Mary "Minnie" Butcher Diary, 1891-1898
Mary "Minnie" Butcher Diary, 1891-1898
Date Created
November 15, 1891
Is Part Of
Mary "Minnie" Butcher Diary Collection
Typed Transcription
Extracted Text
C H R I S T C H U R C H , P O R T S Y D N E Y . O N T .
Eliza Butcher
(Sister of Henry Butcher)
(Aunt of George Charles Butcher)
About 1880?
William Butcher, br
Emigrated to Tasman
Kate Butcher, sister of George
Charles Butcher
Photographed - Mrs. Erby
Photographic Cottage, Greenside, Richmond
Kate Butcher, sister of George Charles Butcher
Louisa Caroline Butcher Paxon
Older sister of George Charles Butcher
Married Arthur Paxon, lived in England
The diary of Mary (Minnie) Coldwell Butcher (Mrs. George C.)
Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario, Canada 1)
this afternoon to stay a few days till Mr. Jones getsusedtocooking.[DavidJones(alsoLorne
19 We received 2 barrels of apples from uncle Willie[WillGibson,Newcastle]
Dec. 1 Tuesday. The snow is going fast this fine weather.
George went to Utterson.
2 Lovely day, but sloppy. George is at Frank. Ladells'
today. I washed.[OwnedstoreatlocationoflaterHothstore]
3 Lovely morning but turned gloomy. George working at
F. Ladells again
4 A very wet day but warm.
5 Fine, high warm wind. G. & I went up to Ladells.
Snow gone.
6 Sunday. Hard frozen ground. Snow fell in the night
- to the depth of 3 inches (This blot made by Eva)
Mr. Allmans last Sunday.
7 Plenty of sleighs out today - George went to Clearwater
Lake for a hunt but got nothing. Gone to Vestry. meeting
this evening. I suppose Mr. Allman will be going this week.
8 I washed. George went on a bear hunt but did not find it.
9 Snow going again this fine weather. I went to a quilting-
bee at Clarkes and they had a little dance in the evening.
Dec. 10 Still mild. I called at Hays and was invited to tea tomo
11 Mr. Chester arrived to see about starting a business
at Hay's store. George & I took tea with the Hays. and
passed a pleasant evening.[Haysstorenextdoor-movedbackin1830stobecomelodge]
12 Saturday. Charlie & I went to Ladells to see the toys &
I got Eva a doll & C. got her a cart. Lodge tonight.
The Allman's are here yet & there is service tomorrow.
13 A fine Sunday. George & I took baby over to Thomses in
the canoe and stayed to tea. Mr. Allman preached a
good sermon in the evening.
l4 G. got some wood from Mr. Hay. Some girls came to tea.
15 Snow this morning & a stormy day. Posted a letter to
the children. Dressing a doll for Eva.
16 Cold W N. wind. I washed & the clothes got frozen &
blown about. Commenced on the 7 cords of wood G. bought
from Mr. Hay. Cold night.
17 Sharp day. Made Xmas cake. . .
18 Father came & brought beef & turkey. Mr. & Mrs. A. Hay
came for tea.
19 Nice mild day but I am afraid the snow will go. The
girls & I went to Ladells to get Xmas things. Got
Charlie a pr of boots. ^
20 Sunday but no church. We called at Forrests. (?)[livedinhouseacrossfromoldschool-Pi
22 Turned soft & the snow is going.
Xmas. Mr. E. Hay, Buddy & Harriet came to tea. & we
24 Xmas eve. Nice day but no sleighing. Nelly went
home with Ethel.
25 Christmas day & a gloomy damp one. I went to Church
in the morn & we spent a quiet day at home. Charlie and Eva playing with
26 Nelly was to come home today but has not appeared.
Began to snow this afternoon & is snowing yet.
27 A fine day. The two Nelly's came this afternoon &
28 I washed. A little sleighing & cold wind. George went
to Utterson.
29 Mild & slushy. Some soft snow fell making a little
sleighing. A party at Aspdin tonight.[AspoinothersideofMartin'ssiding]
30 George & I went to Hays after tea to spend the evening.
There was quite a party there.
31 Cold stormy evening. Some of the Hays came in to
play games. The last day of the Year 1891. G. got cheque from
14 More snow today, keeps rather cold. Herbert came
today & brought Eva's chair & straw mattress.
15 Fine day. The Vincents came to tea and Mr. V. & George
drew the wood from Allman's.
16 A School meeting today. The children went skating
& I went to Ladell's.
17 Sunday, milder. I went & taught in S.S. George
is sick today with a bad cold. Mr. Whitmore went to
Brymers to tea.
18 Cold & stormy. George went to Utterson to help unload
flour & he put in his tender for the Assessorship.
19 The coldest yet 32° below zero. George did not get
the assessorship. He went to play chess with Mr. Hay.
20 Much milder. Mr. & Mrs. Forrest came to tea, George
poorly. Mr. Whitmore is here yet.
22 George's back rather bad.
23 Charlie went skating. Plenty of snow these days.
24 Sunday, mild. I went to S.S.
25 Nice day but turned very stormy and cold. I went with
Katy Lever to collect for a present for Mr. & Mrs.
Allman. Got §1.60.
26 Last night was a terribly windy & cold night & today
very sharp.
Jan.27More moderate. George & I 6
c Mr. W. went to tea at
Forrests. Mr. E. Hay up and moved some of Alfred
Hay's things to Uttersons.
28 Much milder with a drizzle. George is at Utterson helping to unload
first lesson at telegraphy.
29 George at Utterson again, home by 4 o'clock. We went
to a party at Brymers' quite a lot there.
30 Up late & tired. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Hay moved away.
Lovely mild day.
31 Pleasant day. I went for a walk with Eva & met Mrs. Clarke.
The Miss Hays came to tea.
Feb. 1 Nelly is in bed with La Grippe. I dyed my dress.
Ethel & I went into Hays for a while in the evening.
It is very comfortless over there with the furniture
all gone.
2 Turned colder & stormy. I washed. Nelly is still in
bed. Mr. Brymer came to see her.
3 Not so cold. Mrs. Jones called to see Nelly.
4 Nelly is up today. Eva has a bad cold & is cross.
5 Sharp last night. Mrs. Gall called & I invited them for
next Wednesday. G. & I went to the store. Charlie at
home with cold. Nelly is nearly well.
6 Saturday. cold. The Hays have gone away & Mr. Chester is
there. Mrs. Jones took her baby to the Dr. about an
abcess on its neck.
Feb. 7 Sunday a nasty stormy day. Charlie & I went to S.S.
9 Fine with snow flurries at times. I washed. Nelly
10 Mr. Vincent came to draw wood. The Galls came to tea.
11 Milder. Mr. Chamberlain called for George to go to
Brunel (?) but he was not well ...could not go.
12. Very cold wind. George in bed all the evening with a
bad cold. Mr. Chamberlain called on his way home.
13 Fine & sharp. I went to the store. Lodge tonight.
Nelly C's birthday.
14 Sunday. Valentine's day. Stormy. I stayed in all day.
These Sundays are very dull.
15 Cold & the roads heavy. More snow last night.
16 George went to P.O. and sot a letter from Annie. Still
cold and horribly dull. We finished a bag of flour
which lasted more than a month.
17 I washed today. A little milder today, Ethel stayed home
from school.
18 Lovely day. I took Eva to Clarke's and stayed to tea.
19 Mild but snowy - too stormy to go to the Debate.
Mr. Whitmore is sick.
Feb. 20 Mild. I went to Ladells & saw Ada & Louie (?) Thoms.
Also Mr. Chamberlain who said that Mrs. W. Gall has a
daughter. Mrs. Chester arrived.
21 Snowy & fine. I went to SS & called to see Mrs. A. Ladell.
22 Mild, I washed.
23 Thaw continues. My clothes dried nicely. George
opened a potato pit. Charlie is sickening for La Grippe,
I am afraid.
24 Beautiful day. Finished ironing. Mr. and Mrs. Thoms
came to tea.
25 I went to Ladells & bought a wrapper we came home with
Mrs. Forrest.
26 Fine but cold N. wind. Lucy came and took Ethel, Eva
& me home to stay till Monday.
27 Cold day. Eva troublesome. Mother & Ethel went to
28 Sunday. lovely day. I took Eva out for a walk while the
girls went to SS. George & Mr. W did not come. In the
evening we went to church and heard Mr. Lowe preach.
Eva was good ____ Ethel.
29 Mild with a little snow. Father drove us home, we called
at Johnsons' & left Nellie there. The girls went skating
in the evening.
March1Tuesday. A cold blustering wind, but sunshiny. I called
on Mrs. Chester.
to Gall's (Geall's?) over tho taken with George (?)
3 Nice day. I ironed and baked. The girls & Charlie went
took baby and went to call at Thomses but were persuaded
to stay to tea. They all went to the Debate except
Eva and me. Mr. W's birthday.
5 Colder with wind. G & I went to Ladell's
6 A fine Sunday. I think I will stop teaching in SS. G. &
7 George walked to Falkenburg. The fine weather continues
and the snow is going fast.
8 I washed and George came home from F. Old Mr. Chester
came up.
9 George is sawing wood with A. McInnis. I feel poorly
with a cold coming on. The four Thoms girls came here
to tea and the boys drove them home.
10 A little fresh snow. G. has a bad toothache.
Note: top of page J.H. Colawell Esq.
11 A cold wind. The Thomses called & went with us to the Debate.
12 A cold day with snow. We got 45 1/2 of beef from Theobald.
G. cutting wood
13 Sunday. Bright but cold
March 14 Cold snap continues. N. wind. George is cutting wood
with A. McInnes. Mrs. A. Ladell has a baby.
15 More moderate. G. cutting wood today. Mr. Brymer
got hurt in the same bush cutting wood.
16 Pleasant. George went to Father's place. Ted McInnes
drew our wood up. Choir practice here tonight, quite a
few came to it.
17 A nice day. much milder. George went to a Bee for
cutting Mr. Brymer some wood. Little Eva is poorly.
18 Ada & Laura Thoms came to tea & then went to the Debate.
19 George went to Utterson but did not see Steele (?)
Mrs. A. Ladell worse & had to have the Dr.
20 George and I went to Church. W. Lloyd preached. Very
cold wind. Mrs. Ladell very bad. Eva is not well yet.
21 Mrs. Ladell died this morning leaving a little baby
a week old. The funeral is to be on Wednesday.
Lovely day.
22 A snowy windy day marked by another remarkable event.
Mr. Gendron shot a moose as it was running through the
village and gave us a quarter of venison. George's
23 Father & mother came to attend Mrs. Ladell's funeral.
There was quite a crowd there & the little baby was
baptized afterwards. Mild today but some fresh snow
fell. I got a letter from Meaford. The letters come
thick and fast just now.
March 24 Mild day. The assessor came & G. was away. Ladells
& Brown's dogs were poisoned.
25 Thawy. The Constables came to P.S. and summoned Mr. Gendron
Another dog poisoned in our garden. It is the talk
of the place and is getting quite exciting. George
went to Utterson & seeing Jim Theobald in the P.O. on
his return accused him of informing & lying aboutit.[TheobaldslivedinGreenhousebesid
26 Thawy day. Jim T. went to Bracebridge and got a summons
Lodge night & a great row before the lodge opened as
the other members would not sit down with Jim the
informer. Mrs. & Mr. Vincent called.
27 Great talk about the impending trial. No service.
Fine day. -
28 We got up at 3.30 and George & Mr. Whitmore went off
in Esson's sleigh for Bracebridge. They were each
fined §10 and costs. George's expenses amounted to
indignation against Jim Theobald.
29 Beautiful day - snow thawing fast. We all feel the loss
& he was about starting for Thornbury to see about buying
another farm. Mr. & Mrs. Chester came to tea.
March 30 Nice warm day. I washed. George took Chester's Insuran
changed to the "Sun Insurance Co. Waggons out now
instead of sleighs.
31 March went out like a lamb. Two dances tonight.
April 1 Jokes are flying today. George walked to Father's
place to borrow some money. Roads very bad. Old
Brown's were burnt out.
2 Warm day. Ground nearly all bare. Mr. W. is going
to stay till Easter. George sent off $132.50 to
meet a note. Eva is poorly again today.
ear. We went to church in the evening and heard
Mr. Lowe - a good congregation.
4 A mild rainy day. George has not gone to Falkenburg
yet. Mr. Brymer & Mr. Esson were here.
5 Wind, sunshine & showers - a true April day. George went
to see Mr. Dodd.
6 Much colder today. George went to Vincents. We had
choir practice here. Mr. Whitmore has gone to a party
at Kerr's.
7 A nice day. Spring has come early if it does not change
to winter again.
8 Colder & cloudy. George cleaned the wood-shed. Whitmore,
Charlie & the girls have gone to the debate. The roads
are drying up in Port Sydney.
April 9 Wet day. Mr. Whitmore painted the canoe. Mr. Chamberlain
came. (note side of page; Our hens laid 20 eggs up to
the ninth)
10 Mr. Allman's preached twice & came here to tea. Cold wind.
11 Cold & cloudy. no word from Mr. Hay yet. Mr. Vincent
came & stayed to tea. (5 eggs)
12 (4 eggs) Fine but high N. wind. Georgie's birthday.
Magic Lantern at school-house tonight. Charlie at home
with bad cough.
13 (5 eggs) George went to see Steele & was engaged as
night-watchman at the mill. Coughs are very prevalent
just now. Cold wind but fine.
14 (4 eggs) Warmer with E. wind. Mr. Vincent was here.
Had a message from Mr. Hay through Mr. Chester.
15 Good Friday. Nelly and Ethel walked home to spend the
holidays. Mr. Whitmore went to Jones'es.
16 (7 eggs) Still cold. Georgre & Mr. W. went on the river
in the canoe. Hubert & his father-in-law were here to tea.
17 (4 eggs) Easter Sunday. Warmer but cold wind still:
no service here. Eva has a cold caught from sleeping
13 (4 eggs) High N wind. Eva's ear sets no better. I am
afraid we shall have to take her to the Dr. The girls
came home.
April19(5eggs)Much warmer. George tended the mill for
Mr. Forrest. I washed & Nelly and I sot N a dress at
Chesters. I head at Ladells that a Mr. Scott is coming
to this mission.
20 (5 eggs) Lovely warm day. George helped Mr. Forrest
with the stop-logs. He & Mr. W. went out in the canoe
after tea.
21 (4 eggs) Wet afternoon. George tended the mill this
morning. Mr. Jarvis called this evening. We received
ear medicine from Dr.
22 (8 eggs) Cloudy and turned wet. George was digging
post-holes. I went to see Mrs. Jones about the milk.
23 (5 eggs) A fine morning but turned very cold & snowed
at night. - G. & Mr. W. went up the lake.
24 (8 eggs) A cold Sunday. Mr. Scott preached in the morning
25 (6 eggs) Nelly's birthday. Fine. George & I walked
through to Vincents. Mill not open yet.
26 (9 eggs) Fine pleasant day. Washed & baked. George
was minding the mill for Mr. Forrest. Mr. Holliday
came here to wait for Mr. Smith.
27 (6 eggs) We commenced housecleaning. George tended
the mill this afternoon. Old Mrs. Ladell is ill &
Mrs. Baker(?)came up. High S. Wind blew up rain.
Thunder storm in the evening.
April 28 (10 eggs) Warm high wind. George tended the mill in the morning. We are busy housec
29 (6 eggs) Colder but fine. Mr. Scott called and stayed to tea. Jessie Farquaharson died th
30 (6 eggs) Kept cool clouded up for rain.
May 1 (6 eggs) Cloudy a drizzly rain in the afternoon. G & I went to Church & heard Mr. Scot
2 (5 eggs) Cleaned the dining room. Cloudy & cold.
3 (4 eggs) Mr. H. Chamberlain called. George went to Falkenburg. Turned rainy and my washing
4. (7 eggs) Cold & drizzly but cleared out fine. George came home on afternoon train. We mus
5 (5 eggs) George & I went in the canoe to Fathers' place. Cool & cloudy.
6 (7 eggs) Cold & gloomy, most unspringlike weather. The concert came off tonight & Laura Th
7 (7 eggs) Fine but cold high wind. Laura & I walked to the store. I called to see Mrs. Ches
8 (2 eggs) Pleasant with cool wind. The girls went to church in the morning and Ethel stayed
May 9 (5 eggs) Beautiful day much warmer. Laura, Eva & I
10 Warm & cloudy. Ethel stayed to help me with the
washing. I was very tired after finishing. G & I
went out for a troll.
11 Wet day. We caught a lot of water.
12 Beautiful day. The children had a little party. Laura
and I went to Theobald's & got some milk. Laura went
home with her sisters after the practice.
13 (3 eggs) Very warm. Mother and Nelly & Clara came to
make us a farewell visit. The girls stayed home in
the afternoon. George has commenced night watching at the mill at last. He took
14 (4 eggs) A nice day. Louisa Gall & Connie & Ruth
Thoms came. Mr. Hendron came for his trees. Ada
Thom came to stay a few days. Lodge tonight. George
only stayed at the mill till midnight.
15 (8 eggs) Wet miserable Sunday. George & Ethel & Nelly
went to church this evening.
16 (4 eggs) A cool fine day. I washed. Vestry meeting
tonight. George went to it as he does not have to watch
at the mill for a few nights. Mr. Lloyd came home with
him and stayed over night.
May 17 (6 eggs) Warm & Spring-like. George took measurements
for shingle-mill. I got a letter from cousin Janey (?)
and George one from Alfred Hay.
18 (9 eggs) Very warm. George, Ada & I went to tea at
19 (5 eggs) Blowing a gale from the S. turned wet. Mrs. &
Mrs. Vincent called & Ada went back with them. George
heard from Mr. Hay.
20 (5 eggs) Wet day turned quite cold. None of our expected
visitors came. I received letter from Connie.
21 (8 eggs) Still gloomy and cold. George went to Falkenburg
and decided to go to Meaford next Tuesday week. He had to
come home in the afternoon to go on at the shingle mill
22 (5 eggs) Showery & cold. Louie Thoms came after morning service. Ethe
tea. I stayed home & the rest went to church. They
decided to have a pic-nic on the 24th.
23 (6 eggs) Still gloomy. Lucy came and we began packing.
Feel pretty tired tonight.
24 (4 eggs) Queen's birthday rose bright & fine but as usual
clouded up & rained in the afternoon. We went to the
pic-nic but had to go in the hall. however we enjoyed
seeing all our friends. As it is probably the last pic-nic
we shall be at here. George is at the mill tonight.
Grandmother's Diary 1892 18)
May 25 (5 eggs) Turned cloudy. George walked to Bracebridge
early this morningNelly & Charlie at Forrests. We are
getting on well with packing.
25 Heavy shower this morning but cleared out (5 eggs).
and I went to church this evening.
27 (5 eggs) Gloomy & cold. Lucy went home as we have
finished about all the packing that we can do without
George. G. came home in the afternoon train and has gone
to the mill again tonight. This has been a miserable cold
spring all through. We expect to move next Wednesday.
28 (10 eggs) Lovely day. George sold the canoe to Mr. Marsh &
rented the house to G. McEntyre. I called at Chester's
are all very kind and seem sorry to lose us.
evening & I went to church alone.
30 (7 eggs) Father & Lucy came & G drew two loads to Utterson.
Nellie & I called at Laddells. Warm day. Miss Hay &
Nelly came to P.S. George went to get Mr. Thoms to
draw the furniture.
31 Hot. Mr. Thoms & G. busy all day & also Nelly & I doing
the last packing. The children staid the night at Chesters' &
sultry weather.
June 1st Very sultry. We took leave of Port Sydney & all our
friends there and are this evening at Falkenburg where
it is very hot & uncomfortable.
2 A wet day but turned cold in evening. We finished
arranging with Mr. Hay and started for Barrie where
we stayed the night.
3 Cool & cloudy. We came on to Thornbury but found no
Mr. Hay so George went to fetch him. G. came back
as Mr. Hay had no accommodation. We all slept in one
room and had no very clean room at that.
was brought to the house which (though a good one) is
in a terrible mess which we could not do much to
remedy today.
5 A warm showery day. George walked to Uncle Willies.
We are staying with the Hays till Monday.
6 We moved over here & commenced to bring order out of
chaos. We cleaned the upstairs & put beds up. We got
some baker's bread & Mrs. Tucker gave us milk. We got
Hay's bill. A fine day.
7 Cool & rather dull. The mud is nearly all dried up.
Nelly & I cleaned the kitchen. George pruned some trees
the evening. Like rain.
June 8 A fine morning but a thunder storm came on in afternoon
which has made everything muddy again. Nelly & I
washed. George went to see about a cow but it was sold
9 Fine day but foggy morn. Nelly & I arranged the sitting
room & George walked to Meaford and posted the Lodge book.
He bought a cow from Mr. Carnahan near Uncle Willie's.
I wrote to Mr. Hay for George.
10 Fine & hot. Charlie went to Thornbury with Mr. Noble
who brought our goods from Mr. Hay. We cleaned the cellar
& ironed. George planted some potatoes & went to see
Mr. Lamb.
11 Hot again. We cleaned the dining-room which is the last
room & now there are only odds & ends to do. The crockery
unpacked without a breakage. George put in some garden
seeds & cut some black knot.
12 Sunday. Very hot & a tremendous wind. We were at home
all day but none of Uncle Willie's people came. It is
nice to have a rest-day.
13 Still hot 4 windy but it is cooler after the thunder storm
this evening. I planted some flower-seeds in boxes &
George put in some seeds. George went to Bell's after tea
14 Much cooler & high wind. Nelly & I washed. Uncle & Aunt
came this afternoon & we were very glad to see them.
George went to see Bell's team. He heard from Mr. Hay
tonight & got cheque for cow.
June 15 (Note across entry: House at Port Sydney let to
G. McEntyre from this date) A nice day George went
to Meaford& brought home a cow, but we have to keep
her in the stable at first. We finished washing
& ironed.
15 Beautiful weather now. George began Mr. Hay's road
work: did11/4days. We are not troubled with mosquitoes
17 Heavy rain last night, foggy morning but fine afternoon.
Cousin's Frank, Mary & Kate came & stayed to tea.
George started road-work but left off for the rain and st
18 Saturday foggy & wet. George put in1/2day at
road-work. Mr. White brought a churn for us to try.
19 A wet Sunday, muddy & very dull staying in all day.
Mr. E. Hay came. Our cow is a good deal of bother as
she is not contented alone. Foggy even.
20 Fine breezy day. Nelly & I washed blankets. George
saw Mr. Hay on business and drove to Clarksburg with
Mr. White. He is over at A. Hay's this even. E. Hay
has gone. Cloudy & foggy again. This is a terrible
place for fog.
21 Hotmorning, turned wet. G. went to see A. Hay before
he went away & then went to Meaford & got cheque from
A. Paxon
June 22 Fine breezy day but turned wet at night. George went
to see Mr. White & Mr. Noble & commenced hoeing corn.
Mrs. Bell & Mrs. J. Noble called. I went to see Mrs.
Hay who thinks she will not go away with her husband.
23 Cloudy noon but nice afternoon. We washed & churned.
G. doing roadwork. George bought 2 pigs from Bells.
24 Beautiful day. Mr. White is here harrowing. Nelly
went to Meaford with Mrs. Hay. G. did some mowing
for Mrs. Hay.
25 Fine cold day. We begin to be troubled with cattle
breaking in. Mr. White was here harrowing this morning.
George went to Meaford & posted Jones's & Mr. Varney's (?)
Insurance papers. Mr. Blanchard brought our goods from
26 Fine Sunday but none of us got to Church. Mrs. Hay called.
It turned wet at night.
27 High E. wind & rain stopped work.
28 High W. wind & cool. George was at road work this
morning. Mr. White came to cultivate corn this afternoon.
I went to Hay's & borrowed butter-bowl & pan. Like rain
again & so much wind. Georae wrote to Arthur Paxon.
29 Fine morn but turned showery. I washed. Nelly went
to Meaford with Mrs. Hay & went into Uncle Willie's
& had dinner. Mr. White here cultivating all day.
Mr. Clarke came to set work.
1892 23)
30 Cool high wind. Mr. A. Hay is back. Mr. White here
today cultivating and his son harrowing. Mr. Hares was
here hoeing all day. George planted some peas and
hoed corn. Last day of school.
July 1 Nelly & Charlie went to Meaford. Mr. White was cultivatin
all day.
2 Fine morning but wet evening. Mr. White cultivating
with A. Hay and got letters from Mother & A. Thom.
George fenced in part of the gully for the cow.
3. A wet Sunday as usual & a very dull one.
4. Nice day. Mr. White here harrowing. Hired man is coming
to board tomorrow. George went to Thornbury with A. Hay.
I called at Bell's.
5 Mr. Clark came here to hire & was harrowing all day.
G & I went over to Mrs. Hay's & filled a straw tick.
A. Hay has gone again. Mr. White mowed this afternoon
It has been a beautiful day
& his son was hoeing all day. for the pic-nic.
6 Hot day. Mr. Clarke was cultivating & harrowing.
Went home this evening. Mr. White was mowing since
9 o'clock. George went to Meaford after tea. Nelly
got some strawberries
7. Another hot day. Mr. Clarke's nephew came to board
here while he is hoeing A. Hays corn. Clarke mowed
in the orchard & this even George & he went to Thornbury
to get a horse-rake. They did not get back till after 12.
to Mr. Hay. He & Clarke were putting up hay & boy raking.
Clarke went home tonight - Blanchard brought home a
10 A hot day. None of us at Church. Mr. Tucker called.
George & I went to Mrs. Hays. Hay's cow calved.
11 Clarke came back & he & George and W. Blanchard drewin
hay & in the afternoon old Blanchard helped. Clarke
went home at night. Very hot & like a thunder storm.
12 Still hot but like thunder in even. George & the
Blanchards drew in the rest of the hay this evening &
afterdinner G. went to Meaford. I got letter from
Constance & Nelly from Ethel.
13 Cooler but no rain & no water to wash. Mr. Clarke came
back & scuffled corn. G. & Blanchard got in one load of
hay. George was at road work this afternoon. Aunt
Annie & Mrs. Albert came & spent the afternoon & Mrs. & Miss
McVetie called.
14 Hot & fine. Mr. White was here mowing. Mr Clarke raked
over by Hay's house & after dinner he & George hoed beans.
Mr. & Mrs. Fairlie called. George went to see Mr. & McVitie.
July 8 Hot. George raked some hay up with the horse-rake &
Clarke mowed after the machine over at Hay's. Adam
was weeding. White scuffling.
9 Still hot & good hay weather. George sent off a letter
July 15 George is poorly today. He & Clark put wire on the line
fence this morn & this afternoon. Clarke hoed tilla
thunder storm came on & after tea cleaned the barn floors.
Cool & windy tonight. We picked a few black currants.
16 G. went to see Dr. Kent for the 1st time. Bright & cool.
Mr. Clarke cleaned the cistern & hoed after tea. George
sent to Thornbury with Mr. Blanchard . A. Hay came
home again.
17 Beautiful day. Stayed at home as usual. It is very
dullnot going to church. A. Hay & Mr. Tucker called.
18 Like rain but cleared off & Blanchard & Clarke drew
in 4 loads of hay while George raked. Clarke hoed corn
in morn. Nelly walked to Meaford & posted Insurance
money. She got letter from E. Hay. Like rain tonight.
19 Drizzly in the morn but high wind blew clouds away. Cooler.
The children got11/2qts. raspberries. Mr. Clarke
mowed for Hay today. G. was hoeing. I went over to Hay's
& Tucker's after tea & took Eva.
20 Hot & windy. George poorly with bad headache. He &
Clarke took cow to Bolesey. Clarke mowed & raked for
S. Hay.
21 Very hot. George not well, unable to work. Byres
came this afternoon to mow across the gully. Clarke
raked at Hay's this morn & this afternoon Blanchard &
Clarke drew it in. We picked some black currants &
I preserved 2 jars cherries.
July 22 Hot. Clarke was working for A. Hay & young Byres mowed
this morning. George went to Thornbury this afternoon
to get Lucy's money but was unable to do so.
23 Hot. Clarke left us to work at Hays corn. Byres mowed
the orchard & helped with the drawing in after dinner
but they did not get all the hay in and we had a heavy
thunder storm at night. Nelly went to Meaford & got
letters from Mother. Louie & Mr. Kay & Ethel.
24 Still hot. No one at church. A. Hay called.
25 Very hot but cooler after the violent storm this evening.
They got in 2 loads of hay. Byres here all day and Clarke
& 2 boys boarding here.
26 Hot & like thunder. Clarke & 2 boys are working for
A. Kay & boarding here. G. went to Thornbury and got
money for cheque.
27 Hot, but it came up a severe thunder storm in evening.
Clarke & boys are not boarding here now. G. mowing in
orchard. Mrs. Tucker called & Nelly went to Mrs. Hay's.
A terrific storm of wind rain & thunder came up in the
evening. Blowing most the fences down.
28 Fine. George busy all day putting up fences. Very hot
29 A wet day turned much cooler. George very poorly.
He paid Mr. White.
30 Fine & cooler. George Charlie went in Clarke's buggy
to Meaford. I went over to Hays after tea.
July 31 A nice day. But it is so dull never going to church.
Aug. 1 Fine morn but wet afternoon. The Blanchards mowed till
the rain & then went to Meaford. Clarke & 2 boys hoeing.
2 Fine. George walked to Meaford & got letter from Lucy
& posted letters with her money. Blanchards were
mowing in stump field & Clarke & his boy hoed for us
after dinner.
3 Hot with high wind & rain threatening. George not able
to work. Blanchard & the Clarke's drew in 2 loads of
with his legs. He went over to Mrs. Hay's & got some
5 Fine morn, but turned wet. A. Hay came home. Nelly &
Charlie walked to Meaford & Frank drove them home in
the rain. I got a letter from Mother.
6 Cool & windy. George went to Thornbury with Blanchard
7 But she was not. They drove out to see us & did not bring
her. Keeps hot.
Miss Byres called and while they were here Frank & mother
came from Meaford. Sultry and violent thunder storms
at night. George got up & came down stairs.
9 Not much cooler but fine.
Aug. 10 Rain last night & today. We washed. George went to
Meaford & got letters & saw creamery. He took cow to
Boles' again.
11 Wet day, turned cooler.
12 Bright & cool. G. Turned over a bit of hay.
13 George walked to Meaford and came home tired out.
Blanchard drew in the last hay for us.
14 Sunday, pleasant. G. went to Tucker's & mother & Nelly
called at Hays.
15 We washed. Hotter. Blanchards plowing (?) again.
George hoed turnips. Charlie started to school.
16 Hot. Nelly went to Meaford with Mrs. Hay. G.
mowing (?)
17 - wrote to Mr. Kay about money. Mr. Clarke was
cultivating "all day. We got about J
- bus. potatoes-
from A. Kay. Still hot.
[Next entries Aug 18 - Sep 5 written by Grandma's mother]
18 Sultry. Churned soft butter. G. walked to Thornbury.
Windy evening & warm.
19 Much cooler happily for Minnie was sick all day, Dr.
came at 3 p.m. baby born at 5 p.m., a fine rosy girl,
had a tolerable good night, both doing well.
20 Cool, Nellie & I did Saturdays work. baby good &
21 Sunday at home, M & baby progressing satisfactorily.
M has sore breasts, Mrs. Hay called, nice cool day,
none of the Gibson's came, baby sleeps well.
August 22 M. improving which we are thankful for, I wrote to
Lizzie, Mr. & Mrs. Thos Gibson, George helping
Mr. Hay with the pease.
23 Cool & fine. G. went to Meaford with Mr. Blanchard.
Got peck potatoes from A. Hay. G. got home in the
evening. Brought me two letters. Got letter from Mr. Hay.
24 Hot again. Mr. Clark here to dinner & tea, sultry evening,
little rain.
25 Wet morning, churned & ironed. M & I wrote to Mrs.
D. Coldwell, wet afternoon, baby sleeps well.
25 Fine, Mr. Clark here dinner and tea. showery afternoon.
G. went to Thornbury
27 Fine, Mr. Clark here dinner & tea, Nellie went to
Meaford, got letters from Port Sydney.
29 Fine. George helping Mr. Hay all day. baby wakeful and
cross, windy evening.
afternoon G. working for Mr. Hay till four p.m., cooler.
31 Cold and showery day, washed clothes, charlie got peck
potatoes from Mr. Hay.
Sept. 1 Fine & cool. George working at Mr. Hays all day.
Mr. Clark here two meals, preserved two jars crabs
2 Very warm, G. at home picked harvest apples, Mr. Hay
brought baskets for plums.
3 Fine, hot, G. helping Mr. Hay all day. Nellie walked
to Meaford got letter from Mrs. Forrest, four for me
and papers, baby good, Eva had night croup.
Sept. 4 Sunday. hot like rain. G and M had a walk, baby restless.
5 Wet morning and cool, mopped bedroom. M made marmalade.
5 Cold & damp (Minnie resumes writing) George & Charlie
picked plums for Mr. Hay. Mother & N. washed. Baby
sleeps well today. She has good nights. A. Kay took
plums & apples to Thornbury.
7 George working all day for A. Hay. Fine. Ironed & churned
Creamery man called.
3 Beautiful day. George working for A. Kay 7 hours.
Aunt Annie came & took mother away; Eva shall miss her.
9 Fine G. at Hay's half a day. I picked 2 baskets of...
plums. Bagman came (?)
10 George working at A. Hays. Got no mail this week.
G. went to Thornbury & sold 2 baskets of plums
11 Fine Sunday George walked to Uncle Willies & took
mother her money. Nelly & I called at Tuckers.
12 George picked 2 baskets of plums. Wet day. I preserved
13 Still wet. We washed but I don't know when the clothes
will dry.
14 Turned cold & still miserably wet. Clothes blown all
over. G. picked up 2 baskets of plums & there are lots
of apples down. Blanchard came.
15 Picked a lot of plums they are getting too ripe. Fine
and cool.
Sept. 16 George walked to Meaford. A. Hay took 6 baskets of
plums to ship. G. stooked up some oats. We are busy
preserving plums.
17 Lovely day. Picking plums. Sent 5 baskets to sell with
Mr. Blanchard. $1.35 a bus. (bushell)
13 Fine cool Sunday. George, Charlie & I took a walk
past Hays.
19 Cold wind but fine. Finished picking plums & sent off
6 baskets for Hays besides 5 more to divide.
20 Fine but cold wind. We washed. Sent off the rest
of Hay's plums. George working at Hays in the afternoon.
21 Warm & still. George picked some apples. It is very
dull here; we seldom see anybody or go anywhere. Like rain.
22 George poorly with sick headache. Sultry like thunder.
23 Still sultry. Fair at Meaford. We sent in a basket
of plums to Uncle Willie. I went to McVeties and stayed
to tea.
24 George walked to Meaford but did not get much mail.
Posted letter to E. Hay.
25 Fine morning but thunder storm in afternoon cooled the
air. Ferguson's barn was struck by lightning and
burn to the ground.
26 High cold wind. I had a bad toothache.
27 Very high wind but warmer. Tooth still bad all day.
We washed the white clothes. George walked to Thornbury
to post letter to A. Ladell. He has gone to Tuckers
Sept. 28 & 29 George is digging Mr. Hays potatoes. Fine & for
a wonder not much wind.
30 George & Charlie cutting sunflowers. High warm wind,
like rain tonight.
Oct.1st Got letters from Mother & money from Mr Hay. Nelly
went to Meaford.
2 Sunday cool & like rain at night. G. & I took a
walk towards Thornbury. A. Hay called in evening.
3 High wind, rain at night - George is helping A. Hay
Measure the summer fallow.
4 Cold & wet. A. Hay went to Allan Park. G. cut a
little corn.
5 The first snow of the season came indashes all day
with a bitter cold wind. We washed.
6 A high wind but warmer. George & C. were cutting corn
all day.
7 G. & C. cutting corn. After noon W. Elanchard
drew it in to the stoop. Mild.
8 Wet day. George went with W. Tucker in the morn to
have a hunt & after noon to Meaford & got letter from
Ethel & cheque from Relief for $7
9 Sunday. Fine & cool. Uncle Willie & his cousin came
& stayed to tea. Frost.
10 Warmer & like rain. G. husking corn.
11 Charlie's birthday. Fine. Willie Tucker was here.
G. husking corn.
Oct. 12 Nice day. George cutting corn. Nelly got some
tomatoes from Mrs. Hay.
13 Indian summer weather. G. finished cutting corn.
I went to call on Mrs. Byres but found her away.
14 Still fine. G. walked to Meaford and got a letter
and book for Charlie. W. Blanchard drew in some corn.
15 Got in rest of corn. Got a bag of flour & some
oatmeal. Rain.
16 Sunday. Cold & gloomy. A. Hay back.
17- I washed white clothes.
13 Warm day. Eva got cold. G. & C. are busy picking apples.
19 Colder with high wind.
20 Cold & fine. They finished picking fall apples.
21 Cold wind. I took up carpet.
22 High wind but mild. rain. No one went for mail today.
23 A dull wet Sunday.
24 Wet and miserable. G. Helping measure summer fallow
25 Ditto I washed
26 Still ditto Blanchards did not go but Willie went
to Thornbury & got stove piping.
27 Blanchards started for home. Fine. George went to
Meaford and got mail & zinc.
28 High wind wet night. We got the stove up.
29 A horrible wet, windy day. most detestible weather,
we could not go to Meaford.
12 Crocks, baking & washing utensils etc.
3 Books
1 Clothing
8 Bedding, blankets
31 Books, bolsters, Desk, Hat-box
4 Winter clothes
5 Clothese not needed. Quilts
9 Sheets, p . cases, flat, irons, blankets.
Nov. 4 Still wet & driving snow, colder. Edward Hay and Buddy
came today. He has nothing satisfactory to arrange.
5 George & the Hays picked the winter apples. G. went to
Hays in the even. Turned cold.
6 Sunday. Milder & xxxx muddy. E. Hay went away.
7 Mr. White took 4 bbs of applies to Thornbury and George
went with him & got 2 bags of flour.
8 High wind & frozen up. G. walked to Meaford and got
letter from McEntyre enclosing rent. He got some beef.
9 I washed. Aunt Annie came & took the two little ones
& me home. very muddy.
10 Thanksgiving day. A fall of snow last night. I went
to church with Mary & Nelly & enjoyed the service. Came
back to dinner of roast goose which George came Just in
time for. The little ones are very good. We had some
music in the evening.
Nove.11 Cold wind. Mary drove me into Meaford in the morn
and Aunt brought us home after dinner. The roads
are abominable & the ride was unpleasant.
12 Saturday. Snowy. George unroofed the log shed.
13 Another dull Sunday.
Rain last night took away snow & made it very
muddy again. I white-washed the dining-room.
15 Finished room. Warm & damp.
16 We washed & the sun shone out for an hour or two
and set fair. George walked to Thornbury & got
Charlie a pair of boots. came home very tired.
17 More rain last night & high warm wind this even.
We have had cloudy skies, rain & snow & wind almost
without intermission for a month. I hope a change
will come soon.
18 & 19 Colder with snow. No mail this week.
20 Sunday. About 4 inches of snow.
21 Cold high wind. George is building a hen-house.
22 Sharp frost & snowy. G. working at hen-house. I wrote
to Louie for him. These days are terribly monotonous.
We moved stove into the dining-room.
23 Washed & George walked to Meaford in the snow.
Letters from Mother, Mrs. Clarke & Lizzie Coldwell.
24 Snow enough for sleighing. Baked & churned. Mr. Dodd
Nov. 25 Got a bag of peas from Bell.
26 Keeps cloudy & dull every day. Snow is staying.
27 Advent Sunday. Chilly & dull.
28 Charlie got some peas from A. Hay. Goods did not
come from Falkenburg. Pleasant mild day.
29 Willie Tucker came to see George. Charlie got oatmeal.
Dec. 1 Nelly & Charlie walked to Meaford. Got bill from Hay.
2 I took baby to Hays. Thawing.
3,4 Sunday. Cold & Snowy. The cow strayed away.
5 George went to Meaford to look for cow but did not get
her. He brought me a letter from Annie & one from
Walter Brymer. Nice day.
6 G. went again for cow & found her. He had dinner at
Uncle Willie's. Rainy day. I washed.
7 Fine morn but stormy afternoon driving rain. McVettie
came and killed the pigs.
9 Snow nearly gone. but cold howling wind blowing
10 Sunny afternoon. George went to Meaford & Mr. Byres
brought box & bag of salt for the pork. G. got letters
from Mr. Hay and Louie Paxon.
11 A cold miserable Sunday. Indoors all day.
12 There is a little snow for sleighing again. Charlie
started to school.
15 George went to Ferguson's & Tuckers.
16 Hays killed their pigs. Weather pleasant.
Dec. 17 Saturday. George went to Meaford & got letters from
Cousin Jane & Ada Thoms & Cheque from A. Paxon.
Nellie got a volume of Sunshine from Eng.
18 Another stormy Sunday indoors all day.
19 Baby is 4 months old. I made Xmas cake & pudding.
20 We washed. Very cold & windy
21 Spelling match at the school. George & I went.
Charlie is there this evening. Mr. Whitfield came today.
22 & 23 Very stormy & lots of snow
24 Cleared up a little in afternoon & George went to
Meaford & got two Christmas papers & budgett of letters
(I got a pound from Connie) and cards. Piercing cold.
25 The stormiest, coldest Xmas I remember. The snow is
very deep and drifted. We have to den up this weather.
26 A little improvement in the weather. G. sawing wood
27 A nice day. Nelly walked to Meaford
28 We are having a few nice days & good roads. Mr White
came & drew some wood from the barn & Mrs. W. came in
for a while.
29 & 30 George sawed some wood at the woods. He has hurt himself
lifting blocks and is afraid of rupture.
31 Charlie took the saw to Fergusson's. George went to
Meaford & got letter from Mr. Thoms & parcel from Lucy
in Toronto.
January 1, 1893 Sunday. Stormy again & shut in as usual.
2 Storming & drifted deep snow. Election day.
6 Snows every day. George cutting wood at the woods.
7 George went to Meaford with Mr. Hay & got Nelly letters
from England.
8 Cold & snowy.
9 A regular blizzard this afternoon
March 4 It has been a terribly stormy & dull winter and there has
10 This has been a very fine week and the snow is about
half gone. George has Been busy looking for a team.
Charlie has a bad cough & cold.
15 Very cold again. Eva & baby poorly with colds.
16 Connie's birthday. Mr. Latornell called.
17 Nice day. Rev. Mr. Caswell called to see us. G. has
a bad cold.
22 George's 40th birthday. He went to Dinsmore's sale.
23 Mild high wind which is thawing rapidly.
April 2 Easter Sunday. G. went to Tuckers. Snow nearly gone.
3 Very warm, thawing fast. Mrs. Fergusson & children came.
Mr. Hay is expected today. Ada Thoms' wedding day.
4 E. Hay & George went and bought a team. Very high wind.
5 G. went to bring Taylor & arranged with L
April 6 G. went to see Mr. Vickars & he came late at night
7 George walked to Meaford. Icy and cold wind.
8 High soft wind but turned cold, fine.
10 Lovely mild day drying up nicely. I washed.
11 Nice day. George went to Meaford & I went as far as
Uncle W's
12 High S. wind. G. walked to Thornbury but the harness had
not come. Roads getting nice and dry. G. had a
buggy offered him for $10 I wish we could get i t .
13 Blowing bard, turned cold. I cleaned a room, the third.
W i l l i e Tucker helped G to weigh some hay.
14 A. Hay went to Thornbury. No harness yet. White here sawing.
17 Gloomy raw day. Nothing can be done yet with horses
for want of harness. G. is going to Thornbury to see if
Draft of letter on following sheet:
Since writing to you Mr. Arthur Ladell who holds the mortgage on
my house in Pt. Sydney has called his money in. I had allowed
the Interest this summer to get in arrears & expected to have
paid it xx at Christmas time but owing to some money I expected
not coming to hand, I have not been able to do so.
As it is simply impossible for me at the present time to pay the
Principle & Interest: I shall have to lose the place. The
Principle & Intst on the 14th of March when the money is called
for amount to Princ. $250 x s I think the place is certainly
worth more than this. If you think the place is worth any more than
this to you and you like to make xxx me an offer for it. I should
Draft of letter: Mr. Dodd held a note of mine for $100 which I
think falls due about the 15th of the month. Would you kindly
let me renew the note till the 1st of July as I am sorry to say
Icannotpaytheprincipletillthen.Iwillpostyouthe$8interest next week. We were very
and wish to assure you of our kind sympathy. I should like
to have seen Mr. Dodd before leaving Port Sydney but we left
rather hurriedly at the last & I was night-watching at the mill
at the time.
May 7 Commenced seeding. Rodgers came.
8 G. & I went to Meaford and sent off deed of house.
9 Uncle & Aunt came & had tea. Hot weather.
10 They are getting on well with seeding - like rain.
The diary of Mary (Minnie) Coldwell Butcher
July 20, 1893. Mrs. Ed. Hay & girls went home today.
Splendid hay weather.
July 21. George, Eva and I drove to Meaford & I brought
various things. Hot.
July 22. Excursion to Orillia to see boat-race. Thunder
shower. George went to Thornbury and got 2 bags of flour
& one of oatmeal.
24 Warm. I washed. Willie Byers commenced cutting hay here,
picked first green pear.
25 Very hot and windy, busy making and mowing hay.
26 Byers here in forenoon. Afternoon G. & I went to Meaford
Freddie home. I went ...
for butter.
27 Byers & H here stacking hay. Nice & cool.
Mary & Kate Gibson walked here & took Fred home in the
28 Men here drawing in today, rain came before they quite
29 Fine & windy. Byers here & they finished up the hay.
G. does not stand the work well.
30 Sunday. hot, at home all day.
Grandmother's Diary 1893
July 31 Cobler, George & Charlie went to Meaford and got letters
from Surbiton. We are afraid Miss Terry is
not coming.
Aug 1 Lovely day. G. put p. green (Paris green?) on potatoes.
He went to see Mr. in evening.
2 Nice day but too dry. G. went to Tom Lat
... went to Thornbury
and got chop
... went to tea at Jamieson's. Dry & smoky. W. Byers
sawing wood.
5 George went to Thornbury and got wagon fixed. Nelly walked
to Meaford, no mail. Heavy thunder shower did much good.
6 Sunday turned quite cold & windy. G. went to
7 Beautiful clear day. G. put the cow in the bush behind
house. I feel poorly today.
8 Hot. Nelly went to Byers & found Mrs. B. very ill. George
went to see La about cutting the grain. The
two Bobs girls called.
9 Hot. We washed. G. drew some hay for A. Hay. G. went to
Meaford & I rode as far as Laturnels with him. Heard from
Miss Terry.
10 Hot & dry, grass all parched up.
11 Nelly and Charlie went to spend the day at Gibsons. Hot
& smoky but nice shower in the evening.
12 They stayed all night and came home in the morning. G.
drove to Meaford but got nothing.
Aug 13 Cool sunday again. At home all day.
14 Lovely clear day. George & I drove to Meaford and he met
Miss Terry starting to walk out here. I stayed at Uncles
till they came past.
15 Miss Terry tired with her long journey. (G. Latornell pulling
16 Sultry & like rain. Miss T. helped me to wash. Latornell
pulling peas and Nobles cutting peas & oats1/2day.
17 Unsettled weather. George drove Miss Terry to Meaford.
She & Nelly went for walk in evening.
18 Like rain. Miss Terry & I called at Tuckers. Ed. Hay
came here in the evening.
19 Cool day. George went to Thornbury and bought binder twine.
In afternoon he & Ed. Hay drew in the peas.
19 Nice cool day. Miss Terry & Nelly went for a walk. Mr.
& Mrs. Tucker came to tea. Hay bros. were over for a while.
20 Fine. G. drove his sister-in-law to Meaford to get her
ticket as she starts tomorrow for Slayton (3 Latornells
working here this afternoon. Got book from Connie for Eva.
21 We got up early & George saw Miss Terry off on the stage
I washed. Nelly has bad headache.
23 Hot. Eva's birthday she got a book and a fan 3 Lat
24th Very hot & like rain. Busy harvesting & cooking for
men. I went over to Hays in the evening.
25thNo rain but blew a little cooler. Mother's birthday.
Good harvest weather.
Aug 26 Saturday. Cloudy but hot men still here cutting &
drawing grain. I walked to Meaford and had tea at Uncles,
Saw an excursion from Parry Sound. I got a letter from
Laura Thoms & 2 from Miss Terry. for George & me. I
expect we shall hear again soon from her. She is very kind
and would like to help us.
Aug 27 Cloudy. Another Sunday at home. How long before we are
able to go to Church again I wonder. G. poorly
Aug 28 A wet day men had to go home. George glad of the rest.
29 Quite cold but turned bright - busy harvesting.
30 Cool & fine. Busy carrying in, in afternoon & finished
31 Lovely clear day, carrying grain all day. 2 men here.
We are not troubled with near so many house flies this
year as usual.
Sept. 1 Drawing In. Turned cold & wet.
2 Cold, day high wind, George went to Clarksburg & Nelly
went to Meaford but got no letters.
3 Cool. Mr. & Mrs. Allman came & stayed tea.
4 Sultry again. Drawing in all day. Nelly & Eva went to
5 Like rain but turned cool. Finished harvest. G. went to
Meaford & unloaded car of lumber, got back late.
6 George drew lumber to Hay and went to M. for another load
7. Muddy. G. went for load of lumber in forenoon.
Sept 8 George got load of lumber. Aunt Annie & Lizzie & Roy
came in morn. Lovely day.
9 G. brought 2 loads lumber. I went to Meaford ft rode with
Bells. No letter.
10 Sunday. G. & I went to Bob Latornalls.
11 I wrote to Lucy. G. got 2 loads lumber.
12 I washed. Nice weather but so dry. G. brought 1 load
lumber. A. Hay got a few apples. G. had letter from Mrs.
13 GeorgewenttoLamb'sthreshing.Hot.
very tired.
15 George went for rest of lumber. Mrs. Hay called. Warm
16 Equinoxial gales begun. Cold rain & high wind, miserable
cold night.
17 Bright but cold wind. Sunday
18 Warm & smoky again. G. got peas from Bell & drew beans for
A. Hay.
19 I washed. Mrs. Byres came. George went to Meaford and
got letters from Miss Terry, Janey & Lucy.
20 (nothing)
21 Nelly & Charlie put cow in back pasture & had a bother
with her. George went to see Mr. Allman ft to Meaford
posted letters to Mr. Lefroy, W. Hay, Mrs. Paxon.
22 Last night was wet but it came out bright. G. got some
flour at Nobles & heard that the machine will not be here for
abouta fortnight, G. cutting wood. Clarksburg fair.
23 Turned colder.
24 Harvest Festival Sunday. Nice day, turned like rain.
Meaford for lumber.
26 Kept cold. G. drew 2 loads of posts.
Sept. 27 George drew the last of the lumber & heard from Ed. Hay.
we leave here at the end of Oct.
28 I walked to Meaford & posted letters to Grandpa &
mother & had tea at Uncle's. Georere brought a load
from Thornbury for Hays. Stormy night.
