James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1858


James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1858


James Cameron


Courtesy of the Archives of Ontario




19th Century, Glengarry County, McMaster's Island Township, Ontario

Date Created

December 24, 1857

Is Part Of

James Cameron Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


Dec 24th 1857

Mr James Cameron Big Island Lake St Francis

Chopping Cord Wood Taking Home Wood Drew up theBig Canoe Christmas Eve

25th Christmas Day Charlie & Suse Here for Breakfast & Dinner Charlie took up the chairs James Hopkins & Buy a here Looking for the old Man. John Frasers Daughter Born sometime about those Days

26th Angus crossed James Guin came with {ink smudge blurs missing word} chopping Looking around the Shore for Mr Hopkins got the Benefactor & the New York Times A ticket for John S Frasers N. Y Bale cleaning the chimney St Stephens Day

27th Sunday got a Rat {trying?} for EEls

28th Chopping Cord Wood

29th Chopping

30th chopping

31st Last Day of the Old Year Angus crossed thrashing oats 6 1/2 Granny & Angus at Nicholsons crossed Early on New Years Morning

1st Day of January 1858 Snowing Good crossing in canoes

2nd Chopping Wood Nomination Day in Williamstown Angus crossed Drawing Drags

Sunday 3rd Allans {?} Birth Day high Wind Quin and I turned the Big Canoe could not cross the Wind Being too high

4th chopping cut 3 Cords Town Meeting Day

5th Angus Came

6th Chopping Thin {?} Ice took in the night

7th Chopping and taking home Wood

8th Went across to Francis Island Ice Good put out a few Bushes

9th Election Day in Williamstown Angus Went voted for Donald Ban Sandfied {?} Chopping put up 6 cords, got a Goose

January the 10th, 1858

Mr James Cameron Big Island Lake St Francis

Preaching on the Front By Mr Watson, a year ago to Day Dan Went for the First time to church, Went after a Gander on the Ice Did not Get him

11th Chopping

12th Chopping Ellen to the Dancing school put the squirrel in a hole in the Beech Tree Mr Quin & I

13th Mr Campbell the Weaver here School Metting on the front Mrs Baker very Poorly had the Doctor 14th. Mary crossed to see. Mrs Baker stopt all Night.

15th came home. Bad crossing at sumners's

16th Raining Quinn crossed over to Bakers HughAnn Came Cannot cross at sumners's

17th Sunday James Cameron & Francis & another {Indian?} trying to get across Angus & Quinn & I went up to Hopkins with him then turned Back crossed over at McRae's Creek Going across to see Mrs Baker Tom the Horse Broke in got him out got in again and drowned Charles & Suse here.

18th Charles here trying to skin Tom Went home

19th Charles & Suse here skinning the Horse

20th put out Poison down at the Hay Island

21st the Custom House officer of Lancaster seizing about this time at Bakers & Sumners's, Tobacco & Boot

22nd hard Frost Angus at Williamstown

23 Chopping Ice Pretty Good

24th Sunday Went to Church to Williamstown with Walter Baker, D Sandy here took away his scates Suse here

January 1858

Mr James Cameron Monday the 25 of

Chopping 26th the Ice Beginning to get Bad Dan & Ellen crossed. Dan Went for Kennedy the Blacksmith Foggy Weather put in the 2 geese to Fatten

27th Ice not safe

28th Cutting the Black Oak at the North Side

29th trying the Ice crossed Down near Captain Frasers Ellen came across

30th I crossed to Tom Kennedys Seen Angus Bethune at Bakers with a Summons from Young David, put 3 Letters in the P.O got a Delaware Paper Francis Snider very Sick Seen McMartin the Pedlar Ice open at Sumners crossing at Lancaster Angus to Finch

Sunday the 31st of January Freezing hard.

Monday the 1st of February Chopping crossed with Ellen to the Dancing. No Foxes Thrashing Oats

2nd Stormy East Wind & snow & hail James Quinn crossed to the Post Office.

3rd Mr Quinn Sick Angus came home.

4th School Meeting Quinn crossed had a Row with Mr Bruce the Teacher (The Widow Burton child departed on the 3rd) Got the Lend of Henerys Sleigh to take home the Flour, Christees here went out to see Francis. Watch the Dog went with christee {inserted} the school house Burnt on the night of the meeting the 4th

5th Quinn Went off Thrashing oats.

6th Crossed to get the Mare Shod took Down the Irons to McLean got the neck yoke. I got the 10 Dollars from A Sumners put a Letter in the office stopt at {Sernows?} coming home got astray crossing a foot at Davids Seen Big at Cameron for the first time

Mr. James Cameron Sunday the 7th of February 1858 7th Mr Watson Preaching in Finch Lewis Boseley here.

8th Monday Sandy came gave him 10 Dollars him & I crofsed to Baker's took over a Botte of Wiskey got a Paper From David Summners, Granny & Ellen crofsed Went to see Bovair. Catherine Grant the Widows Daughter very Poorly

9th Thrashing Oats Sandy Went Off Stormy East Wind Fanning Oats 15 Bushels

10th Blary{?} had her calf. Bushing the Road up to Hamiltons Hamiltons a Bee. Good crofsing to Salmon River. Got the constitutional from Donald S McDonald, Suple of Title, Stormy Weather Wind From the West Killed the Grey Gauder Gander

11th Donald Suple had his Bee a Dance in A. Grants house Thrasing Oats Frosty Weather Frosty. {smudged writing that possibly says Killed the ?}

12th Ellen came. Nicholsons here for the Rain toom him home Thrasing the Great Ball at Lancaster in Celebration of St Valentines Day

13th Taking home woof with {illegible} put Poison in the Mouse. Angust Crofsed. Heard Old Mr Cattanach Departed this Life the 2nd Concefsion{?}. Fanning Oats 11 bushels, Got the new Horse got Lost on the Ice coming home to Snider Caisce part of the Road Home. Found at Frasers Point

14th Sunday st Valentines Day.

15th Thrashing August went to the Funeral John Cameron had his Bee Ellen crofsed Drawing Wood Broke the Road to the Upper Point Lost the Cleevis Bolt took home te Birch Runner

Ash Wednesday 1858

James Cameron Big Island 17th {smudged word, illegible} Angus went to see his Father out at Kin-Loch Garry

18th James Hugh's Birth Day William Lavelette had his Bee Angus MacKory here Old Mr William Chisholm in the Gore Departed this Life Dan Thrashing. Drawing Wood. Bossy had her calf

19th Dawing hay From Francis Island

20th Drawin hay Old Bosell came to Buy the Bottom of the Stack

21st Sunday Charlee & Suse here Hughann here Angus crofsed to see Bovair

22nd Began to thrash the Wheat fanned 5 Bushels of of Oats Mr Pitts From Cornwall here took Dinner

23rd thrashing & fanning Wheat 5 1/2 Bushels Angus crofsed for a Tongue for the sleigh to Bakers Granny came Hughann crofsed.

24th Went to Mill to Williamstown 5 1/2 of Wheat 6 oz Buckwheat 3 of Corn Grist not Done to Day,, I went to the Ket. Ket Island & to Charlies Suse came up Got 3 Mats From Charlie & the London Paper. Dan Went to Bakers took home a Load of Wood. Got Musk From Charlie

25th Went for the Grist to Williamstown Cutting Firewood in the Bush The Lamb Dead Bought Dans Muskats at 4 / 2 = 13 for the Lot. Mrs Baker Poorly

26th Chistee here Going Out to Kenyon Left the Spear & Trunk & plate Mr Charlebois here Fishing eels Suse here, Taking home Firewood Dan & I cut 4 holes for Eels got 1 Ice About 2 Feet Thick Ellen came home Angus went to Lancaster David Sumners wanting my Double spring {illegible} Old Mr Alexander Cameron here Came From {last sentence is heavily faded and illegible}

February 26th 1838

Mr James Cameron Lake St Frances Lancaster with Angus had a bottle full Slept all night

27th Charlbois fishing got 4 eels from him Croped with Mr Cameron went to to Kennedys the Blacksmithe with the sleigh to fix, Sorry to see Mrs Baker funeral of Duncan Mr Lincans child going to Lancaster, Ellen Went to Lancaster to the Dancing school Bright Tea shoes seen the Eclipse on the Moon on the southern ilimb quite Plain Went at night to fish eels got 4.

