James Cameron Diary, 1876


James Cameron Diary, 1876


James Cameron


Courtesy of Archives of Ontario


March to December, 1876




19th Century, Glengarry County, McMaster's Island Township, Ontario

Date Created

March 1876

Is Part Of

James Cameron Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript



Mr James Cameron Island March

Went to the {torn away} geon Island a Fine Day 6th in the bush cut {torn away} e wood

7th a Fine Day sloppy on the {torn away} went {torn away} Williamstown Brought out a cake of sugar {torn away} the Bosells caught a Deer Sunday above {torn away} at in Cornwall about the church on {torn away}rr Rained tonight hard raised the creeks

8th came home from Williamstown {torn away} me out had Great Work fixing the {torn away}on the creeks stopt at Barretts Going {torn away} came around by Robert Jacks house and to J Hamiltons John and Tommy Jack Drove me Down took up the Runcheon

9th George Bosell here Fixing the camp

10 I Hamilton here seen 2 Wild Geese for the first

11 Crofsed to Summerstown Races there Rained some and John Tyo and Rod Cameron Racing on this Road and they Went like Wildfire Bought of Viponds 1/2 lb Tea and Lead Pencil

12th of March On this Day on the Month Dell Master First came to the Island Fine but cold

13th in the Bush cold cutting Firewood

14th Hamilton Drew me some firewood

15th Went to Summerstown with ashes 12 bushels John Hamilton took them up for me Bought Arponds Tea 75 3 yds Cotton 33 Pot 25 Rice 3 lb 21 Matches Paid Pencil Got 4 Dollars from AI Baker

16th Turned stormy East Wind and snow Mr Chapman and Wife stopt and Turned Back to Fort Covington sent Gordon acrofs

17th St Patricks Cold and stormy bad with a cold Norman Bethune and Bill Palmer coming from Lancaster on a Buggy stopt to Give their Horse a Drink of River Water as he would not Drink well water {torn away}Buckerman stopt Gave me the {torn away} Date in Montreal on St Pat{torn away} clear to Day.

At James Cameron Island March 31st 1876

Last Day of March Writing to Day George Fixing the camp took up the Pot to the Bush and the chains Big Barrel

1st of April Fools Day First Boiling in the Bush made 3 Gallons of Mollasses I went to Dundee Chartreaul called in and we walked up together on the crust called at I Hopkins them all being sick with pluracy Got a Ride up from Johnny Spenk and Bill Morris to the Distillery A Fine Day Bought of R Baker 1 lb of Power 2 lb of shot 1/2 Doz of Buttons 2 yds of stuff for Leander Pipes a Treat at I U G Bought at I U G 4 Got a Ride home from Mr A.McLean Lancaster Gave a Look at the Hay to sent a Man for hay Monday Peggy Gave Livinia some Ham I Hamilton here for the Hollow adge to make Trough Freezing to night ice Good yet seen a Man selling Maple Sugar in Dundee Mr Baker in Montreal a Flock of Wild Geese in the air hole it is supposed {illegible} that was with Jimmy the Bush went in the airhole at Hamiltons Bridge and was Drowned on the night of March the --- But we since he was allright that he arrived all right in Williamstown

2nd Made the first sugar 44 lbs went to Sturgeon Island Peggy stopt here to night George Renshaw and Charlie Rose here with George Colt a Fine Day Gave George his Bottle Livinia Got up to Day

3rd Crofsed to Summerston Brought of I {illegible} Knife 20 Rope 1 1/2 lbs 22 1/2 cents Tob 5 Line 10 Matches a Box 17 changed the Boots) oil ( made about 48 lb to Day Gordon killed the Black Bull calf a Man a Foot crofsed to hopkins commenced to rain to night

4th Raining Henery and George for hay took 3-50 cents worth at 9 Dollars a Ton Mr David Baker here Just from Montreal Raining Teams crofsing summers and Chartreau here took Dinner cutting hay not in the Bush to Day

{Page 1} the 5th 1876

Mr James Cameron Island April Fine East Wind George Gave me the order on Vipond for 3-50 got a Peice of Butter Tapping adge some, sugared about 40 lbs to Day commenced Raining Wind changed high from the West ice getting Bad near shore

6th A Fortunate Day high Wind seen Robbins yesterday Ducks Plenty some Flocks of Wild Geese not any one crofsing on Summers's Road to Day

7th {illegible}

8th made 3 Gallons of Molasses took 3 Cakes over shot 2 Ducks in the Airhole one of them Drew under the ice with the strong current Ice Good to Crofs

9th not running very well a Fine Day Gordon and I up to the Bush a Great lot of Wild Geese and Ducks in the Airhole at Francis Island

10th shot a Duck that a Hawk chased to the Ice and had the Duck Down and Picking him he left and I shot the Duck George took over the churn

11th Went acrofs to Viponds took Georges Due Bill what remained of the churn 1.50 Bought of Viponds 1 Box 2 plugs of Tobacco 10 Box of Capo 15 8 yds of Cotton 80 2 yrs of Linsey 44 Bottle of Castor oil 10 with 5 cents Cash Heard Robert McDonald Departed Last Week Brought up From the Hospital in Montreal Made about the Moles 2 Moles Full and some in the Basin

12th Very Fine Made Sugar to Day the Moles and the Basins full

13th Fishing EEls very Fine holes opening in the ice East Wind Put out the Canoe From from Below and took it up to the Door with the Water thats on top of the ice 14th ice is opening slow

14th Good Friday Raining East Wind West and North Wind high West Wind not Running to Day George made 2 axehandle 1 ash and hicory Foggy to Day

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Mr James Cameron Island April 15 Ice Jamming coming Down high West Wind running a Little Some Drops of Rain hail and snow and Fine George and Peggy Boiling a few Pails Water high Went to the head of the Island, swallows came yesterday Foggy today George Peggy and George crofsed took sugar and a Bottle of Molasses

16th Easter Sunday The Sun Did not Dance this morning a sighn of a hard year Lots of Eggs Fresh and salted ones. Peter a{illegible} Peggy came to night

