Samuel Johnson Diary & Transcript, 1873


Samuel Johnson Diary & Transcript, 1873


Samuel Johnson


Courtesy of Uxbridge Historical Centre


19th Century, Uxbridge County, Ontario Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Samuel Johnson Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

Samuel Johnson (1848-1884)
1873 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive Volunteers
The Dominion Quarto Diary for 1873 [Published Title}
Samuel Johnson's Diary April 29th 1873 Goodwood Ont
Toronto: Adam, Stevenson, & Co., Publishers {printed}
Monday evening February 16th 1874. My Soul Praises God, for I am a Sinner saved by
Grace. The Lord is my Shepherd He leadeth me in green pastures, beside living waters. May
my Soul ever praise him, who so loveth us, that he gave his Son, our Saviour, a ransom for
us. Amen. S. J.
"Trust in the Lord alone He aids thee from above In every strait surround his throne And rest
upon His Love"
Thy way not mine O Lord, However dark it be! Lead me by thy own Hand. Choose out the
path for me.
Extracts from the "Morton Family" or "Trust in God" Copied from Goodwood Union Sabbath
School Minute or Secretary's book by Saml Johnson Nov 1st 1877
{page is blank}
JANUARY, 1873.
Dr James' Recipe for cure of Consumption, Asthma Bronchitis & General Debility. on receipt
of two Stamps to pay expenses Address Craddick & Co 1032 Race Street Philadelphica Pd
giving name of Toronto Globe.
Fishburn's Cough Mixture 2 q tincture of Zolu {?} 1 oz tincture of Bark, 1 q spirits of Sweet
Nitre, 2oz tincture of Columbia 2 oz tincture of Gentian 4 drams tincture of Foxglove 60
drams of Antimonial Wine. Mix all together . Dose half a teaspoonful at first
1873 Decr 27th Subscribers for Canadian Messenger for 1874 {a Methodist publication}
1 John Whittleton paid 28c
2 James Collins Pd 38
3 John Morgason Pd 38
4 John Wagg Pd 38
5 Geo Lewis Pd 38
6 Wm Wagg Pd 38
7 Thos Storry
8 Wm Watson Pd 38
9 Geo Stafford Pd 38
10 Mrs S Burr
11 Saml Johnson
12 Wm Johnson Pd 38
13 Ben Milliken
14 Frank Wagg Pd. 38c
15 John Lee Pd . 38
16 C Wagg Pd 38
17 E Baker Pd 38
18 Jas McCullough Pd 38
19 A Gregg Pd 38
20 John Lmon Pd 38
Remitted these to J Dougall & Son Jan 5th 1874
{Written between rows, vertically down middle of page the following} Sent $5 to J. Dougall &
Son Montreal for the 13 Subscriptions on Sat Decr 27th 1873 (Regstr)
Remitted to J Dougall & Son Jan 21st 1874
22 G Robinson
23 E Vanhorn Pd 38
24 Wm Ball Pd 38
25 Wm Morgason Pd 38
26 Wm White Pd 38
27 Geo Dowswell Pd 38
28 Chrisr Scott Pd 38
29 Wm Hilts
30 Geo Vanhorn Pd 38
31 Wm Bloman Pd 38
32 J. W {Faun or Tann} Pd 38
March 7th 1874
J W Tann Pd 38
January, 1873 4
Thursday, 2.
January 1874 List of Lumber from Charles Goulds
Loads No 1 = 470 Feet No 2 = 585 No 3 + 4 = 1267 No 5 + 6 = 722 Jan 24th Nos 7 + 8 =725
" 22 Nos 9 + 10 1518 ' 23rd { No 11 764
No 12 1041
24th { No 13 714
No 14~ 704
26 { No 15 395
No 16 400
Feet 9306 2 1/2 18610 6652
January 26th Paid Chase Gould $28.27c being in full or 9,305 feet sawed lumber
Friday, 3. Healey turife [sp?] came here to Bourd. 1874 List of Subscriptions permitted to
John Dougall + Sons. Montreal for 1876
For Weekly Witness $ c Subscriptions to be Messenger
for 1875
1 Richard Davey Pd 1 00 1 Wm Wagg
2 Christ Scott Pd 1 00 2 Jas Percy
3 Robt Dowling Pd 1 00 3 Ino Whitteton
4 John Marr Pd 1 00 4 Ed Baker
(1) Do Do Dom
Monthly Pd
1 00 5 Peter Findley Pd
6 Wm Robinson
7 Mrs J Barkey Pd
8 Wm Ball
9 Frank Wagg Pd
10 Eliakim Vauhorn
11 James Collins
12 Jno May
13 Elias Vauzant Pd
14 Wm White
15 Christ Hilts Pd
16 Christ Scott Pd
17 Jon D. Brocks Stouffville
18 J W Tann
19 G Stafford
20 Wm Watson
21 Wm J Davis Pd
22 Job Forsyth Pd
23 Isaac Wagg Pd
JANUARY, 1873.
{On top of page} Mr S Burkholder to be sent for
Monday, 6. Subscribers for C Messenger for 1876
P1 P. Pewrock{sp?} P Stouffville 38
P2 D Morrison P " " 38
P3 L. J. Low P " " 38
P4 Wm Pickering P " " 38
P5 Wm Scott " " 38
P6 Jos Lee Goodwood P
P7 E. S. Shaw " " P.
P8 F Wagg
P9 E Vanhorn
P10. Jos Kellington Pd
P11 Wm Watson
P12 J. W. Whittleton P
P13 J McCullough
P14 W Ball
P15 G Robinson
P16 Margt J Todd
P17 A Rolston
P18 H Cooper
P19 J. Mackney
P20 E Baker
P21 J Douglas
P22 Isaac Wagg
P23 Wm Wagg
P24 G Stafford
P25 J Barkey
P26 Miss J A Todd
P27 Ges Todd
P28 J W Toune{sp?}
"P29 C Scott
P30 J Smith Goodwood
P31 R. Hauselton " "
P32 Thos Hope " "
P33 Jos Grice{sp? " "}
P34 G Dowswell " "
P35 F. B. Wick " "
P36 W. Vauhorn " "
P37 W. J Davis " "
P38 C Wagg " "
P39 Thos Wagg " "
P40 R. Wagg " " Your text here...
P41 H Degeer " "
P42 Mrs T. Storry " "
P S. Burkholder @ the P.O 38
P43 Mrs J Hunter Uxbridge PO. 38
P44 Miss Cordela Hall " " 38
P45 S Stover " " 38
P46 H. Chapman Glasgow 38
P47 H Stover " " 38
P48 H McDormot " " 38
P49 Mrs J Connee Ballautrae 38
P50 Mrs Joel Kester Glasgow 35
Sent subscriptions for above 48 names to Jno Dougall + Sons, on Thursday Dec 9th 75 2nd
P51 J. B. Forsyth 30
52 Jos Forsyth -----------
P53 Sam Dunsheath 30
54 Abbt Wagg ---------------
55 H Lewis 30
56 G Vauhorn ------------
57 Wm White ------------
58 F Smith ------------
P59 L. G. Wagg 30
60 V Wagg ------------
61 C Hunt 30
62 Mrs Emma Forsyth 30
63 Mr Aba Eliis 30
64 Mr. Peter Finlay ------------
65 Mr Ges Lewis 30
66 Jos Collins ------------
3rd Lot sent Jan 7th 1876
67 Wm Morganson P
68 Mrs N Miller P
69 G Hamilton P
70 R. Forsyth ------------
Subs for Weekly Writing
P A Rolston 1.10
P H Cooper 1.10
P E Baker 1.10
P J McGuckin 1.10
P C Scott 1.10
JANUARY, 1873.
Thursday, 9. 3rd Lot
71 D. Nighswander Mongolia ------------
72 Sen Johnson Oakwood ------------
73 Josiah Millikon Moray ------------
74 Jno Cook Siloam ------------
75 Martin Johnson Fenlon Falls ------------
2nd Lot Messengers
76 S. Sangster Stouffville 30
77 T Chester Glasgow 30
78 E Vaizaut{sp?} " " 30
79 Wm Kellington P Stouffville 30
80 Jos Steele " " 30
81 S Burkholder At the P 30
2nd Lot Witness
H Lewis ------------
Jos Marr 1.10
G Vauhorn 1.10
F Pickering 1.10
3rd Lot Witness Jan 7. 1876 Stephen March Pd $1.10 Friday, 10. Saturday, 11.
JANUARY, 1873. Goodwood
About April 9th 1874. I was induced to to lead our Thursday evening Prayermeeting. only
Bros Jno Kellington & Ed Whittleton were present. And again on Thursday Evg April 23rd
1874 when Several of our Class were present. I felt a restraint upon me. Yet I was
impressed, it was my duty. May the Lord enable me to do his blessed will. & love the with an
undivided heart I went to Uxbridge to day on Railway & met Bro E. S. Hoyl our Minister on
the Train. I got some teeth filled by Mr Waid Dentist. Written Monday Evg April 27th 1874
Tuesday, 14.
Wednesday, 15.
JANUARY, 1873.
Thurdsay, 16.
Friday, 17.
Saturday, 18.
JANUARY, 1873.
MONDAY, 20 Henderson &Bostwick $118.70 Merelets Bk.
Wednesday May 17 Morning. Joseph Stridholme 3 1/2 days
May 2 H McGuckin 7 yd Shirting 17 = $1.19, 1 1/2 factory,13 & Spool 5 Total $1.37 at W B
Tuesday Wednesday 21st Jan 1874 Drawing Saw Logs to Chas Gould's Mill Bro Sliter
Stayed with us last night. also Misses H Robinson Catharine McCullough, & Miss E
McCullough & Miss Anna McGill & Messrs Jas McCullough, Vrooman, & Dr White
(switchman) visited us last evening Mild to day rained some about daylight
O Lord help me to look unto thee with all my heart
Wednesday Thursday 22 January 1874 Lot No 17 2nd con Uxbridge It is just 5 years this
Evening Since I was Born again The Lord be praised for his goodness & tender mercy. I
desire this evening to praise him with all my heart for the way He has led me. I have been
very unfaithful and disobedient, often yielded an easy prey to besetting Sins May the Lord
quicken my Soul & enable me to love him more than all the World beside & May it be my
meat and drink to do my Master's will in all things, "Create in me a Clean Heart & renew a
right spirit within me O God" that I may glorify our Heavenly Father, & take up the Cross with
a thankful Heart. For Jesus sak Amen Samuel Johnson Jan 22nd 1874
Thursday, 30.
Friday, 31.
Saturday, February 1.
Monday, 3.
Tuesday, 4.
Wednesday, 5.
Thursday, 6.
Friday, 7.
Saturday, 8.
Sunday 9. (This is the first I have written in this Book) Clear & very cold O walked to sabbath
school this morning. {Mr C Magg?} the superintendant asked me to close the school by
giving out the Hymn & leading in Prayer. To my shame & sorrowful regret I yielded to my old
besetting sin. Man fearing, I begged him to excuse me I felt as though I could not utter a
word. I feel conscience smitten all day Lord enable me to come & be strong in the Lord. I
went to Mr Geo Stafford’s to dinner. Bro N Robinson preached from 119th Psalm 68 thou art
good & doest good.
Monday, 10. Very cold. Not quite so cold towards the evening. Storming some in the
evening. Owen Lewis & I threshed Peas. Temperance Meeting. I took a load of the
Goodwood folk to an open temple of the Mineahaha. Stouffville lodge of Good templars.
They gave a good entertainment. (Monday Evening) Mr Thomas Douglas came here to
board at $8 per month He is going to to our School to his his brother Mr James Douglas.
Tuesday, 11. Moderated considerably. Mild all day Mr Joshua Miller was buried to day in the
Garveyard North of GoodWood. Revd Mr Moores Prearhed. Father + Mother went to the
Funeral & Mr Lapp & wife came home to Dinner. Owen Lewis helped Ms White Saw wood
this AM. PM. We finished threshing the Peas which we had in the stack.
Wednesday, 12. Fine We cleaned the Peas (about 5 Bushels) & brought 50 bush of three
over to the Driving house Father & Mother went down to Revd Jacob Marzolf's on Lot No 4.
7th con Markham & came up to Mr Henry Wismer's North of Markham Village & stayed all
196 Fulton St Brooklyn N.Y. FEBRUARY, 1873.
Thursday, 13. Clear & Bright. quite sharp all day. Sun warm. Owen Lewis. Elizabeth and I
went to prayer meeting at Goodwood. {evg in?} Bro Wm B Watson read the 12th chap
Hebrews. though qury meeting was small the Lord was with us. The Love of Jesus in the
Soul is worth more than any earthly pleasure. Owen & I commenced drawing Peas from the
Barn apposite the Schoool House. Father & Mother came home this Evening they visisted
cousin John Smiths on 9th con Markham & came by Uncle Martins for Tea. The
congregational S.S. Stouffville had a sleigh rides this PM & "Tea after". letter from Cousin
Tillie 10th A Stokes. Brooklyn N.Y. 196 Fulton Street
Friday, 14. Dull. No NE wind snowed a little S tair this Gag, Owen Lewis & I finished drawing
Peas home from Barn next School House. This Evg Mr Ino Garman of Pickering stayed all
night. He is Peddling corn Brooms, he gets them from near Niagara.