Sunday the 28th Went to Hamiltons, Dan to Mrs Bakers, The Last of February

March the 1st The three men came to fish Before Daylight another gang came caught a good many Olshing Moon for a Bee The first time we went the upper point road with a horse went with Ellen and 6 harlebois train as for as the soft Maple tree on Davids Island

2nd the Men went away I showed them he Place down at the Hay Island Frank Snider Came at night

3rd Frank Snider and I went to Thomas Munroe then over to {illegible} got a Pint of Whisky, The Men Whom came to the B__ David Summers William Spink Rusell Walter Baker Frank Gardiner Donald McGregor James McDougall John Angus McLaughlin Donald McGreew Sanely Grant Cooper George & Lewis Bosell Moses Blondeow Thomas Munroe. Aiken Peter Tobin & Jos Man Landry Roy the Dancing Master, {illegible words}

4th Drawing out on the Ice Dan & J Angus, went to Williamstown,

5th Friday the EELs fishers here took up 2 loads to the stand

6th took 1 of corn & 5 of ashers to A Bakers, Angus went to the Depot for Andrew summers for a load of got none.

March 7th, 1836 Mr James Cameron Big Island Lake Saint Francis 7th Sunday.

8th Drawing to Davids Island gave Ellen a ride up to Peters Andrew Baker went to Cornwall for the Doctor a great Day playing cards at Summerstown.

9th Drawing wood Dan went to the Dancing School Clarissa came home with them

10th Drawing wood

11th Drawing

12th the Sacrement in WilliamsTown for the first time in the winter drawing wood Went with Tomas {Monroe?} to John Summers for the pig the Thrashing Mill at David

13th took up a load of wood at Hamiltons for Johns. John and folk where with The Mill Thrashed. 14 busheles of wheat Franci here got the load of my Coat at night went home

14th Sunday Angus crossed Mr. Thomas Davis fits Stephens here The Sniders & Mcf Mullin quarrelling at Davids

15th Tohon V York Came Drew a load of fire wood to the house Tom & Clarissa & the Girls went of Duncan Mc Lennan & Barrett here done of the wheat 4 Bushels

16th Began the oats William Hamilton {from?} York crossed Raining Angus (illegible} crossed to the done

17th St Patricks Andrew Summers a Bee William Hamilton here {inbetween the lines is written "a great day at secors house"} the mill went of Thrashed, {?} the oats 48 written over top is 50+ bushles} Ducks covering thawing & raining Hamiltons & the Mill Went off

18th farnning {ilegable} bushles of Oats grab 1/2 Bushle of wheat what was under the Mill Dan thrashing oats angus went to WilliamsTown to see The house, Drawing firewood to the house

19th Drawing wood wild geese came & Black Birds, Went to the Little Island south side Young Angus here for Ash to Make Whippletrees


Mr James Cameron Big Island March 20th

First day of spring. Angus came and went to Lancaster Ice Getting Bad Drawing {Alders & Chips?} Drew the Basswod to the end of the house Took the wood of the ice First laying of the hens Mullng the {soaps taft?} 3 {illegoble?} Running Well Dan Making troughs 3'2 cordor wood on Davis Island

Sunday the 21st Raining

22nd Angus Came Drawing Wood to the Bank. Crossing to Salmon River Yet Frank Guardmen wandering the new house

23 Ellen crossed for granny then crossed to the Dancing school

24th Mary Crossed settled the {illegable} at Andrew Summers up to this Date The Last night of the dancing school a Ball.got a Ruster at {Ballers?}

25th Ellen came Home, gathering cottons found the fox Drawing Wood to the Bank Charlie & (Suse?) here for sticks for Brooms

26th Drawing wood

27th Drawing to the Bank The ice opened Making Molasses

28th Sunday of the sugar bush

29th drawing to the bank about 4 cords in the bush Put in the {illegible}

30th Angus crossed & {Home?} got 4 eels Drawing wood from the end of the house

31st finished drawing just about now 23 cords on the Bank now. A Row about the Dancing Boys to Lancaster John Cary & Sandy Grant. Fishing eels got 8 at the head of the Island 3 Indians wanting to Buy the White Mule Lent them my spear Good Sugar Weather Making vinegar

1st of April, All Fools Day. Jo Snnider here about the House Sniders got their Warning Angus got 6 eels Indians fishing

2nd Angus of Ellen Crossed to Donald McLennans Good Friday Drawing Stones & Steaks set 4 Traps Indian got straw

Mr. James Cameron Big {illegible: Stand?} April the 3rd. Went over to Bakery to meet Ellen took Dinner at {illegible: secors} seen Hughy Ranllin & Angus the Ice clearing away. A talk of Lane MrDougals being {illegible: married?} & Charlies Here. 4th Ronald Angus here. 5th Angus L Dan croped. Ronald here. 6th Andrew {illegible: Summers?} here at the Timber. Ronald croped with them 7th splitting Rails Angus & Dan croped. hard frost sap Running 8th Thrashing Done Farming 13 1/2 Bushes. Young Angus here for house, got the Boston Paper. Swallows came. 5th Angus croped to see Bruce at the {illegible: LimeKiln?} with Cambell stopt at Donald suple's all night found an Oar in the Bay and the Wheels. 10th Went to Lancaster with Corn 3 3/4 & eggs. Charles Tupper Went along with them took his corn. Brought the {illegible: Decanters?} 6,, 2 pails. I teapot {illegible}. Shot a duck with a ball with the long gun a great distance off. Jack and I at the Upper Point. Sunday the 11th of April, Mr. Watson preaching on the front. Ice going down got 4 rats. Sap running yet. 12th Went to Bakers with 4 Bushels of ashes got 3 spy. 53 Pitchers at Andrew Dunners 2/6 to {illegible: Bopard?}. Took over the chain gathering stones 13 gathering stones. 14th I croped to Bakers for bags got 3 Donald McGorgor came with me for Kennedy Canoe. Mary & Dan went to Lancaster too 3 1/4 of corn. Angus came got the {illegible: Ricemans?} from the Pffrcler that was {illegible: deruting?} men croped over to see Bruce get the clothe got the Loan of a copper from Sarah seen pigeons.


Mr. James Cameron Lake St. Francis 15th of April. Fast ploughing done, the ground very wet. Angus croped got the {illegible: Decanters?} got the fish from Francis. Lence an the Ritt Point. 16th Drawer stones 17 setting the Ritr Point on Fire and the Lower Marsh fishing the calf pasture fence. Lewis Bosell came with {Hughsna stopall?} night. Angus went to finch.18th, Sunday Duncans Birth Day Lewis Bosell went home. 15th Monday croped with Hugh Ame left the Boot at Decory 2/4 to be paid, 20th Went to {illegible} River took 16 bushels of oats to S. Sticker at 30 cents. John Anugs boots 4/2 Allens 2/6 James Hugh 1/3. Bought the {illegible: tumblers?} 6 1/3 fray 1/10 the curtauy. {Tea?} kettle duty. 1 1/2 g wheat to mill raining. 21st Ploughing a little. Dan & Ellen croped with the par for Hughesma. Boots found a ducks nest 5 eggs in it. Measuring the grain for salmon river for 22nd mill 3 g wheat of 6 of oats to streeter. Bought 2 spoony 1/8, tea 1/10 {illegible: Duty? up?} 1/2 tabacco {ileggible} duty 2 1/2. Spent a 1 1/2 at John Allens the first tn'up for the streamer. Bought into salmon river. Bought dry boots from {illegible: Tleeter?} 17/6 to cash 10 / c to 10 /. Due cut the Points at the mouth 9 salmon river going and coming. Henry & Daleh school here for the timber for a summer helped them with the horses shooting at {illegible: because of smug} seen Cucke Dower sold my rats to streeting my mirk & black squirrels the river very high. 23rd ploughing a little. st. Georges Dat. Merrie England . {illegible} Plenty high wind.