17th Eastere Monday chopping at the Door

18th Our Duncans Birth Day ice going Down Jamming splitting from Rails Rewits came as usual to Build in their old Place that they have Been in these many years

19th sap not running very well

20th Shot a Rat for the first Gordon speared a Pike I speared a Maskinonge Weight 34 3/4 lb

21st snowing East Wind crofsed to I Hamiltons for the Doe Brought the Fish to John Got 2 Bags of Potatoes sack of Cornile Mrs and Mr Hamilton Poorly with Bad cold Heard James Grant was to be married on the 24th Monday coming

22nd Fixing the calf Pasture Fence Peggy here

23rd St George's DAy A Very Fine Day E Wind Henery and Little George came to the Bush took us 2 EEls him and antwine going to Fish EEls to Day made near a Gallon of Mollasses Peggy Crofsed as the sap is not running took all their sugar

24th James Grant Married to Day to Addi Summer's and a Fine Day it is E Wind Mr Smallmans Steamer Jenny crofsed to Day on her first Trip

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25th 1876

Mr James Cameron Island April

St Marks Day a Fine Day East Wind Killed a snake for the firist I killed this Spring Burnt him Shote a Pike as Gordon never seen one shot I shot him Cutting fat Pine

26th Burning Rubbish and cleaning up around Lots of Indian Fishing Put out Decoys Fired at a Fish-Hawk struck him but he did not fall here East Wind

27th Peggy and Pete came took away some of their things Gordon Boiled a Few pails the Children in the Bush Diggin a Little the ice holding on very long in the Back Bay or Marsh Lots of Geese and Ducks But hard to Get at them Rats scrce too much wind at night to fish with the clack

28th Gordon not well in Bed all Day Raining some Randolph and I to the Lower Point (spoiled the axe Another Steamer in to Salmon River

29th Enterprize went in to Salmon River and came out and I think she went to Lancaster as she came out Sunday morning the thirtieth went over to the Pitt Point in the canoe shot a Duck Did not Get him West Wind changed to the East Lightning to night Rained some hard Frost Last night but not much sap running Planted 7 or 8 hills of Potatoes set Fires Down on the hill Snakes middling Plenty some Ticks Keeping in the sheep. Water some high

30th Sunday went to head of the Island Bismark Randolph and Gordon and I Fine Day Enterprize came out of Lancaster this morning the sky to the East Very Red in spots ice cleared out of the Back Bay.

{second page} 1876 Mr James Cameron Island May 1st

St Philip and St James Raining snowing W Wind Frost Boat went Down the Proppeller California. Light in the Lighthouses to night Began on to Dig a Little Buck Trees Running some

2nd Fine Day the Steamer St Francis Came up Shot 2 Ducks got a Large Pike in the Back Marsh Firing at Loons Gordon Tapt some Trees for Vinegar Froze hard these nights Went out for the first time in the Back Marsh got Sucker and 2 Barabots or Cat Fish spearing for EEls in the mud got none set Fire above the Cordwood Bay

3rd Raining some East Wind the Bohemian came up on her first Trip Gordon Boiling Birch Sap in the Bush for Vinegar boiled three pails of Maple sap for Mollasses Cold some Digging done sowed Tobacco seed at the Apple Tree yesterday

4th Went acrofs had a rake of Sugar 2 1/2 Doz of Eggs 1 Rat Skin Bought of Vipond and BM 1 lb of Tea 65 1/2 bushelsof Salt 25 Bottle of Scotch 1 Bottle of Downs Elixer 25 1 1/4 lb of Shot Bowl 10 Ball of twine 10 Black and Grey thread 10 Tax 10 Tob 5 Brought the Rennet to Hamiltons Went to G Renshaws Brought some small cakes to the children Got 2 Bags of Potatoes from George W Robb Proteller Raining Jack Adams Poorly Stopt at Johns Got my Papers Got a coat for Gordon East Wind the Corsican Went Down

5th Digging a Little Planted some Earley Roses and Chilies Gordon in the Bush for the Last Boiling made syrup

6th Peggy came for the Pots got Pay for Rookey Pot 4lbs cut a cake of 9 lbs in 2 and gave the half Digging Rained some East Wind changed to hard West Made the Pigs Pen Put the calf in the Barn yesterday The Victoria Went Down and the Manitoba yesterday Friday

7th Sunday East Wind Raining the Bay of Quinte went Down Fixing the hogs in the Pen the St Francis coming out of Dundee on her first trip out

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the 8th 1876

Mr James Cameron Island May

Monday crofsed with Gordon to Hamilton to Pile Stove Wood John sowing Wheat heard Alex Vipond and Johnny Sandfield had a Quarrel put Rings in the 2 Hogs snouts as they are Great Rooters Digging and Planting

9th Planting and Digging Randolph and I Fishing at night Raft went Down

10th Found 2 Canoes Water high Henery and George here for hay Brought 3 {illegible}hats Hamiltons and Craigs scowing their cattle A Fine Day to Alexis V Frances Island WAter high

11th at the Potatoes

12th Finished the peice of Potatoes at the Old House set Fire at Lower Point went to Hamilton north Wind Brought 4 Suckers Got a Bag of Potatoes seen St Battence there Selling Fish Bought at the Racket for 4 Dollars a hundred 2 Rainbows this Evening Sun very hot Rained a Little went to Fish Got 1 EEl Wind Raised Livinia very Bad with the Tooth Ache her face on one side all swelled her Eye almost shut with it

13th Windy some WEnt this Evening to Hamiltons Randolph and I Raining some

14th Went to the Kitt Kite Island Gordon and I West Wind

15th Digging the Garden Fixing the Barrel for to run the Lie for making the soap Fixing the Garden Fence cut Down the Bass Wood Stump at the Garden Fence

16th Went acrofs with Gordon to Hamiltons took 4 Dozen of Eggs to Viponds Bought Braces Soap hooks Lines to 11 Cents seen the cinnamon Bear perform went Down to Roses called to see Mrs Carey heard Old Pat Departed Got candles and some Potatoe seeds Told me she sent the yarn to Viponds in April

