James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1889


James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1889


James Cameron


Courtesy of Archives of Ontario


November to December 1889




19th Century, Glengarry County, McMaster's Island Township, Ontario

Date Created

November 9, 1889

Is Part Of

James Cameron Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


Cameron Isl November 1889

9th got a Letter from Dan Leander crofsed Bought a saw shingled some Fisherman putting some of their Lines in the Barn

10th Sunday Girls went to Lewis's

11th shingling some

12th Fisherman went off and Dog

13th Leander F Hugh Ann to salmon River for Provender Thread Glue Rubber Salt Martin Lewis here for Pumpkins got a Boat Load East Wind Fished north side of the Francis {illegible}llen here for Marsh hay for {torn away} Charlie Craigs Boy is one of them {illegible}nting on the Little Island N side Rained some the Mare something wrong she is Laying Down eats well Boats Going west Wind not much shooting

15th Some Flakes of snow Windy hung the {torn away} Lines up in a Tree the Big White Owl Flying around took Boards of the roof of the Frame {torn away} snow on the Mountains

{torn away}on the Little Island Left


Mr James Cameron Island

16th of Nov 1889 Windy Fine cold setting Fire to the M{cut off} Took in the Preserves Wines oil Vinegar and pickles syrup out of the Milkh{cut off} to the cellar put the Barrel in the cellar took the water Barrel in the Cookhouse some Boats a Going to Day the Mare Dead through the night Drew her out put in the calves to night cold to night

17th Windy cool Fine Fires in the Marshes

18th Leander cross to Summerstown Bought of I S{cut off} 5 lbs of nails 25 put a Letter in the {cut off} for Dan 3 cents Got Papers for Dell Me a Letter from Min{cut off} the White owl Flying around working at the shed Doors and putting stalls in Genny stable not much shooting to Day Filled the Barrel with water at the River

19th Raind a Little at the stables Leander sh{cut off} the Big owl with a Ball {cut off}with Fishermans Gun H{cut off} skinned him tonight put {cut off} of the Heifers pulled out the {cut off} went up the south side of the {cut off} Heard Purcells safe R{cut off}

{page two}

Mr James Cameron Island

20th Nov 1889 Bohemian Late coming up Windy Raining some the Ramrod stuck in the Gun

21st on this Day of the Month D M Master Departed 1846 Leander went to Williamstown Sissy an John H put him a crofs to Frasher Point Livinia at Evans got some very fine apples Fine Stanley and I tried for EEls at Buttence Fishing EEls J is Hotel hunting went to the sugar camp Stanley and J to Fix a crotch for the Pole sent Butter to Williamstown a Few Boats a going plastering stables

22nd Raining Leander came From Williamstown got a suit of cloths from DM M Leander got a coat and vest from Jame Hugh Took Gordons Boat from Hamiltons Heard Tully Purcell and Craigs Boys were Fined Robbery at Purcells on James Stuart Bakers horse and Wards Horse taken out of the stable

Mr James Cameron Island

23rd of Nov 1889 Windy Rained Fine Patterson here for Butter 3 lbs Mr Humes Boy him and Leander after a Duck Mr Sandfield camping with Mr Hume's on Charlie's Island shutting the Windows and Doors in the Frame Phillip Charron and 2 Hunters came Through the night a Butcher and a Shoemaker

24th Phillip came up Gordon and Bismark came had a Drefs for mother Martin Lewsis Boy here hunters Killed 9 Ducks to Day.

25th St Catherine Day Windy some Grains of snow Leander crofsed to Summerstown for Bread for the hunters Bread 13 pipe strings 5 no Boats went to Day Got 50 From the Hunters for {cut off} we gave them Left 18 lbs of Pork 4 candles Bar of soap

26th We {cut off} of this morning Froze Last night put the Mare in a ho{cut off} shut the 2 Doors of the shanty Feeding the cows Fine hay

{page two}

Mr James Cameron Island

27th of Nov 1889 Wind high Began to snow hard Leander shot the White Bull cut up the Meat Left if out night Water Raising no Boats to Day stormy to night Terrible Gale of E Wind

28th Stormy Wind Drifting John Nines Boat moved some in the Rushes and to 2 years in the one spot Waves Flying over the Bank

29th Killed 2 Geese and 3 hens put the Meat in the Milkhouse cleaning snow away some Boats went to Day Log came out of his pen the Little Owl snowed up

30th St Andrews Day The Festival of the Scotch Fine W Wind Freezing some to night Went to the Pitt Point a Good many Boats went up and down all the Lighthoouses Lit to night a steamer went into Salmon River yesterday

3 1st Light up tonight

1st of December only the Floating Light Lot to night Fine

{duplicate of previous page}

Mr James Cameron Island

2 of December 1889 W Wind soft Killed the Big Pig no Lights up to night no Boats to Day

3rd E Wind Freezing cut the Pork and salted it Weighed 320 Good Weight I went to the Head of the Island seen the Weasel Tracks Lewis the Indian here Lent the Pot and Knife 2 Trace chains Brought my axe handle sheep Put in for the First time Freezing hard to night

