished dragging on Monday 20. Fear terror and grief. Geo. Easton.
Friday 24th- Dull and warm. Threatening rain. Geo. Easton.
Saturday 25th James Rodger with barrel of potash, at Lanark yesterday,
rain this morning and a dull day. George Easton. A wet afternoon.
Monday 27th A very wet morning and a dull wet day.
Tuesday 28th- High wind and rain, commenced taking in corn yesterday.
Wednesday 29th- Strong frost in the morning, a very warm day. Commenced
lifting potatoes this day and sowed some rye. Geo. Easton.
Thursday 30th- Jenny and Jess at Lanark, bought a carpet 5 yds at 4/4*
per yd., a fine day. Some rain. This month hath been a very cold
Friday Oct. 1st. Dalhousie fair, a very warm day. Digging praties
this day. Paid my taxes 3/6/2 being the amount of my taxes for
1830. George Easton.
Saturday 2nd. A good day. Library issue. G.E. (note: 3/6/2- 3pounds,6shillings,2pence)
Sabbath 3rd October, very hard frost. Cold with high wind. We have lifted 40 bushels
Monday Oct. 4th. frost and a good day.
Tuesday 5th a clear day.
Wednesday 6th a fine day, began to plaster my house.
Thursday 7th, very frosty, Digging potatoes. Lifted 100 bushels. Good
weather this week past but pretty frosty, Geo. Easton.
Friday Oct. 8th this day took in corn straw. Pulld all my corn. A
fine day.
Saturday 9th- a right good day,
Sunday 10th No rain, very warm.
Monday 11th- This day Brown killd a cow. Dull and lowering. No frost.
Tuesday 12th- at the Mill. J.McDonald find cart.
Wednesday 13th- Dull threatning rain, working at my potatoes. Geo.Easton.
This day a small shower in the afternoon.
Thursday 14th -Very heavy rain all night. Dull and wet this day. Hays
Friday 15th- yesterday wet all day, this day rather inclined to drought.
Saturday 16th Dull and damp. Mary and the lassies digging potatoes.
Kept the school and at Wm. Hays raising.
Sabbath 17th Dull and cold.
Monday 18th- Lifted all my potatoes on Saturday 16, 200 bus. A good
deal of frost, a fine day. Isobella at J. Thompson picking corn.G.E.
Tuesday 19th- a wet night and a dull wet day. This day a meeting in
St. Amdrew's Hall for the purpose of Petitioning government for
land to Settler's Sons.
The French Government hath undergone another revolution, Charles X
Crowned in his Stead. The reasons given are his tyrannic conduct
* 4/4-4 shillings, 4 pence. a shilling at that time about 20.2c
but later about 24 c. 12 pence= 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound.
and his anxiety to establish absolute power, putting a stop to
the freedom of the press and violating the Charter of the Con-
stitution. The Ex-king is arrived in England with a numerous
retinue, attended by his spiritual guides, Priests and Jesuits,
a considerable number. The New King is crowned by the Title of
Louis Phillippe First, King of France and Navarre. A dangerous
Seat, a fickle, unsteady people, a people who would cheer their
Wednesday 20th Oct.- Yesterday Jenny took her yarn to A. Nairn. G. Easton.
An awful daddling#1 match this morning and a dull, damp day.
The women making hats for Jacob Scott's wedding which is expected
to take place this week. She is to be married to John Duncan
Thursday 21st Oct. A fine clear day. Isobel with J. Thompson pulling
Friday 22 Oct. A wet, dull, damp day, a bad day for Beenie's wedding.
I believe the Black Ewe got the tup this morning. This day, Oct.
10th, Some word of a revolution in the Netherlands. I have as
yet heard no particulars. George Easton.
Oct. 22 Jess with J. Thompson. Isobella keeping Robt Rodgers house,
they being still at the wedding.
Oct. 23rd Saturday- A cold clear day. George Easton.
Sabbath 24th- a fine day but cold.
Monday 25th J. Thompson husk> all his corn on Sat. 23rd at night. A
fine day, putting in corn straw.
Tuesday 26th Octr- Yesterday a meeting was held in St. Andrews Hall
Land to the Sons of Settlers who may have come of age in the
Sabbath 24th- A. Climie shot a bear and Jack Shields a deer. Tuesday 26th-
a very cold day, very wet, at Mr. Joseph Hetheringtons barn.
Thos. Easton finished his husking of corn. Peter Shields at
Lanark in quest of a lot belonging to the Canada Company, meaning
to purchase it, if he can get a chance. William Laverty's
friends arrived in Dalhousie on Sat. Oct. 23.
Wednesday 27th A fine day, there hath been no snow at all this fall.
Not a single flake and very little frost. G. Easton.
Thurs. 28th at Robt Angus helping him to raise a barn. Some rain in
the morning, and a fine day. G. Easton.
Friday 29th very frosty and a fine warm day this day. Lanark fair,
the first market ever held in Lanark, Upper Canada. G. Easton.
30th- Jenny took the remainder of her yarn to A. Nairn this day.
Sat. October 30th- A very severe frost and a clear warm day. Helping
Thos. to raise a sheep house. Open mine eyes that of thy law the
Wonders I may see.#2 Geo. Easton.
Sabbath 31st. I this day received a letter from Robert Rae dated August
14th and a very wet day. How great the goodness thou for them
that fear thee keepst in store.#3
Monday, November 1st 1830. A very wet night. Thunder and rain, killd
my sow this morning. A quiet fresh day and some rain. G. Easton.
Tuesday 2nd. A fine, fresh day,
Wednesday 3rd. A dull wet day
Thursday 4th- a dull day, helping Geo. Brown to roof his barn this day.
Friday 5th. A fine warm day. Thos. roofed his sheep house this morning.
Saturday 6th. A dull day.
#1daddling- arguing perhaps
#2 Psalms 119-18 #3 Psalms 31-19
Sabbath 7th and Monday 8th- both dull, damp days.
Tuesday 9th. Bell and Jess at A. Nairn's quilting, a dull day, the
ewes taking the ram. Geo. Easton.
Wednesday Nov. 10th Dull and some rain. Driving out dung upon the
grass. On Monday 8th, H. Todd, R. Millar, and a number of young
men left Dalhousie expecting to take land in the Home district. G.E.
Thursday 11th- Dull and small rain. Mrs. Brown and M. Allan quilting
Maggots#1 for Coverlids. James Brown brings the papers this day. G.E.
Friday 12th at Lanark, a soft day. Saturday 13th came home, an awful
wet day. Sabbath 14th and Monday 15th both dull and damp weather.
Saturday 13th we were to work on the roads but could not on account
of rain. Sabbath 14th dull and damp. Monday 15th Dull and wet.
Commenced keeping school at night. Tuesday 16th Clear and Sunshine.
Thursday Nov. 18th l830- A very, wet night, a clear day.
Friday 19th A fine day, a good deal of.frost. G. Easton.
Saturday 20th finished driving ashes. Work at the roads 3 days. Statute
Sabbath 21st A dull day, frost.
Monday 22- Rain all day. Last night snow fell. Ground white. First
snow, not a flake seen before the 22 Novr. G. Easton.
Tuesday- Some snow. Roads very bad. Got a chest from Jas Park this
day. Wednesday Novr 24, a very frosty day. Jenny at Lanark. G.E.
Thursday 25th. A dull day, not much frost. J. Wallace and James Brown
at their lots, building commenced this day. George Easton.
Friday Nov. 26th. Snow last night, about an inch, a dull day,
Jenny at Wm. Hoods making me a Phila #2 Coatee. Ned commenced
boiling my ashes #4 Thurs Novr 25th 1830.
Saturday 27th Jess at Lanark for a yd of more cloth for my coat. A
fine day, almost no frost.
Sabbath 28th. A dull day. Monday 29th. a clear frosty day. Melted
my first potash on Saturday night. Good. Jenny and Jess at
Wm Hoods working at ray coat and likely to spoil it. Tuesday 30th
a little snow during the night and Lo! Behold! this is the
great important day. Big with the fate of Dalhousie and St.
Andrew. Paid Mr. Hugh Campbell 5/6 for tallow. G. Easton.
Wednesday December 1st 1830. A very frosty night, this day Conroy
melts the last of my ashes, Jess at Lanark for one qt. of
Aquavitae. St. Andrew's festival is past and alas, it will
not return for a complete year. Such opportunities of Good
Fellowship Seldom Occur.
Isiah 22:12. In that day did the Lord God of Hosts call to
weeping and to mourning and to baldness and to girding with
sackcloth... And behold, joy and gladness, slaying of Oxen
and killing sheep. Eating flesh and drinking wine. Let us
eat and drink for tomorrow we shall die. Such are my sentiments
at present. For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of
G o d . # 3 G. Easton.
Thursday Decr 2nd. Conroy melted last night, 4 inches too much.
Arch. Nairn brought home our cloth this day. 30 yds. A dull
day threatning snow or rain. P. and YLC at N. Sherbroke.
Friday 3rd A dull wet day, a most tremendous wet night. Saturday 4th
Some Drought this day. Got home my barrel. My son, Matthew,
not well. Library issue. G. Easton.
#1 possibly a faniful part of a bed cover.
#2 Phila coatee- Phila means love? A 3/4 length coat?
#3 Romans 3-23 4# boiling wood ashes in an iron pot to make potash
Sabbath 5th. No frost, a fine day. Monday 6th a very cold day, thre
ground. G.Easton.
Tuesday 7th December 1830. a very frosty day. Bell at Poland.
Wednesday 8th. very frosty. Got firewood cut yesterday. No snow at
all, ground quite bare. Hardly any snow this season.
Thursday 9th. Snow fell this morning. 5 inches.
Friday 10th A cold day. Jess in a woman fuddle.#1 Mind that. Jenny
making my coatee. G. Easton.
Saturday 11th. Jess at Lanark. Libb at Parker's getting her shoes
mended, a frosty day. Snow 5 inches deep. J.W. quilting.
Sabbath 12th and Monday 13th- both very cold and frosty.
Tuesday 14th rather inclining to freshness. Very wet all night.
Wednesday 15th thawing and some snow. Thursday 10th a very frosty day.
Friday 17th a frosty day. This morning about 9 o'clock George Brown's
son departed this life.
Saturday 18th, at Lanark for a requisition for the town meeting. G.E.
Sabbath 19th Some snow all day. George Brown's son was buried this
Monday 20th. Snow all day, pretty heavy. Snow 7 inches deep. Tuesday
21st very frosty. Wednesday 22 excessive frosty. Laverty and
Conroy at the mill.
Thursday 23rd Jess at Lanark; a frosty day. Jenny at Joseph's. Jos.
at the mill. -
Friday 24th and Saturday 25th- not well, unable to keep school.
Sabbath 26th heard of the arrival of McAllister, our New Minister.
Saturday25 and Sabbath incessant thaw. Monday Snow fell 5 inches,
not much frost. Tuesday at Wm Penman's wedding. Snow.
Wednesday 29th Came home from Penman's.
Thursday 30th Snow all day. Friday Dec 31, 1830, rain all day and
freezing at the same time.
Saturday Jan. 1st, 1831, very cold snow all day. A complete riot
about Joseph's and Rogers, all to the westward of this assembled
there. Pretty quiet on this side. George Easton.
Sabbath 2. Cold and frosty. A dull day.
Monday 3- this day the town meeting was held in St. Andrew's Hall,
when Mr. John Thompson was chosen Town Clerk and Young Brown
collector. Cold and frosty. Jan 4. Rain all day. Wednesday 5th
kept school and at the Mill, frosty all night. Cut a road through
that concession below Brown on Thursday 6th of Januy 1831.
This day cold and frosty.
Friday 7th- Cold threatning snow, snow 9 inches. G. Easton.
Saturday 8th pretty frosty. Charged with cruelty to children, false
as the inventor. Don't wish to shine in the same sphere with
Brown and his Comrades. G. Easton.
(note as side of page-kept school all day)
Sabbath 9th Great frosty. Monday 10th 1831-very frosty- Mr. Shields
gone to Perth with 3 loads of wheat. Sent away my school papers.
R. Climie gone to Perth with note.
Tuesday l1 January 1831. John Smith with us last night. This day
threatning snow, pretty frosty. G. Easton.
Wednesday 12. Most awful frosty. Thursday 13th hard frost.
Friday 14th at Lanark with my barrel, frosty.
Saturday 15th very cold., kept the school a full day. Sabbath 16th an
#1 woman fuddle- confused, maybe in love? Crying?
#2concessioninOntario[?]landconstitutingasubdivisionof a township.
excessive cold day. Thomas had a son born after dark and Mr.
McAllister preached his first sermon in Lanark. Monday, 17th
Peter Shields at Perth with three loads of grain. George Easton.
Tuesday 18th- more mild, some snow.
Wednesday 19th Brown, Watson & Co. at Lanark with their barrels.
Gay and Cold.
Thursday 20th- at Lanark. Thos. and I with wheat, an excessive
cold day. Friday 21st awful frosty. Saturday 22nd Some snow,
very frosty, kept school. A full day.
Sabbath 23rd very frosty. Monday excessive cold. G. Easton.
Tuesday 25th very frosty. Wednesday 26th more mild, the first mild
day these two weeks. George Easton.
Thursday 27 at Lanark. Delivered Mr. Hall 9 3/4 corn, 2 bushels rye
and of wheat 75 lbs. A moderate day. George Easton.
Friday 28th Moderate weather. Saturday 29th frosty. Robt Twaddle
down from Sherbrook. Brown shining in his proper sphere yesterday. John Wa
Sabbath 30th this day Mr. McAllister preached his first sermon in
Dalhousie and as far as I heard gave general satisfaction. A
frosty day. George Easton.
Monday 31st a frosty day. Tuesday Feb. 1st a fine day.
Wednesday 2nd very warm. Thursday 3 at Lanark.
Friday 4th and Saturday 5th both frosty. Sabbath 6th frosty, on
Thursday3 Snow fell 7 inches. Monday 7th Mr. J. Paul at Lanark
with his potash barrel, a fine frosty day. Tuesday took one
bushel of corn to Mr. Hugh Campbell. Cold frosty weather.
Wednesday 9th at the mill, did not get my load, frosty.
Thursday 10th Isobella at the mill getting my load ground this
day, got firewood, frosty with some snow. Friday 11th Heavy
snow in the morning. Kept school, at the mill for my load.
Snow all day.
Saturday 12th. The sun eclipsed. Snow all day. Snow is about 14
inches deep. Geo. Easton.
Sabbath 13th Very frosty. Monday excessive frosty.
Tuesday 15th at Lanark for the last time with the steers. A mild
day. Bright hurt his leg.
Wednesday- Snow during the night. Soft, some rain. Snow 18 inches
Thursday 17th Feby 1831. Frosty with some snow. Took my sow to
Joseph's boar on Monday Feb 14th. Sorrow and a f f l i c t i o n man's
Friday 18th A very frosty day, excessive cold.
Saturday 19th Got my pig home from Joseph's on Thurs. night being
Feb. 16th. Saturday 19th frosty with 3 inches of snow. G.Easton.
Sabbath 20th A frosty day. Mr. Wilson from Lesmahagow preached in
Dalhousie this day 20th Feb. 1831. G.E.
Monday 21st A very cold day, a quarrel at night between J.H. and E.L.
in the school. ,
Tuesday 22nd Like a change, it is likely to be fresh.
Wednesday 23 A most terrible deep snow. Received a letter from my
father dated 26 May, on Sabbath Feby 20, 1831. Thursday a
most awful cold day. Thos. at Lanark for salt. Got it from
John Hall 19/
Friday 25th Don't know what to do respecting seats for I am determined
no to enter in the measures of the committee respecting Mr. Mc
Allister or no other paper minister. George Easton.
Saturday 26th February 1831 Currie's mill, got my load home
when I was not expecting it, a warm day. Sabbath 27th very warm.
Monday 28th Thawing. G. Easton.
Tuesday March 1st 1831 thawing, a fine day. Joseph at Lanark for
salt. Thos. at the Mill. George Easton.
Wednesday March 2nd 1831, This day got an axe helve#1from Mr. John
Thompson. Still thawing, was assessed last night by George Brown.
Thursday 3rd some rain during night. Jenny at Lanark for the papers.
Dull and thawing.
Friday 4th a soft day...this day was the annual General meeting of
the Dalhousie Library, wherein a multitude of topics were dis-
cussed and new Managers chosen. Libby at young Brown's quilting.
Saturday 5th thawing. Sabbath 6th inclining to cold.
Monday 7th rather frosty this day. Archd Provan second son was buried.
he died on Saturday 5th March in about 4 days illness. Tuesday
March 8th 1831 a very frosty day. George Easton.
March 9th. Snow this morning and frosty yesterday. David turnd very
sick, is not in my opinion any better. Thursday 10th this day
Jas.Wallace left the lot he was on and went to his own lot.
John Shields and Climie chopping. David rather better. a
frosty morning. Thos. at the Mill. Friday 11th David very sick,
could not go away in the morning to Perth, went away about nine o'clock.
12th. David rather better. Matthew George very sick.
Sabbath 13th A good deal of snow during the night.
Monday 14th Matthew still excessive sick. On Friday 11th Wm Beatson
got his leg crushed by a tree, indeed crushd all to atoms.
Tuesday 15th Snow all morning. Snow 6 inches deep. Matthew
George still very sick, no symptoms of abatement and but faint
hope for recovery. Geo. Easton.
Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th My night scholars chopping both days,
no abatement of Matthew George's trouble. He is exceeding sick
and has been since Saturday 12th. He turned badly on Thursday
March 10th but since Saturday has been constantly very sick,
Thursday an uncommon frosty day. Friday 18th very frosty. My
boy no better. Saturday 19th this morning a great deal of snow.
My boy still very sick. Little hopes of recovery, we know not
Sabbath 20th. a very frosty day. Little alteration in my boy's
trouble. Monday 21st a cold day. J. & J. Hetherington and.
R. Bain chopping.. Cannot tell how my boy is. A cold day.
Tuesday 22nd a mild day, Matthew George rather better, this day
appears to run sugar.
Wednesday 23rd this day there appeared to be some sugar. Matthew
George I think no worse. George Easton. rather a fresh day.
Thursday 24th on Tuesday morning got a black lamb. Wednesday
23rd one lambd dead a white one. Last night rain all night and
a wet day. This winter there hath been almost no rain but
enough of snow, the snow this winter about two feet deep and
good sleighing more than two months. George Easton.
Friday 25th very wet during the night and a very wet day. Matthew
George considerably better. Dalhousie, Upper Canada, County of
Lanark and District of Bathurst.
This is now running the Eleventh year since we left our native
country and great changes are taking, and have taken place
among the European nations, the people appears to be tired and
weary of despotic government and are choosing more representative
and more free governments, at all events, the time is fast
approaching when the great Battle of Armageddon sill be fought
#1axe handle
when the Popery and Mahometanism will perish from off the face
and shall be found no more forever to which I heartily subscribe.
Amen. G. Easton.
Saturday 26th a dull day, no sugar, set all my sugar troughs. G. Easton.
This day a Society meeting in Lanark about taking off the
Debt due to the British government by the Society Settlers.
March 26th 1831.
March 26th my family is now considerably better and how thankful I
am to the Great physician of value for bringing them back as it
were from the gates of Death, and restoring them to health. Oh
that I were wise, that I understood these things, that I would
consider my latter end. G. Easton.
Sabbath 27th Considerable snow in the morning. Monday 28th a fine clear
day. Snow almost all:gone. On Saturday26th and Sabbath 27th the
geese were seen going northwards. Robins and other birds are
coming in. People are busy chopping but no sugar as yet. G. Easton.
Tuesday 29th a dull fresh day, after midday heavy rain- very wet
weather. George Easton.
Wednesday 30th a dull wet day. Joseph Lorimer's chopping bee this
day. Thursday 31st a dull day..threatning rain. J. & J. Shields
chopping..yesterday J. Johnston. Bought Hugh Todds Lot N. 19,
sixth concession of Dalhousie.
Friday April 1st 1831, a gay, cold, blue day. No sugar, we have as
yet made none.
Saturday 2nd Some snow and a gay touch of frost. Library issue.
My third ewe lamd this morning. Sabbath 3rd some frost. Monday
4th a foggy fresh day, some sugar. Tuesday 5th rather inclining
to cold. Some little snow. Geo. Easton.
Wednesday 6th April 1831- Yesterday Cherry calved and two Ewes
lamd, a gay cauld day, threatning snow. Yesterday helped W m
Todd home with a few potatoes. Thursday 7th a little cold, but
a fine day. George Easton.
Friday 8th went to Lanark, snow in the morning, bought glasses, and
a complete wet day.
Saturday April 9th pretty frosty and a heavy snowstorm, an exceeding
stormy day, Jess at Lanark. G. Easton.
Sabbath 10th. Considerable snow. Monday 11th Deep snow, and a very
stormy day. Snow 5 inches deep. Got a sook #2 out of
A. Climie's boat. Tuesday 12th Very frosty and a clear day.
Wednesday 13th Last night Cherry cleand. Some frost, a fine
day. George Easton.
Thursday 14th a fine day, snow all gone. Jess at Lanark, quite a
fresh day. George Easton.
Friday 15th heard first frogs on Wednesday night being 13th of April
1831. George Easton.
Every concurrent event among the nations assures me that some
glorious Manifestation of Divine providence is about to be
accomplished, the fulness of the Gentile nations and the
Salvation of Israel being nigh at hand, makes them who observe
the signs of the times attentive to every movement among the
Delusions of Mahomet, the time, is fast approaching when the
Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever
and ever. Come my people, enter Thou into thy chambers, shut
thy door about thee, hide thyself as it were for a little moment
until the indignation be Overpast...
#1 Mary, Queen of Scots. See Extra Notes.
#2 sook - sake - soak
Friday 15th- a fine day, very warm. Jess at Lanark yesterday. Got
a pair of shoes for herself and a pair for Jenny 9/ per pair. G.E.
Saturday April 16th My young heifer calved last night. A fine fresh
day...."But ye O mountains of Israel. Ye shall shoot forth your
branches and yield your fruit to my people of Israel for they
are at hand to come. Chap6:8 Ezek. Mr. McAllister being indis-
posed we will have no sermon to-morrow being Sabbath April 17th
may we value our High privileges.
Sabbath April 17th 1831 A fine fresh day, my young boy Matthew George
is rather indisposed, he is not very well. This day no sermon,
Mr. McAllister not being able to come out. Some among us will
consider it a benefit and some will lament it as a loss. G. Easton.
Monday 18th Saw first wild pigeons on Friday 15th of April, a fine
fresh day, preparing rails for fencing. Geo. Easton.
Tuesday 19th A fine day this day. Tommy killd my calf. Mary Chalmers
not well, rather indisposed. This day planted seed onions, turnips,
carrots and kail. G. Easton.
Yesterday A. Climie Libbet twatup#1lambs which is all the tup
lambs we have got this season as yet.
Wednesday April 20th working with Joseph Lorimer, a fine day. Thursday
21st rather cold, a clear frosty day. Friday 22nd at Conroy's Barn
at the raising, a fine day. Saturday 23rd Snow and rain, a dirty
day. George Easton.
Sabbath 24th April 1831 a fine day...
Monday 25th a little frost in the morning and very warm. Tuesday 26th
at Robert Rodger's house. The first New Montreal Gazette we got
was dated May 27th 1830. Wednesday 27th a fine day. Great
Drought. Thursday 28th Mary Easton rather better last night.
Thos., I believe, away for Dr. Canning this day. Did not get
him, he is about Lanark, Drunk! !
This day threatens rain. Bell and Jess burning brush, fencing
in the morning. G.E.
Friday 29th April 1831, this day Joseph Lorimer builds his house. A
dull wet morning. Bell at Lanark, Jess at J. McIntyre's at a
quilting. Mary Chalmers not very well. George Easton.
Watson's family at the Mill this day with back loads, this day
making a gate.
Saturday May 1st, a fine day. Agnes Jamison here this day. Mary
still a little better.
Upon Feby 14th and some days following, alarming disturbances broke
out in France, Churches demolished, Priests insulted and the
ancient National Emblems destroyed--And upon Feby 17th 1831 the
Belgians offered their Crown to Louis Charles Philip D'Orleans, Duke
Ireland is discontented and Scotia, my native country is suffering
severely. Russia & Poland are at Open War, and multitudes have
been slain and multitudes more are preparing for the slaughter,
the Battle of Armageddon is at hand and then # Voe Victus. G. Easton.
Monday May 2nd l831 George Easton Dalhousie..this day sowd onions, a
fine day. Commotion and disturbance through the whole Roman Earth.
I feel persuaded a party shall rise up whose Sign shall be blood
- and their word no quarter and I earnestly wish they may begin
#1 Libbet twa tup- possibly gelded(Castrated)twinlambs#4VoeVictus-Victoryoverdeath#3Coven
Spread through the nations, Go thro' the world destroying
the enemies of the cause of our Redeemer. Burn the gates of
Rome with fire and put an end to that Sytem of Blasphemy and
Idolworship which the Lord in his own good time certainly will
Tuesday May 3rd a fine day...0 thou Beautiful St. Lawrence, again
are thy bright waves glistening in the sun. Soon shall the
Majestic Steamers rush thro' thy mighty waters bearing their
frieghts of busy mortals. Thy quiet banks shall soon be bordered
with flowers and the ears of they Darkeyed Daughters glad with
the Music of their own wild Birds. Soon shall thy crystal
mirror be divided by the broad prows of numberless merchantmen
and the busy fins of a thousand little fishes...Now spring is
approaching with its warm hopes and bright skies; with its
dewy mornings, merry, with awakening music; with its crimson
evenings, fragrant with the sighs of frisking Zephyrs and
amorous misses. Kind souls I would say to them "Honi soit
qui mal y pense." #1 Immortal Gods! in what times do we live
what fatuity has got hold of us, what charm has benumbed our
faculties and paralyzed our energies, that we the citizens of
Montreal should allow to be sent as our representative to Parlia-
ment a man from whose grim Countenance the smile of benevolence
or compassion never beams..whose visage scowling and dark as
Erebus#3indicatedthe inward man who judging from his reported
speeches would sacrifice the Constitution, the altar, the bench,
commerce, security, religion, humanity, all, all at the shrine of his
envy, vanity and ambition. Let no such man be trusted.
L. J. Papineau
Wednesday May 4th- Last night a thunderstorm with rain, this day cold..
threatning snow and pretty high wind.
Thursday 5th. A very frosty morning with considerable snow. William
Laverty logging this day and Hugh Campbell also logs this day.
Friday 6th a noble day. Dragging oats. Watson logging. Yesterday
Robt Grimshaw left Laverty's, he says forever. G. Easton.
Saturday 7th May 1831, on Thursday 5th a family of Emigrants arrived
in Lanark from Glasgow—a fine day. Dragging oats. Library
Sabbath 8th May 1831- a very cold day, and a wet afternoon. Monday
May9th 1831. snow all day, an excessive stormy day. Snow 3
and 4 inches deep. Tuesday 10th A dismal looking morning, the
ground covered with snow, not a blade of grass to be seen. A
clear day snow dissolving rapidly.
Tuesday 10th- this spring hath been rather cold, this day hath a very
dismal appearance, there hath been no warm weather as yet.
Vegetation is far back. Last season was 3 weeks earlier. There
hath been no growth as yet. Cattle can hardly subsist... This
day I heard Upper Canada #2 for the first time this season.
Wednesday 11th a fine fresh day. Finished dragging oats this morning.
Last night sowd barley, flax and hemp. This day commenced
planting a few potatoes. Thursday 12th with Mr. Wm Hay logging,
a fine warm day. Friday 13th a wet day. Saturday 14th a very
warm day. George Easton.
Sabbath 15th May l831...a warm day, a read sermon. Monday 16 on
Saturday 14th Mr. Jas. Watson was logging for corn, a very warm
3# Erebus-Gr. Mythology, a son of Chaos-dwelt in Hades-fat
1#The motto of the Order of the Garter means- "Shame on he who thinks
evil of it."
#2 Upper Canada - Canadian
day, fencing in morning, clipping sheep. Planting pease—and corn—
heard swallows for the first time this season. G. Easton.
Tuesday 17th a warm day...planting corn, Wednesday i8th dragging
corn land, planted beans. Dull threatening rain...
Thursday 19th at St. Andrew's, heard sermon read by McAlister. Dragging
for corn. Some rain.
Friday 20th Dull, planted beans, planting corn. George Easton.
Saturday May 21st 1831 Some rain, finished planting corn this day.
Sabbath 22nd a very wet day.
Monday 23nd a dull day. Mary Easton still not very well. On midsummer
day June 24th 1830 the snow was falling in the north of Scotland the
whole day, at that season what melted in the daytime was replaced
in the night. On the 20th 21st and 22nd of June 1830 the snow
was lying on the tops of Ben-y-gloe and the Mountains of Braemar,
and on midsummer day it was snowing hard in Glenlyon and the
hills of Appin Lochober and Badenochen were white as in Dec-
ember. Perth Courier
Tuesday 24th a fine day, Logging with my brother Thos. Wednesday 25th
a fine day. Thursday 26th Logging at home, rain considerable.
Friday 27th logging with Mr. Conroy, a fine day. Saturday 28th
warm, saw fireflies this night. Sabbath 29th a very hot day.
Monday 30th Logging with Mr. Conroy, very warm.
Tuesday 31st logging with my brother. Most excessive hot.
Wednesday June 1st 1831, a very hot day. Thursday 2nd, the moment I
am writing the thunder is rolling and a heavy shower. Robt
Rodger is logging. Yesterday ray school meeting when I took it
for another year. George Easton.
Friday 3rd June 1831- Logging at home, Saturday 4th Riggy took the bull,
an awful wet night.
Sabbath 5th a wet day. Monday 6th a good day, planting potatoes.
A.H. helping the girls.
Tuesday 7th Jenny at Lanark with letter. Sent one to Tam Stinson.
Thomas sent one to my father dated 5th June 1831 and a very hot
day. Agnes Hetherington helping ray girls to plant potatoes.
Expect we will get them all in today. George Easton.
Wednesday June 8th Jess planting with Mr. Wm Hood. Hoeing corn,
a very warm day. George Easton,
Thursday 9th at 10 o'clock, threatning rain. Jess with Mr. Hood
planting potatoes. Sorrow...sorrow...I am not worthy, not worthy.
Friday 10th a very warm day.
Saturday 11th a heavy shower in the morning. Very warm. Jenny at
Lanark On Thurs. June 9th we received the first paper of the
year. Sabbath 12th a thunderstorm.
Monday 13th wet, was at the sawmill, planted the last of our potatoes.
Tuesday 14th hoeing corn, a warm day. George Easton. Excellent
warm weather. Saw my wheat in ear Thursday 9th June.
Wednesday 15th an excessive warm day. Hoeing corn. Saw constellation #1
above the trees at bedtime June 14th, 1831. Awful hot weather.
of June. There has been some thunder every day these several
days. Last night J. Johnson shot a buck. G. Easton.
Thursday 16th at the sawmill. Broke my cart and hurt my leg...the
wheel went over it with the load. The Girls hoeing beans, a very
warm day. George Easton.
Friday 17th My leg very sore. Could not walk. Libb at Poland.
Saturday 18th Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. A thunderstorm.
Some rain, very warm # June 9th at this date arrived of Settlers
#1 Constellation- possibly.
at Quebec 19....874
Sabbath 19th very warm. Some rain, a heavy thunderstorm in the morning
with a heavy shower.
Sabbath June 12th My sow ferried 7 pigs and a dead one. Sabbath
June 19th this day eleven years we left our native home and commenced
our journey for the wilds of Dalhousie and arrived at Perth,
September 20th in the year 1820.
Monday 20th a f i n e warm day. I am contented and tolerable happy, I am.
George Easton.
Tuesday 21st. Jenny at Lanark. Jess with her Uncle hoeing corn. Some
wind and rain. Signed Cabby Can. #1
Wednesday 22nd. warm and drought...My girls Hoeing corn the second time...
Agnes Hay down for hats. I know not if she will get them. Thursday
June 23rd. a fine day. E. Collender and H. Wallace up to the continent... this day gav
Conroy hoeing corn. "Turn ye, turn ye. Why will ye die. As I live,
saith the Lord. I have no pleasure in the Death of the Wicked, where
fore turn yourselves and live ye." #2 By George Easton. This day
day Robt. Rodger, I expect, brings the papers. Peter Shields has
sold his lot in Sherbbrook, they say he gets for it 150, for crop,
kittle and a cow. George Easton.
Saturday 25th June 1831- Arrived of Emigrants at Quebec on June 13th 25...
brush. My knee pretty sore...Wherefore doth a living man complain,
burnt brushwood. G. Easton.
Sabbath 26th. a fine day. Monday 27th a wet day. Joseph at Lanark with
potash, and brought me a potash barrel. G. Easton.
Tuesday 28th Dull and damp. This day is Callender's chopping Bee, he
being disappointed yesterday with rain.. Wednesday 29th a wet day.
Went so far upon the road to Perth, went to Will Duncan's. Thursday
30th went to Perth, passed the Board of Educations. Came back to
Armstrong's. A fine day. Friday warm. Dragging for turnips, this
morning cut thistles. This morning Tom began to cut hay. G. Easton.
Tuesday 5th July 1831. Last night sowd turnips, a fine warm day. G. E.
Wednesday 6th. Began to cut hay. Some rain, very wet.
Thursday 7th a very warm day, Cutting hay.
Friday 8th July 1831...arrived at Quebec at noon on June. 24th 30...674
Emigrants. This day rickd hay. Saturday July 9th, a very stormy
Sabbath a fine day. But Great Disagreement among Church members. Lord
send light and direction that all may be for thy glory.
Monday 11th a very warm day. Cutting hay. Cut a stook of Rye. G. E.
Tuesday 12th a fine day...this day put in a rick of hay; looks like
rain. George Easton.
Wednesday 13th Yesterday J. Brown and Ned Laberdywere cutting hay in
Todd's Clearing with Thomas, people all busy with their hay. G. E.
Tom's people working hay. My Jenny shearing rye. Thursday 14th July
1831..Yesterday morning broke my scythe to pieces, Just as my hay
was nearly finished. George Easton.
#1Cabby can- Scottish dialect- dirty or sticky
#2See Ezekiel 18-23 and 32.
#3Kittle- to puzzle or please(oddsandEnds?)
Thursday 14th base ingratitude. "the Dirk of Glencoe...shall reeking
glance gory in blood of the foe. Reform..reform..reform.
Thursday 14 July 1831. Rickd the last of the hay and had it
just done when Lo! a thunderstorm and an excessive heavy rain
with some hail. G. Easton.
Friday 15th some drought. Jessie shearing rye...Saturday 16th dull,
not a good day for haymaking.....
"Prophecy" In the year 1831, "there will be great troubles.
The nation will be on the Brink of Destruction, when some men of
Talent, and virtue shall arise and restore the people. What of
their privileges they have been deprived of, and restore the
constitution to its Original Purity..... " Holland and Belgium
at war at this instant.
Very wet threatning wet weather.
Sabbath 17th a fine day. Monday 18th a most awful Wet Day. Saw my
potatoes in bloom July 17th 1 8 3 1 . This day at St. Andrew's
Hall at the formation of a temperance Society, when a number
joined. Terms. Total Abstinence. Allowed wine and beer. G. Easton.
Wet day, this week very wet weather.
Thursday July 21st threatning rain, but a f i n e morning. Jessie at
Lanark for the papers. Libb away to Mr. Paul this morning to
stop for a short time, his people being unwell. Cut some wheat
last night. G. Easton.
Friday 22nd. a fine day. Ned Conroy and Tom & Betty and Jack helping
us to shear our wheat. My wheat not good. Don't deserve good
grain or would get it. G. Easton. 788
Saturday 23rd July l831..0n the 9th of July 32- 874 Emigrants had
arrived in the Port of Quebec. This day dull and lowering. This
day Thos. Easton getting his floor put on by Jas. McDonald. G.E.
Mary Easton complaining, harvest getting pretty general.
Sabbath July 24th 1 8 3 1 . Great changes are taking place in the world,
reform with gigantic strides is making rapid progress in the
political world and in the conduct of the human race, the loud
Trumpets of reform has sounded in Europe and the sonorous blast
is echoing in the Backwoods of America. U. Canada hath caught
(or heard) the passing sound and Now nothing is talked of but
moralizing the Curly maples and knotty hemlocks. Or rather
the drunken blackguards in the wilds of Dalhousie, the love of
whiskey it seems is our besetting sin and when the Disease is
found out the remedy is comparatively easy. Our Spiritual
Guides hath taken it in hand--and who knows but they may Effect
our Reformation. This day some rain, Monday 25th a fine dry
morning. On Friday July 22nd Charles Baillie coming home from
quence of the cart being overturned and is not expected to live.
I hear just now he is no better. Man's Life is short and very
Uncertain. Charles Baillie went away to Lanark in health and
had no thought of the fatal accident that will in all probability
end his days. George Easton.
Tuesday 26th July 1831... Some rain yesterday, about midday a thunder-
storm. There have not been a day this week but hath been some
rain. George Easton, Dalhousie.
Last night Charles Bailie departed this life in the house of
Charles Brown N. 7th 2nd Con. of Dalhousie, he was hurt on Friday
night July 22nd and died on Monday July 25th only three days
after receiving the fatal Stroke.. Some rain this day. G. Easton.