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Mr James Cameron Island 17th of May 1876

Went acrof to Renshaws East Wind Brought a Pinner to George George crofsed with me to Summerstown Got 100 lb of Flour from A. I . Baker the Breton came in to Summerstown to Lay up and Lots of Towing to be Done 3 towns came up to Day sailed hom

18th Working at the soap

19th Working at the soap altered the 2 Bulls for the first I ever did and I am mortally afraid But as its the time of the moon and in the signs of the Fishes or Feet Pisces I'll risk it a very warm fine Day North Wind went to the head of the Island Randolph and I

20th Working at the soap Finished the Melons and cucumbers and onions in the Garden and Red peppers Went acrofs for Gordon to Hamilton Found a Ducks nest on the Little Island Gordon and I planted saffron

21st Went acrof to Christees Island Killed a Great many Black snakes went to No Noutas Island sailed home

22nd at Digging at the Back Peice at the Barn

23 Digging and Planted a Few Potatoes First perch caught with Line

24th Queens Birth Day Last Planting in the Back Peice Gordon and Randolph shooting Balls Gordon shot a Red head and Black Wood Pecker they come every year about this Time and stop 2 or 3 Days every year Making Fires We Fired some heavy Vollies this Evening

25th Ascension Day Fishing Barking a Chair

26th Working at the Lane Fence Gordon Barking 5 Chairs to Day Put the calve in his Pasture Working at the Lane Fence West Wind high

27th at the Fence

28th Gordon Randolph Bismark Leander went to the Sturgeon Island and I found 2 Duck nest went to head of the Island Found the Lower Jaw of a Man on the Ground Pretty well Decayed.

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Mr James Cameron Island May 29

Royal Oak Day Went to Summerstown Brought 4 1/2 Doz of Eggs Bought 1 lb of Tea Tobacco camphor Brought 7 Summers s{illegible} Wild Onions some of the Potatoes up Brought AI Bakers Bag home took the Plough Got a Bag of Potatoes from IF Amitton Got a Treat from Tom George Bosele and Pete here for hay for his calf talking to me about the Order I got at Viponds I Vipond in Cornwall high North Breeze Rained some

30th Crofsed with Gordon to hamiltons East Wind Got 12 Perch not Biting

31st cleaning out the Milk -House Randolph and I went to Alexis Island Got some Peices of Fat Pine Working at the Q Runnels at the North West corner of the Barn Mr John Rankin Blacksmith came Brought me my Tongs But not my Steel Butcher-Knife stopt to night

1st of June The Glorious First of June a Fine Day Very warm Day First Fish caught in Front of the Door Got 14 Ranking went of Forgot his Lines and Turned Back

2nd Tried to catch the sheep to shear them could not get them to follow home

3rd Crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Vipond 3 Bunches of Fishing Lines 15 cents settled with Gil Baker Got 10. 1/4 for him all clear some one stole one of my Papers out of my Canoe at the End of Ashery I think it a Yankee Boat that came acrofs to Summerstown Got 2 Bugs of Petode from I House East Wind a Talk of Matty Nicholson and John James going to have a Lawsuit The Boys went Down with a Raft Francis came here with an oak stick and Left it here 2 Boys stole it From him and took it up as far as Luke Bowers and he caught them and took it here

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Mr James Cameron Island 4th of June 1876

Whit Sunday East Wind Fine cool Keeping Francis stick from Getting away

5th Making Ashes set fire to an elm that Fell (Bill here) Trowling at the Weeds in the Potatoes

6th Fixing the Little Canoeat the ashes cleaning up stairs trying to catch the sheep

7th had to put the Dog after the sheep before we could Get them caught 2 of them

8th sheared the sheep the other came home to the yard and we caught her caught a Pike Trowling

9th Our Marys Birth Day 1813 A Fine Day

10th Went acrofs for my Papers Gordon stopt at Hamiltons Got a Peice of Tobacco from Charlie Parisha a sack of salt for I Hamilton Mr Spinks Down Took a Picture up for John Hamilton Walter Campbell Bay City Heard Mary was not well Allen B Alick Told me a Good many Trowling the St Francis a pleasure Trip out of Dundee up to Cornwall Fixing 2 Pannels of Fence at the Barn Cutting Weeds in the Potatoes the hens and the Grubs at the Potatoes and the Grubs at the Garden Gordons Calf at Hamiltons Friday came to get it next Saturday

1th A Raft Went Down St Barnabus

12th I crofsed to Hamilton a very heavy Fog this Morning the Brunston got aground at Hog Island the Alma Monroe turned Back from John Hamiltons up to Renshaw Wharf another Propeller aground the Dominion stopt a While at Renshaws the Bohemian and St Francis went Down in the Fog the St Francis ahead got From George to 50 Wt of Flour Down on the Jenny i-50 seen D Suple at Summerstown and R. Baker I Hamilton Painting his Waggon

13th took the ashes home from the Bush Fixing them in Bags Francis here going to sell his stick

14th Francis came took his stick to Rankins Mill I helped him crofs the the channel he came Back and said he Lost it with the Wind Windy Rain Thunder

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Mr James Cameron Island June 15 1876

Corpus Christe Went to Summerstown with 9 Bushels of ashes Stopt at I Hamiltons John got a stick out of George Renshaws Wharf took 2 Dox of Eggs only 10 cents a Doz Bought of Vipond and Brs to 6 yds of cloth at 20 cents a yd 2 skan of Thread 1 spool 2 Bunches of Matches Working at the Potatoes

16th Fixing the south East corner of the calf Pasture Henry Gene Went of this morning took his Pine EEl spear Jack With him Winchester Earl and Russel here to night

17th Gordon and I crofsed to Hamiltons a Pict me on the St Francis from Cornwall selling Hamiltons Bridge to the Lowest Bidder John Carey got it at 54 Dollars or there bouts got my Paper took the Calf home from Hamilitons heard James was n Jail he Lost the suit Long Jim McDougall lost 4 of his horses on Ropes Island an of Mr Dingwalls horses it must have Been the ticks that Kild them seen Leander Reynolds at Hamiltons

