James Cameron Diary, 1882
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Mr James Cameron Island
1st of January 1882 New Years Day Sunday West Wind cold Randolph and Leander went to Try to catch perch in the Back Bay as they seen a good many under the ice got none
2nd cutting Firewood and clearing Brush next the Marsh Back of the Barn cold north West wind
3rd North East Wind cold Frosty snowing Allens B Day Livinia not well put the Bottom of the Marsh hay stack in the Barn the West one of the 3 stacks raised the stick at the River as the water is raising hard Frost to night but the wind is too high for the ice to take stopt up till 4 o clock as Livinia is not well put the 3 oars on top of the Fence as they wre Laying on the Ground
4th cold North West wind high Freezing hard Randolph seen a Minks Track in the cord Wood Bay I set a Trap for him at the Lower Point Fixing the Handsleigh wind too high for the ice to take a good deal of anchor ice going Down Frosty to night But warm house and good Fires
5th ice took this Morning East Wind cold some a great many airholes and poor ice as the wind was too high before it Fell it was then it commenced to take Drawing Wood went to the head of the Island Just Like glass took acrofs in some places
6th snowing E Wind Drawing wood Fixing shafts on the Jumper
7th not cold West Wind Drawing Wood Broke on the Marsh hay stack East one got a Rat
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Mr James Cameron Island
January 8th 1882 Hugh Ann'es Birth Day 1866 Sunday got a Rat Kind of soft Began to rain raining ice commenced to open tonight
9th got a Rat skinned 2 Rast Kind of soft Drew the stick acrofs the Warfh at the river ice opening and a going Down Windy to night W Wind
10th cutting Brush in the cord Wood Bay Drew the 2 canoes Down to Bismarcks Bay as its open close to shore Fine West Wind ice going Down
11th Stormy snowing East Wind Drifting Wind changed to North West hard for to Water the cattle
12th Kind of Fine NW wind cutting Firewood seen the Minks Track Fresh cutting hay in the stack put some in the Barn ice going Down
13th stormy E Wind Livinia very unwell cold set a Trap for the Mink turned the Canoes
14th Fine Turned Windy North W Wind turned Frosty ice making in some places the Wind too high to make to night Drew some hay out of the stack into the Barn went to the head of the Island Livinia not well ice going Down some
15th south West wind Drifting ice not making
16th Kind of Fine Drawing Wood
17th some cold Windy ice took acrofs to night
18th Began to move about 10 o clock Windy braking the ice some north and south Wind Fine Frosty went to head of the Island cutting and Drawing wood Frosty Last night
19th cutting WoodFine cutting Rails
20th cold some crofsed on the ice to Hamiltons got ashore at the Lower end of Hamiltons John came to meet us as its open only took this morning Randolph went to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb Tea 27 cents Box of Blacking 6 spool of Thread 5 got an Almanac and 1 From J Hamilton and a Lot of newspapers got a Letter from Dan with 2 Dollars in it took some of my Flour from Hamiltons Heard the Rev Mr McPherson's Wife Departed of Lancaster
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Mr James Cameron Island
January 21st 1882 St Agnes Fine in the forepart of the Day Drawing Wood Turned stormy East Wind snowing put 7 or 8 Bushes up in Bay on our Road
22nd West Wind stormy Drifting Frosty got a Rat
23rd very Frosty W West cold air holes smoking and a good many of them shutting up
24th Frosty Frosty Wind West I crofsed to Hamiltons to help them with the Thrashing Charlie Parisha came with his new Mill cold some Gordon with him
26th Thrashing
27th Thrashing
28th Thrashing Hunter up the Front Departed
29th I stopt at Hamiltons Gordon came Down sent a Bottle of RR Relief with him cold Windy Sunday
30th Thrashing Randolph at hamiltons
31st Thrashing
1st of Febuary a Fine Day at 12 o clock of the Thrashing came home to 1 Gal of oil Solomon Falkener taking his Tent from Hamiltons that he had for Takeing Likenefses ice Slippery not very well this week at Hamiltons Races in Dundee Bismarck and Hugh Ann came James M Dougall came acrofs with them Bella McDougall got Married some weeks ago to Hewards The Stack Finished
2 Candlemas Day The Bear if he comes out to Day he can see his Shadow some says the Raccoon comes out too the sun Shines fine soft day West Wind Randolph went to James McDougalls with Bismarck I went as Far as Francis Island with them ice Slippery Drew some Wood Crofsing on the Lower Road
3rd West Wind Went to Hamiltons for our Flour Tom Jack and Mr McCrimmon over the River Races in Dundee the crack in the ice not good
4th E Wind cold Frosty and Stormy not very well with Rheumatism Broke on another Marsh hay stack 2 1/2 ton
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Mr James Cameron Island
Feby 5th 1882 Gordon here Fine E Wind and changed to West Drifting some
6th Hugh Ann Randolph and I crofsed to Hamiltons took home the Flour and the Bran from Hamiltons West Wind Fine Mr McDougall Drawing stones
7th unfortunate Day E Wind high very stormy snowing hail Cattanach and Dr Cameron Married to Day and a stormy Day they have the young Bull Dead skinned him a Donation Party at the Rev Mr Patterson's to night hailing
8th Gordons Birth Day 1863 crofsed to Summerstown Brought Mr Holesworth 2 Bags Left them at Mr Wards Bought of J Summers 18 yds of Cotton 1..62 2 /12 of Linsey 25 1 spool of Thread 5 Box of Matches 12 1/2 Bought of Mr Ward 2 Bars of soap 10 1 Bunch of matches Got 2 Bushels of Oats at Hamiltons
9th Randolph Went to F Covington with his own Boots and Livinia's to be Fixed 70 sold Rats 12 1/2 1..8 Bought 2 lb of Tea 40 and 50 a lb 10 cents for crackers and candy Drew 2 Loads of wood John H got in the crack of ice close to shore a very Fine Day very warm
10th A cheese Meeting in Lancaster went to Summerstown sold a Mink to John Summers 1..50 Bought of J Summers 2 spools of Thread 10 4 pens 4 pipe 1 Bought of Mr Ward stick of Worm Candy 12 1/2 Lamp Chimney 10 John Hamilton to Lancaster I Fixed the crack in the Ice took the Horse part of the way acrofs to day a very fine Day
