James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1890


James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1890


James Cameron


Courtesy of Archives of Canada






19th Century, Glengarry County, McMaster's Island Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1890

Is Part Of

James Cameron Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{duplicate of last page of 1889 Diary}

Mr James Cameron Island

7th of January 1890 W Wind Slippery walking Watered the cattle in the stables put in some Hay

8th Hugh Anns Birth Day 1866 Gave HughAnn 25 cents Watering the cattle as the Ground is slippery W Wind snowed some Drifted Blowed hard to night Lots of Ducks in the Back Bay Lots of owls in the Bush

9th Very Frosty Winday cutting stove Wood slippery walking Watering the cattle in the stables mice awful Plenty and Moles

10 " ice Took acrofs here Frosty EW Windy Watering the cattle in stables melting snow for them a Good many air holes

11th E Wind Frosty Drifting hailing High high Wind slippery walking Watering the cattle melting snow a Bad night J.A.McDonalds B Day 1815

12th E Wind Fine Rained Big E Wind to night cows went to River got a Duck Mr James McDougall Buried

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Mr James Cameron Island

13th January 1890 3rd Unfortunate Day Fine W Wind very very high Wind Blows a Hurricane the Roof of the cookhouse Fences Trees making everything Fly must be Big Damage Done Water Flying out of the airholes Takin Beef out of the Barrel and its Froze awful hard Froze to night wind got Down

14th Unfortunate Day W. Wind Find Leander shot an owl Fixing the Roof on the cookhouse Fixing and Picking up things that the storm worked Took the Boat up to the house took the Rest of the Beef out of the Barrel put it in the Milk house Grinding the axes

15th Taking some hay from the Bottom of the stack Treed the ice Bushed it some hard work to crofs the crack Heard Mr James McDougall was Burried Sunday Heard Robert Carey Died

Mr James Cameron Island

16th of January 1890 W Wind snowed Fine Freezing Broke on the 4 Ton stack put a Ton in the Barn we thought we seen something like a Ballon up west going south

17th Fine and Frosty E W cutting Brush in the oak Field cutting some wood

18th E Wind Fine Frosty sawing stove wood

19th High E Wind

20th high High W Wind cutting Wood some Rain

21st St Agnefs Day Fine Day sawing a Beech that the wind put Down Rover got in the Trap Water Raising very high took the Bun up on the Bank

22nd Fine Frosty W Wind water high at the shore up around the 4 Marsh hay stacks the Weasel came around again cutting and Drawing Wood with the handsleighs snowed some snow last night Fixed the scissors cows going to the Brush

23 Caught a Weasel

24th Fine Frosty cutting Wood Charlies Tuppers B Day

25th Robie Burns Birth Day Leander shot an owl Leander crofsed to Hamiltons Brought Gordon his mits Windy West

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James Cameron Island

26th January 1890 Sunday Hugh Ann Livinia and John H went to Lewis the Indian's very fine Day Danny Spink here Heard old Mr Robert Carey was taken up out of the Grave George Nicholson very Poorly Joseph Ducketts wife very poorly

27th Fine Frosty cutting Firewood sawed Down a very hard Dead Elm

28th W Wind Frosty cutting wood something wrong with one of the Turkeys

29th Thawing soft cutting Wood a Turkey Dead

30th E Wind cold Frosty a Mink on the Island cattle going to the Brush water Falling

31st Fine Rained Windy Hugh Ann went to Dundee got a Ride up from Lewis 2 children stopt at Lewis all night Bought 10 yds of Ticking 1.70 2 cans of Baking Powder got 2 Dishes with it 1 condition Powders 15 cents 3 Baking Pans 60 Quart Measure 15

1st of February EEl Fishers crofsed with Horse and cutter Hughann came John H went to Lewis's for the things Hugh Ann Left Fine Day

2nd Candlemafs Day sun shines the Bear and Raccoon sees their shadow Gordon here Lewis here Leander went to Hamiltons for the Mail

Mr James Cameron Island

3rd of February 1890 Raining W Wind cutting Wood

4th E Wind Hailing Drawing wood Ground slippery a Ball at Hopkins Point to night Raining to night

5th Fine W Wind ice Gl{illegible} Making a Tick for a Feather Bed

6th Picking the owls Oscar Laflesh here Fishing EEls Leander Fishing they got 12 Drawing wood and sawing stove wood a Lot of EEl Fishers Below the Sturgeon Island up in the swamp all Glib

7th EW Oscar here Lots of EEl Fishers up From St Annicet the Simons Drawing Wood From Alexis Island slippery

8th Gordon's Birth Day 1863 Began to snow Last night snowing to Day W Wind cattle slips its so icy under the snow Lots of snow Birds

9th Lewis Lasores 3 children here Fine cold

10th E Wind cold Fine Drawing the Bottom of the East Marsh hay stack Drew some wood John H commenced to make Handsleigh

11th cutting Brush EW Frosty cold Fine John H working at his sleigh

12th snowed very Fine W Wind Warm Stanley and I cutting Willows and Brush John H Finished his sleigh seen a Duck Broke on a Marsh hay stack yesterday to day

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Mr James Cameron Island

Feb 13th 1890 Fine Windy cutting Brush 2 Lambs to Day Drew some Wood with the Handsleighs Leander shot a Bird something like a Bluejay or Meat Bird

14th St Valentine's Day Raining Got 2 Weasels Foxes Running on the ice sawing stove Wood 1 Lamb Dead Ducks lying Down East

15th Windy Fine Freezing slippery

16th Leander to Hamiltons got Books and scales from Gordon Brought the shirts of Lewis children here had their horse Gave them stockings and mits Fine

17th E Wind turned stormy Drifting in the swamp cutting Brush a Dance to night at Hopkins Point Angus Mayville

18th James Hugh's Birth Day stormy EW Leander Killed a Fox Run after him and caught and Killed him I skinned hime and stretched him had a Great Dream about a steamboat Frank Laplants Daughter Married yesterday the 17th not Married yet

19th Ash Wednesday Fine Leander crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Nicholson 2 lbs of soda 16 Tax 5 Drew some Marsh hay had EEls to day Angus McDonald very Poorly the merchant Hamiltons cold hurted Gordon Working at Charlies Craigs

20th Cold Windy cutting a Birch

21st Wind cold Blustery

Mr James Cameron Island

22nd Feb 1890 Fine Mr Joseph Vipond here up from his cord Wood shanty Martin Lewis here Drawing Wood Gave him a Load of Hay as they have none Gave him a pair of sox for 1 of the Boys

Washingtons Birth Day 23rd Fine and some Rain

24th Went to Hamiltons for oats the assessor there John Roy Leander to the store Bought of Angus McDonald 3 lbs of Tea 1 Dollar matches 10 Tax 10 Bottle of Castor oil 10 paid this) 1 pair Boots for 1..20 and a pair for Stanley 1..15 that 2..35 on credit 2 Lambs to Day the Big spotted owl around EEl Fishers Below the sturgeon Island Broke on Ton stack of Marsh hay

St Matthias Day 25th E Wind Rain Alexander McDougall here about to trade for their mare EEl Fishers spearing Before the Door 6 of them cutting stove wood

26th Raining E Wind Stanley not well sawing Wood made a side for the car

27th sent off 1 Dollar to the Witnefs sent 1 Dollar to Toronto New{cut off} sent 2 Dollars to A.E Powt{cut off} Alexandria sent 3 papers to Mrs A McDonald Kintail Williamstown Bought 5 lb of Rice 25

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James Cameron Island

Feb 28th 1890 E Wind Rained cutting stove wood the Nannie had her Lamb Ducks in the air-holes Lots of Water on the ice

1st of March St David's Day the Welshmans Day sawing wood Windy W Wind some Grains of snow first crows came Ground slippery Brindle slipt and Lained herself

2nd Leander HughAnn Livinia Went to Mrs McDougal's Barnhart and Lewis and 3 children here John H went to Hamiltons for the Papers did not Get our Toronto paper a

3rd a Buggy went Down on the ice Mick and John McDougall here for the 2 cattle for the Mare Leander went acrofs with them tonight Windy cold slippery 2 Lambs to Day William Henery Shadgate Cameron's Birth Day

4th Leander came with the Mare Drew a Load of wood 2 of Lewiss children here for Quilting Frame sticks Leander and John H went to Lewis's for the Pig sawing wood and splitting stove wood a cutter passed up the ice