18 the Ever Memorable Battle of Waterloo 2 Men and 2 Ladies stopt to take their Dinner I think One of Them is a Wright East Wind West Thunder some and Rain

19th Hoeing some the Soap Barrel Busted Lost about 4 pails of Soap Duncan Cameron Rod Briggs and another Man here cut some Basswood Bark Seen a Pigeon in the Bush

20th I crofsed Gordon to Hamiltons WEnt to G Renshaw crofsed to the Store George and I Bought 25 cents of Tea 5 cents of Tobacco Rained hard high Wind Thunder & Lightning Frank Laplante and George Bosell Working at the Cord Wood

21 Frist Day of Summer and its all Kind of Weather 21 Windy Whitewashing Lashey here last ight and To Day Fishing Pickerel Mr Tuthill and his nephew Willie T Creed and Charlie Labuff in the Boat Winnie sat up a While and had Quite a comfortable chat with a Bottle of Very Best of Jamaica and Loaf Sugar

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Mr James Cameron Island 22nd of June 1876

Our David Birth Day 1806 Windy Mr Tuthill went to Christees Island Whitewashing outside

23 Put out the stoves hoeing some

24th St John the Baptist Day Very Windy caught some Fish Randolph and I Hamilton crofsed to se the horses as the Penshioners Horse is almost Dead with the ticks Matthews and Wife Passed the Door and Went to the foot of Christee Island hoed the Back Garden

25th Went to Hamiltons for Gordone Got a Bag of Potatoes John at the Island Looked at the Ticks on the Horses see Tyler at the Lighthouse Strawberries Ripe high Wind coming from Hamiltons John Lost his Canoe Battle of Bannockburn

26th Went Summerstown Got 25 cents from G Renshaw Bought of Vipond 1 Plug of Tobacco {illegible} pan of Bread Mr Crippin came Lashey came Brought of G Renshaw some Strawberries and a Bottle of Vinegar

27th Went out to trowl Down to the Kit Kit Crippen went to Christees to Fish

28th Lashey Began his Bark Line Windy Went to head of the Island to see the sheep Mr and Mrs and Master Fulton (Herbert) came this Evening

29th St Peters Day Mrs Fulton went of Mr Crippin Went of hoeing some

30th Last Day of June I crofsed to Summerstown Brought I Vipond some old Newspapers Got 4 Plugs of Tobacco From him Bought 1/2 lb Tea 1. yd of Cotton 1 plug of Tobacco 2 Bunches of Matches George Bosell talking about the Due Bill came Down to Hamiltons sent of his papers for the Lighthouse Got a Bag of Potatoes from John a good sail coming home Thunder

1st of July Dominion Day all the Boats their colours up Bought a Pan of Bread 25 cents Got a Knife from Lewis Blandeau IY Poorly and his Daughter stopt for Gordon came home Lashey set his Line

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Mr James Camerson Island July 2nd 1876

Went with Lashey to his Line got a Big Sturgeon a Raft went Down in Tow Raining

3rd very Windy from the West 2 Boats came in the Evening stopt in the Barn stole Lasheys night Line pole and anchor when they went off they were from about Burke a Mean set

4th American 4th of July Centennial Lashey went to Lancaster hoeing the Potatoes

5 Our Johns Birth Day 73 years old to Day I went to G Renshaws Left Gordon at I Hamilton Got a Bag of Potatoes from John Mr Fulton and Mr Ed Plumado came and Miles Left me 4 M{illegible} hooks Very Windy to night Wind changing to all quarter Rained some seen the Potato bug to Day for the First time I seen them on I Hamiltons Potatoes Giving out Jobs on the Road Peggy Bosell and Pete and Lewy

6th Put out Tobacco Plants Mr Fulton Went off (Paid me for the oars stick that miles Got 1.25 cents I promised to send them to Summerstown and put the board of the Steamer Jenny Lashy came had the Plants James Y Cameron's Daughter Departed to Day

7th Went to Fort Covington Lashy with me Found his Line and pole and another stopt at Lukes took my wool only 20 cetns all took it home Bought of R Baker Butter Tub 35 1/4 of Powder Bought of Burdo Matches Lashey Paid me 20 cetns I paid Lashy the Discout on Crippins Money Bought of Gilles 50 lbs of Flour 1.62 1/2 to 17 lbs of Bran 17 Cents Went to see Mr Crippin Mr Tuthill sent a Present to Livinia and Gave me a Present of Tobacco Stopt at Lukes took supper came home John Gray and his Brothers here Henry and George Bosel for hay the Algoma came out of {illegible} seen Ian Hopkins

8th John Gray took Gordon from Hamiltons put Boards on top of the cook house put the hide to soften in the Water Lightning to night Windy

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Mr James Cameron Island July the 9th

Looking for the sheep Found only 2 of them a Fine Day East Wind Looks like Rain but no rain Thunder an Indian caught a Lunge up in the Bay

10th crofsed to put the Oars on Board the steamer Jenny

11th Went to Rofs Island Fred McDonald and hopkins here

12th of July Orangemans Day Keeping the 12th of July Firing heavy volleys Gordon shooting Mr Rofs from Cornwall here got some worms treated me

13th allowed a Road to the Barn

14th Mowing some

15th Gordon crofsed made some cocks of hay Bought of Viponds Bread 8 Loaves St Swithen Day no Rain

16th Lashey came

17th Mowing the Grove

18th Mowing

19th Fernandez Birth Day went to Hopkins for the Whity Bull Got a Peice of Pork from Jims Wife Fred McDonald and Charlie came Down with me

20th high Wind Mowing

21st Put in 20 Cocks from Back of the Barn

22nd Went to Viponds Bought Bread Tobacco & a Pic me

23rd Sunday

24th Henery Jenie here with a stick of Oak Stopt all night

25th Henery went off

26 Henery sent the Mare up on the St Francis I crofsed Got the scow Bought Bread 4 Loaves Arthur and Fultons got Tobacco

27th Taking in hay

28th high Wind cutting and raking in

29th Went home with the scow John Hamilton Rowed up from the Light house Bought 8 Loaves Bad with my Back

