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William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


Revision as of Feb 21, 2022, 3:50:56 PM
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Revision as of Mar 18, 2023, 1:09:51 AM
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== Sunday Feburary 1 ==
== Sunday Feburary 1 ==
Apr 10th. Hitched the colt "Prince" and {illegible} the young orchard also drove to St Wenge to get a new {illegible} of {illegible} harnesss from Mr Bannister for forty dollars.
" 11. Mr + Mrs Buchanan came down from {illegible} for dinner.
" 12+13 Put up new wire fence of west side of south lane. Sold "Bob" here to Mae Boston of M D morris for $40.00 Sell {illegible} on fifteen eggs each all R. B Reds.
" 14. Started to cultivate in {illegible} field.
" 16. Sell 1 goods on 13 eggs + 3 hens with 15 or five each.
" 19. Mr {illegible} came down fro {illegible} to {illegible} metal roof on south side of pig-pen and repair the barn roof.
19-20 Mr Heath came out from Paris to repair {illegible} and to plaster the house and barn {illegible}. Made a new {illegible} boat
21st. Went to Paris in the evening to get seeds from Reiths had tea with Mr + Mrs Coates and attended an S.S. Executive {illegible} in the Baptist church to arrange for their coming {illegible}.
22nd Finished sowing back 12 a ere field with Pats (he 72) 1 3/4 {illegible} of registered seed next the road.
24th. Finished sowing Alaska Pats about 4 acres, also barely on the rest of the creek field. Sowed Experimental plots of oats next {illegible} amd the road. 1 plot each ({illegible}) of {illegible} to Alaska. Received fruit trees from {illegible}.

Revision as of Mar 18, 2023, 1:09:51 AM


Sunday Feburary 1


Apr 10th. Hitched the colt "Prince" and {illegible} the young orchard also drove to St Wenge to get a new {illegible} of {illegible} harnesss from Mr Bannister for forty dollars.

" 11. Mr + Mrs Buchanan came down from {illegible} for dinner.

" 12+13 Put up new wire fence of west side of south lane. Sold "Bob" here to Mae Boston of M D morris for $40.00 Sell {illegible} on fifteen eggs each all R. B Reds.

" 14. Started to cultivate in {illegible} field.

" 16. Sell 1 goods on 13 eggs + 3 hens with 15 or five each.

" 19. Mr {illegible} came down fro {illegible} to {illegible} metal roof on south side of pig-pen and repair the barn roof.

19-20 Mr Heath came out from Paris to repair {illegible} and to plaster the house and barn {illegible}. Made a new {illegible} boat

21st. Went to Paris in the evening to get seeds from Reiths had tea with Mr + Mrs Coates and attended an S.S. Executive {illegible} in the Baptist church to arrange for their coming {illegible}.

22nd Finished sowing back 12 a ere field with Pats (he 72) 1 3/4 {illegible} of registered seed next the road.

24th. Finished sowing Alaska Pats about 4 acres, also barely on the rest of the creek field. Sowed Experimental plots of oats next {illegible} amd the road. 1 plot each ({illegible}) of {illegible} to Alaska. Received fruit trees from {illegible}.

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