5th Windy Leander went for flour & Meal 200 of Flour 5..20 oatmeal 60 lbs 1..80 Leander turned Back with the crack or Burst the 2 Girls went to Lewis's to Quilt Windy

Mr James Cameron Island

6th of March 1890 Fine cold wind Martin came with our Whippletree cut some Troughfs sawing stove wood John H Making wooden scates Ice Glib {especially smooth and slippery}

7th Cold Windy Leander to Dundee Bought of I Tyo 5 Gallons of oil 75 Axe 75 pipe 25 paid for a Pair of Boots I got in Nov 13th 1888 1..25 sold 4 Hides for Me sold his Fox skin 1..25 Lewis Boy an Girl here for Butter and sugar got it as they have visiters splitting troughfs People passing on the ice with sawdust for icehouses taking it From Lancaster to Salmon B{cut off}

8th Windy cold Fine Leander crofsed for the Mail Bought of A McDonald Broom 20 spool 5 pencil 1 the crack Bad crofsing to Hamiltons John and A McDougall came with the 2 Pots Gave them the Ram got 2 Books from J Hamilton Fine

9th Fine Donald Spink here

10th Drawing Wood got a Rat Making Troughfs

11th Fernandez came Leander Fernandez Went to McDougalls sale Rain sawing stove wood Lamb came to Day

12th on this Day of the Month D McMaster Senior First came to the Island Peter Buchanan passed here going to Lancaster for 2 Loads of sawdust and its awful Foggy Making Troughfs Raining

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Mr James Cameron Island

13th of March 1890 Rain Foggy made some Troughfs cutting stove wood a Team crofsing summers Road Lots of Ducks Flying

14th Stanley's Birth Day 1880 a Fine Day Fernandez went off cutting stove wood made some Troughfs got a Rat

15th Blackbirds came Fine sent home Lewis's Pig Leander crofsed Bought of A McDonald 5 Doz Herring 90 Boots for Tonia 90 cents Pepper 1/2 lb 15 cents 3/4 of an inch Bit 25 cents 2 Dollars & 5 cents Lewis 2 Boys here for smoothing irons Brought 32 new Troughfs ash and soft-maple to the Bush Took some of the camp-Rigging to the Bush

16th Fine Gordon and Bismarck Lewis wife and 3 children here Got a Dollar from Gordon

17th St Patricks Day The Festival of the Irish A Dance at Hopkins Point to night Fine windy some Grains of snow Northern Lights to night cutting Brush for the Fence cutting wood at the sugar Bush crofsing on Summerstown Road with Horses

18th On this Day of the Month Vicky Departed 1887 Leander and John H went to Hamiltons for oats got 4 Bushels Gave Tom a Dollar thats 12 Bushels I Got that 3..60 But got 3 Turkies Making some Troughfs Tapt 7 or 8 Trees not Running well Fixing a Hoop on the Genie Pot

Mr James Cameron Island

19th of March 1890 E Wind Fine Cool sap Dont Run Drawing Wood to the camp put the Dogs after a Rabbit and caught hime seen a Lot of Wild Geese going west cutting Brush at the wet place went up around the Island seen the small owl in the Bush Teams crofsing summerstown Road a Team Drawing From Alexis Island

20th First Day of Spring Fine W Wind Minkey calved Drew wood to the camp took all the Troughfs to the Bush 50 of new ones Made 2 Beetles a Team or cutter crofsing the Summerstown Road Simons Drawing from Alexis Island

21st 100 Trees Tapt to Day Windy

22nd Livinia (senior) Birth Day First Boiling in the Bush 35 pails water coming in the Fireplace a Horse and cutter crofsed Summerstown Road and this Evening I think there was 2 Horses got in out fro Hopkins Point Lots of Ducks Flying Gathered 15 this morning and 20 to night

23rd Gordon here Brought my Mail a Letter from Phillip Charron Longueil and the 2 Pictures came from Toronto ice opening in holes made 2 Gallons of syrup for the first First Laying of hens a nest of 5 Eggs

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Mr James Cameron Island

24th of March 1890 Fine Cold sap not running ice opening very slow sawing Stove wood piling stove wood

25 Annuciation of Virgin-Mary Fine Cold E Wind Rained this Evening Boiled 7 Quarts of syrup gathered 2 pails this Evening heard Black Ducks for the first Got a Rat Think there is a Fox Left on the Island took the calf from Minkey

26th John Hamilton Cameron's B Day 1876 Jenny Calved Rained Hailed Fine Windy Gathered 53 Pails of sap not Boiling as the Fireplace is Full of water ice Jamming up in the Bay went to the Head of the Island got a Rat not very well

27th Wind ice a Jamming going Down cutting wood for sugaring cool norht wind not running much 65 Boiled to Day sugar tomorrow Leander Lost 1 of the Traps a Rat Broke the chain some wild Geese Flying a Big Jam at Johnstons Lighthouse steamboat channel here not open only to the Little Island Big Jam at the Head of the Island got a Rat

28th E Wind turned Storming snowng Drifting Went to the Bush and strained what they Boiled yesterday something wrong with Brindle put her in 2 calves together

29th Intercalary Day {Leap year 29th} snowing Kind of soft Brindle no Better putting snow out of the Frame

Mr James Cameron Island

30th March 1890 Sunday Palm Brindle Dead Fine ice opening very slow 2 Indians at the Little Island

31st skinned the cow children making sugar 60 lbs Lots of snow

1st of April, All Fools Day Fine Windy EEl Fishers at the Little Island Drew the cow Down on the ice

2nd Fine Windy PJ Calved Lots of ice going Down Big cakes Made in the house 6 Quarts of syrup Boiling in the Bush 60 on the Fire to night to sugar tommorow Hen-Hawks came cutting ice close to shore so the cows will not Brake in Turkey commenced to Lay yesterday went up to the head of the Island Found a couple of clapboards of a Boat short a big pile of ice Jammed up at the Big stone at the Head of the Island Mice made a havock eating hay in the East Mow in the Bard

3rd Fine Day Lots of ice Going Down at sugar about 50 or 60 lbs to Day Leander Found a Broken Bun at the Little Island north-side Drawing Wood to camp Fan-Tailed Blackbirds came Pewits or Phebys came

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Mr James Cameron Island

4th of April 1890 Good Friday all Kinds of Weather to Day E Wind North Wind Raining snowed to night Marten and canares here Fishing EEls St Ambrose Day cleaning the Buckets and Troughfs sloppy time Froze some to night Drew a square peice out of the water cutting ice at the shore ice and Rubbish going Down

5th North Wind Cool Fine not running well 8 pails to Day sawed some Logs at the camp about 45 pails Boiled to Day not strained to night

6th Sund Easter Sunday Oxley calved Gordon here Made 3 Gallons of syrup Windy

7th a Fine Day Mary ann and Martin here got Butter Lent him the 1 1/2 inch augur Boys in the sugar Bush Drew some Drages pushing ice from the shore commenced taking the Banking from the cookhouse

8th Boiling in the Bush made some sugar in the house Finished the Banking in the cookhouse high E Wind changed to south West Began to snow and changed to East Began to Rain Made First Butter to Day abou 10 lbs some shooting on the south side

9th On the Day of the Month I was Married 1862 28 years Married to Day at the sugar Bush with Tonia Made over 30 lbs Windy Rain Lots of shooting to Day taking the Banking out of the Frame

10th Made 6 lbs in the House taken Banking and Wood out of the Frame Windy high Last night some snow

Mr James Cameron Island

11th of April 1890 Fine sawing stove wood in the Bush not running well 2 Indians fishing EEls ice going Down Taking water out of the Milkhouse

12th in the Bush Boiled 45 pails to Day Trimmed the apple tree before the Door cleaning the ice out of the summer Hog Pen A Great Lot of shooting to Day made at the House 6 lbs of sugar Tonia at Butternut sap The Pet Goose very crofs a very warm Fine Day John McLaughlin Buried to Day

13th Gordon Willie Rose and Tommy Rose here Leander to Hamiltons John and Leander to Charlies Island Martin came with the auger Made2 1/2 Gallons of syrup

14th Narcisse and Phillip came Bought a 1 lb of Butter 25 took some of the Basins home made a Quart of syrup Martin and Mary-ann here for 3 Quarts of syrup had 4 yds of Calico 40 got a Broom 10 Rained some

