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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 88.pdf

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1846 November

Friday 27 Preparing East Shed for Horses &c Martha & Emily to Mr Dalys & signd transfer of Lot 38 to fine 15 33
Saturday 28 W'd at Shed as yesterday - Simon to Stratford mill with Sacks Sib'n but could not get it ground to day - brot letters from P. Office to

Isaac to Emily pd - Mr to Mrs B.

rec'd of P. Bauman - Hec 45
2 6 tol 34
Sunday 29 Denny home, sent by him to P. Office letter Mrs B to Mr B inclosing a line W.T. to Henry for Can of Seed Letter W.T. to John -- snow show'r high wind 34 28
Monday 30 W'd & Simon getting in & thrashing Peas with Horses - aft'n W'd to Rankins w thrashing Mill no Denny tol - cold 26 26
Tuesday 1 W'd Simon & Horses at Rankins thrashing Mill - no Denny Doctor Moore visited Mrs T pronounces her complaint Dumb Ague, prescribed accordingly - had from T. Daly 20 Grains Sulphate of Quinine he brot it down fine - cold hail show'r 10 pm 26
Wednesday 2 Constant rain or Sleet through the night & rain till about 4 pm

W'd at East Shed - Simon thrashing Peas - Denny ret'd this afternoon

Gave Hugh McNeill above Stratford - his House having been burnt & every thing that they had is destroyed Ellen also gave 1/3

A cook Canary drownd in Water Glafs this morning - guefs Ellens --
1 3 rain nearly all day 32 46
Thursday 3 Wilf'd & Simon winnowing Peas - Simon & D hauling firewood up @ 11 1/2 W'd & Martha to Stratford rec'd of John Sharman on acco't of keep of Societys Bull L7 = $28 ----- 7 ~ ~ 28
paid Hicks for Carriage Box fm Hamilton 2 6
Mrs T -- Mrs B -- W.T. Box 6/3 2 6
(3/9 s'd ) 2/6 Bal'e 7/9 14
Grog 6. Whip lash 1/6 2
sn 1 3
Friday 4 Walkd to Stratford - pd Willson Collman John --- 17 9 tol. thermometer brot inot house
pd Penders for Mutton 2 6
" Hicks for Brandy & Beer ---- ~ 4 8
calld at Jacksons & Dalys - met Roper at the latter place he gave an order for L150 which will be sent to Mr Jones tomorrow & a Deed ret'd of Mr Jones has arrivd fm Toronto
Saturday 5 W'd Sm & Den. at East Shed - Mifs Daly & Roper calld - even'g

4 1/2 Denny to Stratford to bring sundries from Mr Daly & Daly & M - 10 pm has not got back ret'd 6th to breakfast

Dr Moore came in this evening & left @ 10 1/2 --

Annie Orr calld

Denny Denny to P.Office &c M'g. brot letter from John 7d not pd.
1846 Decemb'r
Sunday 6 tol.
Monday 7 heavy rain eveing
Tuesday 8 gloomy 29
Wednesday 9 26
Thursday 10 snow all day 26
Friday 11 snow evening
Saturday 12 tol.
Sunday 13 fine 14
Monday 14 fine 8
Tuesday 15 beautiful 3
Wednesday 16 Do 14 22
Thursday 17
Friday 18
Saturday 19
Sunday 20 11 pm Snow
Monday 21
Tuesday 22 Sleighing{in Bold} really good
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