11th a Fine Day at Wood
12th Sunday a Fine Day Rained tonight
13th putting out Manure commenced to Rain
14th Fine Day St Valentine cutting Wood 2 Men here in a Cutter wanting Elm took Dinner Fed Horse hay Gave 27 cents
15th I crofsed to Summerstown J Hamilton Drove up Bought of J Summers 2 yds of Calico 25 R R Relief 25 Book 5 Lead pencil 3 cents a Fine Day no snow on the Roads ice Getting Bad seen J Hopkins Treated me Nicholson and Parisha a Lawsuit at Duncan G's Hugh Ann 5 cents
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Mr James Cameron Island
16th of Feby 1882 Fine Warm day Cutting stove Wood Randolph crofsed to Mr Holesworth for Money got none Bought of Mr Ward Worm Candy 10 cents Tax 5 cents castor oil 10 cents Parisha Lost the suit had to pay Nicholson 10 Dollars very warm Seen a Robin to Day a Gull went east Ducks going Down ice not very good opening in those Bursts and Large cracks McDougall Drawing to Day
17th chopping in the Bush cutting hay in the mow
18th cutting stove Wood
19th Windy cold
20th a Fine Day Randolph crofsed got 5 Dollars in Gold from Mr Holesworth Bought Salts 4 cents shirt Buttons 3 cents
21st Grove Tuesday a very stormy Day E Wind Drifting Snowing and Blowing
22nd Ash Wednesday Washington's Birth Day very Stormy E Wind
23rd a very Fine Day Drawing Wood Began to Feed all the cattle Fine hay Keeping in the White Bull crofsed over to Antwine Bosells to see how the ice was heard Jim McDougall Lost his sleigh and crowBars and things that was on his sleigh when his horses got in heard Steward Died and was opened Angus McLellan Departed a Great Deal of Crofsing on the upper and Lower Roads to Day
24th A very Fine Day Hugh Ann Went to Mrs Peter Chisholm's in the Gore and I went to Williamstown a Bottle of Wine
25th Angus McLellan Buried to Day a very Large Funeral Went to Bur{illegible} a very Fine Day came home called at Mrs Chisholm in the Gore to see Bismarck and Hugh Ann took Dinner there got a Ride From sawlogs and then from John Angus McLaughlin and then From Allen Munroe walked the Rest of the Way Very Tired James Hugh thinking of going of about the 11th
26th Sunday Gordon here gave him my comforter a Fine Day
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Mr James Cameron Island
Feb 27th 1882 very Fine Warm Day put a Ton of Marsh hay in the Barn the Last of the stack Drew some wood cut some cedars on the North side of the Island for Rails cutting stove wood seen some Grass Birds a Good deal of crofsing on the East and West Road not very well Freezing to night Thomas Munroe Departed
28th crofsed to Hamiltons went up to night to the Wake stopt all night Randolph to Mr Wards salt 15 cents Darning needle 1 Solomon Falkner wanting a place to Fish Did not let him have it
1st of March came in very Rainy and WEt all Day Thomas Munroe Buried Went up to Nicholsons John Hamilton and I Rain ceased and we came to Hamiltons Gordon and Tom acrofs the river Gordon went out with Charlie Parisha to night
2nd Fine came from Hamiltons Ducks plenty water on the ice water Raising near shore warm
3rd Fine William Henry Shadgate's Birth Day Uncle John's eldest Boy Raining Wind seen Wild Geese for the first this spring
4th Fine Day warm put out some Manure ploughed 2 or 3 Rounds but there is Frost in the Ground cutting Stove Wood 13 Wild Geese in the air hole ice Wearing close to shore seen 2 cutters on the Lower Road
5th Fine Day hailed at night
6th Made 5 Troughfs Raining Snowing Foggy snowed some to night ice wearing opening close to shore Horse and cutter came up the ice on McDougalls Road think its J McDougall sun Warm
7th ice opening at the airholes A Man came up the ice afoot on J McDougalls Road Randolph Drawing Wood to the sugar Camp a Fine Day got a crow in the Trap
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Mr James Cameron Island
8th of March 1882 Seen J McDougall Down to Johnsons's Light and coming Back Lots of crofsing on the Road to Lancaster some Men afoot 3 of Them cutting and Drawing Wood for the Sugar Bush Seen a Fire about 1/2 past 10 o clock at night Down the way of Captain Rankins and see a Fire or Large smoke up West ice opening and a spot opened at Francis Island Livinia not well Tom Jacks 2 Dogs came here seen them in the Bush Fine Day Froze some Last night took some cranberries from the Bush
9th Cutting Drags for the Sugar Bush
10th snowing hard
11th a Fine Day ice going some Drawing Wood to the house
12th On this Day of the Month D McMaster came to the Island E Wind snowing went to the Pitt Point to see how the ice was in the channel
13th Made 8 Troughfs chopping stove wood a Big Jam before the Door and it moved away a Peice took 13 Troughfs to the Bush
14th Stanley's Birth Day 1880 Fixing the canoe to put it out tomorrow Drew it Down to the Lower Point Froze very hard tonight ice going Down cutting hay on the West Mow
15th a Fine Day in Lots of Ice going Down E. Wind commenced to Raise Landed at the Foot of Hamiltons Island at the Maple Tree got 50 lbs of Flour and 2 Bushels of Oats John Borrowed of Craig Randolph to the Store got 3 Dollars From Howlesworth which makes us clear Bought 2 lbs of soda of Ward Tom Jack and J Vipond had some Words heard the Queen was Fired at By one R McLean got some Pearl Buttons from Mrs Hamilton Heard Jim Hopkins was going away Monday coming 20th John Hamilton Frove to the {illegible} End of the Island with our {illegible}
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Mr James Cameron Island
March 16th 1882 East Wind Fine got a small canoe going Down amongst the ice set some Traps as I seen a Mink Track Made some Troughfs wind changed to South West
17th St Patricks Day the Festival of the Irish high East Wind Fine Cold ice going Down Broke the crowbar working at the ice at shore Drew the small canoe from the Lower Point cutting some Firewood
18th got a Mink at the Lower Point high E Wind ice going Down not Moving from shore Much cold but Fine cutting hay in the Mow
19th Fine Thawing