15th Grenada First commencing to Run Fine Windy North West taking Banking from West End setting Fires Breaking Dung Balls in the Field sap run 3 pails pulling Tax out of Boards about 300 a Fine Gave nails to Fishermen and Hammer

16th Narcisse went to Lancaster Windy Leander Made a Paddle Taking Tax out of Boards sap run a Little Indians in the Bush 4 of Them cleared away

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Mr James Cameron Island

17th of April 1890 Narcifse to Lancaster for George and Dick got a lb of Butter 25 taking Rigging of sugar-Bush home Made a 1/2 Gallon of syrup to Day this is the Last as the cows and sheep is going in the Bush and the trees Dont run well Made a Board for the Gate a Raft went Down in tow of the Lighthouse Lit up to night Leander went to Alexis Island Lewis Bosell Moved to Summerstown Run away from Lancaster Rained some cool

18th Uncle Duncan's Birth Day Windy cold a Few Grains of Snow Frost Last night

19th Fine Froze some Last Tapt a Few Trees running awful well Gathered 17 pails to Day took 2 pots to the Bush and a Barrell to the Bush Leander tried to crofs turned Back Wind too high Narcifse got 7 lbs of Butter Phillip and George to Summerstown Paul Gray Fishing EEls at the Pitt Point Oliver Monica Lost 7 sheep something they eat must be Poison Getting Pike in the Marsh

20th Fine Mr Kelly at the Fishermens John H and the Girls went to Lewiss

21st Rained a Little Fine Boiled 35 pails Fishermen to the store sent for 1/2 lb Tea 20

22nd Fine Made syrup of what was Boiled yesterday 2 1/2 Gallons setting Fires Ploughed some sod a Tug came up this Morning and a Tug went Down with a Barge in Tow Leander Found his Trap Sunday and a Rat Charlie Rose house Burnt on the 19th

Mr James Cameron Island

23 of April 1890 St George's Day The Festival of the English W Wind Rained Fine Leander crofsed with Butter 14 3/4 lbs to A McDonald Bought 3 lbs of Tea 1 soap 10 pipes 4 Cinnamon 4 spools 20 1/2 lb spice Mory Calved Fixing Garden Fence Took the Barrels from the Bush set the Leech at the north Banking but its Froze the Garnet went Down Fishermen First Trip to Lancaster with Fish Leander took the Goose to Hamiltons and took him Back Lewis the Indian Taking a scow Load of Hay Phillip to a lb of Butter 25 Got Due Bill of 82 cents from Angus Leander shot a Duck

24th Minkey Dead skinned her First Ploughing in the Potato Feild Boild 8 Pails of sap Took home the Pots setting Fires Lots of Boats going to Day Martin and Maryann here for Duck put the Pig in his Pen Put a crotch at the Fireplace some chunks of ice going Down E Wind

25th St Marks Fine E Wind Froze Last night setting Fires Ploughing

26th Fine E W Fixing the Fence at the Door and Fire Place working at the soap Taking the Banking from the north side of the house set Fire above the Brush Fence a Boat went up this Morning Looked like the cutlivator First Trip

27th Windy

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Mr James Cameron Island

28th of April 1890 Fine Livinia John H Tonia went to Lewis Leander to Summerstown Bought of J Summers 5 lbs of Putty 25 Bought of Angus Thread 5 Herring Barrel 10 Brought couple of sucours to Hamiltons Bought Bread for Fishermen Fixing a scaffold to shingle Mr Is Genie here all night came to Fix the Buoys

9th Mr Genie went off Left 95 cents Ploughing Fine Taking the Potatoes out of the cellar 20 Bushels narcisse to Butter 25 The steamer Alexandria went Down on her First Trip

30th Windy Cloudy Fine taking up stones took all out of Bush cutting Potatoes for seed Heard Mr Ward was to be Married to Day to Mrfs Hill telegraph operator Phillip and George to Lancaster with Fish Put out their Big Boat

1st Day of May St Phillip and St James Day Fine Robideau and Martin for Baits Ploughing the 2 Potatoe Peices Drew some wood salted the cattle

2nd a Raft went Down cutting Brush Painting the Boat Fixing Fence Planted seed cabbage and Beets Making soap narcifse to Butter 25 Fine

3rd Windy Rain Putting manure on Potato Piece Below emptied the Leech and Filled it splitting and old oak Log

4th Windy Rained

5th Leander went for Gordons Boat cutting seeds

6th Fixing the calves Pasture Fence Phillip to Butter 25 Windy

Mr James Cameron Island

7th of May 1890 Windy Leander to Dundee 2 hides 10 Rats 5 Mink Bought 150 Weight of Flour 20 lbs of Felt 40 3 Bottles of Medicine 75 Boots Fixed 60 putting out manure put calves in the stable cut my Hair cutting Potato seeds Robideau here with Fish to Narcisse

8th E W Fine went to Hamiltons Bought Gordons Boat 3 Dollars for it Gordon and Mr McPherson shingling paid Tom Jack 1 Dollar Got 2 Bushels of oats all clear now got the Lone of the harrow Brought Quart of onion to Mrs Hamilton got sallad seed Paid stanley 10 cent Planted 25 Rows of Potatoes got a Letter from Williamstown At the soap

9th Planted the rest of the piece of Potatoes took 9 Bushels of seeds Rained some Narcifse and George came Wind high Stanley sick Hugh Ann sick Fisherman to 2 Bottles of oil 10 rained hard to night

10th Leander crofsed for the Mail did not Get the Glengarian fine E and West wind Fixing around heard Purcell sent word to McDougalls to Leave heard Duncan Chisholms Barn was Burnt

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Mr James Cameron Island

11th of May 1890 Rogation Sunday the Lafleshe's here Dan Spinks here Fine John H and the 2 Girls went up to corn Island The officer of Fishing Club at the Fishermens /seised on Robideau nets at Christees Island heard Geordie Annans Father got his Leg Broke

12th crofs ploughing the sod Hewing a Pine Log the Cataline went down a Raft went Down some Mosquitoes Leander Spearing at night got EEls and succours and sunfish

13th Raining Commenced shingling the south side of the Frame split a couple of Long Rails Alexandra went Down cutting Fat pine stumps Phillip digging his Potato peice Rained to night

14th Harrowing the sod Planted 22 Rows of Potatoes shingling sout side put on Felt Dick and Narcisse to Lancaster Mr Kelly at the Fishermans going to see Robideau Phillip to Butter 25 Bohemian Late this morning with the Fog Rain

15th Asension Day Fine Leander to Summers Bought of A MDonald 6 lbs of shingle nails 30 Boots 1..25 Calico 3 1/2 yds 35 overalls stuff 2 3/4 55 7 lb of Fine salt 2 papers squashes 10 Boot Laces shingling splitting a peice of the oak Log planting the Garden Cucumbers 5 Beds of onions Robideau Left Lewis's Island commenced the Hay on the sticks John H Drawing of stones Phillip planting Potatoes gave him seed

Mr James Cameron Island

16th of May 1890 sised what shingles we had not Finished shingling yet Leander & JOhn to Alexis Island for a Plank Windy Planting onions in the Garden Planted Potatoes at the Piece at the gate

17th very high wind south East in the Morning changed to south West and Blew a Gale a Big White Birch out of the Roots at the Bank at the upper part of the south side Rain some Thunder a Few Grains of Hail put manure at the cherries for Potatoes Found a peice of Trace chain under the stone Narcisse Planted his Potatoes Gave him seed Phillip paid his Rent and a 25 cetns on what he owed stanley and I around the Island water high Made some Beds in the Tobacco place onions and Beets got 1 Tick

18th Gordon and Bismark here got a Pipe from Gordon Narcifs paid his Rent 3 Dollars got oil 5 Bismarck 25 cents to his mother and sissy & Hugh Ann Hugh Ann and Jonia to Lewis's John H and Leander and Dick to Rofs's Island Phillip got a Loaf of Bread Fine E Wind

19th Plouging the Back Garden and the cherry Trees taking out stones John Nine came for sand Gave me his scow Boat Fine set a Turkey to Hatch John H got a Ling-Fish on his Line

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Mr James Cameron Island

20th of May 1890 E Wind North Wind and West Wind Raining hard Lot of Puddels of water John H got a Pike on his Line George got Tea shutting the hens in as they are scratching the Garden put 2 Long Rails on the Garden Fence Fixed a Gaff for John H

