James Cameron Diary, 1883


James Cameron Diary, 1883


James Cameron


Courtesy of the Archives of Ontario




19th Century, Glengarry County, McMaster's Island Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1883

Is Part Of

James Cameron Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


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Mr James Cameron Island

Dec 28th 1882 Holy Innocents Day Fine Some Wind and cold Snowing making a Jumper some crust on the snow

29th Our Angus's Birth Day Workind some at the Jumper Randolph went to the Bush for the 2 sheep got one of them home put her in then went for the other Brought her home but Didn get her in she went Back in the Bush cold some

30th Randolph went for the sheep seen her ut could not Drive here so left her then went with the Little sleigh and could not Find her we thought she must of taken the water and got Drowned as she was on the edge of the ice the crust is so Bad in the Bush they dreat to Travel on the crust if she took the water she must have sunk cleaned one of my Guns Kind of soft to day

31st Last Day of the Year Sunday Fine W Wind snowed some Windy this Evening Feeding the cattle Extra there is a small Grass bird stopt around the Barn and stacks all this Winter all the cattle Poultry Horse and all hearty Wild Ducks some the Fox around cant Get a chance on him Sea Gulls Plenty

1st of January News Years Day 1883 Fxing the sleigh chopped some Wood

2nd Went to the Bush Broke the off corner of my axe cut Down an old Dead Birch cold Fine Drew some Wood

3rd Fine wind changed to the West could hear it coming for a ong time before it reached here very very high Wind broke up what ice that was made Allens Birth Day

4th ice Taken north Wind cold Freezing Draw some wood cutting stove Wood Feeding the cattle extra

3rd Allen's Birth Day 1853

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Mr James Cameron Island

January 5th 1883 High E Wind Freezing very hard cold put a crank in the Grindstone Feeding the cattle a Little Extra the airhole at the Door is Breaking upwards with the high EW

6th E Wind Blowing hard cold and Frosty airholes plenty snowed a Little Randolph to the Upper Pint to see how the ice was taken Good Fire cattle hearty and smart took my sail of the mast as I think I will have no use for it any more this Winter the ice must be good enought to crofs a foot

7th Sunday Kind of Mild snowed some

8th Hugh Ann's Birth Day 1866 crofsed the ice fo the First put out some Bushes Randolph and I got a Great many airholes our Road is crooked with going around those airholes and cracks snowed some John Hamilton Gave me a Ride up with his Colt as he is only Breaking her in she goes well went up as Far as Mr Purcells Store the First time I was there Bought of Mr McDonald a Bottle of Eclectric oil 25 1/2 lb of Pepper 15

9th Reading papers E Wind Frosty

10th Frosty seen a cutter crofsing Summer's Road cutting wood

11th in the Bush Leander and i Kind of Fine but Frosty Randolph putting out manure

12th Went to Summerstown seen Mr Wells a he Treated me seen Tyo Paro Bone Bought of John Summers 1/2 lb Tea 25 1/4 lb 11 Tax 3 cents all this I paid Gave him 3 Dollars to my account I owe him now 3..74 cents John Hamilton to Cornwall seen the Track of a Mink crofsing the ice to Hamiltons Island

13th cutting Wood in the Bush Leander Randolph and I cold some Frosty E Wind all Day changed in the Evening to South Blowed very hard to night Thawing some a Big Flurry of snow this morning

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Mr James Cameron Island

January 14th 1883 Snowed and Drifted this morning turned Fine Gordon came West Wind Took Mrs Partingtons Carpet Bag of Fun with him

15th cutting and drawing Firewood cutting some of the Trees thats Tearing the Bank Down cutting ash for RailsWhat came Home but the other sheep and I was sure she took the River and was Lost as when we was Looking for her could not Fine her Track we gave her up for Lost till she came home herself this Evening Seen Cutters crofsing on the East Road on the ice to Lancaster coming From the south side a Fox crofsed from Christees Island to our Island Fine and Frosty to night

16th Bushing the Road at the Kit Kit acrofs from the South Side Randolph went to Fort Covington with my Boot to be mended McCartney mended it 15 cents Bought a Lock 15 cents Bought 12 yds of Cotton $1.. Bought of Jo Lemay 1 lb 25 and 1 lb 40 of Tea 3 Bars of Soap 15 thats on Credit 80 cents I owe him Seen 2 of the Bosells Fishing below Sturgeon Island a very fine Day The Cow Oxley and the Bull Bruno had a Wicked Fight to Day for a Quiet Cow She is awful savage she wont give in although the Bull put her Down Different times

17th in the Bush Turned stormy E Wind Blowing and snowing Blustery the Bull and Oxley another Fight to Day Kept here in all Day

18th W Wind Drifting some Fine Bruno & Oxley another fight but I kept them apart as she chases hime all over

19th cutting Willows and alders cold Frosty

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Mr James Cameron Island

20th of January 1883 Broke on a 3 Ton Marsh hay stack E Wind turned stormy to night snow Drift and Rained took home some Wood

21st St Agnefs West Wind Blew very hard

22nd high West Wind Frosty and Fine the Oxley is afraid of Bruno the Bull as she keeps out of his way

23rd Windy Frosty cold Feeding the cattle little extra

24th Charlie Tuppers Birth Day he is about 83 years old Fine very cold and Frosty and Wind

25th Robie Burns Birth Day W Wind Frosty and Fine I crofsed seen the Gotchie and Bosho at John Hamiltons buying apples John Hamilton went to Lancaster to get his mare shod I to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward oil 35 paper of Pins 8 Box of Tax 10 pipe Bought of John Summers Worm Candy 12 1/2 pipe 1 cent got 2 papers at Hamiltons got some apples

26th Fine Day Frosty I went to Luke Bowen's Randolph and I Young Luke Fine going pretty Frosty coming Back E Wind Mr James McDougall here to see my ashes and is coming tomorrow for them

27th E Wind Blowing Snowing Rain in Sleet turned Fine Mr McDougall and the 2 Boys came took the Ashes at 8 cents had 51 Bushels called it 50 paid me 2..60 there is 1..40 yet took home some Wood my Fingers and Toes Froze this Frosty Weather

28th Fine Day

29th Randolph went to Paro Bone's took the sticks for the shafts and the inch augur and the 2 Cats a Fine Day E Wind

30th Went to Summerstown Gave Mr Ward Tallow 35 lbs at 7 cents 2..45 Hide 56 at 6 cents 3..36 and 1 Dollar Cash 1..81 Bought 50 lbs of Flour 1..62 on Credit Bought RRR 25 paid this Bought of J Summers 2 pipes 2 cents Gordon at Hamiltons a very Fine Day Froze some to night

31st change in the Moon high W Wind Raining Snowing Drifting Blowing put 2 Handles in the Knives Blowing hard to night