29 We get very little rain ft the roads are good. G. gave
up horses. He worked at Hays with Noble.
30 Like rain. G. going to Meaford.
Oct. 1 Nice day. We stayed at home.
2 Slick Noble ft G. moving straw stack.
3 Fine but rain at night. They are still at the straw.
Nelly went to Meaford ft got something for threshing.
4 Wet morning. Not working today. S. Hay took pigs home.
5 Lovely warm day. The trees are all in autumn foliage
now. W. Byers ft George are moving straw. Old Mrs.
Noble died last night. Meaford fair. Nelly went with
5 Windy & came up stormy. Mrs. Noble's funeral. George
went to Meaford & got me a letter from Lizzie.
7 Wet morning & colder. G. went to Meaford ft got a
letter from Clarke containing a draft for $100. Hope
to goto P.S. before next month.
8 Sunday, nice day.
9 Busy. Cooking for threshing but we head they would not
come till Wednesday. Got book ft letters for Charllie.
10 I washed. Beautiful day. Machine came tonight.
Jamieson girls called.
11 Charlie's birthday. A busy day threshing. got done at
5 Ada Byers helped us. Warm & summerlike.
12 Rather like rain. G. at Nobles threshing. Turned hot.
I walked to Meaford & got Lucy's money & bought some
clothes for Nelly.
13 Commenced dress-making. G. at Tuckers. Windy but cooler.
Rain at night.
Oct. 14 Wet cold & windy rain all day.
15 Cold wind & the first snow fell. Staid in all day.
16 Busy dressmaking. Fine & cool. G. went to Meaford &
got letters from Mrs. Thoms & Mr. Lefroy with Nelly's
17 Washed. Nice day. Uncle & Aunt and Ethel came to tea.
13 Mrs. Roble & Miss Lindsay came to tea. Warm & pleasant.
G. went to Meaford. Heard from Petmen. (?)
19 Nice day. Mrs. Hay called. G. went to Thornbury.
(Sewing for Nelly and packing)
20 Busy packing. Like a storm but it passed off.
21 Lovely cool day. Packing. George went to Meaford
and got cloth but no letter from Petm.
22 Sunday. Fine. I went to Hays & Tuckers. Lovely
moonlight night.
23 Weather keeps beautiful & warm. G. & I walked to
Meaford. Turned cloudy.
24 Busy finishing up packing 3 loads went to the station.
Weather changed to cold with dashes of rain. Cannot
get Petman's house.
25 Cold & cloudy but cleared out. Mr. Bell took last
load and Frank fetched us here to stay all night.
26 We started off in the morning and duly arrived.
George & C. at F.S. and the children and I at Father's.
Cold & gloomy with a dash of snow.
27 Still raw but milder. Charlie came out to tell me that
there is some difficulty about getting Paton's (?)
house & I do not know where we will live.
23 Father went to P.S. to see about drawing some of the things.
He brought a barrel of apples. Furniture stored at
Utterson till the house is ready. Mr. Smith away.
29 Gloomy & cold,1/2inch of snow. Some of the girls
went to S.S. G. did not come.
30 Bright fine day. Lucy is going to Huntsville. Good
day for still hunt. G. came in evening. He stayed
31 George went to Huntsville intending to go by train to
P.S. and see Mr. Smith in evening. Gloomy.
Nov. 1st Mild & cloudy. Mr. Smith went past but I got no
message from George. I hope he has got the house.
This long delay is a nuisance.
2 Nice day. Father is drawing turnips. Evan and I called
at Hares. Rain at night. No word of George.
3 Baby was poorly with cough last night. Cooler since
rain. I have been here over a week & I hope we can
get into a house soon.
4 Nice cool day. Charlie went to Pt. Sydney. Herbert came.
Charlie came back. House not commenced yet.
5 Sunday mild. We went to church. in afternoon and heard
Mr. Lower. George came after church.
home some clothes. House to be commenced tomorrow.
It seemed nice to see Pt. Sydney again.
7 Fine & warm. I did some washing and cut out my dress.
I must do what sewing I can here for I will be busy
enough when we move to the house at Pt. Sydney. Herbert
went away.
3 Still fine. Charlie went to P.S. Washing day. Ethel
9 Fine. Mr. & Mrs. Bray came even.
10 Nice morning. I expect George to come for us today. He
did not come.
11 Still fine. Herbert came but G. did not. Lucy went
to Hville.
12 Cool & Cloudy. Father's horse is sick. Herbert went
home yesterday & took Ethel. G. came today and took me
and the children to Jonese's in the boat.
13 We stayed at Jones again tonight. We worked at the houses
in afternoon & Nelly came.
14CommmencedtogetmilkfromJonese's.Wemovedinhere today & were busy cleaning & unpack
sick. G. got letter from Louie P. H
15 Snow 8 in deep & still coming. G
hunt. Got nothing.
Nov. 16 Fine & sharp. Nelly & I washed. Sleighs out today.
Man still at work at the house.
17 Lovely day. Snow is going fast. Father came & took
Nelly home. I shall be busy. I got a letter from
18 I had a busy day. Several of the Brymers came in
afternoon. G. went hunting but got nothing. Thom's
girls called in evening.
19 Sunday in Port Sydney again. I went to church in
morning & George in the evening. I like the new
clergyman very well. The little Brymers came after
SS and took Eva there in her sleigh. Stormy.
20 Lovely day sleighing. Bently & McEntyre were busy
boarding the kitchen.
21 Finished the kitchen & we got the things in place.
Thawing. I went to the store and saw the Thomses.
22 Stormy & mild. I washed.
23 Thanksgiving day. Storming still ft clothes wet.
George took A. Ladells Insurance. There is nothing
being done to- the upstairs and we are all in a jumble
24 A nice day but cold. Mr. Ladell died early this morning.
Ray Brymer & the boys were here. Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell
called. Charlie & I went to the concert. lovely
moonlight night. everything sparkling with frost.
25 Lovely day. Charlie & Eva went to Brymers & stayed to
tea. Annie B. brought them home. George at Lodge
tonight. Mr. Smith called.
26 Fine & good sleighing. Charlie went to S.S. & he & I went
to Church in the evening.
27 Mr. Ladell was buried today. Mr. Lowe officiated. Wet night.
28 I washed. Soft snow falling.
29 Mild with snow in afternoon. George went to Aspdin
with Vincent. I went to the sewing circle at Parsonage
and left Charlie at home with Wallis Brymer.
30 Mr. Vincent brought potatoes. Jack B. painting kitchen.
Dec. 1 Vincent brought rest of potatoes. I went to Ladell's.
2 Nice day. Miss Smith called.
3 Sunday. stormy all at home sick with la Grippe.
4 Cold & bright. Jack finished painting.
5 Masons finished lathing & went away as the plastering
will not be done till spring. George no better
6 I went to see A da Ladell. Heavy snowfall. George, baby
7 Snow continues to fall. We are feeling rather better.
Cold clear night.
8 Again snowy. pretty well shut in
9 Snow, snow. soft & sloppy
10 Blustering. no one went to church from here.
11 Cold night & fine day. I cleaned one room & we moved
some boxes up stairs.
12 Very cold. I washed.
13 35 below zero last night. Eva & I went to Ladell's
to see the toys. Mr. Thoms drove us home. Keen
14 Jack Brymer & George were papering upstairs in afternoon.
15 Finished papering. I feel poorly. I sewed at Charlie's
coat. Very stormy ft drifting over 2 ft of snow. milder.
16 I dont feel very strong & it seems hard work to get
through my work.
17 Bright & cold. I went to church in the morning & George
18 I made Christmas cake. stormy.
19 Made mincemeat & dressed adoll.Stormynearlyeveryday.
20 Washing. 30 below zero lastnight.snowabout21/2ft
deep. Sam Nickason was married.
Dec. 21 George started to go to Falkenburg but did not get there.
He got money for chain from Lizzie. Will Gall came home.
Charlie & I went to the store and I got some Xmas gifts.
22 G. & A. Brymer papered upstairs. turned wet.
23 Thawing. G. went to Utterson. He got a letter from
Nelly & a parcel from Laura Thoms for me.
24 Foggy & wet. I went to Church in even.
25 Still thawing. A quiet Xmas at home. I called at
Brymer's. Turned cold & froze all up but the snow has
gone down considerably.
26 Willie Gall brought nice things over from England.
Bright & sharp. Charlie got an Illustrated Xmas No.
from Miss Terry.
27 Snowing again. George & Charlie have gone to Pres
Christmas tree. I got letter from L. Paxon. Washed.
23 I was disaopointed about going to Thomses but George
29 I ironed & made plum pudding.
30 George went to Falkenburg.
31 Sunday. George came home in the afternoon ft I went
to Church.
January 1 letters from Georgie & Nellie. A nice mild day with
good sleighing but Father & mother did not come as the
horse was away. Mrs. Clarke & Flossie called.
2 Mild. George auditing lodge books.
4 Lucy & Clara came. The Thomses came to tea.
5 Lucy went home. I went down to Ladell's. Clara is
going to stay and help me.
6 Saturday. Fine. George cutting wood.
7 Fresh snow has fallen. a few inches. George, C. & I
went to Church. Nita 3. was here.
8 Sharp & clear. I must try to get some sewing done
while Clara is here.
9 Washed. mild.
10 Clara, the children went to Thomses. Lovely day.
I went to practice.
12 Burned cold. Sharp night. Mr. Kay is not expected
to live.
13 Milder. I went to Ladell's. G. is at Lodge.
14 Damp & Foggy. I went to church in the morning
15 Thawing & wet.
16 Lovely moonlight night. George went to concert
at Utterson.
17 Ada Ladell & Laura & Louie Thoms came to tea.
18 Windy & wet. We ironed.
19 Bright day. The Vincents came and spent the day
and we went to Xmas tree in the evening.
20 Good skating but turned wet. Clara & I & the children
went up to Ladell's. Old Mrs. Ladell came in to P.S.
Jan 21 The weather keeps moderate. George & I went to church
in even.
22 Cold wind. Busy tailoring. Clara went to invite
Forrest's for Wednesday.
23 Washed. Clara & I took children into Chesters & Invited
them for tomorrow. G. & I went to Ladell's & saw quite
a party on the ice skating around a bon-fire.
24 We spent a pleasant evening with Forrests & Chesters
and are invited to Forrests. Stormy & snow deep.
25 Ironed & sewed at Gs coat.
26 Cold. We went to Forrests & enjoyed the evening.
Home at 11.30
27 Not so cold. Clara & I went to Ladell's & saw Mrs. Dodd
who invited us to go to spend the day next Thursday.
Charlie skating at Brymer's. came home with some toffee.
George is at Lodge m e e t i n g .
28 Sunday. Fine G & I went to Church in even & Clara in
the morning.
29 Milder. George is helping Vincent saw wood. Got letter
from Mr. Lefroy.
30 George, Eva & I went to tea at Chesters and spent a
pleasant evening. 6 inches of fresh snow.
31 George went to Vincents again. to saw. Lovely day;
letter from Mrs Hay.
Feb.1 Mrs. Forrest & I went to Dodds & took our babies. while
I was away Father & Mother came and took Clara home and
Henry Gall & Louise came.[GrenwallHotelupthelake-burneddownlater]
2 I am busy without Clara. Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell called.
G. unloading flour.
3 I went to Ladell's. nice day.
5 Last night it was 36° below zero. Concert at Aspdin tonight.
6 Lovely day. Nellie came to stay a couple of weeks. G & I
walked up to the store.
7 Sent payment for Martin's bill, mild day. I went to church
to clean lamps & Nelly went in the evening.
Feb 8 Mild day. Charlie & I walked out to Johnson's
ft Herbert drove us back.[Johnson'swholivedatBeatrice]
9 Stormy & cold. Mrs. Gall & Louise called.
10 Horrible day. cold wind. I am reading "Vanity
Fair" in the evenings.
11 Sunday. Cold & clear. I went to SS and G.C. & I
went to church in the even. Mr. Lowe preached.
12 Cold wind and Stormy night, worst storm this
winter so far. G. bought some beef.
13 Nelly's birthday. eve washed and I went up to
see old Mrs. Ladell but she was away, walked
back with Mrs. Forrest & S N
14 Bad day. Mrs. Gall & Will came to tea and we
played whist in the evening.
15 Not so cold - dashes of snow. G. sawing wood.
16 Very cold but fine. Nelly went home. Eva went
to school. Lizzie & Mabel did not come as
Johnsons were nearly burnt out.
17 Milder with more snow at night.
18 Sunday. nice day. I went to SS and stayed at
home in the evening.
19 Mild & snowy. I went to Ladells and invited
Ruth & Connie Thom
20 I washed. turned milder
21 Nice day. Ruth & Connie came & I went with them
to evening service.
22 Disagreeable more snow falling it is very deep
snow. George heard that he cannotgetthejob
of night-watchman at the mill which opens next
23 Cold nasty day. George went to Utterson
24 45 below zero last night coldest yet clear day.
25 More moderate. I went to church in morn & G
in the evening.
Feb 25 More moderate. I went to church in morn & G in
the evening
26 Lovely spring-like day. Ethel came and I went to
Ladell's. G. sent Caesar off to Clarksburg. I
went out in the evening sleighriding. G. went
to Jenner's.
27 G. went to Utterson & got the hound. nice mild day
28 Laura Thoms & I swept the Church. Ethel went to
evening service. Thawing.
Mar 1 Warm & thawing. Ethel went home with G. Howard
3 Fine crust this
morning but warm day. Mr. Vincent came & drew wood.
4 Warm day. I went to S.S. & G. to church
5 Snow has gone down much and it is still warm. G.
sent off advt (
6 Turned wet I washed. Herbert's son born.
7 Colder. Eva and I called at Smith's
8 Ruth Thoms came & invited us to tea tomorrow
9 We all went and had a very pleasant evening.
frosty night.
10 Still warm & fine. Roads very soft. I had a letter
from Connie. Will Gall came & had tea.
11 Sunday. Very high wind but mild. I went to
Church in evening and played the organ.
12 I washed. Herbert called as he was drawing lumber.
I got baby some boots. Mr. Brymer called.
13 Mr. Johnson brought mother and Mabel and they stayed
all day. West.
14 About 3 inches of fresh anow. George went to
15 Colder.
Mar. 16 Connie's birthday. Eva went to school. I tooke
17 Thawing. Mr. Vincent drew us some wood
18 Thunderstorm this morn. It is thawing fast and
the roads will soon be bare. Mr. Brymer
& Annie & some of the children called.
19 Wagons have taken the place of sleighs. Cold wind.
20 I washed. nice sunny day. snow going.
21 Gloomy & Soggy. Tea meeting in Hall.
22 George's birthday 41. He went sawing wood with
Jones. Cold wind. Wrote to Georgie.
23 Good Friday. I went to Church. Mrs. Jones called
Turned out bright.
24 George got birthday letter from Nelly. Snowed
hard in afternoon I went to store.
25 Easter Sunday ground covered with snow. I went
to church in the morning & George in even. G. & I
called at Forrest's. Cold wind. This is a cold
26 5 below zero last night. George got money from
Mr. Lefroy and letter from Connie in which she
said her aunt was not coming out.
27 Bright & cold. I took the little ones to Clarke's
George got birthday letters from George.
28 I washed. 10 below zero last night. Fine day.
Wind keeps cold.
29 George sawing wood.
30 Eva went to school andgotcoldandbadcroupat
night. I went to store. snow going. 31
went to Utterson. Rain & wind.
Apr 1 Sunday. Cold wind. I went toSS&churchin
Apr 2 George went tohelpwithpumpattheparsonageand
3 Raw wind. I washed. The children have colds and
I am keeping them in.
4 I ironed & baked. G. sawing wood.
5 G. sawing. The children & I spent the afternoon
at Forrest's. dull day.
6 Bright and cold wind
7 Pleasant day. Eva & I went to Ladell's. Mr. Jackson
came to Joneses.
8 Cold wind. I went to church in morn & G in the
9 Nice warm day. Mrs. Clarke came to tea and Mrs.
Forrest & Miss Smith called.
Ruth Thoms & Flossie came to meet Mrs. Clarke.
visitors on Monday.
10 High wind. Turned wet. I had letter from Louie.
11 I washed. nice day. I went to Church.
12 Warm nice weather with no cold wind.
13 I went up to Ladells
14 Very dry roads dusty
15 Hot day. Service in even. G. & C. went
Annie Brymer & Aggie Ladell & the children with
some of Clarke's called in the morning.
16 I took Elsie & Eva to Ladells and saw Arthur
Ladell & Ada arrive. I washed. G. is tidying
around the house.
17 Hot & dry. The plasterers came and will begin
to plaster tomorrow.
18 Hot day. Plastering going forward. Terribly
destructive fire in Huntsville. I went to
Ladells & bought some hats etc. like rain but
only a slightshower.Icegoneoutoflake.
April 19 Sultry. rain at night. finished 1st coat of plaster.
21 George walked to Aspdin & insured Joe Clarke's
store. Showery. cooler.
22 Charlie went to Church in the morn & I in the
evening. Cool. George went to Thomses in
23 Weir back again to plaster.
24 Charlie is helping Weir with the mortar. G.
went to Falkenburg & settled with Hay. Cool
& fine.
25 Lovely day. George started out buying Tan Bark.
Men here fixing mortar around stove-pipes.
26 George went up the lake with Arthur Ladell. fine
Whitman called to borrow some books.
27 Friday. hot again. George went up the river
again & took Charlie to Lawrences & he went
through to father's place. I cleaned a room.
28 Showery day but cleared without much rain. roads
dusty. G. stayed at home.
29 Hot in afternoon. Herbert & Lizzie came with
2 children. The baby is a nice little thing.
George & C went to church in the evening.
30 Hot & dry. Georae went up the river buying
bark. I cleaned the other two bedrooms & put
Charlie's bed up, but his room is not dry yet.
May 1 Very hot. George went down to Jim Nickason's
to see about bark. I went to Ladells & the children
to Forrests after tea.
2 George went up to Becketts & bought some bark.
Turned cool with but little rain
3 Busysewing.G.didsomedigginginthegarden.Children havebadcolds.turnedcooler.
May 4 George is donebuyingbarkforthepresent.He
was going to Hville withMr.Chesterbutoverslept.Baby&I went to Smith'stotea.
5 Georgeplantedsomepotatoes&wenttoFalkenburg.
6 Sunday. Wet
7 Fine but hi
8 Arthur Clarke here plowing. Mr. Beckett called about
9 A. Clarke finished the garden. George plantsd some
seeds. I washed. felt poorly in evening. Cool
weather not much growth.
10 Pleasantly warm. G. planted some potatoes. I went
to Ladell's.
11 High wind. Lucy came and took the children & me to
Father's. Mr. & Miss Lowe were there to tea.
12 My birthday. I drove to Huntsville with Lucy, we
expected Annie & her husband but they did not come.
13 Sunday. There was no church to go to, so I stayed
at home and read. Fine. Freddie Gibson died.
14 Ethel drove baby & me home & Nelly came to help for
a few days. We washed blankets.
15 Nelly & I cleaned the sitting room. Mr. Jim Lewis
called about bark
16 We washed. nice day.
17 Got 2 quarts ofmilkfromJonesforthelittlepig.Wecleanedkitchen&cellar.Mr.Smithmov
18 Wet mornin
19 1 qt Cold
May 20 2 qts. Warm & still wet. no service as Mr. Mitchell
has gone to Huntsville to be ordained. I went to S.S.
21 I varnished furniture in Connie's room and moved
our bed to the big room. Gloomy & showery.
2 qts
22 2 qts Showery. I washed. Baby & I went to Brymer's
in the evening.
23 Nice day. Mosquitos are coming in full force tonight
like rain. I went to Ladells & saw Thoms girls.
2 qts
24 Mother brought Eva home. I went up as far as Clarke's
with her as she was going back. Showery. 2 qts
25 Warm with a slight thunder shower. George drove
the stage. the Brymer girls called. No milk
26 Hot day. George busy gardening. I cleaned the
wood shed. Lodge. mosquitos bad. G. went to
Utterson in the afternoon. 2 qts
27 Hot morning but rain at night. I went to early
Communion and SS and G. & I went to evening service.
Mr. Lowe preached. The children were at Brymers
with Annie. 2 qts
2b Cold & showery. George heard that Connie is coming
tomorrow. 2 qts
29 Nasty cold damp day. Connie arrived. safely with
her things. George went to Utterson to meet her.
2 qts.
30 Finer today. I ironed. Connie finished putting
away her things. She & I and the children went to
Forrests in the evening. 2 qts
31 Cool. Consecration of Church yard. George Connie
& Eva went and Mrs. Vincent came back to dinner.
George went to Falkenburg with Mr. Chester. Minnie
Forrest was here to tea. 2 qts
June 1Coldandwet.GcamebackandwenttoUtterson
to insure Hotel 2 qts
2 Sunshine and showers. Connie went to Brymers &
had her gum lanced and George walked up to Brunel
I went to Ladell's. 2 g ts
June4.Colder. We stayed insewing.Bookagentcalledand
also H. Laddell. 2 qts!
5 Wet but cleared out in even. 2qts.ConniehasdonewithMrs.ForresttoDodd's.[Doddslivedu
6 We washed, good clear day. I was very tired. 2 qts
7 Connie went to tea at Forrest's
We ironed most of the clothes. H. Gale called. 2 qts.
8 G. went up to (Becketts') The Locks. Mini (?) Forrest a
9 George went to Utterson with Mr. Chester, Connie &
Gall called. Fine day. 2 qts.
10 Hot Sunday Connie went to S.S. and I to church. G. went
to Vincents. Arthur Ladell & his wife came back with me
from Church 2 qts.
11 Monday very hot. We washed. Smoke overhead. Connie
frightened us very much by fainting out on the verandah.
I went to Ladells in evening. 2 qts
12 Connie much better, headache gone. Annie Brymer came
very hot. G. Drove the stage yesterday & today. 2 qts
13 Very hot. We ironed & walked down to Brymers in evening.
George went to Ball's raising. 2 qts.
[Laura, Ada, Louie, Conni
14 The four Thoms girls came to tea and Mrs. Forrest.
Miss Smith and Mr. Smith called.911/2in the shade
flies bad. 2 qts
15 Hot again. George had a bad headache. Louie Thoms came
in the evening to stay for a time. 2 qts.
16 Still hot. Connie & Louie walked over to Brymers in the
evening. Political lecture.
17 Sultry but turned cooler. Connie & louie went to church
in the morning and G.C. & I in the even. Connie had a
18 Thunder storm last night but still sultry. G. hoeing in
the garden.
19 We washed. came out bright and then rain again.
20 Fine, we got the clothes dry and most of them ironed.LouieandIwenttopracticeandthenca
June 22 Very hot & clear. Too hot forConnietogouptoGall's.
23 Evan & I went to bathe. Hot. G. went to Utterson.
25 Bright day. Edward Hay went up the lake with George
27 Nice day cloudy morn. I went picking strawberries with
Forrests. Connie and the children down at Brymer's.stayedlate
practise tonight at church.
28 G. hoeing garden. Mr. Steward called. Thunder storm in
29 Mr. Enty called. I baked for the pic-nic. Nice,clear, day.
Thomses. Jack Brymer came home.
30 Hot day. The picnic passed off very well. We all went.
July 1 Hot with thunder around. Connie & Louie went to Church
in the morn and in the evening Louie & I wnt. We went
down with the Brymers to have some ice cream and they
came back with us and by the time we got to bed it was
12 o'clock.
2 Still hot. Connie had a fit this morning before breakfast
and narrowly escaped falling down stairs.
3 High wind and rain turned cooler. Mr. Brymer & Annie came.
3 Cool. Mother & Ethel came. Connie went out rowing with
Annie & Jack. Connie & Louie went to Forrests.
4 Cool wind. Finished washing. I went in to Utterson to
meet Nellie. Louie went home tonight. Connie & Nellie
have gone to see Brymers.
5 We ironed. I went to pick goose berries with Forrests. Clear
6 Showery and cold. We had our pic-nic in the Hall.
7 Gloomy & cold. Connie & NellywentuptoLadellsandthenwent in for a bathe at Br
8 Cool Sunday came outbright.Connie&Nellietochruchineven.G.C.&Iwentto Thomses in afternoon.
typed 23 March 1976. Carol Aellen
July 9 Lovely day. Connie &NellierowedovertoGallsand
stayed all day.
10 We washed. Warmer. IintendD.W.takingthechildren
over home for a few days tomorrow.
11 Hot. G. took us over intheboatandafterteahewent
to Pugsley's.
12 Rain at night and showery day
13. Friday/ Father is busy drawinginwood.Bright&cool.GirlswenttoVincentsandGeorgetoFalke
& broght some mutton. He was on his way to the Locks.
15 Sunday, cool & fine. Lucy walked to Allansville. Mr.
Lowe & Mr. Stewart came to tea and then we went to evening
service. Cool night.
16 Hot day. George went to Mr. Cammuses (?)
17 Very hot. Father & girls busy haying. Nellie & I went
to Madills. We picked some gooseberries.
18 94 in the shade. Nellie drove us home and took Connie &
Nelly home.
19 95 in the shade. We picked a few berries. I went down
for mail & saw Mrs. Roper.
20 Hot morning but we had a nice rain at noon. Mr. Mitchell
called to see G. about the concert next Friday. G. sent
bill to Aspdin with Mr. Lowe.
21 The girls still away. Nice day.
22 I went to S.S. in morn & Church in evening. Hot day.
23 Hot day. I picked a few berries. G. went up to Cotters
dales (?) & rowed Mr. Leslie.
25 We did a big washing andIpickedsomeberries.George&IwenttoSmithstotea.Brymergirlscameinevening.
26 Hot day. We ir
27 Very hot. 97° in the shade. G went to Utterson. Concert
in the hall in aid of the organ fund.
July 28 There was over $30 made at theconcert.Girlswentin
for a bathe & G & I went inafterdinner.
29 V
30 Charlie & I picked some berries in morn & G & I called at
Mitchells in evening. Cool this evening.
31 Lovely day. George and Mr. Leslie and I rowed up to Galls.
there was a crowd of the Digtmans. (?) Cool and showery.
2 George went with Mr. Forrest to see Mr. Anthony Sufferen.
G. & I went to tea at Forrests home at 11 p.m.
3 Cool & showery. Leslies left today.
drove the stage. Girls had a bathe.
5 A hot day. George went to Mr. Sufferin's funeral.:. I went
to church in even.
6 Girls went to pick berries. G. drove the stage.
7 We washed. Girls had tea at Forrests.
8 Sultry & like thunder storm but it turned cool without rain.
Very dry. We all went to the cricket match at Vincents
where Connie distinguished herself by fainting.
9 Bright & cool. George brought Connie home from Vincents
by boat. We picked a few blackberries.
10 George took the children and me home where we stayed 3 weeks.
12 I went to church & heard Mr. Davidson.
16 Mother drove us to Herberts place. Robbie is a fine
little fellow.
17 Mother, Eva & I had tea at Hares.
18 The girls went to Huntsville andheardfromClarkethat
grandpa is ill.
Aug. 20 George went home.IwrotetoMrs.Jarvis.
21 Annie came for a weeks visit.
23 Annie & Nellie went toHerbert'splace.MissProudfoot[SchoolteacherinAllansville]
came but was called homeagain.Eva'sbirthday.Picnic
in Pt. Sydney which Imissed.Churchorganarrived.
25 Lucy went to Huntsville.
26 George came and went to church in the morning with us.
Mr. Lowe took service. G. stayed the night.
30 Father drove Mother to Utterson to go to Clarke and Nellie
and Clara helped me through to Lawrence's when we met George.
He told us that Connie and Nellie were going to Meaford. We
tomorrow. Ruth & Connie Thoms called & Emily & Maud Brym
31 The girls went off on the stage & Annie Brymer came to say
goodbye. Ethel walked home & the children & I went as far
as Ladell's with her & came home on the stage. G & I went
to try the new organ this evening.
Sept. 1 Smoky & very dry. I have been busy scrubbing & baking.
G. went to Utterson with Mr. Forrest - Dave Hillyard came
for some money. G. & Mr. Foorest went duck shooting. G.
2 Sunday very smoky & hot. G. has a bad headache. Annie
Brymer look us out on the river. G & I went to church &
5 I washed white clothes & went forthemailintheafternoon.
Sept.7Feelweaktoday.Imustbecarefulandnotovertiremyself. Clara & I ironed, we went in to bid M
goodbye. Like rain. G &Mr.Forrestwentafterducksbuthotnone.
8 Nice day. G.C. & I went to Church in the evening. Ernest
Chamberlain called to say good bye before going to camp.
9 Nice rain last night - turned cold & like frost this
10 evening. The Vincents came this afternoon. Mr. V. skidded
logs for us. Picked Tomatoes.[WhereMr.Kirknessplantedtrees]
11 Clara & I washed. George walked up into Brunel. Mr. Price
came in today and spent the evening here. C. & the children
12 Finished washing & ironed. G is getting some wood. Mr.
Price called. Clara & I walked to Ladell's in the
13 Turned wet. G. is driving the stage.
14 F
& Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell called.
15 Hot with violent rain storm in the afternoon. I went up
to the store. G & Mr. Price went partridge shooting but
got none.
16 Lovely day. George went out in a boat with Mr. Price.
The Forrest children came for a while. Father came & stayed
to tea. George, Clara & I went to Church, Lovely moonlight.
17 Gloomy. I wrote for G. to two men who want to buy farms
in Muskoka.
18 C & I washed. Cold.
19 Like rain but mild. G & I went to Ladell's to tea. There
was quite a nice party there.
20 We went to the Church to decorate.
21 Mr. Thoms & Mr. Price went shootingwithG&wereheretodinner and tea. Go
22 George, Charlie & Mr. Pricewentupthelakeandwerecaught
in a storm. We went tothechurchandfinisheddecorating.Heavy rain. Mrs. Ladell came.
23 Cool &cloudy.Harvestfestival.G&IwenttoseeMrs.Ladell. We went tochurchintheevening.
Sept. 24 Cold & wet. We washed. G went to Utterson & helped
unload a car and commenced night watching at night.
Arthur Ladell and family & Aggie went away from Pt. Sydney.
26 Eva & I went to Ladell's, Mr. Thoms & Mr. Price called
fine cold winter.
27 Lovely mild day. Clara & I and the children took a walk
to the pic-nic ground. Mr. & Miss Smith came to tea &
spent the evening.
28 Fine day. I had a letter from Connie. Went to the P.O.
before dinner.
29 Hot day. Charlie is digging the potatoes which are very
poor. I wrote to Herbert.
30 Clara & I went to church in even. & G. went to bed.
Wet morning.
Oct.1 The McEntyres vacated the house. G is night watching.
2 Set in wet. We washed. 2 I called at
Smiths to see Miss S. as she is going away soon.
1st. Mr. Hay came & G went with him to measure bark.
High wind.
3 Clara & I were doing some cleaning at the home. Wet.
5 Ethel came and brought Nellie & took Clara home. gloomy
wet weather. Mrs. Forrest & Miss Smith called.
6 Cold & gloomy. Herbert came to move us and I took the
children to Forrests. We got most of the things over &
Herbert stayed all night. G went to the mill and came back
7 Sunday. Herbert & Nellie went away and Connie Thoms came
came home with me from Church. Fine morning.
3 I cleaned stove & mopped D. room. Nellie came back got a
ride with Mr. Lowe. busy putting things in order.
9 Nellie scrubbed bedrooms & we moved over some things. Fine
& sharp. Laura & Louie Thoms came in the evening for
Oct. 10 We washed. Wet day. Mrs. Clarke called.
11 Gloomy & showery.Mr.Thomscame&stayedtea.MissH.Haycalled
12 Fine but turned wet at night. I went to Clarke's to a
quilting bee and they had a dance at night.
13 Still very wet, it rains nearly all the time these last few weeks.
Nellie, G & I went to church in even
15 Fine with hard frost. Mrs. Gall & Henry & Louise came to
tea and Louise stayed. Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell called.
16 We washed. Nellie & Louise went for a walk. I went to the
17 A little rain. George has finished night watching. He is
getting subscribers for a Daily paper.
18 Charlie had his birthday party. Lovely day.
19 George went to Utterson to get his money from Stule (?) but
did not get it. Louise & Nellie visited the school. Eva
20 First day of hunting. George was out all day but got nothing.
Nellie and louise went home. I went to help sweep the Church.
21 Warm & pleasant. G & I went to Church in the evening.
Brymers came in the afternoon.
22 Lovely day but turned wet at night. G went hunting &
Utterson but got nothing.
23 Gloomy day. Nellie cameback.Motherisathome.G.wenthuntingandthedogbroughtadeertothelandingbutnoonegot it.
25 Nice morning. George has gone to
26 George did not hunt but tookmeasurementsforinsurance.He went to Maccabes meeting.[Ma
Oct. 27 Lodge here tonight. George & Charlie and party hunted at
home to see whether they would take Connie there to board.
29 Lovely day. George & Charlie went to Clearwater Lake and
30 Wet day but we washed. George at home and Charlie at school.
31 Still wet. Clothes down in the wind. Ironed some. cleared out.
Nov. 1 Wet morning. Mr. Brown came.
2 Fine & cold. George went hunting but got nothing. Charlie
piling wood. Had telegram from Connie at Huntsville, no one
to meet her.
3 Wet cold day. Charlie walked out to Father's and they
fetched Connie from Huntsville.
went home. Laura Thoms came.
5 Cold wind & frost. George went to Clearwater Lake but got
nothing. He went to the Parsonage in the even. Laura here
over night - cold.
6 Mr. C. King called George and Mr. Forrest went off to hunt
north of Huntsville. Lucy & Ethel and Connie came and Herbert
was here to dinner. Lucy & Connie went back. Cold wind
7 Fine & sharp. We washed and I went to Ladell's. Laura Thoms
went home last night - with Willie & Arthur Clarke who shot
8 Fine & frosty. Ethel & I called at Forrests to ask Mrs. F.
to come tomorrow.
9 Gloomy. Mrs. Forrest could not come.
10 Snow on the ground. I went up to Ladells and met George who
came in on the stage having lost Barney and got nothing.
11 Sunday. cold wind. George & I walked to Vincents and I got
a bad toothache. Ethel went to church.
12 George went out still hunting.Ihadbadtoothache.LouClarke shot a big deer.
Nov. 13 George stayed at home. Mr. Brymer came to pull my tooth but could not. G. got m
14 Tooth better this morning. I went with Mrs. Forrest to meeting at the Parsonage.
15 George went still hunting at Clearwater. Mr. Forrest came home with no deer. Sleighi
16 George cutting wood. Ethel papered passage upstairs. I walked to Ladell's it is pret
17 Colder & frozen. George at home. Ethel did not go home
18 Ethel & Charlie walked home. G. & I called at the Forrests.
19 Fresh snow and cold. Ethel & Charlie came home very cold.
20 George went to saw wood with B. Brown. We washed.
21 Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell called. George went out to look for a
deer with B. Brown and Mrs. & Mrs. Forrest spent the evening
22 Nice mild day. Mr. Clarke came and killed our pig which
weighed 172 lbs. I went to meeting at the Parsonage - quite
a number present. Received letter & will from lawyer at
23 Rain at night. George went to Browns again to saw. I wrote
to mother and Connie.
24 Herb Ladell called to see George. G. cut up the pig and
salted it. Lodge tonight again.
25 Sunday. cold. Ethel and the children went to S.S. George
Ethel & I went to church in the evening.
26 Sharp & snowy. We washed and the clothes blew down. George
went to Utterson to the Court of Revision. I madesomesausagemeat&meltedthelarddown.Herbert came to dinner.
27 Cold. I went to Ladells. Mr. Rumball came and took the
29 Nice evening. George and I went to Ladells party. There
were quite a number there. Wecamehomeabout1.30.
30 Friday. Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell called.WillandLouiseGallcalled&broughtGladys.EthelwenthomewithMadills.
Dec. 1 Sat. Maccabes meeting tonight.
2 Charlie went to church in the morning and G & I intheevening.HarrietHaycalled.Aslightfal
3 Fath
kitchen. mild.
5 We washed. Clara & I took the children up to Ladells.
6 I went to meeting at the parsonage. Lovely day.
7 Nice day. George is getting ready for shooting match. We
went to Forrests to tea & met the Thomses & Miss Munroe.
8 Shooting match went off very well. George won a goose.
Lodge night.
9 Damp, trees all coated with ice. Mrs. Mitchell called after
S.S. we went to church at night.
10 Clara & I washed & scrubbed the sitting room & cleaned the
11 We scrubbed the dining room & I made the Xmas cake & Mr.
Brymer came.
12 Clara ironed and we made the mince-meat & puddings. Wet day.
13 Frozen but pleasant. George went to shooting match at
Utterson. We washed a little bedding and took the children to see
15 Saturday. Lodge again. Soft.
16 Rain, roads icy. G went to Church
19 George & I washed. Nice weather
20 Mild & thawing.
Dec. 19 George & I washed. Nice weather
20 Mild and thawing
21 Wet day. Schoolconcert.Itookthechildrenitwasverygood.
22 Frozen up & icy. Nellie came home and looks well.
23 Cold gllomy day. George is lightingthe Church fires this
month.G& Nell & I went to church in the evening.
24 Milder turned snowy. Nellie & Charlie walked to Fathers. Geor
& stayed with me.
25 Xmas day. Cold & stormy. G went to Church. We had a quiet
26 Mr. Rumball died. George went to Utterson for half a day to
unloada car. Louie Thoms came to stay a few days & Laura &
Willie came with her. Charlie walked home. Very cold night.
Lake frozen over.
27 Bitterly cold & stormy. Clarke brought a load of wood.
Mr. Rumball's funeral.
28 Bright & very cold. George took Mrs. Forrests insurance.
Charlie went to Thomses & skated all day. Louie Thoms is
here still cold night.
29 Sent Mrs. Jones $5.00 on the milk. Much milder. Cold snap over.
Good skatingon the lake.
30 About 6 inches of fresh snow. Louie Thoms went home after
evening service.
31 Dance in the hall tonight - Mr. Norfolk and Mr. Holly came
in in the evening.
Jan. 1 Snowymorn but came out fine. Father and Connie & Nellie came to dinne
2 Nice mild day. Nellie & I washedandbaked.IcalledatJoneses. Nellie has
3 Nellie & Charlie went skating. Mrs. Dodd & Tom & Laura came turned stormy
4 Bright sharp night - Nellie, Eva & Charlie went to the Xmas tree and did not get hom
5 Nellie mopped the Kitchen. Maccabes meeting here.
Jan. 6 Soft & snowy. Nellie walked toThomsesandsheandGeorgewentto church in theevening.Mrs.Jone
9Nicemorning.BobBrowncametosaw.Mr.Richardsoncalledtoget his furniture insured.Thegirlsdidnotcomeback.
Mr. & Mrs. Thoms came to tea. very stormy. They went home late
11 Heavy roads. Mr. Vincent & Mr. Norfolk came to tea but Mrs.
12 Lodge at the Hall instead of here. Miss Hay called to say
good bye.
13 Cold & stormy. Nellie went to Church in morning & she & george
went in the even.
14 Not so cold. Mrs. Gall & Louise called.
15 Milder & sunny. We washed. Nellie went to Ladells. Nellie
& Charlie have gone to the Pres. Xmas tree.
17 I got a letter from Ada Ladell.
19 Roads good. I took the children for a short walk.
20 Sunday. Nice day. George went to Thomses. He hurt his
finger with wood at the Church. I called at Joneses. Mrs. Forrest called an
21 I was taken sick at 12 lastnightandbabywasbornatabout1.30 before either Mrs. Brown or
22 Mother & Nellie did the washing.Babyisverygood&sleepsmostofthetime.Iamfeelingprettystrong.Mrs. Chester
Jan. 24 Laura & Louie Thoms & theMitchellscalledatthesametime.Bright & cold. 29 below zero.
25 Good roads. Nellie walked home. Will Gall & his wife called & had some
26 A lot of fresh snow & storming still.
27 Sunday. nice day but snowy roads. Had no visitors. Eva went to S.S. & George to church in t
28 More fresh snow & no one came from home. though we need Ethel.
Mother's cold is much better.
pretty heavy.
30 Father and Ethel came but the roads are very bad and the
snow still comes it is very deep now.
31 I had a letter from Lizzie & Lucy. George went to a meeting
about opening a reading room at the Hall.
Feb. 1 Snowing again. Mr. Lowe came to administer the Sacrament this
morning only George went from here. Forrest girls came in.
2 Nice day. Mrs. Forrest called.
3 Snowing. George went to Vincents for dinner. Ethel and Charlie
Utterson to unload flour. Flossie Clarke called.
5 Bright & cold George went to meeting at the Hall to form
Reading Room. Mrs. Chester called in the evening.
6 Cold snap continues. 33belowzerolastnight.Washingday.Supper at the parsonage forChurch-wardens.Mr.Lloydw
7 A little milder. Baby did not sleep so well.
8. Horribly stormy and cold. The danceattheHallwaspostponed.
9. Bright and sharp. Ethel walked home.Lodgetonight.
12 Ethel & I washed. Martha Burton & Ruth came. George went to
13 Nice day. Dance at the Hall. Mr. Gall & Vincent came in for
a chat & G went with them to see the dance.
14 Lovely day. I wish I could get out. Henry Gall brought a bag
15 Nice day.
16 Bright. I went out for the first time. Mabel & Roy Forrest
in the evening.
17 Mild but dull. George went to Mrs. Harris' funeral. Ethel
& Charlie went to church & Mr. Lowe preached.
13 Stormy. Ethel & Charlie went to concert in Utterson with
19 Still snowing. G. went to club. Mrs. Dodd called to ask me there.
20 Began to get a pint of milk daily from Joneses & a pint from Watsons.
21 Roads bad so we did not go to Dodds.
22 Mrs. Forrest called & brought bottle
23 Nice day.
24 Sunday. Ethel went to church w George and I walked up to
Ladell's & I went to Clarke's.
25 Snowy and roads heavy. Stormy night. Mr. Brymer & Annie
came in evening.
26 Shrove Tuesday. nice day. Mrs. Ladell gave a party. George went
27 Eva & I went to the store and I went to church in the evening.
28 Thawing snow has gone down. Louie is sick.
Mar. 1 Turned cold & stormy. M_____ and Maud Brymer came & brought
lime-water. Louie is improving.
Marc 2 Connie came home. Began togetaquartofmilkdaily'fromWatsons.Connie&EthelcalledatForre
3 Cold wind. Connie &EthelwenttoteaatForrests.G&C.& I went to church in the evening.
4 Terribly stormy.
7 Snowy. No sign of Spring yet.
9 Lodge meeting. They decided to have an oyster supper on
the 22nd.
10 George & I & baby went to Thomses to dinner. Nice day.
Eclipse of the moon.
11 Laura & Louie Thoms came and helped us to quilt.
12 We washed mild & damp. Lucy came.
13 Scrubbed and ironed. Lucy & I went to church.
Connie & Ethel walked to Galls and Lucy went home. Mr. Mitchell
& Mrs. Bert called. Baby slept well.
15 Baby was wakeful so I could not do much work. I called at
Chesters. and took baby & Louie. Mr. McInus called to see
about oyster supper. Lionel Rumball called.
16 Connie's birthday. Harry Gall brought the girls home.
I walked to Ladells.
17 Nice day but turned windy. G., C., C & I went to church.
19 Lovely
22 George
Mar. 23 Connie got her medicine and took it to Brymers to be
24 Warm & slushy. G. has a sick headache. We went to church.
25 Rain last night - warm & snow going. G wrote to Judge Mahaffy. Soft.
26 Frozen up. We washed. Lionel Rumball came in to dinner.
27 Mr. Boydell preached in the evening. Connie & Charlie went
skating. Father & Clara came. fresh snow.
28 Cold wind. The girls went skating & got home about 10.
Eva & I went to the store. Aggie Ladell poorly.
29 Nice day. George is going down to Falkenburg. /I went with
him and we drove home with Herb Ladell. The girls went
31 Lovely day. I went to Sunday School
Apr. 1 April fool's day
2 We washed. Raw wind.
3 Connie & I went to church in the evening.
4 The snow is not going much this week. I went to C.W.A.S.
meeting& Mrs. Forrest & I took Mr. Smiths mat to him
5 Connie went with A. Brymer to the school & the children and
I called at Forrests. Thawing fast.
6 Gloomy with rain.
7 2 services. I went in morning & the girls in the evening.
8 Charlie has a bad cold
9 We washed. Cold wind froze up
10 Lionel Rumball called to see Connie. Mr. Brymer & Annie called
11 Annie Brymer came to go skating but the ice was too soft and they walked to Ladell's.
12 Good Priday. George, Connie 4 I went to Church. Nellie came
hone for good. Connie & Charlie went to meet her & got wet.
13 Roads very bad & patches of snow. Connie & Nellie called at Forrests. Nellie & I called a
14 Easter Sunday. We all went to Church but Nellie & Louie and had Violet Christened. Connie
April14EASTER SUNDAY. We all wenttoChurchbutNelliwandLouieandhadVioletChristened.Conni
20 Fine day. Connie & Nellie went to help Mrs. Vincent.
21 Fine but turned wet. I went to Church & S.S. Vincents here
to tea.
22. Cooler. We commenced house cleaning. turned wet.
23 Colder. We washed. Mrs. Forrest and I went up to Ladell's.
24 I cleaned a room ready for papering. Nellie & Connie went to
the Brymer's. Keeps dry.
25 NELLIE'S BIRTHDAY I cleaned pantry. Connie & Annie Brymer
went to Bracebridge. George went to the Locks and came home
with Vincent in his boat - Paper samples came.
26 We do not get on fast with the cleaning as we have not the
paper. Mrs. V. & I went to see the boat. G & I went over
to Mr. Williams (?) for potatoes.
27 G &I went over to Thomses. I went toForrestsformilk.dry&hot.
28 I went to S.S. & Church
29 Sultry & like rain. I cleaned hall.
30 Cooler & no rain. I went to store &gotConniealetter.
very dusty.
May 1s
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario 1895 ....78
May 2 Finished dining room & I went with Mrs. Forrest to C.W.A. meeting.
3 Very hot, we cleaned kitchen. Wall paper arrived from Toronto.
5 Hotter than ever 93° but no rain. G & I went to Church in
the morning & Nellie in the evening. Connie went to Vincents.
W. Gall called.
6 Hot. I papered Nellies room & moved the girls into the
small rooms. Connie poorly. Thunder shower in evening
7 Still warm. I cleaned room over Kitchen. Vincents & we
bought a cow from H. Brown.
8 Nice day. We washed. Trees are out in leaf & blossom.
Stopped getting milk from Watsons.
Watson's milk
We owe $3.30
Connie 1.20
Total $4.50
9 Hot and dry.
10 Hot & sultry. Connie has neuralgia. Lucy came and took the
children and me home we called to see Johnson's. Thunderstorm
at night.
11 Father & Ethel went to Huntsville. Another storm cooled
the air. Cold night. Tramp called.
12 Very cold wind & frost. MY BIRTHDAY (born 1863 therefore
aged 32 this year) (note aca) Mr. Lloyd came to tea and we
wentto church.
13 Bright & cold. I called at Hare's.
15 Bright with cold wind. Ethel drove to Herberts.
16 Cold wind I bought a Recipe for making Maple Syrup.
May18Iwashed a few things and we made carpet. Wet afternoon.
19 cold. Nellie & Connie went to churchbutNelliewaspoorly,and had to
20 Gloomy and cold. The girls andIpaperedtwofront-roomsupstairs.
21 We washed & I scrubbed upstairs. George & Charlie & I saile over to Thomses. Mrs. Les
22 Connie went to help Mrs. Vincent. She fainted out on a rock
23 Lovely day. We all feel pretty seedy. Several people called.
24 Louise Galle & Nelly came and baby & I went to the pic-nic
with them. George went over to Galls.
25 Hot. Connie feels weak and is lying down most of the day.
26 Sunday. Heavy rain while at S.S. George & I stayed with
Connie. Mrs. Forrest & Mr. Vincent called.
27 Dr. Eridgland came to see Connie. Mrs. Forrest came to see
him. damp & cool.
28 Fine day. Henry Gall called. Connie still weak troubled
much with toothache. Children came home.
29 N. & I washed. Louise Gall came
30 We ironed. hot weather. Connie quite ill in bed all day.
George & Charlie planted potatoes.
31 Hot. George went to take Mulvaney's Insurance. I had headache.
June 1 Hot but cool wind. George has sick headache. Connie seems
better. Laura & Louie Thoms called. Cool evening.
2 Hot day. two services only George went to church in the
3 Heavy rain last night, warm.
Sultry. Nellie & I washed. Herbert came & stayed tea. I
went up to Ladell's with children
5 Quite cool again, ironing.
6 Lovely bright day. I went toC.W.A.S.meetinginevening.
There was a meeting to arrange for sports.
7 Lovely & cool night. Children & IcalledatForrest&Mrs.F.andIwenttothewoodstogetferns.
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario 1895 ...80
June 8 Warmer, George has gone to see Mr. Hay at Utterson. No lodge. Mr. Vincent came & had
June 9 Hot day. Louie isill.EvaClarkandIwenttoS.S.NoserviceConnie & Nellie went to Forrests
10 Hot. Louie a little better but Eva has a bad cold.
$9 due to Jones for milk
11 No rain yet. Nellie&IwashedandjustaswehadfinishedAnnie & Sam drove up & they stayedtille
12 Hot. Eva ironed
to unload flour.
15 Nice day. Baby is poorly.
17 Hot again. Took baby over to Vincents. George went up to
Brunel Hall.
16 Hot day. George Eva & I went to church Connie & Nellie
went to Brymers.
18 Nice day we washed with Mrs. Vincents machine. Rain tonight.
19 Cooler but not much rain.
I went up to Ladells with children.
20 George went to Bullins. Louise Gall came & stayed tea.
Strawberries are ripe.
21 Rain passed off leaving it hotter than ever. Baby still very ______.
22 Baby poorly. George troubled with toothache.
23 Cool wind nice day. G & IinvitedtoThomsesbutbabywasnot well enough to go.CalledatForres
to church.
June26Heavy thunder storm &rain.Wewashed.Connienotverywell. I went for walk with children.
27 George got up early and wentuptoHuntsvilleinMr.Smith's pretty steamer but couldno
the parsonage to price fancy work.
Excursion of S.O.E.
29 Busy baking for picnic.
30 Cool & dry. G & I went to morningservice.Ethelcameinafternoon.
July 1 Lovely day cool wind. The picnic & bazaar went off very
well. There were a lot there and the Aid society took over $50.
2 No rain but cool. Nellie went with Vincent for huckleberries
only a few. Ethel went home.
3 We washed. dry & smoky.
5 Like rain but passed off. very dry.
6 Cooler. I went to bathe with the Forrests. Like rain but
none came.
7 Sunday. intinsely hot. George Eva & I went to church in
the evening.
8 Thunder shower but not enough. George received cheque from
England. Mr. Brymer came & made a hammock. George is
getting signatures for a petition.
