John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1875


John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1875


John Ferguson


Courtesy of the Archives of Ontario


19th Century, Peel County, Chinguacousy Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

John Ferguson Diary Collection


Scanned Microfilm of Manuscript & Typed Transcription



{Four images on the front of men ploughing, raking hay, harvesting apples and skating}


A mild sunshiny day, an inch or two of snow over the fields but no sleighing, the roads are hard and level, splendid wheeling. J C Snell and family, also Mr G H Golding were here for dinner and the afternoon, we had a nice quiet time in social chat and at table croquet {his version of etc.?}


Hauling firewood from the lower woods this forenoon, having had a light fall of snow early this morning. In Brampton after dinner and attended R H {or A} Lewis' Sale of Cutters, Harness Ic. Ic. {etc. etc.} bought a pair of horse covers @ $8.00. Spent evening at home preparing for Sabbath.


Drove cutter up to S. School this morning at 10 A.M. Supt absent. Mr Woodhall addressed the school on the lesson. Exodus I. 1 to 10th "Joshua encouraged" The attendance of scholars not as large as usual. Heard Rev W Burns preach in Brampton tonight at W M Church text I Corinthians XIV 20th verse a plain practical discourse.


Spent forenoon in drawing five loads of firewood from "lower bush." Drove to Edmonton for to vote for the election of members of Chinguacousy Council for this year, the result at close of the poll _ Reeve, J Bowles. Deputy Reeves _ J P Hutton & E Hagyard Councillors _ A Cunnington & Hewson. In Brampton Tonight and attended the Lodge


Mr John Haggest was reelected Mayor of Brampton yesterday.Hauled 12 loads of cordwood from the woods today, about five cords of which will be for sale. Mailed a letter to Mr George Burke of Lamaraux, Scarboro, Twp. The weather is moderate, and the sleighing only midling.


Completed the task of hauling up the years firewood about 20 cords and 6 cords of first class wood for sale. Started drawing the hemlock saw logs to Brampton Steam saw mill This afternoon took down 2 logs 12 1/2 ft long. The sleighing is not good. Received the first copy for the new year of "Country Gentleman" printed with new type.


At the same work as yesterday taking down 3 logs of different sizes at three trips to Brampton Mailed a letter to JJ Bunting of Kincardine. The Christian Guardian comes in a new dress with fresh type bright and attractive, a first-class family paper subscribed for and received first copy of "S S" Banner" published at Wesleyan Book Room, Toronto.


With team drew 7 saw logs to Brampton today In four trips. Received the first copy of the New Year of the "Canada Casket" full of good things and improved in appearance. Spent evening in Town Hall, Edmonton at a political meeting, speeches by Messrs Chisholm, Fleming & Beynon and kept up until a late hour.


A stormy morning and a very cold day. Made only two journeys to Brampton taking four 12ft logs. At home this evening making the necessary preparations for Sunday, including the study of SS lesson. The thermometer at 7PM shows 10{degree sign} below zero. This being the first cold snap of the year.


Spent forenoon at S. School. Supt pres. {Superintendant present}. lesson Joshua III 14 to 17. "Crossing the Jordan." The attendance was small owing no doubt to the extreme severity of the weather, at daylight this morning the mercury stood at -14{degree sign} below zero. Took dinner at William Lodge. At home this evening reading the "New Canadian Methodist Magazine."


The nomination of candidates for to represent the County of Peel {vertical line scribbled} took place at 1 o'clock today in the Court House Brampton {vertical line scribbled} in the Ontario Parliament. Speeches were made by messers K Chisholm & J W Beynon the candidates and by J Flemming. R Smith J Gooderham & S White, a large crowd of people present. Spent evening at the Lodge.


Took three saw logs down to Brampton in two journeys. Brought home from Anthony Bros. Carriage Works a new cutter, swelled box style, price $45.00, it is handsomely painted and fitted up the the seat is large enough for three persons to sit comfortably. Received a letter from JJ Bunting. Weather has moderated the frost has penetrated into the cellars.


Hauling logs continued, was the programme for today, making three trips with four logs. The Annual School meeting took place at the Schoolhouse for the appointing of the Trustees and other business Spent evening in Brampton at the residence of Mr A Morton, where the WM Choir met for practice.


At the same work as yesterday have now 28 logs delivered at the saw mill in a position ready for sawing as soon as the mill starts work. Recieved a letter from Uncle A Ferguson of Bay City. all in good health and prospering in business. Fine weather and food sleighing at present. At home tonight engaged in oiling harness.


Took my first drive in our new cutter, went around to Willow Lodge and thence to Mr B Watsons on business. Spent afternoon in Brampton at Beck's Hotel, at JR Craigs Sale of ShortHorns, Cotswolds & Berkshires JR Page of New York, Auctioneer. The prices were high on cattle and hogs. In company with a load of the members of Safe Grand Lodge we drove to Derry West


Last evening we were too late for the meeting Deary West Lodge and so drove to Mr Golding's residence and spent evening, got home at 4. A.M. Completed hauling saw logs today have taken 32 in all, 3 were basswod and not hemlock. Received yesterday a letter from Aunt Jennie Rice of Oshawa.


At Ebenezer S School today. Supt pres. Sec pres {Superintendant present, Secretary present}, lesson, "Memorial Stones" Joshua IV 4 to 9. A very interesting and instructional lesson indeed. Spent afternoon in W.M.S. School Brampton. The attendance was almost 200 Took tea at Graham House with J E Starr, Heard Rev Jno Hunt preach tonight text Romans V. 21st


The election day, all work suspended on our farm. Drove to Edmonton with sleigh load of voters who cast their ballot in favor of K Chisholm, M.PP This new way of voting results in the day passing off very quiet and orderly. Much the excitement in Brampton tonight bonfires & illuminations in favor of K Chisholm, his majority was 103.


Steady cold weather and good sleighing. Commenced taking cordwood to Brampton, sold one cord for $4.00 and two for $3.75 each. Also brought from saw mill a small load of hemlock lumber. Spent evening in Brampton at W.M. Missionary meeting speeches by the deputation and Rev P Campbell a returned missionary from the Sascatshewan, he made an excellent address.


At the same work as yesterday, making two trips, a load of wood down and a load of lumber up. Spent evening pleasantly at a social given by Mrs Vodden at her residence in Brampton, church shut, the attendance was large amount nearly $44.00. The annual meeting of Co Peel Agrie. Society held today Mr J C Snell was reelected President.


Completed hauling the end wood 6 cords in all, received $22.50. This is not a paying business and therefore will not proceed any further this winter. At home this afternoon oiling and blacking the team harness with coal oil & lamp black. This evening was spent in social chat at our neighbors Jno Learment.


This forenoon we dressed for beef a yearling heifer, weight 420 lbs Brought two loads of lumber up from Brampton consisting of plank scantling and inch. Spent evening at the missionary meeting in Lion Church, Revs Jno Hunt, Jamison and W Burns were the speakers.


Drove to Brampton twice today for lumber and brought home two large loads. Sold to Leslie & co one hind quarter of beef @ 6 1/2 & weight 109 lbs and to MR Wigley the hide @ 61/2 & weight 5.3 lb. This evening drove Mr Alex Campbell and his trunks over to George Modeland's, 3 29 line, east.


Snow falling nearly all day. Went to S.School this morning, Supt. and Sec pres. lesson. Joshua V 9 to 15. "Preparation for conquest of Canaan" Heard Rev Mr Eastman, Agent for Tract Society, preach in WM Church tonight. Ezekiel XXVII 3 to 5. was the text. father and mother went to to hear Rev Jno Smith preach tonight in John Street church.


The snow of yesterday, drifted all last night and has rendered the side-roads and lanes almost impassable. Drove my sister to school in the sleigh this morning. Brought a load of lumber from Brampton this afternoon. Spent the evening at the lodge. four were initiated and officers elected for next quarter.


Mailed two copies of last week's "Banner" one to Mr Jno Mason of Missouri and the other to Mr A Ferguson of Michigan Hauled home the last of the 32 logs in all 6855ft of lumber. Took down a basswood log the first of a half dozen for outside boarding. Spent evening quietly at home.


Drawing sawlogs and lumber. Received a letter from Mr Adam Ferguson; relative to Uncle Jno Ferguson's severe and protracted illness, also the February number of SS Banner. Viney and I spent evening visiting at Mr Harry Modelands, Mill St Brampton, had a pleasant time in social chat and games.


Finished the job of teaming saw logs of which there has been 39. and brought home the last load of lumber 8325 ft all told. Two hemlocks that were taken down today were sawn into 3x4 scantling for fencing. Weather is mild for a few days now.


Up early and away this morning and away to Esquesing with team and sleigh to attend Mr Jabez Heath's bee for hauling brick to build his house. Brought a load of 825 bricks, a heavy load because of drifted roads. Spent evening in Brampton at Choir practice and we had a good sing indeed.


Drove sleigh to Brampton this morning and bought a bureau @ $6.25 and a framed picture of the Royal family @ 2.25 from Mr H Burnett. Received at post office the Bible Society Recorder. Spent afternoon at Willow Lodge in social chat. Mrs James Taylor of Oakville came here tonight on a visit.


Drove to Brampton W.M.Church at 10 A.M. to hear the Anniversary sermon by the Rev Dr Ryerson, his text was in Corinthians I 27th verse. a plain gospel sermon. The Dr R. preached this afternoon also. Heard Rev Dr Nelles of Cobourg preach tonight texts I Corinthians VIII 7th verse and II Timothy I 6th verse, the church was crowded, even the aisles filled, the sermon was simple and plain.


Drove our folks to Brampton this morning for a day's visiting among old friends and acquaintances of Aunt Anna Taylor. Spent afternoon in the farm fanning peas &c, &c, have almost 45 bush of peas on hand. This evening at Safe Guard Lodge two initiated and the Offices were installed by GH Golding T.D.


In company with J C Snell and several Bramptonians. Took G T Train this morning for Toronto. Had our dinner and tea at Mrs E Ferguson's Simcoe ft. Had my photograph taken at Ewing & Co Gallery, King St West. Spent evening at the "Opera House" listening to John B Gough, his subject was "circumstances," it was a rare treat to hear his matchless eloquence.


Arrived at home from Toronto at 2 o'clock this morning. There was an immense crowd to hear Gough's lecture last night and every body appeared well pleased with the nearly two hour's lecture. Mrs Taylor started for home via the Railway. It rained steadily all forenoon but is very cold tonight. Working in the farm yard all day


The mercury stands 6{degree sign} below this morning with a high west wind prevailing all day driving the frost and cold through brick and stone walls. On such a day as this we pay particular attention to feeding and caring for the livestock. Was threshing peas with flail and tonight reading The Autobiography of J.B.Gough.


Father drove the girls over to school and from thence he visited Mr Jno Hindle who has just returned from a five year's sojourn in Missouri. Was hauling three loads of hemlock sawed 2ft; from lower bush up to dooryard. Have fully 2 months dry wood yet on hand, piled in woodshed. Spent evening at Choir Practice.


Mailed yesterday a letter containing a five dollar greenback to Uncle John Ferguson of Stuartsville, Missouri. Today was threshing and feeding stock. Drove to Brampton this afternoon and brought some necessaries for the household. The weather for three days has been exceedingly cold the thermometer below zero all the time.


Quarterly meeting at Brampton W.M. Church, Rev W McFadden preached text, Hebrews X 23rd verse, a faithful and energetic sermon bringing tears to the eyes of many in the congregation. This evening the Rev W Burns preached text Zachariah VI 13th verse. This morning the thermometer showed 22{degree sign} below zero, but its moderated a good deal tonight.


A semi-daily trip to the schoolhouse with horse and sleigh, shelling corn around the kitchen fire has constituted this day's work. Drove to Brampton tonight and presided over the affairs of Safe Guard lodge during its session of two hours in duration. Received from Ewing & Co Toronto my photographs 7 in all they are of the card vinette style.


Went through pretty much the same routine of business as yesterday. My little niece and nephews from Willow Lodge have just paid us a 2 days visit. Extremely cold frosty weather, below zero all the time. Went with WM Choir to Mt Pleasant tea meeting tonight speeches by Revs J Pringle, Stobo and Mr James Gooderham of Streetsville


Was threshing peas nearly all day and fanned up 22 bush from rather more than a day's threshing. Spent evening in Brampton at practice of S. School Tunes for the County Convention. At 8 P.M. went to hear Mr Pierce, the lecturer for the Sons of Temperance, speak on temperance and advocate strongly the scheme of Prohibition.


Mailed yesterday a letter to A Ferguson Bay City and one to Mrs C. Rice of Oshawa. About 6 inches of snow fell last night, a high wind today is drifting the snow fearfully, the roads will be almost filled up. Drove twice to the school house and chilled a bag of corn in the car. Had a call from Mr Jas Crawford agent for Musical instruments.


The drifting continued all last night and today almost every lane and road is blockaded with piles of snow, the entire road has never within my recollection contained such mountains of snow. The storm has made ample work for today. Mr. G.H Golding was here this evening, we passed the time in games and conversation


In company with G.H G, started for Brampton early this morning in the sleigh. At H Burnett's we had the chromos "Wide Awake" and Fast Asleep" reframed and bought a small dressing stand. Jas Crawford brought a fine Cabinet Organ here on trial. Received a letter from J Taylor of Oakville. The mercury in Brampton last night fell to 28 degrees below zero.


Drove horse and cutter through the line of snowbanks, a road being shovelled most of the way up to S. School Supt abs {Superintendant absent}. Sec pres. lesson, Joshua VIII 30 to 34. {"Ebal and Gerizism"?}. Heard Rev. JW Bell preach in W.M. Church in Brampton tonight, text, I Corinthians. II 9th verse, a sermon full of life and showing how to love God and serve him faithfully.


Made the usual trips morning and evening to School House of S.S. No 22, Chinguacousy, with my sisters and a host of children from No 10. Viney and I drove to Brampton this evening and attended the P. Methodist church anniversary address by the resident ministers & singing by the P.M. Choir. Spent one hour at the Lodge one gentleman initiated.


The weather has moderated some at last having been almost steady cold for 13 days, below zero a considerable part of the time. Mrs J C Snell came here for a two or three day's visit and her youngest daughter Bertha Jane Snell. Spent evening at home testing the merits of of a George Word's Organ.


A strong west-wind all day, the snow drifting fearfully, the snow banks rising higher and broader. Drove to Brampton this evening and spent an hour practicing with the S.S. Children for the Convention and two hours with the Union Choir for the evening sessions. Received from A F Campbell at "Conservator" Office 25 cards printed with my name and address


Drove to School House at 9 A.M. through the snow drifts. Spent forenoon at shovelling a path to the Etobicoke through the lane. After noon was threshing peas in barn. Had a visit from M. Treadgold of Brampton. Agent for Musical Instruments.


Threshing peas with flail and feeding live stock was the order of today. Drove to Brampton this evening and spent two hours in the Treadgold's music shop. Result, the purchase of a piano ( by Weber & Co of Kingston ) worth $375.00 our old melodeon to be taken as part-exchange @ $100.00. Was at the Missionary meeting of Church of England people.