21st The Sand- Boat anchored at the Fishermans J went Down to see them his name is Captain Charron told me he would come in June for sand Lewis the Indian here for Potatoes got 3 Baskets from him took Dinner him and Mary-Ann water very high a Good Deal of water in the cellar with the Rain

22nd Fixing the Fence in the upper Field and cutting on the Pitt Point Painting the Boat took the mast out of the scow and some Boards very Fine E Wind Fixing the Tobacco Fence Broke the Whippletree yesterday Leander crofsed yesterday 1 Quart of Paint oil 25 Brought onions to Mrs Hamilton Gave Lewis onion seed 40

23rd Fixing the scythe Place Fence set a hen to hatch with Duck Eggs and Turkey eggs Got Duck eggs from Tassie Fraser Leander there Bought 2 Bunches of shingles at McArthur's Mill 1 Dollar second Quality good shingles The sand Boat went off East Wind West E Wind and W Wind Lewis children home with smoothing irons

Mr James Cameron Island

24th of May 1890 Queen Victoria's Birth Day a Fine Day E Wind Fixing Logs at the Potatoes Drew the Mast up the Mare Lost a shoe Painting the Boat Black Drew the sleighs of the Grass Narcisse Paid for 9 lbs of Butter 1..80 Bought aa lb 20 Leander got a Line 17 cents Marten and canares here

25th Pentecoste Whit Sunday

26th Finished shingling south side harrowed Potatoes Lewis and Mary Ann and Misses Lewis here Brought 50 of Provender for Potatoes cotton Gave Lewis more seed Potatoes Chickens some out some Rain Plough Bean Place

27th Putting the saddle on the Roof Leander to summerstown Bought of A MDonald Quart of Paint oil 25 Fine salt coarse salt Plaining Boards put a Beam up in the Frame Hugh Ann Livinia and John H Went for a Table to Jo Lemays if he wants it he can have it any time very Fine Raind some

28th took Boards of the Roof Fixed the saddle on the Roof digging stones at the Fireplace 2 Men here from Cornwall to Buy the Glue and the Eggs of the sturgeon paid 5 for Glue and 5 for the eggs Drew some stones to the Bank to Protect it Dick went off Plum trees in Blossom

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Mr James Cameron Island

29 of May1890 Royal Oak DAy or oak apple Day Lewis here for the Plough and Traces Sheared the Sheep Painting the Boat John H got a sturgeon Lewis here for the Plough and Traces

30th Digging the Peice for the Beans Washing the Wool Potatoes coming up Lost my Knife Found it narcifse working at the shanty

31st Fine Day Leander to Hamiltons got Grain Potatoes Went to the Head of the Island salted the cattle Put out the skiff Trees Blossoming Picking the Wool a Good many tows went to Day P Robideau sunning with George

1st of June Rowena Victoria B Day 1878 Glorious 1st of June Martin and Mary-Ann Lewis here Fine Livinia John H and Stanley over to the south side Duke of Cannought tin Niagara to Day

2nd at Pitt Point Fence the Mare out for the First time Planted Potatoes in the Back Garden at the Cherry Trees Harrowed Back Place for the Beans thought there was a Frost this morning Picking Wool

3rd Fine Windy East Stanley and I cutting stick for the Fence Potatoes coming up well putting manure on Tobacco place Fixing Fence at calves stable Leander scaning with George Spartan went Down 2 Men at the shanty from Valley Field after Glue of sturgeon

Mr James Cameron Island

4th of June 1890 old George the 3rd Birth Day E W Rain 2 Frenchman from Valley-Field after the spawn and Glue of the sturgeon did not get it the Men came From cornwall came Leander seaming with George to Butter 25 the Corcican went Down John H got a sturgeon and Lost a Big one some smoky or Foggy Blossom on the Brod Brim apple Tree at Lower Point

5th Corpus Christie Foggy Raining hard Thunder and Lightning EW Fine John H Bought Phillips Bun 2 Dollars Election in Lancaster Martin told us their Horse was stoe Saturday night Gave Martin some Turkey eggs to hatch Fixing the Gate and the cabbage seed place Bunty had her Kittens to Day

6th Planted Beans

7th Leander crossed with the Fishermen windy Bought Tea 3 lb 1. Fishermen for Boards Girls and John H went to Lewis they were off

8th Hugh Ann went to St Regis on the Princefs very windy

9th Aunt Mary's Birth Day 1813 John H went to Hamiltons for Hugh Ann got Dans Letter from London Weeding Potatoes Windy and Fine

10th Fine Lewis Martin for Potatoes got 2 1/2 paid 1..25 at Potatoes Girls went to Lewis Rain to night

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Mr James Cameron Island

11th of June1890 St Barnabas Day Put the calves in their Pasture at the Fence Fixing it at Potatoes Tommy Rose and 2 other here the Man from cornwall after his Glue a new Boat went up the Gatinea Stanley and J Fishing Perch got a Lot a Fine Day Fixing a Bedstead up stairs High E Wind to night

12th Raining E Wind Bun's Bleu up in the Marsh last night The sand man here Charron going for cord wood to salmon River Wetyas Christee here 5 Boats of them went Down to Look for Francis they were told that an Indian was Found but it was a false Report Stanley and J Fishing got 5 Transplanted Cabbage

13th E Wind Raining John H got a Lunge Fixing East Logs at the Wharf

14th Went to head of the Island EW Man Charron carme George Brought 200 or 250 Tobacco Plats from Montreal 20 cents a 100 Leander went to Hamiltons for the Papers Transplanted the Tobacco Dug the Ground water high Randolph came to night

15th Gordon and 2 of the Lalonds here Sandy Dougall John S Summers Frankey Laplante here Randolph and Leander went Trowling Lightning Bugs

16 The Memorable Battle of Waterloo Randolph went Trowling at the Potatoes cleaning them Gordon and J Summers here Trowling

Mr James Cameron Island

17th June 1890 Randolph Leander Hugh Anne went to Dundee Election There Leander Bought a suit 6 Dollars Cotton 35 yrds 13 calico Flour 100 Wt Randolph a satchel 2 plugs of Tobacco sold a Tennnet of Butter 29 lbs sold 28 lbs of Tallow Got 5 cents from Gordon for Tobacco Got 50 for skins Drawing stones to the Wharf Heavy Thunder and Lightning and Windy Randolph and Leander went to Lancaster Leander went to A Frashers to see Fernandez Turkey got our here chickens

18th Fine Windy Hoeing Down at the sod Fixed a Hoop on a Barrel the 2 Girls went to Lewis

19th Randolph to Summerstown Weeding the Garden

20th Randolph went off Leander Hugh Ann Livinia went to Lancaster with him Brought the wool to the carding Mill. Frasher smallman and another man here to Buy Cattle Mre chickens hatched John H and J Fishing Perch putting stones on the wharf

21st First Day of Summer very warm John H Ionia and J to the Kit Kit Leander and Dick to Summerstown

22nd Uncle Dan's Birth Day Hugh Ann and Livinia Went to Williamstown Gordon and Bismarck here Leander to Hamiltons the Girls seen a Deer when coming Back

23rd Put the plough through Potatoes George Annan and Miss Spinks here young Dick

24th John the Baptiste Day Mr Teethin here and {illegible} Bascan Gave a Trowling Rig to Leander Caught a Lunge hoeing Beans heavy Thunder Lightning

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Mr James Cameron Island

25th of June 1890 Stanley and I Fishing Perch got 39 at the Beans Windy Took a Load of wood From the Bay Berries getting Ripe

26th Very Windy from the north cool and Fine hot Mrs Charron here at the Beans Beans put a handle in and old hoe 2 Fine 3 masted schooners ewnt Down Towed young Turkies Dying

27th Hoeing the Beans Martin here Fine put ashes in the manure pile Fixed a Bed in the Frame up stairs

28th Went to Hamiltons Heard of Mr John Craigs Death Leander Bought of A MDonald 1 pair of shoes 1..25 starch 10 6 yds of 1..8 paid 1..80 what we owed him got a Box From J Hamilton Tom Jack Making a stable in concession Hugh Ann went to St Regis

29th St P St Paul Fine the Mare had her colt

30th cutting sticks for a Jumper Hugh Ann came verry verry warm hoed Tobacco cutting the Weeds