9 Cool we washed.
10 I took the children & got a few berries. They are drying
15Gloomy.The girls & Charlie went togetHuckleberriesbutcouldhardly get any. I took the
June 15 Gloomy. The girls & Charlie went to get Huckleberries but
could hardly get any. I took the children to Clarkes &
stayed to tea. Mrs. Ladell gave us an old baby carriage.
Mr. Vincent heard of the death of a brother.
16 Nice rain last night. We washed very sultry, George
went up to Lewises in Mr, Smith's steamer.
17 Hot but turned cool. Eva & I got 2 quarts of berries,
the first I have preserved.
18 Bright. G & I got a few berries. I sent Lucy her Interest.
19 Finished hoeing potatoes. G & I went to look for berries
but got very few.
20 Hot. George & Charlie took the cow away and exchanged
her for a little one.
School Meeting.
21 Nice rainy day. cleared up before evening. G & Connie & I
went to church. Good congreation with the tourists.
22 Cool, cloudy. Cleared out fine. Connie & Nellie went to
23 We washed. After dinner, George & I went to Galls & took
Eva & baby . Found Mrs. Gall very well and getting strong.
Saw E. Chamberlain.
24 Turned wet.
26 Mrs. Thoms & daughters came to tea. George was helping put
furnace in the Church. showery turned cool, baby poorly
with teeth.
27 Cool 7 cloudy. Girls & Charlie went over to Rumball's
and got 10 qts of berries. I took baby up to Ladell's.
28 Girls went to Church in morn and G & I in the even.
29 Cool turned wet but did not amount to much. Charlie & I
went & got 4 qts of berries.
30 Showery but did not catch much water. G went up to Brunel
with Mr. Chester.
31 Wet, we washed. Mr. Mitchell called,
birthday. I went to parsonage & took baby.
5 Nice day. We got about 7 qts of berries. Mr. & Mrs.
Forrest came to tea.
6 Like rain but it passed off. G is doing road work. The
girls and I went out for nuts ( ? ) and berries. We went
up to Ladells in the evening.
7 Showery turned wet. May & Phoebe were so poorly last night
that they decided to go to Gravehurst where they can see a
Doctor. I went with them to Utterson. Picnic at the Hall.
Nellie & Charlie went.
8 Fine day. Charlie & I went and got about 4 qts of berries.
9 Nice cool day. Mother drove over & brought Mrs. Cooper to
see us. Laura & Louie Thoms & Min Forrest came to tea.
School meeting.
10 Extremely hot.
11 Two services. Mr. Nockridge officiated. we like him. hot.
Mr. Brymer & Minnie came in the evening.
12 Turned cooler. The three Thoms boys came to play with
Charlie I took baby up to Ladells. I had a letter from
13 Bright cool day. we washed.
14 Hot & clear. George rode on horseback up to Lewises.
Nellie brought Mrs. Cooper to make us a visit.
15 Nellie went bathing & stayed tea at Forrests. Mrs. C
& I went to Ladell's
16 Hot. Mrs. Gall & baby, LouiseandMr.Chamberlaincametotea. Mrs. Vincent ca
17 Connie went down to Falkenburg.WewentbethingwithForrests and the c
Aug. 2 Fine and cool. Cousins Mav and Phoebe came on the evening
stage.Iwould scarcely have known them. '
3 Damp but not much rain. May,Phoebe,Connie&Iwentoutinthe boat after tea. George
4 Sunday. Cool the four girls went to Church.
18 Showery. Mr. Cooper & Mr. Cliff came on bycicles and we all went
19 Louie`s birthday. She got a doll and had some children to tea. M
20 We washed and Nellie walked home with Laura Dodd after school. T
21 Cool. George helped Hugh Brown with his lumber. Mrs. Cooper & I
22 Baking for picnic. Connie went to Falkenburg for a month.
23 Eva's birthday. Heavy rain but cleared up about 2 and we went to
24 Warm. Thunder storm. Nellie came home; sow got away. Cooler. G h
25 George, Eva & I went to Church & Nellie & G went in the evening.
26 George went on at the mill nighwatching. Fine.
27 George went to measure bark with Mr. Hay and got home & went to
28 Wet day. George slept till noon and got up. Nellie is poorly, ly
29 Nellie is better, we ironed. Several cases of TYPHOID at the boa
30 Lovely day. We did not get over home as G could not take us.
31 We scrubbed. Shower came up but it cleared off.
Sept. 1 Cooler. G & Nellie Went to church in even. N went to Forres
2 Bright day. Ethel & Cousin Will surprised us and stayed all day.
Sept. 3 Warmer.
9 Hot day but cold night. Children about the same fever high
10 Restless night but I was not disturbed as I have baby in
Nellie's room. hot again. Lucy came & mother went home.
The Dr. came & had dinner here. Lucy sat up all night.
Hot. Thunder storm.
11 Very sultry & trying for the children. Thunder storm in
12 Still warm but turned cold in the afternoon. Children
rather better. The Dr. came at 1 this morning. Nellie
sat up till 1 and then Lucy. Baby was sick all night &
I did not sleep much. Jones & Vincent are digging us a
well. Dr. Hart came at 1 o'clock in the night. Nellie
was sitting up.
13 Children keep about the same but the cold weather is easier
on them. Frost tonight.
14 Baby seems no better of dia
15 Severe frost cut offgarden.Fine&cold.Dr.cameagain&Miss Thomson & had tea.Evaismuchbetteroffever.
16 George at home lastnight. Eva rambledmostofthenight&didnotsleep.Charliesleepsquietly.Lovelyday.
Sept. 17 The Dr. came today & brought Mrs. Hart & child. He thi
18 We washed - damp day.
19 Lucy is poorly. The children are improving & baby too. Dr. H
20 Hot day. Father came & took Lucy home. Louie is well.
21 Very hot & trying for the children. Ethel walked here. Dr. h
22 Hot & bright. I went to church in the morn & G & Ethel in th
23 Wiggins stormed arrived but in a modified form & it is much
24 Cool again. Eva has diarrhoea. Up a good many times at night
25 Eva passed a little blood so I telegraphed for the Doctor.
The Doctor says they are both doing very well. Mrs. Hart
and the little girl came.
26 Lovely day after the rain. The children had very little
27 Colder & cloudy. The children are doing well and drink
quantities of milk. I went up to Ladell's.
28 The Dr. did not come but the children are doing all right -
Very high wind at night - turned wet.
29 Cold wind, showery. Dr. Hart's assistant came & found them
in a slight fever. Nellie & Esther went to Church & G went to
bed & slept till 3 o'clock a.m.
30 Showery. George up all day. Mr. Leith went away. Mr. Price
came to Laddell's. First snow.
Oct.1Showery.we washed. Mrs. Jones is ill.KatyCookwenttothe
2 The Dr. came & allows the children to have a little corn starch. He went t
3 Bright day. Utterson Show Mrs Joneshasthefever&isgoingto
Oct. 4 Dr. Hart's assistant came, the children are doing well.
Babyand I went to the meeting at the parsonage.
5 Bright weather. G. went to Reed's
6 Harvest Festival today. Nice day. George came home last
night & will not go on till tomorrow morn. Children doing
well. G & W. Price went to Thomses.
7 Heavy rain. George went to Utterson. Mr. Clarke brought
baby's cradle.
8 Cold with a little snow. Children eat heartily.
9 I went to Ladells & bought Charlie an overcoat. Saw the
10 Fine but wold wind. Children dressed up in their room for
the first - Lucy drove over Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell called. I
went for mail.
11 Charlie's birthday, wet day. The children are up & dresed
but not downstairs yet.
13 Sunday nice & warm. Charlie & Eva came down stairs for the
first. Nellie & Ethel went for a walk & G Ethel & I went
to Church in even.
mill at night though there was no fire.
15 Warmer. The children went out for a little while. G. has
gone shooting with Mr. Price. He did not go to the mill
tonight. Wet.
16 Wet day. Ruth Thoms has the fever.
17 Cold wind. G. went shooting. Children went out for a
little while. I went to Forrests.
18 Nice day. Father came & brought Louie. & said that Lucy has
the fever, caught here. Where is it going to stop.
19 Wet again but milder. Heavy lashes of snow in afternoon &
severe frost at night.
20 Ground covered with snow. Louie & I went to Church in morn
& George & Nellie in the evining.
(Mrs. Jones dies)
Oct. 21 I fum
22 Nice mild day but turned wet.
23 Cold wind. George's last night at the mill.
26 Cleaned 2 front chimneys. Mrs. Jones died last night at
about 9 o'clock. I went to help make Elsie a dress. Louie was
sick last night. Lodge tonight.
27 Lovely morning but turned wet for Mrs. Jone's funeral.
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest came & went with us to the funeral.
Mr. Vincent was here to tea. Nellie went to church
28 Heavy snow fall. George went to the woods with his gun but
was driven home by the storm.
29 George put in posts at the well & then went into Utterson
& got his money $53.80 from the Company.
30 Bright day. There are about 3 inches of snow & some sleighs
are out. Mr. Clarke is coming to kill our pig. Mrs.
Mitchell called.
31 George went hunting with Bob Brown & they got a fawn.
John Nickason is here banking up the well.
Nov.1Geo. got up early and went hunting. We cleaned the dining
room - snow still lies. Julia Watson called.
2 G. fetched a hind quarter of the Fawn. The children & I
went to Ladell's. Snow melting.
3 George & I went to Church & I took the little girls to S.S.
Warm day.
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario1895...89
Nov. 7 Turned wet. I went with Mrs. Forrest meeting at the parsonage.
8 Gloomy & turned cold. Minnie & Mabel Forrest & Julia Watson came here to
9 Cold day. I went to S.S. & Church in even.
10 I went to S.S. & Church in even.
11 George went to Mainhood's and they got a deer, he came home
late & tired & was sick in the night.
12 Charlie got up early and went to tell C. Mainhood that his
father could not go up. Charlie had a party hut only the
Thomses came. Soft. George went to Mainoods in the evening
to hunt next day.
13 I went to the church to see Milly Cock's wedding and George
& Nellie went to the party at night.
14 Gloomy & mild. George went up to hunt at Mainhood's but
got only a partridge. Charlie & I went up to the store in
the evening.
15 Showery. George at home. Nellie went up to Ladells.
16 Clear & cold. I went to see Mrs. Watson's baby. Paid
Y. Howard $5.00
17Iwent to church in the morning but none of us went to
S.S. Mr. & Mrs. Herb McClure & Herb & Sadie Humphrey's
18 Nice bright afternoon. I cut Eva'shair.Julia&Dimeau(?)
& Minnie called.
19 We washed. Turned snowy & I did not go up to Jenners.
Minnie & Mabel Forrest called.
20 Stormy cold night plenty snow. Julia&Miriam&Mabelcame
to practice dancing.
21 3 below zero last night.Clear&cold.Georgewenttoshooting match at Utterson. Nell
22 Fine. Mrs. Forrest & I went to Jenners.
23 George went to Jenners & sold them an organ.
Nov. 24 Pleasant day. I went to S.D. Minnie Forrest was here to tea and went to Church w
25 Stormy turned to rain & thawed Mr. Mitchel & Bertie called.
26 Warm but blew cold we washed. Free concertat the Hall
tonight. was a great success.
27 Nice day. Nellie spent the even at Chesters.
23 Laura. & Louie Thoms came to tea also Henry Gall brought
Turkey & stayed tea. Nellie went to Foressts but we sent for
her to come home, heard that Lucy is worse. Moonlight.
29 George went over to see how Lucy is & found her not so very bad.
30 Turned very cold but fine. Shooting passed off successfully,
made $2.70.
Dec. 1st I went o Church & S.S. Nellie went to Forrests to tea.
2 Stormy & cold. Julia & Mr. Harrison called.
3 Cold 14 below but turned mild. The wedding & party were well
attended & passed off well.
5 A terrible thing happened today while we were at the meeting
at the parsonage. Bertie Mitchell broke through the ice
skating and was drowned before he could be got out. We
stayed with Mrs. Mitchell until dark.
6 Nice, bright day. Mr. Vincent & Mr. Somerset were here to
dinner. G. called at Mitchells. Nellie went with Mrs. Forrest
& Minnie to Mitchells in the evening.
7 Mild, inclined to turn stormy. Ironed late this week I
went to Ladells with George in the eveing. Charley spent the
day at Thomses. George payed T. Howard $17 for hay.
8 Nellie, Charlie & I went to Church and Mr. Ulbricht preached.
Nellie took a wreath up to Mitchels for Berties coffin, she stayed to tea.
9 Gloomy. I took the children to Forrests and we all went to
Bertie's funeral. Mr. Lloyd buried him.
11 Gloomy. I made the Christmas cake. Cold night.
Dec. 12 Very cold day we are havingitverysevereforsoearlyinthe winter. Minnie Forrest calle
13 Eva & I went up toLadell's.Nellie&MinnieForrestwentto the store.
14 Milder.
15 Lovely day. Mr. Ulbricht came and assisted at both services
16 Mild. I went up to Ladells and got some presents.
17 Wet but turned out fine. We washed.
18 We are having a good thaw. Father drove over and brought
a quarter of beef but Nellie did not go back with him.
19 Raining hard. Meeting of C.W.A.S. at Ladell's today.
Only Emily & I were there.
20 Singer machine agents came and stayed over night in the village.
21 Snow about gone nice morn but turned wet at night. Nellie
& Minnie Forrest went to Huntsville & Nellie stayed at
22 Gloomy & a little cooler I went to S.D. & G. to Church in
the even.
23 We are likely to have a green Xmas. George & Charlie are
piling wood at the mill. Connie came home in the rain.
stuffed the Turkey & made some mince pies. We put up a
tree & some decorations. Laura & Louie Thoms called and
Mr. & Percy Mitchell called & left some presents for the
25 A green Xmas. I went to church. The children got a nice
lot of presents. Forrest's cow died.
26 Snowy day. we washed.
27 Connie went to Graham's. Mr. Forrest drew some wood.
Connie fainted in the evening.
28 I ironed. Connie is better.
29 A nice day. G & I went to Churchintheevening.Annie
Brymer came to stay with Conniee, Charlie went to t
Typed 27 March 1976 Carol Aellen
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario 1895 ...92
Dec. 30
Herbert came in for a while & had tea. Snow falling.
31 We washed a few things. Heavy snow fall in fact a regular
Jan. 1 Snow deep & more coming. We finished washing & had the
Forrest family to tea & spend the evening.
2 Connie fainted again this morn. George, baby & I went
to Forrests to tea it was too snowy to take the children &
3 Still snowing. Charlie went to the S.O.S. concert and
Nellie stayed the night. with Minnie Forrest.
5 30 below zero today but fine. The children & I went to S.S.
Mrs. Chester came in in the evening.
6 42 below last night but moderated.
7 Meeting at the hall & debate. Henry & Louise Gall came &
stayed till after the meeting.
8 Began to get a quart of milk daily from Watsons.
Nellie went to Forrests' party and did not get home till
2 a.m.
9 We ironed and prepared for Thomses coming to tea. Mr. & Mrs,
& 2 of the girls came.
10 Still rather cold. We all went to the Sunday School entertainment but G
11 Milder. An apple tree pedlar came. The Thomses_found
Lestrange half frozen in the snow in Vincent's field. Lodge
12 Snowing I went to S.S. & church.
13 Still snowing. George went to meeting at Parsonage.
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario I896 ...93
Jan.15Nice day.
16 Mild day. George stayed in bed with sick headache till
the afternoon. We saw Dr. Bridgland there I he pronounced Lestrange mu
17 We have bad colds. Nellie went to drill (for concert, aca)
& C_____ Brymers. I took the children over to Forrests
13 We scrubbed. George was away all day sawing with Bob Brown.
19 Pleasant weather now. I went to S.S. & the girls went to church
20 Tommy Caswell called. The Mitchells called.
21 I called at Brymer's with the children and invited the girls
22 Fine. Connie & I & the children called at Mitchells. Nellie
spent the evening at Clarkes.
23 Connie rather poorly. George went to Utterson to unload
flour for1/2a day. Emily * Minnie Brymer came to tea.
24 Mile & snowy. Broom drill at the hall. Some of us went to
the Pres. (Presbyterian, aca) Xmas boat at the hall.
25 Keeps mild. George went to see McEchney about an organ.
The children & I called at Clarkes.
26 Eva & I went to Church in the morn & the girls in the evening,
27 Lovely day. Mrs. Forrest & I were going to walk to Dodds
but Father & Clara came.
28 George went up to Brunei with Herb Laddell. The girls &
Charlie went skating in the evening and Connie fainted on the
ice and Arthur Clarke drove her home.
29 Mild. George went up to Newton's but came back to tea.
The children called at Michells & met Laura & Connie Thoms
30 George went
to see him. Connie & Nellie went to see Minniee Forrest
who is poorly. Nellie went to a dance at the hall with the
31 George took insurance of new school I went up to Laddell's
in the evening. Snowing.
Feb. 2 2Cold. I went to S.S. & Church.
3 Nice day. Connie & Nellie called to see Minnie Forrest.
5 Connie & George received letters from Mrs. Paxon asking
Connie to go back so we thought Nellie &Conniecouldgo.Iwenttomeetingattheparsonage&Laura
6 Mild & snowy. G. walked up to Brunel.
7 Snowy. Nellie came with Galls cutter & the children rode up to Lad
9 George & I went to church in the morn. W & Annie Brymer
called. I went to see McInnis baby.
10 Louisa Gall called. G. went to see Girvin & Thomses (Girou?)
11 Windy. blocked up the roads
12 Fir.e but roads too bad to go to Dodds. I called at Forrests.
13 Mrs. Forrest & I & Louie went to Dodds; it was rather snowy.
14 Cold but not so stormy. George went to Aspdin with Wall
Thoms. Miss Reid's concert, Connie, Nellie, Charlie & Eva
15 George & I went up into Brunel with Wall Thoms. Snowy.
16 Bitter cold wind, we did not go out to S.S. Connie & Nellie
went to ten at Forests. 39 below zero.
17 Cold & Bright. I went to Ladells in the evening.
18 Cold wind. Father did not come. George started for Toronto
to attend the Grand Lodge
19 Mild with a little fresh snow. I expect father & Ethel today. They came & I went home wi
20 Cold. Mr. & Mrs. Hares came and stayed to tea.
21 I am amusing myself reading Girls' Own papers.
22 Sat. I we
23 No service. I staye
24 Cold wind. Herbert
26 George & Wall Thoms cameforus.Quitemild.
27 Henry Gall came & tookNelliehomewithwith him.
28 Warm and thawing, a littlerain.ConniewenttoaconcertwiththeBrymers.gothomeafter12.
29 Nice day. Ethel & M
Mar. 1 Came in like a
2 The girls went to Thomses to tea &Nelliecameback.Bittercoldwind.
3 High cold wind.
5 Windy but turned out
6 Ethel walked home. Snowed, turned to rain. Connie, Charlie
& Eva went to Brymers to a party.
few days. Mr. Thoms was here to tea.
to S.S. & George to church.
9 Nice day. Herbert called in. Nellie & Connie came home
11 Connie went down to Falkenburge to get h
12 Cold W i n d .Mrs.Forrest called & decided to have a sewing
machine. Mrs. Clarke also called. Connie came home on the stage near midnight
Typed28March1976 Carol Aellen
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY March 1896 ...96
Mar. 13 20 below this morning but came out nice
15 Nice day. The children & I went to S.S. & the Girls to
church. Minnie Forrest came to tea.
16 Lovely day. The girls started to England. Baby poorly
with cold.
17 Lovely warm day. I washed. Lizzie C. came with her little
boys & Minnie Brown. Rec'd card from Connie.
18 Warm. Finished washing & I went for a walk.
19 Snowing & blowing. I ironed.
20 Cold, tracks snowed up. Annie & Emily Brymer came in in the
21 No mail in yet, soft wind. Mrs. Dodd & Mable Forrest called.
22 Sunday. George's birthday, fine but cold wind. I went to
23 Sharp cold wind. 17 below at night.
24 Fine but cold wind. I washed. Mr. Somerset was here to tea.
25 Finished washing. Nice weather, the snow is going.
26 It seems very quiet now the girls are not here and nobody
comes. I mopped Kitchen.
27 Warm the snow is going.
28 Warm. The children & I went to Ladells & I called at Clarkes.
29 Soft. I did not go to Church nor did any of us. Charlie
went to Thomses.
30 We caught some water so I washed. nice day.
31 Mr. came in. I ironed.
Apr. 1 I called at Forrests but did not go to meeting at parsonage
as baby is sick & I dont feel well myself.
2 Louie is poorly too, baby a little better.
3 Good Friday. Eva went to Church.Idontfeelstrongbuthope to be better aft
fresh snow.
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY April 1896 ...97
Apr. 4 Mabel Forrest came & stayed with the children & I went to Ladells.
5 Lovely warm day, thawing fast. Easter Sunday. I took
6 Easter Monday. The three Thoms boys spent the day here. I
called at Forrests with the children. Baby has been weaned
7 I washed, cold wind.
8 Mr. Vincent & Torrie (?) called and Louie & Ruth Thoms came
to tea. Lovely day snow is melting but it is very late
about it.
9 Warm. Henry Gall drove his mother over the lake to see us.
George went to Utterson.
10 Windy. wagons are taking the place of sleighs. Dance at
the Hall.
11 I took the children to see the new school, mild.
12 Cold wind but it is drying up the roads. Geo. & I went o
church in even.
13 Very warm. 75 above, snow going fast, rain at night. I
called at Forrests. 3 weeks ago it was 17 below zero.
15 Very warm. Hannah Nickason was married. The children &
I went to Brymers.
16 Hot. 80° in the shade. Charlie & the Brymer boys played
truant all day. I went to Ladells with the children.
17 This is more like summer weather than April. Rain last
night has made the grass green. The frogs are singing
away. I called at the school. George is tidying the
18 Like rain but it passed off. George & Charlie were busy
tidying up the garden. I mopped a room upstairs.
19 The children & I went to church in the morn & we had a walk in the aft
20 I cleaned a bedroom & moved the children into it. Much
April 21 Heavy rain in afternoon, I washed.
22 George went toUtterson.Mr.Ballscame&tookthecalf away. I cleanedmyroom.Claracametostayafew weeks
23 We cleaned a bedroom & ironed. The children have had
colds. Joe Marshall called.
I went to Forrests & took some milk.
24 Finished cleaning upstairs. Baby & Louie had the croup
at nignt and we have to keep them in. Baby is very
25 I went to Ladells. George went to Falkenburg. Minnie
Forrest came in with Clara. Charlie & I walked to
Laddells in the even. cold night.
26 Lovely warm day. I went to SS & then went up with
Mrs. Forrest to see Mrs. Mitchell. Clara went to
church in even. G. went over to the Thomses in a boat.
27 Mr. Hudson plowed the garden. Clara & I cleaned the
sitting room, very warm again.
28 Rain last night. We cleaned the dining room. Mr.
Vincent brought his cow. G. up in Brunel buying bark.
29 Mr. V's cow calved. he & Mr. Gall were here to dinner.
we washed & churned.
30 George went up to Seeley's buying bark. The two Lewises
called to see him. We cleaned the Kitchen. nice day.
May 1 Rain again at night. We ironed. Mrs. Vincent & baby &
Chilton Rumball & Louie were here to dinner. Showery
2 Cleaned the pantry which finishes up the house cleaning.
3 Rain at night, cloudy morn. I went to SS & we went to Church at night.
4 Heavy rain last night butlovelytoday.George&thechildren & I went toThomses&stayedtote
5 We washed, nice day.
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario 1896 ...99
May 6 Lovely day, I went toForreststogetmybookreadyforthe meeting but Mrs. F. did notgo.I
Forrest came to tea. G. Mainhood called.
9 Hot, George went up the river about bark. Will Geall
took the bark canoe away in exchange for a revolver.
Tom Esson called.
10 I went to SS & Clara to Church in the evening. hot.
Annie Brymer came in the evening.
11 Like rain but it passed off. cooler.
12 Cool & like rain but it cleared out. Laura & Connie &
Cyril Thoms came to tea. Henry Lewis was here for dinner.
13 Lovely day but so dry & dusty. Mother came & took Clara
& Eva & Louie home. It will be dull without them.
Louise Gall & Dorothy came to wait for Henry. Mosquitoes
are bad this year.
15 A sprinkle of rain but cleared out, a lovely day, cooler.
Mr. Brymer brought some ointment for my hands. Received
a letter from Nellie & Connie.
16 George went to Vincents & Caswells. Mrs. H. Johnson called.
17 Nice rain this morning. SS begins in the morn now. I
went to Church twice.
18 George went to meet Mr. Hayatthetownline.Nicebrightday.
19 Bright & cool. Iwashed&Georgegardened.WereceivedanexpressparcelfromConniecontaini
20 I ironed & churned &sold5lbsofbutter.George&I and baby went up toLadells&weheardthat
typed April 4, Carol Aellen (1976)
May 21 George went up into Brunel to see Reid.
I took baby up to Ladells & called at Mitchells but they
23 Cooler & bright. I went to Forrests in the evening
with Mrs. Lutty (?). G. went to Utterson.
24 Whit Sunday. I went to Church. The service was a special
one for the S.O.E. & the Church was full. Hot day. The
Brymers & Forrests were here in the evening.
25 Wet evening. I washed. we get plenty of rain now.
26 I finished washing & churned. went to Ladells in the
27 Alfred Kay brought Charlie a rabbit & me a very uncivil
letter from Mr. Taylor. I went to Forrests to see Minnie.
George went to Mr. Lances & expects to sell an organ
there. Lovely day.
28 Wet again. George is ferreting out this affair of Taylors.
He called in the evening & had a talk with George. Mr.
Leith left word that his Utterson congregation will take
29 Wet day. we are getting plenty of rain.
30 Cleared out & I went up to Ladells.
31 George & Charlie went to Church in the morn & G & I in
the evening. Like rain.
June 1 Nice day but cool. Father & Ethel came & brought the
G. went to Utterson. Minnie Forrest came to see Ethel.
2 Lovely day. George & Mr. V. went to the Camp to take
3 I went to the meeting at the Parsonage & Mabel F. stayed
with the children.
4 Hot.
5 Heavy rain at night - but it is no oooler.
June 6Veryhot.GeorgewenttoUttersontogetth
7 Intensely hot. turned wet. G. & I went to Church.
cooler, rain.
10 I went up with Mrs.ForresttoPrivateCommunionwithAggieLadellassheisgoingaway.
12 Nice day. Nellie & Louise Gall came in the evening&NelliestayedtillSunday.
13 Nellie mopped the Kitchen & dining room & I helped her
makea white blouse. We went to ladells in the evening.
There was a political meeting & George & Charlie wereooutlate.
14 Hot day. Nellie & I an
15 Nice day not too hot b
16 I washed. Minnie Forre
17 Very hot & dry. George
18 Hot. Mrs. Gall called.
19 Cooler & like rain.
20 Hot. I went to Huntsvi
21 No rain but it turned
22 Too cool & windy to co
June 23 I swept & churned.
24Iwashed,GeorgewentuptoBrunel. I am suffering
with toothache. 6
25 finished washing, very dry.
26 George went to Brunel. Mr. Thoms called. i went up
to Ladells with the children.
27 Lodge night.
28 A wet Sunday. George & I went to Church in theevening.
& I played (the organ).
29 I washed & baked. Mr. Brymer came & lanced my tooth
which is badly swelled.
30 George went to Gall's, after dinner he piled wood at the
mill. Last day of school. My face is no better. I baked
for pic-nic. The weather looks rather doubtful for
July 1 Fine hot day. The pic-nic passed off successfully, there
was an excursion from Huntsville. George made $8 from the
booth. Lucy & Nellie & Clara came & went with us. got home
about 8 o'clock.
2 My face is badly swelled & painful. George went to see
Mr. Hay & got home with a sick headache. like rain.
Mrs. Johnson called.
3 Hot. I took the children & went bathing with Forrests.
Thunder storm in the evening, the berries are getting
Too wet to pick any berries.
5 The children went to SS & George to Vincents after
dinner but it turned showery.
6 George went to Porter's & sold a mower. Bob Brown came
in the evening.
7 Still showery. I washed & picked a few berries. George
went to Caswells Mahood's (?) after dinner.
8 Lovelv dav for the excursion which was a success. The
Forrests & we had alittlepic-nicatthelanding.
George went to Lamelot (?) on horseback.
July 9 High wind. Charlie & I went to the Rocky island & got some huckleberries. George at h
10 Shower o
11 Hot & fine. Mr. Porter came for his mower. I wentwithMrs.Forresttopickberries&then took the childr
to bathe. warm might. 12 The chil
13 Charlie got some berries. Mrs. Thoms & boys came to tea.
14 Hot, we did not get many berries. Our washer & wringer
arrived ready for tomorrow. like rain.
15 Much cooler. I washed & found the washer satisfactory.
Ethel came in the evening with Mr. Smith. Charlie went
to stay at Vincents.
16 Cool. Ethel did the ironing & picked some berries in the
afternoon. Got wood drawn mill.
17 Ethel went to the swamp with the Forrests and got about
8 qts of berries. George went up the river. Baby & I
18 Ethel scrubbed the Kitchen & went bathing in afternoon.
Thechildren & I got some berries. C. came home from V's.
19 Showery & warm. G. &E.&Iwenttochurch&tookthechildren. Ethel at Forrests to tea.
20 Charlie went to Vincentsagain.Wegotsomeraspberries.
Wet morning.
throwing out wood again.
22 G. & I went to theswamp&gotcaughtinathunderstorm.afterdinnerwewent&pickedraspberries & Mr. Lowecalled,hestayedtotea.
23 George & I went &got9qtsofhuckleberries.Laura&LouieThoms&MinnieForrestcametotea.
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Watson boy scalded 1896 ...104
July24 Ethel went to the swamp and got 6 qts of berries. We heard
that Adam Watson's little boy died from scalding.
25 Jack Watson is to be buried today. George had a day at
Uttersons unloading cars. Miss Smith called.
26 Like rain. I went to Church twice & played the organ.
Mr. Lowe preached at night.
27 We washed, baked & churned.
28 Like rain, but it passed off. I went to Gravehurst &
had two teeth out. In the evening there was a little
party at Mrs. Bailies. The best part of it was the
ice cream.
29 May, Phoebe, Miss Shaffer & I went for a row on Gull Lake.
It came on wet after dinner. May saw me off at the
station & I got home from Utterson dry.
30 Ironed. Eva & I went to pick blackberries but did not
find many. Turned cool. Ethel went with Minni F. to
Thomses & is not back yet.
31 Very hot weather. Typhoid has broken out.
August 1 We went bathing. Duncan Forrest came home
2 Ethel & George went to Church.
to Forrests to tea & George came later, very hot.
5 I went to meeting at Parsonage & we had a heavy thunderstorm
while there which lasted till night. Mr. & Mrs. Duncan
Forrest came to tea. Gloomy evening. G. up to Brunel.
6 We went bathing and found father here when we returned.
Ethel went home with him. Baby Clarke got bitten.
7 George went to Porter's & B. Henry's. We got 9 lbs.
beef from Bob Jenner.
8 Rain again but no cooler.
9 Intensely hot. IwenttoChurchwiththechildreninthemorning&G.intheevening.Icalled at Clarke's.
10 Hot. Sam Martin died ofTyphoidlastnight.Specialmeeting at Parsonage.Isentupmilkfor
25 Charlie turned the washing machine for me. Violet is
poorly today.
26 Babv no better. Father & Mother came & stayed all evening.
27 I ironed. Nice day. Cool nights.
Aug. 28 Fine. George went to see Bob Brown. I made some
crab jelly.
29 Nice cay. Baby is poorly.
30 Very wet day. G. & C. went to Church at night. I stayed at home
31 Cool & showery. Charlie & I washed today. I went
to Ladell's. Toronto (Exhibition) Ex. opened today.
Sept. 1 Baby is not well yet. Keeps cool. George up in Brunel
about bark.
2 George was helping load bark at Mainhood's.C.W.A.S.
meeting but I could not go. Mrs. Forrest called.
Laura Thoms came & had tea & the ....(illegible)
3 Cool & fine. G. & Mr. Forrest went duck shooting. The
children & I went to Forrests after tea. Mrs. F. came
back with us & G. & C. came back directly after.
to Thomses. I got a letter from Nellie.
5 Like rain which came at night. I went to Ladells & got
me a pair of boots. G. bought a pk. of pears of Forrest.
on wet in the afternoon. G. went to church at night.
9 Hot but turned cool at night & like rain but it passed
10 Turned cool & like rain at night. George went to see people out Allensville way.
came to tea & play with thechildren.
11 Cool. I preserved some plums which we got from Mr.
Hay. I made baby a new coat.
12 Cold wind but no rain. George went to Utterson. Mr. Smith came
the afternoon at Clarke's.
13 Warm. George walked toVincent's&camebacktoChurch.
I also went.
Sept. 14 I went to Ladellstopostsomemoney.Georgehadtogo up toMainhood'stohelpMr.Hayload____.
15 George & C. hunting partridges, got one in afternoon.
Eva has a bad cold. A party at Dodds.
I 18 I ironed.
19 Wet day turned very cold. Bob Brown brought the straw
20 Fine & cool. Harvets Festival. I went to Church twice.
21 We caught plenty of water. I mopped the Kitchen & c
22 Cold N. wind. Most of us have colds.
23 We washed. it was warmer after a very hard frost last
night. 15° of frost. I took Louie & Baby up to Laddells
24 Lovely day. I took the children for a walk. Mr. Smith
came in the evening. George wrote to Nellie etc.
25 Nice day but turned wet. Cyril Thoms came & stayed
to tea. nice day. Lodge meeting.
27 Cool & cloudy, heavy rain last night. I took the
little girls to the Pres. church to hear Mr. Leith's
farewell sermon.
28 Lovely day we are having frosty nights.
29 I took the children over to Forrests. Came on rain
which lasted all night & next morn.
30 Cooler but turned wet again. Bob Jenner came about
a plow.
Note a few blank pages later:
Wm. Butcher
Stanley Circular Head
Days (list) Nov 17 Dec. 31, Jan.31,Feb.28,Mar.31,Ap.30
May 31, June 30, Aug.31,Sept.30,Oct.22Total343x5c=17.15minus10=17.05page$10=$7.05
Oct. 1Finebutcoldwind.Herbertbroughthiswifeandbaby.Theywenthomeintheafternoon.Iwenttothemeet
2 Lovely day. George & Charlie went to the fair at Utterson. Eva & I start
3 Warm day. George at home. i made an apron for the sale of work at the Ha
4 Nice day. The children & I went to Church in the morning & G. & C. in th
5 George went to Utterson to unload a car, he brought me letters from Conn
6 Gloomy & mild. G. went over to get Mr. Smith's team to
draw pine but could not get it. We washed. I took
Louie & Violet up to Ladells. Mr. & Mrs. Percy Mitchell
called. It came on wet at night & we caught quite a
lot of water.
7 Very cold this morning with flurries of snow, the first
of the season. I went to the C.W.A.S. meeting & we
arranged to have a tea meeting on the 22nd.
8 cold & damp. I ironed.
9 Lovely day. George went to Beatrice but did not sell
an organ. Aggie Ladell came & spent the day.
10 Windy & fine. I borrowed someG.O.P.(Girl'sOwnPapers)from Forrests & to
Charlie had the 3 Thoms boys hereinhonourofhisbirthday.
11 Lovely warm day. C's birthday. He is 13. I wentforawalkwiththeForrestchildren.G.&I
12 Nice day. we washed.GeorgewentuptoBrunel.TheMitchell's called.
13 George stayed all night at Mainhood's and got
homeintime for dinner. Louie&IwentuptoLadells&Igot50 cts. worth of su
14 Nice day. Fathercame&broughtEtheltostay.MinnieForrest called afternoon.
Oct. 15 We are having lovely mild weather. Ethel & I cleaned
Charlie's room. I went to seeMrs.Forrest.George&C.went trolling with Herb Lad
Uttersonrobbers have been arrested.
17 Ethel finished scrubbing the Kitchen.
18 About an inch of snow this morning. We went to church in
the morn & Geo. & C. went at night. Stayed. in the
rest of the day.
19 Mr. Hay & Charlie called & Charlie went to Falkenburg
withC. Hay & came back on the train. George went to
Brunel & then to G. McEntyre's funeral. E. & I cleaned
the two front bedrooms.
20 We cleaned Ethel's room, miserable day. I went
to sell at tea meeting.
21 We washed but it snowed & we did not get the clothes
22 Wet & snowy. Mr. Mithcell called. I made a pinafore
for the sale. We ironed some of the clothes.
23 Nice day, thawed the snow away. We finished baking for
Tea & Ethel & I went to the hall to help prepare for
evening. The tea & concert passed off very well & over
$20 was made.
24 Nice day. Ethel mopped Kitchen & room above she & the
children went to the hall to have tea & finish the
provisions. Charlie went to Thomses.
25 Gloomy day. Mr. Thoms came. Ethel and Charlie went to
Church at night.
26 Nice sunny day. We washed & churned. I went to
Ladells. George iswatchingatthemilltonight.
27 G. at the mill again. Cleanedsittingroom.
28 G. at the mill, did the dining room
29. We cleaned pantry. M. Newton called.
Oct.30CleanedtheKitchenwhichcompletesthehousecleaning.George went to Utterson halfadaytounload
31 George went to Falkenburge & settled with Mr Hay, came home in the
Nov.1Somerset found his boat on top of Watson's stables as he went to Church Ethel & I wen
2 Nice day. George & Charlie went deer hunting with Mr.
Forrest out got nothing. We washed blankets. Ethel
called at Forrests. Eva & I went to Ladell's. The
Mitchell's called.
3 We washed. Herbert came & took Charlie home with him.
G. & C. went out with Mr. Brymer but got nothing.
Minnie & Mabel Forrest came to tea.
Receipt for pickels
6 lbs. salt 2 oz. saltpetre, 1 qt. molasses.
house. Mrs. V & children were here to dinner & tea.
a hunt. Ethel had tea at Forrests.
7 Nice morning but wet evening Herbert came & had dinner.
We cut up the pig & I took a piece overtoForrests.
8 Cold but no snow. Mr.Vincentcamein.IwentforawalkwithMrs.Vincentandthechildren.George. E. &
10 George went out withMr.ForrestnearClearwater.Mr.F.calledinevening.Nicedaybutwetatni
Type April 11, 1976 Carol Aellen
Nov. 13 George, Charlie, Kr. Brymer & Lou Clarke got a deer
a nice large one. We got a hind quarter. Connie &
Jessie Thoms were heretotea.Wallcalledforthematnight.Turnedcold.
15 Sunday. I went twice to church. G. & I called at
Forrest's& saw Eva O'Connor.
16 Lovely day so mild. We washed. I commenced to make
a wrapper & had a walk with the children. G. went
hunting with Tom Dodd.
18 Mild & wet. Miss O'Connor went off on her way to
19 Busy making my wrapper. Ethel is making a blouse for
the party.
20 Busy sewing, frozen ground makes hunting useless.
21 Bee to scrub the Church, which we forgot all about.
Ethel & I went to Ladells in the evening, moonlight.
22 Crisp day, dry walking. I went to Church at night.
23 We washed but it turned wet. G. went up to Mainhoods
but came home again as C.M. could not go out.
24 Nice day. Louie & I went to Ladells. I churned &
Ethel ironed.
25 Snow & sleet. George went out hunting. I finished Eva's
coat for school. Taxman came.
26 Very mild, snow melted. I called at Chesters. Tea
arrived from Mr. Hay.
27 I went to the Church but there was no meeting as the
carpet had not come so I went for a walk with the
Mitchells & Mrs. Forrest instead. It was a lovely day
& pleasant to be out. Ethel & George went to Herb Laddell's
party & did not get back till nearly 3 o'clock.
Herbert came & had his dinner.
Father's Birthday.
Nov. 28 Cold with flurries of snow. G at the mill piling
Dec. 1 G. unloading a car half a day. Mr. Lee called. very
cold night. we washed.
2 Milder. G. & Mr. Vincent drew pine from the mill.
Father came. Mrs. Forrest & I called to see Mrs.
Kennedy. good sleighing. Charlie brought a pup for
Mr. Kerr.
3 Snowing & blowing. Mr. Wollinstow came & took 2
machines away.
4 Soft but it began to snow. I called at Forrest's
& got G.O. papers.
6 No service. The Forrests came in the evening and we sang
hymns. George went over to Vincents
7 Mild. We washed, churned & mopped the dining room.
8 Mild & thawing a little. Henry Gall brought 94 lbs.
of beef at 5c. There was not meeting again as the
carpet had not arrived. Ethel's birthday. she went
to tea at Forrests.
9 Soft with dashes of snow. George went to Beatrice
with Mackie Kinton. We expect Father to take us home
to spend his birthday. He came & we went in the snow
10 Father's birthday. Nice mild day. Herbert & family
came. George went to Ufford but did not take the
11 Friday. Nice day. I spent most of it in reading.
12 Ethel, Nellie & Eva went to Huntsville. After dinner
Louie went with the girls to Hares to practice.
13 Sunday. no service, turned wet. George & Charlie
had dinner at Vincent's and tea at Forrests.
a load of hay.
Dec. 15 We washed & baked. Laura & Jessie Thoms were here
to tea.
16 Ethel ironed & I made Xmas cake & mince meat.
17 Louie & I went to Ladell's. There was a cheap concert
at night most of the program was made up by Harry
Bridgland and another gentleman from Bracebridge.
Something over 4 dollars was realized.
18 I picked the Xmas turkey & iced the cake. Ethel is
making herself a skirt.
19 Windy last night & pretty cold today, Ethel called
at the Mitchell's. She brought me a letter from Connie.
20 Cold. G. Ethel & I went to Church at night.
21 Very sharp. We washed, baked, churned & mopped the
Kitchen. Ethel went to a teacher's meeting & brought
letters from Nellie & Alfred Paxon also a Graphic.
22 Snowed a little. The Mitchells came to tea but Mr.
Smith did not come. Cold.
23 Snapping cold & clear. Cyril Thoms came & brought
us cards & books. Lake frozen over. Letters from
J. Coldwell & Miss Terry & A. Paxon with cheque.
24 Christmas Eve. Very cold still busy with preparations
for Christmas. Ethel walked home. Louie Thoms called.
I called at Vincents.
25 Christmas day. Good skating. G. went to Church.
Children had bad colds & we had a quiet day.
26 Milder but turned sharp again.
27 Clear & cold. C. & I went to Church at night.
28 Lovely day. Charlie skating. G. went to see Mr. Hay.
Got back tonight.
31 Frozen up. Goodskating.Busyasusual.Danceat the Hall tonight to dance the old year ou
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY 1897 . . . 1 1 4
Jan. 1 Good skating but came on wet. Ethel & Clara walked
here. I asked the Vincents to tea but the baby was
ill and they did not come.
2 Wet day. Ethel & Clara called at the parsonage.
Mrs. Forrest called here.
3 Icy but fine & mild. Clara went home, baby poorly.
George went to Utterson to vote. School opened.
5 Lovely spring like morning. Snow storm in afternoon.
We washed & took the children up to Ladells & Clarkes
in the afternoon.
6 A little sleighing again. Ethel went to Ladells to
sew & was there all day. Nellie walked over & is
to stay over Sunday.
7 Ethel & Nellie called at Forrests'.
8 Nice day but barely sleighing. Nellie took the children
to Kenneday's. Mrs. Zavitz came to tea but McClue could
not come.
9 Raw wind. Cyril Thoms was here. Ethel was not at
Ladells in the afternoon but she & Nellie went to a
meeting at the parsonage. George went to Utterson.
Turned wet.
10 Sunday. Fresh snow. The two girls & 3 children went to
church in the morning & all of us but the children at night,
George spent the afternoon at Thomses.
11 Nellie & Ethel washed & Father came & took Nellie home.
Ethel was at Ladells in afternoon. Geall & McInnis
were here late auditing Lodge books
12 Very cold & clear. E. at Ladells. McInnis was here to
13 Cold. I got McInnis to make a sleigh for baby.
14 Lovely day. Ethel stayed at home in the afternoon
& we took the children for a walk. Mr. & Mrs. Thoms
came to tea.
15 Bright frosty morning & nice day.
16 Ethel went to SS meeting at the parsonage. George
went to school meeting.
Jan. 17 Very wet & sloppy. None of us at Church. The children did not go to SS.
18 Turned cold. Nellie came in the evenin
19 Ethel & Nellie went in the afternoon to dress the Xmas tree.
Weall went but G. & baby in the evening & had a fairly
good tree & entertainment. Cold night.
20 Raw E. wind. I called at Vincent's. George got a bl.
of apples from Ladells. Nellie walked home.
21 George went to Hay's with Mr. Thoms & got a lot of thi
22 More snow. George went to Huntsville with Herb Ladell.
Ethel & Charlie went to Thomses to tea.
23 Baby poorly with croup. Ethel was at home this afternoon
& is not going to work at Ladells any more. Cold.
24 Very col
25 Cold snap continues. Ethel went to see Mrs. Zavitz.
Baby is very feverish & troubled with earache.
26 A little milder. Eva at home with cold. I got letter
from Meaford at last.
27 We washed. George went to see Mr. Gervin & rode with
Mr. Smith. softer.
28 Stormy. Children have bad coughs. Mrs. Vincent came
in for a while.
29 I have caught the cold now. Nice day we took a walk.
30 Lovely day.
31 Another nice day. I did not go out much but the others
went to SS & Church.
Feb 1 Lovely day. We washed & scrubbed and had a walk. Mrs.Dodd called &
2 Nice day. Father came and Ethel & baby rode with him
& called at Kennedays. Laura Thoms came to stay a few
3 Lovely day. Ethel & Laura had a walk.
Feb. 4 Mrs. Forrest & I went to Dodds & spent the day. We
are having frosty mornings & sunny days.
5 Fine Presbyterian concert. Laura, Ethel, Charlie
& Eva went. Louie & Connie Thoms called for them.
6 Mild & snowy turned wet. Charlie shot the cat.
7 Thaw. Ethel & Laura went to Church in the morn to
the Pres. Church in the afternoon & to Forrests for
tea. They called in on their way to evening service
with Mrs. & Minnie Forrest & Laura said goodbye
as she is going home tonight.
8 A little shaper. I called at Vincents & found Mrs.
Vincent poorly with cold. We commenced to get 1
qtof milk a day from the Vincents.
9 Nice day. we washed. Jim Snell brought a load of
straw. G. paid him for it. G. was at the meeting
at the hall tonight.
10 Fine day. I called at Forrests & met the Thomses
11 Called to see Mrs. Vincent who is no better.
12 Stormy all day. George started to go to Aspdin but got
no further than Ladells. E. & I wrote to Nellie for
her birthday.
13 Clear & sharp. The Mitchells called. I received a
piece of Cousin Frank's wedding cake. Ethel called at
14 Sunday. St. Valentine's day. Mild & snowy.
15 Nice day. George went up to Aspdin with Ladell's horse &
took Joe Clarke's insurance.
16 Fine day. George went to Utterson. Beautiful moonlight
tonight. Mrs. Forrest went to a concert in Huntsville
with Mr. Smith.
17 Nice day. Began to get a pint of milk daily from
Mrs. Watson.
18 Fine. Laura & Louie Thoms called & invited G & me
there for tomorrow. Tom Howard brought a load of hay.
19 Sharp & clear. George Thoms came for us but the Forrests
could not go on account of colds. Mr. Thoms brought
us back at night.
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Violet scalded. 1897 ...117
Feb. 20 Raw wind. came on a terrible storm in the evening
Charlie went over to Thomses & is not back yet. He
stayed all night.
21 Charlie came home. Fine again. Ethel went to Church t
22 I took a fit of trembling at night & we sent for
Mrs. Brown but I was better before morning & she went
23 Snowy. Ethel scrubbed our room. The cheese factory
meeting was very successful & Mr. Thoms came back to
tea with George. Service at night in aid of the India
famine. Ethel only went from here.
25 Concert at Utterson but very slimly attended.
26 Very cold 35 below at night. Ethel went home with
Mr. Smith & got back in good time.
27 Stormy all day. Old Mrs. Mainhood's funeral. I finished
28 Cold wind. Ethel and Charlie went to Church in the
evening, very cold night 31 below.
March 1 Cold & blustering. I wrote to Connie & Nellie.
Mr. Vincent called in the evening.
2 Fine day. Ethel washed in the afternoon & baby got
scalded but thanks to some oil of Mr. Brymer's she
is nearly all right. George went to the club.
3 Ash Wednesday. Ethel went to the meeting at parsonage in
the afternoon & to church in the evening. George went
to a special lodge meeting at the Hall. Snow is
getting deep a fresh fall this morning.
4 Roads keep too bad for Lucy to come this week.
5 Soft cheese factory meeting.
6 Cold. George went to Lancelot with Mr. Smith
7 Sunday, lovely day. The children went to SS & Ethel
only went to church twice.
8 Soft. we baked & washed. Baby has a billious attack
& has to be nursed. Brymer girls called.
9 Wet day. baby not much Better. I sent a letter to Nellie.
16 Father & mother came. Fine & sharp.
17 Lovely day. The children can play out of doors. Ethel went to church at
18 Gloomy.
19 Thaw & rain.
21 Sunday. two services. nice day.
Mrs. Forrest & Minnie called on their way to church.
22 George's birthday. Father came & brought 6 bags of
23 Gloomy but mild. George went to Utterson after dinner
to unload flour.
24 Snow storm. Mrs. Chester called also Mr. Goring.
Mrs. Forrest came in on the way to church.
25 Fine but cold wind. G. went to see Bob Brown. La Grippe
at Forrests.
26 Lovely mild day. Ethel took the children to Kennedav's
but found them away. I had a walk.
27 Lovely day. Cheese factory meeting at the Hall again.
Lodge tonight.
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Kathleen born 1897 ...119
March 28 Sunday. Fine. Mother, Ethel & Charlie went to
church in the evening.
29 Began to get a quart of milk from Watsons.
Fine & warm again. Thawing fast.
30 Lovely day. Ethel washed. Lucy drove over here.
The Mithcells called. I did not feel very well.
Watson's for milk $1.15.
31 The cow calved. We got milk from Watsons & Vincents
for the last time today.
1 We are having a number of lovely days & the snow is going
fast. Mrs. Brown & Mrs. Forrest called.
2 Old Mr. Kay was buried & George was a bearer.
3 Nice day. The cow is giving a nice lot of milk.
we did not keep the calf. Minnie Forrest called &
4 Mother, Ethel & the children went to Church in the
morning & G & E in the evening. Mrs. Vincent called.
5 Minnie & Mabel Forrest came & got some milk.
6 I was taken sick in the night & about 1 o'clock in
the day baby was born, another little girl, she
cries a bood bit.
Ethel washed.
7 Baby did not let us have much sleep last night.
Mrs. Chester called. Ethel went to the meeting at
the parsonage & Mrs. Forrest came up for a moment
to see me on her way home. They talk of having a p
8 Baby continues cross. Mrs. Vincent came up to see her
She has less hair than any of my other babies had.
9 Cold & windy. George has a sick headache. Baby is
sleeping much better which is a comfort. Laura &
Louie Thoms came to see me. snowy night.
10 Fine morning. baby slept very well all night.
12 Baby sleeps most of the time. Fine day.
April 13 Very wet. Ethel washed. Mrs. Chester called in the
evening but had to go home again almost at once.