Our new piano arrived here early this morning and was set up in the parlour by M Treadgold, the case is finished in rosewood and carved legs the tone of the instrument is good. Sold to K.C.&Co 101 bush barley @90 ¢ per bush. Received a letter from Aunt Jennie Rice. Had a call this afternoon from Messers J Crawford & James Haggert of the town of Brampton.


Spent forenoon at S. School, Supt pres. Sec pres. lesson, Joshua XIV 6 to 13, "Caleb's inheritance," Walked to Brampton after dinner and attended W.M. S. School, nearly 200 scholars. Had Choir practice at 4 P.M. in the Vestry. Took tea at Mr Perry's home. Hear Rev J W Bell preach tonight text, John XI 28 & 29th verses.

Monday 22.

Spent forenoon pea threshing &c,&c, manufactured with my jack knife a wooden comb for horses' mane. Had a small shower of rain this afternoon and a thaw is evidently at hand, Drove to Brampton tonight and went to the Lodge no.830, one initiated had a very good meeting, The programme of entertainment being a good one.


Running the fanning mill all forenoon, cleaning peas and oats. After dinner, drove up to Mr Elias Snell's with 16 bush of grey oats and exchanged bushel for bushel of black oats from Co of Grey. Spent this evening in Brampton at a soiree in Presbyterian Church (Mr Pringle's) with W.M. Choir. The speakers were Rev. G Robb of Toronto & Rev P Campbell.


Commenced threshing with flail the Dan U Rourke peas (an early variety). The weather has affected the thaw making it tough work indeed. Quite warm today and thawing very fast. Emma, Ella & I spent evening in Brampton at the singing practice for the Convention.


The seventeenth annual convention of Peel Co S. School's was started this morning in Brampton, W. M. Church; J C Snell Prs. J W Beynon Sec. Was at afternoon session the attendance and discussions on S.S. Topics were good. A fine large meeting tonight, Rev J Potts & Monroe of Toronto, gave splendid addresses.


Attended the Convention today, during its three sessions, mass meeting of children this afternoon, they had addresses by 4 ministers. Tonight Rev Dr Castle and Rev W. Milland & Rev M Wood made speeches on the S. School work to an overflowing house. The Union Choir sang during the evening. The Convention has been the most successful ever held in the county.


The S.S. Convention will be held next winter at Charleston. Today threshing Dan O Rourke peas. At Zion church this afternoon splitting wood and shovelling snow. Drove our 3 yr old horse "Frank" in the cutter for the first time, he made the cutter skip lively. At home this evening, quite a relief after a whole week's run.


At S.School this morning. Supt pres. Sec pres. lesson Joshua, XVIII, 1 to 10, "The land of Canaan divided among the twelve tribes of Israel," our Supt. treated the lesson in able manner he being quickened in the work by the late convention. Heard Rev W Burns preach in Brampton tonight; text, Luke XXIV, 45&46th. A clear frosty night.


The morning dawned with a fierce storm from the N.E. and the snow has fallen steadily all day. Our folks started the spring house cleaning finding employment for the whole household from small to great at whitewashing, shaking carpets, &c, &c. Spent evening at home much against my inclinations. A young ladies' social came off tonight in Brampton for new organ.


The Social last night was a success considering the weather, they raised $50. Spent this fore-noon in Brampton, transacting several items of business. Mailed a letter to William Ronnie, Toronto. Completed the job we started at yesterday, the parlor has decidedly a fresh appearance.


The forenoon was spent at pea threshing with Flails. After dinner I drove to Brampton and brought home in the sleigh the Misses Mary and Emma Nichols and A F Campbell. The Misses Rebecca and Emma Carter and G A Golding & A W Dawson, all came to pay me a visit. We spent the evening at music, games, charades and social talk.


Retired to rest at 4 o'clock this morning. Yesterday and last night was very stormy. Our company staid with us until after breakfast this morning, when we all drove to their several homes. Fanned and measured the Dan O'Rourke peas about 20 bush, only a slim yield from 4 bush sown last spring. In Brampton tonight at an Auction sale of Chromos & Mirrors. Bought a Chromo @.95c.


And still it snows. The neighbours assembled this morning at our place to help us saw with circular saws but the snow storm prevented any work being done. Started threshing the orchard grass with flail for seed. Spent evening at Edmonton Lodge had a nice little meeting.


Mr Guy Bell was here today with his circular saw and we cut with it rather more than 20 cords of fire wood into stove wood lengths. Peel County Lodge I.O.G.T. was held at Campbell's Cross today. The first harbinger of spring arrived yesterday in the shape of a young calf.


Drove up to S. School this morning Supt. pres. Sec pres. lesson. Joshua XX chap. "The cities of Refuge," A most interesting and instructive one indeed. , our Supt used the blackboard freely and drew forth answers from the scholars both old and young by his tact in teaching and putting the questions. Heard Rev W Burns preach in Brampton tonight. text Isaiah XXXII 2nd verse.


Spent the day in the barn threshing orchard grass for seed, it is slow work, the seed clings tenaciously to the stem. It has been a fine bright day. Spent evening in Brampton at Safe Guard Lodge, three were initiated we had a good programme of readings and speeches. Spent half-an-hour in committee meeting for a social in aid of WM Church organ fund.


At same work as yesterday and completed one small mow-full. Had a visit from Mrs J C Snell and her youngest daughter. Aunt E Ferguson from Toronto is out on a 3 day visit and is staying with us tonight. Mailed a copy of "Conservator" to Uncle A Ferguson, Bay City. Viney and I spent the evening at a small but select party at Mrs J W Maine's.


Arrived home this morning at 2 o'clock from the party, it was a very enjoyable one indeed. Spent this forenoon in Brampton, doing a little business and driving around. Fanned 2 bushels of orchard grass seed, which is all for nearly 2 days' threshing, but the best is yet to thresh. Weather is fine and moderate. Our first lamb's this season on 7 inst., triplets.


Started operations on the other small mow of orchard grass with the same "poverty stick", it is more tedious work than threshing peas but not as dusty. Had a small party of young people at our home tonight, including Misses Full, James & O'Connor of Toronto. Mr Mackenzie & R R Snell, H F Snell, and four friends from Brampton.


Drove up to Willow Lodge this morning on business. Spent afternoon at a threshing of oats for R Smith, M.P. Drove team to Brampton this evening and hiring Burrows' large pleasure bob sleighs, brought up a load of 14 young people to the "Soiree" at Zion Church given by "Edmonton" Lodge I.O.G.T. A temperance speech by Rev J W Bell & readings by J Starr R W Craig and J A Morton.


Singing last night by Misses R E Morton Jas Crawford & Miss J C Morton. Got home this morning at 1 o'Clock, tired and sleepy. This forenoon was up at Ebenezer helping to clear up the remains of last night's party. This afternoon threshing orchard grass. Spent evening in Brampton. Received a letter from Uncle Jno Ferguson of Missouri, Weather warm and pleasant.

MARCH, SUNDAY 14. 1875

Spent forenoon at S. School as usual. Supt pres. Sec pres. lesson, Joshua XXII 21 to 27. "The Altar of Witness," Our Supt. J .R. Craig, very ably expounded the lesson to the school after which he spoke a few feeling words of farewell, he will leave this neighborhood this week for Toronto Supt. Heard Rev. J W Bell preach in Brampton tonight text, Luke XV, "The Prodigal Son."


A rainy day, with a heavy fog. Spent the day at general choring and fixing up in the barnyard. Spent evening at Willow Lodge, at a social party consisting of Snell's and Ferguson's, and a few select from Brampton, prominent among which were the Craig's. We had a lively and pleasant time and kept up the gay joy of the feast without cessation.


Arrived home this morning at 3 o'Clock, this almost borders a dissipation but spring will soon come and regulate matters. Completed threshing orchard grass seed have 4 bushels of clean seed. The thaw has closed for the present, the March winds are blustering today. On Sunday night last there was heavy thunder. It is past 7 years ago today that I and J Mason left for the States.


Drove to Brampton this morning with peas for chopping and 2 1/2 barrels of apples sold to Dawson @ $1.75 per lbs. Received from Rennie of Toronto his illustrated catalogue of seeds, grain and flowers &c. &c. A small quilting bee at our house today for elderly ladies. Spent evening at Ebenezer S. School teachers meeting. A cold, stormy blustering day, had frost tonight.


Drove horses and sleigh at 9 a.m. over to school house of S. S. No 22, with my sisters. Spent afternoon at Mr Jno Learment helping to haul hay. In Brampton tonight attending the Committee meeting for young mens social and were trimming the vestry with evergreens and making extensive preparations for a crowd.


A clear frosty day. Was engaged in threshing crown peas and attending to the young lambs {19 in number}. Viney, Emma, Ella and I spent evening in Brampton W. M. Church at "Young men's Social for New Organ" A large crowd of people, realized $60. 00 Select reading by Craig, Starr, Bell and Spiers of "Victoria college" Songs by Msses J.C. Morton and Ella Lowes. Miss B Lowes played on piano.


Another cold snow storm from N.E. To Brampton again today had a settlement with M Treadgold about the piano and made up the last payment of 155$, total paid in cash 355$C. Spent afternoon at the blacksmith's shop getting some repairs on the cutter. Had a business call from J.C. Snell, Esq. tonight.


At S. School this morning. Our new Supt Mr N V Watson was present and took charge of the school for the first time. Mr J R Craig has removed from the neighbourhood. S.S. Lesson, Joshua XXIII "Joshua's warning." Heard Rev J. W. Bell preach sermon on same subject as last Sundays and will preach next Sunday on the same "The Prodigal Son" ~ .


Started at 8. A. M. with team & sleigh for Salmonville on the banks of river Credit. Bought at grist mill there 400 lbs of bran @ 1C per lb. Drove from thence to Townsend's lime kilns. bought 16 brush of lime @ 13C per bush. Got home at half past two P.M. Spent evening at the Lodge, it was held for first time in our new quarters, the Young Britons' Hall, one initiated and a log programme of readings.


Fine bright weather but extremely frosty at night, the mercury this morning stood 5 [degrees] below zero. Took a horsback ride to Willow Lodge. Spent afternoon at R Armstrong's Auction sale of farm stock and Implements. Received through Post from R Smith, M.P. a Report of all the proceedings of House of Commons on Temperance and Prohibition.


With the team and sleigh we made a road through the snow banks to the other place woods, the snow out there is about 3ft deep on the level and it is no small job ploughing through it. Hauled home two black ash saw logs and chopped down another tree. Mr Edwin Dixon from Amaranth stayed here all tonight. He brought a load down today and goes home again tomorrow.


Hauled to Brampton Steam sawmill four black ash logs 12 ft long to be sawn into material for a picket fence around the garden. Received from Uncle Taylor a copy of "Oakville Argus. This evening I drove cutter up to the residence of John Snell's Sons for mother and Elsie. Weather continues fine, but the snow banks melt very slowly.


Drew to saw mill this forenoon the last black ash log (22 inch in diameter) total number of logs hauled this winter 45. This afternoon I drove Viney and Susie Campbell around to collect money in aid of Bible Society. Spent evening at Edmonton Lodge, I.O.G.T. the attendance of members somewhat meagre but the interest of the meeting was well sustained.


Yesterday being "Good Friday" it was observed as a holiday in Brampton, all business suspended and stores closed. Was engaged today in hauling firewood for Jas Sewell from our "other place" woods. Father drove to Brampton and done a little trade in the way of selling eggs and buying groceries &c. Weather is spring like the snow banks are slowly wasting away under the increasing heat of old Sol's rays.


Drove the sleigh full of my sisters and Miss Matilda Snell up to S.School at 10 A.M. Supt pres. Sec pres. lesson Joshua XXIV 1 to 13 "Gods mercies to Israel" A Review of the Quarter's lessons which include the whole history of the life of Joshua. Heard Rev W Burns preach in Brampton tonight, text, Matthew XXVIII 6th verse. The Choir sang "Old Easter Anthem" from "Sacred Harmony."

MARCH, MONDAY 29. 1875

Brought from "other place" woods a load of black ash logs, which were cut down by the Indians. Spent afternoon in collecting money in and around Edmonton for the S.S. Organ. Went to Brampton tonight on horseback as the roads are bad, at the Lodge until 10,30 P.M. one initiated and a large meeting. Paid to W.Beynon the money we collected for the Bible Society $8.25


We are having spring weather now, bright sunshine, the snow banks are settling slowly, the roads are breaking up. Finished threshing the peas and fanned the same, 15 bush in all. have about 100 bush of peas now on hand. Have 29 lambs from 20 ewes, they are all feeding well and are an extra good lot, taken all in all.


Made a commencement this morning at squaring the timber for our new building, the logs are all piled up in the wood yard ready for use. In company with JC Snell we rode on horseback down Mr J Gardener's Toronto Twp, auction sale of Shothorns prices averaged about $100 for male & females A very warm day, the face of the earth and the cellars are flooded with water.


Received yesterday from Uncle A Ferguson "Bay City Chronicle" a daily newspaper. The weather waxes warmer each day. The old Etobicoke makes loud music. Spent two hours today in hauling water from the cellar. John Sewell (aged 16) commenced work today, hired for 7 months at $12 per month. Started splitting our stove wood for next season.


At the hewing of the timber and a job that promises daily work for some time namely trying to clear the cellar of water. The drain is frozen solid for some distance from the outlet. Went to Brampton tonight on horseback with a basket of eggs for sale. Spent evening at Choir Practice, the members do not attend to it as they should.


Doing pretty much the routine of work as yesterday. We received a letter last night from ou friends in Oakville. The weather continues favourable and pleasant but not thawing quite so fast. In Brampton the water has been extremely high, the low lying streets are completely inundated. Mr R J Nichols arrived home from Chicago, after two years absence.


Enjoyed a horseback trip to S. School this morning. Supt pres. Sec pres, lesson Joshua XXIV 14 to 18, "Joshua's appeal to the Isrealites," An improvement in our S.S. Room, one corner partitioned off for an infant classroom. Heard Rev W. Burns preach in Brampton tonight, text, Hebrews XI 4th verse. Had an hour's conversation with R J Nichols coming home from church.


Completed framing, hewing the beams and plates for the new building Went to Brampton tonight. Spent 2 1/2 hours at the Lodge, one initiated, considerable business was disposed of in reference to our new quarters and our old furniture. The roads are drying up rapidly.


Drove to Brampton this morning for to haul logs at saw mill to be sawed for us today, brought up 400 ft of strips and scantling (blackash) Mailed to Bay City a copy of "Banner" and "Casket". Bought some choice flower seeds at Bannisters. At home this evening, quite a relief it is for to spend an evening quietly at home


Drove to Brampton and brought home the last of the lumber, 400 ft, in all 800 ft of black ash. Mailed Spent afternoon at a variety of jobs, such as are prevalent at this season of the year. This evening was passed pleasantly in chat around the old fashioned fire-place and in playing sacred music on the piano.


