James Cameron Diary, 1881
Date Created
Is Part Of
Mr James Cameron Island 1st of January New Years Day Broke the Marsh hay stack Back of the Barn Windy cold West Wind
2nd Fine Soft Day Gordon here had 4 shirts to make Gave him a Pipe seen a Fox crofsing
3rd crofsed to Summerstown Council Day Dan Frasher Elected Bought of Julia 1/2 lb Tea Matches Jim Spinks poorly Busting the Road acrofs at Summerstown Angus Cameron and Thomas Summers A Fine Day cold to night Mr The Rev Patterson Married Last Week Seen in a Kingston Paper Bushing the Lower Road to Lancaster
4th very Frosty came from Hamiltons expecting the thrashers at Hamiltons Jim McDougall made a Track up the ice as he is going to take ashes to Fort Covington A Ball in Williamstown to night Mrs Summers a Bee at Wood
5th Drawing Wood
6th snowing E Wind Warm Cutting Wood putting Marsh hay in the Barn
7th Drawing Wood
8th Hugh Anns Birth Day 1866
9th Cold E Wind
10th snowing stormy
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Mr James Cameron Island
January 11th 1881 Went to Summerstown Bought Soda Spinks poorly Fine a Ball of yarn from Hamiltons Frosty {illegible} very Foggy to night went up with Hector St Rae
12th Races at Dundee Frosty Day Fine
13th cold and Fine
14th J Hamilton came for em as they expect the Thrashing Mill to Day took the yarn Down with him very cold Thrashing Pease
15th Thrashing oats a very cold Frosty Day E Wind Froze my Fingers a very Frosty night Mrs Carey Poorly
16th came Down took the Horse and Cutter took 1 Bushel of Pease and apples home
17th Thrashing Frosty
18th Frosty Thrashing
19th Finished Tom Drove me home got a Bag of Potatoes Mrs Carey Departed
20th not well Fine
21st at Wood
22nd Drawing Wood
23rd Cold
24th crofsed Hamiltons going to Mill I went with them a very cold Day Bought Randolph a pair of Boots 2 Dollars I owe 50 cents on them 1 lb of Tea from Is Lemay on credit 40 cents
25th Randolph to Hamiltons Bismarck and I Drawing Wood
26th Hugh Munroe here to Buy a Bull I crofsed with him Bought Soda
27th Fixing the ashes on the 26th Bought of Mr Ward soda
28th Bought of Mr Ward Flour axe Handle salt John Hamilton drove me home Left my axe so he would fix the handle in it
29th chopping Stove Wood W Wind Frosty Frosty
30th E Wind Drifting
31st Frosty Frosty
1st of Febuary crofsed with Mr Wards 2 Bags Got a Bag of Potatoes from Hamilton Got some clothes took the Hood By mistake in to see Mr Spinks
2nd The Bear can come out to Day as he can see his shadow the sun shines sharp sharp Cold Wind Candlemas Day
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Mr James Cameron Island
Feby 3rd 1881 Cold cold
4th Drawing Wood
5 crofsed to hamiltons with the Hood Got a Bag of Potatoes Kind of Fine
6th Fine
7th went to the store John Hamilton in Cornwall went to store Bought matches cleaning the pipes a fine Day Marsh hay Done
8 Gordons B Day 1863 J Hamilton and I to Mr Oxleys Got a Bag of Potatoes some clothes a peice of Pork took Dinner Got an organ from Mrs Hamilton Fine soft hauling
9th Raining Gathering for Donald suple Yorkey Baker here for my ashes 28 Bushels at 7 cents a Bushel Got 45 cents to Get the Rest when I crofs Raining Fine soft Drawing Wood Bismarck and I
10th Hugh Ann and I to Hamiltons Raining Tommy Began to Draw Paid Johny Summers for the Tea I got from Julia 25 cents Bought 2 yds 20 and 2 yds 26 Bar of Soap 10 2 pipes 2 Matches 1 Gave 5 cents to Livinia 45 thats 50
11th Tom Jack here I crofsed Bought 4 yds Got Pay for the Ashes from Charlie Parisha
12th Raining
13th Cold
14th Fixing a Runner in the Jumper very cold
15th Drawing and chopping very fine
16th Bill Morris here Going Down for Is Lemays shanty foggy
18th James Hugh's Birth Day 1855
19 Crofsed Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb of Tea Bought of J Summers 1 1/2 yds Calico 15 cents pipe 12 crackers 2 oil stopt at Hamiltons
20th came from Hamiltons 2 Bags of Potatoes
21st Fine Hugh Munroe here Bought the White Bull 10 Dollars Allen and Rebbecca came and Hugh to take the Bull
22nd Washingtons B Day a Fine Day Jim McDougall here
23rd cutting in the Bush cold
24th Cold
25th Fine St Matthias Day chopping and Drawing
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Mr James Cameron Island
February 26th 1881 Settled up to this Date with J Summers 1 Dollar for scyth Bought 10 yds 2 Dollars 15 yds 1..50 2 Bottles 50 1 spool 5 1/2 Quire paper 12 1/2 2 pens 2 cents Matches 1 5..20 1/2 Settled up till to Day with Mr Ward the hide Wood I Grant to stand for me which makes us clear till to Day Bought to Day commencing a new account 50 lbs of B Wheat 1..37 1/2 1/2 lb Tea 30 Soda 10 alum 3 copperas 5 3 lbs Rice 18 Pepper 1/2 lb 10..2..13 1/2 Mr Patterson and Misses at Hamiltons Tom Kennedy got a Ride Down from Johns cold East Wind Randolph came home John Andrew Camerons Child Departed yesterday and the other not expected to Live
27 A Fine Day Raining Some
28th chopping soft at the Bun
1st of March St Davids Day Stormy came in Like a Lion Drifting the Trees all Bent with Snow Keeping the Cows a Browsing in the Bush Cold
2nd Ash Wednesday Fine Blowing Drifting chopping Stove Wood some cold
3rd William Henery Shadgate Cameron's Birth Day a Very fine Day Drew some Wood Foggy in the Morning