#1 The Dirk of Glencoe- See extra notes. (a dirk is a short sword-like blade
Glencoe- a place where a massacre occurred)
This day Jess came home from the Wool mill with Gavin and
Margaret Allen. Price 6/8. Tommy Scottwarned#1me to Charles
Baillie's funeral.
Wednesday 27th July 1831. Last night warned by J.L. Scott to attend
Charles Baillie's funeral, this day at the funeral. Interred
at Lanark. Upwards of 100 people, a dry day.
Thursday 28th Some rain and a bad looking day. .this Day paid my
taxes for 1831, 4/5 1/2 to Mr. J. Brown, collector. Friday 29th
Last night an awful shower, this day Jess at Joseph Hetherington's
shearing... a fine looking day shearing Wheat. Saturday 30th
Vanity of vanities...All is vanity. Dul1 threatning rain. Wheat
harvest is almost over. Little to do. Jess at Joseph's.
My wheat all shorn. 60 stooks.
Sabbath July 31st George Easton. A verywarm day.
Monday 1st of August 1 8 3 1 - Jennie and Jess shearing with Ned's, a
fine day. Looking like rain.
Tuesday 2nd Report says Andrew Climie's family purchased 200 acres
Two hundred more, the price is said to be Two dollars and three
quarters or Thirteen Shillings and Nine Pence per acre, which
amounts to L 275 per 400 acres. Vive le Roi. Some rain last
night. A curious looking morning. Last night I lost my spectacles.
Wednesday 3rd August 1831. Yeaterday put in some wheat But was stopped
withrain.MegandNancyhathbeentalking.KindsoulsIwouldsaytothemHonisoitquimalypense.George Easton.
Yesterday about midday a tremendous shower. George Easton.
This day some drought, some wind. Shearing barley. Jas. with
Ned yesterday. Monday and To-day shearing wheat. George Easton.
Saturday 6th August 1 8 3 1 . I am afraid of rain. Library issue...
Jenny and Jess at Lanark selling butter. George Easton.
Sabbath7th a fine day. G. Easton.
Monday 8th August 1831 a fine day, this morning Peter Shields had a
heifer died. This day looks like rain. G. Easton.
Tuesday 9th August 1831 a very wet day.... James Paul has a cow dead
this morning. Yesterday my Brother Thos. killd my Tup (ram). G.E.
Thursday 11th A fine day. Pulling lint. Friday 12th August 1831
(not)Gone to Perth. Last night saw fireflies. Jess at Lanark,
a fine day. -
Saturday 13th a fine Day. Sabbath 14th a good day.
Monday 15th went to Perth, the hottest day I ever travelled on. The
thunderstorm. Stopped all night at McLellan's. Came home on
Wednesday morning. Wednesday 17th Still very warm. Margret
Climie and Jess shearing oats. Thursday 18th an excessive
hot day. Thomas at Lanark for Ned's Cart. Shearing Oats. Neardone,thisdayfinishdallourshear
Friday 19th August 1831...Logging with John Thompson. This night two young bears shot
Sabbath 21st a very warm day
#1 Warned- told or reminded
Monday 22nd- Lowering. Logging with George Brown. Isobella came
home from Paul's on Saturday 21st of August 1831... Tuesday 23rd
logging with J. Rodger. Wednesday 24th Do E. Conroy.
Thursday 25th Do with R. Rodgers, Friday 26th a wet day. Yesterday
got in all my oats. G. Easton.
Saturday 27th Logging with James Watson.
Sabbath 28th no sermon, the Dr. not well. Could not come.
Monday 29th Logging with Mr. John Bain.
Tuesday 30th Logging with Lorimera. 3 yokes.
Wednesday. 31st. Logging with Laverty.
Thursday September 1st. 1831, a wet day.
Friday 2nd. no looking well, this day logd with Mt. Jas. Watson, a good
deal of rain at night. Saturday September 3rd a dull, fine day.
Employed cutting corn. Library issue. Sabbath 4th September
1831....a fine day, heard a sermon read and Robt Affleck
ordained Elder. G. Easton.
Monday 5th Logging with Jas. McDonald. Tuesday logging with Mr.
Jas. Rodger in Mouse. Both fine days.
Wednesday 7th Commenced school keeping after two weeks vacation from
Monday 22nd of August till Wed 7th of September, 2 weeks and
2 days. Geo. Easton.
A dull day, threatning rain. George Brown dragging yesterday
and Thos. Easton ditto. Geo. Easton.
James Brown Junr finished his logging this day. I was not there.
Thursday 8th a most awfu' wet night, thunder and lightning tre-
mendous. Lost 3 log piles of ashes complete in the afternoon.
rain most tremendous. Awful hot weather.
Friday 9th the two weeks ending August 30th 1252 Emigrants arrived in
Quebec from Greenoch. A dull day, threatning rain, a fine
afternoon. Saturday 10th Drizzling rain. This day. sowd a bushel
of wheat upon Corn Land. George Easton.
Saturday 10th September 1831. a fine afternoon, kept school a full
day. On July 11th the Belgian Congress chose Prince Leopold
of Saxe Cobourg their King, for him 124, against him 70, Majority
56, present 196, crowned July 20th.
Sabbath 11th Showery, no sermon. The Dr. not well. This day Cherry
took the bull.
Monday l2th finished dragging one bushel of wheat this morning. Not
a good day. George Easton.
Tuesday 13th Septr 1831, a good day, clear and sunshine. Driving in
in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy servant, much
less thy Son. Fatherf o r g i v e .#1Dull and lowering. Thursday 15th a wet kind of a day
Jess at Lanark.
Friday 16th Septr 1831- Dull in the morning, some frost. Saturday
Septr 17th 1831- a fine day, pulling corn. Sabbath l8th Septr a
fine day. John Hamilton renowned his former Ordination Vows,
was ordained again. Solemn mockery.
Monday 19th this morning sowd a bushel of wheat. Dragging, like rain.
Tuesday 20th an awful Hurricane in Barbados, 5000 lives lost and the
Island destroyed, it took place oh Wednesday Augst 10th, 1831.
Jess digging potatoes yesterday, this day made a barrow, like
rain, a real wet day. Wednesday 21st- this day driving ashes
to Conroy's leecher. A dull wet day. on Thursday 22nd, driving
ashes, Friday 23rd Septr 1831. Yesterday and last night, a
very great rain, this day dull and warm, arrived in Quebec
#1 Luke 15 - 18 and 19.
Saturday 24th Dragging w h e a t . On Thursday last Jenny at Lanark. A
dull day The Poles are nearly vanquished, the Russians are
besieging Warsaw. Received a letter from my father on
Thursday 22nd dated June 7th. Sabbath 25th no sermon, a wet day.
Monday 26th a dull day. Jess at James Parks digging potatoes.
Pulling corn.
Tuesday.27th Septr 1831 a dull damp day.
Wednesday 28th a better day. Clear and sunshine. poaching corn.
Got it all done this night. Got my first melt of potash.
Thursday 29th a wet day. G. Easton. Friday 30th Septr 1831 a
better day. Jenny at Lanark for the Papers.
November 21st is my birth Day. Having lived in this world of care
and sorrow, Seventeen thousand, one hundred and Sixty-six days,
Eighteen hours or Four hundred and twelve Thousand and Two
Eighty-three Millions, Two hundred and Seven Thousand Seconds,
a long useless life. A life spent in sin or immorality. Turn
thou me 0 Lord and I shall be turned for thou art the Lord
myGod. G. Easton.
Tuesday 4th Octr- A wet day, at night most terrible wet.
Wednesday 5th- a dry day. Thursday 6th October 1 8 3 1 , at the roads,
first day. Friday, Dalhousie Fair, a fine day. Saturday 8th
at the roads Second d a y , rain.
Sabbath 9th wet. Monday lOth a wet day. Tuesday 11th a fine day. Jess
at Parks working. Bell with J. Brown working with an Oat Stack.
Wednesday 12th Jess at Wm Hoods digging potatoes.
Thursday 13th a fine day. Jenny at Lanark! And thou even thyself
shalt discontinue from thine heritage that I gave thee and I will
cause thee to serve thine Enemies in a Land which you knowest
not for ye have kindled a fire, in mine anger which shall burn
forever. Jer. 17...4... George Easton.
Friday 0ctr 14th a real good day. Lanark fair. Thos. Climie and E.
Conroy to Lanark, Each with a barrel of potash. Digging
potatoes. George Easton.
Saturday 15th working at the roads, 3 days Statute Labour.
Sabbath 16th a fine day. Monday 17th a fine day, shot a raccoon. G.E.
Tuesday 18th. Some rain in the morning. A tolerable good day. Some
log piles burning. The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is
mighty, he will save, he will rest in his Love, he will rejoice
over thee with joy, he will Joy over thee with singing. #1
Wednesday 19th a fine day. The Lassies over to see Meg Todd, she
being about to go Home.
Thursday 20th Octr 1831. Woe is me, my mother thou hast born me. A
have neither Lent on Usury nor have men Lent to me on Usury yet
every one of them Doth curse me.#2Sent a letter to my Father
and one to Andrew dated Octr 8th 1831 on Thursday Octr 13th 1 8 3 1 .
This day Willm Hood carried my barrel of potash into Lanark and
one to Mr. Coleman. A noble day. Friday 21st an excellent
day. Jenny on a visit to Meg Todd.
Saturday 22nd a fine day. 4th Day Statute Labour.
1# Zephaniah 3 - 1 7
2# Jeremiah 15-10
Monday 24th Lately Mr. Wm Gordon, Teacher Lanark Township...being at
a Bee, got Drunk and was burnt so Dreadfully, one of his arms
hath been twice amputated...his back very sore burnt and is
in Extreme Danger. An awful lesson to us all to beware of in-
dulging in rioting and drunkenness, in Chambering and Wantonness.
But to strive to live as becometh the people of God. Mr Drysdale,
(had a child lately) carpenter, also destroyed by whiskey.
A lamentable Occurrence indeed. 0 my soul enter thou not into
their Secret. Neither unto their Assembly, mine honour be thou
united. #2
Monday 24th Octr l83l. A very wet night and morning. The Lord is
Tuesday 25th Octr 1831. Last night was at the saw mill. Laid
out 144 feet of 3/4 inch boards at 3/4 per 100 ft. Them I got
formerly was 300 feet inch Boards at 3/6 per 100 ft. fine
weather. Ned and Watson drawing logs for Thomson's and Brown's
Distillery this Day. Wednesday 26th a wet morning.
Thursday 27th This is a day set apart for solemn thanksgiving for
the mercies we daily receive at the hand of our Lord God and
Redeemer and for the ourpouring of the Spirit of the Lord upon
the Sons of man. May the Love of God which passeth Knowledge
be shed abroad in our hearts and influence our lives. A very
stormy morning. Our minr did not come. Mem.... we returned
thanks in a public manner as well as we could.
Friday 28th Thos and us driving ashes for a conjunct barrel of
Brown's. At night George Brown got a specimen of tavern keeping.
I was not there.... a fine frosty day..Saturday 29 a fine day.
Planted a number of seed plums and some apples on shares with
Mr. J. Thompson. Had a visit from Hugh Todd and his wife,
Maggie, last night. G. Easton.
Sabbath Octr 30th 1831 A fine day, McAllister preached and I declare
read both Lecture....and sermon.. a very weak memory, indeed.
Monday 31st like a change, a wet day.
Tuesday Nov. 1st 1831. This morning kllld Meg. a dull day, this night
Conroy melts the first of our conjunct barrel. Thursday Novr 3rd
1831 the lassies with Mr. W. Hood. Hoeing in rye. Last night
Ned melted.... this day a fine day.
Friday Novr 4th 1831. It appears James Nairn is a bridegroom since
last Sabbath. This morning snow. Ground white and a heavy
snow shower. Snow falling fast. Saturday 5th. Library issue.
Frosty and cold, rather a good day. Sabbath 6th Novr 1831 a
fine day. Monday 7th Dull, cutting a road to the Distillery.
Jenny has a sore leg. Tuesday 8th Frosty. Jess at Lanark. G.E.
Got the last of our ashes melted last night.
Wednesday 9th Dull, threatning snow.
Thursday 10th finished building one house this morning. A fine day.
Friday llth Last night with Thos. looking a shingle tree. A very
wet night and morning. Put the troughs upon my house this
morning. Saturday 12th Novr 1831, a fine day. Cutting logs for
a Sheephouse. 3 day statute Labour to the 5th line. G. Easton.
The pleasures of a Holy Life have the particular advantage of
1# Stubble- the bottom of the stalk of grain left after shearing,onceclearedbyburning
2# Genesis 49-6
cannot be cloyed with the frequent repetition of them nor by the
long Enjoyment of them. Sabbath 13th Dull, at night a heavy
shower of snow.
Monday l4th Dull and cold. 4th day Statute Labour to the 5th line.
Tuesday 15th Very frosty, Dull, threatning snow. Yesterday
James Nairn was married to his cousin Margret Nairn, this Day
was observed as a day of public fasting and Humiliation,
Preparatory to the dispensing the Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper. Thursday 17th. Cold and frosty. Friday 18th Laverty's
barrel was melted November 16th 1831 at night. This day I was
at Lanark. Saturday 19th Sermon by Mr. Bell from Perth. Sabbath
20th The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed the Eighth
time in the Township of Dalhousie by the Revd Dr. Gemmill.
Monday 21st. Sermon by Mr. Bell when the solemn work was closed.
the weather very good. Tuesday 22nd A cold Midday
snowing pretty hard. Pretty cold in the school.
Wednesday 23rd Snow 3 inches deep, not much frost. Thursday 24th
Watson at the Mill since Monday 21st. Inst. Came home on Tues.
Thursday 24th this day at Wm Laverty's Barn raising.
Friday 25th Bell at Lanark. Both good days. Mary also at Lanark.
Saturday 26th a dull Day. Sabbath 27th...Snow all day. Only a
long lecture by McAllister.
Monday 28th Clear, some frost... This day a Habitant #1 killd a pig.
very frosty day, but clear. Thursday December 1st 1831 a severe
frost, very cold.
Friday Decr 2nd Awful frosty. Jess at Lanark.
Saturday 3rd Library Issue. Sabbath Decr 4th no sermon, a heavy snow.
Monday5th Strong frost. Tuesday 6th 1 8 3 1 . Began keeping School
at night. Last night being Decr 5th 1 8 3 1 .
Tuesday 6th a cold frosty day. Wednesday 7th a very frosty, frosty day
this day Mrs. Barrie's funeral. Thursday 8th a cold day.
Friday 9th Jess at Lanark. I am sick of the cold, a frosty day.
Jenny lame with Rose in her ankle.. bad the second time.. this
morning James Allen departed this Life, a young man and full of
the hope of Enjoying Long Life but Alas disappointed. Saturday
Decr 10th a fine winter Day. Sabbath 11th this Day. J. Allen 's
burial Day. A very cold day. Monday 12th frosty. Tuesday 13th
a frosty day. This day got firewood... I do not this [?] thing which I hate. Turn tho
for thou art the Lord myGod.#2
Wednesday 14th very frosty. Thursday 15th Hard frost. Last night my
night scholars cut firewood....
Friday 16th at the mill with 5 bushels.
Saturday 17th Dec. 1 8 3 1 , an excessive stormy day.
Sabbath 18th very frosty. Monday 19th Snowed all day.
Tuesday 20th Heavy snow in the forenoon. Geo. Easton.
Wednesday 21st A stormy day. Thursday 22nd a very frosty day.
Friday 23rd more moderate.
Saturday 24th. I intend to go to Lanark this day. At Lanark. Sabbath
25th Some snow. Monday 26th Considerable snow. Tuesday 27th
Jess at Lanark. A good Winter Day. G. Easton G. Easton.
Wednesday 28th Some snow. Thursday 29th a good winter day. Friday
30th December 1 8 3 1 . Snow 14 inches deep.
Saturday 31st frosty, very cold.
1# Habitant- a settler of French descent of the farming class.
2# Lamentations 5-21
Sabbath Jan 1st 1832 Somesnow.TownmeetingwhereJ.Thompsonwaschosenclk.,J. Brown Junr and John Donald assessors and J. Hood,
Tuesday 3rd Very Cold.
Wednesday 4th Excessive cold.
Thursday-5th Jany 1832. a fine day, little frost. G. Easton. Friday
6thSnow during the night. Saturday 7th Library issue. Sabbath
_8th. On Fri. Dec. 30th about 3 in the morning James Cuthbertson
Left Robt. Twaddle's distillery and was found on the Lake in the
afternoon frozen to death. G. Easton.
Sabbath 8th January 1832. rain at night.
Monday 9th not much frost. Snow 14 inches deep. Tuesday 10th Inclining
fresh this day. Thomas, Joseph and E. Laverty at Lanark. Each
with a barrel of potash. Paul at the Mill. G. Easton.
Wednesday 11th. January 1832..... a frosty day.
Thursday 12th; Very frosty. Friday 13th at Currie's Mill, 8 bushels,
a fine warm day. -
Saturday 14th a good Winter Day. Yesterday Thomson and Brown brought
home all the Machinery belonging to the Distillery. Sabbath 15th
Soft since Thursday last.
Monday 16th a soft day this morning. Sent away my school papers to
Perth with William Hood. this day took in a pit of potatoes. G.E.
Tuesday 17th January 1832. Still not much frost. G. Easton.
Wednesday 18th rain last night all night. Still, fresh and thawing.
Thursday 19th rather cold.. some snow, Wednesday 18th my pig
went to Hugh Campbell's to the Boar. Came home on Thurs. 19th
this day Jess at Lanark. Saturday 21st Mr. Wilson from Perth
preached in St. Andrew's Hall. Sabbath 22nd. the Sacrament of
the Lord's Supper was dispensed in Dalhousie by Mr. McAllister...
Mr. Wilson helping him.
Monday 23rd Robt Penman at our house, frosty weather. Tuesday 24th
a cold day.
Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th. the most severe frost we have had
this Season. Severe, indeed.
Friday 27th January 1832. Very frosty. no abatement of cold. Last
night the Distillery was set in operation, last night being
Jan. 26th 1832. G. Easton.
Saturday 28th Still very cold. Exceeding frosty weather. G. Easton.
Sabbath 29th Exceeding frosty. Monday 30th a heavy fall of snow all
day...Snow 10 inches deep. Tuesday 31st Frosty and some snow.
Wednesday Feby 1 at 1852. This winter hath been very cold, a
good deal of Severe frost and Heavy Snows. Extremely cold.
February 1st 1832... a cold frosty day. Ned at Lanark. Very cold
weather. Exceeding frosty, Thursday 2nd soft. Friday not
much frost. Saturday 4th Library issue. George Easton.
Sabbath 5th Cold and frosty. Monday 6th frosty.
Tuesday 7th a good deal of snow last night. this day Very frosty.
Wednesday 8th February 1832,, was at Lanark.
Thursday 9th a very cold day. Saturday 11th Cold and frosty.
Sabbath 12th February 1832 frosty.. this morning old Mrs. Paul
departed this life about six inv the morning. Last night ex-
cessive rain, this day frost with snow.
Monday 13th very cold this day. I had a Lamb died, and took a sow
to Brown's to the boar. Last Wednesday bought an axe @ 11/3.
Wednesday Febr 18th Moderate, at Lanark with corn. Sabbath 19th
Monday 20th Some snow. Jenny and Jess away this morning to Penman's.
Thomas and Mary at Lanark.
"My bowels, my bowels. I am pained at my very heart, my
heart maketh a noise in me. I cannot hold my peace, because
thou hast heard, 0 my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the
Alarm of War." Tuesday 21st We have sinned, 0 may we do so
no more. George Easton, Dalhouaie. U.C. A fine day, not very
frosty. G. Easton. Jenny and Jess at Penman's.
Wednesday 22nd 1832- A fine winter day, considerable snow in the
morning, now fair.
Thursday 23rd was at Clyde Mills with a load. Snow all day. Friday
a frosty day. Saturday 25th. Last night wrote J. Paul and
Mrs. McLays bargain. This day getting firewood, a cold day.
Sabbath 26th frosty. Monday 27th Looking like freshness.
Tuesday 28th at Clyde Mills with a load. Snow and soft. Wednesday
29th Rather frosty with some snow. George Easton. Fear timely
comes before a faults begun. He fears too late who fears not
till its done. Thursday March 1st. This day brought home
some hay from Todd's. A very cold frosty day. Exceeding cold.
Friday 2nd 1832 Library General meeting. Saturday-3rd rather
Sabbath 4th inclining to freshness. Saturday 3rd. Got home my hay. G.E.
Monday 5th Snow all day very heavy.
Tuesday 6th I have sinned, what shall I do unto thee, 0 Thou Preserver
of men! Why hast Thou set me as a mark against Thee so that I
am a burden to myself. Job 7..20 This morning went to Perth.
Got my money. $10. All in a bustle electing a member for the
Provincial parliament. Came home same night, a fine day.
Wednesday. 7th very frosty, this day paid John Todd for the hay
£1..3s..9p...Thursday 8th a mild day. Friday 9th like freshness
Last night had a dispute with my night scholars..they do not
behave and I am determined not to be insulted in the school.
Honi Soit qui mal y Pence. This night quit the night school. G.E.
Saturday 10th at Lanark. Got a cooler. Riggy calved this day. weight
69 lbs. Price 5 2 per lb. Sabbath 11th Soft and fresh.
This day Andrew Wallace is rouped. #1 This night the Committee
of the Librarymet and put things in Order and delivered it over
to McIntyre for one year.
Tuesday 14th a desperate cold day. Wednesday 13th as cold a day as
we had this season.
Thursday 16th very frosty. Janet at Lanark. I have sinned, What
shall I do, 0 Thou preserver of men. Library issue, a cold
Saturday 17th as cold a day as we have had this season. G. Easton.
Sabbath -18th very frosty weather. Snow all Saturday and all night.
Exceeding stormy.
Monday 19th rather more moderate.
Tuesday 20th March 1832. Last night James McDonald got home six
sleigh load of boards from Wallace's sawmill. This day moderate.
This winter hath been particularly severe. Last night was at the
sawmill. Paid 440 feet of Boards, brought home 320 feet.
Moderate weather. Jenny and Jess at Willm Allan's for a load of
straw. George Easton. Dominies. #2
Wednesday 21st March- 1832, my night scholars chopping, 1
1 men and
boys. They commenced upon Thursday March 22nd and on Friday
23rd 12 men and boys cut down I think rather better than two
acres. Both fine days.
1# rouped- sale by
2#Lord,master, a title of respect
Saturday 24th a fine day, some sugar, Our troughs not yet set, but trees runni
Tuesday 27th Wm Campbell and John Baillie and Stephen Campbell chopping, being
March 27th not quite so cold, not so frosty. I have cut no trees yet for sugar
Wednesday 28th this winter hath been uncommonly severe. Since November the gro
Friday, 23rd this day James Watson and James MacDonald was at the sawmill and
Wednesday 28th this morning out some trees for sugar. A mild day. Deliver me,
Thursday March 28th a fine day, some sugar. Bell and Jess this morning boiling
Saturday 31st. Saw Robins two days ago. Ned drawing logs to John Bain yesterda
SabbathApril1st1832.Astormyday,veryfrosty.Monday2nd.Frosty,nosugartill Midday..thi
Last night got two lambs from one ewe. This morning David not
well, not able to come to sohool.
WednesdayApril 5th 1832- A severe frost, very oold for the season. David at s
Friday 6th This day appointed for making the road below McArthur's
lot. This day Alex Hill and Agnes Hood bindeth themselves to
one another by marriage, taking each other for better for
worse all the days of their life. A fine day. G. Easton.
Saturday 7th.Dull,notquitesofrosty.Anotherewelamdlastnight.G.E.
Sabbath April 8th OldUmphertson'shousewasburnedtotheground.
A very severe frost, Never saw suchacoldthisseason,awfulfrost.
Monday 9th Like a change, still frosty.
Tuesday 10th Still frosty. Like a change, no sugarthisweekgone.
Wednesday11thApril1832Thisdayfirstpigeonsseenbymethisseason. Last night a lamb died, A real mild day, snowdisappearingr
* Psalms 51-14,*2IIcorinthians7-13*SeeIsiah54-17
great creator. 0 my soul it ill becomes thee to be silent.
John Thomson builds his house this day...upon George Brown's
lot near the distillery. Honi soit qui mal y pense..
Thursday 12th April 1832. A warm day. Tom's chopping ball. Last
night Angus and Grimshaw in their glory. Sorrow, sorrow,
pity me. This day sugar. Friday 13th Library issue and
meeting of committee, this night heard frogs and saw mosquitoes,
very warm.
Saturday 14th A very fine day, this morning saw ducks. All my ewes
lambed, 8 in whole, one died, 7 remaining.
Sabbath April 15th 1832 A fine day. Mr. McAllister in discoursing
maintained strange notions concerning original sin...that the
guilt of Adam's first sin is not...or rather will not be imputed
to man it being done away by the Glorious Redeemer for all man-
kind that none of the seed of Adam will have that sin charged
to them but must stand or fall on his own accord, in my opinion
not according to the Word of God.
Monday 16th Snow all day.
Tuesday April 17th Constant heavy snow since yesterday morning.
Snow very deep. John Thompson's youngest child not expected
to live. Wed 18th rain since yesterday. J. Thompson's child
no better. Thursday 19th April 1832 J. Thompson's child a little
better. A fresh day. G. Easton.
Friday 20th 1832 G. Easton. was at St. Andrew's Hall delivering the
Library on to J. McIntyre. Did not finish. It was on Thursday
April 19th.
Friday 20th Not a bad day. I have sinned, I have sinned.
Saturday 21st. Threatning. Bell begun to delve* the yard. Sabbath
April 22nd 1832 very hard frost. Some snow. Monday 23rd Cold
like a change. This day some snow. The winter hath been a most
terrible cold one.
Note: The diary now skips to 1837. It looks as though there was
another part at one time that is now missing.
1837 Dalhousie Wednesday April 19th at this moment snowing and Mrs.
Margaret Brown fixing sugar spouts. On Tuesday got my first lamb.
Thursday 20th April, a cold frosty day. Sugar making commenced about
the first of April and no appearance of it being over. A cold
and very late spring. G. Easton. This day James,Brown had a son
born. Friday 21st snowing hard. Saturday 22nd. a cold frosty
day. This spring is particularly backward. No growth at all.
On the first day January 1837 Syria and the Holy Lands was almost
destroyed by an earthquake. The city of Joppa contained a
population of 19,000 souls of whom 15,000 were killed.
Sabbath 23rd a cold day. Monday 24th Joseph H. readies a barn 50
ft. long.
Dalhousie 25th April 1837. A cold day, like snow. G. Easton.
Tuesday 26th Alex. Park sowd wheat on Friday April 21st 1837...a frosty
day. Wednesday 26th Jenny at Lanark for her boots. Not so
very cold but still frosty. Thursday 27th a warm day. Friday
*delve - to dig
Saturday 29th April 1837...Commenced ploughing yesterday. This day
went to Perth, came home at night. A fine day.
Sabbath 30 April, rather cold,
Monday May 1st cold a. frosty day as I ever saw at this season
of the year. Tuesday 2nd a very cold day, still frosty. Ploughing.
Exceeding cold in the school, awful cold weather. Wednesday 3rd
May 1837 Fresh and a dull day.
Dalhousie May 4th 1837
A new sect of religionists who call themselves Mormons have
appeared in Canada this winter, who pretend they are the only
Church of Christ on earth. That they have the power of
working Miracles. That the Indians, the natives of North America,
are the lost tribes of Israel. That a fellow of the name of
Joseph Smith found a lost portion of the word of God, Engraved
on plates of Gold. That this same J. Smith had a visit of the
Apostle Peter who was accompanied by a retinue of blessed Spirits
who ordained him and gave him power to ordain ministers to
preach, teach and baptize in the name of the Lord Jesus, or in
his own name. I do not know report says. They baptize
in the name of the Father, Son and Joseph Smith. That Mount Zion
will be built and established in Missouri. That the Lord Jesus
is about to appear on Earth when the Lord will reign with all
his saints. During a thousand years..that a mighty Angel is
about to proclaim the coming of the Lord.... and call upon the
saints to assemble in Missouri. That they have the Urim and
Thummim#1and they have to rear and build the Temple of the Lord
in Missouri and that Joseph Smith is ordained High Priest during
the Millenium..or the thousand years reign of the Saints and
that famine was..and every evil will fall on the Surrounding
nations and like the famine in the Days of Jacob. All people
will have to go to the blessed land to buy there..and that those
who died in former ages... who as they say had not the True
Light will be received into the Lower Mansions of bliss but that
they alone will inherit the Kingdom of God. I have fabricated
nothing. George Easton. And so adieu False Mormons!
Thursday May 4th 1837 .. Heard Upper Canada#2last week of April
and the Puddocks* got out their heads about the same time.
Notice.... There will be held on the Government Grounds in the
Village of Lanark, a public market for the sale of Horses, Cattle
and sheep on the 2nd Tuesday of May 1837 and upon the 2nd Tuesday
of October 1837 and will be heldupon the same days every succeed-
ing year. By Order of the Magistrates.... This day sowed my
pease and gave Patrick Fife1/2bushel of wheat for1/2bushel of
pease. G. Easton
Dalhousie 5th May 1837. Thunder and rain this morning, a warm quiet
day. Saturday 6th a wet day. Sabbath 7th a very frosty day..
some snow. Machin's clearing well fenced. Cattle put in and a
good of Labour put in upon it this day. George Easton.
Monday 8th This morning sowd 5 bushels oats...On Saturday 6th of
May my brother Thomas lost one of his oxen. Dropt down in the
yoke...apparently in good health..and died almost instantaneous.
1# Urim and Thummim - Sacred instruments alleged to have been found by
Joseph Smith with the engraved plates containing the Book of Mormon
record and to have been used by him in the work of translation. In
the Book of Mormonthey are described as "two stones in silver bows"
and called interpreters.
2#UpperCanada- possibly Canadian geese- Puddocks- frogs
A severe loss, particularly at this Season of the year... 0
misery...but I embrace soul shall brood and will
dwell upon it, it is the portion the only portion my soul chooseth
on this side Eternity. G. Easton. Severe frost. G. Easton.
Dalhousie May 9th 1837. This day is Lanark Fair. May 10th sowd
wheat and barley..Thursday 11th and Friday 12th chopping in the
windfall.#1 Saturday 12th Library issue, planting potatoes. Sowd
onions, cabbage, etc on Wednesday May 10th 1837. George Easton.
Sabbath May 14th whose hath this worlds goods and seeth his brother have
need and shutteth his bowels of compassion against him, how
dwelleth the Love of God in him..Rev. Dr. Gemmill
Monday 15th a warm day. Tuesday 16th Driving dung for corn, a wet
day & night...Wednesday 17th a dull damp day, Vacated my school
on Tuesday 9th and commenced again keeping school this day..
Thursday 18th May 1837. This morning Brocky calved a heifer.
Thomas has my cattle, rain. Friday 19, on Wednesday and yes-
terday planted my corn.
Dalhousie May 18th 1837. This day planted my corn. Friday 19th sowd
the last of my oats, these days bygone hath been heavy rain in
the night time and Dry during the day...this day damp and dull.
I have heard one of James Rodger's oxen is weak and unable to
last..I went over to Brown's and got a deal of abusive language
about a road..I had offered a public road thru' my lot for the
paltry sum o f L 7..10s but now I will allow a road to go through on no
now is...I will submit to no insults and be obliged to keep open
a road to serve the public at the same time. G. Easton.
Saturday 20th an awful wet day.
Dalhousie 21st May 1837. not much drought, no rain. Monday 22 some
frost this morning..a most threatening spring. But the most
high..hath condescended to tell the children of men that while
earth remaineth..seedtime and harvest...summer and winter..Day &
night shall not cease. Amen. G. Easton.
Tuesday 23rd I was logging for potatoes. I have cleared no new land
since 1833...Wednesday 24th some frost this morning, this day
James Reid took home his cow and calf. This day went to Lanark
with the money I had collected in aid of our distressed country-
men in Scotland. 2..l..10. G. Easton
Thursday 25th a fine day...this day Matthew put out one of Bucks
eyes with a stone. On Sabbath 21st Mary McNicol alias Mrs.
McDougall got a daughter.. exactly 9 months wanting 5 days
since she was married.
Dalhousie May 26th this is an exceeding warm day. Jess & Ann at
Poland. High wind. Saturday 27th not so warm...chopping
for turnips. Sabbath May 28th Hard frost... This night saw
constellatio above the horizon at 10 p.m. Monday
1#windfall- a tract where the trees have been blown down by the wind.
2#7..10about $31.
3#2..1..10about §8.44
The shilling of Great Britain equal to 12 pence and to 1/20 of a
* Constellation- Cassiopeia- the "lady in the chair" -opposite
the Big Dipper from the North Star
no appearance of better weather. This morning began to plant
potatoes. G. Easton. Tuesday 30th not so cold, dull like rain.
Planting taties. Last night a meeting in the schoolhouse about
the crossroad. G. Easton. Yesterday John McIntyre surveyed
3 roads through the 3rd concession, one by my house, one on the
north side of the meadow and one thro' the late G. Brown's lot
which he took.
Dalhousie June 1st June has commenced very warm. I have just heard
my daughter, Isobella, took badly in premature labour last night.
We have 15 bushels of potatoes, that is of sets, planted.
Jenny is gone to Poland, Jess is gone to Lanark. Very warm. G.E.
Friday 2nd June 1837. Heard this morning my daughter Isobella was
delivered of a son yesterday being June 1st 1837. A very warm
day..Heavy rain yesterday.... Saturday June 3rd an exceeding wet
night and a rantin', tauntln', tearin' whistlin' showery day.
Planting potatoes. Jack & Jenny helping Jess. Sabbath June 4th
At Poland, a fine day. Monday 5th at General Training. 200
present, a warm day. Tuesday6th a warm day.
Dalhousie June 7th 1837 a wet day. saw fire flies for the first
time this season June 5th. G. Easton. Thunder almost every day
since the first of Day of June. Thursday8th June 1837. Gathering
stones from off land preparatory to ploughing. Black flies very
bad. Jenny came down from Poland last night and goes up to-day.G.E.
Friday 9th June 1837. Ploughing for fallow, a very warm day- Saturday
10 th June 1837- a fine Day.... Library issue.... Sabbath 11th for
I determined to know nothing among you save Jesus Christ
him crucified. Revd Dr. Gemmill. very warm. This morning Jenny
came down from Poland. Isobella weak and her child not expected
to live. Monday 12th Anne and David begun to hoe corn. Jess at
Dalhousie June 13th 1837. Jenny gone to Poland..we having got no word
about them since Sabbath, a real good day. Gay an Silly.
Wednesday 14th very warm. Anne and David finished hoeing the corn
the first time.
Thursday 15th a fine day. Anne & David at Lanark. Friday 16th June
1837 report says Jas. Rodger hath lost the Plea he had with Will
Muir but no certain word. G. Easton. Jas. Rodger himself says
he gained the plea and has only one penny of costs to pay.
Saturday 17th June 1837 Last night a heavy hail storm. Ned
at Lake Machin went away on Thursday 15th not home Friday 7 o'clock.
to live.
Dalhousie June 17th 1837
To-morrow being Sabbath is the Day on which the Battle of Waterloo
was fought and won 22 years ago..a long time since the Bonaparte
Dynasty was destroyed and the nations of Europe enjoyed partial
peace. Great hardships have been suffered by the nations since
the time and in a mercantile point of view both Europe and
America are hard bestead at the present time. Banks will not
pay specie on discount bills and Trade is at a
is not to be got... and provisions is high. Such is a sketch
of the moral world at present. G. Easton.
Sabbath 18th was at Poland and Robt Mcintosh's child is not expected
to live...very ill. (note: Robt husband of Isobelle)
Dalhousie June 19th 1837, a fine day, hoeing beans & cleaning potatoes.
Tuesday 20th a very wet day. Wednesday 21, Kept as a fast day
Preparatory to the celebration of the Lord's Supper..a fine day.
Thine arrows shall be sharp in the Heart of the Kings enemies
whereby the people fall under thee. Rev. Dr. Gemmill.
Thursday June 22nd yesterday Robert Mcintosh's second son died
and is buried today. Impute not the father's iniquity upon
their children. Domine.Deo. G. Easton.
A fine day...Left Poland about 6 o'clock P.M. a fine day...
flies intolerable. Friday 23rd south wind and pretty high, a
fine day.
Saturday 24th June 1837. This day James Brown built a barn..damp day.
Sabbath 25th this day the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was
dispensed in Dalhousie by the Rev. Dr. Gemmill. By whose stripes
you were healed.* A fine day.
Monday 26th Logging for turnips. Tuesday 27th this morning James
Paul's wife died, working at the roads. Sowd my turnips a fine
day. Thursday 29th This day I went to Perth, a wet afternoon.
Friday30th again stood before the Board of Education and came
home at night, an excessive warm day. Saturday July 1st working
at the roads. Sabbath 2nd, a good day.
Monday 3rd an exceeding wet day. Tuesday 4th- this is the anniversary
of Yankie slavery. a fair day. Wednesday 5th a dull day,
hoeing corn. Thursday 6th thunder with heavy showers. Ned at
Perth, Cherry at the Bull July 5th 1837 G. Easton.