Resumed operations on the hewing of sleepers &c. It was a bright shiny day and thawing quite fast, the snow banks are getting quite slim. Had a call from Mr Thomas Sharp a common sense Scotch farmer in whose company an hour is greatly improved.


At pretty much the same routine of work as yesterday, hewing and framing sleepers, laying and devising plans for the construction and internal arrangement of the building. Had a visit this evening from R.J. Nichols (late of Chicago) chat about that famous city and some of it's wonders formed the principal discourse of the evening.


Spent forenoon in Brampton doing some trade in groceries and other family necessities, also a little gossiping over the counters and at street corners. At home doing a variety of jobs after dinner, picking over potatoes, piling wood, boiling peas for feed to milch cows.


Drove spring wagon to S.School, our Supt pres. Sec. pres. lesson Judges II 11to16 "Israels promise broken" spent afternoon at Brampton W.M.S.School, about 230 scholars & teachers. At choir practice at 4, P.M. using the new organ for the first time. Heard Rev J W Bell preach tonight, text Jeremiah XIV 5th verse.


Mr Jno Campbell spent the day here laying out the timber and we were framing it. Went to Brampton tonight and attended Safe Guard Lodge no 350 arrangements were made for holding debates at future meetings of the lodge.


A driving mist from the East all day, consequently we did not very much at the framing. Drove spring wagon load of folks to Brampton tonight to hear Rev W.B. Affleck of England lecture on "Lost for the want of a word." He is a humorous speaker and holds the attention of his audience to the close. He sang songs at intervals during the lecture.


Resumed active operations in the woodyard and wound up the framing for the present. Our boy also finished splitting the stovewood. The weather is fine and the roads almost dry. Spent evening at Choir practise with new organ in Methodist Church, Brampton and we made some tall singing.


Spring work started by plowing sod with one team in the field over the Etobicoke, it is in fine trim being highly located. There are snowbanks yet in the lane leading to the creek. A cold rain storm set in this evening from S. West. and promises to be pretty lengthy.


The weather has suffered from a relapse into winter again, it is freezing sharply all day and some light snow showers. Spent the day at framing. Went to Brampton at 5 P.M. to Choir Practice for the Organ Opening tonight. Fine singers from Toronto to help us through evenings programme. A Mr Crown from Toronto performed on the new organ.


The church (Methodist) was well filled last night. Rev J G Scott was the only speaker, Mr G W Coates is a fine singer. Today we wound up the framing job for the present and started the springs operation of building fence


Spent morning at S.School. Supt pres. Sec pres. lesson Judges VI 11 to 18, "The call of Gideon to the leadership of Israel." At home this afternoon reading and at the piano. Heard Rev J.G. Scott of Harriston preach in Brampton tonight, text Revelation XIX 12th verse Rev J G S voice was very familiar and his sermon as good as he used to preach.


Rebuilding a fence on S.W. side of old orchard field, and putting rings in the noses of our Berkshires with the help of our neighbour Mr Richard Watson. Started operations on the garden picket fence. Spent evening at the Lodge, three were initiated and we had a pleasant meeting resulting from a good programme.


Very cold frosty weather, the pumps are frozen every morning. Was fanning up seed barley, 30 bushels. Working at picket fence, set the cedar posts 12 ft apart and use 3x4 hemlock scantling for the frame of the fence. At home tonight, enjoying a fine open fire in the dining room.


Such weather, the North wind is blowing almost a gale with a clear sky. The roads are dusty. Started chopping some fallen timber in "other place woods mostly tops of trees. Nearly completed the picket fence. Our folks spent the day at Willow Lodge on a visit. Tonight am reading the "Canada Farmer" published in Toronto at "Globe Printing" Office.


Programme of work for today pretty much the same as yesterday, working on the {illegible} side of the garden, it is a work that cannot be disposed very quickly! Went to Brampton tonight and I heard Rev W.B Affeck lecture on "Wine water wit and wisdom' in Concert Hall the audience was large and the lecture a very humorous one.


Working at board fence, trimming the apple trees and fruit trees and other jobs peculiar to spring work, formed today's work. The weather is moderating somewhat but the north wind still prevails, an inch or two of snow fell this evening which will take some of the frost out of the air no doubt.


Spent two hours this morning in concert with our new neighbour R. Watson at fixing the line fence between us over the Etobicoke. After dinner today I started plowing once more at the sod, the frost is just barely out. On Tuesday last 20th the mercury stood at 10 (degrees sign) degrees below zero at Ottawa.


Spent morning at S.School. Supt pres, Sec pres, lesson, Judges VII 1 to 8 "Gideon's victory over the enemies of Israel." The attendance of scholars is increasing every Sabbath. Heard Rev J W Bell preach in Brampton Methodist Church tonight text Amos IV 12th verse, a very solemn and impressive sermon.


Plowing sod all day on the hill across the Etobicoke. Father was sowing black oats in the old orchard field, the ground works finely but there is frost underlying the dry and almost dusty earth. This evening was spent at the Lodge. Miss Jennie Peacock was initiated, the election of Officers for next quarter took place.


Completed the sod plowing over the creek, turned over about 3 acres. Finished sowing and harrowing in the oats also a bushel of early peas. The weather is warm and dry. Went to Edmonton tonight and was initiated a member of Edmonton Grange no 130 of Patrons of Husbandry. Sold to Messers Dawson & Williamson a 2 yr old steer and a 4 week old calf @ $42


Sowed 3 acres of peas with 8 bush on the plowed sod. Started cultivating the ground for barley. The Annual County Spring Fair was held in Brampton today, there was a large crowd of people, and a good show of horses and cattle. Received a letter from Aunt Mary Mason. Mrs J C Snell and her little family were here today.


One team using the {cultivator and the other at the roller on the sowed peas. A fine rain this afternoon from the east; which stopped seeding operations temporarily. Packed away the pork in dry salt in barrels. Have about 2 loads of straw and 2 tons of hay yet and about 100 bush of turnips.


Started plowing the sod field N.W. of old orchard field, it is in fine condition, and will no doubt bring a fine crop of peas. This month is departing cold, a strong west wind all day and frosty tonight. At home reading newspapers tonight. The "Guardian" is improving all the time as a first class weekly paper.


Drove wagon up to Mr Dyer's (near Snell's lake) and brought home 26 young maple & basswood trees and planted the same along the front of our farm. At noon today there started a two hours snow storm nearly 3 inches fell. This evening it is raining briefly from N.E. and quite cold. Had my driving team shod today at Campbells shop.


Walked to Brampton at 9 a.m. to attend the Quarterly meeting in the Canada Methosidt Church. Rev John Shaw of Toronto preached, text Revelations VII 9 to 16 verses. Three funerals were announced from the pulpit today, Tork dinner and tea at Mr J W Main's. Heard Mr Shaw again tonight, text Matt XI 8th verse, A sermon abounding in eternal truth and practical advice.


Spent forenoon fixing the line fence over the creek next to D Wiggins. Plowing sod this afternoon and worked steady to make up for lost time through the recent bad weather. Yesterday was almost a winter's day. Spent evening at the Lodge, three were initiated and officers installed, G H Golding, W C J, T Duggan, W.L.

MAY, TUESDAY 4. 1875

Plowed nearly an acre and a half of sod. Had the other team at the cultivator on the ground for barley. Father spent the say at Willow Lodge helping to plant a young orchard of one hundred trees. The weather is warming up and the young grass is just struggling up to meet the light and heat.


On Monday last we planted 16 young apple trees (from Rochester) mostly winter varieties. Sowed 16 bush of barley on a 7 1/2 acre field, harrowed and furrowed it out, seeded the same with 4 bush orchard grass, 1 bush of red clover, 2 bush timothy & 8 lbs of Alsike. Raining smartly this evening and consequently home was the attraction tonight.


Seeding stopped for today by the rain. Was plowing sod this forenoon. Our folks went to Brampton for to make some necessary purchases. This afternoon at fencing and prospecting over the fields and meadows. Received a letter from Aunt Jennie Rice.

MAY, FRIDAY 7. 1875

This forenoon was spent at sod plowing in the 10 acre field over the Etobicoke. After dinner we sowed and harrowed in 6 1/2 acres of barley {13 bush} in field in the rear of the barn. Sold to J Milner Brampton Grocer, 12 bags of Early Rose @ $1.05 per bag. At home tonight reading the newspapers.


Plowing sod all day with one team Pruning the fruit trees in the garden Planting onions and other seeds Putting a small fence of wild willow wands around the flower beds to protect from the poultry. In Brampton tonight at Choir practice. Bought of K.C.& Co. 1 pr of black kid gloves @ $1.30 a coarse straw hat @ 25c, black neck tie @ 50c


At Ebenezer Union S. School this morning Supt pres Sect pres. lesson Ruth I 16 to 22 "Ruth and Naiomi." There is only this one lesson in the series devoted to the history of this remarkable woman. Last Sunday the lesson was about Samson. A very warm day, this evening there was a very heavy thunder storm, it started just before Church time and consequently home was the refuge.

MAY, MONDAY 10, 1875

The rainfall of last night has proved to be an extra heavy one, the ground is thoroughly saturated. Spent forenoon in sheep-house, docking and fixing up the sheep. The high water in the creek has caried away both of the fences over the same. At Brampton tonight at the special services now being held in Methodist Church, heard Rev W Burns preach text Acts XVII 30. A good prayer meeting afterwards.


Trimming garden fruit trees, and willows, transplanting horse chestnuts, cherries, and plum trees, mulching them with sawdust, and washing the apple trees with soap suds, also sowing parsnip seed. Plowing sod this afternoon and scarcely dry enough for that work. Father procured from M.M. Elliott a basketful of young strawberry plants for setting.


Sold to J Milner 22 bush of barley @ !.00 per bush also 4 bags of Early Rose @ $1.05. Bought a daily "Liberal" a very neatly printed Toronto paper, full of the latest news, put in a most attractive manner. A drizzling west rain during most of the day, quite cool and fros- like tonight. Mr David Smith Senr of Brampton died early this morning at the advanced age of 80 years.

MAY, THURSDAY 13. 1875

Picking stones off the meadows on "other place" in to small piles ready for hauling. Completed plowing the sod field. Procured from Mr D Wiggins a dozen small hemlock shrubs and set them in the front yard. Spent evening at protracted meeting in Brampton, Rev W Burns conducted it, there were several seekers after salvation.


Sowed 16 1/2 bush of mixed "crown" and "golden vine" peas on 5 1/2 acres and hanowed it once over. J. C. Snell and family were here for dinner, today being their wedding anniversary, the seventh. Built a rail fence to protect the young maples planted in the acre pasture plot. Spent evening at Mr Nichols, R J N is laid up with a cut leg.


Some more rain. Spent forenoon hauling rails for to replace the fence over the creek and for firewood. Repairing the cellar drain leading from the house. Viney and I went to Brampton tonight to Choir practice, a Mr Scudder of Toronto played the organ in grand style, he will presiide at the sabbath services tomorrow.

MAY, SUNDAY 16, 1875

At S.School the old church was nearly filled this morning, new scholars coming every Sunday. Lesson I Samuel I 21o -28 "Hannah the praying mother." Heard Rev J.W. Bell preach in Brampton tonight, text Job XXI 22. At the close of the service there was a good prayer meeting.


Finished sowing grain at last, sowed about 1 1/2 acre of sod with barley, have 16 acres of barley, 9 acres of peas, 9 acres of oats. Started the roller at work on the barley field, it is just up enough to show a little green, the ground is pretty solid. Spent evening at the Lodge, one initiated, one expelled for violation.


Commenced the heavy job of hauling barnyard manure, spreading it from the wagon on the root ground. This was a bright warm day, the willows are justing bursting into leaf. Planted a small plot of "Early Rose." Had a moonlight fishing excursion tonight in our flats but we signally failed to catch any.


At same work as yesterday, drew out 15 loads. Kept the roller at the oats and barley. Any quantity of snow and ice in the yard under the manure, which the work some cooler this warm day. At home this evening reading the news &c.


Completed hauling manure on the root ground, put out 35 loads. Rolling the meadows on "other place." Started plowing the root ground across, it is rather cloggy yet, but will work up well in a few days. At Brampton tonight doing a little market business with eggs and butter.


Programme of today's operations viz., cross-plowing, washing 25 sheep in the "Etobicoke" whose waters are cold yet for so late in the season, brought up from "Campbell's" shop two hoops (5 ft 9 inch in diameter) of iron 3/8 /inch X 1 1/2 inch, for constructing a new cistern of ash lumber, as the old brick walls have given away. A very refreshing thunder shower tonight after a very warm day.

MAY, SATURDAY 22. 1875

A very warm day for plowing, the heat appeared to affect the horses. Vegetation is now making rapid strides, the wild plum is in blossom. Spent evening in Brampton at Choir Practice. Bought at R Chisholm & Co's store a black felt hat @ $2.00, necktie and collar @ 73c.


Spent morning at S.Shool, lesson I Samuel III 1 to 10, "The Call of the child Samuel," There were 82 scholars and a number of visitors present. Heard Rev Jno W Bell preach in Brampton tonight; text, Acts XX 24th verse. A good sermon on the life of Paul.


The "Queen's" birthday, kept as a public holiday. Was plowing all forenoon. After dinner, Robert J Nichols and I drove up to Snell's lake, where a general picnic was held, quite a large crowd of people there were 8 small row brats on the lake, a charge being made for a ride, The affair passed off quietly and no one drowned.

MAY, TUESDAY 25. 1875

Weather very hot and dry, was cross plowing all day and it was a melting job. The plum and cherry trees are well filled with blossoms. Are feeding all the live stock on green rye by pastureing it. Spent evening at home being tired enough for bed when 9 o'clock came.


Was engaged today in shearing the sheep, the average weight of the fleeces will not be so good as last year, the heaviest 12 1/2 lbs from a yearling ewe, about one day wears away the novelty of this job as it is sore work on the back and knees of the operator.


Have the root ground cross-planted. This forenoon was spent harrowing and rolling the same thoroughly. Started planting potatoes, commencing with Early Rose, having them all cut in halves before planting. The work is driving us because of late season and there is no help but to take it early and late and every day.

MAY, FRIDAY 28. 1875

Completed the work of yesterday by planting in all 11 bush of "Early Rose" and 2 bush "Chili's" on hardly 3/4 of an acre, put them in with plow dropping in every third furrow. Sowed 2 lbs of "Yellow Marigold" seed on rather more than 1/2 acre. On Brampton tonight at Choir Practice. Mailed a letter on business to Napanee.


Sowed with hand drill 1 1/2 bush of Yankee corn & 1/2 bush Canadian corn in rows for green feed. Planted in hills some corn, beans and pop corn. Both days' seeding were done in the same field. A slight shower today. The wire-worm is busy working at the barley the dry weather being in their favor.