Mr Robert Welsh (of Lot No21 9th con Markham) was found dead on Wednesday 12th inst. a
Corner's Inquest was held.
Saturday, 15. Clear & sharp this morning South wind. Bright all day. but did not thaw.
Somewhat cloudy this [?] AM. I went to Dr Win Pagan near Stouffville & got some med.ce
PM. Owen & I threshed & cleaned 12 Bushels of short straw peas. Father &Mother Sister
Lizzie went to Altorio home by Mr S Burkholder's & ordered a stand & lounge. I did not go the
Division this evn the subject for debate is "which has caused the most misery war or
independence"! The verse in thy little Year Book for to day is who gave himself for us that he
might redeem us from all iniquity & purify unto himself a peculiar people, jealous of good
looks. Dear Jesus may I be moulded according to thy will.
Monday, 17th A beautiful day Slight W wind
Owen Lewis + I commenced to draw the Hay Stack home, from the Nighswauder farm This
Evening. Johnny Welsh + his sister Lizzie came up on a visit
Tuesday, 18. Morning chilly SE wind became warmer + was a fine day. Owen + I finished
drawing Hay stack home this A.M. P.M. drew roof Boards of stack home + also the nails
around it. Noon. Bless this Lord I have just had a season of sweet communion with my
Saviour I felt the shortness of time + the greatness of the importance of living wholly for
Jesus. O Lord enable me to consecrate my all to thee + enable me to do thy will in all things.
I also prayed that Dear Father might connect to jesus. I felt something like a presentiment as
though I might have to pass out of times before Father should seek the Saviour. I then felt as
though I say thy will be done. Be thou my strength O Lord. Amen.
Wednesday, 19. A pretty fine day A.M. Father took our Eight day clock to McAllen's
Stouffville to get it fixed. Owen also went to Stouffville to look after his Photographs. I drew
stove wood. P.M. Owen Drew wood from woods to wood pile I went to Goodwood + brought
two Pitchforks at Hewitts + James McCullough Measured the wood we have drawn them 22
1/2 cords + 20 1/2 cords in the two rows on road East of Goodwood + 14 cords on lot South
of the Station Uncle Martin + Aunt Margaret were here to Tea
Thursday, 20. A sharp N wind this morning. Pleasant day Evg Cloudy, chilly SE wind Owen
Lewis + I went up to John Cooks Lot N 34, 2nd Con Uxbridge + got some cedar for sleepers
for Driving House over Turnip Cellar the original sleepers are mostly rotten
Friday, 21. Snowed some last night. Stormy A.M. from SE P.M. Fair wind turned to the North,
Drifting some Evg, bright + Cold Owen Lewis + I threshed Peas in A.M. P.M. we bagged a
brist of 45 Bushels for Chopping (Oats + Peas) Father went to Goodwood + got some Glass
jars at Hewitts Uncle Martin + cousin Emma were here a few minutes.
Saturday, 22. Clear + cold NW Wind Evg Colder Owen + I sawed some Pine cord wood in
Chopping South of House. A.M. Father took a load of Chop to Altona Mills. Cousins Margaret
Shoults + family came home with Father P.M. Father + {Thos?} Douglas went to Stouffville +
got Our Eight day Clock which Mr Allen had Cleaned for us. Evg I went to Division S of
Sunday 23rd 1873. We went to S School in A.M. P.M. We went to church Bro N Robinson
Preached from Revelation of St John 2nd Chap 10th verso, "Be thou faithful'...Lord be my
strength + guido. Very cold
Monday, 24. Very cold this morning NW Wind all day. Snow drifting some most of the day
PM considerably moderated. Owen Lewis + I threshed + cleaned 12 bushels seed Peas PM
Rev Mr John H Shoults Christian Minister came to Tea + took his family with him to a Prayer
meeting at Mr Elijah Pattersons Glasgow
Tuesday, 25. NW Wind not ectremely cold. Evg Starry. Owen + I went up to Mr John Cook's
Lot N33 in 2nd Con. Ux + gM two loads of Cedar posts 9 feet long for fencing the S East
corner of Orchard E + S of Wood House
Wednesday, 26. A fine clear day. Wind S.W though quite pleasant to be out. AM I took a
cord + a half piece wood to Dr Pagan near Stouffville + came home via Attonew Mills + got a
Grist of Chop, Owen took the Board roof off the last part of the Straw Stack. PM I took the
large Colt "Nelly" to the Black Smith Shop + had his shoes taken off + made arrangement to
go to Lecture in Stouffville by Revd Hugh Johnson M Around trip across the Continent. One
of our Horses took sick + we could not go. Father + Mother visited Mr Christian
Nightswauder's Pickering. Six years ago Today we moved to this farm from Pickering. I
recieved a letter from Bro S Knopp. PE of Hamilton district of Ev Association.
Thursday, 27. A Severe Snow Storm Set in Early this morning + continued from the S East
until Noon today PM pretty fiar wind changed to West AM We cleaned some Oats for Feed
PM We sawed some pine wood in South chopping Father + Mother Visited Mr Stephen
Burr's Evening, we went to PrayerMeeting but there was no Meeting May we meet Jesus at
our home + have him in our Hearts We called in at Mr Gregg's with some Butter (6 lbs) --
Friday, 28. A Fine day Owen + I sawed Pine cord wood in the S Bush
Saturday March 1. A fine day Father got the Horses shod at Barkey's Shop Goodwood Owen
Lewis + I sawed Pine wood Evening I went to Goodwood Div S of T
Sunday March 2nd AM Mother, Elisabeth + I went up to S School + TunRer Meeting Mr
Snider Preached a feeling Sermon Uncle FredericK's came up + went home after tea Mother
is ill with sick headache. T. Douglass, Jaro McCulloch, Owen Lewis, Lizzie & I went to
Goodwood Meeting Bro as Collins preached from Hebrews 12th Chap + 2nd verse a very
ernest address on the love of Christ for Us Praise the Lord O My Soul for his dealings unto
MARCH, 1873.
Monday, 3. Turned very cold, some time during, last night Very cold today, Drifting fiercely
from the North. Blocking the East + West roads badly. A.M. I went to Pilkey's Saw Mill + got
some 1506 feet of lumber which we bought from Elijah Miller @84.50c per thousand I left
Most of the lumber on this 5th con opposite Mr Rusnell's gate + brought only about 300 feet
home on account of the Snow P.M. I brought Lizzie home from School Evg. Owen Lewis + I
bagged up to 12 bags Potatoes intending to take them to Toronto some time this week. Evg
Very cold, strong N wind. Heavenly Father May thy presence + thy grace be with me.
Tuesday, 4. Extremely cold very high N Wind. Roads 6 + west badly drifted Evening
Moderated somewhat Owen + I threshed Peas Elizabeth did not go to school on account of
the cold + drift. Tho S Douglas walked to school
Wednesday, 5.
March, 1873
Thursday, 6. A clear bright day. Very sharp SW Wind thawed scarecely any ice in the Sun
Elizabeth + I went to Toronto this A.M. took a load of Potatoes, Butter Turkeys + Chickens,
Sold Potatoes for 45c per Bag + Butter pound Rolls for 21c + Turkeys 9 1/2c per lb + 33c for
Chickens (a piece) Bought 250 lbs Sugar + some cloves + Timothy seed + Stayed at
Roache's Hotel on Front Street East, all night Uncle {Cannot understand word} Jamisson
Stayed there also, in the Evening Uncle John + I went up to House of Assembly, it was the
first time I was ever at the Parliament Buildings. Lizzie was ill the Evening
Friday, 7.
Satruday, 8.
Sunday 9th March 1873. A.M. Owen Lewis, Lizzie + I went to Sabbath School 2nd Chap of
2nd Thess, lesson today Colman Wagg our SS Superintendant wished me to read the hymm
after the Opening Prayer. I did so for the first time in my life. I had often shrunk from that
dutyy before. May God strenthen Me. Noon. This Morning when I arose I feft a vacancy in my
soul, but bless the Lord I looked unto him I have just had sweet communion with Him. P.M.
Father Mother Lizzie + I went to Church Bro N Robinson Preached
MARCH, 1873.
Monday, 10.
Tuesday, 11.
Wednesday, 12.
MARCH, 1873.
Thursday, 13. A bright day, thawing considerably Evening bright AM I done the chores +
went to John McCulloch's to get my hair Shingled, but did not + got dinner there Uncle
Joseph Walker's + Cousin Thos Walker's of Whitchurch came on a visit + stayed until after
Tea time. Father took his mare to Mr Hopkin's on the 7th con Pickering + got her shod +
went to Uncle Jno Boyle's for Dinner + came home in PM Uncle Joseph, cousin Thos + I
went to Goodwood to see the Town Evening Owen Lewis Mother + I went to Prayer Meeting
Friday, 14. A very fine day. quite thawy I opened the Turnip cave S of {Drwing?} House +
found the Turnips to be rotting considerably so Ive assorted the turnips in the cellar + fitted it
+ got things handy to draw turnips from cave to cellar tomorrow. P.M. Owen took a load of
wood (Pine) to McCullough's there are 9 cords in the last pile of we have drawed S of
Sideroad + there are 14 cords on lot North of Sideroad + 20 1/2 cords in North row on the
Uxbridge road + 22 1/2 cords of Seasoned wood in South row one the same road. Father
went to see Mr Eli Cormer to buy some cedar, but did not succeed.
Saturday, 15. Snowed about an such before daylight + was raining at daylight + continued
more or less all day. Evening it had about ceased raining + turned foggy. Warm S E Wind
most of the day. A.M. Owen Lewis + I helped John McCulloch to carry a straw stack into his
barn which had upset in his Barnyard. P.M. We cleaned 10 Bushels Oats for Seed for Uncle
Joseph Walker + Bagged 22 Bags Potatoes.
Sunday March 16th 1873. A.M. Exceedingly windy + Stormy from North P.M. Still windy but
not cold or stormy. Did not go to S School Went to Prayer meeting. Bro McCullough did not
come to Preach, I suppose on account of the Snow Drifts. Bro E Whittleton read 19th Psalm
O Jesus May I lay all upon the Alter for Jesus + Increase my faith
MARCH, 1873.
Monday, 17. A pretty sharp N Wind continued rather cold all day Owen Lewis + I sawed Pine
Cord wood in S Bush. Father took his mare to Mr Hopkins on 7th con Pickering + got her
shod Evening Mother Lizzie + I visited Mr Les Dawswell to bid farewell to their Daughter
Jane, who with her husband + his folk's Mr Brethours of Georgina intend starting tomorrow to
British Columbia via San Francisco
Tuesday, 18. A dull + Chilly day S E Wind Commenced snowing about 3 PM + Snowed
about half an Inch during the night Lizzie + I started on a short visiting tour this morning we
called first on Mrs Donald Mac Rae (formally Miss Emma Colvie) + went to Revd Jacob
Marizolf's on 7th con Markham lot No 4 + took dinner + stayed until about 3 PM. Mr Marizolf
was not at home I suppose it was our farewell visit for they will remove to another circuit in
the spring. We came up to Mr Drew Mason's Markham Village + stayed over night I am 25
years old today + only 4 years on the Lords side. Help me Jesus {The following was written
on the side on the page on this date} Todays notes were written on Monday Evg March 23rd
1873 + Bro Jacob Marizolf is here this Evg.
Wednesday, 19. Fine + bright this morning. Stayed a Mr Drew Mason over night AM. Lizzie +
Rachel Ann Mason + I went to Mr Adamson's Photograph rooms + had each of us a Letter-
graph taken. Lizzie + I went to Ms Donald MacRae's to dinner. P.M. we went back to
MrMasons + started shortly after to Leonard Boyle's, and just called a few Minutes + went up
to Mr Henry Barkey's (Junior) + had tea + We all went to Revival Meeting. Mongolia Bro
Newton Robinson Preached. We went home with Leonard Boyle's + stayed over night.
MARCH, 1873.
Thursday, 20. Stormy. Snowing from S East, Snow soft We purposed going home this AM.
but owing to the Storm, which became worse in PM. Ive concluded to stay another night with
Mr Boyles Evening We Leonard, Malcom + I + Edwin went up to Meeting at Mongolia but
there was no meeting on account of the Storm
Friday, 21. Colder, Snowing slightly from the North this Morn Snowed about 10 Inches
yesterday + last night Lizzie + I started for Home this morning from L Boyle's Cousin Hannah
Lindsay came home with us We found the roads considerably drifted from S East PM I took a
load of Potatoes to Stouffville, at 30c per Bush Hulbert Proffessor Rockwell gave a lecture +
Performance on Horse training at Goodwood this PM Quite Snowy this PM West wind
Saturday, 22.Quite windy from the North this AM PM Not quite so windy AM I bagged some
Potatoes + Owen threshed Peas PM We drew the last of Straw Stack to Driving House for
Horse bedding , Evening I went to Division S of T PM Father + Mother + Hannah Lindsay
visited Mr Thos Robinsons
Sunday 23rd March 1873 AM We went to Sabbath School. Colman Wagg the Superintendant
was absent + I conducted the opening of the Sabbath School for the first time. May the
strengthen me for duty PM We all went to Goodwood Bro W.S. McCullough Preached from
4th Hebrews 1st Verse
(Snow Storm) x (see bottom) MARCH, 1873.