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Mr James Cameron Island

1st of February 1883 Cold Fine W Wind cutting Willows and Alders in the oakfield Donald John McDougall here came with the rest of the pay of the Ashes 1..40 he tells me they have to water their cows at the River as the creek is Dry and no water in their well their cows and mr Frasers bad with the Scours it seems as its a Kind of Desease

2nd Candlemafs Day If the Bear comes out to Day he will see his Shadow as the sun shines some says about the Raccoon to that he comes out too Drawing alders and Willows Cold but Fine W W

3rd E Wind high Stormy snowed Drifting

4th Inquasion Sunday Drifting Blowing snowing E Wind hailing

5th Windy clearing in the Oakfield

6th chopping alders and Willows in the Oakfield Windy

7th Ash Wednesday Stormy snowing W Wind Turned Warm and Fine Drew some Wood turned Windy Drifting Randolph to Paro Bone's for the sleigh Brought them a Tennet of Milk they sent some Buckwheat Flour with him

8th Gordon's Birth Day 1863 Fine Turned Windy Drifting Snowing Making a Pair of Shafts This new Moon is more on its Back than any Moon I have seen for years cutting the West Mow Down to the Beam seen the Fox crofsing this Morning to Christees Island

9th cut a Load of Wood

10th a Fine Day Went to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward Salt 40 or 30 cents Sweetys 2 cents paid Broom 25 needles 1 cent Bought of Mr Purcell 50 lbs Flour 25 lbs of BuckWheat 1/2 lb of Tea 1 1/2 yds of cloth $3..60 paid this got an Almanac and paper From Mr Angus McDonald at Mr Purcells Got some Papers from AJ Baker got an Almanack from John Hamilton Mr Ward poorly heard of Charlie Parisha's Lofs of his horse cow and Mill Seen Long John Heard John James came home E Wind Freezing hard to night

11th Sunday E Wind cold Drifting snowed some to night

12th chopping stove Wood Fine Day

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Mr James Cameron Island

13th of February 1883 cutting Stove Wood Windy

14th St Valentine's Day a Fine Day Went to Hamiltons for Grain got 2 Bushels of Barley would take no pay Gave me 1 1/2 Doz of Herrings wind changed to the East turning Cold and commenced to blow hard Gordon at Kenneth's helping them to Thrash Heard Mr Streeter is on his Last EEl Fishers on the ice

15th E Wind Blowing hard snowed Drifted hailed cutting stove Wood

16th E Wind Fine commenced to Rain Kind of Warm cut some Wood Drew some snow soft

17th cutting Stove Wood

18th James Hugh's B Day 1855 Fine Day

19th Cutting Wood Cold

20th Randolph went to Fort Covington with 15 Rats 13 cents a peice 1..94 nomination Day Bought of Jo Lemay 2 lbs of Tea at 40 cents 80 cents Soda 8 cents on credit Bought of Mr Burdo RRR 25 Almanack 5 Bought of Smallman 1/2 lb Tea 13 cents Bar of Soap 6 Lunch 3 cents 5 cents Missing got a Ride part of the Way From D Baker the rest of the Way to the Front From AJ Baker stopt at Hamiltons all night the Thrashing mill came to Hamiltons I went to help them to Thrash Windy Drifting

22nd Washington's B Day a Fine Day at the Thrashing George Fergusons sone went to Be Married over to Fort Covington to one McIntyre girl Tom Jack went with Them Gordon took a Bottle of Down's Elixir from Wards for me on credit 25 cents not well

23rd a Fine Day Done Thrashing came home Gordon went to Thrash again with Parisha

24th St Matthias Day Cold Fine Drifting E Wind Foggy Randolph went to Wards Got Flour at Hamiltons Livinia not well cutting a Quarter of Beef cutting a Cake of Sugar 2 years old sugar

25 Randolph went to Mr McDougalls Thawing Windy Mr Carpenter took my Road for the Road to Lancaster turned Back

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Mr James Cameron Island

26th of Feby 1883 Randolph Came from Mr McDougalls him and Aleck went to see the cars and the RailRoad the First Time he ever seen them ice slippery

27th Election Day for Rayside and McLennan Rayside got in cold and Blowing

28th Mr Streeter Buried to Day in Fort Covington 2 Men here Mr Cunningham and Mr Howlesworth Randolph to Mr McDougalls for Oil

1st of March St Davids Day the Festival of the Welsh I went to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 1 pair of Boots 3..15 10 lbs of Oatmeal 36 Pail 20 Bought of J Summers 1 Box of Radway Pills 23 1 Box of Worm Losenges 25 paid this Races in Dundee

2nd Randolph to Hamiltons for Cornell Farlinger there a Fine Day

3rd Crofsed to Mr Wards with a Tennet of Butter 36 lb pail and all 25 cetns Bought of Mr Ward 50 lbs of Flour 1..62 1/2 Boots for John 95 on credit Bought of J Summers 2 yds of Linsey 30 cents paid this spool of Thread got a Ride Down to Hamiltons with John McLauglin

4th Came from Hamiltons Fine Frosty

5th Randolph went to the Gore fort Hugh Ann to come home Fine Frosty Randolph came Back to Mr McDougalls stopt all night there cutting wood and hay in the Mow

6th Hugh Ann and Randolph came home Windy cold some and Fine E Wind Bad with my shoulder its paining me hard put Eclectric oil Duck oil and RR Relief on it mixed them all together Drifting to night

7th cutting hay cold

8th Cold Windy Freezing

9 Mr McDougall here Got a Print of Butter 8 or 9 lbs Got 1..50 this is the time we expect the Big Wind got my Boot crows

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Mr James Cameron Island

March 10th 1883 Went to Summerstown East Wind Fine Snowing Blowing kind of soft Rain Wind changed through night to West

11th Snowing Drifting West Wind Crows came this must be the crow Winter

12th On this Day of the month D McMaster First came to the Island West Wind cold Drifting some snow Barked 2 chairs to day Hugh Ann Making a Drefs for Livinia

13th cutting Basswood on the Bank Thawing Fine warm

14th J McDougall here 75 cent on the Balance of the Butter cut some on the Bank at the Pitt Point

14th Stanley's Birth Day 1880

15th Cold Frosty went to the Bush Dug up some Troughs made 2 Troughfs at the Door

16th Cold Fine Went to Summerstown Bought of J Summers soda 5 Worm Candy 12 1/2 paid this Bought at Hamiltons 50 wt of Flour 1..50 John Summers got a Lot of Books and Tea to Selll a Prize of a nice Book by Buying 6 Packages of Tea 1/2 lb in each Packet 25 cents for Package Got an Almanack Mr Patterson a Bee at Isacc Viponds cutting Firewood J Hamilton not very well Heard Jo Duckett went to Hopkins Point and the Fitspatricks came to Dr Dickinsons Island heard Mr Wells took his wife away from Billy Bone take the Hay of the stable Loft Stanley very sick Wigglers coming in the Waterholes snow Deep in the Bush Tom Jack and Mrs Hamilton Went to Fort Covington to Day