30th Bad with my Back Got some spirits of Turpentine from Hamilton for my Back

31st Drew some Wood

1st of August Lammas Day Henry Jenie and Boy this Morning stopt till night Mowed all Day split some pine

2nd Minnies Birth Day Gordon crofsed Got 8 Loaves

3rd Mowing

4th Mowed and Putting in Fishing some very warm

5th Went to Summerstown 7 Loaves 1 1/2 of Eggs 3/4

6th Randolphs Birth Day

Mr James Cameron Island August 7th 1876

Mowing very warm time

8th mowing Patterson

9th very warm cross to Summertown

10th got 500 weight of flour from G Renshaw 10

11th taking in and mowing

12th putting in Henry boy and his father here the carpenter

13th fishing got 30

14th mowing Jim McDougall and his two boys here going to Christy's Island to look at Marsh hay a very warm day

15th done mowing below the house began to mow in the upper Feild

16th began the fine Haystack two tons whatever

17th Mr Crippin and the Methodist Minister and Mrs Paddock here gave a coat Mr Fulton and Orto came

18th went with Mr Fulton to Rofs Island got 47 fish Mr Adair here gave him red braces he forgot a year ago a fine day Baking mowing left 50 cents gave 5 cents to Gordon

19th Bismarck's Birth Day a fine warm day a scotch Moon and it Brings Rain Torrents of it Fallen very heavy went to the head of Island met in with Mr Lily Mr Nolan and Mr Feek had their Bun capsized for to keep them dry cook their dinner in the Bell Bay Mr Silly came down to see the barn as I told him it would be Better than out at night and he got an awful wetting as it came down pouring camped in the Barn tonight they left their ax in the bay and someone picked it up as they do not find it a Pic Nic on the Bohemian Dr Gillis at his party on the island yesterday

20th went up to see John Gray at the head of the island but they had not the axe took the rest of his Pine away the boys crossed to Summerstown for bread and sent for a square they brought it

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Mr James Cameron Island August 21st 1876

the three fellows went to RoFs Island very windy working in the upper Feild

22nd I crossed to Summerstown Got 5 Dollars from them for Bread sugar tea took back their change Bought Bread Tea Matches pipe John Hamilton buying a scythe had a Round took our supper John and I got my Papers

23 they started for Lancaster the wind High turned back finished the stack of fine hay commenced the marsh hay stack

24th I crossed to Viponds brought 31 lbs of Butter Bought 7 1/2 yds of Calico 6 yds of Lindsay 2 yd of cloth 1/2 pound Tea Loaves of Bread pipe 12 yds of Cotton 1 Pair of Boots the man came for the canoe I had at G Renshaw's to Day Bill here today the boys went to Lancaster gave me a 24 cent plug of tobacco a good 2 Bladed Knife salts Nails Senna oil pants and straw hats gave Gordon 25 cents Packing up their things tonight to start tomorrow Mr Fulton and John Cameron here put some hay on the marsh Haystack

25th went down to kit kit and Rofs Island with Mr Fulton caught a good many the Boys was of when I came and a good set of Boys they were decent lads Mr Fulton not well left 50 cents Rained Quite a shower took some cocks out of the back Marsh

26th Mowed some in the back Marsh and port seeing where they Gordon and the spoke to them about it a reeling birch bark

27th Finished the marsh hay stock windy cut a strip in the front Marsh windy great fire in the South Woods

27th Sunday Fine cool and windy took salts today cracked a basin of last year's butternuts hazel nuts good Spartan went down

28th went acrofs bought for I Hamilton 1 lb tea Bought of I Sandfield 25 sack of flour 1 pipe Matches

29th Making stack of Marsh hay 30 cocks


Mr James Cameron Island August 30th

fishing at Christie's caught one pickerel that weighed 8 3/4 lb very smoky time with fires the Saint Francis ahead going up today very warm today took our dinner on Christies Island found a table knife in the water

31st went across to John Hamilton's found a large square of tobacco on the shore working at their mar{cut off} went to the store bought of I Sandfield salt soap got my Reporter went back to G Renshaw's took three papers down for Mr Tyler Lincoln to the lighthouse came down on the North Side of our Island and found Randolphs Knife he lost in the water the St Francis ahead of anything going down this morning Charlie Parish a working at the bridge

1st of September drawing wood making a heap of logs from the river filled five bags with ashes second a fine day but windy rain hard last night mowed some in the North but the water is high I must quit it lots of shooting and Indian Big Mitchell's son looking for a canoe he lost he was here yesterday evening cool

3rd D McAllister's Birth Day Sunday very windy cool and fine Corinthian went down the wind breaking the tobacco leaves took home some hazelnuts from the pit Point

4th drawing wood

5th John Angus birthday went to the Kit Kit Gordon and I Windy stopt all day 6th crossed left Gordon at Hamilton's got a bag of apples bought of Vipens 4 Loaves of Bread matches John Hamilton unwell Drew some hay

7th Drew in some hay sowed hayseed in the Oakfeild

8th drawing wood

9th Windy

10th went to Hamiltons John and Tom Gordon Alexis Island shooting deers now

11th crofsed with 7 1/2 of Ashes Bought of I Sandfield 25 lb flour bought of I Vipond 1/2 lb of powder 15 cents matches

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Mr James Cameron Island September 12th fishing some

13th putting out manure

14th Randall and I fishing

15th Drawing wood Ronald Angus Departed

16th I crofsed got 1.50 from Hamiltons bought of Viponds 1/2 lb tea matches gave AJ Baker my bag to bring me 100 lb of flour from Montreal East Wind High Henry Genie and his boy came took Gordon from Hamilton's potatoes near done

17th Windy Henry went to Charlie Island two men hunting there

18th S Wind Windy fishing

19th Henry Gordon and I crossed left Gordon at I Hamiltons bought of I Summers 50 Wt of flour 1.50 got 25 cents from Henry 1 lb shot some caps Henry bought 1 Quart HW 2 lb of shot one box of caps fishing chub set the Rope line

20th splitting rails Henry crofsed to McDonalds below Frashers South Side Henry came back tonight

