Eliza Bellamy Diary, 1854-1855


Eliza Bellamy Diary, 1854-1855

Date Created

October 17, 1854

Is Part Of

Eliza Bellamy Diary Collection


Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

The Eliza Bellamy Diary
This account of daily life from October 17, 1854
through December 18, 1855 was written by Eliza Bellamy,
the second wife of Samuel Bellamy, mill owner and farmer
at North Augusta, Grenville County. The original diary
is owned by Mrs. King Whitney, Glen Lawrence, Kingston,
Ontario. Mrs. Bellamy was the grandmother of Mrs. Whitney's
grandmother, Emily Helen Wright MyIks.
The following short family history was written by
Mrs. MyIks.
"My grandfather's name was James Forbes Keays.
He was born in King's County, Ireland. He was
the second son and the law at that time was the
eldest son inherited the estates. He was bought
a Commission in the army and when quite a young
man came to Canada. He was appointed by the
government to the Commissariat department while
the Lachine canal was being built in Quebec. He
was highly educated, understood French, etc."
My grandmother was born in the city of Waterford
Ireland. Her name was Eliza Amelia Gift. She
too was educated at a boarding school in her
native city [.] when she was quite a young child
she lost her mother. her Father married again
She was the only child of the first marriage.
When she was about eighteen she came to Canada
with some cousins by the name Link, it was a new
country then, it taking about six weeks to cross
the Atlantic. After she was here she met my
Grandfather and they were married. They first
lived in Quebec at the Ile of Nois. There was
-where my mother was born. later on he was moved
to Bytown which is Ottawa now where there were
more public works carried on. From little
souvenirs I have seen there was high life for
those days.
"When quite a young man 45 years of age he was
stricken with Dropsy and passed away leaving my
Grandmother with her little family alone in a new
country my mother aged about ten and a son William
between named James Forbes, after his Father. but
my Grandmother was a strong minded woman and they
had a government grant of 200 acres of land situated
near North Augusta. She came to the woods
bringing her old servant man and his wife with
her. there she made a living and faced the
change of circumstances bravely, after being a
widow about five years she married Samuel J. Bellamy
quite a wealthy man a widower with five children
after which her troubles of getting on were at an
end. The two families of children grew up together.
it was said a stranger would scarcely know the
dividing line (of course bringing her two along)
by her own Mother which as long as she lived
there was a dividend came to her but at her death
it ceased.
I remember my grandmother quite well as I was about
fourteen years of age at the time of her death. She
was a very fine gentle lady her advantages were better
than my own mother as she grew up in a new country
William her son was quite well educated. The money
that came to her every year she spent by sending him
to Toronto to school. His family are living in the
U.S. The daughter, a Mrs. Carpenter, at Jamestown,
Emily -Wright Mylks
There are two sons Reginald Horton & William
The 1851 census for Grenville County provides the following
information about the Bellamys of Augusta Twp. [Prom District 2,
No. 43 Samuel I. Bellamy. Farmer & Miller
Born in United States. A Congregationalist
Age (next birthday): 64
Stone house, lh story.
1 Fine Church of stone. Seat 500 persons
1 Flouring Mill wrought by water, 2 runs of stone.
Manufactured 30,100 bu.
2 employees. Grist Mill mostly for custom work.
1 Saw Mill run by water 1 saw
No. 44 Eliza Bellamy. Born in Ireland.
Church of England. Age (next birthday): 55
No. 45 Luther H. Bellamy. Clerk. Born in Upper Canada.
Congregationalist. Age (next birthday): 20
No. 46 Mary Ann Bellamy. Born in Upper Canada.
Congregationalist. Age (next birthday): 17
. . 3
- 2 -
- 3 -
No. 47 Wm. Sharp (?). Labourer. Born in Ireland.
Roman Catholic. Age (next birthday): 22
No. 48 Margaret Greer. Born in Ireland.
Free Church. Age (next birthday): 25
The next household listed was that of John B. Bellamy, one of
Samuel's sons.
No. 49 John B. Bellamy. Clothier. Born in Upper Canada.
E. Methodist. Age (next birthday): 29 Frame house,
11/2story (2 families occupying) . Clothing Mill by
water and Carding Machine by [water]. 6000 yds.
manufactured. 20,000 lb. wool carded. 4 employees
No. 50 Margaret Bellamy (wife of John B.). Born in Upper
Canada. E. Methodist. Age (next birthday): 24.
Another of Samuel's sons was listed on page 189.
No. 49 Archibald Bellamy. Clothier. Born in Upper Canada.
No Church. Age (next birthday): 22
Log house, lh story.
No. 50 Nancy (wife of Archibald). Born in Upper Canada.
No Church. Age (next birthday): 20
Eliza's daughter had married Isaiah Wright. They also lived in
Augusta Twp. and were listed in Enumeration District 2.
Isaiah Wright. Farmer. Born in Upper Canada. W. Methodist.
Age (next birthday): 33
Eliza A. Wright. Born in "L. Canada". Church of England.
Age (next birthday): 26
Eliza Bellamy was much concerned with Eliza Wright's health.
It is reassuring to find Eliza Wright in the 1861 Census. The
entry there shows her place of birth as Upper Canada and her religion
as W. Methodist. The Wrights lived in a 11/2story frame house as in
1851. Daughters Florence and Emily, going on 14 and 12 respectively,
attended school. There was a third daughter, Isabella, who would
be 4 on her next birthday.
- 4 -
The 1861 Census shows a few changes in the household
of Samuel and Eliza Bellamy. [Enumeration Dist. 8, p. 98.]
Included in the household is Luther Haskins, to be 12 years
old at next birthday; he is shown to be a member of the family.
Also listed as a member of the family is a widow Pamela Smith,
an "old lady", 65 yrs. old on next birthday.
Luther H. Bellamy had been married during the year, and he and
his wife Marian were in Samuel's household. Finally there
were a man and a woman as servants.
A Genealogical Note
Mrs. Norma Whitney, owner of the diary, is the daughter of
Leonard E. Mylks, M.D. He was the younger son of Emily Helen
Wright Mylks, the second daughter of Eliza Keays Wright.
October 1854 1
17th Octr 1854 Tuesday) Isaiah family
here, to dinner last Thursday Liddy here and Hiram B'y
here. Mrs. Burwash had a daughter the 7th
Protracted meeting still continues. I went
last night with the girls, heard a good sermon
Satturday evening Revd Mr. Boyd came
Preached on Sunday. few in the Church
went home after dinner. Yesterday Edward
Bellamy Came from the States. mornings
cold. men puting up a Cistern. Friday 20th
yesterday made a Cheese, only the second this
year. made Tomato Catsup very dull westher.
