George Lewis Diary & Transcription, 1873-1874


George Lewis Diary & Transcription, 1873-1874


George Lewis


Courtesy of Uxbridge Historical Centre


19th Century, Ontario County, Uxbridge Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

George Lewis Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

George Lewis’ (1838-1911)
1873-1874 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive Volunteers
{Front cover}
Charles Adams pass Book Feb 20 2 lbs Tobaco 90 [cents}
Charles Adams pass Book
1873 charged to G Lewis
Feb 20 To 1 lb Tobacco 45
" 27 " 4 1/4 lbs butter 15 63 3/4
" " " 2 3/4 " do{?} 15 41 1/4.
" " " 1 lb pepper 25
Mar 8 " 1/2 brl {barrel} flour 15. 3 25
" " " 1 1/2 coal oil 45 22 1/2
{in pencil} 5 22 1/2
{left margin} Sold A Gregg 2 and 3/4 col cords of wood at $4 and 40c
{verso page}
Sept 6th 1873 cuting logs in the falow Smith polten and I thomas morgan plowing the sumer
Sept 9 Sow'd the of sumer falow and I grunting with A lame back
Sept 10th loging Thomas morgan and David John Lee and my self
Sept 11 pulling peas for John lee
Sept 12 loging very warm day band {bland?} night
{recto page}
Sept 13 punching up logheaps
Sept 14 down to Crofords to Church the first cold day and A Hevy frost at night
Sept 15 to Goodwood it raind all the after noon got a brush hook
Sept 16 tuesday cuting brush in the falow
Sept 17 Wensday Cuting brush on the falow over to Smith Poltens at night and baught A arm
chare and raining at night
{verso page}
Thursday Sept 18 1873 Cuting brush on the falow A very warm day tundering and lightning
at night
Sept 19 Friday Cuting brush in the falow band night met at Sanders A beautiful day
Sept 20 Saturday Cuting brush on the falow A very nice day
{recto page}
{This page contains entries from the month of June}
Jun 9 1873 ordar to A Gregg James Falkner
fororder truman Bently.
3 33
June 2 1873 truman bently to order 6 75.
June 10 to order thomas Mantle. 3 13
{The diary now returns to entries from September}
Sept 21 Sunday to church to Goodwood
Sept 22 Monday branding on the falow Dark day and raind all night
{verso page}
Sept 23 Tuesday 1873 raking and scratching dark and loury day quit the tobaco
Sept 24 Wensday raking in the falow A beautiful day to church to William Gurles
Sept 25 Thursday Started to rain About three O clock in the morning till eleven O clock in the
after noon fixing up on the falow beautiful afternoon to church to fathers at night
{recto page}
Sept 26 Friday Went after Horse Doctor for farmer thomas draging on the falow
Sept 27 Saturday Started to sow on the new ground A very warm day
Sept 28 Sunday A nother beautiful day all Hands William Gurles to church and to
robert chapna Chapmans to tea and then to Brother frederick Croford's to church at night to
hear brother conor shout {in pencil: ß}
{verso page}
Monday 1873
Sept 29 looks like the equnoxual storm in the morning the afternoon was a beautiful day went
to Mrs david Cuninghams sale
Sept 30 Tuesday Sowing the last fall whet on the new ground in the morning went th {Host?}
docter in the after noon
{recto page}
the 1 October 1873
A beautiful day started at the potatoes Had smith and His son uxbridge show day
Oct 2 thursday drawing logs for st Smith polten thomas Morgan diging potatoes Lizabeth
came Home
Oct 3 Friday all Hands to markaham fair A very nice cind of a day all things in a beautiful stile
{verso page}
Oct 4 Saurday October raind all day
Oct 5 Sunday A little Cloudy all day All Hands to Sisters Gurles to curch and then to Fredrick
Crawfords to church at night
Oct 6 Monday fixing the House and diging potatoes and laying the foundation of the
hous Smith polens house
Oct 7 Tuesday fixing the House in the forenoon and raised Smith Pollens House the
{recto page}
Oct 8 Wensday 1873 Thrashing for James Dilling beautiful wether