17th St Patricks Day Fine West Wind Turned Stormy The Festival of the Irish Races in Dundee Randolph to Summerstown 1/2 pint of High wines 15 cents high Wind to night Stanley not well

18th Palm Sunday Raining snowing to night windy Stanley ver sick water on the ice some Princefs Louise Birth Day 1848 W Wind

19th E Wind Blowing hard snowing Drifting

20th Spring cold in the Morning in the Evening when spring came in very Fine Vernal Equinox

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Mr James Cameron Island

21st of March 1883 a very Fine Day cutting and Drawing Wood Breakin our Roads snow deep a Good Lot of snow on the ice Froze hard to night fixing a Board in the Floor went around the PitT Point Stanley getting better 5 days without eating anything wigglers in the river

22nd Livinia Birth Day Fernandez and Leander not well Cold some Fine Day 1 Hen dead taking snow away from the yard at the Doors where they Drifted Livinia not well

23rd Good Friday went to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward RRR 25 Cold Crifting E Wind got Flour cornmeal and a Bag of Potatoes from J Hamilton

24th at Wood

25th Easter Sunday Lady Day Fine Gordon here gave him two shirts his mother made

26th John Hamiltons Birthday 1876 I and Randolph went to Jo Duckett's got a Big Cooler a Treat 15 cents H Wines 15 cents a Fine Day John Hamilton cutting ice for the Ice House

27th went to Summerstown Bought of J Summers 3 lb of tea 1..50 and a Book with it 4 spools of thread 20 cents paid the Thread Bought of Mr Ward castor oil 15 cents Hinges 12 1/2 on credit Screws a Doz 4 cents paid soap 20 Nails 5 S Jack came home

28th Drawing Wood snow deep in the bush

29th a Fine day Hugh Ann & Randolph went to Dundee and Fort Covington Randolph g his boots fixed 70 cents a Dance at Jo Duckett to night Bought of Smallman 24 yds of Calico 2..5 yds of Cotton 40 5 cents for crackers Drove them up to Hopkins point and went and met them at night

30th Went to Hamilton's a Fine day commenced to Make Troughfs Killing Hogs at Hamilton's seen Robins for the First

31st Randolph crofsed to the store a Bee at Jo Duckett's Drawing wood working at Troughfs a very Fine Day

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Mr James Cameron Island

1st of April 1883 All Fools Day so called Low Sunday Fine

2nd Fine cleaning out the cellar went up to the camp snow Deep

3rd went to Summertown Fine Bought of Mr Ward 1 lb of soda 10 paid this Bought of John Summers thread 5 paid this got a sample of 70 Cent Tea

4th Gordon here Mr J McDougall came to Tap and Draw Wood took over 51 Troughfs of Ash he made himself Tapt 120 to Day soaking the barrels seen 5 Wild Geese very high up Ducks Blackbirds and Robins

5th Bill Morris here going to Lancaster for oats raining foggy topping

6th J Hamilton and Gordon here Fine

7th Snowing Stormy E Wind

8th Sunday Fine

9th Randolph and I to Hamilton's got 100 wt of Flour 2 Bushels of Oats 2 Bunches of Matches John in Cornwall seeing about getting the deed for the Manse Duncan McDonald the Blacksmith's daughter Buried today cutter crofsed Summers road ice getting Bad close to shore in the Bush

10th in the bush Fine

11th George Bosell's boy with them in the bush

12th Oxley calved took over the horse took the boat with them Miss kitten the school teacher along with them in the bush she built a Karen of stones on the hill at the Sugar Bush sugared of twice A Feast for us all sugaring about 60 lb the last crop Crofsing with the horse

13th made 36 lb to Day Wild Geese Plenty ice opening at the shores

14th J McDougall and Willie came acrofs had the hand sleigh Ice open at Francis Island Ice opening in spots open before the door sugar 30 lb today stop to night

15th Sunday ice going down Mr McDougall Willie and Donald John crofsed Drew the Boat to the head of the Island found a Pail on the ice going up very Fine

16th ice Jamming Lots going down put out our Boat took the Stick of Timber ashore Sugared 36 lb today shoved a Large Cake of ice from the shore Foggy Rained some

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Mr James Cameron Island

17th of April 1883 Boiling in the Bush Heaping up Manure put the sheep in the East end the Barn very warm taking the Banking from the Cookhouse put out the old irons Weaned the calf The Cattle hard to keep from Going to the Sugar Bush a very warm Fine Day Great Jamming of ice a Good Deal of shooting setting Fires to the Marshes on the South Side Ducks Plenty

18th Hugh Ann and Sissy Went acrofs to Mr McDougall's Windy

19th Snow storm E Wind James Cameron The Rev Buried to Day

20th Drawing logs up From the River Boiling in the Bush

21st in the Bush Fixing around the Wood

22nd went to the Upper Point Gordon Tommy Rose Christy Ann Rose and Maggie and Lily Baker Walters Girls

23rd setting Fires in the Marsh St George's Day The Festival of the English Windy

24th Livinia and Hugh Ann came home from Mr McDougall's Shot a Duck

25th St Mark's Day Windy cold cutting Brush Minkey Calved Ploughed a Little

26th Indians Fishing EEls taking the Banking away from East End of the house

27th Mr McDougall took home their sugar cold and syrup Windy Randolph Boiled a Barrel of sap Took up the Pans and Buckets one of the Craig's Departed Amos Craig's Daughter or Buried to Day

28th went to Summerstown Bought of Mr Summers RRR 25 cents 100 wt flour J Hamilton's Bought of Mr Ward Matches 15 caps 22 hat sold 3 Doz of eggs 45 by hard soap caps hat spools Matches needles plus 32 cents

29th Randolph Hugh Anne and Livinia went to Sturgeon Island and the Kit Kit Island Fine Lots of ice going down Rogation Sunday + 32 cents I owe

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Mr James Cameron Island

30th of April 1883 Fine Fishing at night did not see any Fish Killed Minkeys calf gave the carcafs to Feine ploughing

1st of May Taking the Banking from the East End of the house Froze very hard putting straw on the places I cut the Brush at the Plumb Trees took home the Pots and Barrels from the Bush a Fine Day piling Manure

2nd a Fine Day commenced to Rain at night set the Barrel for the Making of soap setting Fires Making the Fence in the Lane

3rd Ascension Day Holy Thursday East Wind Raining set a Hen to Hatch Lots of very Big cakes of ice going Down a Big cake stopt anchored opposite the Lower Point in the steamboat Channel got a nest with 11 eggs in it a Duck nest working at the Brush in the upper Field

4th Massena into Salmon River at the soap putting out Manure Randolph not well

5th 2 tugs went Down with tows Thunder Raining all Bad with colds

6th Fine a Raft Towed down Bohemian's First Trip up

7th Ploughing taking away the Banking from the North side of the house lots of ice going Down rain Fine Drew some Stones took 2 Bun loads of floating Wood from along the shore Bohemian went Down