Flurries of snow, yesterday the first
last Sunday letter from William and Jeremiah.
Wm wanting J. to go to Goderich.
Monday 23rd) much to write about. Friday
went with Hiram Bellamy to Eliza', they had
just returned from Hariet Wright' wedding,
that night had a Chat with Isaiah
about Goderich. Father came for me next
day. same evening. E. Bellamy wife and Child
came. also Liddy, and H. Bellamy here. Sunday
at home until after dinner. took tea at
John Bellamy'. while there Walker brought
his wife home. I read the word when I
could this morning Call'd with the visitors
to A. Pardees after which they left here
on their way home. Uncle Chauncy here
October-November 1854 2
Saturday 2[8]th weather this week has been
delightful, no water for the Mills. time
passing away rappidly, two cheese made
this week, on Wednesday I went with
Hiram Bellamy to Brockvill. went to
see Jeremiah family before they left for
Goderich. staid at Griffins until next
day. made sum purchaces. after dinner
took a final leave of Jeremiah' family.
went to Revd Mr. Smarts, staid to tea
Hiram Call'd for me, returned home
had a very plesant ride, found all
as usual. Father reading, had tea
again. Chated read and went to bed
first returning thanks to my Heavenly
Father for all his mercies. Yesterday Call'd
on Mrs Burwash, spent the evening at
I. Bellamy's Father and others there. this
morning makeing Apple Jelly
Thursday Nov'r 2nd Fine morning. Last Sat'y
rec'd a letter informing us of the death of
Susan Wallace and her daughter by
drowning. her Sister Liddy was here
went home next day. Hallowene.
Miss Beaty with others were here to
tea past a pleasant evening.
November 1854 3
Isaiah call'd this weeke. had a Letter from
William. all busy here sending off Lumber this
evening had a letter form Jeremiah who this
morning started for Goderich. Satturday 4th
very hard frost last night. very high wind
thursday night, Hiram Bellamyhere.finished
my Plaid dress yesterday. very cold
today. (Sabbath 5th) we all went to Church
which was Crowded Orangmen being
there. a Sermon preached to them.
read the word. I hope to improvement
in the evening went to Advent Meeting
Monday 6th/ Orangmen paraded the
Streets, druming away their time.
Tuesday 7th/ Snow last night. Father
and Luther gon to Brockvill busy
mending Father' Coat. Mrs. and Mr.
Burwash here in the afternoon to
tea Father and Luther home while
at tea. Wednesday 8th) very Cold
and very busy arranging tea Sugar
and nice honey which I just
got, with many other fixings Father
Cuting up a Cow in cellar, a Musiceon
playing at the door, sat down
read the word and now write. 11
Oclock AM. Friday 10th) fine Clear day
Father and John gon to Brockvill
last night Isaiah here rec'd a letter
November 1854 4
from Wm. Maryan went to Brockvill
with Hiram Bellamy yesterday.
Tuesday 14th) nothing remarkable occur'd
since I last wrote, has had a Man working
in the kitchen at the water Conveyance
Father went to Prescott last Friday. every
place dry except the roads. Sabbath. staid
at home, reading most of the day.
Maryan home. busy with her Cloak &
dress. (Thursday 16th) flurries of snow
yesterday Eliza and Isaiah took dinner
here. short will be the time
I shall have the satisfaction of haveing
one Child of mine to come to
see me. Ohi I cannot hear the thought
neither can I write it. Thrashers
here today. (Tuesday 21st) fine morning
snow on the ground roads rough
yesterday morning at 5 Oclock 20th Novr
William Burwash departed this life
after an illness of a few days. I have
spent much time there. Yesterday serving
reed a Letter from my son last
Thursday. Funeral this day. Tuesday
22nd) Snowing. yesterday went to the
Funeral, after which with Maryan went
to Bleak' to see the scalded child whose
mother also very ill. When going to tea Mrs.
Gammel, with John Bellamy' family
November 1854 5
Came to tea. past an agreeable evening
time passes rappidly with our varied employments.
may we feel the necesity
of a due preparation for the time which
never ends. Thursday Isaiah with
his little Girls came in the Sleigh
for me went home with them and staid
until Satturday. went home in
the buggy with Isaiah heavy rain
Friday night. Sunday went to Church
in the buggy with Father and Maryan,
a Funeral sermon preached for .
Mr. Burwash' child. This day Monday
28th) Some snow on the ground
Luther fixing the old school house
for a tennant. Hiram Bellamy
puting up a wood house at his intended
residence. just finished a
Letter to William.
December 1854 6
2nd Decr/54) this week made a pair of full
cloth trousers for Father. Wednesday
visited Mrs. Burwash the last time in this
place. Hiram Bellamy busy fixing the
house the house Burwash has been liveing
intending to move into it when they
quit. Mrs. Smith returned from the states
last Thursday.
December 1854 7
6th Deer 1854 Wednesday
My book which I wrote in has been
mislade. I now write from recolection
last week made a pair of full cloth
trousers for Father. had a variety
of employments. paid my last visit
to Mrs. Burwash who moves away
next weeke. buried her little Willy
last month. Mrs. Smith home from
the States last Wednesday intense
cold weather since last Saturday
with wind and and snow. hired
Girl away. wrote to Jerermiah last
mail. (Saturday 9th) last Wednesday
Revd Mr. Chambers came here yet. Thursday
Cold and stormy. Father and I went
to the Funeral of Saml Percivals Daughter,
who was buried in the Church of
England burying ground in the afternoon.
Isaiah and Eliza came. My dear
Eliza' health is still poor. Oh how
little does she know. Waht anxious
thoughts I have about her. This week
the weather has been very severe, this
day Hogs killd. I now sit down sick
and tired. (Monday 11th)
December 1854 8
Gloomy day. yesterday went to the Presbyterian
Church. Mr. Chambers preached, he is here
yet. at three o'clock went with Maryan
and Mr. Chambers to church. Arch' family
in the evening. thawing. busy trying fat
fixing for mince pies, force meat & c.
Tuesday 12th Dec r) very busy. Chauncy
Bellamy call'd. in the afternoon a Party at J. Bellamy's
went there. after tea went home with Mrs.
Burwash. Rec'd a Letter from William, all
well (Wednesday 13th) went to Eliza', found
her only midling. brought Letters with me
to Isaiah. everything as we wanted it.
Doctor'd Eliza, and next morning Jim
came for me, before I was out of bed. after
breakfast, Eliza children and I bundeled
into the cutter and home. in the evening
Mrs. Burwash and others here to tea. Isaiah
came for his Family. pleasant weather
Friday 15th) fine morning making mince pies
Sabbath 17th) no meeting except Advent
meeting. did not go. Fathersick.readthe
word most of the day. Friends calld.