4th East Wind Kind of soft in the Morning Wind turned high Blew very hard Randolph Drove me up to Mr Hopkins Filling his Ice house with ice a Pedlar tinsmith there I Bought of him 7 peices of Tins 2 Bread Pans 3 Tin Basins Tea Pot Wash Basin 1..35 I went to Fort Covington with 3 Pairs of Boots Paid Mr Streeter 1..50 Boots all Paid at Minklers for Lunch 14 cents sticking Plaster or Court Plasters 8 cents got an almanack at Mr Glliss campher 1/2 oz 5 Paid I Lemay what I owed him only took 25 cents 1/2 lb Tea 25 Soda 8 Soap 9 cents candy 2 Matches 2 Bottle 15 cetns 3..98 cents Got a Ride Down from Charles Parisha to Hopkins an awful Blow of East Wind and Drifting stopt at Hopkins all night Mr Streeter to sent the 2 pairs of Boots over to Mr Wards next week Got 1 Pair Mended took home Fine
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Mr James Cameron Island
5th of March 1881 Took Breakfast at Mr Hopkins a very Fine Morning Turned Stormy East Wind but not cold Bad with my Rheumatism to Day Drew a Load of Wood cows a Browsing in the Bush going up on the ice on my Track thats Bushed Randolph turned them Back
6th Snowing Fine Thawing Gordon here Brought home my short Gun some Powder caps and shot
7th Fine crofsed to Summerstown Bought of J Summers coarse comb 12 1/2 Bought of Mr Ward 1 pan of Bread 26 cents on credit 1 spool of Thread 5 cents paid in to see Mr Spinks Got 2 Bags of Potatoes from Hamiltons Got some papers from AJ Baker the Measeles Bad on the Front and all over sawing ice up the Front 1 Bag of Oats at Hamiltons 1st oats the Horse eat this Winter as I am Going away Tomorrow
8th Mr W Spinks Departed Randolph Went for AJ Bakers Sleigh and Harnefs Bought Tax 2 cents candy 1 cent A Fine Day Randolph and I to Port Louis to see Mr Henery Genie stopt in St Amicet met Mr Genie there went Down with him had a Treat and Got a Bottle full took Dinner at Genies Got 3 Bags of oats 1 Bag of Potatoes a Herring Barrel some Barley and 50 Wt of oatmeal 54 Ten Buckets for Sugarmaking Horse shoe steeles for hanging the Buckets Is Genie Departed this Winter Henerys Brother came home stopt at St Amicet Bought crackers and pipe Got home about 8 oclock A Fine night
9th Randolph went Home with the sleigh Fixing the Harnefs
10th Went to Mr Spinks Funeral Got a Ride up with J Hamilton Got 2 pairs of Boots Mr Streeter Mended at Summerss Snowing E Wind
11th cutting Brush Barking chairs cows Brousing in the Bush on Trees I am cutting fo them
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Mr James Cameron Island
12th of March 1881 On this Day of the month D McMaster First came to the Island Fine E Wind Randolph crofsed Got 50 lb of Flour at Mr Wards Got the Load of Mr Charlie Craigs Sugar Pot Cutting Wood and Brush for the Cows got 2 papers at J Hamiltons Drew some Wood cutting stove Wood
13th Fine E Wind Air Cool Sap Runs as Randolph has a Tree Tapped Took Medicine to Day
14th Stanley's Birth Day 1880 Fine Randolph and I up to see the Sugar Bush cut a Pole Fixing the Barrels and Pots and Chains to have them all Ready Sent Randolph over to see Young Henery Bosell to see if he wanted the Sugar Bush
15th Henery came said he would take the Bush going to Day to Look for a Team for to Draw wood for the camp J Hamilton here a Fine Day James McDougall here and son for the Bush and I told them I gave it to Henery
16th Fine Day cutting brush for the cows
17th chopping Went to Hamiltons E W St {illegible} Day cutting Brush {illegible} Rained hard to night not a Stormy Day St Patricks
18th in the Bush a Fine Day sloppy in the swamp
19th a Fine Day E Wind Went to Summerstown Bought Mr Ward 100 cwt of Flour 3.25 1/2 lb Tea 25 1/4 lb Tea 15 Pail 20 5 lbs of nails 25 Matches Pipe Bought of J Summers RRR 25 Sweetys Got 2 Bags of Potatoes from Hamiltons The Czar Emperor of Russia Killed Little Jim McDougalls neice Departed in Moira I heard Mr Craigs Boys Frank Laplantes and St Dennis Boys Run away caught some of them in Fort Covington ice Melting on the Top and Wearing under I suppose Heard a Team got Drowned up opposite Mr Martins a Man from Bangor Lost them Ducks crows Black Birds came
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Mr James Cameron Island
20th of March 1881 Raining Snowing E Wind
First Day of Spring 21st Fine Randolph crofsed to Bosells for hors George sent his Boy to J McDougalls to tell him Young Henery or Wall Eye was not going to take the Sugar Bush so he said he would come tomorrow some fo the hens commenced to Lay for the first a Large Flock of Wild Geese went Down past colose to the Barn
22nd Livinia's Birth Day (Senior) Rory Willie and James Cox came to Draw Wood for the sugar Bush Drawing stones to make a Place for an arch in place of Logs
23rd Tapt some for the first putting out some Manure Fine Weather
24th Gathering and Boiling all night
25th Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Made the first sugar about 60 lbs the Boys Randolph and Bismarck a Great Feast in the Bush Brought Lettere to the house ice about opening at Francis Island where it always opens first
26th John H Birth Day a Fine Day 1876 sugaring to Day about 26 lbs Did not come well of the moles Jim Cox and Willie McDougall stopt to night for the first had they tick with them
27th Sunday Jim & Willie here all Day snowed some Thawed some Gathered about 30 pails
28th Fine Wind high Raw Boiling cutting Brush a cutter crofsed Summers Road this Morning Rory McDougall came acrofs and went Back shot a squirrel