8th went around the Island Fixing Brush Fence a cold commencing on me hurted my wrist carrying a stone taking away the Rails that was around the stacks fixed 3 Lines for Leander Fernandez and John H Windy made a cheese yesterday all sick with cold a Boat went up to night it must be one of the Through Line Boats Water high to Day some water came in the cellar

9th Fine Planted 110 Hills of Leander's apple Potatoes Harrowing ice going Down Leander caught a Perch at the soap

10th Planted Potatoes from the chimney up to the Grafs Fine High East Wind Rain Thunder and Lightning this Evening Fixing the stick at the shore not very cold and Wet which will not help my cold

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Mr James Cameron Island

1883 11th of May 1883 Working at Fence on the Pitt Point high Wind Fine ice going Down did not sleep all night with a Bad cold Lots of Boats going to night

12th Fine But cold Windy Boys at Fence taking the old irons out of the Bun so I could move it to another place not well Livinia Junior Bad Bad with cold

13th Fine

14th Went to Summerstown Brought 2 Doz of Eggs 1/2 lb of tea paid this Bought of Mr Ward 25 lb Sack of Corn meal on credit Got a Package of newsPapers from Dan from Ottawa Walter Baker Blasting at Hamilton's a very Fine Day Ploughed the Garden

15th Planting and at the Garden Digging the Garden some of it Raised the flat stone and put some Crockery under it it's Level now A Fine Day

16th Harrowing Planting Onions Planted some Potatoes Fine

17th Fine set a hen to Hatch Planted a few Potatoes the Horse his shoulder is Bad as the collar hurts him

18th Went to Summerstown Blasting and Hamilton's Brought a cake of Tallow did not sell it a very Warm Fine Day Planted Potatoes

19th Went to Fort Covington and Dundee Fisherman came went to Dundee to see about their License for seining Bought of Jo Lemay 100 wt of flour and 25 of Corn meal 50 wt on credit meal on credit 2..37 1/2 and 45 cents Tea 25 soda 8 paid this Gave Jo 10 Doz of Eggs at 14 cents 1..40 sold Smallman Tallow 7 3/4 lb at 7 cents 44 cents Bought 6 yds of Cotton crackers 10 cents Bought of Mr Long 1 ½ yds of overalls 37 1/2 cents got my Boot fixed by McCartney 5 Randall paid for his Boots 40 cents Randolph Bought cloth 45 cents Seen Hamilton's Barn on Fire as we were coming from Salmon River Sent Randolph over to see Fisherman set their Line got Papers from Mr Baker

20th Angus Cameron wife and Boy here Gordon here Lashey Fishing at Butternut Island

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Mr James Cameron Island

21st of May 1883 High East Wind and Rain Narcifse to Montreal with first Fish and to get his License

22nd Raining E Wind high Narcifse came from Montreal

23rd Raining E Wind got up Present of a Prize Narcifse got on the cars Writing Paper Pen and holder Envelopes 2 Buttons a Map & songs

24th Queen's Birth Day and Corpus Christee Phillip to Montreal with Fish Chiticoume or Fairy went Down into Lancaster Cannons Firing got a Sturgeon from Narcifse Fine Rained some

25th Went to Christee seen Keezar and Cline looking for his son that was Drowned

26th Ploughed the Bean Place piling the Logs at the side of the Fence Drew some of the Logs out of the Grove

27th Fine Windy Randolph Hugh Ann Livinia went to Christees and Alexis Island the Raft went Down Fisherman stringing their Fish to send on the Boat in the Morning

28th Fixing the Fence the Back Peice of the Barn Training the small apple trees through the Field put Hop Poles to the Hops White-Winged Woodpecker building in the Grove and Fan tailed Blackbirds Robins Oriole or Hanging Bird or the Golden Robin Yellow hammer swallows Kingbird and they have Battles Fine Rained some

29th Raining change in the Moon Dull cloudy South W Wind Royal Oak Day or Oak Apple Day some Potatoes up

30th Went to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 1/2 Bushel of salt 25 cents Did not Little to Day stopt at Hamilton's Planting Potatoes got a Bag of Long Johns from John Spinks's Boy there got paper & Pictures from Dan George Bosell and Antwine at Summers's chimney

31st High E Wind cold Rain

1st of June Glorious 1st of June Rowena's Birth Day 1878 cold Blowing

2 Planted 50 Hills & 24 Hills in the Back Garden Lilly Calved Mr Richardsons son Drowned steamer Maxwell pleasure party into Dundee fishing perch for the First caught 8

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Mr James Cameron Island

3rd of June 1883 Fine Some wind Put the calf in the Pasture Mr Genie hee and Boy Mr James McDougall and the Boys and Mifs Kippin here up from Rofs's Island

4th of June Old George the 4ths Birth Day Sheared the sheep high Wind Rained Fine water in the cellar yet Keeping in the White Bull at night

5th cutting Weeds in the Potatoes cleaning the East End of the Barn where the sheep was in Let the sheep go this Morning took the calve from Lilly Last night and he Drinks well raising stones in the Back Garden ploughing it and took some Manure out of it for the Last the Boys Got a Turtle the Alexandra went Down I suppose Burdo the Fisherman came from Ogdensburgh not yet Got a Sturgeon from Narcifse

6th Went to Dundee Hugh Ann Randolph and I Brought 8 1/2 Doz of Eggs 1..19 Brought a small sturgeon to David Baker Bought of Lemay 50 W of Flour paid this got 50 Wt on Credit 1..50 sold Eggs to Smallman Bought 1/2 lb Tea 20 8 yds of Calico 64 2 yds for Stanley 30 2 yds & 4 yds of Calico Hat 10 Comb 5 Bought of Mr Burdow 4 Dishes on Credit 50 Kelly here Looking at the Fisherman's nets or Seine

7th Fixing Fence and planting corn

8th Windy

9th Our Marys Birth Day 1813 Jinny Calved Genie came Weeding Potatoes Trowling commencd Lashy came E Wind

10th Rose Sunday Genie here E Wind Raining Fine

11th very high West Wind Genie here Rained St Barnabas

12th Genie Went off Rain W Wind Fine Weeding Potatoes and Garden Lashey on the squaw Island with that Big Wind the other Day

13th Henery Bosell at the Fishermen's the Steamer Maxwell went Down to Day to go on the Dry Dock at the Garden and Potates Lashey came to Fish

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Mr James Cameron Island

14th of June 1883 at the Potatoes

15th went to Trowl to Charlie Island Killed a Lot of Black snakes and one good sized one Fine

16th Fine one of the calves got out and he is hard to catch set a Line got 2 EEls hoeing

17th went to get some Perch got 31 Fine

18th The Ever Memorable Battle of Waterloo Rain Fine Wind Thunder and Lightning to night at Potatoes and Weeds put the Plough through some of them