Dalhousie 7th July 1837
this day finished corn, hoeing 2 times
2 time. Day more clear than
J. Lorimer's corn flourishing.
upon my pease.
A backward looking year,
more like famine than a plentiful
and beans
Some blooms
Cherry 5th July
July 5th
This year
only one
Geo. Easton 1837
Saturday July 8th Library issue. Worked at the roads 4th day.
Sabbath 9thDr. Gemmill not well...forced to stop...a fine day.
Monday 10th a warm day. Robt Mcintosh at Perth with my cattle.
Jenny going to Poland to stop with Bell till Robin comes back.
G. Easton. Tuesday July 11th some rain but warm. Wednesday
12th July a very warm day.. G. Easton. Thursday 13th High south
wind, ploughing my fallow 2 times.
Dalhousie 13th July 1837. the 5th line people working at the roads
at Brown's dam back at the Bridge. George Easton.
July 14th A fine dull day. Jess ploughing.
Saturday 15th July, at Lanark, a storm of wind.
Sabbath 16th was over and saw William Anderson who is in all probability
dying....Monday 17th cut my clover. Tuesday 18th both yesterday
and today very warm.
Wednesday 19th hilld my corn on Monday last. James Crosbie at the
bull on Tuesday. I am G. Easton. JackJon Wednesday... this morn-
ing some rain, cannot put in ray clover. This morning saw silk
among my corn. Corn late. Thursday 20th a droughty Day. G. Easton.
Dalhousie July 20th 1837.
this day rickd my clover. Friday 21st July...I am at the Bull
with Rosie, a fine day. Saturday 22nd Julythis morning very near
* See Isaiah 53-5
frost. A warm day..this last week hath been excellent hay
weather. I have received no letters from Scotland this season.
G. Easton. 0 Lord truly I am thy servant, I am thy servant and
the son of thy handmaid, Thou hast loosed mybonds..#1a fine day.
Monday rain all day, snowing hail Tuesday 25th a Good day.
Wednesday 26th Reid's tibby#2at the bull...6 of July l837
Pietyuch at the bull July 25th. July 26th like rain.
Dalhousie July 26th 1837. this season is at least one fortnight
later than usual. Ned says the crops are earlier about Pike Falls
and to Carleton place they are more early. G. Easton.
Friday 28th July 1837...Some rain last night but a fine day. Some draught
Saturday 29th a fine day, cutting hay.
Sabbath 30th a wet day, excessive heavy rain. Monday 31 at a fine
draughtyday. Jess at Lanark, which concludes the month of
July, we have often been shearing before this time.
Dalhousie Tuesday August 1st 1837-—--
a dull day, like rain. Tom mowing with Jas. Brown son. Watson
ricking at the dam..back. Wednesday August 2nd 1837 Bet Conroy
came home upon Tueaday July 25th...says she has been badly for
sixmonths. Looks tolerable. takes a ride generally every day
and visits every Sabbath Day. G. Easton.
Wednesday 2nd. a wet day.. Let this day be marked in the Logbook of my
memory and may I remember it to my sorrow and from this day be a
better man, a Christian and a better member of Society...more
wise...and to all intent a better husband and parent.
Dalhousie Thursday "August 3rd l837...a fine day. 0 love the Lord all
ye his saints.#3 Put all my hay this Day, that is all I had at
home. Friday August 4th high wind and very cold, a clear day.
Saturday August 5th 1837...Yesterday morning and to-day very like
frost and I believe in many places it was frost, but did no
damage in this part of Dalhousie. A fine clear day. G. Easton.
E. Conroy cutting hay with James Brown.
Sabbath 6th a fine clear Day, wind south and fresh.
Dalhousie August 6th 0 Lord truly I am thy Servant...I am thy servt
and the son of thy handmaid, thou hast loosed my bonds. Rev. Dr.
Monday 7th a warm day. cutting hay in Conroy's. Tueaday 8th not well,
came on rain in the afternoon and continued heavy rain all night.
Wednesday 9th a wet day, saw Wm Anderson this morning very low. Just
in Life...cannot speak much, will not be long in the land of the
living. 0 to be prepared for that event for come it will,
whether I be prepared or not. G. Easton.
Dalhousie Aug. 9th On Tuesday June 20th our beloved monarch William
Fourth departed this life. Lamented by hi3 people, reigned 7
years. Aged 72. Succeeded in the throne by Queen Alexandria
Victoria by the Grace of GodRegina Brittaniarum. Born 1819
Daughter of the Duke of Kent and grand-daughter to his Late
Majesty King George third of Gracious memory who died 1820.
Thursday 10 of August was cutting hay at Conroy's. J.B. and Tom helping
me. Rosie at the bull, this day, Friday 11th Dull, raking hay.
Saturday 12th of August, this day moor fowl shooting begins. G.E.
1# Psalms 116-16
2# tibby- the head - Old Slang - perhaps "bossy"
3# Psalms 31-23
perisheth and no man layeth it to heart and merciful men are
from the evil to come.....sabbath 13th. yesterday an excessive
wet day..this day the body of William Anderson consigned to the
cold and silent grave. So remember time is short..G. Easton.
Saw the remains of Wm Anderson to meet no more till the Last
trumpet Sound, then shall we meet again.
Dalhousie August 14th yesterday heavy rain, This day more drought..
shaking out my hay. Tuesday 15th an excessive wet day.
Eliza not very well. G. Easton
Wednesday 16th a dull day, a dark misty morning. Thursday 17th August
1837. This day began to shear wheat. James Brown cut his
yesterday. A dull misty morning. G. Easton. 18th shearing
wheat. Jess and Anne at Currie's mill this day being August
18th 1837. G. Easton.
Saturday 19th August 1837. Shearing wheat and barley. This day
finished ray fall wheat, 29 stooks. A fine drought and a fine
clear day. George Easton.
Dalhousie August 20th 1837...O Lord, Truly I am thy servant. I am
thy servant and the son of thine handmaid.... thou hast loosed
my bonds* Dr. G. fine day. Monday 21st a fine clear harvest
day. Shearing whole 19 wee stooks. G. Easton.
At night a thunderstorm and heavy rain. Tuesday 22nd. Excessive
high west wind. Overturning stooks in all directions. G. Easton.
Wednesday 23rd August 1837. This is a dull day. Shearing spring
wheat, it was sown 11th of May. Thursday 24th if the weather
is favorable next week will be the throng of harvest. Betimes
dull and sometimes dour. I would like to inn wheat*, this day
stacked my fall wheat.
Dalhousie August 25th 1837 a fine harvest day. Eliza not well. Jess
is with Andrew Park now this 3rd day. Saturday 26th was at
Lanark, saw Mr. McAllister, a fine day. bought & paid l6lb.
of nails 7/6. Sabbath 27th Peccavi. * Mond. 28th. Behold we
return unto Thee for Thou art the Lord our God. Tuesday 29th. Yesterday an
wheat this day, 19 stooks..Jess with Andrew Park on Saturday
and Monday...She was with J. Brown. Wednesday August 30th
Mr. McAllister arrived in Lanark afternoon absence of nearly
14 months in his native land where he experienced nothing but
disappointments in every way. A fine day. At least a very wet day.
August 31st a fine day, wind north.
Dalhousie September 1st 1837. On Tuesday evening August 29 James Paul's
daughter was taken from this world of sorrow 2 months and 2
days after her mother. The funeral took place on Thursday, August
31st 1837. some frost this morning 1st. our pease all cut
this day and cut a few oats. Saturday 2nd. Jas. Brown, Junior
ploughing & Robert Rodger sowing wheat. A dull damp day. G. E.
Sabbath 3rd a fine day. Monday 4th very hard frost. Corn and
potatoes generally damaged by frost. My corn not frosted. was
at J. Gallinger's smithy. Got my drag teeth laid. paid 6/9.
Tuesday 5th put in my spring wheat. Wednesday 6th put in my
pease. Thursday 7. a wet day. G. Easton. Saturday 9th Ditto.
* Peccavi- I have sinned, an acknowledgement or confession of sin
*Psa 116-16
*to inn wheat- to put it up in a shelter or with some type of grain
elevator owned by another
Sabbath 10th Mr. McAllister preached in St. Andrew's. Josh. 24..24*
Monday Septr 11th a wet day. Tuesday 12th & Wednesday 13th
shearing oats & threshing seed wheat. Thursday 14th plowed in
a bushel of wheat. Friday 15th Shearing oats. I ploughed in
mywheat on Wednesday Septr 13th and on Saturday 16th of Septr
1837 and I was shearing oats on Thurs. & Friday Sept. 14th &l5th.G.E.
Sabbath Septr 17th a fine harvest day. Took physic, could not go
to hear sermon. G. Easton....
Monday Sepr 18th Like rain. Dragged ray wheat this morning. Shearing
oats. Dr. Gemmill's text yesterday was...behold the Lamb of God.*
Dalhousie September 19th 1837. Saw fireflies on the evening of Septr
18th a thing unprecedented. Tuesday 19th Last night helped
Wm Hood to build some oats. This day put in a stack of oats. G.E.
Wednesday 20th a frosty morning, a complete nailer..Thos begins to
sow wheat.
Thursday 21st a frosty morning, Robt Macintosh gone to Perth with
barley..a fine day. Wind south and blowing. Friday 22nd Wind
south..blowing.. Finished our harvest this day. Jenny at Poland.
Like rain.
Saturday 23rd I received a letter from my brother David containing the
mournful Tidings of my father's death who departed this Life
upon Monday the 7th of August, i837, aged 76 years and 7 months.*
And he said unto me, write blessed are the Dead who Die in the
Lord, from henceforth...yea saith the spirit..that they may rest
from their Labours, and their works do follow them.*
Sabbath 24th Mr. McAllister dispensed the sacrament of the Lord's
Supper in Lanark.
25th a fine day, wind south... put in All My Grain, All My Oats this day.
Tuesday 26th a wet day. This day Agnes Thomson wife of James Brown
was taken away out of the land of the living very suddenly, she
took badly about 3 A.M. and was a corpse before 3 o'clock
afternoon. James came for me but I never saw her in life, nor
any of her family, only my Jenny was with her, and Jess Watson. G.E.
Wednesday 27th Jess at Lanark, a fine day.
Thursday 28th a wet day..this day the Body of Mrs. Brown was committed
to the grave, there to lie till the great day of the Lord.
Dalhousie 29th of September 1837
A fine day. Saturday September 30th a wet day. Sabbath October lst
a fine day. Monday 2nd. a wet day. took the roof off ray house.
3rd Andrew park and Robert Macintosh working at the roof, we
have got real bad weather. G. Easton.
Wednesday 4th very hard frost the most severe we had this season.
George Easton. This day got a load of shingles from John
Thomson. paid him 2 dollar.. Thursday October 5th Threatning
snow..rain and hail. Keep me from all presumptuous sirs, 0 Lord*
Friday October 6th 1837..This day is Dalhousie Fair a cold dull
day...George whiskey.
Saturday 7th Octr 1837 a cold day. Sabbath 8th an excessive frosty
morning. This day Mr. McAllister preached from Rom. 7th & 12th
wherefore the Law is holy and the commandment holy and just and
good. Monday 9th Excessive hard frost.
Tuesday 10th this day is Lanark fair. The weather is changed, wind
*Psalms19-13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins;
Josh 24...24 And the people said unto Joshua, The Lord our God will
Matthew Easton born Feb. 1761
Blessed are the Dead...Rev. 14.13
south.. took in 3 loads of corn last night and 2 carts of potatoes.
Wednesday 11th October 1837... a noble day, digging Potatoes and
and pucklngs corn. Thursday Octr 12th 1837..Last night a thunder-
storm. with rain..a dull day. Dalhousie.
October 13th 1837 Friday 13th a most terrible cold day, Saturday
14th Last night the moon was eclipsed, a total eclipse, and
we killed two Bears... a cold day... Lifted all our potatoes..
180 bushels andhusked the last of our corn..we think near
20 bushels. Sabbath 15th Behold the Lamb of God who taketh away
the sin of the world.#1 Revd Dr. Gemmill Monday 16th a fine day,
Tuesday 17th Driving stones for my chimney,...a fine day. G. Easton.
Wednesday Oct 18th 1837 a wet like day..
Thursday 19th a dull day Threatning snow. George Easton.
Friday 20th a wet morning. G. Easton.
Saturday Octr 21st went to go to Bredin's for lime. My cart broke
down by the way, had to come back empty. A fine day... a court
of commissioners for the Township.
Sabbath 22nd a fine day. Monday 23rd was at Bredin's & bought 16
bushels of lime. John Smith came to build my chimney.
Tuesday 24th took down my old chimney and began to build..a fine day.
Wednesday October 25th This morning ground covered with snow
and is 3 inches deep and still snowing at 12 o'clock Thursday
26th an uncommon wet day. Friday 27th a good d a y . Saturday
28th a good day.
Dalhousie October 29th 1837. Both Dr. Gemmill & Mr. McAllister
preached in St. Andrew's.
Monday 30th busy building. Tuesday 31st my cattle went to Lanark
with a barrel of potash and brought home 16 bushels lime,
busy building my chimney. Wednesday Nov. 1st my cattle at
Poland with a load of ashes. G. Easton.
Thursday 2nd. a cold frosty day. G. Easton.
Friday November 3rd this day John Smith went home my building being
nearly finished, all done to the Lumhead#2,had no help except
James Brown 3 days and Watson part of one day. G. Easton. a
fine day, wind south.
Saturday Novr 4th a fine fresh day, planted my plums, cherries, etc.
Sabbath 5th awful wet.
Monday 6th frosty like snow. Tuesday 7th some heavy snow showers.
Jess at Poland helping Macintosh to build his chimney. I this
morning plastered the house. Wednesday 8th November 1837...
Had a visit of Johnnie Stuart this day...a fine frosty day..
Thursday Novr 9th 1837. This morning the ground was covered with
snow and a very cold day. Winter seems to set in and we need
not expect anything but snow for six months to come. G. Easton.
Friday 10th Ground still white. Robt Rodger cutting firewood for
the school. Dalhousie Novr 1Oth 1837
Saturday Novr 11th a cold day. Wind south, received a letter from Mr.
Murray on Thursday Nov. 8th 1837. Sabbath 12th and holiness
without which no man shall see the Lord..Rev. Dr. Gemmill
Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. #3 Rev. Mr. McAllister.
1# Behold the Lamb.. John 1 .. 29
2#Lumhead..a lum is a chimney which comes to a point, a lumhead the
top of the chimney
3# No other Gods before me- Exodus 20..3
a fine day.
Monday 13th a fine frosty day. Tuesday 14th a fine frosty day,
Robt Macintosh took away Brawny yesterday. Wednesday 15th
Nov. 1837 was at the raising of John Waddle's barn, a real
good day. Thursday 16th This day snow began to fall in the
morning and at one o'clock is still snowing..very heavy snow.
Friday 17th wind south. Gay cold, the country is assembled at
Bell Mulr's at a Quilting. Tommy Conroy...the workshop.. the stove
and the shavings. Saturday Nov. 18th 1837 was at Robt Rodger's
raising a parlour. Snow fell on Thursday 3 inches but today is
clean gone. Sabbath 19th rain all day, a fine day. Monday 20th
a dull, soft day, put up my stove this day. Tuesday 21st a most
incessant day of rain.
Wednesday 22nd in the night time thunder & rain. Thursday 23rd a wet-
night but lo! in the morning Snow, an exceeding stormy day,
snowing very hard, heavy snow. Friday 24th a frosty day, snow
still lying on the ground.
Dalhousie November 24th 1837
This day Charles Thom and Eliza Bain and Thomas Scott and
Margaret Bain are married in St. Andrew's hall by the Revd Mr.
Macalister,a rousing wedding. At least the people are assem-
bling. They say there are 140 guests Bidden, more than 100
present and 10 fiddlers, same day McLauchlan's Daughter and old
Jamison's daughter and A. W. Playfairs daughter. Saturday
25th was at Lanark, bought 20 lb. o iron for a crane. Sabbath
26th be ye followers of God as Dear Children.* Revd Dr. Gemmill.
Monday 27th a frosty day, snow still lying.
Tuesday 28th still frosty with snow. Wednesday 29th fresh snow,
almost clean snow on the ground. Thursday Nov. 30th
This morning Matthew George sick, very sick, no snow, ground
quite bare. No snow to be seen.
Saturday 2nd. a dull fresh day. Got my crane on Wednesday Novr 9th
1837. Sabbath 3rd Decr fine day, Monday a little frost.
Tuesday 5th No snow, this day J. Brown at the Oat mill with 2 bushels
oats for me. G. Easton. Dalhousie.
Dalhousie Decr 6th 1837, this day at James Fair's when the Left wing
of the 1st Reg't of Lanark Militia paraded and got a volunteer
offer to go to Lower Canada and five men went.
Thursday 7th a cold day. Friday 8th This day stormy, ground again
covered with snow, we have had a good deal of agreeable weather,
the ground bare this long time, no snow but now likely to lie.
My girls at Currie's mill yesterday. Saturday Dec.9th killd
my3 pigs, 500 lbs.
Sabbath 10th Snow all day. Monday 11th Dull and snowing, snow
5 inches deep. G. Easton.
Wednesday 13th very frosty. Thursday Decr 14th 1837 cold and frosty.
Friday 15th a cold frosty day. Saturday 16th Exceeding cold &
Sabbath 17th a very frosty Day. Monday 18th rain all night, began to
snow and continued heavy snow till 12 o'clock. G. Easton.
Dalhousie December 19th 1837
Tuesday 19th On Sabbath Decr 17th Mary Reid was safely delivered
of a son and heir. George Easton Like snow. snow 9 inches
deep. Wednesday Dec. 20,1837 an exceeding hard frost. Thursday
21st Dec. a very frosty day. Friday December 22d frosty.
Saturday 23rd an exceeding frosty day
Sabbath 24th And Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.
Revd Dr. Gemmill.... soft
Monday 25th W
m Hay cut firewood. soft. Tuesday 26th was at James
Fair's at Parade. Wednesday 27th very frosty. James Shields
cutting firewood for me for John Conroy. Thursday 28th Decr
nowing a little all day. Friday 29th soft wind south.
Saturday 30th Was the Day of the Meeting of my Trustees. They
Signed my school paper. a frosty day. George Easton.
Sabbath 31st Decr
Soft inclining to freshness.
Monday January 1st 1838, a fine soft day. Was at James Nairn's and
J. Hetherington's at night. Tuesday 2nd. a fresh day, snow
dissolving rapidly. Wednesday 3rd was at Lanark, got my leather
from Smith the tanner. Thursday 4th Was at James Barr's funeral.
Snow almost gone..
Friday 5th was at James Reid's child's funeral, a very wet day.
Snow almost gone. Ground quite bare.
Saturday 6th again frosty, no snow.
Sabbath 7th a very wet day. Snow all gone. Monday 8th this morning
again frosty .and a very little snow. Wind north... Tuesday 9th
some heavy snow showers. Wednesday 10th very frosty, fulling *
our cloth.
Thursday Jany 11th 1838 a cold frosty Day. Friday 12th snow one inch
deep. Saturday 13th a pleasant day.
Sabbath 14th fresh. Monday 15 a stormy day, snow 2 inches deep. Tues-
day 16th Fresh, wind south.
Wednesday 17th January 1838...Our Militiamen marched from Dalhousie
on Friday 12th of Jan.
Thursday 18th Frosty, Friday heavy snow, snow 6 inches deep.
Winter seems now begun.
Saturday 20th the strongest frost we have had this season. G. Easton.
Sabbath 21st a fine day, cold.
Monday 22nd frosty Wednesday 24th wind south. Thursday 25th Frosty.
Friday 26th Mild, heavy rain. Roads horrible. Was at Poland.
Saturday 27th Hard frost, no travelling. Sabbath 28th heavy snow,
snow 5 inches deep. Monday 29. High wind. Drifting. Tuesday
30th severe frost. Wednesday 31st Excessive frost, not much snow.
Thursday February 1st 1838. a frosty day Wm Hay's child badly. 2nd
very frosty. 3rd more mild.
Dalhousie 4th Feby 1838 a frosty day. Monday 5th this day Wm
Hay's child died after being a considerable time badly. Tuesday
a day of Public Thanksgiving for the Mercies received and for
putting down rebellion in the province.
Wednesday 7th at the funeral of Wm Hay's child. Stormy, heavy snow.
* thicken by moistening, heating and pressing, as cloth;
to mill; to mill; to make compact; to scour, cleanse, and thick-
en in a mill.
Thursday 8th Snow 8 inches deep
Friday 9th frosty. Saturday 10th the ink is freezing.
Sabbath 11th a frosty day. Am I a God at hand and not a God afar
off. Revd Mr. Macalister. Monday 12th frosty. Tuesday 13th
hard frost. Wednesday very frosty. Thursday excessive frosty.
Jess and David at Lanark with oats.
Friday 16th Feby 1838...went to Perth, came home same night. awfu
frosty. Saturday 17th some of our volunteers came home,
frosty, Sabbath frosty. Monday frosty, Tuesday 20th very frosty.
Wednesday 21st frosty.
Dalhousie Feby 22;1838...Last night John McIntyre came home from the
War. This day brought the last of my hay from Conroy's, a fine
mild day.
Friday 23rd a fine winter day. Saturday 24th Excessive frosty. Jess
at the Mill yesterday.
Sabbath 25th a very frosty day. Monday 26th very frosty, fulling
my coat. Tuesday 27th Wedneaday 28th frosty.
Thursday March 1st a fine day. Friday 2nd a fine frosty day. Saturday
3rd snow 7 inches deep and has not been over 9 inches this
winter, a fine day. G. Easton.
Sabbath 4th March 1838 a fine soft day. I will be as the dew unto
Israel etc.#1 Revd Dr. Gemmill
Monday 5th Heavy snow all day, snow 15 inches deep. Tuesday 6th-
Saturday 10th This week hath been one continued snow shower and
all the time soft. 0 Miserere Mei. G. Eaaton
Dalhousie March 12th 1838- Sabbath 11th a fine day.
Monday 12th Wind north..very warm..snow decreasing. 0 miserere mei. G.E.
Tuesday 13th March 1838 Jess & Rob Macintosh at the oat mill wt. 21
bushels of oats, thawing fast. 0 Miserere Mihi. George Easton.
Wednesday 14th a soft fresh day. Thursday 15 Jenny went to Poland
and is not come back. Some people are making sugar. 0 miserere
Mihi. George Easton.
Friday 16th frosty. Saturday 17th a frosty day, this is the Commr
Court Day. Sabbath 18th Lecture Eph 5th Husbands love your wives
Revd Dr. Gemmill. Monday Soft and fresh. whether there be
sugar or not, I know not. I received my patent#2for my land on
Sat. night being March 17th 1838. G. Easton.
Dalhousie Tuesday 20th March.
Last night Tam Conroy at his old trade of lying but I'll mind
it..a fine day. Wednesday 21st a noble day. Thursday 22nd
frosty. Friday 23rd a fresh day. Sabbath 24th Last night,
thunder, lightning & rain..a complete fresh day.
Sabbath March 25th a fine day. Monday 26th this day Mrs. James Park
was consigned to the silent grave. a fresh day. Tuesday 27th
Heavy snow. Gone to Hanna's oat mill for my:
load. Macintosh
is gone for it Wednesday. Got it home 504 lb..soft..
(note at side of page: Sugar begun 23rd March 1838)
Thursday 29th March, ground again white.
Friday 30th Snow all gone. Saturday 31st frosty, a good sugar day..
*Hosea 14—5 I will be as the dew unto Israel: he shall grow as the
lily, and cast forth his roots as Lebanon.
*An instrument making a conveyance or grant of public lands; also,
the land or territory 30 conveyed.
this is John Thomson's meeting. Called by Maclellan...
Macmanigle, Macmillan and Co.,,, a little allied to McKenzie
Van Kensaeller & Co.* Sabbath April 1st 1838 in whom we have
redemption thro' his blood, even the forgiveness of our sins*
Dalhousie April 2nd 1838. a frosty day.
Tuesday 3rd Cold and frosty. Wednesday 4th still cold, busy threshing
oats. Jess at Poland making sugar. Thursday 3th Like a change,
wind south & blowing very strong. Yesterday got some hay from
James Brown Senr...This day finished threshing oats. I intend
to go to Perth to-morrow, health and weather permitting.
Friday 6th April 1838. G. Easton..went to Perth, roads horrible.
Saturday Came home, roads very bad. Sabbath 8th a fine day.
Maunanday 9th Cherry calved a Star.. Jack Storie making me a
coat. Tuesday 10th a cauld snow day. Wednesday 11th 0 misserere
mihi..G.E. Some snow, Taursday 12th April, a considerable
comparatively cold day. Jenny, David and Matthew George at
Poland. 0 miserere mihi. Geo. Easton. This day the rebel
ruffians, Gen'ls Lount & Matthews (according their sentence)
are to be hung at Toronto for High Treason.
Friday 13th an excessive frosty day.
Dalhousie Saturday April 14th 1838.
This day at Janes Rodger's barn. James Scott & Joan Conroy
were severly hurt..a log came down rolled over Convoy and lay
upon Scott. Sabbath 15th Children obey your parents etc.*
Rev Dr. Gemmill.
Monday 16th Excessive frosty. Tuesday April 17 frosty..Dull like a
change. Wednesday 16th Hard frost..built a house. Thursday
selling hats, snow decreasing, a cold frosty day. I have got
2 lambs. Saturday 21st a cold day. Wind south with snow. 0
Miserere Mihl.. Sabbath April 22nd Arch. Provan worse...still
frosty...Andrew Park fixing my house. Tuesday 24th a gay bonny
day but frosty. Wednesday 25th April. Lount and Matthews are
hung, so perish all enemies of peace and Good Order. George
Easton. a fine day, rather warm.
Dalhousie April 26th 1838. Jess came home yesterday & brought my
plough from W. Muir's. March 20th was married by the Rev Wm
McKillican... John Rose of West Gvillimsbury to Margret Climie
of Insifil. U.C....Gave Thos. Thompson some plum trees..some a change. Friday 27th This day commenced ploughing
...a soft day..Saturday 28th some frost but a fine day. Sabbath
29th The Dr. did not come...rain and snow.
Monday April 30th a very cold day..Hard frost, ground white. Tuesday
May 1st 1838. G. Easton. a frosty morning ..a warm day. Wednes-
day 2nd a fine day. Some rain. Thursday 3rd a fine fresh day.
Tom begins ploughing. Friday 4th May 1838. we began to plough.
April 27th...Robt Macintosh chopping to me, a fine day, this day
pease & spring wheat, this day vacated my school for one
week. Saturday 5th an exceeding wet day. Sabbath 6th a fine day.
Monday 7th digging my garden. Tuesday 8th Delving... Wednesday
9th still delving. Thursday 10th sow3
Friday 11th sowd barley. Saturday 12th Sowd oats. This day
*William Lyon Mackenzie, Rebel, and Van Rensaeller, heavy drinker tried tobePatriotChief.
Colossians 1-14
Colossian3 3-20 Children, obey your parents in all things: for this
is well pleasing unto the Lord.
* Samuel Lount and Peter Matthews, leaders in Rebel Cause, hanged outside
Toronto jail, April 12, 1838
Isobella Paul alias Mrs. Arch. Provan was consigned to the cold
grave. She died on Thursday May 10th being in trouble since the
beginning of Febr 1838. Hora Fugit.
Sabbath 13th Behold I have given him for Witness of the people, a
leader etc. #1 Isa. 55-4
Monday 14th commenced school- sowd oats.
Tuesday 15th a noble day. Wednesday 16th May a fine day. Thursday
17th Planted corn. Friday 18th finished my corn..a fine day,
Saturday 19th May 1838, was going to log, stop by rain. Sabbath
20th a fine day. Monday 21st was at Nairn's Dam with my cattle.
Tuesday 22nd Dull like rain. Robt Mcintosh logging to me Wednesday
23rd on Monday 21st a girl was burnt to death but I have not yet
heard the particulars, a brother's daughter to R. Boyle in Darling.
a very dull day. Thursday 24th a wet day. Since the 19th Jas.
Brown hath been badly with rheumatism, Friday 25th a dull, damp
day. G. Easton.
Saturday May 26th 1838
an excessive wet night, a wet dull, damp day. Tell me ye sons of
God, Tell me ye seraphs who stand in the Presence of the Eternal
and 0 ye redeemed where harps loudly sing the Praises of
redeeming Love. Tell me how to celebrate the Praises of my
Exalted Love of God to Sinful men—- G. Easton.
Sabbath 27thPut ye on the whole Armor of God#2 the R e v d Dr. Gemmill.
a fine day.
Monday 28th Rain all night- and a wet day. Wednesday 30th May 1838
not so wet. Macintosh with me chopping and logging. Thursday
31st- a noble day- Logging for potatoes.
Friday June 1st a fine day. Saw constellation.#5 on May 28th,
early in the evening. Cleaning land for potatoes. G.Easton.
June 1st. My plum trees full blown, a great break. G. Easton.
June 2nd cleaning land for potatoes. Dull like rain. Sabbath
3rd. a fine day. Examine yourselves whether ye be In the Faith.#3
Revd Mr. Macalister.
Monday 4th was at James Fair's at General Training. A very warm day.
Tuesday 5th a good day..planting potatoes.
Wednesday 6th June 1833- a noble day, this day planted the last of
our potatoes- 18 bushels of seed- Jess at Lanark.
Since Monday May 21st. Thomas has not been able to do any work;
he catched a severe cold and is not yet better. G. Easton.
Thursday 7th June, a fine summer day.
Friday 8th Wrought #4 at the roads, first day Statute Labour. Saturday
9th a very warm day. Sabbath 10th Behold, I have given him for
a witness. Isa. 55-4 This night saw fireflies first time, very warm.
Monday 11th This day got a pig from John Thomson. Tuesday 12th
yesterday about 2 o'clock a severe thunderstorm, heavy rain and
hail, accompanied by loud thunder & high wind, and what is
remarkable, on this Day thirteen years, and about the same time
of Day, a tornado took place, very severe in its effects and this
same was pretty severe.
1# Isiah 55-4 Behold, I have given him for a wit
. leader and a commander to the people.
2# Ephesians 6-11
3# II Corinthians 13-5
4# Wrought - Arch. word for work 5 (Constellation..Hercules?)
12th A dull warm day.
Wednesday 13th a noble day.
Thursday 14th June 1838..Tam's Cherry at the bull 12th of June. a
fine summer day. 0 happy ones that have made choice of the
Lord Jesus, who have lived holy lives in the world, who have
overcome by the blood of the Lamb & by the word of your testimony
and are now singing the praises of redeeming love among the
ransomed Millions beforer the throne.
(Note at side of page: Mrs. Edward Laverty got a son June 1838)
Friday June 15th 1838- a fine day. Jenny at Lanark. Saturday 16th
at the roads 2nd day, stopd by rain at 3 o'clock.
Sabbath 17th a warm. day. Monday 18th 23 years ago a bloody battle
was fought on the plains of Waterloo which put an end to Bonaparte.
Tuesday 19th June 1838, a fine summer day-still gathering stones.
Wednesday 20th my garden pease begun to bloom. Ploughing fallow-
a noble day- hoeing corn.
Thursday 21st a good summer day, Jess ploughing, hoeing corn. Friday
22nd Peccavi.#1 George Easton. Dominie, Dalhousie. A fine day.
Saturday 23rd June Wrought at the roads. Sabbath 24th Phil.
3rd and 3rd#2RevdDr. Gemmill
Monday 25th heavy rain. Tuesday 26th a fine day. Robt. Macintosh
Dalhousie June 27th I have again taken the school for another
year. George Easton. This is the last day of my ninth year.
I commence schoolkeeping for the tenth year on Monday July 2nd.
1838. — 27th this morning gay cold, a fine day. Thursday 28th went to Perth. Friday 29th. Passed the Board of
Education as usual but after I came away was struck off the
list- came home same night.
Saturday 30th finished my time at the roads, 4 days labour. Sabbath
July 1st a fine day. Brocky at John Storie's bull. Monday 2nd
July 1838, this day I believe will terminate my labours in the
School, there is to be a meeting to-night but I do not expect
any good in consequence. I cannot stand a Sham and the people
are not able to comply with the letter of the law, a very.
hot day, G. Easton.
Monday 9 July yesterday the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was
dispensed in St. Andrew's Hall by the Revd Dr. Gemmill. I
have again taken the school. Most excessive hot weather. Tuesday
10th July, Dull like rain, a wet afternoon. Wednesday 11th This
day Isobella Macintosh not well. A fine day, dragging fallow.
Thursday July 12thThis day commenced cutting clover. Jenny and
Jess both at Poland. I this day saw my corn silkd. Last year
none till 19th July. --this season is 7 days earlier. G. Easton.
Friday 13th Yesterday my daughter Isobella Macintosh was delivered
of a son. This day Robt. at Perth with a barrel of potash.
Last night Cherry at the bull. --a fine day.
Dalhousie July 14th 1838, mowing cloven & meadow hay. Heavy rain in
the afternoon. 0 Misereri mihi-#4a dull day. G. Easton
Monday 16 July- very dull, people busy cutting hay. George Easton.
Tuesday 17th July 1838, a noble day.
1# Peccavi- I have sinned, hence an acknowledgement or confession of sin.
1# Philippians 3-3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God
in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confid-
ence in the flesh.
growing season, to render it mellow or destroy weeds, to allow
the land to rest.
#4 Miserere mihi- Psalm 51. Have mercy upon me 0 God. etc.
Wednesday18thJuly attempted to rick hay, was stopped in
morning by rain- A.M. Like Drought.
Thursday 19th July- a noble day. Rickd my clover. Friday 25th
heavy rain. a very wet day. Eliza not well. Jess at Lanark.
G. Easton. Saturday 21st on Thursday 19th Mrs. Brown began
to nurse Edward Laverty's child- his wife being no in health.
A showery day. George Easton. Sabbath 22nd On Thursday July
5th William Cuthbertson was ordained Elder in Room of William
Anderson, deceased.. These are they who have washed their robes
& made them white in the blood of the Lamb.* Revd Dr. Gemmill
Monday July 23rd 1838 a fine day. Tuesday 24th a dull, dark, damp
day. Wednesday 25th last night heavy rain, this day warm &
a good hay day.
Thursday 26th July 1838 0 miserere mihi, 0 wretched man that I am.
G. Easton. 0 miserere mihi, a dull day like rain.
Friday 27th July 1838 a noble day. Saturday 28th July 1838, 0 miserere
mihi. an excessive warm day- as hot a day I think as ever I saw.
rickd hay. Sabbath 29th still very warm, exceeding hot. G. Easton.
Monday 30th heavy rain with thunder in the morning, a fine day. This
day began to shear wheat. George Easton.
Tuesday 31st July. last night coldish, no frost- a warm day. Wednes-
day Augst 1st a fine day. still cutting hay. G. Easton. 0 miserere
Thursday A u g t 2nd- a fine summer day. Wheat harvest is just beginning.
Friday Augt 3rd 0 miserere mihi. Tam finished his hay yesterday
being Augt 2nd 1838- a noble day & harvest day. Robt Macintosh
at Perth with his second barrel of potash. Jenny at Poland.
Saturday Aug.4th 0 miserere mihi. George Easton. At Lanark-
bought 2 shearing hooks 1/8 each. Paid1/71/2bought from J. Muir
a vest and treasures, bought 12 bushels of lime from Bredin,
gave him a note for 5/.
Dalhousie August 5th 1838.-Sabbath 5th an exceeding wet day... these
are they who have washed their robes and made them white in the
blood of the Lamb. Revd Dr. Gemmill. Monday 6th fair tho not
much drought. James Brown Junr shearing wheat, Anne with James
Brown Senr. Tuesday 7th Augt 1838 a fine day, airy. Wednesday
8th miserere mihi, my wheat, pease, and barley ripe—cutting
in the meadow—attempted to put together the last of my hay but
was disappointed by ill nature, 0 miserere mihi. George Easton.
-a fine harvest day. Thursday 9th Augt Disappointment! Disappoin-
tment!! Disappointment!! G. Easton—a fine day. Friday 10th
August 1838- a noble day. This morning commenced cutting hay
in James Brown's on shares, George Easton.
Saturday 11th August. Last night saw fire flies. Mrs. Edward Laverty
has been badly this considerable time, she has not been able to
nurse her child. She has been at her father's these 2 weeks.
Mrs. Brown has the child about 4 P.M. a tremendous shower.
Sabbath 12th a fine day, Monday 13th this is the first day of
moor fowl shooting. Dull, like rain mowing hay. Tuesday 13th
August 1838. 0 miserere mihi.
Dalhousie August 14th 1838.
Last night considerable frost..a clear day, finished cutting
*Rev. 7-14
hay this day. G. Easton.
Wednesday 15th on Sabbath morning the wolves killd and ate Tam's Tup-*
a little frost and a fine day. Thursday l6thAug. a complete
wet day- no work can be done. Friday 17th August, Jenny shearing
with James Brown Sr..a fine day. G. Easton. Dominie. Saturday
August 18th a fine day, put in my pease. Sabbath 19th a fine day
Monday 20th Shearing barley and oats, a noble harvest day. G. Easton.