29th About the Time James Williams Departed on the Kings Road chopping stove wood
30th Ice opening slowly sugaring in the Bush
31st in the Bush cutting Wood for the camp about the 28th Is Viponds Child Departed
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Mr James Cameron Island
April 1st 1881 All Fools Day In the Sugar Bush Sap Running well cutting wood at the camp a very Fine Day
2nd in the Bush sugaring off all Day took home a Load of Sugar James Cox and Willie turned Back as the wind is high Rory making Oars Got the Loan of Mine to crofs took over our Moles Full took their share of syrup and I got mine yesterday Hard Frost not Running cold some Windy
3rd Rory and Donald John came acrofs and Jim and Willie went acrofs with them took over one of their cakes 11 lb wind high Ice Jamming before the Door
4th chopping Brush in the upper Field for the cows Windy snowing Blustering
5th cutting Brush Windy fine Boiling them in the Bush Freezing
6th Hugh Ann went off stopt with Mr J McDougalls to night The Rev Mr Watsons Daughter Departed
7th Drawing Manure to the Lower Point North side
8th Crofsed with J McDougall to the Foot of Hamiltons Island as he is going to Mifs Watsons Funeral Buried her Before the Door Hamilton in Cornwall Bought of Mr Ward 100 lbs of Flour Bought 10 cents of crem of Tartar paid Bought of J Summer pens 5 cents pipe got a Ride Down from Hamilton Sap Running well Fine Day Great Jamming of Ice going Down a Big Pine Tree Drove on the Head of the Island with the Force of the Ice Tom Jack getting over the Measels
9th On this Day of the Month I was Married 1862 19 years to Day Sap Running well Sugaring 66 lbs to Day Raising Bee at Factory came from Hamiltons Randolph and I took a cap in my coat put it up in the sugar Bush
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Mr James Cameron Island
10th of April 1881 Boiling Rory and Willie and the Boys a Fine Day ice going Down ice in a Jam
11th sugaring of to Day all Day Began to snow very Blustering turned fine Brought me a paper Mr MDougall the Witnefs
12th Sugaring to Day took all their sugar home
13th Making Mollasses
14th Mr McDougall here with Dan Camerons Boat as he is going to Salmon River to Morrow Peter Backe here stopt all night Fishing EEls something at the hens I Fired a shot Back of the Barn to Frighten the Fox as he is Left on the Island Duck commenced to Lay
15th Good Friday Peter Back went of J McDougall and Willie ewnt to Fort Covington crofsed over to Fraser on the South Side and walked up as it is much shorter a Fine Day Randolph took the Handle from the Bushe that Rory made me yesterday Fine spells of high south W Wind calm Taking the Banking out of the cookhouse putting out the {illegible} Boxes Breaking some of the ice close to shore Drew the Bun out of the ice on the Bank Made Mollasses Mr McDougall and Willie took it acros and Rory crofsed alone
16th no one in the Bush to Day sap Running I took up the ashes Bismarck and I to the head of the Island seen where the Fox Killed a Goose Randolph ploughed a Few Rounds set Fire to some of the Marsh seen a crane for the First set 2 Traps Randolph Fixing the Canoe Killed 9 snakes this Week of the 14th
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Mr James Cameron Island
April 17th 1881
17th Easter Sunday the Sun Dances this morning came up Fine sighn of a Good Year cold North Wind Fine Sap Running Ducks Plenty Fan-tailed Black Birds came 6 or 7 of the hens Laying now watching the Cows from Going to the Sugar Bush which is not an easy Job
18th Our Duncans B Day Jane McDougalls Birth Day her here to Day Bismarck went off to Day Stopt with Mr McDougall Making Mollasses Minkey Calved
19th Oxly Calved Sandy Fraser here with McDougalls Bismarck at McDougalls with Rory at the Boat Got a stick for an oar
20th Made some Mollasses Cows to the Bush took the Dishes from the Trees sap running well Made the Syrup at the House
21st I and Randolph crofsed to Hamiltons for my canoe John Boiling in the Bush Got 2 Bags of Potatoes Fine day
22nd Lilly and Genie Calved Killed the Oxly calf
23rd St Georges Day Randolph crofsed withe 3 Doz of Eggs Bought Tea Matches Thread set Traps for Wild Geese
24th Sunday High Wind Fine
25th St Marks Day E Wind high Fine Ploughing Planting Potatoes got a Potato Bug A Propeller Went up Lights Lit up in the Lower Lighthouses set 2 Hens to hatch 1 with 10 Duck Eggs Hen Eggs 14 Gordon Making a Paddle
26th Raining putting out Manure
27th A Foggy Morning E Wind St Francis First Trip up and the First Trip for the Princefs Louise Gordon and I to Fort Covington a Deacon skin Muskrat cat skin 90 cents Got my Boots Fixed 45 cents Dinner 25 Bought of Flour 1..50 Tea 40 Tea 50 cents 1/2 lb Castor Oil 10 soap 9 cents soda 8 cents 20" pipe 1 cent stopt at Lukes had supper Water high snow melting of the Mountains Mr Smith Poorly called at Mayvilles wind high got Lower Fine Gordon and Randolph to Fish to night
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Mr James Cameron Island
28th of April 1881 Mr James McDougall Willie and Alexander here had Rory's new Boat took home the sugar Bush Rigging planted 4 Rows of Potatoes acrofs took home the ashes and the Barrel and the Pot A Fine Day
29th Fixing the Gate Rained some hailing cleaning around the Gate