Monday, 24. AM Somewhat stormy Evg pretty fine Owen & I threshed Peas all day Father
Mother Mrs Hannah Lindsey vsited {Mr Ges?} Fields in AM. + Mr Ges Staffords in PM Revd
Jacod Marzolf Evangelical Minister from 7th con Markham came here this evg + will stay al
Tuesday, 25.Storym all day. SE Wind Evening a very impleasant sleet is coming from the S
East Owen Lewis & I finished threshing our peas & {winnowed?} them we have about a
hundred & ten bushels peas Mrs Hannah Lindsey, Father, Mother, & Lizzie visited mrs Burr's
to day & Hannah came home again with them
Wednesday, 26. Quite stormy yet this morning NE wind Quite rough & stormy all day Strong
NE N Wind. 8 o'clock PM storm is still raging it is the worst storm we have had for drifting this
winter. Owen & I winnowed about 35 Bushels of New Sealand Oats for seed & threshed our
small crop of field beans. about 6 quartz. Three years ago to day at the Heaviest snow storm
of 1870 began & snowed fearfully in the 27th March 1870 so that the snow was about 10 feet
on the level, road N4 south were worse drifted ^than I have ever seen them
MARCH, 1873.
Thursday, 27. A pretty fine day after this Storm of Last night. The roads arifled more
yesterday + last night than we have had yet this winter. AM we shovelled some between the
House + road. + I went to 2nd con + got Mr Burr's + John McGullock's to open this snow
drifts there PM I assisted to shovel snow on 2nd con + come home + visit to Goodwood +
recieved a letter from Grand Scribe S of I Brantford.
Friday, 28. A fair day. though somewhat chilly SE wind all day aid not thaw so very lunch.
Hannah Lindsey left this morning Father, Mother + elizabeth took Cousin Hannah Lindsey to
Hiram Johnsons, at Stouffville + took dinner. We do not expect to see her again for a long
time. May the Lord enable us to meet in Heaven, if not again on Earth. Mrs. Abraham Reesor
of Altona Died last night. She had been married to Mr Reesor about a year ago She wil
be married buried at Dixon's Hill tomorrow.
Saturday, 29. Began to rain during the night + contiued moderatily most of the day. Evg
turned cold + began to snow. Wind turned from SE to North- Owen spilt stovewood. PM I
drew up an agreement between Maker Degeer + LW Peterson. mr Degeer agrees to build a
house 20x26 feet + 14 feet high for Mr Peterson for ($50) fifty doll Did not get to division S of
I to night on acct of {inclerwency?} of the weather
(written vertical up the page next to saturday, 29th entry: Lord Assistance)
Sunday March 30th 18/3 AM We attended SSchol with Much weakned I opened the School.
Mr C Waff being about on accdient of his wife's illnes, Lizzie + I went to Mr C Staffords to
dinner + to meeting in PM Mr Bro. N Robinson Preacher Hoseal 12 c + 10th [?]
Monday, 31. Quite snowy until about 10 AM + pretty fair the remainder of the day. thawy. AM
I took 8 sheep to C Yalte's Hotel Stouffville we had sold to mr Priee for $7 a piece PM I took
Lizzie to see Mrs Cohnon Wazz who is quite ill + I went on over to Mr Jon Kellington's
auction sale of farm + stock Lot No 21 East half 1st con Uxbridge. I recieved $6.40c of S.S.
funds from Mr H Kellington I wrote a letter this Evening to Mr J Young to send $10 worth of
SS Prizes for Goodwood USS (130 Books in all)
Tuesday, April 1. AM Fine. quite thawy all day PM somewhat cloud + hailed finely in the
evening. AM i took 7 bags potatoes to Stouffville @ 30c per bush Mr Trancisoo is in due us
$1.10c + Mr Rob Cole is in due $1.35c + Mr John Bruell's[sp?] 85C Went to Uncle Smuel
Toellar's [sp?] to dinner + home again in PM
Wednesday, 2. Snow + rain to day from S West AM I took two loads turnips from cave into
stone cellar + dug snow from off turnip pit in field west of Old House. & Evenings Lizzie &
went to see Colman Waff's his wife is quite ill. Issac Wegg + I went to Uxbridge Village to get
Dr Bascom. We stayed until 5 AM on Thursday
APRIL, 1873.
Thursday, 3. A fine day. Thawed considerably. W Wind. AM Owen + I drew turnips from cave
S of Driving House, into cellar. PM Hank Cooper helped us at turnips finished the larger cave
expect a few there are about 100 Bushels rotten in it. PM Mr Seneca [sp?] Baker brought
cousin Esther Milliken here + both stayed over night Evening. I did not go to Prayer Meeting.
"Heavenly Father. Keep me thy Humble follower
Friday, 4. A fair day. Frank Cooper, Owen + I drew turnips from Pit into cellor. PM I took Mr
Pazan M.D. Near Stouffville, a load, of a cord + a quarter @ $2 per cord, Paid me $1.50
Owen + Frank finished drawing turnips into cellar, Mr + Mrs Robinson came on a visit this
Saturday, 5. Rainy this morning + continued at intervals during the day, A heavy Shower just
after dinner. AM I took ploughs + Harrows to Jacob Barkey's shop Goodwood to get repaired
+ went up to {Chas?} Gould's Saw Mill + got 22 Pieces of Picketing @$10 per thousand feet I
took dinner at Mr Goulds, PM. I went to Goodwood + We hired Ed Leet to work 7 months for
$45. I went to Division S of S in Evening
Sunday. Rainy + Foggy all day. AM We went to S School. Mr Saml Stover assisted in
conducting the School. I took dinner at Mr Stover's. PM I went to Church at Goodwood. Bro
McCullough who was at our place to Dinner, Preached from Acts II Chap 16 verses The
Disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. {written on the side} I was Stregthend in
April, 1873.
Monday, 7. Dull foggy rainy at Intervals. SE Wind A.M. I took, Uncle Martin Johnson's tub +
Barrell home which we had borrowed to Draw water in the Winter. PM I came home by L
Thos Wagg's + got the Spring board. I boirght{unsure of this word} grow Mr Gregg, also
came by Mr Jonas Lewis's + got a Bob sleigh for Dragging logs upon, Mr Seucca Baker
came here this Morning + in PM. took Cousin Esther Milliken to his Father + DV. they will be
married at our Place tomorrow AM.
Tuesday, 8. Rainy all day Mostly SE wind Mr Seucca Baker was married there to day to
cousin Esther Milliken, by Revd Mr More Babtist Minister, Cousins Alice Milliken + Alice
Walker {Mauuel?} + Jacob Baker + Mr + Mrs Joel Baker were also here. Mr + Mrs Baker
went home in the evening by rail to Stouffville + would go from there with Buggy. May the
blessing of God rest upon the Marriage Union. Mifs Amma Scott's School examination at
Goodwood corner off this PM.
Wednesday, 9. Rained until nearly Midnight + then abated till Morning, Rained steadily all
day S E wind this now the 5th day it has rained in Succession + seems likely to continue. AM
I took Mr + Mrs Seucca Baker + the rest of the wedding party to Goodwood Station. I
got the Rod Schod + came home. PM I wrote a letter to Cousins Willie + Lillie Stokes, N
Jersey + one for Mother to Uncle Jarriah Milliken's. Owen Lewis finished Splitting Stove
wood in wood house
APRIL, 1873.
Thursday, 10. Froze considerably last night Somewhat raw & cold wind this AM But thawed
considirbly Owen + I sawed Pine Wood again in North side of South Bush. Mr A. Gregg gave
Father two Sunday School Prize Book which he had exchange for Me. Evening I went to
Prayer Meeting at Goodwood. Roads Much Hooded about Goodwood. Snow about 2 + 3 feet
deep most Part of Road from Here to Goodwood.
Friday, 11. Dull + Cloudy. SE Wind. Sprinkling Some times this AM. Somewhat fairer this
PM. Owen + I Sawed + Split pine Wood. Evening I went to Goodwood + got the Papers
came home immediately. There is talk of a musical Band Organized at James Todd Hotel
Goodwood. Father went to John McCullougeh's to see a sick cow + went over to Mr Stephen
Burr's + got some pieces of teeth pulled Raining a little this evening
Saturday, 12. A fine Day. Owen went away to day I drew Some Wood Pine to Pile on Nigh
wander farm near Goodwood. There are 25 cords + 48 of a cord in the two rows, Evening I
went to Goodwood Dic S of T. The Officers were installed for this quarter. Bro Hugh
McDermolt as WP + I was Installed Chaplain.
Sunday April 13th 1873 AM I + Sister Lizzie went to S School I took the SS Prize Books but
did not distribute them. the Lord blessed me much this morning. Praise his name PM we
went to Goodwood Church. Bro N Robinson preached (For our Sake he became poor that
we might be made rich)
April, 1873.
Monday, 14. A fine day AM. Father brought Ploughs from Blacksmith Shop + also Harrows
which we had got repaired I shut some Fence gaps on Nighswander farm PM I drew some
wood to yard South of the House from Bush South. Owen helped John MColloch to split
some Pine on his 20 acre lot. Evening Edward Leet went up to get John Smyth to come +
saw Pine wood for us at 77c Per day Edward Leet commenced to work for us 7Mo for $75.
Tuesday, 15. A Fine day John Smyth + E Leet sawed Pine in S Bush Owen Lewis chopped
Poplar + cherry wood + in Morning I went to Mr Pagan's + got Some Medicine I have now got
Medicine + Liniment 4 times + once liniment alone. + took him a Cord + a half of wood @ $2
per. + 11/4 Cords @ $2 $2.50, need $1.50 Part Payment , Balance {Written on the side is an
addition of $3.00 + $1.00 = $4.00} Took Dr Pagan 1 1/4 Cord Pine @ $2per = $2.50 + 1 1/2
cords @ $2 = $3 + Cash $1. {The following is boxed in : July 9th cash Balance 35c} = 6.50 In
PM I drew some Pale wood to wood Pile in Corner Commenced to rain at 7 PM
Wednesday, 16. Storm SE wind x See today I work for Thursday's the rain turned to snow +
snowed all day from S East I John Smyth + I made tur large Sates One for Barn Yard Owen
+ Ed. cleared some seed wheat + sore{unsure of this word} Oats for feed. PM Father took
Mother to Goodwoods O Lord be thou My strength + My Porphon {Prophet?}
{The following is written on the side of the page} S E wind threatening storm 7 PM began to
April, 1873.
Thursday, 17. Stormy All day Snowing SE . _ Melting fast Evening Snow An Inch deep
Yesterday John Smyth + Ed Leet sawed Pine Owen + I chopped hardwood on SE corner of
Chopping To day J Smyth + I made two Gates, One for Barn yard Gate. Owen + Ed cleaned
Seed Wheat I did not Go to Prayer meeting on account of Storm + muddy roads O Lord
enable me to love thee with all my Heart
Friday, 18. A cloudy day East wind drizzling very Slightly at times worse I went to Steam Mill
at Stapletons with John McCullochs Boy (Frank Cooper) to draw Mr Peterson's lumber from
the Mill + pile it close by after we came home I helped draw some rails for John, along N
Side of S E Field Thos Douglas + Miss Elisabeth McGuckin assisted Mother to make a
somewhat new Kind of a Summer Quilt Evening, I have been very busy Setting Division
Books. Bless the Lord. In the midst of all may I have Jesus
Saturday, 19. Snowy from S West W not very cold Snow melted immediately. P.M. Fairer
Evening freezing hard. We cut hard wood in SE corner of chopping in S Bush + P.M I drew +
piled it in the lane. John Smith went home on account of the Storm. Evening I went to
Division S of T. at Goodwood as Chaplain I read the 3rd chap of James
Sunday 20th AM. We went to S School Mr S Stover opened + closed the School. Mr C Wagg
was absent on account of his wifes illness. we went to Mr Thos Wagg's (Sr) for dinner PM.
We went to Goodwood meeting Bro McCullough Preached (from Acts 2nd chap + 32 verse)
May God enable me to be a faithful witness
APRIL, 1873.
Monday, 21. Froze quite hard again last night. Thawed again to day. Father tapped most of
the Maple Trees. AM Edward, Owen + I sawed logs of the Old House in Field @ of Stable
into cordwood PM. Split the wood of Old House + burned some of the rubbish, (+ John Smith
came again + he + Ed sawed this.)
Tuesday, 22. Froze pretty hard again last night cool midst of the day. Sap ran freely to day.
Owen + I drew the wood of Old House up to the Cane [sp?] + also the stones of the old
Fireplaces + took Sugar Kettles to Sap bresh + gathered 50 pails of sap. PM J Smith +
Edward Feet sawed some Maple + beechwood in S West corner of Sugar Bush, Mr L.W.
Peterson sold his 340 acre farm near Park Hill to Mr Artemas Boiee to day for $6,200.
(Ploughing) Wednesday, 23. Froze pretty hard again last night AM Owen + I drew some poor
wood to Boiling lace in sap bush. John + Ed chopped corwood in S W corner of Sapbush.