M James Cameron F of W 1858

Mr James Cameron Lake of Francis, April 24. Angus came home. {illegible} a Ducks nest. Wrot {they mispelled 'wrote'} a {illegible}. The steamer St. Helens went down the {lillegile: light lit?} in Johnstons light house on the island. Snowing hard. Lots of snow on the mountains. Sunday 25th The chieftain staft at Daniels island took some wood. 26th Mr Hills Light house lit. Andrew Summer here for the stocks seinow, Francis & Moses {illegible: rtong? strong?} with him Francis got the Pikepole. Granny Dan & Ellen croped ploughing hacking some of the things got the turkey eggs. Old Mr Peter Ferguson departed this life & old Mr Craig departed. 27th {illegible: Ciram? Liram?} came the red mare got a bad kick. 28th Andrew Summers bee high north wind spreading manure on the Ritt Point croped over with hiram & the big bore at Lewis Blondeas house for Francis gave the pikehole to a Summer. Came down to Bodell. The The boy came a crop with us. Old Bodell very down, got the shot {illegible}. A baker {illegible: older?} Craig buried. 29th Semon & Francis came, {illegible: cull?} went to William Stown. Ellen & Jack stopt at home. Jack & I to see about the heard Christes's wife here with the big {illegible: f.latter} to sell. Took home the spear & trunk. 1st Of Mary Dun went to William Stown. I went as far as Barretts with him on Alex Groints new Road. Came back stopt at Francis {illegible: bland?} old bosell set his line ploughing a little Jack & I got a hat. Bovair & Pete here. {illegible: Sema?} here & his 2 boys wanting a canoe gave Sema the little ore. 4th {illegible because of smugging: Charlie?} came up for {illegible} to got to William Stowns stock {illegible}.

Mr James Cameron Lake St Francis May 3 1858.

Ploughing Jack & I Fixing the Gate and the Fence {Ellen?} got 3 perch Charlie Here from Williamstown. Had a Hooker 4 Tuesday. Ploughing . 5th Angus Came From Williamstown Lambs {Lambs in superscript} After Bossy 6th {Donak?} Suppe Charlie Rose & Pete Bovair here with the {scor?} had hard work with hen, Got Her home that night 7th Ellen & I crossed to Bakers Gave {2?} Rate to A.I. Baker Left back at Home seen morning {Pedlaz?} Dunlop & McMartin Ploughing a Little came Down to {Semoros?} to see the Boy Left my Boots with {secor?} to stretch Bigger 1/2 the Tea (illegible} shot sent of a Letter to E.C. Cooper 85 {Mill?} Street new york {Jersey?} City with 1 Dollar {E?} losed paid the Postage Had a {Rourid?} of 2 From Davy 8th Ploughing Broke the Point Sowed 2 1/2 of Rease James Stuch & Dan Came Bargaine for 3 Dollars a Month Dan Went off took the Mop George Bosell going out with Dan. got a Letter &sent one Back Old Bovair Came went to Lancaster for Lines for his hooks him and Pete Had Bakers Came took 1 Bundle of straw to their shanty at the h{letter e over a}d of the {Planed?} 9th Sunday Mr Ferguson Preached on the Front John Cameron got his girl christened. Ellen to Church the Boys & I went up to see Bovairs shanty Thunder & LIghtening Ellen stopt at Bakers all night 10th Ellen came home Francis & Henrys Girl came with her Bovair crossed took home my Boots from Secors Bovair set his Line Francis here with his hog Christee here Ploughed the Garden Ploughing Back of the Barn Cut backs {Frausen?} More Chickens 7 of them 11th Ploughing {surcring?} {Peahe?} some Finished them about 3 Bushel

May the 12th 1858 Mr James Cameron

Bog Island small pigs 5 of them More hands 12th planting the Garden with 3 kinds of Potatoes Bovair got a sturgeon for the first Bovair crossed over came Back high wind had a small {smeather?} got Last going to his shanty Bought 2 needles over at Bakers. Shelling corn for the hog {Sniders?} Moved to {Leives Blondeau?} 13th Bovair here for his Breakfast him & Pete Got 2 sturgeon Ploughing Back of the Barn The Collar Hurting the Mare Henery, George & Francis {illegible} here Holy Thursday; Friday the 14th Finished sowing the Pease about 4 1/2 Bushels sowed altogether. 15th Ploughing a Little set the stake for the Lina Bovair crossed seen Angus at the Front sent a Letter home Ellen at the Garden 1 Bed of Onions planted the Mare sore with the Collar hurting her 16th Bovair Came had the Plough {Point?} not the right kind {Clrickey?} with him {Batteuce?} going to be married or was married on the 6th of May Francis here some Beans {Thomas?} Davis Fits Stepehns here caught a Lamb after the Little Pigs trying to get them home 17th Monday Killed the Hog Tom got a sturgeon From Bovair Lewis & George Bosell here William Hamilton & Sandy here got a sturgeon From Bovair got 3 1/2 of Wheat & 2 of Oats some Beans & pumpkins seed 18th Moses Blondeaus Raphael at A Grants Ellen there Lews Bosell here for her Went with Bovair to the Line {illegible} Farming the Wheat {Coshing?} the Line at the River 19th A Simmons here for sticks a Fight after the Raphael {illegible} {Darndy? Mrs Spinks Wife Daughter paid Brauas 1/4 to Andrew

Mr James Cameron Big Island Lake St Francis May the 20th 1858

Hugh Ann came Lewis & George put Heracrops Went to Bakers Old Bovair & Pete and I Bought of A {Summers?} Salts H {Saleratens?}{Suling?} Seedles {illegible} 1/2 paid Heard of Mr Spinks Wife. Came home seen to Sniders. {Watter?} talking about his {coft?} no points Went to Charlie about going to Williamstown Jack & I {Hooker?} to Charlie & a price of Pork La Perch & Tom Cotters here to see {Boavo?} for sturgeon The Indians in St Regis getting their Water money Friday Morning the 21st Charlie Here Raining all Day 22nd Charlie & {Jack?} Went off took the Pork and Wheat & Basket Ellen & Hugham crossed with Bovair took a Paddle to the Basin & Salt to Bovair {Clucky?} Back with Bovair young Goshins 6 or 7 trimming the Hickory Trees Let out the Horses to Graz 23rd Charlie came Heard of {illegible} A Baker & A McInnis here for sturgeon from Bovair Russell A {Calve?} 24th {illegible} Day {Birth?} {illegible} the Black Mare to Work {"Jim of Copkins here" written above} alone planted Nigger Toes or Cow Horns as come call them Christee here Lent him 1/4 of a Dollar to Buy sturgeon from Bovair to 1 Basket From Christee paid Bovair a crops with clucky Moved his shanty for the 3rd time the {Arabran?} went up Full Steam Ploughing & Harrowing the Potatoes {illegible} at the Back of the House put 25 planting Potatoes Bouvair croped Bought {Tan?} of A Sniders 6 {cent symbol} 3 {cent symbol} to Be paid Nicholsons here with Bouvair for the Canoe to take the {storing?} the J {Slasch?} as then said Chickens 26th Fixing the Red Canoe Christee here with 1/3 paid {text cut off} Bouquet Aground out before the {Door?} {after?} Boards at Christees Began to plough some {Ellen?} & Ellen Came & Henerys Girl Bovair Crossed no candles

Mr James Cameron Big Island May the 27th 1858

Henerys Girl went Home. I went to Nicholsons for the Canoe John & George Came Home with it 2 Men Here of a Barge for Sturgeon sold one of Bovaris to them 28th Ellen & the Bovairs went to Salmon River Sent a Letter to E.C. Cooper & Co 85 Wall Street N.Y. {P.B or P.D..?} Got Jimmys Pants {"Tea" written below} & Cotton Ploughed the piece of Corn Below the Butternut Tree, Began Before the Door to Plough put in the sheep, Let The Horses out at night, Mosquitoes getting Bad, The Ground pretty Hard to plough 29th Ploughing Before the Door Put out the Calves to their Pasture. Turkey Chickens {now?} Bovair Crossed 30th Went to Christees Jimmy & I Got the Boards at {na?} Howta's Island Thomas Monroe here Mary {Yon?} & Duncan & {Dany?} Charlie Rose & {Annie Jo?} Snider & {illegible} Rob Summers & George Bosell here Henerys 2 children and {Semas?} 2 Boys Butchered the Sturgeon for Thomas 31st I crossed to Bakers for the {P Rout or P Point 2/6 Ln?} Black 6{cent or shilling symbol} 3 p A Treat From David Took the Crackers from Bought of A Summers 2 yrs of Cotton 1/6 1 Cap 1/3 {Comle?} 6 Buttons Thread {1?} (3/4 {illegible} Planted some Before the Door Sent David Summers his 2 Bushels of Oats with Bovair seen A McRory on the Front Andrew J Baker away on the Bouquet By Mistake Gave {illegible} Goat to Bosells to {Fise?} to make small {Arewettra?} for Milk

