Christina McLennan Diary, 1916-1922
Date Created
January 1916
B.5 Christina McLennan Diary
1 Copied
Jan 1916 to Jan 1922
January 1st 1916
Saturday 1 Had two ducks for dinner (roasted), Jemmie is not well
Sunday 2 Lent 25 to Church. Jemmie is very sick, he has rose spots on his body from the middle of his breast to the middle of his back, he thinks they are shingles
Monday 3 After Court was over Jemmie went to Cornwall and consulted Dr Hamilton, who said it was Shingles and gave him a perscription He got home in the evening time 2 loaves 12
Tuesday 4 Weather faor
Wednesday 5 " "
Thursday 6 Bioquits 25 2 loaves 12
Friday 7 Mrs Alex M Anlyse paid the pound for 1915 rent $8.00
Saturday 8 Milk 42. 2 loaves 12. Mrs Christie and Kalvin came in afternoon. Commission in Pt Andrew tomorrow. A Mr Manson preached today
Sun 9 Lent 25 to church. John Anges Randolph here to dinner. They all looked well
Mon 10 Ann called did no wash. Roman meal 2 loaves 12
Tues 11 Ann washed 60cts. Got 3 eggs. Reid Murdy 704lbs of butter purn Factory. 34cts per lb
Wed 12 got 16lbs of butter, 20 in all 34. Paid Murdy $5, owe him 1.80
Thur 13
Frid 14
Sat 15 I gall coal oil 18 2 loaves 12 Milk 42
Sun 16 It is two weeks today nine Jemmie was out his shingles are drying up Lent 25 to Church
Mon 17 To 3 loaves 18
Tue 18 Fine bright day
Wed 19 Bright day. Got $20.00 from Tar Bell Telegraph
January 1916 6 Annual {Illegible}
28 10-02
Thurs 20, 2 loaves 12, –12
Fri 21, Rain
Sat 22, Still rain milk 42 bread 12, 0–54
Sun 23, {Illegible} 100 general fund 25. Roads slippery Horses slipping, 1–25
{wagons?} and cutters sliding
Mon 24, Ann 60, These funerals in village One in St-Marys
2 in St Andrews {Fendlands?}. West the River and Mrs Peter Angus Grant. South Branch (age 96)
Tues 25, Burns birthday Not the proverbial birthday Very mild 2 yds of lamp wick 4 di 3 di = 7 2 loaves 12, 19
Wed 26, Dull rain all night. There was a dance in Sullivans Hall last night, in commomeration of Burns 4 loaves, 24
Thurs 27, Lizzie Walsons husband (John Lorn Campbell, died in Chacago will be burried here today,
Fri 28, Dull like mon
Sat 29, Lovely day milk 42 Roman meal 25 1 can Salmon 25, 92 1 box biscuts 25 2 loaves 12 Katie Christie here, 37 to tea Jimmie was at the Bank. he paid me $120
Sun 30, Roads very slippery Church off 25, 25/2 - 88
Mon 31, {Skating?} all over the road in the village people falling right and left {Last three words underlined}
February 1916
Tues 1, New Year, This is Leap year {crossed out} Fine mild day. I sent 1000 to merchants Bank
Wed 2, mild dull day 2 loaves 12, 12
Thurs 3, Turned cold Jimmie went to Cornwall, I sent my speck, got new {limples?} and new bifocals cost 90 di, 90
Frid 4, 2 loaves 12, 1 gall coal oil 18 4 1/2 lbs molasses 23_ 2 lbs lard 36
Sat 5, Fine and bright milk 42 2 loaves 12, buns 10, 64
Sun 6, Jimmie was in church the first time this year Sent 25 to general fund, 25
Mon 7, Hannah m {name} Cromwall came by The morning train and got us in bed, she came to her aunts funeral {illegible} Pelir m Dougall, she thought they would let her off, near Glen Brook, they would not, but will let her off of the 10 20, train
Tues 8, Jimmie and I sent an order to Eatons, the goods came They are not very satisfactory, my {illegible} are not what I ordered I am sending them back and will take a kitchen clock It is very cold 4 below and -8 a m Ann 60
Wed 9, Stormy
Thurs 10, 2 loaves
Frid 11, Mercury 10 below
Sat 12, Lovely day. 1 gall coal oil 18 –3 loaves 18, 36 biscuits 25 milk 42, 67 The clock came today 3,50 , 3, 50
Sun 13, G fund 25, 25
Mon 14, Mercury down to 20 this am
Tues 15, 3 loaves 18. Helena St Thomas paid me the back rent. It was 8.00 I gave a reciept for 7.00
Wed 16, Had a letter from {name}, 764 + 23 = 789
Thurs 17, 1 lb biscuit
February 1916
Carried forward
Thurs 17, got 30 lbs butter from factory 32 pr lb 7,89 {+?} 9,60 Paid {Murdy?} 1.80 I owed him from last butter 1 80
Frid 18, 2 loaves 12, Jean came by morning train and spent the day, returning by evening train, Mary m {name} was here to tea. Turned cold and stormy in evening Jimmie is going to a party at McNiels Lancaster
Sat 19, Bright and cold mercury 4 below in am it was 3 am when Jimmie got home. Milk 42, bread 12. Jimmie is going to get a qrt of milk 54