1st of July Dominion Day picnicks all over Began the Jumper Warm some Berries Took the Mare and colt to the Barn

2nd Rained some Working at the other runner of the Jumper the mare Drew it Down Hoeing the Potatoes the Bohemian Late to Day going up Livinia Working at the churn at Potatoe Bugs

Mr James Cameron Island

3rd July 1890 Fine Rain'd Windy at the Potatoes at the Jumper piled some Manure Mowed a Road at the centenial Leander crofsed to AMcDonald paid for the shoes 1..25 Bought a Broom 20 Bought at Nicholsons Mollasses 12 1/2 Bought of John Summers 1 lb of sulpher 10 Rainbow to night

4th American Independence Windy Foggy Rained afternoon Fine at the Jumper put out some Tobacco and Turnips

5th Our Uncle Johns B Day 1803 Fine Windy at the Jumper potato Bugs some plenty on Lower Peice Lots of Pic Nics Garnet and Gatineau up with Pic Nic Hoeing Potatoes EEl Flies commencing

6th John Angus and Jo the Baker here Tom Jack Gordon and Dan Spink here Leander and Hugh Ann went to McDougalls Heard Caseau was hung or Lynched Rained some

7th Finished the Jumper Fine Rained Windy tearing Down the Big shed hoeing the Beans put Paris Green on the Lower Potatoes \

8th Went to head of the Island Windy Heavy Lightning and Thunder Rain Mowed Thistles on the hill Young Turkey hatching or Laying Windy Fine mowed a Little Back of the Barn cut some sticks for a stable Taking off Potatoe Bugs Kind of cold Weeding the Garden

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Mr James Cameron Island

10th of July 1890 Windy Fine cool Mowing around for Road Leander and John H Drew some ticks John H Broke the Round Whetstone Harnessed the Mare Potato Bugs Bad Rasberries get Ripe

11th Fine Warm Leander and Hugh Ann to Dundee Bought 100 of Flour 2.60 on credit 50 lbs of Cornmeal 60 5 of Ca{illegible} 35 40 yds of Cotton 2..80 1 1/2 Doz Buttons 15 1 1/2 of Drilling 15 Gallon of Vinegar 25 3 plates 25 1 1/2 Baking Powder 25 2 lard 25 2 scythes 1.20 stone 10 7-65... To Cash 3.. 4..65.. 5 Tubs 1.. 6 yds Calico 40 9 yds putting Paris Green on the Potatoes John H Mowing made some cocks of hay

12th of July the Battle of the Boyne Orangemans Day very Fine and Warm Mowing in the Grove cut a Road Down to the shanty on the hill Made some coils Mr Benwa came up with George Mr Tuthill and Mr Marshall here yesterday paid me the Dollar and Treated me to a Glass of ale

13th Fine John Angus and his Wife and George and Fred here Hugh Ann went to Bill Craigs

14th First putting in of Hay Fine Warm cutting Down on the Hill the churn got wrong Feeding the calves hay some Rasberries English cherries turning Birds Bad at them Fixing the clock got it to strike

Mr James Cameron Island

15th of July 1890 Mowing Down Behind the shanty Mowing in the Grove very warm 3 Men here in the Grove From Lancaster after Fish from Fisherman Got the Loan of Lewis churn Thunder and Lightning and Rain this morning St Swithens' Day)

16th Fine Mowing Livinia and Hugh Ann went to Dundee Bought a crock churn 1 Dollar 7 yds of Lustre Thread Twist Buttons Lining 5 lbs of Rice Benwa went off home English Cherries Ripe some cleaning the Tobacco Bohemian a Pic Nic at Hamiltons making cocks Down on the hill, Behind the shanty Hens Rooting the Potatoes

17th Raining Eat new Potatoes cut some hay at the cherries made a churn - Dasher Leander and Dick crofsed to Summerstown Angus MDonald in Alexandria at a Nigger Show Ionia not well Made Preserves of the English Cherries The John A aground with a Raft Below the Lighthouse

18th Fine at hay Put in some Hay. Mowing The man that Buys the Glue at the Fishermens for the Tubs and seives Rained hard to night Hoed some Tobacco

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Mr James Cameron Island

19th of July 1890 Fernandez Birth Day 1874 Mowing Rained some high North Wind Went to the Head of the Island Pic Nic or Pleasure Trip on the Bohemian Cold to Day

20th Fine Mrs Charron here

21st Went home with Lewis churn cutting hay Leander crofsed to Summerstown Bought of A MDonald 2 Whet Stones 20 3 spools of Threat 15 Tea 3 lbs 1 Dollar 2 Rakes 30 cents Made 60 Coils of hay Feeding the calves hay as their Pasture is Bare

22nd Hugh Ann went to Lancaster for the yarn 15 lb of yarn 2..16 putting in hay Mowing a Fne Day the Hens Playing the Devil with the Potatoes Hoeing the Tobacco eat cucumbers John H Line Broke taking it up Oscar Laflesh at the Fishermens

23rd Fine very hot Mowing at the Grape Vine picking Berries 1 1/2 Gallons mowed at the seine Made 76 to Day of coils about 90 made now

24th Putting hay Mowing commenced to Rain gathered some hay Lewis Gilr for a Boat made Rake teeth the cat McGinty got a hook in his mouth I cut it out our Boat stole to night

Mr James Cameron Island

July 25th 1890 St James Day Leander Hugh Ann Livinia went to the south side to Look to Look for it but did not fine it Rain some Mowing some Picking Beans sawed stove Wood Stanley not well Shows in Cornwall

26th Fine some Windy Martin came home with the Bun the Girls came for smoothing irons at hay Mowing Below the old Garden Picked some Berries Heard Biddy Lee Broke her arm Falling out of a cherry Tree

27th Fine Day Bismarck here Left his watch to get Fixed in Fort Covington Donald John McDougall here 3 of Lewis's Children here

28th cutting and coiling hay very warm Stanley not well John H Bought a Wire Line from he Fishermen 90 cents

29th Very very warm put in about 100 coils to Day Jacobs Boy and Wife and John Dominick here for salt

30th Fine Windy Hugh Ann Leander went to Dundee took Tennet of Butter Bought 200 of Flour 5.25 1/2 Doz Glass Tumblers 30 a Keg 50 Braid 10 Wind high to night Mowing Hugh Ann and John Went to sleep at the shanty Thunder Rain Trimmed the ash Tree Down at the Wet place

31st Windy Rain Thunder Lighning Mowing Down at Grave Mowing at the sythe oak Tree sharpened the crofs cut saw

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Mr James Cameron Island

1st of August 1890 Lammas Day Fine very warm Mowing on the Lower Point

2nd Minnie's B Day 1864 Putting in hay very Fine Warm made 23 coils Louise Narcisse's Girl came and child Leander crofsed to Summerstown taking Buds of Tobacco Bought Boots 2.25 or shoes pipes & sox paid a 1.25 on the shoes

3rd Livinia and Hugh Annto Dundee Rain Wind Fine

4th Mowing at East End of the Island very warm High Wind Heavy Thunder and chain Lightning

5th Fine Finished the Lower Point commenced Back of the Barn Let the calves to the Big High High Wind Heavy Thunder Lightning Rained Took the Top seed of the Tobacco

6th Randolph's B Day 1867 Fine Rained Windy Mowing Back of the Barn Got a Large channel-cat-Fish for Berries our Potatoes Large and Good

7th Fine Mowing coiling Began a stack put about 25 coils in it salted the sheep John nine taken sand out of the River or Lake Got 50 from him not taken any from the shore Turning hay a Fortunate DAy Long Black Berries Turning some

8th Finished the stack Mr Genie came

9th Mr Genie Fishing Morning Rained some 4 of the Line Boats went Down to Day with American soldiers

Mr James Cameron Island

10th of August 1890 Mr Genie went off

11th Mowing and Making coils Leander to Hamiltons for yeast John Nine came no Boards

12th Fine Bohemian went up Mowing Mr Genie came going to cornwall with wool to his Daughters Left me a Treat E Wind

13th Bohemian Went Down Fishermens Wife Daughter and 2 children went of Began a stack put 119 coils in it to Day not Finished yet Lewis children here for Butter and Bread the Gatineau went up and Down to Day Hugh Ann went to Dundee the small owl Dead Trimmed some apple trees