Mr James Cameron I St Francis 1st June 1858

Bovair sowed about a Bushel of Wheat for the first Wheat sowed Planting Beans & Pumpkins at the Butternut Tree more Wheat in Corn Grown Blow the Butternut Tree Put Poles to the {Hope?} Saved about 2 of Oats Back of the Barn cut the Ears of the Lambs 2nd of June Plough at the Lower Point Bosell home with the Goat 7 1/2 Price went to Fish Perch 3rd Ploughing Lower {illegible} for {illegible} rows Potatoes out the Line at the {Hoop?} {illegible} "{sowed 2 of oats Below the Barn" written above} Bovair 22 Semons Wife here about the {Graines?} shelled the corn 4th of June Went to {Sahron?} River Bought of {illegible} 3 1/4 of{Rowder?} 6 {Copper?} 1/2 lbs 4 1/2 Bought of J Cameron & Co 1/2 lbs Tea {illegible} 1 Line 7 1/2 1/2 lbs Tobacco 7 1/2 Bought of B. Baker 2 1/2 {illegible} 1/6 per yd. {3/9?} 1/2 Gallon Whiskey 1/3 {Elastie of Fuset?} yd 1 1/2 {illegible} pipes of candles 3 {cent symbol} Handkerchief 6 {cent symbol} Bought George 3 Dishes 1/3 {illegible} here Planting Potatoes & Pumpkins Henerys Girl here all night Jimmy Staving 5th Ploughing on the Lower Point Jimmy sick Henerys Girl croped with Bovair Dan came Covair went off Left his Line Plate Bowel {Turnbler?} Planting Potatoes & Beans Before the Door Farming Wheat 6th Sunday Went to Charlies Tom Davis Came got 2 sturgeons one on Bovairs Line 7th Ploughing Dan Went off with Charlie in the Canoe took the Barrel of Crackers & Plants Thomas gave me a Hair Line gave me 11 {cent symbol} after the 1/4 I gave to Bovair Tom {illegible} his hooks

List of Books By James Cameron Goldsmiths Animated Nature in 5 Vol Byrons Works Against the Fears of Death or Christian Consolation The Fulfillings of the Scriptatures "The History of England History of Scotland History of the United States I Dictionaries {diarist crossed out writing} 2 in English 1 in Galic 1 in French Parley's Universal History Charles 12th of Sweden, Shipwrecks of Disasters at sea Bonnapart Gacirlun, {diarist wrote "Lent" above last word} Book {diarist wrote Lent above last word} of Fate The Pirates {diarist wrote "notes" above last word} Book. the Indian B Letter Book, Book of {diarist wrote the word "fixing" above last word} of 1000 songs. Burns Poems. T Champions of Church Testaments, alfred 1 vol. 3 cooking Books. Lord Broughham Popular Geography schole geography + atlas Mathematicks Geometry T Grammars {diarist wrote "2 or 3" above last word} Latin French + English Note Books 5 Cyphering Books Copy Plates The Hospital Book Water Cure Mrs Parlingtons Carpet Bag of Fun Tales of a Granfather (Life of Robert Bruce Peter B has got this) got it)

{diarist uses ink to draw detail calligraphy} Lake st Francis Sir James Cameron

June the 7th a New Boat goin Down the name {author leaves a blank},, High wind killed a sturgeon

Tuesday the 8th M Donald + Wife here shearing the sheep for Captain Fraser Point Lorant sheared our sheep Rankin here sowed W Rest Before the Door planted corn Tom set his Line with the Buoy to it Charles Tefferes here from Williamstown took 2 Bags of the Tennet Jimmys Boots stopt all night 9th Marys Birth Day Ploughing Looking for Toms Line. Tom went off to {illegible} another, went to semos to came {illegilbe} potatoes semo on the Boshure

James Cameron. B.T.L. St 4 June 14th 1858 The Indians Down about the Drowned Man Gave them 40 on {?} of Rent snow Plant the Rest of the Potatoes 11 Bushels in all I went to Nicholsons for a Bolt for the Point of the Ploughgot 2 the {illegible from mould on page} stole. {?} Dish and a Paddle gave 5 lbs of {illegible from mould on page} to Semos to Be Niturned. {illegible ink blotting} Back of Garden finished it. very wt. Luns Bosele here stopt all night 16th Christee here got Tolaeao Ploughing A Na ee the Montreal & he Boston the Boston ahead us far aas I could see; 17th SOwed wheat 1 Bushel, PLough McInnish here with the Mare & Colt. set a fire Occt{?} for Ashes {diarist doodles with ink on page} Mr P Baker Dn To James Cameron June 10th Lent a I. Baker 2 " 7 1/2 1st of July lent a I. Baker 3/5 {?}0.6.4 1/2 June 10th to 1 muskrat 11 January 17th to 1/3 tea I. Baker {illegible small text} 0.2.3 {illegible text ink blotting/scratched out} ashes 4 Buy 40 1/3/up oak 2/y 1/2 5/ 1/2 3' Douglas to to 2 /12 Ashes 2{?} 2"1 November 5th to 2 bushles 1 peck {diarist writes vertically within line} 5 5 4 40 ______ 5 2 {diarist resumes writing normally on lines} 1-5 {diarist begins writing vertically at bottom of the page forming a list} Potatoes 12 Dollars 2 {illegible ink blot} Neapay {?} 3 Dollars {illegible ink blotting on next 3 lines in his list} cutting the Peaes I {?} Day morning Paid 2/6 Huron a {?} 1/2 6 Dollars Corn & Potatoes sew & Paid {?} Potatoes {diarist makes naother equation further down} James Cameron {illegible} {diairst makes another vertical list closer to the bottom of the page} Thrashed 4 of Pease Huey got 1 1/2 {?} Lashey 11 {?} 51 of oats {?} 15 of Thrashed Wheat 3 1/2 I thrashed

{top of page limited visibility from molding} Mr James Cameron The Steamer America Went Down Began snowing the other Piece Oats Behind the Garden hoeing 19th Went to salmon River with Wheat & {illegible from mold} Bovain with stingeon sowed the rest if the {illegible from mold} Bonight of I. Cameron & Co 4 yds stinting 2/ 1 lbs tea {illegible from mold} 1 Thumble 1, Bought of Johnson 1 Thumble P. Got 1 Dish from Grange 8 cents, Bought of B. Baker 1 Jackkife 1/~ 1 lb sugar 6 2 caudles 3 2 yds of Cloth 3/~ 1/2 yd Cotton 3 Button Thred 4: Matches 1 paper 3 {?} P 1 Luart. Wheats Dan 2/6. Cash swapt fats Gave 7 1/2 to Boot Gave Helen {illegible from mold} Patrick Glackan or Lankin & C Frankie here Had a {illegible from mold} 20th Sunday {?} on 2{?} Victoria Pat{illegible from mold} here Pat Gave me a 1lB for stingeon 21st Bought {illegible from mold} 2 from Bosele for the 1/3 and I stood in the {illegible from mold} Pat took Breakfast Walter. Frank & John {illegible from mold} here with their Eatine{?} Horses Pilots {illegible from mold} from the Gateau 5g then Ellen croped {illegible from mold} Plants, & A Loaf of Bread to 6 luckey {illegible from mold} Pike & Perch trouting 22nd Our {?} Birth Day Ploughing for Buckwheat Hoeing Potatoes Making the Fire & the Fences Frances Dog came {illegible from mold} here Bosells here with linnings Pants paid {illegible from mold} for them 1/~ cash gave hem my Pants to {illegible from mold} 23rd Hoeing Beans Potatoes fulling Cotton Cutting {illegible from mold} Painted the stearn g the Big canoe Rob Jack {illegible from mold} Hamilton here for stingeon 24th set the Big [illegible from mold} fire Harrowing sowed Hay seed Lost my Knife {illegible from mold} up at the Fire steamming the corn at the upper {illegible from mold} Peet the calve out of the barn. Banshed {illegible from mold} a race 25th Ellen croped with Brans to the {illegible from mold} Bosells here with my trousers told them {illegible from mold} stand in the hay 2/` sowed {illegible from mold} Place of Buckwheat. 26th {illegible from mold} from Williamstown Allen went with them {illegible from mold}

Mr James Cameron Big Island June the 2{7} 18{58}

{Some of the words run off the right side of the page and some are covered by black mould on left side and bottom}

Sunday the 27th Bravo here for flour 3½ lb lot salt Francis here Semow here Charlie here Sent 4 B of Oats with Charlie to Williamstown John & Jim Nicholsons here.

28th Semow & his crew here at the Potatoes Bovair Raising his Line Stephen Tyo here & Peter Baker Ellen Came home to 3d from Semow for Butter putting the Calves on the Pitt Point taking home Ashes Put in the Little Pigs cleaning out the Barn Gave Semow a Little Pig Going to Work in the Hay for a Day or so Ji{?}y stuck crossed with Semow A strange Man Going about in a Little Boat The Horses hurted the Dog.