Walked to S.School at 9.30 A.M. lesson. I Samuel IV 12 to 20 "The death of Eli"." A large attendance of scholars and visitors, mostly friends in the neighborhood. J C Snell and family were here this afternoon and for tea this evening. Heard Father McFadden in Methodist Church, Brampton tonight, a plain gospel sermon.

MAY, MONDAY 31. 1875

Working up the ground for rape. Destroying tent caterpillars on apple trees. Pulling red-root out of the meadows. Started plowing the rye field, the stock having pastured it clean off. The woods are now in full leaf. The apple blossoms just opening.


The Queen month of the year. Worked very hard all day at the plowing, it sets up like sod the roots of the rye having penetrated down fully six inches. This evening, walked up to the Town Hall, Edmonton to attend the semi-monthly meeting of the Grange, one man initiated.


Completed the task of plowing rye about 4 acres. Had the other team hauling manure, using some of it for mulching young apple and maple trees. A great stir in Brampton to day in consequence an election trial between Chisholm and Beynon in Court House before Chief Justice Draper.


Commenced doing the statute labor on the public roads with team and two hands, Mr S. Huxley being pathmaster, The work consists mostly in hauling dirt from side of road and filling up the holes. A days work is 8 hours, we have 7 days to put in.


At same work as yesterday and finished up our share of the work for this year. The election trial is still going on and daily attracts large crowds of people. Had a pleasant drive this evening in company with a load of Brampton Good Templars up to "Edmonton" Lodge we had quite a lively spelling match.


Sowed 2 1/2 bush of mixed "Hungarian" and "Millet" grass seed on 4 acres. Sold to K.C. & Co 44 bush of "Farrow" wheat @ 85c per bush. Bought of Perker & Remans 165 lbs of nails @ 3 1/2 c. Bought of R Aitken 9 squares of first class sawed shingles @ 2.00 per square. The evidence given on election trial is completed and the decision to be given by the judge "Draper" on14th inst.

JUNE, SUNDAY 6. 1875

Spent forenoon at S.School, the lesson I Samuel VII 5 to 12th verses "Samuel the Judge and priest of Israel." Spent afternoon at C.M, S. School Brampton, the Bible class is conducted by Mr J G Scott, Also at Choir Practice at 4 PM, Took tea at Mr Goldings. Heard this evening Rev Dr Haywood of Oshawa preach a temperance sermon.


Started active operations at the foundation of the new building. Drew from the banks of "Etobicoke" 4 loads of good sand and also several loads of stones for filling up the trench to the level of the ground. Weather exceedingly dry, although indications of rain almost every day. At 4AM this morning I took a drive over to Guy Bell's on business.


Commenced building the wall of the foundation, it will not be a long job as its extreme height is 18 inches, the average about 10 inches. Gristed at Mains Mill 12 loads of mixed "Treadwell" & "Mammoth" wheat. At work until 8 o'clock every evening now, up in the mornings at 4.30 o'clock.


Completed two of the walls, except some filling between the sleepers and started at the third and last one. The examination of candidates for admission to the High School at Brampton took place yesterday and today, sister Emma tried for admission but the result is not yet known. Some prospect of rain tonight.


At the same job as yesterday, and have the walls so far finished as to put them on the sleepers. The noxious weed called Redroot is very prevalent this season on the meadow and in the fall wheat. At odd times we have pulled most of it in our fields.


Completed the mason work today Had a visit this afternoon from Mr J C Snell & Miss R.F. Snell from Burnhamthorpe. In company with some Brampton friends we visited Edmonton Lodge tonight and made arrangements for holding a union Picnic at Snell's Lake on Friday next 18 inst}. The heat tonight is very oppressive.


Drilled the ground and sowed 4 lbs of Rape seed on 1 1/4 acres in the field in the rear of the barn yard. This afternoon working at frame work of new building and asking help from the neighbors to erect it next Monday. At Brampton tonight at Choir Practice. We had a nice thunder shower last night.


At the S School this morning lesson I Samuel VIII 4 to 9 "A King desired by the Israelites." The number of scholars is steadily increasing and the average attendance better than ever before in the history of the school. In Brampton Methodist Church tonight, a Mr Dracass preached text Isaiah LV 1st verse.


With the help of Jno Campbell we made the final preparations for the raising of the building this afternoon. About twenty of the neighbors were here it was but a short job and no accidents occurred. Spent evening at the Lodge, a large attendance some choice recitations were given three of the brethren.

JUNE, TUESDAY 15. 1875

Spent the day at the outside boarding that being the first part of the work to be done. Dipped the young lambs (28) in a solution of McDougall's "Tick destroyer" using two 35 c [?]s. Spent evening at "Edmonton Grange' Picnic parties from Brampton to Snell's lake are of almost daily occurrence.


At the same job as yesterday and finished it, also have the sheeting for the roof all nailed on. Hemlock lumber is not pleasant to handle, there are so many slivers. Weather warm and exceedingly dry the dust on the roads is three inches deep.


How welcome is the rain which is falling this forenoon from the N.E., lasted about 4 hours and is a great boon indeed. Started at the shingling this afternoon erecting a scaffold for that purpose, Had a short visit from J.V. Snell & W Snell this evening Set out celery and cabbage plants.

JUNE, FRIDAY 18 1875

Spent the day drilling up the ground for turnips and sowing the same with hand drill, put 6 lbs of seed on 2 acres. Our folks drove spring wagon to Brampton this evening on business. At home tonight reading the newspapers.


Our neighbor John Learment being very ill. I went over and put in his turnips for him. Have one side of the new roof completed taking 5 squares of shingles they are not extra good ones quite a few knots in them. Spent evening in Brampton.


At S. School this morning lesson I Samuel, X 17 to 24, "Saml chosen king of the Israelites" Our superintendent N V Watson conducts the school very satisfactorily to all and speaks well on the lesson. Heard Rev J W Bell preach in Brampton tonight, text, Revelations XXII 14th verse, a very earnest sermon being a farewell to evening congregation.

JUNE, MONDAY 21, 1875

Working this forenoon at the last half of the roof, it was very hot the sun's rays reflecting from the bright new shingles. After dinner went over to John Woodhall's bee for raising a barn and shed it is splendid fun when the men get warmed up to the work in putting on the last timber.


Completed the roof of the cow house taking nearly 10 1/2 squares of shingles and 40 lbs of nails. Picking the Colorado potato bugs, the plants are up about 3 inches high and the bugs are coming in thousands. Early peas are in full bloom the fall wheat just shooting out. At home this evening.


An exceedingly warm day, spent it working in new building, laying down the lower floor with 2 inch hemlock plank. A considerable quantity of a weed with a large white flower in the meadow, have pulled it up by hand. At home tonight enjoying the pleasure of a quiet hour on the front verandah.


Carpenter work continued, have both upper and lower floor completed. A most refreshing thunder shower came down this afternoon and the ground is swimming in water. Walked to Brampton tonight, Received a letter from Bay City (Mr A Ferguson)


Arranging and building the stalls and boxes in new building. Viney and I drove to Brampton this evening. At Choir practice we made extensive arrangements for a grand picnic to be held at Snell's lake tomorrow health and especially weather permitting.


Spent a couple of hours at Campbell's smithy getting the horses shod. Afternoon with three of my sisters we drove up to Willow Lodge, when a very heavy rain came up from the South and completely spoiled the prospects for a picnic. Staid at J.C. Snell's for tea tonight. The roads are very muddy indeed.

JUNE, SUNDAY 27 1875

Attended Brampton Methodist Church this morning and heard Rev JW Bell preach his farewell address sermon text II John 8th verse. He will spend the coming year at Victoria College. This evening Rev W Burns preached his farewell sermon text Genesis Vi 3rd verse. Mr Burns goes to the Streetsville Circuit, he has been 2 years on this station.


Sold to K Chisholm & Co 183 lbs of clean wool @ 33 1/2 c per lb, The sheep have hardly average 8 lbs each this year. W Peaker.s men put tin eavetroughes on the new cow house, 60 ft @ 12 1/2 c Spent evening at Safe Guard Lodge a good attendance, a debate took place "Resolved that Nature is more pleasing to the eye than Art" Six members spoke it was de-cided in favour of art.


Had the horse "Charley" shod at Harris' shop No10 .He is a first class work-man for a young man. Had team hauling barnyard manure into a large pile in pea field. Weather cool and showing the ground is filled with water. At home tonight writing an address to be given tomorrow night.


At same work as yesterday and have the yards cleared and today fighting the potato bug, gathering them by quarts and consigning them to the fire. We are aboutt master of them for this season. Tonight was spent in Brampton making a presentation to Miss Morton at her home of "Certificate of Membership" of Good Templars, three members were there.


Dominion day has been well celebrated this year by picnics & lacrosse matches, laying corner stones of new churches and concerts. Spent the day at home. J C Snell and family were here all day. Viney, Emma and I went to Concert tonight in Brampton in aid of P M S School, mostly Brampton talent, the affair was a success.


Horse hoeing potatoes, marigolds, and corn, all growing rapidly now. Making and hanging doors on new building. Drove to town tonight and brought up Miss Jennie Peacock for a 24 hour visit. Weather is cool and dry. Received a "Bay City Tribune" from Uncle A Ferguson


Hilling up the Canadian corn with hand hoe, horse hoeing the rape.. Had a visit today from old friends Mr & Mrs J M Joness of Bowmanville, they are on a short visiting tour among former acquaintances. Drove to Brampton tonight and bought at K.C. & Co, pair of dark tweed pants @ 6.75


Spent the morning at S. School, lesson, John I 1 to 14. "The Word made flesh," this half year will include all the gospel of John and will be a most interesting and profitable series of lessons. At C M S School Brampton at 2 PM. At choir practice at 4 PM. Heard Rev Mr Salton the new minister preach tonight about the life of Abraham.


Horse hoeing the turnip crop. This showery weather is favorable to root crops and they are doing finely. Raining most of afternoon. Walked to Brampton this evening and spent it pleasantly with C M Choir and others at Mr Morton's making a farewell visit and giving a present of gold watch & locket to Miss Morton organist for 4 years in our church.


Shipped to Wm Murray of Chesterfield (near Hamburg) our 18 months old short horn bull Momentum at 8 oclock this morning, via GT Railway. The price $100.00 we received yesterday by express. Today cutting thistle with scythes on pasture fields Ordered $8.50 worth of fruit from Dayton Ohio Nursery, to be delivered next Autumn.


Commenced the hay harvest today, cutting with mower and scythe the young orchard field and an acre of natural grass on the flats. Spent this evening at a Strawberry festival given by Sons of Temperance of Brampton, singing by Prof Dennis of Chicago and temperance speech by Luke Sharp of Toronto.


Shortly after 5 oclock AM, father and mother started on a trip with buggy to Amaranth to visit the friends up there. Cutting more grass and raking up that cut yesterday. Drew in the orchard grass two small loads from 2 acres the crop was quite thin and light.

JULY, FRIDAY 9. 1875

Finished moving the grass field over the Etobicoke about 6 acres. Hauled in 3 loads of hay in rather a green state, spreading it well over the mows. The weather is fine but the grass dries slowly, it is so fresh and full of sap. Spent tonight at Choir practice. Miss Bella Lowes has been appointed Organist.


Completed the hay field and have it all raked clean 6 loads or one to the acre. Our folks got home this evening from Amaranth having rode to day from Shelburne 36 miles away. Our friends are in good health and spirits and the country is prospering.


A splendid bright cool day but could not enjoy it because of a slight illness, was kept in the house all day. The first Sunday this year thus spent at home the time hangs heavily, the hours pass slowly. Spent the day at reading and at the piano. Our folks went to Brampton church tonight and heard Rev Mr Salton preach.

JULY, MONDAY 12, 1875

Started the mower in the 10 acre field on "other place," it is entirely a crop of timothy, not very thick but stands 3 and 4 ft high all over the field promising a good yield of first class hay, the [Orange?] men made a great noise and clatter in their march to Brampton today, some of them coming home tonight gloriously drunk.


Splendid weather for hay harvest clear sky and strong west wind. Completed mowing the field we started yesterday and drew home 5 loads of bright timothy hay. The first cherries are ripe, early potatoes in bloom, the former is an average crop but small in size. Received a letter from Uncle John Ferguson of Missouri.


Began mowing the field of timothy in front of house, it is quite a light thin crop, Horse-hoeing the turnips, are growing slowly as the weather is dry. Hauled 7 loads of hay and unloaded with horse-hay-fork, it works grandly in this kind of hay, does the work a little quicker and saves a great deal of hardship in the mow.


Finished the ten acre field, have 17 loads of well cured hay off it. Had some visitors today from Brampton old acquaintances and friends. Picnics at Snell's lake are still the rage, almost exclusively town people as this is their season of leisure but not muchly for the farmers. Sold a Berkshin\re to JSewell $5.10 ( 2 months old.)


Cutting remainder of front field and started drawing in but a shower put a stop to these operations. Drove to Brampton tonight to Choir Practice. Mailed a letter to John Ferguson, Osborn Missouri. Had a close hair crop at J E Wood's shop.


Completed the hay harvest this evening, the last field yielded but 4 loads off 8 acres, total number of loads 28 off 25 acres more or less/. Have 1/2 acre of yellow marigolds which we thinned out today, they are but a thin crop. The Hay crop was well saved this season, except 3 loads it was all cured without rain.

JULY, SUNDAY 18, 1875

At S. School this morning lesson, John II 1 to 10, "Jesus at the marriage in Cana of Galilee and His first miracle wrought." This evening we heard Rev Mr Fawcett of Manitoba preach in Brampton, text Luke XXIV 47th. He is still full of the old fire in preaching, The Collection was in aid of the Mission at Portage Le Prairie.


Started the job of thinning out the turnips and will take some three days work as they are so thick in the rows; every prospect of a good crop. Made another tour over the potato plants destroying the Colorado bugs of which there seems to be an endless supply this year.


Today with team and wagon we hauled 400 cedar rails and built a fence to mark a lane in the clover field on "other place," for convenience in pasturage. Spent the evening at Edmonton Grange, had a visit from Rev Peter Smith of Sarnia, he brightened us up a little on the proper working of the Grange.

                           July     Wednesday  21    1875

Thinning and hoeing turnips was the business of today. Had a call from three American gentlemen who are buying sheep, did not make a bargain yet with them. Aunt Mrs Freeman is making a visit this week.

                          July     Thursday 22    1875

Completed the turnip job tonight after a steady day's work. Our folks and Aunty Freeman drove upon a visit to old Mr Hall's Weather dry, the grain is changing color very fast. Riping raspberries is the order of the day now, they are plenty this year.

                           July     Friday 23    1875

Separated from the flock 13 ram lambs and put them on the clover field. Horsehoeing the rape, potatoes and marigolds Drove Aunt & Hattie home tonight. Received a letter from Oakville We had a visit from Aunt Lizzie Ferguson of Toronto, only 2 hours stay however.