14 Drizzly again. Mrs. Forrest came to see me. George
went to Utterson & took Creaser's insurance.
15 Cold night but fine day. George went to see Bullin
about hay. Mrs. Vincent came to see me. I got up
today for the first.
16 Gloomy turned wet. Good Friday. Mother & George went
to Church. Mrs. Chester called.
yesterday. Baby sleeps fairly well & does not cry
much. Mrs. Mitchell & Minnie Forrest came to see me.
I did not feel so well.
18 Easter Sunday, fine with high soft wind. The Brymer
twins came to see baby also Mrs. Clarke & Bertha.. I
came downstairs for the first time.
19 Blew cold with rain & snow. Miserable day. Ethel
washed. George went to Utterson to unload flour.
20 Cold wind but fine. Lucy came and took mother home.
21 Nice day. Baby sleeps badly these nights. George went
to Falkenburg. Got some hay from Hugh Brown.
22 Warm high wind. I went out for the first. Mrs. Dodd
came to see me. Min Forrest called for butter.
23 Very sultry, wet afternoon. Charlie v/ent to a Taffy
pull at Hudson's.
24 Wet. Children all sick with colds. Lodge night.
25 Wet Sunday. children stayed in all day. Nellie's
birthday. Baby sleeps very well.
26 Wet and cold. children had to stay in.
27 Fine but cold wind. Ethel & Charlie washed.
28 Nice warm day. Eva went to school again. I went up
to Ladells & took Louie & Violet. & got myself a hat.
29 Windy turned cold. George went up to Brunel to buy
bark. I called at Vincents.
30 Nice mild day. G. went to Brunei. I had a walk. Baby
poorly with the thrush. Lucy sent some onions with
Mr. Forrest.
Typed April 18, 1976 Carol Aellen
May 1 Gloomy but no rain.
2 Fine & cool. G & I & the children went to Church in
the morning. SS is in the morning now.
3 Lovely day. Ethel & I took baby for a walk in the
5 George walked to Falkenburg. I called at Chesters.
6 George went to Huntsville as a witness (?) Ethel and
the children went to a Taffy party at Jones'es. G.
walked home & got here late. Mr. & Mrs. Forrest were
here in the evening.
7 Cool & fine. baby is not better of the thrush and is
very cross today. George & C. went trolling & caught
1 fish. Ethel went to Lancelot for a few days.
9 Warm. I went for a walk with the children. Turned
wetat night. I called at Vincents.
in the afternoon. G. got back very tired.
11 G. gardening. E. washed, fine & dry.
12 My birthday was not celebrated at all. Heavy rain after
dinner. The Thoms girls called in the evening.
Ladells, G went to see Jim Brown and Mr. Thoms. Minnie
Forrest & Mrs. Brown called.
15 George & C. went over the lake to see some people but G.
did no business. C. & Cyril Thoms went to fathers &
had dinner. Cool & bright - the children Keep catching
colds, the weather is so changeable.
16 Nice day. We had baby christened and Mr. & Mrs. Forrest & Laura Thoms were
tea. Herbert came in the morning&stayedtillaftertea.
17 Lovely day - we washed. baby takes a good deal of
nursing. Mr. Mitchell called.
May18Ironed & cleaned the pantry. Colder,
19 Fine but cool. We cleaned the sitting room. rain in
the evening.
20 Wet day cleaned the dining room.
21 Nice day. cleaned the kitchen which finished up the housecleaning.
22 George's & Charlies eyes are sore still, Mabel Forrest
came & nursed baby. (POLLEN ALLERGY???)(Query aca)
23 Sunday, Wet cool. I went to Church in the evening.
Terry Hord (?) stayed with Ethel.
24 Cloudy & cool. Clara came & went with Ethel & the children
to the picnic. George heard of his mother's death.
25 Clara went home. .We washed d
- Mr. Hughes came ± plowed the
and cold.
28 Wet & cold. Ethel went to meeting of SS teachers.
George's eyes are getting better but Charlie's don't
seem to mend.
in the morning and Ethel at night.
June 1 Cold last night but nice day. George Hughes finished
the garden & charged $1.50.
2 Like rain. Mr. Hughs came & sowed grass seed. Mrs. Forrest
called & went to C.W.A.S. meeting with Ethel. Mrs. Vincent
came in a while. G. went to Huntsville and bought a horse.
3 Andrew Hood brought us a tiny little pig which got out.
hada son also Mrs. Alex Kerr.
5 Like rain.
June 6 Sunday. I went to SS wet afternoon. this rainy weather is
going to ruin the crops if it continues. I went to Church
at night. Ethel has the mumps.
8 We washed. Mrs. Forrest & Mrs. Marshall called.
9 Ethel ironed. Ton Howard & S. Proudfoot called. Damp day.
11 George went to Huntsville but did not get back. Took
the cow away.
12 Nice day. George got back with the pony. it is named
13 Hot. I went to Church in the morn & G. & E in the
evening. We went to see the steamer (?) Crat (?)
14 George went to Raymond & bought some hay get back at
10 at night.
15 Father did not come. George & baby & I went to tea at
Forrests. G went up to the Henry's in the afternoon.
Harmil (?) brought Lucy home.
16 Laura Thoms came to make me a skirt and brought Aggie
Ladell. Father came and took Eva & Louie home.
17 Warm day. George was away all day in Brunel. Laura
went home & I walked up to Ladells with her.
Mrs. Dodd & Tom came to tea but did not stay late.
Charlie went to a concert in Utterson.
18 Lovely day. George at home. I saw Dr. Howland in the
boat about my hands, he is going to send me some
medicine. Ethel went to a party at Galls with the
Forrests & did not get home till 4.30.
to the Council meeting. One of the N.L. Companys teams
is drawing wood for us from the mill.
20 Cool & fine. Ethel & Charlie went to jubilee service
at Utterson I went to Church at night. Mrs. Clarke &
Elie came.
(Queen Victoria)
June 21 Father brought the children home. we washed & baked.
Fine and cool.
22 Diamond Jubilee. Ethel went to a picnic at Bullen's
& the rest of us went to one here. an excursion from
Huntsville came, we had a lovely day. There was a
great show of bunting.
23 Ethel did not get back till evening. very hot & like
rain. G. rode up to Howards after tea and just got
home before a heavy thunderstorm came up.
24 Very hot but turned cooler in the evening. Herbert
& Will Gall were here to tea.
25 Fine & cool. George went to Brunel. School closed.
Charlie went on an errand for Mr. Vincent. George has
got the booth for Dominion Day.
26 George & C, have gone to Brunel by boat. got back
after dinner & Cyril Thoms with them.
27 Bright with cool wind. G. & I went to Church in the
evening, I am taking the 2nd bottle of medicine from
Dr. Rowland.
28 Hot day. We washed I went over to Forrests & paid my
arrears to C.W.A.S. George went to Ufford on
horseback, got home to tea.
29 Ironed. Minnie Forrest called. wet day.
30 Busy baking for picnic & for Galls who came to tea.
July 1 Hot. we all went to the picnic which went off well.
2 Very hot. Churned. Charlie hoeing potatoes. George
wentup to Lynch's. Laura Thoms called.
3 Ethel walked home. Mrs. A. Ladell came to Thomses
from Texas. Very hot.
4 Very hot. 104 in the shade. Ethel'& Nellie came
5 Still hot. Thunder storm threatened but passed over.
Nellie & I & the children went to bathe.
6 A little cooler. I went up to Ladells. Nellie & I
went to Jenners in the evening.
7 Very hot. Nellie ironed & Ethel baked for picnic.
July 8 Presbyterian excursion. Ethel & Nellie & Charlie went
& Nellie got off at Huntsville and went home. Very hot
and dusty. I wish it would rain.
9 Hot alittle like rain in the even. George went to Brunel
after tea. Got back late.
10 Hot day. I took the children for a bathe.
11 Much cooler with light showers. The children & I went
to Church in the morn & G. & E. at night.
12 Fine & cool. no rain. George went to Utterson half
a day to unload salt. The children & I went to Thomses
to see Ada.
13 We washed. Cloudy & cool. showery in the evening. I
went to Forrests.
15 Hot. The children & I got some gooseberries. We went to
see Mr. Smiths boat launched. Louie Forrest christened
it & it was named the "Gem".
16 Hot. George & I went over the lake to Galls. Nellie
was there.
17 Hot day & so dry. We all except G. went for a trip
around the lake in Mr. Smith's boat in the evening.
18 Fine & hot. G & the children & I went to Church in the
20 A storm came up but passed away without rain. Went to
pick raspberries but they are late & scarce. Mabel
Forrest & Maud B. called in the evening. George went
up to the locks in the steam boat.
up from toothache.
22 Lucy brought Mrs. Harmion & children. We had heavy
storms but they got home pretty dry I think.
23 Ethel & Charlie went to a party at Forrests. Charlie
got sick and had to come home.
July 25 Showery. I went to church in the morning and Ethel
at night. George had a bad sick headache.
26 Fine & cool. Charlie & I went to the swamp & got 10
qts of huckleberies. G & I went to Forrests in the
27 Wet day
28 Very wet. we washed.
29 Fine & cool. George went to Ufford. Duncan, Minnie
& Mabel Forrest came to tea. Mcclure & the Clarke boys
came in the evening to take some affidavits.
30 Mrs. Forrest was taken ill. I went to see her in the
evening. Part at Dodds. Mrs. Hood called in the
evening. Rain at night.
31 Fine day. Herbert came & Ethel went back with him.
August 1 Sunday. I could not go to Church.
2 Charlie & the Thoms boys went to the swamp but got very
few berries.
3 Cloudy. Charlie & I washed. Eva & Louie went to
Clarkses. I went to see Mrs. Forrest. Flossie Clarke
& Ethel Allman called. G. went up the lake.
huckleberries. Ethel came back.
5 Hot. Charlie went berry picking with the Vincents.
Flossie Clarke & Ethel Allman came to tea and went to
a lecture at the Pres. church afterwards.
6 Charlie, Eva & I went to the island to pick berries.
7 Hot.
8 Hot. G. & I went to Church inthe morn. George went
to Thomses. Mrs. Vincent came. I called to see Mrs.
Forrest in the evening.
9 George went up the lake in the steamboat. Ethel & Charlie
wentto the swamp. I went up to Ladells.
10 They washed. a thoroughly wet day. Tom Young came and
brought Jessie.
11 We had our S.S. picnic. It rained a little. we went in
the boat around the lake.
August 12 Cool.
13 G. went to Lynch's. Ada Ladell & Jessie Thoms &
Ada's children came to spend the afternoon. G. is up late.
14 Ethel went home she rode with the Hares. Rain at night.
15 Sunday. I did not get to Church as Ethel did not come
back on account of the storm & heavy rain.
15 Cool & gloomy. Ethel came back. I went with Mrs. Vincent
to the swamp & got some berries.
1 7 Cloudy & cool, Ethel & Charlie went to get rasp berries
but got none, George is doing road work. I went with
Mrs. Forrest to call on Mrs. Johnson at Smith's.
18 Showery all day. G. finished road work. Lucy did not
19 Lucy came & took us home with her. she got some berries
in the swamp.
20 Nice day. Violet got lost & we had quite a search for
21 Violet & I went to Huntsville with Mother. I got a
new boiler.
22 Cool. I went to Church & heard Mr. French.
23 Father drove me to Herberts place.
25 Mother went to Fearens to get the children but their
grandma would not let them go.
26 Lucy drove us home & got some berries. George & I
wentto a party at the Thomses.
27 Ethel & I & baby went to Mr. Smith's & had a trip in the
boat. A cold cloudy evening.
28 Mrs. Forrest is ill again & had Dr. Bridgland. Mrs. Gall
& children called. Will & Henry Gall were here to tea.
29 Fine morning but wet evening. I called to see Mrs. Forrest.
G. & I went to Church.
30 Fine. Ethel washed. Charlie & I went to pick blackberries.
G. went to Lancelot.
31 George went to see Dodds etc. I called to see Mrs. Forrest.
Sept. 1 George & Charlie went duck shooting. I went to Ladells.
2 Warmer & dryer.
3 George & Charlie went up to the lake about bark.
5 A Sunday with no service. I took the children for a
walk. Hot.
6 Hot & like rain. Ethel washed.
7 George, Louie & I went to Falkenburg on the train. Cool.
children to bathe.
9 Hotter. Tommy Caswell was here to dinner. Violet & I went
to Forrests.
10 We got a basket of plums from Forrests. Ada Ladell & Laura
called. Ada is going home soon. Sultry turned wet.
11 We had a nice rain which cooled the air. Ethel went
home yesterday.
12 Ethel came home before tea & G, & I & the children went
to Church. We had a clergyman from Hamilton.
13 G. & C. went up to Mainhood's. I went to see Mrs. A.
Ladell off but was too late.
15 Warmer. I had a letter from Nellie Gibson telling of
Lizzie's death. (Elizabeth, daughter of William & Annie
Gibson at Meaford?)
16 Damp & sultry. blew cold at night. Got the goods from
17 Cold wind. but sunny. Charlie shot the first partridge
of the season. Herbert was here to tea.
18 Mr. Hay came to measure bark. Eva & I went to Ladells.
19 Sunday cool. I went to Church in the morn. Mr.
Geaghan preached.
20 Cold north wind. We are constantly missing the cow.
Sept. 21 Cold. Ethel washed. Charlie went tup to Seeley's
George insured Nickason's school.
22 Warmer. Mr. Hay & George went up the lake in the
steamer & to Huntsville. Mother came & brought Robbie
23 G. went up the lake to see Byron Seeley. Lovely warm
days & cool nights.
24 School holiday. G. & the children dug the potatoes.
about 12 bags. warm.
25 Hot day & so dry & dusty. G. sold a plow to Mr. Brennan.
Mabel Forrest came & nursed baby for me.
26 G & I & the children went to church. & Charlie stayed
with baby.
27 Ethel came home.
28 She washed. Charlie is staying from school with a sore
29 Ethel went to Church to decorate for a little while &
I went after dinner. I brought Laura & Louie Thoms
back to tea.
30 Very fine & dry.
October 1 Lovely day, George, Ethel & Charlie went to Utterson Fair.
2 Cooler. George went to Utterson & saw Mr. Hay. Cyril
Thoms was here to tea & to shoot with Charlie.
3 Fine day. Harvest festival. Father & Uncle Thos. came
to church & to spend the afternoon. I was very pleased
to see him. I stayed home in the evening.
5 Washed. Mr. H. Petman came to dinner. Geo. went to insure
Somerset barn. Turned wet at last & we had a good rain.
6 Colder. Laura Thoms came to sew for a few days. She & I
wentto Ladells in the evening.
7 Cold Wind. Mr. Hay called.
8 Laura is still here.
9 Mr. Hay was here to dinner. Laura left in the evening.
McClure called to show her how to do the tent.
Oct. 10 Ethel went to Church & S.. I did not go. We had a
walk in the afternoon.
11 Charlie had Cyril Thoms to spend the day but it was
rather showery. The Mitchells called. Charlie got
a book from Connie.(Age14,Birthday)
12 We washed. Ethel spent the even Terry.
13 Louie has a bad cough. Warm.
14 Warm & summer like. The children & I called at
15 Quite hot. George oiled his tent. Ethel & Eva went
to Thomses.
16 Warm wet day.
17 I went to Church in the morning. A new student for the
Pres. Church has come. Colder.
18 G. sold a sewing machine to Joe Marshall. Washed & baked.
19 Nice mild day. Mr. & Mrs. Thoms & Connie & Mr. & Mrs.
Forrest came to tea & we spent a pleasant evening.
20 G. & C. went hunting. I went to Ladells in the evening.
21 Very wet day. baby is poorly with cold.
22 Nellie came & Ethel walked home with her. nice day.
23 Fine. Charlie went to the Thomses. George went up
to Brunei by boat from Gealls.
24 Fine but foggy even. Ethel came home & I went to Church
at night.
25 E. washed. Mr. Goring & Vincent were boarding the
dining room ceiling.
26 They finished the ceiling. Ethel cleaned her room.
Lovely weather.
27 Mrs. Vincent called.
28 Mr. Goring came & fixed the wood shed.
29 Cold again we have had no snow yet but a few flakes.
31 Sunday. Louie & I went to church in the morn & G. & E.
at night. Cold & gloomy. Mr. Forrest came.
NOVEMBER 1 Hunting season began disastrously, two of the Parkers
were drowned trying to pull a deer out of the water. Wet
2 Cold & damp. George went down the river with Mr. Vincent
to try to recover the body of G. Parker.
3 Mr. Forrest & Mr. Vincent got all ready & came over to
start on their hunt but Bob Brown did not come. They
had a hunt but were unsuccessful.
this morning. There were 6 in all not counting the
dogs. Cleaned our room.
5 Fine but wet night. E. cleaned passage upstairs. The
two Parkers were buried today. Laura & Connie Thoms
called & Lucy Hares. Baby was cross.
6 Baby is sick with diaharreah. First snow of any
consequence but it did not lie on the ground.
7 Baby poorly I stayed at home. Mr. Brymer called &
gave me some powders for her.
8 Snowy all day the ground is white tonight. We expected
to hear from the campers but were disappointed.
They came back bag & baggage. It was too wet & cold
for camping.
9 They went out hunting but got nothing. G. has a bad
cold. Cleaned the sitting room.
10 They were out all day but Ada Watson shot their deer.
I went to Ladells in the morning. A little snow on
the ground.
11 Wet, we cleaned & papered the dining room. Charlie was
out but got 0. Mr. Thoms came here & stayed tea.
12 We finished the dining room & cleaned pantry. Colder,
G & C went out but got nothing.
13 Messrs Forrest & Vincent came back with some venison
& G & C got nothing.
15 They (the party) had a run but did not get the deer. G
& the children have bad colds. I went to Ladells.
16 E. washed. I felt very poorly in the evening.
Nov. 17 Better in the morning. I called at Forrest. G went up
the lake to Cotterells.
18 Cold & gloomy. Mrs. Chester, Miss McNaughton & Minnie
Forrest came to tea but Mrs. Chester's evening was
spoiled by having to run home after the children
every little while. Allan Mclnnis killed the pig it
weighed 150 lbs.
19 Snow on the ground & snow falling all day. We
cleaned the kitchen & papered it. G & I went for a
tramp in the wood, & came back exhausted. We cut up
the pig.
20 Turning soft. Finished the Kitchen. Joe Marshall sent
his machine back.
21 Sunday. Thawy but turned cold. G. & C. & I went to
church in even.
22 We heard of the death of Lawrence's baby.
23 Washed. Mrs. Forrest & Minnie called on their way to
the funeral. Cold wind.
24 I went down to Falkenburg & did some shopping had to
walk from Utterson as the stage left me. G came & met me.
25 Roads are icy & a little snow makes slipping for
Jumpers (?). Thanksgiving Day Ethel walked home.
Charlie has gone to a concert at the Hall.
26 It rained all day & melted the snow then froze at night.
27 Fine but cold. The S.S children met at the hall. Ethel
came back in the evening. A strange man was here to
dinner. He holds an entertainment at Utterson tonight.
G. & Charlie gone.
28 The children & I went to Church in the morning & G. &
E. & C. at night.
29 Snowy day G & C went out after a deer in the afternoon
but did not see it. Mr. Newson was here to dinner.
30 E. washed. we are getting plenty of snow now.
Dec. 1 More snow. Mrs. Forrest called & went with me to meeting
at the parsonage. G went to Allenville & sold a sleigh
to Morrison.
2 Snowy. George went to see Bob Brown.
Dec. 3 A school holiday. The children & I went up to Ladells
It was a nice day. There was a shooting match at
4 G & I went for a ramble. The S.S. children met at
the hall to practice.
5 Nice day. I did not go to Church or S.S.
6 Father came, he is coming for the children before Xmas.
turned windy.
7 Mild day, good sleighing. C. washed. Maud Brymer came
to practice on the organ. Ethel made her birthday cake.
8 Ethel's birthday. Laura & Louie & Cyrial Thoms came
to spend the evening & Louie stayed for a few days.. Nice
day & good sleighing. The children, Louie & I went up
to Ladells in the evening.
9 We cleaned stove pipes.
10 Raining fast & the snow is going.
11 Snow nearly gone turned cold at night. Ethel & the
children went to practice.
12 Sunday. Louie & I went to Church in the morning &
had a walk after noon. She & Ethel went to Church at
night & she went home.
13 I went up to Ladells & the Mitchells came back with me
for a call we found Mr. Thoms here. He did not see
George so he came in the evening & bought a sleigh.
Snow almost gone.
14 Wet soft weather. I called at Forrests.
15 A little more soft snow.
16 Soft still I went up to Ladell's & got some Xmas presents.
17 Snowy. Geo. had a shooting match & got a turkey for
18 Cold N wind, sleighing again. Herbert came to dinner.
I went to practice with the children. cold night.
19 G. & I & Eva went to Church at night very cold night about
20 below zero.
20 E. washed & I made Xmas puddings. George went to
Utterson at 10.30 at night to see Mr. Stevens. he stayed
the night in Utterson & got back next morning.
21 Good sleighing again.
Dec. 22 Last day of school I went to the school. Eva & Louie
got prizes.
23 Lucy came & took Ethel & the two little girls home,
turned very cold.
24 Busy preparing for Christmas very cold day. Baby
25 Much milder & snowing. C & I went to Church & George
cooked the Xmas dinner. I took Violet out for a
sleigh ride after dinner & called at Chesters.
Mrs. Chester asked us all to spend the evening there which
we did & had quite an enjoyable evening.
26 Sunday. G. & I went to church at night.
27 Sharp & Fine. Ethel & Clara came back. E. went
to practice at McEntyres.
28 Mr. McInnis was here making some doors in the evening.
Teeny (?) Hood, Mr. Cranston & McEntyres came to
practice. We got 3 nice Xmas Nos. from England also
a letter from Connie.
29 Mild & snowy. E & C washed & I baked. Charlie went
to spend the day at Thomses. Ethel went to a Concert
in Brunel with the Hoods.
30 The weather is alternately cold & stormy.
31 Jessie Thoms & the 3 boys & Mable & Louie Forrest
spent the evening here. Laura & Louie came for them.
There was a dinner at the Hall. Duncan Forrest came home.
Jan. 1 New Years day was very cold. Father did not bring the
children. Ethel & I went to the practice at the Hall.
Mrs. Forrest & Duncan called in the evening & brought
baby a cap and gaiters.
2 Sunday very cold & stormy. I did not go to church.
3 Cold. Father brought the little girls home. The
new school teacher arrived & went to Jones'. He called
here to see George.
4 Raw. Clara went to Galls, The children started school.
George 8
c Charlie are at the club meeting.
5 E. washed. I called to see Mrs. Vincent.
6 George got his money from England. Ethel went to a
concert at Utterson. S.O.S.
January 7 George went to Bracebridge & Falkenburg and got his
8 We had quite a bustle. It was Cheese Meeting day &
Mrs. Hares called & Mr. Johnson brought Mabel, they were
here to ten also Allan McInnis who was putting up
a new closet. We bought a quarter of beef from Jim
9 The children & I went to Church in the morn & G. E. &
C. at night. I called at Forrests,
10 There is skating on the lake by Ladells.
11 George went to Falkenburg. The children and I went to
the Pres. Xmas tree & had a pleasant time. G. did
not come. We got 6 bags of flour.
12 Turned wet rained all day. George came back having
gone to Huntsville. Mr. Smith called about the S.S.
13 Frozen up this morning. We heard that Mrs. Wm. Gall has
a baby.
14 Mrs. Hood called & Mrs. Gall & Gladys & Dorothy came
at the same time. Mr. Smith called in the morning.
Mrs. Forrest came to see me about the S.S. treat on
15 Practise at the Hall.
16 A lovely day. George & I went to Church in the
evening Mr. Price came after Church and stayed till
12 p.m.
17 Cold wind. (Milder) I went to Laddells in the evening.
E. washed.
18 Lovely day. Charlie got hurt on the head at school
sleighriding. We had the children here for practicing
for the Xmas tree. Mr. Corm's (?) bought a sleigh
from George. Mr. Smith came to see how the practice
wentoff. Ethel went skating. I sent off a checque
to the Children's Hospital.
19 Beautiful morning, trees covered with hoar frost. We
had practice here again. Mr. H. Somerset came to practice.
20 Stormy but mild.
January 21 Violet's birthday. She had Willie Chester, Elsie
Jones & Louie & Theo Vincent here. Practise at the
hall in preparation for tomorrow.
22 Mild day. I went to the hall to help get it ready.
There were several men there & the hall looked quite
nice decorated with flags & evergreens & the tree
was also pretty, I went home at 4.30 & Laura Thoms
Came with me & Ethel & she & the children went to
the hall to get tea while Geo. baby & I did not go
till after tea. The Lodge was held here at night.
The performance went off very well & the Bishop came
after a time with the Mitchells. he is rather small &
clean shaven & he seems a very earnest man. They
did not get home till 11.30.
23 About a foot of snow fell in the night & Mr. Smith
had to get the snow plow out & make roads through the
village. There was a confirmation in the morning.
Ethel went. G & C & I went at night. Mr. Price was
here to tea.
24 Mr. Cousins came & signed notes for sleigh.
25 George went to Toronto today. mild. E. washed &
I went up to Ladells.
26 I wrote to George.
27 Snowed hard. Mr. Thoms brought Connie to stay a
few days. very cold night.
28 Cold. Connie & I went to Ladells. George came home
a day sooner than we expected him. Cold night.
29 Cold day and plenty of snow. The children all got
new dolls.
30 Sunday. Mr. Price & Mr. Vincent came in for a while.
Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Forrest came to tea.
31 Very cold. Duncan F. went away.
Feb. 1 Very cold N. wind. Mr. Price called.
2 I went to Ladells & called at Mitchells. Mr. Thoms
3 E. washed had to dry clothes indoors. Mr. Vincent &
Mr. Price came to tea. cold.
4 Much milder after the long cold snap. George & I went
to Forrests to tea.
5 Soft snow. George went to Aspdin to attend Mrs. Wm.
Crompton's funeral.
Feb. 6 A nice sharp morning with white frost. Ethel went
to Church in the morning & G & I at night. Mr. Price
came after Church.
7 A nice mild day. Father came & took Ethel back.
Mrs. Dodd called & asked me to go there on Thurs.
8 Lovely day. soft. Mrs. Vincent called. Geo. went
to Utterson.
9 Thawing & damp. Geo went to Hville with Herb Ladell
& Mr. Price. Ethel did not come back. G. got the
children some school hoods & some baking tins.
10 Tom Dodd came and took Mrs. Forrest & me, Eva & Rog
to spend the day. Ethel came.
13 Ethel, Charlie & I went to church at night. Mr. Price
came after church as usual.
14 We washed. Fine.
16 Cold N. wind. Mrs. Bob Brown came to see George,
he lent her $7.00.
18 A lovely day. Mrs. Wm. Gall called to show me her
baby. We all but Ethel & the 2 babies went to a
concert at the hall & wax works show.
19 Nice day. I went out with the children.
20 Stormy. I went to church in the morning and Ethel
& Charlie at night.
21 Very stormy. We expect the Thomses to come for us today. Laura
a pleasant evening & got home about 12. V/e commenced
to get milk from them.
22 We washed, snowy these days. Mr. Price was here to tea
wentto the club after.
23 The children & I went up to Ladells & rode home with
the Thomses. Mr. Price went away.
24 Snows a little every day.
25 Mr. & Mrs. Gall & baby & Mrs. Dodd & Tom were here
to tea.
Feb. 26 Lovely morning but turned stormy. I am making Louie
a dress.
27 G & I went to Church in the evening.
28 Nice day.
March 1 Lovely day I went to Clarkes & stayed tea. Election
day causes considerable excitement. The Grist got
in again. Mabel Clarke came back with me & Mr. Brymer
pulled a tooth for her.
2 Mrs. Forrest called & Ethel went to the C.W.A.S.
meeting. Mrs. Thoms came & stayed till after the
service at Church. I received a letter from Annie
asking to borrow $25. G. went to Utterson to meet
3 Sent Annie Cheque for the amount. I went to Ladells.
4 Lovely days. Charlie has sore eyes.
5 I took the children for a walk to Jenners. Bob is no
6 Lovely day. G & I went to Church twice. Ethel went
to Thomses & home with them as they went to the swamp
7 Ethel walked back in the afternoon.
8 Washed - George & Charlie went on a lynx hunt but
saw a deer instead. Ethel went to church in the evening.
9 Thawing fast the roads are going. I went to Church
at night & played the organ.
10 Turned wet. Geo went to a sale at Aspdin.
11 The snow is going fast.
12 Mr. Thoms called in the morning.
13 Sunday. heavy rain turned cold & windy. Ethel &
14 Lovely day Ethel washed. Herbert came to see George.
15 Mrs. McKechnie called she was staying at Chesters.
It thundered & lightened quite heavily.
16 Connie's birthday. fine weather.
March 17 George went to Johnsons & sold them a harrow. Lucy
came & brought us some potatoes, we did not go back
with her. Herbert came & brought Sweezy to see Geo.
18 Cloudy. George went to Dodds & sold them a buggy.
19 Wet day. Mrs. Forrest & Miss Leyman called in the
20 Nice day. The roads aredrying up. I went to Church
in the morning & G & E at night.
21 E washed
22 Turned wet. Mr. Johnson brought our potatoes. The
children & I went to Ladells. George's birthday.
rain at night turned cold.
23 In the morning we expected the Thoms girls to tea
but they did not come. I went to church at night &
practice, sharp frost.
24 Nice day & frosty night. The cow calved in the woods
& we did not get her.
25 Charlie & Geo hunted the cow all day & C. found her
in the evening & brought them both home.
26 Like rain. Jessie & Cyril Thoms called. The practice
at the Hall fell through. Lodge tonight.
27 Sunday. Wet day. G & I went to Church at night.
28 Dark wet morning.
29 Ethel & Charlie went to Utterson to see Herbert off
but he had gone. Fine & cool.
30 Nice day. Laura & Louie Thoms came to tea & went to
Church after.
31 Fine & cold. Geo went to political meeting.
April 1 Fine & cold, river very high. I called at Forrests.
Mrs. Clarke came & stayed to tea. Ethel went to Toffee
party at Jones'es.
2 Fine & cold with fresh snow.
3 Sunday. I went to Church in the morning. windy & cold.
typed 20 April 1976 Carol Aellen
April 6 Ethel went to Ladies Aid & brought Mrs. Leonard back
to tea & then went to Church in the evening. George
went to Bullen's & sold him a harrow.
7 Cold wind but fine. George went to see John Nickason's
8 Lovely warm day. G & I & the children went to Church
it is Good Friday. Mrs. Geall brought some eggs.
10 Easter day fine & warm. I went to early Communion.
The others went to Church at night.
11 Ethel went to Hoods with Mary McEntyre. Lovely warm
weather. Minnie Forrest came home.
12 I went to a meeting at the parsonage there were quite
a number present.
14 E. cleaned Charlies room
15 Cleaned Ethel's room, warm & dry.
16 Cheese factory meeting Ethel went home with J.H. Madill.
there was quite a fire at the point above the falls.
17 Like rain. Louie & I went to Church in the morn & G
at night.
18 Very dry & windy. G went to Aspdin & sold a seed drill.
E came back.
19 High E. wind brought snow. I cleaned room over Kitchen.
20 Washed. Iwent to see Mrs. Vincent.
21 I called in at Forrests.
22 I cleaned the two front bedrooms, rain.
23 Baked & churned.
24 Sunday. G & I went to Church at night.
25 Nice day. we got two little pigs. E & I papered
two bedrooms. G went up to Dodds. G & C went to
Thoms' for the horse. Ethel went to WA meeting at the
26 Washed & papered Charlie's room. Mrs. Forrest called & E
went with her to see the Mitchells.
27 I Ironed & E. cleaned the passage & stairs.
April 28 I was busy baking for the Pink tea. Some of the members
meet at the hall at night to decorate. Like rain.
I baked some more. Mrs. Forrest & Mr. Smith called to buy
tickets for the SS children & performers.
29 Looks like rain. E. went to get tea ready in the afternoon
& at 6 we all but Geo & baby went to the Tea which with
the program went off very successfully.
30 The rain has passed off. I churned etc.
May 1 The children & I went to Church & got caught in the rain
which continued all the afternoon.
2 Fine. Ethel washed & I baked & cut some paper for
the sitting room. Mrs. Forrest called. Rain at night.
3 Wet day. E & I papered the sitting room G went to
4 We finished the sitting room and went to the W.A. meeting'
the pink cheesecloth.
5 Fine day. Clara came & took me & the 2 youngest home.
7 I went to Huntsville with Lucy and got some things &
met George there. he came to fathers in the evening
& stayed all night.
8 G went home after dinner & I went to Church.
9 Mother & I went to Herberts place to see Lizzie.
Got back about 9 p.m.
11 Severe thunder & wind storm.
12 My birthday. George & Charlie came & took us home so
here we are back again.
13 Ethel cleaned the pantry. I churned.
15 Sunday I went to Church in the morn. Hot day. took
baby out in her carriage.
16 We cleaned the kitchen which finishes the housecleaning.
17 E. washed. Minnie Forrest called.
April 18 G & C went to Father's to get a bag G left there.
Ethel went to Hood's.
19 Hot day. The cow went away. Rain at night. E. came
20 G & I went to Thoms' in the canoe caught a fish I came
back with the girls.
21 Fine day. very hot.
22 Sulty thunder storm in afteroon with copious rain. G
& I went to church at night.
23 Washed. Showery morn but got out fine.
24 A very wet showery holiday. A boat load of excursionists
came from Huntsville. We expected the Thoms girls to
tea but it was too wet.
26 Laura & Jessie Thoms came in the even.
28 Very hot. Peculiar circles were visible around the sun.
Charlie & I went to Bracebridge & got C's photo taken.
like rain.
29 Sunday. Gloomy & damp all day.
30 George & Charlie went with a party to Skeleten lake
got 3 fish.
31 Laura, Louie & Connie Thoms came to tea & Laura stayed
to do some sewing.
June 1 Hot. I went to W.A. meeting at the Forrests. Laura & I
had a walk.
2 Hotter but cool nights. Mr. Leach has gone away & the
school is closed till they get a teacher.
3 Very Hot. G & I went to Wm. Galls by lake
to Thomses. Laura went home this evening.
4 Hot & dusty. Applications are coming in for the school.
C. went to Thomses. Ethel & Louie went to Essens with
Byron Hood for a drive. Hot night.
5 Sunday. Cooler but dry & dusty. Ethel G. & C went to
June7Hotbutwehadagoodraintowardseveningwhichwasmuchneeded.I called at Whitbeys with baby
could not go to Galls. G & I went to Ladelles in even. More applications
on the milkwagon to Galls to spend the day.
Turned cold at night.
10 Wet again.
11 Gloomy & drizzly. Miss Willoughby the new
came. She called here.
12 Cloudy. Miss W. came
afterwards. She is English Church. We like her
very well.
13 Heavy rain.
14Fine.Wewashed.Itookthechildren&MissWilloughbyoutfor a walk after tea.
15 Lovely day. Charlie, Violet & I went to Galls to
tea. we saw the farm family too.
16 Lovely day. Mother came & took Ethel home. Miss W.
had a little walk with us. George went to Hville
on the boat.
17 Bright & fine. I churned. Mr. Goring came to brick
around the stove pipe in our room. George went to
Brunel about bark. Herb Ladell came at night to
get Miss W's agreement signed.
18MissWilloughbycalled & signed the agreemen
pretty busy all day. W. Gall left Gladys & Clarence
here while he went to the piggery. showery.
19 Fine day but co
in the morn. Vincent's baby was christened. We went
for a walk with Miss W. in the afternoon after Mrs.
Clarke had left.
20 Quite cold & wet.
21 Charlie & I washed. Lovely day. The children went
topickstrawberriesafterschool&gotover3qts.MissWilloughbycalled in the evening.
22 Lovely day. Geo. went up to Lynches about bark. The children went after straw
June 23 Hot day. I took Violet & Baby to visit the school &
then we went with the Forrests to the bathing place.
24 Very sultry. The Presbyterians had an excursion
up the lakes. Charlie went, no school. George went
to Falkenburg. Miss Willoughby came in after they
got back & told us about the excursion. very hot night.
wehad a good rain before morning.
25 Morning fine but wet afternoon. we did not get any
26 Wet morn but no service. It cleared up beautifully
after dinner & we all went for a walk to the cave.
Miss W. went with us. Louie & I went to Church at
27 Fine. Clara drove Ethel back. I went up to Ladells
with Clara.
28 We washed.
30 I went to Brymers with baby in the even. The Forrests
& Miss Willoughby were there playing croquet.
July 1 Fine day. we all went to the picnic. I had to bring
the younger children home early they were so trouble-
some. George & Mr. Cusson (?) ran a booth.
2 Very hot. A young ladv called to see about getting
hot night.
3 Sunday. hot day. G & I took the children to church
in the morn.
home to stay till Friday. We saw Miss Smith who
came in tonight.
6 Very hot. The children & Ethel & Nellie went for
a row with Ladells boat. I went to Forrests with
7 Louise Gall came in the morning. hot. had some
music in the evening.
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest also came. had a pleasant time.
9 Very cool. The raspberries are beginning to ripen.
Ethel went to Hoods.
July 10 Bright & cold. The children & I went to Church in
the morn. Mr. Davidson preached morning & evening.
Ethel did not get back till after Church.
11 Quite a heavy frost last night. Nice bright day.
I went with the children to get some raspberries,
got about 2 qts. Geo was busy till late putting a
rake together.
12 Hot day. I called on Mrs. Matthews. Mr. Dunkley
& son arrived & will stay all night.
13 Geo drove them to Lancelot today, they did not come
back here. I called on Miss Smith who is staying
at Smiths now.
16 Very hot & dry. I took the children bathing. The
raspberries keep us busy now.
17 I went to Church in the morn with Louie.
20 I went up to Ladells in the even.
21 Geo. Charlie & I went to Bracebridge. I had
teeth pulled while under chloroform/ Geo had 3 out
& Charlie 1 out. I had a bad headache when I got
22 Felt all right after a night's rest, very hot & dry.
23 Ethel & Charlie rowed Eva & Louie over the lake to
stay a week at Grandpas.
25 G carried water from the river & Ethel washed.
26 Very hot dry weather the ground is getting very
parched up. Mr. Smith called to see George.
27 G & I went to Bracebridge. I had the impression
taken for my teeth. We went & had dinner and in the
afternoon we went for a trip on the boat around
Muskoka Lake I got back about 10 p.m. We went to
Topps (?) & got my teeth fitted in and we came to
Utterson on the 12.40 train & then walked home,
where we arrived at 3 oclock.
Smith called, very hot day.
July 29 Party at the Thomses. Geo & Ethel went & did not
get home till 5 o'clock. I called to see Mrs.
Vincent. Cooler evening.
30 Nice day. I went up to Ladells & Clarkes.
31 Hot & dusty. I went to Church at night.
Aug. 1 Washed. Tried to get some berries but a little
shower drove us in. Turned cooler.
2 Hot. There are plenty of tourists in the village
now. George is very unwell with dysentery.
3 We had a lovely rain in the morn & then a thunder
storm in the afternoon. Clara drove the children
home & they got wet. I went up to Ladells in the
evening & saw several tourists arrive.
4 Cool & showery. George is a little better.
5 A fine morn but a little shower came. The afternoon
was fine for the pic-nic which was quite a success
& well attended. Cool
6 Nice day. we went bathing with Forrests. Mrs.
Sullivan & Aggie Ladell called.
7 Fine morn & wet afternoon I went to the Church yard
with the children & got stopped at the Church. The
children & I went to Church in the evening.
8 Fine. We got a few berries. Mrs. Thoms & Laura &
Jack came to tea. Mrs. Thoms went to see Mrs.
Vincent who is poorly.
9 Fine & cool. E. washed. I called upon Mrs. Lowdon.
10 The W.A. had a meeting at the parsonage when Miss
Montizamba addressed both the Juniors & Seniors &
wehad tea on the lawn.
11 Nellie brought Ed. Fearon & Daisy over in the boat.
They took Ethel back & she went over to Hoods.
12 Mr. Vincent took his wife to see the Dr. she seems
to be going out of her mind I am afraid. Mrs. Forrest h
came back to open school next week. Poor Mrs. Vincentismuchworse&attemp
& two of the girls are going to stay with them.
The children are with the neighbours.
Aug. 14 I was going to Church but Laura Thoms came to have
a sleep so I stayed. Afternoon I went over & sat
withMrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Vincent who is in bed.
Miss Smith & Mrs. Mitchell are going to sit up at
Toronto. Laura & Louie Thoms stayed & straightened
the house up & then came here to dinner. G got
home at noon.
16 Nice day. Mr. Vincent came back & will stay here
for a few days. I called at Smiths & saw Mrs.
Duck there.
17 G & Mr. V. went to sort the pigs. After tea G & I
went to Thoms' to see if they could take the Vincent
18 Laura & Louie Thoms came to wash at Vincents they
had dinner here.
baby home from Forrests. Mr. V. was working at the
bridge. E. went home.
called. Tvphoid at Jones'.
21 Eva & Louie & I went to a service at Ladells in the
morning. G & C went to Church at night. hot.
Mr. V. went to Somersets..
22 Ethel & Nellie walked here. E is going to make Nell
a dress. M & I went to Ladells & walked back with the
Mitchells & Louie & Jessie Thoms who came to take
Theo. V. to their house.
23 Eva & Louie had a birthday party. Mrs. Sullivan
called to say good bye.
24 We did a big ironing. Mr. Vincent & Roley Junior
(Jenner?) took Bob away. Nellie went home. Annie
Poyner is to stay with us. Rain at night.
25 Wet morn. Baby is sick. I called at Brymers.
26 I scrubbed the dining room. Mr. Brymer called
27 Baby very cross & has come out in spots. Miss
Willoughbycalled.E. came back.
28 The children & I went to Church in the morn also
Aug. 29 Violet poorly at night - but baby better. I called upon
for a walk.
30 Fine - sultry night. Ethel walked home in the
afternoon. I went up to Ladells for the nail,
our tomatoes have arrived. The children seem
31 Ethel came back, Nellie drove her. George & I went
to Bertha Clarke's wedding. It was a lovely moonlight
night and very hot. we stayed till nearly 1 a.m.
Sept. 1
2 Very hot. Ethel called at Forrest's. Mr. & Miss
Smith & Mrs. Tye & the two Miss Puddiecomb's cane
verandah all the evening.
3 Ethel and Annie scrubbed the Kitchen. After noon
E. went to Thomse's. It came up very stormy at
night. Thunder & Lightning but very little rain.
Miss Willoughby came to tea & we went to Church
with them.
5 Mr. Vincent stayed here last night & went off to
Toronto in the morn but Ethel did not go as it was
6 George & I went to Smith's to tea.
7 Ethel started to Toronto. Eva & I went as far as
Falkenburg & got some goods. I went to a party at Chesters in
8 Cool. Mr. Vincent came back & is staying here.
9 Goods arrived from Hay's.
10 Cool with frostv night.
11 Sunday. G & C went to Church at night. Annie is
12 I made crab jelly. Fine day.
13 Warm. Mr. V. is at Smiths mill. G & I went to the
Forrests with Vi & Baby.
Sept. 16 More rain, but fine evening. I went to Ladell's
after tea.
17 Fine & cool. Eva & Louie & Annie went to the Thomses
by the road. Miss Smith & her friends called in the
18 Sunday. Fine & windy. G & I & the children went to
Church at night. Mr. Vincent went to board at
McInnis' as he is to be at the mill.
19 G & C went to Thomses for a hunt. Annie & I washed
20 Cold night. bright day. I ironed went up to Ladell's
after tea with baby.
21 Annie scrubbed dining room. Mice day but cool.
22 G & I went over the lake to Father's and brought
Clara back. Warm but turned wet. Annie stayed
with the children.
23 Wet day. Clara went to decorate the church. C &
had a walk after tea.
24 Nice day. Clara & I went to decorate for the
Harvest festival. Geo & Charlie having been hunting several times b
25 Nice day. Thanksgiving service. Mr. Mitchell came
here to dinner. Clara & the children & I had a walk
withMiss Willoughby who stayed to tea. I did not
go to Church at night.
26 Wet after dinner so Clara stayed. Mr. Hay was here
to measure bark. Clara & I called on Miss Smith who
has been ill. Wrote to Nellie B. & Lizzie.
27 We washed. Clara walked home.
29 G & C. went to Thomses. G. came home and went to
vote on the Plebecite. C. stayed and shot a fawn.
30 G. gave a piece to Forrests.
Adam Watson's.
2 Fine hot day. G & I went to Church. Mr. French
Oct. 3 Wet morning. Geo. went up the lake about bark.
5 Utterson show day wet morn but cleared out in the
afternoon & was cooler. Charlie & Annie were the
only ones from this house.
6 Miss Smith called and I invited them to tea tomorrow.
Laura Thoms was here in the morning also Cyril who
was moving Mr. Vincent's furniture.
7 Fine & cool. Mr. & Miss Smith came to tea. Miss S.
is going away tomorrow.
8 Miss Willoughby came in & I had a walk with her.
frosty night.
9 Violet & I went to Church in the morn, saw Mrs.
Sullivan. Geo & I walked to Mainood's wharf
after dinner. Mr. V. came in to write letters in
the evening.
10 Nice day. G. & I went to Ladell's in the evening,
heard that Mrs. Clarke is wrong in her head. Mrs.
Taylor is a little better.
11 Heavy rain last night we washed. Charlie's (Age 15)
birthday. wet all day. Mr. Herbert Petman came
12 I was very sorry to hear of Mrs. Taylor's death
this afternoon.
13 Cold and gloomy. Charlie & I went with the Thomses
to Huntsville we called at Father's. I got a new
dress etc. We came home in the dark over the lake.
out with Mr. Vincent this afternoon & has not yet
16 Sunday. Nice warm day. G & I went to Church at
17 Katy Lever came & is making my dress. The Cheese
Factorycloses today.
19 The last pigs went today Katy Lever went home.
20 We are busy house cleaning.
21 We papered the children's roon & hall.
Oct. 22 Wet again. Annie cleaned Charlie's room & finished
the upstairs.
23 Cool & showery. We had the Bishop to consecrate
the font & confirm. The new furnace was used for
the first. Geo & I & baby called at Forrests after
24 We cleaned the sitting room. Mr. Gillespie came toseeGeorge.
25 We washed. nice warm day. Katy Lever came again
to sew. Beautiful light evening. Katy stayed
all night.
26 Wet day. I ironed. Katy went home after making
3 dresses for the children.
27 Mr. Vincent came & went hunting with Geo & Charlie
he was here to dinner & tea. We cleaning the
dining room & hall. There was about an inch of
snow this morning & it was cold all day.
28 Cold with hard frost; we cleaned the pantry.
29 Nice day. Geo went to a Church meeting. Mr. Vincent
& Wall Thoms came in the evening and brought Mr. V's
30 Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Forrest came. G & I went to
church at night.
31 Hallow'en. Mrs. Forrest, Minni & I called on
Mrs. McClure & Mrs. Clarke.
Nov. 1 Hunting season began. The three hunters went out &
2 The thomses partv joined ours and got nothing. Nice
fine weather. The children & I went up to Ladells
Got Eva & Louie new boots. Lost Peter.
3 Hunters came back tired, no venison.
Geo & I went to Forrest's to tea
5 Wet day. Geo got the hound at Flemmings. Charlie
got wet. V. did not come back. Mr. Forrest called.
6 Snowy day. I went to Church & played the organ &
stayed at home at night.
7 Forrest went out with our partv & got nothing.
venison. Our men got none.
Nov. 8 (Con't) Mr. Stevens of the Massey-Harris came to
see George & caught him in.
9 Mr. Forrest went with Geo & Chas to Dodds to hunt.
C & Mr. F. stayed all night but G came home.
lost Peter
wounded one but lost it. They had dinner here.
snow fell.
11 The men rested today cold wind. & snow. Mr. Ross
12 Nice day. Geo & Charlie were out all day got nothing.
Mr. Vincent went with Thomses & got 3 deer. Mr. &
Mrs. Mitchell called.
not go to Church. Mr. Vincent went to Beatrice.
15 G & C joined the Thoms party but got nothing. In
the evening Mr. Vincent & Mr. Gall came to see Geo.
l6 Finished washing & ironed. fine & still.
17 I went to Forrests & got Mrs. F. to go with me to
them. Mr. & Mrs. McClure & Miss Willoughby came to
called In the even.
20 The children & I went to Church in the morning. We
had a walk after dinner.
21 Annie came back.
22 We
24 Thanksgivi
in the even.
25 We cleaned the Kitchen. cold snap
26 Still
camefor the day.
Nov.27G. went to Thomses. Eva & Charlie & I went to
Church at night. Mr. Crompton took the service.
28 Mr. Clarke was here to kill the pigs. weight.
220 lbs. & 187 lbs. we sent one to Falkenburg.
Trustees meeting.
29 Miss Willoughby called to see Geo about the notice
she got to leave.
30 Two services at the Church I went in the evening.
Dec.1 Mr. Brymer & Mr. Smith both called to see Geo about
stay. Geo & C went to Dodds to hunt. Miss Ladell
came with Mabel Clarke. Snowy all day.
2 Cut up and salted the pig. Mr. Brymer called in the
evening with a Petition to the Trustees.\
5 Roads blocked with snow.
6 Fine morning. we washed and. got all the clothes out
when it began to snow and covered all the clothes
7 Snowing. Mr. Gardiner came & the Trustees had a
meeting. quite shut in with snow.
8 Could not get to the W.A. meeting. Alice Jenner
called about the school. Mr. Smith also called.
10 Mr. Taylor was here helping Geo with the books.Mrs.McNicolcameintheafternoon.Che
about going to Huntsville. Very cold night.
12 Cold day. I went to the W.A. meeting & we arranged
about the Xmas tree.
15 Snowy morning. The Thomses drove down for me & I
went with them to Huntsville & got the Xmas presents.
Dec. 16 I made puddings & mince meat.
18 Sunday. The children & I went to Church turned
cold at night.
school bags. The Forrest girls & Miss Willoughby
Thoms & Cyril also came to tea on their way from
Falkenburg. soft.
20 Miss W. & her girls were here practising club
s e w i n g . wet.
21 Thawing still. I went up to Ladells after tea.
22 Warm & Spring like rain at night. Baby & I went
to school to see the prizes given out. practise at
the hall for Xmas tree. Miss Willoughby & Minnie
F. called at tea time.
23 Mild with snow. Mr. Vincent came back. We all went
to the Xmas tree except George & baby. Miss Willoughby
came to say goodbye.
24 A lot of fresh snow. Busy with Xmas preparations.
Had the children's tree in the evening.
25 Sunday Christmas day. No morning service. Fine day. G
26 We washed. Kerb Ladell & Gardiner came to decide
on a teacher. George went to Utterson after dinner
& brought Mr. Vincent back with him.
27 Stormy. George had a shooting match. meeting at
the Hall but Father did not get out as the roads
are too heavy.