Monday 18) much as usual. bitter Cold
Called to see Whealy who is very sick Dr
Church there Calld at Johns, bid Mrs
Burwash goodbye. Choping sausage
December 1854 9
Tuesday 19th) this morning Burwash
Family,took a final leave of our Villia[ge]
bitter cold. John Blanchard and Miss
Hulbert calld to warm. last night sent
two papers to Wm (Friday 22nd) winter
has set in with the greatest violence. never have
I experienced such a continuance of bitter cold
weather as we have had all this month.
Wednesday Eliza with Isaiah calld did not
stop. feels far from well. I cannot express
what I feel about my dear Child Oh!
may she be spared to her dear Children
Thursday. finish'd my Sausage meat some
in bags, more laid down, had two geese
killed, with a variety of other things made
a large Christmas cake, and in the after
=noon at 5 oclock Hiram H. Bellamy
Wife and wifes Sister arrived. had tea with
us. after which left for their new home
if possible, this day is the coldest we have had
26th Dec-r) roads bad. Thawing. Sabbath
went to Church. Hired girl away. Christmas
day none but our own Family until we sat
down to dinner, when Isaiah and the two
Children came. immediately after dinner
Isaiah left for home taking Maryann
and leaveing Emily. at three Oclock went
to Church. The Sacrament administered to a
December 1854 10
large number, after which returned in
the cutter. The roads covered with water
it has been a dull Christmas, yet I
found consolation in the house of God.
busy today. Ramsey Hiram, and two
others to dinner. 3 Oclock PM I sit
down to write and rest. rec-d a letter
from Jeremiah as did Isaiah last week
Maryan not home yet.
Saturday 29th) Another year nearly Closed.
we should ask ourselves have we
been more faithful to our Heavenly Father
than we have been, in those years
which have pass'd away for ever time
with us will be short. oh! may we
endeavour to improve it.
Much to do this week yesterday
kill'd six geese and two turkeys
we have had heavy rain this weeke
now Cold again. roads nearly bear
Benj'm James died 27th of this month
on Wednesday night with others
I joined the _an_. very busy
January 1855 11
2 Jan ry 1855) we have commenced another
year. Oh! may we have a closer walk
God. yesterday we had our usual company.
Children and childrens Children.
also Hiram Bellamy, wife and little
sister. the day passed off delightfully
with the children. Father Walker and
the Schoolmaster went to Town Meeting
home after we had dined. our Party
broke up at 9 oclock. very fine night
scarcely any snow on the ground. I
retired to bed pretty tired after all left.
6th Saturday. Cold no Sleighing last Wednes'y
Mr. Smart here. Misionary meeting. not
many there. bad Sleighing Thursday went
to Eliza. Maryan with me, staid till next
day. Came home with Isaiah bare ground
he had a Letter from Wm who has been
to Chicago. found Father very sick not
very well yet. (Tuesday 9th) Clear fine
morning. last sabbath rain. Staid at
home all day, reading the word. yesterday
very fine day. warm enough for Spring
good waggoning. no snow. nothing
remarkable occuring I have much anxiety
about my dear Eliza, whose health
is so bad. sometimes I fear to think
January 1855 12
but I look to Him from whence
cometh help. Thursday 11th)
weather fine, cold and dry. no snow.
waggons rolling along like distant thunder.
made a few Calls on Tuesday Mrs.
Hiram Bellamy one. last night Isaiah
call'd. Eliza better. her Girl here. on her
way there. Father and his Sister went
to the Division last night. I staid at
home, Maryan sick. no Letter from
Wm. I wrote last Thursday
Saturday 13th) Stormy day. rain and
Snow. Father and John gon to Brockvill
Hiram and wife call'd this weeke. yesterday
wrote two Letters. one to J. Link
the other to Jeremiah no sleighing yet
Maryan sick, and teeth ach.
just after fixing a goose for tomorows
dinner. (Wednesday 17th) Cold. good Sleighing.
have had a fall of snow. not heavy
Sabbath day Father and I went to Church
spent most of the day reading. Hired Girl
wash'd early and left here for her Aunts
wedding. the Boy with her Maryan and
I doing the work. Mrs. Smyth just as
usual, last Saturday Father, brought
January 1855 13
home two Mettle Tea pots, some t
-___ . not very well myself up too
early, yesterday Eliza and Isaiah
here to dinner, did not stay long. last
Satturday Singing School commenc'd
H. Brown teacher. Isaiah rec'd a Letter
from Jeremiah last night. Thursday 18th.
Beautiful morning. last night Isaiah
and Eliza Came with an intention of
going to the division. Father with
went. Maryan Eliza and I staid at
home. enjoyed ourselves chating till
the return of the folks. Hired Girl
back yesterday. read the word and
-_____thanks to my Heavenly Father for
all His mercies. (Saturday 20th) fine morning.
yesterday very sick and alone all day
Father and Maryan gon to Prescott
Aunt working for Nancy. some better
this morning. Thursday Dowling here
January 1855 14
also three misses Calld. Pardee
Logo and Tomson from Brockvill
last night Father brought home Oisters
eat some raw, felt better after. fresh fish
for dinner today bought in Prescott
Monday 23d) Storming all day Yesterday and
today. rain snow and wind, very bad roads
at home all Sabbath. Cooked dinner
Girl away. read most of the day. this morn
duties as usual. (Thursday 25th) fine Mo'ing
nothing remarkable on Tuesday Maryann
quilting. Yesterday went with Luther to
Eliza. Letters from Wm. Isaiah in Brock'1
returned in the afternoon with L. Mrs.
Lyman and Walker call'd for us to go
to the division. I did not go. Saturday
27th) Tremendous snow Storm. yesterday
very bad with inflamation in my eyes
Thursday. E. Whealy spent the afternoon here.
January-February 1855
Yesterday with much difficulty wrote a
Letter to William. (Tuesday 20th Jan'y/55
Sabbath at home. reading all day my
eyes are a little better,. much anxiety of
mind about different things, none immediately
belonging to myself. Maryan fixing
to get married, the last of our Girls
my Children likely to be far away from
me. All those things are against me.
however, I am determind, God being my
helper, to submit with resignation to
His devine will, all things. this is and
has been the most remarkable winter I
ever remember. Yesterday all kinds of
weather, with thunder and lightning
today wind and snow. My employment
varied as usual. at present makeing flan-
nel Shirts for Father. Satturday a paper
from Jerry (Friday 2 Nov'r [sic] gloomy, yesterday
Isaiah's family here to dinner Came with
an intention of visiting at Johns. but went
home Company there. others here to dinner
I had the work pretty much to do. Girl
away. 11 Oclock AM after making pies & c.
and Cakes. Maryan busy quilting. Mrs. Sham
helping her. (Monday 5th) bitter Cold weath'r
watter freezing as I wash in the bedroom
Satturday Luther went to Wellington.