Oct 9 Thursday fixing the house A beautiful
Oct 10 Friday Broham fair day A Nother very nice day
Oct 11 Saturday choring pick potatoes and cleaning the well out
{verso page}
Oct 12 Sunday 1873 A prety cold day I went up to Dillings
Oct 13 Monday thrashing Paid six dollars
Oct 14 Tuesday thrashing to fathers George rustenholt cut his throat A little bit {In pencil: à}
Oct 15 Wensday Handling potatoes and puting them in the Seler to balls Sale the after noon
{recto page}
Oct 16 Thursday 1873 To uxbridge village {In pencil: ß} to send George Rustenholt to the
silem {asylum?} Mrs Robert Gurley to A paring bee
Oct 17 Friday plowing the potato ground went to Samuel tods paring be at night
Oct 18 Saturday clening A grist in the forenoon and sowing grass seeds thomas over the old
home sted
Oct 19 Sunday to ransom forsith
{verso page}
Oct 20 Monday to the mill and thomas pughs after aples and to fathers at night to a paring
bee a stormey day
Oct 21 Tuesday after aples to Halls and at night to father to A paring bee another stormey
day and night
Oct 22 wensday A beautiful day thorug thomas started to plough and I spliting to wood
{recto page}
Oct 23 Thursday A rainy day Thomas thrashing and I to Goodwood after the plow harness
Oct 24 Friday A beautiful day spliting wood in the fore noonor {noon?} pulling turnips the
Oct 25 Saturday Shingling for Smith Polten
{verso page}
Oct 26th Sunday to church to Mrs Gurles and to G edward Mantles at night rather cold day
Oct 27 Monday Shingling for Smith Polten thomas plowing
Oct 28 Tuesday A rainey day spliting wood the fore noon to goodwood the afternoon raining
and snowing {In right margin} all the afternoon and A paring bee at night
{recto page}
Oct 29 Wensday Choring thomas plowing frose prety Hard
Oct 30 Thursday Mooving Smith Polten in his new house A prety hard morning
Oct 31 Friday Cuting and drawing turnips got in eight lods loads it Snowed one inch at night
and quite blustering
{recto page}
November Saturday 1 1873 Helping to rais fathers House the fore noon and finished the
turnips the afternoon A litle and cold
November 2 Sunday to the dedication of the new church the fore noon and to church to
fathers the afternoo and to claremont at night baptising at night seven ware baptised A raw
drisling day
Nov 3 monday to goodwood the forenoon to get {A?} land side spliting wood the after
noon thomas st
{recto page}
Nov 4 Tuesday 1873 Spliting wood in the falow
Nov 5 Wensday Spliting rails A nother beautiful
Nov 6 Thursday Spliting rails the fore noon Smith polten Helping went to Farner dillins wood
be the after noon
Nov 7 Friday thomas I and I Spliting rails the fore noon Smith polten Helping to youngs
paring bee
{verso page}
Novem 8 Saturday Spliting rails thomas plowing the sod no snow yet
Nov 9 Sunday to James percey all day and went to church at night
Nove 10 Monday Thomas and I Spliting rails qite a nice day down to church at night
Nov 11 Tuesday Thomas and I spliting rails and went to crofords to A paring bee it started to
snow at night
{recto page}
Nov 12 Wensday 1873 The first of winter About three inches of Snow to start of on this
monring Spliting rails
Nov 13 Thursday Drawing rails on the Slais {sleighs} for the first time
Nov 14 friday Took the sheep up to Edward Lewis to the ram on the Slais drawing wood the
after noon and puting the drags and plow and things up for winter
{verso page}
Nov 15 Saturday 1873 Went to Claremont Claremont with the Half inch baswood for Mr
bundy all Hands thinking that the snow will go of
Nov 16 Sunday All Hands to Church To Hear Mr Shermans Fare well Serman His text St
John 16 Chap and 13 vers A full Church
Nov 17 Monday to Claremont with chop with the wagon and thomas started to Chop
{recto page}
Nov 18 Tuesday 1873 Geting the Horses shod all A round to thomas latchum