4th E Wind Cold Frosty

5th E Wind soft cold Patterson Mr Hume's Boy here for Butter and oil 35 cents Broke on a Marsh hay stack cutting up some of the Meat in the Milkhouse set a Trap for the Weasel

6th a Fine Day I think Mr Humes went off Thawing seen a Boat coming to Charlies Island St Nicholas Day Festival of the Germans Allen Buried on the 6th 1877

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Mr James Cameron Island

7th of Dec 1889 Fine West Wind Thawing Leander crofsed to Hamiltons for the Mial Took a Pair of Mits to Gordon and a vest

8th E Wind Leander and Livinia went to Charlie's Island John H not well

9th Livinia Fixing the Frame Leander Found a Decoy Fixing the Hides in the Barn a fine Day Digging for the Rake in a pile of snow some shooting salted the cattle

10th Leander's Birth Day 1872 Fine Day Leander went to Summerstown Bought of J Summers 100 of Flour 2"50 a pair of Boots for Hughann 1 Dollar 1/4 lb of Pepper 10 Gave Leander 25 cents for his Birth Day Mr Hume's at Ducketts Leander met him crofsing to the south side sawed a Dead Tree of oak in the Grove that the Wind Broke the Top of at off the 15th of April 1865 A Big Gale of Wind the Time Lincoln was shot I was Drove to Rofs's Island wind Rising high to night from the East Whitewashing to Day

Mr James Cameron Island

11th of Dec 1889 high West Wind hay Don on the Barn Floor cows out a Picking not many Ducks Plugging 13 Plugs of Tobbacco

12th Cut Down a Beech set Fire to the Marsh dont Burn Began to Make a handsleigh Broke on a stack 2 1/2 tons put some in the Barn Floor Court in Cornwall

13th at the handsleigh set Fire to the Marsh Burns in spots East Wind Freezing to night

14th unfortunate Day Leander and John caught another of those small owls but he got out of his Box and got away East Wind snowed some Freezing cold

15th Sunday a Fortunate Day Fine

16th Fine Day John and Leander took over Gordons Boat to Hamiltons Got a Bag of Oats From J Hamilton some apples Heard J Craig & Durushie is to go to Toronto to the Workhouse Working at the handsleigh

17th at the sleigh Mr Humes and Barnhart Hunting

18th Working the sleigh

{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

19th Dec 1889 Finished the sleigh Mr Hume here stopped all night and Barnhart went home to come {cut off}r the morning W Wind Fine

20th Fortunate Day Mr Hume went off Barnhart came Gave 50 cents cut the Beef salted it E Wind Raised very high Blowing hard Leander Shot a Duck Wounded a Loon commenced to Rain hard some snow tonight water Raising

21st St Thomas First Day of Winter cutting stove Wood W Wind Freezing a Little Fine

22nd Fine

23rd cutting stove Wood Took in the Bottom of the stack on the Barn Floor The Young Black Bull something wrong with him

24th Fine Leander crofsed to Hamiltons some shooting

25th Christmas Day W Wind Fine Leander shot an Owl with a Ball Found a Decoy

26th E Wind high Turned to West very high Found another Decoy to Day Rained and snowed St Stephens Day churning Made the cellar Door

Mr James Cameron Island

27th of Dec 1889 St John the Evangelist XX piling up Wood Windy

28th Leander and I crofsed I stopt at Hamiltons Leander to the store to 300 of Flour Bought of A M D{cut off} 3 lb of Tea 1 Dollar got an almanack with the Glengarry Heard James MDougal was very Poorly Hamiltons Thrashed Wheat Heard Frank Laplants Daughter was Going to be Married

29th our Angus's Birth Day Windy very highigh wind to night

30th cool Boy cutting Wood me sawing stove wood Livinia made 34 Plugs of Tobacco to night

31st Last Day of the Year a Fine Day Broke on a 3 ton stack 1 Ton of it Marsh hay cutting stove Wood Fixing a handle in the shovel Livinia Made 30 Plugs of Tobacco

{page two}

Mr James Cameron Island

1st Day of January 1890 New Years Day South E Wind Fine Rained some John H and Leander Firing Killed a Big owl and sugar Bird stanley and I setting Fire to parts of the Marsh Great Deal of shooting for NY raining and high Wind to night

2nd West Wind Raining high West Wind a Large White Gander Before the Door in the Rushes but he Flies Well went to the south side Finished the handle in the shovel letting the water run in places the water high cattle picking out But dont save Feed

3rd Allens Birth Day Windy

4th Went to Hamiltons Brought 3 Turkeys Got 4 Bushels of oats and 2 Bushels Before Fien & Wind Boat Leaks Bad John H and Stanley skinned the young Bull

5th Sunday Windy

6th Fine some Rain icicles on the Trees P Lewis and Martin here took home our Pot Gave him Tobacco coal oil cakes Got a Basket

Transcription Progress



James Cameron Dairy, 1889.pdf
James Cameron Diary 1889, Diary Transcription.pdf


James Cameron, “James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1889,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 13, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/528.
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