February 1855
home yesterday noon Roda Bellamy with them
did not go to Church so very Cold.
John Blandchard, wife and daughter
with Arch'd Bellamy here to dinner
read some, but not as much as I wish
another weeke is gon. Time seems to
fly. our cares and anxiety's are as
absorbing now as they ever ware. why
will we so strongly attach ourselves
to the things of this life when we know
it is not our home, our abiding place.
Wednesday 7th) bright morning. Cold intense.
every thing frozen in the house that could be
Roda very sick with cold up late last night
pareing apples for pies. Isaiah call'd. Eliza &
children visiting at J. Bellamys. in the
evening went to the division room . I did not
go. (Thursday 8th) Father, Maryan, and Roda
went to Brockvill this morning. flurries
of snow. Returned in the evening with
several articles. Maryan busy fixing for
the great Move. Dowling here today.
Friday 9th) making cakes and pies mixed
more mince meat. Satturday 10th) Cold.
Wednesday 14th) raining. very busy fixing
for the wedding. last week had a letter
from William. Satturday night Eliza
February 1855
Roda, and I went to singing School
no time to write much. Satturday 17th/55
Gloomy, have had a very busy weeke. have
had a bad cold myself. E. Whealy, M. Bellamy
N. Walker here different days this weeke.
Wednesday night Isaiah call'd. brought
me a butter cooler purchased at S. Gammel
Store. I have nothing interesting to wright
about, next weeke the wedding.
Thursday 22nd Feb'y/55) plesant weather
Tuesday 20th Maryan Bellamy has married to
James Dowling in the presence of her nearest
connection by the Rev'd R. Boyd of
Prescott. our Company number'd about 50
every thing pass'd off well. at 12 Oclock
prayer and the company dispersed. next
morning, felt very tired, however much
was to be done. after breakfast and
worship Mr. and Mrs. Boyd returned
to Prescott. after dinner at which was
was a number, Bride and bridegroom
went to her Grandfathers. this Morn'g
Charlott and Edward Bellamy left
for home. (Satturday 24th) very fine
morning. very Cold last Thursday
February-March 1855 18
Maryann took a final leave of us
went with her Husband to reside in
Prescott. day after Luther went to
Prescott with Dowling Sen'r.
Rhoda is here. yesterday wrote to
Wm. Eliza' Girl call'd all well.
Tuesday 27th) fine day. cold constant coming
and going. Sabbath Rhoda and I went
to Church, the coldest day I was ever out
yesterday whilst I was cooking dinner Aunt
Hanah Bellamy, daughter, and Mrs. Lake
with another, were here to dinner, in the
evening to tea also. J. Bellamys family
Rhoda here yet. I am now after makeing
pies. intend going to Eliza' to-day.
(Satturday3rd March/55) last Wednesday
went with Hiram Bellamy to Eliza'
Isaiah gon to Perth. returned Wednes'y.
help'd Eliza to make a quilt. her health
not much better. Friday after makeing
pies, visited with Rhoda at E. Whealys.
Margrett Bellamy there. before X went to
bed set spring for buns. This morning
baked them. have a variety of works.
Aunt and Rhoda visiting at Pardees.
March 1855 19
Counted and paid for the Spining of the
yarn, gave Miss Oxby 2-6 for the
Church society. March 6.)
fine day windy. rain last night. Sabbath
went to church. Lords Supper administer'd
Whealy came for me to go to his house
went there in the afternoon. Isaiah's
family Came to tea. Eliza had been
with Dr. Brouse. after tea they went
home I went to Whealys. women there
Eliza Whealy had a Daughter born at
half past two Oclock AM. 5 March/55.
I returned home at 5 AM. Dowling Sen'r
here since yesterday. I went last night and
fixt the baby. Satturday. 10. Thursday
went to Isaiah' all better in health
staid till next day. brought Eliza
home. left the Children at School
Stormed. E. did not go home but went to
Singing school with Rhoda and
Luther. this morning fine busy
makeing cakes and pies. Isaiah
March 1855 20
came for Eliza staid to dinner. had a
pleasant time. Aunt chating while I
write. two Oclock Eliza gon home.
Monday 12th) fine. Father and Luther gon
to Brockvill. a strange Girl working in
place of Mary. Sabbath. reading all day
help'd to get dinner. A. Pardee call'd
talked of his visit to ramsey. a letter
to Isaiah from Wm. I dont like how
things go on. I pray that all may be well
sent a paper today. went to see E. whealy.
Wednesday 14th. heavy snow storm. commenc'd
whilst Rhoda and I were visiting
at H. Bellamy's. Dr. Aimes there.
Hiram brought us home in the cutter
Isaiah down did not meet him. very
cold. Ramsey Hiram here yesterday and
day before. makeing Shirts for L. Haskin
I now read the word, and so pass on
from day to day till I shall be no more
Satturday 17th fine morning now Storm
March 1855 21
Roda went home this morning with Luther
I shall mis her company. Yesterday a host
of visitors. Mrs. Chambers and Son with
Miss Hulbert and I Blandchard to dinner,
afternoon Isaiah, Eliza and Emily
Dr. Scofield, wife, and Mrs. Gammel
Isaiah did not stop to tea. Isaiah has
decided on not moveing to Goderich at
which I rejoice, as I do hope it will
be all for the best. this afternoon went to
Walkers with Mrs. Chambers staid to tea
home with J. and Margrett. Sabbath did
not go to Church. Father and I went to
Isaiah. they had been to Prescott with the
Doctor saw Maryan, took tea and home
Monday 19th. Cook today. wrote to Jerry
markeing my plaid dress. Father gon
to Brockvill. Satturday 24th past a busy
weeke. Wednesday Jim and Mary gon
to a Funerall. had to get dinner. Uncle
Chauncy and Son here. afternoon
Mrs. Chambers and Son called. Isaiah
and the little Girls, all to tea. Thursday
call'd to see E. Whealy. this weeke arrangeing
with Hiram. made a lot
March 1855 22
of Pies this morning, not very well
myself. Friday after makeing cake
call'd to Nancy Walkers at 11 AM
and at two PM her fourth Boy was
born. staid until nine Oclock came
home up to my nees in snow. had
stormed all day. John Haskins and
Mr. Sileck chating with Father
left them there went to bed tired.
This morning bright and very cold
Haskins gon home heavy roads
Wednesday 28th) Cold, last Sabbath went
to Church not many there cold and windy
Monday much as, usual comers and
goers all the time. Mr. and Mrs. Dowling
came on Satturday. Mr. D. returned Sabbath
Maryan here busy fixing fore home.