29th St Pete & St Pauls Day Charlie come from Williamst{likely Williamstown} Brought 1 Box of Matches and the 2 Bags Back Smallman here Fishing. Jack and I went roun{d} the Island Hoeing some rain E & West Wind took home some Ashes

30th E & W Wind A Ra{illegible} Out Before the Door The Last Day of June The Coteau Pelots here stopt all night had Breakfast Tom here for Ellen to go the Banshee Passed the Sallabarey at the Pitt Point.

1st of July the Pilots Went off Tom & Ellen went off Andrew Cameron

2nd Conga Bel{off page} Raising a Barn a Dance to Be gott{H}icory the Pilots, at the Corn Hoeing Mr McDougal here Left his Bo{se} & Bag Bosells took it Over

July 2nd Went to Bakers with Ashes Jack and I pu{t} {black obscuring writing at left edge of page} to my accompt Bought a pair of Shoes {possibly for} {3/?/2} from McLeods Man Tom came with Ellen home the Jar to Be returned the Red{off page} Horse Drowned at Bakers Wharf. Took J{illegible}s {writing at bottom obscured by mould}

Mr James Cameron B T L St F July 3rd 185{8}

Went to Fort Covington or French Mills holding American Independence the Fashion Went to Beauharnois with about 80 couple at 2 Dollars a Peice took 1 Bushel of Wheat 1 Bushel of Buckwheat 1/2 Bushell of Corn Bout 1½ lbs of Tea Or 3½ lbs. 1/B. 2 pc " 2/6 " Soda 4D Bottle to be returned 1 Glass of Soda 3 cents Stopt at Lukes had Dinner Stopt at Moviles seen to 2 plugs of Tobacco 3D Took Old D Cameron up the Ra{off page} Mrs Laplante in Salmon River and second seen Rankin Suse supposed to Be Drowned Ellen Hughann Jack and I went Down to Charlie's after Dark no one there But Ponto Came Back Sunday the 4th of July American Independence A Great Storm of Wind and Rain John Cary Walter Baker Sandy Grant {A} J. Baker & Sarah and Amdea Laplante George Bosell & Lewis. Moses Blondeau after Being Down with John Rankin.

5 of July

Our Johns Birth Day. the Americans Keeping it for the 4th of July Charlie here took Dinner Jack and I Looking for stic{k} in the Bush for the Cart Francis here got 1 Trace of Corn bot the Barrel from him 2/6, Semow here at his Potatoes

6th Bosells taking up their Lines Lewis here Ellen & HughAnn Crossed working at the cart Howing the corn at the upper End of the House

7th Found an oak stick, Frances wife found one Charlie here at the Ashes Arrawettra here going to Christees.

8th Charlie & I at the Potatoes

9th Finished the Potatoes at the End of the House

{Writing at bottom by different writer and not clear.} {illegible ta{blacked out} I {illegible} McDougall {illegible}

Mr James Cameron 10t{h} {July}

HughAnn went off Charlie went off Arrewetra here Granny came Bought and eel from Henerys Girl 3½D Cash Raining Very Hard Save your Life here Old Lablaw & Boy Thunder & Lightling S Acrament in Lancaster those Days

11 Sunday Raining very hard high Wind.

12th Orangemans Day Raining Making Trenches to let the Water Run of the Wheat & Oats

13th Lablaw's Boy went with Francis to the Raft Lablaw went off. Left his axe Francis here about the Oak Grey & Son in Law here got sticks for Padd{off page} got Milk 4½ D cash gave Jack 1/2 penney {E}llen on impudence took 4 Cash Began the other car for the Cart

14th Dan Came took Henerys Dog. Went to Williamstown Charlie and Dan & I took 4½ Bushels of Wheat 4? 4 Bushels of Oats 1/2 Bushel of Salt the Jars Stone Churn & Knife Basket Stopt at the Lancaster Bridge gave Dan 2D for crackers 4D to Charlie for pint of Whiskey the River very high going to Williamstown

15 Coming home stopt at John McPherso{n} Rapids to Fish Smoke & Read seen Greer took Angus McGilles across the Ri{off page} stopt at Charlies seen Francis at his corn Left 3 Bags with the Wheat in to be Returned Seen Johns Letter concerning the ___.

16th Semow at his Potatoes Granny crossed with Semow Ellen & Jack to Bosells to get his cloths made Sent the Broad Axe to Nicholsons with {word obscured with mould but could be Semow} Shows in cornwall

July the 17th 18{remainder hidden by black mould}

Mr. James Cameron on B.T.L St Fra{black mould - likely Frances}

The Shows in Lancaster - Cleaning up Stairs Black birds Beginning to Flock A {R}aft out Before the Door Very Sick heard the music from Lancaster. Making soap

Sunday the 18th Christee here Walter & Sarah Baker here Charlie here

19th Went to Salmon River Charlie & I Bought 1 scythe 4p 2 rakesDS 1/6 1 pair of shoes 6/3 1 lb of Tea 1/3? 1/10½ 22/1½ Tobacco 3D Powder 1/2 lb 1/2 Shot /4 Starch /6 Candles /3D Whiskey 7½ 1/2 lb crackers 14 ) to 6 yds of shirting @ 10D per yd 5/- Thread & Buton 1 lb sugar 6) Angus Moses Allen McInnis Andrew Sum{o} here Old Angus Grant for the Mare I got 2 Eels From Henery at the Upper Point Bosells a Bee cutting Francis Island

20th sent Word with Henery to George Semo Cutting Hay at Christees Island D Baker's Men Working at the cart Put the Bell on Russel.

21st George Semow Came at 2, o,clock Fixing the cart Grinding scyths Henery got the Gaff hook. Found an oak stave

22nd Mowing the Grove Raining

23rd Went for chips cut a Hicory took ha{mould - could be half} the Bark Raining

24th Arrewetra here wi{mould} Grannys Basket

? Mowing Back of the Garden {J}enny Lind & Passport a Race

25th St James Day. Went to Charlie's Tucked against the East Wind Took Dennis there had a Round & Sugar Mr Thomas Davis Fits Stevens here George Went over Christees here George Bosell here & McIntosh took Char{mould}

the 12th From Charlies, Left the Hospital A Man Drowned Buried on Thomas Isl{and} All the Little Pigs Dead 12 of them

{A separate page showing under this one. Much of writing covered}

Mr James Cameron Big Island Ju{ly?}

Semow here to Mow, Got a Basket from Francis Wife. Made 6 coils of hay Tom Fishing Gave Semow a Stave to make a Paddle for {turning} Semow wanting George to pay for the Canoe

27th Mowing Tom here.

28th Tom Went off Mrs Gray Jacop and His Family here Gave Jacop Padde to make Gave Grays Son in Law Axe handles and paddles got a Paddle From Mrs Gray Got a Sturgeon From Lashey at the Upper Poi{nt} The Mare had her Colt on the (27th) Tried McInniss Mare to Work Tried our own

29th Mowing some after chips Went to Cachintoga Isla{nd}

{written between the lines} The Colt Dead

30th Mowing

31st Mowing & gathering Making Coils Francis children here.

1st of August or Lammas Day. Charles here {written above the line} Shoes 7/6 got the Loan of my short Gun. Shot a Mink. George Went to Williamstown for the horse Andrew & David Summers here Lewis Bosell here Christees here George & Jim Nichols here A Great Hurra about Paget Sound.

2nd Au{g} Semow came across with George got 1/3 {off page - might be in} Williamstown Fixing the cart Mo{off page} Thistles in the Evening

3rd Went to Bakers 2½ of Ashes to my accompt 2/1 1 scythe stone /4 got Walters Mare & Collar got the Lottery Letter from A Summers by Paying 1 Postage and giving a Recipt got the scow Fro{m} Mrs Summers got 1 Coarse Comb from Andrew Summers 1 Quiat of Wh{off page} 1½ Returned the Jar to A Summers Got A. Summers Johns son to come across with the scow Ellen Crossed gave her 4 {mould covering words} in the first Hay

4th George Sick, Ellen ca{off page} {mould covering word on left}th here from Chatuaguay

5 putting in & Mowing {mould} Handle in the fork Allen came

{black mould covering the bottom of page}

{This page very light so some writing difficult to make out.}

the 6th 1858

Mr James Cameron Big Island, Augst

Angus & Jack Went off Putting in Hay

7th Putting in Hay Mowing

8th Sunday Preaching on the Front By Mr Ferguson. Ellen & George crossed a very warm Day. the Squire very low at Careys.