21st Matthew last day of summer Henry went off to meet the boat at Lancaster drawing wood

22nd Autumn or Fall Begins drawing wood

23rd drawing wood and crofsed to Renshaw's for 100 weight of flour I got from AJ Baker took up on the Bohemian from Montreal the Victoria steamer move to Renshaws Wharf pumped her this week and found two auger holes in her where some villain did on the intention of getting a job of bailing her

24th Wendy

25th Charlie Rose came to mow the marsh I went with Gordon to Hamilton's got the Hops and the apples on the tree in the Potatoe got some Tin Dishes in the bush at Hamiltons East Wind this 10 days seen I James gave Charlie some EEl skins

26th Raining Mr Fulton to Primo James Barnes came took in the Double Stove a wet dirty day Mr Fulton caught 3 chub and 13 perch 1 Doree Brought me 1/2 lb powder 1 Box of Cap 2 lb of Shot

September 27th 1876 Mr James Cameron Island

Mr Fulton went down the way of the Kit Kit and and Rofs's Island Windy drawing wood Charlie Rose and Peter Purcell here since yesterday the wind very high stop all night Johnny with them drawing wood 

28th Charlie and Pete Finished Mowing high wind today got lower and they crofsed Drawing Wood

29th Raising Bad with a Pain this morning that goes right through me

Michaelmas day 30th went to J Hamilton Bought of Vipond 1/2 lb tea Hooks and Eyes Bought of I Summers 2 Bunches of matches AJ Baker put up his parlor stove got 2 1/2 Bushels of apples from Hamiltons the Magnet went down heard William Lavalette came back to the front after stealing something in Lancaster Last Day of the month

1st of October Sunday fine and cool windy the hawks playing the Devil with the hens and pullets the Passport went down and the Corsican went down today

2nd 2 men here Oliver and Stevenson going to Rofs Island to Fish Windy chopping firewood got a pipe of tobacco from them windy

3rd cutting in the Oakfeild Gordon and J Henry and Antwine Bosell grassed up I followed them thinking they would take Gordon over to Hamiltons Henry told me Dr Shavers girl was married to Purcell but he did not tell me he lost Kenneth McLauglin's 10 Dollars when he was in Montreal with his Fish Antwine told me he would Fix the clock I crofsed with Gordon this evening and just time enough or I would be caught in a Gale of Wind I got some of it

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Mr James Cameron Island October 4th 1876 Windy Rain Mr Hitchcock and Johnson here tonight Mr Halton here cold some got 25 cents from Halton

5th Hitchcock and Johnson started had to stop at the Head of the Island with the Wind Drew their boat acrofs the Island got 50 cents from them some powder and shot and caps I gave them 2 Large Squashes they crofsed this evening shot a Marsh hen and a Bittern or Mire drum

6th Raining Turned Fine crofsed to Summertown commenced to Rain and Blow stopt at Hamilton's John and his wife in Montreal I took dinner Bought of Viponds Cooks Friend 70 cents 1 Pane of glafs 5 cents 4 Spoils of thread 20 1 white skein 20 cents Bought of I Summers salt Matches pipe Starch stopt at Hamiltons got a Bag of Apples from Tom Annie Grant there while there away seen I Bosell the Passport Laid up gave Lewis Blondeau a thing for to go in his gun George Renshaws wood took fire yesterday and through the night the fair in Fort Covington this week and a stormy rainy week it is

7th Drawing some wood Piling at the door the mare tramped on the back part of my leg Windy Raining some

8th Sunday Raining Hailing Windy Snowing for the first snow

9th Banking the West End of the house took a few Loads out of the Big Shed got a few cocks of marsh hay high Wind Corsican went down hard Frost Last night ice thick this morning

10th Hugh and McMasters Birth Day cut some hay put in 7 cocks Fixed a Knee in the Jumper Killed a snake on the Pit Point and Burnt him made a few plugs of tobacco made a fence around 2 of the stocks opened 2 panels of the fence at the end of the Lane Last Quarter of the moon today and the very windy time since she Began

Mr James Cameron Island October 11th 1876 Drawing wood Broke the Whippletree I'm not sure but I heard A Cameron's wife Departed today or tomorrow Windy Time cool a few grains of snow

12th Cutting and Drawing Firewood put in 2 cocks of hay Windy

13th cut Down the Cherry Tree at the Lower Point cutting brush kind of Fine to Day Trimming the apple Trees at the Lower Point East Wind this evening and cold Raining and cold tonight took up the Line Randolph and I pealing some apples

14th Raining some snow East and changed to West crofsed to Hamiltons got a pipe from John brought over a pair of sox got a ball of yarn to finish the other Got a Bag of apples went to the store Bought of Viponds 1/2 lb tea Ginger matches heard our Jacks wife was poorly Mrs Summers poorly got from AJ Baker 33 3/4 lb of Flour in Summertown 3 1/4 or 25 a 100 they took up their potatoes at Hamiltons that they had on the halves 3 boats of hunters up to Day from Sorre Blowing hard tonight froze pretty hard tonight

15th Cold Blowing hard

16th Drawing Wood high Wind shot a Duck cutting stove Wood

17th crofsed to Hamiltons to help with the potatoes Tom Lennon for Apples spreading manure Churning fixing the Bin for the Potatoes pretty cold today

18th at I Hamiltons at the Potatoes some cold in the fore part of the day

St Lukes Day 19th James Grant a Bee at the Potatoes a fine Day Spartan went down

20th Me at Hamilton's Mr Fulton and Miles here fishing finished the Potatoes at Hamilton's to Day seen Alen

21st came home from Hamilton's Raining took a Basket of apples and 2 Tin Kettles Potatoes Ducks plenty Mr Fulton passed up

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Mr James Cameron Island October 22nd 1876 Sunday a Fortunate Day Went to Fish got none a great lot of shooting of Ducks Spartan went up Magnet went Down Jennie crofsed to Dundee this morning from Summertown wind East Rain fine Henry Genie and Henderson came tonight they had 4 sturgeon and 4 suckers