                            July     Saturday 24    1875

Making hay from some grass which is around the grain fields. Cutting thistles and pulling burrs, various light jobs formed the day's work Market price of wheat is about $1.25, it has risen very suddenly 30 c a bushel.

                            July     Sunday 25    1875

Drove up to S.School this morning, lesson, John III 1 to 17, "The New Birth". The "Messenger" for July 15th was distributed among the scholars, it is a great favorite with all the school. Heard Rev Jno Learned preach in Brampton tonight, text, Luke XXII, 61 & 62 An extremely warm day.

                             July     Monday 26    1875

Hauling manure from the sheep pen into a large pile in front meadow field, drew 16 loads. Drove to Brampton tonight and attended "Safe Guard" Lodge, a good meeting, two young ladies initiated, officers elected for next quarter, W.C.T., Bro J.H.Elliott, &c &c.

                           July     Tuesday 27    1875

Completed the task of hauling manure for this session, have put 21 loads for top dressing meadow. This afternoon, Viney, Emma and I drove over to Snell's lake to Good Templar's Picnic about 60 persons present, the time passed pleasantly and swiftly, rowing in small boats on lake until darkness came.

                           July     Wednesday 28    1875

This morning saw the opening of the harvest campaign on "Rose Tea" Farm. The first onset being at the fall wheat, cut about 2 acres and bound it the centre of the field is rather green yet, it is below an average crop, parts of the field are quite thin, winter killed.

                            July     Thursday 29    1875

Reaped 7 1/2 acres of barley, it is a good average crop, has not ripened evenly, on the whole is just scarcely ripe enough for cutting but the season is growing late and we are getting impatient to get at the work. The peas and oats are repening very fast. Weather dry and warm.

                            July     Friday  30    1875

This morning we cut an acre and a half of barley in field over the Etobicoke and bound it. Afternoon was binding and cocling up loose barley, the latter job being as a security against rain coming and coloring the barley. Spent tonight at Choir Practice as usual.

                             July     Saturday  31    1875

With the help of two extra men we reaped and bound the rest of the fall wheat ( about 6 1/2 acres), it was still green in low places but rusty and consequently would not improve any whatever. Weather dry and cool. Mailed on Thursday last a "Conservator" to John Tribble of Shelburne.

                            August    Sunday  1     1875

Drove to Brampton C.M. Church at 10 A.M. to Quarterly Meeting Rev John Learoyd peached, text, I Peter V 7th verse, "He careth for you". Took dinner at J E Main's. The Misses Elsie & Emma Armstrong from New York are their on a visit. Rev W McFadden preached tonight, text, II Corinthians I 7th

                           August     Monday  2    1875

Cut the last field (6 1/2 acres) of barley, it is the best crop of any that we have. Afternoon saw in hauling in barley, brought in 7 loads, pitched it on wagon out of the cocks. Worked late tonight because of appearance of rain. At home tonight.

                            August     Tuesday  3   1875

A wet day in harvest is a clog to the work and makes one feel dull, not anything like in working trim. It has not rained much today but a fine drizzling rain has continued most of the time since daybreak. Fanning up load of spring wheat and hand hoeing the turnips the second time over.

                              August     Wednesday  4    1875

Mailed a letter to N H Albaugh of Sadmor, Ohio (Hill Home Nursery). This morning I fixed up the heavy wagon with seats ariund the box and drove to Brampton, in company with 30 other teams containing loads of Sunday School children, drove over to "Eldorado Mills" and we had a grand Picnic. About 500 people present, 4 schools were represented.

                                  August     Thursday  5    1875

Yesterday we dosed our potato tops with Paris green & flour. Dank cloudy weather retards the harvest very much, scarcely anything done since Monday. Made a charge at the peapulling this afternoon in good style on the "crown hill" beyond the creek Visitors today Mr & Mrs H Modeland and Miss Alma Ferguson of Toronto.

                                    August     Friday  6   1875

Still another rainy day, more has fallen today than any time since the wet-weather started. Doing inside work at new building. Had visitors, Misses Lulu Main, E I Arnold & H Modeland. Tonight at Choir Practice. Received yesterday a letter from Aunt Jennie Rice.

                                   August     Saturday  7    1875

Rain has ceased. Finished cutting the peas on the hill. Turned over the barley sheaves on 6 acres, it is drying slowly but the grain wll be badly colored. The root crop and the corn are growing finely, the former are looking extremely well.

                           August     Sunday  8    1875

Spent morning at S. School, lesson, John V, 1 to 15, "Jesus at Bethesda healing the sick man". Reading and singing this afternoon. At Brampton C.M. Church tonight and heard Rev Mr Salton preach, text, Romans V, 1st verse. Miss Lizzie Ferguson came here tonight.

                         August     Monday  9    1875

Hired a man (Chas Banks of Amaranth) this morning for a few days @ $1.25 per day. Drew in about 7 loads of fall wheat and 10 loads of loose barley with two teams & wagons. The grain is now in fine order for coming in., the work will be lively as everything is ready to be harvested.

                          August   Tuesday 10    1875

Completed hauling the loose barley 27 loads in all, unloaded them in the barn using the horse fork, have the large bay now filled up to the plates. A shower of rain this afternoon just prevented us getting the rest of barley sheaves secured.

                             August     Wednesday 11    1875

Cleaned up the fall wheat and barley fields, had 32 loads of barley off 15 acres & 12 loads of wheat off 9 acres. Both crops as compared with last year are superior in bulk of straw at any rate, threshing alone can tell about the yield of grain.

                             August     Thursday 12   1875

Reaping and binding black oats this forenoon in old orchard field, they are a good average crop. After dinner we drew in the peas from over the creek 9 loads off 3 acres. Visitors today Miss Jennie Peacock of Brampton. Weather warm and dry.

                             August     Friday 13    1875

Wound up the job of cutting oats, have them all bound and shocked up, it presents a fine appearance the black oats shining out among the bright chaff, the shocks thickly studded over the field. Visitors arrived today from Oshawa, Aunt Jennie Rice and her baby daughter.

                           August     Saturday 14    1875

Made a gallant charge at the pea field today with scythe, rather a slow movement but the field is only 5 1/2 acres, they are heavy crop, the straw very long and bulky,Raked with horse the wheat field and drew in a small load of rakings. The burden of the harvest has been gathered in this week.

                            August     Sunday 15    1875

At S.School today, lesson, John VI 41 to 58, :Jesus says I am the bread of Life". The lessons for this quarter are most interesting John's Gospel contains a great deal of love and feelings towards mankind. Heard Rev John Learoyd preach in Brampton tonight, text, Luke XVI 31st verse.

                            August     Monday 16    1875

Sent our boy to help neighbor J Learment harvest in return for a day's help from him 2 weeks ago. Spent most of the day cutting peas and worked pretty lively at the job. Drew in 2 loads of oats this evening after tea. Weather is all that could be desired for harvesting. Sister Emma started to attend Brampton High School.

                              August     Tuesday 17    1875     

Sent a grist and chopping to Main's mill this morning. At the same job as yesterday, getting it now worked up into one corner of the field. Hauled in six loads of oats, they are fine ones, the sheaves handle almost as heavy as wheat. The first load of new wheat in Brampton brought $1.25 per bush.

                                August     Wednesday 18    1875

Had man and team at threshing for neighbor Richd Watson. Most of the day was spent in the pea field. Finished drawing in the oats, 12 loads in all. Harvest is progressing finely now with good weather. Will now concentrate all our forces on the last field, the peas.

                                 August     Thursday 19    1875

A break in the fine weather with such a "down pour" as we do not often witness, lasting about 2 hours afternoon. We managed to secure 5 loads of peas earlier in the day, expect no more harvest this week. Harvest apples are late ripening this year and are just now fine and mellow, we have but a few this season.

                           August     Friday 20    1875

With team and two men are helping J Learment to thresh grain with machine. Father drove Aunt Jennie up to WIllow Lodge to visit. Visitors today, Mrs J W Main and Miss Elsie Armstrong of New York. At home tonight reading the news At P O this evening.

                           August     Saturday 21    1875

Spent forenoon choring around at various jobs, docking ewe lambs (15 in all) and putting them off from their dams. After dinner, we managed to secure three loads of peas when rain started and spoiled any further proceedings in that line. Dull harvesting indeed.

                             August     Sunday 22   1875

Dro9ve to Ebenezer Union School at 9:30 A M Supt abs. J C Snell conducted the exercises and addressed the scholars on the lesson, John VII, 40 to 46, "Jesus the Christ". This evening in Brampton I heard Rev Jno Learoyd preach a sermon for benefit of young people, text Ephesians V 16th verse, "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil"

                             August     Monday 23    1875

Commenced crossplowing the pea and barley land behind the "Etobicoke" it is strong fresh ground and turns up finely. Afternoon A Cmpbell helped us draw in 8 large loads of peas Our boy was threshing at J Woodhall's all day. Visitors this evening, Mr A F Campbell & Jennie Peacock.

                              August     Tuesday 24    1875

And once again we shout "Harvest Home". A year has rolled away exactly since it was last shouted on "Rose Lea" farm, last season's harvest was finished also on 24th August. Had 20 large loads of peas off 5 1/2 acres, put 4 loads into a stack just behind the barn. This afternoon threshed 2 loads with horses tramping them on the barn floor.

                               August    Wednesday 25    1875

Father drove Aunt Jennie Rice to Brampton this morning. She will start for home tomorrow and sister Ella will be with her. Received a letter from A Ferguson Bay City. Plowing with both teams today in field that was started at on Monday.

                           August     Thursday 26    1875

At the same task as yesterday. The side-hill plowing is heavy work, the ground being hard and dry, except that it plows well. Weather is all that could be desired, days bright and warm, the nights quite cool. The garden fruits are coming in such as peas, plums and tomatoes all of which are a good crop this season.

                             August     Friday 27    1875

Wound up the first plowing on the other side of creek and started cross plowing the pea field next "old orchard" field, it is quite hard and turns up lumpy. Drove to Brampton tonight and done a little trade in grocery line and at W J Euart's shoe store.

                               August    Saturday 28    1875

Today we cut with mower 4 acres of mixed Hungarian & millet grass. It is only a medium crop and rather green for quick curing. Had a team at the harrowing of the field just completed plowing.

                               August     Sunday 29    1875

Walked up to S.School this morning [alone as the rest of the family went to Church], lesson John VIII 28 to 36,"Freedom through the Truth". Heard Rev Mr Salton preach tonight at Brampton, text Deuteronomy VIII 2nd verse. A very good sermon indeed. This has been an exceedingly warm day.

                              August     Monday 30    1875

One team was plowing pea land all day. Horse raked and put into cocks the Hungarian grass, it cures very slowly considering the very favorable weather. At this date there's yet a great deal of harvesting to be done in this township, the spring crops all over must be above the average.

                              August     Tuesday 31    1875

This forenoon I struck out the field over the creek into 22 ft ridges. Afternoon plowed nearly an acre of the same. Hauling manure from the pile and spreading it just before the plow. This month the weather has been the most pleasant of any season for some years.

                           September     Wednesday 1    1875

"The harvest is past and the summer is ended." This forenoon plowing for fall wheat sowing. Afternoon hauling in the hay made from millet and Hungarian grasses, it is of fine quality and will be excellent fodder for cattle especially.

                            September     Thursday 2    1875

Drew in last load of hay, we had 6 large loads off 4 acres. The heat this morning was very oppressive which at noon culminated into a very heavy rain, low-lying fields are almost flooded this evening. At Willow Lodge for sort time tonight.

                               September     Friday 3    1875

Spent the day at cross plowing pea land with both teams. This evening we were favored with a similiar dash of rain to yesterday's shower. The seeding will be still further postponed thereby. Visitors today Mrs R Watson Misses Jennie and Rebecca Carter.

                               September     Saturday 4    1875

Finished hauling away the manure pile in pea field, putting the last of it on oat stubble field. Afternoon wound up the crossplowing, also helping T Simpson to thresh. The high winds are tumbling off the apples, 75 per cent of them have worms in the core.

                                September     Sunday 5    1875

At S.School this morning. In absence of Supt. Mr Ambrose Woodhall conducted the lesson, John IX 1 to 11, "Jesus the Light of the World" healing the blind man. Spent afternoon at J.C.Snell's. Heard Rev Mr Salton preach in Brampton tonight, text, Matthew XXIV 11th & 12th verses.

                                 September     Monday 6    1875

Finished plowing the field across the Etobicoke. Father sowed the same with 8 bush Treadwell {about 4 acres} The harrowing was also finished and cross furrows opened with plow. The harrowing was done with the iron harrow.

                           September     Tuesday 7    1875

Commenced operations with both plows in other field, at the ridging. Worked very steady, have it about half plowed tonight. Spent this evening at Brampton C M Church, hearing Rev John Potts of Toronto preach, text, Luke V 26th verse. It was an admirable sermon and well delivered.

                             September     Wednesday 8    1875

Finished the plowing today. Sowed 5 acres of the field (the remaining 1/2 acre next lane left for a green crop next summer) with 9 1/2 bush Treadwell. Bought the wheat from R Watson @ $1.25. By hard work we have got through sowing 2 days sooner than expected. Weather warm and dry.

                               September     Thursday 9    1875

Spent forenoon putting the finishing touches on wheat field and seeding is now completed. This afternoon, drove team and wagon down to "Eldorado" Chisholm's Mills and brought home 1/2 ton of bran @ $12.00 per ton. In passing along the road there are yet some fields of grain unharvested.

                                September     Friday 10    1875

This morning cleaning up some peas {28 bush} of the new crop. Took 12 bush to Main's Mill for chopping. After dinner drove horse and buggy up to Willow Lodge, had a look at their late importations, 7 Cotswolds and their other stock. Spent evening at Choir Practice. At J E Woods for hair cutting.

                                September     Saturday 11    1875

Borrowed from Jno Learment 10 bush of oats for present feeding. Picking up some of the fallen apples. Had our boy Sewell at Mr Broddy's threshing all day. Started plowing the oat stubble ground ("old orchard"). Weather continues dry and cool. Quite a heavy white frost last night.

                                  September     Sunday 12    1875

Drove to S.School this morning. Lesson John X 1 to11, "The good Shepherd" giveth his life for the sheep. Messrs N V Watson and A. Woodhall were appointed as delgates to represent our school at Prov. S.S. Convention at Hamilton next month. Heard Rev Jno Learoyd preach toninght, text II Timothy 1st Chap, 10th verse.

                           September     Monday 13    1875

Plowing the ground for rye, turned over fully 1 1/2 acres. Bought a ram lamb from John Snell's Sons @ $40.00, but have not brought him home yet. Had our boy Sewell at Jabez Heath's threshing all day.

                             September     Tuesday 14    1875

At variety work today. Dressing a sheep for mutton. Finished plowing rye ground. Bought 6 bushels of rye from R Watson and with 1 bush of our own, we sowed 7 bush on 3 1/2 acres. Harvested the bean crop with a barn basket.