Tuesday 21st of August 1838- Edward Laverty's Son was baptized.
Sabbath Aug. 19th I838. G. Easton, a fine day. 22nd, 23rd, 24th,
25th all warm weather- shearing oats- Sabbath 26th a fine day-
Canning from Ramsey visiting sick- a daft man.
Monday 27th was at Perth. Led by a fool. Rain.
Tuesday 28th a fine day. Wednesday 29th August, a little frost yes-
terday morning. E. Conroy trapd and killd a large bear.
Thursday August 30th Droughty. Friday 31st, Putting out dung-
a fine day.
Dalhousie 1st September, Saturday 1838—-a fine day—-finished my dung.
Sabbath 2nd a fine clear day. high wind. This day Tam conroy
killd anotther bear. His kingdom ruleth over all. Revd Dr.
Gemmill. Monday 3rd all corn and potatoes frosted, very hard
frost- this day cut my corn. Tuesday 4th this day sow my fall
wheat, plowing it in, a fine day yesterday. Got all my crop
into the barnyard.
Wednesday 5th Sept. 1838. a noble day, finished my wheat today.
0 miserere Mihi. George Easton. Jenny at Lanark getting
Macintyre's Grape mended. Thursday 6th Septr. Ned finished
his wheat on 5th Septr., and exceeding hot day. Jess helping
Macintosh to clean land. this day threshd beans. Friday 7th
Sept. 1838- 0 mihi, 0 me, G. Easton. a fine day. 0 miserere Mihi.
Geo. Easton. Saturday 8th Septr 1838, yesterday & today
Jas. Brown putting out dung for wheat- a fine day.
Sabbath 9th this day the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed
at John Crawford's, 12 con.* of Dalhousie. 54 Communicants,
60 in all. Monday 10th dull, like rain. Tuesday Septr 11th
no rain, a fine day. Wed. Septr 12th a noble day- this day
Lucky McTodd's Quilting bee.
Dalhousie. September 12th 1838. 0 miserere Mihi. Tell me ye Sons
of happiness, 0 tell me, ye who are redeemed by the blood of
our Exalted Lord, ye who were once in the vale of misery-
tempted like myself- who have overcome by the Blood of the Lamb
and by the word of your testimony- tell me how to escape the
wrath to come!! harken to the Voice of Eternal Wisdom. G. Easton.
Thursday 13th a fine day. G. Easton.
Friday 14th This day got all my corn in and in good order- anobleday.
Saturday 15th Septr - Was at Lanark.
Sabbath 16th a fine day. Monday 17th Again a noble day, Tuesday 18th
Jess & David at Currie's Mill. Dull, I am afraid we will not
see the.Eclipse of the Sun which takes place to-day- we all saw
it. Wednesday 19th A clear day. John Conroy this day got my
*1Tam's Tup— possibly his brother Tom's ram.
*2con.- concession
ashes. Thursday a most noble day. Last night saw the 7 stars
they rose at 9. #1
Dalhousie September 21st 1838-
Friday 21st- a noble day. ploughing.
Saturday 22nd. Septr. kept school, a small shower last night- a fine
day. Monday 24th Brot 2 loads of stones & broke my cart. Cold,
no frost, Tuesday 25th Septr A. Park fixing ray house- a fine day.
Wednesday 26th Septr 1838- a fine day, Macintosh taking the Magis-
trate's advice. Thursday 27th Macintosh gone to Perth, a soft
day. Friday 28th yesterday driving dung- to-day ploughing, a
dull soft day. Saturday 29th was at Lanark. Got David's boots.
a fine day. Neil Campbell funkit* by fall wheat after fall. Sabbath 30th a fine d
us. Revd Dr. Gemmill 1 Peter 1st-17th.* Mr. Macalister.
Monday Oct. 1st a noble day, ploughing and commenced digging
ray potatoes. George Easton.
Tuesday Octr 2nd. a noble day, digging potatoes.
Dalhousie 3rd October 1838
Wednesday Octr 3rd Was at Archie's Dam.
Thursday 4th high, south wind. Digging potatoes. Friday 5th finished
my potatoes, 187 buahels.- this day was Dalhousie fair, plenty
ofGrog and beer. I sold my oxen to James Beveridge, price
12-15 payable 5th 0ctr 1839--a fine day. Saturday 6th Thunder
pretty close. Dull and dark with high wind. Like a storm-
no storm. Sabbath 7th first frost- cold.
Monday 8th cold- a frost morning, Macintosh & Jess at Perth. Tuesday
this day in Lanark- Fair. Heard Upper Canada Friday 5th Octr
1838, a soft wet day.- was at Lanark Fair.
Wedneaday 10th a dull day. Thursday n t h a soft day. John Smith
building my Lumhead- rain.
Friday 12th my Lumhead finished* John away home. Snow, rain and
hail--heavy snow.
Saturday 13th October 1838. Yesterday Nairn's Bee. Hard frost.
Ground covered with Snow. Sabbath 14th a cold day- Wind North.
Dalhousie Oct 18th 1838. Thursday 18th this day shot at a dog belong-
ing to Jas. Brown and wounded it but it ran away- a fine day,
Friday i9th October 1838 an exceeding wet day. Macintosh at
the Mill and Lanark. Saturday 20th Soft-
Sabbath 21st he shall choose our inheritance for us, Revd Dr. Gemmill-
a fine day.
Monday 22nd a fine day, Tuesday 23rd a soft day.
Wednesday 24th Soft all day. Thursday 25th Covered my barn- a wet
morning- cold.
Friday 26th This day Allan Stewart and Jane Ellis Gray is married
at St. Andrew's by the Revd Dr. Gemmill. Dull, no rain. Saturday
27th a fine day. Sabbath 28th this day cold, snow. Sermon by
Mr. Macalister.
Monday 29th Ground white, heavy snow. Tues. Hard frost. Wednesday
Note: Allan Stewart and Jane Ellis Gray grandparents of Mrs. Merle Betes.
#1 the Pleides- the seven daughte
whose names were Alycone,Celaeno, Electra, Mala, Merope, Sterope
or Asterope, and Taygeta. They were transformed into the group
of stars, the invisible seventh, or lost one, Merope, con-
cealingherself out of shame for having loved a mortal.
31st very hard frost.
Thursday November 1st, 1838 very frosty with heavy snow. Friday
Soft- Saturday 3rd a fine day, wet at night. Sabbath 4th God
is my portion.* Revd Dr. Gemmill. Monday 5th a fine day - this
day Robt Macintosh kills his pigs.
Dalhousie Tuesday Nov 6th 1838 a wet day- anow all night. Wednesday
7th Deep anow, anow and rain all day- rain at night
Thursday 8th an exceeding wet day. Friday 9th Snow. James Brown's (Senr) firewood Bee.
Saturday 10th November 1838 a fine day.
Sabbath 11th Cold. Monday 12th Soft.
Tuesday 13th a wet day. Last night James Shields & Barny came up from
Wednesday 14th a little frost. Thursday 15th fresh.
Friday & Saturday Laying my barn floor.
Sabbath i8th Snow. God is my position for and ever. Monday 19th frosty
Tuesday 20th snow all day. Wednesday 21st Still snow blasts,
Thursday 22nd. a cold day.
Friday 23rd a fine Winter day. Friday30th Last week frosty, 3 inches
snow. my steers at the Mill. Saturday December 1st a cold day.
Sabbath 2nd. Soft no sermon.
Monday moderate. Tuesday 3rd heavy anow all day. Wednesday 4th
yesterday no snow, this day snow all day. Thursday 5th from
this to Wednesday 12th December very cold weather, this is an
exceeding cold day, drifting hard. Jess and my steers at Perth.
Thursday 13th Cold, high wind. Tuesday 18th heavy snow this
morning, threshd out my fall wheat.
Wednesday 19th kept as a Day of fasting.
December 31st 1838- from 19th to this day hath been hard frost and
almost constant snow. Snow 2 feet deep. This day my school
visited by my Trustees. G. Easton.
January 1st 1839 Jany
2nd Since Monday night to the end of Wednesday
a conatant fuddle* ^Thursday 3rd rather soft. Friday 4th frosty.
Saturday 5th carried a bushel of wheat to Bredin. Sabbath 6th
was at the funeral of E. Laverty child. Friday January 4th 1639.
Monday 7th Dalhousie. Town meeting, heavy rain.
Tuesday 8th frosty put a rick of hay into the barn. Wednesday 9th
a frosty Day. Thursday Jan. 10th soft. Friday 11th Excessive
rain, went to Perth, got wet, came home Saturday 12th.
Sabbath 13th frosty and continued till Thursday 17th- Moderate
frost, Friday 18th 1839. Tuesday 22nd. since the 18th very hard
frost. Excessive frosty. Wed. 23rd Excessive stormy & frost
intolerable, as great frost I think as I ever saw.
Thursday 24th very frosty. Friday 25th was at Lanark. sold 4 bushels
of oats @ 2/ per bus.
Saturday 26th Heavy snow. Sabbath 27th Snow excessive.
Dalhousie January 31st 1839. Saturday 26th snow began to fall and
fell and blew without intermission till Monday morning 28th
when roads were all blocked up and we have wrought on the roads
shoveling & breaking them up these 3 days; this day is more
1*Lamentations 3-24
2* fuddle- confusion
moderate but frosty. Friday February 1st 1839, an excessive
frosty day.- from this until Friday Feby 8th hath been as Severe
weather as I ever saw, high winds & drifting constantly. This
day Feby 8 more mild. Saturday 9th Library issue, a stormy
day. Sabbath 10th very frosty. Monday, Still frosty. Tuesday
12th very cold. Wednesday 13th rather soft.
Thursday 14th Snow but soft. Friday 13th a soft day. Feby 17th we
have heard this day of the death of Janet Stevenson.*1
Wednesday 20th this morning Wm Todd left Dalhousie probably forever-
Sic transit Gloria *2 heavy snow.
Thursday 21st moderate. Friday 22nd was at Arch. Nairn's at a meeting
of Lession.
Saturday 23rd Soft; thawing. Sabbath 24th from 23rd of Feby till the
27th thawing every Day. Feby 27th was at Dr. Gemmill's at
night and got receipts from James Mair & Go. & John Mair,Sutor.*3
Lanark. Thursday Feby 28th more cold; Excessive cold.
Friday March 1st 1839 The Library General Meeting, G. Easton, Librarian.
Thursday 7th this week hath been soft, this day wind south. Friday
March 8th soft, R. Mcintosh and Jess at Currie's Mill with his
oxen and my steers, 27 bushels. Saturday 9 at St. Andrew's fixing
books. Sabbath 10th and Monday 11th both very fresh.
Dalhousie March 12th 1839.
Tuesday 12th like a change. Wednesday 13th Jenny has a sore beeling
ear, Mrs. Brown's Quilting Bee. Thursday 14th Last night rain,
this morning frost. Friday 15th 0 miserere mihi, a fine day.
Saturday 16th at St. Andrew's fixing books; frosty. Sabbath,
frosty & this day took in my last hay into the barn. Tuesday
19th Still frost. Wednesday 20th frosty, like a change. Thursday
21st rain this night, went to Lanark on my way to Perth. Friday
Jess and I in Perth. Saturday 23rd Came home. Sabbath 24th frosty.
Monday 25th frosty. Tuesday 26 thawing, Wednesday 27th this day 2
of my geese died, soft.
Dalhousie March 28th 1839
Dull, like a change. Yesterday Jas. Rodger had a cow died.
Friday 29th rain and freezing, the earth Altogether one sheet of
ice. We cannot go to Sherrif's this day. G. Easton.
Saturday, March 30th this day Mrs. Cumming, Robt and John's mother
was buried, she was a very old woman. Sabbath 31st frosty.
Monday 1st April 1839. a good sugar day. Yesterday Jane Crosbie
absconded from her house and put the neighborhood in a sad fright.
Tuesday 2nd was at Lanark, brought the Colonist, warm, roads bad, sugar.
Wednesday 3rd a fresh day. Thursday 4th Jane Gold raging mad,
a fine day, almost no frost, not frosty enough for good sugar.
Friday 5th not a good sugar day, too warm.
Dalhousie April 6th 1839
Snow almost gone, weather very hot, this day Brocky calved a
bull, a fine warm day.
Sabbath 7th 1839 - Wind north, like frost, heard Puddocks, and
mosquitoes plenty. Monday 8th High north wind. Stiff frost.
G. Easton. Tuesday 9th April 1839 a fine day. Wednesday 10th
a fine fresh day.
1* Possibly his wife's mother in Scotland
*2- Sic transit Gloria - So be it with Glory
*3- Sutor, shoemaker, cobbler
Thursday 11th Still fresh & good weather. Friday 12thApril some
frost, cold. Saturday 13th Library issue, first day I served
out the books. George Easton, a fine day. Sabbath 14th was
at Poland. Monday 15th This morning Robt. Rodger Libbet*1James
Brown's foal, frosty. Tuesday 16th This day Wm Hay builds
his house- Got it done- a cold day. Wednesday 17th very frosty-
like snow. Thursday a fine day. James Paul drawing stones to
young Jamie Machin's Lum. This day we began to plow. Friday
19th this day Riggy & Cherry each calved an heifer, a fine day.
This week got the first of our Lambs. We have got three, April
19, 1839. George Easton.
Dalhousie April 20th 1839.
a cold frosty day. Sabbath 21st more mild. Monday 22nd this
morning sowd a bushel of pease, Matthew Easton ploughing them
in, busy ploughing. Tuesday 23rd a real good day. Wednesday
24th This day heard Upper Canada. rain this day, this is the
first rain this spring.
Thursday 25th on Tuesday 23rd Mr. Morris store in Perth was burnt
to the ground. a severe loss to the country. It is reported
among the heathen and Gashmir saith it, one of our most enlight-
ened neighbors went to James McLaren and after he knew he had
sold his oxen unto J. Lorimeroffered him more- and to pay cash
down for them but McLaren was more of an honest ran than break
his promise. I would say to such a man. Honi soit Qui Mal-y-[sense].
a cold wet day.
Friday 26th a fine day. Saturday 27th frosty- fencing.
Sabbath 28th a fine day. Monday- dull. Tuesday 30th yesterday &
today Matthew Easton chopping, heavy rain last night. Last
night Jane Gold ran off. she said she was bound for Perth jail.
Dalhousie May 1st 1839
Last night Jane Gold came from Lanark with Conroy and R. Macintosh,
this day sowd
my spring wheat. G. Easton.
Thursday 2nd. a fine day, sowd oats. Friday 3rd snowing, busy delving.
Saturday May 4th sowd pease, excessive frosty. Sabbath 5th May,
1839, 0 miserere mi, an exceeding wet morning.
Monday 6th some snow. This morning sowd oats. Tuesday 7th was at Lanark.
Wednesday 8th Cold with rain. Thursday 9th sowd the last of my oats, sowd o
Library issue- Sabbath 12th Mr. Fairbairn preached at St. Andrew's.
Monday 13th a wet day- Tuesday 14th Logging for potatoes in the
windfall. Wednesday 15th Ditto both days frosty mornings.
Thursday 16th a fine day, ploughing in the windfall for pot-
atoes. George Eaaton.
Friday 17th Last night and this morning planted my corn, six quarts
and a wee pickle, a fine day. Saturday 18th May 1839 Still
some frost in the morning but a fine day.
Dalhousie May 19th 1839.- Sabbath 19th- come from the 4 winds 0
breath & breathe upon these slain that they may live. Rev Dr.
Monday 20th a fine day- this day J. Brown sowd barley. Tuesday 21st
May 1839, rain, fine shower, planted a few taties.
Wednesday 22nd was logging- Thursday 23rd, this morning had a sheep
1* Libbet- geld- castrate.
died. Dull, like rain.
Friday 24th, yesterday planted common beans- heavy rain- this day
a fine clear day. Saturday 25th was working at A. Nairn's dam-
a fine day.
Sabbath 26th a fire day. Saw fire flies this night-
Monday 27th a wet day- Tuesday 28th busy sowing turnips. Wednesday
29th a wet morning- a dull day. Thursday 30th a fine day, plowing
in the windfall for potatoes. Friday 31st May 1839- a fine day,
plowing still for potatoes.
Saturday June 1st 1839 G. Easton, a dull wet day, planting potatoes.
and shot a crow. George Easton.
Sabbath 2nd. wherein was offered a crucified Savior.
Monday 3rd. a fine day, planting potatoes, 0 miserere mihi.
Dalhousie June 4th 1839. I have not had no school meeting and I hope
I will have none. George Easton. At Mr. James Fair's at
General Training- a fine day. Wednesday 5th a dull, damp day, sowd cress
about Margaret Rodger, 0 tempera, 0 mores*1Thursday 6th June a
dullwet Damp Day. Friday 7th June 1839. Excessive warm. Sat-
urday 8th awful' wet.
Sabbath 9th a wet day. Monday 10th a fine day, hoeing corn, Tuesday
June 11th a fine day.
Wednesday 12th this morning E. Conroy killd a wolf, this morning, some
Thursday 13th cold & wet. Friday 14th a vary warm day. Saturday 15th
June 1839 workd at the roads, first Day.
Dalhousie June 16th 1839 a fine day, cold
Monday 17th a good day. J. Thomson going to look for land. Tuesday
18th This morning Jane Crosbie is away to Perth, a wet day.
Last night we had a School Meeting when I declined keeping school
any longer. I have kept school ten years. Geo. Easton.
Wednesday 19th cold, just now have a shower. Geo. Easton.
Thursday 20th June 1839. Hard frost.
Friday 21st chopping, 0 miserere mihi, G. Easton. - a fine summer day.
They have lodged Jane Crosbie in Perth jail on Tuesday 18th, she
is out. Saturday 22nd working at the roads. Sabbath 23rd a fine
Monday 24th this day Riggy at the Bull, Brocky onSaturday 22nd. Tues-
day 25th a fine day. James Reid with a barrel of potash.
*10 time, 0 death
The diaries of George Easton and Robert Setton Ogilvie are
and other farm occupations. Included are personal notes which make
the men and their families "come alive" for the reader and give an
insight into 19th century life in the backwoods of British America.
Neither man farmed before emigrating to Canada. They came from
differing segments of Scottish society. George Easton was a weaver
and a descendant of weavers. Robert Setton Ogilvie's family were
descendants of Scottish lords and owned a glassworks in Glasgow.
He came to Canada as a "remittance" man, a man with a lifetime income
from Scotland.
The men were alike in that they were Christian, educated, decent,
perceptive, honest and law-abiding Scotsmen. In the old country they
might not have met but in Canada they lived near each other and
Robert married George's daughter, Anne.
It was not an early marriage for Robert as he was 41 years old
in May of the year 1847 when he came to Canada aboard the sailing
ship "Rosina". His grandson, Robert Adam Ogilvie, DDS, stated to
Marjorie Ogilvie Haugner that the reason for his emigration to Canada
was to go ahead and make a place for his sister, Eleanor Dixon Ogilvie,
31 and unmarried. Eleanor had taken to "hipping" a bit too much
liquor at Glasgow parties and had become an embarrassment to her
family in Scotland. Since Robert was not married he was chosen to be
the one to solve the problem. Within two years Robert married Anne
Easton, 25 years old, Eleanor married a Penman and had two girls, but
both died of diphtheria at an early age. Eleanor left a tea set which,
according to her wishes, is passed on to succeeding Eleanors. It
is now owned by Verna Eleanor, Mrs. Ray Donaldson, nee Percy, of
Lanark, Ontario. Robert and Anne had three sons and a daughter.
George and Robert came to an area of fellow Scotsmen, land
assigned to the Lesmahagow weavers but chosen by Robert. It was
thin, rocky land, much like Scotland itself. Later Robert regretted
coming to poor land when better land was available elsewhere.
Yet both seemed to be reasonably happy and contented. Robert,
who must have had a life of comparative ease in Scotland, wrote after
twenty years as a humble farmer:
"The additional experience of twenty, years has not shown me
that there is any necessary connection between a life of toll
and a life of wretchedness; and when I have found good men
anticipating a better and happier time than either the present
or the past, the conviction that in every period of the World
History the great bulk of mankind must pass their days in
labour has not in the least inclined me to skeptcism making
me to husband out Life's tasks at the close, and keep the
flame from working by repose."
George Easton, after eleven years in Canada writes on a fine
warm June day, " I am contented and tolerable happy, I am."
Foreword and footnotes by Marjorie Ogilvie Haugner as well as typing
for printing.
Hand copy made from the Easton diary by Merle Percy Bates.
was so great as to be almost unbelievable today. And terrible as it
was in England and Scotland, conditions in Ireland were far worse.
Great Britain had fought France for colonial and maritime supremacy,
struggled to retain the rebelling American, colonies, faced Napoleon
in battle and was struggling to hold posts in British America. The
weight of taxation for these wars fell like a plague upon the people.
The depressions following the Napoleonic wars dropped wages of Glasgow
weavers to shillings per week. In 1803 their wages had been twenty-five shilli
In 1820 in Paisley and Lanark, Scotland, 12,000 out of 30,000 fam-
ilies were on the Poor Laws, relief. In England people were suffering.
In Ireland, where 90% were in agriculture, over-population became a pro-
blem. Continuous wars had kept the population down in the British Isles.
Births and deaths were equal, but better food and improved medical care
caused births to exceed deaths so that England and Wales grew from 7M
in 1763 to 13 3/4 M in 1 8 3 1 . In Scotland the warring of the Highland
lords, which had kept their numbers down, was outlawed. Tenants on their
farms had been counted wealth but with the outlawing of the warring the
lords turned to sheep Raising and potato farming and people were in excess.
At one time during a riot they tried to chase the sheep into the sea.
At the close of the war of 1812-14, the British government attempted
to solve the major problems of unemployment and industrial depression
at home and an uncertain peace with Americans abroad by an emigration
scheme to settle the great wilderness north and west of the Rideau River.
This would be a second line of defense-against Americans beyond the more
settled area near the St. Lawrence River.
The reasons for George Easton emigrating to Canada were tied to
economic conditions of that time. Weaving until the last half of the
18th century was a "cottage" industry. Weavers worked on looms in their
own homes. Power machinery and labor-saving devices developed during the
last half of the 18th century started a movement that swept him into
factories, crowded him into segregated communities and lowered his wages
until the whole family had to work to make a living.
The weavers formed societies to urge the government to action.
Lord Hamilton, their House of Commons representative presented their
signed petition showing that their wages could not support their fam-
ilies. 1200 hundred persons were located who wished to emigrate. Lord
Bathurst wrote to Sir Peregrine Maitland, Lieutenant-governor of Upper
Canada stating that 1200 settlers would emigrate from Scotland to locate
near Perth and the Rideau. The British government would assist them with
Lesmahagow Society and on Sabbath June 19, 1820 his charge of "170 souls"
set forth on the sailing ship "Prompt". Together the ship "Prompt"
and the ship "Commerce" carried the 1200 passengers. George Easton was
351/2years old; his wife, Janet, affectionately called Jenny, perhaps a
Emigrant ships of the time were mainly Timber vessels, a shell of a
sides of the ship and if there were sufficient room down the center. Other berths were 6'
a berth, or 2 adults and 3 or 4 children. Belongings were placed in the aisles.
Foreword p.2
There were no port holes. Three hatch covers were opened in good weather. The
bodies,andnocoolingexcept when the hatches were open. In the dark and foul
cholera or dysentery. When sea-sickness struck the crowding became mor
narrow sleeping spaces, surely sick in mind and body in thedarknessof
the night and the rolling of the ship. In some cases passengers might
not have a space until another died and death provided a space.
Wooden chests or trunks carried their provisions, clothing and
very few extras. According to government terms provisions, for each
emigrant were to be: 18 lbs. beef; 42 lbs. biscuits, 132 lbs. oatmeal,
6 lbs. butter and 3 lbs. molasses which was to last about 84 days to
Quebec. Perhaps twice a day the steward provided a few coals of char-
coal in a container over which each family cooked their food. Some
brought vinegar to break the taste of the brackish water. The Scottish women b
the long davs at sea, and also woolen cloth to fashion coats
and vests. The Scots brought a few precious books which later formed
the beginning of the Dalhousie library at Watson's Corners, books such as:
andothers.RobertOgilvie carried from Scotland the tiny diary used
on board to record notes, a scroll roller, a book by Robert Burns, and
a vest, all of which remain today.
Toilet facilities consisted of a shrouded shoot at the rear of the
weather conscientious captains ;had the passengers bring their bedding
on deck to air it. Surely they had to take turns as many ships were
dangerously over-loaded. Some passengers might not even be listed as
the ship was already over the too generous limit of persons per ton of
ship. Ninety-percent of emigrants came by steerage although somepersonsofrankcameincabinsforab
by 1847 had risen to 65 shillings or about $15. Emigration was a choice for 12
harbormaster could tell an emigrant ship at gunshot distance by its odor. After land
with pine and oak for the return trip, a lucrative business for shippers.
Scots with the least to spend left the highlands for the lowlands,
those next, in price went to Newfoundland then the Maritime colonies,
then Quebec and beyond. The cost was by no means complete when they
arrived in Quebec as passage by the new steamships up the St. Lawrence
was expensive and they still had to go by bateau,aflat-bottomedtaperedriverboat,byfootorotherwiseuntiltheyreached,the land assigned
trying and expensive. 800 miles could cost 15 pounds not counting
provisions and baggage.
Thosewhohadtochoosetheir land had additional problems. Sharpers
abounded to remove any monies carried. At the docks in the old country
some were "conned" into paying for passage, for. preferred berths, forfavours,onlytohavethes
When they landed in the new country "land sharks" andagreatvarietyof"flee
vagabond I befriended aboard theRosina".LandalongtheplainoftheSt.Lawrence was fertile, but this was alread
Foreword p.3
soon ran into the "Canadian Shield", and underlying formation of rock
covered with scanty soil.
Lord Dalhousie, the new governor-general, arranged that the 1820
newly surveyed, land which had been obtained from Indian tribes in
1819 by payment of an annuity. A few settlers had arrived in the Perth
when the government paid an
They set out for Lanark village over an almost impassable road and
crossed the Mississippi River on scows.
Surveys had been carlessly done. A chain was used to measure the
land. At times links would break and the chain mended without the links,
or a stretchy willow link added. Townships were generally ten miles
square, subdivided into twelve concessions and those subdivided into
twenty-seven lots each 200 acres except the last. Two families were
generally assigned to a lot, thus each having 100 acres. A post was
placed in the ground to mark the corner front and rear. Guides had to
be hired to find the posts, several families going together to pay the
fee of 5 or 6 shillings per day.
Lanark was a dense forest with trees so tall that even when a
clearing was made the light would not get in to dry the clearing.
Bears, wolves, wolverines, wild cats, deer and partridge abounded. The
British government retained rights to gold and silver and white Pine.
At Dalhousie a group from the "Prompt" drew lots and settled a
short distance from what was later called Watson's Corners. They were:
James Martin, William Miller, Charles Bailey, James Watson, George Brown,
Thomas Easton, George Easton, Peter Shields, James Donald, John Duncan,
Andrew Park, James Park, John Todd, William Jack, Thomas Scott and
Robert Forest. George Richmond, the teacher sent out with the society
was killed during the winter by a falling tree. James Watson built a
kind of storehouse to hold supplies for the incoming settlers. The govern-
ment possibly supplied some of the stores the first winter.
They were settled in a few days, twenty on the .first line or road
between the 2nd and 3rd concession. By December there were twenty farm
lots divided into town and park lots. Park lots were 25 acres each and
lots of 10 acres each were reserved for mechanics. They erected a log
schoolhouse. Under the leadership of Thomas Scott, who had emigrated with
his wife and seven children, the St. Andrew's Society was formed and in
1829 St. Andrew's Hall, a log building covered with shingles, was built
at Watson's Corners. A library was established by collections from
settlers and a donation of L 100 from Lord Dalhousie. By 1832 there
were 500 volumes including the Encyclopedia Britannica. While the Scots
were not wealthy in worldly goods they were by no means impoverished
To solve the loss by death of the teacher, George Richmond, George
Easton, Lot 16, 3rd concession (Merle Bates says error here-4th concession)
built a schoolhouse near his own dwelling and taught the boys and girls,
his only pay being student work on Saturdays or after school. He
taught for ten years.#1
The government had issued to each group of four families a grindstone
and a cross-cut saw and whip saw. To each family was given an adze, a
hinges, a scythe and swath, a reaping hook, a hay fork and 2 hoes, askilletandacampkettleandablanketfo
Foreword p.5
the tools were of poor quality, the axe unsuitable for cutting trees
and fit only for "cutting pumpkins". The Yankees had the good tools,
guns and axes, and at times an axe was available from an itinerant
Yankee. The United Empire Loyalists taught the settlers how to fell
trees so that the tops would be broken as little as possible and a hunter
brought in a good American rifle and shot deer for the settlers. Girls
were taught to spin wool and linen yarn for family use. Boys were
taught to make fishing nets and tackle for use in the lakes and rivers.
By 1829 none of the cash advances to the settlers had been paid and
the government was withholding titles to the land. 300 settlers drew
up a petition claiming remission of the payments, saying that Lanark
was disadvantaged as it was cut off from navigable rivers, had barely
land was not usable for agriculture. In 1835 the government sent a
surveyor who said that because of the rocky nature the land was unfit for
farming. In 1836 the settlers' debts of some L 22,000 were cancelled.
Still, their situation was greatly improved from the homeland; larders
were full of Indian corn, peas, wheat, oats and ham. They were well
They were able to contribute for relief to the homeland. By oxen and cart
they hauled wheat, corn, oats and rye which they had "threshed" to the
mill where it was ground for family or animal use. They grew a large
variety of vegetables with large supplies of turnips and potatoes the
milk and butter, but also tallow for candles, leather for clothing and
shoes. Sheep provided wool, lamb and mutton. An occasional bear, wolf,
or raccoon added articles of warmth and beauty; goose down gave softness
for pillows or comforters. Logs and rocks were there in abundance to
build their home and "lum" or chimney. The logs provided fence material
which was zig-zagged along the edge of their property. Thus when
weaver's wives were asked if they were glad or sad to be in the new
country, most were enthusiastic to praise their new circumstances and
their joy to be "getting quat o' the prin wheel". Weaving must have
been a noisy, dusty business.
Cutting grain with the sickle and scythe was slow and difficult in
the stump dotted land. There were no horses in the early days and few
cows or oxen, and no sheep, but the settlers added these as soon as
they could. Their plows were hard to pull and hard to guide. The
V-shaped harrow was unwieldy. Hand made rakes were heavy and brought
blisters, and the gnarled flails for grain brought bumps on the head.
Women's work was never done. They rose early to prepare food, then
worked in the fields. Washing, darning and cooking was done before
dawn or after dark as the men slept. In winter they carded wool, spun
yarn, wove linen and wool cloth. The day of blessing was the Sabbath,
a day of rest.
Mosquitoes were fierce. Cranberry marshes were snake-infested.
Fevers and ague were common. The woods provided wild plums, gooseberries,
currants, raspberries, strawberries, cherry and walnut trees and maple trees.
Beautiful birds and flowers abounded. Roads were a continuing problem.
Trees were felled and the logs rolled together to make a bone-jarring "cordur
Settlers were responsible for the road past their place and also to serve
"Statute Labour".
Early fairs were well-attended and provided a place to sell cattle
oxen and horses. Prizes were given for the best livestock, ploughing,
fruits and vegetables, hemp, honey, maple syrup, the best "20 yds. offlannel"andbest"100ydsoflinen".
During "Training Day" the men gathered to be put through their
exercises by a retired officer, none in uniform, with the exception
of the officer, but in a great variety of bizarre outfits. Some
were bare-footed, some with shoe-packs some with rope belts made of
straw, and an assortment of strange hats. But the men were in earnest,
and willing to defend flag and country.
Pastimes for young people were swimming, quoit playing, wrestling,
racing, games, a Scottish game called "shinny" that was similar to
ice hockey, skating, snow-shoeing, sleighing and dancing.
Trees were burned for wood ashes which were put into a "leach" with
lime and water. The lye produced was boiled until thick. It was then
poured into kettle drum shaped half-coolers. When cooled it looked like
brown stone and was very hard. The potash cakes of 2 half-coolers
could be fitted into a standard oak barrel and shipped that way. The
barrel weighed 700 pounds and sold for about $40.
Politically speaking settlers from the Highlands and Lowlands of
Scotland, the villages of England, and the farms of Ireland came to
the New World influenced by the conditions that had driven them from their
homeland. They brought with them agitators for a more democratic form
of government. Some Americans moved to Canada seeking land, or because
of loyalty to the Crown. From the British Isles came those with love
for the mother country, but with newer ideas, a desire for an improved
Religiously speaking, Protestants came to the new country seeking to
worship in accustomed ways, although in the new country Methodist
ministers were an influence upon them. The Reformation was close within
the memories of their ancestors, as with George Easton, whose ancestors
had fled for their lives from Ireland. They were serious about their
religion, fasted a day before partaking of communion. The Bible was
interpreted quite literally. George Easton often quotes the Sunday
text, or adds a verse from the Bible. He has definite ideas about his
religion. Robert Ogilvie, while religious, is more tolerant. Yet,
Robert Adam Ogilvie tells that when he cut his lip falling on a wheel-
barrow he was using one Sunday, his father John, son of Robert, told him
the wrath of God struck him down for breaking the Sabbath.
Socially, these British, with dignity, decency and courage
established civilized communities among the stumps north of the St.
Lawrence, quickly organized community governments, church, school
and library facilities and helped each other establish themselves in the
wilderness. "Raising" bees for home and barn, "quilting" bees, and
bees for many other uses made cooperation among them a necessity. They
took up clearing the land, building log houses for family or stock use,
and plowed the land. From the beginning of a few pounds of wheat they were
soon planting bushels of grains.
Taverns were common. Robert Louis Stevenson explains the cold damp
of Scotland creating a tendency to stop at a cozy tavern for a warming
drink. The same might be true of the chill damp wind north of the
St. Lawrence. Robert Ogilvie would be annoyed if Anne did not bring
home a bottle when she went to town. Later a "stopping place" as the
settlers called it, was built near the Ogilvie place and Robert would
stop for a drink, and might even bring friends home. He was from a social
environment in Scotland and carried a part of that convivality with him.
Anne was not always approving.
Foreword p.6
Foreword P.7
Janet Stevenson Easton and her girls must have had an artistic
flare as they made and sold hats in addition to the butter and farm
produce. Also, they sewed complicated garments, such as a "Phila
bors. George might be called to pray for a child.
The Ogilvie diary is mostly confined to farm matters. It must have
been in an available place as the children write their names in it at
times. After Robert's last entry the diary is carried on by his son,
John. A bit of humor is shown between Robert and Anne when she leaves
with the recipe and the comment "it is then fit for EATING". He must
have put his thoughts in pencil before preparing a will for his wife,
leaving what he has to her. George Easton seems to write in his account
after meals, so that additional notes are added within a day. While
Robert must have confined his views regarding world affairs to his wife
and friends, George at times notes them in his diary. Affairs dealing
with the Rebellion of 1837, a writing by the fiery Louis Joseph Papineau -
him, as is the crowning of Princess Victoria.
Americans and Canadians today take pride in their unarmed frontier,
and their joint waterways, an achievement not of disarmament but of
diplomacy and statesmanship. Many situations have arisen to create
antagonism among hot-heads but statesmen such as Lord Durham, Daniel
Webster and Lord Asburton and General Winfield Scott have helped create
a common community of nations each seeking its own destiny. The final
passing of the Webster-Ashburton treaty finally settled border disputes
and brought peace. (Aug. 9, 1842)
The War of 1812 emphasized neutrality but did not settle serious
problems. In the Rebellion of 1837 the conflict of self-government
came to a head. Canada was divided into Upper and Lower portions with
differing ideas and customs. Lower Canada consisted of the Eastern
portion near Quebec and also south of the St. Larwence. It was peopled
by the French, less literate and under a large landowner-tenant
segneurial system. The French portion felt dominated by the English
portion of the government. Upper Canada consisted of land below the
Ottawa River and of the western portion north of the St. Lawrence and
was peopled by persons from the British Isles. The Rebellion began in
the Lower portion and later spread to the Upper portion. Reformers
such as Louis Joseph Papineau and William Lyon Mackenzie encouraged
rebellion against the British system and favoring the American system
of government. A "patriot" army was recruited in the United States and
Canada and funds raised. Buffalo, N.Y. and Detroit, Mi. were centers of
Feelings in the United States were mixed. The government, press,
and most people felt that what Canada did was their business and that
the peace following the War of 1812 should not be broken. However,
a general feeling existed of close ties toward Upper Canada, even though
it was Lower Canada which was more rebellious. Americans tended to think
that Englishmen anywhere were capable of governing themselves without
outside help, and were naive concerning the development of the idea to
come of Commonwealth.
The Upper Canadian reform movement was a reaction against the attempt
to establish a privileged class and church. The Lower Canadian movement
was an expression of the French Canadian will to survive. William Lyon
Mackenzie in his paper the Advocate called for reform in 1822. L.J.
Foreword p.8
Papineau was against Lord Dalhousie who was governor of Canada in 1819
and for rights of French Canada and opposed the government on money matters.
church and customs were to prevail in the French portion. After the
forming of the Patriot army various small skirmishes took place but the
British government strengthened the military and put down the rebellion.