29 Fine mild day. I & Eva called on Mrs. McClure
who is going away tomorrow. We also called at the
31 Very cold day. Cheese factory meeting. Mr. V. came ba
Eliza Butcher
(Sister of Henry Butcher)
(Aunt of George Charles Butcher)
About 1880?
William Butcher, br
Emigrated to Tasman
Kate Butcher, sister of George
Charles Butcher
Photographed - Mrs. Erby
Photographic Cottage, Greenside, Richmond
Kate Butcher, sister of George Charles Butcher
Louisa Caroline Butcher Paxon
Older sister of George Charles Butcher
Married Arthur Paxon, lived in England
The diary of Mary (Minnie) Coldwell Butcher (Mrs. George C.)
Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario, Canada 1)
this afternoon to stay a few days till Mr. Jones getsusedtocooking.[DavidJones(alsoLorne
19 We received 2 barrels of apples from uncle Willie[WillGibson,Newcastle]
Dec. 1 Tuesday. The snow is going fast this fine weather.
George went to Utterson.
2 Lovely day, but sloppy. George is at Frank. Ladells'
today. I washed.[OwnedstoreatlocationoflaterHothstore]
3 Lovely morning but turned gloomy. George working at
F. Ladells again
4 A very wet day but warm.
5 Fine, high warm wind. G. & I went up to Ladells.
Snow gone.
6 Sunday. Hard frozen ground. Snow fell in the night
- to the depth of 3 inches (This blot made by Eva)
Mr. Allmans last Sunday.
7 Plenty of sleighs out today - George went to Clearwater
Lake for a hunt but got nothing. Gone to Vestry. meeting
this evening. I suppose Mr. Allman will be going this week.
8 I washed. George went on a bear hunt but did not find it.
9 Snow going again this fine weather. I went to a quilting-
bee at Clarkes and they had a little dance in the evening.
Dec. 10 Still mild. I called at Hays and was invited to tea tomo
11 Mr. Chester arrived to see about starting a business
at Hay's store. George & I took tea with the Hays. and
passed a pleasant evening.[Haysstorenextdoor-movedbackin1830stobecomelodge]
12 Saturday. Charlie & I went to Ladells to see the toys &
I got Eva a doll & C. got her a cart. Lodge tonight.
The Allman's are here yet & there is service tomorrow.
13 A fine Sunday. George & I took baby over to Thomses in
the canoe and stayed to tea. Mr. Allman preached a
good sermon in the evening.
l4 G. got some wood from Mr. Hay. Some girls came to tea.
15 Snow this morning & a stormy day. Posted a letter to
the children. Dressing a doll for Eva.
16 Cold W N. wind. I washed & the clothes got frozen &
blown about. Commenced on the 7 cords of wood G. bought
from Mr. Hay. Cold night.
17 Sharp day. Made Xmas cake. . .
18 Father came & brought beef & turkey. Mr. & Mrs. A. Hay
came for tea.
19 Nice mild day but I am afraid the snow will go. The
girls & I went to Ladells to get Xmas things. Got
Charlie a pr of boots. ^
20 Sunday but no church. We called at Forrests. (?)[livedinhouseacrossfromoldschool-Pi
22 Turned soft & the snow is going.
Xmas. Mr. E. Hay, Buddy & Harriet came to tea. & we
24 Xmas eve. Nice day but no sleighing. Nelly went
home with Ethel.
25 Christmas day & a gloomy damp one. I went to Church
in the morn & we spent a quiet day at home. Charlie and Eva playing with
26 Nelly was to come home today but has not appeared.
Began to snow this afternoon & is snowing yet.
27 A fine day. The two Nelly's came this afternoon &
28 I washed. A little sleighing & cold wind. George went
to Utterson.
29 Mild & slushy. Some soft snow fell making a little
sleighing. A party at Aspdin tonight.[AspoinothersideofMartin'ssiding]
30 George & I went to Hays after tea to spend the evening.
There was quite a party there.
31 Cold stormy evening. Some of the Hays came in to
play games. The last day of the Year 1891. G. got cheque from
14 More snow today, keeps rather cold. Herbert came
today & brought Eva's chair & straw mattress.
15 Fine day. The Vincents came to tea and Mr. V. & George
drew the wood from Allman's.
16 A School meeting today. The children went skating
& I went to Ladell's.
17 Sunday, milder. I went & taught in S.S. George
is sick today with a bad cold. Mr. Whitmore went to
Brymers to tea.
18 Cold & stormy. George went to Utterson to help unload
flour & he put in his tender for the Assessorship.
19 The coldest yet 32° below zero. George did not get
the assessorship. He went to play chess with Mr. Hay.
20 Much milder. Mr. & Mrs. Forrest came to tea, George
poorly. Mr. Whitmore is here yet.
22 George's back rather bad.
23 Charlie went skating. Plenty of snow these days.
24 Sunday, mild. I went to S.S.
25 Nice day but turned very stormy and cold. I went with
Katy Lever to collect for a present for Mr. & Mrs.
Allman. Got §1.60.
26 Last night was a terribly windy & cold night & today
very sharp.
Jan.27More moderate. George & I 6
c Mr. W. went to tea at
Forrests. Mr. E. Hay up and moved some of Alfred
Hay's things to Uttersons.
28 Much milder with a drizzle. George is at Utterson helping to unload
first lesson at telegraphy.
29 George at Utterson again, home by 4 o'clock. We went
to a party at Brymers' quite a lot there.
30 Up late & tired. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Hay moved away.
Lovely mild day.
31 Pleasant day. I went for a walk with Eva & met Mrs. Clarke.
The Miss Hays came to tea.
Feb. 1 Nelly is in bed with La Grippe. I dyed my dress.
Ethel & I went into Hays for a while in the evening.
It is very comfortless over there with the furniture
all gone.
2 Turned colder & stormy. I washed. Nelly is still in
bed. Mr. Brymer came to see her.
3 Not so cold. Mrs. Jones called to see Nelly.
4 Nelly is up today. Eva has a bad cold & is cross.
5 Sharp last night. Mrs. Gall called & I invited them for
next Wednesday. G. & I went to the store. Charlie at
home with cold. Nelly is nearly well.
6 Saturday. cold. The Hays have gone away & Mr. Chester is
there. Mrs. Jones took her baby to the Dr. about an
abcess on its neck.
Feb. 7 Sunday a nasty stormy day. Charlie & I went to S.S.
9 Fine with snow flurries at times. I washed. Nelly
10 Mr. Vincent came to draw wood. The Galls came to tea.
11 Milder. Mr. Chamberlain called for George to go to
Brunel (?) but he was not well ...could not go.
12. Very cold wind. George in bed all the evening with a
bad cold. Mr. Chamberlain called on his way home.
13 Fine & sharp. I went to the store. Lodge tonight.
Nelly C's birthday.
14 Sunday. Valentine's day. Stormy. I stayed in all day.
These Sundays are very dull.
15 Cold & the roads heavy. More snow last night.
16 George went to P.O. and sot a letter from Annie. Still
cold and horribly dull. We finished a bag of flour
which lasted more than a month.
17 I washed today. A little milder today, Ethel stayed home
from school.
18 Lovely day. I took Eva to Clarke's and stayed to tea.
19 Mild but snowy - too stormy to go to the Debate.
Mr. Whitmore is sick.
Feb. 20 Mild. I went to Ladells & saw Ada & Louie (?) Thoms.
Also Mr. Chamberlain who said that Mrs. W. Gall has a
daughter. Mrs. Chester arrived.
21 Snowy & fine. I went to SS & called to see Mrs. A. Ladell.
22 Mild, I washed.
23 Thaw continues. My clothes dried nicely. George
opened a potato pit. Charlie is sickening for La Grippe,
I am afraid.
24 Beautiful day. Finished ironing. Mr. and Mrs. Thoms
came to tea.
25 I went to Ladells & bought a wrapper we came home with
Mrs. Forrest.
26 Fine but cold N. wind. Lucy came and took Ethel, Eva
& me home to stay till Monday.
27 Cold day. Eva troublesome. Mother & Ethel went to
28 Sunday. lovely day. I took Eva out for a walk while the
girls went to SS. George & Mr. W did not come. In the
evening we went to church and heard Mr. Lowe preach.
Eva was good ____ Ethel.
29 Mild with a little snow. Father drove us home, we called
at Johnsons' & left Nellie there. The girls went skating
in the evening.
March1Tuesday. A cold blustering wind, but sunshiny. I called
on Mrs. Chester.
to Gall's (Geall's?) over tho taken with George (?)
3 Nice day. I ironed and baked. The girls & Charlie went
took baby and went to call at Thomses but were persuaded
to stay to tea. They all went to the Debate except
Eva and me. Mr. W's birthday.
5 Colder with wind. G & I went to Ladell's
6 A fine Sunday. I think I will stop teaching in SS. G. &
7 George walked to Falkenburg. The fine weather continues
and the snow is going fast.
8 I washed and George came home from F. Old Mr. Chester
came up.
9 George is sawing wood with A. McInnis. I feel poorly
with a cold coming on. The four Thoms girls came here
to tea and the boys drove them home.
10 A little fresh snow. G. has a bad toothache.
Note: top of page J.H. Colawell Esq.
11 A cold wind. The Thomses called & went with us to the Debate.
12 A cold day with snow. We got 45 1/2 of beef from Theobald.
G. cutting wood
13 Sunday. Bright but cold
March 14 Cold snap continues. N. wind. George is cutting wood
with A. McInnes. Mrs. A. Ladell has a baby.
15 More moderate. G. cutting wood today. Mr. Brymer
got hurt in the same bush cutting wood.
16 Pleasant. George went to Father's place. Ted McInnes
drew our wood up. Choir practice here tonight, quite a
few came to it.
17 A nice day. much milder. George went to a Bee for
cutting Mr. Brymer some wood. Little Eva is poorly.
18 Ada & Laura Thoms came to tea & then went to the Debate.
19 George went to Utterson but did not see Steele (?)
Mrs. A. Ladell worse & had to have the Dr.
20 George and I went to Church. W. Lloyd preached. Very
cold wind. Mrs. Ladell very bad. Eva is not well yet.
21 Mrs. Ladell died this morning leaving a little baby
a week old. The funeral is to be on Wednesday.
Lovely day.
22 A snowy windy day marked by another remarkable event.
Mr. Gendron shot a moose as it was running through the
village and gave us a quarter of venison. George's
23 Father & mother came to attend Mrs. Ladell's funeral.
There was quite a crowd there & the little baby was
baptized afterwards. Mild today but some fresh snow
fell. I got a letter from Meaford. The letters come
thick and fast just now.
March 24 Mild day. The assessor came & G. was away. Ladells
& Brown's dogs were poisoned.
25 Thawy. The Constables came to P.S. and summoned Mr. Gendron
Another dog poisoned in our garden. It is the talk
of the place and is getting quite exciting. George
went to Utterson & seeing Jim Theobald in the P.O. on
his return accused him of informing & lying aboutit.[TheobaldslivedinGreenhousebesid
26 Thawy day. Jim T. went to Bracebridge and got a summons
Lodge night & a great row before the lodge opened as
the other members would not sit down with Jim the
informer. Mrs. & Mr. Vincent called.
27 Great talk about the impending trial. No service.
Fine day. -
28 We got up at 3.30 and George & Mr. Whitmore went off
in Esson's sleigh for Bracebridge. They were each
fined §10 and costs. George's expenses amounted to
indignation against Jim Theobald.
29 Beautiful day - snow thawing fast. We all feel the loss
& he was about starting for Thornbury to see about buying
another farm. Mr. & Mrs. Chester came to tea.
March 30 Nice warm day. I washed. George took Chester's Insuran
changed to the "Sun Insurance Co. Waggons out now
instead of sleighs.
31 March went out like a lamb. Two dances tonight.
April 1 Jokes are flying today. George walked to Father's
place to borrow some money. Roads very bad. Old
Brown's were burnt out.
2 Warm day. Ground nearly all bare. Mr. W. is going
to stay till Easter. George sent off $132.50 to
meet a note. Eva is poorly again today.
ear. We went to church in the evening and heard
Mr. Lowe - a good congregation.
4 A mild rainy day. George has not gone to Falkenburg
yet. Mr. Brymer & Mr. Esson were here.
5 Wind, sunshine & showers - a true April day. George went
to see Mr. Dodd.
6 Much colder today. George went to Vincents. We had
choir practice here. Mr. Whitmore has gone to a party
at Kerr's.
7 A nice day. Spring has come early if it does not change
to winter again.
8 Colder & cloudy. George cleaned the wood-shed. Whitmore,
Charlie & the girls have gone to the debate. The roads
are drying up in Port Sydney.
April 9 Wet day. Mr. Whitmore painted the canoe. Mr. Chamberlain
came. (note side of page; Our hens laid 20 eggs up to
the ninth)
10 Mr. Allman's preached twice & came here to tea. Cold wind.
11 Cold & cloudy. no word from Mr. Hay yet. Mr. Vincent
came & stayed to tea. (5 eggs)
12 (4 eggs) Fine but high N. wind. Georgie's birthday.
Magic Lantern at school-house tonight. Charlie at home
with bad cough.
13 (5 eggs) George went to see Steele & was engaged as
night-watchman at the mill. Coughs are very prevalent
just now. Cold wind but fine.
14 (4 eggs) Warmer with E. wind. Mr. Vincent was here.
Had a message from Mr. Hay through Mr. Chester.
15 Good Friday. Nelly and Ethel walked home to spend the
holidays. Mr. Whitmore went to Jones'es.
16 (7 eggs) Still cold. Georgre & Mr. W. went on the river
in the canoe. Hubert & his father-in-law were here to tea.
17 (4 eggs) Easter Sunday. Warmer but cold wind still:
no service here. Eva has a cold caught from sleeping
13 (4 eggs) High N wind. Eva's ear sets no better. I am
afraid we shall have to take her to the Dr. The girls
came home.
April19(5eggs)Much warmer. George tended the mill for
Mr. Forrest. I washed & Nelly and I sot N a dress at
Chesters. I head at Ladells that a Mr. Scott is coming
to this mission.
20 (5 eggs) Lovely warm day. George helped Mr. Forrest
with the stop-logs. He & Mr. W. went out in the canoe
after tea.
21 (4 eggs) Wet afternoon. George tended the mill this
morning. Mr. Jarvis called this evening. We received
ear medicine from Dr.
22 (8 eggs) Cloudy and turned wet. George was digging
post-holes. I went to see Mrs. Jones about the milk.
23 (5 eggs) A fine morning but turned very cold & snowed
at night. - G. & Mr. W. went up the lake.
24 (8 eggs) A cold Sunday. Mr. Scott preached in the morning
25 (6 eggs) Nelly's birthday. Fine. George & I walked
through to Vincents. Mill not open yet.
26 (9 eggs) Fine pleasant day. Washed & baked. George
was minding the mill for Mr. Forrest. Mr. Holliday
came here to wait for Mr. Smith.
27 (6 eggs) We commenced housecleaning. George tended
the mill this afternoon. Old Mrs. Ladell is ill &
Mrs. Baker(?)came up. High S. Wind blew up rain.
Thunder storm in the evening.
April 28 (10 eggs) Warm high wind. George tended the mill in the morning. We are busy housec
29 (6 eggs) Colder but fine. Mr. Scott called and stayed to tea. Jessie Farquaharson died th
30 (6 eggs) Kept cool clouded up for rain.
May 1 (6 eggs) Cloudy a drizzly rain in the afternoon. G & I went to Church & heard Mr. Scot
2 (5 eggs) Cleaned the dining room. Cloudy & cold.
3 (4 eggs) Mr. H. Chamberlain called. George went to Falkenburg. Turned rainy and my washing
4. (7 eggs) Cold & drizzly but cleared out fine. George came home on afternoon train. We mus
5 (5 eggs) George & I went in the canoe to Fathers' place. Cool & cloudy.
6 (7 eggs) Cold & gloomy, most unspringlike weather. The concert came off tonight & Laura Th
7 (7 eggs) Fine but cold high wind. Laura & I walked to the store. I called to see Mrs. Ches
8 (2 eggs) Pleasant with cool wind. The girls went to church in the morning and Ethel stayed
May 9 (5 eggs) Beautiful day much warmer. Laura, Eva & I
10 Warm & cloudy. Ethel stayed to help me with the
washing. I was very tired after finishing. G & I
went out for a troll.
11 Wet day. We caught a lot of water.
12 Beautiful day. The children had a little party. Laura
and I went to Theobald's & got some milk. Laura went
home with her sisters after the practice.
13 (3 eggs) Very warm. Mother and Nelly & Clara came to
make us a farewell visit. The girls stayed home in
the afternoon. George has commenced night watching at the mill at last. He took
14 (4 eggs) A nice day. Louisa Gall & Connie & Ruth
Thoms came. Mr. Hendron came for his trees. Ada
Thom came to stay a few days. Lodge tonight. George
only stayed at the mill till midnight.
15 (8 eggs) Wet miserable Sunday. George & Ethel & Nelly
went to church this evening.
16 (4 eggs) A cool fine day. I washed. Vestry meeting
tonight. George went to it as he does not have to watch
at the mill for a few nights. Mr. Lloyd came home with
him and stayed over night.
May 17 (6 eggs) Warm & Spring-like. George took measurements
for shingle-mill. I got a letter from cousin Janey (?)
and George one from Alfred Hay.
18 (9 eggs) Very warm. George, Ada & I went to tea at
19 (5 eggs) Blowing a gale from the S. turned wet. Mrs. &
Mrs. Vincent called & Ada went back with them. George
heard from Mr. Hay.
20 (5 eggs) Wet day turned quite cold. None of our expected
visitors came. I received letter from Connie.
21 (8 eggs) Still gloomy and cold. George went to Falkenburg
and decided to go to Meaford next Tuesday week. He had to
come home in the afternoon to go on at the shingle mill
22 (5 eggs) Showery & cold. Louie Thoms came after morning service. Ethe
tea. I stayed home & the rest went to church. They
decided to have a pic-nic on the 24th.
23 (6 eggs) Still gloomy. Lucy came and we began packing.
Feel pretty tired tonight.
24 (4 eggs) Queen's birthday rose bright & fine but as usual
clouded up & rained in the afternoon. We went to the
pic-nic but had to go in the hall. however we enjoyed
seeing all our friends. As it is probably the last pic-nic
we shall be at here. George is at the mill tonight.
Grandmother's Diary 1892 18)
May 25 (5 eggs) Turned cloudy. George walked to Bracebridge
early this morningNelly & Charlie at Forrests. We are
getting on well with packing.
25 Heavy shower this morning but cleared out (5 eggs).
and I went to church this evening.
27 (5 eggs) Gloomy & cold. Lucy went home as we have
finished about all the packing that we can do without
George. G. came home in the afternoon train and has gone
to the mill again tonight. This has been a miserable cold
spring all through. We expect to move next Wednesday.
28 (10 eggs) Lovely day. George sold the canoe to Mr. Marsh &
rented the house to G. McEntyre. I called at Chester's
are all very kind and seem sorry to lose us.
evening & I went to church alone.
30 (7 eggs) Father & Lucy came & G drew two loads to Utterson.
Nellie & I called at Laddells. Warm day. Miss Hay &
Nelly came to P.S. George went to get Mr. Thoms to
draw the furniture.
31 Hot. Mr. Thoms & G. busy all day & also Nelly & I doing
the last packing. The children staid the night at Chesters' &
sultry weather.
June 1st Very sultry. We took leave of Port Sydney & all our
friends there and are this evening at Falkenburg where
it is very hot & uncomfortable.
2 A wet day but turned cold in evening. We finished
arranging with Mr. Hay and started for Barrie where
we stayed the night.
3 Cool & cloudy. We came on to Thornbury but found no
Mr. Hay so George went to fetch him. G. came back
as Mr. Hay had no accommodation. We all slept in one
room and had no very clean room at that.
was brought to the house which (though a good one) is
in a terrible mess which we could not do much to
remedy today.
5 A warm showery day. George walked to Uncle Willies.
We are staying with the Hays till Monday.
6 We moved over here & commenced to bring order out of
chaos. We cleaned the upstairs & put beds up. We got
some baker's bread & Mrs. Tucker gave us milk. We got
Hay's bill. A fine day.
7 Cool & rather dull. The mud is nearly all dried up.
Nelly & I cleaned the kitchen. George pruned some trees
the evening. Like rain.
June 8 A fine morning but a thunder storm came on in afternoon
which has made everything muddy again. Nelly & I
washed. George went to see about a cow but it was sold
9 Fine day but foggy morn. Nelly & I arranged the sitting
room & George walked to Meaford and posted the Lodge book.
He bought a cow from Mr. Carnahan near Uncle Willie's.
I wrote to Mr. Hay for George.
10 Fine & hot. Charlie went to Thornbury with Mr. Noble
who brought our goods from Mr. Hay. We cleaned the cellar
& ironed. George planted some potatoes & went to see
Mr. Lamb.
11 Hot again. We cleaned the dining-room which is the last
room & now there are only odds & ends to do. The crockery
unpacked without a breakage. George put in some garden
seeds & cut some black knot.
12 Sunday. Very hot & a tremendous wind. We were at home
all day but none of Uncle Willie's people came. It is
nice to have a rest-day.
13 Still hot 4 windy but it is cooler after the thunder storm
this evening. I planted some flower-seeds in boxes &
George put in some seeds. George went to Bell's after tea
14 Much cooler & high wind. Nelly & I washed. Uncle & Aunt
came this afternoon & we were very glad to see them.
George went to see Bell's team. He heard from Mr. Hay
tonight & got cheque for cow.
June 15 (Note across entry: House at Port Sydney let to
G. McEntyre from this date) A nice day George went
to Meaford& brought home a cow, but we have to keep
her in the stable at first. We finished washing
& ironed.
15 Beautiful weather now. George began Mr. Hay's road
work: did11/4days. We are not troubled with mosquitoes
17 Heavy rain last night, foggy morning but fine afternoon.
Cousin's Frank, Mary & Kate came & stayed to tea.
George started road-work but left off for the rain and st
18 Saturday foggy & wet. George put in1/2day at
road-work. Mr. White brought a churn for us to try.
19 A wet Sunday, muddy & very dull staying in all day.
Mr. E. Hay came. Our cow is a good deal of bother as
she is not contented alone. Foggy even.
20 Fine breezy day. Nelly & I washed blankets. George
saw Mr. Hay on business and drove to Clarksburg with
Mr. White. He is over at A. Hay's this even. E. Hay
has gone. Cloudy & foggy again. This is a terrible
place for fog.
21 Hotmorning, turned wet. G. went to see A. Hay before
he went away & then went to Meaford & got cheque from
A. Paxon
June 22 Fine breezy day but turned wet at night. George went
to see Mr. White & Mr. Noble & commenced hoeing corn.
Mrs. Bell & Mrs. J. Noble called. I went to see Mrs.
Hay who thinks she will not go away with her husband.
23 Cloudy noon but nice afternoon. We washed & churned.
G. doing roadwork. George bought 2 pigs from Bells.
24 Beautiful day. Mr. White is here harrowing. Nelly
went to Meaford with Mrs. Hay. G. did some mowing
for Mrs. Hay.
25 Fine cold day. We begin to be troubled with cattle
breaking in. Mr. White was here harrowing this morning.
George went to Meaford & posted Jones's & Mr. Varney's (?)
Insurance papers. Mr. Blanchard brought our goods from
26 Fine Sunday but none of us got to Church. Mrs. Hay called.
It turned wet at night.
27 High E. wind & rain stopped work.
28 High W. wind & cool. George was at road work this
morning. Mr. White came to cultivate corn this afternoon.
I went to Hay's & borrowed butter-bowl & pan. Like rain
again & so much wind. Georae wrote to Arthur Paxon.
29 Fine morn but turned showery. I washed. Nelly went
to Meaford with Mrs. Hay & went into Uncle Willie's
& had dinner. Mr. White here cultivating all day.
Mr. Clarke came to set work.
1892 23)
30 Cool high wind. Mr. A. Hay is back. Mr. White here
today cultivating and his son harrowing. Mr. Hares was
here hoeing all day. George planted some peas and
hoed corn. Last day of school.
July 1 Nelly & Charlie went to Meaford. Mr. White was cultivatin
all day.
2 Fine morning but wet evening. Mr. White cultivating
with A. Hay and got letters from Mother & A. Thom.
George fenced in part of the gully for the cow.
3. A wet Sunday as usual & a very dull one.
4. Nice day. Mr. White here harrowing. Hired man is coming
to board tomorrow. George went to Thornbury with A. Hay.
I called at Bell's.
5 Mr. Clark came here to hire & was harrowing all day.
G & I went over to Mrs. Hay's & filled a straw tick.
A. Hay has gone again. Mr. White mowed this afternoon
It has been a beautiful day
& his son was hoeing all day. for the pic-nic.
6 Hot day. Mr. Clarke was cultivating & harrowing.
Went home this evening. Mr. White was mowing since
9 o'clock. George went to Meaford after tea. Nelly
got some strawberries
7. Another hot day. Mr. Clarke's nephew came to board
here while he is hoeing A. Hays corn. Clarke mowed
in the orchard & this even George & he went to Thornbury
to get a horse-rake. They did not get back till after 12.
to Mr. Hay. He & Clarke were putting up hay & boy raking.
Clarke went home tonight - Blanchard brought home a
10 A hot day. None of us at Church. Mr. Tucker called.
George & I went to Mrs. Hays. Hay's cow calved.
11 Clarke came back & he & George and W. Blanchard drewin
hay & in the afternoon old Blanchard helped. Clarke
went home at night. Very hot & like a thunder storm.
12 Still hot but like thunder in even. George & the
Blanchards drew in the rest of the hay this evening &
afterdinner G. went to Meaford. I got letter from
Constance & Nelly from Ethel.
13 Cooler but no rain & no water to wash. Mr. Clarke came
back & scuffled corn. G. & Blanchard got in one load of
hay. George was at road work this afternoon. Aunt
Annie & Mrs. Albert came & spent the afternoon & Mrs. & Miss
McVetie called.
14 Hot & fine. Mr. White was here mowing. Mr Clarke raked
over by Hay's house & after dinner he & George hoed beans.
Mr. & Mrs. Fairlie called. George went to see Mr. & McVitie.
July 8 Hot. George raked some hay up with the horse-rake &
Clarke mowed after the machine over at Hay's. Adam
was weeding. White scuffling.
9 Still hot & good hay weather. George sent off a letter
July 15 George is poorly today. He & Clark put wire on the line
fence this morn & this afternoon. Clarke hoed tilla
thunder storm came on & after tea cleaned the barn floors.
Cool & windy tonight. We picked a few black currants.
16 G. went to see Dr. Kent for the 1st time. Bright & cool.
Mr. Clarke cleaned the cistern & hoed after tea. George
sent to Thornbury with Mr. Blanchard . A. Hay came
home again.
17 Beautiful day. Stayed at home as usual. It is very
dullnot going to church. A. Hay & Mr. Tucker called.
18 Like rain but cleared off & Blanchard & Clarke drew
in 4 loads of hay while George raked. Clarke hoed corn
in morn. Nelly walked to Meaford & posted Insurance
money. She got letter from E. Hay. Like rain tonight.
19 Drizzly in the morn but high wind blew clouds away. Cooler.
The children got11/2qts. raspberries. Mr. Clarke
mowed for Hay today. G. was hoeing. I went over to Hay's
& Tucker's after tea & took Eva.
20 Hot & windy. George poorly with bad headache. He &
Clarke took cow to Bolesey. Clarke mowed & raked for
S. Hay.
21 Very hot. George not well, unable to work. Byres
came this afternoon to mow across the gully. Clarke
raked at Hay's this morn & this afternoon Blanchard &
Clarke drew it in. We picked some black currants &
I preserved 2 jars cherries.
July 22 Hot. Clarke was working for A. Hay & young Byres mowed
this morning. George went to Thornbury this afternoon
to get Lucy's money but was unable to do so.
23 Hot. Clarke left us to work at Hays corn. Byres mowed
the orchard & helped with the drawing in after dinner
but they did not get all the hay in and we had a heavy
thunder storm at night. Nelly went to Meaford & got
letters from Mother. Louie & Mr. Kay & Ethel.
24 Still hot. No one at church. A. Hay called.
25 Very hot but cooler after the violent storm this evening.
They got in 2 loads of hay. Byres here all day and Clarke
& 2 boys boarding here.
26 Hot & like thunder. Clarke & 2 boys are working for
A. Kay & boarding here. G. went to Thornbury and got
money for cheque.
27 Hot, but it came up a severe thunder storm in evening.
Clarke & boys are not boarding here now. G. mowing in
orchard. Mrs. Tucker called & Nelly went to Mrs. Hay's.
A terrific storm of wind rain & thunder came up in the
evening. Blowing most the fences down.
28 Fine. George busy all day putting up fences. Very hot
29 A wet day turned much cooler. George very poorly.
He paid Mr. White.
30 Fine & cooler. George Charlie went in Clarke's buggy
to Meaford. I went over to Hays after tea.
July 31 A nice day. But it is so dull never going to church.
Aug. 1 Fine morn but wet afternoon. The Blanchards mowed till
the rain & then went to Meaford. Clarke & 2 boys hoeing.
2 Fine. George walked to Meaford & got letter from Lucy
& posted letters with her money. Blanchards were
mowing in stump field & Clarke & his boy hoed for us
after dinner.
3 Hot with high wind & rain threatening. George not able
to work. Blanchard & the Clarke's drew in 2 loads of
with his legs. He went over to Mrs. Hay's & got some
5 Fine morn, but turned wet. A. Hay came home. Nelly &
Charlie walked to Meaford & Frank drove them home in
the rain. I got a letter from Mother.
6 Cool & windy. George went to Thornbury with Blanchard
7 But she was not. They drove out to see us & did not bring
her. Keeps hot.
Miss Byres called and while they were here Frank & mother
came from Meaford. Sultry and violent thunder storms
at night. George got up & came down stairs.
9 Not much cooler but fine.
Aug. 10 Rain last night & today. We washed. George went to
Meaford & got letters & saw creamery. He took cow to
Boles' again.
11 Wet day, turned cooler.
12 Bright & cool. G. Turned over a bit of hay.
13 George walked to Meaford and came home tired out.
Blanchard drew in the last hay for us.
14 Sunday, pleasant. G. went to Tucker's & mother & Nelly
called at Hays.
15 We washed. Hotter. Blanchards plowing (?) again.
George hoed turnips. Charlie started to school.
16 Hot. Nelly went to Meaford with Mrs. Hay. G.
mowing (?)
17 - wrote to Mr. Kay about money. Mr. Clarke was
cultivating "all day. We got about J
- bus. potatoes-
from A. Kay. Still hot.
[Next entries Aug 18 - Sep 5 written by Grandma's mother]
18 Sultry. Churned soft butter. G. walked to Thornbury.
Windy evening & warm.
19 Much cooler happily for Minnie was sick all day, Dr.
came at 3 p.m. baby born at 5 p.m., a fine rosy girl,
had a tolerable good night, both doing well.
20 Cool, Nellie & I did Saturdays work. baby good &
21 Sunday at home, M & baby progressing satisfactorily.
M has sore breasts, Mrs. Hay called, nice cool day,
none of the Gibson's came, baby sleeps well.
August 22 M. improving which we are thankful for, I wrote to
Lizzie, Mr. & Mrs. Thos Gibson, George helping
Mr. Hay with the pease.
23 Cool & fine. G. went to Meaford with Mr. Blanchard.
Got peck potatoes from A. Hay. G. got home in the
evening. Brought me two letters. Got letter from Mr. Hay.
24 Hot again. Mr. Clark here to dinner & tea, sultry evening,
little rain.
25 Wet morning, churned & ironed. M & I wrote to Mrs.
D. Coldwell, wet afternoon, baby sleeps well.
25 Fine, Mr. Clark here dinner and tea. showery afternoon.
G. went to Thornbury
27 Fine, Mr. Clark here dinner & tea, Nellie went to
Meaford, got letters from Port Sydney.
29 Fine. George helping Mr. Hay all day. baby wakeful and
cross, windy evening.
afternoon G. working for Mr. Hay till four p.m., cooler.
31 Cold and showery day, washed clothes, charlie got peck
potatoes from Mr. Hay.
Sept. 1 Fine & cool. George working at Mr. Hays all day.
Mr. Clark here two meals, preserved two jars crabs
2 Very warm, G. at home picked harvest apples, Mr. Hay
brought baskets for plums.
3 Fine, hot, G. helping Mr. Hay all day. Nellie walked
to Meaford got letter from Mrs. Forrest, four for me
and papers, baby good, Eva had night croup.
Sept. 4 Sunday. hot like rain. G and M had a walk, baby restless.
5 Wet morning and cool, mopped bedroom. M made marmalade.
5 Cold & damp (Minnie resumes writing) George & Charlie
picked plums for Mr. Hay. Mother & N. washed. Baby
sleeps well today. She has good nights. A. Kay took
plums & apples to Thornbury.
7 George working all day for A. Hay. Fine. Ironed & churned
Creamery man called.
3 Beautiful day. George working for A. Kay 7 hours.
Aunt Annie came & took mother away; Eva shall miss her.
9 Fine G. at Hay's half a day. I picked 2 baskets of...
plums. Bagman came (?)
10 George working at A. Hays. Got no mail this week.
G. went to Thornbury & sold 2 baskets of plums
11 Fine Sunday George walked to Uncle Willies & took
mother her money. Nelly & I called at Tuckers.
12 George picked 2 baskets of plums. Wet day. I preserved
13 Still wet. We washed but I don't know when the clothes
will dry.
14 Turned cold & still miserably wet. Clothes blown all
over. G. picked up 2 baskets of plums & there are lots
of apples down. Blanchard came.
15 Picked a lot of plums they are getting too ripe. Fine
and cool.
Sept. 16 George walked to Meaford. A. Hay took 6 baskets of
plums to ship. G. stooked up some oats. We are busy
preserving plums.
17 Lovely day. Picking plums. Sent 5 baskets to sell with
Mr. Blanchard. $1.35 a bus. (bushell)
13 Fine cool Sunday. George, Charlie & I took a walk
past Hays.
19 Cold wind but fine. Finished picking plums & sent off
6 baskets for Hays besides 5 more to divide.
20 Fine but cold wind. We washed. Sent off the rest
of Hay's plums. George working at Hays in the afternoon.
21 Warm & still. George picked some apples. It is very
dull here; we seldom see anybody or go anywhere. Like rain.
22 George poorly with sick headache. Sultry like thunder.
23 Still sultry. Fair at Meaford. We sent in a basket
of plums to Uncle Willie. I went to McVeties and stayed
to tea.
24 George walked to Meaford but did not get much mail.
Posted letter to E. Hay.
25 Fine morning but thunder storm in afternoon cooled the
air. Ferguson's barn was struck by lightning and
burn to the ground.
26 High cold wind. I had a bad toothache.
27 Very high wind but warmer. Tooth still bad all day.
We washed the white clothes. George walked to Thornbury
to post letter to A. Ladell. He has gone to Tuckers
Sept. 28 & 29 George is digging Mr. Hays potatoes. Fine & for
a wonder not much wind.
30 George & Charlie cutting sunflowers. High warm wind,
like rain tonight.
Oct.1st Got letters from Mother & money from Mr Hay. Nelly
went to Meaford.
2 Sunday cool & like rain at night. G. & I took a
walk towards Thornbury. A. Hay called in evening.
3 High wind, rain at night - George is helping A. Hay
Measure the summer fallow.
4 Cold & wet. A. Hay went to Allan Park. G. cut a
little corn.
5 The first snow of the season came indashes all day
with a bitter cold wind. We washed.
6 A high wind but warmer. George & C. were cutting corn
all day.
7 G. & C. cutting corn. After noon W. Elanchard
drew it in to the stoop. Mild.
8 Wet day. George went with W. Tucker in the morn to
have a hunt & after noon to Meaford & got letter from
Ethel & cheque from Relief for $7
9 Sunday. Fine & cool. Uncle Willie & his cousin came
& stayed to tea. Frost.
10 Warmer & like rain. G. husking corn.
11 Charlie's birthday. Fine. Willie Tucker was here.
G. husking corn.
Oct. 12 Nice day. George cutting corn. Nelly got some
tomatoes from Mrs. Hay.
13 Indian summer weather. G. finished cutting corn.
I went to call on Mrs. Byres but found her away.
14 Still fine. G. walked to Meaford and got a letter
and book for Charlie. W. Blanchard drew in some corn.
15 Got in rest of corn. Got a bag of flour & some
oatmeal. Rain.
16 Sunday. Cold & gloomy. A. Hay back.
17- I washed white clothes.
13 Warm day. Eva got cold. G. & C. are busy picking apples.
19 Colder with high wind.
20 Cold & fine. They finished picking fall apples.
21 Cold wind. I took up carpet.
22 High wind but mild. rain. No one went for mail today.
23 A dull wet Sunday.
24 Wet and miserable. G. Helping measure summer fallow
25 Ditto I washed
26 Still ditto Blanchards did not go but Willie went
to Thornbury & got stove piping.
27 Blanchards started for home. Fine. George went to
Meaford and got mail & zinc.
28 High wind wet night. We got the stove up.
29 A horrible wet, windy day. most detestible weather,
we could not go to Meaford.
12 Crocks, baking & washing utensils etc.
3 Books
1 Clothing
8 Bedding, blankets
31 Books, bolsters, Desk, Hat-box
4 Winter clothes
5 Clothese not needed. Quilts
9 Sheets, p . cases, flat, irons, blankets.
Nov. 4 Still wet & driving snow, colder. Edward Hay and Buddy
came today. He has nothing satisfactory to arrange.
5 George & the Hays picked the winter apples. G. went to
Hays in the even. Turned cold.
6 Sunday. Milder & xxxx muddy. E. Hay went away.
7 Mr. White took 4 bbs of applies to Thornbury and George
went with him & got 2 bags of flour.
8 High wind & frozen up. G. walked to Meaford and got
letter from McEntyre enclosing rent. He got some beef.
9 I washed. Aunt Annie came & took the two little ones
& me home. very muddy.
10 Thanksgiving day. A fall of snow last night. I went
to church with Mary & Nelly & enjoyed the service. Came
back to dinner of roast goose which George came Just in
time for. The little ones are very good. We had some
music in the evening.
Nove.11 Cold wind. Mary drove me into Meaford in the morn
and Aunt brought us home after dinner. The roads
are abominable & the ride was unpleasant.
12 Saturday. Snowy. George unroofed the log shed.
13 Another dull Sunday.
Rain last night took away snow & made it very
muddy again. I white-washed the dining-room.
15 Finished room. Warm & damp.
16 We washed & the sun shone out for an hour or two
and set fair. George walked to Thornbury & got
Charlie a pair of boots. came home very tired.
17 More rain last night & high warm wind this even.
We have had cloudy skies, rain & snow & wind almost
without intermission for a month. I hope a change
will come soon.
18 & 19 Colder with snow. No mail this week.
20 Sunday. About 4 inches of snow.
21 Cold high wind. George is building a hen-house.
22 Sharp frost & snowy. G. working at hen-house. I wrote
to Louie for him. These days are terribly monotonous.
We moved stove into the dining-room.
23 Washed & George walked to Meaford in the snow.
Letters from Mother, Mrs. Clarke & Lizzie Coldwell.
24 Snow enough for sleighing. Baked & churned. Mr. Dodd
Nov. 25 Got a bag of peas from Bell.
26 Keeps cloudy & dull every day. Snow is staying.
27 Advent Sunday. Chilly & dull.
28 Charlie got some peas from A. Hay. Goods did not
come from Falkenburg. Pleasant mild day.
29 Willie Tucker came to see George. Charlie got oatmeal.
Dec. 1 Nelly & Charlie walked to Meaford. Got bill from Hay.
2 I took baby to Hays. Thawing.
3,4 Sunday. Cold & Snowy. The cow strayed away.
5 George went to Meaford to look for cow but did not get
her. He brought me a letter from Annie & one from
Walter Brymer. Nice day.
6 G. went again for cow & found her. He had dinner at
Uncle Willie's. Rainy day. I washed.
7 Fine morn but stormy afternoon driving rain. McVettie
came and killed the pigs.
9 Snow nearly gone. but cold howling wind blowing
10 Sunny afternoon. George went to Meaford & Mr. Byres
brought box & bag of salt for the pork. G. got letters
from Mr. Hay and Louie Paxon.
11 A cold miserable Sunday. Indoors all day.
12 There is a little snow for sleighing again. Charlie
started to school.
15 George went to Ferguson's & Tuckers.
16 Hays killed their pigs. Weather pleasant.
Dec. 17 Saturday. George went to Meaford & got letters from
Cousin Jane & Ada Thoms & Cheque from A. Paxon.
Nellie got a volume of Sunshine from Eng.
18 Another stormy Sunday indoors all day.
19 Baby is 4 months old. I made Xmas cake & pudding.
20 We washed. Very cold & windy
21 Spelling match at the school. George & I went.
Charlie is there this evening. Mr. Whitfield came today.
22 & 23 Very stormy & lots of snow
24 Cleared up a little in afternoon & George went to
Meaford & got two Christmas papers & budgett of letters
(I got a pound from Connie) and cards. Piercing cold.
25 The stormiest, coldest Xmas I remember. The snow is
very deep and drifted. We have to den up this weather.
26 A little improvement in the weather. G. sawing wood
27 A nice day. Nelly walked to Meaford
28 We are having a few nice days & good roads. Mr White
came & drew some wood from the barn & Mrs. W. came in
for a while.
29 & 30 George sawed some wood at the woods. He has hurt himself
lifting blocks and is afraid of rupture.
31 Charlie took the saw to Fergusson's. George went to
Meaford & got letter from Mr. Thoms & parcel from Lucy
in Toronto.
January 1, 1893 Sunday. Stormy again & shut in as usual.
2 Storming & drifted deep snow. Election day.
6 Snows every day. George cutting wood at the woods.
7 George went to Meaford with Mr. Hay & got Nelly letters
from England.
8 Cold & snowy.
9 A regular blizzard this afternoon
March 4 It has been a terribly stormy & dull winter and there has
10 This has been a very fine week and the snow is about
half gone. George has Been busy looking for a team.
Charlie has a bad cough & cold.
15 Very cold again. Eva & baby poorly with colds.
16 Connie's birthday. Mr. Latornell called.
17 Nice day. Rev. Mr. Caswell called to see us. G. has
a bad cold.
22 George's 40th birthday. He went to Dinsmore's sale.
23 Mild high wind which is thawing rapidly.
April 2 Easter Sunday. G. went to Tuckers. Snow nearly gone.
3 Very warm, thawing fast. Mrs. Fergusson & children came.
Mr. Hay is expected today. Ada Thoms' wedding day.
4 E. Hay & George went and bought a team. Very high wind.
5 G. went to bring Taylor & arranged with L
April 6 G. went to see Mr. Vickars & he came late at night
7 George walked to Meaford. Icy and cold wind.
8 High soft wind but turned cold, fine.
10 Lovely mild day drying up nicely. I washed.
11 Nice day. George went to Meaford & I went as far as
Uncle W's
12 High S. wind. G. walked to Thornbury but the harness had
not come. Roads getting nice and dry. G. had a
buggy offered him for $10 I wish we could get i t .
13 Blowing bard, turned cold. I cleaned a room, the third.
W i l l i e Tucker helped G to weigh some hay.
14 A. Hay went to Thornbury. No harness yet. White here sawing.
17 Gloomy raw day. Nothing can be done yet with horses
for want of harness. G. is going to Thornbury to see if
Draft of letter on following sheet:
Since writing to you Mr. Arthur Ladell who holds the mortgage on
my house in Pt. Sydney has called his money in. I had allowed
the Interest this summer to get in arrears & expected to have
paid it xx at Christmas time but owing to some money I expected
not coming to hand, I have not been able to do so.
As it is simply impossible for me at the present time to pay the
Principle & Interest: I shall have to lose the place. The
Principle & Intst on the 14th of March when the money is called
for amount to Princ. $250 x s I think the place is certainly
worth more than this. If you think the place is worth any more than
this to you and you like to make xxx me an offer for it. I should
Draft of letter: Mr. Dodd held a note of mine for $100 which I
think falls due about the 15th of the month. Would you kindly
let me renew the note till the 1st of July as I am sorry to say
Icannotpaytheprincipletillthen.Iwillpostyouthe$8interest next week. We were very
and wish to assure you of our kind sympathy. I should like
to have seen Mr. Dodd before leaving Port Sydney but we left
rather hurriedly at the last & I was night-watching at the mill
at the time.
May 7 Commenced seeding. Rodgers came.
8 G. & I went to Meaford and sent off deed of house.
9 Uncle & Aunt came & had tea. Hot weather.
10 They are getting on well with seeding - like rain.
The diary of Mary (Minnie) Coldwell Butcher
July 20, 1893. Mrs. Ed. Hay & girls went home today.
Splendid hay weather.
July 21. George, Eva and I drove to Meaford & I brought
various things. Hot.
July 22. Excursion to Orillia to see boat-race. Thunder
shower. George went to Thornbury and got 2 bags of flour
& one of oatmeal.
24 Warm. I washed. Willie Byers commenced cutting hay here,
picked first green pear.
25 Very hot and windy, busy making and mowing hay.
26 Byers here in forenoon. Afternoon G. & I went to Meaford
Freddie home. I went ...
for butter.
27 Byers & H here stacking hay. Nice & cool.
Mary & Kate Gibson walked here & took Fred home in the
28 Men here drawing in today, rain came before they quite
29 Fine & windy. Byers here & they finished up the hay.
G. does not stand the work well.
30 Sunday. hot, at home all day.
Grandmother's Diary 1893
July 31 Cobler, George & Charlie went to Meaford and got letters
from Surbiton. We are afraid Miss Terry is
not coming.
Aug 1 Lovely day. G. put p. green (Paris green?) on potatoes.
He went to see Mr. in evening.
2 Nice day but too dry. G. went to Tom Lat
... went to Thornbury
and got chop
... went to tea at Jamieson's. Dry & smoky. W. Byers
sawing wood.
5 George went to Thornbury and got wagon fixed. Nelly walked
to Meaford, no mail. Heavy thunder shower did much good.
6 Sunday turned quite cold & windy. G. went to
7 Beautiful clear day. G. put the cow in the bush behind
house. I feel poorly today.
8 Hot. Nelly went to Byers & found Mrs. B. very ill. George
went to see La about cutting the grain. The
two Bobs girls called.
9 Hot. We washed. G. drew some hay for A. Hay. G. went to
Meaford & I rode as far as Laturnels with him. Heard from
Miss Terry.
10 Hot & dry, grass all parched up.
11 Nelly and Charlie went to spend the day at Gibsons. Hot
& smoky but nice shower in the evening.
12 They stayed all night and came home in the morning. G.
drove to Meaford but got nothing.
Aug 13 Cool sunday again. At home all day.
14 Lovely clear day. George & I drove to Meaford and he met
Miss Terry starting to walk out here. I stayed at Uncles
till they came past.
15 Miss Terry tired with her long journey. (G. Latornell pulling
16 Sultry & like rain. Miss T. helped me to wash. Latornell
pulling peas and Nobles cutting peas & oats1/2day.
17 Unsettled weather. George drove Miss Terry to Meaford.
She & Nelly went for walk in evening.
18 Like rain. Miss Terry & I called at Tuckers. Ed. Hay
came here in the evening.
19 Cool day. George went to Thornbury and bought binder twine.
In afternoon he & Ed. Hay drew in the peas.
19 Nice cool day. Miss Terry & Nelly went for a walk. Mr.
& Mrs. Tucker came to tea. Hay bros. were over for a while.
20 Fine. G. drove his sister-in-law to Meaford to get her
ticket as she starts tomorrow for Slayton (3 Latornells
working here this afternoon. Got book from Connie for Eva.
21 We got up early & George saw Miss Terry off on the stage
I washed. Nelly has bad headache.
23 Hot. Eva's birthday she got a book and a fan 3 Lat
24th Very hot & like rain. Busy harvesting & cooking for
men. I went over to Hays in the evening.
25thNo rain but blew a little cooler. Mother's birthday.
Good harvest weather.
Aug 26 Saturday. Cloudy but hot men still here cutting &
drawing grain. I walked to Meaford and had tea at Uncles,
Saw an excursion from Parry Sound. I got a letter from
Laura Thoms & 2 from Miss Terry. for George & me. I
expect we shall hear again soon from her. She is very kind
and would like to help us.
Aug 27 Cloudy. Another Sunday at home. How long before we are
able to go to Church again I wonder. G. poorly
Aug 28 A wet day men had to go home. George glad of the rest.
29 Quite cold but turned bright - busy harvesting.
30 Cool & fine. Busy carrying in, in afternoon & finished
31 Lovely clear day, carrying grain all day. 2 men here.
We are not troubled with near so many house flies this
year as usual.
Sept. 1 Drawing In. Turned cold & wet.
2 Cold, day high wind, George went to Clarksburg & Nelly
went to Meaford but got no letters.
3 Cool. Mr. & Mrs. Allman came & stayed tea.
4 Sultry again. Drawing in all day. Nelly & Eva went to
5 Like rain but turned cool. Finished harvest. G. went to
Meaford & unloaded car of lumber, got back late.
6 George drew lumber to Hay and went to M. for another load
7. Muddy. G. went for load of lumber in forenoon.
Sept 8 George got load of lumber. Aunt Annie & Lizzie & Roy
came in morn. Lovely day.
9 G. brought 2 loads lumber. I went to Meaford ft rode with
Bells. No letter.
10 Sunday. G. & I went to Bob Latornalls.
11 I wrote to Lucy. G. got 2 loads lumber.
12 I washed. Nice weather but so dry. G. brought 1 load
lumber. A. Hay got a few apples. G. had letter from Mrs.
13 GeorgewenttoLamb'sthreshing.Hot.
very tired.
15 George went for rest of lumber. Mrs. Hay called. Warm
16 Equinoxial gales begun. Cold rain & high wind, miserable
cold night.
17 Bright but cold wind. Sunday
18 Warm & smoky again. G. got peas from Bell & drew beans for
A. Hay.
19 I washed. Mrs. Byres came. George went to Meaford and
got letters from Miss Terry, Janey & Lucy.
20 (nothing)
21 Nelly & Charlie put cow in back pasture & had a bother
with her. George went to see Mr. Allman ft to Meaford
posted letters to Mr. Lefroy, W. Hay, Mrs. Paxon.
22 Last night was wet but it came out bright. G. got some
flour at Nobles & heard that the machine will not be here for
abouta fortnight, G. cutting wood. Clarksburg fair.
23 Turned colder.
24 Harvest Festival Sunday. Nice day, turned like rain.
Meaford for lumber.
26 Kept cold. G. drew 2 loads of posts.
Sept. 27 George drew the last of the lumber & heard from Ed. Hay.
we leave here at the end of Oct.
28 I walked to Meaford & posted letters to Grandpa &
mother & had tea at Uncle's. Georere brought a load
from Thornbury for Hays. Stormy night.
29 We get very little rain ft the roads are good. G. gave
up horses. He worked at Hays with Noble.
30 Like rain. G. going to Meaford.
Oct. 1 Nice day. We stayed at home.