20th Spring Commences West Wind Found a Basswood Canoe Taking the Boxes of Irons out of the Cookhouse took 3 Sap Barrels to the River to soak them took 2 Pots and chains and 8 Troughfs up to the sugar Camp wheater we will make sugar or not
21st E Wind Fine Turned Stormy from the South East snowing Found a Bun up in the Bay turned Bottom side up Randolph and I around the Island ice Breaking side of shore and Jamming a canoe Down below the East End of the Island in a Jam of ice But its too Stormy to where she is the waves smashed the sturgeon Pen
22nd Livinia Birth Day Senior E Wind cold Freezing some Fine went Down to the Jam at the East End of the Island and got the Canoe out of it put some Pins in the Bows of 3 Canoes spoiled my axe knocked the Face of it Grinding the axes
23 high Wind to night chopping
24th Fine Day
25th Annunciation of Virgin Mary Genny cow calved
26th Fine
27th S Wind Rain High south Wind Randolph and I crofsed to Hamiltons in the Basswood canoe stopt at Hamilton all night Tom and Gordon Thrashing at Robert Jacks
28th got 100 Wt of Flour from Hamiltons Got a Letter from Burdo wrote 4 Letters to Day 1 to Charlie, Burdo Genie Sh{cut off} Fine ice going Down John H Birthday 1876
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Mr James Cameron Island
29th of March 1882 Crofsed to Summerstown Sold Mr Ward 34 lbs of Butter Tennet and all settled on My account up to this Date Bought of Mr Ward Tea 28 Broom 20 soap 7 2 Bars 12 salt 30 starch 7 Barley 3 lb 18 oil 40 paid this Bought on Credit rope halter 30 4 yds of sheeting 50 2 yds of Overalls 50 Tea 30 Thread 5 Knife 45 Sold to John Summers 1 Mink got 1 Dollar Cash Got 3 Bushels of Potatoes Set of 4 Letters One to Charles Tupper England One to Paschal Burdo Ogdenburgh 1 to Henery Genie St Ammicet 1 To Narcifse Shora Longuiet Chambly Lower Canada postage 15 cents EW Fine had a hard Job with the Jam of ice at the head of Hamiltons Island Mr Streeter and Solomon Falkner came acrofs in a Boat they went to Lancaster John Hamilton to Lancaster him and Gordon for Saw Dust for the ice house Jim Hopkins Left his compliment with G Renshaw for me
30 chopping Raw Weather these Days
31 Windy Fine Raw Cold Found some sticks at the Pitt Point North Wind
1st of April all Fools Day the Wind is shifting all round E Wind snowed and Thawed Randolph took a stick from Pit Point cutting Wood Cutting hay Lots of Ducks some Wild Geese on the edge of the ice Tobacco seed Planted in a Basin for Plants
2nd Raining
3rd Princefs Louise commenced to Run Randolph crofsed Bought of J Summers 1spool of Thread 5 cents got the Budget speech Tapt 35 Trees Fine Day
4th Thunder Rained some Boiling First Molasses Tapt 17 Trees Paid Gray Fishing
5th Tapt 41 Thats 73 in all
6th Boiling
7th Good Friday Peter Back here stopt all night all Kinds of Wind
8 {illegible} Laplante here for sand Princefs Louise Went to Lancaster made 2 Gallons
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Mr James Cameron Island
9th of April 1882
10th 11th and all the Week in the Bush
16th Gordon here Randolph Boiling sap
17th in the Bush Made syrup
18th Our Duncan's Birth Day crofsed to Summerstown John Hamilton Tom and Gordon went to Dundee 40 Brought 4 lbs of Butter Bought of Mr Ward Tea 30 Soda 10 Hops 8 Lock 20 soap 19 Got 100 of Flour 2 goats from Hamilton E Wind Henery Genie came up 3 Bags of Potatoes Jim Summers off to California yesterday
19th Fixing hay seed in the Bags Windy
20th Genie making oars Raining Windy
21 Genie went off took home the sugar Bush Rigging Genie got 2 Tame Ducks to take home windy Rain Fine Gathereing Manure and putting it in a heap
22nd Fixing the Fence at the foot of the Lane Windy Massena ewnt into Salmon River first Trip
23rd St George's Day Fine the Steamer Sparry came up from ValleyField Lights Lit up
24th Taking away the Banking from the East Side of the House Mr James McDougall and his 2 Boys Here Gave them 2 Bottles of syrup a Fine Day
25th St Marks Day a Fine Day all kinds of wind Taking the Banking from the West end of the house Fixing the Little shed Roof at the Mill house Lost the Big Hook of chain Ploughing a Little at the Door
26th Went to Alexis Island shot a Blue Bill the Algoma in to Salmon River a steamer went Down the Artic setting Fire to the Lower Point Lots of Ducks not much Pike coming in to shore
27th Went to Kit Kit Island E Wind
28th Went to Rof's and Charlie Island Found a Good Barrel and no Bottom to it seen a Lot of Stones James McDougall hya piled up Last Fall
29th St Francis Came up First Trip Raining hailing
30th Bohemian came up First Trip East and West Wind Went to Sturgeon Island Randolph Leander Fernandez John H and M{illegible}
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Mr James Cameron Island
1st of May 1882 Oxley Calved Ploughing taking up stones set Fire to the Pit Point Lower and Wind high West
2nd Ploughed a Ridge putting out Manure high Wind Snow hard and hailed Blustering Freezing hard to night
3rd Fixing Fence upper Feild I went around the Island seen a Ducks nest high West Wind the 2 Boats went up St Francis Kind of Late Feeding the cattle yet
4th Went with Butter and Eggs to Mr Wards Bought 3 yds of Cotton 27 oil 6 Tea 30 shot 10 Gimlet 8 Bought of J Summers 4 yds of Calico 40 Thread 5 paper 12 1/2 Curry Comb 10 Got 100 Wt of Flour 2 Bushels of Oats at Hamiltons settled to Day and made a Mistake in Making up of a Month
5th Planting and Ploughing James Grant here going to Cazzouville spoke to the Ma abou the manure John Cameron Departed
6th putting out Manure and Planting Potatoes
7th Willie McDougall and Donald John up from Rof's Island
8th Randolph Went to the Kit Kit for a Plank we Drew up there working
9th 10th 11th at Fences Burning Brush putting out manure
12th clearing some Bruch on the Lower Point
13th the Fishermen the Charros came high E Wind
14th a Fine Day
15th Ploughing
16th Randolph and I crofsed Bought of Mr Ward on Credit 1/2 lb Tea 30 2 papers of seeds 10 cent Brought of J Summers 8 yds of Overalls 2 Dollars 18 yds of Calico 12 1/2 Thread 20 cents on credit Got a Bag of Potatoes for seeds
17th at Corn Genie came Filled 3 Bags of Hay seed Gave Carraway and {illegible} E Wind Gave him a canoe