In the main, however, it was solved by diplomacy, aided by the opinions
of the majority of Americans and Canadians. The hanging of two generals
of the Patriot army is mentioned. Peter Matthews, father of 15 children,
and with a wife; and Sam Lount, father of 7 children, and his wife,
Elizabeth, who kneeled in court to beg and pray for the release of her
husband, were hanged Apr. 12, 1838 outside the Toronto jail. A military
leader of the Patriot array mentioned was Rensselaer Van Rensslaer of
Albany, N.Y., appointed by Mackenzie to head the Patriot army, a dissipate
27 year old genius who knew nothing of military tactics and would not
take advice.
The log house built by George and Janet Easton has since been
buried on their land, Lot 16 of the 4th concession of Dalhousie.
Robert and Anne Ogilvie are buried in unmarked graves in the St. Andrew's
churchyard of Watson's Corners, Ontario, Canada. A memorial plaque tells
of the early settlers.
The Bible does not give a specific date for the birth of Jesus.
The holidays of Christmas and Easter had pagan origins and are not
mentioned in the Bible. Therefore they were not observed in the Cal-
vinist churches. Even music was not used. Influences of the Roman
church were avoided. It was not until the settlers had been exposed
to German and Mennonite factions that these holidays were observed.
Note that George Easton makes no mention of the two holidays, nor does
he speak of church music. It is possible that Psalms may have been
sung but there is no mention of it. A change in church membership is
indicated by the little "Methodist Hymn Book" dated 1902 left by
Janet Horn Ogilvie, wife of John Ogilvie, son of Robert Setton Ogilvie.
Descendants of the families have been and are successful, law-abiding
persons. Teaching has been the choice of a number; various professions,
business and farming are other occupations. Some have moved to the
United States. Emigration appears to have been the right decision.
Exerpt from George Easton's Diary
April 22, 1844
To give a true account of my father's family and to let my
sons know their origin, is what I cannot well do. All I know is
in 1641, two hundred years ago, our forefathers resided in the
County of Antrim, in swate little Ireland and were compelled to flee
for their lives, the Papists under that bloodthirsty Popish ruffian
Sir Phelim O'Neal having commenced to massacre the Protestants and
were sparing neither sex nor age.
Our family consisting of an old man and his wife and only son,
having found means to escape the swords of their enemies, left their
native country and all that was dear to them and came to Scotland,
Crossford, being weavers to trade, they lived there enjoying that
peace they could not find in their own country. There the old man
and his wife breathed their last and were buried in the churchyard
of Lanark, County town, Upper ward of Clydesdale.
But the first of our ancestors that I have any knowledge of,
is David Easton, the grandson of that young man who fled with his
Parish of Lanark, in or about the year 1759. George Easton, his
son, lived in or about the year 1785.
Matthew Easton, his son, lived at Harperfield, a weaver to trade.
He resided likewise in Kirkfieldbank and died in Crossford, all in
the parish of Lesmahagow, August 7th, 1837. The above Matthew Easton
and Janet Wilson were married Feb. 27, 1784.
Their family is as follows:
George Easton born Nov, 21st, 1784 (writer of the diary)
David Easton, born July 15th, 1787
Anna Easton, born July 17th 1790
Thomas Easton,born March 2nd, 1793*
Agnes Easton, born Aug. 9th 1796
Margaret Easton, born Jan. 12th 1802
Janet Easton, born Feb. 21st, 1805
George Easton was brought up and spent his youth at Harperfield
and was married 7th of July 1809 to Janet Stevenson, resided some
time in Harelbank, spent his life in the parish of Lesmahagow, till
the year 1820, when he emigrated to Dalhousie, in the County of Lanark
in the District of Bathurst and Province of Upper Canada, British
America, where he now resides, has two sons, David Easton and Matthew
George Easton, and my desire is that every succeeding generation
transmit their names and continue the geneology of their sons, and
hand down a written account to every succeeding generation.
Witness my hand.
George Easton
*ThomasEaston-lived near George and in the diary is also called
Thos., Tom or Tam.
Exerpt from George Easton's Diary
1830 Mon. June 7th- A very warm day, some rain.
Tues. 8th- Wind and a clear day, Isabella & Jess at Rob't Wallace's
planting potatoes. Tom. A. saw my lamb that was cut, can hardly
walk this night. J.B. opened the wound.
Wed. 9th. A clear warm day. Isobella planting potatoes with Cooper
Rob. My potatoes all planted by the first of June. 20 bus.
Thurs. 10- Gloom in the morning, a fine warm day. Last night heavy rain.
11- A very warm day this day. We were at the mill.
Sat. 12th- Working at the roads, first day StatuteLabours.*1A warm day,
my heifer would have taken the bull. Got a pig from Joseph
Hetherington on Thurs, 10th of June.
Sabbath 13th- A dull warm morning, some rain, a warm day, Monday
morning some rain, warm & dull.
Tues. 15th- Clear with wind, I have a sore finger, cannot work. An
excessive hot day. Corn looking backwards, at least a fortnight.
Jennie at Cooper Rob's for a cheese vat. Got a milking Cozie *2
from John Thomson on Thursdaylast being June 10th, 1830.
Wed. 16th.-A warm morning, some drops of rain. Hoeing corn. Wrote a
letter for R. Rae. Dated 10th June, 1830. Received one from
John Stevenson June-14. A very warm day.
June 17th- An exceeding warm d a y . Hoeing corn. Hoeing once over
done this night. G. Easton
Saw constellation above the trees*3on Tues. June 15th 1830.
Fri. 18th. -High wind. Burning and cleaning for turnips.*4 A fine day
all over.
Sat. 19th- Worked upon the roads. Second Statute Labour. Brought
in ashes.
Sabbath 20th June 1830. A cold dull day.
Mon. 21-.High wind and rain. Planted cabbage. Averywetday.
Tues.22-; Got a pig from Thos. Scott, a very wet d a y .
Wed. 23-. A dull morning, threatening rain, at 10 o'clock A.M. Heavy
rain. G. Brown at the wool carding at Watson's Mill.
Thurs. 24- A very warm day. Got the log out of my finger this
morning, length
Fri. Dull & warm.
Saturday, Dull, threatening rain. Received a letter from Michael
Templeton last night, dated 23 March 1830.
Sabbath 27- rain.
Mon. 28- terrible rain this morning. Bill & Tom went to the Wool Mill.
Tues. 29- went to Perth, Some rain.
Wed. 30th appeared before Board of Education. Left Perth, came to
Armstrongs', no rain.
Thurs. 1- Came home, rain, heavy rain.
Fri.2- A very warm day this day. Commenced school keeping a second year.
Cleaning land for turnips. Joseph in this day with a barrel of
potash. George Easton. Sent away a letter to Robt. Rae, Dated
10th June on Thursday July 13t, 1830.
Sat. 3. Some rain. Library issue.
*1 Statute Lab
*4 Turnips, also called Swedish turnips - rutebega for animal feed
Sabbath July 4th- High wind. Robert Wallace, Son to Andrew Wallace,
departed this life on Saturday, July 3, 1830.
The heifer took the bull Friday July 2. Geo. Easton
Monday- 5th- very warm. Jas. & Betty Shields hoeing corn, a thunder-
storm about 2 o'clock. David Millar departed this life Sabbath
July 4th, funeral Tuesday July. 6.
Tues. 6th- very warm this day. Libby at the Carding machine, Jess
at the Mill. Cherry took the bull this day.
Wed. 7th. Sowed turnips.*1 Dull, threatening rain, G. Easton. Saw
Thurs, 8th- A fine day. Kept the school till midday, went to Lanark
with Jess & purchased necessaries for the Celebration of the
Lord's Supper.
Fri.9th- Kept as a fast.
Sat. 10th- a fine day.
Sabbath 11th- the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed in
Dalhousie by Dr. Gemmill being the seventh time in this town-
ship. On Nov. 14th 1824; Nov, 6th 1825; Oct, 29th 1826; Oct.
25th 1827; July 13th 1828; Aug. l6th 1829; and on July 11th 183O;
by the Rev, Dr. Gemmill of Lanark.
Sabbath July 11th.- 1830. A fine day, no rain, G. Easton.
Mon. 12th- very warm. Some rain.
Tues. 13th. At the mill. Some rain.
Wed. 14th. Very wet during the night. Showery during the day. Very
Thurs. 15th. Bell at Lanark, the rest hoeing corn, very warm.
Fri. 16th.- Very warm this day. John Callender was married to
Janet Millar and took her up beyond Mrs. Angus' place, but I
think they won't stop long. George Easton
Sat. 17th- An excessive hot day, hoeing corn these days hath been
very warm, a burning sun. G.E.
Sabbath 18th. Excellent weather, a very-hot day. George Easton.
Monday 19th July- Saw a good deal of damage done to my grain by
cattle. Some rain last night, this day very hot. 5 days
excessive hot weather, burning hot. Could hardly work.
Tues. 20th July- hot, hot weather, burning hot. Saw my corn silk
this day.
Wed. 21st. Commenced cutting hay this day. Excessive hot. Wm.
Steele came to John Thompsons last night being 20th July.
Corn looking very well.
Thurs. 22nd. A noble day, cutting hay.
Fri. 23rd- cutting hay, a fine day. Geo. Easton. Commenced
shearing, cut 2 stooks or rye.*2
Saturday 24th- warm with some rain. G. Easton.
But turned out a noble day till about 5 o'clock P.M. when
one of the heaviest showers fell I have witnessed and a very
wet night. My hay mostly cut and all exposed.
Sabbath 25th- A dull, damp morning, some rain, a wet day.
Monday 26th- Incessant rain all day. Wind easterly. No Sermon
yesterday, rain so heavy the Minister could not come. A
mistake, he came. Geo. Easton. Sermon in the afternoon by Dr. G.
Tues. 27th- rain all night and a dull damp day, some rain, a fine
afternoon, was obliged to shake out my hay again, being sore
wasted and spoiled with rain.
This day Jas. Hood had a child taken away by death, the chincough
and bowelhive being the means. *2 stooks- a sh
*1turnips-possiblyrutabegas, "Swedish turnips", f
Wed. 28th-Not a very promising day. Threateneing rain. My coat in
Lanark. G. Easton.
William Steel left Dalhousie for Kingston July 27th, 1830.
Working in Perth.
Thurs. 29th. Got my coat and Bible. Ricked#1 hay.
Tues. 27th- cut barley. 9 stooks after 13 cuts.
Friday 30th- A clear, warm day, people busy with their hay. Gaven Baillie
married this day to Mary Munro. Wedding in the St. Andrews Hall.
"Faichney is no more#2 Well he was a free-hearted fellow." Bell
and Jess at Mr. Parks working. George Easton.
Saturday 31st- Dull, threatening rain. A good deal of rain, ready for
harvest. Hay no all secured. George Easton.
Myself chopping. Lassies shearing rye. A fine afternoon.
Sabbath, August 1st. 1830.
A noble day. 16,000 Emigrants arrived at Quebec at thisdate(June2[?])
Monday 2- Last night a loud thunderstorm and some rain, this day a
clear, warm day. Shearing rye and cutting rye, and cutting hay.
Thomas helping me in the morning to cut hay. George Easton.
My rye all cut this day. 20 stooks. Commenced shearing wheat
Tuesday 3rd. Arrived at Quebec of settlers, July 2,- 840.
Finished hay cutting this day, a very warm day.
Wednesday 4th- Looking dull, a fine harvest day till about 10 o'clock A.M.
Came on a heavy shower. This day Rickd the last of my hay. Done
before the rain. A thunderstorm in the afternoon. George Easton.
Thursday 5th- A fine morning, shearing wheat, a noble day.
Friday 6th- Chopping to Robert Sherriff. My young cow at the bull. A fine day.
Saturday 7th- Library issue, a thunderstorm and heavy rain in the afternoon.
Sabbath 8th- A very wet morning. "Numquam Arescire",#3 the Clyde Motto-G.E.
Monday 9th- A good day, a fine harvest day.
Tuesday 10th- A very warm day, this day put in all my rye. Shearing oats.
Saw fireflies last night.
Wednesday August 11th, 1830- a very wet day, Saw fireflies last night. G.E.
Thursday 12th- Bell hearing with Mr. Mclntyre Esq. Jenny with
Thomas, No Esq., a better day. Mr. Cochrane from Kirkfield in
Dalhousie, Wednesday, July 11th being St. James fair day in old
Lanark, Scotland. G.E.
Received 10 bushels of lime from Mr. Jas. Muir and delivered him
21/2bushels of corn. Thursday 12th August 1830.
Friday Aug. 13th- Bell with Mr. George Brown, driving up wheat, a fine
Saturday August 14th 1830. Shearing spring wheat, a very warm day.
This day quit keeping school for two weeks. Until August, that is
to commence again on the 30th of August, 1830.
Sabbath 15th- A good day.
Monday l6th-Bell and Jess at James Parks. Jenny at Thomas'. A thunder-
storm about midday, chopping myself. Thunder very close and loud.
Tuesday 17th-Bell and Jess at James Park, a fine day.
Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th, putting in wheat. Friday 20th at
the Mill. Came home on Saturday 21st, finished shearing our crop,
fine weather.
1# Ricked- placed in stacks
2#Faichney is no more- Faith and it is no more.
3# Numquam Arescire- Never stop(flowing as a river)
Richard Dell, principal archivist for the Strathclyde Regional Council
states that he cannot find this motto anywhere in the records of the
city of Clyde or in the Clyde Port Authority, which began the
improvement of the navigation in 1758.
an exceeding warm day. Harvest is nearly concluded and got in,
in good order and considered a fair crop. Numbers, however,
had. their wheat injured by a violent storm which fell on 24th
of July in the afternoon and continued heavy rain until Tuesday
27th. Cleared again in the afternoon.
Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25th- very warm. Wednesday 25th, Logging
Thursday 26th- Helping Ned to put in his grain, very fine weather.
Thursday 26th my young cow at the Bull.
Friday 27th- Sent away a letter to John Stevenson. On Thursday 26th
of August 1830, chopping at home. Sat. 28th finished chopping.
Put in all my grain. Fine, warm weather.
Sabbath 29th- A very warm day.
Monday 30th- Commenced School-keeping after being a fortnight vacant.
Warm and dull. Threatening rain.
Tuesday 31st- Logging with James Watson.
Wednesday Sept. 1st- Logging with Robert Rodger. Thursday 2- with
Jas. Brown. Friday 3rd, with Ned. Saturday finished George
Browns logging.
Sabbath Sept. 5th- fine weather. No rain these two weeks except a
small shower on Friday of Sept. but nothing hurt here about. G.E.
Monday 6th- a very wet day. Tuesday 7th logging at home, 3 yoke
Rodgers, Watson and G. Brown.
Wednesday 8th, log with Thos. Thursday, 9th, burning ray logs, a fine
Friday 10th- Thompson sowing wheat, a fine day. Great drought. Geo. Easton.
This day cut corn, Sherriff logging. Sowed a bushed of rye on
2nd. of Sept.
Bless 0 my soul the Lord thy God and not forgetful be of all His
gracious benefits, He hath bestowed onthee—#1Saturday 11th Sept. 1830.
A fine day. Driving ashes. Last night threatened rain but blew over.
Sabbath 12th- very dull, some thunder, a heavy thunderstorm at night
and rain most incessant. Jas. Watson began to sow wheat on
on Saturday Sept. 11th. on Saturday evening broke my cart.
Monday 13th- a dull day. Jas. Brown, Junr began to sow wheat. Mrs.
Nairn at Thomas. George Easton.
Tuesday 14th Sept 1830
His most gracious Majesty King George Fourth departed this life
June 26th, 1830 amd was succeeded by his brother, William, Duke of
Clarence by the name and title of William Fourth. By the grace
of God, of Great Britain and Ireland. King, Vive le Roi.#2 George
third succeeded his Grandfather 1760 and died 1820 and was succeeded
by His Eldest Son George, Prince of Wales, a Title which is now lost
for there is none to heir the Principality of the Blood Royal,---
The French government having fitted out an Armament against
Algiers in order to chastise that nest of pirates, effected a
landing and took possession of their city, made theDey a prisoner
and compelled the vagabond to yield and surrender at Discretion.
Tuesday Sept. 15th Heavy rain last night. The day dull and heavy,
very wet weather. No work can go on. George Easton.
Wednesday 15th- busy fencing. Some rain.
Thursday 16th- Fencing, considerable frost. Saw ice on the morning of
the 15th.
1# Psalms 103-2. 2# Vive le Roi- long live the king
# shearing- to reap or cut with a sickle or hook.
Friday 17th- finished fencing, considerable frost, a warm day. Rain
last night. Curious weather. G. Easton.
Saturday 18th- this day sowed one bushel and a half of wheat on new land.
Sabbath 19th- frosty and a fine day.
Monday 20th at Perth, a wet day, roads very bad.
Tuesday 21st- a better day- Wednesday, a heavy rain all day.
Thursday 23- Wm Hay brings his papers this day. Dull and very warm,
Finished dragging on Monday 20. Fear terror and grief. Geo. Easton.
Friday 24th- Dull and warm. Threatening rain. Geo. Easton.
Saturday 25th James Rodger with barrel of potash, at Lanark yesterday,
rain this morning and a dull day. George Easton. A wet afternoon.
Monday 27th A very wet morning and a dull wet day.
Tuesday 28th- High wind and rain, commenced taking in corn yesterday.
Wednesday 29th- Strong frost in the morning, a very warm day. Commenced
lifting potatoes this day and sowed some rye. Geo. Easton.
Thursday 30th- Jenny and Jess at Lanark, bought a carpet 5 yds at 4/4*
per yd., a fine day. Some rain. This month hath been a very cold
Friday Oct. 1st. Dalhousie fair, a very warm day. Digging praties
this day. Paid my taxes 3/6/2 being the amount of my taxes for
1830. George Easton.
Saturday 2nd. A good day. Library issue. G.E. (note: 3/6/2- 3pounds,6shillings,2pence)
Sabbath 3rd October, very hard frost. Cold with high wind. We have lifted 40 bushels
Monday Oct. 4th. frost and a good day.
Tuesday 5th a clear day.
Wednesday 6th a fine day, began to plaster my house.
Thursday 7th, very frosty, Digging potatoes. Lifted 100 bushels. Good
weather this week past but pretty frosty, Geo. Easton.
Friday Oct. 8th this day took in corn straw. Pulld all my corn. A
fine day.
Saturday 9th- a right good day,
Sunday 10th No rain, very warm.
Monday 11th- This day Brown killd a cow. Dull and lowering. No frost.
Tuesday 12th- at the Mill. J.McDonald find cart.
Wednesday 13th- Dull threatning rain, working at my potatoes. Geo.Easton.
This day a small shower in the afternoon.
Thursday 14th -Very heavy rain all night. Dull and wet this day. Hays
Friday 15th- yesterday wet all day, this day rather inclined to drought.
Saturday 16th Dull and damp. Mary and the lassies digging potatoes.
Kept the school and at Wm. Hays raising.
Sabbath 17th Dull and cold.
Monday 18th- Lifted all my potatoes on Saturday 16, 200 bus. A good
deal of frost, a fine day. Isobella at J. Thompson picking corn.G.E.
Tuesday 19th- a wet night and a dull wet day. This day a meeting in
St. Amdrew's Hall for the purpose of Petitioning government for
land to Settler's Sons.
The French Government hath undergone another revolution, Charles X
Crowned in his Stead. The reasons given are his tyrannic conduct
* 4/4-4 shillings, 4 pence. a shilling at that time about 20.2c
but later about 24 c. 12 pence= 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound.
and his anxiety to establish absolute power, putting a stop to
the freedom of the press and violating the Charter of the Con-
stitution. The Ex-king is arrived in England with a numerous
retinue, attended by his spiritual guides, Priests and Jesuits,
a considerable number. The New King is crowned by the Title of
Louis Phillippe First, King of France and Navarre. A dangerous
Seat, a fickle, unsteady people, a people who would cheer their
Wednesday 20th Oct.- Yesterday Jenny took her yarn to A. Nairn. G. Easton.
An awful daddling#1 match this morning and a dull, damp day.
The women making hats for Jacob Scott's wedding which is expected
to take place this week. She is to be married to John Duncan
Thursday 21st Oct. A fine clear day. Isobel with J. Thompson pulling
Friday 22 Oct. A wet, dull, damp day, a bad day for Beenie's wedding.
I believe the Black Ewe got the tup this morning. This day, Oct.
10th, Some word of a revolution in the Netherlands. I have as
yet heard no particulars. George Easton.
Oct. 22 Jess with J. Thompson. Isobella keeping Robt Rodgers house,
they being still at the wedding.
Oct. 23rd Saturday- A cold clear day. George Easton.
Sabbath 24th- a fine day but cold.
Monday 25th J. Thompson husk> all his corn on Sat. 23rd at night. A
fine day, putting in corn straw.
Tuesday 26th Octr- Yesterday a meeting was held in St. Andrews Hall
Land to the Sons of Settlers who may have come of age in the
Sabbath 24th- A. Climie shot a bear and Jack Shields a deer. Tuesday 26th-
a very cold day, very wet, at Mr. Joseph Hetheringtons barn.
Thos. Easton finished his husking of corn. Peter Shields at
Lanark in quest of a lot belonging to the Canada Company, meaning
to purchase it, if he can get a chance. William Laverty's
friends arrived in Dalhousie on Sat. Oct. 23.
Wednesday 27th A fine day, there hath been no snow at all this fall.
Not a single flake and very little frost. G. Easton.
Thurs. 28th at Robt Angus helping him to raise a barn. Some rain in
the morning, and a fine day. G. Easton.
Friday 29th very frosty and a fine warm day this day. Lanark fair,
the first market ever held in Lanark, Upper Canada. G. Easton.
30th- Jenny took the remainder of her yarn to A. Nairn this day.
Sat. October 30th- A very severe frost and a clear warm day. Helping
Thos. to raise a sheep house. Open mine eyes that of thy law the
Wonders I may see.#2 Geo. Easton.
Sabbath 31st. I this day received a letter from Robert Rae dated August
14th and a very wet day. How great the goodness thou for them
that fear thee keepst in store.#3
Monday, November 1st 1830. A very wet night. Thunder and rain, killd
my sow this morning. A quiet fresh day and some rain. G. Easton.
Tuesday 2nd. A fine, fresh day,
Wednesday 3rd. A dull wet day
Thursday 4th- a dull day, helping Geo. Brown to roof his barn this day.
Friday 5th. A fine warm day. Thos. roofed his sheep house this morning.
Saturday 6th. A dull day.
#1daddling- arguing perhaps
#2 Psalms 119-18 #3 Psalms 31-19
Sabbath 7th and Monday 8th- both dull, damp days.
Tuesday 9th. Bell and Jess at A. Nairn's quilting, a dull day, the
ewes taking the ram. Geo. Easton.
Wednesday Nov. 10th Dull and some rain. Driving out dung upon the
grass. On Monday 8th, H. Todd, R. Millar, and a number of young
men left Dalhousie expecting to take land in the Home district. G.E.
Thursday 11th- Dull and small rain. Mrs. Brown and M. Allan quilting
Maggots#1 for Coverlids. James Brown brings the papers this day. G.E.
Friday 12th at Lanark, a soft day. Saturday 13th came home, an awful
wet day. Sabbath 14th and Monday 15th both dull and damp weather.
Saturday 13th we were to work on the roads but could not on account
of rain. Sabbath 14th dull and damp. Monday 15th Dull and wet.
Commenced keeping school at night. Tuesday 16th Clear and Sunshine.
Thursday Nov. 18th l830- A very, wet night, a clear day.
Friday 19th A fine day, a good deal of.frost. G. Easton.
Saturday 20th finished driving ashes. Work at the roads 3 days. Statute
Sabbath 21st A dull day, frost.
Monday 22- Rain all day. Last night snow fell. Ground white. First
snow, not a flake seen before the 22 Novr. G. Easton.
Tuesday- Some snow. Roads very bad. Got a chest from Jas Park this
day. Wednesday Novr 24, a very frosty day. Jenny at Lanark. G.E.
Thursday 25th. A dull day, not much frost. J. Wallace and James Brown
at their lots, building commenced this day. George Easton.
Friday Nov. 26th. Snow last night, about an inch, a dull day,
Jenny at Wm. Hoods making me a Phila #2 Coatee. Ned commenced
boiling my ashes #4 Thurs Novr 25th 1830.
Saturday 27th Jess at Lanark for a yd of more cloth for my coat. A
fine day, almost no frost.
Sabbath 28th. A dull day. Monday 29th. a clear frosty day. Melted
my first potash on Saturday night. Good. Jenny and Jess at
Wm Hoods working at ray coat and likely to spoil it. Tuesday 30th
a little snow during the night and Lo! Behold! this is the
great important day. Big with the fate of Dalhousie and St.
Andrew. Paid Mr. Hugh Campbell 5/6 for tallow. G. Easton.
Wednesday December 1st 1830. A very frosty night, this day Conroy
melts the last of my ashes, Jess at Lanark for one qt. of
Aquavitae. St. Andrew's festival is past and alas, it will
not return for a complete year. Such opportunities of Good
Fellowship Seldom Occur.
Isiah 22:12. In that day did the Lord God of Hosts call to
weeping and to mourning and to baldness and to girding with
sackcloth... And behold, joy and gladness, slaying of Oxen
and killing sheep. Eating flesh and drinking wine. Let us
eat and drink for tomorrow we shall die. Such are my sentiments
at present. For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of
G o d . # 3 G. Easton.
Thursday Decr 2nd. Conroy melted last night, 4 inches too much.
Arch. Nairn brought home our cloth this day. 30 yds. A dull
day threatning snow or rain. P. and YLC at N. Sherbroke.
Friday 3rd A dull wet day, a most tremendous wet night. Saturday 4th
Some Drought this day. Got home my barrel. My son, Matthew,
not well. Library issue. G. Easton.
#1 possibly a faniful part of a bed cover.
#2 Phila coatee- Phila means love? A 3/4 length coat?
#3 Romans 3-23 4# boiling wood ashes in an iron pot to make potash
Sabbath 5th. No frost, a fine day. Monday 6th a very cold day, thre
ground. G.Easton.
Tuesday 7th December 1830. a very frosty day. Bell at Poland.
Wednesday 8th. very frosty. Got firewood cut yesterday. No snow at
all, ground quite bare. Hardly any snow this season.
Thursday 9th. Snow fell this morning. 5 inches.
Friday 10th A cold day. Jess in a woman fuddle.#1 Mind that. Jenny
making my coatee. G. Easton.
Saturday 11th. Jess at Lanark. Libb at Parker's getting her shoes
mended, a frosty day. Snow 5 inches deep. J.W. quilting.
Sabbath 12th and Monday 13th- both very cold and frosty.
Tuesday 14th rather inclining to freshness. Very wet all night.
Wednesday 15th thawing and some snow. Thursday 10th a very frosty day.
Friday 17th a frosty day. This morning about 9 o'clock George Brown's
son departed this life.
Saturday 18th, at Lanark for a requisition for the town meeting. G.E.
Sabbath 19th Some snow all day. George Brown's son was buried this
Monday 20th. Snow all day, pretty heavy. Snow 7 inches deep. Tuesday
21st very frosty. Wednesday 22 excessive frosty. Laverty and
Conroy at the mill.
Thursday 23rd Jess at Lanark; a frosty day. Jenny at Joseph's. Jos.
at the mill. -
Friday 24th and Saturday 25th- not well, unable to keep school.
Sabbath 26th heard of the arrival of McAllister, our New Minister.
Saturday25 and Sabbath incessant thaw. Monday Snow fell 5 inches,
not much frost. Tuesday at Wm Penman's wedding. Snow.
Wednesday 29th Came home from Penman's.
Thursday 30th Snow all day. Friday Dec 31, 1830, rain all day and
freezing at the same time.
Saturday Jan. 1st, 1831, very cold snow all day. A complete riot
about Joseph's and Rogers, all to the westward of this assembled
there. Pretty quiet on this side. George Easton.
Sabbath 2. Cold and frosty. A dull day.
Monday 3- this day the town meeting was held in St. Andrew's Hall,
when Mr. John Thompson was chosen Town Clerk and Young Brown
collector. Cold and frosty. Jan 4. Rain all day. Wednesday 5th
kept school and at the Mill, frosty all night. Cut a road through
that concession below Brown on Thursday 6th of Januy 1831.
This day cold and frosty.
Friday 7th- Cold threatning snow, snow 9 inches. G. Easton.
Saturday 8th pretty frosty. Charged with cruelty to children, false
as the inventor. Don't wish to shine in the same sphere with
Brown and his Comrades. G. Easton.
(note as side of page-kept school all day)
Sabbath 9th Great frosty. Monday 10th 1831-very frosty- Mr. Shields
gone to Perth with 3 loads of wheat. Sent away my school papers.
R. Climie gone to Perth with note.
Tuesday l1 January 1831. John Smith with us last night. This day
threatning snow, pretty frosty. G. Easton.
Wednesday 12. Most awful frosty. Thursday 13th hard frost.
Friday 14th at Lanark with my barrel, frosty.
Saturday 15th very cold., kept the school a full day. Sabbath 16th an
#1 woman fuddle- confused, maybe in love? Crying?
#2concessioninOntario[?]landconstitutingasubdivisionof a township.
excessive cold day. Thomas had a son born after dark and Mr.
McAllister preached his first sermon in Lanark. Monday, 17th
Peter Shields at Perth with three loads of grain. George Easton.
Tuesday 18th- more mild, some snow.
Wednesday 19th Brown, Watson & Co. at Lanark with their barrels.
Gay and Cold.
Thursday 20th- at Lanark. Thos. and I with wheat, an excessive
cold day. Friday 21st awful frosty. Saturday 22nd Some snow,
very frosty, kept school. A full day.
Sabbath 23rd very frosty. Monday excessive cold. G. Easton.
Tuesday 25th very frosty. Wednesday 26th more mild, the first mild
day these two weeks. George Easton.
Thursday 27 at Lanark. Delivered Mr. Hall 9 3/4 corn, 2 bushels rye
and of wheat 75 lbs. A moderate day. George Easton.
Friday 28th Moderate weather. Saturday 29th frosty. Robt Twaddle
down from Sherbrook. Brown shining in his proper sphere yesterday. John Wa
Sabbath 30th this day Mr. McAllister preached his first sermon in
Dalhousie and as far as I heard gave general satisfaction. A
frosty day. George Easton.
Monday 31st a frosty day. Tuesday Feb. 1st a fine day.
Wednesday 2nd very warm. Thursday 3 at Lanark.
Friday 4th and Saturday 5th both frosty. Sabbath 6th frosty, on
Thursday3 Snow fell 7 inches. Monday 7th Mr. J. Paul at Lanark
with his potash barrel, a fine frosty day. Tuesday took one
bushel of corn to Mr. Hugh Campbell. Cold frosty weather.
Wednesday 9th at the mill, did not get my load, frosty.
Thursday 10th Isobella at the mill getting my load ground this
day, got firewood, frosty with some snow. Friday 11th Heavy
snow in the morning. Kept school, at the mill for my load.
Snow all day.
Saturday 12th. The sun eclipsed. Snow all day. Snow is about 14
inches deep. Geo. Easton.
Sabbath 13th Very frosty. Monday excessive frosty.
Tuesday 15th at Lanark for the last time with the steers. A mild
day. Bright hurt his leg.
Wednesday- Snow during the night. Soft, some rain. Snow 18 inches
Thursday 17th Feby 1831. Frosty with some snow. Took my sow to
Joseph's boar on Monday Feb 14th. Sorrow and a f f l i c t i o n man's
Friday 18th A very frosty day, excessive cold.
Saturday 19th Got my pig home from Joseph's on Thurs. night being
Feb. 16th. Saturday 19th frosty with 3 inches of snow. G.Easton.
Sabbath 20th A frosty day. Mr. Wilson from Lesmahagow preached in
Dalhousie this day 20th Feb. 1831. G.E.
Monday 21st A very cold day, a quarrel at night between J.H. and E.L.
in the school. ,
Tuesday 22nd Like a change, it is likely to be fresh.
Wednesday 23 A most terrible deep snow. Received a letter from my
father dated 26 May, on Sabbath Feby 20, 1831. Thursday a
most awful cold day. Thos. at Lanark for salt. Got it from
John Hall 19/
Friday 25th Don't know what to do respecting seats for I am determined
no to enter in the measures of the committee respecting Mr. Mc
Allister or no other paper minister. George Easton.
Saturday 26th February 1831 Currie's mill, got my load home
when I was not expecting it, a warm day. Sabbath 27th very warm.
Monday 28th Thawing. G. Easton.
Tuesday March 1st 1831 thawing, a fine day. Joseph at Lanark for
salt. Thos. at the Mill. George Easton.
Wednesday March 2nd 1831, This day got an axe helve#1from Mr. John
Thompson. Still thawing, was assessed last night by George Brown.
Thursday 3rd some rain during night. Jenny at Lanark for the papers.
Dull and thawing.
Friday 4th a soft day...this day was the annual General meeting of
the Dalhousie Library, wherein a multitude of topics were dis-
cussed and new Managers chosen. Libby at young Brown's quilting.
Saturday 5th thawing. Sabbath 6th inclining to cold.
Monday 7th rather frosty this day. Archd Provan second son was buried.
he died on Saturday 5th March in about 4 days illness. Tuesday
March 8th 1831 a very frosty day. George Easton.
March 9th. Snow this morning and frosty yesterday. David turnd very
sick, is not in my opinion any better. Thursday 10th this day
Jas.Wallace left the lot he was on and went to his own lot.
John Shields and Climie chopping. David rather better. a
frosty morning. Thos. at the Mill. Friday 11th David very sick,
could not go away in the morning to Perth, went away about nine o'clock.
12th. David rather better. Matthew George very sick.
Sabbath 13th A good deal of snow during the night.
Monday 14th Matthew still excessive sick. On Friday 11th Wm Beatson
got his leg crushed by a tree, indeed crushd all to atoms.
Tuesday 15th Snow all morning. Snow 6 inches deep. Matthew
George still very sick, no symptoms of abatement and but faint
hope for recovery. Geo. Easton.
Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th My night scholars chopping both days,
no abatement of Matthew George's trouble. He is exceeding sick
and has been since Saturday 12th. He turned badly on Thursday
March 10th but since Saturday has been constantly very sick,
Thursday an uncommon frosty day. Friday 18th very frosty. My
boy no better. Saturday 19th this morning a great deal of snow.
My boy still very sick. Little hopes of recovery, we know not
Sabbath 20th. a very frosty day. Little alteration in my boy's
trouble. Monday 21st a cold day. J. & J. Hetherington and.
R. Bain chopping.. Cannot tell how my boy is. A cold day.
Tuesday 22nd a mild day, Matthew George rather better, this day
appears to run sugar.
Wednesday 23rd this day there appeared to be some sugar. Matthew
George I think no worse. George Easton. rather a fresh day.
Thursday 24th on Tuesday morning got a black lamb. Wednesday
23rd one lambd dead a white one. Last night rain all night and
a wet day. This winter there hath been almost no rain but
enough of snow, the snow this winter about two feet deep and
good sleighing more than two months. George Easton.
Friday 25th very wet during the night and a very wet day. Matthew
George considerably better. Dalhousie, Upper Canada, County of
Lanark and District of Bathurst.
This is now running the Eleventh year since we left our native
country and great changes are taking, and have taken place
among the European nations, the people appears to be tired and
weary of despotic government and are choosing more representative
and more free governments, at all events, the time is fast
approaching when the great Battle of Armageddon sill be fought
#1axe handle
when the Popery and Mahometanism will perish from off the face
and shall be found no more forever to which I heartily subscribe.
Amen. G. Easton.
Saturday 26th a dull day, no sugar, set all my sugar troughs. G. Easton.
This day a Society meeting in Lanark about taking off the
Debt due to the British government by the Society Settlers.
March 26th 1831.
March 26th my family is now considerably better and how thankful I
am to the Great physician of value for bringing them back as it
were from the gates of Death, and restoring them to health. Oh
that I were wise, that I understood these things, that I would
consider my latter end. G. Easton.
Sabbath 27th Considerable snow in the morning. Monday 28th a fine clear
day. Snow almost all:gone. On Saturday26th and Sabbath 27th the
geese were seen going northwards. Robins and other birds are
coming in. People are busy chopping but no sugar as yet. G. Easton.
Tuesday 29th a dull fresh day, after midday heavy rain- very wet
weather. George Easton.
Wednesday 30th a dull wet day. Joseph Lorimer's chopping bee this
day. Thursday 31st a dull day..threatning rain. J. & J. Shields
chopping..yesterday J. Johnston. Bought Hugh Todds Lot N. 19,
sixth concession of Dalhousie.
Friday April 1st 1831, a gay, cold, blue day. No sugar, we have as
yet made none.
Saturday 2nd Some snow and a gay touch of frost. Library issue.
My third ewe lamd this morning. Sabbath 3rd some frost. Monday
4th a foggy fresh day, some sugar. Tuesday 5th rather inclining
to cold. Some little snow. Geo. Easton.
Wednesday 6th April 1831- Yesterday Cherry calved and two Ewes
lamd, a gay cauld day, threatning snow. Yesterday helped W m
Todd home with a few potatoes. Thursday 7th a little cold, but
a fine day. George Easton.