PM Owen comminad Ploughing began just S of House, South of Come John Smyth, E. Leet
+ I raked + burned Rubbish on South side of Segar Bush. Evg I took a calf to Goodwood.
APRIL, 1873.
Thursday, 24. Froze a little again last night Owen + Edward ploughed to day in centre of 2nd
field West on S side of lane. AM John + I finished turning chips on S side of sugar bush. PM
John + I sawed some pine logs on NW feld on Nighswander farm + gathered 30 pails sap
Evening Edward + I went to Prayer meeting Bro Wm Watson exhorted
Friday, 25. Froze quite hard again last night AM I drew 14 Barrels Plaster from Mr Greggs at
Goodwood @ $1.25/00 of bl + also 7 Bags from Mr James MCulloghs at $1.30 + John Smyh,
Owen, + Edward loggia softgax in N West corner of Nighswander farm. PM. Owen + Edward
Ploughed Ploughed in turnip field
Saturday, 26. Fair + cool N Wind. John Smith + I split some rails on N West field on
Nighswander farm, + finished drawing stones off it. Owen + Edward began ploughing in
same field. Evening I went to Division Sons of Temperance.
Sunday April 24th 1873 Thos Douglas went with Lizzie + I to Sunday School. Lizzie + I went
to Robb Waggs to dinner PM We went to Goodwood church Bro N Robinson Preached We
read one of Wesley's sermons on Evil speaking. Evening Lizzie + I went to Mr Days
preaching at Goodwood (ext was 2nd Samuel 19th c + 10 verse latter clause) I had sweet
communion with Jesus this morning. God be praised
APRIL, 1873.
Monday, 28. A beautiful day SE wind warmest day for some time signs of rain This morning I
took Mr Thos Douglas to Douglas Station He started this morning for Rochester Indiana US.
He has been boarding with us since February 10th May the Lord Grant he may be truly
converted + become a follower of Jesus. Owen + Edward Ploughed in field S of large pond
on the Nighswander farm. John Smith + I drew stones of NE field of Nighr farm, with Owen
Settled with James McCullogh for Wood got a due bill for $5/.50c total 134 cords @ $1.60
Tuesday, 29. Middling fair S + SW wind Commenced Seeding I sowed spring wheat (6
Bushels) + also grass seed on North half on field just south of House. John Smyth+ E Leet
harrowed it Owen ploughed sod on Nighswander farm NW field. Father went to Stouffville +
got a Backwall our stove took dinner at uncle Martins, went to Martin Nighswanders auction
sale Jesus cleanse my heart + keep me thine.
Wednesday, 30. A fine day cool N wind AM John Smith + I cleared stones + Pinechips off S
End of New Meadow in 2nd field East of McCulloghs Pond + PM We sowed Oats on North
side of same field (4 acres) + we then went over to 2nd concession + burned Briars + other
Rubbish of Old fence row on South side of Mr Petersons Bush.
MAY, 1873.
Thursday, 1. A Pretty fair day S Wind PM somewhat cloudy AM John Smith + I sowed Grass
seed on North 4 acres of second field East of McCulloghs Pond, which I sowed to Oats
yesterday. + we also sowed Peas on sod fielld on N West part of Nighw far, PM Fire broke
out into Mr LW. Petersons Bush S side from the old fence row we went + carried water +
kept the fire under + John Smyth + I wrought + finished cleaning it for Ploughing. Owen
Lewis finished Ploughing sod field NW Part of Nighswander farm. Did not go to prayer
Friday, 2. AM Rainy NE by East wind John Smith + I repaired wood sleigh. Owen + Edward
cleaned some Oats PM Owen + Edward finished Harrowing Peas on N West field on
Nighswander farm John Smith + I split some wood off S West part of sap Bush. PM Very
Saturday, 3. Cloudy N West East wind, cool Wind turned to N West in Evening + warmer. We
sowed Oats + Grass seed on field opposite School House. Owen Ploughed fence row South
of LW Peterson's Bush PM I sowed spring wheat South of Old House.
Sunday May 4th 1873. AM Mother Lizzie + I attended Quarterly meeting at Stouffville Revd
Alexander Chambers Preached from III Peter 7th + latter part 11th verse a good sermon I did
not feel so happy as I have at some other Quarterly meetings. Evenings we attended Bro
Robinson's Sermon at Goodwood
MAY, 1873.
Monday, 5. Fine + bright Cool N Wind. I borrowed Mr T Robinson's Roller + rolled field of
Peas N West part of Nighswander farm + also spring wheat on South side of House. Owen
began Ploughing in S East field on our 25 acres North of Mr L Long's. John Smith + Edward
Dug out some Hemlock stumps off same field. Father went to Mr Christian Nighswander's
Pickering + got some apple trees Mother is to Mr S Burrs
Tuesday, 6. Fair AM I went to Dr Pagan's + got some medicine for myself. John Smyth
Rolled the field opposite Schol House. PM I finished rolling Oat field S West of Barn, + took
Mr Thos Robinson's roller home + got balance of wood money from James McCullough's
$57.50c + settled with Mr Greggs for Plaster $14.50c paid Jacob Barkey $1.80c for sowing
Whiffletrees + Tongue. Owen Lewis Ploughed in field N of Mr Longs. Sod
Wednesday, 7. Windy S Wind. Signs of Rain I helped Mr Leonard Long make line fence just
North of His house. Edward + Owen began to plough in sod field SW corner of Nighswander
farm. PM John Smyth cleared fence rows of Briar on line North of Mr Longs Buildings
MAY, 1873.
Tuesday, 8. Rainy S W East Very cold all rain all day Evg Raining yet A.M. Owen Lewis went
for S Otiwell to Doctor Nelly (Mare) She has at a Bronchial Affection + will be not be able to
work for Sometime. We assorted Some Turnips in Turnip Cellar P.M. The Boys the last of the
Oats. John Smyth made a Stone Boat + Rake
Friday, 9. Rainy still this morning. SE Wind This morning John Smyth + I started to Make a
Gate, but it faired off about 9 oclock A.M. When we went to the fields to work P.M. I sowed
Peas on 4 acres just North of Mr L Long's house + Edward Harrowed it with Oxen. John
finsihed digging Hemlock Stumps out of same field. Samuel Ottiwell came again to See our
Young "Nel" mare, she is pretty low.
Saturday, 10. Strong S E Wind. a little drizzly yet this morning. The oxen's shoulders are so
{lauce?} I could not Harrow with them. So I came home + took apples + Potatoes out of small
Pits by woodyard. PM I ploughed the S.E corner of Orchard just East of wood house John +
Ed dug Stumps out of Potatoo ground S N East field next W McGuellen's Pond. Father took
the Subscription money for Thos Wagg to the Subscribers again - Evg clear
Sunday May 11th 1873 AM. we went to S School the Prize Books were Destributed to day. A
large School PM. Lizzie + I attended Goodwood church Bro W.S McCullough preached
MAY, 1873.
Monday, 12. Rained considerably last night. Fair & cool this AM,. PM cool + cloudy. West
wind, Evening raining again. AM. I set out lands in Field S east of House next Mr Robinson's
Pond. PM. I sowed 10 Bushels Oats on S West corner of {Nighsevanider?} farm. Edward
Horrdwed it. Owen began to plough N Side of N East corner of Nijhr farm, Andrew Miller dug
some stumps out of lane leading to Second Concession.
Tuesday, 13. Pained considerably last night. Squally. Very cold, al day, Almost freezing NW
wind. I sowed carrots in Orchard about Wood Shed. Edward finished Harrowing Oats next
Maleu Depeer's. Owen finished Ploughing N side of NE field on Nighsevanider farm. John
Smith dug Hemlock Stumps on N East corner of our farm. Father went to Sci Uncle
Cornelius’ but did not see him.
Wednesday, 14. Froze very cold hard last night Cold N wind AM John Smith + I sowed Oats
+ grass seeds in N Side of NE field on Nighsevander farm the Ground was frozen Hard
enough to carry us PM I burned chunks on Potato Patch. N 10 Sugar Bush, Owen Ploughed
in field next {Prinsons?} Pond. Edward Rolled the field owen sowed this AM. This Evening
we went up to the Tea Party Meeting but no decision was come to, as to whether there
should be a party.
MAY, 1873.
Thursday, 15. Froze solid again last night North wind to day AM I helped John McCullock
sow Oats on Centre field of Nighswander farm, his 20 acres. Father helped Mr Price take out
3 B [unknown word] to Altona the weighed 3,560 lbs sold them for $157. PM Father + I dug a
Skunk out of a Pine root Borth of our Pond + shot it. John Smith stumped N E Part of Farm.
Evening I went to Prayer meeting. Bro McCullongh made up salary was
Friday, 16. Quite cool yet to day N Wind Owen + Ed. Finished Ploughing for seed in field S
East of House. John Smith + I drew + piled Hemlock Stumps of N Side of NE field. Father
went to Wm Forsyth's + bought a 4 year old white steer to mate our Buck Ox paid $56.
Andrew Miller dug turned out roots from field just east of orchard. May Jesus be My Guide.
Saturday, 17. Cool N Wind John Smith + I sowed Oats 8 Bushels oats on S Side of field East
of lane, west of Robinson's Pond. We have how finished seeding. The remainder of the day
John Smyth + I logged some taps of Pine on turnip ground. East of House + John Spilt Some
rails on Same field. Evening I went to Decision S of T. at Goodwood
Sunday May 18th. Lizzie is ill. I went to PSchool + we went to Meeting in Pill. Evening we
went to Stouffville for Miss Reynolds.
[written up the left spine in the margin, crosses over all four sections of log] 1876 May 17th
Wednesday. The Lord is merciful. I am still travelling Lionwards may the Lord help me to be
more faithful + serve him with all my heart, I am anxious about the New church we are
building in Goodwood. May we be directed by the Lord. A
MAY, 1873.
Monday, 19 I sowed Carrots with Mr T Robinson's Drill on N West corner of field SE of
House. Next Robinson's Pond. PM. John Smyth + Edward Leet sowed Plaster on Meadows
on Nighswander farm. Evening I went to see Joseph Henferson, Caleb March + Drew Drury
but did not Succeed in getting them to work for us.
Tuesday, 20. Windy N Wind AM. John Smith + Edward Leet sowed Plaster. PM they Split
wood (Pine) on Somerfallow S of Sugar Bush. Father + I Planted Some Potatoes on West
side of Sugar bush, about 5 Bushels E Rose This Evening I went to Tea party Meeting in
upper Church a committe of over 20 were appointed
Wednesday, 21. Signs of rain S E wind. AM I took Miss Reynolds to Mr Eckardts Stouffville. I
came {around?} By Mr Pagan's + got some mroe medicine. John Smith E Leet + Owen
Lewis finished Sowing our Plaster to day this Evening We commenced to manure turnip
ground East of House next Mr Robinsons line Jesus Keep me mindful of thee Amen.
MAY, 1873.
Thursday, 22. Some dew last night, SE Wind the threataned rain seems to have passed off.
although it sprinkled a little today John Smith Helped us finish manuring turnip ground, East
of Orchard + some on East Side of Lane. Andrew Miller is Stumping on Hill side NE of
McCulloch's Pond. We were working until late to night + did not go to prayer meeting. May I
still be expecting from Jesus.
Friday, 23. Pretty warm, thunder Clouds Passing round S W. Wind . Somewhat cloudy this
Evening. We Planted potatoes to day on N Side of of our N E field on our farm, about 11/2
acres I did not go to Teaparty committee Meeting to night. This Evening I read a lecture on
Must have. of in Canadian Messenger. May I give it up must haves + desire the Spiritual
Blessings above temporal ones I also read a piece on "led by a Child
Saturday, 24. Warm, to day This morning I went to Dr E Pagan's to get some medicine for
my Sore throat, I came home + went on the Railway to Uxbridge Village to a Temperance
Tea Party. Revd Mr Manning Grand Division Lecturer gave a good address in the Ontario
Hall. I came home on the 7 ocock PM. train. there was a pretty large excussion to Uxbridge.
Sunday. AM. We went to S School + we went to Mr C Wagg's (in Mrs Cossey's House) to
Dinner. PM. We went to Meeting at Goodwood Bro WS. McCullough Preached
+ has administered Sacrament O Lord help me to live in thy favour Mr P McLellan + Mr TH
Smyth were here last night
MAY, 1873.
Monday, 26. Very warm to day Slight S E by S wind We rolled some Stumps off Turnip
Ground East of Orchard + spread some manure + Edward ploughed in same field I did not
go to the SS Teaparty committee meeting to be held at Mr Colinder Waggs to night May
Jesus help me to be happy in his love, desire more of his love in my heart May I be his
Humble disciple
Tuesday, 27. Foggy this Morning, Brisk S wind + warm at intervals Evg S wind very dry
though signs of rain John McCulloch helped me to finish spread-ing manure on Turnip
ground, + We then rolled out some Stumps out of their holes in N West corner of our field
next McCullochs Pond, Ed + Owen Ploughed Turnip ground
Wednesday, 28. Pretty fair, Mostly N Wind AM Owen Lewis + I washed our Sheep 9 in
number in Mr Thos Robinson's Pond. PM. We drew Some Pine + Harwood cord wood off N
West corner of Somerfallow, into the Sap bush. Father took some Chop Stuff to Altona Mills
+ took it to dinner at Uncle Freds
MAY, 1873.