19th First EEls eats this spring Randolph got 4 Tethereing the Horse Fixing the Cookhouse got a paper of Hooks from Narcisse

20th putting out Manure and piling some in the yard Rain W Wind Fine young Ducks out

21st First Day of Summer Fine West Wind Villeneuve here at Fishermens cleaning the House First Tub of Butter Full at Hoeing

22nd Our Dan's Birth Day Wet to Dundee with a Tub of Butter 31 lbs Bought of J Lemay 40 lbs of Rags 9 1/2 of Eggs 100 Wt of Flour Paid this Flour on Credit 23 Money calved of Camphor Soap 4 Bars 24 1 lb of Tea 25 1/2 lb of Tea 20 Paid What I owed before this 5 Dollars & 1/2 cent clear up to this Date Paid Burdow 50 cents on Dishes 10 cents I owe him for Matches Bought 2 1/2 of Pink 2 spools of Thread 5 yds of Shirting Wistard Binding Paid all this But Matches hooks I Bought of Mr Long 25 cents of Fine salt 3 yds of Overalls 60 Randolph got his Mothers Boots Tapt 50 And a Bought a pair for himself 1..35 cents on credit Fine Day stopt at Lukes Seen Billy Bone's Wife for the First time or Wells's wife Passed the Grenada at Lukes Prescott Tyos shearing their sheep

23 at the potatoes Weeding

24 a Fine Day St John the Babtiste Day John Hamilton here got the 1 1/4 Augur

25th a Fine Day Mr Burdo here Hoeing

26th Set the Line Rained some

27th Hoeind and Weeding the Prince Arthur commencing to Run here

28th Fine East Wind Rain hot sun

29th Went to Summerstown Settled with Ward 6..14 {illegible} Bought Butter Tub 28 cents paid Bought of J Summers RRR paid stopt at Hamiltons for their Bee H very hot Ram

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Mr James Cameron Island

30th of June 1883 at Hamiltons a Bee 12 Teams Darwing Lumber for their Barn Heard Dans wife was very low Fine Day Hugh Ann Went to Williamstown Randolph put her acrofs Mr Purcell sent 3 Waggon Loads of Boards and 4 Casks of Nails to Hamiltons for their Buildings the Manitoba stopt at the Wharf with Pic Nic But could not get ashore as the wharf is not Fixed

1st of July Dominion Day Sunday came home From Hamiltons Gordon took me Down Fine Windy Rained Heavy Sunday night Thunder and Lightning

2nd at Potatoes Put out 36 Plants of Tobacco Rained Thunder Lightning Hoeing the corn Killing Potato Bugs

3rd Windy at Potatoes Rained Thunder Lightning to night

4th American Independence Raining Fine Manitoba went in to Dundee for the Pic Nic Party Brindle calved Heifer Took him home in the Boat from the Bay

5th Our John's Birth Day 1803 Hoeing Digging for a Peice of Tobacco Fishing

6th a Fine Day Minnie and Hugh Ann came From Williamstown got Hamiltons Boat Randolph and the Boys Fishing

7th Fine commenced to Rain heavy Lightning Thunder young Folks here caught in the storm Mifs Congdon Mifs Gillis Mr Stewart Mr Mathews Gave them a Going Over about The Boat with supplies came up B Bark Put out Tobacco Plant Mowed around the Grounds to{cut off} hill water Raised very Quick and high E Wind

8th Sunday A Fine Day Minning Hugh Ann and Randolph went home with Hamiltons Boat Fishing some Wm Frasher and Wife and Boy Bought a sturgeon from the Fishermen and paid a Dollar for it Minnie Hugh Ann & Randolph on Francis Island Lashey here

9th Fixing around the Barn

10th Mowing a Little

11th Fine

12th went to Dundee Orangemans Day Bought Flour Tea Tobacco scythed snaith Rakes Knife Tin Pans 2 Tin plates got a Dipper a present from Tom Culverhill signed for a paper for 3 Months Taylor Party {illegible} of the Governeur Paper some Rain Thunder

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Mr James Cameron Island

July the 12 1883 Orangeman's Day a Fine Day 2 Butter tubs shirting seen John Cameron Carpenter from Chicago paid Mr Burdo for Matches had 2 Tubs of Butter

13th Mowing

14th Minnie and Hugh Ann went to Williamstown

14th Sunday John Angus and Gordon and McDonald Boy here St Swithen's Day it Rained to Day

16th Mowed some

17th crofsed to Hamiltons Randolph to the store

18th at Hamiltons the Bee Raising the Barn about 82 People

18th Fernandez Birth Day 1874 Narcifse mowing Fine Warm

20th putting in hay Fine cutting hay

21st Went to Hamiltons putting on the Rafters Fine calm very warm

22nd Fine Windy Berries Cherries May Berries Ripe

23rd Mowing

24th Working at Hay putting in

25th at hay

26th at hay

27th put in 60 cocks Fine Warm

28 Mowing Rain heavy Thunder and Lightning to night

29th Thomas Rose Johny Rose Lilly Baker 2 young girls after Berries Fine Windy Rained Thunder

30th Mowing at the Back Garden and Behind the Barn Rained Windy Thunder Lightning Found hen in the Bush had only 2 chickens

31st {illegible}ing Randolph crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward 1 spoll of Threat 3 of Hops scythstone matches got 2 Dollars from Gordon to get his Watch from Jo Lemay Mowing turning hay gathering hay

1st of August or Lammas Day Mowing putting in from the Lower Point the Fishermen's Boys went off Fine Day rained to night

2nd Minnie's Birth Day 1864 Fine Day Rained some Thunder Lightning went to Dundee took 2 Tennets of Butter Doz of Eggs 1 calf skin Paid Burdo what I owed hime 1..72 1/2 {cut off}ight Salft 53 lbs 45 Matches 12 1/2 Stone 10 from Long Cotton 52 yards 5 yds of cloth 40 Flour 3 Dollars 1/2 lb Hops 15 3 Butter Tubs 45 Calico 25 Randolph paid for his Boots 1..35 pair of Boots on credit 1..10 Treat 15 Tea 40 got papers from Mr Smith and Mr Baker From Mr McCartney

{first page}

Mr James Cameron Island

3rd of August 1883 Mowing Back of the Barn Rained Thunder Lightning Windy the Steamer Alexandra aground at the Lighthouse above it the Steamer took her off

4th Mowing Rained Thunder Lightning Windy St Francis went up Phillip came the Cows got in the Feild through the night and made a smash of things Berries yet cherries-choke getting Ripe

4th 5th 6th Randolph Birth Day 1867

Forgot to Write those Dates Left Out

15th Mr Genie here came for the calf Gave me 2 Dollars Brought HuckleBerries Cucumbers at Hay Fine

16th Randolph to Summerstown Bought 1/2 lb Tea 25 cents comb 12 putty 12 Hooks no paper Thread 5