9th Mowing & Putting in Shot 2 Chucks Bosells then About the Peak George crossed for Cap & Shot /11D Paid

10th Mowing the thistles Drawing up the 10 Peices of Timber. Put them Behind the Barn Making coils

11th {Charles} here for Dinner Running I caught a Pike & Perch) Begin to Mow the Oak Field in the Swamp George & I Then Worked getting {too light to read properly.}

12th put in a Load {of} hay Turning the hay Went to Semows got A pig From Semow

13th Went to Salmon River George & I Bought J. Cameron 1 lb Tea 1/10½ Cash 1 Paper Tobacco Bought of Winkler 1 Bunch of hair Pins 4D Bought of Congdon 1 oz of acid /3D Bought of Baker 1 Quart Whiskey 7½ 2 lb sugar 1 p 2 combs /8{?} sweetys 2D yeast /4D crackers /1D 1/2 lb Candles /6 1 Handkerchief /6 for George) stopt a While at the Custom House. Led George over withe the Doctor to the Squires Came Home alone Left his Gun with Whitney The Squire Poorly

14th put in 2 Loads of Hay Cutting in the Swamp Ellen & George crossed Old Lablaw here got his axe had his Fiddle Ellen going to Kirk with Bakers George Broke a Paddle

15th Sha{illegible}Died Raining at night East Wind Gray Son in Law took the Axe handles got milk Allen & George & I for Long B Berries

16 Went to Bosells for Ellen

Mr James Cameron 16th August 1858

Went to the Kit Kit Island for Eels Went to Christees for Charlie not at Home Got Eels at the Kit Kit Bosells Began the Pease 4 of them Went to the Upper Po{off page} Traded Knives with Henery got 2 Eels to Boot Got 4 Minnow Hooks from Henery Found one of the sheep dead

17th Bosells here at the Pease Mowing Put in 5 Loads of Pease Charlie here. Bosells Bad with the Measels

18th Began the Stack of Pease put 3 Loads in it. {written above line - Squire Cameron departed} put another Load in the Barn up on the sticks put 3 Loads in the East end of the Barn Bosells Finished the Pea{se} Some rain Henery & Boy here fixed the Paddl{e} High Wind Rafts going {illegible}

19th Put in the Last of the Pease 14 Loads Making coils in the bak feild Fixing the Fence the Horses bad shot at Luck

20th Took one Load out of the Oak field Running put one Load in the East End of the Barn

21st Dan came. Mowing some Down at the Pond {illegible} put more thistles on the {illegible} Found {?}est in the Weeds Got 2 Eels From the Indians got a Paddle From Jacop Sundey the

22n Raining high Wind New Corn

23rd Crossed with Dan. Gave Ellen 6 pence Took home the Apples From Suples. Bought of A. Summers 1/2 lb Powder - & 1/2 lb Shot Plate paid Thrashing Pease

24th Thrashing Put in a Load of Hay Fanning.

25th put up the Hogs Semow Began to thrash him & Be{off page} Went to Salmon River Bought of D Cam{off page} Combs 5D Cloth 2/6 Tea 1/10½ Matches 6 penc{e} Bought 1 lb of tea 1/3 & 1/2) 1/11½ 1/2 for George Bought Blonde 1/8 Whiskey 1/3 Tar 1/6 Rosin 8

Mr James Cameron Augst 25th 1858

Bought Lead Pencel 5C 1 lb Shot /6 Thread 3{?} sweety 1/2

26th of August Went to the Kit Kit from Eels Went to Charlies got {illegible} & A Hook Ellen crossed gave her 1/3 for Eels at Henerys Got 5 Shooting at the Black Birds.

27th Semow Fanning the Pease 25 Bushels Semow 2½ of Pease Semow Went home. Rainng some

28th Bosells here for the pay of Cutting the Pease got 5 Bushels George Crossed at 11 o clock

29th Sunday Walter Baker Charlie Mose Rob Summers Moses Isacc Blondea & Lewis Bosell all here up From the Long - Black Berries Allen got hurted in the Forehead

30th Granny Came. George here Sick with the Measles got Vinegar & a Bottle The Indian Charles Cook & his son-in Law here got Potatoes, Paddle Stuff some tobacco & Milk.

31st Ellen came from the Raffle, only 6 days gone. {written above line}Allen McDonell Dance (Giving out Jobs on the Road on the 30th) Drawing 6 hips put in 2 Loads of Hay out of the swamp The Black Birds very Bad.

Wednesday 1st of September

The Indians making an oar & 2 paddles got 1/2 Bushell of Potatoes to Get Eels for them got a stick for to round the Edge of There Canoe for making the oar Lent them the Gimlet

2nd Moses Blondeau & Julia & Sarah Baker here Fixing the Red Canoe

3rd McLean theBlacksmith here Got 6 Square peices 1 Elm 2 pines, 3 Hemlocks. Went to Munroes for shingles Raining

4th Ellen Granny & Allan Charlie all went to Lancaster 6 Dozen of Eggs got Sugar gave Charlie 2 pence for 4 Eels & 1 Pickerell from the Indians got the Gimlet from them cutting some of the oats Back of the B{page corner cut off}

Mr James Cameron September the 5th Sunday high Wind,

6th Nicholsons here for the Big Canoe to go to Salmon River had the news of John Duncan being in Sail. Put the Hogs in the Pen Before the Door. Henery here to Dinner shot a Duck a Saw Beak

7th Jacop here Arrewetra here Jacop wanting to Make Brooms Allen Roy here got the Loan of the Canoe to go to Salmon River took Dinner

8th Henery & Boy here took Dinner & Supper Wind High Francis Came home some things stole at Francis house & at Frasers Henery sued for the Road Work gathering Oats Black Cherries Ripe

9th George Came Put in a Load of Oats Cut 5 sheaves of Wheat got Sick and Went home Jim Nicholson home with the Canoe put in another Load of Oats. Bought 3 Basket of the Indians.

10th Friday McInnes took away his horses Christee here got the Loan of the Spear & Jack got a Cupfull of salt Brought a Knife here that they took in mistake from Williamstown Allen & I a Fishing Raining tonight

11th Cutting Oats The Indians Left their Fat Hens here

12th Sunday Preaching on the Front Caty & Dan came From Williamstown Sent the 2½ Dollars with them.

13th Began to Reap the Wheat Francis here Went to Francis Got 12 lbs of Pork on accounts of What he owed m{e} Ellen & Dan Went to Fras{k}ers {?} Sandy Came Charlie here Got some Eells From Charlie

14th Put in 2 Loads of Oats Francis Semo here for an Order, the Black Birds Bad

the 14th 1858

Mr James Cameron September

Went to Salmon River Sandy & I Bought of David Baker 1 lb candles 1p Quart H Wines 1/3 1/2 lb Powder 1p 2 lb Shot 1p 1 Bunch Cotton yarn 7/6 I owe 2/6 on the Cotton yarn yet 1 pipe {1/2} Bought of Dan Cameron 1 lb Tea 1/10½ 1 paper of Pins /4½D pence 1/2 lb Tobacco 7½D Made a Bargain with Old Mr Buchannan for the Oak stick Mr Luke to take it up 86 lb q Pease 5 york shilling a Bushel took Back the Pease Seen John Ferguson & Peggy in Fort Covington Stopt at Lukes coming home Gave Grindell Streete{s} 5p in Cash towards what I owed him

15th Binding wheat put in 13 stooks of Wheat for the First.

16th Raining all the Indians here from the Kit Kit Got 2 axe helves & 2 Paddles Gave Gray 1/2 Bushel of Potatoes Bought From Gray's Son an Umbrella 2/6 Birds Bad.

17th Dan Sandy & Caty Went off put them to Peters B. Door The St Lawrence aground above the Light House the Whitby Propeller tried her Broke the Line & Left the Charlevoix came Down. Hitched to her and towed her up to Cornwall Firing at the Blackbirds Spreading the Sheaves

18th Raising Potatoes to take to Williamstown Cut Broom sticks.