Friday 8th went to Lanark, snow in the morning, bought glasses, and
a complete wet day.
Saturday April 9th pretty frosty and a heavy snowstorm, an exceeding
stormy day, Jess at Lanark. G. Easton.
Sabbath 10th. Considerable snow. Monday 11th Deep snow, and a very
stormy day. Snow 5 inches deep. Got a sook #2 out of
A. Climie's boat. Tuesday 12th Very frosty and a clear day.
Wednesday 13th Last night Cherry cleand. Some frost, a fine
day. George Easton.
Thursday 14th a fine day, snow all gone. Jess at Lanark, quite a
fresh day. George Easton.
Friday 15th heard first frogs on Wednesday night being 13th of April
1831. George Easton.
Every concurrent event among the nations assures me that some
glorious Manifestation of Divine providence is about to be
accomplished, the fulness of the Gentile nations and the
Salvation of Israel being nigh at hand, makes them who observe
the signs of the times attentive to every movement among the
Delusions of Mahomet, the time, is fast approaching when the
Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever
and ever. Come my people, enter Thou into thy chambers, shut
thy door about thee, hide thyself as it were for a little moment
until the indignation be Overpast...
#1 Mary, Queen of Scots. See Extra Notes.
#2 sook - sake - soak
Friday 15th- a fine day, very warm. Jess at Lanark yesterday. Got
a pair of shoes for herself and a pair for Jenny 9/ per pair. G.E.
Saturday April 16th My young heifer calved last night. A fine fresh
day...."But ye O mountains of Israel. Ye shall shoot forth your
branches and yield your fruit to my people of Israel for they
are at hand to come. Chap6:8 Ezek. Mr. McAllister being indis-
posed we will have no sermon to-morrow being Sabbath April 17th
may we value our High privileges.
Sabbath April 17th 1831 A fine fresh day, my young boy Matthew George
is rather indisposed, he is not very well. This day no sermon,
Mr. McAllister not being able to come out. Some among us will
consider it a benefit and some will lament it as a loss. G. Easton.
Monday 18th Saw first wild pigeons on Friday 15th of April, a fine
fresh day, preparing rails for fencing. Geo. Easton.
Tuesday 19th A fine day this day. Tommy killd my calf. Mary Chalmers
not well, rather indisposed. This day planted seed onions, turnips,
carrots and kail. G. Easton.
Yesterday A. Climie Libbet twatup#1lambs which is all the tup
lambs we have got this season as yet.
Wednesday April 20th working with Joseph Lorimer, a fine day. Thursday
21st rather cold, a clear frosty day. Friday 22nd at Conroy's Barn
at the raising, a fine day. Saturday 23rd Snow and rain, a dirty
day. George Easton.
Sabbath 24th April 1831 a fine day...
Monday 25th a little frost in the morning and very warm. Tuesday 26th
at Robert Rodger's house. The first New Montreal Gazette we got
was dated May 27th 1830. Wednesday 27th a fine day. Great
Drought. Thursday 28th Mary Easton rather better last night.
Thos., I believe, away for Dr. Canning this day. Did not get
him, he is about Lanark, Drunk! !
This day threatens rain. Bell and Jess burning brush, fencing
in the morning. G.E.
Friday 29th April 1831, this day Joseph Lorimer builds his house. A
dull wet morning. Bell at Lanark, Jess at J. McIntyre's at a
quilting. Mary Chalmers not very well. George Easton.
Watson's family at the Mill this day with back loads, this day
making a gate.
Saturday May 1st, a fine day. Agnes Jamison here this day. Mary
still a little better.
Upon Feby 14th and some days following, alarming disturbances broke
out in France, Churches demolished, Priests insulted and the
ancient National Emblems destroyed--And upon Feby 17th 1831 the
Belgians offered their Crown to Louis Charles Philip D'Orleans, Duke
Ireland is discontented and Scotia, my native country is suffering
severely. Russia & Poland are at Open War, and multitudes have
been slain and multitudes more are preparing for the slaughter,
the Battle of Armageddon is at hand and then # Voe Victus. G. Easton.
Monday May 2nd l831 George Easton Dalhousie..this day sowd onions, a
fine day. Commotion and disturbance through the whole Roman Earth.
I feel persuaded a party shall rise up whose Sign shall be blood
- and their word no quarter and I earnestly wish they may begin
#1 Libbet twa tup- possibly gelded(Castrated)twinlambs#4VoeVictus-Victoryoverdeath#3Coven
Spread through the nations, Go thro' the world destroying
the enemies of the cause of our Redeemer. Burn the gates of
Rome with fire and put an end to that Sytem of Blasphemy and
Idolworship which the Lord in his own good time certainly will
Tuesday May 3rd a fine day...0 thou Beautiful St. Lawrence, again
are thy bright waves glistening in the sun. Soon shall the
Majestic Steamers rush thro' thy mighty waters bearing their
frieghts of busy mortals. Thy quiet banks shall soon be bordered
with flowers and the ears of they Darkeyed Daughters glad with
the Music of their own wild Birds. Soon shall thy crystal
mirror be divided by the broad prows of numberless merchantmen
and the busy fins of a thousand little fishes...Now spring is
approaching with its warm hopes and bright skies; with its
dewy mornings, merry, with awakening music; with its crimson
evenings, fragrant with the sighs of frisking Zephyrs and
amorous misses. Kind souls I would say to them "Honi soit
qui mal y pense." #1 Immortal Gods! in what times do we live
what fatuity has got hold of us, what charm has benumbed our
faculties and paralyzed our energies, that we the citizens of
Montreal should allow to be sent as our representative to Parlia-
ment a man from whose grim Countenance the smile of benevolence
or compassion never beams..whose visage scowling and dark as
Erebus#3indicatedthe inward man who judging from his reported
speeches would sacrifice the Constitution, the altar, the bench,
commerce, security, religion, humanity, all, all at the shrine of his
envy, vanity and ambition. Let no such man be trusted.
L. J. Papineau
Wednesday May 4th- Last night a thunderstorm with rain, this day cold..
threatning snow and pretty high wind.
Thursday 5th. A very frosty morning with considerable snow. William
Laverty logging this day and Hugh Campbell also logs this day.
Friday 6th a noble day. Dragging oats. Watson logging. Yesterday
Robt Grimshaw left Laverty's, he says forever. G. Easton.
Saturday 7th May 1831, on Thursday 5th a family of Emigrants arrived
in Lanark from Glasgow—a fine day. Dragging oats. Library
Sabbath 8th May 1831- a very cold day, and a wet afternoon. Monday
May9th 1831. snow all day, an excessive stormy day. Snow 3
and 4 inches deep. Tuesday 10th A dismal looking morning, the
ground covered with snow, not a blade of grass to be seen. A
clear day snow dissolving rapidly.
Tuesday 10th- this spring hath been rather cold, this day hath a very
dismal appearance, there hath been no warm weather as yet.
Vegetation is far back. Last season was 3 weeks earlier. There
hath been no growth as yet. Cattle can hardly subsist... This
day I heard Upper Canada #2 for the first time this season.
Wednesday 11th a fine fresh day. Finished dragging oats this morning.
Last night sowd barley, flax and hemp. This day commenced
planting a few potatoes. Thursday 12th with Mr. Wm Hay logging,
a fine warm day. Friday 13th a wet day. Saturday 14th a very
warm day. George Easton.
Sabbath 15th May l831...a warm day, a read sermon. Monday 16 on
Saturday 14th Mr. Jas. Watson was logging for corn, a very warm
3# Erebus-Gr. Mythology, a son of Chaos-dwelt in Hades-fat
1#The motto of the Order of the Garter means- "Shame on he who thinks
evil of it."
#2 Upper Canada - Canadian
day, fencing in morning, clipping sheep. Planting pease—and corn—
heard swallows for the first time this season. G. Easton.
Tuesday 17th a warm day...planting corn, Wednesday i8th dragging
corn land, planted beans. Dull threatening rain...
Thursday 19th at St. Andrew's, heard sermon read by McAlister. Dragging
for corn. Some rain.
Friday 20th Dull, planted beans, planting corn. George Easton.
Saturday May 21st 1831 Some rain, finished planting corn this day.
Sabbath 22nd a very wet day.
Monday 23nd a dull day. Mary Easton still not very well. On midsummer
day June 24th 1830 the snow was falling in the north of Scotland the
whole day, at that season what melted in the daytime was replaced
in the night. On the 20th 21st and 22nd of June 1830 the snow
was lying on the tops of Ben-y-gloe and the Mountains of Braemar,
and on midsummer day it was snowing hard in Glenlyon and the
hills of Appin Lochober and Badenochen were white as in Dec-
ember. Perth Courier
Tuesday 24th a fine day, Logging with my brother Thos. Wednesday 25th
a fine day. Thursday 26th Logging at home, rain considerable.
Friday 27th logging with Mr. Conroy, a fine day. Saturday 28th
warm, saw fireflies this night. Sabbath 29th a very hot day.
Monday 30th Logging with Mr. Conroy, very warm.
Tuesday 31st logging with my brother. Most excessive hot.
Wednesday June 1st 1831, a very hot day. Thursday 2nd, the moment I
am writing the thunder is rolling and a heavy shower. Robt
Rodger is logging. Yesterday ray school meeting when I took it
for another year. George Easton.
Friday 3rd June 1831- Logging at home, Saturday 4th Riggy took the bull,
an awful wet night.
Sabbath 5th a wet day. Monday 6th a good day, planting potatoes.
A.H. helping the girls.
Tuesday 7th Jenny at Lanark with letter. Sent one to Tam Stinson.
Thomas sent one to my father dated 5th June 1831 and a very hot
day. Agnes Hetherington helping ray girls to plant potatoes.
Expect we will get them all in today. George Easton.
Wednesday June 8th Jess planting with Mr. Wm Hood. Hoeing corn,
a very warm day. George Easton,
Thursday 9th at 10 o'clock, threatning rain. Jess with Mr. Hood
planting potatoes. Sorrow...sorrow...I am not worthy, not worthy.
Friday 10th a very warm day.
Saturday 11th a heavy shower in the morning. Very warm. Jenny at
Lanark On Thurs. June 9th we received the first paper of the
year. Sabbath 12th a thunderstorm.
Monday 13th wet, was at the sawmill, planted the last of our potatoes.
Tuesday 14th hoeing corn, a warm day. George Easton. Excellent
warm weather. Saw my wheat in ear Thursday 9th June.
Wednesday 15th an excessive warm day. Hoeing corn. Saw constellation #1
above the trees at bedtime June 14th, 1831. Awful hot weather.
of June. There has been some thunder every day these several
days. Last night J. Johnson shot a buck. G. Easton.
Thursday 16th at the sawmill. Broke my cart and hurt my leg...the
wheel went over it with the load. The Girls hoeing beans, a very
warm day. George Easton.
Friday 17th My leg very sore. Could not walk. Libb at Poland.
Saturday 18th Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. A thunderstorm.
Some rain, very warm # June 9th at this date arrived of Settlers
#1 Constellation- possibly.
at Quebec 19....874
Sabbath 19th very warm. Some rain, a heavy thunderstorm in the morning
with a heavy shower.
Sabbath June 12th My sow ferried 7 pigs and a dead one. Sabbath
June 19th this day eleven years we left our native home and commenced
our journey for the wilds of Dalhousie and arrived at Perth,
September 20th in the year 1820.
Monday 20th a f i n e warm day. I am contented and tolerable happy, I am.
George Easton.
Tuesday 21st. Jenny at Lanark. Jess with her Uncle hoeing corn. Some
wind and rain. Signed Cabby Can. #1
Wednesday 22nd. warm and drought...My girls Hoeing corn the second time...
Agnes Hay down for hats. I know not if she will get them. Thursday
June 23rd. a fine day. E. Collender and H. Wallace up to the continent... this day gav
Conroy hoeing corn. "Turn ye, turn ye. Why will ye die. As I live,
saith the Lord. I have no pleasure in the Death of the Wicked, where
fore turn yourselves and live ye." #2 By George Easton. This day
day Robt. Rodger, I expect, brings the papers. Peter Shields has
sold his lot in Sherbbrook, they say he gets for it 150, for crop,
kittle and a cow. George Easton.
Saturday 25th June 1831- Arrived of Emigrants at Quebec on June 13th 25...
brush. My knee pretty sore...Wherefore doth a living man complain,
burnt brushwood. G. Easton.
Sabbath 26th. a fine day. Monday 27th a wet day. Joseph at Lanark with
potash, and brought me a potash barrel. G. Easton.
Tuesday 28th Dull and damp. This day is Callender's chopping Bee, he
being disappointed yesterday with rain.. Wednesday 29th a wet day.
Went so far upon the road to Perth, went to Will Duncan's. Thursday
30th went to Perth, passed the Board of Educations. Came back to
Armstrong's. A fine day. Friday warm. Dragging for turnips, this
morning cut thistles. This morning Tom began to cut hay. G. Easton.
Tuesday 5th July 1831. Last night sowd turnips, a fine warm day. G. E.
Wednesday 6th. Began to cut hay. Some rain, very wet.
Thursday 7th a very warm day, Cutting hay.
Friday 8th July 1831...arrived at Quebec at noon on June. 24th 30...674
Emigrants. This day rickd hay. Saturday July 9th, a very stormy
Sabbath a fine day. But Great Disagreement among Church members. Lord
send light and direction that all may be for thy glory.
Monday 11th a very warm day. Cutting hay. Cut a stook of Rye. G. E.
Tuesday 12th a fine day...this day put in a rick of hay; looks like
rain. George Easton.
Wednesday 13th Yesterday J. Brown and Ned Laberdywere cutting hay in
Todd's Clearing with Thomas, people all busy with their hay. G. E.
Tom's people working hay. My Jenny shearing rye. Thursday 14th July
1831..Yesterday morning broke my scythe to pieces, Just as my hay
was nearly finished. George Easton.
#1Cabby can- Scottish dialect- dirty or sticky
#2See Ezekiel 18-23 and 32.
#3Kittle- to puzzle or please(oddsandEnds?)
Thursday 14th base ingratitude. "the Dirk of Glencoe...shall reeking
glance gory in blood of the foe. Reform..reform..reform.
Thursday 14 July 1831. Rickd the last of the hay and had it
just done when Lo! a thunderstorm and an excessive heavy rain
with some hail. G. Easton.
Friday 15th some drought. Jessie shearing rye...Saturday 16th dull,
not a good day for haymaking.....
"Prophecy" In the year 1831, "there will be great troubles.
The nation will be on the Brink of Destruction, when some men of
Talent, and virtue shall arise and restore the people. What of
their privileges they have been deprived of, and restore the
constitution to its Original Purity..... " Holland and Belgium
at war at this instant.
Very wet threatning wet weather.
Sabbath 17th a fine day. Monday 18th a most awful Wet Day. Saw my
potatoes in bloom July 17th 1 8 3 1 . This day at St. Andrew's
Hall at the formation of a temperance Society, when a number
joined. Terms. Total Abstinence. Allowed wine and beer. G. Easton.
Wet day, this week very wet weather.
Thursday July 21st threatning rain, but a f i n e morning. Jessie at
Lanark for the papers. Libb away to Mr. Paul this morning to
stop for a short time, his people being unwell. Cut some wheat
last night. G. Easton.
Friday 22nd. a fine day. Ned Conroy and Tom & Betty and Jack helping
us to shear our wheat. My wheat not good. Don't deserve good
grain or would get it. G. Easton. 788
Saturday 23rd July l831..0n the 9th of July 32- 874 Emigrants had
arrived in the Port of Quebec. This day dull and lowering. This
day Thos. Easton getting his floor put on by Jas. McDonald. G.E.
Mary Easton complaining, harvest getting pretty general.
Sabbath July 24th 1 8 3 1 . Great changes are taking place in the world,
reform with gigantic strides is making rapid progress in the
political world and in the conduct of the human race, the loud
Trumpets of reform has sounded in Europe and the sonorous blast
is echoing in the Backwoods of America. U. Canada hath caught
(or heard) the passing sound and Now nothing is talked of but
moralizing the Curly maples and knotty hemlocks. Or rather
the drunken blackguards in the wilds of Dalhousie, the love of
whiskey it seems is our besetting sin and when the Disease is
found out the remedy is comparatively easy. Our Spiritual
Guides hath taken it in hand--and who knows but they may Effect
our Reformation. This day some rain, Monday 25th a fine dry
morning. On Friday July 22nd Charles Baillie coming home from
quence of the cart being overturned and is not expected to live.
I hear just now he is no better. Man's Life is short and very
Uncertain. Charles Baillie went away to Lanark in health and
had no thought of the fatal accident that will in all probability
end his days. George Easton.
Tuesday 26th July 1831... Some rain yesterday, about midday a thunder-
storm. There have not been a day this week but hath been some
rain. George Easton, Dalhousie.
Last night Charles Bailie departed this life in the house of
Charles Brown N. 7th 2nd Con. of Dalhousie, he was hurt on Friday
night July 22nd and died on Monday July 25th only three days
after receiving the fatal Stroke.. Some rain this day. G. Easton.
#1 The Dirk of Glencoe- See extra notes. (a dirk is a short sword-like blade
Glencoe- a place where a massacre occurred)
This day Jess came home from the Wool mill with Gavin and
Margaret Allen. Price 6/8. Tommy Scottwarned#1me to Charles
Baillie's funeral.
Wednesday 27th July 1831. Last night warned by J.L. Scott to attend
Charles Baillie's funeral, this day at the funeral. Interred
at Lanark. Upwards of 100 people, a dry day.
Thursday 28th Some rain and a bad looking day. .this Day paid my
taxes for 1831, 4/5 1/2 to Mr. J. Brown, collector. Friday 29th
Last night an awful shower, this day Jess at Joseph Hetherington's
shearing... a fine looking day shearing Wheat. Saturday 30th
Vanity of vanities...All is vanity. Dul1 threatning rain. Wheat
harvest is almost over. Little to do. Jess at Joseph's.
My wheat all shorn. 60 stooks.
Sabbath July 31st George Easton. A verywarm day.
Monday 1st of August 1 8 3 1 - Jennie and Jess shearing with Ned's, a
fine day. Looking like rain.
Tuesday 2nd Report says Andrew Climie's family purchased 200 acres
Two hundred more, the price is said to be Two dollars and three
quarters or Thirteen Shillings and Nine Pence per acre, which
amounts to L 275 per 400 acres. Vive le Roi. Some rain last
night. A curious looking morning. Last night I lost my spectacles.
Wednesday 3rd August 1831. Yeaterday put in some wheat But was stopped
withrain.MegandNancyhathbeentalking.KindsoulsIwouldsaytothemHonisoitquimalypense.George Easton.
Yesterday about midday a tremendous shower. George Easton.
This day some drought, some wind. Shearing barley. Jas. with
Ned yesterday. Monday and To-day shearing wheat. George Easton.
Saturday 6th August 1 8 3 1 . I am afraid of rain. Library issue...
Jenny and Jess at Lanark selling butter. George Easton.
Sabbath7th a fine day. G. Easton.
Monday 8th August 1831 a fine day, this morning Peter Shields had a
heifer died. This day looks like rain. G. Easton.
Tuesday 9th August 1831 a very wet day.... James Paul has a cow dead
this morning. Yesterday my Brother Thos. killd my Tup (ram). G.E.
Thursday 11th A fine day. Pulling lint. Friday 12th August 1831
(not)Gone to Perth. Last night saw fireflies. Jess at Lanark,
a fine day. -
Saturday 13th a fine Day. Sabbath 14th a good day.
Monday 15th went to Perth, the hottest day I ever travelled on. The
thunderstorm. Stopped all night at McLellan's. Came home on
Wednesday morning. Wednesday 17th Still very warm. Margret
Climie and Jess shearing oats. Thursday 18th an excessive
hot day. Thomas at Lanark for Ned's Cart. Shearing Oats. Neardone,thisdayfinishdallourshear
Friday 19th August 1831...Logging with John Thompson. This night two young bears shot
Sabbath 21st a very warm day
#1 Warned- told or reminded
Monday 22nd- Lowering. Logging with George Brown. Isobella came
home from Paul's on Saturday 21st of August 1831... Tuesday 23rd
logging with J. Rodger. Wednesday 24th Do E. Conroy.
Thursday 25th Do with R. Rodgers, Friday 26th a wet day. Yesterday
got in all my oats. G. Easton.
Saturday 27th Logging with James Watson.
Sabbath 28th no sermon, the Dr. not well. Could not come.
Monday 29th Logging with Mr. John Bain.
Tuesday 30th Logging with Lorimera. 3 yokes.
Wednesday. 31st. Logging with Laverty.
Thursday September 1st. 1831, a wet day.
Friday 2nd. no looking well, this day logd with Mt. Jas. Watson, a good
deal of rain at night. Saturday September 3rd a dull, fine day.
Employed cutting corn. Library issue. Sabbath 4th September
1831....a fine day, heard a sermon read and Robt Affleck
ordained Elder. G. Easton.
Monday 5th Logging with Jas. McDonald. Tuesday logging with Mr.
Jas. Rodger in Mouse. Both fine days.
Wednesday 7th Commenced school keeping after two weeks vacation from
Monday 22nd of August till Wed 7th of September, 2 weeks and
2 days. Geo. Easton.
A dull day, threatning rain. George Brown dragging yesterday
and Thos. Easton ditto. Geo. Easton.
James Brown Junr finished his logging this day. I was not there.
Thursday 8th a most awfu' wet night, thunder and lightning tre-
mendous. Lost 3 log piles of ashes complete in the afternoon.
rain most tremendous. Awful hot weather.
Friday 9th the two weeks ending August 30th 1252 Emigrants arrived in
Quebec from Greenoch. A dull day, threatning rain, a fine
afternoon. Saturday 10th Drizzling rain. This day. sowd a bushel
of wheat upon Corn Land. George Easton.
Saturday 10th September 1831. a fine afternoon, kept school a full
day. On July 11th the Belgian Congress chose Prince Leopold
of Saxe Cobourg their King, for him 124, against him 70, Majority
56, present 196, crowned July 20th.
Sabbath 11th Showery, no sermon. The Dr. not well. This day Cherry
took the bull.
Monday l2th finished dragging one bushel of wheat this morning. Not
a good day. George Easton.
Tuesday 13th Septr 1831, a good day, clear and sunshine. Driving in
in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy servant, much
less thy Son. Fatherf o r g i v e .#1Dull and lowering. Thursday 15th a wet kind of a day
Jess at Lanark.
Friday 16th Septr 1831- Dull in the morning, some frost. Saturday
Septr 17th 1831- a fine day, pulling corn. Sabbath l8th Septr a
fine day. John Hamilton renowned his former Ordination Vows,
was ordained again. Solemn mockery.
Monday 19th this morning sowd a bushel of wheat. Dragging, like rain.
Tuesday 20th an awful Hurricane in Barbados, 5000 lives lost and the
Island destroyed, it took place oh Wednesday Augst 10th, 1831.
Jess digging potatoes yesterday, this day made a barrow, like
rain, a real wet day. Wednesday 21st- this day driving ashes
to Conroy's leecher. A dull wet day. on Thursday 22nd, driving
ashes, Friday 23rd Septr 1831. Yesterday and last night, a
very great rain, this day dull and warm, arrived in Quebec
#1 Luke 15 - 18 and 19.
Saturday 24th Dragging w h e a t . On Thursday last Jenny at Lanark. A
dull day The Poles are nearly vanquished, the Russians are
besieging Warsaw. Received a letter from my father on
Thursday 22nd dated June 7th. Sabbath 25th no sermon, a wet day.
Monday 26th a dull day. Jess at James Parks digging potatoes.
Pulling corn.
Tuesday.27th Septr 1831 a dull damp day.
Wednesday 28th a better day. Clear and sunshine. poaching corn.
Got it all done this night. Got my first melt of potash.
Thursday 29th a wet day. G. Easton. Friday 30th Septr 1831 a
better day. Jenny at Lanark for the Papers.
November 21st is my birth Day. Having lived in this world of care
and sorrow, Seventeen thousand, one hundred and Sixty-six days,
Eighteen hours or Four hundred and twelve Thousand and Two
Eighty-three Millions, Two hundred and Seven Thousand Seconds,
a long useless life. A life spent in sin or immorality. Turn
thou me 0 Lord and I shall be turned for thou art the Lord
myGod. G. Easton.
Tuesday 4th Octr- A wet day, at night most terrible wet.
Wednesday 5th- a dry day. Thursday 6th October 1 8 3 1 , at the roads,
first day. Friday, Dalhousie Fair, a fine day. Saturday 8th
at the roads Second d a y , rain.
Sabbath 9th wet. Monday lOth a wet day. Tuesday 11th a fine day. Jess
at Parks working. Bell with J. Brown working with an Oat Stack.
Wednesday 12th Jess at Wm Hoods digging potatoes.
Thursday 13th a fine day. Jenny at Lanark! And thou even thyself
shalt discontinue from thine heritage that I gave thee and I will
cause thee to serve thine Enemies in a Land which you knowest
not for ye have kindled a fire, in mine anger which shall burn
forever. Jer. 17...4... George Easton.
Friday 0ctr 14th a real good day. Lanark fair. Thos. Climie and E.
Conroy to Lanark, Each with a barrel of potash. Digging
potatoes. George Easton.
Saturday 15th working at the roads, 3 days Statute Labour.
Sabbath 16th a fine day. Monday 17th a fine day, shot a raccoon. G.E.
Tuesday 18th. Some rain in the morning. A tolerable good day. Some
log piles burning. The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is
mighty, he will save, he will rest in his Love, he will rejoice
over thee with joy, he will Joy over thee with singing. #1
Wednesday 19th a fine day. The Lassies over to see Meg Todd, she
being about to go Home.
Thursday 20th Octr 1831. Woe is me, my mother thou hast born me. A
have neither Lent on Usury nor have men Lent to me on Usury yet
every one of them Doth curse me.#2Sent a letter to my Father
and one to Andrew dated Octr 8th 1831 on Thursday Octr 13th 1 8 3 1 .
This day Willm Hood carried my barrel of potash into Lanark and
one to Mr. Coleman. A noble day. Friday 21st an excellent
day. Jenny on a visit to Meg Todd.
Saturday 22nd a fine day. 4th Day Statute Labour.
1# Zephaniah 3 - 1 7
2# Jeremiah 15-10
Monday 24th Lately Mr. Wm Gordon, Teacher Lanark Township...being at
a Bee, got Drunk and was burnt so Dreadfully, one of his arms
hath been twice amputated...his back very sore burnt and is
in Extreme Danger. An awful lesson to us all to beware of in-
dulging in rioting and drunkenness, in Chambering and Wantonness.
But to strive to live as becometh the people of God. Mr Drysdale,
(had a child lately) carpenter, also destroyed by whiskey.
A lamentable Occurrence indeed. 0 my soul enter thou not into
their Secret. Neither unto their Assembly, mine honour be thou
united. #2
Monday 24th Octr l83l. A very wet night and morning. The Lord is
Tuesday 25th Octr 1831. Last night was at the saw mill. Laid
out 144 feet of 3/4 inch boards at 3/4 per 100 ft. Them I got
formerly was 300 feet inch Boards at 3/6 per 100 ft. fine
weather. Ned and Watson drawing logs for Thomson's and Brown's
Distillery this Day. Wednesday 26th a wet morning.
Thursday 27th This is a day set apart for solemn thanksgiving for
the mercies we daily receive at the hand of our Lord God and
Redeemer and for the ourpouring of the Spirit of the Lord upon
the Sons of man. May the Love of God which passeth Knowledge
be shed abroad in our hearts and influence our lives. A very
stormy morning. Our minr did not come. Mem.... we returned
thanks in a public manner as well as we could.
Friday 28th Thos and us driving ashes for a conjunct barrel of
Brown's. At night George Brown got a specimen of tavern keeping.
I was not there.... a fine frosty day..Saturday 29 a fine day.
Planted a number of seed plums and some apples on shares with
Mr. J. Thompson. Had a visit from Hugh Todd and his wife,
Maggie, last night. G. Easton.
Sabbath Octr 30th 1831 A fine day, McAllister preached and I declare
read both Lecture....and sermon.. a very weak memory, indeed.
Monday 31st like a change, a wet day.
Tuesday Nov. 1st 1831. This morning kllld Meg. a dull day, this night
Conroy melts the first of our conjunct barrel. Thursday Novr 3rd
1831 the lassies with Mr. W. Hood. Hoeing in rye. Last night
Ned melted.... this day a fine day.
Friday Novr 4th 1831. It appears James Nairn is a bridegroom since
last Sabbath. This morning snow. Ground white and a heavy
snow shower. Snow falling fast. Saturday 5th. Library issue.
Frosty and cold, rather a good day. Sabbath 6th Novr 1831 a
fine day. Monday 7th Dull, cutting a road to the Distillery.
Jenny has a sore leg. Tuesday 8th Frosty. Jess at Lanark. G.E.
Got the last of our ashes melted last night.
Wednesday 9th Dull, threatning snow.
Thursday 10th finished building one house this morning. A fine day.
Friday llth Last night with Thos. looking a shingle tree. A very
wet night and morning. Put the troughs upon my house this
morning. Saturday 12th Novr 1831, a fine day. Cutting logs for
a Sheephouse. 3 day statute Labour to the 5th line. G. Easton.
The pleasures of a Holy Life have the particular advantage of
1# Stubble- the bottom of the stalk of grain left after shearing,onceclearedbyburning
2# Genesis 49-6
cannot be cloyed with the frequent repetition of them nor by the
long Enjoyment of them. Sabbath 13th Dull, at night a heavy
shower of snow.
Monday l4th Dull and cold. 4th day Statute Labour to the 5th line.
Tuesday 15th Very frosty, Dull, threatning snow. Yesterday
James Nairn was married to his cousin Margret Nairn, this Day
was observed as a day of public fasting and Humiliation,
Preparatory to the dispensing the Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper. Thursday 17th. Cold and frosty. Friday 18th Laverty's
barrel was melted November 16th 1831 at night. This day I was
at Lanark. Saturday 19th Sermon by Mr. Bell from Perth. Sabbath
20th The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed the Eighth
time in the Township of Dalhousie by the Revd Dr. Gemmill.
Monday 21st. Sermon by Mr. Bell when the solemn work was closed.
the weather very good. Tuesday 22nd A cold Midday
snowing pretty hard. Pretty cold in the school.
Wednesday 23rd Snow 3 inches deep, not much frost. Thursday 24th
Watson at the Mill since Monday 21st. Inst. Came home on Tues.
Thursday 24th this day at Wm Laverty's Barn raising.
Friday 25th Bell at Lanark. Both good days. Mary also at Lanark.
Saturday 26th a dull Day. Sabbath 27th...Snow all day. Only a
long lecture by McAllister.
Monday 28th Clear, some frost... This day a Habitant #1 killd a pig.
very frosty day, but clear. Thursday December 1st 1831 a severe
frost, very cold.
Friday Decr 2nd Awful frosty. Jess at Lanark.
Saturday 3rd Library Issue. Sabbath Decr 4th no sermon, a heavy snow.
Monday5th Strong frost. Tuesday 6th 1 8 3 1 . Began keeping School
at night. Last night being Decr 5th 1 8 3 1 .
Tuesday 6th a cold frosty day. Wednesday 7th a very frosty, frosty day
this day Mrs. Barrie's funeral. Thursday 8th a cold day.
Friday 9th Jess at Lanark. I am sick of the cold, a frosty day.
Jenny lame with Rose in her ankle.. bad the second time.. this
morning James Allen departed this Life, a young man and full of
the hope of Enjoying Long Life but Alas disappointed. Saturday
Decr 10th a fine winter Day. Sabbath 11th this Day. J. Allen 's
burial Day. A very cold day. Monday 12th frosty. Tuesday 13th
a frosty day. This day got firewood... I do not this [?] thing which I hate. Turn tho
for thou art the Lord myGod.#2
Wednesday 14th very frosty. Thursday 15th Hard frost. Last night my
night scholars cut firewood....
Friday 16th at the mill with 5 bushels.
Saturday 17th Dec. 1 8 3 1 , an excessive stormy day.
Sabbath 18th very frosty. Monday 19th Snowed all day.
Tuesday 20th Heavy snow in the forenoon. Geo. Easton.
Wednesday 21st A stormy day. Thursday 22nd a very frosty day.
Friday 23rd more moderate.
Saturday 24th. I intend to go to Lanark this day. At Lanark. Sabbath
25th Some snow. Monday 26th Considerable snow. Tuesday 27th
Jess at Lanark. A good Winter Day. G. Easton G. Easton.
Wednesday 28th Some snow. Thursday 29th a good winter day. Friday
30th December 1 8 3 1 . Snow 14 inches deep.
Saturday 31st frosty, very cold.
1# Habitant- a settler of French descent of the farming class.
2# Lamentations 5-21
Sabbath Jan 1st 1832 Somesnow.TownmeetingwhereJ.Thompsonwaschosenclk.,J. Brown Junr and John Donald assessors and J. Hood,
Tuesday 3rd Very Cold.
Wednesday 4th Excessive cold.
Thursday-5th Jany 1832. a fine day, little frost. G. Easton. Friday
6thSnow during the night. Saturday 7th Library issue. Sabbath
_8th. On Fri. Dec. 30th about 3 in the morning James Cuthbertson
Left Robt. Twaddle's distillery and was found on the Lake in the
afternoon frozen to death. G. Easton.
Sabbath 8th January 1832. rain at night.
Monday 9th not much frost. Snow 14 inches deep. Tuesday 10th Inclining
fresh this day. Thomas, Joseph and E. Laverty at Lanark. Each
with a barrel of potash. Paul at the Mill. G. Easton.
Wednesday 11th. January 1832..... a frosty day.
Thursday 12th; Very frosty. Friday 13th at Currie's Mill, 8 bushels,
a fine warm day. -
Saturday 14th a good Winter Day. Yesterday Thomson and Brown brought
home all the Machinery belonging to the Distillery. Sabbath 15th
Soft since Thursday last.
Monday 16th a soft day this morning. Sent away my school papers to
Perth with William Hood. this day took in a pit of potatoes. G.E.
Tuesday 17th January 1832. Still not much frost. G. Easton.
Wednesday 18th rain last night all night. Still, fresh and thawing.
Thursday 19th rather cold.. some snow, Wednesday 18th my pig
went to Hugh Campbell's to the Boar. Came home on Thurs. 19th
this day Jess at Lanark. Saturday 21st Mr. Wilson from Perth
preached in St. Andrew's Hall. Sabbath 22nd. the Sacrament of
the Lord's Supper was dispensed in Dalhousie by Mr. McAllister...
Mr. Wilson helping him.
Monday 23rd Robt Penman at our house, frosty weather. Tuesday 24th
a cold day.
Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th. the most severe frost we have had
this Season. Severe, indeed.
Friday 27th January 1832. Very frosty. no abatement of cold. Last
night the Distillery was set in operation, last night being
Jan. 26th 1832. G. Easton.
Saturday 28th Still very cold. Exceeding frosty weather. G. Easton.
Sabbath 29th Exceeding frosty. Monday 30th a heavy fall of snow all
day...Snow 10 inches deep. Tuesday 31st Frosty and some snow.
Wednesday Feby 1 at 1852. This winter hath been very cold, a
good deal of Severe frost and Heavy Snows. Extremely cold.
February 1st 1832... a cold frosty day. Ned at Lanark. Very cold
weather. Exceeding frosty, Thursday 2nd soft. Friday not
much frost. Saturday 4th Library issue. George Easton.
Sabbath 5th Cold and frosty. Monday 6th frosty.
Tuesday 7th a good deal of snow last night. this day Very frosty.
Wednesday 8th February 1832,, was at Lanark.
Thursday 9th a very cold day. Saturday 11th Cold and frosty.
Sabbath 12th February 1832 frosty.. this morning old Mrs. Paul
departed this life about six inv the morning. Last night ex-
cessive rain, this day frost with snow.
Monday 13th very cold this day. I had a Lamb died, and took a sow
to Brown's to the boar. Last Wednesday bought an axe @ 11/3.
Wednesday Febr 18th Moderate, at Lanark with corn. Sabbath 19th
Monday 20th Some snow. Jenny and Jess away this morning to Penman's.
Thomas and Mary at Lanark.
"My bowels, my bowels. I am pained at my very heart, my
heart maketh a noise in me. I cannot hold my peace, because
thou hast heard, 0 my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the
Alarm of War." Tuesday 21st We have sinned, 0 may we do so
no more. George Easton, Dalhouaie. U.C. A fine day, not very
frosty. G. Easton. Jenny and Jess at Penman's.
Wednesday 22nd 1832- A fine winter day, considerable snow in the
morning, now fair.
Thursday 23rd was at Clyde Mills with a load. Snow all day. Friday
a frosty day. Saturday 25th. Last night wrote J. Paul and
Mrs. McLays bargain. This day getting firewood, a cold day.
Sabbath 26th frosty. Monday 27th Looking like freshness.
Tuesday 28th at Clyde Mills with a load. Snow and soft. Wednesday
29th Rather frosty with some snow. George Easton. Fear timely
comes before a faults begun. He fears too late who fears not
till its done. Thursday March 1st. This day brought home
some hay from Todd's. A very cold frosty day. Exceeding cold.