19th Genie went off Ploughing
20th EW Planted Back Peice with Potatoes Fixing the yard fence and the Fence around the Potatoes Peice Got 50 cents from the Fishermen
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Mr James Cameron Island
21st of May 1882
E Wind Livinia Leander and I to he Upper Point
22nd Planted about 60 or 80 hills of Potatoes this Morning Narcifse and I to Summerstown all Election talk Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb Tea 30 straw hat 10 cents on credit Bought of J Summers 1/2 lb Tea 20 cents changed a Five Dollar Gold Peice at John Hamiltons E Wind Rain commenced after 12 and is much wanted Fernandez John H and I went to the Bush to Look for John H's axe as he Lost it Laid it Down when Looking for Pepper-root and cant Find it Ticks Plenty Mosquitoes Plenty Frog Music enough Oriolles or hanging Bird came and all the Feathered inhabitants of the air no Potato Bugs yet Potatoes up
23rd Raining
24th Quee's Birth Day Alexandra up with soldiers to Cornwall Fixing the irons in the Big Bun Fixing all the Rubbish of Boards and B{illegible}
25th Fixing the Lane Fence East side Fixing the Barn some taking Down the stack Rails got 2 Sturgeon on their LIne killed one
26 at Lane Fence cut some Brush high West Wind
27th WEnt to Summerstown Bought of J Summers 11 lbs of Swanton Lime 33 Bought of Ward 2.25 lbs sacks of Flour 94 cents a peice 1..88 Bought nails for Narcisse 2 1/2 for had Narcisses Bun Great Meeting to night in Summerstown Dan and McLennan John Hamilton Bad with a sore Foot a Rusty Fork went in it Got 50 cents from Narcifse Rained some
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Mr James Cameron Island
28th of May 1882 A Fine Day Whit Sunday East Wind Rained some Willie McDougall and the Boys here Mr Genie came Fishing to night got 13 Sturgeon Besides pike EEls suckers Perch Brought me a Dog Raining tonight Ticks plenty potatoes up
29th Royal Oak Day or Oak apple Day Raising sand Mr Wright here from F. Covington Mr Genie went of early this morning Seen McDougalls going with the scow to Rof's Island N West wind Fine cool Raft went Down in tow
30th at sand Windy raised an old pile of sand at Bell Bay that I had piled up over 23 year and its good yet
31st Went to Christees Island to get Fat Pine seen Burdo a Frenchman that Lives up near Cornwall Found a Bun Turned Bottom side up Drew it ashore and Left it high E Wind Raising Troweled some got none seen some Black snakes Fishermen went to Lancaster to night with their Fish
1st of June The Glorious First of June Rowena's Birth Day 1878 E Wind Rain changed to high West Wind Fixing the calves pasture Fence at the shore pealed an Elm for Bark Fishermen Phillip got Bread cold Corsican Late going Down
2nd Working at a new calve Pasture at the old Garden Fine Day
3rd Fine Windy Algoma aground above Wells's the Sparry and Princefs Louise working at her claring at the shore Landing windy to night
4th Old George the 3rd's Birth Day Trinity Sunday Raining Went to the Bush got Kind of Faint not well the Traveler had to stop with the wind Last night the algoma got away this morning
5th St Boniface cleaning out the sheds Partly Raining Fine cutting Weeds out of the Potatoes corn coming up
6th crofsed to Summerstown took the shears to J Hamilton to sharpin John Summers Wife a young Daughter at 4 o Clock this morning Bought from Summers Tea 20 2 Dollar to Smallman for Flour Letter from Mary Mrs Baker Poorly
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Mr James Cameron Island
7th June 1882 at Hamiltons Bought of Mr Ward 25 lbs of corn Meal 55 very Windy came home the Sparry did not call with the Wind
8th Put the calves in the new Pasture Made a shed for hem for the Rain cut crotches sheared the sheep Randolph and Narcifse crossed got the Flour I sent for by Smallman Gave Randolph a Dollar for a pair of Boots too small for him Dinner Party at Mr P. Purcells to night as he is Leaving for the old country heavy thunder and Lightning to night Rain Randolph staying with Narcifse while Phillip is away
9th Our Mary's Birth Day 1813 Let out the sheep Windy cutting weeds in Potatoes Ticks Plenty some Mosquitoes Meeting at Summerstown to night Donald Sandfield
10th got 100 Wt of Flour from Montreal Phillip took it up 3..50 Rain Cold Tying the Grey horse out
11th Fine Brindle calved carried it home on hand Barro or Box a heifer Calve
12th {illegible} the Beds from upstairs
13th Went to Christees Island and the Kit Kit Fine
14th at Potatoes couring Narcisse went with his Fish Box to Lancaster Whitewashing a Fine Day
15th 3 Men at the Lower Point Fishing had Fat Pine Fixing the stair Door Rainy Windy
16th Trimming Trees in the Grove Randolph to Mr Wards Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb Tea 25 Soap 7 Hat 10 got Papers from J Hamilton Sent Back the Cornwall paper
17th Cleaning out the Milk house put the Plough through the Weeds in the Potatoes and Corn very Warm Raining to night heavy Thunder and Lightning the Boys came Back from the Barn as they were going to Bed with a Heavy clap that came Just as they were in
18th The River Memorable Waterloo Chicorytown went into Dundee this Evening for the first time E Wind W. Wind Rain Thunder Fine cows in to night Gates not shut
19th Rain Fine Windy 3 Men Passed up {illegible} Boat and had a Wheel Barrow on the Bow of the Boat Thunder Lightning at the Garden Weeding
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Mr James Cameron Island
20th of June 1882 This is Election Day Between DA McDonald and D MacMaster Fine Windy a Race the Sparry and Chicoutimi the Dr's Boat ahead Dan Gained for Fairy the Election Fine Day
21st First Day of Summer the Longest Day and Shortest night Great Shooting and Fires Bonfires a Big one on Hamiltons Island I had 3 Big ones here Fired only 1 shot as my Great Gun was out of order
22nd Our Dan's Birth Day Washing the Wool Trowling got none Windy Hoeing at Corn and Potatoes