Thursday, 29. Cloudy Early, turned fairer Cloudy towards evening + rainy SW Wind We
bagged Some Potatoes in House Cellar to sell mr C gregg, @ 25c per Bush. May Jesus be
my all My Souls chief delight
Friday, 30. Heavy Frost last night. Quite fair this morning though cold. AM. He took 44.50/60
Bushels Potatoes to Goodwood + loaded them on the car for Mr A Gregg for 25c per Bushels
PM John McCullock + Ed Spilt Pine wood in S Bush, Owen Lewis + I cleared our cellar of
small Potatoes Father + Mother went visit Cousin Seueca Baker's
Saturday, 31. A Pretty fair day. N West wind. AM Owen + I drew some rails along south side
of Sugar Bush, Just north of the Big HIll a little west of the Barn John Mc Split Pine wood
Edward leet went to the Tinker's LoveHear, at Christ, Heisey's on 4th con Markham. PM
Andrew Miller dug Post holes all day just East of woodhouse, John McCullock + O Lewis dug
a stump out of the way of New board fence West of Woodhouse.
Sunday I went to S School, Lizzie is not very well, PM I walked to meeting at Goodwood, Bro
N Robinson preached almost thou {Perswadch?}
JUNE, 1873.
Monday, 2. Fair to day. Father stayed at Uncle John Boyle's Markham last night + brought
Uncle Cornelius Johnson home here with him this AM. AM Edward + I sawed some Posts for
East side orchard by Garden, Owen Harrowed 'farm' ground {in tiny font between this
sentence and below} This evg I attended a TS tea party {council?} meeting at Greggs PM
Father sheared our sheep (19) John McCullogh sheared four of them after suppr. ed, Owen,
+ I helped Uncle Cornelius to let ing the POsts on East Side of Strawberry + Raspberry
Garden for a Blose upright board fence.
Tuesday, 3. Fair + Dry AM David Scott helped Owen Lewis + I to Pull our Pidgeon weed +
cockle out of large wheat field on 'wright' farm East of Barn Father took sister Lizzie, to Dr
Pagan's PM We drew stones off Newground hill west of Barn,
Wednesday, 4. Signs of rain Very cloudy to N West this AM Commenced to rain about 11
AM. but Scarcely laid the dust PM I worked at a "Stump Boat" today Edward + Owen drew
stones off S Part of Somerfallow + Also Rails from where the Oca Stack
JUNE, 1873.
Thursday, 5. Some Signs of rain, Still very Dry AM Uncle Cornelius + I finished making our
Stump boat, PM Owen + I drew Some Small Stones off old Sod on S E Corner of New round
Sod 10 Rods west of Barn. Edward dry Post holes from Door yard Gate to woodhouse.
Evening Ed + I went to Prayer meeting I did not feel lively in Grace, did not take up the cross
Friday, 6. Very dry N Wind Owen + I repaired fence around Orchard on Nighswander farm +
Also S part of line fence between Mr McCuckins + Nighs farm, today Ed, Father + Uncle
Cornelius set some Poets Adjoining wood house this PM. Mrs McCuckin + Ester Matilda
came over this PM on a visit
Saturday, 7. Cool NW Wind. Very dry We have had no rain of any account since the Evening
of May 12th. John Wagg (Jr) came with his Oxen + helped us to draw stumps into a fence in
line fence North of McCulochs Pond. I did not go to Temperance Division tonight
Sunday 8th {twice?} AM Lizzie + I went to S School a large school about 130 were present
Mr Ed Shaw was present for the first time + Closed the school. PM We went to church Bro N
Robinson, Pred My Son if sinners entice the consent you not" text "Dear Saviour help me to
heed my Admonition Help me to live a life to thee
JUNE, 1873.
Monday, 9. Fair, warm + very dry, S wind Road work began to day Father is Pathmaster Ed
Leet worked on new road for himself to day. I 'chunked' the Stump fence on Sine N of
McCoullock's Pond + burned roots on Somerfollow East of McCoullock's pond, Owen
Harrowed turnip ground East of House Uncle Cornelius made Picket fence just east of Door
yard Gate
Tuesday, 10. Pretty warm this AM S Wind PM a shower came up about 3 clock + a Heavy
shower of about 15 minutes came about half past six oclock. It is the first shower we have
had since 12th May. I drilled turnip ground (1 1/2 acres) on East side of the Lane + after
supper Owen Lewis drilled some for turnips NE of orchardAM I picked + burned on
Somerfallow + assisted Owen Lewis to draw stones off large Hallow on S Side of our Lane,
North of McCoullough;s Pond. PM I went to Mr Thos Storry's raising of Shed. Owen
commenced to plough the Hallow on N Side of McCullock's Pond. Father, Bossed load work.
Wedneday, 11. Cool + cloudy after the Rain PM FAir Evening Cool N Wind I drilled some
ground for Turnips just East of the Lane + got Mr T Robinsons turnip drill Ed Leet filled stump
'holes' in Orchard. Owen Ploughed in New ground sod about the hole N of McCulloch's
Pond. Father "bossed" on the load work.
{following is written up left side of page, across and over the top of the page- written in a very
faded purple/blue ink} Sabbath Jesus 11th 1876 We attended SS this AM at Union SS. North
of Goodwood PM Brother Watson led prayer meeting in Hill Church Goodwood {????} in the
evening Bro J Collins led the prayer meeting, may the Lord to live to him with all our hearts,
Amen. (Bro Royl was absent) (June 11th 1846)
JUNE, 1873.
Thursday, 12. AM I sowed turnips just East of the lane + some in the centre of the NE field.
Owen Lewis Drilled + Ploughed in NE Field Owen Father+ Edward worked on road. Lizzie
Edward, Owen, Barbary Pifer + I went to Prayer Meeting, the Lord was with us praise be to
his name
Friday, 13. Father is ill with pain in his hand. Edward worked on the Road opposite George
Wagg's. AM Owen + I ploughed South part of NE field PM (Owen finished Digging post holes
on S Side of Strawberry Garden just along lane leading East from Door yard to SE Corner of
Orchard. I went to a corner to Meeting for the SS Tea Party.
Saturday, 14. Somewhat cool NW Wind. I than I luck Rainy this evening. Did not wet much
mores- Edward + I built the line fences (about 30 rods long). over the Hill N of our House.
Owen Ploughed the lane on New Ground hill 50 rods west of barn. I took Jacob Barkey 24
1/2 lbs {real?} @ 06c per lbs.
Sunday June 15th 1843 AM We went to S School PM Went to Meeting goodwood Bro
Newton Robinson Preached from Isaiah "Look unto him all the ends of the earth + be ye
JUNE, 1873.
Monday, 16. AM We drew some stumps off the orchard + filled old turnip cave in the S West
corner of Orchard PM I cut some Pine + Hemlock bushes in our S Bush +
Several other teams drew them around to Mr Robinson's Bush to but around the tables for
the Tea Party on Wednesday next 18th June
Tuesday, 17. Cloudy this A Morning faired off was fine all day. Owen finished ploughing the
Orchard + I sowed the West End of it to Buckwheat. Evening Edward leet + I cleaned up the
Chips + from the New Picket fence, South of the wood house on Morth Side of lane, which
Uncle Cornelius hay just completed this Evening. May the Lord keep me from Setting My
heart on temporal things May I Ever remember I am but the Lord's Steward. O Heavenly
Father Keep one honourable looking into thee We Expect to have a Sabbath School Party at
Goodwood tomorrow.
Wednesday, 18. Fair all day Pretty warm, S West wind at times. The Goodwood Union S
School Tea Meeting Came off to day in Mr T Tobinson's Bush lot. N 18 East of Recitations,
Dialogues + singing by the SS Children + Speeches by Several Clergymen There was a
good atten dance, about $155. have been taken by all the means, begging, Meals + Tent.
Expenscs will have to be deducted, May God help us to thank Him + mable us to spend it
wisely + to him Glory, Amen.
JUNE, 1873.
Thursday, 19.
Friday, 20.
Saturday, 21.
Sunday June 22nd 1873 AM Ive attended S.S. PM Mother Elisabeth + I attended church Cro
Newton Robinson Preached from 2nd Timothy 4th C.7th verse May we O Lord also be able
to say likewise at lifes close
JUNE, 1873.
Monday, 23. Rain PM. Clouded over + commenced to rain about 5 Oclock + rained almost
steadily until. It is the first good rain there has been here since May 8 + 9th
Tuesday, 24. Rained about all last night Warm + somewhat close + cloudy
Wednesday, 25. Bright + Pretty warm I took our new Wilkinson Plough to Mr Wilkinson's
Shop aurora + got a new Head for it costing $3.00 came home by Cousin Seneca Bakers for
Tea. John McCulloch helped us plough S Side of Somerfallow East Side of McCulloch's
Pond Jesus Keep me looking until then.
JUNE, 1873.
Thursday 26 Fair Ed Leet + I finsihed hauling manure on Somerfallow just East of
McCullochs Pond, John M Culloch helped. Owen Plough row Somerfallow Eveing Miss
Curtis + miss Wood came with Miss McCullough to tea Evg Lizzie + I went to Prayer Meeting
Friday 27 Warm. Slight S Wind A thunder Shower Passed around to the North this Eve. I
took our Oxen to help Mr John Wagg (Jr) to drain logs for sawing machine Mr. Simon Allcock
Saved for him. Jesus Redeemer Keep me thine midst the toil of life, Amen
Saturday 28 Somewhat cloudy this A Morning Turned fair + very warm, evening Cool SW
wind AM. Owen Leaves finished ploughing Somerfallow first time. Ed Seek thank Cooper + I
made a road to wood in Slash Just South of House 40 rods, PM We all Drew pine wood off
Pine chopping in NE corner of S Bush. My right Eye has been sore about 10 days + did not
go to Division tonight
JUNE-JULY, 1873.
Monday, 30.
Tuesday, July 1.
Wednesday, 2.
JULY, 1873.
Thursday, 3.
Friday, 4.
Saturday, 5.
JULY, 1873.
Monday, 7.
Tuesday, 8.
Wednesday, 9.
JULY, 1873.
Thursday, 10.
Friday, 11.
Saturday, 12.
Sunday July 13th 1873 AM Sister + I attended Sabbath School + P.M, We + Cousin Michael
Johnsons who were at our place Went to Goodwood church Our New W Methodist Minister
Bro Koyle Preached his lect was fear on at little flock it is your father's Good pleasure to give
you tho Kingdom. May God bless Bro Koyle's coming among us. We had him to tea
JULY, 1873.
Monday, 14.
Tuesday, 15.
Wednesday, 16.
Rain JULY, 1873.
Thursday, 17. There was a nice shower about daylight Dull all day, except a while about two
oclock P.M. it was was very warm + a Very heavy shower came up from the North which was
the Heaviest rain there has been all summer. It will do the Crops an immense good. So that
crops may yet yield a good Harvest. May God grant us grateful hearts. We finished Mowing
our crop of Hay Except Some in the fence Corners, + Owen Lewis + W A Deeper finished
Hoing the first sowing of Turnips. A little Boy named Joseph Richman is here.
Friday, 18.
Saturday, 19. Cool + cloudy. W Wind Joseph Richman A.M. We spread Hay was taken home
by one of his friends today P.M. John McCulloch helped us to draw hay from S Part of field
just West of old House my tho Lord prepare my mind for the Sabbath.
Sunday July 20th 1873. Lizzie + I attended S. School. We went to Mr G Stafford's for dinner.
P.M. We attended church Goodwood Bro Richardson preached from John 16 + 33. I felt
Benefitted + blesses praise the Lord this evening I had a Spiritual conversation with Mr C
Scott May God lead him to the Saviour. Amen
JULY, 1873.
Monday, 21 Finished our Haying, except a few fence corners After Supper I went to
Stouffville + Sold 16 Qts of Black berries @ 6c per Qart, came by Mr Pagans but did not See
Tuesday, 22 A fine day Father + Mother went to Uncle Martin's Ed, W A Depeer + I hoed
turnips East of Orchard This P.M Uncle John Jamesons came on a visit Noon. I have just
had a refreshing Spiritual {season?} from the Lord, praise the Lord, He is precious to my Soul
though it is just 4 years + 6 Months since I first experienced the love of God. I feel to bless
him He is still my Saviour, though I have been an unprofitable Servant & twice though God
had forsaken me entirely + I now praise him for those dark Seasons. His mercy is great, Lord
help Watch + pray that I may be found waiting for Jesus {On the side of the page:} Father +
Mother did not come from Uncle Martins until after tea
Wednesday, 23 Signs of rain S + S West Wind Fair + pretty warm most of the day This
morning I went to Dr Pagans up of some medicine for myself + came home + we finished
Hoeing our turnips East of Orchard 1st time + PM, W A Depeer, E Leet + I drew Stones off
Somerfallow field East of McCulloch's Pond, Owen Lewis commenced to Gross Plough
Sommerfallow Father got a Queen Bee from J. T. Drougall yesterday + today he
endeavoured to start a hive with her.
