Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary, 1930-1932
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Ellas Maurer's Diary
For the Year 1930 and 1931
January, 1930
1 Wednesday. Rained practically all day. We had company for dinner - Mr. and Mrs. Sim. Weaver and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller {^} and Aubrey Lawson. Vernon and Willard had New Year's dinner at Enoch Schneider's
2 Thursday. Mild and dreary. We butchered a pig here for Ges. Schneider's today. Vernon and Earl Miller went hunting this afternoon but didn't get anything We heard General & .C. Smuts of South Africa, W L.M. King and Sir Robert Bordew over the radio tonight.
3 Friday Wonderful morning. Snowed this p.m. Grandma Witzel died last night. There was a short service at the home of her son Henry this afternoon and they took her to her old home at older Lake near Ottawa for burial. Walter took 3 horses down to Thilliards. Milton Eix went with him.
January, 1930
4 Saturday. Fair. Walter took Lillie the old Holestein cow defo to Alma this afternoon. Vernon took Willard to Elmiras to catch the 3.50 train for Waterloo. Tonight Walter, Ella & Vernon went over to Olto Miller's for supper and the evening.
5 Sunday Fair. Raw south west wind blowing. We all went to S.S. and church this afternoon and Vernon went to Leagues tonight.
6 Monday Mild and windy Started to rain this evening and kept it up all night. Ella did the washing and most of the ironing Walter killed a cattle beast for Enoch Schneider this morning and went to Floradale to vote this p.m. Callers were - E. Schneider, Edmunds and Willard Schmidt, Jorad & Elird Good {^} and Joe Hall Vernon & Harvey Reist were cutting wood for Leon Wagner.
January, 1930.
7 Tuesday. Rained all day. Mild. Walter & Vernon butchered 3 pigs for Jarael {Jariel} today. Walter also killed a sheep for Edmund Schwindt and cut up a quarter of beef for Enoch Schneider so he had a busy day.
8 Wednesday. Rained this morning. Turned colder during the day. Everything is covered with ice. Walter helped to butcher at Zoo. {Hingericho?} today. Vernon's callers were Enoch & Jruin Schneider, Jariel and Elvin Good.
9 Thursday. Cold and storming from the east. Vernon and Harvey were cutting wood in Leon Wagner's bush this afternoon. Callers this a.m. were - Sam Horst, Harvey & Lorie Riest.
10 Friday. Cold and clear. Vernon and Harvey worked in Leon's bush this afternoon. Walter went to Elmind after dinner.
January, 1930 {.}
11 Saturday. Very cold and storming from the east again. Vernon & Harvey were cutting wood for Leon all day. Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale this afternoon. Callers - Sam Horst and Zoe Hall.
12 Sunday. Dreary and raw. Vernon and Ella went to church and Sunday school this morning {.} Walter has a bad caold and feels tough. Vernon went to League.
13 Monday. Cloudy. Snow flurries {.} Walter spent the day in the house {.} Vernon and Harvey finished Leon's wood this morning and this p.m. Vernon cleaned the stables and brought home 3 loads of wood from the bush. Ella did the washing {.} Callers were - Sam Umbach, Maurice and Jim Dowrey, Lorie Reist and Alfred S hautz.
January, 1930.
14 Tuesday. Foggy, mild day. Rained tonight. Vernon did the stable work this morning and he and Harvey started cutting wood in Noah's bush this p.m. Noah Miller spent the afternoon here.
15 Wednesday. Cold. Snowing. Vernon & Harvey were cutting wood in Noah's bush today. Addison Reist visited Walter this morning.
16 Thursday. Clear and very cold. Vernon & Harvey worked in Noah's bush all day. Walter killed a cattle beast for Enoch Schneider this morning. We had company for supper and the evening - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller {,} Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt, Rhoda & Glady. Other callers - Henry Ziegler, Noah Lechty, Eph. Martin, Sam Horgt, Enoch Schmidt, 2 {Hydrs?} guy, Mr Shutz & Mr Lee.
January, 1930
17 Friday. Cold with east wind {.} Started to snow this afternoon. Vernon & Harvey worked in Noah's bush this afternoon. Walter took some beef to his Dad's. Callers - Enoch & Jrain S. and Ges. Bolender. Luella Edlen was buried at Elmira this afternoon
18 Saturday. Very cold. Vernon and Harvey were working in Noah's bush all day and Vernon froze one of his ears. Walter drove to Creek bank this afternoon. Tonight Mr. & Mrs. Addison Reist and their seven children spent the evening here.