30th Fine crofsed to Hamiltons with Gordon sent Randolph to the store with 10 1/2 lbs of sugar at 9 cents Bought of J Summer 9 1/2 yds of Calico shingles nails got 3 Bags of Potatoes at Hamiltons Got a Letter and 2 Papers from Charles Tupper Liverpool England Workhouse Walton on the Hill squally Rain some snow Grains a Good many Boats to Day
1st of May Sunday Fine E Wind Rained some Leander John H and I to the Sturgeon Island
2nd Ploughing in the Garden
3rd Rory McDougall here took home the Draiving Knife Algerian Went Down Ploughing in the Garden
4th the Bohemian up for the First Trip the Como came up went into Salmon River the Bohemian took Fire in Cornwall throwed the Cotton Bags OverBoard to save here Planting some
5th Randolph and I to the Butternut Island Rofs's Island Kit Kit Lots of Ducks Wild Geese Plenty Seen Lashey & Velhuve at Charlie's Island setting their sturgeon Lines seen a Place on Rofs's Island where there was a hole Dug Last summer all covered over Got a Goose the 3 Boys On the Pit Point supposed to be Killed By the Fox Killed a Black Snake on Rofs Island
6th crofsed o Mr Wards Bought 1 Pair of Lace Boots 1..60 salt 70 lbs Fine to may account 47 lbs of sugar at 10 cents 4..70 Randolph Bought Cloves and Tax Found a Lot of Cotton Bags that was Thrown of the Bohemian 2 Bags of Potatoes at Hamiltons the Como into Summerstown
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Mr James Cameron Island
7th of May 1881 Shoras Came Planted Corn Fixing the Fence
8th Henery Bosell and Antiones wife and children here E Wind Fine
9th Randolph crofsed with a pair of the Boots I took from Mr Wards Thunder some Rain Windy Fixing the calves Pasture Fence
10th Working at the Grove
11th Mr Burdo here came to Henerys Last night working at Fence Randolph put some of those weeds that Blows out of the Bottom of the River on the Potato Ground Gave those men 50 cents to take up Bread from Montreal cleaning their sturgeon Got the Gizzard from them they say its Good Eating
12th Ploughing the Back peice Harrowing the Bean Place
13th Harrowing putting up Fence WEnt ot the Kit Kit for the Bun Fine Day the Passport went Down
14th Planted the Californias Potatoes or what they call Michinites or some name like that at the Barn a Man up from Valley Feild slept on the Bankd he is Buying Cordwood went to Christee Island and Na-Houta's Island Shora took 4 Loaves 6 lbs a Peice from Montreal 25 cents Lots of Boats a Going now Mosquitoes Back Making a smudge for them every night E Wind Rained Heavy to night thunder Lightning Ducks Plenty Loons Gulls Wild Geese yellow Oriole came this Week
15th Windy
16th E W Wind Princefs Louisa aground at the Mouth of Salmon River
17th E Wind high
18th Making Fence a Scow here for Sand from Lancaster got 2 Dollars from them and Promised me another
19th Fixing the Fence on the Pitt Point
20th Planted the Garden Back of the house with Potatoes
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Mr James Cameron Island
21st of May 1881 went to Summerstown John Hamilton with us Bought of Mr Ward 25 lb of Flour 87 1/2 Salt 15 Pan of Bread 24 Corinthian went Down
22nd Rogation Sunday Angus Cameron and wife and 2 Boys and the Girl Had a Loaf of Bread
23rd Went to Na-Houtas Island sheared the 2 sheep a very warm Day Let the Horse out oiled him on account of the Ticks
24th The Queens Birth Day Let out the 3 calves to Pasture Firing some good Vollesy Cutting Weeds in the Potatoes
25th Cleaning the weeds in the corn and Hoeing it
26th Mr Genie here heim and Johnny Brought me a Bag of Potatoes Gave him a Stick for spear Pole putting Manure on the Potatoes and on the hay A fine Day
27th Crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 20 lbs of Flour 15 1/2 lb of Tea 30 Got a Bag of Potatoes at Hamiltons and 50 lbs of Flour All settled 35 cents a Bushel for Potatoes 31 Bushels I got John Painiing the Lighthouse Seen Margaret Rose a Big Fight at Nicholsons Bidy Matty and Mary
28th Hoeing and cutting Weeds Gray comes in at night Fine E Wind Bugs Bad Eating the Potatoes Trimmed the cherry trees
29th Royal Oak Day or Oak apple Day E Wind Raining Angus Cameron Down to the Fishermen to Buy Fish got a Sturgeon and 3 Pikes owes 40 cents on the fish Got 50 cents from the Fishermen Bought 2 lbs of Butter 50 cents
30th Hoeing
31st J Hopkins Charlie and Johnny here with the Big Boat they found
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Mr James Cameron Island
1st of June 1881 John Hamilton and Gordon here Fishermen Shora went off Rowena's Birth Day 1878
2nd Cutting Weeds
3rd John Hamilton's Heifers came Dr Dickinson here Left a Bottle of Medicine E Wind Putting the Plough through the Potatoes
4th Went to Dickinsons Island got a Powder and 2 Pills from Dr Gono Bought of J Summers 6 yds of Cotton 60 1/4 Tea 15 needles 4 cents Nutmegs 3 Bought of Ward 1/4 15 cents took Dinner at Charlie Roses and they sowed me every Room in the Hotel and Treated me besides Giving me a Glafs of scotch Whiskey John Hamilton making a Gate Thomas Mulverhill here tonight 2 womans and a Man name Jones stopt here all night
5th Mulverhill went of Raining
6th went to Margaret Camerons or Rather Mr McMullens to see about the Fisheries with Mr Shora took Dinner there wind high at the Potatoes
7th at Potatoes
8th at Potatoes and corn
9th our Mary B Day 1813
10th Mr Spencer and Howland here Got a Trowling spoon from Mr Spencer as would take no pay for their Trouble