Nov 19 Thursday Wensday to Godwodod selling my cord wood to A Gregg at 4.40
Nov 20 Friday Thursday Cilling Pigs Smith Polten Helping A beautiful day
Nov 21 Friday salting pork rather stormey started at John Lee's bob sleg
{verso page}
Nov 22 Saturday Choring Drawing wood the forenoon ch choring the afternoon A beautiful
Nov 23 Sunday A nother nice day th to church the fore noon and Lane Pugh the afternoon
and A House full of visators
Nov 24 Monday Drawing Gravill on the roads Good Slaing and A little snow this morning
{recto page}
Nov 25 Tuesday Drawing Gravill put in to days on the roads cold A nough
Nuell Nov 26 Wensday drawd one lode of wood to Good wood and started to draw logs to
the mill and gave James Dilling forty five pounds of pork A side and sholder
Nov 27 Thursday A Stormey day snowing from morning till night working at John Lee's bob
sleighs setled in full with John lee up to date on all acounts
{verso page}
Nov 28 Friday 1873 A beautiful day after the storm all Hands at John Lee's bob sleighs
Nov 29 Saturday A nother pe beautiful day all Hands at John lee's bob Sleighs
Nov 30 Sunday All Hands to John Lee's and Had A Good filling out
{recto page}
December 1st Monday 1873 rather A cold day all Hands at John Lee's bob Slais
Decem 2 Tuesday Completed John Lee's bob sleighs A rainey day for A wonder
Dec 3 Wensday Completed John Lee's bob sleighs and started them for the George Childs
black smith shop A good rainey day from morning till night
{verso page}
Dec 4 Thursday 1873 one of the windest day that I thin ever saw I think lorenzo Van horn
Cild {killed} Got 6 post's from ranson Fosith
Dec 5 Friday Thursday A Calm after the Storm Choring
Dec 6 Saturday Fixing up aroung the barn the forenoon went van horn's funeral the after
noon A bautiful day
{recto page}
Dec 7 Sunday 1873 A very nice day down to Thomas Mantle's the fore noon and to t church
Edward's mantles at night around family at Super
Dec 8 Monday laing fence worm {warm} the fore noon it raing the after noon Drawin raills
Lizzie went to Buffelo Thomas went to Scott
{verso page}
Dec 9 Tuesday 1873 Went up to Dillins to put the Shed roof on A prety rainey day
Dec 10 Wensday puting up fence
Dec 11 A prety raney day till noon to John Himkel Crosgrove wood be and A dance all night
Dec 12 Friday blew monday after spree drawing rals the after noon
{recto page}
Dec 13 Saturday 1873 A Snowing all day
Dec 14 Sunday Down to Wilsons prety Hard Slain {sleighing}
Dec 15 Thursday drowing Hemblock Saw logs A very nice day warm
Dec 16 Tuesday Athawing day drawing logs the forenoon to mother rushus wood bee th after
noon up to S percies at night
{verso page}
Dec 17 Wensday 1873 slain goin of fast drawin logs to the mill
Dec 18 Thursday Drawing saw logs
Dec 19 Friday I finished drawing Saw logs snowing Margret Pugh and Margret Comten
Came to our place
Dec 20 Saturday drawing wood to Goodwood baught A new {parts?}
{recto page}
Dec 21 Sunday 1873
A terable nice day Mrs Comton and Margret Pugh and alma and malindy and thomas and
ann down to uncle Edwards Edward'd and I down to Hillins
Dec 22 Monday drawing wood to Good wood the sun melted the snow on the road
Dec 23 Tuesday drawing wood A Nice day
{verso page}
Dec 24 Wensday 1873 Drawing wood A very nice day
Dec 25 Thursday in bed till eleven at Dillins went to Claremont the afternoon not aney slain
much at Clare mount warm A nough for the eves to drop
Dec 26 friday drawing wood to Good wood snowing the afternoon and at night
{recto page}
Dec 27 Saturday 1873 Drawing wood snowing all day went Sanders at night paid John
crosgrove twelve Dollars
Dec 28 Sunday A little like winter this morning church to fathers and Charles adams down to
my place and I not to Home
Dec 29 Monday took one load of wood farmer took sick A prety wintery day