                              September     Wednesday 15    1875

Threshing at home with Coutts and Hunter's machine all day. Got the barley all threshed and moved the machine into other barn ready for morning. Will probably have 550 bush of barley, about one half of it will be first quality both as to color and weight, the remainder will be second quality.

                                September     Thursday 16    1875

"The best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft agle". Weather cause of failure this time. At six oclock this morning an easterly rain set in and poured down until noon and started again this evening. Spent forenoon in barn with some young men "cutting up" at all sorts of tricks and had a jolly time of it.

                                  September     Friday 17    1875

J C Snell shipped one of our Berkshires to Michigan on Thursday last. Resumed the threshing business this morning and wound up shortly after four oclock tonight. Estimate from piles to be of wheat 180 bush off 9 acres, oats 350 bush off 8 acres. Spent the evening at home.

                                  September     Saturday 18    1875

Spent day at Mr A Woodhall's with team helping to thresh. Father went to Brampton for the mail and other articles. He and Sewell dipped all the lambs with a solution of 1 1/2 lbs of tobacco, they being rather ticky. Bought a neat self-delivering apple parer at Reaker's @ $1.00

                           September     Tuesday 21    1875

Spent today at David Wiggins' threshing and put in a hard day's work. This evening went up to Edmonton Grange,its sessions are held in the Town Hall. The supplies of various kinds of goods which are bought in Toronto are stored up at Mr Ben Watson's until the owners call for them.

                            September     Wednesday 22    1875

Commenced the fall plowing proper in the barley stubble field. It is mostly in fine plowing trim, setting up into 22 ft lands in as neat a manner as possible. Spent evening at home at a family paring bee. Hard frosts these nights.

                              September     Thursday 23    1875

At the same job as yesterday, worked hard at it and plowed nearly 1 3/4 acres. Our boy was also plowing with other team in oat stubble field. The Prov. Exhibition is being held at Ottawa this week. John Snell's Sons have taken a pretty fair share of the prizes in Cotswolds & Berkshires.

                               September     Friday 24    1875

Spent forenoon straightening up and completing lands that "Sewell" plowed in oat field. Afternoon finished plowing the first half of barley field. Drove to Brampton tonight, had an hours chat with some friends and attended the Choir Practice, which by the way was a slim affair tonight.

                           September     Saturday 25    1875

At half past six oclock this morning with a pitch fork over my shoulder I wended my way up the Centre Road to John Campbell's for to help him to thresh. There was a "head" wind most of the day and consequently 'twas a dirty affair. Our folks started the potato harvest taking up some 28 bush "Early Rose".

                            September     Sunday 26    1875

Spent forenoon at S. School, the attendance was good and singing was better than usual, there were also several visitors present. Lesson, John XI 44 to 53, "Christ rejected". It also included a review of the past Quarter's lessons. Heard Rev Mr Salton preach in Brampton tonight, text, Matt. XXII 14th.

                            September     Monday 27    1875

Plowing continued,the order for the day, creeping gradually over the field at the rate of 1 1/2 acre per day. The potato crop which we are now harvesting is a slim one for which we have mainly to thank the "Colorado" bug, however what potatoes we will have are good in quality though small in size.

                             September     Tuesday 28    1875

Plowing until noon. After dinner we cleaned a load of barley and drew it to Brampton, sold it to K.C.& Co. @ 75c on these conditions, this load was very dark in color, if we take the next load of bright barley will get 90 c for it and 80 c for first load. Also finished potato harvest, have about 65 bush.

                             September     Wednesday 29    1875

Drove Father and Emma to Brampton for the 7 o'clock train this morning to go to Toronto to attend the Central Fair being held there this week. Our boy was at T Simpson's threshing yesterday and today. Brought from the "Willow Lodge" flock of Cotswolds a ram lamb. A heavy rain this evening.

                              September     Thursday 30     1875

Walked to Brampton this morning and in company with two chums took G Trunk train for Toronto. Spent forenoon on the Exhibition grounds, there is a fair show in every department, the attendance of people was comparatively small. Spent afternoon and evening seeing some of the sights of the city.

                           October     Friday 1    1875

Arrived home from Toronto at 1 o'clock this morning. Sold today and delivered to K.C.& Co. two loads of "bright" barley 150 bush @ 90 c and one load "dark" barley 68 bush @ 80 c per bush. Visitor today Miss Ella Lowes. In Brampton tonight at C.M. S.School scholars practice for anniversary.

                            October     Saturday 2    1875

The order of business today has been sheep washing. This was accomplished by using a large water tight box in barnyard, standing the lamb in box, using warm water and hard soap, we washed 20 lambs. Had a call from T.Teasdale of Thornhill. Mr John Tribble and family came on a visit tonight.

                           October     Sunday 3    1875

At S.School this morning as usual. Lesson John XII 23 to33, "Jesus foretelling his death and sufferings. "Jesus lifted up". Drove our visitors up to Willow Lodge after dinner and staid until evening. Heard Rev Jno Learoyd preach in Brampton tonight, text, II Samuel 20th The sermon was given for S.S. scholars.

                            October     Monday 4    1875

Our visitors, after spending the Sunday with us, started for home (Amaranth) this morning. J Tribble consists of one girl and two striving boys all under the age of 12. Made the first sale out of ram lambs to J.T. one of the least at $10.00. Was plowing today A wet evening for Brampton C.M. S.School anniversary.

                             October     Tuesday 5    1875

Dressed a young Berkshire for pork, weight 44 lbs. This is first day of County Peel Fall Fair at Brampton. Was making necessary preparations for taking sheep and hogs to the Fair tomorrow. Had a call of ten minutes only from Joshua Modeland of Dundalk.

                            October    Wednesday 6    1875

Raining most beautifully this morning with a strong east wind. Towards noon it ceased when we loaded up our sheep and one Berkshire and started for Brampton Fair. The attendance of visitors was very small owing to bad roads. The show was fully equal to former years. Received one second prize on lambs and sold 5 lambs

                           October     Thursday 7    1875

The ground is in an exceedingly soft state just now, the rain descended in torrents last night. Mr E Dyer called for a ram lamb and paid for the same $18.00. Started the apple harvest by picking up all the apples under the trees, had 20 bags full all somewhat bruised.

                           October     Friday 8    1875

Started hand picking the hard apples into barrels, for a help we constructed a fruit ladder or steps more properly. Only got 8 barrels picked today as so many men have been here to buy sheep, sold 3 rams and one ewe lamb. Spent evening in Brampton at Choir Practice

                             October     Saturday 9    1875

Commenced plowing the fall wheat stubble field, it is almost too wet in some places. Sold to Mr Jno Jackson of 5th line east one pair of ewe lambs @20. Also sold 2 more ram lambs. After dinner we resumed the job of apple harvest, brought in tonight 12 barrels. It has rained more or less every day this week.

                               October     Sunday 10    1875

Drove spring wagon up to S.School this morning. In the absence of Supt. Mr A Woodhall addressed the school on lesson John XIII 1 to 9, "Jesus washes his disciples' feet". This evening heard Rev Jno Learoyd preach in Brampton, text Genesis XXXII 26 to 29.

                                October     Monday 11    1875

Plowing with one team in wheat stubble field. Sold a ram lamb to A Frank of Caledon @10. The apple harvest is still under weigh and is more bountiful than we expected. Father drove Mrs J C Snell and family up home, they have been here on a 3 days visit.

                                 October     Tuesday 12    1875

Had both teams at the plows all day, the 9 acre field is now half plowed. Completed the task of picking apples, have 18 barrels choice hand picked and 30 bags more or less bruised. Spent evening at home at the semiannual job of moving the cooking stove in for winter quarters. Splendid moonlight & had frost.

=== Your title here... === October, Wednesday 13. 1875. One team plowing all day. "Sewell" had the other team all day moving his fathers things to Brampton. Sold our last ram lamb to J Learment for $10 Have sold 13 ram lambs in Ten days at-an average of $14.00. and 3 ewe lambs for $10 each. The nights now are exceedingly handsome.

                            October    Thursday 14.   1875

Commencement- of the root-harvest-. Pulled by hand and topped 4 loads of mangolds (Yellow Globe), excepting a four large ones the most are small. Weather is beauttiful, like Indian summer without- any haze or smoke around the horizon. J C Snell got-home from St. Louis Fair yesterday.

                               October     Friday 15    1875

Another wet day. Spent forenoon working in barn at-various jobs. After dinner we went to work on the harness and gave it a thorough coating of a "Patent Leather varnish" making it look exactly like new harness. Spent evening at Good Tempaars' Concert held in Music Hall, Brampton, Prof.Jones of Galt, Mr S H Marshall, Miss Abba & Misses Nichols, Simson,

Mr W J Speirs reader.
                              October     Saturday 16     1875

Finished the Mangold Wurtzel's job, have about 200 bushels of fair average size. Starting now to feed the cattle from the barn for the night and have them tied in the stables. Spent evening at home instead of at Choir Practice as the night is dark and dreary.

                              October     Sunday 17    1875

A change has come o'er the scene, the ground being white with snow. At S.School this morning, lesson, John XIV 1 to 7, "Many Mansions". J C Snell gave to the school a short and good description of some S.Schools in St. Louis, U.S. Heard Rev Jno Learoyd preach a missionary sermon in Brampton tonight, text, Matthew XVI 18th

                               October     Monday 18    1875

A cold wintry day, the snow staid on with scarcely any thawing. Bought from Bright & Thayer a neat dining room stove of an improved pattern @$13.00. Took up the garden beets, small but good. Spent evening at C M Missionary Meeting, Brampton. Excellent addresses were given by Revs T Jeffrey & A Sutherland of Toronto.

                           October     Tuesday 19    1875

Plowing with both teams all day. It is hard work for the horses as in low ground they sink at every step up to the hocks in mud. Received yesterday a letter from Ohio nursery stating that our fruit trees would be in Brampton on Saturday 23 inst. At home tonight reading "Scientific American".

                            October    Wednesday 20    1875

Completed plowing and furrowing out the fall wheat stubble field. The demand for sheep has materially decreased, have 4 ewe lambs yet to sell. The weather is "taking up" again and prospects of Indian summer are good. Spent the evening at home as usual.

                            October     Thrsday 21    1875

Wound up the plowing in two more fields, the barley stubble and the oat stubble fields. Cut with the hoes the remainder of Indian corn, the fodder corn is all used up. Our spring wagon is under going some necessary repairs at Harris' shop No 10. Had a home apple-aring bee tonight.

                             October    Friday 22    1875

Into the turnip crop this morning in right earnest, topping eith hod snd plowing out with a mouldboardless plow. Drew in 5 loads this afternoon, they are of a good size and quality. In Brampton tonight, an hour in "Conservator" office and at Choir Practice.

                             October     Saturday 23    1875

Mailed a letter last night to Wm Murray of Chesterfield, Ont. At the same work as yesterday bringing in 6 more loads. Received (through Agent) from Ohio Nursery a small lot of fruit trees, viz, 2 apple, 1 plum, 1 peach,1 grape, 1 gooseberry & 50 strawberry. We set them all out this afternoon in garden & orchard.

                            October     Sunday 24    1875

A bright warm summer like day. Walked up to S.School, lesson, John XV 1 to 8 "The Vine and its branches". Took dinner at "Willow Lodge" and spent afternoon there, and in company with Mr & Mrs J C Snell went to Brampton C M Church tonight, heard Rev Mr Salton preach, text Hebrews XI 24th & 25th verses.

                           October     Monday 25    1875

Working lively at the turnips all day, drew in 7 loads. The ground is still very wet in the hoolows, making the hauling heavy work for the horses. In Brampton and spent the evening at Safe Guard Lodge I.O.G.T. The attendance was fair and two young men initiated.

                          October     Tuesday 26    1875

And still the rain will come and spoil present operations in the field, the rain came pretty smartly all forenoon from N.East. Spent day repairing some farm tools and at pea threshing. Spent evening in the kitchen at reading writing &c &c.

                          October     Wednesday 27    1875

Got to work again this morning at the turnips, the ground is so very wet that we were forced to start pulling by hand and topping with knife, this is by far harder and slower work than the improved plan of plowing. At home tonight at the family paring bee.

                           October     Thursday 28    1875

Today is authorized by the Lieut. Governor of Ontario to be set apart and observed as a public holiday for Thanksgiving to God for the bountiful harvest. However we worked hard all day and finished up the tutnip work, had in all 30 loads of 30 bush each = 900 bush off 1 3/4 acres. Soent evening at Brampton P Methodist S.S anniversary.

                            October     Friday 29   1875

The entertainment last night at the meeting consisted of singing and recitations by the scholars, they were well trained and performed their pieces in a creditable manner. Today we started plowing the millet grass stubble, it is almost too wet. Spent evening in Brampton at the :Conservator" office.

                             October     Saturday 30    1875

Some more rain last night and this forenoon. After noon had one team hauling and spreading a manure pile on the timothy sod field in front of the house. Plowing with other team in the root ground. At home tonight at the usual routine of Saturday night work.

                           October     Sunday 31    1875

A wintry day, snow blustering from the West and frost. Spent forenoon at S.School, lesson John XV, 11to 18, "The friends and foes of Jesus". Tonight I went to Brampton on horseback and heard Rev Mr Salton preach in C M Church, text, Isaiah LXIV 6th verse, "We all do fade as doth a leaf".

                          November    Monday 1    1875

The ground is frozen too hard this morning for plowing. After noon however we got the plow to work in the root ground and works as long as day light would permit. This month the weather opens with every prospect of old winter being upon us shortly.

                          November     Tuesday 2    1875

Plowing steadily all day, done 1 1/2 acres. Our "boy" finished hauling manure pile on the front meadow. Spent this evening at Edmonton Grange No 30, a good attendance of members and one new one joined Mr Samuel Heath.

                          November    Wednesday 3    1875

Last night was the hardest frost we have yet experienced this season. No plowing done today. At hauling manure from barn yard into next summer's root land. J C Snell shipped one of our Berkshires to Haldimand Co. in his own name

                            November     Thursday 4    1875

This morning we drove to Mr Robert Watson's with 11 bags of apples and ground & pressed them into cider making 38 gals, paying 7 cs per bag for use of mill. Started plowing after dinner in spite of two inches of frost on top of ground. Sold our last ram lamb to Mr Early of Esquessing @ $15.00

                           November     Friday 5    1875

Drew into barn the pea stack which was standing behind the sheep house, it has stood the rain remarkably well, there was no waste whatever. Plowing this afternoon with both teams. In Brampton tonight at Choir Practice. Bought of K.C.& Co a fine shirt @ $2.00 a pair of gloves @ $1.87

                           November     Saturday 6    1875

Completed plowing the root and corn ground it has been a very heavy job. Our hired boy John Sewell finished up his 7 months' work and paid him $76.00 in cash and value in goods for the other $8,00. The weather has moderated a good deal of late.

                            November     Sunday 7    1875

Went to Quarterly Meeting in Brampton at 10 A.M.: Rev Mr Salton preached, text, Psalm LXXXV 6th verse, The Love Feast afterwards was well attended and a good meeting. This night heard Mr James Gooderham of Streetsville preach, text Mark VIII 37th verse A fine warm day.