11th Trowling got a Pike sent it to J Hamilton Randolph and the Fisherman crofsed for the mail got none very warm to Day
12th Livinia and I to the Upper Point
13th Gordon Tom Jack 2 of Sam Dennis Boys here Fisherman went of
13 Went to Charly Island Randolph Fernandez and I warn
14th Hoeing Weeding
15 Crofsed Bought of Ward Salt 5 cents working at the Wharf Building Tens on the Hamilton Island
16th took up a Load of slabs from Lower Point
17th Put out a Line crofsed to Frasher with Sam Conger got 35 cents warm
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Mr James Cameron Island
18th of June 1881 Randolph crofsed Bought Tea 25 cents 2 spools of Thread Hooks Fishing Perch for Bait Rained some
19th Tom Summers and 2 of Angus Cameron's Boys here for Fish this is the Day the Planets is to Fall and to Destroy all on the earth Thunder Raining hard in some Places Grand Procefsion a Fine Day Princefs Louise to St Regis the Watertown went Down with a Raft Stopt at the Lighthouse Did not Put any thing Down hardly this month
20th 21st 22nd our Dan's Birth Day
23 23 25 25 26 27 28 29 30th
1st of July Dominion Day
2nd Killed a calf Randolph to Mr Lukes
3rd Gordon here
4th Mr Leslie and Jim Hopkins here Charlie and Tom came for the Bull
5th Our Johns B Day
6th Went Down to Rankins Bay Randolph and I to see P Bl{cut off} seen caskenett got a Pike Trowling
7th went to Dundee Mr Smart Departed Bought Flour 1.65 Meal 75 Tea 40 Soaps 9 Calico 15 Scythe 1.. Thread 10 Rope 30 Tules 50 Rake 15 Pink Root 10 Elexer 25 Dinner 25 Randy & Randolph 1o calfskin to 80 Boot Mended 10
8th Jim Hopkins and Charlie Fixing the barn
9th Taking some of the stones from under the Barn so to Let it come Level The Fisherman came got their Licence in Montreal Did not write any thing Down for some time
9 Fernandez Birth Day 1874 not writing anything Down
31 Gordon and Fanny Rose here
August 1st
2nd Minnies Birth Day 1864
3rd Dr Dickinson and Charlie Rose Looking for a Boat that was stole on the Dr putting in hay
14th Scryer came to night
15 Mowing
16 Randolph crofsed
17th Mr Genie here put in {illegible}
18th Mowing
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Mr James Cameron Island
Augt 19th 1881
Bismarcks Birth Day 1870 Mowing
20th very warm putting in 42 cocks of hay not writing Down Evan Frasher Departed this month Angus suple Departed this month MF Arthur and Raysides Steam saw mill Burned
31st I Went to Williamstown (28) J McDougal Mr McDonald and Willie here going to F Covington to see his sister as she is not well Bought out to Williamstown 12 lb cake of sugar Got a Present of a suit from Dan an awful Warm Day Great Smoke Big Fires somewhere Back Bought Glass Powder shot caps soap Wash B{illegible} nails hair pins Downs Elexor RR Relief chair cotton Matches pipes spools Tea soap Worm Candy Tea soaps
1st of Sept came from Williamstown Minnie came
2nd Mowing
3rd Dan's Birth Day 1846 Marry to Hamiltons helped to unload a Load of hay with Gordon and Tom
4th James McDougall and Frashers Boys here Gordon came from Hamiltons with {illegible}
5th John Angus Birth Day 1850
6th Mowing
7th putting in
8 Mowing Don Mowing in the upper Field
9th Minnie and I to Williamstown Dan there and Mr Hector McRae at the Meeting to night McLennan V McMaster
10th Came from Williamstown Bought of J Summers a Dish Matches E Wind Smoky for the Boats helping John to put in the Stoves in the Bush Most all the campers gone took Toms coat by mistake of the nail for my own Pic nic f{illegible} Valley Field to Dr Dickinsons Island on the Bohemian
11th Sunday Rained {illegible} Fine
12th Pete Grant here putting in hay Randolph crofsed Bought Tea soda Matches commenced to stack put 50 cocks in it to night
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Mr James Cameron Island
Sept 13th 1881 Raining commenced the Back Marsh to mow Mr McDonald F son of the Late Donald F and Mr Shield here about the Island very Fine men Treated me with a good Drop of Gin Thomas Munroe along with them
14th Took up some Potatoes Left them in a Box outside cutting hay in the Back Marsh put up 75 cocks Foggy or smoky E Wind
15th Finished the Stack put 114 cocks in it went Down with the Fishermen to get up their seine as it is Fast in a Big Log in the Bottom had to have 2 Boats Randolph and I helping them south West Wind put cornstalks at ever Ton in the stack
17th crofsed stopt at Hamiltons had a Talk with Mr Garfield & McAllister campers at Hamiltons got the Loan of J Hamiltons hand saw took my augur home Went to Summerstown John and I seen Dan Got a Present of 1 lb of Tea 2 lb of sugar tobacco Bought of Mr Ward 4 Hinges and screws Barrel 1/2 Bushel of salt 50 wt of Flour 13 yds of Ticking Worm Candy Pair of Boots a Pair of Laces Glass oil High Wines stopt at the Lighthouse with John Scryers wife came up and Daughter in law and son Lashey at the Tent
18th very warm to Day Mrs Scryer here Mr Garfield & McAllister here Lewis Benedict the Indian Rowing them
19th Rained some this morning took up some Potatoes took some some Wood got 2 sticks for to make a Jumper Mrs Scryer Washing her mens clothes Fixing the hinges on the Door Lashey Bought Scryers Big Bun
20th at the Jumper Mowing at Potatoes
21st Fine putting in cornstalks Last Day of Summer
