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James Ross Diary, 1903-1909


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Revision as of Aug 9, 2022, 6:34:28 PM
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1904 Rosmead Diary
April 17 Sunday {forward?} Cold frsoty air, sunny thawing in sun mostly {illegible} on road. We took {buggy?} down {Silrey?} of Toronto preached in AM from Jno 3:16. and in evening from "Where thine is no vision the people perish" Oh {colbetim?} 1.0
18 Monday Fine day cloudy and sunny thawing considerable. We brought over load of hay from other barn in {sleigh?} made hot bed etc. Hugh Cameron down in PM he and Willie drove over to Tom Broadfort to see his horses. {Lowland?} 2 3 d
19 Tuesday Winter, snowing and blowing ground covered with snow very {illegible} and cold at night again. We cleaned oud oats in A.M. and I went to Sherwoods oak in PM.
20 Wednesday Cold frosty day sunny thawing {in?} {illegible} We cleaned oud oats in AM. {illegible} wood in {bush?} in PM and Willi drove Bella down Town and home they got at Armstrongs {illegible} sugar {5'0?} soda {5'?} {illegible} at {illegible}. At Longs {velvet?} 33 Cousin Jams Ross of Walkerton down home yesterday. Butter sold to Phillips $4.64. {illegible} $2.56 $7.20 Receipt book from Mrs Randell $1.00  save to Bible {illegible} in March to Dr Rogers $2.00 {illegible} March 8 386

Revision as of Aug 9, 2022, 6:34:28 PM

1904 Rosmead Diary

<table 1904 Rosmead Diary April 17 Sunday {forward?} Cold frsoty air, sunny thawing in sun mostly {illegible} on road. We took {buggy?} down {Silrey?} of Toronto preached in AM from Jno 3:16. and in evening from "Where thine is no vision the people perish" Oh {colbetim?} 1.0

18 Monday Fine day cloudy and sunny thawing considerable. We brought over load of hay from other barn in {sleigh?} made hot bed etc. Hugh Cameron down in PM he and Willie drove over to Tom Broadfort to see his horses. {Lowland?} 2 3 d

19 Tuesday Winter, snowing and blowing ground covered with snow very {illegible} and cold at night again. We cleaned oud oats in A.M. and I went to Sherwoods oak in PM.

20 Wednesday Cold frosty day sunny thawing {in?} {illegible} We cleaned oud oats in AM. {illegible} wood in {bush?} in PM and Willi drove Bella down Town and home they got at Armstrongs {illegible} sugar {5'0?} soda {5'?} {illegible} at {illegible}. At Longs {velvet?} 33 Cousin Jams Ross of Walkerton down home yesterday. Butter sold to Phillips $4.64. {illegible} $2.56 $7.20 Receipt book from Mrs Randell $1.00 save to Bible {illegible} in March to Dr Rogers $2.00 {illegible} March 8 386
Received Paid
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