14th Fine cutting hay put more hay in the stack Phillip came John Nine here Told us he Found Francis over Below Frasers Last Week

15th Mowing finished Below the house Hugh Ann came From Dundee Bought of John Tyo Pork 32 Glass 25 1 Gallon of Vinegar 40 Powders 20 Calico 35 Fount out about our Boat

16th Leander and I went to Look for the it hid in the Marsh at Murdock MDonalds took our Lunch on Buchanan Island Fine made 60 coils not Raked Bought of J Summers Matches 12

17th Rain Windy Lewis Boys here

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Mr James Cameron Island

18th August 1890 Fine Mowing in the upper Field Raking Made some coils

19th Cold Bismark's B Day 1870 put in 50 coils stuffed the East End of the Barn put 2 Loads on the Barn Floor commenced to Rain and cold high East Wind Sharrons Barge sailed up cut some in upper Feild Fishermens seine all Broke got Fast in Logs

20th Mowing above the Lane Turning hay Took up 1/2 Row of Potatoes from the East Peice Let in the Mare to eat Below the house Fine

21st E Wind changed to South Wind very high with Rain Mowing in the Upper Field about 22 minutes to 1 This Morning heard a rumbling noise like, an Earthquake sounded West going

22nd Mowing in the Brush in the upper Field sawing Quilting Frame 4 of them Taking Buds of Tobacco Windy

23rd Fine Began to Rain high E Wind cold Put some hay on the Barn Floor Drew a Bun of Wood Those Indian Thieves is around Trowling camed at the head of the Island

24th Raining Windy

25th Mowing in upper Feild Fine the cows in upper Feild Fine the cows milked to Day By those campers John H and Livinia to Plum Island

Mr James Cameron Island

Aug 26 1890 Mowing in upper Field Leander to Summerstown Bought of A MD 1 lb of soda 10 Bread for Fishermen sugar and Tobacco Made 70 coils of hay chicken Hawks around Lots of shooting on the south side

27th Raining Thunder Fine Went to head of the Island John Angus McLaughlin and A Frasher here Wanting John H Brought me a Lot of Paper and a Fine Large apple Fixing chains on the Bow of the Boats Heard J Dunlop was poorly

28th Finished cutting the upper Field Began the Back Feild or the oakfield to cut taking up the onions taken in the coloured Beans cutting some Brush Rained some to Day

29th Putting more hay on the Barn Floor The 2 creamers Boys here Charlie and Bill John Tyo sent By them for a Tennent of Butter gave it to them to take to him Began to Rain made coils of hay in the upper Field cutting in the oak Field and set some Brush heaps on Fire Thunder to night onve very very clap of Thunder

30h Cuttingin the oakfield John H Drawing Wood Lucius came George took Leander 3 lb of shot 21 cents paid

31st Rain Fine Men from Francis Island for Hay

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Mr James Cameron Island

Sept 1st 1890 Mowing Back Marsh Hunting Began Leander and John H to Plum Island shot 2 Ducks Drew the sticks and Bun up from the River Ploughed a Row of Potatoes on the hill Fine

2nd Fine E and West Wind Began a stack at the Back Door of the Barn Half Fine hay and the Rest Marsh hay Mowing in the Back marsh John Nine here Working at Quilts second one that on Lots of shooting some Drops of Rain The Algerian went Down with her colours up Perhaps the Prince is on

3rd D McMasters Birth Day 1846 Captain Sharron here John Nine here Finished the Barn Floor with hay put a Top on Fine hay of Marsh hay Fine E W Mowed some a Few coils in the upper Field in the Brush Leander shot a Duck Took the apples of the Big Tree 3 Bushels Lewis here Taking scantling from Lancaster Picking of the Hops cut 2 stalks of Tobacco

4th Fine Went to Dundee Leander and Hugh Ann Bought of J Tyo 100 of Flour 2.70 cornmeal 75 100 of Provender 1.30 nails 10 lbs 30 Boots 1.25 Pills 15 spectacles 15 Lock 25 seen Mr Genie

Mr James Cameron Island

Sept 5th 1890 John Angus Birth Day 1850 Mowing in Back Marsh making coils Genie here and a French crew

6th Foggy Fine Leander to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward sack of salt 80 5 spools of Thread 25 Mowed 3 coils in the Front Marsh for the First John 9 Left his Boat till he would come to pay me Lucus Found a Drowned mand near rat Ball Island all Disfigured

7th Gordon and Bismarck here Willie craig Willy Rose and Tommy here a Fine Day Heard Mrs Andrew Cameron Died about a month ago

8th Began a stack of Marsh hay and about 20 coils out of the upper Feild in it all the hay in the oakfield in it 120 coils and the Rain Began and we did not Finish it Rained hard high Wind Picking Beans John Bought a Pair of oars sun day

9th cut some sticks for the stable Drew some of them Narcisse Gave word to Day about the Drowned man

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Mr James Cameron Island

September 10th 1890 Fine E Wind Finished Marsh hay stack put Tops on 2 other stacks all the hay thats cut in the Back Marsh now is in Mr Dr Smart and his sister Charlotte here Lucias went off Pulled the Tops of the Potatoes in the Lower Feild

11th Began the Lower Potatoes about 18 or 20 Bushels Began to Rain E Wind Leander shot 3 Ducks some Rot on the Potatoes

12th E Wind Raining

13th Windy West W sorting the Potatoes and drying them at the Door Made a heap of them taking the Rotton ones out took 4 sticks of Basswood down from the head of the Island on the water John H making a sturgeon Pen Fine Black Cherries Ripe Trimmed some young appletrees at the Lower Point

14th Holy Crofs Fine Leander for the Mail to Hamiltons the Girls and Stanley to Lewis's

15th Fine EW Went to the Depot at Lancaster with the stove ove paid 1..50 to Mrs Gillis paid Qubeck 50 cents to take the oven up and Down seen Frank Laplante and Gordon Drawing stones Seen Angus Cameron Took in 16 Bushels of Potatoes in cellar

Mr James Cameron Island

Sept 16th 1890 Raining E Wind Thunder taking the Roof of the stable shelling Beans chopping stove Wood took what apples was on the sweet Tree off as they are not Gaining nothing Lots of Burnt Horse Tooth corn going down the River must be there was storehouse or a steamer or Boat Burnt John H got an EEl on his Line Water very high no Ducks Lots of Flocks of Plovers going West they are awful high

17th Began the Potatoes at the Door Ploughed 16 Rows to Day the heap 20 or 25 Bushels not much rot Narcisse to Montreal took the cars did not get the oven at Beans E Wind Pealing apples Stringing them

18th at the Potatoes about half Done very warm and Fine Potato Bugs Plenty Lots of Boats going to Day West Wind cut some Tobacco

19th at the Potatoes Fine Fishermen took the oven from Lancaster Rained tonight Began another heap 3 heaps now

20th at Potatoes took home some Wood some Butternuts on the hill Tree Falling only 3 Trees with a Few nuts on Windy cut some Tobacco

21st John H went for the Papers to Hamiltons Leander and the Girls went to Ball Island to see the drowned Man

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Mr James Cameron Island

22 Sept 1890 sun crofses the Line Equinoxial Gales now put all heaps of Potatoes in the cellar cut all the Tobacco

23rd Wind all the Potatoes up about 125 Bushels in now Drew some Wood Leander crofsed to A McDonalds 10 Dozen of Eggs 1..50 Bought 3 1/4 lb Tea 1.. 5 pair of Boots 5..50 on credit pipes 3 Lewis Family came home from Waterville picking hops Peggy McLean Buried to Day picked a Pail of cranberries making Tomato catsup

24th Fine Began the stable at the East End of the Barn 20 by 16 Put up 2 Rounds to Day shelling some Beans took in some Grapes Frost Last night in Low Places Hawks Plenty

25th put 1 round on to Day Windy cutting and Drawing sticks cut some handspikes Girls gathering Grapes John H got a sturgeon

26th at the stable 5 Rounds on now Rain Drew some sticks put in all the Tobacco a Few stalks out yet some on the Big cellar and Back Garden

27th Foggy Raining E Wind changed to West choppng and sawing stove-Wood hung up some Bunches of Tobacco Mr John Dunlop Departed on Friday 26th Mr Leslie Departed on the