JULY, 1873.
Thursday, 24.
Friday, 25.
Saturday, 26.
JULY, 1873.
Monday, 28. Signs of Rain. Wind various but S of SW mostly. We commenced cutting our tall
wheat it is in large field on East end of West 20 Acres (Wrightfarm) it is an uneven crop
owing to the spring frosts + the Drouth , though the Heads are plump. Owen cradled + Geo
Simerson + I bound. Edward Leet is unable to work on account of a lame foot. A Shower
came up from the South about 5 PM
Tuesday, 29. Pretty warm + about two PM, a Pretty heavy Shower came up from the West
lasted about 30 minutes. Owen Lewis + I were helping W S Burr at Wheat we came home
after the rain + Owen dug up a Strawberry patch just East of Garden + Edward + I sowed
some Turnip seed + Radish Seed on it. W A Depeer Harrowed on Somerfallow this PM.
Wednesday, 30. Warm Ed Leet + I cradled + bound wheat in centre of west 20 Acres +
Owen Lewis helped Mr S Burr finish to cut his wheat + after TEa they came + assisted us +
we cut 35 shock's.
Thursday, 31. Warm + signs of rain from the West commenced to rain about Dark + rained a
pretty Good shower. Mr S Burr + I hired Boy (Les Dayton) + Les Simerson assisted us to cut
wheat on Wright farm, (West 20 acres)
Friday, August 1. Dull cloudy until about 10 AM. fair + warm in PM some NW Breezes Mr S
Burr helped us from about 10 AM until a little after Tea time at our Wheat. We have our fall
wheat all cut + bound After Tea Mr Burr + I assisted John McCulloch's to finish their fall
wheat it is just south of the new hosues on the Peterson farm PM. Owen + Edward helped
Mr G Dowwell, at wheat whilst I am engaged in the temporal harvest. May I not need the
Saturday, 2. AM Warm + cloudy looking very much like rain, Sprinkled a little about 9 AM it
gradually faired off + was pretty fair this PM. Ed. Leet, Owen Lewis + I assisted Mr G
Dowswell to finish cutting his fall Wheat, all day came home about half Past 6 PM The
Quarterly Official Meeting of the WM of Stouffville Circuit was held in Stouffville this PM + the
Religious Services will be held in Bloomington Church tomorrow AM. May the Lord be
present + bless us. Amen
AUGUST, 1873.
Monday, 4. Sunday August 3rd 1843. A M. Mother, Lizzie + I went to Quarterly Meeting, @t
Bloomington. Brother Royle Preacher from Matthew 6th (Blessed are they poor in who
hunger + thirst after Righteousness) a good sermon, the fellowship meeting was not so
earnest + well improved as generally it is, may the Lord help one to truly hunger after + to do
the will of God Went to Mr Wm Stomy's to Dinner came home to Tea Monday Aug 4th 1873
Mother + Father Visited Uncle Fred's I made a new Bridge N Side of Barn.
Tuesday, 5. S W. Wind AM. We hoed Turnips East of Orchard PM. Ed + I started to draw in
Fallwheat Mr Geo Dowswell's Burned their Pine Brush to the East S.E of the marsh South of
the McCullock's Pond The fire Burned some Pinewood of Mr Dawswell + about 300 rails of
the line fence between [?] them + us. Owen Lewis is unwell + unable to work
Wednesday, 6. Signs of Rain S EW wind James Dowswell Man (Ged Simerson) assisted us
to finish drawing in our Fall wheat this PM. AM Lizzie took Cousins Mary Alice, Tillie Ann
Jamieson + Mary Elisabeth baker of Whitchurch, part of the way home they have been
visiting us since Monday evening last.
AUGUST, 1873.
Tuesday, 7. A fine day shower passed over early this morning. Cloudy + close this AM. PM.
Mostly Bright + any warm at intervals. I Horse raked wheat Stubble + drew it to barn. Owen
hoed Turnips East of Orchard. Ed ploughed New ground HIll West of Barn. Evg Ed + I went
to prayer meting, The Lord was present.
Friday, 8. Bright + fair. PM Owen + I assisted Mr Ged Dowsswells to draw their Fall wheat to
Saturday, 9. A fair day. N Wind Mostly. A.M. Wm A Degeer + I mowed some Second crop
Clover on SE corner of Highswander farms + after Tea the "Boys" drew it to barn. Ed Leet + I
drew stones off Somerfallow after Noon- I sold my "bess" Cow to thos Monkhouse. Altona for
($40) Jesus is precious to me to sight. I may the humble + trusting + loving him with all my
AUGUST, 1873.
Monday, 11.
Tuesday, 12.
Wednesday, 13.
AUGUST, 1873.
Friday, 22.
Saturday, 23.
AUGUST, 1873.
Monday, 25.
Tuesday, 26.
Wednesday, 27.
AUGUST, 1873.
Thursday, 28. AM We drew Oats from N side of NE field of Nighswander farm Barbara Pifers
Child Luther age 16 Mr took sick with Fits, I went + got Dr Farewell from Stouffville to come +
see him at noon but the dear child died at 6 oclock this Evening we will miss him but God has
taken him to Heaven to be Happy forever Mrs T Robinson "laid him out" May I so live as to
be also ready. Amen.... Cousins Willie + Lillie Stokes came on a visit.
Friday, 29. A Fine day. The Child Luther was buried this PM in the Graveyard North of
Goodwood Mr James Collins preached from Numbers "Let me die the death of this
Righteous + let my last end be like his.." Father + Cousin Willie Stokes brought the Coffin for
little Luther from S Burkholders.
Saturday, 30.
Sunday Augt 31st 1973 We took Cousins Wm + Lillie Stokes to Uncle Martin Johnsons +
also to M Walter Millers. I got Tea at Mrs Hodgins on 10th Markham. Mr jas Collins preached
in Goodwood. this PM I did not get to church to day. did not Spend it as much to the glory of
God as I ought. Written Sept 5th 1873.
Monday, 1.
Tuesday, 2.
Wednesday, 3. We finished "Harvesting" about 4 PM in S the last we took in was the Oats off
S West of Nighswander farm. May God help me to prepare for the Eternal Harvest, may not
the cares of life estrange my soul from the lord. Written Sept 16th ))
Thursday, 4. We sowed Fall Wheat to day in field just east of McCulloch's Pond on our South
line. Got the seed from Daniel Hoover on 10th Con Markham.
Friday, 5.
Saturday, 6.
Monday, 8.
Tuesday, 9.
Wednesday, 10. A fine warm day About 1 Oclock this morning I started for Toronto, Drew A
Degeer accompained me. I had a load of mixed, of Wool got 35c per lb, Potatoes @ 50c per
Bag Butter lb rolls @ 25c Eggs @16 per Dozen Stayed at Black Gorden Hotel.
Tuesday, 11. Very Warm to day I came home from Toronto to day came B by majorville Grist
Mills + got 850 lbs Bran @ $12 p ton.
Friday, 12.
Saturday, 13.
Sunday 14th Sept 1873 Went to SS in AM. PM. We went to Goodwood Church. a 'Local"
Brother from Ringwood, preached. Text was "Let us come bodly to the throne of Grace that
we mayfind attain Mercy + find grace to help in time of need" may God grant it. The Lord has
blessed me to day.
SEPTEMBER, 1873. Goodwood
Monday, 15. A Commenced to rain about 10 AM continued rainy all day. Father + Uncle
Frederick, started for Mariposa to visit cousins Martin + Wm Johnson + also Uncle george
Johnson's in Verulon Township. A heavy frost last night, Potatoestops quite frozen down
Tuesday, 16.
Wednesday, 17. Heavy frost last night Somewhat drizzly Las this PM. Mr Henry Barkey (Sr)
+ Wife came on a Visit + got some plums Mr Enoch Kestin came + got 2 Pails of Plums @
50c per pail.
Thursday, 18.
Friday, 19.
Saturday, 20.
Monday, 22. We finished threshing Peas in West linter of Barn.
Tuesday, 23. Owen Lewis went ti thresh for Hugh McDermitt, came home sick. This Evening
Ed Leet + I went to Goodwood there was a meeting of the Wesleyan Members to see
aboutgetting carpeting for the Aisle of the W. N1 Church at Goodwood. the carpet will be got.
Wednesday, 24. Fair + Cool. Owen is Ill. John Smyth commenced to work again for us at 75c
per day. We Hauled Manure to S field just North of L Longs John Waggs came + Set down
their threshing Machine this Evening
Thursday, 25. Rainy until nearly noon the heaviest rain there has been for some time John
Wagg commenced to thresh for us we filled most of the Fall Wheat in Baggs________
Friday, 26. Fair day wind rather S W by West John Wagg finished threshing for us this PM.
We had about 250 Bushels Fall Wheat, 50 Bushels Spring Wheat + about 500 Bushels Oats.
The threshing hands drew in the Buck wheat from Orchard, to barn + also to cover the stack
with Boards May the Lord help me to use every blessing as the Lords Steward
Saturday, 27.
Monday, 29. Friday Nov 28th Ree d from A Gregg $7 on a Wood Acct of $35. 00 Sat Nov 29
R e d from Jacob Bailey $4 on Wood account of $3.50 " " " " " M Chapmack $2.70 for 1 1/2
Cord Pine Wood
Then Dec 4th Ree d from A Greg, $28.80 gave Father $28, Kept 80 c
{This table is on the right side of page}
Tuesday, 30.
Wednesday, October 1.
OCTOBER, 1873.
Thursday, 2. Sat Nov 29 Paid J McCullough $4.85c for Peas $4.85
Friday, 3.
Saturday, 4.
Summary of Accts See below OCTOBER, 1873.
Monday, 6. Cold raw wind from North. A little Snow came down this PM. or just about Noon. I
assisted Jno McCulloch to kill a Hog. + made a New road around mud hole in S Bush this
AM. PM We drew Manure to field S of Bush. John Smyth split rails 50 or 60 rods S of House.
This Evening I called in to see Mr Lewis Brown + humbly endeavoured to encourage him to
continue seeking the Saviour, until Jesus Speaks peace to my His soul May the Lord bless
him Amen. Freezing hard to night. Paid A Gregg $30 on Owen Lewis' Act., he has now got in
money $83.60. Lost days 13 1/2
Tuesday, 7. I think the ground was frozen harder last night than any night this Fall AM We
finished to S field for Potatoes next year. John Smyth split rails. PM Father took 6 turkeys to
JR Brown's Hotel + sold for 60c each. The Boys + John Smyth + I dug Potatoes, Chilis in N
part of N E field, the poorest Potato Crop we have had in Uxbridge. We settled with John
Smyth this Evening $30, being Amtim full for 40 days work, before Oct 6th 1843. O Lord
guide me, in thee will I trust.
Wednesday, 8. Ed Leet is now Dr to $22.18 1/2 c. Has lost 4 1/2 days
OCTOBER, 1873.
Thursday, 9. Fair + Very Pleasant John Smyth helped us to finish digging our Potatoes to
day This evening Miss Hannah Robinson + Miss C McCullough came to were here to Tea +
we went to prayer meeting We had a good time. The Lord be praised
Friday, 10. Fair + pleasant Slight S Wind. We went to Stouffville Fall Fair Father took Bull
"Duke Red" to fair, Ed Leet took our oxen, got 1st prize for each. I took a Bag Chili Potatoes,
got 1st prize, also a 30 lbs Jar Butter got 2nd prize. (first) 1ed prize for a Jar of Lombard
Plums as they came off the tree got no prize for Fall apples + Pumpkins + none for the 2 year
old filly for Saddle or Carriage, We got Tea at Uncle Martins. Where Father Stayed over
Night with the Bull I think the Fair passed off quite pleasantly. {written vertically an left side of
page} (fisrt) Olg Mrs {Borkins?} was buried to day at upper Chapel.
Saturday, 11.
OCTOBER, 1873.
Monday, 13.
Tuesday, 14.
Wednesday, 15.
OCTOBER, 1873.
Thursday, 16.
Friday, 17.
Saturday, 18.
x Turnip Pulling OCTOBER, 1873.
Monday, 20.
Tuesday, 21.
x Wednesday, 22.
PM John Smyth Ed Leet + O Lewis + I commenced pulling Turnips a fair crop
OCTOBER, 1873.
Thursday, 23. Rainy. AM John Smyth completed making a Gate for the lane just west of
Horse Stable
Friday, 24.
Saturday, 25. Fine + S West Wind A.M. Ed + Owen finished ploughing the N West field on
Nighswander farm just S of Pond John Smyth, W A Depeer + I topped carrots + put some in
the Cellars. PM. John Smyth pulled turnips. Edward Leet, O Lewis W.A Degeer + I drew 17
loads to the Cellar.
Sunday. Oct 26th 1843 PM. Bro Slyter. Bro Koyle's colleague in the ministry on Our Circuit.
preached from 1st Kings 18th chap + middle of 21st verse. Now long halt ye between two
opinions if the Lord be God follow Him but if Bad then follow him
OCTOBER, 1873.
