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James Ross Diary, 1903-1909


Revision as of May 10, 2022, 3:01:11 PM
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Revision as of May 10, 2022, 3:03:43 PM
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21 Cold day. not quite so frosty. I made cover for rain box and in PM went with J. Bowley + {Illegible} Byers to Wilsons to see Miss Wilson the teacher but she was not there. I brought Bella and Mary up who were at Russells buying oats. I got
21 Cold day. not quite so frosty. I made cover for rain box and in PM went with J. Bowley + {Illegible} Byers to Wilsons to see Miss Wilson the teacher but she was not there. I brought Bella and Mary up who were at Russells buying oats. I got shoes mended at McBeth 15 got leggings and lines mended at Tillypatrick 175 and paid D. Murry for shoes. Willie got lost Saturday + Bella {Illegible} 4.75 I went down town at night paid Mr Brownridge for

Revision as of May 10, 2022, 3:03:43 PM


1903 Rosmead Diary Recieved Paid

Novemeber 20 Friday Forward Fine sunny day. Frosty. We took 2 waggons plows etc over to other barn and brought back sleigh. Spread load manure that was on waggon on sand hill. In PM Willie took down 10 bags chop to Grones and brought up Mary. Went down for chop again pd. Mother came back from Mildmay.

Saturday 21 Cold day. not quite so frosty. I made cover for rain box and in PM went with J. Bowley + {Illegible} Byers to Wilsons to see Miss Wilson the teacher but she was not there. I brought Bella and Mary up who were at Russells buying oats. I got shoes mended at McBeth 15 got leggings and lines mended at Tillypatrick 175 and paid D. Murry for shoes. Willie got lost Saturday + Bella {Illegible} 4.75 I went down town at night paid Mr Brownridge for

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