Mr James Cameron Island

Sept 28th1890 Fine the Girls to Lewis's Leander to Rofs Island

29th St Michael Michealmas Went to Hamiltons John H and I at their Potatoes Fine Got about 10 Bushels of apples Leander and Hugh An to Dundee with Butter Bought Flour Boots Burners 2 Butter Tubs chimneys Boots Mustard velvet selling the corn that got Burnt it Belonged to Smallmans Brother

30th Fine John H went to help Hamiltons at their Potatoes Leander and I at the stable Drew some sticks Pealing Apples

1st of October Fine very warm Ionia Birth Day 1883 Leander and I working at the stable John H at Hamiltons

2nd very fine and warm put in the Beams in the stable Mrs Craig and Miss C Smart here Heard Kenneths 2 Boys came home

3rd In the Morning Mr Genie came at the stable

4th Windy at the stable John came from Cornwall John H had 4 1/2 Bushels of apple

5th Mr Genie went off the Girls to Francis Island and Mr Craigs John H went for the Papers Wild Geese came

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Mr James Cameron Island

6th of Oct1890 Windy Cool Mowing in Front Marsh 100 coils E Wind

7th EW Raining Cool put pins on the Top Logs of the stable went the head of the Island chinking some

8th W Wind Cloudy Fine cut an ash Pole for the Roof of the stable underpinning the Bottom of the stable Banking the upper stable west side Narcisse to Montreal Phillip and George to Summerstown Race in Williamstown and Games

9th Games in Williamstown Fine Putting the Roof on the old stable John S Summer here Bought a sturgeon from the Fishermen 30 cents told us of Mr William McLean's Lofs By Fire Mrs Summers had an operation on her Ey's she can see some now

10th Hugh Ann McMasters Birth Day 1844 Fine Fixing around the Stable Leander shot a Duck Drew some Wood not well in Bed

11th Leander not well Stanley not well Fine John H went for the papers Mr Hume here Leander went Down with him to Charlies Island

12th Fine Hicory nuts, Falling Mr James Stuart Married on the 11th.

Mr James Cameron Island

13th of Oct 1890 Fine E Wind Putting Manure on the Meadow Leander came got 75 cent from Mr Hume Began Making the Grape Wine Rained tonight New Moon this Evening

14th E Wind Raining Boys started for Boards turned Back with the Rain cutting stove Wood some Duck a Good deal of shooting on the south side salted the cows the Alexandra went Down Late

15th Rained Last night Windy West Fixing around places Narcisse to Lancaster Mr Dunlop told him there was 2 Packages at the Depot for me Bohemian commenced going Down at night Fixed the stall in the stable

16th Fine EW Drawing sleepers for the stable Leander for Boards 28 Boards 2..40 Got a Letter From Dan concerning the Packages Began a cheese Plastering 2 Men at the Shanty Demo and Quebec Hunters at Rofs Island

17th Working at the stable Raining hard Steam-yacht came Galbraith owner

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Mr James Cameron Island

Oct 18th 1890 George Went to Lancaster for 4 hunters Took the 2 Packages from Mr Dunlop 3 coats 4 pair of Pants 1 vest 2 Wristlets 5 Ties 1 Knife 1 Case of Razors Marked every Day of the Week except Friday the Friday Razor was not in about 8 Boots 2 pair of Rubbers 1 pair of Boots one Pack opener a Little at the end

19th Windy went to the shanty Mr Genie came Left us a Bag of apples he went to Cornwall E Wind high the steam Yacht here went off

20th Putting the Floor in the stable Windy E Wind a Great Deal of shooting vessels Towed Down

21st E Wind Very Fine at the Floor at the stable Mr Genie and his man came Boys went to spear to night Mr Humes here treated me at the shore

22nd Fine EW a Great Deal of sheeting Leanger went to hunt Lewis 4 children here for Butter with Hume's Man for Butter 1 Dol 4 lbs working at the Floor of the stable Gordon and Bismarck here to night

Mr James Cameron Island

23rd of Oct 1890 Livinia's Birth Day 1868 Hugh Ann and Livinia to McDougalls Fine E Wind one of the Conovers came to hunt Nailing the Floor of the Stable John Hand Stanley Drawing Drags Gordon and Bismarck to go away to Day to the South Woods

24th Our Hugh's B Day Raining EW Killed the sheep a very Fat one the Hunters went off Fixing some in the stable

25th St Crispins Day all Shoemakers Day My Birth Day 1825 cutting and salted the Mutton Leander for Boards Fine E Wind 1 Dollar for 14 Boards the old Turkey Dead John H making a Floor in the calve place A McDonald sent me a Package of Fine cut Tobacco sent 6 Dollars to A MDonald for Bismarcks account Forgot the Recipt Mr Humes here for a Lunch at the Head of the Island Rows about hunting Grounds shoals Blinds Randolph came to night

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Mr James Cameron Island

26th Oct 1890 Randolph here Donald John McDougall Alex Fraser here Fine E Wind

27th Randolph and John Horosses to McDougalls to pick apples put the Gable and Boards on the Alexandra went Down to day and her Day is Tuesday to go Down

28th chinking sawing the Door Fine W. Wind.

29th Fine E W Rain som Dick Shoro went offf working at the stables took Down the old calve Place at the East end of the stable Banking old stable Leander shot a Duck a Great Lot of shooting to Day all over John H at McDougalls Hume's for Butter 4 pounds 1 Dollar

30 Fine W Wind Leander went to McDougalls to Pick apples Windy Lots of shooting Banking the stable pealing Pumpkins Last night got 3 Bags of apples at McDougall

31st Holy Eve putting in Marsh hay in the new stable Loft Banking the East side of the shed Keeping the Hallow Een cracking nuts

Mr James Cameron Island

1st of Nov 1890 All Saints Day Fernandez came 4 hunters came got Johns Boat sent for a Pan of Bread 25 Fixing hay and Fence around the stacks

2nd Fernandez went off Windy George Bad with the Toothache Rained

3rd on this Day of the month Granda Departed 1857 Drawing wood snow on the Mountains Lots of shooting

4th Windy Fine some Grains of snow Frost John H to Alexis Island John H Boat Leaks Hunters to the Boat Leander and Hugh Ann Dundee Tennet of Butter 18 lbs To 100 of Flour 2.70 Provender 200 L 2.80 3 lb Tea 1 High Wines 1 Gallon 3.20 sugar 20 lbs L1.20 Lamp chimney Flour 20 RRR 25 Rubbres 30 Lampwicks - John H at the Floor Finished

5th Very high West Wind D McMaster to Be Married to Day so I heard a Fortunate Day Guy Fawks Day Gun Powder Plot Hunters went of 2 stopt Found their Bag of cartriges Got Potatoes 25 oil 5 Butter 50 sent 3 Dollar 1 Dollar for the Boat and 2 for the shanty

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Mr James Cameron Island

Nov 6th 1890 Banking West side of the House

7th Helens Birth Day Banking the North side E Wind High Wind to night and Rain 2 of the Hunters went of to Day to come next Week

8th Windy West Leander at the Kit Kit Island got 3 Ducks Stanley and I cutting stove Wood John H Plastering John H went for the Papers took a Bag of apples strained the Wine yesterday put the sugar in it

9th Rained Wind Lewis and Mary Ann here for salt soda Jacob Simon here stopt all night as the Wind Rose high Prince of Wales B Day

10th took in the Beets Drew some Wood Fixed the canoe in the calves Place Keeping the Mare in Leander got 3 Ducks

11th Fine Fishermen went off Forgot their Watch Turned Back Mr Humes here Leander Fixing a Blind Fixing around the Barn

Mr James Cameron Island

12th of Nov1890 This is about Martinmass Fine W Wind Banking in the cookhouse Mr Humes here Gave Leander a Dollar for Fixing the Blinds Mr Grand and Lewis Bosell here wanting John H to work for him Fixing the shanty There is 2 of those Planets Getting very close together I think it will make some kind of a storm not much shooting to Day

13th Fine Windy Fixing a Door on the Loft of the stable Fixing the sheep Place a Good Deal of shooting to Day hurted the Back of my hand

14th To Burchell is to be Hung a Fine Day

15th Fixing around the stable John Nine here for his Boat Gave 2 Dollars and is to pay the Rest next summer Drew some Wood