19th Arrewetra here with 1 Broom. I went to Charl{ie} took Dinner there got some caps from him Allen McInnis & Isacc Blondeau here about the Squirrel hunt took home Charlies shir{off page} Looking at Flags of All nations on Handkerchief)

Monday the 20th The Squirrel hunt I & John Carey & Duncan Grant here shooting at them my Powder too coarse Ellen Crossed to t{he} Dance The Lower End Won Bakers Sale

{Black mould covering right edge of page.}

Mr James Stuck on L{?}ock Dr L {illegible}

<tbody> </tbody>


1 pair of Blue Pants Thread Buttons Lining &c Making


2 {illegible}


Cap Shirt Buttons Thread Coat Comb HandKerchiefs


4 {illegible}


2 yrds Stuf Trousers Cards Lining Buttons Thread


6 "


Making of Pants to Bosells 1p Vest 7½




1 HandKerchief 10D  Cash 2D











{Coil scribble across the page}

{12.6  18.9



July the 18th J Cameron Dr to D Baker 1858

<tbody> </tbody>






6 yds of shirting 10 & 5p l lb sugar 6D Button 3 {Thred} 2D



14 Sept

To 2/6 on Cotton yard - Paid this







George Semow Derushie Dr

                              To James Cameron


<tbody> </tbody>

To Canoe 10p 1 pair Shoes 7/6 {?}

£ 0"17"6

To Comb /4 HandKerchief /6  1/2 lb Tea  1/3


To Cash 1/3 1 lb Shot /6 1 Box Caps /5






{Coil scribble across the page}

A Man in the Wilderness asked of Me how many red Berries their Grew in the sea.  I gave him an answer as quick as I could  As many red herrings as Grew in the Wood

{Writing sideways at bottom of page}  Pails Gonge  Mr James Con{illegible}y Lake at {illegible}ia

Mr James Cameron Big Island Sept the {written above this line} 21st 1858

{Black mould along the left edge and top of page}

{J}acop here swapt hickory for Paddle Bought {illegible} Brooms 1 Basket put in 5 stooks of Wheat Before the Rain Thunder & Lighting the Birds very Bad

22nd Granny came John Nicholson put her across Gave me some Caps Gave John a hen Chicken Ellen came from the Squirel Dance.

23rd put in some Wheat

24th Mowing some Wheat Went to Nicholsons for John to Reap John came across with me took his Rifle

25th Reaping John & I Christee home with the spear & Jack Grinding his axe I crossed with Ellen to go to the sacrament in Williamstown. Stopt at Francis Bought Pork of Them

26th George & Mat here Charlie here all night going to Salmon River Gave 7½ to Charlie for Whiskey George Semow here got a 1/3 for his Wages

27th putting in Wheat John Nicholson came cutting Oats him & I Walter Baker & John Carey took away their Horses Ellen & Caty came from Williamstown George Nicholson here sent 1 Dollar on acc of the Cotton Yarn 1/2 Dollar to come yet

28th Caty Reaping John & I. Finished the oats Behind the Garden Tried Jess to the Cart Went well put in some of the Oats & Whe{at} Bill here Tom Davis came

{part of the page ripped off. Entries showing on page underneath are transcribed later in October.}

29th putting in Caty Reaping Began to Rain

30th Tom & Granny John Went off Angus came Allen went off

Mr James Cameron 30th a Sept 1858

Bought the Stove of Walter Baker took out 2 Bags of Potatoes 3 Brooms 4 Axe handles. Wheel Allen & Mrs {K}imb{?} Got 1/3 cash Treat at Davids & Quart at A Sum{mers} Got the Loan of a Bottle From A Summers Went Down to the New House got the Key at Peters Came home

1st of October the Barge at the Lower end of the Island Bill & John Came Went to Salmon River Bought of G Streeter 1 pair of Boots 4 Dollars paid 2/6 on them Gave him 1 Dollar on the old accompt all clear for that Bought Allen's Boots 6/3 paid for them I owe him 3½ Dollars on m{illegible}yet Bought of Baker 1 lb shot 6D 1 Thimbl{e} 1½

2nd Cutting the Last Oats Green Broke the scythe Mowing the Hay in the Back marsh Brought home the Load Broken slates From Bovairs Shanty

3rd Leurs hence Bosell her{e}

4th Semow at the Potatoes George Nich{off page} cutting hay Marsh Before the Door. Put in some Wheat. Cutting & B{n}ding the Corn stalks took up a Load of Pumkins 83 Semow Raised 17½ Potatoes Caty Reaping

5th George mowing the Back Marsh stopt all night

6th George Went home Ellen & Caty we{nt} to Williamstown called for Charl{ie} {part of page torn on left side} Semow Done of the Potatoes 56 Bushels altogether took them up in the Cano{e}

7th put in 2 Loads of Wheat Bega{n} to Rain. Ther{off page} Going up E{ast} Wind

{Black mould on top of page}

Mr James Cameron Big Island Oct {written above this line} the 7th {covered}

Taking the Rest of the Pumkins up Ellen HughAnn James Hugh Came

8th Taking the Potatoes up From the River

9th Thrashing Pease 2 Bushel Gave Francis Gi{v}(off page} 7½D for Pork

10th Preaching on the Front Ellen & HughAnn crossed to hamiltons James Hugh & I to the head of the Island Big Bi{off page} here for a Chain and Coat to go to Williamsto{wn} Ellen came

11th Court in Williamstown Sandy came. Squirrel hunt in Lancaster Taking in Wheat & oats Drawing chunks of Boards

12th Nicholsons here making their Stack of Marsh hay took home my coat Thrashing Pease

13th Went to Salmon River stopt at Luk{es} the Fair Day in Dundee Bought of Louis Christe{e} 1 Axe handle 2D Bought of James Camero 1 lb tea 1/6 1 Box of Fair Pins 3 seen Mrs Hopk{off page} and James a treat From Luks Wife to be Paid talking to Luke about the stick a Dog Fight in Dundee

14th Windy Set a Traps for the First Time Semo & George here to thrash Pease

15th Angus came James Hugh went {off page} took 1 Bushel Pease 3 Bushels Potatoes Apples & Nuts 1 axe handle Semow Done Thrashing

16th Fanning 19½ Bushels Ellen crossed George Nich{ol}son here Wild Geese came Ducks Begin to Hock in the channel Sandy Went to Williamstown with 19 Bushels Potatoes 12 or 15 Pumkins 2 Chest{illegible} 1 Bank Box Gave him 3 Traps to Get Fire{e}d Gave him my Watch I went to Andrew Summers to see if there was a Letter from Mr Luke. The Steamer Caroline sunk on the 14th)

17th Sunday all alone Ellen & me

18th Shot a Du{illegible} Charlie came fixing my Traps

19th the Games in William{stown} went to Salmon River with Charlie.

{Black mould along the top and right side of page. Part of page cut off on right side}

Mr James Cameron Big Island Lake St Joseph

{B}ought of Baker 2 Box Cap 16 cents 1/2 lb Rounds {off page} lb Shot 1p 1 Quart Whiskey 1½ bought {off page} & J & J Cameron 1 lb Tea 1/3 1 box of Matches {off page}Lowe 5 {fi?} pence to the Said Firm {off page}lie Bought his Boots stopt all night

{21}st Banking the House Christee here on {off page} 20th Brought a Basket of PumKins got a {couple Loads of Powder 1 Load shot Lent {off page} Traps to him the Water Falling very Lo{off page} the Marsh took home a Load of Chips

{2}2nd Came for the Cows got my shirts from Williamst{own} {A}ll alone now

23rd Semow & Lewis Bondeau setti{ng} lines stopt all night high East Wind

24th Wen{t} {off page} took the Red Canoe me putting the stick {off page} of the Marsh as the Water was high {off page}gh's Birth Day

25th My Birth Day {off page} 2 Rats. Banking some

26th Christee home with {off page}y Traps {outlined in a box - Jack}

27th Charlie here for Salt {off page}hy McDonell Fisherman here for the sheep {off page}enrey & Semows Boy home with the Canoe The {off page}opeller. Indian, Went up

28th Chopping some

{2}9th Drawing Drags

30th Went to Charlies {words off page on both edges} Morning tied the geese & TurKies G" & "{off page} {Ch}arlie came went to Williamstown 1 Bushel of Pease {off page} Bushel of Nuts took 3 Basins took Back the Chi{off page on both edges} the Canoe at David Ross's

31st Holy Eve {left side words covered with black mould to the bottom of page} home stopt at Greers stopt at the Lancaster {illegible}dge Charlie to Frasers 9D came home took Dinner Cha{off page} {illegible}ouse Killed a snake Charlie

1st of November {illegible} Lasky here swapt 10 Traps for his G{off page} {illegible} Island

2nd Banking house

3rd Chopping {bottom of page covered with mould}

5th Went to Secors got {illegible}

Mr James Cameron Big Island Nov 5th of 1858

Charlie here Killing the Hogs John McGillis Ellen & Caty Semows Boys taking up the line Jim Nicholson home with the chain got the Sicle & Paddle