2 Slick Noble ft G. moving straw stack.
3 Fine but rain at night. They are still at the straw.
Nelly went to Meaford ft got something for threshing.
4 Wet morning. Not working today. S. Hay took pigs home.
5 Lovely warm day. The trees are all in autumn foliage
now. W. Byers ft George are moving straw. Old Mrs.
Noble died last night. Meaford fair. Nelly went with
5 Windy & came up stormy. Mrs. Noble's funeral. George
went to Meaford & got me a letter from Lizzie.
7 Wet morning & colder. G. went to Meaford ft got a
letter from Clarke containing a draft for $100. Hope
to goto P.S. before next month.
8 Sunday, nice day.
9 Busy. Cooking for threshing but we head they would not
come till Wednesday. Got book ft letters for Charllie.
10 I washed. Beautiful day. Machine came tonight.
Jamieson girls called.
11 Charlie's birthday. A busy day threshing. got done at
5 Ada Byers helped us. Warm & summerlike.
12 Rather like rain. G. at Nobles threshing. Turned hot.
I walked to Meaford & got Lucy's money & bought some
clothes for Nelly.
13 Commenced dress-making. G. at Tuckers. Windy but cooler.
Rain at night.
Oct. 14 Wet cold & windy rain all day.
15 Cold wind & the first snow fell. Staid in all day.
16 Busy dressmaking. Fine & cool. G. went to Meaford &
got letters from Mrs. Thoms & Mr. Lefroy with Nelly's
17 Washed. Nice day. Uncle & Aunt and Ethel came to tea.
13 Mrs. Roble & Miss Lindsay came to tea. Warm & pleasant.
G. went to Meaford. Heard from Petmen. (?)
19 Nice day. Mrs. Hay called. G. went to Thornbury.
(Sewing for Nelly and packing)
20 Busy packing. Like a storm but it passed off.
21 Lovely cool day. Packing. George went to Meaford
and got cloth but no letter from Petm.
22 Sunday. Fine. I went to Hays & Tuckers. Lovely
moonlight night.
23 Weather keeps beautiful & warm. G. & I walked to
Meaford. Turned cloudy.
24 Busy finishing up packing 3 loads went to the station.
Weather changed to cold with dashes of rain. Cannot
get Petman's house.
25 Cold & cloudy but cleared out. Mr. Bell took last
load and Frank fetched us here to stay all night.
26 We started off in the morning and duly arrived.
George & C. at F.S. and the children and I at Father's.
Cold & gloomy with a dash of snow.
27 Still raw but milder. Charlie came out to tell me that
there is some difficulty about getting Paton's (?)
house & I do not know where we will live.
23 Father went to P.S. to see about drawing some of the things.
He brought a barrel of apples. Furniture stored at
Utterson till the house is ready. Mr. Smith away.
29 Gloomy & cold,1/2inch of snow. Some of the girls
went to S.S. G. did not come.
30 Bright fine day. Lucy is going to Huntsville. Good
day for still hunt. G. came in evening. He stayed
31 George went to Huntsville intending to go by train to
P.S. and see Mr. Smith in evening. Gloomy.
Nov. 1st Mild & cloudy. Mr. Smith went past but I got no
message from George. I hope he has got the house.
This long delay is a nuisance.
2 Nice day. Father is drawing turnips. Evan and I called
at Hares. Rain at night. No word of George.
3 Baby was poorly with cough last night. Cooler since
rain. I have been here over a week & I hope we can
get into a house soon.
4 Nice cool day. Charlie went to Pt. Sydney. Herbert came.
Charlie came back. House not commenced yet.
5 Sunday mild. We went to church. in afternoon and heard
Mr. Lower. George came after church.
home some clothes. House to be commenced tomorrow.
It seemed nice to see Pt. Sydney again.
7 Fine & warm. I did some washing and cut out my dress.
I must do what sewing I can here for I will be busy
enough when we move to the house at Pt. Sydney. Herbert
went away.
3 Still fine. Charlie went to P.S. Washing day. Ethel
9 Fine. Mr. & Mrs. Bray came even.
10 Nice morning. I expect George to come for us today. He
did not come.
11 Still fine. Herbert came but G. did not. Lucy went
to Hville.
12 Cool & Cloudy. Father's horse is sick. Herbert went
home yesterday & took Ethel. G. came today and took me
and the children to Jonese's in the boat.
13 We stayed at Jones again tonight. We worked at the houses
in afternoon & Nelly came.
14CommmencedtogetmilkfromJonese's.Wemovedinhere today & were busy cleaning & unpack
sick. G. got letter from Louie P. H
15 Snow 8 in deep & still coming. G
hunt. Got nothing.
Nov. 16 Fine & sharp. Nelly & I washed. Sleighs out today.
Man still at work at the house.
17 Lovely day. Snow is going fast. Father came & took
Nelly home. I shall be busy. I got a letter from
18 I had a busy day. Several of the Brymers came in
afternoon. G. went hunting but got nothing. Thom's
girls called in evening.
19 Sunday in Port Sydney again. I went to church in
morning & George in the evening. I like the new
clergyman very well. The little Brymers came after
SS and took Eva there in her sleigh. Stormy.
20 Lovely day sleighing. Bently & McEntyre were busy
boarding the kitchen.
21 Finished the kitchen & we got the things in place.
Thawing. I went to the store and saw the Thomses.
22 Stormy & mild. I washed.
23 Thanksgiving day. Storming still ft clothes wet.
George took A. Ladells Insurance. There is nothing
being done to- the upstairs and we are all in a jumble
24 A nice day but cold. Mr. Ladell died early this morning.
Ray Brymer & the boys were here. Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell
called. Charlie & I went to the concert. lovely
moonlight night. everything sparkling with frost.
25 Lovely day. Charlie & Eva went to Brymers & stayed to
tea. Annie B. brought them home. George at Lodge
tonight. Mr. Smith called.
26 Fine & good sleighing. Charlie went to S.S. & he & I went
to Church in the evening.
27 Mr. Ladell was buried today. Mr. Lowe officiated. Wet night.
28 I washed. Soft snow falling.
29 Mild with snow in afternoon. George went to Aspdin
with Vincent. I went to the sewing circle at Parsonage
and left Charlie at home with Wallis Brymer.
30 Mr. Vincent brought potatoes. Jack B. painting kitchen.
Dec. 1 Vincent brought rest of potatoes. I went to Ladell's.
2 Nice day. Miss Smith called.
3 Sunday. stormy all at home sick with la Grippe.
4 Cold & bright. Jack finished painting.
5 Masons finished lathing & went away as the plastering
will not be done till spring. George no better
6 I went to see A da Ladell. Heavy snowfall. George, baby
7 Snow continues to fall. We are feeling rather better.
Cold clear night.
8 Again snowy. pretty well shut in
9 Snow, snow. soft & sloppy
10 Blustering. no one went to church from here.
11 Cold night & fine day. I cleaned one room & we moved
some boxes up stairs.
12 Very cold. I washed.
13 35 below zero last night. Eva & I went to Ladell's
to see the toys. Mr. Thoms drove us home. Keen
14 Jack Brymer & George were papering upstairs in afternoon.
15 Finished papering. I feel poorly. I sewed at Charlie's
coat. Very stormy ft drifting over 2 ft of snow. milder.
16 I dont feel very strong & it seems hard work to get
through my work.
17 Bright & cold. I went to church in the morning & George
18 I made Christmas cake. stormy.
19 Made mincemeat & dressed adoll.Stormynearlyeveryday.
20 Washing. 30 below zero lastnight.snowabout21/2ft
deep. Sam Nickason was married.
Dec. 21 George started to go to Falkenburg but did not get there.
He got money for chain from Lizzie. Will Gall came home.
Charlie & I went to the store and I got some Xmas gifts.
22 G. & A. Brymer papered upstairs. turned wet.
23 Thawing. G. went to Utterson. He got a letter from
Nelly & a parcel from Laura Thoms for me.
24 Foggy & wet. I went to Church in even.
25 Still thawing. A quiet Xmas at home. I called at
Brymer's. Turned cold & froze all up but the snow has
gone down considerably.
26 Willie Gall brought nice things over from England.
Bright & sharp. Charlie got an Illustrated Xmas No.
from Miss Terry.
27 Snowing again. George & Charlie have gone to Pres
Christmas tree. I got letter from L. Paxon. Washed.
23 I was disaopointed about going to Thomses but George
29 I ironed & made plum pudding.
30 George went to Falkenburg.
31 Sunday. George came home in the afternoon ft I went
to Church.
January 1 letters from Georgie & Nellie. A nice mild day with
good sleighing but Father & mother did not come as the
horse was away. Mrs. Clarke & Flossie called.
2 Mild. George auditing lodge books.
4 Lucy & Clara came. The Thomses came to tea.
5 Lucy went home. I went down to Ladell's. Clara is
going to stay and help me.
6 Saturday. Fine. George cutting wood.
7 Fresh snow has fallen. a few inches. George, C. & I
went to Church. Nita 3. was here.
8 Sharp & clear. I must try to get some sewing done
while Clara is here.
9 Washed. mild.
10 Clara, the children went to Thomses. Lovely day.
I went to practice.
12 Burned cold. Sharp night. Mr. Kay is not expected
to live.
13 Milder. I went to Ladell's. G. is at Lodge.
14 Damp & Foggy. I went to church in the morning
15 Thawing & wet.
16 Lovely moonlight night. George went to concert
at Utterson.
17 Ada Ladell & Laura & Louie Thoms came to tea.
18 Windy & wet. We ironed.
19 Bright day. The Vincents came and spent the day
and we went to Xmas tree in the evening.
20 Good skating but turned wet. Clara & I & the children
went up to Ladell's. Old Mrs. Ladell came in to P.S.
Jan 21 The weather keeps moderate. George & I went to church
in even.
22 Cold wind. Busy tailoring. Clara went to invite
Forrest's for Wednesday.
23 Washed. Clara & I took children into Chesters & Invited
them for tomorrow. G. & I went to Ladell's & saw quite
a party on the ice skating around a bon-fire.
24 We spent a pleasant evening with Forrests & Chesters
and are invited to Forrests. Stormy & snow deep.
25 Ironed & sewed at Gs coat.
26 Cold. We went to Forrests & enjoyed the evening.
Home at 11.30
27 Not so cold. Clara & I went to Ladell's & saw Mrs. Dodd
who invited us to go to spend the day next Thursday.
Charlie skating at Brymer's. came home with some toffee.
George is at Lodge m e e t i n g .
28 Sunday. Fine G & I went to Church in even & Clara in
the morning.
29 Milder. George is helping Vincent saw wood. Got letter
from Mr. Lefroy.
30 George, Eva & I went to tea at Chesters and spent a
pleasant evening. 6 inches of fresh snow.
31 George went to Vincents again. to saw. Lovely day;
letter from Mrs Hay.
Feb.1 Mrs. Forrest & I went to Dodds & took our babies. while
I was away Father & Mother came and took Clara home and
Henry Gall & Louise came.[GrenwallHotelupthelake-burneddownlater]
2 I am busy without Clara. Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell called.
G. unloading flour.
3 I went to Ladell's. nice day.
5 Last night it was 36° below zero. Concert at Aspdin tonight.
6 Lovely day. Nellie came to stay a couple of weeks. G & I
walked up to the store.
7 Sent payment for Martin's bill, mild day. I went to church
to clean lamps & Nelly went in the evening.
Feb 8 Mild day. Charlie & I walked out to Johnson's
ft Herbert drove us back.[Johnson'swholivedatBeatrice]
9 Stormy & cold. Mrs. Gall & Louise called.
10 Horrible day. cold wind. I am reading "Vanity
Fair" in the evenings.
11 Sunday. Cold & clear. I went to SS and G.C. & I
went to church in the even. Mr. Lowe preached.
12 Cold wind and Stormy night, worst storm this
winter so far. G. bought some beef.
13 Nelly's birthday. eve washed and I went up to
see old Mrs. Ladell but she was away, walked
back with Mrs. Forrest & S N
14 Bad day. Mrs. Gall & Will came to tea and we
played whist in the evening.
15 Not so cold - dashes of snow. G. sawing wood.
16 Very cold but fine. Nelly went home. Eva went
to school. Lizzie & Mabel did not come as
Johnsons were nearly burnt out.
17 Milder with more snow at night.
18 Sunday. nice day. I went to SS and stayed at
home in the evening.
19 Mild & snowy. I went to Ladells and invited
Ruth & Connie Thom
20 I washed. turned milder
21 Nice day. Ruth & Connie came & I went with them
to evening service.
22 Disagreeable more snow falling it is very deep
snow. George heard that he cannotgetthejob
of night-watchman at the mill which opens next
23 Cold nasty day. George went to Utterson
24 45 below zero last night coldest yet clear day.
25 More moderate. I went to church in morn & G
in the evening.
Feb 25 More moderate. I went to church in morn & G in
the evening
26 Lovely spring-like day. Ethel came and I went to
Ladell's. G. sent Caesar off to Clarksburg. I
went out in the evening sleighriding. G. went
to Jenner's.
27 G. went to Utterson & got the hound. nice mild day
28 Laura Thoms & I swept the Church. Ethel went to
evening service. Thawing.
Mar 1 Warm & thawing. Ethel went home with G. Howard
3 Fine crust this
morning but warm day. Mr. Vincent came & drew wood.
4 Warm day. I went to S.S. & G. to church
5 Snow has gone down much and it is still warm. G.
sent off advt (
6 Turned wet I washed. Herbert's son born.
7 Colder. Eva and I called at Smith's
8 Ruth Thoms came & invited us to tea tomorrow
9 We all went and had a very pleasant evening.
frosty night.
10 Still warm & fine. Roads very soft. I had a letter
from Connie. Will Gall came & had tea.
11 Sunday. Very high wind but mild. I went to
Church in evening and played the organ.
12 I washed. Herbert called as he was drawing lumber.
I got baby some boots. Mr. Brymer called.
13 Mr. Johnson brought mother and Mabel and they stayed
all day. West.
14 About 3 inches of fresh anow. George went to
15 Colder.
Mar. 16 Connie's birthday. Eva went to school. I tooke
17 Thawing. Mr. Vincent drew us some wood
18 Thunderstorm this morn. It is thawing fast and
the roads will soon be bare. Mr. Brymer
& Annie & some of the children called.
19 Wagons have taken the place of sleighs. Cold wind.
20 I washed. nice sunny day. snow going.
21 Gloomy & Soggy. Tea meeting in Hall.
22 George's birthday 41. He went sawing wood with
Jones. Cold wind. Wrote to Georgie.
23 Good Friday. I went to Church. Mrs. Jones called
Turned out bright.
24 George got birthday letter from Nelly. Snowed
hard in afternoon I went to store.
25 Easter Sunday ground covered with snow. I went
to church in the morning & George in even. G. & I
called at Forrest's. Cold wind. This is a cold
26 5 below zero last night. George got money from
Mr. Lefroy and letter from Connie in which she
said her aunt was not coming out.
27 Bright & cold. I took the little ones to Clarke's
George got birthday letters from George.
28 I washed. 10 below zero last night. Fine day.
Wind keeps cold.
29 George sawing wood.
30 Eva went to school andgotcoldandbadcroupat
night. I went to store. snow going. 31
went to Utterson. Rain & wind.
Apr 1 Sunday. Cold wind. I went toSS&churchin
Apr 2 George went tohelpwithpumpattheparsonageand
3 Raw wind. I washed. The children have colds and
I am keeping them in.
4 I ironed & baked. G. sawing wood.
5 G. sawing. The children & I spent the afternoon
at Forrest's. dull day.
6 Bright and cold wind
7 Pleasant day. Eva & I went to Ladell's. Mr. Jackson
came to Joneses.
8 Cold wind. I went to church in morn & G in the
9 Nice warm day. Mrs. Clarke came to tea and Mrs.
Forrest & Miss Smith called.
Ruth Thoms & Flossie came to meet Mrs. Clarke.
visitors on Monday.
10 High wind. Turned wet. I had letter from Louie.
11 I washed. nice day. I went to Church.
12 Warm nice weather with no cold wind.
13 I went up to Ladells
14 Very dry roads dusty
15 Hot day. Service in even. G. & C. went
Annie Brymer & Aggie Ladell & the children with
some of Clarke's called in the morning.
16 I took Elsie & Eva to Ladells and saw Arthur
Ladell & Ada arrive. I washed. G. is tidying
around the house.
17 Hot & dry. The plasterers came and will begin
to plaster tomorrow.
18 Hot day. Plastering going forward. Terribly
destructive fire in Huntsville. I went to
Ladells & bought some hats etc. like rain but
only a slightshower.Icegoneoutoflake.
April 19 Sultry. rain at night. finished 1st coat of plaster.
21 George walked to Aspdin & insured Joe Clarke's
store. Showery. cooler.
22 Charlie went to Church in the morn & I in the
evening. Cool. George went to Thomses in
23 Weir back again to plaster.
24 Charlie is helping Weir with the mortar. G.
went to Falkenburg & settled with Hay. Cool
& fine.
25 Lovely day. George started out buying Tan Bark.
Men here fixing mortar around stove-pipes.
26 George went up the lake with Arthur Ladell. fine
Whitman called to borrow some books.
27 Friday. hot again. George went up the river
again & took Charlie to Lawrences & he went
through to father's place. I cleaned a room.
28 Showery day but cleared without much rain. roads
dusty. G. stayed at home.
29 Hot in afternoon. Herbert & Lizzie came with
2 children. The baby is a nice little thing.
George & C went to church in the evening.
30 Hot & dry. Georae went up the river buying
bark. I cleaned the other two bedrooms & put
Charlie's bed up, but his room is not dry yet.
May 1 Very hot. George went down to Jim Nickason's
to see about bark. I went to Ladells & the children
to Forrests after tea.
2 George went up to Becketts & bought some bark.
Turned cool with but little rain
3 Busysewing.G.didsomedigginginthegarden.Children havebadcolds.turnedcooler.
May 4 George is donebuyingbarkforthepresent.He
was going to Hville withMr.Chesterbutoverslept.Baby&I went to Smith'stotea.
5 Georgeplantedsomepotatoes&wenttoFalkenburg.
6 Sunday. Wet
7 Fine but hi
8 Arthur Clarke here plowing. Mr. Beckett called about
9 A. Clarke finished the garden. George plantsd some
seeds. I washed. felt poorly in evening. Cool
weather not much growth.
10 Pleasantly warm. G. planted some potatoes. I went
to Ladell's.
11 High wind. Lucy came and took the children & me to
Father's. Mr. & Miss Lowe were there to tea.
12 My birthday. I drove to Huntsville with Lucy, we
expected Annie & her husband but they did not come.
13 Sunday. There was no church to go to, so I stayed
at home and read. Fine. Freddie Gibson died.
14 Ethel drove baby & me home & Nelly came to help for
a few days. We washed blankets.
15 Nelly & I cleaned the sitting room. Mr. Jim Lewis
called about bark
16 We washed. nice day.
17 Got 2 quarts ofmilkfromJonesforthelittlepig.Wecleanedkitchen&cellar.Mr.Smithmov
18 Wet mornin
19 1 qt Cold
May 20 2 qts. Warm & still wet. no service as Mr. Mitchell
has gone to Huntsville to be ordained. I went to S.S.
21 I varnished furniture in Connie's room and moved
our bed to the big room. Gloomy & showery.
2 qts
22 2 qts Showery. I washed. Baby & I went to Brymer's
in the evening.
23 Nice day. Mosquitos are coming in full force tonight
like rain. I went to Ladells & saw Thoms girls.
2 qts
24 Mother brought Eva home. I went up as far as Clarke's
with her as she was going back. Showery. 2 qts
25 Warm with a slight thunder shower. George drove
the stage. the Brymer girls called. No milk
26 Hot day. George busy gardening. I cleaned the
wood shed. Lodge. mosquitos bad. G. went to
Utterson in the afternoon. 2 qts
27 Hot morning but rain at night. I went to early
Communion and SS and G. & I went to evening service.
Mr. Lowe preached. The children were at Brymers
with Annie. 2 qts
2b Cold & showery. George heard that Connie is coming
tomorrow. 2 qts
29 Nasty cold damp day. Connie arrived. safely with
her things. George went to Utterson to meet her.
2 qts.
30 Finer today. I ironed. Connie finished putting
away her things. She & I and the children went to
Forrests in the evening. 2 qts
31 Cool. Consecration of Church yard. George Connie
& Eva went and Mrs. Vincent came back to dinner.
George went to Falkenburg with Mr. Chester. Minnie
Forrest was here to tea. 2 qts
June 1Coldandwet.GcamebackandwenttoUtterson
to insure Hotel 2 qts
2 Sunshine and showers. Connie went to Brymers &
had her gum lanced and George walked up to Brunel
I went to Ladell's. 2 g ts
June4.Colder. We stayed insewing.Bookagentcalledand
also H. Laddell. 2 qts!
5 Wet but cleared out in even. 2qts.ConniehasdonewithMrs.ForresttoDodd's.[Doddslivedu
6 We washed, good clear day. I was very tired. 2 qts
7 Connie went to tea at Forrest's
We ironed most of the clothes. H. Gale called. 2 qts.
8 G. went up to (Becketts') The Locks. Mini (?) Forrest a
9 George went to Utterson with Mr. Chester, Connie &
Gall called. Fine day. 2 qts.
10 Hot Sunday Connie went to S.S. and I to church. G. went
to Vincents. Arthur Ladell & his wife came back with me
from Church 2 qts.
11 Monday very hot. We washed. Smoke overhead. Connie
frightened us very much by fainting out on the verandah.
I went to Ladells in evening. 2 qts
12 Connie much better, headache gone. Annie Brymer came
very hot. G. Drove the stage yesterday & today. 2 qts
13 Very hot. We ironed & walked down to Brymers in evening.
George went to Ball's raising. 2 qts.
[Laura, Ada, Louie, Conni
14 The four Thoms girls came to tea and Mrs. Forrest.
Miss Smith and Mr. Smith called.911/2in the shade
flies bad. 2 qts
15 Hot again. George had a bad headache. Louie Thoms came
in the evening to stay for a time. 2 qts.
16 Still hot. Connie & Louie walked over to Brymers in the
evening. Political lecture.
17 Sultry but turned cooler. Connie & louie went to church
in the morning and G.C. & I in the even. Connie had a
18 Thunder storm last night but still sultry. G. hoeing in
the garden.
19 We washed. came out bright and then rain again.
20 Fine, we got the clothes dry and most of them ironed.LouieandIwenttopracticeandthenca
June 22 Very hot & clear. Too hot forConnietogouptoGall's.
23 Evan & I went to bathe. Hot. G. went to Utterson.
25 Bright day. Edward Hay went up the lake with George
27 Nice day cloudy morn. I went picking strawberries with
Forrests. Connie and the children down at Brymer's.stayedlate
practise tonight at church.
28 G. hoeing garden. Mr. Steward called. Thunder storm in
29 Mr. Enty called. I baked for the pic-nic. Nice,clear, day.
Thomses. Jack Brymer came home.
30 Hot day. The picnic passed off very well. We all went.
July 1 Hot with thunder around. Connie & Louie went to Church
in the morn and in the evening Louie & I wnt. We went
down with the Brymers to have some ice cream and they
came back with us and by the time we got to bed it was
12 o'clock.
2 Still hot. Connie had a fit this morning before breakfast
and narrowly escaped falling down stairs.
3 High wind and rain turned cooler. Mr. Brymer & Annie came.
3 Cool. Mother & Ethel came. Connie went out rowing with
Annie & Jack. Connie & Louie went to Forrests.
4 Cool wind. Finished washing. I went in to Utterson to
meet Nellie. Louie went home tonight. Connie & Nellie
have gone to see Brymers.
5 We ironed. I went to pick goose berries with Forrests. Clear
6 Showery and cold. We had our pic-nic in the Hall.
7 Gloomy & cold. Connie & NellywentuptoLadellsandthenwent in for a bathe at Br
8 Cool Sunday came outbright.Connie&Nellietochruchineven.G.C.&Iwentto Thomses in afternoon.
typed 23 March 1976. Carol Aellen
July 9 Lovely day. Connie &NellierowedovertoGallsand
stayed all day.
10 We washed. Warmer. IintendD.W.takingthechildren
over home for a few days tomorrow.
11 Hot. G. took us over intheboatandafterteahewent
to Pugsley's.
12 Rain at night and showery day
13. Friday/ Father is busy drawinginwood.Bright&cool.GirlswenttoVincentsandGeorgetoFalke
& broght some mutton. He was on his way to the Locks.
15 Sunday, cool & fine. Lucy walked to Allansville. Mr.
Lowe & Mr. Stewart came to tea and then we went to evening
service. Cool night.
16 Hot day. George went to Mr. Cammuses (?)
17 Very hot. Father & girls busy haying. Nellie & I went
to Madills. We picked some gooseberries.
18 94 in the shade. Nellie drove us home and took Connie &
Nelly home.
19 95 in the shade. We picked a few berries. I went down
for mail & saw Mrs. Roper.
20 Hot morning but we had a nice rain at noon. Mr. Mitchell
called to see G. about the concert next Friday. G. sent
bill to Aspdin with Mr. Lowe.
21 The girls still away. Nice day.
22 I went to S.S. in morn & Church in evening. Hot day.
23 Hot day. I picked a few berries. G. went up to Cotters
dales (?) & rowed Mr. Leslie.
25 We did a big washing andIpickedsomeberries.George&IwenttoSmithstotea.Brymergirlscameinevening.
26 Hot day. We ir
27 Very hot. 97° in the shade. G went to Utterson. Concert
in the hall in aid of the organ fund.
July 28 There was over $30 made at theconcert.Girlswentin
for a bathe & G & I went inafterdinner.
29 V
30 Charlie & I picked some berries in morn & G & I called at
Mitchells in evening. Cool this evening.
31 Lovely day. George and Mr. Leslie and I rowed up to Galls.
there was a crowd of the Digtmans. (?) Cool and showery.
2 George went with Mr. Forrest to see Mr. Anthony Sufferen.
G. & I went to tea at Forrests home at 11 p.m.
3 Cool & showery. Leslies left today.
drove the stage. Girls had a bathe.
5 A hot day. George went to Mr. Sufferin's funeral.:. I went
to church in even.
6 Girls went to pick berries. G. drove the stage.
7 We washed. Girls had tea at Forrests.
8 Sultry & like thunder storm but it turned cool without rain.
Very dry. We all went to the cricket match at Vincents
where Connie distinguished herself by fainting.
9 Bright & cool. George brought Connie home from Vincents
by boat. We picked a few blackberries.
10 George took the children and me home where we stayed 3 weeks.
12 I went to church & heard Mr. Davidson.
16 Mother drove us to Herberts place. Robbie is a fine
little fellow.
17 Mother, Eva & I had tea at Hares.
18 The girls went to Huntsville andheardfromClarkethat
grandpa is ill.
Aug. 20 George went home.IwrotetoMrs.Jarvis.
21 Annie came for a weeks visit.
23 Annie & Nellie went toHerbert'splace.MissProudfoot[SchoolteacherinAllansville]
came but was called homeagain.Eva'sbirthday.Picnic
in Pt. Sydney which Imissed.Churchorganarrived.
25 Lucy went to Huntsville.
26 George came and went to church in the morning with us.
Mr. Lowe took service. G. stayed the night.
30 Father drove Mother to Utterson to go to Clarke and Nellie
and Clara helped me through to Lawrence's when we met George.
He told us that Connie and Nellie were going to Meaford. We
tomorrow. Ruth & Connie Thoms called & Emily & Maud Brym
31 The girls went off on the stage & Annie Brymer came to say
goodbye. Ethel walked home & the children & I went as far
as Ladell's with her & came home on the stage. G & I went
to try the new organ this evening.
Sept. 1 Smoky & very dry. I have been busy scrubbing & baking.
G. went to Utterson with Mr. Forrest - Dave Hillyard came
for some money. G. & Mr. Foorest went duck shooting. G.
2 Sunday very smoky & hot. G. has a bad headache. Annie
Brymer look us out on the river. G & I went to church &
5 I washed white clothes & went forthemailintheafternoon.
Sept.7Feelweaktoday.Imustbecarefulandnotovertiremyself. Clara & I ironed, we went in to bid M
goodbye. Like rain. G &Mr.Forrestwentafterducksbuthotnone.
8 Nice day. G.C. & I went to Church in the evening. Ernest
Chamberlain called to say good bye before going to camp.
9 Nice rain last night - turned cold & like frost this
10 evening. The Vincents came this afternoon. Mr. V. skidded
logs for us. Picked Tomatoes.[WhereMr.Kirknessplantedtrees]
11 Clara & I washed. George walked up into Brunel. Mr. Price
came in today and spent the evening here. C. & the children
12 Finished washing & ironed. G is getting some wood. Mr.
Price called. Clara & I walked to Ladell's in the
13 Turned wet. G. is driving the stage.
14 F
& Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell called.
15 Hot with violent rain storm in the afternoon. I went up
to the store. G & Mr. Price went partridge shooting but
got none.
16 Lovely day. George went out in a boat with Mr. Price.
The Forrest children came for a while. Father came & stayed
to tea. George, Clara & I went to Church, Lovely moonlight.
17 Gloomy. I wrote for G. to two men who want to buy farms
in Muskoka.
18 C & I washed. Cold.
19 Like rain but mild. G & I went to Ladell's to tea. There
was quite a nice party there.
20 We went to the Church to decorate.
21 Mr. Thoms & Mr. Price went shootingwithG&wereheretodinner and tea. Go
22 George, Charlie & Mr. Pricewentupthelakeandwerecaught
in a storm. We went tothechurchandfinisheddecorating.Heavy rain. Mrs. Ladell came.
23 Cool &cloudy.Harvestfestival.G&IwenttoseeMrs.Ladell. We went tochurchintheevening.
Sept. 24 Cold & wet. We washed. G went to Utterson & helped
unload a car and commenced night watching at night.
Arthur Ladell and family & Aggie went away from Pt. Sydney.
26 Eva & I went to Ladell's, Mr. Thoms & Mr. Price called
fine cold winter.
27 Lovely mild day. Clara & I and the children took a walk
to the pic-nic ground. Mr. & Miss Smith came to tea &
spent the evening.
28 Fine day. I had a letter from Connie. Went to the P.O.
before dinner.
29 Hot day. Charlie is digging the potatoes which are very
poor. I wrote to Herbert.
30 Clara & I went to church in even. & G. went to bed.
Wet morning.
Oct.1 The McEntyres vacated the house. G is night watching.
2 Set in wet. We washed. 2 I called at
Smiths to see Miss S. as she is going away soon.
1st. Mr. Hay came & G went with him to measure bark.
High wind.
3 Clara & I were doing some cleaning at the home. Wet.
5 Ethel came and brought Nellie & took Clara home. gloomy
wet weather. Mrs. Forrest & Miss Smith called.
6 Cold & gloomy. Herbert came to move us and I took the
children to Forrests. We got most of the things over &
Herbert stayed all night. G went to the mill and came back
7 Sunday. Herbert & Nellie went away and Connie Thoms came
came home with me from Church. Fine morning.
3 I cleaned stove & mopped D. room. Nellie came back got a
ride with Mr. Lowe. busy putting things in order.
9 Nellie scrubbed bedrooms & we moved over some things. Fine
& sharp. Laura & Louie Thoms came in the evening for
Oct. 10 We washed. Wet day. Mrs. Clarke called.
11 Gloomy & showery.Mr.Thomscame&stayedtea.MissH.Haycalled
12 Fine but turned wet at night. I went to Clarke's to a
quilting bee and they had a dance at night.
13 Still very wet, it rains nearly all the time these last few weeks.
Nellie, G & I went to church in even
15 Fine with hard frost. Mrs. Gall & Henry & Louise came to
tea and Louise stayed. Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell called.
16 We washed. Nellie & Louise went for a walk. I went to the
17 A little rain. George has finished night watching. He is
getting subscribers for a Daily paper.
18 Charlie had his birthday party. Lovely day.
19 George went to Utterson to get his money from Stule (?) but
did not get it. Louise & Nellie visited the school. Eva
20 First day of hunting. George was out all day but got nothing.
Nellie and louise went home. I went to help sweep the Church.
21 Warm & pleasant. G & I went to Church in the evening.
Brymers came in the afternoon.
22 Lovely day but turned wet at night. G went hunting &
Utterson but got nothing.
23 Gloomy day. Nellie cameback.Motherisathome.G.wenthuntingandthedogbroughtadeertothelandingbutnoonegot it.
25 Nice morning. George has gone to
26 George did not hunt but tookmeasurementsforinsurance.He went to Maccabes meeting.[Ma
Oct. 27 Lodge here tonight. George & Charlie and party hunted at
home to see whether they would take Connie there to board.
29 Lovely day. George & Charlie went to Clearwater Lake and
30 Wet day but we washed. George at home and Charlie at school.
31 Still wet. Clothes down in the wind. Ironed some. cleared out.
Nov. 1 Wet morning. Mr. Brown came.
2 Fine & cold. George went hunting but got nothing. Charlie
piling wood. Had telegram from Connie at Huntsville, no one
to meet her.
3 Wet cold day. Charlie walked out to Father's and they
fetched Connie from Huntsville.
went home. Laura Thoms came.
5 Cold wind & frost. George went to Clearwater Lake but got
nothing. He went to the Parsonage in the even. Laura here
over night - cold.
6 Mr. C. King called George and Mr. Forrest went off to hunt
north of Huntsville. Lucy & Ethel and Connie came and Herbert
was here to dinner. Lucy & Connie went back. Cold wind
7 Fine & sharp. We washed and I went to Ladell's. Laura Thoms
went home last night - with Willie & Arthur Clarke who shot
8 Fine & frosty. Ethel & I called at Forrests to ask Mrs. F.
to come tomorrow.
9 Gloomy. Mrs. Forrest could not come.
10 Snow on the ground. I went up to Ladells and met George who
came in on the stage having lost Barney and got nothing.
11 Sunday. cold wind. George & I walked to Vincents and I got
a bad toothache. Ethel went to church.
12 George went out still hunting.Ihadbadtoothache.LouClarke shot a big deer.
Nov. 13 George stayed at home. Mr. Brymer came to pull my tooth but could not. G. got m
14 Tooth better this morning. I went with Mrs. Forrest to meeting at the Parsonage.
15 George went still hunting at Clearwater. Mr. Forrest came home with no deer. Sleighi
16 George cutting wood. Ethel papered passage upstairs. I walked to Ladell's it is pret
17 Colder & frozen. George at home. Ethel did not go home
18 Ethel & Charlie walked home. G. & I called at the Forrests.
19 Fresh snow and cold. Ethel & Charlie came home very cold.
20 George went to saw wood with B. Brown. We washed.
21 Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell called. George went out to look for a
deer with B. Brown and Mrs. & Mrs. Forrest spent the evening
22 Nice mild day. Mr. Clarke came and killed our pig which
weighed 172 lbs. I went to meeting at the Parsonage - quite
a number present. Received letter & will from lawyer at
23 Rain at night. George went to Browns again to saw. I wrote
to mother and Connie.
24 Herb Ladell called to see George. G. cut up the pig and
salted it. Lodge tonight again.
25 Sunday. cold. Ethel and the children went to S.S. George
Ethel & I went to church in the evening.
26 Sharp & snowy. We washed and the clothes blew down. George
went to Utterson to the Court of Revision. I madesomesausagemeat&meltedthelarddown.Herbert came to dinner.
27 Cold. I went to Ladells. Mr. Rumball came and took the
29 Nice evening. George and I went to Ladells party. There
were quite a number there. Wecamehomeabout1.30.
30 Friday. Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell called.WillandLouiseGallcalled&broughtGladys.EthelwenthomewithMadills.
Dec. 1 Sat. Maccabes meeting tonight.
2 Charlie went to church in the morning and G & I intheevening.HarrietHaycalled.Aslightfal
3 Fath
kitchen. mild.
5 We washed. Clara & I took the children up to Ladells.
6 I went to meeting at the parsonage. Lovely day.
7 Nice day. George is getting ready for shooting match. We
went to Forrests to tea & met the Thomses & Miss Munroe.
8 Shooting match went off very well. George won a goose.
Lodge night.
9 Damp, trees all coated with ice. Mrs. Mitchell called after
S.S. we went to church at night.
10 Clara & I washed & scrubbed the sitting room & cleaned the
11 We scrubbed the dining room & I made the Xmas cake & Mr.
Brymer came.
12 Clara ironed and we made the mince-meat & puddings. Wet day.
13 Frozen but pleasant. George went to shooting match at
Utterson. We washed a little bedding and took the children to see
15 Saturday. Lodge again. Soft.
16 Rain, roads icy. G went to Church
19 George & I washed. Nice weather
20 Mild & thawing.
Dec. 19 George & I washed. Nice weather
20 Mild and thawing
21 Wet day. Schoolconcert.Itookthechildrenitwasverygood.
22 Frozen up & icy. Nellie came home and looks well.
23 Cold gllomy day. George is lightingthe Church fires this
month.G& Nell & I went to church in the evening.
24 Milder turned snowy. Nellie & Charlie walked to Fathers. Geor
& stayed with me.
25 Xmas day. Cold & stormy. G went to Church. We had a quiet
26 Mr. Rumball died. George went to Utterson for half a day to
unloada car. Louie Thoms came to stay a few days & Laura &
Willie came with her. Charlie walked home. Very cold night.
Lake frozen over.
27 Bitterly cold & stormy. Clarke brought a load of wood.
Mr. Rumball's funeral.
28 Bright & very cold. George took Mrs. Forrests insurance.
Charlie went to Thomses & skated all day. Louie Thoms is
here still cold night.
29 Sent Mrs. Jones $5.00 on the milk. Much milder. Cold snap over.
Good skatingon the lake.
30 About 6 inches of fresh snow. Louie Thoms went home after
evening service.
31 Dance in the hall tonight - Mr. Norfolk and Mr. Holly came
in in the evening.
Jan. 1 Snowymorn but came out fine. Father and Connie & Nellie came to dinne
2 Nice mild day. Nellie & I washedandbaked.IcalledatJoneses. Nellie has
3 Nellie & Charlie went skating. Mrs. Dodd & Tom & Laura came turned stormy
4 Bright sharp night - Nellie, Eva & Charlie went to the Xmas tree and did not get hom
5 Nellie mopped the Kitchen. Maccabes meeting here.
Jan. 6 Soft & snowy. Nellie walked toThomsesandsheandGeorgewentto church in theevening.Mrs.Jone
9Nicemorning.BobBrowncametosaw.Mr.Richardsoncalledtoget his furniture insured.Thegirlsdidnotcomeback.
Mr. & Mrs. Thoms came to tea. very stormy. They went home late
11 Heavy roads. Mr. Vincent & Mr. Norfolk came to tea but Mrs.
12 Lodge at the Hall instead of here. Miss Hay called to say
good bye.
13 Cold & stormy. Nellie went to Church in morning & she & george
went in the even.
14 Not so cold. Mrs. Gall & Louise called.
15 Milder & sunny. We washed. Nellie went to Ladells. Nellie
& Charlie have gone to the Pres. Xmas tree.
17 I got a letter from Ada Ladell.
19 Roads good. I took the children for a short walk.
20 Sunday. Nice day. George went to Thomses. He hurt his
finger with wood at the Church. I called at Joneses. Mrs. Forrest called an
21 I was taken sick at 12 lastnightandbabywasbornatabout1.30 before either Mrs. Brown or
22 Mother & Nellie did the washing.Babyisverygood&sleepsmostofthetime.Iamfeelingprettystrong.Mrs. Chester
Jan. 24 Laura & Louie Thoms & theMitchellscalledatthesametime.Bright & cold. 29 below zero.
25 Good roads. Nellie walked home. Will Gall & his wife called & had some
26 A lot of fresh snow & storming still.
27 Sunday. nice day but snowy roads. Had no visitors. Eva went to S.S. & George to church in t
28 More fresh snow & no one came from home. though we need Ethel.
Mother's cold is much better.
pretty heavy.
30 Father and Ethel came but the roads are very bad and the
snow still comes it is very deep now.
31 I had a letter from Lizzie & Lucy. George went to a meeting
about opening a reading room at the Hall.
Feb. 1 Snowing again. Mr. Lowe came to administer the Sacrament this
morning only George went from here. Forrest girls came in.
2 Nice day. Mrs. Forrest called.
3 Snowing. George went to Vincents for dinner. Ethel and Charlie
Utterson to unload flour. Flossie Clarke called.
5 Bright & cold George went to meeting at the Hall to form
Reading Room. Mrs. Chester called in the evening.
6 Cold snap continues. 33belowzerolastnight.Washingday.Supper at the parsonage forChurch-wardens.Mr.Lloydw
7 A little milder. Baby did not sleep so well.
8. Horribly stormy and cold. The danceattheHallwaspostponed.
9. Bright and sharp. Ethel walked home.Lodgetonight.
12 Ethel & I washed. Martha Burton & Ruth came. George went to
13 Nice day. Dance at the Hall. Mr. Gall & Vincent came in for
a chat & G went with them to see the dance.
14 Lovely day. I wish I could get out. Henry Gall brought a bag
15 Nice day.
16 Bright. I went out for the first time. Mabel & Roy Forrest
in the evening.
17 Mild but dull. George went to Mrs. Harris' funeral. Ethel
& Charlie went to church & Mr. Lowe preached.
13 Stormy. Ethel & Charlie went to concert in Utterson with
19 Still snowing. G. went to club. Mrs. Dodd called to ask me there.
20 Began to get a pint of milk daily from Joneses & a pint from Watsons.
21 Roads bad so we did not go to Dodds.
22 Mrs. Forrest called & brought bottle
23 Nice day.
24 Sunday. Ethel went to church w George and I walked up to
Ladell's & I went to Clarke's.
25 Snowy and roads heavy. Stormy night. Mr. Brymer & Annie
came in evening.
26 Shrove Tuesday. nice day. Mrs. Ladell gave a party. George went
27 Eva & I went to the store and I went to church in the evening.
28 Thawing snow has gone down. Louie is sick.
Mar. 1 Turned cold & stormy. M_____ and Maud Brymer came & brought
lime-water. Louie is improving.
Marc 2 Connie came home. Began togetaquartofmilkdaily'fromWatsons.Connie&EthelcalledatForre
3 Cold wind. Connie &EthelwenttoteaatForrests.G&C.& I went to church in the evening.
4 Terribly stormy.
7 Snowy. No sign of Spring yet.
9 Lodge meeting. They decided to have an oyster supper on
the 22nd.
10 George & I & baby went to Thomses to dinner. Nice day.
Eclipse of the moon.
11 Laura & Louie Thoms came and helped us to quilt.
12 We washed mild & damp. Lucy came.
13 Scrubbed and ironed. Lucy & I went to church.
Connie & Ethel walked to Galls and Lucy went home. Mr. Mitchell
& Mrs. Bert called. Baby slept well.
15 Baby was wakeful so I could not do much work. I called at
Chesters. and took baby & Louie. Mr. McInus called to see
about oyster supper. Lionel Rumball called.
16 Connie's birthday. Harry Gall brought the girls home.
I walked to Ladells.
17 Nice day but turned windy. G., C., C & I went to church.
19 Lovely
22 George
Mar. 23 Connie got her medicine and took it to Brymers to be
24 Warm & slushy. G. has a sick headache. We went to church.
25 Rain last night - warm & snow going. G wrote to Judge Mahaffy. Soft.
26 Frozen up. We washed. Lionel Rumball came in to dinner.
27 Mr. Boydell preached in the evening. Connie & Charlie went
skating. Father & Clara came. fresh snow.
28 Cold wind. The girls went skating & got home about 10.
Eva & I went to the store. Aggie Ladell poorly.
29 Nice day. George is going down to Falkenburg. /I went with
him and we drove home with Herb Ladell. The girls went
31 Lovely day. I went to Sunday School
Apr. 1 April fool's day
2 We washed. Raw wind.
3 Connie & I went to church in the evening.
4 The snow is not going much this week. I went to C.W.A.S.
meeting& Mrs. Forrest & I took Mr. Smiths mat to him
5 Connie went with A. Brymer to the school & the children and
I called at Forrests. Thawing fast.
6 Gloomy with rain.
7 2 services. I went in morning & the girls in the evening.
8 Charlie has a bad cold
9 We washed. Cold wind froze up
10 Lionel Rumball called to see Connie. Mr. Brymer & Annie called
11 Annie Brymer came to go skating but the ice was too soft and they walked to Ladell's.
12 Good Priday. George, Connie 4 I went to Church. Nellie came
hone for good. Connie & Charlie went to meet her & got wet.
13 Roads very bad & patches of snow. Connie & Nellie called at Forrests. Nellie & I called a
14 Easter Sunday. We all went to Church but Nellie & Louie and had Violet Christened. Connie
April14EASTER SUNDAY. We all wenttoChurchbutNelliwandLouieandhadVioletChristened.Conni
20 Fine day. Connie & Nellie went to help Mrs. Vincent.
21 Fine but turned wet. I went to Church & S.S. Vincents here
to tea.
22. Cooler. We commenced house cleaning. turned wet.
23 Colder. We washed. Mrs. Forrest and I went up to Ladell's.
24 I cleaned a room ready for papering. Nellie & Connie went to
the Brymer's. Keeps dry.
25 NELLIE'S BIRTHDAY I cleaned pantry. Connie & Annie Brymer
went to Bracebridge. George went to the Locks and came home
with Vincent in his boat - Paper samples came.
26 We do not get on fast with the cleaning as we have not the
paper. Mrs. V. & I went to see the boat. G & I went over
to Mr. Williams (?) for potatoes.
27 G &I went over to Thomses. I went toForrestsformilk.dry&hot.
28 I went to S.S. & Church
29 Sultry & like rain. I cleaned hall.
30 Cooler & no rain. I went to store &gotConniealetter.
very dusty.
May 1s
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario 1895 ....78
May 2 Finished dining room & I went with Mrs. Forrest to C.W.A. meeting.
3 Very hot, we cleaned kitchen. Wall paper arrived from Toronto.
5 Hotter than ever 93° but no rain. G & I went to Church in
the morning & Nellie in the evening. Connie went to Vincents.
W. Gall called.
6 Hot. I papered Nellies room & moved the girls into the
small rooms. Connie poorly. Thunder shower in evening
7 Still warm. I cleaned room over Kitchen. Vincents & we
bought a cow from H. Brown.
8 Nice day. We washed. Trees are out in leaf & blossom.
Stopped getting milk from Watsons.
Watson's milk
We owe $3.30
Connie 1.20
Total $4.50
9 Hot and dry.
10 Hot & sultry. Connie has neuralgia. Lucy came and took the
children and me home we called to see Johnson's. Thunderstorm
at night.
11 Father & Ethel went to Huntsville. Another storm cooled
the air. Cold night. Tramp called.
12 Very cold wind & frost. MY BIRTHDAY (born 1863 therefore
aged 32 this year) (note aca) Mr. Lloyd came to tea and we
wentto church.
13 Bright & cold. I called at Hare's.
15 Bright with cold wind. Ethel drove to Herberts.
16 Cold wind I bought a Recipe for making Maple Syrup.
May18Iwashed a few things and we made carpet. Wet afternoon.
19 cold. Nellie & Connie went to churchbutNelliewaspoorly,and had to
20 Gloomy and cold. The girls andIpaperedtwofront-roomsupstairs.
21 We washed & I scrubbed upstairs. George & Charlie & I saile over to Thomses. Mrs. Les
22 Connie went to help Mrs. Vincent. She fainted out on a rock
23 Lovely day. We all feel pretty seedy. Several people called.
24 Louise Galle & Nelly came and baby & I went to the pic-nic
with them. George went over to Galls.
25 Hot. Connie feels weak and is lying down most of the day.
26 Sunday. Heavy rain while at S.S. George & I stayed with
Connie. Mrs. Forrest & Mr. Vincent called.
27 Dr. Eridgland came to see Connie. Mrs. Forrest came to see
him. damp & cool.
28 Fine day. Henry Gall called. Connie still weak troubled
much with toothache. Children came home.
29 N. & I washed. Louise Gall came
30 We ironed. hot weather. Connie quite ill in bed all day.
George & Charlie planted potatoes.
31 Hot. George went to take Mulvaney's Insurance. I had headache.
June 1 Hot but cool wind. George has sick headache. Connie seems
better. Laura & Louie Thoms called. Cool evening.
2 Hot day. two services only George went to church in the
3 Heavy rain last night, warm.
Sultry. Nellie & I washed. Herbert came & stayed tea. I
went up to Ladell's with children
5 Quite cool again, ironing.
6 Lovely bright day. I went toC.W.A.S.meetinginevening.
There was a meeting to arrange for sports.
7 Lovely & cool night. Children & IcalledatForrest&Mrs.F.andIwenttothewoodstogetferns.
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario 1895 ...80
June 8 Warmer, George has gone to see Mr. Hay at Utterson. No lodge. Mr. Vincent came & had
June 9 Hot day. Louie isill.EvaClarkandIwenttoS.S.NoserviceConnie & Nellie went to Forrests
10 Hot. Louie a little better but Eva has a bad cold.
$9 due to Jones for milk
11 No rain yet. Nellie&IwashedandjustaswehadfinishedAnnie & Sam drove up & they stayedtille
12 Hot. Eva ironed
to unload flour.
15 Nice day. Baby is poorly.
17 Hot again. Took baby over to Vincents. George went up to
Brunel Hall.
16 Hot day. George Eva & I went to church Connie & Nellie
went to Brymers.
18 Nice day we washed with Mrs. Vincents machine. Rain tonight.
19 Cooler but not much rain.
I went up to Ladells with children.
20 George went to Bullins. Louise Gall came & stayed tea.
Strawberries are ripe.
21 Rain passed off leaving it hotter than ever. Baby still very ______.
22 Baby poorly. George troubled with toothache.
23 Cool wind nice day. G & IinvitedtoThomsesbutbabywasnot well enough to go.CalledatForres
to church.
June26Heavy thunder storm &rain.Wewashed.Connienotverywell. I went for walk with children.
27 George got up early and wentuptoHuntsvilleinMr.Smith's pretty steamer but couldno
the parsonage to price fancy work.
Excursion of S.O.E.
29 Busy baking for picnic.
30 Cool & dry. G & I went to morningservice.Ethelcameinafternoon.
July 1 Lovely day cool wind. The picnic & bazaar went off very
well. There were a lot there and the Aid society took over $50.
2 No rain but cool. Nellie went with Vincent for huckleberries
only a few. Ethel went home.
3 We washed. dry & smoky.
5 Like rain but passed off. very dry.
6 Cooler. I went to bathe with the Forrests. Like rain but
none came.
7 Sunday. intinsely hot. George Eva & I went to church in
the evening.
8 Thunder shower but not enough. George received cheque from
England. Mr. Brymer came & made a hammock. George is
getting signatures for a petition.
9 Cool we washed.
10 I took the children & got a few berries. They are drying
15Gloomy.The girls & Charlie went togetHuckleberriesbutcouldhardly get any. I took the
June 15 Gloomy. The girls & Charlie went to get Huckleberries but
could hardly get any. I took the children to Clarkes &
stayed to tea. Mrs. Ladell gave us an old baby carriage.