Call'd to see Nancy. Yesterday made Cake
before finished Haskins & Selic came had
to get breakfast for them, tryed to finish
my dress, but did not. want to go see
Eliza but cannot, as usual no way
to go. Mrs. Chambers here on Sunday
Satturday 31st) fine, but bad roads. Wednesday
night after Isaiah left the Division.
I went home with him, on the way the
March 1855
roads were so badly drifted that we could
with great difficulty got along wind blowing
hard. I wish'd to see how Eliza was getting
on since She commenced takeing brous1
medicine. I found her as well as I expected.
staid till next day. Came home with
Sam Gammel. snow had drifted so much
we had to go through the fields. at home visitors,
Mrs. Whealy and Margrett Bellamy. I help'd
Maryan to bind her quilt. Friday busy morn
arranging all the things Father bought
at the Auction. Cut a dress off for Maryan
Aunt and Self. This morning more
yesterday afternoon Maryan and I
went to John Bellamy's immediately after
tea. Hiram Bellamy from Ramsey drove
to the door for Maryan and I to go
home. his wife and her Sister being at
our house, we did so. I helped the girl
to get tea, after which the young folks
went to the Singing School. after they
returned the Sand and played till
I was tired and went to bed. The news
of yesterday, Mrs. H. Bellamy had a
Daughter. Thursday night, 29th March/55
I am now alone, all my visitors gon
April 1855
they had dinner here which I helped to
get and made the last of my mince pies
3rd April/54 [sic] ) fine morning. Maryann
took her final Departure this morn'g
Luther going with her. we had a
before she left, a family concern
Satturday Isaiah call'd gave him
the gingham I bought. visitors of
one sort or another. Sabbath Father
and I went to Church. turned very
Cold. at night blew a perfect gale.
water in our bedroom frozen solid
in the afternoon, went to Hiram
Bellamy's to see the Babby, all well
passed a pleasant afternoon, after
which home. nothing worth write-
-ing, tho' much said read and talked
Mrs. Wright, Hiram' Mother in law at his
house an agreeable person, should have
said so before. Satturday 7th. fine day
bad roads. this weeke had a letter from
Jerry. This weeke has pass'd much as
usual. John Haskins has been here
April 1855 25
a few others also. busy sewing
Thursday made pies and cakes. the
Same today
Wednesday 11 April/55
Flurries of snow. no sugar yet. bad
roads Father went to Merricksvill
yesterday. Sunday afternoon I went to
Church sacrament administered
whilst at Church Isaiah' family came
had tea and home. yesterday Isaiah
pileing boards. Wrote to Wiliam
last Monday. makeing my Orleans
dress. Monday 16th) fine weather all
busy. last weeke three men here working
in the saw mill night and day a large
family now Mrs. Chambers and Son
here since Satturday. last Friday went
with others to visit at Mr. Pardees. day
before Father went to Merricksvill
staid at home all Sabbath reading
the word. I trust to profit. this morning
busy has most of the work to do.
Wednesday 18th) gloomy, yesterday rain
water high. just now parted Mrs
Chambers, who is gon to her friend
last Monday wrote to Jeremiah
Isaiah called this week all pretty
April-May 1855
Cut and fixt Shirts for Luther
Mrs. Shambeau makeing them. I am
makeing Coarse Shirts for Father.
at present much trouble with H.
Bellamys concern. Pigs killing
today. yesterday Prayers in the
Church with fasting for the success
of British Army 20th April.
Thursday, heavy rain. Many occurances,
prevented me from writeing.
weather has been fine. Father and
Luther went to Prescott and Ogdensburg
on Tuesday, yesterday Mrs. Dowlings
furniture went to her. on Monday Aunt
and I went to the Funeral of A. McCulas
Child, in the evening call'd to see Margrett
who is sick also E. whealy. last Tuesday
rec'd a Letter from Wm. all well
yesterday Father took me to
Isaiahs. roads pretty good. day fine in
the evening home with Isaiah found
all pretty well. brought home a rose
bush. This morning put the Stove up
in the Shed. 3 May/55. Thursday
fine weather. busy in the garden. Luther
fixing a flower knot near the summer house
last Thursday while spending the evening
with Margrett Bellamy, a Boy riding in
May 1855 27
haste, delivered a Letter from J. Dowling
desiring some of us to come to Prescott
quick. Maryann was dangerously ill
Father and I started immediately, left
home at 6 AM night Cold. I staid until
last Tuesday. returned home with Father
leaving Mary'n much better. I was surprised
to get home, being very tired. Jeremiah
sent several numbers of the Illustrated
news, and an interesting Letter. all well
Wm. gon to Detroit. have not heard from
Isaiah' family since I was there.
Monday 7th May/55, the ist of May I
was in Prescott with Mrs. Dowling
Cold dry weather. nothing remarkable
occured since I last wrote. Mrs. Pardee
visited here last Thursday. Isaiah call'd
looking to hire a Girl. a few seeds has
been put in the garden. Yesterday went to
church. I should have mentioned my
haveing been at Mr. Boyds Church. also
the Episcopal Church in the evening
went in the morning with Boyd. in the
evening with Miss M'Elmiles. good singing
and good sermon at the Ep'l Church
this day work just as usual.
May 1855
10th May/55. Thursday. this morning
fine. hard frost last night. water low
not well myself, could not get up to
breakfast. Mary washing bedcloths
Mrs. Smyth with Margrett Bellamy help-
-ing to quilt all this week. we have
six men in the kitchen. Father troubled
with pain in Shoulder. I have sowed
flower seeds at the summer house. all
other seeds in. wrote to Wm. last Monday.
11th Friday, felt much better, but weak
wanted to go to Eliza', haveing no way
of going I started on foot. The morning
was plesant, and I got there without
being much tired. found no one in the
house. walk'd over to the Old Folks.
not long there when Eliza and the
Children came. had been up to the Store
found all pretty well. Spent a comfortable
day. after tea Father came for me. Chilly even'g
Satturday 12th. avocations as usual. lots of
newspapers. just at tea time Rev'd Mr.