16th some Wind John H went for the Papers Letter from Gordon

17th Leander crofsed Bought of A MDonald 1 Pair of Boots 3 Hinges 20 Thread 5 sent me a Plug of Tobacco 10 a Present John H got 2 EEls in the mud Putting Manure around the apple Trees Rained Windy snowed to night

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Mr James Cameron Island

18th of Nov 1890 Fine WW Fixing the hinges on the Door snow all gone 2 men hunting Before the Door Salting the Eggs Alexandria went Down wrote a Letter to night to send to Gordon and Bismarck Parishville St Lawrence County New York Mr John Youngs Camp

19th WW Rained Hailed and Fine Ploughed a peice of sod Leander Found a Barrel some Broke cleared the stable of Boards and Rubbish took over the Tools put some Boards in the Barn Bottling the Wine about 26 or 28 Gallons 2 Five Gallons Jars 1 Keg about 11 1/2 Gallons some 1 Gallon Jars and the rest in Bottles The Grenada Late coming out of Dundee about 10 oclock Put the Mare and colt in the new stable water Raising Bohemian went Down some say the Last Trip

20th Froze hard Last night put in the cows to night Pennance and Des Hotel shooting Windy took Fish Box up on Land setting Fires in the Marshes south side a Good many Boats Going to Day a 3 Masted Propeller went up put Preserves out of the milkhouse wine honey vinegar

Mr James Cameron Island

21st of Nov 1890 On this Day of the Month DMMaster Departed 1846 Drew some wood some Hunters came to the Head of the Island one of them is Woods got Hay and Milk Gave 25 cents a Great many Boats went to Day Pemance shooting

22nd W Wind Fine Frost Killed the pig very squally some snow Woods got the Boat on hire to pay 50 cents a Day took Back the Boat paid John H set a net

23rd Fine a Lancaster Yacht at Charlies Island Windy

24th Cutting the Pork 260 salted it put it in the Frame cellar Drew in some Marsh hay in the 2 stable Lofts a Pick in the net hunters in the Back-Bay Making a Blind Filled the Ticks with Hay 14 lbs of Lard

25th Drawing wood Lewis and Mary-ann here got 2 Knives to Butcher got Milk Butter 25 GAve him 2 sticks for Helves a Tow went Down Tow went up Leander to Hamiltons got our Mail they got a Letter from Gordon St Catherine

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Mr James Cameron Island

26th of Nov 1890 sawing stove Wood Fne an Eclipse some steamers went Down Leander and John H went to Charlies Island The Hunters at the upper Point snowed a Little Last night Hunters went of to Cornwall Freezing to night

27th Went around the Island Stanley and I Found a Decoy West Wind Fine John H and Leander spearing EEls in the Mud got 10 John H took up one of Phillips Lines sawing Wood Leander put some shingles on the south side of the Roof

28th Fine Banking the inside of the Frame set Fire at the Back Marsh

29th St Andrews Eve Leander and John H for EEls got 2 some Windy Leander crofsed Brought Turkeys to Hamiltons got 1 1/2 Bushels of Barley Brought 2 Tubs of Butter to Mr Wards 61 lbs of Turkeys 5 cent a lb L 3.5 Butter Flour 225 lbs of Flour pipe 15 The Princefs Louise at Summerstown Wharf for all Winter Died on the 24th (Sandy) AB Mac Run over By a Donald Buggy

Mr James Cameron Island

30th of Nov 1890 St Andrew's Day The Festival of the Scotch Windy Rained cold no Lights in the Lighthouses to night Lewis the Indian crofsed from Lancaster sailed home

1st of Decemer Windy cold Freezing hard to night very Frosty Drew some Wood Burning the Front Marsh

2nd Windy very Frosty codl put all the Heifers in to night The Bull out sawing Stove Wood set a Trap for mink A Few Ducks

3rd E Wind Snowing Drifting Windy Cold Frosty Stormy an apogee on the Moon and Venus in Conjunction with the sun The Eagle took the Head of a Duck on the ice

4th W Wind Drifting White Owl and Eagle Making a Havoc on Wounded Ducks all the cattle in Broke on a small Marsh hay stack The colt Finds the snow strange

5th snowing {illegible} Drew some Drags from the Wet Place cut some Brush and putting it on the Fence Drew up John H's Boat

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Mr James Cameron Island

6th Dec 1890 St Nicholas Day the Festival of the Germans on this Day of the Month All was Burried 1877 cold EW windy cutting stove Wood Took in a New Water-Barrel

7th Fine Lewis the Indian here Brought me my 2 axe handles Gave him Salt Brought home my 2 Butcher-Knives Gave him a stick of Hicory to make axe handles

8th cut a soft maple at the Wet Place Drew some Limbs Broke on a stack Fine hay a Lot of marsh hay on the Top of it Windy cold

9th Blustering wind a Lot of Frost on the Trees Drew some Wood

10th Leander's Birth Day 1872 snowing Blowing W Wind John H and I in the Bush cut a Dead maple Stanley and I cutting Brush in the oak-Field John H got 5 Fish in the net 3 Pike and 2 Ling-Fish put out the Boat to the Lower point

11th Fine Warm W Wind Cutting and Drawing Wood some Boats on the Water to Day some shooting

12th chopping Stovewood Cold Frosty Windy the Big White owl Flying around an Eclipse of the sun Fixing the shafts of the sleigh Made 14 Plugs of Tobacco

Mr James Cameron Island

13th Dec 1890 Very Frosty Wind West cutting stove Wood Keeping the colt From the Mare now and again not making ice much using the Hay on the East Mow for the Mare and colt

14th E Wind Turned to West Windy

15th Fine Leander crofsed to Summerstown Bought of A MDonald 3 lbs of Tea 1 Dollar 3 lbs of nails 15 spool of Thread at Wards 5 Got the 2 Weeks Mail a Letter From Gordon & Bismarck John H got a Pike in the net Drew some Wood

16th E Wind Frosty Windy Leander got an owl in a Trap set for him at the Lower Point took in some Tobacco from the Barn Did not use Pipe or Tobacco to Day

17th E Wind some cold Fixing the Whippletrees put a set in one end of the crofscut saw Went to the head of the Island

18th sawing Stove Wood Fixing a stall in the stable for the colt Drew 2 Loads of Wood with the sleigh West Wind not cold

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Mr James Cameron Island

19th Dec 1890 Cold Frosty North West Wind and south wind Making some ice got a Rat The ice is Making to night as its Frosty

20th Ice Taken acrofs here this Morning a Great many air holes Last Day of Fall the owl went off But we got him again sawing stove Wood Drew 2 Loads Water raising very high some Ducks in the air-hole Before the Door

21st First Day of Winter St Thomas Day Shortest Day East Wind Fine Wind changed to West commenced to Rain Rained hard to night got 2 Rats

22nd sawing Stove Wood Fine ice all moving going Down Jamming Windy West Jammed out above the Bay all Down to that made some Plugs of Tobacco 14 plugs

23rd ice Going Down Jamming windy Last night Kind of warm to Day all Day Blizzards of snow splitting stove Wood Blocks Taking the Marsh hay of one of the Fine hay stacks

24th Frosty N Wind West ice making some a Lot of the old ice in places ice took through the nigt

Mr James Cameron Island

25 Dec 1890 Christmas Day West Wind Frosty Ice Taking on the West end of the Island this morning Took Pills cold to Day I Fine

26th E Wind Kind of stormy Frosty snowing cutting stove wood Broke on the Fine hay stack John H chopping a Dead Basswood St Stephens Day

27th St John the Evangelist Day north Wind snowed some Went to Bush the ice Road at Hamiltons got Christmas and some apples Left a Letter at Hamiltons for Gordon & Bismarck to put in the P Office

28th Holy Innocents Day cold Windy a Jew got in the ice crofsing at Summerstown

29th Our Angus's Birth Day Fine Leander shot a Duck at the sturgeon Island got an EEl Drew 2 Loads of Wood Frosty night

30th crofsed to Hamiltons E Wind Frosty Leander went to Angus MDonald Bought an axe on credit salts 10 castor oil 20

31st very cold and Frosty E Wind cutting stovewood Went up to the Bush put a Handle in the new axe cold and Frosty windy

Transcription Progress



James Cameron Diary, 1890 Part 1.pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1890 Part 2.pdf
James Cameron 1890, Diary Transcription.pdf


James Cameron, “James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1890,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 13, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/529.
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