23rd Crofsed to Summers took 4 Doz of Eggs Bought of Mr Ward 15 cents a Doz Salt 20 soap 17 Pepper 15 Blue 5 Bread cash 28 Tea 1/2 b on credit 25 Fine salt on credit 10C15 Bought of John Summers Hoe 60 1/2 lb Tea 25 Doz Buttons 15 cents Sacrament on the Front By Rev Abe Patterson Got the news of the Election at Hamilton took home sheap shears Got Papers Got the Flag with National P{illegible} Home Industry and National Policy Raining hot Hoeing
24th John the Baptiste Went to Dundee and Fort Covington Brought 20 Doz of Eggs 18 cents 3..60 a calf skin 1 Dollar Bought of Smallman 51 1/2 yards of Cotton Atlantic {illegible} 8 cents 4..63 2 pairs of Boots 2 1/2 1/2 lb Tea 25 2 yds of Tweed 50 Bought of Mr Burdo T Pots 30 Dipper 15 Sauce Pan 40 Tin Basin 15 3 Plugs of Tob 6 2 Pipes 2 a Bottle of RRR on Credit 25 Lilly Calved to Day Got the Kettle strainer Fixed at Mr Granges 25 Bought a small Tin cup 5 got another for nothing Got some papers and Books from Mr David Baker got a Rede up from Dundee to the Fort from Nicholas Farling Mr Callanagh the Minister Left Dundee very warm Day J McKenna shearing his sheep
25 a Boat crew at the Fishermens shanty Rain Thunder Fine Wind Young Ducks all out
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Mr James Cameron Island
26th of June 1882 some parts keeping John the Baptiste Day Hoeing and Weeding Fixing Line on Rods went to Sturgeon Island to the Fish perch got 7 Windy stormy Thunder Rain WN and East Winds
27th Fine Windy Burdo and Henerys Fishermen passed up Hoeing the Potatoes in the Bean Place and it is howed well tied the Hops put Hoeing and Weeding in the Back place Grubs Bad Bugs eggs plenty Hens Tearing Down the Hoeing Knocked 1 stiff this morning but got her alive again oiled the Hoe handle and 3 prung Fork and the shovel handle and you cannot handle them but the sturgeon oil sticks to your hands so I have to wash it off soar with Rheumatism
28th Fixing Buoys out at Francis Island and at the squaw Island heavy Rain Windy Thunder at hoeing
29th Went to J Hamiltons took John H with us the First time ever he was there a colt at Hamiltons Tom got pigs from his father I went to the store Brought up some eggs for Hamiltons got Tea and cinnamon Bought at John Summers's a paper of needles 5 each Bought at Mr Wards 1 cents of needles Great shooting at Lancaster Last night St Peter's Day a Lawsuit John Summers and Maxwell Down going out to Dan Campbells about it
30th hoeing Fine Fishing shower
1st of July Dominion Day Great Demonstration in Cornwall to Day Sir JA McDonald and Sir Hector Langovin there to Day Raining East Wind and Turned to West a Good many Boats Antwine Bosells wife a young son
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Mr James Cameron Island
2nd of July 1882 Windy rain Fine
3rd put the Plough Through the Potatoes Passport and Corsican went Down West Wind Fine
4th of July American Independence a Fine Day Hoeing put out Tobacco plants 42 Randolph and Livinia went to Bosell's got Tobacco 10 cents worth Hoeing Potatoes ad corn
5th Our Johns Birth Day 1803 Fine E Wind Rained some Livinia Randolph and Rowena went to Antwine Bosells had Narcifses Boat sailed over and Back
6th sent with Fishermen for Flour to Montreal Narcisse took the sail to Lancaster Gordon here Trowling Gave Narcisse 28 cents for Bread as he is going to Summerstown for Bread for himself East Wind Rainy Changed to West Raining Fine Bad with Rheumatism Leander Traded hats with Gordon Potatoes corn onions Turnips Looks well Tobacco small Grass very poor Bottom
7th Went to Dundee with 3 lbs of Butter and 3 1/2 Doz of Eggs 20 cents for Butter 18 cents for Eggs Bought of Smallman Scythe 60 snath 60 Rake 20 Stone 8 1/2 Doz of Cups & saucers 50 3 lb of Double 10 nails 12 3 yds of Tweed 75 Canvafs 12 Lining 10 Thread 5 Buttons 15 Boots 1.. pipe 2 cent Bought of Mr Burdo 4 Basens 1.. and Paid 25 cents for a Bottle of RRR I got Before Paid Is Lemay 90 cents I owed him since Winter Hooks 3 1/2 lb Tea 15 Bar of Soap 25 pipe 2 Bought of Mr Long Awl 2 Caps 10 Seen Mr Trithill Treated me senn Laurie stopt at Mr Leeks got some Hops from her Moses Miller Buried to Day
8th crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 100 Wt of Flour 3.75 paid 1..50 Bought Tobacco 10 paid Giving Jobs out on the Roads seen Mr Oxly and Mr McPhee putting young Cattle on Board the Steamer Fairy Games in Cornwall to Day and a Boat Race Stopt at Hamiltons all night set Livinia a Towel
9th came from Hamiltons Fine
10th Fishing and Hoeing and Fixing the Barn with Double 10 nails
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Mr James Cameron Island
11th of July 1882 Commenced to Mow around the Barn and House and at Road to the River putting out Turnips and Tobacco plants high Wind high Wind
12th of July Orangeman's Day Firing some shots had our colours up Mowed the Calves Pasture very heavy hay a Fine Day
13th Mowing the Grove and along the Bank of the River a Fine Day Windy Windy 5 Girls here in the Wind Brought Livinias Drefs stopt al night 3 Paros Mrs Green Antwines Girl and stopt all night
14th Hoeing here for Mrs Paro adn Mrs Green and 3 more I Wrote a Letter for Henery for Licence Gathering Raking hay Making cocks 40 Randolph crofsed to get his coat cut By Mrs Paro Gave them 1 1/2 of Butter a Good many Fishing EEls on top of the Water to night Something Like a Gun Boat anchored at the Lighthouse coming up
15th St Swithen Day a very Fine Day warm no rain to Day Scotch Moon to Day put in 47 cocks of hay went to Fish got 23 perch and R Bass Picknick on St Francis Lost my Knife on he 12th lots of Fishing Lights out to night put out Tobacco Plants
16th Sunday Fine Day
17th Mrs Paro here got 3 lbs of Butter Burdo here The Tomas came on Alexis Island
20th Putting in hay Mowing
21st Went to the head of the Island Raspberries getting Ripe
22nd putting in hay got 108 cocks in the Barn now Mowed a Road down on the Middle of the hill a Robbey tonight on the Fishermen of cat Fish Perch and 20 EEls Tomas here sening this Morning I put them of the place put the 2 young Bulls out to the Pasture with the Cows Great Display of Fireworks at Hamiltons Island Began the Week a Pic Nic to Day
23rd Sunday a Fine Day had Cucumbers to Day Rasberries Ducks Laying Narcifse Sharron went to Lancaster with his Boat for the Bohemian.