Throop, a misionary came. Sent by Revd
McMurry. pass'd an agreeable evening
prayers offer'd by Mr. Throop, with
May 1855
reverence, in which I trust we all took
an interest. (13th Sabbath all went at 11 AM
to the Presbyterian Church. Congregation
small. at 3 Oclock went with Father to
the Episcopal Church. returned home spent
the evening reading. worship at 1 Oclock
Monday 14th) rain last night which
was much wanting. every thing looks
lovely this morning. a Calf was killed had
veal for dinner. Cook'd made pies &
jony cake for supper. pretty tired sat
on the door step talking with Father
and the Minister. tea over. going to
hunt up a Girl for Eliza 15th Tuesday
fine growing weather. after tea yesterday
evening, went to P. Capes. engaged his
Girl for Eliza. she went there this morn. I
call'd at Mrs. Murphys who gave me
Some Irish flower seeds which I sew'd
this morning. also a few Cucumber seeds
Uncle Chauncy and the Minister here.
also A. Merrick and E. Burritt, trying
to value the Property. they were here to
dinner and tea. others in the evening
Wednesday 16th. fine day, pretty tired
May 1855 30
Father much troubled with pain in
his Shoulder. busy sewing. Minister gon
Thursday 17th. morning work (dusting
helping to wash dishes & c. (done. read
morning worship. then to sewing made
a Cape for my drab dress. after which
mending Shirts for Luther. help'd
him to put the ist young Chickens &
hen in the coop. sometimes chaced the
hens out of the garden. Mrs. Burwash
in Town.) Friday 18th warm. Father sowing
grain. made Indian pudding and potpie
mending Shirts. Satturday 19th.
call'd on Mrs. Burwash. Margrett there
looked ill. after a while went to Walker's
spent the evening there, with others. Sabbath
20th went to the Presbyterian Church. no
Minister there. Father and I were going
to see Eliza, but were prevented by
Arch' family comeing. They staid to tea
Monday 21st. done the work in the fore-
noon. in the afternoon went with
Mrs. Burwash to Arch. very cold
comeing home. same evening Maryan
May 1855 31
came with Luther from Prescott next
Tuesday 22nd. made Cakes & c. Mrs. Burw'sh
and several others to tea. very tired at
night. Wednesday 23rd. Maryan left
here. Eliza and her two little Girls
came in their Buggy. I was rejoiced
to see them, but how soon was that
damped by Eliza, telling me of the
State of her health. Oh! I fear to
write it. May her Heavenly Father
look on her with pitty and spear [sic]
her to her dear Children. Mr.
Green, Bible Agent, came at tea
time. my dear Child left me with
a heavy heart. Mr. G. went to Meeting
but they had no worship and to bed.
Thursday 24th. last night thunder lightning
with rain. Mr. Green gon. house
turned upside down, whitewashing &
cleaning. Margrett Bellamy in poor
health. John Whealy has been very ill
call'd in. Dr. Brouse. Tuesday 29th/55
Much has been done since I last wrote
the whole house cleaned and
I got finish'd Satturday evening.
May 1855 32
Sunday morning my Husband started
off to Old Mr. Blandchards with
his Son John, leaving me to my
Cogitations. while siting in my room
I heard a buggy stop. when on going to
the door to my great joy I met my
Son William accompanied by Wm.
Garvey. we had a very agreeable time
several friends. and in the afternoon
Isaiahs Family. my dear Eliza is in poor
health Father did not come home until
night. Sat up till a late hour. Monday
very busy. in the afternoon went with
my Son to his Sisters. had as agreeable
a visit as the State of her health would
admit. returned home after tea
our young men here chating till bed
time. all up early this morning prepareing
William and Luther. The latter
going with my son as far as Prescott
Wm. left here after saying goodby to
all. Thursday, 31st May/55
Yesterday company to dinner. Hiram Blanc'd
wife, and Sister. J. Blanchard and wife
from the States. every day brings something
new. went in the afternoon to John
Bellamy's. after which call'd to Pardees
June 1855 33
This morning. the strangers started
on their way home others going took them
to Prescott. once more, a little time to my-
self. Aunt keeping house for Walker
2nd June/55. Satturday. rain which is much
wanted busy this morning. made cakes
and pies. done some mending and prepared
to go to Eliza who is not getting
better, surely there is nothing in this
life worth liveing for, when we think
we are within reach of the object we
most wished to obtain, a blight comes
and all is gon. Oh! May we so live that
when the dread summons comes, we
shall have nothing to do, but, obey
Thursday 7th. Cool gloomy weather. Some
rain every day. last Satturday Father look
to Eliza. Much trouble there. She had
been with Doctor Edmonds on who operated
on her throat, where the cause
of her complaint was, and which would
end fatal, if not immediately attended
to. I pass'd a lonesome Sabbath. Isaiah
and Eliza went to the Dr in Brockvill
has to go every second day. I read the
word with the dear Children, they reading
June 1855 34
Mrs. Wright came for me to there
to dinner, but did not. I remained
there, assisting until Tuesday evening.
when just after they returned
from Brockvill Father came for me
bringing with him a hired Girl. I came
home, commiting my Child to her
Heavenly Father. Yesterday made a
pair of trousers for L. Haskins. this
morning, makeing pies.) Tuesday 12th.
Cloudy heavy showers. there has been
much rain. last weeke made a suit
of cloths for L. Haskins on Satturday
Made a cheese. had a note from Eliza
the Doctor has given her hopes of
getting well. Oh! may it prove so
Sunday had a bad head ach. Mr.
Morrice preach'd in the E. Church
of which two persons sent me word
did not feel able to go. rain'd all
day. Monday made another cheese
after which cut the sheeting 3 pr
for Maryan and two for the
house, made nearly 1 pr. Isaiah
call'd. had been to Brockvill in
June 1855
The forenoon with Eliza Doctor said
she need not go again for some time
she being much bette., this morning
busy. Mary Whitewashing the Milk
room. Satturday 16th) I now sit down
tired 1 Oclock busy all the morning, makeing
Cakes and pies. Since I last wrote, clean'd
the flower beds, has had the cellar all
cleaned so I feel a little better in that respect
had a Letter from Wm. as also had Isaiah
sent a note to Eliza to have her come
and stop here a few days, hopeing it
would cheer her under her present
affliction, which I trust may be a trial
of her faith in Him, who doeth all
Things well. Isaiah and Mrs. Wright
call'd today, going with their wool.
Thursday 21st) Yesterday evening returned
home with Isaiah. went to see Eliza, even
ing before. found her much better than I
expected. Mr. Bissell haveing told me she
was very ill, staid that night. this morning
makeing pies. Mrs. Walker here to
dinner. a Man makeing Steps for the
hall door. Margrett gon to the Doctor
Friday heavy rain thunder last night
June 1855 36
mending Fathers old coat. (Tuesday_
fine morning. have had much rain. Many
things has pass'd since I last wrote. duties
as usual. Eliza' health improving some
may her Heavenly Father perfect the
Cure if He sees fit. Yesterday Isaiah
call'd said Emily was very sick. last
Satturday went to the Funeral of John
Hills child a fine Boy who died of the
ScarIt fever. many Children have it
Satturday 30th) weather hot. Thursday
night heavy rain and thunder. was at
Isaiah' where I had been since Tuesday
attending Emily who was dangerously
ill with Inflamation on the brain.
her Father had Doctor Edmondson
to see her. I remained there under much
anxiety, being doubtful of the Childs
health, however it has pleased God to
spare her to her afflicted Parents
Yesterday she was able to be up when
I returned home with my Husband
who was kind and attentive. Isaiah
had a Letter from Jeremiah all m
Mrs. Williams was here while I was
away. call'd on my way home to see
Mrs. Bissell who had broke her arm.