22nd First Day of Fall Rain Thunder Wind calm Fine Working at the Jumper Mr Creamer or Cliner Wife Boy Girl Mrs Morris Billy and Johnnie Scyer Left here yesterday
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Mr James Cameron Island
Sept 23 1881 Finished the Jumper Raining
24 Rain Thunder Fine E Wind taking up Potatoes took up the {illegible}ies about 7 Bushels of them took home some Wood with the Jumper
25th Sunday south West Wind high Captain Rankin did nt come up with Fran Laplante Black Cherries Falling
26th Digging the Peice of Potatoes at the Barn a Great many of them Rotting Made a heap outside Randolph mowing the Marsh
27th Randolph and I crofsed to Hamiltons Brought a Drake to Tom Bought of Mr Ward Livinias Boots 1.25 3 spools of Thread spruce Tub 30 Bought of J Summers Tobacco 25 1 pair of Braces 35 Matches Seen Bismarck and Mrs Chisholm at Summerstown Gave him 25 cents got some apples at Hamiltons got Gordons hat
28th Got Ready to crofs got acrofs with Henery and Mr Burdo took Tea at Antwons Walked to Lancaster stopt at Henery Lavellette's all night
29th St Michael Day got on Board the Bohemian I am for Montreal 25 cents in Montreal at about half Past 1 slept on Board of the Steamer
30th Left Montreal Went to Dans office seen David Fraser Met with Robert Jack Started for home on the Bohemian Bought 2 Towels and 2 Handkerchief Seen George Bosell Seen Murdock McDonald on the Point on the Boat
1st of October in Lancaster up with the Fisherman stopt at Bosells Raining Windy Fine cut some Tobacco
2nd Gordon Randolph and I to Murdock McDonalds got Dinner some Hops apples
3rd Mr Ward Mrs Ward Mrs Williams and son here Telling us of Hunters son being Lost so he Left home yesterday Taking up the Potatoes cut all the Tobacco Drew up the Bun
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Mr James Cameron Island
Oct 4th 1881 Mowing in the Marsh Froze hard to night George Bosell a young Daughter
5th Ice this Morning took in the stove High Wind Drew some Wood Burdo and Henery the Fishermen went to Lancaster meet the Boat hard Frost Last night
6th Mowing in the upper end of the Marsh 19 cocks in the stack yesteday cut 19 of Blue Joint to Day went around the Island to Day Fernandez and I got a Lot of sweet Hicorys Water very Low Falling every Day Black Cherries Falling
7th Finished the stack 82 cock in it 2 1/2 Ton in it
8th Raining Windy Drew some Wood took some Butternuts home in the Bun Ruffer had to Leave here Barges 2 of them the Wind so high
9th Fine Windy Water Low Beech nuts Plenty Grapes Plenty
10th Hugh Annws McMasters Birth Day 1844 put 15 cocks of Blue Joint in the Barn Drew some Wood Made 15 cocks in the Marsh put the Tobacco in the stable Gathered a Basket of Grapes some Grains of Snow Fell to day First snow that came Fine
11th a Fine Day Got Ready to crofs but did not go on account of Randolph crofsed Bought of J Summers 1 lb Tea 50 Flour 50 W 1..88 Matches Randolph picking Potatoes at Hamiltons Got Apples took up some of our Potatoes to Day Leander Fernandez and John H 11 Bushels Froze hard Last night Averills Steamer ewnt off this Evening Mrs Burdo on her
12th At Potatoes
13th at Potatoes haying
14th at Potatoes
15th Raining Charles Rose and Holesworth here I went up with them Went up to Holesworths to see his stove sold the cows for 34 Dollars 8 Dollars for the Stove to take 4 Bushels of Wheat at 1..25 Bought Spirit of H Wines Andrew Rose poorly Captain Rankin's children not well
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Mr James Cameron Island
Oct 16th 1881 came from Hamiltons Gordon and I and I went Back with him to be there at the Thrashing
17th Cold and Wet Raining All Day took in their stove as it kind of cold
18th Commenced to Thrash
19th Thrashing came for the cattle Left 13 Dollars
20th a Dizzinefs came in my head almost Falling Down when it takes me Thrashing
21st At Hamiltons Thrashing
22nd Thrashing
23rd Livinia Birth Day 1868 Raining Gordon came Down from Hamiltons with me Apple a Bag and Basket
24th our Hugh's Birth Day Taking 14 Bushels I had in a Bin and 15 I had in a heap covered of Potatoes that over 100 Bushels in the cellar now Drew some wood
25th My Birth Day cut a Hicory Fire on some Ducks
26th Windy 5 Men here one of the Men is the Flour Inspector in Montreal Mr Boyer {large open space} had H Downs Boat gave me 35 cents to send it home Treated me to some old Rye
27th Windy Made some cheese Fixing a Box for Ashes to hold the Traveller sunk By the Passport
28th Crofsed with St Dennis Boat Randolph and I Bought J Summers 10 yds of Cotton 10 yds of Linsey 2 yds of Calico Tea 2 Bars of Soap RRR Powder shot Ginger Matches a Box pipe 3 pens Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 Bushel of coarse salt peck Fine salt 36 lbs of Line{cut off} 1/2 lb Tea Eblow and 2 Links needles sulpher nails 7 lbs of Sugar pipe Butter Tub Gave 4 Dollars to Mr Ward to be put to my account East Wind stopt at Hamiltons all night and I Mrs Hamilton came of the Boat from Montreal got a 100 lb of Flour from Tom got some apples Craigs for the scow holisworths bad with Diptheria
29th Raining came home Randolph
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Mr James Cameron Island
Oct 30th 1881 Lots of Boats on the Water hunting a Fine Day West Wind Mr Lambert here stopt all night