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White swallow White swallow
Mr James Cameron Island
24th of July 1882 Francis and Wife here Monday Putting in Mowing Windy Cucumbers plenty Potatoes some
25th St James The Apostle's Day Went to Dundee a Fine Day Windy 24 lbs of Butterand 8 Doz of Eggs Bought of Smallman Flour 1..90 Salt 80 Tea 35 Matches 10 3 yds of Tweed 87 1/2 8 yds of Calico 64 Buttons 10 Tobacco 5 54 lbs of Corn meal of Is Lemay and 1 lb of Tea 1..26 cents for credit Tobacco 7 Soda 8 Bought of Mr Long Tobacco 5 pipe Bought of Burdo Stone 10 To 1 Pint of Whiskey 10 Salts 10 Races in Lancaster Tyo's horse and Grey Charlie Tyos Gained the Race high Wind coming home took Dinner at Luke's stopt on Alexis Island as we take in Water
26th Putting in 160 cocks in now Mowing
27th Mowing St Joseph of Arimathea's Day Warm
28 Mowing Thunder Rain Lightning Great many Boats a Going and Lots of Towing those Days Lots of Ducks in Flocks and its very early for them to Flock Dans Gordon Douglas Buried to Day at Williamstown Burdo in the Berries got Bread
29th Narcisse Wife came to Day taking an odd Mefs of Potatoes
30th Garfield and McAllister here got 50 cents for cooking For Them James McDougall Mrs McDougall and Mifs Caty McDougall here
31st Mowing
1st of Aug or Lammas Day The Cows Milked to Day By some one
2 Mon{cut off} Jim McDougall Jane McDougall Annie Mr Dr and Elizabeth Chisholm here put out the stick of Timber Minnies Birth Day
3rd Narcifse wife and Boys went of to Montreal Francis Girl here with 2 Basket 2 lbs of Butter
4th Mowing
5th very warm Burdo here for a Box that Narcisse took up for him
6th Randolph's Birth Day 1867 a very very very warm warm Day John H & Leander and I went to Christees Island 3 Thieves going around
7th Mowing Raining Bill Morris and Bush Looking for 3 ment that stole 250 Dollars from a widow woman Raining
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Mr James Cameron Island
8th of August 1882 Mowing
9th at Hay
10th Mr Heron & Hopkins here Fishing
11th crofsed to Summerstown Gave J Summers 4 Dollars to my account Bought Linsey Thread Tea Pot RRR stone Fork Rake Tobacco Bought of Mr Ward Paid Oil Hops Cloves Broom Paid Worm Candy Tax paid Mr Ward this to 5 1/2 Doz of Eggs Windy Rained some stopt at Hamiltons Rode Down with Tom at the Light house a spell with the Rain
12th Mowing Wood Roy and Indian here Bought 2 Baskets from his Girls Babcock & Mullen here Fishing Winday
13th Mr Genie here Brought me 2 or 3 lb of Tea and 20 lbs of Barley Gordon and Tommy Rose here took his pants to be made
14th 2 Men Fishing that came up with the men
15th Mowing
16th 1 of those men went off
17th Rained very very hard wind cold
18th Finished mowing Lower Point Fine cold not well got a channel cat from Phillip Gathering
19th Mr John Morris came up putting in hay Burdo got his Lines Stole Bismarcks Birth Day 1870 Mr David Baker here and Robinson stopt all night
20th Mr Baker went off Mr Morris here corn good to Eat
21st Went with Mr Morris and Narcifse over to Frashers he went to Dundee took the Road and came Back by Boat Bosells put him acrofs mowing
22 Mr Morris Phillip and I crofsed to Frashers met Mr Baker had Breakfast on the small Island out From Frashers and a Drop of good stuff of Gin came home Mowing
23rd Mr Morris and Phillip and I seized on 3 Men in a Boat Liddle McLaurin Wageant Let them go Raining they Promised to come down but did not come
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Mr James Cameron Island
Augt 24th 1882 Mr Morris and I crofsed to South side of Christees Island with Canoe then went to Summerstown Bought of J Summers 50 lb of Flour 1..87 1/2 cents on credit Bought of Mr Ward Pan of Bread 28 cents and 1 Pound of Putty 6 cent Met Mr Baker at the head of our Island had a Round Wind high Mowing
25th Mowing Canal of Beauhomes Broke about the Time
26th Mr Morris took cars for Montreal Phillip said on Thursday night Putting in all we had cut in the Upper Field
27th Sunday the Boats began to come up the canal must be Fixed Gordon here Got his pants Lots of Shooting
28th Mowing Warm heavy shower East wind sprang up quick
29th went to Dundee very Foggy took 25 lbs of Butter 8 1/2 Doz of Eggs Bought of smallman 24 yds of Calico pair of Boots for myself a pair for Randolph 2 1/2 yds of Tweed 32 lb of salt Box of Matches 4 Bars of soap 2 Butter Tennets Scythe and snath stone 2 1/2 lbs of shingle nails 3 Boxes of Blue Bought of Mr Longspoon 1/2 lb of Powder Bought of Mr Burdo 1 lb of Tobacco Pipe Bought of Lemay 1/2 lb of Soda Brought home Tyos Botttle got Books and papers from Mr Baker Stopt at Lukes had Dinner Down the River with Josy Galerneau stopt at Plum Island had a coo with Josey Mowing in the upper Field with new scythe hay good taking up the onions and stershions {nasturtiums?} the sunflowers getting Ripe
30th Mowing upper Field
31 Mowing making cocks
1st of September Shooting Bee on the south side Fine some Rain
2nd Mowing Rain Fine Mowed in Front Marsh some caught 13 Cat Fish to night St Francis into Dundee 13
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Mr James Cameron Island
3rd of September 1882 D McMasters Birth Day 1846 Fine Raining hard
4th put in about 30 cocks of hay Raining Fine Thunder Lightning East and West wind Blackbirds at the corn shot a squirrel cleaned my Guns taking the Buds of the Tobacco
5th John Angus's Birth Day 1850 Turning hay in the Upper Field
6th putting in some
7th cut the calfs Pasture 2nd crop
8th Mowing Back Marsh
9th Williams from Longuiel here hunting Lent my canoe to him Made 45 cocks in Back Marsh Gave Narcisse a Dollar to to for Bread for himself Paid it
10th Mr and Mrs Hamilton here going to Francis Island to salt the cattle A Fine Day Lucia here for Potatoes Lashey here got a Line and Minnoe hook from him Williams Went off to Lancaster to be Ready for the Boat wanting to Buy Fat Cattle
11th made a stack put 83 cocks in it E Wind Fine
12th Traded the Basswood Canoe with Mr Lashey for his Boat Gave Boot 50 cents cash 3 lb Butter 3 Bushel of Potatoes Mowing in the Back Marsh
13th Raining Mowing gathering Randolph he crofsed to Get the Tub of Butter Weighed 21 1/2 lbs at the Wards