July 1855 37
Wednesday 4 July/55. Cloudy have had
very warm days, now cool. Satturday
night at 10 Oclock, James and Maryan
arrived, had supper, up till a late hour
Sunday, Father and I went to Church
not pleased with the Minister. in the
afternoon went to Johns, where was
most of our family, also Isaiah'. Emily
looking very delicate. Monday duties
as usual. wrote to Wm. Yesterday evening
Isaiah and Eliza call'd. also Nancy
and Antha. every morning Skim Milk
and work butter, if any is to be done
also cakes and pies when wanted.
sewing in the afternoon.
Satturday 14th some time and much
trouble has pass'd over me since I last
pen'd a few lines here. My Grand Child
Emily Wright was a second time attack'd
with inflamation on the brain which was
more severe than the first. I have been
there with others attending day and
night a weeke her poor Mother constant and
little less her Father. few expected she
would be spared but God in His wisdom
has raised her. I came home Yesterday
evening with My Husband who was Kind and
July-August 1855 38
and attentive. Call'd to see Mrs. Bissel
who is confined to her bed. fine rain
yesterday. every where You turn you see
nature in luxurious beauty. on the
12th The Orangemen passed through our
Village at an early hour bands placing
and Banners waveing to the glorious
memory. same day Thomson
Wife had a Son. Cut a fine Cheese
this week. first rasberries today.
whilst at Eliza made a pair of trousers
for L. Haskins. 3rd August/55, returned
from Prescott 25 of last month haveing
been with Maryann Dowling 10 days
who was dangerously ill. Father came
for me, bringing Aunt Smith whome he
left and I returned home. I was not well
not ever since. Many things has occured
which I cannot now write. last Satturday
wrote to V?m. and Jerry. Yesterday Isaiah'
Family had their likeness taken by a Man
set up in the division room. an immense
number of Persons has been there. had
a Letter from Wm. informing me
of a certain event to take place
August 1855 39
Sept'r. (Tuesday 7th August,
much trouble just now. Luther very
ill, walking, with Crutches. I have
not much time to myself. makeing
currant wine, and other thins, sent
a Letter to Wm. last Satturday. evening
before was in Humphries garden
which is fine. Friday 17 August/55.
Luther very ill with Rheumatism no
use of his limbs. much to write but no
time. last Sunday J. Dowling and wife
Came. Maryann remains here, not well
wrote to Wm. Thursdays Mail. Yesterday
Eliza and Children drove herer [sic] alone
Dr. Edmondson has been here three times
was yesterday. Burwash call'd this
morning Maryann and I went to toll
house. M. haveing a dress makeing there
went from there to Isaiah'. all well
home at 11 Oclock AM. Shambault
here makeing a dress for Maryann
day changed. high wind and rain.
busy with berries & c. & c. Monday 20th.
fine day. worked hard yesterday. Company
here Isaiah family with others
August 1855 40
Luther contined very ill. Girl went
home today. Cooking bottleing currant
wine, makeing rasberry vinegar with
many other things. last month
Dr. Horton died in Qebec on his
way home. Satturday evening Revd
Macdonnel here Preached in the
Presbyterian Church. Wednesday 22nd.
Warm. very busy every where. had a letter
from William. Maryann here yet. not
much improvement in Luthers health
Margrett Bellamy not well. My poor
Eliza far from well. such are the trials
of life Oh! may we submit with pati-
-ence to the Divine will. Wednesday 29th Aug't
much has transpired since I last wrote.
last Sunday 26th morning Mr. Thomas Hill
departed this life, in the hope of a Blessed
Resurection. Sunday J. Dowling Came for
his Wife. left here in the evening. several
here to dinner Dowling has had an auction
those last 3 days. Father went to the
funeral on Monday. Luther no better
confined to the bed. Eliza & Isaiah went
to the Auction Monday evening. had tea at
August-September 1855
Isaiah had a letter from William.
Yesterday old Mr. and Mrs. Blandchard
and Mrs. Blandchard and child were
here to dinner with N. Walker in the
evening. John' family. after doing many
things for poor Luther, poulticing his
legs & c. went to bed very tired. this morning,
I thank my Heavenly Father I feel
much better. frost last night and
night before. fine days 2nd Septr 1855 -
Sabbath. cool. Doctor Edmondson has been
here three times during the past week he
Lanc'd or cut open Luther legs, from
which an immense quantity of Matter
flowed. the opperation was severe both
to the patient and those who assisted
I was the prenciple help. it was a trial
Luther is very feeble yet, not able to be
up. last sabbath Isaiah and Eliza call'd
with several others. fine days Cold nights
Isaiah was to meet William in Brock
today. I have been quite unwell myself
but am constantly busy. Luther requires
much attention. Monday 10 Septr /55-
This morning my son left here at 8 Oclock
on his way to St. Andrews to be married
on Wednesday. I shall say nothing of my
September 1855
feelings at parting with him. I may never
see him More on earth. none can
tell what a Mother feels when oblidg'd
to part with her her Children. there
is some talk Isaiah' Family moveing
off. they were here yesterday with others
to dinner. last Satturday I went with
William to Isaiah' took dinner there
home to tea. in the evening P. Hough
delivered a lecture, subject War.
every day Father rides out with Luther
my time passes away without any
earthly enjoyment. I did not go to the
lecture nor have I been in any place
of worship those 7 Sundays. Mrs.
Smyth is fixing for her s[t]ates journy.
She takes her ease but others pay
for it. Thursday 13th Septr fine day rain
last night. fine day yesterday, on which
day my son William was to be married.
Tuesday evening went with Father to
Isaiah' staid till yesterday evening came
home with Isaiah who is determined
to sell and go to Goderich if possible
fine weather. Thursday 20 Septr frost
every night this weeke but one. that night rain
and thunder, fine days. Satturday Revd
September-October 1855
Mr. Smith came. Sabbath all went to Church
but me. Girl gon I cookd dinner. Mr. S.
left after. Monday Luther to Brockvill to
the Doctor. Mary James Came to see me
Tuesday I wrote two letters to Chicago
for Mary James. Westerday [sic]she and
I went to Eliza, had a good visit. dont
think they will move off. this morning
busy. Mrs. Smith fixing all the time
for the States. Tuesday. 25. rain last
night gloomy morning. Mrs. Smith has
just started for the States. yesterday
Catherine Gammel, Olive Carpenter &
others started for the West. Isaiah' family
here on Sunday Father and Luther brought
Emily down with them in the morning
went to Church. every thing much as
usual. last Thursday Mary James left
here. Yesterday a new Covered Carriage
come. Monday. 1st Octr/55. Raining
Wednesday I went with Luther in the Cover'd
Carriage to Eliza, eat apples and home.