17th Mowing

18th Went to Fort Covington & Dundee

2 Tennets of Butter to Jo Lemay got all but 5 Dollars Bought 20 yds of Calico 1..80 2 Towels 20 Boots 2..20 Flour 3..15 3 Tennets 45 2 lb Tea 1 Dollar 3/4 of Tobacco 32 1/2 Scythe 1 Dollar Umbrella 50 Salt 20 lb 20 Blue 7 Cloves 10 Powder 1/2 lb & 2 lb of shot Salt 60 * I owe Mr Burdo* Licquor 20 Crackers cheese and Ginger Bread 20 got Tobacco From Mr Baker got Papers 2 1/4 yds of Tweed 56 cents Bottle of Peppermint 10 2 Spoons 10 stopt at Lukes had supper Fine Day

19th Bismarcks Birth Day 1870 Fine Day

20th Mowing Fine Randolph and Leander went to Tuppers Island yesterday to see old Gabriel Derushie

21 Mowing

22 Commenced to put the hay on the Barn Floor Fine To night it Rained Thunder Lightning Wind

23rd Mowing Began a stack

24th Mowing

25 put some in the Barn

26th Fine Windy Long Black Berries Ripe Went to upper Point Randolph and Leander Went to Plum Island

27th Mowing

28th Made a stack

29th Went to Fish

30th Mr J McDougall and Willie here Done Mowing Lower Point

{second page}

Mr James Cameron Island

31st of Augt 1883 Began the Third Stack a Fine Day

1st of September a very very warm Day Mowing in the Upper Field

2nd Fine Rained some windy at night Randolph Leander to Charlies and Rofs's Island the old man Rev{illegible} went off this morning

3rd D McMaster's Birth Day 1846 Fine Windy some cold Mowing in the upper Field got 2 small sturgeon from Narcisse sent them Potatoes Lashey came to Fishing Let Narcisse have my short Gun Gave him Powder shot caps horn and Pouch corn good

4th Mowing

5th John Angus Birth Day 1856

6th Mowing and gathering

7th at Hay

8th at Hay Raining

9th Fine

10th Norman Oxly here Began the Stack in the upper field put 3 Tons in it to Day

11th Finished the stack put 5 Tons in it good measure

12th taking up Few hills of Potatoes

13th Randolph crofsed to Summerstown Bought 2 lb of nails 8 cents 4 spools 20 Bought for Fishermen Bread Tobacco

14th Went to the Butternut Island got nuts

15th Went to Dundee Bought of Mr Burdo 10 yds of Ticking 2 Dollars 2 yds 35 5 yds of Tweed 1..25 Gallon of oil 15 castor oil 15 Braces 25 2 spoons 10 Boots for Leander Dollars on credit Bought of Mr Long Lamp 50 cents Shot 10..6 spons 18 Bought of Smallman Flour 1..20 Broom 25 Bought of Jo Lemay Tea 1 lb 40 Tea lb 12 1/2 Soda 2 papers 16 2 Bars 10 4 Bars of soap 24 pipe {cut off}0 Tobacco 10 Mustard 10 Jo paid me 4 Dollars and owes me 1 yet HH Wines 35 paid Burdo 60 cents Paid McCartney 1..65 Randolphs Boots mended 15 Butter tub {cut off}2 cents 4 plug Tobacco 8 had 2 small Tennets of Butter and 12 Dozen of Eggs heard Sam McHavaine Poisened himself 2 Days ago I Dont know when D McMasters Wife Departed Taken to Lancaster to Day I heard Must of Died on the 14th Sund

16th Gordon and Tom Rose ere Saved Razor to Gordon package of Tobacco

{first page}

Mr James Cameron Island

17th Sept 1883 Thunder Lightning and Rain Last night Taking up Potatoes Mowing in Back Marsh Taking in Beans cut some cornstalks the Girls and Leander went to Francis Island

18th Bismarck came Mowing Marsh Fine

19th Made a stack of 2 1/2 or 3 Tons Most Fine and Marsh hay Fine Weather

20th Fine very warm crofsed to Summerstown Paid John Summers 5 Dollars Bought a chisel 30 cents Bought of Mr Ward Writing copy paper 10 Tax 10 Bought for Phillip oil and Bread

21st Mowing in Back Marsh High East Wind Dan Frasher and David Frasher and D McMaster here Took Dinner Dan Brought me 5 TRaps paper envelopes sweetmeats Tea Crackers Bisquits went up the Front to Mr Purcells gave his Aunt 2 Dollars

22nd at Taking up Potatoes Leaving them in heaps in the Field till we have them all up a fine Day East and West Wind

23rd this is the First Day of Autumn or Fall and a very Fine Day it is Hugh Ann and Livinia Went to Mr Luke Bowens with Milk The 3 Boys Leander Fernandez and Randolph Went to Francis Island Hog Island Black Horse Island and Plum Island The sun crofsing the Line Equinoxial Gales about this time

24th Went to J Hamiltons got 50 cents from John very warm Thunder Rained some taking up Potatoes Rain and high Wind tonight

25th Rain Wind Making a pair of oars Let the cows in to the Lower Point the First night the sheep stopt away all summer

26th at Potatoes Phillip got the oars

27th at Potatoes

28th at Potatoes

29th St Michael Finished taken in the Potatoes all in got a stove gave Lashey a pail of Potatoes Randolph and Leander to Charlies Island McDougalls and Frashers Boys here

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Mr James Cameron Island

1st of October 1883 Mowing in the Front Marsh Windy Livinia not well Narcifse Phillip and Randolph went for Mrs Bowen the Baby Tonia Born

2nd Randolph and Livinia went home with Mrs Bowen Gave here a Dollar {illegible} Raining

3rd Mowing some Grains of snow

4th some ice Randolph crofsed with Phillip to Summerstown Bought Salt 5 cents High Wines 35 got a paper Cent Phillip 50 cents Mowing Front Marsh put out Manure Fine Windy

5th Making Cocks Fine Windy

6th Began Marsh Hay stack 3 Tons in it A Fine Day

7th Gordon here Randolph crofsed with him to help them at their straw see First Wild Geese

8 Drawing Wood put a few more cocks on the Marsh hay stack

9th Making Fence around the 2 stacks in the upper Field Fine Day

10th Hugh Ann McMaster's Birth Day at Fence cutting Rails Thunder and Lightning to night Rained to night Bohemian Late coming up to Day

11th putting out manure Fine E Wind a Great many Boats went up and Down to Day Leander went to Sleep with Narcifse to night shot a Duck Killed one of the Roosters got 2 small scargoes from Phillip John S here got sweetmilk and a Tennet of Buttermilk for Mrs Bown Plucked the Ducks

12th putting Manure around the small apple tres Narcifse put a Handle in one of my Hammers Drew some Wood this is the Time every 3 Months of the Governeure Free Prefs is up