19 Sunday. Very cold and somewhat stormy. We all went to church & S.S. this afternoon. Mrs David Lishtly of near Conestoga was buried at Elmira today.
20 Monday. Wonderful day. Clear and cold. Walter & Ella were helping to butcher at Louis Miller's today. Vernon was drawing wood. Cayton Playford, Elwood MeQusy and Ed. Ludwig came up here in their Snowmobile and spent the evening here.
January, 1930.
21 Tuesday. Another fine day. Some snowflurries. Vernon was drawing wood home from the bush. Walter's callers were - Joe Hall, George Koepke and Sam. Umbach. This morning we heard the addresse of King George and the delegate to the Disarmament Conference broadcasted from London, England.
22 Wednesday. Beautiful morning {.} Very cold. Rather stormy this p.m. Walter butchered a pig here for Joe Hall today. Vernon was drawing wood home this afternoon. Ella visited Mrs. Sam Horst this afternoon.
23 Thursday. Cold & stormy. Vernon finished the wood this morning and Walter took some meat to Alma. This afternoon they both went to Elmira in the sleigh.
24 Friday. Cold & somewhat stormy. The men were bagging chop & trimming turnips. Walter & Ella were at Noah Miller's for tea and Emerson Stange spent the evening here.
January, 1930
25 Saturday. Very stormy & cold {.} The men worked around the barn. No mail today. Earl Miller called.
26 Sunday. Very cold and somewhat stormy. Walter & Vernon went to S.S. and church this morning and Vernon went to League tonight.
27 Monday. Cloudy and not quite so cold with light snowfalls. Walter took some chopping to Floradales this morning. Callers today were - Joe Hall, Henry Atteinson and Mrs. Allen Wagner. Vernon helped Ella do the washing.
28 Tuesday. Rain and cloudy this morning. Fierce blizzard this afternoon and turned much colder. Walter took a load of turnips to Elmira this forenoon and Angus Weber came home with him and was here for dinner. Walter took him back to Elmira again this afternoon. Callers - Joe Hall and Eph. Snyder.
January, 1930
29 Wednesday. Cold and clear. Walter took a load of turnips to Elmira this afternoon. Ella spent the afternoon with Ella Miller and helped her cut quilt patches.
30 Thursday. Clear and cold. Wonderful winter's day. We were butchering a big pig for Henry Ziegler today. Eber Stickney died very suddenly at his home in Alma this afternoon.
31 Friday. Cold. Rather stormy. Walter took a load of turnips to Alma this afternoon. Walter Adler was here for supper and he and Vernon went to the League Social at Noah Miller's tonight. Callers were - Henry Ziegler, Laudwell Bolender and Kenneth Atkinson.
February, 1930
1 Saturday. Fair. Snowfluirres. The men trimmed turnips this morning and Walter took a load to Alma this p.m. Eber Stickney was buried in the Elora Cemetery today. Vernon called at Noah Miller's and brought Orpha a birthday cake.
2 Sunday. Cloudy & rain. Snowed practically all day. Walter has a bad cold. Vernon and Ella went to Sunday school this afternoon. The bear didn't see his shadow today.
3 Monday. Cloudy. Everything is covered with hoarfrost. Walter & Ella did the washing this morning . Vernon put out a few loads of manures.
4 Tuesday. Cloudy & rain. Walter called at Earl's this afternoon and Vernon was drawing manures. Callers were - Ges. Boldener, Enoch Schneider and Elmo King. Elmo was here for dinner.
February, 1930.
5 Wednesday. Cold & cloudy. Walter took a load of chopping to Horadale this afternoon. Sam Horst was here for dinner. Harvey Reist and Noah Miller visited us this afternoon. Ella's birthday and she's reached the stage where she's not telling the world her age.
6 Thursday. Very cold with east wind. Walter went to Jorael Weber's sale this afternoon. Vernon spent the day in the house with a bad cold.
7 Friday. Cloudy & cold. Snowflurries Walter went to Elmira this afternoon. Callers - Sam Horst & Harvey Reist.
8 Saturday. Wonderful day. Clear and cold. Mrs. John Bolender was buried in the North Woolunich cemetry the afternoon. Rus. Knichtel of St. Jacobs conducted the service at the church. Walter was at the funeral.
February, 1930.
9 Sunday. Snowing and rather stormy. Walter & Vernon went to church and Sunday school this morning. Vernon spent the afternoon at Reists and went to League tonight. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Bender spent the evening here.