14th High south West Wind Rained heavy Broke Down the Tobacco some
15th Mowing
16th Mowing and Making cocks in the Front Marsh Made 80 Killed 2 of the Tame Ducks Got Pay for the Tub of Butter
17th Mr & Mrs Gatbeau here he comes out to take the Fresh air on the Lake has their Lunch at the head of the Island took the wife and I up to treat us Princefs Louise Made 2 Trips to Lancaster to Day
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Mr James Cameron Island
Sept 18th 1882 Raining Thunder Lightning went to Alexis Island no cattle on the Island Fine and Raining put some shingles on the Roof
19th Went to the Bush up around the Island Windy Raining Thunder and Lightning Randolph to the Little Island North Side East & West Wind Exhibition in Montreal commenced this week and a ugly Time they have with all kinds of Weather Digging some of the Potatoes
20th Digging Potatoes Taking in Corn Raining and Fine
21st First Day of Autumn Fall E Wind Rain Fine Taking in corn cut all the cornstalks 2 men here for Potatoes Let the Cows in to the Lower Point Sun crofsing the Line
22nd E Wind Fine changed to South West Blew hard and Rainig took up some Potatoes Wind knocking Down the Apples Drew some Drags Killing some of the Ducks and Young Roosters hens Laying Pealing Apples and Drying them
23rd Randolph crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Warda pan of Bread 28 cents paid what Phillip got Sunday 60 cents a spool of Thread 5 pipe 1 cent heard that John Richard Grants Barn was Burnt with Lightning this Week taking up Potatoes at the apple Tree Gave Lashey a peck of Potatoes and a Pound of Butter Fine Day
24th Fine Day the Princefs Louise went Down the Back channel to St Annicet then over to Lancaster Foggy some
25th commenced the stack put in 78 cocks in it to Day Fine Wind East calm Took up some Potatoes Ploughedsome Roes
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Mr James Cameron Island
Sept 26th 1882 Fine to Day North E Wind Went to Dundee Brought 12 Doz of EEgs at 22 cents Bought of Allen Smallman 2 Sacks of Flour 3..75 2 Butter Tubs22 & 25 46 lbs of Salt 46 4 Bars of Soap 20 Bought of Mr Burdo plates 40 Shot 10 Knitting needles 4 Bought of Tyo HW 35 Treat 10 Bought of Is Lemay 1 lb of Tea 30 paid Is for Cornmeal and Tea I got from him some time ago seen George Morris Young Luke Pare is moving Down to Mr Wells's to Live Is Lemay Fixed my Pipe for nothing Wind high coming home Antwine Galineau Married yesterday
27th at Potatoes E. Wind
28th crofsed to Hamiltons John crofseda passenger the Minister's Brother in Dundee Bought of John Summers 1 Peck Measure Imperial 60 cents 2 spools of Thread 10 cents high E Wind Fine Got a Lot of Papers From John 2 From J Summers
29th St Michaels Day put more hay on the Middle stack put 40 in the West Stack at the Potatoes
30th E Wind at Potatoes Broke the Jumper yesterday in the Marsh
Oct 1st E Wind Fine E W
2nd Ploughing the Potatoes and Taking them up Making them in heaps in the field so to pick them over on accout of the Rot put a Few cocks of Hay on the stack put corn stalks in the Barn Gathered some Grapes to make wine
3rd Randolph and i He went to Hamiltons to pick Potatoes Fine Frost Last night took up the Potatoes in the Back Place Leander & Fernandez 8 Bushels all the Rest are Rotten took up the squashes Mr Dubois the Fish Market Mancame to night Mr W Dunlop took him here
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Mr James Cameron Island
4th of Oct 1882 The comet in the East Looks Large Mr Dubois here I went Down with him to the Shanty and he Treated me he Bought over 100 Dollars worth of Fish this Trip cleaned and Moved the stovetook up the Potatoes in the Bean Place 6 Bushels a good many Rotten put 8 Bushels in for a Beginning Mr Dubois Gave Stanley 25 cents cut all the Tobacco to Day The St Francis commenced to go Down the Day she comes upgot a small sturgeion from Narcisse Water Falling commenced to Rain shelling corn
5th Taking in Potatoes all the Potatoes up only not in the cellar all yet Narcifse took me Down to Treat me Cut some of the Tobacco
6th Randolph John & Bismarck From Hamiltons took some Apples took in Potatoes all the Potatoes in about 80 Bushels put in the Tobacco in the Barn put some Hay on the West stack Lashey got 1/2 Bushel of Potatoes all paid for his Trade for the Boat & canoe Mr Stickler here Bought the sand Gave me $2..25 Gave me a small vial of Good stuff
7th Bismarck went off Rain Thunder and Fine W Wind at Tobacco
8th Sunday Fine Windy
9th Mowing Front Marsh High Wind West
10th Hugh Ann's Birth Day 1844 Mowing Marsh hay wind West high Went to Hamiltons got a Bag of Apples Randolph came home I stopt for the Bee Tommorrow Court Day in Lancastr to Day
11th Nomination Day for Members the Bee at Hamiltons Taking stonesto the Bridge a Dance to night at Hamiltons
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Mr James Cameron Island
Oct 12th 1882 at hamiltons E Wind went up to the store Bought of Mr Ward10 lbs of sugar paid paid John Summers for Pipe came home from Hamiltons John sent me homegot a Basin of Pies and a Roast Ducks and a Bottle of good stuff seen Mr Wilson the Lawyer or Judge of Fort Covington Wanting to have a place to stop if he comes Down to hunt
13th E Wind cloudy some Rain made 70 cocks of Hay preping Grapes for wine the Big Pot Full and 22 lb of sugar in
14th Killing 2 of the Ducks Hanging up some Tobacco in the Barn Randolph & Leander Picking Grapes
15th Fine Sunday
16th Went to Summerstown Bought of Ward pair of Boots on credit 75 or returned if they Dont fit Bought 1/2 lbTea 25 paid this Tea put the Horse in the stablefor some womons Brought of Julia Summers 1 Quart High Wines 70 cents for the Grapes Brought ashes to Hamiltons to make wine Got apple high E Wind Phillip Shora Down with us Bought Matches 3 cents worth \
17th Caught the Horse commenced the East stack Gordon came Helped to make the stack Brought an overshirt to make stopt till nightand I crofsed with him and then he went to James McDougalls Husking Bee Bought of Mr Ward the Boots I got and took another pair 90 cents but they are smalltoo pipe