Monday, 27. Rained last night A little showery at times to day fair at Noon Lizzie + I assisted
some of the Friends to Paint the Wesleyan Chapel inside at Goodwood. O Lord keep me in
life that at last I may glorify thee in the upper Sanctuary
Tuesday, 28. Snowly, Wet Unfit to work out doors We threshed Peas
Wednesday, 29. Cold John Smyth came again he has been here 16 days before
Thursday, 30. Froze some last night Too hard to Pull Turnips I went to Mr Elijah Patterson's
Dentist Glasgow I had 3 teeth filled with Platina Amagam Edward Leet + John Smyth Split
rails on fallow, just south of lane
Friday, 31.
Saturday, November 1. We pulled Turnips Set in Quite Stormy towards night
Sunday Nov 2nd 1873. We went to Sabbath School + went to Robs Waggs to dinner + to
Church at Goodwood in PM. Brother Koyle preached from "Quench not the Spirit" a Cutting
Sermon may the Lord enable me to follow the Spirit.
Thursday, 6. Thanks giving day. AM. Andrew Miller assisted us to draw earth to cover Turnip
cave deeper PM Ed Leet + I began Ploughing Orchard Owen went up to New Market road.
Andrew Miller has been here 2 days of the 4 days, he is to help instead of splitting Rails
Friday, 7. Chilly S. E wind this Morning froze the Earth over an Inch deep last night But
turned warm + fair Frost thawed so that Owen ploughed in Orchard in PM. + I drew some
Lime + Sand to School House to repair the Plastering in the Ante room. AM We logged some
stumps mostly Hemlock in sod field North of Barn Near the line fence O. Lewis is Dr to
$84.60c + 16 1/2 lost days, began to work Jan 3rd E Leet is Dr to $84.60c + 161/2 lost days,
began to work Jan 3rd. E Leet is Dr to $ 21.93c + 51/2 lost days began to work April 14th
Tuesday 13th Nov. E Leet to $1.06c at Stouffville Fair... Nov 13 Cash to O Lewis $1.
Saturday, 8. Rained some last night Cloudy + turned cold towards night. Owen Lewis, Ed
Leet + I assisted Mr. Stephen Burr from 9 AM to 4 PM to get in the last of his turnips.
Monday, 10.
Sunday Nov 9th 1873. Snowed some last night Cool to day Blustery in PM AM Ed Leet + I
went to Quarterly Meeting Bloomington Bro Koyle preached from the Song of Soloman Who
is she that cometh as the Morning! Fair as the moon, clear as the Sun, Terrible as any army
with Banners. The Lord was present, the Lord was praised May we in come forth in the
Heavenly journey like to the Sun
Tuesday, 11.
Wednesday, 12.
Thursday, 13.
Friday, 14.
Saturday, 15.
Sunday, 16 Nov 1873 Jesus is precious to my soul this Evening blessed be his name
Monday, 17.
Tuesday, 18. Pretty fair. N Wind Sunny at Noon PM Colder. John McCulloch + Mr Thos
Robinson assisted us to butcher 5 Hogs. 3 of which are for Market Ed Leet + O Lewis
assisted Mr White to thresh.
Wednesday, 19. Father did not talk Pork Toronto on account of low prices comporatisly.
concluded to keep it until next week.
Thursday, 20 Saturday Nov 20th 1875. I went to Stouffville + got "Gia" mare shod + went to
Uncle Samuel Barkeys in pickering + informed them of Aunt Sarah A Walkers death
yesterday + funeral tomorrow at Dixons Hill 8th Con Markham. I came back via Stouffville +
stayed to the {Wesleryan?} Quarterly Official Meeting as an onlooker. Bros E S Koyl + M A
W Ross present. Lord grant grace to thy servants to be faithful stewards in thy cause. This
evening Mr J W Shoults + family came here. are going to Aunt S. A. Walker's funeral
Friday, 21.
Saturday, 22. Ed Leet's time of 7 months is now up this Evg
Sunday, Nov 23rd 1873 AM we went to S School PM. We took dinner at Mr McGackins +
PM, we went to Church at Goodwood Bro Slyter preached from 'One thing yet thou lackest"
O Lord help me to love the best
Monday, 24. Snowed about 6 Inches last night Owen + I drew some Pine rails + built fence
just west of Sheep pen North of Barn + got things ready for going to Toronto with the Pork
Tuesday, 25. Pretty cold N W Wind most of the day Slieghing good here Father started for
Toronto with the Sleigh, took 3 heavy Hogs, a few Turkeys, butter + Eggs. Ed leet went with
him to See the City Owen lewis + I drew some manure around Turnip cave + celar windows
+ also around cow stable. PM> we made some roads to rails in Chopping South of House.
about 40 rods
Wednesday, 26.
Thursday, 27. Father came home from Toronto, sold Pork for $5.30c per hundred lbs, Butter
20c per lb
Friday, 28. Pretty fair to day We took Mr A Gregg a car load Hardwood 5 cords at $4.50c on
the cars + 7 cords pine at $1.90c per cord on the cars
Saturday, 29. A somewhat dull day Wind in Evening S W Sold Jacob Barkey, Blacksmith
Goodwood 3 1/2 cords culled Pine wood at $1. per cord + 1 load to Mr Chapman at $1.88c of
Good Shipping Wood. + 1 1/2 Cord of Seasoned smalled Pine at $1.75c per cord + bought
25 37/60 bushels Peas off J McCullough at 8c per Bush Owen Lewis is now Dr to $94.10c +
17 lost days Edward Leet is now Dr to $ $31.581/2 c + has 7 months put in + 2 days more
Monday, 1. Very Cold Wind S E by N. E. a little Snow flying Evening some appearance of a
thaw Malen Degeer Hewed some Timber for us Mr S Burr helped us scoore score hack for
heaving. Edward Leet will quit working for us this evening We allow him $80 for 7 months +
paid him $40 leaving a balanace of ($40.) Snow about a foot deep
Tuesday, 2. Rainy SE. Wind Foggy + Showery all dya. Father helped Mr S Bur Butcher some
Pigs I went to see Mr James Collins to get him to come to paint our sitting room, could not
get him
Wednesday, 3. Rain continues Snow going fast. Mr S Burr helped us to grind Mr M Cucking's
Sausage machine knives
Thursday, 4. 5 oclock AM. rained ceased a very Mild + warm SE wind. at 6 AM rained a little
+ immediately blew almost a Hurricane from the S West lasting scarcely a minute though the
wind continued very high nearly all day. During the first blast it blew down many trees
unroofed several Barns + Sheds + levelled many fences, blew down some board fence for us
+ settled the posts to the North, some of which were nearly 4 feet in the Earth, nearly two
suches {fluroofed?} straw stack. tore Shed roof down S of Lea Stable. Lorenzo Vanhorn was
Killed this AM by a tree in Mr Truman Beutleys Bush on 4th con Uxbridge
Friday, 5. Freezing hard snow about all gone. Cousin Wm Johnson who came yesterday
started for home (Mariposa) this morning. he is taking 5 cattle + 4 sheep home. Wm Connor
+ Byron Peurose of Mariposa assisted him Yesterday + this AM we were repairing fences.
this PM Malen Degeer assisteed us to repair Shed at East end of Barn O Lord help me to
watch + pray, love the above all
Saturday, 6. A fine day. Snow about all gone roads frozen, though pretty smooth. There was
a Special School Meeting in the School Section House of our Section (No9 Uxbridge) Mr
Geoloage resigned office as trustee + Mr Christopher Scott elected Trustee instead. Mr
James A Douglas is the present Teacher Lorenzo Vanhorne was buried at the Upper
Churchyard 1 mile North of Goodwood this PM Revd Mr Koyle Wesleyan Minister of
Stouffville Preached foorn Samuel There is but a step between me + death
Monday, 8. Sunday 7th A fine day AM. Lizzie + I went to Sabbath School It was the most
solemn School I think we have ever had owing to the sudden death of one of our Scholars a
young man Lorenzo Vanhorn May the Lord lead many to seek his grace + may I watch +
pray. PM. Bro Slyter Preached to a large + solemn Congregation "Ho every one that
thirsteth" Haigh 55th I 1st
verses a very impressive sermon may God add his blessing
Tuesday, 9. A soft day somewhat squally this AM. PM fine mild evening freezing some Mr
Stephen Burr assisted us to butcher the last 3 of our fattening hogs, one weighed 376 lbs PM
we made sausage of these part of them
Wednesday, 10. Pretty fair Evening Very Calm + Cloudy AM We drew wood into wood house
PM assisted John McCulloch to cut oat Sheaves with Horse Power Cutting Box (Mr John
Wagg's) Father + Mr Stephen Burr went to Scott to see Father to See for a School Teacher
Thursday, 11. Snowed about 3 Inches last night rainy this AM PM Damp. AM We threshed
PEas. PM. assisted John McCulloch to finish cutting Oat Sheaves. Evening Lizzie + I went to
Prayer Meeting I failed to take up the Cross. how easily overcome, Lord Strengthen me.
Friday, 12. Mild to day thawy Owen Lewis + I drew some Hewed timber from South Bush for
a Pig pen + addition to Barn + drew some rails also This Evening We hired Edward Leet for
the Sum of ($130) one hundred + thirty dollars for the year 1874 + will pay him at the rate of
Ten dollars per month from this until Janry 1st 1874.
Saturday, 13. Snow Storm Snowed most of the day from the NE nearly a foot deep. faired
about 3 PM. Owen Lewis + I threshed Peas This Evening Lizzie + I went to Cousin Seneca
Baker's Whitchurch + stayed all night
Monday, 15. Sunday 14th Lizzie + I went with Cousin Seucca Baker's to Babtist Church on
6th con Markham Whitchurch townline. Revd Mr More Preached from the great love of God.
O Lord help me to appreciate thy love amen.
1873 Thursday, 16. Copied from Acct Book from S.S.No 9 Uxb
$ c
Balance on hand from 1872 48 74
Feb 15 County Asst grant $28.08 28 08
July overment grant $24.45 24 45
Dec 18th Recd from Mr Frank Wagg Township
Treasurer the
Sum of $390, being school asst on S.S. No9 Uxb for
390 00
Wednesday, 17. Expenditure for S.S. No9 Uxbridge
$ c
21/4 cords dry hardwood 11 20
4 cords Green wood H McDermatt 18 00
1 Blach board $2, 2 Brooms boc + 1 Cord Pine $2.25 4 85
Paid Mrs Miller for Making fires $2
Feb 15th County Asst School grant to Teacher 28 08
July Government School grant to Teacher 24 45
Dec 19th Paid Teacher, James A Douglas Balance of
347 14
Thursday, 18. A Mild Day Edward Leet + I assisted Mr C Scott to Chop cord wood in Bush on
NE corner Lot No 16 1st con. Uxb Evening I went to Prayer meeting we had a good meeting
Lizzie + Mr McCullough's of Goodwood went to a Social Sabbath School Party at
Friday, 19. Stormy Snow from NE. Evg SW wind Father + I attended Mr James A Douglass
School examination in our S.Section No 9_ Several visitors present Mr John Scott + Miss
Anna Scott, Teachers were present. The Scholars did well though they cheered somewhat
Boisterously, As sectetary of SS No 9 {Mr spaid?} Mr A Gregg James A Douglass teachr
balance of Salary $347.14cts + Father + Mr Scott + Mr McDernistt hired Mr Douglass for next
year (1874) for the Sum of $360
Saturday, 20. A Fine day Strong N Wind AM Edward + I asisted John Wagg Jr to cut oat
Sheared with Horse power Father Bought me a pair of Shoe Packs at Hiram Johnson's
Stouffville for $2.75c Ed Leet has worked for us 3 Days this week at the rate of Ten dollar per
month till Jan 1st 1874
Monday, 22. Sunday Dec 21st We attended S School + the Tunker Brethren Preached after
S School Text was Hebrews 1st Ch 1st + 2nd verses. Mr Saml Baker preached. PM Bro
Slighter Preached from "And he arose and came to his father" Evening Lizzie + I attended
Prayer Meeting Brother Watson exhorted We had a good meeting the Lord be praised.
Monday 22nd PM Miss Mary Ellen Welsh + Thos came on a visiit
Tuesday, 23. A fine day thawed Slightly Cosuin Wm Johnson of Mariposa brought our
waggin home yesterday + stayed with us last night to day we took 3 steers 2ys old to Michael
Welsh's on E part Lot No 23. 4th con markham to be pd Straw this winter, we also took a
load Turnips for them, came home by Dr Pagan's + I got some medicine
Wednesday, 24. Mild Cloudy. Snowed a little after dark. N Wind. We "Skidded" Saw logs in
South bush, with oxen. Cousin Wm Johnson of Mariposa went home with his new Bob
Sleighs this PM. I went to Goodwood this evening for some cheese
Thursday, 25. Mild and Cloudy Snowed nearly an Inch last night Father and Mother went to
Uncle Martin JOhnson's last Elizabeth + I stayed home This evening, Lizzie, Barbara PIfer +
I went to Prayer Meeting Bro Wm Watson exhorted, read Matthew 2nd Chapter Showing the
love of God toward us + his certain providence over those who love him. Lord help me to be
thankful for the Gift of thy Son our saviour Help us to love Thee. Amen.