13th Rained Thunder to night and Heavy Rain Drew some Drags

14th Rain Fine Windy Mr Genie here Brought a Bottle of Honey to Livinia from Mrs Norman took Medicine to Day

15 Cold Fine Windy some Grains of Snow Fell Drew some {illegible} Fixing the Fence at the stacks in the Upper Field

{first page}

Mr James Cameron Island

16th of October 1883 Drawing Wood Preping Grapes Fine

17th Drawing Wood cut the Big Elm at Cherry Grove shot a Duck Trapt Squirrels at the Butternut Tree at the River climbed the Tree for the Boys and put Down all the nuts for them

18th St Luke's Day High South West Wind turned Fine Randolph came from Hamiltons Had apples Flour was there since the 7th Mowed some in the March

19th Went to Dundee and Fort Covington Johnny Bone up with us from their Place Seen Mr Nelson the Lawyer or Judge of Fort Covington seen Mr Tuthill and Mr Mears Bought of J-A-C 30 lbs of Sugar3 Butter Tubs sold 30 lbs of Butter Bought of J Lemay 4 lb of Tea 1..42 5 lb of Pork 50 Tobacco 10 1/2 lb Pepper 15 Soap 5 Ginger 20 Lamp Chimney 10 starch 10 Sold Jo 29 lbs of Butter paid me a Dollar he owed me Bought of Mr Long a Pair of Boots 2 1/2 paid a Dollar on them nails 5 Pins 5 Forgot them on the Counter Bought of Mr Burdo 25 lb of Fine Salt 25 2 1/2 yds of Gingam 30 Mits 50 Boots Johns 1..50 Stanleys 1 Rowena's 90 Paid what I owed 2 Cap 75 Flour 6..85 oil 15 Comb 15 High Wines 1..40 seen Mr Walter Colohoun Sundries

20th Raining E Wind some cold put sugar in the Grape Wine got a coat and Jacket from Narcifse set Traps

21st E Wind Fine

22nd East Randolph crofsed with J Hamiltons Boat Angus Cameron and Alexander here Bought his Boat Gave him5 Dollars crofsed him over to Frashers Point

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Mr James Cameron Island

23rd of Octobe 1883 Fine Day Livinia Birth Day 1868 Banking Mr Genie came had a Bag of Potatoes

24th OUr Hugh's Birth Day a Fine Day Mr Genie here gave me his fat Pine Digging stones Mowed marsh hay Began the West End of the house to Bank

25th My Birth Day St Crispin's Day all Shoemakers Day Mr Genie went off Gave me some Buckshot powder shot Gave him a Small Sturgeon Banking E Wind

26th Banking Bottled the Wine part of it 9 Gallons to Day Ducks Getting plenty one of the Drakes taken away to night it must be the Owl Made a Few plugs of tobacco Shelled all the corn 3 Bushels cant Find my Trowl The Boys killing a Lot of Squirrels {illegible} of Warners Boat Hunting at Frashers anchored at the Point and then small steamer running all over and acrofs Towing the small Boats

27th 2 Hunters came up From Montreal with Narcifs Randolph and I made a Blind up in Cord Wood Bay did not Get any Ploughed a Peice in the Potatoe Ground Drew some Wood wind changed to Day its Being East since the 19th Warm to Day

28th Fine Phillip the Fisherman took the 2 Hunters to Lancaster

29th Thunder Narcifse made me an axe handle

30th Thunder Rain Windy

31st Holy Eve or All Hallow's Thunder cracking nuts cutting Brush in the oak Field 2 Fishermen went to Montreal this Trip Lashey here shot 2 Ducks

1st of November all Saints Day The Harvest month of Death hailed Windy cutting Brush and Wood Steamer Hastings went Down she Looks like a new one she is Going to Tow up the Steamships

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Mr James Cameron Island

2nd of November 1883 chopping Brush in the oak field {illegible} of hail north W Wind A Great Deal of shooting Randolph went to Summerstown Bought of John Summers High Wines 15 7 1/2 yds of Cotton 75 cents Matches at Wards 5 cents Corinthian went Down 3 Tows 3 propellers a Great Deal of shooting All Souls Day

3rd On this Day of the Month Granda Departed 1857 Drawing Wood Fine

4th Fine caught a very small owl

5th Guy Fawks Day or the Gun Powder Plot Began the Stable at the West End of the Barn

6th at the Stable high West Wind the Fishermen Down at Charlies Island all Day with the wind Steamship went up Hastings John A Tug

7th Allen's Birth Day in the Bush at the stable Mr Genie Came Went to Fish got a Sturgeon E Wind Steamship 4 Tugs Towing

8th at the stable Genie went off high E Wind

9th thunder Lightning Rain Prince of Wales Birth Day

19th Randolph crofsed to Renshaw and Summerstown Bought of Ward nails 5 cents Salt 10 cents

11th Fine Fishermen Narcifse and Phillip went off Got a Large Pickerel from them 2 Fishing Lights out to night the wind raised Blew hard Martinmafs

12th very high Wind cutting Poles for the cow stable The Grenada did not come out to Day from Dundee as the winds is awful high froze some last night

13th The Grenada came out wind high got calm commenced to snow and Blow putting Poles on the Stable Drew some poles some shooting cattle picking out Feeding the horse took up the Turnips and the Ground Froze hard

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Mr James Cameron Island

November 14th 1883 Blustery Weather Drifting snowing windy Fine

15th cold Windy snow Feeding the cattle

16th cold snowing Windy

17th Went up around the Island cold turned some Warm working at the West Stable

18th Fine snow melting

19th Fine Mr James McDougall and Donald John here crofsing to Frashers south side Working at the stable making the Door got Kind of unwell

20th in Bed no smoking or eating The Boys Plastering Fine Day rained to night Froze Last Night chinking E Wind

21st On This Day of the Month D McMaster Departed 1846 A Good many Boats a Going Bohemian went up Raining snow most all gone Cattle Feeding out

22nd high high Wind

23rd at the stable and sheds manure Drawing Rubbish thats Lying around Big shooting at Christees

24th Randolph went to Dundee with 28 lbs of Butter 5..60 and 8 Dozen of Eggs 1..76 Bought of Mr Burdo Boots 1..25 Bottle oil 25 12 yards of Winces 1..50 12 1/2 yds of Cotton for got Cash 3..36 Bought of F Frasher 100 Wt of Flour Pins 5 Bought of Smallman Oil 15 Heard Mike Bannon Died

25th Randolph and Leander went to Christees Island East Wind

26th Fixing the sheds and stables Feeding the cows Rained hard to night and snowed a Little

27th no Boats went to Day Windy Randolph and I set out the Decoys shot a Good many only got one Fine a Big Fire yesterday in the Marsh on the south side

28th Massena went into came out from Salmon River Windy Cold

29th seen Cherry Island Light did not see Mr Hills or the Floating Light smoaky

{first page}

Mr James Cameron Island

30th of November 1883 St Andrews Day The Festival of the Scotch Firing in honour of the Day nothing But Wine for a Scotch Drink cold snowing all the Lights up a Tug went Down a Barge in tow smoky Feeding the Cattle extra