Mr. Vincent heard of the death of a brother.
16 Nice rain last night. We washed very sultry, George
went up to Lewises in Mr, Smith's steamer.
17 Hot but turned cool. Eva & I got 2 quarts of berries,
the first I have preserved.
18 Bright. G & I got a few berries. I sent Lucy her Interest.
19 Finished hoeing potatoes. G & I went to look for berries
but got very few.
20 Hot. George & Charlie took the cow away and exchanged
her for a little one.
School Meeting.
21 Nice rainy day. cleared up before evening. G & Connie & I
went to church. Good congreation with the tourists.
22 Cool, cloudy. Cleared out fine. Connie & Nellie went to
23 We washed. After dinner, George & I went to Galls & took
Eva & baby . Found Mrs. Gall very well and getting strong.
Saw E. Chamberlain.
24 Turned wet.
26 Mrs. Thoms & daughters came to tea. George was helping put
furnace in the Church. showery turned cool, baby poorly
with teeth.
27 Cool 7 cloudy. Girls & Charlie went over to Rumball's
and got 10 qts of berries. I took baby up to Ladell's.
28 Girls went to Church in morn and G & I in the even.
29 Cool turned wet but did not amount to much. Charlie & I
went & got 4 qts of berries.
30 Showery but did not catch much water. G went up to Brunel
with Mr. Chester.
31 Wet, we washed. Mr. Mitchell called,
birthday. I went to parsonage & took baby.
5 Nice day. We got about 7 qts of berries. Mr. & Mrs.
Forrest came to tea.
6 Like rain but it passed off. G is doing road work. The
girls and I went out for nuts ( ? ) and berries. We went
up to Ladells in the evening.
7 Showery turned wet. May & Phoebe were so poorly last night
that they decided to go to Gravehurst where they can see a
Doctor. I went with them to Utterson. Picnic at the Hall.
Nellie & Charlie went.
8 Fine day. Charlie & I went and got about 4 qts of berries.
9 Nice cool day. Mother drove over & brought Mrs. Cooper to
see us. Laura & Louie Thoms & Min Forrest came to tea.
School meeting.
10 Extremely hot.
11 Two services. Mr. Nockridge officiated. we like him. hot.
Mr. Brymer & Minnie came in the evening.
12 Turned cooler. The three Thoms boys came to play with
Charlie I took baby up to Ladells. I had a letter from
13 Bright cool day. we washed.
14 Hot & clear. George rode on horseback up to Lewises.
Nellie brought Mrs. Cooper to make us a visit.
15 Nellie went bathing & stayed tea at Forrests. Mrs. C
& I went to Ladell's
16 Hot. Mrs. Gall & baby, LouiseandMr.Chamberlaincametotea. Mrs. Vincent ca
17 Connie went down to Falkenburg.WewentbethingwithForrests and the c
Aug. 2 Fine and cool. Cousins Mav and Phoebe came on the evening
stage.Iwould scarcely have known them. '
3 Damp but not much rain. May,Phoebe,Connie&Iwentoutinthe boat after tea. George
4 Sunday. Cool the four girls went to Church.
18 Showery. Mr. Cooper & Mr. Cliff came on bycicles and we all went
19 Louie`s birthday. She got a doll and had some children to tea. M
20 We washed and Nellie walked home with Laura Dodd after school. T
21 Cool. George helped Hugh Brown with his lumber. Mrs. Cooper & I
22 Baking for picnic. Connie went to Falkenburg for a month.
23 Eva's birthday. Heavy rain but cleared up about 2 and we went to
24 Warm. Thunder storm. Nellie came home; sow got away. Cooler. G h
25 George, Eva & I went to Church & Nellie & G went in the evening.
26 George went on at the mill nighwatching. Fine.
27 George went to measure bark with Mr. Hay and got home & went to
28 Wet day. George slept till noon and got up. Nellie is poorly, ly
29 Nellie is better, we ironed. Several cases of TYPHOID at the boa
30 Lovely day. We did not get over home as G could not take us.
31 We scrubbed. Shower came up but it cleared off.
Sept. 1 Cooler. G & Nellie Went to church in even. N went to Forres
2 Bright day. Ethel & Cousin Will surprised us and stayed all day.
Sept. 3 Warmer.
9 Hot day but cold night. Children about the same fever high
10 Restless night but I was not disturbed as I have baby in
Nellie's room. hot again. Lucy came & mother went home.
The Dr. came & had dinner here. Lucy sat up all night.
Hot. Thunder storm.
11 Very sultry & trying for the children. Thunder storm in
12 Still warm but turned cold in the afternoon. Children
rather better. The Dr. came at 1 this morning. Nellie
sat up till 1 and then Lucy. Baby was sick all night &
I did not sleep much. Jones & Vincent are digging us a
well. Dr. Hart came at 1 o'clock in the night. Nellie
was sitting up.
13 Children keep about the same but the cold weather is easier
on them. Frost tonight.
14 Baby seems no better of dia
15 Severe frost cut offgarden.Fine&cold.Dr.cameagain&Miss Thomson & had tea.Evaismuchbetteroffever.
16 George at home lastnight. Eva rambledmostofthenight&didnotsleep.Charliesleepsquietly.Lovelyday.
Sept. 17 The Dr. came today & brought Mrs. Hart & child. He thi
18 We washed - damp day.
19 Lucy is poorly. The children are improving & baby too. Dr. H
20 Hot day. Father came & took Lucy home. Louie is well.
21 Very hot & trying for the children. Ethel walked here. Dr. h
22 Hot & bright. I went to church in the morn & G & Ethel in th
23 Wiggins stormed arrived but in a modified form & it is much
24 Cool again. Eva has diarrhoea. Up a good many times at night
25 Eva passed a little blood so I telegraphed for the Doctor.
The Doctor says they are both doing very well. Mrs. Hart
and the little girl came.
26 Lovely day after the rain. The children had very little
27 Colder & cloudy. The children are doing well and drink
quantities of milk. I went up to Ladell's.
28 The Dr. did not come but the children are doing all right -
Very high wind at night - turned wet.
29 Cold wind, showery. Dr. Hart's assistant came & found them
in a slight fever. Nellie & Esther went to Church & G went to
bed & slept till 3 o'clock a.m.
30 Showery. George up all day. Mr. Leith went away. Mr. Price
came to Laddell's. First snow.
Oct.1Showery.we washed. Mrs. Jones is ill.KatyCookwenttothe
2 The Dr. came & allows the children to have a little corn starch. He went t
3 Bright day. Utterson Show Mrs Joneshasthefever&isgoingto
Oct. 4 Dr. Hart's assistant came, the children are doing well.
Babyand I went to the meeting at the parsonage.
5 Bright weather. G. went to Reed's
6 Harvest Festival today. Nice day. George came home last
night & will not go on till tomorrow morn. Children doing
well. G & W. Price went to Thomses.
7 Heavy rain. George went to Utterson. Mr. Clarke brought
baby's cradle.
8 Cold with a little snow. Children eat heartily.
9 I went to Ladells & bought Charlie an overcoat. Saw the
10 Fine but wold wind. Children dressed up in their room for
the first - Lucy drove over Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell called. I
went for mail.
11 Charlie's birthday, wet day. The children are up & dresed
but not downstairs yet.
13 Sunday nice & warm. Charlie & Eva came down stairs for the
first. Nellie & Ethel went for a walk & G Ethel & I went
to Church in even.
mill at night though there was no fire.
15 Warmer. The children went out for a little while. G. has
gone shooting with Mr. Price. He did not go to the mill
tonight. Wet.
16 Wet day. Ruth Thoms has the fever.
17 Cold wind. G. went shooting. Children went out for a
little while. I went to Forrests.
18 Nice day. Father came & brought Louie. & said that Lucy has
the fever, caught here. Where is it going to stop.
19 Wet again but milder. Heavy lashes of snow in afternoon &
severe frost at night.
20 Ground covered with snow. Louie & I went to Church in morn
& George & Nellie in the evining.
(Mrs. Jones dies)
Oct. 21 I fum
22 Nice mild day but turned wet.
23 Cold wind. George's last night at the mill.
26 Cleaned 2 front chimneys. Mrs. Jones died last night at
about 9 o'clock. I went to help make Elsie a dress. Louie was
sick last night. Lodge tonight.
27 Lovely morning but turned wet for Mrs. Jone's funeral.
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest came & went with us to the funeral.
Mr. Vincent was here to tea. Nellie went to church
28 Heavy snow fall. George went to the woods with his gun but
was driven home by the storm.
29 George put in posts at the well & then went into Utterson
& got his money $53.80 from the Company.
30 Bright day. There are about 3 inches of snow & some sleighs
are out. Mr. Clarke is coming to kill our pig. Mrs.
Mitchell called.
31 George went hunting with Bob Brown & they got a fawn.
John Nickason is here banking up the well.
Nov.1Geo. got up early and went hunting. We cleaned the dining
room - snow still lies. Julia Watson called.
2 G. fetched a hind quarter of the Fawn. The children & I
went to Ladell's. Snow melting.
3 George & I went to Church & I took the little girls to S.S.
Warm day.
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario1895...89
Nov. 7 Turned wet. I went with Mrs. Forrest meeting at the parsonage.
8 Gloomy & turned cold. Minnie & Mabel Forrest & Julia Watson came here to
9 Cold day. I went to S.S. & Church in even.
10 I went to S.S. & Church in even.
11 George went to Mainhood's and they got a deer, he came home
late & tired & was sick in the night.
12 Charlie got up early and went to tell C. Mainhood that his
father could not go up. Charlie had a party hut only the
Thomses came. Soft. George went to Mainoods in the evening
to hunt next day.
13 I went to the church to see Milly Cock's wedding and George
& Nellie went to the party at night.
14 Gloomy & mild. George went up to hunt at Mainhood's but
got only a partridge. Charlie & I went up to the store in
the evening.
15 Showery. George at home. Nellie went up to Ladells.
16 Clear & cold. I went to see Mrs. Watson's baby. Paid
Y. Howard $5.00
17Iwent to church in the morning but none of us went to
S.S. Mr. & Mrs. Herb McClure & Herb & Sadie Humphrey's
18 Nice bright afternoon. I cut Eva'shair.Julia&Dimeau(?)
& Minnie called.
19 We washed. Turned snowy & I did not go up to Jenners.
Minnie & Mabel Forrest called.
20 Stormy cold night plenty snow. Julia&Miriam&Mabelcame
to practice dancing.
21 3 below zero last night.Clear&cold.Georgewenttoshooting match at Utterson. Nell
22 Fine. Mrs. Forrest & I went to Jenners.
23 George went to Jenners & sold them an organ.
Nov. 24 Pleasant day. I went to S.D. Minnie Forrest was here to tea and went to Church w
25 Stormy turned to rain & thawed Mr. Mitchel & Bertie called.
26 Warm but blew cold we washed. Free concertat the Hall
tonight. was a great success.
27 Nice day. Nellie spent the even at Chesters.
23 Laura. & Louie Thoms came to tea also Henry Gall brought
Turkey & stayed tea. Nellie went to Foressts but we sent for
her to come home, heard that Lucy is worse. Moonlight.
29 George went over to see how Lucy is & found her not so very bad.
30 Turned very cold but fine. Shooting passed off successfully,
made $2.70.
Dec. 1st I went o Church & S.S. Nellie went to Forrests to tea.
2 Stormy & cold. Julia & Mr. Harrison called.
3 Cold 14 below but turned mild. The wedding & party were well
attended & passed off well.
5 A terrible thing happened today while we were at the meeting
at the parsonage. Bertie Mitchell broke through the ice
skating and was drowned before he could be got out. We
stayed with Mrs. Mitchell until dark.
6 Nice, bright day. Mr. Vincent & Mr. Somerset were here to
dinner. G. called at Mitchells. Nellie went with Mrs. Forrest
& Minnie to Mitchells in the evening.
7 Mild, inclined to turn stormy. Ironed late this week I
went to Ladells with George in the eveing. Charley spent the
day at Thomses. George payed T. Howard $17 for hay.
8 Nellie, Charlie & I went to Church and Mr. Ulbricht preached.
Nellie took a wreath up to Mitchels for Berties coffin, she stayed to tea.
9 Gloomy. I took the children to Forrests and we all went to
Bertie's funeral. Mr. Lloyd buried him.
11 Gloomy. I made the Christmas cake. Cold night.
Dec. 12 Very cold day we are havingitverysevereforsoearlyinthe winter. Minnie Forrest calle
13 Eva & I went up toLadell's.Nellie&MinnieForrestwentto the store.
14 Milder.
15 Lovely day. Mr. Ulbricht came and assisted at both services
16 Mild. I went up to Ladells and got some presents.
17 Wet but turned out fine. We washed.
18 We are having a good thaw. Father drove over and brought
a quarter of beef but Nellie did not go back with him.
19 Raining hard. Meeting of C.W.A.S. at Ladell's today.
Only Emily & I were there.
20 Singer machine agents came and stayed over night in the village.
21 Snow about gone nice morn but turned wet at night. Nellie
& Minnie Forrest went to Huntsville & Nellie stayed at
22 Gloomy & a little cooler I went to S.D. & G. to Church in
the even.
23 We are likely to have a green Xmas. George & Charlie are
piling wood at the mill. Connie came home in the rain.
stuffed the Turkey & made some mince pies. We put up a
tree & some decorations. Laura & Louie Thoms called and
Mr. & Percy Mitchell called & left some presents for the
25 A green Xmas. I went to church. The children got a nice
lot of presents. Forrest's cow died.
26 Snowy day. we washed.
27 Connie went to Graham's. Mr. Forrest drew some wood.
Connie fainted in the evening.
28 I ironed. Connie is better.
29 A nice day. G & I went to Churchintheevening.Annie
Brymer came to stay with Conniee, Charlie went to t
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GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario 1895 ...92
Dec. 30
Herbert came in for a while & had tea. Snow falling.
31 We washed a few things. Heavy snow fall in fact a regular
Jan. 1 Snow deep & more coming. We finished washing & had the
Forrest family to tea & spend the evening.
2 Connie fainted again this morn. George, baby & I went
to Forrests to tea it was too snowy to take the children &
3 Still snowing. Charlie went to the S.O.S. concert and
Nellie stayed the night. with Minnie Forrest.
5 30 below zero today but fine. The children & I went to S.S.
Mrs. Chester came in in the evening.
6 42 below last night but moderated.
7 Meeting at the hall & debate. Henry & Louise Gall came &
stayed till after the meeting.
8 Began to get a quart of milk daily from Watsons.
Nellie went to Forrests' party and did not get home till
2 a.m.
9 We ironed and prepared for Thomses coming to tea. Mr. & Mrs,
& 2 of the girls came.
10 Still rather cold. We all went to the Sunday School entertainment but G
11 Milder. An apple tree pedlar came. The Thomses_found
Lestrange half frozen in the snow in Vincent's field. Lodge
12 Snowing I went to S.S. & church.
13 Still snowing. George went to meeting at Parsonage.
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario I896 ...93
Jan.15Nice day.
16 Mild day. George stayed in bed with sick headache till
the afternoon. We saw Dr. Bridgland there I he pronounced Lestrange mu
17 We have bad colds. Nellie went to drill (for concert, aca)
& C_____ Brymers. I took the children over to Forrests
13 We scrubbed. George was away all day sawing with Bob Brown.
19 Pleasant weather now. I went to S.S. & the girls went to church
20 Tommy Caswell called. The Mitchells called.
21 I called at Brymer's with the children and invited the girls
22 Fine. Connie & I & the children called at Mitchells. Nellie
spent the evening at Clarkes.
23 Connie rather poorly. George went to Utterson to unload
flour for1/2a day. Emily * Minnie Brymer came to tea.
24 Mile & snowy. Broom drill at the hall. Some of us went to
the Pres. (Presbyterian, aca) Xmas boat at the hall.
25 Keeps mild. George went to see McEchney about an organ.
The children & I called at Clarkes.
26 Eva & I went to Church in the morn & the girls in the evening,
27 Lovely day. Mrs. Forrest & I were going to walk to Dodds
but Father & Clara came.
28 George went up to Brunei with Herb Laddell. The girls &
Charlie went skating in the evening and Connie fainted on the
ice and Arthur Clarke drove her home.
29 Mild. George went up to Newton's but came back to tea.
The children called at Michells & met Laura & Connie Thoms
30 George went
to see him. Connie & Nellie went to see Minniee Forrest
who is poorly. Nellie went to a dance at the hall with the
31 George took insurance of new school I went up to Laddell's
in the evening. Snowing.
Feb. 2 2Cold. I went to S.S. & Church.
3 Nice day. Connie & Nellie called to see Minnie Forrest.
5 Connie & George received letters from Mrs. Paxon asking
Connie to go back so we thought Nellie &Conniecouldgo.Iwenttomeetingattheparsonage&Laura
6 Mild & snowy. G. walked up to Brunel.
7 Snowy. Nellie came with Galls cutter & the children rode up to Lad
9 George & I went to church in the morn. W & Annie Brymer
called. I went to see McInnis baby.
10 Louisa Gall called. G. went to see Girvin & Thomses (Girou?)
11 Windy. blocked up the roads
12 Fir.e but roads too bad to go to Dodds. I called at Forrests.
13 Mrs. Forrest & I & Louie went to Dodds; it was rather snowy.
14 Cold but not so stormy. George went to Aspdin with Wall
Thoms. Miss Reid's concert, Connie, Nellie, Charlie & Eva
15 George & I went up into Brunel with Wall Thoms. Snowy.
16 Bitter cold wind, we did not go out to S.S. Connie & Nellie
went to ten at Forests. 39 below zero.
17 Cold & Bright. I went to Ladells in the evening.
18 Cold wind. Father did not come. George started for Toronto
to attend the Grand Lodge
19 Mild with a little fresh snow. I expect father & Ethel today. They came & I went home wi
20 Cold. Mr. & Mrs. Hares came and stayed to tea.
21 I am amusing myself reading Girls' Own papers.
22 Sat. I we
23 No service. I staye
24 Cold wind. Herbert
26 George & Wall Thoms cameforus.Quitemild.
27 Henry Gall came & tookNelliehomewithwith him.
28 Warm and thawing, a littlerain.ConniewenttoaconcertwiththeBrymers.gothomeafter12.
29 Nice day. Ethel & M
Mar. 1 Came in like a
2 The girls went to Thomses to tea &Nelliecameback.Bittercoldwind.
3 High cold wind.
5 Windy but turned out
6 Ethel walked home. Snowed, turned to rain. Connie, Charlie
& Eva went to Brymers to a party.
few days. Mr. Thoms was here to tea.
to S.S. & George to church.
9 Nice day. Herbert called in. Nellie & Connie came home
11 Connie went down to Falkenburge to get h
12 Cold W i n d .Mrs.Forrest called & decided to have a sewing
machine. Mrs. Clarke also called. Connie came home on the stage near midnight
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Mar. 13 20 below this morning but came out nice
15 Nice day. The children & I went to S.S. & the Girls to
church. Minnie Forrest came to tea.
16 Lovely day. The girls started to England. Baby poorly
with cold.
17 Lovely warm day. I washed. Lizzie C. came with her little
boys & Minnie Brown. Rec'd card from Connie.
18 Warm. Finished washing & I went for a walk.
19 Snowing & blowing. I ironed.
20 Cold, tracks snowed up. Annie & Emily Brymer came in in the
21 No mail in yet, soft wind. Mrs. Dodd & Mable Forrest called.
22 Sunday. George's birthday, fine but cold wind. I went to
23 Sharp cold wind. 17 below at night.
24 Fine but cold wind. I washed. Mr. Somerset was here to tea.
25 Finished washing. Nice weather, the snow is going.
26 It seems very quiet now the girls are not here and nobody
comes. I mopped Kitchen.
27 Warm the snow is going.
28 Warm. The children & I went to Ladells & I called at Clarkes.
29 Soft. I did not go to Church nor did any of us. Charlie
went to Thomses.
30 We caught some water so I washed. nice day.
31 Mr. came in. I ironed.
Apr. 1 I called at Forrests but did not go to meeting at parsonage
as baby is sick & I dont feel well myself.
2 Louie is poorly too, baby a little better.
3 Good Friday. Eva went to Church.Idontfeelstrongbuthope to be better aft
fresh snow.
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY April 1896 ...97
Apr. 4 Mabel Forrest came & stayed with the children & I went to Ladells.
5 Lovely warm day, thawing fast. Easter Sunday. I took
6 Easter Monday. The three Thoms boys spent the day here. I
called at Forrests with the children. Baby has been weaned
7 I washed, cold wind.
8 Mr. Vincent & Torrie (?) called and Louie & Ruth Thoms came
to tea. Lovely day snow is melting but it is very late
about it.
9 Warm. Henry Gall drove his mother over the lake to see us.
George went to Utterson.
10 Windy. wagons are taking the place of sleighs. Dance at
the Hall.
11 I took the children to see the new school, mild.
12 Cold wind but it is drying up the roads. Geo. & I went o
church in even.
13 Very warm. 75 above, snow going fast, rain at night. I
called at Forrests. 3 weeks ago it was 17 below zero.
15 Very warm. Hannah Nickason was married. The children &
I went to Brymers.
16 Hot. 80° in the shade. Charlie & the Brymer boys played
truant all day. I went to Ladells with the children.
17 This is more like summer weather than April. Rain last
night has made the grass green. The frogs are singing
away. I called at the school. George is tidying the
18 Like rain but it passed off. George & Charlie were busy
tidying up the garden. I mopped a room upstairs.
19 The children & I went to church in the morn & we had a walk in the aft
20 I cleaned a bedroom & moved the children into it. Much
April 21 Heavy rain in afternoon, I washed.
22 George went toUtterson.Mr.Ballscame&tookthecalf away. I cleanedmyroom.Claracametostayafew weeks
23 We cleaned a bedroom & ironed. The children have had
colds. Joe Marshall called.
I went to Forrests & took some milk.
24 Finished cleaning upstairs. Baby & Louie had the croup
at nignt and we have to keep them in. Baby is very
25 I went to Ladells. George went to Falkenburg. Minnie
Forrest came in with Clara. Charlie & I walked to
Laddells in the even. cold night.
26 Lovely warm day. I went to SS & then went up with
Mrs. Forrest to see Mrs. Mitchell. Clara went to
church in even. G. went over to the Thomses in a boat.
27 Mr. Hudson plowed the garden. Clara & I cleaned the
sitting room, very warm again.
28 Rain last night. We cleaned the dining room. Mr.
Vincent brought his cow. G. up in Brunel buying bark.
29 Mr. V's cow calved. he & Mr. Gall were here to dinner.
we washed & churned.
30 George went up to Seeley's buying bark. The two Lewises
called to see him. We cleaned the Kitchen. nice day.
May 1 Rain again at night. We ironed. Mrs. Vincent & baby &
Chilton Rumball & Louie were here to dinner. Showery
2 Cleaned the pantry which finishes up the house cleaning.
3 Rain at night, cloudy morn. I went to SS & we went to Church at night.
4 Heavy rain last night butlovelytoday.George&thechildren & I went toThomses&stayedtote
5 We washed, nice day.
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario 1896 ...99
May 6 Lovely day, I went toForreststogetmybookreadyforthe meeting but Mrs. F. did notgo.I
Forrest came to tea. G. Mainhood called.
9 Hot, George went up the river about bark. Will Geall
took the bark canoe away in exchange for a revolver.
Tom Esson called.
10 I went to SS & Clara to Church in the evening. hot.
Annie Brymer came in the evening.
11 Like rain but it passed off. cooler.
12 Cool & like rain but it cleared out. Laura & Connie &
Cyril Thoms came to tea. Henry Lewis was here for dinner.
13 Lovely day but so dry & dusty. Mother came & took Clara
& Eva & Louie home. It will be dull without them.
Louise Gall & Dorothy came to wait for Henry. Mosquitoes
are bad this year.
15 A sprinkle of rain but cleared out, a lovely day, cooler.
Mr. Brymer brought some ointment for my hands. Received
a letter from Nellie & Connie.
16 George went to Vincents & Caswells. Mrs. H. Johnson called.
17 Nice rain this morning. SS begins in the morn now. I
went to Church twice.
18 George went to meet Mr. Hayatthetownline.Nicebrightday.
19 Bright & cool. Iwashed&Georgegardened.WereceivedanexpressparcelfromConniecontaini
20 I ironed & churned &sold5lbsofbutter.George&I and baby went up toLadells&weheardthat
typed April 4, Carol Aellen (1976)
May 21 George went up into Brunel to see Reid.
I took baby up to Ladells & called at Mitchells but they
23 Cooler & bright. I went to Forrests in the evening
with Mrs. Lutty (?). G. went to Utterson.
24 Whit Sunday. I went to Church. The service was a special
one for the S.O.E. & the Church was full. Hot day. The
Brymers & Forrests were here in the evening.
25 Wet evening. I washed. we get plenty of rain now.
26 I finished washing & churned. went to Ladells in the
27 Alfred Kay brought Charlie a rabbit & me a very uncivil
letter from Mr. Taylor. I went to Forrests to see Minnie.
George went to Mr. Lances & expects to sell an organ
there. Lovely day.
28 Wet again. George is ferreting out this affair of Taylors.
He called in the evening & had a talk with George. Mr.
Leith left word that his Utterson congregation will take
29 Wet day. we are getting plenty of rain.
30 Cleared out & I went up to Ladells.
31 George & Charlie went to Church in the morn & G & I in
the evening. Like rain.
June 1 Nice day but cool. Father & Ethel came & brought the
G. went to Utterson. Minnie Forrest came to see Ethel.
2 Lovely day. George & Mr. V. went to the Camp to take
3 I went to the meeting at the Parsonage & Mabel F. stayed
with the children.
4 Hot.
5 Heavy rain at night - but it is no oooler.
June 6Veryhot.GeorgewenttoUttersontogetth
7 Intensely hot. turned wet. G. & I went to Church.
cooler, rain.
10 I went up with Mrs.ForresttoPrivateCommunionwithAggieLadellassheisgoingaway.
12 Nice day. Nellie & Louise Gall came in the evening&NelliestayedtillSunday.
13 Nellie mopped the Kitchen & dining room & I helped her
makea white blouse. We went to ladells in the evening.
There was a political meeting & George & Charlie wereooutlate.
14 Hot day. Nellie & I an
15 Nice day not too hot b
16 I washed. Minnie Forre
17 Very hot & dry. George
18 Hot. Mrs. Gall called.
19 Cooler & like rain.
20 Hot. I went to Huntsvi
21 No rain but it turned
22 Too cool & windy to co
June 23 I swept & churned.
24Iwashed,GeorgewentuptoBrunel. I am suffering
with toothache. 6
25 finished washing, very dry.
26 George went to Brunel. Mr. Thoms called. i went up
to Ladells with the children.
27 Lodge night.
28 A wet Sunday. George & I went to Church in theevening.
& I played (the organ).
29 I washed & baked. Mr. Brymer came & lanced my tooth
which is badly swelled.
30 George went to Gall's, after dinner he piled wood at the
mill. Last day of school. My face is no better. I baked
for pic-nic. The weather looks rather doubtful for
July 1 Fine hot day. The pic-nic passed off successfully, there
was an excursion from Huntsville. George made $8 from the
booth. Lucy & Nellie & Clara came & went with us. got home
about 8 o'clock.
2 My face is badly swelled & painful. George went to see
Mr. Hay & got home with a sick headache. like rain.
Mrs. Johnson called.
3 Hot. I took the children & went bathing with Forrests.
Thunder storm in the evening, the berries are getting
Too wet to pick any berries.
5 The children went to SS & George to Vincents after
dinner but it turned showery.
6 George went to Porter's & sold a mower. Bob Brown came
in the evening.
7 Still showery. I washed & picked a few berries. George
went to Caswells Mahood's (?) after dinner.
8 Lovelv dav for the excursion which was a success. The
Forrests & we had alittlepic-nicatthelanding.
George went to Lamelot (?) on horseback.
July 9 High wind. Charlie & I went to the Rocky island & got some huckleberries. George at h
10 Shower o
11 Hot & fine. Mr. Porter came for his mower. I wentwithMrs.Forresttopickberries&then took the childr
to bathe. warm might. 12 The chil
13 Charlie got some berries. Mrs. Thoms & boys came to tea.
14 Hot, we did not get many berries. Our washer & wringer
arrived ready for tomorrow. like rain.
15 Much cooler. I washed & found the washer satisfactory.
Ethel came in the evening with Mr. Smith. Charlie went
to stay at Vincents.
16 Cool. Ethel did the ironing & picked some berries in the
afternoon. Got wood drawn mill.
17 Ethel went to the swamp with the Forrests and got about
8 qts of berries. George went up the river. Baby & I
18 Ethel scrubbed the Kitchen & went bathing in afternoon.
Thechildren & I got some berries. C. came home from V's.
19 Showery & warm. G. &E.&Iwenttochurch&tookthechildren. Ethel at Forrests to tea.
20 Charlie went to Vincentsagain.Wegotsomeraspberries.
Wet morning.
throwing out wood again.
22 G. & I went to theswamp&gotcaughtinathunderstorm.afterdinnerwewent&pickedraspberries & Mr. Lowecalled,hestayedtotea.
23 George & I went &got9qtsofhuckleberries.Laura&LouieThoms&MinnieForrestcametotea.
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Watson boy scalded 1896 ...104
July24 Ethel went to the swamp and got 6 qts of berries. We heard
that Adam Watson's little boy died from scalding.
25 Jack Watson is to be buried today. George had a day at
Uttersons unloading cars. Miss Smith called.
26 Like rain. I went to Church twice & played the organ.
Mr. Lowe preached at night.
27 We washed, baked & churned.
28 Like rain, but it passed off. I went to Gravehurst &
had two teeth out. In the evening there was a little
party at Mrs. Bailies. The best part of it was the
ice cream.
29 May, Phoebe, Miss Shaffer & I went for a row on Gull Lake.
It came on wet after dinner. May saw me off at the
station & I got home from Utterson dry.
30 Ironed. Eva & I went to pick blackberries but did not
find many. Turned cool. Ethel went with Minni F. to
Thomses & is not back yet.
31 Very hot weather. Typhoid has broken out.
August 1 We went bathing. Duncan Forrest came home
2 Ethel & George went to Church.
to Forrests to tea & George came later, very hot.
5 I went to meeting at Parsonage & we had a heavy thunderstorm
while there which lasted till night. Mr. & Mrs. Duncan
Forrest came to tea. Gloomy evening. G. up to Brunel.
6 We went bathing and found father here when we returned.
Ethel went home with him. Baby Clarke got bitten.
7 George went to Porter's & B. Henry's. We got 9 lbs.
beef from Bob Jenner.
8 Rain again but no cooler.
9 Intensely hot. IwenttoChurchwiththechildreninthemorning&G.intheevening.Icalled at Clarke's.
10 Hot. Sam Martin died ofTyphoidlastnight.Specialmeeting at Parsonage.Isentupmilkfor
25 Charlie turned the washing machine for me. Violet is
poorly today.
26 Babv no better. Father & Mother came & stayed all evening.
27 I ironed. Nice day. Cool nights.
Aug. 28 Fine. George went to see Bob Brown. I made some
crab jelly.
29 Nice cay. Baby is poorly.
30 Very wet day. G. & C. went to Church at night. I stayed at home
31 Cool & showery. Charlie & I washed today. I went
to Ladell's. Toronto (Exhibition) Ex. opened today.
Sept. 1 Baby is not well yet. Keeps cool. George up in Brunel
about bark.
2 George was helping load bark at Mainhood's.C.W.A.S.
meeting but I could not go. Mrs. Forrest called.
Laura Thoms came & had tea & the ....(illegible)
3 Cool & fine. G. & Mr. Forrest went duck shooting. The
children & I went to Forrests after tea. Mrs. F. came
back with us & G. & C. came back directly after.
to Thomses. I got a letter from Nellie.
5 Like rain which came at night. I went to Ladells & got
me a pair of boots. G. bought a pk. of pears of Forrest.
on wet in the afternoon. G. went to church at night.
9 Hot but turned cool at night & like rain but it passed
10 Turned cool & like rain at night. George went to see people out Allensville way.
came to tea & play with thechildren.
11 Cool. I preserved some plums which we got from Mr.
Hay. I made baby a new coat.
12 Cold wind but no rain. George went to Utterson. Mr. Smith came
the afternoon at Clarke's.
13 Warm. George walked toVincent's&camebacktoChurch.
I also went.
Sept. 14 I went to Ladellstopostsomemoney.Georgehadtogo up toMainhood'stohelpMr.Hayload____.
15 George & C. hunting partridges, got one in afternoon.
Eva has a bad cold. A party at Dodds.
I 18 I ironed.
19 Wet day turned very cold. Bob Brown brought the straw
20 Fine & cool. Harvets Festival. I went to Church twice.
21 We caught plenty of water. I mopped the Kitchen & c
22 Cold N. wind. Most of us have colds.
23 We washed. it was warmer after a very hard frost last
night. 15° of frost. I took Louie & Baby up to Laddells
24 Lovely day. I took the children for a walk. Mr. Smith
came in the evening. George wrote to Nellie etc.
25 Nice day but turned wet. Cyril Thoms came & stayed
to tea. nice day. Lodge meeting.
27 Cool & cloudy, heavy rain last night. I took the
little girls to the Pres. church to hear Mr. Leith's
farewell sermon.
28 Lovely day we are having frosty nights.
29 I took the children over to Forrests. Came on rain
which lasted all night & next morn.
30 Cooler but turned wet again. Bob Jenner came about
a plow.
Note a few blank pages later:
Wm. Butcher
Stanley Circular Head
Days (list) Nov 17 Dec. 31, Jan.31,Feb.28,Mar.31,Ap.30
May 31, June 30, Aug.31,Sept.30,Oct.22Total343x5c=17.15minus10=17.05page$10=$7.05
Oct. 1Finebutcoldwind.Herbertbroughthiswifeandbaby.Theywenthomeintheafternoon.Iwenttothemeet
2 Lovely day. George & Charlie went to the fair at Utterson. Eva & I start
3 Warm day. George at home. i made an apron for the sale of work at the Ha
4 Nice day. The children & I went to Church in the morning & G. & C. in th
5 George went to Utterson to unload a car, he brought me letters from Conn
6 Gloomy & mild. G. went over to get Mr. Smith's team to
draw pine but could not get it. We washed. I took
Louie & Violet up to Ladells. Mr. & Mrs. Percy Mitchell
called. It came on wet at night & we caught quite a
lot of water.
7 Very cold this morning with flurries of snow, the first
of the season. I went to the C.W.A.S. meeting & we
arranged to have a tea meeting on the 22nd.
8 cold & damp. I ironed.
9 Lovely day. George went to Beatrice but did not sell
an organ. Aggie Ladell came & spent the day.
10 Windy & fine. I borrowed someG.O.P.(Girl'sOwnPapers)from Forrests & to
Charlie had the 3 Thoms boys hereinhonourofhisbirthday.
11 Lovely warm day. C's birthday. He is 13. I wentforawalkwiththeForrestchildren.G.&I
12 Nice day. we washed.GeorgewentuptoBrunel.TheMitchell's called.
13 George stayed all night at Mainhood's and got
homeintime for dinner. Louie&IwentuptoLadells&Igot50 cts. worth of su
14 Nice day. Fathercame&broughtEtheltostay.MinnieForrest called afternoon.
Oct. 15 We are having lovely mild weather. Ethel & I cleaned
Charlie's room. I went to seeMrs.Forrest.George&C.went trolling with Herb Lad
Uttersonrobbers have been arrested.
17 Ethel finished scrubbing the Kitchen.
18 About an inch of snow this morning. We went to church in
the morn & Geo. & C. went at night. Stayed. in the
rest of the day.
19 Mr. Hay & Charlie called & Charlie went to Falkenburg
withC. Hay & came back on the train. George went to
Brunel & then to G. McEntyre's funeral. E. & I cleaned
the two front bedrooms.
20 We cleaned Ethel's room, miserable day. I went
to sell at tea meeting.
21 We washed but it snowed & we did not get the clothes
22 Wet & snowy. Mr. Mithcell called. I made a pinafore
for the sale. We ironed some of the clothes.
23 Nice day, thawed the snow away. We finished baking for
Tea & Ethel & I went to the hall to help prepare for
evening. The tea & concert passed off very well & over
$20 was made.
24 Nice day. Ethel mopped Kitchen & room above she & the
children went to the hall to have tea & finish the
provisions. Charlie went to Thomses.
25 Gloomy day. Mr. Thoms came. Ethel and Charlie went to
Church at night.
26 Nice sunny day. We washed & churned. I went to
Ladells. George iswatchingatthemilltonight.
27 G. at the mill again. Cleanedsittingroom.
28 G. at the mill, did the dining room
29. We cleaned pantry. M. Newton called.
Oct.30CleanedtheKitchenwhichcompletesthehousecleaning.George went to Utterson halfadaytounload
31 George went to Falkenburge & settled with Mr Hay, came home in the
Nov.1Somerset found his boat on top of Watson's stables as he went to Church Ethel & I wen
2 Nice day. George & Charlie went deer hunting with Mr.
Forrest out got nothing. We washed blankets. Ethel
called at Forrests. Eva & I went to Ladell's. The
Mitchell's called.
3 We washed. Herbert came & took Charlie home with him.
G. & C. went out with Mr. Brymer but got nothing.
Minnie & Mabel Forrest came to tea.
Receipt for pickels
6 lbs. salt 2 oz. saltpetre, 1 qt. molasses.
house. Mrs. V & children were here to dinner & tea.
a hunt. Ethel had tea at Forrests.
7 Nice morning but wet evening Herbert came & had dinner.
We cut up the pig & I took a piece overtoForrests.
8 Cold but no snow. Mr.Vincentcamein.IwentforawalkwithMrs.Vincentandthechildren.George. E. &
10 George went out withMr.ForrestnearClearwater.Mr.F.calledinevening.Nicedaybutwetatni
Type April 11, 1976 Carol Aellen
Nov. 13 George, Charlie, Kr. Brymer & Lou Clarke got a deer
a nice large one. We got a hind quarter. Connie &
Jessie Thoms were heretotea.Wallcalledforthematnight.Turnedcold.
15 Sunday. I went twice to church. G. & I called at
Forrest's& saw Eva O'Connor.
16 Lovely day so mild. We washed. I commenced to make
a wrapper & had a walk with the children. G. went
hunting with Tom Dodd.
18 Mild & wet. Miss O'Connor went off on her way to
19 Busy making my wrapper. Ethel is making a blouse for
the party.
20 Busy sewing, frozen ground makes hunting useless.
21 Bee to scrub the Church, which we forgot all about.
Ethel & I went to Ladells in the evening, moonlight.
22 Crisp day, dry walking. I went to Church at night.
23 We washed but it turned wet. G. went up to Mainhoods
but came home again as C.M. could not go out.
24 Nice day. Louie & I went to Ladells. I churned &
Ethel ironed.
25 Snow & sleet. George went out hunting. I finished Eva's
coat for school. Taxman came.
26 Very mild, snow melted. I called at Chesters. Tea
arrived from Mr. Hay.
27 I went to the Church but there was no meeting as the
carpet had not come so I went for a walk with the
Mitchells & Mrs. Forrest instead. It was a lovely day
& pleasant to be out. Ethel & George went to Herb Laddell's
party & did not get back till nearly 3 o'clock.
Herbert came & had his dinner.
Father's Birthday.
Nov. 28 Cold with flurries of snow. G at the mill piling
Dec. 1 G. unloading a car half a day. Mr. Lee called. very
cold night. we washed.
2 Milder. G. & Mr. Vincent drew pine from the mill.
Father came. Mrs. Forrest & I called to see Mrs.
Kennedy. good sleighing. Charlie brought a pup for
Mr. Kerr.
3 Snowing & blowing. Mr. Wollinstow came & took 2
machines away.
4 Soft but it began to snow. I called at Forrest's
& got G.O. papers.
6 No service. The Forrests came in the evening and we sang
hymns. George went over to Vincents
7 Mild. We washed, churned & mopped the dining room.
8 Mild & thawing a little. Henry Gall brought 94 lbs.
of beef at 5c. There was not meeting again as the
carpet had not arrived. Ethel's birthday. she went
to tea at Forrests.
9 Soft with dashes of snow. George went to Beatrice
with Mackie Kinton. We expect Father to take us home
to spend his birthday. He came & we went in the snow
10 Father's birthday. Nice mild day. Herbert & family
came. George went to Ufford but did not take the
11 Friday. Nice day. I spent most of it in reading.
12 Ethel, Nellie & Eva went to Huntsville. After dinner
Louie went with the girls to Hares to practice.
13 Sunday. no service, turned wet. George & Charlie
had dinner at Vincent's and tea at Forrests.
a load of hay.
Dec. 15 We washed & baked. Laura & Jessie Thoms were here
to tea.
16 Ethel ironed & I made Xmas cake & mince meat.
17 Louie & I went to Ladell's. There was a cheap concert
at night most of the program was made up by Harry
Bridgland and another gentleman from Bracebridge.
Something over 4 dollars was realized.
18 I picked the Xmas turkey & iced the cake. Ethel is
making herself a skirt.
19 Windy last night & pretty cold today, Ethel called
at the Mitchell's. She brought me a letter from Connie.
20 Cold. G. Ethel & I went to Church at night.
21 Very sharp. We washed, baked, churned & mopped the
Kitchen. Ethel went to a teacher's meeting & brought
letters from Nellie & Alfred Paxon also a Graphic.
22 Snowed a little. The Mitchells came to tea but Mr.
Smith did not come. Cold.
23 Snapping cold & clear. Cyril Thoms came & brought
us cards & books. Lake frozen over. Letters from
J. Coldwell & Miss Terry & A. Paxon with cheque.
24 Christmas Eve. Very cold still busy with preparations
for Christmas. Ethel walked home. Louie Thoms called.
I called at Vincents.
25 Christmas day. Good skating. G. went to Church.
Children had bad colds & we had a quiet day.
26 Milder but turned sharp again.
27 Clear & cold. C. & I went to Church at night.
28 Lovely day. Charlie skating. G. went to see Mr. Hay.
Got back tonight.
31 Frozen up. Goodskating.Busyasusual.Danceat the Hall tonight to dance the old year ou
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY 1897 . . . 1 1 4
Jan. 1 Good skating but came on wet. Ethel & Clara walked
here. I asked the Vincents to tea but the baby was
ill and they did not come.
2 Wet day. Ethel & Clara called at the parsonage.
Mrs. Forrest called here.
3 Icy but fine & mild. Clara went home, baby poorly.
George went to Utterson to vote. School opened.
5 Lovely spring like morning. Snow storm in afternoon.
We washed & took the children up to Ladells & Clarkes
in the afternoon.
6 A little sleighing again. Ethel went to Ladells to
sew & was there all day. Nellie walked over & is
to stay over Sunday.
7 Ethel & Nellie called at Forrests'.
8 Nice day but barely sleighing. Nellie took the children
to Kenneday's. Mrs. Zavitz came to tea but McClue could
not come.
9 Raw wind. Cyril Thoms was here. Ethel was not at
Ladells in the afternoon but she & Nellie went to a
meeting at the parsonage. George went to Utterson.
Turned wet.
10 Sunday. Fresh snow. The two girls & 3 children went to
church in the morning & all of us but the children at night,
George spent the afternoon at Thomses.
11 Nellie & Ethel washed & Father came & took Nellie home.
Ethel was at Ladells in afternoon. Geall & McInnis
were here late auditing Lodge books
12 Very cold & clear. E. at Ladells. McInnis was here to
13 Cold. I got McInnis to make a sleigh for baby.
14 Lovely day. Ethel stayed at home in the afternoon
& we took the children for a walk. Mr. & Mrs. Thoms
came to tea.
15 Bright frosty morning & nice day.
16 Ethel went to SS meeting at the parsonage. George
went to school meeting.
Jan. 17 Very wet & sloppy. None of us at Church. The children did not go to SS.
18 Turned cold. Nellie came in the evenin
19 Ethel & Nellie went in the afternoon to dress the Xmas tree.
Weall went but G. & baby in the evening & had a fairly
good tree & entertainment. Cold night.
20 Raw E. wind. I called at Vincent's. George got a bl.
of apples from Ladells. Nellie walked home.
21 George went to Hay's with Mr. Thoms & got a lot of thi
22 More snow. George went to Huntsville with Herb Ladell.
Ethel & Charlie went to Thomses to tea.
23 Baby poorly with croup. Ethel was at home this afternoon
& is not going to work at Ladells any more. Cold.
24 Very col
25 Cold snap continues. Ethel went to see Mrs. Zavitz.
Baby is very feverish & troubled with earache.
26 A little milder. Eva at home with cold. I got letter
from Meaford at last.
27 We washed. George went to see Mr. Gervin & rode with
Mr. Smith. softer.
28 Stormy. Children have bad coughs. Mrs. Vincent came
in for a while.
29 I have caught the cold now. Nice day we took a walk.
30 Lovely day.
31 Another nice day. I did not go out much but the others
went to SS & Church.
Feb 1 Lovely day. We washed & scrubbed and had a walk. Mrs.Dodd called &
2 Nice day. Father came and Ethel & baby rode with him
& called at Kennedays. Laura Thoms came to stay a few
3 Lovely day. Ethel & Laura had a walk.
Feb. 4 Mrs. Forrest & I went to Dodds & spent the day. We
are having frosty mornings & sunny days.
5 Fine Presbyterian concert. Laura, Ethel, Charlie
& Eva went. Louie & Connie Thoms called for them.
6 Mild & snowy turned wet. Charlie shot the cat.
7 Thaw. Ethel & Laura went to Church in the morn to
the Pres. Church in the afternoon & to Forrests for
tea. They called in on their way to evening service
with Mrs. & Minnie Forrest & Laura said goodbye
as she is going home tonight.
8 A little shaper. I called at Vincents & found Mrs.
Vincent poorly with cold. We commenced to get 1
qtof milk a day from the Vincents.
9 Nice day. we washed. Jim Snell brought a load of
straw. G. paid him for it. G. was at the meeting
at the hall tonight.
10 Fine day. I called at Forrests & met the Thomses
11 Called to see Mrs. Vincent who is no better.
12 Stormy all day. George started to go to Aspdin but got
no further than Ladells. E. & I wrote to Nellie for
her birthday.
13 Clear & sharp. The Mitchells called. I received a
piece of Cousin Frank's wedding cake. Ethel called at
14 Sunday. St. Valentine's day. Mild & snowy.
15 Nice day. George went up to Aspdin with Ladell's horse &
took Joe Clarke's insurance.
16 Fine day. George went to Utterson. Beautiful moonlight
tonight. Mrs. Forrest went to a concert in Huntsville
with Mr. Smith.
17 Nice day. Began to get a pint of milk daily from
Mrs. Watson.
18 Fine. Laura & Louie Thoms called & invited G & me
there for tomorrow. Tom Howard brought a load of hay.
19 Sharp & clear. George Thoms came for us but the Forrests
could not go on account of colds. Mr. Thoms brought
us back at night.
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Violet scalded. 1897 ...117
Feb. 20 Raw wind. came on a terrible storm in the evening
Charlie went over to Thomses & is not back yet. He
stayed all night.
21 Charlie came home. Fine again. Ethel went to Church t
22 I took a fit of trembling at night & we sent for
Mrs. Brown but I was better before morning & she went
23 Snowy. Ethel scrubbed our room. The cheese factory
meeting was very successful & Mr. Thoms came back to
tea with George. Service at night in aid of the India
famine. Ethel only went from here.
25 Concert at Utterson but very slimly attended.
26 Very cold 35 below at night. Ethel went home with
Mr. Smith & got back in good time.
27 Stormy all day. Old Mrs. Mainhood's funeral. I finished
28 Cold wind. Ethel and Charlie went to Church in the
evening, very cold night 31 below.
March 1 Cold & blustering. I wrote to Connie & Nellie.
Mr. Vincent called in the evening.
2 Fine day. Ethel washed in the afternoon & baby got
scalded but thanks to some oil of Mr. Brymer's she
is nearly all right. George went to the club.
3 Ash Wednesday. Ethel went to the meeting at parsonage in
the afternoon & to church in the evening. George went
to a special lodge meeting at the Hall. Snow is
getting deep a fresh fall this morning.
4 Roads keep too bad for Lucy to come this week.
5 Soft cheese factory meeting.
6 Cold. George went to Lancelot with Mr. Smith
7 Sunday, lovely day. The children went to SS & Ethel
only went to church twice.
8 Soft. we baked & washed. Baby has a billious attack
& has to be nursed. Brymer girls called.
9 Wet day. baby not much Better. I sent a letter to Nellie.
16 Father & mother came. Fine & sharp.
17 Lovely day. The children can play out of doors. Ethel went to church at
18 Gloomy.
19 Thaw & rain.
21 Sunday. two services. nice day.
Mrs. Forrest & Minnie called on their way to church.
22 George's birthday. Father came & brought 6 bags of
23 Gloomy but mild. George went to Utterson after dinner
to unload flour.
24 Snow storm. Mrs. Chester called also Mr. Goring.
Mrs. Forrest came in on the way to church.
25 Fine but cold wind. G. went to see Bob Brown. La Grippe
at Forrests.
26 Lovely mild day. Ethel took the children to Kennedav's
but found them away. I had a walk.
27 Lovely day. Cheese factory meeting at the Hall again.
Lodge tonight.
GRANDMOTHER'S DIARY Kathleen born 1897 ...119
March 28 Sunday. Fine. Mother, Ethel & Charlie went to
church in the evening.
29 Began to get a quart of milk from Watsons.
Fine & warm again. Thawing fast.
30 Lovely day. Ethel washed. Lucy drove over here.
The Mithcells called. I did not feel very well.
Watson's for milk $1.15.
31 The cow calved. We got milk from Watsons & Vincents
for the last time today.
1 We are having a number of lovely days & the snow is going
fast. Mrs. Brown & Mrs. Forrest called.
2 Old Mr. Kay was buried & George was a bearer.
3 Nice day. The cow is giving a nice lot of milk.
we did not keep the calf. Minnie Forrest called &
4 Mother, Ethel & the children went to Church in the
morning & G & E in the evening. Mrs. Vincent called.
5 Minnie & Mabel Forrest came & got some milk.
6 I was taken sick in the night & about 1 o'clock in
the day baby was born, another little girl, she
cries a bood bit.
Ethel washed.
7 Baby did not let us have much sleep last night.
Mrs. Chester called. Ethel went to the meeting at
the parsonage & Mrs. Forrest came up for a moment
to see me on her way home. They talk of having a p
8 Baby continues cross. Mrs. Vincent came up to see her
She has less hair than any of my other babies had.
9 Cold & windy. George has a sick headache. Baby is
sleeping much better which is a comfort. Laura &
Louie Thoms came to see me. snowy night.
10 Fine morning. baby slept very well all night.
12 Baby sleeps most of the time. Fine day.
April 13 Very wet. Ethel washed. Mrs. Chester called in the
evening but had to go home again almost at once.
14 Drizzly again. Mrs. Forrest came to see me. George
went to Utterson & took Creaser's insurance.