18th Elections Day for Mr Rayside & McArthur Rayside Elected Picking apples Mrs Laird up J Purcell & Craig a Quarrel
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Mr James Cameron Island
19th of October 1882 at Hamiltons picking apples and putting them on the Wharf for the Princefs Louise to take acrofs to Fort Covington to have them made into Cider John went too about 32 Bags of Apples Tom Jack in Cornwall Getting his 1/2 of the Land that his Father Bought Between them but they have to go Tommorrow and Bring Roberts wife to sighn it a Big Fire somewhere Back we could see it from Hamiltons
20th Gordon came home with me from Hamiltons Brought 6 Bushels of apples got his watch and my own got his overshirt went with the Gun shot squirrels and woodpeckers Randolph went to the Head of the Island with him in the Boat Making Fence at the stack Bottling the Wine 26 Bottles and 2 Jars in all now about 7 Gallons He Killing the Roosters Frost to night
21st at Hay to cover the sheds very Fine Day W Wind Evening East this morning White Frost Fixing Big shed Door Took in Turnips
22nd Sunday E Wind changed south W Randolph and I to Kit Kit Rof's and Butternut or Charles Island Americans hunting on Charles Island the Treated me Went to Squaw Island wind changed to south West Blew hard
23rd Livinia Birth Day 1868 Fixing Floor in sheep place
24th Our Hugh's Birth Day cleaning Big shed
25th My Birth Day St Crispins Shoemakers Day cleaning Big shed got a Treat of Wine on my B Day
26 Banking the West End of the house got a sturgeon from Phillip
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Mr James Cameron Island
27th of October 1882 Finished the Big shed took a large stone out of it and smashed the Door off Mr Wilson of Fort Covington a Lawyer By Profession came Down for a Hunt at Ducks his son and Billy Morris Treated me had 4 or 5 Rounds and went off in the Morning Left the Wife a Dollar in silver Gave me a chunk of Tobacco Banking the House
28th Randolph and Phillip crofsed to Summerstown Brought the Little Boots Back again took another Pair 85 cents and took a pair for his Mother 1..40 on credit Bought 1 lb Tea 50 paid 2 lb of nails 10 paid putting out manure around the apple trees
29th Sunday Went to the Kit Kit Rof's and Butternut or Charlies Island 3 ameri and squaw Island wind changed to South West and Blew hard
30th Made cheese Fixing Milkhouse shed Bottled 2 Gallons of Wine cut some Marsh hay
31st Holy Eve cracking nuts Eating of apples Reading Burns's Halloween Banking inside the cookhouse and Milkhouse shed Randolph to the Kit Kit for a Board Lightning Rain
1st of November The Harvest month of Death All Saints Day Fishermen went off High wind Left their seine Lines hooks as they think they will come Back again cutting the Boys hair or heads Bad with a cold
2nd All Souls Day Bad with my head a Very Bad cold Frost Last night snowed some Grains Steamer Maud stopt at Lower Point put more hay on the sheds piling Firewood at the Door Killed 2 young Roosters Filled the straw Tick
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Mr James Cameron Island
3rd of November 1882 set for Rats
4th cutting Runners for the Jumper Leander and I
5th Guy Fawkes Day Livinia and I Down at the Shora's his son-in-law there Windy
6th in the Bush cutting Wood
7th Helen's Birth Day Making a Runner
8th hunting in the Bay before the house got 2
9th Prince of Wales Birth Day hunting
10th Went to Dundee I sold 2 Tennets of Butter and 8 Doz of Eggs Bought 3 lbs of Tea 90 6 Bars of Soap 47 nutmegs 8 1 lb of Starch 10 Salt 45 Gun 25 8 yds of Ticking 1..60 Broom 25 Matches 10 Thread 5 Boots 18 Boots 2..25 Lunch 25 Flour 3..15 Cotton 1.. Overalls 1..44 Linsey 1.. 18 yds Calico 1..44 Candy crackers stopt at Luke's had supper some wind coming got the clock to start to Day
11th Randolph to Wards Blacking pipe and Glass
12th Sunday
13th Narcisse came and his nephew
14th went off the Black Kitten Lost\
15th Bill Morris and a constable from Beauhorners hunting Ducks
16 Bad with Rheumatism
17th Rheumatism
18th at Wood
19 Pare Bone here
20th Bad with Rheumatism
21st on this Day of the Month D McMasterDeparted 1846 I got a Letter to Day from Dan Letting me know his wife was poorly and A.V Randolph crofs to o{cut off} Fixing the Stable Door
22nd Went to Williamstown the Massenna Breaking the Ice up Salmon River
23 in Williamstown
24 in Williamstown Mrs Dunlop there from Lancaster
25 in Williamstown
26th in Williamstown
27th came home from Williamstown J Hamilton put me acrofs Henery Bosell here
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Mr James Cameron Island
28th of November 1882 a Tug went Down with a Dredge at Wood
29th cut some hay in the Marsh for Bedding for the cattle put the squashes out in the stable
30th St Andrews Day The Festival of the Scotch Firing cracking nuts nothing but Wine for a Scotch Drink Fine snowed a Little set Fires Randolph shot a Squirrel
1st of December some snow Fine cutting and Drawing No Lights in Mr Hills or Johnstons in the Floating Light But Light on the cherry Island Lost of Ducks in Flocks at the Lower end of the Rushes at the Foot of the Island putting in the calves at night and 3 of the cows Plastering Killed all the Ducks But 3 we are Keeping killed 12 of them Killed 7 Roosters keeping 30 hens
2nd East Wind snowing water Raising Done making cheese Making curds now cutting Alders and Willows in the swamp Back of the Barn or what we call the oak Feild cows going out to Feed in the Day times
3rd 1st Sunday in Advent cold Freezing East Wind Began to Feed the cattle
4th chopping Stove Wood Broke on the West stack of hay Back of the Barn Fixed a hinge on the calves Door Cold Freesing made a good bit of ice in the Back Bay 2 Large Gulls chasing Ducks
5th snowing some cutting alders and Willows Windy
6th Venus on the sun cloudy Fine West Wind Frosty Drawing and cutting Willows
7th very Windy cold
8th cold Freezing high Wind Princefs Louise Went up the Sny
9th the Princefs crofsed and Went up Fine some Wind snowing some ice Froze out to the Rushes Drew some Wood
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