                            November     Monday 8    1875

Finished plowing and cross-furrowing the root ground field. After dinner we got the iron plow put in trim and sharped for sod at "Harris"" shop No 10 and started plowing sod in the field over the creek. Went to Brampton tonight to a Temperance Meeting, speakers R Smith MP and Rev Mr Salton

                            November     Tuesday 9    1875

Plowing all day on the flats of Etobicoke, it is in fine trim for plowing except that the sod or grass roots are very tough. "Sewell" had other team in Brampton plowing their garden Visitors tonight, Misses Golding & E H Golding. Very moderate weather.

                             November     Wednesday 10    1875

A rainy morning. Dressed another Berkshire 2 1/2 months old, weight 84 lbs. Completed plowing the sod on the flats We also burned a very large stone and hauled into the creek. Spent evening at Willow Lodge in chat and business.

                            November     Thursday 11    1875

Plowing sod on high land in same field all day, it turns over splendidly just now. Spent evening in Brampton at "Conservator" Office &c. The weather is unusually fine, very little frost at night and bright warm days.

                           November     Friday 12    1875

Plowing this forenoon. Sister Merilla and I took the noon train for Toronto and arrived safe. Went directly to AUnt E. Ferguson's place on Adelaide St and found them all well. Mrs J C Snell came in to Toronto tonight and we took evening train for Oshawa and got ythere at 9 o'clock.

                           November     Saturday 13    1875

Found our friends in Oshawa all well. Uncle George Rice has a neat comfortable home and doing a good business in harness-making. He and his partner Mr Keddie have a fine 3 story brick building on the Main St. This is a thriving town of 5000 souls with 7 large manufactories of all kinds of farm implements.

                           November     Sunday 14    1875

A very stormy morning, snow falling fast. We went to the Church of England service this morning and heard a good practical sermon from their minister. At 6:30 PM we went to the Methodist Church a very handsome one indeed and heard Rev Alex Sutherland of Totonto preach text Isaiah LXIII ist

                            November     Monday 15    1975

Had a complete inspection of all the factories in the town and a drive around and outside of the town. Also up to the town of Whitney, 4 miles west of Oshawa, it is not so large as the latter, yet it is a very pretty place. Met two old acquaintances in my trip, Messrs J D Hunter & R Crawford. Bid goodbye to the friends and

                            November     Tuesday 16    1875

Arrived in Toronto last night by G Trunk train from Whitby. Spent today on Toronto streets and in its stores. Bought at "Walker's" a woolen shawl @$7.00 and neck tie @ 80cts. At Wesleyan Book room a pocket bible @$3.30 (containing Wesly's hymns) Discipline & Catechisms @ 60cts. Railroad fare $3.50. Got home tonight at dark.

                            November     Wednesday 17    1875

The foot and mouth disease has broken out among our sheep, about one half of them are very lame, have given their feet a dose of carbolic acid. Was fixing up the sheep-pen for winter. Got 25 lbs of brown sugar through the Grange @ 8cts per lb. In Brampton tonight and brought home two new music books.

                           November     Thursday 18    1875

Spent this day helping our neighbour John Woodhall thresh grain. At home this evening helping to upholster a lounge. THe ground is now covered with 2 or 3 inches of snow but not much frozen, it is hardly likely that we will habe any more plowing weather.

                           November     Friday 19    1875

At the same occupation as yesterday with the addition of taking a team along with me. Am not sorry that the threshing business is so nearly wound up for this year. Spent evening in Brampton and at Choir Practice.

                            November     Saturday 20    1875

Weather is growing warmer every day, the snow has nearly all gone and taking with it the frost out of the ground. Today I plowed one acre of sod, is now in excellent trim. Father and Sewell were cleaning up a load of barley. Mrs J C Snell arrived here from Oshawa and is staying all night here.

                             November     Sunday 21    1875

At S. School this morning, lesson, John XVIII 33 to 38, "Jesus the King". A handsome family Bible and an address were presented to Mrs B McNIchol by the teachers and scholars of our S. School on the occasion of her leaving here for Orangeville. Heard Rev Mr Salton preach tonight in Brampton, text, John XV 26th verse.

                              November     Monday 22    1875

Last night we have experienced the hardest frost of the season. Spent half a day grubbing out several large stones in three different fields, with crowbar, logging chain & stone boat. Spent this evening at Safe Guard Lodge No 350 I.O.G.T., one initiated and a pleasant meeting.

                              November     Tuesday 23    1875

Resumed operations in selling barley after six weeks delay. Sold and delivered in two loads today to T Milner 122 bushels of No 2 quality at 60 cts per bush, fanned another load by lamp light tonight. Joe Snell shipped two of our Berkshires, one to New Brunswick and other to near Stratford.

                           November     Wednesday 24    1875

Sold and deliered today to T Milner 125 bush of No 1 barley @ 80 cts per bush. This endeth our barley trade for this season, have sold 502 bush. for $392.00 or about an average of 78 cts per bush. Paid W J Euart for ordering a pair of slippers $1.50, sister Emma having worked the uppers of them for me.

                          November     Thursday 25    1875

Dusty, dirty, hard work is this threshing business but Oh how necessary to make farming a profitable business. With team was helping J Learment thresh today, there was a desperate head wind and my eyes are exceedingly sore tonight. Weather is cold and frosty. Our cattle are all very sick with the epidemic.

                            November     Friday 26    1875

Raining this morning and the frost is going out once more. Spent forenoon at J Learment's threshing. Father went to an auction sale of farm stock & implements of Mr Thomas Tuffley. I went up to Willow Lodge on business. This evening our S. School had a meeting to make arrangements for an Anniversary to be held on Dec. 30th.

                            November     Saturday 27    1875

It is nearly constant work for one man all this week attending to our sick cattle, they are hardly able to walk out of the stables, the strength of the disease is now about spent. Brought the plow in from the field for winter quarters, the 20th being the last day of plowing. Had visitors this evening, Mr James Snell of Clinton & R P Snell.

                            November     Sunday 28    1875

Walked up to S. School this morning, lesson, John XIX 25 to 30, "Jesus on the Cross". The attendance of the scholars and interest in the school manifested by them is steadily increasing. Spent afternoon at J C Snell's singing S.S. songs. Heard Rev Mr Salton preach tonight in Brampton, text, II Kings XX 1st verse.

                              November     Monday 29    1875

A wintry day snow showers from the West. Done little else but care for the stock and make some preparations around the buildings for the approach of Jack Frost. In Brampton tonight, done some buisness at "Conservator" office. At the Lodge the attendance small, had some select readings &c.

                           November     Tuesday 30    1875

The mercury fell last night to 10 degrees below zero. John Snell's Sons shipped the last of our Berkshires today. They sold to Gentry of Missouri as imported Berkshires for $700.00 and two sows for $900.00.

                            December     Wednesday 1     1875

Winter is upon us in real earnest. Drove to Brampton this morning and brought home with me Miss Jennie Peacock. After noon took 11 bags of apples to Mr R Watson's mill and brought home 30 gals of cider. Also 1 gal of orange syrup from Ben Watson's.

                             December     Thursday 2    1875

Have not done much business today. Returned to J Learment 10 bush of oats that we had borrowed. Put some necessary repairs on the sleigh box. Drove to Brampton this evening for the newspapers "Christian Guardian" and "Peel Banner".

                               December     Friday 3    1875

A very fine bright day. With the help of J Learment we killed and dressed for pork 5 Berkshires, the gross weight of all 830 lbs. Have still left to winter over two pure bred sows. Spent evening at Choir Practice. Mr J R Craig's sale of Short Horns took place today in Toronto, large prices were realized for the stock.

                               December     Saturday 4    1875

Completed the job of yesterday by salting the pork &c&c. After dinner we went to Mr Dafoe's auction sale of stock & implements Lot 3 Centre Road. There was a great quantity of good articles and they were sold at their full value. Received at "Conservator" Office the printed hymns for our S.S. anniversary.

                               December     Sunday 5    1875

Drove spring wagon to S. School this morning, lesson, John XX 11 to 18, "Jesus and Mary Magdalene". Our anniversary hymns are paged and stirched in pamphlet form 8 in all, had our first sing at them in school this morning. Heard Rev Jno Learoyd preach to night in Brampton, text, Genesis XVIII 14th verse.

                           December     Monday 6    1875

Commenced work at flooring the horse stable, laying the planks (hemlock) lengthwise of the stalls, right on the old floor, also raised the bottoms of mangers about one foot. Went to Brampton tonight and heard Rev Mr Bell of London, Eng. give a lecture in Concert Hall on "London by gaslight".

                             December     Tuesday 7    1875

The lecture of last night was very interesting & instructive and advocated the Temperance Cause very strongly. At the same job as yesterday and finished one stable and tsarted to floor the colts' stable, it had a stone floor but we are putting the planks in on 4 inch sleepers which rest evenly on old floor.

                              December    Wednesday 8    1875

Spent last night at the Grange. Had visitors arrived from Toronto last night Mrs E Ferguson and her son and daughter, Egerton & Jennie. They and our folks drove up to "Willow Lodge" today leaving me to keep "Bachelor's hall". Spent this evening at S.School singing practice for Anniversary. Weather is mild, rain and snow have fallen for two days.

                              December     Thursday 9    1875

The folks all went visiting [unreadable word] today {leaving me in the same predicament as yesterday} [unreadable word] Mrs R Gardener's. Spent [today?] at pea threshing with [flails?] Spent this evening at Mrs Carter's home with Viney [unreadable word] in music and social chat Received last night a letter from W [unreadable word] of Chesterfield.

                              December     Friday 10    1875

Passed the forenoon at [unreadable word] blacksmith shop.getting our [unreadable word] sharp shod all around. Making an addition to the [unreadable word house by fitting up one [ unreadable word] colts stable In Brampton tonight at Choir Practice [unreadable word] attendance and a good [ unreadable word ]

                                December     Saturday 11    1875

Drove sleigh to Norval and brought home 3/4 ton of [ unreadable word] @ $14 per ton it is a good uunreadable word ] working in barnyard. In Brampton again this evening transacting some minor business details.

                           December     Sunday 12    1875

At S School this morning, lesson, John XX 25 to 31, :Jesus and Thomas" Our superintendent made the lesson very interesting and instructive to the scholars. Heard Rev Jno Learoyd preach in Brampton M Church tonight, text Luke XV 18th verse.

                           December     Monday 13    1875

Dissolved 5 lbs of McDougall's sheep-wash in 10 gals of warm soft water, and put a quart of the mixture on each sheep, the liquid smells strong of coal tar and is designed to promote the growth of the wool as well as to kill all vermin. A cold blustering day.

                           December     Tuesday 14    1875

Father drove to Brampton Mills with peas and oats for chopping. Was engaged in threshing peas with flail, &c&c. Received a letter from Mr A Ferguson of Bay City. Spent the evening at home, playing piano, reading and conversation.

                           December     Wednesday 15    1875

Spent the day in the barn threshing peas. The Brampton butchers are looking out for Christmas beef, but ours have not yet made up for the loss through the sickness. In Brampton tonight at Choir Practice. Tolerably good sleighing now and has been for about ten days.

                           December     Thursday 16     1875

This forenoon saw the completion of the addition to our sheep house consisting of a room 10 x 4 fitted up warm for "Billy" at present. Afternoon hauled from "other place" woods 2 cords of dry wood which is all we have chopped yet. With the Methodist Choir tonight at Mr Pringle's church.

                            December     Friday 17    1875

The teameeting last night at Brampton Presb. church was well attended, the speaking and singing were good. Today was doing some inside work at new cow stable fitting up a room for the bull "Duke of Rose Lea". Had visitors tonight, Willy Smith and R J Nichols.

                           December     Saturday 18    1875

Made arrangements at McCulla's Factory, Brampton, for dressing and shaping lumber for a new wagon box. Was at "Willow Lodge" for an hour this afternoon Our cousin James Taylor of Oakville came here tonight on a two weeks visit.

                          December     Sunday 19    1875

An exceedingly cold day, mercury 12 below zero. Drove to S. School this morning, J C Snell addressed the school on the leasson, John XXI 15 to 22, "Jesus and Peter". Heard Rev Mr Smith in the Methodist Church, Brampton, tonight, text, John XXI 15 to 17 verses

                          December     Monday 20    1875

Such a change in the weather since yesterday, now very mild and prospect of a thaw. With team and sleigh went to the "other place" woods and brought home several loads of logs for firewood, using dry trees, bringing one tree at a load by cutting it in two and chaining it to the back of the sleigh

. December Tuesday 21 1875

Jim Taylor and I drove sleigh to Norval and brought from the grist mills thence to home one-half ton of wheat-bran @$14 per ton Hauling logs this afternoon. Spent evening in Brampton at a Bazaar in vestry of Methodist church the affair was a success the proceeds, nearly $400, are for the Parsonage repairs.

                          December     Wednesday 22    1875

A real spring day a strong Sou West wind, the snow all gone except in drifts, mud 3 inches deep on the roads. Edwin Dixon staid here all last night, started for Amaranth early this morning. The day school examination for our section came off today, also the High School, Brampton. At singing practice at Ebenezer tonight.

                          December     Thursday 23    1875

Our folks drove to Brampton to make preparations for Xmas Spent the day in lower woods cutting and splitting rock elm into fence stakes 7 1/2 ft long, split about 90 today. Saml Bunting, junr started chopping cordwood yesterday in lower woods to cut 8 or 10 cords @ 60 cts per cord. The warm weather continues.

                            December     Friday 24    1875

Mailed a letter yesterday to W Murray of Chesterfield. Attended the last threshing of the season at Mr J Heath's this afternoon. Raining almost in torrents this Christmas eve. Went to Brampton on horseback and to make purchaes for to act as "Santa Claus" on coming home.

                             December   Saturday 25    1875

No sleighing. A mild warm day the roads quite muddy. Drove to Brampton at 10 o'clock and attended service at P M Church Miss Jennie Peacock & A F Campbell came up with me. J C Snell and all the family were here, ao we had a good jolly Christmas dinner together and a pleasant evening

                              December     Sunday 26    1875

A driving snow storm this morning but turned to a heavy rain. Went to S. School on horseback, lesson, John XXI, last verse, "The Ministry of Jesus" including a review of the Quarter's lessons. The January number of "Northern Messenger" was given to the scholars. At home this evening on account of the bad weather.

                               December     Monday 27    1875

A F Campbell staid with us until this morning. Jennie P. will spend the week here. The Municipal nominations took place today all over Ontario. Our council was all reelected by acclamation. There will be some changes in Brampton. Working around the yard all day.

                               December     Tuesday 28    1875

Spent the [day] at crosscut sawing logs in wood yard into stove wood lengths. At singing practice this evening at Ebenezer. Mrs A Ferguson from Bay City arrived here tonight on a short visit. Weather is extremely fine for the season, no sleighing but capital wheeling.