10 Monday. Snowing & storming. No mail today. Addison and Harvey Reist were our callers.
11 Tuesday. Lovely sunny day. Walter & Ella did the washing. This afternnoon Walter went to Christ. Hartwig's sale near Yatton.
12 Wednesday. Mild & showery Walter called at Sam Umbach's and Hy. Atkinson's this morning and at Henderson's and Allen Wagner's this afternoon.
13 Thursday. Colder & windy. Vernon was drawing manure. There were two telephone men here for dinner. Other callers - Joe Hall, Otto K Norman Miller, Walter Mickus and Alex Hess.
February, 1930.
14 Friday. Cold and stormy. The wind mill pump broke yesterday and Francis Lynch fixed it today and was here for dinner. Other callers - Leon & Gordon Wagner, Otto & Noah Miller.
15 Saturday. Clear and very cold. Walter & Vernon took the colt "Winnie" down to Leon Wagner's this afternoon. Walter sold her for 140. Enoch Schneider called this afternoon. Harvey & Lorne Reist spent the evening here.
16 Sunday. Clear and very cold. Walter & Vernon went to church & Sunday school this afternoonwhere Res. Speedie of Toronto spoke. Vernon went to League tonight and Wesley and Esther spent the evening here.
17 Monday. Not as cold, Walter spent the afternoon at Sim. Weaver's. Walter Adler was here for dinner. Other callers - Earl Miller, Seth Martin and son. Heard a broadcast from Sydney Austraila this noon.
February, 1930
14 Friday. Cold and stormy. The wind mill pump broke yesterday and Francis Lynch fixed it today and was here for dinner. Other callers - Leon & Gordon Wagner, Otto & Noah Miller.
15 Saturday. Clear and very cold.
[Loose paper insert covering diary page. Insert reads:
The happiest heart that ever beat Was in some quest breast They found in common daylight sweet And left to heaven rest
-John Vance Cheney ]
Harvey & Lorne Reust spent the evening here.
16 Sunday. Clear and very cold. Walter and Vernon went to church & Sunday school this afternoon where Rev. Speedie of Toronto spoke. Vernon went to League tonight and Wesley and Esther spent the evening here.
17 Monday. Not as cold, Walter spent the afternoon at Sim. Weaver's Walter Adler was here for dinner. Other callers - Earl Miller Seth Martin and son Heard a broadcast from Sydney Austrailia this noon,
February, 1930
18 Tuesday. Cloudy and mild Walter and Ella did the washing and this p.m. Walter went to Mr. Bowman's sale near Elmira and Vernon was drawing manure. Callers - Solomon Martin's son, Ges. Stone and Elmo Kings mow. Gerard Reid.
19 Wednesday. Beautiful mild spring like day. Walter butchered a pig for John Stange today. Vernon & Harvey were working in Harvey Schmidt swamp this afternoon. Callers were - Jus & Emesson Stange, Enoch Schneider and Epkraim Snyder. Mrs. Jefferson, bolson's mother died at Kitchener this morning.
20 Thursday Another lovely mild day. Walter was butchering at Leon Wagner's today. Vernon & Harvey Reist were in the swamp this afternoon. Mrs. Sam Horst and little Orvie visited Ella this p.m.
February, 1930.
21 Friday. Another wonderful day. The snow is going fast. Walter took a load of grist to Floradale and attended Regie's sale. Vernon and Harvey worked in the swamp this afternoon.
22 Saturday. Dreary and mild. Walter took 2 sons he sols down to aaron Martin's this afternoon. Eph Snyder called here twice today. Noah Miller, Esther & Ruth spent the evening here.
23 Sunday. Fine day. Rained this morning. There was no S.S. and church services at Woolwich today. Mr. & Mrs. Noah Miller Orpha Morgaret and Jimmy visited us today and were here for supper. Annie and Eva Schneider spent the afternoon here.
24 Monday. Lovely day. Walter & Ella did the washing. Walter & Vernon took 2 sons up to Eph Snyder's this a.m. They visited Noah Miller's and Stange's this p.m.
February, 1930
25 Tuesday. Dreary and showery all day. Walter and Will King went to Jacob Dreisinger's sale and Will was here for supper.
26 Wednesday. Cold & stormy. Vernon & Harvey worked in the swany this afternoon. Walter called at Horst's and Schneider's this p.m. and Elmo King called on him. Ella was at a quitting at Mrs. Hoffer's and these ladied were there. Mrs. Andrew Groff, Mrs. Alex Young, Mrs. Enoch Schneider, Mrs. Solomon Bender and Mrs. Earl Miller, Mrs. Chas Koyeke and Mrs. Sim Weaver.