Friday 2nd 1832 Library General meeting. Saturday-3rd rather
Sabbath 4th inclining to freshness. Saturday 3rd. Got home my hay. G.E.
Monday 5th Snow all day very heavy.
Tuesday 6th I have sinned, what shall I do unto thee, 0 Thou Preserver
of men! Why hast Thou set me as a mark against Thee so that I
am a burden to myself. Job 7..20 This morning went to Perth.
Got my money. $10. All in a bustle electing a member for the
Provincial parliament. Came home same night, a fine day.
Wednesday. 7th very frosty, this day paid John Todd for the hay
£1..3s..9p...Thursday 8th a mild day. Friday 9th like freshness
Last night had a dispute with my night scholars..they do not
behave and I am determined not to be insulted in the school.
Honi Soit qui mal y Pence. This night quit the night school. G.E.
Saturday 10th at Lanark. Got a cooler. Riggy calved this day. weight
69 lbs. Price 5 2 per lb. Sabbath 11th Soft and fresh.
This day Andrew Wallace is rouped. #1 This night the Committee
of the Librarymet and put things in Order and delivered it over
to McIntyre for one year.
Tuesday 14th a desperate cold day. Wednesday 13th as cold a day as
we had this season.
Thursday 16th very frosty. Janet at Lanark. I have sinned, What
shall I do, 0 Thou preserver of men. Library issue, a cold
Saturday 17th as cold a day as we have had this season. G. Easton.
Sabbath -18th very frosty weather. Snow all Saturday and all night.
Exceeding stormy.
Monday 19th rather more moderate.
Tuesday 20th March 1832. Last night James McDonald got home six
sleigh load of boards from Wallace's sawmill. This day moderate.
This winter hath been particularly severe. Last night was at the
sawmill. Paid 440 feet of Boards, brought home 320 feet.
Moderate weather. Jenny and Jess at Willm Allan's for a load of
straw. George Easton. Dominies. #2
Wednesday 21st March- 1832, my night scholars chopping, 1
1 men and
boys. They commenced upon Thursday March 22nd and on Friday
23rd 12 men and boys cut down I think rather better than two
acres. Both fine days.
1# rouped- sale by
2#Lord,master, a title of respect
Saturday 24th a fine day, some sugar, Our troughs not yet set, but trees runni
Tuesday 27th Wm Campbell and John Baillie and Stephen Campbell chopping, being
March 27th not quite so cold, not so frosty. I have cut no trees yet for sugar
Wednesday 28th this winter hath been uncommonly severe. Since November the gro
Friday, 23rd this day James Watson and James MacDonald was at the sawmill and
Wednesday 28th this morning out some trees for sugar. A mild day. Deliver me,
Thursday March 28th a fine day, some sugar. Bell and Jess this morning boiling
Saturday 31st. Saw Robins two days ago. Ned drawing logs to John Bain yesterda
SabbathApril1st1832.Astormyday,veryfrosty.Monday2nd.Frosty,nosugartill Midday..thi
Last night got two lambs from one ewe. This morning David not
well, not able to come to sohool.
WednesdayApril 5th 1832- A severe frost, very oold for the season. David at s
Friday 6th This day appointed for making the road below McArthur's
lot. This day Alex Hill and Agnes Hood bindeth themselves to
one another by marriage, taking each other for better for
worse all the days of their life. A fine day. G. Easton.
Saturday 7th.Dull,notquitesofrosty.Anotherewelamdlastnight.G.E.
Sabbath April 8th OldUmphertson'shousewasburnedtotheground.
A very severe frost, Never saw suchacoldthisseason,awfulfrost.
Monday 9th Like a change, still frosty.
Tuesday 10th Still frosty. Like a change, no sugarthisweekgone.
Wednesday11thApril1832Thisdayfirstpigeonsseenbymethisseason. Last night a lamb died, A real mild day, snowdisappearingr
* Psalms 51-14,*2IIcorinthians7-13*SeeIsiah54-17
great creator. 0 my soul it ill becomes thee to be silent.
John Thomson builds his house this day...upon George Brown's
lot near the distillery. Honi soit qui mal y pense..
Thursday 12th April 1832. A warm day. Tom's chopping ball. Last
night Angus and Grimshaw in their glory. Sorrow, sorrow,
pity me. This day sugar. Friday 13th Library issue and
meeting of committee, this night heard frogs and saw mosquitoes,
very warm.
Saturday 14th A very fine day, this morning saw ducks. All my ewes
lambed, 8 in whole, one died, 7 remaining.
Sabbath April 15th 1832 A fine day. Mr. McAllister in discoursing
maintained strange notions concerning original sin...that the
guilt of Adam's first sin is not...or rather will not be imputed
to man it being done away by the Glorious Redeemer for all man-
kind that none of the seed of Adam will have that sin charged
to them but must stand or fall on his own accord, in my opinion
not according to the Word of God.
Monday 16th Snow all day.
Tuesday April 17th Constant heavy snow since yesterday morning.
Snow very deep. John Thompson's youngest child not expected
to live. Wed 18th rain since yesterday. J. Thompson's child
no better. Thursday 19th April 1832 J. Thompson's child a little
better. A fresh day. G. Easton.
Friday 20th 1832 G. Easton. was at St. Andrew's Hall delivering the
Library on to J. McIntyre. Did not finish. It was on Thursday
April 19th.
Friday 20th Not a bad day. I have sinned, I have sinned.
Saturday 21st. Threatning. Bell begun to delve* the yard. Sabbath
April 22nd 1832 very hard frost. Some snow. Monday 23rd Cold
like a change. This day some snow. The winter hath been a most
terrible cold one.
Note: The diary now skips to 1837. It looks as though there was
another part at one time that is now missing.
1837 Dalhousie Wednesday April 19th at this moment snowing and Mrs.
Margaret Brown fixing sugar spouts. On Tuesday got my first lamb.
Thursday 20th April, a cold frosty day. Sugar making commenced about
the first of April and no appearance of it being over. A cold
and very late spring. G. Easton. This day James,Brown had a son
born. Friday 21st snowing hard. Saturday 22nd. a cold frosty
day. This spring is particularly backward. No growth at all.
On the first day January 1837 Syria and the Holy Lands was almost
destroyed by an earthquake. The city of Joppa contained a
population of 19,000 souls of whom 15,000 were killed.
Sabbath 23rd a cold day. Monday 24th Joseph H. readies a barn 50
ft. long.
Dalhousie 25th April 1837. A cold day, like snow. G. Easton.
Tuesday 26th Alex. Park sowd wheat on Friday April 21st 1837...a frosty
day. Wednesday 26th Jenny at Lanark for her boots. Not so
very cold but still frosty. Thursday 27th a warm day. Friday
*delve - to dig
Saturday 29th April 1837...Commenced ploughing yesterday. This day
went to Perth, came home at night. A fine day.
Sabbath 30 April, rather cold,
Monday May 1st cold a. frosty day as I ever saw at this season
of the year. Tuesday 2nd a very cold day, still frosty. Ploughing.
Exceeding cold in the school, awful cold weather. Wednesday 3rd
May 1837 Fresh and a dull day.
Dalhousie May 4th 1837
A new sect of religionists who call themselves Mormons have
appeared in Canada this winter, who pretend they are the only
Church of Christ on earth. That they have the power of
working Miracles. That the Indians, the natives of North America,
are the lost tribes of Israel. That a fellow of the name of
Joseph Smith found a lost portion of the word of God, Engraved
on plates of Gold. That this same J. Smith had a visit of the
Apostle Peter who was accompanied by a retinue of blessed Spirits
who ordained him and gave him power to ordain ministers to
preach, teach and baptize in the name of the Lord Jesus, or in
his own name. I do not know report says. They baptize
in the name of the Father, Son and Joseph Smith. That Mount Zion
will be built and established in Missouri. That the Lord Jesus
is about to appear on Earth when the Lord will reign with all
his saints. During a thousand years..that a mighty Angel is
about to proclaim the coming of the Lord.... and call upon the
saints to assemble in Missouri. That they have the Urim and
Thummim#1and they have to rear and build the Temple of the Lord
in Missouri and that Joseph Smith is ordained High Priest during
the Millenium..or the thousand years reign of the Saints and
that famine was..and every evil will fall on the Surrounding
nations and like the famine in the Days of Jacob. All people
will have to go to the blessed land to buy there..and that those
who died in former ages... who as they say had not the True
Light will be received into the Lower Mansions of bliss but that
they alone will inherit the Kingdom of God. I have fabricated
nothing. George Easton. And so adieu False Mormons!
Thursday May 4th 1837 .. Heard Upper Canada#2last week of April
and the Puddocks* got out their heads about the same time.
Notice.... There will be held on the Government Grounds in the
Village of Lanark, a public market for the sale of Horses, Cattle
and sheep on the 2nd Tuesday of May 1837 and upon the 2nd Tuesday
of October 1837 and will be heldupon the same days every succeed-
ing year. By Order of the Magistrates.... This day sowed my
pease and gave Patrick Fife1/2bushel of wheat for1/2bushel of
pease. G. Easton
Dalhousie 5th May 1837. Thunder and rain this morning, a warm quiet
day. Saturday 6th a wet day. Sabbath 7th a very frosty day..
some snow. Machin's clearing well fenced. Cattle put in and a
good of Labour put in upon it this day. George Easton.
Monday 8th This morning sowd 5 bushels oats...On Saturday 6th of
May my brother Thomas lost one of his oxen. Dropt down in the
yoke...apparently in good health..and died almost instantaneous.
1# Urim and Thummim - Sacred instruments alleged to have been found by
Joseph Smith with the engraved plates containing the Book of Mormon
record and to have been used by him in the work of translation. In
the Book of Mormonthey are described as "two stones in silver bows"
and called interpreters.
2#UpperCanada- possibly Canadian geese- Puddocks- frogs
A severe loss, particularly at this Season of the year... 0
misery...but I embrace soul shall brood and will
dwell upon it, it is the portion the only portion my soul chooseth
on this side Eternity. G. Easton. Severe frost. G. Easton.
Dalhousie May 9th 1837. This day is Lanark Fair. May 10th sowd
wheat and barley..Thursday 11th and Friday 12th chopping in the
windfall.#1 Saturday 12th Library issue, planting potatoes. Sowd
onions, cabbage, etc on Wednesday May 10th 1837. George Easton.
Sabbath May 14th whose hath this worlds goods and seeth his brother have
need and shutteth his bowels of compassion against him, how
dwelleth the Love of God in him..Rev. Dr. Gemmill
Monday 15th a warm day. Tuesday 16th Driving dung for corn, a wet
day & night...Wednesday 17th a dull damp day, Vacated my school
on Tuesday 9th and commenced again keeping school this day..
Thursday 18th May 1837. This morning Brocky calved a heifer.
Thomas has my cattle, rain. Friday 19, on Wednesday and yes-
terday planted my corn.
Dalhousie May 18th 1837. This day planted my corn. Friday 19th sowd
the last of my oats, these days bygone hath been heavy rain in
the night time and Dry during the day...this day damp and dull.
I have heard one of James Rodger's oxen is weak and unable to
last..I went over to Brown's and got a deal of abusive language
about a road..I had offered a public road thru' my lot for the
paltry sum o f L 7..10s but now I will allow a road to go through on no
now is...I will submit to no insults and be obliged to keep open
a road to serve the public at the same time. G. Easton.
Saturday 20th an awful wet day.
Dalhousie 21st May 1837. not much drought, no rain. Monday 22 some
frost this morning..a most threatening spring. But the most
high..hath condescended to tell the children of men that while
earth remaineth..seedtime and harvest...summer and winter..Day &
night shall not cease. Amen. G. Easton.
Tuesday 23rd I was logging for potatoes. I have cleared no new land
since 1833...Wednesday 24th some frost this morning, this day
James Reid took home his cow and calf. This day went to Lanark
with the money I had collected in aid of our distressed country-
men in Scotland. 2..l..10. G. Easton
Thursday 25th a fine day...this day Matthew put out one of Bucks
eyes with a stone. On Sabbath 21st Mary McNicol alias Mrs.
McDougall got a daughter.. exactly 9 months wanting 5 days
since she was married.
Dalhousie May 26th this is an exceeding warm day. Jess & Ann at
Poland. High wind. Saturday 27th not so warm...chopping
for turnips. Sabbath May 28th Hard frost... This night saw
constellatio above the horizon at 10 p.m. Monday
1#windfall- a tract where the trees have been blown down by the wind.
2#7..10about $31.
3#2..1..10about §8.44
The shilling of Great Britain equal to 12 pence and to 1/20 of a
* Constellation- Cassiopeia- the "lady in the chair" -opposite
the Big Dipper from the North Star
no appearance of better weather. This morning began to plant
potatoes. G. Easton. Tuesday 30th not so cold, dull like rain.
Planting taties. Last night a meeting in the schoolhouse about
the crossroad. G. Easton. Yesterday John McIntyre surveyed
3 roads through the 3rd concession, one by my house, one on the
north side of the meadow and one thro' the late G. Brown's lot
which he took.
Dalhousie June 1st June has commenced very warm. I have just heard
my daughter, Isobella, took badly in premature labour last night.
We have 15 bushels of potatoes, that is of sets, planted.
Jenny is gone to Poland, Jess is gone to Lanark. Very warm. G.E.
Friday 2nd June 1837. Heard this morning my daughter Isobella was
delivered of a son yesterday being June 1st 1837. A very warm
day..Heavy rain yesterday.... Saturday June 3rd an exceeding wet
night and a rantin', tauntln', tearin' whistlin' showery day.
Planting potatoes. Jack & Jenny helping Jess. Sabbath June 4th
At Poland, a fine day. Monday 5th at General Training. 200
present, a warm day. Tuesday6th a warm day.
Dalhousie June 7th 1837 a wet day. saw fire flies for the first
time this season June 5th. G. Easton. Thunder almost every day
since the first of Day of June. Thursday8th June 1837. Gathering
stones from off land preparatory to ploughing. Black flies very
bad. Jenny came down from Poland last night and goes up to-day.G.E.
Friday 9th June 1837. Ploughing for fallow, a very warm day- Saturday
10 th June 1837- a fine Day.... Library issue.... Sabbath 11th for
I determined to know nothing among you save Jesus Christ
him crucified. Revd Dr. Gemmill. very warm. This morning Jenny
came down from Poland. Isobella weak and her child not expected
to live. Monday 12th Anne and David begun to hoe corn. Jess at
Dalhousie June 13th 1837. Jenny gone to Poland..we having got no word
about them since Sabbath, a real good day. Gay an Silly.
Wednesday 14th very warm. Anne and David finished hoeing the corn
the first time.
Thursday 15th a fine day. Anne & David at Lanark. Friday 16th June
1837 report says Jas. Rodger hath lost the Plea he had with Will
Muir but no certain word. G. Easton. Jas. Rodger himself says
he gained the plea and has only one penny of costs to pay.
Saturday 17th June 1837 Last night a heavy hail storm. Ned
at Lake Machin went away on Thursday 15th not home Friday 7 o'clock.
to live.
Dalhousie June 17th 1837
To-morrow being Sabbath is the Day on which the Battle of Waterloo
was fought and won 22 years ago..a long time since the Bonaparte
Dynasty was destroyed and the nations of Europe enjoyed partial
peace. Great hardships have been suffered by the nations since
the time and in a mercantile point of view both Europe and
America are hard bestead at the present time. Banks will not
pay specie on discount bills and Trade is at a
is not to be got... and provisions is high. Such is a sketch
of the moral world at present. G. Easton.
Sabbath 18th was at Poland and Robt Mcintosh's child is not expected
to live...very ill. (note: Robt husband of Isobelle)
Dalhousie June 19th 1837, a fine day, hoeing beans & cleaning potatoes.
Tuesday 20th a very wet day. Wednesday 21, Kept as a fast day
Preparatory to the celebration of the Lord's Supper..a fine day.
Thine arrows shall be sharp in the Heart of the Kings enemies
whereby the people fall under thee. Rev. Dr. Gemmill.
Thursday June 22nd yesterday Robert Mcintosh's second son died
and is buried today. Impute not the father's iniquity upon
their children. Domine.Deo. G. Easton.
A fine day...Left Poland about 6 o'clock P.M. a fine day...
flies intolerable. Friday 23rd south wind and pretty high, a
fine day.
Saturday 24th June 1837. This day James Brown built a barn..damp day.
Sabbath 25th this day the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was
dispensed in Dalhousie by the Rev. Dr. Gemmill. By whose stripes
you were healed.* A fine day.
Monday 26th Logging for turnips. Tuesday 27th this morning James
Paul's wife died, working at the roads. Sowd my turnips a fine
day. Thursday 29th This day I went to Perth, a wet afternoon.
Friday30th again stood before the Board of Education and came
home at night, an excessive warm day. Saturday July 1st working
at the roads. Sabbath 2nd, a good day.
Monday 3rd an exceeding wet day. Tuesday 4th- this is the anniversary
of Yankie slavery. a fair day. Wednesday 5th a dull day,
hoeing corn. Thursday 6th thunder with heavy showers. Ned at
Perth, Cherry at the Bull July 5th 1837 G. Easton.
Dalhousie 7th July 1837
this day finished corn, hoeing 2 times
2 time. Day more clear than
J. Lorimer's corn flourishing.
upon my pease.
A backward looking year,
more like famine than a plentiful
and beans
Some blooms
Cherry 5th July
July 5th
This year
only one
Geo. Easton 1837
Saturday July 8th Library issue. Worked at the roads 4th day.
Sabbath 9thDr. Gemmill not well...forced to stop...a fine day.
Monday 10th a warm day. Robt Mcintosh at Perth with my cattle.
Jenny going to Poland to stop with Bell till Robin comes back.
G. Easton. Tuesday July 11th some rain but warm. Wednesday
12th July a very warm day.. G. Easton. Thursday 13th High south
wind, ploughing my fallow 2 times.
Dalhousie 13th July 1837. the 5th line people working at the roads
at Brown's dam back at the Bridge. George Easton.
July 14th A fine dull day. Jess ploughing.
Saturday 15th July, at Lanark, a storm of wind.
Sabbath 16th was over and saw William Anderson who is in all probability
dying....Monday 17th cut my clover. Tuesday 18th both yesterday
and today very warm.
Wednesday 19th hilld my corn on Monday last. James Crosbie at the
bull on Tuesday. I am G. Easton. JackJon Wednesday... this morn-
ing some rain, cannot put in ray clover. This morning saw silk
among my corn. Corn late. Thursday 20th a droughty Day. G. Easton.
Dalhousie July 20th 1837.
this day rickd my clover. Friday 21st July...I am at the Bull
with Rosie, a fine day. Saturday 22nd Julythis morning very near
* See Isaiah 53-5
frost. A warm day..this last week hath been excellent hay
weather. I have received no letters from Scotland this season.
G. Easton. 0 Lord truly I am thy servant, I am thy servant and
the son of thy handmaid, Thou hast loosed mybonds..#1a fine day.
Monday rain all day, snowing hail Tuesday 25th a Good day.
Wednesday 26th Reid's tibby#2at the bull...6 of July l837
Pietyuch at the bull July 25th. July 26th like rain.
Dalhousie July 26th 1837. this season is at least one fortnight
later than usual. Ned says the crops are earlier about Pike Falls
and to Carleton place they are more early. G. Easton.
Friday 28th July 1837...Some rain last night but a fine day. Some draught
Saturday 29th a fine day, cutting hay.
Sabbath 30th a wet day, excessive heavy rain. Monday 31 at a fine
draughtyday. Jess at Lanark, which concludes the month of
July, we have often been shearing before this time.
Dalhousie Tuesday August 1st 1837-—--
a dull day, like rain. Tom mowing with Jas. Brown son. Watson
ricking at the dam..back. Wednesday August 2nd 1837 Bet Conroy
came home upon Tueaday July 25th...says she has been badly for
sixmonths. Looks tolerable. takes a ride generally every day
and visits every Sabbath Day. G. Easton.
Wednesday 2nd. a wet day.. Let this day be marked in the Logbook of my
memory and may I remember it to my sorrow and from this day be a
better man, a Christian and a better member of Society...more
wise...and to all intent a better husband and parent.
Dalhousie Thursday "August 3rd l837...a fine day. 0 love the Lord all
ye his saints.#3 Put all my hay this Day, that is all I had at
home. Friday August 4th high wind and very cold, a clear day.
Saturday August 5th 1837...Yesterday morning and to-day very like
frost and I believe in many places it was frost, but did no
damage in this part of Dalhousie. A fine clear day. G. Easton.
E. Conroy cutting hay with James Brown.
Sabbath 6th a fine clear Day, wind south and fresh.
Dalhousie August 6th 0 Lord truly I am thy Servant...I am thy servt
and the son of thy handmaid, thou hast loosed my bonds. Rev. Dr.
Monday 7th a warm day. cutting hay in Conroy's. Tueaday 8th not well,
came on rain in the afternoon and continued heavy rain all night.
Wednesday 9th a wet day, saw Wm Anderson this morning very low. Just
in Life...cannot speak much, will not be long in the land of the
living. 0 to be prepared for that event for come it will,
whether I be prepared or not. G. Easton.
Dalhousie Aug. 9th On Tuesday June 20th our beloved monarch William
Fourth departed this life. Lamented by hi3 people, reigned 7
years. Aged 72. Succeeded in the throne by Queen Alexandria
Victoria by the Grace of GodRegina Brittaniarum. Born 1819
Daughter of the Duke of Kent and grand-daughter to his Late
Majesty King George third of Gracious memory who died 1820.
Thursday 10 of August was cutting hay at Conroy's. J.B. and Tom helping
me. Rosie at the bull, this day, Friday 11th Dull, raking hay.
Saturday 12th of August, this day moor fowl shooting begins. G.E.
1# Psalms 116-16
2# tibby- the head - Old Slang - perhaps "bossy"
3# Psalms 31-23
perisheth and no man layeth it to heart and merciful men are
from the evil to come.....sabbath 13th. yesterday an excessive
wet day..this day the body of William Anderson consigned to the
cold and silent grave. So remember time is short..G. Easton.
Saw the remains of Wm Anderson to meet no more till the Last
trumpet Sound, then shall we meet again.
Dalhousie August 14th yesterday heavy rain, This day more drought..
shaking out my hay. Tuesday 15th an excessive wet day.
Eliza not very well. G. Easton
Wednesday 16th a dull day, a dark misty morning. Thursday 17th August
1837. This day began to shear wheat. James Brown cut his
yesterday. A dull misty morning. G. Easton. 18th shearing
wheat. Jess and Anne at Currie's mill this day being August
18th 1837. G. Easton.
Saturday 19th August 1837. Shearing wheat and barley. This day
finished ray fall wheat, 29 stooks. A fine drought and a fine
clear day. George Easton.
Dalhousie August 20th 1837...O Lord, Truly I am thy servant. I am
thy servant and the son of thine handmaid.... thou hast loosed
my bonds* Dr. G. fine day. Monday 21st a fine clear harvest
day. Shearing whole 19 wee stooks. G. Easton.
At night a thunderstorm and heavy rain. Tuesday 22nd. Excessive
high west wind. Overturning stooks in all directions. G. Easton.
Wednesday 23rd August 1837. This is a dull day. Shearing spring
wheat, it was sown 11th of May. Thursday 24th if the weather
is favorable next week will be the throng of harvest. Betimes
dull and sometimes dour. I would like to inn wheat*, this day
stacked my fall wheat.
Dalhousie August 25th 1837 a fine harvest day. Eliza not well. Jess
is with Andrew Park now this 3rd day. Saturday 26th was at
Lanark, saw Mr. McAllister, a fine day. bought & paid l6lb.
of nails 7/6. Sabbath 27th Peccavi. * Mond. 28th. Behold we
return unto Thee for Thou art the Lord our God. Tuesday 29th. Yesterday an
wheat this day, 19 stooks..Jess with Andrew Park on Saturday
and Monday...She was with J. Brown. Wednesday August 30th
Mr. McAllister arrived in Lanark afternoon absence of nearly
14 months in his native land where he experienced nothing but
disappointments in every way. A fine day. At least a very wet day.
August 31st a fine day, wind north.
Dalhousie September 1st 1837. On Tuesday evening August 29 James Paul's
daughter was taken from this world of sorrow 2 months and 2
days after her mother. The funeral took place on Thursday, August
31st 1837. some frost this morning 1st. our pease all cut
this day and cut a few oats. Saturday 2nd. Jas. Brown, Junior
ploughing & Robert Rodger sowing wheat. A dull damp day. G. E.
Sabbath 3rd a fine day. Monday 4th very hard frost. Corn and
potatoes generally damaged by frost. My corn not frosted. was
at J. Gallinger's smithy. Got my drag teeth laid. paid 6/9.
Tuesday 5th put in my spring wheat. Wednesday 6th put in my
pease. Thursday 7. a wet day. G. Easton. Saturday 9th Ditto.
* Peccavi- I have sinned, an acknowledgement or confession of sin
*Psa 116-16
*to inn wheat- to put it up in a shelter or with some type of grain
elevator owned by another
Sabbath 10th Mr. McAllister preached in St. Andrew's. Josh. 24..24*
Monday Septr 11th a wet day. Tuesday 12th & Wednesday 13th
shearing oats & threshing seed wheat. Thursday 14th plowed in
a bushel of wheat. Friday 15th Shearing oats. I ploughed in
mywheat on Wednesday Septr 13th and on Saturday 16th of Septr
1837 and I was shearing oats on Thurs. & Friday Sept. 14th &l5th.G.E.
Sabbath Septr 17th a fine harvest day. Took physic, could not go
to hear sermon. G. Easton....
Monday Sepr 18th Like rain. Dragged ray wheat this morning. Shearing
oats. Dr. Gemmill's text yesterday was...behold the Lamb of God.*
Dalhousie September 19th 1837. Saw fireflies on the evening of Septr
18th a thing unprecedented. Tuesday 19th Last night helped
Wm Hood to build some oats. This day put in a stack of oats. G.E.
Wednesday 20th a frosty morning, a complete nailer..Thos begins to
sow wheat.
Thursday 21st a frosty morning, Robt Macintosh gone to Perth with
barley..a fine day. Wind south and blowing. Friday 22nd Wind
south..blowing.. Finished our harvest this day. Jenny at Poland.
Like rain.
Saturday 23rd I received a letter from my brother David containing the
mournful Tidings of my father's death who departed this Life
upon Monday the 7th of August, i837, aged 76 years and 7 months.*
And he said unto me, write blessed are the Dead who Die in the
Lord, from henceforth...yea saith the spirit..that they may rest
from their Labours, and their works do follow them.*
Sabbath 24th Mr. McAllister dispensed the sacrament of the Lord's
Supper in Lanark.
25th a fine day, wind south... put in All My Grain, All My Oats this day.
Tuesday 26th a wet day. This day Agnes Thomson wife of James Brown
was taken away out of the land of the living very suddenly, she
took badly about 3 A.M. and was a corpse before 3 o'clock
afternoon. James came for me but I never saw her in life, nor
any of her family, only my Jenny was with her, and Jess Watson. G.E.
Wednesday 27th Jess at Lanark, a fine day.
Thursday 28th a wet day..this day the Body of Mrs. Brown was committed
to the grave, there to lie till the great day of the Lord.
Dalhousie 29th of September 1837
A fine day. Saturday September 30th a wet day. Sabbath October lst
a fine day. Monday 2nd. a wet day. took the roof off ray house.
3rd Andrew park and Robert Macintosh working at the roof, we
have got real bad weather. G. Easton.
Wednesday 4th very hard frost the most severe we had this season.
George Easton. This day got a load of shingles from John
Thomson. paid him 2 dollar.. Thursday October 5th Threatning
snow..rain and hail. Keep me from all presumptuous sirs, 0 Lord*
Friday October 6th 1837..This day is Dalhousie Fair a cold dull
day...George whiskey.
Saturday 7th Octr 1837 a cold day. Sabbath 8th an excessive frosty
morning. This day Mr. McAllister preached from Rom. 7th & 12th
wherefore the Law is holy and the commandment holy and just and
good. Monday 9th Excessive hard frost.
Tuesday 10th this day is Lanark fair. The weather is changed, wind
*Psalms19-13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins;
Josh 24...24 And the people said unto Joshua, The Lord our God will
Matthew Easton born Feb. 1761
Blessed are the Dead...Rev. 14.13
south.. took in 3 loads of corn last night and 2 carts of potatoes.
Wednesday 11th October 1837... a noble day, digging Potatoes and
and pucklngs corn. Thursday Octr 12th 1837..Last night a thunder-
storm. with rain..a dull day. Dalhousie.
October 13th 1837 Friday 13th a most terrible cold day, Saturday
14th Last night the moon was eclipsed, a total eclipse, and
we killed two Bears... a cold day... Lifted all our potatoes..
180 bushels andhusked the last of our corn..we think near
20 bushels. Sabbath 15th Behold the Lamb of God who taketh away
the sin of the world.#1 Revd Dr. Gemmill Monday 16th a fine day,
Tuesday 17th Driving stones for my chimney,...a fine day. G. Easton.
Wednesday Oct 18th 1837 a wet like day..
Thursday 19th a dull day Threatning snow. George Easton.
Friday 20th a wet morning. G. Easton.
Saturday Octr 21st went to go to Bredin's for lime. My cart broke
down by the way, had to come back empty. A fine day... a court
of commissioners for the Township.
Sabbath 22nd a fine day. Monday 23rd was at Bredin's & bought 16
bushels of lime. John Smith came to build my chimney.
Tuesday 24th took down my old chimney and began to build..a fine day.
Wednesday October 25th This morning ground covered with snow
and is 3 inches deep and still snowing at 12 o'clock Thursday
26th an uncommon wet day. Friday 27th a good d a y . Saturday
28th a good day.
Dalhousie October 29th 1837. Both Dr. Gemmill & Mr. McAllister
preached in St. Andrew's.
Monday 30th busy building. Tuesday 31st my cattle went to Lanark
with a barrel of potash and brought home 16 bushels lime,
busy building my chimney. Wednesday Nov. 1st my cattle at
Poland with a load of ashes. G. Easton.
Thursday 2nd. a cold frosty day. G. Easton.
Friday November 3rd this day John Smith went home my building being
nearly finished, all done to the Lumhead#2,had no help except
James Brown 3 days and Watson part of one day. G. Easton. a
fine day, wind south.
Saturday Novr 4th a fine fresh day, planted my plums, cherries, etc.
Sabbath 5th awful wet.
Monday 6th frosty like snow. Tuesday 7th some heavy snow showers.
Jess at Poland helping Macintosh to build his chimney. I this
morning plastered the house. Wednesday 8th November 1837...
Had a visit of Johnnie Stuart this day...a fine frosty day..
Thursday Novr 9th 1837. This morning the ground was covered with
snow and a very cold day. Winter seems to set in and we need
not expect anything but snow for six months to come. G. Easton.
Friday 10th Ground still white. Robt Rodger cutting firewood for
the school. Dalhousie Novr 1Oth 1837
Saturday Novr 11th a cold day. Wind south, received a letter from Mr.
Murray on Thursday Nov. 8th 1837. Sabbath 12th and holiness
without which no man shall see the Lord..Rev. Dr. Gemmill
Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. #3 Rev. Mr. McAllister.
1# Behold the Lamb.. John 1 .. 29
2#Lumhead..a lum is a chimney which comes to a point, a lumhead the
top of the chimney
3# No other Gods before me- Exodus 20..3
a fine day.
Monday 13th a fine frosty day. Tuesday 14th a fine frosty day,
Robt Macintosh took away Brawny yesterday. Wednesday 15th
Nov. 1837 was at the raising of John Waddle's barn, a real
good day. Thursday 16th This day snow began to fall in the
morning and at one o'clock is still snowing..very heavy snow.
Friday 17th wind south. Gay cold, the country is assembled at
Bell Mulr's at a Quilting. Tommy Conroy...the workshop.. the stove
and the shavings. Saturday Nov. 18th 1837 was at Robt Rodger's
raising a parlour. Snow fell on Thursday 3 inches but today is
clean gone. Sabbath 19th rain all day, a fine day. Monday 20th
a dull, soft day, put up my stove this day. Tuesday 21st a most
incessant day of rain.
Wednesday 22nd in the night time thunder & rain. Thursday 23rd a wet-
night but lo! in the morning Snow, an exceeding stormy day,
snowing very hard, heavy snow. Friday 24th a frosty day, snow
still lying on the ground.
Dalhousie November 24th 1837
This day Charles Thom and Eliza Bain and Thomas Scott and
Margaret Bain are married in St. Andrew's hall by the Revd Mr.
Macalister,a rousing wedding. At least the people are assem-
bling. They say there are 140 guests Bidden, more than 100
present and 10 fiddlers, same day McLauchlan's Daughter and old
Jamison's daughter and A. W. Playfairs daughter. Saturday
25th was at Lanark, bought 20 lb. o iron for a crane. Sabbath
26th be ye followers of God as Dear Children.* Revd Dr. Gemmill.
Monday 27th a frosty day, snow still lying.
Tuesday 28th still frosty with snow. Wednesday 29th fresh snow,
almost clean snow on the ground. Thursday Nov. 30th
This morning Matthew George sick, very sick, no snow, ground
quite bare. No snow to be seen.
Saturday 2nd. a dull fresh day. Got my crane on Wednesday Novr 9th
1837. Sabbath 3rd Decr fine day, Monday a little frost.
Tuesday 5th No snow, this day J. Brown at the Oat mill with 2 bushels
oats for me. G. Easton. Dalhousie.
Dalhousie Decr 6th 1837, this day at James Fair's when the Left wing
of the 1st Reg't of Lanark Militia paraded and got a volunteer
offer to go to Lower Canada and five men went.
Thursday 7th a cold day. Friday 8th This day stormy, ground again
covered with snow, we have had a good deal of agreeable weather,
the ground bare this long time, no snow but now likely to lie.
My girls at Currie's mill yesterday. Saturday Dec.9th killd
my3 pigs, 500 lbs.
Sabbath 10th Snow all day. Monday 11th Dull and snowing, snow
5 inches deep. G. Easton.
Wednesday 13th very frosty. Thursday Decr 14th 1837 cold and frosty.
Friday 15th a cold frosty day. Saturday 16th Exceeding cold &
Sabbath 17th a very frosty Day. Monday 18th rain all night, began to
snow and continued heavy snow till 12 o'clock. G. Easton.
Dalhousie December 19th 1837
Tuesday 19th On Sabbath Decr 17th Mary Reid was safely delivered
of a son and heir. George Easton Like snow. snow 9 inches
deep. Wednesday Dec. 20,1837 an exceeding hard frost. Thursday
21st Dec. a very frosty day. Friday December 22d frosty.
Saturday 23rd an exceeding frosty day
Sabbath 24th And Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.
Revd Dr. Gemmill.... soft
Monday 25th W
m Hay cut firewood. soft. Tuesday 26th was at James
Fair's at Parade. Wednesday 27th very frosty. James Shields
cutting firewood for me for John Conroy. Thursday 28th Decr
nowing a little all day. Friday 29th soft wind south.
Saturday 30th Was the Day of the Meeting of my Trustees. They
Signed my school paper. a frosty day. George Easton.
Sabbath 31st Decr
Soft inclining to freshness.
Monday January 1st 1838, a fine soft day. Was at James Nairn's and
J. Hetherington's at night. Tuesday 2nd. a fresh day, snow
dissolving rapidly. Wednesday 3rd was at Lanark, got my leather
from Smith the tanner. Thursday 4th Was at James Barr's funeral.
Snow almost gone..
Friday 5th was at James Reid's child's funeral, a very wet day.
Snow almost gone. Ground quite bare.
Saturday 6th again frosty, no snow.
Sabbath 7th a very wet day. Snow all gone. Monday 8th this morning
again frosty .and a very little snow. Wind north... Tuesday 9th
some heavy snow showers. Wednesday 10th very frosty, fulling *
our cloth.
Thursday Jany 11th 1838 a cold frosty Day. Friday 12th snow one inch
deep. Saturday 13th a pleasant day.
Sabbath 14th fresh. Monday 15 a stormy day, snow 2 inches deep. Tues-
day 16th Fresh, wind south.
Wednesday 17th January 1838...Our Militiamen marched from Dalhousie
on Friday 12th of Jan.
Thursday 18th Frosty, Friday heavy snow, snow 6 inches deep.
Winter seems now begun.
Saturday 20th the strongest frost we have had this season. G. Easton.
Sabbath 21st a fine day, cold.
Monday 22nd frosty Wednesday 24th wind south. Thursday 25th Frosty.
Friday 26th Mild, heavy rain. Roads horrible. Was at Poland.
Saturday 27th Hard frost, no travelling. Sabbath 28th heavy snow,
snow 5 inches deep. Monday 29. High wind. Drifting. Tuesday
30th severe frost. Wednesday 31st Excessive frost, not much snow.
Thursday February 1st 1838. a frosty day Wm Hay's child badly. 2nd
very frosty. 3rd more mild.
Dalhousie 4th Feby 1838 a frosty day. Monday 5th this day Wm
Hay's child died after being a considerable time badly. Tuesday
a day of Public Thanksgiving for the Mercies received and for
putting down rebellion in the province.
Wednesday 7th at the funeral of Wm Hay's child. Stormy, heavy snow.
* thicken by moistening, heating and pressing, as cloth;
to mill; to mill; to make compact; to scour, cleanse, and thick-
en in a mill.