                              December    Wednesday 29    1875

Aunt Catherine made a short visit here, she went to Toronto this morning. Spent all day at the church, with the help of a score of young ladies & gentlemen we made extensive preparations for the party, decorated the church with cedar & hemlock boughs. Today's work is the pleasantest part of all, being a feast of anticipation.

                           December     Thursday 30    1875

Also spent the greater part of today working at the churches They have built a new porch over the door of "Ebenezer" church and are putting on double windows, which will make the old building very comfortable. Our S.S. party tonight passed off pleasantly, the attendance of visitors was large considering the muddy roads.

                           December     Friday 31    1875

The speakers last night were Revs W Millard, J Baird, Tos Siens & J Salton and J W Beynon, R Smith MP in the chair. The Report of the school was excellent, written by J C Snell, average attendance of scholars 59, there have been 4 weddings during the year. The music by the scholars was good. Realized over $30.

Spent this forenoon in lower woods completing some stake splitting. After dinner, drove to Brampton and bought some articles for New Year's day. Spent tonight at the Edmonton Lodge of Good Templars No 543, a fair attendance of mambers and we had a pleasant evening. The weather is most remarkable Tonight the mud is 6 inches deep. And the thermometer today was nearly up to 60 in the shade.

Tis night, and bleak December's sands With noiseless glide are almost run And by his grave the old year stands Time's latest child. His work is done

Just then rang out the midnight bell, It was the old year's dying knell. And as it rang its latest chime, Departed dear old Seventy five

According to last years custom I ring our bell right merrily as the clock strikes the midnight hour.


Jan 9th Ground at Main's mill 1 bush

             of Indian corn for Johnny Oakes
 "   11th  chopped at mill 12 bush of peas

Feb 13th " " " 14 " " " March 5th gristed at Main's 18 " of wheat

   "    17th  chopped  "   "     19  "  "  peas

April 20th " " " 9 bush oats 9 " " peas May 12 " 4 " " 5 " " " June 7 gristed at Main's 12 " " wheat

  "   28  cracked 1 bush Treadwell & ground
            1 1/2 bush Indian corn

July 2 chopped 5 bush peas & 5 bush oats August 17 gristed 11 bush wheat and chopped 4 bush peas Sept 10 chopped 12 bush peas Oct 16 " 6 of peas & 6 of oats

  "  27  gristed 12 bush of Treadwell's

Dec 14 chopped 10 bush peas & 10 oats

 "    18 cracked     1    "   wheat  

Sowed this spring

  33 bush of barley
  28    "     "  oats
  25    "     "  peas

Sowed this fall

  17 bush Treadwell wheat
    7    "     rye
                             CASH  ACCOUNT -- JANUARY


 2nd    To R H Lewis for one pair of horse covers                      8.00
    "         from D Wiggins on livestock account           3.00
  5   for dry goods &c                                                                  3.00
  7   S. S.Banner for one year                                                      .75
11   Towards paying for the melodeon at the Lodge                 2.00   
12   Cutter bells & straps                                                           1.30
14   Rent for box in Post Office and sundries                            1.00
19  Incidental expenses                                                             2.00
 "   for cord wood                                                        4.00
21   " 5 cords of maple                                             18.50
19  Sub to "Country Gentleman" and to CPA Society               3.00
22  from J W Smith bal on a sheep                            6.00
23  from Leslie & Co for beef                                     7.10
 "     to            "        sundries                                                      4.00
 "  from Wigley for hide                                              3.40
28  to R Aitken for sawing 8325 ft lumber @3 c per ft              25.00
30  to H Burnett for furniture                                                      8.50
 "             "         groceries and  sundries      8.00                                                                                8.                                                                                 --------------------
                                                                                 42.00      66.55

Oct 16

$ $
2nd Expenses to Toronto
and Gough's lecture 2 25
" for 1/2 doz photographs
at Ewing's 2 50
6 Sundries 5 00
5 to Missouri 5 00
13 To H Burnett for
picture frames and
cabinet ware 2 75
" Sundries 1 00
15 To W A Mitchell for
cleaning watch 1 00
16 Sundry articles
from Brampton 2 00
17 Subscription to
"Conservator" 1 00
20 from KC&Co for 101
took barley @ 90 ₵ 90 90
cabinet ware 2 75
" Sundries 2 00
22 To Anthony Bros
for new cutter 45 00
_{<--double}_ _{line}_ _{handwritten}_ _{across-->}_
90 90 69 50

$ $
2nd For sundry small
articles bought at
different stores 2 00
6 To buy Bell for
sawing & cutting stone 5 00
4 For {?} oil chromo 95
8 To Social Committee 1 00
10 from G. Davis for 8 bush
barley @ 90 ₵ 7 20
13 To RA Hodgson for 10 lbs
of ground oil cake 50
17 from C Dawsom for 2 ½
barrels apples @ $1.75 4 50
Received interest (3 months)
on bank deposit 6 25
To M {?} gold on piano 100 00
20 ” “ “ “ “ 155 00
22 For 400 the of bran @ 1₵ 4 00
” 16 bush of lime @13 ₵ 2 00
25 ” {?}eines &c, &c 1 00
from E Dixon for old cutter 4 00
26 ” T Crowforth for ^a {a above ^} calf 4 00
” M Thompson for
4 bush “farrow” wheat 3 40
to M. T. for wages 50
”Bible Society 1 00
30 ” Organ for S. School 4 00
” Sundry articles 6 50
31 from T Simpson for 11 bush ^ spring wheat {spring wheat written above ^} @ 90 ₵ 9 90
{<- single} {line} {handwritten} {across->}
39 25 283 53
Cash Account - April.
$ $
2nd To Mr B Watson on
Berkshire acc/ 2 50
5 From W Martin on
cows acc/ 3 00
7 To R Aitkin for sowing
800 ft lumber @ 5 c 4 00
8 From T Sharp on cows {?} 3 00
10 To Brampton Stores for
goods 4 00
16 To subscription on the
New Church Ogan
Brampton 5 00
17 To Ebenezer S. School
for new Red {?} 4 00
20 ”K.C. & Co for 1 bush
clover seed 6 25
fence Wire , &c, &c 3 00
22 ” Sundries 1 50
27 From Dawson & Williamson
" for steer and calf 42 00
Initiation fee to
Grange 3 00
30 To K.C. & CO for 8 lbs
Alsike clover seed
@ 13 c & 3 lbs red
clover @ 10 1 70
{underline} {hand} {written} {across}
48 00 34 95

Cash Account - May.
$ $
1 Quarterage & Sundries 5 00
3 for 16 apple trees
" @ 25 ₵ each 4 00
6 for sundry articles
bought at stores 28 00
7 From T Milner for 12 bags
of potatoes @ $ 1.05 12 60
Groceries &c, &c, 6 00
8 For gloves nick tie &c 2 00
12 From T Milner for
barley & potatoes 26 30
To Barrister for 10 lbs oil co{?} 40
22 To KC & Co for sundry
articles of apparel 3 00
27 Dry goods and
sundry articles 10 00
To K. C. & Co 2 lbs
Mangold seed 50
” “ “ for 1 ½
" bush yankee corn 1 27
28 To W J Ewart for 1 pr
of “Cobourgs” boots 1 30
” T Milner 3 lbs
rape seed 30
{underline} {hand} {written} {here}
38 90 61 97
Cash Account - June.
$ $
5 Sold to KC & co 44 lbs
of barely @ 85 ₵
Spring wheat 37 40
To Peaker & {Runianas}
for 163 lbs of nails
@ 3 ½ 5 75
” R Aitken for 9
squares of shingls @
2$ 18 00
12 For overalls and
sundry articles 20 00
17 For 28 ft of sheet spine
for barn roof @
5 ₵ per foot 1 40
18 Sundries 6 00
22 for 1 square of shingles
& 8 lbs nails 2 25
25 Nails & incidentals 2 00
28 From KC & co for
" 183 lbs wool @ 33 1/2 61 30
For a patent horse poke
for breechy horses 90
30 Sundries 2 00
{underline} {hand} {written} {here}
98 70 42 30
Cash Account - July.
$ $
2 To Peaker & Ruinara
eavestrough hip 7 50
” dove hinges 1 60
Sundries 2 00
3 To KC & Co for pair
dark tweed pants 6 75
5 From W Murray
for bull 100 00
Paid on telegrams 1 50
6 for new scythe and
window sash 3 00
12 from J Woodhall
for potaoes & apples
bought last spring 5 50
13 for groceries &c 5 00
20 To Jno Cambell
for work at framing
3 ½ days @ 1.25 4 25
To give Townsend
24 for ½ bush of chevres 75
{<-single- {line} {handwritten} {across -->}
105 50 32 35
Cash Account - August.
$ $
5 Sold to KC&Co
40 bush of spring
wheat @ $1.13 45 00
Sundries 2 00
7 For a pair of Pants 1 65
Sundries 1 10
10 Groceries &c 3 00
13 L C Banks for
5 days work 6 25
17 To John Coyne for
pair of kip tools
heavy wear 4 75
Sundry articles
& incidental expenses 2 00
25 for groceries and
” sundries 12 00
26 ” 12 ½ lbs of
fresh beef 1 00
{<-single} {line} {handwritten} {across}->
" 45 00 33 75
Cash Account - September.
$ $
4 for 2 bags of green
apples 1 35
” groceries and
other articles 6 00
10 Grains 5 00
9 tube paid in 3
weeks to KC & Co
for ½ ton Bran 6 00
18 For tobacco oil cake
sundries 2 00
Apple Parer 1 00
24 ” oil cake &c 1 00
29 Expenses to
30 Toronto Fair 5 00
{<- double} {line} {handwritten} {here ->}
{Double line written here} 1 35 26 00
October {whole row handwritten} $ $
18 For W Campbell ^B {“B” Written above} Bill 13 20
21 ” G Harris B, Bill 5 00
" From J. Jackson for 2 ewe lamb 20 00
23 To KC & Co for 800 lbs of
shorts @ $1.00 8 00
For fruit trees &c 8 50
From R Crawford for lamb 15 00
29 For Taxes 31 14
{<- Double} {line} {written} {here->}
35 00 65 84
Cash Account - October.
$ $
4th Received payment
from KC &Co for
255 bush barley
@ 85₵ 217 00
Settled Chris holmes
ACC/ 18 00
To R Watson for
seed wheat and rye
” “ @$1.25 “ @ 75₵ 26 37
5 For clothing and
sundries for family
4 From J Tribble for lamb 10 00
7 ” E Dyer for lamb 18 00
8 ” Walker for lamb 16 00
” Cooney “ “ 14 00
9 For dry goods
and sundries 30 00
From A Huxley {???} 4 00
11 ” A Frank for lamb 10 00
" ” Moore “ “ 10 00
9 ” McLure “ 2 “ 25 00
” Duckworth 1 “ 10 00
” Hindle {jun?} “ 15 00
14 ” Hindle Siw “ 10 00
To B Watson for cheese @ 10₵ {@ 10 ₵ written above cheese} 2 30
16 For Bits and halter shank 83
19 ” 2nd prize on lamb {?} 2 00
” Sundries 1 50
18 ” Stove & pipes 15 00
{<- double} {line} {handwritten} {here ->}
369 00 94 00
Cash Account - November.
$ $
2 For Grange items 2 50
3 ” Dry Goods
for the family &c 20 00
” butter & eggs 10 00
4 ” making cider 70
From Mr Early for
ran lamb 15 00
5 To R Coutts for
2 days thresing 14 00
" For clothes &c 3 50
6 To J Sewell for 7
Months work 84 00
15 Bought in Toronto
a shawl books &c 11 70
Railroad fare 3 50
19 Dry Goods &c. 6 00
21 Sub crm for S.S. Banner 75
12 Paid for Insurance
on house and barn 13 75
24 From T Milner for
247 bush of barley 175 12
27 For interest on deposit
at Bank 10 20
28 For S. School purposes 1 00
{<- double} {line} {written} {here ->}
210 32 161 40
Cash Account - December.
$ $
1 For groceries &c. 1 00
” Making one
barrel of cider 90 90
4 ” Dry goods &c 22 00
7 To Grange for 25lbs
sugar 272 & 1 gal of
syrup @ 56 2 69
8 From J C Snell for 7
Berkshires 85 00
" To J C Snell for Berkshires
on old acc/ 15 00
9 For Sundries 3 00
11 ” ¾ ton of bran 10 50
14 ” Sundries 4 00
18 ” “ 2 00
21 ” ½ ton of bran 7 00
” Bazaar 1 00
23 ” Sundries 5 00
24 ” Christmas expenses 10 00
27 To R Quin for Blacksmiths
bill 1 25
30 ” Tickets for S. S. party 1 00
31 ” Sundries 2 00
{<- double} {line} {written} {here->}
80 00 78 44
Cash Account - Summary.
$ $
January, …. 42 00 66 55
February, … 90 90 69 50
March, …. 39 25 283 53
April, …. 48 00 34 95
May, ….. 38 90 61 97
June, ….. 98 70 42 30
105 50
July, ….. 32 35
August, …. 45 00 33 75
September, … 1 35 26 00
October, … 404 00 159 84
November, … 210 32 161 40
December, … 80 00 78 44
{<- single} {line} {handwritten} {here ->}
$ 1213 72 1050 68
1050 68
{<- line drawn} {here ->}
62 04
January – Bills Receivable
DATE. Name dolls. cts..
”Merchants Bank at Brampton
17th Drew from amount of deposit 100 00
20th ” “ “ “ “ 150
January – Bills payable
DATE. Name dolls. cts..
12 Gave a promissory note to
Anthony Bros, give in
three months from date
for a cutter 45 00
22 Paid to Anthony Bros
the amount of note
for cutter 45 00
April – Bills Receivable
DATE. Name dolls. cts..
April – Bills payable
DATE. Name dolls. cts..
12 To Anthony Bros for
a cutter 45 00
Paid on 22nd February
the above note
July – Bills Receivable
DATE. Name dolls. cts..
20 Deposited in Merchants
Bank at Brampton 100 00
July – Bills payable
DATE. Name dolls. cts..
October – Bills Receivable
DATE. Name dolls. cts..
27th Deposited in “Merchants Bank
of Canada” at Brampton
another 150 00
Total deposited now 510 00
October – Bills Payable
DATE. Name dolls. cts..
Received for 13 ram lambs
$ 176.00
” “ 3 eve lambs 30.00
” “ wool 61.00
” 4 ewe lambs @ $15. 60.00
1 ram lamb 68.00
{handwritten line drawn}
Received for 4 boars $ ₵
at 6 months old 50.00
” 3 @ 4 months old 30.00
” 1 @ 6 weeks old 5.00
{underline handwritten here}
$ 85.00

Transcription Progress



John Ferguson Diary, 1875 Part 1.pdf
John Ferguson Diary, 1875 Part 2.pdf
John Ferguson Diary Transcription, 1875.pdf


John Ferguson, “John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1875,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,
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