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William Thompson Diary, 1842-1847

William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 89.pdf

Revision as of Apr 18, 2024, 11:42:19 PM
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Revision as of Apr 18, 2024, 11:57:17 PM
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Line 212: Line 212:
   <td>Walkd to Dalys - rec'd Balance proceeds of Lot 38. p her rec of this date <s>L</s>150 lefs due to Can'a Comp'y L63.10.4 </td>
   <td>Walkd to Dalys - rec'd Balance proceeds of Lot 38. p her rec of this date <s>L</s>150 lefs due to Can'a Comp'y L63.10.4  
W'd at Donald Stewarts for the day - thrashing mill -
Denny haul'g & chop'g firewood - Dr Moore a visit</td>
Line 224: Line 228:
   <td>W'd at D Stewarts till 1 pm. thrash'g Mill - Denny the chop'g Firew'd</td>
Line 236: Line 240:
   <td>W'd back North in quest of Help - Tom Somebody to call tomorrow</td>
Line 248: Line 252:
  <td>sent p Alex Orr letter to Henry inclosing the monies as rec'd from Canada Comp'y  p Mr Daly for Lot 38, to be placed to Mrs T's
Interest Acco't  - letter Mrs T to Chas -  Do W.T. to John inclosing $10
Mrs T to John - Mrs Barron to Octo - also Letter W.T. to
  <td>A Oliver Galt inclosing for Drugs &c
Mr Hicky  - Mr Tye & pupil calld  Jefsy Crerar left this ev'g</td>
  <td>3 1/2</td>
   <td>rec'd fm P. Office p      - a letter Mr to Mrs B. - with an acco't of their perilous journey to Toronto</td>
Line 272: Line 293:
   <td>Emily to Stratford - brought sundries from Stores - W'd North after Tom ----- who came at 10 @ 11 & remained the day - with Wilf'd & Denny
hauling Hay from No Stack - chopping firewood & Eliz'th Minges ret'd this evening</td>
Line 285: Line 308:
   <td>W'd left at 7 @ 8 am with 15 Sacks Wheat for Ferries - Horses {illegible} @ 9 Denny to Stratford for Dr Moore, who had set out before De got there
he rem's with us till 4 pm - no meat to be had in Stratford
fence round Pea Stack  leveld to the ground & all the Cattle Colts & Pigs in
Denny & I replaced it but no sooner up than down</td>
Line 293: Line 322:
   <td>W'd ret'd from Ferries about 3 pm - sold him
25 Bls Siberian @ 5/8 yk ---  4.8.6 1/2
lefs exp's    4.4 1/2
& had 2 Bushels Flour</td>

Revision as of Apr 18, 2024, 11:57:17 PM

1846 December

Wednesday 23 W'd to Mill Hagersville brot home Grist paid Edward Caisey for 20 Bush'ls Lime prec't ~ 12 6
Thursday 24 W'd brot in a Load Hay from North Stack - Hauling & chopping firewood

Martha to Stratford for sundries - pd for Biscuits &c --

sent a Not to Mr Gordon Galt to send certain Medicine p Stage driver
0 5 1/2
Friday 25 Snowing & uncomfortable - all at home - Mr B's Kitty very lam W'd to Hagersville for Grist left
Saturday 26 W'd Chas to Stratford - no parcel from Galt Mr Gordon having left Galt for months for Texas - brot fm P. Office a letter Aunt Jane to self date 30 Nov'r -
Sunday 27 Sent Denny with Horse for Dr Moore who came & remaind with us till evening - took to P. Office a Letter to Mr Oliver Chemist Galt for Medicine orderd by Dr Moore to come by Mail - & brought 3 lb Beef from Mrs Jackson - Robins calld aft'n
Monday 28 lent Rankin $4 1/2 - Rankin & Jno Stewart here for the day afsisting in killing & scraping 4 Hogs --
Tuesday 29 Cutting up & weighing Hogs - 242, 211, 225, 245 lb ex Lard
Wednesday 30 Packd the whole into 3 Casks - Denny to Hicks, brot parcel Medicine from And'w Oliver Galt 3/3 1/2 - W'd ev'g with Horses for Dr Moore who came & remaind the night
Thursday 31 Mr Barron & Chas on Horses to Stratford morn'g Dr Moore left at same time
1847 January
Friday 1 Paid Wilfred on account $30 - Wilfred Thompson {signature} 7 10 ~
Mrs T p acco't $10.16 9 1/2 & 9 1/2 & 10/6 11 7 3 1/2
rec'd of Mrs Barron Mon on Carr'ge Box fm Toronto --- 1 3
Saturday 2 Hauling & chop'g firewood - pd Rankin for Soap 2/3 1/2 Washers 3/ -- 5 3 1/2
Sunday 3 Dr Moore a visit -- Denny home
Monday 4 W'd & I hauld a small Load Hay from Stack N'{illegible) & pottering
Tuesday 5 Denny ret'd @ 3 pm W'd Dr Moore lookd in for a minute on way to Geo Scotts,
Wednesday 6 Walkd to Dalys - rec'd Balance proceeds of Lot 38. p her rec of this date L150 lefs due to Can'a Comp'y L63.10.4

W'd at Donald Stewarts for the day - thrashing mill -

Denny haul'g & chop'g firewood - Dr Moore a visit
86 9 8
Thursday 7 W'd at D Stewarts till 1 pm. thrash'g Mill - Denny the chop'g Firew'd
Friday 8 W'd back North in quest of Help - Tom Somebody to call tomorrow
Saturday 9 sent p Alex Orr letter to Henry inclosing the monies as rec'd from Canada Comp'y p Mr Daly for Lot 38, to be placed to Mrs T's

Interest Acco't - letter Mrs T to Chas - Do W.T. to John inclosing $10 Mrs T to John - Mrs Barron to Octo - also Letter W.T. to

2 10
A Oliver Galt inclosing for Drugs &c Mr Hicky - Mr Tye & pupil calld Jefsy Crerar left this ev'g 3 3 1/2
Sunday 10 rec'd fm P. Office p - a letter Mr to Mrs B. - with an acco't of their perilous journey to Toronto
Monday 11 Emily to Stratford - brought sundries from Stores - W'd North after Tom ----- who came at 10 @ 11 & remained the day - with Wilf'd & Denny hauling Hay from No Stack - chopping firewood & Eliz'th Minges ret'd this evening
Tuesday 12 W'd left at 7 @ 8 am with 15 Sacks Wheat for Ferries - Horses {illegible} @ 9 Denny to Stratford for Dr Moore, who had set out before De got there

he rem's with us till 4 pm - no meat to be had in Stratford

fence round Pea Stack leveld to the ground & all the Cattle Colts & Pigs in

Denny & I replaced it but no sooner up than down
Wednesday 13 W'd ret'd from Ferries about 3 pm - sold him

25 Bls Siberian @ 5/8 yk --- 4.8.6 1/2

lefs exp's 4.4 1/2

& had 2 Bushels Flour
4 4 2
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