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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


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Revision as of Oct 28, 2024, 12:41:07 AM
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Sunday, January 11
Sunday, January 11
May 26th. Drove to Brantford in the afternoon to get programmes printed for S.S. Convention. also went to Echo place to see Belle & Roy who had come back from the West. Brought a nice wash-stand and chair home with me which mother gave me.
May 26th. Drove to Brantford in the afternoon to get programmes printed for S.S. Convention. also went to Echo Place to see Belle & Roy who had come back from the West. Brought a nice wash-stand and chair home with me which mother gave me.
27. Sowed mangels in little field by the creek. 3 lbs Danish Sludstrogh by the Track & 2 lbs Y. Intermediate also carrot. but. cabbage, parsnip & tomato seed. The good was in good order.
27. Sowed mangels in little field by the creek. 3 lbs Danish Sludstrup by the Track & 2 lbs Y. Intermediate also carrot, beet, cabbage, parsnip & tomato seed. The ground was in good order.
29.. Sowed top of hill with corn, about 6 acres next Cunninghams 1 bus Wisemsin No. 7. and 1 bus White cap.
29.. Sowed top of hill with corn, about 6 acres next Cunninghams 1 bus Wisconsin No. 7. and 1 bus. White cap.
31.. Went to Anniversary Service at St. George. PrintGandier of Toronto preaching both morning and evening. The day was beautiful and the church was filled. the sermons fine.
31.. Went to Anniversary Service at St. George. Prin. Gandier of Toronto preaching both morning and evening. The day was beautiful and the church was filled. the Sermons fine.
June 1st. Sprayed apple & plum trees in the afternoon and went to Harold Jarvis & Miss Lyons of Detroit Concert at night
June 1st. Sprayed apple & plum trees in the afternoon and went to Harold Jarvis & Miss Lyons of Detroit Concert at night
2nd. Sowed 1 1/2 acres of corn finishing field nextCunninghams and drove to the Glen in the evening & to the bush to see the cattle.
2nd. Sowed 1 1/2 acres of corn finishing field next Cunninghams and drove to the Glen in the evening & to the bush to see the cattle.
3rd. Sprayed the young orchard the second time.
3rd. Sprayed the young orchard the second time.

Revision as of Oct 28, 2024, 12:41:07 AM

Sunday, January 11

May 26th. Drove to Brantford in the afternoon to get programmes printed for S.S. Convention. also went to Echo Place to see Belle & Roy who had come back from the West. Brought a nice wash-stand and chair home with me which mother gave me.

27. Sowed mangels in little field by the creek. 3 lbs Danish Sludstrup by the Track & 2 lbs Y. Intermediate also carrot, beet, cabbage, parsnip & tomato seed. The ground was in good order.

29.. Sowed top of hill with corn, about 6 acres next Cunninghams 1 bus Wisconsin No. 7. and 1 bus. White cap.

31.. Went to Anniversary Service at St. George. Prin. Gandier of Toronto preaching both morning and evening. The day was beautiful and the church was filled. the Sermons fine.

June 1st. Sprayed apple & plum trees in the afternoon and went to Harold Jarvis & Miss Lyons of Detroit Concert at night

2nd. Sowed 1 1/2 acres of corn finishing field next Cunninghams and drove to the Glen in the evening & to the bush to see the cattle.

3rd. Sprayed the young orchard the second time.

4th A very fine rain last night and raining all forenoon Mr Taylor (Indian) came to the Lake for roots and stayed all night.Set out cabbage and cauliflower plants in the garden. Rev. Mr Reid of the Baptist church, Paris, came to our Prayer meeting and gave a very fine talk on verse. John 3: 16.

7th. Mr. J Burke came up from church with me and we both went over to Kitchens S.S. in the afternoon.

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