Friday, 26. Cloudy. PM Fine Snow from S.E. AM I took some Plaster trough from School to
John McCullough's. PM I sawed some wood in wood house Father + Mother went to Uncle
Saml Focklars, Rigwood + came home by Joseph Barkeys Stouffville + got somePictures in
Frames Viz Lato Hon Stephen A Douglas, rom shore to shore, the Mother + Child. Christ
among the Doctors, First Am Congress. The Lord be my Guide + bless us all.
Saturday, 27. Cloudy Snowy Somewhat all day New Snow about two Inches, Father went to
Geo Focklar's Blacksmith Ringwood + got Gin Mare Shod. took Ino Bruells a Turkey + settled
accts with him Evening Elijah James Smith of Ringwood came up + got a Turkey for his
Grandmothers I went $5 of subscriptions for 13 Subscribers for Canadian Messengers, to Ino
Dougall Son Montreal. (See Jany 1st)
{This is very faint, with writting almost on top of it} Recipe for the last change in Women Take
internally sulphate of Magnesia 1 oz solution of {Strychmine?} 1 {drachm?} Juncture of Iron 1
{drachm?} Water 6 oz dose 1 tablespoonful 3 times a day For Running ear, syringe out with
a solution of acetate of lead 2 grains to the ounce of water 3 times a day For Cramp. rub the
affected parts with Camphor Liniment Gord Stable liniment. Mix 1 ounce of lincture of amica
with 1 pint of alcohol + 1 pint of water.
John Smith days Aug 1876 By Working at Oats 1 1/2 Sep 1 to oct 21st 33 Oct 21st to 28th 5
Oct 30th1/2 + 31st 1 1/2 Ed Crittenden March 20th to Oct 4 to $26.14 Oct 6th Took 11 Days
Settled Sept 26th Mr Crittenden worked on Edwards time 12 days Oct 28th Dr 4.90 + Oct
29th Dr Lo $8.00 in all {unknown}
1 N Leech $42.00 Paid
2 C Wagg $55.35 Pd
3 Geo Wagg $9.60
4 G Davis H Stapleton $17.40 Pd
5 H Stapleton G Davis $11.50
6 Jas Dowswell $7.50
7 Wm White $11.05
8 Ambrose Lewis C Scott $20.25 Pd
9 Henry Widdifield Mordicai
10 Julius Forsyth + Emma Forsyth $32.00 Paid
11 O Cosgrove $17.30 Pd
12 Hiram Alsop Julius Forsyth $12.00
13 J Crick $26.26 Pd
14 Thos Howard Ms Price $25.75
15 Ben Palmer E Vauzant $23.05 Pd
16 Hugh McDermot $20.00
17 Jos Noudriek Ges Williams $43.05 Pd
18 Emma Forsyth $17.25
{Written to the side} 529.31 21.75 307.56
{The following is a newspaper clipping}
Another Attack on Ontario
Persistent attempt to increase facilities for sale and drinking of beer and wine in Ontario is
being made at the present time. The agitation comes from those interested in the
manufacture and sale of liquor or from their agents who are pretending to speak for the
citizens of the province. It is felt to be another attack upon the moral and physical life of our
Canadian youth. The Premier of Ontario and many of the strongest men in his Cabinet are
against any further flooding of the province with intoxicating drink. They are aware of the fact
that it is not the general public of Ontario that is calling for beer and wine. But in order to
reassure them, and to counteract this false and pernicious propaganda of the liquor interests
under cover of the name, Moderation League, the people of Ontario are now being asked to
sign the petition printed below. We would call the attention of all out Ontario readers to this
matter and urge that the strongest protest should be made against the arrogance of a group
whose boasted interest in the people is so evidently based only upon selfishness and
shameless greed. Copies of the memorial will be found in your locality. To the Hon. G. S.
Henry, Premier of the Province of Ontario, and to the members of the Legislative
Assembly: We, the undersigned citizens of Ontario, desire to express to the Honorable
George S. Henry, Premier of the Province, to the members of the Government, and to the
members of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, our emphatic opposition to
any increase in the facilities for the sale of Beer and Wine, whether in Hotels, Restaurants,
Clubs, or other places, and to any extension of their use in places providing public
convenience or entertainment.
{the following is a newspaper clipping}
What About Our Penitentiaries?
THERE is every reason to believe that the public mind still remains deeply concerned in
regard to our penal institutions under federal control. The tragic incidents at Portsmouth and
St. Vincent de Paul, and the announcement that soldiers have been hurried to Stony
Mountain and Prince Albert, in view of possible serious disturbances there, have directed
earnest attention to these institutions in our midst to which most of us give, rather purposely,
all too little thought when matters are quiet and peaceful. It is regrettable that it seems to take
such unusual incidents to direct public attention to those institutions that should be more or
less on the minds of the people all the time. But once the thought of the people has thus
forcibly been directed toward them, and a conscience in regard to them has suddenly been
quickened, the fact that they have had so little thought in normal times makes the newly-
awakened interest all the keener. Just now the people are very greatly concerned about our
penitentiaries and what goes on inside them, and are in a mood to ask some searching
questions in regard to them and to demand honest and straightforward answers. As these
sentiments have found expression in the public press and otherwise, there have been those
ready to deprecate very strongly and stirring up of this matter at the present time. One of our
leading senators expressed the opinion that a time like this, when tendencies toward
lawlessness were so prevalent, was a poor time to criticize those charges in any way with
the duty of maintaining law and order. Such a putting of the case merits some attention, of
course. but it will not take us very far against the reasonable demand that our whole penal
system, just {clipping ends there}
{John written around the boarders of the page}
{typed clipping}
The Baptist Theological Seminary at Chicago.
brick, 214 feet long, 48 feet wide and four stories high, and will cost about $60,000. It will
contain four residences for families, and thirty-six suits of rooms for students, each suit
having a study room and two lodging rooms - beside rooms for boarding, recitations, &c. The
rent of the four dwellings will pay the salary of one teacher. The Building thus ENDOWS A
PROFESSORSHIP and furnishes rooms for students. The corner stone was laid August 18,
1868, and the building is rapidly going up. THIS BUILDING will be the place where hundreds,
and perhaps thousands, of God's ministers will pursue their studies for the great work of
preaching Christ. Here they will pray and weep and rejoice. Here they will gain many spiritual
victories; and years after they leave its walls, they will look back to it with tender interest and
hallowed associations. From it there will go forth much of gospel light, and many earnest
laborers to benefit and bless the world. Would you like to put some bricks into it, or pay for
some that are in it? Send your contributions to
G.S BAILY, 32 Wahpanseh Ave., Chigaco, Ill.
{typed clipping}
Quarterly Ticket for February, 1873.
For the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. -2
Cor. iv. 18.
{printed} Samuel Johnson {plmb?}
March 16th 1873 PM. Ashamed to take up my cross in Prayer Meeting. Heavenly Father
may I overcome this besetting sin. Amen
{the following is a newspaper clipping or pamphlet}
Do you deem sin, any sin, a little thing? Fools sometimes make a mock at sin. But the saints
who have had a glimpse of its exceeding sinfulness, the damned who feel its awful
consequences, the glorified spirits who view, unveiled, that God against whom it is
committed, and Jehovah himself, who from his throne surveys its nature, malignity, and
tendency, all look upon sin, upon the least sin, with very different views. They see in it that
selfish disposition which, right or wrong, seeks its own gratification, however small. They see
in it a rebellion against the highest authority in the universe, and a violation of the most
powerful and endearing obligations- obligations which an eternity of praise cannot repay.
They see in it a disregard of the most important interests. Right or wrong, the sinner will have
his way, though he sacrifice his immortal well-being. Right or wrong, he will indulge a spirit
which, were it universal, would fill all worlds with insubordination, guilt, and wretchedness.
They see in it an impious trifling with the most solemn concerns. What lifted the floodgates
through which the tide of human misery has been pouring for 5,000 years and more? Sin.
The whole earth has become one vast graveyard; and "who slew all these?" Sin. Sin kills
beyond the tomb. Sin kindled the fires of hell, and sin feeds the unquenchable flame. Before
the smallest sin could be pardoned, Christ must die; and sin it was that slew the Lord of life
and glory - and is sin a little thing? If one sin is so sinful, what must be the guilt of the sins of
your whole life? If one drop contains such venom, what does an ocean contain? If sin be
such an evil, how can you trifle with it as you do; dallying with a scorpion which is stinging
you to death? Do you not daily allow yourself in what you know to be wrong, under the
impression that it is a little thing? The floating weed may indicate the current of a stream, and
apparently small offences show whether you regard the whole law. He that is faithful in that
which is little, is faithful also in much. He that despiseth little things, shall fall by little and litte.
No. 35. American Tract Society.
{This is written on the top of the page, inverted} Band Corn Cheese Date Speakers Water
{fringe the?} + Tea Bills Dishes
Moved + see that we have a {pantry?} carried Moved + see that a come to be appointed to
ascertain how much can be done for the Party Carried Moved Wm Todd + J G
Hutcherson Moved J {Marr?} W Robinson. Goodwood C Stafford + R Hanniton South Wm
Todd + R Campbell North Comissions B Todd + Jno Stover 2nd A Wood + S Todd 4th
Sat May 26 Goodwood North 110 $20 W Todd
" " East 30 $20 S Todd " " West
104 $50 R Todd
{This is continued from the previous page}
Goodwood South 25 W Robin
Moved + see that {words are too faint} on the 25 June Services on Sabbath Carried
Moved + see that J {faint letters} + W Todd act as {unclear, very faint}
Moved + see that we have {Barn?}
Moved + see their A woods {faint name} + R Todd Carried
Moved + see that we by {faint} for the point, 20 Doz Cup + Savors plates + of not too dear
spoons + {faint}
Moved + see that J Mc + C Wagg buy the dishes cd W Robinson L {Wallare?} + S Johnson
secures speakers for Sabbath services + party, also + Bills mitted Carried
Moved + see that J Wason, J Whittlton + C Stafford see to furnish Water, {fuing?} or Tea
Makers Carried
Moved + said that the above can furnish Tea + Sugar. Carried
Moved + said that our next Com Meeting be on 7 May
Goodwood USS May 17 1877 Mr James McCullough in the chair
Moved by J Watson sic by R Wagg that Mr Jos Badgeran be appointed to be Asst Sup of
Goodwood U S.S Carried
Moved by Mr Wallace said by R Wagg that S Johnsonbe teacher of {yoching?} {faint} class
Moved by Wm Robinson read by C Stafford that Jos Wallace be appointed asst teacher of
Yorry Ness Bible Class Carried
Moved by J Wagg read by Johnson that Badgeran teacher class No 2 Carried
{Continued from previous page}
Moved by J Stover see by J Wallace that R Wagg teat teach Class No 3 Carried
Moved + see that C Stafford teach No 4 Cass
Moved + seod that Jn + L Wagg teach No 6 carried
Moved + sed Miss D Milleker teach class 6 Carried
Moved + sead that Jos G Hutcherson of Class No 2 Carried
Moved + See that Miss M Stafford teach Class 3 Carried
Moved + sed that Miss R M McCull teach Class 4 Carried
Moved + see that Miss C Strafford " " 5 Carried
" " Wm Robinson " " 6 Carried
Treasurer J Turner Carried
Subianions R Campbell + R Todd be Librarians Carried
Moved + see that S Johnson be elected to act as secretary Carried
MOved She by Jos Badgersan sed by R Wagg that we elect offices once a year say 1st May
A Stokes 196 Fulton St Brooklyn NY
Cure for Founder. Tie clean sassafras bark (taken from the root) around the bridle bit, leaving
it on all night Another cure. Take a large grear Gourd, cut it up, put it into a gallon of water +
boil it down to a quart. Strain the liquid and give as a drench. Dec 25th 1873
Revd J Marzolf Derchan De 13th 1873 Otterville or Merville P.O out (D Armitage acc Aug
15th) Dominion Chain Works 146 East Front St East Whittfield + medley" sole Maufactorers
of the farnsworth stump + stone lifter No. 5004 E Farnsworth Stump + Stone lifter Pat No
5004 1877Govt Grant Jan is $15.68 Toronto
Amadon P.O. Samila + Les Michigan
Writing luk Oct 18th 1875 2 oz Ext Logwood 1/2 oz Bichromate of Potash (chrom) Dissolve in
1 Gallon of boiling oft water
National Pain Remover Dr Fourters Extract Wild Strawberry Dr. A Fifes Woorn Lozenges
{This is a chart on the lower left hand side of the page}
Whittleton 38
J Collins 38
W Wagg 38
J Wagg 38
J Morcadon 38
Johnson Oakwood X
Lewis 38
S Burr
Milliken Moray
Johnson 38
E Staff 38
G Robinson
E Vauhorn
Wm Ball
Wm Morganson 38
Wm White 38
{Some of the names on the list, near the bottom, cannot be read}
For more information on Samuel Johnson check out the “Meet the Diarists” page
under “Discover” on our website:

Transcription Progress



Samuel Johnson Diary, 1873.pdf
Samuel Johnson 1873 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Samuel Johnson, “Samuel Johnson Diary & Transcript, 1873,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,
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