23rd Livinia's Birth Day 8 years old today set the Line Baited with sucker went to Hamiltons Brought a 1/2 sturgeon and the sox Henry to the store for salt got a sturgeon from Henry salted hes got two plugs of tobacco from Henderson went to Christies tonight too Windy to fish hard South Wind at the Hunter's camp on Christies Island rain hard and Blowing tonight

24th Our Hughs birthday Henderson shot at Diver this morning went to the Line got nothing they got ready and started for Point Moria to hunt took his rope left his Jack Fine but Windy taking the manure out of the Big Shed banking inside the little shed North side of the house went to the line tonight got a sturgeon

25th My Birth Day cleaned a sturgeon got two scares on the Line Finished the Big Shed put some manure out on the hay from before the Barn Door drew the Basswood from the Lower Point took down the wedges and split the log

26th Banking windy hurted my finger the knot of a Bolt my gun went off seeking it seen a flock passing of wild geese

27 seen a Pigeon on the Pit Point tried for Bait Drawing Wood

28th I crofsed to Summerstown bought 1/2 tea matches Pins the Robbers of Jewellery at Summerss 10 Brien 1 arm got 2 Bags of Potatoes one Bag of Apples from I Hamilton John and I went to the store Henry Genie here Towed up with the East Bill McLeod going tomorrow to the Centenial

Mr James Cameron Island October 29th 1876 gave Henry 2 sturgeon Walter Baker's Wife died Sunday Henry Genie and I to Charlie and Rofs Island then crofs the Mare down to Rankins Mill gave Henry the Big Canoe got home Pretty Late came all around the shore up to Brunstons

30th went to fish Bait to the Kit Kit got no Bait shot a Duck East Wind Raised sailed home

31st Baited the Line Killed a Ruster for Bart took home a load of Wood in the canoe from the Bay last day of HallowEEn or All Hallow or Holy Eve cracking nuts and eating apples

1st of November All Saints Day Boarding the sheds and fixing around

2nd All Souls Day Working at Tobacco Livinia thumb a sore Pain East Wind

3rd High West Wind went around the Island cut a broom the Alexandra and 2 Tugs went up wind came down calm in the evening went to the Line Full Of Weeds saw the But of the Cherry

14th Went to Summerstown got 2 Dollars from I Hamilton Viponds packing their goods to move to Dundee AJ Baker's Charlie Parish at Killing 2 hogs Bought of Spinks or I Summers 50 lb of flour 1 pipe and matches I Grant and F Laplante to Rankins Mill got a hat rack at throwing the dice a very fine night

5th Guy Fawks Day a very fine day 3 men with Decoys shooting all day in the Bay a Great Talk of Mr {illegibel} getting 1 and 1/2 million of money

6th went to the Kit Kit with my Decoys shot one Duck seeing a very large white owl

7th Helen's Birth Day took in the cook stove in the Cookhouse Randolph and I went to Alexis Island the cover for my Box of Axes put 9 axes in it and hay James Grant a Raising Bee finished of making plugs of tobacco 120 plugs besides loose stuff

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Mr James Cameron Island November 8th 1876 Foggy morning went to George Renshaws with the Box of Axes 9 of them brought some cranBerries to Georges East Wind went to J Viponds nothing in the store settled with him got a Receipt and gave him my note for 10 Dollars allowed me 10 Dollars for the Marsh hay the P office up at is Summers now Bought of I Summers 1/2 lb soda 4 lb of fine salt 3 Bunches of Matches Pipe Nicholsons a Bee Raising came down to I Hamilton's got 2 Bags of Potatoes and apples the Alexandra went down forgot my mitts South East wind came home shot a large spotted white owl cleaning my guns

9th The Prince of Wales birthday a fine day sawing stove wood Randolph and I some shooting geese not plenty the Victoria went to Rankins Mill and Back raining some East Wind and West cleaning cranberries

10th sawing stove wood a Fine Day made cranberry jelly

11th St Martin's I went to Summertown stopped at the Lighthouse took dinner at Hamiltons Brought over Gordons pants bought of I Sandfield Summer 1/2 lb tea 30 cents Bill McLeod after coming from the Centennial a great many after Dear this time not certain who is elected yet but last account that Tilden was ahead

12th Old HallowEEn went to see my Decoys a Boat Steamed down the Back Channel and came on the North Side of Christies Island and anchored there tonight had three Lolly boats after her in Tow a hunting concern I suppose West Wind the Bohemian and St Francis Went Down

Mr James Cameron Island November 13th 1876 Monday Willie Rose Tommy Monroe and Robert Lavalle came to take stacks of the Marsh hey

14th the three Boys came today and finished the 2 stocks I helped to pitch them rained some last night

15th Making or Fixing the door upstairs and working at the sheds

16th Henry Genie came working at the stable shot 2 Ducks first setting of Traps

17th Got a Rat Henry and I fishing EEls got 9 Fishing with the hand line got none

18th clean the line making a yolk for the steers

19th Went to Lancaster crofsed over to Murdock McDonald's made our supper on the point had some Rum and fished up along Shore lost 2 sturgeon some suckers Gordon came from Hamiltons Tommy Jack and Murdy Craig left him

20th yoked The Oxen for the first time Baited the line Jim Holden's here Henry making bars and cart frame

21 On this Day of the month D McMaster Departed in the year 46 Making a shed Gordon and I for the Sheep Alexandra went down

22 Raining and Freezing some wind Quit from East 10 days Blow to Day Henry cross to Murdock McDonalds him and Murdock came tonight Baited the Line twice to Day

23rd Henry went home to Day and Murdock McDonald George Morris and Fred MacDonald came fishing EEls made a door for the sheep's place West Wind snow on the mountains to Day Plastering the stable Let The Oxen go took of the yolk Hamilton Son Isaac Vipond Donald McDonald John Carey shot a Buck Deer in the water

24th Gordon and I crossed took dinner at Hamiltons and stopt all night there McGregor in the Glen shot with the gun going off while standing on a stump he died with Lofs of blood a bee at Dan Cameron's and John Richard Grants