Thursday 8th Snow 8 inches deep
Friday 9th frosty. Saturday 10th the ink is freezing.
Sabbath 11th a frosty day. Am I a God at hand and not a God afar
off. Revd Mr. Macalister. Monday 12th frosty. Tuesday 13th
hard frost. Wednesday very frosty. Thursday excessive frosty.
Jess and David at Lanark with oats.
Friday 16th Feby 1838...went to Perth, came home same night. awfu
frosty. Saturday 17th some of our volunteers came home,
frosty, Sabbath frosty. Monday frosty, Tuesday 20th very frosty.
Wednesday 21st frosty.
Dalhousie Feby 22;1838...Last night John McIntyre came home from the
War. This day brought the last of my hay from Conroy's, a fine
mild day.
Friday 23rd a fine winter day. Saturday 24th Excessive frosty. Jess
at the Mill yesterday.
Sabbath 25th a very frosty day. Monday 26th very frosty, fulling
my coat. Tuesday 27th Wedneaday 28th frosty.
Thursday March 1st a fine day. Friday 2nd a fine frosty day. Saturday
3rd snow 7 inches deep and has not been over 9 inches this
winter, a fine day. G. Easton.
Sabbath 4th March 1838 a fine soft day. I will be as the dew unto
Israel etc.#1 Revd Dr. Gemmill
Monday 5th Heavy snow all day, snow 15 inches deep. Tuesday 6th-
Saturday 10th This week hath been one continued snow shower and
all the time soft. 0 Miserere Mei. G. Eaaton
Dalhousie March 12th 1838- Sabbath 11th a fine day.
Monday 12th Wind north..very warm..snow decreasing. 0 miserere mei. G.E.
Tuesday 13th March 1838 Jess & Rob Macintosh at the oat mill wt. 21
bushels of oats, thawing fast. 0 Miserere Mihi. George Easton.
Wednesday 14th a soft fresh day. Thursday 15 Jenny went to Poland
and is not come back. Some people are making sugar. 0 miserere
Mihi. George Easton.
Friday 16th frosty. Saturday 17th a frosty day, this is the Commr
Court Day. Sabbath 18th Lecture Eph 5th Husbands love your wives
Revd Dr. Gemmill. Monday Soft and fresh. whether there be
sugar or not, I know not. I received my patent#2for my land on
Sat. night being March 17th 1838. G. Easton.
Dalhousie Tuesday 20th March.
Last night Tam Conroy at his old trade of lying but I'll mind
it..a fine day. Wednesday 21st a noble day. Thursday 22nd
frosty. Friday 23rd a fresh day. Sabbath 24th Last night,
thunder, lightning & rain..a complete fresh day.
Sabbath March 25th a fine day. Monday 26th this day Mrs. James Park
was consigned to the silent grave. a fresh day. Tuesday 27th
Heavy snow. Gone to Hanna's oat mill for my:
load. Macintosh
is gone for it Wednesday. Got it home 504 lb..soft..
(note at side of page: Sugar begun 23rd March 1838)
Thursday 29th March, ground again white.
Friday 30th Snow all gone. Saturday 31st frosty, a good sugar day..
*Hosea 14—5 I will be as the dew unto Israel: he shall grow as the
lily, and cast forth his roots as Lebanon.
*An instrument making a conveyance or grant of public lands; also,
the land or territory 30 conveyed.
this is John Thomson's meeting. Called by Maclellan...
Macmanigle, Macmillan and Co.,,, a little allied to McKenzie
Van Kensaeller & Co.* Sabbath April 1st 1838 in whom we have
redemption thro' his blood, even the forgiveness of our sins*
Dalhousie April 2nd 1838. a frosty day.
Tuesday 3rd Cold and frosty. Wednesday 4th still cold, busy threshing
oats. Jess at Poland making sugar. Thursday 3th Like a change,
wind south & blowing very strong. Yesterday got some hay from
James Brown Senr...This day finished threshing oats. I intend
to go to Perth to-morrow, health and weather permitting.
Friday 6th April 1838. G. Easton..went to Perth, roads horrible.
Saturday Came home, roads very bad. Sabbath 8th a fine day.
Maunanday 9th Cherry calved a Star.. Jack Storie making me a
coat. Tuesday 10th a cauld snow day. Wednesday 11th 0 misserere
mihi..G.E. Some snow, Taursday 12th April, a considerable
comparatively cold day. Jenny, David and Matthew George at
Poland. 0 miserere mihi. Geo. Easton. This day the rebel
ruffians, Gen'ls Lount & Matthews (according their sentence)
are to be hung at Toronto for High Treason.
Friday 13th an excessive frosty day.
Dalhousie Saturday April 14th 1838.
This day at Janes Rodger's barn. James Scott & Joan Conroy
were severly hurt..a log came down rolled over Convoy and lay
upon Scott. Sabbath 15th Children obey your parents etc.*
Rev Dr. Gemmill.
Monday 16th Excessive frosty. Tuesday April 17 frosty..Dull like a
change. Wednesday 16th Hard frost..built a house. Thursday
selling hats, snow decreasing, a cold frosty day. I have got
2 lambs. Saturday 21st a cold day. Wind south with snow. 0
Miserere Mihl.. Sabbath April 22nd Arch. Provan worse...still
frosty...Andrew Park fixing my house. Tuesday 24th a gay bonny
day but frosty. Wednesday 25th April. Lount and Matthews are
hung, so perish all enemies of peace and Good Order. George
Easton. a fine day, rather warm.
Dalhousie April 26th 1838. Jess came home yesterday & brought my
plough from W. Muir's. March 20th was married by the Rev Wm
McKillican... John Rose of West Gvillimsbury to Margret Climie
of Insifil. U.C....Gave Thos. Thompson some plum trees..some a change. Friday 27th This day commenced ploughing
...a soft day..Saturday 28th some frost but a fine day. Sabbath
29th The Dr. did not come...rain and snow.
Monday April 30th a very cold day..Hard frost, ground white. Tuesday
May 1st 1838. G. Easton. a frosty morning ..a warm day. Wednes-
day 2nd a fine day. Some rain. Thursday 3rd a fine fresh day.
Tom begins ploughing. Friday 4th May 1838. we began to plough.
April 27th...Robt Macintosh chopping to me, a fine day, this day
pease & spring wheat, this day vacated my school for one
week. Saturday 5th an exceeding wet day. Sabbath 6th a fine day.
Monday 7th digging my garden. Tuesday 8th Delving... Wednesday
9th still delving. Thursday 10th sow3
Friday 11th sowd barley. Saturday 12th Sowd oats. This day
*William Lyon Mackenzie, Rebel, and Van Rensaeller, heavy drinker tried tobePatriotChief.
Colossians 1-14
Colossian3 3-20 Children, obey your parents in all things: for this
is well pleasing unto the Lord.
* Samuel Lount and Peter Matthews, leaders in Rebel Cause, hanged outside
Toronto jail, April 12, 1838
Isobella Paul alias Mrs. Arch. Provan was consigned to the cold
grave. She died on Thursday May 10th being in trouble since the
beginning of Febr 1838. Hora Fugit.
Sabbath 13th Behold I have given him for Witness of the people, a
leader etc. #1 Isa. 55-4
Monday 14th commenced school- sowd oats.
Tuesday 15th a noble day. Wednesday 16th May a fine day. Thursday
17th Planted corn. Friday 18th finished my corn..a fine day,
Saturday 19th May 1838, was going to log, stop by rain. Sabbath
20th a fine day. Monday 21st was at Nairn's Dam with my cattle.
Tuesday 22nd Dull like rain. Robt Mcintosh logging to me Wednesday
23rd on Monday 21st a girl was burnt to death but I have not yet
heard the particulars, a brother's daughter to R. Boyle in Darling.
a very dull day. Thursday 24th a wet day. Since the 19th Jas.
Brown hath been badly with rheumatism, Friday 25th a dull, damp
day. G. Easton.
Saturday May 26th 1838
an excessive wet night, a wet dull, damp day. Tell me ye sons of
God, Tell me ye seraphs who stand in the Presence of the Eternal
and 0 ye redeemed where harps loudly sing the Praises of
redeeming Love. Tell me how to celebrate the Praises of my
Exalted Love of God to Sinful men—- G. Easton.
Sabbath 27thPut ye on the whole Armor of God#2 the R e v d Dr. Gemmill.
a fine day.
Monday 28th Rain all night- and a wet day. Wednesday 30th May 1838
not so wet. Macintosh with me chopping and logging. Thursday
31st- a noble day- Logging for potatoes.
Friday June 1st a fine day. Saw constellation.#5 on May 28th,
early in the evening. Cleaning land for potatoes. G.Easton.
June 1st. My plum trees full blown, a great break. G. Easton.
June 2nd cleaning land for potatoes. Dull like rain. Sabbath
3rd. a fine day. Examine yourselves whether ye be In the Faith.#3
Revd Mr. Macalister.
Monday 4th was at James Fair's at General Training. A very warm day.
Tuesday 5th a good day..planting potatoes.
Wednesday 6th June 1833- a noble day, this day planted the last of
our potatoes- 18 bushels of seed- Jess at Lanark.
Since Monday May 21st. Thomas has not been able to do any work;
he catched a severe cold and is not yet better. G. Easton.
Thursday 7th June, a fine summer day.
Friday 8th Wrought #4 at the roads, first day Statute Labour. Saturday
9th a very warm day. Sabbath 10th Behold, I have given him for
a witness. Isa. 55-4 This night saw fireflies first time, very warm.
Monday 11th This day got a pig from John Thomson. Tuesday 12th
yesterday about 2 o'clock a severe thunderstorm, heavy rain and
hail, accompanied by loud thunder & high wind, and what is
remarkable, on this Day thirteen years, and about the same time
of Day, a tornado took place, very severe in its effects and this
same was pretty severe.
1# Isiah 55-4 Behold, I have given him for a wit
. leader and a commander to the people.
2# Ephesians 6-11
3# II Corinthians 13-5
4# Wrought - Arch. word for work 5 (Constellation..Hercules?)
12th A dull warm day.
Wednesday 13th a noble day.
Thursday 14th June 1838..Tam's Cherry at the bull 12th of June. a
fine summer day. 0 happy ones that have made choice of the
Lord Jesus, who have lived holy lives in the world, who have
overcome by the blood of the Lamb & by the word of your testimony
and are now singing the praises of redeeming love among the
ransomed Millions beforer the throne.
(Note at side of page: Mrs. Edward Laverty got a son June 1838)
Friday June 15th 1838- a fine day. Jenny at Lanark. Saturday 16th
at the roads 2nd day, stopd by rain at 3 o'clock.
Sabbath 17th a warm. day. Monday 18th 23 years ago a bloody battle
was fought on the plains of Waterloo which put an end to Bonaparte.
Tuesday 19th June 1838, a fine summer day-still gathering stones.
Wednesday 20th my garden pease begun to bloom. Ploughing fallow-
a noble day- hoeing corn.
Thursday 21st a good summer day, Jess ploughing, hoeing corn. Friday
22nd Peccavi.#1 George Easton. Dominie, Dalhousie. A fine day.
Saturday 23rd June Wrought at the roads. Sabbath 24th Phil.
3rd and 3rd#2RevdDr. Gemmill
Monday 25th heavy rain. Tuesday 26th a fine day. Robt. Macintosh
Dalhousie June 27th I have again taken the school for another
year. George Easton. This is the last day of my ninth year.
I commence schoolkeeping for the tenth year on Monday July 2nd.
1838. — 27th this morning gay cold, a fine day. Thursday 28th went to Perth. Friday 29th. Passed the Board of
Education as usual but after I came away was struck off the
list- came home same night.
Saturday 30th finished my time at the roads, 4 days labour. Sabbath
July 1st a fine day. Brocky at John Storie's bull. Monday 2nd
July 1838, this day I believe will terminate my labours in the
School, there is to be a meeting to-night but I do not expect
any good in consequence. I cannot stand a Sham and the people
are not able to comply with the letter of the law, a very.
hot day, G. Easton.
Monday 9 July yesterday the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was
dispensed in St. Andrew's Hall by the Revd Dr. Gemmill. I
have again taken the school. Most excessive hot weather. Tuesday
10th July, Dull like rain, a wet afternoon. Wednesday 11th This
day Isobella Macintosh not well. A fine day, dragging fallow.
Thursday July 12thThis day commenced cutting clover. Jenny and
Jess both at Poland. I this day saw my corn silkd. Last year
none till 19th July. --this season is 7 days earlier. G. Easton.
Friday 13th Yesterday my daughter Isobella Macintosh was delivered
of a son. This day Robt. at Perth with a barrel of potash.
Last night Cherry at the bull. --a fine day.
Dalhousie July 14th 1838, mowing cloven & meadow hay. Heavy rain in
the afternoon. 0 Misereri mihi-#4a dull day. G. Easton
Monday 16 July- very dull, people busy cutting hay. George Easton.
Tuesday 17th July 1838, a noble day.
1# Peccavi- I have sinned, hence an acknowledgement or confession of sin.
1# Philippians 3-3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God
in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confid-
ence in the flesh.
growing season, to render it mellow or destroy weeds, to allow
the land to rest.
#4 Miserere mihi- Psalm 51. Have mercy upon me 0 God. etc.
Wednesday18thJuly attempted to rick hay, was stopped in
morning by rain- A.M. Like Drought.
Thursday 19th July- a noble day. Rickd my clover. Friday 25th
heavy rain. a very wet day. Eliza not well. Jess at Lanark.
G. Easton. Saturday 21st on Thursday 19th Mrs. Brown began
to nurse Edward Laverty's child- his wife being no in health.
A showery day. George Easton. Sabbath 22nd On Thursday July
5th William Cuthbertson was ordained Elder in Room of William
Anderson, deceased.. These are they who have washed their robes
& made them white in the blood of the Lamb.* Revd Dr. Gemmill
Monday July 23rd 1838 a fine day. Tuesday 24th a dull, dark, damp
day. Wednesday 25th last night heavy rain, this day warm &
a good hay day.
Thursday 26th July 1838 0 miserere mihi, 0 wretched man that I am.
G. Easton. 0 miserere mihi, a dull day like rain.
Friday 27th July 1838 a noble day. Saturday 28th July 1838, 0 miserere
mihi. an excessive warm day- as hot a day I think as ever I saw.
rickd hay. Sabbath 29th still very warm, exceeding hot. G. Easton.
Monday 30th heavy rain with thunder in the morning, a fine day. This
day began to shear wheat. George Easton.
Tuesday 31st July. last night coldish, no frost- a warm day. Wednes-
day Augst 1st a fine day. still cutting hay. G. Easton. 0 miserere
Thursday A u g t 2nd- a fine summer day. Wheat harvest is just beginning.
Friday Augt 3rd 0 miserere mihi. Tam finished his hay yesterday
being Augt 2nd 1838- a noble day & harvest day. Robt Macintosh
at Perth with his second barrel of potash. Jenny at Poland.
Saturday Aug.4th 0 miserere mihi. George Easton. At Lanark-
bought 2 shearing hooks 1/8 each. Paid1/71/2bought from J. Muir
a vest and treasures, bought 12 bushels of lime from Bredin,
gave him a note for 5/.
Dalhousie August 5th 1838.-Sabbath 5th an exceeding wet day... these
are they who have washed their robes and made them white in the
blood of the Lamb. Revd Dr. Gemmill. Monday 6th fair tho not
much drought. James Brown Junr shearing wheat, Anne with James
Brown Senr. Tuesday 7th Augt 1838 a fine day, airy. Wednesday
8th miserere mihi, my wheat, pease, and barley ripe—cutting
in the meadow—attempted to put together the last of my hay but
was disappointed by ill nature, 0 miserere mihi. George Easton.
-a fine harvest day. Thursday 9th Augt Disappointment! Disappoin-
tment!! Disappointment!! G. Easton—a fine day. Friday 10th
August 1838- a noble day. This morning commenced cutting hay
in James Brown's on shares, George Easton.
Saturday 11th August. Last night saw fire flies. Mrs. Edward Laverty
has been badly this considerable time, she has not been able to
nurse her child. She has been at her father's these 2 weeks.
Mrs. Brown has the child about 4 P.M. a tremendous shower.
Sabbath 12th a fine day, Monday 13th this is the first day of
moor fowl shooting. Dull, like rain mowing hay. Tuesday 13th
August 1838. 0 miserere mihi.
Dalhousie August 14th 1838.
Last night considerable frost..a clear day, finished cutting
*Rev. 7-14
hay this day. G. Easton.
Wednesday 15th on Sabbath morning the wolves killd and ate Tam's Tup-*
a little frost and a fine day. Thursday l6thAug. a complete
wet day- no work can be done. Friday 17th August, Jenny shearing
with James Brown Sr..a fine day. G. Easton. Dominie. Saturday
August 18th a fine day, put in my pease. Sabbath 19th a fine day
Monday 20th Shearing barley and oats, a noble harvest day. G. Easton.
Tuesday 21st of August 1838- Edward Laverty's Son was baptized.
Sabbath Aug. 19th I838. G. Easton, a fine day. 22nd, 23rd, 24th,
25th all warm weather- shearing oats- Sabbath 26th a fine day-
Canning from Ramsey visiting sick- a daft man.
Monday 27th was at Perth. Led by a fool. Rain.
Tuesday 28th a fine day. Wednesday 29th August, a little frost yes-
terday morning. E. Conroy trapd and killd a large bear.
Thursday August 30th Droughty. Friday 31st, Putting out dung-
a fine day.
Dalhousie 1st September, Saturday 1838—-a fine day—-finished my dung.
Sabbath 2nd a fine clear day. high wind. This day Tam conroy
killd anotther bear. His kingdom ruleth over all. Revd Dr.
Gemmill. Monday 3rd all corn and potatoes frosted, very hard
frost- this day cut my corn. Tuesday 4th this day sow my fall
wheat, plowing it in, a fine day yesterday. Got all my crop
into the barnyard.
Wednesday 5th Sept. 1838. a noble day, finished my wheat today.
0 miserere Mihi. George Easton. Jenny at Lanark getting
Macintyre's Grape mended. Thursday 6th Septr. Ned finished
his wheat on 5th Septr., and exceeding hot day. Jess helping
Macintosh to clean land. this day threshd beans. Friday 7th
Sept. 1838- 0 mihi, 0 me, G. Easton. a fine day. 0 miserere Mihi.
Geo. Easton. Saturday 8th Septr 1838, yesterday & today
Jas. Brown putting out dung for wheat- a fine day.
Sabbath 9th this day the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed
at John Crawford's, 12 con.* of Dalhousie. 54 Communicants,
60 in all. Monday 10th dull, like rain. Tuesday Septr 11th
no rain, a fine day. Wed. Septr 12th a noble day- this day
Lucky McTodd's Quilting bee.
Dalhousie. September 12th 1838. 0 miserere Mihi. Tell me ye Sons
of happiness, 0 tell me, ye who are redeemed by the blood of
our Exalted Lord, ye who were once in the vale of misery-
tempted like myself- who have overcome by the Blood of the Lamb
and by the word of your testimony- tell me how to escape the
wrath to come!! harken to the Voice of Eternal Wisdom. G. Easton.
Thursday 13th a fine day. G. Easton.
Friday 14th This day got all my corn in and in good order- anobleday.
Saturday 15th Septr - Was at Lanark.
Sabbath 16th a fine day. Monday 17th Again a noble day, Tuesday 18th
Jess & David at Currie's Mill. Dull, I am afraid we will not
see the.Eclipse of the Sun which takes place to-day- we all saw
it. Wednesday 19th A clear day. John Conroy this day got my
*1Tam's Tup— possibly his brother Tom's ram.
*2con.- concession
ashes. Thursday a most noble day. Last night saw the 7 stars
they rose at 9. #1
Dalhousie September 21st 1838-
Friday 21st- a noble day. ploughing.
Saturday 22nd. Septr. kept school, a small shower last night- a fine
day. Monday 24th Brot 2 loads of stones & broke my cart. Cold,
no frost, Tuesday 25th Septr A. Park fixing ray house- a fine day.
Wednesday 26th Septr 1838- a fine day, Macintosh taking the Magis-
trate's advice. Thursday 27th Macintosh gone to Perth, a soft
day. Friday 28th yesterday driving dung- to-day ploughing, a
dull soft day. Saturday 29th was at Lanark. Got David's boots.
a fine day. Neil Campbell funkit* by fall wheat after fall. Sabbath 30th a fine d
us. Revd Dr. Gemmill 1 Peter 1st-17th.* Mr. Macalister.
Monday Oct. 1st a noble day, ploughing and commenced digging
ray potatoes. George Easton.
Tuesday Octr 2nd. a noble day, digging potatoes.
Dalhousie 3rd October 1838
Wednesday Octr 3rd Was at Archie's Dam.
Thursday 4th high, south wind. Digging potatoes. Friday 5th finished
my potatoes, 187 buahels.- this day was Dalhousie fair, plenty
ofGrog and beer. I sold my oxen to James Beveridge, price
12-15 payable 5th 0ctr 1839--a fine day. Saturday 6th Thunder
pretty close. Dull and dark with high wind. Like a storm-
no storm. Sabbath 7th first frost- cold.
Monday 8th cold- a frost morning, Macintosh & Jess at Perth. Tuesday
this day in Lanark- Fair. Heard Upper Canada Friday 5th Octr
1838, a soft wet day.- was at Lanark Fair.
Wedneaday 10th a dull day. Thursday n t h a soft day. John Smith
building my Lumhead- rain.
Friday 12th my Lumhead finished* John away home. Snow, rain and
hail--heavy snow.
Saturday 13th October 1838. Yesterday Nairn's Bee. Hard frost.
Ground covered with Snow. Sabbath 14th a cold day- Wind North.
Dalhousie Oct 18th 1838. Thursday 18th this day shot at a dog belong-
ing to Jas. Brown and wounded it but it ran away- a fine day,
Friday i9th October 1838 an exceeding wet day. Macintosh at
the Mill and Lanark. Saturday 20th Soft-
Sabbath 21st he shall choose our inheritance for us, Revd Dr. Gemmill-
a fine day.
Monday 22nd a fine day, Tuesday 23rd a soft day.
Wednesday 24th Soft all day. Thursday 25th Covered my barn- a wet
morning- cold.
Friday 26th This day Allan Stewart and Jane Ellis Gray is married
at St. Andrew's by the Revd Dr. Gemmill. Dull, no rain. Saturday
27th a fine day. Sabbath 28th this day cold, snow. Sermon by
Mr. Macalister.
Monday 29th Ground white, heavy snow. Tues. Hard frost. Wednesday
Note: Allan Stewart and Jane Ellis Gray grandparents of Mrs. Merle Betes.
#1 the Pleides- the seven daughte
whose names were Alycone,Celaeno, Electra, Mala, Merope, Sterope
or Asterope, and Taygeta. They were transformed into the group
of stars, the invisible seventh, or lost one, Merope, con-
cealingherself out of shame for having loved a mortal.
31st very hard frost.
Thursday November 1st, 1838 very frosty with heavy snow. Friday
Soft- Saturday 3rd a fine day, wet at night. Sabbath 4th God
is my portion.* Revd Dr. Gemmill. Monday 5th a fine day - this
day Robt Macintosh kills his pigs.
Dalhousie Tuesday Nov 6th 1838 a wet day- anow all night. Wednesday
7th Deep anow, anow and rain all day- rain at night
Thursday 8th an exceeding wet day. Friday 9th Snow. James Brown's (Senr) firewood Bee.
Saturday 10th November 1838 a fine day.
Sabbath 11th Cold. Monday 12th Soft.
Tuesday 13th a wet day. Last night James Shields & Barny came up from
Wednesday 14th a little frost. Thursday 15th fresh.
Friday & Saturday Laying my barn floor.
Sabbath i8th Snow. God is my position for and ever. Monday 19th frosty
Tuesday 20th snow all day. Wednesday 21st Still snow blasts,
Thursday 22nd. a cold day.
Friday 23rd a fine Winter day. Friday30th Last week frosty, 3 inches
snow. my steers at the Mill. Saturday December 1st a cold day.
Sabbath 2nd. Soft no sermon.
Monday moderate. Tuesday 3rd heavy anow all day. Wednesday 4th
yesterday no snow, this day snow all day. Thursday 5th from
this to Wednesday 12th December very cold weather, this is an
exceeding cold day, drifting hard. Jess and my steers at Perth.
Thursday 13th Cold, high wind. Tuesday 18th heavy snow this
morning, threshd out my fall wheat.
Wednesday 19th kept as a Day of fasting.
December 31st 1838- from 19th to this day hath been hard frost and
almost constant snow. Snow 2 feet deep. This day my school
visited by my Trustees. G. Easton.
January 1st 1839 Jany
2nd Since Monday night to the end of Wednesday
a conatant fuddle* ^Thursday 3rd rather soft. Friday 4th frosty.
Saturday 5th carried a bushel of wheat to Bredin. Sabbath 6th
was at the funeral of E. Laverty child. Friday January 4th 1639.
Monday 7th Dalhousie. Town meeting, heavy rain.
Tuesday 8th frosty put a rick of hay into the barn. Wednesday 9th
a frosty Day. Thursday Jan. 10th soft. Friday 11th Excessive
rain, went to Perth, got wet, came home Saturday 12th.
Sabbath 13th frosty and continued till Thursday 17th- Moderate
frost, Friday 18th 1839. Tuesday 22nd. since the 18th very hard
frost. Excessive frosty. Wed. 23rd Excessive stormy & frost
intolerable, as great frost I think as I ever saw.
Thursday 24th very frosty. Friday 25th was at Lanark. sold 4 bushels
of oats @ 2/ per bus.
Saturday 26th Heavy snow. Sabbath 27th Snow excessive.
Dalhousie January 31st 1839. Saturday 26th snow began to fall and
fell and blew without intermission till Monday morning 28th
when roads were all blocked up and we have wrought on the roads
shoveling & breaking them up these 3 days; this day is more
1*Lamentations 3-24
2* fuddle- confusion
moderate but frosty. Friday February 1st 1839, an excessive
frosty day.- from this until Friday Feby 8th hath been as Severe
weather as I ever saw, high winds & drifting constantly. This
day Feby 8 more mild. Saturday 9th Library issue, a stormy
day. Sabbath 10th very frosty. Monday, Still frosty. Tuesday
12th very cold. Wednesday 13th rather soft.
Thursday 14th Snow but soft. Friday 13th a soft day. Feby 17th we
have heard this day of the death of Janet Stevenson.*1
Wednesday 20th this morning Wm Todd left Dalhousie probably forever-
Sic transit Gloria *2 heavy snow.
Thursday 21st moderate. Friday 22nd was at Arch. Nairn's at a meeting
of Lession.
Saturday 23rd Soft; thawing. Sabbath 24th from 23rd of Feby till the
27th thawing every Day. Feby 27th was at Dr. Gemmill's at
night and got receipts from James Mair & Go. & John Mair,Sutor.*3
Lanark. Thursday Feby 28th more cold; Excessive cold.
Friday March 1st 1839 The Library General Meeting, G. Easton, Librarian.
Thursday 7th this week hath been soft, this day wind south. Friday
March 8th soft, R. Mcintosh and Jess at Currie's Mill with his
oxen and my steers, 27 bushels. Saturday 9 at St. Andrew's fixing
books. Sabbath 10th and Monday 11th both very fresh.
Dalhousie March 12th 1839.
Tuesday 12th like a change. Wednesday 13th Jenny has a sore beeling
ear, Mrs. Brown's Quilting Bee. Thursday 14th Last night rain,
this morning frost. Friday 15th 0 miserere mihi, a fine day.
Saturday 16th at St. Andrew's fixing books; frosty. Sabbath,
frosty & this day took in my last hay into the barn. Tuesday
19th Still frost. Wednesday 20th frosty, like a change. Thursday
21st rain this night, went to Lanark on my way to Perth. Friday
Jess and I in Perth. Saturday 23rd Came home. Sabbath 24th frosty.
Monday 25th frosty. Tuesday 26 thawing, Wednesday 27th this day 2
of my geese died, soft.
Dalhousie March 28th 1839
Dull, like a change. Yesterday Jas. Rodger had a cow died.
Friday 29th rain and freezing, the earth Altogether one sheet of
ice. We cannot go to Sherrif's this day. G. Easton.
Saturday, March 30th this day Mrs. Cumming, Robt and John's mother
was buried, she was a very old woman. Sabbath 31st frosty.
Monday 1st April 1839. a good sugar day. Yesterday Jane Crosbie
absconded from her house and put the neighborhood in a sad fright.
Tuesday 2nd was at Lanark, brought the Colonist, warm, roads bad, sugar.
Wednesday 3rd a fresh day. Thursday 4th Jane Gold raging mad,
a fine day, almost no frost, not frosty enough for good sugar.
Friday 5th not a good sugar day, too warm.
Dalhousie April 6th 1839
Snow almost gone, weather very hot, this day Brocky calved a
bull, a fine warm day.
Sabbath 7th 1839 - Wind north, like frost, heard Puddocks, and
mosquitoes plenty. Monday 8th High north wind. Stiff frost.
G. Easton. Tuesday 9th April 1839 a fine day. Wednesday 10th
a fine fresh day.
1* Possibly his wife's mother in Scotland
*2- Sic transit Gloria - So be it with Glory
*3- Sutor, shoemaker, cobbler
Thursday 11th Still fresh & good weather. Friday 12thApril some
frost, cold. Saturday 13th Library issue, first day I served
out the books. George Easton, a fine day. Sabbath 14th was
at Poland. Monday 15th This morning Robt. Rodger Libbet*1James
Brown's foal, frosty. Tuesday 16th This day Wm Hay builds
his house- Got it done- a cold day. Wednesday 17th very frosty-
like snow. Thursday a fine day. James Paul drawing stones to
young Jamie Machin's Lum. This day we began to plow. Friday
19th this day Riggy & Cherry each calved an heifer, a fine day.
This week got the first of our Lambs. We have got three, April
19, 1839. George Easton.
Dalhousie April 20th 1839.
a cold frosty day. Sabbath 21st more mild. Monday 22nd this
morning sowd a bushel of pease, Matthew Easton ploughing them
in, busy ploughing. Tuesday 23rd a real good day. Wednesday
24th This day heard Upper Canada. rain this day, this is the
first rain this spring.
Thursday 25th on Tuesday 23rd Mr. Morris store in Perth was burnt
to the ground. a severe loss to the country. It is reported
among the heathen and Gashmir saith it, one of our most enlight-
ened neighbors went to James McLaren and after he knew he had
sold his oxen unto J. Lorimeroffered him more- and to pay cash
down for them but McLaren was more of an honest ran than break
his promise. I would say to such a man. Honi soit Qui Mal-y-[sense].
a cold wet day.
Friday 26th a fine day. Saturday 27th frosty- fencing.
Sabbath 28th a fine day. Monday- dull. Tuesday 30th yesterday &
today Matthew Easton chopping, heavy rain last night. Last
night Jane Gold ran off. she said she was bound for Perth jail.
Dalhousie May 1st 1839
Last night Jane Gold came from Lanark with Conroy and R. Macintosh,
this day sowd
my spring wheat. G. Easton.
Thursday 2nd. a fine day, sowd oats. Friday 3rd snowing, busy delving.
Saturday May 4th sowd pease, excessive frosty. Sabbath 5th May,
1839, 0 miserere mi, an exceeding wet morning.
Monday 6th some snow. This morning sowd oats. Tuesday 7th was at Lanark.
Wednesday 8th Cold with rain. Thursday 9th sowd the last of my oats, sowd o
Library issue- Sabbath 12th Mr. Fairbairn preached at St. Andrew's.
Monday 13th a wet day- Tuesday 14th Logging for potatoes in the
windfall. Wednesday 15th Ditto both days frosty mornings.
Thursday 16th a fine day, ploughing in the windfall for pot-
atoes. George Eaaton.
Friday 17th Last night and this morning planted my corn, six quarts
and a wee pickle, a fine day. Saturday 18th May 1839 Still
some frost in the morning but a fine day.
Dalhousie May 19th 1839.- Sabbath 19th- come from the 4 winds 0
breath & breathe upon these slain that they may live. Rev Dr.
Monday 20th a fine day- this day J. Brown sowd barley. Tuesday 21st
May 1839, rain, fine shower, planted a few taties.
Wednesday 22nd was logging- Thursday 23rd, this morning had a sheep
1* Libbet- geld- castrate.
died. Dull, like rain.
Friday 24th, yesterday planted common beans- heavy rain- this day
a fine clear day. Saturday 25th was working at A. Nairn's dam-
a fine day.
Sabbath 26th a fire day. Saw fire flies this night-
Monday 27th a wet day- Tuesday 28th busy sowing turnips. Wednesday
29th a wet morning- a dull day. Thursday 30th a fine day, plowing
in the windfall for potatoes. Friday 31st May 1839- a fine day,
plowing still for potatoes.
Saturday June 1st 1839 G. Easton, a dull wet day, planting potatoes.
and shot a crow. George Easton.
Sabbath 2nd. wherein was offered a crucified Savior.
Monday 3rd. a fine day, planting potatoes, 0 miserere mihi.
Dalhousie June 4th 1839. I have not had no school meeting and I hope
I will have none. George Easton. At Mr. James Fair's at
General Training- a fine day. Wednesday 5th a dull, damp day, sowd cress
about Margaret Rodger, 0 tempera, 0 mores*1Thursday 6th June a
dullwet Damp Day. Friday 7th June 1839. Excessive warm. Sat-
urday 8th awful' wet.
Sabbath 9th a wet day. Monday 10th a fine day, hoeing corn, Tuesday
June 11th a fine day.
Wednesday 12th this morning E. Conroy killd a wolf, this morning, some
Thursday 13th cold & wet. Friday 14th a vary warm day. Saturday 15th
June 1839 workd at the roads, first Day.
Dalhousie June 16th 1839 a fine day, cold
Monday 17th a good day. J. Thomson going to look for land. Tuesday
18th This morning Jane Crosbie is away to Perth, a wet day.
Last night we had a School Meeting when I declined keeping school
any longer. I have kept school ten years. Geo. Easton.
Wednesday 19th cold, just now have a shower. Geo. Easton.
Thursday 20th June 1839. Hard frost.
Friday 21st chopping, 0 miserere mihi, G. Easton. - a fine summer day.
They have lodged Jane Crosbie in Perth jail on Tuesday 18th, she
is out. Saturday 22nd working at the roads. Sabbath 23rd a fine
Monday 24th this day Riggy at the Bull, Brocky onSaturday 22nd. Tues-
day 25th a fine day. James Reid with a barrel of potash.
*10 time, 0 death
The diaries of George Easton and Robert Setton Ogilvie are
and other farm occupations. Included are personal notes which make
the men and their families "come alive" for the reader and give an
insight into 19th century life in the backwoods of British America.
Neither man farmed before emigrating to Canada. They came from
differing segments of Scottish society. George Easton was a weaver
and a descendant of weavers. Robert Setton Ogilvie's family were
descendants of Scottish lords and owned a glassworks in Glasgow.
He came to Canada as a "remittance" man, a man with a lifetime income
from Scotland.
The men were alike in that they were Christian, educated, decent,
perceptive, honest and law-abiding Scotsmen. In the old country they
might not have met but in Canada they lived near each other and
Robert married George's daughter, Anne.
It was not an early marriage for Robert as he was 41 years old
in May of the year 1847 when he came to Canada aboard the sailing
ship "Rosina". His grandson, Robert Adam Ogilvie, DDS, stated to
Marjorie Ogilvie Haugner that the reason for his emigration to Canada
was to go ahead and make a place for his sister, Eleanor Dixon Ogilvie,
31 and unmarried. Eleanor had taken to "hipping" a bit too much
liquor at Glasgow parties and had become an embarrassment to her
family in Scotland. Since Robert was not married he was chosen to be
the one to solve the problem. Within two years Robert married Anne
Easton, 25 years old, Eleanor married a Penman and had two girls, but
both died of diphtheria at an early age. Eleanor left a tea set which,
according to her wishes, is passed on to succeeding Eleanors. It
is now owned by Verna Eleanor, Mrs. Ray Donaldson, nee Percy, of
Lanark, Ontario. Robert and Anne had three sons and a daughter.
George and Robert came to an area of fellow Scotsmen, land
assigned to the Lesmahagow weavers but chosen by Robert. It was
thin, rocky land, much like Scotland itself. Later Robert regretted
coming to poor land when better land was available elsewhere.
Yet both seemed to be reasonably happy and contented. Robert,
who must have had a life of comparative ease in Scotland, wrote after
twenty years as a humble farmer:
"The additional experience of twenty, years has not shown me
that there is any necessary connection between a life of toll
and a life of wretchedness; and when I have found good men
anticipating a better and happier time than either the present
or the past, the conviction that in every period of the World
History the great bulk of mankind must pass their days in
labour has not in the least inclined me to skeptcism making
me to husband out Life's tasks at the close, and keep the
flame from working by repose."
George Easton, after eleven years in Canada writes on a fine
warm June day, " I am contented and tolerable happy, I am."
Foreword and footnotes by Marjorie Ogilvie Haugner as well as typing
for printing.
Hand copy made from the Easton diary by Merle Percy Bates.
Transcription Progress
“George Easton Diary, 1830-1839,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,