Sun 20, Sent 25 to Church. Mrs. Christie Kate and Duncan here to tea Very cold 25
Mon 21, Cold Ann did not wash mercury down to 18
Tues 22, Snowing
Wed 23, Turned fine Ann 60 3 loaves 18 78
Thurs 24, Murdy left on early train for Alexandria to a meeting about getting recruits for the war
Fri 25
Sat 26, To 25 lbs of five roses flour 1,00 3 loaves 18 1,18
" Milk 42
Sun 27, Sent 25 to church 25
Mon 28, Stormy
Tues 29
March 1916
Wed 1, Fine day The lamb is out 1 gall coal oil 18
Thurs 2, loaves 12 Jimmie left for Toronto Ann Hall paid $3.50 for one months rent
Fri 3, To 2 loaves 12 Roman meal 25 37
Sat 4, Bright weather milk 42. Jimmie milk 42 42 " 2 loaves 12
Sun 5, Foreign missions 2.00 general fund 25 2.25
Mon 6, Jimmie got home at 7 am Ann 60 60 " 6 bars of sunny monday soap 25 25 Jimme got for me in Toronto a {illegible} Cedar mop 1,25 and a bottle of {illegible} Cedar oil 50, stormy 50
Tues 7, an oyster supper at M Whenneys' for Red Cross Jimmie went
Wed 8, Ash Wednesday Dull heavy weather To 2 loaves 12. Got a letter from Randolph dated 5th Feb
Thurs 9, May called. gave her $3.00 missionary money 10 for presbeterial fund 25 for m, tidings 2 loaves 12 sugar 50
Frid 10, Stormy The snow plough went through the village streets. Mrs {name} had a party tonight
Sat 11, milk 42 {illegible} 42. biscuit 25 bread 24 91 molasses 35 2 lbs codfish 20 55
Sun 12, Sent 25 for G Fund Rev Sutherland of Lancaster got word that his son died of wounds he received at the front
Mon 13, To 1 gall coal oil 18 Jimmie left for Cornwall just after the court Jean sent down 1 doz pint cans of orange marmalade
Tues 14, Lovely day soda 10 {? starter} 15 25
Wed 15, 2 loaves 12 1/4 lb giner 13. 1 bag wheat for 25
Thurs 16, hens feed at {illegible}. $2.15 2,15
Fri 17, St. Patrick's Day cold and stormy. 10 below zero quite a number of people sat all day in the station waiting for the train to take them to Cornwall for The Play, The Birth of a Nation, there was no train. The hack is snowed up. 2 loaves 12 salt 10, 22
Sat 18, Brght day {illegible} 12. below about 10. Jimmie went again to the station. There were a number there tonight they would be up for the 2.31 play on the 8:30. They were agan disappointed , about {11} P.M there was a train and a few men got on. it was {illegible} before the got to Cornwall. I did not hear how they got back. 2 loaves 12. 2 lbs {illegible} 20. Milk 42 g 42 Katie here for tea. 64
Sun 19, Jimmie's birthday. Sent 25 to church. John Agnes and Randolph were down.
Mon 20, Jimmie left on the early train for Ottowa. he is {illegible} men for the {bushmen?} battalion that are going to Britain and France to cut down forests 2 loaves 12, 12
Tues 21, Jimmie missed the connection from Ottawa at Pt {Polycape?} and had to get {illegible} to Lancaster then drove home about 11 P.M.
Wed 22, Bright day. Cold wind. Jimmie has a heavy cold 2 loaves 12. Sent a letter to Marion , 12
Thurs 23, Roman meal 25 rolled oats 25 coal oil 18 {illegble} at 4 a.m. 2, 73 2 below 2 loaves 12
Fri 24, {Lovely?} day, a great deal of trafficon the roads the snow is very deep. Gave Mary m Lennan 1.00 for {illegible}
Sat, milk 42. Jimmie 42 4 loaves 24 1 {illegible} 30, 96
Sun 26, Fine day Mrs Christie Katie & Dunkie here to tea The roads are goung fast, travelling will be bad the snow is so deep Sent 25 to church Jimmi not out yet, 25
Mon 27, Very fine day. roads very bad.
Tues 28, My birthday I was born 1836. 80 years To 2 loaves 12, 3-16 / 10 10
March 1916
Carried forward
Tues 28, My birthday 80 years. Fine day Farquhar and Jean came on the 5:30 Am. had tea went back on 8.p.m. Far brought me a silk coat. Gladys sent me some dish cloths and face cloth
Wed 29
{Written sideways, Christina possibly showing signs of dementia}
Mon 29, Carried from page 11 Carried forward $9.57
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- Christina McLennan 1916-22 Diary 78.pdf
- Christina McLennan 1916-22 Diary 79.pdf
- Christina McLennan 1916-22 Diary 80.pdf
- Christina McLennan 1916-22 Diary 81.pdf
- Christina McLennan 1916-22 Diary 82.pdf
- Christina McLennan 1916-22 Diary 83.pdf
- Christina McLennan 1916-22 Diary 84.pdf
- Christina McLennan 1916-22 Diary 85.pdf
- Christina McLennan 1916-22 Diary 86.pdf
- Christina McLennan 1916-22 Diary 87.pdf
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