31st Holy Eve Fine Lambert went off taking home wood Leander found a cushion in the Bay Keeping Holy Eve cracking nuts till Late Randolph Livinia Leander Fernandez John H Rowena and Stanley all at nuts Beech Butternut Bitter & Sweet hicory Oak and Hazel
1st of November The Harvest Mothn of Death All Saints Day
2nd Randolph crofsed to Hamiltons came with the scow for the Heifers Gordon Tommy Jack Randolph and Alexander Rose East Wind all Souls Day got the Boat to Go to Lancaster
3rd Randolph and I to Lancaster 11 lbs of our Weight in Lancaster 9 lb paid $1..5 cents very windy Rained some all wet Bought of Cons Bread Lozenges 12 cents
4th cleaning up stairs Randolph crofsed with J Hamiltons Boat went Down with tom to Evans Frashers about a Holy Eve scrape Viponds Gate plastering the stable Gordon Left Hamiltons salted 11 Dozen and a Half of Eggs shelled 2 Bushels of corn
5th Guy Fawks Day Banking E End of the House Mr Burdo here Phillip Brought me an overshirt from Montreal 1..25 put some manure under around the apple Trees on the Lower Point Frose hard Last night Fine wind changed to East almost in snow the Rain that fell
6th Henery Bosells & Burdo here got a {illegible} James McDougall and the 2 Girls Jane and Annie and the 2 Boys Alex Peter and Donald John Tommy Rose and Alexander Rose in the Bush at nuts Fine Rained some West Wind
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Mr James Cameron Island
Nov 7th 1881 Helens Birth Day a Transit of Mercury over the Disc of the Sun Mr Rofs and Tate here hunting
8th East Wind Randolph and I to Rofs's Island Charlies and the Kit Kit Island seen George Bosell Fishing Dorry
9th Plastering and Banking Fishermen Went to Montreal got 2 suckers from them high Wind
10th Whitewashing
11th Drawing Wood Drew a Load to the Fisherman Frost Last night
12th 1st snow storm East Wind the Fisherman came Rained some snow went of to night Wind changed to West a Great Robbery on the cars at Ogdensburg 2 coarse coffins came up on the Bohemian from St Annicet
13th Windy Leander and Tup around the Island Phillip the Fisherman crofsed to Bosels The Princefs Louise Made 2 Trips to Lancaster
14th Took about a Ton of hay out of the Marsh put in the west of the 3 stacks Mowed some in the Marsh Banking some Fine Windy
15th snowing West Wind The Fishermen went off Left all their Rigging nets Sturgeon Line stove 2 Pipes elbo Boxes Gave me his oilskin coat chopping stove wood
16th Randolph and I crofsed to Summerstown Donald McDonald a sale of all his things house Furniture cattle hay Grain got a Treat of Cider at Hamiltons took Dinner There got 2 young kittens Bought of J Summers 1 pair Boots 1..40 2 yds cloth 80 cents 2 yds Linsey 25 6 yds Cotton 60 1/2 lb Tea 28 3 lbs Rope 50 Bought of Ward 1 pair Boots 2..25 1 pair 1..10 spair 65 1 lb Soda 10 nails 10 oil some soap
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Mr James Cameron Island
17th of November 1881 Banking the House some took up the Fishermens Boxes from the Lower Point a very Fine Day E Wind Warm Set 4 Traps for the First setting wind changed to South West Blowing Hard to night a Good many Boats a going to Day some Shooting some Few Ducks in the Cord Wood Bay 2 Stationary Planets to Day this Makes chane in Wind and Weather the Sun Draws Rain Rained some tonight
18th Fixing the shed hen house and calve stable no Boats went up or Down to Day a Bun went up Passed the Door hunters stopt in the Bay and at the Hicory Trees
19th cold some high East Wind some Grains of snow set Fire in the Marsh Dont Burn well Randolph got 3 Rats for the first Fed the cattle in to night for the First put in the Calves snowed some to night Wind changed through to West water raised some to Day Made cheese to Day Took the Milk out of the Milk house Making Tobbacco Plugs to night
20 West Wind Fine cold some
21st on this Day of the Month D McMaster Departed 1846 Drawing Wood high Wind got a Rat Made 3 Muskrat Moles for stretching them on Freezing to night Eclipse to Day
22 Ground hard with Frost Last night I Dont think that the Princefs Louise came out of Salmon River to Day Fixing the Calves Door of their stable took some of the rough stuff of the Bottom of the canoes Got a Rat ice up in the Rushes tied 3 of the cattle in to night set the Back Marsh a fire to night Freezing to night a Fine Day cold no Boats ewnt to Day
23rd Bohemian and St Francis up and Down the Bohemian went straight Down the channel for the Last Trip set Fire in the upper part of the front Marsh
24th Set Fire to the East End of the Marsh West 2 Men here Left there Boat thought this was Frashers Point snowing Working at the hen house so{folded over} to Day
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Mr James Cameron Island
25th of Nov 1881 Banking in the cookhouse cold Frosty turned fine in the Evening wind changed to South E then changed to South West no Boats to Day Lights all up Feeding the cattle putting them in cutting stove wood
26th high South West Wind a Tug went Down with 2 Barges snowed a Little not cold snow Melting some Drops of Rain Drawing Drags seen a Mink Track at the Foot of the Island set 4 Traps to night for him I suppose the Burning of the Marshes on Both sides Drove him here Ducks not Plenty seen a Flock of Wild Geese yesterday Warm Marshes Burning on the south side Well
27th snow and Rain
28th cutting Wood
29th high Wind
30th St Andrews Day The Festival of the Scotch Young some shots Killed 2 Roosters Drew some Wood a Fine Day