{verso page}
Dec 30 Tuesday 1873 A prety Cold day A the first thing is mas to patrick Crosgrove, and
rased ellin of the grave and then went to Claremont the baptice tea party and Had A big time
Dec 31 Wensday the last day of the year A little cold to Claremont with chop ten bags of oats
and four of peas {olders?} Gregs funeral
{recto page}
January 1st 1874 Thursday New years day A very warm day Helpin James
{and?} He Hugh Hugh youngs to saw in my falow and broat {illegible} and I went to the
unxbridge village to pay the so note on the mchine
Jan 2 Friday drawin wood to A prety nice day
{verso page}
Jan 3 Saturday 1874 the slain all gon or there about raining one load to good wood and then
went to nathen bentles and paid four Hundred Dollars on the place and came by Claremont
and fetched my cutter Home
Jan 4 Sunday the slain all gone the bare groung {ground} looks nice the wheet is as green as
a leek
{recto page}
Jan 5 Monday 1874 Thomas and I fixing the well the forenoon went up to the lexion {election}
the after noon Mr Percp Percy defeated fr by 60
Jan 6 Tuesday Started to draw the Green wood out A Snowey day and A little like rain at
Jan 7 Wensday A cinde {kind} of A Hailing day and started to rain at night drawing wood the
after noon out of the woods
{verso page}
Jan 8 Thursday 1874 Drawing wood out of the woods Snowing
Jan 9 Friday Drawing and snowing
Jan 10 Saturday drawing wood snowing all day like fun
Jan 11 Sunday A prety nice day thomas and I down David Pugh with the new cuter for the
fast time
{recto page}
Jan 12 Monday 1873 Drawing wood out of the woods took the saw to John Sanders
Jan 13 Tuesday drawing wood out of the woods thomas mooved to the village
Jan 14 Wensday drawing wood out of the woods plenty of snow for slain
Jan 15 Thursday the first cold day to Edward mantles to A wood bee and then over to
Patrick crosgrove corsgrove at night to it
{verso page}
Spree ad and staid all night till broad day light and A prety coldday morning
Jan 16 Friday Hard A nough this morning after the spree doin nothing all day
Jan 17 Saturday went to th uxbridge village with A load of cordwood for thomas Morgan A
nice day
{recto page}
Jan 18 Sunday 1874 A beautiful day Jane and I to Goodwood to meeting in the after noon
Jan 19 Monday drawing wood the fore noon and it started to rainaf about 10 O cloclck went
to Claremont the afternoon and baught A Clock
Jan 20 Tuesday drawing wood to not feesing {freezing?} much
{verso page}
Jan 21 Wensday 1874 raining the fore noon making A ash House cilling A sheep the after
noon thawing very much
Jan 22 Thursday A rainey day bilding The ashhouse and choring it round the snow prety
near all gone
Jan 23 Friday A terable nice day the sone shone as bright as A new Dollar drawing wood out
of the woods and to Good wood at night and the to fathers
{recto page}
Jan 24 Saturday 1874 A litle colder the fore noon Snowed very Hevey parts of the after noon
and turned quite cold at night
Jan 25 Saturday A m wintery day to meeting to fathers
Jan 26 Monday
february 5 1874
first load 14
second load 23
feb {illegible] one lad 18
feb 12 one load of post 19
Feb 14 one load of post. 47
feb 14 one lod of post
{this entry is circled} from Ransome
forsith's posts number 38 and six
44 {end of
circled portion}
feb 27 one load of post 20
mar 2 one load of post 6
{Back cover}
George Lewis
George Lewis
For more information on George Lewis, check out the “Meet the Diarists” page under
“Discover” on our website:

Transcription Progress



George Lewis Diary, 1873-1874.pdf
George Lewis 1873-1874 Diary Transcripts.pdf


George Lewis, “George Lewis Diary & Transcription, 1873-1874,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed April 28, 2024,
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