1st of December snow E W Cold Light all up Took the Pine to the Wharf

2nd snow W Wind no Lights up to night

3rd Cold Windy Freezing Took the Sail of the Big Boat of the Mast Took in the Water Barrel and Giving the Bull an extra good Bit by himself cut 2 Elems in the swamp or oak-Field cattle Hearty good Fires a Mock-sun on the south side of the sun and a Long Tail to the sun this Evening

4th in the Bush A very Fine Day Drawing Wood

5th Crofsing to Summerstown Gave J Hamilton some Envelops took Dinner there Heard of Mr Dunlop Departed Last Week Broug 6 lbs of Butter to Mr Ward Bought Rope Salt shot Broom 4 spools of Thread Bought of John Summers Flour 3..50 Hinges & screws 25 Axe 95 Matches 25 paid 50 cents of what I owed him on the old account Got a Letter From Davidson got 2 papers from Dan

6th Fine Day Fixing the hinges on the stable Door

7th Fine Day Killed the Bull

8th Wrote a Letter to Dan and sent Mr Davidsons Letter to him put out the Decoys Randolph Crofsed with the Letter A Fine Day I thought I heard a clap of Thunder this morning

8th Fine Blowed Some

10th Leander's Birth Day 1872 Raining Snowing Soft Windy Hay Done on the Barn Floor chopped Down a Dead Maple chopped a hemlog Log at the River

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Mr James Cameron Island

11th of Decemer 1883 high West Wind Frank Laplante went Dwon with Captain Rankin AJ Baker Calm Turned to East Wind Freezing Snowing Blowing Broke on a 4 Ton stack put the soft Maple Boards in the Barn put in some hay out of the stack chopping seen one of the small small owls in the Bush

12th Cutting and Drawing some snow last night high E Wind to night

13th cutting Wod at the Door and Piling Whitewashing set fire to the Back Marsh Burns splendid to night a very fine night 2 Fishing Lights out to night no snow on the Ground rained to night or near morning

14th Rain Fine Drew the Pine stick up on the Wharf Drew some Wood no snow on the Ground cattle out in the Feilds but that dont save Feed Turned awful Frosty and Cold to night

15th E Wind very Frosty and cold

16th very Frosty Cold Windy E Wind

17th Pretty Cold Fixing one of the Big Heifers in the West Stable Tied the Bull in the Big Shed chopping some Hemlog Logs at the River in stove Wood

18th cutting Brush south W Wind snowed some wind high not cold Randolph Found his Knife in the Barn Lost it in the summer

19th Fine cutting Brush

20th cutting Logs at the River took the Boat to the Lower End

20th John Sandfields Birth Day 1812 set Fires to the Front Marsh upper End of it Turned over the Boat the Lady Woolsey Windy

21st Frist Day of Winter Fine calm Went to John Hamiltons Randolph to the store Bought of John Summers 1 lb of Tea credit 1 Bottle of RRR 25 paid this Mr Charles Craigs Wife very Poorly Wind Raised Snowed some Turned Cold Freezing hard to night Blowing hard

{first page}

Mr James Cameron Island

Dec 22 1883 Shortest day in the year West Wind Frosty Cold ice Jamming tonight Freezing Seen the White Backed Eagle Looking for Ducks ice Took across here

23 ice acrofs some air - holes a good many the One in Front of the House as usual but not so Large as it used to be Randolph to the Head of the Island seen the Fox Tracks that came acrofs

24th cold snowing and Drifting E Wind Broke another Stack the other stack Done

25th Christmas Day a Fine Day EW and calm kind of Warm got 2 Moles on the ice

26th St Stephens Day crofsed the Ice to Hamiltons our Road is very crooked as there is a Great many air-holes ice very thin put out a few Bushes but its a Going to thaw and it will break up in some places came home Quick Drew some Wood as I think we will have a Thaw seen a Mink track

27th St John the Evangelist Drawing and chopping Wood warm E Wind

28th Holy Innocents Day Rained Last night hard Began to snow through the night Windy Frosty cold The White Backed Eagle up in the Bay after a Saw-Beak he got him and Flew Down opposite the Door in the Rushes and Dropped him Livinia Run after it and got the Duck some of the air-holes shut up to Day with this Snow Drifting and hard Frost set a Trap or 2 for the Mink 2 Mock suns one on Each side of the Sun

29th Fine Frosty W Wind Just a Few Bushes up in the Bay where we came of the ice New Moon a scotch Moon Generally stormy E Wind tonight Our Angus's B Day

30th Snowing cold Fine a Man and a Dog crofsing to Summerstown

31st Last Day of the year Snowing Blowing E Wind cutting Stove Wood

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Mr James Cameron Island

1st of January 1884 New Years Day Fine E Wind sun shining Randolph and I crofsed to Hamiltons took Dinner Randolph stopt to help them to Thrash tomorrow I put out a Few Bushes Water Rising on the Marsh Fired a Few shots this Morning put in the Bottom of the stack John H and Leander

2nd Randolph at Hamiltons E Wind snowing Drifting Blowing hard Frosty

3rd Allen's Birth Day 1853 cold Frosty W Wind Blowing hard Blustery Blizzardy cut a Waterhole for the cattle

4th cold Windy Gordon and Randolph came from Hamiltons Sent a Bottle of Wine with Gordon to Mrs Hamilton took a Letter to me from Dan it came on the 23rd with 2 Dollars in it for his Aunt Gordon to my Bladed Knife

5th cold Windy cutting stove Wood

6th Epiphany Fine cold

7th The Water is Raising near shore Drew the 2 Boats and canoe up as the water is near them

8th Hugh Anns Birth Day 1866 Randolph and I to Summerstown Bought of John Summers 2 Tickets paid for 1..50 the other on credit 50 cents Bought Needles 5 Thread 5 oil 60 Bought of P Purcell 1 lb of Tea 25 paid paid for needles and Thread EW turned stormy Drifting Blowing snowing a awful night stopt at Hamiltons John Went to Cornwall to mill did not come Back to night Heard Bella Wright Departed or Mrs Annan

9th came home high EW Brought 2 Balls of Yarn for Gordons sox

10th Began to Draw hay from the upper Field

11th Drew the Rest of the stack cleaned the pipes EW snowing went for a Load of Wood

12th Fine EW Frosty Drew some wood

13th Fine EW Snowed hard Frosty

Transcription Progress



James Cameron Diary, 1883 (01).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1883 (2).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1883 (3).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1883 (4).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1883 (5).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1883 (6).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1883 (7).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1883 (8).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1883 (9).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1883 (10).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1883 (11).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1883 (12).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1883 (13).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1883 (14).pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1883 (15).pdf


James Cameron, “James Cameron Diary, 1883,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 15, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/562.
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