1st of December Went to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 Bushel of salt 25 8 lbs of Pork 1..24 Pins 8 Tax 1 cent 1/2 lb Tea 25 Soap 8 3 lb of nails 12 Bought of J Summers Tea 25 Broom 25 Blue 2 nutmegs 3 shools 10 Raining high Wind stopt at Hamiltons all night a Light on Cherry Island to night
2nd came home got 50 lb of Flour 22 lb or Pork 1 Bushel of Pease Heard James Hugh came home Heard James MacIlvains Daughter Deid
3 got a Mink Fine snowing raining
4th Gordon here Brought my short gun home he is thrashing with Charlie Parisha Brought a Drefs from Bismarck to Sissy
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Mr James Cameron Island
5th of Dec 1881 Windy Drawing Wood piling old Wood Fine
6th the Festival of the Germans St Nicholas Fixing the step of the Door Fixing around the sheds high Wind calm Rain Randolph not well Rowena not well cattle picking out in the Daytime
7th Raining E Wind changed to West Randolph and I to Lancaster for the yarn 7 lbs 24 skains paid 1.5 cents paid when I Left the wool Went to Mr Dunlops took Dinner Randolph and I Bought of Mr McCrimmon 1 pair of Boots for Rowena 1..10 Bought a Pair for Myself 3..10 cents came up along shore as the Wind is high as far as Frashers Point then cut acrofs and we had a hard time crofsing as the Wind was very high Left the canoe at the Lower Point as the Wind is high to take it around to the Door all wet snowed to night
8th cold Blowing Feeding Cattle cutting stove Wood
9th a Fine Day thawing Windy Drawing Drags a sail Down at the Kit Kit
10th Leanders Birth Day 1872 Fine Day Drawing Drags
11th Sunday cold and Fine
12th Went to Howleseworth's got the stove and 4 Bushels of Wheat Drove it Down to J Hamiltons for me in the Waggon Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb Tea 30 Tax 2 cents Brought 3 Rats to John Hamilton John & Tom Jack to Lancaster with a Load of Buckwheat Roads Roughf Left my wheat at Hamiltons till they would be going to mill Big wind to night
13th went for the stove to Hamiltons got John's Boat Raining took a Drake to Hamiltons took the Boat out of the Boat house for me put out the Double stove put up the cooking stove to night had a Bottle of Wine
14th Raining Wind choppin stove Wood
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Mr James Cameron Island
15th of Dec 1881 Started to crofs Did not go as it Look like a storm of snow snowed a Little went to the Bush raising up Troughs all raised Fixing a hinge on the stable Door cutting wood Windy cold some Freezing some to night
16th Went home with J Hamiltons Boat to the Store Oil 40 cents got a Bag of apples from J Hamilton got a cordial & Paper Fine E Wind Freezing some tonight Let our canoe Down near the Oak log as the ice dont Freeze so much as our Landing Place shot an owl yesterday as he is Looking for the Hens
17th Cutting and Piling stove-wood put a Lot in the celler Put out some manure took the soft Maple Boards out of the stable into the Barn Trying if the Marsh would Burn
18th Sunday
19th Took the stick ashore and Trying to take up
20th cutting stove wood Mr J McDougall here a Fine Day Told me Lewis Blondeau was Buried yesterday Thomas Summer Married
21st crofsed to Hamiltons a very Fine Day Bought of J Summers 1/2 lb Tea 1 3/4 yds of Calico John away got a Parcel from Mrs AJ Baker and papers stopt at Hamiltons all night Election time for councillers and Reeves Mr P Purcell going for Reeve
22nd came from Hamiltons got a Bottle of Wine and a Bottle of Cider Raining some E Wind Froze some to night
23rd chopping stove Wood high E Wind Water Raised some
24th Fine Frosty north West Wind some cold Raising the stick Down at the River chopping stove Wood
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Mr James Cameron Island
Dec 25th 1881 Christmas Day Sunday High West Wind Fine Leander John H and I to the upper Point all around the north side of the Island
26th set fire in parts of the Marshes made a pile of Wood over in the North Marsh clearing and cleaning up the Marsh as there is splendid Blue Joint growing in it Commenced to Rain St Stephen's Day
27th St John the Evangelist Day Fine Calm wind Changed N West East Wind Randolph and I went Down the way of the Kit Kit for EEls got none Drew up the stick at the River some the Fine Hay all Done on the Barn Floor Besides a good Deal on the East Mow and Marsh hay in the upper stack used
28th Holy Innocents Day Fine Calm Tried for EEls got none got the stick On the Balance at the River another of the Cats got into the Trap at the Lower Point wind changed to West Kind of Warm seen a Lot of Black Ducks in the Back Bay and at the Lower Point about 26 of them lots of snow Birds every Day But no snow
29th Our Angus's Birth Day East Wnd some Rain Fine Randolph crofsed to Summerstown Heard Little McDougall Departed yesterday Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 lb of Tea Tax a Ball to Be at Summers's on Friday
30th Snowing this Morning turned Fine high W Wind putting Wood and Brush in the Upper Field Randolph putting out Manure Drew some Wood Raised the End of the stick at the shoe one of the cats Died that got in the Trap
31st Last Day of the Year Froze Last night snowing hard West Wind Fine Filled the straw Tic Water Raising
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