6th Went off with the Pork high Wind

7th Charlie went off Hunters at Charlies gave him a peice of Pork

8th Chopping

9th Went for Semow & Went to Bosell's for Charlies Pants

10th Went to Bakers with 2 Bushels 1 peck of Ashes 7{?} per Bushel 1/7 Hamiltons had a Ploughing Bee Tom Kennedy A letter from his Father I took the colt from the Mare

11th Chopping

12th Went Down with Charlies pants Met him coming up with his ashes turned Back gave me some Buck Shot & Leds Went with him to Bakers. Bought of A Summers Powder 6D Pipes 1½ 1 sheet paper & 2 pens 1D which comes to 8½ paid this Had a Treat at Davids 7½ Paid Archy Grant & Walter settling about there Wood Witness me. Took home the Big Canoe in McInnis house for the first time 2 Frenchmen here Fishing Eels stopt all night

13th Fishing Eels in the forenoon and showed them the Places Snowing and raining

14th Went off got 1/2 Doz Cap from them Gave them a hicory {pole and helve}

15th St Batte niece here with a note from Charl{ton} concerning going to mill Stole my Lines Feeding the Cattle Shot a Black Duck the Hawk Killing the hens

16th Thrashing Wheat cleaning the Big Pipes

17th Thrashing

18th Fanning 1½ of Wheat Plucking Ducks

19th Chopping

20th Dan came Put fire out at the Lower Point Gildersleeve runing here now Andrew Summers got his goods

Mr James Cameron Sir John's Island St Francis. Nov 21st {above line} 1858

Semow & Henery here taking up their Line 12 years to Day since Donald McMuster Departed this Life got 4 hooks from Semow to get 3 yet

22nd Dan & Killed the Sheep Dan Went off took file scates Wool Eels Apples

23rd Snowing taking home Wood

24th Made candles for the first A Race Between the Ranger & the Whitby the men that had the Pine came Brought my Plain Spearing Eels in the Mud got 2

25th The men went off

{written between the lines} mowing some Light house

26th Mr hill here about the sheep

27th Mr Key, Peter & Solomon here for the Sheep All Day Running for them got 3/5 from Key

28th Big Bill here Christee here got a Br{illegible}

29th Charlie here Grinding his axe no Light in hills Light house I went to Baker Bought of A J Ba{off page - could be Baker} 1/2 Quire of Paper 4½ 1 Plug Tobacco 7½ Poison 1/3 1 pipe 1/2 soap 4D 2/7½ paid this Captain Fraser Lost got Charlies 4 coppers Bought of A Summers 1D hoar hound Candy Got candle Wick & Bottle milk 1 Plug of Tobacco at Nickolsons

30 St Andrews Day a Raffle at Lancaster Set My Traps in the Upper Point

1st of December Drawing Hay & Wood

2nd Went Down to Charles took up his Bea{ns} 1/2 Bushel and his Dog

3rd Went to Bakers 1/2 Bushel Pease & the Beans Bought a A Baker 1 Quart Syrup 11½ Got 1/3 & 6 Gave Back 2½D Bought of A Summers 1 Quart Whiskey 7½ 1 lb Sugar 6½D 1D worth sweetys 1 plug Tobacco 2D sent of a Letter 6D paid Came home Fishing Eels got 2

4th Charlie went hom East Wind Drawing Wood Began to Sno{w}

5th Stormy

6 Chopping

7th Chopping the Little Bu{off page} {illegible}swelled The Hawk & {?}rot playing the Devil on the {edge of page torn off}

{figuring on bottom of page}

Mr James Cameron Lake St Francis December 8th 1858

9th Thrashing Wheat

10th Thrashing & Fanning 1½ Bushel of Wheat

11th Drawing Drags Windy Weather setting Fire in the Marsh Behind the Barn set 4 Traps

12th Sunday a Fine Day

13th Went around the Island Shot a Duck did not Get him cutting hurl{s}

14th Drawing Drags a very fine Day Wild Geese come again

15th Went across Bought of A Summers 1 Quart Syrup 1/4 lb Ginger 2D 2 oz salts 4D pipes 1D Hoar hound Candy 5D Granny at McInniss house

16th chopping stove Wood, Around Looking at canoes

17th not very Well cleaning the Big Pipes pretty cold cutting Drags Fixing the Pistol This Evening the Ice has a Notion to take But That Wind is {writing changes} Beginning which hinders it From taking

18th Freezing Pretty Keen taking considerable in the North East End of the Island Drawing a Few Drags Ducks plenty Flying about a Cold night The Cattle Harty and Smart

19th Frosty and cold E Wind Flurries of snow 1 hen Froze by stopping out of her house.

20th A very Fine Day Drew some Drags Tried the Colt with a Rope to lead to the Water Thinking of crossing Left it till tommorow The Full moon came in Fine.

21st East Wind The White owl came to visit again set a Trap for him at the Lower End Began to snow. Its a Blowing Hells Gates Through a Ministers Wig Drifting & Snowing. chopping. Put the Calves in the Barn

22nd Went to the Upper point to turn my Canoe took home a couple of Drags North Wind the Ice not taking much except the Bays

December the 23rd 1858

Mr James Cameron Sir John's Island Lake St Francis

23rd Of any time this Fall the Ice had not such a notion as this Morning as the Anchor Ice partly Jam'ed between here and Christees I went to the Upper Point to Fix my Canoe Drew home a Drag Fixed the Canoe at the Lower Point Fixed and Drew the Big Canoe & Red Canoe the Boat and the other Canoe all in a Block on the Stocks. Before the Door. 3 & Boat Before the Door & at the Upper Point and 1 at the Lower Point making in all 5 Canoes & 1 Boat Freezing hard ice not taken yet and its night 1 hen Froze

24th The Ice taken Between us and Christees {written between the lines} Count Day in Williamstown. But the Air hole is Before the Door Took in the afternoon. Between us and Francis Isla {probably Island} crows Flying about

25 Christmas Day all alone crossed the Ice in the afternoon met henery & Jim Nicholson on North side of Francis Island Went to Henerys no Christimas came Home ice not very Good Jim HopKins crossed at Davids Heard of Lewis Bosell got his Foot Hurted Shot at a Gull and Killed her as I supposed put out my Canoe and She Began to Flutter and Went off

26th Sunday Charlie came up I went to meet him Henery Lashy and Jim Nicholson came to Fish Eels

27th Charles went to the Store for me 1 Quart of Whiskey 7½ Bushing the Road on the Ice. Snowing & Thawing Some of The Ice Thin at the Little Island

28th Charlie went home Gave him a)

29th Charlie went to Lancaster Came up here to Tell me about the Baker had Molasses & Bakers Bread Bushing the Road to Hamiltons

the 29th 1858

Mr James Cameron Sir John's Island Dec

East Wind The Coldest night this Winter As yet. Set 2 Traps for the Mink at the Upper Point

30th Charlie here a Cold Day and night Potatoes Froze some

31st Charlie Went off The Last Day of the Old Year Went to Lancaster Got 5 Loaves 2p Firing the Old Year away Went Down to meet Charlie Making Candles The Owl Flying around The Ball in Williamstown to night.

1st Day January 1859 Charles here Nicholsons taking away their Stack of hay got the Loan of a Rope Charlie Went home

2nd Sunday All Alone went to the head of the Island

3rd Allens Birth Day Council in Williamstown I went to Bakers Bought of A Summers 1D worth of sweetys got a Paper From Davy Andrew Baker got the Molases out of the Barrell 5 went Across 2 of Nicholsons & 3 Bosells to hunt Rats got the Coat at Bakers pipes {written above line - almanack 4?} Went the Upper Point Road Came Back by Francis Island in at Nich{off page} at Semows Dan {T}renon Departed in Williamstown the Road not Bushed at Summer's's but good crossing

4th at home cutting Wood Set out poison 3 Bates for the Fox the Water commencing to Rise on the ice

5th Drawing Drags Angus Came had a Basket of varieties took Back a Broom & BasKet of & history of England for Ellen Horse Rug & an Almanack a roman paper Writing the Song the California Boys Eel Fishers Down on the Ice

Transcription Progress



James Cameron Diary, 1858 Part 1.pdf
James Cameron Diary, 1858 Part 2.pdf
James Cameron Diary 1858 Transcription.pdf


James Cameron, “James Cameron Diary & Transcription, 1858,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed February 18, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/99.
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