27 Thursday Fair and cols. Vernon & Harvey worked in the swamp and Harvey was here for dinner. Walter called at Juo. Maurers, Bill Stahlbaum's * C. Ewans.
28 Friday. Fine day. Vernon & Harvey worked in the swamp this p.m. Walter took chopping to Alma. Callers - Clarence Stone, Jack Stubbo & Noah Shoemaker.
March, 1930.
1 Saturday. Changeable weather. Dreary and raw with showers this afternoon. Turned colder tonight. Vernon went to Elmira with Addison Reist this morning. Walter called at Louis Miller's this afternoon. Callers were - Harvey Reist, Dan Martin, Martin Bowman, Corbett MacDonald. Enoch & Jarvin Schneider.
2 Sunday COld & very windy Snowflurries. Walter went to church and Sunday school this afternoon.
3 Monday. Cold & stormy. Walter & Ella did the washing this a.m. Vernon & Ella did the washing this a.m. Vernon & Harvey finished cutting wood in the swamp this morning and each took a load some this p.m. Walter butchered a cow for eph. pryders.
4 Tuesday. Fair and cold. Walter butchered a big sow for Eph. S. Ephraim helped all day and they made over 275 lbs. of summer sausage Vernon & Harvey brought home wood from the swamp.
March, 1930
== 5 Wednesday == Raw wind blowing {illegible} Stanley brough home some more wood this morning and cut wood in {illegible}. Snyderi hish this afternoons. Walter + Ella went to Floradah and Ella spent the afternoon with Pearl.
=== 6 Thursday === Fair with raw fast winds. Vernons and Harvey cut wood at {Eph}. {Snyderi?} all day. Walter went to Mrs.Eber Stichery sale this afternoon.
=== 7 Friday === Cloudy. Started to rain this afternoon. Jack Nelson of Salem was here for dinner. Walter went over to {illegible} and got a horse from {illegible}. Whitelow Vernon and Harvey were at Eph. Snyderi all day. Callers were - Sam , Horst, Evant, Davien and Dave Marshall.
=== 8 Saturday === Cold and very windy. Vernon worked at Ephi all day. Walter had dinner at his Dad's. They pulled two motorists thtough the snow bank. Mr.Shurantback of {illegible} and Jack Hambly of Drayton
March 1930
=== 9 Sunday === Fair. We drove to church with Enoch and Irvine in the car this morning. Grandpa Maurer was here for dinner. Norman Miller spent the day with Vernon and they went to League tonight.
=== 10 Monday === Fair and mild. Walter spent the day in Elmira and had his dinner at Norman Snyder's. Grandpa Krauter came up here today He came from Elmira with Noah Miller. We got the sap outfit ready today.
=== 11 Tuesday === Rained this morning. Real snowflurries this afternoon. Walter butchered a pig for Jus. Archibald today and took a load of chopping to Alma this afternoon. Vernon and Grandpa took the sap outfit back to the bush and tapped a few trees. Callers- Sam Haist, Otto and Norman Miller
This morning {soe?} heard a conversation between a man in Schenectady N.Y and Admiral Richard Byrd et Dunedin. N.Z. William {Stroard?} Taft was buried at Washington.
March 1930
=== 12 Wednesday === Looks like winter snowing + blowing. Not very cold. We were hitchering for Otto's today and Otto was here and helped Ernie Sippel, the baker brungs Broker the tougee and after on his wagon and borrowed the front bob of our sleigh to complete his route. Hert, Feil called.
=== 13 Thursday === Cold and windy. Meno Sauder of Balsam Grove was here for dinner and gave Walter a free lecture this afternoon on the depravity of the worlds in general and the church in particular.
=== 14 Friday === Clear and cold. Walter went to Alma and Creekbank this afternoon. Vernon took a stroll down to the {bach?} and Louis Miller. Callers- Same Houst, John Geisell I. {Iuletoki?}
=== 15 Saturday === Clear and cold. Walter took Grandpa Krauter to Elmira this moening and called at Sol. Lichtgo and Enoch Schneider's this afternoon.
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- EllamandaMaurer_1930-32_240.pdf
- EllamandaMaurer_1930-32_241.pdf
- EllamandaMaurer_1930-32_242.pdf
- EllamandaMaurer_1930-32_243.pdf
- EllamandaMaurer_1930-32_244.pdf
- EllamandaMaurer_1930-32_245.pdf
- EllamandaMaurer_1930-32_246.pdf
- EllamandaMaurer_1930-32_247.pdf
- EllamandaMaurer_1930-32_248.pdf