Friday Eliza and Children Came. Went to
Arch'd to tea home in the Covered Carriage and
went. Isaiah has sold his Cows, prepareing to
move. Satturday evening went to hear a Jew
October 1855 44
Sabbath, went to Hills Church. rained home
in Carriage The Jew preach'd in the evening
went to hear him. dark and muddy. a number
there slept here, dont shave or cut his hair
Satturday had a plesant Letter from William
Jeremiah' wife has a daughter this day
Isaiah here. wrote to McMartin. busy
all the time. fixing to paper the kitchen
makeing Pumpkin pies. Wednesday 10th
fine day folks busy fixing for the
Soiree tomorrow. last Thursday 4th
Antha had a daughter. Friday went
to Eliza in the evening. Second time
this weeke. came home Satturday
mad pies Sunday Isaiah' family
here all day Call'd to see John who
was sick. with sorrow I write it
Isaiahs family moves to Goderich we
was here on Monday. we wrote to
William this morning. Burwash
and Beaty call'd. The former on his
way to Goderich. no one in the
house but myself. Girl helping to
set the tables. Monday 15th. with a
troubled mind, I write my dear
children are about to be separated from
me in this world. they are packing their
October-November 1855
things to go to Goderich. how shall I part
them. last Thursday I went with Father
to the soiree My heart was heavy when
I thought I must so soon part with my Children
all pass'd off well. next day went with Luther
to Isaiah staid till Sunday. Father came
for me they had almost given up going
this morning received a letter from my
dear Eliza, saying they had decided on going.
to thee my Heavenly Father I commend them.
- Father gon to Prescott
on Dowlings business. Tuesday 23rd.
since I last wrote I have had much trouble.
Isaiah' family made preparations to
go to Goderich, much against the wishes of
their best friends. however it now broke up
and they remain. Eliza and Children were
from Satturday till Monday here Satturday evening,
we were at Johns. Friday went to a sewing
bee at Whealy'. last Wednesday A. Bellamy
house was burnt. so they had to quit. their
family are here until they get a place. there
is meeting in the division every night. Mr.
Cook, the speaker, twice last Sabbath. weather Cold
and gloomy. this morning made a Cheese and
Pies Satturday 27th. 1 foot of snow has
fallen this weeke. very bad roads. Dr. Scofield
has been here all this weeke, left here this Morning
advent Meeting every night. Isaiah call'd
made a cheese yesterday. all Arch' family
November 1855
here yet. Most fortunate I hope it has
been, that Isaiah' family did not Start for Goderich.
the weather has been so severe. Tuesday 30th
Cold and windy. Yesterday Father went to Prescott
made a Cheese yesterday with other things. went
to hear Cook Sabbath day not many there. bad roads
Wednesday 31st. went to Isaiah'. fine day. found
all well. pleas'd they did not go to Goderich
staid till next evening. Tuesday. Margrett
Bellamy and Hirams' Wife spent the after
noon here. Satturday 3rd Novr/55. every night
frost. fine days. Arch' family here. Isaiah on
his way to buy Cows. I have a bad Cold but
I thank my Heavenly Father for all his mercies.
I am yet spared while many are
call'd from time to eternity. makeing
Shirts for L. Haskins yesterday made the 5th
cheese. Thursday 8th Novr/55. since I last
wrote here, I have been very ill with a bad
cold. far from well yet, but thankful for the
mercies vouchsafed to me. I feel that I have
been an object of care to my Heavenly Father
else I would not now be blessed with so many
privileges. Oh! for a closer walk with God.
last Satturday rec'd a letter from My Son
in the midst of his happiness does not
forget his Mother. Isaiah bought cows this
weeke. Arch' family here yet. also hired men
weather fine for the season. rain last night
saw Mill going.
November 1855
- Novr/55. Monday raining different works
going on. Father, pain in his knee, yesterday.
Sabbath. Hired Girls away had to do all the work
Isaiah family here went to meeting. After diner
went home. I read some. could not much noise
all the time. Arch' family not moved yet.
13th Tuesday. John Bellamys family moving
up to the Shop. fine day. Yesterday wrote to
My Son, and Nephew / Wednesday fine
great family. all noise and bustle. My cold
hangs on yet. Tuesday 20th last weeke snow
some on the ground yet hard frost. plesant
a Fair today. Father gon to Brockvill with
Mr. Pardee. noise and confusion all the
time. My head ach no use complaining
last Sabbath all at home. I read the word
most of the day. I hope to proffit.
makeing a purple print dress today
Thursday, 29th Novr) since I last wrote
every thing pass'd off as usual. I have been
much afflicted with inflamation in my
Gums, which made me feel very unwell
last Monday, Arch' family moved in their
own house. we have yet a pretty large
family men working night and day. Isaiah
calld this weeke. then all were well. last
night Dowling call'd and this morning Aunt
Smith in Prescott I am makeing trousers for
L. Haskins. Yesterday E. Whealy visited here.
December 1855
(December 4th Tuesday/55. fine Clear day
last Sabbath dry roads Father and
I went to Church. reading the word the
most of the day. weather has been very
fine with sprinkling of snow. last
Satturday got a new carpet for the palour.
Yesterday Isaiah' family here, left
Florence, to go to school. works going
on night and day. (Monday 10th) Cold
with light snow. had a toilsom weeke
Mrs. Shambeau and I makeing the Carpet
Curtains&c. My health not good, distressing
pain in my head last night. went
to no place of worship yesterday. very stormy.
Father and John gon to Brockvill
Mrs. Smith returned from the States
this morning, Isaiah brought Florence
to go to School. took her home Satturday
(Thursday 13th) Cold no Sleighing verious
employments. fix'd my winter bonnet. Sham
beau here serving for L. Haskins. Rhoda P
visited here yesterday evening. pretty large
family all the time. I am much in the
house dont feel well but I thank my Heavenly
Father for all His mercies that
I am yet blessed with many priveleges
18th Deer) Tuesday. Cold but bright and lovely
yesterday Sun Set bright and glorious -
no snow on the ground. last Sabbath
raining most of the day. Garvey and wife
here different times. Isaiah' family here to
dinner. Florence went home

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