15 Cold night but fine day. George went to see Bullin
about hay. Mrs. Vincent came to see me. I got up
today for the first.
16 Gloomy turned wet. Good Friday. Mother & George went
to Church. Mrs. Chester called.
yesterday. Baby sleeps fairly well & does not cry
much. Mrs. Mitchell & Minnie Forrest came to see me.
I did not feel so well.
18 Easter Sunday, fine with high soft wind. The Brymer
twins came to see baby also Mrs. Clarke & Bertha.. I
came downstairs for the first time.
19 Blew cold with rain & snow. Miserable day. Ethel
washed. George went to Utterson to unload flour.
20 Cold wind but fine. Lucy came and took mother home.
21 Nice day. Baby sleeps badly these nights. George went
to Falkenburg. Got some hay from Hugh Brown.
22 Warm high wind. I went out for the first. Mrs. Dodd
came to see me. Min Forrest called for butter.
23 Very sultry, wet afternoon. Charlie v/ent to a Taffy
pull at Hudson's.
24 Wet. Children all sick with colds. Lodge night.
25 Wet Sunday. children stayed in all day. Nellie's
birthday. Baby sleeps very well.
26 Wet and cold. children had to stay in.
27 Fine but cold wind. Ethel & Charlie washed.
28 Nice warm day. Eva went to school again. I went up
to Ladells & took Louie & Violet. & got myself a hat.
29 Windy turned cold. George went up to Brunel to buy
bark. I called at Vincents.
30 Nice mild day. G. went to Brunei. I had a walk. Baby
poorly with the thrush. Lucy sent some onions with
Mr. Forrest.
Typed April 18, 1976 Carol Aellen
May 1 Gloomy but no rain.
2 Fine & cool. G & I & the children went to Church in
the morning. SS is in the morning now.
3 Lovely day. Ethel & I took baby for a walk in the
5 George walked to Falkenburg. I called at Chesters.
6 George went to Huntsville as a witness (?) Ethel and
the children went to a Taffy party at Jones'es. G.
walked home & got here late. Mr. & Mrs. Forrest were
here in the evening.
7 Cool & fine. baby is not better of the thrush and is
very cross today. George & C. went trolling & caught
1 fish. Ethel went to Lancelot for a few days.
9 Warm. I went for a walk with the children. Turned
wetat night. I called at Vincents.
in the afternoon. G. got back very tired.
11 G. gardening. E. washed, fine & dry.
12 My birthday was not celebrated at all. Heavy rain after
dinner. The Thoms girls called in the evening.
Ladells, G went to see Jim Brown and Mr. Thoms. Minnie
Forrest & Mrs. Brown called.
15 George & C. went over the lake to see some people but G.
did no business. C. & Cyril Thoms went to fathers &
had dinner. Cool & bright - the children Keep catching
colds, the weather is so changeable.
16 Nice day. We had baby christened and Mr. & Mrs. Forrest & Laura Thoms were
tea. Herbert came in the morning&stayedtillaftertea.
17 Lovely day - we washed. baby takes a good deal of
nursing. Mr. Mitchell called.
May18Ironed & cleaned the pantry. Colder,
19 Fine but cool. We cleaned the sitting room. rain in
the evening.
20 Wet day cleaned the dining room.
21 Nice day. cleaned the kitchen which finished up the housecleaning.
22 George's & Charlies eyes are sore still, Mabel Forrest
came & nursed baby. (POLLEN ALLERGY???)(Query aca)
23 Sunday, Wet cool. I went to Church in the evening.
Terry Hord (?) stayed with Ethel.
24 Cloudy & cool. Clara came & went with Ethel & the children
to the picnic. George heard of his mother's death.
25 Clara went home. .We washed d
- Mr. Hughes came ± plowed the
and cold.
28 Wet & cold. Ethel went to meeting of SS teachers.
George's eyes are getting better but Charlie's don't
seem to mend.
in the morning and Ethel at night.
June 1 Cold last night but nice day. George Hughes finished
the garden & charged $1.50.
2 Like rain. Mr. Hughs came & sowed grass seed. Mrs. Forrest
called & went to C.W.A.S. meeting with Ethel. Mrs. Vincent
came in a while. G. went to Huntsville and bought a horse.
3 Andrew Hood brought us a tiny little pig which got out.
hada son also Mrs. Alex Kerr.
5 Like rain.
June 6 Sunday. I went to SS wet afternoon. this rainy weather is
going to ruin the crops if it continues. I went to Church
at night. Ethel has the mumps.
8 We washed. Mrs. Forrest & Mrs. Marshall called.
9 Ethel ironed. Ton Howard & S. Proudfoot called. Damp day.
11 George went to Huntsville but did not get back. Took
the cow away.
12 Nice day. George got back with the pony. it is named
13 Hot. I went to Church in the morn & G. & E in the
evening. We went to see the steamer (?) Crat (?)
14 George went to Raymond & bought some hay get back at
10 at night.
15 Father did not come. George & baby & I went to tea at
Forrests. G went up to the Henry's in the afternoon.
Harmil (?) brought Lucy home.
16 Laura Thoms came to make me a skirt and brought Aggie
Ladell. Father came and took Eva & Louie home.
17 Warm day. George was away all day in Brunel. Laura
went home & I walked up to Ladells with her.
Mrs. Dodd & Tom came to tea but did not stay late.
Charlie went to a concert in Utterson.
18 Lovely day. George at home. I saw Dr. Howland in the
boat about my hands, he is going to send me some
medicine. Ethel went to a party at Galls with the
Forrests & did not get home till 4.30.
to the Council meeting. One of the N.L. Companys teams
is drawing wood for us from the mill.
20 Cool & fine. Ethel & Charlie went to jubilee service
at Utterson I went to Church at night. Mrs. Clarke &
Elie came.
(Queen Victoria)
June 21 Father brought the children home. we washed & baked.
Fine and cool.
22 Diamond Jubilee. Ethel went to a picnic at Bullen's
& the rest of us went to one here. an excursion from
Huntsville came, we had a lovely day. There was a
great show of bunting.
23 Ethel did not get back till evening. very hot & like
rain. G. rode up to Howards after tea and just got
home before a heavy thunderstorm came up.
24 Very hot but turned cooler in the evening. Herbert
& Will Gall were here to tea.
25 Fine & cool. George went to Brunel. School closed.
Charlie went on an errand for Mr. Vincent. George has
got the booth for Dominion Day.
26 George & C, have gone to Brunel by boat. got back
after dinner & Cyril Thoms with them.
27 Bright with cool wind. G. & I went to Church in the
evening, I am taking the 2nd bottle of medicine from
Dr. Rowland.
28 Hot day. We washed I went over to Forrests & paid my
arrears to C.W.A.S. George went to Ufford on
horseback, got home to tea.
29 Ironed. Minnie Forrest called. wet day.
30 Busy baking for picnic & for Galls who came to tea.
July 1 Hot. we all went to the picnic which went off well.
2 Very hot. Churned. Charlie hoeing potatoes. George
wentup to Lynch's. Laura Thoms called.
3 Ethel walked home. Mrs. A. Ladell came to Thomses
from Texas. Very hot.
4 Very hot. 104 in the shade. Ethel'& Nellie came
5 Still hot. Thunder storm threatened but passed over.
Nellie & I & the children went to bathe.
6 A little cooler. I went up to Ladells. Nellie & I
went to Jenners in the evening.
7 Very hot. Nellie ironed & Ethel baked for picnic.
July 8 Presbyterian excursion. Ethel & Nellie & Charlie went
& Nellie got off at Huntsville and went home. Very hot
and dusty. I wish it would rain.
9 Hot alittle like rain in the even. George went to Brunel
after tea. Got back late.
10 Hot day. I took the children for a bathe.
11 Much cooler with light showers. The children & I went
to Church in the morn & G. & E. at night.
12 Fine & cool. no rain. George went to Utterson half
a day to unload salt. The children & I went to Thomses
to see Ada.
13 We washed. Cloudy & cool. showery in the evening. I
went to Forrests.
15 Hot. The children & I got some gooseberries. We went to
see Mr. Smiths boat launched. Louie Forrest christened
it & it was named the "Gem".
16 Hot. George & I went over the lake to Galls. Nellie
was there.
17 Hot day & so dry. We all except G. went for a trip
around the lake in Mr. Smith's boat in the evening.
18 Fine & hot. G & the children & I went to Church in the
20 A storm came up but passed away without rain. Went to
pick raspberries but they are late & scarce. Mabel
Forrest & Maud B. called in the evening. George went
up to the locks in the steam boat.
up from toothache.
22 Lucy brought Mrs. Harmion & children. We had heavy
storms but they got home pretty dry I think.
23 Ethel & Charlie went to a party at Forrests. Charlie
got sick and had to come home.
July 25 Showery. I went to church in the morning and Ethel
at night. George had a bad sick headache.
26 Fine & cool. Charlie & I went to the swamp & got 10
qts of huckleberies. G & I went to Forrests in the
27 Wet day
28 Very wet. we washed.
29 Fine & cool. George went to Ufford. Duncan, Minnie
& Mabel Forrest came to tea. Mcclure & the Clarke boys
came in the evening to take some affidavits.
30 Mrs. Forrest was taken ill. I went to see her in the
evening. Part at Dodds. Mrs. Hood called in the
evening. Rain at night.
31 Fine day. Herbert came & Ethel went back with him.
August 1 Sunday. I could not go to Church.
2 Charlie & the Thoms boys went to the swamp but got very
few berries.
3 Cloudy. Charlie & I washed. Eva & Louie went to
Clarkses. I went to see Mrs. Forrest. Flossie Clarke
& Ethel Allman called. G. went up the lake.
huckleberries. Ethel came back.
5 Hot. Charlie went berry picking with the Vincents.
Flossie Clarke & Ethel Allman came to tea and went to
a lecture at the Pres. church afterwards.
6 Charlie, Eva & I went to the island to pick berries.
7 Hot.
8 Hot. G. & I went to Church inthe morn. George went
to Thomses. Mrs. Vincent came. I called to see Mrs.
Forrest in the evening.
9 George went up the lake in the steamboat. Ethel & Charlie
wentto the swamp. I went up to Ladells.
10 They washed. a thoroughly wet day. Tom Young came and
brought Jessie.
11 We had our S.S. picnic. It rained a little. we went in
the boat around the lake.
August 12 Cool.
13 G. went to Lynch's. Ada Ladell & Jessie Thoms &
Ada's children came to spend the afternoon. G. is up late.
14 Ethel went home she rode with the Hares. Rain at night.
15 Sunday. I did not get to Church as Ethel did not come
back on account of the storm & heavy rain.
15 Cool & gloomy. Ethel came back. I went with Mrs. Vincent
to the swamp & got some berries.
1 7 Cloudy & cool, Ethel & Charlie went to get rasp berries
but got none, George is doing road work. I went with
Mrs. Forrest to call on Mrs. Johnson at Smith's.
18 Showery all day. G. finished road work. Lucy did not
19 Lucy came & took us home with her. she got some berries
in the swamp.
20 Nice day. Violet got lost & we had quite a search for
21 Violet & I went to Huntsville with Mother. I got a
new boiler.
22 Cool. I went to Church & heard Mr. French.
23 Father drove me to Herberts place.
25 Mother went to Fearens to get the children but their
grandma would not let them go.
26 Lucy drove us home & got some berries. George & I
wentto a party at the Thomses.
27 Ethel & I & baby went to Mr. Smith's & had a trip in the
boat. A cold cloudy evening.
28 Mrs. Forrest is ill again & had Dr. Bridgland. Mrs. Gall
& children called. Will & Henry Gall were here to tea.
29 Fine morning but wet evening. I called to see Mrs. Forrest.
G. & I went to Church.
30 Fine. Ethel washed. Charlie & I went to pick blackberries.
G. went to Lancelot.
31 George went to see Dodds etc. I called to see Mrs. Forrest.
Sept. 1 George & Charlie went duck shooting. I went to Ladells.
2 Warmer & dryer.
3 George & Charlie went up to the lake about bark.
5 A Sunday with no service. I took the children for a
walk. Hot.
6 Hot & like rain. Ethel washed.
7 George, Louie & I went to Falkenburg on the train. Cool.
children to bathe.
9 Hotter. Tommy Caswell was here to dinner. Violet & I went
to Forrests.
10 We got a basket of plums from Forrests. Ada Ladell & Laura
called. Ada is going home soon. Sultry turned wet.
11 We had a nice rain which cooled the air. Ethel went
home yesterday.
12 Ethel came home before tea & G, & I & the children went
to Church. We had a clergyman from Hamilton.
13 G. & C. went up to Mainhood's. I went to see Mrs. A.
Ladell off but was too late.
15 Warmer. I had a letter from Nellie Gibson telling of
Lizzie's death. (Elizabeth, daughter of William & Annie
Gibson at Meaford?)
16 Damp & sultry. blew cold at night. Got the goods from
17 Cold wind. but sunny. Charlie shot the first partridge
of the season. Herbert was here to tea.
18 Mr. Hay came to measure bark. Eva & I went to Ladells.
19 Sunday cool. I went to Church in the morn. Mr.
Geaghan preached.
20 Cold north wind. We are constantly missing the cow.
Sept. 21 Cold. Ethel washed. Charlie went tup to Seeley's
George insured Nickason's school.
22 Warmer. Mr. Hay & George went up the lake in the
steamer & to Huntsville. Mother came & brought Robbie
23 G. went up the lake to see Byron Seeley. Lovely warm
days & cool nights.
24 School holiday. G. & the children dug the potatoes.
about 12 bags. warm.
25 Hot day & so dry & dusty. G. sold a plow to Mr. Brennan.
Mabel Forrest came & nursed baby for me.
26 G & I & the children went to church. & Charlie stayed
with baby.
27 Ethel came home.
28 She washed. Charlie is staying from school with a sore
29 Ethel went to Church to decorate for a little while &
I went after dinner. I brought Laura & Louie Thoms
back to tea.
30 Very fine & dry.
October 1 Lovely day, George, Ethel & Charlie went to Utterson Fair.
2 Cooler. George went to Utterson & saw Mr. Hay. Cyril
Thoms was here to tea & to shoot with Charlie.
3 Fine day. Harvest festival. Father & Uncle Thos. came
to church & to spend the afternoon. I was very pleased
to see him. I stayed home in the evening.
5 Washed. Mr. H. Petman came to dinner. Geo. went to insure
Somerset barn. Turned wet at last & we had a good rain.
6 Colder. Laura Thoms came to sew for a few days. She & I
wentto Ladells in the evening.
7 Cold Wind. Mr. Hay called.
8 Laura is still here.
9 Mr. Hay was here to dinner. Laura left in the evening.
McClure called to show her how to do the tent.
Oct. 10 Ethel went to Church & S.. I did not go. We had a
walk in the afternoon.
11 Charlie had Cyril Thoms to spend the day but it was
rather showery. The Mitchells called. Charlie got
a book from Connie.(Age14,Birthday)
12 We washed. Ethel spent the even Terry.
13 Louie has a bad cough. Warm.
14 Warm & summer like. The children & I called at
15 Quite hot. George oiled his tent. Ethel & Eva went
to Thomses.
16 Warm wet day.
17 I went to Church in the morning. A new student for the
Pres. Church has come. Colder.
18 G. sold a sewing machine to Joe Marshall. Washed & baked.
19 Nice mild day. Mr. & Mrs. Thoms & Connie & Mr. & Mrs.
Forrest came to tea & we spent a pleasant evening.
20 G. & C. went hunting. I went to Ladells in the evening.
21 Very wet day. baby is poorly with cold.
22 Nellie came & Ethel walked home with her. nice day.
23 Fine. Charlie went to the Thomses. George went up
to Brunei by boat from Gealls.
24 Fine but foggy even. Ethel came home & I went to Church
at night.
25 E. washed. Mr. Goring & Vincent were boarding the
dining room ceiling.
26 They finished the ceiling. Ethel cleaned her room.
Lovely weather.
27 Mrs. Vincent called.
28 Mr. Goring came & fixed the wood shed.
29 Cold again we have had no snow yet but a few flakes.
31 Sunday. Louie & I went to church in the morn & G. & E.
at night. Cold & gloomy. Mr. Forrest came.
NOVEMBER 1 Hunting season began disastrously, two of the Parkers
were drowned trying to pull a deer out of the water. Wet
2 Cold & damp. George went down the river with Mr. Vincent
to try to recover the body of G. Parker.
3 Mr. Forrest & Mr. Vincent got all ready & came over to
start on their hunt but Bob Brown did not come. They
had a hunt but were unsuccessful.
this morning. There were 6 in all not counting the
dogs. Cleaned our room.
5 Fine but wet night. E. cleaned passage upstairs. The
two Parkers were buried today. Laura & Connie Thoms
called & Lucy Hares. Baby was cross.
6 Baby is sick with diaharreah. First snow of any
consequence but it did not lie on the ground.
7 Baby poorly I stayed at home. Mr. Brymer called &
gave me some powders for her.
8 Snowy all day the ground is white tonight. We expected
to hear from the campers but were disappointed.
They came back bag & baggage. It was too wet & cold
for camping.
9 They went out hunting but got nothing. G. has a bad
cold. Cleaned the sitting room.
10 They were out all day but Ada Watson shot their deer.
I went to Ladells in the morning. A little snow on
the ground.
11 Wet, we cleaned & papered the dining room. Charlie was
out but got 0. Mr. Thoms came here & stayed tea.
12 We finished the dining room & cleaned pantry. Colder,
G & C went out but got nothing.
13 Messrs Forrest & Vincent came back with some venison
& G & C got nothing.
15 They (the party) had a run but did not get the deer. G
& the children have bad colds. I went to Ladells.
16 E. washed. I felt very poorly in the evening.
Nov. 17 Better in the morning. I called at Forrest. G went up
the lake to Cotterells.
18 Cold & gloomy. Mrs. Chester, Miss McNaughton & Minnie
Forrest came to tea but Mrs. Chester's evening was
spoiled by having to run home after the children
every little while. Allan Mclnnis killed the pig it
weighed 150 lbs.
19 Snow on the ground & snow falling all day. We
cleaned the kitchen & papered it. G & I went for a
tramp in the wood, & came back exhausted. We cut up
the pig.
20 Turning soft. Finished the Kitchen. Joe Marshall sent
his machine back.
21 Sunday. Thawy but turned cold. G. & C. & I went to
church in even.
22 We heard of the death of Lawrence's baby.
23 Washed. Mrs. Forrest & Minnie called on their way to
the funeral. Cold wind.
24 I went down to Falkenburg & did some shopping had to
walk from Utterson as the stage left me. G came & met me.
25 Roads are icy & a little snow makes slipping for
Jumpers (?). Thanksgiving Day Ethel walked home.
Charlie has gone to a concert at the Hall.
26 It rained all day & melted the snow then froze at night.
27 Fine but cold. The S.S children met at the hall. Ethel
came back in the evening. A strange man was here to
dinner. He holds an entertainment at Utterson tonight.
G. & Charlie gone.
28 The children & I went to Church in the morning & G. &
E. & C. at night.
29 Snowy day G & C went out after a deer in the afternoon
but did not see it. Mr. Newson was here to dinner.
30 E. washed. we are getting plenty of snow now.
Dec. 1 More snow. Mrs. Forrest called & went with me to meeting
at the parsonage. G went to Allenville & sold a sleigh
to Morrison.
2 Snowy. George went to see Bob Brown.
Dec. 3 A school holiday. The children & I went up to Ladells
It was a nice day. There was a shooting match at
4 G & I went for a ramble. The S.S. children met at
the hall to practice.
5 Nice day. I did not go to Church or S.S.
6 Father came, he is coming for the children before Xmas.
turned windy.
7 Mild day, good sleighing. C. washed. Maud Brymer came
to practice on the organ. Ethel made her birthday cake.
8 Ethel's birthday. Laura & Louie & Cyrial Thoms came
to spend the evening & Louie stayed for a few days.. Nice
day & good sleighing. The children, Louie & I went up
to Ladells in the evening.
9 We cleaned stove pipes.
10 Raining fast & the snow is going.
11 Snow nearly gone turned cold at night. Ethel & the
children went to practice.
12 Sunday. Louie & I went to Church in the morning &
had a walk after noon. She & Ethel went to Church at
night & she went home.
13 I went up to Ladells & the Mitchells came back with me
for a call we found Mr. Thoms here. He did not see
George so he came in the evening & bought a sleigh.
Snow almost gone.
14 Wet soft weather. I called at Forrests.
15 A little more soft snow.
16 Soft still I went up to Ladell's & got some Xmas presents.
17 Snowy. Geo. had a shooting match & got a turkey for
18 Cold N wind, sleighing again. Herbert came to dinner.
I went to practice with the children. cold night.
19 G. & I & Eva went to Church at night very cold night about
20 below zero.
20 E. washed & I made Xmas puddings. George went to
Utterson at 10.30 at night to see Mr. Stevens. he stayed
the night in Utterson & got back next morning.
21 Good sleighing again.
Dec. 22 Last day of school I went to the school. Eva & Louie
got prizes.
23 Lucy came & took Ethel & the two little girls home,
turned very cold.
24 Busy preparing for Christmas very cold day. Baby
25 Much milder & snowing. C & I went to Church & George
cooked the Xmas dinner. I took Violet out for a
sleigh ride after dinner & called at Chesters.
Mrs. Chester asked us all to spend the evening there which
we did & had quite an enjoyable evening.
26 Sunday. G. & I went to church at night.
27 Sharp & Fine. Ethel & Clara came back. E. went
to practice at McEntyres.
28 Mr. McInnis was here making some doors in the evening.
Teeny (?) Hood, Mr. Cranston & McEntyres came to
practice. We got 3 nice Xmas Nos. from England also
a letter from Connie.
29 Mild & snowy. E & C washed & I baked. Charlie went
to spend the day at Thomses. Ethel went to a Concert
in Brunel with the Hoods.
30 The weather is alternately cold & stormy.
31 Jessie Thoms & the 3 boys & Mable & Louie Forrest
spent the evening here. Laura & Louie came for them.
There was a dinner at the Hall. Duncan Forrest came home.
Jan. 1 New Years day was very cold. Father did not bring the
children. Ethel & I went to the practice at the Hall.
Mrs. Forrest & Duncan called in the evening & brought
baby a cap and gaiters.
2 Sunday very cold & stormy. I did not go to church.
3 Cold. Father brought the little girls home. The
new school teacher arrived & went to Jones'. He called
here to see George.
4 Raw. Clara went to Galls, The children started school.
George 8
c Charlie are at the club meeting.
5 E. washed. I called to see Mrs. Vincent.
6 George got his money from England. Ethel went to a
concert at Utterson. S.O.S.
January 7 George went to Bracebridge & Falkenburg and got his
8 We had quite a bustle. It was Cheese Meeting day &
Mrs. Hares called & Mr. Johnson brought Mabel, they were
here to ten also Allan McInnis who was putting up
a new closet. We bought a quarter of beef from Jim
9 The children & I went to Church in the morn & G. E. &
C. at night. I called at Forrests,
10 There is skating on the lake by Ladells.
11 George went to Falkenburg. The children and I went to
the Pres. Xmas tree & had a pleasant time. G. did
not come. We got 6 bags of flour.
12 Turned wet rained all day. George came back having
gone to Huntsville. Mr. Smith called about the S.S.
13 Frozen up this morning. We heard that Mrs. Wm. Gall has
a baby.
14 Mrs. Hood called & Mrs. Gall & Gladys & Dorothy came
at the same time. Mr. Smith called in the morning.
Mrs. Forrest came to see me about the S.S. treat on
15 Practise at the Hall.
16 A lovely day. George & I went to Church in the
evening Mr. Price came after Church and stayed till
12 p.m.
17 Cold wind. (Milder) I went to Laddells in the evening.
E. washed.
18 Lovely day. Charlie got hurt on the head at school
sleighriding. We had the children here for practicing
for the Xmas tree. Mr. Corm's (?) bought a sleigh
from George. Mr. Smith came to see how the practice
wentoff. Ethel went skating. I sent off a checque
to the Children's Hospital.
19 Beautiful morning, trees covered with hoar frost. We
had practice here again. Mr. H. Somerset came to practice.
20 Stormy but mild.
January 21 Violet's birthday. She had Willie Chester, Elsie
Jones & Louie & Theo Vincent here. Practise at the
hall in preparation for tomorrow.
22 Mild day. I went to the hall to help get it ready.
There were several men there & the hall looked quite
nice decorated with flags & evergreens & the tree
was also pretty, I went home at 4.30 & Laura Thoms
Came with me & Ethel & she & the children went to
the hall to get tea while Geo. baby & I did not go
till after tea. The Lodge was held here at night.
The performance went off very well & the Bishop came
after a time with the Mitchells. he is rather small &
clean shaven & he seems a very earnest man. They
did not get home till 11.30.
23 About a foot of snow fell in the night & Mr. Smith
had to get the snow plow out & make roads through the
village. There was a confirmation in the morning.
Ethel went. G & C & I went at night. Mr. Price was
here to tea.
24 Mr. Cousins came & signed notes for sleigh.
25 George went to Toronto today. mild. E. washed &
I went up to Ladells.
26 I wrote to George.
27 Snowed hard. Mr. Thoms brought Connie to stay a
few days. very cold night.
28 Cold. Connie & I went to Ladells. George came home
a day sooner than we expected him. Cold night.
29 Cold day and plenty of snow. The children all got
new dolls.
30 Sunday. Mr. Price & Mr. Vincent came in for a while.
Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Forrest came to tea.
31 Very cold. Duncan F. went away.
Feb. 1 Very cold N. wind. Mr. Price called.
2 I went to Ladells & called at Mitchells. Mr. Thoms
3 E. washed had to dry clothes indoors. Mr. Vincent &
Mr. Price came to tea. cold.
4 Much milder after the long cold snap. George & I went
to Forrests to tea.
5 Soft snow. George went to Aspdin to attend Mrs. Wm.
Crompton's funeral.
Feb. 6 A nice sharp morning with white frost. Ethel went
to Church in the morning & G & I at night. Mr. Price
came after Church.
7 A nice mild day. Father came & took Ethel back.
Mrs. Dodd called & asked me to go there on Thurs.
8 Lovely day. soft. Mrs. Vincent called. Geo. went
to Utterson.
9 Thawing & damp. Geo went to Hville with Herb Ladell
& Mr. Price. Ethel did not come back. G. got the
children some school hoods & some baking tins.
10 Tom Dodd came and took Mrs. Forrest & me, Eva & Rog
to spend the day. Ethel came.
13 Ethel, Charlie & I went to church at night. Mr. Price
came after church as usual.
14 We washed. Fine.
16 Cold N. wind. Mrs. Bob Brown came to see George,
he lent her $7.00.
18 A lovely day. Mrs. Wm. Gall called to show me her
baby. We all but Ethel & the 2 babies went to a
concert at the hall & wax works show.
19 Nice day. I went out with the children.
20 Stormy. I went to church in the morning and Ethel
& Charlie at night.
21 Very stormy. We expect the Thomses to come for us today. Laura
a pleasant evening & got home about 12. V/e commenced
to get milk from them.
22 We washed, snowy these days. Mr. Price was here to tea
wentto the club after.
23 The children & I went up to Ladells & rode home with
the Thomses. Mr. Price went away.
24 Snows a little every day.
25 Mr. & Mrs. Gall & baby & Mrs. Dodd & Tom were here
to tea.
Feb. 26 Lovely morning but turned stormy. I am making Louie
a dress.
27 G & I went to Church in the evening.
28 Nice day.
March 1 Lovely day I went to Clarkes & stayed tea. Election
day causes considerable excitement. The Grist got
in again. Mabel Clarke came back with me & Mr. Brymer
pulled a tooth for her.
2 Mrs. Forrest called & Ethel went to the C.W.A.S.
meeting. Mrs. Thoms came & stayed till after the
service at Church. I received a letter from Annie
asking to borrow $25. G. went to Utterson to meet
3 Sent Annie Cheque for the amount. I went to Ladells.
4 Lovely days. Charlie has sore eyes.
5 I took the children for a walk to Jenners. Bob is no
6 Lovely day. G & I went to Church twice. Ethel went
to Thomses & home with them as they went to the swamp
7 Ethel walked back in the afternoon.
8 Washed - George & Charlie went on a lynx hunt but
saw a deer instead. Ethel went to church in the evening.
9 Thawing fast the roads are going. I went to Church
at night & played the organ.
10 Turned wet. Geo went to a sale at Aspdin.
11 The snow is going fast.
12 Mr. Thoms called in the morning.
13 Sunday. heavy rain turned cold & windy. Ethel &
14 Lovely day Ethel washed. Herbert came to see George.
15 Mrs. McKechnie called she was staying at Chesters.
It thundered & lightened quite heavily.
16 Connie's birthday. fine weather.
March 17 George went to Johnsons & sold them a harrow. Lucy
came & brought us some potatoes, we did not go back
with her. Herbert came & brought Sweezy to see Geo.
18 Cloudy. George went to Dodds & sold them a buggy.
19 Wet day. Mrs. Forrest & Miss Leyman called in the
20 Nice day. The roads aredrying up. I went to Church
in the morning & G & E at night.
21 E washed
22 Turned wet. Mr. Johnson brought our potatoes. The
children & I went to Ladells. George's birthday.
rain at night turned cold.
23 In the morning we expected the Thoms girls to tea
but they did not come. I went to church at night &
practice, sharp frost.
24 Nice day & frosty night. The cow calved in the woods
& we did not get her.
25 Charlie & Geo hunted the cow all day & C. found her
in the evening & brought them both home.
26 Like rain. Jessie & Cyril Thoms called. The practice
at the Hall fell through. Lodge tonight.
27 Sunday. Wet day. G & I went to Church at night.
28 Dark wet morning.
29 Ethel & Charlie went to Utterson to see Herbert off
but he had gone. Fine & cool.
30 Nice day. Laura & Louie Thoms came to tea & went to
Church after.
31 Fine & cold. Geo went to political meeting.
April 1 Fine & cold, river very high. I called at Forrests.
Mrs. Clarke came & stayed to tea. Ethel went to Toffee
party at Jones'es.
2 Fine & cold with fresh snow.
3 Sunday. I went to Church in the morning. windy & cold.
typed 20 April 1976 Carol Aellen
April 6 Ethel went to Ladies Aid & brought Mrs. Leonard back
to tea & then went to Church in the evening. George
went to Bullen's & sold him a harrow.
7 Cold wind but fine. George went to see John Nickason's
8 Lovely warm day. G & I & the children went to Church
it is Good Friday. Mrs. Geall brought some eggs.
10 Easter day fine & warm. I went to early Communion.
The others went to Church at night.
11 Ethel went to Hoods with Mary McEntyre. Lovely warm
weather. Minnie Forrest came home.
12 I went to a meeting at the parsonage there were quite
a number present.
14 E. cleaned Charlies room
15 Cleaned Ethel's room, warm & dry.
16 Cheese factory meeting Ethel went home with J.H. Madill.
there was quite a fire at the point above the falls.
17 Like rain. Louie & I went to Church in the morn & G
at night.
18 Very dry & windy. G went to Aspdin & sold a seed drill.
E came back.
19 High E. wind brought snow. I cleaned room over Kitchen.
20 Washed. Iwent to see Mrs. Vincent.
21 I called in at Forrests.
22 I cleaned the two front bedrooms, rain.
23 Baked & churned.
24 Sunday. G & I went to Church at night.
25 Nice day. we got two little pigs. E & I papered
two bedrooms. G went up to Dodds. G & C went to
Thoms' for the horse. Ethel went to WA meeting at the
26 Washed & papered Charlie's room. Mrs. Forrest called & E
went with her to see the Mitchells.
27 I Ironed & E. cleaned the passage & stairs.
April 28 I was busy baking for the Pink tea. Some of the members
meet at the hall at night to decorate. Like rain.
I baked some more. Mrs. Forrest & Mr. Smith called to buy
tickets for the SS children & performers.
29 Looks like rain. E. went to get tea ready in the afternoon
& at 6 we all but Geo & baby went to the Tea which with
the program went off very successfully.
30 The rain has passed off. I churned etc.
May 1 The children & I went to Church & got caught in the rain
which continued all the afternoon.
2 Fine. Ethel washed & I baked & cut some paper for
the sitting room. Mrs. Forrest called. Rain at night.
3 Wet day. E & I papered the sitting room G went to
4 We finished the sitting room and went to the W.A. meeting'
the pink cheesecloth.
5 Fine day. Clara came & took me & the 2 youngest home.
7 I went to Huntsville with Lucy and got some things &
met George there. he came to fathers in the evening
& stayed all night.
8 G went home after dinner & I went to Church.
9 Mother & I went to Herberts place to see Lizzie.
Got back about 9 p.m.
11 Severe thunder & wind storm.
12 My birthday. George & Charlie came & took us home so
here we are back again.
13 Ethel cleaned the pantry. I churned.
15 Sunday I went to Church in the morn. Hot day. took
baby out in her carriage.
16 We cleaned the kitchen which finishes the housecleaning.
17 E. washed. Minnie Forrest called.
April 18 G & C went to Father's to get a bag G left there.
Ethel went to Hood's.
19 Hot day. The cow went away. Rain at night. E. came
20 G & I went to Thoms' in the canoe caught a fish I came
back with the girls.
21 Fine day. very hot.
22 Sulty thunder storm in afteroon with copious rain. G
& I went to church at night.
23 Washed. Showery morn but got out fine.
24 A very wet showery holiday. A boat load of excursionists
came from Huntsville. We expected the Thoms girls to
tea but it was too wet.
26 Laura & Jessie Thoms came in the even.
28 Very hot. Peculiar circles were visible around the sun.
Charlie & I went to Bracebridge & got C's photo taken.
like rain.
29 Sunday. Gloomy & damp all day.
30 George & Charlie went with a party to Skeleten lake
got 3 fish.
31 Laura, Louie & Connie Thoms came to tea & Laura stayed
to do some sewing.
June 1 Hot. I went to W.A. meeting at the Forrests. Laura & I
had a walk.
2 Hotter but cool nights. Mr. Leach has gone away & the
school is closed till they get a teacher.
3 Very Hot. G & I went to Wm. Galls by lake
to Thomses. Laura went home this evening.
4 Hot & dusty. Applications are coming in for the school.
C. went to Thomses. Ethel & Louie went to Essens with
Byron Hood for a drive. Hot night.
5 Sunday. Cooler but dry & dusty. Ethel G. & C went to
June7Hotbutwehadagoodraintowardseveningwhichwasmuchneeded.I called at Whitbeys with baby
could not go to Galls. G & I went to Ladelles in even. More applications
on the milkwagon to Galls to spend the day.
Turned cold at night.
10 Wet again.
11 Gloomy & drizzly. Miss Willoughby the new
came. She called here.
12 Cloudy. Miss W. came
afterwards. She is English Church. We like her
very well.
13 Heavy rain.
14Fine.Wewashed.Itookthechildren&MissWilloughbyoutfor a walk after tea.
15 Lovely day. Charlie, Violet & I went to Galls to
tea. we saw the farm family too.
16 Lovely day. Mother came & took Ethel home. Miss W.
had a little walk with us. George went to Hville
on the boat.
17 Bright & fine. I churned. Mr. Goring came to brick
around the stove pipe in our room. George went to
Brunel about bark. Herb Ladell came at night to
get Miss W's agreement signed.
18MissWilloughbycalled & signed the agreemen
pretty busy all day. W. Gall left Gladys & Clarence
here while he went to the piggery. showery.
19 Fine day but co
in the morn. Vincent's baby was christened. We went
for a walk with Miss W. in the afternoon after Mrs.
Clarke had left.
20 Quite cold & wet.
21 Charlie & I washed. Lovely day. The children went
topickstrawberriesafterschool&gotover3qts.MissWilloughbycalled in the evening.
22 Lovely day. Geo. went up to Lynches about bark. The children went after straw
June 23 Hot day. I took Violet & Baby to visit the school &
then we went with the Forrests to the bathing place.
24 Very sultry. The Presbyterians had an excursion
up the lakes. Charlie went, no school. George went
to Falkenburg. Miss Willoughby came in after they
got back & told us about the excursion. very hot night.
wehad a good rain before morning.
25 Morning fine but wet afternoon. we did not get any
26 Wet morn but no service. It cleared up beautifully
after dinner & we all went for a walk to the cave.
Miss W. went with us. Louie & I went to Church at
27 Fine. Clara drove Ethel back. I went up to Ladells
with Clara.
28 We washed.
30 I went to Brymers with baby in the even. The Forrests
& Miss Willoughby were there playing croquet.
July 1 Fine day. we all went to the picnic. I had to bring
the younger children home early they were so trouble-
some. George & Mr. Cusson (?) ran a booth.
2 Very hot. A young ladv called to see about getting
hot night.
3 Sunday. hot day. G & I took the children to church
in the morn.
home to stay till Friday. We saw Miss Smith who
came in tonight.
6 Very hot. The children & Ethel & Nellie went for
a row with Ladells boat. I went to Forrests with
7 Louise Gall came in the morning. hot. had some
music in the evening.
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest also came. had a pleasant time.
9 Very cool. The raspberries are beginning to ripen.
Ethel went to Hoods.
July 10 Bright & cold. The children & I went to Church in
the morn. Mr. Davidson preached morning & evening.
Ethel did not get back till after Church.
11 Quite a heavy frost last night. Nice bright day.
I went with the children to get some raspberries,
got about 2 qts. Geo was busy till late putting a
rake together.
12 Hot day. I called on Mrs. Matthews. Mr. Dunkley
& son arrived & will stay all night.
13 Geo drove them to Lancelot today, they did not come
back here. I called on Miss Smith who is staying
at Smiths now.
16 Very hot & dry. I took the children bathing. The
raspberries keep us busy now.
17 I went to Church in the morn with Louie.
20 I went up to Ladells in the even.
21 Geo. Charlie & I went to Bracebridge. I had
teeth pulled while under chloroform/ Geo had 3 out
& Charlie 1 out. I had a bad headache when I got
22 Felt all right after a night's rest, very hot & dry.
23 Ethel & Charlie rowed Eva & Louie over the lake to
stay a week at Grandpas.
25 G carried water from the river & Ethel washed.
26 Very hot dry weather the ground is getting very
parched up. Mr. Smith called to see George.
27 G & I went to Bracebridge. I had the impression
taken for my teeth. We went & had dinner and in the
afternoon we went for a trip on the boat around
Muskoka Lake I got back about 10 p.m. We went to
Topps (?) & got my teeth fitted in and we came to
Utterson on the 12.40 train & then walked home,
where we arrived at 3 oclock.
Smith called, very hot day.
July 29 Party at the Thomses. Geo & Ethel went & did not
get home till 5 o'clock. I called to see Mrs.
Vincent. Cooler evening.
30 Nice day. I went up to Ladells & Clarkes.
31 Hot & dusty. I went to Church at night.
Aug. 1 Washed. Tried to get some berries but a little
shower drove us in. Turned cooler.
2 Hot. There are plenty of tourists in the village
now. George is very unwell with dysentery.
3 We had a lovely rain in the morn & then a thunder
storm in the afternoon. Clara drove the children
home & they got wet. I went up to Ladells in the
evening & saw several tourists arrive.
4 Cool & showery. George is a little better.
5 A fine morn but a little shower came. The afternoon
was fine for the pic-nic which was quite a success
& well attended. Cool
6 Nice day. we went bathing with Forrests. Mrs.
Sullivan & Aggie Ladell called.
7 Fine morn & wet afternoon I went to the Church yard
with the children & got stopped at the Church. The
children & I went to Church in the evening.
8 Fine. We got a few berries. Mrs. Thoms & Laura &
Jack came to tea. Mrs. Thoms went to see Mrs.
Vincent who is poorly.
9 Fine & cool. E. washed. I called upon Mrs. Lowdon.
10 The W.A. had a meeting at the parsonage when Miss
Montizamba addressed both the Juniors & Seniors &
wehad tea on the lawn.
11 Nellie brought Ed. Fearon & Daisy over in the boat.
They took Ethel back & she went over to Hoods.
12 Mr. Vincent took his wife to see the Dr. she seems
to be going out of her mind I am afraid. Mrs. Forrest h
came back to open school next week. Poor Mrs. Vincentismuchworse&attemp
& two of the girls are going to stay with them.
The children are with the neighbours.
Aug. 14 I was going to Church but Laura Thoms came to have
a sleep so I stayed. Afternoon I went over & sat
withMrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Vincent who is in bed.
Miss Smith & Mrs. Mitchell are going to sit up at
Toronto. Laura & Louie Thoms stayed & straightened
the house up & then came here to dinner. G got
home at noon.
16 Nice day. Mr. Vincent came back & will stay here
for a few days. I called at Smiths & saw Mrs.
Duck there.
17 G & Mr. V. went to sort the pigs. After tea G & I
went to Thoms' to see if they could take the Vincent
18 Laura & Louie Thoms came to wash at Vincents they
had dinner here.
baby home from Forrests. Mr. V. was working at the
bridge. E. went home.
called. Tvphoid at Jones'.
21 Eva & Louie & I went to a service at Ladells in the
morning. G & C went to Church at night. hot.
Mr. V. went to Somersets..
22 Ethel & Nellie walked here. E is going to make Nell
a dress. M & I went to Ladells & walked back with the
Mitchells & Louie & Jessie Thoms who came to take
Theo. V. to their house.
23 Eva & Louie had a birthday party. Mrs. Sullivan
called to say good bye.
24 We did a big ironing. Mr. Vincent & Roley Junior
(Jenner?) took Bob away. Nellie went home. Annie
Poyner is to stay with us. Rain at night.
25 Wet morn. Baby is sick. I called at Brymers.
26 I scrubbed the dining room. Mr. Brymer called
27 Baby very cross & has come out in spots. Miss
Willoughbycalled.E. came back.
28 The children & I went to Church in the morn also
Aug. 29 Violet poorly at night - but baby better. I called upon
for a walk.
30 Fine - sultry night. Ethel walked home in the
afternoon. I went up to Ladells for the nail,
our tomatoes have arrived. The children seem
31 Ethel came back, Nellie drove her. George & I went
to Bertha Clarke's wedding. It was a lovely moonlight
night and very hot. we stayed till nearly 1 a.m.
Sept. 1
2 Very hot. Ethel called at Forrest's. Mr. & Miss
Smith & Mrs. Tye & the two Miss Puddiecomb's cane
verandah all the evening.
3 Ethel and Annie scrubbed the Kitchen. After noon
E. went to Thomse's. It came up very stormy at
night. Thunder & Lightning but very little rain.
Miss Willoughby came to tea & we went to Church
with them.
5 Mr. Vincent stayed here last night & went off to
Toronto in the morn but Ethel did not go as it was
6 George & I went to Smith's to tea.
7 Ethel started to Toronto. Eva & I went as far as
Falkenburg & got some goods. I went to a party at Chesters in
8 Cool. Mr. Vincent came back & is staying here.
9 Goods arrived from Hay's.
10 Cool with frostv night.
11 Sunday. G & C went to Church at night. Annie is
12 I made crab jelly. Fine day.
13 Warm. Mr. V. is at Smiths mill. G & I went to the
Forrests with Vi & Baby.
Sept. 16 More rain, but fine evening. I went to Ladell's
after tea.
17 Fine & cool. Eva & Louie & Annie went to the Thomses
by the road. Miss Smith & her friends called in the
18 Sunday. Fine & windy. G & I & the children went to
Church at night. Mr. Vincent went to board at
McInnis' as he is to be at the mill.
19 G & C went to Thomses for a hunt. Annie & I washed
20 Cold night. bright day. I ironed went up to Ladell's
after tea with baby.
21 Annie scrubbed dining room. Mice day but cool.
22 G & I went over the lake to Father's and brought
Clara back. Warm but turned wet. Annie stayed
with the children.
23 Wet day. Clara went to decorate the church. C &
had a walk after tea.
24 Nice day. Clara & I went to decorate for the
Harvest festival. Geo & Charlie having been hunting several times b
25 Nice day. Thanksgiving service. Mr. Mitchell came
here to dinner. Clara & the children & I had a walk
withMiss Willoughby who stayed to tea. I did not
go to Church at night.
26 Wet after dinner so Clara stayed. Mr. Hay was here
to measure bark. Clara & I called on Miss Smith who
has been ill. Wrote to Nellie B. & Lizzie.
27 We washed. Clara walked home.
29 G & C. went to Thomses. G. came home and went to
vote on the Plebecite. C. stayed and shot a fawn.
30 G. gave a piece to Forrests.
Adam Watson's.
2 Fine hot day. G & I went to Church. Mr. French
Oct. 3 Wet morning. Geo. went up the lake about bark.
5 Utterson show day wet morn but cleared out in the
afternoon & was cooler. Charlie & Annie were the
only ones from this house.
6 Miss Smith called and I invited them to tea tomorrow.
Laura Thoms was here in the morning also Cyril who
was moving Mr. Vincent's furniture.
7 Fine & cool. Mr. & Miss Smith came to tea. Miss S.
is going away tomorrow.
8 Miss Willoughby came in & I had a walk with her.
frosty night.
9 Violet & I went to Church in the morn, saw Mrs.
Sullivan. Geo & I walked to Mainood's wharf
after dinner. Mr. V. came in to write letters in
the evening.
10 Nice day. G. & I went to Ladell's in the evening,
heard that Mrs. Clarke is wrong in her head. Mrs.
Taylor is a little better.
11 Heavy rain last night we washed. Charlie's (Age 15)
birthday. wet all day. Mr. Herbert Petman came
12 I was very sorry to hear of Mrs. Taylor's death
this afternoon.
13 Cold and gloomy. Charlie & I went with the Thomses
to Huntsville we called at Father's. I got a new
dress etc. We came home in the dark over the lake.
out with Mr. Vincent this afternoon & has not yet
16 Sunday. Nice warm day. G & I went to Church at
17 Katy Lever came & is making my dress. The Cheese
Factorycloses today.
19 The last pigs went today Katy Lever went home.
20 We are busy house cleaning.
21 We papered the children's roon & hall.
Oct. 22 Wet again. Annie cleaned Charlie's room & finished
the upstairs.
23 Cool & showery. We had the Bishop to consecrate
the font & confirm. The new furnace was used for
the first. Geo & I & baby called at Forrests after
24 We cleaned the sitting room. Mr. Gillespie came toseeGeorge.
25 We washed. nice warm day. Katy Lever came again
to sew. Beautiful light evening. Katy stayed
all night.
26 Wet day. I ironed. Katy went home after making
3 dresses for the children.
27 Mr. Vincent came & went hunting with Geo & Charlie
he was here to dinner & tea. We cleaning the
dining room & hall. There was about an inch of
snow this morning & it was cold all day.
28 Cold with hard frost; we cleaned the pantry.
29 Nice day. Geo went to a Church meeting. Mr. Vincent
& Wall Thoms came in the evening and brought Mr. V's
30 Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Forrest came. G & I went to
church at night.
31 Hallow'en. Mrs. Forrest, Minni & I called on
Mrs. McClure & Mrs. Clarke.
Nov. 1 Hunting season began. The three hunters went out &
2 The thomses partv joined ours and got nothing. Nice
fine weather. The children & I went up to Ladells
Got Eva & Louie new boots. Lost Peter.
3 Hunters came back tired, no venison.
Geo & I went to Forrest's to tea
5 Wet day. Geo got the hound at Flemmings. Charlie
got wet. V. did not come back. Mr. Forrest called.
6 Snowy day. I went to Church & played the organ &
stayed at home at night.
7 Forrest went out with our partv & got nothing.
venison. Our men got none.
Nov. 8 (Con't) Mr. Stevens of the Massey-Harris came to
see George & caught him in.
9 Mr. Forrest went with Geo & Chas to Dodds to hunt.
C & Mr. F. stayed all night but G came home.
lost Peter
wounded one but lost it. They had dinner here.
snow fell.
11 The men rested today cold wind. & snow. Mr. Ross
12 Nice day. Geo & Charlie were out all day got nothing.
Mr. Vincent went with Thomses & got 3 deer. Mr. &
Mrs. Mitchell called.
not go to Church. Mr. Vincent went to Beatrice.
15 G & C joined the Thoms party but got nothing. In
the evening Mr. Vincent & Mr. Gall came to see Geo.
l6 Finished washing & ironed. fine & still.
17 I went to Forrests & got Mrs. F. to go with me to
them. Mr. & Mrs. McClure & Miss Willoughby came to
called In the even.
20 The children & I went to Church in the morning. We
had a walk after dinner.
21 Annie came back.
22 We
24 Thanksgivi
in the even.
25 We cleaned the Kitchen. cold snap
26 Still
camefor the day.
Nov.27G. went to Thomses. Eva & Charlie & I went to
Church at night. Mr. Crompton took the service.
28 Mr. Clarke was here to kill the pigs. weight.
220 lbs. & 187 lbs. we sent one to Falkenburg.
Trustees meeting.
29 Miss Willoughby called to see Geo about the notice
she got to leave.
30 Two services at the Church I went in the evening.
Dec.1 Mr. Brymer & Mr. Smith both called to see Geo about
stay. Geo & C went to Dodds to hunt. Miss Ladell
came with Mabel Clarke. Snowy all day.
2 Cut up and salted the pig. Mr. Brymer called in the
evening with a Petition to the Trustees.\
5 Roads blocked with snow.
6 Fine morning. we washed and. got all the clothes out
when it began to snow and covered all the clothes
7 Snowing. Mr. Gardiner came & the Trustees had a
meeting. quite shut in with snow.
8 Could not get to the W.A. meeting. Alice Jenner
called about the school. Mr. Smith also called.
10 Mr. Taylor was here helping Geo with the books.Mrs.McNicolcameintheafternoon.Che
about going to Huntsville. Very cold night.
12 Cold day. I went to the W.A. meeting & we arranged
about the Xmas tree.
15 Snowy morning. The Thomses drove down for me & I
went with them to Huntsville & got the Xmas presents.
Dec. 16 I made puddings & mince meat.
18 Sunday. The children & I went to Church turned
cold at night.
school bags. The Forrest girls & Miss Willoughby
Thoms & Cyril also came to tea on their way from
Falkenburg. soft.
20 Miss W. & her girls were here practising club
s e w i n g . wet.
21 Thawing still. I went up to Ladells after tea.
22 Warm & Spring like rain at night. Baby & I went
to school to see the prizes given out. practise at
the hall for Xmas tree. Miss Willoughby & Minnie
F. called at tea time.
23 Mild with snow. Mr. Vincent came back. We all went
to the Xmas tree except George & baby. Miss Willoughby
came to say goodbye.
24 A lot of fresh snow. Busy with Xmas preparations.
Had the children's tree in the evening.
25 Sunday Christmas day. No morning service. Fine day. G
26 We washed. Kerb Ladell & Gardiner came to decide
on a teacher. George went to Utterson after dinner
& brought Mr. Vincent back with him.
27 Stormy. George had a shooting match. meeting at
the Hall but Father did not get out as the roads
are too heavy.
29 Fine mild day. I & Eva called on Mrs. McClure
who is going away tomorrow. We also called at the
31 Very cold day. Cheese factory meeting. Mr. V. came ba
Transcription Progress
“Mary "Minnie" Butcher Diary, 1891-1898,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed September 9, 2024,