Mr James Cameron Island November 25th 1876 Seen AJ Baker got 61 lb of flour weighed at Summers's store bought of J Summers 1/4 tea bar of soap 3 Bunches of matches got a taste of cheese One of the Dunlops Buried died with the small Pox kerosene oil Kenneth McDonald's a Bee Ploughing today got a Piece of the venison from J Hamilton cow head Henery came tonight and Murdock McDonald fishing East Wind brought 2 bags of Potatoes to me put in the 2 calves tonight for the First

26th Henry and Murdoch crofsed run to Murdocks I seen Henry sailing Back Young to Lancaster

27th Fixing a Rack in the Big Shed

28th a Propeller Tow Boat Ferrying from Plum Island went up the {illegible} last trip tonight as it's freezing hard enough to freeze Salmon River fixing around chopping stove wood scowing from Alexandra

29th Bohemian went Down Early without calling into Lancaster or St Umfice as far as I could see the St Francis called into Lane into Lancaster going and coming I think it's Jimmy Grants scow that crofsed and returned without nothing in it wind kind of high

30th St Andrew's day the Festival of the Scotch Firing in the Morning and Evening set part of the Back Marsh a fire but it will not burn set 3 or 4 Brush heaps a Fire which makes as Bright light Burnt them clean the Steamer Victoria went up this Evening and I Gave them some good volleys but they did not return it with a blow of the whistle As there was no true Scotsman aboard of her I did not expect it a Fine Day Cold and Pleasant no snow on the ground Lots of snow on the Mountains Wild Geese very scarce Lights in the Lighthouses to night

Mr James Cameron Island December the 1st 1876 Raw and cold today snowing a little standing on up troughs in the Sugar Bush ice a piece made in Back Bay chopping Stove Wood some I have a Very Bad cold cows picking out some but give them a Bit night and morning Don't see no lights in the lighthouses tonight and eight on the Cherry Island those east of me whatever nothing on the Water to Day cut my Mits out today took in the swill Barrel as it Freezes in the shed a change in the Moon this morning

2nd snowing some Wind West a boat came out of Lancaster to the lighthouse with Barges in Tow it must be the Anderson a steamer came up tonight I Don't know what one it is Mr Hill has his Light up in the night none on the scow right Cherry Island has her Light up tonight scowing from Alexes Island today two trips the last trip was one horse Drew The Fish Box up from the Bank sawing stove wood

3rd all the Lights up tonight went to the head of the island Randolph and I no Boats going now

4th Killed the hog sat a trap in the hollow log Front of Marsh

5th Cut a saw log cutting stove Wood high wind West

6th cutting stove wood the Festival of the Germans St Nicholas

7th setting Fire to the Marsh and some heaps of Brush not very well

8th chopping stove wood

9th Very cold high wind went for brooms to the north side of the island snowing some tonight

10th Leanders Birth Day 1872 4 years old to Day cold and windy

11th cold very unwell did not smoke for 2 days

12th not very well a Fine Day took my canoe up to the head of the Island to be ready to go acrofs in the morning East Wind some ice along the shore

Mr James Cameron Island December 13th 1876 crofsed called at Hamiltons heard Old Mr Donald McDougall Departed last week and Crimmons wife below Lan{torn away} the ice all out of the little Channel at Summerstown the Widow Donald Summers Died yesterday had 3 1/2 lbs of Butter Bought of John Summers 1 lb Tea Thread spools and skins matches clothes seen a Smallman seen Allen Buying Geese and Turkies wind changed High West got from Mrs AJ Baker 30 lb of flour had a fine sail coming home

14 Fine Wind raised

15 chopping in the Bush fine cold and windy today tonight Southwest Blew hard took away some of the washing that was on the poles drying Frosty new moon comes in today

16th cold and windy freezing hard a cold night the ice took on the South Side tonight the steam boat Channel open

17th water raising cold and Frosty Ducks flying about my trap froze in the hollow log cattle harty no snow on the ground of any consequence cattle pick some but Dont save feeding the ice looks as if it was going to take

18th ice Taken on the North on the south Side North Side Lakes

19th Blustery Windy seen 5 men Crofsing at Summers Road

20th First Day of Winter crofsed to Hamiltons got a sack of apples and 50

21st Shortest Day crofsed East Wind very frosty took dinner at Hamiltons churning But the Butter wont come stopt with G Renshaw tonight AJ Baker in Cornwall took home his Bag Crofsing with horses on Summerss Road

Mr James Cameron Island December 22nd 1876 at George Renshaw's got from AJ Baker 100 lb of flour Andrew at the Examination got some Herrings and Pork from George stopped at Hamiltons and Tomy Jack went up with the Horses after my flour Gordon came with me to the head of the island to draw the sleigh very cold East Wind and Frosty Jim chopping went to Cornwall with Johnny Summers

23rd cold chopping at the Door raised my long canoe and Drew the small canoe up on the Bank Randolph and I took up my sail an Air hole in front of the house

24 Sunday reading papers Christmas Eve cold and windy sunshines

25th Christmas Day Fine Day Gordon came from Hamiltons took a Book with him had a pair of scates with him

26th Kind of Fine and stormy East Wind not very well George Renshaw a Bee drawing stones chopping stove wood Feeding the 2 cows Fine Hay

27th crofsed to Summerstown Bought of J Summers 1 Lamp Chimney matches pipe seen Men Gathering money for Mr Craigs Monument Tom Summers Bushing the road on the ice Charlie Parish taking his cattle from Hamiltons that he Bought

28th cutting in the Bush

29th our Angus's Birth Day turned very stormy tonight from the East snowing and drifting

30th went to the Pit Court for Cedar stormy from the north west Blustering taking away Banks of Snow around the Barn and on the Road to the River

31st Sunday very cold Last Day of the year

Transcription Progress

In Progress


James Cameron 1876 Diary 1.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 2.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 3.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 4.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 5 resized.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 6.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 7.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 8.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 9.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 10.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 11.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 12.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 13.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 14.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 15.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 16.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 17.pdf
James Cameron 1876 Diary 18.pdf


James Cameron, “James Cameron Diary, 1876,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/526.
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